Visualization and Manifestation – When is The Best Time To Visualize Your Goal? Brought to you by: Visualization is a powerful tool of creation that can be used at any time. And it's something that can bring about whatever you earnestly desire in life. Through the application of imagination, you can shape your life any way you choose. But is there a "best" time to visualize? Truth is, anytime you can visualize your ideal outcome will be of some benefit in bringing it to you and you to it. So I encourage you to cast those sensory-rich images upon the screen of your mind as often as you possibly can. But there are a couple of key times to apply creative visualization and/or affirmations for maximum effect. Some people claim to get optimum results by visualizing just before falling asleep. It's an excellent time to plant seeds of desire deep into the subconscious and once those seeds take root, manifestation becomes a sure thing. By all means, give the late evening timeslot a try and see how it works for you. But don't limit the unlimited power of visualization to the last few waking minutes of each day. *********************************************************************** FREE Goal Setting Tips, Tactics, Techniques and Tools: *********************************************************************** Personally, I find that visualization works best for me at other times of the day particularly early in the morning. You might find an entirely different time of day is the
right time for you. So be it. Go with the flow. Whatever works for you is truly the best time to visualize. Once you discover it, make it a regularly scheduled activity. Set aside whatever time you have - that's the best way to form this positive action into a lifealtering habit. Too squeezed for time? Set your alarm clock 30 minutes earlier than usual. At first it might be struggle to haul yourself out of a warm bed. But the overwhelming benefits of visualization might soon have you proclaiming to anyone who'll listen that mornings are clearly the best time to visualize. The point is to find the time period that works best for you. You need 15-20 minutes of uninterrupted, private time. Try if for at least 30 days and you won't want to give it up. If early mornings or late nights don't work for you, try visualizing at lunch time. Take a break from your hectic day to nourish your soul and cast the spiritual equivalent of what will soon be yours in reality. Talk about a mid-day uplifting experience! You can always find the time if you're committed to the process. Take a short, 15minute break in the afternoon, or just before dinner. Even if you have 5 minutes alone while you're waiting for someone, you can use that time to visualize. But it's best to choose a time of day where you can return again and again, easily and automatically. If you have to stop and think about, it's easy to get distracted. So any period that you can claim as your own is the best time to visualize. Do it often enough and you'll soon realize that it's time well spent. Now that you found the best time to visualize -- here's how to make creative visualization work for you automatically. Your next step should be to visit us today at: