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World Aids Day (December 1, 2021)

This month we want to take the time to see how far we’ve come since the Aids epidemic in the United States was noted around 1981 with some of the first cases being reported in June of the same year. In response to the way the disease ravaged some communities the first World Aids day was observed in 1988.


Due to medical advancements, people with HIV are living longer. Today, there are more than “1.2 million people living with HIV in the U.S. and there are more than 35,000 new infections each year.” https://www.kff.org/hivaids/factsheet/the-hivaids-epidemic-in-the-united-states-the-basics/

This year’s theme is “Ending the HIV Epidemic: Equitable Access, Everyone’s Voice”

World Aids Day strives to continue to bring awareness of HIV and Aids, reduce the stigma that comes with the disease and promote better understanding of it.

The Contemporary Art Museum (3750 Washington Blvd.) and partner Visual Aids focused its Day With(out) Art: Enduring Care on World Aids Day to take part in spreading the awareness of the Aids pandemic during this 40 year anniversary.

Charles Long, Artist/Activist on the CAM Panel along side Lois Conley, Impact HIV/Aids Initiative Host, held discussions that led to showings that were commissioned by Visual Aids. Katherine Cheairs' short film Voices at the Gate, was shown at Day With(out) Art. The film was created during the panedemic depicting the challenges that Cheairs and her family faced during that time.

Her film is a collection of archival essays and poems from incarcerated women who lived with HIV or Aids. Read More here...

Did you know that: St. Louis was home to one of the first Aids patients. Robert Rayford died in 1969 at the City Hospital officially of pneumonia, but when doctors re-tested his tissue in 1987 it was found that his actual cause of death was Aids-related.

Read Article Elaine Young Artist

Independent Lense

Now at Independent Lense

Organization for Black Struggle

OBS held the St. Louis premiere screening on Decade on Fire at our African Liberation Day/Malcolm X Celebration this year. Vivian Vasquez (the Bronx) joined the post-screening discussion. The award-winning film has made its way to PBS and Independent Lens. It is a powerful piece of work.

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