Arts Today vol 3.6

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Vol 3.6 August 22, 2016





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pg. #22





July 12, 2016







House Advancing NEA Funding:Take

Today, the U.S. House begins consideration of the bill that fun Endowment for the Arts (NEA). The last time the House passe Environment spending bill was in 2009! Las Com acce to be floor there targe are s histo coup the S Instit


Take shar bill's HOUSE ADVANCING the N MO CITIZENS FOR THE ARTS House Rules Committee listening to members about proposed main bill.T amendments to the Interior spending bill NEA an almost $2 million increase for FY2017, meeting the Preside House proposal also contains several other positive areas of s For the first time, it includes support for STEAM and th arts education into science, technology, engineering, an education to foster creativity, innovation, problem solving skills. In addition, the Healing Arts Partnership work at the NEA National Military Center is specifically highlighted, includ participation in the National Initiative on Arts and th Americans for the Artsin cooperation with multiple nati veterans' service organizations, the private sector, the m government agencies. The House proposal also notes the longstanding, collab














“. . . for u, the sky’s the “unlimit”...” Baba Sherman Fowler,

Griot and Poet

Established 2014 Volume 3.6 St. Louis, MO Layout/Design


As the publishers of The Arts Today Ezine we take care in the production of each issue. We are however, not liable for any editorial error, omission, mistake or typographical error. The views expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of their respective companies or the publisher.

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This Ezine and the content published within are subject to copyright held by the publisher, with individual articles remaining property of the named contributor. Express written permission of the publisher and contributors must be acquired for reproduction.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016


EXPORT OPPORTUNITIES IN ISRAEL Don’t miss this unique opportunity to hear from the Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce on opportunities for regional businesses in this dynamic and expanding market. From agritech and biotech to life sciences and IT, Israel continues to grow and innovate across a broad range of advanced industries.

Speakers Mr. Uriel Lynn, President, Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce Mr. Dan Carmely, Adv., CEO, Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce

TIME | DATE | PLACE 9:00-11:00 am Wednesday, August 24, 2016 Registration begins at 8:30 am World Trade Center St. Louis 7733 Forsyth Boulevard Suite 2200 St. Louis, MO 63105


Further information including speaker bios




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Volume 2.1 March 4, 2015

St. Louis

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Volume 3.6 August 17, 22, 2016


House Advancing NEA Funding ‐ Take Action Today

July 12, 2016

House Advancing NEA Funding:Take Action Today Today, the U.S. House begins consideration of the bill that funds the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). The last time the House passed an Interior­ Environment spending bill was in 2009! Last night, the House Rules Committee met and accepted 131 amendments to be offered on the House floor this week. Although there are no amendments targeting the NEA, there are several relating to historic preservation and a couple about programs of the Smithsonian Institution. Take two minutes now to share your support for the bill's increased funding of the NEA and ask that it be House Rules Committee listening to members about proposed maintained in a final bill.The House bill funds the amendments to the Interior spending bill NEA at nearly $150 million, an almost $2 million increase for FY2017, meeting the President's request. The House proposal also contains several other positive areas of support! For the first time, it includes support for STEAM and the value of integrating arts education into science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) education to foster creativity, innovation, problem solving, and critical thinking skills. In addition, the Healing Arts Partnership work at the NEA with the Walter Reed National Military Center is specifically highlighted, including support for NEA's participation in the National Initiative on Arts and the Military led by Americans for the Artsin cooperation with multiple national arts, health and veterans' service organizations, the private sector, the military, and other government agencies. The House proposal also notes the longstanding, collaborative relationship pg.


between the NEA and State Arts Agencies in support of the arts in local communities. It also includes support for the display of art in government buildings, including postal facilities. Unlike last year, there is no prohibition of funding for NEA's Our Town program, which supports creative placemaking projects all across the country. Americans for the Arts advocated against this funding restriction on this core grant program. What's Next: Congress continues to remain very divided over spending priorities. Final funding decisions might not be known until December, or even March! This legislation is likely to be considered over several days this week, with a potential negotiation with Senate appropriators possible. However, these bills are important markers for those discussions. The House bill is also critical because of the funding increase it would provide. This same increase is not in House Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and the Senate proposal. Take Related Agencies Chairman, Rep. Ken Calvert (R­CA) answering questions about the Interior bill under consideration two minutes now to weigh in and support the proposed House funding for the NEA! Thank you for your support of the arts and for being an arts advocate. Want to do more? Help us continue this important work by also becoming an official member of the Arts Action Fund. If you are not already a member, play your part by joining the Arts Action Fund today ­ it's free and easy to join. Missouri Citizens for the Arts

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

Moline Acres Police Department College Scholarship Program in partnership with Infinite Scholars Program

The Moline Acres Police Department College Scholarship Program wishes to acknowledge some of the students in our city that have accepted the promise of a college scholarship for accomplishing the following criteria: 1. 2. 3. 4.

95 percent school attendance 3.3 or better cumulative grade average 22 or better composite ACT score No major discipline problems

Through our mentorship program with Infinite Scholars, the Moline Acres Police Department wishes to help fulfill the hopes and dreams of families in our community wishing to send their children to college. The Infinite Scholars program uses it extensive nationwide network of 500+ colleges and universities to find a college scholarship for students who achieve the criteria above. The Moline Acres Police Department is committed to helping our students accomplish these criteria. The motto for this program is “Our Badges Create Scholars.� Moline Acres is located in North St. Louis County, Missouri. To learn more, contact the Moline Acres Police Department at 314-868-2433 or Infinite Scholars at 314-499-6997.

Pictured are Moline Acres Chief of Police Colonel Ware, Police Officer Donaldson, and students Charmaine and Charles. pg.


Note from World Trade Center Growing Global is the St. Louis region’s premier event for the international business community. Foreign-direct investment takes center stage this year as Growing Global examines what it takes to attract and retain global investors. Join us at the Ritz-Carlton on September 23, 2016 at 11:00 am to learn about strategies companies are incorporating to grow foreign-direct investment and boost global commerce. For information on sponsorship opportunities, contact Stella Sheehan Click here to register for Growing Global.


CHANCELLOR’S CERTIFICATE IN INTERNATONAL TRADE The Chancellor’s Certificate in International Trade is an online program offering a practical curriculum for executives, managers and employees who conduct business or plan to work in international markets. It is a tactical, low-cost, high-quality way to prepare and excel in international business markets.


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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016


have been severely ill since July 3 and am now on the long road of recovering from surgery. I did not watch the Republican National Convention, did not see and hear Ted Cruz booed from the stage, did not read Donald Trump’s exit tweets. As I breathe the trauma of an operation, pray that oxycodone-acetaminophen is talking. Pray that my heart is lying.

Mein Gott. Trump supporters have Hitlerized the Republican Party. At the base of a tower, we hear: “Heil! Heil! Heil stammen aus… Amerikkka.” Donald, jefe del estado. Sweet Jesus, deliver us. Donald and a Supreme Being shall make miracles, shall kill ISIS, kill Terrorism, kill Crime, kill brown rapists and drug wolves, kill black anything and all people of colors who offend the bluest eye. Mein Gott.

On night two (July 26) of the Democratic National Convention, I listen to former President Bill Clinton tell a story about that girl he met at Yale in Spring 1971. Clinton’s narrative about Hillary is told with white humor. He is a political magician, a good ole Southern teller of tales. Do I believe what he said about Hillary’s humanity, her domesticity, her being a crack shot investigator, organizer and change maker? Why does his utterance “A real change maker represents a real threat” have such ironic applicability to Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump? In my mind, Sanders was the real threat within. Trump seems to be the real threat outside. Hillary Clinton is the real threat in the sweet smoke of her husband’s narrative. She ascends as the real one, the woman who would be President.

My ears, mind, and heart are not enthralled by the smoke. My Black South soul is not under the influence of a pain-killer. I still believe Sanders was the real one, the one who might have convinced his nation to embrace thorough political reforms. I shook Hillary’s hand some years back on a stage at Dillard University. She is articulate, intelligent, savvy and highly qualified. Sanders is the Old Testament, an old man who truly believes concrete changes should pulse in the American body politic. Hillary is uncommon Everywoman, made up in the image of Bill’s charming voice. And we must not, please note, blame Obama. Assign my doubts to my having hear Bill Clinton say at a Tougaloo College graduation ceremony, with more than a grain of levity, that he could thank President George Bush and the Republicans for policies that were making him a very rich man. Rich folks deserve scrutiny.

Let us have more disclosure. When I was nine, I proudly announced to my parents that “I like Ike.” I was not under the influence of hydroxyzine. I was just naïve. My parents laughed, hoping that one day I might have more wisdom, knowledge and understanding. The iconic Democrats ---Kennedy, Carter, and Obama --have had

the greatest impact on my political beliefs as a citizen. President Obama’s victory in 2008 inspired hope. His victory in 2012 inspired doubt. As a child of the long struggle for human and civil rights in the United States of America, I had been to a mountain top. I had had a sight of what Jerusalem actually is. I have seen the cosmic beast crawling to its new birth in the Middle East, in Latin America, Europe, Africa and Asia. I have seen bloody evil.

I make a sharp distinction between my esteem for Barack Obama as a Kenyon-American man, husband, and father and decreasing regard for President Obama who, despite his brilliance, has simply failed to absorb the timely lessons of Machiavelli’s The Prince and Leo Strauss’s infamous lectures. Like President Carter, he has tried to be good. Perhaps, he and many other world leaders are hostages in an international political matrix. President Obama’s diplomacy has represented a real threat to American of no color. They have rebuked him for breathing. They have scorned him for trying to make the United States a place where we can be better than we are. They have anointed him with execrations long before Trump arose to give them the brand and dispensation to hate with vulgar impunity. By constantly reminding his people that Hillary Clinton would be President Obama’s unprecedented third term, Trump is the legitimate change agent for a new and improved holocaust. And despite President Clinton’s excellent, husbandly narrative, Hillary breaks through the ceiling as the epitome of political Establishment values rather than an heir of Fannie Lou Hamer and thousands of unnamed women of rainbow colors who struggled for genuine social, moral, and political changes.

Truth be told, I write out of spiritual agony and a profound sense of how a fractured republic might easily become a fascist regime. I listen to my cantankerous patron saints, the Old Testament Jeremiah and the New Testament/Roman Catholic St. Jerome. They say unto my genuinely independent friends and to my dazed Democratic sisters and brothers ---Be ye lessoned by the final sentence of Ira Katznelson’s Fear Itself: The New Deal and the Origins of Our Time (New York: Liveright, 2013). The sentence reads “It [the New Deal] molded the institutions, conventions, and habits that continue to demand thoughtful choices in a world scored by fear” (486).

It is my obligation to discern who is made-up and who is real and to make a thoughtful choice on November 8, to honor the sacrifices of those who are not with us, the sacrifices that entitle me to be particle of cosmic entanglement.

Jerry W. Ward, Jr. July 27, 2016





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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016



Missouri History Museum Receives National Awards for Its Recent Exhibitions The History Clubhouse and A Walk in 1875 St. Louis.

Copyright Š 2016 - All rights reserved.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016


Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016 St. Louis




t is just amazing how quickly summer has flown by. Although I’m sure that you did just fine without me, I would like to apologize for leaving you without a blueprint of some of the great things going on in St. Louis. Fortunately, my family and the real estate market has kept me pretty busy! At this point, I was going to punt until September, but I just couldn’t let the rest of this month get away without letting you know about some of the awesomeness that is in store over the next couple of weeks. Hopefully, you can join me for some of it! If you are looking for something to do this afternoon, you can head Downtown to Rhythm and Blues in the Afternoon, over at the 14th Street Artist Community.




This evening, you can grab the kids and head over to The Magic House as they host their Free Family Nights, which is always on the third Friday of the month. These special nights enable families to enjoy more than 100 hands-on exhibits in the museum at no charge. Also this evening, you can join me over in Forest Park for some great local food and entertainment. I’m especially looking forward to checking out DJ Alexis who will be one of the performers on main stage for the first night of the St. Louis World’s Fare. Tonight, you could also check out to the Third Degree Glass Factory for the opening reception of Art Group 360’s Multiple Choice Exhibit. You’ll enjoy multiple talents, multiple images and multiple themes all for free!



Local Events AUGUST

Hollywood Casino & Amphitheater Hollywood Casino & Amphitheater

Aug. 5th

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Gwen Stephani Aug. 15th

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016


If you heading to the Illinois side, you can join Stress Free Fridays at Fast Eddie’s Bon Air in Alton for a relaxing chilled out evening. Another option would be to enjoy some laughs with Twisted Improv, presented by the Kirkwood Theatre Guild over at the Steamboat Room in Kirkwood. Tomorrow, aka Saturday, how about joining the Downtown Architectural Walking Tour for a nice stroll in the morning? It’s a great opportunity to explore the bustling riverfront of the French-American entrepreneurs to the skyscrapers of the 20th century, you’ll find famous architects and engineering marvels!

On Saturday afternoon and into the evening, you can’t miss the 2016 St. Louis World’s Fare Heritage Festival, which kicked off on Friday. It will bring a mash-up of activities and entertainment as we celebrate our St. Louis community through music, art, history, business, and local culinary hotspots. This free event will bring an eclectic assortment of local musicians, performers, artists, food and businesses to the World’s Fair Pavilion in Forest Park highlighting all the wonderful diversity, history, and creativity our city has to offer. It is also taking place on Sunday, and that’s where you’ll find me and the girls! Also on Saturday, we have another amazing festival as Rise offers their Rise Up Festival, which is an annual one-day street festival celebration of revitalization in St. Louis. There will be plenty of food and great music and more to enjoy! You can also check out the second annual Craft on Tap, which promises to be a great time for Craft beer enthusiasts! Of course there will be live music and food! It’s not too late to grab a ticket and your fancy clothes and join me for the 11th Annual Urban Renaissance Gala which is also on Saturday night, presented by the Urban League Young Professionals! Later on Saturday night, the tradition continues with the 53rd Annual Moonlight Ramble! Grab your bicycle and head


14 thru THIRDFridays

Third Degree Glass Factory





over to Ballpark Village for a bike ride under the light of the moon. The annual Moonlight Ramble is the “World’s Original Nighttime Bike Ride” held in St. Louis, Missouri at midnight near the full moon in August. Attracting thousands of riders each year, the event includes a leisurely bike ride through the streets of St. Louis, a vendor area, entertainment, a commemorative event shirt (It glows in the dark!), and an after-ride party. On Sunday, the St. Louis Swap Meet will be a great place for a morning or early afternoon stroll to check out some music and great food, along with some great artists, farmers, craft-makers and entrepreneurs at the Riverfront Marketplace. Also on Sunday, New Line Theatre, “the bad boy of musical theatre,” closes its 25th anniversary season at the Marcelle Theater in Grand Center with Andrew Lloyd Webber’s one-woman, one-act rock musical TELL ME ON A SUNDAY. As I mentioned, you will find me at the St. Louis World’s Fare in the afternoon on Sunday, I hope that you can join me!



The Atomic Cowboy

Show & Prove #2 Aug. 17th

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016


Make sure to dress your child in clothes you don’t mind getting really dirty on Sunday for sand exploration, mud, and dirt fun, water play, watercolors, face painting and more! The Messy Play Day at the Endangered Wolf Center is sure to be a fun afternoon with the family. Join Ballpark Village as feature fun flick Toy Story plays on the outdoor Busch II Infield, on Monday. The fun starts at 6PM with movie-related activities or photo opportunities with the movie starting promptly at 7PM. Prairie Farms Dugout will be open at this time for basic concessions and fill out a data card onsite for a FREE bag of popcorn! Got brains for the games? Her Turn: Revolutionary Women of Chess curated by Assistant Curator Emily Allred, celebrates the legacies of many of the game’s greatest female players on Tuesday and other dates. Highlights from the collection of the World Chess Hall of Fame and loans from the John G. White Chess Collection at the Cleveland Public Library and private collections provide insight into the careers of U.S. and World Women’s Chess Champions, writers, organizers, and other trailblazing women. On Thursday, you can bring your fur-babies to Yappy Hour at the Anheuser Busch Biergarten event! Guests will be allowed to bring their dogs to the outdoor patio on Thursdays from 4-8 p.m.The event is free of charge and includes several different food and drink specials! On Friday and Saturday, you might consider heading to Eureka for The TOCO Family Festival, which is about coming together as a community and enjoying a weekend of fun, camping, dozens of family centered arts and science workshops, top notch musical and arts entertainment, and much more FOR A CAUSE! The theme for 2016 TOCO Family Festival is “Little hands can make big Changes” Also on Friday, you can check out Blues at the Arch with the National Park Service Centennial Jazz Band! On Saturday morning, you can join me and the Real Estate Solutions crew as help potential homeowners learn the steps involved with achieving homeownership at the Keys to Homeownership seminar! AUGUST

21 thru



If you are looking for a day trip on Saturday, you should consider The River Music Fest, which is a family friendly, relaxing day on the beautiful Anheuser Estate overlooking the Mississippi River in Kimmswick, Missouri! Music Fest goers will enjoy food, games, raffles and live music with ride-a-therapy-horse for the kids! Get your fix this year by sampling beef, chicken and pork by some of the area’s best grill masters. Cold drinks, hot eats, beautiful view and fantastic entertainment!! On Saturday and Sunday, you will find me and my big headed babies at the Festival of Nations at Tower Grove Park for three stages of non-stop dynamic music and dance performances by traditional ethnic artists, world music favorites and the finest traditional acoustic music and song. From Spanish flamenco to a Vietnamese lion dance, from thundering drums to Irish harp, there is something for every taste. There will be crafts for the kids and plenty of great food from around the world! Enjoy the most beautiful running route in the entire region on Sunday for the I Love Forest Park 5K & Kids Fun Run! You will pass the Deer Lake Savanna, Pagoda Circle, the World’s Fair Pavilion, Government Hill, the Boathouse, Art Hill, the Saint Louis Art Museum and the Emerson Grand Basin! Also on Sunday morning, you might consider heading over to the Central West End for the Hot Swing Jazz Brunch with Miss Jubilee.

To kick it up a notch, you can relax and rejuvenate aboard the Sunday Brunch Cruise while enjoying upbeat sounds of live music and feasting upon a delectable brunch buffet including French toast, cheese blintzes, eggs, prime rib, stuffed chicken breast, pasta, salad and more scrumptious fare all while cruising down the Mississippi River! Of course I’ll be at the Festival of Nations on Sunday, in the Tower Grove Park checking out the Afro-Latin dancing of Lauren Wilmore and joining in on the Salsa lessons with Carmen Guynn! I certainly won’t want to miss Aalim Belly Dance, and my girls will certainly enjoy the Nigerian Tie-Dye Workshop with my friend Njideka Ezenwa-Eke and the facepainting, music, food and more! On Sunday, you could also take the kids to The World Chess Hall of Fame in the Central West End to interact with an innovative exhibition which brings the chessboard to life and provides an engaging introduction to individual chess pieces and game strategy. The Kings, Queens, and Castles exhibit was developed in partnership with The Magic House and will travel to children’s museums around the country after it leaves our great city. Later on Sunday evening, you can head over to Foam Coffee and Beer on Cherokee Street for their Sunday Spoken Word Series! So there you have it! The last couple of weeks of another wonderful month in Saint Louis filled with countless opportunities. I hope you enjoyed summer as much as we have. With the cooling weather that brings fall calls for many more great activities, and I look forward to sharing September’s Opportunities with you soon! All the best. -Nate



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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016



2 Mondays a month at Faith Miracle Temple 7:15 pm - 8:00 pm.


I.G WaistNotFitness | FB WaistNotFitness |

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016


Behavioral and Social Alternative Intervention Possibiities

Personal Knowledge is Personal Power Series – Installment Three The Personal Knowledge is Personal Power Series is designed to Series provide– vital information in service of personal and Personal Knowledge is Personal Power Installment Three community Education, Awareness, and healthful Empowerment. The Personal Knowledge is Personal PowerLiberation, Series is designed to provide vital information in service of personal and Education, Awareness, and Intervention healthful Empowerment. ADHD:community Behavioral andLiberation, Social Alternative Possibilities

ADHD: Behavioral andMcCarthy, Social Alternative Intervention Dr. Tracey PsyD, DCFC, JD, MA Possibilities Dr. Tracey McCarthy, PsyD, DCFC, JD, MA Psychologist/Attorney/Educator Psychologist/Attorney/Educator Professor of Psychology and Legal Studies Professor Psychology–and LegalUniversity Studies Legal StudiesofDepartment Webster Legal Studies Department – Webster University -First Things First-First Things FirstGiven the difficulty with teasing out other challenges that might look like ADHD, it is Given the important difficulty to with teasing out other challenges that might care lookprofessional like ADHD, who it is is generally acquire a precise diagnosis from a health generally important to acquire a precise diagnosis from medication a health care familiar with symptoms of ADHD. Before considering orprofessional alternative who is familiar with symptoms Before considering or alternative interventions for ADHD,ofit ADHD. is important to first establishmedication that the challenge being faced is, interventions ADHD, it is important to first establish thatOther the challenge being faced is, in fact, ADHAfor and not another issue masquerading as such. life challenges that may in fact, symptoms ADHA andofnot another masquerading as such. Other life challenges that may mimic ADHD areissue Learning Disabilities, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, mimic symptoms ADHD are Learning Disabilities, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder,ofChildhood Depression or Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Childhood Depression Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, AntisocialorPersonality Disorder, and even food sensitivity, Neurodevelopmental Antisocial Personality Disorder, and even food sensitivity, simple boredom, low Disorders, self-esteem, giftedness, or laziness. simple boredom, low self-esteem, giftedness, or laziness. The type of intervention recommended for ADHD varies according to the professional The of intervention recommended for ADHD according the of professional who type is assisting the individual to live fully with thevaries symptoms, or intospite such. Primary who assisting thephysicians individualare to live fullythe with the symptoms, or in spite such. Primary Care is and Pediatric usually first health care providers to of address Care and Pediatric physicians usuallytreatment the first protocol health care providers to address symptoms of ADHD. Standardare medical usually involves prescribing symptoms of ADHD. Standard treatmentsome protocol usuallyinterventions involves prescribing psychostimulant medication andmedical recommending behavioral at home psychostimulant medication and recommending some behavioral interventions at home and school. and school. For many reasons, some parents of children with ADHD, and adults with ADHD, are For manytoreasons, some parents of children with ADHD,This andisadults ADHD, areto reluctant take medication for symptom management. often with due to a desire reluctant take medication for symptom management. often due to a desire to stick withtonatural health options or to avoid the potentialThis sideiseffects of psychostimulant stick meds.with natural health options or to avoid the potential side effects of psychostimulant meds. Some individuals and families opt for interventions that include both allopathic Some individuals and families opt for interventions that include both behavioral allopathic options. (conventional medicine) and alternative strategies, involving holistic (conventional andbehavioral alternativehealth strategies, involving holistic behavioral In other words,medicine) some prefer changes in order to modulate theiroptions. behaviors In othertowords, some prefer behavioral health changes in order to modulate their behaviors related attention and concentration. related to attention and concentration. -Intervention Considerations and Behavioral Options-Intervention Considerations and Behavioral OptionsBelow are 15 possible behavioral interventions one might consider in attempting to Below are 15 possible behavioral interventions one might consider in attempting to pg. 22

address symptoms of ADHD. •

One should first rule out biological causation. Rule out food allergies and sensitivities related to toxins, certain natural foods, processed foods, artificial flavorings and colors, and preservatives for children with ADHD. This is because some behavioral symptoms may be related to toxins and sensitivities to food items such as nuts, dairy, sugar, wheat, or processing chemicals.

Some individuals with ADHD may find relief from engaging in structured food elimination processes to determine if a particular type of food is correlated with a behavioral challenge. For instance, if the “bouncing off of the wall” symptoms seem to get better with the elimination of refined sugar, a triggering culprit may be found. Some individuals with ADHD might also find eating as many fresh, natural, and organic foods as possible helpful for many behavioral and emotional health concerns. Chemical pollutants, such as lead and mercury. Parents should make certain there are no lead exposure issues in the home, along with other hazards such as toxic mold, abundant mercury, and exposed asbestos. •

General nutritional deficiencies. Micronutrient deficiencies. The brain requires high quality nutrients to function optimally. Therefore, many children and adults with ADHD would likely benefit from a nutritional analysis to determine the extent to which the individual is receiving adequate general nutrients as well as micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.

Microbial issues. There is also some concern that several psychological challenges might be related to exposure to certain viruses and microbes during uterodevelopment, which are adversely impacting the neurocognitive functioning of individuals with ADHD. A physician may be able to assist with determining the extent to which a microbial correlation with ADHD might be operating in a particular instance.

Seasonal natural light deficiencies. Some individuals with ADHD may require more exposure to sunlight than others for optimal functioning. When one is in a climate necessitating lengthy time indoors and limited sun exposure, one may suffer from the lack of health benefits obtained from the sun. Some with ADHD might find full spectrum lighting assistive during the winter months in colder climates. Some individuals may, in fact, have a genetically stronger need for natural light and warmth than others.

Abuse and neglect trauma. Many children respond to instances of abuse and Copyright © 2016 - All rights reserved.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

ADHD... cont.

neglect though externalizing behaviors that are often misdiagnosed as primary disruptive behavior disorders. Healthcare workers, educators, and parents need to rule out, in all instances, the possibility of abuse and neglect (in or out of the home) as contributing factors in instances of inattention, hyperactivity, poor concentration, and low behavioral controls. It is only too easy to wrongly assume that all symptoms of heightened anxiety, irritation, environmental hypervigilance, poor concentration, and “bouncing off of the wall” are symptoms of ADHD. •

Improved teaching methods, strategies, and discipline. Educators are tasked with providing growth inspiring academic experiences for multiple children from varied backgrounds in the same setting. This is a challenge that overwhelms the abilities of many educators, most of whom have not received adequate education and training in facilitating educational processes that will evenhandedly meet the needs of all learners.

To the best of parents’ abilities, parents should determine the individual academic, social, and emotional needs of each child with ADHD and endeavor to locate the best academic environment for the child, based upon the child’s needs, strengths, and interests. Every school and every teacher is not going to be in the best interest of every child. There are multiple educational options available today for children with ADHD and parents should explore the multiplicity of options available, including general public education, magnet education, technical and vocational education, gifted education, other exceptional student education, private secular education, parochial education, home schooling, collaborative home schooling, and alternative computer-based schooling on site or in the home. Uppermost, parents should explore their options until they discover the best options for their child’s specific needs. Parents and teachers need to also regularly communicate to make certain that a particular educational placement is optimal for a particular child. As no two schools are the same, neither are two teachers or two children with ADHD. Combined hands-on technical or artistic training, in combination with the standard academic curriculum with classroom centers. It is no secret that most educational programs fail to meet the needs of today’s learners. Many educational processes involve little more than a bunch of busy work that is not only boring to children but is boring to the teachers tasked with “instruction delivery.” Boredom breeds acting out. It is time for schools to overhaul and develop curricula that prepares students to be lifelong learners and learners of knowledge and skills that are holistically relevant and useful in all aspects of life. Hence, most children would greatly benefit from academic processes that completely engage not only their minds, but their bodies and their spirits of creativity. pg.


Multimodal learning activities that involve multiple senses are helpful. By engaging multiple senses, individuals will tend to be more involved in certain activities. This is often due to varying learning styles of learners. Some people with ADHD learn best through visual means or auditory means, while others may best learn from engaging the world physically. Care should be taken to make certain that the learning and operational styles of all are cultivated. People tend to be more focused, when they are interested and actively engaged. •

Structure. Structure. Structure. The role of home life cannot be underscored, in terms of academic, social, and career development. Children with ADHD thrive on predictability, authentic nurturance, and an ethos of familial fairness. Inconsistencies in the home and inadequate structure create problems for many children with ADHD.

As much as possible, a child with ADHD benefits from steady and safe neighborhoods and home environments that include two biological parents who have healthy relationships with each other. Sometimes, however, this is not the case for many children and adolescents. It is still imperative, however, for BOTH parents to be actively and daily involved in the child’s life, even if a child is not in the consistent custody of both parents. Unless one or both parents are physically or psychologically unable to care for their child with ADHD, each parent must invest equally in the child. This means that both parents need to share in the day to day care of the child, feeding of the child, school readiness (including pick up or drop off) of the child, and discipline of the child. Economic inability is never an excuse for lack of any parental involvement in a child’s life. Behavioral and academic challenges, such as ADHD, in childhood are sometimes correlated with parental absence. Consistency should be the standard rule. This means that parents need to set schedules for children with ADHD and, as much as possible, stick to those schedules with very little deviation. This includes a set time and process for bed, a set time and process for awakening, a set time and process for meals, a set time and process for digital media and computer usage, a set time and process for relaxation, a set time and process for exercise, a set time and process for homework, a set time and process for after school activities, and a set time and process for academic activities. Children with ADHD symptoms often need distraction-free environments to complete school work. This means that they should do homework in a space that does not involve Copyright © 2016 - All rights reserved.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

ADHD... cont.

noises such as television, radio, talking, and playing. The schedule can be somewhat more flexible during the summer and weekends, but should not deviate significantly. If given to their own devices, many children would forgo bathing, eating healthy foods, attending school, or ever sleeping. Hence, parents, and not children, should be the ones initiating and enforcing the routines and schedules, even for adolescents. Finally, strict limits need to be placed on multitasking, opting instead for engaging in only one task at a time. •

Create concrete goals and objectives, with “to do” lists and concrete deadlines. Written goals help people with ADHD with remaining focused and their mind and energy targeted. By creating written lists of things one must do, along with time lines and deadlines, one is better able to stay on track in most areas of life.

Calendars and highly visible time lines and steps toward goal completion are indispensable for parents, children, adults, educators, and clinicians addressing symptoms of ADHD. This is, perhaps, the most powerful intervention one can employ towards staying on track, focused, and successful in school, home, and work. •

Distraction-free school and homework settings. When children are tasked with cognitive challenges that are timed or require intense focus, such should occur in distraction free environments where the task is the specific and uninterrupted focus. Individuals with ADHD are easily distracted and tend to require substantial structure and distraction-free spaces to be most productive.

Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Adequate rest is essential for all, particularly those with ADHD. Lack of sufficient sleep contributes to behavioral inefficiency, low concentration, and less than optimal overall life performance. 7-9 hours of sleep for adults and 8-10 hours of sleep for children and adolescents would go a long way towards increasing cognitive and behavioral efficacy and calming the mind.

Homeopathy. Some individuals may find symptomatic relief through use of homeopathic remedies, which foster systemic balance. Homeopathy is frequently used in European countries along with allopathic medicines. Some physicians in the U.S. are also skilled in using and prescribing homeopathy, which is grounded in the “law of similars” - where the cause and the cure are seen as one.

• •

Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy involves more than simply sniffing fragrances that are pleasing. Aromatherapy is used by many alternative health care practitioners to bring balance and healing to the body. Aromatherapy uses “essential oils” (not pg.


“fragrance oils”) to promote healing of mind and body. Oils such as lavender, chamomile, and patchouli are often noted for promoting calm and relaxation. •

Meditation. Meditation is a process that simply involves stilling the body and simultaneously stilling the mind. Very importantly, meditation is a completely free intervention option that has the potential to assist some with being more focused, in the moment, and calm. Prayer has the same potential.

Meditation can start with simply sitting or standing quietly still in a space for just 2-3 minutes each morning, mid-day, or night, and simply focusing on deeply breathing. This can be done on a couch, in a chair, on the floor, on a park bench, on the sand, standing next to a wall, in a crowded room, or sitting on a parking lot. •

Exercise. Getting up and out and moving around can be a great relaxation and attention inducer. Too often schools have cut programs that focus on physical development and physical wellness, while increasing emphasis on sitting still and standardized test scores. Children spend entirely too much time in doors, leading sedentary lives. Gone are the summer days when children are up and out from sun up to sun down playing, walking, biking, exploring, and being sent down south to be a kid. These active days need to return for many children with ADHD.

All children need to unplug from cyber world and regularly move around. Increasing physical education program options in school and after school will assist some individuals with greater cognitive focus when tasked with such. •

Massage. Deep tissue massage may also serve as a very relaxing and focusing activity for people of all ages, as such has the ability to assist with stress release and mind-body connection. -Be Proactive and Creative -

As there is no specific cause found for ADHD, there is also no “one size fits all” intervention. Parents of young people with ADHD, individuals with ADHD, and service providers would likely benefit from exploring multiple options in addressing the symptoms of ADHD, until optimal (if not perfect) options are found. Parents and individuals are encouraged to work with their individual health partners to discover which options might work best for each individual. Regardless of the intervention options considered, do not forget that while ADHD presents some life challenges, such also is often related to some life benefits. Hence, the adage… “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.” Copyright © 2016 - All rights reserved.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

ADHD... cont.

- Education ■ Liberation ■ Awareness ■ Empowerment N.B. This article is not meant to replace the medical or psychological advice of your personal healthcare services provider. If you have specific questions regarding your personal health situation, or that of your child, you are encouraged to consult directly with your personally selected wellness partner.



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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

Book of Poetry by

Lenard D. Moore

th on 30 iti d Ed ite ry Lim ersa niv




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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

S.L .A .M.

St. Louis Art Museum




Admission to the Museum is free every day. Hours:

Tuesday–Sunday, 10:00 am–5:00 pm


Friday, 10:00 am–9:00 pm


Closed Monday

w w w. s l a m . o r g One Fine Arts Drive - Forest Park, St. Louis, MO 63110-1380 314.721.0072



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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

‘If the Negro in the ghetto must eternally be fed by the hand that pushes him into the ghetto, he will never become strong enough to get out of the ghetto. This assumption of Negro leadership in the ghetto, then, must not be confined to matters of religion, education, and social uplift; it must deal with such fundamental forces in life as make these things possible. If the Negro area, however, is to continue as a district supported wholly from without, the inept dwellers therein will merit and will receive only the contempt of those who may occasionally catch a glimpse of them in their plight. As Frederick Douglas said in 1852, “It is vain that we talk of being men, if we do not the work of men.” -Dr. Carter G. Woodson-‘The Mis-education of the Negro- 1933-Associated Publishers.


have been complaining for years the way information is delivered to the African-American community. Only news that white people censor is allowed to flow via their airways, radio or television. And we all know what is printed in the local daily. I was the last African-American news director for a white owned and operated news operation in the entire metropolitan area. If it was not for the Arts Today Magazine and other involved publications, the St. Louis area would be completely dependent on others to keep us informed. I am making these points because there is a world of information that certain news agencies are withholding or selecting not to announce or print. Do you remember the landmark 1948 United States Supreme Court decision, Shelley v. Kraemer, which ended restrictive real estate covenants based on race? That was a St. Louis case remember? The house still stands in the 4600 block of

Labadie Avenue and is a National Historic Landmark. Apparently presidential hopeful and Republican Party frontrunner, Donald Trump, does not now of the court’s ruling. He thinks because he builds buildings that he is a hero and has made sacrifices. When The Rev. Jesse L. Jackson made a disparaging remark about a certain group, he was nearly ran off of the Planet. He is still paying for his comment. Yet Trump says whatever he wants and his numbers either rises or remain the same. Why? I think I have made my point. MORE HISTORY! Did you know that Tom Mix and Will Rogers, who at the time were unknown cowboys, assisted Bill Pickett, the pg.




CENSORED NEWS! African-American man who invented the cowboy sport of bulldogging? And what about Benjamin Banneker who in 1792 published to first scientific book, and made the first clock that struck the hour? Joshua Johnson of Baltimore, Maryland was the first Black portrait painter to win recognition in America, according to The Baltimore Directory of 1796. On March 5, 1770, a runaway slave named Crispus Attucks was the first to give his life for the American Revolution, and Nicholas Biddle, another Black man, was the first to shed blood in the Civil War, on April 18, 1861. We have a lot to be thankful for, but the journey to freedom or equality is still a rough and rocky unequal road. A path that is filled with unfair pitfalls, traps and deception. It is sometimes difficult to believe that this is the land of the free and the home of the brave. Copyright Š 2016 - All rights reserved.

We are now in the 21st Century and circumstances for some descendants of African slaves, in spite of everything, are as bad as or worse than when the slave traders brought us from the motherland. We are to some extent responsible for our situation. Our so-called leaders and community elites who forsake the village and attempt to ignore the problems, are as much to blame as the persons we often label as racists and bigots. When we ignore the harmful and disruptive actions of our youth, it is the equivalent of an endorsement. But that is another column. The first African slaves arrived in this hemisphere in the 15th Century. 500 years ago; and Abraham Lincoln signed the Final Draft of the Emancipation Proclamation nearly a century and a half ago. The Emancipation Proclamation was limited in many ways. It did not immediately

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016


free a single slave, but did allow black men into the Union Army and Navy. By the end of the war, almost 200,000 black soldiers and sailors had fought for the Union and freedom. This is the military that was not integrated for another hundred years, and a freedom that we are yet to experience.

Bunche, Adam Clayton Powell, Jr., Floyd McKissick, James Farmer, Angela Davis, Thurgood Marshall, Whitney Young, A. Phillip Randolph and Andrew Young are only a few names associated with efforts to make the quality of life better for people of African ancestry. The list is never-ending.

My reasons for the cynicism and skepticism is displayed daily in the media. Article and reports tell us day after day that we are not in control. MSNBC, FOX NEWS, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC and local outlets owned by the networks are still allowing us to hear and see what they want us to see and hear. Will it ever change? Will poor people and people of color ever be certain that the information that we receive is authentic and unbiased?

When Kwame Ture, then known as Stokely Carmichael, in 1967 created the phrase ‘Black Power’, out of frustration and despair, I believe he visualized a nation where in the hands of African-Americans, the ballot was preferable to the bullet. I think he wanted African-Americans to become more involved in politics, both nationally and locally, with greater participation in global affairs. He wanted, most of all, as he once told me in an interview, economic independence, justice and self-determination for people of color. Can you imagine Donald Trump as your president? What will this do to the work of Martin, Stokley, Kwame or Malcolm?

With issues such as terrorism, politics and religious differences overwhelming the media these days, the need for cultural awareness should become more important. Until his death in 1895, Frederick Douglass was the most important African-American in the United States. He fought for his freedom, civil rights and equal rights for all. Except for the debacle in the last city primary and general election, most African-Americans exercise the right of franchise without the fear of retribution. And when it comes to the term ‘leadership’ in the African-American community, the term is ambiguous.

Do you remember four little girls who were killed in a church in Alabama? How does this impact the current conditions of African-Americans? What will you do to make things better or equal? ~Bernie Hayes

There have been persons in our past who were considered ‘important leaders and freedom fighters.’ Marcus Garvey, W.E. B. Du Bois, Ida B. Wells, Carter G. Woodson, Robert S. Abbott, Harriet Tubman, Mary McLeod Bethune, Booker T. Washington and George Washington Carver were working to eliminate the political retrogression that was created by reconstruction, and reverse the trend of dependency of the government for public relief. Others became symbols of the potential of the race. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Bayard Rustin, Bobby Seale, Huey Newton, Dick Gregory, Roy Wilkins, Ralph pg.


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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016



The BCG is about relieving yourself of your job, family and anything stress related and allowing yourself and your significant other the opportunity to LIVE the high life for a weekend. We always have dynamic couples from all over the country and the BCG allows our couples to meet some great people in a welcoming and beautiful environment. A variety of networking opportunities is also inherent in the weekend programming as well. The BCG is designed to rejuvenate the individual and the couple as a whole. Take advantage of the resorts rejuvenation services and the BCG’s revitalization programming. The (BCG) offers a variety of attractions and entertainment for the couples relax and enjoy one another, enjoy the pools, beach, casino, golf, sports... it’s impossible to get bored!! BOOK NOW Don’t miss out on this amazing event! You and your partner deserve to RELAX, RELATE and RECHARGE.

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

at Ivory Perry Park Infrared Rockers


Sunday, June 26, 2016 6:00 p.m.

Soulard Blues Band with Marty Abdullah


Sunday, July 24, 2016 6:00 p.m.

Cheryl Brown

R&B, Soul and Women of Motown

Sunday, August 28, 2016 6:00 p.m.

Presented by

Union Communion Ministries

on the Commerce Bank Stage in Ivory Perry Park 800 N. Belt, 63112 (3 blocks north of former Connect Care)

In the event of inclement weather concert will be cancelled. For more information visit us. at or Facebook and Twitter at Union Communion Ministries THIS EVENT IS SUPPORTED BY

Westminster Presbyterian Church (USA) Pilgrim Congregational Church (UCC) Union Avenue Christian Church (DOC) St. Louis Friends Meeting (Quakers)

The Presbytery of Giddings-Lovejoy STL Assoc. MO Mid-So. Conference UCC Centric Group Yoga AllianceÂŽ

W H I TA K E R F O U N D AT I O N pg.


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Aliyah ~LotusMoon~ NOW on SoundCloud


nagchamp009 pg.


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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016


Black Way

In Time Series

Black Archaeologist, the Black History Cartoon. WAY BLACK IN TIME SERIES, part # 9, Scottish Black Moores. Purchase any or all three seasons on dvd at our website...

Facebook pg.


watch now Copyright Š 2016 - All rights reserved.

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Special holiday event with Santa Sunday, Dec 13 at 3:00!



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an African Experience ART SHOW feat. works by Janet Riehl

Mother Africa shaped my life as a woman during the five years I lived and worked in Ghana and Botswana. I traveled widely, on my own, throughout the continent--living on love and fresh air.

With gratitude, I offer large-scale paintings on cloth and photographs of daily life in Ghana and Botswana.



September 6 p.m. to 10 p.m


14th Street Artist Community Gallery 2701 N. 14th Street (Old North St. Louis Community Art Walk), 63107. This artists’ hub, just a block away from Crown Candy Kitchen, focuses on artists of African-American, Hispanic, Native American, and West Indian background.

FREE and open to the public. Street parking.

Become a Riehlife Villager at



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Click image to

WATCH NOW! Copyright © 2016 - All rights reserved.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

John Jennings Associate Professor Visual Studies SUNY Buffalo tumblr: http://jijennin70.



J azz y E vents & E ntertainment P.O. BOX 210962 | Saint Louis, MO | (409) 571-9454

Dear Business Owner: The latest statistics show that more than 41 percent of all children in St. Louis (city) are living in families below the poverty level, and Missouri is currently the state with the fifth highest rate of children and homeless veterans uncertain of their next meal. Hunger and inner-city poverty are a regular presence within our community, but extending a heart of gratitude and lending a helping hand are ways to express that we care. These families’ economic challenges are even more difficult during the holidays and local food banks and area food pantries shouldn’t be the only entities providing help – there should be total commitment from the entire community to address these concerns. As a member of the St. Louis Regional Chamber, you have already demonstrated a commitment to help move St. Louis into the Top 10 Regions in prosperity by 2025. Your membership is evidence of your thoughtful and progressive mindset, and it is just one of the reasons I am reaching out to you about an exciting new humanitarian project. Yours is one of only (30) businesses in the area Jazzy Events & Entertainment is contacting for this unique sponsorship opportunity. Jazzy Events and Entertainment is a St. Louis-based company specializing in designing, planning, managing and producing individual and corporate special events. We seek to bring diversity in entertainment, educational and informative events to the local area, and this is your chance to join us! On Saturday, October 8, 2016, Jazzy Events & Entertainment will host the Laughs in the Lou Comedy Explosion. Proceeds from the event will provide Thanksgiving meals to hundreds of veterans, homeless and less-fortunate families in the St. Louis metropolitan area. This Comedy Benefit Show will take place at the Ambassador Theatre; located at 9800 Halls Ferry Rd. headlining the show will be Michael Coyler, best known for his role in What’s Love Got to do with it, House Party 3, Norbit and Longshots. Also appearing will be comedian TK Kirkland, who appeared in New Jersey Drive and opened for Keisha Cole, NWA, Jay-Z, 50 Cent, and Drake and Jeremiah “JJ” Williamson, best known for his role in Johnson Family Vacation. Hot Sauce will host, and music will be provided by none other than DJ Kutt. There are (three) sponsorship tiers available for your business to partner with Jazzy Events & Entertainment for this fantastic night of fun, which we hope will establish a new annual tradition in supporting our community. Sponsors will receive Logo/Brand inclusion on all promotional items, as well as VIP Passes and Meet-and-Greet opportunities (with specific packages). Secured advertising guarantees your business name could be shared thousands of times over the next four months! I look forward to hearing from you – let’s work together on changing lives this Thanksgiving Day holiday. Please see the attached sponsorship information and forward your payment in the enclosed self-addressed envelope. If you have additional questions, please contact me at (314) 324-3626 and Thank you for your consideration and support, Best Regards. Copyright © 2016 - All rights reserved.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016



We are back from summer break and excited to announce our 5 th season lineup.

NMC followers may recognize some of these names from previous NMC presentations, like Tomas Fujiwara (from Thumbscrew), and Ikue Mori (of Mephista). There will also be plenty of new artists to discover as well, such as Sylvaine HĂŠlary from France and NYC-based sound-art trumpeter Nate Wooley. New Music Circle aims to match each concert with a space where the music will communicate best, working in some of our favorite St. Louis venues and collaborating with other co-presenters once again. Workshops, special engagements and pop-up events will be announced as our opening concert nears, so please continue to check our website, sign up on our email list and follow our social media outlets (Instagram, Twitter and Facebook: @ newmusiccircle ) for regular updates. Thank you for your tremendous support and we hope to see you at the gig!


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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’ “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25:34-40 NIV

We seek to impact the world with the love of Christ one life at a time! Hopelessness and desperation are on the rise in a world where the greatest segment of the population possesses the least amount of resources. We need your help! Please help us fight this epidemic by sending your tax deductible donations/contributions to: For His Glory Ministries of St. Louis P.O. Box 1942 Maryland Heights, MO. 63043 For other ways in which you can help please contact Pamela Ford at or 314-216-0744. pg.



Black In Time Series

An animated black history web series for the whole family. Season # 1 # 2, And # 3, DVD’s at: Copyright © 2016 - All rights reserved.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016







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OLIVE BAR ROOFTOP O P E N TO N I G H T Click to RSVP COMPLIMENTARY ENTRY 10PM-11:30PM(ladies) and 11:00 (Men)



t e e w T t e e w T t e Twe t e e w T t e e w T t e Twe t e e w T t e e w T t e Twe t e e w T t e e w T t e e Tw t e e w T t e e w T t e e Tw Follow us Tweet t e e w T t Twee t e e w T t e e w T t e e Tw t e e w T t e e w T t e e Tw @ArtsTodayez


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NEW Thread Podcast w/Kerri Miller

Kevin Powell Interview About "the woman writer that changed his life"

Minnesota Public Radio pg.


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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016




© Yvonne Osei Artist Portrait,

/ Photographer: Ryan Duffy, 2016





/Biography / Yvonne Osei is a German-born Ghanaian artist living in St. Louis, Missouri. She describes herself as an outsider artist making insider art, referencing her West African roots while acknowledging her many years of Western art education both in Ghana and the United States. Osei’s creative research explores the language of art and fashion to address issues of socio-political relevance. Her work utilizes clothing as a medium to address color and complexion politics, confront issues of gender inequality, and expose systemic manifestations of present-day colonialism. She is represented by the Bruno David Gallery in St. Louis. From Webster University, Osei holds dual undergraduate degrees in Art and International Studies. She also recently graduated with a Master of Fine Arts from Washington University in St. Louis where she was a Chancellor ’s Fellow, an Olin Fellow and the inaugural Diversity and Inclusion intern for the university ’s Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum. Yvonne Osei has practiced professionally in the field of art education for over six years, shaping the creative thinking of various minority, immigrant and refugee groups in organizations such as the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis, YMCA of Greater St. Louis, the Metropolitan Education and Training Center, Covenant House and several St. Louis public schools.

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

© Yvonne Osei Africa Clothe Me Bare (St. Louis),

/ Still from video, 2016



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Š Yvonne Osei / Africa Clothe Me Bare (Geneva), Still from video, 2016



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Š Yvonne Osei / Africa Clothe Me Bare (Dallas), Still from video, 2016



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© Yvonne Osei / From Utopia With Love, Photograph, 2016



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© Yvonne Osei / Close Enough,

Photograph of Installation, 2015



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© Yvonne Osei / Insidious I, Photograph, 2015



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© Yvonne Osei / Insidious III,

Still from Video, 2015



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© Yvonne Osei / The Other I, Photography, 2014



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Paintings of Yvonne Osei /© MFA 16, Washington University in St. Louis, MO



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Paintings of Yvonne Osei /© MFA 16, Washington University in St. Louis, MO



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Paintings of Yvonne Osei /© MFA 16, Washington University in St. Louis, MO



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Paintings of Yvonne Osei /© MFA 16, Washington University in St. Louis, MO



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Paintings of Yvonne Osei /© MFA 16, Washington University in St. Louis, MO



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Paintings of Yvonne Osei /© MFA, 16, Washington University in St. Louis, MO



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Paintings of Yvonne Osei /© MFA 16, Washington University in St. Louis, MO



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Paintings of Yvonne Osei /© MFA 16, Washington University in St. Louis, MO



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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

“Acting White”

Share your Story Dear friends: I have been asked to write a chapter in a book that will address colorism in education. My chapter will focus on “acting white.” Specifically, when I was growing up, I was a “smart” student. My top performance in school, doing homework, raising my hand to answer questions, etc. often drew the accusation from my African American classmates and friends that I was “acting white.” Now, I know there are psychologists out there who say this is not true and does not exist. But alas, it was absolutely true for me. I have written about this in past works. I will do so again for this new book. I do know that many young folks today who continue to have such allegations hurled at them so feel free to share this email with whoever and have folks email me directly. I did a survey on this very question about 7 years ago and the results were consistent with my experiences decades ago. I’d like to update my earlier survey. I would love to hear from anyone out there who has a similar/related story either involving yourself or someone you know. I would like to include your story in the chapter. I will conceal your identity if you request. Do you have a story to share? If so, please email to me at: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead Kimberly Norwood , Professor of Law | Washington University School of Law pg.






LIVE MUSIC AUGUST 2016 Copyright © 2016 - All rights reserved.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016


hank you for all those

who came out to Turner Park to enjoy our third annual summer social on July 31st. We had so much fun! Special thanks to The Convergence collaborating team, HOSCO Farms, Ooh St. Lou and members who assisted with set up, activities and break down! As one Cowry Collective member stated,

“It takes a village to build a village.�



Timebanking 101

Continues Every Second Sunday of the Month! Join us at Thomas Dunn Learning Center, 8/12, 2 - 4 pm. Learn more about the history of our timebank and how to set up your account to post your offers and requests in order to make exchanges with other members.

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In our busy lives it is easy to forget that we have all that we need to receive all that we want. Today, take a moment, connect with your breath and honor abundance!

A Beautiful Solution

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

If you have been thinking about leaving your job and starting a business, you need to attend this seminar! Before you spend time and lots of $$$ on a business idea, PLAN TO ATTEND THIS EVENT!!! #Entrepreneurship101

#Entrepreneurship101 #websterUNIVERSITY #april23 #2pm #3:30 pg.


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DEPARTURE: SEPTEMBER 10, 2016 at 6:00 AM RETURN: SEPTEMBER 10, 2016 at 11:00 PM (Please indicate which category)

  

Child (3-12): $90.00 Teens (13-18): $105.00 Adult (18-up): $120.00

TRIP INCLUDES:  Round Trip Transportation  Light Breakfast  Snacks  Shopping Experience  Ticket to “Moses”  Exciting Enviornement  Movie

We accept cash, credit card, check or money order payable to T. Barber / Jazzy Events Mail Payments to: Jazzy Events – Attention Twana Barber, P.O. Box 210962, St. Louis, MO 63121

Deposit due July 1, 2016: $40.00 2nd Payment due August 1, 2016: $40.00 Balance due September 1, 2016 **Complete the Reservation Form on the reverse side & Return it with your deposit** **Payments are non-refundable but transferable** For additional information: Contact Jazzy Events at (409) 571-9454 | | pg.








  



Twana Barber | (314) 324-3626 | Willie Mae Barber | (314) 856-2434 | | Copyright © 2016 - All rights reserved.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016




Avid Facebook fans are most likely familiar with the occasional blast from the past to evoke a bit of nostalgia. From the Howdy Doody Show to some obsolete kitchen utensil, these images may appear rather benign on the surface. But if you drill deeper, you might discover reasons how we’re socialized; in other words, how at the subconscious level, images, customs, historical accounts and attitudes shape our thoughts and behavior. Take nursery rhymes, the proverbial “mother’s milk,” mainly rooted in traditional gender roles, A Mother Goose Nursery Rhyme goes this way:

WHAT ARE LITTLE BOYS MADE OF? What are little boys made of? Snips and snails, and puppy dogs tails That's what little boys are made of! What are little girls made of? Sugar and spice and all things nice That's what little girls are made of! As women continue to advance in society, taking on increasingly important roles outside the home, they’re encountering gender clashes in epic proportions. For example, leadership typically has a masculine patina, representing strength, aggressiveness and competence. People tend to gravitate to male leadership; they usually take men more seriously, believe in their causes, support and follow them. (Should I say Donald Trump?) Sometimes, when we’re so accustomed to seeing Copyright © 2016 - All rights reserved.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016


men and women in traditional roles and then we see reversals, it can be like whiplash with new images clashing with preconceived notions. We usually don’t like psychological jolts; it makes us feel uncomfortable and even angry and so we attempt to maintain the status quo. One could say, this tussle with restoring the old or at least changing order -- no matter how unethical the tradition might be -shows a lack of introspection or empathy. One clash is how females are socialized to act in public v.s. males. There are two very different traditional expectations. Men can be much more brash, loud and commanding while women are expected to be more soft, quiet, unassuming and modest. This of course is changing and with change comes backlash. In the April 21, 2016, New York Times, columnist Julia Baird talked about a recent study tour she took to Jakarta, Indonesia, “jammed with politicians, diplomats, ministers and editors. … (They) were important men who were used to occupying space, time and attention, and would talk at numbing length.” “Women may improve decision-making partly because they rein in a male penchant for overconfidence and risk taking,” Nicholas Kristof, When Women Win, Men Win Too, New York Times, July 31, 2016

So you can probably see where this is going. Contrary to conventional notions, there’s a growing body of clear-eyed evidence and analysis showing men are hogging conversations and talking too much -particularly in public spaces. pg.


Apparently, this tendency toward long-windedness is the first line of posturing, in other words, claiming dominance. In Baird’s article, titled, Why I’m Sick of Manlogues, she describes it as “the proffering of words not asked for, of views not solicited and of arguments unsought. It is underwritten by the doubtful assumption that the audience will naturally be interested.” In many ways, but not all, men in public life have more freedom to be witty, vainglorious and egotistical. You could point to women comics who seem to have similar latitude, but this is just shtick. Studies are revealing that even as boys and girls, there appears to be little or no difference in their talkativeness. So if there is no difference, is the perception that women talk more just another overwrought stereotype? Of course, there are some women who talk excessively in public, but this is the exception more than the rule. Men hew to this expected behavior. For example, after a panel presentation or a speech, there is typically Q and A (questions and answers), the first to line up at the aisle microphone are invariably men. Sometimes questions morph into long, convoluted and windy comments while the moderator uncomfortably fidgets and struggles to politely cut him off. Never mind that there are others waiting in line to ask questions and never mind that there still must be time allotted to the one or more panelists to respond to his – humm – question? Copyright © 2016 - All rights reserved.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016


Gender Studies specialists are now encouraging women to speak up more in the workplace, particularly in meetings and public venues. What’s more, they are advised to speak over, around and through those Baird asserts: “… men are rewarded for speaking while women are punished.” These behaviors become so subtle and entrenched, it could well drop from consciousness and appear to be normal.

who obstruct. It’s like interest on debt when women remain silent. Stereotypes are reinforced, further marginalizing them. At best, women are under the microscope with people waiting to see how they fare.

Hence there’s a sexual double standard. Baird said women are super-conscious of this and that’s one of the reasons they don’t talk as much in public, or they’ll hedge, hold back or apologize. But she also said there’s a tendency for both men and women to interrupt a woman or cut her off. When this happens too much, there’s a metaphorical throwing up of hands and women just decide to stonewall it, blankly listening to reams and streams of male verbosity. Occasionally men will act disinterested, not listen or be unresponsive when women are talking. This attempt to silence women is neither good nor fair as it robs women’s unique expressions and contributions. Baird asserts: “… men are rewarded for speaking while women are punished.” Another term bandied about nowadays is “mansplaining.” This is when a man “explains (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a condescending or patronizing manner.” These behaviors pg.


become so subtle and entrenched, it could well drop from consciousness and appear to be normal. Said Virginia Valian in her book Why So Slow – The Advancement of Women: The long-term consequences of small differences in the evaluation and treatment of men and women also hold up the glass ceiling. A useful concept in sociology is the accumulation of advantage and disadvantage. … It suggests that, like interest on capital, advantages accrue, and that, like interest on debt, disadvantages also accumulate. Very small differences in treatment can, as they pile up, result in large disparities in salary, promotion, and prestige. … Perhaps this could be the phenomenon that Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is experiencing. Clinton is the most visible and iconic non-traditional woman. The deepest social and psychological rancor could well be caused by her non-traditional image. As first-lady to Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton and first-lady to U.S. President Bill Clinton she went against the grain, bucking the pattern of previous first ladies. Then she was elected as U.S. Senator in New York followed by U.S. Secretary of State. She is the first woman to be nominated to a major political party with Barack Obama, the first African American president, passing her the baton. Obama amazingly and calmly withstood withering attacks for “rattling the cage,” upsetting the status quo. It’s well known that there have been staggering numbers of threats against his life, much more than any other president. In fact, many African Americans initially Copyright © 2016 - All rights reserved.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016


expressed fear that if he were elected, he might be assassinated. I dare say, there have been scores on their knees in prayer ever since he took office. If Clinton wins this historical election, she will most likely and unfortunately encounter similar vitriol, the spewing of venom like no other. It goes without saying that many White males fear Black power, but quiet as it’s kept, they also fear White women power. The ratcheting up of vitriol against her is already fierce, from she’s unqualified, unfit, a liar, crooked to she can’t be trusted. At the Republican National convention, the week prior to the Democratic National Convention, crowds were endlessly and shamelessly chanting: “lock her up.” It even got worse, but it’s too crude, too coarse and too shocking the conscience to write in any decent God fearing publication. Of course this was countered by many others at the Democratic National Convention, July 25 - 28, supporters presented a much more sane, soft and responsible image. When the president as the elder statesmen delivered his soaring endorsement to further quell the deepseated bitterness on the other side, he strongly asserted: … And even in the midst of crisis, she listens to people, and she keeps her cool, and she treats everybody with respect. And no matter how daunting the odds, no matter how much people try to knock her down, she never, ever quits. ... And that’s why I can say with confidence there has never been a man or a woman -- not me, not Bill, nobody -- more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America. pg.


The crowd roared with thunderous applause. Perhaps many conventioneers and viewers were astonished that a man would pass the baton to a woman for the highest political office in the country and heir to lead the free world. But this didn’t stop her detractors. During Clinton’s acceptance speech, the blogosphere blew up with criticisms, posted overwhelmingly by men. Below is just a smattering: • • • • •

”Stop lecturing and have more of a conversational voice.” “Regulate your voice.” “She needs to smile.” “She needs to tell more stories.” “She’s very uninspiring.”

This is why Obama’s affirmation of Clinton is so huge, as it cuts through centuries and current-day negative perceptions of women in leadership and more than that it dealt a big blow against White male supremacy. A powerful person, particularly a powerful man, publicly anointing a woman is not only a historical turning point, it puts the biggest crack in the glass ceiling. Said Clinton in accepting the nomination: “Whenever barriers fall in America. It clears the way for everyone.” Others, such as Nicholas Kristof, New York Times, agree. (see comments in insert) Once Hillary supporters come back down to earth after such a euphoric convention, they’ll find that little has changed for the average woman. Therefore, it behooves all of us to unify to dismantle gender bias in all forms, starting with being receptive, cooperative and friendly Copyright © 2016 - All rights reserved.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016


toward women when they speak in the workplace or in public or anywhere. President Obama literally dropped the mic after his talk at the recent White House Correspondents’ Dinner, April 30, 2016. He’s a natural comic; his timing is impeccable, scoring big laughs and strategic jabs. Begrudgingly for some, but everybody has to give it up for his masterful and eloquent public speaking. Obama dropped the mic figuratively speaking at the Democratic National Convention. There were at least two aspects of his speech that will go down in history: first, his masterful public speaking is genius; second his warm and solid embrace of a serious woman candidate. Now it’s time, for capable and intelligent women to unleash their hidden and pent up ideas, talents and power, feeling free to realize their potential. To do otherwise, is like hiding your light under a bushel, avoiding letting people know you’re good at something. As women use to say (you don’t it hear so much nowadays) “I purposely lose at (fill in the blank) so men won’t feel threatened.” Malaika Horne, PhD, is an academic writer and journalist. ♀♀♀♀♀♀♀♀♀♀♀ pg.


Check out Blackarchaeologist on Pinterest

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

Redefine the Life in Your Lifestyle I know that it’s been a while since I’ve e-mailed you, I truly hope that all is well! I also hope that you’ve been able to stay up to date with all the happenings via Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Between my recent trip to Mexico and the latest additions at the Meditation Lounge, there’s been way more to share than there is time, but I do the best I can! Healing Spa is Back!

So I want to tell you quickly that right after Journey Meditation this Sunday, the Healing Spa starts at 5:15pm! I haven’t offered this experience since October so I know that many of you are super excited about this. If you haven’t yet been, it’s a beautiful experience... You will be in a group setting with soothing, healing music to help you relax while you focus your intentions on the clarity or healing you seek. I’ll spend 15-20 minutes per person laying hands and sharing the spiritual insight that I receive for you. Please Register in Advance Our standard classes no longer require advance registration, however due to the nature of this experience, I’ll need to limit how many people attend so advance registration is required in order to attend. You can sign up online HERE or call 314-441-6929 to get signed up over the phone.

Classes Offered 5 Days a Week In case you’re out of the loop, we now have meditation and yoga classes at the Meditation Lounge 5 days a week and our rates are still in the introductory phase! A single class is $10, but you can save by signing up for a Monthly Membership (starting at $35 p/m), or Pay-As-You-Grow Class Passes (starting at $40) - either way you save! Check out all of your options and view the class schedule and all of the services that we’re offering at www.! I’m looking forward to seeing you in classes this Sunday!

Peace, Love & Light, SJ




10 Years Later

Click Here to WATCH NOW!

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016



It is possible to work-out even though the dog days of summer are burning in. The heat is the major problem during summer workouts. If done right, you can stay cool and safely continue with your workout regimen.

Prepare you Body Temperature Take a cool shower prior to work-out. This not only lowers your heart rate, but it also lowers core body temperature. If you do not have time to take a bath or shower, cooling your neck or head with an ice pack will make a noticeable improvement.

Check your weather Map Log onto to find out the weather forecase for your location. This weather service also offer local parks forecast, a fitness comfor index, and an hourly forecast so that you can figure out the best time of day to work-out. (Avoid strenuous exercise during the heat of the day).

Love Your Heart Heat causes your heart to beat/work harder. Over working yourself during warm weather can significantly up your risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Keep track of your hear by monitoring your heart rate with mobile apps. and/or devices like Fitbit.

Asphalt draws heat Avoid exercising on asphalt as it radiates heat from the sun, which make you feel hotter. On very hot days switch your workout to grass or dirt .

Slow your Roll Keep the pace of your work out regimen during the summer by going at a slower pace or breaking up you regimen. Every 3 -5 add 30 second speed bursts. This helps maintain conditioning and burn more calories.

Cover you head When working out outdoors sheild your face from the sun by wearing visors or caps, and sweatbands to catch the sweat.

Fruit Boosts Replenish fluids by eating fruit like, grapes, watermelon, cantelope, and honey dew. Fruit is more than 80% water. Fruit is a sweet/refreshing way to replenish fluids. If you have lost a lot of sweat, replace sodium with V8 juice or sports drinks. But DO NOT forget to drink water regularily. pg.


Health, Beauty



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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016



Rickkita Edwards teaches Core:Cardio & More @ North Co.Rec Center

every Mon-Wed- Fri.

5:30 PM-6:30 PM

She also teaches "WaistNWeights" every Mon

@ Faith Miracle Temple

7:15 PM-8 PM

Contact me today for personal training sessions!

314-566-9125 I.G WaistNotFitness | FB WaistNotFitness | Copyright Š 2016 - All rights reserved.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

MEDIA CONTACT: Dan Zarlenga Media Specialist 636-300-1953 ext. 4112

Overnight Campout Event in Forest Park helps families discover the outdoors

MDC joins host of partners to offer an affordable way to discover camping and outdoor skills in St. Louis’ most famous park.

ST. LOUIS, Mo.—Have you ever wanted to learn to camp or fish? Or perhaps go canoeing or create a great meal outdoors? But maybe you just don’t know where to start. If so, then WOW St. Louis is for you. This beginning overnight camping event will be held in Forest Park Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 8 and 9. The purpose of WOW St. Louis is to empower anyone new to camping and outdoor recreation with the skills, comfort and confidence they need to take the next steps on their own. The emphasis is on family participation; however, individuals are welcome, too. The campout is part of the WOW National Outdoor Recreation and Conservation School. It’s packed with opportunities to learn skills that will enhance your outdoor experience. WOW St. Louis is sponsored by the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC), along with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Bass Pro Shops, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Forest Service, Wonders of Wildlife Museum, National Park Service, City of St. Louis, Gateway Regional YMCA, Missouri State University, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The weekend program is presented in two parts. Saturday is the outdoor skills portion where WOW offers classes in a variety of outdoor activities, including archery, canoeing, fishing, geocaching, orienteering, kayaking, outdoor cooking and more. Each one is designed to teach participants how to enjoy a wide range of outdoor recreational activities while practicing personal safety and outdoor responsibility. Classes are open to anyone age six and up. The second portion is the overnight campout. WOW participants will have the opportunity to spend the night in Forest Park Saturday night. The camping experience will include tent set-up and a campfire program. Tents will be available on request on a first-come, first-served basis for those who don’t have one. Campers should bring their own sleeping and personal gear, and dress for the weather. The cost to attend the outdoors skills classes Saturday is only $15 per person, making it an affordable day of family fun. The Saturday night campout is an additional $5 per person. Registration includes equipment for all activities, lunch on Saturday, and a hotdog cookout Saturday night with breakfast snacks Sunday morning for campers. Financial assistance to cover the cost of the event is also available. Registrations will be accepted through Sept. 23. For more information or to request a registration packet, visit the WOW website at or call (314) 340-5794. For more on discovering nature, including family camping spots in Missouri, visit http://



WOW St. Louis offers the chance to camp out in Forest Park and discover many outdoor skills. The event takes place this year on Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 8-9.

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

It’s time to run, walk and volunteer for the Ivory Crockett Run for Webster on Saturday, October 15th. Be a part of this fun community wide event and support the WGSD Foundation! The Run starts and finishes at Webster Groves High School and a Kids Activity Fair with Pancake Breakfast is included. Registration and signup information will be avialable soon.



Portfolio Fundraiser Moves to Artist's Studio

Janet Riehl's "Women & Wardrobe: The Riehl Collection" exhibit has finished it's successful run at The Portfolio Gallery and Education Center. It brought in $2,000 to help with much-needed building repairs. Many people went home with framed ($150) and unframed ($50) prints they love, and a good time was had by all. Folks have said they would have loved to have seen the show, and were sorry they missed it. Janet has decided to host At Home evenings on Wednesdays from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m. so you can! Come visit, enjoy the work, and of course buy whatever calls to you. Any profit realized will continue to benefit Portfolio Gallery. If you'd like to come, please contact her at Janet and Robert Powell, director of Portfolio Gallery and Education Center appeared on Fox 2 news. Janet and her art was featured in the Alton Telegraph.

Come on out! Meet some new people and enjoy some playful, colorful, and sensuous art inspired by African Women.

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016





Delicacy GRILLING of

By #chefjonbaby owner and private chef of

Dining Delicacies STL/CJs Gourmet Mobile Deli

Riding around St Louis everyday there is a whiff of charcoal smoke in the I got to thinking. Grilling, for me, starts off as a ritual that’s repeated many times throughout the year. It all starts with a plan, decide what I’m gonna grill (proteins) and what I’m gonna do for sides. Once I come up with my menu I shop for supplies and ingredients, then I arrive back home and begin my ritual.

1. I season my charcoal and add my raw onions to the fire (it takes out the lighter fluid taste) 2. I season the meat with spices and olive oil. 3. Prepare my sides and get them prepped 4. Get my music together (Prince) and beverage

If the weather is awwwwright, I’m grilling tonight!

Once everything is prepped grilling commences. The taste of the chard meat is what keeps many americans love for cooking outdoors a million dollar industry. True grillers grill no matter what the weather is and I for one do also.

You can grill anything! Just search for recipes on the internet and go for it, and be adventurous. For more tips or to book a dinner go to:

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016




She teaches a class 2 Mondays a month at Faith Miracle Temple 7:15 pm - 8:00 pm. (ALL CLASSES ARE FREE)




Redefine Your Lifestyle

Selena J’s

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016


New African Paradigm Study Group (NAPSG)

is an organization dedicated to the empowerment and education of our community through book study and our lecture series. We have brought many African scholars to St. Louis to awaken our people and to get on one accord to face the challenges in our community. The NAPSG is in need of your help so we are currently seeking new members to help us continue to be able to meet the demands of our lecture series and our study group. Our study group meets every 3rd Sunday at Sabayet, 4000 Maffit, St. Louis, MO. at 4:00 p.m. Please join us on our journey for knowledge of self, our gods, and our Ancestors. Contact James Steward at (618) 977-8191 for more information. Also, Like us on FaceBook.



Debra, Has issued a $100 challenge

Help African Non-Profit Open Store African businesses, just like African people, have a responsibility to share their skills and resources with the people. When African businesses are dedicated to our people...


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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016


Your Ad or Article could be here!

Contact us if you have a contribution to the ART OF HEALING.



Hidden Jewels of North St. Louis

To all: I am trying to close in on my target for this project, please do two things: Support it with a donation as small as $10.00 and Forward this e-mail to friends, family and colleagues in hopes they can support as well. This link includes both the IndieGoGo site, and my St. Louis on the Air Interview.

Why Hidden Jewels of North St. Louis Matters For those who just want to go straight to the campaign site go here: Let’s make this project happen! Thank you!

-Phillip W. Johnson, Producer of the #Ferguson Film Fire this Time

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016




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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

Walking the Blue Line: A Police Officer Turned Community Activist Provides Solutions for the Racial Divide By Terrell Carter Bettie Youngs Book Publishers

$15.00 paperback

“As I recall my experiences, I find it incredulous that people in law enforcement honestly believe and say that a racial divide and racial profiling don’t exist. An officer’s mind is divided: first, between the police and the general public and second, between the police and minorities.”~ Terrell Carter Walking the Blue Line follows the author’s experiences growing up as a black child in St. Louis, MO, a racially charged city still trying to overcome its divided past, and his five year journey as a law enforcement officer which led him to reevaluate his views on citizens and police alike. Readers are taken on a compelling journey as he details personal stories of the challenges of navigating this new world, including how he had to testify against a former partner for falsifying a major drug arrest. Terrell details the thoughts and tactics of police officers based on their training in the police academy and lessons they learn on the streets and how this information can help citizens better understand why officers do what they do while still holding them accountable for protecting and serving their communities. Walking the Blue Line can be ordered from, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and traditional booksellers.



VIDEO: bell hooks + Kevin Powell conversation on manhood, trauma, hiphop, violence against women, healing, more:

Click below to watch now!

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016



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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

The Education of Kevin Powell A Boy's Journey into Manhood NEW! Audio Book

HEY EVERYONE! I am so excited to announce the AUDIOBOOK for my new book, The Education of Kevin Powell, A Boy's Journey into Manhood (Atria Books/Simon & Schuster), is on SALE TODAY at Audible @audible_com. It is my 12th book, this autobiography, but my very first time narrating an audiobook. It was long and hard to do, but so glad I did it. I especially want to thank the folks at Audible, sound engineer Ari Raskin, and

the great music provided by production team The Cultural Bastards, and also singer Hendii and guitarist Ron Jackson. You can purchase the audiobook at this link and also listen to a free excerpt, HERE: qe

Have a blessed day! Kevin




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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016



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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016



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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

Brand New Home


atch the balloon race from your own 3rd floor rooftop deck! This amazing contemporary gem boasts a thoughtful balance between an open floor plan and separate spaces. You’ll be impressed by the custom designs that will adorn this space. The spacious living room flows nicely into the gallery and dining room for seamless entertaining space. The sleek kitchen features high end finishes that you would expect in an upscale home. It looks out onto the courtyard through a wall of glass. Upstairs, you will discover the abundance of space in the master suite, complete with a walk-in closet, stylish jetted tub, dual vanities and separate shower. The 2nd floor boasts another bedroom, full bath, and laundry room. The 3rd floor offers the 3rd bedroom, media room, 3rd full bathroom, and gorgeous rooftop deck overlooking the mansions on Lindell and Forest Park! The fenced yard provides 2 car garport, and tons of privacy. Plenty of room for entertainment and fun. Home is now complete! Contact Nate Johnson TODAY!



Wake up to the Outdoor World! Exploring . . . Learning . . . Discovering . . . It’s enough to make you say—“WOW!”


St. Louis

Outdoor Recreation & Conservation School

Discover how much fun the great outdoors can be at a day of outdoor skill classes and an overnight camping experience in St. Louis’ most famous park, FOREST PARK! A day full of outdoor adventure on


A night of camping under the stars SATURDAY night!

°Explore awesome outdoor

°Experience the outdoors

WOW is open to anybody anyone age six and up who wants to get introduced to the outdoors.

activities like fishing, camp cooking, archery, geocaching, canoeing and kayaking . . . plus more!

Registration fee is $15 per individual

°Lunch included

or $20 per individual if camping overnight.

during an overnight campout in Forest Park!

°You’ll learn how to set up your own tent

°Enjoy campfire fun and a story teller performance

Includes equipment for all activities and lunch. Tents provided for campers on request, along with a hotdog cookout Saturday night and breakfast snacks on Sunday.

Saturday & Sunday,

Registration is required by Sept. 23 and space is limited! Sponsored by the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC), along with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources, Bass Pro Shops, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Forest Service, Wonders of Wildlife Museum, National Park Service, City of St. Louis, Gateway Regional YMCA, Missouri State University, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.







For more information and a registration packet with full details, contact:

314-340-5794 Copyright © 2016 - All rights reserved.


Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016





The Bernie Hayes Show Talk and interviews about affairs of the day with a St. Louis slant. The Bernie Hayes Show can be seen: Friday’s at 9 A.M. Saturday’s at 10:00 P.M. Sunday’s at 5:30 P.M.

PUT SOMETHING CLEAN ON YOUR TV! Copyright © 2016 - All rights reserved.

Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016



Closing in on my goal for “Fire this Time” - if everyone would do two things 1) support the making of this film with just a $20.00 donation and 2) encourage 2 of your friends to do the same - it will allow me to license some additional footage and photos - you can donate now by going here:!join-the-team/c1195 is a 501c3 non-profit organizations thus your donations are tax deductible - thank you - the making of this film will help me attract more resources which will allow real community filmmaking in STL -Phillip W. Johnson Producer of the #Ferguson Film Fire this Time

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016




Don’t Just Believe in the Arts. Make Them Happen.

For more than 50 years the Missouri Arts Council has been the State of the Arts. Now we are seeking strong candidates to join our team as a Program Specialist in Community Arts. It’s not just a title, it’s a tool to get things done. If you are a person that likes to make things happen, this just might be the opportunity you’ve been looking for. Work That Matters. Creative Colleagues. The right candidate is strategic, hard-working, and driven by results. Our team loves the arts, and we bring that passion to support the arts throughout Missouri. “Missouree.” “Missourah.” We speak both. If the arts matter to you, and Missouri matters to you, this is the place to be. Are you that person? Do you know someone like this? Share this job description with them. And we will both thank you. Missouri Arts Council Program Specialist LOCATION: Missouri Arts Council St. Louis, Missouri 63101 This is not a virtual position; it requires working in our St. Louis office. ANNUAL SALARY: $35,640 - $39,708 (based upon experience and education) CLOSING DATE: September 6, 2016 APPLICATION PROCESS: Please send (via mail, email or fax) a cover letter, up-to-date resume, copy of transcripts (if applicable) and contact information for three professional references by the closing date to: Email: Fax: (573) 522-9814 POSITION DEFINITION: Professional position in the Department of Economic Development through managing and coordinating assigned performing and/or fine arts grant programs for the Missouri Arts Council Full description

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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016



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Volume 3.6 August 22, 2016

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