ArtTalks Mohamed el Ganouby| Portfolio

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Mohamed el Ganouby

Mohamed el-­‐Ganouby's work is concerned with nostalgia,

nomadism and the idea of "home." As an Egyp;an now living in the American South, his work explores how culture creates a collec;ve iden;ty. "A recurring feature of my pain;ngs, installa;ons and mixed-­‐media pieces is the use of raw materials -­‐ sand, wood, spices and wax -­‐ chosen both for their associa;on with rural southern Egypt, where I grew up, and for their sugges;on of primi;veness. The use of such materials draws on my own individual memories of ;me and place, speaks to collec;ve local histories and plays with common stereotypes of Egypt's rural popula;on as being both backward and the living embodiment of authen;c Egyp;an culture" he explains. In his new series “I” or “Ana” in Arabic, El Ganouby tackles a subject that is close to his heart and a subject that has been occupying Egyp;an ar;sts since the founda;on of modern art back in the early 20th century – the search for an iden;ty. Leaving behind his home country to start a new life in the US seems to revive his ques;oning of who he is, who we are and who they are.


Enta | You, 2013

Oil on canvas Dimensions: 70 x 104 cm Price: LE 9,000 MEG-­‐101

They | Homa, 2013 Oil on canvas Dimensions: 105 x 92 cm Price: LE 10,000 MEG-­‐102

Entom, 2013

Oil on canvas Dimensions: 138 x 103 cm Price: LE 12,000 MEG-­‐103

Ana 1 | I , 2013

Oil on canvas Dimensions: 104 x 67 cm Price: LE 10,000 MEG-­‐104

Nahnou | We, 2013 Oil on canvas Dimensions: 103 x 86 cm Price: LE 10,000 MEG-­‐105

Ana II, I II, 2013 Oil on canvas Dimensions: 102 x 87 cm Price: LE 10,000 MEG-­‐106

Ana III 2013 Oil on canvas Dimensions: 103 x 90 cm Price: LE 10,000 MEG-­‐107

Ana IV, 2013 Oil on canvas Dimensions: 150 x 94 cm Price: LE 13,000 MEG-­‐108

Ana V, 2013 Oil on canvas Dimensions: 140 x 90 cm Price: LE 12,000 MEG-­‐109

Ana Vi, 2013 Oil on canvas Dimensions: 115 x 69 cm Price: LE 11,000 MEG-­‐110

Nahno Ana, 2013 Oil on canvas Dimensions: 180 x 105 cm Price: LE 15,000 MEG-­‐111

ArtTalks is a Cairo-­‐based exhibi;on and educa;onal space that represents Egyp;an and various Middle-­‐Eastern ar;sts. Founded in 2012 with a challenging and innova;ve program of shows and art educa;onal seminars, ArtTalks aims to be a highly selec;ve search engine for Egypt’s next genera;on of contemporary ar;sts and a forum for knowledge. In addi;on, the gallery has specialized in offering high quality secondary market works by twen;eth century Egyp;an masters as well as many of the most important ar;sts working today. Founded by Fatenn Mostafa, former CEO of Gianaclis Vineyards for Beverages and a collector of Middle-­‐Eastern art, the gallery is commiaed to nurturing its ar;sts and providing an accessible monthly educa;onal

plaborm on art history and collec;ng to art lovers. Half of our income goes into an Art Fund that we manage and spend on suppor;ng some of the young struggling ar;sts we believe in as well as publishing books on selec;ve ar;sts. Founder Fatenn Mostafa +201003838500 Gallery Director Cherine Chafik +201003838100 Gallery Assistant Aynoor Zeitoun +201004777717 Gallery Administrator Lisa Lounis +201003970141 Facebook Page: Art Talks Egypt +20227363948


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