2 minute read
20+ Artists | 2 Studios | 6 Group Exhibitions
Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder,’ said ‘
Plato, and that’s the premise on which we’ve based Art UNLOCKED 2022 in Riebeek Kasteel, Western Cape, to be held in May this year. This, the second Art UNLOCKED weekend, will showcase the work of 20+ artists in their studios and shared spaces in the popular little Swartland town which is known for its natural beauty, thriving communities of artists working in a wide range of media, and exceptional food and wine offerings.
The first evening of this year’s Art UNLOCKED event coincides with Riebeek Kasteel’s ‘First Friday’ weekend starting on 6 May, the theme of which is “All things Olive”. Because the Riebeek Valley’s famed Olive Festival won’t be taking place this year, Riebeek Kasteel’s farms, restaurants, shops, delis and boutiques will pull out all the stops to show the valley’s wine and olive products in their very best light.
Above: Gordon Williams, Protea Light on Night, 2022,oil on mounted canvas, 41x41cm. Opposite Page: Kevan Moses, Fable of the three wise men, 2021, oil on canvas, 100x75cm
Tanya Majo, After Irma I, 2021, collage magazine paper, 27.5x21.5cm Garth Meyer, Viking Urn, 2022, ceramic
Louisa gerryts, What you are not, 2021, digital collage, 30x30cm
Artists participating in the event include illustrator and designer Louisa Gerryts, known for her botanical and ornithological works; potter Garth Meyer, who also produces large sculptural thrown decorative work; expressionist/impressionist painter Gordon Williams, whose vivid palettes are his unique signature; architect turned painter and printmaker Kevan Moses; multimedia artist Tanya Majo, known for her monumental panoramic collage landscapes; illustrator and artist Verné Jordaan; and contemporary artist, illustrator and visual-communication designer Wiehan de Jager.
No tickets are required for the event, which takes place on 7-8 May 2022, but we strongly advise that you book overnight accommodation and/or make restaurant reservations ahead of time. The shared venues are sponsored by the Royal Hotel, Riebeek Valley Museum and Kasteel Motors, and the art happening is in collaboration with Arts Town Riebeek Valley. For accommodation packages contact Shawn Hewitt from Riebeek Valley Tours and Transfers on goodintentconnections@gmail.com
Riebeek Valley Tourism and Rooms in Riebeek also offer accommodation on www.riebeekvalley. info and www.roomsinriebeek.co.za
For more information regarding this event please contact Helen Weber on h.m.weber@ gmail.com or 072 0733 972. Also, check out our Facebook/Instagram profiles for updates and details nearer the time: @ArtUnlockedRiebeekValley