4 minute read
16-19 June 2022
Prince Albert is famed as a magnet to creatives of all sorts; healers, foodies, artists, writers and crafters all seem to gravitate here. It is one of the aspects that makes Prince Albert Open Studios so popular. Over four days, from 16th to 19th June, visitors can engage with artists and view/buy their latest work. Here is a small taste of some of the treats in store:
Di Smith has 3 new bronze works for Open Studios and a new body of landscape work called Everyday Karoo. “All I really want is to continuously get lost in the creative process and I would love my work to evoke some thought, emotion or comment by the viewer.”
Di van der Riet Steyn is a jeweller who makes pieces incorporating ‘found’ objects. Her current line ‘Karoo Blues’ is inspired by the collection of crockery shards she has gathered over the years.
Diane Johnson-Ackerman is currently working for an exhibition in Swakopmund in August this year, based on the architecture of the town. “I am enthralled by the eclectic mix of the European influence on the African culture.”
Erika van Zyl is an impressionist working in oils, preferring to work en-plein air and a la prima. “The unspoiled raw Karoo landscape speaks to me and painting outside on locations is my favourite workplace. Painting the light is my main intention.”
Heleen de Haas is a conceptual artist who uses letters a her medium, in land art installations, hand-carved on local stones, on ceramics, for interior decorating, calligraphy on hand made and moulded paper, and a unique lettered labyrinth in a dry dam.
Di Smith, Vulnus, bronze

Di van der reit Steyn, Karoo Blues

John O’Sullivan, Untitled
John O’Sullivan paints in watercolours, oils and acrylics. His latest work features some of the iconic views and buildings around Prince Albert. He also has a passionate interest in sailing craft and creates models from found objects.
Kevin de Klerk uses wild animals as a vehicle to express the similarities between man and beast, particularly African Wild Dogs and Hyenas. He uses these as metaphors for the complexities of being human.
Maruanda Wynne is a thread artist, specializing in hand embroidery and hand quilting. “I prefer to use fabric that had a previous life.” She had an overwhelming reaction to her latest embroidery, a pair of red shoes which sold before it was completed. Pat Hyland makes “Functional art with steampunk tendencies. My lamps often incorporate old Land Rover parts. Recently my designs have evolved into incorporating other found objects, for example espresso machine parts and bicycle parts.”
Rebecca Haysom Rebecca Haysom works in the form of intimate narrative collages, and playful installation elements, as well as drawing and painting.
Renée Calitz works in many media to “slowly make sense of life.” Her current work is with thread. “The process of stitching by hand is like mapping a journey between the different ‘layers’ of life.”

Above: Renee Calitz, My Garden. Opposite Page: Maruanda Wynne, Red Shoes

Pat Hyland in his studio
Sally Arnold focuses on detailed, realist pencil drawings and oil paintings of magnified botanical subjects, alluding to imbalances in endangered Nature.
Sonja Fourie’s studio is part of her Karoo shop Moeder Aarde. “My favourite medium is acrylic, which works perfectly for me while I am working during quiet hours in my shop/ studio and living space.”
Sue Hoppe is a multimedia painter/ photographer whose work has been impacted strongly by her move to Prince Albert. “My current work has morphed into a celebration of ‘Karooness’, mostly in cyanotype, encaustic and ceramics.
Sue Savage hand-builds her ceramic pieces. “The Karoo rain bowls are the start of a series celebrating the force of nature that is rain in the Karoo, and of other elemental forces - wind, dust, heat, and freezing winter temperatures.”
Prince Albert Community Trust will be hosting acrylic painter Elcado Blom at the POP Centre. Elcado began with portraits of local people. Louis Jansen van Vuuren saw his talent and has been mentoring him. Selwyn Maans will also be exhibiting. He heads up Knipoog Media Team of PACT (the in-house media crew for Pact who provide all visual images, videos and posters posted daily on all social media platforms.)

Sue Hoppe Karoo, Reminiscence 3
Prince Albert Gallery will be hosting:
Anna Marie Stone, who paints mainly in soft pastels and oil on canvas. “I came to the Karoo to work and to be inspired by a different landscape, ways of being, interesting people and new experiences.”
Deidre Maree, who paints in oil and acrylic. “I use images from personal experience and transform them through mark-making to create detailed, dynamic surfaces.”
Turid Bergstedt, who has been making kaleidoscopes since 1992. “My passion is not only the science and mathematics involved in the process, but that the making puts one in touch with oneself.”
Prince Albert Open Studios - Art in the heart of the Karoo 16th to 19th June 10 am to 5 pm.
Colourful bunting and distinctive blue A-frame boards will point the way. Maps available from Prince Albert Gallery, PA Tourism and Guesthouses.
See website for details, www.princealbertopenstudios.co.za