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“Woolscape (Wool+ Landscape) is a landscape that takes the symbolism and sign form of wool strands and projects the image of modern life on objects.
The image is located between the boundary between reality and symbolism, and the image created by gathering small strands of wool metaphorically depicts the life of modern people living in society (pattern) by gathering small individual roles that seem meaningless in modern society. In addition, it looks at the problems of modern society, the environment, and individual identity from a new perspective through the change of the physical properties of things and contains the meaning of warm healing. Although the image may look realistic, it evokes curiosity and
The 'Woolscape' (wool + landscape) image is located at the boundary between the reality of an object and its symbolic expression.
situational imagination for symbolic expression. In the repeated process of drawing the strands of thread day by day, at the beginning and end of the day, the relationship between the individual and society and the act of connection and separation are continuously occurring. The strands of thread contain symbolism and take the form of repetitive symbols. A single strand of thread is a symbolic form of human beings, and it can be viewed as a fragment of daily time or memory or as a relationship between the individual and society. We want to increase the meaning of individual life in modern society, and we repeatedly express minimal images. It deals with the problem of individual identity in modern society.
The embracing or entangled approach hints at how society lives today. In addition, it takes a deeper look into the symbolic society made up of tiny strands of thread and metaphorically expresses the seemingly insignificant personal identity and the role of life.”

“Woolscape Some Day” Oil on Canvas 35.8”x25.5”