1 minute read
I want people to find the story behind the image. When colors come together just right, I’m in awe of that beauty and want others to feel that power. The contrasts in ordinary objects catch my eye, and I want to convey that intrigue to others. Brilliant colors draw me in to create something new and unusual. I’m attracted to open landscapes, like wide-open wheat fields or grassy, rolling hills. Experimenting with the editing process is fascinating, but I always come back to light and shadows.

“The Blinding Lights” Digital Photography, 2708x1746

“Desert Magic” Digital Photography, 3080x2100
Meghan Poynor is already an award-winning landscape and fine art photographer at 22. Her first awarded photo was “Mysterious Sadness,” a haunting statue that sits in a local cemetery. Following that win, she received awards for “God’s Light in the Darkness” (landscape), “Glass of Red” (fine art), “Individuality” (nature), and “Reflections” (landscape).
Additionally, her black & white image of a hand holding magnolia petals, titled “Elegance,” was selected in 2019 for
“Flowering Cosmos” Digital Photography, 3648x2432
“Tres Amigos” Digital Photography, 4200x5639 “Heavenly Body” Digital Photography, 4480x6720

“The Masked Phantom” Digital Photography, 3648x5472

exhibition in the Longview Museum of Fine Arts, and then again in 2021 in a juried black and white exhibition at A Smith Gallery, Johnson City, Texas.
She has recently been selected as a 2022 ArtTour International Magazine Top 60 Masters of Contemporary Art, and she is currently a part of the “Butterfly Effect” online exhibition by Contemporary Art Curator.
She is a member of the Professional Photographers of America and the Texas Professional Photographers Association.

“5T3A0126-2” Digital Photography, 1200x1690