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Tom Ashbourne
“After a successful career as a corporate executive, I joined the artistic community as a stone sculptor, my favorite art form, and found my passion and myself in the world of fine art.
My sculptures are an extension of my artistic experiences. As an art lover and collector, my interests are eclectic, exploring colors, shapes, and textures. As a sculptor, I primarily work with stone, interacting with it to reveal the essence and vision of its true self. Interpreting and viewing a sculpture is a personal emotional experience unique to each person. My pieces are contemporary and abstract, inviting you to experience them within your own context and personal interpretation of their meaning. Like me, they don’t have many sharp edges; rather curves, positive and negative space, and conversation between the different sides of the stone.
My creativity is born from the wonderful art I’ve enjoyed during my life, a fertile imagination, and a deep appreciation of form, texture, and color. My technical expertise was developed through training and mentorship by renowned artists and my cherished collection of sculptural pieces, collected throughout my years as a patron. Together, these experiences have allowed me to develop my artistic eye and sense of balance and color.
Sculpting is a solitary but rewarding art form. Each day brings new ideas, experiences, and successes. My technical range and artistic abilities continually evolve as I mature as an artist, with each new piece lending me the confidence to continue to build my substantial portfolio”. - Tom Ashbourne SSC SCA OSA
“Jurrasic” South African Wonderstone, billiard ball, granite base 11″ high * 11″ wide * 7″ deep “Passion” Alabaster, marble base, 15″ high * 4″ wide * 4″ deep

Pearl Soapstone, granite base 16.5”x11.5″x6.5″