1 minute read
Kimberly Berg
“Awaken My Beloved 03”, Pastel, 30”x19”
“Awaken My Beloved 01” Pastel, 30”x19”
The figure holding a ram’s horn in these paintings is the reproduction of a carving of a Paleolithic Goddess at the opening to the Laussel cave in southern France. It was carved as early as 26,000 BC. No matter how represented, the Goddess was honored and worshipped for thousands of years in Paleolithic and Neolithic times. Later the observance of a male God was established. He condemned women from nearly the first day of creation, according to the Biblical account. Whether the Biblical account is taken seriously or not, many men still condemn women as weak and subject to a preponderance of human faults.,
My art is an attempt to set the record straight... As a history major, I find the well-documented historical record of women’s spirituality by Layne Redmond WHEN THE DRUMMERS. WERE WO-
“Awaken My Beloved 02” Pastel, 30”x19”
MEN largely ignored today. If humanity once worshipped a female Goddess, I feel that women and men are ill-served today. Why must a women’s spirituality that once flourished for tens of thousands of years in Paleolithic and Neolithic times no longer have any credibility?..
By combining the poetic word with the art image, I have created a compelling expression that addresses the dark chasm of contemporary feminine spirituality. AWAKEN MY BELOVED is an attempt to restore women’s ancient spiritual soul.