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Jaraide Dossavi is an artist using multidimensional concepts and ideas to express higher ideas and multidimensional ideas and perspectives. His artwork is a higher expression of how to contact different realities as well as the process of making the invisible visible. He thanks the higher dimensions and extraterrestrial realities for becoming visible through the process of communion and the www.jaraidedossavi.wixsite.com/dossavihealing.com blessing of the higher realms for becoming visible through the 3rd eye and higher perspectives.
Through the voice of art that he speaks with, his artwork is an expression of planting seeds of higher consciousness to expand consciousness on planet Earth. He channels the artwork through the blissful and star knowledge of the times, past, present, and future. The soul is expressed through these crystalline indigo timelines of the multidimensional time matrix. The multiverse and the ascension of the soul into higher realms are what he expresses through his art.