Laura Castellanos | Bodega (Love Materials)

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s o n a l l e t s a C a r u a L

a g e d o B i a ls) ( L o v e M at e r

nuar D e c e m b e r 6 , 2 0 18 - J a

y 2 6 , 2 0 19

ABOUT ARTXCHANGE GALLERY ArtXchange Gallery is a contemporary intercultural art gallery that inspires cultural exploration, the expansion of global community and the exchange of ideas through art. We exhibit art from around the world that reflects the diversity of influences shaping the Seattle community and contemporary global culture.

nos returns to ArtXchange Gallery with her Castella Laura biggest installation yet, transforming the gallery into a glittery, interactive ‘bodega.’ Inspired by the memory of the bodega (small neighborhood store) owned by her Cuban grandparents in the early ’60s and partially re-creating the funky masterpiece of her brightly painted studio itself, this bodega offers everything from vibrant paintings to hand puppets to wearable art. Providing an absurdly refreshing and strangely uplifting escape from the seriousness of today’s world, this wide range is meant to make a piece of the artist’s love and humor affordable to all. “Life with art has a curative outcome,” writes Castellanos. “It allows us to re-imagine what is possible while promoting a thriving synergy between mind and spirit. Being on a budget shouldn’t get in the way of living with art.” In the spirit of Castellanos’ ‘Love Materials,’ ArtXchange Gallery is transforming their gallery space for December and January to become an interactive version of the artist’s visionary world – and everything splashed with Castellanos signature dark humor and unmistakable style.

Ojo duro

an gr y jes us latex on canvas 12 x 12 inches

Don ’ t Tre ad On Me P re t t y Boy latex on canvas 12 x 12 inches

P e t Dra g on latex on canvas 20 x 20 inches

Tri p le Thi rd E ye latex on canvas 36 x 36 inches

G ard en Sn ake latex on canvas 12 x 12 inches

N er vou s Si ste r s latex on canvas 20 x 20 inches

M o ody H ose latex on canvas 20 x 20 inches

Tur tle , Tur tle latex on canvas 12 x 12 inches

Be ak P i le latex on canvas 12 x 12 inches

Bi rd E yes latex on canvas 12 x 12 inches

Pai n ted Bl ack latex on canvas 20 x 20 inches

Sh ady G ree n latex on canvas 20 x 20 inches

On e M yl ar, T wo L ate x latex on canvas 20 x 20 inches

Bl ack R ose latex on canvas 12 x 12 inches

Est a en Alg o latex on canvas 36 x 36 inches

Tai l Sp i n latex on canvas 12 x 12 inches

Th ree Li cks latex on canvas 12 x 12 inches

On e Sh oe Cli p, On e E arr i n g latex on canvas 36 x 36 inches

“Li fe wi th ar t ha s a cu rat ive ou tc om e. It al lo ws us to re-im ag ine wh at is po ss ibl e wh ile pr om ot ing a th riving syn er gy be tw ee n min d an d sp irit. Be ing on a bu dg et sh ou ld n’t ge t in th e way of living wi th ar t. Th at’ s wh y I cr eat ed th e “Bo dega” (Lo ve Mate ria ls) . It’s a co nc ep t exhib itio n wi th an eye to wa rd s en ric hin g an ar t lo ve r’s lif e in un expect ed ways.” Laura Caste llano s, 2018


y n a p Com

series of 30 paintings latex paint on cardboard sizes variable, approximately 25 x 15 inches

Eye Pudding

series of 9 dolls mixed media and re-purposed garment sizes variable, approximately 20 x 10 inches



series of 6 clown puppets plaster of Paris, vintage faux fur, pigment and re-purposed garment sizes variable, approximately 15 x 8 inches

s w o l l i P Ojo

series of 9 pillows re-purposed sweat shir ts and pigment 18 x 20 inches


series of 18 hand puppets plaster of Paris, re-purposed bed sheet, pigment and copper leaf 13 x 6 inches

Bruja Balls

series of 11 necklaces sculpey clay, pigment and leather cord sizes variable, 20 inches length


series of 9 tote bags pigment on cot ton canvas 15 x 20 inches

Ropa Vieja

Bru ji ta re-purposed denim, pigment, re-purposed vintage but tons and wig 26 x 13 inches

This Ai n ’ t N o Li gh t Wei gh t Clo wn re-purposed denim, pigment, re-purposed vintage faux fur, skir t and but tons 24 x 11 inches

) B ack Up Clo wn s (on e, T wo an d Th ree re-purposed sock , pigment, found plastic mold and vintage faux fur 17 x 10 inches

Di ab lo

Di ab l a

re-purposed shir t, thread and plastic cabochons 25 x 10 inches

re-purposed t-shir t and vintage but tons 22 x 8 inches

All E ar s

P uf f H e ad

re-purposed denim, thread 34 x 13 inches

re-purposed denim, pigment and thread 26 x 13 inches

Cuban-American, Seattle based artist Laura Castellanos has been conjuring urbanbruja-magic since the early 80’s. Born in Manhattan in the early 60’s, she grew up in New York and moved to Miami in 1979. In 1984, she received a “Marty Colker” visual art’s scholarship while attending Miami’s Florida International University and went on to study fine art painting. She moved to Seattle in the early 1990s where she established a successful art practice. She is a recipient of the prestigious Pollock-Krasner grant, a Neddy Award nominee and the creator of the 1993 annual Bumbershoot poster. Laura has exhibited in many public venues including Center on Contemporary Arts (CoCA), SAM gallery, Anne Focke Gallery at Seattle City Hall, Kirkland Art Center, Moses Lake Museum and Gallery 4Culture. She has been featured several times on the Seattle Channel’s Emmy award winning “Art Zone” with Nancy Guppy and in publications including City Arts Magazine and the Dutch magazine “Textiel Plus”. Laura’s recent public art projects include the City of Seattle’s “Civic Square Fence” and the Amazon Storefronts Program. Her work is in public collections including the Tacoma Art Museum and the City of Seattle. Laura continues to live and work in downtown Seattle and is represented by ArtXchange Gallery. Her work is part of several public art collections, including the Tacoma Art Museum, City of Seattle Permanent Collection and Seattle City Lights Portable Works Collection. Laura is an xcawardee of the prestigious Pollock-Krasner award and an Artist Trust GAP grant recipient. Photo by Cora Edmonds

512 1st Avenue S. Seattle, WA 98104 206.839.0377 Cora Edmonds GALLERY DIRECTOR Lauren Davis ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Clarissa Gines EXHIBITIONS MANAGER Cover: details of Esto en Algo © November 2018 No part of this publication may be reproduced without consent from ArtXchange Gallery and the artist Images of studio courtesy of the artist and ArtXchange Gallery Catalog design by Clarissa Gines

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