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2.5 Underconsumed FSI

potential for future economic growth

As per the development plan, the allowable FSI in R1 residential area is 2.7, 2.0 in Gamtal, and 4.0 in TOZ which means that 57% land of the precinct can have an FSI of 4. Currently 52% land have an FSI close to 1.0, 27% close to 2.0, and 13% plots have FSI less than 0.6. 8% plots having FSI in the range of 2.4 -5.0 are the plots where newly built high rises are situated. Average FSI of the precinct is 1.08 this low FSI value is due to more numbers of single family units rather than multi family. Another reason could be the filling up of land during


57% land has 4 allowable FSI 33% land has 2.7 allowable FSI 10% land has 2 allowable FSI

1970’s when the allowable FSI values were not very high. Most of the building are 30-40 yrs old and have not changed much since.

Low rise semi-detached dwellings are the reason for low FSI in the precinct. Medium rise apartments with an FSI of 2 might also go for future expansion. High rise apartments with higher FSI are slowly coming,

52% 0.7-1.4 27% 1.5-2.3 13% 0-0.6 8% 2.4-5.0


In the precinct only 10% of the plots are developed to its full potential while 42% have achieved half of the allowable FSI. 48% plots are underdeveloped and needs redevelopment to higher FSI. Future proposals and policies like transport hub, metro corridor, and redevelopment of Nava Vadaj area under TOZ will trigger the market in the precinct to redevelop to its full potential and we might see high rise commercial and mixed development instead of single family residential typology.

10% developed 42% half-developed 48% underdeveloped

FSI ALLOWABLE : As per Ahmedabad Development plan 2021


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