Projects 项目
Arup Associates 1963 –2013
Contents 内容
Essay Total Architecture
Projects Arup Associates 1963–2013
The Arup Journals
短文 所有建筑
Arup Associates 1963–2013
Introduction Arup Associates 2013
50 years have, of course, been witness to considerable change in design practices, in procurement and globalisation. Yet, the core ideas of Arup Associates have remained relevant throughout the history of the practice and indeed relative to the wider industry. Ove Arup’s idea of a “total architecture”, in which architects and engineers inform building concept and design development equally, responds well to today’s demand for complex buildings that need to perform well on many levels. Society’s need for a humane, meaningful and inspiring architecture, continues to be as relevant now as ever before. While the need to build in ways that exploit new technologies and use resources wisely is a necessary priority for the future. At 50, Arup Associates is at an age where there are the beginnings of a legacy. A legacy that thanks to Ove Arup and Philip Dowson’s immense foresight in the creation of this unique collaborative ‘experiment’ still informs our present and future. 006
Each generation has interpreted Arup Associates’ mission in relation to its own time but always with the underpinning of shared values and commitment to pioneering design through integrated working. A common DNA which links the studio’s output through 50 years of continuous innovation. Each individual, we are sure, has felt that they are part of a design collaborative that has a unique ethos and shared goals. Goals that are not about individuals’ careers, or fame but prioritise the work above all else. A deliberate focus on how architecture and engineering can contribute to a sense of common good. This catalogue recognises the founding partners who created this unique studio and originally proposed it as an ‘experiment’. The work is a celebration of all the individuals past and present who have uniquely contributed to creating this enduring legacy. The ‘experiment’ looks forward to the next 50. 007
Arup Associates 2013
在半个世纪的漫长岁月中,随着采购方式的变革和全球化的 深入,建筑设计业务产生了巨大的变化。在这段时间跨度中,Arup Associates却有所不变,始终坚持自己的核心理念和跨领域合作的 精神。奥雅纳爵士提出“建筑全局观”思维,意即建筑师和工程师 必须兼顾建筑理念和设计过程,这一思想与当今倡导的多功能的一 体化建筑不谋而合。 社会对人性化且创意性的建筑有着比以往更强烈的需求。而未 来建筑的发展趋势,是更多地运用高新科技并巧妙地利用资源。 50岁的Arup Associates已经积淀了丰厚的品牌资产。回顾当 初,在奥雅纳爵士和菲利普·道森 (Philip Dowson) 怀着“试一 试”的心理开创了Arup Associates的前身——奥雅纳工程顾问公司 (Ove Arup & Partners) ,而二人的远见卓识始终指引公司今后的发 展方向。 在奥雅纳工作的每一代人,都以共同的价值观、开拓创新精神 和团队协作精神,在所处的时代中写下光辉灿烂的设计篇章。所有 的设计作品都一脉相承地阐释了奥雅纳的核心设计理念。
奥雅纳的每一名员工共同构成了一个富有创见又合作共进的 设计团队。员工始终将设计工作放在首位,而将个人的名誉和职 业发展放在其次。这是因为,使建筑和工程为用户带来最大利益 才是我们关注的焦点。 本手册介绍了Arup Associates的两位创始人最初是如何仅 抱着“试一试”的态度而创立了这个传奇的事务所。公司之所以 取得优良业绩并积淀雄厚资产,完全是过去和现在所有员工共同 努力的成果。Arup Associates将满怀憧憬,再接再厉,准备迎接 下一个奋进而感动的五十年。
Kenneth Powell
Total Architecture: Arup Associates 1963–2013 一体化建筑:
Arup Associates 1963–2013
Sir Ove Arup visits the Kingsgate Footbridge in Durham during construction in 1963.
“ Great architecture is often produced by people who apparently don’t care a damn about sensible buildings”, Ove Arup told an audience at the RIBA in June, 1966. He had just received the Institute’s Royal Gold Medal for services to architecture from its then President, Lord Esher. Arup’s message to the architectural profession was clear: “good design should embody a sensible way of building”. Architecture, he insisted, “is not just a visual art”.1 Sir Ove Arup (1895 –1988; knighted in 1971), who was born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne of Danish parents, had returned to Britain in 1923, working for the civil engineers Christiani & Nielsen and developing expertise in the design of reinforced concrete structures. From 1934 on, as design director of J.L. Kier & Co., he had become part of a circle including many pioneers of the newly-fledged Modern Movement in Britain, joining the MARS Group and working with the émigré architect Berthold Lubetkin on a number of projects including the Penguin Pool at London Zoo and the Highpoint flats. Arup had considered becoming an architect, rather than an engineer, “but I did not feel sure that I could become a first-rate architect”.2 In 1946 he established the practice of Ove N. Arup, Consulting Engineers – it became Ove Arup & Partners in 1949. Ove Arup’s passionate interest in architecture was reflected in his ideal of creating “total architecture in collaboration with other like-minded individuals” and in the projects he undertook with the leading architectural practices of the post-war years, including Architects’ Co-Partnership, Fry & Drew, Drake & Lasdun, Peter and Alison Smithson, and Basil Spence. But in 1963 a new architectural practice which bore his name was launched – to the annoyance of some of his former collaborators, who did not welcome the emergence of a competitor on the scene. The practice employed both architects and engineers: a radical idea at that time. 012
1 RIBA Journal, August, 1966, p.352, 355, 358. 2 Ibid., p.352.
1 英国皇家建筑师学会杂 志,1966年8月, 352 页, 355 页, 358 页. 2 Ibid., 352 页.
“如果建筑师能够深入地进行设计,而不流于建筑的表面修饰,那么他将创造出伟大的 建筑”。这是奥雅纳爵士1966年6月参加英国皇家建筑师学会会议时的发言。为表彰他为当 时总统Lord Esher设计的各种杰出建筑,学会向他颁发了皇家金奖。Arup向业内传递的信 息很明确:“优秀的建筑应具备合理的设计。”他始终坚持着自己的建筑理念:“建筑并 不只是视觉艺术”。1 奥雅纳爵士(1895-1988年,1971年被封为爵士)出生于英国纽卡斯 尔,父母是丹麦人。1923年他回到了英国,与土木工程师Christiani和Nielsen一同工作, 并专攻钢筋混凝土结构的设计。1934年,奥雅纳爵士开始担任J.L. Kier & Co公司的设计总 监,并逐渐接触了许多英国的现代主义运动先驱。在此期间,他加入了MARS集团,并携 手俄侨建筑师Berthold Lubetkin共同参与了多个建筑项目,其中包括著名的伦敦动物园企 鹅水塘和Highpoint公寓。然而,奥雅纳爵士并不满足于工程师的工作,他更希望成为一名 建筑师,“但我不知道自己是否能成为一流的建筑师”。2 1946年,他创办了Ove N. Arup 咨询工程公司,这是1949年成立的奥雅纳工程顾问公司(Ove Arup & Partners) 的前身。 奥雅纳爵士的“一体化建筑”理念旨在集结志同道合的各界人士,将不同行业的智 慧凝聚在建筑设计中。这也是他对建筑的热情所在。在二战结束之后,他与多个当时著 名的建筑公司开展合作,其中包括Architects’ Co-Partnership、Fry & Drew、Drake & Lasdun、Peter和Alison Smithson,以及Basil Spence等。1963年,以奥雅纳爵士名字 命名的一家新型建筑师事务所正式成立。对此,奥雅纳爵士以前的合作伙伴甚为不快,因 为他们从此多了一个强大的竞争对手。这所全新的事务所同时雇佣建筑师与工程师——这 在当时是个十分超前而大胆的理念。
Arup commented: ”architects could not possibly tolerate that they should be employed by engineers, whereas they found it quite in order that architects should employ engineers”.3 The roots of the new practice, Arup Associates, extended back a decade or more, since Ove Arup & Partners had been responsible for the design of a number of industrial buildings, beginning with a factory for Chemical Building Products in Hemel Hempstead, completed in 1955. The Architectural Association school, with which Arup was closely associated, was a natural recruiting ground for architects. The engineer Derek Sugden, who joined Arup in 1953 and became a founder partner of Arup Associates, worked on a number of the factory projects, including the elegant single storey plant for York Shipley at Basildon. But the arrival in the Arup office in 1952 of the young AA graduate Philip Dowson (b.1924) was to have a major impact. Francis Pym (1924 –2009) worked with Dowson for a time before he established his own practice. “Ove was not an architect, but he understood what was good architecture and he had a desire to create or at least play a significant part in creating it”, Sir Jack Zunz recalls. “There was an implicit objective for excellence, to do better than the others, not to be inhibited by standard practices and to embrace innovation as an objective”.4 Indeed, Dowson, the son of a leading South African engineer, might have considered establishing his own independent practice, having secured the commission for new buildings at Somerville College, Oxford, but he chose to remain with Arup and suggested the formation of a “Building Group”, within the engineering practice. It was led by Dowson up to the time of his retirement in 1989 – he became President of the Royal Academy in 1993 – and Ronald (Bob) Hobbs (d.2006), an outstanding engineer who had joined Arup in 1948. The group developed its own momentum and Dowson and Hobbs “wanted to flex their muscles”.5 014
3 Peter Jones, Ove Arup, Masterbuilder of the Twentieth Century (New Haven and London, 2006), p.279. 4 Jack Zunz, “Arup Associates a personal view”, manuscript, quoted with permission of Sir Jack, who joined Arup in 1950 and was later chairman of Ove Arup & Partners. 5 Jack Zunz, “Arup Associates – a personal view”, manuscript, quoted with permission of Sir Jack, who joined Arup in 1950 and was later chairman of Ove Arup & Partners.
3 Peter Jones和奥雅纳爵士, 20世纪的两位建筑大师(纽黑 文和伦敦,2006年),279页 4 Jack Zunz, “Arup Associates——个人观点”, 原稿,经批准引用。Jack爵士 在1950年加入奥雅纳,其后担 任了Ove Arup & Partners的 董事长。 5 Jack Zunz, “Arup Associates——个人观点”, 原稿,经批准引用。Jack爵士 在1950年加入奥雅纳,其后担 任了Ove Arup & Partners的 董事长。
奥雅纳评论说:“建筑师不甘心在工程师手下工作,相反他们认为工程师应当为 建筑师打下手。”3 Arup Associates所采用的这种新型模式可追溯至十年或更早以 前。Arup Associates的前身是奥雅纳工程顾问公司(Ove Arup & Partners),从事于 各种工业建筑的设计,最早的作品是1955年赫默尔亨普斯特德的化工厂。建筑联盟学院 (Architectural Association school)是建筑人才的摇篮,奥雅纳爵士与该学院长期保持 着紧密联系。工程师Derek Sugden在1953年加入Ove Arup & Partners,后来成为Arup Associates的创始人之一。他参与了众多工厂项目的设计,包括为York Shipley集团打造 的位于巴斯尔登的单层厂房。Philip Dowson生于1924年,以优异的成绩毕业于建筑联盟 学院。年纪轻轻的他在1952年加入了奥雅纳办公室,为公司带来了巨大的影响。Francis Pym(1924-2009)曾与Dowson共事,当时Dowson还没有自己的事务所。“尽管奥雅纳 爵士并不是一名建筑师,但他明白什么才是优秀的建筑,他内心充满了创作的欲望,哪怕 无法担当设计,他仍会在创作过程中起到至关重要的作用。”Jack Zunz爵士回忆道,“所 谓的杰出有着更深层的含义,你必须做得比任何人都好,不断打破常规,推陈出新。”4 诚 然,作为南非杰出工程师之子,Dowson曾考虑过建立自己的事务所,以接下牛津大学萨 默维尔学院新建筑设计项目,然而他选择了留在奥雅纳,并建议在工程事务所中设立“建 筑小组”。直至到1989年退休,Dowson一直经营着这个建筑小组——1993年他成为了皇 家学院的主席——其后该小组由杰出的工程师Ronald (Bob) Hobbs (d.2006)接管,他早在 1948年便已加入奥雅纳。该建筑小组在业内独树一帜,Dowson和Hobbs均表示“希望未 来它能够大展拳脚” 。5
Arup Associates在1963年成立后不久,Derek Sugde成为了第三位创始合伙人。 015
Leckhampton House Corpus Christi College Cambridge, England
So in 1963 Arup Associates was launched, with Derek Sugden in due course as the third founding partner. Ove Arup enthusiastically endorsed the new venture as an expression of the integration of architecture and engineering which he had long espoused. The other guiding principle which was to be fundamental to the operations of the practice was that of teamwork – the emphasis was on the team, not on named individuals. Every project undertaken was – and remains – open to wide debate and criticism within the office in an ethos of shared values. Arup Associates has always been averse to the cult of personality, and prioritised the quality and substance of the work above all else to the extent that the authorship of projects is always assigned to the team, regardless of the contribution of individuals, whether they are leading partners or young associates. Ove Arup recognised the increasingly important part that services would play in the design of buildings and recruited a small team of specialist engineers – quantity surveyors too soon joined the team. A particular area of work which the newly formed multi-disciplinary practice set out to develop was that of university buildings. The Robbins Report of 1963 set out an agenda for the massive expansion of higher education. In fact, the first of the new universities had already opened and older institutions, including Oxford and Cambridge, were set on major expansion. Dowson (who had studied at Oxford and Cambridge) won the commission for the first of three new residential buildings for Somerville College, Oxford, in 1958. Buildings for Corpus Christi College and Trinity Hall at Cambridge, and University and St John’s colleges in Oxford followed, along with commissions from both universities (notably for the Department of Nuclear Physics at Oxford and the development of the New Museums site in Cambridge). Beyond Oxbridge, Arup Associates designed a major building for 016
CIBA Multi-Purpose Building Duxford, England
奥雅纳爵士热衷于尝试将工程与建筑完美融合,这也是他一直以来所信奉的理念。事务 所的另一项经营准则就是“团队合作”——一切以团队为重,而非个人。团队成员一直 以来都拥有相同的价值观,在每个项目的实施过程中,办公室中总少不了激烈的讨论与批 评。Arup Associates一直反对个人崇拜,所有工作均以质量为重,因此所有项目的版权都 属于整个建筑小组,即无论你是主要领导者还是年轻成员,也不论个人贡献的多少,Arup Associates都将一视同仁。 奥雅纳爵士认识到在建筑设计行业中,服务品质的重要性将日益攀升,因此他召集 了一批专业工程师组成一支小组,并在小组中安排工料测量师这一职务。从此,一个全新 的拥有跨界人才的设计团队就此建成,而他们早先的设计项目以大学建筑为主。1963年 的罗宾斯报告(Robbins Report)提出对高校进行大规模扩建的议案。事实上,第一批 新建大学早已投入使用,而老学校(包括牛津和剑桥大学)也早已开始进行扩建。1958 年,Dowson(曾在牛津与剑桥大学学习)赢得了牛津大学萨默维尔学院三栋新学生公寓 的设计项目。他不但参与建设了剑桥大学的基督圣体学院和三一大厅学堂、牛津大学的圣 约翰学院,此后还为该两所大学设计了其他大量建筑(最著名的建筑是牛津大学的核物理 系与剑桥大学的新博物馆区)。
the departments of mining and metallurgy at Birmingham University, a masterplan and a number of buildings for Loughborough, and buildings for the universities of Leicester, Surrey, Aston and East Anglia. Industrial projects continued to flow into the office, including a striking series of production and laboratory buildings for CIBA at Duxford, on which Derek Sugden worked with Dowson, and facilities for Evode in Stafford. In 1966 Arup Associates began work on the first of a long series of commissions, extending over the next 20 years, from IBM, the American computer giant then greatly expanding its operations in Britain and seeking to maintain a record of enlightened patronage. In 1965 the practice was commissioned by Benjamin Britten to undertake the conversion of part of the redundant maltings at Snape, Suffolk, into a concert hall for the Aldeburgh Festival, a project led by Derek Sugden who, trained as a structural engineer, was later to establish Arup Acoustics and to become recognised as a leading authority on acoustic design. Within a few years of its foundation, Arup Associates had become a major player on the British architectural scene. Arup Associates embodied the ideal of “total architecture” set out by Ove Arup – “total design is the key to the whole thing”, he argued. “Once you have that, everything else follows: the appearance of the job, the siting, its character, usefulness, cost, durability, everything”...6 In many respects, the early factory projects contained many of the elements which were to define Arup Associates’ approach to the design of a wide variety of buildings. Built to quite modest budgets, they were projects “ in which structure and services and their relation to industrial organisation play an important role and do so in a very overt way”.7 Integration of structure and services was the key issue, linked to the creation of flexible production space. Arup Associates’ development of the “tartan grid” was a key move in this process of integration – the rational grid 018
6 RIBA Journal, August, 1966, p.357.
6 英国皇家建筑师学会杂 志,1966年,357页
7 Michael Brawne, Arup Associates: the biography of an architectural practice (London, 1983), p.33.
7 Michael Brawne, Arup Associates:传奇的建筑事务所 (伦敦,1983年),33页
除了牛津和剑桥大学的项目,Arup Associates也为伯明翰大学的矿冶系设计了主楼,为拉 夫伯勒进行了整体建筑规划并设计了大量建筑,同时也参与了莱斯特、萨里、阿斯顿和东 英格利亚大学的校园建设。与此同时,事务所还时常接手工业项目,包括Derek Sugden与 Dowson为达克斯福德CIBA公司合作设计的工厂与实验楼,以及斯塔福伊沃粉末涂料公司 (Evode)的厂房。1966年起,Arup Associates与美国的电子设备巨头IBM展开了长达20 年的项目合作,公司继而迅速扩大在英国的业务,并致力于同高端客户保持长期的合作关 系。1965年,事务所受到了Benjamin Britten的委托,将萨福克郡斯内普小镇上多余的麦芽 为原料改建了一座音乐厅,用以举办奥尔德堡音乐节。该项目由Derek Sugden负责,这位 杰出的结构工程师也是Arup Acoustics初创时期的元老之一,并在日后成为了盛名远播的声 学设计权威专家。经过几年的发展,Arup Associates逐渐成长为英国建筑界的领军企业。 Arup Associates始终坚持奥雅纳爵士所提出的“一体化建筑”理念,爵士曾说“只 要做好一体化设计,外观、选址,还是建筑特色、用途、成本、耐用性等其他方面的工作 都将水到渠成。”6 早期工厂项目在各方面都体现了Arup Associates设计各种建筑的独特 方法。由于客户方面的预算有限,这些设计项目都是“比较注重于该企业生产或经营所需 要的建筑结构和服务功能,这是很常用的方法”7 我们着重将建筑结构和服务功能相融合, 使生产空间更加灵活多样。而Arup Associates研发的“tartan grid天花系统”是完成这一 整合的关键要素。
Mining and Metallurgy University of Birmingham Birmingham, England
which formed the logical basis for modern factory design adapted easily to a system in which the structural bays in the grid housed services, leaving the central bays clear for functional use. The system, which has parallels with the work of Louis Kahn – a potent influence on the practice’s work – whose groundbreaking Richards Medical Research Building was completed in 1964, was adaptable in the case of relatively small or very large buildings and provided open-ended potential for growth. It was clearly as relevant to laboratory as to factory design and was further developed in one of Arup Associates’ ground-breaking early projects, the Mining and Metallurgy Building at Birmingham University, completed in 1966. The building contained laboratories and workshops requiring extensive servicing in terms of power and ventilation. The grid was formed by four grouped columns with spaces for services between them, the services distributed in the 1m depths between the adjacent slabs. One of the first of Arup Associates’ works to be listed, the Mining and Metallurgy Building is architecturally austere, appropriately industrial, with expert use of precast concrete modules. (The practice was pioneering in its use of modular off-site construction methods.) The design strategy for Birmingham was applied again at Loughborough University, not only to the design of laboratory buildings but also to the 1966 masterplan for the entire campus, with a standard square block as the basic unit and buildings designed to be adaptable for laboratory, lecture room or administrative office use. The masterplan has proved to be highly successful, providing a sure base for the subsequent growth of the university. The succession of buildings designed by the practice for various Oxbridge colleges might superficially seem far removed from the more utilitarian laboratories at Birmingham and Loughborough – budgets were typically more generous and contexts more sensitive. But the same principle of structure clearly defining spaces (study020
这一网格天花结构设计合理,各个结构开间提供各种服务,而各中央开间则实现建筑的 首要功能。因此它十分适用于工厂的建筑体系,成为了现代工厂的基础设计模型。Louis Kahn的设计与该模型异曲同工,且影响深远。他在1964年完成了具有划时代意义的 Richards医学研究大楼。大楼的圆满落成表明,该模型能够适用于各种规模的建筑,发展 空间不可限量。工厂与实验室的设计体系十分相似,Arup Associates早期的设计项目涉及 实验室建筑,其中1966年落成的伯明翰大学矿冶系大楼便是最具有突破性的建筑之一。该 建筑中含有实验室及工作间,要求建筑具备强大的供电能力与良好的通风性。每个结构模 块由四根系柱围成,内部布置了服务空间,水平向的服务流线在1米高的楼板夹层里完成。 作为Arup Associates的代表作之一,伯明翰大学矿冶系的设计十分简朴。采用了预制混凝 土模型,结构设计十分合理。(该建筑开创了非现场的模块化施工方法。)其后,事务所 将伯明翰大学的设计方法同样应用到拉夫伯勒大学的建筑上,而这次不仅仅设计了实验大 楼,更利用这一方法设计了1966年整个校园的总体规划。其中采用了传统的标准方形模块 作为基础单元,并根据实验室、教室、办公室等不同的用途对各大楼进行了精心设计。这 份总体规划大获成功,为日后校园的扩建打下了坚实的基础。 相比牛津与剑桥大学各学院的一系列建筑,伯明翰与拉夫伯勒大学的实验室项目显得 较为不同。毕竟牛津与剑桥的项目实用性更强、预算更充裕并且很大程度上影响着校园的 整体形象。虽然项目任务书各不相同,但这些建筑都采用了相同的设计原理,清晰划分各 个使用空间(如学生的卧室兼书房),并巧妙整合服务空间。
Study-bedroom Somerville Collage, Vaughan Building Oxford, England Model of Gateway 1, Wiggins Teape Wiggins Teape (UK) PLC Basingstoke, England Heavy Plate Shop, HM Dockyard Department of the Environment Portsmouth, England
bedrooms for students) and the integration of services equally applied, though the practical brief was very different. Designing student rooms, Philip Dowson commented, was about reconciling potentially conflicting demands. The study-bedroom was “a place of work and sleep, a retreat and a place to entertain, a place of privacy yet identifiably part of a larger community”.8 Instead of a large, flexible production or laboratory space, the basic unit of the building was a room to be inhabited by one person. Arup Associates’ expertise in the use of pre-cast concrete was crucial to the development of the structural screen wall (or “exo-skeleton”) which is a feature of all the Oxbridge residential projects. The strategy was satisfying in several respects: it was structurally rational and “honest”, with the structure clearly expressed in the architecture, and equally gave the buildings a sense of decorum which was appropriate to the context. (The concrete mix included French limestone, providing crispness and sparkle to the façades.) This succession of college projects culminated in the Sir Thomas White Building at St John’s, Oxford, completed in 1976. Arup Associates, like Powell & Moya, another practice responsible for some oustanding work in Oxford and Cambridge, might have been an obvious candidate for a commission to design one of the new universities of the 1960s. But both practices were heavily engaged elsewhere. For Arup Associates, the design of the workplace remained a major focus. The Horizon Factory for John Player & Sons in Nottingham (1968–71), a building monumental in scale, highly complex in its technology, was completed to a demanding schedule thanks to the work of Arup Associates’ multidisciplinary team. One important feature of the project was a services strategy, including the installation of Britain’s first combined heat and power plant, which produced major savings in energy costs – the “energy crisis” of the 1970s saw Arup 022
8 Architectural Design, April, 1968, p.164.
8 建筑设计,1986年4月,164页
Philip Dowson提到,在学生公寓的设计过程中,关键便是调和各方需求。卧室兼书房 是“工作、休息与娱乐的三位一体,既有属于学生的私人领域,也包括了大量的公用空 间。”8 因此,不同于工厂或实验室宽敞灵活的空间划分,学生公寓的基础单元是单人居住 的小房间。Arup Associates精于使用预制混凝土,有效推动了结构外骨架的发展,如今所 有牛津与剑桥大学的学生公寓都采用了这种结构。这种设计满足了多方面的需求:建筑中 充分体现了结构的合理性,风格简洁明了,显得庄重得体,与校园环境相互辉映。(所采 用的混凝土中加入了法国石灰石,使大楼的外观更加闪亮剔透。)这一系列的建筑在1976 年完成,最终成为了牛津大学圣约翰学院的托马斯·怀特爵士大楼。 Powell & Moya建筑师事务所也参与了众多牛津与剑桥大学杰出项目,在20世纪60年 代,当时它与Arup Associates都能够承包一所新建大学的所有设计项目。然而,当时两 家事务所的业务都较为繁忙。Arup Associates当时的工作重心是工厂车间的设计,其中 最具里程碑意义的是1968-1971年为John Player & Sons烟草公司在诺丁汉建造的地平线 工厂(The Horizon Factory),该工厂规模庞大,建造技术极其复杂,工期紧凑,也因 为有Arup Associates跨领域团队的辛勤付出才能够顺利完成。此项目的其中一个重要特 点就是服务空间的精心规划,包括安装了英国首个“热电联供机组”,有效节省了能源损 耗——面对20世纪70年代的能源危机,Arup Associates未雨绸缪,率先响应了低能耗的 设计要求。
Associates well equipped to respond to the need for low energy design solutions. Industrial buildings continued to form an important part of the practice’s workload – the workshops for the Royal Navy in Portsmouth and the Trebor factory at Colchester were good examples of its expertise. Corporate offices became an equally significant area of work, with the two Gateway office projects in Basingstoke setting a new standard for workplace design. The first was a bespoke scheme for occupation by Wiggins Teape, in which the structural grid defined room-size office spaces but provided scope for subdivision and rearrangement as needed. Planted external terraces were part of a project that was very much about design for users. Gateway 2 was very different, in that the offices were designed with letting in mind – this was Arup Associates’ first speculative office scheme (though Wiggins Teape subsequently occupied the building themselves and let Gateway 1). The budget at Gateway 2 was relatively modest, precluding full air-conditioning. Instead, a big full-height atrium drove a natural ventilation system, using the stack effect. Big pre-cast panels incorporated provision for ventilation and lighting. Gateway 2 became a key project for the office in that it led to developer Stuart Lipton commissioning Arup Associates to design 1 Finsbury Avenue, with its dramatic central atrium and pioneering use of fast-track steel framed construction, using composite metal decking, and, soon after, the whole of the first phase of Broadgate. These commissions positioned the practice as a key player on the City offices scene. Broadgate demonstrated the potential for developing large dealing floor buildings, a new building type generated by the “Big Bang” of 1986, within the historic City of London and giving them a context of enjoyable public spaces. 1 Finsbury Avenue, designed and built before the “Big Bang”, was itself successfully adapted by Arup Associates in 1996–97 to accommodate large dealing floors. 024
此后,工业建筑项目仍是我们的工作重心——朴茨茅斯的皇家海军车间与科尔切斯特的 Trebor工厂充分体现了Arup Associates的专业性特点。与此同时,企业办公室也成为 了事务所的重要涉足领域之一,其中贝辛斯托克的两个Gateway办公室项目则成为了工 作场所设计的行业标杆。第一个项目根据Wiggins Teape公司定制的计划展开,以格网 结构划分整个办公空间,但根据需要可以进行细分与重新编排,且外部绿化阶梯专为使 用者而设计。Gateway 2 项目由于采用了更多灵感,因此实施起来颇有难度,它是Arup Asoociates第一个试验性办公室项目(尽管Wiggins Teape其后独占了整个建筑并出租了 Gateway 1)。Gateway 2的预算经费适中,不需要全套的空调设备。整个开放式大型中 庭利用烟囱效应形成了自然通风系统。大块预制面板能提供通风及采光的性能。Gateway 2办公室项目取得成功后,开发商Stuart Lipton公司委托Arup Asoociates设计1 Finsbury Avenue。该办公室采用了引人注目的中庭设计,首次将速成钢应用于框架结构,并使用了 复合金属面板,很快便完成了Broadgate大楼的第一期。这些项目使Arup Asoociates在城 市办公室设计领域占据了核心地位。Broadgate向世人证明,交易所应当拥有宏伟的交易 大厅,打造更宽敞舒适的公共场所,这种建筑理念在1986年的“金融大改革”中诞生于历 史名城伦敦。在“金融大改革”之前,1 Finsbury Avenue便已经完成了设计和建造。其后 Arup Asoociates便采用这种理念在1996-97年期间成功设计了类似的大型交易大厅。
Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) HQ Bedminster Downs, England 1 Finsbury Avenue Greycoat Estates PLC City of London, England
By the mid-1970s the modernist orthodoxies which had dominated British architecture since 1945 were being increasingly challenged by conservationists, community activists and environmentalists. The mantra “low energy, long life, loose fit” promoted as a new agenda for the profession by RIBA President Alex Gordon in 1971 was one that Arup Associates, more than most practices, found congenial. The offices for CEGB at Bedminster Down in Bristol, completed in 1978, provided an exemplar of low-energy design, using a passive cooling system, with cool night air channelled through voids in the office floors in place of air conditioning. The style of the building, Michael Brawne commented, was “inescapably related to the work of Frank Lloyd Wright... reminiscent of a large Prairie-type house”...9 (Wright, alongside Kahn, injected a clear North American influence into the work of the office.) A similar break with orthodox modernism was reflected in the offices for Lloyd’s of London in Chatham, also completed in 1978, though sweeping tiled roofs and brick elevations were combined with a structural system – the structural bay defined by clusters of columns carrying services – seen more than a decade earlier in the Birmingham laboratories. In this instance, the style of the building was partly driven by a desire to respect the context of adjacent historic naval buildings. The Lloyd’s building, CEGB and Gateway 1, though all designed with a bespoke user in mind, have all adapted well to multi-occupation or, in the case of Lloyd’s, use as a civic headquarters, a reflection of the flexibility of the basic diagram they shared. The 1980s saw British architecture coming under the influence of Post-modern fashions imported from the USA. Even practices with deep roots in modernism succumbed to their lure, sometimes to crude effect. For Arup Associates, style – the superficial look of buildings – had never been a significant issue. (Ove Arup’s comment, already quoted, that “architecture is not just a visual art”, was 026
9 Brawne, op.cit., p.69.
9 Brawne, op.cit., 69页
自1945年起,现代主义的传统观念一直在英国建筑界占据主导地位,直至20世纪70 年代中期才受到自然资源保护者、社团积极分子和环保人士的质疑。1971年,英国皇家 建筑师学会主席Alex Gordon为建筑的专业性提出了“节能、持久、灵活”的口号,而 这一理念与Arup Asoociates的设计宗旨如出一辙。位于布里托斯贝德明斯特的中央电力 局(CEGB)办公室就是节能型建筑的典范。采用了无动力制冷系统,夜间的凉爽空气可 以通过办公室地面的进风口流入,因此无需使用空调。针对建筑风格,Michael Brawne 认为它“具有明显的Frank Lloyd Wright风格,使人想起大型的草原住宅”9(Wright与 Kahn别具一格的南美风情为办公室设计注入了新鲜血液。)另一个打破传统现代主义的办 公室建筑则是位于伦敦查塔姆的劳埃德公司办公室。该建筑于1978年建成,采用了全瓦片 屋顶和砖块立面,而结构区域则利用系柱组提供服务空间——这种设计比伯明翰实验室足 足早十年以上。考虑到周围环境的因素,该建筑的风格有一部分与相邻的古老海军建筑相 契合。从劳埃德大楼、到中央电力局,再到Gateway 1,所有建筑均采用人性化的设计方 案,具备极高的灵活性,能够适应多种行业的使用需求,例如劳埃德大楼如今已用作市民 活动中心。时至20世纪80年代,英国的建筑开始受到美国的后现代主义风格影响。在面对 诱惑与大潮流的冲击之下,一些扎根现代主义土壤的事务所无奈放弃了自己的理念。然而 对于Arup Associates而言,风格——即建筑的外观——从来都不是一个至关重要的问题。 (上文引用奥雅纳爵士的原话“建筑并不只是视觉艺术”始终是Arup Associates的座右 铭,我们致力于“标志性思维胜于标志性风格”。)
District Council Offices Babergh, Suffolk Babergh District Council Hadleigh, England
embodied in the philosophy of the practice, which has consistently aimed at creating “signature thinking, not signature style”.) Developing innovative environmental and energy strategies were more important concerns for the practice. Arup Associates projects increasingly pioneered the integration of passive and active low energy design in architecture, as it had historically with building services and structure. 1 Finsbury Avenue, the first phase of Broadgate, Briarcliffe House, Farnborough and the Royal Life building in Peterborough all reflected a continued commitment to rational modern design and environmental concerns. The offices for Babergh District Council, located in the attractive Suffolk market town of Hadleigh, demonstrated the potential for an undemonstrative but not overtly historicist architecture, with roots in the vernacular tradition, to complement an historic context – the project incorporated five listed buildings, sensitively converted to new use. Arup Associates’ perennial concern for integrated design is apparent in the major headquarters building for Legal & General at Kingswood in Surrey, completed in 1988 and equipped with a raft of measures, including a heat storage system utilising the staff swimming pool, to reduce energy consumption. The layered façade was designed to reduce solar gain but its run of pre-cast concrete columns hinted at the language of Classicism, which emerges more overtly in the domed entrance rotunda. The plan of the complex, focussed on two internal courtyards, equally has a Beaux Arts formality but is both practical and enjoyable in terms of the quality of the working spaces it provides. There was certainly a formal order to Arup Associates’ masterplan for the redevelopment of Paternoster Square, just north of St Paul’s Cathedral, which won an invited competition in 1987. Placed ahead of submissions by Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, James Stirling and others, the masterplan (wrote Francis Duffy) “responded directly 028
Paternoster Square Masterplan Section Stanhope PLC City of London, England
研发新颖的节能环保策略是公司的关注焦点。Arup Associates的项目以先进的被动或主动 节能设计持续领跑建筑设计行业,这是因为我们创立之初就一直遵循的建筑服务与结构并 重的原则。 1 Finsbury Avenue、Broadgate一期大楼、Briarcliffe公寓、范堡罗以及彼得伯勒 的皇家人寿大楼(Royal Life building)都反映了我们对现代设计合理化的追求与对环境 的关怀。巴伯区议会办公室位于哈德利迷人的萨福克镇,参照了当地传统底蕴,同时采用 了含蓄的历史主义建筑风格,使历史风味更加醇厚,并将项目中的五个历史保护建筑都合 理地改作它用。在建成于1988年、位于萨里金斯伍德的法通保险总部大楼上,完整体现了 Arup Associates长久坚持的一体化设计的理念。其具有一系列的设备,包括利用员工游泳 池的节能储热系统。分层的外观设计是为了减少日光吸收,预制混凝土柱穹顶的圆形大厅 入口带来浓郁的古典主义气息。该综合大楼含有两个极具艺术风情的内庭院,可作为实用 而惬意的工作区域。主祷文广场位于圣保罗教堂的北面,是Arup Associates经过精心的规 划后重新开发的区域,并赢得了1987年的竞标大赛。
to St Paul’s and distinguished in architectural terms, as others did not, between what was to be permanent and what could be transient”.10 Despite its “sensitivity to past and future”, the winning project, presented by Philip Dowson as not a detailed scheme but a basis for further development, did not meet with the approval of HRH The Prince of Wales who used a speech at the Mansion House in December, 1987, to call for a complete rethink on plans for redeveloping the site. The Prince encouraged the preparation of an alternative, highly detailed scheme by the Classicist John Simpson. In 1990 the Arup scheme was abandoned in favour of a masterplan by Simpson and Terry Farrell, which itself remained unbuilt. In fact, of all the competition entries comprehensively slated by the Prince, Arup Associates’ was the most respectful to St Paul’s and offered scope to redevelop the failed 1960s development as a lively City quarter. Its stripped Classical form re-emerged in the designs for a large office building for Lloyd’s Bank at Canon’s Marsh in Bristol. The scheme comprised two buildings, one a crescent overlooking the Floating Harbour, the other a circular block with a central courtyard, both contained within monumental façades featuring paired columns on a heavy stone base. This project could be seen, together with the library designed by Philip Dowson, an alumnus of the college, for Clare College, Cambridge (1986), as Arup Associates’ most obvious venture into the territory of Post-modernism, but there are many elements which develop familiar Arup themes – the screen wall with its sun shading and, most important, a sophisticated services programme which includes the use of underfloor ventilation for offices, using dock water for cooling. The completed scheme certainly has “civic presence” – enhanced by its prime location in the regenerated Bristol waterfront.
10 Architectural Review, January, 1988, p.19.
8 建筑评论,1988年1月,19页
Francis Duffy提出的方案比Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, James Stirling等其他设 计师更受关注,有评论道“与圣保罗座堂完美地呼应,在建筑风格上独树一格,既不一成 不变地保守,也不盲目跟随现代潮流,这是其他人都没有做到的”。 10 然而,尽管 “拥 有跨时代的合理性”,Philip Dowson的这份中标规划书只是开发的基本蓝图,并没有详 细的计划,它没能获得查尔斯王子殿下的认同。而查尔斯王子个人较为支持古典主义设计 师John Simpson提出的详细规划。1987年,王子在市长官邸的演讲上将该提案否决,并 要求重新设计广场重建计划。1990年,奥雅纳的规划方案最终被放弃,而采纳了Simpson 和Terry Farrell的方案,但至今尚未开工。事实上,在王子所看到的所有竞标作品中,只 有Arup Associates的方案最大程度地保留了圣保罗教堂的历史风格,并能将这片在二十 世纪六十年代惨遭战争毁灭的区域重新建设成生机勃勃的城市一隅。另外,在布里斯托尔 Canon’s Marsh的劳埃德银行大型办公楼设计项目中,我们同样采用了简约古典主义风 格。该规划包括两座建筑,其中一座新月形的建筑俯瞰Floating Harbour,另一座则是拥 有中心庭院的环形建筑。两座建筑外观宏伟,都采用了厚重石料柱基的对柱装饰。这片建 筑群与Philip Dowson在1986年为母校剑桥大学卡莱尔学院设计的图书馆都展现了Arup Associates在后现代主义时代的大胆尝试,然后它们仍糅合着许多Arup的设计思想——它 们都拥有遮阳的幕墙,而最明显的则是具备成熟的服务功能规划,包括在办公室的地下通 风设施及利用海港水的冷却系统。由于选址在布里斯托尔港口的开发区,这份规划无疑将 带来优良的“聚集效应”。
Broadgate Development Liverpool Street British Land Company PLC City of London, England
With its numerous bespoke office schemes and advance into the area of speculative office design at Broadgate – where the blocks were designed as “shell and core” structures to be fitted out by tenants – Arup Associates had played a key role in the reinvention of the office building. The practice was also a pioneering participant in the development of the out of town business park, with its 1983 masterplan for Stockley Park, close to Heathrow Airport. The masterplan envisaged buildings providing for “the centralisation, under one roof, of research and design, product assembly and customisation, and market and consumer services”. With Stuart Lipton, the visionary developer behind Broadgate, as client, Arup Associates designed the first tranche of buildings at Stockley, constructed to a fast track schedule to shell and core for tenant fit-out. Initially, Stockley Park was seen as a light industrial and research facility with companies such as Apple and Toshiba taking space there. (The later development of Stockley, with further phases of buildings designed by Arup Associates, saw it emerge more clearly as an office park.) Here was another example of the practice pioneering the design of what was, in effect, a new building type. The complexity of the Stockley project, built on heavily contaminated land, drew on the skills of a multi-disciplinary team, including geo-technical engineers, landscape architects and transport planners. The 1980s was a time of steady advance for Arup Associates, despite the reverse at Paternoster Square. Arup Associates was not the only practice to attract criticism from Prince Charles. In 1982 it was on a shortlist of three (along with Ahrends Burton & Koralek (ABK) and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill) for the design of an extension to London’s National Gallery. Arup Associates’ submission was the most straightforward of the three, externally well-mannered and focussed on creating good gallery spaces. ABK was eventually selected but the project was cancelled following the 032
Broadgate街区承接了多个定制办公楼工程,这些建筑主要设计成“核心筒”结构, 以适应周边的租户,同时又敢于打破常规地创新设计,Arup Associates在办公室大楼重 建与改造上声名鹊起。事务所也率先参与了开发郊区的商业园,最先的项目为1983年临近 伦敦希思罗国际机场的Stockley Park。规划设想将商业园设计成为“集研究、设计、生 产、组装、销售及客户服务为一体的超级中心”。面对具有超凡见识的Broadgate开发商 Stuart Lipton,Arup Associates完成了Stockly Park的第一部分设计,并在非常短的时间 内完成了周边有租户的核心筒结构。起初,Stockley Park仅仅是一个轻工业与研发基地, 主要入驻厂家只有苹果、东芝等(随着Stockley的逐步发展,Arup Associates完成了各 期大楼,使商业园具备了办公室功能)。还有个案例能够体现我们带领潮流、敢为人先的 精神。Stockley项目的中心选址为一片重度污染的地域,所遇到的问题复杂多样,Arup Associates调动多领域小组,包括岩土工程师、园林设计设及交通规划师,使出浑身解 数,排除困难。 虽然主祷文广场的设计被否决,但十九世纪80年代期间Arup Associates仍在稳步发 展。同时,受到查尔斯王子批评的事务所远不止Arup Associates一家。1982年,政府决定 扩建伦敦国家画廊,当时需要从三个事务所中进行选择(另外两家分别是Ahrends Burton & Koralek (ABK建筑设计事务所)和Skidmore, Owings & Merril(SOM建筑设计事务 所))。Arup Associates的作品最为简朴实用,又不失端庄大气,精心为画廊提供良好的 摆设空间。最终,虽然政府选择了ABK的项目,但由于王子1985年发表了“丑陋的脓疮” (monstrous carbuncle)的演讲,公开地批评了扩建的设计,所以项目最后被取消了。
Imperial War Museum London, England
Prince’s “monstrous carbuncle” speech in 1985. There was a happier outcome to Arup Associates’ project for the major reconstruction of the Imperial War Museum, completed in two phases between 1986 and 2000 and based on an intensive study of the museum’s future needs and the potential of its historic premises to accommodate change. The practice’s technical resources underpinned its work on a number of historic buildings, including major refurbishments of the Theatre Royal, Glasgow, and the Buxton Opera House, and the renovation of the early 19th century church of Holy Trinity, Southwark, as a rehearsal space, the Henry Wood Hall, for two of London’s leading orchestras. A contaminated brownfield site, as at Stockley Park, formed the location for the 122m long Festival Hall designed for the 1984 Liverpool Garden Festival. The building, a brilliantly economical exercise in lightweight structural design which evoked the spirit of the Crystal Palace and the Palm House at Kew Gardens, was regrettably demolished in 2006. The grandstand at Goodwood Racecourse in Sussex is an equally elegant lightweight structure, its masted fabric roof a landmark on the Downs – the project is an exemplary fusion of architecture and engineering. The 1980s was also a period when British architecture began to go global. Ove Arup & Partners had developed as an international operation and Arup Associates was well equipped to follow suit. (Today the practice has offices in Shanghai, Shenzen, Doha and Milan.) The first significant projects beyond Britain were in Saudi Arabia, which had become a growing market for British architects and engineers. The Diplomatic Quarter Sports Club in Riyadh (completed in 1985) was particularly notable for its intelligent response to the Saudi climate and cultural context. The project provided a variety of sporting facilities within the framework of a series of enclosures linked by pedestrian walkways. The concrete and stone structure of the complex was part of a 034
另外,Arup Associates接受了重新设计帝国战争博物馆的项目。在深入研究博物馆日后的 发展需求以及历史建筑保护及改动的基础上,我们制定了重建规划,工程分为两期,分别 于1986年和2000年完成并获得了圆满的成功。Arup Associates具备过硬的专业技术,因 此在重建各项历史建筑物时得心应手,大型翻修项目包括格拉斯哥皇家剧院和巴克斯顿歌 剧院,翻修项目包括伦敦两大音乐厅——即19世纪早期的南华克圣三一教堂(作为排练场 地)和亨利·伍德大厅。为了迎接1984年的利物浦花园节,事务所借鉴开发Stockley Park 的经验处理了一片污染的棕色区域,并建造了122米长的节日音乐厅。这座音乐厅采取轻量 化结构建造,性价比极高,设计中带有水晶宫与基尤皇家植物园棕榈室的韵味,然而这座 音乐厅在2006年很遗憾地被拆毁了。位于苏塞克斯的古德伍德赛马场看台也采用了卓越的 轻量化结构,桅杆结构屋顶成为了Downs的标志——此项目便是建筑与工程相互融合的典 范之作。 二十世纪80年代也是英国建筑开始走向世界的时期。Ove Arup & Partners已经发展 为国际化的公司,同时Arup Associates也具备了相关的能力。(时至今天,事务所已经在 上海、深圳、多哈和米兰拥有办公室。)事务所第一个著名的海外项目是在沙特阿拉伯进 行的,沙特现在也为英国建筑师和工程师提供着越来越大的市场。1985年完工的利雅得外 交区运动俱乐部尤其突出,因为其巧妙的设计与沙特的气候与文化产生和谐的共鸣。项目 区域内设计了多样的体育设施,周边由人行道包绕。建筑采用了石材混凝土结构,可以明 显地减少能源消耗。
services strategy to reduce energy consumption. This is an area of design where yet again Arup Associates has led the way, thanks to the philosophy of integrated design, founded on the collaborative work, in a single studio, of architects and engineers, which drives the practice and sets it apart from its competitors. The movement towards low energy design came initially from the “energy crisis” of the 1970s but has received a massive new impetus in recent decades from concerns about accelerating climate change. In the last decade the practice has redefined the possibilities of an integrated service to fulfil its broader potential. This approach of ‘Unified Design’ is seen by the practice “as the mechanism by which to get to the next step to understand how we can minimise human impact and maximise human opportunity”. Philip Dowson wrote in 1980 that “architecture requires us constantly to reinterpret and re-evaluate technology in human and social terms”. Unified design is “people oriented”, addressing the issue of how human culture – including tradition, religion, and the more intangible components of humanity – can be sustained in the face of modernity. It is based on a recognition of the degree to which architecture changes people’s lives: “no other art has the ability to directly enhance the quality of people’s lives; and no other has the capacity to inflict as much misery”.11 Unified design is a response to the environmental crisis of the 21st century but it can equally be seen as a natural development of the holistic thinking which Ove Arup saw as crucial to “total design”. Two recent projects illustrate contrasting approaches to unified design. Superficially, the links between a village school in Ladakh, India, and a state of the art media centre on the outskirts of London might not seem obvious. But the Druk White Lotus School has been, over a number of years, a project which provided a test-bed for the ideas driving unified design and one into which the practice 036
11 Arup Associates: Unified Design (Chichester, 2008), pp.54, 22–23.
11 Arup Associates: 一体设计 (奇切斯特,2008年) 54 页,22-23 页
Arup Associates在同一件工作室中各施所长、协力合作,发挥独有的统一设计理念,使 Arup Associates遥遥领先于其他竞争者,始终引领设计界潮流。节能设计的理念最初来 自于二十世纪70年代的“能源危机”,但由于温室效应的加快,近年受到更多的关注与 发展。在过去的十年内,奥雅纳不断发掘统一设计的潜在价值,使应用领域不断丰富和完 善。Arup Associates推出的“统一设计”理念,希望以此更好地了解如何将人为影响降 至最低而同时最大限度地发挥人的主观能动性。Philip Dowson在1980年写到“建筑需要 我们根据人类社会的科学技术水平不停地重新诠释与评估。”统一设计的原则是“以人为 本”,强调如何使人类的文化——包括传统、宗教或更多人类的无形财产——在现代化的 浪潮中历久弥新。这是因为建筑有着能够改变人们生活的能力:“没有任何其他的艺术能 够直接提高人们的生活质量;同时,它破坏和影响人们生活的能力也是其它艺术形式所不 具备的。”11 统一设计理念既是对21世纪全球环境危机的响应,也是奥雅纳爵士所坚持的“一体化 设计”的自然发展。两个近期进行的项目采用截然不同的手法表现了一体设计理念。从表 面上看,印度拉达克的一所村庄学校与伦敦郊区的艺术媒体中心似乎并无联系。然而,在 过去几年里,事务所竭尽全力地发掘白莲花学校具有的能源与资源,并将“统一设计”付 诸这一试验项目。
Druk White Lotus School, Ladakh The Drukpa Trust Ladakh, Northern India BSkyB Sky Studios British Sky Broadcasting Ltd / Stanhope PLC London, England
has ploughed its energies and resources. (For those who worked on the project it was “an immensely powerful learning experience for the practice”.) These ideas found expression in a very different context in the BSkyB Studio complex – won in international competition and the world’s first truly sustainable broadcasting and data centre, and the product of team working involving architects, structural and services engineers, and specialists from Arup Acoustics, always close to the heart of Arup Associates. In its early years, Arup Associates sought to humanise the factory. Today, it is addressing the issue of how the demands of the global trade in data – global internet traffic increased sixfold between 2007 and 2012 – can be reconciled with growing concerns about the environmental impact of power-hungry data centres. The Citi Data Centre in Frankfurt, completed in 2008, and again won in international competition, was the first in a series of such facilities designed with greatly reduced energy consumption, and carbon emissions, the objective. The project reduced energy consumption by 25% in comparison with a conventionally serviced data centre of the time using a range of environmentally benign technologies. Always at the forefront of technical advance, Arup Associates eschewed the more obvious expressions of “High-tech” which dominated the architectural scene for a decade or so. More recently, its work has steered well clear of the “iconic” tendency, the pursuit of “pure form”, with rationality and modesty, designing what Ove Arup called “sensible buildings”, a greater priority than the creation of eye-catching landmarks. The imperative for environmentally responsible design has underwritten the practice’s emphasis on substance over style – “architecture is not just a visual art”. A major element in its international workload has been the design of sports venues. Large stadia have become status symbols for cities and entire nations. 038
(对于参与项目的设计师而言,“这是一个极其珍贵的学习经验”。)在天空广播大厦的 项目中,一体设计的应用却迥然不同——Arup Associates调用核心团队参与设计,包括建 筑师、结构与设备工程师及Arup Associates的专家。该项目最终赢得了国际建筑大奖,成 为了世界上第一所采用可持续理念设计的广播与信息中心。Arup Associates早期便开始寻 求使工厂更加人性化的设计手法。在现今社会,国际贸易对信息有着极大的需求——全球 互联网流量在2007年到2012年的5年内增长了六倍——“统一设计”理念正是解决信息中 心使用大量能源所在成的环境问题。2008年落成的法兰克福花旗银行数据中心是该类设施 在国际上首个采用超低能耗及低二氧化碳排放设计的项目,也因此获得了国际建筑大奖。 该项目采用了一系列环境友好技术,较当时传统的信息中心能耗降低了25%。 Arup Aossicate总是走在技术的前沿,但却始终坚持自己的设计主张,拒绝与近十年 来狂热追求“高新技术”的设计潮流同化。近年来,我们逐渐走向“经典”设计,追求“ 纯粹”的理性与端庄,这就是奥雅纳爵士所追求的“合理化建筑”,这比创造吸引眼球的 建筑更为重要。面对环保设计的迫切要求,奥雅纳不仅仅关注建筑的外观,而是将更多的 精力放在实用性之上——“建筑不仅仅是视觉艺术”。其中一个重要的国际项目是一座体 育场馆的设计。大型体育场已经成为了一个城市甚至一个国家的地位象征。
Etihad Stadium, Manchester (Commonwealth / City of Manchester Stadium) Manchester City Council & Manchester 2002 Manchester, England
Arup Associates’ City of Manchester (now Etihad) Stadium, built for the 2002 Commonwealth Games, was mould-breaking in several respects, firstly for its emphasis on spectators rather than corporate events, secondly for a design which allowed for a highly successful (and remarkably rapid) conversion to a football venue after the end of the Games and thirdly for prioritising the quality of the internal sporting and spectating environment. With “legacy” an issue where such costly structures are concerned, the project was a model of economy. The Manchester project informed work on other large stadia, each with its own specific challenges. The King Abdullah Stadium in Jeddah and the National Stadium in Singapore, both completing in 2014, are in each case designed to operate in challenging climatic conditions, both commissioned by wealthy nations but both incorporating low-energy solutions for comfort and ventilation. Arup Associates’ status as a centre for research into innovative building solutions is founded on a belief that “design solutions are generated from fundamental research and experiential goals – from the inside out”. It is this approach that drove the several “showcase” projects, including that which was developed to support Qatar’s bid to stage the 2022 Football World Cup – a ministadium designed for low-energy operation, with environmental measures to ensure comfortable conditions for spectators and players. The project helped Qatar to win the bid and fed into the design of the stadia being constructed for 2022. The office development, the Arup Campus, designed by Arup Associates as the Midlands base for Arup, was also a “showcase”. Developer-built and addressing normal market criteria, it provided a blueprint for a sustainable, user-friendly alternative to the standard market product at equivalent cost. The holistic approach to design which the Arup Campus project embraced embodied issues of heat and 040
Arup Associates’设计的曼彻斯特球场(现在为阿提哈德球场)是为2002年的英联邦运动 会而设计的。该项目打破了多方面的设计常规:首先,相较于关注体育赛事,我们将现场 观众的舒适度放在了更重要的位置;其次,该设计使运动会结束后可以非常有效且快速组 织足球赛事;最后,设计保障了高质量的体育赛事与观看环境。预算对于这种大型建筑而 言是一个永远无法回避的问题,而Arup Associates的设计性价比极高,是经济型设计的典 范。继曼彻斯特球场后奥雅纳又进行了其它大型体育场的设计,遇到了各式各样的挑战。 吉达的国王阿卜杜拉体育场与新加坡的国家体育场都将在2014年建成,两座体育场在设计 过程中均考虑到了恶劣气候的挑战。虽然两个委托国都较富裕,但它们都要求采用低能耗 的舒适通风系统。Arup Associates作为创新建筑方案的研发中心,一直坚持“设计方案 来自基础研究与实践经验——从内到外,循序渐进”的原则。我们根据这一理念设计了多 个“展示”项目,其中卡塔尔申办2022年FIFA世界杯的示范体育场就是一例。这是一座采 用低能耗设备、且极具环保理念的小型运动场,能保证观众及运动员的舒适体验。该项目 最终帮助卡达尔赢得了世界杯举办权,卡达尔为2022年赛事建设的其他体育场也将其作为 参考。 此外,Arup Associates还为其在英格兰中部地区的公司基地设计建造了奥雅纳园 区——这也是一个“展示”项目。这座自行开发设计的建筑符合了一般的市场标准,它向 世人呈现一种可持续且人性化的设计模式,而其价格与同类设计相差无几。
Plantation Place British Land Company PLC City of London, England
power, the proper use of natural resources, including water, the potential to use renewable energy sources, including solar and wind power, and – a factor too often ignored – the social and commercial value of providing high quality public and meeting spaces within a building. Designing large office buildings in the City of London for speculative letting posed rather different challenges but here again a holistic approach was applied. Plantation Place and Ropemaker Place are thoroughly commercial projects (developed by British Land, a longstanding client) in which issues of delivery, cost, and buildability were to the fore. Together with Watling House, they set new standards for City buildings in terms of sustainability. The environmental agenda has become central to the work of Arup Associates as the practice celebrates its 50th anniversary. Two contemporary British projects, located not many miles apart, reflect the advance of progressive “green” technology but have clear roots in the work of the office over five decades. With the client approaching the practice through Arup at Campus, the Jaguar Land Rover engine factory in Wolverhampton is one of the largest (70,000 sq.m. in phase 1 alone) industrial projects ever undertaken by the practice. The plant has the potential to become carbon neutral and, even in its current mode of operation, produces only a third of the carbon emissions for a production facility of equivalent size. In the centre of nearby Coventry, Coventry University’s new Faculty of Engineering makes an interesting comparison with the Birmingham University Mining and Metallurgy building of nearly half a century ago. Ideas about teaching and learning have changed radically since the 1960s – the Coventry building was won in fierce competition and was designed to deliver “a diverse and rich experience that supports experimental learning”. What the two buildings have in common is the integration of structure and services, with, 042
奥雅纳园区项目的一体设计模式也体现了热电供应问题的具体解决方案,设计合理地采 用了自然资源如水力及太阳能、风能等可再生能源——同时也关注了许多工厂建筑忽略的 问题——高质量的公共场合与会议环境能明显地提升社会与经济收益。对伦敦的大型办公 室建筑采用突破性的设计方案会遇到许多不同的问题,这正是体现一体设计价值所在的 时候。Plantation Place和Ropemaker Place是完全的商业地产项目(由长期客户British Land所委托),工程的材料运输、成本及可建性等问题最受关注。这两个项目与Watling House等在城市建设可持续性方面设立了全新标杆。Arup Associates已经走过了50周年, 目前环境因素也成为了我们工作的重中之重。现今,在英国距离十分接近的两个项目在过 去5年内都采用了Arup Associates的工作理念,同时加入了当前不断发展的“绿色”技 术。捷豹路虎引擎工厂的代表在参观奥雅纳园区后对设计感到十分满意,决定将项目委托 予Arup Associates,这也是我们到目前为止接受过最大的工业项目(单独一期的面积就达 到70,000平方米)。工业园中设置植物能够吸收二氧化碳,即使按照目前的建筑模式,二 氧化碳排放量也仅仅是同等大小工厂的三分之一。自二十世纪六十年代起,全球的教学模 式已经发生了巨大变革,业界对教育建筑的争论也始终不断。人们将市中心考文垂大学新 建的工程系学院与大约半世纪前建造的伯明翰大学矿冶系大楼进行了一次有趣的对比。经 过激烈的讨论后,考文垂的建筑最终获得了胜利,因为“它的设计能够提供丰富多样的学 习和研究体验”。
Unified thinking: speculative and multi-layered.
in the case of Coventry, the extensive use of natural lighting and ventilation as radical features in a laboratory building. Looking back over 50 years of Arup Associates, the elements of continuity in the practice are conspicuous – the emphasis on intellectual enquiry and the development of new ideas, the commitment to multi-disciplinary teamwork, and the profound humanism of the work, characterised by a passionate desire to improve the lives of people. The practice, now with nearly 300 staff working in offices in Europe, the Middle East and China, remains the “model fraternity”of which Ove Arup spoke in 1969 – “we could become a small scale experiment in how to live and work happily together”, he predicted.12 Where will the development of these ideas lead Arup Associates in decades to come? The issue of managing technological advance is clearly crucial: technologically, anything is possible. The question is: what should we be doing? Arup Associates’ status as a cooperative, with no external control, allows the practice to evolve, to give younger members of the office their head and to train up a new generation to take over its leadership whilst maintaining continuity of values and approach, perhaps the DNA of the practice. The practice’s range of skills is constantly expanding. At the beginning, it was an alliance of architects and engineers. Today the teams are truly pan-disciplinary; the architects and engineers work with a diverse range of collaborators including mathematicians, biologists, social psychologists and artists addressing the problems of an increasingly fragmented society and a growing environmental crisis. Arup Associates is redefining what total architecture is and should be in a challenging and troubled world.
12 Peter Jones, op.cit., p. 271.
12 Peter Jones, op.cit., 271页
两所学校建筑的共同点是都对结构与设备进行了整合,考文垂大学实验楼的特点是大量采 用了天然照明与自然通风。 在50年的发展历程中,我们始终坚持和秉承一贯的设计理念:重视知识探索与开发创 意、坚持跨领域团队合作、人性化的设计理念,最终的追求是提高人们的生活质量。事务 所目前已拥有将近300名员工,并在欧洲、中东及中国等国家和地区设有办事处。我们的整 个工作团队气氛和谐、亲如一家,正如奥雅纳爵士在1969年所说的:“我们将成为一群快 乐的伙伴,一起愉快地工作,学习如何让生活更加美好。”12 在数十年后,这些不断丰富 的信仰会将Arup Associates带向何方呢?不断寻求技术进步是当前的关键任务:从技术上 说,一切皆有可能。问题是:我们现在应该做什么?作为一所合作公司,Arup Associates 不会受到外来的控制,这能使我们自由地发展,让办公室中年轻的成员获得训练与工作 的机会,培养新一代能够承担大任的管理人才,使得奥雅纳的价值观及设计理念(就如我 们的DNA)始终绵延不绝。我们所掌握的技能也随着时间推移而不断积累,同时跨领域 合作也在不断加强,从最初的建筑师与工程师互相合作,到如今的跨界团队:除建筑师与 工程师之外,还包括数学家、生物学家、社会心理学家及艺术家,各方专家通力合作,共 同解决现今逐渐分离的社会问题与日益严峻的环境危机。在这个充满挑战和困难的世界 里,Arup Associates将始终不懈地追求其“一体化设计”的理念,继续引领全球建筑行业 的发展。
Projects 项目
Arup Associates 1963 –2013
Evode Garage, Evode Ltd Stafford, England 1964
Aglite Exhibition Stand Olympia P E Buttenshaw London, England
York Shipley Ltd Factory York Borg Warner Ltd Basildon, England
1960 Cape Coast Post Office Ghana Ministry of Posts & Telegraph Ghana
1961 Evode Office Extension Evode Ltd Stafford, England CIBA Araldite Plant, CIBA (ARL) Ltd Duxford, England
CIBA Research Laboratory CIBA (ARL) Ltd Duxford, England
Cannon Rubber Manufacturers Ltd London, England
1961 1958 Beginnings
1960 1959
House at Monks Eleigh Monks Eleigh, England
1963 Arup Associates formed
Smith Kline & French Laboratories Ltd Welwyn Garden City, England 1961
Evode Varnishing Kitchen, Evode Ltd Stafford, England
Point Royal Flats, Bracknell Development Corporation Bracknell, England
Mining and Metallurgy University of Birmingham
Birmingham England
矿冶系教学楼群 伯明翰大学
伯明翰 英国
Awards 2011 Concrete Society Awards Certificate of Excellence Mature Building category 1966 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Winner
Closely related to the practice’s early industrial projects, this laboratory and workshop building on the university’s Edgbaston campus equally influenced subsequent office projects, notably those for Wiggins Teape and Lloyd’s of London. The building makes excellent use of the “tartan grid” to provide for the heavy element of servicing demanded by the brief. A group of four columns where the corners of the precast concrete floor plates meet (each 20 feet square and weighing more than 15 tonnes) provides space for services and ventilation ducts, expressed externally by fume extracting roof vents at the top of the column clusters. Services are then routed horizontally along the 3 feet interstices between the floor plates which form the “overcheck” of the tartan. Driven by the dramatic expansion of higher education which followed the Robbins Report of 1963, the project was designed to allow for future expansion in any direction – it actually doubled in size after the initial commission. This is a rigorously rational building, with external elevations which express the structure - the bays between the service runs are entirely glazed, using low-cost patent glazing and opening glass louvres, to provide maximum daylight and natural ventilation for teaching rooms. Spaces requiring more extensive servicing are concentrated at the core of the building. Influenced by slightly earlier American laboratory projects by Louis Kahn (a considerable influence on the practice) and Eero Saarinen, the Birmingham project confirmed Arup Associates’ position as a major player in the university building programme of the 1960s – the tartan grid formed the basis for a masterplan for Loughborough University launched in 1966. The building was listed Grade II in 1993.
位于伯明翰大学埃德巴斯顿校区的实验室和研讨班 大楼,是Arup Association早期的重要设计项目,并对诸 多后续项目——尤其是Wiggins Teape和伦敦劳合社的办 公大楼的设计带来了影响。为达到任务书中繁多的设计要 求,该建筑精妙地运用了“格子网”结构。预制混凝土楼 板的四角使用四根柱子(各20英尺见方,重15吨以上)提 供服务管井和通风管道的空间,屋顶设置排风口。在楼板 之间3英尺的间隙沿水平方向形成另一套格子网格。1963 年的罗宾斯报告引发高等教育建设需求急剧增加,该大楼 的设计允许后续扩大规模——在建设完成后,校方后续又 将大楼规模扩大一倍。 这是一栋严谨理性的建筑,从外立面的设计即可见 一斑:各个服务空间之间的隔间用全玻璃打造,采用的 是低成本的专利玻璃窗和开放式百叶,为教室提供上佳 的采光和通风。需要配置较多公共设施的空间均集中于 大楼核心筒区域。伯明翰项目受稍早先路易斯·卡恩和 埃罗·沙里宁的美国实验室项目影响,并且奠定了Arup Association 20世纪60年代的大学建设规划领头羊的地 位。在1966年启动的英国拉夫堡大学项目中,我们推出“ 格子网”结构成为了总规划图的基础。1993年,该大楼被 列为二级建筑。
The modular construction system has 20 feet span floor plates of pre-cast concrete.
The Mining and Metallurgy Building was a pioneering example of Arup Associates’ use of the “Tartan grid”.
Vertical services were channelled through clusters of 4 columns forming the structural grid.
Scotstoun House, South Queensferry Ove Arup & Partners PLC Edinburgh, Scotland Keble Triangle University of Oxford Oxford, England
Long Wall House Long Melford, England
Civil Engineering Building University of Loughborough Loughborough, England
Leckhampton House, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, England
Nuclear Physics Building University of Oxford Oxford, England
St James’s Park Sports Stadium City of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Newcastle-Upon-Tyne England
Department of Chemical Engineering University of Loughborough Loughborough, England
Accra Automatic Exchange, Ghana Ministry of Posts & Telegraph Ghana
Awards 1965 Civic Trust Award
1970 1968
Zunz House, Drax Avenue, Wimbledon J.Zunz, Esq London, England 1969
Paper Mill, Jebba Nigeria Coutinho Caro & Co Ltd Nigeria
Walter Jones Ltd Factory Ashford, England 1964
1966 Arts & Commerce Building University of Birmingham Birmingham, England Walton-on-Thames Swimming Pool Walton & Weybridge Urban District Council Walton-on-Thames, England
Penguin Books Warehouse Penguin Books Ltd London, England
Boulton House Trinity Hall, Cambridge Cambridge, England 1968
CIBA Multi-Purpose Building CIBA (ARL) Ltd Duxford, England 1964
Evode VIK Supplies Factory Building Evode Ltd Stafford, England 1966
Snape Maltings Concert Hall Aldeburgh Festival of Music & the Arts
Aldeburgh England
斯内普啤酒屋音乐厅 奥尔德堡音乐艺术节
奥尔德堡 英国
Awards 1968 Civic Trust Award Winner
below top: The seating for the Maltings Concert Hall was inspired by that in Wagner’s Festspielhaus at Bayreuth. below bottom: The concert hall was created within the retained brick walls of the 19th century Maltings.
The Aldeburgh Music Festival was launched by composer Benjamin Britten in 1948, with concerts initially held in Aldeburgh’s Jubilee Hall and parish church. Britten conceived the idea of converting the largest of the malt houses in the complex of maltings at Snape, a few miles from Aldeburgh, which was closing after a century of production, into a large concert hall, complete with excellent facilities for performers and audience. Arup Associates was appointed to the project in 1965, the aim being to have the hall functioning for the 1967 Festival. It was opened by HM The Queen in June, 1967. By demolishing internal divisions, a space 134 ft (40.8m) long and 58 ft (17.6m) wide was created within the existing walls (which were raised by 2ft/0.6m), with seating for 830 people. A low bay along the north side of the space was retained and converted into a foyer, leading to a restaurant/bar set above dressing rooms. The concert hall was given a new roof, on a steeper pitch than the original roof, with tension members in high tensile steel supporting timber trusses. Its boarded timber lining contributed to the creation of an acoustic specified by Britten – more resonant, for example, than that of London’s Royal Festival Hall. Every effort was made to preserve something of the industrial aesthetic of the building – the brick walls of the auditorium were simply grit blasted and sealed and plush seating was rejected in favour of simple timber and rush seats reflecting a local tradition but actually inspired by the seating in the Festspielhaus at Bayreuth. Externally, the roof ventilators were a close copy of the originals, but now used to extract stale air from the concert hall. On the eve of the 1969 Aldeburgh Festival, the hall was gutted by fire, leaving only the external walls standing, but it was rebuilt within a year, with only minor changes to the original designs and opened for the 1970 Festival. It is now an all-year venue serving a wide audience from across East Anglia. Arup Associates returned to Snape to convert an adjacent part of the maltings complex to house the Pears-Britten School of Music, opened in 1979.
奥尔德堡音乐节由作曲家本杰明·布里顿在1948 年发起,最初音乐会在奥尔德堡的银禧厅和教区教堂举 行。在距离奥尔德堡几英里的Snape有一片麦芽坊建筑 群,布里顿构思将其中最大的作坊(一个世纪的生产后 即将关闭)改建成一个为表演者和观众提供一流设施的 宏大音乐厅。1965年,Arup Association被委任承担该 项目,建造1967年音乐节的音乐厅。1967年6月音乐厅落 成典礼由女王陛下亲自主持。 通过拆除内部隔墙,将原有墙壁抬升2英尺(0.6 米),打造出一个134英尺(40.8米)长、58英尺(17.6 米)宽、可容纳830人的空间。沿北侧的较低的隔区被 保留并改造为一个门厅,通向更衣室上面的一间餐厅/ 酒吧。该音乐厅建造了新的屋顶,使用高强度抗拉钢屋 架,比原来的屋顶更加倾斜。布里顿希望它的音响效果 比英国伦敦皇家节日音乐厅更洪亮,而新建音乐厅的木 质内层达到了这一效果。建筑师尽一切努力维护音乐厅 的工业美学-观众席的砖墙采用了简单的喷砂和密封措 施,长毛绒的豪华座位被简单的木制椅座取代,反映了 当地的传统,而实际的灵感来源是德国拜罗伊特音乐厅 的座位设计。 屋顶的通风设备在外观上与原先的没有太大区别, 但现在它们的功能得到强化,能够排出室内浑浊的空 气。在1969年的奥尔德堡音乐节前夕,大厅被大火烧毁 仅剩下外墙,人们在一年内将之重建且在原来的设计上 只进行了微小改动,在1970音乐节就投入了使用,现在 对整个东英格利亚的观众全年开放。 Arup Association重返斯内普,将麦芽作坊的相邻 区域改造成Pears-Britten音乐学院,于1979年开业。
The new roof of the concert hall was constructed with high tensile steel members supporting timber trusses.
Beautiful in use
Arup Associates Six Themes
Beauty is a subjective concept. Ove Arup insisted that architecture was “not just a visual art”. Architecture cannot be purely about aesthetics – the way a building looks. For Arup Associates, a building has to be beautiful in use, a place which enriches the lives of those who use it. It is a matter of engaging with users, exploring their needs and aspirations, and designing buildings which perform well for those who live, work or study in them. The pursuit of pure form, the quest for the “iconic”, has never been part of the practice’s agenda. Nor has the celebration of technology for its own sake. Technology, Arup Associates has always believed, should be used to create better buildings for people. This credo is reflected in outstanding workplaces, enjoyable environments, such as the offices for Lloyd’s in Chatham, now in new use as civic offices. At Broadgate, the practice not only pioneered a new building type, revolutionising office design – it also created a new City quarter, with generous public spaces open to all. In addressing a project, the priority is always the needs of the users. The old modernist belief in functionalism is redefined in terms of a new humanism. So the Etihad Stadium in Manchester was designed with the spectator in mind. The result was a venue which had true legacy value and which is now recognised as one of the most enjoyable stadia in Europe. Designing for people makes practical sense, whether the project in question is a 60,000 seat stadium, a City office block or a private home, such as the House with No Name, a remarkable exercise in working with a client to make an ideal environment for family life in tune with its natural context.
人们对美的判断是见仁见智,各有不同的。奥雅纳爵士坚持认为建筑 “不仅仅是 视觉艺术”,即不能停留于肤浅而单纯的“外形美”。Arup Associates认为,优秀的 建筑应以丰富使用者的生活彰显“实用主义美学”。为此,我们必须对用户的行为 习惯和内心做一番深入调查,唯有准确把握他们的需求和愿望,才能为用户营 造适宜的居住、工作或学习空间。一味追求华而不实的外在美,或盲目标新立 异设计所谓的“标志性建筑”均不是实用主义美学的作风。同时,我们也不主张过 分热衷于运用前沿科技,Arup Associates始终坚信科技是为了给人们带来更大的 幸福。我们设计的工作场所和环境空间也正反映了这一设计理念,如位于查塔 姆的劳合社(Lloyd’s) 办公楼(现已用作市政办公楼)。 这座建筑不仅革新了办公楼设计、尝试了新的建筑形式,同时还在布罗德盖特 (Broadgate) 创造了大规模的公共空间,让所有人都能畅享这里独好的风景。 我们在设计项目时始终将用户的需求放在首位。以人为本的设计理念注定替 代 “功能至上”的思维。在设计曼彻斯特的伊蒂哈德球场 (Etihad Stadium) 时,我 们始终把观众的需求放在心里。 得益于此,这座体育场以首屈一指的舒适性跻 身欧洲优秀建筑之列。因此,无论是设计6万人的体育场、城市办公楼还是私人 建筑,我们都坚持以人为本的理念,比如在“无名小屋”的设计中,我们与客户一 起讨论设计,最终创造了一个与自然和谐相融的理想的家庭生活环境。
Sports Hall University of Surrey Guildford, England 1971 Penguin Books Office, Bath Road Penguin Books Ltd London, England 1972
Oxford Mail and Times Ltd Oxford, England 1971
Awards 1973 Concrete Society Awards Special mention Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Commendation
Awards 1973 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Commendation
Ampleforth College Ampleforth, England 1973
1972 Civic Trust Award Award B Financial Times Awards Commendation, Industrial Architecture Category
GPO Frederika Street Caledonia House General Post Office London, England
HM Dockyard Portsmouth Masterplan HMG Department of the Environment Portsmouth, England
1972 1971
Music School University of East Anglia Norwich, England 1973
Teaching Block, Guildford University of Surrey Guildford, England 1971 Attenborough Building, Arts & Social Science, University of Leicester Leicester, England
IBM HQ Building IBM (S.Africa) Johannesburg, South Africa 1971 Cathedral Close Roman Bath Excavations Exhibition Building Exeter City Council Exeter, England
Awards 1972 Civic Trust Award Commendation, Award B
HM Dockyard Maintenance Centre HMG Department of the Environment Portsmouth, England 1971
IBM (UK) Ltd
Havant England
IBM (英国) 公司
哈文特 英国
Awards 1977 National Coal Board (NCB) (IEA Services) Ltd Premier Award 1972 Financial Times Awards Industrial Architecture Category Structural Steel Design Award
Section though the edge of an office pavilion showing in-situ floor and roof structure with columns at 7.2 metre centres and shallow V-beams in both directions.
The masterplan of the IBM development is comprised of four phases, the first two, a cruciform block to the east, was a four storey office building, the third a computer centre to the far west and the fourth a series of four terraced office buildings all of which were linked by a glazed street.
IBM Havant Assembly Building – The interior finishes and services were carefully detailed. Illustrated is the specially designed multi-service trunking, suspended from the concrete roof slabs above, providing air conditioning and lighting.
The international computer giant IBM developed a major presence in Britain from the 1960s onwards, establishing a manufacturing base and expanding its British headquarters, initially based in London. The company’s strategy was to concentrate its operations on two sites close to Portsmouth, at Cosham (North Harbour), on land previously used by the Royal Navy, and at nearby Havant. IBM envisaged future expansion of its business and rapid development of computer technology, which would demand maximum flexibility in its buildings. Between 1966 and 1982 eight phases of development on the two sites were completed to designs by Arup Associates. The practice worked with IBM at every stage of the design process, beginning with the development of the detailed brief for buildings. IBM praised “the tenacity and ingenuity” of the practice, “in particular the tremendous teamwork between architects and engineers... and ourselves, the client”. The site at Havant was developed as IBM’s manufacturing base to a masterplan by Arup Associates, the practice designing a succession of buildings there. The computer centre and assembly plant, with a total area of 97,500 sq.m., were completed in 1974, along with a distribution centre. These are very large single storey steel-framed buildings, clad in white concrete pre-cast panels, subdivided into fire compartments by service cores running at right angles to the main spine and the main floor level raised to allow for a services undercroft. At North Harbour, Cosham, on land largely reclaimed from the sea, IBM developed its UK headquarters. A first phase of development saw a four storey concrete framed office building constructed on the eastern edge of the site. In a later phase, a spectacular headquarters building was completed, with 34,000 sq.m. of office space in a series of four stepped office pavilions, linked by a two-level steel and glass barrel-vaulted arcade, 3.6m wide, which incorporated shops, an exhibition space and auditorium, with views out to a generously planted landscape. A new entrance pavilion became the central reception area for the entire site, with escalators up to the main circulation level. Completed in 1982, the building remains one of the most impressive headquarters buildings of its period.
从20世纪60年代开始,国际计算机巨头IBM在将投 资重点放在英国,建立生产基地,并扩大其最初设在伦 敦的英国总部。该公司的策略是将主要业务放在距朴茨 茅斯不远的两个基地,北港(过去的皇家海军基地)和 附近的哈文特。IBM正计划扩大业务和快速发展计算机 技术,这将要求其办公大楼具有最大的灵活性。两个基 地经1966至1982年间八期开发,已经完成设计建造。 从制定详细的建造任务书开始,Arup Association在设 计过程的每一个阶段都与IBM密切合作。IBM盛赞Arup Association“坚韧而智慧,建筑师和工程师组成的团队 开展了优良的团队协作,令人印象深刻”。 Arup Association在IBM的制造基地哈文特设计了一 套总体规划图,其中包括了一系列建筑。总面积97,500平 方米的计算机中心和装配厂连同一个配送中心于1974年 落成。这些都是大规模单层钢骨架建筑,外层为白色混 凝土预制板,由与主体骨架垂直的服务核心筒构成了几 个防火分区,设计师还抬高主体楼层以形成一个具有服 务功能的圆顶地下室。 IBM的英国总部坐落于Cosham的北港,这里因为围 海造地而渐具规模。第一期工程是在基地东部边缘建造 四层楼混凝土框架办公大楼。后期工程是建造一座宏伟 的总部大楼,办公面积34,000平方米,拥有四个层次的 退台,由两层3.6米宽的拱形长廊相互衔接,长廊由钢和 玻璃构成,内有商店、展览场地和观众席,随处可见葱 郁的植被。全新的入口楼阁成为中央接待区,自动扶梯 通往主要交通层。这座1982年完工的建筑是当时最令人 印象深刻的总部建筑之一。
North Harbour, Cosham: The offices of the fourth phase consisted of a series of planted, terraced pavilions with views towards an artificial lake.
Lion Yard, Cambridge Central Library City of Cambridge Cambridge, England
HM Dockyard Support Building Department of the Environment Portsmouth, England
1977 Staverton Road Residential Buildings University of Oxford Oxford, England
Vinyl Resin Plant British Industrial Plastics Ltd Newton Aycliffe, England
House for P. Hinde Esq Iver, Buckinghamshire, England
British Sugar Corporation Offices Peterborough, England 1976
Millbank Base Workshop Millbank Technical Services Ltd Iran 1975
Wychfield House Trinity Hall University of Cambridge Cambridge, England 1975
Heavy Plate Shop, HM Dockyard Department of the Environment Portsmouth, England 1975
Awards 1975 Financial Times Awards Commendation Industrial Architecture Category
Lion Yard, Cambridge Street Kiosks Admass Ltd Cambridge, England 1976
National Mineral & Metallurgical Laboratory Mathew Hall Ortech Ltd Jos, Nigeria 1977
Kensington Central Works Depot & Housing Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea London, England 1976
Awards 1976 Department of the Environment Good Design in Housing Award Commendation – Public Sector Category
Truman Headquarters Brick Lane Truman Ltd London, England
1977 Office of the Year Award
1981 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Commendation
1977 Financial Times Awards Commendation 1976 Business and Industries Award Premier Award for the Environment
Sir Thomas White Building St John`s College University of Oxford
Oxford England
托马斯•怀特爵士大楼 牛津大学圣约翰学院
牛津 英国
Awards 1981 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Commendation 1976 Concrete Society Awards Commendation
The building is a classic example of Arup Associates’ use of a structural grid of precast concrete.
The “structural grid” of reinforced concrete which was a defining feature of Arup Associates’ earlier residential projects for Oxford and Cambridge colleges found its most spectacular expression in this development for St John’s, Oxford’s wealthiest college. Plans to build new student housing on the northern edge of the college site dated back to the mid-1960s – the aim was to allow St John’s to offer all undergraduates three years of living in college. From a distinguished shortlist of four practices, Arup Associates was appointed in 1967 to design the project. The traditional Oxbridge quadrangle was rejected in favour of a linear plan for the new development, while retaining the traditional staircase access to rooms. Arup Associates ‘ambitious scheme, which included lecture rooms, a library, swimming pool and new senior common room on a site extending across Museum Road, was subsequently abandoned in 1970, in the face of budget cuts, in favour of a complete redesign, which provided residential accommodation for 145 students on a significantly reduced site. The Sir Thomas White Building, named in honour of the college’s founder, is an L-shaped development with an external elevation to Museum Road, where the bush-hammered concrete frame elegantly bestrides an ancient stone wall. Its component parts are a series of “building blocks” consisting of a staircase/bathroom tower (clad in limestone) and an open framework containing four rooms on each floor. Timber window screens, rather Japanese in feel, provide privacy when required. At ground floor level, a colonnade, a device very much within the Oxford collegiate tradition, links the towers, with student common rooms between the stair entrances. The reduction in scale of the scheme notwithstanding, there was more than adequate funding for excellent detailing and the use of high quality materials, natural stone, timber and lead for roof coverings. This is certainly one of the outstanding university buildings of the expansive Sixties.
钢筋混凝土“结构网”是Arup Association早期牛 津和剑桥住宅项目的标志性特征,其最精华的表现当属 牛津最富有的学院——圣约翰学院。20世纪60年代中 期,圣约翰学院计划在北部边缘建造新的学生公寓,供 本科生住校三年。1967年,Arup Association从四个杰 出的建筑师事务所候选名单中脱颖而出,受邀承担该项 目设计。传统的牛津剑桥四边形被新的线形取代,同时 保留了传统的进入房间的楼梯。原先的宏大规划(横跨 博物馆路的教室、图书馆、游泳池和新的高级公共休息 室)由于预算削减在1970年停滞了,Arup Association 彻底重新设计,在显著缩小的场地上建成能容纳145人 的学生宿舍。托马斯·怀特爵士大楼以纪念大学的创始 人而得名,是一个L形的建筑,外立面朝向博物馆路,琢 面混凝土框架优雅地跨过一面古老的石墙。大楼包括石 灰岩楼梯/卫生间塔楼和一个每层含四房的开放式框架。 日本风格的木质窗格提供了私密的空间。在第一层,非 常牛津式的柱廊连接各塔楼,学生休息室采用阶梯式入 口。该项目的规模虽然缩小,但有足够的资金用于高品 质的细节和材料,屋顶覆盖使用天然石材、木材和铅。 这当然是六十年代的优秀大学建筑之一。
Sliding timber window screens provide shading and privacy.
Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) HQ
Bedminster Downs England
英国中央电力局总部 Generating Board (CEGB) HQ
贝德明斯特Downs 英国
Awards 1980 Civic Trust Award Financial Times Awards Industrial Architecture Category Commendation Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Regional Award South West 1979 Business & Industry Award
The south-west regional headquarters for the Central Electricity Generating Board, located on the outskirts of Bristol, was hailed as a landmark in sustainable low-energy design when new. The project has much in common with the contemporary projects for Lloyd’s at Chatham and Wiggins Teape in Basingstoke, using structural organisation, rather than moveable partitions, to define working spaces suitable for team working, distinct from both the compartmented offices of the past and the anonymous open spaces typical of North American practice. The designs capitalised on the sloping site, with its views to the Clifton Gorge (and that engineering icon, Brunel’s suspension bridge). The offices are housed in four pavilions, each arranged around a central courtyard, linked by a “street” which is the circulation hub of the complex and equally a social space, with coffee points set along it. Office spaces enjoy natural light from external windows and clerestories formed within open roof voids – timber roof trusses are exposed, another move at odds with more traditional offices featuring suspended ceilings. Overhanging eaves and pitched slate roofs, as in the Lloyd’s building, contribute to an aesthetic which the critic Michael Brawne called “spiritedly Wrightian”, domestic rather than corporate in feel. These devices are, however, part of a low-energy programme which was fundamental to the client brief. The building is heavily insulated. Heavy concrete floors are also ducts for air and can be pre-cooled at night to reduce daytime ventilation demands in summer, with a carefully integrated perimeter supply system. Areas such as the computer suite, which need extensive mechanical ventilation, are equipped with heat reclaim systems. Staff amenities included a swimming pool, warmed by waste heat. With the abolition of the CEGB, the building was successfully adapted for multi-occupation.
中央电力局西南区总部位于布里斯托尔的郊区,被 誉为可持续低能耗设计的地标。该项目与Chatham劳合 社和贝辛斯托克Wiggins Teape项目有许多共同之处, 如使用固定的结构而非活动隔断来打造适合团队工作的 空间。有别于过去的隔间办公室以及欧美常见的毫无 个性的休息场所,该设计利用了面朝克利夫顿峡谷(及 工程楷模——布鲁内尔的吊桥)的倾斜场地。办公楼包 括四栋楼,每栋楼围绕着一个中央庭院,由“街道”连 接,“街道”是整个建筑的流通枢纽和社交空间,沿街 设有咖啡屋。自然光线透过外窗和屋顶的开放空隙照进 办公空间,木质屋架是暴露的,这与较为传统的办公楼 吊顶又有很大差异。采用了与劳合社一样挑檐和板岩屋 顶营造出优良美感,评论家迈克尔·布朗称之为“极具 灵感的Wrightian风格”,让家的感觉充满整个公司。这 些设置只是任务书中节能方案的一部分。该建筑的保温 性能极佳,厚重的水泥地板相当于空气的储热体,夏天 夜间可进行预冷以降低白天的通风降温的需求,此外, 该建筑还设计了一个循环供给系统。员工设施包括用余 热加温的游泳池。随着中央电力局被取消,该建筑为公 司提供了更多的空间。
Sections showing the integration of structure and services with floor voids acting as air ducts.
The CEGB offices at Bedminster Down, Bristol, are planned around open landscaped courtyards.
Lion Yard, Magistrates Court City of Cambridge Cambridge, England
Trebor Sharps Ltd Factory Colchester, England
HM Dockyard Royal Maritime Auxiliary Support Building HMG Department of the Environment Portsmouth, England
Tadcaster Brewery Samuel Smith Old Brewery Tadcaster, England
Awards 1983 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award for Architecture
Bab Al Shiekh, Housing & Commercial, Iraq Amanat Al Asima Baghdad, Iraq 1981
1982 Business & Industry Award
Kingston Power Station High Point Technical Services London, England 1981 1979
Ecumenical Church Sutton, England
Croydon Office Development Rosehaugh Greycoat Estates PLC London, England
Pears Britten Music School Snape Maltings Foundation Aldeburgh, England
Trust House Forte PLC Wrotham, England 1980
1978 Henry Wood Hall, Holy Trinity Church Southwark Rehearsal Hall Ltd London, England
Bedford School, Great Hall Harpur Trust Bedford, England
Apartment Block Secon Egyptian Construction Co Cairo, Egypt 1979
Royal Liver Building Royal Liver Society Liverpool, England
GOSI Offices General Organisation for Social Insurance Damman, Saudi Arabia 1981
Gateway 1 and 2 Wiggins Teape (UK) PLC
Basingstoke England
Gateway 1 号及 2 号办公楼 Wiggins Teape (英国) 有限公司
贝辛斯托克 英国
Awards 1979 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Southern Region 1978 Business & Industry Award Commendation Civic Trust Award Commendation
By the 1970s Wiggins Teape, a paper manufacturing business established in the 18th century, had become an international concern. Arup Associates was commissioned in 1973 to design its new headquarters building in Basingstoke, whence the company relocated from the City of London. The new building was to house up to 1000 staff. Overlapping with – and with the same basic modular design strategy of – the office projects for Lloyd’s at Chatham and CEGB in Bristol, Gateway 1, as it became, used structure (on a 7.5m grid) to create a series of human scale spaces within highly flexible interiors accommodating both open-plan and cellular offices. Services were located in the interstices between the squares of the grid. The site sloped markedly, with open views to the south, and the designs responded to its contours, with offices in layers stepping down the slope and descending in scale from five storeys to two. Terraced gardens were provided at each level, with a sunken courtyard garden at the lowest level. In contrast to the Chatham and Bristol schemes, the architectural expression of Gateway 1 (completed in 1976) was rigorously modernist, almost Miesian in its purity. Gateway 2, also commissioned by Wiggins
Teape, was constructed on an adjacent site in 1981– 82, Wiggins Teape relocating its offices to the new building and selling Gateway 1, which had become too large for its needs, at a considerable profit. (It was rebranded as Mountbatten House.) With an eye to the future, the client specified a building, delivered to a fast-track schedule, using a management contract, and with a budget considerably less than that for Gateway 1, which could be potentially lettable. The most novel feature of the building was a central atrium, constructed using slender steel members, which prefigured that at 1 Finsbury Square in the City of London. The atrium functioned as a social space, complete with badminton court. It was equally significant as a major element, using the stack effect via opening roof vents, in the natural ventilation strategy, daringly adopted as an alternative to conventional air-conditioning. Wiggins Teape’s demise as an independent company led to the sale of Gateway 2, which was retro-fitted with air-conditioning using chilled beams and underfloor ventilation troughs, a move at odds with the original design strategy but one which the building was easily able to accommodate.
Section through Gateway 2 showing the naturally ventilated central atrium, the first of its kind in Britain.
The spectacular naturally ventilated atrium at Gateway 2.
到20世纪70年代,始建于18世纪的Wiggins Teape 造纸工厂已引起国际间的重视。该公司希望从伦敦的金融 城搬迁至贝辛斯托克,于是在1973年, Arup Association 被委任设计新的总部大楼。新大楼是最多可容纳1000名 员工。类似Chatham劳合社和布里斯托尔中央电力局办 公大楼的基本模块化设计,Gateway 1采用7.5米柱网的 结构框架高度灵活地建造了一系列人性化空间——敞开 式和分格式办公室。
The services strategy used the stack effect to ventilate the atrium, with open roof vents to extract stale air.
服务空间设置在轴网的间隙中。该地块由明显的 坡度,南面的视野开阔。办公室的设计是沿斜坡的倾 斜度顺势而上,依据比例从二楼到五楼层层退台。每个 楼层都设有露台花园,底层设置了下沉式庭院花园。 与Chatham和布里斯托尔设计相反的是,Gateway 1 (1976完工)的建筑表现风格是严格的现代主义,几 乎是纯粹的密斯式建筑风格。由于Gateway 1规模大大 超过了Wiggins Teape的需求,于是公司委托奥雅纳在 相邻地块设计Gateway 2。在1981-82年的建设期结束 后,Gateway 2竣工落成,公司即入驻新总部并以可观 的利润出售Gateway 1(后被更名为蒙巴顿楼)。在设 计时,Wiggins Teape对Gateway 2进行了长远考虑, 对建筑进行详细说明并时刻跟踪工程进度,采用管理合 同,预算也比Gateway 1降低了不少,并考虑到出租的 可能性。Gateway 2最新式的特点在于以修长钢构件制 成的中庭,伦敦芬斯伯里1号广场也采用了同样的构造。 中庭可作为社交场所使用,配有羽毛球场。同样重要的 是,利用可开启屋顶获得自然通风的烟囱效应,这一设 计替代了传统空调。Wiggins Teape作为一个独立公司关 闭后,Gateway 2被出售,加装了使用冷却梁和下送风 的空调系统,此举违背了原来的设计,但大楼完全能适 应这一改变。
Courtyard and terraced gardens provide amenities for the Gateway 1 staff. Section through office in Gateway 1 showing the integration of structure and services to create a generous, human scaled environment.
The building was designed as a kit of parts for rapid site assembly.
Zimbabwe Rhodesia House Conference Centre, The Strand Zimbabwe High Commission London, England 1982
Digital Equipment Corporation Offices Reading, England
District Council Offices, Hadleigh, Suffolk Babergh District Council Hadleigh, England
Bedford School Library Harpur Trust Bedford, England 1983
Residences Worcester College Oxford Oxford, England 1983
Awards 1984 Civic Trust Award Commendation 1987 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Eastern Region
Grand Theatre Redevelopment City of Swansea Swansea, Wales
Saudi Consolidated Electricity Offices Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
1983 1983
Hilliat al Hammad, Dallah Car Parks Dallah Establishment Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 1982
BBC Competition Langham Place British Broadcasting Corporation London, England
Zimbabwe Veterinary College Harare, Zimbabwe
1982 Docklands Development Corporation Site Study London, England 1982
Mortlake High Street Inner City Commercial Premises Association Ltd London, England
Laboratories Eton College Windsor, England 1983
West India Docks, Shed 19 London Docklands Development Corporation London, England 1983
Tower Hill Station London Transport Executive London, England 1983
Diplomatic Quarter Police Headquarters Saudi Arabia Ministry of Foreign Affairs Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 1983
Aldermanbury Development EC2 Chartered Insurance Institute City of London, England
Docklands Development Corp Office Building Docklands Development Corp London, England
Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Bishopsgate Gatechurch Property Management Ltd London, England
Milton Keynes Church Chesterton PLC Buckinghamshire, England
Bayswater Station London Transport Executive London, England
Docklands Light Railway Tower (Gateway) Docklands Development Corporation London, England Tower Hill Station London Transport Executive London, England 1983
Manor Farm, Harmondsworth Rockfort Land Ltd Middlesex, England
Embankment Station London Transport Executive London, England
BBC Edinburgh British Broadcasting Corporation Edinburgh, Scotland 1983
Notting Hill Gate Station London Transport Executive London, England 1983
1 Finsbury Avenue Greycoat Estates PLC
City of London England
芬斯伯里大道 1号 Greycoat 地产公司
伦敦金融城 英国
Awards 1987 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award for Architecture London Region 1985 Financial Times Awards Architecture at Work Category Structural Steel Design Award
Section through the atrium showing the new trading floor.
The dramatic atrium at 1 Finsbury avenue before flooring over in 1996 –1997. A staircase linking trading floors was inserted in the 1990s..
The office building at 1 Finsbury Avenue, constructed in 1982–84 and designed by Arup Associates, can be seen as a landmark in the development of office design in Britain. The site was adjacent to Broad Street station – before boundary changes, it was outside the City and within the borough of Hackney. The brief from developer Rosehaugh Greycoat was for a fast-track project – the building was completed in just over a year – providing deep-plan office spaces aimed at the financial services sector. The project was far removed from the bespoke office schemes – Lloyd’s, Wiggins Teape, CEGB – for which the practice had won acclaim. To meet the client brief the Arup team abandoned concrete construction and used a steel frame, with steel decking as a base for precast concrete floors – team members visited the USA to study North American practice. The 30,000 sq.m. building was planned around a full-height glazed atrium, another highly innovative feature for early Eighties Britain. External shading and planting were a prominent feature of the elegantly detailed, bronzeclad elevations, with upper floors set back. 1 Finsbury Avenue remains one of the most admired post-war buildings in the City. The Architectural Review commented that the project “proved that spec offices can make a sensitive contribution to a civic environment and that even a huge office building can have a richness and delicate scale suggestive of the human beings who work within”. Arup Associates was subsequently commissioned to design 2 and 3 Finsbury Avenue (1986–88). All these buildings are now part of Broadgate. The practice returned again to 1 Finsbury Avenue to design a reworking of the interior (1996–97) which saw the central atrium floored over at third floor level to provide additional dealing floor accommodation.
这座位于芬斯伯里大道1号的办公大楼建于1982至 1984年,由Arup Association担任设计。它是英国办公 大楼设计的一个里程碑。地块毗邻Broad Street车站, 位于伦敦市区外哈克尼区内(该区的范围后来发生了变 化)。开发商Rosehaugh Greycoat的任务书要求设计与 建设同期进行。而大楼的实际工期仅为短短的一年,提 供大进深的金融服务业办公空间。该项目与口碑优良的 劳合社、Wiggins Teape和中央电力局办公大楼有很大差 异。为了实现客户任务书要求,奥雅纳团队成员访问美 国,学习北美的做法, 放弃了混凝土结构而使用钢结构, 用钢板作为预制混凝土楼板的基底。30,000平方米大楼 围绕一个通高的玻璃中庭设计,是八十年代初英国的另 一个高度创新。上层楼面为退台设计,做工精细的外立 面采用古铜色覆层,配有遮阳设置和绿色植被。芬斯伯 里大道1号成为伦敦最受推崇的战后建筑之一,《建筑评 论》杂志称其“证明了办公楼设计对城市环境带来微妙 影响,即使是巨大的楼宇也可以丰富而细腻,正如在其 中工作的人”。Arup Association随后被委托设计芬斯伯 里大街2号和3号(1986-1988)。所有这些建筑如今成为 布罗德盖特的一部分。此后,Arup Association再次对芬 斯伯里大道1号重新进行室内设计(1996-1997),将中 庭设计在三楼,作为额外的交易楼层使用。
North / South section through 1 Finsbury Avenue showing the central atrium. Right: Plan showing the original context of 1 Finsbury Avenue.
Worshipful Company of Skinners Dowgate Hill Worshipful Company of Skinners London, England
Solent Business Park Arlington Securities PLC Hampshire, England
Fountain Business Villages Guildford Properties Ltd Wokingham, England
Rolm Europe Rolm Europe Ltd Wootton Bassett, England
Church House, Deans Yard, Westminster Church House Corporation London, England 1984
Skippetts House Estate, Hampshire Gould Inc. Basingstoke, England
Trafalgar House, Cannon Street Trafalgar House Developments Ltd London, England
Bedford School, Junior School Harpur Trust Bedford, England
Centre for British Teachers Centre for British Teachers Ltd Malaysia
Design without Compromise
Arup Associates Six Themes
Design without compromise – this is fundamental to the philosophy which drives Arup Associates and it is the natural outcome of a design process in which the first question asked is: “who are we building for?”. Experience proves that successful buildings are those which work well for their users, designed to a brief which is the result of a creative dialogue between architect and client. Arup Associates has been fortunate to work with clients who want to back innovative approaches to design and are prepared to work towards achieving results which serve the users of a building. The practice’s reputation for delivering creative solutions to the practical issues which clients bring to it is rooted in the dialogue – it can be a spirited debate – conducted within the office between architects, engineers and other professionals. The pan-disciplinary nature of Arup Associates is fundamental to its ability to address the complex issues which face the world of construction and development today. Dialogue and debate generate the solution – the common idea is what counts. It follows that Arup Associates has no “signature style” – every building is a specific response to a specific set of needs. So Arup Associates’ buildings embody a rejection of the iconic tendency, the application of a style as a priority. The practice’s priority is designing without the compromises that approach implies, with an agenda that is about enabling clients to achieve the results they look for in their buildings.
一丝不苟的设计理念始终是Arup Associates的前进动力。我们先自问“我们为 谁设计”,这将促使我们从客户角度精心地开展设计。经验证明,只有建筑师 与客户开展深入沟通,才能创造出优良的建筑并为用户带来良好的体验。很幸 运,Arup Associates的客户都支持创新的设计方案并致力于为用户带来优质的体 验。通过建筑师、设计师和其它专业人员的深度交流和互相间的灵感启迪,我 们能针对客户提出的实际问题递交创造性解决方案。 Arup Associates的跨界优势可解决当今建筑和发展所面临的问题。在跨领域 对话和研讨中,引导各位专家产生的一致想法往往就能得到圆满的解决方案。 此外,Arup Associates没有“特色风格”,因为我们针对具体需求打造特定的解决 方案。Arup Associates的建筑字典中没有“标志性”,也就是说我们不会格外推崇 某种建筑风格。我们的建筑理念是详细列出客户需求,然后以一丝不苟的态度 开展设计,打造出令客户满意的解决方案。
Diplomatic Quarter Sports Club Bureau of Foreign Affairs Saudi Arabia
Riyadh Saudi Arabia
使馆区体育俱乐部 沙特阿拉伯外事局
利雅得 沙特阿拉伯
Plan of the Diplomatic Quarter Sports Club, a very large complex serving embassies in the Saudi Arabian Capital of Riyadh.
The Diplomatic Quarter of Riyadh is located some 7km outside the centre of the Saudi capital, a 650 hectare city in its own right, providing a secure location for up to 80 foreign embassies. The masterplan approved by the Riyadh Development Agency provided for a low-rise, intensively landscaped quarter, literally an oasis in the rocky desert. Arup Associates was commissioned in 1981 to design a very large (94,000 sq.m.) sports and recreational club to serve the entire development. In tune with the client brief, the complex is clad in local stone, its architecture hinting subtly at local vernacular traditions. These traditions were harnessed by the architects and engineers to create an scheme of easy comfort, environment and sense of place. Strung along a pedestrian route, with parking and access roads around its perimeter, the development was conceived as a series of separate pavilions housing swimming pools, squash courts, a multi-purpose sports hall, cafeteria, and club house, together with outdoor courts and playing areas. The groups of buildings are linked by walled enclosures screening the open courts – one driver of this strategy was the need, in line with Saudi law, to segregate male and female users of the site. The buildings were designed as a family of concreteframed structures utilising a generic construction system comprising pre-cast roof beams supported by primary beams and columns and flanked by solid stone walls. The large sports hall and indoor pool are impressive spaces and have a clear span of 24m. One of the key objectives in the scheme was to minimise energy use whilst creating a comfortable environment. The layout of the buildings, the use of deep reveals in carefully designed windows to reduce solar heat gain, enhanced insulation and the utilisation of thermal mass in the structure of the buildings much reduced the cooling load.
利雅得使馆区位于距沙特首都利雅得中心约7公里 处,一个650公顷的独立安全区域,驻扎多达80个外国 使馆。利雅得发展局批准的规划条件规定了该地区楼层 较低且绿地率极高,仿佛沙漠中的绿洲。1981年,Arup Association接受委任设计一个巨大的(94,000平方米) 体育及康乐会所。为满足客户任务书的需求,建筑采用 当地的石材,巧妙地体现了当地传统。建筑师和工程师 利用这些传统创造轻松舒适的环境及营造地方特色。项 目地块由步行街围绕,周边设有停车场和道路,建筑构 思为一系列独立的游泳池、壁球场、多功能体育馆、食 堂和会所,以及室外网球场和赛场。建筑群之间是由围 墙隔开的庭院,这是由于沙特法律规定公共活动场所必 须将男性和女性隔离。该建筑被设计成一系列混凝土框 架结构,利用普通的建筑构架,预制顶梁由主梁和柱支 撑,相连两侧坚实的石墙。大型体育馆和室内游泳池跨 度24米,令人印象深刻。该计划的一个主要目标是创造 一个舒适的环境同时尽量节约能源。建筑物的门窗侧壁 较深且窗户设计精良,可有效减少太阳热量,强化的隔 热性和蓄热体的应用大大降低了建筑的制冷负荷。
Milton Bradley, Stockley Park Milton Bradley London, England 1988 Keang Nam Enterprises Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Riverside Site, Chiswick, Lephawk Lephawk Ltd London, England
Howden Management & Data Alexander Howden Group Ltd London, England
1986 Paternoster Square Masterplan St Pauls Stanhope PLC City of London, England
1987 1989
Springalls Wharf RTM Company London, England
Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House, Picadilly Royal Academy of Arts London, England
Emerald Street Development, Camden Harpur Trust Camden, London, England 1989
Lincoln Castle Property Services Agency Lincoln, England
Redhill Aerodrome British and Commonwealth Properties Redhill, England
Broughton Business Park Broughton Business Park Milton Keynes, England
Broadgate Development Liverpool Street British Land Company PLC
City of London England
Broadgate 开发区 利物浦街 英国土地公司
伦敦 英国
The office surroundings of Broadgate are fitted with granite sunscreens hung from the façades.
Awards 1992 RTPI Awards Award for Planning Achievement 1991 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Award for Urban Renewal Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award President’s Choice Building of the Year 1989 Civic Trust Award Special Award European Convention for Constructional Steelwork ECCS Steetly Award 1988 British Construction Industry Award BCIA Construction News Achievement Award
Arup Associates’ 1 Finsbury Avenue led to a commission from developer Rosehaugh Stanhope to masterplan Broadgate, a major new office development (driven by the 1986 deregulation of financial services which attracted many foreign institutions to London) on the site of Broad Street station. The practice was also commissioned to design a series of office buildings there which were constructed in four phases in 1985–87. The Arup masterplan cleverly shifted the focus of the City northwards, into previously neglected territory. It also provided for generous public spaces around the buildings, the focus of the development being Broadgate Square with the Arena (now known as the Circle, housing shops and restaurants and a central space used as an ice rink in winter). Vehicular servicing was located at basement level. The buildings themselves were eight storeys high, planned around central atria, with perforated, non-structural granite sunscreens masking their glazed elevations, a concession, perhaps to the perceived need for a “City look”. As in the case of 1 Finsbury Avenue, the buildings were completed to shell and core for tenant fit-out, and made extensive use of prefabricated components, for example, of cladding components and toilet pods, which speeded construction and reduced costs. The development was hugely successful in commercial terms, successfully accommodating a number of large dealing floors. Numbers 4 and 6 Broadgate were demolished in 2012 for a new office development and a strategy for the progressive renewal of the estate is being developed. As part of this, Arup Associates has redesigned the Circle, with reconfigured retail and restaurant space and with the central ice rink /performance space lowered, making it a more effective public space.
Arup Associates设计芬斯伯里大街1号之后,受到 开发商Rosehaugh Stanhope的邀约负责对Broadgate 进行总体规划,在Broad Street车站区域展开一个重要 的新办公楼工程(1986年英国放松金融管制,此举吸引 了众多外资机构投资伦敦)。Arup Association还被委 托设计一系列办公大楼,在1985到1987分四期完成。该 总体规划将市区的向北转移,希望使以前冷清区域也变 得热闹繁华。办公大楼周围留有大量的公共空间,且重 点配套Broadgate广场与运动场(这个区域现在叫做“ 生活圈”,包括商店、餐馆和一个在冬季使用的溜冰 场)。车库位于地下室。建筑高八层,围绕中庭展开设 计,非结构用途的多孔花岗岩遮挡玻璃体现出都市化的 外观。正如芬斯伯里大街1号,大楼落成外壳和核心筒( 可按租户要求进行内部装修)并广泛使用带覆层的预制 构件和整体座便器,以加快建设和降低成本。该建筑在 商业领域取得了巨大的成功,配有多个交易大厅。2012 年,Broadgate 4号和Broadgate 6号被拆除,拟建一个 新办公大楼,并正在制定渐进式翻新计划。作为计划的 一部分,Arup Association重新设计了“生活圈”,改造 零售和餐饮空间,降低中央溜冰场/表演场,使之成为一 个更实用的公共空间。
The Arena, now the Circle, was designed to host a series of events around the year, including iceskating in the winter months.
Image of Broadgate Circle reconfigured. Showing the lowered arena and new retail.
Early sketch perspectives demonstrate greatly improved visual connectivity across the Circle.
The 5 key interventions shown above have been developed to greatly improve the civic and cultural experience at the heart of the Broadgate Estate.
Villebon Business Park Shimuzu France SA Orly, Paris, France
London Bridge Olympia & York (UK) Ltd London, England Fradley Airfield Fradley Airfield Lichfield, England
Inmarsat Place Euston Station Inmarsat Ltd London, England 1990
1989 British Airways Competition British Airways PLC London, England
123 Buckingham Palace Road Greycoat London Estates Ltd London, England
Awards 1992 Structural Steel Design Awards Commendation
Marsham Street HMG Department of the Environment London, England
Buda Nova, Budapest Teleport Industries Budapest, Hungary
1990 1989 1990
Eccleston Bridge, Victoria Buckingham Palace Road Greycoat Estates PLC London, England
Moormuhle Hotel Topic Foods (UK) Ltd Hanover, Germany
1990 Paradise Project London Underground Ltd London, England Scotstoun House Proposal, South Queensferry Ove Arup & Partners, Scotland Edinburgh, Scotland
Chesterfield House, EC3 British Land Company PLC London, England 1990
Expo 92 Seville Competition Expo 92 Seville, Spain
Hamamuso Resort, MIO Tokyo Ltd Hokkaido, Japan
Manchester Airport Alfred McAlpine PLC Manchester, England
Wentworth Golf Club & Tennis Pavilion Chelsfield (UK) PLC Virginia Water, England 1991
Luton Business Park Luton, England
Dinan Departement Côtes-d’Armor Brittany, France
Copthorne Hotel Newcastle, England
Innsbruck Stadium, Bergisel Municipality of Innsbruck Innsbruck, Austria
Kodak Nottingham, England 1991
1991 Düsseldorf Tower Competition Düsseldorf GmbH Düsseldorf, Germany
Birmingham Star Museum Birmingham City Council Birmingham, England 1991
Awards 1991 Civic Trust Award
XXth District Park, Hungary Triport Ltd Budapest, Hungary Acheres Paris Departement Yvelines Paris, France 1990
Neasden Service Control Centre London Underground Ltd London, England 1991
1991 Legal & General Headquarters Legal & General Assurance Society Ltd Kingswood UK
1990 Energy Efficiency with Electricity
Awards 2000 British Construction Industry Award Special Award
Inland Revenue Offices HM Revenue & Customs Nottingham, England
Eczacibasi Atrium Project Eczacibasi Company Istanbul, Turkey
1992 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Regional Award
Financial Centre Milan Commune di Milano Milan, Italy 1991
October Square, Moscow Tower Russian Ministry of Oil and Gas Moscow, Russia
Project Flame British Gas Solihull, England
Frankfurt Schools City of Frankfurt Frankfurt, Germany Inland Revenue Offices HM Revenue & Customs Nottingham, England
Berlin 2000 Olympic Bid Olympia 2000 Sportstattenbauten GmbH Berlin, Germany
Financial Centre Milan Commune di Milano Milan, Italy
Sun Life Bristol Parkway Sun Life Insurance Bristol, England
1991 1992
Great Common Farm (Planning Applications) Stanhope PLC Bourn, England 1992
Bridewell Development London Haslemere Estates Ltd London, England 1992
Cory Environmental, Refuse-to-Energy Plant, Belvedere Cory Environmental Ltd Bexley, England 1992
Labovich Opera Tent, Hyde Park Neville Labovich London, England Luton Airport St Katherine by the Tower Ltd Luton, England 1992
London Hospital Framework Plan Royal London Hospital and Community Service NHS Trust London, England 1992 KOC University KOC Foundation Istanbul, Turkey 1992
Genshagen, Building Type D, Berlin Horsham Properties GmbH Berlin, Germany 1992
Lloyd’s Register Lloyd’s of London London, England 1992
Setting New Standards
Arup Associates Six Themes
From the beginning, Arup Associates’ work has broken boundaries, set new standards and redefined – in some cases, reinvented – entire building types. The key to this process of reinvention is the practice’s exploration, backed by research, into the ways that architecture and engineering, building form, structure and services interact. This process of exploration is apparent in an early work by Arup Associates such as the Mining and Metallurgy Building at Birmingham, with its virtuoso use of the tartan grid to carry the intensive servicing requirements of a laboratory block. At Stockley Park the practice was responsible for the masterplan and many of the buildings of a pioneering out of town business park, developed on the basis of intensive research into the practical needs of future users. A succession of bespoke office buildings, including Gateway 1 and CEGB Bristol, re-imagined what the ideal office environment might be, looking at the everyday experience of the building’s users. At Gateway 2, the potential for reinventing the speculative office building as a naturally ventilated, naturally lit environment was explored – the experience gained fed into 1 Finsbury Avenue, a building which set a new model for City office buildings and in turn informed the design of Broadgate. The process of innovation fuelled the design of Plantation Place and Ropemaker Place, with their landscaped terraces and low-energy servicing strategies. Environmental concerns have driven projects such as the FIFA Showcase in Qatar, demonstrating the possibility of creating comfortable conditions for players and spectators in an extreme climate, and the BSkyB complex, with the world’s first naturally ventilated television studios.
Arup Associates的设计往往以颠覆常规、打破传统的新理念,塑造出前所未有的建 筑样式。创新源于我们孜孜不倦的研究,以及对建筑工程、建筑样式、建筑结构 和服务的全面考量。Arup Associates设计的早期建筑,诸如伯明翰采矿和冶金学院 等,尤其体现出我们对创新的执着追求。其中,我们对格网天花系统的巧妙运用 满足了学校的实验和研究需求。斯托克利公园(Stockley Park)项目的宗旨是在主城 区外打造一座商务公园,我们的工作包括设计总体规划图和园内的诸多建筑。在 设计过程中,我们放眼未来,对今后的游园者和楼内用户进行了深入研究,从而 得出规划方案。在Gateway 1和英国中央电力局等办公大楼的设计方案中,Arup Associates以大楼的日常使用需求为着眼点,向世人呈现了理想的办公环境。 在Gateway 2项目中,我们将重新改造办公大楼,使之成为具有自然通风和自 然采光的室内空间。然后,我们还将这一成功经验应用于瑞银华宝的芬柏利大道1 号项目,全面开创了城市办公楼的全新样式。同时,Broadgate项目的设计方案也 是从中得到启示的。Plantation Place和Ropemaker Place两个项目均以卓越的创新 设计著称,而景观露台和低能耗策略更是锦上添花。另外,卡塔尔的世界杯示范 足球场则体现出Arup Associates对环保的关注。该设施能在极端气候条件下为运动 员和观众营造舒适惬意的比赛和观赏环境。与此相同,我们为英国天空广播大厦 这一综合性大楼设计了自然通风系统,开创了电视大楼的设计先河。
Gonville & Caius College Cambridge, England 1994
Buxton Opera House Conversion & Restoration High Peak Borough Council Buxton, England 1993
British Embassy Berlin, Germany
National Bowls Centre Worthing Borough Council Worthing, England
Lyon, Champ Du Pont Communaute Urbaine de Lyon Lyon, France
Cape Town Olympics 2004 SA Olympic Committee Cape Town, South Africa 1993 1993
Shizuoka Mitsubishi / Chiba / Aomori Stadium, Japan Arup Japan Ltd / Mitsubishi Estate Co Ltd Shizuoka, Japan Government Offices Great George Street Property Holdings London, England
Istanbul FPWC Markets Istanbul Food Processors & Wholesalers Cooperative Istanbul, Turkey 1993
1993 The British Museum Competition London, England Lloyds Cannon Marsh Lloyds Project Construction Company Ltd Bristol, England 1993
Awards 1995 Civic Trust Award 1994 British Institute of Facilities Office of the Year Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Regional Award Wessex Region 1993 Concrete Society Awards
Linden-S端d Hanover Design Competition DIBAG (Doblinger Industriebau Glasmanufaktur AG) Hanover, Germany 1993
Texaco Embankment London Texas Oil Company London, England 1995
Istanbul National, Cultural and Congress Center Istanbul Foundation for Culture & Arts Istanbul, Turkey
World Cargo Centre Heathrow Heathrow Airport Ltd London, England
Hong Kong Spectral Glass Sculptures in collaboration with James Carpenter MTRC Hong Kong
BBC Wales Design Competition Trawsfynydd Power Station BBC Wales Trawsfynydd, Wales
Shanghai Stadium, China Superior Management Ltd Shanghai, China 1994 1995
Brighton Library Competition Brighton & Hove City Council Brighton, England
Phoenix Project Tilbury Phoenix Ltd Paisley, Scotland
1994 Ellis Park Athletics Stadium, Johannesburg Johannesburg City Council Johannesburg, South Africa 1995 50 Triton Square (1 Regent`s Place) British Land Company PLC London, England 1994
Awards 1998 Lighting Industry Federation National Lighting Design Award
Awards 1998 South African Association of Consulting Engineers Award
1998 South African Institute of Architects Award 1996 Fulton Award for Civil Engineering, South Africa
Agecrof Colliery Inner City Enterprises PLC Salford, England 1994
Imperial War Museum
London England
伦敦 英国
Awards 1991 Civic Trust Award 1990 British Tourist Authority Come to Britain Award Museum of the Year Award National Lighting Award Royal Fine Art Commission Trust Building of the Year 1989 Structural Steel Design Award
Housed since 1936 in what remains of the former Bethlem Royal Hospital in Lambeth, the Imperial War Museum has developed into one of London’s most dynamic museums. Arup Associates was appointed in 1983 to develop a brief for the future development of the building, increasing gallery space, improving visitor facilities and providing appropriate conditions for the conservation of the museum’s collections. The first phase of development (1986–89) provided a spectacular addition to the building in the form of a galleried central exhibition hall, with an overall glazed roof, filling what had been a central courtyard and creating a space where tanks, field guns and aircraft could be displayed. New galleries for the display of the museum’s outstanding art collection and a 170 seat cinema were also created in what was a striking transformation of what had become a stale institution.
In Phase 2 of the development programme, completed in 1994, 1600 sq.m. of new gallery space, including further gallery space for art works, was formed by infilling a lightwell in the south-eastern corner of the building. Phase 3 of the development project, completed in 2000, provided a further 5000 sq.m. of display space, including new education facilities and a conference room. Most significantly it included accommodation for the Holocaust Exhibition, the first display in the country devoted to the history of the World War II holocaust. Arup Associates’ work at the Imperial War Museum demonstrated the potential for transforming a historic museum building, pointing the way to equally transformational projects at other institutions.
Diagrams showing the phasing for the Imperial War Museum (1983–2000).
Cinema and art gallery spaces shown in this section were also created in this phase of work.
1936年,帝国战争博物馆是从以前的贝特莱姆皇家 医院改造完成的。如今它已成为伦敦最具活力的博物馆 之一。1983年,Arup Association被委任制定该建筑的 未来发展任务书,包括扩建画廊,改善旅游设施,妥善 保护博物馆的藏品等。第一期改造工程(1986年至1989 年)在曾经的Bethlem皇家医院中央区域的修建了一个 有整面玻璃屋顶的中央长廊展厅,使博物馆更增魅力, 并打造了一个展览空间以展出坦克、野战炮和飞机。还 建造了一个新的画廊以展现博物馆的优秀艺术藏品,并 设计了一个可容纳170人的影院。这个陈旧的建筑重新焕 发新的生命力。
第二期工程于1994年完工, 将博物馆东南角的采光井 改造为1600平方米的画廊,进一步扩大了艺术品展区。 第三期工程于2000年完工,新增展区5000平方米, 包括新的教育设施和会议室。最值得一提的是大屠杀展 览,这是二战大屠杀历史在国内的首次展出。历史悠久 的帝国战争博物馆的改造充分证实了Arup Association的 潜力,为其他改建项目指明了方向。
The centrepiece of the first phase of development of the Imperial War Museum was the new central exhibition hall, covered by a curved translucent roof.
The Holocaust Exhibition was part of the third phase of work completed in 2000.
Leavesden Studios Watford, England 3 The Square - Stockley Park East Stockley Park Consortium Ltd London, England 1995
Awards 1998 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Regional Award
Upper Heyford London & Metropolitan PLC Upper Heyford, England 1995 G.C.H.Q Project Signal Bovis Construction Cheltenham, England
Royal Victoria Dock Study London Docklands Development Corporation London, England
Yorkshire County Cricket Club (YCCC) Wakefield, England
1997 1996
Glasgow Millennium Arena Glasgow City Council Glasgow, Scotland Goldsmiths, Bow Street Goldsmiths Co London, England
1995 University of Hertfordshire Sports Development Hatfield, England 1997
Crystal Palace Masterplan London Borough of Bromley London, England 1998 Greenwich Millennium Village English Partnerships London, England 1997
University of Nottingham Nottingham, England
Wiggins International Business Park, Kent Wiggins Group PLC Kent, England
Stockley Park Stockley Park Consortium Ltd
London England
斯托克利园区 斯托克利园区协会有限公司
伦敦 英国
Awards View of the early two storey buildings within a landscaped context of water and lavish planting.
1995 Landscape Institute Award Design Category 1991 International Art & Work Awards Art and Work Award Financial Times Awards Architecture at Work Award Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) 1989 Civic Trust Award Financial Times Awards Commendation Architecture at Work Category Industrial Agents Society Development of the Year 1987 Royal Town Planning Institute RTPI High Commendation United States Progressive Architecture Awards Innovation in Building & Construction Category
The five buildings designed as part of “The Square” in the 90s were platonic plan forms that comprised an outer rainscreen glazed frame enclosing orthogonal double glazed and insulated office space, with opening windows. The perimeter atria provided an amenity space for the occupiers and an environmental “buffer” to the office accommodation.
Above: Internal view of 3 The Square showing the generous atria between the inner cladding and the outer glazed rainscreen. A view of 2 The Square showing the inner timber cladding, opening windows and the naturally ventilated outer glazed rainscreen.
Just as Broadgate led the way in the provision of dealing floor spaces for the rapidly changing financial services sector, Stockley Park set the standard for out of town business parks, a new phenomenon in Britain. The principal progenitor of both projects was developer Stuart Lipton, who commissioned Arup Associates in 1983 to prepare a masterplan for Stockley Park. The 350 acre site – 250 acres of which was to be transformed into a golf course and public open space – was close to the M4 motorway and Heathrow airport but had been used for many years as a rubbish dump. Some 3.5 million cubic metres of polluted waste had to be removed before construction work could start in 1985. As at Broadgate, fast-track, construction techniques were employed – steel-framed, two and three storey blocks, typically with 18m deep floors flanking a central atrium, were completed to shell and core stage, ready to be fitted out in line with tenants’ requirements. Arup Associates completed eight of these buildings in 1985–87, all of two storeys, with hipped roofs and white cladding, giving the development an overall discipline lacking in other business parks of the period. Lavish planting, a feature of American business parks, was a key feature of the scheme and softened the impact of the large areas of parking. High-tech companies working in the fields of electronics and information technology formed the majority of early tenants. Working within the Arup Associates masterplan, the developers subsequently commissioned a number of other practices to design buildings in the park. Arup Associates was responsible for two further buildings constructed in 1989-90, as well as for the Arena (1989), intended to be the social hub of the development and containing management offices, a sports club, restaurant and conference centre. The central circular court had a monumental quality recalling the Arena at Broadgate. The recession of the early 1990s brought a hiatus in development at Stockley but in 1996 construction began again, with The Square. The five blocks there designed by Arup Associates marked a break with the pattern set by the earlier buildings, not least in terms of their overall form, all were double skin with platonic forms enclosing diverse social and amenity spaces. They featured cruciform floorplates, around a central core, enclosed within a glazed outer rainscreen façade (fitted with blinds to baffle solar gain), creating a buffer zone of atrium space that provided for the option, at least, of natural ventilation – air conditioning was standard in earlier buildings. The glossier commercial aesthetic of later buildings at Stockley, with the use of natural stone and timber, reflected its emergence as an office park – planning restrictions still in force in the midEighties had defined its use as primarily industrial.
在飞速发展的金融服务领域,Broadgate项目以设计 优良的交易大楼引领潮流。与此同时,Stockley园区则为 英国郊区的商业园区设立全新标杆。项目发起人,开发 商斯图尔特•利普顿曾于1983年委托Arup Association 进行Stockley园区总体规划。这片350英亩的地块(其中 250英亩将转变成一个高尔夫球场和公共开放空间)靠近 M4高速公路和希思罗机场,但多年来一直作为垃圾场使 用。1985年施工开始之前,施工方运走了350万立方米的 废弃物。就像Broadgate项目一样,园区建设采用设计与 施工并行的方案,钢架结构、二三层高的楼宇,通常进 深18米,围绕一个中庭建成表皮与核心筒,可再按租户 的要求进行细节装修。 1985-87年间,Arup Association建造了八座2层 楼高的建筑,均采用白色面层和四坡顶设计,整齐划一 的优美外观是当时其他商业园区所不具备的。丰富的植 被是美国商业园的一个特色,也是该规划的一个主要特 点,这很好地降低了大面积停车场的影响。电子和信息 技术等高新技术企业纷纷进驻。开发商随后又委托其 它建筑师事务所设计园区里的其他建筑。1989年至90 年,Arup Association又负责建造了另外两座建筑物以及 运动场(1989,含管理办公室、体育俱乐部、餐厅和会 议中心的社交中心)。中央圆形庭院相当宏伟,让人联 想起Broadgate运动场。20世纪20年代初期的经济衰退 使Stockley项目不得不暂停,但1996年重新复工,广场 随之开始营建。 Arup Association所设计的五座建筑再次打破早期 建筑的束缚,不仅仅在整体外形上颠覆常规,更采用双 层表皮围合形式多样的社交场所和便利设施。这些建 筑具有十字形平面,由玻璃雨屏围绕着中央核心区域 (配有百叶窗阻挡紫外线),制造了中庭空间缓冲区, 为自然通风提供了可能。而早期建筑物一般都使用空 调。Stockley后来的建筑外观更多采用商业化的玻璃幕 墙,并在天然石材和木材的配合下,显示出办公园区的 雏形。但是80年代中期,由于法规的限定,该园区主要 作为工业用途。
The Stockley Park Masterplan as originally conceived. To the south is the main development accessed off the A408 Stockley Road with a landscape of water, ground forms and planting. To the north is Stockley Pines golf club. The arena is at the centre providing an amenity for both the business park and golf club.
Wankdorf Stadium Beyeler Ingenieure AG Bern, Switzerland 1998
Bishop’s Stortford College Bishop`s Stortford College Governors Bishop`s Stortford, England
Mary Immaculate College Limerick School Quinn Savage Smith Limerick, Ireland
Trading floor integrated ceiling 1 Finsbury Avenue Warburg Dillon Read City of London, England
1998 Gloucester Docks Crest Nicholson Properties Ltd Gloucester, England 1998 Bristol Housing Study Crest Homes Bristol, England 1999 1999
East Manchester Regeneration Manchester City Council Manchester, England
Chelverton, Lisbon Chelverton Properties Ltd Lisbon, Portugal
1998 Queenstown Road, Battersea Harbour Land Ltd London, England
Awards 2000 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Housing Design Award
4 The Square Stockley Park Stockley Park Consortium Ltd London, England 1999
1998 New College Durham, Phase 1 Howland`s Farm University of Durham Durham, England 1999
Watling House Development British Land Company PLC
City of London England
华特灵住宅开发项目 英伦地产公司
伦敦 英国
The office floor plan prior to the omission of the atrium. The main corners of the building were also modified into “bookends” in the final scheme.
Location plan of Watling House within the Bow Lane conservation Area.
Model of the Watling Street-Bread Street corner of Watling House showing the vertical composition of window openings. With retail oriel windows on the ground floor, balconied windows on the second and third storeys, and topped by a lid of recessed continuous glazing on the sixth floor.
Arup Associates’ involvement with Watling House began in 1988 when the practice was commissioned to design a new office building for the site on Cannon Street, in the City of London, close to St Paul’s Cathedral and within the Bow Lane conservation area. The downturn in the property market of the early 1990s left the project unrealised but it was subsequently revived with British Land as client. A redesign omitted the central atrium originally planned – the scheme as built gained planning consent in 1997, with completion early in 1999. The challenge for the architect was to engage with a very varied townscape context – the contrast between the broad thoroughfare of Cannon Street, dominated by large office buildings, and the finer grain of Watling Street to the north, with a mix of smaller scale, largely 19th century buildings, was dramatic. The overall height of the new building was also strictly limited by the St Paul’s Heights strategy and the tight integration of concrete structure and services in plan and section created a floor to floor height of 3.45m. This unique achievement, possible only by the high degree of integration the disciplines embrace, meant that a further floor could be accommodated within the building, securing the financial success of the project. In practical and commercial terms, the building, planned around a central core with most of the plant at basement level, made highly efficient use of a difficult site, thanks to imaginative engineering solutions. But its contribution to the street scene was carefully considered. The modest structural grid of 6m x 6m was driven by the tight storey height, but it was decided to adopt a façade grid of 4.5m, mediating between the extremes in scale of Cannon Street and Watling Street. The three street elevations of the building are composed of stone-clad reinforced concrete piers propping the edge of the floor slab with a 3m glass cladding zone. To the south and west, the façades are triple-glazed reducing the size of the perimeter air conditioning systems – the outer level of glazing was omitted on the northern elevation to Watling Street. The two corner elevations feature a stack of horizontal louvres shading the glazing and forming “bookends” to the modular elevational system.
Arup Associates与Watling House的首次接触可 追溯至1988年。当年,前者受后者委托在伦敦金融城 的Bow Lane保护区内、毗邻圣保罗大教堂的卡农街 (CannonStreet)地段设计一幢新办公大楼。由于20世纪 90年代初房地产市场低迷,该项目曾一度受阻,不过随 后与英伦地产公司的合作使其重获生机。新方案删减了 原先规划中的中庭——该方案于1997年获得规划许可, 并于1999年初竣工。复杂的城市肌理是设计师面临的一 大挑战——卡农街大道宽阔,高楼林立,而北面的惠特 灵大道(Watling Street)则颇显古雅灵秀,建筑群多建于 19世纪,规模较小,两者之间形成鲜明的对比。由于政 府为保护圣保罗大教堂而对周围新建大楼的总体高度进 行了严格限制;在整合平面和剖面控制结构高度和吊顶 空间,最终将层高控制为3.45米。只有在建筑设计中高度 整合各专业才能达到这个成就,其意味着在成功确保财 务预算的前提下,可在大楼内增加一道楼层。出于实际 情况和商业原因的考虑,这栋紧紧围绕建筑核心规划的 大楼,将大部分大型设施置于地下室,充分高效地利用 了复杂困难的地形,这一切都得归功于充满想象力的工 程设计方案。为了让大楼融入该地段街景并为之增色, 设计师也做出了细致周全的考量。由于层高的局限,结 构采用6米×6米的柱网,但是立面采用4.5米的分割,以 便与卡农街和惠特灵大道的建筑相互呼应,相得益彰。 大楼面向三条街的立面由钢筋混凝土柱构成,表面覆层 为石材,以支撑楼板的边缘,且每层都设有3米高的玻璃 幕墙区。大楼西面、南面和正面均为三层玻璃,以减少 空调负荷——紧临惠特灵大道的大楼北面最外层则未安 装玻璃。角落两侧的立面装有水平百叶,以遮挡玻璃幕 墙的反光并为模式化的立面增加一道分割。
View of Watling House from Canon Street showing the main entrance and the triple glazing oriel windows on the west (facing Bread Street) and south (facing Cannon Street) elevations.
Detail of the curved horizontal louvres forming “bookends” over the entrance.
MSD Hoddesdon Merck Sharp & Dohme Hoddesdon, England 1999 Unilever House, Leverhulme Theatre Unilever London, England
Furniture Design London Business School London, England
Newham - Stratford to Thameside Arc of Opportunity London Borough of Newham London, England
1999 Aberdeen Football Club Aberdeen F.C. Aberdeen, Scotland 1999
Atlantic Estates Camden London, England 6 The Square, Stockley Park Stockley Park Consortium Ltd London, England 1999
Cambridge University Sports Centre EMBS University of Cambridge Cambridge, England 1999
1999 Spencer Dock, Dublin Dublin Corporation Dublin, Ireland 1999
Cambridge Colonnade University of Cambridge Cambridge, England
Earlsgate David Wilson Estates Ltd Swindon, England
Hong Kong Station Mass Transport Railway Corporation (MTRC)
Hong Kong China
香港中环站 香港铁路有限公司
香港 中国
The new Central Station project was generated by the decision to close Hong Kong’s Kai Tak airport, located perilously close to the city centre, and construct a new airport at Chek Lap Kok, a small island off the coast of Lantau Island. The new airport, with a terminal building designed by Foster + Partners, provided scope for future expansion – opened in 1998, it currently handles 56 million passengers annually and traffic is growing at a rate of 5% a year. However, it was sited some 35km from the city centre, so that new public transport connections were vital. An express rail link, with trains departing every ten minutes with a journey time of under half an hour, was planned. Huge new residential developments – effectively a new town – were also planned on Lantau Island, creating a need for new commuter services to the city. Hong Kong’s Mass Transit Railway (MTR), which had already created one of the most efficient urban rail systems in the world, was the client for the new central station acting as a terminus for the new services. The new station was sited on reclaimed land on the city’s harbour front, close to Hong Kong’s central business district. The aim was to create a station which would become part of the experience of flying, an appropriate complement to the new airport terminal building. (Check-in facilities for flights are provided, so that passengers can then proceed directly to gates on arrival at Chek Lap Kok.) The masterplan for the site required the provision of profitable commercial development associated with the station development.
The check-in hall at the heart of the station enjoys an abundance of daylight and is the core of activity for the entire building.
With Arup, an long established presence in Hong Kong, acting as consultant engineers for the project, Arup Associates was commissioned late in 1992 (working with Rocco Design as concept designers) as architect for the station – in effect, two stations serving the airport and commuter trains, arranged on nine levels, four of them below ground. The central focus of the building is the main hall serving the airport express services, a street level space 106m long and a generous 23m high. To the north, it is enclosed by a great wall of glass, with views of the city. At the time of its construction, this was the largest independently supported glass wall in the world, completely frameless and supported on 18 bowstring trusses. Passengers access the trains, 10m below ground, using escalators and lifts. The Tung Chung commuter line has its concourse at basement level, an imposing space 180m long and with a subway link, a major engineering challenge in its own right, to the existing Hong Kong Station. One of the major achievements of the project, given the constraints of the site in one of the world’s most crowded cities, was the way in which natural light is funnelled into the depths of the building. Given the vertical character of Hong Kong and the fact that the station would be overlooked by some of the most valuable real estate in the world, the huge roof of the station is a major design feature, with some 4,400 sq.m. of titanium cladding. Constructed “top down”, Central Station was the product of a triumphant collaboration between architecture and engineering in the best Arup tradition.
Axonometric of the central station, showing the arrangement of the building on nine levels. Commuter trains use a concourse at basement level.
新中央车站项目的建设源于香港启德机场的关闭。 这是因为紧邻市中心的位置,使启德机场存在危险隐 患,因此香港政府决定终止其使用,并在大屿山海岸的 小岛赤腊角新建一座新机场。新机场于1998年投入使 用,其中一栋航站楼由Foster+ Partners负责设计,设计 之初即为未来扩建留出空间。目前,新机场的年接待客 流量达5,600万人次,交通流量以每年5%的速度递增。 然而,由于新机场离市中心约35公里,新的公共交通网 络便显得至关重要。于是相关部门计划修建一条高速铁 路,每十分钟出发一班列车,全程运行时间不超过半小 时。同时计划在大屿山新修大型住宅区——实为一座新 城,因此建立通往市区的通勤服务体系成为必要。曾经 打造出全球最高效的城市轨道交通系统之一的香港地下 铁路公司(MTR)获得了面向这一新服务的车站——新中央 车站的建设合同。
Section through the station showing express airport and commuter lines stacked one above the other.
The central station is located on reclaimed land close to Hong Kong’s Harbour front.
Freestanding glass ticket centres and supervisors’ kiosks provide visual punctuation throughout the building.
新车站地块位于市区港湾填海形成的陆地上,邻 近香港中央商业区。其目的旨在让该车站构成飞行旅 途体验的一部分,为新机场航站楼的便利提供了有力补 充。(该车站设有登机手续办理点,因此乘客到达赤腊 角后即可直抵登机口。)地块总规划图要求提供与车站 发展相关的可盈利商业发展方案。长期在香港拥有影响 力的奥雅纳成为该项目的技术顾问。1992年底,Arup Associates受托担任本项目设计(香港许李严建筑师事 务所负责概念设计)——实际上,有两个车站用于为机 场和通勤列车提供服务,车站分九层,其中四层位于地 下。车站的焦点是其位于地面的主厅,专为机场快线服 务,长106米,总高23米,宽敞明亮。大厅北立面由玻 璃幕墙组成,可透过玻璃看到市区。该墙是建造时全球 最大的独立式无框玻璃幕墙,由18根弓弦式桁架支撑。 乘客可通过自动扶梯和升降电梯前往搭乘位于地下10米 处的列车。东涌通勤铁路线的车站大堂位于地面,与地 铁相连,长度达180米,气势宏伟。其对现有的香港火车 站而言在设计上充满挑战。考虑到香港是全球最为拥挤 的城市之一,鉴于项目地块的限制,该工程将自然光引 入地底的方法,堪称其最重要的成就之一。考虑到香港 的竖向地理特征,以及车站是容易被部分全球最具影响 力的地产商所忽略的领域这一事实,由4,400平方米钛金 属铺就的巨大车站屋顶,可谓该工程的主要设计特色之 一。中央车站采用自上而下的建造顺序,堪称奥雅纳历 史上设计与建造完美结合的得意之作。
Glass lifts provide an animated link between street level and the basements.
The glazed elevation to the main station concourse is a structural tour de force with frameless glazing supported on bow string trusses.
SMU - Singapore Management University 2000 Singapore Government Singapore 2000
US Sunwall Competition Department of Energy USA Washington, USA 2000
Riverside Infants School Essex County Council Hullbridge, England
Compaq Office Accommodation Compaq Computers Ltd Reading, England
St Alphage House - Project Windfall Corporation of London + BT Property London, England
Project Glasgow Corporation of London London, England 2000
Torquay Harbour Footbridge Torquay Council Torquay, England 2000
Stratford City Stratford City Development Partners London, England
Wimbledon Arts Centre London, England
Ponte Parodi Competition Commune Di Genova Genova, Italy
Marina Line Competition Singapore Transport Authority Singapore
SEEDA Housing Design Competition Chatham Countryside Properties Chatham, England
European Medical Centre Surrey Eli Lilly Co. Ltd Windlesham, England 2000
2000 Oslo Opera House Competition Norske Opera Company Oslo, Norway 2000 The Beacon Plantation Place Marketing Suite British Land Company PLC City of London, England National Athletics Stadium - Picketts Lock Lee Valley Park Authority London, England 2000
5 The Square, Stockley Park Stockley Park Consortium Ltd London, England 2000
Awards 2001 Royal Fine Art Commission Trust Building of the Year 2000 International Lighting Designers Award Special Citation
Cherrywood Business Park Dunloe Ewart/British Land JV Dublin, Ireland 2000
Loxley Works Hepworth Properties Ltd Sheffield, England
West Kowloon Competition West Kowloon Cultural District Authority Hong Kong
South Dublin Study South Dublin County Council Dublin, Ireland
2000 Duxton Plain Modular Housing Singapore HDB Singapore
Weston Airfield North Somerset Council and English Partnerships Weston-super-Mare, England Housing Prototype East Acton Demonstrator Project Peabody Trust London, England
Awards 2002 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Housing Design Award
2001 Malpensa Business Park Emprigillio Malpensa, Italy
Olympic Tennis Stadium Athens Olympic Authority Athens, Greece
2000 2001
Mill Hill School Mill Hill School Foundation London, England 2001
Shell Centre, Belvedere Court Lend Lease/Shell London, England
Armstrong Academy The Learning and Business Link Co Ltd Kent, England
Hoxton Modular Housing Study & Duxton Arup Advanced Technology Hoxton, London, England
Hull Stadium Hull City Council Hull, England
University of Lincoln & Humberside Lincoln, England
Slough Football Club Taylor Woodrow PLC Slough, England
European Southern Observatory Atacama, Chile 2003
Birmingham National Stadium City of Birmingham Birmingham, England 2001
Bridge End Redevelopment Masterplan Ewart Enterprises Ltd Belfast, Northern Ireland
Redgrave Pinsent Rowing Lake, Caversham Lakes Knowles Capital Projects Caversham, England
London Olympic Bid Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) London, England
London Institute London, England
2001 2002
Sky Studio Manchester Manchester City Council Manchester, England 2002
Grange Castle South Dublin County Council Dublin, Ireland 2001
Thames Gateway Study London Development Agency London, England
Beijing Olympics National Stadium Co Ltd Beijing, China
Stratford Regeneration Centre London Borough of Newham London, England
Portal Bicentenario Departamentos Portal Bicentenario Concepcion Santiago, Chile 2003
Kings Crescent The Peabody Trust London, England 2002 Canning Town English Cities Fund (with LDA and Newham Borough Council) London, England 2002
Arup Campus Prologis Kingspark British Land Company PLC
Solihull England
奥雅纳总部园区 奥雅纳集团 普洛斯集团
Solihull 英国
Interior of the naturally lit and ventilated offices at Arup Campus with rooftop cowls passively extracting air.
Awards 2004 Civic Trust Award Commendation 2002 Building Services Awards Institution of Civil Engineers ICE Overall Project of the Year Institution of Civil Engineers ICE Midlands Project Award 2001 BCO (British Council for Offices) Midlands Regional Award Timber Industry Awards Shortlisted, Softwood in use out-of-doors Times & Gestetner Digital Office Collection Special Commendation
Solihull is the location for the largest of 14 Arup offices in Great Britain and the base for the practice’s operations in the West Midlands. The Arup Campus, built to accommodate staff previously working from offices in Birmingham and Coventry, is located in a business park close to the M42. Arup Associates began work on the first phase in 1999 – it was completed in 2001, housing around 400 staff. The brief demanded flexible buildings suitable for team working. Natural ventilation, rather than the air conditioning typical of the other buildings in the business park, was developed with the budget paying for the visible architecture and façade necessary for excellent natural ventilation rather than invisible systems for air conditioning. The development, undertaken by British Land and pre-let to Arup, took the form of two steel-framed pavilions, stepping down the sloping site, with four staggered levels of accommodation, linked by a reception area, the pivotal hub for the social organisation. The pavilions are clad in untreated timber, with orientation-specific louvred shutters to control solar gain and opening windows. Rooftop “chimneys” acted as both light scoops and extractors for stale air (and smoke vents in the case of a fire). The thermal mass of exposed concrete plank floors and roof soffits helps to cool the offices in summer, with cool overnight air removing the heat stored the previous day. The focus on air-tightness and insulation integrity
for architectural and structural elements further contributed to the environmental performance of the building. Advanced control of the natural ventilation systems required the co-operation of the users to maximise its benefits. The radical traditionalism of the project, drawing obliquely on vernacular models, contained memories, perhaps, of the iconic Snape Maltings project. The success of the project, and the continuing expansion of Arup’s activities in the region, led to a further phase of development, completed in 2007, providing accommodation for up to 300 more staff. A third pavilion was added, 72m long, incorporating a new social hub for the complex. A number of changes were made to the specification for the first phase of development learning from the experience of the users and further improving environmental performance and user comfort.
奥雅纳设有14个办事处,其中最大的一处当数位于 索利赫尔的奥雅纳园区,这里也是奥雅纳在西米德兰地 区的运营基地。奥雅纳园区位于邻近M42的商业园区, 其修建目的是为了容纳之前在伯明翰和考文垂办事处工 作的员工。Arup Associates负责的这项工程首期项目于 1999年动工,并于2001年竣工,可容纳约400名员工。 任务书要求建筑风格需灵活多变,以满足团队在工作中 的合作需求。商业园区内的其他建筑通常采用空调通 风,与此不同,奥雅纳园区则采用自然通风。预算均用 于建筑的可视部分和需要良好自然通风的建筑幕墙,而 不是无形的空调系统。整个建筑的构成包括两处钢架结 构的楼阁(随着倾斜的基地从上到下逐渐退台),大楼 共有四个楼层交错的住宅区,中间由一个接待区连接( 这里也是社交活动的主要中心),英伦地产公司承担其 开发建设任务并将其预租给奥雅纳。
Section diagram showing the way in which fresh air is drawn into the building and passively extracted through rooftop cowls.
楼阁外墙均由未经处理的木材作为覆层,装有固定 方位的百叶窗,以控制采光和窗户的开启。楼顶设有“ 烟囱”,既可采光也可排出污浊的空气(一旦发生火 灾,还可发挥排烟作用)混凝土地板和房顶拱腹大面积 裸露在空气中,有助于办公楼夏季降温,清凉的空气一 夜之间即可吹散前一天积蓄的热量。强调建筑和结构件 中气密性和隔热性也有利于提升大楼周围的环境质量。 对自然通风系统的高级控制需要用户的配合,才能最大 限度地发挥其效益。该建筑的完全传统主义风格,隐然 可见本地建筑的风韵,或许还带有斯内普莫尔廷标志性 项目的记忆。 一期项目的成功加之奥雅纳在该地区的持续拓展, 带动了第二期工程的建设并于2007年竣工,使其能够额 外容纳300多名的员工。二期工程中,该建筑群新增了 一个长72米的楼阁和一个社交中心。根据首期用户的体 验,第二期工程在许多细节方面做了修改,从而进一步 提升了环境质量和用户舒适度。
Computer fluid dynamic techniques were used to predict and optimise air velocity and temperature distribution.
The buildings are clad in untreated timber designed to weather to a warm grey in tune with the surrounding landscape.
Wuhan Opera House Competition City of Wuhan Wuhan, China PGMS University of Surrey Guildford, England
Awards 2006 Guildford Society Good Design Award
2004 Faculty of Earth Sciences University of Cambridge Cambridge, England
Frankfurt ECB European Central Bank Frankfurt, Germany
Wembley Masterplan Brent Council and London Development Agency London, England
Gaoming Pavillion Esquel Enterprises Ltd Gaoming, China
Victoria Transport Interchange Transport for London London, England
Mega Sports Complex, Hotwar Government of Jharkhand Kolkata, India
2003 Battersea Theatre Parkview International Ltd PLC London, England
Lift for a disabled client Private London, England 2004
Torni Basin Pod Durat Worldwide Bermondsey Square Urban Catalyst (Bermondsey) Ltd London, England
Guangzhou University Marketing and Management Institute of Yunfeng Guangzhou, China
Dongtan Eco-City, Chongming Island SIIC Shanghai Shanghai, China 2005
Lewisham Gateway LGD (AMEC & Taylor Woodrow Consortium) London, England 2004
CTRL Seat Rail Link Engineering UK
Bridge End Redevelopment Sirocco Works Dunloe Ewart (NI) Belfast, Northern Ireland
Queen’s Park, Grenada Cricket Ground Grenada World Cup Organising Committee Grenada, West Indies
2005 2004
Battersea East Hotel Parkview International Ltd PLC London, England
SE University of Sri Lanka (SEUSL) SE University of Sri Lanka (SEUSL) Oluvil, Sri Lanka
Stratford City Office Building Stanhope PLC Stratford, England
2005 Boston House Refurbishment Arup Associates London, England 2004 Plantation Place South British Land Company PLC City of London, England 2004
Awards 2005 Structural Steel Design Awards Commendation
Arup Deployable Roof In house R&D project Various
Beijing NAGA Commercial Tianheng Real estate Development Co. Ltd Beijing, China
Arup Associates Six Themes
Research is a fundamental ingredient of Arup Associates’ approach to design, a root and branch activity of the practice. It is the means whereby Arup Associates has been able, over five decades, to challenge established ways of doing things. The fact that there is no “house style” allows free expression and the development of new ideas. Innovation in structural and services design was a feature of the practice’s work from the time of its inception, a reflection of its multi-disciplinary character. More recently, new disciplines have been brought to bear on the design of buildings. The practice was a leader in the development of computer aided design, but parametric modelling has brought a new dimension to the design process. Increasingly it is recognised that design must embrace issues beyond the strictly functional. Working with social psychologists, part of an expanding collaboration with a number of university departments, Arup Associates has been looking at the ways in which people respond to built environments. This research has fed into projects such as the BSkyB studios, where the masterplan was as much a social as a physical model, providing spaces for people in the context of a technologically advanced complex. A similar ground-breaking approach to rethinking how people use buildings informed the designs for Coventry University’s engineering faculty, a building embodying in its design new ways of teaching and learning. The practice worked with BT to produce a building which seemed worryingly radical but is now the most popular of the organisation’s workplaces. Nor does the process of collaboration extend only to scientists – at Plantation Lane, Arup Associates worked with a leading artist to produce the most striking example of integrated architectural art in the City of London.
在Arup Associates的设计业务中,研究调查是贯穿始终且不可或缺的环节。我们 凭借孜孜不倦的调研,在五十年的设计历程中不断推陈出新,颠覆陈规。我们 没有所谓“标志性风格”,这让我们始终保持充沛的灵感,不断发挥创造力和想 象力。Arup Associates整合跨领域的人才优势,不断在建筑设计中开拓创新。最 近,我们在建筑设计中融入了更为丰富的学科种类。我们在工作中不断引领计 算机辅助设计的发展,参数化建模的应用也为我们开拓了新的设计视角。目前 业界也逐渐承认,设计不能只局限于功能性,而要更多加入人性化元素。 Arup Associate在一系列大学宿舍的设计项目中,与社会心理学家开展跨界合 作,关注和了解到建筑环境对人们的影响。我们还将这一研究结果应用于英国 天空广播大厦的设计中。在这个容纳了众多现代化设备的大楼内,我们为工作 人员度身设计了人性化的工作环境。考文垂大学工程学院大楼也体现了同样的 设计思维,我们深入揣摩人们对大楼的使用需求,并在此基础上设计了全新的 教育和学习模式。英国电信大楼的设计在当初看来过于前卫,但现在它却成为 该公司最受欢迎的办公地点。Arup Associates的跨界合作远远不限于科学领域。 在Plantation Lane设计案例中,我们与一流艺术家合作,在伦敦打造出靓丽而极 富艺术气息的建筑。
Plantation Place British Land Company PLC
City of London England
Plantation 大厦 英国土地公司
伦敦 英国
Awards 2005 CIBSE Building Services Design Awards Highly Commended Office of the Year Lighting Design Awards Work Place Category Highly Commended 2004 Health & Safety Awards Occupational Health Initiative Category 1998 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition Grand Prize
Diagram illustrating the mixed mode ventilation option in Plantation Place with natural cross ventilation in the upper floors and perimeter natural ventilation of the mid floors. The lower floors are conventionally air conditioned.
The brief for Plantation Place from developer British Land was to provide around 100,000 sq.m. of new office space on a one hectare site, bounded by Fenchurch Street, Rood Lane, Mincing Lane and Eastcheap/Great Tower Street. Arup Associates’ scheme successfully integrates a very large new building, accommodating around 4000 people, into the historic fabric of the City. Plantation Place, a “banking factory”, demonstrated, in the face of competition from Canary Wharf, that large new buildings for the financial services industry could be accommodated at the heart of the City of London. The scheme comprises two buildings, a block of up to 15 storeys on Fenchurch Street and a lower, 10 storey block to the south, each of which has a distinct character. The northern block, 1 Plantation Place, is outwardly extensively glazed, while Plantation Place South, located on the route to the Tower of London, has a loadbearing stone façade with a more limited area of vertical glazing.The loadbearing façade combined with integrated services to give a compressed floor to floor height and allow the incorporation of an extra floor in the scheme, resonant of Watling House. Projecting and shading stone fins are a feature of both buildings, a response to the planning requirement that the development have a “solid” character on the street. The lower façade of 1 Plantation Place is effectively a stone veil, a restatement of the layered façade familiar from many earlier Arup Associates projects. The upper levels of the building, in contrast, with a double skin ventilated façade of frameless glass, allowing for mixed mode ventilation, a thermally tuned internal
façade and dramatically reduced solar gain in summer, read as a transparent, ethereal presence on the skyline. Between the two buildings is a new east/ west pedestrian route, Plantation Lane, a welcome restatement of the City tradition of lanes and alleys. The Fenchurch Street block has an imposing stepped atrium, which funnels sunlight into the building and creates effective office floors above in contrast to a reducing annulus of space. The project involved complex planning negotiations – Wren’s Grade I listed church of St Margaret Pattens stands at the south-west corner of the site and rights to light and views were major issues. The maximum permitted height of the development was 70m. Setbacks reduced the impact of the development on the narrow streets and allowed the creation of landscaped terraces extending around the building. As part of the scheme, the client commissioned artist Simon Patterson to work with Arup Associates on a major work of public art. The work, “Time and Tide”, a glass screen, 41m long, 6m tall, forms one side of Plantation Lane (screening the rear of an undistinguished 1960s block on Eastcheap). The screen is a giant light box, which features close-up images of the surface of the Moon, which constantly change colour. Patterson also designed the pavement lettering, a “carpet of words” related to the history of the site and the City. This is a bold and really effective piece of architectural art, properly integrated into a project which is a rational retort to the “iconic” tendency, with much that is technically innovative.
Plantation Place has a series of set backs at high level, which form garden terraces. The level 10 terrace provides a continuous promenade around the building of 250m length with 360 degree views over the city.
Anatomy of the building showing massing, terraces circulation cores and twin atria.
The atrium is lit by natural light from the south and provides the building with a dynamic central focus.
开发商英伦地产公司关于Plantation Place的任 务书要求在一个1公顷的地块新建100,000平方米的办 公空间。该地段四周分别与Fenchurch Street、Rood Lane、Mincing Lane和Eastcheap/Great Tower Street 接壤。Arup Associates的设计方案成功地将一座能够容 纳4,000人的大型全新建筑物融入到伦敦的城市肌理中。 被称为“银行工厂”的Plantation Place,在面对来自 Canary Wharf竞争的同时,向世人表明,面向金融服务 业的大型建筑也可入驻伦敦金融城中心。 该方案包含两栋建筑,其中一栋15层,位于 Fenchurch Street,另一栋10层,位于南面,每一栋皆具 特色。北面的1号Plantation Place外部大面积镶以玻璃幕 墙;而南面的Plantation Place South,位于通往伦敦塔 的路线上,外部多以大块石材砌成,仅有限的垂直墙面 区域镶嵌玻璃。承重立面考虑了综合服务使用,降低了层 高,因此整个设计方案得以额外增加一个楼层,此设计不 禁令人想起Watling House。根据规划要求,该建筑物需 从街道望去给人以“厚实”感,因此两座大楼都采用了 突出的石材。Plantation Place1号的下部立面为石材遮盖 物,再现了Arup Associates早期建筑常用的立面风格。 相较而言,其上部立面,考虑到混合通风模式的问题,则 安装有双面通风的无框玻璃和一个可进行调节的内立面, 大幅降低了夏季日光照射产生的热量。整个大楼的上部轮 廓在空中尽显通透。一条东西走向的人行通道Plantation Lane连接两栋大楼,令人想起金融城传统的巷道里弄, 顿生好感。位于Fenchurch Street 1号大楼设计有壮观的 阶梯状中庭,阳光由此照进大厦。与环状空间相比,这种 结构使得办公空间得到更高效的利用。整个项目在规划期 间牵涉到大量复杂的协商——大楼西南角矗立着雷恩设计
的一级保护建筑St Margaret Pattens教堂,因此我们主 要考虑的是如何运用光线和视野。整个建筑的最大允许高 度为70米。退台设计不仅减弱了大楼对狭窄街道影响, 更营造出一片环绕大楼的空中庭院。 根据规划方案,客户委托艺术大师Simon Patterson 与Arup Associates携手打造不可缺少的公共艺术。作 品“时光潮汐(Time and Tide)”是一块长41米、高6米的 玻璃屏幕,完整构成Plantation Lane的一面(东市场路 上有一个20世纪60年代建造的不起眼的街区,这块玻璃 屏幕正好遮住了该街区的后方)。该屏幕是一块巨大的 灯箱,播放着月球表面影像特写,色彩千变万化,五彩 斑斓。Patterson还设计了另一副作品,人行道刻字“语 言地毯(carpet of words)”,“述说”与该大楼所在地和 金融城息息有关的历史。这是一件真正令人印象深刻而 大胆的建筑艺术,恰当自然地融入到建筑中,更多地代 表着技术创新,是对纯粹追求建筑外形的理性反击。
The all glass backlit reception desk is a focal element to the atrium, whilst the surrounding timber panelling at ground level provides a warm and colourful setting.
The Lower levels of Plantation Place feature stone fins with upper levels clad in a double skin of frameless shiplap glazing.
The twin atria at Plantation Place channel natural light from the south into the heart of the building.
Plantation Lane British Land Company PLC
City of London England
Plantation Lane 英国土地公司
伦敦 英国
Awards 2005 Lighting Design Awards Commended Exterior Category
As part of the Plantation Place project, completed in 2004, a new east-west pedestrian route was created between the two buildings which comprise the development, which covers an entire City block. Plantation Lane, a reinvention of the traditional City alleyway, extends from Rood Lane, with the Wren church of St Margaret Pattens, at the south-west corner of the site, to Mincing Lane on the east. The new route had to address the survival of 51 Eastcheap, a dull 1960s block, with a service area to its rear. A strongly linear route was created, narrow and somewhat canyon-like but remarkably dramatic. In conjunction with the planning of Plantation Lane, British Land commissioned artist Simon Patterson to work with Arup Associates on two works of public art. The first, “Time and Tide”, a glass screen, 41m long, 6m tall, forms one side of Plantation Lane (screening the rear of 51 Eastcheap). The screen is a giant light box, which features close-up images of the surface of the Moon, which constantly change colour. Patterson also designed the pavement lettering, a “carpet of words” related to the history of the site and the City. The two elements create a bold and really effective example of architectural art. Arup Associates describe the project as “an intentional contrast and interplay between the two mediums, or languages…. We deliberately set up a duel between an historically rooted text cut into the ground plane, and the twenty first century resonance of the illuminated screen”.
Plantation Lane是一条新建的东西走向人行通道, 竣工于2004年,属于Plantation Place项目的一部分。其 位于两栋大楼之间,占据了整个金融城街区。Plantation Lane是金融城传统小巷的再现,西起Rood Lane,向 东延伸至Mincing Lane,大楼西南角是雷恩设计的St Margaret Pattens教堂。新通道经过位于东市场路51号 一片了无生气的街区。该街区建于20世纪60年代,历 经风雨保存至今,其后方是一片服务区。通道笔直、狭 窄,颇有点峡谷的味道,但是非常引人注目。 在规划Plantation Lane的同时,英伦地产公司委托 艺术大师Simon Patterson与Arup Associates携手共同 打造两幅公共艺术作品。第一件作品“时光潮汐(Time and Tide)”,是一块41米、长6米高的玻璃屏幕,完整构 成Plantation Lane通道的一面(东市场路上有一个20世 纪20年代建造的不起眼的街区,这块玻璃屏幕正好遮住 了该街区的后方)。屏幕是一块巨大的灯箱,播放着月 球表面影像特写,色彩千变万化,五彩斑斓。Patterson 还设计了另一副作品,人行道刻字“语言地毯(carpet of words)”,“述说”与该大楼所在地和金融城息息有关 的历史。这两幅作品塑造了大胆而真正令人难忘的建筑 艺术典范。Arup Associates将这两幅作品形容为“具 有强烈反差的两种媒介或两种语言之间的相互碰撞与渗 透……一幅是通过地面传达的根植于历史的文字作品, 另一幅则是承载新世纪气息的耀眼屏幕,我们有意在这 二者之间营造出一种“历史交融”的氛围。”
Simon Patterson’s “Concept of words” consists of stone lettering set into the paving of Plantation Lane.
Vauxhall Cross Interchange Transport for London
London England
霍克斯沃尔交通交汇枢纽 伦敦交通局
伦敦 英国
The ribbon like canopy of the Vauxhall Cross Interchange is both a highly functional facility for travellers and an urban landmark.
Awards 2006 Structural Steel Design Award Certificate of Merit 2005 Regeneration Awards Runner up Best Design-led Regeneration Project
The Interchange is linked with the adjacent Underground and mainline rail station and is designed to handle an hourly flow of up to 45,000 passengers at peak times.
Arup Associates won a competition in 2002 for a new bus station, commissioned by Transport for London and other agencies, adjacent to the Underground and mainline rail station at Vauxhall. The station, close to the Thames, was heavily used by commuters, many of whom transferred to buses here – stops were scattered across the daunting road intersection. Competing schemes were displayed at the station and the public invited to vote on them – Arup’s scheme was the clear winner. Completed in 2005, the interchange provides a covered hub capable of handling 45,000 people per hour at peak times plus staff offices, a small police post, public conveniences, and lifts to a rebuilt station ticket hall. The interchange has been described as “almost a piece of product design”.The idea of an enclosed building, with associated problems of security and maintenance, was rejected in favour of an open canopy, formed as a sculptural ribbon which provides shelter for passengers but equally serves as an urban landmark and an expression of the integation of public transport modes. The 200 metre long canopy (its form taking some inspiration from the regular lines and curves of London’s bus and Underground maps) is constructed of stainless steel and was designed to allow for prefabricated construction and rapidity of assembly on site. The canopy, three “ribbons” of steel, sweeps down to provide shelter for seating areas, with the outside elements rising up to 6.5m above street level to allow clearance for wind to flush outside air over the top of the doubledecker buses. It ends in a dramatic cantilever set at an angle of 20 degrees. The scheme integrates such elements as seating, signage and lighting, avoiding the extraneous clutter seen in many public transport facilities. By night, the structure is dramatically lit. In an early example of urban informatics, the current and accumulated output of the 200 sq.m. of photovoltaic cells, which provide a significant proportion of the building’s power needs, is displayed on a screen at street level to put the energy savings in context for the public. With a modest budget of just £4.5 million, the project has injected an element of civic order into a rather bleak urban landscape.
2002年,Arup Associates在一场竞标中脱颖而 出,受伦敦运输局和其他机构之委托,在Vauxhall地铁 站和干线火车站附近新修一处公交车站。车站靠近泰晤 士河,来往客流量大,多数人走出地铁站后会经此转乘 公交车。然而,公交车站却零散地分布在危险的十字路 口。竞标方案在火车站展示,邀请公众投票,奥雅纳的 方案以压倒性优势胜出。这座换乘公交车站建成于2005 年,高峰期每小时客流量高达45,000人次。另外,还建 有车站人员办公室、一个小型的警察岗亭、一些公共便 利设施和通往翻修的车站售票厅的电梯。民众将这座换 乘公交站“比作一件产品设计”。最初的构想原本是建 一座封闭式建筑,但考虑到可能产生安全和维护方面的 问题,于是这一想法随即被否决,转为修建一座敞篷式 建筑。该建筑形如一条雕刻般的丝带,为乘客遮风挡雨 的同时,可作为城市的地标,是融合各种交通运输模式 于一体的体现。200米长的顶棚由不锈钢制作而成(其外 形灵感源于伦敦巴士所经过的纵横交错的日常线路及地 铁线路图),设计时考虑到可事先预制构件、现场安装 快速等因素。顶棚由三根“钢带”组成,倾斜而下,在 座位等候区上方形成遮挡。最高点距路面6.5米,确保有 足够的间隙让风吹过双层巴士顶部。车站末端是一组与 地面呈20°角的悬臂支架,造型美观。时下有许多公共 交通设施座位、引导标示、照明等布置混乱,而这套方 案中则对这些因素进行了全盘考虑。夜间,整个车站灯 火通明。大部分用电由一组200平方米的光伏电池提供。 临街面竖有一块屏幕,显示即时和以往累计用电量,方 便公众了解节能状况,堪称早期城市信息化的典范。该 项目预算适中,仅花费450万英镑,为颇显荒凉的城市一 隅注入了人气与活力。
NYTC - New York, 2nd Avenue Metropolitan Transit Authority New York, USA Salford Stadium Welding Start Ltd Salford, England
Kingswood, Legal & General Legal & General Assurance Society Ltd Kingswood, England
St Vincent & the Grenadines National Stadium St Vincent & the Grenadines National Stadium Project of the Government 2007
Asta House Arup Group Ltd London, England 2006
Puro Spa Bath Durat Worldwide 2006
Shanghai Word Expo Art & Performance Center, China Shanghai Media & Entertainment Group Shanghai, China
Eurostar Passenger Lounges Eurostar (UK) Ltd St Pancras Station, London
BSkyB Campus British Sky Broadcasting Ltd London, England 2007
Siemens Beijing Centre Phase 2 Siemens Ltd. China Beijing, China 2007
Xiamen Office Tower Jianfa Real estate Development Co. Ltd Xiamen , China 2007
Beijing Changxing Demo Centre Beijing Vanion Construction & Investment Co., Ltd Beijing, China 2007
Imperial College Sports Hall and Residences London, England
Zhangjiabang Footbridge Shanghai Lujiazui Finance & Trade Zone Development CO Ltd Lujiazui Software Park, Shanghai 2006
2006 National Centre for Design & Innovation London Development Agency London, England
Kensington Oval Barbados World Cup Barbados Kingston, Barbados
2009 WAN Civic Awards Shortlisted 2008 British Construction Industry Award BCIA Commendation
IStructE, Sports or Leisure Category Commendation
Crystal Palace - National Sports Centre London Development Agency (LDA) London, England 2007
Power of Aluminium Awards Commendation Structural Steel Design Award Commendation World Architecture Awards Shortlisted, Sports Category 2007 BD Architect of the Year Awards Sports Architect of the Year The LEAF Awards Structural Design Of The Year
Temple Mills Depot, Leyton Rail Link Engineering London, England
Arup Campus Phase II Cat A British Land – Cat B Arup Group Solihull, England 2007
Awards 2008 BCO awards 2008 Lighting Design Awards Low Carbon Building of the Year 2008 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Shortlisted, Regional
Nokia Campus
Beijing China
北京诺基亚园区 诺基亚(中国)有限公司
北京 中国
Awards 2010 BCI Green Design Award Commercial Category Green Leadership Award 2008 Hong Kong Green Building Awards New Construction Category Merit Award
Arup Associates cemented its place as a leader in sustainable design in China with the completion of the Nokia China Campus, the first newly constructed commercial building in China to be awarded a LEED Gold certificate. The complex comprises an office and research and development building, an energy centre, a bicycle shed and other supporting facilities. It serves as Nokia China’s new headquarters and R&D hub, providing office space for 2,300 employees. The headquarters is designed around sustainability and energy-efficient performance. It has a glass façade with a temperature-controlled cavity between the panes. This intelligently balances the sun’s natural heat and the building’s air conditioning system to prevent the impact of outdoor temperatures being felt inside. Skylights and a large communal atrium provide natural light and ventilation throughout the building. The headquarters uses numerous water conservation mechanisms and more than 30 design techniques, which have resulted in a building that cuts water use by 37% and energy consumption by 20%. The well-being of the employees is at the heart of the building design. The building has a gym, nursery, community centre and social spaces, with over 97% of the space having an outside view. The comprehensive design—both in human experience and sustainability strategies—ensures the building’s legacy as a landmark low-energy project in China.
诺基亚中国园集诺基亚中国区总部和科研开发 中心于一身,是中国首个获得美国绿色建筑委员会 (USGBC)LEED金奖认证的新建商用建筑。整个园区 由办公、研发大楼、能源中心、自行车停放区和其它配 套设施组成,作为诺基亚在中国的新总部及研发中心, 大楼为2300名员工提供了办公场所。 新总部的设计注重能源效率和可持续性。大楼采 用双层玻璃外墙,能够通过两层玻璃墙之间的空气自动 调节温度。这一智能设计有效地实现了太阳热量与空调 系统间的平衡,减少室外气温对室内温度的影响。采光 天窗与大型公共中庭为整栋建筑提供了充分的日照与通 风。大楼采用多种节水机制以及30多项设计技术,实现 了节水37%、节能20%的成效。 员工的福祉是建筑设计的核心。建筑内设有健身 馆、托儿所、社区中心以及各种社交场所,大楼97%的 区域都可以观赏到室外的景观。这样既以人为本又考虑 可持续发展的设计使得这栋建筑成为了中国低能耗建筑 的典范。
Right: Intelligent facade design helps mediate temperature differences between outdoors in indoors, increasing energy-efficiency Below: Diagram showing skylights providing natural lighting and ventilation for the large central atrium space
CITI Data Centre Citigroup
Frankfurt Germany
花旗银行数据中心 花旗集团
法兰克福 德国
Water storage tanks provide vital back-up for the water cooling system serving the data halls.
Awards 2009 The LEAF Awards Shortlisted Best Sustainable Development Category 2008 Financial Services Technology Awards Data centre excellence green energy efficiency award Financial Services Technology Awards Overall Winner 2007 Datacentre Awards Green Data Centre Award
A data centre is, at its essence, a container for the processing and storage of information: many such structures have been no more than air-conditioned, energy-guzzling boxes. Arup Associates’ data centre for Citi on the outskirts of Frankfurt addressed the question for the first time: can a data centre really be “green”? When the practice was appointed to design the new facility for this global financial business early in 2006, the site for the building had not been decided – it could have been in any of the European countries in which Citi operates. The choice eventually fell on the Frankfurt suburb of Am Martinszehnten. The aspiration to create a low-energy, sustainable data centre – typically such buildings consume up to 20 times more power than a typical office block – was in tune with the client’s desire to be seen as an environmentally responsible business. Statistics showing that data centres emit more than 170 million tonnes of carbon annually have generated demands for strict controls to curb their energy consumption. But equally energy costs money – and it is in the interest of companies to reduce their consumption. Arup Associates’ client brief provided for a 20,000 sq.m. building to allow data halls to be occupied in two phases, the first phase also including a modest area of offices and a significant logistics facility. The sustainable agenda of the project had to be balanced against other priorities: a very challenging deadline for the delivery of the building, (phase one
was constructed in under a year, with extensive use of prefabricated components) and, of course, confidence in its technical performance and reliability. The data centre is cooled by a highly efficient water cooling system which optimises free cooling from outside air and, with the use of a reverse osmosis water purifying plant, retrieves up to 90% of the water that would be wasted in a more conventional system, also greatly reducing the number of chemicals used to treat the water. The building’s green credentials are on display externally, with a planted green wall 55m long on its eastern elevation, irrigated by run-off from the roofs, which are planted to reduce thermal gain and encourage wildlife. The offices prioritise a high quality environment for people and are naturally ventilated, with chilled ceilings as part of a back-up system, and heated in winter with heat recovered from the data centre. Timber brise soleil from local oak trees control solar gain while channelling daylight into the offices. The development is the world’s first LEED Platinum certified data centre. The aim to reduce the annual energy consumption by 30% was achieved, with substantial cost savings for the client – and significant benefits for the environment. For Arup Associates, the project fed into continuing research into the design of energysaving data centres, of which the Meeza data centre in Qatar is an outstanding example.
Data halls are sandwiched between plant areas.
数据中心本质上是处理和存储信息的场所:众多 数据中心无非就是装有空调的高能耗箱式建筑而已。 Arup Associates为花旗集团在法拉克福市郊设计的数 据中心首次解决了这样一个疑惑:数据中心真的能够 实现环保?早在2006年,当Arup Associates接受委托 为这家全球金融公司设计全新数据中心时,建设地块 尚未确定——因为花旗可以在其运营的任何一个欧洲 国家选地。最终,花旗集团选中了法拉克福市郊的Am Martinszehnten。花旗希望建造一个可持续的低能耗数 据中心,延续其绿色环保的企业形象——通常数据中心 的能耗是普通写字楼的20倍。统计数据显示,数据中心 每年碳排放超过1.7亿吨,因此需要严格控制能耗。同 时,能源的购买也需花费大量成本,因此降低能耗是符 合公司利益的。根据Arup Associates的客户任务书, 数据中心占地面积20,000平方米,分两期建成。首期还 包括一个面积适中的办公区和一个重要的物流设施。项 目的可持续发展内容必须和其他具有优先项目权衡:快 速的工程交付日期(一期工程需广泛使用预制件,且在 一年内完工),以及对工程的技术性能和可靠性的充沛 自信。数据中心的冷却依靠的是一套高效水冷系统。该 系统能够优化自然空气的冷却效果,而且使用反渗水净 化装置,与常规系统相比,可将多达90%的水回收,同 时大大减少了用于水处理的化学物质。中心的东边立面 墙覆盖绿色植被,可谓该建筑注重环保的见证。植物覆 盖区域长55米,通过屋顶的水流加以灌溉,这样既可降 低热量,也可繁殖野生植物。办公室自然通风,优先考 虑为人提供优质环境,冷却吊顶可作为备份系统的一部
Diagram showing the cooling system for the building designed to economise on the use of water and radically reduce energy use.
Data Hall showing floor level air supply and localised extract in ceiling plane.
分,到冬季时从数据中心获取的热量又可将其加热。用 当地橡木制成的木质遮阳板控制日光并将光线引入办公 室。该工程是全球首家获得能源与环境设计先锋奖白金 奖(LEED Platinum)认证的数据中心。每年减少30%能耗 的目标得以实现,而且为客户节省大量成本,同时又为 环保做出了显著的贡献。对于Arup Associates来说,该 项目为继续探究节能数据中心的设计提供了经验,后来 的卡塔尔Meeza数据中心便是其中一个卓越案例。
The eastern elevation of the building features a planted wall irrigated by rainwater run-off from the roof.
E-Shelter Data Centre E-Shelter GmbH Saunderton, England 2008
QFHQ Education City Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF) Doha, Qatar
Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) University of Cambridge Cambridge, England
StageZERO Plymouth Rock Studios Plymouth Rock, USA
Arcola Theatre London, England
Liverpool Gateway Art Project (Rocket Junction) Liverpool Land Development Company Liverpool, England 2008
Chongqing Yunyang Hotel Chongqing Yangtze River Three Gorges Tourism Development Limited Company Chongqing, China
Donbass Arena FC Shakhtar Donetsk, Ukraine
Hangzhou Metro Qibao Depot Hangzhou Planning Bureau Hangzhou, China Glass Cantilevered Bench British Land Company PLC London, England
Fitzrovia, Public areas Arup Group Ltd London, England
Chongqing Energy Efficient Demonstration Chongqing Architectural Technology Development Centre & Chongqing Energy Saving Centre Chongqing, China 2009
Knowledge and Innovation Community – North Shui On Land Shanghai, China
Kinmen BOT Development Taiwan Land Development Corporation Kinmen, Taiwan
Tidal Barrier Control Centre Environment Agency Ipswich, England
Beijing Fashion Centre HKI China Land Limited Beijing, China
A Social Purpose
Arup Associates Six Themes
The idea of architecture as a social art, with a social purpose, was fundamental to the Modern Movement. Back in the 1930s Berthold Lubetkin and Ove Arup were committed to the idea of social progress – not to be confused with social engineering. In a very different age, Arup Associates remains committed to the idea of design for people, addressing not just their physical needs but responding to human emotions and creating places which are enjoyable, with a sense of well being, places that enrich the senses. This commitment has a particular relevance to the workplace, where people spend a high proportion of their lives. Practical efficiency and the constraints of a budget drive such projects but it is clear that the most productive workplaces are those where the experience of the user is positive. Arup Associates has something of a reputation for persuading the client to go the extra mile, to think beyond the purely functional and to aspire to create a special environment. The fruits of this thinking are seen in classic workplace projects such as Gateway 1, with its hanging gardens and the landscaped courts of the CEGB headquarters in Bristol, both buildings now enjoyed by a different set of users. At 1 Finsbury Avenue, Arup Associates created the blueprint for Broadgate, where City workers were given a tranquil setting of squares and pedestrian ways in contrast to the surrounding traffic-choked streets. And the philosophy of design for people extends beyond the workplace to other building types. At the Singapore Sports Hub, the imperative to create corporate entertainment space was set aside in favour of a sports venue which genuinely caters for the whole community.
建筑是一种带有社会意义的艺术形式,对人类的进步和现代化的演进具有 十分重要的作用。二十世纪三十年代,贝特洛•莱伯金 (Berthold Lubetkin) 和奥 雅纳爵士一致认为社会是进步的(当然社会的进步与工程学的进步并非同一概 念)。在现下这个独特的历史时期中,Arup Associates继续致力于人性化设计, 在满足生理诉求的同时更关注人的情感,使建筑能够带来安全感和舒适感,让 所有感官都能得到愉悦的享受。我们尤其将这一理念运用于办公场所的设计之 中,这是因为人的一生有很大一部分时间是用于工作之中的。诚然,办公场所 的设计应着重考虑提高员工工作效率和降低工程预算,但是只有当员工对工作 环境产生舒适感,他们才能发挥最大的工作效率。Arup Associates会让客户了 解,单纯的功能性并不是办公场所的全部,还需要从人性化角度考量,建设一 个独特而惬意的工作环境。我们也正是因此而赢得了良好的口碑。 我们很多优秀的建筑项目都体现这一设计思维,如带有空中花园的Gateway 1 和英国中央电力局总部的园林庭院(位于布里斯托尔)。如今,这两处建筑都 为内部的使用者带来了享受。在芬斯伯里大街1号,Arup Associates绘制了布罗 德盖特(Broadgate) 的蓝图,设计初衷是在周围的喧嚣和拥挤中辟出一方宁静的 空间,让员工能够自在徜徉于美丽的广场和步行街上。除了办公场所,我们还 将以人为本的设计理念运用于其他建筑种类。比如新加坡体育中心,我们为了 让体育场馆满足整个社会的需求,而没有设置大众娱乐设施。这种大胆而独到 的设计思路可以说是当代体育馆建设的小小创举。
Ropemaker Place British Land Company PLC
City of London England
Ropemaker 大厦 英伦地产公共有限公司
伦敦 英国
Awards 2011 WAN Commercial Awards Shortlisted 2010 Association of Interior Specialists Awards Gold Award Interior Fitout Category British Construction Industry Award BCIA Winner, Major Projects Award World Architecture Awards Shortlisted, Office Category 2009 Building Together Awards Winner of the Energy Reduction Award
Ropemaker Place was conceived as a series of interlocking volumes with set backs allowing for external garden terraces, culminating in a tower to the south east.
In common with the earlier Plantation Place project, Ropemaker Place, commissioned by the same client, British Land, demonstrated the capacity of the City of London to accommodate large office buildings and retain its position as London’s premier business district. The site for the development was, however, at a remove from the heart of the City, close to the Barbican and actually located just outside the City boundary in the London Borough of Islington. An undistinguished 12 storey 1980s office building occupied the site and planning consent existed for a scheme commissioned by another developer which, after review by Arup Associates, was abandoned in favour of a complete redesign. While Plantation Place was conceived primarily as a “banking factory”, Ropemaker Place addressed a broader potential tenant base – including, for example, legal services – and was designed to provide a range of flexible spaces ranging from large dealer floors, of around 4000 sq.m., on levels 1 and 2 to 1100 sq.m. floors on upper levels. The brief was for a building to be completed by spring 2009, just three years after the acquisition of the site, as a shell and core ready for multiple tenants fit-out. Sustainability was a key element in the client brief. The 55,000 sq.m building, rising to a maximum 21 storeys, was conceived as a series of six interlocking volumes, ascending in stages with setbacks providing a succession of garden terraces – a feature which had proved highly successful at Plantation Place and had been a feature of a number of Arup Associates projects since the 1970s. The massing of the building responded to planning prescriptions, which demanded that its height on the northern edge of the site (on Chiswell Street) be no more than six storeys. The upper levels should be set back 3m from the street frontage.
Massing exercises generated a form for the building with a six storey block forming its base and orthogonal terraces then ascending in an anti-clockwise spiral to a full height of 22 storeys on the south-east corner of the block, where the main entrance is located, with the main core adjacent – three zones of 17 lifts serve the upper levels with escalators to levels 1 and 2. Satellite cores are pushed to the perimeter of the building to provide clear floor spaces. Highly efficient and commercially successful – the entire building was quickly let – fundamentally achieved by the success of the integrated design team being able to meet the development programme. The structural design focussed on buildability, utilising heavy existing foundations, together with a new deeper basement, followed by a slip form core, and steel frame superstructure, taking maximum advantage of this phasing to overlap design and construction. Whilst multi-façeted, the sustainability strategies are most clearly manifest in the façade design, one of the keys to the low-energy performance of the project, with angled window panels arranged in serrated blocks to self-shade and reflect solar gain – the window seats accommodated within the window modules recall those which were a feature of Arup Associates’ Oxbridge projects of the 1960s and 70s. Around 50% of the building envelope is clad using highly insulated glass spandrels incorporating coloured panels and contributing to the building’s highly distinctive aesthetic, in which it is impossible to tell the hand of the architect from the engineer.
Plans showing the changing profile of the building as it rises vertically, with stepped terraces at roof level.
Escalators in the entrance hall provide additional access to the large trading floors on the first and second floor levels.
Interiors are carefully detailed. The gull wing uplit ceilings are a striking feature of both the entrance and atrium.
与早前的Plantation Place项目一样,Ropemaker Place也是受英伦地产公司的委托而设计,同样展示了 伦敦金融城容纳大型写字楼的能力,并保持其作为伦敦 一流商务区的地位。然而,该项目的地块距离金融城中 心尚有一定的距离,邻近Barbican,实际上正好位于金 融城边界外的伦敦伊斯灵顿区(Borough of Islington) 。原址本来是20世纪80年代修建的一栋毫不起眼的写字 楼,共12层高。原本另一家开发商的设计方案已获得了 规划许可,但Arup Associates决定放弃该计划而进行 重新设计。 Plantation Place项目主要是按照“银行工厂”的 构思开发设计的,而与此不同Ropemaker Place的设计 则针对更广的潜在客户群(比如,包括法律服务等)。 方案里提供了一系列灵活的空间:从针对大客户设计的 4,000平方米的一、二层到1,100平方米的高层。根据任 务书,大楼于2009年春(地块被收购整三年之后)完 工,预备出租给各种类型的租户。在客户任务书中,可 持续发展是一个关键元素。 大楼总面积达55,000平方米,高21层,由六个互相 连接的体块构成,逐级上升,并形成退台,并打造出空 中庭院——这种方法已经在Plantation Place中曾运用过 并大获成功。自20世纪70年代以来,Arup Associates 设计的众多项目都具有这种特色。大楼的公寓按照设计 描述实施,这要求大楼北面(临Chiswell Street)的建 筑高度不得超过六层。高层退台应该自临街面起向后缩 进3米。
Opposite page: The planted terraces are a rare amenity in the city.
Honeywell R&D Centre Honeywell
Shanghai China
霍尼韦尔上海研发中心 霍尼韦尔有限公司
上海 中国
Arup Associates was tasked to review and redesign the 4.35 hectare Honeywell Shanghai Campus and provide the concept design for the new Research and Development building. Located in the successful Zhang Jiang Industrial Park in Pudong, Shanghai, the R&D building stands at the gateway to the larger Honeywell site and is an important icon for the company. The R&D Centre consists of four stories and houses laboratories, varies office spaces and sport facilities on the roof. The form of the building was largely dictated by the need to maximise the use of existing piles set for a previous building design. Curvature was introduced to the building form in attempt to differentiate it from the rest of the buildings on campus. After extensive micro-climate analysis, the design was optimised to increase energy efficiency and incorporate hybrid ventilation systems. Much of the design team’s effort was directed towards the design of the building’s skin. The result is a facade design that breathes life and energy into the building and the entire campus, while reflecting the functional complexities of the program within. Main facade materials consist of aluminum panels, translucent glass and transparent glass, together providing different degrees of privacy and lighting conditions for the end-users of the building. From the exterior, the facade is broken into three horizontal sections with varying cladding materials and proportions to avoid the predictable quality of similar curtain wall buildings typically found in R&D campuses nearby.
Arup Associates接受了一个任务:重新考察并设 计上海霍尼韦尔4.35公顷的园区,并提供研发中心的建 筑设计概念。坐落在张江高科园区,研发中心位于霍尼 韦尔园区的入口位置,是重要的标志性建筑。 研发中心有四层,包括实验区,办公空间和屋顶运 动设施。建筑形式最大化地利用了现存的管道。弧形的 建筑造型把它和园区里的其余建筑区别开来。在分析微 气候之后,我们优化了设计,提高了能源效率,并采用 了混合通风系统。 幕墙设计凝聚了团队最多的心血。最终我们设计 了一面会“呼吸”的幕墙,它不仅反映了内部的功能, 也为建筑及整个园区带来了能量与生活气息。幕墙的主 要材料为铝合金板、半透明玻璃和透明玻璃,为用户 提供了不同程度照明条件,同时还兼顾了私密性。从 外面看,立面被分成了三个水平部分,为了避免和周边 建筑的雷同,采用了不同的覆面材料,运用了不同的 分割比例。
Exxon Mobil Asia Pacific R&D Centre Exxon Mobil
Shanghai China
埃克森美孚亚太研发中心 埃克森美孚集团
上海 中国
A highly technical program was combined with extensive employee interviews to create a user-centered workplace environment
As focus internationally has turned to collaborative work environments and space planning, Arup Associates’ design for the Exxon Mobil campus has become an exemplar of a sustainable contemporary research and office facility in Asia. The innovative campus, located in Shanghai’s Min Zizhu Science and Technology Park, is designed to optimise communication, teamwork, and thought leadership between researchers and engineers. The centre, which consists of a fourstory laboratory and office building as well as two single-story processing bays, strikes a careful balance between industrial production spaces and comfortable office environments. In order to achieve an optimal layout for productivity and employee comfort, Arup Associates conducted thorough interviews with stakeholders throughout the project’s design. In addition to considering programmatic needs, the design is careful to place importance on human-scaled spaces, access to the natural environment, health and wellbeing. Multiple sustainability rating strategies resulted in the project obtaining LEED® Silver rating. 20% of the building’s fabric is made up of local materials, and passive strategies such as optimised daylight allow lower energy-consumption. In addition, water conservation fixtures and CO2 sensors add to the sustainable design. It is the first LEED® Silver project for ExxonMobil in Asia. The ExxonMobil Research and Development Centre achieves technical excellence, balanced spatial design, and energy efficiency. The project addresses the contemporary need for office spaces that include communal facilities, giving people from multiple disciplines the opportunity to interact and spark new ideas to drive forward.
埃克森美孚研发中心创意园区的设计考虑到环境和 工作的协调,旨在为亚洲创造一座可持续发展的研发中 心的典范。该项目坐落于上海闵行紫竹科技园区内。研 发中心包括一栋四层高的办公实验大楼、两个单层的加 工区,既能满足生产车间的功能,又拥有舒适的办公空 间。良好的公共设施提供了跨领域互动的机会,促进了 研究员和工程师之间的沟通和团队协作。为了优化生产 效率和员工舒适度,Arup Associates在整个设计过程中 都与相关者进行沟通和讨论。设计方案不仅考虑了功能 需求,更强调了人性化空间的重要性,让员工享受自然 的环境、保持身心健康。 该项目融合多种可持续设计策略,建筑物所采用 的材料中,有20%为当地材料。优化自然采光等被动式 节能策略进一步降低了能耗。节水设备和二氧化碳传感 器等可持续性措施更是渗透在项目的细节之中,展现了 Arup Associates致力于将高品质贴心设计与可持续发 展相互融合。 埃克森美孚研发中心项目以其卓越的技术、均衡的 空间设计以及可持续设计策略,荣获美国能源与环境设 计先锋奖(LEED®)银奖。该项目是埃克森美孚在亚太 地区的首个获得LEED®银奖项目。
Qintai Art and Cultural Centre Masterplan Wuhan Municipal Government Wuhan, China
KASC Phase 2 Stadium Competition Saudi Aramco Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Xiangjiang Beijing Fashion Centre HKI Beijing, China
NLWA LBB Pinkham Way North London Waste Authority London, England
Natural History Museum Kiosks The Natural History Museum London, England 2010
Dalston Square London Development Agency (LDA) London, England
Wuhan Future Science City Wuhan Future City Investment Construction Co., LTD Wuhan, China
Bade Road Urban Renewal Taipei, Taiwan
EFW Bid Support Covanta Leeds, England
Sheffield Footbridge Sheffield Council Sheffield, England
Lancaster Royal Grammar School Lancaster Royal Grammar School Lancaster, England
KASC Phase 1 - Sports Academy Saudi Aramco Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Preston Beach Preston Beach Developments JV PTY Ltd Australia
KASC Phase 1 - Athletes` Housing Saudi Aramco Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 2011
Khalifa Bin Zayed Stadium Mubadala Development Co PJSC Abu Dhabi
Suning Tianjin Plaza Suning Estate Group Co., Ltd Tianjin, China
Lancaster Royal Grammar School (LRGS) Lancaster Royal Grammar School Lancaster, England 2010
KASC Phase 1 - Railway Station Saudi Aramco Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 2011 KASC Phase 1 - Academy Campus Saudi Aramco Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Fortune Plaza Tower Chongqing Chongqing, China
Philips Zero Carbon Emissions Building Philips
Shanghai China
上海飞利浦低碳排放大楼 上海飞利浦有限公司
上海 中国
the self-shading facade also makes use of low-energy LED technology, allowing the facade to change colour.
2011 MIPIM Architectural Review Future Projects Awards Winner, Sustainable Building Category 2011 MIPIM 未来建筑评论奖, 可持续设计大奖 World Architecture Awards Shortlisted, Future Commercial Category
The Philips Lighting Zero Carbon Emission Building (ZCEB) represents a step-change in the design of office buildings in China. Arup Associates has designed a healthy and innovative workplace environment in a naturally ventilated zero-carbon building. The project is a showcase office and research building for Philips that features lab and training spaces, a canteen, staff shop, and showroom. The building is structured around a central atrium which provides connective spaces to foster interaction and innovation in the workplace. A series of activity pods providing social transparency are placed on each floor adjacent to the atrium, encouraging occupants to move around the office. A rooftop showroom and garden crowns the building, providing a lookout and additional indoor/ outdoor amenities. Uniquely positioned at the intersection of the countryside and dense urban area, the building will act as an iconic “lighthouse” for the surrounding district. The building’s naturally ventilated façade responds both passively and actively to the environment to ensure maximum sustainability benefits. The façade is designed to self-shade and features solar coated glazing as well as ventilation panels that allow for air movement through the building. Integrated photovoltaic panels provide renewable energy, and Philips’ own low-energy LED technology is used to allow the building’s skin to change colour. The building serves as a physical representation of Philips’ core beliefs in technological innovation coupled with development, demonstrating that highquality office spaces can be both human-oriented and highly sustainable.
作为一座自然通风的零碳建筑,飞利浦低碳排放大 楼创造了一个健康环保、新颖独特的工作环境,是中国 办公楼设计的一次重要飞跃。 飞利浦低碳排放大楼设有实验室和培训中心、餐 厅、员工商店和展示厅。大楼围绕中庭而建,为工作的 人们提供了互动和创新的空间。环绕中庭而建的各楼层 都设有活动夹层,提供开放的社交空间,鼓励员工在办 公室周围活动。屋顶展示厅和花园为其提供通风,也创 造了的室内外设施。大楼位于城乡结合部,其独特的地 理位置使其成为了当地的标志性建筑。 大楼的幕墙采用自然通风,结合被动和主动方式以 适应外部环境,最大化地利用环境。自动遮荫的立面板 有带太阳能涂层的玻璃幕墙和通风板,有益于整座大楼 的空气流通。整合了pv板和飞利浦自有的低能耗LED技 术,使得建筑可以改变表皮的颜色。 大楼在外观上展示了飞利浦在科技创新和发展方 面的核心理念,同时表明高品质的办公楼不仅可以人性 化,而且还具有高度可持续性。
Glass ventilation louvres E/W sun Solar coated glass panel tilted at 10-20 degrees Skylight box providing diffuselouvres northern daylight Glass ventilation E/W sun Solar coated glass panel tilted at 10-20 degrees Skylight box providing diffuse northern daylight
Sky light module N
Sky light module
Shadow box BIPV panel providing solar protection and weathering E/W sun Solar coated Shadow box glass panel tilted at 10-20 degreessolar BIPV panel providing protection and weathering E/W sun Solar coated glass panel tilted at 10-20 degrees
Self-shading module
Self-shading module
Qatar Showcase, FIFA Qatar 2022 Bid Committee
Doha Qatar
卡塔尔申办2022世界杯 示范足球场 卡塔尔2022世界杯组委会
多哈 卡塔尔
Structure supporting the ETFE fabric of the roof shade.
Awards 2011 Structural Awards Shortlisted Sport or Leisure Category World Architecture Awards Shortlisted Sports Category
In December, 2010, Qatar was selected, against fierce competition, as the host nation for the 2022 Soccer World Cup – the smallest country (with a population of under two million) yet chosen to stage the event. A key challenge which Qatar faced was proving that its extreme climate was not a major obstacle to its selection. The zero-carbon showcase stadium designed by Arup Associates in eight weeks and completed to a five month construction programme in 2010 in time for the official visit by FIFA officials, was a key factor in Qatar’s success. The brief was developed in consultation with the Qatar 2022 team – the objective was to demonstrate how a sports stadium could be cooled to a comfortable level in a very hot climate using sustainable technology and it was decided that this could best be demonstrated by building a mini-stadium. The 500 seat showcase would change the agenda for sport in hot climates and pave the way for a carbon neutral event. Playing sport in hot climates is nothing new – stadia in Arizona and Las Vegas are mechanically cooled – but Qatar set out to prove the appropriateness of sustainable methods of creating a comfortable environment for spectators and a safe one for athletes. When FIFA officials visited the showcase stadium, the external temperature was
44 degrees – the temperature on the pitch was 23 degrees. Arup Associates created a blueprint which married radical environmental design to memorable architectural form. The steel canopy roof of the stadium is designed to remain closed during the hottest hours of the day or during infrequent sand storms – the 2022 matches will be played in the evenings. Heavily insulated by a blanket of ETFE pillows, it is then opened – FIFA preferring that games are played under an open sky. The roof rotates to shade the arena from late afternoon sun and protect it from the prevailing wind, with thermal mass helping to moderate the environment. The stadium is cooled by a solar system, using energy gathered by a solar thermal “farm”, with mirrors tracking the sun and powering an absorption chiller. Chilled water is stored in ice in a tank below ground, to be utilised in the evening to serve air handling units serving the stands and pitch. An additional photovoltaic installation feeds directly into Qatar’s national grid and, along with the solar thermal technology, is modular and designed to be demountable and relocated to other hot climates after 2022. In this way, the World Cup in Qatar will benefit other countries with similar climatic challenges.
Plan of the FIFA showcase.
2010年12月卡塔尔在激烈的申办竞争中胜出,获得 2022年世界杯足球赛的举办权,成为迄今为止举办该项 赛事的最小国家(卡塔尔人口不足200万)。卡塔尔面对 的主要挑战是要证明极端气候并非竞选的主要障碍。卡 塔尔取得成功的关键因素之一是Arup Associates仅花八 周时间为其设计的零碳排放示范体育馆。该馆于2010年 历时五个月时间建成,时值国际足联正式访问前夕。该 项目的任务书是与卡塔尔2002团队公同磋商后制定的。 其目的旨在展示如何在天气极其炎热的情况下,通过使 用可持续发展技术,将体育馆内的温度降低到让人舒适 的程度。最后决定最好的展示方法就是建造一座迷你体 育馆。共有500个坐席的展示馆将改变炎热气候情况下 举办体育活动的日程,并为举办一场低碳的体育盛会铺 平了道路。 在炎热气候下举办体育赛事并非新鲜事——在亚利 桑那和拉斯维加斯,体育馆都是通过机械方式降温—— 卡塔尔意欲证明其有能力通过使用可持续的方法为观众 和运动员创造一个舒适、安全的环境。当国际足联官员 参观示范体育馆时,当时室外温度高达44℃,而球场内 的温度仅为23℃。Arup Associates设计了一套蓝图,将 令人难忘的建筑形态和极致的环境设计相融合。体育馆 的钢制顶棚经过特殊设计,可在白天最热的时段和罕见 的沙尘暴来临时关闭——2022年世界杯期间,比赛将在
Sketches showing the energy system of the showcase.
晚上进行,届时,装有大量四氟乙烯绝热层的顶棚将会 开启——国际足联更喜欢在露天的情况下举行比赛。顶 棚可以旋转,使赛场能够避开午后的烈日并使其免受盛 行风的干扰,场内安装有热式质量流量计以帮助调节环 境温度。体育场通过一个太阳能系统降温,所需的能源 由一家太阳能“电站”提供。系统安装有大量镜子以追 踪太阳,将所获能量提供给一个吸收式冷冻器。经过冷 冻器冷却的水储藏在地底的一个装有冰块的水缸中,在 晚上供空气处理机组使用,服务于看台和球场。此外, 馆内另有光伏电池组直接接入卡塔尔国家电网。和太阳 能热利用技术设备一样,光伏电池组也是采用可拆卸的 模块化设计,2010年世界杯闭幕后便可迁移到其他气候 炎热地区使用。因此,卡塔尔世界杯将使其他具有类似 气候问题的国家受益。
The roof of the showcase stadium remains closed by day to exclude the heat of the sun and is opened by night for games. Diagram showing the design of the opening roof.
Solar energy systems support the showcase.
BSkyB Sky Studios British Sky Broadcasting Ltd/Stanhope PLC
London England
天空广播公司总部 英国天空广播公司
伦敦 英国
The giant ventilation chimneys along the east elevation of the building Exterior view – ventilation the building driving the natural system a machine aesthetic. and has shading the façade.
Awards 2013 British Construction Industry Award BCIA Sky Wind Turbine Shortlisted Institution of Civil Engineers ICE Sky Wind Turbine, Shortlisted Structural Steel Design Award Sky Wind Turbine, Shortlisted 2012 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award London Region Award Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Winner London Sustainability Award 2011 Building Awards Shortlisted, Cut the Carbon CIBSE Building Performance Awards Shortlisted New Build Project of the Year Energy Awards Winner Judge’s Supreme Award Energy Awards Winner Energy Efficient New Build Project of the Year European Sustainability Awards Shortlisted, Living Category Guardian Sustainable Business Awards 2011 Shortlisted, Built Environment Category International Green Awards Shortlisted, Best Green Intelligent Buildings Award 2010 Building Sustainability Awards Winner, Sustainable Project of the Year (over £10M) World Architecture Awards (WAF) Shortlisted, Production Category
Founded in 1990, BSkyB now employs more than 24,000 people and has an annual income of over £7 billion. It is based at Osterley, close to the M4 on the western edge of London, inhabiting a collection of industrial sheds and run of the mill office buildings. Sky’s decision to commission Arup Associates, after a long and broad-ranging competition, to design a new production centre at Osterley for its television channels, “a factory for creativity”, produced Europe’s most sustainable broadcasting studio complex to date. The project, the first phase of a major development programme by Sky at Osterley, drew heavily on the unrivalled multi-disciplinary skills of the practice, with a significant input from Arup Acoustics. The brief was for a very large and flexible building of around 23,000 sq.m. over 100m long, to house recording, post-production and transmission facilities to be up and running in time for the 2012 Olympics (allowing 18 months for a very complex technical fit-out). Sky Studios, as the building was christened, was to contain eight broadcast studios on its lower levels, offices for nearly 1400 staff, and data rooms for 400 plus computer servers. Transmission platforms were to be located at the top of the building, creating a ‘make, shape, share’ vertical configuration of functions. A significant element in the client brief, and one to which Arup Associates responded enthusiastically, was Sky’s desire to be seen as an environmentally sustainable operation. An increase in active social spaces, recovery of heat so that there are no boilers in the building, free cooling and the inclusion of a large biomass combined cooling, heat and power plant were all aspects of the ground-breaking design. Naturally ventilated television studios too were, and remain a world first, given the large amount of heat created by studio lighting. The design approach married
structural design to a servicing strategy, with the deep steel beams forming the studio floor slabs and ceilings creating a plenum and path for natural ventilation. The heat of lights and cameras drives the hot air upwards, to be exhausted via a series of 13 huge chimneys which define the – distinctively industrial – external appearance of the building. Mechanical cooling is available as a back-up, with the chimneys then functioning as return air ducts. The middle floors of the building contain the data centres, production facilities and editing suites, with people places such as office space wrapped around them, these on each side of the building enjoy natural light and fresh air from opening windows and louvres, the east side also using chimney atria to help ventilate the deeper plan space. A glazed atrium at the south end of the building provides a connection between all levels and houses cafes, breakout and meeting spaces with stairs as the primary vertical circulation, creating a space of genuine social interaction. A further element in the environmental strategy for the project was the construction of a 56m high wind turbine. Capable of generating 100kW of power at peak wind conditions, it represents a breakthrough UK agreement with National Air traffic services to locate a wind turbine on the Heathrow approach path. The turbine is a strikingly structural bespoke design, clad in perforated aluminium. It is a landmark, part of a landmark project in sustainable design.
The structural skeleton of the building with services systems at roof level. Natural ventilation shafts wrap around the exterior.
英国天空广播公司目前拥有24,000多名员工,年收 入超过70亿英镑。其总部是位于奥斯特利一座不起眼的 办公大楼,临近伦敦西部边缘的M4高速公路上,周边布 满了工厂。经过长期的选择及大量的评估后,天空广播 公司决定委托Arup Associates在奥斯特利设计一个新 的演播中心。就这样,Arup Associates便设计了这所欧 洲目前最具发展潜力的演播中心,被誉为“创意工厂” 。在奥斯特利兴建第一期的主要建筑中,奥雅纳调派了 Arup Acoustics的专家参与设计,发挥了无与伦比的多 领域设计技术。 项目的任务书要求建造一个大型灵活的建筑,地面 积约23,000平方米,长逾100米,需要配备录制、后期 制作及传输设备,为2012年奥林匹克运动会做好准备( 需要为复杂的技术设备预留18个月的安装时间)。我们 为天空广播大厦的较低楼层配备了8个演播室,并为大约 1400名员工和约400台电脑服务器提供办公室和数据室。 传输平台设置于大楼的顶部,整个大楼垂直的功能设计 打造出“制作、成型、分享”的工作模式。在客户任务 书内有一项重要的要求:天空广播室希望新建筑能够符 合环保及可持续发展的理念,而这正是Arup Associates 得心应手的设计模式。大楼具有大面积的公共活动空 间,采用热量回收及自然冷却系统,因此建筑内无需设
The building is an industry world first – integrated transition platform, studios, data centres, production facilities, editing suites and transmission platforms are integrated in a single ‘make, shape, share’ facility.
置锅炉房;同时建筑内配备了结合了生物质能的制冷、 采暖、动力系统。这都是事务所突破常规的设计。由于 演播室的灯光产生大量的热量,因此电视演播室采用了 自然通风设计,这是目前世界上唯一采用这种技术的演 播大楼。为了优化建筑结构与功能的整合性,每层的楼 板与天花均采用大钢梁,使楼层形成通风管道,更有利 于自然通风。灯光与摄像头产生的热量使热空气向上流 动,并通过建筑顶部的13条巨大风井排出,同时使大楼 呈现独特的“工业化”外观。另外,建筑内配备了机械 冷却系统,启用时排气管则作为回风管道。大楼的中段 楼层为数据处理中心、生产设备室及编辑室,周边由办 公室包绕,因此在楼层的两边打开窗户或百叶即可以享 受阳光与自然风。大楼的东边另外设有排气室,使内部 的空间能更好地通风。大楼南侧的中庭配有玻璃幕墙, 通过楼梯连接着所有楼层及室内咖啡馆、休息区与会议 区,构成主要的垂直流线,为室内互动创造了良好的条 件。项目的另一项重要环保设计是56米高的风力发电机 组。在最大风力时,该发电机组可以提供100kw的电力供 应,这是一项突破性的设计,使得其后英国政府同意国 家空中交通服务公司在希斯罗的机场通道上安装风力发 电机。风力涡轮机需要订造设计,其外部采用多孔铝质 材料。这是项目中可持续设计的亮点之一。
Cut-away of the building, showing the circulation of the natural ventilation to serve studios and offices.
The social hub located at the south west corner of the building features stairs rather than lifts as the primary circulation mode.
The atrium stair serves all levels and is the social heart of the building.
Dinghe Tower China Southern Power Grid Dinghe Property Insurance Co Ltd.
Shenzhen China
鼎和旗舰总部大楼 中国南方电网,鼎和 财产保险股份有公司
深圳 中国
Typical floors: The floor plates in the bottom half of the tower are compact for high flexibility whilst the floor plates on the top half are open to maximise natural ventilation and daylight
After ten years of intensive construction, the site of Ding He Tower is the last empty plot in the Shenzhen Futian CBD’s vibrant urban grid. At the invitation of China Southern Power Grid, Arup Associates’ design for a flagship headquarter tower aims to reintroduce intimacy and a ‘human touch’ to this rectilinear urban landscape and create a beacon for sustainable, commercially-driven high rise design in Southern China. Ding He is a 200m high, 100,000m2 office tower with 7,000m2 conference and retail facilities at ground level. The form of the tower grows from a square ground plan. The four corners twist and enlarge as they climb, maximising office floor area at the more desirable upper levels and forming a unique and elegant tapering shape. The upper 25 floors are a new flagship headquarters for Ding He Insurance Company. Designed with a mixed mode ventilation system, the floor plates twist to better capture prevailing winds. External multi-level East and West ‘sky gardens’ have been provided on every third floor to provide private external space and solar shading to the facade below, maximising daylighting of the office spaces. Below the headquarters is 17 floors of highly desirable rental office, designed to meet the specific demands of the Shenzhen office market. At ground level the building has been set back to provide a high quality landscape garden for building occupants and the public. Multiple routes through the site link to adjoining streets and the adjacent MTR station, increasing accessibility and thoroughly integrating the building into the public realm. Ding He Tower blends imaginative sustainable solutions to create a unique new addition to Shenzhen’s skyline.
经过十年的建设,深圳福田的商业得到了长足的发展, 而鼎和大厦地块是整个福田CBD区最后一处待开发的地 块。应中国南方国家电网的邀请,Arup Associates为 其设计出了旗舰总部大厦,致力于在线型的建筑绿化中 融入亲切感和人性化要素,以期在中国南方构筑一个可 持续发展且具有经济推动力的经典之作。 鼎和大厦高200米,面积达100,000平方米,拥有 7,000平方米的会议室,并配有底层商业。大厦的整体造 型灵感起源于传统的矩形平面,随着楼层的增高,大厦 的四个角扭转变大,使得高区拥有最大的办公面积,并 形成了高雅独特的建筑造型。 大厦上部的25个楼层是鼎和保险公司全新的旗舰总 部。设计采用混合通风系统,扭转的楼板则更好地迎合 风向。在大厦外部,每隔三层即设有一个“空中花园”, 既能让大厦中的人员欣赏到绿色的美景,又可为下层遮 挡阳光,使办公空间获得最佳的采光效果。总部以下的 17个楼层作为办公用房出租,舒适的办公环境必定能获 得承租方的青睐。 大厦首层为业主及市民提供了一个高品质的景观 花园。通向大厦的各条道路都与周围的街道、地铁站相 连,提高可达性,很好地融入城市轨交系统。鼎和大厦 采用了极富创意的可持续发展策略,一定能为深圳的天 际线增添一抹亮色。
A unique form maximises office floor space and opportunities for natural lighting and ventilation, and also provides pockets for multi-level sky gardens.
Huawei Campus Shenzhen Huawei Investment & Holdings Co Ltd.
Wuhan China
华为高科技园区 华为科技有限公司
武汉 中国
Different layers of the landscape spine show the variety of open spaces for employee use as well as a water recycling and filtration system
The Huawei Research and Development Campus is a world-class facility for 8000 scientists that meets demanding technical requirements while also focusing onsite energy use reduction. The design was developed from the bottom up, spurred by research into the workday and requirements of individual technicians. These needs were then integrated into a larger design concept for a holistic campus where innovation is nurtured and enhanced. To facilitate collaboration, workplace hubs in the form of hightech, low-energy pavilions were arranged around a central community space. This landscape spine, linking the individual research hubs to each other, seamlessly fulfills demanding technical requirements of the campus by providing security, servicing, and energy facilities within a comfortable and human-scaled environment. In addition to providing a communal green amenity for the Huawei staff, the landscape spine also serves as a large water recycling and natural filtration system, allowing the reuse of all rainwater and greywater on site. Passive energy saving techniques, the result of massing orientation and solar studies, take advantage of natural ventilation and daylight in order to reduce the development’s energy requirement. The project aims to achieve LEED® ND Gold as a minimum through preliminary evaluation. Energy saving are predicted at 45% below the baseline. Each aspect of the design carefully responds to the goals of accommodating individual researchers, maintaining a low-energy profile, and creating a comfortable workplace environment. The result is a Research and Development Campus that sets a new standard for meeting both challenging programmatic needs and an ambitious sustainability vision.
华为研发园区拥有世界级的科学研究设施,能8000个科 学家的研究需求。该研发园区满足严格的技术要求,并 能有效降低当地的能耗。在设计时,我们对技术人员的 日常工作和要求进行了深入调查,并采用了自下而上的 设计方式。随后我们将这些需求进行汇总和整理,形成 了园区整体的设计理念,让技术人员能更有效地进行开 拓创新。为了方便技术人员相互交流,我们在中央社区 周围设计了高科技低能耗的亭式工作中心。 这一地标性建筑群由多个研究中心串联而成,为技术 人员提供舒适的人性化环境,提供配套的安保、维修及能 源设施,满足园区严格的技术需求。不仅为员工提供绿色 的生活设施,这一“工作中心”还配备了一个巨大的水循 环系统和自然过滤系统,使园区的雨水和中水得到充分利 用。通过对建筑群朝向的精心布置和对太阳能的研究,园 区取得了良好的被动节能效果,能有效利用自然通风和采 光节省园区能耗。该项目旨在达到美国绿色建筑委员会能 源与环境设计先锋奖(LEED ND®)绿色社区金奖认证要 求。据分析,节能效果比基准要求还低45%。 设计的各个细节都是为了给科研人员提供生活空 间、保持低能耗以及创造舒适的工作环境。研发园区既 满足了具有挑战性的的工序需求,又实现了可持续性发 展,当之无愧地成为了业内的全新标杆。
ICBC Jiading Data Centre ICBC Shanghai
Shanghai China
工商银行同城数据中心 中国工商银行
上海 中国
Sketch showing the massing concept
The master plan integrates office and data facilities with the surrounding landscape
The two-phase data centre campus for one of China’s largest banks, ICBC, is a major project for Shanghai’s Jiading Industrial Zone. The data center aims to set an industry benchmark for Chinese sustainable data centres, melding engineering with high-quality design. The office, conference, hotel, and data centre facilities are set within a native and rich ecological landscape that will provide a strong connection with nature for employees and visitors. Employees will experience naturally ventilated and daylit office environments which will be flexible and adaptable to respond to the latest and future developments in technology. The complex, which features lush, green external courtyard spaces, will be a workplace that both increases productivity and increase sense of well-being through healthy sustainable environments. Using a modulised design approach, the data halls can expand and adapt to the current and future possible needs of ICBC. This flexible and scalable approach in a constantly changing technological world ensures the design will respond over time. The Data Centre employs energy and water saving solutions, and ecological measures that include microclimatic optimisation, natural ventilation, roof gardens, and the use of native plant species. The project is designed to meet the China 3 Star Standard as well as LEED Gold certification.
中国工商银行上海数据中心项目位于嘉定工业区, 该项目投资超过10亿元,分两期开发,设计旨在为中国 树立一个可持续发展的工业数据中心的先例,并且融合 了高质量的工程设计。办公楼,会议中心,酒店,数据 中心都建立在开阔优美的生态环境里,让员工和访客与 自然亲密无间。 员工可以在自然通风采光的办公环境里工作,工 作环境可以根据今后的技术发展而调整改善。在这里富 足的室外庭院景观帮助工作区成为一个高效而舒适的空 间。模数化的设计给数据大厅的扩建提供了可能性,弹 性和尺度化的设计给数据中心的改建提供了可能性。 数据中心的设计中运用了节能和环保的措施,包 括优化微气候环境,自然通风,屋顶绿化,采用当地绿 植,旨在达到中国绿色三星标准和LEED金奖认证。
Arup Associates Six Themes
Arup Associates has always been a research based atelier, feeding the products of research, inter-professional dialogue and debate into the design process. Over 50 years the practice has pioneered the application of new technologies to the world of construction. Arup Associates’ unique multi-disciplinary structure, embracing architecture, engineering and, increasingly, many other disciplines, provides the ideal forcing ground for new ideas. The emphasis has always been on how technology can be applied to improve the human condition – technical advance not for its own sake but for a social end. Sometimes the practice has to fight its cause – to convince a client that the proposed solution is the right one. In the field of sustainable design, everyone benefits from low-energy solutions, including building owners reaping rewards in terms of lower running costs. The history of low-energy design as a key concern of the practice extends back to projects such as CEGB Bristol and Gateway 2, the latter pioneering the (then radical) idea of naturally ventilated spec offices. Working with enlightened clients, environmentally progressive strategies have been applied to major projects globally. Arup Associates’ “showcase” projects have provided a link between the fields of research and practical building and demonstrated the benefits of sustainable design. The FIFA Showcase for Qatar has created interest in the development of a new generation of low-energy sports stadia across the globe, responding to the challenges of extreme climatic conditions. In Britain, Arup Associates worked with BT to design the Solar Showcase, demonstrating the immense potential of solar power to supply the energy needs of buildings.
作为一家研发型工作室,Arup Associates不仅提供创新解决方案, 还进行跨行业对话合作与设计流程探讨。在过去的50年里,奥雅纳 开创了新技术在建筑界的应用先河。Arup Associates提供的设计结 构横跨建筑、工程以及其它多种学科,为创新提供了更多灵感。 如何使用技术改善人们的生活条件,始终是我们关注的焦点。但我 们不是纯粹醉心于技术,而是希望以技术服务于社会。有时候, 我们需要让客户相信,我们的方案才是最好的。 我们还致力于采用可持续发展设计,让业主和所有人都能享受 低能耗、低开支所带来的利益。在CEGB Bristol和Gateway 2等设 计项目中,Arup Associates集中体现了低能耗的设计思路。作为高 规格写字楼,Gateway 2开创性地采用了自然通风设计。在与众多 客户的合作中,我们已将先进的环保策略应用于全球各个建筑项目 之中。Arup Associates为卡塔尔设计的Showcase体育场将建筑研 究与建筑实践联系起来,体现出可持续设计的独到优势。卡塔尔 的FIFA Showcase体育场已在全球领域掀起新型低能耗体育场馆的 开发热潮,以应对极端气候条件的挑战。在英国,Arup Associates 还与英国电信 (BT) 合作设计了太阳能展览馆 (Solar Showcase), 体现了太阳能在供应建筑能源方面的巨大潜力。
Grosvenor Westminster London, England 2012
Zanotti Shoe Giuseppe Zanotti/Wallpaper* Milan, Italy
King Abdullah International Foundation for Charity and Humanitarian Activities Heritage Museum Saudi Aramco Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Brunel University Estates Strategy Refresh London, England 2012
2012 Forth Bridge Control Centre, Scotland Transport for Scotland and Traffic Scotland Queensferry, West Lothian, Scotland 2013
Women’s & Children’s Hospital Henan, China 2012
Natural History Museum Feasibility Studies The Natural History Museum London, England
King Abdullah International Foundation for Charity and Humanitarian Activities Courtyard Saudi Aramco Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
2012 2013
Mumbai Convention Centre ASK – Charitable Foundation & Mumbai University Mumbai, India 2012 Kings College London Development Framework London, England 2012
King Abdullah International Foundation for Charity and Humanitarian Activities Saudi Aramco Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2012
Nine Elms Marketing Suite Ballymore Group London, England 2012
King Abdullah International Foundation for Charity and Humanitarian Activities Masterplan Saudi Aramco Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2012
Faculty of Engineering and Computing Coventry University
Coventry England
考文垂大学工程和计算学院 考文垂大学达芬奇建设
考文垂 英国
The interior of the Engineering Faculty building is spatially dynamic encouraging the breakdown of divisions between disciplines.
Awards 2013 Built in Quality Awards Winner, Higher Education Category BD Architect of the Year Awards Currently Shortlisted Higher Education Category British Construction Industry Award BCIA Currently Shortlisted Concrete Society Awards Shortlisted Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Winner, Regional Higher Education Category The LEAF Awards Shortlisted, Public Building Education Category WAN Education Awards Shortlisted
The building is planned around a central courtyard which is an oasis in a challenging urban context.
Coventry University, in contrast to its local rival, the University of Warwick, occupies a campus in central Coventry, close to the cathedral and Herbert Art Gallery. The new building housing the faculty of engineering and computing was commissioned in 2008 as part of an ambitious expansion and redevelopment programme – the university has more than 31,000 full and part-time students. Engineering has a special resonance in Coventry, a city with a long history as a centre for innovative manufacture, and Arup Associates’ building, completed in 2012, is a striking symbol of this heritage but, more importantly, a dynamic centre for training the engineers of the future. As a relatively new university (though with origins extending back to the Victorian period) Coventry has shown itself willing to explore new ways of learning, breaking down the traditional barriers between disciplines. The engineering faculty, with around 4000 students, has developed close links with local industry. The brief for the faculty’s new home was for a building that would encourage the free exchange of ideas within an activity-led, project-based approach to learning. The site, on the edge of the city centre, was prominently placed close to a major traffic artery which cut across the campus – a strong architectural statement was needed. In practical terms, the 14,500 sq.m.building, planned around a central courtyard, had to accommodate specialised facilities such as flight simulators, a wind tunnel and accommodation for a Harrier jump
jet, lecture theatres, collaborative classrooms with extensive IT provision and academic offices. It would be a building, itself a learning tool, inhabited around the clock. With its own philosophy of integration, Arup Associates was well equipped to address the radical client brief, abandoning the idea of independent spaces around circulation routes in favour of interconnected, flexible spaces, punctuated by atria and balconies, which incorporate circulation, natural ventilation and daylight – visual connectivity was seen as the key to social interaction in a hothouse of inventive thinking. Internally, both the concrete and steel structure and the services are freely exposed and carefully coordinated with structural forces annotated on the steel members in the circulation spaces – the main plantroom, far from being hidden away, has a high level walkway which allows students to look down at the boilers and other equipment – all part of the learning experience. The building is equipped with a low-energy, mixed mode ventilation system and data from the building management system are displayed on a screen in the reception area. The exterior of the building, described by the Architects’ Journal as “sheer, red-blooded tectonic joy”, is visually striking, clad in profiled aluminium panels arranged in a hexagonal shading panel laid on a glulam timber frame and incorporating a high degree of insulation.
The stepped floorplates encourage connectivity through the building.
The form of the window opening is designed to provide daylight for the interiors whilst attenuating solar gain.
The form of the Engineering Faculty building provides for natural ventilation strategy and channels natural light into the interior spaces.
考文垂大学的校区位于考文垂市中心,临近大教堂 与赫伯特艺术画廊。与之相反,其当地的竞争学校华威 大学则位于城市边缘。工程与计算机学院的新大楼属于 2008年校园的大型扩建与重建项目之一,当时考文垂大 学有超过31,000名全日制与在职学生,考文垂有着创新 制造中心的历史美誉,当地人对于工程设计有着特殊的 感情。Arup Associates在2012年建成这座学院大楼,充 分体现了当地工程学的历史韵味,同时俨然成为了新生 代杰出工程师的孵化基地。 虽然学校创建于维多利亚时代,考文垂大学仍然 是一所相对年轻的学校,它更注重于发现新的学习方 式,致力于打破常规与教条。工程学院大约有4000名学 生,与当地的工业发展有着密切联系。学院新大楼的任 务书希望将学院设计为以参与项目为基础、自主实践为 主的学习模式,鼓励学生在其间自由地进行思想交流。 学院的选址设在市中心的边缘,并使主要的交通干道贯 穿校园——这需要十分缜密的校园框架。奥雅纳设想在 项目的中心设计一个中央庭院,14,500平方米的建筑群 便围绕庭院分布,同时根据特殊设备的需要安排建筑的 位置,如飞行模拟器、风筒、鹞式战斗机仓库、讲堂、 支持大型IT系统的互动工作室及学术办公室等。 该设 计项目不仅仅是一片建筑群,更用来提供优良的学习环 境。Arup Associates一直坚持一体设计理念,来满足客 户高难度的要求。事务所摒弃了最初将独立空间放置于 环形交通流线周边的想法,决定设计灵活互通的空间, 其中点缀庭院与露台,同时结合了流线、自然通风及日 光采集系统——在创新思维激荡的空间,视线的联系性 对于互动尤为重要。
在建筑的内部,钢筋混凝土水泥结构与建筑设备自 由地外露,两者通过钢构件的加固精细地结合在了交通 空间中。设计方案没有隐藏主机房,而是在高处有一条 通道,使学生可以俯瞰主机房与其他设备——这些都能 使学生积累学习经验。建筑采用了节能的混合式通风系 统,设备管理系统所接收的数据将在接待大厅中的屏幕 上显示。《建筑师期刊》将这所建筑的外观描述为“令 人热血沸腾并享受纯粹的快乐”。建筑立面饰材采用异 形铝制板组成的六角形面板,面板放置于胶合木梁结构 之上,具有优良的绝缘性能。
The exterior of the building is clad in profiled aluminum panels in an hexagonal pattern. Internal spaces are designed for interactive, project led teaching.
Wuxi Fortune Plaza HKI China Land Ltd.
Wuxi China
无锡财富广场 香江国际中国地 产有限公司
无锡 中国
Concept sketches for six main design drivers
This competition-winning scheme is a new model for high-density sustainable design that creates a desirable destination for living, working, and leisure in a Chinese urban context. The development is phased and designed to operate successfully throughout construction, becoming an integrated whole upon completion. Arup Associates has created a design concept that will mark a vibrant and differentiated urban identity synonymous with the Fortune Plaza brand. The mixed-use development, located along the Grand Canal in Wuxi, gracefully accommodates a high density of both commercial and residential development through the creation of a series of linked open areas. This landscaping is utilised as a connector between living and working spaces, and employs green courtyards, vegetation, urban parks and natural water bodies. The masterplan is characterised by human-scaled low-rise buildings organised around private and public courtyards. Varying scales of public spaces, from private balconies to community gardens to major civic spaces, help ameliorate the impact of the high density and enhance the sense of the community. These spaces provide a route linking the Grand Canal, Fortune Plaza, and the city beyond. Arup Associates also developed a Sustainable Framework for urban development in Wuxi Taihu New City that consists of transport, water; waste, building energy use, renewable energy, and ecology strategies. The project is designed to achieve a LEED® ND Gold certificate and features passive design, green energy infrastructure, and building energy reduction plans for both commercial and residential building types. These sustainability strategies, combined with the project’s master planning vision and distinctive architecture, create an exemplary urban development that will serve as a model and catalyst for the future transformation for this part of the Wuxi New Town District.
Connecting the commercial road and canal
Public spaces along routes and at destinations
Human scale development throughout
Balance of enclosure and light for public spaces
Landscaping to support water strategies
Engaging with neighbouring sites
我们的概念设计从众多竞标方案中脱颖而出,是 兼顾高密度城市开发和可持续发展的全新典范,打造了 生活、工作和休闲的新集合。阶段性的开发策略和有条 不紊的建设流程,让项目在竣工时呈现和谐统一的整体 感。最终,项目将连接大运河和财富广场,成为整个城 市的一部分。它鲜明的特色和充沛的活力也与财富广场 的品牌相契合。 我们让高密度的商住楼宇与无锡大运河自然衔接, 并将地块中的开放空间有机地连成一体。因此,美丽的 环境成为了生活空间和工作空间的纽带。同时,绿色庭 院、植物、城市公园和天然水体进一步提高了项目的整 体环境质量。从私家阳台到社区花园再到主要的市民活 动场所,不同尺度的公共空间设计改善了高密度带来的 压抑,也加强了居民与社区之间的联系。 Arup Associates同样也为无锡太湖新城项目制定 了一个可持续性发展的规划,旨在获得美国绿色建筑委 员会能源与环境设计先锋奖(LEED ND®)绿色社区金 奖认证。该规划包含交通、用水、垃圾处理、建筑物 能耗、可再生能源以及生态等领域的策略。我们重点研 究了被动式节能设计、绿色能源基础设施以及商住两用 建筑的节能减排方案。这些可持续发展策略与项目的总 体规划愿景及独特的建筑特色相结合,创建模范的城市 发展项目,将成为无锡新城区的转型典范,并能加快转 型的脚步。
Sports Centre, Phase 1 University of Cambridge
Cambridge England
剑桥大学体育中心 剑桥大学
剑桥 英国
The form of the building is designed to integrate with the surrounding landscape at the edge of Cambridge University’s expanding west Cambridge campus.
The competition was won by the practice in 1999, but funding did not become available until 2011 when Arup Associates were reappointed to design the first phase of three. Cambridge University’s sports centre, the first phase of which opened in autumn, 2013, is located in west Cambridge, where the University is developing what is effectively a new campus of faculty and laboratory buildings. The building is located at the edge of the new campus, close to open countryside. Its form responds to that context, its natural contoured form mediating between the wider formal masterplan and the nearby open countryside. Cambridge has a long and distinguished sporting history, but it was felt that its facilities were lagging behind those of other universities. The sports centre project, providing facilities for the University’s 18,000 students and 9,000 staff, was launched on the basis of a generous donation by an anonymous benefactor in 2011. The first phase of the centre was constructed in 18 months and includes a vast sports hall; housing two full-size courts for basketball and provision for badminton, five a side football, volleyball and other team games. Elsewhere in the building, a large studio space caters for martial arts, yoga, fencing, dancing and gymnastics. Squash and fitness courts also sit within phase 1 and a fitness suite, cafe and lounge with audio-visual provision are also provided. The second and third phases of the project, awaiting funding, include a swimming pool, a wing of indoor tennis courts and a sports medicine centre. The desire for an excellent sporting environment within the centre led to the adoption of north light for the main hall, with integrated natural ventilation. The use of Building Information Modelling integrated across all disciplines meant that the structural steel, architectural feel and the crafting of the detailing could be optimised early in the design and continued throughout the contractor’s detailing phase. The imperative for rapid construction, using a design and build contract, challenged Arup Associates to develop a kit of parts approach to the structure of the building and to work with the contractor to ensure the connections detailing were thoroughly resolved. University Chancellor Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz said “This is a key project for the University. …This state-of-the-art design marks the start of a new era for Cambridge sport.”
Arup Associates在1999年赢得了该项目的设计 权,但直到2011年该项目才获得了经费,委托人重新指 定事务所负责设计三期项目中的第一期。 剑桥大学体 育中心第一期在2013年秋季正式对外开放,该中心位 于剑桥的西部,剑桥大学正在考虑在该区建立学院与 实验楼高效结合的新校区。体育中心位于新校区的边 缘,临近郊区。该建筑与周围的环境肌理相互协调,自 然流畅的外形与宽阔的校园总体设计及附近的郊区肌理 融为一体。 剑桥有着著名而悠久的运动历史传统,但目前学校 的体育设施稍稍落后于其他高校。体育中心项目是2011 年由不愿透露姓名的捐赠人慷慨赞助而建成的,目前为 剑桥大学18,000名学生及9,000名员工提供体育锻炼场 所。中心的一期建筑总施工跨度为18个月,包括一个 巨大的体育馆及两个大型场地,适用于篮球、羽毛球、 室内足球、排球及其他团队竞赛项目。中心内还具有一 个大型训练室,可以用于武术、瑜伽、剑术、舞蹈及体 操等活动。第一期更配备了壁球场和健身场,其中设 有健身设备、咖啡厅及具备视听娱乐功能的休息室。体 育中心项目的第二、三期还包括游泳池、室内网球场及 运动医务中心,但目前因缺乏基金而尚未动工。为了提 供优质的运动环境,体育中心的大堂采用了北向采光, 并整合了自然通风系统。设计中采用的建筑信息模型 (Building Information Model)为跨界设计的结晶, 设计人员可根据项目要求对结构钢筋、建筑风格与设计 细节进行预先优化,也可在向承包商明确细节的过程中 实施优化。使用设计加施工合约的同时仍要保持快速的 施工合约,这就需要Arup Associates采用逐步实验的 方法来设计大楼结构,使承包商更准确地进行建设,并 使各个零件都保持完全匹配和衔接。 剑桥大学校长兼教授Leszek Borysiewicz先生说 道:“这是剑桥大学十分重要的项目” 此项目顶尖的设 计使剑桥大学的运动走入了新纪元。
Early study model showing exploration of possible structure and materials strategies.
Barbican Cultural Quarter Barbican Art Gallery London, England
AstraZeneca Masterplan Cambridge, England Current
Ohrid Vision Macedonian Government Ohrid, Macedonia
Tokyo Gas Shibura Plan Mitsui Fudosan Tokyo, Japan Current
Current Yaesu-2 Chome North District Redevelopment Project Mitsui Fudosan Tokyo, Japan Current
Mitsui Fudosan Building Mitsui Fudosan Tokyo, Japan
King Abdullah Sports City (KASC) Athletics Stadium Saudi Aramco Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Pinewood Studios Development Framework Pinewood Shepperton PLC Shepperton, England Current
GSK Shanghai Glaxo Smith Klein Shanghai, China
GSK Masterplan Glaxo Smith Klein UK
Taipei Datong DC R5 urban renewal Taipei, Taiwan Current
Embassy Gardens Ballymore Group London, England
Nicolas College Rainbows4Children Mekele, Ethiopea
Fosun Medical R&D center Shanghai, China Current
Druk White Lotus School The Drukpa Trust
Ladakh Northern India
DRUK白莲花学校 Drukpa 信托
拉达克 北印度
Awards 2013 Architecture in Stone 2013 Award Winner 2012 British Council for School Environments Awards Winner Test of Time Award The LEAF Awards Best Sustainable Development of the Year 2012 2009 BCSE Industry Awards Winner of the Inspiring Design Award International category Design for Asia Award Grand Award WAN Education Awards Shortlisted 2005 Sinclair Knight Merz Award for Achievement in Development 2003 BCCB Award for International Expertise
The infant and nursery school focusses, like other buildings, on a central courtyard.
2002 World Architecture Awards Best Green Building World Architecture Awards Best Education Building World Architecture Awards Best Asian Building
The Druk White Lotus School project brought together both ancient and modern approaches in building technology in a region with an exceptionally challenging climate. The classroom shown here is a timber framed structure.
The Druk White Lotus School project has been one of the most demanding undertaken by Arup Associates in collaboration with the wider Arup, but equally one of the most rewarding and instructive, forming a learning curve for the practice and attracting huge interest internationally. The origins of the project extend back to the early 1990s when the Drukpa Trust was formed to support the development of a school in Ladakh, close to the Himalayas, which would both equip local children to develop skills and gain employment in a modern society but equally preserve the traditional Buddhist culture of Tibet, of which mountainous and remote Ladakh is one of the last strongholds. The school would have science laboratories and computers – but also a temple. Arup Associates was approached to prepare a masterplan for the phased development of the school, eventually catering for around 750 pupils aged from 4 to 18 from across Ladakh (including provision for boarding). The site for the school was in a thinly inhabited, arid region, 3500m above sea level, freezing and snowbound in winter, extremely hot in summer. The design of the buildings had to address this challenging climate in which water was always in short supply. The use of imported energy was ruled out. The remoteness of the site made the cost of transporting building materials there potentially prohibitive. The region was seismically extremely active, so that any building there would need to be capable of withstanding earthquakes – the logical approach to construction in such a context was to study the traditional building techniques of the region.
A final element in the developing brief for the school was the need for its buildings to embody some of the symbolism associated with the Buddhist faith. The plan of the complex takes its inspiration from the sacred mandala, which represents the universe and generally takes the form of a circle within a square, the latter with openings in each side. Arup Associates’ commitment to the project has been consistent over the years, with a member of the practice resident on site for periods during the construction of the school between 1997 and 2013, beginning with the nursery and primary school component (completed in 2001). The building materials are mud brick, granite and wood, with high thermal walls and mud roofs designed to provide comfortable conditions in summer heat and store warmth in winter. The project brought together ancient and modern technologies, with solar power providing hot water for showers and clothes washing – together with the small area of gardens, these account for all the water used on the site. Latrines use a dry system for disposing of waste, with a solar flue allowing their operation as composting toilets and effectively removing smells. Phase 2 of the project, the junior school, was completed in 2006. Despite the setback caused by severe floods in 2010, the final phase of construction, including the secondary school and library, will be completed in 2013.
Exploded axonometrics showing timber components in the construction of the school, designed for seismic stability.
白莲花学校项目是Arup Associates迄今为止所遇 到的最为困难、奥雅纳参与人员最多的项目,但同时从 中获益也最为丰富,不仅使事务所获得了学习的机会, 成功的建筑设计在国际上也引起了极大的反响。项目的 开端要追溯到20世纪90年代初,当时天龙基金会以赞助 喜马拉雅山脉附近的城镇拉达克的学校发展。赞助建立 的学校希望让当地的孩子掌握基本技能并能够在现代社 会找到工作,同时希望位于偏僻山区的拉达克继续保持 西藏佛教文化最后的净土。学校内设有科学实验室与计 算机房,但都设计为寺院的形式。Arup Associates通 过分期规划完成学校的工程,最终为750名4-18岁的拉 达克儿童创造了学习条件(包括寄膳宿)。学校的位置 人烟稀少,土地干旱,海拔3500米,冬天风雪交加, 夏天酷暑难耐。建筑设计必须解决艰难的气候条件、有 限的水源供给以及无法使用外来能源所带来的问题。另 外,学校位置人烟稀少,运送某些建筑材料需要极高的 成本,因此选材也受到了很大的限制。该地区地震十分 活跃,因此设计的建筑必须具备抗震能力——此项目的 设计需要满足各种各样的条件,最有效的设计方法就是 参考当地传统的建筑技术。最后规划时,需要为学校添 加一些佛教元素的标志。学校的标志灵感来源于神圣的 曼荼罗,其代表着宇宙万物,它的象征符号通常是一个 方形内镶嵌着一个环形,方形的四边均有开口。
The school was constructed using traditional materials (mudbrick, stone and timber) and techniques.
Diagram showing the arrangement of the buildings to benefit from morning and evening sun.
项目工期从1997年开始到2013年结束,期间Arup Associates始终确保项目持续进行。最先建成的是托儿 所与主体校园,施工期间奥雅纳的其中一名成员一直驻 扎在工地,确保工程的顺利进行。建筑采用软泥砖、花 岗岩及木材制成高保温墙,屋顶也选用了软泥,使室内 保持冬暖夏凉。 此项目合并了古代与现代的建筑技术, 利用太阳能提供洗澡、洗衣服及小花园等所有设备使用 的热水。公厕采用干燥系统处理污物,同时配置了太阳 能烟囱管道,使卫生间具有干式厕所的功能并同时消除 异味。二期项目设计并建造了小学,工程在2006年完 成。虽然项目在2010年受到严重的洪灾影响,但初中及 图书馆等三期建筑最终将在2013年完成。
The development of the school extended over a period from 1997 to 2013 in line with a phased masterplan.
The Ventilated Improved Pit latrines use a solar flue to enhance the traditional dry latrines, powered by the abundant solar radiation. These toilets eliminate fly and odour problems, do not require water, and are key in promoting hygiene and health education. Section through the central mandala showing entrance courtyard and library.
Timber structure supporting solar collectors: old and new technologies meet.
Exploded perspective of the library at the centre of the mandala.
MEEZA Data Centre
Doha Qatar
多哈 卡塔尔
Continuing the series of “deep green” data centres designed by Arup Associates with a radical reduction in energy consumption the key objective, the practice designed two data centres for Meeza in Qatar. The centres – M-Vault 2 and 3 – are located respectively at Meeza’s own Al Dayeencampus, 30km from Doha, and at the Qatar Science and Technology Park. In contrast to the earlier, ground-breaking Citi Data Centre in Frankfurt, the Meeza projects had to address the challenge of an exceptionally aggressive hot, dry and dusty climate, where temperatures can exceed 50 degrees. This informs a host of issues, including shading and very bright daylight for people working in the offices, careful materials choice for performance and resilience particular to the region. Using water cooling, as in Frankfurt, was not an option in the context of the desert. Cooling system condensate is collected and stored for washrooms and irrigation. The data halls are enclosed by zones of plant which require no cooling but provide a layer of insulation. A further air-conditioned zone provides a further buffer to the data halls, an “onion skin” strategy which greatly reduces the energy usage needed to cool the building. MV-2 still under construction is on target to achieve tier III accreditation, and LEED Platinum status, the first data centre in the region to receive this recognition. MV-3 presented rather different design challenges, since it was an intervention into an existing complex to provide 500 sq.m of data storage space. The retention of the existing building structure, with its embodied energy, and the skilful insertion of the new facility earned the project LEED Gold status.
Air intakes on the roof of the Meza data centre.
Data storage halls are located between zones of plant which provide insulation.
Arup Associates已经设计过一系列的“超节能” 数据中心,减少了大量的能源消耗。这是奥雅纳在卡达 尔为Meeza公司设计的两所数据中心。中心的M-Vault 2号和3号服务器分别位于距多哈30公里远的AL dareen 大楼的Meeza公司及卡塔尔科学技术园内。与奥雅纳早 期设计的富有创新性的法兰克福花旗银行数据中心不 同,Meeza项目需要面对极其炎热、干旱及多沙尘气候 的挑战,该地的最高气温可以超过50℃。因此,我们 必须采用高性能且高适应性的材料,为办公室工作人员 解决炎热、沙尘防护及遮光等问题。在法兰克福项目中 采用的水冷却系统虽然可被回收和储存用于洗手间和植 物浇灌,但这显然不适合应用于沙漠地区。这里的数 据大厅周围的植物区有天然的隔热作用,所以数据大厅 无需制冷系统。 另外,大厅外设置了一个缓冲区,避 免热空气直接流入室内。建筑采用“洋葱皮”的设计模 式,大大地减少了制冷系统的耗能。 MV 2号仍在施工 当中,目前正在争取通过Tier III设计认证,该项目同时 在申报LEED奖,希望能够成为当地首个获得LEED白金 奖的设计。 MV 3号则面对不同的设计困难,此工程需要在已 有的中心内设计500平方米的数据存储中心。 设计在保 留原有建筑结构的基础上,降低了整体能耗,并巧妙地 插入新设备,因此获得了LEED 金奖。
The shaded entrance area to the centre.
Concept Masterplan for Sutong Science & Industry Park CSSTD Co. LTD
Sutong China
苏通科技园区规划 CSSTD 中新苏通科技 产业园有限责任公司
南通 中国
Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP), the most successful industrial park developer in China, has commissioned Arup Associates to design a new master plan for the central residential area of the Sutong Industrial Park. The project offers a fresh approach to the challenge of planning a new urban community in China that is commercially viable and environmentally sensitive. The project is defined by high-quality peopleoriented design and a unique set of commercial, residential, and open space concepts that differentiate the development and make it an attractive place to live. At the heart of the project is a linear “town centre,” a unique type of street which serves as a public space in addition to its vehicular use. Like Las Ramblas in Barcelona, this street is designed to be an icon for the area, providing a vibrant pedestrianfriendly mix of retail, entertainment, and leisure spaces to attract people to come to live, work and play. Reinforcing the environment surrounding this street is an urban residential neighbourhood characterised by small walkable blocks, active streets frontages, and human-scaled buildings. A comprehensive grid of green corridors weaves through both public and private properties, linking the entire 2.6km2 area. Residents and visitors have access to convenient and attractive pedestrian and bike connections between all parts of the district. Marking the centre of this green network is a scenic lakefront park which will connect directly to the future CBD and serve as a destination for the entire region. The master plan is driven by environmental objectives, which demonstrate an opportunity for leadership and innovation in sustainable development and resource management. Sustainability strategies include an innovative energy sharing infrastructure to drive down CO2 emissions over time, natural water treatment, waste recycling, high efficiency building design, use of natural materials, and creation of a comfortable microclimate.
A unique central boulevard provides vibrant public spaces in a short walking distance from all residents
中国最成功的工业园区开发商苏州工业园 (SIP)委托 Arup Associates为苏通产业园的中央居住区提供新的总 体规划设计。我们以崭新的设计理念打造出一个独具魅 力、充满经济活力、对环境友好的新型城市社区。 该项目采用以人为本的高品质设计并运用一系列独 特的商业、居住和开放空间理念,使其在众多同类社区中 脱颖而出,打造成为品质一流的宜居环境。项目的中心位 置是一条商业街,除了供车辆通行外,还可用作一个公共 活动场所。与巴塞罗那的兰布拉大道一样,这条街也是一 条标志性的中央大道,集商业、娱乐和休闲为一体,吸引 人们在此工作、生活和游玩。住宅小区环绕着中央大道, 设有步行街区、临街商铺和尺度宜人的建筑。绿树环绕的 步行道和自行车道连接起整个2.6平方公里的园区,为居 民和到访者提供了便捷和舒适。绿色走廊的中央是一个风 景秀丽的湖滨公园,它将连接未来的CBD并成为整个园 区的主要景点。 总体规划方案以环境保护为主要目标,因此为可持续 性设计和资源管理的技术示范和创新带来了机会。可持续 策略包括可大幅减少碳排量的创新型能源共享基础设施、 自然水资源处理、废弃物回收和高效率的建筑设计等,同 时使用天然材料,打造舒适的微气候环境。
International Character
Community Support
Green Lifestyle
Residential Choice
Progressive Green Design
Above: Design drivers incorporate 5 different themes into the project
The master plan re-interprets the typical “nodal” town center to a “linear” town center
Jaguar Land Rover Engine Manufacturing Centre UK
Wolverhampton England
捷豹路虎先进发动机厂 捷豹路虎
伍尔弗汉普顿 英国
The Jaguar Land Rover Engine Facility provides an exceptionally clean environment and a large 30m clear span structure, to provide flexible floor space to accommodate the current and future needs of the manufacturing process. The space is naturally lit by north lights designed into the saw tooth profile of the roof structure.
Jaguar Land Rover’s new engine manufacturing centre draws on Arup Associates’ half century of experience in the design of industrial buildings, but its sustainable agenda is radical and in tune with the client’s ethos of innovative design. The site for the £500m plant employing around 1400 staff, is on brownfield land close to the M54 motorway outside Wolverhampton. The 95,000 sq.m. building contains north lit machine and assembly halls which are large spaces flanked by office and support spaces. The plan is simple but allows for maximum flexibility and scope for future expansion – this accommodated the evolution of the client brief as the project progressed. The large span steel roof framing, supported on columns spaced at 30m intervals, is arranged with an open truss form to give high level services distribution, a clear hierarchy, modulated to suit the north light architecture. The building is targeting BREEAM Excellent through a number of sustainable features. The building is naturally ventilated, with natural north light channelled through the 3m high roof lights. The roof also accommodates solar hotwater panels and extensive photovoltaics to partially offset the manufacturing process. The essence of the project is its flexibility, allowing for the ongoing development of the manufacturing process.
个世纪的工厂设计经验与智慧,此项目采用了大胆 的可持续规划,与客户追求的创新设计理念意气相投。 工厂位于伍尔弗汉普顿外M54高速公路的棕色区 域,耗资5亿英镑,约1400名员工参与建造。建筑共占地 95,000平方米,含有北面采光的机械装配车间,大楼侧面 拥有大面积的办公室及辅助空间。建筑的规划十分简单, 却拥有最大限度的灵活性及未来扩建潜能——因此在施工 过程中可以适应客户不断变化的要求。建筑采用大跨度 钢制屋顶,每隔30米由柱子支撑。屋顶同时采用了露天 桁架放置设备,空间层次清晰,并根据建筑北面采光的情 况进行了调整。该项目含多项可持续特色,正在争取获得 BREEAM(英国建筑研究院环境评估法)“优异”以上 的评分。建筑内部采用自然通风系统,同时北向阳光通过 3米高的屋顶采光天窗照入室内,形成了天然照明系统。 另外,建筑的顶部安装了太阳能热水器与大量的太阳能光 电板,可以为工厂提供部分电能。 该项目的主要特点就是灵活性,可以满足工厂的不 断发展。
Shanghai LOOP Changning District Government
Shanghai China
龙之翼 长宁区区政府
上海 中国
A close collaboration between the structural engineers and architects within Arup Associates produced an efficient and elegant design solution
The Shanghai LOOP creates over 1.5 kilometers of vibrant new elevated public pathway in the bustling Changning shopping district in Shanghai. Arup Associates’ competition-winning scheme focused on providing an elegant solution to the local government’s challenge: a pedestrian bridge that addresses a complex transit issue at a dense commercial intersection where public transportation, pedestrians, and vehicles meet. The bridge, carefully designed to mediate multiple level changes, maintain adequate space for vehicle traffic below, and not impede metro lines running underground, greatly enhances the pedestrian experience at the intersection and provides a landmark structure for Changning District. The bridge will improve pedestrian safety while also attracting tourists and residents to the area to shop and play. The LOOP is a project that exemplifies the Arup Associates integrated approach, with complex structural issues intertwining with a delicate design solution. The structure includes a 70 meter span sky plaza and connects two metro lines, multiple shopping centres, and the open space of Zhongshan Park. Careful site analysis and people flow studies were conducted in order to develop a user-centred design that redefines the intersection as a pedestrian friendly area. Careful site analysis and people flow studies were conducted in order to develop a usercentred design that redefines the intersection as a pedestrian friendly area. Arup Associates proposed a zero-carbon strategy for the Shanghai Loop focused on harnessing energy from the wind, sun, and people. The design incorporates urban scale wind turbines, photovoltaic panels, and kinetic floor tiles. These innovative solutions, combined with high quality pedestrian spaces that transform a congested intersection into a local attraction, will redefine the Changning District and bring new life to the area.
龙之翼是一个长达1.5公里的空中步行系统,包含一 个空中广场和一组跨度70米的桁架,贯穿上海中山公园地 块最繁华的购物区。Arup Associates 是该项目国际竞标 的优胜者,设计的主旨是打造一个天桥及空中平台,不仅 将高密度商业中心串联起来,同时解决该地区繁杂的公共 交通问题。这个系统连接了两条地铁线、多个购物中心和 中山公园前广场。设计团队认真开展了实地分析和行人流 量研究,从使用者的角度出发,充分考虑可达性和无障碍 设计,将此核心商业区打造成一个方便行人活动的区域。 桥面根据连接的建筑二层标高调整高度,并给桥下 车辆通行留出足够的空间,同时也不会对地铁线路造成妨 碍,从而极大地提升了行人在这个十字路口的通行体验。 长宁区多了一个新的地标后,将吸引更多的游客和居民 到此购物游玩。 Arup Associates 为龙之翼项目开发了零碳策略,充 分利用风能、太阳能和人力发电,旨在成为中国第一个零 碳高架平台式步行系统。项目设计中采用了风力涡轮机、 光伏板和动能地砖。这些创新措施以及舒适的行人通行空 间,为这一繁忙地区提供了先进的交通解决方案,它强劲 的活力将使长宁区呈现更新颖的面貌。
King Abdullah Sports City Saudi Aramco
Jeddah Saudi Arabia
阿卜杜拉国王体育城 沙特阿美
吉达 沙特阿拉伯
The circulation zone is screened to exclude wind and dust.
Awards 2012 World Architecture Awards (WAF) Shortlisted, Future Projects Leisure-led Development Category
The King Abdullah Sports City Stadium forms the centrepiece of the massive Sports City project, intended to transform attitudes to participatory sport in Saudi Arabia. The 60,000 seat stadium provides the Kingdom’s first world class football stadium, home to Jeddah’s two Premier League clubs, along with a separate 1200 seats athletics facility suitable for international events. The stadium, designed in accordance with FIFA/IAFA rules, is located in a desert-like environment some 10km from the centre of Jeddah. Arup Associates’ project designed in collaboration with Arup is a response to cultural as well as physical context. Given its location, environmental issues were clearly woven into the architectural and structural design. The Saudi football season is played in winter, not in the hot summer months. Normally the stadium will be used only by night – high temperatures of 45 degrees plus rule out daytime use. The brief evolved to mechanically cool only areas with a high density of people such as stairs and lounge areas: the
main stadium will have porous architecture and is designed to enable effective natural ventilation by harnessing desert breezes. The diamond-patterned screen set in V-shaped tiedown frames– its form has echoes of the traditional Arabic mashrabiya – protects spectators from wind and dust whilst allowing bulk air movement for ventilation and provides shade. Seating on three levels offers 360 degree views of the pitch, at the heart of the stadium bowl, itself rooted firmly in the soil. The curvaceous enclosure of the stadium incorporates changing rooms, media facilities, spaces for corporate entertaining, the royal box, and VIP accommodation. Located within a firmly Islamic country, the stadium is oriented towards Mecca. Adjacent is a large mosque. Constructed under royal patronage the stadium is designed to accommodate men and women, a significant change in attitudes. This landmark sports project is a classic example of the integration of architecture and engineering, its memorable form being a clear expression of geometrically influenced structure.
The stadium will be used mainly at night on account of the extreme desert climate.
The stadium bowl is designed to give spectators amazing views, whlst protecting them from wind and dust.
国王阿卜杜拉体育城体育场是吉达体育城众多项目中 最引人注目的建筑,项目希望能够改变沙特阿拉伯人们对 参与运动的态度。国王体育场是世界一流的足球体育场, 一共有60,000个观众座位,目前为吉达的两个英超俱乐部 提供主训练场;同时其为国际赛事而配备了1200张运动 员座位。 体育场位于距离吉达10公里远的沙漠地带,其 设计完全符合FIFA/IAFA的规定。 此项目由Arup Associates与ARUP合作设计,与当 地的文化及城市肌理相互呼应。 由于地处沙漠,环境问 题自然成为了建筑与结构设计的重中之重。沙特的足球赛 季定于冬天而不在炎热的夏天进行。只有温度低于45℃ 时才会使用体育馆,因此体育馆一般只在夜间使用。项目 任务书决定了只在人群密集的地方如楼梯与休息区使用机 械冷却装置。主体育场建筑采用了多孔设计,可以利用沙 漠内的微风为场馆提供良好的自然通风效果。
The King Abdullah Stadium is designed to operate in the extreme climate of Saudi Arabia.
菱形的屏幕安装于V形固定架上——这种设计与阿拉 伯的传统mashrabiy风格有异曲同工之妙——既保护了观 看者免受风沙干扰,也可使空气流过以达到通气作用。三 层楼高的观众席设置在体育场的中心,牢牢地固定着地 面,观众坐拥360°视角,可以非常自由地观察比赛。体 育场的曲线围栏后设计了更衣室、媒体设备、娱乐休息 室、主席台及VIP接待室。由于沙特举国笃信伊斯兰教, 这座体育场特地朝向麦加方向,而体育场旁边就是一座大 型清真寺。 此项目是由沙特皇家所赞助建造的,体育场 可同时容纳男性和女性观众,这体现了沙特阿拉伯性别歧 视态度的重大变化。这个标志性的体育项目是建筑与工程 统一的典范,巧妙的几何学创新结构令人久久回味。
Above: Study model for a component of the entrance screen to the prayer hall. Exploded perspective of the mosque forming part of the entrance sequence to the King Abdullah Sports City. Right: Plan of the Mosque with the main prayer hall placed centrally and ablution and changing areas adjacent.
Singapore Sports Hub Dragages Singapore Pte Ltd
新加坡体育中心 新加坡浚海有限公司
The Singapore Sports Hub provides a wide range of sports facilities on a waterfront site.
Awards 2013 World Architecture Awards (WAF) Winner, Future Projects Leisure-led Development Category World Architecture Awards (WAF) Shortlisted, Future Projects Masterplanning Category
The Singapore Sports Hub project reflects the ambitions of Singapore, a small, highly urbanised country with a dynamic economy, to become a major centre of world sport. The Sports Hub includes a 55,000 seat National Stadium, designed to house concerts and other events as well as football and athletics, aquatics centre, multi-purpose indoor arenas, and extensive facilities for community sports, along with 40,000 sq.m. of retailing and offices. The 35 hectare waterfront site at Kallang, originally occupied by Singapore’s principal airport and more recently by the now-demolished 1970s National Stadium, is close to the central business district of Singapore and to the airport and served by an excellent metro system. Arup Associates designed the stadium, aquatics centre and arenas in collaboration with engineers and specialists from Arup’s Singapore, UK and Australasia offices. The design of the stadium had to address the sometimes oppressive local climate; hot, humid and with high rainfall. A moveable roof was an essential feature. The moveable section of the roof is clad in ETFE pillows and incorporates a matrix of LED lighting, one of the largest LED screens in the world at 20,000 sq.m. It is designed
to open and close in 25 minutes and is left open when the stadium is not in use, keeping the grass pitch in healthy condition. The fixed sections of the roof have a more conventional metal cladding. Highly insulated, they are, thanks to Arup’s parametric modelling, remarkably lightweight – the total weight of steel used is just over 8000 tonnes. The roof of the stadium, with a span of 310m, is set to become the world’s largest free-span dome when completed in 2014. A radical cooling system has been incorporated. Instead of supplying the cooling air at high level, it is introduced beneath the seat, creating a pillow of cool air around the spectators. By minimising the volume cooled, the energy used is dramatically reduced. Giant louvres provide protection from sun and rain for the grand arcade around the stadium and link the different functions while allowing the free circulation of air. A moving tier of seats can be pulled forward when the athletics track is not in use, to improve proximity to the pitch and to enhance spectator experience and atmosphere. With legacy in mind, the sports hub precinct has been designed to maximise both elite and everyday use, to ensure that it will be an active and vibrant destination throughout the year.
The roof of the National Stadium will be the largest free-span dome in the world when it is completed in 2014.
The National Stadium is equipped with a movable roof, a response to Singapore’s unpredictable climate.
When not in use the athletics track can be covered by a movable bank of seating, providing the proximity to the pitch required at football matches.
作为一个面积虽小而经济富裕的高度城市化国家,新 加坡体育中心项目反映了新加坡希望成为世界体育中心的 壮志雄心。体育中心项目包括一座拥有55,000个座位的国 家体育场,主要用于举办音乐会和其他如足球、体操等赛 事,另外包括水上运动中心、多功能室内场馆及大量社区 体育设备,另外还具有40,000平方米的商业区与办公区。 项目地块位于新加坡的加冷区,面积35公顷,早先这里曾 是新加坡的主要机场。到了20实际70年代,机场被拆除 而建成国家体育馆。如今体育馆也被拆除。该地块临近新 加坡的中心商业区及机场,享有十分完善的地铁系统。 Arup Associates与来自新加坡、英国及澳大利亚奥 雅纳办公室的众多工程师与专家共同设计了体育场、水上 运动中心及室内场馆。体育馆的设计必须考虑到当地经常 出现的沉闷天气:炎热、潮湿而且经常下雨。对此,活动 式顶盖则非常的合适。顶盖的可活动部分由聚氟乙烯软垫 覆盖,其上布置了目前世界上最大的LED灯组,面积超过 20,000平方米。顶盖的打开或关闭需要25分钟,当场馆 休息时顶盖将关闭,保持草地球场处于健康状态。顶盖的 固定部分则采用了传统的金属面板。固定部为多部分组合 而成,由于奥雅纳采用了参数化设计,顶盖仅仅使用了 8000吨的钢料,极大地减轻了建筑负重。体育馆的顶盖 跨度为310米,2014落成后成为了世界上最大跨度的开放 式圆顶建筑。馆内采用了最新的制冷系统。设计摒弃了传 统的高空制冷方法,而将冷气口安装在座位下,使观看者 如同身处舒适的冷气坐垫。同时,这种设计使需要冷却的
空间缩小,因此大大减少了能耗。上设置了大型百叶为体 育馆周边的大拱门遮挡了日光与雨,并且连接了场馆的不 同部分,同时又能让空气自然地流通。观众席采用了可移 动设计,当前排运动员的座位闲置时,可以将观众的座位 向前移动,大大提高了赛事的观赏性与氛围。必须谨记 的是,新加坡体育馆区的设计目的是最大程度地发挥其用 途,包括用于大型赛事或者供日常使用。为此,场馆必须 保持机动性与灵活性,时刻迎接挑战。
The roof of the stadium is clad in ETFE “pillows”, fixed sections are highly insulated to exclude heat and humidity.
Phoenix Mountain Mixed Use Development Shining Group
Chengdu China
凤凰山综合体开发 乡林集团
成都 中国
Residential courtyards are designed to optimise microclimatic conditions and provide human-scale community spaces for residents
The mixed use master plan is linked by a network of open spaces and features an active pedestrian bridge spanning the site
Chengdu is a city known for its leisure lifestyle and the quality of recreational activities— from urban tea shops to lush national parks—that its residents enjoy. Arup Associates’ master plan for a 15 hectare site in the north of Chengdu builds on this legacy and transforms the model of a typical commercial development by integrating leisure opportunities throughout. The driving equation of the project is “Work, Shop, Live + Play.” The mixed-use development includes office, residential, retail, dining, art, and entertainment facilities all woven together by a network of active indoor and outdoor spaces. The elements of “work,” “shop,” “live,” and “play” are united physically and symbolically by a large multi-use park at the center and an elevated system of pedestrian paths and bikeways. The pedestrian-oriented master plan relies on an internal open space network, made up of residential courtyards and public spaces, which provide attractive and easy ways to move between all areas of the development. The building layout and massing creates human-scaled outdoor environments with microclimates that are comfortable all year round. Buildings are oriented to optimise natural day lighting and respond to seasonal wind directions, reducing energy demands and increasing internal comfort. The project introduces a new concept for mixed-use development in Chengdu: a one-stop destination for a wide range of users who will occupy the project at all times of day and night, creating a vibrant community for contemporary living, working, shopping, and playing.
安逸的生活状态和多彩的文娱活动是成都的代名词。 从坐落市内的茶馆到郁郁葱葱的国家公园,这些都是城市 居民得天独厚的财富。我们的规划理念基于这一历史传 统,将这块位于成都北面占地15公顷的土地,以不同于传 统的商业开发模式,打造成一片结合自然与休闲的所在。 我们的设计理念是“工作、购物、生活 +玩乐”。 整个综合体开发涵盖办公、住宅、零售、餐饮、艺 术、娱乐等设施,构建了室内及户外的生活空间网络。工 作、购物、生活及玩乐的元素围绕在中央公园四周,立体 化的人行步道及自行车道创造了视觉性及实质性的联系。 总体规划以人行为导向,并以家庭庭院和公共区域构 成开放的空间网络,通过别致的步行道可以方便地到达社 区任何地点。建筑的布局规划形成尺度宜人的户外环境以 及全年舒适的微气候。建筑的朝向充分考虑到自然光的利 用和季风因素,旨在减少能源损耗,提升室内舒适度。 凤凰山综合体开发项目给成都引进了一个综合体开 发的崭新概念:全天候的开放满足了不同用户需求的一 站式商业综合体,丰富的社区活动满足了生活、工作、 购物与休闲。
A vibrant commercial and office environment makes the development attractive to residents, workers, and visitors alike
Taichung Mixed Use Development Phase 1 & 2 Taiwan Land Development Corporation
Taichung Taiwan
台中精密科技创新园区一期二期 台湾土地开发股份有限公司
台中 台湾
The Taichung Precision Machinery Innovation Technology Park is a landmark commercial development which aims to be the first LEED® Platinum commercial development in Taiwan and a sustainability icon for the region. The two-phase master plan includes a distinctive conference centre as well as hotel, office, retail, and media facilities, all united under a site-wide sustainability strategy. Arup Associates was selected to develop two key sites in the seven-hectare campus. To the east, in Phase 1 of the development site, sits the iconic convention centre, which adapts to house multiple types of performance and opens onto a similarly multi-function plaza. The landmark building is flanked on either side by distinctive hotel and office towers. Phase 2 houses the media centre, which creates a new urban destination that introduces innovative communication facilities but also incorporates open spaces featuring vibrant public courtyards and plazas. The media zones, featuring world-class studios, will attract the creative industry to the already diverse technology park. Both sites incorporate innovative energy reduction strategies that fit into a wider sustainability strategy for the whole park. Careful response to the local microclimate as well as utilisation of green roof technology allows the development to blend seamlessly with the natural environment. Additional strategies such as water recycling, natural ventilation, and diffuse daylight / blackout control are employed. These strategies, combined with distinctive architectural design, ensure that the Taichung Technology Park will be a new focal point for the city and set a new benchmark for sustainability in Taiwan.
台中精密机械科技创新园区是标志性的商业地产项 目,设计目标是成为台湾首个获得美国能源与环境设计 先锋奖(LEED®)铂金奖的商业项目,使得它成为当地 可持续发展建筑的典范。分两期建设的总体规划,包含 独具特色的会展中心、酒店、办公楼、商业裙房以及媒 体设施,在整体可持续策略下统一发展。 Arup Associates 为这一占地7公顷园区内的两个重 要基地提供规划设计。首先,是位于园区东面一期的会 展中心:这座标志性建筑可举办丰富多彩的表演活动, 并与一座多功能广场相互连通。风格独特的酒店和办公 大楼分别矗立在会议中心的两侧。其次,是位于园区西 面二期的媒体中心,堪称城市的新焦点。这里不仅配备 了先进的通讯设备,更拥有丰富的公共院落和广场等开 放空间,吸引更多的世界一流工作室和创意产业入驻。 两个地块的设计均融合了最新的节能减排策略。设 计师不仅充分考虑周边微气候,更采用屋顶绿化使其与 自然融为一体。同时,水循环利用、自然通风、漫射日 光、熄灯控制等策略与独特的建筑设计相结合,确保台 中精密机械科技园区成为城市的新焦点和台湾可持续发 展的新标杆。
Section showing the landmark conference center which is sited in front of a large multi-function public plaza
Canton Tower Plaza Guanzhou Xinxin TV & Sightseeing Tower Co. Ltd.
Guangzhou China
广州新电视塔南广场 广州新电视塔建设有 限公司
广州 中国
The Canton Tower Plaza is a highly prominent addition to the city of Guangzhou and completes the southern section of Celebration Park, originally built for the Asia Games. The winner of a major international design competition, Arup Associates’ design strikes a careful balance between scales. The plaza’s urban level gestures acknowledge the Canton Tower, a major tourist attraction, while local needs are met through the provision of an upmarket retail mall and intimate park spaces for nearby residents and office workers. The resulting socially inclusive urban experience ensures that the plaza will become a vibrant hub for the city that thrives commercially. The plaza will be the main entry point for the Canton Tower. To maximize footfall, the park and mall are seamlessly integrated into the plaza space and share MTR connection, bus, taxi and vehicle drop-off. The park rises from street level at the south to second and third floor level at the base of the tower itself. This creates excellent street frontage for the upper floors of the partially submerged mall. The scheme responds to the existing urban street grid, road crossings and pedestrian routes, breaking down the urban mass of the development into human scaled blocks and spaces. At park level this becomes a series of neighbourhood scaled public garden zones. Underpinning the master planning and architecture is a highly sustainable approach to environmental engineering and the historic context. Deep light wells bring daylight into the retail mall, unifying the park and mall below, all plant life is native to Southern China and fed by retained rainwater, and a historic pagoda is maintained and incorporated into the design. The Canton Tower Plaza is an innovative new solution for commercially, socially, and environmentally sustainable urban parks and underground planning projects in China.
广州电视塔南广场与临近的海心沙广场一起组成 亚运会的庆典广场,为广州市增添了一抹亮色。Arup Associates 的设计方案在国际方案征集中脱颖而出。方 案成功了应用了尺度感,使得广场与屹立其中的广州塔交 相辉映,彰显出现代化大都市气息。由于广州塔现已成为 著名的旅游景点,所以我们在广场中引入高档购物中心和 风景秀丽的广场公园,为周围的居民和上班族提供了舒适 的休憩场所。丰富的都市生活体验将使南广场成为繁荣的 城市中心地带。 广场将成为广州塔的主要入口。为满足更多客流, 我们将广场公园、购物中心与整个广场实现了无缝连接, 并合理设置地铁站、公交车站、出租车载客点和一般车辆 的停靠点。广场公园从南面的临街区域,一直延伸至广州 塔的二层至三层楼面,不仅创造了良好的街道景观,更美 化了下沉式购物中心的景观。这一设计与城市街道网络、 道路交叉口和人行道相协调。建筑物和空间的布局秉承以 人为本的设计理念,缓解了大城市建筑密度所带来的压抑 感。公园给广场创造了一系列亲和的小花园。 具有高度可持续性的环境工程和亚运会的特殊历史意 义,为总体规划和建筑设计带来了良好的支持。深天井将 日光引入购物中心,这一设计使广场公园与购物中心融为 一体。所有的绿色植被均来自中国南方,灌溉它们的水是 收集来的雨水。设计还保留了一座历史悠久的塔,并将其 融入整体规划之中。 广州电视塔南广场是在商业、社会、环境等方向都具 有创新意义的城市公园和地下商业项目。
Nanning Beibu Tower Beibu Gulf Bank
Nanning China
北部湾银行大厦 北部湾银行
南宁\ 中国
The headquarters building for Beibu Gulf Bank in Nanning, South China, will be one of the tallest buildings in the region.
The public banking hall (left) is a separate structure which derives its form from the private club at the summit of the tower.
Site plan showing the complex core in the tower (top) and the linked banking hall (bottom).
The brief for the Beibu tower in Nanning (in Guanxi Province, Southern China) provided for a mixed-use building incorporating headquarters for the Beibu Bank, lettable office space, a 5* hotel, and public viewing gallery, with retailing, conference facilities, cinemas and a banking hall at podium level. The building is to be an urban landmark, a showcase for the bank, but also a highly innovative building in terms both of workplace design and sustainability. It should engage with the very mixed urban landscape of Nanning, which includes both high-rise buildings and earlier low-rise development. The site for the 402m tall building is an irregular diamond in shape. Arup Associates’ design strategy, developed by teams from the London and Shanghai offices, divides the building into two triangular volumes, one the tower, the other the 6 storey podium element, divided by a public route across the site. The triangular plan of the tower is sculpted into an elegantly tapered form, unifying the separate functions it contains, and engineered with both wind and seismic impact in mind. The spatial strategy is linked to the environmental design of the building – offices lower down the tower require more natural light than the hotel rooms towards its summit. Dedicated offices for Beibu Bank occupy floors 7–27, lettable offices floors 28–54, the 324-room hotel floors 57–75, with a clubhouse and observation floor at the top of the tower. The environmental strategy of the building aims to reduce the energy demand for cooling as much as possible, by integrating several strategies in to the building envelope: an active double-skin ventilated façade, incorporating automatic blinds, reduces the solar load to the occupied space; the window to wall ratio is carefully balanced to reduce solar gain while ensuring good views and ample natural light. Sky gardens provide circulation, amenity and social interaction between the floors occupied by Beibu Bank.
南宁北部湾大厦是作为北部湾银行总部的多用途办公 大楼而设计的,包括可租借的办公区,五星级酒店及公共 观景廊,大楼的裙房则用于零售市场、会议设施、电影院 及银行业务大厅。 北部湾大厦在办公区设计与可持续功 能上采用了高度创新的理念,使其成为南宁当之无愧的一 大地标,同时也展示了银行良好的面貌。南宁的城市景观 非常复杂,城市内既有崭新的高楼大厦,同时也有早期建 造的低层建筑,因此大厦设计时需要考虑如何与南宁的城 市景观更好地融合。 这座大厦高402米,处于一个不规则的菱形地块 中。Arup Associates邀请了伦敦及上海的团队参与设 计,决定将大厦分为两个三角形体块,其一为主体塔楼, 另一个则为六层高的裙房,中间由公共设施连接。大厦的 三角形外观设计为一个优美的圆锥结构,将其内部不同的 功能区完美统一,同时考虑了建筑防风抗震的工程问题。 这种空间布局也考虑了大厦的环境设计——楼层较低的办 公空间需要良好的采光,而顶部的酒店客房的采光要求则 相对较低。北部湾银行专用的办公室位于7-27层,租借办 公区位于28-54层,拥有324间客房的酒店位于57-75层, 大厦顶部设置了俱乐部会所与观景平台。大厦的环境设计 要求将制冷系统的耗能降至最低,主要通过以下几个方面 实现:双层可通风的幕墙系统,并安装了自动百叶,可显 著减少直接照射的阳光;窗墙比经过精密的计算与平衡, 在不影响室内视野和自然采光的情况下尽可能地减少了热 量吸收。北部湾银行的专用层设置了空中花园,员工可在 内散步、休息及进行社交互动。
The Arup Journals A selection
The Arup Journal was launched back in 1966 and, remarkably, has continued to be published ever since with the mission, codified early on, to “present the best of our work and thinking across our constantly growing areas of expertise”. From its very first year that “our” always included the work of Arup Associates alongside that of the parent company – Ove Arup & Partners then (and successively Ove Arup Partnership and now Arup). Founding Partner Sir Philip Dowson contributed his “Architect’s approach to architecture” to what was only the second edition in May 1966, and over the subsequent decades and into the present century The Arup Journal has continued to trace, through its detailed studies of key projects, the development of Arup Associates’ work. Long may it continue!
奥雅纳之旅 节选
奥雅纳之旅在1966年面市后出版至今,一直谨记着当年的 宗旨:“把我们最好的作品展现出来,同时也在我们不断发 展的专业领域里保持着思考”。从第一年开始,我们Arup Associates的工作就一直和母公司Ove Arup & Partners (后来是Ove Arup Partnership, 现在是 Arup) 齐头并进。 创始合伙人Philip Dowson先生将他的《建筑师的设计方法》 发表在1966年五月第二版上,在随后的几十年里以至新的世 纪,奥雅纳之旅都在不断地通过细致的研究Arup Associates 的重要作品来见证它的成长。 未来的路还很长!
1967 1976
1983 1982
1984 1989
1990 1997
2001 2005
Endmatter 结束
2010 490
Index 目录
Mining and Metallurgy University of Birmingham 050
1 Finsbury Avenue Greycoat Estates PLC 090
Snape Maltings Concert Hall Aldeburgh Festival of Music & the Arts 056
Diplomatic Quarter Sports Club Bureau of Foreign Affairs Saudi Arabia 098
IBM (UK) Ltd 064
Broadgate Development Liverpool Street British Land Company PLC 104
Sir Thomas White Building St John`s College University of Oxford 070
Imperial War Museum 122
Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) HQ 074
Stockley Park Stockley Park Consortium Ltd 130
Gateway 1 and 2 Wiggins Teape (UK) PLC 080
Watling House Development British Land Company PLC 136
Hong Kong Station Mass Transport Railway Corporation (MTRC) 142 Arup Campus Prologis Kingspark & British Land Company PLC 154 Plantation Place British Land Company PLC 166 Plantation Lane British Land Company PLC 172 Vauxhall Cross Interchange Transport for London 176 Nokia Campus Nokia Beijing 182
CITI Data Centre Citigroup 186 Ropemaker Place British Land Company PLC 196 Honeywell R&D Centre Shanghai Honeywell 202 ExxonMobil Asia Pacific R&D Centre ExxonMobil 206 Philips Zero Carbon Emissions Building Philips Shanghai 212 Qatar Showcase, FIFA Qatar 2022 Bid Committee 216
Index 目录
BSkyB Sky Studios British Sky Broadcasting Ltd / Stanhope PLC 222 Ding He Tower China Southern Power Grid 228 Huawei Campus Shenzhen Huawei Investment & Holding Co. Ltd. 232 ICBC Jiading Data Centre ICBC Shanghai 236 Faculty of Engineering and Computing Coventry University 244 Wuxi Fortune Plaza HKI China Land Ltd. 250
Sports Centre, Phase 1 University of Cambridge 254
King Abdullah Sports City Saudi Aramco 282
Druk White Lotus School The Drukpa Trust 260
Singapore Sports Hub Dragages Singapore Pte Ltd 288
MEEZA Data Centre 266
Phoenix Mountain Mixed Use Development Shining Group 294
Concept Masterplan for Sutong Science Industry Park China Singapore Sutong Science and Technology Park (Nantong) Development Co., LTD 270
Taichung Mixed Use Development Phase 1&2 Taiwan Land Development Corporation 298
Jaguar Land Rover Engine Manufacturing Centre UK 274
Canton Tower Plaza Guanzhou Xinxin TV & Sightseeing Tower Co. Ltd. 302
Shanghai LOOP Changning District Government 278
Nanning Beibu Tower Beibu Gulf Bank 306
Credits and copyright 信用和版权
Photography 摄影
Alan Williams Andrew Putler Ben McMillan Caroline Sohie Christian Richters Cityscape Colin Westwood Crispin Boyle Damian Eley Daniel Clement Darren Soh David Kinney David Laing Dennis Gilbert Graham Brandon Graham Flack Grant Smith Hayes Davidson Hufton+Crow Photography Ian Cook James Ward Jason Kennedy
Jeff Harkey Jerry Lee John Donat John Mills Photography Ltd Kilian O’Sullivan Kingkay Architectural Photography Luke Jarvis M Fogarty M Moser and Ben McMillian Martin Charles McAteer Nathan Willock Oaker Peter Cook Peter Defty Peter Macintosh Richard Bryant Richard Dudley / Triangle 2 Richard Stonehouse Simon Kennedy Spice Photos Ltd SPLC SSHC Ltd
Text 文字
Printing 打印
Kenneth Powell Editor 编辑 Declan O’Carroll Co-editor 联合编辑 Michael Beaven Francesca Galeazzi
Printed in Shanghai, China Copyright 2014 Arup Associates No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or manner whatsoever without prior written permission except in the case of brief quotations.
Research and production 研究和制作
中国上海打印 2014版权
Mick Brundle Joanne Ronaldson Philip Jones
除了简短的引用之外,如无书面许可, 此书的任何部分都不得以任何形式或方 式被使用或复制。
Design 设计 CHK Design
Contents 内容
Essay Total Architecture
Projects Arup Associates 1963–2013
The Arup Journals
短文 所有建筑
Arup Associates 1963–2013
Introduction Arup Associates 2013
50 years have, of course, been witness to considerable change in design practices, in procurement and globalisation. Yet, the core ideas of Arup Associates have remained relevant throughout the history of the practice and indeed relative to the wider industry. Ove Arup’s idea of a “total architecture”, in which architects and engineers inform building concept and design development equally, responds well to today’s demand for complex buildings that need to perform well on many levels. Society’s need for a humane, meaningful and inspiring architecture, continues to be as relevant now as ever before. While the need to build in ways that exploit new technologies and use resources wisely is a necessary priority for the future. At 50, Arup Associates is at an age where there are the beginnings of a legacy. A legacy that thanks to Ove Arup and Philip Dowson’s immense foresight in the creation of this unique collaborative ‘experiment’ still informs our present and future. 006
Each generation has interpreted Arup Associates’ mission in relation to its own time but always with the underpinning of shared values and commitment to pioneering design through integrated working. A common DNA which links the studio’s output through 50 years of continuous innovation. Each individual, we are sure, has felt that they are part of a design collaborative that has a unique ethos and shared goals. Goals that are not about individuals’ careers, or fame but prioritise the work above all else. A deliberate focus on how architecture and engineering can contribute to a sense of common good. This catalogue recognises the founding partners who created this unique studio and originally proposed it as an ‘experiment’. The work is a celebration of all the individuals past and present who have uniquely contributed to creating this enduring legacy. The ‘experiment’ looks forward to the next 50. 007
Arup Associates 2013
在半个世纪的漫长岁月中,随着采购方式的变革和全球化的 深入,建筑设计业务产生了巨大的变化。在这段时间跨度中,Arup Associates却有所不变,始终坚持自己的核心理念和跨领域合作的 精神。奥雅纳爵士提出“建筑全局观”思维,意即建筑师和工程师 必须兼顾建筑理念和设计过程,这一思想与当今倡导的多功能的一 体化建筑不谋而合。 社会对人性化且创意性的建筑有着比以往更强烈的需求。而未 来建筑的发展趋势,是更多地运用高新科技并巧妙地利用资源。 50岁的Arup Associates已经积淀了丰厚的品牌资产。回顾当 初,在奥雅纳爵士和菲利普·道森 (Philip Dowson) 怀着“试一 试”的心理开创了Arup Associates的前身——奥雅纳工程顾问公司 (Ove Arup & Partners) ,而二人的远见卓识始终指引公司今后的发 展方向。 在奥雅纳工作的每一代人,都以共同的价值观、开拓创新精神 和团队协作精神,在所处的时代中写下光辉灿烂的设计篇章。所有 的设计作品都一脉相承地阐释了奥雅纳的核心设计理念。
奥雅纳的每一名员工共同构成了一个富有创见又合作共进的 设计团队。员工始终将设计工作放在首位,而将个人的名誉和职 业发展放在其次。这是因为,使建筑和工程为用户带来最大利益 才是我们关注的焦点。 本手册介绍了Arup Associates的两位创始人最初是如何仅 抱着“试一试”的态度而创立了这个传奇的事务所。公司之所以 取得优良业绩并积淀雄厚资产,完全是过去和现在所有员工共同 努力的成果。Arup Associates将满怀憧憬,再接再厉,准备迎接 下一个奋进而感动的五十年。
Kenneth Powell
Total Architecture: Arup Associates 1963–2013 一体化建筑:
Arup Associates 1963–2013
Sir Ove Arup visits the Kingsgate Footbridge in Durham during construction in 1963.
“ Great architecture is often produced by people who apparently don’t care a damn about sensible buildings”, Ove Arup told an audience at the RIBA in June, 1966. He had just received the Institute’s Royal Gold Medal for services to architecture from its then President, Lord Esher. Arup’s message to the architectural profession was clear: “good design should embody a sensible way of building”. Architecture, he insisted, “is not just a visual art”.1 Sir Ove Arup (1895 –1988; knighted in 1971), who was born in Newcastle-upon-Tyne of Danish parents, had returned to Britain in 1923, working for the civil engineers Christiani & Nielsen and developing expertise in the design of reinforced concrete structures. From 1934 on, as design director of J.L. Kier & Co., he had become part of a circle including many pioneers of the newly-fledged Modern Movement in Britain, joining the MARS Group and working with the émigré architect Berthold Lubetkin on a number of projects including the Penguin Pool at London Zoo and the Highpoint flats. Arup had considered becoming an architect, rather than an engineer, “but I did not feel sure that I could become a first-rate architect”.2 In 1946 he established the practice of Ove N. Arup, Consulting Engineers – it became Ove Arup & Partners in 1949. Ove Arup’s passionate interest in architecture was reflected in his ideal of creating “total architecture in collaboration with other like-minded individuals” and in the projects he undertook with the leading architectural practices of the post-war years, including Architects’ Co-Partnership, Fry & Drew, Drake & Lasdun, Peter and Alison Smithson, and Basil Spence. But in 1963 a new architectural practice which bore his name was launched – to the annoyance of some of his former collaborators, who did not welcome the emergence of a competitor on the scene. The practice employed both architects and engineers: a radical idea at that time. 012
1 RIBA Journal, August, 1966, p.352, 355, 358. 2 Ibid., p.352.
1 英国皇家建筑师学会杂 志,1966年8月, 352 页, 355 页, 358 页. 2 Ibid., 352 页.
“如果建筑师能够深入地进行设计,而不流于建筑的表面修饰,那么他将创造出伟大的 建筑”。这是奥雅纳爵士1966年6月参加英国皇家建筑师学会会议时的发言。为表彰他为当 时总统Lord Esher设计的各种杰出建筑,学会向他颁发了皇家金奖。Arup向业内传递的信 息很明确:“优秀的建筑应具备合理的设计。”他始终坚持着自己的建筑理念:“建筑并 不只是视觉艺术”。1 奥雅纳爵士(1895-1988年,1971年被封为爵士)出生于英国纽卡斯 尔,父母是丹麦人。1923年他回到了英国,与土木工程师Christiani和Nielsen一同工作, 并专攻钢筋混凝土结构的设计。1934年,奥雅纳爵士开始担任J.L. Kier & Co公司的设计总 监,并逐渐接触了许多英国的现代主义运动先驱。在此期间,他加入了MARS集团,并携 手俄侨建筑师Berthold Lubetkin共同参与了多个建筑项目,其中包括著名的伦敦动物园企 鹅水塘和Highpoint公寓。然而,奥雅纳爵士并不满足于工程师的工作,他更希望成为一名 建筑师,“但我不知道自己是否能成为一流的建筑师”。2 1946年,他创办了Ove N. Arup 咨询工程公司,这是1949年成立的奥雅纳工程顾问公司(Ove Arup & Partners) 的前身。 奥雅纳爵士的“一体化建筑”理念旨在集结志同道合的各界人士,将不同行业的智 慧凝聚在建筑设计中。这也是他对建筑的热情所在。在二战结束之后,他与多个当时著 名的建筑公司开展合作,其中包括Architects’ Co-Partnership、Fry & Drew、Drake & Lasdun、Peter和Alison Smithson,以及Basil Spence等。1963年,以奥雅纳爵士名字 命名的一家新型建筑师事务所正式成立。对此,奥雅纳爵士以前的合作伙伴甚为不快,因 为他们从此多了一个强大的竞争对手。这所全新的事务所同时雇佣建筑师与工程师——这 在当时是个十分超前而大胆的理念。
Arup commented: ”architects could not possibly tolerate that they should be employed by engineers, whereas they found it quite in order that architects should employ engineers”.3 The roots of the new practice, Arup Associates, extended back a decade or more, since Ove Arup & Partners had been responsible for the design of a number of industrial buildings, beginning with a factory for Chemical Building Products in Hemel Hempstead, completed in 1955. The Architectural Association school, with which Arup was closely associated, was a natural recruiting ground for architects. The engineer Derek Sugden, who joined Arup in 1953 and became a founder partner of Arup Associates, worked on a number of the factory projects, including the elegant single storey plant for York Shipley at Basildon. But the arrival in the Arup office in 1952 of the young AA graduate Philip Dowson (b.1924) was to have a major impact. Francis Pym (1924 –2009) worked with Dowson for a time before he established his own practice. “Ove was not an architect, but he understood what was good architecture and he had a desire to create or at least play a significant part in creating it”, Sir Jack Zunz recalls. “There was an implicit objective for excellence, to do better than the others, not to be inhibited by standard practices and to embrace innovation as an objective”.4 Indeed, Dowson, the son of a leading South African engineer, might have considered establishing his own independent practice, having secured the commission for new buildings at Somerville College, Oxford, but he chose to remain with Arup and suggested the formation of a “Building Group”, within the engineering practice. It was led by Dowson up to the time of his retirement in 1989 – he became President of the Royal Academy in 1993 – and Ronald (Bob) Hobbs (d.2006), an outstanding engineer who had joined Arup in 1948. The group developed its own momentum and Dowson and Hobbs “wanted to flex their muscles”.5 014
3 Peter Jones, Ove Arup, Masterbuilder of the Twentieth Century (New Haven and London, 2006), p.279. 4 Jack Zunz, “Arup Associates a personal view”, manuscript, quoted with permission of Sir Jack, who joined Arup in 1950 and was later chairman of Ove Arup & Partners. 5 Jack Zunz, “Arup Associates – a personal view”, manuscript, quoted with permission of Sir Jack, who joined Arup in 1950 and was later chairman of Ove Arup & Partners.
3 Peter Jones和奥雅纳爵士, 20世纪的两位建筑大师(纽黑 文和伦敦,2006年),279页 4 Jack Zunz, “Arup Associates——个人观点”, 原稿,经批准引用。Jack爵士 在1950年加入奥雅纳,其后担 任了Ove Arup & Partners的 董事长。 5 Jack Zunz, “Arup Associates——个人观点”, 原稿,经批准引用。Jack爵士 在1950年加入奥雅纳,其后担 任了Ove Arup & Partners的 董事长。
奥雅纳评论说:“建筑师不甘心在工程师手下工作,相反他们认为工程师应当为 建筑师打下手。”3 Arup Associates所采用的这种新型模式可追溯至十年或更早以 前。Arup Associates的前身是奥雅纳工程顾问公司(Ove Arup & Partners),从事于 各种工业建筑的设计,最早的作品是1955年赫默尔亨普斯特德的化工厂。建筑联盟学院 (Architectural Association school)是建筑人才的摇篮,奥雅纳爵士与该学院长期保持 着紧密联系。工程师Derek Sugden在1953年加入Ove Arup & Partners,后来成为Arup Associates的创始人之一。他参与了众多工厂项目的设计,包括为York Shipley集团打造 的位于巴斯尔登的单层厂房。Philip Dowson生于1924年,以优异的成绩毕业于建筑联盟 学院。年纪轻轻的他在1952年加入了奥雅纳办公室,为公司带来了巨大的影响。Francis Pym(1924-2009)曾与Dowson共事,当时Dowson还没有自己的事务所。“尽管奥雅纳 爵士并不是一名建筑师,但他明白什么才是优秀的建筑,他内心充满了创作的欲望,哪怕 无法担当设计,他仍会在创作过程中起到至关重要的作用。”Jack Zunz爵士回忆道,“所 谓的杰出有着更深层的含义,你必须做得比任何人都好,不断打破常规,推陈出新。”4 诚 然,作为南非杰出工程师之子,Dowson曾考虑过建立自己的事务所,以接下牛津大学萨 默维尔学院新建筑设计项目,然而他选择了留在奥雅纳,并建议在工程事务所中设立“建 筑小组”。直至到1989年退休,Dowson一直经营着这个建筑小组——1993年他成为了皇 家学院的主席——其后该小组由杰出的工程师Ronald (Bob) Hobbs (d.2006)接管,他早在 1948年便已加入奥雅纳。该建筑小组在业内独树一帜,Dowson和Hobbs均表示“希望未 来它能够大展拳脚” 。5
Arup Associates在1963年成立后不久,Derek Sugde成为了第三位创始合伙人。 015
Leckhampton House Corpus Christi College Cambridge, England
So in 1963 Arup Associates was launched, with Derek Sugden in due course as the third founding partner. Ove Arup enthusiastically endorsed the new venture as an expression of the integration of architecture and engineering which he had long espoused. The other guiding principle which was to be fundamental to the operations of the practice was that of teamwork – the emphasis was on the team, not on named individuals. Every project undertaken was – and remains – open to wide debate and criticism within the office in an ethos of shared values. Arup Associates has always been averse to the cult of personality, and prioritised the quality and substance of the work above all else to the extent that the authorship of projects is always assigned to the team, regardless of the contribution of individuals, whether they are leading partners or young associates. Ove Arup recognised the increasingly important part that services would play in the design of buildings and recruited a small team of specialist engineers – quantity surveyors too soon joined the team. A particular area of work which the newly formed multi-disciplinary practice set out to develop was that of university buildings. The Robbins Report of 1963 set out an agenda for the massive expansion of higher education. In fact, the first of the new universities had already opened and older institutions, including Oxford and Cambridge, were set on major expansion. Dowson (who had studied at Oxford and Cambridge) won the commission for the first of three new residential buildings for Somerville College, Oxford, in 1958. Buildings for Corpus Christi College and Trinity Hall at Cambridge, and University and St John’s colleges in Oxford followed, along with commissions from both universities (notably for the Department of Nuclear Physics at Oxford and the development of the New Museums site in Cambridge). Beyond Oxbridge, Arup Associates designed a major building for 016
CIBA Multi-Purpose Building Duxford, England
奥雅纳爵士热衷于尝试将工程与建筑完美融合,这也是他一直以来所信奉的理念。事务 所的另一项经营准则就是“团队合作”——一切以团队为重,而非个人。团队成员一直 以来都拥有相同的价值观,在每个项目的实施过程中,办公室中总少不了激烈的讨论与批 评。Arup Associates一直反对个人崇拜,所有工作均以质量为重,因此所有项目的版权都 属于整个建筑小组,即无论你是主要领导者还是年轻成员,也不论个人贡献的多少,Arup Associates都将一视同仁。 奥雅纳爵士认识到在建筑设计行业中,服务品质的重要性将日益攀升,因此他召集 了一批专业工程师组成一支小组,并在小组中安排工料测量师这一职务。从此,一个全新 的拥有跨界人才的设计团队就此建成,而他们早先的设计项目以大学建筑为主。1963年 的罗宾斯报告(Robbins Report)提出对高校进行大规模扩建的议案。事实上,第一批 新建大学早已投入使用,而老学校(包括牛津和剑桥大学)也早已开始进行扩建。1958 年,Dowson(曾在牛津与剑桥大学学习)赢得了牛津大学萨默维尔学院三栋新学生公寓 的设计项目。他不但参与建设了剑桥大学的基督圣体学院和三一大厅学堂、牛津大学的圣 约翰学院,此后还为该两所大学设计了其他大量建筑(最著名的建筑是牛津大学的核物理 系与剑桥大学的新博物馆区)。
the departments of mining and metallurgy at Birmingham University, a masterplan and a number of buildings for Loughborough, and buildings for the universities of Leicester, Surrey, Aston and East Anglia. Industrial projects continued to flow into the office, including a striking series of production and laboratory buildings for CIBA at Duxford, on which Derek Sugden worked with Dowson, and facilities for Evode in Stafford. In 1966 Arup Associates began work on the first of a long series of commissions, extending over the next 20 years, from IBM, the American computer giant then greatly expanding its operations in Britain and seeking to maintain a record of enlightened patronage. In 1965 the practice was commissioned by Benjamin Britten to undertake the conversion of part of the redundant maltings at Snape, Suffolk, into a concert hall for the Aldeburgh Festival, a project led by Derek Sugden who, trained as a structural engineer, was later to establish Arup Acoustics and to become recognised as a leading authority on acoustic design. Within a few years of its foundation, Arup Associates had become a major player on the British architectural scene. Arup Associates embodied the ideal of “total architecture” set out by Ove Arup – “total design is the key to the whole thing”, he argued. “Once you have that, everything else follows: the appearance of the job, the siting, its character, usefulness, cost, durability, everything”...6 In many respects, the early factory projects contained many of the elements which were to define Arup Associates’ approach to the design of a wide variety of buildings. Built to quite modest budgets, they were projects “ in which structure and services and their relation to industrial organisation play an important role and do so in a very overt way”.7 Integration of structure and services was the key issue, linked to the creation of flexible production space. Arup Associates’ development of the “tartan grid” was a key move in this process of integration – the rational grid 018
6 RIBA Journal, August, 1966, p.357.
6 英国皇家建筑师学会杂 志,1966年,357页
7 Michael Brawne, Arup Associates: the biography of an architectural practice (London, 1983), p.33.
7 Michael Brawne, Arup Associates:传奇的建筑事务所 (伦敦,1983年),33页
除了牛津和剑桥大学的项目,Arup Associates也为伯明翰大学的矿冶系设计了主楼,为拉 夫伯勒进行了整体建筑规划并设计了大量建筑,同时也参与了莱斯特、萨里、阿斯顿和东 英格利亚大学的校园建设。与此同时,事务所还时常接手工业项目,包括Derek Sugden与 Dowson为达克斯福德CIBA公司合作设计的工厂与实验楼,以及斯塔福伊沃粉末涂料公司 (Evode)的厂房。1966年起,Arup Associates与美国的电子设备巨头IBM展开了长达20 年的项目合作,公司继而迅速扩大在英国的业务,并致力于同高端客户保持长期的合作关 系。1965年,事务所受到了Benjamin Britten的委托,将萨福克郡斯内普小镇上多余的麦芽 为原料改建了一座音乐厅,用以举办奥尔德堡音乐节。该项目由Derek Sugden负责,这位 杰出的结构工程师也是Arup Acoustics初创时期的元老之一,并在日后成为了盛名远播的声 学设计权威专家。经过几年的发展,Arup Associates逐渐成长为英国建筑界的领军企业。 Arup Associates始终坚持奥雅纳爵士所提出的“一体化建筑”理念,爵士曾说“只 要做好一体化设计,外观、选址,还是建筑特色、用途、成本、耐用性等其他方面的工作 都将水到渠成。”6 早期工厂项目在各方面都体现了Arup Associates设计各种建筑的独特 方法。由于客户方面的预算有限,这些设计项目都是“比较注重于该企业生产或经营所需 要的建筑结构和服务功能,这是很常用的方法”7 我们着重将建筑结构和服务功能相融合, 使生产空间更加灵活多样。而Arup Associates研发的“tartan grid天花系统”是完成这一 整合的关键要素。
Mining and Metallurgy University of Birmingham Birmingham, England
which formed the logical basis for modern factory design adapted easily to a system in which the structural bays in the grid housed services, leaving the central bays clear for functional use. The system, which has parallels with the work of Louis Kahn – a potent influence on the practice’s work – whose groundbreaking Richards Medical Research Building was completed in 1964, was adaptable in the case of relatively small or very large buildings and provided open-ended potential for growth. It was clearly as relevant to laboratory as to factory design and was further developed in one of Arup Associates’ ground-breaking early projects, the Mining and Metallurgy Building at Birmingham University, completed in 1966. The building contained laboratories and workshops requiring extensive servicing in terms of power and ventilation. The grid was formed by four grouped columns with spaces for services between them, the services distributed in the 1m depths between the adjacent slabs. One of the first of Arup Associates’ works to be listed, the Mining and Metallurgy Building is architecturally austere, appropriately industrial, with expert use of precast concrete modules. (The practice was pioneering in its use of modular off-site construction methods.) The design strategy for Birmingham was applied again at Loughborough University, not only to the design of laboratory buildings but also to the 1966 masterplan for the entire campus, with a standard square block as the basic unit and buildings designed to be adaptable for laboratory, lecture room or administrative office use. The masterplan has proved to be highly successful, providing a sure base for the subsequent growth of the university. The succession of buildings designed by the practice for various Oxbridge colleges might superficially seem far removed from the more utilitarian laboratories at Birmingham and Loughborough – budgets were typically more generous and contexts more sensitive. But the same principle of structure clearly defining spaces (study020
这一网格天花结构设计合理,各个结构开间提供各种服务,而各中央开间则实现建筑的 首要功能。因此它十分适用于工厂的建筑体系,成为了现代工厂的基础设计模型。Louis Kahn的设计与该模型异曲同工,且影响深远。他在1964年完成了具有划时代意义的 Richards医学研究大楼。大楼的圆满落成表明,该模型能够适用于各种规模的建筑,发展 空间不可限量。工厂与实验室的设计体系十分相似,Arup Associates早期的设计项目涉及 实验室建筑,其中1966年落成的伯明翰大学矿冶系大楼便是最具有突破性的建筑之一。该 建筑中含有实验室及工作间,要求建筑具备强大的供电能力与良好的通风性。每个结构模 块由四根系柱围成,内部布置了服务空间,水平向的服务流线在1米高的楼板夹层里完成。 作为Arup Associates的代表作之一,伯明翰大学矿冶系的设计十分简朴。采用了预制混凝 土模型,结构设计十分合理。(该建筑开创了非现场的模块化施工方法。)其后,事务所 将伯明翰大学的设计方法同样应用到拉夫伯勒大学的建筑上,而这次不仅仅设计了实验大 楼,更利用这一方法设计了1966年整个校园的总体规划。其中采用了传统的标准方形模块 作为基础单元,并根据实验室、教室、办公室等不同的用途对各大楼进行了精心设计。这 份总体规划大获成功,为日后校园的扩建打下了坚实的基础。 相比牛津与剑桥大学各学院的一系列建筑,伯明翰与拉夫伯勒大学的实验室项目显得 较为不同。毕竟牛津与剑桥的项目实用性更强、预算更充裕并且很大程度上影响着校园的 整体形象。虽然项目任务书各不相同,但这些建筑都采用了相同的设计原理,清晰划分各 个使用空间(如学生的卧室兼书房),并巧妙整合服务空间。
Study-bedroom Somerville Collage, Vaughan Building Oxford, England Model of Gateway 1, Wiggins Teape Wiggins Teape (UK) PLC Basingstoke, England Heavy Plate Shop, HM Dockyard Department of the Environment Portsmouth, England
bedrooms for students) and the integration of services equally applied, though the practical brief was very different. Designing student rooms, Philip Dowson commented, was about reconciling potentially conflicting demands. The study-bedroom was “a place of work and sleep, a retreat and a place to entertain, a place of privacy yet identifiably part of a larger community”.8 Instead of a large, flexible production or laboratory space, the basic unit of the building was a room to be inhabited by one person. Arup Associates’ expertise in the use of pre-cast concrete was crucial to the development of the structural screen wall (or “exo-skeleton”) which is a feature of all the Oxbridge residential projects. The strategy was satisfying in several respects: it was structurally rational and “honest”, with the structure clearly expressed in the architecture, and equally gave the buildings a sense of decorum which was appropriate to the context. (The concrete mix included French limestone, providing crispness and sparkle to the façades.) This succession of college projects culminated in the Sir Thomas White Building at St John’s, Oxford, completed in 1976. Arup Associates, like Powell & Moya, another practice responsible for some oustanding work in Oxford and Cambridge, might have been an obvious candidate for a commission to design one of the new universities of the 1960s. But both practices were heavily engaged elsewhere. For Arup Associates, the design of the workplace remained a major focus. The Horizon Factory for John Player & Sons in Nottingham (1968–71), a building monumental in scale, highly complex in its technology, was completed to a demanding schedule thanks to the work of Arup Associates’ multidisciplinary team. One important feature of the project was a services strategy, including the installation of Britain’s first combined heat and power plant, which produced major savings in energy costs – the “energy crisis” of the 1970s saw Arup 022
8 Architectural Design, April, 1968, p.164.
8 建筑设计,1986年4月,164页
Philip Dowson提到,在学生公寓的设计过程中,关键便是调和各方需求。卧室兼书房 是“工作、休息与娱乐的三位一体,既有属于学生的私人领域,也包括了大量的公用空 间。”8 因此,不同于工厂或实验室宽敞灵活的空间划分,学生公寓的基础单元是单人居住 的小房间。Arup Associates精于使用预制混凝土,有效推动了结构外骨架的发展,如今所 有牛津与剑桥大学的学生公寓都采用了这种结构。这种设计满足了多方面的需求:建筑中 充分体现了结构的合理性,风格简洁明了,显得庄重得体,与校园环境相互辉映。(所采 用的混凝土中加入了法国石灰石,使大楼的外观更加闪亮剔透。)这一系列的建筑在1976 年完成,最终成为了牛津大学圣约翰学院的托马斯·怀特爵士大楼。 Powell & Moya建筑师事务所也参与了众多牛津与剑桥大学杰出项目,在20世纪60年 代,当时它与Arup Associates都能够承包一所新建大学的所有设计项目。然而,当时两 家事务所的业务都较为繁忙。Arup Associates当时的工作重心是工厂车间的设计,其中 最具里程碑意义的是1968-1971年为John Player & Sons烟草公司在诺丁汉建造的地平线 工厂(The Horizon Factory),该工厂规模庞大,建造技术极其复杂,工期紧凑,也因 为有Arup Associates跨领域团队的辛勤付出才能够顺利完成。此项目的其中一个重要特 点就是服务空间的精心规划,包括安装了英国首个“热电联供机组”,有效节省了能源损 耗——面对20世纪70年代的能源危机,Arup Associates未雨绸缪,率先响应了低能耗的 设计要求。
Associates well equipped to respond to the need for low energy design solutions. Industrial buildings continued to form an important part of the practice’s workload – the workshops for the Royal Navy in Portsmouth and the Trebor factory at Colchester were good examples of its expertise. Corporate offices became an equally significant area of work, with the two Gateway office projects in Basingstoke setting a new standard for workplace design. The first was a bespoke scheme for occupation by Wiggins Teape, in which the structural grid defined room-size office spaces but provided scope for subdivision and rearrangement as needed. Planted external terraces were part of a project that was very much about design for users. Gateway 2 was very different, in that the offices were designed with letting in mind – this was Arup Associates’ first speculative office scheme (though Wiggins Teape subsequently occupied the building themselves and let Gateway 1). The budget at Gateway 2 was relatively modest, precluding full air-conditioning. Instead, a big full-height atrium drove a natural ventilation system, using the stack effect. Big pre-cast panels incorporated provision for ventilation and lighting. Gateway 2 became a key project for the office in that it led to developer Stuart Lipton commissioning Arup Associates to design 1 Finsbury Avenue, with its dramatic central atrium and pioneering use of fast-track steel framed construction, using composite metal decking, and, soon after, the whole of the first phase of Broadgate. These commissions positioned the practice as a key player on the City offices scene. Broadgate demonstrated the potential for developing large dealing floor buildings, a new building type generated by the “Big Bang” of 1986, within the historic City of London and giving them a context of enjoyable public spaces. 1 Finsbury Avenue, designed and built before the “Big Bang”, was itself successfully adapted by Arup Associates in 1996–97 to accommodate large dealing floors. 024
此后,工业建筑项目仍是我们的工作重心——朴茨茅斯的皇家海军车间与科尔切斯特的 Trebor工厂充分体现了Arup Associates的专业性特点。与此同时,企业办公室也成为 了事务所的重要涉足领域之一,其中贝辛斯托克的两个Gateway办公室项目则成为了工 作场所设计的行业标杆。第一个项目根据Wiggins Teape公司定制的计划展开,以格网 结构划分整个办公空间,但根据需要可以进行细分与重新编排,且外部绿化阶梯专为使 用者而设计。Gateway 2 项目由于采用了更多灵感,因此实施起来颇有难度,它是Arup Asoociates第一个试验性办公室项目(尽管Wiggins Teape其后独占了整个建筑并出租了 Gateway 1)。Gateway 2的预算经费适中,不需要全套的空调设备。整个开放式大型中 庭利用烟囱效应形成了自然通风系统。大块预制面板能提供通风及采光的性能。Gateway 2办公室项目取得成功后,开发商Stuart Lipton公司委托Arup Asoociates设计1 Finsbury Avenue。该办公室采用了引人注目的中庭设计,首次将速成钢应用于框架结构,并使用了 复合金属面板,很快便完成了Broadgate大楼的第一期。这些项目使Arup Asoociates在城 市办公室设计领域占据了核心地位。Broadgate向世人证明,交易所应当拥有宏伟的交易 大厅,打造更宽敞舒适的公共场所,这种建筑理念在1986年的“金融大改革”中诞生于历 史名城伦敦。在“金融大改革”之前,1 Finsbury Avenue便已经完成了设计和建造。其后 Arup Asoociates便采用这种理念在1996-97年期间成功设计了类似的大型交易大厅。
Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) HQ Bedminster Downs, England 1 Finsbury Avenue Greycoat Estates PLC City of London, England
By the mid-1970s the modernist orthodoxies which had dominated British architecture since 1945 were being increasingly challenged by conservationists, community activists and environmentalists. The mantra “low energy, long life, loose fit” promoted as a new agenda for the profession by RIBA President Alex Gordon in 1971 was one that Arup Associates, more than most practices, found congenial. The offices for CEGB at Bedminster Down in Bristol, completed in 1978, provided an exemplar of low-energy design, using a passive cooling system, with cool night air channelled through voids in the office floors in place of air conditioning. The style of the building, Michael Brawne commented, was “inescapably related to the work of Frank Lloyd Wright... reminiscent of a large Prairie-type house”...9 (Wright, alongside Kahn, injected a clear North American influence into the work of the office.) A similar break with orthodox modernism was reflected in the offices for Lloyd’s of London in Chatham, also completed in 1978, though sweeping tiled roofs and brick elevations were combined with a structural system – the structural bay defined by clusters of columns carrying services – seen more than a decade earlier in the Birmingham laboratories. In this instance, the style of the building was partly driven by a desire to respect the context of adjacent historic naval buildings. The Lloyd’s building, CEGB and Gateway 1, though all designed with a bespoke user in mind, have all adapted well to multi-occupation or, in the case of Lloyd’s, use as a civic headquarters, a reflection of the flexibility of the basic diagram they shared. The 1980s saw British architecture coming under the influence of Post-modern fashions imported from the USA. Even practices with deep roots in modernism succumbed to their lure, sometimes to crude effect. For Arup Associates, style – the superficial look of buildings – had never been a significant issue. (Ove Arup’s comment, already quoted, that “architecture is not just a visual art”, was 026
9 Brawne, op.cit., p.69.
9 Brawne, op.cit., 69页
自1945年起,现代主义的传统观念一直在英国建筑界占据主导地位,直至20世纪70 年代中期才受到自然资源保护者、社团积极分子和环保人士的质疑。1971年,英国皇家 建筑师学会主席Alex Gordon为建筑的专业性提出了“节能、持久、灵活”的口号,而 这一理念与Arup Asoociates的设计宗旨如出一辙。位于布里托斯贝德明斯特的中央电力 局(CEGB)办公室就是节能型建筑的典范。采用了无动力制冷系统,夜间的凉爽空气可 以通过办公室地面的进风口流入,因此无需使用空调。针对建筑风格,Michael Brawne 认为它“具有明显的Frank Lloyd Wright风格,使人想起大型的草原住宅”9(Wright与 Kahn别具一格的南美风情为办公室设计注入了新鲜血液。)另一个打破传统现代主义的办 公室建筑则是位于伦敦查塔姆的劳埃德公司办公室。该建筑于1978年建成,采用了全瓦片 屋顶和砖块立面,而结构区域则利用系柱组提供服务空间——这种设计比伯明翰实验室足 足早十年以上。考虑到周围环境的因素,该建筑的风格有一部分与相邻的古老海军建筑相 契合。从劳埃德大楼、到中央电力局,再到Gateway 1,所有建筑均采用人性化的设计方 案,具备极高的灵活性,能够适应多种行业的使用需求,例如劳埃德大楼如今已用作市民 活动中心。时至20世纪80年代,英国的建筑开始受到美国的后现代主义风格影响。在面对 诱惑与大潮流的冲击之下,一些扎根现代主义土壤的事务所无奈放弃了自己的理念。然而 对于Arup Associates而言,风格——即建筑的外观——从来都不是一个至关重要的问题。 (上文引用奥雅纳爵士的原话“建筑并不只是视觉艺术”始终是Arup Associates的座右 铭,我们致力于“标志性思维胜于标志性风格”。)
District Council Offices Babergh, Suffolk Babergh District Council Hadleigh, England
embodied in the philosophy of the practice, which has consistently aimed at creating “signature thinking, not signature style”.) Developing innovative environmental and energy strategies were more important concerns for the practice. Arup Associates projects increasingly pioneered the integration of passive and active low energy design in architecture, as it had historically with building services and structure. 1 Finsbury Avenue, the first phase of Broadgate, Briarcliffe House, Farnborough and the Royal Life building in Peterborough all reflected a continued commitment to rational modern design and environmental concerns. The offices for Babergh District Council, located in the attractive Suffolk market town of Hadleigh, demonstrated the potential for an undemonstrative but not overtly historicist architecture, with roots in the vernacular tradition, to complement an historic context – the project incorporated five listed buildings, sensitively converted to new use. Arup Associates’ perennial concern for integrated design is apparent in the major headquarters building for Legal & General at Kingswood in Surrey, completed in 1988 and equipped with a raft of measures, including a heat storage system utilising the staff swimming pool, to reduce energy consumption. The layered façade was designed to reduce solar gain but its run of pre-cast concrete columns hinted at the language of Classicism, which emerges more overtly in the domed entrance rotunda. The plan of the complex, focussed on two internal courtyards, equally has a Beaux Arts formality but is both practical and enjoyable in terms of the quality of the working spaces it provides. There was certainly a formal order to Arup Associates’ masterplan for the redevelopment of Paternoster Square, just north of St Paul’s Cathedral, which won an invited competition in 1987. Placed ahead of submissions by Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, James Stirling and others, the masterplan (wrote Francis Duffy) “responded directly 028
Paternoster Square Masterplan Section Stanhope PLC City of London, England
研发新颖的节能环保策略是公司的关注焦点。Arup Associates的项目以先进的被动或主动 节能设计持续领跑建筑设计行业,这是因为我们创立之初就一直遵循的建筑服务与结构并 重的原则。 1 Finsbury Avenue、Broadgate一期大楼、Briarcliffe公寓、范堡罗以及彼得伯勒 的皇家人寿大楼(Royal Life building)都反映了我们对现代设计合理化的追求与对环境 的关怀。巴伯区议会办公室位于哈德利迷人的萨福克镇,参照了当地传统底蕴,同时采用 了含蓄的历史主义建筑风格,使历史风味更加醇厚,并将项目中的五个历史保护建筑都合 理地改作它用。在建成于1988年、位于萨里金斯伍德的法通保险总部大楼上,完整体现了 Arup Associates长久坚持的一体化设计的理念。其具有一系列的设备,包括利用员工游泳 池的节能储热系统。分层的外观设计是为了减少日光吸收,预制混凝土柱穹顶的圆形大厅 入口带来浓郁的古典主义气息。该综合大楼含有两个极具艺术风情的内庭院,可作为实用 而惬意的工作区域。主祷文广场位于圣保罗教堂的北面,是Arup Associates经过精心的规 划后重新开发的区域,并赢得了1987年的竞标大赛。
to St Paul’s and distinguished in architectural terms, as others did not, between what was to be permanent and what could be transient”.10 Despite its “sensitivity to past and future”, the winning project, presented by Philip Dowson as not a detailed scheme but a basis for further development, did not meet with the approval of HRH The Prince of Wales who used a speech at the Mansion House in December, 1987, to call for a complete rethink on plans for redeveloping the site. The Prince encouraged the preparation of an alternative, highly detailed scheme by the Classicist John Simpson. In 1990 the Arup scheme was abandoned in favour of a masterplan by Simpson and Terry Farrell, which itself remained unbuilt. In fact, of all the competition entries comprehensively slated by the Prince, Arup Associates’ was the most respectful to St Paul’s and offered scope to redevelop the failed 1960s development as a lively City quarter. Its stripped Classical form re-emerged in the designs for a large office building for Lloyd’s Bank at Canon’s Marsh in Bristol. The scheme comprised two buildings, one a crescent overlooking the Floating Harbour, the other a circular block with a central courtyard, both contained within monumental façades featuring paired columns on a heavy stone base. This project could be seen, together with the library designed by Philip Dowson, an alumnus of the college, for Clare College, Cambridge (1986), as Arup Associates’ most obvious venture into the territory of Post-modernism, but there are many elements which develop familiar Arup themes – the screen wall with its sun shading and, most important, a sophisticated services programme which includes the use of underfloor ventilation for offices, using dock water for cooling. The completed scheme certainly has “civic presence” – enhanced by its prime location in the regenerated Bristol waterfront.
10 Architectural Review, January, 1988, p.19.
8 建筑评论,1988年1月,19页
Francis Duffy提出的方案比Norman Foster, Richard Rogers, James Stirling等其他设 计师更受关注,有评论道“与圣保罗座堂完美地呼应,在建筑风格上独树一格,既不一成 不变地保守,也不盲目跟随现代潮流,这是其他人都没有做到的”。 10 然而,尽管 “拥 有跨时代的合理性”,Philip Dowson的这份中标规划书只是开发的基本蓝图,并没有详 细的计划,它没能获得查尔斯王子殿下的认同。而查尔斯王子个人较为支持古典主义设计 师John Simpson提出的详细规划。1987年,王子在市长官邸的演讲上将该提案否决,并 要求重新设计广场重建计划。1990年,奥雅纳的规划方案最终被放弃,而采纳了Simpson 和Terry Farrell的方案,但至今尚未开工。事实上,在王子所看到的所有竞标作品中,只 有Arup Associates的方案最大程度地保留了圣保罗教堂的历史风格,并能将这片在二十 世纪六十年代惨遭战争毁灭的区域重新建设成生机勃勃的城市一隅。另外,在布里斯托尔 Canon’s Marsh的劳埃德银行大型办公楼设计项目中,我们同样采用了简约古典主义风 格。该规划包括两座建筑,其中一座新月形的建筑俯瞰Floating Harbour,另一座则是拥 有中心庭院的环形建筑。两座建筑外观宏伟,都采用了厚重石料柱基的对柱装饰。这片建 筑群与Philip Dowson在1986年为母校剑桥大学卡莱尔学院设计的图书馆都展现了Arup Associates在后现代主义时代的大胆尝试,然后它们仍糅合着许多Arup的设计思想——它 们都拥有遮阳的幕墙,而最明显的则是具备成熟的服务功能规划,包括在办公室的地下通 风设施及利用海港水的冷却系统。由于选址在布里斯托尔港口的开发区,这份规划无疑将 带来优良的“聚集效应”。
Broadgate Development Liverpool Street British Land Company PLC City of London, England
With its numerous bespoke office schemes and advance into the area of speculative office design at Broadgate – where the blocks were designed as “shell and core” structures to be fitted out by tenants – Arup Associates had played a key role in the reinvention of the office building. The practice was also a pioneering participant in the development of the out of town business park, with its 1983 masterplan for Stockley Park, close to Heathrow Airport. The masterplan envisaged buildings providing for “the centralisation, under one roof, of research and design, product assembly and customisation, and market and consumer services”. With Stuart Lipton, the visionary developer behind Broadgate, as client, Arup Associates designed the first tranche of buildings at Stockley, constructed to a fast track schedule to shell and core for tenant fit-out. Initially, Stockley Park was seen as a light industrial and research facility with companies such as Apple and Toshiba taking space there. (The later development of Stockley, with further phases of buildings designed by Arup Associates, saw it emerge more clearly as an office park.) Here was another example of the practice pioneering the design of what was, in effect, a new building type. The complexity of the Stockley project, built on heavily contaminated land, drew on the skills of a multi-disciplinary team, including geo-technical engineers, landscape architects and transport planners. The 1980s was a time of steady advance for Arup Associates, despite the reverse at Paternoster Square. Arup Associates was not the only practice to attract criticism from Prince Charles. In 1982 it was on a shortlist of three (along with Ahrends Burton & Koralek (ABK) and Skidmore, Owings & Merrill) for the design of an extension to London’s National Gallery. Arup Associates’ submission was the most straightforward of the three, externally well-mannered and focussed on creating good gallery spaces. ABK was eventually selected but the project was cancelled following the 032
Broadgate街区承接了多个定制办公楼工程,这些建筑主要设计成“核心筒”结构, 以适应周边的租户,同时又敢于打破常规地创新设计,Arup Associates在办公室大楼重 建与改造上声名鹊起。事务所也率先参与了开发郊区的商业园,最先的项目为1983年临近 伦敦希思罗国际机场的Stockley Park。规划设想将商业园设计成为“集研究、设计、生 产、组装、销售及客户服务为一体的超级中心”。面对具有超凡见识的Broadgate开发商 Stuart Lipton,Arup Associates完成了Stockly Park的第一部分设计,并在非常短的时间 内完成了周边有租户的核心筒结构。起初,Stockley Park仅仅是一个轻工业与研发基地, 主要入驻厂家只有苹果、东芝等(随着Stockley的逐步发展,Arup Associates完成了各 期大楼,使商业园具备了办公室功能)。还有个案例能够体现我们带领潮流、敢为人先的 精神。Stockley项目的中心选址为一片重度污染的地域,所遇到的问题复杂多样,Arup Associates调动多领域小组,包括岩土工程师、园林设计设及交通规划师,使出浑身解 数,排除困难。 虽然主祷文广场的设计被否决,但十九世纪80年代期间Arup Associates仍在稳步发 展。同时,受到查尔斯王子批评的事务所远不止Arup Associates一家。1982年,政府决定 扩建伦敦国家画廊,当时需要从三个事务所中进行选择(另外两家分别是Ahrends Burton & Koralek (ABK建筑设计事务所)和Skidmore, Owings & Merril(SOM建筑设计事务 所))。Arup Associates的作品最为简朴实用,又不失端庄大气,精心为画廊提供良好的 摆设空间。最终,虽然政府选择了ABK的项目,但由于王子1985年发表了“丑陋的脓疮” (monstrous carbuncle)的演讲,公开地批评了扩建的设计,所以项目最后被取消了。
Imperial War Museum London, England
Prince’s “monstrous carbuncle” speech in 1985. There was a happier outcome to Arup Associates’ project for the major reconstruction of the Imperial War Museum, completed in two phases between 1986 and 2000 and based on an intensive study of the museum’s future needs and the potential of its historic premises to accommodate change. The practice’s technical resources underpinned its work on a number of historic buildings, including major refurbishments of the Theatre Royal, Glasgow, and the Buxton Opera House, and the renovation of the early 19th century church of Holy Trinity, Southwark, as a rehearsal space, the Henry Wood Hall, for two of London’s leading orchestras. A contaminated brownfield site, as at Stockley Park, formed the location for the 122m long Festival Hall designed for the 1984 Liverpool Garden Festival. The building, a brilliantly economical exercise in lightweight structural design which evoked the spirit of the Crystal Palace and the Palm House at Kew Gardens, was regrettably demolished in 2006. The grandstand at Goodwood Racecourse in Sussex is an equally elegant lightweight structure, its masted fabric roof a landmark on the Downs – the project is an exemplary fusion of architecture and engineering. The 1980s was also a period when British architecture began to go global. Ove Arup & Partners had developed as an international operation and Arup Associates was well equipped to follow suit. (Today the practice has offices in Shanghai, Shenzen, Doha and Milan.) The first significant projects beyond Britain were in Saudi Arabia, which had become a growing market for British architects and engineers. The Diplomatic Quarter Sports Club in Riyadh (completed in 1985) was particularly notable for its intelligent response to the Saudi climate and cultural context. The project provided a variety of sporting facilities within the framework of a series of enclosures linked by pedestrian walkways. The concrete and stone structure of the complex was part of a 034
另外,Arup Associates接受了重新设计帝国战争博物馆的项目。在深入研究博物馆日后的 发展需求以及历史建筑保护及改动的基础上,我们制定了重建规划,工程分为两期,分别 于1986年和2000年完成并获得了圆满的成功。Arup Associates具备过硬的专业技术,因 此在重建各项历史建筑物时得心应手,大型翻修项目包括格拉斯哥皇家剧院和巴克斯顿歌 剧院,翻修项目包括伦敦两大音乐厅——即19世纪早期的南华克圣三一教堂(作为排练场 地)和亨利·伍德大厅。为了迎接1984年的利物浦花园节,事务所借鉴开发Stockley Park 的经验处理了一片污染的棕色区域,并建造了122米长的节日音乐厅。这座音乐厅采取轻量 化结构建造,性价比极高,设计中带有水晶宫与基尤皇家植物园棕榈室的韵味,然而这座 音乐厅在2006年很遗憾地被拆毁了。位于苏塞克斯的古德伍德赛马场看台也采用了卓越的 轻量化结构,桅杆结构屋顶成为了Downs的标志——此项目便是建筑与工程相互融合的典 范之作。 二十世纪80年代也是英国建筑开始走向世界的时期。Ove Arup & Partners已经发展 为国际化的公司,同时Arup Associates也具备了相关的能力。(时至今天,事务所已经在 上海、深圳、多哈和米兰拥有办公室。)事务所第一个著名的海外项目是在沙特阿拉伯进 行的,沙特现在也为英国建筑师和工程师提供着越来越大的市场。1985年完工的利雅得外 交区运动俱乐部尤其突出,因为其巧妙的设计与沙特的气候与文化产生和谐的共鸣。项目 区域内设计了多样的体育设施,周边由人行道包绕。建筑采用了石材混凝土结构,可以明 显地减少能源消耗。
services strategy to reduce energy consumption. This is an area of design where yet again Arup Associates has led the way, thanks to the philosophy of integrated design, founded on the collaborative work, in a single studio, of architects and engineers, which drives the practice and sets it apart from its competitors. The movement towards low energy design came initially from the “energy crisis” of the 1970s but has received a massive new impetus in recent decades from concerns about accelerating climate change. In the last decade the practice has redefined the possibilities of an integrated service to fulfil its broader potential. This approach of ‘Unified Design’ is seen by the practice “as the mechanism by which to get to the next step to understand how we can minimise human impact and maximise human opportunity”. Philip Dowson wrote in 1980 that “architecture requires us constantly to reinterpret and re-evaluate technology in human and social terms”. Unified design is “people oriented”, addressing the issue of how human culture – including tradition, religion, and the more intangible components of humanity – can be sustained in the face of modernity. It is based on a recognition of the degree to which architecture changes people’s lives: “no other art has the ability to directly enhance the quality of people’s lives; and no other has the capacity to inflict as much misery”.11 Unified design is a response to the environmental crisis of the 21st century but it can equally be seen as a natural development of the holistic thinking which Ove Arup saw as crucial to “total design”. Two recent projects illustrate contrasting approaches to unified design. Superficially, the links between a village school in Ladakh, India, and a state of the art media centre on the outskirts of London might not seem obvious. But the Druk White Lotus School has been, over a number of years, a project which provided a test-bed for the ideas driving unified design and one into which the practice 036
11 Arup Associates: Unified Design (Chichester, 2008), pp.54, 22–23.
11 Arup Associates: 一体设计 (奇切斯特,2008年) 54 页,22-23 页
Arup Associates在同一件工作室中各施所长、协力合作,发挥独有的统一设计理念,使 Arup Associates遥遥领先于其他竞争者,始终引领设计界潮流。节能设计的理念最初来 自于二十世纪70年代的“能源危机”,但由于温室效应的加快,近年受到更多的关注与 发展。在过去的十年内,奥雅纳不断发掘统一设计的潜在价值,使应用领域不断丰富和完 善。Arup Associates推出的“统一设计”理念,希望以此更好地了解如何将人为影响降 至最低而同时最大限度地发挥人的主观能动性。Philip Dowson在1980年写到“建筑需要 我们根据人类社会的科学技术水平不停地重新诠释与评估。”统一设计的原则是“以人为 本”,强调如何使人类的文化——包括传统、宗教或更多人类的无形财产——在现代化的 浪潮中历久弥新。这是因为建筑有着能够改变人们生活的能力:“没有任何其他的艺术能 够直接提高人们的生活质量;同时,它破坏和影响人们生活的能力也是其它艺术形式所不 具备的。”11 统一设计理念既是对21世纪全球环境危机的响应,也是奥雅纳爵士所坚持的“一体化 设计”的自然发展。两个近期进行的项目采用截然不同的手法表现了一体设计理念。从表 面上看,印度拉达克的一所村庄学校与伦敦郊区的艺术媒体中心似乎并无联系。然而,在 过去几年里,事务所竭尽全力地发掘白莲花学校具有的能源与资源,并将“统一设计”付 诸这一试验项目。
Druk White Lotus School, Ladakh The Drukpa Trust Ladakh, Northern India BSkyB Sky Studios British Sky Broadcasting Ltd / Stanhope PLC London, England
has ploughed its energies and resources. (For those who worked on the project it was “an immensely powerful learning experience for the practice”.) These ideas found expression in a very different context in the BSkyB Studio complex – won in international competition and the world’s first truly sustainable broadcasting and data centre, and the product of team working involving architects, structural and services engineers, and specialists from Arup Acoustics, always close to the heart of Arup Associates. In its early years, Arup Associates sought to humanise the factory. Today, it is addressing the issue of how the demands of the global trade in data – global internet traffic increased sixfold between 2007 and 2012 – can be reconciled with growing concerns about the environmental impact of power-hungry data centres. The Citi Data Centre in Frankfurt, completed in 2008, and again won in international competition, was the first in a series of such facilities designed with greatly reduced energy consumption, and carbon emissions, the objective. The project reduced energy consumption by 25% in comparison with a conventionally serviced data centre of the time using a range of environmentally benign technologies. Always at the forefront of technical advance, Arup Associates eschewed the more obvious expressions of “High-tech” which dominated the architectural scene for a decade or so. More recently, its work has steered well clear of the “iconic” tendency, the pursuit of “pure form”, with rationality and modesty, designing what Ove Arup called “sensible buildings”, a greater priority than the creation of eye-catching landmarks. The imperative for environmentally responsible design has underwritten the practice’s emphasis on substance over style – “architecture is not just a visual art”. A major element in its international workload has been the design of sports venues. Large stadia have become status symbols for cities and entire nations. 038
(对于参与项目的设计师而言,“这是一个极其珍贵的学习经验”。)在天空广播大厦的 项目中,一体设计的应用却迥然不同——Arup Associates调用核心团队参与设计,包括建 筑师、结构与设备工程师及Arup Associates的专家。该项目最终赢得了国际建筑大奖,成 为了世界上第一所采用可持续理念设计的广播与信息中心。Arup Associates早期便开始寻 求使工厂更加人性化的设计手法。在现今社会,国际贸易对信息有着极大的需求——全球 互联网流量在2007年到2012年的5年内增长了六倍——“统一设计”理念正是解决信息中 心使用大量能源所在成的环境问题。2008年落成的法兰克福花旗银行数据中心是该类设施 在国际上首个采用超低能耗及低二氧化碳排放设计的项目,也因此获得了国际建筑大奖。 该项目采用了一系列环境友好技术,较当时传统的信息中心能耗降低了25%。 Arup Aossicate总是走在技术的前沿,但却始终坚持自己的设计主张,拒绝与近十年 来狂热追求“高新技术”的设计潮流同化。近年来,我们逐渐走向“经典”设计,追求“ 纯粹”的理性与端庄,这就是奥雅纳爵士所追求的“合理化建筑”,这比创造吸引眼球的 建筑更为重要。面对环保设计的迫切要求,奥雅纳不仅仅关注建筑的外观,而是将更多的 精力放在实用性之上——“建筑不仅仅是视觉艺术”。其中一个重要的国际项目是一座体 育场馆的设计。大型体育场已经成为了一个城市甚至一个国家的地位象征。
Etihad Stadium, Manchester (Commonwealth / City of Manchester Stadium) Manchester City Council & Manchester 2002 Manchester, England
Arup Associates’ City of Manchester (now Etihad) Stadium, built for the 2002 Commonwealth Games, was mould-breaking in several respects, firstly for its emphasis on spectators rather than corporate events, secondly for a design which allowed for a highly successful (and remarkably rapid) conversion to a football venue after the end of the Games and thirdly for prioritising the quality of the internal sporting and spectating environment. With “legacy” an issue where such costly structures are concerned, the project was a model of economy. The Manchester project informed work on other large stadia, each with its own specific challenges. The King Abdullah Stadium in Jeddah and the National Stadium in Singapore, both completing in 2014, are in each case designed to operate in challenging climatic conditions, both commissioned by wealthy nations but both incorporating low-energy solutions for comfort and ventilation. Arup Associates’ status as a centre for research into innovative building solutions is founded on a belief that “design solutions are generated from fundamental research and experiential goals – from the inside out”. It is this approach that drove the several “showcase” projects, including that which was developed to support Qatar’s bid to stage the 2022 Football World Cup – a ministadium designed for low-energy operation, with environmental measures to ensure comfortable conditions for spectators and players. The project helped Qatar to win the bid and fed into the design of the stadia being constructed for 2022. The office development, the Arup Campus, designed by Arup Associates as the Midlands base for Arup, was also a “showcase”. Developer-built and addressing normal market criteria, it provided a blueprint for a sustainable, user-friendly alternative to the standard market product at equivalent cost. The holistic approach to design which the Arup Campus project embraced embodied issues of heat and 040
Arup Associates’设计的曼彻斯特球场(现在为阿提哈德球场)是为2002年的英联邦运动 会而设计的。该项目打破了多方面的设计常规:首先,相较于关注体育赛事,我们将现场 观众的舒适度放在了更重要的位置;其次,该设计使运动会结束后可以非常有效且快速组 织足球赛事;最后,设计保障了高质量的体育赛事与观看环境。预算对于这种大型建筑而 言是一个永远无法回避的问题,而Arup Associates的设计性价比极高,是经济型设计的典 范。继曼彻斯特球场后奥雅纳又进行了其它大型体育场的设计,遇到了各式各样的挑战。 吉达的国王阿卜杜拉体育场与新加坡的国家体育场都将在2014年建成,两座体育场在设计 过程中均考虑到了恶劣气候的挑战。虽然两个委托国都较富裕,但它们都要求采用低能耗 的舒适通风系统。Arup Associates作为创新建筑方案的研发中心,一直坚持“设计方案 来自基础研究与实践经验——从内到外,循序渐进”的原则。我们根据这一理念设计了多 个“展示”项目,其中卡塔尔申办2022年FIFA世界杯的示范体育场就是一例。这是一座采 用低能耗设备、且极具环保理念的小型运动场,能保证观众及运动员的舒适体验。该项目 最终帮助卡达尔赢得了世界杯举办权,卡达尔为2022年赛事建设的其他体育场也将其作为 参考。 此外,Arup Associates还为其在英格兰中部地区的公司基地设计建造了奥雅纳园 区——这也是一个“展示”项目。这座自行开发设计的建筑符合了一般的市场标准,它向 世人呈现一种可持续且人性化的设计模式,而其价格与同类设计相差无几。
Plantation Place British Land Company PLC City of London, England
power, the proper use of natural resources, including water, the potential to use renewable energy sources, including solar and wind power, and – a factor too often ignored – the social and commercial value of providing high quality public and meeting spaces within a building. Designing large office buildings in the City of London for speculative letting posed rather different challenges but here again a holistic approach was applied. Plantation Place and Ropemaker Place are thoroughly commercial projects (developed by British Land, a longstanding client) in which issues of delivery, cost, and buildability were to the fore. Together with Watling House, they set new standards for City buildings in terms of sustainability. The environmental agenda has become central to the work of Arup Associates as the practice celebrates its 50th anniversary. Two contemporary British projects, located not many miles apart, reflect the advance of progressive “green” technology but have clear roots in the work of the office over five decades. With the client approaching the practice through Arup at Campus, the Jaguar Land Rover engine factory in Wolverhampton is one of the largest (70,000 sq.m. in phase 1 alone) industrial projects ever undertaken by the practice. The plant has the potential to become carbon neutral and, even in its current mode of operation, produces only a third of the carbon emissions for a production facility of equivalent size. In the centre of nearby Coventry, Coventry University’s new Faculty of Engineering makes an interesting comparison with the Birmingham University Mining and Metallurgy building of nearly half a century ago. Ideas about teaching and learning have changed radically since the 1960s – the Coventry building was won in fierce competition and was designed to deliver “a diverse and rich experience that supports experimental learning”. What the two buildings have in common is the integration of structure and services, with, 042
奥雅纳园区项目的一体设计模式也体现了热电供应问题的具体解决方案,设计合理地采 用了自然资源如水力及太阳能、风能等可再生能源——同时也关注了许多工厂建筑忽略的 问题——高质量的公共场合与会议环境能明显地提升社会与经济收益。对伦敦的大型办公 室建筑采用突破性的设计方案会遇到许多不同的问题,这正是体现一体设计价值所在的 时候。Plantation Place和Ropemaker Place是完全的商业地产项目(由长期客户British Land所委托),工程的材料运输、成本及可建性等问题最受关注。这两个项目与Watling House等在城市建设可持续性方面设立了全新标杆。Arup Associates已经走过了50周年, 目前环境因素也成为了我们工作的重中之重。现今,在英国距离十分接近的两个项目在过 去5年内都采用了Arup Associates的工作理念,同时加入了当前不断发展的“绿色”技 术。捷豹路虎引擎工厂的代表在参观奥雅纳园区后对设计感到十分满意,决定将项目委托 予Arup Associates,这也是我们到目前为止接受过最大的工业项目(单独一期的面积就达 到70,000平方米)。工业园中设置植物能够吸收二氧化碳,即使按照目前的建筑模式,二 氧化碳排放量也仅仅是同等大小工厂的三分之一。自二十世纪六十年代起,全球的教学模 式已经发生了巨大变革,业界对教育建筑的争论也始终不断。人们将市中心考文垂大学新 建的工程系学院与大约半世纪前建造的伯明翰大学矿冶系大楼进行了一次有趣的对比。经 过激烈的讨论后,考文垂的建筑最终获得了胜利,因为“它的设计能够提供丰富多样的学 习和研究体验”。
Unified thinking: speculative and multi-layered.
in the case of Coventry, the extensive use of natural lighting and ventilation as radical features in a laboratory building. Looking back over 50 years of Arup Associates, the elements of continuity in the practice are conspicuous – the emphasis on intellectual enquiry and the development of new ideas, the commitment to multi-disciplinary teamwork, and the profound humanism of the work, characterised by a passionate desire to improve the lives of people. The practice, now with nearly 300 staff working in offices in Europe, the Middle East and China, remains the “model fraternity”of which Ove Arup spoke in 1969 – “we could become a small scale experiment in how to live and work happily together”, he predicted.12 Where will the development of these ideas lead Arup Associates in decades to come? The issue of managing technological advance is clearly crucial: technologically, anything is possible. The question is: what should we be doing? Arup Associates’ status as a cooperative, with no external control, allows the practice to evolve, to give younger members of the office their head and to train up a new generation to take over its leadership whilst maintaining continuity of values and approach, perhaps the DNA of the practice. The practice’s range of skills is constantly expanding. At the beginning, it was an alliance of architects and engineers. Today the teams are truly pan-disciplinary; the architects and engineers work with a diverse range of collaborators including mathematicians, biologists, social psychologists and artists addressing the problems of an increasingly fragmented society and a growing environmental crisis. Arup Associates is redefining what total architecture is and should be in a challenging and troubled world.
12 Peter Jones, op.cit., p. 271.
12 Peter Jones, op.cit., 271页
两所学校建筑的共同点是都对结构与设备进行了整合,考文垂大学实验楼的特点是大量采 用了天然照明与自然通风。 在50年的发展历程中,我们始终坚持和秉承一贯的设计理念:重视知识探索与开发创 意、坚持跨领域团队合作、人性化的设计理念,最终的追求是提高人们的生活质量。事务 所目前已拥有将近300名员工,并在欧洲、中东及中国等国家和地区设有办事处。我们的整 个工作团队气氛和谐、亲如一家,正如奥雅纳爵士在1969年所说的:“我们将成为一群快 乐的伙伴,一起愉快地工作,学习如何让生活更加美好。”12 在数十年后,这些不断丰富 的信仰会将Arup Associates带向何方呢?不断寻求技术进步是当前的关键任务:从技术上 说,一切皆有可能。问题是:我们现在应该做什么?作为一所合作公司,Arup Associates 不会受到外来的控制,这能使我们自由地发展,让办公室中年轻的成员获得训练与工作 的机会,培养新一代能够承担大任的管理人才,使得奥雅纳的价值观及设计理念(就如我 们的DNA)始终绵延不绝。我们所掌握的技能也随着时间推移而不断积累,同时跨领域 合作也在不断加强,从最初的建筑师与工程师互相合作,到如今的跨界团队:除建筑师与 工程师之外,还包括数学家、生物学家、社会心理学家及艺术家,各方专家通力合作,共 同解决现今逐渐分离的社会问题与日益严峻的环境危机。在这个充满挑战和困难的世界 里,Arup Associates将始终不懈地追求其“一体化设计”的理念,继续引领全球建筑行业 的发展。
Projects 项目
Arup Associates 1963 –2013
Evode Garage, Evode Ltd Stafford, England 1964
Aglite Exhibition Stand Olympia P E Buttenshaw London, England
York Shipley Ltd Factory York Borg Warner Ltd Basildon, England
1960 Cape Coast Post Office Ghana Ministry of Posts & Telegraph Ghana
1961 Evode Office Extension Evode Ltd Stafford, England CIBA Araldite Plant, CIBA (ARL) Ltd Duxford, England
CIBA Research Laboratory CIBA (ARL) Ltd Duxford, England
Cannon Rubber Manufacturers Ltd London, England
1961 1958 Beginnings
1960 1959
House at Monks Eleigh Monks Eleigh, England
1963 Arup Associates formed
Smith Kline & French Laboratories Ltd Welwyn Garden City, England 1961
Evode Varnishing Kitchen, Evode Ltd Stafford, England
Point Royal Flats, Bracknell Development Corporation Bracknell, England
Mining and Metallurgy University of Birmingham
Birmingham England
矿冶系教学楼群 伯明翰大学
伯明翰 英国
Awards 2011 Concrete Society Awards Certificate of Excellence Mature Building category 1966 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Winner
Closely related to the practice’s early industrial projects, this laboratory and workshop building on the university’s Edgbaston campus equally influenced subsequent office projects, notably those for Wiggins Teape and Lloyd’s of London. The building makes excellent use of the “tartan grid” to provide for the heavy element of servicing demanded by the brief. A group of four columns where the corners of the precast concrete floor plates meet (each 20 feet square and weighing more than 15 tonnes) provides space for services and ventilation ducts, expressed externally by fume extracting roof vents at the top of the column clusters. Services are then routed horizontally along the 3 feet interstices between the floor plates which form the “overcheck” of the tartan. Driven by the dramatic expansion of higher education which followed the Robbins Report of 1963, the project was designed to allow for future expansion in any direction – it actually doubled in size after the initial commission. This is a rigorously rational building, with external elevations which express the structure - the bays between the service runs are entirely glazed, using low-cost patent glazing and opening glass louvres, to provide maximum daylight and natural ventilation for teaching rooms. Spaces requiring more extensive servicing are concentrated at the core of the building. Influenced by slightly earlier American laboratory projects by Louis Kahn (a considerable influence on the practice) and Eero Saarinen, the Birmingham project confirmed Arup Associates’ position as a major player in the university building programme of the 1960s – the tartan grid formed the basis for a masterplan for Loughborough University launched in 1966. The building was listed Grade II in 1993.
位于伯明翰大学埃德巴斯顿校区的实验室和研讨班 大楼,是Arup Association早期的重要设计项目,并对诸 多后续项目——尤其是Wiggins Teape和伦敦劳合社的办 公大楼的设计带来了影响。为达到任务书中繁多的设计要 求,该建筑精妙地运用了“格子网”结构。预制混凝土楼 板的四角使用四根柱子(各20英尺见方,重15吨以上)提 供服务管井和通风管道的空间,屋顶设置排风口。在楼板 之间3英尺的间隙沿水平方向形成另一套格子网格。1963 年的罗宾斯报告引发高等教育建设需求急剧增加,该大楼 的设计允许后续扩大规模——在建设完成后,校方后续又 将大楼规模扩大一倍。 这是一栋严谨理性的建筑,从外立面的设计即可见 一斑:各个服务空间之间的隔间用全玻璃打造,采用的 是低成本的专利玻璃窗和开放式百叶,为教室提供上佳 的采光和通风。需要配置较多公共设施的空间均集中于 大楼核心筒区域。伯明翰项目受稍早先路易斯·卡恩和 埃罗·沙里宁的美国实验室项目影响,并且奠定了Arup Association 20世纪60年代的大学建设规划领头羊的地 位。在1966年启动的英国拉夫堡大学项目中,我们推出“ 格子网”结构成为了总规划图的基础。1993年,该大楼被 列为二级建筑。
The modular construction system has 20 feet span floor plates of pre-cast concrete.
The Mining and Metallurgy Building was a pioneering example of Arup Associates’ use of the “Tartan grid”.
Vertical services were channelled through clusters of 4 columns forming the structural grid.
Scotstoun House, South Queensferry Ove Arup & Partners PLC Edinburgh, Scotland Keble Triangle University of Oxford Oxford, England
Long Wall House Long Melford, England
Civil Engineering Building University of Loughborough Loughborough, England
Leckhampton House, Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, England
Nuclear Physics Building University of Oxford Oxford, England
St James’s Park Sports Stadium City of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Newcastle-Upon-Tyne England
Department of Chemical Engineering University of Loughborough Loughborough, England
Accra Automatic Exchange, Ghana Ministry of Posts & Telegraph Ghana
Awards 1965 Civic Trust Award
1970 1968
Zunz House, Drax Avenue, Wimbledon J.Zunz, Esq London, England 1969
Paper Mill, Jebba Nigeria Coutinho Caro & Co Ltd Nigeria
Walter Jones Ltd Factory Ashford, England 1964
1966 Arts & Commerce Building University of Birmingham Birmingham, England Walton-on-Thames Swimming Pool Walton & Weybridge Urban District Council Walton-on-Thames, England
Penguin Books Warehouse Penguin Books Ltd London, England
Boulton House Trinity Hall, Cambridge Cambridge, England 1968
CIBA Multi-Purpose Building CIBA (ARL) Ltd Duxford, England 1964
Evode VIK Supplies Factory Building Evode Ltd Stafford, England 1966
Snape Maltings Concert Hall Aldeburgh Festival of Music & the Arts
Aldeburgh England
斯内普啤酒屋音乐厅 奥尔德堡音乐艺术节
奥尔德堡 英国
Awards 1968 Civic Trust Award Winner
below top: The seating for the Maltings Concert Hall was inspired by that in Wagner’s Festspielhaus at Bayreuth. below bottom: The concert hall was created within the retained brick walls of the 19th century Maltings.
The Aldeburgh Music Festival was launched by composer Benjamin Britten in 1948, with concerts initially held in Aldeburgh’s Jubilee Hall and parish church. Britten conceived the idea of converting the largest of the malt houses in the complex of maltings at Snape, a few miles from Aldeburgh, which was closing after a century of production, into a large concert hall, complete with excellent facilities for performers and audience. Arup Associates was appointed to the project in 1965, the aim being to have the hall functioning for the 1967 Festival. It was opened by HM The Queen in June, 1967. By demolishing internal divisions, a space 134 ft (40.8m) long and 58 ft (17.6m) wide was created within the existing walls (which were raised by 2ft/0.6m), with seating for 830 people. A low bay along the north side of the space was retained and converted into a foyer, leading to a restaurant/bar set above dressing rooms. The concert hall was given a new roof, on a steeper pitch than the original roof, with tension members in high tensile steel supporting timber trusses. Its boarded timber lining contributed to the creation of an acoustic specified by Britten – more resonant, for example, than that of London’s Royal Festival Hall. Every effort was made to preserve something of the industrial aesthetic of the building – the brick walls of the auditorium were simply grit blasted and sealed and plush seating was rejected in favour of simple timber and rush seats reflecting a local tradition but actually inspired by the seating in the Festspielhaus at Bayreuth. Externally, the roof ventilators were a close copy of the originals, but now used to extract stale air from the concert hall. On the eve of the 1969 Aldeburgh Festival, the hall was gutted by fire, leaving only the external walls standing, but it was rebuilt within a year, with only minor changes to the original designs and opened for the 1970 Festival. It is now an all-year venue serving a wide audience from across East Anglia. Arup Associates returned to Snape to convert an adjacent part of the maltings complex to house the Pears-Britten School of Music, opened in 1979.
奥尔德堡音乐节由作曲家本杰明·布里顿在1948 年发起,最初音乐会在奥尔德堡的银禧厅和教区教堂举 行。在距离奥尔德堡几英里的Snape有一片麦芽坊建筑 群,布里顿构思将其中最大的作坊(一个世纪的生产后 即将关闭)改建成一个为表演者和观众提供一流设施的 宏大音乐厅。1965年,Arup Association被委任承担该 项目,建造1967年音乐节的音乐厅。1967年6月音乐厅落 成典礼由女王陛下亲自主持。 通过拆除内部隔墙,将原有墙壁抬升2英尺(0.6 米),打造出一个134英尺(40.8米)长、58英尺(17.6 米)宽、可容纳830人的空间。沿北侧的较低的隔区被 保留并改造为一个门厅,通向更衣室上面的一间餐厅/ 酒吧。该音乐厅建造了新的屋顶,使用高强度抗拉钢屋 架,比原来的屋顶更加倾斜。布里顿希望它的音响效果 比英国伦敦皇家节日音乐厅更洪亮,而新建音乐厅的木 质内层达到了这一效果。建筑师尽一切努力维护音乐厅 的工业美学-观众席的砖墙采用了简单的喷砂和密封措 施,长毛绒的豪华座位被简单的木制椅座取代,反映了 当地的传统,而实际的灵感来源是德国拜罗伊特音乐厅 的座位设计。 屋顶的通风设备在外观上与原先的没有太大区别, 但现在它们的功能得到强化,能够排出室内浑浊的空 气。在1969年的奥尔德堡音乐节前夕,大厅被大火烧毁 仅剩下外墙,人们在一年内将之重建且在原来的设计上 只进行了微小改动,在1970音乐节就投入了使用,现在 对整个东英格利亚的观众全年开放。 Arup Association重返斯内普,将麦芽作坊的相邻 区域改造成Pears-Britten音乐学院,于1979年开业。
The new roof of the concert hall was constructed with high tensile steel members supporting timber trusses.
Beautiful in use
Arup Associates Six Themes
Beauty is a subjective concept. Ove Arup insisted that architecture was “not just a visual art”. Architecture cannot be purely about aesthetics – the way a building looks. For Arup Associates, a building has to be beautiful in use, a place which enriches the lives of those who use it. It is a matter of engaging with users, exploring their needs and aspirations, and designing buildings which perform well for those who live, work or study in them. The pursuit of pure form, the quest for the “iconic”, has never been part of the practice’s agenda. Nor has the celebration of technology for its own sake. Technology, Arup Associates has always believed, should be used to create better buildings for people. This credo is reflected in outstanding workplaces, enjoyable environments, such as the offices for Lloyd’s in Chatham, now in new use as civic offices. At Broadgate, the practice not only pioneered a new building type, revolutionising office design – it also created a new City quarter, with generous public spaces open to all. In addressing a project, the priority is always the needs of the users. The old modernist belief in functionalism is redefined in terms of a new humanism. So the Etihad Stadium in Manchester was designed with the spectator in mind. The result was a venue which had true legacy value and which is now recognised as one of the most enjoyable stadia in Europe. Designing for people makes practical sense, whether the project in question is a 60,000 seat stadium, a City office block or a private home, such as the House with No Name, a remarkable exercise in working with a client to make an ideal environment for family life in tune with its natural context.
人们对美的判断是见仁见智,各有不同的。奥雅纳爵士坚持认为建筑 “不仅仅是 视觉艺术”,即不能停留于肤浅而单纯的“外形美”。Arup Associates认为,优秀的 建筑应以丰富使用者的生活彰显“实用主义美学”。为此,我们必须对用户的行为 习惯和内心做一番深入调查,唯有准确把握他们的需求和愿望,才能为用户营 造适宜的居住、工作或学习空间。一味追求华而不实的外在美,或盲目标新立 异设计所谓的“标志性建筑”均不是实用主义美学的作风。同时,我们也不主张过 分热衷于运用前沿科技,Arup Associates始终坚信科技是为了给人们带来更大的 幸福。我们设计的工作场所和环境空间也正反映了这一设计理念,如位于查塔 姆的劳合社(Lloyd’s) 办公楼(现已用作市政办公楼)。 这座建筑不仅革新了办公楼设计、尝试了新的建筑形式,同时还在布罗德盖特 (Broadgate) 创造了大规模的公共空间,让所有人都能畅享这里独好的风景。 我们在设计项目时始终将用户的需求放在首位。以人为本的设计理念注定替 代 “功能至上”的思维。在设计曼彻斯特的伊蒂哈德球场 (Etihad Stadium) 时,我 们始终把观众的需求放在心里。 得益于此,这座体育场以首屈一指的舒适性跻 身欧洲优秀建筑之列。因此,无论是设计6万人的体育场、城市办公楼还是私人 建筑,我们都坚持以人为本的理念,比如在“无名小屋”的设计中,我们与客户一 起讨论设计,最终创造了一个与自然和谐相融的理想的家庭生活环境。
Sports Hall University of Surrey Guildford, England 1971 Penguin Books Office, Bath Road Penguin Books Ltd London, England 1972
Oxford Mail and Times Ltd Oxford, England 1971
Awards 1973 Concrete Society Awards Special mention Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Commendation
Awards 1973 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Commendation
Ampleforth College Ampleforth, England 1973
1972 Civic Trust Award Award B Financial Times Awards Commendation, Industrial Architecture Category
GPO Frederika Street Caledonia House General Post Office London, England
HM Dockyard Portsmouth Masterplan HMG Department of the Environment Portsmouth, England
1972 1971
Music School University of East Anglia Norwich, England 1973
Teaching Block, Guildford University of Surrey Guildford, England 1971 Attenborough Building, Arts & Social Science, University of Leicester Leicester, England
IBM HQ Building IBM (S.Africa) Johannesburg, South Africa 1971 Cathedral Close Roman Bath Excavations Exhibition Building Exeter City Council Exeter, England
Awards 1972 Civic Trust Award Commendation, Award B
HM Dockyard Maintenance Centre HMG Department of the Environment Portsmouth, England 1971
IBM (UK) Ltd
Havant England
IBM (英国) 公司
哈文特 英国
Awards 1977 National Coal Board (NCB) (IEA Services) Ltd Premier Award 1972 Financial Times Awards Industrial Architecture Category Structural Steel Design Award
Section though the edge of an office pavilion showing in-situ floor and roof structure with columns at 7.2 metre centres and shallow V-beams in both directions.
The masterplan of the IBM development is comprised of four phases, the first two, a cruciform block to the east, was a four storey office building, the third a computer centre to the far west and the fourth a series of four terraced office buildings all of which were linked by a glazed street.
IBM Havant Assembly Building – The interior finishes and services were carefully detailed. Illustrated is the specially designed multi-service trunking, suspended from the concrete roof slabs above, providing air conditioning and lighting.
The international computer giant IBM developed a major presence in Britain from the 1960s onwards, establishing a manufacturing base and expanding its British headquarters, initially based in London. The company’s strategy was to concentrate its operations on two sites close to Portsmouth, at Cosham (North Harbour), on land previously used by the Royal Navy, and at nearby Havant. IBM envisaged future expansion of its business and rapid development of computer technology, which would demand maximum flexibility in its buildings. Between 1966 and 1982 eight phases of development on the two sites were completed to designs by Arup Associates. The practice worked with IBM at every stage of the design process, beginning with the development of the detailed brief for buildings. IBM praised “the tenacity and ingenuity” of the practice, “in particular the tremendous teamwork between architects and engineers... and ourselves, the client”. The site at Havant was developed as IBM’s manufacturing base to a masterplan by Arup Associates, the practice designing a succession of buildings there. The computer centre and assembly plant, with a total area of 97,500 sq.m., were completed in 1974, along with a distribution centre. These are very large single storey steel-framed buildings, clad in white concrete pre-cast panels, subdivided into fire compartments by service cores running at right angles to the main spine and the main floor level raised to allow for a services undercroft. At North Harbour, Cosham, on land largely reclaimed from the sea, IBM developed its UK headquarters. A first phase of development saw a four storey concrete framed office building constructed on the eastern edge of the site. In a later phase, a spectacular headquarters building was completed, with 34,000 sq.m. of office space in a series of four stepped office pavilions, linked by a two-level steel and glass barrel-vaulted arcade, 3.6m wide, which incorporated shops, an exhibition space and auditorium, with views out to a generously planted landscape. A new entrance pavilion became the central reception area for the entire site, with escalators up to the main circulation level. Completed in 1982, the building remains one of the most impressive headquarters buildings of its period.
从20世纪60年代开始,国际计算机巨头IBM在将投 资重点放在英国,建立生产基地,并扩大其最初设在伦 敦的英国总部。该公司的策略是将主要业务放在距朴茨 茅斯不远的两个基地,北港(过去的皇家海军基地)和 附近的哈文特。IBM正计划扩大业务和快速发展计算机 技术,这将要求其办公大楼具有最大的灵活性。两个基 地经1966至1982年间八期开发,已经完成设计建造。 从制定详细的建造任务书开始,Arup Association在设 计过程的每一个阶段都与IBM密切合作。IBM盛赞Arup Association“坚韧而智慧,建筑师和工程师组成的团队 开展了优良的团队协作,令人印象深刻”。 Arup Association在IBM的制造基地哈文特设计了一 套总体规划图,其中包括了一系列建筑。总面积97,500平 方米的计算机中心和装配厂连同一个配送中心于1974年 落成。这些都是大规模单层钢骨架建筑,外层为白色混 凝土预制板,由与主体骨架垂直的服务核心筒构成了几 个防火分区,设计师还抬高主体楼层以形成一个具有服 务功能的圆顶地下室。 IBM的英国总部坐落于Cosham的北港,这里因为围 海造地而渐具规模。第一期工程是在基地东部边缘建造 四层楼混凝土框架办公大楼。后期工程是建造一座宏伟 的总部大楼,办公面积34,000平方米,拥有四个层次的 退台,由两层3.6米宽的拱形长廊相互衔接,长廊由钢和 玻璃构成,内有商店、展览场地和观众席,随处可见葱 郁的植被。全新的入口楼阁成为中央接待区,自动扶梯 通往主要交通层。这座1982年完工的建筑是当时最令人 印象深刻的总部建筑之一。
North Harbour, Cosham: The offices of the fourth phase consisted of a series of planted, terraced pavilions with views towards an artificial lake.
Lion Yard, Cambridge Central Library City of Cambridge Cambridge, England
HM Dockyard Support Building Department of the Environment Portsmouth, England
1977 Staverton Road Residential Buildings University of Oxford Oxford, England
Vinyl Resin Plant British Industrial Plastics Ltd Newton Aycliffe, England
House for P. Hinde Esq Iver, Buckinghamshire, England
British Sugar Corporation Offices Peterborough, England 1976
Millbank Base Workshop Millbank Technical Services Ltd Iran 1975
Wychfield House Trinity Hall University of Cambridge Cambridge, England 1975
Heavy Plate Shop, HM Dockyard Department of the Environment Portsmouth, England 1975
Awards 1975 Financial Times Awards Commendation Industrial Architecture Category
Lion Yard, Cambridge Street Kiosks Admass Ltd Cambridge, England 1976
National Mineral & Metallurgical Laboratory Mathew Hall Ortech Ltd Jos, Nigeria 1977
Kensington Central Works Depot & Housing Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea London, England 1976
Awards 1976 Department of the Environment Good Design in Housing Award Commendation – Public Sector Category
Truman Headquarters Brick Lane Truman Ltd London, England
1977 Office of the Year Award
1981 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Commendation
1977 Financial Times Awards Commendation 1976 Business and Industries Award Premier Award for the Environment
Sir Thomas White Building St John`s College University of Oxford
Oxford England
托马斯•怀特爵士大楼 牛津大学圣约翰学院
牛津 英国
Awards 1981 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Commendation 1976 Concrete Society Awards Commendation
The building is a classic example of Arup Associates’ use of a structural grid of precast concrete.
The “structural grid” of reinforced concrete which was a defining feature of Arup Associates’ earlier residential projects for Oxford and Cambridge colleges found its most spectacular expression in this development for St John’s, Oxford’s wealthiest college. Plans to build new student housing on the northern edge of the college site dated back to the mid-1960s – the aim was to allow St John’s to offer all undergraduates three years of living in college. From a distinguished shortlist of four practices, Arup Associates was appointed in 1967 to design the project. The traditional Oxbridge quadrangle was rejected in favour of a linear plan for the new development, while retaining the traditional staircase access to rooms. Arup Associates ‘ambitious scheme, which included lecture rooms, a library, swimming pool and new senior common room on a site extending across Museum Road, was subsequently abandoned in 1970, in the face of budget cuts, in favour of a complete redesign, which provided residential accommodation for 145 students on a significantly reduced site. The Sir Thomas White Building, named in honour of the college’s founder, is an L-shaped development with an external elevation to Museum Road, where the bush-hammered concrete frame elegantly bestrides an ancient stone wall. Its component parts are a series of “building blocks” consisting of a staircase/bathroom tower (clad in limestone) and an open framework containing four rooms on each floor. Timber window screens, rather Japanese in feel, provide privacy when required. At ground floor level, a colonnade, a device very much within the Oxford collegiate tradition, links the towers, with student common rooms between the stair entrances. The reduction in scale of the scheme notwithstanding, there was more than adequate funding for excellent detailing and the use of high quality materials, natural stone, timber and lead for roof coverings. This is certainly one of the outstanding university buildings of the expansive Sixties.
钢筋混凝土“结构网”是Arup Association早期牛 津和剑桥住宅项目的标志性特征,其最精华的表现当属 牛津最富有的学院——圣约翰学院。20世纪60年代中 期,圣约翰学院计划在北部边缘建造新的学生公寓,供 本科生住校三年。1967年,Arup Association从四个杰 出的建筑师事务所候选名单中脱颖而出,受邀承担该项 目设计。传统的牛津剑桥四边形被新的线形取代,同时 保留了传统的进入房间的楼梯。原先的宏大规划(横跨 博物馆路的教室、图书馆、游泳池和新的高级公共休息 室)由于预算削减在1970年停滞了,Arup Association 彻底重新设计,在显著缩小的场地上建成能容纳145人 的学生宿舍。托马斯·怀特爵士大楼以纪念大学的创始 人而得名,是一个L形的建筑,外立面朝向博物馆路,琢 面混凝土框架优雅地跨过一面古老的石墙。大楼包括石 灰岩楼梯/卫生间塔楼和一个每层含四房的开放式框架。 日本风格的木质窗格提供了私密的空间。在第一层,非 常牛津式的柱廊连接各塔楼,学生休息室采用阶梯式入 口。该项目的规模虽然缩小,但有足够的资金用于高品 质的细节和材料,屋顶覆盖使用天然石材、木材和铅。 这当然是六十年代的优秀大学建筑之一。
Sliding timber window screens provide shading and privacy.
Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) HQ
Bedminster Downs England
英国中央电力局总部 Generating Board (CEGB) HQ
贝德明斯特Downs 英国
Awards 1980 Civic Trust Award Financial Times Awards Industrial Architecture Category Commendation Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Regional Award South West 1979 Business & Industry Award
The south-west regional headquarters for the Central Electricity Generating Board, located on the outskirts of Bristol, was hailed as a landmark in sustainable low-energy design when new. The project has much in common with the contemporary projects for Lloyd’s at Chatham and Wiggins Teape in Basingstoke, using structural organisation, rather than moveable partitions, to define working spaces suitable for team working, distinct from both the compartmented offices of the past and the anonymous open spaces typical of North American practice. The designs capitalised on the sloping site, with its views to the Clifton Gorge (and that engineering icon, Brunel’s suspension bridge). The offices are housed in four pavilions, each arranged around a central courtyard, linked by a “street” which is the circulation hub of the complex and equally a social space, with coffee points set along it. Office spaces enjoy natural light from external windows and clerestories formed within open roof voids – timber roof trusses are exposed, another move at odds with more traditional offices featuring suspended ceilings. Overhanging eaves and pitched slate roofs, as in the Lloyd’s building, contribute to an aesthetic which the critic Michael Brawne called “spiritedly Wrightian”, domestic rather than corporate in feel. These devices are, however, part of a low-energy programme which was fundamental to the client brief. The building is heavily insulated. Heavy concrete floors are also ducts for air and can be pre-cooled at night to reduce daytime ventilation demands in summer, with a carefully integrated perimeter supply system. Areas such as the computer suite, which need extensive mechanical ventilation, are equipped with heat reclaim systems. Staff amenities included a swimming pool, warmed by waste heat. With the abolition of the CEGB, the building was successfully adapted for multi-occupation.
中央电力局西南区总部位于布里斯托尔的郊区,被 誉为可持续低能耗设计的地标。该项目与Chatham劳合 社和贝辛斯托克Wiggins Teape项目有许多共同之处, 如使用固定的结构而非活动隔断来打造适合团队工作的 空间。有别于过去的隔间办公室以及欧美常见的毫无 个性的休息场所,该设计利用了面朝克利夫顿峡谷(及 工程楷模——布鲁内尔的吊桥)的倾斜场地。办公楼包 括四栋楼,每栋楼围绕着一个中央庭院,由“街道”连 接,“街道”是整个建筑的流通枢纽和社交空间,沿街 设有咖啡屋。自然光线透过外窗和屋顶的开放空隙照进 办公空间,木质屋架是暴露的,这与较为传统的办公楼 吊顶又有很大差异。采用了与劳合社一样挑檐和板岩屋 顶营造出优良美感,评论家迈克尔·布朗称之为“极具 灵感的Wrightian风格”,让家的感觉充满整个公司。这 些设置只是任务书中节能方案的一部分。该建筑的保温 性能极佳,厚重的水泥地板相当于空气的储热体,夏天 夜间可进行预冷以降低白天的通风降温的需求,此外, 该建筑还设计了一个循环供给系统。员工设施包括用余 热加温的游泳池。随着中央电力局被取消,该建筑为公 司提供了更多的空间。
Sections showing the integration of structure and services with floor voids acting as air ducts.
The CEGB offices at Bedminster Down, Bristol, are planned around open landscaped courtyards.
Lion Yard, Magistrates Court City of Cambridge Cambridge, England
Trebor Sharps Ltd Factory Colchester, England
HM Dockyard Royal Maritime Auxiliary Support Building HMG Department of the Environment Portsmouth, England
Tadcaster Brewery Samuel Smith Old Brewery Tadcaster, England
Awards 1983 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award for Architecture
Bab Al Shiekh, Housing & Commercial, Iraq Amanat Al Asima Baghdad, Iraq 1981
1982 Business & Industry Award
Kingston Power Station High Point Technical Services London, England 1981 1979
Ecumenical Church Sutton, England
Croydon Office Development Rosehaugh Greycoat Estates PLC London, England
Pears Britten Music School Snape Maltings Foundation Aldeburgh, England
Trust House Forte PLC Wrotham, England 1980
1978 Henry Wood Hall, Holy Trinity Church Southwark Rehearsal Hall Ltd London, England
Bedford School, Great Hall Harpur Trust Bedford, England
Apartment Block Secon Egyptian Construction Co Cairo, Egypt 1979
Royal Liver Building Royal Liver Society Liverpool, England
GOSI Offices General Organisation for Social Insurance Damman, Saudi Arabia 1981
Gateway 1 and 2 Wiggins Teape (UK) PLC
Basingstoke England
Gateway 1 号及 2 号办公楼 Wiggins Teape (英国) 有限公司
贝辛斯托克 英国
Awards 1979 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Southern Region 1978 Business & Industry Award Commendation Civic Trust Award Commendation
By the 1970s Wiggins Teape, a paper manufacturing business established in the 18th century, had become an international concern. Arup Associates was commissioned in 1973 to design its new headquarters building in Basingstoke, whence the company relocated from the City of London. The new building was to house up to 1000 staff. Overlapping with – and with the same basic modular design strategy of – the office projects for Lloyd’s at Chatham and CEGB in Bristol, Gateway 1, as it became, used structure (on a 7.5m grid) to create a series of human scale spaces within highly flexible interiors accommodating both open-plan and cellular offices. Services were located in the interstices between the squares of the grid. The site sloped markedly, with open views to the south, and the designs responded to its contours, with offices in layers stepping down the slope and descending in scale from five storeys to two. Terraced gardens were provided at each level, with a sunken courtyard garden at the lowest level. In contrast to the Chatham and Bristol schemes, the architectural expression of Gateway 1 (completed in 1976) was rigorously modernist, almost Miesian in its purity. Gateway 2, also commissioned by Wiggins
Teape, was constructed on an adjacent site in 1981– 82, Wiggins Teape relocating its offices to the new building and selling Gateway 1, which had become too large for its needs, at a considerable profit. (It was rebranded as Mountbatten House.) With an eye to the future, the client specified a building, delivered to a fast-track schedule, using a management contract, and with a budget considerably less than that for Gateway 1, which could be potentially lettable. The most novel feature of the building was a central atrium, constructed using slender steel members, which prefigured that at 1 Finsbury Square in the City of London. The atrium functioned as a social space, complete with badminton court. It was equally significant as a major element, using the stack effect via opening roof vents, in the natural ventilation strategy, daringly adopted as an alternative to conventional air-conditioning. Wiggins Teape’s demise as an independent company led to the sale of Gateway 2, which was retro-fitted with air-conditioning using chilled beams and underfloor ventilation troughs, a move at odds with the original design strategy but one which the building was easily able to accommodate.
Section through Gateway 2 showing the naturally ventilated central atrium, the first of its kind in Britain.
The spectacular naturally ventilated atrium at Gateway 2.
到20世纪70年代,始建于18世纪的Wiggins Teape 造纸工厂已引起国际间的重视。该公司希望从伦敦的金融 城搬迁至贝辛斯托克,于是在1973年, Arup Association 被委任设计新的总部大楼。新大楼是最多可容纳1000名 员工。类似Chatham劳合社和布里斯托尔中央电力局办 公大楼的基本模块化设计,Gateway 1采用7.5米柱网的 结构框架高度灵活地建造了一系列人性化空间——敞开 式和分格式办公室。
The services strategy used the stack effect to ventilate the atrium, with open roof vents to extract stale air.
服务空间设置在轴网的间隙中。该地块由明显的 坡度,南面的视野开阔。办公室的设计是沿斜坡的倾 斜度顺势而上,依据比例从二楼到五楼层层退台。每个 楼层都设有露台花园,底层设置了下沉式庭院花园。 与Chatham和布里斯托尔设计相反的是,Gateway 1 (1976完工)的建筑表现风格是严格的现代主义,几 乎是纯粹的密斯式建筑风格。由于Gateway 1规模大大 超过了Wiggins Teape的需求,于是公司委托奥雅纳在 相邻地块设计Gateway 2。在1981-82年的建设期结束 后,Gateway 2竣工落成,公司即入驻新总部并以可观 的利润出售Gateway 1(后被更名为蒙巴顿楼)。在设 计时,Wiggins Teape对Gateway 2进行了长远考虑, 对建筑进行详细说明并时刻跟踪工程进度,采用管理合 同,预算也比Gateway 1降低了不少,并考虑到出租的 可能性。Gateway 2最新式的特点在于以修长钢构件制 成的中庭,伦敦芬斯伯里1号广场也采用了同样的构造。 中庭可作为社交场所使用,配有羽毛球场。同样重要的 是,利用可开启屋顶获得自然通风的烟囱效应,这一设 计替代了传统空调。Wiggins Teape作为一个独立公司关 闭后,Gateway 2被出售,加装了使用冷却梁和下送风 的空调系统,此举违背了原来的设计,但大楼完全能适 应这一改变。
Courtyard and terraced gardens provide amenities for the Gateway 1 staff. Section through office in Gateway 1 showing the integration of structure and services to create a generous, human scaled environment.
The building was designed as a kit of parts for rapid site assembly.
Zimbabwe Rhodesia House Conference Centre, The Strand Zimbabwe High Commission London, England 1982
Digital Equipment Corporation Offices Reading, England
District Council Offices, Hadleigh, Suffolk Babergh District Council Hadleigh, England
Bedford School Library Harpur Trust Bedford, England 1983
Residences Worcester College Oxford Oxford, England 1983
Awards 1984 Civic Trust Award Commendation 1987 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Eastern Region
Grand Theatre Redevelopment City of Swansea Swansea, Wales
Saudi Consolidated Electricity Offices Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
1983 1983
Hilliat al Hammad, Dallah Car Parks Dallah Establishment Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 1982
BBC Competition Langham Place British Broadcasting Corporation London, England
Zimbabwe Veterinary College Harare, Zimbabwe
1982 Docklands Development Corporation Site Study London, England 1982
Mortlake High Street Inner City Commercial Premises Association Ltd London, England
Laboratories Eton College Windsor, England 1983
West India Docks, Shed 19 London Docklands Development Corporation London, England 1983
Tower Hill Station London Transport Executive London, England 1983
Diplomatic Quarter Police Headquarters Saudi Arabia Ministry of Foreign Affairs Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 1983
Aldermanbury Development EC2 Chartered Insurance Institute City of London, England
Docklands Development Corp Office Building Docklands Development Corp London, England
Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank Bishopsgate Gatechurch Property Management Ltd London, England
Milton Keynes Church Chesterton PLC Buckinghamshire, England
Bayswater Station London Transport Executive London, England
Docklands Light Railway Tower (Gateway) Docklands Development Corporation London, England Tower Hill Station London Transport Executive London, England 1983
Manor Farm, Harmondsworth Rockfort Land Ltd Middlesex, England
Embankment Station London Transport Executive London, England
BBC Edinburgh British Broadcasting Corporation Edinburgh, Scotland 1983
Notting Hill Gate Station London Transport Executive London, England 1983
1 Finsbury Avenue Greycoat Estates PLC
City of London England
芬斯伯里大道 1号 Greycoat 地产公司
伦敦金融城 英国
Awards 1987 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award for Architecture London Region 1985 Financial Times Awards Architecture at Work Category Structural Steel Design Award
Section through the atrium showing the new trading floor.
The dramatic atrium at 1 Finsbury avenue before flooring over in 1996 –1997. A staircase linking trading floors was inserted in the 1990s..
The office building at 1 Finsbury Avenue, constructed in 1982–84 and designed by Arup Associates, can be seen as a landmark in the development of office design in Britain. The site was adjacent to Broad Street station – before boundary changes, it was outside the City and within the borough of Hackney. The brief from developer Rosehaugh Greycoat was for a fast-track project – the building was completed in just over a year – providing deep-plan office spaces aimed at the financial services sector. The project was far removed from the bespoke office schemes – Lloyd’s, Wiggins Teape, CEGB – for which the practice had won acclaim. To meet the client brief the Arup team abandoned concrete construction and used a steel frame, with steel decking as a base for precast concrete floors – team members visited the USA to study North American practice. The 30,000 sq.m. building was planned around a full-height glazed atrium, another highly innovative feature for early Eighties Britain. External shading and planting were a prominent feature of the elegantly detailed, bronzeclad elevations, with upper floors set back. 1 Finsbury Avenue remains one of the most admired post-war buildings in the City. The Architectural Review commented that the project “proved that spec offices can make a sensitive contribution to a civic environment and that even a huge office building can have a richness and delicate scale suggestive of the human beings who work within”. Arup Associates was subsequently commissioned to design 2 and 3 Finsbury Avenue (1986–88). All these buildings are now part of Broadgate. The practice returned again to 1 Finsbury Avenue to design a reworking of the interior (1996–97) which saw the central atrium floored over at third floor level to provide additional dealing floor accommodation.
这座位于芬斯伯里大道1号的办公大楼建于1982至 1984年,由Arup Association担任设计。它是英国办公 大楼设计的一个里程碑。地块毗邻Broad Street车站, 位于伦敦市区外哈克尼区内(该区的范围后来发生了变 化)。开发商Rosehaugh Greycoat的任务书要求设计与 建设同期进行。而大楼的实际工期仅为短短的一年,提 供大进深的金融服务业办公空间。该项目与口碑优良的 劳合社、Wiggins Teape和中央电力局办公大楼有很大差 异。为了实现客户任务书要求,奥雅纳团队成员访问美 国,学习北美的做法, 放弃了混凝土结构而使用钢结构, 用钢板作为预制混凝土楼板的基底。30,000平方米大楼 围绕一个通高的玻璃中庭设计,是八十年代初英国的另 一个高度创新。上层楼面为退台设计,做工精细的外立 面采用古铜色覆层,配有遮阳设置和绿色植被。芬斯伯 里大道1号成为伦敦最受推崇的战后建筑之一,《建筑评 论》杂志称其“证明了办公楼设计对城市环境带来微妙 影响,即使是巨大的楼宇也可以丰富而细腻,正如在其 中工作的人”。Arup Association随后被委托设计芬斯伯 里大街2号和3号(1986-1988)。所有这些建筑如今成为 布罗德盖特的一部分。此后,Arup Association再次对芬 斯伯里大道1号重新进行室内设计(1996-1997),将中 庭设计在三楼,作为额外的交易楼层使用。
North / South section through 1 Finsbury Avenue showing the central atrium. Right: Plan showing the original context of 1 Finsbury Avenue.
Worshipful Company of Skinners Dowgate Hill Worshipful Company of Skinners London, England
Solent Business Park Arlington Securities PLC Hampshire, England
Fountain Business Villages Guildford Properties Ltd Wokingham, England
Rolm Europe Rolm Europe Ltd Wootton Bassett, England
Church House, Deans Yard, Westminster Church House Corporation London, England 1984
Skippetts House Estate, Hampshire Gould Inc. Basingstoke, England
Trafalgar House, Cannon Street Trafalgar House Developments Ltd London, England
Bedford School, Junior School Harpur Trust Bedford, England
Centre for British Teachers Centre for British Teachers Ltd Malaysia
Design without Compromise
Arup Associates Six Themes
Design without compromise – this is fundamental to the philosophy which drives Arup Associates and it is the natural outcome of a design process in which the first question asked is: “who are we building for?”. Experience proves that successful buildings are those which work well for their users, designed to a brief which is the result of a creative dialogue between architect and client. Arup Associates has been fortunate to work with clients who want to back innovative approaches to design and are prepared to work towards achieving results which serve the users of a building. The practice’s reputation for delivering creative solutions to the practical issues which clients bring to it is rooted in the dialogue – it can be a spirited debate – conducted within the office between architects, engineers and other professionals. The pan-disciplinary nature of Arup Associates is fundamental to its ability to address the complex issues which face the world of construction and development today. Dialogue and debate generate the solution – the common idea is what counts. It follows that Arup Associates has no “signature style” – every building is a specific response to a specific set of needs. So Arup Associates’ buildings embody a rejection of the iconic tendency, the application of a style as a priority. The practice’s priority is designing without the compromises that approach implies, with an agenda that is about enabling clients to achieve the results they look for in their buildings.
一丝不苟的设计理念始终是Arup Associates的前进动力。我们先自问“我们为 谁设计”,这将促使我们从客户角度精心地开展设计。经验证明,只有建筑师 与客户开展深入沟通,才能创造出优良的建筑并为用户带来良好的体验。很幸 运,Arup Associates的客户都支持创新的设计方案并致力于为用户带来优质的体 验。通过建筑师、设计师和其它专业人员的深度交流和互相间的灵感启迪,我 们能针对客户提出的实际问题递交创造性解决方案。 Arup Associates的跨界优势可解决当今建筑和发展所面临的问题。在跨领域 对话和研讨中,引导各位专家产生的一致想法往往就能得到圆满的解决方案。 此外,Arup Associates没有“特色风格”,因为我们针对具体需求打造特定的解决 方案。Arup Associates的建筑字典中没有“标志性”,也就是说我们不会格外推崇 某种建筑风格。我们的建筑理念是详细列出客户需求,然后以一丝不苟的态度 开展设计,打造出令客户满意的解决方案。
Diplomatic Quarter Sports Club Bureau of Foreign Affairs Saudi Arabia
Riyadh Saudi Arabia
使馆区体育俱乐部 沙特阿拉伯外事局
利雅得 沙特阿拉伯
Plan of the Diplomatic Quarter Sports Club, a very large complex serving embassies in the Saudi Arabian Capital of Riyadh.
The Diplomatic Quarter of Riyadh is located some 7km outside the centre of the Saudi capital, a 650 hectare city in its own right, providing a secure location for up to 80 foreign embassies. The masterplan approved by the Riyadh Development Agency provided for a low-rise, intensively landscaped quarter, literally an oasis in the rocky desert. Arup Associates was commissioned in 1981 to design a very large (94,000 sq.m.) sports and recreational club to serve the entire development. In tune with the client brief, the complex is clad in local stone, its architecture hinting subtly at local vernacular traditions. These traditions were harnessed by the architects and engineers to create an scheme of easy comfort, environment and sense of place. Strung along a pedestrian route, with parking and access roads around its perimeter, the development was conceived as a series of separate pavilions housing swimming pools, squash courts, a multi-purpose sports hall, cafeteria, and club house, together with outdoor courts and playing areas. The groups of buildings are linked by walled enclosures screening the open courts – one driver of this strategy was the need, in line with Saudi law, to segregate male and female users of the site. The buildings were designed as a family of concreteframed structures utilising a generic construction system comprising pre-cast roof beams supported by primary beams and columns and flanked by solid stone walls. The large sports hall and indoor pool are impressive spaces and have a clear span of 24m. One of the key objectives in the scheme was to minimise energy use whilst creating a comfortable environment. The layout of the buildings, the use of deep reveals in carefully designed windows to reduce solar heat gain, enhanced insulation and the utilisation of thermal mass in the structure of the buildings much reduced the cooling load.
利雅得使馆区位于距沙特首都利雅得中心约7公里 处,一个650公顷的独立安全区域,驻扎多达80个外国 使馆。利雅得发展局批准的规划条件规定了该地区楼层 较低且绿地率极高,仿佛沙漠中的绿洲。1981年,Arup Association接受委任设计一个巨大的(94,000平方米) 体育及康乐会所。为满足客户任务书的需求,建筑采用 当地的石材,巧妙地体现了当地传统。建筑师和工程师 利用这些传统创造轻松舒适的环境及营造地方特色。项 目地块由步行街围绕,周边设有停车场和道路,建筑构 思为一系列独立的游泳池、壁球场、多功能体育馆、食 堂和会所,以及室外网球场和赛场。建筑群之间是由围 墙隔开的庭院,这是由于沙特法律规定公共活动场所必 须将男性和女性隔离。该建筑被设计成一系列混凝土框 架结构,利用普通的建筑构架,预制顶梁由主梁和柱支 撑,相连两侧坚实的石墙。大型体育馆和室内游泳池跨 度24米,令人印象深刻。该计划的一个主要目标是创造 一个舒适的环境同时尽量节约能源。建筑物的门窗侧壁 较深且窗户设计精良,可有效减少太阳热量,强化的隔 热性和蓄热体的应用大大降低了建筑的制冷负荷。
Milton Bradley, Stockley Park Milton Bradley London, England 1988 Keang Nam Enterprises Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Riverside Site, Chiswick, Lephawk Lephawk Ltd London, England
Howden Management & Data Alexander Howden Group Ltd London, England
1986 Paternoster Square Masterplan St Pauls Stanhope PLC City of London, England
1987 1989
Springalls Wharf RTM Company London, England
Royal Academy of Arts, Burlington House, Picadilly Royal Academy of Arts London, England
Emerald Street Development, Camden Harpur Trust Camden, London, England 1989
Lincoln Castle Property Services Agency Lincoln, England
Redhill Aerodrome British and Commonwealth Properties Redhill, England
Broughton Business Park Broughton Business Park Milton Keynes, England
Broadgate Development Liverpool Street British Land Company PLC
City of London England
Broadgate 开发区 利物浦街 英国土地公司
伦敦 英国
The office surroundings of Broadgate are fitted with granite sunscreens hung from the façades.
Awards 1992 RTPI Awards Award for Planning Achievement 1991 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Award for Urban Renewal Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award President’s Choice Building of the Year 1989 Civic Trust Award Special Award European Convention for Constructional Steelwork ECCS Steetly Award 1988 British Construction Industry Award BCIA Construction News Achievement Award
Arup Associates’ 1 Finsbury Avenue led to a commission from developer Rosehaugh Stanhope to masterplan Broadgate, a major new office development (driven by the 1986 deregulation of financial services which attracted many foreign institutions to London) on the site of Broad Street station. The practice was also commissioned to design a series of office buildings there which were constructed in four phases in 1985–87. The Arup masterplan cleverly shifted the focus of the City northwards, into previously neglected territory. It also provided for generous public spaces around the buildings, the focus of the development being Broadgate Square with the Arena (now known as the Circle, housing shops and restaurants and a central space used as an ice rink in winter). Vehicular servicing was located at basement level. The buildings themselves were eight storeys high, planned around central atria, with perforated, non-structural granite sunscreens masking their glazed elevations, a concession, perhaps to the perceived need for a “City look”. As in the case of 1 Finsbury Avenue, the buildings were completed to shell and core for tenant fit-out, and made extensive use of prefabricated components, for example, of cladding components and toilet pods, which speeded construction and reduced costs. The development was hugely successful in commercial terms, successfully accommodating a number of large dealing floors. Numbers 4 and 6 Broadgate were demolished in 2012 for a new office development and a strategy for the progressive renewal of the estate is being developed. As part of this, Arup Associates has redesigned the Circle, with reconfigured retail and restaurant space and with the central ice rink /performance space lowered, making it a more effective public space.
Arup Associates设计芬斯伯里大街1号之后,受到 开发商Rosehaugh Stanhope的邀约负责对Broadgate 进行总体规划,在Broad Street车站区域展开一个重要 的新办公楼工程(1986年英国放松金融管制,此举吸引 了众多外资机构投资伦敦)。Arup Association还被委 托设计一系列办公大楼,在1985到1987分四期完成。该 总体规划将市区的向北转移,希望使以前冷清区域也变 得热闹繁华。办公大楼周围留有大量的公共空间,且重 点配套Broadgate广场与运动场(这个区域现在叫做“ 生活圈”,包括商店、餐馆和一个在冬季使用的溜冰 场)。车库位于地下室。建筑高八层,围绕中庭展开设 计,非结构用途的多孔花岗岩遮挡玻璃体现出都市化的 外观。正如芬斯伯里大街1号,大楼落成外壳和核心筒( 可按租户要求进行内部装修)并广泛使用带覆层的预制 构件和整体座便器,以加快建设和降低成本。该建筑在 商业领域取得了巨大的成功,配有多个交易大厅。2012 年,Broadgate 4号和Broadgate 6号被拆除,拟建一个 新办公大楼,并正在制定渐进式翻新计划。作为计划的 一部分,Arup Association重新设计了“生活圈”,改造 零售和餐饮空间,降低中央溜冰场/表演场,使之成为一 个更实用的公共空间。
The Arena, now the Circle, was designed to host a series of events around the year, including iceskating in the winter months.
Image of Broadgate Circle reconfigured. Showing the lowered arena and new retail.
Early sketch perspectives demonstrate greatly improved visual connectivity across the Circle.
The 5 key interventions shown above have been developed to greatly improve the civic and cultural experience at the heart of the Broadgate Estate.
Villebon Business Park Shimuzu France SA Orly, Paris, France
London Bridge Olympia & York (UK) Ltd London, England Fradley Airfield Fradley Airfield Lichfield, England
Inmarsat Place Euston Station Inmarsat Ltd London, England 1990
1989 British Airways Competition British Airways PLC London, England
123 Buckingham Palace Road Greycoat London Estates Ltd London, England
Awards 1992 Structural Steel Design Awards Commendation
Marsham Street HMG Department of the Environment London, England
Buda Nova, Budapest Teleport Industries Budapest, Hungary
1990 1989 1990
Eccleston Bridge, Victoria Buckingham Palace Road Greycoat Estates PLC London, England
Moormuhle Hotel Topic Foods (UK) Ltd Hanover, Germany
1990 Paradise Project London Underground Ltd London, England Scotstoun House Proposal, South Queensferry Ove Arup & Partners, Scotland Edinburgh, Scotland
Chesterfield House, EC3 British Land Company PLC London, England 1990
Expo 92 Seville Competition Expo 92 Seville, Spain
Hamamuso Resort, MIO Tokyo Ltd Hokkaido, Japan
Manchester Airport Alfred McAlpine PLC Manchester, England
Wentworth Golf Club & Tennis Pavilion Chelsfield (UK) PLC Virginia Water, England 1991
Luton Business Park Luton, England
Dinan Departement Côtes-d’Armor Brittany, France
Copthorne Hotel Newcastle, England
Innsbruck Stadium, Bergisel Municipality of Innsbruck Innsbruck, Austria
Kodak Nottingham, England 1991
1991 Düsseldorf Tower Competition Düsseldorf GmbH Düsseldorf, Germany
Birmingham Star Museum Birmingham City Council Birmingham, England 1991
Awards 1991 Civic Trust Award
XXth District Park, Hungary Triport Ltd Budapest, Hungary Acheres Paris Departement Yvelines Paris, France 1990
Neasden Service Control Centre London Underground Ltd London, England 1991
1991 Legal & General Headquarters Legal & General Assurance Society Ltd Kingswood UK
1990 Energy Efficiency with Electricity
Awards 2000 British Construction Industry Award Special Award
Inland Revenue Offices HM Revenue & Customs Nottingham, England
Eczacibasi Atrium Project Eczacibasi Company Istanbul, Turkey
1992 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Regional Award
Financial Centre Milan Commune di Milano Milan, Italy 1991
October Square, Moscow Tower Russian Ministry of Oil and Gas Moscow, Russia
Project Flame British Gas Solihull, England
Frankfurt Schools City of Frankfurt Frankfurt, Germany Inland Revenue Offices HM Revenue & Customs Nottingham, England
Berlin 2000 Olympic Bid Olympia 2000 Sportstattenbauten GmbH Berlin, Germany
Financial Centre Milan Commune di Milano Milan, Italy
Sun Life Bristol Parkway Sun Life Insurance Bristol, England
1991 1992
Great Common Farm (Planning Applications) Stanhope PLC Bourn, England 1992
Bridewell Development London Haslemere Estates Ltd London, England 1992
Cory Environmental, Refuse-to-Energy Plant, Belvedere Cory Environmental Ltd Bexley, England 1992
Labovich Opera Tent, Hyde Park Neville Labovich London, England Luton Airport St Katherine by the Tower Ltd Luton, England 1992
London Hospital Framework Plan Royal London Hospital and Community Service NHS Trust London, England 1992 KOC University KOC Foundation Istanbul, Turkey 1992
Genshagen, Building Type D, Berlin Horsham Properties GmbH Berlin, Germany 1992
Lloyd’s Register Lloyd’s of London London, England 1992
Setting New Standards
Arup Associates Six Themes
From the beginning, Arup Associates’ work has broken boundaries, set new standards and redefined – in some cases, reinvented – entire building types. The key to this process of reinvention is the practice’s exploration, backed by research, into the ways that architecture and engineering, building form, structure and services interact. This process of exploration is apparent in an early work by Arup Associates such as the Mining and Metallurgy Building at Birmingham, with its virtuoso use of the tartan grid to carry the intensive servicing requirements of a laboratory block. At Stockley Park the practice was responsible for the masterplan and many of the buildings of a pioneering out of town business park, developed on the basis of intensive research into the practical needs of future users. A succession of bespoke office buildings, including Gateway 1 and CEGB Bristol, re-imagined what the ideal office environment might be, looking at the everyday experience of the building’s users. At Gateway 2, the potential for reinventing the speculative office building as a naturally ventilated, naturally lit environment was explored – the experience gained fed into 1 Finsbury Avenue, a building which set a new model for City office buildings and in turn informed the design of Broadgate. The process of innovation fuelled the design of Plantation Place and Ropemaker Place, with their landscaped terraces and low-energy servicing strategies. Environmental concerns have driven projects such as the FIFA Showcase in Qatar, demonstrating the possibility of creating comfortable conditions for players and spectators in an extreme climate, and the BSkyB complex, with the world’s first naturally ventilated television studios.
Arup Associates的设计往往以颠覆常规、打破传统的新理念,塑造出前所未有的建 筑样式。创新源于我们孜孜不倦的研究,以及对建筑工程、建筑样式、建筑结构 和服务的全面考量。Arup Associates设计的早期建筑,诸如伯明翰采矿和冶金学院 等,尤其体现出我们对创新的执着追求。其中,我们对格网天花系统的巧妙运用 满足了学校的实验和研究需求。斯托克利公园(Stockley Park)项目的宗旨是在主城 区外打造一座商务公园,我们的工作包括设计总体规划图和园内的诸多建筑。在 设计过程中,我们放眼未来,对今后的游园者和楼内用户进行了深入研究,从而 得出规划方案。在Gateway 1和英国中央电力局等办公大楼的设计方案中,Arup Associates以大楼的日常使用需求为着眼点,向世人呈现了理想的办公环境。 在Gateway 2项目中,我们将重新改造办公大楼,使之成为具有自然通风和自 然采光的室内空间。然后,我们还将这一成功经验应用于瑞银华宝的芬柏利大道1 号项目,全面开创了城市办公楼的全新样式。同时,Broadgate项目的设计方案也 是从中得到启示的。Plantation Place和Ropemaker Place两个项目均以卓越的创新 设计著称,而景观露台和低能耗策略更是锦上添花。另外,卡塔尔的世界杯示范 足球场则体现出Arup Associates对环保的关注。该设施能在极端气候条件下为运动 员和观众营造舒适惬意的比赛和观赏环境。与此相同,我们为英国天空广播大厦 这一综合性大楼设计了自然通风系统,开创了电视大楼的设计先河。
Gonville & Caius College Cambridge, England 1994
Buxton Opera House Conversion & Restoration High Peak Borough Council Buxton, England 1993
British Embassy Berlin, Germany
National Bowls Centre Worthing Borough Council Worthing, England
Lyon, Champ Du Pont Communaute Urbaine de Lyon Lyon, France
Cape Town Olympics 2004 SA Olympic Committee Cape Town, South Africa 1993 1993
Shizuoka Mitsubishi / Chiba / Aomori Stadium, Japan Arup Japan Ltd / Mitsubishi Estate Co Ltd Shizuoka, Japan Government Offices Great George Street Property Holdings London, England
Istanbul FPWC Markets Istanbul Food Processors & Wholesalers Cooperative Istanbul, Turkey 1993
1993 The British Museum Competition London, England Lloyds Cannon Marsh Lloyds Project Construction Company Ltd Bristol, England 1993
Awards 1995 Civic Trust Award 1994 British Institute of Facilities Office of the Year Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Regional Award Wessex Region 1993 Concrete Society Awards
Linden-S端d Hanover Design Competition DIBAG (Doblinger Industriebau Glasmanufaktur AG) Hanover, Germany 1993
Texaco Embankment London Texas Oil Company London, England 1995
Istanbul National, Cultural and Congress Center Istanbul Foundation for Culture & Arts Istanbul, Turkey
World Cargo Centre Heathrow Heathrow Airport Ltd London, England
Hong Kong Spectral Glass Sculptures in collaboration with James Carpenter MTRC Hong Kong
BBC Wales Design Competition Trawsfynydd Power Station BBC Wales Trawsfynydd, Wales
Shanghai Stadium, China Superior Management Ltd Shanghai, China 1994 1995
Brighton Library Competition Brighton & Hove City Council Brighton, England
Phoenix Project Tilbury Phoenix Ltd Paisley, Scotland
1994 Ellis Park Athletics Stadium, Johannesburg Johannesburg City Council Johannesburg, South Africa 1995 50 Triton Square (1 Regent`s Place) British Land Company PLC London, England 1994
Awards 1998 Lighting Industry Federation National Lighting Design Award
Awards 1998 South African Association of Consulting Engineers Award
1998 South African Institute of Architects Award 1996 Fulton Award for Civil Engineering, South Africa
Agecrof Colliery Inner City Enterprises PLC Salford, England 1994
Imperial War Museum
London England
伦敦 英国
Awards 1991 Civic Trust Award 1990 British Tourist Authority Come to Britain Award Museum of the Year Award National Lighting Award Royal Fine Art Commission Trust Building of the Year 1989 Structural Steel Design Award
Housed since 1936 in what remains of the former Bethlem Royal Hospital in Lambeth, the Imperial War Museum has developed into one of London’s most dynamic museums. Arup Associates was appointed in 1983 to develop a brief for the future development of the building, increasing gallery space, improving visitor facilities and providing appropriate conditions for the conservation of the museum’s collections. The first phase of development (1986–89) provided a spectacular addition to the building in the form of a galleried central exhibition hall, with an overall glazed roof, filling what had been a central courtyard and creating a space where tanks, field guns and aircraft could be displayed. New galleries for the display of the museum’s outstanding art collection and a 170 seat cinema were also created in what was a striking transformation of what had become a stale institution.
In Phase 2 of the development programme, completed in 1994, 1600 sq.m. of new gallery space, including further gallery space for art works, was formed by infilling a lightwell in the south-eastern corner of the building. Phase 3 of the development project, completed in 2000, provided a further 5000 sq.m. of display space, including new education facilities and a conference room. Most significantly it included accommodation for the Holocaust Exhibition, the first display in the country devoted to the history of the World War II holocaust. Arup Associates’ work at the Imperial War Museum demonstrated the potential for transforming a historic museum building, pointing the way to equally transformational projects at other institutions.
Diagrams showing the phasing for the Imperial War Museum (1983–2000).
Cinema and art gallery spaces shown in this section were also created in this phase of work.
1936年,帝国战争博物馆是从以前的贝特莱姆皇家 医院改造完成的。如今它已成为伦敦最具活力的博物馆 之一。1983年,Arup Association被委任制定该建筑的 未来发展任务书,包括扩建画廊,改善旅游设施,妥善 保护博物馆的藏品等。第一期改造工程(1986年至1989 年)在曾经的Bethlem皇家医院中央区域的修建了一个 有整面玻璃屋顶的中央长廊展厅,使博物馆更增魅力, 并打造了一个展览空间以展出坦克、野战炮和飞机。还 建造了一个新的画廊以展现博物馆的优秀艺术藏品,并 设计了一个可容纳170人的影院。这个陈旧的建筑重新焕 发新的生命力。
第二期工程于1994年完工, 将博物馆东南角的采光井 改造为1600平方米的画廊,进一步扩大了艺术品展区。 第三期工程于2000年完工,新增展区5000平方米, 包括新的教育设施和会议室。最值得一提的是大屠杀展 览,这是二战大屠杀历史在国内的首次展出。历史悠久 的帝国战争博物馆的改造充分证实了Arup Association的 潜力,为其他改建项目指明了方向。
The centrepiece of the first phase of development of the Imperial War Museum was the new central exhibition hall, covered by a curved translucent roof.
The Holocaust Exhibition was part of the third phase of work completed in 2000.
Leavesden Studios Watford, England 3 The Square - Stockley Park East Stockley Park Consortium Ltd London, England 1995
Awards 1998 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Regional Award
Upper Heyford London & Metropolitan PLC Upper Heyford, England 1995 G.C.H.Q Project Signal Bovis Construction Cheltenham, England
Royal Victoria Dock Study London Docklands Development Corporation London, England
Yorkshire County Cricket Club (YCCC) Wakefield, England
1997 1996
Glasgow Millennium Arena Glasgow City Council Glasgow, Scotland Goldsmiths, Bow Street Goldsmiths Co London, England
1995 University of Hertfordshire Sports Development Hatfield, England 1997
Crystal Palace Masterplan London Borough of Bromley London, England 1998 Greenwich Millennium Village English Partnerships London, England 1997
University of Nottingham Nottingham, England
Wiggins International Business Park, Kent Wiggins Group PLC Kent, England
Stockley Park Stockley Park Consortium Ltd
London England
斯托克利园区 斯托克利园区协会有限公司
伦敦 英国
Awards View of the early two storey buildings within a landscaped context of water and lavish planting.
1995 Landscape Institute Award Design Category 1991 International Art & Work Awards Art and Work Award Financial Times Awards Architecture at Work Award Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) 1989 Civic Trust Award Financial Times Awards Commendation Architecture at Work Category Industrial Agents Society Development of the Year 1987 Royal Town Planning Institute RTPI High Commendation United States Progressive Architecture Awards Innovation in Building & Construction Category
The five buildings designed as part of “The Square” in the 90s were platonic plan forms that comprised an outer rainscreen glazed frame enclosing orthogonal double glazed and insulated office space, with opening windows. The perimeter atria provided an amenity space for the occupiers and an environmental “buffer” to the office accommodation.
Above: Internal view of 3 The Square showing the generous atria between the inner cladding and the outer glazed rainscreen. A view of 2 The Square showing the inner timber cladding, opening windows and the naturally ventilated outer glazed rainscreen.
Just as Broadgate led the way in the provision of dealing floor spaces for the rapidly changing financial services sector, Stockley Park set the standard for out of town business parks, a new phenomenon in Britain. The principal progenitor of both projects was developer Stuart Lipton, who commissioned Arup Associates in 1983 to prepare a masterplan for Stockley Park. The 350 acre site – 250 acres of which was to be transformed into a golf course and public open space – was close to the M4 motorway and Heathrow airport but had been used for many years as a rubbish dump. Some 3.5 million cubic metres of polluted waste had to be removed before construction work could start in 1985. As at Broadgate, fast-track, construction techniques were employed – steel-framed, two and three storey blocks, typically with 18m deep floors flanking a central atrium, were completed to shell and core stage, ready to be fitted out in line with tenants’ requirements. Arup Associates completed eight of these buildings in 1985–87, all of two storeys, with hipped roofs and white cladding, giving the development an overall discipline lacking in other business parks of the period. Lavish planting, a feature of American business parks, was a key feature of the scheme and softened the impact of the large areas of parking. High-tech companies working in the fields of electronics and information technology formed the majority of early tenants. Working within the Arup Associates masterplan, the developers subsequently commissioned a number of other practices to design buildings in the park. Arup Associates was responsible for two further buildings constructed in 1989-90, as well as for the Arena (1989), intended to be the social hub of the development and containing management offices, a sports club, restaurant and conference centre. The central circular court had a monumental quality recalling the Arena at Broadgate. The recession of the early 1990s brought a hiatus in development at Stockley but in 1996 construction began again, with The Square. The five blocks there designed by Arup Associates marked a break with the pattern set by the earlier buildings, not least in terms of their overall form, all were double skin with platonic forms enclosing diverse social and amenity spaces. They featured cruciform floorplates, around a central core, enclosed within a glazed outer rainscreen façade (fitted with blinds to baffle solar gain), creating a buffer zone of atrium space that provided for the option, at least, of natural ventilation – air conditioning was standard in earlier buildings. The glossier commercial aesthetic of later buildings at Stockley, with the use of natural stone and timber, reflected its emergence as an office park – planning restrictions still in force in the midEighties had defined its use as primarily industrial.
在飞速发展的金融服务领域,Broadgate项目以设计 优良的交易大楼引领潮流。与此同时,Stockley园区则为 英国郊区的商业园区设立全新标杆。项目发起人,开发 商斯图尔特•利普顿曾于1983年委托Arup Association 进行Stockley园区总体规划。这片350英亩的地块(其中 250英亩将转变成一个高尔夫球场和公共开放空间)靠近 M4高速公路和希思罗机场,但多年来一直作为垃圾场使 用。1985年施工开始之前,施工方运走了350万立方米的 废弃物。就像Broadgate项目一样,园区建设采用设计与 施工并行的方案,钢架结构、二三层高的楼宇,通常进 深18米,围绕一个中庭建成表皮与核心筒,可再按租户 的要求进行细节装修。 1985-87年间,Arup Association建造了八座2层 楼高的建筑,均采用白色面层和四坡顶设计,整齐划一 的优美外观是当时其他商业园区所不具备的。丰富的植 被是美国商业园的一个特色,也是该规划的一个主要特 点,这很好地降低了大面积停车场的影响。电子和信息 技术等高新技术企业纷纷进驻。开发商随后又委托其 它建筑师事务所设计园区里的其他建筑。1989年至90 年,Arup Association又负责建造了另外两座建筑物以及 运动场(1989,含管理办公室、体育俱乐部、餐厅和会 议中心的社交中心)。中央圆形庭院相当宏伟,让人联 想起Broadgate运动场。20世纪20年代初期的经济衰退 使Stockley项目不得不暂停,但1996年重新复工,广场 随之开始营建。 Arup Association所设计的五座建筑再次打破早期 建筑的束缚,不仅仅在整体外形上颠覆常规,更采用双 层表皮围合形式多样的社交场所和便利设施。这些建 筑具有十字形平面,由玻璃雨屏围绕着中央核心区域 (配有百叶窗阻挡紫外线),制造了中庭空间缓冲区, 为自然通风提供了可能。而早期建筑物一般都使用空 调。Stockley后来的建筑外观更多采用商业化的玻璃幕 墙,并在天然石材和木材的配合下,显示出办公园区的 雏形。但是80年代中期,由于法规的限定,该园区主要 作为工业用途。
The Stockley Park Masterplan as originally conceived. To the south is the main development accessed off the A408 Stockley Road with a landscape of water, ground forms and planting. To the north is Stockley Pines golf club. The arena is at the centre providing an amenity for both the business park and golf club.
Wankdorf Stadium Beyeler Ingenieure AG Bern, Switzerland 1998
Bishop’s Stortford College Bishop`s Stortford College Governors Bishop`s Stortford, England
Mary Immaculate College Limerick School Quinn Savage Smith Limerick, Ireland
Trading floor integrated ceiling 1 Finsbury Avenue Warburg Dillon Read City of London, England
1998 Gloucester Docks Crest Nicholson Properties Ltd Gloucester, England 1998 Bristol Housing Study Crest Homes Bristol, England 1999 1999
East Manchester Regeneration Manchester City Council Manchester, England
Chelverton, Lisbon Chelverton Properties Ltd Lisbon, Portugal
1998 Queenstown Road, Battersea Harbour Land Ltd London, England
Awards 2000 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Housing Design Award
4 The Square Stockley Park Stockley Park Consortium Ltd London, England 1999
1998 New College Durham, Phase 1 Howland`s Farm University of Durham Durham, England 1999
Watling House Development British Land Company PLC
City of London England
华特灵住宅开发项目 英伦地产公司
伦敦 英国
The office floor plan prior to the omission of the atrium. The main corners of the building were also modified into “bookends” in the final scheme.
Location plan of Watling House within the Bow Lane conservation Area.
Model of the Watling Street-Bread Street corner of Watling House showing the vertical composition of window openings. With retail oriel windows on the ground floor, balconied windows on the second and third storeys, and topped by a lid of recessed continuous glazing on the sixth floor.
Arup Associates’ involvement with Watling House began in 1988 when the practice was commissioned to design a new office building for the site on Cannon Street, in the City of London, close to St Paul’s Cathedral and within the Bow Lane conservation area. The downturn in the property market of the early 1990s left the project unrealised but it was subsequently revived with British Land as client. A redesign omitted the central atrium originally planned – the scheme as built gained planning consent in 1997, with completion early in 1999. The challenge for the architect was to engage with a very varied townscape context – the contrast between the broad thoroughfare of Cannon Street, dominated by large office buildings, and the finer grain of Watling Street to the north, with a mix of smaller scale, largely 19th century buildings, was dramatic. The overall height of the new building was also strictly limited by the St Paul’s Heights strategy and the tight integration of concrete structure and services in plan and section created a floor to floor height of 3.45m. This unique achievement, possible only by the high degree of integration the disciplines embrace, meant that a further floor could be accommodated within the building, securing the financial success of the project. In practical and commercial terms, the building, planned around a central core with most of the plant at basement level, made highly efficient use of a difficult site, thanks to imaginative engineering solutions. But its contribution to the street scene was carefully considered. The modest structural grid of 6m x 6m was driven by the tight storey height, but it was decided to adopt a façade grid of 4.5m, mediating between the extremes in scale of Cannon Street and Watling Street. The three street elevations of the building are composed of stone-clad reinforced concrete piers propping the edge of the floor slab with a 3m glass cladding zone. To the south and west, the façades are triple-glazed reducing the size of the perimeter air conditioning systems – the outer level of glazing was omitted on the northern elevation to Watling Street. The two corner elevations feature a stack of horizontal louvres shading the glazing and forming “bookends” to the modular elevational system.
Arup Associates与Watling House的首次接触可 追溯至1988年。当年,前者受后者委托在伦敦金融城 的Bow Lane保护区内、毗邻圣保罗大教堂的卡农街 (CannonStreet)地段设计一幢新办公大楼。由于20世纪 90年代初房地产市场低迷,该项目曾一度受阻,不过随 后与英伦地产公司的合作使其重获生机。新方案删减了 原先规划中的中庭——该方案于1997年获得规划许可, 并于1999年初竣工。复杂的城市肌理是设计师面临的一 大挑战——卡农街大道宽阔,高楼林立,而北面的惠特 灵大道(Watling Street)则颇显古雅灵秀,建筑群多建于 19世纪,规模较小,两者之间形成鲜明的对比。由于政 府为保护圣保罗大教堂而对周围新建大楼的总体高度进 行了严格限制;在整合平面和剖面控制结构高度和吊顶 空间,最终将层高控制为3.45米。只有在建筑设计中高度 整合各专业才能达到这个成就,其意味着在成功确保财 务预算的前提下,可在大楼内增加一道楼层。出于实际 情况和商业原因的考虑,这栋紧紧围绕建筑核心规划的 大楼,将大部分大型设施置于地下室,充分高效地利用 了复杂困难的地形,这一切都得归功于充满想象力的工 程设计方案。为了让大楼融入该地段街景并为之增色, 设计师也做出了细致周全的考量。由于层高的局限,结 构采用6米×6米的柱网,但是立面采用4.5米的分割,以 便与卡农街和惠特灵大道的建筑相互呼应,相得益彰。 大楼面向三条街的立面由钢筋混凝土柱构成,表面覆层 为石材,以支撑楼板的边缘,且每层都设有3米高的玻璃 幕墙区。大楼西面、南面和正面均为三层玻璃,以减少 空调负荷——紧临惠特灵大道的大楼北面最外层则未安 装玻璃。角落两侧的立面装有水平百叶,以遮挡玻璃幕 墙的反光并为模式化的立面增加一道分割。
View of Watling House from Canon Street showing the main entrance and the triple glazing oriel windows on the west (facing Bread Street) and south (facing Cannon Street) elevations.
Detail of the curved horizontal louvres forming “bookends” over the entrance.
MSD Hoddesdon Merck Sharp & Dohme Hoddesdon, England 1999 Unilever House, Leverhulme Theatre Unilever London, England
Furniture Design London Business School London, England
Newham - Stratford to Thameside Arc of Opportunity London Borough of Newham London, England
1999 Aberdeen Football Club Aberdeen F.C. Aberdeen, Scotland 1999
Atlantic Estates Camden London, England 6 The Square, Stockley Park Stockley Park Consortium Ltd London, England 1999
Cambridge University Sports Centre EMBS University of Cambridge Cambridge, England 1999
1999 Spencer Dock, Dublin Dublin Corporation Dublin, Ireland 1999
Cambridge Colonnade University of Cambridge Cambridge, England
Earlsgate David Wilson Estates Ltd Swindon, England
Hong Kong Station Mass Transport Railway Corporation (MTRC)
Hong Kong China
香港中环站 香港铁路有限公司
香港 中国
The new Central Station project was generated by the decision to close Hong Kong’s Kai Tak airport, located perilously close to the city centre, and construct a new airport at Chek Lap Kok, a small island off the coast of Lantau Island. The new airport, with a terminal building designed by Foster + Partners, provided scope for future expansion – opened in 1998, it currently handles 56 million passengers annually and traffic is growing at a rate of 5% a year. However, it was sited some 35km from the city centre, so that new public transport connections were vital. An express rail link, with trains departing every ten minutes with a journey time of under half an hour, was planned. Huge new residential developments – effectively a new town – were also planned on Lantau Island, creating a need for new commuter services to the city. Hong Kong’s Mass Transit Railway (MTR), which had already created one of the most efficient urban rail systems in the world, was the client for the new central station acting as a terminus for the new services. The new station was sited on reclaimed land on the city’s harbour front, close to Hong Kong’s central business district. The aim was to create a station which would become part of the experience of flying, an appropriate complement to the new airport terminal building. (Check-in facilities for flights are provided, so that passengers can then proceed directly to gates on arrival at Chek Lap Kok.) The masterplan for the site required the provision of profitable commercial development associated with the station development.
The check-in hall at the heart of the station enjoys an abundance of daylight and is the core of activity for the entire building.
With Arup, an long established presence in Hong Kong, acting as consultant engineers for the project, Arup Associates was commissioned late in 1992 (working with Rocco Design as concept designers) as architect for the station – in effect, two stations serving the airport and commuter trains, arranged on nine levels, four of them below ground. The central focus of the building is the main hall serving the airport express services, a street level space 106m long and a generous 23m high. To the north, it is enclosed by a great wall of glass, with views of the city. At the time of its construction, this was the largest independently supported glass wall in the world, completely frameless and supported on 18 bowstring trusses. Passengers access the trains, 10m below ground, using escalators and lifts. The Tung Chung commuter line has its concourse at basement level, an imposing space 180m long and with a subway link, a major engineering challenge in its own right, to the existing Hong Kong Station. One of the major achievements of the project, given the constraints of the site in one of the world’s most crowded cities, was the way in which natural light is funnelled into the depths of the building. Given the vertical character of Hong Kong and the fact that the station would be overlooked by some of the most valuable real estate in the world, the huge roof of the station is a major design feature, with some 4,400 sq.m. of titanium cladding. Constructed “top down”, Central Station was the product of a triumphant collaboration between architecture and engineering in the best Arup tradition.
Axonometric of the central station, showing the arrangement of the building on nine levels. Commuter trains use a concourse at basement level.
新中央车站项目的建设源于香港启德机场的关闭。 这是因为紧邻市中心的位置,使启德机场存在危险隐 患,因此香港政府决定终止其使用,并在大屿山海岸的 小岛赤腊角新建一座新机场。新机场于1998年投入使 用,其中一栋航站楼由Foster+ Partners负责设计,设计 之初即为未来扩建留出空间。目前,新机场的年接待客 流量达5,600万人次,交通流量以每年5%的速度递增。 然而,由于新机场离市中心约35公里,新的公共交通网 络便显得至关重要。于是相关部门计划修建一条高速铁 路,每十分钟出发一班列车,全程运行时间不超过半小 时。同时计划在大屿山新修大型住宅区——实为一座新 城,因此建立通往市区的通勤服务体系成为必要。曾经 打造出全球最高效的城市轨道交通系统之一的香港地下 铁路公司(MTR)获得了面向这一新服务的车站——新中央 车站的建设合同。
Section through the station showing express airport and commuter lines stacked one above the other.
The central station is located on reclaimed land close to Hong Kong’s Harbour front.
Freestanding glass ticket centres and supervisors’ kiosks provide visual punctuation throughout the building.
新车站地块位于市区港湾填海形成的陆地上,邻 近香港中央商业区。其目的旨在让该车站构成飞行旅 途体验的一部分,为新机场航站楼的便利提供了有力补 充。(该车站设有登机手续办理点,因此乘客到达赤腊 角后即可直抵登机口。)地块总规划图要求提供与车站 发展相关的可盈利商业发展方案。长期在香港拥有影响 力的奥雅纳成为该项目的技术顾问。1992年底,Arup Associates受托担任本项目设计(香港许李严建筑师事 务所负责概念设计)——实际上,有两个车站用于为机 场和通勤列车提供服务,车站分九层,其中四层位于地 下。车站的焦点是其位于地面的主厅,专为机场快线服 务,长106米,总高23米,宽敞明亮。大厅北立面由玻 璃幕墙组成,可透过玻璃看到市区。该墙是建造时全球 最大的独立式无框玻璃幕墙,由18根弓弦式桁架支撑。 乘客可通过自动扶梯和升降电梯前往搭乘位于地下10米 处的列车。东涌通勤铁路线的车站大堂位于地面,与地 铁相连,长度达180米,气势宏伟。其对现有的香港火车 站而言在设计上充满挑战。考虑到香港是全球最为拥挤 的城市之一,鉴于项目地块的限制,该工程将自然光引 入地底的方法,堪称其最重要的成就之一。考虑到香港 的竖向地理特征,以及车站是容易被部分全球最具影响 力的地产商所忽略的领域这一事实,由4,400平方米钛金 属铺就的巨大车站屋顶,可谓该工程的主要设计特色之 一。中央车站采用自上而下的建造顺序,堪称奥雅纳历 史上设计与建造完美结合的得意之作。
Glass lifts provide an animated link between street level and the basements.
The glazed elevation to the main station concourse is a structural tour de force with frameless glazing supported on bow string trusses.
SMU - Singapore Management University 2000 Singapore Government Singapore 2000
US Sunwall Competition Department of Energy USA Washington, USA 2000
Riverside Infants School Essex County Council Hullbridge, England
Compaq Office Accommodation Compaq Computers Ltd Reading, England
St Alphage House - Project Windfall Corporation of London + BT Property London, England
Project Glasgow Corporation of London London, England 2000
Torquay Harbour Footbridge Torquay Council Torquay, England 2000
Stratford City Stratford City Development Partners London, England
Wimbledon Arts Centre London, England
Ponte Parodi Competition Commune Di Genova Genova, Italy
Marina Line Competition Singapore Transport Authority Singapore
SEEDA Housing Design Competition Chatham Countryside Properties Chatham, England
European Medical Centre Surrey Eli Lilly Co. Ltd Windlesham, England 2000
2000 Oslo Opera House Competition Norske Opera Company Oslo, Norway 2000 The Beacon Plantation Place Marketing Suite British Land Company PLC City of London, England National Athletics Stadium - Picketts Lock Lee Valley Park Authority London, England 2000
5 The Square, Stockley Park Stockley Park Consortium Ltd London, England 2000
Awards 2001 Royal Fine Art Commission Trust Building of the Year 2000 International Lighting Designers Award Special Citation
Cherrywood Business Park Dunloe Ewart/British Land JV Dublin, Ireland 2000
Loxley Works Hepworth Properties Ltd Sheffield, England
West Kowloon Competition West Kowloon Cultural District Authority Hong Kong
South Dublin Study South Dublin County Council Dublin, Ireland
2000 Duxton Plain Modular Housing Singapore HDB Singapore
Weston Airfield North Somerset Council and English Partnerships Weston-super-Mare, England Housing Prototype East Acton Demonstrator Project Peabody Trust London, England
Awards 2002 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Housing Design Award
2001 Malpensa Business Park Emprigillio Malpensa, Italy
Olympic Tennis Stadium Athens Olympic Authority Athens, Greece
2000 2001
Mill Hill School Mill Hill School Foundation London, England 2001
Shell Centre, Belvedere Court Lend Lease/Shell London, England
Armstrong Academy The Learning and Business Link Co Ltd Kent, England
Hoxton Modular Housing Study & Duxton Arup Advanced Technology Hoxton, London, England
Hull Stadium Hull City Council Hull, England
University of Lincoln & Humberside Lincoln, England
Slough Football Club Taylor Woodrow PLC Slough, England
European Southern Observatory Atacama, Chile 2003
Birmingham National Stadium City of Birmingham Birmingham, England 2001
Bridge End Redevelopment Masterplan Ewart Enterprises Ltd Belfast, Northern Ireland
Redgrave Pinsent Rowing Lake, Caversham Lakes Knowles Capital Projects Caversham, England
London Olympic Bid Olympic Delivery Authority (ODA) London, England
London Institute London, England
2001 2002
Sky Studio Manchester Manchester City Council Manchester, England 2002
Grange Castle South Dublin County Council Dublin, Ireland 2001
Thames Gateway Study London Development Agency London, England
Beijing Olympics National Stadium Co Ltd Beijing, China
Stratford Regeneration Centre London Borough of Newham London, England
Portal Bicentenario Departamentos Portal Bicentenario Concepcion Santiago, Chile 2003
Kings Crescent The Peabody Trust London, England 2002 Canning Town English Cities Fund (with LDA and Newham Borough Council) London, England 2002
Arup Campus Prologis Kingspark British Land Company PLC
Solihull England
奥雅纳总部园区 奥雅纳集团 普洛斯集团
Solihull 英国
Interior of the naturally lit and ventilated offices at Arup Campus with rooftop cowls passively extracting air.
Awards 2004 Civic Trust Award Commendation 2002 Building Services Awards Institution of Civil Engineers ICE Overall Project of the Year Institution of Civil Engineers ICE Midlands Project Award 2001 BCO (British Council for Offices) Midlands Regional Award Timber Industry Awards Shortlisted, Softwood in use out-of-doors Times & Gestetner Digital Office Collection Special Commendation
Solihull is the location for the largest of 14 Arup offices in Great Britain and the base for the practice’s operations in the West Midlands. The Arup Campus, built to accommodate staff previously working from offices in Birmingham and Coventry, is located in a business park close to the M42. Arup Associates began work on the first phase in 1999 – it was completed in 2001, housing around 400 staff. The brief demanded flexible buildings suitable for team working. Natural ventilation, rather than the air conditioning typical of the other buildings in the business park, was developed with the budget paying for the visible architecture and façade necessary for excellent natural ventilation rather than invisible systems for air conditioning. The development, undertaken by British Land and pre-let to Arup, took the form of two steel-framed pavilions, stepping down the sloping site, with four staggered levels of accommodation, linked by a reception area, the pivotal hub for the social organisation. The pavilions are clad in untreated timber, with orientation-specific louvred shutters to control solar gain and opening windows. Rooftop “chimneys” acted as both light scoops and extractors for stale air (and smoke vents in the case of a fire). The thermal mass of exposed concrete plank floors and roof soffits helps to cool the offices in summer, with cool overnight air removing the heat stored the previous day. The focus on air-tightness and insulation integrity
for architectural and structural elements further contributed to the environmental performance of the building. Advanced control of the natural ventilation systems required the co-operation of the users to maximise its benefits. The radical traditionalism of the project, drawing obliquely on vernacular models, contained memories, perhaps, of the iconic Snape Maltings project. The success of the project, and the continuing expansion of Arup’s activities in the region, led to a further phase of development, completed in 2007, providing accommodation for up to 300 more staff. A third pavilion was added, 72m long, incorporating a new social hub for the complex. A number of changes were made to the specification for the first phase of development learning from the experience of the users and further improving environmental performance and user comfort.
奥雅纳设有14个办事处,其中最大的一处当数位于 索利赫尔的奥雅纳园区,这里也是奥雅纳在西米德兰地 区的运营基地。奥雅纳园区位于邻近M42的商业园区, 其修建目的是为了容纳之前在伯明翰和考文垂办事处工 作的员工。Arup Associates负责的这项工程首期项目于 1999年动工,并于2001年竣工,可容纳约400名员工。 任务书要求建筑风格需灵活多变,以满足团队在工作中 的合作需求。商业园区内的其他建筑通常采用空调通 风,与此不同,奥雅纳园区则采用自然通风。预算均用 于建筑的可视部分和需要良好自然通风的建筑幕墙,而 不是无形的空调系统。整个建筑的构成包括两处钢架结 构的楼阁(随着倾斜的基地从上到下逐渐退台),大楼 共有四个楼层交错的住宅区,中间由一个接待区连接( 这里也是社交活动的主要中心),英伦地产公司承担其 开发建设任务并将其预租给奥雅纳。
Section diagram showing the way in which fresh air is drawn into the building and passively extracted through rooftop cowls.
楼阁外墙均由未经处理的木材作为覆层,装有固定 方位的百叶窗,以控制采光和窗户的开启。楼顶设有“ 烟囱”,既可采光也可排出污浊的空气(一旦发生火 灾,还可发挥排烟作用)混凝土地板和房顶拱腹大面积 裸露在空气中,有助于办公楼夏季降温,清凉的空气一 夜之间即可吹散前一天积蓄的热量。强调建筑和结构件 中气密性和隔热性也有利于提升大楼周围的环境质量。 对自然通风系统的高级控制需要用户的配合,才能最大 限度地发挥其效益。该建筑的完全传统主义风格,隐然 可见本地建筑的风韵,或许还带有斯内普莫尔廷标志性 项目的记忆。 一期项目的成功加之奥雅纳在该地区的持续拓展, 带动了第二期工程的建设并于2007年竣工,使其能够额 外容纳300多名的员工。二期工程中,该建筑群新增了 一个长72米的楼阁和一个社交中心。根据首期用户的体 验,第二期工程在许多细节方面做了修改,从而进一步 提升了环境质量和用户舒适度。
Computer fluid dynamic techniques were used to predict and optimise air velocity and temperature distribution.
The buildings are clad in untreated timber designed to weather to a warm grey in tune with the surrounding landscape.
Wuhan Opera House Competition City of Wuhan Wuhan, China PGMS University of Surrey Guildford, England
Awards 2006 Guildford Society Good Design Award
2004 Faculty of Earth Sciences University of Cambridge Cambridge, England
Frankfurt ECB European Central Bank Frankfurt, Germany
Wembley Masterplan Brent Council and London Development Agency London, England
Gaoming Pavillion Esquel Enterprises Ltd Gaoming, China
Victoria Transport Interchange Transport for London London, England
Mega Sports Complex, Hotwar Government of Jharkhand Kolkata, India
2003 Battersea Theatre Parkview International Ltd PLC London, England
Lift for a disabled client Private London, England 2004
Torni Basin Pod Durat Worldwide Bermondsey Square Urban Catalyst (Bermondsey) Ltd London, England
Guangzhou University Marketing and Management Institute of Yunfeng Guangzhou, China
Dongtan Eco-City, Chongming Island SIIC Shanghai Shanghai, China 2005
Lewisham Gateway LGD (AMEC & Taylor Woodrow Consortium) London, England 2004
CTRL Seat Rail Link Engineering UK
Bridge End Redevelopment Sirocco Works Dunloe Ewart (NI) Belfast, Northern Ireland
Queen’s Park, Grenada Cricket Ground Grenada World Cup Organising Committee Grenada, West Indies
2005 2004
Battersea East Hotel Parkview International Ltd PLC London, England
SE University of Sri Lanka (SEUSL) SE University of Sri Lanka (SEUSL) Oluvil, Sri Lanka
Stratford City Office Building Stanhope PLC Stratford, England
2005 Boston House Refurbishment Arup Associates London, England 2004 Plantation Place South British Land Company PLC City of London, England 2004
Awards 2005 Structural Steel Design Awards Commendation
Arup Deployable Roof In house R&D project Various
Beijing NAGA Commercial Tianheng Real estate Development Co. Ltd Beijing, China
Arup Associates Six Themes
Research is a fundamental ingredient of Arup Associates’ approach to design, a root and branch activity of the practice. It is the means whereby Arup Associates has been able, over five decades, to challenge established ways of doing things. The fact that there is no “house style” allows free expression and the development of new ideas. Innovation in structural and services design was a feature of the practice’s work from the time of its inception, a reflection of its multi-disciplinary character. More recently, new disciplines have been brought to bear on the design of buildings. The practice was a leader in the development of computer aided design, but parametric modelling has brought a new dimension to the design process. Increasingly it is recognised that design must embrace issues beyond the strictly functional. Working with social psychologists, part of an expanding collaboration with a number of university departments, Arup Associates has been looking at the ways in which people respond to built environments. This research has fed into projects such as the BSkyB studios, where the masterplan was as much a social as a physical model, providing spaces for people in the context of a technologically advanced complex. A similar ground-breaking approach to rethinking how people use buildings informed the designs for Coventry University’s engineering faculty, a building embodying in its design new ways of teaching and learning. The practice worked with BT to produce a building which seemed worryingly radical but is now the most popular of the organisation’s workplaces. Nor does the process of collaboration extend only to scientists – at Plantation Lane, Arup Associates worked with a leading artist to produce the most striking example of integrated architectural art in the City of London.
在Arup Associates的设计业务中,研究调查是贯穿始终且不可或缺的环节。我们 凭借孜孜不倦的调研,在五十年的设计历程中不断推陈出新,颠覆陈规。我们 没有所谓“标志性风格”,这让我们始终保持充沛的灵感,不断发挥创造力和想 象力。Arup Associates整合跨领域的人才优势,不断在建筑设计中开拓创新。最 近,我们在建筑设计中融入了更为丰富的学科种类。我们在工作中不断引领计 算机辅助设计的发展,参数化建模的应用也为我们开拓了新的设计视角。目前 业界也逐渐承认,设计不能只局限于功能性,而要更多加入人性化元素。 Arup Associate在一系列大学宿舍的设计项目中,与社会心理学家开展跨界合 作,关注和了解到建筑环境对人们的影响。我们还将这一研究结果应用于英国 天空广播大厦的设计中。在这个容纳了众多现代化设备的大楼内,我们为工作 人员度身设计了人性化的工作环境。考文垂大学工程学院大楼也体现了同样的 设计思维,我们深入揣摩人们对大楼的使用需求,并在此基础上设计了全新的 教育和学习模式。英国电信大楼的设计在当初看来过于前卫,但现在它却成为 该公司最受欢迎的办公地点。Arup Associates的跨界合作远远不限于科学领域。 在Plantation Lane设计案例中,我们与一流艺术家合作,在伦敦打造出靓丽而极 富艺术气息的建筑。
Plantation Place British Land Company PLC
City of London England
Plantation 大厦 英国土地公司
伦敦 英国
Awards 2005 CIBSE Building Services Design Awards Highly Commended Office of the Year Lighting Design Awards Work Place Category Highly Commended 2004 Health & Safety Awards Occupational Health Initiative Category 1998 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition Grand Prize
Diagram illustrating the mixed mode ventilation option in Plantation Place with natural cross ventilation in the upper floors and perimeter natural ventilation of the mid floors. The lower floors are conventionally air conditioned.
The brief for Plantation Place from developer British Land was to provide around 100,000 sq.m. of new office space on a one hectare site, bounded by Fenchurch Street, Rood Lane, Mincing Lane and Eastcheap/Great Tower Street. Arup Associates’ scheme successfully integrates a very large new building, accommodating around 4000 people, into the historic fabric of the City. Plantation Place, a “banking factory”, demonstrated, in the face of competition from Canary Wharf, that large new buildings for the financial services industry could be accommodated at the heart of the City of London. The scheme comprises two buildings, a block of up to 15 storeys on Fenchurch Street and a lower, 10 storey block to the south, each of which has a distinct character. The northern block, 1 Plantation Place, is outwardly extensively glazed, while Plantation Place South, located on the route to the Tower of London, has a loadbearing stone façade with a more limited area of vertical glazing.The loadbearing façade combined with integrated services to give a compressed floor to floor height and allow the incorporation of an extra floor in the scheme, resonant of Watling House. Projecting and shading stone fins are a feature of both buildings, a response to the planning requirement that the development have a “solid” character on the street. The lower façade of 1 Plantation Place is effectively a stone veil, a restatement of the layered façade familiar from many earlier Arup Associates projects. The upper levels of the building, in contrast, with a double skin ventilated façade of frameless glass, allowing for mixed mode ventilation, a thermally tuned internal
façade and dramatically reduced solar gain in summer, read as a transparent, ethereal presence on the skyline. Between the two buildings is a new east/ west pedestrian route, Plantation Lane, a welcome restatement of the City tradition of lanes and alleys. The Fenchurch Street block has an imposing stepped atrium, which funnels sunlight into the building and creates effective office floors above in contrast to a reducing annulus of space. The project involved complex planning negotiations – Wren’s Grade I listed church of St Margaret Pattens stands at the south-west corner of the site and rights to light and views were major issues. The maximum permitted height of the development was 70m. Setbacks reduced the impact of the development on the narrow streets and allowed the creation of landscaped terraces extending around the building. As part of the scheme, the client commissioned artist Simon Patterson to work with Arup Associates on a major work of public art. The work, “Time and Tide”, a glass screen, 41m long, 6m tall, forms one side of Plantation Lane (screening the rear of an undistinguished 1960s block on Eastcheap). The screen is a giant light box, which features close-up images of the surface of the Moon, which constantly change colour. Patterson also designed the pavement lettering, a “carpet of words” related to the history of the site and the City. This is a bold and really effective piece of architectural art, properly integrated into a project which is a rational retort to the “iconic” tendency, with much that is technically innovative.
Plantation Place has a series of set backs at high level, which form garden terraces. The level 10 terrace provides a continuous promenade around the building of 250m length with 360 degree views over the city.
Anatomy of the building showing massing, terraces circulation cores and twin atria.
The atrium is lit by natural light from the south and provides the building with a dynamic central focus.
开发商英伦地产公司关于Plantation Place的任 务书要求在一个1公顷的地块新建100,000平方米的办 公空间。该地段四周分别与Fenchurch Street、Rood Lane、Mincing Lane和Eastcheap/Great Tower Street 接壤。Arup Associates的设计方案成功地将一座能够容 纳4,000人的大型全新建筑物融入到伦敦的城市肌理中。 被称为“银行工厂”的Plantation Place,在面对来自 Canary Wharf竞争的同时,向世人表明,面向金融服务 业的大型建筑也可入驻伦敦金融城中心。 该方案包含两栋建筑,其中一栋15层,位于 Fenchurch Street,另一栋10层,位于南面,每一栋皆具 特色。北面的1号Plantation Place外部大面积镶以玻璃幕 墙;而南面的Plantation Place South,位于通往伦敦塔 的路线上,外部多以大块石材砌成,仅有限的垂直墙面 区域镶嵌玻璃。承重立面考虑了综合服务使用,降低了层 高,因此整个设计方案得以额外增加一个楼层,此设计不 禁令人想起Watling House。根据规划要求,该建筑物需 从街道望去给人以“厚实”感,因此两座大楼都采用了 突出的石材。Plantation Place1号的下部立面为石材遮盖 物,再现了Arup Associates早期建筑常用的立面风格。 相较而言,其上部立面,考虑到混合通风模式的问题,则 安装有双面通风的无框玻璃和一个可进行调节的内立面, 大幅降低了夏季日光照射产生的热量。整个大楼的上部轮 廓在空中尽显通透。一条东西走向的人行通道Plantation Lane连接两栋大楼,令人想起金融城传统的巷道里弄, 顿生好感。位于Fenchurch Street 1号大楼设计有壮观的 阶梯状中庭,阳光由此照进大厦。与环状空间相比,这种 结构使得办公空间得到更高效的利用。整个项目在规划期 间牵涉到大量复杂的协商——大楼西南角矗立着雷恩设计
的一级保护建筑St Margaret Pattens教堂,因此我们主 要考虑的是如何运用光线和视野。整个建筑的最大允许高 度为70米。退台设计不仅减弱了大楼对狭窄街道影响, 更营造出一片环绕大楼的空中庭院。 根据规划方案,客户委托艺术大师Simon Patterson 与Arup Associates携手打造不可缺少的公共艺术。作 品“时光潮汐(Time and Tide)”是一块长41米、高6米的 玻璃屏幕,完整构成Plantation Lane的一面(东市场路 上有一个20世纪60年代建造的不起眼的街区,这块玻璃 屏幕正好遮住了该街区的后方)。该屏幕是一块巨大的 灯箱,播放着月球表面影像特写,色彩千变万化,五彩 斑斓。Patterson还设计了另一副作品,人行道刻字“语 言地毯(carpet of words)”,“述说”与该大楼所在地和 金融城息息有关的历史。这是一件真正令人印象深刻而 大胆的建筑艺术,恰当自然地融入到建筑中,更多地代 表着技术创新,是对纯粹追求建筑外形的理性反击。
The all glass backlit reception desk is a focal element to the atrium, whilst the surrounding timber panelling at ground level provides a warm and colourful setting.
The Lower levels of Plantation Place feature stone fins with upper levels clad in a double skin of frameless shiplap glazing.
The twin atria at Plantation Place channel natural light from the south into the heart of the building.
Plantation Lane British Land Company PLC
City of London England
Plantation Lane 英国土地公司
伦敦 英国
Awards 2005 Lighting Design Awards Commended Exterior Category
As part of the Plantation Place project, completed in 2004, a new east-west pedestrian route was created between the two buildings which comprise the development, which covers an entire City block. Plantation Lane, a reinvention of the traditional City alleyway, extends from Rood Lane, with the Wren church of St Margaret Pattens, at the south-west corner of the site, to Mincing Lane on the east. The new route had to address the survival of 51 Eastcheap, a dull 1960s block, with a service area to its rear. A strongly linear route was created, narrow and somewhat canyon-like but remarkably dramatic. In conjunction with the planning of Plantation Lane, British Land commissioned artist Simon Patterson to work with Arup Associates on two works of public art. The first, “Time and Tide”, a glass screen, 41m long, 6m tall, forms one side of Plantation Lane (screening the rear of 51 Eastcheap). The screen is a giant light box, which features close-up images of the surface of the Moon, which constantly change colour. Patterson also designed the pavement lettering, a “carpet of words” related to the history of the site and the City. The two elements create a bold and really effective example of architectural art. Arup Associates describe the project as “an intentional contrast and interplay between the two mediums, or languages…. We deliberately set up a duel between an historically rooted text cut into the ground plane, and the twenty first century resonance of the illuminated screen”.
Plantation Lane是一条新建的东西走向人行通道, 竣工于2004年,属于Plantation Place项目的一部分。其 位于两栋大楼之间,占据了整个金融城街区。Plantation Lane是金融城传统小巷的再现,西起Rood Lane,向 东延伸至Mincing Lane,大楼西南角是雷恩设计的St Margaret Pattens教堂。新通道经过位于东市场路51号 一片了无生气的街区。该街区建于20世纪60年代,历 经风雨保存至今,其后方是一片服务区。通道笔直、狭 窄,颇有点峡谷的味道,但是非常引人注目。 在规划Plantation Lane的同时,英伦地产公司委托 艺术大师Simon Patterson与Arup Associates携手共同 打造两幅公共艺术作品。第一件作品“时光潮汐(Time and Tide)”,是一块41米、长6米高的玻璃屏幕,完整构 成Plantation Lane通道的一面(东市场路上有一个20世 纪20年代建造的不起眼的街区,这块玻璃屏幕正好遮住 了该街区的后方)。屏幕是一块巨大的灯箱,播放着月 球表面影像特写,色彩千变万化,五彩斑斓。Patterson 还设计了另一副作品,人行道刻字“语言地毯(carpet of words)”,“述说”与该大楼所在地和金融城息息有关 的历史。这两幅作品塑造了大胆而真正令人难忘的建筑 艺术典范。Arup Associates将这两幅作品形容为“具 有强烈反差的两种媒介或两种语言之间的相互碰撞与渗 透……一幅是通过地面传达的根植于历史的文字作品, 另一幅则是承载新世纪气息的耀眼屏幕,我们有意在这 二者之间营造出一种“历史交融”的氛围。”
Simon Patterson’s “Concept of words” consists of stone lettering set into the paving of Plantation Lane.
Vauxhall Cross Interchange Transport for London
London England
霍克斯沃尔交通交汇枢纽 伦敦交通局
伦敦 英国
The ribbon like canopy of the Vauxhall Cross Interchange is both a highly functional facility for travellers and an urban landmark.
Awards 2006 Structural Steel Design Award Certificate of Merit 2005 Regeneration Awards Runner up Best Design-led Regeneration Project
The Interchange is linked with the adjacent Underground and mainline rail station and is designed to handle an hourly flow of up to 45,000 passengers at peak times.
Arup Associates won a competition in 2002 for a new bus station, commissioned by Transport for London and other agencies, adjacent to the Underground and mainline rail station at Vauxhall. The station, close to the Thames, was heavily used by commuters, many of whom transferred to buses here – stops were scattered across the daunting road intersection. Competing schemes were displayed at the station and the public invited to vote on them – Arup’s scheme was the clear winner. Completed in 2005, the interchange provides a covered hub capable of handling 45,000 people per hour at peak times plus staff offices, a small police post, public conveniences, and lifts to a rebuilt station ticket hall. The interchange has been described as “almost a piece of product design”.The idea of an enclosed building, with associated problems of security and maintenance, was rejected in favour of an open canopy, formed as a sculptural ribbon which provides shelter for passengers but equally serves as an urban landmark and an expression of the integation of public transport modes. The 200 metre long canopy (its form taking some inspiration from the regular lines and curves of London’s bus and Underground maps) is constructed of stainless steel and was designed to allow for prefabricated construction and rapidity of assembly on site. The canopy, three “ribbons” of steel, sweeps down to provide shelter for seating areas, with the outside elements rising up to 6.5m above street level to allow clearance for wind to flush outside air over the top of the doubledecker buses. It ends in a dramatic cantilever set at an angle of 20 degrees. The scheme integrates such elements as seating, signage and lighting, avoiding the extraneous clutter seen in many public transport facilities. By night, the structure is dramatically lit. In an early example of urban informatics, the current and accumulated output of the 200 sq.m. of photovoltaic cells, which provide a significant proportion of the building’s power needs, is displayed on a screen at street level to put the energy savings in context for the public. With a modest budget of just £4.5 million, the project has injected an element of civic order into a rather bleak urban landscape.
2002年,Arup Associates在一场竞标中脱颖而 出,受伦敦运输局和其他机构之委托,在Vauxhall地铁 站和干线火车站附近新修一处公交车站。车站靠近泰晤 士河,来往客流量大,多数人走出地铁站后会经此转乘 公交车。然而,公交车站却零散地分布在危险的十字路 口。竞标方案在火车站展示,邀请公众投票,奥雅纳的 方案以压倒性优势胜出。这座换乘公交车站建成于2005 年,高峰期每小时客流量高达45,000人次。另外,还建 有车站人员办公室、一个小型的警察岗亭、一些公共便 利设施和通往翻修的车站售票厅的电梯。民众将这座换 乘公交站“比作一件产品设计”。最初的构想原本是建 一座封闭式建筑,但考虑到可能产生安全和维护方面的 问题,于是这一想法随即被否决,转为修建一座敞篷式 建筑。该建筑形如一条雕刻般的丝带,为乘客遮风挡雨 的同时,可作为城市的地标,是融合各种交通运输模式 于一体的体现。200米长的顶棚由不锈钢制作而成(其外 形灵感源于伦敦巴士所经过的纵横交错的日常线路及地 铁线路图),设计时考虑到可事先预制构件、现场安装 快速等因素。顶棚由三根“钢带”组成,倾斜而下,在 座位等候区上方形成遮挡。最高点距路面6.5米,确保有 足够的间隙让风吹过双层巴士顶部。车站末端是一组与 地面呈20°角的悬臂支架,造型美观。时下有许多公共 交通设施座位、引导标示、照明等布置混乱,而这套方 案中则对这些因素进行了全盘考虑。夜间,整个车站灯 火通明。大部分用电由一组200平方米的光伏电池提供。 临街面竖有一块屏幕,显示即时和以往累计用电量,方 便公众了解节能状况,堪称早期城市信息化的典范。该 项目预算适中,仅花费450万英镑,为颇显荒凉的城市一 隅注入了人气与活力。
NYTC - New York, 2nd Avenue Metropolitan Transit Authority New York, USA Salford Stadium Welding Start Ltd Salford, England
Kingswood, Legal & General Legal & General Assurance Society Ltd Kingswood, England
St Vincent & the Grenadines National Stadium St Vincent & the Grenadines National Stadium Project of the Government 2007
Asta House Arup Group Ltd London, England 2006
Puro Spa Bath Durat Worldwide 2006
Shanghai Word Expo Art & Performance Center, China Shanghai Media & Entertainment Group Shanghai, China
Eurostar Passenger Lounges Eurostar (UK) Ltd St Pancras Station, London
BSkyB Campus British Sky Broadcasting Ltd London, England 2007
Siemens Beijing Centre Phase 2 Siemens Ltd. China Beijing, China 2007
Xiamen Office Tower Jianfa Real estate Development Co. Ltd Xiamen , China 2007
Beijing Changxing Demo Centre Beijing Vanion Construction & Investment Co., Ltd Beijing, China 2007
Imperial College Sports Hall and Residences London, England
Zhangjiabang Footbridge Shanghai Lujiazui Finance & Trade Zone Development CO Ltd Lujiazui Software Park, Shanghai 2006
2006 National Centre for Design & Innovation London Development Agency London, England
Kensington Oval Barbados World Cup Barbados Kingston, Barbados
2009 WAN Civic Awards Shortlisted 2008 British Construction Industry Award BCIA Commendation
IStructE, Sports or Leisure Category Commendation
Crystal Palace - National Sports Centre London Development Agency (LDA) London, England 2007
Power of Aluminium Awards Commendation Structural Steel Design Award Commendation World Architecture Awards Shortlisted, Sports Category 2007 BD Architect of the Year Awards Sports Architect of the Year The LEAF Awards Structural Design Of The Year
Temple Mills Depot, Leyton Rail Link Engineering London, England
Arup Campus Phase II Cat A British Land – Cat B Arup Group Solihull, England 2007
Awards 2008 BCO awards 2008 Lighting Design Awards Low Carbon Building of the Year 2008 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Shortlisted, Regional
Nokia Campus
Beijing China
北京诺基亚园区 诺基亚(中国)有限公司
北京 中国
Awards 2010 BCI Green Design Award Commercial Category Green Leadership Award 2008 Hong Kong Green Building Awards New Construction Category Merit Award
Arup Associates cemented its place as a leader in sustainable design in China with the completion of the Nokia China Campus, the first newly constructed commercial building in China to be awarded a LEED Gold certificate. The complex comprises an office and research and development building, an energy centre, a bicycle shed and other supporting facilities. It serves as Nokia China’s new headquarters and R&D hub, providing office space for 2,300 employees. The headquarters is designed around sustainability and energy-efficient performance. It has a glass façade with a temperature-controlled cavity between the panes. This intelligently balances the sun’s natural heat and the building’s air conditioning system to prevent the impact of outdoor temperatures being felt inside. Skylights and a large communal atrium provide natural light and ventilation throughout the building. The headquarters uses numerous water conservation mechanisms and more than 30 design techniques, which have resulted in a building that cuts water use by 37% and energy consumption by 20%. The well-being of the employees is at the heart of the building design. The building has a gym, nursery, community centre and social spaces, with over 97% of the space having an outside view. The comprehensive design—both in human experience and sustainability strategies—ensures the building’s legacy as a landmark low-energy project in China.
诺基亚中国园集诺基亚中国区总部和科研开发 中心于一身,是中国首个获得美国绿色建筑委员会 (USGBC)LEED金奖认证的新建商用建筑。整个园区 由办公、研发大楼、能源中心、自行车停放区和其它配 套设施组成,作为诺基亚在中国的新总部及研发中心, 大楼为2300名员工提供了办公场所。 新总部的设计注重能源效率和可持续性。大楼采 用双层玻璃外墙,能够通过两层玻璃墙之间的空气自动 调节温度。这一智能设计有效地实现了太阳热量与空调 系统间的平衡,减少室外气温对室内温度的影响。采光 天窗与大型公共中庭为整栋建筑提供了充分的日照与通 风。大楼采用多种节水机制以及30多项设计技术,实现 了节水37%、节能20%的成效。 员工的福祉是建筑设计的核心。建筑内设有健身 馆、托儿所、社区中心以及各种社交场所,大楼97%的 区域都可以观赏到室外的景观。这样既以人为本又考虑 可持续发展的设计使得这栋建筑成为了中国低能耗建筑 的典范。
Right: Intelligent facade design helps mediate temperature differences between outdoors in indoors, increasing energy-efficiency Below: Diagram showing skylights providing natural lighting and ventilation for the large central atrium space
CITI Data Centre Citigroup
Frankfurt Germany
花旗银行数据中心 花旗集团
法兰克福 德国
Water storage tanks provide vital back-up for the water cooling system serving the data halls.
Awards 2009 The LEAF Awards Shortlisted Best Sustainable Development Category 2008 Financial Services Technology Awards Data centre excellence green energy efficiency award Financial Services Technology Awards Overall Winner 2007 Datacentre Awards Green Data Centre Award
A data centre is, at its essence, a container for the processing and storage of information: many such structures have been no more than air-conditioned, energy-guzzling boxes. Arup Associates’ data centre for Citi on the outskirts of Frankfurt addressed the question for the first time: can a data centre really be “green”? When the practice was appointed to design the new facility for this global financial business early in 2006, the site for the building had not been decided – it could have been in any of the European countries in which Citi operates. The choice eventually fell on the Frankfurt suburb of Am Martinszehnten. The aspiration to create a low-energy, sustainable data centre – typically such buildings consume up to 20 times more power than a typical office block – was in tune with the client’s desire to be seen as an environmentally responsible business. Statistics showing that data centres emit more than 170 million tonnes of carbon annually have generated demands for strict controls to curb their energy consumption. But equally energy costs money – and it is in the interest of companies to reduce their consumption. Arup Associates’ client brief provided for a 20,000 sq.m. building to allow data halls to be occupied in two phases, the first phase also including a modest area of offices and a significant logistics facility. The sustainable agenda of the project had to be balanced against other priorities: a very challenging deadline for the delivery of the building, (phase one
was constructed in under a year, with extensive use of prefabricated components) and, of course, confidence in its technical performance and reliability. The data centre is cooled by a highly efficient water cooling system which optimises free cooling from outside air and, with the use of a reverse osmosis water purifying plant, retrieves up to 90% of the water that would be wasted in a more conventional system, also greatly reducing the number of chemicals used to treat the water. The building’s green credentials are on display externally, with a planted green wall 55m long on its eastern elevation, irrigated by run-off from the roofs, which are planted to reduce thermal gain and encourage wildlife. The offices prioritise a high quality environment for people and are naturally ventilated, with chilled ceilings as part of a back-up system, and heated in winter with heat recovered from the data centre. Timber brise soleil from local oak trees control solar gain while channelling daylight into the offices. The development is the world’s first LEED Platinum certified data centre. The aim to reduce the annual energy consumption by 30% was achieved, with substantial cost savings for the client – and significant benefits for the environment. For Arup Associates, the project fed into continuing research into the design of energysaving data centres, of which the Meeza data centre in Qatar is an outstanding example.
Data halls are sandwiched between plant areas.
数据中心本质上是处理和存储信息的场所:众多 数据中心无非就是装有空调的高能耗箱式建筑而已。 Arup Associates为花旗集团在法拉克福市郊设计的数 据中心首次解决了这样一个疑惑:数据中心真的能够 实现环保?早在2006年,当Arup Associates接受委托 为这家全球金融公司设计全新数据中心时,建设地块 尚未确定——因为花旗可以在其运营的任何一个欧洲 国家选地。最终,花旗集团选中了法拉克福市郊的Am Martinszehnten。花旗希望建造一个可持续的低能耗数 据中心,延续其绿色环保的企业形象——通常数据中心 的能耗是普通写字楼的20倍。统计数据显示,数据中心 每年碳排放超过1.7亿吨,因此需要严格控制能耗。同 时,能源的购买也需花费大量成本,因此降低能耗是符 合公司利益的。根据Arup Associates的客户任务书, 数据中心占地面积20,000平方米,分两期建成。首期还 包括一个面积适中的办公区和一个重要的物流设施。项 目的可持续发展内容必须和其他具有优先项目权衡:快 速的工程交付日期(一期工程需广泛使用预制件,且在 一年内完工),以及对工程的技术性能和可靠性的充沛 自信。数据中心的冷却依靠的是一套高效水冷系统。该 系统能够优化自然空气的冷却效果,而且使用反渗水净 化装置,与常规系统相比,可将多达90%的水回收,同 时大大减少了用于水处理的化学物质。中心的东边立面 墙覆盖绿色植被,可谓该建筑注重环保的见证。植物覆 盖区域长55米,通过屋顶的水流加以灌溉,这样既可降 低热量,也可繁殖野生植物。办公室自然通风,优先考 虑为人提供优质环境,冷却吊顶可作为备份系统的一部
Diagram showing the cooling system for the building designed to economise on the use of water and radically reduce energy use.
Data Hall showing floor level air supply and localised extract in ceiling plane.
分,到冬季时从数据中心获取的热量又可将其加热。用 当地橡木制成的木质遮阳板控制日光并将光线引入办公 室。该工程是全球首家获得能源与环境设计先锋奖白金 奖(LEED Platinum)认证的数据中心。每年减少30%能耗 的目标得以实现,而且为客户节省大量成本,同时又为 环保做出了显著的贡献。对于Arup Associates来说,该 项目为继续探究节能数据中心的设计提供了经验,后来 的卡塔尔Meeza数据中心便是其中一个卓越案例。
The eastern elevation of the building features a planted wall irrigated by rainwater run-off from the roof.
E-Shelter Data Centre E-Shelter GmbH Saunderton, England 2008
QFHQ Education City Qatar Foundation for Education, Science and Community Development (QF) Doha, Qatar
Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) University of Cambridge Cambridge, England
StageZERO Plymouth Rock Studios Plymouth Rock, USA
Arcola Theatre London, England
Liverpool Gateway Art Project (Rocket Junction) Liverpool Land Development Company Liverpool, England 2008
Chongqing Yunyang Hotel Chongqing Yangtze River Three Gorges Tourism Development Limited Company Chongqing, China
Donbass Arena FC Shakhtar Donetsk, Ukraine
Hangzhou Metro Qibao Depot Hangzhou Planning Bureau Hangzhou, China Glass Cantilevered Bench British Land Company PLC London, England
Fitzrovia, Public areas Arup Group Ltd London, England
Chongqing Energy Efficient Demonstration Chongqing Architectural Technology Development Centre & Chongqing Energy Saving Centre Chongqing, China 2009
Knowledge and Innovation Community – North Shui On Land Shanghai, China
Kinmen BOT Development Taiwan Land Development Corporation Kinmen, Taiwan
Tidal Barrier Control Centre Environment Agency Ipswich, England
Beijing Fashion Centre HKI China Land Limited Beijing, China
A Social Purpose
Arup Associates Six Themes
The idea of architecture as a social art, with a social purpose, was fundamental to the Modern Movement. Back in the 1930s Berthold Lubetkin and Ove Arup were committed to the idea of social progress – not to be confused with social engineering. In a very different age, Arup Associates remains committed to the idea of design for people, addressing not just their physical needs but responding to human emotions and creating places which are enjoyable, with a sense of well being, places that enrich the senses. This commitment has a particular relevance to the workplace, where people spend a high proportion of their lives. Practical efficiency and the constraints of a budget drive such projects but it is clear that the most productive workplaces are those where the experience of the user is positive. Arup Associates has something of a reputation for persuading the client to go the extra mile, to think beyond the purely functional and to aspire to create a special environment. The fruits of this thinking are seen in classic workplace projects such as Gateway 1, with its hanging gardens and the landscaped courts of the CEGB headquarters in Bristol, both buildings now enjoyed by a different set of users. At 1 Finsbury Avenue, Arup Associates created the blueprint for Broadgate, where City workers were given a tranquil setting of squares and pedestrian ways in contrast to the surrounding traffic-choked streets. And the philosophy of design for people extends beyond the workplace to other building types. At the Singapore Sports Hub, the imperative to create corporate entertainment space was set aside in favour of a sports venue which genuinely caters for the whole community.
建筑是一种带有社会意义的艺术形式,对人类的进步和现代化的演进具有 十分重要的作用。二十世纪三十年代,贝特洛•莱伯金 (Berthold Lubetkin) 和奥 雅纳爵士一致认为社会是进步的(当然社会的进步与工程学的进步并非同一概 念)。在现下这个独特的历史时期中,Arup Associates继续致力于人性化设计, 在满足生理诉求的同时更关注人的情感,使建筑能够带来安全感和舒适感,让 所有感官都能得到愉悦的享受。我们尤其将这一理念运用于办公场所的设计之 中,这是因为人的一生有很大一部分时间是用于工作之中的。诚然,办公场所 的设计应着重考虑提高员工工作效率和降低工程预算,但是只有当员工对工作 环境产生舒适感,他们才能发挥最大的工作效率。Arup Associates会让客户了 解,单纯的功能性并不是办公场所的全部,还需要从人性化角度考量,建设一 个独特而惬意的工作环境。我们也正是因此而赢得了良好的口碑。 我们很多优秀的建筑项目都体现这一设计思维,如带有空中花园的Gateway 1 和英国中央电力局总部的园林庭院(位于布里斯托尔)。如今,这两处建筑都 为内部的使用者带来了享受。在芬斯伯里大街1号,Arup Associates绘制了布罗 德盖特(Broadgate) 的蓝图,设计初衷是在周围的喧嚣和拥挤中辟出一方宁静的 空间,让员工能够自在徜徉于美丽的广场和步行街上。除了办公场所,我们还 将以人为本的设计理念运用于其他建筑种类。比如新加坡体育中心,我们为了 让体育场馆满足整个社会的需求,而没有设置大众娱乐设施。这种大胆而独到 的设计思路可以说是当代体育馆建设的小小创举。
Ropemaker Place British Land Company PLC
City of London England
Ropemaker 大厦 英伦地产公共有限公司
伦敦 英国
Awards 2011 WAN Commercial Awards Shortlisted 2010 Association of Interior Specialists Awards Gold Award Interior Fitout Category British Construction Industry Award BCIA Winner, Major Projects Award World Architecture Awards Shortlisted, Office Category 2009 Building Together Awards Winner of the Energy Reduction Award
Ropemaker Place was conceived as a series of interlocking volumes with set backs allowing for external garden terraces, culminating in a tower to the south east.
In common with the earlier Plantation Place project, Ropemaker Place, commissioned by the same client, British Land, demonstrated the capacity of the City of London to accommodate large office buildings and retain its position as London’s premier business district. The site for the development was, however, at a remove from the heart of the City, close to the Barbican and actually located just outside the City boundary in the London Borough of Islington. An undistinguished 12 storey 1980s office building occupied the site and planning consent existed for a scheme commissioned by another developer which, after review by Arup Associates, was abandoned in favour of a complete redesign. While Plantation Place was conceived primarily as a “banking factory”, Ropemaker Place addressed a broader potential tenant base – including, for example, legal services – and was designed to provide a range of flexible spaces ranging from large dealer floors, of around 4000 sq.m., on levels 1 and 2 to 1100 sq.m. floors on upper levels. The brief was for a building to be completed by spring 2009, just three years after the acquisition of the site, as a shell and core ready for multiple tenants fit-out. Sustainability was a key element in the client brief. The 55,000 sq.m building, rising to a maximum 21 storeys, was conceived as a series of six interlocking volumes, ascending in stages with setbacks providing a succession of garden terraces – a feature which had proved highly successful at Plantation Place and had been a feature of a number of Arup Associates projects since the 1970s. The massing of the building responded to planning prescriptions, which demanded that its height on the northern edge of the site (on Chiswell Street) be no more than six storeys. The upper levels should be set back 3m from the street frontage.
Massing exercises generated a form for the building with a six storey block forming its base and orthogonal terraces then ascending in an anti-clockwise spiral to a full height of 22 storeys on the south-east corner of the block, where the main entrance is located, with the main core adjacent – three zones of 17 lifts serve the upper levels with escalators to levels 1 and 2. Satellite cores are pushed to the perimeter of the building to provide clear floor spaces. Highly efficient and commercially successful – the entire building was quickly let – fundamentally achieved by the success of the integrated design team being able to meet the development programme. The structural design focussed on buildability, utilising heavy existing foundations, together with a new deeper basement, followed by a slip form core, and steel frame superstructure, taking maximum advantage of this phasing to overlap design and construction. Whilst multi-façeted, the sustainability strategies are most clearly manifest in the façade design, one of the keys to the low-energy performance of the project, with angled window panels arranged in serrated blocks to self-shade and reflect solar gain – the window seats accommodated within the window modules recall those which were a feature of Arup Associates’ Oxbridge projects of the 1960s and 70s. Around 50% of the building envelope is clad using highly insulated glass spandrels incorporating coloured panels and contributing to the building’s highly distinctive aesthetic, in which it is impossible to tell the hand of the architect from the engineer.
Plans showing the changing profile of the building as it rises vertically, with stepped terraces at roof level.
Escalators in the entrance hall provide additional access to the large trading floors on the first and second floor levels.
Interiors are carefully detailed. The gull wing uplit ceilings are a striking feature of both the entrance and atrium.
与早前的Plantation Place项目一样,Ropemaker Place也是受英伦地产公司的委托而设计,同样展示了 伦敦金融城容纳大型写字楼的能力,并保持其作为伦敦 一流商务区的地位。然而,该项目的地块距离金融城中 心尚有一定的距离,邻近Barbican,实际上正好位于金 融城边界外的伦敦伊斯灵顿区(Borough of Islington) 。原址本来是20世纪80年代修建的一栋毫不起眼的写字 楼,共12层高。原本另一家开发商的设计方案已获得了 规划许可,但Arup Associates决定放弃该计划而进行 重新设计。 Plantation Place项目主要是按照“银行工厂”的 构思开发设计的,而与此不同Ropemaker Place的设计 则针对更广的潜在客户群(比如,包括法律服务等)。 方案里提供了一系列灵活的空间:从针对大客户设计的 4,000平方米的一、二层到1,100平方米的高层。根据任 务书,大楼于2009年春(地块被收购整三年之后)完 工,预备出租给各种类型的租户。在客户任务书中,可 持续发展是一个关键元素。 大楼总面积达55,000平方米,高21层,由六个互相 连接的体块构成,逐级上升,并形成退台,并打造出空 中庭院——这种方法已经在Plantation Place中曾运用过 并大获成功。自20世纪70年代以来,Arup Associates 设计的众多项目都具有这种特色。大楼的公寓按照设计 描述实施,这要求大楼北面(临Chiswell Street)的建 筑高度不得超过六层。高层退台应该自临街面起向后缩 进3米。
Opposite page: The planted terraces are a rare amenity in the city.
Honeywell R&D Centre Honeywell
Shanghai China
霍尼韦尔上海研发中心 霍尼韦尔有限公司
上海 中国
Arup Associates was tasked to review and redesign the 4.35 hectare Honeywell Shanghai Campus and provide the concept design for the new Research and Development building. Located in the successful Zhang Jiang Industrial Park in Pudong, Shanghai, the R&D building stands at the gateway to the larger Honeywell site and is an important icon for the company. The R&D Centre consists of four stories and houses laboratories, varies office spaces and sport facilities on the roof. The form of the building was largely dictated by the need to maximise the use of existing piles set for a previous building design. Curvature was introduced to the building form in attempt to differentiate it from the rest of the buildings on campus. After extensive micro-climate analysis, the design was optimised to increase energy efficiency and incorporate hybrid ventilation systems. Much of the design team’s effort was directed towards the design of the building’s skin. The result is a facade design that breathes life and energy into the building and the entire campus, while reflecting the functional complexities of the program within. Main facade materials consist of aluminum panels, translucent glass and transparent glass, together providing different degrees of privacy and lighting conditions for the end-users of the building. From the exterior, the facade is broken into three horizontal sections with varying cladding materials and proportions to avoid the predictable quality of similar curtain wall buildings typically found in R&D campuses nearby.
Arup Associates接受了一个任务:重新考察并设 计上海霍尼韦尔4.35公顷的园区,并提供研发中心的建 筑设计概念。坐落在张江高科园区,研发中心位于霍尼 韦尔园区的入口位置,是重要的标志性建筑。 研发中心有四层,包括实验区,办公空间和屋顶运 动设施。建筑形式最大化地利用了现存的管道。弧形的 建筑造型把它和园区里的其余建筑区别开来。在分析微 气候之后,我们优化了设计,提高了能源效率,并采用 了混合通风系统。 幕墙设计凝聚了团队最多的心血。最终我们设计 了一面会“呼吸”的幕墙,它不仅反映了内部的功能, 也为建筑及整个园区带来了能量与生活气息。幕墙的主 要材料为铝合金板、半透明玻璃和透明玻璃,为用户 提供了不同程度照明条件,同时还兼顾了私密性。从 外面看,立面被分成了三个水平部分,为了避免和周边 建筑的雷同,采用了不同的覆面材料,运用了不同的 分割比例。
Exxon Mobil Asia Pacific R&D Centre Exxon Mobil
Shanghai China
埃克森美孚亚太研发中心 埃克森美孚集团
上海 中国
A highly technical program was combined with extensive employee interviews to create a user-centered workplace environment
As focus internationally has turned to collaborative work environments and space planning, Arup Associates’ design for the Exxon Mobil campus has become an exemplar of a sustainable contemporary research and office facility in Asia. The innovative campus, located in Shanghai’s Min Zizhu Science and Technology Park, is designed to optimise communication, teamwork, and thought leadership between researchers and engineers. The centre, which consists of a fourstory laboratory and office building as well as two single-story processing bays, strikes a careful balance between industrial production spaces and comfortable office environments. In order to achieve an optimal layout for productivity and employee comfort, Arup Associates conducted thorough interviews with stakeholders throughout the project’s design. In addition to considering programmatic needs, the design is careful to place importance on human-scaled spaces, access to the natural environment, health and wellbeing. Multiple sustainability rating strategies resulted in the project obtaining LEED® Silver rating. 20% of the building’s fabric is made up of local materials, and passive strategies such as optimised daylight allow lower energy-consumption. In addition, water conservation fixtures and CO2 sensors add to the sustainable design. It is the first LEED® Silver project for ExxonMobil in Asia. The ExxonMobil Research and Development Centre achieves technical excellence, balanced spatial design, and energy efficiency. The project addresses the contemporary need for office spaces that include communal facilities, giving people from multiple disciplines the opportunity to interact and spark new ideas to drive forward.
埃克森美孚研发中心创意园区的设计考虑到环境和 工作的协调,旨在为亚洲创造一座可持续发展的研发中 心的典范。该项目坐落于上海闵行紫竹科技园区内。研 发中心包括一栋四层高的办公实验大楼、两个单层的加 工区,既能满足生产车间的功能,又拥有舒适的办公空 间。良好的公共设施提供了跨领域互动的机会,促进了 研究员和工程师之间的沟通和团队协作。为了优化生产 效率和员工舒适度,Arup Associates在整个设计过程中 都与相关者进行沟通和讨论。设计方案不仅考虑了功能 需求,更强调了人性化空间的重要性,让员工享受自然 的环境、保持身心健康。 该项目融合多种可持续设计策略,建筑物所采用 的材料中,有20%为当地材料。优化自然采光等被动式 节能策略进一步降低了能耗。节水设备和二氧化碳传感 器等可持续性措施更是渗透在项目的细节之中,展现了 Arup Associates致力于将高品质贴心设计与可持续发 展相互融合。 埃克森美孚研发中心项目以其卓越的技术、均衡的 空间设计以及可持续设计策略,荣获美国能源与环境设 计先锋奖(LEED®)银奖。该项目是埃克森美孚在亚太 地区的首个获得LEED®银奖项目。
Qintai Art and Cultural Centre Masterplan Wuhan Municipal Government Wuhan, China
KASC Phase 2 Stadium Competition Saudi Aramco Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Xiangjiang Beijing Fashion Centre HKI Beijing, China
NLWA LBB Pinkham Way North London Waste Authority London, England
Natural History Museum Kiosks The Natural History Museum London, England 2010
Dalston Square London Development Agency (LDA) London, England
Wuhan Future Science City Wuhan Future City Investment Construction Co., LTD Wuhan, China
Bade Road Urban Renewal Taipei, Taiwan
EFW Bid Support Covanta Leeds, England
Sheffield Footbridge Sheffield Council Sheffield, England
Lancaster Royal Grammar School Lancaster Royal Grammar School Lancaster, England
KASC Phase 1 - Sports Academy Saudi Aramco Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Preston Beach Preston Beach Developments JV PTY Ltd Australia
KASC Phase 1 - Athletes` Housing Saudi Aramco Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 2011
Khalifa Bin Zayed Stadium Mubadala Development Co PJSC Abu Dhabi
Suning Tianjin Plaza Suning Estate Group Co., Ltd Tianjin, China
Lancaster Royal Grammar School (LRGS) Lancaster Royal Grammar School Lancaster, England 2010
KASC Phase 1 - Railway Station Saudi Aramco Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 2011 KASC Phase 1 - Academy Campus Saudi Aramco Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Fortune Plaza Tower Chongqing Chongqing, China
Philips Zero Carbon Emissions Building Philips
Shanghai China
上海飞利浦低碳排放大楼 上海飞利浦有限公司
上海 中国
the self-shading facade also makes use of low-energy LED technology, allowing the facade to change colour.
2011 MIPIM Architectural Review Future Projects Awards Winner, Sustainable Building Category 2011 MIPIM 未来建筑评论奖, 可持续设计大奖 World Architecture Awards Shortlisted, Future Commercial Category
The Philips Lighting Zero Carbon Emission Building (ZCEB) represents a step-change in the design of office buildings in China. Arup Associates has designed a healthy and innovative workplace environment in a naturally ventilated zero-carbon building. The project is a showcase office and research building for Philips that features lab and training spaces, a canteen, staff shop, and showroom. The building is structured around a central atrium which provides connective spaces to foster interaction and innovation in the workplace. A series of activity pods providing social transparency are placed on each floor adjacent to the atrium, encouraging occupants to move around the office. A rooftop showroom and garden crowns the building, providing a lookout and additional indoor/ outdoor amenities. Uniquely positioned at the intersection of the countryside and dense urban area, the building will act as an iconic “lighthouse” for the surrounding district. The building’s naturally ventilated façade responds both passively and actively to the environment to ensure maximum sustainability benefits. The façade is designed to self-shade and features solar coated glazing as well as ventilation panels that allow for air movement through the building. Integrated photovoltaic panels provide renewable energy, and Philips’ own low-energy LED technology is used to allow the building’s skin to change colour. The building serves as a physical representation of Philips’ core beliefs in technological innovation coupled with development, demonstrating that highquality office spaces can be both human-oriented and highly sustainable.
作为一座自然通风的零碳建筑,飞利浦低碳排放大 楼创造了一个健康环保、新颖独特的工作环境,是中国 办公楼设计的一次重要飞跃。 飞利浦低碳排放大楼设有实验室和培训中心、餐 厅、员工商店和展示厅。大楼围绕中庭而建,为工作的 人们提供了互动和创新的空间。环绕中庭而建的各楼层 都设有活动夹层,提供开放的社交空间,鼓励员工在办 公室周围活动。屋顶展示厅和花园为其提供通风,也创 造了的室内外设施。大楼位于城乡结合部,其独特的地 理位置使其成为了当地的标志性建筑。 大楼的幕墙采用自然通风,结合被动和主动方式以 适应外部环境,最大化地利用环境。自动遮荫的立面板 有带太阳能涂层的玻璃幕墙和通风板,有益于整座大楼 的空气流通。整合了pv板和飞利浦自有的低能耗LED技 术,使得建筑可以改变表皮的颜色。 大楼在外观上展示了飞利浦在科技创新和发展方 面的核心理念,同时表明高品质的办公楼不仅可以人性 化,而且还具有高度可持续性。
Glass ventilation louvres E/W sun Solar coated glass panel tilted at 10-20 degrees Skylight box providing diffuselouvres northern daylight Glass ventilation E/W sun Solar coated glass panel tilted at 10-20 degrees Skylight box providing diffuse northern daylight
Sky light module N
Sky light module
Shadow box BIPV panel providing solar protection and weathering E/W sun Solar coated Shadow box glass panel tilted at 10-20 degreessolar BIPV panel providing protection and weathering E/W sun Solar coated glass panel tilted at 10-20 degrees
Self-shading module
Self-shading module
Qatar Showcase, FIFA Qatar 2022 Bid Committee
Doha Qatar
卡塔尔申办2022世界杯 示范足球场 卡塔尔2022世界杯组委会
多哈 卡塔尔
Structure supporting the ETFE fabric of the roof shade.
Awards 2011 Structural Awards Shortlisted Sport or Leisure Category World Architecture Awards Shortlisted Sports Category
In December, 2010, Qatar was selected, against fierce competition, as the host nation for the 2022 Soccer World Cup – the smallest country (with a population of under two million) yet chosen to stage the event. A key challenge which Qatar faced was proving that its extreme climate was not a major obstacle to its selection. The zero-carbon showcase stadium designed by Arup Associates in eight weeks and completed to a five month construction programme in 2010 in time for the official visit by FIFA officials, was a key factor in Qatar’s success. The brief was developed in consultation with the Qatar 2022 team – the objective was to demonstrate how a sports stadium could be cooled to a comfortable level in a very hot climate using sustainable technology and it was decided that this could best be demonstrated by building a mini-stadium. The 500 seat showcase would change the agenda for sport in hot climates and pave the way for a carbon neutral event. Playing sport in hot climates is nothing new – stadia in Arizona and Las Vegas are mechanically cooled – but Qatar set out to prove the appropriateness of sustainable methods of creating a comfortable environment for spectators and a safe one for athletes. When FIFA officials visited the showcase stadium, the external temperature was
44 degrees – the temperature on the pitch was 23 degrees. Arup Associates created a blueprint which married radical environmental design to memorable architectural form. The steel canopy roof of the stadium is designed to remain closed during the hottest hours of the day or during infrequent sand storms – the 2022 matches will be played in the evenings. Heavily insulated by a blanket of ETFE pillows, it is then opened – FIFA preferring that games are played under an open sky. The roof rotates to shade the arena from late afternoon sun and protect it from the prevailing wind, with thermal mass helping to moderate the environment. The stadium is cooled by a solar system, using energy gathered by a solar thermal “farm”, with mirrors tracking the sun and powering an absorption chiller. Chilled water is stored in ice in a tank below ground, to be utilised in the evening to serve air handling units serving the stands and pitch. An additional photovoltaic installation feeds directly into Qatar’s national grid and, along with the solar thermal technology, is modular and designed to be demountable and relocated to other hot climates after 2022. In this way, the World Cup in Qatar will benefit other countries with similar climatic challenges.
Plan of the FIFA showcase.
2010年12月卡塔尔在激烈的申办竞争中胜出,获得 2022年世界杯足球赛的举办权,成为迄今为止举办该项 赛事的最小国家(卡塔尔人口不足200万)。卡塔尔面对 的主要挑战是要证明极端气候并非竞选的主要障碍。卡 塔尔取得成功的关键因素之一是Arup Associates仅花八 周时间为其设计的零碳排放示范体育馆。该馆于2010年 历时五个月时间建成,时值国际足联正式访问前夕。该 项目的任务书是与卡塔尔2002团队公同磋商后制定的。 其目的旨在展示如何在天气极其炎热的情况下,通过使 用可持续发展技术,将体育馆内的温度降低到让人舒适 的程度。最后决定最好的展示方法就是建造一座迷你体 育馆。共有500个坐席的展示馆将改变炎热气候情况下 举办体育活动的日程,并为举办一场低碳的体育盛会铺 平了道路。 在炎热气候下举办体育赛事并非新鲜事——在亚利 桑那和拉斯维加斯,体育馆都是通过机械方式降温—— 卡塔尔意欲证明其有能力通过使用可持续的方法为观众 和运动员创造一个舒适、安全的环境。当国际足联官员 参观示范体育馆时,当时室外温度高达44℃,而球场内 的温度仅为23℃。Arup Associates设计了一套蓝图,将 令人难忘的建筑形态和极致的环境设计相融合。体育馆 的钢制顶棚经过特殊设计,可在白天最热的时段和罕见 的沙尘暴来临时关闭——2022年世界杯期间,比赛将在
Sketches showing the energy system of the showcase.
晚上进行,届时,装有大量四氟乙烯绝热层的顶棚将会 开启——国际足联更喜欢在露天的情况下举行比赛。顶 棚可以旋转,使赛场能够避开午后的烈日并使其免受盛 行风的干扰,场内安装有热式质量流量计以帮助调节环 境温度。体育场通过一个太阳能系统降温,所需的能源 由一家太阳能“电站”提供。系统安装有大量镜子以追 踪太阳,将所获能量提供给一个吸收式冷冻器。经过冷 冻器冷却的水储藏在地底的一个装有冰块的水缸中,在 晚上供空气处理机组使用,服务于看台和球场。此外, 馆内另有光伏电池组直接接入卡塔尔国家电网。和太阳 能热利用技术设备一样,光伏电池组也是采用可拆卸的 模块化设计,2010年世界杯闭幕后便可迁移到其他气候 炎热地区使用。因此,卡塔尔世界杯将使其他具有类似 气候问题的国家受益。
The roof of the showcase stadium remains closed by day to exclude the heat of the sun and is opened by night for games. Diagram showing the design of the opening roof.
Solar energy systems support the showcase.
BSkyB Sky Studios British Sky Broadcasting Ltd/Stanhope PLC
London England
天空广播公司总部 英国天空广播公司
伦敦 英国
The giant ventilation chimneys along the east elevation of the building Exterior view – ventilation the building driving the natural system a machine aesthetic. and has shading the façade.
Awards 2013 British Construction Industry Award BCIA Sky Wind Turbine Shortlisted Institution of Civil Engineers ICE Sky Wind Turbine, Shortlisted Structural Steel Design Award Sky Wind Turbine, Shortlisted 2012 Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award London Region Award Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Winner London Sustainability Award 2011 Building Awards Shortlisted, Cut the Carbon CIBSE Building Performance Awards Shortlisted New Build Project of the Year Energy Awards Winner Judge’s Supreme Award Energy Awards Winner Energy Efficient New Build Project of the Year European Sustainability Awards Shortlisted, Living Category Guardian Sustainable Business Awards 2011 Shortlisted, Built Environment Category International Green Awards Shortlisted, Best Green Intelligent Buildings Award 2010 Building Sustainability Awards Winner, Sustainable Project of the Year (over £10M) World Architecture Awards (WAF) Shortlisted, Production Category
Founded in 1990, BSkyB now employs more than 24,000 people and has an annual income of over £7 billion. It is based at Osterley, close to the M4 on the western edge of London, inhabiting a collection of industrial sheds and run of the mill office buildings. Sky’s decision to commission Arup Associates, after a long and broad-ranging competition, to design a new production centre at Osterley for its television channels, “a factory for creativity”, produced Europe’s most sustainable broadcasting studio complex to date. The project, the first phase of a major development programme by Sky at Osterley, drew heavily on the unrivalled multi-disciplinary skills of the practice, with a significant input from Arup Acoustics. The brief was for a very large and flexible building of around 23,000 sq.m. over 100m long, to house recording, post-production and transmission facilities to be up and running in time for the 2012 Olympics (allowing 18 months for a very complex technical fit-out). Sky Studios, as the building was christened, was to contain eight broadcast studios on its lower levels, offices for nearly 1400 staff, and data rooms for 400 plus computer servers. Transmission platforms were to be located at the top of the building, creating a ‘make, shape, share’ vertical configuration of functions. A significant element in the client brief, and one to which Arup Associates responded enthusiastically, was Sky’s desire to be seen as an environmentally sustainable operation. An increase in active social spaces, recovery of heat so that there are no boilers in the building, free cooling and the inclusion of a large biomass combined cooling, heat and power plant were all aspects of the ground-breaking design. Naturally ventilated television studios too were, and remain a world first, given the large amount of heat created by studio lighting. The design approach married
structural design to a servicing strategy, with the deep steel beams forming the studio floor slabs and ceilings creating a plenum and path for natural ventilation. The heat of lights and cameras drives the hot air upwards, to be exhausted via a series of 13 huge chimneys which define the – distinctively industrial – external appearance of the building. Mechanical cooling is available as a back-up, with the chimneys then functioning as return air ducts. The middle floors of the building contain the data centres, production facilities and editing suites, with people places such as office space wrapped around them, these on each side of the building enjoy natural light and fresh air from opening windows and louvres, the east side also using chimney atria to help ventilate the deeper plan space. A glazed atrium at the south end of the building provides a connection between all levels and houses cafes, breakout and meeting spaces with stairs as the primary vertical circulation, creating a space of genuine social interaction. A further element in the environmental strategy for the project was the construction of a 56m high wind turbine. Capable of generating 100kW of power at peak wind conditions, it represents a breakthrough UK agreement with National Air traffic services to locate a wind turbine on the Heathrow approach path. The turbine is a strikingly structural bespoke design, clad in perforated aluminium. It is a landmark, part of a landmark project in sustainable design.
The structural skeleton of the building with services systems at roof level. Natural ventilation shafts wrap around the exterior.
英国天空广播公司目前拥有24,000多名员工,年收 入超过70亿英镑。其总部是位于奥斯特利一座不起眼的 办公大楼,临近伦敦西部边缘的M4高速公路上,周边布 满了工厂。经过长期的选择及大量的评估后,天空广播 公司决定委托Arup Associates在奥斯特利设计一个新 的演播中心。就这样,Arup Associates便设计了这所欧 洲目前最具发展潜力的演播中心,被誉为“创意工厂” 。在奥斯特利兴建第一期的主要建筑中,奥雅纳调派了 Arup Acoustics的专家参与设计,发挥了无与伦比的多 领域设计技术。 项目的任务书要求建造一个大型灵活的建筑,地面 积约23,000平方米,长逾100米,需要配备录制、后期 制作及传输设备,为2012年奥林匹克运动会做好准备( 需要为复杂的技术设备预留18个月的安装时间)。我们 为天空广播大厦的较低楼层配备了8个演播室,并为大约 1400名员工和约400台电脑服务器提供办公室和数据室。 传输平台设置于大楼的顶部,整个大楼垂直的功能设计 打造出“制作、成型、分享”的工作模式。在客户任务 书内有一项重要的要求:天空广播室希望新建筑能够符 合环保及可持续发展的理念,而这正是Arup Associates 得心应手的设计模式。大楼具有大面积的公共活动空 间,采用热量回收及自然冷却系统,因此建筑内无需设
The building is an industry world first – integrated transition platform, studios, data centres, production facilities, editing suites and transmission platforms are integrated in a single ‘make, shape, share’ facility.
置锅炉房;同时建筑内配备了结合了生物质能的制冷、 采暖、动力系统。这都是事务所突破常规的设计。由于 演播室的灯光产生大量的热量,因此电视演播室采用了 自然通风设计,这是目前世界上唯一采用这种技术的演 播大楼。为了优化建筑结构与功能的整合性,每层的楼 板与天花均采用大钢梁,使楼层形成通风管道,更有利 于自然通风。灯光与摄像头产生的热量使热空气向上流 动,并通过建筑顶部的13条巨大风井排出,同时使大楼 呈现独特的“工业化”外观。另外,建筑内配备了机械 冷却系统,启用时排气管则作为回风管道。大楼的中段 楼层为数据处理中心、生产设备室及编辑室,周边由办 公室包绕,因此在楼层的两边打开窗户或百叶即可以享 受阳光与自然风。大楼的东边另外设有排气室,使内部 的空间能更好地通风。大楼南侧的中庭配有玻璃幕墙, 通过楼梯连接着所有楼层及室内咖啡馆、休息区与会议 区,构成主要的垂直流线,为室内互动创造了良好的条 件。项目的另一项重要环保设计是56米高的风力发电机 组。在最大风力时,该发电机组可以提供100kw的电力供 应,这是一项突破性的设计,使得其后英国政府同意国 家空中交通服务公司在希斯罗的机场通道上安装风力发 电机。风力涡轮机需要订造设计,其外部采用多孔铝质 材料。这是项目中可持续设计的亮点之一。
Cut-away of the building, showing the circulation of the natural ventilation to serve studios and offices.
The social hub located at the south west corner of the building features stairs rather than lifts as the primary circulation mode.
The atrium stair serves all levels and is the social heart of the building.
Dinghe Tower China Southern Power Grid Dinghe Property Insurance Co Ltd.
Shenzhen China
鼎和旗舰总部大楼 中国南方电网,鼎和 财产保险股份有公司
深圳 中国
Typical floors: The floor plates in the bottom half of the tower are compact for high flexibility whilst the floor plates on the top half are open to maximise natural ventilation and daylight
After ten years of intensive construction, the site of Ding He Tower is the last empty plot in the Shenzhen Futian CBD’s vibrant urban grid. At the invitation of China Southern Power Grid, Arup Associates’ design for a flagship headquarter tower aims to reintroduce intimacy and a ‘human touch’ to this rectilinear urban landscape and create a beacon for sustainable, commercially-driven high rise design in Southern China. Ding He is a 200m high, 100,000m2 office tower with 7,000m2 conference and retail facilities at ground level. The form of the tower grows from a square ground plan. The four corners twist and enlarge as they climb, maximising office floor area at the more desirable upper levels and forming a unique and elegant tapering shape. The upper 25 floors are a new flagship headquarters for Ding He Insurance Company. Designed with a mixed mode ventilation system, the floor plates twist to better capture prevailing winds. External multi-level East and West ‘sky gardens’ have been provided on every third floor to provide private external space and solar shading to the facade below, maximising daylighting of the office spaces. Below the headquarters is 17 floors of highly desirable rental office, designed to meet the specific demands of the Shenzhen office market. At ground level the building has been set back to provide a high quality landscape garden for building occupants and the public. Multiple routes through the site link to adjoining streets and the adjacent MTR station, increasing accessibility and thoroughly integrating the building into the public realm. Ding He Tower blends imaginative sustainable solutions to create a unique new addition to Shenzhen’s skyline.
经过十年的建设,深圳福田的商业得到了长足的发展, 而鼎和大厦地块是整个福田CBD区最后一处待开发的地 块。应中国南方国家电网的邀请,Arup Associates为 其设计出了旗舰总部大厦,致力于在线型的建筑绿化中 融入亲切感和人性化要素,以期在中国南方构筑一个可 持续发展且具有经济推动力的经典之作。 鼎和大厦高200米,面积达100,000平方米,拥有 7,000平方米的会议室,并配有底层商业。大厦的整体造 型灵感起源于传统的矩形平面,随着楼层的增高,大厦 的四个角扭转变大,使得高区拥有最大的办公面积,并 形成了高雅独特的建筑造型。 大厦上部的25个楼层是鼎和保险公司全新的旗舰总 部。设计采用混合通风系统,扭转的楼板则更好地迎合 风向。在大厦外部,每隔三层即设有一个“空中花园”, 既能让大厦中的人员欣赏到绿色的美景,又可为下层遮 挡阳光,使办公空间获得最佳的采光效果。总部以下的 17个楼层作为办公用房出租,舒适的办公环境必定能获 得承租方的青睐。 大厦首层为业主及市民提供了一个高品质的景观 花园。通向大厦的各条道路都与周围的街道、地铁站相 连,提高可达性,很好地融入城市轨交系统。鼎和大厦 采用了极富创意的可持续发展策略,一定能为深圳的天 际线增添一抹亮色。
A unique form maximises office floor space and opportunities for natural lighting and ventilation, and also provides pockets for multi-level sky gardens.
Huawei Campus Shenzhen Huawei Investment & Holdings Co Ltd.
Wuhan China
华为高科技园区 华为科技有限公司
武汉 中国
Different layers of the landscape spine show the variety of open spaces for employee use as well as a water recycling and filtration system
The Huawei Research and Development Campus is a world-class facility for 8000 scientists that meets demanding technical requirements while also focusing onsite energy use reduction. The design was developed from the bottom up, spurred by research into the workday and requirements of individual technicians. These needs were then integrated into a larger design concept for a holistic campus where innovation is nurtured and enhanced. To facilitate collaboration, workplace hubs in the form of hightech, low-energy pavilions were arranged around a central community space. This landscape spine, linking the individual research hubs to each other, seamlessly fulfills demanding technical requirements of the campus by providing security, servicing, and energy facilities within a comfortable and human-scaled environment. In addition to providing a communal green amenity for the Huawei staff, the landscape spine also serves as a large water recycling and natural filtration system, allowing the reuse of all rainwater and greywater on site. Passive energy saving techniques, the result of massing orientation and solar studies, take advantage of natural ventilation and daylight in order to reduce the development’s energy requirement. The project aims to achieve LEED® ND Gold as a minimum through preliminary evaluation. Energy saving are predicted at 45% below the baseline. Each aspect of the design carefully responds to the goals of accommodating individual researchers, maintaining a low-energy profile, and creating a comfortable workplace environment. The result is a Research and Development Campus that sets a new standard for meeting both challenging programmatic needs and an ambitious sustainability vision.
华为研发园区拥有世界级的科学研究设施,能8000个科 学家的研究需求。该研发园区满足严格的技术要求,并 能有效降低当地的能耗。在设计时,我们对技术人员的 日常工作和要求进行了深入调查,并采用了自下而上的 设计方式。随后我们将这些需求进行汇总和整理,形成 了园区整体的设计理念,让技术人员能更有效地进行开 拓创新。为了方便技术人员相互交流,我们在中央社区 周围设计了高科技低能耗的亭式工作中心。 这一地标性建筑群由多个研究中心串联而成,为技术 人员提供舒适的人性化环境,提供配套的安保、维修及能 源设施,满足园区严格的技术需求。不仅为员工提供绿色 的生活设施,这一“工作中心”还配备了一个巨大的水循 环系统和自然过滤系统,使园区的雨水和中水得到充分利 用。通过对建筑群朝向的精心布置和对太阳能的研究,园 区取得了良好的被动节能效果,能有效利用自然通风和采 光节省园区能耗。该项目旨在达到美国绿色建筑委员会能 源与环境设计先锋奖(LEED ND®)绿色社区金奖认证要 求。据分析,节能效果比基准要求还低45%。 设计的各个细节都是为了给科研人员提供生活空 间、保持低能耗以及创造舒适的工作环境。研发园区既 满足了具有挑战性的的工序需求,又实现了可持续性发 展,当之无愧地成为了业内的全新标杆。
ICBC Jiading Data Centre ICBC Shanghai
Shanghai China
工商银行同城数据中心 中国工商银行
上海 中国
Sketch showing the massing concept
The master plan integrates office and data facilities with the surrounding landscape
The two-phase data centre campus for one of China’s largest banks, ICBC, is a major project for Shanghai’s Jiading Industrial Zone. The data center aims to set an industry benchmark for Chinese sustainable data centres, melding engineering with high-quality design. The office, conference, hotel, and data centre facilities are set within a native and rich ecological landscape that will provide a strong connection with nature for employees and visitors. Employees will experience naturally ventilated and daylit office environments which will be flexible and adaptable to respond to the latest and future developments in technology. The complex, which features lush, green external courtyard spaces, will be a workplace that both increases productivity and increase sense of well-being through healthy sustainable environments. Using a modulised design approach, the data halls can expand and adapt to the current and future possible needs of ICBC. This flexible and scalable approach in a constantly changing technological world ensures the design will respond over time. The Data Centre employs energy and water saving solutions, and ecological measures that include microclimatic optimisation, natural ventilation, roof gardens, and the use of native plant species. The project is designed to meet the China 3 Star Standard as well as LEED Gold certification.
中国工商银行上海数据中心项目位于嘉定工业区, 该项目投资超过10亿元,分两期开发,设计旨在为中国 树立一个可持续发展的工业数据中心的先例,并且融合 了高质量的工程设计。办公楼,会议中心,酒店,数据 中心都建立在开阔优美的生态环境里,让员工和访客与 自然亲密无间。 员工可以在自然通风采光的办公环境里工作,工 作环境可以根据今后的技术发展而调整改善。在这里富 足的室外庭院景观帮助工作区成为一个高效而舒适的空 间。模数化的设计给数据大厅的扩建提供了可能性,弹 性和尺度化的设计给数据中心的改建提供了可能性。 数据中心的设计中运用了节能和环保的措施,包 括优化微气候环境,自然通风,屋顶绿化,采用当地绿 植,旨在达到中国绿色三星标准和LEED金奖认证。
Arup Associates Six Themes
Arup Associates has always been a research based atelier, feeding the products of research, inter-professional dialogue and debate into the design process. Over 50 years the practice has pioneered the application of new technologies to the world of construction. Arup Associates’ unique multi-disciplinary structure, embracing architecture, engineering and, increasingly, many other disciplines, provides the ideal forcing ground for new ideas. The emphasis has always been on how technology can be applied to improve the human condition – technical advance not for its own sake but for a social end. Sometimes the practice has to fight its cause – to convince a client that the proposed solution is the right one. In the field of sustainable design, everyone benefits from low-energy solutions, including building owners reaping rewards in terms of lower running costs. The history of low-energy design as a key concern of the practice extends back to projects such as CEGB Bristol and Gateway 2, the latter pioneering the (then radical) idea of naturally ventilated spec offices. Working with enlightened clients, environmentally progressive strategies have been applied to major projects globally. Arup Associates’ “showcase” projects have provided a link between the fields of research and practical building and demonstrated the benefits of sustainable design. The FIFA Showcase for Qatar has created interest in the development of a new generation of low-energy sports stadia across the globe, responding to the challenges of extreme climatic conditions. In Britain, Arup Associates worked with BT to design the Solar Showcase, demonstrating the immense potential of solar power to supply the energy needs of buildings.
作为一家研发型工作室,Arup Associates不仅提供创新解决方案, 还进行跨行业对话合作与设计流程探讨。在过去的50年里,奥雅纳 开创了新技术在建筑界的应用先河。Arup Associates提供的设计结 构横跨建筑、工程以及其它多种学科,为创新提供了更多灵感。 如何使用技术改善人们的生活条件,始终是我们关注的焦点。但我 们不是纯粹醉心于技术,而是希望以技术服务于社会。有时候, 我们需要让客户相信,我们的方案才是最好的。 我们还致力于采用可持续发展设计,让业主和所有人都能享受 低能耗、低开支所带来的利益。在CEGB Bristol和Gateway 2等设 计项目中,Arup Associates集中体现了低能耗的设计思路。作为高 规格写字楼,Gateway 2开创性地采用了自然通风设计。在与众多 客户的合作中,我们已将先进的环保策略应用于全球各个建筑项目 之中。Arup Associates为卡塔尔设计的Showcase体育场将建筑研 究与建筑实践联系起来,体现出可持续设计的独到优势。卡塔尔 的FIFA Showcase体育场已在全球领域掀起新型低能耗体育场馆的 开发热潮,以应对极端气候条件的挑战。在英国,Arup Associates 还与英国电信 (BT) 合作设计了太阳能展览馆 (Solar Showcase), 体现了太阳能在供应建筑能源方面的巨大潜力。
Grosvenor Westminster London, England 2012
Zanotti Shoe Giuseppe Zanotti/Wallpaper* Milan, Italy
King Abdullah International Foundation for Charity and Humanitarian Activities Heritage Museum Saudi Aramco Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Brunel University Estates Strategy Refresh London, England 2012
2012 Forth Bridge Control Centre, Scotland Transport for Scotland and Traffic Scotland Queensferry, West Lothian, Scotland 2013
Women’s & Children’s Hospital Henan, China 2012
Natural History Museum Feasibility Studies The Natural History Museum London, England
King Abdullah International Foundation for Charity and Humanitarian Activities Courtyard Saudi Aramco Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
2012 2013
Mumbai Convention Centre ASK – Charitable Foundation & Mumbai University Mumbai, India 2012 Kings College London Development Framework London, England 2012
King Abdullah International Foundation for Charity and Humanitarian Activities Saudi Aramco Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2012
Nine Elms Marketing Suite Ballymore Group London, England 2012
King Abdullah International Foundation for Charity and Humanitarian Activities Masterplan Saudi Aramco Riyadh, Saudi Arabia 2012
Faculty of Engineering and Computing Coventry University
Coventry England
考文垂大学工程和计算学院 考文垂大学达芬奇建设
考文垂 英国
The interior of the Engineering Faculty building is spatially dynamic encouraging the breakdown of divisions between disciplines.
Awards 2013 Built in Quality Awards Winner, Higher Education Category BD Architect of the Year Awards Currently Shortlisted Higher Education Category British Construction Industry Award BCIA Currently Shortlisted Concrete Society Awards Shortlisted Royal Institute of British Architects RIBA Award Winner, Regional Higher Education Category The LEAF Awards Shortlisted, Public Building Education Category WAN Education Awards Shortlisted
The building is planned around a central courtyard which is an oasis in a challenging urban context.
Coventry University, in contrast to its local rival, the University of Warwick, occupies a campus in central Coventry, close to the cathedral and Herbert Art Gallery. The new building housing the faculty of engineering and computing was commissioned in 2008 as part of an ambitious expansion and redevelopment programme – the university has more than 31,000 full and part-time students. Engineering has a special resonance in Coventry, a city with a long history as a centre for innovative manufacture, and Arup Associates’ building, completed in 2012, is a striking symbol of this heritage but, more importantly, a dynamic centre for training the engineers of the future. As a relatively new university (though with origins extending back to the Victorian period) Coventry has shown itself willing to explore new ways of learning, breaking down the traditional barriers between disciplines. The engineering faculty, with around 4000 students, has developed close links with local industry. The brief for the faculty’s new home was for a building that would encourage the free exchange of ideas within an activity-led, project-based approach to learning. The site, on the edge of the city centre, was prominently placed close to a major traffic artery which cut across the campus – a strong architectural statement was needed. In practical terms, the 14,500 sq.m.building, planned around a central courtyard, had to accommodate specialised facilities such as flight simulators, a wind tunnel and accommodation for a Harrier jump
jet, lecture theatres, collaborative classrooms with extensive IT provision and academic offices. It would be a building, itself a learning tool, inhabited around the clock. With its own philosophy of integration, Arup Associates was well equipped to address the radical client brief, abandoning the idea of independent spaces around circulation routes in favour of interconnected, flexible spaces, punctuated by atria and balconies, which incorporate circulation, natural ventilation and daylight – visual connectivity was seen as the key to social interaction in a hothouse of inventive thinking. Internally, both the concrete and steel structure and the services are freely exposed and carefully coordinated with structural forces annotated on the steel members in the circulation spaces – the main plantroom, far from being hidden away, has a high level walkway which allows students to look down at the boilers and other equipment – all part of the learning experience. The building is equipped with a low-energy, mixed mode ventilation system and data from the building management system are displayed on a screen in the reception area. The exterior of the building, described by the Architects’ Journal as “sheer, red-blooded tectonic joy”, is visually striking, clad in profiled aluminium panels arranged in a hexagonal shading panel laid on a glulam timber frame and incorporating a high degree of insulation.
The stepped floorplates encourage connectivity through the building.
The form of the window opening is designed to provide daylight for the interiors whilst attenuating solar gain.
The form of the Engineering Faculty building provides for natural ventilation strategy and channels natural light into the interior spaces.
考文垂大学的校区位于考文垂市中心,临近大教堂 与赫伯特艺术画廊。与之相反,其当地的竞争学校华威 大学则位于城市边缘。工程与计算机学院的新大楼属于 2008年校园的大型扩建与重建项目之一,当时考文垂大 学有超过31,000名全日制与在职学生,考文垂有着创新 制造中心的历史美誉,当地人对于工程设计有着特殊的 感情。Arup Associates在2012年建成这座学院大楼,充 分体现了当地工程学的历史韵味,同时俨然成为了新生 代杰出工程师的孵化基地。 虽然学校创建于维多利亚时代,考文垂大学仍然 是一所相对年轻的学校,它更注重于发现新的学习方 式,致力于打破常规与教条。工程学院大约有4000名学 生,与当地的工业发展有着密切联系。学院新大楼的任 务书希望将学院设计为以参与项目为基础、自主实践为 主的学习模式,鼓励学生在其间自由地进行思想交流。 学院的选址设在市中心的边缘,并使主要的交通干道贯 穿校园——这需要十分缜密的校园框架。奥雅纳设想在 项目的中心设计一个中央庭院,14,500平方米的建筑群 便围绕庭院分布,同时根据特殊设备的需要安排建筑的 位置,如飞行模拟器、风筒、鹞式战斗机仓库、讲堂、 支持大型IT系统的互动工作室及学术办公室等。 该设 计项目不仅仅是一片建筑群,更用来提供优良的学习环 境。Arup Associates一直坚持一体设计理念,来满足客 户高难度的要求。事务所摒弃了最初将独立空间放置于 环形交通流线周边的想法,决定设计灵活互通的空间, 其中点缀庭院与露台,同时结合了流线、自然通风及日 光采集系统——在创新思维激荡的空间,视线的联系性 对于互动尤为重要。
在建筑的内部,钢筋混凝土水泥结构与建筑设备自 由地外露,两者通过钢构件的加固精细地结合在了交通 空间中。设计方案没有隐藏主机房,而是在高处有一条 通道,使学生可以俯瞰主机房与其他设备——这些都能 使学生积累学习经验。建筑采用了节能的混合式通风系 统,设备管理系统所接收的数据将在接待大厅中的屏幕 上显示。《建筑师期刊》将这所建筑的外观描述为“令 人热血沸腾并享受纯粹的快乐”。建筑立面饰材采用异 形铝制板组成的六角形面板,面板放置于胶合木梁结构 之上,具有优良的绝缘性能。
The exterior of the building is clad in profiled aluminum panels in an hexagonal pattern. Internal spaces are designed for interactive, project led teaching.
Wuxi Fortune Plaza HKI China Land Ltd.
Wuxi China
无锡财富广场 香江国际中国地 产有限公司
无锡 中国
Concept sketches for six main design drivers
This competition-winning scheme is a new model for high-density sustainable design that creates a desirable destination for living, working, and leisure in a Chinese urban context. The development is phased and designed to operate successfully throughout construction, becoming an integrated whole upon completion. Arup Associates has created a design concept that will mark a vibrant and differentiated urban identity synonymous with the Fortune Plaza brand. The mixed-use development, located along the Grand Canal in Wuxi, gracefully accommodates a high density of both commercial and residential development through the creation of a series of linked open areas. This landscaping is utilised as a connector between living and working spaces, and employs green courtyards, vegetation, urban parks and natural water bodies. The masterplan is characterised by human-scaled low-rise buildings organised around private and public courtyards. Varying scales of public spaces, from private balconies to community gardens to major civic spaces, help ameliorate the impact of the high density and enhance the sense of the community. These spaces provide a route linking the Grand Canal, Fortune Plaza, and the city beyond. Arup Associates also developed a Sustainable Framework for urban development in Wuxi Taihu New City that consists of transport, water; waste, building energy use, renewable energy, and ecology strategies. The project is designed to achieve a LEED® ND Gold certificate and features passive design, green energy infrastructure, and building energy reduction plans for both commercial and residential building types. These sustainability strategies, combined with the project’s master planning vision and distinctive architecture, create an exemplary urban development that will serve as a model and catalyst for the future transformation for this part of the Wuxi New Town District.
Connecting the commercial road and canal
Public spaces along routes and at destinations
Human scale development throughout
Balance of enclosure and light for public spaces
Landscaping to support water strategies
Engaging with neighbouring sites
我们的概念设计从众多竞标方案中脱颖而出,是 兼顾高密度城市开发和可持续发展的全新典范,打造了 生活、工作和休闲的新集合。阶段性的开发策略和有条 不紊的建设流程,让项目在竣工时呈现和谐统一的整体 感。最终,项目将连接大运河和财富广场,成为整个城 市的一部分。它鲜明的特色和充沛的活力也与财富广场 的品牌相契合。 我们让高密度的商住楼宇与无锡大运河自然衔接, 并将地块中的开放空间有机地连成一体。因此,美丽的 环境成为了生活空间和工作空间的纽带。同时,绿色庭 院、植物、城市公园和天然水体进一步提高了项目的整 体环境质量。从私家阳台到社区花园再到主要的市民活 动场所,不同尺度的公共空间设计改善了高密度带来的 压抑,也加强了居民与社区之间的联系。 Arup Associates同样也为无锡太湖新城项目制定 了一个可持续性发展的规划,旨在获得美国绿色建筑委 员会能源与环境设计先锋奖(LEED ND®)绿色社区金 奖认证。该规划包含交通、用水、垃圾处理、建筑物 能耗、可再生能源以及生态等领域的策略。我们重点研 究了被动式节能设计、绿色能源基础设施以及商住两用 建筑的节能减排方案。这些可持续发展策略与项目的总 体规划愿景及独特的建筑特色相结合,创建模范的城市 发展项目,将成为无锡新城区的转型典范,并能加快转 型的脚步。
Sports Centre, Phase 1 University of Cambridge
Cambridge England
剑桥大学体育中心 剑桥大学
剑桥 英国
The form of the building is designed to integrate with the surrounding landscape at the edge of Cambridge University’s expanding west Cambridge campus.
The competition was won by the practice in 1999, but funding did not become available until 2011 when Arup Associates were reappointed to design the first phase of three. Cambridge University’s sports centre, the first phase of which opened in autumn, 2013, is located in west Cambridge, where the University is developing what is effectively a new campus of faculty and laboratory buildings. The building is located at the edge of the new campus, close to open countryside. Its form responds to that context, its natural contoured form mediating between the wider formal masterplan and the nearby open countryside. Cambridge has a long and distinguished sporting history, but it was felt that its facilities were lagging behind those of other universities. The sports centre project, providing facilities for the University’s 18,000 students and 9,000 staff, was launched on the basis of a generous donation by an anonymous benefactor in 2011. The first phase of the centre was constructed in 18 months and includes a vast sports hall; housing two full-size courts for basketball and provision for badminton, five a side football, volleyball and other team games. Elsewhere in the building, a large studio space caters for martial arts, yoga, fencing, dancing and gymnastics. Squash and fitness courts also sit within phase 1 and a fitness suite, cafe and lounge with audio-visual provision are also provided. The second and third phases of the project, awaiting funding, include a swimming pool, a wing of indoor tennis courts and a sports medicine centre. The desire for an excellent sporting environment within the centre led to the adoption of north light for the main hall, with integrated natural ventilation. The use of Building Information Modelling integrated across all disciplines meant that the structural steel, architectural feel and the crafting of the detailing could be optimised early in the design and continued throughout the contractor’s detailing phase. The imperative for rapid construction, using a design and build contract, challenged Arup Associates to develop a kit of parts approach to the structure of the building and to work with the contractor to ensure the connections detailing were thoroughly resolved. University Chancellor Professor Sir Leszek Borysiewicz said “This is a key project for the University. …This state-of-the-art design marks the start of a new era for Cambridge sport.”
Arup Associates在1999年赢得了该项目的设计 权,但直到2011年该项目才获得了经费,委托人重新指 定事务所负责设计三期项目中的第一期。 剑桥大学体 育中心第一期在2013年秋季正式对外开放,该中心位 于剑桥的西部,剑桥大学正在考虑在该区建立学院与 实验楼高效结合的新校区。体育中心位于新校区的边 缘,临近郊区。该建筑与周围的环境肌理相互协调,自 然流畅的外形与宽阔的校园总体设计及附近的郊区肌理 融为一体。 剑桥有着著名而悠久的运动历史传统,但目前学校 的体育设施稍稍落后于其他高校。体育中心项目是2011 年由不愿透露姓名的捐赠人慷慨赞助而建成的,目前为 剑桥大学18,000名学生及9,000名员工提供体育锻炼场 所。中心的一期建筑总施工跨度为18个月,包括一个 巨大的体育馆及两个大型场地,适用于篮球、羽毛球、 室内足球、排球及其他团队竞赛项目。中心内还具有一 个大型训练室,可以用于武术、瑜伽、剑术、舞蹈及体 操等活动。第一期更配备了壁球场和健身场,其中设 有健身设备、咖啡厅及具备视听娱乐功能的休息室。体 育中心项目的第二、三期还包括游泳池、室内网球场及 运动医务中心,但目前因缺乏基金而尚未动工。为了提 供优质的运动环境,体育中心的大堂采用了北向采光, 并整合了自然通风系统。设计中采用的建筑信息模型 (Building Information Model)为跨界设计的结晶, 设计人员可根据项目要求对结构钢筋、建筑风格与设计 细节进行预先优化,也可在向承包商明确细节的过程中 实施优化。使用设计加施工合约的同时仍要保持快速的 施工合约,这就需要Arup Associates采用逐步实验的 方法来设计大楼结构,使承包商更准确地进行建设,并 使各个零件都保持完全匹配和衔接。 剑桥大学校长兼教授Leszek Borysiewicz先生说 道:“这是剑桥大学十分重要的项目” 此项目顶尖的设 计使剑桥大学的运动走入了新纪元。
Early study model showing exploration of possible structure and materials strategies.
Barbican Cultural Quarter Barbican Art Gallery London, England
AstraZeneca Masterplan Cambridge, England Current
Ohrid Vision Macedonian Government Ohrid, Macedonia
Tokyo Gas Shibura Plan Mitsui Fudosan Tokyo, Japan Current
Current Yaesu-2 Chome North District Redevelopment Project Mitsui Fudosan Tokyo, Japan Current
Mitsui Fudosan Building Mitsui Fudosan Tokyo, Japan
King Abdullah Sports City (KASC) Athletics Stadium Saudi Aramco Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Pinewood Studios Development Framework Pinewood Shepperton PLC Shepperton, England Current
GSK Shanghai Glaxo Smith Klein Shanghai, China
GSK Masterplan Glaxo Smith Klein UK
Taipei Datong DC R5 urban renewal Taipei, Taiwan Current
Embassy Gardens Ballymore Group London, England
Nicolas College Rainbows4Children Mekele, Ethiopea
Fosun Medical R&D center Shanghai, China Current
Druk White Lotus School The Drukpa Trust
Ladakh Northern India
DRUK白莲花学校 Drukpa 信托
拉达克 北印度
Awards 2013 Architecture in Stone 2013 Award Winner 2012 British Council for School Environments Awards Winner Test of Time Award The LEAF Awards Best Sustainable Development of the Year 2012 2009 BCSE Industry Awards Winner of the Inspiring Design Award International category Design for Asia Award Grand Award WAN Education Awards Shortlisted 2005 Sinclair Knight Merz Award for Achievement in Development 2003 BCCB Award for International Expertise
The infant and nursery school focusses, like other buildings, on a central courtyard.
2002 World Architecture Awards Best Green Building World Architecture Awards Best Education Building World Architecture Awards Best Asian Building
The Druk White Lotus School project brought together both ancient and modern approaches in building technology in a region with an exceptionally challenging climate. The classroom shown here is a timber framed structure.
The Druk White Lotus School project has been one of the most demanding undertaken by Arup Associates in collaboration with the wider Arup, but equally one of the most rewarding and instructive, forming a learning curve for the practice and attracting huge interest internationally. The origins of the project extend back to the early 1990s when the Drukpa Trust was formed to support the development of a school in Ladakh, close to the Himalayas, which would both equip local children to develop skills and gain employment in a modern society but equally preserve the traditional Buddhist culture of Tibet, of which mountainous and remote Ladakh is one of the last strongholds. The school would have science laboratories and computers – but also a temple. Arup Associates was approached to prepare a masterplan for the phased development of the school, eventually catering for around 750 pupils aged from 4 to 18 from across Ladakh (including provision for boarding). The site for the school was in a thinly inhabited, arid region, 3500m above sea level, freezing and snowbound in winter, extremely hot in summer. The design of the buildings had to address this challenging climate in which water was always in short supply. The use of imported energy was ruled out. The remoteness of the site made the cost of transporting building materials there potentially prohibitive. The region was seismically extremely active, so that any building there would need to be capable of withstanding earthquakes – the logical approach to construction in such a context was to study the traditional building techniques of the region.
A final element in the developing brief for the school was the need for its buildings to embody some of the symbolism associated with the Buddhist faith. The plan of the complex takes its inspiration from the sacred mandala, which represents the universe and generally takes the form of a circle within a square, the latter with openings in each side. Arup Associates’ commitment to the project has been consistent over the years, with a member of the practice resident on site for periods during the construction of the school between 1997 and 2013, beginning with the nursery and primary school component (completed in 2001). The building materials are mud brick, granite and wood, with high thermal walls and mud roofs designed to provide comfortable conditions in summer heat and store warmth in winter. The project brought together ancient and modern technologies, with solar power providing hot water for showers and clothes washing – together with the small area of gardens, these account for all the water used on the site. Latrines use a dry system for disposing of waste, with a solar flue allowing their operation as composting toilets and effectively removing smells. Phase 2 of the project, the junior school, was completed in 2006. Despite the setback caused by severe floods in 2010, the final phase of construction, including the secondary school and library, will be completed in 2013.
Exploded axonometrics showing timber components in the construction of the school, designed for seismic stability.
白莲花学校项目是Arup Associates迄今为止所遇 到的最为困难、奥雅纳参与人员最多的项目,但同时从 中获益也最为丰富,不仅使事务所获得了学习的机会, 成功的建筑设计在国际上也引起了极大的反响。项目的 开端要追溯到20世纪90年代初,当时天龙基金会以赞助 喜马拉雅山脉附近的城镇拉达克的学校发展。赞助建立 的学校希望让当地的孩子掌握基本技能并能够在现代社 会找到工作,同时希望位于偏僻山区的拉达克继续保持 西藏佛教文化最后的净土。学校内设有科学实验室与计 算机房,但都设计为寺院的形式。Arup Associates通 过分期规划完成学校的工程,最终为750名4-18岁的拉 达克儿童创造了学习条件(包括寄膳宿)。学校的位置 人烟稀少,土地干旱,海拔3500米,冬天风雪交加, 夏天酷暑难耐。建筑设计必须解决艰难的气候条件、有 限的水源供给以及无法使用外来能源所带来的问题。另 外,学校位置人烟稀少,运送某些建筑材料需要极高的 成本,因此选材也受到了很大的限制。该地区地震十分 活跃,因此设计的建筑必须具备抗震能力——此项目的 设计需要满足各种各样的条件,最有效的设计方法就是 参考当地传统的建筑技术。最后规划时,需要为学校添 加一些佛教元素的标志。学校的标志灵感来源于神圣的 曼荼罗,其代表着宇宙万物,它的象征符号通常是一个 方形内镶嵌着一个环形,方形的四边均有开口。
The school was constructed using traditional materials (mudbrick, stone and timber) and techniques.
Diagram showing the arrangement of the buildings to benefit from morning and evening sun.
项目工期从1997年开始到2013年结束,期间Arup Associates始终确保项目持续进行。最先建成的是托儿 所与主体校园,施工期间奥雅纳的其中一名成员一直驻 扎在工地,确保工程的顺利进行。建筑采用软泥砖、花 岗岩及木材制成高保温墙,屋顶也选用了软泥,使室内 保持冬暖夏凉。 此项目合并了古代与现代的建筑技术, 利用太阳能提供洗澡、洗衣服及小花园等所有设备使用 的热水。公厕采用干燥系统处理污物,同时配置了太阳 能烟囱管道,使卫生间具有干式厕所的功能并同时消除 异味。二期项目设计并建造了小学,工程在2006年完 成。虽然项目在2010年受到严重的洪灾影响,但初中及 图书馆等三期建筑最终将在2013年完成。
The development of the school extended over a period from 1997 to 2013 in line with a phased masterplan.
The Ventilated Improved Pit latrines use a solar flue to enhance the traditional dry latrines, powered by the abundant solar radiation. These toilets eliminate fly and odour problems, do not require water, and are key in promoting hygiene and health education. Section through the central mandala showing entrance courtyard and library.
Timber structure supporting solar collectors: old and new technologies meet.
Exploded perspective of the library at the centre of the mandala.
MEEZA Data Centre
Doha Qatar
多哈 卡塔尔
Continuing the series of “deep green” data centres designed by Arup Associates with a radical reduction in energy consumption the key objective, the practice designed two data centres for Meeza in Qatar. The centres – M-Vault 2 and 3 – are located respectively at Meeza’s own Al Dayeencampus, 30km from Doha, and at the Qatar Science and Technology Park. In contrast to the earlier, ground-breaking Citi Data Centre in Frankfurt, the Meeza projects had to address the challenge of an exceptionally aggressive hot, dry and dusty climate, where temperatures can exceed 50 degrees. This informs a host of issues, including shading and very bright daylight for people working in the offices, careful materials choice for performance and resilience particular to the region. Using water cooling, as in Frankfurt, was not an option in the context of the desert. Cooling system condensate is collected and stored for washrooms and irrigation. The data halls are enclosed by zones of plant which require no cooling but provide a layer of insulation. A further air-conditioned zone provides a further buffer to the data halls, an “onion skin” strategy which greatly reduces the energy usage needed to cool the building. MV-2 still under construction is on target to achieve tier III accreditation, and LEED Platinum status, the first data centre in the region to receive this recognition. MV-3 presented rather different design challenges, since it was an intervention into an existing complex to provide 500 sq.m of data storage space. The retention of the existing building structure, with its embodied energy, and the skilful insertion of the new facility earned the project LEED Gold status.
Air intakes on the roof of the Meza data centre.
Data storage halls are located between zones of plant which provide insulation.
Arup Associates已经设计过一系列的“超节能” 数据中心,减少了大量的能源消耗。这是奥雅纳在卡达 尔为Meeza公司设计的两所数据中心。中心的M-Vault 2号和3号服务器分别位于距多哈30公里远的AL dareen 大楼的Meeza公司及卡塔尔科学技术园内。与奥雅纳早 期设计的富有创新性的法兰克福花旗银行数据中心不 同,Meeza项目需要面对极其炎热、干旱及多沙尘气候 的挑战,该地的最高气温可以超过50℃。因此,我们 必须采用高性能且高适应性的材料,为办公室工作人员 解决炎热、沙尘防护及遮光等问题。在法兰克福项目中 采用的水冷却系统虽然可被回收和储存用于洗手间和植 物浇灌,但这显然不适合应用于沙漠地区。这里的数 据大厅周围的植物区有天然的隔热作用,所以数据大厅 无需制冷系统。 另外,大厅外设置了一个缓冲区,避 免热空气直接流入室内。建筑采用“洋葱皮”的设计模 式,大大地减少了制冷系统的耗能。 MV 2号仍在施工 当中,目前正在争取通过Tier III设计认证,该项目同时 在申报LEED奖,希望能够成为当地首个获得LEED白金 奖的设计。 MV 3号则面对不同的设计困难,此工程需要在已 有的中心内设计500平方米的数据存储中心。 设计在保 留原有建筑结构的基础上,降低了整体能耗,并巧妙地 插入新设备,因此获得了LEED 金奖。
The shaded entrance area to the centre.
Concept Masterplan for Sutong Science & Industry Park CSSTD Co. LTD
Sutong China
苏通科技园区规划 CSSTD 中新苏通科技 产业园有限责任公司
南通 中国
Suzhou Industrial Park (SIP), the most successful industrial park developer in China, has commissioned Arup Associates to design a new master plan for the central residential area of the Sutong Industrial Park. The project offers a fresh approach to the challenge of planning a new urban community in China that is commercially viable and environmentally sensitive. The project is defined by high-quality peopleoriented design and a unique set of commercial, residential, and open space concepts that differentiate the development and make it an attractive place to live. At the heart of the project is a linear “town centre,” a unique type of street which serves as a public space in addition to its vehicular use. Like Las Ramblas in Barcelona, this street is designed to be an icon for the area, providing a vibrant pedestrianfriendly mix of retail, entertainment, and leisure spaces to attract people to come to live, work and play. Reinforcing the environment surrounding this street is an urban residential neighbourhood characterised by small walkable blocks, active streets frontages, and human-scaled buildings. A comprehensive grid of green corridors weaves through both public and private properties, linking the entire 2.6km2 area. Residents and visitors have access to convenient and attractive pedestrian and bike connections between all parts of the district. Marking the centre of this green network is a scenic lakefront park which will connect directly to the future CBD and serve as a destination for the entire region. The master plan is driven by environmental objectives, which demonstrate an opportunity for leadership and innovation in sustainable development and resource management. Sustainability strategies include an innovative energy sharing infrastructure to drive down CO2 emissions over time, natural water treatment, waste recycling, high efficiency building design, use of natural materials, and creation of a comfortable microclimate.
A unique central boulevard provides vibrant public spaces in a short walking distance from all residents
中国最成功的工业园区开发商苏州工业园 (SIP)委托 Arup Associates为苏通产业园的中央居住区提供新的总 体规划设计。我们以崭新的设计理念打造出一个独具魅 力、充满经济活力、对环境友好的新型城市社区。 该项目采用以人为本的高品质设计并运用一系列独 特的商业、居住和开放空间理念,使其在众多同类社区中 脱颖而出,打造成为品质一流的宜居环境。项目的中心位 置是一条商业街,除了供车辆通行外,还可用作一个公共 活动场所。与巴塞罗那的兰布拉大道一样,这条街也是一 条标志性的中央大道,集商业、娱乐和休闲为一体,吸引 人们在此工作、生活和游玩。住宅小区环绕着中央大道, 设有步行街区、临街商铺和尺度宜人的建筑。绿树环绕的 步行道和自行车道连接起整个2.6平方公里的园区,为居 民和到访者提供了便捷和舒适。绿色走廊的中央是一个风 景秀丽的湖滨公园,它将连接未来的CBD并成为整个园 区的主要景点。 总体规划方案以环境保护为主要目标,因此为可持续 性设计和资源管理的技术示范和创新带来了机会。可持续 策略包括可大幅减少碳排量的创新型能源共享基础设施、 自然水资源处理、废弃物回收和高效率的建筑设计等,同 时使用天然材料,打造舒适的微气候环境。
International Character
Community Support
Green Lifestyle
Residential Choice
Progressive Green Design
Above: Design drivers incorporate 5 different themes into the project
The master plan re-interprets the typical “nodal” town center to a “linear” town center
Jaguar Land Rover Engine Manufacturing Centre UK
Wolverhampton England
捷豹路虎先进发动机厂 捷豹路虎
伍尔弗汉普顿 英国
The Jaguar Land Rover Engine Facility provides an exceptionally clean environment and a large 30m clear span structure, to provide flexible floor space to accommodate the current and future needs of the manufacturing process. The space is naturally lit by north lights designed into the saw tooth profile of the roof structure.
Jaguar Land Rover’s new engine manufacturing centre draws on Arup Associates’ half century of experience in the design of industrial buildings, but its sustainable agenda is radical and in tune with the client’s ethos of innovative design. The site for the £500m plant employing around 1400 staff, is on brownfield land close to the M54 motorway outside Wolverhampton. The 95,000 sq.m. building contains north lit machine and assembly halls which are large spaces flanked by office and support spaces. The plan is simple but allows for maximum flexibility and scope for future expansion – this accommodated the evolution of the client brief as the project progressed. The large span steel roof framing, supported on columns spaced at 30m intervals, is arranged with an open truss form to give high level services distribution, a clear hierarchy, modulated to suit the north light architecture. The building is targeting BREEAM Excellent through a number of sustainable features. The building is naturally ventilated, with natural north light channelled through the 3m high roof lights. The roof also accommodates solar hotwater panels and extensive photovoltaics to partially offset the manufacturing process. The essence of the project is its flexibility, allowing for the ongoing development of the manufacturing process.
个世纪的工厂设计经验与智慧,此项目采用了大胆 的可持续规划,与客户追求的创新设计理念意气相投。 工厂位于伍尔弗汉普顿外M54高速公路的棕色区 域,耗资5亿英镑,约1400名员工参与建造。建筑共占地 95,000平方米,含有北面采光的机械装配车间,大楼侧面 拥有大面积的办公室及辅助空间。建筑的规划十分简单, 却拥有最大限度的灵活性及未来扩建潜能——因此在施工 过程中可以适应客户不断变化的要求。建筑采用大跨度 钢制屋顶,每隔30米由柱子支撑。屋顶同时采用了露天 桁架放置设备,空间层次清晰,并根据建筑北面采光的情 况进行了调整。该项目含多项可持续特色,正在争取获得 BREEAM(英国建筑研究院环境评估法)“优异”以上 的评分。建筑内部采用自然通风系统,同时北向阳光通过 3米高的屋顶采光天窗照入室内,形成了天然照明系统。 另外,建筑的顶部安装了太阳能热水器与大量的太阳能光 电板,可以为工厂提供部分电能。 该项目的主要特点就是灵活性,可以满足工厂的不 断发展。
Shanghai LOOP Changning District Government
Shanghai China
龙之翼 长宁区区政府
上海 中国
A close collaboration between the structural engineers and architects within Arup Associates produced an efficient and elegant design solution
The Shanghai LOOP creates over 1.5 kilometers of vibrant new elevated public pathway in the bustling Changning shopping district in Shanghai. Arup Associates’ competition-winning scheme focused on providing an elegant solution to the local government’s challenge: a pedestrian bridge that addresses a complex transit issue at a dense commercial intersection where public transportation, pedestrians, and vehicles meet. The bridge, carefully designed to mediate multiple level changes, maintain adequate space for vehicle traffic below, and not impede metro lines running underground, greatly enhances the pedestrian experience at the intersection and provides a landmark structure for Changning District. The bridge will improve pedestrian safety while also attracting tourists and residents to the area to shop and play. The LOOP is a project that exemplifies the Arup Associates integrated approach, with complex structural issues intertwining with a delicate design solution. The structure includes a 70 meter span sky plaza and connects two metro lines, multiple shopping centres, and the open space of Zhongshan Park. Careful site analysis and people flow studies were conducted in order to develop a user-centred design that redefines the intersection as a pedestrian friendly area. Careful site analysis and people flow studies were conducted in order to develop a usercentred design that redefines the intersection as a pedestrian friendly area. Arup Associates proposed a zero-carbon strategy for the Shanghai Loop focused on harnessing energy from the wind, sun, and people. The design incorporates urban scale wind turbines, photovoltaic panels, and kinetic floor tiles. These innovative solutions, combined with high quality pedestrian spaces that transform a congested intersection into a local attraction, will redefine the Changning District and bring new life to the area.
龙之翼是一个长达1.5公里的空中步行系统,包含一 个空中广场和一组跨度70米的桁架,贯穿上海中山公园地 块最繁华的购物区。Arup Associates 是该项目国际竞标 的优胜者,设计的主旨是打造一个天桥及空中平台,不仅 将高密度商业中心串联起来,同时解决该地区繁杂的公共 交通问题。这个系统连接了两条地铁线、多个购物中心和 中山公园前广场。设计团队认真开展了实地分析和行人流 量研究,从使用者的角度出发,充分考虑可达性和无障碍 设计,将此核心商业区打造成一个方便行人活动的区域。 桥面根据连接的建筑二层标高调整高度,并给桥下 车辆通行留出足够的空间,同时也不会对地铁线路造成妨 碍,从而极大地提升了行人在这个十字路口的通行体验。 长宁区多了一个新的地标后,将吸引更多的游客和居民 到此购物游玩。 Arup Associates 为龙之翼项目开发了零碳策略,充 分利用风能、太阳能和人力发电,旨在成为中国第一个零 碳高架平台式步行系统。项目设计中采用了风力涡轮机、 光伏板和动能地砖。这些创新措施以及舒适的行人通行空 间,为这一繁忙地区提供了先进的交通解决方案,它强劲 的活力将使长宁区呈现更新颖的面貌。
King Abdullah Sports City Saudi Aramco
Jeddah Saudi Arabia
阿卜杜拉国王体育城 沙特阿美
吉达 沙特阿拉伯
The circulation zone is screened to exclude wind and dust.
Awards 2012 World Architecture Awards (WAF) Shortlisted, Future Projects Leisure-led Development Category
The King Abdullah Sports City Stadium forms the centrepiece of the massive Sports City project, intended to transform attitudes to participatory sport in Saudi Arabia. The 60,000 seat stadium provides the Kingdom’s first world class football stadium, home to Jeddah’s two Premier League clubs, along with a separate 1200 seats athletics facility suitable for international events. The stadium, designed in accordance with FIFA/IAFA rules, is located in a desert-like environment some 10km from the centre of Jeddah. Arup Associates’ project designed in collaboration with Arup is a response to cultural as well as physical context. Given its location, environmental issues were clearly woven into the architectural and structural design. The Saudi football season is played in winter, not in the hot summer months. Normally the stadium will be used only by night – high temperatures of 45 degrees plus rule out daytime use. The brief evolved to mechanically cool only areas with a high density of people such as stairs and lounge areas: the
main stadium will have porous architecture and is designed to enable effective natural ventilation by harnessing desert breezes. The diamond-patterned screen set in V-shaped tiedown frames– its form has echoes of the traditional Arabic mashrabiya – protects spectators from wind and dust whilst allowing bulk air movement for ventilation and provides shade. Seating on three levels offers 360 degree views of the pitch, at the heart of the stadium bowl, itself rooted firmly in the soil. The curvaceous enclosure of the stadium incorporates changing rooms, media facilities, spaces for corporate entertaining, the royal box, and VIP accommodation. Located within a firmly Islamic country, the stadium is oriented towards Mecca. Adjacent is a large mosque. Constructed under royal patronage the stadium is designed to accommodate men and women, a significant change in attitudes. This landmark sports project is a classic example of the integration of architecture and engineering, its memorable form being a clear expression of geometrically influenced structure.
The stadium will be used mainly at night on account of the extreme desert climate.
The stadium bowl is designed to give spectators amazing views, whlst protecting them from wind and dust.
国王阿卜杜拉体育城体育场是吉达体育城众多项目中 最引人注目的建筑,项目希望能够改变沙特阿拉伯人们对 参与运动的态度。国王体育场是世界一流的足球体育场, 一共有60,000个观众座位,目前为吉达的两个英超俱乐部 提供主训练场;同时其为国际赛事而配备了1200张运动 员座位。 体育场位于距离吉达10公里远的沙漠地带,其 设计完全符合FIFA/IAFA的规定。 此项目由Arup Associates与ARUP合作设计,与当 地的文化及城市肌理相互呼应。 由于地处沙漠,环境问 题自然成为了建筑与结构设计的重中之重。沙特的足球赛 季定于冬天而不在炎热的夏天进行。只有温度低于45℃ 时才会使用体育馆,因此体育馆一般只在夜间使用。项目 任务书决定了只在人群密集的地方如楼梯与休息区使用机 械冷却装置。主体育场建筑采用了多孔设计,可以利用沙 漠内的微风为场馆提供良好的自然通风效果。
The King Abdullah Stadium is designed to operate in the extreme climate of Saudi Arabia.
菱形的屏幕安装于V形固定架上——这种设计与阿拉 伯的传统mashrabiy风格有异曲同工之妙——既保护了观 看者免受风沙干扰,也可使空气流过以达到通气作用。三 层楼高的观众席设置在体育场的中心,牢牢地固定着地 面,观众坐拥360°视角,可以非常自由地观察比赛。体 育场的曲线围栏后设计了更衣室、媒体设备、娱乐休息 室、主席台及VIP接待室。由于沙特举国笃信伊斯兰教, 这座体育场特地朝向麦加方向,而体育场旁边就是一座大 型清真寺。 此项目是由沙特皇家所赞助建造的,体育场 可同时容纳男性和女性观众,这体现了沙特阿拉伯性别歧 视态度的重大变化。这个标志性的体育项目是建筑与工程 统一的典范,巧妙的几何学创新结构令人久久回味。
Above: Study model for a component of the entrance screen to the prayer hall. Exploded perspective of the mosque forming part of the entrance sequence to the King Abdullah Sports City. Right: Plan of the Mosque with the main prayer hall placed centrally and ablution and changing areas adjacent.
Singapore Sports Hub Dragages Singapore Pte Ltd
新加坡体育中心 新加坡浚海有限公司
The Singapore Sports Hub provides a wide range of sports facilities on a waterfront site.
Awards 2013 World Architecture Awards (WAF) Winner, Future Projects Leisure-led Development Category World Architecture Awards (WAF) Shortlisted, Future Projects Masterplanning Category
The Singapore Sports Hub project reflects the ambitions of Singapore, a small, highly urbanised country with a dynamic economy, to become a major centre of world sport. The Sports Hub includes a 55,000 seat National Stadium, designed to house concerts and other events as well as football and athletics, aquatics centre, multi-purpose indoor arenas, and extensive facilities for community sports, along with 40,000 sq.m. of retailing and offices. The 35 hectare waterfront site at Kallang, originally occupied by Singapore’s principal airport and more recently by the now-demolished 1970s National Stadium, is close to the central business district of Singapore and to the airport and served by an excellent metro system. Arup Associates designed the stadium, aquatics centre and arenas in collaboration with engineers and specialists from Arup’s Singapore, UK and Australasia offices. The design of the stadium had to address the sometimes oppressive local climate; hot, humid and with high rainfall. A moveable roof was an essential feature. The moveable section of the roof is clad in ETFE pillows and incorporates a matrix of LED lighting, one of the largest LED screens in the world at 20,000 sq.m. It is designed
to open and close in 25 minutes and is left open when the stadium is not in use, keeping the grass pitch in healthy condition. The fixed sections of the roof have a more conventional metal cladding. Highly insulated, they are, thanks to Arup’s parametric modelling, remarkably lightweight – the total weight of steel used is just over 8000 tonnes. The roof of the stadium, with a span of 310m, is set to become the world’s largest free-span dome when completed in 2014. A radical cooling system has been incorporated. Instead of supplying the cooling air at high level, it is introduced beneath the seat, creating a pillow of cool air around the spectators. By minimising the volume cooled, the energy used is dramatically reduced. Giant louvres provide protection from sun and rain for the grand arcade around the stadium and link the different functions while allowing the free circulation of air. A moving tier of seats can be pulled forward when the athletics track is not in use, to improve proximity to the pitch and to enhance spectator experience and atmosphere. With legacy in mind, the sports hub precinct has been designed to maximise both elite and everyday use, to ensure that it will be an active and vibrant destination throughout the year.
The roof of the National Stadium will be the largest free-span dome in the world when it is completed in 2014.
The National Stadium is equipped with a movable roof, a response to Singapore’s unpredictable climate.
When not in use the athletics track can be covered by a movable bank of seating, providing the proximity to the pitch required at football matches.
作为一个面积虽小而经济富裕的高度城市化国家,新 加坡体育中心项目反映了新加坡希望成为世界体育中心的 壮志雄心。体育中心项目包括一座拥有55,000个座位的国 家体育场,主要用于举办音乐会和其他如足球、体操等赛 事,另外包括水上运动中心、多功能室内场馆及大量社区 体育设备,另外还具有40,000平方米的商业区与办公区。 项目地块位于新加坡的加冷区,面积35公顷,早先这里曾 是新加坡的主要机场。到了20实际70年代,机场被拆除 而建成国家体育馆。如今体育馆也被拆除。该地块临近新 加坡的中心商业区及机场,享有十分完善的地铁系统。 Arup Associates与来自新加坡、英国及澳大利亚奥 雅纳办公室的众多工程师与专家共同设计了体育场、水上 运动中心及室内场馆。体育馆的设计必须考虑到当地经常 出现的沉闷天气:炎热、潮湿而且经常下雨。对此,活动 式顶盖则非常的合适。顶盖的可活动部分由聚氟乙烯软垫 覆盖,其上布置了目前世界上最大的LED灯组,面积超过 20,000平方米。顶盖的打开或关闭需要25分钟,当场馆 休息时顶盖将关闭,保持草地球场处于健康状态。顶盖的 固定部分则采用了传统的金属面板。固定部为多部分组合 而成,由于奥雅纳采用了参数化设计,顶盖仅仅使用了 8000吨的钢料,极大地减轻了建筑负重。体育馆的顶盖 跨度为310米,2014落成后成为了世界上最大跨度的开放 式圆顶建筑。馆内采用了最新的制冷系统。设计摒弃了传 统的高空制冷方法,而将冷气口安装在座位下,使观看者 如同身处舒适的冷气坐垫。同时,这种设计使需要冷却的
空间缩小,因此大大减少了能耗。上设置了大型百叶为体 育馆周边的大拱门遮挡了日光与雨,并且连接了场馆的不 同部分,同时又能让空气自然地流通。观众席采用了可移 动设计,当前排运动员的座位闲置时,可以将观众的座位 向前移动,大大提高了赛事的观赏性与氛围。必须谨记 的是,新加坡体育馆区的设计目的是最大程度地发挥其用 途,包括用于大型赛事或者供日常使用。为此,场馆必须 保持机动性与灵活性,时刻迎接挑战。
The roof of the stadium is clad in ETFE “pillows”, fixed sections are highly insulated to exclude heat and humidity.
Phoenix Mountain Mixed Use Development Shining Group
Chengdu China
凤凰山综合体开发 乡林集团
成都 中国
Residential courtyards are designed to optimise microclimatic conditions and provide human-scale community spaces for residents
The mixed use master plan is linked by a network of open spaces and features an active pedestrian bridge spanning the site
Chengdu is a city known for its leisure lifestyle and the quality of recreational activities— from urban tea shops to lush national parks—that its residents enjoy. Arup Associates’ master plan for a 15 hectare site in the north of Chengdu builds on this legacy and transforms the model of a typical commercial development by integrating leisure opportunities throughout. The driving equation of the project is “Work, Shop, Live + Play.” The mixed-use development includes office, residential, retail, dining, art, and entertainment facilities all woven together by a network of active indoor and outdoor spaces. The elements of “work,” “shop,” “live,” and “play” are united physically and symbolically by a large multi-use park at the center and an elevated system of pedestrian paths and bikeways. The pedestrian-oriented master plan relies on an internal open space network, made up of residential courtyards and public spaces, which provide attractive and easy ways to move between all areas of the development. The building layout and massing creates human-scaled outdoor environments with microclimates that are comfortable all year round. Buildings are oriented to optimise natural day lighting and respond to seasonal wind directions, reducing energy demands and increasing internal comfort. The project introduces a new concept for mixed-use development in Chengdu: a one-stop destination for a wide range of users who will occupy the project at all times of day and night, creating a vibrant community for contemporary living, working, shopping, and playing.
安逸的生活状态和多彩的文娱活动是成都的代名词。 从坐落市内的茶馆到郁郁葱葱的国家公园,这些都是城市 居民得天独厚的财富。我们的规划理念基于这一历史传 统,将这块位于成都北面占地15公顷的土地,以不同于传 统的商业开发模式,打造成一片结合自然与休闲的所在。 我们的设计理念是“工作、购物、生活 +玩乐”。 整个综合体开发涵盖办公、住宅、零售、餐饮、艺 术、娱乐等设施,构建了室内及户外的生活空间网络。工 作、购物、生活及玩乐的元素围绕在中央公园四周,立体 化的人行步道及自行车道创造了视觉性及实质性的联系。 总体规划以人行为导向,并以家庭庭院和公共区域构 成开放的空间网络,通过别致的步行道可以方便地到达社 区任何地点。建筑的布局规划形成尺度宜人的户外环境以 及全年舒适的微气候。建筑的朝向充分考虑到自然光的利 用和季风因素,旨在减少能源损耗,提升室内舒适度。 凤凰山综合体开发项目给成都引进了一个综合体开 发的崭新概念:全天候的开放满足了不同用户需求的一 站式商业综合体,丰富的社区活动满足了生活、工作、 购物与休闲。
A vibrant commercial and office environment makes the development attractive to residents, workers, and visitors alike
Taichung Mixed Use Development Phase 1 & 2 Taiwan Land Development Corporation
Taichung Taiwan
台中精密科技创新园区一期二期 台湾土地开发股份有限公司
台中 台湾
The Taichung Precision Machinery Innovation Technology Park is a landmark commercial development which aims to be the first LEED® Platinum commercial development in Taiwan and a sustainability icon for the region. The two-phase master plan includes a distinctive conference centre as well as hotel, office, retail, and media facilities, all united under a site-wide sustainability strategy. Arup Associates was selected to develop two key sites in the seven-hectare campus. To the east, in Phase 1 of the development site, sits the iconic convention centre, which adapts to house multiple types of performance and opens onto a similarly multi-function plaza. The landmark building is flanked on either side by distinctive hotel and office towers. Phase 2 houses the media centre, which creates a new urban destination that introduces innovative communication facilities but also incorporates open spaces featuring vibrant public courtyards and plazas. The media zones, featuring world-class studios, will attract the creative industry to the already diverse technology park. Both sites incorporate innovative energy reduction strategies that fit into a wider sustainability strategy for the whole park. Careful response to the local microclimate as well as utilisation of green roof technology allows the development to blend seamlessly with the natural environment. Additional strategies such as water recycling, natural ventilation, and diffuse daylight / blackout control are employed. These strategies, combined with distinctive architectural design, ensure that the Taichung Technology Park will be a new focal point for the city and set a new benchmark for sustainability in Taiwan.
台中精密机械科技创新园区是标志性的商业地产项 目,设计目标是成为台湾首个获得美国能源与环境设计 先锋奖(LEED®)铂金奖的商业项目,使得它成为当地 可持续发展建筑的典范。分两期建设的总体规划,包含 独具特色的会展中心、酒店、办公楼、商业裙房以及媒 体设施,在整体可持续策略下统一发展。 Arup Associates 为这一占地7公顷园区内的两个重 要基地提供规划设计。首先,是位于园区东面一期的会 展中心:这座标志性建筑可举办丰富多彩的表演活动, 并与一座多功能广场相互连通。风格独特的酒店和办公 大楼分别矗立在会议中心的两侧。其次,是位于园区西 面二期的媒体中心,堪称城市的新焦点。这里不仅配备 了先进的通讯设备,更拥有丰富的公共院落和广场等开 放空间,吸引更多的世界一流工作室和创意产业入驻。 两个地块的设计均融合了最新的节能减排策略。设 计师不仅充分考虑周边微气候,更采用屋顶绿化使其与 自然融为一体。同时,水循环利用、自然通风、漫射日 光、熄灯控制等策略与独特的建筑设计相结合,确保台 中精密机械科技园区成为城市的新焦点和台湾可持续发 展的新标杆。
Section showing the landmark conference center which is sited in front of a large multi-function public plaza
Canton Tower Plaza Guanzhou Xinxin TV & Sightseeing Tower Co. Ltd.
Guangzhou China
广州新电视塔南广场 广州新电视塔建设有 限公司
广州 中国
The Canton Tower Plaza is a highly prominent addition to the city of Guangzhou and completes the southern section of Celebration Park, originally built for the Asia Games. The winner of a major international design competition, Arup Associates’ design strikes a careful balance between scales. The plaza’s urban level gestures acknowledge the Canton Tower, a major tourist attraction, while local needs are met through the provision of an upmarket retail mall and intimate park spaces for nearby residents and office workers. The resulting socially inclusive urban experience ensures that the plaza will become a vibrant hub for the city that thrives commercially. The plaza will be the main entry point for the Canton Tower. To maximize footfall, the park and mall are seamlessly integrated into the plaza space and share MTR connection, bus, taxi and vehicle drop-off. The park rises from street level at the south to second and third floor level at the base of the tower itself. This creates excellent street frontage for the upper floors of the partially submerged mall. The scheme responds to the existing urban street grid, road crossings and pedestrian routes, breaking down the urban mass of the development into human scaled blocks and spaces. At park level this becomes a series of neighbourhood scaled public garden zones. Underpinning the master planning and architecture is a highly sustainable approach to environmental engineering and the historic context. Deep light wells bring daylight into the retail mall, unifying the park and mall below, all plant life is native to Southern China and fed by retained rainwater, and a historic pagoda is maintained and incorporated into the design. The Canton Tower Plaza is an innovative new solution for commercially, socially, and environmentally sustainable urban parks and underground planning projects in China.
广州电视塔南广场与临近的海心沙广场一起组成 亚运会的庆典广场,为广州市增添了一抹亮色。Arup Associates 的设计方案在国际方案征集中脱颖而出。方 案成功了应用了尺度感,使得广场与屹立其中的广州塔交 相辉映,彰显出现代化大都市气息。由于广州塔现已成为 著名的旅游景点,所以我们在广场中引入高档购物中心和 风景秀丽的广场公园,为周围的居民和上班族提供了舒适 的休憩场所。丰富的都市生活体验将使南广场成为繁荣的 城市中心地带。 广场将成为广州塔的主要入口。为满足更多客流, 我们将广场公园、购物中心与整个广场实现了无缝连接, 并合理设置地铁站、公交车站、出租车载客点和一般车辆 的停靠点。广场公园从南面的临街区域,一直延伸至广州 塔的二层至三层楼面,不仅创造了良好的街道景观,更美 化了下沉式购物中心的景观。这一设计与城市街道网络、 道路交叉口和人行道相协调。建筑物和空间的布局秉承以 人为本的设计理念,缓解了大城市建筑密度所带来的压抑 感。公园给广场创造了一系列亲和的小花园。 具有高度可持续性的环境工程和亚运会的特殊历史意 义,为总体规划和建筑设计带来了良好的支持。深天井将 日光引入购物中心,这一设计使广场公园与购物中心融为 一体。所有的绿色植被均来自中国南方,灌溉它们的水是 收集来的雨水。设计还保留了一座历史悠久的塔,并将其 融入整体规划之中。 广州电视塔南广场是在商业、社会、环境等方向都具 有创新意义的城市公园和地下商业项目。
Nanning Beibu Tower Beibu Gulf Bank
Nanning China
北部湾银行大厦 北部湾银行
南宁\ 中国
The headquarters building for Beibu Gulf Bank in Nanning, South China, will be one of the tallest buildings in the region.
The public banking hall (left) is a separate structure which derives its form from the private club at the summit of the tower.
Site plan showing the complex core in the tower (top) and the linked banking hall (bottom).
The brief for the Beibu tower in Nanning (in Guanxi Province, Southern China) provided for a mixed-use building incorporating headquarters for the Beibu Bank, lettable office space, a 5* hotel, and public viewing gallery, with retailing, conference facilities, cinemas and a banking hall at podium level. The building is to be an urban landmark, a showcase for the bank, but also a highly innovative building in terms both of workplace design and sustainability. It should engage with the very mixed urban landscape of Nanning, which includes both high-rise buildings and earlier low-rise development. The site for the 402m tall building is an irregular diamond in shape. Arup Associates’ design strategy, developed by teams from the London and Shanghai offices, divides the building into two triangular volumes, one the tower, the other the 6 storey podium element, divided by a public route across the site. The triangular plan of the tower is sculpted into an elegantly tapered form, unifying the separate functions it contains, and engineered with both wind and seismic impact in mind. The spatial strategy is linked to the environmental design of the building – offices lower down the tower require more natural light than the hotel rooms towards its summit. Dedicated offices for Beibu Bank occupy floors 7–27, lettable offices floors 28–54, the 324-room hotel floors 57–75, with a clubhouse and observation floor at the top of the tower. The environmental strategy of the building aims to reduce the energy demand for cooling as much as possible, by integrating several strategies in to the building envelope: an active double-skin ventilated façade, incorporating automatic blinds, reduces the solar load to the occupied space; the window to wall ratio is carefully balanced to reduce solar gain while ensuring good views and ample natural light. Sky gardens provide circulation, amenity and social interaction between the floors occupied by Beibu Bank.
南宁北部湾大厦是作为北部湾银行总部的多用途办公 大楼而设计的,包括可租借的办公区,五星级酒店及公共 观景廊,大楼的裙房则用于零售市场、会议设施、电影院 及银行业务大厅。 北部湾大厦在办公区设计与可持续功 能上采用了高度创新的理念,使其成为南宁当之无愧的一 大地标,同时也展示了银行良好的面貌。南宁的城市景观 非常复杂,城市内既有崭新的高楼大厦,同时也有早期建 造的低层建筑,因此大厦设计时需要考虑如何与南宁的城 市景观更好地融合。 这座大厦高402米,处于一个不规则的菱形地块 中。Arup Associates邀请了伦敦及上海的团队参与设 计,决定将大厦分为两个三角形体块,其一为主体塔楼, 另一个则为六层高的裙房,中间由公共设施连接。大厦的 三角形外观设计为一个优美的圆锥结构,将其内部不同的 功能区完美统一,同时考虑了建筑防风抗震的工程问题。 这种空间布局也考虑了大厦的环境设计——楼层较低的办 公空间需要良好的采光,而顶部的酒店客房的采光要求则 相对较低。北部湾银行专用的办公室位于7-27层,租借办 公区位于28-54层,拥有324间客房的酒店位于57-75层, 大厦顶部设置了俱乐部会所与观景平台。大厦的环境设计 要求将制冷系统的耗能降至最低,主要通过以下几个方面 实现:双层可通风的幕墙系统,并安装了自动百叶,可显 著减少直接照射的阳光;窗墙比经过精密的计算与平衡, 在不影响室内视野和自然采光的情况下尽可能地减少了热 量吸收。北部湾银行的专用层设置了空中花园,员工可在 内散步、休息及进行社交互动。
The Arup Journals A selection
The Arup Journal was launched back in 1966 and, remarkably, has continued to be published ever since with the mission, codified early on, to “present the best of our work and thinking across our constantly growing areas of expertise”. From its very first year that “our” always included the work of Arup Associates alongside that of the parent company – Ove Arup & Partners then (and successively Ove Arup Partnership and now Arup). Founding Partner Sir Philip Dowson contributed his “Architect’s approach to architecture” to what was only the second edition in May 1966, and over the subsequent decades and into the present century The Arup Journal has continued to trace, through its detailed studies of key projects, the development of Arup Associates’ work. Long may it continue!
奥雅纳之旅 节选
奥雅纳之旅在1966年面市后出版至今,一直谨记着当年的 宗旨:“把我们最好的作品展现出来,同时也在我们不断发 展的专业领域里保持着思考”。从第一年开始,我们Arup Associates的工作就一直和母公司Ove Arup & Partners (后来是Ove Arup Partnership, 现在是 Arup) 齐头并进。 创始合伙人Philip Dowson先生将他的《建筑师的设计方法》 发表在1966年五月第二版上,在随后的几十年里以至新的世 纪,奥雅纳之旅都在不断地通过细致的研究Arup Associates 的重要作品来见证它的成长。 未来的路还很长!
1967 1976
1983 1982
1984 1989
1990 1997
2001 2005
Endmatter 结束
2010 490
Index 目录
Mining and Metallurgy University of Birmingham 050
1 Finsbury Avenue Greycoat Estates PLC 090
Snape Maltings Concert Hall Aldeburgh Festival of Music & the Arts 056
Diplomatic Quarter Sports Club Bureau of Foreign Affairs Saudi Arabia 098
IBM (UK) Ltd 064
Broadgate Development Liverpool Street British Land Company PLC 104
Sir Thomas White Building St John`s College University of Oxford 070
Imperial War Museum 122
Central Electricity Generating Board (CEGB) HQ 074
Stockley Park Stockley Park Consortium Ltd 130
Gateway 1 and 2 Wiggins Teape (UK) PLC 080
Watling House Development British Land Company PLC 136
Hong Kong Station Mass Transport Railway Corporation (MTRC) 142 Arup Campus Prologis Kingspark & British Land Company PLC 154 Plantation Place British Land Company PLC 166 Plantation Lane British Land Company PLC 172 Vauxhall Cross Interchange Transport for London 176 Nokia Campus Nokia Beijing 182
CITI Data Centre Citigroup 186 Ropemaker Place British Land Company PLC 196 Honeywell R&D Centre Shanghai Honeywell 202 ExxonMobil Asia Pacific R&D Centre ExxonMobil 206 Philips Zero Carbon Emissions Building Philips Shanghai 212 Qatar Showcase, FIFA Qatar 2022 Bid Committee 216
Index 目录
BSkyB Sky Studios British Sky Broadcasting Ltd / Stanhope PLC 222 Ding He Tower China Southern Power Grid 228 Huawei Campus Shenzhen Huawei Investment & Holding Co. Ltd. 232 ICBC Jiading Data Centre ICBC Shanghai 236 Faculty of Engineering and Computing Coventry University 244 Wuxi Fortune Plaza HKI China Land Ltd. 250
Sports Centre, Phase 1 University of Cambridge 254
King Abdullah Sports City Saudi Aramco 282
Druk White Lotus School The Drukpa Trust 260
Singapore Sports Hub Dragages Singapore Pte Ltd 288
MEEZA Data Centre 266
Phoenix Mountain Mixed Use Development Shining Group 294
Concept Masterplan for Sutong Science Industry Park China Singapore Sutong Science and Technology Park (Nantong) Development Co., LTD 270
Taichung Mixed Use Development Phase 1&2 Taiwan Land Development Corporation 298
Jaguar Land Rover Engine Manufacturing Centre UK 274
Canton Tower Plaza Guanzhou Xinxin TV & Sightseeing Tower Co. Ltd. 302
Shanghai LOOP Changning District Government 278
Nanning Beibu Tower Beibu Gulf Bank 306
Credits and copyright 信用和版权
Photography 摄影
Alan Williams Andrew Putler Ben McMillan Caroline Sohie Christian Richters Cityscape Colin Westwood Crispin Boyle Damian Eley Daniel Clement Darren Soh David Kinney David Laing Dennis Gilbert Graham Brandon Graham Flack Grant Smith Hayes Davidson Hufton+Crow Photography Ian Cook James Ward Jason Kennedy
Jeff Harkey Jerry Lee John Donat John Mills Photography Ltd Kilian O’Sullivan Kingkay Architectural Photography Luke Jarvis M Fogarty M Moser and Ben McMillian Martin Charles McAteer Nathan Willock Oaker Peter Cook Peter Defty Peter Macintosh Richard Bryant Richard Dudley / Triangle 2 Richard Stonehouse Simon Kennedy Spice Photos Ltd SPLC SSHC Ltd
Text 文字
Printing 打印
Kenneth Powell Editor 编辑 Declan O’Carroll Co-editor 联合编辑 Michael Beaven Francesca Galeazzi
Printed in Shanghai, China Copyright 2014 Arup Associates No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or manner whatsoever without prior written permission except in the case of brief quotations.
Research and production 研究和制作
中国上海打印 2014版权
Mick Brundle Joanne Ronaldson Philip Jones
除了简短的引用之外,如无书面许可, 此书的任何部分都不得以任何形式或方 式被使用或复制。
Design 设计 CHK Design
Projects 项目
Arup Associates 1963 –2013