The Arura Healing Centre is located at 75 High Street, Woodend (first floor, Westpac Bank Building) For all bookings and inquiries please phone Karen on 0400 688 599 email:
Healing Centre
Consultations are by appointment Monday to Saturday. Evening appointments are available if required. All services, availability and fees are subject to change without notice.
Traditional Tibetan medicine for health and well being
No credit or eftpos facilities.
What is Arura?
Karen Stone
Terminalia Chebula or Chebulic myrobalan is the most prized plant in the Tibetan medical pharmacopeia. This plant is often seen held in the right hand of Senge Menla, the Medicine Buddha. Many stories are told of mystical appearances of the fruit of this tree falling from the sky. In medical terms it is unique in manifesting all of the six tastes, seven powers and seventeen effects of Tibetan herbal medicine.
Arura phone 0400 688 599
Karen Stone
has been practicing holistic healing in the Macedon Ranges for over 10 years. She studies TTM with Dr Nida Chenagtsang and the International Academy for Traditional Tibetan Medicine; and travels regularly to Tibet and India to further her studies in Tibetan medicine and culture.
Ku Nye Tibetan massage $100 Please allow at least two hours for this treatment May include, depending on your needs: Hot rocks Shell massage *Cupping *Moxibustion *Hor me – Mongolian Moxibustion *Yuk Cho stick therapy *denotes also available as separate treatment without massage bLa massage $100 one and a half hours, please refer to calendar on website for bLa dates
Arura Healing Centre offers all aspects of Traditional Tibetan medicine (TTM), including external therapies such as Ku Nye massage, cupping and moxibustion, Yuk Cho stick therapy, diet and lifestyle consultations, herbal medicines and mantra healing. Additional healing modalities: Reiki Master (Usui Tibetan lineage) Bach Flower practitioner Crystal Healing Meditation
Cupping and/or moxibustion only (includes Hor me) one hour
Yuk Cho stick therapy One hour
TTM consultation (diet & lifestyle) (Does not include cost of herbal medicines)
Mantra Healing
Reiki One hour
Crystal Healing One hour
Bach Flower consultation
phone 0400 688 599
Tibetan Mantra Healing is a powerful form of healing dating back from the earliest times in Tibet. Mantra healing focuses on the energy of sound as a healing medium. It utilises ancient and secret mantras: sometimes encapsulating the essences of natural sounds, and often using ancient words from both Sanskrit and Tibetan languages. A mantra healer must have full transmission from a lineage teacher to practice this form of healing. It works as a vibrational healing technique, using the energy of sound to remedy any underlying energetic disturbance, treating the root cause as well as the related symptoms. There are literally hundreds of different mantras for healing. They can help with all physical, mental and emotional conditions. The appropriate mantra is recited a certain number of times to active its power, then the breath, which contains the subtle energy of the sounds, is used to energise a healing medium; usually water, it can also be butter, salt and even river stones to be placed on the body. Amulets and cords can also be made, to be worn or carried on the body, or placed in important locations such as home, workplace or car. Karen has received teaching and transmission for Mantra healing from Dr Nida Chenagtsang. These mantras have been transmitted to Dr Nida as a part of a long oral and written tradition, largely stemming from the Ngakpa tradition, of which Dr Nida is a direct linage holder.
Traditional Tibetan Medicine (TTM) is a science and an art, dating back to antiquity. One of the three great Asian medical traditions, it has closer ties to the Ayurvedic medicine of India than to Chinese medicine. It includes a huge herbal pharmacopeia and a large body of external therapies, many of which are little known in the western world. TTM is a holistic system addressing the individuals needs as a whole – body, mind and spirit – in an integrated way. Despite being one of the worlds most ancient healing systems, TTM continues to be effectively practiced in contemporary society. Yuthok Yonten Gonpo, the father of Tibetan medicine described it as “a wise mans medicine”, not just for Buddhists rather for all of those wise enough to see its beneficial qualities. The aims of TTM are two fold, prevention and cure. By addressing the causes of imbalance in the body, harmony is resorted to body energy and mind resulting in a healthy body, a clear calm mind and abundant energy. While herbal medicines can be an important part of treatment through TTM, it does not rely solely on this practice. Changes to diet and lifestyle through an understanding of your body’s typology and the use of the extensive array of external therapies are equally important and effective in any healing program. phone 0400 688 599
Ku Nye – Tibetan massage is one of the most important
Pulse reading to determine body typology and help with diagnosis
Moxibustion, the application of precise, intense heat by burning specially prepared herbs, used in combination with acupressure on specific points or for pain relief
external therapies practiced in TTM. More than massage, this is a body work technique with restorative and rejuvenating benefits which include: the elimination of toxins, increased vitality, the reduction and alleviation of pain, calming of stress and anxiety disorders, insomnia, migraine and headache, body aches and pains and injuries. It is also preventative, boosting the immune system and clearing the energy channels and meridians. A treatment includes the selection of essential oils according to your body type, the use of specific muscle massage techniques, acupressure point work, joint mobilisation, the application of therapeutic heat with rocks and salt, shell and stone massage, cupping, moxibustion or Yuk Cho stick therapy as required. Warm river stones are used to warm and soothe the muscles during Ku Nye massage
phone 0400 688 599
Cupping with Tibetan copper cups to relieve pain, stimulate specific energy points and release toxic buildup in the body Yuk Cho sticks, an ancient Tibetan yogic healing technique