July august issue #10

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Monthly Issue #10 | July / August 2014

5 Steps to Exciting Parade Photos

Photographer Kimmonge Defies Artistic Limits

Synchrodogs Natural Photography PicsArt Monthly |1

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Pro Insight 08 | ACCESS

Inspiration 18 | In the Heart of the Forest 58 | Photographer Kimmonge Defies Artistic Limits

PicsArt In Action 28 | Texture Masks Create Transformative Illusions

Tutorials 30 | 5 Steps to Exciting Parade Photos 40 | Learn How to Use PicsArt to Make Magic 50 | Draw a Dragon Using PicsArt

What's New 68 | Android Update: Record Your Drawing Process 72 | It’s a Woman’s World

Interview 82 | Synchrodogs Natural Photography

Feature 104 | Deer In a Golden Sea 106 | DIY Rock Fish 108 | The Charming World of Ngoc Bich Nguyen

Editor-in-Chief | Arusiak Kanetsyan Art Editor | Cristina Gevorg Designer | Ina Sarko Copy Editor | Arto Vaun, Cameron Sheldon Editorial Contributors | Cameron Sheldon, Satenig Mirzoyan, Mark Gargarian Special Contributors | Lou Jones, Chris Corradino In-House Photographer | ma_lina Address: PicsArt Inc., 800 West El Camino Real, Mountain View, CA 94040

Publisher: PicsArt


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Copyright of Socialln Inc. ( PicsArt Photo Studio ) 2013. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be re-used without the written permission of the publisher. The content of this magazine is for informational purposes only and is, to the best of our knowledge, correct at the time of publication. PicsArt Photo Studio does not claim any ownership right for the photos in the Magazine. All photos, if not mentioned otherwise, are the property of respective PicsArt users. The PicsArt username or photo owner is cited on each photo. PicsArt Photo Studio has a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, limited licence to use, modify, add to, publicly perform, publicly display, and reproduce PicsArt users’ photos, including without limitation distributing part or all of the Magazine in any media formats through any media channels.

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Cover photo by @ngocbich-nguyen-965

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Welcome ! In the July issue of PicsArt Monthly, we have an exciting array of original artwork, pro perspectives, artistic tutorials, and some major new PicsArt features for you to discover. It’s a perfect issue for the summer, as it is a time of year marked by long hours of sunlight, beautiful weather, outdoor festivities, and adventurous trips around the world. We’ve therefore prepared an all-star lineup of inspiring content to give you new ideas and get your creative juices flowing. Here is a glimpse of what to expect. Create videos on PicsArt for the very first time, and learn about our landmark Android update. PicsArt has just branched into video with our new Video Export feature, and in classic PicsArt style, it’s easy to use and tons of fun. You’ll also get to know some of PicsArt's favorite standbys like our texture masks, and explore artistic tutorials that will have you itching to try out some really cool features and tricks for yourself. Summer means going outside with your camera as much as possible, and PicsArt’s resident photography professor Chris Corradino is here to accompany you with a special article called "5 Steps to Exciting Parade Photos," so that you’ll be able to milk any street procession for a maximum yield of incredible photos. If you’re looking for something different from anything you’ve ever seen before, catch our interview with the sensational photography duo of Tania Shcheglova and Roman Noven, known together as Synchrodogs. This artistic team has perfected a unique and eccentric style of photography that you have to see to believe. As always, we’ll be introducing you to some rising stars in the PicsArt community and spotlighting some original art from users. Meet PicsArtist of the Month Ngoc Bich Nguyen, and explore the charming universe she has created with her photography. See PicsArtist Kimmonge paint her way through every artistic genre using only PicsArt. Explore our galleries and see the amazing art being created every day by people just like you. This month's issue is packed with a diverse array of information, with a little something for everyone. So grab a cold beverage and dive in!

Let us know what you think of this month’s issue and send us your feedback at info@picsart.com.

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ACCESS by Lou Jones I am often asked: What is the most important factor for producing better photographs? There are multiple theories: talent, expensive equipment, Photoshop, “getting closer”, but my answer is access. You can teach yourself to make better compositions or just get lucky, but if you can’t get at what you need to photograph you have little chance to succeed. Permissions, press passes, permits, chutzpah can be employed in varying amounts to “be in the right place at the right time”. Nothing supplants actual permission. Having an assignment or knowing someone in authority is worth its weight in gold. If a friend or acquaintance opens the door, everything is easier. However, it is still up to you to make good. I have made phone calls to perfect strangers to explain my mission throughout my entire career. Sometimes it is as easy as that. But sometimes what you want is seen as an imposition. You always have to be prepared to explain why your request will be beneficial for your subject. I tell my assistants you have to coerce people to do what will cost them time and money but in the end, they’ll feel the need to thank you.

“We don’t need no damn badges” In some locations security is so tight that you have to wear a credential to get past guards. Egotistical hangers-on will prance around wearing them like a badge of honor. “Backstage passes” have the cachet of hierarchy. But there is no universal press pass, as some amateur photographers seem to think. You may need to apply for credentials well before the event and there’s the rub. Knowing who to tap and how becomes an art form. Credentials don’t guarantee access though. They only get you through the gate. I have had to open up my background to get security clearances to such things as papal visits and national political conventions.

“How much will that cost me?” Many locales have started restricting when, where and how you take pictures. Private property requires permission most of the time. Stores, places of business, homes, malls, factories all have the right to prevent photography. But many cities, airports, national parks, and sporting events require permits to put down a tripod, bring in models, impede pedestrian or vehicular traffic, etc. Sometimes there is a fee involved. Many photographers avoid the inconvenience of applying for permits, but consider the damage to your budget and reputation if you get caught and bad people with badges shut your operation down. PicsArt Monthly |9

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Gift of Gab The majority of photography is spontaneous. See something, take a picture. Ninety percent of the time there is no additional consequence. To stop and ask permission may alter the situation forever. To acquire a permit may be impossible. Personality, rationality and the law may be of no help in the heat of the moment. Good photographers develop a brazen attitude that convinces people that their intentions are reasonable. Some call it chutzpah. Others gall. Applied with finesse, it can get you good pictures. Used poorly, it can get you into trouble. Nothing is worth physical harm or worse. I have spent time in jails all over the world and I can categorically say it is not worth it.

Extremes There are many explorers and adventurers who are taking photography to places beyond all human endeavors. Humanity is advanced by these courageous acts. Many fail. Lots of people can get there but the glory goes to those who come back with proof. What is legal? What is blood? Social networking has attracted a new brand of thrill seeker whose only interest is attention with little regard for propriety, property, physical harm or personal safety. URBEX (urban explorers) are diving, flying, and climbing all sorts of challenges: caves, cliffs, super skyscrapers. Similarly, others are chasing wars, drug cartels and the unknown with little preparation. Every photograph we take has a risk/cost analysis that goes with it. Sometimes the balance is not right.

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In the Heart of the Forest Forests offer photographers nature at its very densest, with endless trees casting an enormous network of shadows, turning the ground beneath their canopy into a dark and mysterious sea. A galaxy of life flows through their trunks and over their roots, chomping away at their leaves and finding shelter in their bark. In a forest, a pair of eyes are almost always certainly staring up or down at you from any given angle, yet animals manage to remain mostly unseen, having practiced for millions of years to become tough-to-find prey for their surrounding predators. What’s often left are columns of towering trees silently guarding the life-forms living amongst them, occasionally letting through a few majestic rays of sunlight. This sight alone can stop any photographer in their tracks, as they try and capture the vastness of the growth around them, knowing they can never fully penetrate the mysteries of the forest, not even from the inside. These are some of the best photos of forests users have shared on PicsArt. These photos come from all over the world, and depict a diverse range of landscapes and life.

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@csyol @csyol

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Texture Masks Create Transformative Illusions PicsArt offers so many different editing possibilities, and among the most exciting are Texture Masks. What makes Texture Masks so unique is that they let you alter the story of the photo itself by giving it a new context. Create the illusion that a photo is printed on a different material, or insert inclement weather by just selecting the mask of your choosing from the menu. Suddenly, a landscape becomes a graffiti mural on a concrete wall. A family photo becomes an old printed photograph, creased from years of mishandling. Take a sunny day outdoors, and with a swipe of the finger, pepper your shot with slowly falling flakes of snow. Masks are customizable, so you have full control of just how intense or subtle you want your texture mask to be. Above all, Texture Masks are incredibly easy to use, and therefore provide an instant source of creativity by taking a simple photo and turning it into something completely new and unexpected every time. 28| PicsArt Monthly

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5 Steps to Exciting Parade Photos by Chris Corradino

All photos by Chris Corradino

Whether you live in a small town or a big city, parades are always an exciting photo opportunity. With a wide variety of subject matter, you simply never know what you’ll find. Of course with so much happening all at once, it’s easy to get caught up in the moment and miss the desired shots. The truth is, great parade photography requires a special approach. Below are the tips and techniques needed to help you best capture this entertaining event.

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TUTORIAL : Shooting

1. Get There Early Some of the most compelling parade images can be made an hour before it even starts. By arriving early, you’ll see participants milling around and getting ready. Members of the armed forces will be in uniform while band members tune instruments and clowns apply their last bit of makeup. Since they are not yet performing, the mood is more relaxed. If your goal is to shoot portraits, this is an ideal time to do so. Once the marching begins, you can follow along from the sidewalk.

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2. A Longer Lens is Best At a large event, access can be limited due to thick crowds and police barriers. If I had to choose one lens for a parade, it would be a medium telephoto zoom in the 55-200mm range. This gives you the ability to photograph subjects that are further away. It also means you won’t have to jockey for a place in the front row. To get a better perspective, you may even want to stand on street benches or the base of lamp posts.

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3. Be an Observer of Life To slow the pace down, I look for quieter moments along the route. Little details like a child waving a flag, or a particularly heartfelt sign, help to tell the whole story. Be aware of the subtle things that may have otherwise gone by unnoticed. These are the types of images that can be used along with the more routine shots of the politicians and distinguished guests. Ultimately you are creating a photo essay of the day. 34| PicsArt Monthly

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4. The Tech Details Considering that everyone is moving quickly, a fast shutter speed is essential for sharp results. At 1/250th of a second, you can freeze the motion of all who pass by. This will also help to prevent any camera shaking. Then, to effectively bring attention to the subjects and throw the background out of focus, use a wide aperture such as f2.8 or f4. Start at the lowest ISO (100) and raise it accordingly based on the existing light. 36| PicsArt Monthly

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5. No Standing Around Rather than standing in one place for the duration of the parade, I recommend walking the entire route from start to finish. This will increase the number of times you see certain performers and floats. If you miss it one time, you can keep walking and see it again. In addition, you’ll see more bystanders, many of whom can be even more interesting than the parade itself. Best of all, when the parade ends you’ll be there to photograph the celebration. 38| PicsArt Monthly

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TUTORIAL : Editing



PicsArt TO MAKE MAGIC The fun of photo editing really is the magic of it. With PicsArt, you can imagine the most unbelievable images and create them by transforming real photos into supernatural fantasies. This month we’re going to give you a lesson in Magic 101 and show you how to create puffs of colorful clouds in the palms of your hands. We’ve all seen it done by hundreds of wizards and witches in Hollywood over the years; it’s sort of the trademark move for people with magic powers. Today, however, you don’t need a team of experts in special effects, you just need the PicsArt app. You’ll see how easy it is to create fantasy with just the tips of your fingers.

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PHOTO Upload a photo of yourself facing the camera and holding an object.

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TOOL Select the Tools icon from the menu bar and select the Clone tool. Tap part of your shirt with your finger, then brush your finger over the object you are holding to remove it. Confirm your changes.

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Back at the main editing screen, press the Add Photo icon and choose a photo of clouds. Position the photo over the hand that was previously holding the object.

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GRADIENT With your cloud photo still selected, choose the “Fx” Effects icon, and select the Gradient effect from the Pop Art section of the effects menu. Choose two colors to create a colorful blend of colors in your clouds. Apply the effect.

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CROP With the clouds still selected, choose the scissor-shaped Free Crop icon. Use the scissors or lasso to cut your square cloud photo into a cloud shape. Confirm your changes.

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BLUR Back at the main editor, select the Effects icon and choose the Blur effect from the Blur section of the menu. Select the Brush icon from the top menu and check the Invert box. Brush out the edges of the cloud to apply the blur around those areas only. Confirm changes.

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FINAL EFFECT For a final cinematic touch, select the Effects icon and choose an effect that gives your photo a magical atmosphere. We used the new Dodger effect and got awesome results.

Congratulations, you have just graduated from Magic 101 and are ready to your newfound magic powers!

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Draw a Dragon Using PicsArt Step-by-Step Drawing Tutorial The legends of dragons have struck fear in the hearts of men for ages, but you have nothing to fear in drawing them. We have prepared a step-by-step drawing tutorial that breaks down how to use PicsArt Drawing Tools to create a Dragon in just minutes.

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TUTORIAL : Drawing

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Step 1: Draw Basic Outline

Step 2: Refine Your Outline

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Draw a very basic outline, using a thin brush to roughly decide where you want to place the main elements of your dragon.

Reduce the opacity and, in a higher layer, trace a more detailed dragon outline.

Step 3: Final Outline & Basic Color

Reduce the opacity again, and trace a neat, final outline. Remove previous outlines by deleting the layers and add new layers for your basic colors.

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Step 4: Add Basic Shading

Step 5: Advanced Shading & Color

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Use a black brush to thickly draw your shading in a higher layer. Don’t be afraid if it’s too dark. Reduce the opacity of the layer and it will cast a light shadow. In new layers, add shading and colors bit by bit. Use translucent brushes for your shading, and vary your tones based on which areas are closest to your light source.

Step 6: Background & Foreground

Use colors and brushes to bring your background to life. You can also add a layer of shading on your foreground around the edges of the frame to make it look smokey!

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Step 7: Cinerama Effect

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Save your image and go to the Effects section to add the Cinerama effect for a classic film feel.

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PicsArtist Kimmonge Defies Artistic Limits

All photos by @kimmonge

Kimmonge (@kimmonge) is a PicsArtist who very much represents the potential of what you can achieve using PicsArt Drawing Tools. Each painting looks like it was created with different techniques, materials, and brushes. Her artistic ideas don’t seem to all come from the same place, but rather each one seems like the result of different unique moment of inspiration. Her art never gets tiring, or redundant as you can see for yourself.

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Android Update: Record your Drawing Process Last month we released a sensational update for Android 4.0+ devices that completely revolutionizes your experience of creating and sharing with PicsArt. The update includes a redesigned PicsArt drawing toolbar, new layer customization features, and the very exciting Video Export feature, which lets you record and instantly share videos of your creative process. The Video Generation and Export feature is a truly exciting development that will transform the way you share your artistic experience. The new feature records every step of your drawing process live so that when you have finished, you can instantly share a fully formed video on YouTube or any of your favorite social networks. Imagine how rewarding your drawing process is when you have a video of every drawing that you made to share with your friends or keep for future reference. This unique feature allows you not only to share the drawing process with your friends and followers but to create interactive infographics, make presentations, take notes, send custom messages to your friends and create fun animated characters, all using PicsArt.

The update also enhances and expands the overall Drawing Section of PicsArt, with a redesigned toolbar and an all new layer customization feature. You can now rotate and resize layers. This provides another level of control, as you can size and position layers relative to each other. 68| PicsArt Monthly

With the latest update, you can also add clipart images while drawing. To access your Clipart packages select the “Add Image” button in the Draw section and choose the Clipart option if you are using a mobile phone or just select the “Clipart” icon if you are using a tablet. These latest enhancements deepen and refine the drawing process. You’re going to love using them to create interactive content and artistic video tutorials to share on YouTube and across social media.

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How women are trending in 2014‌ The world of photography and visual imagery is constantly evolving. The advent of new technologies has accelerated this evolution, creating boundless possibilities for photographers and their art. In this fast-paced and ever-changing field, visual trends are not only born from artists emboldened by digital technology, but delivered by the tides of social, cultural and political change.

Visual trends A picture is worth a thousand words. This is especially true in our technology and multi-media based world, where imagery has the power to change the way the world looks and transform how we live our lives. As visual trends gain traction, they are incorporated in and reinforced by advertisements and marketing schemes, reflecting and generating broader change.

The visual shift: powerful, real and diverse women of the world One of the most interesting and important visual trends that has emerged in 2014 is centered on women. Advertisers now use relatable body types – young and old – instead of stereotypical stick figures to sell their product. Regular women, doing regular things, around the world have become the new norm. Stock photography has also shifted towards emphasizing the power of women while celebrating their diversity. Disabled women, same-sex coupled women, and women of all shapes and sizes have challenged entrenched stereotypes about gender norms while empowering women worldwide. Not surprisingly, this emergent visual trend has other trends embedded in it. Increasingly, real people, older people, multi-ethnic content and diversity are also trending visually. Ultimately, this refreshingly real approach to how we visualize women is at once inspirational and aspirational: by changing the way we see women portrayed, we might be able to change prevailing attitudes about women. PicsArt Monthly |71

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To be sure, visual trends offer fun, new and exciting ideas for your photography. However, if we scratch below the surface, we often find that they reflect something broader than themselves, inspired and impelled by great change. If one of the quickest ways to make people think differently about something is to change the imagery around it, then visual trends raise very important and deeply personal questions about your craft as a photographer: Why do you take photos? What do you seek to accomplish with your photography? And what will your photographic footprint look like down the line?

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Synchrodogs Ukrainian Photographers Capture Unique Photos Synchrodogs is a photography team that consists of two members Roman and Tania. These Ukrainian artists use their images and art to express their deep sense of connection to the natural world, a connection that they often feel deeper than the one they share with the man-made world. Their work is beautiful and abstract, often exploring their dreams and natural instincts. We interviewed Synchrodogs to ask them about their work.

How did you two become a team and start working together?

All photos by Synchrodogs

We met each other on the Internet, both had accounts on some photography website. First we were just shooting our life which looked like diary pictures, but with time we went more and more into experiments and eventually emerged as an artistic team.

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What is the dynamic between you two in terms of how you work together? Do you have roles one tends to do more/less than the other, or does this change for every project? We try doing everything together. Even if we divide the responsibilities we discuss our course of action beforehand.

Where did the name Synchrodogs come from? Dogs – because we often feel more like animals than like humans, natural environment is the one we are purely happy being surrounded by. Synchro – because of our very similar perceptions and tastes, even thoughts.

Your Reverie Sleep project is based off of hallucinations/dreams that you have when you are just dozing, between wake and sleep. Can you talk about how this project came about? Was there one particular image/ dream that began this idea? We were collecting our dreams for a year and a half writing them down into an iPhone note list before we decided to make a project out of them. Cannot remember which were the first ones, but all were in landscapes that didn’t look like Earth.

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Nudity is a common theme in many of your projects? What is the importance of nudity to you as artists? There is no particular ‘importance’ in nudity itself. Nudity makes a person more abstract, relieves it from any connotation.

You yourself describe your own work as often “dark” and “eerie”, can you talk a bit about what draws you towards these kinds of images? It was Dazed Digital who called us that 3 years ago. I guess we changed dramatically since then. There is nothing dark in us anymore.

There is also a common focus on women. What does the idea of womanhood mean to you? The role of people is always diminished in our projects, the important thing is only that connection with the surrounding natural environment.

What do you like most about being photographers? That we are flexible in work schedule and can often sleep 'til 1 pm.

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What is the most important thing you have learned since you first started? The more you work hard and are faithful to yourself the more opportunities arise.

What are you working on now? On a charitable project. We decided to start selling jewelry made-by-Tania for 77 euros a piece. All of the money from these ‘one of a kind’ necklaces/earrings is spent for charitable purposes. The first money earned already went to one of the Ukrainian orphan asylums, they are usually critically poor here and lack toys, games for development, books. We will also send a ‘thank you’ postcard telling buyers where their money was spent each time so that they can be proud of themselves for helping the world.

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Deer in a Golden Sea


The Photo of the Month is this spectacular wildlife shot, captured by user GrĂŠta Simicska (@sgreta08). Wildlife photographers revel in the

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beauty of nature, in which there is a lot to marvel and photograph, but perhaps the most addicting part of wildlife photography is the unpredictability of the environments we carry our camera equipment into. Sometimes, nature gives you the rare chance of a shot so perfect it could not have possibly been

scripted, where everything comes together for just a moment. Gréta’s shot is truly a miracle of circumstance. She happened upon not one, but a team of nearly 10 deer huddled together in a field of wild yellow flowers. The resulting image is one of those moments that seems

too beautiful to be real, with these normally fleeting creatures out in the open in large numbers, poking their perky heads above a sea of brilliant gold. Gréta could not have wished for a better view, and ended up capturing the photo of a lifetime.

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4. Apply varn

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FEATURE : Artist

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The Charming World of Ngoc Bich Nguyen

All photos by @ngocbich-nguyen-965

The PicsArtist of the Month is user Ngoc Bich Nguyen (@ngocbich-nguyen-965), whose pictures take you into her world - a bright, calm and inviting place. Ngoc’s photography presents itself as an extension of how she looks at her immediate surroundings. No object is ordinary, nothing is stale or mundane, everything has its own personality, its own place in the background. She achieves this look by directing her surroundings into places where everything can shine within a context in its specific role. Whether its the way she sets her table for breakfast, or sticks her photos up on the wall, everything is deliberate, especially when they don’t line up perfectly, as that is how Ngoc expresses her quirky sense of fun. Some of her best stuff is where she mixes drawings and labels in with her photography, drawing dancing legs under waffles and adding exclamatory limbs around the edges of her coffee cup. For Ngoc, nothing is ordinary. There is life behind everything on her table, bed, or wall. In her world, everything has charm, and all you have to do is sit back and enjoy the company of being well-surrounded.

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