Arvid Wedlin
landscape archi tect por tfolio
Arvid Wedlin bergsundsgatan 11 117 37 Stockholm 070-479 14 84 arvid.Wedlin (skype)
2015: segerstedthuset
Studio - Landscape construction, advanced course Small scale project (Contruction drawings)
LE:NOTRE Student Competition Large scale project
2014: Connect slottstorget
Landscape Architecture Design Studio, advanced course Small/Medium scale project
2014 Reaching air
Landscape Architecture Design Studio, advanced course Small scale project (team)
2013 tree clusters and variation
Studio - Designing with Plants Large scale project
about me Name: Arvid ”Arvy” Wedlin
Hi there!
Born: March 11th 1989
My name is Arvid Wedlin and I’m a 26 year old guy living in Stockholm, Sweden.
From: Göteborg, Sweden Location:
Stockholm, Sweden July 2015
Looking for:
A developing job as a landscape architect
Design, Music, Sports, Nature, Cooking, Writing
Creative, Positive, Curious Adventurous, Fearless, Ambitious, Organized
This is my portfolio where I have collected a couple of different projects from my five years as a landscape architect student. Most of the projects are made entirely by me, but one is made by me and some more other students. This will be clarified in each project discription. I hope this will show you a bit of me and who I am as a landscape architect. If you want to know more about me, read my resumé and my cover letter, contact me or look me up on linkedin.
Arvid Wedlin
photo of me on KARINGON in the archipelago outside goteborg, sweden
studio - landscape construction Project type:
Individual Project in Studio - Landscape Construction, advanced course, 10 credits
March 30th - June 7th 2015
Segerstedthuset, Uppsala, Sweden
host: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Focus: Task:
Landscape Architecture and Landscape Construction To create complete construction drawings for the main entrance of Segerstedthuset in Uppsala. The task was also to create construction drawings for a bench, a staircase and an example of the groundcovers and pavings. Important aspects in detailing were the materials; the surface finishes and dimensions of stones, wood and steel. The course also included an introduction in techincal descriptions (Swedish AMA - General Specifications of Material and workmanship) and calculation of amounts and cost.
segerstedthuset: paving example
segerstedthuset: Bench
segerstedthuset: Bench
segerstedthuset: staircase
segerstedthuset: staircase
overall design An overall design was already set for the entrance area and the task was thereby to solve the issues of the site and focus and on materials and details. My idea was to enhance and accentuate the entrance of the building and keep a holistic approach on the different materials.
Pavings Light grey granite stones for pavings and walls for a uniform character all over the entrance area. Black granite/diabase stones as contrast to hightligt important details.
benches Wooden seat on a concrete foundation with diabase covering. The black diabase adds to the details in black contrasting to the uniform light grey stone material all over the entrance area, while the white wooden slats works as contrast to the black diabase. The wooden slats also ”flows” down vertically to create a ”wooden cover” on the foundation.
staircase Light grey granite steps in a certain pattern with stones of different lenght and with black diabase contrast markings at the top and bottom step. A black thin and modest handrail of steel adds to the black contrasting details.
Retain, restore and revive
le:No tr e stud en t competi tion 2015 Project type:
International Student Competition as part of my master's thesis called "A Competitor's Reflections"
January 27th - March 5th 2015
location: Bucharest, Romania host: LE:NOTRE Institute Focus:
Landscape Architecture and Urban Design
The task was to (Re)Discover the Emerald Necklace of Colentina, a 25 kilometer long chain of artificial lakes in the periphery of Bucharest, Romania. The chain was created for the purpose of water supply, irrigation, fishing and primary leisure but has over the years decayed, decreased in quality and become more of a barrier in the city.
Competitors were asked to submit proposals with new sustainable and holistic visions for the area.
Retain. restore and
Retain, restore and revive
Design idea:
My overall concept for this competition was based on the intentional purpose of the lakes and I called it - RETAIN, RESTORE and REVIVE. The vision was to: - RETAIN the valuable areas and monuments - RESTORE the vacant lands and available shores into accessible, green spaces with higher biological, ecological and recreational values - REVIVE the area to a social meeting area with new values for sustainable tourism and leisure
spatial design:
Spatially, this was done through adding green spaces and a new pathway along the entire chain of lakes. The pathway would create a sustainable path for cyclists and pedestrians. It would pass retained, restored and revived areas, modern places and valuable monuments and areas. The Colentina Pathway, as it would be called, would highlight the chain of lakes, through different objects and furnitures give the area an new united identity and become a tourist attraction of its own.
Lighting pole
Garbage bin
lake sign
movable chair
Retain, restore and revive: experience nature on accessible boardwalks
overall illustration plan Everything is spatially adapted to the current situation of the lakes. LACUL BANEASA REVIVE the southern shore making it accessible with the pathway and a green corridor. A new iconic bridge connects Baneasa and Damaroaia and leads pathway past a landmark. RESTORE park on north peninsula.
Retain, restore and revive
RETAIN the quite rural character and RESTORE the shorelines by making them accessible. REVIVE the area with the pathway that connects the two sides of the lake.
RETAIN the biological values in the wetlands to the west, RESTORE the green spaces and REVIVE with the accessible pathway, new park areas by the lake and a new multicenter.
RETAIN the inaccessible, private, yet valuable, green peninsulas. HERASTRAU PARK INCL.RIVIVE with the pathway SEVERAL MONUMENTS providing vistas of the lake used for sailing boats and the lake’s surroundings.
RETAIN the forest on western shore. RESTORE and REVIVE the eastern shore with the pathway trough a park or vegetation area near water and provide vistas over the lake.
PT RESTORE the sport facilities and park area on the southern shore. REVIVE with new parks on the north side, making water accessible. New Bridge connects north and south side of the lake.
RETAIN the green spaces and valuable areas and monuments. Use existing paths for the pathway. Possibly REVIVE with a new iconic bridge to connect and allow easy access from public transportation.
RESTORE t north shore a half t peninsula wi green spac connecting we and eas REVIVE with t pathway as boardwalk the wate passing publ transportatio
LACUL PLUMBUITA RETAIN the valuable parks in the south and plumbuita park. RESTORE the small island and the north shore with green spaces. REVIVE by the pathway passing landmarks and valuable areas. Bridge and connect with the perifery in the north.
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LACUL FUNDENI I RESTORE the green spaces around the shores. REVIVE the island to allow island characteristics, viewing the lake surrounded by it. Bridge the canal to connect with public transportation.
LACUL PANTELIMON II LACUL DOBROESTI RESTORE the existing green spaces on the southern shore. REVIVE the peninsulas on the south with new parks and green corridors and the pathway connecting Dobroesti with Fundeni.
RETAIN the forest on the north shore and the park in the south. REVIVE the northern shore. New iconic bridge and Recreation Center connects the perifery with the city, enables urban development and increases land value.
PT RETAIN the urban character of the peninsula. RESTORE and REVIVE eastern shore with the pathway and a park for higher connectivity. Provide vistas of the city and visual values of the lake.
RESTORE and REVIVE the shorelines with green spaces and corridors for recreation and acitivity. Also RESTORE the CHURCH SF. ARRHANGHELI sport facilities MIHAIL SI GAVRIL in the south. Pathway provides vistas of the surroundings.
RETAIN the rural character around Lacul Cernica and REVIVE by mainge the southern shore accessible through the pathway in the wild nature.
scale 1:50 000 / A3
Retain, restore and revive
the chain of lakes Water - Green Structure - The Colentina Pathway
New green space Existing Green space
Retain, restore and revive: all kinds of recreation in the green spaces
Connect slottstorget
connect slottstorget
LAndscape archi tectur e d esign studio Project type:
Individual Project in Landscape Architecture Design Studio - advanced course, 30 credits
October 13th - December 18th 2014
Slottstorget, Gävle, Sweden
host: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and Gävle Municipalty
Focus: Task:
Landscape Architecture
The task was to design a plaza, in the southern part of central Gävle in Sweden. Today the plaza is mostly focused on traffic and transportation, it’s a plaza everyone passes by on their way to something else. Difficulties lie in creating a plaza that both includes a sustainable transportation solution, yet at the same time allows new meeting points, flexible for different activities all time of the day, every day of the year.
Connect slottstorget
About the plaza Through Central Gävle runs Galveån, a small river dividing the central areas in North and South. Slottstorget - the plaza - is located at the southern shore, surrounded by several sights and tourist attractions. The plaza is a node in the city’s circulation and in the green structure of the city. The biggest quality of the plaza today is the park character and the fact that it’s a green urban space in the city. Another quality is the large amount of people passing by the area every day, thanks to all the sights and tourist attraction around the area. At the same time it’s almost impossible to move across the plaza, as it’s cut up by big roads and parkings.
Main sights (purple)
Main circulation (yellow) green structure (green)
Main sights (color)
Main circulation (yellow) green spaces, grass/trees
Design idea My design idea is to strenghten the qualities of the plaza by creating 1 a green urban space where the sights and tourist attractions are well connected. A holistic green space with both existing and new trees is the base layer of the plaza. Different sights and entrances are connected through links and pathways that together creates a unique pattern with a balanced mix of open and enclosed spaces. The result is a green park plaza for both recreation, city life and transportation.
spatial design:
1. The green base creates a node in the green structure of the city. The park character is enhanced. 2. A �frame� is created to give room for the surrounding sights and tourist attractions . It allows them to open up towards the plaza and invite people in.
3. Connections between sights and attractions creates a pattern which allows direct transportation /circulation and places for acitivites (purple) in between the paths. 4.
Park character is enhanced even more through vegetation that connects areas on different sides ofpaths. The vegetaton also makes the spatiality more diverse, as it encloses different spaces. A variety of open and enclosed spaces are created.
vegetation and plants The man function for the vegetation is to enclose different parts of the plaza, but the specific plants are choosen for their diverse characters:
Connect slottstorget
Greens - Blossoms - Seasonal changes - Contrast - Biodiversity - Diverse shapes - Beauty - Scent
details and materials Pavings and other stone materials are in a more modest color scale, from light grey to dark black. Paving patterns create some excitement and gives the plaza an own identity. Vertical edges in cortene steel works as a distinct transition between different materials. Boulders in various places of the plaza works as spontaneous playgrounds and secondary seatings.
connect slottstorget: Illustration plan - A urban green space in the city
reaching air
reaching air
LAndscape archi tectur e d esign studio Project type:
Team Project in Landscape Architecture Design Studio - advanced course, 30 credits
September 1st - October 10th 2014
Järnbron, Uppsala, Sweden
host: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Focus:
Landscape Architecture and LandArt ”Experimental student project in Landscape Architecture”
The task was to create a full scale design on a choosen location - somewhere on a path - and on that location solve a design problem decided by the team. The method used was ”Research by Design”, where we had to try several ideas to solve the problem and then construct the design on our own to understand issues we usually not notice on a drawing board or on the computer screen.
an interesting location The location we chose for this project was a bridge in central Uppsala. We thought it was interesting to implement our project on a bridge, as the bridge is usually experieced a certain way. It's quite different from walking on a regular path. Your feelings and experiences changes when getting on a bridge, it sort of creates a small break or paus in the circulation.
reaching air
airiness Our project idea was to change/reverse or enhance a certain character of the bridge. We all experienced the airiness when getting on the bridge and this is the character we decided to experiment with. The easy way would be to try to change the airiness of the bridge and make it ”wrong”. That could be made in many ways, for example to create a tunnel on the bridge. But we felt this wasn’t what we wanted to do. Instead we wanted to somehow enhance the feeling of airiness on the bridge, which lead to our research question: - How can we through design enhance the experience of airiness on a certain location?
design idea Our design idea was to enhance the airness by creating a cube on/around the bridge and somehow show or call the attention on the airiness itself. We got the idea from small models we built of geometrical shapes and thought that the proportions between the dimensions (of the wooden material and the frame of the cube itself) really created an airiness both inside the cube and on a distance.
construction To cunstruct the cube we had to understand the stability, resistance and strength of the material and the construction of the cube got very detailed. We were also sponsored by different companies to get the material we needed and to get the cube on place. The cube was then up for about a week.
reaching air
Reaching air: the cube and the cathedral of uppsala in the background
tree clusters and variation
studio - d esigning wi th plan ts Project type:
Individual Project in Studio - Designing with Plants, 10 credits
November 11th 2013 - January 19th 2014
Kungsängen, Uppsala, Sweden
host: Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Focus:
Landscape Architecture
The task was to come up with a strategy of how to plant trees in a small urban district of Uppsala. Usually trees are planted in rows along the streets, but for this task the aim was an alternative planting strategy. An important aspect was also to use a variety of trees and trees that aren’t among the most common ones in cities, yet still suitable or the environment
A secondary focus was to create a mainly handdrawn presentation, with sketches that are ”good enough”.
tree clusters and vari
principle 1 Dynamic Tree Rows
Principle 2 Small Tree Clusters
tree clusters and variation
Principle 3 Open Space Cluster elevation
design idea My design idea was to use nature as inspiration, as trees in the forest don’t grow in rows, but rather irregular in clusters with a variety of trees together. Planting in groups of different spieces would create the biggest contrast to the urban geometrical shapes, lines and rows. The benefits would be biodiversity, environmental variation, improved microclimate due to different sizes and texture, a higher seasonal diversity and easier to orientate in the area.
principles There were three principles for the strategy of �Tree Clusters and Variation� 1. Dynamic Tree Rows: By adding or replacing trees in existing tree rows with new trees of other species, the tree row gets more dynamic and makes the street less monotonous and more diverse. 2.
Small Tree Clusters: Small clusters or groups of trees could accentuate an entrance and also provide shelter against rain and wind. A variety of species that: provides shade (I), accentuates a specific entrance (II) and creates a smooth transition between the building scale and the street scale (III).
3. Open Space Clusters: Bigger clusters of trees on the edge of open spaces provides shelter and improves the microclimate at the open space.
Arvid Wedlin 070-479 14 84