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Community Profile

grocery stores and other similar uses which provide daily goods and services. This use is permitted as long as the development includes a residential or office component, which the Confluence project respects (3.4.2.a.). The intersection of 9 Avenue SE and 12 Street SE is specifically mentioned in policy 3.4.4, recommending wayfinding signage, street furniture, and signature architecture reflecting Inglewood’s historic and urban character. The design choices seen in Confluence have been chosen based on materiality and architecture style of adjacent buildings, and wayfinding and seating will also be incorporated into the development.

Following multiple community engagement sessions, the City of Calgary has created the 9 Avenue SE Streetscape Master Plan with the intent to create a vibrant and attractive main street within the community of Inglewood. This plan also places importance on the intersection of 9 Avenue SE and 12 Street SE noting that there are many underused sites and spaces along 9 Avenue SE, including this location. The plan mentions the need for more commercial services and businesses as well, a condition which Confluence satisfies.


The project site also falls within a 10 minute walking distance of the proposed Inglewood/Ramsay Green Line LRT station. The City of Calgary has identified this station for transit oriented development (TOD) in their Green Line Long Term Vision Plan. With a projected increase of 6,650 residents after the station’s construction, Confluence fulfills part of this residential growth estimate. Additionally, the MAX Purple bus line connects directly to the project site, allowing further potential for transit use.

Vision and Core Ideas Confluence development

2.1.9 – Provide for a variety of choice in housing types, recognizing the diversity in household types, sizes and incomes.

2.1.10 – Encourage the development of commercial, tourist and recreational amenities in the community.

2.1.11 – Encourage transit and active modes as preferred transportation options for the Plan Area.

2.1.12 – Provide a safe and convenient environment for pedestrians and cyclists.

2.1.13 – Improve neighbourhood open space systems.

2.1.14 – Facilitate the efficient movement of all modes of travel through the area in order to meet the needs of both regional through traffic and the area’s residents and users.

2.1.15 – Promote a healthy physical environment by addressing noise, pollution, odour and other environmental concerns.

2.1.16 – Encourage the growth of community spirit.

Figure 1.4 (con’t): Alignment of Confluence with Inglewood ARP policies

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