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Founder-Editor, Compiling & Publishing Ch. Srinivasa Rao Formerly COA, CSIR-NGRI, Hyderabad


November 2011

No. 202

Counselling & Review: B.J. Acharyulu, Head, F&A Review: F&A, &A, CDFD, Hyderabad Data transfer: transfer: D. Shanmuga Sundar, Jr. Steno., NGRI, Hyderabad _____________________________________________________________________________ Orders of Central Govt. which are reproduced in "HARMONY" whether duly endorsed by the CSIR or not, are applicable to its employees to a large extent unless and otherwise such Orders involve financial implications. Articles on Service issues, Management, Motivation, Material Science, Supply Chain Management, Attitudinal Behaviour and related issues are welcome through E-mail or other means. Material published in “HARMONY” can be used purely in academic interest with due acknowledgement. The opinions expressed or inferences drawn in the material published in “HARMONY” do not necessarily reflect the views of Editor nor CSIR/Swamy Publishers (P) Ltd., Chennai shall take any responsibility whatsoever for any inaccuracies or claims. “HARMONY” is transmitted through E-mail free of cost. For a free copy, send your E-mail ID “harmony_csir@yahoo.co.in” or “harmonysrinivas@gmail.com Res: 040-2715 0736 -- Mobile: 91-94904 62583

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CSIR/GOI ORDERS VERIFICATION OF CHARACTER AND ANTECEDENTS As per the procedure contained in the Department of Personnel & Administrative Reforms (Cabinet Secretariat) O.M. No. 18011/13/75-Estt.(B) dated 5-4-1976 for detailed Verification/Record check in case of candidates who have stayed abroad for some years or living abroad, particularly during the five years preceding the date of initiating verification of character and antecedents (C&A). Apart from the usual verification of C&A through the respective District Authorities in India, a reference should also be made by the appointing authorities to the Intelligence Bureau, New Delhi together with all the particulars as contained in the attestation form in respect of period of such stay abroad, if such stay is for more than a year. [CSIR Lr. No. 4-28(38)/2011-E.II dt. 19-9-2011] ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITY TO SHRI A.K. MUKHERJEE, DS, CSIR The Joint Secretary (Admn.) has approved that Shri A.K. Mukherjee, Deputy Secretary will also look after the work in respect of Common Cadre Officers under Establishment窶的 of CSIR HQs. in addition to the work of Central Office (Admn.) till further orders. [CSIR O.M. No.6-3(76)/2010-E.III dt. 23.09.2011 SCF PENDING FOR MATCHING & BOOKING UNDER NEW PENSION SCHEME CSIR have endorsed a copy of letter No.AS/KV/RG/RS/RP/201129929 dated 9-9-2011 regarding Subscribers' Contribution File (SCF) Pending for Matching & Booking (New Pension Scheme) received from the National Securities Depository Ltd., Central Record-Keeping Agency, Mumbai for information, guidance and compliance. The most critical part in NPS is the transfer of subscriber contribution into the CRP System. The PAO uploads the SCF in the CRA system for the associated Subscribers. Subsequently the PAO transfers the corresponding contribution to Trustee Bank, which provides confirmation of the funds receipt to CRA and accordingly matching and booking of SCF is initiated in CRA system. As the process completes, subscriber's account is credited as per the SCF details.

3 12 SCF(s) uploaded by the PAOs under CSIR jurisdiction is/are pending for matching and booking. As informed by the Trustee Bank. it is not in a position to confirm the funds credited in the NPS Trust Account, as the PAO registration number and the Transaction ID has not been provided at the time of remittance of funds or due to discrepancy observed in the details of fund transfer provided in the Fund Transfer details window of NPSCAN. This has already been communicated through email to the concerned PAOs. CSIR is therefore required to take necessary steps to enable the Trustee Bank to confirm the receipt of funds. (Details of the pending SCPs are provided in the Annexure and details procedure of fund transfer has been given in the Annexure) As you are all aware, we correspond through e-mail with PAOs and PrAOs. It reduces the time-lag and facilitates faster action at both CRA as well as at the PAO/PrAO Offices. The e-mails are sent at their registered e-mail address with CRA. However, some of the mails remain undelivered. The list of such invalid e-mail addresses of the PAOs under CSIR jurisdiction has been provided. The PAOs concerned should be advised to check the status of their e-mail ids and get it updated with CRA, if required. It may be mentioned that along with the regular views and reports, 'Dashboard' is also made available in the CRA system to provide extensive and comprehensive information on status of SCRs uploaded. Subscribers' Credit analysis, Exceptional reports, etc. You can login to CRA system site (www.cra-nsdl.com) using the Pr.AO User ID) and Password and monitor the status of the SCIs uploaded. For any further assistance or clarification, CSIR may contact: Ms. Rashmi Sabbanwar (Tel. 022-24994887. email id, rashmi.insdl.co.in) or Mr. Rahul Goyal (Tel. 022-24994851, email id, goyalr.insdl.co.in) Process of Submission of Contribution and the Most Likely Error In case of Cheque/DD transfer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Take print out of Contribution Submission Form (CSF) after successful upload of Subscriber Contribution File (SCF ). Cheque should be Issued in favor of NPS Trust a/c. (refer point number 2 of important note in the CSF). Cheque amount and CSF amount should be the same. Submit the cheque as well as CSF to nearest Bank of India (BoI) Branch. Instruct the Bank to remit the amount through specific transaction named as "PFRDA TR" Ask for the acknowledgement. Fund transfer details are to be provided online through login facility available in NPSCAN

Important Points

4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

CSF should be attached with the cheque while visiting Bol Branch. A/c Number mentioned in the cheque must be verified with the a/c number mentioned in the CSF. Amount appearing on the cheque and CSF should be the same. Insist for acknowledgement. Fund remittance details must be provided online immediately after remittance. Always check the status of transaction id on T+3 (except on a holiday). Follow-up with Bol Branch as well as Bol Bandra Kuria Branch for the reason of pending transaction i.d.

In case of Electronic transfer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Take print out of Contribution Submission Form after successful upload of SCF. Cheque amount and CSF amount should be the same. Instruct your bank to write PAOFIN I PAO Registration No. I Transaction id in the 7495 field of RTGS or in the field 7002 of NEFT. Instruct your bank to remit the amount to the NPS Trust a/c as mentioned in the CSF at the important note. Ask for the remittance details e.g. UTR/Ref No. Fund details are to be provided online through login facility available in NPSCAN.

Important Point 1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6. 7.

Ensure correct a/c number has been mentioned by your accredited bank. Ensure there is no mismatch in the remittance and CSF amount. Ensure PAOFIN + PAOReg (7 digit Registration No., allotted by CRA I Transaction i.d. (13 digit No. generated after successful upload of SCF) correctly entered by your accredited bank. Insist for UTR/Ref no. and acknowledgement. Fund remittance details must be provided online immediately after remittance. Always check the status of transaction id on T+3 (except on a holiday). Follow-up with the remitting bank whether the remittance was successful as well as with the BoI BKC for the reason of mismatch.

All the Labs./Instt. are requested to rectify the anomalies as well as problems of email servers in consultation with respective I.T. Divisions as detailed above, and send their follow-up report by 15th October, 2011 for the information of FA, CSIR. [CSIR Lr. No. 34-2(5)/CSIR-NPS/2011-12 dt. 27-9-2011] REVISED QUALIFICATIONS OF TECHNICAL STAFF (GR. III (3) TO GR. III (7) In order to attract and encourage induction of quality workforce into CSIR system, the Governing Body of CSIR, in its 178th meeting held on 28th June, 2011 has approved

5 enhancement of lateral level entry qualifications for Technical Officers, i.e. from Technical Officer to Principal Technical Officer as detailed hereunder. Accordingly, all recruitments to the aforesaid positions may henceforth be made as per revised qualifications. Group/Grade


Technical Officer M. Lib. Sc. with 55% marks after 1st Class B.Sc.(Sc) Group III (3) OR MCA*/MCM/MBA with 55% marks after 1st Class B.Sc./BCA OR Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law after 1st Class B.Sc. OR BE/B.Tech or equivalent with 55% marks Sr. Technical M. Lib. Sc. with 55% marks after 1st Class B.Sc. Officer (1) (Science) Gr. III (4) OR MCA*/MCM/MBA with 55% marks after 1st Class B.Sc./BCA OR Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law after M.Sc. with 55% marks OR MBBS with 55% marks (only for medical services in CSIR Dispensary )/B.V.Sc. & AH with 55% marks with registration with VCI (for Animal House) OR BE/B.Tech or equivalent with 55% marks. Sr. Technical M. Lib. Sc. with 55% marks after 1st Class B.Sc. (Sc.) OR MCA*/MCM/MBA with 55% marks after 1st Officer (2) Gr.III (5) Class B.Sc./BCA, OR Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law after M.Sc. with 55% marks OR MBBS with 55% marks OR MBBS with MD or equivalent (only for Medical Services in CSIR Dispensary) OR BE/B.Tech or equivalent with 55% marks Senior Technical M. Lib. Sc. with 55% marks after 1st Class B.Sc. (Sc.) Officer (3) OR MCA*/MCM/MBA with 55% marks after 1st Gr. III (6) Class B.Sc./BCA OR Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law after M.Sc. with 55% marks OR MBBS with 55% marks OR MBBS and MD or equivalent (for Medical services only) OR BE/B.Tech or equivalent with 55 % marks. Principal

M. Lib. Sc. with 55% after 1st Class B.Sc.

Experience Age Five@ Six@


Three@ Three@ Two Two


Six@ Six@


Five Three


Three Three --Five Seven Five


Five Five Three Seven Eleven


6 Technical Officer OR MCA*/MCM/MBA with 55% marks after 1st Gr. III (7) Class B.Sc./BCA OR Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Law after M .Sc with 55% marks OR MBBS with 55% marks OR MBBS and MD or equivalent (for Medical Services only) OR BE/B.Tech or equivalent with 55% marks, * Including Integrated MCA degree @ Not revised

Nine Nine Nine Seven Eleven

[CSIR Lr. No. 5-1(88)/2010-PD dt. 28-9-2011] PRELIMINARY NOTIFICATION OF LIMITED DEPARTMENTAL COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION: 2011 UNDER CSIR CSIR have notified the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination (LDCE): 2011 for the posts of (i) Section Officers (General/F&A/S&P) (PB-2: Rs. 9300-34800 GP Rs. 4800/-) (ii) Private Secretary (Pay Band-2: Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay Rs. 4800/); and (iii) Assistant Gr. I (General/Finance & Accounts/Stores & Purchase cadres (PB-2: Rs. 9300-34800 GP Rs. 4200/-). All the Departmental Candidates who are desirous of appearing in the examination and fulfill the eligibility criteria as on 1-1-.2011 may submit the applications in the prescribed proforma to their respective Heads of Office for onward transmission to CSIR by 17-10-2011. Candidates who desire to apply for more than one post may fill only one form indicating the Post(s) for which application is made at appropriate place in the application form. Applications received after the due date will not be entertained. Requests for any kind of relaxation may not be forwarded to this Office. Any period of ad hoc/officiating appointment in the grade will not be considered for reckoning approved service for determining the eligibility. The Centre of Examination will be allocated by CSIR strictly based on the Lab./Instt. where the candidate is presently posted. However, candidates posted in the Extension Centre(s) of a Lab./Instt. will be allotted Examination Center nearest to their place of working. Eligibility criteria Section Officer (G/F&A/S&P): Assistants Gr. I (G/F&A/S&P cadres) and Senior Stenographers possessing a University Degree in any discipline and have completed not less than three years of approved service in their respective grades as on 1-1-2011

7 Private Secretary: Senior Stenographers who have a University degree in any discipline with three years approved service as on 1-1-2011 Assistants (G/F&A/S&P): Assistants Gr. II (G/F&A/S&P cadres) and Junior Stenographers possessing a University Degree in any discipline and have completed not less than 3 years of approved service in their respective grades as on 1-1-2011 Examination Centres Candidates belonging to the following CSIR Labs./Instts. will have to appear for written examination at the Centres under which the Labs./Instts. Are listed. However, candidates posted in Extension Centre(s) of a Lab./Instt. will be allotted Examination Centre nearest to their place of posting. NEW DELHI Centre CBRI (Roorkee), CDRI, CIMAP, ITRC & NBRI (Lucknow), CEERI (Pilani), IIIM (Jammu), AMPRI (Bhopal), CSIO, IMT (Chandigarh), IHBT (Palampur), IIP (Dehradun), IGIB, NISCAIR, NISTADS, NPL, CRRI, CSIR HQs. including CSIR Complex (New Delhi) and HRDC (Ghaziabad) HYDERABAD Centre CFTRI (Mysore), CLRI, SERC, CSIR Madras Complex (Chennai), CECRI (Karaikudi), CS&MCRI (Bhavnagar), NCL (Pune), NEERI (Nagpur), NIST (Thiruvananthapuram), NIO (Goa), NAL (Bengaluru), CCMB, IICT & NGRI (Hyderabad) KOLKATA Centre CMIFR (Dhanbad), CMERI (Durgapur), CGCRI, IICB (Kolkata), NEIST (Jorhat), NML (Jamshedpur), IMMT (Bhubaneshwar) Scheme of Examination & Syllabus Section Officer (G/F&A/S&P) and Private Secretary: Common paper: Paper I: Marks: 100 -- 2 ½ hrs. Noting, Drafting and Precis Writing (Conventional Type) Paper II: Marks 100 -- 1 ½ hrs. General Knowledge and Constitution of India (Objective Type) Section Officer (G) and Private Secretary Paper III: Marks: 100 -- 3 hrs (including Part A & B) Office Procedure, Rules & Regulations and CSIR Rules, Regulations and Bye-Laws, etc. (Conventional Type) Part-A (Conventional Type) -- Marks: 40 out of 100 This part will consist of Office Procedure and some guidance in the subject can be obtained from: 1. Latest edition of Manual of Office Procedure; 2. Notes on Office

8 Procedure issued by the Institute of Secretariat Training & Management, New Delhi; 3. Hand Book of Personnel Officers, etc. Part-B (Conventional Type) -- Marks: 60 out of 100 This part will consist of Rules & Regulations including FRs, SRs, GFRs, DFPRs (also see CSIR compilation. Ed.), CCS (Leave) Rules, CCS (Pension) Rules, CCS (CCA) Rules, CCS (Conduct) Rules; and CSIR Rules, Regulations and Bye-Laws, etc. NB:

For the post of Private Secretary, in addition to the above examination, candidates have to appear in a qualifying test in English/Hindi Shorthand at a speed of 100 w.p.m.

Section Officer (F&A) Paper III -- Marks: 100 - 3 hrs. including Part A, B & C Part-A (Conventional Type): Marks: 30 (out of 100) Accounts including Works Accounts, short or medium type questions (Theory and/or Practical) on the following topics: Book Keeping & Accountancy; Works Accounts Part-B (Conventional Type): Marks: 40 (out of 100) Questions (Theory and/or Practical) on the following topics: Pay fixation; Pension Rules; GFR including FR, SR, LTC, Leave Rules, etc. Part-C (Conventional Type): Marks: 30 (out of 100) Short Notes/Questions on CSIR Rules, Regulations & Bye-Laws; Purchase procedure; Budget; Project costing; CSIR Instructions on Financial Management; Auditing; Delegation of Financial Powers Rules; IMPACT - Accounting package in CSIR, etc. Section Officer (S&P) Paper III (Conventional type) -- Marks: 100 -- 3 hrs. Materials Management and CSIR Rules, Regulations & Bye-Laws; Organizational structure of Stores & Purchase Department; Objective, roles and scope of functioning of Stores & Purchase Department; Procedure for issue and dispatch of material; Physical verification; Procedure for identification of obsolete and surplus stores and their disposal and procedure for write off; Rationalized Stores & Purchase Procedure of CSIR; Procedure for purchase of Capital and Non-Capital items; Clearance of consignment including Customs clearance; Price preference; Selective approaches: ABC, FNS, VED & XYZ Analysis; Costs associated with Inventory Management; Economic Order Quantity and its role and significance for Inventory Management; Lead Time Analysis; Value Analysis; Determination of various levels of stocks; and 18 Inventory Turnover Ratio Assistant Gr. I (General/Finance & Accounts/Stores & Purchase cadres) Common Paper Paper I -- Marks: 100 -- 3 hrs. Part A (Objective type) -- 40 marks out of 100

9 General English/General Hindi -- 20 marks Precis writing -- 20 marks Part B (Subjective type) -- 60 marks out of 100 Computer Awareness/Office Automation -- 25 marks General Awareness -- 20 marks CSIR Rules, Regulations & Bye-Laws -- 15 marks Assistant (G) Gr. I Specialized paper Paper II: Marks 100 -- 3 hrs. FRs & SRs; CCS (Leave) Rules; CCS (CCA) Rules; CCS (Conduct) Rules; CCS (Pension) Rules; Manual of Office Procedure, etc. Assistant (F&A) Gr. I Paper II -- Marks: 100 -- 3 hrs. 50 Short answer questions -- 2 marks each -- Marks: 100 -- 3 hrs FRs & SRs; CCS (Pension) Rules; Manual of Office Procedure; General Financial Rules; Treasury Rules; CSIR Rationalized Purchase Procedure; Civil Works Assistant (S&P) Gr. I Paper II -- Marks: 100 -- 3 hrs CSIR Purchase Procedure; Objectives, role and scope of functioning of Purchase Department: Procedure for purchase of Capital and Non-Capital items; Customs clearance; Objectives, role and scope of functioning of Stores Department; Procedure for issue of materials -- Methods and Processes of Materials Accounting System; Procedure for verification -- Periodic and Perpetual -- Distinction between periodic and perpetual stock verification system; Procedure for write-off; Preservation and up-keep of hazardous, poisonous and sensitive chemicals, in Stores; Economic Order Quantity; Inventory Carrying Cost; Selective approaches -- ABC, VED, analysis, etc. Medium: The candidates will have an option to write the examination either in Hindi or in English. It is clarified that medium of examination once exercised shall be final and all papers (i.e. Paper I/II/III in respect of SOs and PSs and Paper I/II in respect of Assistant Gr. I examination) will have to be written only in the opted medium. Schedule of Examination:

12th & 13th November, 2011

Last date for receipt of applications:


The Detailed Time Table, vacancies at each Lab./Instt., reservations, along with a copy of prescribed application form have also been provided. However, for full information, the original circular may be referred. [CSIR Lr. No.3-2/b/LDCE-2011/El dt. 30-9-2011]


PROVISION FOR DIRECTOR-IN-CHARGE FOR RAB IN ADDITION TO THE POST OF HEAD, RAB The performance of Recruitment & Assessment Board (RAB) since its inception in the year 2002 and the various measures that can be taken to improve its current working was discussed at length and it was felt that in order to make it a truly HR Division responsible for understanding the needs of CSIR in terms of manpower recruitment, management, training, career planning and monitoring the performance assessment of Scientists through progressive policy direction and succession planning including selection of Outstanding Scientist (STIO), etc., in future, requires a senior Official of the rank of the Director of CSIR Lab./Instt. who in addition to his current responsibilities can he assigned the work as Director-in-Charge, RAB. Accordingly the following amendments to CSIR Notifications No.7/l(4)/ 2002R&A dated 12-6-2002 and No.7-14(2)/2006-R&A dated 13-3-2007 are made with the approval of the Competent Authority. "There shall he a Director-in-Charge, RAB to be decided by the Director-General, CSIR from amongst the existing Directors of CSIR Labs./lnstts. Such a Director will carry out the responsibilities of Director-in-Charge, RAB, in addition to his duties as Director of CSIR Lab./Instt., without any additional remuneration. The functions of Director-inCharge, RAB will be to plan, implement and execute the complete HR profile of Scientific Staff of CSIR which would inter alia include re-fixing Lab.-wise sanctioned strength with reference to emerging areas of R&D in Scientific and Engineering CSIR Labs./Instts., reservation roster provisions, devising recruitment and assessment schedules, career profile of Scientists and their training, etc. The Lab.-wise sanctioned strength will be re-fixed in consultation with Head, PPD, CSIR. The position of Head, RAB will also continue, however, henceforth the Directorin-Charge, RAB will exercise all the powers of Head, RAB w.e.f. 7-10-2011. [CSIR Lr. No. 5-1(117)/2011-PD dt. 7/12-10-2011] DELEGATION OF POWERS TO DIRECTOR (EC/ESD) The Governing Body, CSIR in its 178th meeting held on 28-7-2011 ratified the proposal for delegation of powers to the Director (EC/ESD) that he shall approve projects duly approved by the Management Council of respective CSIR Labs./Instts. as circulated vide CSIR circular No. 30-2(1)/94-Finance dated 15-2-2011. [CSIR Lr. F. No. 11-2 (1)/1/2006-Engg. dt. 10-10-2011] RENEWAL OF EXEMPTION OF CSIR UNDER INCOME TAX ACT, 1961

11 CSIR has been exempted from the operation of Income Tax under Section 35 (1) (ii) of Income Tax Act, 1961 from the Assessment Year 2010-2011 onwards by the Central Board of Direct Taxes, Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, GOI vide their Notification No.53/2011 (F.No.203/73/2011-ITA.II dated 30-9-2011. [CSIR Lr.No.30-1(5)/2011-Finance dt. 10-10-2011] CREATION OF DATA BANK OF CSIR PENSIONERS/FAMILY PENSIONERS As you may be aware that the Central Pension Accounting Office (CPAO) [Trikoot-Il, Bhikaji Cama Place], New Delhi, DOE, MOF, GOI has issued a Notification in leading National dailies requesting to furnish the information like name of the Pensioner, date of birth for self, spouse and other family members, PPO No., name of the Bank and Paying Branch, postal address of Branch, A/c. No., etc., by a stipulated date in prescribed proforma. Accordingly, the competent authority in CSIR has decided to create a Data Bank of all CSIR Pensioners/Family Pensioners. All the Pension Sanctioning Authorities (COFA/FAO's) are requested to obtain the information from the respective Pensioners /Family Pensioners in the prescribed proforma and forward a copy along with soft copy of the same to the Pension Disbursing Office as well as to CSIR HQs. on or before 15th November, 2011. [CSIR Lr. No.34-1(11)/CSIR/Pen/2011-12 dt. 24-10-2011] REVISION OF PENSION/FAMILY PENSION ON IMPLEMENTATION OF 6TH CPC

It has come to the notice of CSIR that a few Labs/Instts have not revised the Pension/family pension and the Revised Pension Payment Authorities (RPPA) not been forwarded to the disbursing authority as well as Pensioner/Family Pensioner. FA, CSIR has reviewed the situation and instructed to seek confirmation from all the Nodal Officers/Pension Sanctioning Offices (COFA/FAO's) to the effect that "No case is pending for Revision due to 6th CPC implementation and all the Revised Pension Payment Authorities have been forwarded to the concerned Paying Branch/Nodal Office/Pensioner/Family Pensioner etc." The confirmation certificate must reach to CSIR HQs. on or before 8th November, 2011. In case there are cases pending for revision on account of 6th CPC implementation , a report of the same in the enclosed proforma also be sent with detailed reasons for non-revision of pension /family pension. [CSIR Lr. No.34-1(11)/CSIR/Pen/2011-12 dt. 24-10-2011] REVISION OF PENSION OF PRE-2006 PENSIONERS/FAMILY PENSIONERS Revision of pension/family pension of pre-2006 Pensioners/Family Pensioners is being implemented in terms of GOI O.M.F.No.38/37/08-P&PW(A) dated 1-9-2008 and No.38/37/ 08-P&PW (A) Pt.1 dated 14-10-2008. In order to facilitate the above, the above pensioners/family pensioners are requested to provide the information as sought

12 by the Department to the Head of the Department/Office from where the Govt. servant retired as soon as possible, preferably within a month. [Swamysnews, Oct. 2011, 1] AMENDMENT TO CCS (LEAVE) RULES, 1972 The President made the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972: In the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972, in Rule 50, in sub-rule (5): (a)

in Clause (ii), for the words “three years from”, the words and brackets “three years (five years in the case of Central Health Service Officer who has been granted thirty-six months’ Study Leave under sub-rule (2) of Rule 51) from” shall be substituted.


in Clause (iii), for the words “three years after”, the words and brackets “three years (five years in the case of Central Health Service Officer who has been granted thirty-six months’ Study Leave under sub-rule (2) of Rule 51) after” shall be substituted.

In the said rules, in Rule 63, in sub-rule (1) for the words “three years after”, the words and brackets “three years (five years in the case of Central Health Service Officer who has been granted thirty-six months leave under sub-rule (2) of Rule 51) after” shall be substituted. In the said rules, in the Second Schedule, in Form 7, 8, 9 and 10 for the words “within a period of three years after” the words “within a period of three years/five years after” shall be respectively be substituted. [GOI DOPT Notfn.F.No.13026/5/2010-Estt.(L) dt. 5-8-2011; Swamysnews, Oct. 2011, 910] AMENDMENT TO CCS (LEAVE) RULES, 1972 The President made the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972: For Rule 38-A of the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972, the following rule shall be substituted, namely: “38-A. Encashment of Earned Leave along with Leave Travel Concession while in service.--

13 (1)


A Government servant may be permitted to encash Earned Leave up to ten days at the time of availing of Leave Travel Concession while in service, subject to the conditions that – (a)

a balance of at least thirty days of earned leave is available to his credit after taking into account the period of encashment as well as leave being availed of;


the total leave so encashed during the entire career does not exceed sixty days in the aggregate;

The cash equivalent for encashment of leave under sub-rule (1) shall be calculated as follows, namely:

Cash equivalent =

Pay admissible on the date of availing of the LTC plus DA admissible on that --------------------------------------------- X 30

Number of days of EL being encashed subject to the maximum of ten days at one time

No HRA shall be included in the cash equivalent calculated under sub-rule (2); The period of EL encashed shall not be deducted from the quantum of leave that can normally be encashed by the Govt. servant under Rules 6, 39, 39-A, 39-B and 39-D. If the Govt. servant fails to avail the LTC within the time prescribed under the CCS (LTC) Rules, 1988, then he shall be required to refund the entire amount of leave so encashed along with interest at the rate of two per cent above the rate of interest allowed by the Govt. as applicable to PF balances and shall also be entitled for credit back of leave so debited for leave encashment. [GOI DOPT Notfn. F.No.14038/1/2010-Estt.(L) dt. 26-8-2011; Swamysnews, Oct. 2011, 10-11] AMENDMENTS TO CCS (LEAVE) RULES, 1972 The President made the following rules further to amend the Central Civil Services (Leave) Rules, 1972: For Rule 43-C of the CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972, the following rule shall be substituted, namely: “43-C (1) Subject to the provisions of this rule, a woman Govt. servant may be granted Child Care Leave (CCL) by an authority competent to grant leave for a maximum period of 730 days during her entire service for taking care of her two eldest

14 surviving children, whether for rearing or for looking after any of their needs, such as education, sickness and the like. For the purpose of sub-rule (1), “child” means – (a)

a child below the age of eighteen years; or


a child below the age of twenty-two years with a minimum disability of forty per cent as specified in the GOI MOSJ&E Notification No.16-18/97-N dated 1-6-2001.

Grant of CCL to a woman Govt. servant under sub-rule (1) shall be subject to the following conditions, namely: (i)

it shall not be granted for more than three spells in a calendar year;


it shall not be granted for a period less than fifteen days at a time; and


it shall not ordinarily be granted during the probation period except in case of certain extreme situations where the leave sanctioning authority is satisfied about the need of child care leave to the probationer, provided that the period for which such leave is sanctioned is minimal.

During the period of CCL, the woman Govt. servant shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediate before proceeding on leave. Child Care Leave may be combined with leave of any other kind. Notwithstanding the requirement of production of medical certificate contained in sub-rule (1) of Rule 30 or sub-rule (1) of Rule 31, leave of the kind due and admissible (including Commuted Leave not exceeding sixty days) and Leave Not Due up to a maximum of one year, if applied for, be granted in continuation with CCL granted under sub-rule (1). Child Care Leave shall not be debited against the leave account. [GOI DOPT Notfn. F.No.13018/4/2011-Estt.(L) dt. 27-8-2011; Swamysnews, Oct. 2011, 1113] STUDY LEAVE FOR FELLOWSHIPS OFFERED BY REPUTED INSTITUTES On the basis of the inputs from various Ministries/Departments regarding fellowships offered by reputed Institutions and in consultation with Department of Expenditure, it has been decided to include the Fellowships offered by (i) K.K. Birla Foundation, (ii) Indian Institutes of Management, (iii) Management Development Institute, Gurgaon; and (iv) Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Narayan National Institute of

15 Criminology and Forensic Science on the same terms as that of the Fellowship offered by Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fellowships at present, effective from 1-9-2011. The following terms will be offered to CG employees who are awarded the said Fellowship in relaxation of Rules 51, 57 and 59 of CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972: i)

They will be granted Study Leave for the entire period of the Fellowship;


They will be entitled to the benefits admissible to them in accordance with the Fellowship and in addition, entitled to draw Leave Salary only (without allowance) equal to the pay that they drew while on duty with the Govt. immediately before proceeding on such leave. However, they will be entitled to DA at the CG rates on the leave salary admissible to them;


Where considered necessary, the official may be allowed during the period of the Fellowship, the continued use of the facility of the residential telephone officially allotted to him, subject to payment by him of the bills for the rental and call charges of the telephone.

[GOI DOPT O.M.No.13023/2/2008-Estt.(L) dt. 1-9-2011; Swamysnews, Oct. 2011, 13] EMPANELMENT OF EXCLUSIVE CANCER HOSPITALS/UNITS UNDER CGHS It has been decided to clarify that the rates applicable for Cancer treatment are as per the details given below. The duration of treatment for different Categories of Surgery will be as follows: Category-I: Category-II Operations involving abdominal/thoracic cavity

… …

1-2 days; 3-5 days; and

7-0 days

The surgical procedures are enlisted under Categories I, II, III, IV & V (not printed here). The entitlement of accommodation and the rates applicable for room rent are given below: S.No. Basic pay (without the inclusion of Category pay) 1. 2. 3.

Up to Rs.13,950/Between Rs.13,951/- and Rs.19,530 Rs.19,540/- and above


Charge per day

General Semi-private Private


For other details, the original circular may be referred.


[GOI MOH O.M. No.REC-1/2008/JD(Gr.)/CGHS(P) dt. 12-9-2011; Swamysnews, Oct. 2011, 21-35] GRANT OF FAMILY PENSION IN CASE OF MISSING EMPLOYEE/PENSIONER While providing that the family pension to the family of the missing employee/ pensioner may be sanctioned after a period of six months from the date of registration of an FIR with the Police vide DOP&PW O.M. dated 2-7-2010, it was also made clear that the earlier instructions did not make any distinction between the Govt. servant and the pensioner and cover both of them for the purpose of grant of family pension. However, doubts have been raised to the effect as to whether family pension will accrue from the date of lodging the FIR in the case of missing pensioners as well. It is clarified that as the previous instructions did not make any distinction between the Govt. servant and the pensioner, the family pension to the family of a missing pensioner would accrue w.e.f. the date of lodging the FIR or from the date immediately succeeding the day till pension had been last paid to the pensioner whichever is later. Accordingly arrears in past cases would also be admissible. [GOI DOP&PW O.M. F.No.1/17/2011-P&PW(E) dt. 14-9-2011; Swamysnews, Oct. 2011, 38-39] REVISION OF SPECIAL ALLOWANCE AND CASH HANDLING ALLOWANCE Vide DOPT O.M. No.4/6/2008-Estt(Pay II) dated 1-10-2008, it was notified that the rates of Special allowances and Cash Handling Allowance will be automatically increased by 25% every time the DA payable on revised pay scales goes up by 50%. Accordingly, all Ministries/Departments are advised to take necessary action. [GOI DOPT O.M. No.4/6/2008-Estt.(Pay II) dt. 13-9-2011; Swamysnews, Oct. 2011, 36]

COMMON CENTRAL LIST OF OBC IN R/O 26 STATES AND UNION TERRIROTIES The National Commission for Backward Classes was set up as per the provisions of the National Commission for Backward Classes Act, 1993 (27 of 1993) to entertain, examine and recommend upon requests for inclusion and complaints of over-inclusion and under-inclusion in the Central List of OBCs. Accordingly, the common Central List of OBCs in respect of 26 States and Union Territories were notified by the Ministry of Welfare now (not printed here). [GOI MOSJ&E Resln. F.No.12015/15/2008-BCC dt. 16-6-2011; Swamysnews, Oct. 2011, 39-56]

17 RELAXATION FOR TRAVEL BY AIR ON LTC TO VISIT J&K The MOF, DOE, GOI have clarified that the term “Entitled Class” mentioned in Para 1 (ii) of the above quoted O.M. refers to “Economy Class” only. All LTC claims for travel by air may accordingly be restricted to LTC-80 Economy class air fare of Air India w.e.f. 25-8-2011. Past cases already settled will not be re-opened. [GOI DOPT O.M.No.31011/2/2003-Estt.(A) dt. 25-8-2011; Swamysnews, Oct. 2011, 56] QUALIFICATION PAY CANNOT BE ADDED TO PAY IN THE PB AND GP TO COMPUTE 3% INCREMENT ON PROMOTION In terms Rule 3 (8) of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008, Basic pay to the Revised Pay Structure means the pay drawn in the prescribed Pay Band plus the Grade Pay but does not include any other type of pay like Special Pay, etc. FR 9 (21) (a) (i) defines the pay as the pay drawn by a Govt. servant other than Special Pay or pay granted in view of his personal qualifications. So, Qualification Pay cannot be added to the pay in the PB and GP to compute 3% increment on promotion. It can be added finally with the amount which is arrived at after adding 3% on the pay in the PB and GP. [Swamysnews, Oct. 2011, 102-103]



A REVIEW ON STATUS AND FUNCTIONAL ASPECTS OF DEPARTMENTAL CANTEENS IN CSIR LABS./INSTTS. Ch. Srinivasa Rao Founder-Editor, “HARMONY” & Formerly COA, CSIR-NGRI Hyderabad Background The Office of the Director of Canteens in the Department of Personnel & Training is the Nodal Office in respect of Non-Statutory Departmental (NSD) Canteens and Tiffin Rooms located in various Ministries/Departments/Attached & Subordinate Offices of the Govt. of India. Sometime during the year 1983, a section of the employees of Canteen/Tiffin Room filed Writ Petitions before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India seeking parity with the Central Govt. employees. In compliance with the Interim Order of the Hon’ble Supreme Court dated 26-9-1983, the employees of the NSD Canteens/Co-Op. Canteens located in the Ministries/ Departments, Subordinate and Attached Offices under Govt. of India are being paid at the same rate and on par with the Govt. employees of equal status. In pursuance of the Supreme Court Judgement, and in pursuance of the approval accorded by the CSIR Governing Body at its meeting held on 6-5-1992, the employees of NSD Canteens/Tiffin Rooms were declared as Council employees w.e.f. 1-10-1991. They were extended with all the benefits as are available to other Council employees of comparable status. The Director (Canteens) has also brought out a publication entitled “Administrative Instructions on Departmental Canteens in Govt./Council Offices and Industrial Establishments” which is called "Green Book” which contains administrative instructions for the proper running of the Canteens and the administration of the Canteen personnel. With a view to achieve efficient functioning and rationalization of manpower in the NSD Canteens located in various Establishments of the Govt./Council, the Staff Inspection Unit (SIU) of the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance had undertaken a study to review the staffing norms, etc. After conducting a detailed study for review of norms, the SIU submitted its recommendations with regard to the revised norms in Canteens. As these recommendations had far-reaching implications, further indepth study was undertaken.

19 Accordingly, certain aspects of the recommendation of SIU such as categorisation of Canteens, staffing pattern, upgradation of pay scales of certain posts, out-sourcing the activity of setting up of Canteens in Govt./Council Offices, maintaining proper liaisoning with the Director (Canteen) and the Departmental Canteens were reviewed and implemented. As per instructions contained in DOPT O.M. dated 9-4-1992, no financial support is being provided in the form of Capital Grants/Replacement Grants, Grants for repairing of main equipment, loan or advance by the CSIR in respect of the registered Canteens/Tiffin Rooms where 100% payment of Pay & Allowances of their employees is borne by CSIR. Un-Registered Canteens The employees working in NSD Canteens/Tiffin Rooms which were registered with the Director (Canteen) were allowed to be brought over to regular establishment in CSIR Labs./Instts. w.e.f. 1-10-1991. This was later extended to unregistered Canteens/Tiffin Rooms also w.e.f. 4-11-1992. Those Canteens which were opened before 1-10-1991 but could not be registered by the cut-off date due to various reasons were allowed to continue to function as before and the employees working in such Canteens have also been declared as Council employees w.e.f. 1-10-1991, subject to the condition that (i) such Canteen should have set up before 1-10-1991; and (ii) the employees were recruited in a proper manner on regular basis. Definition of a NSD Canteen In accordance with the Green Book issued by the DOPT, the Departmental Canteen has been defined as follows:

“Departmental Canteen is a Canteen set up at Govt./Council cost, inside a Govt. Department/Office/Establishment to meet the refreshment needs of the employees, as a welfare measure to prepare coffee, snacks, lunch, etc. as per the local requirements of the beneficiaries at reasonable rates at "No-Profit No-Loss" basis by employing the authorised number of Canteen workers on salary subsidised by the Govt./Council whose affairs are controlled by a Managing Committee constituted by the Department/Office concerned and such a Canteen/Tiffin Room is duly registered with the Director of Canteens.� Categorization of Canteens The NSD Canteens are categorized into different types on the basis of the staff strength of a particular organization as given hereunder. The type of Canteen/Tiffin Room determines the corresponding Canteen/Tiffin Room staff strength:



Nature of facility

1. 2.

Tiffin Room Tiffin Room

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Canteen Canteen Canteen Canteen Canteen Canteen Canteen Canteen Canteen Canteen Canteen Canteen Canteen


Staff strength

“B” “A”

0025-0049 0050-0099

“D” “C” “B” “A” “2-A” “3-A” “4-A” “5-A” “6-A “7-A” “8-A” “9-A” “10-A”

0100-0500 0501-1000 1001-1500 1501-2000 2001-2500 2501-3000 3001-3500 3501-4000 4001-4500 4501-5000 5001-5500 5501-6000 6001-6500

Conforming to Green Book In order to conform with the stipulations provided in the “Green Book”, the following conditions have to be fulfilled as on 1-10-1991: i)

Whether grant of subsidy towards salary bills of the employees was met by the Lab./Instt.;


Whether the duly constituted Management Committee controls the affairs of the Canteen/Tiffin Room;


Whether there are authorised number of Canteen workers, as per status/type of Canteen/Tiffin Room in the prescribed pay scale, working on salary subsidised by the Lab./Instt. while indicating the type of the Canteen, as on 1-10-1991;


Whether the Canteen/Tiffin Room is running at "No-Profit-No-Loss" basis.


Whether the Canteen/Tiffin Room is established inside the Office premises; and


Whether the Director (Canteens), DOPT was approached for registration of the Canteen/Tiffin Room.

Sale proceeds of such Canteens/Tiffin Rooms should continue to be deposited in a Nationalised Bank as hitherto, and accounts are operated as per instructions contained in

21 the Green Book and should not be mixed with CSIR accounts. Detailed instructions, for the proper maintenance of Accounts by the Departmental Canteens have been issued vide O.M. dated 24-11-1999. No casual workers should be engaged in Canteens/Tiffin Rooms even by utilizing the sale proceeds. If emergent nature of work demands deployment of casual workers, the concerned Department/Office may provide the labour after proper sanction of the competent authority as per rules and the expenditure on such engagement should be incurred out of contingencies. Procurement of Health Licence Appropriate action to comply with the local Municipal Laws such as procuring Health Licence for running the Canteens, etc. should be initiated by the concerned Labs./Instts. wherever such laws are applicable to the Canteen. All the Labs./Instts. are required to take adequate precautions for running the Canteen in hygienic and sanitary condition and should also ensure the personal hygiene of its staff, if necessary by referring them for medical check up at regular intervals. Revised Pay & Allowances It is clarified that granting the revised pay scales to the existing incumbents need not be withheld till the Modification of the Recruitment Rules. The Canteen staff belongs to “General Service; Non-Gazetted; and Non-Ministerial staff. The categorization of Canteen staff and corresponding pay scales is detailed hereunder: S.No.


Classification Pay Band + Grade Pay with Pre-revised scale provided in parenthesis Gr. C PB-1: 5200-20200 + GP 1800 (Rs.2550-3200 Gr. C PB-1: 5200-20200 + GP 1800 (Rs.2550-3200





Canteen Attendant [Re-designated posts of Bearer/ Tea/Coffee-Maker/Wash Boy] Assistant Halwai-cum-Cook



Gr. C



Gr. C


Asst. Manager-cum-Store Keeper

Gr. C



Gr. B

Gr. C

PB-1: 5200-20200 + GP 1900 (3050-4590) PB-1: 5200-20200 + GP 1900 (3050-4590) PB-1: 5200-20200 + GP 2000 (3200-4900) PB-1: 5200-20200 + GP 2400 (4000-6000) PB-2: 9300-34800 + GP 4200 (5000-8000)

22 8.

Manager Gr. II

Gr. B


Dy. General Manager

Gr. B


General Manager

Gr. B

PB-2: 9300-34800 + GP 4200 (5000-8000) PB-2: 9300-34800 + GP 4200 (5000-8000) PB-2: 9300-34800 + GP 4200 (5500-9000)

Special Pay The Special pay admissible to certain categories of Canteen employees is replaced by a fixed monthly amount called Special Allowance at the following rates per month under Above Type 2-A and Type 4-A only w.e.f. 1-1-1996: S.No. 1. 2. 3.

Category of staff Cashier/Store-Keeper Account/Dy. General Manager General Manager

Category of Departmental Canteen Above Type 2-A Type 4-A Rs.125 Rs.250 Rs.150 Rs.300 Rs.175 Rs.350

Application of CCS Rules Consequent upon declaration of employees serving in NSD Canteens/Tiffin Rooms as Govt./Council employees w.e.f. 1-10-1991 and the consequential change in their status from "holders of Civil Posts" to "full-fledged Govt./Council Employees", these employees have automatically come under the purview of various Central Civil Services (CCS) Rules applicable to other Govt./Council employees of comparable status. All orders issued by the Govt./Council in respect of their employees from time to time will automatically be applicable to the staff engaged in NSD Canteens/Tiffin Rooms. Annual Performance & Appraisal Reports As per the Revised Annual Performance & Appraisal Reports, numerical grading has to be awarded by the Reporting and Reviewing authorities for the quality of work output, personal attributes and work competence of the employee being reported upon on a scale of “1-10” where “1” represents the lowest grade while “10” being the highest grade. The guidelines on the subject have to be borne in mind while exercising the APAR grading. Format for the purpose of numerical grading in the area of work output, assessment of personal attributes and assessment of functional competency was provided in the APAR. The overall grading on a score of “1-10” will have 40% weightage on assessment of work output, and 30% each for assessment of personal attributes and functional competency. The overall grading will be based on addition of the mean value of each grade of indicators in the proportion to the weightage assigned.

23 The prescribed schedule for completion of the above exercise has to be strictly adhered. Recognition of Association/Union Separate Associations for Canteen employees are found to be neither practicable nor feasible keeping in view the very small strength of these employees in a particular unit of Office/Department. It has been decided that there may not be separate Associations exclusively of Canteen employees. They may be represented through Associations formed by other comparable categories of employees in the respective Labs./Instts. Further, the Canteen employees should get appropriate forum for settlement of their grievances at the Lab./Instt. level either through Joint Consultative Mechanism or through the process of consultations with the recognized Associations/Unions. Counting of Service rendered prior to 26-9-1983 In the case of Canteen employees who had retired between 1-10-1991 and 25-91993, the service rendered prior to 26-9-1983 will be taken into account as qualifying service to the extent of actual shortfall of the minimum service required for grant of superannuation pension in terms of Rule 49 (2) (b) read with Rule 49 (3) of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972. This is subject to refund of employer's share of contribution to the EPF for the period of service taken into account for pensionary benefits, including the interest received by them along with simple interest @ 6% p.a. from the date of receipt/withdrawal to the date of refund. Accordingly they should be allowed to exercise an irrevocable option as per the prescribed pro forma within 6 months. If no option is exercised, it would be deemed that the employee is not interested in the Pension Scheme. Retirement age In pursuance of the decision taken by the GB, CSIR at its meeting held on 4-111992, the Canteen employees shall continue to superannuate on attaining the age of 60 years as per provision of the Green Book, irrespective of their belonging to Gr. C/D (Non-Technical) category. However, earlier a decision was taken that a person recruited in a registered Departmental Canteen/Tiffin Room on or after 1-10-1991 up to 17-2-1992, if any, shall retire on attaining the age of 58 years only in the case of Gr. C (NonTechnical) employees at par with an employee borne on the regular establishment of a Lab./lnstt. Entitlement of Gratuity

24 Canteen employees who retired or died before 1-10-1991, gratuity shall be regulated by Rule 15 of the Departmental Canteen Employees (Recruitment and Terms & Conditions of Service) Rules, 1980. In case of temporary/quasi-permanent employees who retired/died on or after 1-10-1991, their gratuity shall be regulated by CCS (Temporary Services) Rules, 1965 and CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972, as the case may be. For the purpose of reckoning gratuity, they shall be entitled to get the service counted from the date of their actual appointment in the Canteen on regular basis. Pension will be settled as per orders of DOPT O.M. dated 16-11-1992 and 16-12-1993. Credit of Leave Under the Departmental Canteen Employees (Terms & Conditions of Recruitment and Service) Rules, 1980 and as per the guidelines issued in Rule 5 (B) and para (B) of its Appendix-l of CCS (Leave) Rules, 1972, permission has been accorded to carry forward the leave to be credited in the account of Canteen employees up to the limit prescribed under Leave Rules with effect from the actual date of entering into Council Service, i.e., 1-10-1991. The leave at credit of employees of NSD Canteens as on the date of their going over to regular establishment i.e., 1-10-1991 has to be allowed to be carried forward subject to the limits laid down under Rule 26 of Leave Rules. However in the case of those Canteen employees who have been granted status of Council employees w.e.f. 4-11-1992, it would be applicable from 4-11-1992 only. Adjustment of EPF/CPF accumulation Consequent upon declaration of Canteen employees as Govt./Council employees w.e.f. 1-10-1991, the concerned departments were required to withdraw the Employees’ and Employer’s share of contributions made to the Provident Fund Commissioners after Sept. 1983 and deposit the employees’ share of contribution together with interest thereon in the newly opened GPF accounts of the employees and the employer’s share of contribution to be resumed in the Council account. Revised Model Recruitment Rules Revised Model Recruitment Rules for NSD Canteens have been notified for various categories of Gr. B and C posts. Recruitment Rules for recruitment of Canteen staff has to be undertaken particularly in view of the recommendations of the 6th Pay Commission by the concerned Administrative Authority. The posts of Wash Boy, Bearer and Tea/Coffee-Maker have been re-designated as Canteen Attendant. The Pay Band, Grade Pay and Special Allowance, applicable to certain categories of posts have also been provided in the Model Rules.


Filling up of vacancies On the recommendations of a duly constituted Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. P.V. Sane, Director, NBRI, the GB, CSIR at its meeting held on 28-41994 approved that no new posts should be created and no vacancy be filled up in the Departmental Canteens; work should be contracted out in the event of creation of new Canteen facilities; vacancies arising due to resignation, death, retirement, dismissal and removal, etc. should not be filled up. Wherever it becomes absolutely necessary, vacancies be filled up by redeployment of existing Canteen staff in other CSIR Labs./Instts. However, if such adjustment is not possible, Labs./Instt. should give the work on contract while ensuring that existing Canteen staff is not rendered redundant. Nomination of Hony. Secretary Officers from outside the Administrative Wing should be given a chance to act as Hony. Secretary of NSD Canteens by nomination who is considered to be suitable and who fulfils the basic criteria and eligibility. This issue should be reviewed after a period of two years. Representation of women As a measure of staff welfare, Departmental Canteens/Tiffin Rooms have been set up in CSIR Labs./Instts. for providing hygienically prepared beverages, snacks and meals to employees during working hours at reasonable rates. The Departmental Canteen Committee with a view to provide representation from among women may consider coopting a suitable lady employee. Revised Group Insurance Scheme Consequent upon according the status of Council employees to the employees of NSD Canteens of CSIR Labs./Instts. registered with the Director (Canteens), the benefit of revised Group Insurance Scheme has been extended to such employees w.e.f. 1-5-1994. Such of those Departmental Canteens which were not registered were required to contribute towards only risk coverage premium till December 1994, i.e., savings fund element of the total premium will not be payable by such employees till 31-12-1994, on exercising an option by 20-4-1994. All other operational terms and conditions will be as per the existing scheme notified vide CSIR circular letters No.3(17)/Misc.184-E.II dated 18-12-1986 and 14-12-1989 respectively. Career advancement of Gr. C & D Staff

26 The Career Advancement Scheme is applicable to the Canteen employees w.e.f. 1-10-1991, if they fulfill that: i)

at the time of Direct Recruitment, the affected employee's pay should have been fixed at the minimum of the then existing pay scale; and


the employee should be stagnating at the maximum of the scale of the same post to which he was initially recruited and not another post in the scale of pay.

However, the above Scheme had become redundant on introduction of “Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme�. Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme The service rendered by a Canteen employee will be reckonable w.e.f. 26-9-1983 or the actual appointment in regular pay scales whichever is later. In view of this, the financial up-gradation of any of the Canteen employees, if already done, by reckoning the residency service for the purpose of any other manner or from an earlier date has to be reviewed by counting their service from 26-9-1983 or the actual date of appointment in regular pay scale whichever is later. The hierarchy of posts and pay scales attached thereto for the purpose of MACPS in the NSD Canteens are given hereunder:

S.No Designation and pay . scale 1. Safaiwala Rs.2550-3200

1st MACP scale Rs.2610-3540


Wash Boy Rs.2550-3200



Bearer Rs.2610-3540


Tea/Coffee Maker Rs.2610-3540

Rs.2750-4400 (for nonmatriculates) Rs.3050-4590 (for matriculates) Rs.3050-4590


Asst. Halwai-cum-Cook Rs.3050-4590


2nd MACP scale Rs.2750-4400 (for non-matriculates) Rs.3050-4590 (for matriculates) Rs.2750-4400 (for non-matriculates) Rs.3050-4590 (for matriculates) Rs.3200-4900 (for non-matriculates) Rs.4000-6000 (for matriculates) Rs.3200-4900 (for non-matriculates) Rs.4000-6000 (for matriculates) Rs.5000-8000

27 6. 7. 8.


10. 11. 12.

Clerk – Rs.3050-4590 Halwai-cum-Cook Rs.3200-4900 Assistant Manager-cumStore Keeper Rs.4000-6000 Manager-cumAccountant Rs.5000-8000

Manager Gr. II Rs.5000-8000 Dy. General Manager Rs.5000-8000 General Manager Rs.5500-9000

Rs.4000-6000 Rs.4000-6000

Rs.5000-8000 Rs.5000-8000





Since the post has to be filled by way of promotion only, there is no element of Direct Recruitment for the post. Hence 2nd MACP scale has not been specified. -do-



Since the post will be occupied by any individual only after availing two promotions, there is no need to specify any MACP scale for this post

While considering under MACPS, service rendered as well as the promotion(s) earned by the Canteen employees prior to 26-9-1983 has to be ignored.

In situ promotions allowed after 26-9-1983 may be set-off against MACPS, if such in situ promotion is in the defined hierarchy. Otherwise such promotions may be ignored and entitlement under MACPS may be decided with reference to grade held as on 26-9-1983. Clarifications on MACPS In respect of Canteen employees who were declared as Govt./Council employees w.e.f. 1-10-1991, the benefits of MACPS shall be extended to the Canteen employees by reckoning from the date of their initial appointment as direct recruit on regular basis as the crucial date of granting the 1st/2nd up-gradation. Up-gradation shall be allowed only in those cases where promotions have not been made even after putting in 12/24 years of regular service counted in the manner indicated above. 1.

While the Screening Committees for financial up-gradation up to the scale of Rs.5500-9000 can be constituted at Lab. level, the cases of the employees in the scale of Rs.5500-9000 for financial up-gradation to the scale of Rs.6500-10500 will be considered only by CSIR HQs.


The Scheme shall be operational w.e.f. 9-8-1999. As regards fixation of pay on up-gradation under the Scheme, pay of an employee shall be fixed under the

28 provisions of FR 22(I)(a)(1) subject to a minimum financial benefit of Rs.100/-, which subsequently got revised to be 3% of the basic pay on the recommendations of the 6th CPC. The financial benefit allowed under the Scheme shall be final and no further pay fixation shall be made at the time of regular promotion on functional basis. 3.

Ad hoc service cannot be counted for the financial up-gradation.


The service rendered by an employee who is promoted to a post in the Lab./Instt. seeks transfer to another Lab./Instt. on personal grounds against a lower post in Canteen cadre shall be eligible for counting of the service rendered in the lower as well as higher grade under MACP.


The scales at S-4 (Rs.2750-4400) and S-8 (Rs.4500-7000) are not operational for Cadre based non-technical posts.


The financial benefits shall be granted with effect from the date of completion of the eligibility period prescribed or w.e.f. 9-8-1999 whichever is later.


In cases where the Selection Grade was given to some employees under the then Selection Grade Scheme on completion of 11 years of service and where the benefit of FR 22 (C) has been allowed while fixing the pay on placement in the special grade, shall be treated as promotion for the purpose of MACPS.


An employee who has been given the benefit under the scheme shall continue to be shown in the seniority list of lower post and his name shall be considered for promotion in the higher grade on occurrence of vacancies.


On up-gradation, the term "MACP" has to be written after the original designation e.g., Halwai-cum-Cook (MACP).


In the pre-revised scale, the scale of Sweeper, Wash Boy, Bearer and Tea/ Coffee Maker was placed in the same pre-revised scale of pay of Rs.750-940 but in the revised scale, Sweeper and Wash Boy are placed in the pre-revised scale of Rs.2550-3200 and Bearer, Tea/Coffee Maker are placed in the higher scale of pay of Rs.2610-3540. Nevertheless, the Bearer and Tea/Coffee Maker should not be deemed to have availed of a financial up-gradation for the purpose of adjustment against benefits prescribed under MACP Scheme.


Even if the Recruitment Rules are required to be framed by the concerned Department in accordance with the sanctioned posts in that Canteen/Tiffin Room, if the incumbent of the higher post in a Canteen/Tiffin Room has not already availed of two promotions, he may be allowed benefits under MACP Scheme in the overall hierarchy of Canteen/Tiffin Room in terms of

29 clarification to point of doubt No. 32 in O.M. No.35034/I/97-Estt.(D) (Vol. IV) dt. 10-2-2000 c)

The above clarification is equally applicable to persons who are holding the highest post of Canteen existing in that Department Canteen, the scale as has been given in Annexure-II to O.M. No. 35034/1/97-Estt. (D) dt. 9-8-1999 at the time of extending the MACP benefit to the Canteen employees.

Quality control The Directorate-General of Health Services, New Delhi in a communication addressed to the Director of Canteens requested to ensure that no Departmental Canteen uses mustard oil in any of its food preparation. All other edible oils/Vanaspati used in the preparation of food articles in the Canteens should be got pre-tested by the appropriate authority. It should also be ensured that the price structure of eatables should be on “NoProfit-No-Loss” basis, the reasonability of rates of eatable items sold in the Canteens and their quality control have to be ensured. CSIR (Residence Allotment) Rules, 1997 The matter relating to service rendered prior to 1-10-1991 for eligibility of Govt./Council accommodation was revised to be 26-9-1983 in respect of employees of NSD/Co-Op. Canteens/Tiffin Rooms since the benefit of services rendered by such employees is reckoned w.e.f. 26-9-1983 for the purpose of commutation of qualifying service for pension, etc. For the purpose of allotment of accommodation from General Pool, the date of priority of the employees of the NSD Canteens/Co-Op. Canteens/Tiffin Rooms shall be reckoned from the date of their appointment in service instead of 26-9-1983 as notified earlier. The following rule has been incorporated to CSIR (Residence Allotment) Rules, 1997 under 2.0 (j) (i) A, below Rule 2.0 (j) (i) but above the proviso to this rule:

“Rule 2.0(j)(i)A: The priority date in case of Canteen employees for determining their entitlement for Council accommodation shall be counted from 26-9-1983 or the date of joining Canteen service whichever is later.” Departmental Competitive Examinations The NSD Canteen/Tiffin Room staff will continue to be eligible to apply and seek appointment to posts which are to be filled up on Direct Recruitment basis and will also be eligible for the provision relating to age concession. However, Gr. C (now that the

30 Group D does not exist) Canteen employees cannot be permitted to take the Departmental Competitive Examinations for promotion to the posts of LDC as such schemes have been evolved to primarily provide accelerated promotions for qualified candidates within their own cadre/stream. Pensionary benefits Grant of pensionary benefits to the employees of NSD Canteens for entire past service is sub judice. Pending disposal of the case by the Delhi High Court, it has been decided to implement the directions of the CAT as under: "The entire past service rendered on regular basis by the NSD Canteen employees will be reckoned as "Qualifying Service" for the purpose of calculation of pension in accordance with the relevant provisions contained in CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 and related Orders." In the event of a decision in favour of the Govt./Council the enhanced amount of pension/any other benefit arising from the implementation of this order will have to be refunded along with the interest at the rate applicable to the GPF accumulation as prescribed in the DPPW O.M. No.7/1/93-Dir.(C)-P&PW(F) dt. 31-101995. An Undertaking to this effect shall be obtained from each individual Canteen employee/retired employee by the concerned Offices before implementation of this order. Uniforms & Liveries In the light of the judgment pronounced by the Hon’ble CAT (OA No.1943/2002), in addition to the existing pattern of summer/winter uniforms prescribed in O.M. date 21-1-2002, the employees of NSD Canteens will be entitled to a woolen pant (white/grey) for male and Woolen Salwar or appropriate Woolens for female employees once in two years. Cloth for the uniforms as prescribed will be purchased from the outlets of National Textile Corporation and also from other approved authorized agencies like Khadi Gramodyog/Kendriya Bhandar/Co-Op. Stores approved by the Central/State Govt. The Canvas Shoes/Chappals/Gum Boots need to be purchased from M/s Bata India Ltd. or manufactures of similar standard material, subject to the prescribed cost ceilings. Procurement of Uniforms (Summer/Winter) for employees of NSD Canteens/Tiffin Rooms located in Council Offices may be undertaken by following the Purchase Procedures in the light of Rule 137, 144, 145, 146, 148, 160 and 161 GFR-2005. In the case of Canteen employees retiring on superannuation pension:



No uniforms be issued to those employees who are due to retire within three months from the date they become eligible for issue of uniforms.


One set of uniforms be issued to such of those employees who are due to retire within one year (not less than three months) from the date they become eligible for the issue of uniforms.


Complete set of uniforms may be issued to such of those employees who are due to retire after one year from the date they become eligible for the issue of uniforms.

Stitching charges and Washing Allowance: Reimbursement of stitching charges at the prescribed rate should be done only after the stitched uniforms are produced which are duly stamped with an indelible ink at an appropriate place on the wrong side of the stitched dress for identification. A proper record and procedure should be followed as is done in the case of other common category of employees like Peons, Sweepers, in the Labs./Instts. For comparison and information, the revised rates of stitching charges for other staff are reproduced hereunder: In partial modification of DOPT O.M. No.14/3/2006-JCA dated 28-9-2006, the Stitching Charges of Uniforms, supplied to Common Categories of employees (MultiTasking Staff - erstwhile Gr. D posts of Peon, Daftry, Jamadar, Junior Gestetner Operator, Farash, Chowkidar, Safaiwala, Mali, etc. and Staff Car Drivers, Despatch Riders etc.) in the Central Secretariat and its Attached and Subordinate Offices have been enhanced w.e.f. 1-4-2011 as follows:


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Season and description of uniform WINTER Buttoned-up-coat and pant Over-Coat for Staff Car Drivers Ladies half-coat SUMMER Pant (Terricot) Bush shirt (Polyvastra) Blouse

Reimbursable charges Rs.750/Rs.600/Rs.600/Rs.135/Rs. 60/Rs. 45/-

32 7. 8. 9.

10. 11.

Petticoat Salwar Kameez PROTECTIVE CLOTHING FOR MALIS/BHISTIES Pyjama Short (half-pant) Shirt (Cotton)

Rs. 30/Rs. 90/Rs. 24/-

Rs. 60/Rs. 45/-

They would also be eligible to draw Washing Allowance at prescribed rates from time to time. It should be ensured that the Canteen employees being provided with the uniforms wear the same regularly. Over Time/Extra Duty Allowance The NSD Canteen employees who are observing the normal working hours coinciding with the Office would be eligible to draw Over Time/Extra Duty Allowance as applicable on par with the Office staff of comparable level. However, in order to effect utmost economy, the Canteens are required to fix the normal duty hours. Scholarships The Scheme for grant of Scholarship for the children of NSD Canteens has been introduced to encourage higher studies by those children whose past performance had been meritorious. Certain concessions are available for SC/ST/Handicapped/Girls, subject to fulfilment of certain conditions. Duly filled in applications in prescribed form have to be forwarded through proper channel. The Category-wise details of the Scholarships of the revised Scheme are given hereunder:

S.No. 1. 2. 3.



Name of Scholarship/ Class of Study Class IX, X or Matriculation Class XI, XII or Intermediate or PUC - for Science stream Class XI, XII or Intermediate or PUC - for Non-Science stream Under Graduate studies of three years duration - for Science stream Under Graduate studies of three years duration

Number of Scholarships Eight (Four per class) Four (Two per class)

Amount of each Scholarship p.a. Rs. 750/Rs. 750/-

Four (Two per class)

Rs. 750/-

Three class)


per Rs.1200/- for each stream

Three class)


per Rs.1000/- for each stream




8. 9.

- for non-Science stream Post-Graduate studies of two years duration -for Science stream Post-Graduate studies of two years’ duration -- for non-Science stream ITI Course/Diploma Courses in Engg. /Architecture B.E./B.Tech. … Bachelor of Architecture … M.B.,B.S.,/Medical Courses … Financial Courses …

Two (One per class)

Three class)



per Rs.1200/-

One only


One for each course

Rs.2500/- for each course

CSIR Foundation Day As in the case of regular employees, Mementos will be given to NSD Canteen employees who will be on rolls as on CSIR Foundation Day, i.e. 26th September every year and completing 25 years of continuous and unblemished service. For this purpose, regular service rendered by Canteen employees before October 1991 shall also count for eligibility. Solar heating systems Using Solar Water heating system is mandatory for certain Industries, Nursing Homes, Hotels, Corporate Offices, Residential Schools, large size Canteens which are required to serve more than 100 employees in a day. References 1.

GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M. No.12/5/91-Dir(C) dt. 29-1-1992


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M. No.2/5/91-Dir.(C) dt. 9-4-1992


CSIR Lr. No. 17(202)/92-E.II(U-3) dt. 1-7-1992


CSIR Lr.No.17(202)/92-E.II (U-3) dt. 20-7-1992


GOI MOF O.M. F.1(14)-E.II(A)/93 dt. 16-11-1992; Swamysnews, Jan. 1994, 18


CSIR Lr. No. 17(202)1/92-E.II dt. 14-1-1993


CSIR Lr. No.17(202)1192-E.II dt. 21-5-1993

34 8.

GOI DOP&PW 1994, 81-82

O.M. No. 12/3/92-Dir(C) dt. 16-12-1993; Swamysnews, Feb.


GOI DOPT O.M. No.3/3/93-Dir.(C) dt. 31-1-1994; Swamysnews, Mar. 1994, 147


CSIR Lr. No.17(202)/1/92-E-II, dt. 28-2-1994


CSIR Lr. No.17(202)1/IICT/92-E.II dt. 5-4-1994


CSIR Lr. No.17(202)/1/92-E.H. dt. 4-7-1994


GOI MPPG&P DOPT O.M. No.15/3/92-Dir(C) dt.9-2-1995; No.17(202)/92-E.II dt. 21-2-1995


GOI MPPG&P DOPT O.M. No.3/4/94-Dir(C) dt. 14-3-1995; CSIR Endt. No.17(202)1/92-E.II dt. 15-5-1995


GOI MPPG&P (DOPT) O.M.No. S/1/96-Dir.(C) dt. 5-6-1995; (202)/1/92-E.II dt. 6-7-1995


GOI DOPT O.M. No. 12-3/92-Dir.(C) dt. 10-5-1996; Swamysnews, Sept. 1996


GOI Dte. of Estates O.M. No.12035/6/87-Pol.II No.17(202)/1/92-E.II (Vol.I) dt. 31-1-1997


GOI MPPG&P DOPT O.M. No. 3/2/95-R(C) dt. 9-1-1997; CSIR Lr. No. 17(202)/92-E.II dt. 8-2-1997 & 28-4-1997


GOI DOPT O.M.No.3/2/95-Dir.(C) dt. 26-2-1997; Swamysnews, April, 1997, 2122


GOI, MPPG&P, DOPT O.M. No.2/1/96-Dir(C) dt. 3-3-1997; CSIR Lr. No. 17(202)1/92-E.II dt. 16-5-1997


GOI Dte. of Estates O.M. No.12035/6/87-Pol.II dt. 18-11-1997; CSIR Endt. No.31/11/97-Gen. dt.18/20-3-98


CSIR Lr. No. 17(202)1/92-E.II dt. 25-11-1997


CSIR Lr. No.CSIR/FNDAY/98 dt. 8-6-1998


CSIR Lr. No.CSIR (Resi. Allot) 97-Estate dt. 11-8-1998


CSIR Endt.

CSIR Lr. No.17



35 25.

GOI MPPG&P DOPT O.M. No.15/2/98-Dir(C) dt. 7-9-1998 read with DGHS (PFA Unit) Lr. No. P.15025/69/98-PH(Food)CPFA dt. 4-9-1998; CSIR Endt. No. 31(6)/98-Gen dt. 23-9-01998


GOI MPPG&P DOPT O.M. No. 3/1(IV)/97-Dir(C) dt. 24-9-1998; 24-12-1998; 2110-1998 and 5-2-1999; CSIR Lr. No. 17(202)1/92-E.II dt.15-6-1999 and 12/13-71999


GOI MPPG&P DOPT O.M.No.20/1/88-Dir(c) No.17(202)/1/92-E.II dt. 8-3-2000


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M. No. 3-10-90-Dir.(C) dt. 24-11-1999


GOI MPPG&P DOPT O.M. No.15/1/96-Dir.(C) dt. 9-2-2000; CSIR Endt. No.17 (202)1/92-EII dt. 13-3-2000


GOI MPPG&P DOPT O.M. No.15/1/96-Dir.(C) dt. 9-2-2000; CSIR Endt. No.17 (202)1/92-EII dt. 13-3-2000


GOI DOPT O.M. No.35034/1/97-Estt.(D) (Vol.IV) dt. 10-2-2000; CSIR Lr. No. 17(68)/97-PPS dt. 10-2-2000 and 1-3-2000


CSIR Lr. No.17(202)1/92-E.II dt. 4-8-2000


GOI MPPG&P DOPT O.M. No.12/9/2000-Dir.(C) dt. 8-11-2000; No.17 (202)/ 91-E.II dt. 3-4-2001


GOI DOPT O.M.No.36035/21/2000-Estt.(Res.) dt. 15-5-2001; Swamysnews, July 2001, 53-4


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M. No18/1/2000-Dir(C) dt. 29-6-2001


GOI DOPT O.M.No.3/4/99-Dir.(C) dt. 24-9-2001; Swamysnews, March 2002, 78


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M. No.12/4/2001-Dir.(C) dt. 21-1-2002


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M. No. 27/2/96-Dir.(C) dt. 20-2-2003 & 27-2-2005Dir.(C) dt. 13-7-2007


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M. No.12/8/2002-Dir.(C) dt. 8-7-2003


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M. No.18/2/2003-Dir.(C) dt. 24-11-2003





CSIR Endt.

36 41.

GOI DOPT O.M. No.10/1/2004-Dir.(C) dt. 11-8-2004; Swamysnews, Oct. 2004, 3-4


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M.No. 13/10/2001-Dir.(C) dt. 22-12-2004

43. GOI DOPT O.M. No. 3/4/2005-Dir.(C) dt. 10-4-2006; CSIR Lr. No.17(202)/1/92E.II dt. 29-12-2006 44.

GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M. No. No. 27-2-2005-Dir.(C) dt. 13-7-2007


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M.No.3/2/07-Dir.(C) dt. 1-2-2008


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M.No.11012/7/2008/Estt.A dt. 17-4-2009


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M. No.13/4/2009-Dir.(C) dt. 22-7-2009


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M.No.3/2/2010-Dir.(C) dt. 31-5-2010


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M.No.18/1/2009-Dir.(C) dt. 27-8-2010


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M. No.3/2/2009-Dir.(C) dt. 6-9-2010


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M. F.No.1411/2010-JCA-2 dt. 18-4-2011


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M. No.3/6/2007-Dir.(C) dt. 6-5-2011


GOI MOPPG&P DOPT O.M. No.20/1/29\011-Dir.(C) dt. 2-9-2011


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