Arwa Edris Studio Earth Book 2017

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CONTENTS 1.0 THREE RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Point/ Line/ Plane 1.2 Mass 1.3 Frame & Infill 2.0 HERRING ISLAND: SOMETHING LIKE A PAVILION 2.1 Site Analysis 2.2 Conceptacle 2.3 Concept and Sketch Design 3.0 FINAL DESIGN 3.1 Final Design Model 4.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY

1.0 THREE RELATIONSHIPS Point, Line and Plane, Mass, and Frame and Infill were each explored respectively as the defining aspect to space to gain a deeper understanding of what defines each techtonic. They later form the basis to my final design and develeopment stages, in their context and form.

1.1 POINT/ LINE/ PLANE The contruction of a point to a line and then to a plane is the foundation to almost every design form. The relationship between each elements can be blurred where implied lines, implied points and implied planes are involved.

PRECEDENT Vadeggio-Cassarate Galley Cino Zucchi Architetti, 2012 The entrance to the tunnel elegently demostrates the concept of implied planes using lines. This is also read differently depending on the perspective it is viewed. For example, from above it could be read as a continuously line or points making up a line.

PONT/ LINE/ PLANE MODEL In my model, I chose to explore the concept of implied planes which was achieved through repetitions inspired by the precedent example. The model also has a strong notion of implied lines which is clearly read. The perpective that it is viewed plays an important role in determining what is read as a point, a line or a plane.

1.2 MASS The exploration of solid, void, light and dark Is mass physical or atmospheric?

PRECEDENT Bruder Klaus Field Chapel Peter Zumthor, 2007 Zumthor’s chapel and the Church of Light by Tadao Ando become distinct examples in architecture when dicussing the linfluence of light in dark spaces. However, what stood out for me in the Field Chapel was the juxtaposition berween light and dark spaces and how light travels through them which is a concept I explore in my mass drawings.

MASS DRAWINGS Having seperate drawings of the same space allowed me to explore how light travels through light and dark spaces. The section to the dark space also looks into the idea of having a light source in the distance and how it directs ones movement through space.

1.3 FRAME & INFILL what defines each? can infill simultaneously act as a frame?

PRECEDENT Square- Brussels Meeting Centre A2RC Architects, 2006 The Brussels Meeting Centre is formed by square frames that are infilled with a geometric pattern which also acts as a frame for the glasss infill. The architecture then explores this idea of blurring the lines between frame and infill.


In my model, I carried on this notion of using a geometric infill which can also be read as a frame in itself. The platform in the centre allows circulation through the space, stands above ground and focuses framed views out it.

2.0 HERRING ISLAND: SOMETHING LIKE A PAVILION During my site visit, I became aware of two different experiences on the island. One is formed early on in the journey through the island and is a surrounding of dense bushland and tall tree coverings that enclose around you, taking you away from the city experience and into a natural one. The second distinctly appears at the last point on the journey but can be similarly experienced at any point along the island edge. The spot that I sketched faces the city skyline and is a visual and acoustic reminder of the islands unusual location within the inner city context.

2.1 SITE ANALYSIS Analysing the site for me meant an understanding of the circulation around the island, where the existing art sculpture where located, topography and the juxtaposition between the natural and urban environments. At this point, my site location was only loosly chosen and is later changed according to my concept on secrets.

2.2 CONCEPTACLE A diagrammatic way of understanding the composition formed through the assembly of point/ line/ plane, mass, and frame & infill.

CONCEPTACLE MODEL The composition of my conceptacle model is composed from the concept of implied planes from my point/ line/ plane model and framing elements from my frame & infill. Mass is also incorporated into the model through the spaces formed underground. The relationship between the techtonics and the ground plane is also explored where elements exist above the ground, on the ground and under the ground.

2.3 CONCEPT AND SKETCH DESIGN The concept of secrets that I decided to employ is on the experience one goes through when revealing secrets. From being weighed down from the burden of secrets to heavy contemplation before revealing a secret. From my initial site analysis, I decided to change my site to better fit my concept. The techtonics on the new site better represent this drop into the underground and this rise above ground which is at one of the highest points on the island, reinforcing the idea of being free and above everything. The location of the pavilion is also right beside the circulation path which deters any confusion and directs entry into the underground corridors.

PRECEDENTS Gota Dam Residence Studio Seilern Architect, 2012 Shows materiality of glass, timber and concrete.

Loducca Agency Triptyque, 2006 The ‘reveal’.

DEVELOPMENT The metaphoric journey to reveal secrets begins underground into these dark, narrow corridors which represent the weight and stress of keeping detrimental secrets in for too long. As you move into the space, the corridoors end and you’re in this median space characterised by this light from outside pouring in from the distance. Here, a recorder plays the sounds of the Yarras’s waters creating a space of tranquility and self reflection. Moving up the stairs and out of the underground space reinforces this nothion of revealing secrets and this idea of feeling lighter and weight-free. The above ground structure reflects this in its materiality and form which looks out into the landscape.


3.0 FINAL DESIGN dark, confined, heavy intermediate, calm, rational light, freeing


PAVILION PERSPECTIVES The secret in the architecture is that from a distance along the walking tracks you can see these dark passageways that lure visitors to the pavilion.


4.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY Architecture. Retrieved from Binet, H. (2009). Photographs of the work of Peter Zumthor by HÊlène Binet. Retrieved from Gota Dam Residence: A House on a Rock / Sforza Seilern Architects. (2016). Retrieved from Loducca Agency / Triptyque. (2008). Retrieved from Square - Brussels Meeting Centre / A2RC Architects. (2009). Retrieved from St Benedict Chapel Peter Zumthor. Retrieved from Vadeggio-Cassarate Gallery / Cino Zucchi Architetti. (2012). Retrieved from

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