Paint Smarter

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SITUATION ANALYSIS \1\executive summary\2\company & climate \3\competition & positioning\4\research\5\target audience

OBJECTIVES \6\campaign objectives\7\media objectives \8\strategy\9\website

CREATIVE APPROACH \10\interactive media\11\digital media\12\tv & out of home \13\in store\14\print\15\media flowchart

PR & PROMOTIONS \16\contests\17\partnerships

EVALUATION \18\budget breakdown\19\campaign evaluation \20\ sources

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Glidden’s long history of innovation lends the brand a well-established reputation in the paint industry. Despite the lack of attention to the brand in the early 2000s, Glidden rebranded in 2009, once again becoming a viable competitor in the paint category. The company reintroduced itself as sleek and modern through new packaging and a simpler color palette. In 2010, Glidden announced a partnership with mega-retailer Walmart. This partnership created a challenge - to raise awareness, increase consideration and boost sales of Glidden at Walmart. Our first challenge was to gain a thorough understanding of the Walmart shopper. We used this knowledge to effectively target three consumer segments with creative strategy, tailored messaging and pinpointed media. To do this, we highlighted Glidden’s existing partnership with Walmart. Understanding our target and uncovering similarities was essential to effectively communicate with each of the three consumer segments. We analyzed each segment’s shopping habits, social lives and media preferences. We needed to know – what makes them tick? We knew they shopped at Walmart and took on Do-It-Yourself (DIY) projects, but what does Glidden at Walmart provide that no other partnership can? Our research revealed that all three segments are looking for the best deal, regardless of income, and since the Brilliance Collection is only available there, we focused on Glidden’s combination of convenience and affordability in our advertising message. We examined Walmart’s brand positioning statement (save money, live better) and found strong parallels with Glidden’s values. From there, we strategically positioned the 2N1 Paint + Primer Brilliance Collection as the paint that saves our audience more time and money, ultimately making consumers feel smarter for choosing Glidden over other paint brands. From those insights, we crafted our campaign theme, Paint Smarter.

“We needed to know what makes them tick? What does Glidden at Walmart provide that no other partnership can?”

\\ paint smarter \\


COMPANY Glidden has been a popular paint choice for home dĂŠcor and design projects in the American household.1 For generations, Glidden has made the painting process easy, as shown in their marketing mix. The rebranding introduced Glidden as bold and modern through a simplified color palette and updated packaging.

THE MARKETING MIX PRODUCT Â’ 5ZWRRS\ < >OW\b >`W[S` Brilliance Collection Â’ 6WUV ^S`T]`[O\QS Â’ AZSSY []RS`\ ^OQYOUS redesign

PLACE Â’ !# EOZ[O`b ab]`Sa Â’ 3\Q][^OaaSa " EOZ[O`b paint sales Â’ ! $ Q]Z]` ^OZSbbS

Glidden’s competition places considerable advertising emphasis on color and are increasingly adding paint and primer duos to their product lines. Share of DIY market among Glidden’s competition is indicated below.




Â’ [WZZW]\ PcRUSb Â’ ;OYS O EWaV >O`b\S`aVW^ Colorful Classrooms Contest, national advertising campaign, etc.








’ =TTS`a Q]\dS\WS\b OTT]`ROPZS paint product ’ ;OW\bOW\a SfQZcaWdS ^O`b\S`aVW^ with Walmart ’ >c`QVOaS ]T 5ZWRRS\ [OYSa >>5 bVS world’s largest coating manufacturer

Â’ 1]\ac[S`a¸ ZW[WbSR Y\]eZSRUS ]T Walmart as a source to buy paint Â’ :OQY ]T OeO`S\Saa ]T 5ZWRRS\ at Walmart Â’ <SUObWdS ^S`QS^bW]\ ]T 5ZWRRS\ as a “faded wallflowerâ€?

PRICE Â’ /^^`]fW[ObS ;@>( ! ' Â’ DO`WSa ^S` ab]`S O\R Z]QObW]\



Small-scale maintenance and repair projects have become popular not only due to the recession, but also as a result of the growing DIY movement.2 First-time home buyers and those who are downsizing have been most affected by this trend. The economy has not necessarily stopped consumers from buying new homes, but they have become more budget conscious when making investments. Overall, the housing economy is growing.3 Home pricing indexes began rising in 2012 and have been predicted to continue on an upward trajectory through 2013. In addition, housing construction rates have gone up by 60% in the past two years. The rise in the housing market has caused an increase in demand for the paint industry. House paints account for the largest portion of paint industry revenue at 40%.4 Currently, the global coatings industry is generating approximately $100 billion in revenue annually. The market is predicted to grow and be valued at around $110 billion by 2017, according to Global Industry Analysts.

Â’ 4]QcaSa ]\ W\ RS[O\R ^OW\b O\R primer combination Â’ BW[SZg Sf^O\aW]\ ]T V][S R{Q]` improvement offerings at Walmart


Â’ Ab`]\U P`O\R Z]gOZbg O[]\U competing brands Â’ AW[WZO` Q]Z]` aSZSQbW]\ among competition

POSITIONING STATEMENT Glidden helps our target audience Paint Smarter by saving them time and money with the 2N1 Paint + Primer Brilliance Collection at Walmart.


\\ paint smarter \\

63% of Solution Seekers are unfamiliar with Walmart.

The efficiency of the collection reinforces Glidden’s brand message, “Glidden gets you going.�

\\ paint smarter \\



OUR RESEARCH 20% 40-55 year olds



50% 18-24 year olds


Walmart “Price Sensitive Shoppers� comprise our target audience who we have defined as Solution Seekers. They are commited to finding the best deals. Walmart’s promise of “unbeatable prices� drives Solution Seekers’ desire to find new ways to save. They are adamant about actively seeking creative or need-based DIY solutions that will save them time and money. We categorized “Price Sensitive Shoppers� into three groups based on different life stages, media preferences and brand loyalties.

Surveys Concept Tests

30% 25-39 year olds

Key insights from our primary research are highlighted in “bubbles� throughout the book.

THE WALMART SHOPPER Secondary market research revealed retailer information showing “price sensitive aV]^^S`aÂś [OYS c^ #$ ]T EOZ[O`b Qcab][S`a 6 They are narrowed into three segments.


“VALUE-PRICED SHOPPERS� ’ G]c\U `c`OZ VWUV stress females ’ 1]`S Qcab][S` of Walmart ’ :]gOZ b] EOZ[O`b

“PRICE SENSITIVE AFFLUENTS� ’ ;O``WSR POPg boomers ’ <]b Z]gOZ b] EOZ[O`b ’ ASSY RSOZa T]` a^]`b

THE DIY MOVEMENT The DIY movement revolutionizes the hands-on approach to everyday practices. Carnegie ;SZ]\ Q]\RcQbSR O abcRg ]T $ W\RWdWRcOZa O[]\U 27G Q][[c\WbWSa O\R RSbS`[W\SR YSg ^`OQbWQSa bVOb RSÂż\S 27G(7 Â’ /\g Q`SObW]\ []RWÂżQObW]\ ]` `S^OW` ]T ]PXSQba eWbV]cb bVS OWR ]T ^OWR ^`]TSaaW]\OZa Â’ / [SbV]R bVOb VSZ^a ^S]^ZS b] YSS^ Qc``S\b ]\ caSTcZ aYWZZa O\R bSQV\W_cSa Â’ / `S\SeSR W\bS`Sab W\ OTT]`ROPWZWbg ]T b]]Za O\R bVS S[S`US\QS ]T aVO`W\U \Se WRSOa Â’ / QcZbc`S bVOb ac^^]`ba Q]ZZOP]`ObWdS Q`WbW_cS O\R P`OW\ab]`[W\U


\\ paint smarter \\

1. EXPERTS OF EDGY BVS 3f^S`ba ]T 3RUg O`S [WZZS\\WOZa eV] ab`WdS b] Q][^ZSbS bOaYa eWbV SOaS eVWZS saving money. These independent young adults are in a transitional period when budget Wa SaaS\bWOZ b] bVSW` ZWTSabgZS ;]ab ZWYSZg b] PS S\bWQSR Pg P`O\R \O[Sa 3f^S`ba ]T 3RUg shop at Walmart, but are not loyal customers. Since technology played a crucial role in this segment’s upbringing, they possess superior knowledge of what is “cutting edge.� ;OW\bOW\W\U O Q]\abO\b Q]\\SQbW]\ b] ^SS`a SabOPZWaVSa O\ W[[SRWObS ^`W[O`g a]c`QS bVOb influences purchases.

2. BOSSES OF BUDGET The Bosses of Budget are family-focused young moms with busy schedules, creating a high RS[O\R T]` Q]\dS\WS\QS ;cZbWbOaYW\U Wa \SQSaaO`g W\ ]`RS` b] acQQSaaTcZZg XcUUZS QO`SS`a family needs and personal time. Bosses of Budget use the Internet to find methods for improving time management. They appreciate brand names but their price-sensitive mentality reinforces their loyalty to Walmart.

3. MASTERS OF MAINTENANCE BVS ;OabS`a ]T ;OW\bS\O\QS O`S POPg P]][S`a RSÂż\SR Pg b`ORWbW]\OZ dOZcSa bVOb [OYS bVS[ aSZSQbWdS Q]\ac[S`a 3f^S`WS\QS eWbV V][S W[^`]dS[S\b ^`]dWRSa bVS[ eWbV RWabW\Qb Y\]eZSRUS ]T OdOWZOPZS ^`]RcQba /a aSOa]\SR Q]\ac[S`a ;OabS`a ]T ;OW\bS\O\QS RSaW`S quality products for the best price. They are adapting to all facets of technology, yet actively use traditional media.

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With $10 million, we devised a media strategy that aims to increase purchases of the Glidden 2N1 Paint + Primer Brilliance Collection among Solution Seekers. The media executions are tailored to each segment’s media selectivity. We placed non-traditional and traditional media based on the stages of the buying process.

OVERALL Â’ 0cWZR OeO`S\Saa ]T 5ZWRRS\¸a < >OW\b >`W[S` 0`WZZWO\QS Collection at Walmart OBJECTIVES Â’ 7\Q`SOaS Q]\aWRS`ObW]\ ]T 5ZWRRS\¸a < >OW\b >`W[S` 0`WZZWO\QS Collection at Walmart

Â’ 7\Q`SOaS OeO`S\Saa ]T 5ZWRRS\ Ob EOZ[O`b O[]\U A]ZcbW]\ ASSYS`a T`][ $$ to 86% Â’ 7\Q`SOaS Q]\aWRS`ObW]\ ]T 5ZWRRS\ O[]\U A]ZcbW]\ ASSYS`a T`][ ! b] ! Â’ @SOQV & ^S`QS\b ]T A]ZcbW]\ ASSYS`a Â’ @SOQV A]ZcbW]\ ASSYS`a eWbV O\ OdS`OUS T`S_cS\Qg ]T !

MARKETING Â’ 7\Q`SOaS aOZSa ]T 5ZWRRS\¸a < >OW\b >`W[S` 0`WZZWO\QS OBJECTIVE 1]ZZSQbW]\ Pg # Â’ Create top-of-mind awareness of Glidden among

ADVERTISING Solution Seekers OBJECTIVES ’ Increase consumer’s understanding of Glidden’s product benefits ’ 3abOPZWaV P`O\R Z]gOZbg O[]\U A]ZcbW]\ ASSYS`a

REGIONALITY We chose top markets based on concentration of our target and density of Walmart stores in those areas.



\\ paint smarter \\

The most cited factors among Solution Seekers when purchasing paint are “Quality� and “Price.�

1. Houston 2. San Francisco 3. Dallas 4. Philadelphia

'!; %& ; % ; #' ;

# AO\ /\b]\W] # "; 6. Atlanta #!; 7. Washington, D.C. "'; & ;WO[W ;

3 5

1 8

SEASONALITY budget (Millions of Dollars)

Paint Smarter will build awareness and increase consideration of Glidden at Walmart, ultimately boosting sales.



Glidden’s 2N1 Paint + Primer Brilliance Collection is the smart choice for Solution Seekers because of its one-coat application. Glidden at Walmart caters to Solution Seeker’s desire to save time and money by eliminating the need for additional shopping trips to home improvement or paint stores. This one-step solution through one coat of paint and one shopping trip makes Glidden at Walmart the smart paint choice. Paint Smarter strategically combines Walmart’s commitment to saving customer’s money with Glidden’s ability to save Solution Seekers time with one coat of paint. This combination offers a quick solution to DIY projects and reinforces the tagline, “Glidden gets you going.�

4 7

;SRWO eWZZ `c\ Q]\bW\c]caZg bV`]cUV]cb the campaign with the following only `c\\W\U Rc`W\U bVSaS bW[Sa(

8 6 4

Â’ 2W`SQb [OWZ( ;Og 8c\S !`R eSSY Â’ B:1( !`R eSSY OZZ # []\bVa Â’ 65BD( B`WQYZS R]e\ STTSQb Â’ /ZZ G]c( ;Og 8cZg AS^bS[PS`

2 0 ;/G






\\ paint smarter \\



STRATEGY A visual timeline depicts the breakdown of each segment’s media preferences. Selection of media vehicles were strategically chosen based on the stages of the buying process shown below.

Glidden’s website will feature a user-friendly subpage. The Paint Smarter page will serve as the home for all campaign content. On this site, the user has access to interactive guides, videos and a paint project section to share their ideas and inspiration.






Search Engine Marketing












Direct Mail

Social Media

Social Media

In Store

In Store

Out of Home

Out of Home

Social Media

Online Radio

Direct Mail Social Media Online











Direct Mail



In Store

In Store




Direct Mail


Social Media

Social Media

Social Media


Online Radio Television

Ad Nets






















Direct Mail

Out of Home


Toolbar features links to Glidden’s homepage and the Paint Smarter application login.

The bottom links encourage social media interaction.


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Solution Seekers are active online radio listeners.9 A full screen takeover will ask the user short questions to create customized “Project Stations� that users can listen to while completing projects.

The new app features a guide that will lead the user through the paint buying process. Features of the app include: Â’ >`]XSQb 5cWRS Â’ 1]Z]` aSZSQbW]\ b]]Z Â’ Âľ6]e [cQV ^OW\b R] 7 \SSR-Âś QOZQcZOb]` Â’ >`]RcQb ZW\S Q][^O`Wa]\ Â’ EOZ[O`b Z]QOb]` Â’ 27G QVSQYZWab Â’ 0SbbS` 6][Sa 5O`RS\a ^`]RcQb [ObQVS` Â’ >`]XSQb aVO`W\U ]\ a]QWOZ [SRWO Â’ >OW\b Q]RS US\S`Ob]` The new app can be downloaded on any device.

SOCIAL MEDIA To increase awareness of Glidden paint at Walmart, we will establish a strong social media presence by placing engaging content on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram. Purchased Facebook ads will boost these efforts. Content will include: Â’ CaS` acP[WbbSR PST]`S O\R OTbS` ^WQbc`Sa Â’ DWU\SbbSa ]T ^OW\bW\U bW^a Â’ E`WbbS\ bW^a b] Paint Smarter Â’ 1]\bSab c^RObSa

ONLINE AD NETWORK AdChoices specifies websites that are frequented by Solution Seekers using “cookies� to determine the placement of Glidden ads based on location and online behavior. This ensures ads are more relevant. Please refer to the media flowchart for the full list of the chosen sites.


3f^S`ba ]T 3RUg Bosses of Budget ;OabS`a ]T ;OW\bS\O\QS

3f^S`ba ]T 3RUg Bosses of Budget

3f^S`ba ]T 3RUg 3f^S`ba ]T 3RUg Bosses of Budget Bosses of Budget

3f^S`ba ]T 3RUg

SEM STRATEGY ASO`QV 3\UW\S ;O`YSbW\U eWZZ S\ac`S bVOb eS `SOQV A]ZcbW]\ ASSYS`a eVS\ bVSg aSO`QV for competing brands and related content. It allows us to target each segment based on Internet behavior.


\\ paint smarter \\

\\ paint smarter \\



TV & WEB COMMERCIAL A^]ba eWZZ `c\ ]\ 65BD O\R B:1 QOPZS \Sbe]`Ya OQbWdSZg dWSeSR Pg A]ZcbW]\ ASSYS`a 65BD eWZZ OZa] OW` dWU\SbbSa bVOb W\QZcRS aV]`b bW^a ]\ V]e b] Paint Smarter. .

To build awareness of Glidden’s exclusive collection at Walmart, new homeowners will receive direct mailers at the start of the campaign. This free care package contains a paint sample and coordinating supplies upon store visit. The mailer also includes a fold-out guide with tips on how to Paint Smarter. A second direct mailer will provide a discount to help boost awareness and build brand loyalty.

Woman cleans home.

Performs tasks at job.

Shops at Walmart and notices Glidden display.

31C( ^OW\b QO\a E][O\( Âľ0`WZZWO\b Âś

Our slice-of-life commercial captures the hectic routine shared among Walmart shoppers, focusing on a “Boss of Budgetâ€? woman. While she efficiently performs a vast set of tasks, an unfinished paint project is shown. A voiceover reads her “checklistâ€? of products needed T`][ EOZ[O`b 3``ObWQ W\ b]\S O\R `VgbV[WQ W\ \Obc`S bVS ZWab `SĂ€ SQba bVS RS[O\RW\U ZWTSabgZS of Solution Seekers. Once she notices the Glidden Brilliance Collection display at Walmart, the incessant voiceover stops. She then enthusiastically places the can of paint in her cart, O\R aV]cba Âľ0`WZZWO\b Âś BVS Q][[S`QWOZ S\Ra eWbV ]c` 0]aa ]T 0cRUSb aSQc`S W\ O a[O`b decision that saved time and money.


We want to enhance the shopping experience at Walmart by providing simple and interactive ways to lead customers to the paint aisle. We will add color swatch tags to Better 6][Sa 5O`RS\a ^`]RcQba aV]eW\U complimenting Glidden colors.

A partnership with U-Haul was formed to connect Glidden with our segments’ life b`O\aWbW]\a 3f^S`ba ]T 3RUg O`S []dW\U into their first rented home, Bosses of Budget are moving to accommodate O U`]eW\U TO[WZg O\R ;OabS`a ]T ;OW\bS\O\QS O`S R]e\aWhW\U OTbS` bVSW` children leave. Paint Smarter ads will be displayed on # ]T C 6OcZ¸a []ab `S\bSR []dW\U trucks. A Glidden insert will be included with the truck renting packet.



Make your move a brilliant one.

We understand how much

We will add an interactive in-store shopping component to the end caps of Home DĂŠcor, DIY and Baby O\R 9WRa aSQbW]\a 3OQV S\R QO^ eWZZ feature an iPad with the Paint Smarter app to help guide customers through the paint buying process.

effort it takes to move into your new place. Let us make the process easier. The Glidden 2N1 Paint + Primer Brilliance Collection combines our highest quality latex paint and primer, allowing you save time and money. Stop by your local Walmart to receive your free 2N1 housewarming gift. Paint Smarter!

Available exclusively at

gets you going


\\ paint smarter \\

3\RQO^a eWZZ OZa] TSObc`S O dO`WSbg of color samples that shoppers can purchase before committing to a full can, since our research shows Soultion Seekers like to experiment with paint colors. \\ paint smarter \\


PRINT ADS >`W\b ORa eWZZ `c\ W\ bV`SS [OUOhW\Sa ^]^cZO` O[]\U A]ZcbW]\ ASSYS`a 0SbbS` 6][Sa 5O`RS\a @SOZ AW[^ZS O\R /ZZ G]c 3OQV OR eWZZ PcWZR ]\ bVS Paint Smarter theme using easily-recognizable scientific references that display an easier painting experience.

SWATCH STICKERS =c` ^O`b\S`aVW^ eWbV 0SbbS` 6][Sa Gardens provides a unique promotional opportunity for Glidden. The placement of bookmark stickers in the magazine’s table of contents will inspire Solution Seekers to Paint Smarter by saving their favorite ideas and projects.


\\ paint smarter \\

Place stickers on items that inspire you to Paint Smarter.

PR & PROMOTIONS OBJECTIVES Â’ >`][]bS 5ZWRRS\ Ob EOZ[O`b bV`]cUV Q][[c\Wbg W\d]ZdS[S\b O\R aS`dWQS SdS\ba Â’ AVWTb ZW\US`W\U ÂľTORSR eOZZĂ€ ]eS`Âś ^S`QS^bW]\ ]T 5ZWRRS\ b] PS ÂľP]ZR O\R []RS`\Âś

INSTAGRAM PHOTO CONTEST The public relations and promotional portion of our campaign will spark engagement among Solution Seekers. Glidden will hold an Instagram photo contest where followers will be asked to express themselves with visual answers to questions like “what do you find P`WZZWO\b-Âś O\R ÂľeVS\ O`S g]c W\ g]c` SZS[S\b-Âś 1]\bSabO\ba eWZZ PS `S_cW`SR b]( Â’ caS bVS < 0`WZZWO\QS 1]ZZSQbW]\ Oa ^O`b ]T bVSW` acP[WbbSR ^V]b] Â’ W\QZcRS O QO^bW]\ eWbV O 27G bW^ Sf^ZOW\W\U V]e bVSg Paint Smarter AW[WZO` bOQbWQa eWZZ PS caSR ]\ BeWbbS` eWbV VOaVbOUa( >OW\bA[O`bS` 0S0`WZZWO\b ;]\bVZg a]QWOZ [SRWO Q]\bSaba eWZZ `SOQV OZZ bV`SS aSU[S\ba Pcb eWZZ ^`W[O`WZg bO`USb 3f^S`ba ]T 3RUg O\R 0]aaSa ]T 0cRUSb

COLOR IN MOTION 5K RUN 1]Z]` @c\a VOdS `SQS\bZg UOW\SR ^]^cZO`Wbg focusing on bold color, while evoking fun and excitement in the community. Glidden will e]`Y eWbV Wba \]\^`]¿ b ^O`b\S` ;OYS O EWaV Foundation and the foundation’s partner, 1]Z]` W\ ;]bW]\ #9 @c\ The two-in-one aspect of the 2N1 Paint + Primer Brilliance Collection complements the run’s dual purpose of having fun while giving back. The event will satisfy Solution Seekers’ desire to express themselves through a featured graffiti painting wall. Glidden will distribute paintbrushes so attendees can paint the wall using the Brilliance Collection. @OQS Z]QObW]\a eWZZ PS aSZSQbSR POaSR ]\ geotargeting and population density of Walmart Supercenters located along the 33 ab]^a ]T bVS #9 b]c`

TOP RACE LOCATIONS BASED ON GEO TARGETING 0Ob]\ @]cUS :/ 9O\aOa 1Wbg ;= 3. Nashville, TN " :SPO\]\ 9G # 1VO`ZSab]\ A1 $ 8OQYa]\dWZZS 4: % BO[^O Ab >SbS 4: & =`ZO\R] 4: 9. Dallas, TX 10. San Antonio, TX 11. Houston, TX 12. Atlanta, GA

Contest winners for each month will be featured on the official Glidden Instagram and Twitter accounts.

“THE GLIDDEN PROJECT� CONTEST Fifteen popular DIY bloggers will participate in O \ObW]\OZ Q]\bSab PSUW\\W\U W\ ;Og BVSg eWZZ PS UWdS\ 5ZWRRS\ ^OW\b O\R O %# EOZ[O`b UWTb card to develop and complete their project in one month. Contestants will blog step-by-step instructions of their process, including tips on how to Paint Smarter. General social media users will vote on the most creative and “brilliant� DIY project through Glidden’s social media sites. /b bVS S\R ]T 8c\S O U`O\R ^`WhS eW\\S` eWZZ be awarded $1000. The winner’s project will be featured on Glidden and Walmart’s social media sites for one month. The winning blog will be featured on Glidden’s Paint Smarter subpage for the remainder of the campaign, OZ]\U eWbV O TSObc`SR O`bWQZS W\ 0SbbS` 6][Sa Gardens magazine.


\\ paint smarter \\

TOP 15 HOME PROJECTS & DIY BLOGS10 1. The Design Confidential :WbbZS 5`SS\ <]bSP]]Y ! DW\bOUS @SdWdOZa 4. Old Town Home # 0`WUVb<Sab $ @ORWQOZ >]aaWPWZWbg 7. Centsational Girl & ;O\VObbO\ <Sab 9. House Tweaking 10. Ciburbanity 11. Oh Happy Day 12. iHeart Organizing 13. DIYdiva " DWSe /Z]\U bVS EOg # /\O EVWbS

Event Logistics:

The top DIY project inspirations are “self expression� and “saving money.�

Â’ 5ZWRRS\ Paint Smarter photographers will be on site Â’ >V]b]a eWZZ PS ^]abSR b] a]QWOZ [SRWO O\R ]\ZW\S T]`c[a b] W\Q`SOaS web traffic Â’ 0`O\RSR ^`][]bW]\OZ ^`]RcQba eWZZ PS RWab`WPcbSR b] W\Q`SOaS awareness of the Glidden Paint Smarter campaign

\\ paint smarter \\




Goal: Inform audience of product benefits; Increase brand visibility KPI: >S` QZWQY) ]T views; Bounce rate; 3\UOUS[S\b aQ]`S) Web analytics Pitfalls: Noise; Inactive listening Solutions: 3\UOUW\U material

DIRECT MAIL Goal: Increase visibility of Glidden paint information KPI: Store and website dWaWba) ]T R]e\Z]ORa Pitfalls: Disregarded as junk [OWZ) ;SaaOUS [Og \]b PS received Solutions: Drive Solution Seekers to Walmart for mentioned care package


Digital 22%

Goal: Build awareness of Glidden; Increase confidence in consumers; Serve as a guide for DIY projects KPI: ]T W[^`SaaW]\a Pitfalls: <]WaS) ;cbSR) Skipped Solutions: 3\UOUW\U entertaining commercials

Partnerships 35%

Print 2%

Out of Home 7%

PRINT Promotional Items 11%

Television 23%


\\ paint smarter \\

70% concept test respondents said the Paint Smarter theme would make them more likely to buy Glidden.

Goal: @OWaS OeO`S\Saa ]T bVS EOZ[O`b 5ZWRRS\ partnership; Inform consumers of product benefits KPI: ]T [OUOhW\Sa ^c`QVOaSR) ]T W[^`SaaW]\a Pitfalls: ;OUOhW\Sa U] unpurchased; Interactive reading Solutions: Incentive to buy magazines; Prevalent in-store placement of magazines; Online promotions

SOCIAL MEDIA Goal: Build awareness of the Glidden brand, Inform consumer of product benefits KPI: ]T aVO`Sa ZWYSa [S\bW]\a retweets; Web analytics Pitfalls: ;S\bW]\a [Og PS ]dS`Z]]YSR) ;Og \]b `SOQV O large audience due to limited social media outreach Solutions: Followers to increase [S\bW]\a ZWYSa aVO`Sa `SbeSSba etc.; Interact with followers

\\ paint smarter \\


SOURCES 1. “The Glidden Company History.â€? International Directory of Company Histories. D]Z & < ^ ( Ab 8O[Sa ''" < pag. Funding Universe. ESP 8O\ ! @]aS\PZ]][ AbS^VO\WS Âľ2 7 G 1VOW\a /RXcab b] A[OZZS` >`]XSQba Âś Business. The New York Times, 21 Aug ' ESP ;O` ! ! DOaSZ 9ObV`g\ Âľ6]caW\U ;O`YSb W\ !( EVOb b] 3f^SQb Âś 4]f 0caW\Saa Fox Business % 8O\ ! ESP ;O` ! " Âľ>OW\b 1]ObW\U ;O\cTOQbc`W\U 7\Rcab`g =dS`dWSe Âś Paint & Coating Manufacturing Report Summary. 6]]dS`a ESP ;O` ! # Âľ>OW\b 1]ObW\U ;O\cTOQbc`W\U Âś 4W`ab @SaSO`QV 7\Q Market Research, # 4SP ! ESP ;O` ! $ ÂľEV] AV]^a Ob EOZ[O`b O\R EV] 2]Sa\¸b Âś < ^ \ R ESP ;O` ! % 9ch\Sba]d AbOQSg O\R 3`WQ >OcZ]a Âľ@WaS ]T bVS 3f^S`b /[ObSc`( 27G >`]XSQba 1][[c\WbWSa O\R 1cZbc`Sa Âś < ^ \ R ESP ;O` ! & AW[[]\a( Âľ3F>3@7/< A7;;=<A A^`W\U <1A /RcZba 4cZZ GSO` Âś AW[[]\a BSZ[O` 7\T]`[ObW]\a AS`dWQSa Corp., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. ' AW[[]\a( Âľ3F>3@7/< A7;;=<A A^`W\U <1A /RcZba 4cZZ GSO` Âś AW[[]\a BSZ[O` 7\T]`[ObW]\a AS`dWQSa Corp., n.d. Web. 13 Feb. 2013. Âľ0Sab 6][S >`]XSQb 27G 0Z]Ua Âś /^O`b[S\b BVS`O^g < ^ \ R ESP ;O` ! Âľ1]Z]` 7\ ;]bW]\ #YjEVS`S 1]Z]` ;SSba bVS @]OR 1ZWQY 6S`S b] @SUWabS` Âś 1]Z]` 7\ ;]bW]\ #YjEVS`S 1]Z]` ;SSba bVS @]OR 1ZWQY 6S`S b] @SUWabS` < ^ \ R ESP ;O` ! Âľ1]Z]`TcZ 1ZOaa`]][ 1]\bSab Âś 5ZWRRS\ 1]\bSab @cZSa < ^ \ R ESP ;O` ! ! 1]Z]` @c\ >V]b]U`O^V( 7[OUS Âľ1]Z]` @c\ Wa 1][W\U b] BSfOa Âś T]c\R Ob Vbb^( ZSba[]dSWb[][[Oa PZ]Ua^]b Q][ ' Q]Z]` W\ []bW]\ #Y Wa Q][W\U b] bSfOa Vb[Z


Back Row: 1O`ZWaO 8OQYa]\ 1VSZaSO ;ORSg 3ZWaS 0S`UU`SS\ 8O[WS ;O`bW\ ;ORWa]\ @]PWa]\ 3[[O\cOZ 6S``S`] Middle Row: Paige Hinrichs, Dr. Yolanda Cal (adviser), Kaitlin Discher. Front Row: Alex Ward, Kristen Diaz, Ophelia Battle. Not Pictured: DW`UW\WO >SbS`a @]RPSZZ 8O\S ASZZS`a

Our agency specializes in reviving our client’s image by creating a vibrant strategic plan, repositioning the brand with a fresh perspective. @SPW`bV /RdS`bWaW\U e]cZR ZWYS b] bVO\Y g]c T]` allowing us to create this cohesive, innovative and compelling campaign.


\\ paint smarter \\

SPECIAL THANKS Morgan & Co. AAF New Orleans Professor Cheryl Dejoie-LaCabe Professor Jeffrey Ory Professor Valerie Andrews Professor Ashley Francis Dr. Yolanda Cal Dr. Sonya DuhĂŠ Paul Stackpole Kathryne McNeil Jennifer Huber Damien Lamanna Reid Steinberg Edward Schneider \\ rebirth advertising \\

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