Brief proposal final

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INTRODUCTION Surabaya is ranked as the second most

after certain system that we believe that

metropolitan city in Indonesia after

could carry out what we’ve learnt to be a

Jakarta.*Metropolitan Cities are the cities

specific solution to Surabaya. To create

with high population, high growth


an architectural respond & solution to

economy, and an intensive movement of

certain problem & issue in Surabaya is our

the citizen. The fact is Surabaya is already

deter m ination . ”De sp ite

on its way to be a better city with huge

interdependency of each system in a city

attempted improvements that had been

is undeniable, We only highlighted 2

initiated by the government,

m a in issu e s fo r t h e p ro je c t ;

at least 5

o f th e

international awards have been rewarded

infrastructure (drainage) and

for Surabaya in the last 4 years. As for

These 2 issues might not seem to have

ever ything and

ever y movement in

things in common, but if we take a look

Surabaya is exemplary for the other

closer , these two issue is very related to

developing cities , therefore it’s important to concern about the whole system that run continuously in Surabaya , those could

be tr ans por tation,

dr ainage,

infrastructure, social quality, finance, and some other.


those impressive

awards, and

the title as

one of the

metropolitan city in Indonesia

, thus we

noted Surabaya may still have small yet crucial things to fix up, furthermore those Considering the complexity of the system in a city, as Architecture student we look


each other, could make a huge impact if one of the two changes continually. Closer look, we spotted a little district in Surabaya named Kalianak (coordinate °13'46"S 112°42’29"E) as a target of this project. Kalianak river is one of the main river that happened to be near by the sea. This river is functioned by some local people to create a village near by the river. The slums keep on growing day by day. While the needs of proper sanitation can not be fulfilled.


on the North Side of Java Island. It is located in Dirtrict Krembangan , North Surabaya, this location is categorised as Ac c o rd in g t o t h e Ma p sh o wn

one of areas in Surabaya that is neglected

previously, most of area in Surabaya has less

, one of the reason is perhaps because it

than 20 slum areas. But on the other side

is located on the edge of f the city

there’re two red spots on the maps shows there’re two areas that has atleast 80 slum

boundary , as Kalianak Road connects Surabaya and Gresik City.

areas sited. This is very contradictive condition.

These 2 areas located in East

Surabaya and North Surabaya.Slum in North Surabaya mostly is sited on the Riverbanks, this is the worst way of ‘being’ Slum. As deviant behaviour of people could damage not just on the slum area itself but also the river and even more other living habitat and environment that depend their existence on the river. Several riverbanks that sited by slum are very dirty and fully filled with garbage

Every year people who settled in Kalianak are used to deal with dirty water flooded from Kalianak River because the River can

Kalianak River

is one of small rivers in

Surabaya flows straight to the Java Sea

no longer contain the water especially in rainy season.


The worst part of having the river flooded to the housing area is the garbages / trashed that carried by the water flow to people

hous ing, this is m ore than

shameful but also impact the health of the local villagers. There are some facts of the community in this site : •

The communities live in slum area (a squalid and overcrowded urban street or district inhabited by very poor people.)

Polluted water that happened to be on site which come from the local waste and the industrial waste.

Partially infected with some health problem, especially those who used to have physical contact with polluted water

Most of them work as scavengers some of them used to deal with polluted water

They have water supplied from the government but they find it is hard to keep on rely the government water supply.

Partially are used to living with polluted water, they don’t really have any other option beside on keep living there.

I S S U E S We c l a s s i fi e d t h e i s s u e i n t o t w o

B. Society

categories. One is Infrastructure and the

The urban behaviour of the city shape the city itself. As for the bad behaviour that happened on that city will become the face of that city. We short some problems that come up with this issue.

other one is drainage. These two issues may seems different although these two issues are related to each other and can not stand alone.

- Lack of space community activities A. Infrastructure Proper infrastructure are the main part of

- The habit of throwing waste or garbage to river.

every city need. As for Kalianak river the

While the fact of the interview from the

main problem is the polluted water which

local villagers stated that

can not be functioned for drinking and

uncomfortable in using the water from the

showering. The other problem that are

river, because it is polluted therefore they

very common for slum area which live in

could not maintain the health issue in

riverside is the lack of proper toilet. The

their own family. Thus may conclude, the

facilities for free water is not be able to

two appointed issues above have very

served by government. Therefore they

strong relation to each other that If one

somehow still using the water from the

could run could give direct impact to the

river. The government too, is not able to

other one as the impact could be both

depends on the water that from the river.

good and bad, here is our proposal to

Thus, the government had to create local

make a good impact based on these upon

water supply to support the need of this

the ‘right track’ it would make the other

city. The impact of this somewhat creates

one the impact would possibly be a lot

the privacy in water. Those who have


money can have the water.

they find it

G O AL S The aim of this project is to revitalise the

The appointed solution are to create a

function of river especially Kalianak River


as the main water supply for surrounding

public space and toilet.

ar ea.Th e r ef o r e t h e

des i gn s h o u l d

improve the quality of water. The second


consists water filtration,

“The target of the design focused

aim of this project is to improve

on below-poverty-line community.

sanitation and provide proper toilet for


poor people in slum area While the urban are using the water river for the main supply.


DES IGN BRI EF Concepts • Flexibility


Using modular

syste m that


The condition of the polluted water makes


the design are having a trouble in getting


a quality of water. Therefore the design

construction. The modular systems can

needs the filter which can trap the trashes


b y functional

and separated the trash from the liquids.

partitioning. In combination, the modules

While the trash can be composed into

become increasingly complex, changing

fertiliser later.


or involving a module

modules as the

basis of design

char acter is ed

to fit the situation, and has the ability to be easily modified.



Conserving Energy Working with Climate

The design has to be able to pump the filtered water through the system. It needs

*Building Orientation

a power to pump all the water. The design

The project designed, oriented, and placed

serves the swing set which when the user

above and in the centre of the river which

are playing with that. It also let the water

makes the sunlight

went through to the system. So then, the

building for natural lighting especially in

energy that needed is just a little.

the morning

*Minimise Electricity Consumption

passive cooling that minimise summer

easily brighten

and using sea wind for

afternoon solar heat gain. Reduce the electricity consumption for not using machine to pump the water but by pumping the water using toys that make people participate to play with it.


• Minimising New Resources *Using Local Material Using bamboo from Surabaya and bricks from lumpur lapindo (a mud that come from the earth and happened to be a disaster in Sidoardjo) for the building to reduce transportation cost for the building construction

*Avoiding Material Waste • Respect for Site Using modular system to avoid material waste by maximise the bamboo material •

Respect for User

*Elevated Building The building placed above the river using bricks as the structure to bring back the

*User health and well-being

function of the river itself

Risen up the health level to provide clear

*Water Collector and Management

air by using non toxic paint for the building walls and clean water for goods



from the river using

ageless toys such as seesaw, swing, and *User participation People (from kids to elder) participate by pumping the water for their water supply and let the kids play at the same time

mary-go-round which pumps the water and




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