Eccunion com health center offers free informational workshops for students

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Health Center offers free informational workshops for students Located by the Pool, the Health Center is a place where students can receive free and low cost services like immunizations, vaccinations and psychological counseling. “Our goal for the Health Center is to keep students in the classroom,” Debbie Conover, student health services coordinator, said. “When you have healthy students, you have students who reach their educational goals.” The Health Center also offers free workshops to help students be successful – not only in the classroom but in life. The workshops are free and are led by a clinical psychologist. The workshops are held in the Health Center during walk-in hours. If students are interested in being a part of the nine workshops available on campus, all they need to do is go to the center 15 minutes before the workshop starts and sign up. Workshops are titled Assertiveness Skills, College Students and Substance Abuse, Stress Management Techniques, and Test Anxiety among others give students the skills to navigate through college. “You have to try it for yourself,” Kimberly Lambeth, 45, accounting major, said. “There are many things that help and this (Test Anxiety) workshop has given us some tools to work with and I think they will help if we try to use them.” The workshop gives students the opportunity to ask for help and the tools they need to navigate through whatever difficulties they are facing in their lives. Everything in the Health Center is confidential and nothing that is done there goes in a permanent record. They provide a safe place for students to come and realize they are not alone and there are people who are just like them. The Health Center is supported by the student health fee which every student pays. This means that the nurses, doctors and psychologist can offer several services to students. To receive these services, all a student has to do is be enrolled at EC and have a current student ID. Health services are also offered to the Compton Center students. All they need to do is pay the student health fee which is $19 to the Cashier’s Office at EC, Conover said. In addition to medical services, the Health Center also offers psychological counseling. The counseling is Monday through Friday by appointment only. Students are entitled to six free 50-minute sessions per academic school year. The Health Center’s services allow students to come for assistance with whatever problems they are facing and the workshops are an extension of that. “I think more people should go to the Health Center. Personally, I go for the chiropractor,” Xitalalic Canchola, 19, psychology major, said. “Since I am a cross country runner, it helps a lot with my performance.”

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