Gattopardo Day

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Come dream with us… Open the Musical box to your heart and let your fantasy run with the musical score. Savour the joy of orchestral delight with an Aristocratic Sicilian touch... not to mention, it involves gastronomy. Follow me...

Southern Highlands

Part of Sydney Italian Festival 2009 on the 22nd of May at the NSW Parliament House



iceva il famoso antropologo francese Claude Levi Strauss, che si perdono più facilmente i codici linguistici che quelli alimentari e portava il caso degli italiani emigrati all’Estero, infatti spesso la loro lingua originaria viene dimenticata nel tempo, però continuano a mangiare all'italiana conservando gelosamente il gusto indiscutibile degli spaghetti. Da qui si delinea l'importanza del codice alimentare dal punto di vista culturale.


would like to invite you to take a journey that charts new nutritional territory. Why do we need new nutrition insights, a broader way of perceiving food and its role in our lives? Because of one devastating fact: despite our incredible knowledge about what's in our food, food-related health problems are not only continuing, they’re getting worse. Even with what I call eat-by-number calorie counting, weight watching, and fat figuring, both in food and in our bodies, we are getting heavier and heavier. And, because our food-related health problems are continuing to increase, many of us are struggling with ailments such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure. What's gone wrong? Why aren't the incredible advances we've made in nutritional science during the twentieth century giving us the quality of life for which we've been striving and hoping? Why do so many of us find it difficult to apply nutritional knowledge to lose weight and keep it off and to prevent and reverse disease? In other words, if our current knowledge about nutrition isn't bringing the health transformations and benefits many of us have hoped for, what, then, will work? The answer is an integrative, comprehensive, total approach to food; an optimal eating programme that nourishes multi-dimensionally.


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Ancient food wisdom meets modern food-science! Accomplishing this goal calls for nothing short of reclaiming the integrative nutrition heritage that has served humankind for centuries like tonight’s dinner. In my modest opinion the facts of food are: •Social: dining with others in a pleasant atmosphere affects well-being and good relations. •Psychological: food influences mood, and conversely mood, emotions, thoughts and feelings often affect food choice. •Spiritual: eating with an awareness of the mystery of life in food and connecting with it via mindfulness, appreciation and a loving consciousness may enhance health. •Biological: the nutrients in optimal foods have the power to heal and balance physical health. Luigi De Luca, JP Slow Food member Fair Trade Promoter

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e are all invited to enter into a venue where time shall flow at a different pace and the emotions shall be palpable and – in the same breath – sublime leading you to distant lands with an old-fashioned favour.

You shall rouse to find yourselves within the aristocratic no-longer-existing world of Sicilian land mid 19th century, that land which “ignora le vie di mezzo fra la mollezza lasciva e l’asprezza dannata”. This is the imaginary world of Fabrizio Corbera Principe di Salina – as described by Giuseppe Tomasi Principe di Lampedusa in his classic novel "Il Gattopardo". In the heat of a crucial moment of the Risorgimento Italiano, as Garibaldi fights for an “Italia Unita”, the life and fate of the Salina family converge inevitably with the course of events of Sicily's history and with an ageing aristocratic class on the wane, somewhere between the sunset and the twilight. Il Gattopardo describes the fading out of a ruling élite which has a cult for pleasure and elegance. Prince Salina, as a champion of this élite, is inescapably bound to the symbols and the style de vie of a glorious past and his intimate desire is to retain the old ways of life; nevertheless, he follows and in some way facilitate the revolutionary and imminent change coming to the Sicilian social order which is to be eroded in the wake of the untitled parvenu. There is an intrinsic universality in the axiom coming from these sagacious leaves of Tomasi to the astonished Chevalley: “If we want things to stay as they are, things will have to change”. We are all encouraged to go back to the time and the scenery of the Gattopardo to revive moments of everyday life “consumed” on the aristocratic palaces resplendent opulently under the brightness of crystal and silver; to disclose a new experience made of a sophisticated mélange of overlapping old-Sicilian flavours ranging from the acrid taste of citrus fruit and bergamot to the sweetened and smooth sense of the vanilla and cinnamon. That shall be a voyage into a dimension where the air is filled with fragrance permeating a rhapsody of passion and sensation as those that shine through on the inspired pages of Tomasi's novel. Touch and taste the mouth-filling fragrance of almonds and pistachios. Feel the brightness and sensuality of the ruffles along violet-scented silk and satin. Delight in discovery an atmosphere shaped by intense colours recalling peculiar views of a lively Sicilia, surrounded by the sourness and saltiness of this country. Savour and grasp the moment with the awareness that it is worth doing slowly.

Benedetto LATTERI

W|Ç|Çz ÂZtààÉÑtÜwÉÊ áàçÄxAAA … with a menu extracted from Tomasi of Lampedusa’s book, served by waiters in livery and ladies and gentlemen dressed in elegant 19th-century costumes. The traditional Gattopardo atmosphere perfect for an aristocratic Sicilian dinner will be set by the 40-piece SBS Youth Orchestra under Maestro Simon Thew. Place: Parliament House Date: Friday, 22 May Time: 5.30pm (arrival of guests) Menu for the gala night (DRAFT) Poncio alla romana Canapés & Crostini Consommé Ambra Timballo di maccheroni con porcini e tartufo Anelletti del principe di Salina Coralline di Aragosta e Spada alle soffici salse Granita di limone verdello con foglia di Oro Ossobuco di vitello Flan di melanzana Verdure glassate in fondina di parmigiano Gelatine al rum con pistacchi e ciliegie Seni di vergine e biancomangiare Rosolio di mandarino, di cannella, di ...


he “Timballo of maccheroni” is a special dish appreciated by connoisseurs of Sicilian cuisine and minutely described in the pages of the epic novel Il Gattopardo, published in 1958 (year of my birth). The book, which quickly became a best-seller brought to evidence its author, Giuseppe Tomasi of Lampedusa as one of the best of the century… maybe because he knew how to eat well! The moment in which the author superbly describes the Timballo of maccheroni is during a solemn dinner given by the Prince of Salina in order to welcome his friends in the Donnafugata palace where, usually, he went for his relaxation. “The golden burnished covering, the fragrance of sugar and cinnamon it emanated was nothing but the prelude to a sensation of delicacy which freed itself as the knife ripped its crust; at first bursting fumes full of aromas and then revealing the chicken liver, the hard eggs, threads of prosciutto, of chicken and truffles sitting on the maccheroni with its succulent warm beef extract sauce resembling a precious chamois colour.” The author, with descriptive elegance, refers to the content of the Timballo di Maccheroni, and leads us to believe that they must be short in length. And, like the author, I, as well, would like to describe the other dishes that will follow the “short” Timballo and hope to give the guests that culinary knowledge of the ancient Sicilian aristocracy. Request for contributions/sponsors for: • The SBS Youth Orchestra (40 elements) • Website for a period of 24 months; pre and after the event. • Video production editing, handeling & postage


Italian Consul-General to Sydney BENEDETTO LATTERI Slow-Food NSW NICK PADOL Educational Office Italian Cosulate NSW SERGIO RAPISARDI Food Ambassador JOHN NEWTON Comites NSW GIUSEPPE MUSSO Italian Trade Commission CLAUDIO PASQUALUCCI Community Relations Commission Chair STEPAN KERKYASHARIAN


VIP tickets @ $ 248 pp (in tables of 8) Payment to be made to: (2 WEEKS PRIOR TO THE EVENT) STUDIO DE LUCA BSB 082-356 Ac/No: 87401-3304 or Bank Check / Money Order to: STUDIO DE LUCA 2/106 NORTON STREET, 2040 Leichhardt NSW Advertisement on the programm/menu for the

Ivano Ercole

evening (A4) 1/4 page $350; 1/2 page $ 700.

Maestro di cerimonia

More info : italian festival E-MAIL:VIRGINIA@STUDIO-DELUCA.NET (event manager) SALVATORE@STUDIO-DELUCA.NET (event co-ordinetor) OR CALL: Raimondo Campione on 0400 146 436 to reserve your speacial seat

Born in a little town of Southern Tuscany, Ivano Ercole grew up in Florence where he completed his formal education graduating in Lettere (Classical Studies). He then spent a period of further studies in England (London School of Economics) and moved to Australia in 1980 settling in Melbourne where he still resides. He worked for ten years as a broadcaster at SBS and since 1994 he has been Director of the Italian Radio Network in Australia, Rete Italia. As a broadcaster and writer, he has covered topics ranging from Opera and Classical music to literature, history and philosophy.

SBS YOUTH ORCHESTA Maestro: Simon Thew

Dance floor

Reception hall Live music and welcome cocktails

Video on Gattopardo

cÜÉzÜtÅÅx 5.40pm Musical entertainments (reception hall) 6.00pm Welcome cocktail with musical quartetto entertainment in the hallway. 6.15pm Finger food, Champagne, Poncio alla Romana and video of the Gattopardo. 6.25pm Opening ceremony. 6.45pm Literary and gastronomic introduction: Soup to be served, accompanied by SBSYO music. 7.15pm Video on contemporary Sicily as pasta is served, followed by gastronomic aspects and descriptions of the dishes already served and the one to follow. 7.45pm Granita di Verdello served while SBSYO plays. 2 musical pieces for those who would like to dance. 8.00pm Video on Gattopardo (5mins.) Guests of honour to speak on: Cultural aspects - Prof. Rapisardi; Food - John Newton; Slow food - Nick Padol. Description of the dish – meat and fish – serving (alternated) SBSYO Music – Organizers and diplomats to meet the guests at their tables. 9.30pm Speech by Stepan Kerkyasharian and Consul-General Benedetto Latteri. 9.45pm descriptions of Dessert as it is served while SBSYO performs. Music to dance and Waltz by Verdi. Dress code (facoltative) copies of the original costumes or similar.

Temi musicali: selected by Ian Hamilton and Luigi De Luca conducted by the Maestro Simon Thew of the SBS Youth Orchestra.



Head Chef Parliamentary Food & Beverages Parliament House New South Wales

Operation Manager Parliamentary Catering Parliament House New South Wales

Scott commenced his professional training in 1983, studying at Ryde College of Catering and Hotel Studies, graduating in key international courses such as Patisserie, Charcuterie and Saucier. Whilst at college Scott completed his practical studies with Damien and Josephine Pignolet of the renowned Claudes Restaurant, considered the best in Australia at the time. It was here that a love of Classical repertoire dishes was started, with critical time then spent with such masters as Gai Bilson at Berowra Waters Inn, Greg Doyle of Pier fame and the incomparable Danny Chouet at Cleopatra Guest House. At 23 Scott travelled to Europe to complete his training in the classics with time spent at important establishments such as Enoteca Pinquiori with Annie Feolde and Le Gavroche with Albert Roux; both Michelin 3 Star establishments known for beautifully rendered classical food with contemporary presentations of the highest calibre. Returning to Australia, Scott extended his training with leading restaurateurs before accepting a post leading the kitchens at Parliament House. This role has grown to encapsulate all food served at the Parliament and the stylistic direction showcasing the bountiful range of produce from all regions in NSW. This has led to the development in line with Slow Food Principles to expose smaller artisanal growers and producers, often bringing to attention of food media for the first time products of sublime quality. It is a very exciting opportunity for Scott to work so closely with Luigi de Luca on the project of Gattopardo.

Carlos is privileged to have been trained in the rarefied Banquet and Haute Dining environment of Five Star hotels in Sydney and Internationally. A rigorous training environment in traditional techniques at such establishments as the Menzies group has created a respect for time-honoured traditions. Currently, Carlos is the Operations Manager for Parliamentary Catering and overseas all operations, including banqueting for over 50000 guests per year varying in nature from State Dinners to visiting delegations from around the globe. With a rich cultural heritage with lineage to Madeira in Portugal and broad professional travels, Carlos has had a history of embracing multicultural food festivals via Parliament House and is excited to be an integral associate with Luigi De Luca in Gattopardo day.

FOR THIS EVENT there will not be any raffles or fundraisers of any type. The event will be purely cultural and civilized good living. this event is part of 22 May 2009

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Trama del film: 1860, i garibaldini invadono la Sicilia. Tancredi (Alain Delon), nipote di don Fabrizio, Principe di Salina (Burt Lancaster), con la speranza di controllare gli avvenimenti si arruola tra i rivoltosi. Il Principe approva la scelta. Malgrado il subbuglio rivoluzionario, don Fabrizio svolge egualmente con la sua famiglia la tradizionale villeggiatura annuale nel feudo di campagna di Donnafugata.

a time, a place and a man that finally emerges as a splendid set piece of cinema. "We live in a changing reality," the Prince muses as Tancredi runs gallantly off to join the rebels, "to which we adapt like seaweed bending under the pressure of water." As gracefully as he can, the Prince bends with the tide of the times. When the rebels win and Tancredi comes home a hero, the Prince does not refuse a ray or two of reflected glory. Indeed, when Tancredi falls in love with the daughter (Claudia Cardinale) of a rich upstart, the Prince actively supports his suit—even though he knows his own daughter is in love with the boy. "Tancredi will have a brilliant career," he reasons, "and my daughter is too shy for public life. Besides, the boy needs money."

At a grand ball in Palermo, Tancredi's fiancée is introduced to Sicilian society. As the Prince waltzes with her, he smiles wistfully. He has done his duty, he has built a bridge to the future. His children will cross it, he will not. He will stay in the past, bound there by affection, by habit, by Qui vi è in corso il plebiscito per l'annessione della Sicilia sloth, by congenital dislike of tomorrow, by the siren lure of allo stato sabaudo. Il Principe vota a favore. Intanto viene a sapere da Padre Pirrone (Romolo Valli) che a torrid, torpid land that makes its children long la figlia Concetta (Lucilla Morlacchi), ama il nipote Tancredi. "voluptuously for death." As the film ends he kneels and, yearning upward to the morning star, prays passionately for death: "O faithful star! When will you give me an Ma quando appare Angelica Sedara (Claudia Cardinale), appointment less ephemeral figlia del Sindaco don than this!" Calogero (Paolo Stoppa), Tancredi s'innamora di lei. The Leopard is remarkable Il Principe, sostiene questo at many levels. At the nuovo connubio tra la technical level, it is nascente borghesia e la alternately gorgeous and tramontante aristocrazia. goshawful. Some of the Ma la prospettiva è scenes are woolly and want possibile solo al nipote che shearing; viewers not appartiene alla nuova recently briefed on Garibaldi generazione e sta iniziado may long for time and place l'ascesa allo stato sabaudo clues. Some of the actors, ma non per il principe che their lips shaping large non crede ai cambiamenti Italian vowels while the dei siciliani. sound track spatters round Durante un imponente ballo little English sounds, look a a Palermo il principe bit like hippos catching avverte la fine del suo mondo. peanuts. But the DeLuxe Color is tastefully mixed, and the camera is held by a master (Giuseppe Rotunno). What's More on Gattopardo (by Julian Petley) he Leopard. "If we want things to stay as they are, more, the camera is pointed at something fiercely beautiful: things have to change." The Prince of Salina (Burt Sicily. Yellow palazzi peep through dark-green foliage like colossal lemons; vast rococo ball rooms drown the mind in Lancaster) abruptly stops shaving and turns to a delirium of pink cherubs and gilt-plaster scrolls; and out of stare in irritation at his favourite nephew (Alain Delon). the dark-blue sea the big Sicilian mountains leap like Can Tancredi seriously mean to suggest that he, Salina of orange flames. Sicily, should lick the boots of the new bourgeoisie? The prince is a proud man, as proud as the Leopard ramping on At the histrionic level, The Leopard presents two his princely scutcheon. But he is not a fool; he knows as well as Tancredi that in the spring of 1860 bourgeois boots performances sensitively supervised by Visconti. are on the march from the Alps to Africa. Garibaldi is at the Cardinale, who in the past has tended less to play than to gates of Palermo, the Bourbons will soon abandon Naples, display, is delectably vulgar and amusingly shrewd as the most of Italy within a year will be unified under the House of ragazza whose ways are almost as captivating as her means. And Lancaster, within definite limits, is superb. Savoy. He knows that boots must be licked, or boots will True, his Salina never quite becomes the figure of "leonine trample his beloved roses and his noble name into the aspect, whose fingers could twist a ducat coin as if it were burning yellow dust of Sicily. He knows—but can a Prince mere paper." But as the scenes accumulate, the character of Salina swallow his pride to save his estates? Can a compiles impressive Leopard change his spots to save his skin? volume and solidity, and by film's end the grand In his posthumous masterpiece, which is arguably the finest Italian novel of the century, Giuseppe Tomasi, Prince Sicilian stands in the mind as a man whose of Lampedusa, treats of these matters with an irony that seems half wisdom and half love, and in a style as rich and like men shall not look dark and subtle as old Marsala. In this film, Director Luchino upon again: one of culture's “noblemen, a Visconti (Rocco and His Brothers) preserves the author's very imperfect gentle tone as well as his tale, and in the course of three occasionally tedious hours develops a composite portrait of knight.”


`xáátzx yÜÉÅ WÜA fàxÑtÇ ^xÜ~çtá{tÜ|tÇ T` V{t|Ü VÉÅÅâÇ|àç exÄtà|ÉÇá VÉÅÅ|áá|ÉÇ YÉÜ t `âÄà|vâÄàâÜtÄ afj A feast of elegance, pageantry and colour dazzling our eyes is what we will be confronted with at the Gattopardo dinner during the Sydney Italian Festival. Communities that make up our wonderful multicultural society all put in huge efforts from time to time to share the very best of their culture and cuisine with the broader community. But the Italians have been in Australia a very long time and have become very good at showing off their superb traditions for the rest of us to enjoy. The Gattopardo dinner is an adventurous programme even for the highly sophisticated Sydney Italian Festival, of which it is an important part. My job takes me to many migrant community events organised by Australians from more than 200 birthplaces. Each one has its own particular interest or appeal but what I have seen planned for the Gattopardo dinner will literally convey us to a different exciting reality. After all, I wasn’t around in the elegant days of 18th Century Italy. At least for one night it will be fabulous to experience it. To set this imaginative event in the traditional atmosphere of the New South Wales Parliament will add a great deal of charm to the evening. With waiters in livery and guests in elegant 18th century costumes, the creation of another era, to which we will be transported, will be complete. I am looking forward to sharing this wonderful night with members of the Italian community and their friends. Stepan Kerkyasharian AM Chair

cÜÉzÜtÅÅt Åâá|vtÄxAAA Intermezzo from Cavalliera Rusticana



Sinfonia Preludio

Annen Polka, Redetsky March, Tritsch Tratsch Polka, Voices of Spring Siciliana (Cimarosa), Verdi Waltz (inedito in esclusiva)

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`âá|v tÇw yÉÉw ãtÄ~|Çz àÉzxà{xÜAAAyÉÜxäxÜ Europe. Former orchestra flautist Sally Walker was playing with Leipzig Gewandhaus Orchestra and (occasionally) THE Berlin Philharmonic before returning to Australia where she lectures in Newcastle. Ben Hames (viola) is now a permanent member of the Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks. David Elton is now Principal Trumpet in the West Australian Symphony Orchestra. Rachel Westwood (violin) and Joshua Clarke (Principal Trumpet) are members of the Australian Opera and Ballet Orchestra (AOBO). Trumpeters Greg Flynn, he SBS Radio and Television Youth Orchestra Matthew Dempsey, and James McCrow, French horn operates as a non-profit company (Youth Musi- as well as many other ex-members work part-time with cal Endeavours Ltd) and has been supported for over the Sydney Symphony Orchestra and the AOBO. Alex Mitchell is a full time member of the SSO...etc etc. 20 years by the Special Broadcasting Service, which provides rehearsal space, a small office and access to This is to name but a few! The orchestra has had the privilege of working with administration support services. It is funded from membership fees, performance receipts and from any many international artists including: Giuseppe Giglio (Italy), Roman Rudnytsky (USA), sponsorship revenues it is able to negotiate. Jansyk Kakhidze (Georgia), Christina Ortiz (England), Dimka Ashkenazy (England), and Liam O'Flynn Russian-born conductor Matthew Krel had the idea of forming the Orchestra in 1988. One of its unique aims (Ireland). Australian artists include Horst Hoffmann, is to give young musicians experience in performing for Myer Fredman, Katherine Selby, Don Hazelwood, Marilyn Meier, Dene Olding, Don Burrows, Geoffrey national broadcast on television and radio. Collins, James Morrison, Judy Bailey and Chris Its members are aged 12-24, and travel from as far afield as Wollongong and Newcastle to the SBS Radio Shepard. and Television studios every Friday night to rehearse. The orchestra's founding patrons are Lady Marie Shehadie AO, and Sir Charles MacKerras, CBE. The Orchestra reflects the best principles of multiculMatthew Krel hopes that his young musicians will turalism, from the composers it plays, the countries it continue to develop their professional skills, tours, and in the culturally diverse backgrounds of its collaborating with professional orchestras both in young players. Australia and overseas as a means to ensure their In most years since 1993, the Orchestra has toured future. Matthew was expected to conduct tonight’s abroad. Early tours were to New Zealand, Tonga, Taiwan, New Caledonia, Malta and Western Europe. In performance. However, a serious illness has prevented this. Simon Thew, with his longstanding association 1999 it had engagements in Beijing, China; Helsinki, with the orchestra as a player, manager and conductor Finland; Tallinn & Tartu, Estonia; St.Petersburg & has kindly agreed to conduct tonight. Moscow, Russia. In July 2000 it performed in Shizuoka, Japan; in 2001 in Spain; and in 2002, in both France and Italy. In 2004 it toured Russia for a second Ian Hamilton Hon Secretary, time, and in 2006 travelled to Macau and Hong Kong. SBS Radio and Television 2008 saw visits to Germany and the Czech Republic. Youth Orchestra Since its formation the Orchestra has made many Radio appearances, over fifty television programs broadcast nationally, and recorded numerous CDs. The Orchestra has given the Australian premieres of the newly discovered Liszt Piano Concerto No.3 with pianist Roman Rudnytsky, Respighi's "Belkis, Queen of Sheba". It has also commissioned new Australian Simon Thew studied conducting at works exploring the crossover between classical and the Sydney Conservatorium of Music jazz music: Julian Lee's "Don Burrows Suite" (1991) gaining a Masters Degree in 2006. As and Judy Bailey's "Four Reasons" (2000), which were a student Simon conducted The premiered by Don Burrows and James Morrison Conservatorium Symphony and respectively, and have since been released on CD. Classical Orchestras and was assistant to The Lecturer in Conducting and Head of Orchestral studies. Since The SBS Radio and Television Youth Orchestra was a Graduating Simon has studied in Berlin and Vienna. participant in the Olympic Cultural Festival leading up to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games - "A Sea Change", Simon has worked with many orchestras "Reaching the World" and "Harbour of Life". in Sydney either as guest or chief


There have been numerous success stories within the ranks of the orchestra. Former Concert Master Natalie Chee was the winner of the 1992 ABC Young Performer of the Year Award. She is now working in

conductor including Sydney University Symphony

j{É áâÑÑÉÜàá ÂzÉÉw Ä|yxÊ Ñ{|ÄÉáÉÑ{ç Slow Food is an international not-for-profit organisation that brings together ethics and pleasure, ecology and gastronomy. Much More Than the Opposite of Fast Food. Southern Highlands It’s about using local seasonal produce, restoring time-honoured methods of food production and preparation. It’s about understanding the ethical implications of our food choices, and sharing food at a convivial table. Slow Food counters the demise of local food traditions around the world and the disconnection between the food we eat and where it comes from, how it tastes and how our food choices affect the rest of the world.

The Australian Culinary Federation is the national organisation representing professional Chefs, Cooks and Apprentices. We seek to participate and advise in the establishment, maintenance and improvement of national and international culinary standards. Australian Culinary Federation membership provides members access to our vast network via the intrinsic web we weave, through state chapters, regional groups, social events, competitions and interest groups, allows all members to network with colleagues and participate in federations work. If you love all things Italian then the Italianicious is the magazine for you! Each quarterly issue is packed with authentic regional recipes, wine reviews and features on Italian restaurants and chefs both in Italy and Australia. Our travel stories will take you to some of Italy's undiscovered gems and we'll give you the locals' guide to the major cities. We'll also let you know about Italian food, wine and cultural events going on around Australia and Italy. We are a place where and people for whom: * the needs of the poor take priority over the wants of the rich *The freedom of the week takes priority over the liberty of the powerful *The access of the marginalised people in society- and the marginalised earth itself -takes priority over the preservation of an order that excludes them. Fair Trade contributes to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to, and securing the rights of, marginalized producers and workers - especially in the South. Fair Trade organizations (backed by consumers) are engaged actively in supporting producers, awareness raising and in campaigning for changes in the rules and practice of conventional international trade."

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Peter Maniscalco

A television production house based in Singapore and Australia, we offer a dYnamic and comprehensive range of production services for documentary, variety programmes, drama and corporate video production for both television broadcasters and corporate clients. We will walk you through your project from pre to post. Our forte is our people, a team of creative, passionate and experienced individuals who will work hard for you and have fundoing it. Some of our clients include: • Versace Palace Stone • Asia Pacific Breweries • Dell Computers • ESPN Star Sports • Singapore Health Promotion Board • Hewlett Packard • Hilton Hotels Asia Pacific • Lamborghini • Singapore National Heritage Board • Singapore Library Board • Mazda • Singapore Ministry of Education • Singapore Tourism Board • Singapore Business Events Awards 2008 And many moreH For more information, contact Michelle at +61 4 04 047 975 Or

The founder of Artistic Stone, Peter Maniscalco, has been involved in the natural stone business for over 33 years. Having a passion for natural stone and a love for mosaics, Peter established Artistic Stone Australia in 1993. Since then his company has grown to be the largest supplier of natural stone mosaics, borders, glass, metal tiles, medallions, and liners in Australia. With his reputation for quality, service and availability, Peter has also been recognized worldwide, especially in the United States of America. In June of 1999, Peter Maniscalco opened his first manufacturing facility in India. In January of 2000 the first container of mosaics arrived in Australia. Due to the increasing demand for its products, Artistic Stone India expanded the company’s services and products to Italy, Singapore, China and North America. At the end of 2003 Artistic Stone India opened its second factory. With over 1,000 employees in both factories, Artistic Stone is the largest manufacturer of quality slate and marble mosaics, borders and medallions in India. January 2003, Peter Maniscalco established an office in Turkey. This gives Artistic Stone the control to create and supply fashionable, trend-setting products with on-time delivery Worldwide. In October 2003, Artistic Stone decided to expand its operations again. Having conducted a large amount of business on the East Coast of the United States, and responding to a growing demand for his products on the West Coast, Peter opened his first American warehouse, Artistic Stone Gallery in San Carlos, California and is a 4000 square meter warehouse making it the one of the largest mosaic, border and medallion facilities in California. Maniscalco Stone, an established, successful manufacturer and distributor of natural stone products, exceeds customer expectations by being an international industry Pioneer in product innovation, design, and development. The Company creates a sustainable competitive advantage for its customers. Maniscalco Stone will continuously provide a caring level of service so customers, employees, and suppliers can grow and prosper. More information: 02 97486995




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human nature. Participants will have hands-on experience in gelato-making and the opportunity to enjoy the fruits of their labour.

Entrée - Brain

SPEAKERS: Edward Spence is an academic philosopher and author with special interests in ethics and the media. He has presented a successful series of philosophy plays, bringing the wisdom of the philosophers alive to a general audience.

Cognitive skills – the rational mind This course explores the use of logic and logical error in problem-solving, backed up by the science and philosophy of knowledge and logic.

THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING is a series of workshops combining logical thinking and emotional intelligence skills with a food experience, teaching practical problem-solving skills in a nurturing environment.

Affective skills – emotion and passion

THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING approach uses generic problem-solving principles but tailors workshop content and activity to the specific needs and interests of its participants.

The main course explores the way human emotions impact on our behaviour and thought processes, and how passion and pragmatism can complement each other.

THE ANSWER TO EVERYTHING provides an extensive menu of pre-planned workshops, but our team can also custom-design workshops to suit individual interests or teams.

Dessert – Gut

HERE IS A SELECTION OF CURRENT APPETISERS AVAILABLE: BRAIN, HEART AND GUT A nourishing workshop for thinkers, combining cognitive skills, emotional skills, philosophy and food – all presented in a three-course meal FEED THE CHILDREN A workshop for parents of six-months to six-year-olds, combining developmental and nutritional information with practical tips for developing your child’s palate – with no cleaning up! FEED OUR ELDERS A specialised workshop for professionals and staff working in the Aged Care and Food Industries "THINK, FEEL AND EAT" A whole-body approach to developing the intellect, emotional intelligence and sensory skills for an effective and rewarding life. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Individuals required to perform consistently at high levels and deal with complex problems – who also wish to nourish themselves Corporations and institutions interested in nourishing their most valued employees Parents interested in raising healthy and good-food-loving children Managers and Professionals in Aged Care Facilities who want to enhance the appetites and nutrition of their valued residents Anyone interested in a positive food-for-the-soul experience!

Further enquiries call Sue @ Healthcare Systems Design on 02 9555 8098 - 0409783697

Main course – Heart

Sensory skills – feeling and perception

Sue Ieraci is a medically-trained emergency specialist, with interests in human performance and cognitive skills. She has a particular passion for combining food and conversation. Luigi De Luca is a world-renowned, secondgeneration gelato creator, who has taken his skills around the world and into the realm of team-building and motivational training. He combines a finely-tuned sensory life with a sound understanding of human nature. His motto is... "Don’t give to the body what the soul could reject”

The feast ends with an indulgence of the senses, exploring how feeling and For more information, visit perception help us understand and work with

Public Relations, and art work for this Publication by Salvatore Luigi De Luca 2009

May 19th – June 8th 2009 For more information and all the events from

Food & Wine to Art & Culture please visit the Festival’s website

Throughout the Festival there will also be a Sydney Italian Festival Information Point at GPO Sydney, No.1 Martin Place. The Festival is proudly organised by

Luigi and Gavina De Luca have been developing unique projects and events for more than 25 years. This is an expression of their philosophy of how business should be done. As Luigi says, his approaches to life and to business are the same: to give something back to all of those with whom you make contact. Achieving, happiness, health and friendship is more important than the goal of making money. In ancient times “when people and tribes moved across continents, when encountering another tribe, often the first communication was sharing of food and music, which was a point of difference.” Studio de Luca aims to communicate a universal message through events that reflect the variety of the world. Over the years, the De Luca family has coordinated events such as the Seniors Week senior cake competition for Leichhardt Council; Sarda Day – an event celebrating the island of Sardinia in a sumptuous seven-course meal; a 70th birthday celebration of the family Gelato business, and the Good, Clean and Fair food expo. Luigi and Gavina are passionate about good quality and good ethics in both their lives and their work. About Luigi: Innovation Although Luigi resists the term “revolutionary”, he is clearly an innovator. While he has immense respect for, and knowledge of, traditional cuisine, he also loves to transform it with new tastes. While in business in Sardinia – Gavina’s island of origin – Luigi was known for developing the new dishes “Seadas with Marmalade” and “Malloredos” – in both seafood and vegetable versions. Moving later to Australia, Luigi ws the first teacher to introduce gelato-making at East Sydney TAFE. He is currently preparing a unique menu for Ultimo TAFE entitled “Native Italy” – this will combine traditional Italian cooking methods with Australian Native foods. Experience and knowledge Luigi has worked as chef for the Italian Cooks’ Federation in Sardinia. In Australia, he has obtained both HACCP and GMP training certificates. He has owned and managed various food businesses where both he and Gavina prepared unique food. Teaching and Training Luigi is a passionate teacher, both for TAFE in NSW and internationally. He has run courses in Africa, China, Singapore and Australia as a food consultant. His voluntary work in the Philippines has assisted local businesses to flourish. Business skills Luigi does freelance consultancy for small business both in Australia and overseas. Overseas consultancies include the development of a successful range of drinks for Nestle’. Memberships and Associations Luigi is an active member of Slow Foods (Southern Highlands), Australian Culinary Federation, and the Rotary Club of Five Dock. He is a consultant to Fair Trade (Edmund Rice Centre). Luigi’s motto “Don’t give to the body what the soul could reject.”

Senza etica e principi morali non puo’ esistere la professionalita’.

Without ethic or moral principles professionalism cannot exist

STUDIO DE LUCA tel.: 02 95641127 e-mail: web site:

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