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Nombre: Morales Torres Miriam

Materia: Ingles Trabajo: Resumen del libro de sĂşper Bird Fecha de entrega: 02/06/010 Grado: 1 Grupo: 2

Ciclo escolar: 2010-2011

SúperBi rd crashes in the desert Good morning. Well come to radio news today twenty years ago today super Byrd crashed into a hill in the midle of a news in the daily start had said five people died. Ford stone sanas, briages ana mount. But now I can tell you the goo news. Only 4 people died: that´s right! Mary mount came back the journey to that strange land on superbird she´s 16 years old now. Hello mary. It´s nice to meet you. How are you? I´m OK. I´m feding a little old, but I´m happy for be here. We just stayed there in the dark waiting .we were afraid and we held hands. They put super Byrd on a truck and then they traed to drive go away into The dark. OH well, when I got to the house Lockheed though an open know and I Could se one of the big people. with Bellow hair, like the one which was saying ¨sir¨. Did it see you? Not at first. but then another person witch four legs ran towards me. Was it still in the water? Yes, it was. What happed the house? We went into a big room and sat down on chairs at a table. Did they speak to you ? The four legged one did but the Bellow-haired one said nothing. What did it do with the Photo? It gave it tome. CHAPTER 4 THE DRAW ING OF SUPERBIRD What happened alter the there days? When I wake up on .the morning of the bird day the yellow haired person was standing by my bed. I understand. How long did you stay there?

I the room? No, I mean on the planet earth. CHAPLER 5 THE JOURNEY BACR HOME When I got into superbird I saw two brown haired people wearing brow clothes. Were you afraid? Well, yes , I was . What happened next? I put the car lights on and then I drove back to superbird. But why did they tell us you were dead? Where did you go? Captain lake.

PART 2: UNE YEAR LATER Chapter 6 the return Good morning. Welcome to radio new today. Mary mount eight on superbird 2 from here but is returning on a spaceship they built on earth. Well, captain lake is still on earth did you say? I said to the people on earth. Then what happened? Superbird 2 flew over the desert and looked down on the night sky

CHAPTER 7 JUNE´S DAUGHTER How did you get out? I dont know. Did you get out of bed? Who was the woman? It was the woman you saw arrive in big today What happened to the or hers, to the or her people on superbird? Most of them died. two of them were OK. Were you still hurt? My leg and arm still hurt, but I Could walk.

CHAPTER 8 CAPTIAN LARE What did major Jones say then? He said, mary, I want you to come with me to see captain lake. Did you talk to captain lake? Yes, I went with major Jones to the hospital. Was captain lake happy now? I through he was. What happened to captain lake? Was out through a large Window into the garden as many Soldiers shot their guns at him. Were you happy be coming home? Yes. Sheila and best Jones got married

CHAPTER 9 THE SUPERBIRD LEAVE Did all the superbirds take of together? Yes .And big bird too. When the ships took of thousands of people were there in the desert to shout good bye and all over the World people watched on tv. And what about the flight back .how did you spend your time? Is pent the fly in a very similar way to the flight to earth a year ago. What are those Black things? Are they spaces hips, new superbirds? Im not sure. I can see mary mount now. She talking to a sol or died. They are talking. Sam is shaking his head They are walking with some soldiers towards a car that is waiting to take them to their new life .I hope everything is going to be OK

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