Five ways to solve the problem of loneliness in Online learning

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Five ways to solve the problem of loneliness in Online learning It is convenient to learn online. It allows many students to work from home in almost any part of the country, enabling students to collaborate with educators from other parts of the country. Many students, however, are experiencing social isolation as a result of this type of learning environment. At Isberne Online School, Homeschooling is viewed as a sustainable educational phenomenon in 2020. Our curriculum provides students with fully interactive, all-inclusive online courses. IsBerne, Switzerland's best international school, has a one-of-a-kind reputation as a developmental, educational trend. With a progressive academic tendency from infancy to grade 12, IsBerne is a premier international school in Switzerland. Our curriculum includes completely interactive, all-inclusive online classes.

Here are five ways to combat loneliness online. Connect with other online students Face-to-face encounters in a classroom are not available to Online learners. On the other hand, many video conferencing apps allow students to see their professors and peers. Students will

be more engaged in class if they connect a face to a name instead of a chatbox. Students can have a more authentic classroom experience by utilizing tools like Zoom. Maintain a personal social life As working adults or home educators, students who choose an online education spend much of their leisure time dealing with online tasks. It's absolutely important to do well in the class and have lots of time to study, but it's also important to have a personal social life in some form - get out of the house and see what the real world is like for a few minutes every week. Events and Activities Students might feel more connected to the class if they participate in online events like study groups or watch lecture videos. That will provide students the chance to collaborate and learn from one another. After the event, educators can have students discuss what they learned or ponder about it. Students will get to know their classmates during the virtual classroom and build connections that transcend the virtual classroom. Your curriculum should include field trips and practical activities. Online curricula are developed to allow students to learn at home without being somewhere specific. But that doesn't mean students should be constrained by it. A syllabus contains a minimum of assignments and coursework information. If a student studies art history, suggest a trip to a local museum to understand the material better. Participate in a blended learning environment Due to their rural location, some of my students are forced to use digital technology. However, if a 100% online course isn't working for a student, I encourage a blended learning opportunity. Encourage blended learning There are two or three lectures per term, but most coursework is done online. Blended learning used to be limited to higher education but is now becoming more common in high schools.

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