William Dam Seeds 2013

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2013 Edition

Untreated Seed‌ of Highest Quality for 64 Years.

Table of contents

Vegetables................................................................................................7-63 Ground Covers & Green Crops................................................................64-65 Herbs......................................................................................................66-73 Flowers.................................................................................................74-117 Climbers..............................................................................................118-120 Ornamental Grasses............................................................................120-122 Lawn Grass Seed....................................................................................... 123 Book........................................................................................................... 129 Garden Accessories............................................................................124-135 Sales Conditions........................................................................................ 136 Index.......................................................................................................... 137 Strawberries, Raspberries, & Asp.............................................................. 138 Gladioli....................................................................................................... 139

The Importance of Soil

How to Order

PHONE: 905-628-6641 Our customer service is available to take your calls 9am-5pm Monday-Friday and during peak season 9am-5pm Saturdays. WEB: www.damseeds.com Use our quick search function to locate products or browse through our internet categories. EMAIL: info@damseeds.com E-mail anytime. We aim to respond within 24hrs. All e-mail orders will have a confirmation of receipt e-mailed back. FAX: 905-627-1729 Fax anytime. Be sure to include your phone number or email in case we have any questions. MAIL: Send your order form to: WILLIAM DAM SEEDS 279 HWY 8 | DUNDAS, ON | L9H 5E1

Soil gives us life; it is one of the fundamental building blocks of growing, and the basis of Agriculture and Organic growing. As well as offering untreated seeds, part of our philosophy is caring for the soil that gives us life. Part of our cultural mandate as a Christian company is that we are given the earth to care for- not to treat it our own- but as a gift entrusted to us. As a former University of Guelph student, I have always been intrigued by the complexity of the soil that we grow our food in; how wonderfully it is created and how easy it is to misuse. If there is one course of study that I could recommend to all growers and gardeners, it is “The Fundamentals of Soil Science”. The effect of soil health on plant health was especially noticeable in a drought year like we just experienced. Areas with poor organic matter suffered when it was hot and dry, more so than areas with good soil health. One of the challenges we have with organic matter is having a balance between growing crops and rebuilding the soil. Part of our summer trials is looking at high soil-building green manures. We comparison trialed over 20 types: some added nitrogen, some smothered weeds, while others scavenged for nutrients. All of them improved soil tilth, and increased organic matter and microbial activity. Check out our website and Facebook pages for pictures of these trials. This Bill (William Jr) Dam evaluating Pea covercrop year we have added more than a dozen new green manure crops, all of which benefit the soil by planting before or after vegetable crops. We have researched a lot during the course of these trials, so if you have questions or comments about growing green manures and cover crops, please send us an email. If I don’t have the answer, I will contact others to find it. In this year’s catalogue you will find a new fresh look. We hope that it is easier to navigate, and for those like myself, easier to read. Even though many people are using online media, our print catalogue is still relevant and important to many of our customers. At the same time we are improving our online presence by adding social media elements for even more information and resources. “Thank you again for your continued support of our company. We look forward to serving Christine Dam and Alexa looking at tomato trials you in the coming year!”

Summer polebean and chard trials

Planting late summer trials

Fall greens and lettuce trials under rowcovers

Edward Looking a Mustang pumpkin trial

About our trials

Milestones and Mementos

As many of you know, we are a family business. This year we have 4 generations working, filling seed packets and orders, planting gardens and evaluating trials. We have been raised with the Christian work ethic of working hard and serving others. Many of our fundamental ideas come from learning from past generations and from our Father in Heaven. It is not very often in the business world when you can honour an employee that has worked for 50 years, and another who is celebrating her 100th year of life. This year my father, Rene, has worked here for 50 years. While he has retired from his presidential role, he still works an average work day. We are thankful for his continued participation in seed preparation and quality control. My grandmother (Oma) Maria turns 100 this coming year. She, along with her husband William, started the business 64 years ago, in 1949 after immigrating from Holland post World War II. She is still joyfully active; in the winter working for half days, and in the summer gardening- of course! Although her body is slowly adjusting to becoming 100, her mind is as quick as when she first ‘retired’ Rene Dam harvesting Hunter slicing beans at 70; keeping up with her many grandchildren, great grandchildren, and a great-great grandchild. It is a blessing to have her here, reminding us of our history, and how many things continue to happen since the hustle and bustle of the 1920s.

We have 10 acres of vegetable and flower trials. Every year we try over 1000 varieties, matching introductions with older, proven ones. These are carefully watched from germination through harvest to evaluate their usefulness. Our gardens also keep us in touch with the land and the art of gardening. If you are in our area, you are welcome to visit and give us your comments. Best dates for viewing are July 15-Sep 15.

Part of our All America Selection display garden

Connie reviewing supplier trials in Europe Picking and assessing cutflower trials

Maria (Oma) Dam at Fleuroselect booth in Holland

Quality Control

We are part of the Canadian Authorized Importer program , which uses ISO type standards. All of our seed lots have been tested by our suppliers for germination, weed content, and varietal purity to Canadian standards before being shipped to us. But that’s not the end of our quality control: we grow out many of the lots in our greenhouse and gardens to look at continuing germination rates, vigour, and purity. Any lots of seed remaining in our climate controlled warehouse after our selling season are tested again, using industry procedures.

Germination Testing

Greenhouse grow outs

Falll direct seed fall grow out trails

Basil (herb pot) evaluations in the greenhouse

Part of our annual flower trials

New Flowers

1405 Beg. Santa Cruz Sunset

1435 Calendula Lemon Cream 1535-1 Euc. Lemon Bush Attractive yellow double flowers, suited for cutting.

Lemony fragrance and hairy texture –a sensory delight.

1546 Gomphrena Hot Mix

2438-1, 2 Imp. Tumbler Series 1576 Malcolmia Sp. Sparkle Trails out of container, spills colour into shady areas!

Easy to seed dwarf plant covered with delicate flowers.

1450 Canna South Pacific

1958 Poppy Bridal Silk

1972 Portulaca Happy Trails

2693 Primula Victoriana XL

1559-6 Hel. Lemon Aura

2003 Salvia Summer Jewel Pk

1470 Celosia Sunday Orange

1765 Pansy Wonderfall Rose

Versatile; grows vigorously in sun or shade right to frost.

Striking flowers and good garden performance.

2721 Scabiosa Fama Dp Blue Beautiful on its own or as part of a mixed bouquet.

Continuous burst of tropical colour for the sunny garden.

Early bloomer and longlasting Soft pink combines in the vase. A staff favourite. beautifully with other colour.

Dazzling as a mass planting!

Eyecatching orange plumes!

Drought loving! Creates a sizzling combo until frost.

Earlier to bloom than older types in a vivid colour range.

New type that trails for planters or landscapes.

Why Organic?

Our Organic Certification:

We are certified by CSI (Centre for Systems Integration) for the NOP and Canadian Standards.

GMO Note:

It is our company policy to not sell Genetically Modified Organisms. It is a highly regulated industry and the products are not available to home gardeners or small market farmers. If your certification board needs assurances, a letter is available.

In the late 1960’s, William Dam decided not to sell chemically treated seed due to a reaction he had to the chemical treatments. This was a radical change, since most seed was covered with a thiram/captan treatment. Fellow seedsmen viewed it as crazy, and initially it probably was! Over the years, we have developed a loyal clientele of sustainable and organic gardeners. In the past five years we have been increasingly able to provide organically grown seed of quality that matches our company philosophy. We, at William Dam Seeds, believe in sustainable agriculture: improving the soil that gives us life. This encompasses using plant varieties that decrease pesticide use, using organic based fertilizers that balance soil life, and using products that have benefit to both the manufacturer and the user (fair trade). It always has been our company motto to supply ‘seeds of highest quality’. This means that we look at viability and purity of our seed, and also that the selection is one of the best available. We will only supply seed that meets or exceeds Canada No 1 requirements. Our current challenges include getting enough seed to sell and getting it of an acceptable quality. We know that using inferior seed and varieties can not only put a farming operation into financial difficulty due to crop failures, but also can introduce and promote new disease pressures into the soil. We are constantly trialing organic seed varieties; interested people are welcome to visit our trials.

Safe Seed Pledge:

Agriculture and seeds provide the basis upon which our lives depend. We must protect this foundation as a safe and genetically stable source for future generations. For the benefit of all farmers, gardeners and consumers who want an alternative, we pledge that we do not knowingly buy or sell genetically engineered seeds or plants. The mechanical transfer of genetic material outside of natural reproductive methods and between genera, families, or kingdoms, poses great biological risks as well as economic, political, and cultural threats. We feel that genetically engineered varieties have been insufficiently tested prior to public release. More research and testing is necessary to further assess the potential risks of genetically engineered seeds. Further, we wish to support agricultural progress that leads to healthier soils, genetically diverse agricultural ecosystems and ultimately healthy people and communities.

New Vegetables

1855 Pet. Hurrah Berry Tart

7 Atlantis Hybrid

12 Bay Meadows Hybrid

1959 Argemone Prickly Poppy 0443 Hibiscus Red Drops Org. o105 Nautic Hybrid Organic Attracted attention and many Fruits used in tea or tropical bees in our trial gardens. drinks, stems used for fibre.

Best main season spouts for Organic Growers.

A171Tarifa Hybrid

146 Sprint

2707 Ech. Cheyenne Spirit

191 Spring Treat Hybrid

o196 Luscious F-1 Organic

216 Perlita Organic

Early to bloom with lasting garden performance.

A variety of colours and remarkable vigour.

A429 Coriander Calypso

Most bolt resistant. Ideal for summer growing.

0425 Stevia Candy Organic

Organic version of Stevia, the Sweet Herb.

More New Varieties... 1222 Blue Hawaii 5.0 Ageratum 1470 Tornado Red Celosia 1490 Classic Artistic Mix Centaurea 1515 Sun Ball Craspedia Organic 2587 Volcano Mix Dianthus 1560 Kamome Mix Flowering Kale 1540 Kiss Mix Gazania 1546-1&2 Cool Series Gomphrena 1559-7 Chianti Helianthus 2715 Merleau Blue Salvia 2722 Pixie Yellow Scabiosa 2017 Montego Mix Snapdragon 2103 Desert Jewels Verbena 2299 Fairy Mix Flower Mixture 2950 Formula Mix Asarina 2940 Sunrise Mix Thunbergia 2839 Lime Millet B465 Speedy Arugula

pg. 74 pg. 81 pg. 82 pg. 85 pg. 87 pg. 90 pg. 91 pg. 92 pg. 95 pg. 109 pg. 110 pg. 111 pg. 113 pg. 115 pg. 118 pg. 120 pg. 121 pg. 66

23 Maxi Organic

Easy to pick, sets long pods above plants.

Earliest yellow for northern areas. Good cool soil vigour.

Mini broccoli that produces small well-formed heads.

Best tasting fall cauliflower. Exceptional quality & taste.

Main season Bicolor available as Organic. 75 days

Best broccoli in the heat.

Earliest maturing carrot.

Exceptional Endive from Germany. Will not bolt.


Our seed is not chemically treated. This has been confused with organic seed, which to our knowledge it is not in all cases. For the past 60 years we have been purchasing our seed from the most reputable sources available. These companies have growing fields (some of which use pesticides to maintain crop purity) all over the globe and do research to maintain their high standards of quality and new developments. These progressive seed companies maintain a large genetic stock of parent lines (many are heirlooms) for breeding work. We have visited some of the world's foremost seed companies and were impressed by the level of commitment to seed purity and research to bring the best varieties to home gardeners. We are proud to be associated with our suppliers and are confident that the seed we receive reflects their high standards and ours. We promote sustainable agriculture: that is maintaining healthy soil with natural means so that we don't deplete the soil that we rely on to grow our food. Healthy soil produces healthy plants that can withstand disease and insects so that pesticides are not needed on a regular basis. Hybrids are also beneficial to increasing disease and insect resistance, while providing the gardener with increased yields, flavour, and nutrition.


Seeds are living things that are subject to growing methods and conditions for their performance, therefore we cannot guarantee their results. If you have troubles germinating our seed within the year printed on the package, please contact us so that we can help you with a solution. As gardeners ourselves, the germination rate and purity of the seed are of utmost importance to us. The germination rate and purity of our seed exceeds the requirements set forth in the Canada Seed Act. It is our policy to notify you if a problem exists or develops with any particular lot of seed The seed that we sell is meant to be grown in soil or professional media, using good farming practices. We are not a source for seeds meant for human or animal consumption. If you are not satisfied with any of the other goods that we sell, please contact us so that we can arrange to exchange or refund it within the year of purchase.

New Flowers

223 Calliope Hybrid

A604 Red Frills Organic

o604 Lahav Organic

97 Winterbor Hybrid

o231 Lettuce, Sylvestra Org

238 Relay Organic

241 Kaiser

D279 Guardsman Organic

269 Jambalaya Hybrid

C321 Zesy Hybrid

324 El Jefe Hybrid

o344 Radish Patricia Organic

353 Meres

A357 Spinach Imperial Green

A94 Peppermint

Striped baby fruits.

The best lettuce in our 2012 trials.

Our best Jalapeno in trials. Extra large, perfectly shaped.

F368 Sarina Hybrid Organic Organic Red Cherry for greenhouse and field.

261 Faerie Hybrid

AAS 2012 winner. Unique lt. yellow striped icebox type.

Deeply notched purple-red serrated leaves.

Extra early crisphead with heat tolerance.

New, early maturing French Breakfast type.

E368 Esternia Hybrid Organic Organic Yellow cherry tomato.

C261 Tiger Eye Seedless

Best seedless watermelon!

Reselection, more upright and uniform serrated leaves.

Earliest bunching onion in our trials. Bred in England.

Most winter hardy kale.

Best quality, European butter-head for summer.

New extra early, dark green okra for the north.

Improved Blackrooted Salsify. Most bolt resistant Asian Bred in Holland. spinach.

Number of plants per acre at spacings commonly used Inches or ft Plants

Inches or ft


12” x1” 12 x 3 12 x 6 12 x 12

522,720 174,240 87,120 43,560

36 x 3 36 x 6 36 x 18 36 x 24

58,080 29,040 9,680 7,260

15 x 1 15 x 3 15 x 6 15 x 12

418,176 139,392 69,696 34,848

42 x 6 42 x 18 42 x 24 42 x 36

24,891 8,297 6,223 4,148

18 x 3 18 x 6 18 x 12 18 x 18

116,160 58,080 29,040 19,360

60 x 12 60 x 24 60 x 48 60 x 60

8,712 4,356 2,178 1,742

24 x 3 24 x 12 24 x 18 24 x 24

87,120 21,780 14,520 10,890

6ft x 1ft 6ft x 6ft 7ft x 3ft 7ft x 7ft

7,260 1,120 2,074 889

30 x 3 30 x 12 30 x 18 30 x 24

69,696 17,424 11,616 8,712

8ft x 2ft 8ft x 5ft 10 x 6ft 10 x 10ft

2,722 1,089 726 435

Improved Hot Banana pepper.

Unusual pink and white chard.

Number of feet of row per acre. Distance between rows ft in row 12” 43,560 15 34,848 18 29,040 20 26,136 24 21,780 30 17,424 36 14,520 40 13,068 48 10,890 60 8,712 72 7,260 84 6,223 96 5,445 108 4,840 120 4,356

Vegetables Everbearing Strawberry

Similar to regular strawberries, but has a stronger more refined taste and smaller berries. CULTURE: Start indoors early in FebMarch. Seed is small and needs light to germinate. Press seed into sterile seeding medium and keep moist until growth is seen. Germinates in 21-28 days at 65F/18C. Transplant to larger containers when 6 weeks old. To overwinter, mulch with straw prior to winter and after the plants stop growing.

407 Temptation


Fragaria vesca. An everbearing alpine/woodland strawberry. Intense flavour. Pkt (125-150sds) $2.25 | 1Msds $7.25 5Msds $21.95


An improved strawberry from seed. Excellent for hanging baskets as it is compact and produces few runners. Compared to Ruegen and other alpine types, Temptation’s berries are larger (1 1/2"-3cm) and appear all summer long. 1500-2000 sds/gm. Pkt (30-35 sds) $2.75 | 250sds $8.95 1Msds $21.95


The globe artichoke is a thistle-like vegetable plant native to the Mediterranean region. Although the leaves and stems of artichokes are palatable, it is the bud that is valued. CULTURE: Artichokes are cool season plants. SOIL: Will grow in a variety of soils but prefers deep, fertile, well-drained soil. The plant is deep rooted and requires adequate growing room. FERTILITY: Enrich the soil with manure or compost before planting. Sidedressing with a balanced fertilizer at the time of bud set will be beneficial. GERMINATION: Sow indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost. Germinates in 14-21 days at 21-27C. Expect around 70% germination. Grow on at 15-20C. TRANSPLANT: Allow plants to have a cold treatment (8-10 days at 10C) before transplanting out to induce earlier bud formation. SPACING: Space seedlings 2-3 ft. apart in rows 3-4 ft. apart. HARVEST: Should start to produce buds in early September. Cut firm buds by cutting stem 1-2” below bud. Removal of old stems after harvest will promote more stems. Store cut buds at 32F/2C with high humidity. Approx. 25 sds/gm. Normal germination for artichokes is 60-70%.


Imperial Star is the most reliable annual artichoke for northern climates. Producing artichokes the first season from seeds is a major advantage for people growing in colder areas where artichokes will not normally survive the winter. Plants grow to 1m/3ft under ideal conditions, producing 5-7, 8-10cm/3-4” buds. Pkt (15-20sds) $3.25 | 5g $13.95 | 25g $46.75


Asparagus is a long lived perennial prized for its tender shoots. Originating in the Mediterranean sea region, it was made popular in American cuisine by immigrating Europeans. SOIL: Prefers a sandy-loam well drained soil. Clay soils with poor drainage should be avoided or modified and drained. FERTILITY: Slow release organic based fertilizers are recommended. Side dress established plants with a good balanced fertilizer in the spring and again in the summer. GERMINATION: Can be started indoors in large plugs 10-12 weeks before last frost. Germinates in 10-21 days at 70F/21C. Can be sown outdoors when soil is warm to touch. SPACING: sow: 2cm/3/4” apart. Transplant 3045cm/12 16” apart in rows 1m/3ft apart. HARVEST: Can begin harvesting 2 years after seeding. Cut young shoots when they appear in mid-spring until late spring. Approx. 45 sds/gm.


New all-male hybrid developed by the University of Guelph for professional market growers. All-male varieties produce more spears and live longer than male-female cultivars. Millennium will produce more spears per plant for a longer period than other all-male varieties. Millennium has strong uniform spears with little curving. Seeds: Pkt (25sds) $4.95 | 200sds $21.95 1Msds $72.95 | 2500sds $135.00 Roots 10 roots $11.50 | 25 roots $23.50 50 roots $37.95


Flower colours of white, pink, and hot pink produce large sweet fruits. Ideal for containers and hanging baskets. Largest berries of the seed types. Pkt (10 sds) $4.95 | 50sds $13.75 150sds $26.75

408 Rainbow Treasure F-1

3 Imperial Star (Tavor) F-1 ‘Organic’

2 Guelph Millennium F-1

Vegetables 7


Bush Beans Haricots Nains - Buschbohnen - Cornetti Nani - Stamsperciebonen

19 Montano

Probably the most common vegetable in the garden. Beans are a tender, warm season plant. When eaten fresh, canned, or frozen, beans are an excellent source of vitamins A & C and dietary fibre. CULTURE: Warm temperatures are necessary for beans to germinate and set flowers. Soil: Beans prefer loam soil with moderate amounts of organic matter. FERTILITY: Do not fertilize beans or add manure the year of sowing. Excessive fertilizing will make for large plants with little pod set. GERMINATION: 7-10 days at 18-26C. Sow in warm, well-drained soil. Sowing below recommended temperature will result in poor germination. Do not soak your seeds before planting. SPACING: Sow seeds 2cm/3/4” deep 5-10cm/2-4” apart. Tip: To prevent the spread of fungus, rusts, and virus, avoid cultivating or walking through bean plants when plants are wet or in the early morning. Sowing rate: Pkt sows approx. 7m/20ft; 125g sows 16m/50ft; 450g sows 70m/210ft; 25Kg/acre

European Dwarf French

French Filet Bean

European varieties are consider to have the ‘real’ bean flavour. Excellent for freezing and canning. High yields but smaller pods. They will set new flowers to produce pods for continuous picking after the first harvest. These varieties do, however, require more care when seeding: sow only in warm soil.

Favoured in the specialty restaurant trades. The varieties we have listed have excelled in our trials. Similar in quality and taste to the Dwarf French types but are picked at a much thinner stage.

15 Record HL

22 Oceanis

The Dutch Princess type with excellent flavour and freezing qualities. This is the bean referred to as ‘dubbele witte’ and is the reference for Dutch Beans. Produces an abundance of 10cm/4” medium-light green, mostly stringless pods. ‘Freezer’ (avg 1700sds/lb) 49 days

19 Montano

We consider this bean the premium ‘Dutch Bean’. An improved Dutch Princess variety with erect plant habit and concentrated pod set. Pods are medium-dark green, round, very straight and smooth, and about 13cm/5” long, with slow seed development. Yields more beans than most other varieties. Resistant to most bean diseases. Great for canning. (Pkt contains 30g; avg 1900 sds/lb) 53 days

21 Delinel

Delinel is consistently the earliest variety in our trials. Excellent taste and holding quality. This type of bean produces an abundance of long (6-7”), slender pods that can be picked at a young stage (1⁄4” thick) for the filet bean. Multi-disease resistant. Excellent specialty market bean. Black seeded (avg 1800sds/lb) 45 days

22 Oceanis

Oceanis is a new European filet bean that holds its thin size longer than any bean we’ve seen. It produces ¼” thin, 12-14 cm/5” long, straight, medium dark green pods. Along with producing some of the nicest pods, Oceanis’ plants are very healthy, tolerant to Halo Blight, Anthracnose, Common Bean Mosaic 1 and Rust. Excellent market variety. Replaces Straight & Narrow. (pkt contains 30 g, avg 1800sds-2100/lb) 53 days NEW

23 Maxi Organic


Easy to pick, sets long pods above plants. Maxi is an extra early European bean producing long 6.5” medium green pods above strong healthy plants. Excellent taste and quality – can be picked as a young fillet or allowed to mature to ¼” diameter. Organically grown seed. (Pkt contains 25g) 43 days

15 Record

Note: Our seed is not treated. Due to unpredictability of soil temperatures and moisture, we cannot be held liable for germination failure when soil is too cool or wet. For early crops we suggest seeding only part and covering with a row cover. 23 Maxi Organic

Cat# Description

21 Delinel

8 Vegetables

Pkt 125g (30g)

450g 1lb

2 kg 4.4 lbs

5 kg 11 lbs

10 kg* 22.5kg 22 lbs 50 lbs**

15 Record (Pkt=40g) $1.85 $3.95 $8.95 $29.50 $57.00 $100.00 ask 19 Montano 1.95 4.25 11.25 39.50 88.50 145.00 ask 21 Delinel 1.95 4.25 10.95 36.50 78.50 135.00 285.00 22 Oceanis 1.95 4.75 13.95 42.95 91.50 159.50 325.00 23 Maxi Organic(Pkt=25g) 3.95 9.75 28.95 89.50 189.00 325.00

Garden Performers

AAS Winner

Container Culture

HL Heirloom

39 Royal Burgundy

43 Valdor

28 Igloo

41 Goldrush

American Varieties The common, large podded bean variety types. They can be seeded at cooler temperatures than the European varieties. NEW

24 Jade II

Improved dark green Jade. Jade has been one of our longest and darkest green American varieties, but lacked plant height causing curling. Jade II has improved plant habit, its upright structure minimizes curling and tip rot. Jade II produces abundant yields over multiple harvests of 7” long, straight pods with the exceptionally sweet flavor, tenderness and dark green color that consumers demand. Harvest continues over extended period with multiple picks. (avg 1700sds/lb) 45 days

26 Derby

Consistently one of the best all round beans. Bears long straight smooth pods on sturdy upright plants. Its slow seed development produces tender, 6.5” long, medium light green pods. Continuous flowering provides harvests throughout the growing season. Resistant to Common Bean Mosaic Virus. (avg 1500sds/lb) 57 days

28 Igloo

New bean for cool seasons! Igloo is known for its outstanding early vigour making it an excellent choice for early and late season planting when soil and air temperatures are cooler. It produces 5 ½-6”, slender, medium dark green, stringless pods with excellent bean flavour. Good for freezing as well as a whole bean for Fresh Market. Slow seed development and excellent holding abilities make for a very forgiving harvest window. Healthy tall plants tolerant to most bean diseases. White seeded. (avg 1500sds/lb) 50 days

Yellow Podded


A much improved Bush Blue Lake! OSU5630 is a new variety with traditional Blue Lake taste and colour, but a better plant and pod. It produces 5.75” long straight, dark green pods that are held high on strong bush plants. Pods are a traditional large sieve size and are great for freezing. Resistant to BCMV, Curly Top and Rust. Tolerant of Root Rot and Brown Spot. (avg 1200-1500sds/lb) 57 days

o31 Slenderette Organic


Slender, dark green, stringless, 5” pods on vigorous 16-20” plants. Pods set on upper half of plant for easy picking. Slow seed and fibre development for extended harvest. Organically Grown Seed. 57 days

32 Provider

Popular common green bean widely grown in the North Eastern USA and Canada. Heavy yields of medium green, straight, long pods (15cm/6’). Tender with slow seed fibre development. Purple-brown seed. Germinates in cooler soil. (avg 1500sds/lb) 50 days

Purple Podded 39 Royal Burgundy

An interesting novelty bean that tastes great. Kids love to grow this bean and watch it turn green when it cooks. Royal Burgundy produces long 6”, round, slender purple pods on upright plants with bright green foliage. It has the best taste freshly cooked. (avg 1600sds/lb) 50 days Cat# Description Pkt 125g (40g)

28 Igloo 31 Blue Lake OSU5630 o31 Slenderette Organic 32 Provider 39 Royal Burgundy 41 Goldrush 43 Valdor (Pkt=30g)

40 Carson PVP

Improved, high yielding yellow. Carson produces medium yellow, fancy beans with good flavor. It’s 5 ½” slim pods are held high on strong, healthy upright plants. Pods are tender and slow to produce fibre. White seeded. 2-3 days earlier and slimmer than Indy Gold. Resistant to BCMV, Anthracnose, Curly Top. 43 days

41 Goldrush

Long pods with dark yellow colour. While Goldrush is not new to the seed industry, it is now available as quality, untreated seed. Goldrush produces 14cm/5.5” long slender pods on strong dark green plants. It is an excellent and dependable choice for fresh market as well as for freezing and canning. Resistant to BCM and Curly Top, tolerant to root rot. 45 days

42 Rocdor

Extra fancy, rich yellow bean, originating in Europe. Better bean taste than other yellow types. Produces long, slender, stringless, oval-round pods, 6-7” in length. Beans grow on upright plants that keep bearing if picked regularly. Black seeded. (pkt contains 100sds, avg 1800sds/lb) 45 days

43 Valdor

Premium petite French yellow. Exceptionally tender. Similar in habit to our French dwarf types. Valdor produces an abundance of 12.5cm/5” long, stringless, round, small sieve pods. White seeded. (pkt contains 30 g, avg 1800sds-2100/lb) 52 days 450g 2 kg 5 kg 10 kg 22.5kg 1lb 4.4 lbs 11 lbs 22 lbs* 50 lbs**

1.85 3.75 8.95 26.50 49.00 85.00 165.00 $1.85 $3.65 $6.75 $21.50 $42.50 $75.00 $155.00 3.95 5.95 17.25 62.50 115.00 1.85 3.65 6.75 21.50 42.50 72.00 145.00 1.95 3.95 7.65 25.50 47.50 82.50 162.50 1.95 3.75 8.95 26.50 49.00 85.00 165.00 1.95 4.25 11.25 36.50 83.50 149.50 295.00

By Seed Count pkt approx weight

500sds 125g

2000sds 1 lb

5M 3.3lbs

20M 13lbs

40M* 80M ** 25 lbs 45-50lbs

24 Jade II PVP $2.35 $3.95 $10.95 $22.95 $73.50 $123.50 $229.00 26 Derby 1.95 3.95 10.95 22.50 69.50 118.50 215.00 40 Carson PVP 2.15 3.95 11.75 23.95 73.50 118.50 223.50 42 Rocdor (Pkt=100sds) 2.45 5.95 16.25 41.50 129.50 212.50 392.50 24 Jade PVP

O Organic Seed

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

PvP Plant Protected Variety

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 9

Vegetables Dry & Shell Beans

Primarily used for dried beans. High source of protein and fibre. CULTURE: Sow: the same as green bush beans. Allow the pods to mature and the plants to die off. Harvest the plants then hang them to dry for proper curing. Pick pods off when they are hard and the beans shake in the pods. Thresh or shell the seeds. To control insects in storage, place seeds in the oven for 10-15 minutes at 250F or freeze for 3 hours.

48 Lima Fordhook 242

Improved variety with slow fibre development compared to other lima varieties. Plump beans of fine quality on 2ft bushes, 3-4 beans per pod. Good for fresh and dry use. 70 days

50 Dutch Brown Bruine Bonen HL

Produces a heavy yield of brown beans for dry use. Can be eaten fresh, like green beans, having a stronger ‘bean’ taste. A popular Dutch variety for baking and boiling or for use in soups and stews. Pkt = 30g 90 days

European Slicing Beans

Broad Beans Fava - Tuinbonen

CULTURE: Start outdoors April-May as soon as soil can be worked. Comes up in 5-10 days at 50F/12C. Space seeds 10cm/4” apart and 2cm-1” deep. To increase yields, start indoors 4 weeks earlier and transplant outdoors in early spring. Tip: We mist the plants in the heat of the day to cool the plants and improve pod set. Control black mites in mid-spring with Trounce or Insecticidal Soap

Snijbonen - Schnitt-Bohnen The original French-style slicing bean with broad flat pods. Superior in taste and yield to regular beans. CULTURE: Sensitive to cool wet soil and weather change. Sow when soil temperature is above 20C. Seed requirements and spacing are the same as Green Bush beans. HARVEST: Pick when 3/4” wide. Slicing beans get fibrous when they are too mature. Test: Wrap bean around your finger, if it breaks, it’s over-ripe.

75 Witkiem - Matina Strain

The earliest and most uniform broad bean. This variety is preferred by our Italian and P.Y.O customers. Inedible pods contain up to 6 large, flat beans. Excellent fresh or frozen. Pick when pods are plump. Some of our customers note success with autumn seedings for fall harvest. Broad Windsor type. 75 days

Bush Type 59 ADMIRES

The best Dutch bush slicing bean! Superior in taste and yields. Produces 6” long, 1” wide early, stringless beans. Resistant to Common Bean Mosaic and Anthracnose allowing for healthier plants and beans. (avg 800-900sds/lb) 50 days

54 Walcherse White

Pole Type Slicing

A popular European white variety. Outstanding flavour for soup, stews, and baking. Similar to the navy bean grown in Southern USA. Walcherse matures easily in northern climates. 100 days


Popular with our gourmet chefs and specialty market gardeners. A strain that is more disease resistant, producing healthier growth and promoting higher quality and yields. Long flat stringless 8” pods. Suited for greenhouse and field production. (Pkt = 20g, avg 1000sds/lb) 55 days

Romano Types

35 Roma Ii Pvp PvP

A true high quality bush Romano bean with good flavour and tenderness. Produces high yields of large, long (14cm/5”), medium green, smooth, flat pods that have slow seed fibre development. Many of our Italian customers consider this the only bean to grow. (avg 9001000sds/lb) 59 days


Bright yellow pods that do not fade. Goldfield produces 11” long and 1” wide pods that are fleshy, straight and stringless. Goldfield has that great European flavour sought after by chefs. Strong plants have improved disease resistance to virus. Good for outdoor and greenhouse cultivation. Whiteseeded. (avg 1000sds/lb) 55 days

75 Witkiem

Red Flamed Podded 51 Taylor Horticultural

Flame-red dried beans for winter use. Excellent taste and picking quality. Pick as a Romano bean or allow to develop as a semi-dried bean. Striped red seeds. (avg 900-1000sds/lb) 70 days

Edible Soybeans 52 Beer Friend

Early, heavy yielding variety, even under cool conditions. In our 2009 bean trials we tested an number of edible soybeans, in which Beer Friend was our top choice. Edible Soybeans (edamame beans) originate in the orient, so it is fitting that Beer Friend comes from Japan. Sets fruit early and has a high percentage of 3 beans per pod. Good shelf life for both pod and beans. Excellent taste. Comparatively bushy plant habit reaching a height of 22 inches. Deep green, large-size pod with white pubescence. Can be grown in greenhouse and tunnels. 70 days Pkt (10g) $2.85; 50g $6.95; 125g $14.95; 450g $39.50.

48 Lima Fordhook 242

Cat# Description

48 50 51 52 54 59 62 64 75

35 Roma II PVP

Pkt 50g 125g (40g)

Lima Fordhook 242 $1.95 $3.95 3.95 Dutch Brown (Pkt=30g) 1.95 Taylor Horticultural 1.85 3.75 Beer Friend (Pkt=10g) 2.85 6.95 14.95 3.95 Walcherse White (Pkt=30g) 1.95 1.95 4.75 Admires (Pkt=30g) 1.95 3.25 5.95 Hunter (Pkt=20g) Goldfield 2.25 4.95 9.85 Witkiem-Matina 1.85 3.95

By Seed Count


approx weight


10 Vegetables

Garden Performers



AAS Winner

500sds 125g

64 Goldfield

450g 1lb

2 kg 4.4 lbs

5 kg 11 lbs

10 kg 22.5kg 22 lbs* 50 lbs*

$7.65 $29.50 $62.00 $96.00 $195.00 7.95 29.50 52.50 98.50 205.00 7.45 22.00 46.00 78.50 156.00 39.50 8.95 33.50 64.50 99.50 10.95 36.50 69.50 125.00 12.95 45.00 99.50 26.95 92.50 6.75 23.50 47.50 76.50 175.00

2000sds 1 lb

$3.45 $10.45


40M* 80M **


$128.95 $235.00




Container Culture


25 lbs


HL Heirloom

Pole Beans

Haricot Grimpant - Stoksperciebonen Pole beans differ from bush beans in that they can be grown in confined areas, in containers, and can be picked over a long period. However, they do require a longer growing season. CULTURE: Sow outdoors in warm, moist soil when the temperature is above 20C. Cold soil temperatures will decrease germination. Comes up in 5-10 days at 70F/21C. Sow 5 or 6 seeds around each pole or every 10cm/4” for nets. Seeding depth 2cm/1” deep. Seed can be damaged by maggots in the soil. Tip: To prevent disease and poor germination associated with sowing in cooler temperatures, start seeds indoors 3-4 weeks before last frost. Seed 3 beans in 3” peat pots. Plant entire peat pot outdoors when the soil is warm. Sowing rate: varies depending on type of training.

67 Neckarkonigin

Scarlet Runner Beans 65 AINTREE

When our 99 year old Grandma says this is the best she has ever grown, we listen! Bred to produce under heat stress and longer day conditions when other varieties fail. Aintree produces 12-14” long, 1/2-3/4” wide, medium dark green beans with great flavour and lower fibre. Its scarlet red flowers stand out making an excellent flowering climber. (avg 300sds/lb) 54 days

66 Neckargold

Long, oval, stringless yellow pole beans. Neckargold is the same type of bean as Neckarkonigin but bears a heavy crop of deepyellow pods. White seeded. 60 days

67 Neckarkonigin

Best oval-round podded variety for freshmarket and preserving. This German pole bean produces an abundance of extra long (10-11”) fleshy, oval, stringless, medium-green beans. The slim, firm pods can also be used for Frenchstyle slicing. Best taste of any in our trials. Plants are resistant to Bean Common Mosaic Virus. 60 days

68 Isabel

Slender, French fancy type pods with excellent taste. Isabel is an improved Westland prized by the Dutch, producing 16cm/6”, slender, medium green pods on 6-7ft vigorous healthy vines. White seeded variety is stringless and is excellent for freezing/canning. Medium-early maturing variety for outdoor production. 55 days

71 Emerite

o67 Neckarkonigin Organic O

A productive French Filet bean, producing long (7-8”), round, straight, stringless beans with real filet taste. Emerite has a slow seed development for extended harvest. It can be picked as short as 4” for a premium filet bean or left to grow past the filet stage for use as a stringless green bean. 55 days

74 Blauhilde

72 Blue Lake S-7

Same as above but organically grown seed.

A stringless, deep purple pole bean with long, fleshy, oval pods of 9-11” length. Higher yields and healthier than other purple pole types. Beans turn green when cooked.65 days 71 Emerite

Vigorous strain for northern gardeners. Unlike other popular Blue Lake pole beans, this one grows when it is cool as well as hot. It produces pods up to 10 days earlier than other strains and sets more pods for bigger yields. Traditional Blue Lake quality, 6-7” long with slow fibre development and dark green stringless pods. (avg 1500sds/lb) 60 days

62 Hunter 68 Isabel

74 Blauhilde

Cat# Description

65 66 67 o67 68 74

Aintree $2.25 $3.95 Neckargold 2.45 4.95 Neckarkonigin 2.45 4.75 Neckarkonigin Organic 3.45 6.45 Isabel (Pkt=25g) 2.25 Blauhilde 2.45 4.95

71 72

Emerite $3.95 Blue Lake

By Seed Count approx weight 65 Aintree

O Organic Seed

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

72 Blue Lake S-7

Pkt 50g 125g (15g)

Pkt 100sds 50sds

$8.45 8.95 8.75 11.95 4.65 9.95

500sds 125g

$5.95 $11.95 2.25 3.95

PvP Plant Protected Variety

450g 1lb

2 kg 4.4 lbs

5 kg 11 lbs

10 kg 22 lbs

5M 2.5 lbs

10M 5lbs

$24.50 27.00 26.00 32.85 14.95 29.85

$89.00 85.00 84.50 131.40 46.50 98.50 105.00

$34.65 12.45

$76.50 26.95

2000sds 1 1b

F-1 Hybrid

$144.50 44.50

Vegetables 11


Table Beets

Betteraves- Kroten - Rote Ruben - Barbabietola A staple vegetable for many cultures in the world; native to the Mediterranean Europe. Beets are primarily a source of carbohydrates with low levels of vitamins and minerals. CULTURE: Beets are easy to grow and can be sown outdoors from mid-spring to mid-summer. SOIL: Loose and deeply tilled, prefers mucky or sandy loam. PH 6-7, not higher. FERTILITY: Till in slow release fertilizer or organic matter prior to seeding. Use a fertilizer low in nitrogen, but high in potassium and phosphorous. Keep even moisture throughout growing season. GERMINATION: 7-15 days at 55-70 F/12-21C. SPACING: Seed 2cm/ 3/4” apart and 1cm/ 1/2” deep. Thin out to 7cm/3”. PESTS: Beets are relatively free from insects and disease. Tip: Mid-season planting for harvest in late summer or early fall will result in a sweeter and more tender beet. Pkt contains approx. 175-200 sds; 3Kg/Acre; 30-50 sds/gm.

87 Kestrel Hybrid

Leaf Beets


The ultimate beet top. Dark red leaves and stems add colour and zest to salads and cooked top recipes. Beets are flat globed and have alternating red-white zones. Tops are 10-12” in height and hold up well in the heat. 60 days

o82 BULL’S BLOOD Organic As above but Organically grown seed.


86 early wonder

Tall green tops good for bunching. Green leaves contrasted with red stems. 55 days


Improved Burpee’s Golden type. Touchstone Gold offers very uniform root shape and vibrant interior colour with almost no zoning. Its seedling vigour and germination is much better than Burpee’s Golden. The strong, medium green tops have contrasting petioles. Seed is clean and sized. 55 days

o83 TOUCHSTONE GOLD ORG As above but Organically grown seed.


Striped beets


88 MONETA F-1 Monogerm

o85 DETROIT DarK RED Organic O

o88 RED ACE F-1 Organic

Superior strain of the Detroit Dark Red variety. Medium sized, firm beets are good for main and fall crops. Good fresh and frozen. Medium sized top. This strain produces the best green - red veined leaves for baby greens. Not recommended for Baby Beets. 60 days Old heirloom variety which many others reference. Produces medium large round roots with good colour and taste. Organically grown seed.

86 early wonder

Our earliest non-hybrid variety. Produces a semi-globe shaped, blood-red root for all purposes. Tall green tops good for bunching. 55 days


Exceptional flavour! Kestrel is one of the nicest hybrid beets we have grown. It produces perfect, dark red round roots with excellent interior color (no zoning) and has very sweet flavour. Kestrel can be harvested as a baby beet or allowed to mature to a 2-3” storage beet that stays tender. Strong fresh green tops. 53 days

o87 KESTREL F-1 Organic


Improved Chiogga selection. Unlike standard Chioggia, Guardsmark is much more uniform in root shape and colour. It produces beautifully contrasting zoned roots with pink-red skin that can also be used as baby beets. 55 days

o84 CHIOGGA GUARDSMARK Org O As above but Organically grown seed.

Round Red Beets

As above but Organically grown seed.

Cat# Description

12 Vegetables

Cylindrical Beets 89 CYLINDRA

Old heirloom variety. A long, dark red, sweet cylindrical beet. Uniform 5” long x 2” diameter, beets are great for slicing and dicing. Excellent for winter storage. 65 days


Improved Cylindrical beet. much more uniform in shape and colour and retains its smooth texture well after being mature. Its flesh is deep, purple red and is free from zoning. Taunus produces very cylindrical beets with no cracking. Excellent for slicing and chipping. 60 days

Pkt 25g 100g 2-5g

Bull’s Blood Detroit Supreme Detroit Dark Red Organic Early Wonder Kestrel Hybrid Organic Cylindra

o82 83 o83 84 o84 87 88 o88 A89

Bull’s Blood Organic $2.05 $6.95 Touchstone Gold 2.85 11.25 Touchstone Gold Organic Chiogga Guardsmark 1.95 5.75 Chiogga Guardsmark Organic 2.45 6.95 Kestrel Hybrid 1.95 5.25 Moneta Hybrid 2.45 5.85 Red Ace Hybrid Organic 2.35 5.75 Taunus Hybrid 1.95 4.75

Garden Performers

AAS Winner

$1.85 1.85 2.35 1.85 2.45 1.85 Pkt


High quality main season hybrid. Produces round, smooth, deep red roots that are very uniform resulting in a high yield potential. Retains sweet and tender flesh after it is mature. Mediumtall red veined tops. Widely adapted to most growing regions.Organically grown seed. 53 days

82 85 o85 86 o87 89

By seed Count

84 Chiogga Guardsmark


High quality, round beet for precision seeding. Moneta requires less thinning than other beets because it does not have multiple plants in one seed. Its roots are smooth, deep dark red in colour, and have deep green 30cm/12” tops. Uniform and excellent for bunching. 52 days

$5.75 3.85 5.35 3.85 6.95 3.95


450g 1lb

$13.95 8.45 16.85 8.45 19.95 7.95

$24.50 21.50 55.00 21.50 59.95 16.95

$17.95 39.50 46.50 15.95 18.95 15.45 21.50 19.25 14.95

$56.50 145.00 155.00 36.50 65.95 34.50 61.95 59.95 45.50



Container Culture

2 kg 4.4 lbs

5 kg 11 lbs

$84.50 62.95 175.00 62.95 209.50 52.00

$174.50 129.50

$195.00 395.00 495.00 121.00 229.50 105.00 189.50 182.50 73.50



129.50 455.00 99.50 250M

255.00 495.00 235.00 435.00 135.00

HL Heirloom

83 Touchstone Gold 108 Jade Cross Hybrid

o105 Nautic Hybrid Organic

105 Capitola Hybrid

Brussels Sprouts

Choux De Bruxelles- Sprossenkohl - Spruitkool

86 Early Wonder

86 Early Wonder - Leaves

Originating from Belgium in the 1200s, Brussels Sprouts are a European delicacy. When cooked right they will melt in your mouth. They contain good amounts of vitamin A, vitamin C, folic acid, sinigrin, and dietary fibre. CULTURE: Grown mainly for fall and winter crops. Will over winter in mild areas. For early crops start indoors 4-6 weeks before planting out. For late crops, seed in June. SOIL: Sprouts like a deep moist loam. PH 6.5-7 FERTILITY: Ensure adequate levels of nitrogen. Keep a regular watering schedule so plants do not wilt in heat. GERMINATION: Sow in plugs at 70F/21C for 7 days, or outdoors in warm soil. SPACING: Transplant or thin seedlings out to 40-45cm/16-18” PESTS: See cabbage section. Tip: Harvest in fall after first frost for maximum flavour. To ensure uniform maturity nip off growth point in late summer when first sprouts are forming. Pkt contains approx. O.P. 225-550 sds; Hybrid 25-75 sds; 200-300 sds/gm.

Hybrid Sprouts 108 JADE CROSS F-1 85 Detroit Supreme

o88 Red Ace Hybrid

Easy to grow variety for short season areas. Recommended variety in many areas where normal results are discouraging. Uniform 2ft tall plants with heavy production of firm sprouts of excellent quality. ‘Market’, ‘Freezer.’ 95 days NEW

o105 Nautic F-1 Organic O

Best main season spouts for Organic Growers. Nautic is a Dutch bred cool season performer, excelling in wet cool falls. Great taste and high yields of top quality, medium sized spouts. Large strong plants bear uniform sprouts spread out to allow airflow, reducing disease and allowing for an easier harvest. Tolerant to Powdery Mildew Organically grown. 105 days 82 Bull’s Blood

A89 Taunus Hybrid


Mid-early, very uniform, high quality sprouts. Capitola is a leading commercial sprout variety adapted to most growing regions. Capitola produces heavy yields of uniform, mediumgreen, 1.5” round sprouts with a small end. Sprout set is excellent and very uniform on tall plants. Resistant to Fusarium yellows. 105 days Cat#


O Organic Seed




Red Sprouts 106 RED BaLL

A unique, red, specialty sprout from Europe. Excellent flavour. A beauty in your garden. Late variety. Improved Red Rubine selection. Pkt contains approx. 40-50 sds. 120 days

Open Pollinated 107 CATSKILL

Old open-pollinated variety. Produces large, dark green sprouts on 2ft plants. 120 days 25g 100g 450g/ 1lb 2kg/4.4 lbs

107 Catskill


o105 105 106 108

$4.95 $43.95 $72.50 $135.00 $235.00 3.45 17.95 29.95 53.95 96.00 2.95 14.95 18.95 34.75 52.50 2.65 6.95 11.95 22.50 38.50

By Seed Count

88 Moneta Hybrid


106 Red Ball

Nautic Hybrid Organic Capitola Hybrid Red Ball Jade Cross Hybrid

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

PvP Plant Protected Variety

$5.95 $19.50



F-1 Hybrid




$440.00 165.00 365.00 88.50 62.50 132.50

Vegetables 13


Broccoli Chou Brocoli

Broccoli is considered the super vegetable. It is high in Vitamin A+C, a good source of B vitamins, phosphorus and potassium. Broccoli can be eaten raw with a dip, stir-fried, cooked or frozen for later use. CULTURE: Broccoli is easy to grow. For early crops, start indoors 4-6 weeks before planting out. Transplant when soil is 50F/10C or higher. Cold weather will cause premature flowers. For late crops, seed in June-July. SOIL: Broccoli will tolerate a broad range of soils, but prefers sandy loam. PH 6.5-7 FERTILITY: Ensure adequate levels of nitrogen for proper bud formation. Excessive fertilizing will cause hollow stems. Keep a regular watering schedule so plants do not wilt in heat. Broccoli likes its leaves wet. GERMINATION: Sow in plugs at 70F/21C for 7 days, or outdoors in warm soil. SPACING: Transplant or thin seedlings out to 40-45cm/16-18”. PESTS: See cabbage section. Tip: Harvest just before the beads on the head break open into flower, hot temperatures will accelerate this, so check often. Pkt contains approx. O.P. 200-400 sds; Hybrids 50-75 sds; 200-300 sds/gm.

7 Atlantis Hybrid - Mini Broccoli

Mini Heads 5 DE CICCO

A non-hybrid variety great for dips and stir-fries due to its long stalks and open-head habit. Large heads mature at different times for a widely spread harvest. 60 days NEW

7 Atlantis F-1

Main Season Types

Early Types

Mini broccoli that produces small well-formed heads. In our 2012 trials Atlantis produced the biggest yield of all the sprouting/ mini broccolis we trialed. Atlantis produces small 2” blue-green heads with a nice broccoli taste – great for dipping. It will produces many usable side shoots for 6 weeks after the first head is picked. Cross between broccoli and gailon, also known as Broccolini. 65 days


Early hybrid with large, semi-domed, dark green heads. Vigorous side shoots provide steady harvest until hard frost. Heat and disease resistant. Most dependable variety for home gardeners and market growers. 57 days

9 Chief F-1

Extra early variety from the Orient. Chief has produced some of the earliest heads in our trials. Its plants tend to be shorter and more frost tolerant than other varieties, which contributes to its early maturing in spring seedings. Chief produces large green-blue heads with medium-small bead size. 52 days


Best broccoli for late summer and fall harvests. Everest produces well domed, 6”, blue-green heads with small beads. What sets Everest apart from other broccolis is its resistance to Downy Mildew, a high yield potential, and a concentrated harvest period. 65 days



Old heirloom variety with good cold resistance. Produces numerous side shoots. Recommended only for fall crops. Organically Grown Seed. 70-80 days

o8 BELSTAR F-1 Organic


Specialty crown cut variety. Heads are cut without the stem to resemble a mushroom cap. Tight, blue-green beads on a high dome head with almost no stem base. Highly popular in Asian cultures. Tolerates both hot and cold weather. Organically grown seed. 67 days

10 Gypsy F-1

Gypsy excels in hot, dry summers producing heads when all others bolt. Produces medium sized, high domed, blue green heads with tight beads that will produce side shoots after main head is cut. Large, healthy plants tolerate heat and are resistant to downy mildew. Suitable for bunching or crown cuts. Not for certified Organic growing. 70 days NEW

12 Bay Meadows F-1

Best broccoli in the heat. Bay Meadows produces 6-8” well domed, attractive blue green heads. Performs very well in spring and summer with excellent holding ability in warmer harvest periods. Strong plant habit similar to Gypsy with better head formation. 70 days 9 Chief Hybrid

11 Everest Hybrid


5 o7


08 Belstar Hybrid ‘Organic’

14 Vegetables

Garden Performers


$1.85 1.95 3.75

Packman Hybrid Atlantis Hybrid Belstar Hybrid Organic Chief Hybrid Gypsy Hybrid Everest Hybrid Bay Meadows Hybrid

$2.95 4.25 3.95 2.25 2.25 2.35 2.95

By Seed Count

6 7 o8 9 10 11 12


De Cicco Calabrese Organic


AAS Winner



$4.95 9.85


$9.75 $15.95 26.50 43.50 18.95 27.50 5.95 7.95 6.95 11.65 7.45 12.35 8.75 12.95


450g/ 1lb

2kg/4.4 lbs

$15.95 $32.50 27.50


$33.95 85.00 56.95 19.50 22.50 24.50 26.95


$56.95 142.50 98.95 29.50 37.50 38.50 42.95

Container Culture



$98.50 $215.00 179.50 44.50 63.50 64.50 72.50

405.00 94.50 148.50 149.50 155.00

HL Heirloom

B138 Beira Tronchuda Hybrid

Collards-Leaf Cabbage

A143 & B143 Kongo and Kolibri Hybrid



Developed to meet the demand for large floret broccoli-raab during the shorter, cooler days of fall, winter, and spring. Sorrento is an early maturing, top quality raab for the specialty market grower. Florets are larger and mature earlier and more uniformly than traditional “Spring” or “60-Day” raabs for higher yields and lower harvest costs. Excellent for growing in cold frames or under fleece. 35 days


CULTURE: Treat similar to cabbage. Does not form heads but will form a cluster of leaves.

Choux Rave

10 Gypsy Hybrid

Bred for late spring and summer growing in which spring rapini tends to not work. Zamboni is a slow maturing, top quality raab for the specialty market grower. It produces very uniform stems and florets that are larger and mature later than Sorrento and more uniformly than traditional “Spring” or “60-Day” varieties. Excellent market variety. 45 days

Popular European specialty. Similar in culture to cabbage, but forms a bulbous growth above the soil. Excellent for vegetable trays Culture: Similare to cabbage. Transplant or thin out to 6” to 8”. Harvest when bulbous growth is 2-4” for best eating quality. Kohlrabi can be stored cool 3C for upto 3 weeks. Pkt contains approx. O.P. 200-400 sds; Hybrids 50-75 sds; 200-300 sds/gm.


Bulbs have a purplish skin with white flesh. Popular for mini and micro mixes. Small seed leaves are fluorescent purple and tasty. 55-60 days

A143 KONGO F-1

If you have trouble growing Kohlrabi in the summer, try this one: it has excelled in our trials producing quality bulbs from spring through autumn. Kongo is a uniform, early white hybrid that resists splitting. Its smooth, white, sweet flesh does not become pithy. Can be picked as a baby buncher or allowed to mature into a full size. 45-55 days


Collard variety. Non-heading, blue-green, juicy leaves. Plants grow 2 to 3 feet tall. Mild cabbage-like flavour. Cook clusters from top. 65 days


Heirloom Old Blue Leaf Cabbage from Holland. A lesser known green, it has been cooked like Kale or Collards for centuries. Groninger Blue has attractive wide leaves with purple mid-ribs. When braised lightly, it has a sweet spinach like flavour. Can be used as a baby green, micro green, or bunched. Frost hardy. 50 days

B138 TRONCHUDA-Beira F-1

Unusual loose head cabbage also known as Portuguese kale. Tronchuda is composed of large, wide-spreading leaves and thick, white, fleshy ribs. Leaves are sweet and tender having better flavour and taste than collards. We have braised it with Kielbasa: the pan is always empty after dinner! We grow Tronchuda the same as fall cabbage. It is frost and cold weather tolerant. Harvest the leaves and keep the centre for continued growth or harvest the whole plant at once.


Top quality purple variety. Kolibri is a much improved hybrid which can be picked when small as a bunching Kohlrabi or as a large bulb. Very uniform dark purple bulbs with white, smooth, sweet flesh. Resists cracking and going pithy like O.P varieties. 45-55 days 4 Sorrento


The common kohlrabi with light green skin and white flesh. 55-60 days


4 4A 138 A138 143 144


Sorrento Zamboni Collards, Champion Groninger Blue Purple Vienna White Vienna

By Seed Count

6 Packman Hybrid

O Organic Seed

B138 Beira Hybrid A143 Kongo Hybrid B143 Kolibri Hybrid

Short Season/Cold Tolerant


A138 Groninger Blue


$1.85 1.95 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 Pkt

$2.45 2.75 2.95



$5.25 5.95 3.95 5.95 4.25 4.25


$8.95 $14.95 12.95 13.95

PvP Plant Protected Variety


450g/ 1lb 2kg/4.4 lbs

$17.95 18.75 8.95 11.75 8.95 8.95

$57.50 58.95 16.95 32.50 22.50 22.50

$36.50 43.95 46.50

$57.95 $225.00 72.50 112.50 265.00 76.50 118.50 282.50


F-1 Hybrid


$172.00 179.00 72.50 72.50



Vegetables 15



Choux- Weisskohl - Cavolo Cappuccio - Kool Popular fall and winter vegetable native to the Mediterranian region, but is a staple vegetable in most countries. Good source of Vitamin C, glutamine and amino acids CULTURE: Sow early varieties in succession from early spring (indoors) to mid-summer for continual harvest of fresh cabbage. For fall produce sow outdoors in early summer. SOIL: Cabbage will tolerate a broad range of soil, but prefers sandy loam. PH 6.5-7. FERTILITY: Ensure adequate levels of nitrogen. Keep a regular watering schedule so plants do not wilt in heat. GERMINATION: Sow in plugs at 70F/21C for 7 days or direct seed outdoors in warm soil. SPACING: Transplant or thin seedlings out to 30-45cm/ 12-18” for small head varieties; 45-75cm/18-30” for large head varieties. PESTS: Flea beetles attack young seedlings and strip the leaves - control with placing row cover or insect netting over young plants. Cabbage worms attack as plants get older and invade buds - control with BTK. Pkt contains approx. O.P. 225-600 sds; Hybrid 30-75 sds; 200-300 sds/gm.

Harvesting fall leeks and cabbage

Early White Cabbage


112 Tiara F-1

Early pointed cabbage variety. Old English variety dating back to the early 19th century. Dark waxy green leaves shaped like a upsidedown cone. Produces heads weighting 1kg/23lbs. 65 days

o110 CARAFLEX F-1 ORGanic

All new, lettuce-like, cabbage type called ‘Lettage’. Tiara is a very good tasting cabbage; crisp, tender and juicy, and is best used as lettuce. It is much easier to grow in the heat of summer than most lettuce, producing medium size (6-8”), 4 lb round heads. Tiara also works very well as a mini-cabbage (about the same size as a head of Iceberg Lettuce) when spaced 12” apart. 60 days


Fresh, sweet, and tender cabbage leaves. Why grow pointed cabbages? They tend to be milder and sweeter, and have more tender leaves than round heads. Also, they are easier to braise and make an excellent alternative to lettuce. Caraflex is an improvement on older pointed types because of its holding capability and firmness. It produces 1.5-2 lb heads that can store up to 8 weeks. Also presents well as a baby cabbage. Pointed cabbages are quickly becoming more popular than round cabbages in Europe. Organically grown seed. Pkt contains 25-35 sds.

112 Tiara Hybrid

116 Farao F-1

Excellent early season hybrid with a sweet spicy taste. Produces medium sized, 3-5lb, dense, green-blue heads with small cores. Holds very well in the field for weeks after it is ready. Very uniform and disease resistant. Recommended for market. 65-68 days

o116 Farao F-1 Organic


Same as above but organically grown seed.


Early standard open-pollinated variety with oval heads weighing about 1kg. Performs well under most conditions. Golden Acre has compact plants so can be grown close together. Plant for early and late crops. Resistant to bursting longer than other O.P. varieties. 70 days

116 Farao Hybrid

Early Red Cabbage


Deepest red colour and best quality of early cabbages we have tried. Forms a tight, dense round-oval head with a small core. Uniform and resistant to bursting. Produces 7 1/2” 3-4lb heads at 18-20” spacing. Recommended for market. 70 days

o110 Caraflex Hybrid ‘Organic’

131 Primero Hybrid



110 Early Jersey Wakefield 111 Golden Acre Y.R.

By Seed Count

Early Summer Chinise Cabbage and Broccoli trial

16 Vegetables

o110 112 116 o116 131

Garden Performers



$1.85 1.85


500 sds 1000 sds


$4.95 4.95

2500 sds


$14.95 14.95 5M

Caraflex Hybrid Organic $4.95 $39.75 $59.95 $135.85 $247.65 Tiara Hybrid 2.25 7.95 13.95 26.95 45.65 Farao Hybrid 2.15 7.25 11.95 24.95 42.95 Farao Hybrid Organic 3.95 34.75 48.95 99.85 147.65 Primero Hybrid 2.45 9.65 16.95 36.50 59.95

AAS Winner

Container Culture

450g/ 1lb

$29.50 29.50 10M

$429.50 78.95 68.95 259.50 99.50


$997.00 175.00 142.50 567.00 215.00

HL Heirloom

120 Bronco Hybrid

118 Reaction Hybrid

119 Krautman Hybrid

Main Season Red Cabbage

Main Season Cabbage 120 BRONCO F-1

117 Lennox Hybrid

Top quality freshmarket cabbage from Holland. Bronco has consistently been the best quality main season cabbage in our trials. It produces a medium sized, 4-5 lb, blue-green, round, dense head with a short core and fancy waxy wrapper leaves. Excellent yields and shipping quality. Tolerant to Fusarium Yellows and Tip Burn. 78-82 days

133 CAIRO F-1

One of best quality main season red cabbages. Cario produces very uniform, round, dense heads with intense red colour with white veins. Cairo can produce 3-4” baseball sized heads at high density plantings (12-13”) or 7” 5-6 lb regular sized cabbage when spaced 18-20”. Medium sized healthy plants are resistant to Tip Burn and Black Speck. 75 days (60 baby)

o133 Buscaro F-1 Organic


Versatile main season red that holds well in the field. Buscaro produces very uniform 5-6lb, dark red, round, oval cabbages with great internal colour and sweet flavour. Large framed plant is resistant to Tip Burn and has a distinctive silvery sheen. Moderate storage. Organically grown seed. 80 days


Strong performer for fall harvest. Solid deepred head weighing about 2kg/5lb. Slow to burst and vigorous. Stores and ships well. Is larger, more uniform and has deeper red colour than Langedijker Red. 85 days

o133 Buscaro Hybrid ‘Organic’


Popular European open-pollinated variety. Re-selection of the original red winterkeeper we have sold in past years. Heads are 15cm/5-6” oval round with good red colour. 110 days


Hard round heads (2-4 lbs) on compact, short-stemmed plants. Solid in early stages of heading. An open pollinated variety resistant to splitting and Yellows disease. 77 days

Late White Storage 113 LANGEDIJKER WINTERKEEPER Old Dutch variety with excellent keeping qualities. Winterkeeper has large, almost round firm heads. Retains its light green colour in storage. Start in late spring for full season growth. Matures in 120 days.


Popular open-pollinated variety originating in Enkhuizen, Holland. Late fall variety with large 4-5lb, oval heads. For the best taste, plant in early summer for late fall harvest. 95 days

117 LENNOX F-1

Industry standard, long term, storage variety. We have already sold Lennox for a number of years to cabbage growers. It is a very productive storage type that holds its green colour long into spring. Lennox produces medium-large, 5-6 lb, slightly flattened, round heads with a short core. Grey-green plants are tolerant to Black Speck, and Tip Burn. Pkt contains 45-55 sds. 105 days

118 REACTiON F-1

Excellent storage cabbage with small-medium sized round heads, on a small frame. Produces 3-5 lb blue green heads with a nice sweet taste in storage. Excellent for narrow spacing, when spaced 12” apart it should yield perfect 18-20 box size heads. Classy wrappers, nice blue green colour. Very healthy, vigorous and uniform; easy grower. Store with wrappers on. Long-term storage. Yellows Resistant. Pkt contains 45-55 sds. 100 days


Industry standard for sauerkraut production. One of the earliest, most uniform varieties. 7.5% Cat# Description Pkt 10g 25g 100g 450g 2kg 1lb 4.4 lbs dry matter content is ideal for sauerkraut use. Dense, tight, round heads with a short solid 132 Langedijker Late Red $1.85 $4.25 $8.45 $28.95 core. Excellent resistance to splitting. 136 Red Acre 1.85 3.95 8.95 18.95 62.75 Pkt contains 45-55 sds. 92 days 133 Cairo Hybrid

113 Langedijker Winterkeeper 114 Glory of Enkhuizen

By Seed Count

117 118 119 120 133 o133 137


1.85 6.95 1.85

500 sds 1000 sds

Lennox Hybrid $3.45 $16.95 $27.95 Reaction Hybrid 3.45 17.95 28.95 Krautman Hybrid 3.65 17.95 28.50 Bronco Hybrid 2.35 9.25 15.75 Cairo Hybrid 2.45 8.95 15.95 Buscaro Hybrid Org 4.25 32.00 51.00 Ruby Perfection Hybrid 2.35 7.95 13.95

O Organic Seed

11.95 6.95

2500 sds

$52.95 54.95 53.95 31.95 34.95 94.75 28.45

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

31.25 17.95 37.50 5M

$89.95 95.95 89.50 53.95 56.95 175.00 47.50


$164.50 172.50 166.00 87.95 96.50 315.00 69.50

25 M

$345.00 375.00 365.00 184.95 210.50 735.00 145.00

PvP Plant Protected Variety

132 Langedijker Late Red

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 17


o142 Bilko Hybrid Organic

o123 Famosa Hybrid

Savoy Cabbage

Choux De Savoie - Cavolo Verza Savooie Kool Retains its green colour when cooked and has better flavour than white cabbage CULTURE: See description under Cabbage.

123 ALCOSA F-1

Improved, early maturing, deep green savoy to replace Comparsa. It quickly produces heavily crinkled, small-medium, round heads that hold well after maturing. Great for spring to summer production – does well in the heat. 65 days

o123 Famosa F-1 Organic


Excellent mid season savoy. Famosa is a top quality deep blue green savoy from Holland. It produces 3-4 lb dense round heads with an excellent cream-yellow tinted interior. Very good flavour and tender texture. Holds well when mature. Organically grown seed. 80 days

Chinese Cabbage

174 Minuteman Hybrid

Choux Chinois

Chinese cabbage and greens have increased in popularity over the last few years. Chinese cabbage is sweeter than white, red and Savoy types. CULTURE: See description under Cabbage.


Preferred variety for commercial production. Tall barrel shape. Produces highly uniform 2 kg/4.5lb heads under most growing conditions. Resists bolting and bursting. Bright green outer leaves. 75 days A171 Tarifa Hybrid

142 BLUES F-1

Widely adapted, bolt tolerant Napa type. Produces medium-sized 4-5lb heads with improved sweet, juicy flavour. Tolerant to Alternaria, Black Speck, Soft Rot and Downy Mildew. 57 days

o142 Bilko F-1 Organic


High quality, dark green Napa type with improved disease package. Bilko is an improved early season napa type that is slow to bolt when going from spring to summer. It produces 11-12�, heavy 6 lb heads that have dark green outer leaves with a soft creamy yellow centre with sweet mild taste. Resistant to Club Root, Fusarium Yellows, and Black Speck. Sow from early spring to early summer. Organically grown seed. 54 days

171 Amazing

123 Alcosa Hybrid

142 Blues Hybrid & 141 Monument Hybrid

By Seed Count

B174 Snow Crown Hybrid

18 Vegetables


A173 Cheddar Hybrid

500 sds 1000 sds

2500 sds

123 Alcosa Hybrid $2.95 $14.25 $21.95 $42.50 o123 Famosa Hybrid Organic 3.85 31.75 48.95 89.75 141 Monument Hybrid 1.95 5.25 142 Blues Hybrid 1.95 5.25 o142 Bilko Hybrid Organic 2.95 12.75 19.25 36.75

Garden Performers

AAS Winner


$69.65 168.00 16.95 16.95 62.95

Container Culture


25 M

$126.50 $275.00 275.00 545.00 27.50 49.95 27.50 49.95 113.50 245.00

HL Heirloom


Chou-Fleurs - Blumenkohle - Cavolfiore - Bloemkool Cauliflower is a cool season vegetable, easiest to grow for harvest in the late summer or fall. Its success often depends on a slow steady growth that is difficult to achieve in mid-summer. Cauliflower does best in humus-rich, moist soil. CULTURE: For early crops, start indoors 4-6 weeks before planting out. For fall crops, plant in early to mid summer. Transplant when soil is 50F/10C (early May). SOIL: Cauliflower will grow in many types of soil, as long as it is not depleted of organic matter. FERTILITY: Openpollinated varieties use twice as much nitrogen as hybrid varieties. Use moderate amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous, and potash. GERMINATION: 7-10 days at 70F/21. Do not allow seedlings to get old in packs as this causes them to button up. Only plant fresh stock. SPACING: Space rows 32” to 36” wide; 45cm/18” between plants. PESTS: Same as broccoli & cabbage. TIP: For blanched white heads, tie wrapper leaves together forming a dome as the head is beginning to form. Pick when head has completely formed. Pkt contains approx. O.P. 125-400 sds; Hybrid 30-75 sds; 200-300 sds/gm.

Early White Types B174 SNOW CROWN F-1

Earliest maturing variety. Standard variety grown for years in the North. Produces uniform 2lb heads of excellent, snow-white quality. Snow Crown has vigorous growth habit with long wrapper leaves for protection of the well-rounded, smooth curd. Recommended for spring and fall crops. 48 days


Our best cauliflower variety for spring and summer growing. Exceptionally uniform plant growth and curd formation.Produces 2-3lb, pure white, dense heads that do not become ricey or purple under adverse conditions. Excellent leaf cover in the heat of summer. Adapted to most growing regions. 53 days

Late White Types


Old heirloom variety best when planted for early and late crops. Large white heads with good taste and freezing quality. Not very uniform or heat tolerant. 75 days


Coloured Types

A172 Veronica Hybrid

Romanesco Cauliflower


Improved lime-green Cauliflower. Produces large 6-7”, uniformed heads that hold well in the field. It tolerates cold weather stress. Mediumlarge open plant habit is easier to grow than Brocoverde which it replaces. For best quality grow to mature in fall under cool weather. 72 days


Crop failure Rich, royal-purple cauliflower. Produces quality heads. Best used for Autumn-Fall plantings. Improved purple colour and plant vigour. Beautiful in salads with broccoli. Heads will look more like broccoli when under heat stress or when left too long in plugs before transplanting. Pkt contains approx. 40-50 sds. 75 days


Unusual, lime-green spiked Italian cauliflower. Better tasting than regular cauliflower with a distinctive nutty taste. Grown as a fall crop, it withstands heavy frosts better than other cauliflowers. Veronica is a uniform variety that requires minimal nitrogen. Pkt contains approx. 20-25 sds. 72 days

o172 VERONICA F-1 Organic


Same as above but organically grown seed. Pkt contains 20-25 sds. 72 days


Novelty cauliflower with attractive orange heads. It has a medium-size plant that produces smooth, domed heads with medium weight and firmness in the curds. The orange colour is due to elevated levels of beta-carotene which may be more intense if the plant is not tied.Pkt contains approx.10-15 sds. 80 days

Uniform, main season, non-hybrid variety. Amazing is as close to hybrid quality as we can find. Strong plants with thick leaf jackets withstand summer heat; producing quality, tight white curds. Provide extra nitrogen when growing. Recommended for fall. 75 days NEW

A171 Tarifa F-1

Best tasting fall cauliflower. Exceptional quality and sweet taste. Tarifa is an all new fall maturing cauliflower out of Holland. Bred for fall production Tarifa is a strong self wrapping variety that protects the curd from wet weather and freezing. It produces large white heads, with fine beads, resisting black spots that plague other types. Vigorous, erect plants withstand windy fall weather and summer heat. 80 days

A171 Tarofa Hybrid (cover leaves)

O Organic Seed

Looking at fall cauliflower trials at the Betzner farm

172 Panther Hybrid

Cat# Description Pkt 5g 25g 100g

170 Improved Snowball


171 A171 172 A172 o172 173 A173 174 B174




150 sds

Amazing 2.75 Tarifa Hybrid 3.95 8.95 Panther Hybrid 3.95 10.95 Veronica Hybrid 3.95 10.95 Veronica Hybrid Organic 5.25 15.95 Crop Failure Violet Queen Hybrid Cheddar Hybrid 5.95 24.95 Minuteman Hybrid 3.95 Snow Crown Hybrid 2.35

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

PvP Plant Protected Variety



450g 1lb

2kg 4.4 lbs

10M sds



500 sds

2500 sds

49.50 15.95 9.65

192.50 64.50 93.95 175.00 382.50 34.50 58.75 86.50 195.00

9.95 22.50 29.50 29.50 44.50

35.50 78.50 92.95 92.95 137.50

F-1 Hybrid

5M sds

53.50 99.50 215.00 135.00 235.00 165.00 165.00 232.50

Vegetables 19


Carrots Carotte - Mohren - Karotten - Wortelen An indispensable vegetable in the garden. Carrots are easy to grow and provide vegetables from late spring to early winter. Use raw, cooked or juiced. Carrots are an excellent source of beta carotene and Vitamin A. CULTURE: Can be sown from early spring to mid summer. Seed directly into deeply worked soil for optimum root growth. SOIL: Deeply tilled fertile sandy loam with good organic matter content. PH 6-7 FERTILITY: Do not apply manure in the year of sowing, as it causes carrots to become hairy. Carrots like moderate amounts of nitrogen and higher amounts of phosphate. Keep even soil moisture for high grade carrots. We have found that carrots prefer overhead watering, lightly misting their foliage, instead of drip irrigation. Adequate moisture is essential for good root formation, texture, and flavour GERMINATION: 6-15 days at 60 F/16 C. Keep soil moist until growth is seen SPACING: Seed depth 1cm/ 1/4-1/2”.Seed spacing: 1cm/1/2”. Thin out to 3-5cm/1 1/2-2” for proper root development. Closer spacing will result in smaller, shorter carrots. PESTS: Carrot Rust Fly-control: plant carrots early to mid summer to miss its cycle; Wireworm control: use a 3 year rotation and do not use soil that had grass on it the year before; Carrot Caterpillar control: spray with Ambush or BTK. HARVEST: Baby carrot types - harvest when carrot is about finger size 2cm/3/4” wide. Fresh eating types -dig as mature. Storage types - Dig up carrots after the first hard frost before the ground freezes. Place in a cool, dark location or a fridge to keep fresh until late winter. In areas where snow fall is heavy, carrots can be covered with straw and dug up throughout the winter. TIP: Cover with burlap or a wooden plank for 7 days after seeding to retain moisture and improve germination. Pkt sows 25-35ft and contains O.P. 600-1500 seeds; Hybrids 400-500 seeds; 25g sows 100m/300ft; 1-1.5kg/acre; contains approx. 400-500 sds/gm

145 Amsterdam Maxi

147 Mignon

Amsterdam / Baby Types NEW

146 Sprint

Earliest maturing carrot. Sprint is a Amsterdam type maturing 5-7 days earlier than Maxi in the spring. Excellent for coldframe and tunnel growing, Sprint excels in cool conditions. It produces 5-6” bright orange uniform roots that are alittle shorter and heavier than Maxi. Coreless and sweet. 42 days

145 Amsterdam Maxi

The standard for Amsterdam types. Maxi produces roots that can be harvested as an baby carrot or allowed to mature for long slender roots that store and freeze well. 6-8” x 1” wide, coreless, orange-scarlet roots are tender and sweet. Healthy tops. Suited for outdoor seeding and cold frames. 45-55 days

147 Mignon

Stays as a baby carrot. Mignon is a mini nantes type that keeps its small 2-3” long roots long after maturity, unlike other baby types. Good colour and sweetness. Very short (6”) fine tops. 45 days

148 paris market Atlas

Gourmet round carrots. Paris Market Atlas is a improved selection of the old Paris Market heirloom from the 18th century; chosen because of fewer offtypes and smaller core. This European selection produces uniform golf ball sized carrots with nice orange colour and excellent carrot flavour. 55 days

Nantes Types o150 NANTES II Organic

154 Nelson F-1

Sweet and smooth. Our most popular Nantes for fresh market use. Produces sweet carrots in the heat when other Nantes go bitter. Very uniform 15cm/6” roots are crisp and deep orange in colour. Healthy 10” tops are good for bunching. Recommended market variety. 59 days

o154 Yaya F-1 Organic

154 Nelson Hybrid


Very similar to Nelson. Yaya has improved root quality with uniform shape and length. Flavour, texture, and bright orange colour is excellent – almost as good as Nelson. Organically grown seed. 62 days

155 Forto Selection

Improved Open Pollinated Nantes selection from Europe. Produces good quality eating carrots that are 20cm/8” and deep orange that store well. More uniform than other O.P. types. 69 days

146 Sprint

155 Forto Selection

o154 Yaya Hybrid Organic

161 Bolero Hybrid

161 BOLERO F-1

Best Storage Nantes. Bolero produces its excellent flavour and sweetness when in storage. It keeps that quality for many months when stored, not loosing texture and sweetness like many other carrots. Smooth, slightly tapered, blunt ended 7-9” roots with strong tops and good rich orange colour. Developed for the European markets. Tolerant to Alternaria Yellows. 75 days

148 Paris Market Atlas

20 Vegetables


Organically grown seed. Re-selection from the Original Nantes. 6-7” long, 1 1/2” blunt roots. Not as uniform or as high quality as the newer Nantes Selections. Not recommended for market use. 70 days

Garden Performers

AAS Winner

Container Culture

HL Heirloom

Other Types 163 DANVERS #126

A productive variety with heavy roots suited for heavy soils. The well-known Danvers Halflong variety with real carrot flavour. Produces 6-7” broad tapered roots with strong tops and good interior colour. Good for storage. 65 days


A longer Chantenay red cored type for bunching and winter storage. Light orange flesh. Royal Chantenay is a 5-6” heavy rooted carrot with a 2” shoulder, suitable for clay soils. 65 days 157 Ibiza Hybrid

160 Rainbow Hybrid


Large, strong carrot that is red-cored and stump-rooted. Produces 12” long by 3” wide. Autumn King is an improved strain with high yields and good taste. Widely used in Europe for human use and animal feed purposes. Excellent for storage. 75 days

158 Purple Haze Hybrid

Imperator Types 157 Ibiza F-1

Sweet and flavourful Imperator carrot. Ibiza is brand new breeding out of Holland crossing the Imperator shape with the quality of a Nantes, comparable to SugarSnax but with better tipfill. Produces very uniform 12” long tapered, smooth roots, 1 ½” shoulders, with very dark orange color. Good carrot flavor and strong healthy tops, roots resist shattering. Exceptional variety for Cello bag use. Holds well in storage. 75 days

Berlicummer Types 167 BALTIMORE F-1

Large early maturing Berlicummer with exceptional taste and quality. In our taste test Baltimore was second to Nelson (our standard favourite) for smoothness, colour, tenderness, sweetness and flavour. Baltimore is a carrot for people who need large carrots but do not want to sacrifice quality. It produces 22-28cm/9-11” long, 3.8-5cm/1.5-2” diameter stump rooted carrots with healthy large tops. Excellent for fresh sticks, soups, stews, roasting, and carrot juice. Short term storage. 65 days

168 Berlicummer


AAS winner 2006. Unique coloured carrot for gourmet gardeners: a purple carrot with a striking orange core as well as excellent flavour and appearance, unlike other coloured carrot varieties. Purple Haze produces uniform, 7-9” pointed carrots which store very well. This has been an outstanding item in our trials for the last couple of years. 65 days


Excellent keeper and juicer. One of the best late, open-pollinated varieties; growing up to 10” in length with blunt ends. Coreless, orange colour, with exceptional flavour. Improved strain. 75 days


The healthiest carrot you can grow! It has unusually high amounts the antioxidantLycopene. Besides being nutritious, it has exceptional carrot taste, strong - not sweet. Nutri-Red produces long 8” pointed, Imperator shaped roots that have a red skin and red inside, which turns deep red when cooked. Strong tops. Sow in late June to avoid bolting. 75 days


Very unique multi-line hybrid. This is not a mixture of seed, but is a single variety. Colours range from oranges to yellow to white, each having a different sweet flavour. Roots are top quality, smooth, and coreless. Carrots are 7-9” long tapered to a point with healthy 12” strong tops. 70-75 days


Finally a quality pure white carrot. White carrots are native to northern Europe, but were used primarily for cattle feed due to having a woody core and not being very sweet. White Satin produces long white 7-9”roots with a slight green shoulder. Its flesh is crisp, sweet, and completely white. 65-70 days

O Organic Seed

o168 BERLICUMMER Organic

Similar to above but organically grown seed.

167 Baltimore Hybrid


145 146 148 o150 163 165 166 168 o168


By Seed Count

147 154 o154 155 157 158 159 160 161 162 167



Amsterdam Maxi $1.85 $3.25 Sprint 1.95 3.95 Paris Market #4 1.85 3.95 Nantes II Organic 1.95 4.95 Danvers #126 1.85 Royal Chantenay 1.85 Flakkee Autumn King 1.85 3.65 Berlicummer II 1.85 3.65 Berlicummer Organic 1.95 5.25

Mignon Nelson Hybrid Yaya Hybrid Organic Forto Selection Ibiza Hybrid Purple Haze Hybrid Nutri-Red Rainbow Hybrid Bolero Hybrid White Satin Hybrid Baltimore Hybrid

Short Season/Cold Tolerant



$1.95 2.35 6.25 3.65 9.95 1.85 1.95 5.95 2.65 8.95 1.95 4.95 2.65 8.95 1.95 5.65 2.45 7.95 2.25 6.25

PvP Plant Protected Variety


$5.95 16.95 32.50 3.95 15.95 21.95 15.95 24.95 13.50 23.95 17.95


$5.25 6.45 5.95 8.45 6.95 6.85 5.95 5.95 8.45 25M

$12.65 34.95 66.95 7.25 27.95 46.50 32.50 56.75 26.25 45.50 34.95

F-1 Hybrid


$16.95 17.25 16.95 17.25 18.95 19.85 16.95 14.95 21.25 100M

$39.50 91.50 210.50 24.95 79.50 157.00 98.50 167.50 72.50 152.50 109.50



2 kgs



$37.50 $120.00 44.50 129.50 39.50 136.50 54.50 195.00 49.95 59.50 37.50 120.00 37.50 120.00 61.95 195.00

$72.50 $265.00 215.50 765.00 465.00 1595.00 49.50 162.50 184.50 655.00 345.00 1225.00 226.00 795.00 345.00 1295.00 162.50 495.00 310.00 235.50 815.00

Vegetables 21


Celery / Celeriac

Celery originated in European and Mediterranean marshes where it was first used as a flavouring for foods. It is now a main salad crop grown world wide. Leaf types are widely used in European and Asian cultures for flavouring in soups and salads. CULTURE: Start indoors in March, 10-12 weeks before last frost. Transplant into large paks to keep plants from becoming root bound. Do not set out or allow temperature to dip below 50F/10C as this will cause the plant to bolt. SOIL: Celery needs a loamy or mucky soil with high amounts of organic matter. FERTILITY: Apply liberal amounts of nitrogen. Keep moisture constant to reduce chances of bitterness. GERMINATION: 10-21 days at 85F daytime, 65F/18C at night. Cover seed lightly and keep moist until growth is seen. Alternating warm days and cool nights will increase germination. SPACING: Plant in blocks 6-8” apart, 12” width. This will make watering easier. PESTS: Tarnished Plant Bug - stings celery and stunts it. Control by covering plants with a row cover or insect netting. TIP: Celery is a demanding plant. To keep it from going bitter, keep soil rich and moist. Pkt contains approx. 750-1200 sds; Organic types 65-100 sds; 1000-2000 sds/gm.

o177 Tango Hybrid Organic


Celery 175 UTAH 52-7OR

The standard stalk celery grown for many years by growers and homegardeners. 11-12” compact plants produce broad, thick, crisp stalks with a sweet, rich celery flavour. 52-70R is a improved selection of Utah, being more uniform and easier to tie. 100 days


Heirloom variety from Europe. Stalks are heavy, easily blanched. Stalk and heart are tender and crisp. Light yellow in colour. 90 days

o177 TANGO F-1 Organic


High quality, early maturing celery. Tango is a early, very uniform, vigorous growing stalk celery that produces smooth, non stringy, medium green stalks that have good sweet flavour. Its self blanching plants stand 18-20” tall and withstand heat better than other celery types. Organically grown seed. 85 days

176 Golden Self Blanching

Improved Giant Prague selection. A turnip rooted celery used in stews and soups as a vegetable. Dolvi produces large roots. More uniformed than the orginal strain. Start early indoors. 120 days

A182 PRINZ Organic


Light skinned, bunching celeriac with high tolerance against bolting. Use for early plantings under cover and also later in open field production. Prinz has a round bulb, comparably smooth, with little tuberous base. Bulbs have white interiors with firm quality, even at a large size. Plants are 40cm/16” high with dark green foliage. Organically grown seed. 110 days

o182 MARS Organic



Crop failure Mars is an elite German variety good for bunching and large bulb culture. Light coloured, high round roots with creamy white interior. Plants are robust with dark green leaves. High tolerance to Septoria which causes browning in the bulb. Organically grown seed. Pkt. contains approx. 60-75 sds. 120 days

189 Greenlof (Sugarloaf)

A182 Prinz Organic

Amsterdam Strain. A dwarf, darker green variety from Europe. Leaves mainly used for flavouring soups and stews. Stronger taste than stalk celery. Recommended for drying. This is the celery referenced by many of our Dutch customers as ‘Soup Celery’. 80 days

A188 Catalogna Laguna

182 GIANT PRAGUE ‘Dolvi’

B188 Italiko Rosso

Cat# Description Pkt 10g 25g 100g 450g 1lb

175 176 180 182

Utah 52-70R Golden Self Blanching Cutting Leaf-Amsterdam Giant Prague ‘Dolvi’

By Seed Count

180 Leaf Celery

22 Vegetables

$1.85 $4.95 $8.25 $25.95 $72.50 1.85 4.95 8.25 24.95 1.85 4.95 9.75 32.00 48.95 1.85 5.95 9.85 29.95 98.95 Pkt


o177 Tango Hybrid Organic $3.25 $7.95 A182 Prinz Organic 3.95 14.95 Crop Failure o182 Mars Organic

Garden Performers

AAS Winner


$12.25 19.95


$23.95 41.95

Container Culture



$39.75 $148.50 71.50 295.00

HL Heirloom

Chicory - Witloof - Radicchio

Chicoree A Racines -Cichoriensalat - Cicoria - Brussels Witlof Prized for its bitter taste, Chicory is a popular salad ingredient. Radicchio, Chicory, Witloof, or Belgian Endive is a European delicacy. CULTURE: Traditionally chicory was direct seeded outdoors and then thinned out. If transplanted they would produce 30-40% misformed heads. Newer hybrid varieties can be transplanted with little problems. SOIL: Rich, sandy loam with good drainage. FERTILITY: Adequate fertility and uniform amounts of water is essential for quality heads. GERMINATION: 7-12 days at 70F/21C. Keep moist until growth is seen. SPACING: when seeding outdoors sow like lettuce. Thin or transplant to 15cm/6” for chicory and 30cm/12” for Radicchio. HARVEST: Pick when heads are tight, peel away outer leaves to expose red and white heads. CULTURE: Direct sow into warmt soil in May-June. Do not allow night temperatures to dip below 5C as cold nights can cause bolting. Thin out to 15cm/6”. After first hard frost cut leaves to 1” of base. Roots should be removed to outdoor or indoor forcing pit. Cover with 6” sand or soil, with roots upright. Keep dark. Forcing time depends on temperature and variety used. Ready when tips show through the soil. The green dandelion leaves are an excellent addition to salads. Pkt contains approx. O.P. 500-1000 sds; Hybrids 200-300 sds;400-600 sds/gm.

Leaf types

Forcing types 185 MECHELSE PPZ STRAIN

An improved variety from the popular Witloof growing region, Mechelen in Belgium. The PPZ strain makes very uniform roots which will produce 5” heads of high quality. For indoor and outdoor forcing with soil cover.

188 FLASH F-1

More uniform variety for early forcing. Flash needs a shorter dormant stage before forcing than Mechelse and can be stored longer before forcing than other varieties. Best variety for hydroponic forcing. This variety can be forced without cover which produces cleaner better quality witloof. Roots can be set in soil, moist perlite or water, using trays or pails. ‘Market’

o189 Leonardo Hybrid Organic

D189 Fiero Hybrid


186 Galatina

Unusual chicory type from Italy. This chicory forms voluminous heads with long, indented leaves, dark green with pronounced white ribs. At the base of the heads short, wide cusps grow, giving it a shape similar to a pine cone. When the leaves are cut off, young shoots from the inside are often cut and used like asparagus, this is an Italian specialty known as puntarelle. 70 days

A189 Rita

Traditional open pollinated Radicchio from Italy. Many customers have requested a more economical Radicchio for direct seeding. Rita forms medium sized, well wrapped, concave heads with bright red leaves and white crisp ribs. For direct seeding only, will not form heads from transplant like the Hybrid types. 85 days


Italian dandelion type. Deeply serrated dandelion-like leaves used many ways in Italian Cuisine. Can be picked as a baby salad green or allowed to grow for bunching.

Early variety for spring and summer production. Produces #1 quality heads with 90-100% forming. This variety produces large round heads with improved firmness, internal colour, and heat tolerance. Can be grown in plugs unlike the older types. 68 days


o189 LEONARDO F-1 Organic O


Red stalked and red veined broadleaf. Italian dandelion type.

189 GREENLOF (Sugarloaf)

A vegetable combining the qualities of Endive and Witloof. Can be used raw in salads or cooked as Endive. Seed May-June for heads in the fall. 70 days

Attractive red/white heads for late summer and fall harvest. Leonardo produces large, round, tight heads that withstand cool weather better than other varieties. Can be started in plugs without twisting problems. Organically grown seed. 81 days

Tall Trevisio type D189 FIERO F-1

This is the fanciest type available. Produces the most uniform, deep coloured, 8-9” cylindrical heads. Better bolt resistance and heat tolerance then O.P. types. 70 days 188 Flash Hybrid

Cat# Description Pkt 5g 10g 25g 100g 450g 1lb

185 Mechelse PPZ Strain $1.95 186 Galatina 1.85 188 Flash Hybrid 2.25 5.95 9.50 A188 Catalogna Special Laguna 1.85 B188 Italiko Rosso 1.85 189 Greenlof (Sugarloaf) 1.95 A189 Rita 1.85 4.25 By Seed Count

B189 Indigo Hybrid o189 Leonardo Hybrid Organic D189 Fiero Hybrid

O Organic Seed


$3.45 5.25 3.45


$5.95 8.95 6.45


$18.95 27.95 21.95

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

$9.45 $32.50 $88.50 6.95 19.95 19.50 62.50 4.95 16.25 42.50 4.95 16.95 39.95 4.95 13.95 29.50 9.50 22.50 78.50


$64.50 93.50 68.50



PvP Plant Protected Variety

B189 Indigo Hybrid

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 23


Sweet Corn

Bi-Colour Types B192 VITALITY f-1

Mais Sucre - Zucker - Suiker Mais Sweet corn has become more popular over the last 15 years due to improved varieties that mature earlier and stay sweet longer. Most varieties are hybrids because of the intense breeding done on sweet corn. CULTURE: Sow outdoors in late spring when soil is warm, usually 2-4 weeks after field corn is planted. Cool weather and excessive moisture will cause poor seed emergence. SOIL: Corn can be grown in a wide range of soil types. Opt. pH 6.0 to 6.8 FERTILITY: Corn thrives on liberal amounts of Nitrogen. Apply part before planting and again when corn is about 2ft high. For proper ear placement and fill out, corn requires adequate moisture. GERMINATION: 5-7 days at 70 F/21C. Cool soil will decrease germination. SPACING: Sow 6-10cm/2-4” (6-8” machine seeding) apart and 1cm/1/2” deep in rows 75cm/30” apart. Thin out to 20cm/8”. PESTS: Main pests are ear worms & corn maggots. Control earworms with BTK applied to husks at time of pollination and 1 week after. Corn maggots can be controlled by seed treatment. Untreated sweet corn seed is more susceptible to temperature change and insect damage. In our area, rusts are the main disease problem in late summer. Use tolerant varieties if growing in late summer. TIPS: For proper pollination plant the same variety in blocks of 4 rows or more. Pkt contains 35g (unless otherwise indicated) and sows approx. 50ft; 125g sows 120ft; 450g sows 450ft; 5 kg/acre; 4000-5000 sds/kg

Our best early, bicolour, triplesweet variety. Vitality combines sweetness, cob quality, and early maturity, which is difficult to find in early sweet corn. It performs well in cold soil and is well-suited for the early market. The 8” ears have 14-16 rows with good husk protection and outstanding eating quality. Recommend market variety. 66-68 days


Also known as Honey and Cream. The traditional early bicolour for most areas, having improved cob quality over Quikie. Pick when ready for it will not hold long in the field. Cobs are 12.5” long with 12-14” rows. 70 days

B192 Vitality Hybrid

Yellow types NEW


191 Spring Treat F-1

Earliest yellow for northern areas. Spring Treat produces 7 ½” cobs with 14-16 rows that have great flavor and a sugar enhanced package for longer harvest. Plants are short 5’ in height and have tolerance to NLB, SW and rust. Good cool soil vigor. 66 days


Outstanding eating quality. Kandy King is our second best yellow. While it is not as early as other early yellows, it is much better quality than Seneca Horizon, but only a few days later. It produces attractive top size 23cm/9” cobs with 16 rows of sweet juicy kernals. Excellent tip fill and easy to pick plus it holds the sweetness for extended harvest. Shows tolerance to rusts and Stewarts Wilt. 73 days


Beautiful crimson-green husks with bright yellow kernals. Kandy Korn was one of the first sucessful yellow SE types and as its name suggests, the 8-9” cobs contain sweet yellow kernels, delicious for fresh eating and also for freezing. Kandy Korn’s crimson stalks and red-green husks give extra colour to the garden. ‘Freezer’ 85 days


200 Honey Select Hybrid

Always the real winner in our garden. It is the sweetest yellow corn we have tried. Honey Select features tenderness, flavor, and sweetness, and tends to produce large 8-9”, refined ears with medium green husks and good flags. High sugars with real corn taste plus excellent field holding capability. Highly recommended and award winning (AAS winner 2001). Triplesweet. 78 days Cat# Description Pkt 125g (40g)

24 Vegetables


Excellent main season variety. Jackpot produces uniform 16-18 row, 8-9” blunt ended cobs with improved white and yellow kernel placement. Sweet and tender kernels are suited for onthe-cob eating, cutting and freezing. Plants are strong and healthy with little to no tillering, often producing 2 cobs per plant. One of the best varieties for later sowing due to its resistance to Rust and Stewart’s Wilt. Pkt = 35g. 78 days NEW

o196 Luscious F-1 Organic

Main season Bicolor available as Organic. Luscious produces large 8” blunt ears are easy to pick and are filled to the tip, even under adverse conditions. 16-18 rows of white and yellow kernals packed with real corn taste. Strong healthy plants have tolerance to NLB, SW and rust. Average soil vigour. 75 days


The first Triplesweet corn. Exceptional eating quality, Serendipity has high sugars with real corn taste and excellent field holding capability. Good vigorous plants produce 8” long cobs with 16-18 rows of tender kernels. Highly recommended. Extended harvest ability. Triplesweet. 82 days Note: Our seed is not treated. Due to unpredictability of soil temperatures and moisture, we cannot be held liable for germination failure when soil is too cool or wet. For early crops we suggest seeding only part and covering with a row cover. 450g 1lb

2 kg 4.4 lbs

5 kg 11 lbs



10 kg 22 lbs*

192 Peaches & Cream Early $3.85 A192 Peaches & Cream Mid 3.75 193 Kandy King 3.95 196 Jackpot Hybrid 3.95 199 Kandy Korn Hybrid 3.95 200 Honey Select (Pkt=25g) 3.45 201 Serendipity (Pkt=25g) 3.25

$6.25 $15.95 5.25 16.25 5.95 17.95 6.95 18.95 5.95 16.75 7.95 19.50 7.95 19.85

$55.95 $115.50 52.95 115.00 59.85 121.95 64.95 135.00 59.50 118.50 71.50 158.00 69.85 142.50

$219.00 210.00 221.00 245.00 221.00 265.00 263.95

191 Spring Treat (125sds) $2.95 B192 Vitality (125sds) $4.95 o196 Luscious Org (125sds) $4.95

6.95 16.95 $8.95 $25.95 8.95 26.95

66.50 135.00 $89.50 $195.00 89.50 195.00

265.00 $345.00 345.00

By Seed Count

A192 Peaches & Cream Mid Hybrid

The original bi-colour variety. Produces kernel on 20cm/8” cobs of 16-18 rows. Old corn taste in a bi-colour package. 85 days

Garden Performers


AAS Winner



Container Culture


22.5kg 50 lbs**

$465.00 435.00 425.00 495.00 445.00 545.00 545.00

HL Heirloom


201 Serendipity Hybrid

A214 Corentine Hybrid

B212 Eureka Hybrid

Pickling Cucumbers Cornichons

CULTURE: See Cucumbers SPACING: For hand harvest plant 4 seeds per hill 18-24” apart in rows 4-5 feet. Tip: When harvesting pickles, pick when young. Do not allow pickles to mature or your yield will be dramatically reduced. Many growers have shown interest in Patio Pickle which is a true bush hybrid type and can be planted in high densities. Seed requirements: 25g-100ft; 1-2 kg/ 2.5-4 lbs/acre. Pkt contains approx. O.P 40-120 sds; Hybrids 20-60 sds; 30-40 sds/gm.

211 MATHILDE F-1 196 Jackpot Hybrid

Extra early, heavily productive pickle. An early-maturing parthenocarpic hybrid pickling cucumber developed for northern climates where temperatures are cool or pickles need to be grown under cover. It is not dependent on insect pollination. Mathilde produces 6-7 fruits at each node. Spined fruits have an attractive dark green colour, good consistency, and no bitterness. Suitable for fresh market and processing. Like Cool Breeze, it can be grown in tunnels and under cover without needing to allow bees to pollinate. Resistant to Cucumber Mosaic Virus, Cladosporium, and Powdery Mildew, tolerant to Downy Mildew 42 days


192 Peaches & Cream Early

Very early, improved European Gherkin. Developed for the eastern European market, which demands high quality, early gherkins with slow seed development. Corentine is a smooth skin gherkin that stays crisp long after picking. Being parthenocarpic, it does not require pollination and is suited to tunnel growing, where conditions do not allow for mechanical pollination. Strong plants with good vigour have the ability to set fruit under cool conditions. Good for use as pickles or mini cucumbers. 45 days


Grows to 6” in length, for use in all types of pickling. Light green in colour, 3” long x 2” thick 55 days


Excellent dark-green main season variety. Considered the industry standard, Eureka is one of the nicest pickling varieties. Produces quality pickles with an excellent length-diameter ratio of 3:1. Eureka is very disease tolerant and consistently out yields all other varieties. 54 days

o212 SUMTER Organic


One of the darker green, better quality open pollinated varieties. Sumter produces good quality blocky fruit, its plants have a better than average tolerance to PW, ALS + SLAB. organically grown seed. 55 days


The standard home garden pickle. Has vigourous vines producing medium green blocky fruit ( length-diameter ratio of 2.5) with black spines. Developed by the University of Wisconsin. It is resistant to Scab and Cucumber Mosaic. 56 days

Cat# Description Pkt 5g 25g 100g 450g 2 kg 1lb 4.4 lbs

210 National Pickling 1.85 4.25 8.45 26.75 78.00 o212 Sumter Organic 2.05 7.95 15.95 42.50 214 Wisconsin SMR 58 1.85 4.95 8.45 25.50 75.00 By Seed Count

211 Mathilde Hybrid

O Organic Seed







211 Mathilde Hybrid 2.75 6.95 17.95 62.50 178.95 365.00 B212 Eureka Hybrid 2.45 6.95 17.45 52.95 153.50 335.00 A214 Corentine Hybrid 2.65 6.95 18.45 63.95 225.00 485.00

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

PvP Plant Protected Variety

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 25



Concombre - Gurken - Cetrioli Komkommers For many years Cucumbers have been a main item to many home gardens. The cucumber is native to India and western Asia where it has been cultivated for over 3000 years. In the early 9th century it was introduced to Europe. Cucumbers are high in purified water, contains numerous minerals particularly magnesium and phosphorus, and Vitamin A&C. Today, many types of cucumbers are available each having its distinct growing form and ethnic use. CULTURE: Cucumbers are warm season plants, temperatures under 55F/10C can severely affect plants. Can be started indoors or outdoors. SOIL: Cucumbers prefer well drained, light textured soils, but will grow on almost every type of soil. FERTILITY: Apply a slow release, well rounded fertilizer before planting. Cucumbers require even moisture especially when fruits are forming. GERMINATION: 5-7 days at least 70 F/21C. If soil is cool, cucumber seeds will not germinate. SPACING: Sow seeds 3-6cm/1-2” apart and 1cm/ 1/2” deep in rows 4-6 feet apart. Thin out to 20cm/8” or plant 3-4 seeds in hills 24” apart. PESTS: The main pests are the striped cucumber beetle (which attacks young plants and spreads Mosaic), and the squash vine borer (controls moths). Control with Rotenone, Ambush, Diatomaceaous Earth, or row covers. Many diseases can attack cucumbers. The best controls are using resistant cultivars and crop rotation. Tip: We prefer starting cucumbers indoors in 4” pots (3-4 seeds/pot) for even germinating temperatures. When transplanting, plant as a clump - do not break apart. Pkt contains approx. O.P. 40-125 sds; Hybrids 6-35 sds; 30-40 sds/gm.

o202 Flamingo Hybrid Organic

Greenhouse Types

Extra Long Types

Needs warmer soil temperature (75F/24C) for proper germination. For other types that can also be grown in the greenhouse, see varieties #A209, #A203, A207, and A214.

o202 FLAMINGO F-1 ORGanic


Greenhouse slicing variety for year round growing. Produces straight 14-16” dark green, smooth skinned, seedless fruits. Flamingo can be grown in soil or substrate media. It is a hardy plant, resistant to Powdery Mildew, Pythium Rot, Corynespora Blight, and Scab. Parthenocarpic Organically grown seed. Pkt (7sds) $11.95; 25 sds $33.50; 150sds $149.50; 500sds $395.00

e202 PALLADIUM F-1 ORGanic


Greenhouse slicing variety for growing in soil. Palladium is meant for production in summer and early autumn, as it does well in the heat. High yielding plants with uniform 35-40cm/14-16” dark green fruits. Resistance to Corynespora Blight, Scab, Powdery Mildew, and Heat Scorch. Parthenocarpic. Organically grown. Pkt (7sds) $12.95; 25 sds $35.50; 150sds $153.50; 500sds $395.00


Long, dark green, smooth, mostly seedless fruits. Crisp, fresh 15-17” long fruits yield prolifically. More economical for outdoor culture. Best grown on a trellis system. Needs to have pollination to produce fruit. Pkt contains 20-30sds. 57 days


Powdery & Downy Mildew Tolerant! Reintroduction from the 90s. Tasty Green was always one of our favourite Japanese style burpless cucumber, but was unavailable untreated until recently. Tasty Green produces 10-12” slender, bright green cucumbers. For optimum taste and tenderness pick when 1/2”-1” thick. Suitable for greenhouse culture if pollinated. Grows straighter when it is trellised. 65 days



Better tasting, burpless cucumber. Great flavour-fresh and sweet. It produces 10-12” long, smooth dark green fruits on vigorous, healthy plants. Sweeter Yet can be trellised for straightest fruit or allowed to crawl on ground. Best picked when 1 1/2-2” in diameter. Multiple disease tolerances. Gynoecious - requires a pollinator. 55 days

A203 Salad Bush Hybrid


This is the earliest yielding cucumber. Being an all-female flowered, parthenocarpic (type not requiring pollination to form fruits) slicing table cucumber, it can yield almost a week earlier than other types. Grows well outdoors on the ground or on a trellis. In the greenhouses it produces an abundance of long, dark green, bitterfree, 9-11” fruits. Disease resistant. 48 days B206 Progress Hybrid

C206 Sweeter Yet Hybrid

26 Vegetables

A209 Sweet Success Hybrid

Improved Tasty Green. Better colour and improved straightness. Same high quality taste and texture. Highly recommended for all purposes. Crisp, tasty, burpless, 10-14” slim fruits of dark green colour. Easy to digest for those who have problems with other types. Pick young when 1” thick for best quality. Early and long bearing. 60 days

Garden Performers

AAS Winner

Container Culture

HL Heirloom

204 Iznik Hybrid

209 Sweet Slice Hybrid

Bush Types

208 Fanfare Hybrid

Mid-East Types


Good quality, open pollinated semi-bush variety. Produces a good yield of medium green, 6-8” fruits. Not for container growing because Spacemaster requires more plants for proper pollination. 60 days


One of the heaviest yielding cucumbers available. Produces an abundance of 8-9” straight dark green fruits on healthy compact plants. Being parthenocarpic, it does not require pollination and produces fruits early. Excellent variety for container growing. Disease resistance and tolerant to: Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildew, Cucumber Scab, Mosaic Virus, and Target Leaf Spot. 50 days

204 iznik F-1

Excellent mini cucumbers for container gardens. Iznik produces shiny green finger length (4”/10cm) cucumbers with smooth skins that make a crispy fresh snack. Since it is parthenocarpic and high yielding (up to 5 fruits per leaf axil) it is perfect for container cultivation or in small gardens. 48 days


Rich green Middle Eastern cucumber. Babylon is the most popular variety in the Middle East, where it was sold exclusively for the past 5 years. Babylon produces a more consistent length x diameter ratio than Amira, which it replaces. Like Amira, it is an extremely heavy yielder with a good tolerance to Downy and Powdery Mildew. Best picked when 3-4” long. 55 days

A207 DIVA F-1

AAS winner 2002. Crisp bitter free cucumbers. One of the sweetest in our tests. Diva’s fruits are 4”, slender and smooth, glossy green in colour. Plants are healthy, semi-bush habit and are adapted to most growing areas in North America. Diva is a parthenocarpic (female flowered) Beta Alpha type which does not need pollination and contains few seeds. Tolerance to Heat, Powdery Mildew and Scab. 52 days

207 Babylon Hybrid

Standard American Slicers 205 STRAIGHT EIGHT


Popular, light green cucumber. Produces 6-8” long by 2 1/2 -3” wide fruits. Widely adapted and used for salads and pickling purposes. 68 days


Best open pollinated variety for market use. Before the introduction of hybrid varieties, Marketmore was the industry standard. It is a productive slicing cucumber variety with dark green 20cm/8” fruits. More tolerant to Cucumber Scab, Mosaic, Powdery Mildew, Angular Leaf Spot and Aanthracnose than other O.P.’s. 65 days

o206 MARKETMORE 70 Organic

Similar to above, but organically grown seed. 68 days



One of the heaviest yielding slicing cucumbers in our trials. Produces smooth, cylindrical, darkgreen, 8-9” fruits on healthy, semi-dwarf vines. High quality uniform fruits, and with a longer harvest period. Fanfare is resistant and tolerant to many diseases such as: Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildew, Cucumber Mosaic Virus, Ang Cat# Description Pkt 5g 25g 100g 450g 2 kg 1lb 4.4 lbs Leaf Spot, Anthracnose, and Scab. 55 days

A202 Telegraph Improved 203 Spacemaster 80 205 Straight Eight 206 Marketmore 76 o206 Marketmore 70 Organic

By Seed Count

$1.95 $6.95 1.85 3.25 1.85 1.85 2.25 3.95 Pkt


$18.50 5.95 4.95 5.25 9.45 500sds

$51.50 12.25 8.95 8.95 26.95


$185.00 39.75 23.75 74.50 26.50 88.50 75.50 10Msds


E202 Palladium Hybrid Organic S ee below description for prices o202 Flamingo Hybrid Organic See below description for prices A203 Salad Bush Hybrid $4.95 $24.95 $58.95 $199.50 204 Iznik Hybrid 6.95 94.95 238.00 825.00 A206 Tasty Green Hybrid 1.95 6.95 16.95 58.50 182.50 425.00 B206 Progress Hybrid 2.45 12.50 32.50 125.00 345.00 C206 Sweeter Yet Hybrid 2.85 8.25 20.95 74.50 215.00 207 Babylon Hybrid 2.35 7.95 19.95 69.95 205.00 495.00 A207 Diva Hybrid 1.95 5.95 12.45 32.95 91.25 208 Fanfare Hybrid 2.35 6.95 18.75 72.50 245.00 495.00 209 Sweet Slice Hybrid 2.95 9.25 23.95 84.50 292.50 A209 Sweet Success Hybrid 6.95 38.95 73.50 335.00

O Organic Seed

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

PvP Plant Protected Variety


Burpless and bitterfree! Sweet Slice was the first American cucumber to be burpless. Fruits are 9” long and 2” wide, can be picked thinner; no need to peel skin. Healthy plants are one of the earliest field cucumbers. 52 days

A206 Tasty Green Hybrid

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 27


Eggplant Aubergine

Native to India, the eggplant has been cultivated for 1500 years in Asia. It is known as Aubergine or Brinjal in many countries, it adopted the Eggplant name from early American settlers because early varieties resembled goose eggs. It is a member of the Solanium family in close relation to peppers, potatoes and tomatoes. Eggplants come in many different shapes and colors, relative to the ethnic groups. Eggplants are a source of folic acid. CULTURE: Eggplant is a warm season plant similar to Tomatoes. Start indoors in AprilMay or 8 weeks before planting in the garden. Transplant outdoors after danger of frost is gone and night time temperatures are above 50F/10C. See Tomatoes for more cultural information. Tip: Harvest before becoming fully mature for longer storage. Pkt contains approx. O.P. 70-200 sds; Hybrids 40-50sds; 150-300 sds/gm

Striped Fruits o222 Rosa Bianca Organic


Midseason, open- pollinated, Italian heirloom. 3 to 4 inch by 5 inch, 2 to 4 pound white fruit with lavender streaks and a creamy, puddinglike flesh. Fruit is narrow at the top, widening with indentations almost in folds like fabric. Organically grown seed. 80 days NEW

223 Calliopie F-1

Striped baby fruits. Calliope produces beautiful purple striped with white fruits with green calyx. Asian style fruits that can be picked as 2” baby or left to mature to 3-4” size. High yielding under cool conditions. Plants are nearly spineless. 64 days

215 Batavian No. 5

Endive - Escarole

Chicoree Scarole-Endiven-Cicoria -Scarola-Andijvie Endive originated as a staple vegetable in Europe. Presently it is one of the main salad greens in the world. Endive can be eaten in a salad or cooked like spinach. It has a bitter-sweet taste. CULTURE: Start outdoors in June to avoid bolting in cold weather. Curled types: Sow outdoors early spring to July. Sow like lettuce. Thin or transplant 30cm/12” apart. Blanch heads by tying leaves up to produce a milder flavour. Pkt sows approx. 30ft row; and contains 900-2000 sds; 600-1000 sds/gm.

221 Black Enorma Hybrid

223 Calliopie Hybrid

Broadleaf Escarole

Dark Purple fruits



Very early with extra large fruits. Black Enorma produces traditional eggplants long before other varieties start setting. Medium sized plants are strong and suited to outdoor and cold frame growing. Fruits are 500-680g, long oval shaped, with attractive shiny dark black colour and green calyxes.Shown to have tolerance to Bacterial Wilt. 59 days-baby, 65 days


Improved dark purple, extra long tear-drop Italian eggplant. Vittoria can be picked as small baby tear-drop eggs, which are preferred in Middle Eastern cuisine, or allowed to mature to 10” in length. Early and vigorous grower. Green calyx. 60 days


Long slender oriental type. Millionaire is extra early and produces 200g brilliant black 11” fruits with a dark purple calyx. Its plants are upright, medium in height and suitable for greenhouse and open field culture. Millionaire is one of the best quality oriental long types that we have tested. 60- 65 days A224 Millionaire Hybrid

28 Vegetables


216 Perlita Organic O

Exceptional Batavian type from Germany. It will set heads under adverse conditions because it has a very good bolt tolerance. Unlike other broadleaf types it can be planted in the spring for summer harvest. It produces full Batavian heads that are tight, self blanching with a soft yellowish green heart and full of flavor. For open field and green house production.

Frilly - Frisee type


Shoe-lace leaf frisee. Compared to Neo, Rhodos is more of a serrated type with less curls. It produces a dense self blanching head that is excellent in salad mixes. Both heat and cold tolerant. 50 days


‘Frisee type' crisp and tender. For salads and garnishing. Rich green, finely cut, curled leaves which can be blanched to creamy white by tying. 70 days Cat# Description Pkt 5g 15g 25g 100g 450g 1lb

215 Batavian #5 216 Perlita Organic 217 Rhodos 220 Green Curled Ruffec o222 Rosa Bianca Organic

$1.85 3.95 14.65 32.95 2.25 9.65 23.95 1.85 2.45 6.45 14.95

221 Black Enorma Hybrid 222 Vittoria Hybrid 223 Calliopie Hybrid A224 Millionaire Hybrid

$1.95 $4.95 $12.95 $44.50 1.95 4.95 12.95 51.50 2.95 10.95 32.95 92.95 1.95 5.95 13.95 52.00

By Seed Count

o222 Rosa Bianca Organic

Traditional Dutch endive for blanching and cooking. Forms an extra large, well filled head which readily blanches itself to a creamy yellow inside. Fullheart strain. 85 days

Garden Performers

AAS Winner


250 sds


$4.65 $9.95 $28.00 39.95 99.95 34.25 99.50 4.25 9.25 28.00 19.95

Container Culture




$69.50 $142.50 83.50 78.00

HL Heirloom


Foeniculum vulgare Popular European and Mediterranean bulb vegetable. The bulb, stalks and leaves are used in recipes having an annise like flavour. Fennel is a great source of vitamin C and phytonutrient Anethole.

Foliage types 433 FINNOCHIO/FLORENCE

Recommended for foliage use. Will form a bulb (100 days) at the base of the stem which has a sweet anise flavour. It can be eaten raw or cooked. The seeds are used for flavouring. Pkt=150-200 sds.

435 Orion Hybrid

B139 Mei Qing Choi Hybrid

Pak Choy Bok choi


Red tinged foliage with a distinct liquorice flavour. It produces a strong tap root rather than a bulb. Foliage is useful in cooking and salads, and as a filler in flower arrangements. It is a hardy perennial in our area. Pkt=150-200sds.

Bulbing Types o433 FINALE ORGANIC

Highly regarded in Asian cuisine. Used in stir fries, casseroles, soups and salads. Easy to grow. CULTURE: Sow in spring to fall in succession for constant yields. Sow bolt tolerant varieties from June to August. Pkt contains approx. O.P. 500-600 sds; Hybrids 100-150 sds; 250-300 sds/gm.


Healthy upright growing foliage and firm, uniform bulbs. Resists bolting in heat for earlier summer production. Matures in about 80 days. Organically grown seed. Pkt=100-150 sds.

A139 Joi Choi Hybrid


Preferred type for baby greens. Common, open pollinated type. 50 days

434 Bronze Fennel Smokey

435 ORION F-1


Superior selection of Florence Fennel for market growers. Baseball-sized, (3 1/2”) flat-round, white bulbs that mature in about 80 days. Orion is bolt resistant and tip-burn tolerant. Pkt=40-50sds.

Best all-round pak choy for both baby production and harvesting full sized. Joi choi produces a heavy bunch with snow white petioles and dark green, well rounded leaves. Its strong plants resist bolting both in cold and heat unlike other varieties. Very well rounded base gives an excellent presentation at market. 50 days

B139 MEI QING CHOI F-1 o433 Fennel, Finale Organic

The preferred green stemmed Pak Choy. Mei Qing Choi produces small compact vase shaped plants that can be picked both as a ‘baby’ and as a full sized bunch. Its petioles are light, pale green and flat with rich green leaves. Like Joi Choi, it is very uniform and slow to bolt under heat and cold stress. 45 days

433 Finnochio/Florence

C139 Ming Choi F-1

216 Perlita Organic

Ming Choi is a brand new dwarf pak choi that has outstanding bolt resistance. In the past couple of years we have trialed many dwarf varieties, of which many bolted too soon. Similar to Joi Choi, but growing only 2/3rds the size, very compact, and heavy. Ming Choi produces sturdy snow white petioles with dark green slightly savoyed leaves. For mini- size C139 Ming Choi Hybrid space plants 2-3” apart. 35-40 days Cat# Description Pkt 2g 10g 25g 100g 450g 1lb

139 Canton White Stem 433 Florence Fennel o433 Finale Organic 434 Smokey-Bronze Fennel

$1.85 2.95 $5.25 1.95 3.25 4.95 2.95 5.95 17.95 35.75 2.25 3.95 11.75 21.50

$12.50 $21.50 12.95 32.50 105.95

A139 Joi Choi Hybrid B139 Mei Qing Choi Hybrid C139 Ming Choi Hybrid 435 Orion Hybrid

$1.95 $5.95 $17.95 1.95 6.25 18.25 1.95 6.75 19.75 2.45 5.85 17.95 64.95

$29.95 $62.50 29.50 59.75 34.95 62.50

By Seed Count

217 Rhodos

O Organic Seed

Short Season/Cold Tolerant


PvP Plant Protected Variety

250 sds


F-1 Hybrid




Vegetables 29


612 Red Flash Orach

611 Red Leaf

Specialty & Oriental Greens

The market for specialty & Japanese greens has increased rapidly in the past few years due to public interest in salads, salad mixtures, and international cuisine. Please find listed below our selection of greens, most of which grow best in the spring and fall. Pkt contains approx. 2 gm.

Amaranth 611 RED LEAF

Interesting red leaves with soft texture. Used to brighten up salads. 800-1200 sds/gm. Pkt=1 gm.


New vegetable amaranth from the Orient that is very attractive in a salad mix. Large light green round leaves with distinct burgundy centres and veins. Also known as Calaloo in Caribbean cultures. 25 days

Atriplex 612 Red Flash Orach

New vigorous Atriplex with outstanding colour. Colourful salad ingredient from Europe. Reddish arrow shaped leaves with fuschia undersides. Can be picked off allowing plant to continue growing. Similar in culture to spinach. Bred in Europe for the baby and cut greens industry. 300-400 sds/gm. Pkt=1gm.

607 Green Wave


609 Tsoi-Sim


600 CHOHO F-1

Hybrid cross between Tatsoi and Komatsuna. Used in Japanese cooking. Dark green leaves are thick and semi-savoyed; plants are upright and uniform. Highly tolerant against Downy Mildew, White Rust and Heat. Pkt=1gm.


601 Chrysanthemum coronarium Garland. Aromatic greens. Round, serrated, large, thick leaves with attractive bright green colour. Vigorous grower when planted in spring and late summer. Used in Japanese cooking and salads.



Cold hardy. Heart shaped leaves are used to give salads a fresh taste. Grows best in cool weather. Also known as winter purslane. 1200-1500 sds/ gm. Pkt=3/4gm.



Easy to grow. Upright, fresh green plant produces tender, mild stalks with dark green rounded leaves. Good for salads and braising.

Mibuna 603 MIBUNA - Green Spray F-1


Peppergrass. A quick growing, extra curly cress that is ready to eat in two weeks. Tasty on sandwiches or in salads. Pkt=5g. 10 days


Vigorous, high yielding variety with slender, smooth, non-lobed leaves. Mild taste for use in salads and stir fries. Pkt=1/2 gm.


Barbarea verna praecox. An alternative to Watercress, more pungent than regular cress, but suited to dry areas. Barbarea has dark green rosettes of leaves that are used in salads and braising. Annual; 450-600sds/gm.



Reselection, having more upright and uniform serrated leaves. Mild spicy flavor. Holds well after harvest. Organically grown seed.

Nasturtium officinale. Succulent, pungent leaves that grow best in or next to water. Harvest when plants are 10-30cm/4-12”. Aqua has a larger leaf and is higher yielding than other types. Recommended for professional use. Perennial. 3500-4000 sds/gm. Pkt=3/4gm.

Very prolific, bolt tolerant green producing up to 200 stems with holly-like serrated leaves. Excellent in gourmet salads and stir-fry. NEW

o604 Lahav Organic O


a604 Red Frills Organic O

Deeply notched purple-red serrated leaves. Great filler in baby salad mixes. Medium hot spicy mustard flavour. Organically grown.

620 Healthkick Salad Blend

Healthkick Salad Blend 620 HEALTHKICK SALAD BLEND

Serve up a bowl of phyto-nutrients, attractively packaged in an assortment of greens and lettuces. Contains varieties of kale, mustard, lettuce, etc. High in folic acid, antioxidants, and beta carotene. For braising or salads. Pkt (2g)$1.85; 10g $3.95; 25g $6.95; 100g $21.50; 450g $62.00

30 Vegetables

o610 Green Coin Organic

Garden Performers

AAS Winner

614 Hu Hsien

630 Garden Cress

Container Culture

HL Heirloom

Purslane -Pourpier

603 Mibuna

605 Fun Jen

A604 Mizuna Red Frills Organic

Mustard Popular oriental green used to add zest to salads. Can also be served lightly cooked.


Fast growing, productive Pai-Tsai green from Taiwan. Fun Jen is a sweet tasting, mild mustard with crisp tender leaves and stems. Produces smooth, white petioles with slightly wrinkled light green broad leaves. Plant is semispreading and is tolerant to both heat and cold. Can be picked as a bunch as soon as 35 days from sowing. 35 days

A popular European vegetable prepared as a cooked green or used raw in salads like spinach. High in omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin E (7X that of spinach). CULTURE: Purslane likes warm soil to germinate. SOIL: Greens will tolerate a broad range of soils, but prefers warm sandy loam. PH 6.5-7 FERTILITY: Ensure adequate levels of nitrogen for proper leaf color. Excessive fertilizing will cause rapid growth and weak stems. GERMINATION: Sow outdoors in warm soil. SPACING: Seed thick like spinach. 3 seeds per inch. PESTS: Few known other than some molds that form under high humidity. Contains 2500-3500 sds/gm.


Upright growing. Cut when about 4-6� tall. A cultivated form of wild purslane (Portulaca oleracea). Seed June-Aug. 20-30 days

331 GOLDEN 601 Garland

602 Komatsuna

600 Choho

613 Miners Lettuce

606 Deep Purple

Large, medium-green with golden tinge with upright growth habit for easy picking. Adds a crisp and lemony flavour to salads. High in antioxidants. 20-30 days

New purple mustard. Produces top quality mustard greens that turn purple earlier and deeper than other varieties. Outstanding colour in our spring, summer, and fall trials. Excellent for baby greens and full sized heads.


Light green frilled leaves with pungent flavour. Can also be used as trap crop for flea beetles.

Tsoi-sim 609 TSOI-SIM

Flowering brassica. Thick shiny leaves on tender stalks. Eat when young stalks get flowers. Chinese origin.

Tatsoi 610 TATSOI

Popular oriental vegetable used for cooking and as a salad green. Spoon shaped, thick green leaves form a compact rosette growth. Tender and flavourful. High vitamin content. NEW

o610 Green Coin Org


Top quality Tatsoi, bred and reselected for colour and strong leaf structure. Mild mustard flavor. Great for salad blends.

606 Deep Purple

O Organic Seed

610 Tatsoi

330 Green

Cat# Description Pkt 5g 25g 100g

331 Golden

450g 1 lb

2kg 4.4 lbs

330 Purslane Green $1.85 $2.95 $6.95 $19.95 $42.50 331 Purslane Golden 1.95 3.75 10.95 31.50 600 Choho Hybrid 1.95 4.65 13.95 44.50 135.00 601 Chry. / Garland 1.85 4.95 16.95 56.50 602 Komatsuna 1.85 3.25 5.95 14.95 39.50 155.50 603 Mibuna-Green Spray 1.95 5.45 16.95 45.95 128.50 604 Mizuna 1.85 4.95 14.95 28.50 99.50 o604 Mizuna -Lahav Organic 1.95 3.95 6.95 17.95 42.95 A604 Mizuna-Red Frills Org 1.95 4.95 9.65 21.95 59.95 605 Fun Jen 1.85 3.45 5.95 9.50 38.00 132.00 606 Deep Purple 1.85 2.95 4.75 13.95 39.50 139.50 607 Green Wave 1.85 3.95 12.95 24.25 68.50 609 Tsoi-Sim 1.85 6.95 18.95 48.50 178.50 610 Tatsoi 1.85 4.95 15.95 38.50 128.50 o610 Tatsoi-Green Coin Org 1.95 3.95 6.95 17.95 46.95 611 Amaranth Red leaf 1.95 3.75 8.95 24.50 84.00 612 Red Flash Orach 1.95 5.95 16.95 48.50 158.50 613 Claytonia Miners Lettuce 1.95 5.75 17.50 44.50 145.00 614 Hu Hsein 1.95 3.65 8.95 17.95 46.50 620 Healthkick Salad Blend see description for prices 630 Garden Cress 1.85 2.95 6.25 16.50 49.50 632 Upland Cress 1.85 4.25 10.95 36.50 635 Watercress, Aqua 1.85 4.25 15.95 45.95 179.50

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

PvP Plant Protected Variety

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 31

Vegetables Leek

Poireau - Poree - Porro - Prei A valuable garden vegetable that originated in the Mediterranean and has been used since Roman times. Leek has a mild, sweet onion taste and is used raw in salads or cooked in soups and stews. CULTURE: For extra early leeks start indoors Feb-April sowing directly into final containers. Summer varieties can be started outdoors in early spring. SOIL: prefers sandy loam soil rich in organic matter. pH 6 -7. FERTILITY: adequate moisture is needed for optimum quality. Generally leek requires added nitrogen. GERMINATION: 10 days at 50-70F/10-21C. Clip part of the top off to keep from getting floppy. SPACING: Thin or transplant to 15cm/6” in rows 18-32” apart. DISEASES: Control Downy Mildew with Serenade Gardens (see insecticides section of catalogue). Tip: To get longer and larger leeks, hill up or plant in a 15cm/6” deep furrow and fill it in as the leek grows. Pkt. contains approx. 150-250 sds; 300-350 sds/gm.

Summer / Fall Types

Winter Storage Types


One of the nicest fall leeks in our trials! Lancelot produces high quality, long (8”), slender, white shafts with perfect blue-green, upright leaves. Uniform plants with little to no bulbing. Good frost tolerance. 95 days


Always first to mature. Jolant is an improved summer leek with a long white shaft with green blue leaves. Its large stems are very white and mild. Jolant is best used for early harvest because it does not have as good of frost tolerance. 75 days


A giant strain for fall. A vigorous grower with large creamy white shanks and green leaves. Preferred leek for boxplant growers. 85 days

o227 HANNIBAL Organic

o228 Catcher Hybrid Organic


228 Bandit

Improved winter type. Bandit is a great variety for late fall where freezing can burst other leeks. It is considered a traditional winter or storage leek. Bandit produces nice long shanks without hilling. Flags are blue-green and very healthy. Replaces Sheriff in our selection. 110 days

o228 Catcher F-1 Organic


Best quality leek in our trials! Catcher is our first Hybrid leek, having much improved vigour, uniformity, and shank quality over non-hybrids. The hybrid leeks in our trials were tall and thin. Catcher was the only one that produces tall heavy white shanks about 8-10” long combined with a 2-3” shaft diameter. This is a nice and tall variety with blue-green upright leaves, for fall and early-winter production. Good storage. Organically Grown Seed. Pkt contains approx. 35 seeds. 110 days

228 Bandit

Improved Autumn Giant Selection. Hannibal is an autumn-fall variety, producing long (6”) white heavy shafts with upright, green-blue leaves. We have tested Hannibal for the last number of years and have been satisfied with its uniformity and colour. Not as winter hardy as Sheriff. Organically grown seed. 85 days

o227 Hannibal Organic

101 Red Russian

96 Darkibor Hybrid 225 Lancelot

226 Jolant

Cat# Description Pkt 5g 25g 100g 450g 1lb

227 Autumn Giant $1.85 $5.95 $17.50 $55.95 o227 Hannibal Organic 2.45 10.95 28.75 82.95 315.00 By Seed Count

225 Lancelot 226 Jolant 228 Bandit o228 Catcher Hybrid Organic

32 Vegetables



$2.35 2.35 2.35 5.25 19.95

Garden Performers


$6.85 6.95 6.75 51.95




$23.95 $76.50 $255.00 24.95 77.95 256.00 22.65 75.95 253.95 234.50 745.50 2575.00

AAS Winner

102 Redbor Hybrid

Container Culture

98 Nero Di Toscana

HL Heirloom

Kale - Borecole

Corn Salad Maches

Choux Frises- Grunkohl - Cavalo Riccio Verde - Boerenkool Grown for its greens, Kale can be used to dress up salads, in stir fries, as a garnish, or mashed with potatoes and sausage (German and Dutch delicacy). Rich in Vitamin C and other minerals. Frost improves flavour. CULTURE: Mainly grown for fall and winter crop. Will remain alive into winter and over winter in mild areas. For early crops start indoors 4-6 weeks before planting out. For late crops, seed direct in June-July. SOIL: Kale will tolerate a broad range of soil, but prefers sandy loam. PH 6.5-7 FERTILITY: Ensure adequate levels of nitrogen. Keep a regular watering schedule so plants do not wilt in heat. GERMINATION: Sow in plugs at 70F/ 21C for 7 days. Or outdoors in warm soil. SPACING: Transplant or thin seedlings out to 40-45cm/16-18”. PESTS: See cabbage section of catalogue Tip: For continuous picking, harvest leaves just below the growth point. Pkt contains approx. O.P. 400-600 sds; Hybrid 20-50 sds; 200-300 sds/gm.

95 SEMI DWARF WESTLANDSE HL The Orginal Dutch variety used for Borecole. Fine curled medium green leaves on 32-40” plants. Most widely used variety in Europe. Excellent taste. ‘Freezer’.


The darkest blue-green variety that we have tried. Improved plant health and color but the same intense flavour as Westland. Darkibor is more appealing for garnishes. Uniform, tall plants can be harvested successively due to its ability to generate new growth. Dutch bred variety. NEW

97 Winterbor F-1

Most winter hardy kale. We have tested Winterbor for the past number of winters with great success. It will continue to produce young leaves under cool and low light conditions, so it is great for cold frames and tunnels. In the field it can with stand -15C and will continue to grow in the spring, yielding young tender leaves packed with flavor. Winterbor produces medium dark green foliage on tall plants.


Specialty green for salad mixes and bunching. Red Russian produces red stems with greygreen deeply lobed flat leaves. When picked young its leaves have soft tender texture when braised. Leaves turn red as temperatures decrease. Very winter hardy.

102 REDBOR F-1

Dramatic deep, reddish-purple kale. The first true frilly purple kale, whose colour intensifies as temperatures get cooler. Good ornamental plant and perfect for gourmet garnishes. Turns green when cooked.


Narrow heavily serrated leaves. Plants have pure coloured centres. Will produce stems for cutting when planted close together. Excellent in salads. Pkt contains approx. 30-40 sds 1562 WHITE PEACOCK 1563 RED PEACOCK

o249 Vit Organic 249 Large Leaf Round

o249 Vit Organic

Cat# Description Pkt 25g 100g 450g 2kg 1lb 4.4 lbs


Old original corn salad variety. Special distinct flavour for salads. Forms rosettes of round, dark green leaves. Sow in early spring or sow in fall for winter and spring use. Not heat tolerant like newer types. 250-300 sds/gm. 30-40 days


Corn salad for the spring, summer and fall. Medallion is an improved variety that is more suited for spring and summer growth than other types because it is more heat tolerant and resists becoming elongated. Broad-round, glossy green leaves begin at the base of the stem. Suitable for open field and greenhouse cultivation. Organically grown seed.

Old fashioned heirloom variety originating in Italy. Also known as dinosaur kale, strap kale and black kale. Toscana produces long, dark green, blistered leaves from the center of each plant. Plants are tolerant to hot and cold weather. This type of kale is becoming popular in the bunching and baby leaf market and is excellent in kale soups.

By Seed Count




95 Semi Dwarf Westlandse $1.85 98 Nero Di Toscana 1.85 101 Red Russian 1.85 249 Large Leaf Round 1.85

Popular European and Russian vegetable that is cooked like spinach. In North America it is increasingly being used as a salad green in mixed salad blends. Corn Salad has a soft, thick, spoon shaped leaf. CULTURE: Corn Salad is a cold tolerant green that cannot stand much heat. Best direct seeded in the spring. Some success can be had by dormant seeding late in the fall or in early spring as snow is disappearing. SOIL: Corn salad prefers light fertile soil. pH 6.5-7.0 FERTILITY: Corn Salad requires moderate amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and higher amounts potash. Adequate moisture is important especially in the last 4 weeks before harvest. GERMINATION: 7-21 days at 45-65 F/5-18 C. Higher temperatures inhibit germination. Sow 6-12mm/ 1/4-1/2” deep. Keep moist and cool (shaded) until growth is seen. SPACING: Thin out to 8-15 cm/3-6” spacing. Tip: For areas with a shorter and warmer spring, we recommend using Medallion which has more bolt tolerance. Pkt contains approx. 600-900 sds; Organic 400-500 sds; 200-300 sds/gm.


Long, glossy, leaves form heavy bunches with mild, minty flavor. Vigorous variety for spring and fall crops as well as over wintering. Resistant to Mildew. Organically grown seed. 450-500 sds/gm. 25-35 days

$5.95 $11.95 $34.50 $76.50 5.95 15.95 32.95 98.50 5.95 14.95 33.95 93.50 4.25 9.95 29.50

250 sds 1000 sds

5000 sds

10M sds

25M sds

100M sds

96 Darkibor Hybrid 97 Winterbor Hybrid 102 RedBor Hybrid 1562 White Peacock Hybrid 1563 Red Peacock Hybrid B249 Medallion Organic o249 Vit Organic

$2.35 $6.95 $16.50 $56.95 $96.50 $195.95 2.65 6.95 17.95 55.95 98.50 215.50 3.25 9.65 32.95 119.65 205.00 445.00 2.75 9.25 28.50 93.50 2.75 9.25 28.50 93.50 1.95 6.95 10.95 22.95 67.50 2.25 8.95 12.95 26.95 72.50

O Organic Seed

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

PvP Plant Protected Variety

B249 Medallion Organic

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 33

Vegetables Lettuce

Laitue - Kopfsalat - Lattuga - Kropsla Lettuce is generally a cool season plant, but with new types you can successfully grow lettuce in the heat of the summer. One of the easiest greens or vegetables to grow. By using different types of lettuce, you can have fresh salads year round. CULTURE: Lettuce can be started indoors for early spring lettuce or for better germination in the heat of the summer. Start outdoors in the spring and fall. Indoors: Sow into final containers (we use Cell-Paks) 4-5 weeks before planting outdoors. SOIL: Lettuce will grow well in most any soil. For early crops use light soil. pH 6.5-7.0. FERTILITY: Lettuce requires moderate amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and higher amounts of potash. Adequate moisture is important especially in the last 4 weeks before harvest. GERMINATION: 7 days at 65-70F/1821C Light. Higher temperatures inhibit germination in some varieties. Sow 6-12mm/1/4-1/2” deep. Keep moist and cool (shaded) until growth is seen. SPACING: Thin or transplant out to 20cm/8” spacing. MI = Mosaic Indexed Seed: our supplier has performed a grow-out test to be sure that the Mosaic disease is not present. This is of special importance to commercial and greenhouse growers. Pkt contains approx. 500-1000sds; MI types 200-300sds; 650-750 sds/gm.

230 Kendo MI

234 Larissa

Green Butterhead Types


The original Dutch butterhead lettuce. Giant white type. Hilde is a time proven spring Boston type producing large, light green heads with creamy green insides. Nice soft butter texture. Used for spring and fall crops. 48 days


Improved medium-dark green butterhead type. Versatile for growing from spring to fall as Optima tolerates both cool and hot conditions. Excellent tolerance to tipburn and bolting. Thick, leaves form a large frame and dense head with excellent shelf life. 52 days NEW

o231 Sylvestra MI OrG

Red Butterhead Types

Sucrine Types





Red butterhead from France. Sangria has performed better than any other red butterhead varieties through the summer. Produces medium sized, thick leaves, rosy-red, fancy butterheads. Light green insides. Slow to bolt and resistant to tip burn. 55 days An early medium-large butterhead with red-bronze leaves. Low resistance to bolting. Recommended only for late spring and fall growing. Old heirloom variety. Organically grown seed. 55 days


Best quality, European butterhead for summer production. Bred in Germany, Sylvestra has been the top performer in our trials producing large, medium green heads with soft flavourful cream coloured interior. High disease resistance to DM 1-17,19, 21 and 23 and also LMV. Can be used in greenhouse production. 52 days

Improved, red “sucrine” type from France. Combination of a red bibb and a butterhead lettuce, Kendo produces a small, tight, 8” upright head with thick leaves. One of the most flavourful and sweet varieties you can grow. 45 days Bite-sized heads with excellent flavour and quality. Pearl is an improved Little Gem, which is a combination of romaine and butterhead types. It has uniform compact growing habit and well-filled hearts that make it excellent for small gardens or containers. Those same qualities also make it desirable to fresh market growers. Replaces Baby Star. Tolerant to Mildew and resistant to Bl 1, 5. 50 days


Time proven variety producing thick, green outer leaves giving way to sweet, creamy colored, compact head. Good tolerance to bolting in summer heat. Also known as bibb lettuce. AAS Winner 1963. 50 days

Short day - Winter types 234 LARISSA Short Day

Very soft white boston type for greenhouse growing in the winter. An early medium-sized butterhead type. Sow from September to January in greenhouses and coldframes or outdoors in milder regions. Will bolt if grown in the spring and summer. Pkt contains approx. 95-110 sds

229 Hilde II Improved

231 Optima MI

233 Sangria MI

Cat# Description Pkt 2g 5g 25g 100g 450g 1lb

229 Hilde II Improved 230 Kendo MI o231 Sylvestra MI Organic 232 Pearl o232 Marvel 4 Seasons Organic 234 Larissa 236 Buttercrunch By Seed Count

$1.85 $3.45 $10.95 $27.50 $48.50 2.25 8.95 14.25 34.50 105.50 2.95 16.95 38.95 126.50 1.95 4.95 10.75 37.50 98.95 1.95 3.95 8.95 23.75 63.25 2.95 16.95 34.85 118.50 1.85 4.85 11.95 29.50 Pkt

1000 sds

5000 sds




231 Optima MI $1.95 $4.95 $15.95 $25.95 $52.95 $152.95 233 Sangria MI 1.95 4.95 15.95 25.95 49.95 142.50

34 Vegetables

Garden Performers

AAS Winner

Container Culture

HL Heirloom

241 Kaiser MI

C248 Jericho Organic

B248 Cimmaron

A248 Dixter MI

239 Sierra MI

232 Pearl

o235 Ice Queen Organic

248 Parris Island

E248 Pinares

A239 Nevada MI

Romaine Types 248 PARRIS ISLANd

Most popular dark-green strain of Cos lettuce. Developed by the USDA and Clemson Univ. in 1952. Parris Island forms 10 to 12” heads of slightly savoyed, dark green leaves with a creamy white heart. lt has resistance to tipburn, tolerance to Mosaic, and has medium resistance to bolting. We find Parris Island excellent for spring and fall growing. 66-70 days


Burgundy romaine for heart and baby leaf production. Tall, cylindrical tight heads are slow to bolt even under heat and cold stress. Dixter’s bronzy red colour extends well into the heads and deepens with cool temperatures. Produces dark burgundy colour when young, making it excellent for baby leaf production. 50 days


Tall, cylindrical heads with red-green leaves tinged with dark red. Has very deep, intense red leaves when head is small and temperatures are cool. Standard variety for baby leaf production. 60 days

C248 Jericho Organic


A slow bolting, sweet light green romaine with excellent taste. Jericho produces tall, heavy heads with a fresh light green colour very similar to Olga. French cuisine prefers a sweet, light green, crunchy romaine, which Jericho delivers. Organically grown seed. 57 days


Classy romaine for spring, summer, and fall. Braveheart is a well adapted, tall, large, heavy romaine that has rich green, smooth leaves with strong ribs. It has many disease resistances such as Corky Root and has intermediate resistance to Downy Mildew. It is well-suited for hearts, fresh market, and home garden use.


If you only have space for one romaine, Pinares is the one to grow! It is an improved Paris Island with better colour and more tolerance to heat and adverse weather conditions. Nice crisp, sweet flavour. It produces a uniform, dark green head averaging 30cm-12” tall that has a good weight. Very adaptable throughout the season with good flavour. Some Tip Burn tolerance.

O Organic Seed

Crisphead Types

Batavian Types

Well folded heads of crisp, brittle leaves. Popular in North America. Will form large round heads, with creamy white inside, which do well in late spring to late summer. Great Lakes and Summertime show excellent resistance to heat.

Batavian lettuce is a cross between a leaf lettuce and a head lettuce, resembling a loose Romaine. Withstands hot, humid weather and produces tasty, bitterfree, juicy leaves until 3 weeks after maturation.


Traditional iceberg lettuce variety. Great Lakes 659 produces large loosely formed heads that with stand heat better than other old varieties. Nice fresh medium green inside colour with darker outer leaves. Does well under unfavourable conditions. Keeps well in the garden. 85 days

o235 ICE QUEEN Organic O

An unusual specialty crisp head variety having spiky exterior leaves. Ice Queen produces medium to large heads with notched, bright green outer leaves. Good resistance to bolting. Organically grown seed. 85 days NEW

241 Kaiser MI

Extra early crisphead with heat tolerance. Kaiser excels in early summer to fall growing, producing high quality, medium sized, bright green heads 7-10 days earlier than other varieties. It has high heat tolerance and is very slow to bolt. Replaces Summertime.


Medium tall loose head with thick, red-green tinged leaves. Tolerant to bolting, tipburn, Downy Mildew, and Lettuce Mosaic. Highly recommended for summer growing when others bolt. 65 days


Widely used in the prepared lettuce industry. Rich, fresh green, upright leaves on 9-10” tall plants. When cut up it will not go brown or limp like other lettuce types. Similar to Sierra, but all green leaves. Tolerant to bolting, Tip Burn, Downy Mildew, and Lettuce Mosaic. Highly recommended. 65 days NEW

238 Relay Organic


The best lettuce in our 2012 trials. Relay is a red Batavian bred in Germany that has strong resistance to bolting and disease, standing up well under insect pressure and heat. It produces a large framed open head with crisp, juicy, thick leaves that have a nice sweet flavor. Dark red-bronze colour outerleaves, contrasted with lime green centers. Can be grown year round, great for loose head production.

Cat# Description Pkt 2g 5g 25g 100g 450g 1lb

235 Great Lakes 659 o235 Ice Queen Organic 238 Relay Organic 248 Parris Island A248 Dixter MI B248 Cimmaron C248 Jericho Organic E248 Pinares

$1.85 2.25 3.95 2.95 18.95 39.45 1.85 2.95 1.85 6.85 1.85 2.35 7.95 1.85 5.25

239 Sierra MI A239 Nevada MI D248 Braveheart MI 241 Kaiser MI

$1.95 $4.95 $15.25 $22.50 $39.95 $114.50 1.95 4.95 15.45 24.75 42.75 124.00 1.95 4.95 14.95 22.95 42.95 126.95 2.25 3.95 14.95 21.50 46.50 145.00

By Seed Count

Short Season/Cold Tolerant


PvP Plant Protected Variety

1000 sds

5000 sds

F-1 Hybrid

$5.25 8.95 126.50 4.95 22.95 4.95 26.75 12.25 10M

$11.95 $32.50 22.50

12.95 31.50 42.95 115.00 11.95 32.50 88.50 38.95 108.95



Vegetables 35


E245 Ashbrook MI

Green Oakleaf & Salad Bowl

243 Red Sails

A240 Simpson Elite

B246 Rushmore MI

Waldmann & Frilly Types

Red Oakleaf & Salad Bowl


B246 rushmore mi


More heat tolerant and darker green than the standard Oakleaf. Produces medium green, thick, succulent, oak shaped leaves that form a loose upright head. Royal Oakleaf can be picked from outer plant for continual harvest, or the entire plant can be used at once. Excellent for baby leaves. 45 days


A fast growing, bright green oakleaf type with thick, well lobed leaves. Bridgemere is an improved Bambino, having better texture, flavour, and disease resistance. Does well under heat and stress conditions. In our trials it worked well both as a baby leaf and as a full loose head. Mildew resistance: Bl 1-12, 17, 18, 22, 24 & 25 and LMV resistant.

Old favorite for first seedings. Produces large lightly crumpled, light green leaves suited for early crops and cold frame culture. 40 days

Deeply cut oak leaves with beautiful dark cherry red colour. Rushmore produces baby leaves or large traditional oakleaf/salad bowl heads. Holds very well in cool conditions and in summer heat. It is our most highly mildew resistant variety; suited for field and greenhouse culture. Mildew resistance: Bl 1, 5, 7, 15, 16, 18, 20, 21, & 23-25.


Extra slow bolting leaf lettuce for summer growing. Simpson Elite produces large, crumpled, light green leaves with a soft, tender texture that does not go bitter. Major improvement over Black Seeded Simpson, lasting over 3 weeks longer in the heat. 45 days


Intense red salad bowl selection. Produces medium to large open heads with deeply lobed leaves of blood red colour. Slow to bolt in summer heat and keeps its mild, non-bitter flavour. Colour is best in cooler weather but stands up well in summer also. 50 days


A243 Australian Yellow

Very slow bolting summer leaf lettuce. Australian Yellow excels in dry, arid countries. Produces large, slow-bolting, loose leaves with a neon yellow colour. Stays sweet and tender and will add plenty of colour to salads. Australian heirloom. 50 days


As above but Organically grown seed. 50 days



Crop failure AAS winner 1952. Salad Bowl produces a bowl shaped head with flavorful, tender, soft, medium green, deeply notched, frilled leaves. Slow to bolt. Popular leaf lettuce for baby salad blends. 50 days

The most popular variety for early outdoor planting, greenhouse, or cold frame. Medium green, curly leaves with good taste. For spring and fall culture. Tip burn resistant. 45 days

C245 Green Star MI

An Improved Shining Star. Green Star has the same great shiny look with Superior tolerance to hot weather, bolting and tipburn. Resistance to DM races 1-18. Green Star produces medium sized bright green heads that make a great retail appearance. Sizes up quickly, faster than Two Stars. 45 days


Fall-winter frilled Oakleaf. Slow to bolt under short day and cool weather conditions. Medium green frilled leaves can be used as full head or baby leaf. 40 days (25 days baby leaf)


Unusual medium-green serrated leaves resembling frisee endive, but with sweet mild flavour. A novelty in our lettuce trials. Produces an upright, small loose head when mature. 40 days (25 days baby leaf)

o245 Tari Organic


Medium dark green leaf lettuce. Tari is a Waldmann type producing broad, frilly leaves in a full loose head which is excellent for bunching. Very slow to bolt. Organically grown seed. 45 days B244 Bridgemere

246 Salad Bowl & A246 Red Salad Bowl

36 Vegetables

245 Grand Rapids TBR

Garden Performers

A243 Australian Yellow

AAS Winner

C245 Green Star MI

Container Culture

HL Heirloom

242 Ruby

o245 Tari Organic

o243 New Red Fire

250 Mesclun Salad Mixture

Salad Mixtures E244 Selway

C244 Lollo Bionda

242 RUBy

Bright, ruby red leaves with red-green mid ribs. Ruby is an excellent leaf item for baby salad growers, producing small leaves with good loft. Grand Rapids type. 45 days


Very slow bolting! Red Sails produces attractive deep bronze-red loose heads with a soft green centres. Sweet, non-bitter leaves. AAS winner 1985. 45 days

o243 NEW RED FIRE Organic


Slowest bolting red Waldmann type in heat and cold. Replaces Royal Red for full head production. New Red Fire produces professional quality medium sized heads with strong upright broad leaves. Attractive dark red colour even under hot summer conditions. 45-50 days

D245 Rosemoor MI

Lollo Rossa Types C244 LOLLO BIONDA

This is a true lollo for outdoor production. Bionda produces large, loose heads with very frilly light - medium green leaves. Very uniform and slow bolting. Excellent for baby leaves and garnishing. 50 days


Finally a replacement for Atsina! Selway is a ruby coloured lollo with good size and texture. The leaf is light green in the centre and becomes dark red at the edges. Ideal for baby leaf production. 45 days

D245 ROSEMoor MI

Intense cherry red to the core. Rosemore has the shape and upright growth of a Romaine with the wavy leaves of a Batavian. The growth habit is open, making it excellent for small leaf production. Holds up very well in hot and cool F244 Tango conditions. 25 days (baby leaf) Cat# Description Pkt 5g 25g 100g 450g 1lb

240 A240 242 243 A243 244 B244 F244 C244 E244 245 o245 D245 E245 246 A246 B246

Black Seeded Simpson Simpson Elite Ruby Red Sails Australian Yellow Royal Oakleaf Bridgemere Tango Lollo Bionda Selway Grand Rapids TBR Tari Organic Rosemoor MI Ashbrook MI Salad Bowl Red Salad Bowl Rushmore MI

By Seed Count

o243 New Red Fire Organic C245 Green Star MI

O Organic Seed

$1.85 1.95 3.95 1.85 1.85 2.95 1.85 1.85 3.45 1.85 4.95 1.85 1.85 1.85 1.85 2.65 12.95 1.95 5.85 1.95 6.95 1.85 1.85 1.85 4.95 Pkt

$2.25 1.95

1000 sds

$4.95 4.75

$3.95 11.95 4.25 7.95 3.95 6.95 10.95 4.95 4.95 4.75 3.95 48.75 16.95 18.65 4.25 3.95 10.95


$8.95 12.65

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

$8.95 29.95 9.75 21.95 9.95 18.50 37.50 10.75 13.50 9.75 8.95 148.50 38.95 39.45 8.95 9.25 37.50


$16.75 19.75

$28.95 96.50 27.50 68.50 29.50 48.50 98.95 33.95 42.00 28.75 27.95

95.00 116.45 29.50 29.95 98.95


INDOORS: Sow into desired containers at any time with sufficient lighting to prevent stretching. Cut when about 3-4� tall. OUTDOORS: Early spring through fall: Sow thinly in rows; cut when about 4-6� tall. If you want regrowth, cut off only the upper part of the plant leaving the heart so that it can grow on for further cuttings. Pkt contains approx. 400-1500 seeds; 650-750 sds/gm.


Mixture of hot weather lettuce types. Blend of specially selected leaf lettuces which are tolerant to the heat. Colour range from light green to bronze red. 650-750 sds/gm. 25-30 days Pkt (2g) $1.85; 10g $3.95; 25g $6.95; 100g $18.95; 450g $54.95; 2kg $192.50


Mesclun is a French word meaning mixture. We have blended the various ingredients of the traditional Southern France salad including: curly endive, lettuces, chervil, arugula, chicory, and other greens. 25-30 days Pkt (2g) $1.85; 10g $3.95; 25g $5.95; 100g $18.35; 450g $52.50; 2kg $165.00


Serve up a bowl of phtyonutrients, attractively packaged in an assortment of greens and lettuces. Contains varieties of kale, mustard, lettuce, etc. High in Folic Acid and antioxidants and Beta Carotene. For braising or salad use. 200-300 sds/gm. 25-30 days Pkt (2g) $1.85; 10g $3.95; 25g $6.95; 100g $21.50; 450g $62.00


$28.95 $84.95 41.50 126.50

PvP Plant Protected Variety

247 Bon Vivant

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 37



Melonen - Meloenen Nature does not produce anything sweeter than a ripe exotic melon. Being a favourite item to grow, we have tested various melon varieties over the years. We have had great success producing quality melons here in Canada due to good varieties and use of IRT mulch. CULTURE: In Canada, melons are best started indoors 3-4 weeks before last frost. Start 3-4 seeds in a 3-4” pot. Transplant to the below plant spacing, do not break clumps apart. SOIL: Melons like well drained, sandy-silty loam, high in organic matter pH 6.0-6.8 FERTILITY: Enrich with compost or well rotted manure in spring. Melons are heavy users of nitrogen, potassium and calcium. GERMINATION: For proper germination soil must be at least 72F/22C for 5 days. Cooler soil temperature will result in poor germination. SPACING: Plant in clumps 3-4 seeds per clump, 24” apart in rows 4-7 ft apart. Close planting will result in smaller fruit size. PESTS: See Cucumber section. Tip: We have had great success using IRT plastic mulch which warms up the soil, retains moisture and reduces weed competition. See Hardgoods section of catalogue. Pkt contains approx. O.P. 75-100 sds; Hybrids 5-25 seeds; 25-35 sds/gm.

252 Earlichamp Hybrid

Muskmelon - Cantaloupe 252 Earlichamp F-1

Early cantaloupe with excellent size and quality. Produces some of the largest and heaviest melons 1 week earlier than Athena. Earlichamp is a new melon from breeder Hollar that has excellent resistance to Powdery Mildew and Fusarium Wilt 0 & 2. Produces large 2-3kg/ 20 x 18cm oval melons with slight sutures and heavy netting. Thick orange flesh with a sugar brix of 12-14%. Replaces Earliqueen and Fastbreak. 70 days

255 HALONA F-1

Very early, productive, and disease tolerant Muskmelon for Northern areas. Produces market quality muskmelons earlier than most other varieties. Halona is a very flavourful and aromatic cantaloupe with rich orange, sweet flesh. Produces 6-7” globe shaped, 4-5 lb fruits with a well netted rind and deep sutures. Rind is strong and melons ship well. Tolerant to Powdery Mildew and strains of Fusarium. 68 days

French Charentais Types o259 Sivan F-1 Organic

Honeydew Melon


258 Diplomat F-1

A netted French Charentais with swet aromatic flesh. Sivan forms a nearly round, uniform fruit with slight ribbing and a fine net. 1½-2 lb fruits with deep orange, sweet flesh. Organically grown seed. 82-85 days

Best melon in our 2009 trials! Diplomat is a testament to good breeding, producing extra early honeydew/ galla melons a week before others. Along with excellent tolerance to Mildew and Anthracnose, Diplomat produces market quality 4-5 lb round fruits with exceptional taste! Replaces Earli-dew. 64 days

259 Rubens F-1

New extra early Charentais for short seasons. Ruben is a smooth skin Charentais bred in France and sought after by discriminating chefs and gardeners. Produces perfect 2.2 lb, round grey green, smooth skinned melons with good firmness for shipping. Deep orange, extremely sweet and aromatic flesh. Healthy strong plants with multiple disease resistances. 62-65 days

o258 Arava F-1 Organic


Galia – honeydew type with a finely grained lime-green flesh and netted skin with a strong aroma. Perfectly 3- 4lb round fruits. Ready to harvest when skin turns light yellow to golden. Powdery Mildew resistant. Organically grown seed. 77 days

257 ATHENA F-1

Our most popular, best tasting and producing muskmelon. Athena is the reference for all other melons producing 5lb oval fruits, slightly sutured, with medium netting. Bright orange flesh with small seed cavity. Excellent variety for the market grower due to its exceptional quality and firmness. Tolerant to both races of Powdery Mildew, and all three races of Fusarium. 78 days

256 Hales Best HL

Standard open pollinated melon for boxplant growers. Hales Best produces 5-6lb roundoval melons with a medium suture and net. Good flavour and orange flesh. Not as early, productive, or disease tolerant as hybrid cantaloupes. 85 days

259 Rubens Hybrid

38 Vegetables

258 Diplomat Hybrid

Cat# Description Pkt 5g 25g 100g 450g 1lb

213 KY Pickles Hybrid $1.95 $8.95 256 Hales Best 1.85 o258 Arava Hybrid Organic 2.75 14.50 C259 Brilliant Hybrid 2.95 15.95 F259 Jade Dragon Hybrid (Pkt=10sds) 3.95 6.95 o259 Sivan Hybrid Organic 2.65 9.50 By Seed Count

257 Athena Hybrid

252 Earlichamp Hybrid


150 sds

500 sds

$29.50 6.45 25.95 52.50 24.75 32.95

1000 sds

$85.00 18.95 78.95 148.50 76.50 88.95




252 Earlichamp Hybrid $2.95 $14.95 $36.50 $59.50 $121.50 255 Halona Hybrid 2.45 13.95 32.95 46.95 94.50 155.00 257 Athena Hybrid 3.25 17.50 44.95 73.50 159.50 255.00 258 Diplomat Hybrid 2.45 14.95 33.50 52.50 94.50 259 Rubens Hyb (Pkt=10s) 4.95 42.75 79.95 139.50

Garden Performers

AAS Winner

Container Culture

HL Heirloom

Specialty melons C259 BRILLIANT F-1

New tropical type melon from Taiwan. Brilliant is very similar in shape and texture to a Canary melon, but is much sweeter and aromatic. Brilliant produces 4lb oblong fruits with a smooth yellow rind. Flesh is tender, white and very sweet with exotic flavour. 75 days


Zehneria scabra or Melothria scabra. Heirloom. Marbled skin, tiny fruits with sour cucumber flavour. Native to South America, the common name “sandia de raton” describes the fruit as mouse-sized watermelons They are useful in stir-fries, pickling, salsas, or for the adventurous: eating raw. Can be grown on a trellis for ease of picking. Dark green leaves will form a dense covering. 270-310 sds/gm. Pkt (1/4g) $1.95; 1g $4.25; 5g $12.95; 15g $29.50

o259 Sivan Hybrid

213 KY Pickling Melon

285 Music

Onion Sets Oignonets 269 Jambalaya Hybrid

Okra - Gumbo

Okra is a warm season vegetable native to North East Africa and Central America that is primarily used in soups, stir fries, and salads. CULTURE: Start indoors 4-5 weeks before last frost or outdoors when soil is warm. Germinates in 7-14 days at 70-80F/2126C. Start in peat pots as Okra does not transplant well. Sow outdoors in Mid-June. Space seeds 3cm/1” apart and 1cm/1/2” deep. Thin out to 30cm/12”. 12-18 sds/gm. NEW

C259 Brilliant Hybrid

F259 Jade Dragon Hybrid

Oriental Pickling Melon 213 KY Pickles F-1

Oriental pickling melon looks and tastes like a sweet cucumber, but belongs to the melon family. This variety comes to us from a breeder in Taiwan where it is used for salads, due to its excellent flavour and texture. Young fruit can be eaten raw or mature fruit can be baked, stuffed with meat, or in a stir fry. KY Pickles is an early, high yielding variety that grows well in our climate. It produces an abundance of medium green striped fruits. Used for fresh when 1012cm long. Excellent specialty market item.

269 Jambalaya F-1

New extra early okra. Jambalaya produces perfect dark green, shiny, 4” okra with very slow fiber development, prolonging harvest. Plants are compact, dark green and sturdy producing the heaviest yields in trials. Ideal for Canadian growing conditions. Pkt (20-25sds) $3.25; 10g $10.25; 25g $21.95; 100g $62.50; 450g $242.00


The first truly dwarf red okra. Mature height of the plants is only about 24” by 12” wide. This hybrid produces creamy yellow/purple 8cm/3” flowers about 50 days from sowing, and the ornamental foliage is a striking green color with maroon veins in the leaves. The red/burgundy pods are tasty, and do not build up fibre. Being part of the Hibiscus family, the plants fit well in tropical gardens. 50 days Pkt (15-20sds) $3.45; 10g $10.95; 25g $22.50; 100g $72.50

Due to increased shipping costs we must charge a $7.95 shipping fee on Onion bulb and spring garlic orders. Orders will be shipped after danger of frost in transit is past (between March-May). For Music Garlic #285, please add an extra $7.95 shipping charge as it will be shipped in late summer.


Stuttgarter Strain. Grade No.1 for excellent cooking onions and green onions. Also an excellent storage onion. 1Lb = 100-120 bulbs. 1Lb $3.25; 5Lbs $14.95 10Lbs $24.00; 50Lbs $82.50 **

A282 YELLOW SPANISH ONION SETS Onion sets of yellow sweet spanish type. 1Lb = 90-100 bulbs 1Lb $3.95; 5Lbs $16.50 10Lbs $27.50; 50Lbs $92.50 **


Yellow (Shallots). Produces clusters of strong flavoured onions of good keeping quality. Will overwinter for early green onions. *only sold in the spring. 250g $3.95; 450g $6.25; 2kg $24.00

Garlic 284 ARGENTINE WHITE (Spring Shipping only)

Plant early spring as with onion sets. Each bulb has 5-7 parts which are separated for planting. Does not consistently produce bulbs. Greens used for seasoning soups, stews, etc. Also used for insect control, as a companion plant, or as a component in home-made sprays. 125g $2.95; 250g $5.00; 500g $9.00; 1kg $17.00; 2 kg $32.00

285 MUSIC Organic

Bitter Melon

(Fall Shipping only)

F259 Jade Dragon F-1

A true ethnic vegetable eaten in many Middle Eastern and Oriental cultures. Bitter melon is also known as Balsam pear in Asian cultures and as Carilla in the Caribbean. It is used in many dishes, salads, and stir fries – plus it has medicinal properties. Its flesh is crunchy, watery, and has a bitter taste. Bitter melon is a tropical vegetable, but breeding has improved varieties so that they yield better in our climate. Jade Dragon is an early, productive variety producing bright green, blocky fruit 30-40cm long and 6-7cm in diameter. It has a warty skin texture with firm white flesh. It can be harvested at about 62 days after sowing. ~4-6 sds/gm.

O Organic Seed

283 Multipliers

A269 Little Lucy Hybrid

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

PvP Plant Protected Variety


Organically grown stock. Large cloves, with purplish tinge to skin, and pungent odour. An essential for seasoning. Excellent variety for overwinter growing. Must be planted early enough to establish good root formation and to avoid frost heave (In our area this is by about Oct. 15th.) This is also the best way to produce large bulbs. Available end of August to beginning of October. Add $7.95 shipping for fall shipping. For Bulk Orders, please place orders by mid July. 25kg maximum limit/customer. 250g $6.95; 500g $13.95; 1 kg $26.50; 2 kg $52.75; 5kg 114.25 *extra shipping applies.

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 39


Onions - Oignons Zwiebeln - Cipolla - Uien

Believed to originate in Asia, onions have been used in every day life for centuries. Considered a cool season biennial, onions prefer to grow at cooler temperatures. Higher temperatures promote bulbing and curing. Plant onions early after the last hard frosts so that they can grow during the spring and early summer, producing bulbs as the temperature increases. CULTURE: For most onions, start indoors in late February to mid-March. SOIL: Fertile, well drained non-crusting soil. Onions will adapt well to muck soils. pH 6.0-6.8 FERTILITY: Onions use high amounts of nitrogen and potassium. Even moisture is required throughout its growth period. GERMINATION: 7-10 days at 70F/21C. Sow directly into final container (we use P-101 cells and sow in 3 rows) 6mm/1/4” deep. Trim tops to 10cm/4” every week until transplanting. SPACING: Space transplants 6-8” apart in rows 16” apart. HARVEST: When onion tops start to fall over and bulbs have begun to form skins, pull up and allow to sun cure for at least one week. Do not leave out if there’s a chance of frost. STORAGE: When onions are dry, clip off the tops and place them in shallow boxes or onion bags. Place in a cool (a few degrees above freezing) somewhat humid place, 65-75% humidity. Pkt contains approx. 300-500 sds; Hybrids 125-200 sds; 200-275 sds/gm.

Yellow Sweet Onions 272 CANDY F-1

Large, mild and sweet. Candy is a Spanish type, consistently producing the largest and sweetest onions in our trials. Day neutral variety that continues to size up after the longest day of the year, unlike long day types. Light golden yellow skins with small necks. Good for short term storage. Comparable to the Vidalia types for sweetness. 90 days


Popular O.P. variety for large, mild flavoured bulbs. Yellow skinned with white, sweet flesh. Should be started indoors early. Can be seeded outdoors in early spring but size will be smaller. 115 days

Yellow Cooking Onions 270 NORSTAR F-1

270 Norstar Hybrid

A276 Red Wing Hybrid

Popular direct seeded onion for short storage. Norstar is a vigorous growing onion producing bulbs faster than other varieties in our trials. Its bulbs are round-globe shaped, 300g very firm with good colour. Ideal for short season areas. Can be pulled as fresh onions with a tight white bulb. 85 days


Short storage yellow cooking type. One of the earliest open-pollinated varieties that produces good quality bulbs. Can be direct seeded. 98 days

277 COPRA F-1

One of the leading long term storage onions. Full, round bulbs with dark yellow skin and white flesh. Thin necked with vigorous tops. Consistent, high yields and excellent uniformity. Stores well into late spring. 110 days

o278 STURON Organic

272 Candy Hybrid


Improved storage type. Produces big round bulbs that store well. Strong yellowish-brown skin with tight necks enhance its suitability for storage and processing. Can be used for onion set production. Suitable for spring and summer production. Organically grown seed. 110 days

White Onions 273 Sierra Blanca F-1

Large, mild, sweet white onion. Improved bulb quality over other early types. Perfect for fresh eating or grilling. These grew over 5” in diameter in our trials. Tops die off complete, unlike other sweet white types. Day neutral. 92 days 273 Sierra Blanca Hybrid

280 Sweet Spanish Utah

B276 Ruby Ring Hybrid

287 Red Tropeana Lunga

40 Vegetables

277 Copra Hybrid

290 Barletta & 286 Red Creole

Garden Performers

AAS Winner

Red Onions 276 RED OF FLORENCE

Open pollinated red globe variety from Italy. Red of Florence produces good quality, medium to deep red, top globe shaped bulbs that store well. Good selection for bedding plant growers. 110 days


Excellent deep red exterior and interior rings. Redwing is our best performing red onion! This variety produced the earliest red interior rings of all the varieties we have tested. Excellent size and uniformity. Red Wing is the best red storage onion keeping into the spring. 105 days

o276 RED WING F-1 Organic Same as above but organically grown seed.



Earlier red onion with excellent colour and ring formation. While Ruby Ring colours up earlier than other types, it is also useful for long term storage. It produces firm, tall-globe shaped bulbs with a high percentage of single centres. Excellent dark red external and internal colour. 100 days


Long, red torpedo onion prized in Mediterranean cultures, and in speciality cuisines. This strain produces a redder version of the Tropeana type. Specialty variety from Italy that is adapted to growing in the summer above the 35th parallel. Not for storage. 90 days

D279 Guardsman Organic

Container Culture

B279 Ramrod

HL Heirloom

Bunching Onions

Cippolini Onions

A staple item in American culture. In Canada and northern USA these types produce a bulbless scallion that is used fresh as green onions. They have less pungency than regular onions Culture: For fresh greens through the summer and into the fall, sow every second week starting in April and continuing until September. Sow seeds in well tilled soil. Space seeds 6mm/1/4” apart and 6mm/1/4-1/2” deep. Keep moisture constant and even for the best results. Pkt contains approx. 150-500sds; 275sds/gm


Red shanked bunching onion. Red Baron produces quality purple-red skinned bunching onions. Red shaft length is 3-4” long when grown without hilling. 70-75 days


The true Italian cippolini or button onion. This variety produces flat yellow-skinned 1 ½” -2” diametre onions that store well. Pure white flesh is pungent and sweet. 75-80 days 289 Ambition Hybrid


Deep red cippolini type. Red Marble produces small 1 ½” diametre by ¾” high bulbs with deep red colour throughout. Suitable for long term storage. Can also be grown as a small pearl onion when seeded at high density. 75-85 days

Mini Onions (Pearl) CULTURE: Sow in May-June for pickling size onions in August. Pick for mini onions when small bulb forms.


Same as above but organically grown seed.

Red skinned mini onion, picked when young. Reddish-purple colour with dark green leaves. Pick when golf ball size. Can be used for full sized onions in the deep south. 60 days



o279 RED BARON Organic


A. Cepa. Improved Lisbon type that does not bulb in the summer. Lisbon types are the fastest growing spring seeded bunching onions, but they tend to bulb very easily. Ramrod is an erect Lisbon type that is suited for spring, summer and autumn pulling. More winter hardy than White Lisbon. 65 days

French Shallots

French shallots are prized among gourmet chiefs for their sweet, mild white-pink flesh. Originally, French shallots were only available from vegetative growth (bulbs), but the Dutch seed breeders de Groot en Slot & Bejo have developed a line of seed varieties. See onions for culture.

288 Camelot F-1

High quality with intense red colour. Camelot produces heavy crops of 2” elongated-globe shaped bulbs with great internal colour and mild flesh. Firm bulbs store well. 95 days Pkt (40-50sds) $2.35; 250sds $6.95; 1000sds $16.25; 5000sds $56.50; 10Msds $99.50; 25Msds $215.00

Silver white. A round pickling onion excellent for whole pickling. Delicious flavour. 60 days


291 Borrettana

288 Camelot Hybrid

High yielding, very uniform bulbs. Ambition produces 2” high round, brownish red bulbs that store well. 100 days Pkt (40-50 sds) $2.25; 250sds $6.95; 1000sds $17.95; 5000sds $56.50; 10Msds $89.95; 25Msds $215.00


A. Fistulosum. New Japanese bunching type that does not bolt or bulb up under summer conditions. Healthy green foliage with long white, sweet shanks. Summer Isle has a sweet flavour with very low pungency. For summer and fall production. Easy to clean. 70 days NEW

D279 Guardsman OrG


Earliest bunching onion in our trials. Bred in England, Guardsman combines the non bulbing qualities of A.fistulosum varieties and the reduced pungency qualities of A. cepa types. A vigorous root system helps to maintain the strong, upright, dark blue-green leaves which make this variety not only very suitable for the summer cropping period, but also ideal for autumn crops when disease can be a particular problem. 55 days


Hardy, long, slim, white stems. Very hardy for overwintering. Little to no bulbing. 70 days

A291 Red Marble

Cat# Description Pkt 10g 25g 100g 450g 1 lb

275 Early Yellow Globe $1.85 276 Red of Florence 1.85 2.95 o278 Sturon Organic 2.25 6.25 B279 Ramrod 1.85 C279 Summer Isle 1.85 D279 Guardsman Organic 2.25 6.95 280 Sweet Spanish Utah 1.85 281 Evergreen Long White Nebuka 1.85 286 Red Creole 1.85 287 Red Tropeana Lunga 1.95 290 Barletta 1.85 291 Borrettana 1.95 By Seed Count

A279 Red Baron

O Organic Seed

C279Summer Isle

270 272 273 A276 B276 o276 277 A279 o279 A291

Norstar Hybrid Candy Hybrid Sierra Blanca Hybrid Red Wing Hybrid Ruby Ring Hybrid Red Wing Hybrid Organic Copra Hybrid Red Baron Red Baron Organic Red Marble

Short Season/Cold Tolerant


$1.95 2.35 2.45 2.75 2.45 4.25 2.35 2.45 2.75 1.95

PvP Plant Protected Variety

1000 sds

$5.95 8.95 9.95 8.65 8.95 10.95 6.95 6.45 7.65 4.95

$4.95 $11.95 $39.95 5.95 14.95 46.50 13.75 36.95 129.00 5.95 15.95 49.95 5.25 15.95 49.50 12.95 32.95 99.50 5.95 13.95 42.95 4.95 11.95 34.50 5.95 14.95 46.95 6.95 18.50 53.50 5.95 15.95 53.50 10.95 32.50 98.95 5M

$23.95 29.95 32.95 32.95 23.95 44.95 25.95 23.95 27.95 15.95

F-1 Hybrid


$33.50 49.95 42.50 53.50 41.50 69.95 41.50 36.50 43.95 27.50


$59.50 88.50 92.95 96.50 75.00 132.50 79.50 67.50 88.50 42.50


$185.00 295.00 345.00 365.00 225.00 445.50 255.00 236.50 325.00 145.00

Vegetables 41


293 Aladdin

Garden Peas

295 Sabre

42 Vegetables

297 Iona

Early Types

The edible garden pea dates back to the 16th century originating in England. Most of the varieties that we see today were developed in the last century. Fresh peas contain moderate levels of Vitamin A and C, calcium, phosphorus and iron. The garden pea is primarily a hardy cool season annual that produces its flowers as the days lengthen. Peas are a relatively easy crop to grow with few diseases or bug problems. CULTURE: Sow peas when soil is cool, not cold. SOIL: Prefers well drained loams with good amounts of organic matter; delay planting on heavy soils. Grow early varieties on sandy soils due to the fact they heat up quicker. PH 6-7 FERTILITY: Peas respond well to moderate amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Excessive nitrogen will cause plants to become viny and will reduce yields. GERMINATION: Optimum Temp. 60F/10C. Peas should emerge in 5-7 days. SPACING: sow peas 1” deep, 2” between seeds in rows 30” apart. Often they are seeded in double rows 8-10 inches apart, 32” between double rows. PESTS: Relatively free, most problems come with hot weather. Disease abbreviations: W - Fusarium Wilt; PM - Powdery Mildew; LRV - Leaf Roll Virus; YM - Yellow Bean Mosaic; EMV - Enation Mosaic Virus; PY - Pythium Root Rot Pkt sows approx. 20ft; 125g sows 50ft; 450g sows 200ft; 30kg/acre; 3000-4500 sds/kg.

292 Strike

296 Lincoln

292 Strike

The standard early garden pea. Strike was developed for first seedings and will produce peas earlier at cool temperatures than other types. Produces 2 ¾”-3” blunt ended peas with 7-8 medium large dark green peas. 22-24” dark green vines do not require trellising. Replaces Early Freezer. Tolerant to W & PY. 55 days

295 Sabre (PLS116)

Heavy yielding and early! All new garden pea developed for fresh market and freezing. Not only is Sabre early, but it produced well under hot weather conditions, making it a good multiplanting variety. Sabre produces an abundance of 3 ½ - 4” long, dark green, taper ended pods with 9-10 medium sized dark green peas that are very sweet plus hold their colour when frozen. Vines are 20-24”, very healthy, dark green and produce double or triple sets. This variety tended not to go bitter due to its good resistance to W, PV, & PM. Replaces Straight Arrow. 61 days

Climbing Peas 298 TALL TELEPHONE

Large podded climber. Produces heavy yields of dark green peas with large pods. 8-10 peas per pod. Popular home garden variety for multipicking. Grows 5ft tall. 72-77 days Cat# Description Pkt 125g (40g)

Main Season Types 293 ALADDIN PVP

Replaces Northfield and Novella. Aladdin is the preferred processing pea of canners. It produces high yields of 3” long pods with dark green medium sized peas, concentrated in one to two pickings. Plants are semi-leafless and dwarf growing 18-28” high, depending on time of year. Aladdin is heat tolerant, so it can be grown as a summer pea in many areas. Resistant to PM, W, EMV. 67 days


The old homestead type. Produces medium sized pods with 7-8 small peas. Holds well in hot weather. Large plant protects peas. 72 days

Petite Pois 297 Iona (PLS92)

The perfect French Petite Pois. Iona was developed for the French pea market which prefers small, sweet, tender peas about half the size of a regular garden pea. Iona has longer pods and is more heat tolerant and disease resistant than older types, plus yields 2-3x more pods. Sets 2 ¾”dark green pods on 24-28” healthy green plants. Tolerant to FW 1&2, PM, LRV. Excellent specialty market item! 64 days

450g 1lb

2 kg 4.4 lbs

5 kg 11 lbs

10 kg 22 lbs*

22.5kg 50 lbs**

292 Strike $1.85 $2.85 $5.95 $22.50 $32.50 $57.00 $105.00 293 Aladdin PVP 1.85 2.95 5.95 22.50 32.50 58.00 125.00 295 Sabre (PLS116) 1.85 2.95 5.95 22.50 33.50 51.00 107.00 296 Lincoln 1.85 2.95 5.95 22.50 34.50 52.00 105.00 297 Iona (PLS92) 1.85 3.25 7.25 26.50 41.50 65.50 119.50 298 Tall Telephone 1.85 2.65 5.95 21.50 31.50 55.00 301 Alaska Round Green 1.85 2.95 5.95 22.50 32.50 302 Blue Pod Capucijners 2.75 4.95 10.95 36.75 306 Record (Pkt=30g) 2.35 3.65 9.25 33.50 69.95 307 Desiree 2.65 4.25 10.95 39.75 308 Norli (Pkt=30g) 1.95 3.95 8.95 33.75 64.95 o308 Norli Organic (Pkt=30g) 3.65 7.95 19.75 58.75 126.50 A308 Avalanche Sno 45 1.85 2.95 6.45 22.95 34.95 59.50 119.00 309 Oregon Sugar Pod II 1.85 2.95 5.95 21.50 33.50 59.00 115.00 A309 Cascadia 1.85 3.25 6.95 21.50 36.50 66.50 145.00 B309 Super Sugar Snap 1.95 3.65 7.95 26.95 51.95 87.95 178.50 C309 Sugar Ann 1.85 2.95 6.95 23.95 44.65 79.95 166.00 D309 Sugar Sprint 1.95 3.95 8.95 28.95 58.95 99.50 205.00

Garden Performers

AAS Winner

Container Culture

HL Heirloom

306 Record

308 Norli

A308 Avalanche Sno 45

Snow Peas / Sugar Peas

Sugar Snap Peas

Pick when thin - eat shell and all. Used in stir fries and Oriental dishes.

A relatively new type of pea. Produces full sized fleshy pods of which both the pod and peas are edible.


Sweet, heat tolerant, long vined variety for multi-picking. White flowered, 2 1/2” pods. Does better in the heat than Norli. Plant height 4-5ft. 65-75 days


Beautiful purple poded novelty. It is harvested as a purple snow pea, a novelty popular with culinary chefs. It is not really a snow pea because it tends to be fibrous and not sweet. Improved dwarf vines. 60 days


Extra early and sweet. This is the traditional Dutch variety. Norli is the earliest pea we know and is one of the sweetest, tenderest varieties available. Produces 2 1/2” dark green slender pods on short vines. Pkt = 30g 47 days

o308 NORLI Organic


Extra early European Snow Pea now available organic! Organically grown seed. 47 days


Large flat pods that mature early. Avalanche is a compact, earlier, better quality Oregon sugar pod. It produces 3 1/2” medium green, 1” wide pods on 24-28 vines that need minimal support. Plants are semi-leafless. Avalanche is easy to pick and stays crisp, tender, and sweet after picking. Matures after Norli but earlier than Oregon sugar pod. Foliage is tolerant to Powdery Mildew and Leaf Roll Virus. 55 days


Large, sweet pods. One of the most heat tolerant sugar peas. Produces heavy yields of 3 1/2” long and 3/4” wide flat pods. Large vines (2-4ft) protect tender pods from the sun. Also known as Ho-lan-dow. 63 days

Dwarf Vined A309 CASCADIA

Very sweet, round, plump pods that withstand heat. After a number of summer trials we have found Cascadia to be the best in summer heat. While the plant is larger and more vigorous than Sugar Sprint, it suffers less from heat and tends to produce a larger plumper pod with sweeter taste than other summer types. We suggest planting it to mature after Sugar Ann. Cascadia produces 8cm/3” medium green pods on strong 60-70cm/24-28” plants. Developed by Oregon State University. Resistant to Fusarium Wilt, Powdery Mildew and Pea Enation Virus. 68 days

B309 Super Sugar Snap

Dry Peas Dry peas are traditionally used as a winter staple. They contain the highest amounts of protein and carbohydrates of any vegetable. Harvest when the vines are dry and the seeds rattle in the pods.


The traditional variety for soups. Produces early, smooth round green peas that can be picked fresh or allowed to dry for soup.


Produces early blue pods that are known for dry use in mixed casseroles. Peas dry to a grayish colour. Dwarf type.


Earliest, best tasting dwarf variety. Plump edible, light green, 2 1/2” long pods are held high on 18” vines that require no support. Heavy first and second pickings. Grow for first crops and for fall crops. May contain 5-10% offtypes. 55 days


Main season heat and disease tolerant. We recommend Sugar Sprint for growing after Sugar Ann as it is best to seed when the soil is warmer. Sugar Sprint is almost completely stringless, a big plus for fresh market growers. Healthy, dwarf plant yields 2 dark green pods per node. Improved germination quality. Tolerance to PM, EMV. 63 days

A309 Cascadia



Improved yields and disease resistance. Super Sugar Snap produces #1 quality, medium dark green 3-31/2”long pods. Our favourite for taste and tenderness. Shorter growth habit, earlier and heavier first set than the original Sugar Snap. Reduced strings. Resistance to PM, LRV. 66 days 305 Winged Asparagus Pea


309 Oregon Sugar Pod II

O Organic Seed

Heirloom. Tetragonolobus purpurea. Unique plant with cinnamon red flowers and prostrate growing habit. The fruits are winged pods that can be eaten if harvested at 2cm stage. Also known as Asparagus Pea for its faint similarity in flavour. It has been listed in colonial seed catalogues from the 1700s and has its origin in the Mediterranean area. Ht. 20cm/8” 24-30sds/gm. Pkt (70-90sds) $2.15; 10g $3.95; 25g $6.95

C309 Sugar Ann

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

PvP Plant Protected Variety

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 43



Piments - Paprika - Peperoni

B315 Albion Hybrid


Panais - Pastinaken - Pasinache Popular English vegetable since the middle ages, but originating in the Mediterranean during the Roman period. Parsnips are cooked like carrots and have a sweet pleasant taste. CULTURE: See Carrots. Parsnip requires a long growing season. Cover and keep moist. Parsnips are slow germinators. Tip: Quality is enhanced by cooler growing temperatures in late summer. Best root quality is obtained after a few nights of frosts. 175-225 sds/gm.


White, well formed,10-12” smooth roots with small core. More cylindrical variety with narrow white shoulders. Tends to be easier to grow on coarser soils due to being shorter and stockier than other varieties. 120 days Pkt (650-850sds) $1.85; 25g $4.25; 100g $8.95; 450g $22.85

B315 Albion F-1

Very uniform, long white hybrid parsnip. Albion is a improved variety having noticeably whiter skin than other varieties we have trialed. Nicely tapered long white roots that are slow to discolour. It also has a better refined shape with good resistance to canker. High vigour, sized seed. Approx 275 sds/gm. 115 days Pkt (200-250sds) $1.95; 5M sds $12.95; 10M sds $19.95; 25M sds $39.95; 100M sds $118.95

315 Harris Model

44 Vegetables

Peppers have gained popularity in North America over the last few years. Along with peas, peppers are one of the oldest vegetables in the world (3400 BC). Peppers add taste and texture to many dishes as well as providing high amounts of vitamin A & C, especially when fully matured. CULTURE: Peppers are warm season plants, sensitive to cold temperatures and drought conditions. Start indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost date. Transplant outdoors after danger of frost is gone and night time temperatures are above 50F/10C. Cool night temperatures will delay growth and fruit set. Temperatures below 40F/5C can stop growth permanently. SOIL: Almost any warm soil can be used to grow peppers. pH 6.5-7.2 FERTILITY: Peppers need constant moisture and uniform nutrients for good yields. Excessive nitrogen can cause large plants with no fruit. We recommend using a slow release 4-10-12. Calcium can reduce blossom end rot. GERMINATION: 7-10 days at 75-85F/25-30C. Poor germination is a result of too cool or erratic temperatures. Grow on at 70F/21C. SPACING: We use twin rows 40” apart with plants spaced 14-16” apart. PESTS: Tarnished Plant Bug - stings the blossoms causing fruit to drop when forming. Cover with a row cover or insect netting when flowers begin to bloom. Peppers do not require insect pollination. See Tomato section for additional pests. Tip: Do not plant too soon in the spring, cool temperatures will delay fruit set. Wait until night temperatures are above 50F/10C. Pkt contains approx. O.P. 70-200 sds; Hybrids 10-20 sds; 140-400 sds/gm. ToMV=Tobacco mosaic virus; TMV= Tobacco Mosaic Virus; PVY= Potato Virus Y Vir

Green to Red Bell Types

A316 MiniApple F-1

A mini pepper requested by many of our customers. MiniApple produces small 2” bell shaped peppers that are bright red with an excellent crispy sweet taste when mature. Its medium plant is strong and healthy producing over 40 fruits in our trials. Fruits are a short apple shape and are very firm, very good shipper and are predominantly 4 lobed. 60 days

318 ACE F-1

Extra early, Ace is always the first pepper to yield in our gardens. Ace is high yielding, producing 55-60 gram medium sized, 3 lobed, glossy green tall bell peppers that mature red. Holds blossoms in adverse weather conditions allowing it to produce peppers when other varieties do not. Resistant to TMV and ToMV. 55 days (green to red)

Organic Tip:

The pepper maggot comes from eggs laid by the adult fly. Covering the plants with a row cover after they start flowering will keep the flies away. Peppers are self pollinators so the row cover will not interfere.

A316 MiniApple Hybrid

Garden Performers

318 Ace Hybrid

AAS Winner


First large bell type to turn red. Very sweet and flavorful when mature. Recommended for short season areas, featuring the ability to continually set fruit even under adverse conditions. North Star produces 3-4 lobed sweet, blocky bell peppers. Matures green to deep red. Tolerant to TMV. 65 days


The King of the bell peppers! Extra large 5” square, consistently 4 lobed peppers with thick walls. Turns crimson red when ripe. Not the earliest but definitely the best 4 lobed variety. Semi-Dwarf plants with excellent leaf cover. Tolerant to TMV, PVY, TEV. 72 days


The standard open-pollinated pepper. Medium 4” fruits with thick fleshy walls and mild flavour. Turning to crimson when ripe. 76 days

o320 CALWONDER ‘Yarden’ Org

Similar to above, but organically grown seed. 75 days

A318 North Star Hybrid

Container Culture

HL Heirloom


A319 King Arthur Hybrid

B316 Mellow Star Hybrid

D323 Aruba Hybrid 323 Gypsy Hybrid

Coloured Bell Types Mixture of large hybrid bell peppers in Green, Red, Yellow, Purple, and Orange. This way you just have to receive 1 pkt to get giant multicoloured peppers! 70- 72 days

Intense lilac fruits, adding colour to your salads and veggie trays! Purple Star begins as a unique shade of purple and matures to deep crimson red. The bell fruit is 8cm/3”, weighing 170-190g. Resistant to PVY . 65 days NEW

Specialty Sweet Types


316 purple star F-1

A323 Golden Star F-1

The standard for yellow bell pepper production. Produces large 4”, 4 lobed, glossy yellow peppers with thick walls and sweet pepper taste. Strong plant with excellent leaf coverage protects peppers from sun scalding when maturing. 70 days (green to yellow)

B316 Mellow Star F-1

Oriental specialty known as a Shishitou pepper. Unique Baby sized sweet pepper produces small, wrinkled 3-4” long glossy fruits. Pick green for grilling and stir fries for Japanese cuisine, or allow to mature to a crimson red pepper with wonderful flavor and sweetness. This vigorous plant is resistant to PVY and yields many fruits per plant. 60 days


A productive, firm and sweet fruit, 6” in length, 1-1/2” wide tapering to a point. Colour turns from green to waxy yellow to crimson red when mature. 75 days


323 GYPSY F-1

Bright orange fruits with pleasant sweet, crisp flavour. Produces blocky 3-4” mostly 4 lobed fruits weighing 190-230g. Fruits start dark green, and mature to bright orange. Plants are resistant to PVY and form strong medium sized bushes. 73 days (green to orange)

Early and productive pepper. Highly recommended for short season areas. Gypsy’s distinctive golden colour (turning red at maturity) and sweet fresh flavour makes this variety a favourite for salads and frying. Growth habit is compact but vigorous. Combination between a bell and an Italian ramshorn type growing approx. 5” long. Tolerant to TMV. 60 days

A323 Golden Star Hybrid

D323 ARUBA F-1

Large cubanelle type. Beautiful 8-9” slightly curved peppers grow on strong plants. Medium - green fruits turn bright red when mature. Good flavour and sweetness. Excellent for grilling. Matures earlier than other varieties in the same class. Improved disease resistance to TMV, PVY. 65 days

316 Purple Star Hybrid

C323 Bright Star Hybrid

Cat# Description



100 sds

500 sds



5000 sds

10M sds

316 A316 B316 318 A318 A319 B319 323 A323 C323 D323

$7.95 $21.50 $35.00 $79.50 $145.00 18.25 64.95 108.50 192.50 8.95 24.50 38.95 78.50 133.00 5.95 21.50 38.95 68.50 115.00 9.65 36.50 59.95 134.50 232.50 11.95 42.50 69.50 142.95 252.50 14.95 10.85 38.50 61.50 118.50 215.95 10.95 21.95 34.50 68.50 129.00 195.00 10.95 21.50 34.95 78.50 145.00 12.95 44.50 68.50 142.50 232.50

Purple Star Hybrid MiniApple Hybrid Mellow Star Hybrid Ace Hybrid North Star Hybrid King Arthur Hybrid Pick-A-Pepper Hybrid Gypsy Hybrid Golden Star Hybrid Bright Star Hybrid Aruba Hybrid

O Organic Seed


$2.95 3.95 2.65 2.25 3.65 3.95 3.95 3.65 2.45 2.95 3.65

1000 sds

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

$5.95 5.95 12.95


$1.85 1.85 2.25

By Seed Count

$3.65 3.65 7.95


317 Sweet Banana 320 California Wonder o320 California Wonder Organic

2500 sds

$10.95 $28.00 11.95 29.50 26.50 74.95

PvP Plant Protected Variety

Harvesting and evaluating pepper trials

Disease Abbreviations

ToMV = Tomato Mosaic Virus; XcV = Bacterial Spot TMV = Tobacco Mosaic Virus; PVY = Potato Virus Y Virus; TEV = Tomato Etch Virus

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 45


Hot Pepper Types

Although used mainly ivn Mexican and South American diets, hot peppers are making their way into our northern dishes. Hot peppers are nutritious and packed with vitamins. With stronger plants, hot peppers handle colder weather better than sweet peppers.

C321 Zesy F-1

324 El Jefe Hybrid

Other Hot Types B321 HOLY MOLE F-1

B322 Flame Hybrid

Jalapeno types o324 JALAPENO raam Org

Earlier Pasilla pepper for the North. Holy Mole has a distinctive slightly spicy flavour but not hot and is widely used in Mexican cuisine for Mole Sauce, pizza and enchilada casseroles. The fruits are 7-9 “ long x 1.5” wide and are dark glossy green. Plants are tall and very healthy. We recommend you stake the plants. 80 days


Early Jalapeno selection, producing 5-7 days earlier than other strains. Organically grown seed. 65 days NEW

324 El Jefe F-1

Our best Jalapeno in trials. El Jefe produces extra large, perfectly shaped and smooth, dark green glossy fruits turning deep red when mature. Great pungent taste with medium heat. Strong vigorous plants hold up its heavy yields. Resistant to TEV, Xcv 1-3. 67 days

c324 Tajin F-1

o321 HUNGARIAN HOT WAX Org Waxy yellow, 6-8” long, 2” wide fruit. Sets an abundance of fruit early. Turns to bright red when fully ripe. Medium hot fruits are used in pickling recipes. Organically grown. 65 days NEW

C321 Zesy F-1

Improved Hot Banana pepper. Zesy produces medium pungent 6-8” tapered fruit on strong vigorous plants. Peppers mature from butter yellow to red . The fruits luster is beautiful, the fruit wall is thick, straight, strong pungent. Suitable for roasting fresh or canning. Cat# Description

o321 Hungarian Hot Wax Organic 322 Cayenne Long Slim A322 Caribbean Red o324 Jalapeno Raam Organic By Seed Count

B321 Holy Mole Hybrid C321 Zesy Hybrid B322 Flame Hybrid 324 El Jefe Hybrid A324 Super Chili Hybrid C324 Tajin Hybrid

46 Vegetables


Highly pungent hot peppers for Mexican and Latin American cuisine. Long slim, pencil pod peppers borne in abundance turn from dark green to bright red when mature. Can be used for hot pepper deterrent sprays in the garden. 75 days

A324 Super Chili Hybrid

A322 Caribbean Red

o321 Hungarian Hot Wax Org

Hottest pepper we can grow in Canada! Caribbean Red is a early maturing habanero type, with an rating of over 400,000 Scovilles. Produce many small 1 1/2” light green peppers turning red when mature on healthy compact plants. If you want to grow a hot pepper to beat your neighbour’s hottest, this is the one. 80 days

B322 Flame F-1


New Thai pepper from the Orient. Flame is a traditional long slim pepper used both fresh and dried in orient and Thai cuisine. It produces 12cm long x 1.1 cm wide bright red fruits with thin walls weighing 5-6 grams, very pungent and hot. Flame has good shipping and storage properties. If you like to try ethnic food, this is the true variety used in Asian cooking. 73 days


A red hot chili, 2-3” long pepper. Produces many green, yellow, and red fruits pointing above the compact foliage for easy picking. Excellent as an ornamental plant. Can also be used for a deterrent spray in the garden. AAS winner 1998. 75 days 2g 5g 10g 25g 100g

2.45 1.85 2.35 2.45 Pkt

C324 Tajin Hybrid


Early Jalapeno hybrid with improved yield for Northern climates. Tajin seems to be resistant to purpling, which is a major problem when growing Jalapenos due to our cool nights. Produces a good, concentrated fruit set on strong dark green plants. The large, uniform 3.5” fruits are medium to dark green in colour, with thick walls and a higher pungency level than Jalapeno Raam. 70 days

Hot bananna types


100 sds

6.95 10.95 23.50 3.65 5.95 9.50 19.95 9.85 15.95 32.50 6.95 10.95 23.50 65.00

500 sds

1000 sds

2500 sds

5000 sds

$3.25 $11.95 $45.95 $76.95 $154.00 2.45 6.95 16.95 27.95 56.95 2.15 5.95 19.50 28.50 42.50 65.00 2.95 11.95 33.50 55.00 109.50 195.00 2.65 7.95 32.95 46.25 96.50 183.50 2.95 12.95 49.50 82.50

Garden Performers

B321 Holy Mole Hybrid

AAS Winner

A327 Aspen Hybrid

Container Culture

HL Heirloom


Citrouille - Speise Kurbisse - Zucche - Pompoenen Related to the squash family. Originally used for cooking similar to squash. Pumpkins are now used in pies or as an ornamental crop. For kids, the week before Halloween is spent carving their pumpkins. CULTURE: In short season areas plant indoors 3-4 weeks before last frost date (4” pots, 3 seeds per pot). Do not pull plants apart, transplant the whole clump. In other areas seed outdoors when soil is warm and night time temperatures are above 48F/7C. If soil is cool, pumpkin seeds will not germinate. SOIL: Pumpkins like well drained, sandy loam soil enriched with compost or well rotted manure. FERTILITY: Add manure in the spring or apply slow release nitrogen at the time of planting. Pumpkins need adequate moisture when forming fruits. Lack of moisture will produce small fruits. GERMINATION: 70F/21C for 5-7 days. Cool wet soil will cause seeds to rot. SPACING: 4 seeds in hills, 4 feet apart in rows 8 -12 feet apart. Too close of spacing will cause small fruits. PESTS: see squash section. Tip: For extra large pumpkins start indoors in large pots, transplant into manure mix in the field. Pick all but 2 pumpkins from a plant clump. Pkt contains approx. 8-30 sds; 3-8 sds/gm; 1kg/acre

Large orange fruits weighing from 10 to 25lbs. on vigorous growing vines. Flesh is orangeyellow colour, with dry sweet flavour. 110 days


The standard Halloween pumpkin. Uniform, tall round pumpkin with orange skin and thick flesh. Highly recommended for carving. 25lb/12kg fruit. 115 days

A327 ASPEN F-1

A Howden type for shorter seasons. Aspen has what you need in a marketable Halloween pumpkin: thick stem, large fruit, solid flesh, great orange colour, and high yields. The skin is a burnt orange with some suture. Produces 1020lb pumpkins depending on planting density. Aspen has semi-bush plant habit. 95 days

A326 Spooktacular Hybrid

A329 Jack-Be-Little

E326 Jamboree Hybrid

Pie & Ornamental Types

Large Halloween Types


C326 Lumina Hybrid


Brilliant red-orange pumpkin from France. Produces large, flattened, heavily ribbed fruits. Prized in France for its yellow-orange flesh, which is used in soups and pastries. Fruits are 8-10” high and 24” wide, excellent shelf life. 100 days


From Howard Dill’s stock. This variety could grow the largest pumpkin in the world. Produces huge pale orange fruit that grows on average 100-150 lbs, but under proper growing conditions could reach over 1000 lbs. This is the one to grow for contests. 115 days


Pie pumpkin with rich orange flesh. Good for cooking. 7” in diameter. 100 days


Superior, early, uniform junior-size pumpkins on vigorous, productive vines. Fine grained flesh makes delicious pies. Excellent for pumpkin painting. Rounded fruits 15cm/6” in size, weighs about 2kg/4lb. 85 days

c326 lumina

White ornamental pumpkin. Great novelty item for pumpkin patches. Flat oval pumpkins grow 20cm/8” high and 45cm/18” wide. White skin is excellent for painting and carving, deep orange flesh is ideal for pies. Stores well. 98 days

e326 jamboree f-1

Exciting blue/grey skinned pumpkin. It can be beautifully displayed as a fall decoration, but is also excellent for eating. In many cultures it is used as a squash due to its thick sweet orange flesh. Jamboree has improved uniformity in size, shape, colour, and maturity over similar openpollinated types. It produces concentrated yields of 7-8 lb flattened round shaped fruits 95 days

C327 mUSTANG F-1

New generation, early, Powdery Mildew Resistant pumpkin. Great variety for small market growers and home gardeners. Very productive! The fruits are uniform in size and colour. Produces 12” tall by 10” round fruits on smaller vines for closer planting. The fruit has smooth, straight sutures, a very nice orange colour, and thick flesh. Long, dark-green sturdy handles make this pumpkin easy to pick up. 100 days


Cute, miniature pumpkins, 8cm/3” in size, used mainly for fall and winter decorations. When cured like gourds, they will last up to 8 months. 85 days

A328 Dill’s Atlantic Giant

Cat# Description Pkt 10g 25g 100g

325 Connecticut Field $1.85 326 Small Sugar 1.85 C326 Lumina 2.65 6.45 D326 Rouge Vif D’etampes 2.35 327 Howden 1.85 A328 Dill’s Atlantic Giant 3.75 A329 Jack-Be-Little 2.25 5.95 By Seed Count

C327 Mustang Hybrid

O Organic Seed


50 sds

450g 1lb

2 kg 4.4 lbs

5 kg 11 lbs

1000 sds

2500 sds

5000 sds

$4.25 $8.95 $23.50 $71.50 $152.00 4.50 9.25 23.95 72.50 154.00 11.95 29.50 89.50 7.95 22.50 77.50 4.95 13.25 36.50 138.50 275.00 14.50 39.50 135.00 12.75 29.50 78.50

150 sds

500 sds

A326 Spooktacular Hybrid $2.25 $5.75 $11.95 $33.95 $49.50 $113.50 $205.00 E326 Jamboree Hybrid 2.95 5.95 14.95 39.95 69.50 143.50 255.00 A327 Aspen Hybrid 2.35 7.95 21.95 39.95 75.00 135.00 C327 Mustang Hybrid 4.25 8.95 17.95 47.95 79.50 169.50

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

PvP Plant Protected Variety

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 47



Radis - Ravenello - Radijs Quick growing. Tasty roots add zest to a salad. Popular for children to grow. CULTURE: Most varieties do best when planted in the spring or late summer. Winter varieties need to be planted after late June to avoid bolting. Sow direct as soon as the soil can be worked until June 1st and after August 15. SOIL: Most good garden soil will do. FERTILITY: Apply moderate amounts of nitrogen and higher amounts of phosphorus and potash. Apply manure the previous fall as spring applications can cause mis-formed roots. GERMINATION: 5-7 days at 50-65F/10-18C. Prefers cool soil to germinate. SPACING: Sow seeds 1cm/1/2” apart and 6mm/1/4” deep in rows 16-32” apart. Thin to 3cm/1 1/2” apart. Pkt sows approx. 25ft and contains approx. 150-450 sds; 25g sows 100ft; 75-85 sds/gm.

335 Sora

Oblong - Elongated types

Round Bunching Types


o334 Topsi Organic


335 SORA

Early radish with exceptional quality. Sora produces shiny red, perfectly round 1" roots. Great for spring, summer, and fall culture. Will not bolt or go pithy in the heat. In our radish trials, Sora had the best bunching qualities with fine roots and healthy medium tops. Bred in Germany by the same company that developed Raxe. 22 days

o344 Patirica Organic O

New, early maturing French Breakfast type. Bred in Germany, Patrica excels in early and late seedings, producing marketable roots 5-7 days earlier than French Breakfast. Improved plant habit and uniformity for excellent bunching qualities. Can be used in tunnel and fleece culture. Organically grown seed. 25 days

Extra early radish for early spring culture. Topsi has shown to produce excellent quality roots in coldframe , glasshouses, and under fleece when other varieties grow too slow. It produces perfectly uniform 1” scarlet red radishes with very healthy foliage, perfect for bunching. Organically grown seed. 20 days


Oblong red with white bottoms about 1 1/2” long. Great taste with firm, white flesh. This is a re-selection for more uniform color and purity. AC Strain. 25 days

o344 Patrica Organic


Improved white icicle type from Germany. Eiszapfen has proven to bolt much slower and produce a straighter, more uniform root than White Icicle. It produces 10-12cm/4-5” long, tapered pure white roots. 30-35 days


AAS Winner. One of the most popular radish varieties. Excels in early spring and fall culture and is good for coldframe growing. 26 days

337 RAXE

Our best radish for summer growing! Raxe is a large round, red bunching type. This German variety grows 3 times the size of Cherry Belle and resists becoming fibrous. Unlike winter types, Raxe can be planted from spring to fall without bolting. Excellent market item. 27 days

o337 RAXE Organic

A347 Easter Egg Mix


Same as above but organically grown. 27 days


A multi-line hybrid development producing large round radishes of many colours such as white, pink, red, purple, etc. Stays firm and crisp for a long time. Try some for colourful salads. 30 days 346 Eiszapfen

o334 Topsi Organic

o342 Ostergruss Rosa Organic

Cat# Description Pkt 10g 25g 100g 450g 2kg 1lb 4.4 lbs

337 Raxe

48 Vegetables

o334 Topsi Organic $2.25 335 Sora 1.95 336 Cherry Belle 1.85 337 Raxe 1.95 o337 Raxe Organic o344 Patirica Organic 2.25 345 French Breakfast 1.85 346 Eiszapfen 1.95 A347 Easter Egg Hybrid Mix 1.85

Garden Performers

AAS Winner

$7.25 5.25 4.25 5.25 7.95 7.25 4.25 5.25 5.25

$18.95 $59.95 $225.00 16.95 48.95 163.50 6.95 17.95 53.50 16.95 48.95 159.00 21.95 66.50 235.00 18.95 59.95 225.00 7.25 18.95 59.50 15.95 49.95 168.00 11.95 29.85 94.50

Container Culture

HL Heirloom

Winter Radish Radis - Ravenello - Radijs

Popular storage radishes favoured by European and Oriental cultures. CULTURE: Winter varieties need to be planted after June 21 to avoid bolting. SOIL: Most good garden soil will do. Pkt contains 125-170 sds; 45-85 sds/gm. 350 Round Black Spanish

German Salad Types A Popular radish grown in Germany and Eastern European countries. Not seen much in North America where round radish is king. German Salad Radishes produce half long roots with taller and stronger foliage more similar to our winter radishes. They usually do not bolt like winter radishes when sown early. Flesh is pure white with a spicy sweet taste.


o384 Helenor Organic


Oriental Types


Vivid rose-red salad radish. Pure white flesh has a spicy sweet flavour. Medium long (6-8”) roots with strong foliage. This is a standard variety grown by professional growers in Germany. Organically grown seed. 60-70 days


Pure white, long (6-8”) pointed roots with spicy sweet flavour. Shape is very uniform and strong tops are easy to bunch. Can be grown outdoors or under cover. 60-70 days


Large round, mild radish with dark pink flesh. Good eaten fresh, in salads or cooked. White with green shoulders, grows to about 7-9cm/3”. Also known as the watermelon radish. 60 days


Unusual, half long winter radish. Grows cylindrical, producing a 20cm/8” green and white blunt ended root. Has mild, sweet, crisp green to white flesh. Excellent specialty type. 60 days


Summer Daikon type with long large, white radishes. Uniform in size. Remains edible for a long time. Seed in spring or summer. Can be stored. The preferred Japanese radish. 50 days

European Storage Types 350 ROUND BLACK SPANISH

An excellent black-skinned variety with crisp, mild white flesh. Up to 4” wide. Great keeper. 55 days



Rutabaga originates in Sweden and is thought to be a cross between a turnip and a cabbage. It is an old main stay storage vegetable. It is mostly grown commercially in Canada due to our moderate summer climate. Rutabaga has the highest calcium content of all the root crops. CULTURE: Sow outdoors in mid-June. Sow into a well tilled seed bed. Rutabaga is a full season crop, unlike the turnip. Erratic growth will cause a woody, fibrous texture. SOIL: Most good garden soil will do. FERTILITY: Apply moderate amounts of nitrogen and higher amounts of phosphorus and potash. Apply manure the previous fall, spring applications can cause mis-formed roots. GERMINATION: 5-7 days at 65F/18C. Prefers moderately warm soil to germinate. SPACING: Sow seeds 1cm/1/2” apart and 6mm/1/4” deep in rows 16” apart. Keep moist until growth is seen. Thin out to 15-20cm/6-8”. 250-450 sds/gm

Long rose coloured roots with mild white flesh for fall and winter use. Produces pink sprouts with a nice spicy flavour. 60 days 384 LAURENTIAN Cat# Description Pkt 10g 25g 100g 450g 2kg 1lb 4.4 lbs The standard rutabaga variety for storage. Large, uniform globe-shape with purple tops 339 Red Meat $1.95 $7.95 $21.95 $72.50 and small neck. Light yellow flesh that cooks 340 Green Meat 1.95 8.45 22.95 75.95 to orange. Sow in mid-summer for post frost o342 Ostergruss Rosa Organic 1.95 8.95 21.75 68.95 harvesting. Good winter keeper. 90 days Pkt (5g) $1.85; 25g $5.95;100g $11.95; 450g 343 White Dream 1.95 8.95 21.75 68.95 $36.95

348 Summer Cross Hybrid 350 Round Black Spanish 351 China Rose

348 Summer Cross No. 3 Hybrid

O Organic Seed

2.45 8.95 1.85 1.85

16.50 3.65 3.95

340 Green Meat

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

48.50 5.95 5.95

147.50 14.95 13.95

36.50 36.50

339 Red Meat

PvP Plant Protected Variety

o384 HELENOR Organic


Very uniform, early maturing rutabaga. Helenor produces a globe shaped medium sized root with deep purple colour that holds well when washed. Excellent creamy yellow flesh with a sweet flavour. Colour is achieved early in root development, allowing for picking as a baby buncher. Stores well when harvested mature. Organically grown seed. 75-85 days Pkt (80-100sds) $3.95; 1000sds $12.95; 5000sds $51.95; 10Msds $86.50; 25Msds $165.95

384 Laurentian

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 49



Epinard - Spinat - Spinaci - Spinazie Loaded with iron and vitamins, spinach is one of the most nutritious green vegetables in the garden. It can be eaten raw in salads, cooked like Swiss Chard, or it can be frozen. CULTURE: Sow outdoors from early spring to late summer. There are different varieties for spring and fall culture than for summer culture. SOIL: Spinach likes moist, fertile soil. FERTILITY: Supply medium amounts of nitrogen to produce dark green leaves. Adequate moisture is essential for proper growth. GERMINATION: 5-7 days at 65F/15C. Keep moist until growth is seen. SPACING: Sow seeds 1cm/1/2” apart and 6mm/1/4” deep in rows 12”-18” apart. Thin out to 10-15cm/4-6”. PESTS: the main pest is the leaf miner which bores through the leaves. It is the larvae of the spinach fly, which lays its eggs on the leaves. Control by covering plants with row covers in mid spring or wait until late summer for a fall crop when miners are not a problem. Tip: Plant late summer for a fall or overwintering crop. You can usually get a better crop of spinach in the fall than in the spring because heat, weeds, and insects are not a problem in the fall. Pkt contains approx. 200-350 sds; 50-70 sds/gm; 5kg/acre

352 Space Hybrid

352 SPACE F-1

Top quality, vigorous, smooth leaf variety from Europe. Space is one of the best smooth leaf spinach we have tested. Space produces strong, medium-dark green, upright, fleshy, broad leaves that are slow to bolt. Can be used in the greenhouse for winter cropping. Tolerant to Downy Mildew. 45 days

a352 C2-608 Speedy F-1

357 Bordeaux Hybrid

Purple Veined 357 Bordeaux F-1

Unique red veined spinach from Denmark. Bordeaux produces arrow-shaped, dark green leaves with deep wine-red veins and stems that do not turn green when cooked. Sweet, delicate flavour, excellent for baby leaf production. Quick growing, it will bolt, so make sure to harvest it when young.

Fastest growing spinach we have trialed. C2-608 was bred for early spring and late fall culture in coldframes and under fleece. It is a fast growing, heavy yielding smooth leaf spinach developed for short day use. Best for cool weather baby leaf bunching. Displays medium green colour, very erect plant habit and heavy leaf body. Excellent resistance to Downy Mildew races 1-7. 38-40 days

354 rEFLECT F-1

Early maturing, semi-savoy leaf for all seasons. Very healthy, vigourous upright plants produce an abundance of round-oval leaves that tend not to cup. Suitable for bunching and also for clipping as baby leaves. Tolerant to Downy Mildew races 1-11. 40 days NEW


Old standard home garden variety dating back to the early 19th century. Heavy yielder of glossy, dark green blistered leaves. Plants are prostrate in growth and slow to bolt into seed. Plant in spring or fall. Can over-winter with a minimum of cover. 50 days

o356 TYEE F-1

Very bolt resistant savoy type. Tyee produces dark green, savoyed leaves that are held upright for easy harvest. Moderate growth rate yields lead to top quality leaves with excellent taste. Resists bolting under heat stress, holds well in field when mature. Only conventional untreated seed this year. 52 days

358 GIANT WINTER Viroflex

A special strain of spinach for overwintering crops. Improved strain has tolerance to Mildew. Viroflex produces large, semi-savoyed, medium green, glossy, sword shaped leaves. 54 days

A357 Imperial Green F-1

Most bolt resistant Asian spinach. Finally we have found an Asian–arrowshaped spinach that is worth selling. Imperial green produces dark green succulent, arrow shaped leaves that have great taste. Unlike other types, Imperial Green is very slow to bolt under our spring and summer conditions. Strong leaf structure is great for bunching. Tolerant to mildew races A357 Imperial Green Hybrid 1-7, 9, 11, 13. 50 days Cat# Description Pkt 25g 100g 450g 2kg 1lb 4.4 lbs 359 Tetragonia Expansa

New Zealand Spinach 359 TETRAGONIA EXPANSA

Different from the usual spinach, it is valuable for culture in hot, dry weather. Produces an abundance of fleshy, green leaves which can be picked throughout the season. Plants may grow up to 3ft in size. Seed April-May. Germinates slowly.

50 Vegetables

355 Bloomsdale Dark Green $1.85 358 Giant Winter 1.95 359 Tetragonia Expansa 1.95

$2.65 2.65 4.25

$4.25 4.25 7.95

$12.95 9.85 16.95

$38.95 36.95 53.50

352 Space Hybrid A352 C2-608 Speedy Hybrid 354 Reflect Hybrid o356 Tyee Hybrid 357 Bordeaux Hybrid A357 Imperial Green Hybrid

$3.45 2.95 3.65 4.95 3.25 3.95

$8.25 6.25 8.25 8.95 6.95 7.95

$26.95 23.50 25.95 36.50 23.50 27.95

$71.50 74.50 71.50 93.50 69.50 69.50

By Seed Count

Garden Performers


$1.95 1.95 1.95 2.25 1.95 1.95

AAS Winner





Container Culture

5kg 11 lbs

$87.95 68.50 89.95



$153.50 $485.00 155.00 166.50 565.00 195.00 725.00 132.50 158.50

HL Heirloom

354 Reflect

90 Lucullus

92 Ruby Red

Swiss Chard

Bette A Carde- Mangold - Bietole Costole - Snijbiet CULTURE: See description under Beets. Pkt contains approx. 60-200 sds; 20-45 s/g.


Old Dutch variety noted as the chard with the best taste. Light green, slightly savoyed leaves with pale green rounded stalk. Tall vigorous 1822” plants. Makes good baby leaves.

o90 SILVERADO Organic o356 Tyee Hybrid


Very slow bolting. Silverado produces tall, broad white stems with dark green, heavily savoyed leaves. Resists bolting to seed longer than many other varieties. Plants grow 16-18” high. Excellent visual presentation in bunches. Good mild flavour. Organically grown seed.

91 green PERPETUAL

A smooth-leaved European variety. Produces large, dark green smooth leaves on thin green stalks. Very tender and is excellent as a cooked green. Withstands summer heat and frost. Can be continually picked.

92 RUBY RED A352 Speedy (C2-608) Hybrid

Excellent for baby leaves or bunching. Dark green, crumpled leaves with crimson stalks and veins that are sweet in flavour. Plants grow 18” high. Also known as Rhubarb Chard

358 Giant Winter

94 Eldorado

A94 Peppermint Chard

o92 RUBY RED OrGanic


AAS Winner 1998. Ornamental quality mixture of swiss chard. Features stalks of yellow, pink, white and red stripes with bright green leaves. Vivid colours do not fade when plants mature. Excellent addition to a flower garden. Perfect for salad blends.


Improved Golden Sunrise. Fresh new colour for salad blends. Bright orange stalks and veins with contrasting dark green leaves. Can be used as full grown bunches or as baby leaves in salads and braising mixes. Good frost tolerance. Matures at 45cm/18”. NEW

A94 Peppermint

Unusual pink and white chard. Bred by Alf Christianson for the full sized and baby leaf market. Peppermint produces tender pink with white striping petioles with the bottom being attractive pink. Leaves are dark green savoyed and having good taste when cooked.

93 Bright Lights

91 Perpetual Spinach

Cat# Description Pkt 25g 100g

90 Lucullus 91 Green Perpetual 92 Ruby Red 94 Eldorado By seed Count

o90 Silverado Organic

O Organic Seed


Similar to conventional Ruby Red. Organically grown seed.

450g 1lb

2kg 4.4 lbs

5kg 11 lbs



$1.85 $3.65 $7.25 $14.50 $43.00 $92.50 1.85 3.95 9.85 24.50 82.50 185.00 1.85 3.95 9.25 19.50 65.00 145.00 1.95 4.95 11.75 29.50 98.50 195.50 Pkt




o90 Silverado Organic $1.95 $6.95 $16.95 $49.50 $155.00 o92 Ruby Red Organic 15.95 56.50 169.50 315.00 93 Bright Lights 2.25 6.95 21.95 88.50 260.00 A94 Peppermint 1.95 5.95 23.95 79.95 258.50

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

PvP Plant Protected Variety

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 51


Summer Squash

Popular summer vegetable for stir frying, sauteing, and barbecuing. In past decades there have been many new varieties for gardeners to try. CULTURE: See Winter Squash. HARVEST: For the best quality, pick when blossoms on the end begin to wilt. Store at 55F/12C. High humidity and cooler temperatures will cause injury. For Zucchini bread harvest when 3” thick. Note: Nouveau cuisine uses the blooms from the squash in salads and appetizers. The blooms have a nice buttery texture. Use #B363 for the best blooms. Pkt contains approx. O.P. 15-50 sds (depending on the type); Hybrids 6-25 sds; 4-12 sds/ gm; 2-3kg/acre


353 Meres


Salsfis - Schwartzwurzel Pianta Schorseneren Popular European vegetable native to southern Europe. In North American is a popular specialty vegetable for gourmet gardeners and chefs. Salsify has an distinctive flavour, and is grown similar to parsnips. CULTURE: Sow outdoors in mid June for fall harvest. If seeded too early, cool temperatures can cause bolting. Salsify likes deeply worked soil. Space seeds 2cm/1” apart and 1cm/1/2” deep. Germinates in 10-15 days. Thin out to 5cm/2”. HARVEST: Dig and store roots in the fall, like carrots. Roots can be stored in moist sand in a cool basement. Pkt sows approx. 15ft; 90-110sds/gm. NEW

353 Meres

Improved Blackrooted Salsify. Bred in Holland for the refined scorzonera production. It produces 9-14” long smooth ¾” cylindrical roots with intense black colour and good bolting resistance, uniform in length and diameter. Plants have tolerance against soft top and mildew and will not produce oversized roots. Improved seed quality. European delicacy.110-150 days Pkt (3g) $1.95; 25g $5.95; 100g $16.95; 450g $47.95; 1kg $92.50

A353 MAMMOTH SANDWICH ISland Easier to grow Salsify having off-white, 8” long x 1 1/2” tapered roots. Roots are stronger than Blackrooted Duplex and have a oyster like flavour. Use in stews, baked or in a cream sauce. Stores well. 120 days Pkt (3g) $1.95; 25g $4.50; 100g $13.95; 450g $43.50; 1 kg $68.00

A353 Mammoth Sandwich Island

52 Vegetables


Old time favorite summer squash producing creamy yellow fruits with a curved neck. When picked young 4” it has a smooth skin and a tender interior. Can be used ornamental when allowed to mature, it then has a warted golden skin. 45 days


Attractive bright yellow scallop squashes. Compact open habit plants produce heavy yields. Small blossom end and more uniform yellow than other varieties. Pick as baby scallops with blossoms attached or at the 3-4” stage for optimum tenderness and flavour. Excellent for specialty market. 50 days

B382 G-Star F-1 Organic


New dark green scallop. Excellent specialty market item from Israel ARO breeding. G-Star produces excellent quality fruits that are flatter and more uniform than other dark green scallop types. Nice open plant habit. Can be picked as mini’s. Organically grown seed.

o382 Y-Star F-1 Organic


New bright yellow scallop. Similar in size and shape to Sunburst but is flatter in shape and has a pronounced dark green blossom end. Small open plant habit. Not as heavy yielding as Sunburst. Developed by ARO Israel. Organically grown seed.

Popular English summer squash. Creamy-white skinned cylindrical shaped fruits are picked at the 10-12” long size. Strong bush habit plants. 50-70 days


AAS winner 1999. A novelty for your garden. Round, dark green zucchinis can be picked as babies or at 3-4” size and used for stuffing. If they get too large, hollow them out for use as a bowl to hold dips and salads. 48 days

381 DEEMA F-1

New, high yielding, early, virus tolerant MidEastern summer squash. Deema is an Anita type squash. The strong plant has a semi-erect single stem and open habit for easy picking. The fruit is pale green color with attractive cream mottling,a nice tapered shape, and has a small blossom scar. Yield studies have shown that it performs better than commercial varieties by 30%! 35 days

A381 Baby Tiger F-1

Grow the unusual! New marrow squash bred in England. Baby Tiger is an attractive striped English Marrow producing uniform 3-5” cream fruits striped with dark green. Flesh is smooth and has a slight nutty flavour. Healthy bush plant is suited to both field and container production and produces a higher count of fruits per plant. 35-45 days


Blend of summer squash types for backyard gardens. Combination of various shapes, types and colours. Perfect for gardeners who want selection, but not multiple packages of seed. 50- 52 days

382 Sunburst Hybrid

A382 Summer Melody Hybrid

Garden Performers

AAS Winner

A362 Early Golden Crookneck o382 Y-Star Hybrid Organic

Container Culture

HL Heirloom

C363 Partenon Hybrid Organic

A381 Baby Tiger Hybrid

N363 Anton Hybrid Organic


Zucchini Types 6-8 sds/gm

Large, open plants with no spines. Important to gardeners who want blemish free fruit but do not want aggravated skin. Spineless Beauty produces long 7-8”, slender, medium green fruits with a light speckle. Consistently one of the heaviest yielders. 43 days


Standard open-pollinated variety also known as Dark Green. Produces good yields of dark green cylindrical fruits on large bush plants. Pick when the fruit is 6-8” long for optimum quality. Not as productive or as early as hybrid varieties. 55 days

o363 BLACK BEAUTY Organic


C363 PARTENON F-1 Organic


Similar to above but organically grown seed. 55 days

Perfect zucchini for urban gardens and early spring covered culture. Fruits are mediumdark green with shiny skin. Partenon is a Parthenocarpic (pollination possible without insects) variety from Germany, especially bred for spring cultivation in covered tunnels and greenhouses. In trials, it produced the highest early yields when cool stress caused other varieties not to set fruit. It is also very suited for home gardens where there may not be enough plants normally for pollination. Organically grown seed.


Improved colour and plant health. Consistently the best golden yellow zucchini in our trials. Perfect slender fruits which do not discolour or have green blossom ends like other types. Increased tolerance to Mosaic. Heavy yielder. Recommended Market Variety 52 days

K363 Raven Hybrid


G363 Golden Dawn III Hybrid M363 Portofino Hybrid

Italian zucchini type with distinctive nutty taste. Produces 12-16” long, ribbed, unusual green mottled fruits on healthy, open bush plants. This is our staff’s favourite in our summer squash trials. Adds flavour to stir fries and other zucchini dishes. Also know as romanesco or striata. Great for farmers’ markets and restaurants. 48 days

F363 Spineless Beauty Hybrid

381 Deema Hybrid

K363 Raven F-1

Our #1 medium, dark green zucchini in our trials. Raven produces perfect cylindrical dark green zucchinis on open, nearly spineless plants. It produces very high, early, concentrated yields. For years we have sold this variety outside of our catalogue to local Zucchini growers. Has shown some mildew tolerance in our trials. 43 days

N363 Anton 663 F-1 organic O

Quality dark green zucchini with Powdery Mildew resistance. Anton was bred by the ARO in Israel, having early heavy yields, but also able to be grown in fall when Powdery Mildew is a problem. It produces good quality, attractive, dark green fruits which are mostly cylindrical. Can also be used for mini zucchini. Organically grown seed. 44 days

Cat# Description Pkt 10g 25g 100g 450g 2 kg 1lb 4.4 lbs

A362 Early Golden Crookneck $1.85 363 Vegetable Marrow 1.85 B363 Black Beauty 1.85 N363 Anton 663 Hybrid Organic 2.95 15.65 o363 Black Beauty Organic 2.85 4.95 B382 G-Star Hybrid Organic 2.95 15.65 o382 Y-Star Hybrid Organic 2.95 15.65 By Seed Count

H363 Eight Ball Hybrid

O Organic Seed


50 sds

150 sds

$3.95 $8.95 $18.50 $68.00 4.25 8.95 24.50 4.25 8.45 22.50 78.00 31.95 74.50 279.50 9.95 18.25 55.95 31.95 74.50 279.50 31.95 74.50 279.50

500 sds

1000 sds

2500 sds

5000 sds

C363 Partenon Hybrid Org $3.95 $12.45 $29.95 $82.50 $135.95 $285.00 F363 Spineless Beauty Hybrid 2.45 4.95 9.25 25.95 41.95 83.50 146.50 G363 Golden Dawn III Hybrid 2.45 4.95 10.45 25.95 42.95 84.50 157.50 H363 Eight Ball Hybrid 2.65 5.25 10.95 28.50 49.50 94.50 K363 Raven Hybrid 2.25 4.95 9.25 25.95 42.95 89.50 155.50 M363 Portofino Hybrid 3.95 8.95 21.95 52.50 85.95 195.00 381 Deema Hybrid 2.75 6.45 12.95 34.50 54.95 115.00 178.50 A381 Baby Tiger Hybrid 2.45 4.95 11.95 32.95 48.95 95.00 169.50 382 Sunburst Hybrid 2.45 4.25 8.95 25.65 41.85 85.95 148.50 A382 Summer Melody Hybrid 2.45 4.95 9.25 25.95 41.95

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

PvP Plant Protected Variety

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 53


Winter Squash

Courges d’hiver - Speise Kurbisse - Zucca - Kalebassen

B361 Table Ace Hybrid

D363 BonBon Hybrid

Squash is native to North and South America. During the late 1700’s squash became an important staple to New England because it was well adapted to the climate and stored throughout the winter. Today squash is still an important staple and can be used year round. Winter squash is an excellent source of vitamin A, carbohydrates and minerals. Seeds are high in vegetable proteins and fats. CULTURE: Squash can be started indoors or outdoors. INDOORS: Start in peat pots or 4” plastic pots 3-4 weeks before the last frost. Sow 3-4 seeds per pot. OUTDOORS: Sow direct when soil is warm to touch and there is no danger of frost. SOIL: Squash likes well drained, sandy loam soil. pH 5.5 -7.5 FERTILITY: Enrich with compost or well rotted manure before planting. Moisture is needed when forming fruit. GERMINATION: 5-7 days at 70F/21C. Seeds will rot if soil temperature is too cool and wet. SPACING: Plant bush varieties in hills 3-4 feet apart, rows spaced 6 feet apart. Full vined varieties plant hills 4-5 feet apart, rows spaced 8-10 feet. PESTS: Cucumber beetle will damage young seedlings and flowers causing disease and poor pollination. Control with a mixture of Diatomaceous Earth, row covers, or insect netting. Squash vine borer causes wilting of the vine, the stem will be hollowed out. The only control is spraying for a small black wasp-like moth which lays eggs in a 2 week period when the plant begins to vine. Broad crop rotation also reduces chance of attack. HARVEST: Pick after vine dies or rind hardens and dulls in colour. Cure in high temperatures and humidity (80F/27C) for a week, then store at 50-59F/10-15C, humidity of 60%. Most winter varieties can be stored for 6 months. Pkt contains O.P. 25-50 sds (depending on the type); Hybrids 10-25 sds; 2-3kg/acre

Acorn Types: 8-11 sds/gm 361 TABLE QUEEN

The original acorn variety we sold. Large, medium-dark green fruits with thick orange flesh. Productive open pollinated variety with a strong full vine. Introduced in 1913. Good storage. 90 days


C361 Honey Bear Hybrid

High quality, high yielding industry standard. Attractive 5-6” dark green fruits with sweet, smooth, golden flesh and a small blossom end. Strong semi-bush vine is vigorous and sets fruits near the center for easier picking. Best variety for storage. 75 days

C361 Honey Bear F-1

New, small, personal sized acorn. Honey Bear combines sweet flesh, good disease resistance, and high yield into a small 4-5” fruit. Bushy compact plants spread 4-5 feet and yield 3-5 fruits per plant. Good tolerance to powdery mildew. Excellent garden item. Bred by Dr Loy at U of New Hampshire. AAS winner 2008. 75 days


D361 Sunshine Hybrid

Classy Acorn with tolerance to Powdery Mildew. Autumn Delight produces large dark green 6”-7” fruits with deep ribs. Flesh is smooth with a rich, butter color. Plant is a healthy, strong semi-bush which holds its foliage long due to tolerance to Powdery Mildew. 71 days

Buttercup - Kabocha Types: 5-7 sds/gm D361 Sunshine F-1

Sweet scarlet Kabocha type. Sunshine produces bright scarlet orange 3-5 lb flat round fruits. Its bright orange flesh is smooth and sweet, great for baking and soups. Plants are a vigorous semi-bush and produce well in our trials. Replaces Ambercup. 95 days


Popular full vined cup variety. Turban shaped, dark green-grey spotted fruits with a distinctive cup-button on blossom end. Thick orange, dry flesh has a sweet rich flavour. Good keeper. Fruits weigh about 3-4lb each. Has been the standard storage variety for years. 90 days

o361 BURGESS BUTTERCUP ORG O Similar to above, but organically grown seed. 90 days


Bonbon has produced the nicest, most uniform true buttercup squash. Improved taste, uniformity, colour and yield on vigorous medium sized plants. Its 4-5 pound fruits have the classic buttercup appearance of dark green, smooth skin and a prominent grey button on the base. The thick, deep orange flesh is smooth, sweet and is not dry. Tolerant of Wart, which is a major problem with buttercups. AAS winner 2005. 95 days


Semi-bush, cupless Kabocha type. Excellent storage variety with smooth dark green skin off-set by lighter green sutures. Fine grained golden-yellow, sweet flesh. Mature size is 3-4lbs. Produces heavy yields close to the centre of the plant. Recommended market variety. 85 days F361 Autumn Delight Hybrid

54 Vegetables

E363 Sweet Mama Hybrid

Garden Performers

AAS Winner

Container Culture

HL Heirloom

A360 Avalon

G362 Baby Blue Hubbard

Butternut Type: 9-12 sds/gm 360 WALTHAM BUTTERNUT

Most popular winter squash variety. Our strain is very uniformed and productive. Waltham produces medium-large, 12”, blocky pear shaped squash with tan-yellow skin. Dark orange flesh with fine flavour. Excellent keeper. 95 days

o360 WALTHAM BUTTERNUT Org O Similar to above, but organically grown seed and not as uniform. 95 days


Market quality blocky main season butternut. Avalon has been the most productive butternut in our trials; fruit set is very uniform and concentrated on healthy vines. The 4-5 lb cylindrical tan coloured butternuts are slightly larger and much more consistent in shape, size, and maturity than Waltham. 88 days


Our best selling Butternut. Very early, productive and uniform. Compact, semi bush vines bear a heavy crop of medium 10-12” fruits with tan skins. Dark orange fine textured flesh with sweet flavour and good storing qualities. 75 days

F362 Sweet Dumpling

D362 Uchiki Kuri

Hubbard Type: 4-5 sds/gm 362 HUBBARD IMPROVED GREEN

Improved large traditional hubbard. Produces 12” by 9”, 10 to 12lb tapered fruits with dark, bronze-green skin, a hard tough rind, and finegrained, dry, orange-yellow flesh. Large vined plants. Exceptional winter keeper. 105 days


A winter squash with reddish-orange, lightly warted skin somewhat earlier than Green Hubbard. Golden Hubbard produces 10 lb. fruits packed with deep orange, dry, fine-grained flesh on full vined plants. Equally tasty when fresh, canned or frozen. Good keeper. 90 days


Unusual bright orange-red skinned squash from Japan. Semi-bush vines bear tear-dropshaped, 3 to 5 pound fruits shaped with smooth skin with almost no ribbing. Sweet, creamy yellow flesh with a nutty flavour. Uchiki Kuri is a very uniformed strain, also know as ‘Orange okkaido’. 85 days

B360 Early Butternut Hybrid


Miniature blue hubbard; manageable size for today’s families. Small, grey-blue hubbardshaped fruits weigh 4-6 lbs. and have finegrained, yellow-gold flesh that is nutty sweet and of excellent quality. Semi-bush plants. Developed by U of New Hampshire. 85 days

E362 Turks Turban

Cat# Description Pkt 10g 25g 100g 450g 2 kg 1lb 4.4 lbs

360 Waltham Butternut

360 Waltham Butternut o360 Waltham Butternut Organic 361 Table Queen C361 Honey Bear Hybrid D361 Sunshine Hybrid o361 Burgess Buttercup Organic 362 Hubbard Improved Green C362 Golden Hubbard D362 Uchiki Kuri G362 Baby Blue Hubbard A363 Burgess Buttercup D363 Bon Bon Hybrid E363 Sweet Mama Hybrid

$1.85 2.25 1.85 2.35 5.95 3.95 9.65 2.25 1.85 1.85 1.95 5.65 1.95 1.85 2.95 7.95 3.25 9.25

A360 Avalon Hybrid $2.25 B360 Early Butternut Hybrid 2.35 B361 Table Ace Hybrid 2.35 F361 Autumn Delight Hybrid 2.65

$4.95 4.95 3.95 4.95

By Seed Count

362 & C362 Green & Golden Hubbard

O Organic Seed

Short Season/Cold Tolerant


50 sds

PvP Plant Protected Variety

150 sds

$8.95 9.25 7.95 10.95

$4.65 5.95 3.95 9.95 17.95 5.95 3.95 3.95 9.95 5.95 4.95 13.95 18.95

500 sds

$19.50 29.45 21.95 28.95

F-1 Hybrid

$8.45 15.95 7.95 31.50 59.50 17.95 9.95 9.85 28.95 17.95 11.25 37.95 49.50

1000 sds

$29.50 39.50 36.95 44.95

$24.95 47.50 22.50 96.50 192.50 54.25 36.50 29.95 93.50 54.50 33.50 132.50 168.50

2500 sds

$59.95 76.50 72.50 97.50

$85.50 152.00 78.95 395.00 710.00 115.00 118.50 345.00 195.00 109.50 495.00 645.00

5000 sds

$109.50 146.00 136.50 185.00

Vegetables 55


2012 Tomato Trials - Staking types

Tomatoes 383 Vegetable Spaghetti / B383 Orangetti / A383 Pinnacle

Spaghetti Type: 6-8 sds/gm

Specialty Types: 8-12 sds/gm

Unusual and interesting squash. Cook whole fruits when 10” long for about 20 minutes. Cut in half horizontally, remove seeds, and out comes the pulp, just like spaghetti. Add salt, pepper, and butter.


Standard open-pollinated variety. Produces constant yields of 4-5lb, 6”x 10” pale yellow coloured fruits with yellow flesh. Large vigorous vine. Not as uniform as Pinnacle. 95 days


Improved Pasta type. Pinnacle is a new variety that offers more uniformity and increased yields, producing 17 x 12cm/7x 5”, 3lb/1.3kg fruits that ripen to an appealing bright yellow colour. The internal quality is excellent: spaghetti strands are fine and have the nutty flavour of true spaghetti squash. With a semi-bush growing habit, it allows for higher planting densities and higher yields per acre. 85 days

b383 ORANGETTI F-1 ORGanic

Orange skinned and flesh. Finally an replacement for Beta Gold. Orangetti is a larger version with sweet, delicate spaghetti like flesh. Fruits are 8-10” long with bright orange colour that make an appetizing presentation and also have higher beta-carotene content than standard spaghetti squashes. Short term storage. Organically grown seed. 90 days

A383 Pinnacle Hybrid


Popular fall ornamental squash. Bright orange fruits are flat in shape with a prominent button striped and spotted in green, cream and orange. 8” wide, 3-4 lb fruits have pale yellow flesh that is good for baking and cooking. 4-5 sds/gm. 85 days


A specialty winter squash that can be used for both culinary and decorative purposes. Sweet Dumpling produces 4-5” heart shaped fruits. Exterior colour is ivory-cream with green stripes, and the smooth flesh is yellow-orange, tender, and very sweet. Plants are semi-vined, yielding 5-7 fruits per plant. 90 days

H362 Carnival F-1

Unusually coloured Sweet Dumpling. Carnival produces medium sized heart shaped fruits with colourful mottling of green, light green, orange, and cream. No two fruits are the same. Golden flesh is smooth and has a nutty sweet taste. Semi-bush plants. Excellent fall display item. 85 days


Very uniform, open-pollinated strain, selected for non-bitter fruits. Also known as sweet potato squash, Delicata produces 7-9” long, 3” wide, 1 1/2-2 lb., cream-colored fruits with dark green lengthwise stripes and flecks. Very sweet, excellent for stuffing and baking, even right after harvest- requires no curing. Plants are healthy and full vined for improved production. Average yield: 5-7 fruits/plant. 100 days

J362 Delicata JS

Cat# Description Pkt 10g 25g 100g

F362 Sweet Dumpling $1.95 $4.95 J362 Delicata JS Strain 1.95 4.95 383 Vegetable Spaghetti 1.85 B383 Orangetti Hybrid Org 2.95 15.65 E362 Turk’s Turban 1.95 By Seed Count

A383 Pinnacle Hybrid H362 Carnival Hybrid

56 Vegetables

Tomates - Tomaten - Pomodori

H362 Carnival Hybrid


$2.65 2.35

450g 1lb

$8.65 7.45 4.95 31.95 5.95

$28.95 17.50 13.95 79.50 13.95

$86.50 48.50 39.50 295.00 39.50

$4.95 $11.95 5.95 14.95

$32.50 32.75

$52.95 54.50

50 sds


Garden Performers



2 kg 4.4 lbs

$310.00 167.00 138.50 146.00

2500 sds

5 kgs 11 lbs


$118.50 $199.50 92.50 165.00

AAS Winner

Tomatoes were unknown to the world until Spanish explorers returned from South America and introduced them to Spain in the 1500's. For many years tomatoes were thought to be poisonous. It was not until the 1800's that people started to consume them as a food. Since then the tomato has become the second most important vegetable crop, exceeded only by the potato. CULTURE: Tomatoes are a warm season crop. Best started indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. SOIL: Tomatoes prefer deep, welldrained fertile loam, but will grow on most types of soil free from a hardpan. pH 6-6.5 FERTILITY: Tomatoes need moderately high amounts of fertilizer throughout the growing season. 1-2-1 ratio for most soils. Regular yearly applications of rotted manure is beneficial. Calcium and magnesium are usually needed where tomatoes were grown before. Consistent watering reduces foliar and fruit problems. GERMINATION: 5-10 days at 70-75F/21-24C. Keep in light to prevent stretching. Transplant at ‘true 4 leaf stage’ into bigger containers (P-804 cell-paks or 4” pots). SPACING: Transplant out to 24” between plants, 6 feet between rows. Use wider row spacing when you do not stake or prune the plants. PESTS: Tomato hornworm attacks foliage in midseason, stripping the leaves bare. Control worms by removing and exterminating them or spraying BTK when damage is seen. To control the various diseases that attack tomato plants, try these methods: use resistant varieties (see below); crop rotation-do not grow tomatoes where there have been tomatoes, peppers, potatoes or eggplants in the last 3 years; use stakes and mulches to reduce the moisture that spreads blight on the plant leaves. Tip: Tomatoes need steady moisture and fertilizer to keep stress & disease away and to produce large fruit. Mulching helps to retain moisture and keep weeds down. Tomato varieties having resistance or tolerance to the following diseases will be noted with: (V.F.N.) F = Fursarium Wilt race 1; V=Verticillium Wilt; F 1+2 =Fursarium races 1+2; N=Nematodes; ToMV=Tobacco mosaic virus; C = Cladosporium (Leafmold); ASC = Alternaria stem canker; ST=Stemphylium Pkt contains approx. O.P. 150-200 sds; Hybrid 10-25 sds; 200-400 sds/gm.

Container Culture

HL Heirloom

A372 Celebrity Hybrid

372 Mountain Spring

Patio Tomatoes 371 TINY TIM

A very early dwarf growing patio tomato. Tiny Tim grows about 15” tall and is covered with 3/4” bright red fruits. Good flavour. Can be grown in pots, window boxes, or gardens. Determinate.55 days

A371 TOTEM F-1

Dwarf stalky bush tomato for containers. A good patio planter choice because it is stocky and stays compact 12-16”. Early and heavy yielding, with large trusses of 1 1/2”crimson fruit produced low down on the stem. Determinate, dark green healthy plants. 67 days

B371 siderno F-1

Perfect tomato for urban gardens and containers. Developed in Germany for the container markets. Siderno produces many golf ball-sized tomatoes with great taste on very compact plants. In our trials the tomato clusters were more abundant than the leaves! These tomatoes have great flavour - use them in salads, on kebabs, or as a snack. Easily grown in a container - plant grows to about 45cm/18” maximum. 60 days

C372 Mountain Fresh Hybrid

Standard Bush Tomatoes 372 MOUNTAIN SPRING F-1

Our best tasting, early maturing, high yielding bush tomato. In our tests, Mountain Spring was a week earlier than Mountain Fresh and Celebrity. It produces firm, smooth, medium sized 200-225g, globe shaped, dark red fruits that have good flavour. Unlike other early varieties Mountain Spring’s plants are very healthy and withstands adverse conditions. Developed by Dr. Randy Gardner at U of NC. Tolerance to V,F-1+2,ST. Determinate. 68 days

A373 POLBiG F-1

Extra early tomato with good flavour. Polbig produces medium sized 125-170g globe shaped, dark red fruits. Fruits will set under cool conditions and hold for extended periods on vine without cracking. Compact determinate plants are resistant to F1, V, and TMV. Excellent for northern climates and cold frames. Determinate. 55-60 days


AAS Winner 1984. We have yet to find another tomato that performs as consistently as Celebrity. Ranked as one of the most flavourful tomatoes. Its medium-sized determinate plant sets good quantities of attractive deep-oblate fruit that weigh about 225 grams each. Suited for short staking. (V, F 1+2, N, TMV, ASC, St) 70 days


Beautiful, globe shaped field tomato with taste. Has exhibited early blight tolerance in our trials, unlike any other main variety. 9oz/250g fruits are smooth and firm with excellent internal and external colour. Strong, determinate plants good for field culture and short stakes. (V, F 1&2) 72 days

D372 Perla F-1 Organic


Main season, large tomato available as organic seed. Perla produces deep red, large, globe shaped tomatoes on strong, healthy determinate plants. Fruits are firm and have good taste. Developed by the ARO in Israel for fresh, open field production. Shown to have tolerance to V, F-1, F-2. Organcially grown seed. 72 days


Early tomato suitable for northern climates. Sub Arctic Plenty produces an abundance of 2-3” 100gm fruit in two sets on a strong determinate plant. Resistant to colder temperatures. 55 days

A371 Totem Hybrid D372 Perla Hybrid Organic

B371 Siderno Hybrid

Cat# Description


By Seed Count






100 sds

500 sds

1000 sds

2500 sds


371 Tiny Tim $1.85 $4.95 $7.95 $14.50 373 Sub Arctic Plenty 1.85 4.95 7.95 14.95

A373 Polbig Hybrid

O Organic Seed

5M sds

A371 Totem Hybrid $2.95 $14.50 $54.50 $87.00 B371 Siderno Hybrid 5.95 36.95 114.95 192.00 395.00 372 Mountain Spring Hybrid 2.85 8.25 32.50 52.50 99.50 188.50 A372 Celebrity Hybrid 2.65 7.45 27.95 42.95 81.50 145.50 C372 Mountain Fresh Hybrid 2.75 8.45 34.50 54.50 105.50 188.50 D372 Perla Hybrid Organic 2.95 7.45 21.50 37.50 72.50 135.00 A373 Polbig Hybrid 3.25 10.65 39.50 67.50 139.50 255.00

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

PvP Plant Protected Variety

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 57


B367 Diplom Hybrid Organic

C370 Spring Shine Hybrid

Early Staking Types

B367 diplom F-1 Organic


Early maturing cluster variety with great oldfashioned tomato flavour. Diplom produces clusters have 6-8 fruits that ripen uniformly. Fruits are completely deep red, round and firm, and weigh 90grams. Plants are very healthy and vigorous with open habit for easy staking and picking. Developed in Germany for the soil greenhouse market.Resistant to Leaf Mold and Tomato Mosaic Virus. Indeterminate. Organically grown seed. 65 days



Greenhouse Cluster type with exquisite taste and perfect colour. Alegra produces deep red, perfectly round, 2” fruits, with excellent internal colour and texture. Developed for the organic greenhouse trade in Israel by the ARO, but works just as well outdoors and in high tunnels. Plants have very healthy, strong indeterminate growth with good leaf cover. Organically grown seed

o370 MATINA Organic

A378 Big Beef Hybrid


Quality small staking tomato with great flavour. One of the tastiest early tomatoes in our trials. Healthy indeterminate plant produces deep red, 100-140gm juicy fruits. Organically grown seed. Pkt contains approx. 45-50 sds. 65 days

B370 Mountain Magic Hybrid

Main Season Staking Types


Super flavour on blight resistant plants! Mountain Magic produces trusses of 50g Campari-type tomatoes on very healthy, indeterminate plants. Fruits are sweet and flavourful, highly crack resistant, uniformly red inside and out, and have a long shelf life. Mountain Magic also is moderately resistant to early blight and highly resistant to late blight. This was noticeable in our own trials: Mountain Magic was green and growing while all of the other tomatoes were dying. Developed by notable tomato breeder Dr Randy Gardner. V 1&2, F 1 &2. .

C370 Spring Shine F-1

Early maturing tomato with pink flesh. Spring Shine is a tasty new pink fleshed variety from Taiwan. The young fruit has a green shoulder, but the mature fruit is pink, medium sized, with fine texture, good flavour, and weighs about 160-190 grams. The fruit shape is round to deep globe, with a sugar content of about 6-8%. Spring Shine has 4-6 fruits in each cluster produced on indeterminate plants that are tolerant to Fusarium Wilt, ToMV-0 & 1 and cool temperatures. 65-70 days

A367 COBRA F-1

Produces large, firm, uniform (200g/7oz) deep globed fruits with good taste and crack resistance. Especially bred for greenhouse growing but does equally as well outdoors as a stake tomato. Cobra gives excellent results if pruned and raised on one or two stems. Resistant to V, F 1+2, ToMV, ST. Indeterminate. Pkt contains approx. 8-10 sds. 72 days


Extra large beefsteak fruits. Popular home garden tomato with consistent yields of large, (12 oz.) flavourful, sweet fruits. Vigorous indeterminate vines with multiple disease resistance bear firm, meaty tomatoes.(V-1, F-1, N, ASC, St) 70 days


The perfect beefsteak with excellent taste. Big Beef produces extra large, smooth “beefy” fruits that are not gnarly like other types. Weighing on average 10-12oz. up to a pound. Large vigorous indeterminate plants have in-bred disease resistance. Our trials have shown early high yields of large uniform fruits with good old-fashioned flavour. (V, F 1+2, ASC, N, ToMV, St) 73 days

o378 country taste F-1 org


A hybrid tomato with heirloom flavour. Country Taste is a juicy beefsteak tomato with very large, dark red fruits that are packed with real tomato taste. It produces an abundance of 250g-350g globe shaped fruits on very healthy large indeterminate plants. Resistant to: ToMV, and VFN. Organically grown seed. 72 days 0367 Alegra Hybrid Organic

B372 Lemon Boy Hybrid


Most popular open-pollinated home garden variety. Medium sized 6oz/160g, firm fruit with good taste. Smooth, bright scarlet, flat globeshaped fruits on small indeterminate plants. Heavy cropper. Uniform colour. 70 days Tomato varieties having resistance or tolerance to the following diseases will be noted with: (V.F.N.) F = Fursarium Wilt race 1; V=Verticillium Wilt; F 1+2 =Fursarium races 1+2; N=Nematodes; ToMV=Tobacco mosaic virus; C = Cladosporium (Leafmold); ASC = Alternaria stem canker; ST=Stemphylium

A367 Cobra Hybrid

58 Vegetables

o378 Country Taste Hybrid Organic

Garden Performers

376 Golden Shine Hybrid

AAS Winner

Container Culture

HL Heirloom

Picking Paste Tomato Trial 2012

o364 Amish Paste Organic

Yellow Staking Types


Exceptional yellow variety that produces large, classy 6-8oz/ 170g, lemon-yellow fruits on vigorous indeterminate plants. Early, deepglobed fruits with mild flavoured flesh. (V, F1, N, Asc, St.) 72 days


Unusual golden-orange colour with great flavour. Produces large, round fruits (160-200g) that grow in clusters of 4-6. Fruits become bright golden-orange when mature and are tolerant to cracking. Healthy Indeterminate plants. 72- 78 days

A364 Incas Hybrid Organic

Cat# Description

o364 Amish Paste Organic 365 San Marzano Organic 366 Roma V.F.N. 370 Bonny Best o370 Matina Organic

By Seed Count

364 Viva Italia Hybrid



Paste Types


Nicknamed “the Italian Stallion,” this variety is a winner by many lengths. No other paste variety we have trialed has been as early or as sweet. Its firm fruits hold up better than most other varieties. Smooth skinned, sweet meaty flesh with little liquid and few seeds. 90g/3oz blocky-plum fruits on vigorous disease resistant determinate vines. Great for fresh use and tomato paste. Recommended market variety. (V, F 1+2, N, Asc, St & Bacterial Speck). 65 days


Large, freshmarket, plum tomato with late blight resistance. Late blight is a major disease in eastern and central Canada that wipes out tomato crops. It produces high yields of firm, large, plum shaped fruit (95-110g), with bright red exterior and interior- excellent for sauces. Also suitable for vine-ripe or mature green harvest. It has very small blossom end scars. Healthy determinate plants are Resistant to Verticillium Wilt, Fusarium wilt 1 and 2, TSWV and late blight, with a moderate early blight resistance as well. Highly resistant to graywall and fruit cracking. Plum Regal was developed by Dr. Randy Gardner and U of South Carolina. 75 days 1g 5g 10g 25g 100g

$2.25 $6.95 2.25 1.85 1.85 2.45 8.95 100 sds

$17.95 6.95 3.95 6.95 5.95 9.25 29.50 500 sds

1000 sds

364 Viva Italia Hybrid $1.95 $4.95 $14.95 $26.95 A364 Incas Hybrid Organic 4.25 21.95 74.75 115.00 A365 Plum Regal 4.25 19.95 72.95 135.00 A367 Cobra Hybrid 7.95 45.00 165.00 285.00 B367 Diplom Hybrid Organic 7.95 25.95 116.95 179.50 o367 Alegra Hybrid Organic 3.45 10.95 39.65 67.95 B370 Mountain Magic Hybrid 7.95 39.95 165.00 195.00 C370 Spring Shine Hybrid 1.95 4.95 11.95 21.95 B372 Lemon Boy Hybrid 2.45 6.95 29.50 44.75 376 Golden Shine Hybrid 1.95 4.95 13.95 18.75 378 Better Boy Hybrid 2.35 6.25 24.95 38.95 A378 Big Beef Hybrid 2.65 6.95 27.95 45.75 o378 Country Taste Hybrid Organic 5.45 28.95 105.00 185.00

O Organic Seed

119 Krautman Hybrid

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

$53.50 17.95 11.95 16.95

2500 sds

53.50 33.50 51.95

a364 incas F-1 organic


Very early Roma type for organic growers. Incas produces medium sized 85g fruits that are bright red, thick-fleshed, mature at one time (concentrated maturity), and have good keeping quality. Fruits are suitable for sauce, peeled or pureed tomatoes. Compact determinate bush plants. Resistant to V, F 1 & 2. Organically grown seed. 65 days

365 SAN MARZANO Organic O

Old Italian paste variety. Produces long 3 1/2” dark red,flat side fruits with very few seeds. Flesh is meaty and mild, good for canning and for tomato paste. San Marzano is not an early variety, but produces high yields on indeterminate plants. Organically grown Seed. 85 days

366 ROMA V.F.N.

One of the most popular paste tomatoes. Roma produces high yields of 2 1/2” long red, blocky pear-shaped tomatoes, somewhat smaller than #365 but productive. Determinate compact vines are strong and vigorous producing good cover. Resistant to ASC, F 1 and V. 80 days

o364 AMISH PASTE Organic O

Big, long pointed fruits with juicy flesh. This old heirloom produces an abundance of fruits late in the season on massive indeterminate plants. Organically grown seed. 78 days

5M sds

$54.95 $82.95 215.00 265.00 395.00 145.00 395.00 32.95 46.50 84.95 151.50 29.95 58.75 74.95 88.95 149.95

PvP Plant Protected Variety

A365 Plum Regal

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 59


A366 Juliet Hybrid

A368 Sun Sugar Hybrid

B368 Super Sweet 100 Hybrid

Red Salad & Cherry Types A366 JULIET F-1

Our favourite salad tomato. Juliet bears 2” elongated, red, sweet, firm plum shaped tomatoes. Good crack resistance and shelf life. 30-40 gram fruits set 12-18 in clusters on vigorous healthy plants. Great for salads, stir fries, and salsas. AAS winner 1999. Indeterminate. 60 days

B368 SUPER SWEET 100 F-1

Our main selling red cherry tomato. Extremely high yields of well rounded, deep red sweet 3/4”-1” fruits that are resistant to cracking. Vigorous indeterminate vine can continue to grow for extended periods of time, so provide good support. F,N, ToMV. LS. 60 days


Medium-large cherry tomatoes on a small plant. Major improvement in cherry tomatoes. Not only does it have great taste, a deep red colour, tolerance to cracking, and many other diseases, but Sweet Baby Girl also has a small plant habit which many customers have requested. Performs well in a hoop house where the customers prefer compact and multi-disease tolerant plants. Produces heavy yields of 1”, 25gm fruits on long clusters for excellent presentation at market. Tolerant ToMV, F 0,1&2,C5. Compact Indeterminate. 65 days NEW

Yellow Cherry Types


Sweet red grape tomato. Sweet Olive produces superior quality, sweet, 10-15 gm grape shaped fruits with a strong tolerance to cracking. The plants are tall, vigorous, and determinate with an open growth habit. Tolerates heat and adverse weather. Sweet Olive can be grown without pruning, but staking is recommended for optimum fruit quality. Pkt contains approx. 10-12 sds. 62 days NEW

368 Sweetie Organic O

ed OP cherry. Very sweet ¾” round fruits on R clusters bear heavy on vigorous Indeterminate plants. Organically grown seed. 65 days

o369 RED PEAR Organic


Similar to Yellow Pear but fruits are red and have more acid. Organically grown seed. Tomato varieties having resistance or tolerance to the following diseases will be noted with: (V.F.N.) F = Fursarium Wilt race 1; V=Verticillium Wilt; F 1+2 =Fursarium races 1+2; N=Nematodes; ToMV=Tobacco mosaic virus; C = Cladosporium (Leafmold); ASC = Alternaria stem canker; ST=Stemphylium

C368 Sweet Baby Girl Hybrid

60 Vegetables


E368 Esterina F-1 Org O

Organic Yellow cherry tomato. High yields of sweet and flavorful Golden yellow 1” fruits. Bears on multi-clusters of 30-40 fruits each. Plants are vigorous indeterminate and continue to yield huge crops. Plants resistant to TMV, V Organically grown seed. 60 days

B366 Aria F-1

A delightful oblong golden yellow cherry tomato. We were impressed with Aria in our trials for both taste and fruit quality. Besides Sunsugar, it was our favourite among 10 yellow cherry types. Aria produced an abundance of 15 gram, grape shaped, sweet, golden yellow fruits that were very slow to crack. Early and heat tolerant. Healthy dark green, semi-determinate plants are also suited for high tunnel and cold frame growing. 62 days


A369 Yellow Pear Organic

Cat# Description

By Seed Count

E368 Esternia F-1 Organic

Unparalleled sweetness and flavour in a golden cherry. SunSugar rates higher in rich tomato flavour, and has a better sweet-tart taste than other yellow and golden types. 15-25gm round, golden fruits with a brix reading of 10, plus 3 times as much Vitamin A than a red cherry. Good resistance to cracking and multiple diseases. Indeterminate. 62 days

Small fruited yellow salad type. This variety bears an abundance of small 1 1/2”, pearshaped, yellow fruits which are used for salads and preserving. Popular with children of all ages for fresh eating. Indeterminate. Organically grown seed. 65 days

368 Sweetie Organic A369 Yellow Pear Organic o369 Red Pear Organic

F368 Sarina F-1 Organic


A369 YELLOW PEAR Organic

F368 Sarina F-1 Organic O

Organic Red Cherry for greenhouse and field. Exceptional fruit quality and taste on very disease resistant plants. Developed in Israel for fresh market production. Sarina produces heavy yields of clusters containing 14-16 1” 10gram bright red firm fruits. Slow to crack. Plants are vigorous and resistant to TYLCV, V, N, TMV, Fol1, TSWV 5 60 days

B366 Aria Hybrid

A366 Juliet Hybrid B366 Aria Hybrid A368 Sun Sugar Hybrid B368 Super Sweet 100 Hybrid C368 Sweet Baby Girl Hybrid D368 Sweet Olive Hybrid E368 Esterina Hybrid Organic F368 Sarina Hybrid Organic

Garden Performers

AAS Winner



2.25 2.25 6.95 2.25 6.95 Pkt

$2.25 2.35 2.95 2.35 2.45 5.25 2.95 2.95

100 sds

$5.25 7.95 9.85 5.95 8.95 26.95 7.95 7.85




1000 sds

2500 sds

9.95 17.95 17.95

500 sds

$18.50 27.95 36.95 22.95 33.95 83.95 31.85 29.95

$34.00 49.50 61.95 37.95 53.50 128.50 55.95 54.95

Container Culture

22.95 53.50 53.50

$65.00 96.50 119.50 79.50 108.50 296.00 119.50 118.50


5000 sds

166.00 225.00 132.50 186.00 195.00 194.50

HL Heirloom

Heirloom & Unusual Tomatoes

Unusual shaped and coloured tomatoes with distinctive flavours. Most are old varieties passed down from generations. More susceptible to disease and fruits are less firm and production is less and later than many mainline hybrids. Indeterminate unless noted.

o364 AMISH PASTE Organic O

Big, long pointed fruits with juicy flesh. This old heirloom produces an abundance of fruits late in the season on massive indeterminate plants. 78 days

o368 RED CURRANT Organic


Tiny little fruits with intense sweet flavour. It is an old tomato native to Mexico that produces currant sized fruits on clusters. 68 days

o373 BLACK KRIM Organic


Dark red-purple, medium large fruits with full flavour. Black Krim’s fruits are medium large, globe shaped with reddish purple, delicate skin, green shoulders and green tinted flesh. 75 days



Large flat, purplish-pink tomatoes with real tomato flavour. Cherokee produces a tomato with very unusual interior colour that ranges from purple to brown with green gel. Plants are indeterminate with shorter vines. 72 days

o375 OLD GERMAN Organic


Large, flat, yellow fruits with a red center that is visible on the surface and through the core having a marbled look. Fruits have a variable ribbed surface with a full, fruity flavour. 75 days

o377 AUNT RUBY’S GERMAN GREEN Organic O Large green bicolour beefsteak type. When ripe are light green with a tint of yellow and pink blush underneath with a sweet, spicy flavour. 78 days

C377 Sicilian Saucer

o372 GREEN ZEBRA Organic


Light green fruits with dark green stripes. Emerald green flesh is firm and has a mild tangy taste. Fruits are 1 1/2” – 2 1/2” in diameter and make excellent salad tomatoes. Pick when light green skin turns a yellow-green shade for optimum taste. Determinate plant habit. 72 days

377 PONDEROSA PINK BEEFSTEAK A large pinkish-red fruit with mild, low acid content. Solid, meaty, flattish tomato for late season.


A large early pinkish-red heart shaped variety originally from Yugoslavia. Meaty, low seed, low acid fruit with good taste. Indeterminate, prolific grower. If tomatoes do not agree with you - this one will! 65 days


Large, ugly red fruits with excellent flavour. Indeterminate type plant with potato-like leaves. Produces meaty, flat-round fruits. 75 days


Unusually large, flat beefsteak/paste type. A true heirloom variety originally from Sicily. This tomato may be the secret to a good pasta sauce. If you like to grow competition-sized vegetables, this is one to try as it grows to the size of a small plate. 75 days Prices for all above varieties. Pkt (50-100sds) $2.25; 1g $6.95; 5g $17.95 25g $53.50

A379 Toma Verde


Husk Tomato. Differs from tomatoes by having a brownish papery husk covering the green fruit or "tomato". Grown in Mexico and Central America for centuries. Tomatillos are an integral element in many Latin American dishes. 200-400 sds/gm. CULTURE: See Tomatoes SPACING: plants 3ft apart. HARVEST: when paper husk loosens from plant and fruits turn from green to pale yellow. Most tart and best for salsa when pale green.


This is the prefered Mexican variety for making salsa. Toma Verde produces high yields of firm 5cm/2” pale green fruits well covered with paper husk. Non-pithy when ripe. For best germination results, start indoors. 60-70 days Pkt (130-300 sds) $1.85; 5g $7.95; 10g $12.95; 25g $23.50

Ground Cherry

Sweet yellow berries, excellent side tray item for parties. Can also be used in jams, jellies and sauces. Very unique garden vegetable. CULTURE: Similar to tomatoes. Ready to pick when green husks turn papery brown. We find the best flavour after they fall off the plant and the husks become brittle.

379 YELLOW o374 Cherokee Purple ‘Organic’ A377 Grightmires Pride

o377 Aunt Ruby’s German Green 377 Ponderosa Pink Beefsteak

Physalis Pruinosa Sweet, small 1/2” yellow fruit is produced inside a thin papery husk. Produces a large bush habit plant. 1200 sds/gm. 70 days Pkt (600-700sds) $1.95; 5g $5.95; 10g $10.75; 25g $21.50


o372 Green Zebra Organic

O Organic Seed

o375 Old German Organic

B377 Brandywine Red

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

o373 Black Krim Organic

PvP Plant Protected Variety

Physalis Edulis An umbrella shaped plant with cream and red flowers, followed by fruit encased in papery “lantern” pods. Sweet golden-orange fruits add an exotic touch to desserts. Mature plant height is 30cm/12” by 75cm/30” wide. Little Lanterns can also be grown in a container or patio planter. 70 days Pkt (10-15sds) $2.95; 100sds $9.45; 500sds $32.75

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 61


Turnips Navet

Turnips are a popular vegetable in Asian cultures and parts of Europe. Turnips are in the brassica family. CULTURE: Sow in July for fall harvest. Sow into a well tilled seed bed. Space seeds 1cm/1/2” apart and 1cm/1/2” deep. Keep moist until growth is seen. Thin out to 1520cm/6-8”. Pkt contains 450-1600 sds; 25g sows 250ft. 300-400 sds/gm; 500g/acre

385 Milan - Early Italian White Red Top

Leaf Types


An old Dutch turnip top variety, also known as ‘Chinese Leaf Turnip’. The plant makes a rosette of lobed leaves with a tangy spinach flavour. Excellent baby greens item for salads. Can be grown early in cold frames.


Smooth green leaves. Cut at 6" stage. Will grow back for later cuttings. Raapstelen.


Best variety for early turnips. Milan produces flat round white roots with distinctive pink-red shoulder. Pick when 3-4" wide for best quality. 35-40 days


Our main season turnip. A nearly round turnip, snow white with purple shoulders . Crisp, mild, white flesh can be eaten raw or cooked. Young leaves can be cooked as greens. For tenderest roots pick when 2-4”. 60 days

C261 Tiger Eye Seedless

Hybrid White Types 388 JUST RIGHT F-1

Best white variety for summer and fall growing. Both skin and flesh are pure white of finest quality. Just Right produces very uniform 4-5” semi-globe shaped roots that resist going pithy after mature. Cold tolerant, so it grows well under cover in late fall. Leaves are also used for greens. 65-70 days Pkt $2.05; 10g $5.95; 25g $11.25; 100g $34.50; 450g $113.50

263 Sureness Hybrid

A388 White Lady F-1

Early maturing, pure white, mild turnips. White Lady produces a very uniform root 2-3 weeks before Just Right. Sweet mild roots can be picked as small baby roots or allowed to mature to 3-4” flat-round smooth roots. Resists going pithy even at larger sizes. Bright green foliage is healthy, vigorous, and resists bolting. 28- 35 days Pkt $2.25; 10g $6.95; 25g $13.95; 100g $46.50; 450g $142.50 B261 Full Lucky Hybrid Seedless

Golden Types 387 GOLDANA

Re-selected and improved Gold Ball type. Same great taste, just better looking. Goldana produces uniform round roots with smooth, yellow skin and soft, golden-yellow flesh. Grows to 4 to 5 inches but best harvested at 3 inches for best sweetness and tenderness. Medium height with rather broad leaves. 60 days Above Varieties: Pkt $1.85; 25g $4.25; 100g $8.95;450g $16.95

265 Sangria Hybrid

388 Just Right Hybrid

262 Jade Star Hybrid

A380 Turnip Top Namenia

62 Vegetables

386 Purple Top White Globe

Garden Performers

A388 White Lady Hybrid

268 Sweet Beauty Hybrid

AAS Winner

Container Culture

266 New Queen Hybrid

HL Heirloom


Melon d’eau - Meloenen Nature does not produce anything sweeter than a ripe exotic melon. One of our favorite items to grow, we have tested various melon varieties over the years. We have had great success producing quality melons here in Canada due to good varieties and the use of IRT mulch. CULTURE: In Canada, watermelons are best started indoors 3-4 weeks before last frost. Start 3-4 seeds in a 3-4” pot. Transplant to the below plant spacing, do not break clumps apart. SOIL: Watermelons like well drained, sandy-silty loam, high in organic matter pH 6.0-6.8 FERTILITY: Enrich with compost or well rotted manure in spring. Watermelons are heavy users of nitrogen, potassium and calcium. GERMINATION: For proper germination soil must be at least 72F/22C for 5 days. Cooler soil temperature will result in poor germination. SPACING: Plant in clumps 3-4 seeds per clump, 24” apart in rows 4-7ft apart. Close planting will result in smaller fruit size. PESTS: See Cucumber section. Tip: We have had great success using IRT plastic mulch which warms up the soil, retains moisture and reduces weed competition. See Hardgoods section of the catalogue. Pkt contains approx. O.P. 30-50sds; Hybrids 7-20sds; 15-25sds/gm unless noted otherwise

Elongated Types

Round & Oblong Types 260 SUGAR BABY

Popular open-pollinated variety for short season areas. 8-10lb, round variety, with pink-red flesh that is sweet and not too seedy. Dark-green thin, tough rind. Ripens almost black. 80 days NEW

261 Faerie F-1

AAS 2012 winner. Unique light yellow striped icebox watermelon. Yields oblong 7-8” fruits weighing 4-6 lbs that has sweet pinkred flesh with a high sugar content and crisp texture. Compact trailing plant stands up well in the garden. 60-65 days


This is our best producing ice box type year after year. It is an early hybrid version of Sugar Baby. Jade Star produces 8-10lb round fruit with bright red flesh that is very sweet at maturity. Thin, tough black-green rind ships well. 70 days


Deep yellow fleshed Icebox melon with exceptional flavour. New from the Orient, this watermelon stood out as the best yellowfleshed type in our trials. Sureness produces tall round 22 x 20cm fruits weighing 3-4 kg. Skin is dark green with black stripes and flesh is bright yellow with a brix of 10.9. Tolerant to Fusarium Wilt. A real winner! 65 days

Triploid / Seedless Types


Popular elongated variety for the north. Sangria consistently produces nice sized, exceptionally sweet oblong melons that hold their quality after picking. Produces medium sized 18lb, 8"x16" watermelons with sweet, bright red flesh. Strong, dark green rind with broken light green strips. Tolerance to Fusarium race 1. 80 days


Early maturing, oblong melon for cool climates. Sweet Favorite sets quality 10-12lb fruits with bright red, sweet crisp flesh. Its bright green rind offset with darker stripes is tough and resists cracking. Not quite as big or sweet as Sangria but ripens 1 week earlier. Tolerant to Fusarium and Anthracnose. 72 days


Superior red, oblong icebox type. The first of its type to combine all the best qualities of a large, all-sweet type into a small 3-4kg package. Its tough rind is dark green with light green stripes, the flesh is deep red and sweet. Sweet Beauty's healthy and vigorous vines produce up to 7 melons per vine. Bred in Taiwan. AAS winner 2004. 75-80 days


Bright orange fleshed icebox type. Sweet and unique flavoured flesh with few seeds. Produced well under cool conditions. 3kg/6.6lb fruit with light green rind and dark green strips. An attractive show stopping watermelon in our trials. 72 days 267 Sweet Favorite Hybrid Cat# Description Pkt 5g 25g 100g 450g 1lb

260 Sugar Baby $1.85 263 Sureness Hybrid 3.45 14.95 266 New Queen Hybrid 3.25 13.95 267 Sweet Favorite Hybrid 2.95 8.95 268 Sweet Beauty Hybrid 3.45 14.95 261 Faerie 4.95 21.50 By Seed Count


150 sds

$4.95 $12.95 $36.95 62.50 205.00 725.00 56.50 185.00 34.50 89.50 365.00 62.50 205.00 725.00 74.50 195.00 795.00

500 sds

1000 sds

2500 sds

A261 Felicity Hybrid

5000 sds

Seedless watermelons are mostly seedless; some small white seed hulls are still present. Under environmental stress some seeds and hollow heart can form. We have found that growing them on Bio-Film or IRT film reduces moisture stress and virtually eliminates hollow hearts. Seedless watermelons require a regular Diploid watermelon for pollination, so plant one near the seedless types. We have found Jade Star to be the most compatible for this purpose.

A261 Felicity F-1

Seedless yellow icebox type. Vigorous, mediumearly variety. Felicity has crystal-yellow, tender, juicy flesh with excellent eating quality and it has a sugar content of 11%. The fruit is uniform and high globe, showing black-green stripes on light green rind and weighs 5-7 kg. Few small rudimentary seeds and is a good shipper. 75-80 days Pkt (5-10sds) $5.95; 50sds $18.50; 150sds $42.50; 500sds $132.50; 1000sds $215.00

B261 Full Lucky F-1

Extra sweet seedless icebox type. Full Lucky produces slightly elongated fruits about 7-8 kg in weight. Flesh is deep red, tender, juicy, very sweet (12% brix) and with very little white rudimentary seeds. Rind is green with blackgreen broad stripes and is strong for shipping . 77- 82 days Pkt (5-10sds) $4.95; 50sds $12.95; 150sds $27.50; 500sds $78.50; 1000sds $138.50

C261 Tiger Eye Seedless

NEW Best seedless watermelon! Finally released for sale in Canada. For the past three seasons Tiger Eye has been the clear winner in our trials. Tiger Eye has bright cherry red flesh that has a wonderful, sweet watermelon flavor. It consistently produced perfect round icebox sized (10-13 lb) green with dark green stripping that did not fade. Strong medium vines tolerant to FWR 0&1, Ath R 1&3. 75 days Pkt (5-10sds) $4.95; 50sds $12.95; 150sds $27.50; 500sds $78.50; 1000sds $138.50

262 Jade Star Hybrid $5.45 $34.95 $86.95 $142.00 $279.95 $495.00 265 Sangria Hybrid 3.75 19.85 49.50 77.50 172.00 292.50

O Organic Seed

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

PvP Plant Protected Variety

F-1 Hybrid

Vegetables 63

GreenCrops Greencrops

Winter Groundcovers

Using green manure is one of the best ways to increase soil tilth and add organic matter to your garden or field. We use green manures during the growing season in areas not being used or being summer fallowed and also in the fall as an over wintering cover crop (to hold the soil and organic matter in place for the spring.) Using legumes as a green crop allows nitrogen to be fixed from the air into the soil for use by a following crop. When using green manures, remember to allow 4-6 weeks for the tilledin organic matter to decompose. This can be sped up by adding nitrogen, or by spraying a mixture of seaweed and compost accelerator on the stubble before tilling in. Check out our website for information and links to research on greencroping.

Spring Seeded: March - June 546 Oats-Milling -Organic


One of the most versatile greenmanures and covercrops. We use Oats as a fall covercrop where we will be planting into early spring. It is a quick growing annual greencrop that dies in the winter. When planted in late summer it scavenges and ties up nutrients for following crops, it grows quick and dies over the winter. When planting in spring, work into the soil before heads appear for maximum greenmanure value. Oats is commonly used as a nurse crop for grass seed, clovers and alfalfa.

547 Peas 4010 and Oats 50/50 mix Organic O Best greenmanure for spring seeding. Very effective Nitrogen and biomass builder. 4010 peas are the best leafy forage peas for plowdown, producing over 40� of green mass in 10 weeks. Oats will utilize available nitrogen, building soil structure, suppress weeds and provide quick growth while the peas fix nitrogen for following crop. Well suited for late summer/ fall seedlings as well. It is best practice to allow three weeks before seeding following crops. Mow down and work into soil at flowering

540 Annual RyeGrass

Fast growing annual grass used for full season covercrops and pathways. We seed annual rye and white clover in pathways. Its fibrous root system supports foot and machinery traffic, reducing compaction and adding organic matter back in. Mow periodically to chop down seed heads before they mature. Allowing a minimum of 40 growing days before frost will ensure decent cover but a high probability of winter kill. Other greenmanures that can be sown in spring

562 Berseem Clover 564 Crimson Clover

64 Greencrop

564 Crimson Clover

4010 Pea & Oats 50/50 mix before mowing

Summer Seeded: June -July 548 Soybean -Red Milo Mix

Best summer soil builder. Fixes nitrogen while growing biomass and improving soil microbe activity. Prefers soil temp 60-65F ( June). Historically soybeans were used as a forage crop for animals; this mix includes a traditional tall forage soybean with little pod set much different than the common oilseed soybean. The soybeans complement the Milo (a less aggressive type of grain sorghum) by supplying nitrogen to feed its vegetative growth. Mowing prior to the Milo setting seed heads allows for ease of incorporation.

530 Buckwheat Organic

Fastest growing summer covercrop. Buckwheat out grows everything including weeds, making it a great short term smother crop. While buckwheat does not yield a large biomass, it is an excellent scavenger of phosphorus and potassium releasing it to the next crop.

549 Sorghum Sudan grass Org


A highly efficient annual grass that tolerates hot weather and dry conditions. Produces a high tonnage of dry matter, ideal for absorbing excess nitrogen, building soil Organic Matter, preventing erosion, suppressing weeds with rapid growth. Mid season cutting will increase root growth and penetration subsoil penetration. Mow down and incorporate before frost. Produces up to10000lbs/acre Organic matter.

567 Mustard - Bio Gold Mix

Often grown for its ability to suppress soil borne diseases such as Rhizoctonia and Verticillium, there is research that suggests that the same bio activity released by the plant matter through chopping and incorporation also has an effect on weed control for up to 3 weeks. Although these pest management claims are still being tested, mustard has good potential to build soil, reduce erosion, fight weeds and grow quickly while producing a high amount of biomass, given adequate time to grow. Mustard residue breaks down quickly and is easily tilled. Allow 4-5 weeks before seeding into after incorporation. Do not allow to set seed.

Garden Performers

AAS Winner

566 Tillage Radish

Late Summer/Fall Seeded:

566 Tillage Radish Organic O Breaks down hard pan with its long tap roots, scavenging nutrients as it grows. Different than traditional oilseed radish because of its significantly longer and thicker tap root which improves soil tilth, loosens clays and hardpans. It can be seeded with oats and white clover for a complete fall covercrop. Tillage radish will winter kill and all residues will break down. A light spring tillage will result in an ideal seed bed for planting following crops. Best seeded in late August to allow roots to grow to the full potential.

545 Winter Rye Organic


Jack of all trades as a cover crop, rye will quickly provide ground cover even at cold temperatures. Its extensive root system efficiently scavenges excess nitrogen that would be otherwise lost over the winter months. The root system of rye is much more thorough than other cereal crops adding to its desirability as a soil builder, and a means to reduce compaction. Rye is among the last cover crop that will germinate and grow below 5C. This means the planting window is very wide depending on what the intent of the crop is. Mow and incorporate before seed is set. After incorporation allow 4-5 weeks before seeding into. Other greenmanures that can be sown in late summer:

564 Crimson Clover 567 Mustard - Bio Gold Mix 546 Oats-Milling 547 4010 Peas and Oats 50/50 mix

Container Culture

HL Heirloom

530 Buckwheat

Legumes - Clovers and Alfalfa 565 White Clover, Rivendel

Fast growing, small leaved variety for interseeding crops and lawns. Excellent nitrogen fixer that will provide pastures and lawns with needed nitrogen when established. Tolerates close cutting and grazing making it excellent for lawn use. We use white clover in our pathways and interseed it into our late cabbage trials. Perennial

562 Berseem Clover

Heaviest nitrogen builder of the legumes. This clover will produce large amount of biomass and up to 200lbs/N/acre depending on the purpose. With no frost tolerance this rapid growing greenmanure is best drilled or broadcast in late May early June, often mixed with oats. Cutting or incorporation must occur prior to seed set, because the plant will not recover if cutting occurs after seed has been set. Leave three inches of stem if cutting, 2-3 cuttings are possible if allowed to grow for the full season if moisture is present. Annual


Quick growing biennial greenmanure that fixes nitrogen. Sow in spring for late fall plowdown, or in the fall for following summer plowdown. Inoculated Seed. Biennial

Cat #

530 540 545 546 547 548 549 550 560 562 564 565 566 567 570

564 Crimson Clover

Fastest annual nitrogen fixer for autumn seeding. Crismon clover has large leaves with a very showy crimson blooms. Relitively easy to establish under a variety of conditions. It can be easily interseeded due to its tolerance to shade. In the north cool weather provides vigorous growth right until heavy freeze up, fixing up to 50lbs N/acre. Annual


Commonly used as a biennial nitrogen fixing greencrop legume. Alfalfa’s long tap root is good for breaking up the hardpan below the topsoil improving soil aeration and drainage. Produces heavy top growth which can be cut when it flowers. Usually sown in the spring with a nurse crop of oats and plowed down the following summer or fall. Perennial

570 SWEET CLOVER: (MELIOTIS) Excellent biennial legume greenmanure and honeyplant. Aromatic yellow blooms attract bees. Produces foliage capable of growing and spreading over 2m/6ft. Will re-seed itself. Biennial

Other types 400 MAMMOTH RUSSIAN

Large yellow flowers on 8ft tall plants. Great for fast growing windbreaks and blocks. Besides being a pretty background plant and favourite of children, the sunflower is valued for its seeds. It can be used for feed and it is great for eating! Large seeded. 25g $3.25; 100g $5.95; 450g $12.95; 1kg $22.95; 2kg $39.50; 5kg $99.50


Insect and nematode control. Reduce nematode and eelworm damage in crops by using this marigold in a rotation every 4-7 years. Produces good organic matter and smothers weeds. Sow in early summer when soil is warm, till into soil in late autumn after foliage is killed off by frost. 200-300 sds/gm. Planting Rate: 50g per 1000sq.ft

25g $4.95 | 100g $11.95


Buckwheat - Organic Annual RyeGrass Winter Rye - Organic Oats - Milling - Organic 4010 Peas and Oats 50/50 mix - Organic Soybean -Red Milo Mix Sorghum Sudan grass Organic Alfalfa Red Clover Berseem Clover Crimson Clover White Clover, Rivendel Tillage Radish Organic Mustard - Bio Gold Mix Sweet Clover: (Meliotis)

545 Winter Rye

lbs per 1000sqft 2-3lbs 1 lb 2-3 lbs 2-3 lbs 2-3 lbs 3-4 lbs 1/2 lb 1/2 lb 1/2 lb 1/2 lb 2/3 lb 1/2 lb 2/3 lb 1/2 lb 1/2 lb

Sowing Rates lbs per acre drilled 50-70 lbs 10-20 lbs 60-100 lbs 80-110 lbs 80-100 lbs 100-150 lbs 25-35 lbs 10-12 lbs 8-10 lbs 10-12 lbs 15-20 lbs 5-9 lbs 8-10 lbs 10-12 lbs 6-10 lbs

lbs per acre broadcast 70-90 lbs 20-30lbs 90-160 lbs 110-140 lbs 100-120 lbs 150-180lbs 35-50 lbs 12-18 lbs 10-12 lbs 15-20 lbs 22-30 lbs 9-14 lbs 14-16 lbs 15-18 lbs 10-20 lbs

Pricing - large sizes subject to change due to commodity prices 450g 5 lbs/ 10lbs/ 25lbs/ approx 2.2kg 4.5kg * 11kg** 50lbs** $5.45 $13.95 $24.95 $38.50 $72.00 4.95 12.50 22.50 44.95 73.95 8.95 13.85 25.95 44.95 9.45 15.85 26.95 52.95 6.95 14.95 26.50 42.50 62.50 6.95 15.95 28.95 46.95 69.75 8.95 24.95 42.95 74.50 129.00 8.95 25.95 44.50 75.95 132.00 8.95 27.50 45.95 79.50 139.50 12.95 42.95 69.50 139.50 220.00 9.65 26.95 46.50 99.50 145.00 13.95 46.50 82.50 165.00 295.25 13.95 56.50 99.50 166.50 299.00 12.95 39.50 69.50 139.50 235.00 11.95 32.50 48.50 99.50 165.00

*or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing, for large quantities contact our office

O Organic Seed

Short Season/Cold Tolerant

PvP Plant Protected Variety

Greencrop 65


Herbs A kitchen herb garden is essential for creating the fresh flavours in today’s cuisine. Many herbs are easily grown from seed. When grown together in small beds or containers, they create a tapestry of foliage that is beautiful and aromatic. We have improved our herb selection to focus on good culinary herbs. Most of the herbs listed here have been selected for their kitchen uses, with the exception of a few that are noted for their ornamental value. Herbs are rich in minerals and vitamins, and can be used fresh or dried. For winter use, grow some inside in a sunny window, or dry them in bunches in an airy, dry place (cut the plants just before bloom).s

LEGEND Zone -zone variety may be hardy to Ht. - mature plant height Bl. - bloom time of variety sds/gm - average amount of seeds per gram M - Thousand Seeds; Sds - Seeds Pel - Pellets

0465 Astro ‘Organic’ 465 Rocket

Arugula A464 VOYAGER

Brassica eruca Improved wild rocket. This selection from England is very slow to bolt, more vigorous, uniform, and upright than common wild rocket. The leaves are thick, dark green in colour with very uniform shape. It also has a more refined ‘sweet with a punch’ flavour. Annual | 3000-4000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±3000-4000sds) $1.95 | 10g $4.25 25g $7.75 | 100g $22.95 | 450g $78.50


Brassica eruca The original salad arugula having stronger flavour than newer types. Common variety used in mescluns. Annual | Ht. 20-30cm/8-12” | 375-550 sds/gm.

Pkt (±750-1100sds) $1.95 | 25g $3.95 100g $7.95 | 450g $19.85 | 2kg $72.50

Annual | 375-550 sds/gm.

Pkt (±750-1100sds) $1.95 | 25g $6.95 100g $18.95 | 450g $ 59.95 | 2kg $189.50


Brassica eruca A salad rocket with improved deeply lobed leaf shape and more tolerance to bolting under stress. It is very quick growing, allowing for harvest 25-30 days after sowing. Skyrocket has a stronger leaf which stands up better after harvest. Succulent arugula flavour. Annual | 375-550 sds/gm.

Pkt (±560-825sds) $1.95 | 25g $6.95 100g $16.95 | 450g $48.50


NEW Brassica eruca Fastest growing

Annual | 375-550 sds/gm.

Anise Pimpinella anisum Leaves and seed are used to add a liquorice flavour to meats, salads, and baked goods. Try it with chicken.

Brassica eruca Organic selection from standard arugula. Astro is earlier and more heat tolerant, its leaves are less lobed, and it has a milder taste than regular arugula. Works excellent in multiple plantings. Organically grown seed.

serrated leaf. Speedy has very quick growth with good bolt tolerance: excellent for early spring, late fall and winter production. It has the shape of wild rocket with the mild pungency of salad rocket. 30 days

410 Anise



A465 Skyrocket

Pkt (±375-550sds) $1.95 | 10g $5.95 25g $9.95 | 100g $31.95 | 450g $89.50

Annual | Ht. 45cm/18” | 150-200 sds/gm.

Pkt (±150-200sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.95 25g $5.95 | 100g $8.95 | 450g $34.65

E411 Italian Large Leaf ‘Organic’

A464 Voyager

66 Herbs

B465 Speedy

B411 Sweet Dani

0411 Genovese ‘Organic’

Basil The scent of summer! It is easily grown in warm soil. Basil is the most popular herb used in all areas of cooking. It can be dried or preserved in oil. Try growing some in a sunny window to chase away winter blues.


Ocimum basilicum The common large leaf green basil with sweet flavour. Annual | Ht. 45cm/18” | 400-700 sds/gm.

Pkt (±300-525sds) $1.95 |10g $2.95 25g $3.95 | 100g $9.65 | 450g $26.50 2kg $83.50

E411 ITALIAN LARGE LEAF ‘ORGANIC’ ‘Genova strain’ Commercial selection of Genovese basil with excellent flavour and plant habit. Slower to bolt and leaves are more uniform in colour. Organically grown seed. Annual | Ht. 45cm/18” | 400-700 sds/gm.

Pkt (±300-525sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.95 25g $5.25 | 100g $12.95 | 450g $44.50 2kg $162.50


O.b. ‘Genovese’ Basil for pesto sauce. A large dark green leaved basil with a heavy clove-like scent, making it the choice for Italian cooking. Slow to bolt. Organically grown seed. Annual | Ht. 45cm/18” | 400-700 sds/gm.

Pkt (±200-350sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.95 25g $7.95 | 100g $23.95 | 450g $74.00

A411 Minette

G411 Aton ‘Organic’


O. basilicum A tiny leaved variety that stays compact in pots without pinching. Great for growing indoors in pots. Good spicy flavour. Annual | Ht. 20cm/8” | 400-700 sds/gm.

Pkt (±200-350sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.50 25g $5.95 | 100g $19.75 | 450g $68.00


O.b. ‘Sweet Dani’ AAS Winner 1998. Larger leaf and more vigorous plant growth than other lemon scented basils. Sweet Dani also remains green and grows three weeks longer than other lemon basils. Annual | Ht. 35cm/14” | 400-500 sds/gm.

Pkt (±100-125sds) $2.25 | 2g $5.95 5g $10.75 | 15g $27.50 | 50g $77.50


O. basilicum Great sweet/spicy scent: excellent for chutneys, fruit salads, and dishes that need a sweet cinnamon-like flavour. Attractive plants have purple flowers and veins. Annual | Ht. 35cm/14” | 400-700 sds/gm.

Pkt (±200-350sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.95 | 25g $9.95

467 Siam Queen


O. basilicum Compact, market quality variety for growing in pots and for cutting. Aton has dark green shiny leaves that are smooth and domed. Genovese type. Recommended for indoor growing. Organically grown seed. Annual | Ht. 20-30cm/8-12” | 400-700 sds/gm.

Pkt (±200-350sds) $1.95 | 5g $4.95 25g $7.25 | 100g $19.95 | 450g $75.50


O.sp. ‘Siam Queen’ AAS winner 1997. A liquorice flavoured basil from Asia used in Thai cuisine. Siam Queen has purple stems with large green leaves: The purple flowers are quite decorative. Ideal for patio pot plantings. Annual | Ht. 45cm/18” | 400-700 sds/gm.

Pkt (±130-230sds) $2.25 | 5g $8.95 25g $36.50 | 100g $115.00


O.b. ‘Red Rubin’ Improved Dark Opal. Develops its purple colour in less favourable conditions and is suited for greenhouse growing. Great accent plant for containers. Annual | Ht. 40cm/16” | 400-700 sds/gm.


Pkt (±200-350sds) $1.95 | 5g $6.95 10g $11.50 | 25g $17.95 | 100g $49.50 450g $164.00

Annual | Ht. 45cm/18” | 400-700 sds/gm.


O. basilicum An edible novelty for your garden or patio planter. Huge sized foliage: 15cm/6” Good flavour. Pkt (±200-350sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.95 25g $6.25 | 100g $14.95

O.b.’Purple Ruffles’ AAS winner 1987. Large ruffled purple leaves on bushy plants. A good accent plant with spicy aromatic leaves. Annual | Ht. 37cm/15” | 400-700 sds/gm. Pkt (±130-160sds) $2.25 | 2g $5.95 | 5g $9.95 15g $26.75 | 50g $68.50

469 Purple Ruffles

411 Sweet Basil

D411 Cinamonette

F411 Lettuce Leaf

468 Red Rubin Improved

Herbs 67


414 Chamomile

413 Borage

416 Chives





Borago officinalis An easy to grow plant with large fuzzy leaves that have a cucumber taste. Its blue flowers have been used to enhance drinks and salads for centuries. Annual | Ht. 45cm/18" | 40-50 sds/gm.

Pkt (±80-100sds) $1.95 | 10g $2.95 | 25g $4.50 100g $9.75 | 450g $34.50

Matricaria chamomilla The small white flowers are steeped to make a soothing tea. Spreading plant that re-seeds itself. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 14000-16000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±3500-4000sds) $1.95 | 2g $2.75 5g $3.95 |25g $8.50 |100g $22.50 450g $85.00

0416 Polyvit ‘Organic’

Chives - Allium Perennial o416 POLYVIT ‘ORGANIC’

A. schoenoprasum Improved, high yielding European variety for bunching: early, vigorous upright growth. The strong blades are dark green and uniform with mild flavour. Organically grown seed. Perennial | Ht. 30cm/12” | 200-300 sds/gm.

Pkt (±60-100sds) $2.25 | 5g $7.95 10g $11.75 | 25g $23.50 | 100g $75.00 450g $259.00 | 1kg $491.95


A. schoenoprasum Adds a mild onion flavour to salads, meats, and soups. The purple flowers are also edible. Perennial | Ht. 30cm/12” | 700-900 sds/gm.

Pkt (±350-450sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.95 25g $6.95 | 100g $20.95 | 450g $69.50


A tuberosum The flat leaves give a mild garlic taste to any dish. Edible white flowers can also be used as a cutflower. It is a long lived perennial with a late summer blooming period. Perennial | Ht. 30cm/12” | 200-300 sds/gm. 415 Brussels Winter


432 Lemony


Catnip 432 LEMONY

Nepeta cataria Lemon Catnip. An attractive plant with a pleasant citrus fragrance. The leaves can be used to flavour teas or as a seasoning, or as a cat treat. Perennial | Ht. 50-80cm/20-32" | 1200-1500 sds/gm.

Pkt (±600-750sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.25 | 25g $9.50

Anthriscus cerefolium Brussels Winter strain. A preferred selection with darker green leaves. Chervil is a delicate leaved herb that enhances the flavours of other herbs. It is one of the fine herbs used in French cooking. Best direct seeded and kept moist until growth is seen. Annual | Ht. 45cm/18" | 400-525 sds/gm.

Pkt (±400-525sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.45 25g $4.95 | 100g $9.85 | 450g $23.50

Pkt (±150-225sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.75 25g $6.75 | 100g $20.95 | 450g $67.50


A tuberosum Garlic chives for commercial bunching market. Nira has improved upright growth with mild garlic flavour. Produces better cut weight. Organically grown seed. Perennial | Ht. 30cm/12” | 300-375 sds/gm.

Pkt (±100-125sds) $2.25 | 5g $7.25 10g $10.75 | 25g $21.50 | 100g $67.50


A. fistulosum Perennial bunching onion prized for its white, mild scallions. A number of our customers have requested this item, so after a few years of trialing, we offer this variety. White Welsh is a vigorous, hardy grower capable of multiplying rapidly giving an abundance of mild, fleshy white shanks. Perennial | Ht. 30-50cm/12-20” | 350-450 sds/gm.

Pkt (±175-225sds) $1.95 | 10g $4.75 25g $8.25 | 100g $28.50 | 450g $87.50

A416 Garlic Chives

68 Herbs

B416 White Welsh

E416 Nira ‘Organic’

442 Black Cumin

Cumin 442 BLACK CUMIN 429 Santo

Cilantro - Coriander

A staple in Latin and Asian cuisine where the fresh leaves are used and the seeds are ground into the curry spice mix. Direct seed multiple sowings every two weeks for continuous supply.


Coriandrum sativum Santo is an extra slow bolting selection producing broad, fresh green leaves on strong stems. Excellent for bunching. Annual | 75-100 sds/gm.

Pkt (±110-150sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.25 25g $4.65 | 100g $7.25 | 450g $20.95 2kg $59.50 | 5kg $133.50

Nigella sativa Also known as Roman Coriander. Seeds are used for bread topping having a liquorice scent and a peppery-nutmeg flavour. Can also be ground and used like pepper. Direct seed in late spring, as soil is warming. Annual | Ht. 35cm/14" | 400-500 sds/gm.

Pkt (±400-500sds) $1.95 | 25g $3.75 100g $9.75


Cuminum cyminum Part of the curry spice mixture, Cumin is largely used in Indian and Mexican foods. It can be used to season chili, soups, sausage, and cheese. It has a stonger flavour than caraway. Start indoors. Annual | Ht. 35cm/14” | 200-300 sds/gm.

Pkt. (±200-300sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.25 25g $5.95 |100g $14.95 |450g $39.50

Anethum graveolens A tall dill producing many flowerheads. Annual | Ht. 120cm/48” | 400-600 sds/gm.

Pkt (±800-1200sds) $1.95 | 25g $4.25 100g $8.65 |450g $25.95 | 1kg $46.50 2kg $73.00

Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 500-1000 sds/gm.

Annual | 100-200 sds/gm.

Pkt. (±800-1600sds) 1.95 | 25g $7.45 100g $18.95 |450g $69.95

Pkt (±150-300sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.45 | 25g $6.95 100g $19.75 | 450g $49.50



Anethum graveolens AAS winner 1992. A beautiful dwarf dill that can be used as a border plant as well as for all herbal needs.

Coriandrum sativum Most bolt resistant. Calypso is the slowest bolting coriander we have found, up to 2 weeks later than comparable varieties. It produces uniform, heavy plants with lots of bright green leaves. Ideal for summer growing.

Annual | Ht. 45cm/18” | 350-485 sds/gm.

Pkt (±175-240sds) $2.25 | 5g $8.75 10g $15.95 | 25g $30.75 | 100g $105.50

Annual | 100-125 sds/gm.

A429 Calypso


Anethum graveolens Market quality variety producing stems full of dark blue-green ferny leaves. Specially selected because it is very slow bolting type (about 2 weeks later than Bouquet). Organically grown seed.

Coriandrum sativum Shiny green leaves with mild flavour. Professional variety for container or field production. It can be harvested in 50-55 days. Slow bolting in heat. Organically grown.

Pkt (±300-375sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.95 | 25g $5.95 100g $10.95 | 450g $26.95 | 2kg $69.50


The essential pickling herb. Its feathery foliage is used to garnish cucumber salads and other dishes. Can be used as a filler in cutflower arrangements.




420 Bouquet

0429 Rani ‘Organic’

A420 Fernleaf

0420 Hera ‘Organic’

Herbs 69


0443 Red Drops ‘Organic’

461 Lavender Lady

Hibiscus 435 Orion Hybrid


Fennel 433 FLORENCE

Foeniculum vulgare Also known as Finnochio. Recommended for foliage use. Will form a bulb (100 days) at the base of the stem which has a sweet anise flavour. It can be eaten raw or cooked. The seeds are used for flavouring. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 200-575 sds/gm.

Pkt (±200-575sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.25 25g $4.95 | 100g $12.95 | 450g $32.50


H. sabdariffa Roselle. Fruits used in making tea blends and tropical drinks, stems were harvested commercially for fibre in past centuries. An attractive tall garden plant with green leaves, pale flowers, and dark red stems and pods. Start early indoors, as fruit takes 120 days to mature. Annual | Ht.150cm/60” | 25-35 sds/gm.

Pkt (±25-30sds) $2.75 | 250sds $9.95 1Msds $23.75


Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.95 | 250sds $7.25 1Msds $21.50 | 5Msds $78.50


Foeniculum vulgare Red tinged foliage with a distinct liquorice flavour. It produces a strong tap root rather than a bulb. Foliage is useful in cooking and salads, and can be used as a filler in flower arrangements.

Lavandula angustifolia Has deep blue-purple flowers that are tightly bunched on the spikes. Hidcote is more dwarf than Munstead and is as winter hardy. APEX seed for better germination and quicker plant growth.

Perennial | Ht. 150cm/60” | 200-575 sds/gm.

Half-Hardy Perennial | Ht. 30cm/12” | 700-1000 sds/gm. 417 Hyssop

Pkt(±80-100sds) $2.95 | 500sds $6.95 1Msds $10.95 | 5Msds $39.95

Hyssop 417 HYSSOP

Hyssopus officinalis The leaves can be minced through salads, soups, and stews. Can also be clipped or used as border plants a knot garden. Perennial | Ht. 45cm/18” | 800-1000 s/g.

Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 200-575 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.45 | 250sds $5.85 1Msds $17.95 | 5Msds $64.95

70 Herbs

Half-Hardy Perennial | Ht. 25cm/10” | 700-1000 sds/gm.

Pkt (80-100sds) $1.95 | 1Msds $7.95 5Msds $28.95 | 10Msds $51.75


433 Florence

Lavandula angustifolia AAS Winner 1994. An improved lavender, blooming reliably the first season from seed.

Half-Hardy Perennial | Ht. 40cm/16” | 700-1000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±100-280sds) $2.95 | 2g $5.95 10g $17.95 | 25g $35.75 | 100g $105.95

Foeniculum vulgare Superior selection of Florence Fennel for market growers. Baseballsized, (3 1/2”) flat-round, white bulbs that mature in about 80 days. Orion is bolt resistant and tip-burn tolerant.


Lavandula angustifolia This seed is primed to germinate faster and more uniformly than regular seed. Munstead has good deep lavender colour and stem length for cut and dried flower.

Annual | 200-575 sds/gm.



Grown for its use in sachets and potpourri, Lavender is a well-loved herb with light purple spiky flowers and delicate leaves. It is edible and adds a delightful flavour to biscotti. Half Hardy Perennial - mulch during winter.


Foeniculum vulgare Healthy upright growing foliage and firm, uniform bulbs. Resists bolting in heat for earlier summer production. Matures in about 80 days. Organically grown seed.

Pkt (±150-425sds) $2.25 | 2g $3.95 10g $11.75 | 25g $21.50

462 Mustead Apex

0433 Finale ‘Organic’

Pkt (±400-500sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.95 25g $9.50 | 100g $29.50

434 Bronze Fennel Smokey 434 Bronze Fennel Smokey

463 Hidcote Blue Apex

412 Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm 412 LEMON BALM

Melissa officinalis A hardy perennial that can be used wherever a lemon scent is desired. It is an important essence for herbal teas. Perennial | Ht. 45cm/18" | 1500-2000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±750-1000sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.25 | 5g $5.95 25g $17.50 | 100g $44.00 | 450g $135.00

436 Korean Mint

438 Greek Oregano ‘Organic’


Agastache rugosa Dark green glossy leaves that can be used as a micro salad green or seasoning. Has strong licorice-mint flavour. Bees are attracted to the blue-mauve flowers. Perennial | Ht. 75cm/30” | 1200-1400 sds/gm

Pkt (±300-350sds) $1.95 | 1g $3.25 5g $6.75 | 25g $22.50 | 100g $65.00


Lovage o418 LOVAGE ‘ORGANIC’

Levisticum officinalis Commonly known as "maggi plant". It adds a strong celery flavour to soups, beef, and sauces. An essential in creating flavourful stock. A slow germinating but hardy perennial for sunny locations. Organcially grown seed.

OREGANO o438 GREEK OREGANO ‘ORGANIC’ Origanum heracleoticum This white-flowered oregano has the strongest flavour of the oreganos. Can be used fresh or dried in tomato sauces, in marinades or on pizza. Organcially grown seed. Perennial | Ht. 45cm/18" | 5000-9000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±1000-1800sds) $2.25 | 1g $3.75 5g $12.95 | 10g $21.75 | 25g $44.50

Mentha spicata A refreshing scent used for teas, bath oils, or candies. A hardy invasive perennial, it should be contained.


Perennial | Ht. 60cm/24” | 10000-12000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±2000-2500sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.75 5g $6.95 | 25g $25.00

Pkt (±2000-2400sds) $1.95 | 1g $3.75 5g $8.75 | 25g $31.50 o418 Lovage ‘Organic’

439 Common Oregano

Origanum vulgare Pinkish purple flowers. Perennial | Ht. 35cm/14” | 6500-7500 sds/gm.


Monarda citriodora Lemon Mint. Used for flavouring teas, in salads, and attracting insects. Has lavender-pink flowers in whorls on spikes and lemon scented leaves. Grows in sun or part shade. Also see flowers for M. didyma. Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 1000-2000 sds/gm.

Pkt (1000-2000sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.95 25g $5.95 | 100g $17.75 | 450g $59.50

Perennial | Ht. 120cm/48” | 200-280 sds/gm.

Pkt (±100-140sds) $1.95 | 5g $5.75 25g $17.95 | 100g $54.50

437 Spearmint

440 Rosemary

Rosemary 440 ROSEMARY

421 Sweet Marjoram

Rosmarinus officinalis As well as being an attractive border plant, Rosemary is a robust herb that can be used to flavour lamb and other dishes. Start indoors since it is slow to germinate. To overwinter, take plants indoors or mulch heavily as it is a tender perennial.


Majorana hortensis Sweet Marjoram can be a substitute for Oregano; it can be added to many dishes or to flavour sausage.

Tender Perennial | Ht. 60cm/24” | 700-900 sds/gm.

Annual | Ht. 45cm/18" | 3500-4500 sds/gm.

Pkt.(±1750-2200sds) $1.95 | 2g $2.95 5g $4.75 | 25g $12.50 | 100g $30.00

476 Bergamot

Pkt (±85-110sds) $2.95 | 1g $8.95 | 5g $35.75 15g $78.25

Herbs 71


311 Forest Green

0311 Green Pearl ‘Organic’

Parsley is used dry or fresh to garnish almost anything. It is high in iron and Vitamin A. Root parsley is used to flavour soups and stews. Annual | 400-600 sds/gm.

Curled Leaf 311 FOREST GREEN

Excellent buncher. An improved variety that produces a week earlier than old types, with better colour and flavour. Finely double curled, medium green leaves with longer stems for bunching purposes. Forest Green recovers fast for multiple cuttings and is less prone to bleaching and browning. ‘Market’ Pkt (±800-1200sds) $1.95 | 25g $4.95 100g $10.95 | 450g $27.50 | 2kg $92.00


Top German bunching variety. Produces heavy, densely filled, dark green, double curled leaves on strong stalks. Green Pearl’s slow bolting quality makes it ideal for forcing and summer production. Also has excellent cold tolerance for over-winter production. Organically grown seed. Pkt (±600-900sds) $2.25 | 25g $11.95 100g $32.95 | 450g $99.50 | 2kg $367.00 Market quality, triple curled. Dark green mosslike umbels on top of bunching quality stems. More tolerant to disease and hot weather than Moss Curled. Not for bedding plant sales. Pkt (±600-900sds) $1.95 | 25g $6.25 100g $16.95 | 450g $56.80 | 2kg $219.00

314 Krausa Market

72 Herbs

423 Sage

Plain Leaf



312 Plain Dark Green Italian


Large smooth leaved variety with long strong stems. Not curled like other types. Strong flavour that is excellent for seasoning soups and other dishes. Pkt (±800-1200sds) $1.95 | 25g $3.95 100g $9.25 | 450g $23.50 | 2kg $79.50

E312 DK GREEN ITALIAN ‘ORGANIC’ As above but organically grown seed. Pkt (±800-1200sds) $1.95 | 25g $5.95 100g $15.95 | 450g $52.95 | 2kg $195.00

0423 Ceres ‘Organic’

Sage 423 SAGE

Salvia officinalis Popular for culinary use, Sage dries very well as it retains its colour and aroma. Has spiky mauve flowers and grey-green velvety leaves. Perennial | Ht. 70cm/28” | 135-190 sds/gm.

Pkt (±135-190sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.25 |25g $8.95 100g $25.75 | 450g $102.75


Similar to above, but organically grown seed. Ceres has a high content of essential oils. Perennial | Ht. 70cm/28” | 75-130 sds/gm.


Gigante d’Italia Improved culinary selection with intensely aromatic leaves. Hilmar is a robust, dark green flat-leaved variety with strong stems for bunching. Organically grown seed. Pkt (±600-900sds) $2.25 | 25g $6.95 100g $18.95 |450g $66.95 |2kg $255.00

Pkt (±50-95sds) $2.25 | 5g $4.25 | 25g $18.95 100g $68.00

Root Type

Sanguisorba minor Direct seed for best results. Add young leaves to a salad for a cucumber flavour. The pink flowers can also be used as a garnish.


Half-long roots with white flesh. Slender 7-8” roots have a distinct, fresh nutty flavour used in soups and stews. Can be stored like carrots. Sow in late spring for fall harvests. Pkt (±800-1200sds) $1.95 | 25g $4.95 100g $11.95 | 450g $33.50 | 2kg $78.50

E312 Dark Green Italian ‘Organic’

0312 Hilmar ‘Organic’

Salad Burnet 484 SALAD BURNET

Perennial | Ht. 45cm/18" | 100-180 sds/gm.

Pkt (100-180sds) $1.95 | 10g $2.95 | 25g $4.75 100g $11.50 | 450g $39.50

313 Hamburg-Berliner

484 Salad Burnet

427 Summer Savory Midget


o425 Candy ‘Organic’

424 German Winter

Stevia NEW



S. hortensis An improved selection with higher essential oil content and better foliage mass than standard Summer Savory. A favourite for tossing with beans and adding to soups.

S. rebaudiana Organic version of Stevia, the Sweet Herb. It is a South American subshrub, not hardy in Canada. The leaves may be dried or processed to use as a sweetener.

Annual | Ht. 30cm/12" | 1200-1400 sds/gm.

Annual | 2600-3000s/g

Pkt (±1200-1400sds) $1.95 | 10g $2.95 25g $3.95 | 100g $9.50 | 450g $28.50

A424 Creeping Thyme

Pkt (±25-30sds) $4.75 | 100sds $13.95 500sds $32.75 | 1Msds $42.00


Satureja montana A strong-flavoured savory for seasoning meats and pates. It has glossy green leaves and purplish flowers, and forms a small bush. Also used as a bee plant. Organically grown seed.

One of the basic herbs to include in your garden, Thyme can be sheared to harvest and promote fresh growth. It is one of the French ‘fins herbes’; an essential in the kitchen that can be used with many dishes. Lovely with seafood. Best started indoors.


T. vulgaris Produces a strong aroma and dries well for culinary use. Pleasing plant form with fine leaves. Perennial | Ht. 30cm/12” | 4000-5000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±1300-1600sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.25 5g $5.75 | 25g $16.95 | 100g $48.50

Perennial | Ht.15cm/6” | 1000-2000 sds/gm.


Pkt (±330-660sds) $1.95 | 2g $5.25 | 5g $9.75 25g $31.50 | 100g $98.00

Similar to #424 but organically grown seed. Perennial | Ht. 30cm/12” | 4000-5000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±1000-1250sds) $2.25 | 2g $4.75 5g $9.25 | 25g $31.95


T. serpyllum A hardy groundcover that releases a wonderful scent when walked upon. An asset in the rockgarden, slopes, or in areas of poor soil. It can be lifted like sod and moved to new locations if needed. Blooms of pink and purple shades during the summer.

422 Russian Tarragon


Perennial | Ht. 20cm/8” | 5000-6000 sds/gm.

422 RUSSIAN TARRAGON o428 Winter Savory ‘Organic’


Rumex. Use in salads and soups to add tangy flavour.


Artemisia dracunculus Not to be confused with French Tarragon (not available from seed), which has a different flavour. Russian Tarragon is hardier and grows taller. It can be used with many dishes and enhances the flavour of mushrooms. Perennial | Ht.120cm/48” | 5000-6000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±1600-2000sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.75 5g $6.95 | 25g $22.00

Pkt (±1600-2000sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.25 5g $6.95 | 25g $21.00 | 100g $70.00


T. vulgaris Thym de Provence Grey-green fine foliage with superb flavour. Needs winter protection, or treat as annual. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 4000-5000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±1300-1600sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.95 10g $12.95 | 25g $26.50

R. acetosa All green strain with lemony taste. Perennial | 800-1000 sds/gm | Ht. 45cm/18”

Pkt (±800-1000sds) $1.95 | 10g $2.95 25g $4.95 | 100g $12.25 | 450g $45.00


R. sanguinea Green leaves with red veins. Also useful as an ornamental. Perennial | 45cm/18” | 1600-1800 sds/gm.

Pkt (±400-450sds) $2.25 | 2g $7.25 10g $16.95

426 Green de Belleville

426-1 Bloody Dock

B424 Summer Thyme

Herbs 73


Flowers have always been included in kitchen gardens because their flowers attract beneficial insects necessary to pollinate and protect vegetable plants. Some have culinary and household uses, while others are simply to be appreciated for their beauty. In the changing world of seed breeding and climates, we are now seeing annuals that overwinter and perennials that bloom first year (acting like an annual). Both annuals and perennials are being selected for use in garden beds and planters. We have combined the two sections to reflect these changes and hope that you will experiment freely with incorporating all flowers into your garden. Note about starting indoors: always use fresh sterilized seeding medium and clean trays, plugs, and pots for good results. When “room temperature” is indicated, the temperature range is 18-21C/68-71F. Temperatures above or below will affect the speed and rate of germination. If light is needed to help germination, a strong light source from full spectrum bulbs is recommended. Perennials are noted by their hardiness zones. All perennials bloom first year, unless indicated in the description. Some annuals have been known to overwinter in our trials; these are indicated by “tender perennial”.

1222 Ageratum, Blue Hawaii 5.0


2500 Achillea, Cassis


Yarrow. A tall perennial garden plant, adding lacy texture to borders. Achillea can also be used as a longlasting cutflower filler. Culture: Seed is small and light is needed for good germination. Start indoors 8-10 weeks before transplanting outdoors, or direct seed in late spring


A. millefolium Awarded the FSQ for being a fully first-year blooming Yarrow. Produces many blooms on long strong stems in a claret-red colour. Dries to a black currant colour, for which it was named. Zone 4 | Ht. 60cm/24" | Bl. June-Aug | 4000-6000 s/g.

Pkt (±400-600sds) $2.25 | 1g $4.25 | 5g $13.95

Clusters of fluffy flowers on mounded plants are excellent for beds and edging. Blooms from summer to fall in sun or light shade. Culture: Start indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost. NEW

1222 BLUE HAWAII 5.0

A. houstonianum Updated Hawaii, now grown from different parent lines to ensure consistent availability. An excellent performer; the leader in bedding plant Ageratums. Great garden performance, with uniform, compact plants and mid blue fuzzy flowers that appear early and keep blooming until frost. Annual | Ht. 15cm/6” | width 30cm/12” |5000-6000 s/g.

Pkt (±30-35pel) $2.75 | 150p $7.75 | 500p $12.50



A. ptarmica Double white flowers on dark green foliage. This cultivar is not invasive, an improvement over other ptarmicas. Blooms first year. Reaches full height in the second year. Zone 2 | Ht. 75cm/30” | Bl. June-Aug | 3000-3300 s/g.

A. houstonianum Improved cutting Ageratum with more branching and sturdier stems than Florist Blue. It is a perfect blue for balancing garden bouquets. Also provides long lasting colour in the flower bed and can be pinched for a wider plant spread. Annual | Ht. 65cm/26” | Pelleted Seed.

Pkt (±750-825sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.95 | 5g $8.75

Pkt (±35-40pel) $2.95 | 250p $9.75 | 1Mp $24.95

LEGEND Zone -zone variety may be hardy to Ht. - mature plant height Bl. - bloom time of variety sds/gm or s/g - average amount of seeds per gram M - Thousand Seeds; Sds or s - Seeds Pel or p - Pellets

Awards for New Varieties:

All America Selections and Fleuroselect are organizations that evaluate new flower varieties (and vegetables for AAS) submitted from seed breeders. The AAS entries are tested in North America, while the Fleuroselect entries are judged in Europe. The winners have proven themselves worldwide. AAS presents awards and gold medals to an outstanding winner; Fleuroselect awards medals, quality marks (FSQ) and novelty awards (FSN). Occasionally a variety is given both awards. Other awards that we consider when adding new varieties are those given by the Royal Horticulture Society (Award of Garden Merit), Perennial Plant Association (Perennial of the Year), American Garden Award (determined by public voting on plants at botanical gardens), and the Greenhouse Grower Media Awards.

74 Flowers

Easy to Grow

2510 Agastache, Astello Indigo


Culture: Start indoors at room temperature (18-21C) at any time. Blooms 12-14 weeks from seeding. Also known as Anise Hyssop.

1224 Ageratum, Everest Blue


A. hybrida Anise Hyssop. Fleuroselect Gold Medal 2012. Fleuroselect says that it is a “fragrant versatile beauty with unlimited usage potential”. In our trials it bloomed all summer with deep blue flowers that were enhanced by the dark green foliage. It was outstanding in a mass planting; one of the first flowering plants in our gardens and had bushy vigorous growth. Attracts bees & butterflies. Zone 6 | Ht. 50cm/20” | Bl. June-Sep | 3000-3300 s/g.

Pkt (±10-15sds) $2.75 | 100sds $7.95 250sds $14.75

Grows in Sun

2502 Achillea, The Pearl Superior

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

1244 Amaranthus, Green Thumb

1247 Amaranthus, Green Tails

1246 Amaranthus, Red Tails


Popular in the cottage garden, as a cutflower and for drying. Once flowers develop they hold their colour for an extended period of time. Quick growing annual that can be direct seeded throughout the season. Culture: Direct seed when soil is warm and chance frost is past.

1239 Alyssum, New Carpet of Snow


Dwarf spreading plants cover the ground with tiny fragrant flowers all season long. Alyssum can be used for beds, window boxes, ground covers, and edging in sun or light shade. Has a tendency to reseed itself. Culture: Start indoors for early blooms or outdoors when soil is warm for later flowers.


Lobularia maritima Early blooming plants covered with snow white flowers. Annual | Ht. 10cm/4” | 1500-2500 sds/gm.

Pkt (±750-1250sds) $1.95 | 2g $2.75 | 5g $4.25 15g $11.95


Lobularia maritima Deepest purple available. Annual | Ht. 10cm/4” | 1500-2500 sds/gm.

Pkt (±750-1250sds) $1.95 | 2g $2.75 | 5g $4.95 15g $12.75

Upright Short Types

A. hypochondriacus A fast growing cut or dry flower that can be used as a border plant. Starts producing plumes 10 weeks after sowing. Excellent filler.


Lime green flower spikes on green foliage.


Crimson, upright flower spikes on top of green-crimson foliage. Annual | Ht. 40cm/16” | 1200-1500 sds/gm.

1249 Amaranthus, Hot Biscuits

Above Varieties: Pkt (±1200-1500sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.75 | 25g $8.95 100g $24.50

Hanging Types

A. caudatus Trailing ropes of flowers in red or green can be used fresh or dry. Green and Red Tails are an old-fashioned country garden item also known as Love Lies Bleeding.


Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 1200-1500 sds/gm

Above Varieties: Pkt (±600-900sds) $1.95 | 5g $2.95 | 25g $8.75 100g $17.50

Upright Tall Types 1241 Alyssum, Oriental Nights

A. cruentus Tall cutflower types producing tall plants and strong feathery plumes.


Impressive burgundy foliage and florets on tall plants that are great in cutflower bouquets. The flowers have a fine feathery quality which make them more useable than other cruentus types.


Great autumn colour for decorating- either fresh or dryable. Rusty orange spikes on tall plants. Annual | Ht. 150cm/60” | 1200-1700 sds/gm.

Above Varieties: Pkt (±600-850sds) $2.25 | 5g $5.75 | 25g $22.95

1250 Ammi, Snowflake


Laceflower. Culture: Start outdoors when soil is warm to touch and chance of frost is past.


Fine feathery foliage with loose flower heads like Queen Anne's Lace. Good filler in bouquets, and a charming cottage garden plant. Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 1200-1500 sds/gm.

Pkt (±1200-1500sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.25 | 25g $8.75 100g $24.50

1248 Amaranthus, Velvet Curtains

Drought Tolerant

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

Cutflower Use

Flowers 75


1307 Asclepias, Silky Formula Mix

2520 Aquilegia, Mckana Giants Mixed


1260 Anchusa, Blue Angel


Culture: Sow in early spring when soil can be worked, or in mid-summer for fall blooms.


A. capensis Marine blue flowers on compact plants for borders and containers. Prefers full sun but tolerates partial shade. Blooms early and has a long flowering period. Cold and drought tolerant annual. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 300-450 sds/gm.

Pkt (±300-450sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.25 | 15g $5.95

Columbine. A graceful woodland perennial, blooming in late spring. Attractive lobed foliage stays green until frost. Needs overwintering to produce flowers. Culture: Start indoors at room temperature, 8-12 weeks before transplanting outdoors. Aquilegia seed may need chilling to aid germination.



A. caerulea AAS Winner 1955. Large cup and saucer-like flowers with long spurs in many solid and bi-colours. Graceful cutflowers that have long, strong stems. Zone 2 | Ht. 75cm/30” | Bl.June-July | 700-800 sds/gm.

Pkt (±230-260sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.25 | 5g $5.75

A. curassavica A filler for cutflower arrangements in intense gold, scarlet, and deep red shades-combines beautifully with sunflowers. For greenhouse and outdoor summer cutflower production, and also a good garden plant. Annual | Ht. 70cm/28” | 300-400 sds/gm.


A. vulgaris Unique flower: double dark violet (almost black)! The spurless blooms are held on long stems, making it suitable for mid-border growing and cutting. Zone 2 | Ht. 60cm/24” | Bl. May-June | 550-650 sds/gm.

Pkt (±135-160sds) $2.25 | 2g $5.95 | 5g $9.95


Exotic ornamental multipurpose plant that attracts butterflies and is good as a cutflower filler. Tolerates hot, dry weather. Culture: Start indoors at room temperature, 8-12 weeks before planting outdoors. Asclepias seed may need chilling to aid germination.

Pkt (±30-35sds) $2.25 | 250s $8.75 | 1Ms $22.95


A. tuberosa Loose clusters of bright orange flowers attract butterflies to your garden. Can be used as an accent plant for perennial borders. Zone 3 | Ht. 60cm/24” | Bl. Aug-Sep | 150-200 sds/gm.

Pkt (±30-50sds) $1.95 | 2g $6.75 | 5g $11.95

1265 Angelonia, Serena Mix


Sow indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost. Press pellets into the soil. Keep moistened and at warm temperature (23C) consistently until growth is seen, then reduce temperature. Light is necessary for good emergence. Plant in a sunny location.

2522 Aquilegia, Miss MI Huish 2530 Asclepias, Butterfly Weed


Culture: Start in February for same year blooms. Press seeds into soil and grow at room temperature with lights. Seed is tiny, so maintaining moisture is very important for good germination.


A. angustifolia Great plant with healthy green foliage and all season spiky blooms. Previously only available from cuttings, this seed variety is improved because it branches without pinching. Angelonias love heat and drought and are suitable for containers or garden beds. Mix of purple, lavender, pink and white. Grand Prix winner at Hortimat 2005.


A. arendsii Beautiful mixture with superb flower quality. Tall flower spikes make for a good landscape feature and for use as cut flowers. Shades of pink, cream, and carmine. Zone 4 | Ht. 60cm/24” | Bl. June-July | 9500-10500 s/g.

Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | Pelleted Seed.

Pkt (±7pel) $4.45 | 50pel $15.75 | 100pel $27.95

76 Flowers

Easy to Grow

2535 Astilbe, Grande

Grows in Sun

Pkt (±80-100sds) $2.45 | 1Msds $9.75

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

1322 Aster, Nova Mix 1395 Aster, Milady Mix 2527 Armeria, Morning Star Rose

Asters are gorgeous garden flowers and excellent cutflowers. Flowers from August to frost. Culture: Easy to start indoors or outside. For mid summer flowers start indoors six weeks before last frost. For late summer flowers seed in early summer. Asters prefer cool nights and moist soil for optimum flowering and plant height. To avoid Aster Yellows control the leaf hoppers.


Culture: Start indoors at room temperature, 8-12 weeks before transplanting outdoors.


A. maritima Also known as Thrift. First year blooming! Ball shaped magenta flowers appear from spring onwards on sturdy stemsdeadhead to maintain bloom. The fine foliage looks like grassy mounds throughout the year. Petite plant habit is perfect for containers. Armeria also grows in poor garden soil conditions, but dislikes having its roots wet. Zone 4 | Ht. 15cm/6” | Bl. May-Sept | 800-1600 sds/gm.

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.25 | 100sds $5.75

Tall Cutting Types


Dwarf Border Type 1395 MILADY MIX

Callistephus chinensis A dwarf aster with fully double, 10cm/4” peony shaped flowers. Well branched, compact plants. Useful for borders, edging, and container use. Annual | Ht. 25cm/10” | 350-550 sds/gm.

Pkt (±100-180sds) $2.25 | 2g $5.25 | 5g $7.95 10g $12.75

New England Type 2533 LUCIDA

A. novae-angliae As a tall border plant, it combines well with ornamental grasses. Attractive to butterflies. 2.5cm/1” dark red blooms appear in late summer. A hardy perennial that does not bloom until second year. Zone 2 | Ht. 120cm/48” | Bl. Aug-Oct | 2000-2250 s/g.

Pkt (±250-280sds) $2.75 | 1/2g $4.95 | 2g $12.75


Callistephus chinensis An improved needlepetaled double variety for cutting. Large double flowers in a 9 colour mix. Annual | Ht. 50cm/28” | 400-450 sds/gm.

Pkt (±200-225sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.75 | 10g $5.25 25g $9.75


Callistephus chinensis 7 colour market growers’ mixture. Large 3" flowers with deeply crested centres on wiry stems make this mixture superb for cutting. Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 200-375 sds/gm.

Pkt (±200-375sds) $1.95; | 5g $3.75 | 15g $7.95 25g $12.75 | 100g $34.75


Callistephus chinensis Growing habit allows for cutting the whole plant at once making it suitable for professional market use. An early flowering semi double mix in wide range of solids and bicolours, each with golden centres. Annual | Ht. 65cm/26” | 350-550 sds/gm.

Pkt (±80-100sds) $1.95 | 500sds $3.75 1Msds $5.95 | 5Msds $23.50 | 10Msds $39.75


Callistephus chinensis Dainty (2.5cm/1”) single blooms in sprays on vigorous plants. Growing habit allows for cutting the whole plant at once, making it suitable for professional market use. A 7 colour mix in which some colours begin pale and grow darker as they mature. Annual | Ht. 70cm/28 | 400-600 sds/gm.

Pkt (±65-75sds) $1.95 | 500sds $6.75 1Msds $8.95 | 5Msds $34.50

1325 Aster, Super Princess Choice Mix

1350 Aster, Matsumoto Formula Mix

Drought Tolerant

2533 Aster, Lucida

Cold Tolerant

1355 Aster, Daylight Mix

Container Use

Cutflower Use

Flowers 77


1407 Bacopa, Snowtopia Improved

1402 Begonia, Super Olympia Red


Sow indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost. Press pellets into the soil. Keep moistened and at warm temperature (23C) consistently until growth is seen, then reduce temperature. Light is necessary for good and quick emergence.


Sutera cordata Awarded the Medal of Excellence by Greenhouse Grower magazine. Gardeners have been asking us for years about Bacopa seed, but it was previously available only as a vegetative plant. Grows well in containers or as a groundcover in the garden. Blooms especially well when evenings are cool. Annual | Ht. 15cm/6” | trails 45cm/18” | multi seed pellets

Pkt (±7pel) $3.95 | 50pel $14.95 | 100pel $23.75


Long blooming plant for beds or containers. Seed is pelleted for easier handling and sowing.

1404 Begonia, Non-Stop Mix

Tuberous Types

Culture: Start indoors 14 weeks before last frost date. Lighting is important for good germination.

Fibrous Types

Culture: Start indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost date.



Early flowering, heat and drought tolerant fibrous variety with green foliage. Improved garden performance.

Multi-flora type with large flowers in a mix of 13 colours. Compact plants do not become leggy like other types. One of the best garden performing tuberous types for shade.

Annual | Ht. 20cm/8” | Pelleted Seed

Annual | Ht. 25cm/10” | Pelleted Seed

Pkt (±40-50pel) $2.25 | 250pel $4.75 1Mpel $12.95


Pkt (±30-35pel) $4.95 | 200pel $14.50 NEW

An outstanding new double-flowered begonia! These outperformed all others in trial; growing through a hot, dry summer in full sun. In early October they were still neatly domed plants, full of blooms. A vigorous mix of Red, White, Pink, and Coral Picotee colours on green foliage. Annual | Ht. 25cm/10” | Pelleted Seed

Pkt (±25-30pel) $3.25 | 250pel $9.95 1Mpel $27.95


B. boliviensis Greenhouse Growers Magazine Editor’s Choice, American Garden Award. First time available from seed! Santa Cruz is versatile; growing vigorously in sun or shade. Excellent for hanging baskets or containers, the fiery red flowers draw attention, while the trailing plants keep growing and blooming until frost. Annual | Trails: 60cm/24” | Pelleted Seed

Pkt (±7pel) $6.50 | 25pel $11.75 | 100pel $33.95

1420 Balsam, Topknot Mixture


Culture: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost or outdoors when soil is warm.


Impatiens balsamina Improved, compact, fully double variety. Topknot produces flowers well above the foliage unlike other varieties. Blooms all summer, making it a good container or border plant.

1403 Begonia, Fairyland Mix 1405 Begonia, Santa Cruz Sunset

Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” | 80-100 sds/gm.

Pkt (±35-40sds) $2.45 | 250sds $6.95 1Msds $18.75

78 Flowers

Easy to Grow

Grows in Sun

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

2540 Buddleja, Butterfly Hybrids

1415 Browallia, Marine Bells


Culture: Sow indoors 8-12 weeks before last frost. Keep soil moistened and at warm temperature (2426C) consistently until growth is seen, then reduce temperature. Prefers consistent moisture throughout growing process.

1410 Bells of Ireland, Green Bells

Bells of Ireland

Sow outdoors in early spring when soil is starting to warm up. Can be succession sown until soil temperature reaches 71°F /21°C. Prefers warm days and cool nights for growing.


Molucella laevis Interesting plants with spikes of green bell shaped flowers each 5cm/2" in diameter. Turns light brown when dried. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 100-150 sds/gm.

Pkt (±100-200sds) $1.95 | 5g $2.95 | 15g $5.95 50g $12.75


B. speciosa major A great plant for anyone with a shady garden. Browallia grows best in shade and semi-shade gardens or baskets. Bushy plants with dark green foliage. Also, the deep blue colour is a good complement to Impatiens!


Culture: Seed is tiny, so start indoors at warm temperatures (21-24) and press the seeds into the soil. Seed in late winter for same year blooms.


B. davidii Butterfly Bush. A shrub-like woody perennial. Fragrant flower spikes attract butterflies and bees in late summer. Hardy in southern Canada but it dies back to the ground each fall. Zone 5 | Ht. 150cm/60” | Bl. Aug-Sep | 28M-29M sds/gm.

Pkt (±65-75sds) $1.95 | 250sds $3.25| 1Msds $8.95

Annual | Ht. 40cm/16” | 3400-4400 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.45 | 250sds $5.95 1Msds $13.95

1450 Canna, South Pacific


2537 Bellis, Tasso


1427 Bupleurum, Griffiti

English Daisy. Culture: Start indoors in late winter for spring blooms, or in summer for following year blooming. Keep warm (21-24C), moist, and light until growth is seen. Can be used in planters with Pansies.



Culture: Direct seed in mid-spring when soil is workable and starting to warm up. For continuous cutting, seed every 2 weeks until summer heat.

B. perennis Large, long blooming flowers on uniform plants. Heavily quilled 3cm/1.2" balls in colours of deep rose, red, pink, and white. More compact, uniform plant habit and larger flowers than older types. Can be used for a naturalized lawn - the “English lawn”.


Zone 4 | Ht. 12cm/5” | Bl. May-June | 3000-5500 sds/gm.

Pkt (±130-150sds) $1.95 | 1Msds $3.95 5Msds $12.95 | 25Msds $41.75

Pkt (±65-75sds) $2.25 | 500sds $6.75

Drought Tolerant

B. rotundifolium Trendy lime-green leaves with contrasting yellow flower bracts. Widely used as a filler in the cutflower industry. Easy to grow. Add extra nitrogen to increase height. Annual | Ht. 70cm/28” | 300-400 sds/gm.

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

Culture: Seed into large plugs or pots 6-8 weeks before last frost. Needs hot temperatures (23-26C) to germinate quickly. NEW


C. generalis AAS winner 2013 Earlier to bloom and producing more side branching than other seed grown varieties; South Pacific is a real winner. Provides a great focal point to beds or groupings of plants. South Pacific adds a continuous burst of tropical scarlet flowers to the sunny summer garden. Typical germination is 75%. Blooms 12 weeks from seeding. At time of frost, rhizomes may be lifted for future use. Annual | Ht. 120cm/48”, 60cm/24” in containers | 3-7 s/g.

Pkt (±8sds) $9.35 | 25sds $18.75 | 100sds $39.50

Cutflower Use

Flowers 79


1428 Calendula, Fiesta Gitana Superior

1430 Calendula, Balls Orange

Tall Cutting Types


Old fashioned annual with delicate scent that was an important part of the kitchen garden for its use in herbal creams. Now also grown for cutflower appeal. It provides colour into fall, as it likes growing in cool conditions. Tolerates frost. Culture: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost, or outdoors in spring when the soil warms up. Can also be sown in succession for continuous cutflowers.


C. officinalis Excellent dwarf calendula for flower beds. Improved flower size, heat resistance and blooming time. Fiesta held up very well in one of the hottest and driest summers on record. Its 3" flowers come in shades of orange, cream, yellow and bi-colours. Annual | Ht. 20cm/8” | 90-150 sds/gm.

Pkt (±45-75sds) $2.25 | 2g $3.25 | 5g $5.25

1440 Campanula, Meteora


C. officinalis A long lasting large, deep orange double flower. Annual | Ht. 45cm/18” | 90-150 sds/gm.

Pkt (±90-150sds) $1.95 | 5g 2.95 | 25g $7.25 100g $16.75

1431 RADIO

C. officinalis Old fashioned orange blooms with quilled petals. An heirloom variety. Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” | 90-150sds/gm.

Annual | Ht. 25cm/10” | Pelleted Seed


C. officinalis An old fashioned type of calendula. Open flowers, some with contrasting dark centres. Mixture of orange and yellow. Annual | Ht. 45cm/18” | 90-150 sds/gm.

Pkt (±65-75sds) $2.25 | 500sds $3.95 2500sds $12.95 | 5Msds $24.50


C. officinalis Attractive buttery yellow double flowers, suited for cutting.

80 Flowers

C. carpatica Compact, better blooming, with improved garden vigour. Clips is a major improvement over the common varieties. Uniform ball shaped plants with dark blue flowers. Blooms the first year. Zone 3 | Ht. 15-20cm/6-8” | Bl. July-Aug | 10M-13M s/g.

Pkt (±80-100sds) $2.65 | 500s $5.95 | 2500s $19.95


C. calycanthema Tall spikes of cup and saucer flowers in shades of rose, purple, pink, blue, and white. Biennial that blooms second year. Zone 5 | Ht. 90cm/36” | Bl. June-July | 3000-4000 s/g.

1432 Calendula, Princess Mix

1431 Calendula, Radio

C. lactiflora Dainty pale pink clusters of small blooms appear first year and act as filler in flower beds or bouquets. FSQ winner for its dwarf plant habit, normally lactiflora types can reach 120cm/48”


Pkt (±90-150sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.95 | 25g $10.95 100g $37.50 | 450g $120.00

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.25 | 250sds $4.25 1Msds $10.95


Pkt (±200-250sds) $1.95 | 1Msds $3.75

Annual | Ht. 45cm/18” | 90-150 sds/gm.

Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” | 90-150 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50pel) $2.25 | 250pel $3.95 | 1Mpel $9.75

Zone 5| Ht. 60cm/24” | Bl. June-Aug | 25000-31000 s/g.

C. officinalis Orange petals backed with mahogany. Double flowered type with strong stems; developed for cutflower production.



C. ramosissima A quick growing garden or container plant for full sun. Covered all summer with delicate, light purple, star-shaped blooms.

Pkt (±90-150sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.25 | 25g $7.95 100g $18.75



A large species of annuals, biennials, and perennials that range from dwarf (carpaticas) to tall (lactifloras). Campanulas like to grow in sunny to partial shade areas that have average, well drained soil. Culture: Start indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost, at 16-20C and with light. Keep moistened consistently until growth is seen.

Pkt(±1500-2000sds)$1.95 | 2g $3.75 | 5g $5.25 15g $10.95

1433 Calendula, Indian Prince

Easy to Grow

1435 Calendula, Lemon Cream

Grows in Sun

2545 Campanula, Deep Blue Clips

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

1472 Celosia, Romantica

1473 Celosia, New Look

A versatile border plant that can be cut or dried. Celosias perform well in our sunny beds, withstanding drought and blooming all season long (from July to frost). Culture: Seed indoors 4-8 weeks before last frost, keep light, moist, and warm (25C) until growth is seen. If Celosia becomes root bound, the plant health will be affected and it may not bloom properly. 1471, 1476 & 1478 may also be direct seeded.


Start indoors in large plugs or pots 6-8 weeks before planting outdoors. Germinates at room temperature. Plant into good garden soil in full sun; amend the soil if using for edible purpose.


Cynara cardunculus A remarkable plant with huge grey, deeply cut leaves and purple flowers. Often seen in public gardens and city plantings. An edible relative of the Artichoke. Over-winters in mild climates. Tender Perennial | Ht. 150cm/60” | 20-30 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-60sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.25 | 25g $9.75

1476 Celosia, Pampas Plume

Cutting Types


1467 Cardoon

1475 Celosia, Fresh Look Mix

Bedding Types


NEW This is the most vibrant orange that

we have seen in the flower garden. Blooms all summer, and sends up side branches when main stems are cut. Full plumes of bright orange add depth to mixed bouquets, or create a focal point in the garden. Sunday is a professional growers series and is filmcoated for ease of seeding. Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 1200-1400 sds/gm.

Pkt (±10sds) $2.95 | 50sds $7.95 | 150sds $18.75

All American Selections Winners. The Looks have feathery plumes on compact plants. The plants produce new foliage and plumes to cover old blooms. Perfect for busy gardeners who want a carefree season of colour.


A stunning new colour in Celosias: peachypink that becomes more intense as it ages. The flowers are nicely accented by dark veined foliage. Try it in combination with New Look for a velvety palette.


Glowing red plumes, with dark bronze foliage.


The AAS winning colours of Red, Yellow, and Gold, plus Orange. Annual | Ht. 35cm/14” | 1000-1100 sds/gm.

Above Varieties: Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.25 | 500s $7.75 | 2500s $27.95 2543 Campanula, Dwarf Pink



Loose, large cockscombs with many side shoots in the desirable shade of velvety magenta. Makes an eye-catching combination with Sunday Orange. Organically grown seed. Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 1700-1900 sds/gm.

Pkt (±80-100sds) $2.35 | 500sds $5.75 1Msds $8.95 | 5Msds $21.75


Huge airy plumes in a wide variety of colours. Best for drying and cutting. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 1000-1500 sds/gm.

Pkt (±500-750sds) $1.95 | 2g $2.95 | 5g $4.95 15g $9.75


Exactly what a cutflower grower desires: an economical mix of fan shaped (brain) blooms for filler in mixed bouquets. Features assorted shades of pink and yellow, but predominantly burgundy. Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 1200-1300 sds/gm.

Pkt (±1200-1300sds) $1.95 | 2g $2.95 | 5g $4.95 25g $13.75


Unusual pink and white bi-coloured plume on this spicata type Celosia. Can be grown as an accent plant or for cut and dry uses. Zone 4 | Ht. 60cm/24” | 800-1000 sds/gm.

1471 Celosia, Tornado Red

2547 Campanula, Canterbury Bells

Drought Tolerant

1479 Flamingo Feather

1470 Celosia, Sunday Orange

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

Pkt (±80-100sds) $2.25 | 500s $5.95 | 2500s $15.95

1478 Celosia, Tall Cristata Mix

Cutflower Use

Flowers 81


1480 Cerinthe, Pride of Gibraltar


Culture: Direct seed outdoors in spring or summer, maintain moisture until growth is seen.

1492 Centaurea, Sweet Sultan


1492 SWEET SULTAN 1490 Centaurea, Classic Artist Mix

Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 150-200 sds/gm.


Easy to grow plants produce an abundance of flowers on long stems. Adds colour to the flower garden and makes excellent cut and dry flowers. Culture: Start outdoors in spring. Sow into well drained, warm soil for the best results. NEW

C. major purpurascens Frost tolerant. Exotic filler. Fleshy dark foliage with brilliant bluetinged bracts and purple bell-shaped flowers. Pride of Gibraltar has been selected for cutflower use because it has longer stems than other varieties.

C. imperialis Unusual sweet scented, fringed, large cornflower type resembling thistles. Blooms in shades of lilac, yellow, and white.


C. cyanus We saw this in trial in Holland last summer and were impressed with the excellent selection of colours and bicolours that make for a complete mix.

Pkt (±200-300sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.75 | 15g 6.25 50g $12.95

Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 15-20 sds/gm.

Pkt (±15-20sds) $2.25 | 5g $5.75 | 25g $17.95


C. americana Huge tufted lilac flowers emerge from netted buds. Strong plants have long stems making this a good accent in flower arrangements and in the informal garden. Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 50-70 sds/gm.

Pkt (±50-70sds) $2.25 | 5g $3.95 | 15g $6.95 50g 19.95

Annual | Ht. 80cm/32” | 180-220 sds/gm.

Pkt (±180-220sds) $1.95 | 5g 3.50 | 15g $5.75 50g $13.50 | 250g $49.75


C. cyanus Bachelor’s Buttons. Most popular colour for cutting.

1500 Clarkia, Choice Mix


Annual | Ht. 80cm/32” | 180-200 sds/gm.

Pkt (±180-200sds) $1.95 | 5g 2.75 | 15g $4.95 50g $10.50 | 250g $34.50

Culture: Seed direct outdoors in spring to early summer. Requires cool soil for optimum germination.


C. elegans Long stems with large fully double flowers in a range of pink and purple shades. Good heat and drought tolerance. Recommended spring cutflower variety. Annual | Ht. 80cm/32” | 2000-3000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±1000-1500sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.75 | 15g $7.95

1493 Centaurea, Aloha Rose


Culture: Direct seed outdoors in spring or summer, maintain moisture until growth is seen.


C. grandiflora Unusual direct seed garden plant with rosettes of grey-blue leaves and long stems of magenta blooms. New buds bloom all summer long. Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 3200-3500 sds/gm.

Pkt (±500-580sds) $2.35 | 1/2g $3.75 | 2g $8.95

1491 Centaurea, Blue Boy

82 Flowers

Easy to Grow

Grows in Sun

1487 Cisanthe, Brightness

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

2567 Chrysanthemum, Crazy Daisy

1504 Coleus, Kong Mix


A group of plants with daisy-shaped flowers. They have recently been renamed in the taxonomical world, but we have kept them together here, where most people can find them. The types listed here are perennials that bloom after overwintering. Culture: Start indoors until mid-summer at room temperature. Cover lightly with soil medium.

1505 Cleome, Colour Fountain Mix


Also known as Spider Flower. A long blooming garden plant with pleasant fragrance. Culture: Cleome needs light and fluctuating temperatures to germinate well. Vary temperature to duplicate spring conditions. We put ours in the greenhouse where it doesn’t get below 10C. Be careful when transplanting as Cleome doesn’t like its roots disturbed.


Leucanthemum x superbum Double, quilled white flowers with yellow centres. A real novelty for the border or cutting garden. Can bloom first year if given a cold period before transplanting. Zone 4 | Ht. 75cm/30” | Bl. June-Aug | 800-1000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±80-100sds) $2.25 | 1Msds $6.95


Tanacetum coccineum (formerly Pyrethrum) Large single daisy-like flowers in a mix of colours, including red and pink. Splendid for borders and cutting. Zone 4 | Ht:60cm/24” | Bl. June-Sep | 300-370 sds/gm.

Pkt (±150-185sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.95; 5g $6.25


C.hassleriana A spectacular background plant. Tall branching plants produce flower heads in a range of pink, purple, and white. Has a light lemon-mint fragrance. Annual | Ht. 120-150cm/48-60” | 350-450 sds/gm.


C.hassleriana The most requested single colour from the Fountains Mix: bright pink.


Grown for its brightly coloured foliage, Coleus makes a splash of colour in shady areas of the garden. Culture: Start indoors at 27C with lights, 8-12 weeks before planting outdoors. Temperature may be reduced after growth is seen.


Solenostemon scutellariodes. Monstrous sized leaves for containers or garden use. A mix of greens, reds, and bicolours. Annual | Ht. 45cm/18” | Pelleted Seed.

Pkt (±8pel) $4.75 | 50pel $13.95 | 100pel $20.75


Solenostemon scutellariodes. Huge leaves of varied colours and patterns add a strong foliage colour to your containers and flower beds. Pure lime, velvety black, rusty red, defined colour patterns and splashed leaves. Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” | 3000-3200 sds/gm.

Pkt (±10-15sds) $2.95 | 100sds $9.75

Annual | Ht. 120-150cm/48-60” | 350-450 sds/gm.


1505-1 SPARKLER MIX Crop Failure 2013

Annual | Ht. 25cm/10” | 3000-3500 sds/gm.

Above varieties: Pkt (±350-450sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.95 | 25g $9.25

Solenostemon scutellariodes. A dwarf base branching plant in a bright colour range. Ideal for brightening up shady or dull areas. Pkt (±40-50 sds) $2.25 | 250s $5.25 | 1Ms $14.75

2569 Chrysanthemum, Robinson Hybrids Mixed 1507 Coleus, Giant Exhibition Formula Mix

1506 Cleome, Cherry Queen

Drought Tolerant

1505-1 Cleome, Sparkler Mix

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

1508 Coleus, Wizard Mix

Cutflower Use

Flowers 83


1509 Convolvulus, Royal Ensign


Culture: Start indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost. Seed 2-3 seeds in 3” pots. Can also be seeded outdoors when soil is warm to touch.


C. tricolor minor A compact Morning Glory type plant, covered with flowers. The blooms are a striking navy blue with yellow and white centres. Blooms intensify as days get shorter. Annual | Ht. 20cm/8” | 90-100 sds/gm.

Pkt (±90-100sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.25 | 15g $5.95

1510 Cosmos, Sensation Mixed


A popular annual that is easy to grow. Cosmos are an excellent cutflower while being a colourful border and background plant for sunny locations. Culture: Sow outdoors when soil is warm and there is no chance of frost. Can also be started indoors 4 weeks before last frost.


AAS winner 1936. Spectacular free flowering plants for accent gardens. These giant single flowers bloom in rose, crimson, pink, and white. Annual | Ht. 110cm/44” | 100-200 sds/gm.

Pkt (±100-200sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.25 | 25g $5.25 100g $16.95 Premium Grade. A dwarf-free flowering variety. Covered with flowers from early summer to late fall. Flower size: 7cm/2.5”

Easy enough for a novice to grow, but offering a wide selection of colours that even a seasoned gardener will appreciate. New breeding has added more colours to the standard Coreopsis of yellow and red to increase the range from burgundy to creamy white, with lots of bicolours. Easy to direct seed.

Sulphureus Types AAS 2000 and Fleuroselect winner. This stocky, well-branched plant was a real hit in our trials. Bright orange, 2" flowers make it a visible bedding plant. Annual | Ht. 40cm/16” | 100-120 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.45 | 150sds $4.25 500sds $8.75


1512-1 CARIOCA

Pkt (±100-200sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.25 | 15g $5.95 50g $14.95


Pkt (±35-40sds) $3.25 | 250sds $8.25 1Msds $23.75

Pkt (±25-30sds) $2.95 | 250s $11.95 | 1Ms $36.95

Annual | Ht. 110cm/44” | 100-200 sds/gm.

Native plant to the Americas, it is a carefree plant for gardens. Also known as Calliopsis or Tickseed. Culture: Start indoors in plugs 6-10 weeks before planting outside, or direct seed (1517).

Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 100-140 sds/gm.

Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” | 100-180 sds/gm.

Unusual tubular shaped petals with frilled edges. A mix of pink, white, carmine and rose shades.


Evokes the essence of summer: snowy white blossoms swaying in the summer winds, gorgeous against the blue sky. Equally lovely in a casual bouquet. Snowpuff is a selected colour from the DoubleClick Mix.



1517 Coreopsis, Incredible Mix

1511 Cosmos, Sonata Mixed

1514-2 SNOW PUFF


Bright orange flowers that are larger than typical sulphureus types. Carioca is a more manageable size for smaller flower beds than Bright Lights. Also blooms two weeks earlier than Bright Lights. A lovely summer plant! Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 100-110 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.35 | 250sds $6.75

Impressive double flowers with tubular petals in colours ranging from white to carmine. An exciting item for your cutting garden; blooms all summer until frost.


Annual | Ht. 120cm/48” | 100-140 sds/gm.

Annual | Ht. 120cm/48” | 100-130 sds/gm.

Improved 2013! Wider range of gold and orange shades and earlier blooming time. Use as a background plant and cutflower.

Pkt (±35-40sds) $2.95 | 250s $6.95 | 1Ms $20.75

Pkt (±100-130sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.45 | 25g $4.75 100g $13.50

2560 Coreopsis, Early Sunrise

1512 Cosmos, Cosmic Orange

Annual | Ht. 80cm/32” | 3200-3400 sds/gm.

Pkt (±640-680sds) $2.75 | 1g $6.95 | 5g $19.75


C. grandiflora AAS Winner 1989. A hardy perennial easily grown from seed. It is the earliest Coreopsis to bloom (12 weeks from sowing) and has semi-double, golden-yellow flowers. Blooms all summer. Zone 4 | Ht. 45cm/18” | Bl. July-Sep | 350-450 sds/gm.

Pkt (±30-35sds) $1.95 | 250s $5.95 | 1Ms $16.75

84 Flowers

Easy to Grow

Grows in Sun

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

1512-1 Cosmos, Carioca

1524 Dahlia, Showpiece Mix

1514 Cosmos, Sea Shells Mix


1516 Gossypium, Cotton


A large garden plant, it can be transplanted or direct seeded in areas with longer growing seasons.

A garden favourite that is easy to grow from seed. Comes in a wide range of flower colours that are good for bedding and cutflowers. Does well in sun and semi-shade. Culture: Start indoors 8-12 weeks before last frost.



Gossypium herbaceum Levant Cotton An ancient plant, native of Africa and written about by Greek historian Herodotus in 5 BC. Although it is the actual cotton plant grown for fabrics, flower arrangers also appreciate the pods for use in floral designs. Creamy yellow or pinkish Hibiscus-like flowers are followed by green seedpods that mature and burst open to reveal wooly centres. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 5-7 sds/gm.

Pkt (±15-20sds) $2.25 | 25g $6.95 | 100g $19.95 1514-2 Cosmos, Snow Puff

Garden Pride is a dwarf variety with double flowers in many shades. Bloom size is 8cm/3”. Perfect for flower beds and containers. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 100-130 sds/gm.

Pkt (±30-35sds) $2.25 | 150sds $4.95 500sds $10.95 | 2Msds $32.95


Cutting mix selected for high percentage of double blooms. Flower size 8cm/3". Annual | Ht. 120cm/48” | 100-120 sds/gm.

Pkt (±30-40sds) $1.95 | 2g $4.95 | 5g $8.95 15g $22.95


Like the clown they were named for, these flowers will make you smile with their bright colours and patterns. Mix of semi-double types in interesting bi-colour patterns and solids. Well branched plants that are early to bloom. Annual | Ht. 35cm/14” | 100-120 sds/gm.

Pkt (±15-20sds) $2.95 | 100s $6.75 | 500s $19.95

1513 Cosmos, Bright Lights

1515 Craspedia, SunBall


Culture: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Sow in large #128 plugs. Apply adequate nitrogen to get good stem length. NEW

1522 Dahlia, Harlequin Mix


C. globosa It’s not often that an improved or organic variety comes with a price decrease, but here it is! SunBall has performed better in our trials than Drumstick, with a rounder flower head and more vigour. Great as a fun filler in long lasting arrangements. With this affordable price, why not grow a patch? Annual | Ht. 70cm/28” | 900-1400 sds/gm.

1514-1 Cosmos, Double Click Mix

Drought Tolerant

Pkt (±130-150sds) $2.65 | 500sds $5.75 1Msds $8.95

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

1520 Dahlia, Garden Pride

Cutflower Use

Flowers 85


1528 Datura, Belle Blanche

1532 Dianthus, Telstar Hybrid Mix

2576 Delphinium, Summer Colours


Also known as Angel’s Trumpets or Moonflower; they are related to Brugmansia. These are compact varieties, suitable for container gardening. Culture: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost. Erratic germinator - fluctuating temperatures to mimic spring helps. Sow 2-3 seeds in a 3” pot or large plugs.


D. metel An attractive patio and garden plant with bluish green foliage and upright trumpet shaped white flowers. Annual | Ht. 60-75cm/24-30” | 75-100 sds/gm.

Pkt (±30-35sds) $2.25 | 250s $5.25 | 1Ms $14.95


D. metel Double flowered, purple outer petals with white inner petals. Large plants are quick growing and long blooming in our trials. Growth habit is dwarfed if contained. Annual | Ht. 40-60cm/16-24” | 50-80 sds/gm.

Pkt (±10sds) $4.95 | 50sds $13.95



A large family of plants including Carnation, Pinks, and Sweet Williams A versatile group that can be used for ground covers or cutting, they also have various tolerances to heat and hardiness. Generally they prefer cool evenings for best blooming conditions. They are easy to grow plants with little insect and disease problems. Culture: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost for early flowers or outdoors when soil is warm.

Magnificent spikes for the early summer garden. The hybrida types may re-bloom in late summer if deadheaded, while the grandiflorums bloom all season. Both have striking blue shades in their range of colours. Culture: Start indoors in February-April at 15-20C and transplant into larger containers as needed because the roots need space to grow properly.


Dwarf Border Types

A grandiflorum mix including pink- a breakthrough in breeding! Blooms all summer on well-branched compact plants with fine dissected foliage. Summer Colours has better heat tolerance than other grandiflorums and is earlier to bloom.


Zone 4 | Ht. 30cm/12” | Bl. June-Sep | 700-1000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.65 | 150sds $7.25


D. hybrida This seed has been re-selected from the classic Pacific Giant series to be first year blooming and have full-filled spikes. Colours in the mix are dark blue, lavender, white, sky blue, pink, and mid-blue with varying bees (centres). An good tall back or border plant and professional cutflower.

Crop Failure 2013. This item will be substituted with a similar mix.

Zone 3 | Ht. 180cm/72” | Bl. May-July | 450-550 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.25 | 250s $5.95 | 1Ms $13.75

2579 MAGIC FOUNTAINS MIX Crop Failure 2013

D. chinensis Dwarf, mounding plants produce masses of blooms. They are excellent for beds, rockeries, and edging. Early blooming and heat tolerant. Use both in spring and fall for vibrant colours along with pansies and flowering kale. This mix of red, pink, carmine, picotee, and white blooms throughout the season. Fleuroselect gold medal winner. Tender Perennial | Ht. 20cm/8” | 700-1000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±30-35sds) $2.75 | 150sds $6.75 500sds $15.95


D. x barbatus Purple Picotee won the Fleuro Star Award for its ‘wow factor”; the striking bicolour flowers are visible from quite a distance. It blooms abundantly in spring and early summer, survives the heat of mid summer, and then reblooms when temperatures begin to cool- even without deadheading. Diabunda is a dwarf Sweet William type of Dianthus that has been crossbred with the chinensis type, giving it large flower heads with fine foliage for all season use. Tender Perennial | Ht. 20cm/8” W 25cm/10” | 700-1000 s/g.

Pkt (±15-20sds) $3.45 | 100sds $8.95

1529-1 Datura, Ballerina Purple

2578 Delphinium, Benary’s Pacific Giant Mix

2579 Delphinium, Magic Fountains Mix

86 Flowers

Easy to Grow

Grows in Sun

1532-1 Dianthus, Diabunda Purple Picotee

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

2583 Dianthus, Sweetness

1465 Carnation, Chabaud Superb Mix

Tall Cutflower Types

2580 Dianthus, Rainbow Loveliness


D. caryophyllus Standard Carnation. Improved fully double, ever-blooming florist’s strain. Wide colour range and strong stems for cutting.


Pkt (±200-250sds) $2.25 | 2g $3.25 | 5g $5.75 25g $21.95

D. plumarius FSQ Cottage Pink with spicy-sweet perfumed blooms in shades of pink, crimson, white, and bicolours. Grey green lance-like foliage; just like the old fashioned garden pinks, except that it blooms already first year all season long.


Pkt (±60-70sds) $2.25 | 1g $8.75 | 2g $12.95

Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 400-500 sds/gm.

D. caryophyllus Novelty mix of striped and streaked double carnation blooms with good spicy Carnation fragrance. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 400-500 sds/gm.

Pkt (±300-375sds) $2.45 | 2g $5.95 | 10g $12.95


Bright coloured blooms in violet and cherry. Amazon Neon Duo is part of a new generation of first year blooming Sweet Williams. We grew this plant as part of our ASCFG trials and are impressed by the amount of blooms on each plant with useable stem length. The flowers have surprisingly well-filled flowerheads for extreme heat conditions. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | Pelleted Seed

Pkt (±15-20pel) $4.75 | 100pel $11.95 500pel $39.95

Zone 2 | Ht. 20cm/8 | Bl. May-Oct | 600-700 sds/gm.


D. barbatus Known as Sweet William. Extralong stems with improved flower set. Earlier than other single flowered varieties by up to 10 days with a more uniform blooming time. Blooms after overwintering.


D. barbatus Also known as Sweet William. A special florist strain of tall double flowers in a good mixture of colours and bicolours. Blooms after overwintering. Zone 3 | Ht. 45cm/18” | Bl. June-July | 600-900 sds/gm.

Above varieties Pkt (±600-900sds) $1.95 | 5g $2.95 | 25g $7.95 100g $17.95 NEW



D. barbatus Blooms 60 days after planting. Volcano is a scented mix of solid and bicolours. It has numerous stems, and blooms continuously throughout the summer, even in hot temperatures. Organically grown seed.

Zone 6 | Ht. 40cm/16” | Bl. July-Aug | 1200-1500 s/g.

Tender Perennial | Ht. 50cm/20” | Bl. July-Oct. | 9001200 sds/gm.

D. x hybridus Mixture of unusual single, heavily fringed flowers with a strong scent. Appreciated for its uniqueness in our trials; looks like a flower from Dr. Seuss! Pkt (±600-750sds) $2.45 | 2g $6.75 | 10g $15.95

1466 Carnation, Picotee Fantasy

Drought Tolerant

2587 Dianthus, Volcano Mix ‘Organic’

2586 Sweet William, Super Duplex

Pkt (±80-100sds) $2.35 | 500sds $5.75 1Msds $8.95 | 5Msds $23.75

1531 Dianthus, Amazon Neon Duo

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

2585 Sweet William, Messenger Mix

Cutflower Use

Flowers 87


2591 Dracocephalum, Blue Dragon


1525 Dichondra, Silver Falls


Culture: Start indoors in late winter. Germinates quickly at 74F/23C. Grow in a sunny location.


D. argentea Dichondra is an elegant trailing plant with silvery-grey fan-shaped foliage. Also useful as a groundcover, since it roots quickly at leaf nodes. Can be used as a filler for cutflower arrangements. Drought and heat tolerant. Annual|Trails 90-180cm/36-72” | 175-200 sds/gm.

Pkt (±7sds) $3.95 | 50sds $14.25 | 100sds $22.50

Culture: Start indoors at room temperature from late winter through mid-summer. Can also be direct seeded into a prepared garden bed.


D. moldavica Want to grow a dragon in your garden? This plant has a very cool name that means “dragonhead” because of its flower shape. Blooms first year and all summer with fragrant blue spikes that attract beneficial insects. A medium height plant that can also be used as a groundcover. Zone 6|Ht. 40-60cm/16-24”|Bl. June-Oct |400-500 s/g.

2705 Rudbeckia, Primadonna Deep Rose Improved


Coneflower , native to North America, a popular perennial plant with various coloured petals surrounding a large centre. Easy to care for plant for full sun. Culture: Start indoors in late winter for best first year blooms, or until mid-summer for transplanting to the garden. Seed into large plugs at room temperature, covering with soil.


E. purpurea Graceful white coneflowers with green-yellow centres. Flowers are used with or without petals for flower arrangements.

Pkt (±100-125sds) $2.25 | 5g $5.95 | 25g $12.75

Zone 3 | Ht. 60cm/24” | Bl. July-Sep | 200-400 sds/gm.

Pkt (±65-75sds) $1.95 | 1Msds $4.95| 5Msds $9.25


E. purpurea Large purple-red flowers with bronze centres on long stems. Common type for meadow plantings. Blooms second year. Zone 3 | Ht. 60cm/24” | Bl. June-Aug | 150-250 sds/gm.

Pkt (±150-250sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.75 | 25g $7.25 100g $21.75

2704 POWWOW WILDBERRY 1533 Dimorphoteca, Choice Mix

1534 Dusty Miller, Silverdust


Culture: Sow outdoors in spring in a sunny location, or indoors 4 weeks before last frost.

Dusty Miller

Culture: Start indoors in Mid-Feb. for May planting. Seed requires light and warmth for germination.



Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 350-450 sds/gm.

Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 1500-2000 sds/gm.

D. sinuata A mix of colours in glowing shades of Orange, Yellow, Cream and Salmon. Blooms especially well when nights are cooler. Pkt (±350-450sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.95 | 15g $7.75

Senecio cineraria A compact strain with fine leaved silvery-white foliage. Cold tolerant. Excellent for edging borders and groupings. Pkt (±375-500sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.25 | 5g $5.95


Zone 4 | Ht. 60cm/24” | Bl. July-Sep | 225-265 sds/gm.

Pkt (±10sds) $4.95 | 50sds $11.95| 100sds $18.95


E. purpurea Much improved Purple Coneflower. First year blooming with huge initial blooms. Large, rosy-pink flowers on strong stems for cutting or as a tall border plant. Extremely drought tolerant. We were also impressed by how quickly it grew. Zone 3 | Ht. 90cm/36” | Bl. July-frost | 230-330 sds/gm.

Pkt (±30-35sds) $2.25 | 250s $6.95 | 1Ms $21.95

Culture: Direct seed outdoors in spring as soil warms.


E. coccinea An uncommon summer garden annual that is best direct seeded. Has narrow leaves and an airy growing habit with small red flowers. May contain orange flowers also. Deadhead for continuous bloom. Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” | 1300-1500 sds/gm.

Pkt (±325-375sds) $1.95 | 1g $4.25

1538 Emilia, Scarlet Magic

Easy to Grow


E. hybrida Fleuro Gold Medal 2012 & AAS winner 2013 An impressive Echinacea: with a variety of colours in the mix: tomato red, apricot, gold, cream, and purple, some not previously seen in seed grown types. It also has remarkable vigour; consistently blooming first year and producing a well branched clump that overwinters well. Semi-compact plants.


88 Flowers

E. purpurea AAS winner 2010. Outstanding intense rose colour! PowWow has compact plant habit, making it suitable for even the smallest garden. It is also basal branching, which means more flowers per plant. Blooms first year if started by February.

Grows in Sun

Zone 4 | Ht. 60cm/24” | Bl. July-Frost | 200-250 s/g.

Pkt (±7sds) $6.75 | 25s $12.95 | 100s $35.95

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

1536 Euphorbia, Kilimanjaro 1535 Eucalyptus, Silver Drop 2704 Rudbeckia, PowWow Wildberry


A group of plants in the Myrtle family. In Mediterranean climates, it is grown as a tree, but in our climate it is best harvested before frost for decorative use. Culture: Start indoors in March, plant outdoors after chance of frost is past.


E. gunnii Produces smaller leaves which are better for fine floral work. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 1300-1400 sds/gm.

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.75 | 250sds $13.50 1Msds $38.95 NEW

2707 Rudbeckia, Cheyenne Spirit


Culture: Direct seed outdoors in mid-spring when soil is warming up. Does not transplant.


E. marginata Striking white on green variegated leaves makes this an excellent accent plant in the garden. This variety exhibits better shape and form than other Euphorbia Marginatas. Easy to grow, tolerates hot and dry weather. This variety has unusual longevity as a cutflower lasting up to 2 weeks in vases. Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 40-70 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.25 | 250sds $5.95 1Msds $15.75 | 5Msds $63.50


Grow these plants for all of your senses; the leaves have a fantastic strong lemony fragrance and hairy texture. The young branch tips are waxy red, making a subtle background filler in cutflower arrangements. The supplier recommends them in containers as a foliage plant for use as insect repellant near patio areas. Annual| Ht. 120cm/48”shorter in containers |150-200 s/g.

Pkt (±10sds) $4.75 | 50sds $9.95 | 100sds $16.75

2597 Forget-me-not, Indigo Blue Compact


Culture: Start indoors at room temperature until mid-summer for following year blooms. Can also be direct seeded into a prepared garden bed. Does best in half-shade and well drained soil.


Myosotis alpestris A biennial which can re-seed itself. Compact plants are covered with small marine blue flowers. Flowers lighten after several years of re-seeding.

2701 Rudbeckia, White Swan

Zone 3; Ht.15cm/6”; Bl. April-June; 1000-1600 sds/gm.

1535-1 Eucalyptus, Lemon Bush

Pkt (±300-500sds) $1.95 | 2g $4.75 | 5g $7.50 25g $19.50

Drought tolerance and xeriscaping

483 Purple Coneflower

Drought Tolerant

This was the second year of extreme heat and drought; less than one inch of rain received in the summer. The display gardens were not supplemented with irrigation, which allowed us to study the plants for their ability to survive. Amazingly, many of the plants remained alive, smaller than usual, but full of colour, and rebounded at the end of summer when dew and rain came. Here are some plants that love dry conditions and can be useful in your garden as well as in a rock garden or green roof application: Agastache, Celosia, Coreopsis, Chives, Cosmos, Dichondra, Dusty Miller, California Poppy, Fescue, Gaillardia, Gazania, Gomphrena, Lavender, Marigold, Nicotiana, Oregano, Portulaca, Rudbeckia, Sage, Sanvitalia, Sedum, Silene, Strawberry, Creeping Thyme, Vinca, Zinnia Cold Tolerant

Container Use

Cutflower Use

Flowers 89


Flowering Kale

Flowering Cabbage. Consider Kale as an important part of your landscape. They are popular in mass plantings with Pansies, Dianthus, and Mums. We have been using ornamental kale as fall plantings and noticed that they lasted longer than our summer plantings. They can be used for beds and planters; their size is dependent on how closely together they are planted. Culture: Start in plugs until July 15 and transplant into larger sizes until planting into fall location. Frost enhances the colours. NEW

1564-2 Flowering Cabbage, Bicolor Crane

1564-1 & 1564-3 Flowering Cabbage, White & Red

1560 Flowering Kale, Kamome Mix


Brassica oleracera An improved fringe type with finely ruffled leaves in a mix of Red, White, and Pink. For garden or container use. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 300-500 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.75 | 250 sds $5.95 1Msds $18.95


Brassica oleracera Full and compact heads that add beauty to the fall-winter garden. Songbird can also be used in containers of any size. A mix of 3 colours: red, white pink, that intensify as the nights get cooler.

Cutflower types CRANE SERIES

Brassica oleracera Great fall cutflower suitable for outdoor or indoor bouquets. Stem can be wrapped for an avant garde bouquet or cut off for use in centrepieces. Cranes produce a high percentage of usable heads. 1564-1 WHITE CRANE: Creamy white with a delicate pink centre 1564-2 BICOLOR CRANE: Cream with pink centre 1564-3 RED CRANE: Bright magenta centre with darker outer leaves than Rose 1564-4 ROSE CRANE: Violet pink centre with grey green outer leaves 1564-5 PINK CRANE: Light pink-lilac centres

1564-4 Rose Crane

Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 200-250 sds/gm.

Above Varieties: Pkt (±35-40sds) $2.35 | 250sds $7.25 | 1Msds $21.95 | 5Msds $79.95

1564-5 Pink Crane

Annual | Ht. 25cm/10” | 200-320 sds/gm.

Pkt (±35-40sds) $2.75 | 250s $6.95 | 1Ms $21.95

102 REDBOR HYBRID See Vegetable Kale Section


Brassica oleracera Narrow, heavily serrated leaves. Plants have pure coloured centres. Also excellent for eating in salads and braising. 1562 WHITE PEACOCK: Green leaves, white centres 1563 RED PEACOCK: Purple leaves, red centres Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 200-250 sds/gm.

1537-1 Four O’Clocks, Marbles Mix

Four O' Clocks

1561 Flowering Kale, Songbird Formula Mix

Above Varieties: Pkt (±35-40sds) $2.75 | 250sds $9.25 1Msds $28.50 | 2500sds $57.50

Also called Mirabilis or Marvel of Peru. The trumpet shaped flowers open in late afternoon. Culture: Easy to grow: direct seed into warm soil in late spring, or start in large plugs up to 4 weeks before planting. The roots can be stored like Dahlias.


Uniform, early flowering, shorter variety. Improved flowering time and fragrance over the standard Four O' Clocks. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 10-20 sds/gm.

Pkt (±20-40sds) $2.25 | 10g $3.50


Novelty 4 O’Clocks, including the FSN winning colour “White-Red”. Striped and streaked patterned flowers in combinations of yellow, white, and magenta. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 7-10 sds/gm.

102 Kale, Redbor

1562 & 1563 Flowering Kale, Peacock Series

90 Flowers

Easy to Grow

Grows in Sun

Pkt (±20-27sds) $2.45 | 10g $4.75 | 25g $7.95

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

2606 Gaillardia, Arizona Sun

2600 Foxglove, Candy Mountain



Digitalis. A biennual with tubular spikes, suited for background in borders or woodland setting. Also a long lasting cutflower. Culture: Start indoors in spring or mid-summer for following year blooms. Keep moist, at room temperature, and in light until growth is seen.

Blanketflower. The Arizona Series are perennial Gaillardias that were bred to act like annuals: they grow quickly and bloom within 20 weeks from seeding. They are compact for containers or front of border, and prefer a dry, sunny location. The seedheads are also attractive for fall use. Culture: Start indoors in spring at room temperature. Requires light for good germination.


D. purpurea Brilliant magenta blooms, stunning in our trials. Candy Mountain has upward facing florets (which is unusual for a seed grown Foxglove) and shows off the flower form. Zone 5 | Ht. 100cm/40” | Bl. May-June | 10M-110M sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.75 | 250s $6.95 | 1Ms $19.75


G. x grandiflora Fleuroselect Gold Winner. AAS winner 2005 for being a more reliable first year bloomer than Goblin. It is a compact plant that is blanketed with bi-colour blooms. Zone 4 | Ht. 30cm/12" | Bl. June-Oct | 300-400 sds/gm.


D. purpurea The first F-1 hybrid Digitalis with higher germination, faster and stonger plant growth, and with more reliable first year flowering than previous cultivars. Our trials were very healthy and held for a week in the vase.


Zone 6 | Ht. 150cm/60” | Bl. June-Aug | Pelleted Seed

Zone 4 | Ht. 30cm/12” | Bl. June-Oct | 250-350 sds/gm.

Pkt (±10-15pel) $3.50 | 100pel $8.95

G. x grandiflora A selection of Arizona Sun with mostly red flowers and the same compact plant and early blooming habit. A low maintenance perennial with season-long blooms. Above varieties: Pkt (±15-20sds) $2.75 | 100sds $5.95 500sds $18.95

2608 Gaillardia, Arizona Red Shades 2601 Foxglove, Camelot Mix

1540 Gazania, Kiss Mix


A long lasting garden plant that loves full sun and dry conditions. Tolerates most climates, withstanding spring frosts and summer heat. Blooms until hard frost in our trials. Dark green glossy leaves form a compact rosette. Culture: Start 6-8 weeks before frost. Transplant outdoors after chance of frost is past.


NEW G. rigens Formula mix of solid

and bi-colours. In our trials, the Kiss series outperformed others, having bushier plants with more blooms, and flowers that stayed open longer on overcast days. Annual | Ht. 22cm/9” | 425-725 sds/gm.

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.95 | 100s $6.25 | 500s $19.75


G. rigens Make a big impact in your water conserving garden with Big Kiss. Huge, Eyecatching flowers (11cm/4 1/2”) in red and yellow stripes which love hot, dry growing conditions. Big Kiss had blooms twice the size of our other Gazanias. Annual | Ht. 22cm/9” | 425-725 sds/gm.

Pkt (±10-15sds) $3.95 | 50sds $7.95 100sds $12.75 | 500sds $46.50

1540-2 Gazania, Big Kiss Yellow Flame


Culture: Sow outdoors when soil is starting to warm up. Godetia prefers cool growing conditions for best blooming.


G. grandiflora Stunning double and semi-double flowers that can be used as cutflowers. Blooms early summer. Shades of white, pink, red, and purple. Annual | Ht. 45cm/18” | 1400-1600 sds/gm.

1537 Four O’Clocks, Tea Time Formula Mix

Drought Tolerant

Pkt (±700-800sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.25 | 10g $5.25 25g $8.75

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

1547 Godetia, Azalea Flowered

Cutflower Use

Flowers 91


1552 Gomphocarpus, Balloon Cottonbush

1543 Geranium, Maverick Mix

1545 Geranium, Bullseye Mix




Pelargonium. The work horse of the garden: Geraniums bloom from early summer to killing frost with minimal care. Plants can be taken indoors to overwinter as a houseplant. Culture: Easy to grow at room temperatures; it does not require additional heat. Geraniums can be started at any time, but as late as April for good sized plants and summer blooms. . Seed is covered with a nontoxic coating for ease of visibility in sowing.

Culture: Grows like Asclepias: Start indoors at room temperature, 8-12 weeks before planting outdoors, sooner in areas with early fall frost.

An improved chocolate foliage geranium: consistent colouring from plant to plant and quicker germination than Black Velvet. Mix of Scarlet, Salmon, Light Pink, and Cherry. Annual | Ht. 30-40cm/12-16”


Pkt (±10sds) $4.45 | 50sds $13.75 | 100sds $18.95

G. physocarpus Green Hairy Balls. Inflated spiked green seed pods on long stems are used for floral decoration. Annual | Ht. 120cm/48” | 150-200 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.25 | 250s $5.75 | 1Ms $14.95


This series has consistently performed the best in our gardens and containers, so we have consolidated our previous varieties into the Maverick Series. 1543 FORMULA MIX: A formula mix of 15 colours both solid and patterned. 1543-1 RED: Brilliant dark Red 1543-2 WHITE: Pure White 1543-3 PINK: Bright Pink 1543-2 Maverick White

Annual | Ht. 30-40cm/12-16”

Above Varieties: Pkt (±8sds) $3.75 | 50sds $11.75 | 100sds $16.95

1546 Gomphrena, Hot Mix


The perfect garden plant for the eco-conscious and busy gardener. Excellent mass border plant with long lasting colour that requires very little maintenance. The blooms maintain their colour until frost. The plants branch outward and upward and enjoy hot, dry conditions. Also known as Globe Amaranth. Culture: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost at room temperature. NEW

1546 HOT MIX

QIS series haageana mix of Red, Orange, and Carmine. Create a sizzling combination in the garden, providing colour until frost. No irrigation required!

1543-1 Geranium, Maverick Red

Annual | Ht. 60-75cm/24-30” | 200-300 sds/gm.

Pkt (±35-40sds) $2.45 | 250s $4.95 | 1Ms $13.75


Takii’s globosa series is preferred by cutflower growers because of their stronger, longer stems. An excellent garden plant with carefree long lasting colour. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 340-370 sds/gm.

1546-1 WHITE 1546-2 PURPLE 1546-7 BICOLOUR ROSE Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.45 | 250s $6.75 | 1Ms $16.95 NEW

1546-1 Gomphrena, White

1543-3 Maverick Pink

92 Flowers

Easy to Grow

1546-1 Gomphrena, Purple

Grows in Sun

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

2615 Helenium, Red-Gold Hybrids


Culture: Start indoors at room temperature in late winter, or in summer for following year blooming.

1550 Gypsophila, Covent Garden


Baby’s Breath. Has delicate sprays of flowers for groundcover or cutflower use. Name comes from the Greek for “loves gypsum” which describes the soil conditions that are ideal for its growth. Culture: Direct seed in warm soil, or start in large plugs 4-6 weeks before planting outdoors. Seedlings should be transplanted as little as possible because of their tap roots.


H. autumnale Daisy-like flowers in red and gold shades have raised button centres. These plants provide an abundance of cutflowers. Zone 2 | Ht.100cm/40” | Bl. Aug-Sep | 3000-4000 s/g.

Pkt (±200-285sds) $1.95 | 1g $5.95

1548 Helichrysum, Swiss Giants Mix


Culture: Start indoors 6 weeks before last frost in large plug flats or direct seed in warm soil.


A mix of vibrant colours. Well-known and long lasting, often called Strawflower because of its stiff flower and stem. Useful in decor where flowers cannot be kept in water. Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 1300-1600 sds/gm.

Pkt (±650-800sds) $1.95 | 2g $2.95 | 5g $4.75 15g $9.95


G. elegans Named for famous historic market at the centre of London, this annual strain is used for bouquet filler. Seed weekly until August for continuous harvest. Annual | Ht. 50cm/22” | 300-400 sds/gm.

Pkt (±300-400sds) $1.95 | 10g $2.50 | 25g $3.75 100g $9.25


G. paniculata Branching plants with sprays of small, 50% double, white flowers. Excellent for bouquets and drying. Blooms after overwintering.

2610 Gypsophila, Snowflake

Zone 2 | Ht. 90cm/36” | Bl. June-Oct | 800-1200 sds/gm.

Pkt (±400-600sds) $1.95 | 2g $2.95 | 10g $7.95

1553 Heliotrope, Benary’s Marine



G. repens First year blooming groundcover grows quickly and blooms within 3 months. Dainty pale pink blooms cover the plants, which form a solid mat of fine green foliage. Beautiful for ground cover or container use.

Culture: Start indoors 8-10 weeks before last frost.


Heliotropum arborescens Dark blue fragrant flower clusters (15cm/6") are supported by dark foliage plants. Excellent for bedding, cutting, and as a greenhouse plant.

Zone 2 | Ht.15cm/6” | Bl. July-Sep | 800-1300 sds/gm.

Pkt (±65-75sds) $2.25 | 500sds $4.95| 1Msds $6.75

Annual | Ht. 45cm/18” | 1000-1500 sds/gm.

Pkt (±80-100sds) $2.25 | 500s $3.95 | 2Ms $8.25 2611 Gypsophila, Filou Pink


Culture: Start indoors at room temperature, 4-8 weeks before planting outdoors.


H. cannabinus Add height to your garden with this striking plant: deeply indented dark green leaves and pure white flowers with beautiful dark purple centres. Flower size: 7.5cm/3” Fibre from stems can be used in papermaking. Annual | Ht. 120cm/48” | 400-430 sds/gm.

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.25 | 100s $4.95 | 500s $12.95 1567 Hibiscus, Amethyst

1546-7 Gomphrena, Audray Bicolor Rose

Drought Tolerant

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

Cutflower Use

Flowers 93


1558-2 Helianthus, Pacino Cola


Sunflower. Helianthus has become one of the main cutflowers and a popular accent plant in the garden because they are easy to grow and have showy flowers and their seeds provide food for birds. Culture: Start outdoors in warm soil after danger of frost. For cutflowers, plant every two weeks to ensure steady production. Pick when petals are out, but still in a cone for longest lasting cuts.

Pot & Border Types

1555-1 Helianthus, Earthwalker

1557 Helianthus, Valentine

Garden Types

Cutting Types



H. annuus Red, brown, and yellow shaded sunflowers. Multibranched plants set bud more than once for continuous blooming. Can be used for autumn cutflowers. A real beauty. Annual | Ht. 150cm/60” | 25-35 sds/gm

Annual | Ht. 150cm/60” | 40-70 sds/gm

Pkt (±50-70sds) $1.95 | 10g $2.75 | 25g $4.25 100g $14.50 | 450g $37.50

Pkt (±35-40sds) $2.65 | 250sds $8.25 1Msds $26.95 | 5Msds $84.50



H. annuus Dwarf double sunflower with golden yellow flowers. For borders and cutting. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 35-55 sds/gm

Pkt (±35-55sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.95 | 25g $6.95 100g $17.50


H. annuus Pacino is a quality dwarf border sunflower with medium-large blooms. One plant can have up to 12 blooms. Pacino Cola has golden yellow petals with a dark disc. Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” | 30-40 sds/gm

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.45 | 250sds $12.75 1Msds $34.95

H. annuus Terracotta shaded flowers on tall plants. These sunflowers were a great novelty in our early summer trials. Multi-branching. Annual | Ht. 180cm/72” | 20-50 sds/gm

Pkt (±20-50sds) $2.25 | 5g $3.75 | 25g $14.95


Pkt (±25-50sds) $1.95 | 25g $3.25


H. annuus A blend of non-hybrid varieties suited for cutflower use. Annual | Ht. 155cm/62” | 40-70 sds/gm

Pkt (±20-40sds) $2.25 | 10g $7.95 | 25g $15.95 100g $48.00 | 450g $155.00

1557-1 SONJA

H. annuus Attractive golden-orange blooms (10cm/4”) with dark centres. For cut and garden use. Fleuroselect winner. Can also produce miniblooms (5cm/2”). Annual | Ht. 100cm/40” | 40-70 sds/gm

H. annuus Immense yellow flower heads. Large edible seeds. For larger sizes, see #400 in the vegetable section. Annual | Ht. 300cm/120” | 5-10 sds/gm

H. annuus Lemon-yellow heads (12cm/5”) with contrasting black centres. A semi-tall, base-branching variety that produces vigorous, upright stems about 80cm/30” in length. Fleuroselect winner.

Pkt (±35-40sds) $2.75 | 250sds $9.25 1Msds $31.95 | 5Msds $110.50

1557-2 SORAYA

H. annuus AAS winner 2000. Unusual basalbranching cut sunflower. Soraya first produces a quality 4-5” deep orange bloom and then many side shoots with large blooms and long sturdy stems. Makes an interesting border plant. Annual | Ht. 120cm/48” | 40-70 sds/gm

Pkt (±35-40sds) $2.85 | 250sds $9.25 1Msds $28.95 | 5Msds $108.00


H. annuus AAS Winner 2001. Heavily branching and provides a good number of flowers. Flower petals are red at the base and golden yellow at the tips. Annual | Ht. 100-130cm/40-52” | 20-30 sds/gm

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.95 | 250sds $13.75 1Msds $39.95 | 5Msds $158.00

1557-6 JADE

H. annuus Creamy to pale green small flowers, petals and centres. This was the most unique colour we have seen in our trials. When flowers are just open they have a beautiful lime-green colour and mature to a cream colour. Semidwarf, multi-branching habit. Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 20-40 sds/gm

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.75 | 100sds $5.75 500sds $17.95 2291 Sunflower Mixture

1558 Helianthus, Teddy Bear

94 Flowers

Easy to Grow

Grows in Sun

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

1559-1 & 2 Helianthus, Sunrich Orange & Lemon

1557-3 Helianthus, Ring of Fire

1559-5 Helianthus, Claret

1559-3 Helianthus, Sunrich Gold


H. annuus Pollenless sunflower especially developed for the cutflower trade. Uniform, 4-6” flowers produced on single stems. Now you can have beautiful sunflower arrangements without messy pollen falling on your furniture. 1559-1 SUNRICH ORANGE Golden orange with a black disk. 1559-2 SUNRICH LEMON Clear yellow with a black disk. 1559-3 SUNRICH GOLD Golden petals with a green disk. Annual | Ht. 130cm/52” | 15-30 sds/gm

Above varieties: Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.55 | 100sds $5.95 500sds $17.95 | 2Msds $59.00 | 5Msds $132.00 20Msds $485.00 | more than 20M ask

1559-6 Helianthus, Lemon Aura

1557-2 Helianthus, Soraya

1559-4 Helianthus, Sunrich Orange Summer

1555 Helianthus, Autumn Beauty

1559-4 SUNRICH ORANGE SUMMER H. annuus Same great quality as Sunrich Orange, but blooms a week earlier. Annual | Ht. 130cm/52” | 15-25 sds/gm

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.65 | 100sds $6.25 500sds $18.95 | 2Msds $73.00 | 5Msds $159.00 20Msds $495.00


H. annuus Claret has lasted up to 5 days in our vases without drooping. Dark mahogany colour in blooms as large as 15cm/6”. Tall plants with multi-branching habit have long blooming time. Annual | Ht. 210cm/84” | 20-25 sds/gm

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.95 | 100sds $7.25 500sds $26.75 | 2Msds $86.50 | 5Msds $185.00 20Msds $675.00 NEW


H. annuus Light yellow semi-double single stem. Early to bloom and longlasting in the vase. A favourite of our staff. Annual | Ht. 96cm/38” | 30-45 sds/gm

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.65 | 100sds $5.75 500sds $18.95 NEW

1559-7 CHIANTI

H. annuus Dark red pollenless type, blooms earlier and is shorter than Claret. Branching habit. Annual | Ht.120cm/48” | 35-45 sds/gm

Pkt (±25-30sds) $2.75 | 100s $5.75 | 500s $18.95

Drought Tolerant

1559-7 Helianthus, Chianti

Cold Tolerant

1557-1 Helianthus, Sonja

Container Use

Cutflower Use

1557-6 Helianthus, Jade

Flowers 95


2623 Hollyhock, Spring Celebrities Crimson


2620 Heuchera, Marvelous Marble


Coral Bells. Most often used as a foliage perennial plant for shady woodland areas, but some varieties are also used in containers. Heuchera will also grow in full sun in moist or mulched soil. Culture: Start indoors from late winter until summer. Press seeds into soil and grow at room temperature with lights. Seed is tiny, so maintaining moisture is very important.


H. americana Attractive veined purple/silvery green foliage with green edges: a great accent plant, but inexpensive enough to do a mass planting. Grow this easy to care for plant in a semi-shaded bed. It mixes well with other flowers and foliage plants.

Alcea. A cottage garden classic. Tall spikes add height to the bed and evoke a nostalgic feeling. The blooms can be double or single in a wide variety of colours. Hollyhock is a biennial that reseeds itself. Culture: Start in large plugs, 6 weeks before planting outdoors, or direct seed outdoors when soil is about 18-21C. Soaking the seed for 4-24 hours before sowing will help germination.

2623 SPRING CELEBRITIES CRIMSON A. rosea annua Fleuroselect Gold Medal 2012. Dark-red, large, double flowers on bushy plants that are equally beautiful in containers as the garden. It is quick to grow and blooms in 16 weeks from seeding. Compact plants with lovely lobed foliage. Rubbed seed. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24" | 220-230 sds/gm.

Pkt (±10sds) $3.85 | 50sds $9.95 | 100sds $16.95


Pkt (±65-75sds) $2.45 | 250s $4.75 | 1Ms $10.95

A. rosea nigra The sought after single black Hollyhock. Striking dark maroon flowers.


Pkt (±75-100sds) $2.25 | 5g $4.25 | 15g $7.95

Zone 4 | Ht. 30cm/12” | 18000-22000 sds/gm.

H. micrantha Considered a seed breeding breakthrough for its purple foliage and won the PPAF in 1991. Still widely used in landscaping while other varieties are disappearing. Zone 4 | Ht. 30cm/12” | Bl. June-Aug | 18000-20000 s/g.

Pkt (±200-250sds) $2.65 | 1Ms $5.95 | 5Ms $18.95


H. hybrida An exciting seed variety! Young leaves are bright red and mature to purple-red, creating a hot centre in each plant. The foliage is very curly which adds to the flame illusion. Overwintered plants will bloom in spring with small white flowers. Melting Fire was especially created for the professional market, with excellent germination and plant uniformity. Fleuroselect Novelty Award. Zone 4-6 | Ht. 20cm/8” | Bl. May-June | Pelleted Seed


(±25-30pel) $2.95 | 150p $5.95 | 500p $15.95

Zone 4 | Ht. 180cm/72” | Bl. July-Aug | 75-100 sds/gm.

96 Flowers

A. rosea A prize mixture of double flowers. Zone 4 | Ht. 200cm/80” | Bl. July-Aug | 60-110 sds/gm.

Pkt (±60-110sds) $2.25 | 5g $4.75 | 15g $9.95


A. ficifolia This is the single hollyhock with large flowers in shades of white, yellow, red, pink, and maroon. Zone 3 | Ht. 200cm/80” | Bl. July-Aug | 75-95 sds/gm.

Pkt (±75-95sds) $1.95 | 5g $4.75 | 15g $10.50


A. rosea Brightly bi-coloured flowers that sparkle in the cottage garden. An English bred variety of first year blooming single flowers. Rubbed seed. Zone 4 | Ht. 200cm/80” | Bl. July-Aug | 130-160 sds/gm.

2621 Heuchera, Palace Purple

Easy to Grow

2627 Hollyhock, Old Fashioned Mix


Pkt (15-20sds) $3.65 | 100s $8.95 | 250s $16.75

2622 Heuchera, Melting Fire

2625 Hollyhock, Chaters Mixed

Grows in Sun

2628 Hollyhock, Halo Mix

2624 Hollyhock, Jet Black

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

1565 Kochia, Autumn Red

1549 Impatiens, Xtreme Mix

2439 Impatiens, Mosaic Impressions Mix


Reliable semi-shade annuals used extensively in borders, mass plantings, and hanging baskets. Culture: Start indoors Feb-March for early June blooms. Keep moist and light at a temperature of 70F/21C for 10-15 days for ideal germination. Transplant at 4 leaf stage into larger containers. Grow on at 60F/16C. Transplant out after danger of frost.


K. scoparia Grown for its light green foliage which turns carmine-red in late summer. It is good for summer hedging or as an accent in beds. Can also be used as green or red filler in flower arrangements.


Impatiens walleriana A new generation of Impatiens with excellent germination, compactness in cell-paks, and outstanding garden performance. 1549 XTREME MIX: 11 colours 1549-1 RED: Deep strong red 1549-3 ROSE: Bright clear pink 1549-4 WHITE: Pure white


Mexican Firebush. Culture: Start indoors at room temperature 6-8 weeks before last frost, or outdoors in late spring. Light and moisture aids germination.

Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 1000-1100 sds/gm

1549-3 Xtreme Rose

1549-4 Xtreme White

Pkt (±1000-1100sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.25

Annual | Height & spread 30cm/12” | 1400-2000 sds/gm

Above varieties: Pkt (±30-35sds) $2.95 | 100s $4.95 | 500s $14.95


Improved 2013! Impatiens walleriana Unusual mottled flowers in a mix. This was a show stopper in our planters. A mix of Red, Rose, Coral and Lilac that now includes white which emphasizes the striped pattern in the flowers. Fleuroselect winner.

2438-1 Impatiens, Tumbler White

Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 1400-2000 sds/gm

Pkt (±30-35sds) $2.95 | 100s $4.95 | 500s $14.95 NEW


Impatiens walleriana New trailing type of Impatiens: tumbles out of a container, spilling colour into a shady area! It has vigourous growth: one plant becomes the size of 3 regular types in a container. It is also great for spreading coverage in a shade garden. 2438-1 WHITE / 2438-2 VIOLET

1570 Larkspur, QIS Mixture

Annual | Ht. 35cm/14”, spread 60cm/24”| 40-70 sds/gm


Above varieties: Pkt (±10sds) $2.95 | 50sds $7.95 | 150sds $15.95


Grown for its elegant flower spikes, Larkspur is a staple for any cutting garden. Culture: Start outdoors in early spring when soil can be worked to summer and in early fall. Delphinium consolida Uniform double flowers, improved colour and stem quality. Developed for the professional cut and dried flower trade, we have found in our trials that this series was superior to the Giant Imperial and King series. 1570-1 QIS CARMINE: Bright rose-pink 1570-2 QIS DARK BLUE: Deep purple-blue 1570 QIS MIXTURE: 7 colours

2438-2 Tumbler Violet

Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 350-450 sds/gm

Above Varieties: Pkt (±200-250sds) $1.95 | 1Msds $2.75 2500sds $4.95 | 10Msds $11.95 | 25Msds $25.75 1549-1 Xtreme Red

Drought Tolerant

1570-1 QIS Carmine

Cold Tolerant

1570-2 QIS Dark Blue

Container Use

Cutflower Use

Flowers 97


1571 Lavatera, Silvercup


Large, bushy plants that are covered by single hollyhock-like flowers. A real showy accent and bedding plant that blooms from July to September. Culture: Start outdoors in late spring or indoors 4 weeks before last frost.


L. trimestris Fleuroselect Gold Medal 1979. Improved shrub plant habit and increased flower production over the ordinary Rose Mallow. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 100-150 sds/gm

Pkt (±100-150sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.25 | 15g $7.95


L. trimestris A must for the cottage garden. Blooms profusely all summer into fall with flowers of red, salmon, pink, and white. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 100-125 sds/gm

Pkt (±75-90sds) $2.25 | 2g $2.75 | 5g $4.95 15g $9.95


L. trimestris Fleuroselect Gold Medal Winner 1979. Slightly shorter than ‘Silver Cup’ with pure white flowers. Great to an all-white border. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 100-150 sds/gm

Pkt (±100-150sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.95

2642 Liatris, Florist Strain Violet

461 Lavender, Lavender Lady


Well known for its scent that is used in perfumes and potpourris, it is also edible and adds blue colour to small flower arrangements. A sub-shrub, it may need to be mulched in winter, and pruned after frost. Culture: Start indoors at room temperature in late winter for same year blooms, or until mid-summer. Press into soil, and keep light and moist until growth is seen.


Culture: Start indoors at room temperature from late until mid- summer. Can also be direct seeded.


L. spicata Blazing Star. Intense violet spikes that bloom from top to bottom- opposite of most flowers! Grown as cutflower and tall border plant. Some spikes will appear first season if seeded early in the year. Zone 2 | Ht. 90cm/36” | Bl. July-Sep | 300-400 sds/gm.


Lavandula angustifolia AAS 1994. An improved lavender, blooming reliably the first season from seed. Sweetly scented. Mulch during winter.

Pkt (±100-130sds) $2.25 | 2g $5.75 | 5g $9.25

Zone 6 | Ht. 40cm/16” | Bl. June-Aug | 700-1000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.95 | 250s $7.25 | 1Ms $21.50


L. angustifolia Improved germination time and uniformity; this seed is primed to germinate faster and more uniformly than standard lavender seed. Munstead has good deep lavender colour and stem length for cut and dried flower production. Zone 5 | Ht. 40cm/16” | Bl. June-Aug | 700-1000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±80-100sds) $1.95 | 1Msds $7.95 5Msds $28.95 | 10Msds $51.75

462 Lavender, Munstead APEX


L. angustifolia Has deep blue-purple flowers that are tightly bunched on the spikes. Hidcote is more dwarf than Munstead and is as winter hardy. APEX seed for better germination and quicker plant growth. Zone 5 | Ht. 30cm/12” | Bl. June-Aug | 700-1000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±80-100sds) $2.95 | 500sds $6.95 1Msds $10.95 | 5Msds $39.95 1572 Lavatera, Beauty Mix

2644 Linum, Blue Flowering Flax


Culture: Direct seed into warming soil in spring in a sunny location; does not transplant well.


L. perenne Dainty plants with sky blue flowers. Grows very easily. Use the seed pods for drying. Zone 5 | Ht. 60cm/24” | Bl. July-Aug | 500-650 sds/gm.

463 Lavender, Hidcote Blue APEX

1573 Lavatera Mont Blanc

98 Flowers

Easy to Grow

Grows in Sun

Pkt (±1000-1300sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.75 | 25g $7.95

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

1580 Lobelia, Riviera Mix


A pretty edging, bedding, basket, and window box plant. Lobelia is compact and spreading, covered with tiny flowers. It does well in sun or light shade, but prefers cool temperatures. Can be used for fall colour. Culture: Start indoors 8-10 weeks before planting outdoors. Press pellets into the soil and keep moistened and at warm temperature (23C) consistently until growth is seen, then reduce temperature. Light is necessary for good emergence. RIVIERA SERIES L. erinus Vigorous, compact habit with improved flower quality and heat resistance over older types.

2645 Lysimachia, Beaujolais 2650 Lupins, Russell Prize Formula Mix


Plants with stately spikes and palmate leaves for the perennial bed and cutting garden. Does best in cool, moist areas with rich soil. Culture: Start indoors at room temperature into final container, as they do not like to be transplanted often. Soaking or knicking the seed before sowing will increase germination rate.

Annual | Ht. 15cm/6” | Multi-Pelleted Seed

1580 RIVIERA MIX 1582 RIVIERA MARINE BLUE Above varieties: Pkt (±35-40pel) $2.25 | 250p $4.75 | 1Mp $12.95


L. erinus Excellent trailing variety for hanging baskets and window boxes. Earliest flowering variety with improved heat and drought tolerance. Great improvement over Colour Cascade types. Annual | Trails 30cm/12” | Pelleted Seed

Pkt (±30-35pel) $2.25 | 150p $4.95 | 500p $10.95

2650 RUSSELL PRIZE FORMULA MIX L. polyphyllus A tall plant with flowers in shades of purple, blue, red, yellow, and white. These were bred in the early 1900’s by George Russell and are also known as the Band of Nobles Mix.


Culture: Start indoors at room temperature, 8-12 weeks before transplanting outdoors. Lysimachia seed may need chilling to aid germination.


L. atropurpurea Beautiful dark wine-red spikes and waxy green foliage; an outstanding perennial for the summer blooming garden. Beaujolais forms neat clumps and has numerous flowers- deadhead for continued blooming. Can also be used as a cutflower. Not the invasive species. Zone 5 | Ht. 45cm/18” | Bl. June-Aug | 2500-3300 s/g.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.65 | 250sds $5.95 1Msds $14.75

Zone 6 | Ht. 90cm/36” | Bl. May-July | 30-40 sds/gm.

Pkt (±30-40sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.75 | 25g $9.95


L. polyphyllus Compact early blooming variety that can have up to 10 flower spikes per plant. Gallery is a professional first year blooming mix. Zone 6 | Ht. 50cm/20” | Bl. May-Aug | 30-40 sds/gm.

Pkt (±15-20sds) $2.75 | 2g $6.95 | 15g $32.95

1576 Malcomia, Spring Sparkle

1582, Lobelia, Riviera Marine


Culture: Direct seed into warming soil in spring in a sunny location; does not transplant well.


NEW M. maritima An easy to direct seed,

dwarf plant covered with purple and pink delicate flowers. Begins blooming in spring, but it lasts through drought conditions too. In fact, it prefers to grow in drier soil. Also known as Virginia Stock, this is a new selection of colours from rose to lilac blue. Annual | Ht. 20cm/8” | 1600-1800 sds/gm

1587 Lobelia, Regatta Mix

Drought Tolerant

Pkt (±1600-1800sds) $2.25 | 5g $4.95 | 15g $9.75

2652 Lupins, Gallery Mix

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

Cutflower Use

Flowers 99


1626 Marigold, Disco Mix

1669 Marigold, Lemon Gem

Signet Types


Culture: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Can also be direct seeded when soil is warm. Detailed seed has been cleaned to remove the white end, making it easier to sow.

1574 Malva, Mystic Merlin


Culture: Start outdoors in late spring or indoors 4 weeks before last frost.


M. sylvestris A cottage garden lavatera-type plant with vibrant 5cm/2" blooms in unusual shades of magenta, mauve and deep blue. Annual that re-seeds itself. Annual | Ht. 150cm/60” | 100-150 sds/gm

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.95 | 100sds $6.95

French Types

Tagetes patula Dwarf plants for beds and planters which bloom 6-12 weeks from seeding.


Tagetes tenuifolia Rock Garden Marigold. The flowers are edible and have a pleasant citrusy fragrance. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 1000-1200 sds/gm

1669 LEMON GEM: Light yellow 1670 ORANGE GEM: Bright orange Above varieties: Pkt (±250-300sds) $1.95 | 2g $2.95 | 5g $4.95

African Types:

A large single flowered variety with brightly coloured blooms in yellow, orange, gold, and red shades on compact plants. Free flowering and rain tolerant. Blooms are 5cm/2".

Tagetes erecta These varieties are most often used for backgrounds and cutting.

Annual | Ht. 25cm/10” | 200-250 sds/gm | Detailed Seed

Pkt (±40-50sds) $1.95 | 250sds $4.75| 1Msds $8.75


An abundance of double crested flowers cover these dwarf, uniform plants. The Janie series bloom earlier and more continuous all season than other dwarf French marigolds. Considered the industry standard. Flower size: 4cm/1.5” 1631 BRIGHT YELLOW: Brilliant yellow 1632 DEEP ORANGE: Deep, lively orange 1633 PRIMROSE: Pastel yellow 1634 FLAME: Red & gold bi-colour 1630 MIXTURE: Formula blend of 8 colours Annual | Ht. 22cm/9” | 300-370 sds/gm | Detailed Seed

Above varieties: Detailed seed Pkt (±40-50sds) $1.95 | 250sds $3.95 500sds $5.75 | 1Msds $9.95

1630 Marigold, Janie Mix

1670 Marigold, Orange Gem


Interesting Chrysanthemum type blooms: the narrow petals curve inwards toward the centre of the flower and have a fluffy appearance. Mix of orange, golden yellow, and lemon. Compact plants. Annual | Ht. 40cm/16” | 250-300 sds/gm

Pkt (±25-30sds) $2.25 | 100s $3.75 | 250s $5.25


Double carnation flowered mix for cutting. Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 200-300 sds/gm

Pkt (±400-600sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.25 | 25g $5.95


The Inca marigolds are sturdy dark green plants with large (10cm/3”) flowers. They are daylength sensitive, so to induce flowering in the spring only allow 8-9 hours of daylight. Annual | Ht. 40cm/16” | Detailed Seed | 300-375 sds/gm.


The Safari series has performed consistently in our trials, with large anemone flowers on uniform plants. Highly recommended. Extended bloom time.

Pkt (±15-20sds) $2.95 | 100s $7.95 | 250s $15.25


1646 FORMULA MIXTURE: 8 colours 1648 RED: Darkest red in our trials.

AAS 2010 This award winning Marigold is the darkest orange on the market. The dark foliage is a perfect background to the completely double, round blooms. Uniform growth from plant to plant.

Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 220-270 sds/gm | Detailed Seed

Annual | Ht. 38cm/15” | Detailed Seed | 200-400 sds/gm

Above varieties: Pkt (±40-50sds) $1.95 | 250s $5.25 | 1Ms $8.95

Pkt (±15-20sds) $3.45 | 100s $8.25 | 250s $15.75


Antigua combines the compact habit of the French with the flower size of an African Marigold. Antigua is daylength neutral so there is no need to keep dark to promote flowers. It is an early and profuse bloomer. Mix of orange, yellow and gold.

1646 Marigold, Safari Mix

Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | Detailed Seed | 200-400 sds/gm

Pkt (±15-20sds) $2.95 | 100sds $7.95 250sds $15.25 | 1Msds $49.50 1631 Janie Yellow

1632 Janie Deep Orange

100 Flowers

1633 Janie Primrose

Easy to Grow

1634 Janie Flame

1648 Safari Red

Grows in Sun

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

1605 Marigold, Pollux Extra Mix

1690 Monarda, Bergamo

1700 Nemesia, Carnival Mix


Also known as Bergamot, Bee Balm, & Horsemint. Named for Nicholas Monardes, a Spanish doctor in the 1500s, who saw it in America and wrote about its economic value. It continues to be an important plant to attract bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies to the garden, and also has a pleasant scent. Also see Lemon Mint in Herb section. Culture: Start 6-8 weeks indoors before last frost. Prefers room in pots to grow.

1610 Marigold, Cracker Jack



Culture: Start indoors 4-6 weeks before planting or direct seed outdoors in mid-spring.


A large-flowered mixture in shades from creamy-white and deep orange to carmine. Compact plants grow well in cool sunny, or partially shady areas. Annual | Ht. 25cm/10” | 5000-5500 sds/gm

Pkt (±1250-1375sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.95

M. hybrida 2008 Fleuroselect Gold Medal. A versatile plant for gardens or large containers in both sun and part shade. Bergamo has beautiful fragrant rosy-purple flowers that appear earlier than other Monardas. The plants are healthy, having good mildew tolerance and heat tolerance. Long lasting in bouquets. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 2000-2500 sds/gm

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.75 | 250sds $5.95 1Msds $18.95

2665 PANORAMA MIX 1614 Marigold, Inca II Yellow

M. didyma A mixture of scarlet, red, pink, salmon, and violet. Hardy perennial for shady or moist areas. It is a fragrant cutflower. Monarda has herbal uses; teas and potpourris. Zone 4 | Ht. 75cm/30” | Bl. July-Aug | 1500-2500 s/g.

Pkt (±80-100sds) $2.95 | 1Msds $13.95

2668 Decorative Oregano


Culture: Start indoors in late winter through summer. Press seeds into soil and grow at room temperature with lights. Seed is small, so maintaining moisture is very important.

1616 Marigold, Moonsong


Origanum rotundifolia AGM (Award of Garden Merit from Royal Horticultural Society). Has unusual trailing stems of large pale leaves with tiny pink flowers. A unique filler for containers or rock garden groundcover for full sun. Aromatic, but not known to be edible. Zone 6 | Ht. 20cm/8” | Bl. Late Summer | 1600-1800 s/g.

1618 Marigold, Antigua Mix

Drought Tolerant

2665 Monarda, Panorama Mix

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.95 | 1/5g $8.95 | 1/2g $18.95

Cutflower Use

Flowers 101


1702 Nicotiana, Perfume Mix


Ornamental species with trumpet shaped flowers. Grows well in sun or semi-shade and blooms all summer. Flowers are more fragrant at night. Culture: Start indoors at 21-24C 8-10 weeks before last frost. Light aids germination.

1695 Nasturtium, Dwarf Jewel Double Mix

1704 Nicotiana, Saratoga Mix



Tropaeolum. As useful as they are beautiful, Nasturtiums can be used in flower beds, for cutting, and planted near vegetables to lure aphids away from them. Its edible flowers can be used to add colour to salads. Blooms profusely in cool weather. For climbing types, see climbers section. Culture: Start indoors in large plugs or outdoors when soil is warm and danger of frost is past.


Dark foliage and deep scarlet flowers make this an exotic beauty in the garden. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 5-8 sds/gm

N. alata A scented mix in full colour range, including the AAS 2006 winner - Deep Purple. Perfume has a sturdy plant size and great garden performance. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 8000-10000 sds/gm

Pkt (±65-75sds) $2.35 | 500sds $5.75


N. alata We have trialed this series for a number of years and highly recommend it for container use. Saratoga is the shortest and earliest blooming Nicotiana available. Uniform compact mix of 8 colours. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12”| Pelleted Seed.

Pkt (±25-40sds) $2.35 | 25g $3.95 | 100g $12.95

Pkt (±40-50pel) $2.75 | 500pel $7.65



A colourful mixture of double flowers for edging and cutting. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 5-8 sds/gm

Pkt (±25-40sds) $2.25 | 25g $3.75 | 100g $11.95


A type of open-faced, top blooming nasturtium without the backspur. Produces single blooms above the foliage. Annual | Ht. 40cm/16” | 5-8 sds/gm

Pkt (±15-24sds) $2.35 | 15g $4.75 | 50g $10.95

1706 Nicotiana, Only-the-Lonely

N. sylvestris Makes a stately accent plant in the garden. It grows about 4-5 feet tall and about 2 feet wide. In mid-summer it produces long white trumpet flowers that have a pleasant fragrance. Highly recommended. Annual | Ht. 120-150cm/48-60” | 18000-20000 sds/gm

Pkt (±1800-2000sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.95


N. x interspecific Our president’s choice. Many flowers are like a cloud above the foliage and continue to bloom throughout the season, well after other Nicotianas are finished. Whisper is a large landscape plant without bulky appearance. Does well in drought. Annual | Ht. 120cm/48” | 8000-10000 sds/gm

1694 Nasturtium, Empress of India

102 Flowers

Easy to Grow

Pkt (±65-75sds) $2.65 | 500sds $7.95

1708 Nicotiana, Whisper Rose Shades

1696 Nasturtium, Whirlybird Mix

1711 Nigella, Midnight

Grows in Sun

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

1725 Pansy, Swiss Giants Choice Mix


One of the earliest blooming spring flowers. Pansies can be treated as a biennial; will bloom in spring if protected with mulch during the winter. They are excellent for beds, edging, and containers. Pansies prefer cool weather and tend to bloom better in then. Is also commercially grown as an edible flower. See also Viola. Culture: Start indoors in Feb-March for spring planting or in July-August for fall planting.

1710 Nigella, Persian Jewels


Exotic looking flowers widely used in the cut & dried flower industry for both bloom and pod. Culture: Start outdoors after danger of frost.


N. damascena Love-In-A-Mist. A pretty flower in shades of blue, white, and pink, with fine feathery foliage. Annual | Ht. 40cm/16” | 300-400 sds/gm

Pkt (±300-400sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.25 | 25g $8.95


N. hispanica An all blue counterpart to African Bride with dark purple pods. Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 750-850 sds/gm

Pkt (±375-425sds) $2.25 | 2g $3.95 | 5g $5.75


N. hispanica FSQ. Pure white flowers with black centres and dark purple seed pods. Annual | Ht. 60-90cm/24-36” | 750-850 sds/gm.

Pkt (±200-210sds) $2.25 | 1g $3.95 | 5g $9.75


Viola wittrockiana A large flowered mixture with a wide colour range. Graceful waved flowers witha thick, velvety texture grow on compact, vigorous plants. Tender Perennial | Ht. 15cm/6” | 700-750 sds/gm

Pkt (±230-250sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.95 | 5g $7.95


Viola wittrockiana A new class of pansies that has the free flowering ability of violas and the flower size of pansies. Nature has great garden performance. It tolerates both hot and cold weather better than other pansies. Tender Perennial | Ht. 15cm/6” | 550-1400 sds/gm

Pkt (±25-30sds) $2.95 | 100s $5.25 | 500s $17.95


Viola wittrockiana Great colour in the weather tolerant Nature series. Rich tones of flame-red and purple. Tender Perennial | Ht. 15cm/6” | 550-1400 sds/gm

Pkt (±25-30sds) $2.95 | 100s $5.25 | 500s $17.95

1740 Pansy, Frizzle Sizzle Improved


Viola wittrockiana Fantastic novelty mix of wavy, crinkly flowers has been expanded from yellow, burgundy, and blue shades to include; orange, rosy-purple and cream bicolour and two-toned purple. Large 7cm/3” flowers. Tender Perennial | Ht. 15cm/6” | 580-800 sds/gm

Pkt (±20-25sds) $3.25 | 100s $6.75 | 500s $21.95


Viola wittrockiana Our largest flowered mix. Mammoth is a new series with heat resistance and enormous flat blooms. In our summer trials, it produced the most vigourous plants with consistently large flowers in its class. Try it for maximum impact in your spring and fall planters or garden. Tender Perennial | Ht. 15cm/6” | 600-1500 sds/gm

Pkt (±15-20sds) $2.95 | 100s $6.75 | 500s $21.95 NEW


Viola wittrockiana New class of pansies that trail for planters and hanging basket use, or for landscape coverage in the garden. These pansies have vigorous growth so less plants are needed to fill a container, and there are many flowers on one plant. Wonderfall has the largest flowers of the various series that we have trialed. Contains rose and white variations. Tender Perennial | Trails 25cm/10cm” spread 50cm/20” 600-1500 sds/gm

Pkt (±8sds) $3.95 | 50sds $11.75 | 150sds $21.95

1713 Nigella, African Bride 1735 Pansy, Nature Hybrid Mix

1737 Pansy, Nature Mulberry Shades

Drought Tolerant

1755 Pansy, Mammoth Mix

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

1765 Pansy, Wonderfall Rose Shades

Cutflower Use

Flowers 103


1886 Petunia, Storm Blue

1855 Petunia, Hurrah Berry Tart Mix

1875 Petunia, Prism Sunshine


One of the most popular summer annuals. They start blooming in the early summer and continue to bloom into the fall. Will tolerate cold or hot weather. Culture: Start indoors 12 weeks before outdoor planting. Petunia seeds are small and require even warmth, light and moisture for optimum germination.

Multiflora Petunias NEW


Intensely coloured mix of blue, hot pink, and veined plum for a delicious show of colour. One of the earliest multifora types to bloom and also has lasting garden performance. Annual | Ht. 25cm/10” spread 35cm/14”| Pelleted Seed

Pkt (±40-50pel) $2.25 | 250p $8.95 | 1Mp $19.75

Grandiflora Petunias 1875 PRISM SUNSHINE

AAS & Fleuroselect Gold Medal 1998. Large creamy-yellow flowers, that do not become pink under stress, on bushy plants. Contrasts well with Heliotrope or Storm Blue Petunia. Annual | 8000-10000 sds/gm

Pkt (±65-75sds) $2.45 | 500sds $6.95


Storm was developed to recover quickly after rain and to remain compact in the garden. A large flowered variety with excellent garden performance. 1885 STORM MIX: an 8-colour mix of white, blues, red, and pinks 1886 STORM BLUE: Deep royal purple combines well with lime-green foliage plants in containers. Annual | Ht. 25cm/10” | 8000-10000 sds/gm

1910 Petunia, Glorious Double Mix


Grandiflora. A formula mixture of all double flowers. Dwarf compact growing habit and better weather tolerance than older types. Annual | Ht. 25cm/10” | 8000-10000 sds/gm

Pkt (±40-50sds) $3.65 | 500sds $16.95

Above varieties: Pkt (±65-75sds) $2.35 | 1Msds $11.95

1922 Petunia, Blue Wave 1770 Penstemon, Sensation Mix


1885 Petunia, Storm Mix

Culture: Start indoors 10-12 weeks before last frost. Press seeds into soil and grow at room temperature with lights. Seed is small, so maintaining moisture is very important.


P. hartwegii Large flowered mix of rose, lilac, red, and bi-colours that bloom all summer. Suited for garden beds; try it as an alternate to Snapdragons. Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 2000-3000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±650-1000sds) $1.95 | 2g $2.75 | 10g $8.25

104 Flowers

Easy to Grow

Milliflora Petunia 1860 PICOBELLA MIX

This pretty little mix replaces the ground breaking Fantasy Mix because of its improved garden performance. It is also perfect for outdoor tabletop planters. The Picobella Mix of 7 colours has compact plants covered with small blooms. Annual | Ht. 20cm/8” | Pelleted Seed

Pkt (±30-35pel) $2.95 | 150pel $6.95 500pel $17.50

Grows in Sun

1860 Petunia, Picobella Mix

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

1935 Petunia, Opera Supreme White

1961 Phlox, Starry Eyes


1920 Petunia, Purple Wave

Creeping Petunias

Trailing Petunias are a must for gardens and planters. One plant covers 3-4 feet and grows about 6 inches high. They are outstanding in the garden in drought or rain. We do not dead head or prune these in our trials, and they outlast other Petunias.

Colourful annual for edging and borders in sunny locations. Blooms from early summer to fall. Prefers cool growing conditions. Culture: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before outdoor planting or outdoors in mid-spring. Prefers cool, dark conditions for germination. 1930 Petunia, Opera Supreme Pink Morn


1920 PURPLE WAVE All America Classic Fluorescent plum-purple blooms on full plants. 1922 BLUE WAVE Beautiful deep purple (blue) flowers, well deserving of its AAS awards.


P. drummondii An interesting mix of bi-colours with good garden performance. Mix contains blue, magenta, yellow, rose, and more: all with starry white centres. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 400-600 sds/gm

Pkt (±135-165sds) $1.95 | 2g $5.25 | 5g $9.75


Annual | spread 100cm/39” | Pelleted Seed

Above varieties: Pkt (±10pel) $6.45 | 100pel $32.75

P. drummondii A good choice for borders, this re-selected florist strain has extra large flowers in brilliant colours.


Annual | Ht. 20cm/8” | 400-600 sds/gm

Pkt (±200-300sds) $1.95 | 2g $2.75 | 10g $5.95

AAS 2007. Blooms of hot pink fading to white centres cover plants from tip to tip all season long. Vigorous plant growth- did equally well in our hanging baskets.


Pure white, excellent plant habit and weather tolerant blooms.

1970, Portulaca, Double Mix


Annual | spread 100cm/39” | Pelleted Seed

Above varieties: Pkt (±10pel) $4.75 | 100pel $28.50

Also called Moss Rose or Sunplant, performs well in a dry, sunny location. It is used in rock gardens, beds, edging, and as a groundcover. Culture: Start indoors 10-12 weeks before planting outdoors after danger of frost is past.


P. grandiflora The sprawling foliage is covered by double flowers in a wide range of colours. Can be direct seeded in warm soil.

1964 Phlox, Beauty Mix

Annual | Ht. 12cm/4” | 9000-11000 sds/gm

Pkt (±2250-2750sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.25 | 5g $6.50 NEW


P. grandiflora Earlier to bloom: bred to bloom at 10 hours daylight, which is weeks earlier than older types. With a vivid colour range of reds, yellows, pinks, orange, and white; it shines in a hot, full sun location. Happy Trails is a spreading type for that can be used in containers or as groundcover. Annual | Ht. 15cm/6” spread 45cm | Multi Seed Pellets

1972, Portulaca, Happy Trails Mix

Drought Tolerant

Pkt (±15-20pel) $2.95 | 100p $6.75 | 500p $18.95

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

Phlox Trial 2012

Cutflower Use

Flowers 105


2680 Physalis, Gigantea

1959 Prickly Poppy



Culture: Sow indoors until 6-8 weeks before first frost of fall, or in spring or summer when nights are cool. Light helps germination, as does fluctuating temperatures to mimic spring conditions. Blooms and produces pods after overwintering. Limit plant growth as it can be invasive.

Graceful flowers on thin stems with feathery foliage make poppies attractive specimen plants. Poppies are used in meadows, flower beds, and can be used as cutflowers. They often reseed themselves. Culture: Direct seed outdoors in spring. NEW


P. franchetii Produces bright orange seed pods that resemble lanterns. Excellent for fall decorations and drying. Zone 5 | Ht. 90cm/36” | Bl. July-Sep | 500-600 sds/gm.

Pkt (±150-200sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.25 | 5g $4.95 25g $12.95


Argemone platyceras Large white papery blooms attracted attention and many bees in our trial gardens. Argemone quickly becomes strong plants from direct seeding and loves drought. Its thorny blue green foliage may deter wildlife if grown as an edge around the vegetable garden. Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” | 250-270 sds/gm

Eschscholzia californica Bright orange flowers on spreading plants with fine grey-green foliage. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 450-550 sds/gm

Pkt (±500-700sds) $1.95 | 10g $2.95 25g $4.75 100g $12.95

Pkt (±1500-2250sds) $1.95 | 2g $2.95 | 5g $4.75 25g $12.95

E. californica California poppy. Mixture of bright coloured double flowers with fluted petals. Dwarf plants have grayish-green lobed foliage. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 550-650 sds/gm

Pkt (±275-325sds) $1.95 | 5g $2.95 | 25g $9.95


P. virginiana Fleuroselect Gold Medal 2010 Obedience plant, so named because the florets can be pushed around the stem as you like. Crystal Peaks is a compact plant, blooming freely first year with snowy white flowers. It is a good filler for the garden or container and grows in sun to semi-shade. A North American native plant. Zone 3 | Ht. 40cm/16” | Bl. July-Oct | 300-400 sds/gm.

Pkt (±15-20sds) $3.75 | 100s $10.50 | 250s $16.95

P. paeoniflorum Peony-flowered poppy. Feathery, fully double in clear pink. Green seed pods are suitable for cutting, they have an unusual curly stem. Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 3000-4500 sds/gm



Zone 2 | Ht. 90cm/36” | Bl. May-July | 3500-4500 sds/gm

1966 VENUS


Culture: Start indoors at room temperature, 8-10 weeks before transplanting outdoors.

P. orientale A mixture of huge, brilliantly coloured, single flowers on long stems. Foliage is deeply toothed. Poppies dislike being moved, so direct seed into the permanent location. Pkt (±875-1125sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.95 | 10g $9.95

Pkt (±125-135sds) $2.25 | 2g $4.95 | 10g $9.75

2678 Physostegia, Crystal Peak White

1965 Poppy, Double Shirley Mix



Papaver commutatum Easy to grow, fire-engine red flowers with black blotches. Also known as Flander’s Field Poppy.


P. rhoeas Selected by Sir Cedric Morris, a painter and gardener. This mix has been reselected to obtain his original shades. The blooms are misty and subtly shaded from a solid outer colour to a white centre. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 7000-8000 sds/gm

Pkt (±1750-2250sds) $2.25 | 2g $3.95 | 5g $5.95 NEW


Annual | Ht. 45cm/18” | 6000-7500 sds/gm

P. rhoeas Personally selected by the breeder to obtain a white flowered variety. Dazzling as a mass planting!


Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 6500-7500 sds/gm.

Pkt (±3000-4000sds) $1.95 | 1g $2.75 | 5g $4.95 25g $15.95 P. nudicaule Strong, upright plants in a rich coloured mixture. A hardy biennial strain which will flower same year if started in early spring. Zone 3 | Ht. 30cm/12” | Bl. May-July | 8500-10000 s/g.

Pkt (±130-150sds) $2.25 | 1Ms $7.25 | 5Ms $19.75

Pkt (±1625-1875sds) $2.45 | 2g $6.75 | 5g $12.75


P. rhoeas Double flowers with a silky appearance in shades of pink, white, red, rose, and salmon. Strong plants performed well in the heat and drought even though they are considered a cool season plant. Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 7000-9000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±3500-4500sds) $1.95 | 2g $2.50 | 10g $6.95


Papaver sp. Large seed pods, unusual flowers. This variety produces the largest seed pods of all the varieties we trialed with the added beauty of bright red fringed flowers. Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 2000-2400 sds/gm.

2687 Poppy, Garden Gnome

106 Flowers

1969 Poppy, Ballerina Mix

Easy to Grow

475 California Poppy

Grows in Sun

Pkt (±1000-1200sds) $1.95 | 2g $2.95 | 5g $4.95 25g $12.95

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

2690 Primula, Colossea Mix


2681 Platycodon, Miss Tilly 1955 Poppy, Mother of Pearl


Culture: Start indoors at room temperature, 8-12 weeks before transplanting outdoors. Dislikes transplanting, so handle carefully.


P. grandiflora Beautiful dwarf Balloon Flower that blooms abundantly first year. Its compact shape makes it ideal for containers or beds. It can grow in sun or part-shade and benefits from winter protection. They are slow to emerge in spring, so may need to be labeled. Named for a prominent, award-winning flower breeder, Tilly Holtrop, upon her retirement. Zone 6 | Ht. 25cm/10" | Bl. July-frost | 700-1400 sds/gm.

Pkt (±15-20sds) $2.95 | 100sds $7.25

Primrose. Colourful early spring perennial. Loves cool humid climates, such as a woodland setting. Culture: Start indoors in late fall or early winter for spring blooming. Press seeds into soil and grow at cool temperatures (15-18C). Seed is small, so maintaining moisture is very important.


P. elatior This is a special strain of Polyanthus. A superb mixture of large flower clusters with yellow eyes. Seed is slow to germinate. Zone 2 | Ht. 45cm/18” | Bl. Early Spring | 700-1000 s/g.

Pkt (±140-200sds) $1.95 | 1g $3.75 | 5g 11.95


P. denticulata Himilayan Primrose. A fun spring flower that pops out of the ground in early spring. The leaves grow larger after the flowering period. This is a mix of white, lilac, and ruby shades. Blooms after overwintering. Zone 3|Ht. 25cm/10”|Bl. Early Spring|15500-16500 s/g.

Pkt (±130-150sds) $2.35 | 1Msds $7.45 1966 Poppy, Venus

1967 Poppy, Ladybird



Striking flowers and good garden performance. This is a lace polyanthus type with 10cm/4” clusters of burgundy and red shaded flowers edged with white. Improved over other Victorianas for seed quality and uniformity. Zone 3 | Ht. 20cm/8” | Bl. Spring | 1200-1300 sds/gm.

Pkt (±10sds) $3.45 | 50sds $8.95 | 150sds $15.75

1980 Ptilotus, Joey


1968 Poppy, Danish Flag

Culture: Start indoors 4-8 weeks before planting outdoors. Keep moistened and at warm temperatures (24-26C) consistently until growth is seen, then reduce temperature. Light is necessary for good emergence.

2685 Poppy, Oriental Mix

2692 Primula, Ronsdorf Mix

1980 JOEY

P. exaltatus 2008 GG Medal of Excellence. Joey, of Australian origin, loves heat and drought, but is adaptable to cooler wet conditions, as our summer trials proved. The bottle brush-like blooms begin as silvery lavender and become magenta. Can be used in containers, as a cutflower, and as a garden plant. Joey has been improved to germinate readily from seed. Annual | Ht. 35cm/15” | 700-900 sds/gm

1958 Poppy, Bridal Silk

Drought Tolerant

Pkt (±7sds) $5.65 | 50sds $19.95 | 100sds $31.95

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

2693 Primula, Victoriana XL

Cutflower Use

Flowers 107


1982 Punica, Alhambra


Pomegranate. Culture: Start indoors anytime, or 6-8 weeks before planting outdoors.


P. granatum nana Exciting novelty for the garden, containers, and Bonsai enthusiasts: small bushy plants with glossy foliage and showy orange-red tubular flowers. These are followed by miniature pomegranates, which appear to be edible, judging by their disappearance in our trials! Tender Perennial | Ht. 45cm/18” | 65-75 sds/gm

Pkt (±30-35sds) $2.75 | 2g $5.95 | 5g $9.75

1991 Rudbeckia, Prairie Sun


1986 Rudbeckia, Tiger Eye


Also called Gloriosa Daisy, Coneflower, or BlackEyed Susan. Rudbeckias are used in beds, meadows, and are good cutflowers. Culture: Start indoors in late winter for early summer flowers, or outdoors in mid-spring for late summer.


R. hirta 2008 GG Medal of Excellence, Reader’s Choice First hybrid Rudbeckia. Outstanding in our trials: covered with clear golden blooms for much of the summer and the foliage was disease free, even in October, while other varieties succumbed to mildews. Plants are well branched and bushy. Flowers are full, semi double in classic colouring. Annual | Ht. 40cm/16” | 1500-3000 sds/gm

Pkt (±10sds) $3.95 | 100sds $16.75 250sds $34.95

1989 INDIAN SUMMER 1985 Ricinus, Zanzibariensis


Castor Bean.These tall, attractive plants make excellent accents or background plants. They produce large 30cm/12" palmated leaves on large bamboo like stems. Warning: Seeds are poisonous - Keep away from children and small animals. Culture: Start indoors 3-4 weeks before last frost, or outdoors after danger of frost is past. Prefers warm soil to germinate.

Pkt (±375-460sds) $2.95 | 1/2g $6.50 | 2g $15.95 10g $53.95

Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 1000-1300 sds/gm

Pkt (±15-20sds) $2.95 | 100s $6.95 | 500s $24.75


R. hirta Unique deep chocolate-maroon colour with golden-orange edges. Quite striking in the garden! Basal branching, open-growing plant habit makes Moreno good for cutting. FSN Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” | 2000-2500 sds/gm.

Pkt (±65-75sds) $1.95 | 250sds $3.25| 1Msds $7.25


R. hirta Fleuroselect Gold Medal 2008 Vigorous semi-tall plants are covered with huge (13cm/5”) flowers in warm bronzy-brown shades. An attractive colour for late summer! Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” width 40cm/16” | 1000-1500 s/g.

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.65 | 250sds $8.95

R. hirta AAS Winner 1995. Indian Summer’s plants are covered with 4-6” yellow blooms with brown buttons. Makes excellent group plantings as strong plants stand up without staking. Starts blooming long before other Rudbeckias and continues into the fall. Excellent cutflower, Highly recommended. Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 3000-3700 sds/gm.

R. hirta AAS and Fleuroselect Gold medal 2003. A novelty Rudbeckia that has green centred flowers with lemon-edged, golden yellow petals. A strong garden performer in heat and drought.


R. fulgida Golden yellow single flowers with dark centres make an excellent cutflower. Abundant blooms make a great display in the garden. Perennial Plant Award 1999. Zone 3 | Ht. 60cm/24” | Bl. July-Sep | 800-1000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±250-325sds) $2.25 | 1g $5.95 | 5g $13.75


R. hirta Familiar perennial for meadow plantings. Zone 3 | Ht. 60cm/24” | Bl. July-frost| 2500-3500 sds/gm

Pkt (±2500-3500sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.50 | 25g $6.75 100g $18.25


Ricinus communis A quick growing plant with large reddish-brown leaves. It also has attractive bright red flower buds and seed pods that can be used for cut and dried flowers. Annual | Ht. 150cm/60” | 2-3 sds/gm

Pkt (±6sds) $2.95 | 25sds $7.25 | 100sds $20.95 250sds $43.50


Ricinus communis A temporary tree with large green leaves. Large seeded variety. Annual | Ht. 240-350cm/96-140” | 1-2 sds/gm.

Pkt (±4-8sds) $2.25 | 25g $5.95 | 100g $11.75 1984 Ricinus, Carmencita Bright Red

108 Flowers

Easy to Grow

Grows in Sun

473 Black-Eyed Susan

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

2712 Sagina, Irish Moss


1992 Rudbeckia, Moreno

Culture: Sow into plugs or small pots anytime, grow at 15-21C, maintaining moisture throughout growing process. Seeds are tiny, but plants are durable enough to be walked on!


S. subulata Tiny leaved groundcover with white flowers in early summer. It is commonly used between path stones. Zone 5 | Ht. 10cm/4" | Bl. May-July | 45000-55000 s/g.

Pkt (±2250-2850sds) $2.45 | 1/4g $5.25 | 1g $13.75 5g $47.95

2000 Salvia, Sahara

2005 Salvia, Victoria


Provides brilliant colour from early summer to fall, in full sun or partial shade. Excellent for beds, edging, and cutting. Culture: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before transplanting outdoors after the danger of frost is past.


S. splendens Dark green foliage with bright scarlet flowers that last all summer long. Held well in our summer heat and bloomed into October, retaining its colour and compact growth habit. FSQ award. Annual | Ht. 25cm/10” | 200-265 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.65 | 1g $5.75 | 2g $8.95

1989 Rudbeckia, Indian Summer



S. coccinea AAS 2012 Same great qualities as Summer Jewel Red. Soft pink combines beautifully with other colours. Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” | 580-680 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.75 | 250s $6.25 | 1Ms $17.95 2003 Salvia, Summer Jewel Pink


S. coccinea AAS 2011 & Fleuroselect Gold Medal 2012. Summer Jewel is a real improvement of an earlier multi-award winner: Lady in Red. It is even earlier to bloom and stays more compact over the season. Dead head for continuous true red flowers until frost. Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” | 600-750 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.75 | 250s $6.25 | 1Ms $17.95

2005 VICTORIA 1995 Rudbeckia, Cappuccino

2004 Salvia, Summer Jewel

S. farinacea Fleuroselect Gold Medal Winner 1978. Deep violet-blue flower spikes on sturdy plants give a striking display to your borders and flower arrangements throughout the season. Good for cut and dried flower production. Highly recommended. Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” | 800-1000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±140-180sds) $2.25 | 1g $4.95 | 5g $16.95

2006 FAIRY QUEEN Crop failure 2013 NEW


S. superba Won a Fleuroselect Gold Medal in 2003. Blooms abundantly with dark blue spikes 3 months after sowing, on compact and well branched plants. Replaces Blue Queen. Zone 4 | Ht. 40cm/16” | Bl. Spring | 800-1000 sds/gm

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.75 | 150s $7.95 | 1Ms $19.95 2700 Rudbeckia, Goldsturm

Drought Tolerant

2715 Salvia, Merleau Blue

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

Cutflower Use

Flowers 109


2010 Sanvitalia, Creeping Zinnia

2012 Scabiosa, Formula Mixture


Culture: Start indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost or outdoors after danger of frost is past.


Masses of small yellow, double flowers, each with a dark centre, bloom on spreading plants. Used for groundcovers, beds, and containers. Annual | Ht. 10cm/4” | 1000-1600 sds/gm.

Pkt (±330-530sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.95 | 5g $6.75


Pincushion Flower. A long lasting cutflower, for both the bloom and seedpods, on long wiry stems. Plant habit is open, suited to an informal or cutting garden. Culture: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before planting outdoors for summer blooms, or direct seed outdoors in June for late summer blooms. Perennial types start indoors in late winter for same year flowers. NEW


S. atropurpurea New mixture, as Olympia has been discontinued. This mix contains more colours than Olympia, in interesting shades like yellow, bright red, deep maroon, pure white, salmon rose, and various blue shades. Tolerates cool fall temperatures. Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 130-150 sds/gm.

Pkt (±65-75sds) $2.25 | 250sds $4.75 1Msds $7.95


S. atropurpurea Additional colour in the QIS series of professional cutting Scabiosas. Almost black buds and dark burgundy flowers on strong wiry stems are very attractive in the summer and fall garden. Tolerates light frost.

2725 Sedum, Turkish Delight

2014 Scabiosa, QIS Deep Red NEW


S. caucasica First year blooming with multiple stems, beautiful on its own or as part of a mixed bouquet. Introduced to us by the ASCFG trials several years ago, it has continued to be a reliable cutflower: Fama has rich colour and plenty of long straight stems. As a bonus, the seedpods are very usable as fresh or dried filler. It is also a hardy perennial with excellent growth in second year. Zone 5 | Ht. 70cm/28” | Bl. Early Summer | 50-70 sds/gm

Pkt (±8sds) $4.75 | 50sds $8.95 | 100sds $19.75


NEW S. ochroleuca Lovely unusual plant to

include in containers. Creamy yellow flowers on dwarf plants, blends beautifully with other colours like blue and pink. The round form also compliments spikes and grasses. Start early for first year flowering and deadhead for longer bloom time. Zone 5 | Ht. 30cm/12” | Bl. Summer | 500-600 sds/gm

Pkt (±25-30sds) $2.65 | 150s $7.25 | 500s $16.95

Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 100-200 sds/gm.

Pkt (±25-50sds) $2.25 | 1g $3.25 | 5g $9.75


Start indoors from winter to mid-summer. Press seeds into soil and grow at room temperature with lights. Seed is small, so maintaining moisture is very important. Plant in sun for best colour.


S. ussurience A great addition (or beginning!) to any sedum collection. Turkish Delight has round flat burgundy leaves and carmine red flowers. Winter hardy.

2721 Scabiosa, Fama Deep Blue

Zone 4 | Ht. 20cm/8” | Bl. July-Aug | 15000-18000 s/g.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $3.45 | 250sds $8.95 1Msds $23.75


Culture: Direct seed in spring or early summer in a sunny or part shade location. An annual that may reseed itself.


S. armeria rubra Annual Catchfly that readily self-seeds. Vibrant carmine-pink umbels of flowers suitable for beds or meadows. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 7000-8000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±5250-6000sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.95 25g $9.75

110 Flowers

Easy to Grow

485 Silene Electra

Grows in Sun

2722 Scabiosa, Pixie Yellow

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

2017 Snapdragon, Montego Mix

1975 Solanum, Pumpkin on a Stick


Majestic, spiked flowers in bright colours for bedding and cutting. Snapdragons prefer cool weather for best blooming and tolerate frost. Culture: Start indoors at room temperature 10-12 weeks before planting outdoors (after danger of frost is past). Press the seeds into soil and keep moist until growth is seen. Light aids germination. NEW


Antirrhinum majus Improved dwarf Snapdragon mix to replace Chimes. Montego’s plants are compact, but vigorous, having long lasting garden performance, even through hot summer weather. Full colour range in shades of purple, red, orange, pink, yellow, and white. Early to bloom. Annual | Ht. 15cm/6” | Bl. 9-12 weeks from seeding.

Pkt (±65-75sds) $2.75 | 250sds $5.25 1Msds $13.95


Antirrhinum majus Tall mix of large flowers in bicolours for garden and cutting use. Annual | Ht. 70cm/28” | 5000-6000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±2500-3000sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.75 | 10g $5.25

1977 Solanum, Striped Toga


Culture: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before planting outdoors, after danger of frost is past. Grow in full sun, like Tomatoes or Eggplant. Harvest stems before frost and strip leaves when fruit turns reddish-orange.


S. integrifolium Unusual clusters of 4cm/1 1/2” fruits on long stems for use in floral arrangements. Also called Red China Eggplant. Plant has thorny leaves. Organically grown seed. Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 275-350 sds/gm.

Pkt (±10-15sds) $2.75 | 100sds $7.95 500 sds $24.75


S. melongena Egg shaped clusters of 6cm/2 1/2” fruits hang on long stems. They begin as cream with green stripes and mature to peach and orange-red with green stripes. Grows like Pumpkin on a Stick- but without thorns. Nonpoisonous fruits. Annual | Ht. 150cm/60” | 200-300 sds/gm.

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.45 | 100sds $5.95 500 sds $13.75


Antirrhinum majus Especially developed for outdoor cutflower production. Long spikes on sturdy plants in a broad colour range of AAS winning colours.

2033 Stocks, Harmony Mix


Culture: Start indoors in March. Plant in full sun. Blooms best at cool temperatures. Tolerates frost, making it a good fall annual.


Matthiola longipetela ssp. bicornis The Evening Scented Stock requested by a number of our customers. Provides airy sprays of pastel pink, lavender, yellow and white sweetly scented flowers for sunny or partial shade gardens. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 1900-2200 sds/gm.

Annual | Ht. 100cm/40” | 4500-6000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±900-1100sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.25 | 10g $7.95

2022 MIXTURE: Wide colour range 2022-3 WHITE: Pure white 2022-4 RED: Darkest red/burgundy Above varieties: Pkt (±65-75sds) $2.25 | 500sds $6.75 1Msds $10.75 | 2Msds $18.50


M. incana An extra early 6 colour mix with excellent fragrance. Harmony has clear green leaves; which are a vibrant contrast to the flowers. A novel, easy to grow alternative to pansies for early spring and fall blooms. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 500-800 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $1.95 | 250sds $3.95| 1Msds $9.25 2021 Snapdragon, Tetra Mix

2022 Snapdragon, Rocket Mix

Drought Tolerant

2022-3 White

Cold Tolerant

2022-4 Rocket Red

Container Use

2031 Stocks, Starlight Scentsation

Cutflower Use

Flowers 111


2020 Statice, QIS Formula Mix

2024 Statice, Sunset



Limonium. Widely used in fresh and dried flower arrangements. These varieties produce clusters of flowers on stiff stems, which are very easily dried. Our Statice seed has been cleaned (decorticated) to remove it from clumps. Culture: Start indoors at room temperature 6-8 weeks before planting outdoors.


L. sinuatum In the past years of testing Statice we have found the QIS varieties to be superior to all others. They have greatly improved flower quality (size, shape, density, length and colour) and have sturdy, long, straight stems. 2020-2 QIS DARK BLUE: Deep blue 2020-3 QIS WHITE: Crisp, pure white 2020-4 QIS ROSE: Bright rosy pink 2020-6 QIS LAVENDER: Lilac purple 2020-8 QIS PASTEL SHADES: Icy pastel colours of mauve, blue, and white 2020 QIS FORMULA MIXTURE

L. sinuatum Warm tones of apricot, orange, peach, and rose-red.

2029 Chenopodium, Strawberry Sticks

Annual | Ht. 65cm/26” | 350-400 sds/gm.

Pkt (±70-80sds) $1.95 | 1g $4.25 | 2g $6.75 5g $14.25

Strawberry Sticks


Goniolimon tataricum Produces large heads of silvery-white flowers. Blooms second year. Zone 3 | Ht. 60cm/24” | Bl. July-Aug | 800-1100 sds/gm.

Pkt (±80-110sds) $1.95 | 1g $4.95 | 5g $16.25


L. latifolia Masses of dainty lavender-purple flowers on large panicles. Large leathery leaves. Blooms second year.

Culture: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost or direct seed in warming soil, like its relative, Spinach.


C. foliosum Base-branching annual with numerous strawberry-like fruits along the stems. For use in borders, planters and large baskets. Fruit is edible. Annual | Ht. 40cm/16” | 1000-1250 sds/gm.

Pkt (±330-415sds) $1.95 | 2g $4.75 | 5g $8.95

Zone 3 | Ht. 60cm/24” | Bl. July-Aug | 800-1200 sds/gm.

Pkt (±80-100sds) $1.95 | 250sds $4.95 | 1Msds $12.75

Annual | Ht. 80cm/32” | 350-500 sds/gm.

Above varieties: Pkt (±80-100sds) $1.95 | 500sds $4.95 1Msds $8.25 | 2500sds $16.95 | 5Msds $29.50

2732 Statice, Sea Lavender

2020-8 Statice, QIS Pastel Shades

2730 Statice, German Statice

2020-2 QIS Dk. Blue

2020-3 QIS White

2020-4 QIS Rose

112 Flowers

Easy to Grow

Grows in Sun

Grows in Part Sun

2020-6 QIS Lavender

Grows in Shade

2100 Verbena, Ideal Florist Mix 2090 Thymophylla, Golden Dawn


2086 Sweet Peas, Knee-Hi-Mix

Culture: Start indoors 6-8 weeks before outdoor planting. Prefers warm dry conditions for growing.

Sweet Peas

See climbers for more varieties. Culture: Start outdoors in early spring as soon as soil can be worked or indoors in large plug trays 4 weeks before planting. Hot temperatures and dry soil decrease germination. Blooms best when nights are cool.


Lathyrus odoratus Dwarf, uniform plants are covered with scented flowers in a wide range of colours. Good for cutflower arrangements.


T. tenuiloba Dahlberg Daisy. Heat and drought tolerant plant for hanging baskets and planters. Has an abundance of small 1" yellow daisy-like flowers on finely cut trailing foliage. Annual | Ht. 20cm/8” | 6000-8000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±155-175sds) $2.45 | 1Msds $6.95 5Msds $22.75

Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 10-12 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-48sds) $1.95 | 15g $2.75 | 50g $6.95


Clusters of flowers provide a mass of colour for beds, edging, and cutflower arrangements. Culture: Start indoors at 21-24c and in complete darkness 8-10 weeks before outdoor planting.


V. hybrida A large flowered mixture on dwarf plants. Beautiful for beds. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 250-400 sds/gm.

Pkt (±185-300sds) $1.95 | 2g $2.50 | 5g $3.95


NEW V. tenuisecta Improvement of Serenity

Mix with similar foliage and more vigorous growing plants. Desert Jewels is also earlier to bloom in a sparkling range of colours from carmine, pink, and purples to white. The dark green lacy foliage covers the ground and stays green through heat and drought.

Annual | Ht. 20cm/8” spread 50cm/20” | 700-800 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.65 | 250s $5.75 | 1Ms $13.95


V. speciosa AAS & Fleuroselect Gold Medal Winner for 1993. Intense violet blooms on lacy green foliage. Recommended for baskets and planters. Imagination is the result of crossbreeding two Verbena species to combine the best qualities of both parents- intense flower colour with strong growth habit. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” spread 50cm/20” | 800-900 s/g.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.45 | 250s $5.95 | 1Ms $12.95

2106 BONARIENSIS 2103 Verbena, Desert Jewels

V. bonariensis Long blooming lilac panicles on graceful stems; much different than other verbena types. This is a very strong garden plant that performs all season long. Erratic germinator, but does not need darkness for germination. Annual | Ht. 120cm/48” | 3500-4500 sds/gm.

2060 Tithonia, Goldfinger

Pkt (±700-900sds) $1.95 | 1g $3.95 | 2g $6.50


Culture: Start indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost or outdoors when soil is warm.


T. rotundifolia Mexican Sunflower. Large, bright orange flowers on sturdy dark green plants. Tolerates hot summer weather, blooms from August until frost in our trials. Good for accent plants. Makes a good late summer cutflower. Annual | Ht. 90cm/36” | 80-100 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.95 | 5g $7.25

Drought Tolerant

2106 Verbena, Bonariensis

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

2104 Verbena, Imagination

Cutflower Use

Flowers 113


2130 Zulu Prince


Culture: Direct seed in warm soil (21c-30c) or start indoors 6-8 weeks before last frost.


V. fastuosum Monarch of the Veldt: a sunflower-like bloom from South Africa. Blooms continually on plants with silvery green foliage. Pure 3” white flowers with black inner ring are lasting cutflowers. Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 1200-1300 sds/gm.

Pkt (±600-650sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.25 | 5g $6.75

2150 Vinca, Cora Mixture


Culture: Start indoors 10-12 weeks before last frost. Keep dark and warm (24-27C) until growth is seen, then bring into light and reduce temperature.


Catharanthus roseus This is a major improvement in Vincas. Seed germinates better and quicker, plants grow larger and bloom earlier. In our own trials the difference was amazing. The reason for such an improvement? Aerial Phytophtora disease resistance: the breeder had been working on this development for 18 years until they had a satisfactory product! Cora has been voted as best new annual in numerous trials across the continent by both industry and the viewing public. Try this heat loving plant in gardens or containers. Mix of Apricot, White, Burgundy, Violet, Deep Lavender, and Lavender. Annual | Ht. 35cm/14” | 500-700 sds/gm.

Pkt (±10-15sds) $3.45 | 100sds $9.95

Trial Gardens

2745 Veronica, Sightseeing Mix


Culture: Start indoors from winter to mid-summer. Press seeds into soil and grow at 18-24C. Seed is small, so maintaining moisture is very important.


V. spicata Masses of blue, white and pink flower spikes. Good as a cottage garden plant and as a cutflower filler. Uniform plant habit with long lasting blooms. Zone 2 | Ht. 70cm/28" | Bl. May-July | 9000-11000 s/g.

Pkt (±130-150sds) $2.25 | 1Msds $7.95

AAS Trial Garden 2012

114 Flowers

Easy to Grow


A relative of Pansy. Commonly used in cool season plantings, because they bloom cheerfully at low temperatures and survive frost. Culture: Start indoors in late winter or early summer at room temperature. Darkness aids germination, so cover seeds lightly.


V. x williamsii The industry standard in Violas. Velour has a large colour range and excellent garden performance for a gorgeous show of colour. Velour mix has 19 colours including frosted chocolate and orange.It is very early to bloom and resists stretching in hot weather. Zone 6 | Ht.15cm/6" | Bl. all season | 900-1300 sds/gm.

Pkt (±35-40sds) $2.25 | 500sds $9.95


The gardens are important to us at William Dam Seeds because they are used as a research tool. We use them to select of new items for our annual catalogue, based largely on the garden performance of the variety. We harvest the vegetables and use them in our cooking. The cutflowers are arranged into bouquets to beautify our store and to judge their longevity. Container varieties are grown and displayed in pots. Specialty market growers and home gardeners also visit the trials each year to get a preview of the exciting new varieties that will be available in the coming year. We are part of the All America Selections Display garden network (since 1991) and a Fleuroselect display garden (since 2011). The gardens feature the award winning flower and vegetable varieties of the past 5 years for both organizations. We are judges for the All America Selections. We also participate in the Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers trials (since 2000). In addition to the above mentioned trials, samples of new flower and vegetable varieties from breeders around the world are grown and planted to judge their merits against existing varieties. There are typically 1000 items in trial, in gardens totaling 5 acres. Grows in Sun

2750 Viola, Velour Formula Mix

V. x williamsii Fleuroselect GoldMedal 2012 winner. Pretty pattern: the lower petals are white with darker blue brushstroked on, and have a dab of gold in the centre. The upper petals retain their dark blue colour even in hot weather. Part of the Sorbet Series. Zone 5 | Ht. 15cm/6” | Bl. all season | 1200-1400 sds/gm.

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.95 | 100sds $7.25 250sds $11.75

2755 Viola, Delft Blue

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

2294 Bird and Butterfly Mix 2293 Beneficial Insect Attractant Mix

2292 Cutflower Mix

Wildflower Mixes and Attractant Mixes

Flower Mixes

Direct Seed as soil is warming in spring into a sunny garden. Adding inert material, such as sand or sawdust, will give more even seed spacing.


Our custom blend of annuals to be direct seeded and cut as ready. Easy to grow mix of big, medium, and filler flowers for balanced bouquets. Full colour range. Seed until August for continuous blooms. Pkt (±2g) $2.25 | 5g $3.95 | 25g $6.75 100g $18.95


A blend of non-hybrid varieties suited for cutflower use. Seed until August for continuous blooms. Also great as a background plant. Annual | Ht. 155cm/62” | 40-70 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-70sds) $2.25 | 10g $7.95 | 25g $15.95 100g $48.00 | 450g $155.00 NEW


A direct seed mix of dwarf flowers and grasses that provide an ethereal look to the garden- as if you were in a fairyland. Begins blooming 8 weeks from sowing in mid-spring, and then provides changing colour and texture throughout the summer. Annual | Ht. 30-40cm/12-16”


A formulation of herbs, flowers, and legumes to bring desirable insects and bees to your garden to aid in pollination and pest control.


A mix of flowers that appeals to songbirds, hummingbirds, and butterflies.


Mixture of annual and perennial varieties. Includes native and non-native varieties that are adapted to the region.


This mix contains annual and perennial varieties that grow to 48cm/16”, giving a dwarf meadow appearance. For sun and light shade. Above Varieties: Pkt (±2g) $1.95 | 10g $3.50 | 25g $7.75 100g $22.00 | 450g $75.00 | 1kg $145.00

2296 NorthEast American Mix

Planting rates for the above mixtures: 100g covers about 1600 sq.ft./148 sq. meters. 450g seeds about 7200 sq. ft./675 sq. meters. Seeding rate per Acre is approx. 2-1/2 kg/6lbs. Additional planting instructions available upon request.

Pkt (±3/4g) $2.25 | 5g $4.75 | 15g $9.95

2297 Low Growing Mix

2291 Sunflower Mixture

Drought Tolerant

2299 Fairy Mix

Cold Tolerant

Connie at Poppy trials in Holland

Container Use

Cutflower Use

Flowers 115


2272 Zinnia, Zahara Double Fire

2275 Zinnia, Magellan Mix


Zinnia is one of the most popular bedding and cutting plants for full sun. The versatile Zinnia comes in many shapes, sizes, and colours, suited for all uses. They love heat and drought. Culture: Start indoors 4-6 weeks before last frost or outdoors when soil is warm. Sow into final container to eliminate the need for transplanting. 2205 Benary’s Purple

2206 Benary’s Pink

Professional Cutflower Types

Dwarf border types



Z. marylandica AAS & Fleuroselect Gold Medal 2011. Fully double flowers are bright orange with slightly darker edges, giving the impression of flames. Outstanding colour, especially for late summer. Healthy plants are mildew resistant, giving them excellent landscape performance. Annual | Ht. 35cm/15” | 400-600 sds/gm.

Pkt (±10-15sds) $3.65 | 100sds $11.95 500sds $42.75 2207 Benary’s Deep Red

2204 Benary’s Yellow


Z. elegans Contains the AAS 2005 winner Coral. An improved Peter Pan Mix with more blooms in consistent dahlia shape. Bushy plants are covered with large blooms. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | coated seed | 95-110 sds/gm.

Pkt (±10-15sds) $5.95 | 100sds $15.95 500sds $59.50

2209 Zinnia, Benary’s Wine

Z. elegans Awarded ASCFG Fresh Cut Flower of 1999. Long, thick stems with fully double large dahlia flowers. Healthy plants with excellent yield potential. Perfect for the professional cutflower grower and home gardener. 2202 FORMULA MIX: mixture of 11 colours 2203 SCARLET 2204 GOLDEN YELLOW 2205 PURPLE 2206 PINK 2207 DEEP RED 2208 ORANGE 2209 WINE Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | Coated Seed | 90-120 sds/gm.

Above varieties: Pkt (±15-20sds) $2.35 | 100sds $6.95 500sds $21.95 | 1Msds $38.50

2255 OKLAHOMA MIX 2208 Benary’s Orange

Z. elegans Improved medium sized dahlia flowered mix with more colours. Produces long stems with good flower shape and colour. Plants exhibit tolerance to Powdery Mildew. Developed for the cutflower industry.

2203 Benary’s Scarlet

Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 120-160 sds/gm.

Pkt. (±65-75sds) $2.25 | 250sds $3.95 1Msds $8.75


Z. elegans Professional cutting mix of yellow (AAS winner), pink, red (AAS winner), orange, purple, and cream. Fully double 10cm/4” flowers, mildew resistant plants. Heavy producers until frost. Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 100-140 sds/gm.

Pkt (±15-20sds) $3.50 | 100sds $8.95 1Msds $56.00

2202 Zinnia, Benary’s Giant Mix

116 Flowers

2200 Zinnia, Dahlia Extra Mix

Easy to Grow

Grows in Sun

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

Garden Trials 2012

2255 Zinnia, Oklahoma Mix 2225 Zinnia, Giant Flowered Mix

Other Cutting Types 2200 DAHLIA EXTRA MIX

Z. elegans Mix of large Dahlia type flowers for cutting, more economical and less double than Benary Giant series.

2230 Zinnia, New Burpee Cactus Mix

Annual | Ht. 100cm/40” | 100-150 sds/gm.

Pkt. (±100-150sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.95 | 25g $7.25 100g $23.95

2215 ENVY

Z. elegans Apple green dahlia flowered type. Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 80-100 sds/gm.


Z. elegans Our custom mixture of various shades and types (cactus and dahlia) of Zinnias. Flower size up to 15cm/6" in diameter.

2210 Zinnia, Sunshine Mix

Annual | Ht. 75cm/30” | 80-150 sds/gm.

2230 BURPEE CACTUS HYBRIDS MIX Z. elegans Distinct flowers with quilled petals. Re-selected for better colour range and more twisted petals.

2250 Zinnia, Lilliput Mix

Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 100-150 sds/gm.

Above varieties: Pkt (±80-150sds) $1.95 | 5g $2.95 | 15g $5.25 25g $7.95


Z. haageana Fleuroselect Gold Medal winner. Suitable for mass plantings and cutting, Aztec Sunset is mid-sized garden plant, covered with miniature dahlia-type blooms in unique bi-colour patterns. An improvement of Persian Carpet. Annual | Ht. 50cm/20” | 400-500 sds/gm.

2235 Zinnia, Aztec Sunset

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.25 | 250sds $4.95 1Msds $13.95

2215 Zinnia, Envy


Z. elegans A novelty cutflower type with red stripes and blotches on gold, cream, white, and yellow backgrounds. Annual | Ht. 70cm/28” | 100-150 sds/gm.

Pkt (±100-150sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.75 | 25g $9.50


Z. elegans A miniature dahlia-flowered mixture. Excellent for cutting. Flower size: 2.5cm/1” Annual | Ht. 60cm/24” | 100-150 sds/gm.

Pkt (±100-150sds) $1.95 | 5g $2.95 | 15g $4.25 25g $6.25

Drought Tolerant

2240 Zinnia, Peppermint Stick Mix

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

Flower arrangements made for Oma’s 99th Birthday party

Cutflower Use

Flowers 117


Climbers Vertical gardening has become one of the emerging garden trends, partially due to smaller gardening spaces, and also because the added dimension completes a garden. Our selection of vines are mostly annuals selected for their flowering ability. They are quick to grow and bloom. Most are suited to covering fences, arbours, large trellises or supports, but some can be grown in containers or as groundcovers. Culture: Sow 2-3 seeds in a 4” pots or large plugs indoors 4-6 weeks before outdoor planting, or direct seed into warm soil after danger of frost is past.

2955 Cardinal Climber, Red Multifida

2960 Cup & Saucer, Cathedral Bells

Morning Glory

Cardinal Climber



Zone -zone variety may be hardy to Ht. - mature plant height Bl. - bloom time of variety sds/gm - average amount of seeds per gram M - Thousand Seeds; Sds - Seeds Pel - Pellets

Also called ‘Ipomoea.’ Flowers open in morning and close in afternoon. Vigorous climbers that can cover fences, walls, and arbours, or grow in large containers.

Ipomoea x multifida Part of the Ipomoea family, native to tropical America with culture similar to Morning Glories. Can also be called Quamoclit. Feathery foliage, broader than Cypress Vine with bright red flowers.


Exciting unusual form of Morning Glory! Double curly flowers. Rosy-red bloom in pairs on regular Morning Glory foliage.

Annual | Ht. 3m/10ft | 30-40 sds/gm.

Pkt (±60-80sds) $1.95 | 5g $2.75 | 15g $4.25 50g $11.95

Annual | Ht. 2.4m/8ft | 20-30 sds/gm.

Pkt (±20-30sds) $2.75 | 5g $5.95 |25g $18.50

cup & saucer vine



A festive mix of pink and blue flowers striped and streaked with white. Vigorous climber.

Cobaea scandens A quick growing ornamental climbing plant from Mexico with large plum shaped leaves and large bell-shaped purplish flowers. Start indoors early spring. A perennial in frost free regions, otherwise bring into your greenhouse or sunroom.

Annual | Ht. 2.4m/8ft | 20-40 sds/gm.

Pkt (±30-60sds) $2.25 | 5g $4.75 | 25g $9.95


Classic Morning Glory with sky blue flowers.

Annual | Ht. 6m/20ft | 10-15 sds/gm.

Annual | Ht. 2.4m/8ft | 20-30 sds/gm.

Pkt (±10-15sds) $2.95 | 50sds $4.95 250sds $18.95

Pkt (±40-60sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.25 | 25g $6.75 100g $13.95

Hyacinth Bean


Asarina NEW


Dolichos Lablab. Selected variety with purpleveined leaves, lavender flowers, and dark purple seed pods. More attractive than the common Hyacinth bean. Edible fruit when boiled.

2950 Asarina Mix


A . scandens or Lophospermum scandens Twining Snapdragon We often get requests for climbers that bloom in shade, so try Asarina! It has tubular flowers in a balanced mix of purple, rose, blue, and white- including Joan Lorraine. Great for containers or gardens, in both sun and part shade. A perennial in frost free regions.

Annual | Ht. 3m/10ft | 3-5 sds/gm.

Pkt (±6-10sds) $2.75 | 10g $7.95 | 25g $18.95 100g $65.00

2858 Morning Glory, Sunrise Serenade

I. purpurea Easy to direct seed and grow, making your garden look like you worked harder on it than you actually did! Lazy Luxe is a mix of 10 colours; from clear white, blue, to violet, and rosy red, creating a sparkling display. Early to bloom. Annual | Ht. 2.4m/8ft | 30-40 sds/gm.

Pkt (±60-80sds) $2.25 | 10g $3.25 | 25g $6.75 100g $16.95

Annual | Ht. 3.5m/11ft | 2700-2900 sds/gm.

Pkt (±15-20sds) $2.75 | 100s $6.95 | 500s $19.75

2966 Hyacinth Bean, Ruby Moon

mina lobata


Annual climber with showy flowers, ranging from scarlet to cream. Flowers are bracts symmetrically lining a stem. Vigorous climber with three lobed leaves. Annual | Ht. 3m/10ft | 30-40 sds/gm.

Pkt (±15-20sds) $2.25 | 2g $3.95 | 10g $8.95

2868 Mina Lobata, Spanish Flag

118 Climbers

Easy to Grow

Grows in Sun

2860 Morning Glory, Heavenly Blue

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade

2859 Carnevale Di Venezia

2863 Morning Glory, Moonflower


I. purpurea Huge 10cm/4” flowers in icy blue with darker blue star. A vigorous climber, and an early, prolific bloomer. The colours of Persian Star and Heavenly Blue would combine beautifully together.

2865 Nasturtium, Tall Mixture


Tropaeolum Also known as Capucine. Large, trailing plants, with edible flowers and leaves. Sow directly into warm soil. For dwarf types, see flower section #1694-#1696.

Annual | Ht. 2.4m/8ft | 30-35 sds/gm.

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.45 | 100sds $6.75 250sds $10.95



Annual | Ht. 6m/20ft | 2-4 sds/gm.

Annual | Ht. 2m/7ft | 6-8 sds/gm.

Big fragrant white flowers that open in the evening. Also called Moonvine.

Single and semi-double flowers in various colours and shades.

Pkt (±8-16sds) $1.95 | 10g $3.95 | 25g $7.25 100g $15.95


Pkt (±30-40sds) $1.95 | 25g $4.75 | 100g $11.95


Exquisite variegated foliage (green lobedsplashed with white) accented with bright rose-violet flowers with white throats. Cameo’s plant habit is more controlled than regular Morning Glories making it suitable for growing in trellised containers. Can also be used as a groundcover or as a traditional climber.

2861 Morning Glory, Lazy Luxe Mix

N. peregrinum Has canary yellow flowers that resemble a bird flying. Annual | Ht. 2m/7ft | 12-15 sds/gm.

Pkt (±24-30sds) $2.25 | 10g $4.25 | 25g $6.95 100g $21.95


Interesting marbled foliage with single flowers in the full colour range. Can be used as a rambler for on the ground or grown on supports.

Annual | Ht. 1-2m/3-7ft | 30-50 sds/gm.

Pkt (±25-30sds) $1.95 | 250sds $4.75 1Msds $11.95

Annual | Ht. 2m/7ft | 5-10 sds/gm.

Pkt (±10-15sds) $2.25 | 250s $6.95 | 1Ms $21.75

2862 Morning Glory, Persian Star

2864 Morning Glory, Cameo Elegance

Drought Tolerant

2867 Nasturtium, Jewel of Africa

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

2866 Nasturtium, Canary Bird Vine

Cutflower Use

Climbers 119


Ornamental Grasses Grasses have become popular as accents in the garden, and as fillers in cut & dried flower arrangements. Our list includes popular seed varieties for both purposes. Some are also suitable for containers. Culture: Best started in large plugs. For accent plants start indoors 6-8 weeks before outdoor planting.

2880 Sweet Peas, Royal Family Choice Mix

65 Aintree

Scarlet Runner Bean


Sweet Peas



Annual | Ht. 2m/7ft | 300-350 sds/lb.

Annual | Ht. 1.5-2m/5-7ft | 10-12 sds/gm.

Aintree produces 30cm/12” long, 2.5cm/1” wide, medium dark beans with great flavour and lower fibre. Its scarlet red flowers stand out making it an excellent flowering climber.

This strain was developed to withstand hot, dry summers. Wide range of colourful, bright and beautiful flowers. Plant early in good soil or in your greenhouse.

Pkt (±15g) $2.25 | 50g $3.95 | 125g $8.45 450g $24.50

Pkt (±50-60sds) $1.95 | 25g $4.95 | 100g $13.95 450g $44.50



Annual | Ht. 2m/7ft | 300-350 sds/lb.

Annual | Ht. 1.5m/5ft | 10-12 sds/gm.

Beautiful salmon-pink flowers, blooms in profusion. An improvement over Sunset. Celebration has edible beans that grow to 25cm/ 11”. Try it with #71 Emerite bean for a purple and coral flower colour combination.

Zone -zone variety may be hardy to Ht. - mature plant height sds/gm - average amount of seeds per gram M - Thousand Seeds; Sds - Seeds Pel - Pellets

A lovely mix of very old varieties that have exceptional heat resistance and highly scented flowers. The varieties were developed between 1699 and 1907 and feature a wide range of colours, bi-colours, and stripes.

Pkt (±15g) $2.25 | 50g $3.95 | 125g $8.45

Pkt (±40-48sds) $2.25 | 25g $5.75 | 100g $15.95

2838 Setaria Max


Setaria italica Bronze-brown spikes (3-8” long) add interest to casual cutflower arrangements. Foliage is green in summer and turns an attractive burgundy in fall. The seedheads are also desired by birds. Direct seed throughout summer for continuous use.

2945 Thunbergia, Blushing Susie


2885 Sweet Peas, Old Spice Mix

Also known as the Black Eyed Susan Vine. A shorter climber that can be used for a variety of purposes including hanging baskets, trellises, and as groundcovers. Grows in full sun or light shade. NEW

Annual | Ht. 150cm/60” | 300-400 sds/gm.

Pkt (±150-200sds) $1.95 | 5g $6.25 | 25g $22.95 100g $62.50


T. alata A balanced mix of orange, yellow, and white, some with dark eyes. Perfect plant size for container trellising, hanging baskets, or ground cover. Replaces fieldgrown mix of orange shades. Annual | Ht. 1.8m/6ft | 30-40 sds/gm.

Pkt (±15-20sds) $2.65 | 2g $6.25 | 10g $17.75


Beloved classic updated to varying shades of red. Can be used as a groundcover, or as a traditional climber, but is well behaved for trellising in large containers. Annual | Ht. 1.8m/6ft | 30-40 sds/gm.

Pkt (±10-15sds) $4.95 | 50s $8.75 |250s $33.95

120 Climbers

Easy to Grow

2940 Thunbergia, Sunrise Formula Mix

Grows in Sun

2870 Celebration

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade


2838-1 Isolepis, Fibre Optics

2841 Zea, Field Of Dreams



I. cernua Fun compact grass with tiny ball-like flowers on the ends. Adds texture to containers, in water gardens, or as an indoor plant. Prefers shady conditions, although it will grow in full sun with adequate moisture. Annual | Ht. 20cmm/8” | Multi-Seed Pellets.

Pkt (±20-25pel) $2.25 | 250pel $6.95 NEW


Setaria macrocheata Light-green fuzzy spikes (3-6”long) for use as filler in cutflower bouquets. Direct seed throughout the summer for continuous use. Also attractive to birds Annual | Ht. 150cm/60” | 350-450 sds/gm.

Pkt (±700-900sds) $1.95 | 10g $5.75 | 25g $14.95


M. nerviglumis The silky blooms begin as deep rose, unfold to delicate pink, and shimmer in the autumn sun. They are useful in flower arrangements: dried or fresh. Cooler temperatures add a red tinge to the foliage.

Annual | Ht. 35cm/14” 75cm/30” at bloom| 1000-2000 s/g.

Pkt (±20-25sds) $2.95 | 100sds $5.95 500sds $20.75

2842 Millet, Purple Majesty

Z. mays Ornamental Corn. New dwarfer, bushier version of Zea japonica for use as a focal point in gardens and in large containers. Has fresh looking green foliage with cream stripes that are tinged with pink. Pretty in flower arrangements, it also keeps its colour when submerged in glass vases. Replace at mid-end summer with fall foliage. Annual | Ht. 100cm/40” | 4-6 sds/gm.

Pkt (±8sds) $4.95 | 25sds $9.95 | 100sds $20.75


AAS Gold Medal Winner 2003. The plants have striking purple/burgundy foliage. Plants branch from the bottom making multiple side stems. The immature seed spikes can be used in dramatic flower arrangements, or left on the plants for birds to eat. Annual | Ht. 100-150cm/40-60” | 75-115 sds/gm.

Pkt (±7sds) $4.75 | 50sds $16.95 |250sds $69.75


2839 Lime Millet

J. effusus A member of the rush family. Twirly curly blades give a novel texture to planters or water gardens. Also great for containers or front of garden planting. Zone 6 | Ht. 25cm/10” | Pelleted Seed.

Pkt (±20-25pel) $2.75 | 100pel $6.25 500pel $23.95


Lagurus ovatus Bunny Tails. An ornamental grass valued for its silky plumed heads which are attractive in the garden and in dry flower arrangements. Rubbed seed. Annual | Ht. 30cm/12” | 1000-2000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±250-500sds) $1.95 | 2g $3.25 | 5g $5.25 2842-1 Juncus Spiralis

2840 Melinis, Savannah

Drought Tolerant

2846 Fountain Grass in mixed bed

2843 Lagurus, Hare’s Tail

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

Cutflower Use

Grasses 121


2835 Rainbow


2843-1 Nassella, Ponytails

2844 Oryza, Black Madras



Cortaderia selloana White Feather. A spectacular specimen plant with long reed-like stems bearing silky- white flower plumes in the second year. The plumes can be used for drying if cut before fully developed. Best treated as an annual in our climate - except on the West Coast.

Nassella tenuissima A semi-hardy ornamental grass with bristles that resemble fair-coloured ponytails. Good for mass plantings or containers. Overwinters in mild climates. Annual | Ht. 40cm/16” | 1500-3000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.25 | 250sds $4.95 1Msds $12.75

Annual | Ht. 2-2.8m/6-8” | 4000-6000 sds/gm.

Pkt (±200-250sds) $1.95 | 1Msds $3.95 5Msds $7.95


O. sativa Ornamental Rice. Chocolate foliage is good contrast in containers and garden beds. Showy plants grow easily in full sun with plenty of moisture.


Festuca glauca Dense mounded clumps of blue grey foliage for unusual colour in your landscape for borders and containers. Part shade to full sun.

Annual | Ht. 40cm/16” | 25-30 sds/gm.

Pkt (±25-30sds) $2.35 | 5g $4.95 | 25g $12.50


Pennisetum setaceum Its graceful, arching, reddish flower plumes make it an attractive accent plant. The plumes are valuable for cutting and drying. A half-hardy perennial, best treated as an annual in our climate. Clean Seed. Pkt (±40-50sds) $2.25 | 250sds $5.95 1Msds $13.95

122 Grasses




2849 Little Blue Stem


Pkt (±200-250sds) $1.95 | 1Msds $3.25 5Msds $8.95

Pkt (±400-600sds) $1.95 | 5g $3.25 | 25g $8.75

Easy to Grow

Small, decorative dark red ears. 1-2” wide by 2-3” long ears with small red kernels that resemble large strawberries. Also suitable for making popcorn. Pkt (±15g) $2.95 | 100g $8.95 | 450g $21.95

Perennial| Ht. 30cm/12” | 800-1000 sds/gm.

Perennial | Ht. 90cm/36” | 400-600 sds/gm.

2848 Blue Fescue


Long, full cobs with many different variations in kernel and husk colours. 25cm/9-10” cobs Pkt (±15g) $2.95 | 100g $9.75 | 450g $22.95 2kg $66.50 | 5kg $149.50

Schizachyrium scoparium Attractive bronzered fall foliage. An excellent specimen for dried flower arranging. Little Blue Stem is a native prairie grass.

Annual | Ht. 70cm/28” | 600-800 sds/gm.

2846 Pennisetum, Fountain Grass

2847 Pampas Grass, White Feather

Once the main type of corn grown in North America, it is now grown for ornamental and decorative uses. A member of the grass family. Culture: Needs to be planted in spring after soil is warm and chance of frost is past. Isolate from sweet corn. Pick when husks turn light brown and kernels are hard. Do not over fertilize. Pkt sows approx. 50ft of row; 125g sows approx. 250ft; 500g sows approx. 1000ft; 2.5kg/acre.

Grows in Sun

Uniform 4” ears with bright multi-coloured kernels. No two ears the same. Husk colour ranges between maroon and off white. Great for fall decorations and roadside sales. Pkt (±15g) $2.95 | 100g $9.75 | 450g $28.95

2834 Strawberry

2836 Wampum

2850 Small Sorts

2853 Birdhouse

Grows in Part Sun

Grows in Shade


Gourds have become popular for Thanksgiving and fall ornaments both in Europe and North America. The plants varied in size as did their fruits. These are useful for fall displays, for flower arranging, and can be grown vertically as trellis vines for summer screening. Approx. 4-10 sds/gm. 2850 SMALL SORTS FORMULA MIX

Easy and fast to grow. Can be grown to climb up a trellis. A fine selection of shapes and colours. Matures in 95 days. Pkt (±8-20sds) $2.25 | 10g $4.95 | 25g $8.95


More vigourous and day neutral than our previous variety. Also called Dishcloth Sponge: a natural sponge, easy to grow. Use a trellis or fence for the best shaped luffas and cut back vines if they grow longer than 4.5m/15ft. Matures in 105 days. Pkt (±3-8sds) $3.25 | 2g $5.45 | 10g $19.75 25g $38.95 | 100g $125.95


Large, round bottom with smaller upper section. Harvest when it turns white. Suitable for painting. 25-30cm/10-12” in length. Matures in 125 days. Pkt (±12-30sds) $2.95 | 10g $5.75 | 25g $9.95 100g $27.95 | 450g $84.95


A mixture of small, multi-coloured gourds. All have scalloped or thorn-like protrusions on the blossom ends. Matures in 95 days. Pkt (±8-20sds) $2.25 | 10g $5.25 | 25g $8.95


Very unusual gourd mix, perfect for autumn decorations. Goblin eggs matures earlier than most other gourds so it is better suited for growing in northern regions. Shaped like large goose eggs in a wide variety of bi-colours and solids with flecks. Excellent item for kids to grow. Matures in 85 days. Pkt (±10-15sds) $3.45 | 150sds $13.95

Grass Seed

At William Dam Seeds, the grass varieties used in our mixtures produce higher quality, better colour, and longer lasting lawns due to increased vigour, and disease and bug resistance. The cultivars in these mixtures meet and exceed government standards for purity and germination. We do not use any fillers or annual ryegrass in our mixtures so the seed you get is 100% good lawn grass seed.

Seeding Instructions:

Apply seed in Spring or Autumn when soil temperature is around 15°C (60°F) . The best time for maximum germination is mid August to mid September when soil is warm, nights are cool, dews are heavy and weeds are not as vigorous. New Seeding: Do not apply starter fertilizer. It can burn young seedlings. For small areas apply seed by hand. For larger areas use a fertilizer spreader, apply in two passes using half the rate of application per pass - one at right angles to the other in a crisscross pattern for complete coverage. Use a low spreader setting. You should see approximately 2-3 seeds in a square inch (approximately 2.5 x 2.5 cm). Use an empty lawn roller to press the seed in to the soil or rake lightly with a leaf rake. Grass seed needs soil contact to germinate and should be covered by no more than 7mm (¼”) of soil (If the seed is buried any deeper than this, it will have trouble emerging from the soil. Burying the seed is a common reason for poor lawn establishment.) Over Seeding: Fill bare areas with a good topsoil/ triplemix blend. Spread a little seed in each area and lightly rake in.

Fine Lawn Blends

500 EVERGREEN MIXTURE: Common Grass mixture for sun and shade. (Not certified seed)

Contains: 40% Kentucky Blue, 35% Creeping Red Fescue, 15% Turf Type Perennial Rye, 10% Hard Fescue. Seeding Rate: 1 kg per 1000 sq.ft

450g $6.95 | 2kg $20.95 | 4kg $36.95 10kg $78.95 | 22.5kg 121.95**

508 LOW MAINTENANCE MIX A premium mix for large country lots. Low maintenance varieties for owners who cannot water or spray large areas.

Contains: Certified- 10% Hard Fescue, 30% Creeping Red Fescue, 30% Kentucky Bluegrass, 30% Turf type Perennial Ryegrass. Seeding Rate: 1.5 kg per 1000 sq.ft

2851 Luffa

450g $9.85 | 2kg $34.85 | 4kg $60.95 10kg $108.75 | 22.5kg 195.75**

510 SHADY HOLLOW MIX A blend for the areas that are too shady for usual grass seed mixes.

Contains: Certified - 55% Creeping Red Fescue, 15% Hard Fescue, 15% Turf Type Perennial Ryegrass, 15% Kentucky Bluegrass. Seeding Rate: 1 kg per 1000 sq.ft 2854 Crown of Thorns

Drought Tolerant

A2854 Goblin Eggs

450g $10.45 | 2kg $36.75 | 4kg $64.25 10kg $114.75 | 22.5kg $206.50**

Cold Tolerant

Container Use

509 No-Mow Blend

Alternative Lawn Blends

506 ECO-ALTERNATIVE LAWN MIX An ecological mix combining hardy grass varieties, legumes, and yarrow. Makes for a dense lawn that withstands mowing and foot traffic, plus it stays greener under drought and heat. As our customers requested, this is a mix that does not die off in the middle of the summer and can withstand grubs and chinch bugs. For best results, seed in spring or late summer. Seeding Rate: 3/4 kg per 1000 sq ft.

450g $11.75 | 2kg $39.75 | 4kg $66.95 509 No-MOW BLEND Many customers have been asking for a grass blend that can be sown and left unmowed. We have been trialed such a mix in past seasons with excellent results. No-MOW is a blend of fine fescues that form mounds when left unmown. Wildflowers can be added to this, as the fescues will not choke out the wildflowers.

Contains: 35% Chewing Fescue, 25% Hard Fescue, 30% Creeping Red Fescue, 10%Sheeps Fescue. Seeding Rate: 2 kg per 1000 sq ft.

450g $10.95 | 2kg $39.85 | 4kg $69.75 10kg $124.75 | 22.5kg $225.95**

Pasture Blends

512 MEADOW & PASTURE BLEND This is the mix for the back acre or animal pastures which can be left to go wild or cut once or twice a month. Economical and tolerant to poor soils. Our mix contains hardy grasses that do not contain any endophytes. This mix can also be used as an all-grass hay. Contains. 25% Certified Tall Fescue, 15% Certified Forage perennial rye grass, 20% creeping red fescue, 30% certified Timothy, 10% Kentucky Blue. Seeding rate: 2 kg per 1000sqft

450g $8.75 | 2kg 30.50 | 4kg $54.95 10kg $95.85 | 22.5kg $171.95 **

**Extra Shipping Charges are based on province and postal code region. See order form for pricing.

Cutflower Use

Grasses 123

Seed Starting & Growing Supplies

Jiffy Peat Pots

I nexpensive pots made of compressed peat. Ideal for growing plants that do not take well to transplanting such as beans, melons, cucumber, etc... Plant pot directly into garden as the roots grow right through the pot with no transplant shock. OMRI listed for Organic Farming. Size




Plug Tray

Increase uniformity and productivity while reducing transplant shock. Widely used in commercial production. Durable construction eliminates need for separate trays. Reusable. P-200 Used to start most vegetables and flowers that will need transplanting to larger containers.


2 1/4" square


5.25 18.50


2 1/4" round


4.25 17.50

P-128 Used to start plants that will be transplanted direct into the field in 6 weeks.


3" round


6.95 24.50

Each tray has 128 cells: 1 1/4” w x 2” deep

7.65 32.50

Price for each of the above: 5 for $16.95 | 25 for $62.95 | 100 for $235.00 *OV FOR 100 SIZE


3" square


Jiffy Strips

Each tray has 200 cells: 7/8” w x 1 3/4 deep

10 - 1 3/4"sq. pots combined into one strip, 2 x 5 pots long. 5 strips fit into heavy duty propagating trays. P-5 5 strips $3.95 | 10 strips $6.95 25 strips $12.95 | 100 strips $35.00

JIffy carrying tray for use with the 3 inch square jiffy pots. Fits 18 pots in

one tray. P-7 5 for $15.25 | 10 for $28.50 25 for $69.25 | 100 for $274.95 *OV FOR 100 SIZE

Strong and durable. This webbed tray is made from heavy grade black plastic. We have found this to be the most durable of the bedding plant flats. It is made to hold the plastic plant cellpaks and plug sheets. L=50cm/21.5” x W=25cm/11” H=5cm/2”

P-120 5 for $8.75 | 10 for $15.50 25 for $33.00 | 100 for $118.50 *OV FOR 100 SIZE


Made from high density white plastic that is reusable year after year. Excellent for holding jiffy pots, trays, and pellets. Solid construction: without drainage holes. P-121 5 for $10.25 | 10 for $18.50 25 for $42.95 | 100 for $152.95 *OV FOR 100 SIZE

Planting Cell-Paks

Plug Sheets



L=50cm/21.5” x W=25cm/11” H=5cm/2”

Easy to use, will not break apart like cell packs. Needs a propagating tray for support. Reusable.

carrying tray for 3” sq. jiffy

Propagating Trays

S-98 98 Cells 1 3/8” w x 1 5/8” deep S-72 72 Cells 1 5/8” w x 2 3/8” deep S-38 38 Cells 2 1/4” w x 2 3/8” deep Price for each of the above: 5 for $8.25 | 25 for $33.50 | 100 for $120.00 *OV FOR 100 SIZE

These planting cell-paks are ideal for starting many vegetable and flower seedlings indoors. The design of the cell is such that it provides the maximum soil and root capacity with ease of transplanting for minimal root disturbance. Fits into propagating trays. P-101 Excellent for seed starting. 10 sections x 1 cell. Cell size 4 1/2” x 5 1/2"

P-804 Made for larger root plants such as geraniums, tomatoes, etc. 8 sections x 4 cells. Cell size 2 1/2” x 2 1/4"

P-806 All purpose cell-pak 8 sections x 6 cells. Cell size 2 1/4” x 1 1/2"

P-106 Smaller than P-806, but still big enough for most applications where space is limited. 10 sections x 6 cells. Cell size 1 3/4” x 1 1/2"

Price for each of the above: 5 sheets for $7.50 | 10 sheets for $12.95 25 sheets for $25.25 | 100 sheets for $89.00 *OV FOR 100 SIZE

Geranium Pots

4” sq. green plastic pots made from pure, high grade plastic resin. Strong and durable for years of use.

Tray Covers

High grade natural fibre trays. Trays breathe naturally unlike plastic packs, improving the root structure. Sturdy construction.

A clear plastic tray cover made to fit propagating trays. Designed like a greenhouse to retain heat and moisture to give an ideal environment for starting and growing seedlings. Made from nonyellowing poly vinyl.

L=7.5” x W=4 3/4” x D=2 3/4”

Fits trays L=50cm/20” x W=25cm/11”

Fibre Trays

P-6 10 for $4.95 | 25 for $8.75 100 for $25.95 *OV FOR 100 SIZE

124 Accessories


2 for $5.95 | 5 for $14.50 25 for $59.25

Standard size 4” wide x 4” high

P-8 10 for $4.95 | 25 for $10.95 50 for $19.75


* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing

Plant Prod

An all-purpose fertilizer designed for use with sterilized soiless planting mediums, such as our seeding mix P-23, where organic fertilizers do not work (as they require soil enzymes to interact with). Water soluble. 4705-1 500g concentrate $9.75

Growing Soils **Please note, three or more bags of soil have an extra shipping charge. See double-asterix category on shipping chart on order form.


Premium seeding mix. This is the mix we use for all our plug seeding needs. It is a fine ground mix especially for seeding. We have not found any other mix as good for seeding. Based on a commercial plug mix. Ready-to-use, sterile mix. P-23 28L $9.95

PREMIER ORGANIC GROWING MIX A uniform and consistent organic mix that is certified for use in organic production. Formulation of peat, composts, and natural fertilizers. PH balanced. Ready-to-use, sterile mix. OMRI Certified. P-25 28L $10.95

Seed starting heat mat

Perfectly sized (20" x 10") to fit under all standard growing flats and seedling trays. This 17 watt, 120v water resistant mat elevates the temperature of your seeding medium by 5-7C above room temperature for faster germination and stronger plant roots of heat loving plants. CSA approved. HM-1 $28.50


This is the same mix used by professionals. We have used this mix for over 15 years for our own greenhouse with great results. It is the perfect soil-less mixture of peat, vermiculite, perlite, lime and a long lasting wetting agent. Designed to allow the right amount of air/water ratio for healthy roots. P-26 28L $7.95


A great soil conditioner that aids in aeration and water holding capacity. It can help to prevent soil compaction, especially in containers. P-27 9L $8.50

Hand Care Products

Helpful for caring for your hands before and after gardening. Used and recommended by our staff. Made in Canada with natural ingredients.


Protective beeswax handcream provides an effective barrier between soil and skin. Also a great moisturizer. Water based. GC $5.25


minisem Seed Sower

An inexpensive seeding aid that makes the job easier. Adjustable for most seed sizes. Useful for smaller seeds. Made of durable plastic. 4800 $2.95

Used and recommended by our staff. Contains lanolin, aloe vera, vitamin E, pumice, and vegetable matter base. Effectively removes dirt and grease from your hands, while moisturizing. SP-1 $2.75


The Hand Therapy Kit is a wonderful gift for the gardeners in your life. Contains the above cream, soap, and a sturdy nail cleaning brush. HTK $10.95


Expanded natural volcanic rock material which absorbs moisture. It is ideal for plants requiring moderate to high moisture levels and is used as a starter base when taking cuttings. P-28 9L $8.25

Jiffy 7 Pellets

When placed in water the pellet expands into a growing medium in its own net pot. Plant and pellet can be transplanted together reducing transplant shock. Blend of peat, wood fibre, and nutrients. Expanded size: 1 1/2" x 2" high J-7 25 pellets $5.50 | 75 pellets $14.50 | 250 pellets $37.00 | 1000 pellets $120.00


A must have for the avid gardener! Designed with a soft squeeze bulb which uses the vacuum principle to pick up and hold seeds one at a time on its tip for easy planting. Reduces seed wastage and eliminates the need for thinning of young plants. Especially makes sowing small seeds much simpler! Comes with three colour coded needles for use with different sized seeds. 4900 $20.25 NEW

* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing

Garden Gloves


These gloves have a breathable cream knit liner covered with a waterproof green latex coating on the palm and fingers. Great for picking squash, cucumbers, zucchini, and general garden work. Commercial quality. 6004 Small (youth) $6.25 6005 Medium $6.25 6006 Large $6.25

Accessories 125

Watering Tools

Premium Garden SprinKLER

A worthwhile investment. Developed in Australia, where water conservation is very important. The water is sprayed in an almost horizontal arc to reduce evaporation and works from 15psi to 60psi. It is made of durable Polypropylene. We have used it for years in our gardens and find it extremely simple to use. The gear drive sprinkler is very quiet and easily adjustable from a small angle to full circle spray. It is handy for small city yards, but also covers up to a 21.6m/72ft diameter. Has a quick connect attachment. GS $38.75

Dramm Professional WaND

High quality polished aluminum wand with part padded 30” handle and brass shut off. Attaches to any 1/2” hose. We use this wand in our greenhouses. It will provide years of leak proof use. The water breaker has a stainless steel insert to reduce wear. Perfect gift for the avid gardener. Lifetime Guarantee. PWW-1 $33.25

Dramm Redhead Water BREAKER

Dramm Touch-N-Flow VALVE

Ideal addition to a watering wand. A leveractivated valve instantly stops the water flow when the lever is released. Comfortable cushion grip feels like an extension of your hand. Allows for higher water flow than comparable trigger valves. Professional Quality! TNF-1 $10.95

Dramm Revolver

This is a durable, non battery timer for duration watering. Very simple to use – just turn the dial to the number of minutes desired (up to 120) and let it go. High quality plastic, does not leak in our trials. Lifetime Guarantee. TMR-1 $12.95

126 Accessories

Softest flow of any water breaker that we have tested while still offering enough water volume. Perfect for all watering needs, especially for young seedlings. Stainless steel screen for years of reliable use. RWB-1 $11.95

Dramm Brass Shut-Off Valve

With nine spray patterns and heavy duty construction, this is a great tool for every gardener. Easy to use quick-click pattern changing design. Lifetime Guarantee. REV-1 $11.95

Dramm Water Timer

Dramm MistING HEAD

Solid brass attachment for misting seeding beds while seeds are germinating. Provides a light but steady mist. MH-1 $8.25

This is the industry standard shut-off valve. Designed to give years of trouble free use. We found this item to be superior to all the others we tried. Professional Quality! BS-1 $17.95

Dramm Brass Quick DisCONNECT

Eliminate the hassles of switching hoses and accessories. The high quality brass construction provides leak free operation. It connects and disconnects by simply pulling the collar back. We have been using these professional quality disconnects in our greenhouses for years. BQD-1 $15.25


If you have ever been aggravated by a hose that kinks, ends that fall off, or bulges under stress, this hose is for you. Dramm has formulated a super-duty hose for consumers from its professional greenhouse line of watering equipment. Built with multi-layer, fibre reinforced EPDM rubber ensuring a “crackless” hose cover resistant to abrasion and weathering. Resists kinking, hot water +71C, cold temperatures, and staying flexible down to -32C. It really is tough! We have driven over the ends with tractors, and pulled over 300 feet of hose without the nickel plated ends coming loose or crushing. Also works great in horse barns where it has outlasted other hoses. Bright yellow colour, so you can’t lose it in the grass. Inside diameter 5/8”. Lifetime Guarantee. PRH-1 5/8” x 50’ $59.95*

* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing


DR-1 2 Litre Watering Can

Chapin has been making sprayers since NEW 1903. Their sprayers are made from the best available materials and exceed the most exacting industry standards. Each sprayer must pass strict quality control standards before leaving the plant. All are made with high density polyethylene with ultra-violet inhibitors, which allow for excellent durability and ultra-violet protection. Quality made and with proper care should last a lifetime.

HAND HELD SPRAYER DR-2 5 Litre Watering Can

Dramm Watering Cans

Dramm produces what we feel to be the best watering cans on the market. They put detail into finishing and usability of their products. Having used them in our gardens for years, we have found several features that make them exceptional: split handle for comfortable carrying, wide opening to allow for easy mixing of fertilizer, and quality high grade, durable plastic. Lifetime Guarantee. DR-1 2 litre with long spout; perfect for houseplant watering or outdoor use. $19.75 * DR-2 5 litre has extra long spout and detachable nozzle with plastic rose. Applies water to plants in a gentle rain-like pattern. $26.50 * DR-3 7 litre traditional can with detachable plastic soft rain nozzle. $29.95 * *Extra Shipping Charges are based on province and postal code. See order form for pricing.

48oz/1.4 litre. High-density polyethylene tank is UV resistant. Powered by a piston pump for easy pressurization. Great for misting seedlings or spot spraying for disease or pest control Comes with a poly, adjustable, cone pattern nozzle. SPR-1 $11.25


2 gallon/7.6 litre. Has a SureSpray Anti-Clog Filter and a large 4” cap opening that makes filling and clean up safe and easy. Is equipped with quality Viton® seals and gaskets. Comes with a comfort grip handle that locks for fatigue-free spraying, 20” spray wand, flat fan nozzle, poly adjustable nozzle, and adjustable brass nozzle. SPR-2 $36.95

Drip Equipment

No other means of watering is as easy and water efficient as drip irrigation. It moistens the soil slowly and thoroughly by means of a small trickle of water that is emitted through specially designed drippers. The entire system works on very low pressure: 15lbs and a normal well with a garden hose can water over 1000ft at a time. These plastic tubing and connectors are widely used in large scale commercial operations. Black plastic drip tubing has implanted emitters every 12”. We are offering it in a kit form and as extending parts. The hook-up is very simple and requires few tools: the only items you need are a drill, screw driver, and an old 1/2” hose. 5025 Kit $35.95 Kit includes: 250ft of drip tubing (6 mil 5/8” diameter), 10 barb connectors, and instructions. Additional Parts: DT-1 250ft of drip tubing $23.75 BC-1 10 Barb connectors $14.95 BC-1 25 Barb connectors $28.50 BC-1 100 Barb connectors $95.00

PROFESSIONAL BACKPACK SPRAYER 4 gallon/15.1 litre commercial duty sprayer for extended use. This sprayer has a large piston style pump that makes pressurizing quick with less pumping. Pump can be positioned for either left or right handed use. The internal 4 position spray valve allows for expert pressure control from 15psi to 60psi. It has an easy operating spray handle with a continuous spray feature - can be locked to reduce fatigue. Large 4” fill cap opening. Sprayer includes a 4ft hose, 20” spray wand, adjustable cone and fan nozzles, a brass nozzle, and padded shoulder straps for fatigue-free operation. SPR-3 $81.25

Barb Connector Drip Tubing DR-3 7 Litre Watering Can

SPR-1 Hand Held Sprayer

SPR-1 Hand Held Sprayer

* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing

SPR-3 Professional Backpack Sprayer

Accessories 127

Hand Tools

Leather Field Sheath

Field Grower Knives

These are high quality, stainless steel knives preferred by the vegetable industry. We have tested these knives and found them to be very durable and tough.

Heavy duty 13" leather sheath fitted for both the Field knife and the Produce Knife. Attaches with a belt loop. LFS $9.95 | 10 or more $7.95

L=16” x W=7” x D=1 1/4”


The ideal knife for cutting and processing Broccoli, Cabbage, Lettuce, and various other vegetables. Rounded top blade is made from thick stainless steel, making it easy to clean and rust free. Will not break or bend under stress. Durable, non-slip molded handle is yellow for ease of locating. 12" long, 7" blade. FK $9.95 | 10 or more $7.85


Durable multi-purpose knife: use it instead of borrowing the good kitchen knife. Sharp stainless steel blade extends through the handle making for an almost indestructible knife. 13” long, 8" blade. PK $10.95 | 10 or more $8.85

Kneeling Pad

Thick vinyl covered foam cushion ensures comfort while kneeling. Thicker and stronger than many of the other types. PAD $11.50

Small Knife & Holster

Especially designed for cutting flowers and vegetables. Made of tough Solingen (German) stainless steel with a comfort designed plastic handle. Holsters are sturdy, 100% leather, and made in Canada. KV-1 KNIFE $7.95 HS-1 HOLSTER $9.75


Heavy duty dual purpose gardener kneeler. Can be used as a kneeler or flipped over and used as a seat. Sturdy, lightweight, and portable. Constructed of durable tubular steel with a tough powder coat finish and a thick padded foam kneeler/seat. Folds flat for storage. L=20” x W=12” x H=20”

KN-1 $26.75

Serrated Bunching Knife

Developed in Japan for harvesting parsley, however, we find it indispensable for harvesting cutflowers. An extremely sharp pull knife that is ideal for cutting stems where basic knives and scissors do not work well. Stainless steel hook blade attaches to a round plastic handle. Field grade. SBK $9.95 | 10 or more $7.95

Bypass Pruner

Durable and economical- another great Dramm product! Stainless steel blade cuts woody stems up to 5/8” in diameter. Comfortable colourful rubber grips, ergonomically designed. BP $15.95

128 Accessories

Dramm Telescoping Lopper

Dramm has done it again, adding innovation to a standard garden tool: extendable handles that increase the reach from 24” to 31”. Just twist the handle to extend. It is a balanced, lightweight tool with a durable chrome plated, heat treated, steel blade and cushioned grips. Can cut stems and branches up to 1 ½” thick. LOP-1 $44.95

Lightweight Cutting Shears

GardenRITE Handtools

Polished, cast aluminum alloy handtools which will not bend, break, or rust. Features ergonomic design and vinyl coated handle for comfortable working. SG2A TROWEL $8.50 SG2D CULTIVATOR $8.50 SG2T TRANSPLANTER $8.50 GPS SCOOP $16.50

Bright Orange handles make them easy to find in the garden. Originally sold to the grape industry, but it has been adopted by greenhouse and nursery growers as well. For cutting flowers, herbs, light trimming of shrubs, and more. Sharp, high carbon steel blade. OS $14.95

* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing

Weatherproof Markers

JIF-1 $4.25 each

The weather proof marker for garden labels. Jiffy makes a marker that lasts all season in the garden. Fine point.

MAR-1 - $1.95 each

wooden pot and garden stakes

Produces a fine, clear mark which lasts up to 3 months. Waterproof. Fine point.

Environmentally friendly alternative to plastic stakes. These non-treated white pine stakes are great for indoor and outdoor use. At the end of the season, till them into the soil and they will biodegrade. Easy to write on with waterproof garden markers. (code WP)

Plastic Labels

Made of durable plastic for multi-season use (code PV)

Copper Plant Label Kit

10 copper plant markers packaged with wax pencil. Great gift idea! CLK $9.95

Velcro - One Wrap

Multi-purpose from the original makers of Velcro: use for tying tomatoes, beans, flowers and many other things. Does not cause damage like elastics, string, and wire do. Strong, reusable, and re-adjustable. 1/2" wide rolls. VL-1 30ft / 9M $3.65 VL-2 75ft / 22.7M $8.75









Heavy pot label (pink, ~5”)






Econo-pot label (white, ~5”)






Heavy pot 8” (White)






1x12” vertical (White)






12” T-stake (White)






Pot Label 6 x 5/8” (wooden)






Pot Label 8 x 5/8” (wooden)






Garden Stake 10 x 7/8” (wooden)






Garden Stake 12 x 1 1/8” (wooden)






All-Purpose Burlap

Burlap is commonly used to protect evergreens and shrubs from winter damage, but it also has other gardening purposes. We use burlap to keep moisture in the ground when carrots and other moisture loving seeds are germinating. It can serve as a shade cloth, for lawn erosion control especially when seeding slopes, and even for leaf toting. BUR-1 40” X 9.8ft / 1M x 3M $6.75 BUR-2 40” x 39ft / 1M x 10M $16.25

Plant Clips


Asian garden tool. This all-purpose tool is well balanced with a unique curved, tapered blade of hand forged steel with a wooden handle. Can be used to dig holes for planting, loosen soil around plants, dig weeds, thin out plants, make furrows for seeding, etc. Becoming popular in this country and used for centuries in Korea. EZ-T $14.95

Natural Jute Twine

Heavy duty garden twine is especially designed for horticultural use. All natural Jute. 3-4mm. TW-3 450ft Spindle $5.25

* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing

Quick-to-attach, re-usable, clear plastic clips. Widely used in the tomato industry, but can be adapted for use in multiple ways throughout your garden. Try using them to attach vines to netting, plants to stakes, twinkle lights to branches, etc... 2cm/3/4" diameter. PC 25 clips $1.85 | 100 clips $5.50 500 clips $17.00 | 1000 clips $30.00

Accessories 129


Sneeboer & Sons is a family business in the Netherlands that have been making their quality products since 1913. They specialize in forging artisan quality, stainless steel tools for market gardeners and for avid hobby gardeners. Their grandfather's philosophy that 'if you are going to do something, make sure you do it well' is one that echoes through our own company too. Having met the Sneeboers, we are even more delighted to be selling their products, confident that their products belong in our catalogue and in the hands of our customers. Their tools are produced fair-market style; completely made in a small Dutch town providing work for local citizens. This year, we are pleased to carry more of their product line. These tools are a once in a life-time purchase, made for gardeners who have a passion for gardening and good tools. Always made from quality stainless steel, individually shaped, polished, and sharpened by hand. The handles are produced from solid, European-made Ash fine wax coated wood. Anyone who has ever had a Sneeboer tool will never want to use anything else. Give yourself, or a fellow gardener, the lasting gift of a Sneeboer tool. Check their web-site for more information: www.sneeboer.com. *OV Note: Due to length of Long Handled tools, there is a $10.00 oversized shipping charge, this does not apply to Hand Tools.

Long Handled Tools *OV





Hand Tools

(A) TRANSPLANTING TROWEL Sharp rounded trowel highly recommended for planting, transplanting or re-potting. 30cm/12” length, blade 15cm/6” x 9cm/3.5” TRW $34.95 (B) HAND CULTIVATOR 3-tine cultivator. Great for aerating soil in beds, containers, soil-mixing bins. 27cm/11” length. TTC $37.25

Push Hoe (Scoffel) For ease of weeding. The blades are angled to slide across the soil's surface and slice the weed at the base of the soil. It will not disturb shallow plant roots or cause the spread of additional weed seeds. We use this tool for quick, efficient weeding between rows. We offer two blade widths with two handle variations. T-type handle: The traditional Dutch hoe, the angle is perfect to the blade and comfortable to hold. It gives maximum control. 155cm/62" long Knob handle: A new variation compared to the traditional, which we found comfortable to use without sacrificing control. 150cm/60" long Half Moon Pull-Hoe: English hoes are normally pull types, where Dutch use push types. This is the most comfortable pull hoe we have tested. The blade is shaped in a half moon with two sharp points for accurate hoeing. Comes with knob handle. Ridged Pull-Hoe: A solid hoe with 5" or 6” blade. It has a filled-in top with a ridge that allows soil to slide off the hoe instead of caking to it. The Pull Hoe can work through heavier soils, and quickly in open spaces, whereas the Half Moon Hoe is for more delicate, between plant work. Comes with a knob handle. Digging Fork: Ideal for heavy digging, this 4-tine digging fork is still heavy duty enough to NEW cope with digging over of the largest of beds. The 24cm/9” flat tines will slice through compact soil. Ash Handle with T-top. Overall length 117cm/47”. Garden Rake: Best garden rake for professional use. The 10 sharp 3” tines are only NEW 1” apart, allowing the rake to break up soil or collect debris quickly and efficiently. Head: 30cm/12”, overall length: 167cm/67”, ash handle with knob top.

(C) HAND HOE HALF MOON Traditional English hoe shaped in a half moon. Comfortable to use due to its ergonomic design (10cm/4” wide, 30cm/12” long). HM $35.95 (D) HAND HOE (Scrapel) Sealand model: Traditional Dutch hoe with a sharp end for close weeding or transplanting small plants, and a wide blade (14cm/5 1/2“) for good ground coverage. Specify left or right hand when ordering. SR (Right) $32.95 or SL (Left) $32.95 (E) DANDELION DIGGER Pronged tool lifts rosetted weeds such as dandelions, purslane, and plantain easily. DD $23.50 (F) PERENNIAL SPADE Has a rounded sharp blade for easy dividing and digging of perennials. The shorter (42cm/17”) handle makes it very useful for working at one height, you don’t have to stand up to dig and then get back down to divide and transplant. Also called a planting shovel. 56cm/22” total length. PS $46.50





Cat #


overall length

head size




5” Push Hoe with Knob handle






5” Push Hoe with T-handle






7” Push Hoe with Knob Handle






7” Push Hoe with T-handle





PHHM 6” Half Moon Pull hoe with knob handle







PHR-5 Long handled Ridged Pull hoe (knob handle)




D. LHC E. E.

130 Accessories


3 Prong long handled cultivator (knob handle)

PHR-6 Long handled Ridged Pull hoe (knob handle)





Digging Fork with T handle, 4 Tines 10” length





Garden Rake, 10 Tines 2” length, knob handle




* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing

4070 Hoss Wheelhoe

4070 Hoss Wheelhoe

Hoss Wheelhoe & Parts

Save time and energy weeding, furrowing, plowing and cultivating! Developed by gardeners in Georgia USA who were looking for old-fashioned quality garden tools - like the Planet Jr. line from the early 1900’s. This wheel hoe and accessories are faithful reproductions that are designed to give gardeners years of trouble-free use. All metal parts are powder coated steel. Manufactured in the USA.


Features Amish-crafted Hardwood handles (54.5”L x 1.5”W x 7/8” Thick). The 37.5cm/15” steel wheel is fitted with oil impregnated bronze bushings and dust covers and provides greater stability and a lower center of gravity than the high wheel cultivators. The ¼”-steel tool bar provides options of customizing the wheel hoe with implements to suit specific crops. Three cultivator teeth are included. 4070 $174.95**


Used in a pair they can be positioned to be used as a hiller or as a furrower. Can also be used separately. Plows are designed to be used in established gardens (soils that have already been worked). 10 3/8” Length Tip to Round edge, 5” Width, 8” wide when assembled in closed formation

4072 $41.00


General Purpose Hoe. Blade is sharpened on both sides. Hinge action oscillates 20 degrees for cutting action forward and backwards. 4073 $26.25


This kit converts your single wheel hoe to a double Wheel Hoe. It allows you to cultivate on both sides of the plant. The kit contains 2 dustcaps, axle, steel wheel, and lock washer. 4074 $63.95


Made of stamped steel and cast iron, easily adjusted for various row widths. They are designed for shallow cultivation so that feeder root damage does not occur while eliminating weeds. They can be turned inward for a stirrup-hoe set up to clean the middle of rows and can also be turned outward to eliminate weeds near plants without damage to the plant foliage. Single blade is approx. 6” in length. Sweeps come with factory edge that needs to be sharpened before use. 4071 $44.50

4074 Dble Wheel Hoe Kit

4073 8” Oscillating

JP-1 Jang Seeder

Jang Clean Seeder

NEW Versatile precision seeder. Perfect

for large gardens and small market growers. For years we have looked at and tested different seeders and the Jang Clean seeder is far superior to others. It is easy to operate, clean out, and switch sizes. It will accurately singulate very small seeds such as Arugula up to large seeds like Peas. Clear durable plastic 1litre hopper makes it easy to see remaining seed. The quick-release is convenient to empty and for changing rollers. Functions even with minimal seed in the hopper. Seed size gauge inside hopper lid allows for quick roller selection. Planting depth is controlled by plow height and adjusts with a single screw. Soil scrape plate covers the seed and rear wheel firms the bed. Six included sprockets may be arranged to regulate seed spacing. Push handle adjusts up and down and laterally for footpath operation.Comes with one MJ-12 roller that is good for seeding radish, cilantro, and onions.

JP-1 Jang Seeder RM-1 Row Marker 4072 Hoss Plow Set

4071 Sweeps Pair

$425.00* 98.00

Seed Size Rollers LJ-12 For larger beets, okra, and chard N-6 For beans and corn X-24 For onions, carrots, radishes, and kale. F-24 For spinach. XY-24 For lettuce and Chicory J-4 For Cucumbers B-12 For Peas Above Seed Size Rollers: $20.00 per roller

4074 Lil Double Wheel Hoe Assembled

DF Digging Fork

GR Garden Rake

* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing

Seed Rollers for Jang Seeder

Accessories 131

Mulches, Row Covers, & Netting


BioFilm is a 100% compostable and biodegradable film made from cornstarch for use in the vegetable, herb, and flower gardens. It prevents weed growth without using chemicals, retains moisture, and raises soil temperatures. This film “breathes” and biodegrades naturally in the soil. Certified for Organic Farming Bio-1 Bio-2

54” x 33ft $12.95 per box 4ft x 250 ft .5mil film $48.95

BioTelo - standard sizes used on vegetable farms. We found it easy to lay with standard plastic layers. .5 mil film - great for shorter season crops like cucumbers, zucchini, lettuce. Degrades in 2 months in average soil. Bio-3 48” x 6000 ft roll $465.25**OV .8 mil film - longer lasting for full season crops such as tomatoes, peppers, squash. Can also be used for overwintering when applied in fall. Breaks down in 3-4 months in average soil. Bio-4 48” x 4000 ft roll $507.25**OV

Plastic Mulches

Over the years we have found that plastic mulches greatly improve yields on vegetables. Plastic mulches have the ability to retain moisture and reduce weed competition close to the plant. This reduces stress on the plant providing a healthy plant. The IRT mulch increases soil temperature. 1 mil. thickness. 5022 BLACK MULCH The common mulch used for tomatoes, peppers, and cutflowers. 4ft x 50ft $11.95 | 4ft x 250ft $31.95 5023 IRT MULCH Allows the sun’s heat to penetrate mulch, increasing soil temperature. This is very important for vegetables, like melons and cucumbers, which prefer warm roots. Does not allow weeds to germinate. Retains heat at night. Perfect for short season areas. 4ft x 50ft $13.95 | 4ft x 250ft $38.50 *We also sell the Black and IRT Mulch in a 4000ft length roll, please contact us for a price

Black Mulch

132 Accessories

Insect Netting

Insect Netting

Agribon AG-19

Floating Row Covers


10g/.29oz Specifically designed for insect protection (such as striped cucumber beetle) and to keep birds off the plants. Agryl P-10 is an ultra-light polyspun row cover that has 2 main differences from AG-19: 1-little to no thermal affect and so it can be used throughout the growing season without heating the crop. 2- being light weight it does not need to be supported with sensitive crops. Great for Organic Farming. 5021

Insect Netting

5.2’ x 50’



.45oz per yard Light weight row cover NEW for insect protection and pollination control. Made from Spunbonded polypropylene with UV stabilizers. Use supports such as wire hoops or loop hoops on sensitive plants. 90% light transmission. 5019

9’ 10” x 250’



9’ 10” x 1500’ $209.25

**OV **OV

Proteknet Ultimate Plus 25g. Keeps insects (as small as thrips and Swede Midge) off of your plants and allows air to travel through so that the plants do not become too hot. Made of synthetic knitted mesh, it allows for 89% light transmission and about 60% moisture transmission. It is UV resistant and lasts 1-3 seasons. Use with PVC hoops is recommended, as insects could lay eggs through the mesh if in contact with the plants. Also, the PVC hoops have a smoother surface than metal which prevents damage to netting. 0.0138” sq mesh, 0.35mm x 0.35mm. Approx. weight is 0.082oz/ft 2, 25g/m 2

Cat #



Ex Ship


6.9’ x 25’



6.9’ x 100’



6.9’ x 250’



6.9’ x 820’




14’ x 820’




15g/.55oz Light weight row cover for insect protection in spring and for protecting 1-2 degrees above outdoor temperature - mild frost protection. Best used in spring or fall, not summer. Great for improving germination and reducing insect damage. Made from spunbonded polyester with UV stabilizers. Use supports such as wire hoops or loop hoops on sensitive plants. 85% light transmission. Cat #



Ex Ship


83” x 25’



83” x 100’



83” x 250’




10’ x 500’




83” x 1500’




bundle of 25


14’ x 1000’




bundle of 100 $159.95


30’ x 1000’




30’ x 100’



PVC Hoops

PVC Hoops

Black 157cm/ 62” hoops for use with insect netting and floating row covers. Smoother surface than metal prevents damage to netting and fine cloth. ¼” diameter. $39.95

*OV **

Extra Shipping charges: *OV $10.00 oversized charge **OV UPS or Canada Post shipping; Contact our sales dept. for a price ***OV FedEx Freight Shipping; Contact our sales dept. for a price

* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing

Climbing Bean & Pea Netting




Widely used in commercial farming but also great for the home gardener. It comes in a 50' x 36" length of perforated clear plastic with 6 loop hoops. This tunnel system provides an ideal micro-environment for extending our seasons. 5024 $24.95 5024-1 $11.50 replacement plastic (50ft)

Tough and durable, UV stablilized, polypropylene mesh. Acts as a flexible support for any type of vining, climbing, long stem plant, or vegetable. Mesh is completely inert, and will not harm or burn plant stems. Large mesh holes (6” x 6”) 60” wide x 24ft long. 5000 60”x 24ft $10.25 5001 60” x 40ft $14.25 5002 60” x 1000ft $295.00*OV *OV

$10.00 oversized charge


Ground Staples

We use this netting to support our dwarf peas for improved picking and quality. Ideally sized and suited for supporting growth of all types of short vining plants. Clear mesh hides in any application. Handy 20” width makes for easy attachment for attachment to short stakes. Easy dispensing spool.

6” x 1” galvanized metal staples used to secure row covers and ground covers to the soil. Reusable and easy to install. FA-2 10 staples $2.95 FA-2 100 staples $21.50 FA-2 1000 staples $125.00

Mesh size: 1” x 3/4” x 20” high.

5003 5004

20” x 100ft 20” x 1000ft

$11.50 $97.95

Deer Away

Row Bags

Made of putrified eggs, this will keep away deer from foraging your plant-life. Effective for 3 months. Provides protection to plants, trees (including fruit), and shrubs from Mule Deer (black-tailed deer), White-tailed Deer, Whitetailed and Roosevelt Elk. Not for use on edible crops. OMRI Listed.

UV treated high density polyethylene bags with handles that can be used to secure row covers, insect netting, and tarps. They don’t damage or dirty the cloth. 27cm x 65cm (11” by 26”) green bags that can be filled with crushed stone. Lasts up to 7 years, and can be recycled then. 5027 5027-1 5027-2

Deer Barrier

Extremely tough and durable plastic fencing designed to keep deer and other animals out of gardens and orchards. Made from UV stabilized high strength polymer for multi year use. Use shears to cut. 1 ¼” x 1” mesh x 80” high. DB-1 25’ x 76” $50.35

2 Litre Kit (250ml concentrate & 250ml formula combines with water)

10 bags $14.95 25 bags $33.95 100 bags $133.95


2 Litre Kit



Loop Hoops

Short Pea Netting

Made from 6 gauge, galvanized steel wire. Holds row cover above fruits and vegetables reducing frost transfer to blooms. Increases yield at harvest. Quick tie design allows spacing Loop Hoops 10ft apart. The row cover is supported by twine and Loop Hoop. Simply circle the ‘Loop’ with twine and go. Tunnel collapse is a thing of the past! Dimesions: 16” wide x 21” high

LH LH-1 LH-2

10 Hoops 25 Hoops 100 Hoops

Revised, expanded edition. Eliot Coleman. Enjoy organic vegetables from your garden and greenhouse all year long. This book shares the knowledge that Eliot Coleman has gained on his year-round farm in Maine. 4049 8" x 10" 234 pages | line drawings and colour inserts | softcover $23.75

$19.25 $43.95* $157.95** Loop Hoops

* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing

Accessories 133

Organic Fertilizers & Pest Control

Carbon-Grown/Plant XL

Wegener’s Organic Fertilizers

A Canadian company with all natural, organic, 100% OMRI listed products. The fertilizers are scientifically blended with micronutrients and no fillers are added. They are also sterilized to a minimum of 375F/190C.


NPK Ratio 8-4-5. Formulated to provide valuable micronutrients to all parts of your garden. Slow release, non-burning formula. Derived from sterilized bone meal, sterilized feather meal, and sulfate. 2 kg covers 11 sq. m/119 sq. ft.


2 kg/ 4.4lb



Soil conditioner. Provides 60 trace minerals, 21 amino acids, alginates, and enzymes to stimulate and feed microorganisms in your soil. Covers 11 sq. m/121 sq. ft. 4727 2.7kg/5.94lbs $17.95

An all purpose concentrated beneficial soil enzyme mycorrhizae. Use when sowing of transplanting indoors or outdoors. Natural Granular. The presence of mycorrhizae increases the absorption capability of the root system and improves soil structure and microbial activity. It will continue to colonize plant roots throughout the soil as long as the host plant lives. Mycorrhizal plants show better growth and root development. It’s benefits are: more efficient acquisition of water and nutrients (particularly phosphorus, copper, zinc, and manganese), increased resistance to stresses related to transplanting, nutrition and drought, improved plant survival after planting into gardens and field soil, and increased crop vigour, plant quality and quantity of flowers/fruit. GAN-1

1.5 L (1.4qt)

Dose :

4724 4724-1

1 Litre per Acre / 200 litres water

500ml Liquid plant XL $14.25 1 Litre Liquid Plant XL $27.95

Compost accelerator

Myke garden soil Supplement

1 litre covers 40-60 sq ft or 20-30 plants

Plant XL™ is a liquid mixture of living soil bacteria, trace elements, humic acid and fulvic acid. Most of the families of bacteria belong to the compost type families and have been found to be a good match against many pathogenic organisms. Plant XL™ works by creating a competitive environment around the root zone (rhyzosphere). The bacteria in Plant XL™ deprive pathogenic organisms of food and keep a balance in the root system. Benefits include: properties that act as a natural chelating agent, transporting nutrients into the plant, stronger cell membranes and trap moisture better than plants grown without humic assistance, give plant protection from drought like conditions or if errors have been made during irrigation, roots that are exposed to humic substances grow better root hairs which are essential for optimal nutrient uptake. Plant XL™ can be used on a wide range of plants both in a greenhouse and field. It is a completely natural product and is accepted by many certification agencies.


Speed up the natural composting process. Contains concentrated enzymes and natural nutrients needed to break down organic matter such as leaves, grass clippings, kitchen waste into rich usable humus. Natural and safe to use. 4749 700g $11.95

Cal-Max Fertilizer

An excellent source of additional calcium, magnesium, and iron. Many customers have asked us about reducing blossom end rot in tomatoes and peppers. The number one cause is a deficiency of calcium and magnesium. Using Cal-Max in your regular feeding program will not only reduce blossom end rot, but also help eliminate leaf yellowing and premature bud drop. Can be used as a liquid feeding or a foliar spray. Dose : 8ml per gallon (3.79 Litre)

4725 4725-1

134 Accessories

1 Litre 4 Litre

$10.75 $35.95

Drammatic LIQUID Fertilizers

Dramm Corporation is an industry leader in water application products. They have also developed one of the best quality liquid fish and kelp-based fertilizers on the market, and have had them researched at industry respected North American universities. They use a cold process that allows natural enzymes to break down fresh fish so that the fertilizer contains all the natural oils and proteins. This product is called a hydrolysate. It breaks down slowly to become available to soil microbes over a long period of time. Scientific tests have shown hydrolysates to contain higher levels of micronutrients, amino acids, vitamins, hormones and enzymes than emulsion products. OMRI Listed. For more information please see www.fishfertilizer.com


NPK Ratio 2-5-0.2. Pure liquid fish that can be applied to the root zone or foliage. Suitable for organic crop production. (dilution 60 ml – 1 gal.)

4720 4720-1 4720-2

32 oz 1 gal / 3.8L 5 gal /19L

$11.95 $28.95 $91.50**


NPK Ratio 2-5-0.2. Naturally balanced complete plant food. This is an ideal blend for foliar fertilizing because the nutrients are in forms that are quickly absorbed by the plant. Although it can be used in the garden, this fertilizer does not depend on soil organisms to make the nutrients available. We use kelp and fish mix when transplanting our trials, and then as needed throughout the growing season. (dilution 60 ml – 1 gal.)

4729 4729-1 4729-2

32 oz 1 gal / 3.8L 5 gal /19L


$12.75 $31.95 $107.50**

Convenient hose end applicator for fish and kelp. Many hose end applicators do not work for thicker natural fish and kelp fertilizers. This applicator was developed by Dramm specifically for their natural fertilizers. We have used this product in our greenhouse, flower beds, and garden and have found it effective and easily refillable. Non-burning and will not over stimulate plant growth like synthetic fertilizers. NOP Compliant. 1 quart covers 3000sq/ft

4721 32oz $13.95

* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing

Natural Insecticides

The products listed here are made from natural ingredients. However, we do recommend that for Certified Organic Growers that you check with your own certifier to see if they allow use of these products before purchasing.


Pyrethrin is an all natural, very safe insecticide for controlling soft bodied insects including: leafhoppers, whitefly, spidermites, aphids, earwigs, brown scale, and caterpillars. Pyrethrin is derived from the Chrysanthemum plants. Both types we carry are very easy to use and can be applied up to the day of harvest. Our types do not contain piperonyl butoxide.

Safer's® END-ALL II

Extremely effective formula that kills all stages of aphids, mites, whiteflies, and the nymph - adult stages of thrips. Especially important in the greenhouse and the house where the life-cycle of the insects needs to be completely broken to gain adequate control. Active ingredients: 0.2% Pyrethrin and Palmarosa Oil. Dose: 20ml/litre

4743 4743-1

Contains two natural insecticides - pyrethrum extract and insecticidal soap. Leaves no harmful residue and can be used on vegetables, flowers, fruit and shrubs. Dose: 50ml/litre Due to pesticide ban in Ontario, Trounce cannot be sold to Ontario Residents. 500ml concentrate $14.50 1L concentrate $23.95 4L concentrate $85.95


Soaps are fatty acids, which are obtained in complex mixtures by saponifying plant or animal fats and oils. Do not confuse natural soaps with chemical detergents. Insecticidal soap is blended to concentrate the maximum bug killing power. Controls aphids, whitefly, spider mites, brown scale, and earwigs. Harmless to people and pets. Leaves no residue. 4745 250ml concentrate $8.95 4745-1 500ml concentrate $12.50 4745-2 1L concentrate $17.95




Formulated with pure Diatomaceous Earth. 4740 200g Dust 8.95


A diatomaceous earth product with a natural attractant to lure slugs and other crawling insects. Kills by contact and ingestion. 4741 200g Dust $9.50


500ml concentrate $15.25 4L concentrate $109.25

Safer's® TROUNCE

4744 4744-1 4744-2


Diatomaceous earth is made up of tiny, sharp edged diatoms which are special fossilized marine plants. Insects are physically very different from warm blooded animals. Instead of skin, they are protected by a hard but porous exo-skeleton covered with an oily, waxy substance which seals in body fluids. When the waxy outer surface is scratched or punctured by the tiny diatoms, the insect simply dries up and is killed mechanically, not chemically. Because the action of Diatomaceous Earth is physical, not chemical, it is impossible for insects to build up immunity against it.

Safer’s® A sulphur based fungicide used to control powdery mildew, rust, black spot, scab, blackknot, and certain mites. Can be used safely on fruits, vegetables, flowers, and bulbs. Also used to acidulate soil for acid-loving plants. May be used directly from container as a dust or mixed with water as a spray. 92% Sulphur. 4732 300g Dust $7.95


Safer’s® A concentrated liquid sulphur fungicide for disease control on vegetables, fruits, and ornamentals. Controls and prevents black spot, rusts, and powdery mildew. 12% Sulphur. 4746 500ml concentrate $12.50


Wettable powder fungicide spray for controlling anthracnose, blights, leaf spots, mildew and molds. Contains 53% Copper (Tribasic copper sulphate). 4711 200g concentrate $14.75


A liquid form of BT (Bacillus Thuringiensis), a bacterial organism which kills caterpillars. It is non-toxic to animals, beneficial insects, birds, or fish. It kills cabbage worms, cabbage loppers, tomato hornworms, spruce budworm, tent caterpillars, gypsy moths, and canker worms. Dose: 3ml/litre.




All natural borax based ant killer for use inside and outdoors. We have found this product to be very effective in eliminating ant colonies. Combines the active ingredient Borax with a special food bait. Ants pick up the bait and take it to their nests to feed the colony. The borax kills all the ants in the colony in about 7 days. 4734 240ml concentrate $5.50


Completely natural and safe bait for slugs and snails. Strong attractant lures insects to the bait, which they eat and immediately stop feeding on plant material. Safe to use around pets and other wildlife, unlike metaldehyde based products. 4742 500g pellet $10.95


Topgun Weed Killer is the fastest acting weed killer on the market in Canada. Made from naturally occurring fatty acids, Topgun provides fast killing action on many types of problem weeds, including red-root pigweed, lamb’s quarters, corn spurry, mustards, spotted cat’sear, chickweed and round leafed mallow. Topgun leaves no soil residue and treated areas can be seeded or planted after 3 days. Safer’s® Topgun kills on contact and results may be visible within hours of application. 4747 500ml concentrate $14.25 4747-1 4L concentrate $80.50 Due to pesticide ban in Ontario, the 4L size of Topgun cannot be sold to Ontario Residents.

A broad spectrum fungicide that is an effective alternative to chemical products. A proprietary strain of Bacillus subtilis which manages fungal diseases by attacking the fungus cell wall and then the membrane. This breadown destroys the fungal cell, suppressing and managing the disease problem. Effective for a wide variety of ornamentals and vegetables. Also aids against damping off but not recommended preemergence (may kill seeds). 4722 1L Ready to Use $10.75 4722-1 1L Concentrate $20.95



100ml concentrate $11.95





Safer’s® B.T.K.



* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing





Accessories 135

Sales Conditions and Index HOW TO ORDER:

1. BY MAIL: Use the enclosed order form. 2. BY FAX: (905) 627-1729 3. BY PHONE: (905) 628-6641 *during business hours (see back cover). *Prepare a list of items (catalogue number and price are needed for quick computer input) beforehand to save you time. 4. BY WEB: www.damseeds.com *For quick order processing, be sure to include your customer number (the 5 or 6 digit number on the address label by your name).


All orders must be paid before shipping; we have no terms of credit. Payment may be made by: 1. CHEQUE we reserve the right to delay shipment of order until the cheque clears the bank or to refuse cheque as a payment method. Cheques are cashed upon receipt of order. No Post-dated cheques. For store purchases: Orders under $250.00 - cheques with valid ID accepted. Orders over $250.00 we accept cheques only for customers with past dealings for more than 2 years . 2. MONEY ORDER 3. CREDIT CARD: VISA or MasterCard We do not accept paypal as we are still unhappy with the percentage of sales that Paypal demands from its clients. If your credit card is declined, we will contact you. *If any order remains unpaid for longer than 7 business days, we will considered it unwanted and we reserve the right to cancel it.


5% may be deducted from orders where the seed portion is over $350.00 if paying by cheque or money order, 3% if paying by credit card. Discount is applicable to catalogue pricing only. It does not apply to specially priced or quoted items. Discount applies to seed only and is applied before taxes on sub-total. Discount doesn’t apply to hardgoods, grass seed, greencrops/groundcovers, rootstock, onion bulbs, garlic bulbs, or glad bulbs. Discounts cannot be made through web orders and will be done for you by our invoicing dept. Discount is applicable to catalogue pricing only. It does not apply to specially priced or quoted items.


Due to the Canadian dollar fluctuation, we reserve the right to adjust the prices listed in this catalogue, especially for larger sizes. Please ask for a price quote on larger quantities.


Please be aware of your financial situation when placing an order. Any cheque returned to us from the bank will be subject to our $10.00 handling charge, as well as the bank’s service charge. Any outstanding accounts will be subject to 2% interest per month on the balance owing.


No returns without authorization. Any seed or order returned to us will be subject to a 15% re-stocking charge. Seed returns accepted only within month of purchase, in good condition (may be subject to germination test), and with proof of purchase.

136 Accessories


Pick up orders will be held for 7 business days after the customer is notified that it is ready for pick-up. After 7 days, the order is considered unwanted and will be restocked for other use.


GST INFORMATION: As of Jan 2008, 5% Goods and Services Tax is charged on: all packets of Flower, Vegetable, Herb, and other Seeds; and on all other products listed in this catalogue. GST is also applicable to shipping charges. GST Exempt are: Bean, Pea, and Corn seed in quantities exceeding 5 kg; all other Vegetable seeds in quantities exceeding 125g; more than 2500 seeds if sold on a seed count basis, Onion Sets, and Garlic Bulbs. HST INFORMATION: We are required to collect 12% HST for BC, 13% HST for NB, NL, & ON, and 15% HST for NS. Shipping charges are subject to HST.


If there is a credit remaining on your invoice due to overpayment, you can use this credit towards your next order. It is kept on your customer file and is automatically applied against your next order upon invoicing. If you prefer a refund, please let us know.


We ship by Commercial Canada Post. If you would prefer to use another courier, please add their costs to the total of your order or provide your account number. Our shipping/handling fee of $7.95 still applies to orders despite using another courier. Please add $7.95 to all orders for partial shipping and handling costs within Canada and $7.95 for all bulb and root stock orders. Due to increased oversize and bulk item Canada Post charges, please be sure to add oversize shipping charges where applicable. Orders to postal codes that require air lift will have additional charges. We begin shipping orders at the middle to end of January; after the new packaging has been completed. The reason that we do not start shipping until mid-end January is that we package the most current crop year available. This means that the crops come off the fields in August to November and we usually don’t receive the seed until December-January. We prefer to receive the most current crop available as we have found that germination rates and seed viability is greatly improved compared to packaging from the previous year’s crop. If you require any items earlier, please indicate this when placing your order. If you require your order to be shipped by a specific date, please indicate the date clearly when placing your order. During the peak season order processing takes longer than at other times of the year. There may be a 3-6 week turnover for order processing. Backorders will be shipped upon arrival of items. Bulb orders are shipped in Spring after risk of frost in transit. Interior BC orders, such as to Whaletown BC, may take 14-17 business days to ship.


Seeds are living things that are subject to growing methods and conditions for their performance, therefore we cannot guarantee their results. If you have troubles germinating our seed within the year printed on the package, please contact us so that we can help you with a solution. As gardeners ourselves, the germination rate and purity of the seed are of utmost importance to us. The germination rate and purity of our seed exceeds the requirements set forth in the Canada Seed Act. It is our policy to notify you if a problem exists or develops with any particular lot of seed The seed that we sell is meant to be grown in soil or professional media, using good farming practices. We are not a source for seeds meant for human or animal consumption. If you are not satisfied with any of the other goods that we sell, please contact us so that we can arrange to exchange or refund it within the year of purchase.


We limit our warranty to the vitality and purity of seeds, to the full amount of the purchase price. William Dam Seeds Limited will not be responsible for damages arising from any breach of condition as to the variety, quality, or productiveness of any seeds, bulbs, or any other goods we sell; nor be responsible for the crop. We realize mistakes can be made, but in no case shall William Dam Seeds Limited be liable for more than the amount actually paid for the seeds, bulbs, rootstock, and other goods. We reserve the right to limit quantities ordered. We have no authorized dealers. Our prices and sizes are subject to change without notice. Prices in this catalogue are in effect until November 30 2013. The placing of an order signifies acceptance of these terms by the purchaser.

OUR ORGANIC CERTIFICATION: We are certified by CSI (Centre for Systems Integration) for the NOP and Canadian Standards.


If you are gone for holidays during the winter, please notify your post office to hold your packages, or indicate when you would like us to ship your order. If a package is returned to us, there will be an additional shipping charge to resend the parcel along with the Canada Post Return to Sender Charge.


It is our company policy to not sell Genetically Modified Organisms. It is a highly regulated industry and the products are not available to home gardeners or small market farmers. If your certification board needs assurances, a letter is available.

* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing


Artichoke ����������������������������������������������������������� 7 Asparagus.................................................. 7, 138 Beans............................................................8-11 Beets................................................................ 12 Borenkole (see kale) ���������������������������������������� 33 Broccoli.......................................................14-15 Brussels Sprouts ��������������������������������������������� 13 Cabbage......................................................15-18 Carrots........................................................20-21 Cauliflower ������������������������������������������������������ 19 Celery............................................................... 22 Celeriac............................................................ 22 Chicory............................................................ 23 Collards............................................................ 15 Corn................................................................. 24 Corn Salad ������������������������������������������������������ 33 Cress................................................................ 30 Cucumbers..................................................25-27 Eggplant........................................................... 28 Endive.............................................................. 28 Fennel.............................................................. 29 Garlic ...................................................... 39, 138 Gourds........................................................... 123 Greenlof........................................................... 23 Greens........................................................30-31 Ground Cherry ������������������������������������������������ 61 Kale.................................................................. 33 Kohlrabi........................................................... 15 Leaf Cabbage �������������������������������������������������� 15 Leek................................................................. 32 Lettuce........................................................33-37 Melons........................................................38-39 Okra................................................................. 39 Onions........................................................40-41 Onion sets................................................ 39, 138 Ornamental Corn ������������������������������������������� 122 Pak Choy.......................................................... 29 Parsley............................................................. 72 Parsnip............................................................. 44 Peas............................................................42-43 Peppers.......................................................44-46 Pickles............................................................. 25 Pumpkins �������������������������������������������������������� 47 Purslane........................................................... 31 Radicchio �������������������������������������������������������� 23 Radish.........................................................48-49 Rapini............................................................... 15 Rutabaga.......................................................... 49 Salad mixtures ������������������������������������������ 30, 37 Salsify.............................................................. 52 Spinach............................................................ 50 Squash........................................................52-56 Strawberries............................................... 7, 138 Swiss Chard ���������������������������������������������������� 51 Sunflower �������������������������������������������������������� 65 Tomatoes....................................................57-61 Tomatillo.......................................................... 61 Turnips............................................................. 62 Watermelon ���������������������������������������������������� 63 Winter Radish ������������������������������������������������� 49 Witloof............................................................. 23 Zucchini........................................................... 53

GROUND/GREEN CROPS.........64-65 . HERBS......................................66-73 . FLOWER SEEDS

Achillea............................................................ 74 Agastache ������������������������������������������������������� 74 Ageratum �������������������������������������������������������� 74 Alyssum........................................................... 75 Amaranthus ���������������������������������������������������� 75 Ammi .............................................................. 75 Anchusa........................................................... 76 Angelonia �������������������������������������������������������� 76

Antirrhinum �������������������������������������������������� 111 Aquilegia.......................................................... 76 Armeria............................................................ 77 Asclepias.......................................................... 76 Aster................................................................ 77 Astilbe.............................................................. 76 Bachelors Button ��������������������������������������������� 82 Bacopa............................................................. 78 Balsam............................................................. 78 Begonia............................................................ 78 Bellis................................................................ 79 Bells of Ireland ������������������������������������������������ 79 Browallia.......................................................... 79 Buddleja........................................................... 79 Bupleurum ������������������������������������������������������ 79 Calendula �������������������������������������������������������� 80 Campanula ������������������������������������������������������ 80 Canna............................................................... 79 Canterbury Bells ���������������������������������������������� 80 Cardoon .......................................................... 81 Carnation �������������������������������������������������������� 87 Castor Bean (Ricinus) ����������������������������������� 108 Celosia............................................................. 81 Centaurea �������������������������������������������������������� 82 Cerinthe........................................................... 82 Chrysanthemum ��������������������������������������������� 83 Cisanthe........................................................... 82 Clarkia.............................................................. 82 Cleome............................................................. 83 Coleus.............................................................. 83 Convolvulus ���������������������������������������������������� 84 Coreopsis �������������������������������������������������������� 84 Cosmos............................................................ 84 Cotton.............................................................. 85 Craspedia �������������������������������������������������������� 85 Cutflower Mix ������������������������������������������������ 115 Dahlia............................................................... 85 Datura.............................................................. 86 Delphinium ������������������������������������������������������ 86 Dianthus......................................................86-87 Dichondra ������������������������������������������������������� 88 Digitalis............................................................ 91 Dimorphotheca ����������������������������������������������� 88 Dracocephalum ����������������������������������������������� 88 Dusty Miller ����������������������������������������������������� 88 Echinacea �������������������������������������������������������� 88 Emilia............................................................... 88 Eucalyptus ������������������������������������������������������ 89 Euphorbia �������������������������������������������������������� 89 Flowering Kale ������������������������������������������������� 90 Flower Mixes ������������������������������������������������� 115 Forget-me-not ������������������������������������������������� 89 Four O’ Clocks ������������������������������������������������� 90 Foxglove........................................................... 91 Gaillardia.......................................................... 91 Gazania............................................................ 91 Geranium �������������������������������������������������������� 92 Godetia............................................................. 91 Gomphocarpus ����������������������������������������������� 92 Gomphrena ����������������������������������������������������� 92 Gossypium ������������������������������������������������������ 85 Gypsophila ������������������������������������������������������ 93 Helenium.......................................................... 93 Helichrysum ���������������������������������������������������� 93 Helianthus.............................................65, 94-95 Helianthus Mix ���������������������������������������� 94, 115 Heliotrope ������������������������������������������������������� 93 Heuchera.......................................................... 96 Hibiscus........................................................... 93 Hollyhock �������������������������������������������������������� 96 Impatiens �������������������������������������������������������� 97 Kochia.............................................................. 97 Larkspur........................................................... 97 Lavatera........................................................... 98 Lavender.................................................... 70, 98 Liatris............................................................... 98 Limonium....................................................... 112 Linum............................................................... 98

* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing

Lobelia............................................................. 99 Lupins.............................................................. 99 Lysimachia ������������������������������������������������������ 99 Malcomia �������������������������������������������������������� 99 Malva............................................................. 100 Marigold......................................................... 100 Monarda......................................................... 101 Morning Glory.........................................118-119 Nasturtium............................................. 102, 119 Nemesia......................................................... 101 Nicotiana........................................................ 102 Nigella............................................................ 103 Oregano, Decorative �������������������������������������� 101 Pansy..................................................... 103, 114 Penstemon ���������������������������������������������������� 104 Petunia....................................................104-105 Phlox.............................................................. 105 Physalis......................................................... 106 Physostegia �������������������������������������������������� 106 Platycodon ���������������������������������������������������� 107 Poppy............................................................. 106 Pomegranate ������������������������������������������������� 108 Portulaca........................................................ 105 Primula.......................................................... 107 Ptilotus........................................................... 107 Pumpkin-on-a-stick �������������������������������������� 111 Punica............................................................ 108 Pyrethrum ������������������������������������������������������� 83 Ricinus (Castor Bean) ����������������������������������� 108 Rudbeckia...................................................... 108 Sagina............................................................ 109 Salvia............................................................. 109 Sanvitalia....................................................... 110 Scabiosa........................................................ 110 Scarlet Runner ���������������������������������������� 11, 120 Sedum........................................................... 110 Silene............................................................. 110 Snapdragon �������������������������������������������������� 111 Solanum......................................................... 111 Statice............................................................ 112 Stocks............................................................ 111 Strawberry Sticks ������������������������������������������ 112 Sunflower..............................................65, 94-95 Sunflower Mix.......................................... 94, 115 Sweet Peas............................................ 113, 120 Sweet William ������������������������������������������������� 87 Thunbergia ���������������������������������������������������� 120 Thymophylla ������������������������������������������������� 113 Tithonia.......................................................... 113 Venidium........................................................ 114 Verbena.......................................................... 113 Veronica......................................................... 114 Vinca.............................................................. 114 Viola....................................................... 103, 114 Zinnia......................................................116-117 Wildflower & ������������������������������������������������������� Attractant Mixes �������������������������������������������� 115

CLIMBERS-VINES................118-120. ORN. GRASSES.....................120-122. Ornamental corn................. 122. Gourds...................................... 123. LAWN GRASS SEED..................... 123. accessories......................124-135. SALES CONDITIONS................... 136. ROOT STOCK & BULBS

Asparagus Roots ������������������������������������������� 138 Onion Sets Garlic ������������������������������������ 39, 138 Raspberries ��������������������������������������������������� 138 Strawberries �������������������������������������������������� 138 Gladioli........................................................... 139

Accessories 137

Rootstock, Onions, and Glads

285 Music 3002 Sapphire


3003 Seascape

3011 Raspberry, Nova


283 Multipliers

Onion Sets

Due to shipping costs, there is a $7.95 shipping fee on Onion bulb and A staple item in most country gardens. Whether you want to pick berries for Grow great tasting raspberries in your Spring Garlic orders. Orders will be fresh eating or preserving, we have the most popular varieties listed below. own back yard! We are supplying shipped after danger of frost in transit Our strawberry plants are field grown under strict control of Ontario Berry bare rootstock originating from is past (between March-May). Growers Association who provide quality disease free plant material that is tissue culture that is virus indexed For Music Garlic #285, please add an virus tested and as healthy as possible. Berries are shipped in mid-spring and and grown in a nursery setting for extra $7.95 shipping charge as it will are accompanied by growing instructions. two years. These provide you with be shipped in late summer. top size, quality disease free roots. JUNE BEARING JUMBO 282 YELLOW DUTCH Shipped when dormant in spring. 3000 SABLE 3004 CAVINDISH Stuttgarter Strain. Grade No.1 for SUMMER BEARING One of the earliest, great tasting, high Extra large mid-season fruiting excellent cooking onions and green Produces heavy concentrated yields yielding, June bearing producers. variety. Cavindish is a newer variety onions. Also an excellent storage on second year growth. Sable is a great variety for home that has jumbo sized fruits (22-24 onion. 1Lb = 100-120 bulbs. garden, pick-your-own, and local fresh grams) almost twice the size of 3010 BOYNE 1Lb $3.25 | 5Lbs $14.95 markets, as it is good for freezing Kent or Sapphire. Berries are bright Early season variety for cold climates. 10Lbs $24.00 | 50Lbs $82.50 ** and making jam. It produces medium red and juicy with firm flesh and Boyne is the most winter hardy sized (10-12 grams), medium Red good flavour. Plants are light runner variety producing good yields of A282 YELLOW SPANISH ONION berries with sweet flavour. The flesh producers and very winter hardy. medium sized (2.1-2.5 grams), dark Onion sets of yellow sweet spanish is moderately firm. Sable’s plants Resistant to Red Stele. Developed at red sweet berries. Plant growth is type. 1Lb = 90-100 bulbs have moderate resistance to Powdery Nova Scotia Dept of Agriculture. moderate so is controlled. 1Lb $3.95 | 5Lbs $16.50 Mildew and good resistatance to Red 25 plants $13.95 | 75 plants $38.75 5 canes $18.50 | 15 canes 44.50 Stele. These plant are also very winter 250 plants $102.95 10Lbs $27.50 | 50Lbs $92.50 ** 25 canes $71.95 hardy. Developed in Nova Scotia. EVER BEARING 283 MULTIPLIERS Avail. Spring Only 3011 NOVA 3001 KENT 3003 SEASCAPE Yellow (Shallots). Produces clusters Top quality main season variety. Flavourful for fresh eating. Main Large Day-neutral Everbearing of strong flavoured onions of good Nova is a vigorous, high yielding season variety. Kent was developed variety. Seascape is an improved keeping quality. Will overwinter for variety that is very disease tolerant. many years ago by the Nova Scotia Tristar type, earlier and healthier early green onions. It has medium-large (2.5-3 grams) Dept of Agriculture. It produces plants. Very heavy producer of large 250g $3.95 | 450g $6.25 | 2kg $24.00 bright red berries with excellent heavy yields of large (9-10 grams), flavour. Nova’s plants have few very dark red berries that are medium sized (9-11 grams), medium-dark Red berries with good flavour. thorns compared to other raspberries. Garlic firm and are excellent for fresh use. Kent’s plants are winter hardy and will Yields from June till frost. Try it in 5 canes $18.50 | 15 canes 44.50 284 ARGENTINE WHITE-Spring Ship containers and hanging baskets. produce well for years. Plant early spring as with onion sets. 25 canes $71.95 25 plants $19.85 | 75 plants $48.35 Each bulb has 5-7 parts which are 3002 SAPPHIRE EVER BEARING 250 plants $128.95 separated for planting. Does not Best main season variety for jam Produces berries on first year growth consistently produce bulbs. Greens production. Saphhire produces a from early autumn to frost. They may used for seasoning soups, stews, medium-firm, large sized (11-12 need trellising because the berries etc. Also used for insect control, as a grams), sweet fruit with an attractive grow on the top of the plant. companion plant, or as a component bright, medium red colour. The 3012 AUTUMN BRITTEN in home-made sprays. vigorous plants have moderate Best ever-bearing variety for the resistance to leaf scorch and Powdery 125g $2.95 | 250g $5.00 | 500g North. Autumn Britten is a very Mildew. Good winter hardiness. $9.00 | 1 kg $17.00 | 2 kg $32.00 winter hardy variety which starts Developed in Ontario. producing berries 10-14 days earlier 285 MUSIC ‘Organic’ - Fall ship Above Varieties: than Heritage and continues to bear Organically grown stock. Large 25 plants $12.65 | 75 plants $32.95 until frost. It has medium-large (3.2 cloves, with purplish tinge to skin, 250 plants $82.95 grams), bright red, firm berries, and pungent odour. Excellent variety Asparagus which have good flavour. Moderately for overwinter growing. Must be Please note, Rootstock, Gladioli 3070 MILLENNIUM HYBRID vigorous canes are winter hardy. planted early enough to establish All-male hybrid developed by the bulbs, Onion Sets, and Spring Garlic good root formation to avoid frost 5 canes $24.50 | 15 canes $59.75 University of Guelph. Produces more heave. (In our area this is by about are only available for the spring 25 canes $82.50 spears and live longer than maleOct. 15th). This is also the best way season. Orders will be taken from female cultivars. Millennium will to produce large bulbs. Available end December until approx. mid to end produce more spears per plant for of August to beginning of October. April. Delivery for these items will a longer period than other all-male Add $7.95 shipping for fall shipping. varieties. Millennium has strong occur once the danger of frost in For bulk orders, please place orders uniform spears with little curving. transit has passed. Fall Garlic is by mid July. 25Kg limit. 10 roots $11.50 | 25 roots $23.50 only available from approx. 250g $6.95 | 500g $13.95 50 roots $37.95 Sept-October and will shipped at 1 kg $26.50 | 2 kg $52.75 | 5kg In the event that Millennium is a that time. Extra shipping for these $114.25 *extra shipping applies. crop failure we will replace with products is $7.95. For a quote please contact us. suitable male hybrid.

138 Accessories

* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing

1100 Red Majesty

1101 Jester Gold

1102 Alaska

1104 Peter Pears

1105 Green Star

1106 Priscilla


Stately flowerspikes that are pretty in the garden and gorgeous as cutflowers. They are easily grown in sandy loam soil. #1 to Jumbo Bulb size (approx. 12-14cm) Early Flowering varieties bloom approximately 60-75 days after planting. Late varieties bloom approximately 75-85 days after planting. Plant after danger of frost, in succession for continuous bloom. Further growing instructions will be mailed with orders. Please note, Gladioli bulbs are only available for the spring season. Orders will be taken from December until approx. mid-June. Delivery for these items will occur once the danger of frost in transit has passed. Extra shipping for these products is $7.95.


1117 King’s Gold

1100 Red Majesty: Tall ruffled bright Red 1101 Jester Gold: Ruffled sunny Yellow 1102 Alaska: Pure white with pale green throat 1103 Plum Tart: Purple-Wine 1104 Peter Pears: Bright Orange 1105 Green Star: Chartreuse-lime 1106 Priscilla: Rose-Pink edges with White throat 1107 Violetta: Orchid Purple with thin White markings

1107 Violetta


1116 Fun-Time

1112 Romance

1110 Key Largo: Deep Red 1111 Chit Chat: Bright pink with white speckled throat 1112 Romance: Elegantly ruffled Lavender-Pink 1113 Sugar Plum: True Purple with faint white stripe inside 1114 Espresso: Velvety Burgundy Red 1115 Sun Kissed: Vibrant Orange 1116 Fun-Time: Ruffled Rosy-Red with Yellow throat 1117 King’s Gold: Ruffled Golden-Yellow Individual colours: Sold in packs of one colour please no mix & match. 10 bulbs $4.95 25 bulbs $9.95 50 bulbs $17.95 100 bulbs $27.50

1114 Espresso

1113 Sugar Plum

1100-X Florist Collection

EARLY FLOWERING COLLECTION: 1100-E Mixture of colours for early blooms. 15 bulbs $7.25 30 bulbs $11.95 50 bulbs $17.95 100 bulbs $27.50


1100-X Specially formulated collection of varieties that are best suited for cutting. 15 bulbs $7.25 30 bulbs $11.95 50 bulbs $17.95 100 bulbs $27.50

1115 Sun Kissed

1111 Chit Chat

* or ** Extra Shipping Charges are based on Province and Postal Code. See order Form for Pricing

1103 Plum Tart

1110 Key Largo

Accessories 139

1405 Begonia Santa Cruz Sunset

Business Hours: December 1st to June 15th Monday - Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm June 16th to Nov. 30th Monday - Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm Closed Sundays & Holidays-Except Victoria Day

0344 Radish Patricia

William Dam Seeds 279 Hwy 8 Dundas, ON Canada L9H 5E1

Postmaster: If no forwarding address, please deliver to current resident.

Street Address: 279 Hwy. No. 8, West Flamborough, Ontario (4 Miles west of Dundas) Mailing Address: 279 Hwy 8 Dundas ON L9H 5E1 Canada

261 Watermelon Faerie

E-mail: info@damseeds.com Website: www.damseeds.com Tel.: (905) 628-6641 Fax: (905) 627-1729

Printed In Canada

1972 Portulaca Happy Trails Mix

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