About Vertical Farming Technology and How Does it Work

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About Vertical Farming Technology and How Does it Work


Vertical Farms are modular and can be adjusted to fit any building. Vertical Farms can also feed more people then regular farming can because they grow 75 times more food per square foot then a traditional farm. Vertical Farms also use no pesticides and no fungicides so the food is healthier and safer. Vertical Farms also reduce water consumption because AS Agri & Aqua farms use 90 percent less water than outdoor farms, so having a wet or dry season doesn't matter. Asagriaqua farming can also control plant fertilizing nutrients so the food that is grown is highly nutritious. Grow a large volume of food in a relatively small space and use less water. 6,500 square meters = 900,000-kilo harvest. Vertical Farming methods could help preserve lands and rain forests and also give time for other lands to recover and replenish topsoil and also help reduce carbon consumption. Green Houses.

Vertical Farming 

Vertical farming in India is the activity of

producing food in vertically stacked layers, such as in a skyscraper, and also used warehouse, or shipping container. The modern ideas of vertical farming use Asagriaqua farming techniques and controlled-environment agriculture (CEA) technology, where all environmental factors can be controlled. 

Ski town turns car park into Vertical Farm for Local Jobs/Food - Vertical Harvest Jackson produces 100,000 pounds of vegetables a year on a plot 30 feet by 150 feet long; their 1/10th of an acre site grows an annual amount of produce equivalent to 10 acres of traditional farming.

Biofortification is the thought of breeding crops to addition their nutritional value. Biofortification disagree from ordinary fortification because it focusing on making plant foods more nutritious as the plants are growing, instead than having nutrients added to the foods when they are being processed.

 How

does Asagriaqua farming work?

There are various key factors that find out the viability of a vertical farm.

1. Physical layout The objective of Asagriaqua farming is to maximise volume. This is achieved by increasing the output efficiency per square meter, which is where the vertical tower structure comes from.

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2. Lighting Optimising light for crop growth in vertical Farming normally involves a mixture of grow lights and natural light. Special technologies like rotating beds increase the skillfulness of the light sources and can fulfil different crop requirements.

3. Growing medium

There are three different models for the Asagriaqua agriculture system and aquaculture in India.

A. Hydroponics Hydroponic Farming in India, crops

grow in the nutrient-rich water basin and water is recirculated, creating better efficiency and lower water consumption. Scalable in sizing and cost, hydroponic farming is extremely adaptable to its farmers’ production goals and needs. It consider methods like Drip Irrigation, Deep Water Culture, Ebb and Flow, Nutrient Film Technique, and the Wick System for hydroponic farming.

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B. Aeroponics

Aeroponic farming involves rarely spraying crops with a nutrient-based mist, using a periodical timer (no soil, sunlight, or water). Aeroponics delivers nutrients immediately to the plant roots to conserve water and reduce intensive labour. Scalability is some other solid benefit with this method, and crops are easily harvested without soil.

C. Aquaponics

A closed-loop food production system, aquaponics is the practice of cultivating both fish and plants. The fish give nutrients and healthful bacteria to the plants, which in turn filter the water for the fish. Aquaponic farming creates a extremely productive and balanced ecosystem with many benefits, including its water-conservative approach.


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