Architecture Thesis - Case studies

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Case Studies

Utah Valley University Autism Center     Inside Out…Centre Pompidou

LEARN, PLAY, THRIVE (Thesis Project | 2020)

Typology Sensory garden

Location Orangevale, California

Architect Wenxi Huang

Figure 88 : Top view, sensory garden [17]
Asal Rababah
Figure 89 : sensory garden [17]

Why this case?

This case represented a guideline to design a therapeutic garden for children with autism spectrum disorder in the best way or what we can call sensory garden. In this case, architect provided the many spaces that allow children with autismtousealltheirsensesduringthe experience of this garden. To enhance the use of these senses and activation, and

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The garden is located in the center of odyssey learning center in Sacramento, California, US.

In a quite zone, residential zone surrounding with greenery>


From the main street

Figure 90 : Accessibility to the project. Figure 91 : site plan from google earth


1. Residential Housing

2. Greenery Land

3. Preschool

4. Small Farming Land

5. Commercial Shop

Figure 92 : site from google earth
Asal Rababah

School Philosophy

The best thing can we do to ensure the successionoftheproject,istointegrate children with natural environments. this thesis represents the components of the sensory garden, an important zone in design for autism.

The garden in a main outdoor court of Odyssey center which is a school for autistic children, this garden used as a mean to connect children with outdoor spaces, but still undevelopable even thoughithasmanypotentials,thiszone used by children as transition zone, with no planting or experience to be part of.

According to the architect, the users of such building who have been interviewed have expressed interest in having an arrangement and design of the court to create a dynamic experience help with treating autistic this case come to transform the empty court to a sensory garden.

It divided to many zones, with many activity and different experiences, allow children to go to any zone they want, deponed on their emotion and feeling. This all done as a process of heling to sport the main purpose of the center. [17]



Architectdesign the garden inTwigand leaves shape which is provide a curvier shape, to be flexible, smooth circulation, ease to be used by children and give them a feel of relaxation. The garden contains three main zone, a resettingzone,lecturezoneandactivity zone. the process of healing in the gardenstartinthezoneblueandpurple as shown in the diagram, in the zone everything design and the type of the usedplantstoreadjustingthefeelingof the child and make him rest.

Reaching the next zones which represented in the color yellow and red, these zones where the activity and integration start. The zone yellow with less degree of activity compared with the red zone. [17]

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Figure 93 : zoning diagram and composition [17]


Purple Zone: The color purple symbolizes relaxation and calming dawn, this zone at the entrance set to make children relax and resisting. So theyinterthegardenwiththiszoneand they are relaxed, then it is up tothem if they want to continue the journey or not. It contains from three rest and relax zone with some supportive elements such as the wood panels, water feature, sensory panting and visual signage. Blue Zone: The peace color and it is also having the same function of the purple zone which is located at the entrance too. It constraint from bench to rest and plants, in this zone children start to gathereitherwithotherstudentsorthe staff. This zone act as transition zone between the active zone (the red) and the quite zone (the purple). Red And Yellow Zone: These zones are the most active, the red zone is where the physical activity and social interaction appearance, it contains some elements that stimulate children creativity’s such as: drawings wall, rolling hills, play area and musical zone As the yellow is it symbolizes optimism, energy, the yellowzoneiswherechildrenfocusand learn. Contains sandbox therapy area and therapy sessions area, and this zonemoreprivatethan the red andit is enclosed by trees [17

Figure 94 : the Maine zones of the garden


All the components of the garden were done to enhance the senses of the children and develop their sensory perception, linking the children to the outdoor natural environment through this garden and its elements. It was a good design and supports the idea of the building.

The design of the garden was not limitedonlytothezonethatmadeitup, as each of the components was an environmentally friendly element, so the materials were natural materials suchaswoodtoconfirmtheideaofour belonging to the environment. The use of rainbow colors, natural sounds and materials with different textures, flowers with different scents, and fruits enhances the sense of taste such as lemon, everything has been carefully chosen to strengthen the child's senses and perception. [17]

Figure 95 : view of the garden and its elements


A therapeutic garden can indeed act as an additional healing strategy for children with autism spectrum disorder due to the multitude of design elements it possesses. The guideline that has been showed in this case, was able to highlight several crucial design elements for an autistic children oriented therapeutic garden.

The most important out of these guidelines would be to include escape spaces in the design. With sensory overload being a common problem among autistic children, having a place to escape towards, reset and relax is very important.

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Inside Out…Centre Pompidou

Typology Cultural Center

Location Paris, France

Architect Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers

Figure 96 : Centre Pompidou
Asal Rababah
Figure 97 : Centre Pompidou

Why this case?

Giving users the appreciate space for gathering to sharing their ideas and arts, a space that help them to express turned the in out, Renzo Piano & Richard Rogers maximized the interior space in a unique systems giving the usertheflexiblezonetogetacrosstheir thoughts.

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School Philosophy

A multifunctional center in the heart of Paris, covering an area of 100,000 square meters and entirely devoted to contemporary art, music, cinema and theatre. A revolutionary and versatile space where culture is in osmosis with the surrounding urban environment. Is a humorous and colored urban machine, not at all "high-tech", but rather artisan instead, as it was put together piece by piece. All the functions of the building, including the walkways and the plant systems, have been moved to the outside and are characterized by a different color, so as to obtain a vast and totally uncluttered area inside. [18]

The Centre Pompidou with its "piazza" form a single molded setting, actively providingaresourceofurbanandsocial functions.[6] The project is from a competition, and the design of Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers was the only one that suggested using a quarter of the area allocatedfortheproject.Themain objective of the project was to create an iconic landmark in the center of the site and overlooking Paris ,also maximize the internal space by turned in out. [18]

Asal Rababah
Figure 98 : Design sketch. [18]


The center is contain eight floors, two of them basement. The first floor and the final one are a preeminent and temporary expiation, followed by a design center and offices ,reaching up to the library.

The linear shape of the building also reflectedinthefloorplans.Thebuilding alsohadalargecourtyardintheoutside ,which is an open space offer the possibilityformanyused.Thisdesignof the spaces and the form giving the users a feeling of freedom and relaxation [18]

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Figure 99 : program (a) project percentage of the site, (b) outdoor court, (c) zoning. [19]

Color-Coded Systems

What also make this center special the color coded system, Renzo Piano and Richard Rogers used the basic color mainly to emphases on the different system that had been used within the project (Red, Yalow, Blue, Green, Orange and White).

The colored used as followed, the large HVAC components with white color, circulatory elements (stairs and elevators) with red color, climate control with blue color, plumbing with green color and electrical elements with yellow and orange color.[18]


With these different system, there are also different materials that have been through the buildings such as steel, concrete, glass, and the colored tubes.

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Figure 100 : Color code system [19] Figure 101 : Materials used. [19]

Structure System

The structure systems are from the main concept, which designed carefully at the facade of the center in a creative way. , In order to accommodate the deep beams needed to span the whole building width, the project features a repeating steel bay system that is repeated six times vertically with high floor to ceiling heights.[18]

The main structure elements mainly include the steel , reinforcement concrete, columns, beams and the trusses.

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Figure 102 : Structure System [19]


The user is the main element of the project, cause in the end who will use thespace,thedesignofspacehadahug impact ontheuser felling and effect his mood. We can see in this case that architect design to give the feel of freedom help people together and express their feelingsbythis deign of in out and give them this large interior space behind of the outdoor courtyard. And this what I looking for first when designing for autism help them to feel free and express what they need and share their thoughts and opinions.

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Utah Valley University Autism Center

Typology Center

Location Utah, United States, Architect Renzo Piano, Richard Rogers

Asal Rababah
Figure 104 : Utah Valley University Autism Center [20]

Why this case?

In this case architect design a friendly interior design by using elements and materialsthatmake kidsfell relaxwhile learningorhealing,andhe also showed a good opportunities to deal with circulations zones with focus in connectivity with natural environment.

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School Philosophy

The three primary functional objectives forthislearningcenterinclude:educate the community about autism, train the teachers of autistic children, and provide a state-of-the-art, safe learning environments for autistic children. The building had to be visible to the community, easy to find, and be open and inviting.[ [20] Children with autism can benefit from this innovative ideas of an autism building. reducing sensory input, which can overwhelm a child with autism was the first thing in consecration, as an example. Lighting, acoustics, and texture were all designed with particular care. Electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, audio visual design, security, and structured cabling were all provided by Spectrum Engineers.

The 4,600 square meters of this project's development were finished in 2017. Architect used glass facades that extend from the first floor to the second in the main area as one of the design's main methods to link the internal areas with the exterior's natural environment.

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The5600squaremetersaredistributed into two floor designs with therapy, educational, management, and transition zones. The therapy zone continuetothesecondfloorinaddition of management area. The managerial area and the therapeutic zone both extend to the second story. A play field and outdoor garden are included in the program.

Figure 105 : project zones.
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Figure 106 : floor plans (a) ground plan (b) first plan

Interior design

The interiordesign,the arrangementof the furniture, the materials used, the distribution of the lighting, and the colors are probably some of the most crucial aspects of the project.

The floors of the main circulation area, where the reception is located, have been set up with double volumes to provide for visual continuity and sustainability. In addition, a large glass screen thatwasprojected intotheview ofthegardengavedaylights,sunpower from the solar panels, and a good view with a sense of connection to nature.

Eventheescapezoneshadbeendesign with view of nature, and its presented in some type, the hanging chair is an example of it

Figure 107 : interior design components

Interior design

The horizontal circulation was also effectively planned; rather than only using standard paths, the architect sought to incorporate certain components that would help develop children's abilities and sensibilities. He used the mirror to make the corridor appear bigger and enhance the children's vision. also combined it with the rest area allowed the children to sit by themselves or in groups and talk with their Colleagues, helping them to enhance their communication skills.

Figure 108 : interior design components

Color and materials

A friendly materials have been used in the project which are : orange brick in the façade with glass with solar panels and natural timbe. The internal materials mainly concrete natural timber and vinyl floor.

Earthythemofcolorusedintheproject and some natural color which presented with the use of light color in the most of the elements with some use of the light yellow and blue.

Green symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility, and generally makes people feel emotionally safe.

Figure 109 : materials and colors used


In this case the design was friendly and take into account many aspects related to interior design. The circulation system may be transform even if it just a linear path, plus to using some elements could help to made the corridors look wider such as the mirrors.

The connectivity between levels plays alsoagreatrolesintodesignforautism, we can used an open court and multi prepose hall or any other ways Colors as we saw in the interior design or the play filed , green was the dominant color with used of some light yellow andbluewhichhadapositiveimpacton autistic children.

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