The Series #1: Back to Black

Page 1

BACKTO BLACK Thi si st hef i r stedi t i onof“ TheSer i es”andt het hemei sbl ack&whi t e. Wehopet ocapt ur et hebeaut yi nt hesi mpl i ci t yofmonochr omat i sm.

CONTRI BUTORS Ber nar dYong I zyanMast ur a Kayl ynnNg Euni ceKoh MohdFi r dausI smai l Ai naEl i ana Dani alSyaf i qAhmad Di yanaRahi mat sah Far ahHani s

Acar aSeniAnakMuda( ASAM) ASAM i sani ndependentyout har tmovementt hatbegani n Mel bour ne( 2009)andexpandedt oSydneyand Canber r a.

ASAM Canber r a Weai mt obecomeapl at f or mf oryout hf ulcr eat i vest oshowcaset hei rt al entandt oexpr esst hemsel vest hr oughanyf or m ofar tl i kemusi c,wr i t i ng,phot ogr aphy ,per f or manceandar t wor ks.

KanyaSt i r aSj ahr i r

CoverPhot o Euni ceKoh

Edi t or Far ahHani s

Ar tDi r ect or KanyaSt i r aSj ahr i r

Wer unonpassi on,donat i onsandsuppor t .

TheSer i es “ TheSer i es”i sanongoi ngbi mont hl ypr oj ectbyASAM Canber r at hatbegani nAugust201 1.I ti sacompi l at i onofsubmi ssi onssenti nbyoursuppor t er s.I twi l lbepubl i shedonl i nef or publ i caccess.

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“ I nnocence” Ber nar dYong

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