1: April, 27th 2012
2: Addictions An addiction is a physical, psychological or emotional condition, or an activity which she / he is not able to control. In which a person becomes addicted to lead to compulsive behaviors and the damage addictions usually of life quality. The top ten addictions of our age cap, smoking, gambling, video games, internet, drugs, food, shooping, sex, work; people become addictis for multiple reasons such as social problems, loneliness, discouragement, lack of integration into a group, family problems, separations, lack of communication, incomprehension and stress. Addicts can be detected especially when they deny that they have problems, they usually do not recognize that they need help and present high levels of frustration. Some studies show that stress and addictions are so closely intertwined, the term stress is generally applied to the pressuere that people have in their daily live. It manifest as a pressure in our body due to the accumulation of physical tension. The stress can be handled by laughing, having vacations, talking with friends or spending time. Recreational activities are often practiced for enjoyment, amusement, or pleasure and are considered to be "fun". Living in harmony is the foundation for living happy and in peace with ourselves and our fellowmen, it essential to help, understand and tolerate others, have good thoughts and wishes and reflect positive attitude towards. According to experts to overcome addictions, first step is reorganized, interact with other people, read, listen to music, exercise. The experience was good because by knowing the subject, we know when a something is out of control, accept the current situation and seek solutions to reality. And make new goals for improvement. By SofĂa Picado
There are some people that can use substances or engage in activities without having any problems of addiction. However, there are other people that do not have control over what are they doing, taking or using and create an addiction. In the past, addiction were perceived as the consumption of psychoactive substances that cross the blood altering the chemical balance of the brain; these substances were usually alcohol, tobacco and some illegal drugs. However, in this time addictions do not only refer to physical things we consume, also include virtually anything such as gambling, facebook and internet. Professionals in health insist that psychological dependency may cause guilt, shame, anxiety rejection or humiliation and depend on this symptoms they classify it. The criteria used to diagnose substance use disorders were applied more or less equally to all of the substances that are commonly misused by individuals. In the DSM, therefore, individuals are differentiated into three mutually exclusive categories: no substance use disorder, abuse only, or dependence. (Kranzler, H. R., & Ting-Kai, L. 2008). According to (top.tenz.net, the top ten modern addictions are: Workaholism (Work Addiction), love addiction, television addiction, teeth whitening addiction, exercise addiction, oniomania (Shopping Addiction), tanorexia (Tanning Addiction), sex addiction, internet addiction and plastic surgery addiction. Researchers have found that there are certain risk factors that make one person more prone to addiction than another. These risk factors are people of all ages and economic levels and can affect men and women; one of risk for example is Genetics and Family History. The genetic may be harder for people with certain genes to quit once they start. Or they may experience more severe withdrawal symptoms if they try to quit. Therefore, factors that make it harder to become addicted also may be genetic.
4: Early studies of the genetic mechanisms involved were directed mainly to the enzymes metabolizing alcohol and acetaldehyde, because these enzymes exist in multiple forms which differ greatly in their rates of metabolism of their respective substrates. (Kalant, H. 2010) The problem with the addictions is that it is very difficult to detect because many symptoms can not all present or it can be related with other situation. For example you can confuse the symptoms of drug use with the excessive work because of stress. Stress can be caused by good and bad experiences. When people feel stressed by something going on around them, their bodies react by releasing chemicals into the blood. These chemicals give people more energy and strength, which can be a good thing if it caused by physical danger. But it can be bad if their stress is in response to something emotional.
Men are the most adaptative creature on the planet because of the evolution of the human brain, especially the part called the neo-cortex. This adaptability is large by the changes and stressors that we have to mastered. Therefore, we, unlike other animals can live in any climate or ecosystem, different altitudes and avoid the danger of predators. Recently, we have learned to live in the air, under the sea, and in the space. So, what is the problem with addiction? Why we can solution the problem with addiction? By Mayela Dabdub References: The top ten modern addictions. (2010). Avalaible in: http://www.toptenz.net/top-10-modernaddictions.php Kranzler, H. R., & Ting-Kai, L. (2008). What Is Addiction? Alcohol Research & Health, 31(2), 94 Kalant, H. (2010). What neurobiology cannot tell us about addiction. Addiction, 105(5), 784. doi:10.1111/j.1360-0443.2009.02739.x
5: Overcoming Addictions
An addiction is an emotional and physical illness that makes people feel like they cannot stop doing or consuming something. When addicted people feel lack of the substance that they are addicted to, they start feeling anxious and dependent on it and may to react violently. Many people cannot control the addiction, and instead of, addiction controls people making them want more and more, and feel pleasure when they finally get it. People become addicts because they do not feel right without the vice, and when they taste the substance they feel good, and that makes them believe that they are happy with the vice and they believe that it set them free of the stress that get during the overwhelming tasks of the day at work or school. When people feel stressed out they get frustrated; some people cry, others get angry or block their minds, and all this affect their daily lives. Some years ago, the word “addiction” was only used for drugs and alcohol, but nowadays many activities are also considered addictions if they are practice in excess; plastic surgery, Internet, working, traveling, love, sex, shopping, teeth whitening, exercising and tanning are now the most common new-age addictions. There are many addictions, so there are many addicts, but when they realize they still feeling empty, they wish to turn back the time to make a better decision and to do not fall in the vice. Experts recommend addicts who want to get out of their addiction to first accept their addiction. Then, they have to ask for help to their family, friend or professional help and do some recreational activities in order to get out of the routine and release stress, like practice a sport or just take a walk through the forest, and feel you are living in harmony, like was mentioned in the workshop, take a time for you, turn your cell off, and breath the wonderful nature. Thanks to this experience of the workshop, I realized that this is the best way to get out of any kind of addiction. And like she said “you have to decide that you want to quit it for an own reason”.
By Andrés Sanabria
There are many ways to nurture your physical and mental health and supercharge your body, mind, and soul. Taking care of your body is a powerful, first step towards mental and emotional health. The mind and the body are linked. When you improve your physical health, you will automatically experience greater mental health. Similarly, as you exercise your mind and spend time connecting with others, you will experience a huge emotional boost. Enjoying the affection of a pet, enjoying a walk outdoors, volunteering your time, spending time with friends, and laughing out loud are just some of the many things you can do to gain strength, both inside and out.
Strong emotional health is tied to your physical health and lifestyle. You must learn how to boost your overall physical and mental well-being. One of them is the exercise; this is just as good for the mind as it is for the body. Even a little regular exercise can boost your energy and mood and relieve stress, anxiety, and depression. No matter your age, your health, or your fitness level, there are big and small ways to get more active and boost your energy and health. Even if injury, disability, illness, or weight problems have limited your mobility, you can still experience the benefits of exercise.
7: Whether you are a student, a working professional, or a senior citizen, there are lots of things you can do to improve your memory and mental performance; play matters for both kids and adults. It helps us be more inventive, smart, happy, flexible, and resilient. Additionally, volunteering isn’t just good for the community. It’s also a great way to connect with others and improve your mental and physical health. Then, when moods and emotions get the better of you, when they begin to interfere with your career or personal relationships, it’s time to make a change. No matter how stressful it be your job or your current life situation, you can learn to harness your emotions and bring your life into balance. By Mayela Dabdub
Healthy.net Retrieved from: http://www.healthy.net/
8: Diwali, the festival of lights, illuminates the darkness of the New Year's moon Diwali is celebrated in honor of Amavasya (the Indian name for the new moon) on the fifteenth day of the seventh month in Hindu Calendar, Ashwin (21th October and 18th November). This tradition typifies the old-age culture of India which teaches to vanquish ignorance that subdues humanity and to drive away darkness that engulfs the light of knowledge. Diwali, the festival of lights, projects even today the rich and glorious past of India.
Every year the sound of firecrackers announces the celebration of this festival. Homes are decorated, people share candies and thousands of lamps are lit to illuminate the night. Of all the festivals celebrated in India, this is the most glamorous and important one, and it is enjoyed by people of every religion. This tradition is an official holiday in India, and it is also celebrated in Nepal, Guyana, Singapore, and Malaysia. The history of Diwali is related to the Hindu Purana (Hindu religious texts). Hindus believes that whenever the power of evil increases in the world, Vishnu comes down to earth in a different form to defeat evil. People celebrate this religious party because it is related with auspicious symbols of good luck. They also want to make the goddess Lakshmi feel welcome. People send paper boats to the sacred rivers; the happiness of next year depends of how far the boats go. We think that this tradition is very important to the Indian people. Also this celebration is similar to Christmas because they practice very traditional rituals. People worship many gods in India, so we would not say that this tradition is bad, but we would say that it is pagan because Indian people have too many gods such as Vishnu(God of maintenance), Shiva(God of destruction), Indra(king of the Gods), Parvati (the Female Creative Energy of the Universe) and each one has a different celebration. By AndrĂŠs Sanabria
9: The female giraffe, a standing tradition of the Kayan tribe
These women are called female giraffe neck or Padaung, they are from Kayan ethnic and they are proud of their culture, the twelve Kayan villages are located in Northern Thailand in Kayan state. These women put rings around their neck, these rings are placed from childhood since the children are five years old and not all women of the tribe are the ones who get to be a giraffe woman, only those who are born on Wednesdays on the tribe, from early age start to put around their neck rings made of brass wire. This unique necklace consists of a copper coil, decorated with bright objects, which is cleaned twice a day to prevent the metal neck injuries and prevent mold it. This necklace is a symbol of wealth and the longer the necklace the wealthier the family is. It is believed that women who take more hoops are the most beautiful; it is also a symbol of respect and loyalty to women for the men. This rings are incorporated as the years passed and sometimes they die by neck was broken because the neck muscles do not support the weight of the head. I am do not agree with this tradition because it is something that can cause a lot of deformations to the neck and once those woman put this rings on her neck they cannot take it off. It is better not to follow this tradition. By SofĂa Picado
LONG NECK The Karen is a tribe, who is thought to have originated in Tibet and who has lived in Burma for hundreds of years. They have been in Thailand since the eighteenth century. A sub-group of the Karen is the Padaung with less than forty thousand people they enact their own laws and have their own language. Despite some people are at odds with them their traditions still staying alive. The most outstanding tradition among them is the ring adornment around the neck. The purpose of these rings was to protect against attacks by carnivores, which usually kill their prey by biting its throat. At that time the society was monogamous but gradually become polygamous. The purpose of this tradition has changed overtime; some years ago it was used for protection and all the women wore gold on their necks; however, now it is for adornment decorated with bright objects, which is cleaned twice a day to prevent the metal neck injuries occur, and prevent mold in it and this are indicative of the status of its owner. This neck ring adornment begins when the girls are five or six years old, and every two years the ceremony is repeated by adding a higher ring. Now when a woman reaches the maximum length of her neck, she cannot move it anymore, this is because the rings have squashed the vertebrae and collar bones. We are disagree with this practice because, it is raises the moral dilemma for oppressive beauty. This practice has a similarity to the shrinkage of the feet applied to the Chinese. These aesthetic impositions should not be respected for the sake of the argument of tradition, is an unnatural practice of modifying the human body. There are numerous examples of changes by tradition, and most of them affect the female sector. By Mayela Dabdub
COLLABORATIVE LEARNING IS A COMPETENCE TEACHERS HAVE TO DEVELOP IN STUDENTS AT ULACIT "In ULACIT we strive to prepare our students for leadership positions in science, technology and other fields of human endeavor, with the required skills to serve the world in the XXI century“ (information from the website ULACIT) Wojtczak (2002) defines competence in generic terms like the “possession of a satisfactory level of relevant knowledge and acquisition of a range of relevant skills that include interpersonal and technical components at a certain point in the educational process”. Researchers report that, regardless of the subject matter, students working in small groups tend to learn more from what is taught and retain it longer than when the same content is presented in other instructional formats. Students who work in collaborative groups also appear more satisfied with their classes. Collaborative learning is a teaching and learning method in which students team together to explore a significant question or create a meaningful project. Cooperative learning integrates a variety of concepts and techniques to enhancing the value of student-student interaction. It refers to the instructional use of small groups in which students work together to accomplish meaningful school tasks. It is a pedagogical technique that has students work together in small and mixed groups on a structured learning task with the aim of maximizing their own and each other's learning. Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject. Some collaborative learning strategies that you can use in the classrooms, include jigsaw; numbered heads together; think, pair, share, three-step interview; round robin brainstorming; three-minute review; numbered heads; and team pair solo. Jigsaw is a grouping strategy in which the members of the class are organized into groups then rearranged in new groups to share their learning. This is an excellent method for improving student's teamwork and communication skills. The think, pair, share strategy is a cooperative learning technique in which students think through questions using three distinct steps, encouraging individual participation. This is an excellent method for promoting critical thinking and articulate communication in the classroom.
12: In a collaborative learning approach, students and teachers are in a state of dynamic interaction in the classroom. When students interact in cooperative groups, they learn to give and receive information, develop new understanding sand perspectives, and communicate in a socially acceptable manner. Through interacting with each other in reciprocal dialogues students learn to use language differently to explain new experiences and new realities. So, that constructs new ways of thinking and feeling.
By Mayela Dabdub
13: Highly Effective People Effective people are those who set their goals, always think about it, live with their goals in their minds doing anything they can to achieve it, and finally get their goals. Then, they start with another goal in mind, and keep doing that. There are seven habits to become a highly effective person that talk about what you have to do, how to do that, how you have to think and act in order to be effective. These seven habits are a guide to be effective, so if you want to be effective you have to follow them because these habits are well-based in a huge study, and if you analyze them one by one you realize that each one is essential to be successful and to become what you really want to be. This guide is very important for that people who like new challenges in their personal and working lives and for those who are ambitious for get more and more and want to progress in their lives. Depending on the people, there are some aspects this guide that people could change because everyone is different, and the priorities of someone are not the priorities of another one. So, in my case if something is not important and not urgent, it does not means that I do not have to do that because it could be that I like it, and it could help me to get out of the routine. I really like the last habit because it talks about the balance that everyone should have in their lives. Not everything turns around the job. Everybody must take care and enjoy of the physical, spiritual, mental and social/emotional dimension of their lives, otherwise people could become effective in some aspects, but do not do it in others, so sooner or later they will get frustrated. Following this and the other six habits people will be successful in life because people will know their goals and they will know what to do for achieve them. By AndrĂŠs Sanabria
14: Seven habits of highly effective people
I think that this article has have a new way to change people’s way to interpret life, creating new habits that allow them to escape inertia and moving towards their goals. The first three habits deal with self control. That is, to gain the growth of personality and the independence. The next three habits deal with human relationships through teamwork and cooperation, the seventh habit refers to continuous renewal. I agree that people want to be effective, take the decision to improve yourself, making habits that will make you a better person and be responsible to select a answer to any stimulus that face in your life. If I had to change a habit for one of my choice I would not do it because I think each habits have sequence every one could help people to be effective and responsible in your life. These Habits can help me in my life because they habits teach me to be proactive, to always have a goal in mind, how to choose the essential things, be able to solve problems; teach me to unfold as we go both personally and in labor, teach me a good mother to create beauty, health and development around it. His eagerness to serve my daughter grows. By SofĂa Picado
15: Messi and Ronaldo did not score the penalty The two best soccer players of the world did not score when their teams needed it. Both players failed the penalty in the UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE Semifinals, so their teams did not qualify to the Final Lap. Not only the people related to sports are in shock, but also the scientists, so they did a research about why best players fail in important moments?
The Discovery Channel´s research shows that when the players are under stress, the anxiety blocks their minds, so they kick the ball like their first time. Mark William, PhD in Sports Science at John Moores University in England says that “when they are so overwhelmed, they think everything, they think so much that their performance deteriorates and they suffer paralysis by analysis”. When they are so stressed out the anxiety becomes their worst enemy and they forget all what they know and all what they already practiced since years ago. Ronaldo failed the penalty against Chelsea and Messi did it against Bayer Munich.
By Andrés Sanabria
16: This magazine is produced as part of the learning activities of the English course ULACIT, during its preparation; we strive to lead truthful and useful information to educate all readers. In the find the following sections: health, culture, economics, sports and opinion. It is directed to a variety of readers interested in current articles. This activity helped us to Develop Cognitive Abilities and it provided us to process our thinking formats. Additionally, this activity motivated us to reflect about different situations that occurs in the world, and it help us to write clear, well-structured, text on complex subjects detailed, showing controlled use of Organizational patterns connectors. Additionally, we can express opinions on a variety of topics related to the course content.
17: Designers: Andrés Sanabria Padilla Mayela Dabdub Moreira Sofía Picado Acosta
“Our life is what our thoughts make it. A man will find that as he alters his thoughts toward things and other people, things and other people will alter towards him.” James Allen