5 Annual DGDW The Leading Student-Run Conference in Europe on Responsible Business
February 29 – March 1, 2008 IESE Business School Barcelona, Spain
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008
Welcome to the 2008 Doing Good and Doing Well Conference Dear Participant, In 2004 two forward-thinking IESE MBA students, Heather Blahnik and Emma Coles, wanted to put together a conference that was designed to show their fellow classmates that in the world of business there exist opportunities to DO GOOD and also DO WELL. Four years later their vision has taken root in the world of business; evidenced most recently by Bill Gates and his latest call to arms at the 2008 World Economic Forum for a kinder and more Creative Capitalism. In our opinion he is only now starting to say what hundreds of our participants over the past 4 years have always known to be true! In honor of our founders and their immense vision, during the 5th Annual DGDW we will attempt to explore how businesses are increasingly linking the opportunities to make profits closer to the global quest for a more sustainable and more equitable society. We will see how today’s leaders are creating opportunities to profit from more meaningful products and services and more sensible uses of resources. Throughout the conference, via our discussion tracks on Responsible Finance, Energy and the Environment, and Economic Development, we will attempt to discover the answer to the question that is on everyone’s minds: “IS CAPITALISM EVOLVING?” Enjoy the discovery! Your 2008 DGDW Organizing Team
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS Panel Background Information: • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Banks Go Responsible 7 Sustainable City Planning 8 Scaling Social Enterprises 9 ONG’s, Emprendedores Sociales y Empresas Socialmente Responsables 10 Clean Investing 11 Emerging Markets Going Green 12 New Methods of Financing for Entrepreneurs 13 Clean Tech Ventures Seminar 14 Ethical vs. Conventional Funds 15 Sustainable Manufacturing 16 Economic Development and Investment in Africa 17 Financing Renewable Energy Development 18 Climate Change & Business 19 The Business of Healthcare 20
Speaker Biographies: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Mario Armero (Keynote) Reuben Abraham Sean Ansett Carmen Becerril Martinez D. Carlos Bendito Jop Blom Jan-Willem Bode Robert Huber Bürmann David Camps David Dean Dr. Jim Dearth, M.D. Charles Donovan Emilio Estrada Velo Mark Fulton Mark Goldsmith Dr. Alicia Granados, M.D. Pamela Hartigan
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Speaker Biographies • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Malcolm Hayday Francisco Hortigüela Martos Roland A. Jansen Mike Kaiser René Kim Floris Lambrechsten Pablo Lazo Alejandro Mashad Johanna Mair Arastide Massardo Russel Mills Piero Micossi Pito Nadal Nicholas Nesbitt Sudhir Nunes Fabián Marcelo Palmada Stephen Parker Richard S. Roque Jean Claude Rodriguez José-Manuel Rodriguez Barrios Professor Mike Rosenberg Peter Rossbach Varun Sahni Dr. Francesc Prior Sanz Ralph Schonenbach Christian Seelos Lisa Sherk Anton Shihoff Andrea Sobrio Francisco Sosa Peter Sweatman Belén Tubío Sebastian Waldburg Jubilant Wera
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Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 GOLD SPONSOR Charity Bank has been a valued supporter and proud sponsor of the IESE Doing Good and Doing Well conference for several years, but this year they have increased their commitment by becoming our EXCLUSIVE GOLD SPONSOR. The Responsible Business Club and the DGDW team would like to thank Malcolm Hayday, CEO and Charity Bank for their continued support.
WHAT MAKES CHARITY BANK, WINNER OF THE 2007 Charity Times Award for Professional Services and the 2005 Ifs/Deloitte Financial Innovation Award, SO DIFFERENT? Changing perceptions of charity finance Charity Bank’s purpose is to change perceptions of how personal and corporate wealth can provide finance for the benefit of society, rather than just for the profit of business or self-interest. Saving for a social return Charitable deposits with Charity Bank are a new way for people to let a little of their wealth be managed for the benefit of communities for as long as they like, without the need to give capital away. With Charity Bank, all deposits are contributing to a pooled fund that's providing charities with the support they need to be efficient, independent players. Lending to charity on affordable terms They can provide loan finance and advice to any organisation that is either a registered or exempt charity, as well as to community associations, voluntary organisations, community businesses, social enterprises or social landlords or even for-profit companies as long as the purpose of the loan is exclusively charitable. Their purpose is to achieve the greatest benefit they can for the organisation. They often lend where banks or building societies either will not make a loan at all, or will only do so on unaffordable terms.
29 February - 19:00 – 20:00
SATURDAY NIGHT CELEBRATION AT SOL 1 March - 11:30 – ??? Brought to you by the
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 IESE BUSINESS SCHOOL PARTNERS Center for Globalization and Strategy Research on Globalization and International Business Strategy
IPSS - IESE Platform for Strategy and Sustainability Enabling good strategic decisions around global sustainability issues
IESE Finance Club IESE Energy Club
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 PANEL BACKGROUND INFORMATION DAY 1 – FRIDAY, 29 FEBRUARY Responsible Finance Track - Panel Session 1 - 16:00 – 17:15
Banks Go Responsible - Can they link social impact to their bottom line? Panel Owners: Anna Lee, IESE MBA 2008 and Lucretia Landmann, ESADE What does it mean for banks to go ‘responsible’ and what are the opportunities and risks?? Is this just a passing fad of banks jumping on the CSR bandwagon or is this a sustainable trend, and how does it impact the bank’s bottom line? The traditional banking model doesn’t usually bring to mind the idea of positive social impact and corporate responsibility. However, today’s panel will challenge the conventional model and discuss ways banks can and are beginning to create social impact through innovative products and strategic alliances. With a diverse panel of experts that have experience in various types of financial institutions, we will hear how banks large and small are incorporating social responsibility into their core strategies and banking the so-called unbankable segment.
Speakers: Malcolm Hayday, CEO, Charity Bank, Limited Exclusive Gold Sponsor Charity Bank’s purpose is to change perceptions of how personal and corporate wealth can provide finance for the benefit of society, rather than just for the profit of business or selfinterest.
Dr. Francesc Prior Sanz, Director of the Financial Inclusiveness Program at the Summit of the Americas Center, World Bank Consultant, IESE Business School Researcher The Summit process was initiated in 1994 when the heads of state of 34 nations of the Western Hemisphere assembled at the first Summit of the Americas in Miami, Florida. All of the participating countries have maintained democratically elected governments, free market-oriented economies, and have joined vigorously in the conduct of multilateral as well as bilateral and subregional international trade negotiations. While the Summit participants have remained committed to these core political and economic policy elements to assure democratic negotiations, they have also cooperated to establish institutions and mechanisms that facilitate and monitor the decision-making process, as well as implementation and follow-up.
Lisa Sherk, Director of Investment Analysis, BlueOrchard Finance, S.A. The mission of BlueOrchard is to promote private investments in projects and enterprises that contribute to the sustainable development of micro-entrepreneurship in emerging economies. Their actions are grounded in the philosophy that development must be beneficial to all its stakeholders in order to be sustainable.
Moderator: TBA
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 DAY 1 – Friday, 29 February Energy and the Environment Track - Panel Session 1 - 16:00-17:15
Sustainable City Planning Panel Owner: Lorenzo Massa, IESE PhD Candidate By the end of 2007 mankind will become a primarily urban species with more than half of the world’s 6.6 billion population living in urban areas.[…] 1. The relentless march of urbanisation goes hand in hand with a vast increase in energy consumption and pollution. […] This trend is widely recognised as being unsustainable and consequently a new approach is required to find a sustainable lifestyle for the cities of tomorrow. One possible answer is building sustainable eco-cities. The sustainable city planning panel focus on this specific topic. Sustainable design is both a challenge and an opportunity, but it will require a fundamental rethinking of the way we do business and the way we think about consumption and we live our lives. After introducing the Arup sustainable approach to eco city design we will discuss urban metabolism and in particular energy consumption within a city, with the aim of contributing to our understanding of the following issues: What is the added value of taking a sustainable approach to city design? Energy: how do we make it more sustainable? Which is the current paradigm of energy generation (where do we take it today)? Where do we take it in the future? Do we need a fundamental rethinking of energy supplydemand-consumption from current paradigm to sustainable energy?
Speakers: Pablo Lazo, Urban Designer, Arup Engineering Arup is a global firm of designers, engineers, planners and business consultants providing a diverse range of professional services to clients around the world. Their innovative and fully-integrated approach brings their full complement of skills and knowledge to bear on any given design problem. They are the creative force behind many of the world’s most innovative and sustainable designs.
Prof. Aristide Massardo, Director of Rolls Royce Fuel Cell Research Centre at UNIGE The fully funded Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems / UTC at the TPG Laboratory researches fields associated with the Solid Oxide Fuel Cells and gas turbine hybrid systems. The TPG Laboratory is one of the foremost laboratories specialising in research into component and system analysis for SOFC gas turbine hybrid systems.
Moderators: Prof. Christian Seelos, IESE Platform for Strategy and Sustainability and Lorenzo Massa, IESE PhD Candidate 1
Arup Engineering website
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 DAY 1 – FRIDAY, 29 FEBRUARY Economic Development Track - Panel Session 1 - 16:00 – 17:15
Scaling Social Enterprises - Finding the Talent and Resources to Grow and Compete Panel Owner: Astrid Sandoval, IESE MBA 2009 Social entrepreneurs have been hard at work for many years developing their enterprises successfully. Now the question remains: can they scale and grow? Social enterprises historically have been marred by their smallness—achieving only small incremental changes to society. But today’s sophisticated entrepreneurs are finding ways to develop new business models to not only sustain growth but compete against established multinationals. Our expert panelists today have been working side-by-side with social entrepreneurs to develop these new competitive strategies. Today they will discuss a range of issues including where to find talent to grow social enterprises, how to develop new sources of money, and ultimately how to serve the next billion consumers. Speakers: David R. Dean, Senior Partner and Managing Director of BCG Boston Consulting Group has a rich history of developing breakthrough business ideas such as the growth-share matrix, the experience curve, and time-based competition. These concepts changed the corporate landscape, and their influence is still felt today.
Pamela Hartigan, Founding Partner of Volans Ventures and former Director of the Schwab Foundation The Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship provides unparalleled platforms at the country, regional and global levels that highlight social entrepreneurship as a key element to advance societies and address social problems in an innovative and effective manner.
Mike Kaiser, Founder and CEO of Agelos Social Ventures Our Mission is to inspire people with visions and to enhance them – to generate ideas, which sustainably change our world. Together with these people, with our capital and our entrepreneurial ability, we create a platform where visions can be realized. Visions, whose realization result in a social and ecological change. Essential for this development is to operate on a systemic level.
Moderator: Prof. Johanna Mair, Winner of the Aspen Institute 2007 Faculty Pioneer Award, IESE Business School
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 DÍA 1 – VIERNES, 29 DE FEBRERO 16:00 – 17:15
ONG’s, emprendedores sociales y empresas socialmente responsables: Tres modelos distintos de conseguir un objetivo similar Panel Owners: Lorenzo de la Mora, IESE MBA 2009 y Oriol Segarra, IESE MBA 2008 El propósito del panel es juntar a un emprendedor social y a representantes de una Fundación y de una empresa comprometida socialmente para que compartan con nosotros cómo afrontan desde sus respectivos ámbitos la responsabilidad social. Es una oportunidad única para obtener de primera mano opiniones fundadas y diversas sobre los retos que plantea actualmente la responsabilidad social (corporativa y no corporativa), así como para escuchar buenas ideas sobre cómo se puede avanzar en este aspecto desde los distintos frentes implicados. David Camps, Director de Captación de Fondos, Intermón-Oxfam Formamos Intermón Oxfam personas que, como tú, creemos que entre todos podemos cambiar el mundo y hemos decidido actuar para hacer de él un lugar más justo, solidario y en paz. Consideramos que la mejor manera de ayudar a las personas de los países más pobres es que puedan valerse por sí mismas..
Francisco José Sosa, Director de Comunicación, MRW MRW se creó en 1977 bajo el nombre de Mensajeros Radio. Desde entonces hemos desarrollado y creado a partir de nuestra actividad principal, el transporte urgente de mercancías, nuevas prestaciones y servicios para satisfacer sus necesidades. Actualmente, además de poder utilizar las diferentes modalidades horarias para el envío de sus paquetes o documentos, usted puede realizar sus mailings, solicitar una compra en otra ciudad, transferir dinero a todo el mundo, trasladar su mascota, solicitar una recogida el sábado para entregar el lunes, disponer de un reportaje fotográfico aéreo de sus instalaciones profesionales, domésticas o eventos de cualquier tipo o coordinar o realizar sus campañas logísticas, de marketing relacional, etc.
Jean Claude Rodríguez-Ferrera, Fundador y Director de Desarrollo Comunitario, organización que desarrolla Comunidades Autofinanciadas en Europa. Emprendedor social de Ashoka Internacional. Ganador del premio CYEA 2007, que reconoce al mejor emprendedor creativo del mundo Ashoka es una organización mundial que identifica e invierte en ideas innovadoras en manos de emprendedores sociales para impulsar cambios estructurales y duraderos. Desde 1980 Ashoka ha ido consolidando la profesión de emprendedor social en el mundo, creciendo hasta contar con una Red de cerca de 2.000 Emprendedores Sociales en más de 60 países alrededor del mundo.
Moderador: Íñigo Gallo, Profesor del IESE.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 DAY 1 – Friday, 29 February Responsible Finance Track - Panel Session 2 - 17:45-19:00
Clean Investing Panel Owner: Arun Jayadev, IESE MBA 2008 The issues of energy security, climate change and sustainability have been at the forefront of global economic concerns for the past few decades. The political, academic and social consensus had always supported the idea of moving away from the carbon economy. Yet it has been only for the last one decade that a clean revolution is taking shape across both emerging and developed economies. What is the driving force for this revolution? The reason sighted has been the involvement of the financial community in driving this revolution, mainly post 2000. What are the main reasons for the financial community to back this movement? What are the opportunities that are shaping this clean investing trend? Are the over-performing NEF, CTIUS, EnviroDaq, NASDAQ CleanEdge indices just signifying a bubble or is there a real value to these investments? Find out all this and more from the leading investors of the financial community:
Robert Huber BĂźrmann, Senior Associate, Good Energies Good Energies is a leading global investor in the renewable energy and energy efficiency industry, focusing on investments in solar, wind, project finance and development, energy efficiency and green building, investments in the developing world, as well as in research and development. The current market capitalization of its portfolio is more than four billion Euros (five billion US dollars
Mark Fulton, Managing Director, Global Head of Strategic Planning, Deutsche Asset Management Deutsche Bank's Asset Management division (DeAM) Climate Change Initiative positions the firm and its clients for the challenges and opportunities presented by climate change.
Peter Rossbach, Director, Investments, Impax Asset Management Impax was founded in 1994 as a specialist finance house focusing on the markets for cleaner or more efficient delivery of basic services of energy, water and waste. These markets are expanding rapidly, as business and political leaders encourage the development of cleaner products and services in response to the increasing pressures placed on the environment.
Peter Sweatman, Managing Director, Climate Change Capital Climate Change Capital is a leading investment banking group specialising in the commercial opportunities created by the low carbon economy. It advises and invests in companies who recognise that combating global warming is both a necessity and an economic opportunity. Its activities, which also include investment management and financing emission reductions, aim to make the world's environment cleaner while delivering attractive financial returns.
Moderator : TBA 11
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 DAY 1 – FRIDAY, 29 FEBRUARY Energy and the Environment Track - Panel Session 2 - 17:45 – 19:00
Emerging Markets Going Green Panel Owners: Prisque Lemblé, IESE MBA 2009 & Alan Burchell, IESE MBA 2009 Emerging markets are growing at rates much faster than those of the rest of the world. Their needs for energy are increasing dramatically, resulting in dramatic problems. Today environmental issues have become so severe that governments are forced to take measures to prevent further damages. At the same time, some companies see emerging markets as great business opportunities and are investing heavily. Can renewable energies help these markets achieve sustainable growth while adhering to green policies? Are renewable energy projects profitable enough to attract investors? What are the challenges that these companies face in these countries? What role do Carbon Credits play in this process? This panel will try to answer these questions, with the help of the following highly experienced professionals: Jan-Willem Bode, CEO, One Carbon Event sponsor OneCarbon International BV is the carbon credit activities branch of ECONCERN, a group of companies that deliver unique projects and innovative products and services for a sustainable energy supply. OneCarbon has two main business lines: consultancy for project owners (credit development services) and investing in and management of our own projects (project development activities). We sell the carbon credits from our portfolio to organizations to meet their compliance targets or to enable voluntary offsets.
Charles Donovan, Head of Structuring, BP - Low Carbon Power Activities Event sponsor BP Alternative Energy bring low carbon businesses and achievements together into one company with an investment programme and some ambitious environmental and business goals. Alternative Energy combines BP¹s worldwide activities in solar photovoltaics, wind energy, and advanced thermal power. Low Carbon Power Activities are about using cleaner, greener ways to generate power. They're called 'low-carbon' because they add much less greenhouse gas carbon dioxide to the atmosphere by focusing on enormous potential of solar, wind, hydrogen and natural gas technologies.
Fabian Palmada, Partner, ERM Environmental Resources Management (ERM) is one of the world’s leading providers of environmental consulting services and health and safety. They have over 135 offices in more than 40 countries and employ over 3,000 staff. They are committed to providing a service that is consistent, professional and of the highest quality. They deliver innovative solutions for leading business and government clients, assisting them in managing their environmental and related risks.
Moderator Roland A. Jansen, author of “Profits from Natural Resources”, and CEO of Mother Earth Investments AG and President of Tian Biogreen Resources Ltd.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 DAY 1 – FRIDAY, 29 FEBRUARY Economic Development Track - Panel Session 2 - 17:45 – 19:00
New Methods of Financing for Entrepreneurs w/ Double or Triple Bottom Lines Panel Owner: Tammy Maloney, IESE MBA 2008 During last years’ conference one of the tough questions that no one could answer was, “How do entrepreneurs with double or triple bottom lines find financing?” They are entrepreneurs with innovative ideas that profitably address a serious social and/or environmental issue and with access to capital they could affect real change. Unfortunately their business plans don’t offer the returns that traditional investors require to take the risk. What their business plans do represent is an opportunity for innovative financiers to make profits. Today’s speakers represent a global view. Their areas of expertise lie in China, India, and Europe and with their help we will discover the players that are bridging the gap between traditional philanthropy and traditional investment and profiting from it!
Reuben Abraham, Director of the ISB/Cornell BOP Learning Lab in India, Board Member of George Soros’ Economic Development Fund The Base of the Pyramid (BoP) Learning Laboratory in Indian is a joint venture between the Indian School of Business and the Cornell Business School. Founded by Stuart Hart, it is a membership-based consortium of companies, NGOs, multilateral organizations, and universities. Members work together to discover and implement win-win solutions that open new opportunities for business value creation while simultaneously expanding the development horizon of the world's poorest people and communities in ways that are culturally appropriate and environmentally sustainable.
Richard S. Roque, Managing Director, SA Capital Limited SA Capital Limited, Hong Kong is a private investment company which was previously known as William E. Simon & Sons (Asia) Limited.
Varun Sahni, India Director, Acumen Fund Acumen Fund is a non-profit global venture fund that uses entrepreneurial approaches to solve the problems of global poverty. We seek to prove that small amounts of philanthropic capital, combined with large doses of business acumen, can build thriving enterprises that serve vast numbers of the poor. Our investments focus on delivering affordable, critical goods and services – like health, water, housing and energy – through innovative, market-oriented approaches.
Ralph Schonenbach, CEO, Trestle Group and Board Member, Trestle Group Foundation Developed by a dynamic team of entrepreneurs and international business professionals, Trestle Group Foundation is an innovative, change-provoking, nonprofit organization dedicated to creating and expanding sustainable economic opportunities in developing countries by removing barriers and providing direct support to emerging entrepreneurs.
Moderator: Rene Kim, Partner, Triple Value Strategy Consulting Triple Value is an independent consultancy boutique. We enable our clients to improve their economic performance by taking a structured approach towards sustainable entrepreneurship. In the dynamics in which companies operate, this is not a choice but a necessity to survive in a hypercompetitive environment. ‘Survival of the best fitting’ is the challenge facing companies.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008
Clean Tech Ventures Seminar SATURDAY, 1 MARCH – 11:30 – 13:45 Organized by: Arun Jayadev, IESE MBA 2008
Clean tech is a term used to describe diverse range of knowledge-based products, services, and processes across industry verticals that are inherently designed to, • Provide superior performance at lower costs • Greatly reduce or eliminate negative ecological impact • Improve the productive and responsible use of natural resources Clean tech spans many industries including, • Energy Generation ,Storage, Infrastructure , Efficiency • Transportation • Water & Wastewater • Air & Environment • Materials • Manufacturing/Industrial • Agriculture • Recycling & Waste Witness for the first time at the DGDW, 8 Entrepreneurs running innovative clean tech companies pitch their business to more than 20 International and Spanish Venture Capitalists & Business Angels Moderated by Anton Shihoff, CEO, Viridor Capital. PRESENTING COMPANIES: HIDROFLOT - Tidal Energy ALUCHA - Waste Recycling WOLA - Bio Sensores PICVISA - Micro turbines AIR WATER - Water treatment WASTE TO ENERGY - Waste Energy RECUPYL - Recycling batteries OPTIONDOS - Solar PV visualization (Clean tech IT)
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 DAY 2 – SATURDAY, 1 MARCH Responsible Finance Track – Panel Session 3 - 12:30 – 13:45
Ethical vs. Conventional Funds – Can they generate higher returns? Panel Owners: Bala Nagarajan, IESE MBA 2008 and Will Morgan, ESADE There has been increasing focus in recent years on socially responsible investment. The market in SRI investment funds is well under 10% of the global asset management market, but SRI considerations have a much broader effect on investment decisions. While definitions of what constitutes socially responsible investment vary, there is no question that portfolios whose selection is influenced by ethical criteria are growing significantly in importance. A critical factor that determines the acceptance of ethical mutual funds into the mainstream investment arena is their financial performance. Questions for debate: Given the lack of conclusive evidence to prove that inclusion of ethical factors leads to better performance, how should ethical funds be marketed such that they find acceptance amongst the majority of the population? Research indicates that ethical funds seem to have a large exposure to small caps and growth stocks. Given this, should performance of ethical funds be compared against conventional indices? What are the possible alternatives to benchmarking (ethical indices)? There seems to be a lack of clear definition and standards of what is ethical investment? What are the key developments in this space that seek to clear the confusion? Some ethical funds seem to outperform others, what would be the set of ethical investment principles that are most correlated with good performance?
D. Carlos Bendito, Director, Business Development, Triodos Bank Triodos Bank finances companies, institutions and projects that add cultural value and benefit people and the environment, with the support of depositors and investors who want to encourage corporate social responsibility and a sustainable society.
Floris Lambrechtsen, Owner-Director, Double Dividend Double Dividend is a young company specialised in responsible investment. Its mission is to provide institutional investors and asset managers with support on responsible investment policies, analysis, portfolio management, active ownership and transparent reporting. Investors are increasingly confronted with expectations from society with regard to the social benefit of their investments. Double Dividend assists institutional investors in short term and long term solutions when it comes to responsible investment.
Pito Nadal, FTSE Regional Manager, Southern Europe Region The FTSE4Good Index Series has been designed to measure the performance of companies that meet globally recognised corporate responsibility standards, and to facilitate investment in those companies. Transparent management and criteria alongside the FTSE brand make FTSE4Good the index of choice for the creation of Socially Responsible Investment products.
Moderator: TBA
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 DAY 2 – Saturday, 1 March Energy and the Environment Track - Panel Session 3 - 12.30-13.45
Sustainable Manufacturing Panel Owner: Elliott Gansner, IESE MBA 2008 Today’s panel will address how sustainability initiatives at major industrial and consumer products manufacturers, such as Dow and Philips, were first developed. The discussion will investigate the business logic behind these decisions. Similarly, the speakers will explain various methods for evaluating the financial impacts of these changes and measurement systems that have been developed. From a manufacturing perspective, since implementing sustainability practices we will look into the specific consequences in regards to methods of manufacturing, raw material consumption, and resultant waste materials. In order for these programs to be successful, management, now armed with accurate financial and logistical information, must justify to shareholders and other key stakeholders the strategy to focus on sustainability. In the course of the discussion we will learn how companies believe that sustainable solutions will create long-term value for shareholders. Finally, the speakers will give their opinions on the growth and potential impact of the process of rethinking how products are made, consumed, and disposed of. Will sustainability be simply a passing fad or are manufacturers permanently changing the way they do business and in the process improving the bottom line and the lives of the consumers they serve? With a diverse panel of experts with roles in product development, marketing, and CSR we will hear how MBA’s can pursue a career in traditional managerial roles while supporting sustainable and intelligent economic growth.
Sean Ansett, Managing Partner of At Stake Advisors At Stake Advisors focuses it client services in five key areas: Stakeholder Engagement Strategy Development, Address your organizations social responsibility risks Ethical Sourcing, Create credible ethical sourcing programs Social Responsibility Assessment, Transform challenging social responsibility issues Partnership Brokering, Broker multi-stakeholder partnerships Capacity Building, Design and delivery of CSR training programs at headquarters and in the supply chain.
Francisco Hortigüela, Director de Comunicación y RRPP, Philips Philips has four product divisions: Consumer Electronics; Domestic Appliances & Personal Care; Lighting and Medical Systems. Each operates independently, yet coordinates closely in sharing technologies and in developing products for the consumer and business-to-business marketplaces.
Russel Mills, Director of External Technology and Innovation for Dow Europe With annual sales of $54 billion and 46,000 employees worldwide, Dow is a diversified chemical company that combines the power of science and technology with the “ Human Element ” to constantly improve what is essential to human progress. The Company delivers a broad range of products and services to customers in around 160 countries, connecting chemistry and innovation with the principles of sustainability to help provide everything from fresh water, food and pharmaceuticals to paints, packaging and personal care products.
Moderator: TBA
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 DAY 2 – SATURDAY, 1 MARCH Economic Development Track - Panel Session 3 - 12:30 – 13:45
Economic Development and Investment in Africa; Risks, Opportunities and the role of For-Profit Panel Owner: Tammy Maloney, IESE MBA 2008 In 2006, annual foreign direct investment (FDI) rose to a historic high of $38.8 billion, exceeding record levels of 2005 - a growth of 78 percent from 2004. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) economists forecast last October that the economies of subSaharan Africa would see 6.8-percent growth in 2008, up from 5.7 percent and 6.1 percent in 2006 and 2007 respectively ( Stock markets are performing well. In fact, according to a recent news report on, the African stock markets as a whole are among the best regional stock markets in the world in the past 15 years, second only to Eastern Europe. Analysts attribute the strong performance and potential of the African stock markets to the steady and fast economic growth of the whole African continent. So what is fueling this growth? Is it largely a commodities play or is the private sector booming as well? Does resource rich Africa in fact represent the next hotbed of investment opportunity? Joining us today to help us answer these questions and many more are a private equity firm focused on Africa and two successful local entrepreneurs: Mark Goldsmith, Head of the Environmental, Social and Governance Team, Actis Private Equity Actis is a leading private equity investor in emerging markets. They are a pioneer in their field. Their 60-year history of investing exclusively in emerging markets and their proven track record combine to deliver superior returns for both investee companies and investors. They have US$3.5 billion of funds under management and over 100 investment professionals located in 14 offices working together to deliver what we call the positive power of capital.
Nik Nesbitt, Founder and CEO, KenCall KenCall is an outsourcing firm that was founded in response to the Kenyan Government’s call to create jobs in the country. Its mission is to provide world class value to its clients, employees and investors. They work to create and establish a best in class outsourcing company and have taken the lead in developing Kenya’s IT-enabled services sector.
Jubilant Wera, Founder and Managing Director, Park East Africa Park East Africa Limited is a company registered and incorporated in Tanzania. The company operations are managed by qualified experts in tourism business with more than 25 years experience. Their programs are more personalized in close touch with client’s interests, time and budget. They also cater for professional visits e.g. Farmers, Doctors, Students, Religious group’s e.t.c.
Moderator: Rene Kim, Partner, Triple Value Strategy Consulting 17
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 DAY 2 – Saturday, 1 March Responsible Finance Track - Panel Session 4 – 14:15-15:30
Financing Renewable Energy Development Panel Owner: Elliott Gansner, IESE MBA 2008 Today’s panel will discuss how as a fledgling industry renewable energy suffered from a lack of access to traditional sources of capital and how, when, and why that began to change. Now that renewable energy has become a more mainstream industry, the panellists will discuss the most successful capital instruments to enable development. Furthermore, they will address how the renewable energy development process could be improved, and what deterrents remain. As many MBA candidates look toward careers in banking and finance, we will see how the financial sector can continue to drive growth and acceptance of the renewable energy industry. More concretely, we will investigate how investment criteria will determine which of the currently emerging technologies take root and when. Have the drivers for investment in this space changed from the initial period in which financial institutions began investing in renewable energy? Finally we will address the question of scale and the global impact of this growing business. What would need to happen in order for financial institutions to invest in the sector to the level required to make a significant global change in energy supply and impact on climate change? With a diverse panel of experts, all of them educated at IESE, we will hear how MBAs can pursue a career in traditional financial roles while supporting sustainable and intelligent economic growth.
Carmen Becerril, Director General of Strategic Analysis and Research & Development, Acciona Acciona is a business group which is a pioneer in contributing to sustainable development worldwide through its main lines of business: development and management of infrastructure and real estate projects, provision of transport, urban and environmental services, and development and operation of renewable energies.
Belen Tubio, Associate, Energy Project & Structured Finance, Santander Global Banking & Markets The bank's market capitalization was EUR 88,436 million at the end of 2006, making Santander the world's 12th largest financial group by market value. It is an international group which combines a solid local presence with strong global capacities and operates in three large geographic areas: Continental Europe, United Kingdom, and Latin America. The Group's main business areas are: Retail Banking, Wholesale Banking and Asset Management and Insurance.
Sebastian Waldburg, Managing Partner, Sustainable Investments Capital SI CAPITAL is specialized in the cleantech sector, focusing on renewable energies. SI CAPITAL, has two clearly differentiated business areas (i) Financial products: SI CAPITAL R&S I, is a private equity company (ii) Specialized financial Advisory: provides developers with varied advisory services within the clean tech sector.
Moderator: Ian Thomson, IESE MBA 2007, Founder CleantechHR
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 DAY 2 – Saturday, 1 March Energy and the Environment Track - Panel Session 4 - 14.15-15.30
Climate Change: a problem or a source of business opportunities? Panel Owner: Vincent Gautier, IESE MBA 2009 The transition to a low carbon economy represents a key challenge facing leaders in the early 21st century. Climate change creates risks and opportunities that will shape the context for institutions and individuals throughout society. Climate change presents decision makers with a host of increasingly important questions: What is climate change likely to mean for my business? What new growth opportunities are likely to open up, and what new threats could materialize? What are the most likely new regulatory scenarios? How will they affect my business? What regulatory strategy do I need to put in place? How will climate change affect the purchasing behavior of my customers? What impact will it have across my supply chain and distribution channels? What are my response options? Will everyone in my industry be affected equally – or will there be competitive consequences within the industry? What would it be worth to build a true leadership position around climate change? What would it take? What is the likely value associated with "going green"? Should we carve out leadership in this field or just stay with the pack? What new skills and capabilities do we need to build to compete successfully in the low carbon economy? How should we organize against an issue that cuts across business lines and functional silos? How fast do I need to act? What's the potential cost or risk associated with sticking with the pack? Or even playing a contrarian game?
Emilio Estrada, VP of BP Spain Event sponsor BP is one of the world's largest energy companies, providing its customers with fuel for transportation, energy for heat and light, retail services and petrochemicals products for everyday items. BP is one of the largest integrated oil companies in the world, with an estimated global market share of around 3% of oil & gas production and 4% of refining capacity in the major global markets in which we operate.
Sudhir Nunes, Senior Investment Manager, International Enterprise MTC Renewable Energy Trust The Renewable Energy Trust seeks to maximize environmental and economic benefits for the Commonwealth’s citizens by pioneering and promoting clean energy technologies and fostering the emergence of sustainable markets for electricity generated from renewable sources. The Trust provides financial assistance to individuals and businesses for solar panels and wind turbines at their homes and facilities, works with communities to incorporate green design into schools, helps emerging clean energy businesses flourish in the Commonwealth, and much more.
Steve Parker, Managing Director Strategic Consulting, Ricardo plc Ricardo Ricardo is a leading provider of technology, product innovation, engineering solutions and strategic consulting to the world's automotive, transport and energy industries. Combining business, product and process strategy with fundamental technical research and the implementation of large-scale new product development programmes, Ricardo is able to take on the greatest challenges including business strategy and restructuring, process re-engineering, product design, development, engineering, testing and systems integration.
Moderator: Mike Rosenberg, IESE Professor 19
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 DAY 2 – SATURDAY, 1 MARCH Economic Development Track - Panel Session 4 - 14:15 – 15:30
The Business of Healthcare Panel Owner: Sandra Schoenes, IESE MBA 2009 We are living in an increasingly complex and truly global environment. From a capitalistic perspective of profit generation this required to shift the attention from shareholder management to a more holistic stakeholder management. In this context the measurement of performance need to be extended. Evaluation criteria have changed from being mere economical to a triple bottom line approach, including as well ecological and social aspects. This new perspective has proven to be a major driver and burning platform, specifically in the context of healthcare. Nowadays, pharmaceutical and biotech companies need to regain public trust and credibility and improve their bad image of being merely profit orientated without social responsibility. Furthermore, exploding budgets threaten to erode their double-digit margin. In the business of healthcare sustainable value creation emerges as the possible answer to address these challenges. Therefore, this will be the focus of our panel discussion. Our panel speakers represent the two main types of healthcare manufacturers (pharma and medical devices) and the most relevant service provider (private and public hospitals) in the European, US and international market:
Dr. J. Dearth, founder and former CEO of Children´s Hospital Alabama The Children’s Hospital of Alabama is a 190-bed pediatric specialty hospital, serving seriously ill and injured children from throughout the state of Alabama as well as from 38 other states. The hospital is responsible for the education of pediatric house-staff of the University of Alabama School of Medicine, and serves as the exclusive provider of pediatric emergency care in the Medical Center.
Alicia Granados, External Affairs Manager Event sponsor Merck & Co., Inc., Whitehouse Station, N.J. USA, which does business in many countries of the world as Merck Sharp & Dohme, is a leading research-driven pharmaceutical company dedicated to placing patients first.
Dr. P. Micossi, CEO Holding Sanità e Servizi Socially responsible Healthcare in Italy.
Jose Manuel Rodriguez Barrios, Medtronic Iberia Health Economics and Reimbursement Department Medtronic is the global leader in medical technology - alleviating pain, restoring health and extending life for millions of people around the world.
Moderator: Andrea Sobrio, Founder and Director at Executive Insight Executive Insight is a highly specialised healthcare consulting firm with a pan-European market focus and deep expertise in the areas of commercial strategy, operations and execution.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 KEYNOTE SPEAKER Mario Armero Company: General Electric Title: Chairman of the Board, Spain and Portugal
Mario Armero holds the position of Chairman of the Board of General Electric for Spain and Portugal, with responsibility for the multinational's different business interests on the Iberian Peninsula. Mario Armero, who holds a degree in law from Madrid Complutense University, began his professional career at the Armero law firm and, subsequently, worked at AT&T Spain. In 1988, following the approval of General Electric Plastics' investments in Cartagena, Mr. Armero was appointed Secretary General of the company, a position that he held until November 1999, when he was named the company's President, a position that he will combine with the new appointment. He has been President of the American Business Council in Spain, member of the Board of Directors until 2006, December. Besides, he is a member of the Asociación para el Progreso de la Dirección (APD, Spanish Association for the Advancement of Management), Patron of the non-lucrative association Junior Achievement and member of the Supervisory Board of the Spanish Business Employer Association. Mario Armero is also member of the Board of Directors of Banco Sabadell Fincom and Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo-GE. In 2005, he was named “Manager of the Year” by the Spanish Management Association.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 PANELISTS & MODERATORS Reuben Abraham Company: BOP Learning Lab in India Title: Director Reuben Abraham is a faculty and director of the Base of the Pyramid Learning Lab in India, a joint venture between Cornell Business School and the Indian School of Business. He serves on the global board of directors of George Soros' Economic Development Fund (SEDF), a $155 million fund which aims to catalyze growth in emerging markets. Under the aegis of SEDF, he is setting up a unique India-focused SME early stage fund with Google and Omidyar Network as co-investors. He serves as an independent director on the board of Indiaco Ventures, a leading Indian financial services company that is listed on the Bombay stock exchange. He was also a TED Global Fellow for 2007 and is a member of the Clinton Global Initiative. Reuben completed his M.A., M.Phil and Ph.D. from Columbia University in New York. During his time in New York, he was an associate fellow in global economics at the Council on Foreign Relations, a Public Policy Consortium Fellow and a Sloan Telecommunications Fellow. Before Columbia, he was involved in co-founding two start-up ventures, both in India.
Sean Ansett Company: At Stake Advisors Title: Managing Partner Sean Ansett is the Managing Partner of At Stake Advisors, a CSR consultancy based in Madrid, Spain. Prior to founding At Stake Advisors, Sean was the Global Partnerships´ Director at Gap, Inc. In this role, his responsibilities included stakeholder engagement strategy development, implementation and training, management of supply chain labor rights programs and the creation of multi-stakeholder partnership programs globally. Formally, Mr. Ansett also managed Gap, Inc.’s compliance program in Mexico and the Caribbean. Mr. Ansett has published various articles in the field of Social Responsibility including Boundary Spanner: the Gatekeeper of Innovation in Partnerships and Labor Standards in the Supply Chain: the Steep Climb to Sustainability. Mr. Ansett is a guest lecturer at INSEAD Business School in France and Singapore and the European Representative for Social Accountability International. He previously served on the expert committee for the Global Reporting Initiative´s G3 process and UNCTAD’s committee responsible for developing CSR indicators. Mr. Ansett is a returned United States Peace Corps volunteer in micro-enterprise development based in the Dominican Republic. He has a Master’s of Science degree in Business Administration and is a graduate of the Cross Sector Partnerships Program at the University of Cambridge Programme for Industry.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 Carmen Becerril Martínez Company: Acciona Title: General Director, Strategic Analysis and Research & Development Carmen Becerril Martínez began her professional career in the General Administration of the State. In recent years she occupied the position of Director General of Policy for Energy and Mines and Director General of the institute for the diversification and saving of energy (IDEA). In addition, she has participated on the administrative counsels of various public companies like REE, CLH and ENRESA. She has since worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting before joining Acciona. Ms. Becerril received her law degree from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, is a member of the Superior Body of Civil Administrators of the State and the Superior Body of Technicians of the Community of Madrid and has completed the PDD Management Development Program at IESE Business School.
D. Carlos Bendito Company: Triodos Bank Title: Director D. Carlos Bendito is the Director of Business Development for Triodos Bank. He is responsible for the incorporation of Triodos group business lines and their adequacy in the Spanish market. He is also responsible for developing institutional relations for the bank within Spain and is in charge of marketing the socially responsible investment funds of the group. His responsibilities include the general management of Analistas Internacionales en Sostenibilidad (AIS), a Triodos group company responsible for conducting analysis on the social, environmental and corporate governance initiatives of Spanish and Portuguese companies, as well as for developing sectoral studies for the selection of companies that make up the universe of Triodos Bank’s investment funds. Prior to AIS, Mr. Bendito was the Director General of Innovest Strategic Value Advisors, Inc. for Spain and Portugal, where he developed the first actively managed investment fund under the criteria of sustainability for BBVA (BBVA Sustainable Development). His more than 15 years of professional experience in corporate finance and restructuring of companies led him to positions of responsibility at the international level including the Country Manager for Spain and Portugal at the Development Bank of the Council of Europe, a multilateral development bank specializing in financing social and environmental projects. Mr. Bendito managed an investment portfolio of 1.85bn euros. Mr. Bendito’s past experiences include - Associate Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers, Corporate Finance Spain (in the Project Finance and Privatization Division); Task Manager, European Commission (Brussels) for Private Sector Development in Central and Eastern Europe; and Head of Private Sector Development Programmes, United Nations, covering several countries in Central and Eastern Europe. He also has wide experience in advising governments and investors in the processes of privatization and restructuring of large public business groups. Mr. Bendito has a Degree in Economics from the Autonomous University of Madrid and a Diploma in International Trade from the Madrid Chamber of Commerce.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 Jop Blom Company: EsteamWork B.V. Title: Founder Serial social entrepreneur Jop Blom (1974, MSc Law and Economics) has been active in the fields of international socio-economic development and CSR, since his studies and particularly because of his activities for the international student organisation AIESEC ( As a consultant he gained international experience in developing sustainable solutions in factory closures. By creating alternatives, for these factories jobs were preserved, redundant real estate and technology was regenerated and by that the negative social impact and closure costs were mitigated. Furthermore Mr. Blom was involved in the start up of a Social Venture Capital Fund ( By providing a network and investing money and know-how SOVEC aims to support entrepreneurial spirit and success in order to improve the economic situation and alleviate poverty in developing regions. All of this experience came together in his dream, EsteamWork B.V. ( EsteamWork links the private sector with development work by organizing learning journeys. During short term exchanges, a group of professionals dedicate their core expertise and work together with local development experts on challenging business cases of development organisations. The obvious win for the company as well as the NGO and the enthusiasm of the participants leads to a structural cooperation like for example the three years partnership between a large Dutch ICT & consultancy firm Ordina with the Red Cross organisation. By professionalizing the organisation and ICT infrastructure Ordina enables the Red Cross to optimize their work processes and make them more able to contribute to improve the living conditions of the most vulnerable in society. With this EsteamWork aims to connect worlds, learn from different cultures, share expertise, enhance social leadership and inspire people to truly make a difference in society. Esteamwork is housed in the first Amsterdam Social Venture House (, which is a breeding place for social entrepreneurs to realize their potential.
Jan-Willem Bode Company: OneCarbon Title: CEO Jan-Willem Bode is the CEO of OneCarbon, an international company that originates high quality carbon credits by initiating, (co-)developing, or financing projects globally that reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases. OneCarbon offers carbon credits from its portfolio to organizations to meet their compliance targets or to enable voluntary offsets. OneCarbon is part of the Econcern group and as such has access to a worldwide network and a wealth of expertise and experience related to sustainable energy. Prior to leading One Carbon, Mr. Bode was a consultant and later Managing Director and International Manager of Corporate Carbon Solutions for Ecofys - also an Environmental Services Industry company. Mr. Bode has performed environmental research for Utrecht University, and holds degrees in Chemistry, Science & Policy from the same university.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 Robert Huber Bürmann Company: Good Energies Title: Senior Associate Robert Huber Bürmann is part of Good Energies' Portfolio Management team, supporting actual investments. He is also a Member of the Board of Good Energies Foundation, which focuses on poverty alleviation through sustainable access to renewable energy. Prior to joining Good Energies, Robert Huber Bürmann was an Engagement Manager with McKinsey & Company. He has broad experience in project management and in leading teams in a professional services environment. During his work with McKinsey & Company he acquired a wide-range understanding in the areas of Marketing and Sales and in the counseling of Start-up companies. Mr. Bürmann received an MBA from IESE Business School in 2003. He holds a Diploma in Geology and a Bachelor in Economics from Munich University.
David Camps Company: Intermon Oxfam Title: Head of Fundraising David Camps, head of fundraising for Intermon Oxfam, has led various groups in raising fundraising for companies within Oxfam International. He is also the Vice-President of the Spanish Association of Fundraising. Mr. Camps holds Post-graduate degrees in NGO studies from Pompeu Fabra University and in Marketing Management from ESADE Business School.
David Dean Company: Boston Consulting Group Title: Senior Partner & Managing Director David Dean joined the Boston Consulting Group in 1985. Until recently, he was the global leader of BCG’s Technology & Communications Practice. For more than 20 years Mr. Dean has worked with many leading high-tech and telecommunications companies around the world on issues of strategy and corporate development, globalization, organization, and performance improvement. His client work has led to some of BCG’s most innovative thinking in areas such as knowledgebased competition, m-commerce, high-tech services and the attacker-defender model for competition in telecommunications. Some of his publications include “Ringing in the Next Billion Mobile Consumers”, “Competition in the German Telecommunication Market”, “Mobile Commerce: Winning the On-Air Consumer”, “Abundant Bandwidth: Creating Value at the Edge”, “The Promise of Mobile Telecom”, “Value Creation Through Services”, “China’s IP Stand-off”, and “Economic and Political Opportunities of the Information Society”.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 Prior to joining BCG, David Dean held research assistantships at the University of Giessen in Germany and the State University of New York at Stony Brook. He received an undergraduate degree (first class) in physics and a D.Phil. in nuclear physics from Oxford University.
Dr. Jim Dearth, MD Company: Children’s Health System Title: CEO (Retired) Dr. Jim Dearth was CEO of Children’s Health System of Alabama for twenty-one years. He was a local and national leader in the advocacy of children’s issues including all aspects related to wellbeing. Trained as a paediatric haematologist/oncologist, Dr. Dearth completed his undergraduate work at Duke University, his medical degree from the University of Wisconsin and his residency and fellowships at the Mayo Clinic. Dr. Dearth’s career has centered on clinical practice and health care administration. In 1984, Dr. Dearth became Vice Chairman of UAB’s Department of Pediatrics. In 1985, he was appointed Medical Director of Children’s Hospital, and in 1987, its Chief Executive Officer. Over the past twenty years, The Children’s Hospital of Alabama has grown into one of the twenty largest pediatric medical centers in the United States. Over his career, Dr. Dearth has chaired the Boards of the three major pediatric healthcare organizations in the U.S. - the National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions (NACHRI), the Child Health Care Association and the Children’s Miracle Network. Dr. Dearth has been active locally and nationally in child advocacy efforts initiating the Alabama Kids Count initiative and founding Voices for Alabama Children. Dr. Dearth and his wife, Joanne, have three children and four grandchildren. He is an avid jogger, biker and sailor.
Charles Donovan Company: BP Title: Head of Structuring, Alternative Energy Charles Donovan is the Head of Structuring for BP’s low-carbon power activities in Europe and Asia. Previous to his current role, Charles was part of the strategy team that launched BP Alternative Energy in November 2005. Alternative Energy combines BP’s worldwide activities in solar photovoltaics, wind energy, and advanced thermal power. Mr. Donovan began work on climate change and energy issues as an Energy Policy Analyst with the US Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, DC. He subsequently worked for the Enron Corporation in its London and Houston offices where he was responsible for project financing and investment risk analysis. He also spent several years in private sector consulting where he advised national governments and multinational energy companies in Europe on the impacts of climate policy on investment in power generation and primary energy sectors. Charles holds a Bachelors degree from the University of Washington and graduated with honors from The Owen Graduate School of Business at Vanderbilt University. His MBA work included a concentration in corporate finance and international management studies at ESADE Business School.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 Emilio Estrada Velo Company: BP Spain Title: Vice-President Emilio Estrada received a Bachelor's degree in law from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Master in Business by IESE in Barcelona. He began his career in 1989 in Spain at BP Oil, as an analyst of the Industrial and Commercial Division. Later he moved to the Division of Service Stations, where he held several positions in the areas of Operations and Marketing before working in the Commercial business in 1994. In late 1995 is responsible for managing the project of "Customer Response" for the company in Spain. In January 1997 he moved to the headquarters of BP Oil Europe in Brussels, in charge of streamlining the assets of the joint venture created by BP and Mobil in Europe. In January 1999, following the purchase of the company by BP Amoco, he moved to London to work on the development of corporate global assets. In late 1999 he was appointed Director of Business Development of BP Amoco, with the responsibility of identifying opportunities to enhance the company's presence in Latin America. In February 2001 he assumed the role of Directorate General of 'Downstream' for BP Mexico, with the aim of laying the groundwork for developing the company's presence in the country. In July 2004 he returned to the headquarters of BP in London as Chief of Staff and Vice President of the Group for the area BP Gas, Liquefied Natural Gas and Natural Gas Liquids. In November 2006 he was appointed Vice-President and Director of Institutional Affairs and Communications Group BP in Spain.
Mark Fulton Company: Deutsche Asset Management, Deutsche Bank Title: Managing Director, Head of Climate Change Strategy Mark Fulton is the Managing Director, global head of strategic planning, and climate change strategist for Deutsche Bank. He joined the company in 2006 after twenty-nine years of investment experience in senior roles in research and management at Citigroup in the US, Salomon Smith Barney and NatWest in Sydney, Potter Partners in Melbourne and James Capel in London. Mr. Fulton’s latest work has been the acclaimed “Investing in Climate Change” published under his guidance.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 Mark Goldsmith Company: Actis Title: Director, Environmental, Social and Governance Team Mark Goldsmith is based in London and Heads the Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) team for Actis. He has over fifteen years of experience in advising on ESG issues and specialist experience in the areas of contaminated land, air emissions, climate change, health & safety, ESG management systems and ethical issues. Mr. Goldsmith joined Actis in 2002 and has been instrumental in adding value to the ESG division, as well as in providing advice and overseeing compliance in several Actis investments. Mr. Goldsmith has also led collaboration between Actis and the Imperial College Centre for Environmental Technology, which is based in London. Before joining Actis, Mr. Goldsmith worked for Shell International on various environmental and safety-related research and technical service assignments as well as for Arthur D. Little in their Environmental, Safety and Risk division. Mr. Fulton has an Honor’s degree in Manufacturing Engineering from Nottingham University, and a Master’s degree (with distinction) in Environmental Pollution Control from the University of Leeds.
Dr. Alicia Granados, M.D. Company: MSD at Merck & Co. Title: External Affairs and CR Manager Dr. Alicia Granados currently works within Health Care and Health Science systems, and Public – Private partnership as part of MSD CR strategies at Merck & Co., Inc. in Spain. Dr. Granados has over eighteen years of experience in evaluative research, strategy development, assessment methods, teaching, practices and implementation. From 2000 through 2003 Dr. Granados held the position of President and CEO of the Catalan Institute of Health - the main health care provider in Catalonia, Spain. Since 1992 she has been a temporary advisor for Health Care Policy of United Nations Agencies (WHO, PAHO, World Bank). She is a former President of ISTAHC and Chair of the Committee for the Creation of a new HTA society: HTAI.
Pamela Hartigan Company: Volans Ventures Title: Founding Partner Pamela Hartigan is a Founding Partner of Volans Ventures, an organization launched in 2008 and focused on building innovative, scalable solutions to challenges affecting our future. Prior to starting Volans, Dr. Hartigan spent seven years as the first Managing Director of the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, a Swiss-based organization focused on advancing the practice of social entrepreneurship globally, building and supporting its community of practitioners whose efforts have achieved transformational social change. Throughout her career, she has held varied leadership positions in multilateral health organizations and educational institutions as well as in entrepreneurial non-profits. She has been responsible for conceptualizing and creating new organizations, departments or programs across a variety
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 institutional arrangements and multi-stakeholder platforms. A graduate of Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service in Washington, D.C., she also holds Masters' degrees in Economics and Public Health and a Ph.D. in Cognitive Psychology. Dr. Hartigan is a frequent lecturer on social entrepreneurship and innovation at graduate schools of business in the USA, Europe and Asia, and is an Adjunct Professor at the Columbia Business School. Her book, co-authored with John Elkington, founder of SustainAbility (UK) and entitled The Power of Unreasonable People: How Entrepreneurs Create Markets to Change the World has just been published by Harvard Business Press in February 2008.
Malcolm Hayday Company: Charity Bank Title: Founder and Chairman Malcolm Hayday is a founding director of the Community Development Finance Association and a trustee of The Big Issue Foundation. He was previously director of community finance at Charities Aid Foundation (CAF) and director of CAF’s social investment loan fund, Investors in Society. Malcolm has also been a board member of INAISE, the International Association of Investors in the Social Economy, a global network of social investment institutions, serving as president between 1997 and 2001. With more than 20 years experience in business finance, Malcolm joined the charity sector in 1993 when he joined CAF to establish a loans service to charities. He has written a number of papers on the social economy and social investment. Malcolm has been a member of several advisory groups: the Small is Bankable report from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (1998); the Development Trusts Association on Asset-Based Development (1998-99); the SEEDA Social Capital Fund Study Group (2000); and the Working Group on Social Investment in Scotland, which led to the development of SIS
Francisco Hortigϋela Martos Company: Philips Ibérica Title: Corporate Communications and RSC Manager Francisco Hortigϋela Martos has been the Corporate Communications and Corporate Social Responsibility Manager for Philips since January 2005. He is also the Vice President of the AEA (Spanish Advertising Association). From 1993 to 1999 Mr. Hortigϋela was the European Marketing Manager for Philips Video Equipment Europe dealing with marketing, sales and product strategy and planning, working closely with product development, based in Eindhoven, Hamburg and Viena. From 1999 to 2002 he held the position of Marketing Director of Philips Consumer Electronics Italy and in 2002 I returned to Spain to become Marketing Director Philips Iberia. Mr. Hortigϋela´s educational background includes a Telecommunications Engineering degree from the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, an MBA from ESSEC, a General Management Program degree from IESE, and a Strategic Marketing Management degree from ESADE.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 Roland A. Jansen Company: Mother Earth Investments, Juno Mother Earth Asset Management LLC Title: CEO, CIO Mr. Jansen is the CEO of Mother Earth Investments AG and the CIO of Juno Mother Earth Asset Management LLC. The companies issue the “Mother Earth Index” a ‘second generation’ global index of natural resources. The company manages assets in natural resources for banks, private clients, pension funds and family offices in several funds and certificates. The company also engineers financial products in commodities for banks. Mr. Jansen, from The Netherlands, holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland. He has worked in New York, London and Zurich as a financial consultant for Merrill Lynch and Cargill Investor Services. He has also been a Senior Vice President for the British bank Coutts & Co. in Zurich. Mr. Jansen is the author of “Profits from Natural Resources”, in which he forecasted correctly the end of the bear markets and the new super-cycle in commodities. Mr. Jansen also appears regularly on the US, Asian Pacific, British, French and German channels of Bloomberg Television to give his views on commodity trends. Mr. Jansen is President of Tian Biogreen Resources Ltd. and he serves as Director of China AgroTechnology Holdings Ltd. in Singapore. The companies cultivate eucalyptus plantations and jatropha nurseries and plantations in China, Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia. Mr. Jansen serves as the Honorary Consul for The Netherlands in Liechtenstein.
Mike Kaiser Company: Agelos Social Ventures Title: Architect of Social Enterprises, CEO Mike Kaiser founded a company called Agelos Seniorenimmobilien GmbH & Co. KG., an independent consulting firm, which was specialised in feasibility studies, conceptions, as well as in marketing measures and sales of senior nursing homes in 2001. Along with this company, he established in April 2004 the Aurelius-Hof, a senior nursing home with a capacity of 123 beds, 100 employees and with constant nursing care, which was situated in the area of Frankfurt/ Main. In spring 2006 he sold his participation and left to venture the world (focal point Asia). A highlight of his trip was a training course with Muhammad Yunus (Grameen Bank) in Bangladesh. He finished his journey in August 2007. In September 2007 Mr. Kaiser founded the Agelos Foundation gemeinnützige GmbH (non-profit), parallel with the Agelos Social Ventures GmbH, a 100% subsidiary of Agelos Foundation gemeinnützige GmbH (non-profit). With this hybrid venture he invests in Social Entrepreneurs and Social Business Enterprises. The first enterprise of his portfolio, Netzwirken GmbH, runs an online platform for fundraising with a worldwide unique concept. Two further projects are currently in preparation.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 René Kim Company: Triple Value Strategy Consulting Title: Partner René Kim has been a partner with Triple Value Strategy Consulting since 2000. Before that he worked as consultant and project leader in the Amsterdam office of The Boston Consulting Group. He holds a cum laude PhD in Hydrology from Wageningen University in the Netherlands and he was a post-doctoral associate at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Triple Value, a consulting boutique, advises its clients regarding sustainability and the impact of social and environmental aspects on business strategy. Among its clients are multinationals like AEGON, Akzo Nobel, DSM, Fortis, Heineken and Wolters Kluwer and development banks like DEG, FMO and KfW. Increasingly, Mr. Kim works with his clients on the quantification of their (local) economic and developmental impact. As businesses present themselves as part of the part of the solution in development and poverty reduction, a thorough understanding of a company’s economic impact helps managers to balance societal, governmental and business expectations and pressures.
Floris Lambrechsten Company: Double Dividend Title: Director Mr. Lambrechtsen is owner-director of Double Dividend, an independent advisory firm. Double Dividend works with institutional investors on responsible investment strategies, implementation and reporting. Double Dividend is signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). Mr. Lambrechtsen has worked for eight years as a management consultant with KPMG Global Sustainability Services in the Netherlands. In 2005 he was a member of the Expert Panel of the Principles for Responsible Investment. He completed an MBA program in Environmental Management in 1999 at the TSM Business School, and worked as a research assistant for James Cameron at the Foundation of International Environmental Law and Development (FIELD) in London. He was educated at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in International Environmental Law and graduated in 1997. Mr. Lambrechtsen has published several articles in national and international newspapers and magazines on corporate responsibility and responsible investment.
Pablo Lazo Company: Arup Engineering Title: Urban Designer Pablo Lazo joined Arup in 2000 and he has worked intensively on large scale urban design projects in the UK and internationally, such as Stratford City, Battersea, F.C Shakhtar Stadium masterplan in Ukraine, Plantation Place, St. Alphage Fore Street strategic masterplan. He is currently project leader for the regeneration masterplan in Central Jeddah. Recent projects for which Mr. Lazo as Project Leader include a 400ha site in Voskresenskoe, near Moscow 1100ha site and one of the first sustainable developments in Russia and the masterplan for Zone 1 in Stratford City, London.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 Prior to joining Arup Associates he was an architect and urban designer in London and Mexico City. In association with Alfonso Govela architects, Pablo was lead-urban designer for the regeneration strategy of the 120 Ha. Town of Tlacotalpan, Veracruz, Mexico. Mr. Lazo was Urban Design consultant for the minister of Tourism for the regeneration framework of the island of Cozumel and the urban strategic plan for the expansion of Ixtapa-Zihuatanejo. Mr. Lazo is an assistant teacher at the Architectural Association and is visiting critic at the AA, University of East London and UIA in Mexico City.
Alejandro Mashad Company: Endeavor Title: Managing Director Alejandro Machad has been the Managing Director of Endeavor Argentina since 2004. Endeavor is a global organization that works in the transformation of the economies of emerging markets by identifying and supporting high impact entrepreneurs and developing the entrepreneurial environment. In Argentina Endeavor is one of the most important organizations of the third sector. It is leading the entrepreneurial ecosystem, and is working with entrepreneurs; with the government in the design and implementation of programs to develop new businesses all around the country; and is a key actor in the rebirth of the Venture Capital in the country. It is also leading regional programs with Uruguay and Chile. Prior to joining Endeavor, Mr. Machad was a consultant for The Boston Consulting Group (Buenos Aires). He was responsible for the execution of projects in different industries in Argentina and Chile. Before that, he worked in Techint (one of the leading steel and construction companies in the world) as Project Manager in industrial projects. Mr. Machad is also an entrepreneur, and has started companies in the real state and retail industries. He has been invited as key-note speaker to many seminars and workshops related to entrepreneurship, and also acts as a guest professor at several business schools and universities. Mr. Machad holds a Civil Engineering degree from the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, and an MBA from IESE. He is an Eisenhower Fellow. He is married and has two children.
Associate Professor Johanna Mair Institution: IESE Business School Johanna Mair is Associate Professor of Strategic Management at IESE, the Business School of the University of Navarra in Barcelona, Spain. She teaches strategy and social entrepreneurship in the MBA program, executive programs and the PhD program at IESE. Her current research lies at the intersection of traditional strategy and entrepreneurship. More specifically she is interested in how institutions stifle and enable social and economic progress and the role of entrepreneurial actors in this process. She has received numerous awards for her research and publications. In 2007 she was recognized as a “Faculty Pioneer� by the Aspen Institute and received the “Ashoka Award for Social Entrepreneurship Education. In addition she has received the 2007 Strategic Management Society "Best Paper for Practice Implications Award". Alongside her academic responsibilities she carries out consultancy work for several multinational companies and international institutions and serves on the board of several companies and foundations.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 Professor Arastide Massardo Institution: University of Genoa Aristide Massardo obtained a Degree in Mechanical Engineering with honours at the University of Genoa, Italy, in 1978. In 1984 he entered the University of Genoa as a researcher, and he is now Full Professor of Fluid Machinery at the Dipartimento di Macchine Sistemi Energetici e Trasporti (DIMSET). He has held the title of Vice Dean of the Faculty of Engineering since 2003. Prof. Massardo is the Director of the new Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems University Technology Centre at Faculty of Engineering – University of Genoa. The centre is part of the Rolls-Royce UTC organization. At the moment Rolls-Royce manages 27 UTCs around the world (22 in UK, one in Sweden, Germany, USA, Singapore, and Italy). Prof. Massardo has been a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) since 1988 and is a Recognized Teacher at Cranfield Univ. (UK) and Affiliate Professor at Washington Univ. St. Louis (USA). He has been Visiting Professor at Cranfield Univ., Washington Univ. (USA), Univ. of California at Davis (USA), the Istituto Technologico de Aeronautica San Josè dos Campos (Brazil), and ETH Zurich (CH). Prof. Massardo served as Vice Chair (1992-1993) and Chair (1994-95) of the Closed Cycle Technical Committee IGTI-ASME; and as Vice Chair (2002-2003) and Chair (2004-2005) of the Cycle Innovations Technical Committee IGTI-ASME. Prof. Massardo is active in the field of Advanced Energy Systems analysis both from experimental and theoretical point of views. He his an international recognized expert in the fields of Hybrid Systems based on High Temperature Fuel Cells, of Externally Fired Micro Gas Turbines, of Humid air cycles, etc. At the moment, Prof. Massardo is involved in the development and experimental validation of innovative control systems for second generation Hybrid Systems in collaboration with Ansaldo Fuel Cell Company (I) and Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems (UK).
Russel Mills Company: Dow Europe Title: Director of Technology Russel Mills is the Director of Technology for Dow, Europe. In addition to this technology role, his responsibilities include European energy & climate policies and funding responsibilities for public private partnerships within the EU. Most of his career has been in market development, technology exploitation and global business management. Regular job moves have taken Mr. Mills to the USA, UK, the Netherlands and on several occasions to Belgium and Switzerland. Recent assignments have included the Business Director role for the Cargill Dow bio-polymers joint venture, and a secondment to the European chemical industry association. Russel Mills is a usual speaker at international conferences related to Competitiveness and Environment, and Sustainable Chemistry.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 Piero Micossi Company: Holding Sanità e Servizi SA Title: CEO and Member of the Board of Directors Prior to holding his roles of CEO and member of Board of Directors for Holding Sanità e Servizi SA, Piero Micossi held such previous positions as Minister for Healthcare of Region Liguria and CEO of the San Donato Hospital Group Milano. Mr. Micossi has served as Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Free University Campus BioMedico in Rome and Member of the Scientific Committee of CEIS in Rome (Università Tor Vergata). Mr. Micossi has also held the role of Associate Professor of Medicine of the University of Milano Medical School and Scientific Coordinator of San Raffaele Institute in Milan. He is a physics graduate of Oxford University.
Pito Nadal Company: FTSE Title: Regional Manager Pito Nadal is the FTSE Regional Manager for the South European Region (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Turkey). He is in charge of sales, marketing, and client services functions for the Southern European markets. Mr. Nadal also acts as a media spokesperson, and represents FTSE at industry conferences on investment and indexing. With a Masters degree in computer sciences from the University Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, Mr. Nadal has 15 years of sales experience with major financial markets software providers. He has previously worked as a sales manager within the Investment Banking & Capital Markets Division of Thomson Financial, where he was Head of the Paris Office (in charge of France, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland). Before this role, Mr. Nadal held various positions at Group Fininfo, Bridge and Telerate.
Nicholas Nesbitt Company: KenCall EPZ Ltd. Title: Co-Founder, Chief Executive Nicholas Nesbitt is co-founder and Chief Executive of KenCall EPZ Ltd, the first and leading international outsourcing company in Kenya. KenCall began operations in early 2005 and has grown from humble beginnings into the largest single employer of college graduates in East Africa with almost 500 staff, of which over 70 percent are women. The company focuses on outsourcing sales and marketing work for American and British companies and has recently been successful outsourcing work for East African banks, cell phone and insurance companies. Prior to founding KenCall, Mr. Nesbitt lived in the USA for over 20 years. In his last position, Nicholas was a Vice President and General Manager at Qwest Communications where he led the company’s global indirect sales channel. His organization was responsible for $1 billion in sales in telecommunications services through numerous third party companies, such as Perot Systems, Accenture, KPMG as well as smaller regional technical consulting companies.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 Previously, Mr. Nesbitt ran the sales outsourcing organizations at Rhythms NetConnections, US WEST and Square D Company. He began his professional career working for the prestigious management consulting firm, The Boston Consulting Group in Boston. Mr. Nesbitt received his MBA from Stanford University and both his Master’s and Bachelor’s engineering degrees from Dartmouth College. He was born and raised in Kenya where he was ranked in the Top 1% of all graduating high school students. Mr. Nesbitt was recently appointed by the President of Kenya to the Board of Directors of the Central bank of Kenya for a four year term. The President also awarded Nicholas a presidential medal of honor, The Order of the Grand Warrior, in recognition of his pioneering spirit and his dedication to Kenya’s development through the creation and growth of KenCall and the BPO outsourcing industry.
Sudhir Nunes Company: MTC Renewable Energy Trust Title: Senior Investment Manager, International Enterprise Sudhir Nunes has been actively involved with energy innovation for over ten years, with varied experiences in business development, entrepreneurship and investing. He is currently a Senior Investment Manager at the Renewable Energy Trust, a fund investing $25MM annnually in early and growth stage renewable energy companies on behalf of the State of Massachusetts. He is also responsible for business development, attracting clean energy companies to Massachusetts, and helping local companies establish partnerships around the world. Mr. Nunes recently led the Clean Energy mission for Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick’s Trade Mission to China. Prior to joining the Renewable Energy Trust, he founded Orca Energy SL, an award-winning startup in Spain focused on new energy storage technology. He also worked in business development for Intelligent Energy, a London-based fuel cell company, and designed commercial aircraft engines for General Electric. Mr. Nunes holds a bilingual MBA from IESE Business School in Barcelona, an MS in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University, and a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Texas A&M University. He currently resides in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Fabián Marcelo Palmada Company: ERM Title: Practice Director, Senior Consultant Fabián Marcelo Palmada has been Practice Director of Strategic Environmental Services (EIAS, Air Emissions & Air Quality & Biodiversity Management) and Senior Consultant within ERM since 1999 and ERM Group Partner since 2006. Mr. Palmada was based in Buenos Aires, Argentina until September 2007. Currently he is based in Barcelona, Spain as EIAS Director. He has more than twenty years of experience in the environmental field working on different projects in Uruguay, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Brazil, Spain and Argentina. Mr. Palmada has participated in environmental projects for the following companies in the Oil and Gas Sector: Repsol YPF, Pluspetrol Perú, Pluspetrol Bolivia, Pluspetrol Argentina, Petrobras Energía, Shell, Panamerican Energy (BP-AMOCO), Occidental del Perú y de Argentina, ENAP Sipetrol Argentina, Tecpetrol and Compañía MEGA (RepsolYPF-Petrobras-Dow Química). Furthermore, Mr. Palmada has conducted environmental consulting services for the following
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 companies, among others: Grupo Nobis (Ecu), Monsanto, Danone (Arg y Uru), Solvay, Lafarge, Corn Products Industries, Crompton, Sealy, Vanity Fair, Teksid, Quaker Oats, Lafarge, AQUA Fund, among others. Mr. Palmada has managed or participated as a senior consultant in Environmental and Social Impact Assessments for: the World Bank, international mining companies (CVRD, Barrick Gold, Aquiline), Pluspetrol Perú Co, Oxy Perú & Argentina, Pluspetrol Bolivia Co, Dow Química Argentina, ENAP Sipetrol Argentina, National Airports System, and CPC-ICA-Soletange Bachy, among others. Mr. Palmada has carried out consulting works of wastewater treatment for: Compañía Salus (Uru), Aguas Danone, Corn Products Industries, Cervecería Quilmes, SC Johnson & Son, CIBA Geigy, Johnson & Johnson, Monsanto y Papel Misionero (Pulp & Paper), among others.
Stephen Parker Company: Ricardo Plc, Ricardo Strategic Consulting Title: Executive Director, Managing Director Stephen Parker holds the position of Executive Director and member of the board of Ricardo Plc. In addition, he is the founder and Managing Director of Ricardo Strategic Consulting. Prior to working with Ricardo, Mr. Parker held the position of Vice President Global Automotive Practice for A.T. Kearney. From 1997 through 1989, he was the Director and General Manager, Perkins Technology Ltd (was Varity Corporation and now part of Caterpillar). Prior to this, he held the position of Commercial Director and Managing Director for Froude Group, Babcock International Plc. From 1985 through 1979, Mr. Parker was the Commercial Director of Citroen Industrie UK (a Division of PSA Peugeot Citroen). Within these various roles, Mr. Parker has maintained responsibility for and established subsidiary companies within the USA, France, Germany, Korea, China and India. He has led new technology and new product introduction programmes within the sector. In addition, he has managed a number of turnaround and restructuring programmes for multinational OEM’s in Europe and Asia. Mr. Parker is currently an advisor to the board of a major aerospace company on a major product programme, supporting a F1 manufacturer in the adoption of new energy technology, advising potential investors in a new energy business.
Richard S. Roque Company: SA Capital Limited Title: Managing Director Richard S. Roque is currently the Managing Director of SA Capital Limited, a Hong Kong a private investment company which was previously known as William E. Simon & Sons (Asia) Limited. Mr. Roque joined this firm in 1994 and began as a manager of a private equity portfolio involving companies in the Greater China Region, Southeast Asia and Australia. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Roque served for two years as Vice President of Investment and Finance for an industrial holding company listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Ltd. Mr. Roque was previously associated with a merchant bank, the Asian Oceanic Group for eight years in Singapore and later in Hong Kong, where he served as Managing Director. Mr. Roque was Vice Chairman and Chairman of the Hong Kong Venture Capital Association (“HKVCA”) for the year 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 respectively. He was one of the original founding promoters of Asia Pacific Venture Capital Alliance, a regional organization involving venture capital associations in Asia. He currently remains as a Chairman Emeritus of HKVCA.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 Mr. Roque is a full member of the Hong Kong Securities Institute, a Director of Monte Jade Science & Technology Associate (HK) and a Fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Directors. He is also actively involved in education as a director of East Asian Educational Association, a Hong Kong charity which is the sponsoring body of 3 schools in Hong Kong. More recently, Mr. Roque was appointed Executive Director of Beijing Prism Educational Consulting Company Limited an online values and leadership training website in mainland China. Mr. Roque has a BSc in Industrial Management Engineering from the De La Salle University, Manila; an MSc in Industrial Economics from the Centre for Research & Communication [now part of University of Asia & the Pacific, where he was a Han Seidel Scholar]; and a Global Executive MBA from IESE, Barcelona.
Jean Claude Rodriguez Company: Ashoka (Entrepreneur) Title: Founder and Director of Community Development Jean Claude Rodriguez is the Founder and Director of Community Development, an organization that develops Auto-financed Communities in Europe. In parallel, he performs consulting for companies, NGOs and international agencies. Mr. Rodriguez is a fellow of Social Entrepreneurs of Ashoka International and Winner of CYEA 2007, which recognizes the best creative entrepreneur in the world. He was also a founding partner and director of the RBS Advisors consultant and director of Maya treasures in Guatemala (prize for the best Latin American project to support indigenous communities). Mr. Rodriguez is an IT professor at the Ramon Llull University in Barcelona and at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. He has lectured in Germany, Austria, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Italy, Mexico, Panama, Portugal, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Sri Lanka and Venezuela. He holds a Degree in Economics and PhD in Microfinance. Mr.
José-Manuel Rodriguez Barrios Company: Medtronic Iberia Title: Manager José-Manuel Rodriguez Barrios is in charge of Medtronic Iberia Health Economics and Reimbursement Department. Since April 2004, he developed the Health Economics and Reimbursement Department at Medtronic Iberia. José-Manuel is also taking part into some Medtronic European task forces. From 1997 to 2000 Mr. Rodriguez worked at SmithKline Beecham as Health Management Specialist focus on Disease Management and Clinical Guidelines programs. From 2000 to 2004 he worked at GlaxoSmithKline Health Economics department. Mr. Rodriguez holds a BPharm and Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy (De Montfort University UK). He holds a Masters in Public Health (Autonma University, Madrid) and a Master of Sciences in Health Economics (Pompeu I Fabra University, Barcelona). After four years managing Health care programs at Non-Governmental Organizations, he obtained a Fellowship at the Madrid Department of Health in 1996. Mr. Rodriguez has participated as an external temporary teacher
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 of Health Economics Postgraduates programs at several Spanish Universities (UPF, UB, Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, etc).
Professor Mike Rosenberg Institution: IESE Business School Mike Rosenberg teaches long-term strategy, scenario planning and analysis of business problems in executive education and full time and global executive MBA classes at IESE Business School. Prof. Rosenberg’s research is concerned with how long-term technological and socio-economic trends affect the business climate, and has a particular interest in the potential of alternative energy sources to change the competitive dynamics of a number of industries including the automotive sector. Prior to joining the faculty, Prof. Rosenberg worked as a management consultant to the international automotive industry in Heidrick & Struggles, A.T. Kearney and Arthur D. Little.
Peter Rossbach Company: Impax Asset Management Ltd. Title: Director, Investments Peter Rossbach has spent twenty years in the utility and energy finance business, closing equity debt and M&A assignments. Prior to joining Impax in 2003, he was Senior Investment Officer at AMI Asset Management, investing in private equity, mezzanine finance and subordinated debt across the utility sector. From 1994 - 1997 he was at the EBRD focused on energy, utility and telecommunications investments in Eastern Europe. Prior to that, he was, from 1989 to 1994, Vice President of Project Finance at Mitsui Bank, New York. Mr. Rossbach received his credit training from Standard & Poor's and is a graduate of Harvard College and Harvard University.
Varun Sahni Company: Acumen Fund Title: Director Varun Sahni has focused on building, managing and investing in businesses for low income communities for the past ten years. Prior to joining Acumen Fund, he worked with both for-profit and not-for-profit organizations focusing on enterprise creation across India. He has also been involved as an angel investor in a number of companies in the Hospitality Services, Food and Beverage sectors across India. He received an MA from Columbia University in Political Economy.
Dr. Francesc Prior Sanz Company: World Bank, Summit of Americas Center Title: Consultant, Director Francesc Prior Sanz is a researcher specialized in microfinance at IESE Business School (Universidad de Navarra in Barcelona). He is also the Director of the Financial Inclusiveness Program at the Summit of the Americas Center (SOAC-Florida International University in Miami), and a World Bank Consultant in the Payment and Remittances Unit (Access to Finance Group). Formerly an executive within the banking industry, he had managerial positions in electronic
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 banking and remittances activities in Spain and Latin America. Prior to this, he worked several years in the financial consulting industry in France, Spain, Israel, Portugal and Italy. Dr. Prior received his doctorate in economics from the Universidad Aut贸noma de Madrid. He also holds an MA in international political economy from the London School of Economics, an MA in international management from HEC (Paris) and Georgetown University (Washington D.C), and BA in business administration and an MBA from ESADE in Barcelona.
Ralph Schonenbach Company: Trestle Group, Trestle Group Foundation Title: CEO, Board Member Ralph Schonenbach is the CEO of Trestle Group and on the Board of Trestle Group Foundation. He has held senior positions with the firms Andersen and Ernst & Young. Over the span of his career, he has established several successful consulting practices with a primary focus in the financial services industry and has advised high-level executives around the world on how to transform the way they manage and deliver services, as well as how to tackle the pressures brought about by resource constraints. Through Trestle Group Foundation, he is passionately involved with providing support to both women and emerging entrepreneurs in developing countries. He has held an Advisory Board position with the United Nations sub-committee, ICCC (International Council for Caring Communities). Mr. Schonenbach frequently speaks at conferences and has authored a variety of publications. Mr. Schonenbach earned a degree in Business Management from Goucher College.
Professor Christian Seelos Institution: IESE Business School Prof. Christian Seelos earned M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Ecotrophology and Molecular Biology from the University of Vienna and the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and holds an MBA from the University of Chicago. Prof. Seelos researches climate change, water stress, poverty and neglected diseases and global health. He also studies innovative business models and social entrepreneurs that create new markets for economic and social development in the poorest countries. Between 2001 and 2003 he was a Senior Contract Director at British Telecom Global Services and built up the new IT solutions strategy and in 2003, he also held the position of head of corporate social responsibility. Prior to that, he was senior strategy consultant at Siemens and vice president for portfolio strategy and product development at Transclick Inc. (New York). In the 1990s he was appointed member of the United Nations Special Commission on Iraq (UNSCOM). From 1994 to 1999 he led the inspection and disarmament efforts on biological weapons in Iraq. In the 1980s and early 90s he was assistant professor for molecular biology and cancer research at the University of Vienna.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 Lisa Sherk Company: BlueOrchard Finance Title: Director of Investment Analysis Lisa Sherk is the Director of Investment Analysis at BlueOrchard Finance, S.A. based in Geneva. Prior to working in the field of microfinance, Lisa spent fourteen years working in investment management in emerging markets fixed income. Most recently, she was a managing director at the Atlantic Advisors, an independent fund advisory company in New York, and held previous positions at Wasserstein Perella Emerging Markets and the Asset Management Group of Swiss Bank Corporation (now UBS). Prior to joining BlueOrchard, she conducted various microfinance consulting assignments with Gray Ghost Microfinance LLC, MEDA, and Pro Mujer International. Ms. Sherk holds a MA in International Affairs from Columbia University and a BA in Economics and History from McGill University, Canada.
Anton Shihoff Company: Viridor Capital Title: CEO Anton Shihoff is the CEO of Viridor Capital, an early-stage Cleantech investment vehicle. Mr. Shihoff began his career in information technology systems innovation, sharpening the company creation discipline as part of the initial team of two successive high-tech startups. During this period he also worked with a number of other high-tech startups assisting with their business models and marketing efforts. He then went on to consult for a number of the large multinational technology companies building their product base and relationships with small to medium sized enterprises throughout Europe and South East Asia. As the former VP Corporate Development for Finavera Renewables a Renewable Energy Technology and Project Developer he continued to evolve his corporate and business development skill helping to bring the enterprise from a start-up to a listed company with a market capitalization in excess $100m. Following this Mr. Shihoff worked with Longview Capital Partners a listed Canadian Investment Bank specializing in companies with small market capitalization, building and shaping their portfolio. As part of Longview’s strategy he helped them develop a base for their Cleantech finance vehicle – Kyoto Capital Financial Services. Mr. Shihoff currently advises a number of early-stage companies and investment funds, and sits on the boards of Hydroventura a South America Project Developer and Pure Energy Intelligence a Russia / CIS focused Carbon Project Developer.
Andrea Sobrio Company: Executive Insight Consulting Title: Partner Andrea Sobrio is a founding partner and Chairman of the Board of Executive Insight AG, a company focusing on developing and implementing innovative, customer-centric go-to-market strategies for the increasingly networked healthcare environment. Mr. Sobrio founded and is a member of the Board of DocsLogic AG, a pioneer company in physician portals for networking, collaboration, knowledge exchange and a range of innovative solutions geared to provide insights into the complex environment of healthcare delivery in pursuit of better medical evidence, treatment regimens, and health outcomes. In his roles Mr. Sobrio has more than ten years of experience in consulting global and mid-sized pharmaceutical companies,
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 generic and OTC producers, pharma distributors and pharmacy chains, hospitals and medical societies. In addition to client projects Mr. Sobrio is currently researching and has published articles on the topic of sustainable value creation in the health care industry and has delivered lectures on this topic for various institutions. Mr. Sobrio holds an MBA in International Management from the University of St. Gallen (HSG), Switzerland.
Francisco Sosa Company: MRW Title: Director of External Relations Francisco Sosa, a native of Barcelona, has been the Director of External Relations MRW since January 2000. Prior to this role, he held the role of Director of Quality Brand (since 1997). He is Secretary of the Board of Directors of the Spanish Association of Franquiciadores AEF, Vocal Social Action of the Board of Directors of the Club of Excellence and Sustainability and Member of the Organizing Committee of the Barcelona Chamber Business & Franchise BNF. Mr. Sosa is a proficient speaker has been involved in such events as the last four Quality Congress held in Barcelona. He has given several lectures at such institutions as - Instituto de Empresa Madrid; IESE (Madrid and Barcelona); Institute for International Research; Barcelona Chamber of Commerce; Chamber of Commerce Pamplona; and Entrepreneurs Confederation of Tarragona. Mr. Sosa has also spoken at various events organized by non-profit entities with issues of the social integration of people with disabilities or the power of social action within companies. Mr. Sosa is a Coordinator of implementing ISO standards (9001-2000, -14001), EFQM, SA8000 Standard Corporate Social Responsibility, and Seal Family Responsible Company in MRW. A journalist by training, Mr. Sosa is a lover of communication. He holds a Master of Directors and Management Radio.
Peter Sweatman Company: Climate Change Capital Title: Managing Director Whilst at CCC, Peter Sweatman has led the development of CCC's Iberian client franchise and advisory activities with Grupo Santander, Union Fenosa, Sacyr Vallehermoso, ICO, Banif, Banco Espirito Santo, Si Capital and FomentInvest. Prior to CCC, Mr. Sweatman spent ten years at JPMorgan and has extensive experience in the Iberian and Latin America Markets, managing country teams and being responsible for over US$ 5 billion of financing, M&A and structuring related business during his tenure. Mr. Sweatman also is founder of three UK NGOs, Charity Technology Trust, New Philanthropy Capital and Catalyst Climate Change Trust and is an advisor to Ashoka in Spain. He holds an MA in Engineering and Management from the University of Cambridge.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 Belén Tubío Company: Santander Title: Associate Belén Tubío joined the Structured Finance Department at Santander in 2006, working on the team that covers Global Energy Projects. She has led the structuring and execution of several renewable energy projects in a variety of technologies including mini-hydro, wind farms, solar thermal, and in various countries, such as France, Spain, Germany, and USA. Currently, she is specialized in the financing of solar thermal energy plants, having led the structuring and execution of the Nevada Solar One plant of Acciona, the largest solar thermal generation financing structured in the US since the 1980’s. Before joining Santander, she worked for BankBoston, Buenos Aires as credit analyst for Media and Communications, Real State and Government. In 2002, she joined Lloyds TSB, Madrid as Relationship Manager of Corporate clients. Ms. Tubío completed her MBA in 2006 at IESE Business School and is licensed in Economics by the University of Santander in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In both degrees, she specialized in Finance.
Sebastian Waldburg Company: Sustainable Investments Capital Title: Managing Partner Sebastian Waldburg co-founded SI CAPITAL in 2004. As CEO, he is responsible for the development, commercialization and management of financial products specialized in Renewable Energies. Mr. Waldburg has financially analyzed and advised, several projects in the areas of wind farms, hydraulic power stations, photovoltaic and thermoelectric fields, and biofuel manufacturers. He has also led the investments in Solynova Energía S.A. and Enerstar Solar Thermal Project S.A. Mr. Waldburg has considerable experience in Corporate and Project Finance and Private Equity, having worked in these fields for more than eight years. Currently, he is a Member of the Board of Solynova Energía S.A, of Enerstar Solar Thermal Project S.A. and of Virgin Play SA.; a part from being member of the Spanish Institute of Financial Analysts. Mr. Waldburg holds a Bachelor of Arts in Politic Sciences, Philosophy and Economy by Oxford University (UK) and the University of Eichstätt (Germany). He also holds a Master in Social Anthropology by the University of London and an MBA from IESE.
Jubilant Wera Company: Park East Africa Title: Founder, CEO Jubilant Wera is the Founder and CEO of Park East Africa. Prior to this role, Mr. Wera held such positions as Sales & Marketing Manager in Tourism Industry and Branch Manager/ Committee Administrator State Travel Service Ltd. Mr. Wera also volunteered for such projects as the SwissEducation Project for school construction and projects centered upon training youth through empowerment via tools and artistic skills. Mr. Wera holds a Post Graduate degree in International Marketing – Tourism from the Mastrich Institute of Management Netherlands Holland, and a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce & Management from the University of Dar-ses-Salaam.
Doing Good and Doing Well 2008 THANK YOU! The Responsible Business Club would like to extend a special thanks to all those whose dedication, energy and support have helped make this conference possible… And to all of our friends and teams who supported us emotionally and academically when the conference organization became too much!
IESE MBA 2008 Adekunle Adesanya Vivek Agarwal Nani Attar Khaled Bastaki Catalina Bardewyk James Browne Sun Sun Chen Ralph Chery Xavier Clement Tucker Dearth Quentin Delory Jeng Dizon Alexandros Frogoudakis Margaret Hurst Elliott Gansner Owen Grant Iris Hinterberger Laura Groeneveld Arun Jayadev Ranjeet Kapur Shaun Kenny Aroon Krishnan Jan-David Kohrt Nikolaus Lehmann Anna Lee Michelene Loomer Tammy Maloney Alexander Mata Melissa Marsigli Afonso Ayala Mavor Bala Nagarajan Nizami Namazov Jonas Nitschack Przemyslaw Klobut The BOW Committee Ignacio Ochoa Escala Ricardo Olábarri Santos Elizabeth Ortenburger Sonja Patscheke Dean Punhong Paolo Ronchi Alejandro Sanfeliu Zeichen Stefan Schoenbeck Oriol Segarra Brufau Peter Sherman Jessica Smith
Michel Taal Juan Miguel Venturello Mejía Marúzia Viana Almeida Megan Yeh IESE MBA 2009 Gabriela Vanessa Alcocer Gamba Ingrid Altés Casanovas Alan Burchell Benedetto Buzi Joaquín Costa Centena Elizabeth Curran Cristina Daroca García-Barberena Magdalena Donohue Wouter de Vreeze Lorenzo de la Mora Piñeyro Laura Erickson Vincent Gauthier Carla Gaya Boix Eva Gubern Anfruns Michael Hennessey Ashish Jhajharia Prisque Lemble Marc Meyer Sebastián Miralles Acuña Paul O’Driscoll Elena Ordás Hernández Ashley Olson Bruno Paro Carla Pesquera Lesmes Maria Eugenia Prados Astrid Sandoval Sandra Schoenes Katherine Swanson Ewa Szymankiewicz Kanika Tiwari Beatriz Vallina García Thilo Von Wissell Ching Hsiang Huang James Mark Soriano IESE Faculty and Staff Luis Palencia Yolanda Serra Johanna Mair
Christian Seelos Pedro Videla Eric Weber Africa Arino Mike Rosenburg Bernard Villegas Rosie Innes Maria Amelia Salerno Caroline Sas Oriol Rosa and the Web Team Alberto Olano Brook Hardwick Gemma Golobardes Ribé Assumpció Cabré and the Dean’s Office IESE Media and Communications Dept. Lisa Hehenberger Geo MBA Student Affairs Pat Robinson Restauracion Lorenzo Massa IESE Alumni Julian Sweet Emma Coles Natasha Knechtel Paulino Davo Muktambar Fulop Noshaba Khan Lena Perepelova Randall Krantz ESADE Lucretia Landmann Will Morgan Danielle Elkin Shyla Girvitz Boyan Griffen Other Arnoud de Vroomen Jop Blom Sarah Zheng Sarita Sharma Andre Wegner Isabel Morales Alejandro Mashad Charis Desinioti at EABIS Rob John at EVPA