Adventist Southeast Asia Projects
Resist him [the devil], standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. 1 PETER 5:9 NIV MORE TEXTS ON FAITH
is the victory!
(1 John 5:4)
to your faith, let it be done to you.” (Matthew 9:29) Your
faith is worth more than gold. (1 Peter 1:7)
Tests of Faith
ASAP hopes to train over 600
“He [Moses] saw Jesus as his Savior, and he believed that the Savior’s merits would be imputed to him. This is the kind of faith we need, faith that will endure the test. Oh, how often we yield to temptation because we do not keep our eye upon Jesus!” Conflict and Courage, page 84
oh Lee and Siong Wang both come from Laos. Out of the 5.6 million people in their country, they received the rare opportunity to hear the name of Jesus and read His Words from the Bible in their own language. They both accepted Him as their Savior, along with their families. Their Heavenly Father, in His great wisdom and love, knew that in order for their faith to grow, it must be tested. Would these two men keep their eyes on Jesus and pass the big and small tests of faith? One day, Siong Wang and his family passed the savory smell of their former favorite dish, pork noodle soup while shopping in the market. “Can we please have some?” begged Siong’s little one. Siong hesitated, knowing that his family had made a commitment to their God not to eat unclean meat. “Just this once?” the begging continued. Instead of praying for power to resist, Siong returned to the soup vendor and ordered a bowl for each of them. When the family returned home, they suffered greatly from the results of food poisoning. Though a nurse visited them from a local clinic, their condition
national missionaries in 2012. You can help by donating to Gift #210 in the Gift Catalog. It takes $200 to send one missionary to a training.
worsened. Here Siong, as leader of the home, was faced with another test of faith. Would he call on the name of Jesus, repent and ask for mercy and healing? Siong chose to call the local shaman (spirit doctor) instead. The shaman told them that their ancestors’ spirits were hungry and since they had been Christians for a long time and neglected them, they were back for revenge. “If you continue to refuse to take care of your ancestors’ spirits, you will pay with your lives!” he fiercely warned. Fearing death, Siong consented to make an offering to their ancestors’ spirits. Their condition got better and they were healed. Ellen White explains this phenomenon in the following quote. “Men under the influence of evil spirits will work miracles. They will make people sick by casting their spell upon them, and will then remove the spell, leading others to say that those who were sick have been miraculously healed. This Satan has done again and again” (Selected Messages, vol. 2, page 53). On a cloudy afternoon, Siong’s wife came inside to see her husband napping on the mat. Her eyes widened and she let out a shrill scream. She saw a poisonous snake curled up on Siong’s chest. He
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing (James 1:2, 3).
Has the Lord permitted various trials in your life lately? This issue, “Tests of Faith,” introduces you to believers in Southeast Asia who came face to face with trials. We think you will find their successes and failures insightful. Here at ASAP, we often face tests of our faith when we come to “funding transfer time” and fail to see the dollars in the bank needed to provide for the ASAP national missionaries’ stipends and other projects. Daily, we fall on our knees pleading with God to supply “all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Phil 4:19). Time and again, His answer come through many of you. Each time we trust, our faith strengthens. Peter failed the test of his faith miserably during the trial of Jesus, yet afterwards as he wept bitterly his heart broke in repentance. All of us at times, like Peter, fail the tests of faith. When we “hear the cock crow” and fall on our knees in repentance, our merciful Savior never fails to grant forgiveness and receives us back into his fold. We can face tests of faith with joy for we know these tests mold our character to become like Jesus and we then will be even more effective in feeding His sheep. As you start a new year, may you keep this promise in mind: “Blessed is the man who endures temptation; for when he has been (tried) approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him” (James 1:12).
jumped up in a panic and the snake fell off and disappeared before their eyes. Instead of taking this as a warning sign of his failing faith, Siong called the shaman in for another consultation. “Your ancestors are still not happy with you!” As a result Siong and his family went to the lay pastor and officially renounced their faith. Please pray for this family. God wants them back into His arms of protection and care. Toh Lee also experienced tests of his faith but through them, his faith grew stronger. When fighting between Christians and Buddhists intensified in his village and he and his family were forced to flee, he kept his faith in God, praying each step of the way. Toh Lee was among the ones who did not give into pressure to renounce his faith, but continued to openly identify himself as a Christian. He practiced his faith by living a Holy Spirit-filled life and witnessing in his communist country. Though he, along with his family and his new converts worshipped faithfully each week in his home, the local authorities never recognized them as an official church, which was his heart’s desire and prayer. Toh Lee recently passed away and though he remained a faithful Christian to the end, his son-in-law decided to give him a Buddhist funeral. Toh Lee’s family of God wanted to give him a Christian funeral for they knew how important funerals are in the Lao culture and what an opportunity for witnessing it would be. The next morning, I went to the village, along with other church leaders. We did not know what to expect, but were quite certain that it would be awkward to attend a Buddhist funeral for a Christian believer. Immediately we were summoned to speak with the village chief and local authorities. The village chief politely said, “I know that Toh Lee was a good Christian who faithfully practiced his beliefs. If you are willing to be responsible for his funeral and burial according to the rites of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, then I will intervene and order his son-in-law to give you the body.” As a result of our tense but productive meeting that day, we gave Toh Lee a respectable Christian funeral and secured a good relationship with the authorities and now our church in that village is officially recognized. God used the faithfulness of one man, Mr. Toh Lee (through his life and even his death) to advance his kingdom. Please pray for the rapidly growing number of believers in Laos, who all go through tests of faith as Toh Lee and Siong Wang did. Pray for our great need for more lay workers for the field. Thank you for your support and prayers for helping to train existing ASAP lay pastors so they can nurture the faith of the believers.
PHOTO CAPTIONS (L-R): Pray that new and old believers in Southeast Asia will withstand the tests of faith, We mourn Toh Lee, a faithful believer who passed away.
Your Gifts at Work Below is just a sampling of your special gifts at work. Remember, every sacrifice you have made is registered in the books of heaven. We praise God for you!
Giving Opportunities .............. Seized! 1. Well for the Thungmachalern Church in Thailand
2. Assistance for flood victims in Cambodia, Laos & Thailand
3. Building of the Moe Nyo Gu Church/School in Burma
4. Support for national missionaries (for last quarter)
$187,000 Check out ASAP’s current list of specific giving opportunities!
isters from out East felt impressed by the Lord to give to ASAP in memory of their beloved mother. Their special gift went to build a church/school in the Moe Nyo Gu village in Burma. This gift came in answer to the fervent joint prayers of over forty church members, literacy teacher Saya Nay Ba, his students, and the ASAP staff. These people came to know God after Cyclone Nargis devastated their land. Now they are part of the Ayeyarwaddy Mission of SDA in Myanmar. They praise God for this permanent place to worship and study and feel blessed to have a place to call their own. PHOTO CAPTION: Teacher Saya Nay Ba and his pupils in front of the newly built Moe Nyo Gu church school
from the field: MYANMAR
By the grace of God and after much prayer we set up a lifestyle health center where medical missionaries are trained to serve the ill in our community. We have completed four sessions already, training thirtynine workers and caring for twenty guests. We thank the Lord of the good outcome of this program. We need your continued prayers and support. Specifically pray for the three teams of medical missionaries recently dedicated and sent out and pray for a vehicle for the center to use for outreach. BY DR. HTWE LAY
Mr. Sawat founded the Seventhday Adventist Church in Numyean, Thailand, twenty years ago; however, Satan lured him away after he was elected for a lead position in the local political party. He drank, neglected his family, and lived a worldly lifestyle. When his wife passed away this year, ASAP Church Planter Mr. Sung and the church members visited him, prayed for him and helped him plan his wife’s funeral service. Mr. Sawat experienced the love, comfort and care of God and responded by giving his heart fully back to him. Now he actively participates in church activities. BY PR. SONGRIT
www.asapministr testimonies
ASAP Find out if Nin Si, ry from na io iss m l medica ith when fa Burma, kept her d. ste te ly it was serious
Intercede for Asia BY MARTIN KIM
n the eve of His crucifixion Jesus gave a most amazing promise to you, me, and the ASAP national missionaries. “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father” (John 14:12). What a promise! Now the Desire of Ages (p. 664) makes it clear that “Christ did not mean that the disciples’ work would be of a more exalted character than His, but that it would have greater extent.” The reality of the Apostles’ greater works can be seen in Acts 2:41, where in response to the Holy Spirit speaking through Peter at Pentecost, 3000 believed.
Hi! I’m Chhom Boran from Cambodia.
We are told, “The Savior’s promise to His disciples is a promise to His church to the end of time. God did not design that His wonderful plan to redeem men should achieve only insignificant results. All who will go to work, trusting not in what they themselves can do, but in what God can do for and through them, will certainly realize the fulfillment of His promise” (Desire of Ages, page 667).
If you visited me in Tang Krasang (my home village) recently you would see only the rooftops of many of our homes peeking out of a giant lake of water. The rains have kept coming day and night. “Will they ever stop?” many of us wondered. “How am I going to get to school and church?” I thought. I love going and can’t imagine missing a day. “Dear Father, please show me a way. You know I can’t swim and we are too poor to own a boat,” I prayed.
Would you join us in praying that we will once again see this kind of faith and experience this promise fulfilled in our day in Southeast Asia?
After searching a little, I spotted a big frying pan my mother uses to cook food during the festivals. “Will it float?” I wondered. I cautiously stepped into the middle of it and started paddling on one side then the other. Little by little, my “boat” circled its way to the church/school.
P P.S. We Love Hearing from You
EDITOR’S NOTE: Through the ASAP literacy program, many women and children learn to read and write and learn of Jesus through His Word and choose to accept Him as their Savior. Chhom Boran’s school has 80 students attending, however, during the flooding 40 regularly came. Please pray that more literacy teachers will be supported ($30/month) and that this program will continue to grow.
# cut and share
When I finally arrived, Pr. Pen Narith greeted me with a big surprised smile. “Chhom, were you afraid you might capsize and sink?” he asked. “No, Pastor,” I replied. “I have no fear because God is with me. This big flood won’t keep me away. Just like Jesus blessed me with the knowledge of how to read and write, I know he will bless me to be faithful and keep coming to school everyday and church each Sabbath, too.”
I was able to attend the meeting ASAP put on at the ASI convention. It was such a blessing to hear how the work of God is spreading even in a difficult land like Vietnam! Pastor Isaiah’s stories were so inspiring and challenged me to a deeper walk with God myself. I praise God for the work He is doing through ASAP, especially since we were in Thailand last year and saw first-hand the need of mission workers in Asia. God bless your work and keep it up! “Be strong and of a good courage, be not afraid, for the Lord thy God is with thee” (Joshua 1:9). TERESA FROM CA
Always Saying A Prayer BY CU’ONG ANH DUNG*
od answered the prayers of our people in many ways for the growth of His work in our province. Work here started two years ago and has rapidly grown to twenty-one house churches with 866 believers. I praise the Lord for answering our prayers for laborers. I now have ten ASAP lay pastors who work with me. God even worked a miracle so that four were able to attend the ASAP training session.
“Keep your celebration short!” he ordered. The people in this district are controlled by the army who still persecute and harass the believers at times. Yet this year, God answered our prayers and the army has allowed the existing house churches to worship for one hour each week. We organized a Christmas outreach program and set the meeting time from 10:00 p.m. to midnight. I felt impressed to change the time at the last minute, so we began the program at eight o’clock instead. Over fifty people came, eager to hear the Word of God. Shortly after I left at 10:00 p.m., the police came but did not see me. That was a blessing because they cause trouble for me since I am not from that local area. Those who were believers quietly waited and prayed as the officer spoke with the head elder. “Keep your celebration short!” he ordered. You can sing and pray but no one can preach. We thank the Lord that the people were able to hear the precious Words of God.
In Loving Memory and Honor IN MEMORY OF: JUANG NGUYEN by Lilliam L. Alderman • AUNTE OTABEA ADOBEA by Kofi O Antwi-Sefa • GRAHAM MAXWELL by Jane Barker Banta • MOTHER AND DADDY by Denise Buglino • LEW HURSLEY by Kathryn C. Comfort • JOSEPH (ROM) DUMOUCHEL by Terry R. Haynes • PEARSON (BOB) VAN METER by Betty Hunsaker • AMANDA KAISER, MY MOTHER by Ruth H. Kaiser • MAYNARD LITTLE, MY HUSBAND by Julie Little • HOWARD MARKS by Joyce V. Marks • JOAN NEALL by Ronald Neall • JILL CONNELLY by Harry and Janet Olson • MR. JOSE AND MRS. SOL ORTUOSTE by Joselito Ortuoste • ELDER BOYD AND ELIZABETH OLSON by Cordell and Patricia Reiner • GALE SAXBY, DAUGHTER 1964-1995 by Doyle and Lorelei Saxby • FERN STILES, MOTHER OF BEN STILES by Ben and Irene Stiles • URPO I. TUORI-KALLIO by Leila Tuori-Kallio • LEW HURSLEY by Stephen Schilt
IN HONOR OF: MY SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST by Karla Burns • JULIA FARMER AND WINSTON by Christopher M. Kelly • CAROL AND BYRON REYNOLDS by Huiling Lee • ANONYMOUS by Rusty McKee • DEE DEE’S MEGAVOICE PROJECT by Barbara Miller • ALEX THOMAS by Shelly Ngo • MARC AND JILL STICKLE by John and Teresa Reeve • ESTHER ZHANG by Charles and Jewel Whidden • ALICE R. PRICE by Zondra Young • ADELAIDE by Ester N. Zare • BOB AND CATE FINK, MY PARENTS by Patricia Bryant
Hi! I’m Michael! I am eight years old and in the third grade. For my last birthday party, instead of receiving presents, I asked for donations to help Cambodian children. I have plenty of things but they have so little. Going on missions trips has taught me to be less selfish and catch “fish” for Jesus instead. I would encourage other kids to go on mission trips so they can experience this for themselves!
Hey Kids! Do you want to find out what Michael ate, caught and did in Cambodia? Go online: then click on “Kids With a Mission” in the top left corner.
*Name changed for the safety of God’s servant.
A Lifetime Experience in Six Weeks Kristal Clements writes about her experience volunteering in the ASAP Feed & Read School for the Vietnamese children in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. It terrified me to think about leaving all my luxuries for six weeks and being chucked into the deep end of another culture and lifestyle that I have only read about. I had no idea what to expect or how long I would be able to last. The first two weeks were very difficult and could possibly be one of the most challenging experiences I have had in all my eighteen years of life. Getting used to the food, toilets, bedding and basically life itself was a massive change. By living the way people do here; I have learned to appreciate what I take for granted so much more. It is a lesson that a person can try to get through books, but can only truly understand after having had first-hand experience. That is just part of the story. It was also one of the most fun and exciting experiences I have ever had. It opened my eyes to a whole new world that I never knew existed. Though having had only a small taste of the whole dish; this mission experience has changed the way I see the world and has helped me grow immensely. I highly recommend anyone to jump in with both feet and experience the same.
I am very grateful to the people here at the school who welcomed me with open arms, and to teacher Khanh who took me in like a daughter and helped me whenever I needed help. Going to Cambodia was the best decision I made.
Contact ASAP about becoming a “faith-driven missionary” to Cambodia or Thailand.
Adventist Southeast Asia Projects is fueled by mission-minded, faith-filled individuals whom God impresses. Be assured that 100% of your gift will go directly to the projects you specify. However, in the blessed event that the project you chose is fully funded, ASAP will use your gift for a similar project or where most needed to help spread the gospel and ease the suffering in Southeast Asia. Because ASAP is a §501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your donations are tax-deductible. ASI MEMBER ASAP has been a member of ASI (Adventistlayman’s Services and Industries) since 1996 and is grateful to be an ASI grant recipient.
EXECUTIVE EDITOR/DIRECTOR Judy Aitken EDITOR/ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Julia O’Carey COPY EDITORS Wayne Labins, Linda Bauer DESIGN/LAYOUT Sarah Lee ASAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair: Bruce Bauer, Judy Aitken, Peter Van Bemmelen, Christopher Carmen, Steven Chang, Chan Sun and Esther Hwang, Denzil McNeilus, Mary Ann McNeilus, Byron and Carol Reynolds and Trudi Starlin.
Adventist Southeast Asia Projects P.O. BOX 84, BERRIEN SPRINGS, MI 49103
TOLL FREE 1-866-365-3541 PHONE 269-471-3026 FAX 269-471-3034 EMAIL WEB All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version® copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
ASAP serves people from the countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Myanmar.