July/August 2013 Newsletter

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“In order to have perfect health, our hearts must be filled with love and hope and joy in the Lord" (Ellen White, MLT, 149). LIFE-CHANGING LAWS:  Sun (Son)Light & Water

Physical & Spiritual Rest

Fresh Air & the Spirit

Simple Remedies, Supernatural Results

Malachi 4:2, John 7:37

Matthew 11:28,29 Job 32:8

Temperance & Ideal Diet 1 Corinthians 10:31

Exercise and Faith Isaiah 40:29-31


“God reaches hearts through the relief of physical suffering. A seed of truth is dropped into the mind, and is watered by God. Much patience may be required before the seed shows signs of life, but at last it springs up, and bears fruit unto eternal life” (E.G. White Maranatha, page 326).


never cease to be amazed at God’s power to heal through the use of simple and natural ways. For over 20 years Mary Ann McNeilus has accompanied me to Southeast Asia to teach health to the ASAP national missionaries. During these trips we have fervently prayed asking God to bless each training session. Dr. McNeilus uses the book God’s Healing Way and a new one she wrote, God’s Healing Word, along with training of how to use local food for medicine to treat common ailments such as hepatitis, diabetes, hypertension and cancer. She teaches them the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases and diarrhea. They learn principles of basic physical assessment and the practice of simple screening tests such as taking blood pressure and other vital signs and urine dipstick testing for glucose, among much more.

modern medicine, natural remedies are their only hope. They see the love of Jesus through the missionaries who administer the treatments. They experience healing in their bodies. Prayer always accompanies every treatment. They often respond with the question, “Can you tell me more about your powerful God you pray to?” Dr. Agatha Thrash teaches, “It is the cooperation of the human element with divine power that exhibits God’s great power to heal. The human part is to apply the natural remedy in faith; then God gives this effort supernatural power and effectiveness to heal.” During our last visit to Laos in March Pastor Suey Kinganong, district pastor of four provinces in Southern Laos, shared an exciting story that shows God’s supernatural power to heal through the use of simple, natural remedies.

The missionaries are always eager to share with us the results. We see that these simple remedies have been effective not only for the medical missionaries, but they have been used in ministry by the church planters, lay pastors and teachers as well. In countries where many people have no access to

Mae is her name, a lady who suffered from a myriad of ailments for years. Five years ago, Pr. Suey was called to pray for Mae. Her family said, “We do not know what has come over her. She is not in her right mind. It must be evil spirits!” She in fact did act like a crazy person. The group of believers surrounded her


Reaching Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar & Beyond


“The gospel medical missionary work is to be carried forward in simplicity…He (Christ) so conducted His missionary work as to leave a perfect example for human beings to follow” (Counsels on Health p. 319). I love the story of when Christ healed a blind man through the use of simple and natural remedies. “… He (Jesus) spat on the ground and made clay with the saliva; and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay. And He said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam”… “So he went and washed, and came back seeing” (John 9:6, 7). God still heals through the use of simple remedies combined with prayer. This issue is full of examples! During a recent visit to Albany, New York, I met a Karen refugee named Moo Htay*. After many hours of tears and pain pills with no results, she asked my daughter, Jolene, who is a volunteer refugee worker, if there is anything she could do. Jolene brought her to me, asking if I knew of a cure for migraines. I laid hands on her and prayed in the name of Jesus Christ and then administered a hot foot bath. By the end of the treatment, God had completely taken away her pain. She was able to return home and have a good night’s sleep. Praise God for His supernatural power! This reminds me of a Vietnamese lay pastor who was subjected to beatings on the head from the authorities and consequently lived with severe, chronic headaches. Prayer, combined with hot footbaths was the cure for him as well! We solicit your prayers and support of ASAP national missionaries, who share Jesus through prayer and simple remedies.

and prayed in Jesus name that God would set her free. And He did! After God healed her, she regularly studied the Bible with ASAP lay pastor Vilay. Finally she accepted the Lord as her Savior and got baptized. One day in March, Mae became terribly ill again. Her stomach swelled up and the doctors told her there was nothing they could do. All her friends in the government whom she worked with and her family and fellow villagers were distressed with the news from the doctors that she only had a few more days to live. The village chief called Pr. Suey and asked if the Christians could do anything to save her. Pr. Suey and four ASAP lay pastors rushed to her home immediately to pray. They knelt around her and prayed in unity, lifting their hands to the Lord, praying in the name of Jesus. By this time her stomach was so distended it looked like a giant balloon, ready to pop. They had her drink a large glass of charcoal water and instructed her to keep drinking it three times a day, accompanied with prayer. They applied hot and cold water treatment on her abdomen. They prayed that if it was God’s will, He would work a miracle and that she would recover. On the third day, the miracle happened. The swelling in her stomach started to subside and the pain left her. Everyone knew that she almost died. This miracle of her healing sparked a deep interest in the people. Some of the authorities asked, “What do Adventists believe?” Twenty government officials started studying the Bible. The army general commented, “Only Christians have the power that can chase the demons away!” No longer do the government authorities in this district harass the believers. Their change of attitude happened after this healing. Now we are allowed to build a church in a village with 100 believers where previously we never could get permission to. God’s healing power imparted to Mae sheds an influence of blessings on not only Mae, but her family, the community and even workers in the government. We solicit your prayers for the right arm of the gospel, medical missionary work, in Southeast Asia. For every worker that is currently trained and sent out, we need 1,000 more! We look forward to the great blessings that await us as we move forward in faith by increasing these health ministry endeavors. PHOTO CAPTIONS (COVER): Dr. Mary-Ann McNeilus trains medical missionaries in how to take blood pressure. (BELOW): The power of prayer—experienced when lay pastors united to pray over Mae.

Adventist Southeast Asia Projects n $120/MONTH


MEDICAL MISSIONARY WORK, the right arm of the gospel, effectively opens hearts up to JESUS. When one experiences Christ’s healing touch they WANT TO KNOW MORE! Nin Si* gave Daw Sein (both pictured above), an 87-year-old lady, hot and cold water therapy treatments after she experienced a bad fall. Her family wanted to anoint her at the Buddhist temple but she chose to try God’s way instead. In two days she was healed and she started to ask more questions about God.

Support a Medical Missionary in Myanmar like Nin Si for $120 per month or give a one-time special gift (GIFT #103). You can find more health related opportunities in ASAP’s Priceless Gift Catalog online or we can send you a hard copy.

Notes from our ASAP Family Volunteers, Staff, National Missionaries, ASAP Ambassadors, Prayer Partners, Donors, Board Members and Gift Recipients Your newsletters are always so full of miracles and the marvelous providences of God. My soul is uplifted and encouraged to read each story. Praise God for His blessings and mighty work among the people of Southeast Asia. God bless you all, and may the Spirit show His power to change hearts through your faithful witness and service. n DENISE FROM CA

I thought it was ironic how when I was in the midst of putting together this newsletter, I was afflicted with food poisoning or stomach flu. I immediately turned to prayer and my trusty charcoal remedy. I thought, “If it works over in Southeast Asia, it should work for me, right?” Praise the Lord for it really helped! You should give it a try sometime! n JULIA O’CAREY, ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR OF ASAP

God's Healing Way If you are interested in learning how to apply simple remedies and, with prayer, experience supernatural results, call ASAP today (1-866-365-3541) for your copy of Dr. Mary Ann McNeilus’ book, God’s Healing Way. This book demonstrates His power, develops character, uses natural remedies, requires prayer, utilizes fasting, exposes Satan’s deceptive healing, and amplifies endtime truth. There is a suggested donation of $15.00 for each book.





od revealed Himself to me through His healing touch from the very start of our relationship. I come from a broken home and was plagued with emotional and physical illness. I started a small business of selling clay pots and my business partner happened to be a Christian. I often asked him to pray for my health and each time he prayed I would get better! He invited me to church but I initially turned him down. After each time he prayed for me, he patiently would invite me again to church. Finally I went and I was overwhelmed by the love and friendliness I felt there. After that first time going, I never stopped! This friend of mine suddenly got very ill. He lost all mobility in his legs and the doctors had no cure for him. By this time I knew how to pray and I joined my friend in praying for God’s will to be done. We prayed all night long and the next morning he could get up and resume his normal activities. After I became a lay pastor for ASAP, I resolved that prayer for the sick would be an important part of my ministry. God has given me opportunities to pray for many sick people as a result. For instance, my sister-in-law was hospitalized because of complications with her pregnancy. The Holy Spirit showed me that her problems were not just heart related as the doctor diagnosed, but they were spiritual as well. She was plagued with demonic oppression! My wife and I prayed through the night and the next morning she was free from the oppression and on that day delivered a healthy baby boy! She thanked us for the prayers and said that God had finally given her peace in her heart. Praise the Lord for being a healer God!

Intercede for Asia BY ELLEN G. WHITE Inspired Writer & Prayer Warrior

God is just as willing to restore the sick to health now as when the Holy Spirit spoke these words through the psalmist. And Christ is the same compassionate Physician now that He was during His earthly ministry. In Him there is healing balm for every disease, restoring power for every infirmity. His disciples in this time are to pray for the sick as verily as the disciples of old prayed. And recoveries will follow, for “the prayer of faith will save the sick.” We have the Holy Spirit’s power, the calm assurance of faith that can claim God’s promises … Christ’s servants are the channel of His working, and through them He desires to exercise His healing power. It is our work to present the sick and suffering to God in the arms of our faith. We should teach them to believe in the Great Healer. — Ministry of Healing (MHH), page 123

Remedies + PRAYER = Power ASAP Medical Missionary Thi (pictured here) prays with each of her patients. God blesses the charcoal treatments she gives and many receive healing. Charcoal is a safe, accessible, affordable, easy cure for many health problems. It works for poisoning (including food poisoning), digestive problems, bites, many diseases like gout, diphtheria, cholera and more.

www.asapministries.org Learn how to make and administer a charcoal poultice

Advocates Supporting & Assisting the Persecuted PEARL HEALTH CENTER EXPERIENCES POSITIVE RESULTS

n DR.


DID YOU KNOW? God cares not only about our spiritual health and salvation, but also about our physical health and well-being. “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” (3 John 2). Jesus Himself said, “I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly” (John 10:10).


y country of Burma has over 56.6 million people that includes 135 national groups, speaking over 100 languages and dialects. About 89.4% of the population is Buddhist, 3% are Christian, and only .03% know the Three Angels Messages and other important Biblical truth for the last days. We prayerfully consider the big challenge before us, especially how to reach the Burmese in the big cities. We know God is intensely interested in our total well-being. His detailed health instructions in the Bible and Spirit of prophecy, along with His love for my people have prompted us to use health ministry as a main approach to reaching people. Thanks to the ASAP Ministries donors and Adventist-laymen’s Services and Industries we were able to support the Pearl Health Center in the Yangon district. By God’s grace, we have been able to conduct health training for 39 lay workers who have gone into many regions of the country and we also give treatment to many health guests. The goals of our team are to increase the physical, mental, and spiritual health of our patients and to encourage them to adopt health habits that will stay with them for a lifetime. Each patient that attended our health care session has a success story because Jesus is helping to heal them. For instance, one Adventist couple came because the husband had hypertension, heart problems, and gout. His ankles and toes were so swollen he could hardly walk. His wife was diabetic. Our group prayerfully managed their health problems through natural ways of healing alone. Though we allowed them to bring their medication, they did not take it. Their health greatly improved during their stay. During the meeting on the last night, the wife tearfully said, “We will never forget this experience and all we learned about the Lord through the humble service of the young, dedicated, medical missionaries. Thank you!” This couple had stopped attending church and had become very negative towards church leadership. After coming to Pearl Health Center, God took away bitterness and anger. Now they both attend church regularly and are praising God for His healing ways!




Don’t worry, we now have 10 more stories for you! If you haven't received OUR 10 FAVORITES, VOL. 3 then contact us today for a FREE copy! CALL: 1-866-365-3541 OR EMAIL: office@asapministries.org We printed extra for your friends, co-workers, or church members so you can order more than one!

Reaching the World from Here A NEW YORK GIANT



“By this we know love, because He laid down His life for us. And we also ought to lay down our lives for the brethren…My children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but indeed and in truth” (1 John 3:16, 18, NKJV).


here are giants among us: Strong, God-fearing men and women who take a stand that is larger-than-life. You may know someone like that. I do, too. His name is Saw Htoo. Saw Htoo left his relatives and friends in Utica to move his family to the intimidating inner-city of Albany, NY to work as a volunteer pastor, and receive no income other than assistance for rent. He and his wife made this decision after earnestly praying and being impressed that it was God’s will. Albany, New York is not only home to NY’s football team, the Giants, it’s also home to thousands of refugees from Burma and now, a giant-of-a-leader, Saw Htoo. The first Sabbath in Albany, he gathered the four baptized Seventh-day Adventist Karen together in his home with his family. The eight of them discussed reaching out to others. The next Sabbath a few more attended. Soon his home was full and people were asking for baptism. Today, just over three years later, that little group of eight has grown to 35 baptized members with weekly Sabbath attendance averaging between 120-200 people and meeting in a church. Those between the ages of 15-22 make up the largest group of attendees who are also active participants in the service. Many are studying for baptism this summer, 2013. One factor key to the evident success was that he immediately began performing tasks that were outside his comfort zone, but imperative to connecting with the refugee community. He found himself accompanying refugees to all kinds of appointments: medical, school, court, dental, USCRI office visits, to help translate and guide them through the confusing system in this new country. If you happened to visit him, you would see him praying with people, distributing clothes to new arrivals, translating important letters, conducting Bible studies, patiently listening as a couple shares their marital problems, gently helping the grandma who’s in culture shock and longs for her home country, organizing soccer tournaments for the refugee youth to keep them off the streets, ordering more Bibles in the Karen language, encouraging the Karen child

(R-L) Pastor Saw Htoo with his wife, Hser Mu Lah, and Jolene Roosenberg, partners in ministry

who is bullied at school, etc. From early morning until late at night, his home is Grand Central Station. He has responded to car accidents, five house fires, a heart-breaking rape case, several theft cases, countless domestic violence situations, eviction notices, flooding incidents and hate crimes targeting the Karen. I call this soft-spoken, humble pastor a giant-of-a-man for many reasons. First and foremost is his staunch belief that he worships a giant-of-a-God. Pastor Saw Htoo preaches with conviction about a God whose power through the Holy Spirit can be called upon for every issue, every problem faced in life, regardless of the scope or magnitude. Pastor, chief, respected teacher, big brother (all respectful terms he is referred to as in this community)…all point to a person who works tirelessly for the Lord. It is an honor for ASAP to work with Pastor Saw Htoo. While Pastor Saw Htoo isn’t rumbling over dirt roads on his moped from village-to-village with the gospel in a country in Southeast Asia, his purpose is the same and deserving of our prayers and support. He is dodging inner-city traffic, going house-to-house with the gospel. As a pastor in Asia, he responded to war and disaster. As a pastor in America, he responds to a different kind of war and disasters of a different nature, but alike in their attack on the soul. You can join Pastor Saw Htoo by helping to provide the rent needed to meet each Sabbath in a church. Your interest and prayers are gifts worth much more than any monetary value. If you feel impressed to write Pastor Saw Htoo an encouraging note, please do. His home address is: 192 Delaware Ave. Albany, NY 12209. Thank you for lifting this NY giant up to the Lord in prayer. To donate to this project mark GIFT #508 on your giving envelope.

“As the Scriptures say, ‘Godly people give generously to the poor. Their good deeds will never be forgotten.’ For God is the one who gives seed to the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, He will give you many opportunities to do good, and He will produce a great harvest of generosity in you” (2 Corinthians 9:9-10, NLT).

Blessings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Received! • Funds for much-needed Bibles


• Church Building Assistance


• Provision for Health Evangelism


Giving Opportunities . . . . . . . to Pray for and Support • The Voice of Love radio ministry for Cambodia


• “Reach the World from Here” Kit and ministry to refugees $39,500 • Support of National Missionaries for the Next Quarter



Visit our website to view our Ten Dynamic Giving Opportunities—frequently updated!



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Your Gifts at Work


astor Deane Jackson, President of the Cambodian SDA Mission writes, “ASAP Literacy Teacher Put An works in a poor village in the Preah Vihear province of Cambodia. Because of the generosity of ASAP donors, we have helped five families of our church members with a cow for each. The villagers and Mr. Put An and his family are all highly appreciative to ASAP and asked me to convey their thanks. This will be a real shot in the arm for them.” We praise the Lord for His many gifts, especially the gifts of souls saved! Some from this village were recently baptized. If you would like to give the practical gift of a cow to a poor family, donate to GIFT #415!

In Loving Memory & Honor Hi! I am Makayla and this is my sister, Alexis. I’m eleven years old and my sister is ten. We live in Tennessee. As long as I can remember, we have had a love for missions because we have heard and read a lot of mission stories. This summer our friends joined us to make crafts and sell them for missions at a homeschool book sale.


Visit KIDS WITH A MISSION on asapministries.org to hear more exciting details!



BECKY DOZARK by Melody Mason • BILLY BURKS by James and Judith Culpepper • CLEMENTINE TAYLOR by Aphzal and Vashti Mohammed • ELWOOD SHERRARD by Ruthie Mills • GEORGE, HELEN AND ROBERT EMELANDER by Bonnie Rhoby • GORDON AND PEGGY HEWLETT by Gerald Nash • IMELDA ARRUDA by Valery and Johanna Loumber • IRIS GREEN by Esther Recinos • KEYSHAWN FRANCIS by Beverly George • MAYNARD LITTLE by Julieanne Little • OUR PARENTS by Harry and Janet Olson • PAUL ESSIG by Karen Essig • PEARSON VAN METER by Betty Hunsaker • RANDY BAUER by David and Marilyn Bauer • STEPHEN WALKER by Nicole Walker • WILLIAM BARLOW by Violet Barlow • JERRY AITKEN by Paul and Ruth Watson


JESUS by Rogério Filipe, Steve and Regan Pereira • ADOLPH GRAMS by David Grams • CAROL GARZA AND NATALIA YIALELIS by David de la Garza • DEE DEE'S MEGAVOICE PROJECT by Barbara Miller • ESTHER ZIMMERMAN by Donald and Ellen Amador • LALPUII HNAMTE by Rini Hnamte • RONALD PYKE by Bill and Elizabeth Pyke • PAT AND PAT, MY TWINS by Recarder Luciana Chaudry • PASTOR CHRISTEIN AND JOAN HODET by Estey SDA Church • SUKANYA LEMOS' BROTHER TAO FROM THAILAND by James and Betty Lemos URSULA KONEGEN by Andrew, Julia and Judy Snyder • ZOBEEDA MOHAMMED by Aphzal and Vashti Mohammed • BOB MCNARY by Matthew and Linda Kuciauskas • RECOVERY OF A STOLEN RENTAL CAR, AND MOST OF THE CONTENTS by Dixie Marie Firman

Meet San Aye* SOURCE OF STRENGTH I know that even though I am teaching the truth to others, I can lose the way if I am not studying the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. This is why I set a goal to spend at least one hour studying and praying each day. I belong to a small group that gathers every Monday evening to pray and discuss the Bible. We have developed strong friendships and they are the prayer support for my ministry. MY WORK IN A NUTSHELL As a health trainer, I give lectures on NEWSTART, juicing, nutrition, massage, hydrotherapy, etc. I also go alongside other medical missionaries to administer natural remedies and outreach to the villages where most of our patients are pure Buddhists. As a result of this work, people get interested in the Bible and prayer and we eventually see them get baptized.


POSITION ASAP Medical Missionary LOCATION Yangon, Myanmar PRAYER REQUESTS Pray that all whom I share natural remedies and the health message with, will make lifestyle changes and accept the truth. Pray that the Holy Spirit will dwell in me and impact all the work I do.

DA’S VILLAGE When I entered Da’s village to hold a health program, the villagers asked, “Where are the doctors?” I smiled and said, “I brought eight of them who all work under the guidance of a physician named Jesus Christ.” Most villagers were Buddhist, some were Baptist, but they did not know much about Jesus. They learned that these eight doctors are sunlight, nutrition, fresh air, trust in God, rest, water, exercise, and temperance. As we did blood sugar tests on sixty people and treated many others, I kept praying that they all would see the light of Jesus reflected through our words and deeds. One man who God healed said the following. “I have heard about Christians, but this group is really strange! They don’t smoke, drink or use drugs. They only use simple natural remedies after praying and then the sufferings disappear! If we become members, we do not need to be afraid of the spirits anymore!”





ASI MEMBER ASAP Ministries has been a member of ASI (Adventist-layman’s Services and Industries) since 1996 and is grateful to be an ASI grant recipient. ASAP Ministries is fueled by mission-minded, faith-filled individuals whom God impresses. Be assured that 100% of your gift will go directly to the projects you specify. However, in the blessed event that the project you chose is fully funded, ASAP will use your gift for a similar project or where most needed to help spread the gospel and ease suffering in the countries ASAP operates. Because ASAP is a §501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, your donations are tax-deductible.


ASAP serves people from the countries of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Myanmar and Beyond! *At times photos are blurred and names changed to protect the safety of God's workers.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair: Bruce Bauer, Judy Aitken, Peter Van Bemmelen, Christopher Carmen, Steven Chang, Chan Sun and Esther Hwang, Denzil McNeilus, Mary Ann McNeilus, Byron and Carol Reynolds, Tom Evans, and Trudi Starlin. EXECUTIVE EDITOR/DIRECTOR Judy Aitken EDITOR/ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR Julia O’Carey COPY EDITOR Jeanette Yeboah DESIGN/LAYOUT Sarah Lee www.ambientlightstudios.com

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version® copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. TOLL FREE 1-866-365-3541 PHONE 269-471-3026 FAX 269-471-3034 EMAIL office@asapministries.org WEB www.asapministries.org

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