Asap catalog 2008

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The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008 Adventist Southeast Asia Projects Our Vision People living in war-torn, economically depressed countries in Southeast Asia often suffer from poverty, hunger, disease, governmental oppression and lack of education. Most Southeast Asians have never heard the true message about their loving Savior. God feels the suffering of His children and He desires each of their hearts, so they can live forever in perfect peace and abundance with Him. ASAP (Adventist Southeast Asia Projects) follows Christ’s call to reach the persecuted and vulnerable NOW because He is coming very soon! Cover: A Cambodian child learns the power of prayer, and how it can change her life.

Our Mission ASAP, a supporting ministry to the Seventh-day Adventist Church, is committed to training, supporting and empowering the national missionaries from Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand and Myanmar (Burma) to spread the gospel using Christ’s compassionate methods.


How ASAP is Funded ASAP is fueled by people like you, faith-filled, mission-minded individuals whom God impresses. Remember, your donations to ASAP are tax deductible, and 100% of your gift goes to the project you specify.

Call 1-866-365-3541 for extra copies of the priceless gift catalog to share.

The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

Dear ASAP Friends and Family, You may be asking yourself, Why the Priceless Gift Catalog?

Priceless—because each project ASAP includes in this catalog, whether located in the evangelism, education or humanitarian section, takes place for one main reason: to share the priceless gift of salvation with the people of Southeast Asia (2 Corinthians 9:15).

Gift Catalog—because it is a simple way to allow you to choose projects that fit you, speak to your heart and suit your budget. Every project, no matter the size, involves you in spreading the gospel to Southeast Asians before Jesus comes. As you go through this gift catalog, we hope that you will often be reminded of God’s promises to us recorded in Isaiah 58. Speaking about the type of fast that is acceptable, the Lord says, “Is it not to share your bread with the hungry, and that you bring to your house the poor who are cast out; When you see the naked, that you cover him, And not hide yourself from your own flesh?” (vs 7). These words are followed by beautiful promises: “Then your light shall break forth like the morning. Your healing shall spring forth speedily, and your righteousness shall go before you; The glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard. Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; You shall cry, and He will say, ‘Here I am.’” Our prayer is that these promises will be yours as you give as the Lord impresses you. Yours in Christ’s Service,

Judy Aitken, Director Adventist Southeast Asia Projects


Discover New Ways to Use the Priceless Gift Catalog  Keep it handy all year and consider giving monthly in honor of the One who gave you the most priceless gift of all.  Foster a missionary spirit in your children by choosing a family project to support. Pray for the project during family worships.  Encourage your Sabbath school class or church to sponsor a national missionary.  Organize an ASAP fundraising event such as a garage or bake sale and be an inspiration to others.

 Sell on EBAY or Craig’s List and turn your “junk” into priceless treasures stored in heaven.  Give in honor of your friends, children’s teachers and family to celebrate Christmas, weddings or birthdays.  We would love to hear how you used the priceless gift catalog this year! Inspire others into action by sending ASAP a picture and a writeup describing your creative efforts to share these service opportunities with others.

Making Priceless Planned Gifts Contact ASAP today to learn more about the benefits of being a planned-gift donor. We have satisfied donors who are glad they have learned about wills, trusts, and plans such as life income gifts, and gift annuities. Because we believe it is important to apply diligent care in helping you with your giving plans, we have partnered with Western Adventist Foundation to provide answers to your questions in the area of trust management and planned giving. If you wish to include ASAP in your planned giving, the legal name to use is: Adventist Southeast Asia Projects, Inc.


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

Mission Buckets By Brian Lum, ASAP


I was so moved by Calvin Kim’s mission trip testimony and his family’s response through mission buckets that I immediately took his advice to train both Hailey and myself to save the spare change we accumulate each day. I realized that these coins or loose bills don’t impact our lives much, but it makes a world of difference to the children and families in Cambodia. When I get home each day I empty my pockets of loose change into my little girl’s hands and hear the clunking sound as Hailey drops them into our Crayola crayon bank. That sound will turn any bad day into a great day!

“Command those who are rich in this present age not to be haughty, nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living God, who gives us richly all things to enjoy. Let them do good, that they be rich in good works, ready to give, willing to share, storing up for themselves a good foundation for the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.” 1 Timothy 6:17-19 NKJV


Give in Honor of Someone Gift Card Request a free gift card and ASAP will promptly send it to you so you can personalize it and send it to the individual you are honoring through your Priceless Gift. Gift 143

Gift Certificate Gift certificates allow the person being honored to choose the gift type. ASAP can send you a gift certificate indicating your specified amount along with another Priceless Gift Catalog so you can give it to your friend or family member. Gift 144-147

Please Note Even a small donation can make a world of difference! You can give any amount for a gift item you are interested in. God will bless and multiply your gifts like the five loaves and two fishes! Be assured that 100% of your gift will go directly to the projects you specify. In the blessed event that the project you specified is fully funded, ASAP will use your gift for a similar project or where most needed to help spread the gospel and ease the suffering in Southeast Asia. Thank you for your understanding and support!

You are thought about so often and prayed for. I wish that I could give ASAP more! Thank you, ASAP, for being a refreshing instrument of God’s love! Robin




The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008 ď‚˜ Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

Four Simple Ways to Give

1 Online at: 2 Call our toll-free number:



Mail in the ASAP Order Form

with your Check, Money Order or Credit Card info to: ASAP, PO Box 84, Berrien Springs, MI 49103


Fax the ASAP Order Form with your

Credit Card info to: (269) 471-3034

Seize This Opportunity Tax Incentives


IRA Gifts—Expires 12/31/07

Did you know that if you are age 70½ or older, legislation now allows you to make cash gifts totaling up to $100,000 from your traditional or Roth IRA to ASAP (a qualified charity) without incurring income tax on the withdrawal? This may be good news for you if you have wanted to make a charitable gift to ASAP during your lifetime from your retirement assets, but have been discouraged from doing so because of the income tax penalty. The provision expires December 31, 2007, unless Congress extends it. Take advantage of this great giving opportunity! Contact ASAP today for more information.







Sponsor a Church Planter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Sustain an Existing Church Plant . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Magnify the Message with Megavoices. . . . . . . . . . 14 Sponsor a Medical Missionary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Promote the Health Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Speed up Progress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Support a Lay Pastor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Share Christ with Your Neighbors. . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Give the Gift of a Radio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Support the Peace and Happiness Radio Broadcast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Share the Three Angels Messages with Cambodians via Radio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Spread the Good News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Sponsor the DVD Evangelistic Project. . . . . . . . . . 20 Give the Most Precious Gift of All, the Bible. . . . . 22 Build a Bamboo Church/Literacy School. . . . . . . . 22 Adopt a Village . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Provide a Permanent Church. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Provide or Repair a Sanctuary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Capture a District for Christ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Sponsor a Youth Evangelist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Make the Bible Exciting for Children. . . . . . . . . . . 27 Embrace the Mission on Your Doorstep . . . . . . . . 28 Light up Lives with LAMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Equip and Empower through Training. . . . . . . . . . 30

The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008 ď‚˜ Adventist Southeast Asia Projects


Give a Student the Best Textbook Ever Written. . . 32 Support the Literacy Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Sponsor a Literacy Teacher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Ignite Body and Mind--Support the Feed & Read Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Break a Barrier or Two and Send One Child to School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Help One Child of an SDA Pastor Attend an Adventist School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Donate a Bamboo and Thatch School . . . . . . . . . . 38


Feed a Family in Need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Partner with Pastors Who Help the Poor. . . . . . . . 40 Restore Lives! Keep the Sda Center—AIDS Hospice Running . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Feed Widows and Their Children Physically and Spiritually. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Provide Relief for Victims of Disasters. . . . . . . . . . 44 Provide a Future by Supporting Small Enterprise Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Sewing Projects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Floss Silk Weaving Project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Seeds for Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 The Gift of a Cow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Give Clean Water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Be a Good Samaritan to a Persecuted Family. . . . . 48 Remember the Home Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Supply One Child with Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Give to Help Make These Projects Possible . . . . . . 52 Pray! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 9

Why Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam? Cambodia The Cambodian people are among the poorest in the world with over 40% of the population living below the poverty line. They have been scarred from the atrocities of civil war under Pol Pot’s cruel regime. They have one of the lowest literacy rates in Southeast Asia. Because of deforestation during the war, their country suffers from severe flooding and drought each year. As if this is not enough, the government has difficulty establishing sound economic policies to move the country forward. Nevertheless, God uses ASAP in a mighty way to bring hope to Cambodians. ASAP national missionaries (church planters, literacy teachers and medical missionaries) are focused on the biggest need of the people, a need for Christ’s gift of salvation! Their steady work has brought an astronomical growth to the SDA Church in the past few years. Recently the government started enforcing strict dictates against the spread of Christianity. Please pray that the work will continue to grow despite hindrances.


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

Laos In communist Laos, God has grown the small number of believers that ASAP first started supporting to over 1,000 Seventh-day Adventists today. This news becomes even more exciting considering Laos ranks third highest in the world in the area of Christian persecution (Operation World, 21st Century Edition). God’s Word is changing lives and setting people free in this country where most of the population is atheist, Buddhist, or engaging in ancestor worship and living in fear of evil spirits. Bounpranee Wannadee, the new president of the Lao Adventist Field, has already reunited the Adventist workers in Laos. His passion to reach his fellow Laotians for Christ has led him to partner closely with ASAP in evangelism and outreach and to request fervent prayers for the conversion of his people.

Thailand Five years ago, God opened doors for ASAP to work in the north and northeast of Thailand with the goal of planting churches. The Thai lay pastors and medical missionaries ASAP supports are making a big difference for Christ in these areas. Still, much remains to be done in this country where so few of the 65 million people are Christians. Through God’s blessing, the ASAP national missionaries are reaping the fruits of their labors as people accept God’s message of salvation.

“Let us thank God for His priceless gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15


Vietnam It is an enormous challenge to work effectively in Vietnam, a restricted access country. Yet through God’s power, ASAP has met this challenge head on. Because the recognized Seventh-day Adventist Church in Vietnam, controlled by the communist government, is severely restricted in outreach and evangelism, ASAP supports many vital aspects of the Vietnamese work, including: support of district leaders and lay-pastors within the large underground house-church movement, the Peace & Happiness radio ministry, literature distribution, and many other evangelistic projects throughout the country. In 2007, thousands of Buddhists accepted Christ and over 25 Christian congregations adopted Seventh-day Adventist beliefs and are now worshipping on the Sabbath. The rapid growth of evangelistic work in Vietnam is truly miraculous. Because of this growth, Satan has been working overtime. Pastor Isah Young,* voice of the Peace and Happiness radio broadcast and leader of the underground housechurch movement, has been threatened, criticized and attacked from every side. The Vietnamese government wants to appear tolerant of religion to the Western world, yet their communist control tactics have intensified, resulting in increased persecution of ASAP national missionaries. Please pray for the evangelistic work ASAP is doing in Vietnam and pray for the protection and courage of each leader, lay pastor and believer. *Name changed for the safety of the individual.


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008 ď‚˜ Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

EVANGELISM ASAP seeks to “go and make disciples of all� in Southeast Asia. You will be amazed at the number of innovative ways God speaks to His people. This section will kindle your passion for mission as you discover the diverse avenues in which you can share the gospel with our Cambodian, Laotian, Vietnamese, Hmong and Thai brothers and sisters.



llen White urges us that the command, ‘Go ye into all the world,’ is not to be lost sight of. White states, “We are called upon to lift our eyes to the ‘regions beyond.’ Christ tears away the wall of partition, the dividing prejudice of nationality, and teaches a love for all the human family. He lifts men from the narrow circle which their selfishness prescribes; He abolishes all territorial lines and artificial distinctions of society. He makes no difference between neighbors and strangers, friends and enemies. He teaches us to look upon every needy soul as our brother, and the world as our field,” (Desire of Ages 823).

Sponsor a Church Planter

It would be difficult and costly for you to become a missionary in Southeast Asia. Yet for a mere $70 per month in Laos or $100 per month in Cambodia, you can be a supporting missionary by sending an ASAP church planter into the field. These national missionaries are extremely successful in reaching their people even though many suffer alienation and harassment from the government or family members. They work under the direction of district pastors and are determined to share the joy and peace of Christ with others. Sponsor a church planter today or motivate your church to “adopt” one! Gift 100


Sustain an Existing Church Plant

You can help ASAP church planting projects grow and thrive in Southeast Asia. It costs an average of $200 per month to sustain one of these groups. This is added to the amount the poor church members themselves give in tithes and offerings. This amount covers rent of a facility, utilities and the “bare bones” supplies needed for ministry. Gift 101

Magnify the Message with Megavoices

With advanced technology, there are now options to easily spread the Word of God to remote areas. A Megavoice is a selfcontained digital audio player that can be used for storing and retrieving the Bible and sermons. This little audio player has a solar panel with rechargeable batteries, a great tool for remote areas. ASAP would like to distribute 1,000 Megavoices throughout Vietnam and Cambodia in 2008. One Megavoice that records up to 160 hours of last day messages costs $65. Gift 102

The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

By Pastor Le Trang,*

district leader in


I live in a farming community where I have gotten to know many of the farmers. I make small talk with them at the market and visit them at their farms. Because the weather is an important topic for farmers, it usually enters into our conversation. I share that God is the One who controls everything such as the sunlight, rain, and good harvests. I often find that my friends also believe in a being that sends the sun and rain.


The Giver of Sunlight and Rain

After studying the Bible with me, many of them come to an understanding that God is that Being and the Maker of Heaven and Earth. Please pray for the house-churches in my district. Many times the local police raid our groups during worship, try to intimidate my members, hinder our outreach and hurt us financially through heavy fines. I believe that God has anointed me for this work. He has made me bold and given me wisdom to deal with the police. I am honored to take on the important responsibility of church leader. *Name changed for the safety of the individual.

Christ is Coming ASAP ‌ Reach Asia Now!


Grandpa Plong’s Prayer By Khut Chhoen, district pastor Kandal Province, Cambodia


“Dear God, Please help me quit my terrible smoking habit. I know you answer prayers. I believe you have power to help me in my life. I am an old man but I want to serve you with all my heart.” After Grandpa Plong prayed that simple prayer, his desire for cigarettes started to diminish. Each day since quitting, he finds himself feeling better and his health improving. He is grateful to God and church planter Net Lonh’s support for helping him get rid of that bad habit.

“We should ever remember that the object of the medical missionary work is to point sin-sick men and women to the Man of Calvary, who taketh away the sin of the world.” Counsels

Sponsor a Medical Missionary

Medical missionaries in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia are effectively ministering to both the physical and spiritual needs of people. As they combine prayer with the use of natural remedies like charcoal and medicinal plants, sick people experience healing and are led to acknowledge God not only as their Healer, but also as their Redeemer. It costs $30 per month in Cambodia to sponsor one medical missionary and $110 per month in Thailand. Spread the gospel through the health message by supporting one medical missionary for one year. Gift 103



Diet & Foods 458

Promote the Health Message

The Spirit of Prophecy tells us that “the health work is an entering wedge, making a way for other truths to reach the heart” (6 Testimonies 327). ASAP believes it is important to give the national missionaries and church members a solid understanding of SDA health principles as revealed through the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy. Your gifts for this project will go towards conducting interactive Health Expos, health training and literature. Gift 104

The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

Speed up Progress

In developing countries, a bicycle or moped can be as valuable as a car. These tools for ministry allow ASAP church planters and lay pastors to spend more time giving Bible studies and less time traveling on foot from village to village. This need has increased because of the high interest and demand for Bible studies. Your gift for transportation will go to supply a bicycle ($80), moped ($650) or gasoline ($30 per month) to the national missionaries who need it the most.


Special Project

Gift 105

“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” Matthew 24:14 NKJV

“Let us thank God for His priceless gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15


Special Project Support a lay pastor

Make it possible for a lay pastor to be a missionary in his or her own country. Lay pastors function like church planters, but have greater responsibilities within Vietnam and Thailand. In addition to preaching, teaching, giving Bible studies, and spreading health evangelism, they lead out in missionary trips to unreached areas. Vietnamese lay pastors oversee large districts with many “missionary volunteers.” Please pray for Christ’s lay pastors and their families who are relentlessly targeted by the enemy as they seek to win people to Christ. ASAP hopes to support at least 310 lay pastors in 2008. Did you know it costs only $50 per month ($600 per year) to support a Vietnamese lay-pastor and $100 per month ($1,200) to support a Thai lay pastor? Gift 106

“How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, Who bring glad tidings of good things!” Romans 10:15 NKJV


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

Partner with ASAP in reaching our Thai, Lao, Hmong and Vietnamese brothers and sisters here in the United States. We want to place in their hands evangelistic literature, Bibles, Bible study lessons and DVD sermons written in their own languages. Will you make your hands available for God to use? Please contact ASAP for information about sharing materials. Also, consider financially supporting the spread of the gospel right here in the mission field of our own country. Gift 107

Give the Gift of a Radio

The Holy Spirit works through the radio waves to reach millions. Radio broadcasts are making a great impact especially in restricted areas where people cannot freely communicate about God. Thousands without the luxury of pastors or formal churches have become regular worshippers through radio programs. The radio truly is an excellent way to nurture believers especially where “the harvest is plentiful and the workers are few.” Help take the gospel to homes that don’t have access to pastors through the gift of a radio which costs $10. Gift 108

Support the Peace and Happiness Radio Broadcast

Hundreds of thousands have accepted the truth of Jesus as a result of tuning in to the Peace and Happiness radio program. As a result of this ministry directed by Pastor Isah Young,* underground house churches are springing up all over Vietnam as people learn about our distinct Adventist truths. Whole families gather as early as 6 a.m. in the home of a villager who owns a radio to tune in to Peace and Happiness radio broadcasts. It is estimated that over a million listeners tune in every day to hear the word of God preached. ASAP works in partnership with Adventist World Radio to make this ministry possible. It costs over $210,000 per year to run this ministry. You can contribute toward the costs of production, equipment, staffing, and broadcasting, enabling this program to continue making a huge impact for the kingdom.


Share Christ with Your Neighbors

*Name changed for the safety of the individual.

Gift 109

Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!


Spread the Good News

In addition to Bibles and radios, national missionaries use many evangelism tools to spread the news about our Savior’s love such as hymn books, religious books, tracts and Bible lessons. Because of the high demand for materials, ASAP national missionaries often give away their own Bibles and materials. Let’s make sure God’s dedicated laborers have plenty of materials to give away so they can keep their very own marked up Bibles and books. It costs an average of $5 to print one publication. Gift 111

Share the Three Angels’ Messages with Cambodians via Radio

In partnership with the Northern California Conference and Adventist World Radio (AWR), ASAP brings God’s truth to Cambodia through the Voice of Love and Hope radio broadcast. Elder Sophat Sorn, the main speaker from the Stockton Cambodian SDA Church in California along with a trained volunteer team in Cambodia partner to deliver programs that are broadcast from AWR in Guam to cities and remote villages in Cambodia. Your gift will help make it possible for this dedicated team to continue their vital ministry which brings hope to thousands of Cambodians trapped in darkness. Gift 110

Sponsor the DVD Evangelistic Project

Aside from the radio, DVDs are one of the most effective ways of reaching people in Vietnam who would have no other means of hearing God’s word. Sixty-five dollars can provide a house-church the New Beginnings Evangelistic DVDs or a series of fifty sermons on DVD along with a DVD player. The players are shared among a large district of housechurches and are used in church services and outreach. Gift 112

“Unvarnished truth must be spoken, in leaflets and pamplets, and these must be scattered like the leaves of autumn.” 9 Testimonies 231


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

By Nhean Thonsovan,

district pastor of

North Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Peung Sothy is a faithful church planter working in the Roveang district in Phnom Penh. He works very hard going door to door telling people about the good news of salvation and about God’s power to heal people of their sicknesses. At first, the blessing of more church members came with a problem. He had poor members who lived far away from the church, and had no way to get there. Although Peung Sothy biked as fast as he could and left early in the morning, he regrettably could not transport all the members needing rides and they would miss out on Sabbath fellowship and worship.


God Provides a Way

Peung started praying, “Lord, you have blessed me indeed, and enlarged my territory. I believe it is your will that everyone who wants to should be able to worship on Sabbath. Please provide me with a way to pick up all my church members who need a ride on Sabbath morning.” What do you suppose happened when Peung prayed? The Lord answered, providing a used moped and a small trailer (pictured) through ASAP donors! This grateful church planter also uses his moped to make visitations and conduct Bible studies during the week. God’s blessing has fueled Peung’s desire to work faithfully so that more people can be won to Christ. We praise God for the recent baptism of twenty individuals that Peung led to the Lord.

“Let us thank God for His priceless gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15


“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Psalms 119:105 NKJV

Give the Most Precious Gift of All, the Bible

It has been said that a Bible that is falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn’t. Yes, ASAP often witnesses the power in the word of God that glues the pieces of broken lives back together. There is a great demand for Bibles in Southeast Asia. Poverty and hardship have destroyed lives and torn families apart, yet people are seeking restoration and finding it through this priceless Book. Vietnamese Bibles cost $5, Cambodian Bibles $10, and Laotian Bibles $25. You can literally save lives by providing Bibles. ASAP will immediately send your gift to the area with the longest waiting list. Gift 113


Build a Bamboo Church/ Literacy School

Imagine a church without pews, ceiling fans, or air conditioning, possessing only a dirt floor, and a group of happy believers. It requires a stretch of the imagination for most of us. In poor villages people are very content with a simple bamboo and thatch church where they can come together and worship. Jesus has said, “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Your gift of $550 can provide a place for the poor to come together to meet with Jesus. To conserve resources, these churches are often used for literacy schools during the week. Gift 114

The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

Adopt a Village

Imagine a village with no running water, no educational opportunities, and a population without a knowledge of Jesus Christ. By sponsoring a village project you can transform an entire community.


Special Project

Your support of $4,500 will provide salaries for missionaries, evangelism materials, transportation, wells, and other necessities required to fully minister the love of Christ and impart the gospel to the villagers. What a difference you can make! Gift 115

Christ is Coming ASAP ‌ Reach Asia Now!


Carried on Angels Wings By Judy Aitken, ASAP Director

Ai Hang,* an ASAP lay pastor in Vietnam, shares the unforgettable experience of being rescued by an angel. She writes, “The authorities caught me praying with a group of new believers. They tied me up and beat me over and over again. They put my body in the back of their pickup truck and drove me deep into the jungle. They knew I would be disoriented with no chance of survival. It must have been around midnight when they tossed my body out of the truck. As I lay there bleeding all over, I felt half alive and half dead. The sounds of the forest and the darkness made my heart beat fast with fear. When thoughts of wild animals coming to feast on my body filled my mind, I closed my eyes tightly and cried to God. I prayed so hard for him to save me. Then I felt my body lift from the ground and sensed I was flying in the air. When I opened my eyes, I discovered I was sitting on a downtown street near my home. I know my angels carried me safely to my hometown.” *Name changed for the safety of the individual.

“I am eighty-seven years old but thank God, He empowers me to keep helping others. How we need the special protection of holy angels from now on! Keep faithful—the battle is the Lord’s.” Katherine


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects



Wooden or brick churches are needed for larger groups that have matured and outgrown their bamboo and thatch churches. Depending on the size of the congregation, location and materials used, the cost for one church ranges from $2,000-$20,000. Your gift of a church building would be an answer to prayer for many church members who long for a permanent place to worship. ASAP prayerfully decides where the need for churches is the greatest. Gift 116

Provide or Repair a Sanctuary

Help build a worship room or repair a house-church for $650 in Vietnam. As you give to this needy project, pray for the safety of the house-church members as they worship secretly in the special room you help repair or provide. Gift 117


Provide a Permanent Church

Salahs for the Savior By Boonprannee Wannadee, President

of the

Lao Adventist Field

I asked the Laotian government officials for permission to build six churches in areas where ASAP has groups in need of a more adequate place to worship. They flatly denied my request. I went home and prayed for wisdom from the Lord. Not long after, He gave me an idea. I asked a local architect to design a traditional “salah”, the building used for meetings and functions in most Lao communities. I brought my plans back in to the government office and asked for permission for six “salahs” to be built. I told them that they are welcome to use the buildings as long as they do not drink, dance or smoke in them and that every Wednesday night, Friday night and Saturday we would need it for our meetings. They liked the idea and approved the request. Praise the Lord! I am certain that God will continue to open doors and provide the funding needed for building these much needed churches. Editor’s Note: It costs $4,500 to build one of these churches.

“Let us thank God for His priceless gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15


Special Project

Capture a District for Christ We believe the Lord has heard the prayer of dedicated ASAP lay pastors who have been praying for and working all throughout Vietnam. There are five specific large districts where the work has exploded and the need for “harvesting the believers” is paramount. As soon as possible, ASAP would like to send an army of lay pastors and youth evangelists into these areas equipped with Bibles, Megavoices, DVD players and evangelistic materials. Please contact ASAP and we can give you more details about these special efforts that will cost at least $10,000 in each area to adequately fund the projects. Gift 118

“This generation of Christians is responsible for this generation of souls on the earth!” Keith Green


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

Education 271

Sponsor a Youth Evangelist

Imagine what God could do through an army of youth who are full of zeal and not afraid of losing their lives for the sake of their Master. Trained Vietnamese youth evangelists are accomplishing great things through the power of the Holy Spirit. They are willing to risk all for Christ as they spread the gospel in the large cities of Vietnam. By taking on this work, they jeopardize their schooling opportunity and future career plans for the sake of Christ. ASAP would like to put at least sixty more youth evangelists in the field in 2008. By making a commitment to giving $35 per month, you enable one college student to work as an evangelist while taking classes. Gift 119


“With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Savior might be carried to the whole world!”

Make the Bible Exciting for Children

Four years ago ASI (Adventist-Laymen’s Services and Industries) Juniors partnered with ASAP to provide footlockers full of exciting Sabbath School supplies for children in Thailand and Cambodia. Since then, many new churches have begun and there is a need for additional teaching materials in these locations. By giving a gift of $40, you help one Sabbath School have newly translated teaching materials which will bring the Bible to life. Your gift of $80 will help provide fun, inspirational materials for Vacation Bible Schools. Gift 120

Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!


God’s Power Revealed By Hoang Thu Thao,* Vietnamese Youth Evangelist

I had a skin disease for more than a year. It often gave me much pain and discomfort. The disease almost wore me down. It was in those difficult moments, however, that I drew closer to God. I prayed constantly to God for healing, because I believe that nothing is too hard for my Almighty God. I had faith that He would heal me–and indeed He has! I am very thankful. I have completely recovered from my disease. I now understand that He allowed this to happen so the members in the house-church groups I lead out in could see His power.” *Name changed for the safety of the individual.

Embrace the Mission on Your Doorstep

Southeast Asians, understandably, retain their unique culture, and continue to communicate in their native language, even after immigrating to other countries. Because of this, traditional Western methods of evangelism are not as effective in reaching them as the methods and literature ASAP supported church planters use. ASAP aims to reach out to these people in a friendly and personal way. There are many who have yet to meet Jesus. Those who are already Adventist need a church family that provides understanding and support. Your gift will make it possible for the gospel message to spread to our Southeast Asian brothers and sisters here in the United States via radio, literature, and support of church planting projects. Gift 121


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

Sir James M. Barrie

Light up Lives with LAMP

Since Laotians are the most un-reached among Southeast Asians, ASAP plans to invest more into ministering to them through the Lao Adventist Mission Project (LAMP). Pastor Saengthong Saengthip, full of passion and vision, qualified and committed to reach his own people for Christ, heads up this ASAP project. His ministry aims to connect with the 1.5 million Laotians who have resettled in North America and create additional materials to be used in Laos.

Your donations for LAMP will go towards translation projects, supporting Pastor Saengthip (the only Lao Adventist pastor in North America), funding air time, video and radio equipment, and a DVD project. Gift 122


“Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves.”

His website is full of wonderful resources designed to share Jesus with Laotians all over the world. Currently, there are less than 100 Laotian Adventists in North America, but through your support of LAMP and your diligent prayers, this number will quickly increase.

“Let us thank God for His priceless gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15


Equip and Empower through Training

ASAP strongly believes in providing training for our national workers so they are well grounded in their faith. This investment results in spiritually grounded churches. Most ASAP missionaries come from a Buddhist or animist background and have a limited understanding about God and the Bible. You can make it possible for ASAP national missionaries to “be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Tim. 3:17). ASAP plans to train over 600 national missionaries in 2008. The average cost for training one ASAP missionary for one year is $100. Give whatever God impresses you to give. Every bit makes a difference. Gift 123

“Lost people matter to God, and so they must matter to us.” Keith Wright

Pray! As the Lord impresses you to give, please remember to pray for the hearts of the people your gifts will reach. Someone has said: “Prayer is really the place where people are won to Christ; sharing the Good News is just gathering in the fruit.” ASAP is convinced that evangelism begins when we are on our knees. Through your prayers you can join us on the front lines of evangelism. You can join the ASAP prayer team by visiting and clicking on PRAY. Your prayers are truly priceless!


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

EDUCATION ASAP sponsors literacy teachers to provide basic education in order to counteract illiteracy and provide hope to vulnerable women and children, not only for their present life, but also for the life to come. Many students in these literacy schools, along with their families, accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and join the Seventh-day Adventist Church.



he illiterate of the world are truly the poorest, most oppressed, taken advantage of and looked down upon people of all. They live a dark existence. If Jesus were on earth today, His great concern would be focused on them. The Third World holds 98% of all illiterate adults, 66% of whom are women. ASAP believes education provides the key to a better life and remains the best way to overcome hardship and poverty.

Give a Student the Best Textbook Ever Written

The Bible is a popular textbook used in ASAP sponsored literacy schools. By providing a Bible, you can make it possible for students to own their own copies enabling them to take the word of God to their homes where they can be evangelists. Gift 124

God’s Blessings Gil



Two years ago, I came from South Korea with little but a green card. God spoke through Pastor Martin Kim and reminded me how blessed I am to live in America and know God. In the beginning of this year, as a senior in high school, I prayed that God would provide me with all the money that I need for college. I got accepted to several colleges and two of them offered to pay for my entire tuition and other fees. God has blessed me so much, and he also gave me a scholarship in the amount of $1,000. So I thought I’d give it to help Christians in Southeast Asia, though I know I can never out-give God.


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

By Yiet Seyha, Literacy Teacher


Kratie Province, Cambodia

Ratana, one of my literacy students, came from a poor, problematic home. Every day she listened to her parents’ fighting. When her father got drunk, she said he turned into a wild animal. Once, she showed up at my doorstep, bleeding profusely and crying that her father had beaten her. On another occasion I provided her with food when I learned that her parents did not give her any for the whole day. No matter what I did to help, her parents were always angry with me instead of thanking me.


Changes in Ratana

I prayed, “Lord, please help me. Show me how to minister to Ratana and her family.” When I began to see her parents change, I knew the Lord had answered my prayers. Her father stopped drinking and became kinder to his family. Her parents quit fighting. Finally they gave Ratana permission to go to church. I praise God for the changes in her family and that she has accepted Him into her life. Now with Jesus, Ratana’s life is much better.

“Then he opened their minds so they could understand.” Luke 24:45 NIV

Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!


Did you know that over 140 million children have never attended school? And that 13 percent of those children are between the ages of 7-18?

Support the Literacy Program

A gift of $20 would go to provide basic school supplies for one classroom for one month in an ASAP sponsored literacy school. Students in ASAP literacy programs, so accustomed to having nothing, truly appreciate the little things such as pencils, notebooks and easy readers. Your gifts can also provide other basic school needs such as benches, whiteboards and the popular Bible story book sets. You can bring great joy to students and enhance their learning experience by giving to this program. Gift 125


Sponsor a Literacy Teacher

For just one dollar a day you can provide a whole classroom of children with an education by sponsoring a literacy teacher. Some of the world’s poorest children are in Southeast Asia. They grow up in slums, unable to attend government run schools because they can’t afford the tuition, uniforms, and school supplies. ASAP wants to make sure every child has the opportunity to become literate and discover Jesus. Sponsor a literacy teacher who can give hope to the underprivileged by teaching them basic reading and writing skills. This year ASAP is praying to double the number of literacy teachers in the field. You can, through the teacher you sponsor, help this become a reality! Gift 126

The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

Ignite Body and Mind—Support the Feed & Read Program “Will there be enough food for me today?” “Will I have to go work for my food or can I go to school?” Imagine being a child and worriedly asking these questions each day. Children in Cambodia do. Growing up hungry on the streets of the Phnom Penh slums, ASAP literacy students often find focusing on their studies difficult. In some areas, teachers have found most kids were not eating more than one meal per day.


Special Project

The Feed & Read Program was birthed to provide one hot, healthy meal a day to the hungry students in the neediest literacy schools where ASAP works. Since this program began in three schools, the parents no longer have to worry about how they will feed their children and they willingly send them to school instead of making them dig through trash dumps to help support the family. Because of this program’s success, ASAP would like to start Feed & Read Programs in other needy areas. It costs 30 cents to buy one hot meal for a student, $130 to provide meals and education for one student for one year and $5,500 to start up a Feed & Read Program in a new location. Gift 127

“Let us thank God for His priceless gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15


The Life Changing School By Julia O’Carey, ASAP Associate Director

The Vietnamese SDA School is one of the Feed & Read schools in Cambodia started by the Cambodian Adventist Mission. Each day, the teachers welcome over seventy Vietnamese street children who receive a Christian education and a warm meal each day. They also are taught various trades such as sewing. The Lord miraculously answered prayers this year in that all the children’s parents in the school allowed their daughters to continue studying instead of being sold in the slave trade or commercial sex trade (as was the serious risk). This school is known in the local community as the “Life Changing School” because the children’s behavior changes are so apparent. Dramatic transformations take place after they accept Jesus as their personal Savior. Many have been baptized and even some of the parents have started coming to the church which meets in the school on Sabbath. Some of the older girls who went through the program have become student teachers. Please pray for these children and their teachers.


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects


Break a Barrier or Two and Send One Child to School

Imagine not being able to attend school simply because you can’t afford to buy the required school uniform or needed school supplies, or because you cannot afford tuition. For the amount it costs to buy a medium pizza ($15) you can make it possible for a child to meet this school requirement and have a bright future. It typically takes students in ASAP literacy schools one year to catch up with their peers. Then they are able to transfer into public school if they have money for the fees and the uniform. Gift 128

Help One Child of an SDA Pastor Attend an Adventist School

We believe in Adventist education and want our PK’s to enroll in Adventist schools. Because of the modest income that SDA pastors in Southeast Asia receive, in many cases, they cannot afford to send their children to Adventist schools. You can help make it possible for them to get a good Christian education by subsidizing the tuition of one student for $10 per month or $120 per year Gift 129

Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!


To complain that life has no joys while there is a single creature whom we can relieve by our bounty, assist by our counsels or enliven by our presence, is to lament the loss of that which we possess, and is just as rational as to die of thirst with the cup in our hands. Thomas Fitzosborne

Donate a Bamboo and Thatch School

Children often have to study out in the open with no building at all when there is no nearby church where they can meet. Sometimes a porch has to serve as a makeshift classroom. Your gift of $750 will help build more schools in areas where churches do not yet exist. Gift 130

Our Gift The Ranger SDA Church, Kindergarten/Primary Sabbath School

“Enclosed is our gift for the children of SDA families who can’t afford to buy uniforms for school. We are learning more and more how much we have and how little others have! Thank you for sharing with us the needs of these children. We want to learn to always be unselfish and give to others as Jesus has given to us.”


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects



HUMANITARIAN The world is in need of workers who will labor as Christ did for the suffering and the sinful. There is indeed a multitude to be reached. The world is full of sickness, suffering, distress, and sin. It is full of those who need to be ministered unto--the weak, the helpless, the ignorant, the degraded.� (CH 13) As you read about the various humanitarian projects that ASAP sponsors, our prayer is that your heart would be moved with compassion.



hen Christ saw the multitudes that gathered about Him, “He was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted, and were scattered abroad, as sheep having no shepherd,” (Matthew 9:36). Christ saw the sickness, the sorrow, the want and degradation of the multitudes that thronged His steps. To Him were presented the needs and woes of humanity throughout the world—the same needs exist today.

Feed a Family in Need

Entire families go hungry every day because they cannot afford to purchase food. Children go out on the streets digging through trash cans, just to find something to eat. Babies die because their mothers are malnourished and unable to nurse. For $20 you can purchase a sack of rice for an entire family for a month. This could be the best investment you ever make. Gift 131

Partner with Pastors Who Help the Poor

Pastors in Southeast Asia wear many different hats. They will often serve as caretakers of the sick and suffering SDA members who have nowhere to turn. Pastors will often open their doors to the needy, pray with them, feed them, let them live under their roofs and lend needed financial support to members who struggle to get back on their feet after an emergency. Pastors are able to minister not only through their words, but through their actions because of people like you who make it financially possible for them to do so. A gift of $35 per month allows pastors to do much to help those in crisis. Gift 132

“He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, And He will pay back what he has given.” Proverbs 19:17


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

By Hang Dara,

district pastor in

Phnom Penh West, Cambodia

It is a great blessing to see how God is changing the lives of faithful church members in my district. Life for women here is especially hard. They often are hungry and sick, with no way to pay for medical care. They cannot afford to send their children to school. Every day, husbands leave their wives. But things change when these people come to know Christ. They can smile through their troubles because they trust that their Savior can provide for their daily needs. No longer do they have to live in despair. It is a beautiful thing to be a part of.


Smiles through Troubles

“The most infectiously joyous men and women are those who forget themselves in thinking about others and serving others.” Robert J. McCracken

Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!


Special Project

Restore Lives! Keep the Sda Center—AIDS Hospice Running For the first time, Cambodian Adventists suffering from the HIV/AIDS virus now have a refuge, a safe place to go for help and a place they can call home if need be. The Sda Center is situated in a poor section in the southern part of Phnom Penh. “We chose the name Sda Center (pronounced sadah) because this word means to restore, a fitting name, which reflects the SDA philosophy of healing,” says Elder Garth Anthony, President of the Cambodia Adventist Mission.


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects


Currently, 11 families comprising 51 people (including 16 children) are housed in a two-story residence. Despite close quarters, the occupants are grateful to have a clean place to lay their heads (one room per family), safe water to drink, food (even when they are not in a position to work) and good medical care. “We are all one big happy family in Jesus,” says Seng Sopheak, the care giver/ church planter/literacy teacher of the Sda Center. Sopheak leads out in joint daily worships and Sabbath worship. The way the community members embrace the families with AIDS with acceptance is a beautiful testimony to Jesus’ love working in their lives. These residents, most of whom were living on the streets as outcasts from their families and communities, now have fellowship, support and new hope for life. It costs $28,000 per year to run the hospice and the school for the residents’ children and community children. Gift 133

“What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, ‘Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,’ but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.” James 2:14-17

“Let us thank God for His priceless gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15


“For I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink: I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.” Matthew 25:35-40

Feed Widows and Their Children Physically and Spiritually

Many woman become widows at a young age, losing their husbands either to AIDS or other diseases, and are left to provide for their families themselves. We know that God has a special place in his heart for widows. Simply by giving $50 you can practice true religion by providing for the widows and their children. Gift 134


Provide Relief for Victims of Disasters

Life threatening natural disasters such as drought, typhoons and floods are quite common in Southeast Asia. They wipe away homes, fields, and livelihoods, leaving families with virtually nothing. In communist countries, SDA members are typically the last to receive aid from the government leaving many to face disease or death. ASAP national workers step in to help these church members recover from the harsh realities of these disasters. It costs about $15 to provide rice for a family for a month and $100 to rebuild a home. By giving now, you can enable ASAP to act immediately and help save lives when disasters hit. Gift 135

The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

By Khamsay Phetchareun

Two single mothers, one thing in common—they had lost everything earthly; their homes, their husbands, their land, their belongings. They even gave up their right as citizens in exchange for their Christian faith. They were threatened, mistreated, and abused in attempts to make them renounce their faith, yet they stood strong.


The Loss of Everything Earthly

Mrs. Pak Ly’s suffering did not end there. Her only daughter was raped and she gave birth to a son. Now, with three mouths to feed and no job, she did not know where to turn, but to God. Mrs. Mai Wang, mother of six, lost two of her children. The women decided to pack their humble bags and journey to Vientiane, Laos. There they met fellow believers and ASAP church planter Khamsao, who immediately offered to help them, although he himself has little in this world to share. Though they do not have earthly possessions and land, they praise the Lord for a Christian community where they can worship each Sabbath in relative freedom.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress...” James 1:27 NIV

Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!


Special Project

Provide a Future by Supporting Small Enterprise Development Small Enterprise Development Prostitution is often seen as the only option for young girls and women who struggle in poverty. In some Southeast Asian countries, selling the oldest daughter into prostitution to provide for the needs of the family is considered an accepted practice. Your gifts for small enterprise development allow poor, at-risk Adventist women to learn a trade and/or start small businesses that make enough profit to support their family’s basic needs of food and shelter. These projects are overseen by the district pastors and are connected to the local missions. The small enterprise projects listed here will give you a glimpse into what ASAP will do with your gifts for this important aspect of ministry to the poor. Gift 136


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008 ď‚˜ Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

Galatians 6:10 NIV

Sewing Projects ASAP would like to start sewing schools/projects in four needy areas in 2008. It costs $150 to provide a sewing machine for one lady and $4,800 to start one new sewing school/project.

Floss Silk Weaving Project


“Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people...”

ASAP’s floss silk weaving project proposed for the Koh Dach village in Kandal Province, Cambodia will provide ten impoverished Adventist families with loans of $374 per family for the purchase of weaving materials so that they may start family-owned small businesses to financially support themselves and their church. ASAP’s objective for supporting this project is to improve living standards by offering these families ways to invest in a trade their area is known for, make a decent income to live and send their children to school. This small investment would transform this church and its members’ lives.

Seeds for Security By helping families start agricultural projects, income can be generated that not only helps the families but also benefits the church through tithe given. An agricultural project can be started with $75 that goes toward simple garden tools and vegetable seeds. Families are sustained, excess vegetables are sold at the market, and funds earned help carry on the work of the church.

The Gift of a Cow ASAP encourages church groups to move toward financial independence. One way you can help make this possible is by purchasing a set of cows for a family in Vietnam ($150 per cow). A family is able to breed the cows, keep the calf, and then lend the cows to another family. The cow provides milk and helps generate income through agricultural projects, such as plowing the field or transporting goods. By providing cows you can help church members in poverty stricken areas sustain themselves and the growth of their church.

“Let us thank God for His priceless gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15


“…whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst.” John 4:14

Give Clean Water

Can you think of the last time you got sick because you drank contaminated water? Thanks to good healthcare, we can survive such experiences. But if you live in a poor village with no access to healthcare, your chances of survival become slim (especially if you are a baby). You can provide a well that will bring clean water to a village, reducing the community’s sickness and child mortality rate. Wells, which cost about $150-$200, are strategically placed next to the churches or church members’ homes in poor villages. When people come for water, they are introduced to the Giver of living water so they will never thirst again. Gift 137


Be a Good Samaritan to a Persecuted Family

Your brothers and sisters in Vietnam and Laos are blessed spiritually but often suffer physically and financially for their faith in God. Beatings are common, and sometimes the government will stage car accidents to take out the leaders of house-churches. It is not uncommon for villagers to join the police in harassing the SDA house-church members. Sometimes neighbors set fire to their homes or rice fields. Some workers must constantly relocate because of persecution and plant house-churches in new districts. Emergency and travel funds can greatly alleviate stress as one is recovering from physical injuries or financial loss. Your gift of $100 would be a blessing to a persecuted missionary family. Gift 138

The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

By Ms. Sam,


Ta Khamao

church member in


province ,


I live in Kra Sang village, and there is no well near my home. Before a well was installed in my village, I had to travel a long distance to get water from the one person in the village who owned one. The owner began asking for payments each time I drew water, but other villagers and I could not afford to pay them. I prayed desperately, ‘Lord, please provide me with a well!’


It is “Well” with my Soul

Together with my family and ASAP church planter, Khut Choeurn, we began praying daily for a well. We faithfully offered our request to the Lord, believing that He would provide us clean water. After more than a year of praying, we now have a well. We praise Him for providing this clean water through ASAP. I freely let all the neighbors use our water, so that I can tell them about the God who provides us with all we need.

Did you know that an estimated 400 million children, on average one in five have no access to safe water? Every day 3,900 children die simply because they lack access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation. Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!


Rewarded for Her Faithfulness By Ing Nang,

district pastor in

Phnom Penh Central, Cambodia

Ms. Pen Thorn had no place to live. Each day she scoured the garbage dumps in search of plastic recyclables and scrap metals to be sold in exchange for a little money–the only way she had to support herself and her several children. After accepting Christ, however, she found herself making more money as the Lord blessed her. It paid off, she soon discovered, to put her trust in the Lord. Over the next two years she saved $300 with which she was able to build a small bamboo house. Ms. Pen Thorn is thankful that the Lord provided for her, and she loves Him with all her heart.

“Life becomes harder for us when we live for others, but it also becomes richer and happier.” Albert Schweitzer


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

HUMANITARIAN ASAP Board Members (left to right): Judy Aitken, Trudi Starlin, Max and Linnea Torkelsen, Ken Straw, Byron and Carol Reynolds. Ralph and Bea Neall, and Bruce Bauer (Chair).

Remember the Home Office

The Lord has truly blessed ASAP with a functional office that allows for daily operations to run smoothly. ASAP invites you to partner in paying off the mortgage “ASAP” so that the $9,000 saved on interest each year could be given for those who are spiritually starving in Southeast Asia. Imagine what worthy projects could be funded with an extra $9,000 each year! Gift 140

Supply One Child with Clothing

There are SDA families in some regions who are so poor they cannot buy adequate clothes for their children. With the amount it costs to buy a fast food meal ($5) you can give not only clothes, but dignity to a child. Gift 139

“He who has mercy on the poor, happy is he.” Proverbs 14:21

“Let us thank God for His priceless gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15


Give to Help Make These Projects Possible

Despite the great efforts made to limit the overhead costs, it does take money to keep ASAP up and running. Consider making a special gift to aide ASAP’s operation so that this cause can continue to make a powerful difference in Southeast Asia for Christ until He comes. (Remember 100% of your donation goes towards the project you specify.) Gift 141


Our greatest need is for prayer. And we believe that one of God’s greatest needs is for praying men and women. Please join the ASAP staff in daily lifting up the ministry of ASAP and the work in Southeast Asia. Visit our website at:, where you can find updated prayer requests, and sign up to be a prayer partner. $ Priceless

Dear Pastor Isah I must tell you the impact the Holy Spirit made in my son Levi’s heart when you spoke in Montrose, Colorado this summer. He got excited about your project, and had a great time setting up a lemonade stand and doing odd jobs to raise money for Vietnam. This donation comes with great 9-year-old enthusiasm, and I pray this is just the beginning. God bless you. Love, Brenda (from Kentucky)


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008  Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

ASAP at a Glance  Reaches Cambodians, Laotians, Hmong, Thai, and Vietnamese around the world.

 Funds humanitarian and educational projects that are intimately tied to evangelism projects.

 Founded by current ASAP director, Judy Aitken, in 1995.

 100% of donations go directly to the projects specified.

 Governed by a board of directors.

 A supporting ministry to the Seventhday Adventist Church.

 Supports Southeast Asian lay workers, whose knowledge of language and culture, as well as connection to the community, make them the most effective, cost efficient method of reaching their brothers and sisters for Christ.

 A registered 501 (c3) non-profit organization.

 A member and grant recipient of Adventist Laymen’s Services and Industries (ASI) since 1995.  Partners with Adventist World Radio in supporting radio broadcasts for Vietnam and Cambodia.

“I heard of ASAP while watching 3ABN recently. I was so moved by the work that’s being done through your ministry that I had to get on line and register to be an ASAP prayer partner. I have also read the newsletters and I am impressed to give a donation.” Hyacinth

Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!




Become an ASAP Ambassador & Help Spread the Word! ASAP wants to QUICKLY get the word out about what God is doing in Southeast Asia. Consider making your hands, feet, and voice available to God so that He can work through you to be a part of the exciting work of taking the gospel to the ends of the earth. Read below about the free tools ASAP has available to equip you to be an ASAP Ambassador right in your community. *You can indicate on the order form what free ASAP sharing tools you would like to receive.

ASAP Brochures

Giving ASAP brochures to close friends and family members is a very simple, yet effective way to spread the word. As you distribute the brochure, it is very powerful if you share either a simple testimony of how you have been blessed by giving to ASAP or an ASAP project you feel passionate about. Gift 148*

ASAP Newsletters

ASAP always prints extra newsletters for people who want to share them with others. Be sure to point out a story you were blessed to read when sharing. Gift 149*

ASAP Posters

Encourage your school, small group or Sabbath School class to adopt a project. Request an ASAP project poster which will serve as a visual reminder for your group as funds are raised and also show others what your group is doing. Gift 150*


The Priceless Gift Catalog 2008 ď‚˜ Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

ASAP PowerPoint

Do you enjoy speaking? Request an ASAP powerpoint presentation which you can share at your church that tells about our ministry and highlights several miracle stories. Gift 151*

Additional Gift Catalogs

Request additional copies of the Priceless Gift Catalog to share with your family, friends, classmates, co-workers, or church members. Let them know about your favorite projects. Gift 152*


You can spread the word by showing inspiring ASAP videos in your church or at home when friends come by. Request DVDs that highlight the work in Vietnam and Cambodia. To All Who Thirst (Vietnam) and Go Into the Alleys (Cambodia) are currently available. Put your name on the waiting list for new videos produced in 2008. Gift 153*

ASAP Board of Directors Bruce Bauer, Chair Mary Ann McNeilus Ralph & Beatrice Neall Byron & Carol Reynolds Max & Linnea Torkelsen

Judy Aitken Robin Riches Trudi Starlin Kenneth Straw

Editors: Copy Editors: Design/Layout: Photography:

Julia O’Carey Associate Director Martin Kim Communication Director Linda Bauer Adrienne Redding Sarah Lee Frank Spangler

“Let us thank God for His priceless gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15


P.O. Box 84, Berrien Springs, MI 49103

Adventist Southeast Asia Projects


2 Corinthians 9:15




“Let us thank God for His priceless gift!”

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