2011 Commencement

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asbury theological seminary

the eighty-eighth commencement Kentucky Campus

Saturday, May 21, 2011 Wilmore, Kentucky

The Eighty-Eighth Commencement

May 21, 2011

Asbury Theological Seminary

The Luce Physical Activities Center Wilmore, Kentucky

The President’s Cabinet President Timothy C. Tennent, Ph.D. Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Leslie A. Andrews, Ph.D. Vice President for Finance and Administration Bryan P. Blankenship, M.B.A. Vice President for Advancement and Communications Jay E. Mansur, C.F.S. Vice President of the Florida Dunnam Campus Geneva Silvernail, Ed.D. Vice President for Enrollment Management and Student Services Kevin E. Bish, M.Ed. Vice President for Community Life and Dean of the Chapel John David Walt, Jr.


Academic Officers

Dean of the School of Urban Ministries Zaida Maldonado PĂŠrez, Ph.D.

Dean of the School of Practical Theology Catherine Stonehouse, Ph.D.

Dean of the School of Biblical Interpretation and Proclamation David R. Bauer, Ph.D.

Dean of the E. Stanley Jones School of World Mission and Evangelism Terry C. Muck, Ph.D.

Dean of the School of Theology and Formation James R. Thobaben, Ph.D. Dean of the Beeson International Center for Biblical Preaching and Church Leadership Thomas F. Tumblin, Ph.D.

b Marshal of the Academic Procession Student Marshals Dr. W. Allan Coppedge Christy Wade Ralph Waldo Beeson Professor of Master of Divinity Student Christian Theology Stanley John The Cross Ph.D. Student Bob Thomson Associate Director of Admissions Director of Music William C. Goold, D.M.A. The Bible Dwight M. and Lucille S. Beeson Dawn Beamish Professor of Church Music; Ph.D. Student William Earle Edwards Professor of Church Music Assistant to the Marshal Sheryl Voigts, M.A. Organist Registrar and Albin C. Whitworth, D.Cm. Director of Enrolled Student Services Visiting Professor of Music and Organist of the Chapel

The Academic Procession The Marshal The Cross The Bible The Student Marshals The Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy The Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Ministry The Candidate for the Degree of Master of Theology The Candidates for the Degree of Master of Divinity The Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts The Golden Graduates The Faculty of the Seminary The President’s Cabinet The Trustees of the Seminary The Platform Party

The Eighty-Eighth Commencement Saturday, the twenty-first of May Two Thousand and Eleven Two o’clock in the afternoon

The Luce Physical Activities Center On the campus of Asbury University

President Timothy C. Tennent, Presiding Processional.................................................Rigaudon................................... Dr. Albin C. Whitworth Campra Visiting Professor of Music and Organist of the Chapel Words of Welcome................................................................................ Dr. Timothy C. Tennent President of Asbury Theological Seminary Invocation..............................................................................................Rev. Dr. Lal Chungnunga Principal of Serampore College, India Hymn of Praise........................................And Can It Be........................................... Dr. Bill Goold Charles Wesley (Sagina) Dwight M. and Lucille S. Beeson Professor of Church Music; William Earle Edwards Professor of Church Music 1 And can it be that I should gain 3 Long my imprisoned spirit lay, An interest in the Saviour’s blood! Fast bound in sin and nature’s night; Died he for me? who caused his pain! Thine eye diffused a quickening ray; For me? who him to death pursued? I woke, the dungeon flamed with light; Amazing Love! How can it be My chains fell off, my heart was free, That thou, my God, I rose, went forth, Shouldst die for me? And followed thee. 2 He left his Father’s throne above 4 No condemnation now I dread; (So free, so infinite his grace!), Jesus and all in him is mine; Emptied himself of all but love, Alive in him, my living Head, And bled for Adam’s helpless race, And clothed in righteousness divine, ‘Tis mercy all, immense and free, Bold I approach th’ eternal throne, For O my God, And claim the crown through It found out me! Christ my own. Solo......................................................The Lord is My Light..............................Mr. Daniel Koehn F. Allitsen Bass-baritone Remarks.......................................................................................................................Ms. Alice Ward Student Council President, MAWE and MAC Student Recognition of Spouses and Golden Graduates............................. Dr. Timothy C. Tennent

Scripture Reading. ...................................Acts 8:14-24.................Dr. Catherine M. Stonehouse Dean, School of Practical Theology Orlean Bullard Beeson Professor of Christian Discipleship Address..................................... “The Heart of a Church Planter”.........................Rev. Bill Couch Pastor, LakeRidge United Methodist Church, Lubbock, TX Member of Board of Trustees, Asbury Theological Seminary Recognition of Honors..............................................................................Dr. Leslie A. Andrews Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

Recognition of Honor Societies International Honor Society of Theta Phi Eta Beta Rho Hebrew Honor Society Leitourgia et Homiletica Honor Society

Presenting of the Certificate Christian Studies

Conferring of Academic Degrees* Master of Arts Master of Divinity Master of Theology Doctor of Ministry Doctor of Missiology Doctor of Philosophy

Conferring of Honorary Doctorate Doctor of Humane Letters *The graduate’s family and guests are invited to stand as the graduate proceeds across the platform.

The Service of Consecration for the Class of 2011 Dr. Timothy C. Tennent

Presidential Charge to the Class of 2011 The Words of Affirmation and Commitment The Call to Ministry President:

Brothers and sisters of the 2011 graduating class of Asbury Theological Seminary, our call to discipleship is a call to love.

Graduates: Hear, O Israel! You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself. President:

We are called by Christ to embody all of the realities of the inbreaking kingdom as we preach the gospel, serve the poor, and live in holiness.

Graduates: The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me, because the Lord has anointed me; He has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and release to the prisoners; to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, and the day of vengeance of our God; and to comfort all who mourn. President:

Though in Christ we are one body, we have many members, with gifts differing according to the grace given to us by the Holy Spirit.


The gifts the Lord gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the Body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.


Do you affirm in the presence of this company that you have heard God’s call to a vocation of ministry; that you have tested that call in reflection and ministry; and that you now stand ready to take further steps of faithful service and mission?

Graduates: This we affirm. President:

As our mission proclaims, “Asbury Theological Seminary is a community called to prepare theologically educated, sanctified, Spirit-filled men and women to evangelize and to spread scriptural holiness throughout the world through the love of Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit, and to the glory of God the Father.” Are you prepared to go forth as His ambassadors to spread scriptural holiness throughout the world?

Graduates: Trusting in the work of Christ, we are. President:

Will you give yourself to a life of: earnest piety and community formation; prayer, the study of the scriptures, and all the means of

grace; solidarity with the poor and marginalized, seeking justice and offering mercy; lifelong learning; concern for the whole of God’s creation; proclaiming the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ, our crucified and risen savior; and mission among those who have yet to call on the name of Jesus Christ? Graduates: We will, the Holy Spirit being our helper. President:

Members of the faculty, members of the President’s Cabinet, and Trustees, you have heard our graduates affirm their call to active discipleship and ministry. Will you join me in their commission by standing with them?

(Faculty, President’s Cabinet and Trustees Stand)


We commission you as servants of our Lord Jesus Christ to serve Christ in all the world, to know Him and to make Him known, to embody in your lives the good news of the Kingdom of God, to be the church in the world and to build up the body of those who call Him Lord. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let us pray. Almighty God, Father of all mercies, graciously behold these your servants. Without Your help, we are helpless. Empower us therefore with Your Holy Spirit, that we may be strong for the tasks which lie ahead; and in all our works may we glorify Your Holy Name, and advance Your blessed Kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The Hymn of Dedication.........Lord, You Give the Great Commission......................... Dr. Bill Goold J. Rowthorn 1

Lord, you give the great commission: 3 Lord, you make the common holy: “Heal the sick and preach the word.” “This my body, this my blood.” Lest the church neglect its mission, Let us all, for earth’s true glory And the gospel go unheard, Daily lift life heavenward, Help us witness to your purpose Asking that the world around us With renewed integrity. Share your children’s liberty. With the Spirit’s gifts empower us With the Spirit’s gifts empower us For the work of ministry. For the work of ministry.


Lord, you call us to your service: “In my name baptize and teach.” That the world may trust your promise, Life abundant meant for each, Give us all new fervor, draw us Closer in community. With the Spirit’s gifts empower us For the work of ministry.

Benediction............................................................................................ Dr. George G. Hunter, III Distinguished Professor of Communication and Evangelism Recessional..........................................Trumpet Tune in C...............Brass Ensemble and Organ Clarke

Candidate for the Certificate in Christian Studies PATRICIA ANNE CARDIN Harpursville, New York A.A., Broome Community College, 1991 B.S., Binghamton University, 1993

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Arts Biblical Studies +JOHN ASHER ADAMS Cap-Haitien, Haiti B.Th., Portland Bible College, 2007

ROCHELL AMANDA MANUEL Greenville, Alabama A.A., Faulkner State Community College, 1998 B.S., Southern Christian University, 2006

AARON C. AMES Oklahoma City, Oklahoma B.A., The University of Oklahoma, 2006

BRANDON LEE MCGINNIS Flemingsburg, Kentucky B.A., Asbury University, 2003

DONALD S. CAULLEY Perry, Georgia B.S., University of Alabama, 1996

+MONROE DAVE PARKER Bentol City, Liberia B.S., Zion Bible College, 2007

MELISSA LEIGH FERGUSON Burlington, Kentucky B.A., King College, 2008 +^JILL ANN GREENWAY Tulsa, Oklahoma B.S., Oklahoma Wesleyan University, 2001 ◊ADRIAN PETER REYNOLDS Chiredzi, Zimbabwe B.A., Kentucky Christian College, 2001 *+DANIEL JAMES WYLLYS Wilmore, Kentucky B.A., John Wesley College, 2009 Christian Education JENNY LYNN DORF Tilden, Illinois A.A., Southwestern Illinois College, 2002 B.A., Greenville College, 2004 TIMOTHY G. HURD Nicholasville, Kentucky B.G.S., Indiana University, 1999 *Theta Phi

◊Eta Beta Rho

†Lit. et. Hom.

REBEKAH ANNE STRAUB Daniels, West Virginia B.S., Mountain State University, 2004 M.A., Asbury Theological Seminary, 2010 +LESLIE ALYNNE WESTON Washington, North Carolina B.A., University of North Carolina, 2008 LISA MICHELLE WILSON Lexington, Kentucky B.S., College of Biblical Studies Houston, 2008 Christian Leadership JOEL DAVID LEININGER Clearfield, Pennsylvania B.S., Northern Michigan University, 1996 +TIFFANY NICOLE MALLOY Columbia, Missouri B.S., University of Missouri, 2005

+August Candidate

^Officer in Student Council

+AMY MICHELLE SEIFERT St. George, Utah B.M.E., Baker University, 1993 Christian Ministries SARA NICOLE COBB Lytle, Texas B.A., Howard Payne University, 2001 ELISSA CORRINE HAYWOOD Independence, Iowa B.S., Indiana Wesleyan University, 2005 +STEPHEN GARY MANN Decatur, Alabama B.A., Oral Roberts University, 1981 ROBYN MARTYN SCOTT Albuquerque, New Mexico B.G.S., Texas Tech University, 1999 +MCKENZIE MORGAN SEFA Springfield, Kentucky B.A., Stetson University, 2001 *+JONI B. WAY Louisville, Kentucky Cert., Odessa College, 1976 B.S., University of Central Oklahoma, 1980 Counseling ROBIN BROWN-GORTON Lexington, Kentucky B.A., University of Kentucky, 1981 M.S., University of Kentucky, 1986

ROBERT LEE MEEKS Eden, North Carolina B.A., Bethany Bible College, 2006 +VIRGINIA MARGARET OWENS Wilmington, Delaware B.A., University of Connecticut, 2008 KATELYN IRENE PATTERSON Horseshoe Valley, Canada B.A., Bethany Bible College, 2006 +LISA NANCY TELFORD Clarksville, Tennessee B.A., Berea College, 2008 STEWART CRAIG THOMPSON Lexington, Kentucky B.A., Asbury University, 1991 +ANNA MARIE VAN FLEET Shallowater, Texas B.A., Baylor University, 2008 +ANGELA MICHELLE WHITE Orlando, Florida B.A., Asbury University, 2001 Mental Health Counseling ERIN MATHENA CAMACHO Mansfield, Texas B.M., Trinity University, 1999 M.A., Trinity University, 2000 +EASTON MARK FALKE Thorndale, Texas B.A., Concordia University, 2008

+RANDA LEIGH BUSH Wilmore, Kentucky B.A., Georgetown College, 2008

JOY ANN HARRIS Georgetown, Kentucky B.A., Midway College, 2007

RHEALYNN COOK Versailles, Kentucky B.A., Asbury University, 2005

+^DORIS N. KHALAF Beirut, Lebanon B.A., Haigazian University, 2000

+BRETT ALAN LOWRY Lexington, Kentucky B.A., University of Kentucky, 2006

+BRYAN LEE MANNING Lexington, Kentucky B.A., Asbury University, 2007

*Theta Phi

◊Eta Beta Rho

†Lit. et. Hom.

+August Candidate

^Officer in Student Council

LISA GAY WITHAM Alton, New Hampshire B.S., University of New Hampshire, 1988

TIMOTHY MICHAEL WIX Wilmore, Kentucky B.S., University of the Cumberlands, 2008

Intercultural Studies

Pastoral Counseling

+AMANDA DYANN COFER Searcy, Arkansas B.A., University of Arkansas, 2009

SHIRLEY LANHAM CHUPP Guntersville, Alabama B.S., Berry College, 1981

DUSTIN BLAYNE COVINGTON Floydada, Texas B.S., Texas Tech University, 2007

+GEOFFREY RAYMOND EGBERS Edgewood, Kentucky B.S., The Ohio State University, 1978

*MALLARY LLOYD COVINGTON Dalhart, Texas B.A., Texas Tech University, 2007

JANICE RENA HUBER Nicholasville, Kentucky A.S., Edmonds Community College, 1998 M.A., Asbury Theological Seminary, 2006

+ANDREW TERENCE ERBELE Scotland, South Dakota B.A., Houghton College, 2002 DOROTHY GRAY MILLER Birmingham, Alabama B.S., Auburn University, 2007 +ZONIA LUANN MITCHELL West Monroe, Louisiana B.A., Anderson University, 1986 M.A., The University of Louisiana at Monroe, 1988 MICHAEL LOGAN NELSON Brentwood, Tennessee B.A., Samford University, 2009

+BRADLEY RICHARD KIRK Wichita, Kansas B.A., Friends University, 2006 M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary, 2009 +KAREN DENISE ROBERTS MCKINNEY Berea, Kentucky B.A., Berea College, 1991 *נKAREN LYNN TUCKER Wilmore, Kentucky B.A., Spring Arbor University, 1984 Theological Studies

KACI NICOLE SMITH Zanesville, Ohio B.S., University of the Cumberlands, 2007

JESSE T. ALEXANDER, IV Lexington, Kentucky B.A., Western Kentucky University, 2007

+NATTAYA SWASDIPAN Bangkok, Thailand B.A., Assumption University, 2004

AARON C. AMES Oklahoma City, Oklahoma B.A., The University of Oklahoma, 2006

+JONATHAN BOYCE TODD Richmond, Kentucky A.A., Florida Community College at Jacksonville, 2004 B.S., University of North Florida, 2007

+JOHN ROBERT CARTER Lexington, Kentucky B.A., King College, 2004 Dipl., Defense Language Institute, 2006 M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary, 2010

+JOSHUA RYAN TOEPPER Manhattan, Illinois B.A., Governors State University, 2007 *Theta Phi

◊Eta Beta Rho

†Lit. et. Hom.

+August Candidate

^Officer in Student Council

MATTHEW JOSEPH GRAHAM Marion, Indiana B.S., Taylor University, 2004 PAUL KIBIRECH KORIR Eldoret, Kenya Dipl., St. Paul’s United Theological College, 1993 B.Div., St. Paul’s University, 2007 ISAAC CHARLES LANG Roseau, Minnesota B.S., Moorhead State University, 2004 SADIE ANN MCGEE MCNAMARA Wilmore, Kentucky B.A., University of Cincinnati, 2004 ◊ADRIAN PETER REYNOLDS Chiredzi, Zimbabwe B.A., Kentucky Christian College, 2001 *CRAIG JOSEPH SEFA Springfield, Kentucky A.A., Valencia Community College, 1999 B.F.A., American Intercontinental University, 2005 JAMES EDWARD SZARSZEWSKI Niagara Falls, New York A.A., North Hennepin Community College, 2003 B.A., Metropolitan State University, 2006 DEREK VANCE TROUT Perryville, Kentucky B.S., Indiana Wesleyan University, 2009

World Mission and Evangelism OLIVIA MILLER COFFMAN Stanford, Kentucky A.S., Somerset Community College, 1981 B.A., University of Kentucky, 1984 M.A., University of Kentucky, 1986 ANGELYN COSTON FINLEY Rio de Janeiro, Brazil B.S.E., Dakota State University, 1987 ASHLEY GORDON KENNEDY Chattanooga, Tennessee B.A., Georgia College, 2004 CHRISTOPHER GARRETT WILLIAMS Clay, Alabama B.S., University of North Alabama, 2008 Youth Ministry +JONATHAN JAMES MOEHLIG Clarkston, Michigan B.A., Bloomfield College, 2008 ROBERT G. MULYE Baldwinsville, New York B.A., Houghton College, 2007 +EARL EDWARD ROOP Lexington, Kentucky B.S., East Tennessee State University, 2002

Candidates for the Degree of Master of Divinity +RAYMOND WALTER AMOS, JR. Kingsport, Tennessee B.A., East Tennessee State University, 1995

+MARY ALICE BALDWIN Wilmore, Kentucky B.A., Oral Roberts University, 1990 M.A., Southern Nazarene University, 2005

SETH NATHAN ASHER Tulsa, Oklahoma B.A., Oral Roberts University, 2006

SHANNON LEE BLOSSER Wilmore, Kentucky B.S., West Virginia University, 2002

*Theta Phi

◊Eta Beta Rho

†Lit. et. Hom.

+August Candidate

^Officer in Student Council

CHAD DAVID BROOKS Alexandria, Louisiana B.A., Louisiana Tech University, 2005

+BRADY JON FELTZ Wilmore, Kentucky B.A., Asbury University, 2007

+JEREMY REID BUCHANAN Lexington, Kentucky B.B.A., University of Kentucky, 2005

+LEMUEL JOSEPH FITZGERALD Dalton, Georgia B.F.A., University of Georgia, 1998

TIMOTHY SCOTT BULLINGTON Conway, Arkansas B.S., Kansas State University, 1995

*+ALICE ANN FOWLER Birch Tree, Missouri B.M., Nebraska Wesleyan University, 1981

KRISTAL RACHELLE CARSON Vancouver, Washington B.A., George Fox University, 2003

KARLA EMILY FULLWOOD Fort Thomas, Kentucky B.S., Kent State University, 2005

CHARLES LEE CHRISTENSEN New Orleans, Louisiana B.A., American Intercontinental University, 2002 M.B.A., American Intercontinental University, 2004

GABRIEL ARTHUR GIBITZ Wilmore, Kentucky B.A., St. Louis University, 2006

MATTHEW GLENN COLE Lexington, Kentucky B.A., Trevecca Nazarene University, 1999 M.A., Trevecca Nazarene University, 2005 MICHAEL EUGENE COPPERSMITH Nancy, Kentucky A.A., Lindsey Wilson College, 2005 B.A., Lindsey Wilson College, 2006 M.A., Lindsey Wilson College, 2010 †KENNETH EUGENE CORDER Louisville, Kentucky B.A., Western Kentucky University, 1991 M.A., University of Louisville, 1993 *STEPHEN MATTHEW DAMPIER Lexington, Kentucky B.S., University of Kentucky, 2005 DOUGLAS SCOTT DEPRIEST Chattanooga, Tennessee B.S., Tennessee Technological University, 1999 +MELISSA MARIE DODD Nixa, Missouri B.S., Missouri State University, 1990

*Theta Phi

◊Eta Beta Rho

†Lit. et. Hom.

*DAVID MARSHALL GRANT Chattanooga, Tennessee B.S., Tennessee Technological University, 1990 M.S., East Tennessee State University, 1997 SCOTT DANIEL GROW Corpus Christi, Texas B.A., Texas Tech University, 2006 SUSAN KAY HARES Saline, Michigan B.S., University of Michigan, 1977 M.A., Regent University, 2008 LINDA GRACE HARRISON Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania B.A., University of Pittsburgh, 1981 M.Ed., University of Pittsburgh, 1985 JONATHAN BRANDON HART Daphne, Alabama B.A., University of Mobile, 2007 JACOB WILLIAM HERRON Athens, Tennessee B.S., East Tennessee State University, 2007 PHILLIP GREGORY HOEFLINGER Harlingen, Texas B.A., University of Texas, 2003

+August Candidate

^Officer in Student Council

WILLIAM EDWARD HOGAN Nicholasville, Kentucky B.S., University of Missouri, 1985 M.Ed., South Dakota State University, 1994 M.S., Air University, 2003 MELINDA KAY HOUSE Sioux Falls, South Dakota B.A., Oklahoma Wesleyan University, 1994 REBECCA NICOLE HUBER Bentonville, Arkansas B.S., University of Arkansas, 2005 ERIK L. IRELAND Presque Isle, Maine B.A., Houghton College, 2003 TAMMY LINETTE JACKSON Glencoe, Alabama B.G.S., Samford University, 1992 MARK DANIEL JOHNSON Bellefonte, Pennsylvania B.A., Pennsylvania State University, 1987 *◊JOHNATHAN ADAM JORDING Wilmore, Kentucky B.A., Asbury University, 2007 DUK-YOUNG JUN Wilmore, Kentucky Dipl., Kang Nam University, 1985 M.A., Hong-Ik University, 1997 KEITH LYLE KATTERHEINRICH Mackville, Kentucky B.S., Eastern Kentucky University, 1998 AARON B. KESSON Blissfield, Michigan B.A., Spring Arbor University, 2003 M.A., Spring Arbor University, 2006

CHRISTOPHER CLAYTON KLINGENFUS Petal, Mississippi B.A., University of Kentucky, 1992 *RYAN MICHAEL KOCAK Wilmore, Kentucky A.S., Park University, 2006 A.S., Community College of the Air Force, 2006 B.S., Park University, 2006 +STEVEN JOHN LAGAN Wilmore, Kentucky B.S., United States Military Academy, 2001 JOHN GABRIEL LAWSON Nicholasville, Kentucky B.A., Asbury University, 2007 ◊THERESA LYNNE LIEBLANG Wilmore, Kentucky B.A., Asbury University, 2006 ◊THOMAS FRANK LUSITANA Springfield, Illinois A.A., Lincoln Land Community College, 2005 B.A., Mid-America Christian University, 2007 CRAIG MICHAEL LUTTRELL Marshalltown, Iowa B.A., Iowa State University, 2001 Dipl., University of St. Andrews, 2004 DAVID AUSTIN MCCLAIN Wilmore, Kentucky B.A., Asbury University, 2004 PAUL JAEWOONG MUN Kenosha, Wisconsin B.A., University of Wisconsin, 2005

CHAN GYU KIM Seoul, South Korea B.A., Oakland City University, 2008

RYAN MATTHEW PAIGE Port Jefferson Station, New York B.A., Gettysburg College, 2004

YOON KI KIM Seoul, South Korea B.Th., Methodist Theological Seminary, 1997 M.Th., Methodist Theological Seminary, 2001

SAMANTHA ANN PARSON Prosper, Texas B.A., Texas A & M University, 1992

*Theta Phi

◊Eta Beta Rho

†Lit. et. Hom.

+August Candidate

^Officer in Student Council

WILLIAM LEONARD PASIECZNY Tishomingo, Oklahoma B.A., California State University, Sacramento, 1994

+ANTHONY SHANE SMITH Wilmore, Kentucky B.A., Mount Vernon Nazarene University, 2002

†+JOLITA PIECIAITE Taurage, Lithuania Dipl., Vilniaus Kolegija, 2004

+THOMAS LYNN SNYDER Dexter, Michigan B.S., Michigan State University, 1975 M.S., Michigan State University, 1977

TIMOTHY RAY PUCKETT Hanover, Michigan Cert., Jackson Community College, 1981 A.G.S., Jackson Community College, 2005 B.A., Spring Arbor University, 2007 +CAMERON SCOTT RASH Elkhorn, Kentucky B.A., Lindsey Wilson College, 2007 +LESLIE RALPH RYE Clarksville, Tennessee B.B.A., Austin Peay State University, 1982 +ANNA KRISTEN CHIPLEY SCHRICKEL Carthage, Mississippi B.S., Mississippi University for Women, 2008 *MATTHEW BENJAMIN SCRAPER Stroud, Oklahoma B.A., Rogers State College, 2005 *CRAIG JOSEPH SEFA Springfield, Kentucky A.A., Valencia Community College, 1999 B.F.A., American Intercontinental University, 2005 +MCKENZIE MORGAN SEFA Springfield, Kentucky B.A., Stetson University, 2001 +CLINTON RICHARD SHEETS, II Chillicothe, Ohio B.S., Ohio University, 2008

*Theta Phi

◊Eta Beta Rho

†Lit. et. Hom.

+WILLIAM VAUGHN STAFFORD Montgomery, Alabama B.A., Anderson University, 1994 +JOSHUA RYAN TOEPPER Manhattan, Illinois B.A., Governors State University, 2007 +^MELONEE CLEONE TUBB Athens, Alabama B.S., University of North Alabama, 2007 *נKAREN LYNN TUCKER Wilmore, Kentucky B.A., Spring Arbor University, 1984 ADAM PHILLIP VODICKA Lexington, Kentucky B.A., Case Western Reserve University, 2005 DEBRA LEAH WACKER Loveland, Colorado A.A., Aims Community College, 1986 B.A., University of Northern Colorado, 1988 JOSEPH GRAHAM WHITE Berea, Kentucky B.S., Berea College, 1998 M.In.Ed.,Clemson University, 1999 DUSTIN ELI WILHITE Muleshoe, Texas B.A., East Central University, 1997

+August Candidate

^Officer in Student Council

Candidate for the Degree of Master of Theology World Mission and Evangelism +JANE WAIRIMU KAMAU LANG’AT Nakuru, Kenya Dipl., Kenya Highlands Bible College, 1988 B.S., Wesley College, 2005 M.A., Wesley Biblical Seminary, 2008

Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Ministry VITALIY VIKTOROVICH BAK Minneapolis, Minnesota B.A., Odessa Theological Seminary, 1997 M.Div., Samford University, 2003 Dissertation Project: Curriculum For Preaching in the North Caucasus Bible Institute Mentor: Dr. Michael Pasquarello, II BRIAN VOYGHT BRADFORD Little Elm, Texas B.S., Indiana Wesleyan University, 2000 M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary, 2003 Dissertation Project: Relational Leadership Mentor: Dr. Thomas F. Tumblin BRENT HUNTER BURDICK Quezon City, Philippines B.A., University of Oklahoma, 1984 M.A.R., Asbury Theological Seminary, 1990 Dissertation Project: Coaching Pastors of Faith Evangelical Church of the Philippines Churches for Church Growth Mentor: Dr. Leslie A. Andrews YI JOON CHANG Cincinnati, Ohio B.A., Methodist Theological Seminary, 1985 Th.M., Methodist Theological Seminary, 1992 M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary, 2002 Dissertation Project: Equipping the Laity Through Discipleship Training in a Korean Church Mentor: Dr. Thomas F. Tumblin *Theta Phi

◊Eta Beta Rho

†Lit. et. Hom.

OVIDIU IONEL DRAGAN Arad, Romania B.Th., Institutul Teologic Baptist, 2000 M.Div., Central Baptist Theological Seminary, 2005 Dissertation Project: Biblical Preaching Mentor: Dr. Stacy R. Minger DAVID ALLEN ESTEP Harrisburg, Illinois B.S., Park University, 1995 M.Div., Saint Paul School of Theology, 1998 Dissertation Project: Walking to Emmaus: Strengthening Christian Religious Faith Mentor: Dr. C. Milton Lowe JEFFREY SCOTT HARPER Urbana, Ohio B.A., Asbury University, 1988 M.Div., Ashland Theological Seminary, 1997 Dissertation Project: Confirmation and Ministry Participation Mentor: Dr. James K. Hampton MICHAEL KARL HOPPE Dothan, Alabama B.A., Ohio Northern University, 1999 M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary, 2002 Dissertation Project: The Unfinished Mission: Evaluating the Impact of the Global Outreach Seminar in the Local Church Mentor: Dr. Brian D. Russell

+August Candidate

^Officer in Student Council

PIUS NDUNGU KAGWI Mombasa, Kenya Cert., Nairobi University, 1988 B.Div., St. Paul’s United Theological College, 1992 M.A., Asbury Theological Seminary, 2004 Dissertation Project: Social Transformation Through Transformational Leadership: A Case Study of Mombasa Synod Mentor: Dr. Tapiwa Mucherera CLAUDE JACKSON KAYLER Asheville, North Carolina B.A., University of North Carolina, 1984 M.Div., Duke University, 1989 Dissertation Project: Clergy Stress: A Study of Stressors and Stress-Relieving Practices Among United Methodist Clergy in Three Districts of the Western North Carolina Conference Mentor: Dr. Robert G. Tuttle, Jr. PEDRO PEREIRA MAGALHAES Lambare, Paraguay B.Th., Seminario Teologico Bautista, 1991 M.A., Asbury Theological Seminary, 2006 Dissertation Project: Spiritual and Strategic Leadership in Pastoral Ministry Mentor: Dr. Brian D. Russell HAROLD FREDERICK MEADOWS, JR. Bourbonnais, Illinois B.A., Anderson University, 1984 M.A., Regent University, 2004 Dissertation Project: Restoring Balance Between Doing and Being: The Functional Pastor and Adrian van Kaam’s Formative Spirituality Mentor: Dr. Stephen L. Martyn BRIAN VANN MILLER Mobile, Alabama B.S., Auburn University, 1997 M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary, 2000 Dissertation Project: Images of the Missional Church: Leadership, Culture, and Practices In Context Mentor: Dr. Thomas F. Tumblin

DAVID ALLEN MULLENS Kokomo, Indiana B.S., Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis, 1988 M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary, 1992 Dissertation Project: Missional Spirituality: Invitation to Listen Mentor: Dr. Brian D. Russell THOMAS DAVID NICHOLS Houston, Texas B.S., Texas A & M University, 1977 M.Th., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1984 Dissertation Project: An Online PeerBased Spiritual Mentoring Program for Field Missionaries Mentor: Dr. Leslie A. Andrews GEOFFREY KAMAU NJUGUNA Nyayo Stadium, Kenya B.A., Central Bible College, 1990 M.A., Nairobi International School of Theology, 2002 Dissertation Project: How to Overcome Ethnic Hostility in Kenya That is Fueled by Our Political Differences During Elections Mentor: Dr. Terry C. Muck ROBBIE DEWAYNE PHILLIPS Johnson City, Tennessee B.A., Pacific Christian College, 1991 M.Div., Emmanuel School of Religion, 1999 Dissertation Project: Seeing the Big Picture: A Study of Walk Thru The Bible’s Old Testament Seminar’s Impact on the Spiritual Health of Participants Mentor: Dr. Donald E. Demaray MATTHEW DANIEL PICKERING Beaver Dams, New York A.S., Community College of the Finger Lakes, 1990 B.A., Houghton College, 1993 M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary, 1996 Dissertation Project: The Picture of Health: A Study of Church Health in the Central New York District of the Wesleyan Church Mentor: Dr. Leslie A. Andrews

BRUCE ERIC PRATT Flower Mound, Texas B.A., University of Colorado, 1995 M.Div., Iliff School of Theology, 2000 Dissertation Project: You Are Fired: A Phenomenological Study of Pastoral Perspectives on Termination in a Particular County of North Texas Mentor: Dr. Michael Pasquarello, II

JAMES HUDSON TAYLOR, IV Taipei, Taiwan B.A., Seattle Pacific University, 1982 M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary, 1987 Dissertation Project: The Antioch of China: The Emerging and Maturing Indigenous Missionary Movement in China Mentor: Dr. Eunice L. Irwin

KOK KHOON TAN Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia B.Th., Malaysia Bible Seminary, 1980 B.Div., Trinity Theological College, 1983 M.A., Asbury Theological Seminary, 2002 Dissertation Project: Current Knowledge, Practices and Desired Goals of Small Group Ministry for Training Implications in the Churches of the Trinity Annual Conference of the Methodist Church in Malaysia Mentor: Dr. C. Milton Lowe

JOHN PAUL WALLACE Whitesboro, Texas B.A., Dallas Baptist University, 1988 M.Div., Brite Divinity School, 1994 Dissertation Project: A Study of the Effects of Family Systems Approach on the Staff, Leadership, and Congregation of First United Methodist Church Paulsboro Mentor: Dr. Dale Hale

Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Missiology RICHARD L. TWISS Vancouver, Washington Dissertation Project: Native-Led Contextualization Efforts in North America 1989-2009 Mentor: Dr. Michael A. Rynkiewich

CORI MCMILLIN WAISANEN Linton, North Dakota M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary, 1992 Dissertation Project: Crossing the Great Divide Mentor: Dr. Steven J. Ybarrola

Candidates for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Evangelization Studies SANGWOO CHO Chinju, South Korea B.S., Yonsei University, 1995 M.Div., Korea Theological Seminary, 1999 Th.M., Calvin Theological Seminary, 2006 Dissertation Project: The Evangelization of Secular Young Adults in South Korea: Effective Principles for Conversion Growth Among Protestant Churches Mentor: Dr. George G. Hunter, III

Intercultural Studies SUH TAE YUN Seoul, South Korea B.A., Seoul Theological University, 1992 M.A., Seoul National University, 1999 M.T.S., Drew University, 2003 Dissertation Project: Mission Between Religious Pluralism and the Postmodern Claim of Truth: A Study of Young Korean Protestants’ Views of Other Faiths Mentor: Dr. Lalsangkima Pachuau

Recipient of the Honorary Doctorate Doctor of Humane Letters JOHN L. EWING, JR.

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