Asbury First United Methodist Church Newsletter March 2013 • Vol. XLVII No. 3 •
In This Issue AFUMC News, 3 On Holy Ground, 5 Prayers & Pretzels, 7 Nicaragua, 8 Talent Show, 10 Creative Art, 13
The Visitor
Mission Statement
Vol. XLVII No. 3
Through worship, education, outreach, and care, we develop dis-
(USPS 558-470) is published 10 times a year, monthly with combined issues for December/January and July/August, by Asbury First United Methodist Church.
ciples of Jesus Christ who live and proclaim the Gospel and thereby work to transform our culture.
christ among us
Periodical postage paid at Rochester, N.Y. POSTMASTER: Send addresses changes to Asbury First UMC Visitor 1050 East Ave. Rochester, N.Y. 14607-2239 (585) 271-1050
Rev. Susan S. Shafer Rev. Stephen Cady
Rev. Phillip W. Phaneuf Rev. Lawrence Hargrave
Kathy Thiel David T. Strong Dr. William J. Weinert Paula Dugan Melissa Bohrer Richard Moncrief Melody Guadagnino Michele Cooley Jason Franklin Mary Van Keuren Duane A. Prill David T. Strong Bozena Granat Elizabeth Church Brian Bohrer Larry Dugan Rev. Linda Clemow
Senior Minister Minister for Faith Formation – Hospitality & Membership Care Minister for Youth & Education Minister for Outreach and Community Connection Ministries Ministry Intern Administrative Director of Music and the Arts Artistic Director of Music and the Arts Co-director of Children’s Ministry Co-director of Children’s Ministry Financial Administrator Administrative Assistant Dining & Caring Center Director Property Care Manager Communications Director & Editor Organist Assistant Organist Director, Children’s Music Director, Bell Choir Director, Youth Music Director, Youth Theater Artist in Residence
Cover: We rejoice at the central mystery of our Christian faith: the Resurrection of Christ.
The wind is howling outside, there are snow flurries in the air … yet, I know, from past experiences, that spring will come, and soon!? It It is to faith that we all turn and trust that leads us to believe. This is the Holy Season in which the mysterious and the miraculous are so apparent. It all leads me to the question: “What one or two Scriptures are your favorites?” If I were to ask you, I suspect many of you would say: “Oh, the Twenty Third Psalm” and some others would tell me a particular passage in Romans 8, that proclaims that “neither death or life … nor things present nor things to come … nor anything in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.” Still others of you may have other favorites. One of the most inspiring Scriptures, for me, which holds deep meaning, is found in Luke 24: 13-36 – the story of the two disciples walking on the road to Emmaus. The two disciples are in deep conversation when a “stranger appears” and walks with them, listening intently to their conversation. The “stranger’s” presence and his knowledge are so immense and inspiring that they spontaneously invite him to come with them and stay the night. It is when he breaks bread with them that they all discover that the living Christ is among them and indeed, Christ is Risen and walks among them. What an amazing affirmation of faith in God’s gift of Christ and a proclamation for our lives! It is an Easter message, a profound message, for all of us. So often on our life’s journey, there are moments, in reflection, when that Holy Presence is so evident … so palpable and life giving. Other times we look back and discover, not unlike the disciples, that the Living Christ was among us all the time and we didn’t recognize Him. It is an amazing gift and incredible promise of companionship along life’s road … it is an amazing proclamation that there is a beyond … a life beyond this life … just as Spring can remind us that there is always a new beginning. As we live with and into Easter hearts and with grateful lives, may we all pray the Easter prayer of “Resurrection Madness” penned by the preacher, pray-er, and poet, Ted Loder: Lord of such amazing surprises as put a catch in our breaths and wings on our hearts … we praise you for this joy too great for words,
Please send all submissions, questions, comments, or concerns to Mary Van Keuren at or (585) 271-1050 x109. Deadline for next issue: Friday, April 5 Read The Visitor online:
continued on page 3
1050 East Ave. Roof Replacement
AFUMC news
Roudebush Circle News
The Board of Trustees has approved a project to replace the roof of 1050 East Avenue. Depending on the weather, the work will commence about April 15 and is expected to be completed within two months. The building will remain open during this period. Workers plan to remove the existing asphalt shingle roof, underlayment, old flashing and gutter liners, replacing everything with new materials. No one can remember when the existing roof was applied but we believe it was 50-60 years ago. Since the roof gables are unusually steep, rising 14 inches for a run of 12 inches, the new roof is expected to have a similar life expectancy. Because the roof has fourteen separate sections, three dormers, one turret and five chimneys, a large amount of copper flashing is required where all of these meet. The current gutter liners will be replaced with copper to last longer. The copper decorative trim with its beautiful green patina will be preserved. New gutter liners will be built within. In fact the building’s appearance will not change as we plan to choose shingles which are very close to the same color as the existing ones. This building was completed in 1892 and at that time was roofed with orange clay tiles. Recently, we discovered three of these tiles in the attic, perhaps saved by workman when they were replaced. The Trustees considered restoring the house to its original clay tile roof but the added expense was considerable. With the roof’s steep pitch, a conventional asphalt roof is a good investment. For the past six or eight years, we have been advised that this roof was nearing the end of its useful life. There have been no water entry problems until very recently, and so far we have not sustained any interior damage. The time is right for this needed replacement.– Bruce Schwendy.
Roudebush Circle of the United Methodist Women will meet on Tuesday, April 23 at 6:00 p.m. in 1010 East Ave. The catered dinner is $8.50 per person (please bring your own table service). Our program will feature Rev. Linda Clemow, deacon and artist in residence at Asbury First, speaking on the topic of “Art in Service of the Sacred.” Items for Alternatives for Battered Women will be collected. Please call Joan Closson at 671-5534 for dinner reservations by Friday, March 22. For more information regarding the Circle, please call Ginn Fitch at 381-6464. Asbury First/UR Wellness Clinic News The clinic has increased in staff to include three nurses, a greeter, and three social workers this year. We saw 470 patients last year; some were repeats. From January 1-February 1 we saw 50 patients. From January 2009 to January 2013 we have seen 2,500 patients in our clinic. We serve meals each Thursday through the kindness of Asbury First members We also serve a meal on the first Tuesday of each month. The clinic staff and patients are very grateful for this support. We have pharmacy students from St. John Fisher assisting patients with low cost prescriptions and answering patients’ questions. This semester, four nursing students from Strong’s nursing RN/BS program will be coming to discuss and teach patients about good health and wellness, chronic illness and global care. Thanks to all for your help. If you have any questions or would like to help please call or email Ida Hickman 585-461-9696 or RAIHN Update The Asbury First RAIHN (Rochester Area Interfaith Hospitality Network) coordinators for the past four years are grateful for the continued on page 6
continued from page 2
for this mercy, that bids us begin again … for this YES to life and laughter, to love and lovers, and to our unwinding selves … for this kingdom unleashed in us and we in it forever, no dead ends to growing no dead ends to living, to making peace,
to dreaming dreams, to being glad of heart; for this resurrection “madness” which is wiser than we and in which we see how great You are, how full of grace. Alleluia! Happy Easter and Eastertide, Susan 3
AFUMC news
worship schedule WORSHIP
Sunday March 24 Liturgy of the Passion (Palm Sunday) Rev. Stephen Cady, preacher Luke 19:28-40 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship
10:00 a.m. Informal Worship with Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Sunday March 31 Easter Sunday Rev. Susan S. Shafer, preacher John 20:1-18
11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Sunday april 14 Third Sunday of Easter John 21:1-19 Rev. Susan S. Shafer, preacher
8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship
10:00 a.m. Informal Worship with Holy Communion
8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship 10:00 a.m. Informal Worship with Holy Communion
11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Sunday April 7 Second Sunday of Easter Kathy Thiel, preacher John 20:19-31
11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Sunday April 21 Fourth Sunday of Easter Rev. Phillip Phaneuf, preacher John 20:19-31
8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship 10:00 a.m. Informal Worship with Holy Communion
10:00 a.m. Informal Worship with Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship Sunday April 28 Fifth Sunday of Easter Rev. Lawrence Hargrave, preacher John 20:19-31 8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship 10:00 a.m. Informal Worship with Holy Communion 11:00 a.m. Traditional Worship
8:30 a.m. Traditional Worship
He Is Risen! Join us at Asbury First During Easter Week Maundy Thursday March 28 / 7:30 p.m.
Good Friday, con’t. Family Prayer Night 6:00-7:30 p.m. A come-when-you-wish child-friendly event.
Tenebrae Service Candlelight re-enactment of Christ’s last night.
Easter Sunday March 31
Good Friday March 29 / noon and 7:30 p.m.
Traditional Service 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. With festive music.
Envisioning the Passion Holy Week-themed art and music by Voices Chamber Choir.
Informal Communion service 10:00 a.m.
On Holy Ground, created by the Center for Spiritual Life committee, is a regular feature in The Visitor that highlights opportunities and thoughts for spiritual growth and renewal. Christ has no body on earth now but yours; yours are the only hands with which he can do his work, yours are the only feet with which he can go about the world, yours are the only eyes through which his compassion can shine forth upon a troubled world. Christ has no body on earth now but yours. – St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582)
Become a Labyrinth Steward
ould you like to be part of a rewarding experience at As-
A Bit of Labyrinth History
bury First? Would you enjoy some peace and quiet in your
life? Become a labyrinth steward and help to prepare "the path" for
In 1201 an eleven-circuit labyrinth was installed in the floor of
those who come. Can you commit two hours a month to assist in set-
the Chartres Cathedral. Of the 80 gothic cathedrals that were
ting up or tearing down the labyrinth? Learn about something new
built during the Middle Ages, 22 of them had labyrinths. Sadly,
that has withstood the test of time ... 4000 years. For questions call
the only one remaining in its original form is at Chartres. The
Charlotte Craig (473-9674) or Linda Freed (223-9092).
Labyrinth at Asbury First is an eleven-circuit labyrinth modeled
Recommended Reading
after the labyrinth at Chartres.
Nature Walking, by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David
The path of the labyrinth can be understood as the journey of
life. We all enter the same way ... through birth. We all travel
Nature Walking is a lovely col-
through time and our lives take various twists and turns; and
lection of woodsy prose by both
we all exit by death – a new birth into eternal life –hence the
Emerson and Thoreau. As the
proximity of the entrance to the exit. Come, take a walk alone,
days become longer and we are invited outdoors by warmer weather
as a family, or with a friend and experience releasing, receiving
and sunny skies, may we take time
and returning, refreshed into the world.
to recognize God in the sweet
birdsong, aromatic flowers, and budding leaves. Be in contemplative relationship with the walks around us that may give us the time to focus on God in our lives as the labyrinth does. It is on the wish list of the Center for Spiritual Life to someday have an outdoor labyrinth! In the coming days of Spring, may your walks with God feed your soul. 5
A Cub Scout Opportunity
continued from page 3
many ways in which the Asbury First community has helped. The coordinators, Chris Linsner-Cartwright, Sandra Holloway and Len Davidow, are now stepping down. The task of hosting homeless families has been awesome and rewarding. Now we welcome the new coordinating team. They are Doug and Chris Lee, Peggy Lyons and Karen Slattery. As the new team takes over, we ask that the congregation continue its support of this worthwhile outreach mission. The ways in which you can help are many. Volunteers welcome our guests when they arrive each evening, provide a meal, and extend an evening of hospitality (chatting, playing games, helping with homework, doing crafts with the children, etc.). Each night two volunteers, one woman and one man, are needed to spend the night and see that the guests are up and ready for the RAIHN bus to carry them to the Day Center the following morning. Asbury First hosts every 13 weeks. The guests are here for one week. There is always a need for more volunteers. Please let any of the four new coordinators know if you are interested in volunteering. Thanks to all who have volunteered.
Cub Pack 19, sponsored by Asbury First, is looking to add new cub scouts and expand its program. To do that, we are in need of adult leaders, women and men, experienced and non-experienced, former scouts and non-scouts. It is a great opportunity to work with the younger scouts and gives former scouts a chance to brush up on the skills they learned while in scouting. If you are interested or would like more information please call Mark Todd at 242-8909 or Jeff Edwards at 223-6971 or e-mail Dining Center Needs YOU! We are seeking co-chairs for the Seventh annual Dinner Among Friends fundraising gala to be held this year on September 28. The Dining & Caring Center is looking for a few good people to manage this important and spirit-filled event that provides operating money for our outreach ministry of hope, hot meals, and hospitality to our Rochester neighbors in need. Good organizational skills, perseverance, and an open and caring heart are needed. Interested? Contact Carol Trout, 265-2339
Communion Committee The Communion Committee is in great need of communion stewards. Stewards perform the vital tasks related to setting up the altar with the communion elements before the Sunday 10:00 a.m. service and other communion services throughout the year. If anyone would like to become a steward please call or email Ida Hickman, 585 461-9696, or call Melody Guadagnino at the church office, 271-1050.
United Way Annual Campaign On the Way The United Way will soon be holding their annual fundraising campaign. Both the Dining & Caring Center (Fund number 2202) and the Storehouse (Fund number 1367) are United Way organizations and can be designated recipients on the pledge form – we urge you to consider them as the recipients of your designated pledge. Thank you!
Welcome to our New Staff Member
ou may see a new face around Asbury First in the coming weeks. David McPhee has been hired to the new position of Maintenance Technician, where he will assist Asbury First’s Property Care Manager, Jason Franklin, and his staff. David brings a wealth of technical and mechanical skills to the position, including experience and training in remodeling and carpentry, electrical wiring, HVAC, boiler repair and maintenance,
tions throughout Rochester, most recently at Otis Spunkmeyer, where he was an industrial machine repair mechanic. According to Jason, there were more than 140 applications for the position. “David stood head and shoulders above the rest. When he came in for his interview, we saw that in addition to his great qualifications, he had a wonderful, positive outlook on life and a desire to contribute to the organization. It was an easy decision.” The position of maintenance technician was recently approved by Asbury First’s SPRC to assist with the increasing technical needs of our aging campus. “They felt that there was a need for a staff person with a higher level of skill than that offered by the sexton team,” says Jason. “We have a wonderful group of sextons, but their positions don’t call for the level of professional expertise that David brings to us.” David lives in Rochester with his wife and ten-year-old son. He also has a daughter who is attending Rutgers University. He is thrilled to have joined the Asbury First team. “I’m right where I’m supposed to be,” he says.
and machine repair. “We’re delighted to have someone on staff with David’s range of skills,” said Jason. “He’s a wonderful addition to our team.” David has worked in a number of maintenance technician posi6
children’s ministry news
Prayers 'n' Pretzels
Save the Date for
VBS 2013
Asbury First’s Children’s Ministry team celebrated Pretzel Sunday with our youngsters on March 3. The children had a range of activities to participate in including (clockwise from top left) pretzel making (of course!), a balloon game where the children wrote prayers on their balloons and then worked to keep their own and their friend’s prayers afloat; an exploration of the Prayer Shawl Ministry, which included snuggling in shawls and praying for both maker and receiver; and the chance to learn the Legend of the Pretzel from members Audrey and Tim Shafer.
Mon., August 5-Thurs. August 8 We’ll have more information in the next issue of The Visitor.
Family Prayer Night Friday, March 29 (Good Friday) 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Bring your whole family – it’s come and go as you wish.
Following Family Prayer Night, you are welcome to attend “Envisioning the Passion” in the Sanctuary with your older children. We’ll have child care available for the younger ones.
We’ll have prayer stations and Holy Communion, and the labyrinth will be available for you to walk as a family or solo.
• journey to nicaragua •
Asbury First Families Work Alongside our South American Neighbors by Elizabeth Church
rom February 15-23 our family participated in the Genesee Valley District trip to Project Chacocente, Masaya, Nicaragua. Led by our district superintendent, Rev. Ted Anderson and his wife, Project Chacocente Board President Mary Anderson, we traveled with our dear friends and Asbury First members Bruce, Cheryl and Brennon Thompson, and 14 others from the Genesee Valley District. Established in 2003 with eight families, Chacocente is a community where families who had lived on the Managua city dump can work to build new homes, acquire education for themselves and their children and learn skills that would translate in to jobs. Micah 6: 6-8: “What does the Lord require of you? To seek justice, and love kindness, and walk humbly with our God.” Each morning and evening as we gathered with our delegation, we challenged ourselves with that and other questions. What are we called to do? Why did we come here? How can we impact the lives of families and children so far from our own homes? How do they impact our lives? I've always loved to travel. Traveling for mission work, however, is not your typical family jaunt. There are inconveniences: remembering not to drink the local water or rinse your toothbrush in it, the heat and humidity (at times), unfamiliar foods and language, insects you can't recognize, getting shots, taking the right medicines, and spraying your clothes for mosquitoes. Mission work is about the job, certainly. In Project Chacocente we moved 40 tons of concrete in one week as we laid a concrete slab that is to be the school's athletic field. Working alongside Nicaraguan families and follow-
ing the lead of our foreman, Juan Carlos, we learned how much gravel, sand, concrete mix and water go in to each batch. Barely breaking a sweat, (while we kept peeling off layers) 64-year-old Pedro showed us how to combine the dry mixture then add water without it all running off. Basilia in her flip flops and skirt and Yazmina in her hooded sweatshirt worked steadily in the hot sun, mixing, stirring and pouring, while at the “big house” Manuala worked over a wood fire, preparing lunches for us plus the project families working that day. A yummy assortment of gallo pinto (beans and rice), vegetables, plantains chips or tostones (flattened and fried), chicken, all prepared over a hot fire, was our usual fare. Yes, we accomplished a lot. Working side by side with these children of God opened the relationships to another level. For those who speak Spanish, even minimally, personalities emerge, inside jokes develop. Even without a common language, gestures, help with translation and expressions convey so much. Another exciting project was Mary's Girl Scout Gold Award project that culminated at Chacocente after months of preparation. With help from the Nicaraguans, Mary provided three mornings of inspirational talks by young women. Teenage pregnancy and high school drop outs continue to be a barrier to achievement among young women of Nicara8
gua. Through song, the spoken word, Scripture and reflection, the older girls of the school were encouraged to envision their own futures. At the end of a week, leaving was hard. Tears flowed, as we don't know when we'll see our friends again. So much can change – jobs found and lost, babies born, graduations and moves to new schools – and wonder when we'll meet again. I can't help but wonder who was changed, who received the benefit? Re-integration into North American life is hard. Not just adjusting to the cold, snow, cloudy gloom of Rochester, but the ache of missing our friends. We miss the daily hugs, laughter, and kidding of friends comfortable in each other's presence. Donations received from our Asbury First community prior to the trip were overwhelming! We had 13 extra suitcases of school supplies, personal hygiene items, clothing and office needs. Others on the team brought donations as well, providing enough pencils and other basics for over a year! Edward, a Dining Center client came to the donation table one Sunday, asking questions about Chacocente and who these families were. After telling him about the community, it was clear he wanted to do something. Rummaging through his oversized coat, he fished out a harmonica. Did the school take musical instruments? Could the harmonica be used? Yes, I replied, the school does have a music program (unlike most public schools in Nicaragua). With a smile that enveloped his face, I took a picture of him and the harmonica! Rummaging further, Edward pulled out a pair of sunglasses, hoping that they could be used as well. I worried about him giving away these clearly precious items. But he insisted, saying the glasses would be helpful to someone who
lives in such a sunny, hot place. One Sunday we received a neatly packed and organized shoe box full of school items: pencils, crayons, erasers and other goodies, loving selected by one of our middle school youth. The following week he returned with another box as beautifully organized as the first. He had so much fun and joy in creating the first offering that he wanted to make another! One donation literally took my breath away. I received an email from a member asking if we could use an old suitcase. Her husband had recently passed and she was cleaning out some of his belongings. The suitcase arrived one Sunday morning at our donation table, but I didn't open it until returning home that day. When I did, I found a neatly folded and packed bag of men's clothing, a few toiletries and other carefully selected items. I could feel the presence of the past traveler and the ones who would have “new” clothing to replace the tattered, worn clothes they are currently wearing. And one
of our members who had traveled with us last year to Chacocente challenged our kids Mary and Johnny with a monetary gift. They were to purchase some of the crafts that the women make and sell at the site and re-sell them here to raise money for the project. They did, and bracelets will be on sale with our “Chocolate for Chacocente” table on Palm Sunday, March 24. We wish we could travel more frequently to visit our friends. But there are things we can do to continue to support these families and children. Prayers for their safety, health and continued schooling are ongoing and always welcome. As other delegations visit, we again can make donations to take along. The biggest thrust for Project Chacocente now is the Christian School that provides free education to not only the children of the Project, but neighbor kids as well. With standards well above those offered by the public schools, a full day curriculum versus a half day, a nour-
ishing lunch that may be some children's only meal and consistent English language education, these children have a promising chance to change their futures. A $30 a month pledge will pay for one child's schooling. Another option is to give to support a teacher, or make a general donation that can be applied wherever there is need. To see pictures of the Project, learn more about the school and to make a donation, go to www. We are forever changed by the friendships we have gained. We are heartened and inspired by lives transforming. We continue to ask ”What does the Lord require of us?” Eight days of mission work is only the beginning. We must continue to ask ourselves what it is we are called to do. Who did the mission trip benefit? By forcing us to “stretch” outside our comfort zones, we come back with new insights to Christ's challenge to love our neighbors.
Photos: Opposite page: Mary Church and Evaling at Lake Nicaragua on the group’s “play day;” this page, clockwise from far left: at the work site with Bruce Thompson (l) and Oman Hernandez Roa, the delegation coordinator and translator; Rick, Elizabeth, Mary, and Johnny Church mixing concrete; inseparable best friends: Luis, Johnny Church, Nelson, and Jonathan Standhart (from Greece UMC); Bruce Thompson, Brennon Thompson (with Nelson on his shoulders), and Johnny Church touring Project Chacocente; Deyvin, Mary Church, Amelia, and Basilia at the “big House.”
Ready for your Curtain Call?
Save the date for Asbury First’s Third Annual
alent Show
Saturday, April 20 Potluck supper: 6:00 p.m. Entertainment begins: 6:30 p.m.
This intergenerational talent show is produced by our youth and directed by Brian Bohrer. If you would like to perform, fill out the registration form and return it to the church office or to the Welcoming Hall registration table by Sunday, April 7. At that time, you can select a rehearsal time between 12:30-2:30 p.m. on Sunday, April 14. Once the registration process closes, you will be contacted to confirm your rehearsal time. You must attend the rehearsal on April 14 with your act fully prepared in order to be included on the program. Questions? Please contact Brian Bohrer at Hope to see you there!
Registration Form – Churchwide Talent Show Name______________________________________ Phone_____________________________________________ Email ______________________________________ Briefly describe your act: _________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ (If performing a piece of music, please list title and composer) Materials/props you will bring: ____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________ Tech resources required: CD Player ____ Piano ____ Electric Cord ___ Amp ____ Microphone(s) ____ (# of mics) _Other __________________________________________ Do you need piano accompaniment? Yes ___ No ___ If yes, please attach a photocopy of the music to this form, and you will be contacted about your performance. 10
AFUMC news Science at School #41 What happens when you mix equal amounts of salt and iron filings and stir with a magnet? What about when you measure out equal amounts of water in one test tube and rubbing alcohol in another and then combine them? Do you double the amount of liquid? And what happens when you measure equal amounts of marbles in one cup and bb pellets in another cup and then combine them? Do you double the volume now? These were the science experiments that I witnessed in the sixth grade class at School #41 this past week. The children were excited with these experiments and eager to spend more time the next day on similar experiments. You, Asbury First members, are part of their excitement, for it is with materials purchased with your gift cards given at our “Together in Ministry” Sunday last fall that these fun science times are possible. A HUGE thank you!
As the calendar moves toward spring and the end of the school year, our outreach ministry would like, once again, to sponsor each child for their end-of-the-year field trip. Each child will need $10 for bus fare. There are approximately 500 children anticipating their field trip; they go each year to places like Strong Museum, Memorial Art Gallery, Genesee Country Museum and Rochester Museum & Science Center. If you can help one or more of “our” kids, it will be one more way in which you can express your concern about education in our struggling city schools. Checks can be made payable to Asbury First, designated for School #41 field trips and given by the end of April. Thanks for your help in making School #41 a success. – Nancy Davidow, Project Coordinator
The Children of Asbury First Present:
ets k c i T sale on on! so
Save t Date!he
A Musical for Kids by Sharon and Don Turney Saturday, May 4 at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, May 5 at 12:30 p.m. Fellowship Hall
Set during dress rehearsal for a church talent show, a misunderstanding leads the kids to think there's an "Ultimate Superstar" coming to see the show. They proceed with the rehearsal, thinking that a celebrity will see them perform. During their acts, the children have to deal with issues of pride and being "good enough for a superstar." In the end they discover that Jesus is the one and only "Ultimate Superstar!" 11
Life Is Simpler With Online Giving Giving to your church is one way you can show God how grateful you are for all you’ve been given, while your gifts of time, talent, and treasure are used to help all your neighbors in need across the globe. Asbury First now offers online giving. It’s fast, simple, and
Want to connect with others?
secure. When you go to our website at,
Join us for the next Asbury First Night!
click on the right-hand GIVE ONLINE button, and you’ll be
April 7 • May 5 • June 2
directed to a page with easy directions. You can designate
5:30-7:00 p.m.
your gift for our annual operating budget, or for any ministry or outreach program that matters to you. Make a one-time
If you’ve ever longed to feel more connected to the Asbury First
gift, or set up your account with a recurring gift, monthly,
community, then ASBURY FIRST NIGHTS are for you! These
weekly, or at some other regular interval.
monthly fellowship events are on Sunday evenings in the Gathering Center, 1050 East Ave. All ages are invited; we’ll have
Sign up now to make a gift, and let prayerful giving become
enrichment activities and nursery care for the children. Please
a priority for you and your family.
bring an appetizer to share.
music & the arts join us for this holy week concert!
envisioning the passion Friday, March 29 12 noon and 7:30 p.m. ~ Asbury First Sanctuary Free will offering With Voices Chamber Chorus Each year, on Good Friday, Asbury First offers a unique, deeply meaningful way to commemorate this most somber day of the Christian calendar. Sacred music appropriate to the season is performed as images of great works of art related to Christ’s death and resurrection are projected on a screen. It is a profoundly moving experience, and we invite you to share in it.
ArtSparks: creative joy
an you remember a time, whether as a child or an adult, when you suddenly came upon something beautiful? Or a moment you experienced intense joy at discovering something curious? Maybe it is something as tiny as a beautiful bug or as expansive as a star-filled sky. Perhaps it is a piece of music or art that suddenly captures your imagination. It is your moment and your joy. Recall it now, breathe deeply, open your heart, feel the air around you charged with the memory of that joy. This is what I call ‘Joy Mode’ and it is deeply spiritual. In this mode you suddenly feel like you can accomplish anything! You are open to the world and its wonders and you are an integral part of it all. Some people have said that when they see all the stars in the sky they
feel insignificant in the whole of God’s creation. I say turn that around – just as each star is important in making up the pattern of the universe, each of us is important to the pattern of God’s awesome creation. No one thing is insignificant. Each of us, each human, each bug (except for spiders), each animal, each plant, each tree, each flower, each star, each song, dance, work of art has a deeply important role to play.
creation) differently. We learn to hear the sounds of the universe. Art opens the souls to the beauty of all creation. Do not be afraid to participate. You do not need talent to enjoy an artful experience. Listen to the longing of your soul for ‘Joy Mode’ memories. Learn how to see and hear your world through the arts. Asbury First offers opportunities for you to enjoy music and the visual arts. My passion is for the visual arts. We have classes that are for every level of interest and a new experience starting on April
So what does all this have to do with creating or experiencing art? Why participate in art: why create? Those ‘Joy Mode’ moments are encouraged by the experience of art. Either in actually creating the art (music, poetry, prose), or in observing or listening to art we are opening ourselves to the ‘Joy Mode’ moment. We learn to see creation (and the
8 for six weeks on accessing your creativity. Please join us. Even if the March 31 deadline has passed for registering for Soul Fire: Accessing Your Creativity, call me at 236-1184. Another class can be added if there is interest. And please consider coming to Art Play on Tuesday mornings. Call me for more information! – Rev. Linda Clemow
“Little Hands, Big Changes”
he Nursery School at Asbury First provides a nurturing, hands-on, differentiated learning environment where three and four year olds can learn, grow and make a difference. Are you interested in enrolling your child in next year’s program (September 2013-June 2014)? Please note that the Nursery School, a ministry of Asbury First, is different from the Asbury Day Care Center, which is also housed on our church campus. Contact Melissa Bohrer at (585) 271-1050 x111 or for more information.
Library news
he following are the April church resource library selections recommended for your reading. Stop by and take a look at the following books available in the library’s collection of books for children, young adults and adults. Everyone is welcome! The library is located just off the gathering space near the elevators. Everyone is welcome and it’s FREE! Children: And God Created Squash, by Martha Whitman Hickman, illustrated by Giuliano Ferri. K through grade four. Genesis is the firm foundation of this text, but its a fresh, lively, conversational retelling of creation. When God creates “squash,’’ he likes the name so much that he uses it again – and again. The soft, sunny watercolor and colored-pencil illustrations are perfect for this story.
to find people who are building, not burning, the bridges between faiths. As he travels across the country – from Queens and Baltimore to Louisville and Los Angeles – he finds Buddhists, Catholics, Jews, Baptists, Muslims, and Episcopalians reaching out to one another to find common ground between their faiths. Man Seeks God: My Flirtations With The Divine, by Eric Weiner. Undertaking a worldwide exploration of religions in an effort to develop a personal understanding of the divine, author Weiner tackles our most pressing spiritual questions: Where do we come from? What happens when we die? How should we live our lives? Where do all the missing socks go? At a time when more Americans than ever are choosing a new faith, and when spiritual questions loom large in the modern age, this book presents a perspective on religion that is sure to delight, inspire, and entertain.
Ten Amazing People: And How They Changed the World, by Moira D. Shaw and illustrator Stephen Marchesi. Grades three through five. This collection is about people who have made strong moral contributions to their countries and the world. These short biographical sketches with photographs include Black Elk, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Jr, and Albert Schweitzer, and emphasize their religious and moral beliefs and their accomplishments.
Parenting Section: Home is Where the Mom Is: A Christian Mom’s Guide to Caring for Herself, Her Family, and her Home, by Shelly Burke. Shelly Burke offers down-to-earth advice from a Christian perspective and as a registered nurse. She touches on subjects such as nurturing yourself, your marriage, and your children from her own faith-based experience and in a way that makes practical sense. This book can serve as a reference for moms of any age.
Youth: Wising Up, by Reynold Feldman and Jan M. Rumi. Written especially for teens and young adults, Wising Up distills the wisdom of many traditions to set out 80 principles of good living. Know Yourself, Seize the Day, Respect Others, Trust Your Instincts, and Take Responsibility are just a few of the dozens of principles explained in the book. The Big Book for Peace, by Ann Durell and Marilyn Sachs. This is a very special book for ages 12-17. It was created by more than thirty of the best known and loved authors and illustrators of children’s books. Filled with stories, pictures, poems, and even a song, it is a book about many kinds of peace: peace among people living in different lands, people of different beliefs and ages, brothers and sisters, and also next-door neighbors.
Our Last Best Shot: Guiding Our Children Through Early Adolescence, by Laura Sessions Stepp. Laura Sessions Stepp’s extensive research provides real insight for parents trying to raise well-adjusted children in this difficult age. Filled with wisdom and common sense, based on cutting-edge research, and featuring an invaluable resource list, this is a book of value for both parents and educators.
Adult: Beyond Tolerance: How People Across America are Building Bridges Between Faiths, by Gustav Niebuhr. Distinguished religion journalist Gustav Niebuhr traveled across America March 25 Luke 1:26-38 26 Isaiah 52:12-53:12 27 Luke 22:47-71 28 Luke 23:1-25 29 Luke 23:26-56 30 Ephesians 4:1-16 31 Luke 24:1-12 April 1 Luke 24.13-35 2 Romans 8.18-39 3 Romans 10.5-21 4 1 Corinthians 15.1-19
5 1 Corinthians 15.20-41 6 1 Corinthians 15.42-58 7 John 20:19-31 8 Psalm 118:1-16 9 Psalm 118:17-29 10 Job 19:13-29 11 Revelation 1:1-20
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14
Hebrews 1:1-14 Acts 5:17-42 John 21:1-19 Revelation 5:1-14 Psalm 30:1-12 Daniel 9:1-19 Job 43:1-17
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Psalm 23:1-6 Acts 9:32-43 John 10:7-30 Revelation 11:1-19 Revelation 19:5-21 Revelation 21:1-21 Mark 16:9-20 John 13:31-38 Psalm 145:1-21 Psalm 148:1-14 Acts 15:36-16:15 Revelation 21:22-22:5
Youth Ministry update values, and seven threes we reported year goals with one-year in a recent issue revolving benchmarks. of The Visitor, Asbury You can see the entire First has begun an document we produced 18-month process out of that weekend on to build a sustainour website, but a sneak able youth ministry peek at the mission for our church. The statement and core valfirst part of that ues is included below. process was to have Now that we have a clear nationally recognized youth ministry Our intrepid Asbury First youth during last year’s mission trip to Jamaica. This year, the group will spend sense of who we believe a week in Red Bird, Kentucky, helping those in need. God is calling us to be consultants, Youth and have set some clear Ministry Architects, Mission Statement goals, we are moving forcome and do an assessment We welcome all youth to celebrate a growing ward to the next step in the of our current youth ministry. process. Over the next few relationship with God and each other, while joyfully The assessment report which months, the vision team will serving in the example of Christ. was generated from that Debe focusing on supporting cember event (available on Sound Bite the search for the new youth our website, at www.asburyWelcome. Celebrate. Serve. All. minister, creating core presented us with nizing documents, and plana comprehensive picture of will help us implement the “stakeholders” for a weekend ning how we might expand our assets, our challenges, changes necessary to build a visioning retreat in Februour ministry with middle and a path forward. sustainable youth ministry for ary. We are happy to report school youth. We will continthat through the hard work That assessment has resulted Asbury First. The first task of ue to keep you informed as of that retreat team, we were in the formation of a “renova- the renovation team was to to our progress and apprecigather a group of youth, par- able to establish a clear mistion team” which, working ate your prayers and support ents, counselors, and other sion statement, a set of core alongside the consultants, along the way!
Youth Ministry Core Values SAFE: We create a physically and emotionally secure space where all are comfortable. OPEN-MINDED: We create a non-judgmental place where diversity is celebrated and where we discover who we are and who God calls us to be. LOVING: We strive to model the unconditional love of Jesus through care and compassion for all. CHILL: We try for a low-stress environment. FUN-LOVING: We believe laughter, games and casual conversations are essential to our community. CONSISTENT: We have integrity and transparency in our actions, communications and relationships. PASSIONATE: We are deeply committed to the growth and empowerment of our youth. 15
PERIODICAL 1050 East Avenue Rochester, NY 14607-2293 Address Service Requested
and the Holy Spirit Six Thursdays, beginning April 18 Youth Room (basement of 1040 East Ave.) 6:00-7:30 p.m. Whether you grew up alongside the characters, are just getting to know them, or read them to your children, you are invited to join us for a discussion of the themes of the Holy that run throughout these wonderfully creative books. All ages are welcome and encouraged for our discussions. It would be helpful if you read the books, but if you don’t mind spoilers, come along for the ride! If you are interested in being a part of the course, send an owl (or an email) to Stephen Cady at We hope to see you there!