United Methodist Church E D U C AT I O N A N D E V E N T S
1050 East Avenue // Rochester, NY 14607 | (585) 271-1050 | www.asburyfirst.org
Bless thou the gifts our hands have brought; bless thou the work our hearts have planned. Ours is the faith, the will, the thought; the rest, O God, is in thy hand.” —Samuel Longfellow, “Bless Thou the Gifts,” 1886. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP 8:30 am Traditional Service with Asbury Singers 10 am Chancel Service with Holy Communion 11 am Traditional Service with Sanctuary Choir BECOME A MEMBER OF OUR FAITH FAMILY Are you interested in knowing more about Asbury First? Want to find out how you can become more involved? Join our new members orientation series. All are welcome ! Spring class series: Beginning Wednesday, March 8 ( Join March 19) Beginning Sunday, April 23 ( Join May 21) Beginning Wednesday, June 7 ( Join June 18) To find out more information or to register, please contact Melody Guadagnino at (585) 271-1050 x103 or mguadagnino@asburyfirst.org.
Children’s Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Youth Ministry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Opportunities for Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Fellowship Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Educational Opportunities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Community Opportunities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Music & the Arts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
C H I L D R E N ’S M I N I S T R Y
Your child’s faith journey is important to us and we want to be here to guide him or her along the way. We offer a wide variety of activites for you and your child to grow together in faith each week and throughout the year. Please join us for the following ministry offerings.
SUNDAYS AT ASBURY FIRST EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Sunday School (9:45-10:45 am, ages four through fifth grade) We start the Sunday school hour with a lively gathering time where we sing, share, and invite the children to explore their interests and talents. All the volunteers leading the classes model the accepting love of Christ as children learn and play together Worship (8:30, 10, and 11 am) Children are welcome to stay with their parents during the entire service. During the 11 am service we offer the following opportunities for children ages four through fifth grade after the children’s sermon: • Enrichment (11 am service) Children ages four through second grade may attend lessons focused on Scripture and the sermon topic of the day. This takes place on the second floor of the education wing. •
Bible Beat (11 am service)
Children in third through fifth grades may participate in lessons that explore Scripture and the sermon topic of the day. Second floor, education wing. Children may be picked up after the service in the second floor, education wing. CHILD CARE • The Creche (newborn to 18 months) Loving and nurturing nursery care provided by childcare professionals from 8:30-noon every Sunday. Located on the first floor of the education wing. • The Rainbow Room (18 months to 3 years old) Loving and nurturing nursery care provided by childcare professionals from 8:30-noon every Sunday. Located on the first floor of the education wing.
WEDNESDAY EVENINGS CHILDREN’S MUSICAL GROUPS Our musical groups rehearse on Wednesday evenings: 5-5:30 pm Hallelujah Kids (music fundamentals grades pre-K-1, practice 5-5:30 pm) 6-7 pm Wesley Singers & Ringers (vocal & bell choir, grades 2-5, practice 6-7 pm) All are welcome, regardless of musical ability. For more information contact Holly Temming at htemming@asburyfirst.org. COMMUNITY DINNER We offer a community dinner at 5:30 pm with a donation of three dollars per person for all those attending Wednesday evening programs. Date
2017 CHILDREN'S EVENTS Event More Details
February 11
Yoga Night
6 pm | Offering yoga for children during the Yoga and Chocolate event for adults. Lindsey Mease is the instructor, and the program she offers is age appropriate, and fun for the kids.
February 21-23
Mini Vacation Bible School
9 am-12 pm | This VBS is a great way to have fun during February break. In Camp H2O we will explore the miracles in the Bible that pertain to water.
March 6
Pretzel Sunday
9:45 am-12 pm | A 30 year tradition at Asbury where the children make pretzels, and learn the christian story about the pretzel.
April 14
Family Prayer Night
5-7 pm | Families share communion, and walk the labyrinth on the very holy day, as well as learn new and different ways to pray together.
May 7
Children’s Musical
8:30 and 11 am Sunday Services | Come and watch our talented children, or have your kids be a part of this faith building experience. Rehearsals are on Wed. evenings starting in the beginning of February. Contact Holly Temming at htemming@ asburyfirst.org for more information.
June 4
Church Family Carnival
12 pm | A Sunday afternoon filled with laughter and fun for all!
August 7-10
Vacation Bible School
9 am-12:30 pm | Come and share your morning with friends from church. The morning is filled with fun and exciting faith focused activities for all.
YO U T H M I N I S T R Y SUNDAYS Guitar Club (9:45-10:45 am, for youth grades 6-12) Breakfast [Making] Club (9:45-10:45 am, for youth grades 9-12) Volunteering with Children’s Sunday School (9:45-10:45 am, for youth grades 6-12) Bell Choir (4-5 pm, for youth grades 6-12) Vocal Choir (5-6 pm, for youth grades 6-12) High School Youth Group (6-8 pm, for youth grades 9-12)
SouperBowl Sale Sunday, February 5 Our youth will be making and selling soup before and after the services on February 5 in honor of Superbowl Sunday. The soup will be pre-packaged in microwaveable quart-sized containers and may be purchased for $10. 100% of the sales will go to support our Asbury First youth mission trips.
PARKING FUNDRAISER Saturday-Sunday, August 5-6 During the Park Ave. Festival each August, Asbury First youth coordinate and staff a crew that, for a small fee ($5), allows cars to park on the AFUMC grounds. Traditionally, the youth raise more money from this fundraiser than from any other fundraising efforts throughout the year. All youth are expected to help out by taking a shift. For more information, please contact Mike Mullin, youth minister, at mmullin@asburyfirst.org or (724) 766-4560.
Pie for Pi Day Sale Sunday, March 12
The youth will be making and selling pies and pie-themed potholders before and after the services on March 12 in honor of Pi Day (Pie Day, traditionally held on March 14, celebrates the number “pi,” or 3.14). Fullsized pies will be $10 with 100% of the sales going to support our Asbury First Youth Mission trips.
February 4
Soup Fundraiser Prep
8 am-12pm
February 5
Youth Vocal Choir Sings in Worship
7:45 am-12 pm
Souper Bowl Sunday Fundraiser
8 am-1 pm
Bowling at L&M Lanes
1-3 pm
February 19
Youth Vocal Choir, Guitar Club Participate in Worship
7:45 am-12 pm
February 22
Paintball at NVP Paintball
1:30-4 pm
March 5
Pie Fundraiser Prep
4-8 pm
March 12
Pie for Pi Sunday Fundraiser
8 am-1 pm
March 19
Youth Bell Choir Particpates in Worship
7:45 am-12 pm
March 31-April 2
Up!Word Conference Retreat
Depart at 6 pm on March 31, Return at 2 pm on April 2
April 21
Rafting Day
6 am-9 pm
May 21
Confirmation Sunday
10:30 am-12 pm
June 4
Youth Sunday
8 am-12 pm
June 11
Final Youth Group Party
Details to Come
July 1-9
High School Mission Trip to Tennessee
Depart at 12 pm on July 1, Return 12 pm on July 9
August 5
Park Avenue Parking Fundraiser
8 am-6 pm
August 6
Park Avenue Parking Fundraiser
10:30 am-4:30 pm
August 7-10
Middle School Mission Trip
Depart at 8:30 am, Return at 5 pm Each Day
August 11-13
Middle School Mission Trip
Depart at 8 am on August 11, Return at 5 pm on August 13
Sunday Services Worship is central to our experience as Christians and United Methodists. Our regular Sunday morning schedule is as follows: • 8:30 am: traditional service with the Asbury Singers • 10 am: chancel service with holy communion • 11 am: traditional service with the Sanctuary Choir Childcare is available at all services. We also offer two ways to experience the service if you are unable to join us in the Sanctuary: • Tune your radio to WYSL 1040 AM or 92.1 FM on Sundays from 11 am-noon to listen to the service, or • Go to www.asburyfirst.org at 11 am on Sundays to watch a livestream of the service. You’ll also find videos and audios of past services on the site.
Labyrinth Second Wednesday of each month; plus all Wednesdays of Lent; March 8, 15, 22, 29, and April 5 5-7 pm Walking the labyrinth is an ancient practice that offers you a space for reflection and peaceful prayer. Our beautiful labyrinth is located in Fellowship Hall. Stewards are always on duty to answer your questions. Taizé Wednesdays during Lent 6:15-7 pm A Taizé service is a reflective, quiet opportunity for you to re-connect with the divine in your life. The services feature repetitive songs, short scripture readings, and silence, and communion is available. Ash Wednesday Wednesday, March 1 7 pm We begin the holy season of Lent with a service that reminds us of our humanity
Easter Sunday Sunday, April 16 6:30 am | 8:30 am | 10 am | 11 am Community Sunrise Service: 6:30 am, held at Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School, 1100 Goodman Street, 14620. Traditional Services: 8:30 and 11 am Chancel Communion service: 10 am (Note: this will be a brief service with no sermon.)
and our reliance on the gift of God’s love. This year we will have one service at 7 pm. Holy Communion will be available at this evening service; participants at the service may, if they wish, receive ashes in the form of a cross on their forehead. Maundy Thursday Thursday, April 13 6:30 pm (Silent Meditation) 7:30 pm (Service) Sanctuary open at 6:30 pm for silent meditation. Living tableaus of scenes from the life of Christ will be presented in the chancel during this time.
Youth Sunday Sunday, June 4 We shine a spotlight on our remarkable youth on this Sunday. Youth musical groups will present songs of praise and thanksgiving at our services, and the sermon will be given by youth leaders, traditionally our senior students.
At 7:30 pm, we will offer communion and a candlelight re-enactment of Christ’s last night, ending with the placement of the cross on the East Avenue lawn by our Christ-figure. (Note: this service will not begin in Fellowship Hall, as it has in previous years. It will take place entirely in the Sanctuary.)
The Search for Common Ground: A Lenten Devotional This year Asbury First will offer a Lenten devotional, a series of brief, daily Scripture readings and reflections that we hope will enrich your personal faith life during this holy season. Our theme for Lent this year is The Search for the Common Ground, and so the devotional will offer quotes and reflections from a wide array of our forefathers and foremothers in the faith. We invite you to read and learn and consider the common ground we share, not only with one another at Asbury First, but with God’s people throughout time and space. You can receive a hard copy of the devotional (suggested donation $1) or receive it in a daily email. Information about how to sign up for emails will be forthcoming.
Good Friday Friday, April 14 6 am | 12 pm | 6 pm Informal Holy Communion: 6 am with the Men’s Prayer Group. Envisioning the Passion: Noon. Holy Weekthemed art and music by Voices Chamber Choir. (Note: there will be no evening performance of Envisioning the Passion) Family Prayer Night: 6-7:30 pm., A comewhen-you-wish child-friendly event, with communion, a labyrinth walk, and prayer stations.
Women On Wednesdays (WOW)
Appetizer Group
Wednesdays, noon-1 pm 1010 East Ave., Dining Room The WOW group reads authors on religions and spirituality. Bring a bag lunch.
Various times and locations The Appetizer Group meets monthly to share appetizers, fellowship, and participation in a variety of programs and outings. It is open to all adult church members and their friends. For more information, please contact Monica Gilligan at mgilli@frontiernet.net
Men’s Devotional Group Wednesdays, 6 am 1010 East Ave., Red Room This group shares joys, concerns, prayers, and conversation. There’s coffee and breakfast afterwards at a nearby restaurant.
Women’s Fellowship Group Tuesdays, 9:30-10:30 am, Church Resource Library This is a chance for women to support one another and share in the wonders and challenges of womanhood. Nursery care is available upon request.
Young Adult Group Wednesdays, 6-7 pm, 1010 East Ave., Dining Room A group for people in their 20s and 30s that meets weekly for fellowship, conversation, and service.
For more information on any of these groups, please contact Melody Guadagnino in the church office at (585) 271-1050 x103 or mguadagnino@asburyfirst.org.
E D U C AT I O N A L O P P O R T U N I T I E S UNITED METHODISM 101 Wednesdays, March 15-April 5 6:45-7:45 pm Building 1040, Room 201 Do we believe in free will or predestination? Why do we use grape juice and not wine during communion? Why do our ministers move around so much? What’s up with the name “Methodist?” What does it mean to be “strangely warmed?” Whether you’ve been a United Methodist all of your life or have just stumbled upon us recently, this class is for you! This four-week discussion is about the history, structure, beliefs, and challenges of The United Methodist Church. Please contact the church office to let us know if you plan to attend so that we can order books (optional). The cost will be $12 for the optional book and assistance is available.
What is
United Methodism?
Wednesdays, April 12-May 3 6:45-7:45 pm Building 1040, Room 201 Why do we have a call to worship at the start of our worship services? What is Epiphany again, and how does it relate to Christ the King Sunday? How do hymns get chosen for the hymnal and why do we sing the ones we do? How is communion supposed to be done, and why does it matter? If you’ve been wondering about these questions or any others related to worship, join us for this continuation of our Methodism series. We’ll learn about the rhythm of the liturgical calendar, the order of Sunday morning worship, the sacraments of baptism and communion, and more! Please RSVP to the church office. (Note: Attendees of United Methodism 201 do not need to have completed United Methodism 101 in order to participate.)
FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY Nine Weeks, Starting March 8 6-7:30 pm Building 1040, Room 200 Millions of people have gone through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University (FPU) and learned God’s ways of handling money. They’ve worked a plan, rewritten their stories, and changed their futures. On average, FPU graduates pay off $5,300 in debt and save $2,700 in only the first 90 days! As a result, their giving increases by 30%! FPU consists of a nine-week video curriculum taught by financial expert Dave Ramsey, and it incorporates small group discussions that help encourage accountability and discipleship. Groups meet once a week for 90 minutes, and the course is just as fun as it is practical! The registration cost is $93 and childcare will be provided upon advance request. Interested in finding out more or are you ready to register? Visit http://www.daveramsey.com/fpu/classes/1035420
JESUS & POSSESSIONS: A LENTEN SMALL GROUP Wednesdays, March 8-April 12 6:45-7:45 pm Building 1040, LL 12 (Space Room) This six-week study and conversation group will invite us to think about God’s provision for our needs and answer that tricky question: “how much is enough?” We’ll ponder our attachment to possessions and reflect on the act of giving and its impact on our lives. All are welcome! Please RSVP to the church office.
E D U C AT I O N A L O P P O R T U N I T I E S TASTE AND SEE: A BIBLE STUDY ABOUT FOOD AND FAITH Sundays, 9:45-10:45 am March 5-April 9 Building 1010, Room 21 One piece of common ground we all share is food: we’ve all got to eat. Food is central to our faith, too. The story of scripture begins in a lush garden with a story about forbidden fruit and ends with a vision of a heavenly feast. In between are many stories involving food and eating, from manna in the wilderness to Jesus’ bread of life. And food can be part of our spiritual practices: Lent is a season in which we often give up a particular kind of food in an effort to renew our relationship with God. This six-week study will look closely at a few of these stories and what they mean for our life of faith and spiritual practice today.
A D U LT C L A S S E S & S U N D AY S C H O O L What?
2017 EVENTS FOR ADULTS When? Where?
What’s It About
Adult Bible Study
Sundays, 9:45- 1050 Teak Room For anyone interested in 10:45 am taking a closer look at the Bible.
In the News
Sundays, 9:45- 1050 Dining 10:45 am Room
Faithful conversation around current affairs.
Parables of Parenting
Sundays, 9:45- 1040 Room 200 10:45 am
Support and strength for the journey of raising children.
Sundays, 9:45- 1010 Red Room 10:45 am
Bible study, theology, Christian service, and social concerns.
50+ Fellowship
Sundays, 9:45- 1010 Dining 10:45 am Room
Christians examining their faith and life issues.
Growing Spirits/ Living Edge
Sundays, 9:45- 1010 Room 21 10:45 am
Growing as Christians through topic discussions, outreach, fellowship, and social events.
Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays, 10 am
1010 Meditation Broadening understanding of Room the Bible.
A PARTNERS EVENT AT ASBURY FIRST Friday, February 10 6-8 pm Fellowship Hall $10/person Join us for a fun pre-Valentine’s-Day evening of partnering yoga and chocolate tasting at Asbury First. We’ll feature easy moves that anyone can do, regardless of ability. All types of partnerships are welcome—just grab someone and join us! Or, if you prefer, we can match you up with another chocolate- and yoga-loving person for the evening. Following this gentle workout, you and your partner can sample some sweet treat. Bring a yoga mat if you have one, and prepare to connect with your partner in a novel and engaging way. Spaces are limited, so RSVP to Melody Guadagnino at mguadagnino@asburyfirst. org. Childcare will be available.
COMMUNITY DINNER Every Wednesday 5:30 pm Gathering Center Whether you're here for Wesley Singers and Ringers, TOPPS, the Labyrinth, or you just want to pop in to see some friendly faces, we'd love for you to join us over a meal each Wednesday evening, with a suggested donation of three dollars per person!
BECOME A MEMBER OF ASBURY FIRST You are invited to join in full membership in the church. At orientation sessions, you’ll learn a little history of the United Methodist Church and Asbury First, and about the rights and responsibilities of membership. All classes meet in the senior minister’s office in 1050 East Ave., (the grey stone building east of the church). Wednesdays March 8, 15 Joining March 19 6:30-8 pm
Sundays April 23, 30, May 7, 14 Joining May 21 9:45-10:45 am
Wednesdays June 7, 14 Joining June 18 6:30-8 pm
CO M M U N I T Y O P P O R T U N I T I E S MEN'S & WOMEN'S RETREATS The Women's Retreat will be held June 9-11, Friday evening through Sunday at noon at Notre Dame Retreat Center in Canandaigua, NY. The theme for this year's retreat is "Connections." Interested in joining or want further information? Contact Dianne Dudley (diduds@aol.com) or Bonnie Matthaidess (bjmatt2@aol.com). The men of Asbury First will also have the opportunity to join in community for a weekend of prayer, fellowship, laughter, and rejuvenation. This year's men's retreat will take place at Casowasco Camp & Retreat Center (Galilee Lodge) from May 5-7. Christopher Blomgren, author of SOS: Survival and Beyond for the Christian Adventurer will be sharing his book on this retreat. It takes real life survival situations and then applies Scripture to the situations and encourages us to consider how we use Scripture to enhance our faith. Watch for details on these retreats in the weekly e-newsletter, The Visitor, and the bulletin.
DIVERSITY BOOK CLUB 2017 Sundays, Location and Time Varies The Asbury Resource Committee is ready to get rolling with another year of Diversity Book Club meetings. This year we chose several themes to pursue, such as diversity itself, immigration and LGBTQ issues. We’re also shaking things up a bit by meeting right after the late service on Sunday three times, but also twice during the youth meeting time Sunday nights. It’s our hope that parents of youth might find this a convenient time to join us. Remember: though we call it the Diversity Book Club, there’s no membership or ongoing obligation involved. Join us for one book that interests you or come for all! Even if you can’t read the book ahead of time, come to find out if the book is worth reading after the meeting. Two copies of each book will be available in the church library, but you may find others at our public libraries. If you have questions, contact Diana Carter at 732-7224 or DianaLouiseCarter@gmail. com SCHEDULE •Sunday, Feb. 26 @ 12:30 p.m. Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People, by Mahzarin R. Banaji and Anthony G. Greenwalk •Sunday, April 9 @ 6:30 p.m. The Drone Eats Me: A Gaza Diary by Atif Abu Saif •Sunday, June 4 @ 12:30 p.m. The Bible’s Yes to Same-Sex Marriage: An Evangelical Change of Heart by Mike Achtemeier •Sunday, Aug. 20 @ 11:30 p.m. Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity by Katherine Boo •Sunday, Oct. 15 @ 6:30 p.m. The Book of Unknown Americans by Cristina Henriquez
Talent Show ANNUAL ASBURY FIRST TALENT SHOW Saturday, May 13 6-9 pm Fellowship Hall Each year members and friends of Asbury First astound an appreciative audience with their skills at our annual talent show. No matter what your skill, from juggling to magic tricks to flugelhorn playing, you are invited to participate in this perennial favorite. We especially invite our young people to step on stage and show us your talent. For more information, watch your bulletin, social media, and The Visitor newsletter as we come closer to the event. Hope to see you there!
COMMUNITY YOGA CLASS Sundays, March 5-April 9 6:30-7:30 pm Gathering Center A yoga class for people of all experience levels and abilities. Classes will be taught by Lynn Boucher, Nazareth College’s “yoga chaplain,” and will integrate spiritual themes, meditation, and self-reflection. Asbury First’s theme for Lent is the search for common ground, and yoga invites us to reflect on the literal ground that supports us as we practice together. Bring your own mat or use one of ours. Pay what you can; suggested donation is $5 per class.
MUSIC & THE ARTS Asbury First offers choral and instrumental group options for everyone, from children to adults, beginners to experienced musicians. Musical groups participate regularly in our worship services, and generally practice on a weekly basis. To join any of our musical groups, contact our music administrator, David Strong, at dstrong@asburyfirst.org. Below is a list of our current musical groups and their typical rehearsal times (during the school year – groups generally go on hiatus during the summer).
For questions about specific days and for the most accurate schedules, please check the events calendar at asburyfirst.org.
Hallelujah Kids
Grades K-2
Wed., 5-5:30 pm
Holly Temming
Wesley Singers & Ringers
Grades 3-6
Wed., 6-7 pm
Holly Temming
Youth Bell Choir
Grades 6-12
Sun., 4-5 pm
Carol Lamica
Youth Choir
Grades 6-12
Sun., 5-6 pm
Carol Lamica
Asbury Ringers
Wed., 7 pm
Elizabeth Church
Flute Ensemble
All ages
Annette Farrington
Asbury Orchestra
Grades 5-Adult
5 weeks | Spring and Laurie Kennedy Fall, Sun., 8:45-9:45 am
Sanctuary Choir (resident choir, 11 am service)
Youth and Adults
Wed., 7:30-9 pm
William Weinert, Eric Townell (Interim, January 1-April 30)
Asbury Singers Youth and (resident choir, 8:30 Adults am service)
Sun., 7:45 am
Brian Bohrer
Guitar Club
Sun., 9:45-10:45 am
Chris Gold
Grades 6-12
The Sanctuary Choir The Sanctuary Choir participates in leading worship at our 11 am service each week. This warm and welcoming fellowship of singers offers music from a wide variety of styles, from contemporary and newly commissioned works, to spirituals, to music of the past 400 years. It also presents special musical events for the major church holidays and celebrations. The Sanctuary Choir rehearses each Wednesday evening from September through May in Wesley Hall from 7:30-9 pm. The Sanctuary Choir welcomes new singers at any time! For more information on how to join with the singing at Asbury First, please contact the church office at 271-1050 or Dr. Weinert at 274-1444 or wweinert@esm.rochester. edu or David Strong at dstrong@ asburyfirst.org Asbury Singers The Asbury Singers rehearse each Sunday at 7:45 am, and sing at the 8:30
am worship service. Asbury Singers members must have strong music reading abilities as rehearsal time is limited. For more information, email director Brian Bohrer at tenorbri@gmail.com. Men’s Chorus The chorus is open to any men in the congregation who’d like to participate. For more information, email director Brian Bohrer at tenorbri@gmail.com. Asbury Ringers The Asbury Ringers is an adult handbell choir comprising people excited about ringing! The choir meets weekly on Wednesday nights during the school year at 7 pm on the second floor of the Education Wing. The choir contributes to the musical offerings in the Sunday worship services, up to six times a year. The Asbury Ringers perform frequently in the greater Rochester community. The choir focuses on sacred music, but also includes some secular pieces as
MUSIC & THE ARTS time allows. Choir members benefit from having some background in music, although reading music is not required. New members are welcome when openings become available. To inquire about being a part of the Asbury Ringers, please contact Elizabeth Church, Director, at emchurch418@gmail.com. Youth Music The Youth Handbell Choir for those in grades 6-12 rehearses on Sundays from 4-5 pm. The vocal Youth Choir for those in grades 6-12 rehearses on Sundays from 5-6 pm beginning November 20, after the musical rehearsals and performances have ended. For more information, contact director Carol Lamica at clamica@ asburyfirst.org
Asbury Orchestra The Asbury Orchestra is a welcoming musical ensemble for all those who play or who have played an orchestral instrument. It rehearses on four or five Sunday mornings from 8:45-9:30 am in Wesley Hall to prepare the music to play in both the 8:30 and 11 am worship services. The selection of music is based on a mix of players with two-three years of experience up to professional players. All ages are encouraged to participate. Call or e-mail Laurie Kennedy with questions at 787-0422 or cellokennedy@ frontiernet.net Asbury Flute Ensemble For information, contact Annette Farrington at abfflute@rochester.rr.com.
M U S I C & T H E A R T S : G O O D F R I D AY Asbury First’s Good Friday service on April 14 at noon is a multi-media presentation of carefully coordinated art, music, and Bible readings to evoke vivid images and feelings about Christ’s crucifixion. Sue Nurse carefully selects religious art images after listening to the rhythms and texts of the choral music, selected by William Weinert. This year’s service includes solo organ music played by Duane Prill and choral music sung by the professional chamber choir Voices, conducted by Eric Townell. Pieces by Melchior Franck Gabriel Fauré, Thomas Luis de Victoria, Raymond H. Haan, and Gilbert M. Martin, will express the lamentations and grief of Good Friday. Envisioning the Passion, through this cohesive multi-media presentation is always a powerful experience for all who attend.
Mini Vacation Bible School: Camp H2O February 21-23 9 am - 12 pm Asbury First UMC
Please join us at "Camp H2O" Mini Vacation Bible School, where kids explore the Bible stories about water, on February 21, 22, and 23 from 9 am to noon at Asbury First United Methodist Church. There is no cost!
VBS is for children from ages four through fifth grade. For more information contact Paula Dugan, (585) 271-1050 x111 or pdugan@asburyfirst.org. Ready to register? Please use and return the form included in the January/February edition of The Visitor to the Welcome Desk in the Welcoming Hall on Sunday mornings or to the church office during regular business hours.
Would you like to become a member of Asbury First? Please join us for the next New Member Orientation held two Wednesdays at 6:30 pm starting March 8 (joining March 19) in 1050 East Ave (grey stone building). For more information, contact Melody Guadagnino at 585-271-1050 x103 or mguadagnino@ asburyfirst.org.