1 minute read
The Story of Juana
Juana came to the United States alone ffteen years ago to work. After a year, Juana became a single mother. Her work visa expired, and she had to stay behind to provide for her son. Juana has been a very hard-working woman and a good mother. She has been a role model to follow, active in her community and supporting her family. However, due to a decision made ffteen years ago, she is categorized before society as undocumented.
I. Why do Latinos/as immigrate? Some of the reasons for immigration are:
1. Seeking jobs opportunities
2. Seeking asylums
3. Family reunifcation
4. Seeking a better life
5. Despite what the politics of fear says, the majority of immigrants do not seek to come to America for nefarious reasons
II. How does someone becomes an undocumented immigrant? These are the main reasons:
1. Visa or work permit has expired
2. Enter the country without documents
3. Not having the proper documentation
4. Despite what the politics of fear says, the majority of immigrants do not stay in America for nefarious reasons
III. A Christian Response to the Issue of Documentation:
1. Seeing the undocumented:
• An undocumented person has the image of God. From the biblical perspective, all humans are created in the image of God (Gen. 1:26)
• Seeing the undocumented means treating them with human dignity. Listen to their stories and learning from them
2. Loving the undocumented:
• The second great commandment of loving your neighbor (Matt. 22: 35–40) includes the undocumented
• Christians are called to love the other, whether they are undocumented or not
3. Welcoming the undocumented:
• A way of welcoming the undocumented is practicing Christian hospitality
• Christian hospitality calls for receiving, making room, and providing for them (Rom. 15:7). Christian hospitality emphasizes including the poor and the marginalized
IV. Call to Society:
1. Stop Dehumanizing the Undocumented:
• Treat them as human beings. They are no less because of their migration status. They are fathers, mothers, sons, and daughters.
• Provide fair working conditions and fair wages
2. Reevaluate Immigration Laws:
• Are our migration laws just? Are they skewed to favor some over others in an unfair or prejudiced way?
• Do we need immigration reform?
What if:
• We see the undocumented as fellow human beings?
• We prioritize forming just and fair immigration laws?