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Tennent Tour Date
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Asbury Theological Seminary Hires Dr. Michael A. Salmeier, Registrar and Director of Enrolled Student Services
After a 10-month search, Asbury Seminary welcomed Dr. Michael A. Salmeier as the new Registrar and Director of Enrolled Student Services. Since 2009, Salmeier has worked at Life Pacific University in San Dimas, Calif., first as academic dean and most recently as Vice President of Academic Affairs. He has experience advancing academic programs and student development planning, programs and personnel. Salmeier assumed his responsibilities on January 4, 2021.
The Asbury Latino Center receives a Capacity Building Grant from Leadership Education at Duke Divinity in partnership with Asociación para la Educación Teológica Hispana (AETH). This yearlong project allows Christian organizations to strengthen and expand their current organizational capacities.
Asbury Theological Seminary Alum Dr. James Karanja Receives German Federal Cross of Merit
Asbury Theological Seminary congratulates alum Dr. James Karanja on the commendation of “Bundesverdienstkreuz” or Federal Cross of Merit from the President of Germany, Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Karanja received this commendation for his work with Home Care International, a KenyanGerman organization that provides accommodations, education, and health care to orphans in Africa. He also works with refugees, serves in Christian youth ministry and works for the eradication of poverty in East Africa.
Please join President Timothy C. Tennent as he shares the Asbury Seminary vision in your area. At each of his stops, Dr. Tennent is honored to be speaking at Sunday morning services.
November 19 - 21, 2021 Asbury UMC Tulsa, OK
For event schedule, reservations, and information, contact Major Events: 877.PRAY.ATS (772.9287) or email, major.events@asburyseminary.edu.