2014 RTI PLC Institute Program

Page 1

Table of Contents

Welcome Message from Dr. Rick Schulte…...…………...2 Tuesday Keynote Presentation…………...…………….....3 Dr. Jerry Weast Concurrent Session One At-a-Glance…………………….4 Concurrent Session One Descriptions………...……….5-7 Concurrent Session Two At-a-Glance…………………….8 Concurrent Session Two Descriptions……………......9-11 Concurrent Session Three At-a-Glance…………………12 Concurrent Session Three Descriptions………….....13-15 Wednesday Keynote Presentation…………...………....16 Mr. Myron Dueck Concurrent Session Four At-a-Glance…………….........17 Concurrent Session Four Descriptions……...………18-20 Concurrent Session Five At-a-Glance…………..………21 Concurrent Session Five Descriptions……………....22-25 Concurrent Session Six At-a-Glance …………………...26 Concurrent Session Six Descriptions………….…....27-28 General Institute Information……………………..…..29-30

Surviving the Wave of New Initiatives in Preparation for the Rigor of the Common Core—3


On behalf of the Richland School District, welcome to Richland for the Fifth Annual Regional RTI - PLC Institute, "Surviving the Wave of New Initiatives in Preparation for the Rigor of Common Core" in conjunction with our wonderful partner Washington State ASCD. It is great to have all of you here. We have two full days of keynote addresses and breakout sessions which will provide you with valuable training on Response to Intervention (RTI) and Professional Learning Communities (PLC). Giving the keynote addresses will be Dr. Jerry Weast and Myron Dueck. Plus, you have your choice of over 70 breakout sessions led by local, state and national level educators. RTI and PLCs remain important components of a system of curriculum, instruction and assessment. However, this year’s content is geared more toward the Common Core State Standards and their impact on all of our work. I am sure you will find the content responsive to the numerous questions you all have around this significant paradigm shift in education. We believe this Institute provides educators with the best opportunity in the northwest to learn from RTI and PLC experts prior to the start of the school year. We hope you will spread the word about this tremendous learning opportunity and ask your colleagues from around the state and northwest to join us for the Sixth Annual Institute in August of 2015. Sincerely, Dr. Rick Schulte, Superintendent Richland School District

4 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Tuesday Keynote Presentation

Dr. Jerry D. Weast, Founder and CEO, Partnership for Deliberate Excellence, LLC

Alignment/Engagement/Equity: Educating College/Career Ready Grads Whether they’re headed to college or the workforce, the skills students need to be successful are similar. Common Core standards reflect this understanding, but setting the standard doesn’t tell you how to help your students attain it. In his keynote, Jerry Weast will illustrate what alignment, engagement, and equity in instruction can help students achieve and the leadership qualities that will catalyze the changes your team proposes to advance your district’s long term success.

About Dr. Weast A veteran of education leadership including 35 years as a superintendent of schools, Dr. Jerry D. Weast has amassed a record of results. Leading school districts in five states, Dr. Weast has demonstrated his commitment to ensuring all students graduate prepared and inspired for success in college and careers. Dr. Weast is widely respected for his expertise in crafting coherent strategies to sequence change efforts and currently advises and collaborates with foundations and school district leaders to improve the quality of public education across the United States. Dr. Weast led Montgomery County Public Schools to achieve both the highest graduation rate among the nation’s largest school districts for four consecutive years and the highest academic performance ever in MCPS as the non-English-speaking student population more than doubled and enrollment tipped toward low socioeconomic demographics. MCPS students demonstrate some of the highest participation and success rates in the country on college readiness measures. such as the SAT and AP exams. US News and World Report has found that MCPS high schools comprise about 3 percent of the nation’s top high schools for STEM education (Classes of 2009, 2010, and 2011). During Dr. Weast’s tenure, MCPS received the 2010 Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award for management excellence and was a 2010 finalist for the Broad Prize in Urban Education. Dr. Weast has received numerous awards and honors, including the Educator of the Year Award from the Schott Foundation for Public Education (2011); and the 2012 Distinguished Public Service Award from the American Educational Research Association. Dr. Weast serves on the Board of Directors of the Institute for Educational Leadership, as a trustee of the Committee for Economic Development, is a member of the National Education Association Foundation Senior Fellows Advisory Group; the Board of Directors of Editorial Projects in Education; the Opportunity to Learn advisory board (Schott Foundation for Public Education), and of the advisory board of America Achieves. Dr. Weast is founder and president of the Partnership for Deliberate Excellence, LLC, through which he is working with school districts across the United States to improve the leadership and quality of public education.

Surviving the Wave of New Initiatives in Preparation for the Rigor of the Common Core—5

Concurrent Session One At-A-Glance 7:30-8:00 a.m. Check In - Coffee and Spudnuts 8:00-8:45 a.m. – Team Time 9:00-10:10 a.m. – Auditorium Welcome and Opening Keynote Speaker: Dr. Jerry Weast Alignment/Engagement/Equity: Educating College/Career Ready Grads 10:20-11:30 a.m. – Session 1 Breakouts

Carmichael 502 Choir


Alignment, Engagement and Equity: Educating College and Career Ready Graduates(Q&A)

Instructional Strategies

Common Core State Standards + Music = Student Success!

Lucy Calkins Units of Study (K-2)

Lucy Calkins Units of Study (Gr 3-5)

(also available Session 4)

(also available Session 4)

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Lunch Break

6 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute


Instructional Strategies

Common Core

Layering Strategy Work for Deep Comprehension


(also available Session 4)

Mindsets and Motivation (also available Session 2 or 3)

3201 Common Core

(also available Session 2)

Instructional Strategies




Common Core

(also available Session 4)

Common Core

(Part 1 of 3 sessions)


Behavior/ Social

Daily 5/CAFÉ Overview and TPEP Connections

Research Standards in the Common Core and Smarter Balanced: A Synthesis of Learning

Common Core

PBIS Behavior/ Social

(also available Session 2)

Second Step Bullying Curriculum

Instructional Strategies

State/Fed Initiatives

Early Learning

Delivering Tough Messages--A Message You Don't Want to Give and/or A Message Another Individual Does Not Want to Receive

Instructional Strategies

SMART Boards in Your Universal Design for Learning Toolkit

Accelerated Learning and Enhanced Instruction: Differentiation for Highly Capable Students

Special Education

Common Core OER and the Common Core



(also available Session 3)

(also available Session 3)




Instructional Strategies

(also available Session 4)

Scholastic Math Inventory Set a Quantifiable Trajectory to College and Career




Solving the Common Core Challenge (Gr 6-12)

Common Core and Video: How to Make it Work for You and Your Students


READ 180 Gains Analysis and Writing

Observation as a Key to Responsive Teaching

Literacy Development for Early Readers: Closing the Vocabulary Gap (PK-2)


Implementing CCSS with Differentiated Instruction and Hands-on Activities for the K-2 Classroom


Sensory Accommodations for the Classroom


Special Education

(also available Session 4)

Early Learning

(also available Session 3)


Common Core

Instructional Strategies

CCSS in the Middle School ELA Classroom

Socratic Seminars: Meaningful Dialogue Using Complex Texts

1234 Common Core

1232 Common Core


Common Core


Secondary Science—Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core Classroom

Technology Tutorials at Your Fingertips!

Tuesday, August 19 Room 1220

CCSS in the Middle School ELA classroom

Room 1237

Presenters: Mrs. Jennifer Appel & Mrs. Kim Hobbick, Teachers, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Middle School Strand: Common Core

Presenter: Mrs. Cathy Yount, Early Childhood Director, Scholastic, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (PK-2) Strand: Early Learning

CCSS in the Middle School ELA classroom will explain how to transition from the MSP testing format to the SBAC format and what that should look like in your daily classroom. We will discuss how to transition from the reading stems currently used on the MSP test to the new Common Core stems. We will also discuss how to teach a performance task in your classroom to help prepare your students for the SBAC test.

Room 1224

Session will be an interactive discussion with strategies and activities on the following: - How oral language, vocabulary, and knowledge play a role in literacy development for early readers - Discuss research-based strategies to build oral language skills and encourage word play. - Plan vocabulary instruction and learning experiences that deepen and broaden knowledge to support comprehension.

Socratic Seminars: Meaningful Dialogue Using Complex Texts Presenter: Mrs. Jacklyn Cable, English Teacher; Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Instructional Strategies

Room 1238

Common Core and Video: How to Make it Work for You and Your Students Presenter: Mr. Dana Magenau, AE, SAFARI Montage Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Common Core

Using Destination Imagination's approach to creativity and critical thinking, participants will learn how to meet the demands for the Common Core Standards approach to cognitive and non-cognitive skills and abilities. Activities will focus on developing cooperative learning and interpersonal skills while exploring new content.

Room 1239

Implementing CCSS with Differentiated Instruction and Hands-on Activities for the K-2 Classroom

Presenters: Mrs. Kathy DeTienne and Ms. Michele Jones, 1st grade Teachers, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Para-Professionals Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2) Strand: Common Core This session focuses on finding and developing resources to use with current adopted curriculum to target the Common Core State Standards. We will focus on using internet resources and distinguishing what resources will stimulate the intellectual growth of all students.

Room 1236

Observation as a Key to Responsive Teaching Presenter: Ms. Karen Weakley, Early Learning Consultant, Karen Weakley Educational Consulting Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; Para-Professionals Target Level: Preschool Strand: Early Learning Observation is an integral part of supporting young children’s learning. This workshop will focus on techniques to observe children in their work and how to use this information effectively in planning for their success in the early childhood classroom. This is an excellent session for staff and para educators working in PreK-KG, Head Start, and ECEAP.

Scholastic Math Inventory Set a Quantifiable Trajectory to College and Career Presenter: Mrs. Janet Bales, Regional Director of Math Partnerships, Scholastic, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Assessment Scholastic Math Inventory (SMI) College & Career is an adaptive assessment that measures math achievement and growth from Kindergarten to Algebra II. Based on the Quantile Framework, SMI College & Career offers educators dynamic analytics, actionable data, tools for differentiating instruction, and embedded professional learning from Math Solutions.

This session will focus on specific Common Core standards as they relate to using technology in your classroom. Learn how using video can not only address specific benchmarks for CCSS, but also make your lessons more engaging and fun.

Room 1234

Solving the Common Core Challenge (Gr. 6-12) Presenter: Mr. Ben Jones, Assistant Director for Program Support; Mr. Andrew Whitmire, Assistant DI Program Director, Destination Imagination Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; Content Area Specialists, Para-Professionals Target Level: Middle School; High School; Related Services Strand: Common Core

Learn to lead effective classroom discussions that engage all students. Develop stimulating opening questions, facilitate dialogue and develop students' speaking and listening skills while evaluating complex text. Classroom conversations will never be the same.

Room 1232

Literacy Development for Early Readers: Closing the Vocabulary Gap (PK-2)

Room 1240

Mindsets and Motivation Presenter: Ms. Emily Diehl, Curriculum and Professional Learning Specialist, Mindset Works Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Instructional Strategies In this session, participants will learn how teaching a growth mindset can cultivate student agency, motivation, and persistence in a school setting, especially among struggling students. They will learn strategies for introducing students to growth mindset thinking, creating a growth mindset classroom and school culture, and supporting students in self-monitoring and developing their abilities, and will explore how to build learning communities with colleagues to deepen their growth mindset practice. Participants will leave with additional resources and tools (readings, videos, and graphic organizers) to extend the work.

Surviving the Wave of New Initiatives in Preparation for the Rigor of the Common Core—7


Concurrent Session One


Class profiling and goal selection act as the starting point for exploring how SMART Boards, SMART Notebook, SMART Technology’s accessibility profile and the integration of other software (Classroom Suite 4, Boardmaker Plus) and external devices (switches, iPads, voice output devices) can provide multiple means of representation, expression and engagement for ALL in collaborative, inclusive learning environments. Results of the international Smart Inclusion research project will also be shared.

Room 1241 READ 180 Gains Analysis and Writing

Presenters: Mrs. Karen Burke, Scholastic Inc. Audience: Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders: School Administrators; District Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Instructional Strategies Participants will review end-of-year data and assess the growth of their students. As we analyze the data, we will set goals for the 20142015 school year. Our work with improving writing opportunities for students in READ 180 will continue.

Room 1242

Room 3109

Presenter: Dr. Kathryn Picanco, Director, Center for Gifted Education, Whitworth University Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: State/Federal Initiatives

Sensory Accommodations for the Classroom Presenter: Ms. Jacqueline Rohman, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Special Education

Gifted education is now a part of basic education in Washington with RCW Chapter 28A.185.020 stating, ”The legislature finds that, for highly capable students, access to accelerated learning and enhanced instruction is access to a basic education.”• So what exactly is accelerated learning and enhanced instruction? This session will define these terms in the context of differentiated instruction for highly capable students. Research-based strategies to accelerate, extend and enrich curriculum and instruction will be shared.

Course Objectives: - Review basic nervous system as it relates to attention and arousal - Define sensory processing and integration - Gain knowledge of registration, modulation and arousal - Learn how to incorporate sensory strategies throughout the day - Learn how to identify ways to set up the classroom environment for optimal attention and learning

Room 1243

Daily 5/CAFÉ Overview and TPEP Connections

Room 3116

Presenter: Mrs. Lynne Macias, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Strand: Instructional Strategies

Research Standards in the Common Core and Smarter Balanced: A Synthesis of Learning

Have you ever had to deliver a tough message—just the thought of it caused your stomach to do flip flops? Of course you have. We all have. A tough message is a communication that must be delivered but it is not a message you want to give, and you know the recipient of it will not want to hear it. A tough message might be telling a parent her child is having difficulty learning to read, or letting someone you supervise/evaluate know he will be receiving a “Needs Improvement” in a particular area. The list goes on. Although delivering a tough message can never be made enjoyable, it is possible to implement a few simple strategies during a difficult conversation which can increase the likelihood of an effective long term outcome. This breakout session helps the participant learn how to successfully deliver a tough message.

Presenter: Molly Berger, Instructional Improvement Coordinator, Educational Service District 105 Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School; High School Strand: Common Core Common Core and Smarter Balanced emphasize research, which truly is a synthesis of students’ disciplinary and literacy learning. What are the research expectations at each grade level and in disciplines? How will these be assessed? How do we effectively teach research? How does current work align? How do we help students with the rigor of research? Participants will discuss these questions and review resources. Strategies for scaffolding research skills will be presented.

Room 3102/04 SMART Boards in Your Universal Design for Learning Toolkit

Presenter: Mrs. Alexandra Dunn, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Professional Developers; Counselors/Therapists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Special Education

8 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Delivering Tough Messages—A Message You Don’t Want to Give and/or a Message Another Individual Does Not Want to Receive Presenter: Ms. Carol Johnson, Retired Special Education Director, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: PBIS Behavior/Social

Come learn how to get students engaged in meaningful authentic reading and writing. This class will provide a brief overview of Daily 5/CAFE and how they will make CCSS and TPEP easier for you.

Room 1244

Accelerated Learning and Enhanced Instruction: Differentiation for Highly Capable Students

Room 3118

Secondary Science—Next Generation Science Standards and the Common Core Classroom Presenters: Mrs. Kristina Tucker, ELA and Social Studies Curriculum Coordinator; Mrs. Katrina Garvey, High School Science Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Common Core Science teachers develop an understanding of the connections to CCSS Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects (Appendix M of NGSS) and how the Science and Engineering Practices (Appendix F of NGSS) support the CCSS- Literacy.

Tuesday, August 19 Room 3201

Technology Tutorials at Your Fingertips!

Room 502

Presenters: Mrs. Michelle Lane, Library Media Specialist, Richland SD; Mrs. Kerry Olson, Account Manager, Atomic Learning Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Middle School Strand: Common Core


Join librarian Michelle Lane and account manager Kerry Olson from Atomic Learning in a webinar exploring our new middle school classroom resource, Atomic Learning. Atomic Learning is an on-line tech instruction resource which includes 75,000 tech tutorials on over 250 applications, classroom ready projects, professional development workshops, and teacher/student assessments. This resource is available for middle school staff, students, and parents to brush up on the technology skills we need to navigate our new 21st Century world.

Room 3202

Presenter: Mr. Peter Blake, Director of Bands; Mrs. Rachael Clayton, Elementary Music Specialist; Mrs. Mary Dann, Choral Director; Mrs. Carri Rose, Elementary Music Specialist, Richland SD Audience: Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Common Core Collaboration, perseverance, positive growth mindset, and goal setting are essential to student success in the Common Core State Standards. There is no better environment to acquire these skills than the music classroom.


OER and the Common Core

Room 3206

In this follow-up Q&A session to his keynote, Dr. Weast will open the floor to your questions and discussion.


This session is for K-2 teachers who would like an overview of the Lucy Calkins Writing Units of Study. Participants will engage in activities that will prepare teachers to utilize this supplemental resource in K-2 classrooms. Attendees of this session will receive the “Lucy Calkins Units of Study” for their classroom.

Presenter: Mrs. Breane Kays, School Counselor, Richland SD Audience: Counselors/Therapists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: PBIS Behavior/Social

Room 4110

Layering Strategy Work for Deep Comprehension Presenter: Mrs. Sarah Collinge, President, Read Side by Side Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Common Core Where is strategy work within the Common Core State Standards? This workshop will help teachers unpack the ELA standards in the Common Core which calls for moving away from teaching strategies in isolation, to using strategies authentically for deep comprehension of text. Participants will learn how all the standards work together to accomplish the goal of comprehension and make connections to Sarah’s C. I. A. units of study.

Lucy Calkins Units of Study (K-2) Presenter: Mrs. Nicki Blake, Executive Director of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2) Strand: Instructional Strategies

Second Step Bullying Curriculum (Triple Session 1, 2 & 3)

Counselors will complete the training modules on the Bullying Curriculum, then will decide how the curriculum will be implemented district-wide.

Alignment/Engagement/Equity: Educating College and Career Ready Grads (Q&A) Presenter: Dr. Jerry Weast, Founder and CEO, Partnership for Deliberate Excellence, LLC Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; DistrictLevel Administrators; Professional Developers Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration Strand: Common Core

Presenter: Mrs. Barbara Soots, Open Education Resources Program Manager, OSPI Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Common Core Driven by implementation of the Common Core Standards, interest in open educational resources (OER) is high as educators reassess their instructional materials. OER are free to use, edit, and share. They have the potential to engage teachers more fully in curricula, allowing them to adapt content to their students’ needs. Join us as we explore strategies to effectively locate resources and vet them for the big instructional shifts in the Common Core.

Common Core State Standards + Music = Student Success!


Lucy Calkins Units of Study (Gr. 3-5) Presenter: Mrs. Kristina Tucker, Teacher Trainer, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Instructional Strategies This session is for teachers (grades 3-5) who would like an overview of the Lucy Calkins Writing Units of Study. Participants will engage in activities that will prepare teachers to utilize this supplemental resource in 3-5 classrooms. Attendees of this session will receive the “Lucy Calkins Units of Study” for their classroom.


Surviving the Wave of New Initiatives in Preparation for the Rigor of the Common Core—9


Concurrent Session Two At-A-Glance 12:30-1:40 p.m. – Session 2 Breakouts 1030


(also available Session 1)

4130 Music

Carmichael 502 Choir


(Part 2 of 3 sessions)

(also available Session 3)

10 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

(also available Session 3)

K-12 RSD Music Curriculum

Comprehension Toolkit for Grades K-2 (continues into session 3)

Library C Lab Common Core

Begin at the Beginning—End Where People Want to Go

(also available Session 5)

ALEKS MATHHow to Implement ALEKS in your Math Classroom


Getting Started with Edmodo: A Beginner’s Guide for Creating a Virtual Classroom

Cafeteria Instructional Strategies

(also available Session 3)

Ignite a Love of Reading: The C.I.A. Approach – Collect, Interpret, Apply

Mindsets and Motivation

Common Core

Working with Difficult People-Moving from Negative Conflict to Positive Collaboration

Second Step Bullying Curriculum

Instructional Strategies

Accelerated Learning and Enhanced Instruction: Differentiation for Highly Capable Students

Instructional Strategies

What Makes Quality Curriculum for Advanced Learners and What Does This Have to do with CCSS?

Common Core

PBIS Behavior/ Social

4110 Choir


State/Fed Initiatives

(also available Session 5)



(also available Session 5)

(also available Session 5)


(also available Session 1 or 3)

Smart Inclusion: I Have ‘Lots of Stuff.’ Now What?

Instructional Strategies

(also available Session 1)

What’s New with National Board Certification?

Introduction to Smarter Balanced Assessment Performance Tasks

PBIS Behavior/ Social

Common Core OER and the Common Core


(continues into session 3)

Specialized Programs



MATH 180

Special Education

(continues into session 3)


1239 Common Core

Instructional Strategies Improving Adolescent Literacy Using Effective Instructional Practices


CEL 5-D & TPEP Process

(also available Session 5)

Using Video and Other Digital Media in Your Lessons

Common Core


Math Tools for Paraeducators

Instructional Strategies


1234 TPEP Instructional Framework

(also available Session 5)

1232 Instructional Strategies

(continues into session 3)

SBAC Performance Task Math

1228 Instructional Strategies

Instructional Strategies Focused Note Taking with AVID Cornell Notes

Common Core

Common Core RSD Elementary Librarians: 21st Century Libraries and the CCSS


Comprehension Toolkit for Grades 3-5 (continues into session 3)

Tuesday, August 19 Room 1030

RSD Librarians: 21st Century Library and the CCSS (Double Session 2 & 3)

Room 1234

Presenter: Mr. Tony Howard, Executive Director of Human Resources, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; School Administrators Target Level: All Grade levels Strand: TPEP Instructional Framework

Presenter: Mrs. Benita Brown, Librarian; Ms. Dawn Hansen, Librarian, Richland SD Audience: Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Common Core RSD elementary librarians are invited to collaborate on solving issues related to cataloging library materials to maximize patron access, and identifying resources that support the Richland School District's ELA performance tasks.

Room 1220

This session will involve an overview of TPEP and CEL 5-D for teachers newly transitioning in 2014-15.

Room 1239

Presenters: Mr. Randall Spaur, Teacher; Mr. Jesse Flajole, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instructional Strategies

Room 1222

MATH 180 is a revolutionary math intervention program for the Common Core. Designed for struggling students in grades 6 and up, the program builds students’ confidence and competence in mathematics, while providing teachers with comprehensive support to ensure success. In this session you will learn what MATH 180 is and how it is helping students in Richland SD.

Room 1240

SBAC Performance Task Math

In this session, participants will learn how teaching a growth mindset can cultivate student agency, motivation, and persistence in a school setting, especially among struggling students. They will learn strategies for introducing students to growth mindset thinking, creating a growth mindset classroom and school culture, and supporting students in self-monitoring and developing their abilities, and will explore how to build learning communities with colleagues to deepen their growth mindset practice. Participants will leave with additional resources and tools (readings, videos, and graphic organizers) to extend the work.

In this hands-on session, participants will examine the SBAC Math Performance Task and Scoring Rubric. They will identify implications for instruction and discuss how everyday classroom activities can help prepare students for the performance task.

Math Tools for Paraeducators Presenter: Mrs. Elizabeth Pottle, Life Skills Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Para-Professionals Target Level: Middle School; High School Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Instructional Strategies This presentation will provide paraeducators with information about practical ways to help students learn math concepts by using abstract-representational-concrete methods.

Room 1232

Using Video and Other Digital Media in Your Lessons Presenter: Mr. Dana Magenau, AE, SAFARI Montage

Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators -District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instructional Strategies

Mindsets and Motivation Presenter: Ms. Emily Diehl, Curriculum and Professional Learning Specialist, Mindset Works Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Instructional Strategies

Presenter: Mrs. Erika Doyle, Curriculum Coordinator, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators Target Level: All Grade Levels; Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Common Core

Room 1228

MATH 180 Presenter: Mrs. Janet Bales, Regional Director of Math Partnerships, Scholastic, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Middle School Strand: Common Core

Focused Note Taking with AVID Cornell Notes

In this session you will learn how to use Cornell Notes as an instructional strategy for students of all grade levels and academic abilities. The focus of the lesson will be on increasing student retention of knowledge through a systematic process of note taking and then process the notes numerous times. The hope of this session is for all attendees to learn how to use Cornell Notes effectively in their classroom and school.

CEL 5-D & TPEP Process (Double Session 2 & 3)

Room 1241

Improving Adolescent Literacy Using Effective Instructional Practices (Double Session 2 & 3) Presenter: Mrs. Karen Burke, Scholastic, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Common Core Literacy involves a continuum of learning, enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in society. During these sessions both cognitive and conative strategies will be discussed. Participants will engage in practical strategies and techniques to enhance classroom instruction.

Learn how to use existing technology in your district to enhance and support instruction. Specifically, this session will focus on video and other digital learning objects to build multi-media units in any subject for any grade.

Surviving the Wave of New Initiatives in Preparation for the Rigor of the Common Core—11


Concurrent Session Two Room 1242

There is no shortage of knowledge about what high quality curriculum and instruction should look like for advanced learners. Given the cognitive capacity of students who are highly able, it is likely that they will, at least some times and in some contexts, require curriculum and instruction that is more challenging than we would expect for less advanced students, at least if we expect them to continue to grow. This session will address some of the principles of high quality curricular and instructional design that align to the CCSS that should be considered as we work to maximize the capacities of these learners to know abundantly, think deeply, and understand broadly in areas of strength, interest, and promise.

What’s New with National Board Certification? Presenter: Mrs. Karen Bryan, National Board Facilitator, 5th Grade Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instructional Strategies Come and find out about National Board Certification! Questions like, Am I eligible, what are the benefits, what is the level of commitment? National Board Certification is an advanced teaching credential. It complements, but does not replace, a state’s teacher license. National Board Certified Teachers are highly accomplished educators who meet high and rigorous standards. National Boards may be a good fit to achieve proficient or distinguished levels on new teacher evaluation. National Boards has gone through a complete overall, so there are many changes including costs, time commitment, and flexibility. We’d love to see you and share all the good news about National Board certification.


Room 1244

Room 3109

Presenter: Dr. Kathryn Picanco, Director, Center for Gifted Education, Whitworth University Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: State/Federal Initiatives

Introduction to Smarter Balanced Assessment Performance Tasks

Gifted education is now a part of basic education in Washington with RCW Chapter 28A.185.020 stating, ”The legislature finds that, for highly capable students, access to accelerated learning and enhanced instruction is access to a basic education.”• So what exactly is accelerated learning and enhanced instruction? This session will define these terms in the context of differentiated instruction for highly capable students. Research-based strategies to accelerate, extend and enrich curriculum and instruction will be shared.

Presenters: Mr. Erich Bolz, Assistant Superintendent, Response to Intervention and Special Programs Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders: School Administrators; District Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Common Core Participants will become familiar with the differences between the current state assessment and the SBAC performance tasks and have structured discussion around the implications for students and shifts in the instructional process. Although not required, this session would be a good pre-cursor to “SBAC Assessment: Where is the Writing?” (Nicki Blake, session 5)

Room 3116

Presenter: Mrs. Alexandra Dunn, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrator; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/Therapists Target Level: Preschool; Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Special Education

Room 3107

What Makes Quality Curriculum for Advanced Learners and What Does This Have to do with CCSS? Presenter: Dr. Jann Leppien, Margo Long Endowed Chair, Center for Gifted Education, Whitworth University Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration Strand: Special Programs

12 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Working with Difficult People: Moving from Negative Conflict to Positive Collaboration Presenters: Ms. Carol Johnson, Retired Special Education Director, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: PBIS Behavior/Social

Room 3102/04 Smart Inclusion: I Have ’Lots of Stuff’ - Now What?

Become a student in a Smart Inclusion classroom and experience how using a range of technology tools (iPads, SMART Boards, Nintendo DSi) with manipulatives (Lego, Wikki Stix) in student directed learning centers result in positive social, behavioural and academic learning outcomes for ALL students. A “fireworks” of strategies developed by fellow educators will be demonstrated with an opportunity for audience “Inclusioneers” to share their “fireworks” with others.

Accelerated Learning and Enhanced Instruction: Differentiation for Highly Capable Students

Because you work with people, encountering difficult individuals is inevitable. Sometimes they are known as teachers, administrators, para educators, secretaries and/or parents. They are found in every setting from classrooms to district committees. They hinder productivity and cause undue stress. This presentation has two objectives. They are to 1) identify the characteristics of difficult people and 2) learn some practical principles and strategies needed to successfully move from negative conflict to productive collaboration.

Room 3201

Getting Started with Edmodo: A Beginner’s Guide for Creating a Virtual Classroom Presenter: Mr. Doug Lane, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Common Core

Looking for a manageable way to launch digital learning in your classroom? Through Edmodo’s free, safe, easy-to-use platform, you can communicate with students and parents, enable collaboration and sharing, create a place for flipping lessons and extending learning, and so much more. You will walk out of this session with your own Edmodo site and all of the resources you need to prepare & begin your students for 21st century learning.

Tuesday, August 19 Room 3202

OER and the Common Core Presenter: Mrs. Barbara Soots, Open Education Resources Program Manager, OSPI Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Common Core

Music teachers and those interested will get an overview of the Richland School District newly created Curriculum Document. Suggested activities and assessments will be provided as well as scope and sequence for all grade levels.


Presenter: Mrs. Nicki Blake, Executive Director of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2) Strand: Instructional Strategies

Driven by implementation of the Common Core Standards, interest in open educational resources (OER) is high as educators reassess their instructional materials. OER are free to use, edit, and share. They have the potential to engage teachers more fully in curricula, allowing them to adapt content to their students’ needs. Join us as we explore strategies to effectively locate resources and vet them for the big instructional shifts in the Common Core.

Room 3206

Teachers will engage in activities around the materials and lessons in the Grades K-2 elementary supplementary curriculum. Teachers should bring their Toolkit with them to this training. Please notify Teaching and Learning if you have not received these materials.

Second Step Bullying Curriculum (Triple Session 1, 2 & 3) Presenter: Mrs. Breane Kays, School Counselor, Richland SD Audience: Counselors/Therapists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: PBIS Behavior/Social


Choir Room

Presenter: Ms. Emily DiGiovanna, ALEKS Implementation Specialist, ALEKS Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Common Core

Ignite a Love of Reading: The C.I.A Approach— Collect, Interpret, Apply

This session will focus on how to implement ALEKS in the math classroom. The presentation is designed for first time ALEKS user and those interested in learning more about using ALEKS. Participants will learn how to implement ALEKS with their current curriculum, CCSS-Math and students at various levels.

Presenter: Mrs. Sarah Collinge, President, Read Side by Side Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Instructional Strategies Envision an intermediate classroom where students are confident readers who have a wide interest in books due to common experiences in meaningful texts. Join author, Sarah Collinge, as she shares her innovative approach for reading, Collect—Interpret— Apply. Proven to motivate all students to achieve Common Core demands!

Room 4130 Music Room

Begin at the Beginning—End Where People Want to Go Presenter: Dr. Jerry Weast, Founder and CEO, Partnership for Deliberate Excellence, LLC Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration Strand: Common Core Keeping in mind that higher instructional bar – for most states, the Common Core State Standards – these sessions will provide a framework for you to assess your school or district’s “current state” and what it will take to Bend the Trend. What are the correlates that will define progress? How will you organize to attain them? How will you communicate as a professional learning community—within your building and within your district? What will success look like – and what will it feel like?!

Room 502 (Carmichael)

ALEKS MATH: How to Implement ALEKS in

Computer Lab your Math Classroom

Counselors will complete the training modules on the Bullying Curriculum, then will decide how the curriculum will be implemented district-wide.

Room 4110

Comprehension Toolkit for Grades K-2 (Double Session 2 & 3)


Comprehension Toolkit for Grades 3-5 Presenter: Mrs. Kristina Tucker, Teacher Trainer, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Instructional Strategies Teachers will engage in activities around the materials and lessons in the Grades 3-5 elementary supplementary curriculum. Teachers should bring their Toolkit with them to this training. Please notify Teaching and Learning if you have not received these materials.

Materials for Sessions Materials for most sessions are available at the Washington State ASCD website at www.wsascd.org under ‘Practitioner’s Best Friend.’

K-12 RSD Music Curriculum

Presenter: Ms. Sarah Berglund, Orchestra Teacher, Mrs. Carri Rose, Elementary Music Specialist, Mrs. Mary Dann, Choral Director; Mr. Peter Blake, Director of Bands; Richland SD Audience: Content Area Specialists, School Administrators Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Assessment

Surviving the Wave of New Initiatives in Preparation for the Rigor of the Common Core—13


Concurrent Session Three At-A-Glance 1:50-3:00 p.m. – Session 3 Breakouts

Common Core

Common Core

Special Education

Common Core

RSD Elementary Librarians: 21st Century Libraries and the CCSS

CCSS in the Middle School ELA Classroom

(continuation of Session 2)

(also available Session 1)



Collaboration for Successful Inclusion


Carmichael 504 Band

14 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Second Step Bullying Curriculum

(also available Session 5)

(also available Session 2)


Comprehension Toolkit for Grades K-2 (continuation of session 2)


Khan Academy

Library C Lab

ALEKS- New Features of ALEKS for Teachers

Cafeteria Instructional Strategies

(also available Session 2)


What Makes Quality Curriculum for Advanced Learners and What Does This Have to do with CCSS?

Common Core

(also available Session 2)

The Art of Musical Conducting

(also available Session 6)

Instructional Strategies

Common Core Begin at the Beginning—End Where People Want to Go

Specialized Programs

Instructional Strategies Ignite a Love of Reading: The C.I.A. Approach – Collect, Interpret, Apply

iPads as Part of the Universal Design for Learning Toolkit

(also available Session 1)

Comprehension Toolkit for Grades 3-5 (continuation of session 2)

(Part 3 of 3 sessions)


Achieving Academic Rigor through Meaningful Creativity (PK-5)

3223 Instructional Strategies

4130 Music

4110 Choir


(continuation of session 2)

PBIS Behavior/ Social

(also available Session 1)


(also available Session 6)

Instructional Strategies

Common Core

(continuation of Session 2)

(also available Session 1 or 2)

CEL 5-D & TPEP Process

Literacy Development for Early Readers: Closing the Vocabulary Gap (PK-2)

Moving Ahead: Common Core and National Coalition for Core Arts Standards


Specialized Programs

Instructional Strategies

Research Standards in the Common Core and Smarter Balanced: A Synthesis of Learning


Collaboration and Engagement Strategies

Special Education

Instructional Strategies Mindsets and Motivation

Improving Adolescent Literacy Using Effective Instructional Practices


Instructional Strategies


Early Learning


TPEP Instructional Framework


Instructional Strategies


Animoto: Create Videos! Fast, Free, and Shockingly Easy!

Tuesday, August 19 Room 1030

RSD Librarians: 21st Century Library and the CCSS (Double Session 2 & 3)

Room 1228

Presenter: Mrs. Tania Guaman, Secondary Spanish, Richland School District Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Instructional Strategies

Presenter: Mrs. Benita Brown, Librarian; Ms. Dawn Hansen, Librarian, Richland SD Audience: Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Common Core

Come learn new ways to engage students and provide positive opportunities to collaborate with one another through the use of music, movement and guided collaboration techniques!

RSD elementary librarians are invited to collaborate on solving issues related to cataloging library materials to maximize patron access, and identifying resources that support the Richland School District's ELA performance tasks.

Room 1234 Room 1220

Presenters: Mrs. Jennifer Appel & Mrs. Kim Hobbick, Teachers, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Middle School Strand: Common Core

Room 1222

This session will involve an overview of TPEP and CEL 5-D for teachers newly transitioning in 2014-15.

Room 1237

Session will be an interactive discussion with strategies and activities on the following: - How oral language, vocabulary, and knowledge play a role in literacy development for early readers - Discuss research-based strategies to build oral language skills and encourage word play. - Plan vocabulary instruction and learning experiences that deepen and broaden knowledge to support comprehension.

Presenter: Mrs. Shyla DeJong, K-3 Special Education Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Special Education

Room 1226

Moving Ahead: Common Core and National Coalition for Core Arts Standards Presenter: Dr. Yichien Cooper, Adjunct Professor, Washington State University, Tri-Cities Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Common Core Based on RSD's experience in visual arts power standards, this presentation will: (1) introduce the National Coalition for Core Arts Standards (NCCAS) (2) compare and contrast the Washington State Arts Standard, RSD power standards, and NCCAS, and (3) discuss possible implications of NCCAS and how do we prepare for changes ahead. The presentation will include opportunities for curriculum design.

Literacy Development for Early Readers: Closing the Vocabulary Gap (PK-2) Presenter: Mrs. Cathy Yount, Early Childhood Director, Scholastic, Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (PK-2) Strand: Early Learning

Collaboration for Successful Inclusion

This class is geared to help both general and special education teachers work collaboratively to make the inclusion of special education students successful.

CEL 5-D & TPEP Process (Double Session 2 & 3) Presenter: Mr. Tony Howard, Executive Director of Human Resources, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; School Administrators Target Level: All Grade levels Strand: TPEP Instructional Framework

CCSS in the Middle School ELA classroom

CCSS in the Middle School ELA classroom will explain how to transition from the MSP testing format to the SBAC format and what that should look like in your daily classroom. We will discuss how to transition from the reading stems currently used on the MSP test to the new Common Core stems. We will also discuss how to teach a performance task in your classroom to help prepare your students for the SBAC test.

Collaboration and Engagement Strategies

Room 1238

Achieving Academic Rigor through Meaningful Creativity (PK-5) Presenter: Mr. Ben Jones, Assistant Director for Program Support, Destination Imagination Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Preschool; Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elemen tary (3-5); Strand: Instructional Strategies In this workshop session, teachers will have the opportunity to explore the demands of teaching a rigorous curriculum while maintaining a fun and engaging classroom. Workshop participants will learn how to develop short-term projects and cooperative learning activities that help create meaningful learning opportunities for students. The focus is on developing interpersonal skills while exploring content.

Surviving the Wave of New Initiatives in Preparation for the Rigor of the Common Core—15


Concurrent Session Three Room 1240

Mindsets and Motivation

Room 3107

Presenter: Ms. Emily Diehl, Curriculum and Professional Learning Specialist, Mindset Works Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Instructional Strategies In this session, participants will learn how teaching a growth mindset can cultivate student agency, motivation, and persistence in a school setting, especially among struggling students. They will learn strategies for introducing students to growth mindset thinking, creating a growth mindset classroom and school culture, and supporting students in self-monitoring and developing their abilities, and will explore how to build learning communities with colleagues to deepen their growth mindset practice. Participants will leave with additional resources and tools (readings, videos, and graphic organizers) to extend the work.


Presenter: Dr. Jann Leppien, Margo Long Endowed Chair, Center for Gifted Education, Whitworth University Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration Strand: Special Programs There is no shortage of knowledge about what high quality curriculum and instruction should look like for advanced learners. Given the cognitive capacity of students who are highly able, it is likely that they will, at least some times and in some contexts, require curriculum and instruction that is more challenging than we would expect for less advanced students, at least if we expect them to continue to grow. This session will address some of the principles of high quality curricular and instructional design that align to the CCSS that should be considered as we work to maximize the capacities of these learners to know abundantly, think deeply, and understand broadly in areas of strength, interest, and promise.

Room 1241 Improving Adolescent Literacy Using Effective Instructional Practices (Continuation of Session 2) Presenter: Mrs. Karen Burke, Scholastic, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Common Core Literacy involves a continuum of learning, enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in society. During these sessions both cognitive and conative strategies will be discussed. Participants will engage in practical strategies and techniques to enhance classroom instruction.

Room 1244

Room 3202

Room 3102/04 IPads as Part of the Universal Design for Learning Toolkit Presenter: Mrs. Alexandra Dunn, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leader; School Administrator; Professional Developers; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Special Education BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) or share with neighbors as class profiling and goal selection act as catalysts for exploring how apps, accessibility features and the integration of the iPad with external devices (switches, interactive whiteboards) can provide multiple means of representation, expression and engagement for ALL. An update on our research-iPads for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder will be shared.

16 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Khan Academy Presenters: Mr. Steven Klug, Math Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instructional Strategies 1. Become familiar with the layout of www.khanacademy.org 2. Understand the various ways khanacademy can be useful. 2a. Training videos 2b. Sample questions 2c. Forums 3. Know the limits of Khanacademy (limited subject matter) 4. Practical uses for current teaching practices, such as watch videos at home and have a class discussion. Primarily middle and high school based, with some k-5 tools.

Research Standards in the Common Core and Smarter Balanced: A Synthesis of Learning Presenter: Molly Berger, Instructional Improvement Coordinator, Educational Service District 105 Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School; High School Strand: Common Core Common Core and Smarter Balanced emphasize research, which truly is a synthesis of students’ disciplinary and literacy learning. What are the research expectations at each grade level and in disciplines? How will these be assessed? How do we effectively teach research? How does current work align? How do we help students with the rigor of research? Participants will discuss these questions and review resources. Strategies for scaffolding research skills will be presented.

What Makes Quality Curriculum for Advanced Learners and What Does This Have to do with CCSS?

Room 3206

Second Step Bullying Curriculum (Triple Session 1, 2 & 3) Presenter: Mrs. Breane Kays, School Counselor, Richland SD Audience: Counselors/Therapists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: PBIS Behavior/Social Counselors will complete the training modules on the Bullying Curriculum, then will decide how the curriculum will be implemented district-wide.

Room 3223

Animoto: Create Videos! Fast, Free and Shockingly Easy! Presenter: Mr. Randy Fairfield, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Instructional Strategies Animoto is a user-friendly website that allows users to take text, music, images, and video clips and combine them into a striking presentation. Attendees of this session will be able to create their own presentations will also be able to teach their students how to create presentations. Practical applications for Animoto include introducing a unit, vocabulary instruction, promoting higher-order thinking, and more!

Tuesday, August 19 Room 4110 Choir Room

Ignite a Love of Reading: The C.I.A Approach— Collect, Interpret, Apply


Computer Lab

Presenter: Mrs. Sarah Collinge, President, Read Side by Side Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Instructional Strategies Envision an intermediate classroom where students are confident readers who have a wide interest in books due to common experiences in meaningful texts. Join author, Sarah Collinge, as she shares her innovative approach for reading, Collect—Interpret— Apply. Proven to motivate all students to achieve Common Core demands!

Room 4130 Music Room

Begin at the Beginning—End Where People Want to Go Presenter: Dr. Jerry Weast, Founder and CEO, Partnership for Deliberate Excellence, LLC Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration Strand: Common Core Keeping in mind that higher instructional bar – for most states, the Common Core State Standards – these sessions will provide a framework for you to assess your school or district’s “current state” and what it will take to Bend the Trend. What are the correlates that will define progress? How will you organize to attain them? How will you communicate as a professional learning community—within your building and within your district? What will success look like – and what will it feel like?!

Room 504

The Art of Musical Conducting


Presenter: Mr. Larry Gookin, Professor of Music, Central Washington University Audience: Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Common Core

ALEKS—New Features of ALEKS for Teachers Presenter: Ms. Emily DiGiovanna, ALEKS Implementation Specialist, ALEKS Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Middle School; High School; Administration Strand: Common Core

Teachers will learn how to navigate the new ALEKS interface, utilize new features in the classroom and maximize students experience in the software. Teachers who are currently using ALEKS may find this overview of the new features useful as they start the school year. This session is focused towards current users.


Comprehension Toolkit for Grades 3-5

Presenter: Mrs. Kristina Tucker, Teacher Trainer, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Instructional Strategies Teachers will engage in activities around the materials and lessons in the Grades 3-5 elementary supplementary curriculum. Teachers should bring their Toolkit with them to this training. Please notify Teaching and Learning if you have not received these materials.

Institute Evaluation The institute evaluation is important to our future conference planning! After the conference, you will receive an email message with a link to an evaluation tool.

We will explore the difference between basic conducting technique and expressive conducting. As music educators we often become obsessed with preparing ensembles for technical perfection and miss the expressive intent of a composition. Our focus becomes technically oriented, and our conducting gestures reflect that focus. Our most successful professional conductors intuitively use expressive conducting gestures, and as music educators we should emulate their technique. The answer to the correct conducting gesture can be found in the score.


Comprehension Toolkit for Grades K-2 (Double Session 2 & 3) Presenter: Mrs. Nicki Blake, Executive Director of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2) Strand: Instructional Strategies Teachers will engage in activities around the materials and lessons in the Grades K-2 elementary supplementary curriculum. Teachers should bring their Toolkit with them to this training. Please notify Teaching and Learning if you have not received these materials.

Surviving the Wave of New Initiatives in Preparation for the Rigor of the Common Core—17


Wednesday Keynote Presentation

Mr. Myron Dueck, Author/Administrator/Educator, School District 67 in British Columbia, Canada

The Value of a Target – How One Educator Embraced Learning Targets in His Classroom Common Core (CCSS) has arrived and with it a lot of learning targets. In this fast-paced and engaging keynote, Myron Dueck will discuss the value of targets in general, while focusing on the important role that targets play in student learning. A short and somewhat humorous history of the origins of CCSS will be provided so that audience members will have a better understanding of ‘how did we get here?’ During the bulk of the presentation, Myron will layout how he incorporated CCSSstyle learning outcomes from British Columbia into the day-to-day routines of his own classroom. Student responses to learning targets will be presented as well as a selection of projects that resulted from them. Accurate data around the extent to which students have understood the targets is achievable through target-based assessments and Myron will highlight his experiences in obtaining specific results that guide better instruction. The big idea in this presentation is that common targets do NOT equal common teaching, but rather assessments that link to common targets can certainly equate to better instruction. About Myron Dueck Myron Dueck is a vice-principal and teacher in School District 67 in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada. He has previously taught in Manitoba and the South Island of New Zealand. Over the past 16 years of teaching, Myron has experience in a variety of subjects ranging from grades 3 to 12. Beginning in 2006, Myron has developed a number of assessment and grading systems with his senior classes in which students have greater opportunity to show what they know and adapt to the feedback they receive. As an administrative leader in Penticton, Myron has been a part of district work groups and school assessment committees that have further broadened his access to innovative steps taken by others. Unique to the area of assessment and grading, Myron continues to work and teach in a public school district. Combining his past and present experiences with actual students, Myron introduces issues such as poverty, pressure, parents and other elements to consider when developing school norms and policies around assessment. Above all, relationships are a central focus of the presentations and conversations facilitated by Myron Dueck Assessment Consulting. Myron has presented his student-friendly assessment procedures to fellow educators in British Columbia, California, Idaho, Kentucky, Nevada, Oregon, Texas, Washington, and Greece. Recently, Mr. Dueck presented in both Los Angeles and Chicago at the ASCD Annual Conference and has twice been published in Educational Leadership magazine. Myron Dueck’s recently-published book, Grading Smarter, Not Harder: Assessment Strategies That Motivate Kids and Help Them Learn is now available through ASCD and at this Institute through Hidden Spring Booksellers.

18 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Concurrent Session Four At-A-Glance 7:30-8:00 a.m. Check In - Coffee and Spudnuts 8:00-8:45 a.m. – Team Time 9:00-10:10 a.m. – Auditorium General Session with Keynote Speaker: Mr. Myron Dueck The Value of a Target – How One Educator Embraced Learning Targets in His Classroom 10:20-11:30 a.m. – Session 4 Breakouts 1224

Wheel of Awareness: Student-Centered Curriculum and Assessment

(also available Session 1)

Instructional Strategies

Special Education

(for Marcus Elementary staff only)

(also available Session 1)


Carmichael 502 Choir


Instructional Strategies

Specialized Programs

Introduction to Edmodo

K-5 Music Composing

Lucy Calkins Units of Study (K-2) (also available Session 1)


Using Encyclopedia Britannica and Image Quest in the Classroom

ECOM Advanced

Evaluations: Administrative and Teacher Time Saving Tips and Tricks

(also available Session 1)


Questions, Answers, Conversation and Next Steps - A Keynote Follow-Up with Myron Dueck

Cafeteria Instructional Strategies

(also available Session 1)


Delivering Tough Messages--A Message You Don't Want to Give and/or A Message Another Individual Does Not Want to Receive


SMART Boards in Your Universal Design for Learning Toolkit

Instructional Strategies

Singapore Advanced “Make and Take” Session


TPEP Instructional Framework

Special Education Sensory Accommodations for the Classroom


(also available Session 5)

Special Education


Achieving Academic Rigor through Meaningful Creativity (Gr 6-12)

Common Core


Flip Your Classroom with Digital Resources

Special Education Basics for the General Educator

Behavior/ Social


1238 Instructional Strategies

Socratic Seminars: Meaningful Dialogue Using Complex Texts

1237 Special Education

(also available Session 5 or 6)

1232 Instructional Strategies

Using Student Data with Intention

1226 Instructional Strategies

Instructional Strategies

Instructional Strategies What You Need to Know to Teach the KNOW Curriculum

1221 CC

Instructional Strategies


Lucy Calkins Units of Study (Gr 3-5) (also available Session 1)

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Lunch Break

Surviving the Wave of New Initiatives in Preparation for the Rigor of the Common Core—19

Concurrent Session Four Room 1220

What You Need to Know to Teach the KNOW Curriculum

Room 1232

Presenter: Ms. Heather Hill, Public Health Nurse, Benton Franklin Health District Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instructional Strategies

Presenter: Mr. Dana Magenau, AE, SAFARI Montage Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators -District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instructional Strategies

The HIV epidemic has been ongoing for over 30 years, yet this can be an uncomfortable topic to teach in the classroom. During this session you will receive the most up to date information regarding history of the infection, transmission (how you catch it and how you don’t!), demographics of the epidemic and the latest treatment options for those infected. The knowledge you will gain will give you the confidence to answer questions your students may have.

Learn how to flip instructional time and increase real hands-on learning by flipping the classroom. This session uses SAFARI Montage to create lessons that can be easily flipped so you can maximize instructional time during the day.

Room 1237

Presenters: Mr. Nick Bright and Mr. Colin Hardman, Whizz Education, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Instructional Strategies Reporting tools empower educators to make informed educational decisions that impact the learning outcomes for students. Math-Whizz records student progress every step of the way. Teachers see the skills each student masters, how long it took them to master the skills and how many times the Tutor intervened. Robust reports are available at the student, classroom, school and district levels. Learn how Math-Whizz reports can help guide your instruction.

Room 1224

This course is designed for the general education teacher to enhance their knowledge of special education. In this session an overview of roles and responsibilities of General and Special Education Teachers will be provided. Participants will develop an understanding of disabilities and the impact these disabilities may have on a student's education.

Room 1238

Socratic Seminars: Meaningful Dialogue Using Complex Texts

In this workshop session, teachers will have the opportunity to explore the demands of teaching a rigorous curriculum while maintaining a fun and engaging classroom. Workshop participants will learn how to develop short and long-term projects and cooperative learning activities that help create meaningful learning opportunities for students. The focus is on developing activities which require students to explore new content and apply their learning to various situations.

Learn to lead effective classroom discussions that engage all students. Develop stimulating opening questions, facilitate dialogue and develop students' speaking and listening skills while evaluating complex text. Classroom conversations will never be the same.

Wheel of Awareness: Student-Centered Curriculum and Assessment Presenter: Dr. Yichien Cooper, Adjunct Professor, Washington State University, Tri-Cities Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instructional Strategies Inspired by The Whole-Brain Child (Siegel & Bryson, 2011), the presenter developed the Wheel of Awareness as a tool to foster a student-centered curriculum design approach by pinpointing effective strategies and meaningful assessments to connect to the students’ learning process. This presentation will invite participants to develop their own wheel of awareness for instructional purposes through hands-on art-making experience.

20 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Achieving Academic Rigor through Meaningful Creativity (Gr. 6-12) Presenters: Mr. Ben Jones, Assistant Director for Program Support; Mr. Andrew Whitmire, Assistant DI Program Director, Destination Imagination Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Instructional Strategies

Presenter: Mrs. Jacklyn Cable, English Teacher; Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders Target Level: Middle School; high School Strand: Instructional Strategies

Room 1226

Special Education Basics for the General Educator Presenter: Ms. Amy DesChane, Life Skills Teacher; Ms. Brittany Poff, Structured Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Special Education

Room 1221 CC Using Student Data with Intention


Flip Your Classroom with Digital Resources

Room 1242

Sensory Accommodations for the Classroom Presenter: Ms. Jacqueline Rohman, OTR/L, Occupational Therapist, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/Therapists; ParaProfessionals Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Special Education Course Objectives: - Review basic nervous system as it relates to attention and arousal - Define sensory processing and integration - Gain knowledge of registration, modulation and arousal - Learn how to incorporate sensory strategies throughout the day - Learn how to identify ways to set up the classroom environment for optimal attention and learning

Wednesday, August 20 Room 3101

Explore the databases Encyclopedia Britannica and Image Quest along with librarian Michelle Lane, and a Britannica representative in a webinar. My Britannica provides teachers with a quick and easy way to collect materials including encyclopedia articles, images, and videos. Whether you are planning a lesson or just need quick access to important information, you have universal access – login from school, home, or the library.

Singapore Advanced ‘Make and Take’ Session (for Marcus Staff only) Presenter: Mrs. Bobbi Buttars, Principal; and Jefferson Teachers Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Instructional Strategies Singaporean teachers make math purposeful, interesting, and relevant. We'll begin by exploring what Singapore Math is and how it has become such a powerful and highly regarded tools in the classroom. Then we'll talk about how number sense and place value instruction are the basis for all Singapore Math.

Room 3207

Presenters: Mrs. Renae Yecha, Special Education Teacher; Mrs. Stephanie Hawley, Speech Language Pathologist, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Counselors/Therapists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Special Education

Room 3102/04 SMART Boards in Your Universal Design for Learning Toolkit Presenter: Mrs. Alexandra Dunn, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Professional Developers; Counselors/Therapists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Special Education

We will informally present on the use of ECOM's more advanced features (We will not address IEP development and this presentation is based around how to use the program itself). "How to" topics to be covered: duplicate forms & batches, make a template, print a whole batch, format text, what forms have drop down menus, insert external documents into a blank document, translate forms into Spanish (and what forms can be translated), among others topics.

Room 3209

Class profiling and goal selection act as the starting point for exploring how SMART Boards, SMART Notebook, SMART Technology’s accessibility profile and the integration of other software (Classroom Suite 4, Boardmaker Plus) and external devices (switches, iPads, voice output devices) can provide multiple means of representation, expression and engagement for ALL in collaborative, inclusive learning environments. Results of the international Smart Inclusion research project will also be shared.

Room 3116

Hear and learn about using a School Data Solution’s Evaluations from an administrator’s point of view. - Attendees will learn how the Evaluations tool can save administrators and teachers hours of time in analyzing student growth and collecting high quality of evidence of growth. - Attendees will gain a variety of time-saving tips and tricks for completing pre/post conferences and for setting student growth goals.

Room 3223

Using Encyclopedia Britannica and Image Quest in the Classroom Presenters: Mrs. Michelle Lane, Library Media Specialist, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Common Core

Introduction to Edmodo Presenter: Mr. Randy Fairfield, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Middle School, High School; Administration Strand: Instructional Strategies

Because you work with people, encountering difficult individuals is inevitable. Sometimes they are known as teachers, administrators, para educators, secretaries and/or parents. They are found in every setting from classrooms to district committees. They hinder productivity and cause undue stress. This presentation has two objectives. They are to 1 )identify the characteristics of difficult people and 2) learn some practical principles and strategies needed to successfully move from negative conflict to productive collaboration.

Room 3201

Evaluations: Administrative and Teacher Time Saving Tips and Tricks Presenter: Tony Allen, Training Manager, School Data Systems Audience: School Administrators Target Level: Administration Strand: TPEP Instructional Framework

Working with Difficult People: Moving from Negative Conflict to Positive Collaboration Presenter: Ms. Carol Johnson, Retired Special Education Director, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: PBIS Behavior/Social

ECOM Advanced

What is Edmodo? Edmodo is an educational website that takes the idea of a social network, refines it, and makes it appropriate for a classroom. Basically, Facebook for school. When used in the right way, Edmodo can be a powerful tool for enhancing student and parent communication, incorporating technology into assignments, and boosting student motivation. Attendees will receive an introduction to Edmodo and will leave confident that they can begin using it in their classroom!

Room 502

K-5 Music Composing


Presenters: Mrs. Carri Rose, Music Teacher, Richland SD; Mrs. Kelly McFadden, Music Teacher, Kennewick SD Audience: Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Strand: Specialized Programs Learn and apply rhythmic and melodic composing strategies for k-5 students.

Surviving the Wave of New Initiatives in Preparation for the Rigor of the Common Core—21


Concurrent Session Four Library

Lucy Calkins Units of Study (K-2) Presenter: Mrs. Nicki Blake, Executive Director of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2) Strand: Instructional Strategies


This session is for K-2 teachers who would like an overview of the Lucy Calkins Writing Units of Study. Participants will engage in activities that will prepare teachers to utilize this supplemental resource in K-2 classrooms. Attendees of this session will receive the “Lucy Calkins Units of Study” for their classroom.

Four Questions to Guide Professional Learning Communities

Questions, Answers, Conversation and Next Steps—A Keynote Follow-Up with Myron Dueck

1. What do we expect students to learn?

Presenter: Mr. Myron Dueck, Author/Administrator/Educator, School District 67 in British Columbia, Canada Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/Therapists Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School; High School; Administration Strand: Assessment


In this follow-up to the keynote address, Myron will take questions and facilitate a conversation on some of the specifics around clear learning targets, focused revision and the link between targets, assessments and bettering instruction.


Lucy Calkins Units of Study (Gr. 3-5) Presenter: Mrs. Kristina Tucker, Teacher Trainer, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Instructional Strategies This session is for teachers (grades 3-5) who would like an overview of the Lucy Calkins Writing Units of Study. Participants will engage in activities that will prepare teachers to utilize this supplemental resource in 3-5 classrooms. Attendees of this session will receive the “Lucy Calkins Units of Study” for their classroom.

22 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Essential outcomes, power standards, learning targets, pacing

2. How will we know if they learn it? Common assessments, quick checks for understanding, results analysis

3. How do we respond when students experience difficulty in learning? Differentiated instruction, Pyramid of Interventions, and Response to Intervention

4. How do we respond when student do learn? Differentiated instruction and Enrichments

Concurrent Session Five At-A-Glance 12:30-1:40 p.m. – Session 5 Breakouts 1221 CC










Common Core

Instructional Strategies

Instructional Strategies

Common Core

Special Education

(also available Session 2)

(also available Session 2)

4130 Music

Carmichael 502 Choir

Carmichael 504 Band

Instructional Strategies


Specialized Programs

Instructional Strategies

Edmodo 102

Collared Shirts and Canned Food Drives are not in the Standards: How to Align Grading Practices to the Learning Goals



Instructional Strategies



(also available Session 3)

(also available Session 6)

(also available Session 6)

(also available Session 6)

5B Teaching Music Through Movement

5A Sibelius Briefs

Working with Difficult People--Moving from Negative Conflict to Positive Collaboration (also available Session 2)


Practical Classroom Strategies for Youth with Behavior Disorders (also available Session 6)


PBIS Tools and Strategies for the Elementary Classroom

Cafeteria PBIS Behavior/ Social

(also available Session 2)


Khan Academy

Using Video to Bring Your Lessons to Life!

PBIS Behavior/ Social

Smart Inclusion: I Have ‘Lots of Stuff’ Now What?


PBIS Behavior/ Social

Introduction to Smarter Balanced Assessment Performance Tasks


Homeroom Basics

(also available Session 2)

PBIS Behavior/ Social

What’s New with National Board Certification?

The Many Faces of Anxiety

Solving the Common Core Challenge (PK-5)

User-Defined Uploads for Homeroom Progress Monitoring

(continues into session 6)

Math Tools for Paraeducators

(also available Session 4)

Understanding the IEP for General Education Teachers

SBAC Assessment: Where is the Writing?

STAR Program Overview

1232 Instructional Strategies

(also available Session 4 or 6)

iPads in the Classroom: Tips, Tricks & Time to Try

1228 Instructional Strategies

(also available Session 2)

(continues into session 6)

SBAC On-Line Assessment Math

Wheel of Awareness: StudentCentered Curriculum and Assessment

Special Education

Using Student Data with Intention

Instructional Strategies

Focused Note Taking with AVID Cornell Notes

Common Core

Instructional Strategies

Instructional Strategies

RSD Elementary Librarians: 21st Century Libraries and the CCSS

Special Education


Common Core


Early Learning


Common Core


A Teacher’s Guide to Instant Discipline Success and Higher Student Academic Achievement

Surviving the Wave of New Initiatives in Preparation for the Rigor of the Common Core—23

Concurrent Session Five Room 1030

Room 1220

RSD Librarians: 21st Century Library and the CCSS (Double Session 5 & 6)

Room 1224

Presenter: Mrs. Benita Brown, Librarian; Ms. Dawn Hansen, Librarian, Richland SD Audience: Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Common Core

Presenter: Mrs. Michelle Fickle, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Preschool; Early Elementary (K-2) Strand: Early Learning

RSD elementary librarians are invited to collaborate on solving issues related to cataloging library materials to maximize patron access, and identifying resources that support the Richland School District's ELA performance tasks.

Do you have an iPad (or more than one iPad) in your classroom? They can be great tools but getting them up and running and choosing the right apps for your students can be a daunting task! During this presentation, two RSD teachers will share with you how we successfully set up and integrated iPads in our Prek/Kindergarten classrooms. We will also share and demonstrate some of the most appropriate apps for supporting learning under the CCSS. Participants will have the opportunity to download and explore apps on your own iPads (so be sure to bring one with you, if you have one). There are three objectives for this session. Participants are guaranteed to walk away from this session with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to integrate technology in the early learning classroom.

Focused Note Taking with AVID Cornell Notes Presenters: Mr. Randall Spaur, Teacher; Mr. Jesse Flajole, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instructional Strategies In this session you will learn how to use Cornell Notes as an instructional strategy for students of all grade levels and academic abilities. The focus of the lesson will be on increasing student retention of knowledge through a systematic process of note taking and then process the notes numerous times. The hope of this session is for all attendees to learn how to use Cornell Notes effectively in their classroom and school.

Room 1226

Inspired by The Whole-Brain Child (Siegel & Bryson, 2011), the presenter developed the Wheel of Awareness as a tool to foster a student-centered curriculum design approach by pinpointing effective strategies and meaningful assessments to connect to the students’ learning process. This presentation will invite participants to develop their own wheel of awareness for instructional purposes through hands-on art-making experience.

Presenters: Mr. Nick Bright and Mr. Colin Hardman, Whizz Education, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Instructional Strategies Reporting tools empower educators to make informed educational decisions that impact the learning outcomes for students. MathWhizz records student progress every step of the way. Teachers see the skills each student masters, how long it took them to master the skills and how many times the Tutor intervened. Robust reports are available at the student, classroom, school and district levels. Learn how Math-Whizz reports can help guide your instruction.

Room 1222

Room 1227

In this hands-on session, participants will examine the SBAC Math on-line assessment and scoring rubric and will learn about the different question types. Participants will identify implications for instruction and discuss how everyday classroom activities can help prepare students for the these question types.

24 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

STAR Program Overview (Double Session 5 & 6) Presenter: Mrs. Amy Clements, Speech Language Pathologist, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; School Administrators; DistrictLevel Administrators; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Related Services Strand: Special Education This is a facilitated review of the Level 1 DVD Series for Strategies for Teaching based on Autism Research (STAR).

SBAC On-Line Assessment Math Presenter: Mrs. Erika Doyle, Curriculum Coordinator, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators Target Level: All Grade Levels; Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Common Core

Wheel of Awareness: Student-Centered Curriculum and Assessment Presenter: Dr. Yichien Cooper, Adjunct Professor, Washington State University, Tri-Cities Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instructional Strategies

Room 1221 CC Using Student Data with Intention


IPads in the Classroom: Tips, Tricks and Time to Try

Room 1228

Math Tools for Paraeducators Presenter: Mrs. Elizabeth Pottle, Life Skills Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Para-Professionals Target Level: Middle School; High School Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Instructional Strategies


This presentation will provide paraeducators with information about practical ways to help students learn math concepts by using abstract-representational-concrete methods.

Wednesday, August 20 Room 1232

Use Video to Bring Your Lessons to Life!

Room 1240

Presenter: Mr. Dana Magenau, AS, SAFARI Montage Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators -District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instructional Strategies An engaging session that focuses on effective strategies for using video for instruction. Long gone are the days of "Press Play & Walk Away." It's all about Active Engagement and NOT passive entertainment. Learn best practices for using video to support instruction.

Room 1237

Presenter: Dr. Peter Stewart, Psychologist, Sageview Youth Psychology Audience: Classroom Teachers; School Administrators; DistrictLevel Administrators; Counselors/Therapists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Common Core The most common manifestations of anxiety are presented with applications in the educational setting. Theoretical underpinnings of anxiety are discussed including executive function deficits, as well as appropriate interventions.

Room 1242

Presenter: Ms. Brittany Poff, Structured Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Special Education

Room 1238

Solving the Common Core Challenge (PK-5) Presenters: Mr. Ben Jones, Assistant Director for Program Support; Mr. Andrew Whitmire, Assistant DI Program Director, Destination Imagination Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Preschool; Early Learning (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Common Core Using Destination Imagination's approach to creativity and critical thinking, participants will learn how to meet the demands for the Common Core Standards approach to cognitive and non-cognitive skills and abilities. Activities will focus on developing cooperative learning and interpersonal skills while exploring new content.

Room 1239

SBAC Assessment: Where is the Writing?

What’s New with National Board Certification? Presenter: Mrs. Karen Bryan, National Board Facilitator, 5th Grade Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instructional Strategies

Understanding the IEP for General Education Teachers

This training is designed for the general educator to advance their understanding of the IEP process, IEP forms, accommodations and modifications, and their vital role in IEP development. Participants will learn to locate pertinent information in an IEP to better inform their instruction of students with disabilities. Participants will learn the importance of input by the general education teacher to create effective IEPs. Participants will engage in activities to better understand appropriate accommodations and modifications to increase student success.

The Many Faces of Anxiety

Come and find out about National Board Certification! Questions like, Am I eligible, what are the benefits, what is the level of commitment? National Board Certification is an advanced teaching credential. It complements, but does not replace, a state’s teacher license. National Board Certified Teachers are highly accomplished educators who meet high and rigorous standards. National Boards may be a good fit to achieve proficient or distinguished levels on new teacher evaluation. National Boards has gone through a complete overall, so there are many changes including costs, time commitment, and flexibility. We’d love to see you and share all the good news about National Board certification.

Room 1244

Introduction to Smarter Balanced Assessment Performance Tasks Presenters: Mr. Erich Bolz, Assistant Superintendent, Response to Intervention and Special Programs Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders: School Administrators; District Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Common Core Participants will become familiar with the differences between the current state assessment and the SBAC performance tasks and have structured discussion around the implications for students and shifts in the instructional process.

Room 3102/04 Smart Inclusion: I Have ’Lots of Stuff’ - Now What?

Presenter: Mrs. Nicki Blake, Executive Director of Teaching, Learning and Curriculum, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Upper Elementary; Middle School; High School; Administration Strand: Common Core

Presenter: Mrs. Alexandra Dunn, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrator; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/Therapists Target Level: Preschool; Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Special Education

Participants will engage in activities that will familiarize them with how writing is assessed on the Smarter Balanced Assessment. Participants will look at full writes, constructed response and short write items. Materials will be available for grades 3-8, and 11.

Become a student in a Smart Inclusion classroom and experience how using a range of technology tools (iPads, SMART Boards, Nintendo DSi) with manipulatives (Lego, Wikki Stix) in student directed learning centers result in positive social, behavioural and academic learning outcomes for ALL students. A “fireworks” of strategies developed by fellow educators will be demonstrated with an opportunity for audience “Inclusioneers” to share their “fireworks” with others.

Surviving the Wave of New Initiatives in Preparation for the Rigor of the Common Core—25


Concurrent Session Five Room 3116

Working with Difficult People: Moving from Negative Conflict to Positive Collaboration

Room 3207

Presenter: Ms. Pauline Hitch, Customer Support, School Data Solutions Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Assessment

Presenters: Ms. Carol Johnson, Retired Special Education Director, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: PBIS Behavior/Social

Learn Homeroom navigation and functionality of key widgets: Student Profile, Student Groups, and Assessments • Gain understanding of Homeroom: where data originates, basic navigation, permission sets. • Use widgets in Student Profile and learn how the data supports instructional practice. • Use filters to create specific student groups to facilitate sub group monitoring throughout the year. • Use the student groups they create to view assessment performance data including: data disaggregation, analyzing strand data, and creating student groups

Because you work with people, encountering difficult individuals is inevitable. Sometimes they are known as teachers, administrators, para educators, secretaries and/or parents. They are found in every setting from classrooms to district committees. They hinder productivity and cause undue stress. This presentation has two objectives. They are to 1)identify the characteristics of difficult people and 2) learn some practical principles and strategies needed to successfully move from negative conflict to productive collaboration.

Room 3118

PBIS Tools and Strategies for the Elementary Classroom Presenter: Mr. Brian Moore, Elementary Principal, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Counselors/Therapists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Administration Strand: PBIS Behavior/Social

Room 3223

Room 3202

1. Become familiar with the layout of www.khanacademy.org 2. Understand the various ways khanacademy can be useful. 2a. Training videos 2b. Sample questions 2c. Forums 3. Know the limits of Khanacademy (limited subject matter) 4. Practical uses for current teaching practices, such as watch videos at home and have a class discussion. Primarily middle and high school based, with some k-5 tools.

Room 3206

After having covered the following topics in Edmodo 101 (Getting Started, Posting Assignments, Facilitating Social Learning, Navigating the Gradebook, Sending Messages, Communicating with Parents), attendees of Edmodo 102 will be able to: Use the Planner/ Calendar, Create Polls, Utilize Badges, and Create Quizzes and Tests.

Khan Academy Presenters: Mr. Steven Klug, Math Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instructional Strategies

User-Defined Uploads for Homeroom Progress Monitoring Presenter: Mrs. Caitlin Craig-Mickel, Customer Support, School Data Solutions Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Assessment Homeroom users will learn to upload classroom and grade-level data into Homeroom’s Assessment Widget to monitor student progress on and between benchmarking assessments. • Attendees will learn tips and tricks to ensure clean and clear data for maximum usability • Attendees will understand the different permissions of each ‘scope’ and when to use each scope • Attendees will learn to create assessments definitions to upload strand and whole score data

26 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Edmodo 102 Presenter: Mr. Randy Fairfield, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators Target Level: Middle School; High School; Administration Strand: Instructional Strategies

This session will provide behavior management systems, tools, tips, and strategies for classroom teachers to use with core students in the general education setting.


Homeroom Basics

Room 4130 Music Room

Collared Shirts and Canned Food Drives are not in the Standards: How to Align Grading Practices to the Learning Goals Presenter: Mr. Myron Dueck, Author/Administrator/Educator, School District 67 in British Columbia, Canada Audience: Classroom Teacher; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School; High School; Administration; Related Services Strand: Assessment Often ‘standards’ are manifested in rigor, responsibility and content and too often grades are a blend of variables not linked to learning outcomes. The quest to enforce diligence and effort may serve to blur the learning indicators. Perhaps ‘standards’ are about establishing learning targets and molding instruction, assessment and grading to determine if the objectives are being met. Myron Dueck will build upon his keynote address around how to align grading practices to standards-based assessment. Topics will include homework strategies and efforts to curb late assignments that uphold assessment data. Attendees will see numerous examples of grading strategies from across the curriculum that support good behaviors and also maintain the legitimacy of assessment data.

Wednesday, August 20 Cafeteria

Room 504

5A—Sibelius Briefs


Presenters: Mr. Jason Rose, Music Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instructional Strategies This will be a set of basics skills in Sibelius, aimed at how you might use the software in your music classroom. Important topics will be score creation, note entry, transpositions, lyrics, and other topics chosen by the participants. Computers with Sibelius will be provided.

Room 502

5B—Teaching Music through Movement


Presenters: Mrs. Kelly McFadden, Music Teacher, Kennewick SD; Mrs. Carri Rose, Music Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Strand: Specialized Programs Come and learn how to teach music concepts through movement.


Practical Classroom Strategies for Youth with Behavior Disorders Presenter: Dr. Gregory Benner, Professor and Executive Director, University of Washington Center for Strong Schools Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: PBIS Behavior/Social

A Teacher’s Guide to Instant Discipline Success and Higher Student Academic Achievement Presenter: Ms. Lynette Hedden, Retired Principal & Time to Teach Associate Trainer, Center for Teacher Effectiveness Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Preschool; Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School; High School Strand: PBIS Behavior/Social It’s TIME TO TEACH! It's time to teach the disrespectful to be respectful, the irresponsible to be responsible and the unmotivated to be motivated. In every classroom in America there is at least one child who makes the teacher think, “If only he/she was not in my class, I could teach so much more effectively!” This session is designed for educators who are looking for answers to this dilemma and who are looking to improve student learning in their classrooms, schools and districts. While attending this session, participants will learn how to: • Increase Student Learning and Test Scores • Increase Time-on-Task • Build Positive School/ Classroom Climate • Capture Students’ Attention • Use Proven Methods/Strategies to Deal with Serious and Challenging Behaviors • Eliminate Ineffective Multiple Warnings and Repeated Requests for Expected Behaviors

Compared to their counterparts with and without disabilities, youth with behavioral disorders (BD) experience the bleakest school and post-school outcomes. About 60% of these youth drop out; three out of four of these youth are arrested within two years of dropping out. The focus of this presentation is to give practical strategies for closing the opportunity gap for the growing population of youth with BD. Practical strategies for understanding these youth, providing high -quality instruction focused on their academic needs, and increasing opportunity to learn will be shared.

What is Response to Intervention (RTI) Rigorous implementation of RTI includes a combination of high quality, culturally and linguistically responsive instruction; assessment; and evidence-based intervention. Comprehensive RTI implementation will contribute to more, meaningful identification of learning and behavioral problems, improve instructional quality, provide all students with the best opportunities to succeed in school, and assist with the identification of learning disabilities and other disabilities. -National Center on Response to Intervention

Surviving the Wave of New Initiatives in Preparation for the Rigor of the Common Core—27


Concurrent Session Six At-A-Glance 1:50-3:00 p.m. – Session 6 Breakouts

Specialized Programs

Using Student Data with Intention

(continuation of session 5)



Edmodo 103


Singapore Math Strategies for the Elementary Classroom

Navigating the World of Ebooks: Classroom Integration

Homeroom Data Extracts for Show Student Growth

4130 Music

Carmichael 504 Band


iPads as Part of the Universal Design for Learning Toolkit (also available Session 3)

Collared Shirts and Canned Food Drives are not in the Standards: How to Align Grading Practices to the Learning Goals (also available Session 5)

28 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute



Instructional Strategies

(also available Session 5)

(also available Session 3)

Basic Orchestra In-Class String Repairs

PBIS Behavior/ Social

Assessment Homeroom Basics


CEL 5-D & TPEP for Specialists

Common Core


(continuation of session 5)

Instructional Strategies


Collaboration and Engagement Strategies

Instructional Strategies

(also available Session 5)

(This session is designed for Jefferson staff but may be applicable to other school populations)


STAR Program Overview




Read Well Refresher

Special Education

English Language Learners

Instructional Strategies The Many Faces of Anxiety

(also available Session 4 or 5)


TPEP Instructional Framework

Instructional Strategies

RSD Elementary Librarians: 21st Century Libraries and the CCSS


Instructional Strategies


Special Education

1221 CC

Common Core


Practical Classroom Strategies for Youth with Behavior Disorders (also available Session 5)

Wednesday, August 20 Room 1030

RSD Librarians: 21st Century Library and the CCSS (Double Session 5 & 6)

Room 1234

Presenter: Mr. Tony Howard, Executive Director of Human Resources, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; School Administrators Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: TPEP Instructional Framework

Presenter: Mrs. Benita Brown, Librarian; Ms. Dawn Hansen, Librarian, Richland SD Audience: Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Common Core RSD elementary librarians are invited to collaborate on solving issues related to cataloging library materials to maximize patron access, and identifying resources that support the Richland School District's ELA performance tasks.

Come and brainstorm and get involved in a discussion about how evidence looks in specialist classrooms

Room 1240

Presenters: Mr. Nick Bright and Mr. Colin Hardman, Whizz Education, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Instructional Strategies

Room 1224

Read Well Refresher Presenter: Mrs. Melissa Tunnell, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Para-Professionals Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2) Strand: Specialized Programs This session will be a refresher for those currently using Read Well K-2. A review of important routines, along with some tips and tricks to help implement the program easily and effectively.

Room 1227

STAR Program Overview (Double Session 5 & 6) Presenter: Mrs. Amy Clements, Speech Language Pathologist, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; School Administrators; DistrictLevel Administrators; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Related Services Strand: Special Education This is a facilitated review of the Level 1 DVD Series for Strategies for Teaching based on Autism Research (STAR).

Room 1228

Collaboration and Engagement Strategies Presenter: Mrs. Tania Guaman, Secondary Spanish, Richland School District Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Instructional Strategies

Come learn new ways to engage students and provide positive opportunities to collaborate with one another through the use of music, movement and guided collaboration techniques!

The Many Faces of Anxiety Presenter: Dr. Peter Stewart, Psychologist, Sageview Youth Psychology Audience: Classroom Teachers; School Administrators; DistrictLevel Administrators; Counselors/Therapists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Common Core

Room 1221 CC Using Student Data with Intention

Reporting tools empower educators to make informed educational decisions that impact the learning outcomes for students. MathWhizz records student progress every step of the way. Teachers see the skills each student masters, how long it took them to master the skills and how many times the Tutor intervened. Robust reports are available at the student, classroom, school and district levels. Learn how Math-Whizz reports can help guide your instruction.

CEL 5-D & TPEP for Specialists

The most common manifestations of anxiety are presented with applications in the educational setting. Theoretical underpinnings of anxiety are discussed including executive function deficits, as well as appropriate interventions.

Room 3101

ELL/Poverty (This session is designed for Jefferson staff, but may be applicable to other school populations) Presenter: Mrs. Bobbi Buttars, Principal, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: English Language Learners Come explore these important questions: • Who are our ELLs? (What languages do they speak, what are their assessed levels etc.)? • What resources to we have at our disposal to integrate them into our school environment particularly if they are newcomers to our environment? • Do we have a list of our kids who are not ELL eligible but are native speakers of languages other than English? • Have we considered paring ELLs with like language speakers when assigning classrooms… glad trained teachers? • Have we employed a standard treatment of services based upon where the particular child falls on the typology? • How do we generally induct new kids to our school (orientation videos, lunch buddies etc.)

Room 3102/04 IPads as Part of the Universal Design for Learning Toolkit Presenter: Mrs. Alexandra Dunn, Speech Language Pathologist, Upper Canada District School Board Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leader; School Administrator; Professional Developers; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Special Education BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) or share with neighbors as class profiling and goal selection act as catalysts for exploring how apps, accessibility features and the integration of the iPad with external devices (switches, interactive whiteboards) can provide multiple means of representation, expression and engagement for ALL. An update on our research-iPads for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder will be shared.

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Concurrent Session Six Room 3118

Singapore Math Strategies for the Elementary Classroom

Room 3223

Presenter: Mr. Randy Fairfield, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators Target Level: Middle School; High School; Administration Strand: Instructional Strategies Attendees of Edmodo 103 will learn about how to unlock the powerful collaborative features of Edmodo and make use of Edmodo apps— including Snapshot, which allows teachers to get real-time feedback on classroom and individual student performance related to the Common Core. At the end of the session there will be a Q&A where attendees can ask questions and learn about tips and tricks that will improve their Edmodo experience.

Presenter: Mr. Brian Moore, Elementary Principal, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Professional Developers Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Administration Strand: Instructional Strategies This session will provide an overview of the Singapore Math Philosophy. It will also help elementary classroom teachers raise the level of engagement and application within their math instruction each day.

Room 3201

Navigating the World of EBooks: Classroom Integration Presenter: Mrs. Michelle Lane, Library Media Specialist, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Common Core

Room 4130 Music Room

Homeroom Data Extracts to Show Student Growth Presenter: Mrs. Caitlin Craig-Mickel, Customer Support, and Brenda Marler, Data Coach, School Data Solutions Audience: Classroom Teacher; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Assessment


Discover the best Data Extracts to demonstrate evidence of student growth, facilitate data analysis conversations, identify trends and compare progress of whole group or subgroups. • Attendees will learn the capabilities of Longitudinal Cohort, Student Group List, Cohort to District Comparison, and other data extracts. • Attendees will learn multiple ways to combine assessment and student group data and interpret the resulting data ex tract displays.

Room 3207

Room 504

Basic Orchestra In-Class String Repairs


Presenters: Ms. Sarah Berglund, Orchestra Teacher Richland SD Audience: Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instructional Strategies A session to help all violin, viola cello, and bass teachers care for and provide simple fixes for their instruments and bows. With education and guidance, any player can learn: what is necessary to get a stringed instrument into top condition for optimum sound and tone. A how to treat an instrument to ensure that it will provide a lifetime of quality playing and musical enjoyment.


Practical Classroom Strategies for Youth with Behavior Disorders

Homeroom Basics Presenter: Ms. Pauline Hitch, Customer Support, School Data Solutions Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Assessment • Learn Homeroom navigation and functionality of key widgets: Student Profile, Student Groups, and Assessments • Gain understanding of Homeroom: where data originates, basic navigation, permission sets. • Use widgets in Student Profile and learn how the data supports instructional practice. • Use filters to create specific student groups to facilitate subgroup monitoring throughout the year. • Use the student groups they create to view assessment performance data including: data disaggregation, analyzing strand data, and creating student groups

30 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Collared Shirts & Canned Food Drives are not in the Standards: Aligning Grading Practices to Learning Goals Presenter: Mr. Myron Dueck, Author/Administrator/Educator, School District 67 in British Columbia, Canada Audience: Classroom Teacher; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School; High School; Administration; Related Services Strand: Assessment Often ‘standards’ are manifested in rigor, responsibility and content and too often grades are a blend of variables not linked to learning outcomes. The quest to enforce diligence and effort may serve to blur the learning indicators. Perhaps ‘standards’ are about establishing learning targets and molding instruction, assessment and grading to determine if the objectives are being met. Myron Dueck will build upon his keynote address around how to align grading practices to standards-based assessment. Topics will include homework strategies and efforts to curb late assignments that uphold assessment data. Attendees will see numerous examples of grading strategies from across the curriculum that support good behaviors and also maintain the legitimacy of assessment data.

Looking for supplementary digital reading resources to add to your curriculum? The RSD librarians are preparing for the digital classroom by offering common core, multi-user, non-fiction, ebook resources, as well as, a growing single user, fiction, ebook collection. Access and explore our ebooks and gather materials that will help your students locate them. Please bring your personal device. If you have an iPad, download the free app Follett Enlight.

Room 3206

Edmodo 103

Presenter: Dr. Gregory Benner, Professor and Executive Director, University of Washington Center for Strong Schools Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Counselors/Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: PBIS Behavior/Social Compared to their counterparts with and without disabilities, youth with behavioral disorders (BD) experience the bleakest school and post-school outcomes. About 60% of these youth drop out; three out of four of these youth are arrested within two years of dropping out. The focus of this presentation is to give practical strategies for closing the opportunity gap for the growing population of youth with BD. Practical strategies for understanding these youth, providing high -quality instruction focused on their academic needs, and increasing opportunity to learn will be shared.

General Institute Information

Books for Sale Hidden Spring Book Company, located in the main entrance hallway, features a wide selection, including books recommended by our conference presenters.

Coffee, Pastries and Lunch Service for Participants Coffee, Spudnuts, and lunch will be provided each day by Country Gentlemen and will be served in the breezeway outside of the cafeteria. Spudnuts and beverages will be served between 7:30-8:00 each morning; lunch is 11:30-12:30. Be sure to enjoy the Coffee Station set up in the breezeway each morning. Thank you to Maggie Winters for coordinating the food service!

Checking in at Registration Table Richland School District staff members do not need to check in; however; all non-Richland School District attendees will need to check in at the registration table Tuesday morning.

City of Richland Hotel Funds Grant Many thanks to the City of Richland for their support of this institute.

Clock Hours Seven (7) clock hours are available for each day of the institute. The clock hour fee is included with your registration. Clock hour forms will be available at the registration table each afternoon. Please be sure to sign the clock hour rosters after lunch each day.

Exhibitors and Sponsors Exhibitors will be available in the main entrance hallway from 7:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. on Tuesday and from 7:30 a.m. to noon on Wednesday. Please acknowledge the following vendors for their support of the institute. Grand Canyon University Heritage University Hidden Spring Book Company Read Side by Side Publications Scholastic, Inc. School Employees Credit Union of Washington Washington State University

Hospitality Room for Out-of-District Presenters Out-of-district presenters can relax and take a break in the Hospitality Room (Room #1114) anytime from 7:00 – 3:30 each day. Spudnuts and lunch service, as well as a coffee/beverage station will be available each day.

Institute Co-Sponsor—Washington State ASCD Washington State Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (WSASCD) is a non-profit association of all educators committed to promoting promising practices to ensure ALL students are safe, healthy, engaged, supported and challenged. Richland School District wishes to thank WSASCD for their co-sponsorship.

Institute Evaluation The institute evaluation is important to our future conference planning! After the conference, you will receive an email message with a link to an evaluation tool.

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Institute Information

Institute Purpose 1. PRESENT information from school and district teams from across Washington State that utilizes concepts and practices relative to Professional Learning Communities and Response to Intervention. Strands relate to Assessment, Common Core, Early Learning, English Language Learners, Instructional Strategies, Behavior/Social, Special Education, Specialized Programs, State/Federal Initiatives, TPEP Instructional Framework 2. INSPIRE institute participants to stay positive as they navigate change by networking with educators from around the state. 3. Provide time to PLAN with your team to begin or continue working together toward the implementation of strategies, programs, models and/or policies that increase student learning.

Institute Program Many thanks to Erich Bolz, Jolene Frisbie, Nicki Blake, Chelle Palmer, and Kathy Clayton for creating the schedule and program for this year’s institute.

Lodging Considerations A block of sleeping rooms has been reserved at the Red Lion Hotel Richland Hanford House (802 George Washington Way) for a special rate of $90.

Materials for Sessions In an effort to go ‘paperless,’ materials for most sessions are available at the WSASCD website at www.wsascd.org under ‘Practitioner’s Best Friend.’ Thank you to our session presenters for making this possible.

Name Badge All Richland School District staff members need to wear their district identification badge. For non-RSD attendees, the institute name badge serves as your entrance to general sessions, morning pastries, lunch, concurrent sessions, and exhibits. Please wear your badge at all times.

Parking Parking is available in lots and on the street all around Richland High School. Parking in the church lot is also allowed. There is a posted ‘no parking’ area on the east side of Thayer Street up to Long Street. Please be thoughtful of residential driveways.

Team Time Space Many thanks to Jolene Frisbie for arranging locations for teams. If you are still interested in a room, please see Jolene at the registration table.

Tri-Cities Visitors & Convention Bureau This is the region's best resource for community information for visitors, those inquiring about the area for relocation or anyone looking for complete information on the Tri-Cities as a destination.

Wireless Internet Complimentary wireless internet access is available. The login and password is posted at various locations throughout the institute.

32 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute


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34 - 5th Annual RTI-PLC Institute


Tuesday, August 19 7:30-8 am

Check In, Coffee & Spudnuts

8-8:45 am

Team Time

9-10:10 am

Opening General Session Keynote: Jerry Weast

10:20-11:30 am

Concurrent Session One

11:30 am-12:30 pm Lunch 12:30-1:40 pm

Concurrent Session Two

1:50-3:00 pm

Concurrent Session Three

Wednesday, August 20 7:30-8 am

Check In, Coffee & Spudnuts

8-8:45 am

Team Time

9-10:10 am

Opening General Session Keynote: Myron Dueck

10:20-11:30 am

Concurrent Session Four

11:30 am-12:30 pm Lunch 12:30-1:40 pm

Concurrent Session Five

1:50-3:00 pm

Concurrent Session Six

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