2013 RTI PLC Institute program

Page 1

Table of Contents

Welcome Message from Dr. Schulte…………….………..2 Keynote Speaker Biographies………………………….....3 Mr. Jim Warford Dr. Kevin Feldman Concurrent Session One At-a-Glance………………….4-5 Concurrent Session One Descriptions………...……….6-9 Concurrent Session Two At-a-Glance……………….10-11 Concurrent Session Two Descriptions……………....12-15 Concurrent Session Three At-a-Glance……………..16-17 Concurrent Session Three Descriptions………….....18-21 Concurrent Session Four At-a-Glance……………....22-23 Concurrent Session Four Descriptions……...………24-27 Concurrent Session Five At-a-Glance……………….28-29 Concurrent Session Five Descriptions……………....30-33 General Institute Information……………………..…..34-35 Institute Schedule……………………………….Back Cover

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—1


Welcome to Richland High School for the Fourth Annual Regional RtI - PLC Institute, "Planting the Seeds for Our Children’s Future," which we are pleased to present in conjunction with our wonderful partner WSASCD. It is great to have all of you here. We have two full days of keynote addresses and breakout sessions which will provide you with valuable training on Response to Intervention (RtI) and Professional Learning Communities (PLC). Jim Warford and Dr. Kevin Feldman will deliver the keynote addresses, establishing the context and importance of these topics. Plus, you have your choice of over 50 breakout sessions led by local, state and national level educators. Why focus on Response to Intervention and Professional Learning Communities while we are transitioning to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and the Teacher Principal Evaluation Project (TPEP)? All four of these strategies, RtI, PLC, Common Core, and TPEP, are mutually supportive and collectively reinforce one another. Together, they emphasize rigor, student growth, and professional collaboration. This Institute provides educators with the best opportunity in the northwest to learn from RtI and PLC experts prior to the start of the school year. We hope you will spread the word about this tremendous learning opportunity and ask your colleagues from around the state and northwest to join us for the Fifth Annual Institute in August of 2014. Sincerely, Superintendent Dr. Rick Schulte Richland School District

2 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Keynote Presenters Jim Warford is a courageous education leader who did not follow a traditional career path. His unique combination of educational, business, and creative experience allows him to translate his vision and passion for school improvement into well executed, systemic changes resulting in dramatic increases in student performance. Jim currently serves as Senior Advisor and Keynote Speaker for the International Center for Leadership in Education, working with states, districts, and schools nationwide. Previous he was Executive Director of the Florida Association of School Administrators for five years, representing over 10,000 school leaders. In early 2003, Jim was appointed as Florida’s first-ever Chancellor for public schools, where he was responsible for the $16 billion public school budget and for focusing every bureau within the Department of Education on the goal of raising student achievement. He created and implemented Florida’s Continuous Improvement Model used by the Assistance Plus program, the largest state intervention in low-performing schools in the nation, which resulted in over 80% of these schools moving off the list of failing schools. As Superintendent of the Marion County Public Schools, Jim implemented the Continuous Improvement Model district-wide. As a result, school grades went from three “F,” eight “D,” and only one “A” school in 1999 to 20 “A,” 16 “B,” and no “F” schools in 2003. Under his leadership the high school dropout rate was cut almost in half, and Marion County had the lowest elementary class size in Florida. Jim taught applied technology courses at the high school level for 17 years and created a Computer Graphics/Television Production program that won national and state awards. He was named Vanguard High School Teacher of the Year three times. Jim holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication and a Master’s degree in Educational Leadership.

Dr. Kevin Feldman is the Emeritus Director of Reading and Intervention with the Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE) and an independent educational consultant working with publishers, schools, and districts across the country. His career in education spans forty-one years. As the Director of Reading and Intervention for SCOE he develops, organizes, and monitors programs related to PreK-12 literacy and the prevention/ remediation of reading difficulties. Dr. Feldman’s primary focus is on improving academic literacy. His major contributions are in the areas of active student engagement, academic vocabulary, comprehension strategies, preventing early reading failure, linking assessment to instruction, developing school -wide literacy support models (e.g. RTI) for elementary, middle, and high schools, and accommodating and accelerating ELL/Special Education and other high risk students. Dr. Feldman serves as lead consultant to a number of RTI/Instructional improvement related projects around the country (e.g. OR, MI, NE) supporting a rigorous effort to improve content area literacy or Tier 1 instruction in grades 4 -12. He also serves as literacy consultant to the CalSTAT Statewide Special Education Reform Project in California, as well as a number of publishers and literacy organizations nationwide. He is a consulting author for various secondary publishers including: Prentice-Hall Middle/High School Language Arts, Social Studies, and Science Programs, and is the co-author of Scholastic’s READ 180 Intervention Program. Dr. Feldman is a frequent seminar leader throughout California and across the country. He has contributed a number of articles to professional journals, and developed several reports for task forces and literacy initiatives. He co-authored the monograph, Narrowing the Language Gap: The Case for Explicit Vocabulary Instruction (2005) with Dr. Kate Kinsella and is co-editing a special issue of Learning Disab ilities Research and Practice (2011) with Dr. Ed Ellis dealing with Content Area Literacy. Dr. Feldman has taught for nineteen years at the university level in Special Education and Masters’ level programs for University of California, Riverside and Sonoma State University. Dr. Feldman earned his undergraduate degree in Psychology from Washington State University, Masters Degree from UC Riverside in Special Education, Learning Disabilities and Instructional Design, and Ed.D. from the University of San Francisco in Curriculum and Instruction. When not working with educators, Dr. Feldman enjoys reading (imagine that!), outdoor adventuring/ travel, music, and trying to keep up with his son Max, and daughter Zoe Rose.

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—3

Concurrent Session One At-A-Glance 7:30-8:00 a.m. Check In - Breakfast 8:00-8:45 a.m. – Team Time for Non-Richland School District attendees 8:00-9:00 a.m.—TPEP & CEL 5-D+ Overview for Richland School District staff only 9:00-10:10 a.m. – Auditorium Welcome and Opening Keynote Speaker: Jim Warford Preparing Today’s Students for The Changing World of the Common Core

10:20-11:30 a.m. – Session 1 Breakouts 1030




1221 C Lab

1222 Literacy Writing Foundational Readin g: Skills and Strategi es Need ed to M eet the CCSS






OER 101: Introduction to Open Educ ation Resources

PURE Teaching VIII (Part 1) (Part 1 & 2 also availabl e Session 4)



General TPEP Q&A

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Lunch Break

4 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Education Preschool to Grade Three: Settin g a Firm Foundation in Academic and Social Skills as a Predictor of a Successful Life

Platooning: Content Teaching in an Element ary Settin g (also avai labl e Session 2 & 3)


3107 Stat e/Fed Initiatives

CCSS Writ ing and Smart er Balanc ed Assessments



Speci al Populations High Needs


Working with Difficult People: Moving from Negativ e Conflict to Productive Collaboration (also avai labl e Session 3 & 4)


Earl y Childhood Parent

Behav ior Social

Music Therapy: An Introduction and Uses in the Classroom (also avai labl e Session 2)




Stat e/Fed Initiatives


Behav ior Social


Serving ELL: Program Models

1238 Instruction


Literacy Writing Raising th e Standards through Chapt er Books: Overvi ew of the CIA Approach (also avai labl e Session 2 & 3)


1226 Behavio r Social

Instruction Learnin g Games for Vocabulary and Skills (also avai labl e Session 2 & 3)



Instruction Navigating Online Resources for Middle and Hi gh School Social Studies (also avail abl e Session 4)


Going Beyond the COSF

TPEP Purpose Dimension

Concurrent Session One At-A-Glance 7:30-8:00 a.m. Check In - Breakfast 8:00-8:45 a.m. – Team Time for Non-Richland School District attendees 8:00-9:00 a.m.—TPEP & CEL 5-D+ Overview for Richland School District staff only 9:00-10:10 a.m. – Auditorium Welcome and Opening Keynote Speaker: Jim Warford Preparing Today’s Students for The Changing World of the Common Core

10:20-11:30 a.m. – Session 1 Breakouts 3109






3201 C Lab

3202 C Lab

3206 C Lab

RTI MATH 180 and SMI: An Equation th at Works! (also avai labl e Session 3)

3207 C Lab







3223 C Lab


Library C Lab


Students as Assessment Partners by Answering th e 4 PLC Questions (also avai labl e Session 2 & 3)

Read Well : Grade 1-2 Refresh er


3218 Assessment


Math Scienc e Math-Whizz: The P erfec t Tool for Math RTI (also avai labl e Session 4)



Small Gym

Portable #2



Special Populations High Needs

Stat e/Fed Initiatives


Online Resources for RSD Teachers and K-2 Students

E-Com for Beginn ers

Project GLAD and the Common Core Stat e St andards and STAR2

Flip Your C lass! (also avai labl e Session 2 & 3)

11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Lunch Break

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—5

Tuesday, August 20 Room 1030


Navigating Online Resources for Middle and High School Social Studies

Room 1224

Presenter: Ms. Barbara Soots, Open Educational Resources Program Manager, OSPI Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instruction Come learn about the explosion of Open Education Resources (OER) available to K-12 teachers and students. These teaching and learning assets from around the world are free to use, edit, and share. In this introduction, Barbara Soots will highlight how to search for resources. We’ll discuss delivery options, licensing issues, vetting for quality, and Washington’s OER program. Visit http://digitallearning.k12.wa.us/oer/ for more information about the OER project.

Presenter: Mrs. Rebecca Dartnall & Mrs. Pam Knutson, Teacher Librarians, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Instruction Participants will be introduced to and given the time to explore our district provided databases and online resources that will support the Common Core Standards in the teaching of middle and high school social studies classes.

Room 1130

Learning Games for Vocabulary and Skills Presenters: Mrs. Camille Page, Music Teacher; Kiona-Benton City Schools Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Content Area Specialists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Preschool; Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Instruction

OER 101: Introduction to Open Education Resources

Room 1226

Games engage students in learning by providing opportunities to experiment with informal verbal and visual descriptions, explanations or examples of new vocabulary/terms. In this session samples, photos and templates will be offered for educators to customize for various subjects and kids of all ages.

P.U.R.E. Teaching VIII

Presenter: Mr. Ernie Chapin, National Presenter, Bureau of Education & Research, and Positive Powerful Teaching; Mr. Jordan Chaney, Motivational Speaker, Billowing Words Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Counselors/ Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Early All Grade Levels Strand: Behavior/Social This is the 8th installment of P.U.R.E (Powerfully Using Relationships Effectively) Teaching. The presentation will include:

 I.R.T - Intensiv e Relationship Training - 12 specific ways to work on relationships with students and faculty members.

Room 1222

 Highly effectiv e methods for im proving students' attitudes

Foundational Reading: Skills and Strategies Needed to Meet the CCSS Presenter: Dr. Karen Burke, Director of Academic Planning, Scholastic, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Literacy/Writing The Common Core State Standards Initiative has provided College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards in Reading that outline the skills and understandings needed to be successful in both college and career. To assure students can read complex text with a deep understanding, foundational reading must be a priority at both the elementary level for initial instruction, but also at the intermediate and secondary levels to assure the gaps in decoding, sight words, word strategies, and connections to comprehension are met. When foundation reading skills and strategies are intact greater comprehension can occur.

6 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

about school. life, and learning.

 Lessons on motiv ation and specific ways to empower underachiev ers.

 Multi-generational mentoring and using poetry and writing to help underachievers.

Room 1234

Raising the Standards Through Chapter Books: An Overview of the C. I. A. Approach

Presenter: Mrs. Sarah Collinge, Author & Consultant, Read Side by Side Publications Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; School Administrators Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Literacy/Writing In this Session, Sarah Collinge shares her book titled, Raising the Standards through Chapter Books: The C. I. A. Approach. This book outlines how to help readers navigate texts that increase in complexity through a simple framework that involves: collecting critical information, interpreting the text, and applying the text to one's own life. Her strategies are thorough, effective, and authentic to the work of expert readers.

Concurrent Session One Room 1237

Serving English Language Learners—Program Models

Room 1242

Presenter: Dr. Patricia Valdez -Zontek, ESL/Bilingual Department, Dr. Joanie Monroy, Associate Professor, Bilingual/ESL, Heritage University Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School; High School Strand: English Language Learners

Presenter: Mrs. Carol Johnson, Retired Special Education Director, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: Behavior/Social

This presentation will provide an overview of ELL program models, focusing specifically on the question, “What does the research say?” Participants will gain an overview of contemporary ELL methods as well as the tools to begin looking at how to best serve ELL’s within participants’ schools and classrooms.

Room 1238

Because you work with people, encountering difficult individuals is inevitable. Sometimes they are known as teachers, administrators, paraeducators, secretaries and/ or parents. They are found in every setting from classrooms to district committees. They hinder productivity and cause undue stress. This presentation has two objectives. They are to 1) identify the characteristics of difficult people and 2) learn some practical principles and strategies needed to successfully move from negative conflict to productive collaboration.

Platooning: Content Teaching in an Elementary Setting Presenter: Mrs. Kim Doepker, Principal, Walla Walla Public Schools Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Instruction

Room 1243

Participants will dig deeper in the CCSS writing standards, take a look at the Smarter Balanced Assessment scoring rubric and learn more about how writing will be assessed under the new assessment.

Music Therapy: An Introduction and Uses in the Classroom Presenters: Mr. Bill Dluhosh, MT-BC, Board Certified Music Therapist Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders: School Administrators; District Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Behavior/Social This presentation will provide an introduction to music therapy and will focus on how it is being used in school settings. Music therapy isn't about teaching children how to play musical instruments, but rather uses music as a tool to work on other goals and objectives. Because the brain processes music in both hemispheres, it can stimulate cognitive functioning as well as improve speech, language and motor development. Music can also encourage socialization and self-expression.

CCSS Writing and Smarter Balanced Assessments Presenter: Mrs. Kristina Tucker, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School; High School Strand: Instruction

The ability and advantage of teaching in one content area is the premise for Platooning. Teachers have the opportunity to narrow their focus and in a sense become an 'expert' in their field.

Room 1240

Working with Difficult People: Moving from Negative Conflict to Productive Collaboration

Room 3101

General TPEP— Q & A Presenter: Mr. Tony Howard, Executive Director Human Resources, Richland School District; Ms. Jeri Morrow, President, Richland Education Association Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: State/Federal Initiatives This session is a follow up to the RSD all staff presentation. Tony Howard, the Executive Director of Human Resources and Jeri Morrow, the REA President will be available for a Q&A session for all teachers who want to dig deeper and learn more about TPEP and how it will affect them.

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—7


Tuesday, August 20


Room 3102/04

Education Preschool to Grade Three: Setting a Firm Foundation in Academic and Social Skills as a Predictor of a Successful Life

Room 3202

MATH 180 and SMI: An Equation that Works!

Computer Lab

Presenters: Mrs. Janet Bales, Regional Math Director, Scholastic, Inc. Audience: Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Middle School Strand: Response to Intervention

Presenter: Mrs. Nicole Rose, PreK-3/ECEAP Administrator; Ms. Angela Abrams, Professional Development Administrator, Department of Early Learning Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators Target Level: Preschool; Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Early Childhood/Parent Community From the Department of Early Learning (DEL), Nicole Rose, PreK-3/Early Childhood Education Assistance Program (ECEAP) Administrator and Angela Abrams, Professional Development Administrator, will share research, trends and the rationale for why a strong, coordinated effort between early care providers and primary teachers is among the most, if not most, important initiatives a community and school district can undertake. Additionally, the program will provide an overview of the Washington Kindergarten Inventory of Developing Skills (WaKIDS) and Early Achievers, Washington state’s Quality Rating and Improvement System for early childcare providers.

Room 3106

MATH 180, paired with SMI, provide a personalized, blended solution that fully supports intervention efforts in middle school. Three key elements are required for student and teacher success: a growth mindset, a focus on math content and high leverage teaching strategies that matter most, and the integration of teaching and technology as a force multiplier to accelerate learning. Participate in this session to learn more about this revolutionary intervention program!

Room 3207

Math-Whizz: The Perfect Tool for Math RTI

Computer Lab

Presenter: Mr. Kevin Judd, Vice President, Whizz Education, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Math/Science

Going Beyond the COSF Presenter: Mrs. Kellie Horn, Early Childhood Special Services Coordinator, ESD 123 Audience: Classroom Teachers; Content Area Specialists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Preschool Strand: Special Populations/High Needs Programs The Child Outcomes Summary Form (COSF) has been around for several years, but practitioners continue to struggle with many of the same issues. This session will provide participants with a new perspective on monitoring toward early childhood outcomes. Participants will have refresher training on the COSF reporting process, requirements and resources. We will have time to discuss questions and concerns related to completing the COSF (e.g. , speech-only students) as well as strategies to gather functional assessment information for the entry and exit COSF reporting. Finally, we will go beyond the COSF to develop functional IEP goals, design effective instruction, and monitor progress for individual children.

Room 3107

TPEP—Purpose Dimension Presenter: TPEP Steering Committee Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: State/Federal Initiatives Participants will be led through an analysis of the Purpose Dimension. We will review the definitions for “unsatisfactory/basic/proficient/ distinguished” for each indicator and create a list of observables that align with each criterion.

8 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

This session will introduce participants to the most engaging and effective online math tutoring program in the world for students K-8. Utilizing fun animation and games, Math-Whizz motivates students, teaches math skills and concepts, reinforces prior learning and provides teachers with valuable, easy to understand reports of student strengths, weaknesses and growth. Students who spend 60-90 minutes per week on MathWhizz generally show tw o years of growth in just one year, making it perfect for RTI, extended day enrichment, or as a supplement to core instruction. The program is entirely web-based, allowing students the ability to access Math-Whizz from anywhere they have Internet access.

Room 3216

Read Well: Grade 1-2 Refresher Presenter: Mrs. Karie LaBryer, Third Grade Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2) Strand: Response to Intervention This session is for teachers already using Read Well in grades 1 and 2. The curriculum and assessment of Read Well will be reviewed, as well as instructional strategies for daily routines and small group instruction.

Concurrent Session One Room 3218

Students as Assessment Partners by Answering the 4 PLC Questions

Portable #2

Presenter: Dr. Jeanine Butler, District Improvement and University Faculty, WSU Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Assessment

Presenter: Mrs. Hilary Wingert, Mrs. Kristina Beach, GLAD Consultants, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: State/Federal Initiatives

In this presentation, we will discuss the importance of what STUDENTS do in classrooms that close the achievement gap. This focus is on students being able to answer the 4 PLC questions & thereby, not only becoming our assessment partners, but also developing a growth mindset and personal responsibility for their learning journey.

This session will involve the connection between Project G.L.A.D. and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and STAR2.

Auditorium Room 3223 Computer Lab

Online Resources for RSD Teachers and Students Presenter: Mrs. Benita Brown, Mrs. Teresa Wallenfels, Ms. Dawn Hansen, Mrs. Kim Guyette, Librarians, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2);\ Strand: Instruction Richland School District licenses a wealth of online resources that can enhance student learning. Come explore those which are appropriate to use with your students. This session will focus on resources for early elementary.


E-Com for Beginners

Computer Lab

Presenter: Mr. John Newhoff, Portage Bay Solutions, Inc. Audience: Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels; Related Services Strand: Special Populations/High Needs Programs

Project GLAD and the Common Core State Standards and STAR2

Flip Your Class! Presenter: Mr. Jim Warford, Senior Advisor, International Center for Leadership in Education Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instruction “Flipping the Class” is one of the most exciting Next Practices. In a flipped class, the lecture is delivered outside class time in videos students view as homework. Class time is used to apply the lecture content in problem-solving, project-based activities, with one-toone or small group tutoring by the teacher. Students can watch the short lectures as many times as they wish to grasp the content and come to class ready to work on collaborative projects. This session provides leading examples and the resources needed to flip your class tomorrow!

This session is intended for Special Education staff (specifically RSD staff) who utilize E-Com software for Special Education database and IEP management. E-Com for Beginners is a shorter version of our standard new user training. This will include the basics in E-Com including how to log in, how to create an IEP or Evaluation, and how to complete the various forms in the IEP or Evaluation.

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—9


Concurrent Session Two At-A-Glance 12:30-1:40 p.m. – Session 2 Breakouts 1030




1221 C Lab



Behavio r Social

Literacy Writing


Simpl e Strat egi es to Promote Positive Behavio r

Why Disciplinary Literacy?

Evalu ating OER Quality and Common Core Alignment : “It May be f ree, but is it good?”





Raising th e Standards through Chapter Boo ks: Overview of th e CIA Appro ach (also avai labl e Session 1 & 3)

Platooning: Content Teaching in an Element ary Settin g (also avai labl e Session 1 & 3)

National Board Certific ation (also avai labl e Session 5)






Stat e/Fed Initiatives

Stat e/Fed Initiatives

10 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute



Behavio r Social Music Therapy: An Introduction and Uses in the Classroom (also avai labl e Session 1)






PURE Teaching VIII (Part 2) (Part 1 & 2 also availabl e Session 4)




IPads in the Classroom (also avai labl e Session 3)

Literacy Writing



Behavio r Social

Instruction Learnin g Games for Vocabulary and Skills (also avai labl e Session 1 & 3)



Instruction Navigating Online R esources for Middle and High School Language Arts and Reading (also avai labl e Session 5)


A Deeper Understanding of the CCSS Math

TPEP for Specialists

TPEP Stud ent Engagemen t Dimension

Concurrent Session Two At-A-Glance 12:30-1:40 p.m. – Session 2 Breakouts 3112





SLP Services : Emb edded Language in Structured Settin gs

Homeroo m Student Dat a Portals— Beginn er L ev el (also avai labl e Session 3)

Scholastic Math Inventory (SMI)



3207 C Lab






Math Scienc e



Using Read Well in Kindergart en, 1st, and 2nd Grade (also avai labl e Session 3)

Students as Assessment Partners by Answering th e 4 PLC Questions (also avai labl e Session 1 & 3)



ELL How to Use th e GLAD SharePoint

Math Tools for Para educators (also avai labl e Session 3)


3223 C Lab


Portable #2


Auditorium Instruction

RTI Leadin g RTI: A Potential K ey to Increasing Student Achiev ement (Part 1)

Small Gym

SWIS/CICO Refresh er or Overview for Newco mers (also avai labl e Session 3)

Special Populations High Needs

Instruction Online Resources for RSD Teachers and 3-5 Students

Library C Lab

3206 C Lab Behavio r Social


3202 C Lab

Speci al Populations High Needs

3201 C Lab



E-Com Updat es and Changes (also avai labl e Session 3)

Flip Your C lass! (also avai labl e Session 1 & 3)

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—11

Tuesday, August 20 Room 1030

Presenter: Mrs. Michelle Lane & Ms. Margaret Holloway, Teacher Librarians, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Instruction Participants will be introduced to and given the time to explore our district provided databases and online resources that will support the common core standards in the teaching of middle and high school language arts and reading. Learn about our new e-book and audiobook collections and more.

2 Room 1130

Room 1224

Room 1225

Room 1221

Why Disciplinary Literacy?

Computer Lab

Presenter: Mrs. Karen Burke, Director of Academic Planning, Scholastic, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Literacy Each discipline has its own language, vocabulary and ways to think, read and write that are different from other disciplines. Helping students learn specialized

12 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

IPads in the Classroom Presenter: Mrs. Heather Hadler, 3rd Grade Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; School Administrator; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Instruction Look in to the last two years with the iPads in the classroom. A look at data on growth, management in the classroom and an opportunity to look at and try some of the programs that we have been using. Question/Answer time can be provided as well.

Simple Strategies to Promote Positive Behavior Presenter: Mrs. Shana Borms, Teacher; Mr. Brian Moore, Principal; Ms. Krista Barrett, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Content Area Specialists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Behavior/Social This session will provide you with simple classroom strategies to increase positive behavior and maximize learning. These strategies are easy to implement and align with PBIS. An example of these strategies include Rick Morris' Clip chart, incentive catalog with punch card, credit/debit card, etc.

Evaluating OER Quality and Common Core Alignment: “It may be free, but is it good?” Presenter: Ms. Barbara Soots, Open Educational Resources Program Manager, OSPI; Mrs. Sandra Stroup, AP Language Composition Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Middle School, High School Strand: Instruction Open Educational Resources (OER) are teaching and learning assets free to use, edit, and share. The question of quality is one of the overriding issues in the OER field. To address that issue, OSPI has adapted rubrics and developed a process for evaluating OER materials for alignment with the Common Core S tandards. Participants will discuss results from the inaugural OER review, explore the rubrics, and dive deeper into some of the evaluated secondary ELA resources.

Learning Games for Vocabulary and Skills Presenters: Mrs. Camille Page, Music Teacher; KionaBenton City Schools Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Content Area Specialists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Preschool; Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Instruction Games engage students in learning by providing opportunities to experiment with informal verbal and visual descriptions, explanations or examples of new vocabulary/terms. In this session samples, photos and templates will be offered for educators to customize for various subjects and kids of all ages.

Room 1220

reading skills needed in each discipline will promote the rigor needed to achieve the Common Core S tate Standards. Join this session to explore disciplinary literacy and its important impact on learning.

Navigating Online Resources for Middle and High School Language Arts and Reading

Room 1226

P.U.R.E. Teaching VIII Presenter: Mr. Ernie Chapin, National Speaker/ Presenter, Bureau of Education & Research and Positive Powerful Teaching Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrator; District-Level Administrators; Counselors/Therapists; ParaProfessionals Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Behavior/Social This is the 8th installment of P.U.R.E (Powerfully Using Relationships Effectively) Teaching. The presentation will include:  I.R.T - Intensive Relationship Training - 12 specific ways to work on your relationships with students and other faculty members.  Highly effective methods for improving students' attitudes about school. life, and learning.  Lessons on motivation and specific ways to empower underachievers.

Concurrent Session Two Room 1234

Raising the Standards Through Chapter Books: An Overview of the C. I. A. Approach

Room 1240

Presenter: Mrs. Sarah Collinge, Author & Consultant, Read Side by Side Publications Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; School Administrators Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Literacy/Writing In this Session, Sarah Collinge shares her book entitled, Raising the Standards through Chapter Books: The C.I.A. Approach. This book outlines how to help readers navigate texts that increase in complexity through a simple framework that involves: collecting critical information, interpreting the text, and applying the text to one's own life. Her strategies are thorough, effective, and authentic to the work of expert readers.

Room 1238

Room 1239

Presenters: Mr. Bill Dluhosh, MT-BC, Board Certified Music Therapist Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders: School Administrators; District Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Behavior/Social This presentation will provide an introduction to music therapy and will focus on how it is being used in school settings. Music therapy isn't about teaching children how to play musical instruments, but rather uses music as a tool to work on other goals and objectives. Because the brain processes music in both hemispheres, it can stimulate cognitive functioning as well as improve speech, language and motor development. Music can also encourage socialization and self-expression.

Platooning: Content Teaching in an Elementary Setting Presenter: Mrs. Kim Doepker, Principal, Walla Walla Public Schools Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Instruction The ability and advantage of teaching in one content area is the premise for Platooning. Teachers have the opportunity to narrow their focus and in a sense become an 'expert' in their field.

Room 1243

A Deeper Understanding of the CCSS Math Presenter: Mrs. Kristina Tucker, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School; High School; Administration Strand: Instruction In this hands-on workshop, participants will examine the progression documents used to write the CCSS-Math in order to develop a deep understanding of each standard. They will look at the vertical alignment of the Math standards and learn to identify the Depth of Knowledge for each standard.

National Board Certification Presenter: Mrs. Karen Bryan, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instruction Come and find out about National Board Certification! Questions like, Am I eligible, what are the benefits, what is the level of commitment? National Board Certification is an advanced teaching credential. It complements, but does not replace, a state’s teacher license. National Board Certified Teachers are highly accomplished educators who meet high and rigorous standards. National Boards may be a good fit to achieve proficient or distinguished levels on new teacher evaluation.

Music Therapy: An Introduction and Uses in the Classroom

Room 3101

TPEP for Specialists Presenter: Mr. Tony Howard, Executive Director Human Resources, Richland School District; Ms. Jeri Morrow, President, Richland Education Association Audience: Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: State/Federal Initiatives This session is designed for specialists (Librarians, Music, PE, Art, Intervention Specialists and other noncore teachers).

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—13


Tuesday, August 20 Room 3107

2 Room 3109

TPEP—Student Engagement Dimension

Presenter: TPEP Steering Committee Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: State/Federal Initiatives Participants will be led through an analysis of the Student Engagement Dimension. We will review the definitions for “unsatisfactory/ basic/ proficient/ distinguished” for each indicator and create a list of observables that align with each criterion.

Computer Lab

Computer Lab

Room 3207

How to Use the GLAD SharePoint

Computer Lab

Presenter: Mrs. Hilary Wingert, Mrs. Kristina Beach, GLAD Consultants, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: English Language Learners Learn how to navigate the GLAD SharePoint, download materials, and upload items you have created.

Room 3209

Math Tools for Paraeducators

Homeroom Student Data Portals – Beginner Level Presenter: Mr. Joe Tansy, School Data Solutions Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: Assessment

Presenter: Mrs. Elizabeth Pottle, Richland SD Audience: Paraprofessionals Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Math/Science This session will provide paraeducators an overview of the stages students move through in math, strategies to aid student growth and hands on activities to demonstrate strategies and concepts.

Homeroom Student Data Portals combine information from many sources to meet the needs of educators. Come learn how you can use this tool to get the most out of your student data. Session seating is limited and restricted to seats available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Room 3202

Scholastic Math Inventory (SMI)

Computer Lab

Presenter: Mrs. Janet Bales, Regional Math Director, Scholastic, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Response to Intervention SMI is a formative assessment that helps teachers make good decisions in the classroom. This universal screener and formative assessment shifts the paradigm from pinpointing what students do not know to defining what students know and can do. The key shift makes the difference in keeping students successful in core instructions and meeting the Common Core State S tandards.

14 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

SWIS/CICO Refresher or Overview for Newcomers Presenters: Mr. Chris Davis, Assistant Principal; Mrs. Tina Burruss, Administrative Assistant, Carmichael Middle School, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; School Administrators; Counselors/ Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Levels Strand: Behavior/Social We will use the 70 minutes to review the changes to SWIS & CICO. We will also use the time to share any tips that others may have picked up of the past few years of using the program.

SLP Services: Embedded Language in Structured Settings Presenters: Mrs. Amy Clements, SLP; Richland SD Audience: Counselors/Therapists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Special Populations/High Needs Programs Participants will learn about SLP's providing embedded language services to students in structured settings.

Room 3201

Room 3206

Room 3216

Using Read Well in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade Presenter: Ms. Melissa Tunnell, Richland SD Audience: Paraprofessionals Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2) Strand: Response to Intervention This session will provide Para-Professionals with training in the skills and routines that are necessary to implement Read Well with fidelity.

Concurrent Session Two Room 3218

Students as Assessment Partners by Answering the 4 PLC Questions

DuFour 2011) have concluded the key to improving student achievement is figuring out how to significantly improve instruction across the school site. RTI/MTSS can potentially be the vehicle to frame this large scale improvement IF leaders grasp the imperative of focusing squarely on improving Tier 1 core instruction. In other words, "you can't intervene your way to proficiency", especially in the Common Core world of 2013. Dr. Feldman will guide participants in exploring how validated tools for teacher feedback including classroom video, collaborative teacher coaching teams or "Learning Walks", peer and expert coaching, plus PLC work can create a culture of competence at the school site level. Various models and narratives will be shared describing how elementary and secondary schools are dramatically improving the quality routine classroom teaching using these tools for "actionable feedback", which one could say is the "holy grail" of instructional improvement.

Presenter: Dr. Jeanine Butler, District Improvement and University Faculty, WSU Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Assessment In this presentation, we will discuss the importance of what STUDENTS do in classrooms that close the achievement gap. This focus is on students being able to answer the 4 PLC questions & thereby, not only becoming our assessment partners, but also developing a growth mindset and personal responsibility for their learning journey.

3223 Computer Lab

Online Resources for RSD Teachers and Students Presenter: Mrs. Benita Brown, Mrs. Teresa Wallenfels, Ms. Dawn Hansen, Mrs. Kim Guyette, Librarians, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Instruction Richland School District licenses a wealth of online resources that can enhance student learning. Come explore those which are appropriate to use with your students. This session will focus on resources more appropriate for older students.


Leading RTI: A Potential Key to Increasing Student Achievement Presenter: Dr. Kevin Feldman, Sonoma County Office of Education Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration Strand: Response to Intervention Large scale meta-analyses (Hattie, 2009; Marzano &


E-Com—Updates and Changes

Computer Lab

Presenter: Mr. John Newhoff, Portage Bay Solutions, Inc. Audience: Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels; Related Services Strand: Special Populations/High Needs Programs This session is intended for special education staff (specifically RSD staff) who utilize E-Com software for Special Education database and IEP management. This will include changes to the E-Com system, updates and changes to the forms, reminders for commonly made mistakes, and a question and answer period.


Flip Your Class! Presenter: Mr. Jim Warford, Senior Advisor, International Center for Leadership in Education Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instruction “Flipping the Class” is one of the most exciting Next Practices. In a flipped class, the lecture is delivered outside class time in videos students view as homework. Class time is used to apply the lecture content in problem-solving, project-based activities, with one-toone or small group tutoring by the teacher. Students can watch the short lectures as many times as they wish to grasp the content and come to class ready to work on collaborative projects. This session provides leading examples and the resources needed to flip your class tomorrow!

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—15


Concurrent Session Three At-A-Glance 1:50-3:00 p.m. – Session 3 Breakouts 1030




1221 C Lab



(also avai labl e Session 1 & 2)

1243 Instruction Unwrappin g the CCSS

16 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute





Raising th e Standards through Chapter Boo ks: Overview of th e CIA Appro ach (also avai labl e Session 1 & 2)

Panel Discussion: Yest erday , Tomorro w, and a Decad e fro m Today

Platooning: Content Teaching in an Element ary Settin g (also avai labl e Session 1 & 2)





3107 Stat e/Fed Initiatives

Behavio r Social Working with Difficult People: Moving from Negativ e Conflict to Productive Collaboration (also avai labl e Session 1 & 4)





PURE Teaching VIII (Part 3)




IPads in the Classroom (also avai labl e Session 2)

Literacy W riting



1226 Behavio r Social


Instruction Learnin g Games for Vocabulary and Skills



TPEP Curriculum And Pedagogy Dimension

Concurrent Session Three At-A-Glance 1:50-3:00 p.m. – Session 3 Breakouts 3109


3223 C Lab

Homeroom Student Dat a Portals – Beginn er L ev el (also avai labl e Session 2)

MATH 180 and SMI: An Equation th at Works! (also avai labl e Session 1)

SWIS/CICO Refresh er or Overview for Newco mers (also availabl e Session 2)




Using Read Well in Kindergart en, 1st, and 2nd Grade (also avai labl e Session 2)


Library C Lab

3206 C Lab Behavio r Social



3202 C Lab


Common Core and District Assessments: Reporting Progress in a Time of Transition (also avai labl e Session 5)

Math Tools for Para educators (also avai labl e Session 2)



3201 C Lab


Math Scienc e





Math Scienc e Math-Whizz: Using the Teacher Resource to Support CCSS Align ed Instruction (also avai labl e Session 5)







3207 C Lab


Students as Assessment Partners by Answering th e 4 PLC Questions (also avai labl e Session 1 & 2)

Small Gym

Portable #2



Special Populations High Needs


Leadin g RTI: A Potential Key to Increasing Student Achiev ement (Part 2)

E-Com Updat es and Changes (also avai labl e Session 2)

Flip Your C lass! (also avai labl e Session 1 & 2)

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—17

Tuesday, August 20 Room 1130

Learning Games for Vocabulary and Skills

Room 1234

Presenters: Mrs. Camille Page, Music Teacher; KionaBenton City Schools Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Content Area Specialists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Preschool; Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Instruction

Presenter: Mrs. Sarah Collinge, Author & Consultant, Read Side by Side Publications Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; School Administrators Target Level: Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Literacy/Writing In this Session, Sarah Collinge shares her book titled, Raising the Standards through Chapter Books: The C.I.A. Approach. This book outlines how to help readers navigate texts that increase in complexity through a simple framework that involves: collecting critical information, interpreting the text, and applying the text to one's own life. Her strategies are thorough, effective, and authentic to the work of expert readers.

Games engage students in learning by providing opportunities to experiment with informal verbal and visual descriptions, explanations or examples of new vocabulary/terms. In this session samples, photos and templates will be offered for educators to customize for various subjects and kids of all ages.


Room 1225

IPads in the Classroom Presenter: Mrs. Heather Hadler, 3rd Grade Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; School Administrator; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Instruction

Room 1237

This interactive discussion is based off a case study of Richland School District demographics. A recent history of ELL and poverty trends will be shared and the discussion will focus around what are best practices for today’s demographic and what the district should be providing staff to prepare for the population anticipated in the next five and ten years.

P.U.R.E. Teaching VIII Presenter: Mr. Ernie Chapin, National Speaker/ Presenter, Bureau of Education & Research and Positive Powerful Teaching Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrator; District-Level Administrators; Counselors/ Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Behavior/Social This is the 8th installment of P.U.R.E (Powerfully Using Relationships Effectively) Teaching. The presentation will include:  I.R.T - Intensive Relationship Training - 12 specific ways to work on your relationships with students and other faculty members.  Highly effective methods for improving students' attitudes about school. life, and learning.  Lessons on motivation and specific ways to empower underachievers.  Multi-generational mentoring and using poetry and writing to help underachievers.

18 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Panel Discussion on Serving English Language Learners—Yesterday, Tomorrow, and a Decade from Today Presenter: Dr. Patricia Valdez -Zontek, ESL/Bilingual Department, Dr. Joanie Monroy, Associate Professor, Bilingual/ESL, Heritage University, Mr. Mike Hansen, Assistant Superintendent, Richland School District, Mrs. Beth Harrington, Coordinator of Special Programs, Richland School District Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: English Language Learners

Look in to the last two years with the iPads in the classroom. A look at data on growth, management in the classroom and an opportunity to look at and try some of the programs that we have been using. Question/Answer time can be provided as well.

Room 1226

Raising the Standards Through Chapter Books: An Overview of the C. I. A. Approach

Room 1238

Platooning: Content Teaching in an Elementary Setting Presenter: Mrs. Kim Doepker, Principal, Walla Walla Public Schools Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Instruction The ability and advantage of teaching in one content area is the premise for Platooning. Teachers have the opportunity to narrow their focus and in a sense become an 'expert' in their field.

Concurrent Session Three Room 1242

Working with Difficult People: Moving from Negative Conflict to Productive Collaboration

Room 3201 Computer Lab

Presenter: Mrs. Carol Johnson, Retired Special Education Director, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: Behavior/Social Because you work with people, encountering difficult individuals is inevitable. Sometimes they are known as teachers, administrators, paraeducators, secretaries and/ or parents. They are found in every setting from classrooms to district committees. They hinder productivity and cause undue stress. This presentation has two objectives. They are to 1)identify the characteristics of difficult people and 2) learn some practical principles and strategies needed to successfully move from negative conflict to productive collaboration.

Room 1243

Presenter: Mr. Joe Tansy, School Data Solutions Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: Assessment Homeroom Student Data Portals combine information from many sources to meet the needs of educators. Come learn how you can use this tool to get the most out of your student data. Session seating is limited and restricted to seats available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Room 3202

MATH 180 and SMI: An Equation that Works!

Computer Lab

Presenters: Mrs. Janet Bales, Regional Math Director, Scholastic, Inc. Audience: Instructional Coaches/Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Middle School Strand: Response to Intervention

Unwrapping the CCSS Presenter: Mrs. Kristina Tucker, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School; High School; Administration Strand: Instruction

MATH 180, paired with SMI, provide a personalized, blended solution that fully supports intervention efforts in middle school. Three key elements are required for student and teacher success: a growth mindset, a focus on math content and high leverage teaching strategies that matter most, and the integration of teaching and technology as a force multiplier to accelerate learning. Participate in this session to learn more about this revolutionary intervention program!

In this hands-on workshop, participants will learn how to unwrap standards to gain a deeper understanding. They will examine the vertical alignment of the ELA standards and learn to identify the Depth of Knowledge for each standard.

Room 3107

TPEP—Curriculum & Pedagogy Dimension Presenter: TPEP Steering Committee Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: State/Federal Initiatives Participants will be led through an analysis of the Curriculum & Pedagogy Dimension. We will review the definitions for “unsatisfactory/ basic/ proficient/ distinguished” for each indicator and create a list of observables that align with each criterion.

Homeroom Student Data Portals – Beginner Level

.Room 3206

SWIS/CICO Refresher or Overview for Newcomers Presenters: Mr. Chris Davis, Assistant Principal; Mrs. Tina Burruss, Administrative Assistant, Carmichael Middle School, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; School Administrators; Counselors/ Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Levels Strand: Behavior/Social We will use the 70 minutes to review the changes to SWIS & CICO. We will also use the time to share any tips that others may have picked up of the past few years of using the program.

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—19


Tuesday, August 20 Room 3207 Computer Lab

Math-Whizz: Using the Teacher Resource Support CCSS Aligned Instruction

Room 3216

Presenter: Mr. Kevin Judd, Vice President, Whizz Education, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Math/Science This session, for current Math-Whizz users, will focus on the use of the Math-Whizz Teacher Resource program for whole group small-group, or individual student instruction. Math-Whizz is aligned to the Common Core State Standards, providing educators with a clear consistent framework for what students should be learning. Our alignment helps teachers set goals for student learning, ensuring that all students have the knowledge and skills to be successful in math.

3 Room 3209

Presenter: Ms. Melissa Tunnell, Richland SD Audience: Paraprofessionals Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2) Strand: Response to Intervention This session will provide Para-Professionals with training in the skills and routines that are necessary to implement Read Well with fidelity.

Room 3218

In this presentation, we will discuss the importance of what STUDENTS do in classrooms that close the achievement gap. This focus is on students being able to answer the 4 PLC questions & thereby, not only becoming our assessment partners, but also developing a growth mindset and personal responsibility for their learning journey.

Presenter: Mrs. Elizabeth Pottle, Richland SD Audience: Paraprofessionals Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Math/Science

Room 3214

Common Core and District Assessments: Reporting Progress in a Time of Transition Presenters: Mrs. Michelle Fickle, Teacher; Mrs. Tamara Morrow, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2) Strand: Assessment With the recent adoption of the Common Core State Standards, many teachers have found themselves in an awkward position. We are teaching the Common Core but our assessments and reporting tools are aligned to the old standards. In this presentation, two kindergarten teachers will describe the journey they took that required them to wrestle with the Common Core and the district assessments and progress report. The end result of this journey was an adjusted assessment tool that can be used in this time of transition and a better understanding of the CCSS and what a future progress report might look like.

20 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Students as Assessment Partners by Answering the 4 PLC Questions Presenter: Dr. Jeanine Butler, District Improvement and University Faculty, WSU Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Assessment

Math Tools for Paraeducators

This session will provide para educators an overview of the stages students move through in math, strategies to aid student growth and hands on activities to demonstrate strategies and concepts.

Using Read Well in Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd Grade


Leading RTI: A Potential Key to Increasing Student Achievement Presenter: Dr. Kevin Feldman, Sonoma County Office of Education Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration Strand: Response to Intervention Large scale meta-analyses (Hattie, 2009; Marzano & DuFour 2011) have concluded the key to improving student achievement is figuring out how to significantly improve instruction across the school site. RTI/MTSS can potentially be the vehicle to frame this large scale improvement IF leaders grasp the imperative of focusing squarely on improving Tier 1 core instruction. In other words, "you can't intervene your way to proficiency", especially in the Common Core world of 2013. Dr. Feldman will guide participants in exploring how validated tools for teacher feedback including classroom video, collaborative teacher coaching teams or "Learning Walks", peer and expert coaching, plus PLC work can create a culture of competence at the school site level. Various models and narratives will be

Concurrent Session Three shared describing how elementary and secondary schools are dramatically improving the quality routine classroom teaching using these tools for "actionable feedback", which one could say is the "holy grail" of instructional improvement.


E-Com—Updates and Changes

Computer Lab

Presenter: Mr. John Newhoff, Portage Bay Solutions, Inc. Audience: Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels; Related Services Strand: Special Populations/High Needs Programs This session is intended for special education staff (specifically RSD staff) who utilize E-Com software for Special Education database and IEP management. This will include changes to the E-Com system, updates and changes to the forms, reminders for commonly made mistakes, and a question and answer period.


Flip Your Class! Presenter: Mr. Jim Warford, Senior Advisor, International Center for Leadership in Education Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instruction “Flipping the Class” is one of the most exciting Next Practices. In a flipped class, the lecture is delivered outside class time in videos students view as homework. Class time is used to apply the lecture content in problem-solving, project-based activities, with one-toone or small group tutoring by the teacher. Students can watch the short lectures as many times as they wish to grasp the content and come to class ready to work on collaborative projects. This session provides leading examples and the resources needed to flip your class tomorrow!

3 Four Questions to Guide Professional Learning Communities 1. What do we expect students to learn? Essential outcomes, power standards, learning targets, pacing

2. How will we know if they learn it? Common assessments, quick checks for understanding, results analysis

3. How do we respond when students experience difficulty in learning? Differentiated instruction, Pyramid of Interventions, and Response to Intervention

4. What will we do for each child who has already learned it? To create a professional learning community, focus on learning rather than teaching, work collaboratively, and hold yourself accountable for results. -Rick DuFour, 2004

Differentiated instruction and Enrichments

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—21

Concurrent Session Four At-A-Glance 7:30-8:00 a.m. Check In - Breakfast 8:00-8:45 a.m. – Team Time 9:00-10:10 a.m. – Auditorium General Session with Keynote Speaker: Kevin Feldman Ensuring the Literate Engagement of Every Student, Every Day, in Every Lesson 10:20-11:50 a.m. – Session 4 Breakouts 1030




PURE Teaching VIII (Part 1 & 2) (also avai labl e individually as Sessions 1 & 2)



1238 Instruction



Close Reading and the CCSS Middle School

Cultural Compet ence Trainin g for Educators: Improvin g Student Achiev ement among Students of Color in WA Stat e








Stat e/Fed Initiatives

Literacy from All, Lit eracy for All: Impl ementing CCSS EL A at th e Secondary Lev el

Integratin g Social Thinking into the General Education Settin g




Behavio r Social

Literacy Writing

Instruction 21st Century Teaching and Learnin g with Digital M edia (also avai labl e Session 5)




Literacy Writing




Behavio r Social



Behavio r Social

Instruction Navigating Online Resources for Middle and Hi gh School Social Studies (also avail abl e Session 1)

1221 C Lab

Working with Difficult People: Moving from Negativ e Conflict to Productive Collaboration (also avai labl e Session 1 & 3)

Follow up to Curriculum Mapping Session: Breakout discussion for Grade 5

TPEP Assessment For Student Learnin g Dimension

12:00 – 1:20 p.m. – Lunch and Team Time

22 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Concurrent Session Four At-A-Glance 7:30-8:00 a.m. Check In - Breakfast 8:00-8:45 a.m. – Team Time 9:00-10:10 a.m. – Auditorium General Session with Keynote Speaker: Kevin Feldman Ensuring the Literate Engagement of Every Student, Every Day, in Every Lesson 10:20-11:50 a.m. – Session 4 Breakouts 3109




3116 Assessment Follow up to Curriculum Mapping Session: Breakout discussion for Grade KG

3207 C Lab




3223 C Lab



Home Room Student Dat a Portals— Advanc ed Users (also avai labl e Session 5)









Small Gym

Portable #2


Next Generation Scienc e Standards 101 (also avai labl e Session 5)

MCBONES Coyote Can yon Mammoth Di g (also avai labl e Session 5)

Common Core with Technology Skills for PBL

Math Scienc e

Math-Whizz: The P erfec t Tool for Math RTI (also avai labl e Session 1)

3206 C Lab


Assessment Follow up to Curriculum Mapping Session: Breakout discussion for Grade 1

3202 C Lab

Math Scienc e

Assessment Follow up to Curriculum Mapping Session: Breakout discussion for Grade 2

Math Scienc e

Assessment Follow up to Curriculum Mapping Session: Breakout discussion for Grade 3

Math Scienc e

Assessment Follow up to Curriculum Mapping Session: Breakout discussion for Grade 4

3201 C Lab


Because You Can’t M emoriz e Understanding: Impl ementing the CCSS-M ath For ALL Stud ents (also avai labl e Session 5)




Instruction String B asics: A Compreh ensive Teaching Method, Sequence and Materials (also avai labl e Session 5)

Improvin g Secondary School-Wide Literacy in Ligh t of RTI and th e CCSS 6-12

Curriculum Mapping with Next-Gen eration Assessment Claims and Targets

12:00 – 1:20 p.m. – Lunch and Team Time

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—23

Wednesday, August 21 Room 1030

Navigating Online Resources for Middle and High School Social Studies

Room 1234

Presenter: Mrs. Sarah Collinge, Author & Consultant, Mrs. Bethany Robinson, Author & Consultant, Read Side by Side Publications Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; School Administrators Target Level: Middle School Strand: Literacy/Writing

Presenter: Mrs. Rebecca Dartnall & Mrs. Pam Knutson, Teacher Librarians, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Instruction Participants will be introduced to and given the time to explore our district provided databases and online resources that will support the common core standards in the teaching of middle and high school social studies classes.

Room 1220


Social Thinking is a curriculum designed to teach students how to navigate the social world. This curriculum was developed to explicitly teach the hidden curriculum of social rules. This class will give examples of how to integrate Social Thinking activities into everyday classroom lessons as well as examples of small group activities to use with middle and high school level students in a pull out setting.

Room 1226

The Common Core S tate S tandards (CCSS) encourage teachers of all subjects to engage students in close reading. In this workshop, Sarah Collinge defines close reading as purposeful reading that focuses on drawing out the author’s message. Participants will act as students, analyzing a chapter from Russell Freedman’s book, Kids at Work. Sarah will also demonstrate how to analyze primary documents and other media to enhance student understanding of a text and topic. This workshop is appropriate for reading, social studies, and history teachers. Participants will be given a sampling of Sarah’s CIA Units of Study.

Integrating Social Thinking into the General Education Setting Presenters: Mrs. Sharon Bradley, School Psychologist; Mrs. Katie Pardini, School Psychologist, Richland SD; Mrs. Kelly Bolson, BESST Program Social Worker Audience: Classroom Teachers; Counselors/ Therapists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School; High School Strand: Behavior/Social

P.U.R.E. Teaching VIII Presenter: Mr. Ernie Chapin, National Speaker/ Presenter, Bureau of Education & Research and Positive Powerful Teaching Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrator; District-Level Administrators; Counselors/Therapists; ParaProfessionals Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Behavior/Social This is the 8th installment of P.U.R.E (Powerfully Using Relationships Effectively) Teaching. The presentation will include:  I.R.T - Intensive Relationship Training - 12 specific ways to work on your relationships with students and other faculty members.  Highly effective methods for improving students' attitudes about school. life, and learning.  Lessons on motivation and specific ways to empower underachievers.  Multi-generational mentoring and using poetry and writing to help underachievers.

24 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Close Reading and the CCSS—Middle School

Room 1238

Cultural Competence Training for Educators: Improving Student Achievement among Students of Color in Washington State Presenter: Mrs. Jackly n Cable, English Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Instruction Participants will learn the current definition of the culturally competent teacher and classroom by addressing the misconception of the “colorblind” approach, reviewing effective models of culturally competent classrooms, and making culturally responsive curriculum decisions. Participants will engage in research-based instructional strategies that purposefully consider students’ ethnic backgrounds. Educators can learn to use diversity training to propel academic achievement, where students develop strong self-identities, empathize with diverse perspectives and learn to discuss issues around race safely and effectively.

Concurrent Session Four Room 1240

Room 1241

21st Century Teaching and Learning with Digital Media

Room 3102

Presenter: Mr. Dana Magenau, AE, Safari Montage Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instruction

Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Paraprofessionals Target Level: Fifth Grade Strand: Assessment

We will explore how schools can utilize digital media in a more efficient way. Visual media is more engaging, but what is the best way to access, manage and present all of these new learning resources? Richland School District owns SAFARI Montage and we will explore how to better use the solution for more effective instructional strategies that will save time and make your classroom lessons come to life – anywhere, anytime.

Participants will start this session in the small gym with all elementary teachers; then will be dismissed for this breakout session.

Room 3107

Participants will be led through an analysis of the Assessment for Student Learning Dimension. We will review the definitions for “unsatisfactory/ basic/ proficient/distinguished” for each indicator and create a list of observables that align with each criterion.

Room 3109

This active workshop will provide guidance for crosscontent groups to implement CCSS ELA for ALL students, differentiating as needed. Participants will walk through lessons, consider strategies, and come away with a plan to get started.

Follow up to Curriculum Mapping Session: Breakout Discussion for Grade 4 Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Paraprofessionals Target Level: Fourth Grade Strand: Assessment

Working with Difficult People: Moving from Negative Conflict to Productive Collaboration Presenter: Mrs. Carol Johnson, Retired Special Education Director, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: Behavior/Social Because you work with people, encountering difficult individuals is inevitable. Sometimes they are known as teachers, administrators, paraeducators, secretaries and/ or parents. They are found in every setting from classrooms to district committees. They hinder productivity and cause undue stress. This presentation has two objectives. They are to 1)identify the characteristics of difficult people and 2) learn some practical principles and strategies needed to successfully move from negative conflict to productive collaboration.

TPEP—Assessment for Student Learning Dimension Presenter: TPEP Steering Committee Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: State/Federal Initiatives

Literacy from All, Literacy for All: Implementing CCSS ELA at the Secondary Level Presenter: Liisa Mollanen Potts, English Language Arts Director; Luisa Sanchez-Nilsen, Elementary Reading Specialist, OSPI Teaching & Learning Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Middle School; High School; Administration Strand: Literacy/Writing

Room 1242

Follow up to Curriculum Mapping Session: Breakout Discussion for Grade 5

Participants will start this session in the small gym with all elementary teachers; then will be dismissed for this breakout session.

Room 3112

Follow up to Curriculum Mapping Session: Breakout Discussion for Grade 3 Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Paraprofessionals Target Level: Third Grade Strand: Assessment Participants will start this session in the small gym with all elementary teachers; then will be dismissed for this breakout session.

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—25


Wednesday, August 21 Room 3113

Follow up to Curriculum Mapping Session: Breakout Discussion for Grade 2

Room 3201 Computer Lab

Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Paraprofessionals Target Level: Second Grade Strand: Assessment

Presenter: Mr. Joe Tansy, School Data Solutions Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: Assessment

Participants will start this session in the small gym with all elementary teachers; then will be dismissed for this breakout session.

Room 3115

Homeroom Student Data Portals combine information from many sources to meet the needs of educators. Come learn how you can use this tool to get the most out of your student data. Advanced users need to have participated in one of the trainings offered this winter/ spring. Session seating is limited and restricted to seats available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Follow up to Curriculum Mapping Session: Breakout Discussion for Grade 1 Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Paraprofessionals Target Level: First Grade Strand: Assessment

Room 3206

Room 3116

Follow up to Curriculum Mapping Session: Breakout Discussion for Grade Kdgn

The rigor of the Common Core Standards meets the rigor of Project/Problem Based Learning (PBL) in this introductory level workshop. Participants will learn how technology-infused PBL units drive learning and raise students’ level of engagement, authenticity, collaboration, and higher-order thinking. Discover that through the intentional design of combining PBL with NETS (technology standards), units naturally lend themselves to meeting many of the CCS. Resources for further exploration of PBL and technology tools will be provided.

Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Paraprofessionals Target Level: Kindergarten Strand: Assessment Participants will start this session in the small gym with all elementary teachers; then will be dismissed for this breakout session.

Room 3118

Common Core with Technology Skills for PBL Presenter: Ms. Cherie Stafford, Technology in Practice Specialist, Grand Canyon University Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instruction

Participants will start this session in the small gym with all elementary teachers; then will be dismissed for this breakout session.


Homeroom Student Data Portals – Advanced Users

MCBONES Coyote Canyon Mammoth Dig Presenter: Mr. Gary Kleinknecht, Education Director, Coyote Canyon Mammoth Dig; Mr. George Last, Geologist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Mr. Bax Barton, Research Director, Burke Museum, University of Washington Audience: Classroom Teachers; School Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Math/Science Presenters will update teachers on the current status of the Coyote Canyon Mammoth dig, review student projects relative to this study and offer teachers opportunities to engage their students in an active scientific research project. Of special interest to middle school teachers will be a presentation of hand-on student activities that have been aligned to Washington State Science Learning Standards.

26 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Room 3207

Math-Whizz: The Perfect Tool for Math RTI

Computer Lab

Presenter: Mr. Kevin Judd, Vice President, Whizz Education, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Math/Science This session will introduce participants to the most engaging and effective online math tutoring program in the world for students K-8. Utilizing fun animation and games, Math-Whizz motivates students, teaches math skills and concepts, reinforces prior learning and provides teachers with valuable, easy to understand reports of student strengths, weaknesses and growth.

Concurrent Session Four Students who spend 60-90 minutes per week on MathWhizz generally show tw o years of growth in just one year, making it perfect for RTI, extended day enrichment, or as a supplement to core instruction. The program is entirely web-based, allowing students the ability to access Math-Whizz from anywhere they have Internet access.

Room 3209


Improving Secondary School-Wide Literacy in Light of RTI and the CCSS 6-12 Presenter: Dr. Kevin Feldman, Sonoma County Office of Education Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists Target Level: Middle School; High School; Administration; Related Services Strand: Instruction

Next Generation Science Standards Presenter: Dr. Ellen Ebert, Science Director OSPI Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Math/Science

.Implementation of the CCSS alone will not improve student achievement...improving daily instructional practice across the school - Collaborative Coherence— is the key. This seminar will provide a practical road map to parse the details of what evidence based instructional practices reliably "move the dial" in secondary student learning and how school leaders can optimize their efforts to support this critical work. A particular focus will be on Academic Language/ vocabulary and Critical Thinking within and across content areas.

This session will focus on understanding the Next Generation Science Standards. Participants will learn how to apply standards in their work.

Room 3211

Because You Can't Memorize Understanding: Implementing the CCSS-Math for ALL Students Presenter: Mrs. Anne Gallagher, Mathematics Specialist, OSPI Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration Strand: Math/Science This interactive workshop will focus on a big picture of the shifts within CCSS for math and guidance for instruction and student learning. Participants will walk through examples of mathematical rich tasks as well as CCSS resources and tools to engage ALL students in mathematical sense-making.

Room 4130

String Basics: A Comprehensive Teaching Method, Sequence and Materials Presenter: Mrs. Terry Shade, Issaquah Middle School, Issaquah SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Middle School; High School; Administration Strand: Instruction

Small Gym

Curriculum Mapping with Next-Generation Assessment Claims and Targets Presenter: Mrs. Bobbie Harrison, Implementation Manager, Scholastic, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Paraprofessionals Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration Strand: Assessment Smarter Balanced is a state-led consortium developing assessments, for the school year 2014-15, aligned to the Common Core State S tandards in English language arts/literacy and mathematics. Smarter Balanced has articulated Claims, the broad statements of the assessment system’s learning outcomes. For each Claim, Assessment Targets describe the expectations of what will be assessed. Learn how Claims and Assessment Targets are used to begin the process of curriculum mapping to the Common Core State Standards.

As a participant in today's session, you will have the opportunity to: 1.

Delve into a teaching sequence that teachers are going to be able to use in the first week of instruction. Not bits and pieces, but an actual sequence that w orks really well! 2. Learn how to teach from a method book that keeps instruction sim ple and step by step. 3. Learn important pedagogic al approaches to include teaching group puls e/rhy thm, intonation/ear training and tone production/use of bow concentrations.

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—27


Concurrent Session Five At-A-Glance 1:30-3:00 p.m. – Session 5 Breakouts 1030




1221 C Lab




Behavio r Social

Instruction Navigatin g Online R esources for Middle and High School Language Arts and Reading (also avai labl e Session 2)






Close Reading and CCSS – Element ary

Serv ing ELL: Accountable Talk

Common Formativ e Assessments

National Bo ard Certific ation (also avai labl e Session 2)






Stat e/Fed Initiatives

28 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute



Literacy from All, Literacy for All: Impl ementing CCSS EL A at th e Element ary Lev el









Literacy Writing

Instruction 21st Century Teaching and Learnin g with Digital M edia (also avai labl e Session 4)

PURE Teaching VIII (Part 3) (also avai labl e Session 3)

Literacy Writing



TPEP Classroom Environment And Culture Dimension

Concurrent Session Five At-A-Glance 1:30-3:00 p.m. – Session 5 Breakouts 3109



Homeroom Student Dat a Portals – Advanced Users (also avai labl e Session 4)

Common Core With Technology Skills for Digit al Communication






Small Gym

Portable #2

Read Wel l: Kindergart en Refresh er


3206 C Lab

MCBONES Coyote Can yon Mammoth Di g (also avai labl e Session 4)

Common Core and District Assessments: Reporting Progress in a Time of Transition (also avai labl e Session 3)

3223 C Lab

3202 C Lab



3201 C Lab Assessment





Math Scienc e Next Generation Scienc e Standards 101 (also avai labl e Session 4)

Because You Can’t M emoriz e Understanding: Impl ementing the CCSS-M ath For ALL Students (also avai labl e Session 4)



Math Sci ence

Math Sci ence Math-Whizz: Using the Teacher Resource to Support CCSS Align ed Instruction (also avai labl e Session 3)





Math Scienc e

3207 C Lab





Stat e/Fed Initiatives

String B asics: A Compreh ensive Teaching M ethod, Sequenc e and Materials (also avai labl e Session 4)

Improvin g Element ary School-Wide Literacy in Ligh t of RTI and th e CCSS K-6

Project GLAD and the Common Core Stat e St andards and STAR2 (also avail abl e Session 1)

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—29

Wednesday, August 21 Room 1030

Presenter: Mrs. Michelle Lane & Ms. Margaret Holloway, Teacher Librarians, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Instruction Participants will be introduced to and given the time to explore our district provided databases and online resources that will support the common core standards in the teaching of middle and high school language arts and reading. Learn about our new e-book and audiobook collections and more.

Room 1226

analyze primary documents and other media to enhance student understanding of a text and topic. This workshop is appropriate for reading, social studies, and history teachers. Participants will be given a sampling of Sarah’s CIA Units of Study.

Navigating Online Resources for Middle and High School Language Arts and Reading

Room 1237

Presenter: Dr. Patricia Valdez -Zontek, ESL/Bilingual Department, Dr. Joanie Monroy, Associate Professor, Bilingual/ESL, Heritage University Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/M entors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); M iddle School; High School Strand: English Language Learners

P.U.R.E. Teaching VIII Presenter: Mr. Ernie Chapin, National Speaker/ Presenter, Bureau of Education & Research and Positive Powerful Teaching Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrator; District-Level Administrators; Counselors/Therapists; ParaProfessionals Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Behavior/Social This is the 8th installment of P.U.R.E (Powerfully Using Relationships Effectively) Teaching. The presentation will include:  I.R.T - Intensive Relationship Training - 12 specific ways to work on your relationships with students and other faculty members.  Highly effective methods for improving students' attitudes about school. life, and learning.  Lessons on motivation and specific ways to empower underachievers.  Multi-generational mentoring and using poetry and


writing to help underachievers.

Room 1234

Close Reading and the CCSS—Elementary Presenter: Mrs. Sarah Collinge, Author & Consultant, Mrs. Bethany Robinson, Author & Consultant, Read Side by Side Publications Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; School Administrators Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Literacy/Writing The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) encourage teachers of all subjects to engage students in close reading. In this workshop, Sarah Collinge defines close reading as purposeful reading that focuses on drawing out the author’s message. Participants will act as students, analyzing a chapter from Russell Freedman’s book, Kids at Work. Sarah will also demonstrate how to

30 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Serving English Language Learners— Accountable Talk

This session is designed to connect key learnings from the instructional framework and data analysis processes with strategies found in frameworks such as GLAD and AVID. Participants will leave with tools designed to help ELL’s and children of poverty successfully access academic discourse through a variety of questioning strategies and activities.

Room 1238

Common Formative Assessments Presenter: Mrs. Lori McCord, Director of Teaching and Learning, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School High School Strand: Assessment To maximize student success, assessment must be seen as an instructional tool for use while learning is occurring and as an accountability tool to determine if learning has occurred (NEA). Participants will improve their assessment literacy through a deeper understanding of the assessment design process and explore how the implementation of the CFA process improves instruction for all students. You will learn how the use of CFAs tie into the Common Core State Standards and how to develop CFAs that are at the Depth of Knowledge level that is expected in the Smarter Balance Assessments. Teachers will leave with some resources for developing CFAs in their classrooms and with their PLC teams.

Concurrent Session Five Room 1239

National Board Certification

Room 3107

Presenter: Mrs. Karen Bryan, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instruction Come and find out about National Board Certification! Questions like, Am I eligible, what are the benefits, what is the level of commitment? National Board Certification is an advanced teaching credential. It complements, but does not replace, a state’s teacher license. National Board Certified Teachers are highly accomplished educators who meet high and rigorous standards. National Boards may be a good fit to achieve proficient or distinguished levels on new teacher evaluation.

Room 1240

Presenter: TPEP Steering Committee Audience: Classroom Teachers Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: State/Federal Initiatives Participants will be led through an analysis of the Classroom Environment & Culture Dimension. We will review the definitions for “unsatisfactory/basic/proficient/ distinguished” for each indicator and create a list of observables that align with each criterion.

Room 3118

Presenter: Mr. Dana Magenau, AE, Safari Montage Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Instruction

Room 1241

Literacy from All, Literacy for All: Implement ing CCSS ELA at the Elementary Level Presenter: Luisa Sanchez-Nilsen, Elementary Reading Specialist; Liisa Mollanen Potts, English Language Arts Director, OSPI Teaching & Learning Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5) Strand: Literacy/Writing This active workshop will provide guidance elementary teams to implement CCSS ELA for ALL students across their multi-content day. Participants will walk through lessons, consider strategies, and come away with a plan to get started.

MCBONES Coyote Canyon Mammoth Dig Presenter: Mr. Gary Kleinknecht, Education Director, Coyote Canyon Mammoth Dig; Mr. George Last, Geologist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory; Mr. Bax Barton, Research Director, Burke Museum, University of Washington Audience: Classroom Teachers; School Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Middle School; High School Strand: Math/Science

21st Century Teaching and Learning with Digital Media

We will explore how schools can utilize digital media in a more efficient way. Visual media is more engaging, but what is the best way to access, manage and present all of these new learning resources? Richland School District owns SAFARI Montage and we will explore how to better use the solution for more effective instructional strategies that will save time and make your classroom lessons come to life – anywhere, anytime.

TPEP—Classroom Environ ment & Culture Dimension

Presenters will update teachers on the current status of the Coyote Canyon Mammoth dig, review student projects relative to this study and offer teachers opportunities to engage their students in an active scientific research project. Of special interest to middle school teachers will be a presentation of hand-on student activities that have been aligned to Washington State Science Learning Standards.

Room 3201 Computer Lab

Homeroom Student Data Portals – Advanced Users Presenter: Mr. Joe Tansy, School Data Solutions Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: Assessment Homeroom Student Data Portals combine information from many sources to meet the needs of educators. Come learn how you can use this tool to get the most out of your student data. Advanced users need to have participated in one of the trainings offered this winter/ spring. Session seating is limited and restricted to seats available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—31


Wednesday, August 21 Room 3206 Computer Lab

Common Core With Technology Skills for Digital Communication

Room 3211

Presenter: Ms. Cherie Stafford, Technology in Practice Specialist, Grand Canyon University Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Target Level: Upper Elementary; Middle School; High School Strand: Instruction

Presenter: Mrs. Anne Gallagher, Mathematics Specialist, OSPI Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration Strand: Math/Science

This presentation takes a look at some of the most relevant digital communication web tools to support students and teachers with Common Core S tate S tandards. Come away with a multitude of ideas and resources to successfully implement best practices using digital tools to engage students, increase productivity and provide a rich learning experience.

Room 3207 Computer Lab

Math-Whizz: Using the Teacher Resource to Support CCSS Aligned Instruction

This interactive workshop will focus on a big picture of the shifts within CCSS for math and guidance for instruction and student learning. Participants will walk through examples of mathematical rich tasks as well as CCSS resources and tools to engage ALL students in mathematical sense-making.

Room 3214

Presenter: Mr. Kevin Judd, Vice President, Whizz Education, Inc. Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Professional Developers; Content Area Specialists Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Middle School Strand: Math/Science


Next Generation Science Standards

Common Core and District Assessments: Reporting Progress in a Time of Transition Presenters: Mrs. Michelle Fickle, Teacher; Mrs. Tamara Morrow, Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2) Strand: Assessment With the recent adoption of the Common Core State Standards, many teachers have found themselves in an awkward position. We are teaching the Common Core but our assessments and reporting tools are aligned to the old standards. In this presentation, two kindergarten teachers will describe the journey they took that required them to wrestle with the Common Core and the district assessments and progress report. The end result of this journey was an adjusted assessment tool that can be used in this time of transition and a better understanding of the CCSS and what a future progress report might look like.

This session, for current Math-Whizz users, will focus on the use of the Math-Whizz Teacher Resource program for whole group small-group, or individual student instruction. Math-Whizz is aligned to the Common Core State Standards, providing educators with a clear consistent framework for what students should be learning. Our alignment helps teachers set goals for student learning, ensuring that all students have the knowledge and skills to be successful in math.

Room 3209

Because You Can't Memorize Understanding: Implementing the CCSS-Math for ALL Students

Room 3216

Read Well: Kindergarten Refresher

Presenter: Dr. Ellen Ebert, Science Director OSPI Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists Target Level: All Grade Levels Strand: Math/Science

Presenter: Ms. Stacy McCullough, Kindergarten Teacher, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors Target Level: Early Elementary (K-2) Strand: Response to Intervention

This session will focus on understanding the Next Generation Science Standards. Participants will learn how to apply standards in their work.

This session is designed for Kindergarten teachers currently using Read Well. Discussions will be directed toward important routines and effective strategies during whole group and small group instruction. Participants will have opportunities to share and plan.

32 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Concurrent Session Five Room 4130

String Basics: A Comprehensive Teaching Method, Sequence and Materials Presenter: Mrs. Terry Shade, Issaquah Middle School, Issaquah SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Para-Professionals Target Level: Middle School; High School; Administration Strand: Instruction As a participant in today's session, you will have the opportunity to: 1. Delve into a teaching sequence that teachers are going to be able to use in the first week of instruction. Not bits and pieces, but an actual sequence that works really well! 2. Learn how to teach from a method book that keeps instruction simple and step by step. 3. Learn important pedagogical approaches to include teaching group pulse/rhythm, intonation/ ear training and tone production/use of bow concentrations.


Improving Elementary School-Wide Literacy in Light of RTI and the CCSS K-6 Presenter: Dr. Kevin Feldman, Sonoma County Office of Education Audience: Classroom Teachers; Teacher Leaders; Instructional Coaches/Mentors; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists Target Level: Early Elementary (2-2); Upper Elementary (3-5); Administration; Related Services Strand: Instruction Implementation of the CCSS alone will not improve student achievement...improving daily instructional practice across the school - Collaborative Coherence is the key. This seminar will provide a practical road map to parse the details of what evidence based instructional practices reliably "move the dial" in elementary student learning and how school leaders can optimize their efforts to support this critical work.

Portable #2

What is Response to Intervention (RTI) Rigorous implementation of RTI includes a combination of high quality, culturally and linguistically responsive instruction; assessment; and evidence-based intervention. Comprehensive RTI implementation will contribute to more, meaningful identification of learning and behavioral problems, improve instructional quality, provide all students with the best opportunities to succeed in school, and assist with the identification of learning disabilities and other disabilities. -National Center on Response to Intervention

Project GLAD and the Common Core State Standards and STAR2 Presenter: Mrs. Hilary Wingert, Mrs. Kristina Beach, GLAD Consultants, Richland SD Audience: Classroom Teachers; Instructional Coaches/ Mentors; Teacher Leaders; School Administrators; District-Level Administrators; Content Area Specialists; Counselors/ Therapists; Para-Professionals Target Level: All Grade Levels; Administration; Related Services Strand: State/Federal Initiatives This session will involve the connection between Project G.L.A.D. and the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and STAR2.

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—33


General Institute Information

Books for Sale Hidden Spring Book Company, located in the main entrance hallway, features a wide variety of selection, including books recommended by our conference presenters.

Breakfast and Lunch Service for Participants A continental breakfast and lunch will be provided each day by Country Gentlemen and will be served in the breezeway outside of the cafeteria. Breakfast is served between 7:30-8:00 each morning; lunch on Tuesday is 11:30-12:30. Lunch on Wednesday, combined with team time, is 12:00 – 1:20. Be sure to enjoy the Coffee Station set up in the breezeway each morning. Thank you to Maggie Winters for coordinating the breakfast and lunch service!

Checking in at Registration Table Richland School District staff members do not need to check in; however; all non-Richland School District attendees will need to check in at the registration table Tuesday morning.

City of Richland Hotel Funds Grant Many thanks to the City of Richland for their support of this institute.

Clock Hours Seven (7) clock hours are available for each day of the institute. The clock hour fee is included with your registration. Clock hour forms will be available at the registration table each afternoon. Please be sure to sign the clock hour rosters after lunch each day.

Exhibitors and Sponsors Exhibitors will be available in the main entrance hallway from 7:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m. on Tuesday and from 7:30 a.m. to noon on Wednesday. Please acknowledge the following vendors for their support of the institute. Grand Canyon University Heritage University Hidden Spring Book Company Read Side by Side Publications Scholastic, Inc. School Employees Credit Union of Washington

Hospitality Room for Out-of-District Presenters Out-of-district presenters can relax and take a break in the Hospitality Room (Room #1114) anytime from 7:00 – 3:30 each day. Express breakfast and lunch service, as well as a coffee/beverage station will be available each day.

Institute Co-Sponsor—Washington State ASCD Washington State Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (WSASCD) is a non-profit association of all educators committed to promoting promising practices to ensure ALL students are safe, healthy, engaged, supported and challenged. Richland School District wishes to thank WSASCD for their co-sponsorship.

Institute Evaluation The institute evaluation is important to our future conference planning! After the conference, you will receive an email message with a link to an evaluation tool.

34 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute

Institute Information

Institute Purpose This institute is intended to: 1. PRESENT information from school and district teams from across Washington State that utilizes concepts and practices relative to Professional Learning Communities and Response to Intervention. Strands relate to Administrative & Policy, Assessment, Behavior, Common Core State Standards, Early Childhood & Parent Community, English Language Learners, Instruction, Literacy/Writing, Math/Science, Special Populations & High Needs Programs, and Teacher/Principal Evaluation. 2. INSPIRE institute participants to stay positive as they navigate change by networking with educators from around the state. 3. Provide time to PLAN with your team to begin or continue working together toward the implementation of strategies, programs, models and/or policies that increase student learning.

Institute Program Many thanks to Erich Bolz, Jolene Frisbie, Chelle Palmer, and Kathy Clayton for creating the schedule and program for this year’s institute.

Lodging Considerations A block of sleeping rooms has been reserved at the Red Lion Hotel Richland Hanford House (802 George Washington Way) for a special rate of $93.

Materials for Sessions In an effort to go ‘paperless,’ materials for most sessions are available at the WSASCD website at www.wsascd.org under ‘Practitioner’s Best Friend.’ Thank you to our session presenters for making this possible.

Name Badge All Richland School District staff members need to wear their district identification badge. For non-RSD attendees, the institute name badge serves as your entrance to general sessions, continental breakfast, lunch, concurrent sessions, and exhibits. Please wear your badge at all times.

Parking Parking is available in lots and on the street all around Richland High School. Parking in the church lot is also allowed. There is a posted ‘no parking’ area on the east side of Thayer Street up to Long Street. Please be thoughtful of residential driveways.

Team Time Space Many thanks to Jolene Frisbie for arranging locations for teams. If you are still interested in a room, please see Jolene at the registration table.

Tri-Cities Visitors & Convention Bureau This is the region's best resource for community information for visitors, those inquiring about the area for relocation or anyone looking for complete information on the Tri-Cities as a destination.

Wireless Internet Complimentary wireless internet access is available. The login and password is posted at various locations throughout the institute.

Planting the Seeds for our Children’s Future—35


36 - 4th Annual RTI-PLC Institute


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