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Outdoor Explorers Club
what is it?
Need an afternoon to get caught up on work or chores? Worried about your child sitting in front of a screen or cooped up all day? Outdoor Explorers Club offers your child an afternoon of outdoor adventure and exploration on the Greenway! Children will be able to spend two afternoons a week outside, trying out new activities, exploring the Greenway, making friends and learning new skills.
Outdoor Explorers Club is designed to supplement all learning styles occurring this year and will focus on meeting the social, emotional and physical well-being of your child. Children will attend two days a week, either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/ Thursday. Signups are on a week by week basis for your convenience.
what activities?
Outdoor Explorers Club intends to have your child outside all afternoon so they should come dressed for the weather in clothes and shoes that work for all weather and terrain. Parents should expect children to come home muddy! Our main goal is to have fun, be active and introduce your child to all the outdoors has to offer. While the club is child-led and free form as much as possible, there will be a focus activity each week in which children are guaranteed to participate one day each week. The activities may happen in other weeks as well but it is guaranteed to occur during the weeks listed below.
the details

Who? Kindergarten-5th grade
When? Two days a week, either Mon/Wed or Tues/Thurs; Drop-off between 2:30-3pm, pick-up between 5:30-5:45pm
Where? Lake Haigler Entrance at 2375 Lake Haigler Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715
Cost? $70/week nonmembers, 10% discount for members. $30 deposit due upon registration for each week enrolled.
Sign-up? Reservations required in advance. Signups on a week by week basis. Minimum of two days a week (M/W or Tu/ Th) but option to do all four.
Other: Children will be in groups of 14 with two Outdoor Program Staff. Where possible we will group children by age. No technology or cell phones please!