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COVID-19 Protocols
Updated December 16, 2020 The summer of 2020 was unlike any other summer camp experience, as a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic. The health and safety of our campers, their families, and our staff is of utmost importance, and as such, we strive to ensure that our campers can still experience summer camp in a healthy and safe environment. Following CDC, government, and American Camp Association guidance, the Anne Springs Close Greenway enacted the following measures in response to COVID-19. We expect that summer 2021 will follow these same protocols, to ensure the safety of your campers and our staff, but we are prepared to adapt based on any new guidance from the CDC, ACA, or government officials. These protocols include:
• Reduced number of groups, to adhere to CDC guidance of having less than 50 persons in room including campers and staff.
• Enhanced cleaning of all facilities, daily by camp staff and weekly by a third-party company utilizing CDCapproved COVID-19 cleaning procedures
• Weekly health screenings and daily temperature checks of all campers and staff including: Anyone who has a temperature of 100.4 F or above will be sent home and refunded/prorated. Health Screening Questions: High Risk Questions - If a person answers yes to any of the below they cannot attend camp that week and will be refunded. - Has anyone in your household had COVID-19 or have you been in close contact with anyone who has it in the last two weeks? - Have you or anyone in your household shown symptoms (cough, fever, shortness of breath) in the last two weeks?
- Have your or anyone in your household been quarantined in the last two weeks?
Medium Risk Questions - will be established based upon CDC guidelines according to the most up to date information at the time. Campers in this category will be able to attend and be monitored while at camp.
• Increased hand washing and hand sanitation amongst campers and staff
• Encouragement to minimize person-to-person contact, including encouraging campers and staff to use air high-fives and supporting cheers
• Masks are worn by all staff during drop-off and pick-up and when indoors.
• Maximize time outdoors and turn off AC in buildings to help limit the spread of water droplets (Adventure
Seekers Camps)
We recognize and see the need for our campers to be able to interact safely with their peers and with our staff. By implementing the above protocol, we are able to meet the needs of our campers while providing a safe and fun atmosphere.
*Please note that these protocols are subject to change based on CDC, ACA, or government guidance. All NC resident camps are subject to NC state guidelines.