Phosphorus tribromide [Phosphorus(III) bromide; PBr3]

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Bioactivities (398)




Reactions (62)

Substances (3)

Targets (64)

Citations (86)


References A



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Tattershall, Bruce W.; Kendall, Nigel L.

Polyhedron, 1994 , vol. 13, p. 1517 - 1522 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in carbon disulfide

under N2, dropwise addn. of Br2/CS2 to a stirred soln. of P4/CS2 (-10°C, 1 h), yellow soln.; not isolated, identified by 31P-NMR spectroscopy, molar ratio of PBr3, P2Br4, exo,exo-P4Br2 and exo,endo-P4Br2: 95 : 2.7 : 0.48 : 1.9;







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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26669240 Find similar reactions

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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Loennecke, P.; Blachnik, R.; Tattershall, B. W.

Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1994 , vol. 620, p. 1115 - 1124 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) addn. of Se and red P to Br2, -40°C; sealing under N2; slowly heating to 200°C; cooling; addn. of CS2; stirring; filtration; all reacts. excluding light; detn. by NMR;




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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26669241 Find similar reactions

Loennecke, P.; Blachnik, R.; Tattershall, B. W.

Zeitschrift fuer Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 1994 , vol. 620, p. 1115 - 1124 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) addn. of Se and red P to Br2, -40°C; sealing under N2; slowly heating to 250°C; cooling; addn. of CS2; stirring; filtration; not isolated; detn. by NMR;


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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26486988 Find similar reactions

Demarcq, Michel C.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1990 , p. 35 - 40 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) Pure PSBr3 is heated in a sealed tube at 140°C for 43 min.; Formed PBr3 is detected by NMR spectrum.;



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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26368810 Find similar reactions

A: 0%

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Lathrop, David; Eckert, Hellmut

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1989 , vol. 93, # 23 p. 7895 - 7902 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in not given according Penney, Sheldrick, J. Chem. Soc. A 1971, 245;;



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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26480188 Find similar reactions

Minkwitz, Rolf; Liedtke, Andreas

Inorganic Chemistry, 1989 , vol. 28, p. 4238 - 4242 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in carbon disulfide

P2H4, CS2 and HBr condensed into a quartz NMR tube at 77°K, slowly warmed to 205°K; observed by P(31)-NMR;



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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 26368387 Find similar reactions

A: 0%

in not given

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Dillon, Keith B.; Platt, Andrew W. G.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1982 , p. 1199 - 1204 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26368452 Find similar reactions

Dillon, Keith B.; Platt, Andrew W. G.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1982 , p. 1199 - 1204 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in dichloromethane





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Synthesize Find similar

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Rx-ID: 26368453 Find similar reactions

in dichloromethane

under N2, Br2 added dropwise to soln. of (NEt4)(PCl(CN)3) contg. excessof N(n-C3H7)4Br; monitored by (31)P NMR spectra;

Dillon, Keith B.; Platt, Andrew W. G.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1982 , p. 1199 - 1204 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Rx-ID: 26402573 Find similar reactions


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in neat (no solvent) byproducts: Et4NIBr2; argon atmosphere; org. compd. addn. to PBr5 (cooling to -20°C), reaction vessel connecting to vac. line; PBr3 collection (trap cooled with liq. nitrogen);

Vengel'nikova, V. N.; Timokhin, B. V.; Kalabina, A. V.; Donskikh, V. I.

Journal of General Chemistry USSR (English Translation), 1982 , vol. 52, p. 1160 - 1163 Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii, 1982 , vol. 52, p. 1318 - 1322 Full Text Show Details





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Rx-ID: 26453860 Find similar reactions

in neat (no solvent) byproducts: Et4NBr; argon atmosphere; mixing org. compd. and PBr5 (cooling), mixt. leaving for 1 h at room temp., heating (vac., 80°C, 2 h); volatile products collection (trap cooled with liq. nitrogen);

Vengel'nikova, V. N.; Timokhin, B. V.; Kalabina, A. V.; Donskikh, V. I.

Journal of General Chemistry USSR (English Translation), 1982 , vol. 52, p. 1160 - 1163 Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii, 1982 , vol. 52, p. 1318 - 1322 Full Text Show Details


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Rx-ID: 26368991 Find similar reactions

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in benzene

Medoks, G. V.; Maslova, L. A.

Zh. neorgan. Khim., 1956 , vol. 1, p. 1929 - 1930 C. A., 1957 , p. 5609 Full Text Show Details


in benzene

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) heating red P with I2; react. at the transition point of red P;;

Schroetter, A.

Sitz.-Ber. Akad. Wiss. (wien), 1848 , vol. 1, p. 130 - 137 Full Text Show Details

direct synthesis in null-manometer, according to: O. G. Polyachenok, Author's Abstract of Doctoral Thesis, Leningrad, 1972;

Dudchik, G. P.; Polyachenok, O. G.

Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (Translation of Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii), 1979 , vol. 24, p. 360 - 362 Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1979 , vol. 24, p. 646 - 650 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) reaction of Br2 with red P, moistened by PBr3;;

Volhard, J.

Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1887 , vol. 242, p. 141 - 163 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) slow admission Br2 to P in a CO2 atmosphere, warming when reaction becomes slower because of formation of a layer of product around the P pieces;;

Rekshinskii, V.

C. I, Tr. Inst. chistykh. khim. Reaktivov Nr. 3 (1924) 46/9 1925 , p. 477 Full Text Show Details

in not given dropping a slurry of Br2 in PBr3 to red P (dried at 105°C for several hours, 25-30percent excess), suspension has to be kept sufficiently liquid to avoid explosions;;

Gay, J. F.; Maxson, R. N.

Fernelius, W. C., Inorganic Syntheses, Bd. 2, New York-London 1946, S. 147/51 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) heating red P with I2; react. at the transition point of red P;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 159, page 363 - 366 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) reaction of Br2 with red P, moistened by PBr3;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) slow admission Br2 to P in a CO2 atmosphere, warming when reaction becomes slower because of formation of a layer of product around the P pieces;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

in not given dropping a slurry of Br2 in PBr3 to red P (dried at 105°C for several hours, 25-30percent excess), suspension has to be kept sufficiently liquid to avoid explosions;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

in carbon disulfide

Giran, H.

Ann. Chim. Phys., 1903 , vol. 30, p. 203 - 288 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

in carbon disulfide

reaction in CS2 soln. even in presence of excess despite of Br2;;

Giran, H.

Ann. Chim. Phys., 1903 , vol. 30, p. 203 - 288 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 213, page 489 - 491 Full Text Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26401659 Find similar reactions

With aluminium trichloride

at the m.p. of BrCN;

Gana, J.; Fricke, K.; Mueller, H.; Wallenwein, G.

Bol. Soc. Chil. Quim., 1971 , vol. 17, p. 27 - 28 C.A., 1972 , vol. 76, p. 9988 Full Text Show Details Gmelin Handbook: C: MVol.D3,, page 238 - 238 Full Text Show Details




Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 26386767 Find similar reactions

A: >99 B: >99

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Burg, A. B.; Griffiths, J. E.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1960 , vol. 82, p. 3514 - 3517 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: F: PerFHalOrg.3, 1.9, page 70 - 123 Full Text Show Details

90°C (16 h);




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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 26387542 Find similar reactions

A: >99 B: >99 C: >99



Burg, A. B.; Griffiths, J. E.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1960 , vol. 82, p. 3514 - 3517 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: F: PerFHalOrg.3, 1.9, page 70 - 123 Full Text Show Details

room temp.;

Burg, A. B.; Griffiths, J. E.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1960 , vol. 82, p. 3514 - 3517 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: F: PerFHalOrg.3, 1.9, page 70 - 123 Full Text Show Details

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Rx-ID: 7084938 Find similar reactions

Fluck et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1959 , vol. 81, p. 6363 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

T=180°C; Equilibrium constant;


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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 7442181 Find similar reactions

Fluck et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1959 , vol. 81, p. 6363 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

T=180°C; Equilibrium constant;



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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26385273 Find similar reactions

Delwaulle, M.-L.; Bridoux, M.

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1959 , vol. 248, p. 1342 - 1344 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 225, page 516 - 517 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) byproducts: PCl2Br, PClBr2, PFClBr; equilibrium within 4 d;; product mixture obtained; not isolated; detected by Raman spectroscopy;;










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Rx-ID: 26456918 Find similar reactions

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Find similar

Find similar

Find similar

Kolditz, L.; Feltz, A.

Z. Anorg. Chem., 1958 , vol. 293, p. 286 - 293 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 224, page 513 - 516 Full Text Show Details

in tetrachloromethane

decomposition with deep red color in CCl4 soln., formed PBr5 partially decomposes into Br2 and PBr3;;



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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 26535843 Find similar reactions


in neat (no solvent) decomposition on melting;;

Chatterjee, S. D.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 1942 , vol. 19, p. 49 - 50 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) at 65 °C the decompn. achieves about 98.5percent, at 90°C >99percent;;

Harries, G. S.; Payne, D. S.

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1958 , p. 3732 - 3733 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in further solvent(s) complete dissociation at higher temperature in liquid PBr3;;

Baxter, G. P.; Moore, C. J.; Boylston, A. C.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1912 , vol. 34, p. 259 - 274 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in neat (no solvent) at 65 °C the decompn. achieves about 98.5percent, at 90°C >99percent;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 218, page 501 - 503 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) decomposition on melting;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 217, page 498 - 500 Full Text Show Details

in further solvent(s) complete dissociation at higher temperature in liquid PBr3;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 218, page 501 - 503 Full Text Show Details

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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26184762 Find similar reactions

With bromine in benzene

Medoks, G. V.; Maslova, L. A.

Zhurnal Neorganicheskoi Khimii, 1956 , vol. 1, p. 1929 - 1930 C. A., 1957 , p. 5609/10 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.B,, page 282 - 285 Full Text Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 7055024 Find similar reactions

Gerrard; Herbst

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1955 , p. 277 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

T=160°C; beim Erhitzen;



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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 7055025 Find similar reactions

Synthesize Find similar

Gerrard; Herbst

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1955 , p. 277 Full Text View citing articles Show Details





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Rx-ID: 7055026 Find similar reactions

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Gerrard; Herbst

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1955 , p. 277 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

T=100°C; beim Erhitzen;




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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 7055027 Find similar reactions

Gerrard; Herbst

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1955 , p. 277 Full Text View citing articles Show Details





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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 7055028 Find similar reactions


Synthesize Find similar

Gerrard; Herbst

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1955 , p. 277 Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 7057774 Find similar reactions

Gerrard; Herbst

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1955 , p. 277 Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 7057775 Find similar reactions

Gerrard; Herbst

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1955 , p. 277 Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 26588688 Find similar reactions

in tetrachloromethane

dissociation;; detected by photometry;;

Popov; Schmorr

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1952 , vol. 74, p. 4672 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 232, page 531 - 533 Full Text Show Details

in tetrachloromethane

dissociation;; detected by photometry;;


Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26368527 Find similar reactions

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Synthesize Find similar

in neat (no solvent) reaction of Br2 in CO2 (as carrier gas) with dry P;;

Lieben, A.

Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1868 , vol. 146, p. 180 - 233 Full Text Show Details

in tetrachloromethane

slowly dropping Br2 to P in CCl4;;

Koskoski, W.; Fowler, R. D.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1942 , vol. 64, p. 850 - 852 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in neat (no solvent) reaction in CO2 atmosphere;;

Balard, A.-J.

Ann. Chim. Phys., 1826 , vol. 32, p. 337 - 381 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) reaction with excess P in sealed tube;;

Rose, H.

Ann. Phys. Chem. (2), 1833 , vol. 28, p. 529 - 550 Full Text Show Details

in further solvent(s) dropping Br2 slowly onto small pieces of P using PBr3 as a solvent;;


Baudrimont, E., Ann. Chim. Phys. (4) 2 (1864) 5/67 Full Text Show Details

in carbon disulfide

mixing solns. of elements in CS2;; distillation;;

Kekule, A.

Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1864 , vol. 130, p. 1 - 31 Full Text Show Details

Oddo, G.; Tealdi, M.

Gazzetta Chimica Italiana, 1903 , vol. 33, # II p. 427 - 449 Full Text Show Details

Volhard, J.

Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1887 , vol. 242, p. 141 - 163 Full Text Show Details

in benzene

adding Br2 dropwise to P in C4H4S free benzene;; separating liquid from slurry and distilling several times;;

Christomanos, A. C.

Z. Anorg. Chem., 1904 , vol. 41, p. 276 - 290 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) reaction of Br2 in CO2 (as carrier gas) with dry P;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) reaction in CO2 atmosphere;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) reaction with excess P in sealed tube;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

in further solvent(s) dropping Br2 slowly onto small pieces of P using PBr3 as a solvent;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

in carbon disulfide

mixing solns. of elements in CS2;; distillation;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

in benzene

adding Br2 dropwise to P in C4H4S free benzene;; separating liquid from slurry and distilling several times;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

in tetrachloromethane

slowly dropping Br2 to P in CCl4;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) product is digested for several days with P to remove intermediately formed PBr5;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

Pierre, I.

Ann. Chim. Phys., 1847 , vol. 20, p. 5 - 53 Full Text Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 26385052 Find similar reactions

Booth, H. S.; Frary, S. G.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1939 , vol. 61, p. 2934 - 2937 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 222, page 509 - 511 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) partial decomposition on standing;;



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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 7084808 Find similar reactions

Synthesize Find similar

Milobedzki; Krakoviecki

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1927 , vol. <4> 41, p. 932 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26454678 Find similar reactions

With carbon dioxide; bromine


Boeeseken, J.

Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1926 , vol. 45, p. 458 - 474 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.B,, page 282 - 285 Full Text Show Details

With bromine in carbon disulfide

Kekule, A.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1864 , vol. 130, p. 1 - 31 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.B,, page 282 - 285 Full Text Show Details

With bromine in benzene

byproducts: C5H5PBr2, PBr5;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.B,, page 282 - 285 Full Text Show Details

Christomanos, A. C.

Z. Anorg. Chem., 1904 , vol. 41, p. 276 - 290 Full Text Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 7055023 Find similar reactions

Strecker; Grossmann

Chemische Berichte, 1916 , vol. 49, p. 75 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

beim Erwaermen;




Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 7442180 Find similar reactions

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Strecker; Grossmann

Chemische Berichte, 1916 , vol. 49, p. 75 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zerfaellt beim Erhitzen;



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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26184783 Find similar reactions

at higher temp. and reduced pressure;;

Wolf, L.

Ber. Dtsch. Chem. Ges., 1915 , vol. 48, p. 1272 - 1280 Full Text Show Details

at higher temp. and reduced pressure;;

Gmelin Handbook: Hg: MVol.B2, 169, page 755 - 757 Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26517493 Find similar reactions

in neat (no solvent)

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Wolf, L.

reaction under reduced pressure;;

Ber., 1915 , vol. 48, p. 1272 - 1280 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) reaction under reduced pressure;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details



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Rx-ID: 26368661 Find similar reactions

in neat (no solvent) adding small excess Br2 to P4 while cooling with ice water in vacuum in anhydrous atmosphere;; formed PBr5 dissociates into PBr3 and Br2, which can be easily removed via fractionating;;

Baxter, G. P.; Moore, C. J.; Boylston, A. C.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1912 , vol. 34, p. 259 - 274 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in neat (no solvent) adding small excess Br2 to P4 while cooling with ice water in vacuum in anhydrous atmosphere;; formed PBr5 dissociates into PBr3 and Br2, which can be easily removed via fractionating;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details


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Rx-ID: 26368660 Find similar reactions

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in carbon disulfide

Giran, H.

Ann. Chim. Phys., 1903 , vol. 30, p. 203 - 288 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

in carbon disulfide

reaction in CS2 soln. even in presence of excess Br2;;

Giran, H.

Ann. Chim. Phys., 1903 , vol. 30, p. 203 - 288 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 213, page 489 - 491 Full Text Show Details


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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26179639 Find similar reactions

With phosphorus trichoride

Matignon, C.

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1900 , vol. 130, p. 1393 Full Text Show Details

With PCl3

Gmelin Handbook: Br: MVol., 6.3, page 208 - 213 Full Text Show Details


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Rx-ID: 7442179 Find similar reactions


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1897 , vol. <3> 17, p. 552 Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 26368630 Find similar reactions

in tetrachloromethane

reaction of Br2 with excess P4O;;

Synthesize Find similar

Besson, A.

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1897 , vol. 124, p. 763 - 765 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 213, page 489 - 491 Full Text Show Details

in tetrachloromethane

reaction of Br2 with excess P4O;;



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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26368690 Find similar reactions

in tetrachloromethane

additional formation of either PBr3 or PBr5 depends on ratio of starting materials;;

Besson, A.

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1897 , vol. 124, p. 763 - 765 Full Text Show Details

in tetrachloromethane

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 220, page 506 - 508 Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26455718 Find similar reactions

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Synthesize Find similar

Besson, A.

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1896 , vol. 122, p. 814 - 817 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent)




Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 26184763 Find similar reactions

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With bromine

at room temp.;

Schroetter, A.

Annalen der Physik (Weinheim, Germany), 1850 , vol. 81, p. 276 - 298 Full Text Show Details

Volhard, J.

Annalen der Physik (Weinheim, Germany), 1887 , vol. 242, p. 141 - 163 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.B,, page 282 - 285 Full Text Show Details




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Rx-ID: 26453390 Find similar reactions

in neat (no solvent) reaction at 60°C;;

Geuther, A.; Hergt, O.

Jenaische Z. Naturwiss. (2. Suppl.-H.), 1876 , vol. 10, p. 104 - 106 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) reaction at 60°C;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 225, page 516 - 517 Full Text Show Details






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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 26453649 Find similar reactions

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in neat (no solvent) reaction starting at 60°C with evolution of gas;;

Chambon, E.

Jenaische Z. Naturwiss. (Suppl. 2.-H.), 1876 , vol. 10, p. 92 - 96 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) reaction starting at 60°C with evolution of gas;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 225, page 516 - 517 Full Text Show Details


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Rx-ID: 26359748 Find similar reactions

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in neat (no solvent) formation of small amount PBr3;;

Gustavson, G.

Z. chem., 1870 , vol. 13, p. 521 - 522 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) formation of small amount PBr3;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 218, page 501 - 503 Full Text Show Details


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Rx-ID: 26125210 Find similar reactions

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Lieben, A.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1868 , vol. 146, p. 180 - 233 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.B,, page 307 - 310 Full Text Show Details

in further solvent(s) in PBr3 soln.;




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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 26086772 Find similar reactions

Synthesize Find similar

in neat (no solvent) heating an excess of H3PO3 with Br2 in a sealed tube at 100 °C;;

Gustavson, G.

Bull. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. - Petersbourg, 1867 , vol. 11, p. 299 - 301 Full Text Show Details

Gustavson, G.

J. prf. Ch., 1867 , vol. 101, p. 123 - 125 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) heating an excess of H3PO3 with Br2 in a sealed tube at 100 °C;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 57, page 122 - 124 Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26487912 Find similar reactions

With hydrogen sulfide in neat (no solvent) byproducts: HBr; react. of dry H2S with PBr5;;

Baudrimont, E.

Ann. Chim. Phys., 1864 , vol. 2, p. 5 - 67 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: S: MVol.B1, 30, page 67 - 69 Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26535849 Find similar reactions

in neat (no solvent) passing CO2 over PBr5 at 100°C on a water bath;;

Baudrimont, E.

Ann. Chim. Phys., 1864 , vol. 2, p. 5 - 67 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) heating on water bath in stream of CO2;;

Baudrimont, E.

Ann. Chim. Phys., 1864 , vol. 2, p. 5 - 67 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) passing CO2 over PBr5 at 100°C on a water bath;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 214, page 491 - 494 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) heating on water bath in stream of CO2;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 218, page 501 - 503 Full Text Show Details



Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26366640 Find similar reactions

Gladstone, J.

Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig), 1850 , vol. 49, p. 49 - 49 Full Text Show Details

Gladstone, J.

Philosophical Magazine (1798-1977), 1849 , vol. 35, p. 345 - 345 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: I: MVol.1, 55, page 182 - 183 Full Text Show Details

in not given



Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 26366885 Find similar reactions


Synthesize Find similar

in neat (no solvent) formation of red liquid containing PBr3 and IBr5;;

Gladstone, J. H.

Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig), 1850 , vol. 49, p. 40 - 51 Full Text Show Details

Gladstone, J. H.

Philosophical Magazine (1798-1977), 1849 , p. 345 - 355 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) formation of red liquid containing PBr3 and IBr5;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 218, page 501 - 503 Full Text Show Details

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26429834 Find similar reactions

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

in neat (no solvent) reaction at ambient temperature;;

Gladstone, J. H.

Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig), 1850 , vol. 49, p. 40 - 51 Full Text Show Details

Gladstone, J. H.

Philosophical Magazine (1798-1977), 1849 , p. 345 - 355 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent) reaction at ambient temperature;;

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 218, page 501 - 503 Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26494404 Find similar reactions

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

in neat (no solvent)

Gladstone, J. H.

Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig), 1850 , vol. 49, p. 40 - 51 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent)

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 218, page 501 - 503 Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26125279 Find similar reactions

in gas by distn. over HgBr2;

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Gladstone, J. H.

Philosophical Magazine (1798-1977), 1849 , vol. 35, p. 345 - 355 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.B,, page 310 - 316 Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26368766 Find similar reactions

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

in neat (no solvent)

Gladstone, J. H.

Philosophical Magazine (1798-1977), 1849 , vol. 35, p. 345 - 355 Full Text Show Details

in neat (no solvent)

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.C, 228, page 522 - 524 Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26483987 Find similar reactions

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Gladstone, J. H.

Philosophical Magazine (1798-1977), 1849 , vol. 35, p. 345 - 355 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.B,, page 307 - 310 Full Text Show Details

Berzelius, J. J.

Lehrbuch der Chemie, 5. Ed., Vol. 1, Dresden-Leipzig 1843, p. 249 Full Text Show Details



Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26454679 Find similar reactions

With bromine

in CO2 atmosphere;


Ann. Chim. Phys., 1826 , vol. 32, p. 337 - 381 Full Text Show Details


Annalen der Physik (Weinheim, Germany), 1826 , vol. 8, p. 461 - 473 Full Text Show Details

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.B,, page 282 - 285 Full Text Show Details

Berzelius, J. J.

Lehrbuch der Chemie, 5.Ed., Vol. 1, Dresden-Leipzig 1843, p. 249 Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26125231 Find similar reactions

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.B,, page 310 - 316 Full Text Show Details

Loewig, C.

Das Brom und seine chemischen Verhaeltnisse, Heidelberg 1829, p. 51 Full Text Show Details

in gas by distn. over Hg2Br2;


Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 26401658 Find similar reactions

only a few product;

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Gmelin Handbook: P: MVol.B,, page 307 - 310 Full Text Show Details

Loewig, C.

Das Brom und seine chemischen Verhaeltnisse, Heidelberg 1829, p. 71 Full Text Show Details

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