Phenylmethanol (BnOH) to Benzaldehyde

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With bis(pyridine) silver permanganate in benzene

0.5 h;

Firouzabadi, H.; Vessal, B.; Naderi, M.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1982 , vol. 23, # 17 p. 1847 - 1850 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With pyridine chromium peroxide in dichloromethane

0.5 h; Ambient temperature;

Firouzabadi, H.; Iranpoor, N.; Kiaeezadeh, F.; Toofan, J.

Tetrahedron, 1986 , vol. 42, # 2 p. 719 - 726 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With manganese(IV) oxide; Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 20 h;

Achremowicz, Lucjan; Mlochowski, Jacek; Mora, Czeslaw; Skarzewski, Jacek

Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig), 1982 , vol. 324, # 5 p. 735 - 742 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With dinitratocerium (IV) chromate in benzene

1 h; Heating;

Firouzabadi, H.; Iranpoor, N.; Kiaeezadeh, F.; Toofan, J.

Synthetic Communications, 1984 , vol. 14, # 10 p. 973 - 982 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With barium ferrate(VI) in benzene

Firouzabadi, H.; Mohajer, D.; Entezari-Moghaddam, M.

0.8 h; Heating;

Synthetic Communications, 1986 , vol. 16, # 6 p. 723 - 732 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With pyridine; 1,4-diaza-bicyclo[2.2.2]octane; tetraethylammonium trichloride in dichloromethane Ambient temperature;

Schlama, Thierry; Gabriel, Kiroubagaranne; Gouverneur, Veronique; Mioskowski, Charles

Angewandte Chemie (International Edition in English), 1997 , vol. 36, # 21 p. 2342 - 2344 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; diphenyl diselenide in tetrachloromethane

1 h; Heatingother diaryl diselenide; var. promary and secondary alcohols, also alcohols bearing phenylthio or phenylseleno group; Product distribution;

Kuwajima, Isao; Shimizu, Makoto; Urabe, Hirokazu

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 47, # 5 p. 837 - 842 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With pyridine chromium peroxide in dichloromethane

0.5 h; Ambient temperatureeffect of various chromium(VI) based oxidants; Product distribution;

Firouzabadi, H.; Iranpoor, N.; Kiaeezadeh, F.; Toofan, J.

Tetrahedron, 1986 , vol. 42, # 2 p. 719 - 726 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With trans-lt;Ru4L1(O)2gt;ClO4 in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 7 h; stoicheiometric oxidation ( electrochemical oxidation in a non-aqueous medium (acetonitrile), an Ag-AgNO3 reference electrode;

Che, Chi-Ming; Tang, Wai-Tong; Lee, Wai-On; Wong, Wing-Tak; Lai, Ting-Fong

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1989 , p. 2011 - 2016 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With benzyltriphenylphosphonium peroxodisulfate in acetonitrile

Oxidation; 0.5 h; Heating;

Mohammadpoor-Baltork, Iraj; Hajipour, Abdol Reza; Mohammadi, Hasan

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1998 , vol. 71, # 7 p. 1649 - 1653 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With butyltriphenylphosphonium dichromate in chloroform

Oxidation; 0.75 h; Heating;

Baltork, I. Mohammadpoor; Sadeghi, M. M.; Mahmoodi, N.; Kharamesh, B.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1997 , vol. 36, # 5 p. 438 - 441 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With benzyltriphenylphosphonium dichromate in acetonitrile

Oxidation; 0.133333 h; Heating;

Hajipour, Abdol Reza; Mohammadpoor-Baltork, Iraj; Niknam, Kurosh

Organic Preparations and Procedures International, 1999 , vol. 31, # 3 p. 335 - 341 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; perruthenate modified mesoporous silicate MCM-41 in toluene

T=80°C; Oxidation; 0.5 h;

Bleloch, Andrew; Johnson, Brian F. G.; Ley, Steven V.; Price, Adam J.; Shephard, Douglas S.; Thomas, Andrew W.

Chemical Communications, 1999 , # 18 p. 1907 - 1908 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With benzyltriphenylphosphonium chlorochromate in dichloromethane

Oxidation; 0.05 h; microwave irradiation;

Hajipour; Mallakpour; Backnejad

Synthetic Communications, 2000 , vol. 30, # 21 p. 3855 - 3864 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With carbon dioxide; oxygen; tetrapropylammonium perruthennate

T=75°C; P=165013 Torr; Kinetics;

Campestrini, Sandro; Carraro, Massimo; Ciriminna, Rosaria; Pagliaro, Mario; Tonellato, Umberto

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2005 , vol. 347, # 6 p. 825 - 832 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With benzyltriphenylphosphonium dichromate; silica gel

T=20°C; 0.05 h;

Hajipour; Mallakpour

Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals Science and Technology, Section A: Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2001 , vol. 356, p. 371 - 387 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; 4,4'-Dimethoxy-2,2'-bipyridin; potassium tertbutylate; copper(ll) bromide in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 1 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:ReagentsSolventsCatalysts;

Gamez, Patrick; Arends, Isabel W. C. E.; Sheldon, Roger A.; Reedijk, Jan

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2004 , vol. 346, # 7 p. 805 - 811 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Stage #1: With sodium hydrogencarbonate; Sodium borate; 4-methoxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1piperidinyloxy free radical in water; toluene


Patent: WO2004/67484 A2, 2004 ; Location in patent: Page 21 ;


Stage #2: With sodium hypochlorite; acetic acid

T=0°C; pH=8.6; 0.366667 - 0.583333 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


With sodium hypochlorite; 4-methoxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; Na2 tetraborate in water; toluene

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

The NutraSweet Company

Patent: US6825384 B1, 2004 ; Location in patent: Page column 13 ;

T=0°C; pH=8.6; 0.366667 h; Aqueous hydrocarbonate buffer; Show Experimental Procedure

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With acetic acid in acetonitrile

T=-20°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:Reagents;

Zhou, Yuming; Shan, Xiaopeng; Mas-Balleste, Ruben; Bukowski, Michael R.; Stubna, Audria; Chakrabarti, Mrinmoy; Slominski, Luke; Halfen, Jason A.; Muenck, Eckard; Lawrence Jr., Que

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2008 , vol. 47, # 10 p. 1896 - 1899 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

8 h; Reflux;

Zendehdel; Khanmohamadi; Mokhtari

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2010 , vol. 57, # 2 p. 205 - 212 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium permanganate; boron trifluoride acetonitrile complex in acetonitrile

T=23°C; 0.25 h; Inert atmosphere; Kinetics; TemperatureConcentrationTime;

Du, Hongxia; Lo, Po-Kam; Hu, Zongmin; Liang, Haojun; Lau, Kai-Chung; Wang, Yi-Ning; Lam, William W. Y.; Lau, Tai-Chu

Chemical Communications, 2011 , vol. 47, # 25 p. 7143 - 7145 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 10 h;

Kumar, R. Thinesh; Selvam, N. Clament Sagaya; Vijaya, J. Judith; Kennedy, L. John

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 24, # 3 p. 1125 - 1129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With {[(VIVO)(2,2'-bipyridine)(H2O)]2(μ-P2O7)}∙3H2O; triethylamine in neat (no solvent) T=100°C; 72 h; Catalytic behavior; ConcentrationReagent/catalyst;


With oxygen

T=45°C; 5 h; Irradiation;

Sarina, Sarina; Zhu, Huaiyong; Jaatinen, Esa; Xiao, Qi; Liu, Hongwei; Jia, Jianfeng; Chen, Chao; Zhao, Jian

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013 , vol. 135, # 15 p. 5793 - 5801 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Oxone; [Mn(NO3)2(2,3,5,6-tetra(2-pyridyl)pyrazine)(H2O)]; tetrabutylammomium bromide in dichloromethane

T=20°C; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

MacHura; Palion; Mrozinski; Kalinska; Amini; Najafpour; Kruszynski

Polyhedron, 2013 , vol. 53, p. 132 - 143 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Cu nanoparticles dispersed on La2O2CO3 in 1,3,5-trimethyl-benzene

T=149.84°C; 1 h; Inert atmosphere; TemperatureTime;

Wang, Fei; Shi, Ruijuan; Liu, Zhi-Quan; Shang, Pan-Ju; Pang, Xueyong; Shen, Shuai; Feng, Zhaochi; Li, Can; Shen, Wenjie

ACS Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 3, # 5 p. 890 - 894 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; 0.0202778 h; Quantum yield; Time; Show Experimental Procedure

Corning Incorporated; Horn, Clemens; Gaurat, Olivier; Jean, Patrick

Patent: EP2617703 A1, 2013 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0106 - 0111 ;

With sodium hypochlorite; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; phosphoric acid in aq. phosphate buffer; dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; pH=8; 0.0202778 h; Flow reactor; Catalytic behavior; Time; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: WO2013/109670 A1, 2013 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0107; 0108; 0109; 0110; 0112; 0113 ;


With Au–Pd alloy nanoparticle suppoted on ZrO2 T=45°C; P=760.051 Torr; 5 h; UV-irradiationInert atmosphere; Catalytic behaviorKinetics; TemperatureTimeReagent/catalyst;

Sarina, Sarina; Bai, Sagala; Huang, Yiming; Chen, Chao; Jia, Jianfeng; Jaatinen, Esa; Ayoko, Godwin A.; Bao, Zhaorigetu; Zhu, Huaiyong

Green Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 16, # 1 p. 331 - 341 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With TGSE; sodium hydrogencarbonate; sodium carbonate in water

1.66667 h; Electrochemical reaction;

Karimi, Babak; Rafiee, Mohammad; Alizadeh, Saber; Vali, Hojatollah

Green Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 17, # 2 p. 991 - 1000 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=20°C; 6 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalystTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Wang, Zhao-Gang; Yang, Yao; Cao, Xiao-Hua; Lu, Ming

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2015 , vol. 12, # 10 p. 1765 - 1770 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C17H19FeN5O4(18)O(1-) in acetonitrile

Ghosh, Munmun; Nikhil; Dhar, Basab B.; Sen Gupta, Sayam


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Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

T=26.84°C; Kinetics; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 54, # 24 p. 11792 - 11798 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; potassium hydoxide in toluene

T=100°C; 1 h;

Hu, Yongke; Chen, Lei; Li, Bindong

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 69 p. 65196 - 65204 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C28H31CuN3O; oxygen; caesium carbonate in tetrahydrofuran

T=20°C; 4 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Safaei, Elham; Bahrami, Hadiseh; Pevec, Andrej; Kozlevčar, Bojan; Jagličić, Zvonko

Journal of Molecular Structure, 2017 , vol. 1133, p. 526 - 533 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 6 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Taher, Abu; Kim, Dong Wook; Lee, Ik-Mo

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 29 p. 17806 - 17812 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Balt;RuO3(OH)2gt; in dichloromethane

48 h;

Green, Graham; Griffith, William P.; Hollinshead, David M.; Ley, Steven V.; Schroeder, Martin

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1984 , # 4 p. 681 - 686 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With boron trifluoride diethyl etherate; pyCo(TPP)NO2

0.75 h; further reagents, further catalysts;

Tovrog,Benjamin S.; Diamond, Steven E.; Mares, Frank; Szalkiewicz, Andrew

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1981 , vol. 103, # 12 p. 3522 - 3526 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With molecular sieve; lt;PPh4gt;lt;RuO2(OCOMe)Cl2gt; in dichloromethane

1 h; Ambient temperature;

Griffith, William P.; Jolliffe, Jennifer M.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1992 , # 24 p. 3483 - 3488 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bis(trimethylsilyl) chromate on montmorillonite K-10 in dichloromethane

T=25°C; 0.166667 h;

Heravi, Majid M.; Ajami, Dariush; Tabar-Heydar, Kourosh

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 1998 , vol. 129, # 12 p. 1305 - 1308 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With aluminium trichloride; PQQTME in acetonitrile

T=52°C; 9 h; other aluminum salt, other alcohols, other substrate; Product distributionMechanism;

Itoh, Shinobu; Mure, Minae; Ohshiro, Yoshiki; Agawa, Toshio

Tetrahedron Letters, 1985 , vol. 26, # 35 p. 4225 - 4228 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With boron trifluoride diethyl etherate; pyCo(TPP)NO2

0.75 h; further oxidating agents; Product distribution;

Tovrog,Benjamin S.; Diamond, Steven E.; Mares, Frank; Szalkiewicz, Andrew

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1981 , vol. 103, # 12 p. 3522 - 3526 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium ferrate(VI); K10 clay in cyclohexane

24 h; Ambient temperaturecomparision between solid catalyst; influence catalyst activation and relative amounts of reaction partners; other solvents, temperature. Oxidation of other alcohols, nitrogen derivatives, hydrocarbons, copling of thiols.;

Delaude, Lionel; Laszlo, Pierre

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 61, # 18 p. 6360 - 6370 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ammonium peroxydisulfate; Montmorillonite; silver nitrate in hexane

T=60°C; 2.5 h;

Hirano; Kojima; Yakabe; Morimoto

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 2001 , # 7 p. 274 - 276 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With iodosylbenzene; tetraphenylphosphonium bromide in dichloromethane

T=24.85°C; P=760 Torr; 24 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:ReagentsSolventsanaerobically;

Paraskevopoulou, Patrina; Petalidou, Eleftheria; Psaroudakis, Nikos; Stavropoulos, Pericles; Mertis, Konstantinos

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2005 , vol. 136, # 12 p. 2035 - 2039 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With hydrotalcite; RuMn2; oxygen in toluene

T=60°C; 1 h; atmospheric pressure; Kinetics;

Ebitani, Kohki; Motokura, Ken; Mizugaki, Tomoo; Kaneda, Kiyotomi

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2005 , vol. 44, # 22 p. 3423 - 3426 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bismuth(III) nitrate; KP10 aluminosilicate in benzene

T=60°C; 2.5 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:ReagentsCatalystsreaction times;

Farkas, Janos; Bekassy, Sandor; Madarasz, Janos; Figueras, Francois

New Journal of Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 26, # 6 p. 750 - 754 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With triethylammonium chlorochromate(VI); silica gel in dichloromethane

1.58333 h;

Ghammamy, Shahriare; Dastpeyman, Samaneh

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 229 - 232 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [WO(O2)2(C6H5CO2)](1-)*P(C6H5)4(1+)=[WO(O2)2(C6H5CO2)]P(C6H5)4; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

15 h; Reflux;

Maiti, Swarup K.; Dinda, Subhajit; Banerjee, Surajit; Mukherjee, Alok K.; Bhattacharyya, Ramgopal

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2008 , # 12 p. 2038 - 2051 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With mesityltriphenylbismuthonium tetrafluoroborate; N,N,N',N'-tetramethylguanidine in chloroform-d1

T=20°C; 1.5 h;

Matano, Yoshihiro; Suzuki, Takeshi; Iwata, Takaharu; Shinokura, Tomonori; Imahori, Hiroshi

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2008 , vol. 81, # 12 p. 1621 - 1628 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; 1 h;

Kantam, M. Lakshmi; Pal, Ujjwal; Sreedhar; Bhargava, Suresh; Iwasawa, Yasuhiro; Tada, Mizuki; Choudary

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2008 , vol. 350, # 9 p. 1225 - 1229 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Oxone; sodium ortho-iodobenzenesulfonate in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 2 h;

Uyanik, Muhammet; Akakura, Matsujiro; Ishihara, Kazuaki

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009 , vol. 131, p. 251 - 262 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-methyl-3-(2-oxo-2-(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-ylooxy-4-piperidoxyl)ethyl)imidazolium chloride; 1-(carboxymethyl)-3-methylimidazolium chloride; oxygen; sodium nitrite in water

T=59.84°C; P=7500.75 Torr; 0.5 h; Inert atmosphere;

Miao, Cheng-Xia; He, Liang-Nian; Wang, Jin-Quan; Wang, Jing-Lun

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2009 , vol. 351, # 13 p. 2209 - 2216 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With air; potassium carbonate

T=20°C; 10 h;

Lakshmi Kantam; Arundhathi; Likhar, Pravin R.; Damodara

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2009 , vol. 351, # 16 p. 2633 - 2637 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium hypochlorite; sodium hydrogencarbonate; potassium bromide in dichloromethane; water


Lindner, Jean-Pierre; Roben, Caren; Studer, Armido; Stasiak, Michael; Ronge, Ramona; Greiner, Andreas; Wendorff, Hans-Joachim

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2009 , vol. 48, # 47 p. 8874 - 8877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With copper doped titania; oxygen


Fan, Jie; Dai, Yihu; Li, Yunlong; Zheng, Nanfeng; Guo, Junfang; Yan, Xiaoqing; Stucky, Galen D.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009 , vol. 131, # 43 p. 15568 - 15569 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene; BF4(1-)*C19H32N6O2(1+) in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 0.0833333 h;

Fall, Alioune; Sene, Massene; Gaye, Mohamed; Gomez, Generosa; Fall, Yagamare

Tetrahedron Letters, 2010 , vol. 51, # 34 p. 4501 - 4504 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With γ-MnO2 hollow nanospheres; air in toluene

T=110°C; P=750.075 Torr;

Fu, Xiaobo; Feng, Jiyun; Wang, Huang; Ng, Ka Ming

Materials Research Bulletin, 2010 , vol. 45, # 9 p. 1218 - 1223 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 5 ruthenium on carbon; oxygen in water

T=75°C; 24 h;

Akkilagunta, Vijay Kumar; Reddy, Vutukuri Prakash; Kakulapati, Rama Rao

Synlett, 2010 , # 17 p. 2571 - 2574 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium carbonate

T=20°C; 7 h; Neat (no solvent);

Layek, Keya; Maheswaran; Arundhathi; Kantam, M. Lakshmi; Bhargava, Suresh K.

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 353, # 4 p. 606 - 616 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene; Ru2(bbpmp)(OAc)2 acetate in tetrahydrofuran; acetonitrile

T=40°C; 1 h; Inert atmosphere;

Lee, Bao-Lin; Kaerkaes, Markus D.; Johnston, Eric V.; Inge, Andrew K.; Tran, Lien-Hoa; Xu, Yunhua; Hansson, Oerjan; Zou, Xiaodong; Akermark, Bjoern

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2010 , # 34 p. 5462 - 5470 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=60°C; 5 h;

Najafi, Gholam Reza

Chinese Chemical Letters, 2010 , vol. 21, # 10 p. 1162 - 1164 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With RuCl(CO)(P(C6H5)3)(C5H4NCONHNCHC6H3OOCH3); 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Reflux; Show Experimental Procedure

Manikandan; Viswanathamurthi; Muthukumar

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2011 , vol. 83, # 1 p. 297 - 303 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in toluene

T=79.84°C; 7 h;

Yoshida, Akihiro; Takahashi, Youichi; Ikeda, Tsuyoshi; Azemoto, Kazuki; Naito, Shuichi

Catalysis Today, 2011 , vol. 164, # 1 p. 332 - 335 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; potassium hydoxide in chloroform; water

T=35°C; P=750.075 Torr; 6 h; Kinetics;

Buonerba, Antonio; Cuomo, Cinzia; Ortega Sanchez, Sheila; Canton, Patrizia; Grassi, Alfonso

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 2 p. 709 - 715 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-n-butyl-2,3-dimethylimidazolium acetate in water

24 h; RefluxInert atmosphere;

Feng, Bo; Chen, Chen; Yang, Hanmin; Zhao, Xiuge; Hua, Li; Yu, Yinyin; Cao, Ting; Shi, Yu; Hou, Zhenshan

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2012 , vol. 354, # 8 p. 1559 - 1565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With methyl tert-butyl peroxide in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 3 h;

Rahimi, Rahmatollah; Ghoreishi, Seyyedeh Zahra; Dekamin, Mohammad G.

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2012 , vol. 143, # 7 p. 1031 - 1038 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Pd(0) nanoparticle supported on aminopropyl grafted silica-based mesocellular foam; air in para-xylene

T=110°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1 h;

Johnston, Eric V.; Verho, Oscar; Kaerkaes, Markus D.; Shakeri, Mozaffar; Tai, Cheuk-Wai; Palmgren, Pal; Eriksson, Kristofer; Oscarsson, Sven; Baeckvall, Jan-E.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 39 p. 12202 - 12206 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With (tetrabutylammonium)4[Al4(H2O)10(β-SbW9O33H)2]*4H2O; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=70°C; 1 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Carraro, Mauro; Bassil, Bassem S.; Soraru, Antonio; Berardi, Serena; Suchopar, Andreas; Kortz, Ulrich; Bonchio, Marcella

Chemical Communications, 2013 , vol. 49, # 72 p. 7914 - 7916 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With zinc indium sulphide; oxygen

P=750.075 Torr; 2 h; UV-irradiation; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Chen, Zhixin; Xu, Jingjing; Ren, Zhuyun; He, Yunhui; Xiao, Guangcan

Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 205, p. 134 - 141 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With manganese(II) nitrate; C70H128N16O4; oxygen; cobalt(II) nitrate in acetic acid

T=20°C; 2 h; Mechanism; Reagent/catalystTimeTemperature;

Minisci, Francesco; Recupero, Francesco; Rodino, Marianna; Sala, Massimiliano; Schneider, Armin

Organic Process Research and Development, 2003 , vol. 7, # 6 p. 794 - 798 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in water

T=25°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1 h; SolventConcentrationReagent/catalyst;

Mahyari, Mojtaba; Shaabani, Ahmad; Bide, Yasamin

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 44 p. 22509 - 22517 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With aluminum oxide in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=120°C; 4 h; Inert atmosphere;

Damodara, Dandu; Arundhathi, Racha; Likhar, Pravin R.

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 356, # 1 p. 189 - 198 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-hydroxy-1H-1,2,3-benziodoxathiole 1,3,3-trioxide; Oxone; cetyltrimethylammonim bromide in water

T=20°C; 2 h; Green chemistry; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Liu, Yangyang; Wang, Boliang

Journal of Chemical Research, 2014 , vol. 38, # 7 p. 427 - 431 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; copper 1,3,5benzenetricarboxylate; oxygen; sodium carbonate in acetonitrile

T=75°C; P=760.051 Torr; 16 h;

Qi, Yue; Luan, Yi; Yu, Jie; Peng, Xiong; Wang, Ge

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015 , vol. 21, # 4 p. 1589 - 1597 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 20 h;

Liu, Hongli; Chang, Lina; Chen, Liyu; Li, Yingwei

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015 , vol. 3, # 15 p. 8028 - 8033 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=75°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Zhang, Xiaowei; Dong, Wenjun; Luan, Yi; Yang, Mu; Tan, Li; Guo, Yangguang; Gao, Hongyi; Tang, Yinhai; Dang, Rui; Li, Jie; Wang, Ge

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015 , vol. 3, # 8 p. 4266 - 4273

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; N,N' disalicylidene 1,2 phenylenediamine copper(II); sodium hydroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Chen, Tingting; Cai, Chun

Synthetic Communications, 2015 , vol. 45, # 11 p. 1334 - 1341 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=100°C; 6 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent; chemoselective reaction;

Wu, Suntao; Chen, Liyu; Yin, Biaolin; Li, Yingwei

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 48 p. 9884 - 9887 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Stage #1: With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in diethylene glycol dimethyl ether

T=65°C; 6 h; Stage #2: T=200°C; 2 h; Calcination; Activation energy;

Hinde, Christopher S.; Gill, Arran M.; Wells, Peter P.; Hor, T. S. Andy; Raja, Robert

ChemPlusChem, 2015 , vol. 80, # 8 p. 1226 - 1230 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With copper(l) iodide; TEMPOL; N,N'-dimethyl-N,N'-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethane-1,2-diamine in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 1 h; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalystSolventTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang, Shufang; Miao, Chengxia; Xu, Daqian; Sun, Wei; Xia, Chungu

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 35, # 11 p. 1864 - 1873 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; C38H32Cu2N4O10S2 in water

T=100°C; 2.5 h; Microwave irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Hazra, Susanta; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S.; Guedes Da Silva, M. Fátima C.; Pombeiro, Armando J. L.

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 109 p. 90079 - 90088 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dmap; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; copper dichloride in water

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 10 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang, Guoqi; Zhang, Yuan Zhuo; Lo, Wen-Feng; Jiang, Jianfeng; Golen, James A.; Rheingold, Arnold L.

Polyhedron, 2016 , vol. 103, p. 227 - 234 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With (1,3-bis(2,6-di-iso-propylphenyl)-4,5-dihydroimidazol-2-ylidene) copper chloride; oxygen; potassium hydoxide in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 12 h; Molecular sieve; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Zhan, Le-Wu; Han, Lei; Xing, Ping; Jiang, Biao

Organic Letters, 2015 , vol. 17, # 24 p. 5990 - 5993 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium bromate; 1,1,3,3-tetramethylguanidine sulfonic acid hydrochloride in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; Solvent;

Shaabani, Ahmad; Laeini, Mohammad Sadegh; Shaabani, Shabnam; Seyyedhamzeh, Mozhdeh

New Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 40, # 3 p. 2079 - 2082 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylnitrite; oxygen; acetic acid in toluene

T=50°C; 1 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Karimi, Babak; Vahdati, Saleh; Vali, Hojatollah

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 68 p. 63717 - 63723 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With titanium(IV) oxide; oxygen

T=29.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h; Sealed tubeIrradiation; Catalytic behaviorKinetics; Reagent/catalyst;

Vadakkekara, Raji; Biswas, Abul Kalam; Sahoo, Tapan; Pal, Provas; Ganguly, Bishwajit; Ghosh, Subhash Chandra; Panda, Asit Baran

Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2016 , vol. 11, # 21 p. 3084 - 3089 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; sodium carbonate in acetonitrile

T=75°C; 6 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Li, Jie; Gao, Hongyi; Tan, Li; Luan, Yi; Yang, Mu

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 2016, # 30 p. 4906 - 4912 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; Catalytic behavior;

Wang, Shuai; Yin, Shuangtao; Chen, Gaowen; Li, Lun; Zhang, Hui

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 6, # 12 p. 4090 - 4104 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in ethanol

T=80°C; P=750.075 Torr; 30 h;

Mao, Fei; Qi, Zhengliang; Fan, Haipeng; Sui, Dejun; Chen, Rizhi; Huang, Jun

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 3 p. 1498 - 1503 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium periodate; [(η6-p-cymene)RuCl(C5H4N-2-CHN-2,4-trimethylphenyl)]PF6 in water; tert-butyl alcohol

T=80°C; 0.5 h; Schlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Gichumbi, Joel M.; Friedrich, Holger B.; Omondi, Bernard

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2017 , vol. 456, p. 55 - 63 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C12H20CuN6(2+)*2ClO4(1-) in toluene; acetonitrile

Jain, Rahul; Gibson, Tony J.; Mashuta, Mark S.; Buchanan, Robert M.; Grapperhaus, Craig A.

Dalton Transactions, 2016 , vol. 45, # 45 p. 18356 - 18364 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2C36H60N9(3+)*3O4W(2-); dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=20°C; 0.0833333 h; Green chemistry; Solvent;

Hosseini Eshbala, Fereshteh; Mohanazadeh, Farajollah; Sedrpoushan, Alireza

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 31, # 5 art. no. E3597 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; 6C12H6Cu3N6O6(3(2+)*5O(2-)*6C H N O (2-); oxygen in acetonitrile

6O4Zn*20Zn 4 2 2 2

Tu, Binbin; Pang, Qingqing; Xu, Huoshu; Li, Xiaomin; Wang, Yulin; Ma, Zhen; Weng, Linhong; Li, Qiaowei

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017 , vol. 139, # 23 p. 7998 - 8007 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium carbonate in neat (no solvent) T=120°C; 24 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Akbari, Sara; Mokhtari, Javad; Mirjafari, Zohreh

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 65 p. 40881 - 40886 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium carbonate in water

T=90°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature;

Pourjavadi, Ali; Habibi, Zahra

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 31, # 11 art. no. E3783 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 12 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Li, Ruilian; Zhao, Jian; Yang, Fengxia; Zhang, Yingchao; Ramella, Daniele; Peng, Yu; Luan, Yi

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 81 p. 51142 - 51150 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in toluene

T=120°C; 4 h;

Saha, Arijit; Payra, Soumen; Banerjee, Subhash

New Journal of Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 41, # 22 p. 13377 - 13381 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; potassium hydoxide in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 10 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Xu, Yang; Wang, Tianqi; He, Zidong; Zhou, Minghong; Yu, Wei; Shi, Buying; Huang, Kun

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017 , vol. 541, p. 112 - 119 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With lithium perchlorate in methanol

T=0°C; Inert atmosphereSealed tubeElectrochemical reactionCooling with ice;

Barone, Mateus R.; Jones, Alan M.

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 15, # 47 p. 10010 - 10015 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; copper(l) iodide; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 1 h;

Liu, Hui; Ramella, Daniele; Yu, Peng; Luan, Yi

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 36 p. 22353 - 22359 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; oxygen in decane; toluene

T=80°C; P=1500.15 Torr; Flow reactor; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystPressureTemperature;

Giorgi, Pascal D.; Elizarov, Nelli; Antoniotti, Sylvain

ChemCatChem, 2017 , vol. 9, # 10 p. 1830 - 1836 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; Cr(OAc)3 impregnated NafionR 511 in chlorobenzene; benzene

T=85°C; 6 h;

Kanemoto, Sigekazu; Saimoto, Hiroyuki; Oshima, Koichiro; Nozaki, Hitosi

Tetrahedron Letters, 1984 , vol. 25, # 31 p. 3317 - 3320 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With calcium hypochlorite in water; acetic acid; acetonitrile

T=0°C; 1 h;

Nwaukwa, Stephen O.; Keehn, Philip M.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1982 , vol. 23, p. 35 - 38 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With silver ferrate in benzene

0.8 h; Heatingfurther reagent K2FeO4;

Firouzabadi, H.; Mohajer, D.; Moghaddam, M. Entezari

Synthetic Communications, 1986 , vol. 16, # 2 p. 211 - 224 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With N-chloro-succinimide; diisopropylsulfide in dichloromethane


Kim, Kwan Soo; Cho, In Haeng; Yoo, Byung Ki; Song, Yang Heon; Hahn, Chi Sun

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1984 , # 12 p. 762 - 763 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


T=24.84°C; 4 h; Catalytic behavior; ConcentrationReagent/catalystSolvent;




T=70°C; 24 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime;


With oxygen; tetrapropylammonium perruthennate in dichloromethane

0.5 h; Ambient temperature;

Lenz, Roman; Ley, Steven V.

Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkin Transactions 1, 1997 , # 22 p. 3291 - 3292 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-benzyl-1-aza-4-azoniabicyclolt;2.2.2gt;octane periodate in acetonitrile

0.166667 h; Heating;

Hajipour, A. R.; Mahboobkhah, N.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 37, # 3 p. 285 - 287 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With silica gel; bis(trimethylsilyl)chromate

0.00277778 h; Irradiation;

Heravi; Ajami; Tabar-Heydar

Synthetic Communications, 1999 , vol. 29, # 2 p. 163 - 166 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With chromium(VI) oxide; HY zeolite

0.00555556 h; microwave irradiation;

Mirza-Aghayan, Maryam; Heravi, Majid M.

Synthetic Communications, 1999 , vol. 29, # 5 p. 785 - 789 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bis(1-CH2Ph-3,5,7-3N-1-N(1+)tricyclo[,7]decaneS2O8 in acetonitrile

Oxidation; 0.583333 h; Heating;

Minghu, Wu; Guichun, Yang; Zuxing, Chen

Synthetic Communications, 2000 , vol. 30, # 17 p. 3127 - 3131 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With KNa4[Ag(HIO6)2]*12H2O in water


Bugarcic, Zorica; Novokmet, Slobodan; Senic, Zeljko; Bugarcic, Zivadin

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2000 , vol. 131, # 7 p. 799 - 802 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N-(tert-butyl)benzenesulfinimidoyl chloride; 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene in dichloromethane

T=-78°C; 0.5 h;

Matsuo, Jun-Ichi; Kitagawa, Hideo; Iida, Daisuke; Mukaiyama, Teruaki

Chemistry Letters, 2001 , # 2 p. 150 - 151 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With calcium hypochlorite; aluminum oxide

0.0166667 h; microwave irradiation;

Mojtahedi, Mohammad M.; Saidi, Mohammad R.; Bolourtchian, Mohammad; Shirzi, Jafar S.

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2001 , vol. 132, # 5 p. 655 - 658 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With prolinium chlorochromate in hexane

1.33 h; Heating;

Mamaghani; Shirini; Parsa

Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 38, # 8 p. 1113 - 1115 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N-chloro-succinimide; N-(phenylthio)-N-(tert-butyl)amine; potassium carbonate; 4 A molecular sieve in dichloromethane

T=0°C; 1 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:ReagentsSolventsTemperatures;

Matsuo, Jun-Ichi; Iida, Daisuke; Yamanaka, Hiroyuki; Mukaiyama, Teruaki

Tetrahedron, 2003 , vol. 59, # 35 p. 6739 - 6750 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With air; manganese(II) nitrate; macrocyclic polipiperidine-N-oxyl radical; toluene-4-sulfonic acid; cobalt(II) nitrate in acetic acid

T=20°C; 3 h;

Minisci, Francesco; Recupero, Francesco; Cecchetto, Andrea; Gambarotti, Cristian; Punta, Carlo; Faletti, Roberta; Paganelli, Roberto; Pedulli, Gian Franco

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2004 , # 1 p. 109 - 119 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With dithiobis[N-(2-OH-naphth-3-yl)benzamide]Cl2(H2O)2(Py)2Ru2

Heating; Product distribution; Further Variations:Reagents;

Jhaumeer-Laulloo, Sabina; Bhowon, Minu G.; Hosany, Amit

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2004 , vol. 81, # 7 p. 547 - 551 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With aluminium trichloride; 1-decyl-4-aza-1-azoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane chlorochromate in acetonitrile

0.5 h; Heating;

Hajipour; Bagheri; Ruoho

Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 42, # 6 p. 844 - 848 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium periodate; [bmim]PF6; C15H27ON3(1+)*PF6(1-); sodium bromide in water

T=20°C; 15 h;

Lei, Ming; Hu, Rui-Jun; Wang, Yan-Guang

Tetrahedron, 2006 , vol. 62, # 38 p. 8928 - 8932 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1,4-diaza-bicyclo[2.2.2]octane; 4-acetylamino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-Noxyl; oxygen; 1,3-di(4-pyridyl)propane; copper(II) perchlorate in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=20°C; P=760 Torr; 2 h;

Jiang, Nan; Ragauskas, Arthur J.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 71, # 18 p. 7087 - 7090 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium hydroxide; PS-resin; potassium hexacyanoferrate(III); 4(benzyloxycarbonyl)-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxyl in water; toluene

T=20°C; 2 h;

Yoshitomo, Kashiwagi; Chiba, Shinya; Anzai, Jun-ichi

New Journal of Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 27, # 11 p. 1545 - 1549 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With N-methyl-2-indolinone; tetrapropylammonium perruthennate; 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 0.5 h;

Ley; Ramarao; Smith

Chemical Communications, 2001 , # 21 p. 2278 - 2279 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [hydroxy(tosyloxy)iodo]benzene

0.0166667 h; microwave irradiation;

Lee, Jong Chan; Lee, Ji Young; Lee, Seung Jun

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 25 p. 4939 - 4941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With NTPPPODS in acetonitrile

0.0333333 h; Reflux;

Lakouraj, Moslem Mansour; Tajbakhsh, Mahmood; Ramzanian-Lehmali, Farhad

Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements, 2008 , vol. 183, # 6 p. 1388 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With air


Della Pina, Cristina; Falletta, Ermelinda; Rossi, Michele

Journal of Catalysis, 2008 , vol. 260, # 2 p. 384 - 386 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; isobutyraldehyde in acetonitrile

T=50°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3.5 h;

Rana, Bharat S.; Jain, Suman L.; Singh, Bhawan; Bhaumik, Asim; Sain, Bir; Sinha, Anil K.

Dalton Transactions, 2010 , vol. 39, # 33 p. 7760 - 7767 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With rhodium(III) chloride hydrate; oxygen; triethylamine

T=97.84°C; P=15201 Torr; 20 h;

Guo, Huajun; Liu, Wei-Dong; Yin, Guochuan

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 25, # 11 p. 836 - 842 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=90°C; 1.16667 h;

Fazaeli, Razieh; Aliyan, Hamid; Poorgholam, Mohammad Reza

Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 42, # 6 p. 805 - 810 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C24H32Cl2CuN2O3Si2; potassium carbonate in water; acetonitrile

T=50°C; 48 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime;

Soroceanu, Alina; Cazacu, Maria; Shova, Sergiu; Turta, Constantin; Kozisek, Jozef; Gall, Marian; Breza, Martin; Rapta, Peter; Mac Leod, Tatiana C. O.; Pombeiro, Armando J. L.; Telser, Joshua; Dobrov, Anatolie A.; Arion, Vladimir B.

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2013 , # 9 p. 1458 - 1474 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With chromium(VI) oxide in neat (no solvent) T=20°C; 0.00833333 h; Reagent/catalystTimeTemperature;

He, Ai; Zhang, Jie; Zheng, Wenjin; Huang, Chen; Zhang, Changhe; Huang, Lihong; Lou, Ji-Dong

Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2013 , vol. 39, # 3 p. 1015 - 1020 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide; bromine in water; ethyl acetate

4 h; Reflux;

Amati, Alessandro; Dosualdo, Gabriele; Zhao, Lihua; Bravo, Anna; Fontana, Francesca; Minisci, Francesco; Bjorsvik, Hans-Rene

Organic Process Research and Development, 1998 , vol. 2, # 4 p. 261 - 269 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Sahu, Debojeet; Sarmah, Chandan; Das, Pankaj

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 23 p. 3422 - 3425 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=90°C; 0.333333 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureSolventReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Fazaeli, Razieh; Aliyan, Hamid; Foroushani, Somaieh Parishani; Mohagheghian, Zahra

Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 38, # 3 p. 372 - 380 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C30H24AgBr4N8(1+)*AgBr2(1-); N-benzyl-trimethylammonium hydroxide in toluene

T=20°C; 12 h; Molecular sieveSchlenk technique; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTimeSolvent;

Han, Lei; Xing, Ping; Jiang, Biao

Organic Letters, 2014 , vol. 16, # 13 p. 3428 - 3431 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in toluene

T=100°C; 1 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Xu, Chunli; Wang, Zhen; Huangfu, Xiuting; Wang, Hanfei

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 52 p. 27337 - 27345 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in water; acetonitrile

T=50°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureSolvent;

Shilpa; Gayathri

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 38, # 1 p. 53 - 62 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide

T=80°C; 5 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Temperature; chemoselective reaction;

Rana, Surjyakanta; Maddila, Suresh; Pagadala, Ramakanth; Parida; Jonnalagadda, Sreekantha B.

Catalysis Communications, 2014 , vol. 59, p. 73 - 77 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in benzene

T=150°C; P=5250.53 Torr;

Chaudhuri, Sangeeta Roy; Hartwig, Jan; Kupracz, Lukas; Kodanek, Torben; Wegner, Jens; Kirschning, Andreas

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 356, # 17 p. 3530 - 3538 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [FeCl3(η1-P-(bis[2-(diphenylphosphino)phenyl]ether))(η2-P,P-(bis[2(diphenylphosphino)phenyl]ether))]; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalystTemperatureSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Sahu, Debojeet; Banik, Biplab; Borah, Malabika; Das, Pankaj

Letters in Organic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 11, # 9 p. 671 - 676 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C40H54CuN4O5(2+)*2I(1-); dihydrogen peroxide; potassium carbonate in water

T=60°C; 12 h; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Gao, Jun; Ren, Zhi-Gang; Lang, Jian-Ping

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 792, art. no. 18908, p. 88 - 92 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium hydoxide in toluene

T=100°C; 8 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Hosseini-Sarvari, Mona; Ataee-Kachouei, Tahereh; Moeini, Fatemeh

Materials Research Bulletin, 2015 , vol. 72, p. 98 - 105 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sulfuric acid; dihydrogen peroxide; sodium bromide in 1,4-dioxane; water

T=70°C; Flow reactorGreen chemistry;

Liu, Chengkou; Fang, Zheng; Yang, Zhao; Li, Qingwen; Guo, Shiyu; Zhang, Kai; Ouyang, Pingkai; Guo, Kai

Tetrahedron Letters, 2015 , vol. 56, # 44 p. 5973 - 5976 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen

T=30°C; P=760.051 Torr; 16 h; Irradiation;

Zavahir, Sifani; Xiao, Qi; Sarina, Sarina; Zhao, Jian; Bottle, Steven; Wellard, Mark; Jia, Jianfeng; Jing, Liqiang; Huang, Yiming; Blinco, James P.; Wu, Haishun; Zhu, Huai-Yong

ACS Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 3580 - 3588 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Au(at)Cu(II)-metal-organic framework in toluene

T=110°C; SolventTemperature;

Wang, Jing-Si; Jin, Fa-Zheng; Ma, Hui-Chao; Li, Xiao-Bo; Liu, Ming-Yang; Kan, Jing-Lan; Chen, Gong-Jun; Dong, Yu-Bin

Inorganic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 55, # 13 p. 6685 - 6691 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water; ethyl acetate

T=50 - 55°C; 0.833333 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Keypour, Hassan; Saremi, Shokoufeh Ghahri; Veisi, Hojat; Azadbakht, Reza

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 80 p. 77020 - 77029 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [2,2]bipyridinyl; Iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; acetic acid

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 0.5 h;

Lagerblom, Kalle; Wrigstedt, Pauli; Keskiväli, Juha; Parviainen, Arno; Repo, Timo

ChemPlusChem, 2016 , vol. 81, # 11 p. 1160 - 1165 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in toluene

T=110°C; P=760.051 Torr; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Buxaderas, Eduardo; Graziano-Mayer, Marilyn; Volpe, María Alicia; Radivoy, Gabriel

Synthesis (Germany), 2017 , vol. 49, # 6 art. no. SS-2016-M0473-OP, p. 1387 - 1393 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With montmorillonite K-10 supported palladium nanoparticles; air in water

T=20°C; 5 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Gogoi, Nibedita; Bordoloi, Porismita; Borah, Geetika; Gogoi, Pradip K.

Catalysis Letters, 2017 , vol. 147, # 2 p. 539 - 546 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=80°C; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Hashemian, Saeedeh; Sedrpoushan, Alireza; Eshbala, Fereshteh Hosseini

Catalysis Letters, 2017 , vol. 147, # 1 p. 196 - 203 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dmap; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; perfluorooctanesulfonic acid, tetraethylammonium salt; copper(l) chloride in water

T=20°C; 0.666667 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhejiang University of Technology; Wang, Jianli; Chen, Xianbo; Zhang, Qi

Patent: CN106316730 A, 2017 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0033; 0034; 035; 0036; 0037; 0038-0056; 0065-0072 ;


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide

T=80°C; 3 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Temperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Rostami, Amin; Pourshiani, Omid; Darvishi, Neda; Atashkar, Bahareh

Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2017 , vol. 20, # 4 p. 435 - 439 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate; oxygen; 2,3-dicyano-5,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone in 1,2dichloro-ethane

T=60°C; 3 h; Schlenk techniqueGreen chemistry; Catalytic behaviorMechanism; Reagent/catalystSolventTimeTemperature;

Hu, Yongke; Chen, Lei; Li, Bindong

Catalysis Communications, 2018 , vol. 103, p. 42 - 46 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene; C17H14Cl5MnN2O3 in acetonitrile

T=20°C; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Chakraborty, Aratrika; Chattopadhyay, Tanmay

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 70, # 19 p. 3293 - 3307 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bis-trimethylsilanyl peroxide; tris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(II) chloride in dichloromethane

T=25°C; 2 h;

Kanemoto, Shigekazu; Oshima, Koichiro; Matsubara, Seijiro; Takai, Kazuhiko; Nozaki, Hitosi

Tetrahedron Letters, 1983 , vol. 24, # 21 p. 2185 - 2188 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bis-trimethylsilanyl peroxide; tris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(II) chloride in dichloromethane

20 h;

Kanemoto, Shigekazu; Matsubara, Seijiro; Takai, Kazuhiko; Oshimara, Koichiro; Utimoto, Kiitiro; Nozaki, Hitosi

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1988 , vol. 61, p. 3607 - 3612 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With 1-hydroxy-3H-benz[d][1,2]iodoxole-1,3-dione in dimethyl sulfoxide

0.25 h; Ambient temperature;

Frigerio, Marco; Santagostino, Marco

Tetrahedron Letters, 1994 , vol. 35, # 43 p. 8019 - 8022 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; [(N,N',N"-trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane)Ru(CF3CO2)3*H2O] in dichloromethane; 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=20°C; Catalytic oxidation; 20 h;

Fung, Wai-Hong; Yu, Wing-Yiu; Che, Chi-Ming

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 63, # 9 p. 2873 - 2877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1,4-dibenzyl-1,4-diazoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane chlorochromate in acetonitrile

0.25 h; Heating;


Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 39, # 11 p. 863 - 866 Full Text Show Details


With oxygen; Pd nanoparticles; polystyrene-poly(ethylene glycol) resin in water

P=760 Torr; 1.5 h; Heating;

Uozumi, Yasuhiro; Nakao, Ryu

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2003 , vol. 42, # 2 p. 194 - 197 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium permanganate; aluminum polysilicate in toluene

T=70 - 80°C; 0.5 h;

Lou, Ji-Dong; Zhu, Li-Yun; Wang, Lan-Zhou

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2004 , vol. 135, # 1 p. 31 - 34 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [(H2DABCO)2(HDABCO)2(Br)2(Br3)4] in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; 4 h;

Heravi, Majid M.; Derikvand, Fatemeh; Ghassemzadeh, Mitra; Neumueller, Bernhard

Tetrahedron Letters, 2005 , vol. 46, # 37 p. 6243 - 6245 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium dichromate

T=20°C; 0.333333 h;

Lou, Ji-Dong; Gao, Chun-Ling; Ma, Yi-Chun; Huang, Li-Hong; Li, Li

Tetrahedron Letters, 2006 , vol. 47, # 3 p. 311 - 313 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With KMnO4 on aluminum silicate

T=20°C; 0.666667 h;

Lou, Ji-Dong; Gao, Chun-Ling; Li, Li; Fang, Zhi-Gang

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2006 , vol. 137, # 8 p. 1071 - 1074 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ferric nitrate

T=80°C; 0.25 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:TemperaturesReagentsPressurestime;

Namboodiri, Vasudevan V.; Polshettiwar, Vivek; Varma, Rajender S.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2007 , vol. 48, # 50 p. 8839 - 8842


Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: With dimethyl sulfoxide in ethyl acetate

T=0°C; Stage #2: With 2,4,6-tripropyl-1,3,5,2,4,6-trioxatriphosphinane-2,4,6-trioxide in ethyl acetate

T=0°C; 3 h;


Patent: WO2005/102978 A1, 2005 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 7 ;

With oxygen; ascorbic acid in toluene

T=65°C; 4 h; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: US2006/167313 A1, 2006 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 4 ;


With potassium bromate; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; hydroxylamine hydrochloride; oxygen in dichloromethane

T=50°C; P=2250.23 - 3000.3 Torr; 2 h; Autoclave;

Yang, Guanyu; Wang, Wei; Zhu, Weimin; An, Cunbin; Gao, Xinqin; Song, Maoping

Synlett, 2010 , # 3 p. 437 - 440 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium periodate; manganese(II) 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(N-ethylpyridinium-4-yl)porphyrin in water; toluene

T=30°C; 1.5 h;

Ren, Qing-Gang; Chen, Shao-Yun; Zhou, Xian-Tai; Ji, Hong-Bing

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 18, # 23 p. 8144 - 8149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; hydroxylamine; oxygen in water; 1,2dichloro-ethane

T=80°C; P=2250.23 Torr; 4 h; Autoclave;

Wertz, Sebastian; Studer, Armido

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 353, # 1 p. 69 - 72 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bis-triphenylphosphine-palladium(II) chloride; potassium carbonate; benzyl chloride

T=60°C; 20 h; Inert atmosphere; chemoselective reaction;

Liu, Chao; Tang, Shan; Zheng, Liwei; Liu, Dong; Zhang, Heng; Lei, Aiwen

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2012 , vol. 51, # 23 p. 5662 - 5666 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sulfuric acid; oxygen; sodium nitrite in tetrachloromethane; cyclohexane

T=60°C; 2 h; Ionic liquid; SolventTimeConcentration;

Zhu, Jie; Wang, Peng-Cheng; Ming, Lu

Synthetic Communications, 2013 , vol. 43, # 14 p. 1871 - 1881 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Fe3O4/SiO2 Magnetic nanoparticles coated carboxymethyl-β-CD in water

T=50°C; 1.5 h; Reagent/catalystTemperatureConcentration; chemoselective reaction;

Zhu, Jie; Wang, Peng-Cheng; Lu, Ming

Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2013 , vol. 24, # 1 p. 171 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide; benzyltrimethylazanium tribroman-2-uide in water; acetonitrile

T=60°C; 1 h; Green chemistry;

Dey, Madhudeepa; Dhar, Siddhartha Sankar; Kalita, Mukul

Synthetic Communications, 2013 , vol. 43, # 12 p. 1734 - 1742 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium hydoxide in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=20°C; 4 h;

Zhang, Qi; Cai, Shuangfei; Li, Linsen; Chen, Yifeng; Rong, Hongpan; Niu, Zhiqiang; Liu, Junjia; He, Wei; Li, Yadong

ACS Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 3, # 7 p. 1681 - 1684 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylnitrite; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; boron trifluoride diethyl etherate in dichloromethane

1.5 h; Inert atmosphereReflux; SolventTemperatureTime;

Holan, Martin; Jahn, Ullrich

Organic Letters, 2014 , vol. 16, # 1 p. 58 - 61 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dmap; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; copper diacetate in neat (no solvent) T=25°C; 24 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Guan, Mingyu; Wang, Chao; Zhang, Jingyu; Zhao, Yingsheng

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 90 p. 48777 - 48782 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With hydrogenchloride; tert.-butylnitrite; TEMPOL; oxygen; chloranil in neat (no solvent) T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 5 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Dong, Yanli; Zhao, Xiaomei; Liu, Renhua

Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 33, # 9 p. 1019 - 1023 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ammonium cerium (IV) nitrate; dicarbonyl-(η4-3,4-bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-2,5diphenylcyclopenta-2,4-dienone)(1,3-dimethyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3-triazolylidene)ruthenium in 1,2dichloro-benzene; acetonitrile

Cesari, Cristiana; Mazzoni, Rita; Müller-Bunz, Helge; Albrecht, Martin

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 793, art. no. 18922, p. 256 - 262 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

T=150°C; 24 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure


With 1,1,1,3',3',3'-hexafluoro-propanol; oxygen; nitric acid

T=20°C; 22 h;

Možina, Štefan; Stavber, Stojan; Iskra, Jernej

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 2017, # 3 p. 448 - 452 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With nickel dichloride in water

T=20°C; pH=9; 6 h; Inert atmosphereIrradiation; Reagent/catalystpH-value;

Zhao, Lei-Min; Meng, Qing-Yuan; Fan, Xiang-Bing; Ye, Chen; Li, Xu-Bing; Chen, Bin; Ramamurthy, Vaidhyanathan; Tung, Chen-Ho; Wu, Li-Zhu

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2017 , vol. 56, # 11 p. 3020 - 3024 Angew. Chem., 2017 , vol. 129, # 11 p. 3066 - 3070,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With palladium nanoparticle grafted titanium cluster; air in acetonitrile

8 h; Irradiation; Show Experimental Procedure

Verma, Sanny; Nasir Baig; Nadagouda, Mallikarjuna N.; Varma, Rajender S.

Tetrahedron, 2017 , vol. 73, # 38 p. 5577 - 5580 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=60°C; 2 h;

Soleimani, Ebrahim; Yaesoobi, Nadieh; Ghasempour, Hamid Reza

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2018 , vol. 32, # 2 art. no. E4006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With silica gel; copper(II) nitrate in tetrachloromethane

1 h; Zn(NO3)2;

Nishiguchi, Takeshi; Asano, Fumi

Tetrahedron Letters, 1988 , vol. 29, # 48 p. 6265 - 6266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium hydroxide; potassium ferrate(VI); N-benzyl-N,N,N-triethylammonium chloride in benzene

T=25°C; 0.1 h;

Kwan Soo Kim; Young Kil Chang; Sun Kun Bae; Chi Sun Hahn

Synthesis, 1984 , # 10 p. 866 - 868 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With potassium permanganate; sulfuric acid; triethylamine in chloroform

Ambient temperature;

Li, Wen-Shan; Liu, Lilian Kao

Synthesis, 1989 , # 4 p. 293 - 295 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With tetrabutylammomium bromide; dihydrogen peroxide; [Ru3O(OAc)6(MeOH)3](1+)*AcO(1-) in dichloromethane

2 h;

Wynne; Lloyd; Witsil; Mushrush; Stalick

Organic Preparations and Procedures International, 2000 , vol. 32, # 6 p. 588 - 592 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; periodic acid in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 0.166667 h;

Kim, Sung Soo; Nehru, Kasi

Synlett, 2002 , # 4 p. 616 - 618 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With α,α,α-trifluorotoluene; oxygen; Ru*Co(2+)*2OH(1-)*CeO2

T=60°C; 1 h; atmospheric pressure;

Ji, Hongbing; Mizugaki, Tomoo; Ebitani, Kohki; Kaneda, Kiyotomi

Tetrahedron Letters, 2002 , vol. 43, # 40 p. 7179 - 7183 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With air; Na6.3Fe0.9[AlMo11O39]*2H2O in toluene

T=80°C; 1 h; atmospheric pressure;

Wang, Jianmin; Yan, Liang; Qian, Guang; Wang, Xiaolai

Tetrahedron Letters, 2006 , vol. 47, # 40 p. 7171 - 7174 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With hydrogen bromide; sodium bromide in chloroform

T=20°C; Electrochemical reaction;

Raju, Thasan; Manivasagan, Sankar; Revathy, Balachandran; Kulangiappar, Kumarasamy; Muthukumaran, Arunachalam

Tetrahedron Letters, 2007 , vol. 48, # 21 p. 3681 - 3684 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; tert.-butylnitrite; oxygen in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

P=1500.15 Torr; 2 h; AutoclaveHeating;

He, Xijun; Shen, Zhenlu; Mo, Weimin; Sun, Nan; Hu, Baoxiang; Hu, Xinquan

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2009 , vol. 351, # 1-2 p. 89 - 92 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dimethyl sulfoxide; N-ethyl-N,N-diisopropylamine; trifluoroacetic anhydride in dichloromethane

T=70°C; Swern-Moffatt oxidation; Automated microreactorLarge scale reaction;

Nieuwland, Pieter J.; Koch, Kaspar; Van Harskamp, Noud; Wehrens, Ron; Van Hest, Jan C. M.; Rutjes, Floris P. J. T.

Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2010 , vol. 5, # 4 p. 799 - 805 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 6 h;

Behera, Gobinda Chandra; Parida

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 413-414, p. 245 - 253 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; potassium tert-butylate; copper(ll) bromide in water; acetonitrile

T=25°C; 4 h; air;

Hu, Zhenzhong; Kerton, Francesca M.

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 413-414, p. 332 - 339 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Mn3O4 in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=80°C; 4 h; γ-irradiation;

Sun, Hua-Yin; Hua, Qing; Guo, Feng-Feng; Wang, Zhi-Yong; Huang, Wei-Xin

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2012 , vol. 354, # 4 p. 569 - 573 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With manganese dioxide supported on aluminum silicate in dichloromethane

12 h; Reflux;

Huang, Li-Hong; Ma, Yi-Chun; Zhang, Changhe; Wang, Qiang; Zou, Xiao-Nan; Lou, Ji-Dong

Synthetic Communications, 2012 , vol. 42, # 22 p. 3377 - 3382 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide; manganese(II) acetate in n-heptane; water

T=25°C; 0.333333 h; Ionic liquid; Solvent; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Wong, Wing-Leung; Ho, Kam-Piu; Lee, Lawrence Yoon Suk; So, Ming-Him; Chan, Tak Hang; Wong, Kwok-Yin

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2013 , vol. 453, p. 244 - 249 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=80°C; 24 h; ConcentrationTemperatureReagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Alizadeh; Khodaei; Kordestania; Beygzadeh

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2013 , vol. 372, p. 167 - 174 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C26H16N6O4Ru; dihydrogen peroxide

T=60°C; 1 h; Solvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhou, Xian-Tai; Ji, Hong-Bing; Liu, Sheng-Gui

Tetrahedron Letters, 2013 , vol. 54, # 29 p. 3882 - 3885 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium osmate; chloroamine-T in water; tert-butyl alcohol

T=20°C; 0.75 h; Temperature; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Devari, Shekaraiah; Deshidi, Ramesh; Kumar, Manjeet; Kumar, Arvind; Sharma, Simmi; Rizvi, Masood; Kushwaha, Manoj; Gupta, Ajai Prakash; Shah, Bhahwal Ali

Tetrahedron Letters, 2013 , vol. 54, # 48 p. 6407 - 6410 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; sodium hydrogencarbonate in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; 3 h; Green chemistry; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Akdag, Akin; Öztürk, Perihan

Synlett, 2013 , vol. 24, # 18 art. no. ST-2013-D0669-L, p. 2451 - 2453 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in water

T=80°C; pH=5; 4 h; Green chemistry; TimepH-value;

Nabid, Mohammad Reza; Bide, Yasamin; Aghaghafari, Elham; Rezaei, Seyed Jamal Tabatabaei

Catalysis Letters, 2014 , vol. 144, # 2 p. 355 - 363 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [Imim-PEG1000-TEMPO][CuCl2-] in neat (no solvent) T=60°C; 12 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature;

Wang, Zhao-Gang; Jin, Yong; Cao, Xiao-Hua; Lu, Ming

New Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 38, # 9 p. 4149 - 4154 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dmap; 9-azabicyclolt;3.3.1gt;nonane-N-oxyl; copper(l) chloride in water

T=20°C; 5 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Zhang, Guoqi; Yang, Chengxiong; Liu; Li, Li; Golen, James A.; Rheingold, Arnold L.

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 106 p. 61907 - 61911 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; Azobenzene; sodium bromide in 1,4-dioxane

T=80°C; 24 h;

Liu, Chengkou; Fang, Zheng; Yang, Zhao; Li, Qingwen; Guo, Shiyu; Guo, Kai

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 97 p. 79699 - 79702 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in dodecane; toluene

T=84.84°C; 9 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Srivastava, Rajendra; Sarmah, Bhaskar; Satpati, Biswarup

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 33 p. 25998 - 26006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ammonium peroxydisulfate; C H Cu N O S in acetonitrile

Sarma, Kuladip; Devi, Namita; Kalita, Mukul; Sarma, Bipul; Barman, Pranjit

48 36

2 4 8 2

T=20°C; 0.0333333 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 68, # 20 p. 3685 - 3700 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium ferrate(VI); acetic acid in cyclohexane

T=30°C; 4 h; Molecular sieveGreen chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Wang, Yuan-Yuan; Song, Hua; Song, Hua-Lin; Jin, Zai-Shun

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2016 , vol. 90, # 10 p. 1931 - 1935 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1,2-ethandiylbis(triphenylphosphonium) peroxodisulfate dihydrate in acetonitrile

0.0833333 h; Reflux; Show Experimental Procedure

Salmasi; Salimi; Gholizadeh; Abolghasempour; Garrison, Jered C.

Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements, 2016 , vol. 191, # 10 p. 1380 - 1387 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [(η5-Cp*)Ir(1-benzyl-3-phenylselenomethyl-1,3-dihydrobenzoimidazole-2-selenone)Cl] [PF6]; potassium tert-butylate in toluene

T=80°C; 6 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Sharma, Alpesh K.; Joshi, Hemant; Bhaskar, Renu; Singh, Ajai K.

Dalton Transactions, 2017 , vol. 46, # 7 p. 2228 - 2237 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in ethanol

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 0.5 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Kazemnejadi, Milad; Shakeri, Alireza; Mohammadi, Mohammad; Tabefam, Marzieh

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2017 , vol. 14, # 9 p. 1917 - 1933 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With triphenylmethyl alcohol; triphenylphosphinegold(I) bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imidate

T=120°C; 1 h; Microwave irradiation; Show Experimental Procedure

Shenyang Pharmaceutical University; Liu Yongxiang; Cheng Maosheng; Wang Xiaoyu; Du Chuan; Shi Hui; Wang Yanshi; Liu Yang

Patent: CN104817441 B, 2017 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0034-0037; 0041 ;


With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; [2,2]bipyridinyl; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; tetrakis(acetonitrile)copper(I) trifluoromethanesulfonate; sodium chloride in neat (no solvent) MillingGreen chemistry; Concentration; Show Experimental Procedure

Porcheddu, Andrea; Colacino, Evelina; Cravotto, Giancarlo; Delogu, Francesco; De Luca, Lidia

Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 13, p. 2049 - 2055 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With silver nano particles dispersed dispersed water extract of fly ash T=70°C; 4 h; Inert atmosphereGreen chemistry; Temperature;

Bhuyan, Bishal; Paul, Arijita; Devi, Meghali; Dhar, Siddhartha Sankar

RSC Advances, 2018 , vol. 8, # 3 p. 1313 - 1319 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With phosphoric acid in water; toluene

T=25°C; pH=3.4; 18 h; Inert atmosphereIrradiation;

国立大学法人名古屋大学; Noyori Yoshiharu; Saito Susumu; Naka Hiroshi Shi; Ryuu Jigun; Kudo Akihiko

Patent: JP5991521 B2, 2016 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0051; 0052 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With iodobenzene; tetrabutyl-ammonium chloride; palladium diacetate in N,N-dimethylformamide

48 h; Ambient temperature;

Choudary, B. M.; Reddy, N. Prabhakar; Kantam, M. Lakshmi; Jamil, Zafar

Tetrahedron Letters, 1985 , vol. 26, # 50 p. 6257 - 6258 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With zinc dichromate(VI) in dichloromethane

0.1 h; Ambient temperature;

Firouzabadi, H.; Sardarian, A. R.; Moosavipour, H.; Afshari, G. M.

Synthesis, 1986 , # 4 p. 285 - 288 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With sulfuric acid; oxygen; sodium nitrite in hexane

1 h; or heptane;

Levina, A. B.; Trusov, S. R.

J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1990 , vol. 60, # 8.2. p. 1932 - 1933,1726 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With bis(2,2'-bipyridyl) copper(II) permanganate in dichloromethane

0.25 h; Ambient temperature;

Firouzabadi, H.; Sardarian, A. R.; Naderi, M.; Vessal, B.

Tetrahedron, 1984 , vol. 40, # 23 p. 5001 - 5004 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With nitric acid in nitromethane

T=60°C; 1.7 h;

Gasparrini, F.; Giovannoli, M.; Misiti, D.; Natile, G.; Palmieri, G.

Synthetic Communications, 1988 , vol. 18, # 1 p. 69 - 76 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With cerous hydroxide in benzene

0.5 h; Heating;

Firouzabadi, H.; Iranpoor, N.

Synthetic Communications, 1984 , vol. 14, # 9 p. 875 - 882 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With trislt;trinitratocerium(IV)gt; paraperiodate in benzene

0.5 h; Heating;

Firouzabadi, H.; Iranpoor, N.; Hajipoor, G.; Toofan, J.

Synthetic Communications, 1984 , vol. 14, # 11 p. 1033 - 1042 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With lt;Ce(NO3)3gt;2CrO4 in benzene

0.5 h; Heating;

Firouzabadi, H.; Iranpoor, N.; Parham, H.; Tootan, J.

Synthetic Communications, 1984 , vol. 14, # 7 p. 631 - 638 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With barium ferrate(VI) in benzene

0.8 h; Heating;

Firouzabadi, Habib; Mohajer, Daryoush; Entezari-Moghadam, Mohsen

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1988 , vol. 61, p. 2185 - 2190 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With chromium (VI) oxide in toluene

1 h; Heating;

Lee, Ross A.; Donald, Dennis S.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1997 , vol. 38, # 22 p. 3857 - 3860 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With 4 A molecular sieve; polymer supported perruthenate; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

48 h; Ambient temperature;

Hinzen, Berthold; Ley, Steven V.

Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkin Transactions 1, 1997 , # 13 p. 1907 - 1908 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene in dichloromethane

0.5 h;

De Mico, Antonella; Margarita, Roberto; Parlanti, Luca; Vescovi, Andrea; Piancatelli, Giovanni

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1997 , vol. 62, # 20 p. 6974 - 6977 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With lt;Ce(NO3)2gt;2CrO4 in benzene

0.5 h; Heatingreaction in CH2Cl2; mild oxidation of benzylic alcohols to aldehydes and ketones; Product distribution;

Firouzabadi, H.; Iranpoor, N.; Parham, H.; Tootan, J.

Synthetic Communications, 1984 , vol. 14, # 7 p. 631 - 638 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With barium ferrate(VI) in benzene

0.8 h; Heating; Product distribution;

Firouzabadi, Habib; Mohajer, Daryoush; Entezari-Moghadam, Mohsen

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1988 , vol. 61, p. 2185 - 2190 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene in dichloromethane

0.5 h; various alcohols under different reaction conditions; Product distributionMechanism;

De Mico, Antonella; Margarita, Roberto; Parlanti, Luca; Vescovi, Andrea; Piancatelli, Giovanni

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1997 , vol. 62, # 20 p. 6974 - 6977 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Amberlyst A-27 supported permanganate in dichloromethane

Caldarelli, Marina; Habermann, Joerg; Ley, Steven V.

Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkin Transactions 1, 1999 , # 2 p. 107 - 110 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium permanganate; zirconium(IV) oxychloride in diethyl ether

T=20°C; 3.5 h;

Firouzabadi; Fakoorpour; Hazarkhani

Synthetic Communications, 2001 , vol. 31, # 24 p. 3859 - 3862 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With modified o-iodoxybenzoic acid in water

T=60°C; 3 h;

Thottumkara, Arun P; Vinod, Thottumkara K

Tetrahedron Letters, 2002 , vol. 43, # 4 p. 569 - 572 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With hydrogen bromide; dimethyl sulfoxide

T=100°C; 4 h;

Li, Chunbao; Xu, Yanli; Lu, Ming; Zhao, Zhuxuan; Liu, Lanjun; Zhao, Zheyuan; Cui, Yi; Zheng, Pengwu; Ji, Xioujie; Gao, Guangjie

Synlett, 2002 , # 12 p. 2041 - 2042 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium perrhuthenate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 24 h;

Wu, Daniel L.; Wight, Andrea P.; Davis, Mark E.

Chemical Communications, 2003 , # 6 p. 758 - 759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tetramethylammonium monofluorochromate(VI) in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 0.666667 h;

Mahjoub, Ali Reza; Ghammami, Shahriare; Kassaee, Mohammad Zaman

Tetrahedron Letters, 2003 , vol. 44, # 24 p. 4555 - 4557 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium dichromate; sulfuric acid; silica gel in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 0.25 h;

Mirjalili, BiBi Fatemeh; Zolfigol, Mohamad Ali; Bamoniri, Abdolhamid; Zarei, Amin

Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements, 2003 , vol. 178, # 8 p. 1845 - 1849 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Stage #1: With dimethylsulfide; N,N'-dibromo-N,N'-(1,2-ethanediyl)bis(p-toluenesulfonamide) in dichloromethane

T=-15°C; 3 h; Stage #2: With triethylamine in dichloromethane


Ghorbani-Vaghei, Ramin; Khazaei, Ardeshir

Tetrahedron Letters, 2003 , vol. 44, # 40 p. 7525 - 7527 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium dichromate; sulfuric acid; silica gel

T=20°C; 0.5 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:Reagents;

Mirjalili, Bibi Fatemeh; Zolfigol, Mohamad Ali; Bamoniri, Abdolhamid; Zarei, Amin

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2004 , vol. 51, # 3 p. 509 - 512 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide; [RuCl2(AsPh3)2('mono basic bidentate Shiff base ligand')] in dichloromethane

3 h; Heating; Product distribution; Further Variations:Catalysts;

Venkatachalam; Ramesh

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2005 , vol. 61, # 9 p. 2081 - 2087 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-hydroxy-3H-benz[d][1,2]iodoxole-1,3-dione

T=60°C; 1 h;

Moorthy, Jarugu Narasimha; Singhal, Nidhi; Venkatakrishnan

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 28 p. 5419 - 5424 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With nitric acid; phosphorus pentoxide; silica gel

0.0166667 h;

Hajipour, Abdol R.; Guo, Lian-Wang; Ruoho, Arnold E.

Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 2006 , vol. 456, # 1 p. 85 - 93 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With hydrogenchloride; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; sodium nitrite in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 10 h; in air;

Wang, Xinliang; Liu, Renhua; Jin, Yu; Liang, Xinmiao

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2008 , vol. 14, # 9 p. 2679 - 2685 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium peroxymonosulfate; 2-Iodo-5-methylbenzenesulfonic acid in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 1 h; Show Experimental Procedure

National University Corporation Nagoya University

Patent: EP2085373 A1, 2009 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 11; 14 ;


With triphenylmethylphosphonium dichromate

T=20°C; 0.05 h; Neat (no solvent); chemoselective reaction;

Hajipour, Abdol R.; Safaei, Somayeh; Ruoho, Arnold E.

Synthetic Communications, 2009 , vol. 39, # 20 p. 3687 - 3692 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With hydrogen bromide; potassium nitrate; sodium bromide in dichloromethane; water

Electrochemical reaction;

Zhang, Li; Zha, Zhenggen; Wang, Zhiyong; Fu, Shengquan

Tetrahedron Letters, 2010 , vol. 51, # 10 p. 1426 - 1429 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium tetrahydroborate; 1 Pd/C; water; oxygen; potassium carbonate in ethanol

T=20°C; 0.33 h;

An, Gwangil; Ahn, Hyunseok; De Castro, Kathlia A.; Rhee, Hakjune

Synthesis, 2010 , # 3 art. no. F19009SS, p. 477 - 485 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N,N'-(1,2-phenylene)bis(salicylaldimidato)manganese(III) chloride; tetra-n-butylammonium hydrogen monopersulfate in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 0.05 h;

Rezaeifard, Abdolreza; Jafarpour, Maasoumeh; Nasseri, Mohammad Ali; Haddad, Reza

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2010 , vol. 93, # 4 p. 711 - 717 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sulfuric acid; oxygen; sodium nitrite in dichloromethane

T=20°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 2 h; Autoclave;

Sheng, Xuebin; Ma, Hong; Chen, Chen; Gao, Jin; Yin, Guochuan; Xu, Jie

Catalysis Communications, 2010 , vol. 11, # 15 p. 1189 - 1192 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With hexamethylenebis(N-methylimidazolium) dichlorochromate

T=80°C; 0.25 h;

Hosseinzadeh, Rahman; Mohadjerani, Maryam; Tajbakhsh, Mahmood; Nouzarian, Mahboobe

Synthetic Communications, 2011 , vol. 41, # 12 p. 1725 - 1732 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dipotassium peroxodisulfate; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; iodobenzene; trifluoroacetic acid in water; acetonitrile

T=40°C; 1 h;

Zhu, Chenjie; Ji, Lei; Wei, Yunyang

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2010 , vol. 141, # 3 p. 327 - 331 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; pyridium nitrate

T=110°C; P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; neat (no solvent);

Shi, Shenyi; Kong, Aiguo; Zhao, Xinhua; Shan, Yongkui

Synthetic Communications, 2011 , vol. 41, # 20 p. 3066 - 3070 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; [2,2]bipyridinyl; tetrakis(actonitrile)copper(I) hexafluorophosphate; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 3 h;

Hoover, Jessica M.; Stahl, Shannon S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 133, # 42 p. 16901 - 16910 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With morpholinium fluorochromate(VI) absorbed on wet silica gel in hexane

T=20°C; 0.333333 h;

Sayyed-Alangi, S. Zahra; Sajjadi-Ghotbabadi; Baei, Mohammed T.; Naderi, Sahar

E-Journal of Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 8, # 2 p. 815 - 818 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 4-Methylimidazole; bis-[(trifluoroacetoxy)iodo]benzene in 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol

T=25°C; 2 h;

Chen, Yiyun; Kamlet, Adam S.; Steinman, Jonathan B.; Liu, David R.

Nature Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 3, # 2 p. 146 - 153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=100°C; 4 h;

Zhang, Guofu; Wang, Yong; Wen, Xin; Ding, Chengrong; Li, Ying

Chemical Communications, 2012 , vol. 48, # 24 p. 2979 - 2981 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With poly(1,4-phenylene-2,5-pyridinedicarboxyamide) supported periodic acid in acetonitrile

1.6 h; Reflux;

Pourali, Ali Reza; Tabaean, Mehrosadat; Nazifi, S. Mohamad Reza

Chinese Chemical Letters, 2012 , vol. 23, # 1 p. 21 - 24 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With nickel(II) nitrate hexahydrate; iodine in water

T=25°C; 0.0333333 h; Sonication; TimeReagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Pasha, Mohamed Afzal; Nagashree, Shrivatsa

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2013 , vol. 20, # 3 p. 810 - 814 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen

T=380°C; 1 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Zhao, Guofeng; Hu, Huanyun; Chen, Wei; Jiang, Zheng; Zhang, Shuo; Huang, Jun; Lu, Yong

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2013 , vol. 3, # 2 p. 404 - 408 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in toluene

T=90°C; 1 h; Catalytic behavior;

Verma, Sanny; Tripathi, Deependra; Gupta, Piyush; Singh, Raghuvir; Bahuguna, Gajendra Mohan; Shivakumar K; Chauhan; Saran, Sandeep; Jain, Suman L.

Dalton Transactions, 2013 , vol. 42, # 32 p. 11522 - 11527 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With manganese dioxide supported on kieselguhr in neat (no solvent) T=50 - 55°C; 3 h; Milling;

Zhu, Li-Yun; Lou, Zhiyuan; Lin, Jianan; Zheng, Wenjin; Zhang, Changhe; Lou, Ji-Dong

Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2013 , vol. 39, # 9 p. 4287 - 4292 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium hydoxide in o-xylene

T=20°C; 2.25 h; Reagent/catalystSolventConcentrationTime;

Shaabani, Ahmad; Keshipour, Sajjad; Hamidzad, Mona; Seyyedhamzeh, Mozhdeh

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2014 , vol. 126, # 1 p. 111 - 115 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C26H30ClN3RhS(1+)*F6P(1-); potassium tert-butylate in acetone

T=80°C; Oppenauer Oxidation; 6 h; Schlenk techniqueInert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Saleem, Fariha; Rao, Gyandshwar Kumar; Kumar, Arun; Mukherjee, Goutam; Singh, Ajai K.

Organometallics, 2014 , vol. 33, # 9 p. 2341 - 2351 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1,10-Phenanthroline; copper(II) oxide in toluene

T=110°C; 24 h;

Zhang, Wu; Guo, Fei; Wang, Fei; Zhao, Na; Liu, Liang; Li, Jia; Wang, Zhenghua

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 12, # 30 p. 5752 - 5756 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium hypochlorite; C186H204N12O36; sodium hydrogencarbonate; potassium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=0 - 15°C; pH=8.6; 0.5 h;

Beejapur, Hazi Ahmad; Campisciano, Vincenzo; Franchi, Paola; Lucarini, Marco; Giacalone, Francesco; Gruttadauria, Michelangelo

ChemCatChem, 2014 , vol. 6, # 8 p. 2419 - 2424 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; [{Cu(NO3)}(μ-3-(6-(1H-pyrazol-1-yl)pyridin-2yl)pyrazol-1-ide)]2; oxygen in water

T=30°C; 24 h;

Tan, Da-Wei; Xie, Jing-Bo; Li, Qi; Li, Hong-Xi; Li, Jun-Chi; Li, Hai-Yan; Lang, Jian-Ping

Dalton Transactions, 2014 , vol. 43, # 37 p. 14061 - 14071 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dmap; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; copper(I) triflate; 5-[(2S)pyrrolidine-2-yl]-1H-tetrazole in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 1 h; Catalytic behavior; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Liu, Yangyang; Xie, Aming; Li, Junjian; Xu, Xiao; Dong, Wei; Wang, Boliang

Tetrahedron, 2014 , vol. 70, # 52 p. 9791 - 9796 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [{(MeOH)Cu(OAc)}(μ-k2:k1-2-(3-(pyridin-2yl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)acetic acid(-H))]2*0.5H2O; tetraethylammonium iodide; oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=40°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h;

Xie, Jing-Bo; Bao, Jia-Jing; Li, Hong-Xi; Tan, Da-Wei; Li, Hai-Yan; Lang, Jian-Ping

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 96 p. 54007 - 54017 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With (diacetoxyiodo)benzene in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 0.7 h;

Beejapur, Hazi Ahmad; Campisciano, Vincenzo; Giacalone, Francesco; Gruttadauria, Michelangelo

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 357, # 1 p. 51 - 58 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; cesium hydroxide; {[(2-(sulfonylquinlium8-yloxy)phthalic acid-2H)2Cu4(4,4′-bipyridine)4]·2H2O}n·2nH2O in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 12 h; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature;

Feng, Xun; Xu, Chen; Wang, Zhi-Qiang; Tang, Si-Fu; Fu, Wei-Jun; Ji, Bao-Ming; Wang, Li-Ya

Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 54, # 5 p. 2088 - 2090 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ammonium cerium (IV) nitrate in neat (no solvent) T=50°C; 6 h; Green chemistry;

Wang, Zhao-Gang; Xia, Yong-Gen; Jin, Yong; Lu, Ming

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 29, # 2 p. 109 - 112 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; P=8250.83 Torr; Inert atmosphere;

Mannel, David S.; Stahl, Shannon S.; Root, Thatcher W.

Organic Process Research and Development, 2014 , vol. 18, # 11 p. 1503 - 1508 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; copper(II) ferrite; oxygen in water

T=100°C; 24 h; Sealed tubeSchlenk techniqueGreen chemistry; Catalytic behavior; SolventTemperatureTime;

Zhu, Xiao; Yang, Daoshan; Wei, Wei; Jiang, Min; Li, Lulu; Zhu, Xiangbing; You, Jinmao; Wang, Hua

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 110 p. 64930 - 64935 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; potassium hydoxide in toluene

T=100°C; P=760.051 Torr; 12 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Yang, Huimin; Cui, Xinjiang; Deng, Youquan; Shi, Feng

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 104 p. 59754 - 59758 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With gold(III) chloride in neat (no solvent) T=60°C; 6 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalystTemperatureConcentration; Show Experimental Procedure

Wang, Zhao-Gang; Xu, Kui; Shen, Meng-Nan; Lu, Ming

Synlett, 2014 , vol. 25, # 17 art. no. ST-2014-D0594-L, p. 2459 - 2462 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=80°C; 4 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction;

Zhi, Jian; Mitchell, Sharon; Pérez-Ramírez, Javier; Reiser, Oliver

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 17 p. 2585 - 2589 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert-butylethylene; [IrBr(1,5-cyclooctadiene)((1-methylimidazolyl)(2methoxybenzyl))]; caesium carbonate in toluene

T=110°C; Oppenauer Oxidation; 24 h; Inert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureSolvent;

Jiménez, M. Victoria; Fernández-Tornos, Javier; Modrego, F. Javier; Pérez-Torrente, Jesús J.; Oro, Luis A.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015 , vol. 21, # 49 p. 17877 - 17889 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium carbonate in toluene

T=70°C; 3 h; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Atashin, Hassan; Malakooti, Reihaneh

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2014 , vol. 61, # 9 p. 1039 - 1044 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium hydoxide in o-xylene

Shaabani, Ahmad; Keshipour, Sajjad; Hamidzad, Mona; Seyyedhamzeh, Mozhdeh

T=20°C; 2.25 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2014 , vol. 126, # 1 p. 111 - 115 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in aq. phosphate buffer; acetonitrile

T=20°C; pH=6; 24 h; Enzymatic reaction;

Rouhani, Shamila; Rostami, Amin; Salimi, Abdollah

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 32 p. 26709 - 26718 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; copper(l) iodide; C20H25N4O2 in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 5 h;

Wang, Lianyue; Bie, Zhixing; Shang, Sensen; Lv, Ying; Li, Guosong; Niu, Jingyang; Gao, Shuang

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 41 p. 35008 - 35013 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ferrocene-labeled Merrifield resin-supported ionic liquid ([FemDMMerA]RuO4) in tetrahydrofuran

3 h; RefluxGreen chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Kurane, Rajanikant; Bansode, Prakash; Khanapure, Sharanabasappa; Salunkhe, Rajashri; Rashinkar, Gajanan

Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2016 , vol. 42, # 12 p. 7807 - 7821 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C24H22N6Ni; sodium hydroxide in toluene

T=70°C; 16 h; Schlenk technique; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Sikari, Rina; Sinha, Suman; Jash, Upasona; Das, Siuli; Brandao, Paula; De Bruin, Bas; Paul, Nanda D.

Inorganic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 6114 - 6123 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Cp*Ir(6,6'-dionato-2,2'-bipyridine)(H2O) in toluene

48 h; Reflux; Solvent; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: JP2015/83544 A, 2015 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0106; 0107 ;


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; H2O*2C2H3O2(1-)*C22H14N2O4(2-)*2Cu(2+) in neat (no solvent) T=45°C; 2 h; TemperatureSolventReagent/catalyst;

Aryanejad, Sima; Bagherzade, Ghodsieh; Farrokhi, Alireza

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2017 , vol. 81, p. 37 - 42 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=80°C; 12 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Veisi, Hojat; Hemmati, Saba; Qomi, Mahnaz

Tetrahedron Letters, 2017 , vol. 58, # 44 p. 4191 - 4196 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With boron trifluoride diethyl etherate; 1-hydroxy-3H-benz[d][1,2]iodoxole-1,3-dione in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 0.05 h; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Jiang, Heming; Sun, Tian-Yu; Wang, Xiao; Xie, Yaoming; Zhang, Xinhao; Wu, Yun-Dong; Schaefer, Henry F.

Organic Letters, 2017 , vol. 19, # 24 p. 6502 - 6505 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; 3Ni(2+)*2C22H14N2O4(2-)*2C2H3O2(1-)*6H2O in neat (no solvent) T=65°C; 1 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventTemperatureReagent/catalyst;

Aryanejad, Sima; Bagherzade, Ghodsieh; Farrokhi, Alireza

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2018 , vol. 32, # 2 art. no. E3995 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; polystyrene-bound phenylselenic acid in tetrachloromethane

24 h; Heating;

Taylor, Richard T.; Flood, Lawrence A.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 48, # 26 p. 5160 - 5164 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; copper(l) chloride in N,N-dimethylformamide

T=25°C; 4 h;

Semmelhack, M. F.; Schmid, Christopher R.; Cortes, David A.; Chou, Chuen S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1984 , vol. 106, # 11 p. 3374 - 3376 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With quinolinium monofluorochromate(VI) in dichloromethane

0.5 h;

Chaudhuri, Mihir K.; Chettri, Shiv K.; Lyndem, Synjukta; Paul, Pradip C.; Srinivas, Pendyala

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1994 , vol. 67, # 7 p. 1894 - 1898 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With aluminum oxide; [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene

0.0166667 h; microwave sonication;

Varma, Rajender S.; Dahiya, Rajender; Saini, Rajesh K.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1997 , vol. 38, # 40 p. 7029 - 7032 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1,4-butanediol dimethylacrylate crosslinked polyacenaphthylene supported t-butyl chromate in chloroform

T=30°C; 21 h;

Geethakumari; Sreekumar

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 37, # 4 p. 331 - 337 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With aluminum oxide; [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene

T=80°C; 0.0166667 h; Irradiation;

Varma, Rajender S.; Saini, Rajesh K.; Dahiya, Rajender

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 1998 , # 3 p. 120 - 121 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 4-benzyl-pyridine; dichromate in dichloromethane

0.5 h; Ambient temperature2-benzylpyridinium dichromate (2-BPDC); other alcohols; Product distribution;

Akamanchi; Lyer; Meenakshi

Synthetic Communications, 1991 , vol. 21, # 3 p. 419 - 425 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With aluminum oxide; potassium permanganate in neat (no solvent) 0.00833333 h;

Hajipour, Abdol Reza; Mallakpour, Shadpour E.; Imanzadeh, Gholamhasan

Chemistry Letters, 1999 , # 2 p. 99 - 100 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride; 1-hydroxy-3H-benz[d][1,2]iodoxole-1,3-dione

T=20°C; 0.25 h;

Karthikeyan, Ganesan; Perumal, Paramasivan T.

Synlett, 2003 , # 14 p. 2249 - 2251 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With m-iodosylbenzoic acid; sodium hydrogencarbonate; ruthenium trichloride

T=20°C; 1 h;

Yusubov, Mekhman S.; Gilmkhanova, Marina P.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.; Kirschning, Andreas

Synlett, 2007 , # 4 p. 563 - 566 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bisacetoxybromate(I) resin in toluene

T=40°C; 24 h;

Bruenjes, Marco; Sourkouni-Argirusi, Georgia; Kirschning, Andreas

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2003 , vol. 345, # 5 p. 635 - 642 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With urea hydrogen peroxide adduct; 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate; magnesium bromide

T=60°C; 2 h;

Heel, Joong Park; Jong, Chan Lee

Synlett, 2009 , # 1 p. 79 - 80 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With copper(II) choride dihydrate; oxygen; caesium carbonate in toluene

T=40°C; 12 h;

Liang, Lei; Rao, Guodong; Sun, Hao-Ling; Zhang, Jun-Long

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2010 , vol. 352, # 14-15 p. 2371 - 2377 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With acetic acid; 1-hydroxy-3H-benz[d][1,2]iodoxole-1,3-dione in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 5 h;

Lin, Cheng-Kun; Lu, Ta-Jung

Tetrahedron, 2010 , vol. 66, # 51 p. 9688 - 9693 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; lithium perchlorate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; Inert atmosphereElectrolysis;

Magdesieva; Dolganov; Latyshev; Yakimanskii; Goikhman; Podeshvo; Lukashev

Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 47, # 1 p. 62 - 65 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=89.84°C; 8 h;

Ding, Yong; Zhao, Wei; Ma, Bao-Chun; Qiu, Wen-Yuan

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 89, # 1 p. 13 - 18 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With disodium hydrogenphosphate; sodium dihydrogenphosphate; dihydrogen peroxide; sodium hydroxide; sodium tungstate (VI) dihydrate; tetra(n-butyl)ammonium hydrogensulfate in water; xylene

T=94 - 95°C; pH=5.5 - 6.5; Show Experimental Procedure

Ube Industries, Ltd.

Patent: EP2351728 A1, 2011 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 9 ;


With guanidinium chlorochromate; tetrabutylammomium bromide

Goswami, Shyamaprosad; Kar, Arnab

Synthetic Communications, 2011 , vol. 41, # 17 p. 2500 - 2504 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C48H51ClN4O8PRu; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Reflux;

Thilagavathi, Natarajan; Jayabalakrishnan, Chinnasamy

Central European Journal of Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 8, # 4 p. 842 - 851 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tetra n butyl ammonium oxone; meso-tetraphenylporphyrin iron(III) chloride in water

Rezaeifard, Abdolreza; Jafarpour, Maasoumeh; Naeimi, Atena

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

T=25°C; 0.25 h; Air;

Catalysis Communications, 2011 , vol. 16, # 1 p. 240 - 244 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With iron(III) chloride; nitric acid in acetone

T=20°C; 0.166667 h; Sonication;

Naik, Ramesh; Nizam, Aatika; Siddekha, Aisha; Pasha

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2011 , vol. 18, # 5 p. 1124 - 1127 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 1 h; chemoselective reaction;

Zhu, Chenjie; Wei, Yunyang

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2012 , vol. 354, # 2-3 p. 313 - 320 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; sodium carbonate; L-proline; copper(I) bromide in methanol

T=20°C; 5 h;

Zhang, Guofu; Han, Xingwang; Luan, Yuxin; Wang, Yong; Wen, Xin; Ding, Chengrong

Chemical Communications, 2013 , vol. 49, # 72 p. 7908 - 7910 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=90°C; P=760.051 Torr; 10 h; ConcentrationReagent/catalystSolventTemperatureTime;

Zhang, Lei; Li, Pinhua; Yang, Jin; Wang, Min; Wang, Lei

ChemPlusChem, 2014 , vol. 79, # 2 p. 217 - 222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; caesium carbonate in water

1 h; Reflux; SolventTemperatureTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Albadi, Jalal; Alihoseinzadeh, Amir; Razeghi, Abdolhosein

Catalysis Communications, 2014 , vol. 49, p. 1 - 5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Stage #1: With 7,7-dichlorocyclohepta-1,3,5-triene in dichloromethane; dimethyl sulfoxide

T=-30°C; Swern Oxidation; 0.333333 h; Inert atmosphere; Stage #2: With triethylamine in dichloromethane; dimethyl sulfoxide

T=-30 - 20°C; Swern Oxidation; 0.333333 h; Inert atmosphere; Show Experimental Procedure

Nguyen, Thanh Vinh; Hall, Michael

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 50 p. 6895 - 6898 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With hexaammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate; dihydrogen peroxide in water; methyl cyclohexane

T=50°C; 3 h; Ionic liquidGreen chemistry;

Hu, Yu-Lin; Lu, Ming; Ge, Xiu-Tao

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2013 , vol. 10, # 3 p. 453 - 460 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; copper(II) acetate monohydrate; calcium carbonate in acetonitrile T=80°C; 24 h;

Yedage, Subhash L.; Bhanage, Bhalchandra M.

Synthesis (Germany), 2015 , vol. 47, # 4 art. no. SS-2014-T0513-OP, p. 526 - 532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dmap; tetrakis(actonitrile)copper(I) hexafluorophosphate; N,N'-di-tertbutylethylenediamine; oxygen in dichloromethane

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1 h; Schlenk techniqueMolecular sieveSealed tube; Reagent/catalystTime;

Xu, Boran; Lumb, Jean-Philip; Arndtsen, Bruce A.

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2015 , vol. 54, # 14 p. 4208 - 4211 Angew. Chem., 2015 , vol. 127, # 14 p. 4282 - 4285,4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water; ethyl acetate

T=45°C; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Judy Azar, Amir Reza; Safaei, Elham; Mohebbi, Sajjad

Materials Research Bulletin, 2015 , vol. 70, art. no. 8227, p. 753 - 761 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With O40SiW12(4-)*4C17H38NO3S(1+); dihydrogen peroxide

T=70°C; 4 h; Green chemistry; Mechanism; Reagent/catalystTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Li, Xinzhong; Cao, Rong; Lin, Qi

Catalysis Communications, 2015 , vol. 69, p. 5 - 10 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With hydrogenchloride; platinum; sodium chloride in chloroform; water

T=30°C; Electrolysis;

Bosco, A. John; Lawrence; Christopher; Radhakrishnan; Joseph Rosario, A. Arul; Raja; Vasudevan

Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 28, # 9 p. 591 - 595 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dmap; C25H30F17N5O4S(1-)*K(1+); oxygen; copper(II) sulfate in water

T=25°C; 1 h; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction;

Chen, Ba-Tian; Bukhryakov, Konstantin V.; Sougrat, Rachid; Rodionov, Valentin O.

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 2 p. 1313 - 1317 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bis(quinuclidine)bromine(I) bromide; pyridinium trifluroacetate in chloroform

T=40°C; 8 h; Kinetics; Temperature;

Laila, Abdulhameed

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2013 , vol. 144, # 3 p. 307 - 312 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C11H16CuN2O6; dihydrogen peroxide in neat (no solvent) T=70°C; 3 h; Reagent/catalystTemperature; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Saeednia; Hatefi Ardakani; Pakdin-Parizi; Iranmanesh; Sinaei

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 13, # 11 p. 1963 - 1975 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; {[Cu2(1,2-benzenedicarboxylate)2(1,4bis(1,2,4-triazol-1-ylmethyl)-2,3,5,6-tetrafluorobenzene)2]·3H2O}n; sodium carbonate in acetonitrile

T=75°C; 16 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Chen, Sheng-Chun; Lu, Sheng-Nan; Tian, Feng; Li, Nan; Qian, Han-Yu; Cui, Ai-Jun; He, Ming-Yang; Chen, Qun

Catalysis Communications, 2017 , vol. 95, p. 6 - 11 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium bromide in dichloromethane

T=0°C; pH=9.1; 0.166667 h; Catalytic behavior;

Yu, Wei; Zhou, Minghong; Wang, Tianqi; He, Zidong; Shi, Buyin; Xu, Yang; Huang, Kun

Organic Letters, 2017 , vol. 19, # 21 p. 5776 - 5779 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,4,6-trimethyl-pyridine; 4-acetylamino-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinoxy; iodine; sodium hydrogencarbonate in dichloromethane; water

T=20 - 22°C; 1 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Kashparova, Vera P.; Klushin, Victor A.; Zhukova, Irina Yu.; Kashparov, Igor S.; Chernysheva, Daria V.; Il'chibaeva, Irina B.; Smirnova, Nina V.; Kagan, Efim Sh.; Chernyshev, Victor M.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2017 , vol. 58, # 36 p. 3517 - 3521 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; 9-azabicyclolt;3.3.1gt;nonane-N-oxyl; copper(I) bromide in water

T=20°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Sand, Henning; Weberskirch, Ralf

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 53 p. 33614 - 33626 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With molecular sieve; oxygen; trans-lt;4But-Hpygt;lt;RuO2Cl3(4But-py)gt; in acetonitrile

3 h; Ambient temperature;

Dengel, Andrew C.; El-Hendawy, Ahmed M.; Griffith, William P.; O'Mahoney, Caroline A.; Williams, David J.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1990 , # 3 p. 737 - 742 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium hypochlorite; tetrabutylammomium bromide in water; ethyl acetate

0.5 h; Ambient temperature;

Mirafzal, Gholam A.; Lozeva, Albena M.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1998 , vol. 39, # 40 p. 7263 - 7266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With molecular sieve; oxygen; trans-lt;4But-Hpygt;lt;RuO2Cl3(4But-py)gt; in acetonitrile

3 h; Ambient temperatureor N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide or other catalyst;

Dengel, Andrew C.; El-Hendawy, Ahmed M.; Griffith, William P.; O'Mahoney, Caroline A.; Williams, David J.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1990 , # 3 p. 737 - 742 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium carbonate; N,N-didecyl-N,N-dimethylammonium bromide; ruthenium trichloride in tetrachloromethane

3 h; Heatingeffect of the catalyst concentration; further aromatic aldehydes; Rate constant;

Sasson, Yoel; Wiener, Harold; Bashir, Subhi

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1987 , p. 1574 - 1575 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With aluminium trichloride; silver bromate in acetonitrile

0.5 h; Heatingother alcohols, aldehydes, benzylic compounds, and thiols, var. Levis acids, var. solvents, var. time; Product distribution;

Firouzabadi, Habib; Mohammadpoor-Baltork, Iraj

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1995 , vol. 68, # 8 p. 2319 - 2326 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With barium permanganate

T=90°C; Oxidation; 4 h;

Firouzabadi, Habib; Karimi, Babak; Abbassi, Mohammad

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 1999 , # 3 p. 236 - 237 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tetrapropylammonium perruthennate; polymer-supported 4-methylmorpholine-N-oxide; 4 A molecular sieve in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 24 h;

Brown; Kerr; Lindsay; Pike; Ratcliffe

Synlett, 2001 , # 8 p. 1257 - 1259 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With air; cryptomelan H-K-OMS-2 in toluene

T=110°C; 4 h;

Son, Young-Chan; Makwana, Vinit D.; Howell, Amy R.; Suib, Steven L.

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2001 , vol. 40, # 22 p. 4280 - 4283 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With iodosylbenzene; N,N-ethylenebis(3,5-dichlorosalicylideneiminato)Cr(III)Cl in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 0.5 h;

Kim, Sung Soo; Kim, Dong Won

Synlett, 2003 , # 10 p. 1391 - 1394 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With silica chromate; silica gel

T=20°C; 0.333333 h;

Zolfigol, Mohammad A.; Shirini, Farhad; Mohammadpoor-Baltork, Iraj; Choghamarani, Arash Gh.; Hajjami, Maryam; Sedaghat, Abdol M.

Mendeleev Communications, 2005 , # 3 p. 113 - 116 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N-methylpyrrolidine-2-one hydrotribromide in acetonitrile

2 h; Heating;

Joseph, Jomy K.; Jain, Suman L.; Sain, Bir

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2006 , # 3 p. 590 - 594 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ethylenebis(N-methylimidazolium) chlorochromate

0.0666667 h; Microwave irradiation;

Hosseinzadeh, Rahman; Tajbakhsh, Mahmood; Khaledi, Hamid

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 239 - 243 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Ru(PPh3)(OH)-salen; oxygen in chloroform

T=20°C; 1.5 h;

Mizoguchi, Hirotaka; Uchida, Tatsuya; Ishida, Kohichi; Katsuki, Tsutomu

Tetrahedron Letters, 2009 , vol. 50, # 26 p. 3432 - 3435 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxovanadium(IV) sulfate; oxygen; sodium nitrite in water; acetonitrile

T=80°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 2 h;

Du, Zhongtian; Miao, Hong; Hong, Ma.; Sun, Zhiqiang; Jiping, Ma.; Xu, Jie

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2009 , vol. 351, # 4 p. 558 - 562 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; iodosylbenzene; sodium dodecylsulfate; potassium bromide in water

T=20°C; 0.5 h;

Zhu, Chenjie; Wei, Yunyang; Ji, Lei

Synthetic Communications, 2010 , vol. 40, # 14 p. 2057 - 2066 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium nitrate in water

T=20°C; 3 h; Electrolysis;

Zhang, Li; Zha, Zhenggen; Wang, Zhiyong

Synlett, 2010 , # 13 p. 1915 - 1918 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in octanol

T=70°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1.2 h;

Liu, Lin; Ma, Juanjuan; Sun, Zhen; Zhang, Jianping; Huang, Jingjing; Li, Shanzhong; Tong, Zhiwei

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 89, # 1 p. 68 - 71 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 4 (acetylamino) 2,2,6,6 tetramethyl 1 oxopiperidinium tetrafluoroborate in water

6 h; Reflux;

Mamros, Audrey N.; Sharrow, Phillip R.; Weller, William E.; Luderer, Mark R.; Fair, Justin D.; Pazehoski, Kristina O.; Luderer, Matthew R.

Arkivoc, 2011 , vol. 2011, # 5 p. 23 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in dibutyl ether

T=65°C; P=760.051 Torr; 7 h;

Chrobok, Anna; Baj, Stefan; Pudlo, Wojciech; Jarzebski, Andrzej

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2010 , vol. 389, # 1-2 p. 179 - 185 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Stage #1: With iron(III) chloride hexahydrate; oxygen; silica gel in toluene

0.0833333 h; Autoclave; Stage #2: With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical in toluene

T=80°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 7 h; Autoclave;

Wang, Lianyue; Li, Jun; Lv, Ying; Zhao, Gongda; Gao, Shuang

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 26, # 1 p. 37 - 43 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in decane; acetonitrile

T=65°C; 0.333333 h;

Mungse, Harshal P.; Verma, Sanny; Kumar, Neeraj; Sain, Bir; Khatri, Om P.

Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 22, # 12 p. 5427 - 5433 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in dichloromethane

Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Ionita, Petre

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 44 p. 21218 - 21221 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-hydroxy-3H-benz[d][1,2]iodoxole-1,3-dione in water

T=25°C; 24 h; Micellar solution; Show Experimental Procedure

Xie, Aming; Zhou, Xiangxiang; Feng, Liandong; Hu, Xinyu; Dong, Wei

Tetrahedron, 2014 , vol. 70, # 21 p. 3514 - 3519 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Stage #1: With cobalt ferrite in water

0.0333333 h; Stage #2: With oxone(R) in water

T=20°C; 0.333333 h;

Sadri, Fariba; Ramazani, Ali; Massoudi, Abdolhossain; Khoobi, Mehdi; Azizkhani, Vahid; Tarasi, Roghayeh; Dolatyari, Leila; Min, Bong-Ki

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2014 , vol. 35, # 7 p. 2029 - 2032 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Show Experimental Procedure


With oxygen in water

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureReagent/catalyst;

Sahu, Debojeet; Silva, Ana Rosa; Das, Pankaj

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 96 p. 78553 - 78560 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=110°C; 3 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Sharma, Pankaj; Gupta, Monika; Gupta, Rajive; Gupta, Manjulla

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2015 , vol. 127, # 8 p. 1485 - 1489 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in water

T=60°C; 3 h;

Patnam, Padma L.; Bhatt, Mukesh; Singh, Raghuvir; Saran, Sandeep; Jain, Suman L.

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 65 p. 60888 - 60895 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With indium isopropoxide; pivalaldehyde in chloroform

T=20°C; Oppenauer Oxidation; 3 h; GloveboxSealed tubeInert atmosphere; Show Experimental Procedure

Ogiwara, Yohei; Ono, Yuji; Sakai, Norio

Synthesis (Germany), 2016 , vol. 48, # 23 art. no. SS-2016-F0462-OP, p. 4143 - 4148 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; sodium hypochlorite pentahydrate; tetrabutylammomium bromide in dichloromethane

T=5 - 20°C; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: KR2015/26729 A, 2015 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0058-0059 ;


With [Ru2Cl2(3,6-di{3-[(1-ethyl-5-methylpyrazol-3-yl)methyl]-1-imidazoliumyl}pyridazine)(pcymene)2]*2(PF6); dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 2 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Chen, Chao; Ni, Shengliang; Zheng, Qing; Yu, Meifang; Wang, Hangxiang

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 2017, # 3 p. 616 - 622 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [Cu(6-(2-carboxylatophenylcarbamoyl)picolinate)](4dimethylaminopyridine)*3H2O; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=45°C; Temperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Abdolmaleki, Sara; Ghadermazi, Mohammad

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2017 , vol. 461, p. 221 - 232 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With (6,8,15,17-tetramethyl-7H,16H-5,9,14,18-tetraaza-dibenzo[b,i]-cyclotetradecenato(2-)-k(4)N,N',N'',N''')nickel(II); sodium t-butanolate in 5,5-dimethyl-1,3-cyclohexadiene

T=85°C; 7 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk techniqueSealed tube; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Parua, Seuli; Das, Siuli; Sikari, Rina; Sinha, Suman; Paul, Nanda D.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 82, # 14 p. 7165 - 7175 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C12H17N2O(1-)*Cu(2+)*N3(1-); dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 2 h; Temperature;

Liu, Li-Jun

Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 47, # 6 p. 956 - 960 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 5-nitroso-1,3-diphenyltetrazolium tetrafluoroborate; nitric acid in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 1.3 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Matsukawa, Yuta; Hirashita, Tsunehisa; Araki, Shuki

Tetrahedron, 2017 , vol. 73, # 42 p. 6052 - 6056 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With cobaltocene; C18H11Cl3FeN4(1-); sodium hydroxide in toluene

T=75°C; 4 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Reagent/catalyst;

Sinha, Suman; Das, Siuli; Sikari, Rina; Parua, Seuli; Brandaõ, Paula; Demeshko, Serhiy; Meyer, Franc; Paul, Nanda D.

Inorganic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 56, # 22 p. 14084 - 14100 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With hydrogenchloride; 3-chloro-benzenecarboperoxoic acid in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

0.0833333 h; Ambient temperature;

Kim, Hyoung Rae; Jung, Ji Hun; Kim, Jae Nyong; Ryu, Eung K.

Synthetic Communications, 1990 , vol. 20, # 5 p. 637 - 640 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With (1,10-phenanthroline)H2CrOCl5 in dichloromethane

T=25°C; 2 h;

Chakraborty, T. K.; Chandrasekaran, S.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1980 , vol. 21, p. 1583 - 1586 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium hydroxide; dipotassium peroxodisulfate; potassium ruthenate; adogen 464 in dichloromethane

3 h; Ambient temperature;

Kim, Kwan Soo; Kim, Sung Jung; Song, Yang Heon; Hahn, Chi Sun

Synthesis, 1987 , # 11 p. 1017 - 1018 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With barium permanganate in acetonitrile

0.25 h; Heating;

Firouzabadi, H.; Mottghinejad, E.; Seddighi, M.

Synthesis, 1989 , # 5 p. 378 - 380 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With selenium(IV) oxide; bis-{4-methoxy-phenyl}-selenoxyde in 1,4-dioxane

24 h; Heating;

Ogura, Fumio; Otsubo, Tetsuo; Ariyoshi, Kimio; Yamaguchi, Hachiro

Chemistry Letters, 1983 , p. 1833 - 1834 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With 1-Chloro-1H-indole-2,3-dione in benzene

24 h; Irradiation;

Berti, Corrado; Greci, Lucedio

Synthetic Communications, 1981 , vol. 11, # 9 p. 681 - 686 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With montmorillonite K 10 clay supported iron(III) nitrate (clayfen)

0.00416667 h; microwave (900 Watts) irradiation at ca. 65 deg C;

Varma, Rajender S.; Dahiya, Rajender

Tetrahedron Letters, 1997 , vol. 38, # 12 p. 2043 - 2044 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bromine; nickel(II) benzoate in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 4 h; selective oxidation of alcohols;

Doyle, Michael P.; Dow, Robert L.

Synthetic Communications, 1980 , vol. 10, # 11 p. 881 - 888 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With 3-carboxypyridinium chlorochromate on alumina in dichloromethane

1 h; Ambient temperature;

Heravi, Majid M.; Kiakoojori, Reza; Mirza-Aghayan, Maryam; Tabar-Hydar, Kourosh; Bolourtchian, Mohammad

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 1999 , vol. 130, # 3 p. 481 - 483 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ammonium chlorochromate on montmorillonite K-10 in dichloromethane

1 h; Ambient temperature;

Heravi, Majid M.; Kiakojoori, Reza; Tabar-Hydar, Kourosh

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 1999 , vol. 130, # 4 p. 581 - 583 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With zeolite HZSM-5 supported iron(III) nitrate

0.00277778 h;

Heravi, Majid M.; Ajami, Dariush; Aghapoor, Kuoumars; Ghassemzadeh, Mitra

Chemical Communications, 1999 , # 9 p. 833 - 834 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With (NO3)3CeBrO3 in acetonitrile

2.5 h; Heating;

Shirini; Tajik; Aliakbar; Akbar

Synthetic Communications, 2001 , vol. 31, # 5 p. 767 - 770 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With laccase; 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; oxygen in water

T=20°C; pH=4.5; 24 h;

Fabbrini, Maura; Galli, Carlo; Gentili, Patrizia; Macchitella, Daniele

Tetrahedron Letters, 2001 , vol. 42, # 43 p. 7551 - 7553 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; ammonium cerium(IV) nitrate; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=82°C; 2 h;

Kim, Sung Soo; Jung, Hyun Chul

Synthesis, 2003 , # 14 p. 2135 - 2137 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 4-acetylamino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl; [bmim]PF6; dihydrogen peroxide; hydrogen bromide

T=40°C; 2 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:SolventsReagents;

Jiang, Nan; Ragauskas, Arthur J.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2005 , vol. 46, # 19 p. 3323 - 3326 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With triethylammonium fluorochromate(VI) in dichloromethane

0.666667 h; Heating;

Ghammamy; Hashemzadeh; Mazareey

Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 41, # 12 p. 1752 - 1754 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tetra-n-propylammonium bromate in ethanol

1 h; Heating;

Deb, Dibakar; Das, Satya Sandhya; Nath, Utpal; Das, Pranab J.

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 43, # 6 p. 1360 - 1362 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; caesium carbonate; [ruthenium(II)(η6-1-methyl-4-isopropyl-benzene)(chloride)(μchloride)]2; carbon in toluene

Choi, Eunjung; Lee, Chongmok; Na, Youngim; Chang, Sukbok

Organic Letters, 2002 , vol. 4, # 14 p. 2369 - 2371 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

T=110°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3 h;


With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; Oxone; tetrabutyl-ammonium chloride in dichloromethane

T=20°C; Oxidation; 12 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:SolventsReagents;

Bolm, Carsten; Magnus, Angelika S.; Hildebrand, Jens P.

Organic Letters, 2000 , vol. 2, # 8 p. 1173 - 1175 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N -hydroxyphthalimide; oxygen; 3-chlorobenzoate; cobalt(II) acetate in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 2 h;

Minisci, Francesco; Punta, Carlo; Recupero, Francesco; Fontana, Francesca; Pedulli, Gian Franco

Chemical Communications, 2002 , # 7 p. 688 - 689 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; tetra-n-butylammonium hydrogen monopersulfate

T=60°C; 0.5 h; Ionic liquid;

Zhu, Chenjie; Ji, Lei; Wei, Yunyang

Catalysis Communications, 2010 , vol. 11, # 12 p. 1017 - 1020 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [Ru(CO)(PPh3)2L4]; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Reflux;

Thilagavathi; Manimaran; Priya, N. Padma; Sathya; Jayabalakrishnan

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 24, # 4 p. 301 - 307 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With VO(O-i-Pr)(8-hydroxyquinolinate)2; triethylamine

T=100°C; 24 h; Neat (no solvent);

Hanson, Susan K.; Wu, Ruilian; Silks, L. A. Pete

Organic Letters, 2011 , vol. 13, # 8 p. 1908 - 1911 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With copper(II) chloride monohydrate; oxygen; silica gel in octanol

T=50°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3 h; Ionic liquid;

Liu, Lin; Ma, Juanjuan; Xia, Jiyin; Li, Luodan; Li, Chunlong; Zhang, Xiaobo; Gong, Junyan; Tong, Zhiwei

Catalysis Communications, 2011 , vol. 12, # 5 p. 323 - 326 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With iodosylbenzene sulfate; β cyclodextrin in water

T=60°C; 2 h; chemoselective reaction;

Zhu, Chenjie; Wei, Yunyang

Catalysis Letters, 2011 , vol. 141, # 4 p. 582 - 586 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Br3(1-)*C10H15NPol(1+); dimethyl sulfoxide

T=20°C; 4 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Prasanna; Mohanaraju

Tetrahedron Letters, 2011 , vol. 52, # 51 p. 6971 - 6973 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With manganese dioxide supported on graphite in dichloromethane

10 h; Reflux;

Lou, Ji-Dong; Lu, Xiu Lian; Huang, Li-Hong; Wang, Qiang; Zou, Xiao-Nan

Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 41, # 10 p. 1342 - 1345 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in toluene

T=79.84°C; 4 h;

Kantam, M. Lakshmi; Reddy, R. Sudarshan; Pal, Ujjwal; Sudhakar; Venugopal; Ratnam, K. Jeeva; Figueras; Chintareddy, Venkat Reddy; Nishina, Yuta

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2012 , vol. 359, p. 1 - 7 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With O40PW12(3-)*C30H60N3(3+); dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 1 h;

He, Ying; Ma, Xiaoyun; Lu, Ming

Arkivoc, 2012 , vol. 2012, # 8 p. 187 - 197 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Pd2(azobenzene)2Cl2; oxygen in ethanol; N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=50°C; P=0 Torr; 3.66667 h; Pressure;

Sharma, Varsha; Sagar, Priyanka; Rohit

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2012 , vol. 89, # 4 p. 463 - 469 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With triethylamine; VO(O-i-Pr)(8-hydroxyquinolinate)2 in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=60°C; 24 h; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: US2012/232279 A1, 2012 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 8 ;

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; thiourea S,S-dioxide in dodecane; acetonitrile

T=65°C; 4 h;

Verma, Sanny; Singh, Raghuvir; Tripathi, Deependra; Gupta, Piyush; Bahuguna, Gajendra Mohan; Jain, Suman L.

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 13 p. 4184 - 4188 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in dodecane; acetonitrile

T=65°C; 1 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Verma, Sanny; Le Bras, Jean; Jain, Suman L.; Muzart, Jacques

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2013 , vol. 468, p. 334 - 340 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; copper diacetate in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 3 h; Green chemistry; SolventReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Jiang, Jian-An; Du, Jia-Lei; Wang, Zhan-Guo; Zhang, Zhong-Nan; Xu, Xi; Zheng, Gan-Lin; Ji, Ya-Fei

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 10 p. 1677 - 1681 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ammonium nitrate; hydrogenchloride; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in water; acetonitrile

T=60°C; 6 h; Green chemistry; ConcentrationReagent/catalystSolventTemperatureTime;

Prebil, Rok; Stavber, Gaj; Stavber, Stojan

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 2014, # 2 p. 395 - 402 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N-Bromosuccinimide in methanol; water

T=20°C; 4 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Tahir, Muhammad Nazir; Qamar, Riaz-Ul; Adnan, Ahmad; Ghaffar, Abdul; Jun, Bong-Hyun; Yu, Jae-Hyuk; Jung, Seunho

Synthetic Communications, 2014 , vol. 44, # 5 p. 589 - 599 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With octanol; C35H58CrN5O3*2CH4O; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 5 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature;

Noshiranzadeh, Nader; Bikas, Rahman; Slepokura, Katarzyna; Mayeli, Mina; Lis, Tadeusz

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2014 , vol. 421, p. 176 - 182 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide

T=50°C; P=760.051 Torr; Show Experimental Procedure

Judy-Azar, Amir-Reza; Mohebbi, Sajjad

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2015 , vol. 397, p. 158 - 165 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in toluene

T=110°C; 3 h; TemperatureTimeSolvent;

Wang; Xu

Catalysis Letters, 2014 , vol. 144, # 11 p. 1919 - 1929 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium carbonate in water

T=60°C; 24 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Wu, Shang; Zhang, Hong; Wang, Yanbin; Su, Qiong; Lei, Ziqiang; Wu, Lan

Letters in Organic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 11, # 10 p. 774 - 779 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With hematite; periodic acid in water

1 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Paul, Bappi; Bhuyan, Bishal; Purkayastha, Debraj Dhar; Dhar, Siddhartha Sankar

Catalysis Communications, 2015 , vol. 69, p. 48 - 54 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; 6,8-di(tert-butyl)-3-[2-(1H-imidazol-4yl)ethyl]-3,4-dihydro-2H-1,3-benzoxazine; oxygen; copper(I) triflate in dichloromethane

T=25°C; 7 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang; Huang; Lü; Cao; Zhao

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 85, # 8 p. 1965 - 1972 Zh. Obshch. Khim. Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylnitrite; oxygen; 3,6-di(2'-pyridyl)-1,2,4,5-tetrazine; acetic acid in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 4 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Samanta, Suvendu; Biswas, Papu

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 102 p. 84328 - 84333 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium periodate in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 1.33333 h;

Saffar-Teluri, Ali

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 86 p. 70577 - 70585 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium carbonate in water; dimethyl sulfoxide

T=60°C; 0.5 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Dehghan, Mahsa; Motaharinejad, Atieh; Saadat, Mostafa; Ahdenov, Reza; Babazadeh, Mirzaagha; Hosseinzadeh-Khanmiri, Rahim

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 112 p. 92335 - 92343 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; nitrosonium tetrafluoroborate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 2 h;

Shakir, Ahmed Juwad; Paraschivescu, Codruta; Matache, Mihaela; Tudose, Madalina; Mischie, Alice; Spafiu, Felicia; Ionita, Petre

Tetrahedron Letters, 2015 , vol. 56, # 49 p. 6878 - 6881 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [OsV(O)(2,2’:6’,2’’:6’’,2’’’-quaterpyridine)(4-picoline)Cl](PF6)2 in acetonitrile

Liu, Yingying; Ng, Siu-Mui; Lam, William W. Y.; Yiu, Shek-Man; Lau, Tai-Chu

T=23°C; Inert atmosphere;

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2016 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 288 - 291 Angew. Chem., 2016 , vol. 128, # 1 p. 296 - 299,4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1,1,3,3-tetramethylguanidinium fluorochromate in dichloromethane

0.00111111 h; Microwave irradiation; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Şendil, Kivilcim; Özgün, H. Beytiye; Üstün, Ebru

Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 3518102 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Stage #1: With bis(trichloromethyl) carbonate; 4-(2-(2-(methylsulfinyl)ethyl)-4nitrophenyl)morpholine in dichloromethane

T=-15°C; Swern Oxidation; 1 h; Inert atmosphere; Stage #2: With triethylamine in dichloromethane

T=-15°C; Swern Oxidation; Inert atmosphere; TemperatureReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Ye, Xiaojing; Fu, Hongliang; Ma, Jiahao; Zhong, Weihui

Synthetic Communications, 2016 , vol. 46, # 10 p. 885 - 892 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With aluminum oxide; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; copper(ll) bromide

Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: CN104193600 B, 2016 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0023-0024 ;


With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; tetrakis(acetonitrile)copper(I) trifluoromethanesulfonate; 2-[N-methyl-N-(pyridin-2yl)amino]pyridine in acetonitrile

T=30°C; 2 h;

Marais, Lindie; Burés, Jordi; Jordaan, Johan H. L.; Mapolie, Selwyn; Swarts, Andrew J.

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 15, # 33 p. 6926 - 6933 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ammonium hydroxide; copper(l) iodide; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical

T=100°C; 15 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhejiang University of Technology; Zhang Guofu; Zhao Yiyong; Zhang Guihua; Ding Chengrong; Lv Jinghui; Yu Yidong

Patent: CN106905097 A, 2017 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0026; 0027; 0028; 0029; 0030 ;


With oxygen in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=130°C; 5 h; SolventReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Li, Min; Wu, Shujie; Yang, Xiaoyuan; Hu, Jing; Peng, Ling; Bai, Lu; Huo, Qisheng; Guan, Jingqi

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017 , vol. 543, p. 61 - 66 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene; magnesium sulfate in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=20°C; 3 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Dasgupta, Sanchari; Chakraborty, Aratrika; Chatterjee, Sourav; Chattopadhyay, Tanmay

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2018 , vol. 474, p. 1 - 10 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; titanium(IV) isopropylate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 24 h; molecular sieves;

Krohn, Karsten; Khanbabaee, Karamali; Rieger, Hagen

Chemische Berichte, 1990 , vol. 123, # 6 p. 1357 - 1364 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With Dess-Martin periodane in dichloromethane

T=25°C; 1 h;

Dess, D. B.; Martin, J. C.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 48, # 22 p. 4155 - 4156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With peracetic acid; sodium bromide in acetic acid

T=60°C; 2 h;

Morimoto, Takashi; Hirano, Masao; Ashiya, Hiroyuki; Egashira, Hidetaka; Zhuang, Xiumin

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1987 , vol. 60, # 11 p. 4143 - 4144 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With aluminum oxide; ammonium chlorochromate in cyclohexane

T=30°C; 1 h;

Zhang, Gui-Sheng; Shi, Qi-Zeng; Chen, Mi-Feng; Cai, Kun

Synthetic Communications, 1997 , vol. 27, # 6 p. 953 - 956 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With isoquinolinium fluorochromate in dichloromethane

1 h; Heating;

Srinivasan; Stanley, Preethi; Balasubramanian

Synthetic Communications, 1997 , vol. 27, # 12 p. 2057 - 2064 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ammonium chlorochromate; silica gel in cyclohexane

T=30°C; 2 h;

Zhang, Gui-Sheng; Shi, Qi-Zeng; Chen, Mi-Feng; Cai, Kun

Synthetic Communications, 1997 , vol. 27, # 21 p. 3691 - 3696 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With KMnO4-kieselguhr Reagent in toluene

T=70°C; 1 h;

Lou, Ji-Dong; Lou, Wen-Xing

Synthetic Communications, 1997 , vol. 27, # 21 p. 3697 - 3699 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With aluminum oxide; dimethylammonium chlorochromate in cyclohexane

T=25 - 30°C; 2 h;

Zhang, Gui-Sheng; Shi, Qi-Zeng; Chen, Mi-Feng; Cai, Kun

Organic Preparations and Procedures International, 1998 , vol. 30, # 2 p. 215 - 218 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dipyridinium dichromate; adogen 464; dihydrogen peroxide; sodium carbonate in various solvent(s) Oxidation; 24 h; Heating;

Delaval, Nicolas; Bouquillon, Sandrine; Henin, Francoise; Muzart, Jacques

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 1999 , # 4 p. 286 - 287 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With nitric acid; ytterbium(III) triflate in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

Oxidation; 0.5 h; Heating;

Barrett, Anthony G. M.; Braddock, D. Christopher; McKinnell, R. Murray; Waller, Francis J.

Synlett, 1999 , # 9 p. 1489 - 1490 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With imidazolium fluorochromate in acetonitrile

T=20°C; Oxidation; 1.5 h;

Pandurangan; Rajkumar, G. Abraham; Arabindoo, Banumathi; Murugesan

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 38, # 1 p. 99 - 100 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With nitric acid in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 1 h;

Strazzolini, Paolo; Runcio, Antonio

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2003 , # 3 p. 526 - 536 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium permanganate in various solvent(s) T=20°C; 1 h;

Kumar, Anil; Jain, Nidhi; Chauhan

Synthetic Communications, 2004 , vol. 34, # 15 p. 2835 - 2842 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; RuHAP in toluene

T=90°C; Oxidation; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h; Kinetics;

Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Mori, Kohsuke; Mizugaki, Tomoo; Ebitani, Kohki; Kaneda, Kiyotomi

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2000 , vol. 122, # 29 p. 7144 - 7145 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C11H17N2O2; potassium tert-butylate; copper(ll) bromide in water; acetonitrile


Gartshore, Christopher J.; Lupton, David W.

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2010 , vol. 352, # 18 p. 3321 - 3328 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium bromide in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 10 h;

Chen, Jiang-Min; Zeng, Xiao-Mei; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Synlett, 2010 , # 18 p. 2771 - 2774 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium 12-tungstocobaltate(III) in water; acetonitrile

0.1 h; Microwave irradiation;

Farhadi; Ansari

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 8, # 2 p. 470 - 476 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [Rh((5-H-dibenzo[a,d]cyclohepten-5-yl)2NH)(PPh3)]OTf; potassium carbonate; Nitrosobenzene in tetrahydrofuran


Annen, Samuel P.; Gruetzmacher, Hansjoerg

Dalton Transactions, 2012 , vol. 41, # 46 p. 14137 - 14145 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=100°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Luan, Yi; Qi, Yue; Gao, Hongyi; Zheng, Nannan; Wang, Ge

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014 , vol. 2, # 48 p. 20588 - 20596 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene; magnesium sulfate in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=45°C; 4 h;

Rahaman, Hasimur; Laha, Radha M.; Maiti, Dilip K.; Ghosh, Sujit Kumar

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 43 p. 33923 - 33929 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ammonium hydroxide; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in ethanol

T=50°C; 22 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhao, Hong; Chen, Qiurong; Wei, Li; Jiang, Yuanyuan; Cai, Mingzhong

Tetrahedron, 2015 , vol. 71, # 46 art. no. 27151, p. 8725 - 8731 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium carbonate in toluene

T=80°C; 3 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Kadam, Mahesh M.; Dhopte, Kiran B.; Jha, Neetu; Gaikar, Vilas G.; Nemade, Parag R.

New Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 40, # 2 p. 1436 - 1442 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [{Cu2(5-phenyl-2,8-bis(2-pyridinyl)-1,9,10anthyridine)(H2O)4(CH3CN)2}(ClO4)4]; oxygen in toluene

T=100°C; 12 h; Kinetics; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature;

Huang, Da-Wei; Liu, Yi-Hung; Peng, Shie-Ming; Liu, Shiuh-Tzung

Organometallics, 2016 , vol. 35, # 2 p. 151 - 158 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen

P=760.051 Torr; 4 h; IrradiationSealed tube; Catalytic behaviorKinetics; Reagent/catalyst;

Chen, Yu; Li, Weizun; Wang, Jingyu; Yang, Qian; Hou, Qidong; Ju, Meiting

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 74 p. 70352 - 70363 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With alumina supported chromium(VI) oxide in hexane

24 h; Ambient temperature;

Hirano, Masao; Kuroda, Hisanori; Morimoto, Takashi

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1990 , vol. 63, # 8 p. 2433 - 2434 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With bislt;benzyltriethylammoniumgt; dichromate in N,N,N,N,N,N-hexamethylphosphoric triamide

Hishmat; El Ebrashi; El Naem; Abd El Rahman

Synthesis, 1982 , vol. No. 12, p. 1075 - 1077 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tripropylammonium fluorochromate (VI) in dichloromethane

0.75 h;

Chamchaang, W.; Prankprakma, V.; Tarnchompoo, B.; Thebtaranonth, C.; Thebtaranonth, Y.

Synthesis, 1982 , # 7 p. 579 - 580 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With isocyanate de chlorosulfonyle; dimethyl sulfoxide; triethylamine in dichloromethane

T=-78°C; 1.5 h;

Olah, George A.; Vankar, Yashwant D.; Arvanaghi, Massoud

Synthesis, 1980 , # 2 p. 141 - 142 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With trans-{dioxoruthenium(VI)(N,N'-dimethyl-N,N'-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)propylenediamine)} (perchlorate)2 in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 1 h;

Che, Chi-Ming; Tang, Wai-Tong; Li, Chi-Keung

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1990 , # 12 p. 3735 - 3739 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium hypochlorite; sodium stearate

16 h; Ambient temperature;

Jursic, Branko

Synthesis, 1988 , # 11 p. 868 - 871 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With potassium nitrososulfonate; adogen 464 in benzene

12 h;

Morey, Jeronimo; Dzielenziak, Adam; Saa, Jose Manuel

Chemistry Letters, 1985 , p. 263 - 264 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With tetrakis(pyridine)silver dichromate in benzene

3 h; Heating;

Firouzabadi, H.; Sardarian, A.; Gharibi, H.

Synthetic Communications, 1984 , vol. 14, # 1 p. 89 - 94 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With tetra(n-butyl)ammonium dichromate(VI) in dichloromethane

3 h; Heating;

Santaniello, Enzo; Ferraboschi, Patrizia

Synthetic Communications, 1980 , vol. 10, # 1 p. 75 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With dinitrogen tetraoxide; ferric nitrate in dichloromethane

Ambient temperaturefurther oxidizing agent, further conditions and solvents;

Iranpoor, Nasser; Firouzabadi, Habib; Zolfigol, Mohammad Ali

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1998 , vol. 71, # 4 p. 905 - 908 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With alumina supported chromium(VI) oxide in hexane

24 h; Ambient temperatureother aromatic alcohols;

Hirano, Masao; Kuroda, Hisanori; Morimoto, Takashi

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1990 , vol. 63, # 8 p. 2433 - 2434 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With N-iodo-succinimide in benzene

2 h; Irradiationvar. alcohols, var. irradiat. times; Product distribution;

Beebe, T. R.; Adkins, R. L.; Bogardus, C. C.; Champney, B.; Hii, P. S.; et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 48, # 18 p. 3126 - 3128

T=60 - 80°C; 4 h;

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassiuim nitrosodisulfonate; adogen 464 in benzene

12 h; Mechanism;

Morey, Jeronimo; Dzielenziak, Adam; Saa, Jose Manuel

Chemistry Letters, 1985 , p. 263 - 264 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With benzyltriphenylphosphonium peroxymonosulfate

Oxidation; 0.166667 h;

Hajipour, Abdol Reza; Mallakpour, Shadpour E.; Adibi, Hadi

Chemistry Letters, 2000 , # 5 p. 460 - 461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With DDB in acetonitrile

1 h; Heating;

Shirini; Tajik; Jalili

Synthetic Communications, 2001 , vol. 31, # 19 p. 2885 - 2889 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ammonium dichromate(VI); silica gel; iodic acid

T=20°C; 0.166667 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:Reaction partnersSolvents;

Shirini; Zolfigol; Azadbar

Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 37, # 11 p. 1600 - 1602 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With chromium(VI) oxide

3 h;

Lou, Ji-Dong; Xu, Zhi-Nan

Tetrahedron Letters, 2002 , vol. 43, # 35 p. 6095 - 6097 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bentonite clay; nitric acid in hexane

3.5 h; Heating;

Bahulayan, Damodaran; Narayan, Gopinathan; Sreekumar, Vellalath; Lalithambika, Malathy

Synthetic Communications, 2002 , vol. 32, # 23 p. 3565 - 3574 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium bromate; Nafion-Ce(IV); Nafion-H in water; acetonitrile

4 h; Heating;

Yamoto, Takehiko; Shinoda, Naoki

Journal of Chemical Research, Synopses, 2002 , # 8 p. 400 - 402 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With poly[4-(diacetoxyiodo)styrene]; 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl in acetone

T=20°C; 2 h;

Sakuratani, Kenji; Togo, Hideo

Synthesis, 2003 , # 1 p. 21 - 23 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With butyltriphenylphosphonium chlorochromate in acetonitrile

0.666667 h; Heating; Product distribution; Further Variations:Solvents;

Hajipour, Abdol R.; Mallakpour, Shadpour E.; Malakoutikhah, Morteza

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 42, # 1 p. 195 - 198 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With pyridine; tetra-n-butylammonium hydrogen monopersulfate; Mn(mesotetraphenylporphyrin)OAc in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 0.0833333 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:ReagentsSolvents;

Rezaeifard, Abdolreza; Jafarpour, Maasoumeh; Moghaddam, Gholamreza Kardan; Amini, Fatemeh

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 15, # 8 p. 3097 - 3101 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; iron(III)phthalocyanine chloride; acetic acid

T=20°C; 1 h;

Filipan-Litvic, Mirela; Litvic, Mladen; Vinkovic, Vladimir

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 16, # 20 p. 9276 - 9282 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dipotassium peroxodisulfate; molybdenum trioxide in water; acetonitrile

0.68 h; Reflux;

Shirini; Yazdanbakhsh; Pop-Kiadeh, M. Mahdavi; Abedini

Journal of Chemical Research, 2008 , # 7 p. 409 - 411 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C36H40Cu2N6O2(2+) in acetone


Matsumoto, Takahiro; Ohkubo, Kei; Honda, Kaoru; Yazawa, Akiko; Furutachi, Hideki; Fujinami, Shuhei; Fukuzumi, Shunichi; Suzuki, Masatatsu

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009 , vol. 131, # 26 p. 9258 - 9267 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium hypochlorite; 4-({[4-(triphenylphosphonio)benzyl]oxy}carbonyl)oxy-2,2,6,6tetramethylpiperidin-1-oxyl perchlorate; sodium hydrogencarbonate; potassium bromide in dichloromethane; water

pH=8.9; 0.0833333 h;

Roy, Marie-Noelle; Poupon, Jean-Christophe; Charette, Andre B.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 74, # 22 p. 8510 - 8515 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With hydrogen bromide; oxygen; sodium nitrite in water; acetonitrile

Uyanik, Muhammet; Fukatsu, Ryota; Ishihara, Kazuaki

T=70°C; 24 h;

Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2010 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 456 - 460 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N-chloro-succinimide; TEMPOL; tetrabutylammomium bromide; potassium carbonate in tertbutyl methyl ether

T=10°C; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: EP1666441 A1, 2006 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 4 ;


With [Mn(IV)(O)(BQCN)(H2O)](2+) in water; acetonitrile

T=0°C; Inert atmosphere; Kinetics; Concentration;

Sawant, Sarvesh C.; Wu, Xiujuan; Cho, Jaeheung; Cho, Kyung-Bin; Kim, Sun Hee; Seo, Mi Sook; Lee, Yong-Min; Kubo, Minoru; Ogura, Takashi; Shaik, Sason; Nam, Wonwoo

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2010 , vol. 49, # 44 p. 8190 - 8194 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bromine; oxygen; potassium nitrate in acetonitrile

T=50°C; 24 h; chemoselective reaction;

Yuan, Yu; Shi, Xiao; Liu, Wei

Synlett, 2011 , # 4 art. no. W17710ST, p. 559 - 564 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With trichloroisocyanuric acid in water

T=20°C; 1 h; Ionic liquid;

Lee, Jong Chan; Kim, Jimi; Lee, Seung Bae; Chang, Soon-Uk; Jeong, Yeon Jin

Synthetic Communications, 2011 , vol. 41, # 13 p. 1947 - 1951 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in decane; acetonitrile

T=65°C; 3 h;

Verma, Sanny; Nandi, Mahasweta; Modak, Arindam; Jain, Suman L.; Bhaumik, Asim

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 353, # 11-12 p. 1897 - 1902 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; manganese(III) 5,10,15tris(pentafluorophenyl)perbromocorrolate in water; benzene

T=25°C; 12 h;

Bose, Suranjana; Pariyar, Anand; Biswas, Achintesh Narayan; Das, Purak; Bandyopadhyay, Pinaki

Catalysis Communications, 2011 , vol. 12, # 6 p. 446 - 449 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C10H6BrClN4O2PdS; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

2 h; Reflux;

Ramasubramanian, Ayaloor Subramanian; Bhat, Badekai Ramachandra; Dileep, Ramakrishna; Rani, Sandya

Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 76, # 1 p. 75 - 83 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ammonium cerium (IV) nitrate; 1-hexyl-3-methylimidazolium hydrogen sulphate

T=80°C; 0.416667 h; neat (no solvent); chemoselective reaction;

Hajipour; Khazdooz; Ruoho

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 8, # 2 p. 382 - 387 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With manganese(IV) oxide; manganese(II) nitrate tetrahydrate; dibenzoyl peroxide in hexane

T=70°C; P=760.051 Torr; 0.166667 h; chemoselective reaction;

Massah, Ahmad Reza; Kalbasi, Roozbeh Javad; Azadi, Mohammad

Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2012 , vol. 15, # 5 p. 428 - 436 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium hypochlorite in 1,1,1,3',3',3'-hexafluoro-propanol

T=25 - 30°C; 3 h; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Khaksar, Samad; Talesh, Saeed Mohammadzadeh

Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 140, p. 95 - 98 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium perborate tetrahydrate; sulfuric acid; potassium bromide in water


Han, Mikyoung; Jeong, Ku Sun; Lee, Jong Chan

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2012 , vol. 33, # 7 p. 2405 - 2406 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With modified polyacrylamide-supported chlorochromate in cyclohexane

T=20°C; 3 h;

Tamami, Bahman; Heiran, Roghayeh; Montazer, Elham Riazi

Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 2012 , vol. 77, # 5 p. 685 - 697 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C32H18CuN4O6*H2O; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalystConcentrationTime;

Shoair, Abdel Ghany F.

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 65, # 20 p. 3511 - 3518 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With aluminium dodecatungstophosphate; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=90°C; 0.583333 h; Reflux; SolventConcentrationReagent/catalyst;

Aliyan, Hamid; Fazaeli, Razieh; Habibollah, Nasibeh

Journal of the Korean Chemical Society, 2012 , vol. 56, # 5 p. 591 - 596 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=25°C; 0.833333 h; SolventTemperatureReagent/catalystConcentrationTime;

Eshtiagh-Hosseini, Hossein; Tabari, Taymaz; Takjoo, Reza; Eshghi, Hossein

Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 43, # 3 p. 264 - 272 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium hydrogensulfate monohydrate; iodic acid in water; acetonitrile

1.5 h; Reflux;

Khademian, Mohsen; Khademian, Maryam; Rahimnejad, Mostafa; Mokhtarian, Nader

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 25, # 5 p. 2927 - 2928 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C21H19ClN3RuSe(1+)*F6P(1-); 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

T=80°C; 3 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Saleem, Fariha; Rao, Gyandshwar Kumar; Kumar, Arun; Mukherjee, Goutam; Singh, Ajai K.

Organometallics, 2013 , vol. 32, # 13 p. 3595 - 3603 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C35H32ClCu2N2O7S2(1+)*ClO4(1-)*H2O; dihydrogen peroxide

T=70°C; 1 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Pattanayak, Poulami; Pratihar, Jahar Lal; Patra, Debprasad; Brandao, Paula; Mal, Dasarath; Felix, Vitor

Polyhedron, 2013 , vol. 59, p. 23 - 28 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

0.333333 h; Reflux; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureSolvent;

Massah, Ahmad Reza; Kalbasi, Roozbeh Javad; Kaviyani, Somayeh

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 31 p. 12816 - 12825 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; sodium hydroxide in water

T=80°C; 5 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Prasad, K. Sudhakara; Noh, Hui-Bog; Reddy, S. Subba; Reddy, A. Eswar; Shim, Yoon-Bo

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014 , vol. 476, p. 72 - 77 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [VO(2-chloro-N'-(5-fluoro-2-hydroxybenzylidene)benzohydrazide-H2)(OMe) (MeOH)]*MeOH; dihydrogen peroxide; sodium hydrogencarbonate in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 5 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Yang, Kui-Hua

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 39, # 4 p. 469 - 475 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C18H26Cl2Cu3N4O10; dihydrogen peroxide in neat (no solvent) T=100°C; 6 h;

Borthakur, Rosmita; Asthana, Mrityunjaya; Saha, Mithu; Kumar, Arvind; Pal, Amarta Kumar

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 41 p. 21638 - 21643 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


in toluene

T=110°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior;

Ganesh Babu; Krishnamoorthi; Thiruneelakandan; Karvembu

Catalysis Letters, 2014 , vol. 144, # 7 p. 1245 - 1252 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C48H36Cu2N4O8S2; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 2 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Pattanayak, Poulami; Pratihar, Jahar Lal; Patra, Debprasad; Brandao, Paula; Felix, Vitor

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2014 , vol. 418, p. 171 - 179 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C12H12N2O6Zn; hydrogen bromide; dihydrogen peroxide; trifluoroacetic acid in tetrahydrofuran; water

T=20°C; 6 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTime;

Enthaler, Stephan; Wu, Xiao-Feng; Weidauer, Maik; Irran, Elisabeth; Doehlert, Peter

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2014 , vol. 46, p. 320 - 323 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in octanol

T=65°C; 6.5 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Liu, Lin; Liu, Dong; Xia, Zhiwei; Gao, Jiulin; Zhang, Tianlin; Ma, Juanjuan; Zhang, Dongen; Tong, Zhiwei

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2013 , vol. 144, # 2 p. 251 - 254 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; triethylamine in water

T=100°C; P=30003 Torr; 0.3 h; Flow reactorGreen chemistry;

Osako, Takao; Torii, Kaoru; Uozumi, Yasuhiro

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 4 p. 2647 - 2654 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tetrabutylammomium bromide; 1-hydroxy-3H-benz[d][1,2]iodoxole-1,3-dione in water

T=20°C; 1 h; Green chemistry;

Liu, Yangyang; Xie, Aming; Cao, Meiping; Feng, Liandong; Wang, Boliang

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 27, # 2 p. 587 - 590 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With silver nanoparticle deposited layered double hydroxides (Ag NPs-LDH) in para-xylene

T=110°C; Catalytic behavior;

Islam; Borah; Acharya

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 17 p. 13239 - 13245 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; sodium carbonate; NPhenylglycine; copper(ll) bromide in water

1 h; RefluxSchlenk technique; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang, Guofu; Lei, Jie; Han, Xingwang; Luan, Yuxin; Ding, Chengrong; Shan, Shang

Synlett, 2015 , vol. 26, # 6 p. 779 - 784 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N -hydroxyphthalimide; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 16 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventTemperatureReagent/catalyst;

Jafarpour, Maasoumeh; Rezaeifard, Abdolreza; Yasinzadeh, Vahid; Kargar, Hossein

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 48 p. 38460 - 38469 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; dimethyl 3-methyl-9-oxo-7(3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,10-heptadecafluorodecyl)-2,4-di(pyridin-2-yl)-3,7-diazabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane-1,5-dicarboxylate; copper(I) bromide in water

T=20°C; 5 h; Green chemistry;

Ang, Wei Jie; Chng, Yong Sheng; Lam, Yulin

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 99 p. 81415 - 81428 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; [((E)-1-(((2-hydroxypropyl)imino)methyl)naphthalen-2olato)Cu(μ2-Cl)2Cu((E)-1-(((2-hydroxypropyl)imino)methyl)naphthalen-2-olato)]*1.5(methanol) in ethanol

T=80°C; 1 h; Time; Show Experimental Procedure

Naeimi, Atena; Saeednia, Samira; Yoosefian, Mehdi; Rudbari, Hadi Amiri; Nardo, Viviana Mollica

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2015 , vol. 127, # 7 p. 1321 - 1328 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bismuth(III) bromide; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=70°C; 0.5 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Han, Mi-Kyung; Kim, Sohwa; Kim, Sung Tae; Lee, Jong Chan

Synlett, 2015 , vol. 26, # 17 art. no. ST-2015-U0545-L, p. 2434 - 2436 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in neat (no solvent) T=50°C; 0.25 h; Catalytic behavior; TimeSolventTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Hajipour, Abdol Reza; Karimi, Hirbod; Masti, Amir

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2016 , vol. 147, # 2 p. 413 - 423 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 3-(6-(3,5-dimethyl-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)pyridin-2-yl)-1-(2-((1-oxyl-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4yl)oxy)-2-oxoethyl)-1H-imidazol-3-ium iodide; oxygen; sodium carbonate; copper(I) bromide

T=50°C; 24 h; Ionic liquid;

Guo, Bin; Xue, Jiang-Yan; Li, Hong-Xi; Tan, Da-Wei; Lang, Jian-Ping

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 57 p. 51687 - 51693 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tetrabutylammomium bromide; oxygen; acetic acid; sodium nitrite

T=70°C; 2 h; Green chemistry;

Sheykhan, Mehdi; Moafi, Hadi Fallah; Abbasnia, Masoumeh

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 56 p. 51347 - 51355 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; MoO2{N((CH3)C6H4)CHC6H4O}2 in water

T=25°C; 2 h; SolventReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Hatefi-Ardakani, Mehdi; Saeednia, Samira; Pakdin-Parizi, Zahra; Rafeezadeh, Mahdieh

Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2016 , vol. 42, # 10 p. 7223 - 7230 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water

0.35 h; RefluxGreen chemistry; Solvent;

Mirsafaei, Razieh; Heravi, Majid M.; Hosseinnejad, Tayebeh; Ahmadi, Shervin

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 30, # 10 p. 823 - 830 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With DIQCC in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 0.5 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Ozen, Recep

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 26, # 18 p. 6081 - 6083 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; C12H17Cl2CuN3O in acetonitrile

T=24.84°C; 14 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTime;

Bhattacharjee, Aradhita; Halder, Shibashis; Ghosh, Koushik; Rizzoli, Corrado; Roy, Partha

New Journal of Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 41, # 13 p. 5696 - 5706 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Oxone in water

T=20°C; 1.08333 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Ramazani, Ali; Khoobi, Mehdi; Sadri, Fariba; Tarasi, Roghayeh; Shafiee, Abbas; Aghahosseini, Hamideh; Joo, Sang Woo

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2018 , vol. 32, # 1 art. no. E3908 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; sodium bromide; cobalt(III) acetate in acetic acid

T=60°C; 2 h; effect of presence and absence NaBr at various mole ratios, various benzylalcohol derivatives; Mechanism;

Hirano, Masao; Morimoto, Takashi; Itoh, Keiko

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1988 , vol. 61, # 10 p. 3749 - 3751 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With sodium hypochlorite; 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-(3',3',4',4',5',5',6',6',6'-nonafluorohexyl)(3'',3'',4'',4'',5'',5'',6'',6'',6''-nonafluorohexan)amidepiperidin-1-oxyl; potassium bromide in dichloromethane

T=0°C; 1 h; aq. buffer;

Dobbs, Adrian P.; Penny, Mark J.; Jones, Peter

Tetrahedron Letters, 2008 , vol. 49, # 49 p. 6955 - 6958 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With cobalt(II) nitrate hexahydrate; manganese (II) nitrate tetrahydrate; C58H45F51N13O5; oxygen in acetic acid

T=40°C; 2 h;

Gheorghe, Alexandru; Chinnusamy, Tamilselvi; Cuevas-Yanez, Erick; Hilgers, Petra; Reiser, Oliver

Organic Letters, 2008 , vol. 10, # 19 p. 4171 - 4174 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium hypochlorite; 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-(3',3',4',4',5',5',6',6',6'-nonafluorohexyl)(3'',3'',4'',4'',5'',5'',6'',6'',6''-nonafluorohexan)amidepiperidin-1-oxyl; sodium hydrogencarbonate; potassium bromide in dichloromethane

T=0 - 20°C; 1.33333 h; aq. buffer;

Dobbs, Adrian P.; Jones, Peter; Penny, Mark J.; Rigby, Stephen E.

Tetrahedron, 2009 , vol. 65, # 27 p. 5271 - 5277 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With diethylammonium chlorochromate; acetic acid in water

T=24.84°C; Darkness; Kinetics;

Singh, Balgar; Mahajan, Simpy; Jasrotia, Vikas S.; Sharma, Madhu; Sheikh; Kalsotra

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2009 , vol. 86, # 5 p. 528 - 530 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene hydrobromide-perbromide in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; 1.45 h; chemoselective reaction;

Bakavoli, Mehdi; Rahimizadeh, Mohammad; Eshghi, Hossein; Shiri, Ali; Ebrahimpour, Zahra; Takjoo, Reza

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2010 , vol. 31, # 4 p. 949 - 952 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Py3PMo12O40; dihydrogen peroxide; Aliquat 336 in water

T=70°C; 3 h;

Tundo, Pietro; Romanelli, Gustavo P.; Vazquez, Patricia G.; Arico, Fabio

Catalysis Communications, 2010 , vol. 11, # 15 p. 1181 - 1184 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With K-birnessite MnO2 in dichloromethane

T=30°C; 2 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Kamimura, Akio; Nozaki, Yuichiro; Ishikawa, Shingo; Inoue, Ryota; Nakayama, Masaharu

Tetrahedron Letters, 2011 , vol. 52, # 4 p. 538 - 540 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bis(tetrabutylammonium) manganate

T=20°C; 0.166667 h;

Ellis, Rhys; Lee, Kee-Han; Ainsworth, Matthew; Kerr, Alexander; Viseux, Eddy M. E.

Synlett, 2012 , vol. 23, # 9 p. 1371 - 1373 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in decane

T=80°C; 6 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Gawande, Manoj B.; Branco, Paula S.; Nogueira, Isabel D.; Ghumman, C. Amjad A.; Bundaleski, Nenad; Santos, Aderito; Teodoro, Orlando M.N.D.; Luque, Rafael

Green Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 15, # 3 p. 682 - 689 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With iron(III) sulfate; TEMPOL; oxygen; sodium nitrite in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Shi, Xiang-Jun; Qian, Jie; Tan, Fan-Fan; Yu, Chuan-Ming

Journal of Chemical Research, 2013 , vol. 37, # 7 p. 398 - 401 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; sodium hypochlorite; tetrabutylammomium bromide; sodium hydrogencarbonate in dichloromethane; water

T=0°C; 0.0122222 h; SolventTime;

Hampton, Philip D.; Whealon, Matthew D.; Roberts, Lisa M.; Yaeger, Andrew A.; Boydson, Rick

Organic Process Research and Development, 2008 , vol. 12, # 5 p. 946 - 949 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C34H37N4O6Ru2(1+)*Cl(1-); potassium hydoxide in toluene

T=70°C; 6 h; Schlenk techniqueInert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalystTemperature;

Dutta, Indranil; Sarbajna, Abir; Pandey, Pragati; Rahaman, S. M. Wahidur; Singh, Kuldeep; Bera, Jitendra K.

Organometallics, 2016 , vol. 35, # 10 p. 1505 - 1513 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Cu/OMS-2 in toluene

T=90°C; 20 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Meng, Xu; Bi, Xiuru; Wang, Yanmin; Chen, Gexin; Chen, Baohua; Jing, Zhenqiang; Zhao, Peiqing

Catalysis Communications, 2017 , vol. 89, p. 34 - 39 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N-benzylpyridinium bromide in sulfolane

T=190°C; 0.0833333 h; Microwave irradiation; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Jensen, Anton W.; Moore, John M.; Kimble, MaryEllen V.; Ausmus, Alex P.; Dilling, Wendell L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2016 , vol. 57, # 50 p. 5636 - 5638 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; 2C14H11NO5S(2-)*C3H7NO*2Cu(2+)*C10H8N2*H2O

T=40 - 60°C; 0.5 h; Microwave irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Hazra, Susanta; Martins, Luísa M.D.R.S.; Guedes da Silva, M. Fátima C.; Pombeiro, Armando J.L.

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2017 , vol. 455, p. 549 - 556 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Show Experimental Procedure


With Cu2(ophen)2; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 12 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang, Lingjuan; Liu, Jie; Zhang, Fuqiang; Zhang, Xian-Ming

Journal of Catalysis, 2017 , vol. 354, p. 78 - 83 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C18H18Mo2N4O10; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=20 - 70°C; 3 h; TemperatureSolventReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Kurbah, Sunshine Dominic; Kumar, Arvind; Syiemlieh, Ibanphylla; Asthana; Lal, Ram A.

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2017 , vol. 86, p. 39 - 43 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide

T=60°C; 0.5 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Karimi, Hirbod

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2015 , vol. 62, # 7 p. 604 - 613 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With dimethyl sulfoxide; triethylamine; trichloromethyl chloroformate in dichloromethane

Takano, Seiichi; Inomata, Kohei; Tomita, Shun'ichi; Yanase, Masashi; Samizu, Kyiohiro; Ogasawara, Kunio

Tetrahedron Letters, 1988 , vol. 29, # 50 p. 6619 - 6620 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With manganese dioxide on silica gel

0.00555556 h; Irradiation;

Varma, Rajender S.; Saini, Rajesh K.; Dahiya, Rajender

Tetrahedron Letters, 1997 , vol. 38, # 45 p. 7823 - 7824 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With quinolinium monofluorochromate(VI) in dichloromethane

2.5 h; Heatingfurther temperature (room) and reagent (pyridinium fluorochromate);

Rajkumar, G. Abraham; Arabindoo, Banumathi; Murugesan, V.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 37, # 6 p. 596 - 598 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With iodine; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 5 h; Irradiation;

Farhadi, Saeid; Zabardasti, Abedien; Babazadeh, Zaynab

Tetrahedron Letters, 2006 , vol. 47, # 50 p. 8953 - 8957 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; bis(4-cyanopyridine)copper(II) chloride complex in water; acetonitrile

P=760.051 Torr; 3 h; Heating;

Sarmah, Purabi; Barman, Rama K.; Purkayastha, Pratyush; Bora, Sanchay J.; Phukan, Prodeep; Das, Birinchi K.

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 48, # 5 p. 637 - 644 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With pyridine; C22H16CoN2O8; oxygen in water

T=80°C; pH=11.5; 4 h;

Seyedi, Seyed Mohammad; Sandaroos, Reza; Zohuri, Gholam Hossein

Chinese Chemical Letters, 2010 , vol. 21, # 11 p. 1303 - 1306 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Stage #1: With sodium acetate; palladium dichloride in ISOPROPYLAMIDE

0.0833333 h; Autoclave; Stage #2: With oxygen in ISOPROPYLAMIDE

T=60°C; P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; Autoclave; Show Experimental Procedure

Wang, Lian-Yue; Li, Jun; Lv, Ying; Zhang, Heng-Yun; Gao, Shuang

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 696, # 20 p. 3257 - 3263 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C36H27CuN8O2; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 4 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Pattanayak, Poulami; Pratihar, Jahar Lal; Patra, Debprasad; Brandao, Paula; Felix, Vitor; Chattopadhyay, Surajit

Polyhedron, 2014 , vol. 79, p. 43 - 51 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; {[Cu(BTPMPA)(OH2) (OTf)]OTf}; oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene; acetonitrile

T=27°C; 5 h;

Dharmalingam, Sivanesan; Koo, Eunhae; Yoon, Sungho; Park, Gyoosoon

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2014 , vol. 35, # 3 p. 715 - 720 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; vanadyl(IV) sulphate pentahydrate in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 3 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Sarmah, Gayatri; Bharadwaj, Saitanya K.; Dewan, Anindita; Gogoi, Ankur; Bora, Utpal

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 36 p. 5029 - 5032 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; 6C8H4O4(2-)*4HO(1-)*6Ce(4+)*4O(2); oxygen in acetonitrile

T=110°C; P=4500.45 Torr; 24 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime;

Lammert, Martin; Wharmby, Michael T.; Smolders, Simon; Bueken, Bart; Lieb, Alexandra; Lomachenko, Kirill A.; De Vos, Dirk; Stock, Norbert

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 63 p. 12578 - 12581 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C22H21ClN3RuS2(1+)*F6P(1-); potassium carbonate; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane; acetonitrile

T=60°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Saleem, Fariha; Rao, Gyandshwar K.; Kumar, Satyendra; Singh, Mahabir Pratap; Singh, Ajai K.

Dalton Transactions, 2015 , vol. 44, # 44 p. 19141 - 19152 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With (carbonyl)chloro(hydrido)tris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(II); oxygen in toluene

T=90°C; P=760.051 Torr; 18 h; Molecular sieveSealed tube;

Ray, Ritwika; Chandra, Shubhadeep; Maiti, Debabrata; Lahiri, Goutam Kumar

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2016 , vol. 22, # 26 p. 8814 - 8822 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With trimethylammonium chlorochromate; 4 A molecular sieve; acetic acid in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

Acharya, Shrinivas P.; Rane, Ramakrishna A.

Synthesis, 1990 , # 2 p. 127 - 128 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With chromium(VI) oxide in dimethyl sulfoxide

4 h; Ambient temperature;


Synthetic Communications, 1992 , vol. 22, # 5 p. 767 - 772 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium tungstate; dihydrogen peroxide; tricaprylmethylammonium hydrogen sulfate in water

T=90°C; 3 h;

Sato, Kazuhiko; Takagi, Junko; Aoki, Masao; Noyori, Ryoji

Tetrahedron Letters, 1998 , vol. 39, # 41 p. 7549 - 7552 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide; tricaprylmethylammonium hydrogen sulfate; sodium tungstate in water

T=90°C; Oxidation; 3 h;

Sato, Kazuhiko; Aoki, Masao; Takagi, Junko; Zimmermann, Klaus; Noyori, Ryoji

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1999 , vol. 72, # 10 p. 2287 - 2306 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With chromium(VI) oxide; tert.-butylhydroperoxide; silica gel in dichloromethane

Oxidation; 0.166667 h; microwave irradiation;

Singh; Sharma; Chhibber; Kaur; Kad

Synthetic Communications, 2000 , vol. 30, # 21 p. 3941 - 3945 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With iron(III) chloride; 4-acetylamino-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinoxy; oxygen; sodium nitrite in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=50°C; P=3000.3 Torr; 10 h; Autoclave;

Yin, Weili; Chu, Changhu; Lu, Qiongqiong; Tao, Jianwei; Liang, Xinmiao; Liu, Renhua

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2010 , vol. 352, # 1 p. 113 - 118 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With pyridine; oxygen; palladium diacetate in toluene

T=100°C; P=26618.1 Torr; 2.5 h; Inert atmosphere;

Ye, Xuan; Johnson, Martin D.; Diao, Tianning; Yates, Matthew H.; Stahl, Shannon S.

Green Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 12, # 7 p. 1180 - 1186 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C30H25N3OPPd; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

2.5 h; Reflux;

Dileep; Bhat, Badekai Ramachandra

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 24, # 9 p. 663 - 666 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With copper(ll) sulfate pentahydrate; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; (1methylethyl)(2-hydroxy-3,5-di(t-butyl)phenyl)methylimine in water

T=20 - 80°C; 1.83333 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Ahmad, Jahir Uddin; Raeisaenen, Minna T.; Kemell, Marianna; Heikkilae, Mikko J.; Leskelae, Markku; Repo, Timo

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 449, p. 153 - 162 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide

T=80°C; 2 h; Green chemistry;

Pagadala, Ramakanth; Maddila, Suresh; Rana, Surjyakanta; Jonnalagadda, Sreekantha B.

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 13 p. 6602 - 6607 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With RuCl2(AsPh3)2(Ph-DPMP); 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 0.75 h; SolventTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Raja, K. Kanmani; Indra Gandhi; Lekha; Easwaramoorthy; Rajagopal

Journal of Molecular Structure, 2014 , vol. 1060, # 1 p. 49 - 57 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [VO(3-hydroxy-N’-(2-hydroxybenzylidene)-2-naphthohydrazide(-2H)) (benzohydroxamate)]*EtOH; dihydrogen peroxide; sodium hydrogencarbonate in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 5 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Yang, Kui-Hua

Acta Chimica Slovenica, 2014 , vol. 61, # 3 p. 629 - 636 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

2 h; Heating;


With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 10 h; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Jacintha, A. Mary; Manikandan; Chinnaraj; Antony, S. Arul; Neeraja

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015 , vol. 15, # 12 p. 9732 - 9740 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C29H33FeN5O3(2+)*2CF3O3S(1-) in acetonitrile

24 h; KineticsMechanism;

Rana, Sujoy; Dey, Aniruddha; Maiti, Debabrata

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 77 p. 14469 - 14472 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Au NCs/TiO2; dihydrogen peroxide; oxygen in toluene

T=90°C; P=750.075 Torr; 16 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Giorgi, Pascal D.; Miedziak, Peter J.; Edwards, Jennifer K.; Hutchings, Graham J.; Antoniotti, Sylvain

ChemCatChem, 2017 , vol. 9, # 1 p. 70 - 75 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C110H202N8O47; oxygen; copper(II) bis(trifluoromethanesulfonate); potassium carbonate in water

T=20°C; 6 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTimeTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Sun, Nan; Zhang, Xiaonan; Jin, Liqun; Hu, Baoxiang; Shen, Zhenlu; Hu, Xinquan

Catalysis Communications, 2017 , vol. 101, p. 5 - 9 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium dichromate in various solvent(s) T=90 - 100°C; 4 h;

Santaniello, Enzo; Ferraboschi, Patrizia

Synthesis, 1980 , # 8 p. 646 - 647 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With 1,10-Phenanthroline; oxygen; potassium carbonate; copper(l) chloride in benzene

2 h; Heating;

Jallabert, C.; Riviere, H.

Tetrahedron, 1980 , vol. 36, # 82 p. 1191 - 1194 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ferric(III) bromide; dihydrogen peroxide

T=20°C; 24 h;

Martin, Sandra E.; Garrone, Analia

Tetrahedron Letters, 2003 , vol. 44, # 3 p. 549 - 552 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; resin-PPh2-Co(PPh3)2Cl2 in dichloromethane; water

Oxidation; 4 h; Heating;

Leadbeater, Nicholas E.; Scott, Kathryn A.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 65, # 15 p. 4770 - 4772 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With trichloroisocyanuric acid; tetrabutylammomium bromide; water; potassium carbonate; ruthenium trichloride in ethyl acetate

T=20 - 45°C; 1 - 3 h; Product distribution / selectivity;

Nagase & Co., Ltd.; Nagase Chemtex Corporation

Patent: JP2005/75784 A, 2005 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 17-18; 23 ;


With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; carbon dioxide; oxygen; copper(l) chloride

T=60°C; P=52505.3 Torr; 2 h; Autoclaveneat (no solvent);

Miao, Cheng-Xia; He, Liang-Nian; Wang, Jin-Quan; Gao, Jian

Synlett, 2009 , # 20 p. 3291 - 3294 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C40H39BrN4O2PRu; oxygen in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 6 h;

Priya, N. Padma; Arunachalam; Sathya; Jayabalakrishnan

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 63, # 8 p. 1440 - 1450 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [(ruthenium(II)chloride(carbonyl)(triphenylphosphine)2)2(C12H8(NC(CH3)CHC(O)NHC6H5) (NC(CH3)C6H4O))]; oxygen in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 6 h;

Sathya, Nagarajan; Raja, Gunasekaran; Jayabalakrishnan, Chinnasamy

Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 41, # 1 p. 81 - 90 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ammonium nitrate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 0.416667 h; Inert atmosphere;

Zarei, Amin

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2012 , vol. 33, # 7 p. 2149 - 2155 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ruthenium(III) chloride trihydrate; trichloroisocyanuric acid; tetrabutylammomium bromide; potassium carbonate in water; ethyl acetate

T=25 - 45°C; Green chemistry;

Yamaoka, Hidenori; Moriya, Narimasa; Ikunaka, Masaya

Organic Process Research and Development, 2004 , vol. 8, # 6 p. 931 - 938 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With diphenyl phosphoryl azide; (1,3-bis(4-((4-((3',3'-dimethyl-6-nitrospiro[chromene-2,2'-

Zhang, Guodong; Lang, Rui; Wang, Wenlong; Lv, Hui; Zhao, Liyuan; Xia, Chungu; Li, Fuwei

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

indolin]-1'-yl)methyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)methyl)-2,6-diisopropylphenyl)imidazolidin-2ylidene)copper(I) chloride; oxygen in ethylene glycol; ethyl acetate

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 12 h; Schlenk technique;

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 357, # 5 p. 917 - 922 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [CuZn(bz)3(bpy)2]BF4; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=70°C; 6 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Koch; Kumar; Borthakur; Ozukum; Lal

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 68, # 2 p. 229 - 240 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N -hydroxyphthalimide; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=70°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3 h; IrradiationGreen chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Jafarpour, Maasoumeh; Kargar, Hossein; Rezaeifard, Abdolreza

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 30 p. 25034 - 25046 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [Cu6(pyridine-2-thiolate)6]; potassium hydoxide in toluene

T=70°C; 24 h; Schlenk techniqueGloveboxInert atmosphere;

Tan, Da-Wei; Li, Hong-Xi; Zhang, Meng-Juan; Yao, Jian-Lin; Lang, Jian-Ping

ChemCatChem, 2017 , vol. 9, # 6 p. 1113 - 1118 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [Cu6(SC5H4N)6]; potassium hydoxide in toluene

T=70°C; 24 h; GloveboxInert atmosphere; Show Experimental Procedure

Soochow University; Li, Hongxi; Tan, Dawei; Li, Haiyan; Lang, Jianping

Patent: CN106588957 A, 2017 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0051 ;


With iodosylbenzene; tris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(II) chloride in dichloromethane

0.5 h; Ambient temperature;

Mueller, Paul; Godoy, Jose

Tetrahedron Letters, 1981 , vol. 22, # 25 p. 2361 - 2364 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With lt;PPh4gt;2lt;Mo2O3(O2)4gt; in dichloromethane

3 h; Ambient temperature;

Campbell, Nicholas J.; Dengel, Andrew C.; Edwards, Catherine J.; Griffith, William P.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1989 , p. 1203 - 1208 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With zinc(II) chlorosulphate in dichloromethane

0.0833333 h; Ambient temperature;

Firouzabadi, H.; Sharifi, A.

Synthesis, 1992 , # 10 p. 999 - 1002 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With pyridine; 3-carboxypyridinium dichromate in dichloromethane

T=0°C; 0.416667 h; other ratio of reagents, time and temperature; Product distribution;

Cossio, Fernando P.; Lopez, Concepcion M.; Palomo, Claudio

Tetrahedron, 1987 , vol. 43, # 17 p. 3963 - 3974 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With nicotinium dichromate in pyridine; dichloromethane

0.416667 h; Ambient temperatureother reagents, solvent, reaction time; Product distribution;

Lopez, C.; Gonzalez, A.; Cossio, F. P.; Palomo, C.

Synthetic Communications, 1985 , vol. 15, # 13 p. 1197 - 1212 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With Jones reagent on silica in dichloromethane

Ali; Wiggin

Synthetic Communications, 2001 , vol. 31, # 9 p. 1389 - 1397 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With sodium bromate; sodium dihydrogenphosphate; iron(III) chloride in water; acetonitrile

T=25°C; 6 h;

Shaabani; Ajabi

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 40, # 2 p. 148 - 151 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-hydroxy-3H-benz[d][1,2]iodoxole-1,3-dione in tetrahydrofuran

T=60°C; 0.5 h;

Ozanne, Aurelie; Pouysegu, Laurent; Depernet, Dominique; Francois, Bruno; Quideau, Stephane

Organic Letters, 2003 , vol. 5, # 16 p. 2903 - 2906 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With barium dichromate(VI) in acetonitrile

4 h; Heating;

Mottaghinejad, Enayatollah; Shaafi; Ghasemzadeh

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 48 p. 8823 - 8824 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With mIBX in water

T=60°C; 3 h; Reactivity;

Vinod, Thottumkara K.; Thottumkara, Arun P.

Patent: US2004/30187 A1, 2004 ; Location in patent: Page Sheet 2 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=50°C; 3 h;

Mardur; Gokavi

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2010 , vol. 7, # 2 p. 441 - 446 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With manganese(II) nitrate hexahydrate; copper(II) nitrate trihydrate; acetic acid in α,α,αtrifluorotoluene

T=50°C; 1 h; In air; chemoselective reaction;

Tucker-Schwartz, Alexander K.; Garrell, Robin L.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2010 , vol. 16, # 42 p. 12718 - 12726 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With toluene-4-sulfonic acid in water

T=20°C; 0.0166667 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Dewan, Anindita; Sarma, Tridib; Bora, Utpal; Kakati, Dilip K.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2011 , vol. 52, # 20 p. 2563 - 2565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N-(1-oxo-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl)-benzoylamide; sodium hydrogencarbonate; potassium iodide in dichloromethane; water

T=20 - 25°C; pH=8.6; Electrochemical reaction;

Kagan; Kashparova; Zhukova; Kashparov

Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 83, # 4 p. 745 - 747 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; calcium methylate in acetonitrile

T=0 - 20°C;

Reddy, Sabbasani Rajasekhara; Stella, Selvaraj; Chadha, Anju

Synthetic Communications, 2012 , vol. 42, # 23 p. 3493 - 3503 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid; dihydrogen peroxide; trifluoroacetic acid; zinc dibromide in tetrahydrofuran; water

T=20°C; 16 h;

Wu, Xiao-Feng

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 29 p. 8912 - 8915 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,5,8-trichlorotris(triazolo)benzene

0.25 h;

Thottempudi, Venugopal; Forohor, Farhad; Parrish, Damon A.; Shreeve, Jean'Ne M.

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2012 , vol. 51, # 39 p. 9881 - 9885 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With copper dichloride in tetrahydrofuran

T=80°C; 2 h; chemoselective reaction;

Lokhande, Pradeep D.; Waghmare, Smita R.; Gaikwad, Harsh; Hankare

Journal of the Korean Chemical Society, 2012 , vol. 56, # 5 p. 539 - 541 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ammonium cerium (IV) nitrate in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 24 h;

El Kadiri, Moulay Youness; El Ghachtouli, Sanae; Guillot, Regis; Billon, Laurianne; Charlot, Marie-France; Framery, Eric; Andrioletti, Bruno; Aukauloo, Ally

ChemSusChem, 2012 , vol. 5, # 11 p. 2147 - 2150 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water-d2

T=20°C; 0.583333 h;

Eshtiagh-Hosseini, Hossein; Tabari, Taymaz; Eshghi, Hossein

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 25, # 6 p. 3307 - 3312 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With manganese(IV) oxide; oxygen in toluene

T=110°C; 4 h; Green chemistry; Time; Show Experimental Procedure

Kamimura, Akio; Komatsu, Hiroyuki; Moriyama, Takaaki; Nozaki, Yuichiro

Tetrahedron, 2013 , vol. 69, # 29 p. 5968 - 5972 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dipotassium peroxodisulfate; sodium chloride in acetonitrile

0.0833333 h; RefluxGreen chemistry; chemoselective reaction;

Badri, Rashid; Alizadeh-haddad, Alireza; Adlu, Maryam; Mohammadi, Mohammad Kazem

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Ethiopia, 2013 , vol. 27, # 1 p. 131 - 136 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [ZnCu2(disalicylaldehyde succinoyldihydrazone)(NO3)2(H2O)8]2H2O; dihydrogen peroxide in neat (no solvent) T=100°C; 10 h; Green chemistry; Solvent;

Borthakur, Rosmita; Asthana, Mrityunjaya; Kumar, Arvind; Koch, Angira; Lal

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 45 p. 22957 - 22962 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; L-7202; copper diacetate; 1-butyl-3methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate

T=40°C; 4 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Sah, Ajay K.; Soni, Kiran

Catalysis Communications, 2012 , vol. 28, p. 120 - 123 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Oxone in ethanol

Nasseri, Mohammad Ali; Mohammadinezhad, Arezou; Salimi, Mehri

T=20°C; 0.5 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2015 , vol. 12, # 1 p. 81 - 86 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sym-collidinium chlorochromate; periodic acid in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 0.0833333 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Shiri, Lotfi; Sheikh, Davood; Sheikhi, Masoome

Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 2014 , vol. 59, # 10 p. 825 - 834 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With cobalt(II)-meso-tetra(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin on TiO2/WO3 nanohybrid in acetonitrile

T=30°C; 1 h; UV-irradiation; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Safaei, Elham; Mohebbi, Sajjad

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016 , vol. 4, # 10 p. 3933 - 3946 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in ethanol

T=80°C; 3 h; TemperatureReagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Saeednia; Ardakani, M. Hatefi; Parizi, Z. Pakdin; Hafshejani, M. Tavakoli

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 41, # 7 p. 767 - 774 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N -hydroxyphthalimide; oxygen in ethyl acetate

T=70°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Rezaeifard, Abdolreza; Khoshyan, Ashkan; Jafarpour, Maasoumeh; Pourtahmasb, Mehrdad

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 26 p. 15754 - 15761 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 4,4'-bipyridine; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; copper(I) bromide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; Temperature;

Lee, Darren S.; Amara, Zacharias; Clark, Charlotte A.; Xu, Zeyuan; Kakimpa, Bruce; Morvan, Herve P.; Pickering, Stephen J.; Poliakoff, Martyn; George, Michael W.

Organic Process Research and Development, 2017 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 1042 - 1050 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 1 h; Irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureSolvent;

Askari, Parvin; Mohebbi, Sajjad

New Journal of Chemistry, 2018 , vol. 42, # 3 p. 1715 - 1724 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With sodium bromite in water

10 h; Ambient temperature;

Kageyama, Toshifumi; Kawahara, Shuji; Kitamura, Kohji; Ueno, Yoshio; Okawara, Makoto

Chemistry Letters, 1983 , p. 1097 - 1100 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With hydrogen bromide; dihydrogen peroxide in dichloromethane

T=60°C; 4 h;

Dakka, Jihad; Sasson, Yoel

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1988 , # 4 p. 756 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide; lt;NMe4gt;3lt; (MePO3)lt;MePO2(OH)gt;W6O13(O2)4(OH)2(OH2)gt;*4H2O

T=70°C; 3 h;

Griffith, William P.; Parkin, Bernardeta C.; White, Andrew J. P.; Williams, David J.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1995 , # 21 p. 2183 - 2184 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With γ-picolinium chlorochromate; silica gel in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 1.5 h;

Salehi; Khodaei; Yazdanipoor

Polish Journal of Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 77, # 10 p. 1281 - 1286 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dmap; [2,2]bipyridinyl; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; copper(I) bromide in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 1 h; Schlenk technique;

Könning, Daniel; Olbrisch, Tobias; Sypaseuth, Fanni D.; Tzschucke, C. Christoph; Christmann, Mathias

Chemical Communications, 2014 , vol. 50, # 39 p. 5014 - 5016 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C26H34Cu2N6O18Zn; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=100°C; 12 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalystTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Borthakur, Rosmita; Asthana, Mrityunjaya; Kumar, Arvind; Lal, Ram A.

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2014 , vol. 46, p. 198 - 201 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium carbonate in toluene

T=85 - 90°C; P=760.051 Torr; 4.83333 h; Schlenk techniqueInert atmosphereSonicationGreen chemistry; Time;

Wang, Dong; Deraedt, Christophe; Salmon, Lionel; Labrugère, Christine; Etienne, Laetitia; Ruiz, Jaime; Astruc, Didier

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015 , vol. 21, # 17 p. 6501 - 6510 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol; chloro-(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)-{5-methoxy-2-{1-[(4methoxyphenyl)imino-N]ethyl}phenyl-C}-iridium(lll); potassium carbonate

T=100°C; 12 h; Inert atmosphereSealed tube;

Zou, Qingzhu; Wang, Chao; Smith, Jen; Xue, Dong; Xiao, Jianliang

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015 , vol. 21, # 27 p. 9656 - 9661 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With aluminum oxide; bis(2,2'-bipyridine)([2,2'-bipyridine]-5,5'-dicarboxylic acid)ruthenium(II) dichloride; oxygen in acetonitrile

P=750.075 Torr; 12 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Leow, Wan Ru; Ng, Wilson Kwok Hung; Peng, Tai; Liu, Xinfeng; Li, Bin; Shi, Wenxiong; Lum, Yanwei; Wang, Xiaotian; Lang, Xianjun; Li, Shuzhou; Mathews, Nripan; Ager, Joel W.; Sum, Tze Chien; Hirao, Hajime; Chen, Xiaodong

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017 , vol. 139, # 1 p. 269 - 276 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-(benzoylamino)-3-methylimidazolium chlorochromate in dichloromethane

20 h; Heatingoxidation of various allylic and benzylic alcohols with a new selective reagent; effect of temperature, of amount of reagent, and of reaction time;

Martinez, Yolanda; De Las Heras, Maria A.; Vaquero, Juan J.; Garcia-Navio, Jose L.; Alvarez-Builla, Julio

Tetrahedron Letters, 1995 , vol. 36, # 46 p. 8513 - 8516 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C51H43ClN3O2P2Ru; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Reflux;

Thilagavathi; Manimaran; Jayabalakrishnan

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 63, # 7 p. 1252 - 1262 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; Cu2(μ-O2CC6H5)4(4-Etpy)2 in methanol; water

T=65°C; 3 h;

Sarmah, Purabi; Das, Birinchi K.; Phukan, Prodeep

Catalysis Communications, 2010 , vol. 11, # 10 p. 932 - 935 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C98H78Br4N2O2P4Ru2; oxygen in dichloromethane

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h;

Manimaran, Arumugam; Jayabalakrishnan, Chinnasamy

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 24, # 2 p. 71 - 81 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium phosphate; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; Cu2(phenanthroline)2(μ-Cl)2Cl2; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 2 h;

Hossain, Md. Munkir; Shyu, Shin-Guang

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2010 , vol. 352, # 17 p. 3061 - 3068 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N-Bromosuccinimide; L-proline in water

T=20°C; 2 h;

Liu, Xiuhong; Wu, Jun; Shang, Zhicai

Synthetic Communications, 2012 , vol. 42, # 1 p. 75 - 83 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Stage #1: With copper(I) bromide in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 0.05 h; Inert atmosphere; Stage #2: With N,N'-di-tert-butyldiaziridinone in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 5 h;

Zhu, Yingguang; Zhao, Baoguo; Shi, Yian

Organic Letters, 2013 , vol. 15, # 5 p. 992 - 995 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 6-((cobalt(II) 4,9,16,23-tetraaminephthalocyanin-4-yl))cellulose; oxygen; potassium hydoxide in o-xylene

T=20°C; 8.5 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Shaabani, Ahmad; Keshipour, Sajjad; Hamidzad, Mona; Shaabani, Shabnam

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2014 , vol. 395, p. 494 - 499 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide

T=100°C; 1 h; Microwave irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Dias Ribeiro de Sousa Martins, Luísa Margarida; Carabineiro, Sónia Alexandra Correia; Wang, Jiawei; Rocha, Bruno Gonçalo Martins; Maldonado-Hódar, Francisco José; Latourrette de Oliveira Pombeiro, Armando José

ChemCatChem, 2017 , vol. 9, # 7 p. 1211 - 1221 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium permanganate; Tris(3,6-dioxaheptyl)amine in dichloromethane

3 h; Ambient temperature;

McKillop, Alexander; Mills, Lester S.

Synthetic Communications, 1987 , vol. 17, # 6 p. 647 - 656 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With dodecane; potassium chlorochromate on alumina in tetrachloromethane

2 h; Ambient temperaturefurther solvents;

Carlsen, Per H. J.; Husbyn, Mette; Braenden, Jon E,; Eliason, Robert

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 1989 , vol. 43, # 5 p. 485 - 488 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With quinolinium chlorochromate(VI) in dichloromethane

8 h; Heatingfurther solvent: DMF;

Srinivasan; Ramesh; Madhulatha; Balasubramanian

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 35, # 5 p. 480 - 481 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium dichromate in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=90 - 100°C; 3 h; also in polyethylene glycol 400, various molar ratios; Product distribution;

Santaniello, Enzo; Ferraboschi, Patrizia

Synthesis, 1980 , # 8 p. 646 - 647 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With trimethylaluminum in toluene

Graves, Christopher R.; Zeng, Bi-Shun; Nguyen, SonBinh T.

T=20°C; Oppenauer oxidation; 0.5 h;

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2006 , vol. 128, # 39 p. 12596 - 12597 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in 1,4-dioxane

T=80°C; 6 h;

Lee, Chan Woo; Jin, Sung Ho; Yoon, Koo Sik; Jeong, Han Mo; Chi, Ki-Whan

Tetrahedron Letters, 2009 , vol. 50, # 5 p. 559 - 561 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C65H55ClN4O5P2Ru; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in chloroform

T=20°C; 3 h;

Balasubramian; Raju; Chinnusamy

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2009 , vol. 86, # 6 p. 570 - 576 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in 1,3,5-trimethyl-benzene

T=135°C; P=760.051 Torr; 4 h;

He, Jinling; Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Mizuno, Noritaka

Chemistry Letters, 2010 , vol. 39, # 11 p. 1182 - 1183 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C52H40Cl2N3O3P2Ru; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in chloroform

Raju; Balasubramanian; Jayabalakrishnan; Chinnusamy

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2010 , vol. 87, # 11 p. 1305 - 1311 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; C30H34Cu2N2O12

T=20°C; 4 h; Ionic liquid;

Soni, Kiran; Kumar, Anil; Sah, Ajay K.

Catalysis Communications, 2012 , vol. 17, p. 95 - 98 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; Co(0.137)Fe3O4(0.863) in water

T=80°C; 5 h;

Gawande, Manoj B.; Rathi, Anuj; Nogueira, Isabel D.; Ghumman; Bundaleski; Teodoro; Branco, Paula S.

ChemPlusChem, 2012 , vol. 77, # 10 p. 865 - 871 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in water

T=80°C; 5 h;

Gawande, Manoj B.; Rathi, Anuj; Nogueira, Isabel D.; Ghumman; Bundaleski; Teodoro; Branco, Paula S.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 2012 , vol. 77, # 10 p. 865 - 871 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With urea hydrogen peroxide adduct; calcium chloride

T=70°C; 4 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Ha, Su Jeong; Jung, Eun-Young; Kim, Won Mi; Lee, Jong Chan

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2014 , vol. 35, # 2 p. 629 - 630 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 1.5 h; IrradiationGreen chemistry; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Afshari, Mozhgan; Gorjizadeh, Maryam; Afshar, Ghazal

Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 29, # 4 p. 1675 - 1681 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; isovaleraldehyde in acetonitrile

T=65°C; 4 h; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Panwar, Vineeta; Kumar, Pawan; Ray, Siddharth S.; Jain, Suman L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2015 , vol. 56, # 25 p. 3948 - 3953 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [MnIII(2-((2-(2-(2-(2hydroxybenzylideneamino)phenylamino)propylamino)phenylimino)methyl)phenolato)]Cl; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

2 h; Reflux;

Azadbakht, Reza; Amini Manesh, Abbas; Malayeri, Mahdieh; Dehghani, Behzad

New Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 39, # 8 p. 6459 - 6464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With iron(III) oxide; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=70°C; 12 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Ziyadi, Hakimeh; Heydari, Akbar; Nikbakht, Fatemeh

Letters in Organic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 12, # 8 p. 598 - 604 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With iron vanadate; urea hydrogen peroxide adduct in acetonitrile

T=50°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventConcentration; chemoselective reaction;

Heydari, Akbar; Sheykhan, Mehdi; Sadeghi, Masoud; Radfar, Iman

Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 47, # 2 p. 248 - 255 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Clay-Supported Iron(III) Nitrate in pentane

P=100 Torr; 1.5 h;

Cornelis, Andre; Laszlo, Pierre

Synthesis, 1980 , # 10 p. 849 - 850 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With lutidine N-oxide; dioxo(tetramesitylporphyrinato)ruthenium(VI) in benzene

Ambient temperature;

Higuchi; Ohtake; Hirobe

Tetrahedron Letters, 1991 , vol. 32, # 50 p. 7435 - 7438 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium bromate; NaHCO3 buffer pH:10; sodium carbonate; ruthenium trichloride in water; 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=70°C; 1.5 h;

Kanemoto, Shigekazu; Tomioka, Hiroki; Oshima, Koichiro; Nozaki, Hitosi

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1986 , vol. 59, p. 105 - 108 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With potassium dichromate in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=100°C; 2 h;

Lou, Ji-Dong; Lu, Li-Huang; Liu, Wei

Synthetic Communications, 1997 , vol. 27, # 21 p. 3701 - 3703 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With isoquinolinium dichromate in dichloromethane

Oxidation; 6 h; Heating;

Srinivasan; Akila; Caroline; Balasubramanian

Synthetic Communications, 1998 , vol. 28, # 12 p. 2245 - 2251 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in toluene

T=110°C; 12 h;

Kantam, M. Lakshmi; Yadav, Jagjit; Laha, Soumi; Sreedhar, Bojja; Bhargava, Suresh

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2008 , vol. 350, # 16 p. 2575 - 2582 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 5 h;

Monfared, Hassan Hosseini; Alavi, Sohaila; Farrokhi, Afsaneh; Vahedpour, Morteza; Mayer, Peter

Polyhedron, 2011 , vol. 30, # 11 p. 1842 - 1848 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 12 h; chemoselective reaction;

Zhu, Jie; Wang, Peng Cheng; Lu, Ming

New Journal of Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 36, # 12 p. 2587 - 2592 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With nitric acid; copper(ll) bromide

T=60°C; 4 h; Ionic liquid; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Lim, Chae Mi; Ha, Su Jeong; Lee, Jong Chan

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2012 , vol. 33, # 12 p. 4258 - 4260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Tributylphosphine oxide; oxygen; sodium acetate; palladium diacetate in toluene

T=80°C; P=750.075 Torr; Molecular sieve;

Gowrisankar, Saravanan; Neumann, Helfried; Goerdes, Dirk; Thurow, Kerstin; Jiao, Haijun; Beller, Matthias

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2013 , vol. 19, # 47 p. 15979 - 15984 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium carbonate in toluene

T=40°C; 4 h; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature;

Karami, Kazem; Naeini, Nasrin Haghighat; Eigner, Vaclav; Dusek, Michal; Lipkowski, Janusz; Hervés, Pablo; Tavakol, Hossein

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 124 p. 102424 - 102435 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C34H51CeN5O8; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=85°C; P=760.051 Torr; 28 h; Molecular sieveSchlenk techniqueInert atmosphere;

Paul, Mitali; Shirase, Satoru; Morimoto, Yuma; Mathey, Laurent; Murugesapandian, Balasubramanian; Tanaka, Shinji; Itoh, Shinobu; Tsurugi, Hayato; Mashima, Kazushi

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2016 , vol. 22, # 12 p. 4008 - 4014 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Stage #1: With nickel(II) chloride hexahydrate; cadmium sulphide in acetonitrile

0.00277778 h; Schlenk techniqueSonicationInert atmosphere; Stage #2: in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 24 h; IrradiationInert atmosphereSchlenk technique;

Chai, Zhigang; Zeng, Ting-Ting; Li, Qi; Lu, Liang-Qiu; Xiao, Wen-Jing; Xu, Dongsheng

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 138, # 32 p. 10128 - 10131 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxoperoxobis(N-phenylbenzohydroxamato)molybdenum-VI in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=85°C; 7 h;

Tomioka, Hiroki; Takai, Kazuhiko; Oshima, Koichiro; Nozaki, Hitosi; Toriumi, Koshiro

Tetrahedron Letters, 1980 , vol. 21, p. 4843 - 4846 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,3-dicyano-5,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone in 1,4-dioxane

90 h; Ambient temperature;

Becker, Hans-Dieter; Bjoerk, Anders; Adler, Erich

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1980 , vol. 45, # 9 p. 1596 - 1600 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With t-BuOSmI2; pivalaldehyde in tetrahydrofuran

T=65°C; 24 h; Product distribution;

Namy, J. L.; Souppe, J.; Collin, J.; Kagan, H. B.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1984 , vol. 49, # 11 p. 2045 - 2049 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With perchloric acid; N-chlorobenzotriazole in water; acetic acid

T=39.9°C; Ea, ΔS(excit.), ΔG(excit.); varying concentrations of benzyl alcohol, CBT, and acid; other acid; other temperatures; effect of added chloride ions at 30 deg C.; Thermodynamic dataRate constant;

Rangadurai, A.; Thiagarajan, V.; Venkatasubramanian, N.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 21, # 1 p. 42 - 45 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With 4,5-dihydro-4(5)-oxo-5(4)-imino-1H-pyrrololt;2,3-fgt;quinoline-2,7,9-tricarboxylic acid 2,9dimethyl ester Ca-nitrate salt in dimethyl sulfoxide; acetonitrile

T=25°C; 24 h; var. of reagent; Product distribution;

Itoh, Shinobu; Huang, Xin; Kawakami, Hirokatsu; Komatsu, Mitsuo; Ohshiro, Yoshiki; Fukuzumi, Shunichi

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1995 , # 20 p. 2077 - 2078 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With (phthalocyaninato)iron(II); zirconium phosphate; oxygen; hydroquinone; tris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(II) chloride in water; N,Ndimethyl-formamide

T=20°C; P=760 Torr; 3 h;

Villemin, Didier; Hammadi, Mohamed; Hachemi, Messaoud

Synthetic Communications, 2002 , vol. 32, # 10 p. 1501 - 1515 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium carbonate

T=20°C; 4 h;

Lou, Ji-Dong; Xu, Zhi-Nan

Tetrahedron Letters, 2002 , vol. 43, # 49 p. 8843 - 8844 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With air; ferric(III) bromide; ferric nitrate in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 24 h;

Martin, Sandra E; Suarez, Dario F

Tetrahedron Letters, 2002 , vol. 43, # 25 p. 4475 - 4479 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C23H23ClN3RuSe2(1+)*F6P(1-); 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane


Das, Dipanwita; Singh, Pradhumn; Prakash, Om; Singh, Ajai K.

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2010 , vol. 13, # 11 p. 1370 - 1373 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium periodate; hydroxylamine hydrochloride in dichloromethane

T=20°C; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Majee, Adinath; Kundu, Shrishnu Kumar; Santra, Sougata; Hajra, Alakananda

Tetrahedron Letters, 2012 , vol. 53, # 33 p. 4433 - 4435 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; 16 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Samanta, Suvendu; Das, Sudipto; Samanta, Partha Kumar; Dutta, Supriya; Biswas, Papu

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 42 p. 19455 - 19466 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 2 h; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Afshari, Mozhgan; Gorjizadeh, Maryam; Nazari, Simin; Naseh, Mohammad

Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 29, # 4 p. 1523 - 1530 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With iron(III) oxide in toluene

T=80°C; 12 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Shaikh, Melad; Satanami, Mansingh; Ranganath, Kalluri V.S.

Catalysis Communications, 2014 , vol. 54, p. 91 - 93 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With iron oxide in toluene

T=80°C; 12 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Shaikh, Melad; Satanami, Mansingh; Ranganath, Kalluri V.S.

Catalysis Communications, 2014 , vol. 54, p. 91 - 93 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With oxygen in toluene

UV-irradiation; Catalytic behaviorKinetics; Reagent/catalyst;

Li, Ang; Wang, Tuo; Chang, Xiaoxia; Cai, Weiting; Zhang, Peng; Zhang, Jijie; Gong, Jinlong

Chemical Science, 2016 , vol. 7, # 2 p. 890 - 895 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C54H46CuN8O6; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 1 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Mondal, Palash; Parua, Sankarprasad; Pattanayak, Poulami; Das, Uttam; Chattopadhyay, Surajit

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2016 , vol. 128, # 5 p. 803 - 813 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2'-bipyridinium chlorochromate in dichloromethane

2.5 h;

Guziec, Frank S.; Luzzio, Frederick A.

Synthesis, 1980 , # 9 p. 691 - 694 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; CrO3(3-)*La(3+)

Singh, Savita J.; Jayaram, Radha V.

Synthetic Communications, 2012 , vol. 42, # 3 p. 299 - 308

T=90°C; 2.5 h; neat (no solvent);

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Ni3(PW12O40)2*26H2O; dihydrogen peroxide

T=90°C; 3.5 h; Neat (no solvent);

Tian, Wei; Hou, Yang; Wang, Xiaoguang; Lu, Bin; Zhao, Jingxiang; Cai, Qinghai

Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 30, # 2 p. 433 - 437 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With copper phthalocyanine; tetra-n-butylammonium hydrogen monopersulfate in water

T=85°C; Green chemistry;

Kheirjou, Somayyeh; Kheirjou, Ramin; Rezayan, Ali Hossein; Shakourian-Fard, Mehdi; Mahmoudi Hashemi, Mohammad

Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2016 , vol. 19, # 3 p. 313 - 318 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With manganese(IV) oxide in hexane

5 h; Ambient temperature;

Tsuboi, Sadao; Ishii, Naomi; Sakai, Takashi; Tari, Isao; Utaka, Masanori

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1990 , vol. 63, # 7 p. 1888 - 1893 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With pyridinium bromochromate in chloroform

3 h; Heatingother alcohols;

Narayanan, N.; Balasubramanian, T. R.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1986 , vol. 25, p. 228 - 229 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With 1-benzyl-4-aza-1-azoniabicyclo[2.2.2]octane dichromate in dichloromethane

Oxidation; 0.05 h; Microwave irradiation;

Hajipour, Abdol Reza; Mallakpour, Shadpour E.; Khoee, Sepideh

Synlett, 2000 , # 5 p. 740 - 742 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With aluminium trichloride; benzyltriphenylphosphonium periodate in acetonitrile

1.5 h; Heating;

Hajipour; Mallakpour; Samimi

Synlett, 2001 , # 11 p. 1735 - 1738 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium hypochlorite; C41H76N4O8; sodium hydrogencarbonate; potassium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=0 - 2°C; pH=8.6; 1 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure

Shiomi, Yasuhiro; Uno, Osamu; Ohta, Akio; Sunakami, Takeshi

Patent: US2005/124807 A1, 2005 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 11 ;


With bis-(2,4,6-trimethylpyridinium) dichromate in acetonitrile

0.166667 h; Reflux; chemoselective reaction;

Shiri, Lotfi; Ghorbani-Choghamarani, Arash

Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements, 2009 , vol. 184, # 2 p. 492 - 498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [2,2]bipyridinyl; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; 1,8diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene; copper(ll) bromide in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 0.7 h; Kinetics; Reagent/catalyst;

Kumpulainen, Esa T. T.; Koskinen, Ari M. P.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2009 , vol. 15, # 41 p. 10901 - 10911 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; trans-[Ru(Mes-NP)2(CH3CN)2](BF4)2 in 1,2-dichloro-ethane; toluene

T=80°C; 6 h; Inert atmosphere;

Saha, Biswajit; Rahaman, S. M. Wahidur; Sinha, Arup; Bera, Jitendra K.

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 64, # 5 p. 583 - 589 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C17H16Cl2N3O2RuS; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Reflux; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Pramanik, Ajoy Kumar; Mondal, Tapan Kumar

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2014 , vol. 411, p. 106 - 112 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in neat (no solvent) T=80°C; 2 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Bhat, Pooja B.; Rajarao, Ravindra; Sahajwalla, Veena; Bhat, Badekai Ramachandra

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2015 , vol. 409, p. 42 - 49 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With o-iodosobenzoic acid; oxygen in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=80°C; 24 h; Green chemistry; Solvent;

Bindu, Vittam Hima; Parvathaneni, Sai Prathima; Rao, Vaidya Jayathirtha

Catalysis Letters, 2017 , vol. 147, # 6 p. 1434 - 1440 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 2 h; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureTime;

Li, Qichen; Zhang, Lingling; Wang, Xiaozhong; Xu, Gang; Chen, Yingqi; Dai, Liyan

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 59 p. 37467 - 37473 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With manganese(IV) oxide

48 h;

Lou, Ji-Dong; Xu, Zhi-Nan

Tetrahedron Letters, 2002 , vol. 43, # 35 p. 6149 - 6150 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With silica gel; Dess-Martin periodane

0.0333333 h; microwave irradiation;

Heravi, Majid M.; Sangsefidi, Ladan; Oskooie, Hossein A.; Ghassemzadeh, Mitra; Tabar-Hydar, Koroush

Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements, 2003 , vol. 178, # 4 p. 707 - 709 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C26H22N2O6Ru; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Molecular sieveReflux;

Abdel Aziz, Ayman A.

Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 41, # 4 p. 384 - 393 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; acetic acid; carbonic acid dimethyl ester; 2,3-dicyano-5,6-dichloro-pbenzoquinone; sodium nitrite

T=18°C; 10 h; IrradiationSealed tube;

Walsh, Katie; Sneddon, Helen F.; Moody, Christopher J.

Organic Letters, 2014 , vol. 16, # 19 p. 5224 - 5227 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With air; MnO2 nanowires on amine functionalized graphite nanosheet in 1,4-dioxane

T=100°C; 16 h;

Chakravarty; Sengupta; Basu; Mukherjee; De

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 112 p. 92585 - 92595 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium bromite; 4-benzoxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl; sodium hydrogencarbonate in dichloromethane; water

4 h; Ambient temperature;

Inokuchi, Tsutomo; Matsumoto, Sigeaki; Nishiyama, Tokio; Torii, Sigeru

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 55, # 2 p. 462 - 466 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tetrahexylammonium chloride; dihydrogen peroxide; lt;NBu4gt;lt;(Ph2PO2)(WO(O2)2)2gt; in benzene

T=75°C; 3 h;

Gresley, N. Melanie; Griffith, William P.; Parkin, Bernardeta C.; White, Andrew J. P.; Williams, David J.

Journal of the Chemical Society - Dalton Transactions, 1996 , # 10 p. 2039 - 2045 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N -hydroxyphthalimide in ethyl acetate

T=70°C; 0.25 h; Irradiation;

Jafarpour, Maasoumeh; Feizpour, Fahimeh; Rezaeifard, Abdolreza

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 60 p. 54649 - 54660 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With nickel(II) ferrite in toluene

T=120°C; 6 h; Green chemistry;

Payra, Soumen; Saha, Arijit; Banerjee, Subhash

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 57 p. 52495 - 52499 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bichromate of bis(triphenylphosphino)methane in dichloromethane

T=25°C; 12 h;

Cristau, Henri-Jean; Torreilles, Eliane; Morand, Philippe; Christol, Henri

Tetrahedron Letters, 1986 , vol. 27, # 16 p. 1775 - 1776 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bichromate of bis(triphenylphosphino)methane in dichloromethane

T=25°C; 12 h; Heatingother temperature and reaction time; variation of ratio of the reactants; Product distribution;

Cristau, Henri-Jean; Torreilles, Eliane; Morand, Philippe; Christol, Henri

Tetrahedron Letters, 1986 , vol. 27, # 16 p. 1775 - 1776 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium hypochlorite; water; potassium bromide; 1-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine silica-support; ethynodiol in dichloromethane

T=0°C; Oxidation; pH=9.1; 0.5 h;

Bolm, Carsten; Thomas, Fey

Chemical Communications, 1999 , # 18 p. 1795 - 1796 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bis(collidine)bromine(I) hexafluorophosphate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 2.5 h;

Rousseau; Robin

Tetrahedron Letters, 2000 , vol. 41, # 46 p. 8881 - 8885 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With γ-picolinium chlorochromate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 0.333333 h;

Khodaie; Salehi; Goodarzi

Synthetic Communications, 2001 , vol. 31, # 8 p. 1253 - 1256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; phosphotungstic acid; silica gel in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 2.5 h; UV-irradiation;

Farhadi, Saeid; Afshari, Mozhgan; Maleki, Mansoureh; Babazadeh, Zaynab

Tetrahedron Letters, 2005 , vol. 46, # 49 p. 8483 - 8486 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; sodium hypochlorite; silica gel; potassium bromide in dichloromethane

T=0°C; Anelli oxidation; pH=9.1; 1 h;

Fey, Thomas; Fischer, Holger; Bachmann, Stefan; Albert, Klaus; Bolm, Carsten

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 66, # 24 p. 8154 - 8159 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 3 h;

Raju; Balasubramanian; Chinnusamy

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 22, # 9 p. 7318 - 7326 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium superoxide; tetraethylammonium bromide in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

0.025 h; Inert atmosphereMicrowave irradiation; ConcentrationSolvent;

Raghuvanshi, Raghvendra Singh; Singh, Yogendra

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2013 , vol. 90, # 8 p. 1255 - 1257 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

4 h; Sealed tubeHeating; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Sharma, Ponchami; Darabdhara, Gitashree; Reddy, Tallapareddy Muralikrishna; Borah, Ashwini; Bezboruah, Pranjal; Gogoi, Pranjal; Hussain, Najrul; Sengupta, Pinaki; Das, Manash R.

Catalysis Communications, 2013 , vol. 40, p. 139 - 144 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With aluminum (III) chloride; dimethyl sulfoxide in acetonitrile

0.583333 h; Reflux; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Manesh, Abbas Amini; Nazari, Tahereh

Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 2015 , vol. 60, # 3 p. 3001 - 3004 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C17H19FeN5O5(1-)*C8H20N(1+) in water; acetonitrile

T=30°C; pH=7; KineticsCatalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystpH-value;

Pattanayak, Santanu; Jasniewski, Andrew J.; Rana, Atanu; Draksharapu, Apparao; Singh, Kundan K.; Weitz, Andrew; Hendrich, Michael; Que, Lawrence; Dey, Abhishek; Sen Gupta, Sayam

Inorganic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 56, # 11 p. 6352 - 6361 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With fluorapatite; dihydrogen peroxide; (CetylPy)10[H2W12O42] in water

T=25°C; 24 h; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: US2010/113807 A1, 2010 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 7 ;


With C2H6O*C6H6*C41H33As2Cl2N2O4Ru; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Reflux;

Sukanya, Duraiswamy; Raja, Duraisamy Senthil; Bhuvanesh, Nattamai S.P.; Natarajan, Karuppannan

Polyhedron, 2011 , vol. 30, # 6 p. 1108 - 1113 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C43H30ClN3O2PRu; oxygen; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

6 h; Reflux; chemoselective reaction;

Manimaran, Arumugam; Chinnusamy, Vaiyapuri; Jayabalakrishnan, Chinnasamy

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 25, # 2 p. 87 - 97 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With formaldehyd; aluminium protoxide in toluene

2 h; Heating / reflux; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: WO2007/12641 A1, 2007 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 6; 7 ;


With bis-triphenylphosphine-palladium(II) chloride; potassium carbonate; Desyl chloride in tetrahydrofuran

T=65 - 70°C; 20 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique;

Liu, Chao; Tang, Shan; Lei, Aiwen

Chemical Communications, 2013 , vol. 49, # 13 p. 1324 - 1326 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C20H36N5(3+)*3Br(1-); oxygen; copper in water

T=35°C; 6 h; Schlenk technique; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Chen, Congyan; Liu, Bo; Chen, Wanzhi

Synthesis (Germany), 2013 , vol. 45, # 24 art. no. SS-2013-H0531-OP, p. 3387 - 3391 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C32H31ClN4OPRuS(1+)*F6P(1-); 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Reflux; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Sarkar, Shyamal Kumar; Jana, Mahendra Sekhar; Mondal, Tapan Kumar; Sinha, Chittaranjan

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 28, # 8 p. 641 - 651 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tetrabutylammonium periodite; lt;RuO2(bipy)lt;IO3(OH)3gt;gt;*1.5H2O in dichloromethane; water

4 h; Ambient temperature;

Bailey, Alan J.; Griffith, William P.; White, Andrew J. P.; Williams, David J.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1994 , # 16 p. 1833 - 1834 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With aluminum oxide; bromine in dichloromethane


Love, Brian E.; Nguyen, Binh T.

Synthetic Communications, 2000 , vol. 30, # 5 p. 963 - 970 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C26H29ClN5ORu(1+)*CF3O3S(1-); potassium carbonate; methoxybenzene in N,N-dimethyl acetamide

T=110°C; 4 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Donnelly, Kate F.; Segarra, Candela; Shao, Li-Xiong; Suen, Rachelle; Müller-Bunz, Helge; Albrecht, Martin

Organometallics, 2015 , vol. 34, # 16 p. 4076 - 4084 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With nitrobenzene in acetonitrile

0.483333 h; IrradiationFlow reactor;

Nakamura; Yoshida; Kuwahara; Katayama

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 322-323, p. 35 - 40 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in water

T=100°C; 24 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Wu, Jianglong; Liu, Yan; Ma, Xiaowei; Liu, Ping; Gu, Chengzhi; Dai, Bin

Synthetic Communications, 2016 , vol. 46, # 21 p. 1747 - 1758 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide; tetrapropylammonium perruthennate in dichloromethane

0.5 h; Ambient temperature;

Griffith, William P.; Ley, Steven V.; Whitcombe, Gwynne P.; White, Andrew D.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1987 , p. 1625 - 1627 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With quinoxalinium dichromate; acetic acid in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 2 h;

Degirmenbasi, Nebahat; Oezguen, Beytiye

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2002 , vol. 133, # 11 p. 1417 - 1421 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; 1,1'-binaphthalene-2,2'diamine; oxygen; copper(II) bis(trifluoromethanesulfonate) in nitromethane

T=20°C; 22 h;

Alamsetti, Santosh Kumar; Mannam, Sreedevi; Mutupandi, Pandi; Sekar, Govindasamy

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2009 , vol. 15, # 5 p. 1086 - 1090 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [(RuCl(CO)(PPh3)2)2(4,6-diacetylresorcinato)]; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Reflux;

Krishnamoorthy; Sathyadevi; Deepa; Dharmaraj

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2010 , vol. 77, # 1 p. 258 - 263 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C32H23N2NiO2P; oxygen in dichloromethane

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Madaselvi; Padma Priya; Jeyaraj; Arun Paul; Kalaivani; Shahul Meeran; Arunachalam

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 28, # 8 p. 1682 - 1686 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C16H12Cl2N2O3RuS; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

T=4°C; 1 h; Molecular sieveReflux; Show Experimental Procedure

Roy, Puspendu; Mondal, Apurba Sau; Pramanik, Ajoy Kumar; Mondal, Tapan Kumar

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 828, p. 1 - 9 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 3.0percent Pd nanoparticle loaded magnetic SBA-15 catalyst T=85°C; 9 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Li, Yingying; Huang, Jiale; Hu, Xijun; Lam, Frank Leung-Yuk; Wang, Wenju; Luque, Rafael

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2016 , vol. 425, p. 61 - 67 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tetrabutylammomium bromide in α,α,α-trifluorotoluene

T=20°C; 3 h; Inert atmosphere;

Matsumoto, Kazutsugu; Iwata, Toshiaki; Suenaga, Masahiro; Okudomi, Masayuki; Nogawa, Masaki; Nakano, Mariko; Sugahara, Ai; Bannai, Yuta; Baba, Kenji

Heterocycles, 2010 , vol. 81, # 11 p. 2539 - 2553 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With BrO3(1-)*C12H24KO6


Song, Yingying; Jing, Huanwang; Li, Bo; Bai, Dongsheng

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011 , vol. 17, # 31 p. 8731 - 8738 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in decane; dichloromethane

T=20°C; 16 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Reagent/catalystTime;

Huang, Enrique Kwan; Cheung, Wai-Man; Chan, Ka-Wang; Lam, Frank Leung-Yuk; Hu, Xijun; Zhang, Qian-Feng; Williams, Ian D.; Leung, Wa-Hung

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2013 , # 16 p. 2893 - 2899 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Stage #1: With oxalyl dichloride; dimethyl sulfoxide

T=15°C; Swern Oxidation; Flow reactor; Stage #2: With triethylamine

T=15°C; Swern Oxidation; Flow reactor; Temperature;

Zhu, Lin; Xu, Xiaohui; Zheng, Fuping

Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 2018 , vol. 42, # 1 p. 75 - 85 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Show Experimental Procedure


With tetrabutylammonium chlorochromate in chloroform

18 h; Ambient temperature;

Santaniello, Enzo; Milani, Fulvia; Casati, Rosangela

Synthesis, 1983 , # 9 p. 749 - 751 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With manganese(IV) oxide; Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 20 h; various carboxylic acid; Product distribution;

Achremowicz, Lucjan; Mlochowski, Jacek; Mora, Czeslaw; Skarzewski, Jacek

Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig), 1982 , vol. 324, # 5 p. 735 - 742 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With [RuCl(PPh3)2(L1)]; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

5 h; Reflux;

Priyarega; Tamizh, M Muthu; Karvembu; Prabhakaran; Natarajan

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2011 , vol. 123, # 3 p. 319 - 325 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in water

T=90°C; 6 h; Inert atmosphere;

Sun, Daohua; Zhang, Genlei; Jiang, Xinde; Huang, Jiale; Jing, Xiaolian; Zheng, Yanmei; He, Jing; Li, Qingbiao

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014 , vol. 2, # 6 p. 1767 - 1773 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; potassium phosphate; benzamidine monohydrochloride; copper diacetate in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=20°C; 12 h;

Guo, Wei; Huang, Kunbo; Ji, Fanghua; Wu, Wanqing; Jiang, Huanfeng

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 42 p. 8857 - 8860 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C17H25N2Se(1+)*Cl(1-); dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=60°C; 24 h;

Cheng, Xian Yi; Li, Kang Feng; Wang, Qiao Jian; Wang, Cong Ying; Ying, Tao Kai

Chinese Chemical Letters, 2012 , vol. 23, # 7 p. 801 - 804 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=50°C; 0.0833333 h;

Gogoi, Nibedita; Begum, Tahshina; Dutta, Smarika; Bora, Utpal; Gogoi, Pradip K.

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 115 p. 95344 - 95352 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C19H15ClFeN3O5; dihydrogen peroxide

Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Bhowon, Minu Gupta; Jhaumeer-Laulloo, Sabina; Wah, Henri Li Kam; Meetun, Anisha; Mudhoo, Karishma

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 29, # 1 p. 152 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ZnIn2S4; oxygen

P=750.075 Torr; 3 h; IrradiationGreen chemistry; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Chen, Zhixin; Xu, Jingjing; Ren, Zhuyun; He, Yunhui; Xiao, Guangcan

Catalysis Communications, 2013 , vol. 41, p. 83 - 86 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium dichromate; sulfuric acid; tetra(n-butyl)ammonium hydrogensulfate in ethyl acetate

0.0333333 h; Ambient temperature;

Halldin, C.; Langstroem, B.

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1984 , vol. 38, # 1 p. 1 - 4 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With oxygen in carbon dioxide

T=100°C; P=90007.2 Torr; 0.00263889 h;

Jenzer; Sueur; Mallat; Baiker

Chemical Communications, 2000 , # 22 p. 2247 - 2248 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide; methyltrioxorhenium(VII); sodium bromide in various solvent(s) T=20°C; 3.5 h;

Jain, Suman L.; Sharma, Vishal B.; Sain, Bir

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2006 , vol. 79, # 10 p. 1601 - 1603 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene; tetrabutylammomium bromide; iron(II) acetate in methanol

T=110°C; 48 h; Sealed tube; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Ray, Ritwika; Jana, Rahul Dev; Bhadra, Mayukh; Maiti, Debabrata; Lahiri, Goutam Kumar

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2014 , vol. 20, # 47 p. 15618 - 15624 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium bromate; acetic acid

T=75 - 80°C; 8 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: EP1661877 A1, 2006 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 15 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With C40H32ClN2O2PRu; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 3 h;

Manivannan; Manimaran; Arunachalam; Jayabalakrishnan; Chinnusamy

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 85, # 10 p. 988 - 995 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With chromium(VI) oxide; potassium chloride; tetrabutyl-ammonium chloride

1.5 h;

Gelbard, Georges; Brunelet, Thierry; Jouitteau, Catherine

Tetrahedron Letters, 1980 , vol. 21, # 48 p. 4653 - 4654 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium ferrate(VI); K10 clay in pentane

3 h; Ambient temperature;

Delaude, Lionel; Laszlo, Pierre

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 61, # 18 p. 6360 - 6370 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium ferrate on K10 montmorillonite in pentane

3 h; Ambient temperatureoxidation of several alcohols and further organic compounds; effect of water content of catalyst in cyclohexane; slow oxidation of solvent;

Delaude, Lionel; Laszlo, Pierre; Lehance, Pascal

Tetrahedron Letters, 1995 , vol. 36, # 46 p. 8505 - 8508 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in polyglycol

T=130°C; 12 h;

Liu, Wei; Li, Baojun; Gao, Cuiling; Xu, Zheng

Chemistry Letters, 2009 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 1110 - 1111 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; L-proline; copper(II) oxide in N,Ndimethyl-formamide

T=110°C; 24 h;

Shinde, Mahesh H.; Kshirsagar, Umesh A.

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 58 p. 52884 - 52887 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C16H13MnNO3*3H2O; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=20°C; 1 h; Ionic liquid;

Rong, Meizhu; Wang, Juan; Shen, Yanping; Han, Jinyu

Catalysis Communications, 2012 , vol. 20, p. 51 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C35H57N2O4V; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 4 h; KineticsCatalytic behavior; ConcentrationSolventTemperature;

Noshiranzadeh, Nader; Mayeli, Mina; Bikas, Rahman; Slepokura, Katarzyna; Lis, Tadeusz

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 39, # 1 p. 33 - 39 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With quinolinium chlorochromate(VI) in water

T=20°C; 4 h;

Gupta, Neeraj; Thakur, Apoorva; Bhardwaj, Pushpa

New Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 38, # 8 p. 3749 - 3754 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With water; fluorine; acetonitrile in chloroform

T=-10 - 0°C;

Rozen, Shlomo; Bareket, Yifat; Kol, Moshe

Tetrahedron, 1993 , vol. 49, # 36 p. 8169 - 8178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With RuCl(OAc)(PPh3)3; Co(salophen)(PPh3); oxygen; hydroquinone in dichloromethane

T=20°C; Product distribution;

Baeckvall, Jan-E.; Chowdhury, Ratan L.; Karlsson, Ulrika

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1991 , # 7 p. 473 - 475 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With allyl diethyl phosphate; sodium carbonate; palladium diacetate in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

2.5 h;

Shvo, Youval; Goldman-Lev, Vered

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 650, # 1-2 p. 151 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-hydroxy-4-iodoiodoxol-3(1H)-one in acetone

3 h; Reflux;

Shah, Azhar-Ul-Haq A.; Khan, Zulfiqar A.; Choudhary, Naila; Lohoelter, Christine; Schaefer, Sascha; Marie, Guillaume P.L.; Farooq, Umar; Witulski, Bernhard; Wirth, Thomas

Organic Letters, 2009 , vol. 11, # 16 p. 3578 - 3581 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1,1'-bis-(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene; [ruthenium(II)(η6-1-methyl-4-isopropyl-benzene) (chloride)(μ-chloride)]2; potassium carbonate; 4- methyl-2-pentanone

Oppenauer Oxidation; 0.5 h; RefluxSchlenk techniqueInert atmosphere;

Nicklaus, Céline M.; Phua, Pim Huat; Buntara, Teddy; Noel, Sebastien; Heeres, Hero J.; De Vries, Johannes G.

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 355, # 14-15 p. 2839 - 2844 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; eosin y in decane; acetonitrile

T=25°C; 28 h; Inert atmosphereIrradiationMolecular sieveGreen chemistry; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Devari, Shekaraiah; Rizvi, Masood Ahmad; Shah, Bhahwal Ali

Tetrahedron Letters, 2016 , vol. 57, # 30 p. 3294 - 3297 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With pyridine; 1,1'-ditetradecyl-3,3'-methylene-4-diimidazolin-2,2'-diylidene palladium(IV) tetrachloride in chloroform-d1

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 2 h;

McCall, A. Scott; Kraft, Stefan

Organometallics, 2012 , vol. 31, # 9 p. 3527 - 3538 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C22H16N4O8V2; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 5 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Hosseini-Monfared, Hassan; Asghari-Lalami, Nasim; Pazio, Aleksandra; Wozniak, Krzysztof; Janiak, Christoph

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013 , vol. 406, p. 241 - 250 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2-dimethylbutyric acid; (R,R)-Mn-dpn; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=0°C; Inert atmosphere; chemoselective reaction;

Ottenbacher, Roman V.; Talsi, Evgenii P.; Bryliakov, Konstantin P.

Chemical Record, 2018 , vol. 18, # 1 p. 78 - 90 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen

T=120°C; P=1500.15 Torr; 5 h; Flow reactor; Reagent/catalystPressureTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Cao, Enhong; Brett, Gemma; Miedziak, Peter J.; Douthwaite, John M.; Barrass, Simon; McMillan, Paul F.; Hutchings, Graham J.; Gavriilidis, Asterios

Catalysis Today, 2017 , vol. 283, p. 195 - 201 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene; uranium oxide; magnesium sulfate in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=45°C; 8 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Majumder, Ishani; Chatterjee, Sourav; Fischer, Roland C.; Neogi, Swarup Kumar; Mautner, Franz A.; Chattopadhyay, Tanmay

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2017 , vol. 462, p. 112 - 122 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With RuHCl(CO)(PPh3)3 complex supported on multiwall carbon nanotubes in toluene

T=100°C; 4 h; Inert atmosphereSealed tube; Reagent/catalyst;

Ghafouri, Moloud; Moghadam, Majid; Mehrani, Kheirollah; Daneshvar, Anahita

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2018 , vol. 32, # 2 art. no. E4048 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in water

T=60°C; 4.5 h; Green chemistry;

Rezaeifard, Abdolreza; Farshid, Parisa; Jafarpour, Maasoumeh; Moghaddam, Gholamreza Kardan

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 18 p. 9189 - 9196 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With acrylic acid methyl ester; chlorocarbonylbis(triphenylphosphine)rhodium(I)

T=120°C; P=10343 Torr; 0.25 h; microwave irradiation;

Takahashi, Masaaki; Oshima, Koichiro; Matsubara, Seijiro

Tetrahedron Letters, 2003 , vol. 44, # 51 p. 9201 - 9204 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With laccase; N -hydroxyphthalimide; oxygen in various solvent(s) T=20°C; pH=5; 24 h;

Baiocco, Paola; Barreca, Anna Maria; Fabbrini, Maura; Galli, Carlo; Gentili, Patrizia

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 1, # 1 p. 191 - 197 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen

P=750.075 Torr; 2 h; Irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime;

Li, Xiuzhen; Weng, Bo; Zhang, Nan; Xu, Yi-Jun

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 110 p. 64484 - 64493 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Nitrogen dioxide in acetonitrile

T=140°C; P=760.051 Torr; 5 h; Sealed tube; Catalytic behavior; SolventTemperatureReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Ren, Fangping; Tian, Xinzhe; Ren, Yun-Lai; Zhao, Shuang; Wang, Jianji; Zhao, Bo

Catalysis Communications, 2017 , vol. 101, p. 98 - 101 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With manganese(IV) oxide; aluminum oxide in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 1.16667 h;

Stavrescu, Ruxandra; Kimura, Takahide; Fujita, Mitsue; Vinatoru, Mircea; Ando, Takashi

Synthetic Communications, 1999 , vol. 29, # 10 p. 1719 - 1726 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C16H13MnNO5*H2O; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=50°C; 4 h;

De; Deb; Nath Bhowmik; Dutta Purkayastha

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2009 , vol. 86, # 1 p. 76 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [Cu3(disalicylaldehydemalonoyldihydrazone)(μ-Cl)2(CH3OH)3]0.5CH3OH; dihydrogen peroxide

T=70°C; 12 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Koch, Angira; Kumar, Arvind; De, Arjun K.; Phukan, Arnab; Lal, Ram A.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2014 , vol. 129, p. 103 - 113 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in toluene

T=100°C; 0.5 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Du; Jin; Feng; Zhang; He; Li

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2015 , vol. 5, # 6 p. 3216 - 3225 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; iron(II) chloride in water; ethyl acetate


Wang, Shi-Sheng; Fu, Hong; Wang, Guanlin; Sun, Meng; Li, Ya-Min

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 57 p. 52391 - 52394 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ruthenium loaded graphitized-carbon nitride in water

T=20°C; pH=2; 4 h; Inert atmosphereIrradiation; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Lima, Maria J.; Tavares, Pedro B.; Silva, Adrián M.T.; Silva, Cláudia G.; Faria, Joaquim L.

Catalysis Today, 2017 , vol. 287, p. 70 - 77 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 4,5,6,7-tetrachloro-2',4',5',7'-tetraiodofluorescein disodium salt; oxygen; ammonium thiocyanate in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 20 h; Irradiation; Show Experimental Procedure

Sheriff Shah, Sk; Pradeep Singh

Tetrahedron Letters, 2018 , vol. 59, # 3 p. 247 - 251 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in acetone

T=24.84°C; 3 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique;

Xiang, Jing; Li, Hao; Wu, Jia-Shou

Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2014 , vol. 640, # 8-9 p. 1670 - 1674 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; Rh+(diphos) in methanol; benzene

T=70°C; 50 h;

Mueller, Paul; Idmoumaz, Hamid

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 345, p. 187 - 200 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With eosin y in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=80°C; 24 h; Irradiation;

Li, Jian; Wang, Hongni; Liu, Li; Sun, Jiangtao

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 91 p. 49974 - 49978 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N-Bromosuccinimide; potassium acetate in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; 10 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Wu, Jianglong; Liu, Yan; Liu, Ping; Gu, Chengzhi

Letters in Organic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 14, # 4 p. 254 - 260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With permanganate adsorbed on alumina in diethyl ether

T=35°C; 1.5 h;

Thuy, Vu Moc; Maitte, Pierre

Bulletin des Societes Chimiques Belges, 1989 , vol. 98, # 11 p. 877 - 878 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With [FeIV(O)(N,N-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)bis(2-pyridyl)methylamine)](ClO4)2; scandium tris(trifluoromethanesulfonate) in acetonitrile

T=24.84°C; Kinetics; Reagent/catalyst;

Morimoto, Yuma; Park, Jiyun; Suenobu, Tomoyoshi; Lee, Yong-Min; Nam, Wonwoo; Fukuzumi, Shunichi

Inorganic Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 51, # 18 p. 10025 - 10036 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dimethyl sulfoxide; potassium hydoxide

T=90°C; 24 h;

Saunthwal, Rakesh K.; Patel, Monika; Verma, Akhilesh K.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 81, # 15 p. 6563 - 6572 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N -hydroxyphthalimide; sodium perchlorate in acetonitrile

electrolytical oxidation, anode potential 0.85 V;

Masui, Masaichiro; Ueshima, Takahiro; Ozaki, Shigeko

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1983 , # 8 p. 479 - 480 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene in dichloromethane

T=35°C; 0.075 h; Flow reactor; Time; chemoselective reaction;

Ambreen, Nida; Kumar, Ravi; Wirth, Thomas

Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 9, p. 1437 - 1442 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; potassium hydoxide

T=80°C; P=750.075 Torr; 1 h; Autoclave;

Wolfson, Adi; Ben-Harush, Kfir; Herskowitz, Moti

Kinetics and Catalysis, 2010 , vol. 51, # 1 p. 63 - 68 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; C45H52CuN4O3 in decane; acetonitrile

T=70°C; 18 h;

Wu, Xianghong; Gorden, Anne E. V.

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009 , # 4 p. 503 - 509 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 5-palladium/activated carbon in neat (no solvent) T=120°C; Flow reactor; Show Experimental Procedure

STUDIENGESELLSCHAFT KOHLE MBH; Schueth, Ferdi; Furstner, Alois; Wang, Feng

Patent: US2017/21342 A1, 2017 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0094 ;


With heptahydrido bis(tricyclohexylphosphine)rheniume(VII)

T=150°C; Inert atmosphere;

Jin, Hongming; Xie, Jin; Pan, Changduo; Zhu, Zhengbo; Cheng, Yixiang; Zhu, Chengjian

ACS Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 3, # 10 p. 2195 - 2198 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [Mn(bp)(NCS)0.9(NO3)0.1(CH3OH)]*CH3OH; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 4 h; Reagent/catalystConcentrationTemperatureSolvent;

Noshiranzadeh, Nader; Emami, Marzieh; Bikas, Rahman; Slepokura, Katarzyna; Lis, Tadeusz

Polyhedron, 2014 , vol. 72, p. 56 - 65 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With iron containing titania supported on zeolite in acetonitrile

T=35°C; P=750.075 Torr; 8 h; Irradiation;

Magdziarz, Agnieszka; Colmenares, Juan C.; Chernyayeva, Olga; Kurzydlowski, Krzysztof; Grzonka, Justyna

ChemCatChem, 2016 , vol. 8, # 3 p. 536 - 539 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [Ru(CO)(triphenylarsine)(OC6H4C(CHCHC6H4Cl)O)2]; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 3 h; Molecular sieve;

Muthukumar; Viswanathamurthi; Natarajan

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2008 , vol. 70, # 5 p. 1222 - 1226 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide

T=50°C; 4 h; Autoclaveneat (no solvent);

Wang, Xiaoli; Wu, Gongde; Wei, Wei; Sun, Yuhan

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 35, # 2 p. 213 - 220 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ferric sulfate nonahydrate; perchloric acid in water

T=25°C; pH=0.5; Inert atmosphereIrradiation; Catalytic behavior; pHvalueConcentrationWavelength;

Spasiano, Danilo; Marotta, Raffaele; Di Somma, Ilaria; Andreozzi, Roberto; Caprio, Vincenzo

Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 2013 , vol. 12, # 11 p. 1991 - 2000 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With N -hydroxyphthalimide; oxygen; nitric acid; copper(ll) bromide in acetonitrile

P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; Autoclave; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Chen, Bo; Li, Jun; Yang, Gang; Gao, Shuang

Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2015 , vol. 41, # 6 p. 3929 - 3936 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=100°C; 1 h; Kinetics; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Xiong, Leisha; Chen, Rong; Chen, Fengxi

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 103 p. 101048 - 101060 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With α,α,α-trifluorotoluene

20 h; UV-irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Koito, Yusuke; Rees, Gregory J.; Hanna, John V.; Li, Molly M. J.; Peng, Yung-Kang; Puchtler, Tim; Taylor, Robert; Wang, Tong; Kobayashi, Hisayoshi; Teixeira, Ivo F.; Khan, M. Abdullah; Kreissl, Hannah T.; Tsang, S. C. Edman

ChemCatChem, 2017 , vol. 9, # 1 p. 144 - 154 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; palladium diacetate

T=80°C; P=750.075 Torr; 18 h; Supercritical conditionsneat (no solvent);

Herbert, Matthew; Montilla, Francisco; Galindo, Agustin

Polyhedron, 2010 , vol. 29, # 18 p. 3287 - 3293 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With thallium (III) oxide; sulfuric acid in water

4 h; Reflux;


Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 80, # 3 p. 451 - 454 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1,3-dibromo-5,5-dimethylimidazolidine-2,4-dione

0.75 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Khazaei, Ardeshir; Abbasi, Fatemeh; Kianiborazjani, Maryam; Saednia, Shahnaz

Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2014 , vol. 25, # 2 p. 361 - 364 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; triethylamine; copper(ll) bromide in acetonitrile

1 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:ReagentsSolvents;

Uber, Jorge Salinas; Vogels, Yorick; Van Den Helder, Dave; Mutikainen, Ilpo; Turpeinen, Urho; Fu, Wen Tian; Roubeau, Olivier; Gamez, Patrick; Reedijk, Jan

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2007 , # 26 p. 4197 - 4206 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With MoO2(acac) in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=100°C; 10 h; reactions under var. conditions; Product distributionMechanism;

Lorber, Christian Y.; Pauls, Irene; Osborn, John A.

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1996 , vol. 133, # 7-8 p. 755 - 758


Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; copper(II) acetate monohydrate; palladium dichloride in dimethyl sulfoxide; toluene

T=80°C; 20 h;

Wang, Lu; Wang, Yanxia; Liu, Chao; Lei, Aiwen

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2014 , vol. 53, # 22 p. 5657 - 5661 Angew. Chem., 2014 , vol. 126, # 22 p. 5763 - 5767,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-ol; [{Cu12((2,4,6-trimethylbenzene)-1,3,5-triacetate)8(N,Ndimethylacetamide)4(H2O)8}·8H2O·48H2O]; oxygen; sodium carbonate in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior;

Paul, Mithun; Adarsh; Dastidar, Parthasarathi

Crystal Growth and Design, 2014 , vol. 14, # 3 p. 1331 - 1337 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With diphenylether; Fe(TAML)Li; [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene in acetone

T=25°C; 4 h; Inert atmosphereGreen chemistry; Catalytic behavior;

Napoly, Francois; Jean-Gerard, Ludivine; Goux-Henry, Catherine; Draye, Micheline; Andrioletti, Bruno

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 2014, # 4 p. 781 - 787 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With pentaaminechlorocobalt(III) dichloride; (2,2':6',2''-terpyridine)(2,2'bipyridine)aquaruthenium(II) perchlorate in aq. phosphate buffer

pH=4.7; 5 h; Inert atmosphereIrradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Bai, Lichen; Li, Fei; Wang, Yong; Li, Hua; Jiang, Xiaojuan; Sun, Licheng

Chemical Communications, 2016 , vol. 52, # 62 p. 9711 - 9714 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=100°C; 1.5 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Xiao, Shiwei; Zhang, Chuntao; Chen, Rong; Chen, Fengxi

New Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 39, # 6 p. 4924 - 4932 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Stage #1: With 1,3,5-Tri-tert-butylbenzene in methanol

T=65°C; 76 h; Stage #2: With C36H78Cu2N6O2(2+)*2CF3O3S(1-); oxygen in methanol Temperature;

Karahalis, Gregory J.; Thangavel, Arumugam; Chica, Bryant; Bacsa, John; Dyer, R. Brian; Scarborough, Christopher C.

Inorganic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 55, # 3 p. 1102 - 1107 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; palladium

T=55°C; 0.5 h;

Potekhin, V. V.; Matsura, V. A.; Ukraintsev, V. B.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 70, # 12 p. 1939 - 1939 Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii, 2000 , vol. 70, # 12 p. 2058 - 2058 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With sodium hypochlorite; sodium hydrogencarbonate; 4-methoxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1oxyl radical; potassium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=0 - 2°C; pH=8.6; 1 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure

Shiomi, Yasuhiro; Uno, Osamu; Ohta, Akio; Sunakami, Takeshi

Patent: US2005/124807 A1, 2005 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 11-12 ;


With laccase from a strain of Trametes villosa; N-Phenylacetohydroxamic acid; oxygen in 1,4dioxane; water

T=20°C; pH=5; 24 h; Enzymatic reaction; Product distribution; Further Variations:Solvents;

Cantarella, Gaetano; Galli, Carlo; Gentili, Patrizia

New Journal of Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 28, # 3 p. 366 - 372 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Iodine monochloride; caesium carbonate in dichloromethane

T=0 - 20°C; 5 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Wei, Peng; Zhang, Datong; Gao, Zhigang; Cai, Wenqing; Xu, Weiren; Tang, Lida; Zhao, Guilong

Synthetic Communications, 2015 , vol. 45, # 12 p. 1457 - 1470 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C56H45N4O3OsP2(1+)*ClO4(1-); 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane 4 h; RefluxMolecular sieve; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Datta, Papia; Sardar, Dibakar; Panda, Uttam; Halder, Ajanta; Manik, Nabin Baran; Chen, Chun-Jung; Sinha, Chittaranjan

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 30, # 5 p. 323 - 334 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=70°C; 7 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Cánepa, Analía L.; Elías, Verónica R.; Vaschetti, Virginia M.; Sabre, Ema V.; Eimer, Griselda A.; Casuscelli, Sandra G.

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017 , vol. 545, p. 72 - 78 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With sodium hypochlorite; aluminum oxide; PEGMME-350 in dichloromethane

24 h; Ambient temperaturevar. catalysts;

Sawicki, Robert A.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1982 , vol. 23, # 22 p. 2249 - 2252 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With tetrakis(pyridine)silver dichromate in dichloromethane

0.3 h; other solvent, reaction time; Product distribution;

Firouzabadi, H.; Sardarian, A.; Gharibi, H.

Synthetic Communications, 1984 , vol. 14, # 1 p. 89 - 94 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With oxygen; o-chlorobenzylidene malononitrile; CoNaY

T=379.85°C; Product distribution; Further Variations:CatalystsTemperatures;

Seiki, Takayuki; Nakato, Asako; Nishiyama, Satoru; Tsuruya, Shigeru

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2003 , vol. 5, # 17 p. 3818 - 3826 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With α,α,α-trifluorotoluene; zinc(II) oxide; oxygen

8 h; UV-irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Tang, Zi-Rong; Yin, Xia; Zhang, Yanhui; Xu, Yi-Jun

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 17 p. 5956 - 5965 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [Pd(1,5-cyclooctadiene)Cl(SnCl3)]

T=110°C; 3 h; Mechanism;

Mohanty, Anuradha; Roy, Sujit

Tetrahedron Letters, 2016 , vol. 57, # 25 p. 2749 - 2753 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With potassium permanganate in benzene

T=20°C; 1.5 h; Irradiation;

Yamawaki,Junko; Sumi, Shinjiro; Ando, Takashi; Hanafusa, Terukiyo

Chemistry Letters, 1983 , p. 379 - 380 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; (14,28-[1,3-diiminoisoindolinato]phthalocyaninato)Fe(III) in water

Peterson, Brian M.; Herried, Morgan E.; Neve, Rachel L.; McGaff, Robert W.

Dalton Transactions, 2014 , vol. 43, # 48 p. 17899 - 17903 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

T=20°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalystTime;


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; .mu.-nitrido-bis[tetra(tert-butyl)phthalocyaninatoiron] in water; acetonitrile

Inert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Kudrik, Evgeny V.; Sorokin, Alexander B.

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2017 , vol. 426, p. 499 - 505 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ((ethylenediamine)Pd(NO3)2)6(2,4,6-tri(pyridin-4-yl)-1,3,5-triazine)4; oxygen in water

T=130°C; 18 h; Schlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Qiu, Xuan; Zhong, Wei; Bai, Cuihua; Li, Yingwei

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 138, # 4 p. 1138 - 1141 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; potassium carbonate; N,N'-bis(4-aminophenyl)-1,4-benzoquinonediimine; copper(l) chloride in toluene

T=90°C; 24 h; other reagent; Product distribution;

Hirao, Toshikazu; Fukuhara, Shinya

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 63, # 21 p. 7534 - 7535 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=160°C; 2 h;

Wang, Zhen-Zhen; Tang, Yu

Tetrahedron, 2016 , vol. 72, # 10 p. 1330 - 1336 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With copper phthalocyanine; tetra-n-butylammonium hydrogen monopersulfate in water

T=70°C; 0.5 h;

Rezaeifard, Abdolreza; Jafarpour, Maasoumeh; Naeimi, Atena; Salimi, Mehri

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2012 , vol. 15, p. 230 - 234 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With magnesium sulphate; 1,1-Diphenylmethanol; vanadyl(IV) sulphate pentahydrate; oxygen; 4,4'-di-tert-butyl-2,2'- bipyridine in water

T=20 - 90°C; P=750.075 Torr; 22 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Marui, Kuniaki; Higashiura, Yuuki; Kodama, Shintaro; Hashidate, Suguru; Nomoto, Akihiro; Yano, Shigenobu; Ueshima, Michio; Ogawa, Akiya

Tetrahedron, 2014 , vol. 70, # 14 p. 2431 - 2438 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; H12MnO6(2+)*2C9H5N4O3S(1-)*4H2O

T=150°C; 1 h; Microwave irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Mahmudov, Kamran T.; Sutradhar, Manas; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S.; Guedes da Silva, M. Fátima C.; Ribera, Alice; Nunes, Ana V. M.; Gahramanova, Shahnaz I.; Marchetti, Fabio; Pombeiro, Armando J. L.

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 33 p. 25979 - 25987 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-ethenyl-4-methylbenzene; oxygen; copper(II) acetate monohydrate; palladium dichloride in dimethyl sulfoxide; toluene

T=80°C; 20 h;

Wang, Lu; Wang, Yanxia; Liu, Chao; Lei, Aiwen

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2014 , vol. 53, # 22 p. 5657 - 5661 Angew. Chem., 2014 , vol. 126, # 22 p. 5763 - 5767,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With carbon monoxide; oxygen; copper(II) acetate monohydrate; palladium dichloride in dimethyl sulfoxide; toluene

Wang, Lu; Wang, Yanxia; Liu, Chao; Lei, Aiwen

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2014 , vol. 53, # 22 p. 5657 - 5661

T=80°C; 20 h;

Angew. Chem., 2014 , vol. 126, # 22 p. 5763 - 5767,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen

T=100°C; P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; Irradiation; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang, Ligang; Liu, Di; Guan, Jing; Chen, Xiufang; Guo, Xingcui; Zhao, Fuhua; Hou, Tonggang; Mu, Xindong

Materials Research Bulletin, 2014 , vol. 59, p. 84 - 92 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Mg–Al hydrotalcite doped with Fe(3+). Elemental composition: Mg - 29.4percent, Al 3.05percent, Fe - 11.4percent. in toluene

T=110°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime;

Bain, John; Cho, Philip; Voutchkova-Kostal, Adelina

Green Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 17, # 4 p. 2271 - 2280 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C32H25Cl2N6O2Rh2(1+)*Cl(1-) in water

T=100°C; 12 h; Sealed tubeGreen chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Wang, Xuewei; Wang, Chao; Liu, Yuxuan; Xiao, Jianliang

Green Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 18, # 17 p. 4605 - 4610 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With hydrogenchloride; sodium hexachloroiridate(III); cerium(IV) sulphate; sulfuric acid; acetic acid in water

T=100°C; 3 h;

Tandon, Praveen K.; Dwivedi, Priy B.; Singh, Satpal

Synthetic Communications, 2009 , vol. 39, # 11 p. 1920 - 1928 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With pyridine-2-carbaldehyde; 2-(Aminomethyl)pyridine; iron(II) trifluoromethanesulfonate acetonitrile disolvate; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 1.5 h;

Olivo, Giorgio; Giosia, Simone; Barbieri, Alessia; Lanzalunga, Osvaldo; Di Stefano, Stefano

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 14, # 45 p. 10630 - 10635 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With aluminum oxide; potassium ferrate(VI); copper(II) sulfate in benzene

5 h; Ambient temperaturecompetition reaction with cyclohexene;

Kim, Kwan Soo; Song, Yang Heon; Lee, Nam Ho; Hahn, Chi Sun

Tetrahedron Letters, 1986 , vol. 27, # 25 p. 2875 - 2878 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen; Cu(14)-NaX; rubidium

T=289.85°C; Catalytic oxidation; P=760 Torr; Product distribution; Further Variations:CatalystsTemperatures;

Tsuruya; Konda; Nishiyama

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 1999 , vol. 1, # 23 p. 5393 - 5399 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C27H42ClN2PRu; caesium carbonate in 5,5-dimethyl-1,3-cyclohexadiene

T=140°C; 48 h; Inert atmosphereGloveboxSealed tube;

Chang, Weihong; Gong, Xue; Wang, Shuizhong; Xiao, Ling-Ping; Song, Guoyong

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 15, # 16 p. 3466 - 3471 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Bi2MoO6

T=24.84°C; P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalystWavelength;

Jing, Kaiqiang; Xiong, Jinhua; Qin, Na; Song, Yujie; Li, Liuyi; Yu, Yan; Liang, Shijing; Wu, Ling

Chemical Communications, 2017 , vol. 53, # 61 p. 8604 - 8607 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With oxygen in water

T=80°C; P=22502.3 Torr; pH=8; 24 h; Autoclave;

Kanbak-Aksu; Nahid Hasan; Hagen; Hollmann; Sordi; Sheldon; Arends

Chemical Communications, 2012 , vol. 48, # 46 p. 5745 - 5747 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With H2MnO40PW11(5-)*5K(1+); oxygen

T=330°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h; Inert atmosphereFlow reactor; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Choi, Jung Ho; Kang, Tae Hun; Bang, Yongju; Yoo, Jaekyeong; Jun, Jin Oh; Song, In Kyu

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2014 , vol. 14, # 11 p. 8873 - 8878 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With gold; oxygen in toluene

T=100°C; P=760.051 Torr; 13 h;

Qi, Yue; Luan, Yi; Peng, Xiong; Yang, Ming; Hou, Junying; Wang, Ge

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 2015, # 30 p. 5099 - 5105 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With chloro-(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)-{5-methoxy-2-{1-[(4-methoxyphenyl)iminoN]ethyl}phenyl-C}-iridium(lll); potassium carbonate in 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol

T=100°C; 3 h;

Jiang, Xue; Tang, Weijun; Xue, Dong; Xiao, Jianliang; Wang, Chao

ACS Catalysis, 2017 , vol. 7, # 3 p. 1831 - 1835 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C30H30CuN4O2 in toluene

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventTemperatureReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

del Mar Conejo, María; Cantero, Jorge; Pastor, Antonio; Álvarez, Eleuterio; Galindo, Agustín

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2018 , vol. 470, p. 113 - 118 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With silver hexafluoroantimonate; C20H30N4NiOS; potassium tert-butylate; oxygen

T=24.84°C; P=1500.15 Torr; 20 h;

Kochem, Amélie; Gellon, Gisèle; Jarjayes, Olivier; Philouze, Christian; Du Moulinet D'Hardemare, Amaury; Van Gastel, Maurice; Thomas, Fabrice

Dalton Transactions, 2015 , vol. 44, # 28 p. 12743 - 12756 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With D-glucose; Gluconobacter oxidans DSM 2343; yeast extract in phosphate buffer

T=28°C; pH=6.3; 24 h; Enzymatic reaction;

Villa, Raffaella; Romano, Andrea; Gandolfi, Raffaella; Sinisterra Gago, Jose V.; Molinari, Francesco

Tetrahedron Letters, 2002 , vol. 43, # 34 p. 6059 - 6061 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With iron(III)phthalocyanine chloride; potassium tert-butylate in neat (no solvent) T=130°C; 12 h; Inert atmosphereMicrowave irradiation; Show Experimental Procedure

Minakawa, Maki; Okubo, Masataka; Kawatsura, Motoi

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2015 , vol. 88, # 12 p. 1680 - 1682 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 2-Picolinic acid; manganese(II) perchlorate hexahydrate; dihydrogen peroxide; sodium acetate in [(2)H6]acetone; water

T=0 - 20°C; 16 h;

Pijper, Dirk; Saisaha, Pattama; De Boer, Johannes W.; Hoen, Rob; Smit, Christian; Meetsma, Auke; Hage, Ronald; Van Summeren, Ruben P.; Alsters, Paul L.; Feringa, Ben L.; Browne, Wesley R.

Dalton Transactions, 2010 , vol. 39, # 43 p. 10375 - 10381 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With [(TPA-O-allyl)2Fe2(benzoylformate)2](ClO4)2; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 24 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Sheet, Debobrata; Halder, Partha; Paine, Tapan Kanti

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2013 , vol. 52, # 50 p. 13314 - 13318 Angew. Chem., 2013 , vol. 125, # 50 p. 13556 - 13560 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; C44H53FeN4O6 in water

T=80°C; 0.5 h; Microwave irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Sutradhar, Manas; Alegria, Elisabete C. B. A.; Mahmudov, Kamran T.; Guedes Da Silva, M. Fátima C.; Pombeiro, Armando J. L.

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 10 p. 8079 - 8088 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With C55H43ClN5P2Ru(1+)*Cl(1-); potassium hydoxide in toluene

T=140°C; 2 h; Sealed tube;

Yang, Fa-Liu; Wang, Ying-Hui; Ni, Yong-Feng; Gao, Xiang; Song, Bing; Zhu, Xinju; Hao, Xin-Qi

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 2017, # 24 p. 3481 - 3486 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With ammonia; oxygen in water

T=149.84°C; P=22502.3 Torr; 1 h;

Nie, Renfeng; Shi, Juanjuan; Xia, Shuixin; Shen, Lian; Chen, Ping; Hou, Zhaoyin; Xiao, Feng-Shou

Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 22, # 35 p. 18115 - 18118 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With iron(III) chloride hexahydrate; oxygen

T=55°C; Microwave irradiation;

Wang, Xiaoyu; Du, Chuan; Shi, Hui; Pang, Yadong; Jin, Shengfei; Hou, Yuqian; Wang, Yanshi; Peng, Xiaoshi; Xiao, Jianyong; Liu, Yang; Liu, Yongxiang; Cheng, Maosheng

Tetrahedron, 2015 , vol. 71, # 38 p. 6744 - 6748 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Aspergillus carbonarius peroxygenase gene; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=20°C; pH=5; 0.416667 h; Enzymatic reaction; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Novozymes A/S; Landvik, Sara; Oestergaard, Lars Henrik; Kalum, Lisbeth

Patent: US9404093 B2, 2016 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 34-35 ;

With air

T=300°C; Leiten ueber Silberasbest;

Moureu; Mignonac

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1921 , vol. <4> 29, p. 99 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1920 , vol. 170, p. 260 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Moureu; Mignonac

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1920 , vol. 170, p. 260 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1920 , vol. 171, p. 652 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With selenium(IV) oxide

Astin; Newman; Riley

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1933 , p. 393 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With air

T=400 - 480°C; Leiten ueber einen Vanadiumpentoxyd-Bimsstein-Katalysator;

Schorigin; Kisber; Smoljanikowa

Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii (Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation), vol. 2, p. 150 Chem. Zentralbl., 1929 , vol. 100, # II p. 730 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

T=340°C; Leiten ueber Aluminiumoxyd;

Adkins; Folkers

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1931 , vol. 53, p. 1422

Full Text Show Details

With copper

With cobalt

With nickel(II) sulphate; alkaline aqueous benzenesulfonate

T=70°C; weiteres Reagens: Nickel-Anoden;

McKee; Heard

Trans. electroch. Soc., 1934 , vol. 65, p. 301,316 Full Text Show Details

With cobalt(II) sulfate; alkaline aqueous benzenesulfonate

T=70°C; weiteres Reagens: Nickel-Anoden;

McKee; Heard

Trans. electroch. Soc., 1934 , vol. 65, p. 301,316 Full Text Show Details

With air

T=350°C; Leiten ueber versilbertes Kupfer;


Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii (Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation), 1937 , vol. 10, p. 105,114 Chem. Zentralbl., 1938 , vol. 109, # I p. 3328 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air

T=300 - 350°C; Leiten ueber einen Kupfer-Silber-Bimsstein-Katalysator;

Davies; Hodgson

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1943 , p. 281 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1,2-ethyl dinitrate; oxygen

T=135 - 145°C;

I.G. Farbenind.

Patent: DE539476 , 1929 ; Fortschr. Teerfarbenfabr. Verw. Industriezweige, vol. 17, p. 782 Full Text Show Details

With aluminium(III) phenoxide; p-benzoquinone; benzene

Yamashita; Matsumura

Nippon Kagaku Kaishi, 1943 , vol. 64, p. 506 Chem.Abstr., 1947 , p. 3753 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypobromide

With magnesium hypobromite

With calcium(II) nitrate


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1937 , vol. <5>4, p. 60,64 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1936 , vol. 203, p. 407 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dupont; Piganiol

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1939 , vol. <5> 6, p. 322,326 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1937 , vol. <5>4, p. 60,64 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1936 , vol. 203, p. 407 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dupont; Piganiol

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1939 , vol. <5> 6, p. 322,326 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With lead(IV) acetate; benzene


Palfray; Metayer; Panouse

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1947 , p. 766,770 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1946 , vol. 223, p. 745 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Metayer; Roumens

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1947 , vol. 225, p. 1324 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schorygin; Kisber; Ssmoljaninowa

Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii (Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation), 1930 , vol. 3, p. 721,725 Chem. Zentralbl., 1930 , vol. 101, # II p. 3397 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Criegee; Kraft; Rank

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1933 , vol. 507, p. 159,167 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With lead(IV) acetate; acetic acid


Criegee; Kraft; Rank

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1933 , vol. 507, p. 159,167 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With aluminium benzyl alcoholate; 3-phenyl-propenal

Davies; Hodgson

Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, London, 1943 , vol. 62, p. 109 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air

Leiten ueber eine gluehende Platinspirale;


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1903 , vol. <3> 29, p. 43 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Leiten durch auf 800-820grad erhitzte Kupferroehren;


Chemische Berichte, 1902 , vol. 35, p. 1061; Chemische Berichte, 1903 , vol. 36, p. 1997,1998 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With manganese dioxide sulfate; sulfuric acid

T=40 - 50°C;

Bad. Anilin- u. Sodaf.

Patent: DE175295 ;

With oxygen; platinum

Sneeden; Turner

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1955 , vol. 77, p. 190 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridine; tert-butylhypochlorite

With pyridine; N-chloro-succinimide

With dipotassium peroxodisulfate

Horii et al.

Yakugaku Zasshi, 1956 , vol. 76, p. 1101 Chem.Abstr., 1957 , p. 3553 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Weygand et al.

Chemische Berichte, 1950 , vol. 83, p. 394,398 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With di-tert-butyl chromate

Oppenauer; Oberrauch

Anales de la Asociacion Quimica Argentina (1921-2001), 1949 , vol. 37, p. 246,259 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ruthenium tetroxide

With carbon dioxide; palladium

Grob; Schmid

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1953 , vol. 36, p. 1763,1769 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hebbelynck; Martin

Bulletin des Societes Chimiques Belges, 1951 , vol. 60, p. 54,65 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With selenium(IV) oxide

Erhitzen des Reaktionsprodukts;

Grob; Schmid

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1953 , vol. 36, p. 1763,1769 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Full Text Show Details

With aluminium trichloride; chloral

Berkowitz; Rylander

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1958 , vol. 80, p. 6682 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Chemische Berichte, 1912 , vol. 45, p. 493 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Frankforter; Kritchevsky

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1914 , vol. 36, p. 1522 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ammonia

T=380°C; Leiten ueber Thoriumdioxyd;


Chemiker-Zeitung, Chemische Apparatur, 1910 , vol. 34, p. 1184 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sabatier; Mailhe

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1911 , vol. 153, p. 162 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=320 - 330°C; P=30 - 40 Torr; Leiten ueber Silberasbest;

Moureu; Mignonac

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1921 , vol. <4> 29, p. 99 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1920 , vol. 170, p. 260 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Moureu; Mignonac

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1920 , vol. 170, p. 260 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1920 , vol. 171, p. 652 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium bromate; hydrogen bromide

T=50 - 80°C;

Farkas; Schaechter

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1949 , vol. 71, p. 2828 Chem.Abstr., 1948 , p. 7313 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

T=300°C; Leiten ueber fein verteiltes Kupfer;

Sabatier; Senderens

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1903 , vol. 136, p. 984 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridine; oxygen; copper(II) nitrate

Shell Devel.Co.

Patent: US2883426 , 1957 ;

With manganese(IV) oxide

Full Text Show Details

Sugasawa; Mizukami

Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1954 , vol. 2, p. 341 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With chromium(VI) oxide; chloro-trimethyl-silane

1.) CH2Cl2, room temp. 2.) room temp., 45 min.; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Aizpurua, J. M.; Palomo, Claudio

Tetrahedron Letters, 1983 , vol. 24, # 40 p. 4367 - 4370 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iodosylbenzene in benzene

T=80°C; 5 h; Yield given;

Barton, Derek H. R.; Godfrey, Christopher R. A.; Morzycki, Jacek W.; Motherwell, William B.; Stobie, Alan

Tetrahedron Letters, 1982 , vol. 23, # 9 p. 957 - 960 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With zinc(II) cation; oxygen; 2,4,7-trimethyl-10-benzylquinolt;8,7-ggt;pteridine-9,11(7H,10H)dione

20 h; Irradiation; Yield given;

Shinkai, Seiji; Nakao, Hideki; Ueda, Kaori; Manabe, Osamu

Tetrahedron Letters, 1984 , vol. 25, # 46 p. 5295 - 5298 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

20 % Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; bis(acetylacetonate)oxovanadium in benzene

T=80°C; 6 h;

Kaneda, Kiyotomi; Kawanishi, Yasuyuki; Jitsukawa, Koichiro; Teranishi, Shiichiro

Tetrahedron Letters, 1983 , vol. 24, # 45 p. 5009 - 5010 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

21 % Chromat.

With 2-Diazobenzophenon-Kation; 2,4,6-trifluoromethylpyridine; RuL3(2+) in acetonitrile

1 h; Irradiation;

Cano-Yelo, Herminia; Deronzier, Alain

Tetrahedron Letters, 1984 , vol. 25, # 48 p. 5517 - 5520 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 % Chromat.

With aluminum oxide; potassium ferrate(VI); copper(II) sulfate in benzene

2 h; Ambient temperature;

Kim, Kwan Soo; Song, Yang Heon; Lee, Nam Ho; Hahn, Chi Sun

Tetrahedron Letters, 1986 , vol. 27, # 25 p. 2875 - 2878 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92 % Chromat.

With osmium(VIII) oxide; acetic acid in diethyl ether

30 h; Ambient temperature;

Maione, Anna Maria; Romeo, Aurelio

Synthesis, 1984 , # 11 p. 955 - 957 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With diphenylantimony(III) bromide; bromine

1.) benzene, 2 h, room temp., 2.) 10 min; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Yaozeng Huang; Yanchang Shen; Chen Chen

Synthesis, 1985 , # 6/7 p. 651 - 652 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With hydrogenchloride; ammonium molybdate in dimethyl sulfoxide

4 h; Heating; Yield given;

Sur, Bimanesh; Adak, Mohini Mohan; Pathak, Tanmoy; Hazra, Banasri; Banerjee, Amalendu

Synthesis, 1985 , # 6/7 p. 652 - 654 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

98 % Chromat.

With N-iodo-succinimide; tetra-(n-butyl)ammonium iodide in dichloromethane

1 h; Ambient temperature;

Hanessian, Stephen; Wong, David Hin-chor; Therien, Michel

Synthesis, 1981 , # 5 p. 394 - 396 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With N-Bromosuccinimide; perchloric acid in acetic acid

T=40°C; other equiv of oxidant, other equiv of substrate, other temperature, with or without HgCl2, Hg(ClO4)2, succinimide, various times;

Gopalakrishnan, G.; Pai, B. R.; Venkatasubramanian, N.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1980 , vol. 19, # 4 p. 293 - 296 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With trans-lt;Ru(VI)(dmpipy)2O2gt;lt;ClO4gt;2 in acetonitrile

4 h; Ambient temperature;

Che, Chi-Ming; Leung, Wai-Ho; Li, Chi-Keung; Poon, Chung-Kwong

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1991 , # 3 p. 379 - 384 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite; ruthenium(IV) oxide in tetrachloromethane; water

T=60 - 65°C; Yield given;

Ogibin, Yu. N.; Ilovaiskii, A. I.; Nikishin, G. I.

Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Science (English Translation), 1991 , vol. 40, # 1.1 p. 99 - 105 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, 1991 , # 1 p. 115 - 121 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

97 % Turnov.

With air; Na5PV2Mo10O40 on activated carbon in toluene

T=100°C; P=760 Torr; 22 h;

Neumann, Ronny; Levin, Michal

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 56, # 19 p. 5707 - 5710 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With polybromochloride in dichloromethane

T=30°C; 18 h; polybromochloride was anodically generated; Yield given;

Konno, Akinori; Fukui, Kouta; Fuchigami, Toshio; Nonaka, Tsutomu

Tetrahedron, 1991 , vol. 47, # 4/5 p. 887 - 894 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,6-dimethylpyridine; sodium perchlorate in acetonitrile

12 h; preparative, potential-controlled electrolysis; graphite felt electrode coated with 4-amino2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinyl-1-oxyl (4-amino-TEMPO); Yield given;

Kashiwagi, Yoshitomo; Ohsawa, Akio; Osa, Tetsuo; Ma, Zhenkun; Bobbitt, James M.

Chemistry Letters, 1991 , # 4 p. 581 - 584 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

60 % Spectr.

With ammonium persulfate; sulfuric acid; sodium dodecyl-sulfate; cerium(IV) ammonium sulphate; silver nitrate in cyclohexane; water

T=50°C; 5 h; two phases;

Skarzewski, Jacek

Tetrahedron, 1984 , vol. 40, # 23 p. 4997 - 5000 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With hydrogenchloride; oxygen; sodium L-ascorbate; 5,10,15,20-tetraphenyl-21 H,23- H-porphine manganese(III)chloride in benzene

pH=8.5, pO2 = 1 atm;

Fontecave, Marc; Mansuy, Daniel

Tetrahedron, 1984 , vol. 40, # 21 p. 4297 - 4312 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium hydroxide; 3-methyl-10-ethyl-5-deazaisoalloxazine in water; N,N-dimethylformamide

T=90°C; 1 h;

Yoneda, Fumio; Mori, Kenya; Matsuo, Sawako; Kadokawa, Yoko; Sakuma, Yoshiharu

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1981 , p. 1836 - 1839 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium chromate(VI); sulfuric acid in water

Thyrion, F. C.

Bulletin des Societes Chimiques Belges, 1984 , vol. 93, # 4 p. 281 - 290 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With sodium dichromate in water; 1,2-dichloro-ethane

91 % Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; zirconyl acetate in tetrachloromethane

1 h; Heating;

Thyrion, F. C.

Bulletin des Societes Chimiques Belges, 1984 , vol. 93, # 4 p. 281 - 290 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kaneda, Kiyotomi; Kawanishi, Yasuyuki; Teranishi, Shiichiro

Chemistry Letters, 1984 , p. 1481 - 1482 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

61 % Chromat.

With manganese(IV) oxide in acetonitrile

T=17°C; 8 h;

Kimura, Takahide; Fujita, Mitsue; Ando, Takashi

Chemistry Letters, 1988 , # 8 p. 1387 - 1388 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

100 % Chromat.

With 1-oxo-4-methoxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidinium chloride in dichloromethane

T=25°C; 0.0166667 h;

Miyazawa, Takeo; Endo, Takeshi; Shiihashi, Shigeo; Okawara, Makoto

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 50, # 8 p. 1332 - 1334 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ruthenium(IV) oxide; lt;NBu4gt;4lt;W10O32gt; in acetonitrile

3 h; Irradiation; Yield given;

Yamase, Toshihiro; Usami, Takashi

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1988 , p. 183 - 190 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 % Chromat.

With copper diacetate; oxygen; lt;NBu4gt;lt;Os(N)(CH2SiMe3)2(CrO4)gt; in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 72 h;

Zhang, Naijie; Mann, Charles M.; Shapley, Patricia A.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1988 , vol. 110, # 19 p. 6591 - 6592 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 % Turnov.

With sodium carbonate in dichloromethane; acetonitrile

T=15°C; electrolysis;

Brinkhaus, Karl-Heinz Grosse; Steckham, Eberhard; Schmidt, Werner

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1983 , vol. 37, # 6 p. 499 - 508 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With tripropylammonium fluorochromate (VI) in nitrobenzene; acetonitrile


Bhattacharjee; Chaudhuri; Dasgupta

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1984 , vol. 57, # 1 p. 258 - 260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96 % Chromat.

With lt;MoO(O2)2C5H4N(O)COOgt;Bu4N in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=50°C; 5 h;

Bortolini, O.; Campestrini, S.; Furia, F. Di; Modena, G.; Valle, G.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1987 , vol. 52, # 24 p. 5467 - 5469 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; dihydrogen hexachloroplatinate; copper dichloride in acetone

24 h; Ambient temperatureIrradiation; Yield given;

Cameron, Randy E.; Bocarsly, Andrew B.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1985 , vol. 107, # 21 p. 6116 - 6117 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; lt;C5H5N(CH2)15CH3gt;4Klt;IMo6O24gt; in water; 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=50°C; 3 h; Yield given;

Dengel, Andrew C.; El-Hendawy, Ahmed M.; Griffith, William P.; Mostafa, Sahar I.; Williams, David J.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1992 , # 24 p. 3489 - 3496 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

40 % Chromat.

With manganese(IV) oxide; bentonite

T=175°C; 0.0166667 h; Irradiation;

Martinez, Luis A.; Garcia, Olivia; Delgado, Francisco; Alvarez, Cecilio; Patino, Rocio

Tetrahedron Letters, 1993 , vol. 34, # 33 p. 5293 - 5294 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; iron(II) in acetonitrile

Yield given;

Sugimoto, Hiroshi; Sawyer, Donald T.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1984 , vol. 106, # 15 p. 4283 - 4285 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

83 % Chromat.

With trichloromelamine in dichloromethane

20 h; Ambient temperature;

Kondo, Shuji; Ohira, Mari; Kawasoe, Shinya; Kunisada, Hideo; Yuki, Yasuo

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1993 , vol. 58, # 18 p. 5003 - 5004 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 % Chromat.

With lt;RuIV(terpy)(dcbipy)Ogt;lt;ClO4gt;2 in acetonitrile

4 h; Ambient temperature;

Che, Chi-Ming; Ho, Clare; Lau, Tai-Chu

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1991 , # 8 p. 1901 - 1908 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With lt;Bu4Ngt;4lt;Pt2(P2O5H2)4gt; in neat (no solvent) 7 h; Irradiation; Yield given;

Che, Chi-Ming; Lee, Wai-Man; Cho, Kar-Cheong; Harvey, Pierre D.; Gray, Harry B.

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1989 , vol. 93, # 8 p. 3095 - 3099 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With perchloric acid; mercury(II) diacetate; N-bromoacetamide in water; acetic acid

12 h; Yield given;

Negi, Suresh C.; Bhatia, Indu; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1981 , # 11 p. 3966 - 3980 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

40 % Spectr.

With dihydrogen peroxide; lt;N(C6H13)4gt;3lt;PO4lt;WO(O2)2gt;4gt; in benzene

3 h; Ambient temperature;

Dengel, Andrew C.; Griffith, William P.; Parkin, Bernardeta C.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1993 , # 18 p. 2683 - 2688 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With L-ascorbic acid sodium salt; oxygen; Aliquat 336; 5,10,15,20-tetraphenyl-21 H,23- Hporphine manganese(III)chloride

T=20°C; P=760 Torr; pH 8.5 (tris buffer); Yield given;

Mansuy, Daniel; Fontecave, Marc; Bartoli, Jean-Francois

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1983 , # 6 p. 253 - 254 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With lithium perchlorate; N,N,N',N'-tetrakis(phenyl)-1,4-benzenediamine cation radical in acetonitrile


Moutet, Jean-Claude; Reverdy, Gilbert

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1982 , # 12 p. 654 - 655 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

82 % Chromat.

With oxygen; 2-ethoxycarbonyl-1-cyclopentanone; cobalt(II) [bis(salicylidene-N-(methyl-3hydroxypropionate))] in acetonitrile

T=60 - 70°C;

Punniyamurthy; Iqbal, Javed

Tetrahedron Letters, 1994 , vol. 35, # 23 p. 4007 - 4010 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

83 % Chromat.

With tetrabutylammonium perchlorate; bromide in dichloromethane

Ambient temperatureindirect electrooxidation;

Takiguchi, Tsuyoshi; Nonaka, Tsutomu

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1987 , vol. 60, # 9 p. 3137 - 3142 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

84 % Spectr.

With lt;Ph4Asgt;2lt;OsVI(CN)4(O)2gt; in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 4.5 h; Irradiation;

Wing-Wah Yam, Vivian; Che, Chi-Ming; Tang, Wai-Tong

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1988 , # 2 p. 100 - 102 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

100 % Chromat.

With silver tetrafluoroborate; bis(quinuclidine)bromine(I) tetrafluoroborate in dichloromethane

0.116667 h;

Blair, Larry K.; Parris, Kevin D.; Lee, On Fai Daniel; Jenkins, Karen F.; Feese, Robin Chaney; et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1986 , vol. 51, # 26 p. 5454 - 5456 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N-Bromosuccinimide; tetra-(n-butyl)ammonium iodide

1.) acetone, Et2O, freezer, overnight, 2.) CH3CN, irradiated, 1 h; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Beebe, Thomas R.; Boyd, Leslie; Fonkeng, Steve B.; Horn, Jamie; Mooney, Teresa M.; et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 60, # 20 p. 6602 - 6603 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,4,6-trimethylphenyl bromide; triphenylphosphine in water; N,N-dimethylformamide; acetone

T=120°C; 7 h; Yield given;

Wilson, Noel S.; Keay, Brian A.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 61, # 9 p. 2918 - 2919 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

86 % Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide; (cetylpyridinium)8CeW10O36 in chloroform

T=61°C; 6 h;

Shiozaki; Kominami; Kera

Synthetic Communications, 1996 , vol. 26, # 9 p. 1663 - 1668 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 % Chromat.

With N-chloro-succinimide; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; tetrabutylammonium chloride; sodium hydrogencarbonate; potassium carbonate in dichloromethane

2 h; Ambient temperaturepH 8.6;

Einhorn, Jacques; Einhorn, Cathy; Ratajczak, Fabien; Pierre, Jean-Louis

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 61, # 21 p. 7452 - 7454 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N-hydroxy-o-benzenedisulphonimide in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 5 h; Yield given;

Barbero, Margherita; Degani, Lacopo; Fochi, Rita; Perracino, Paolo

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 61, # 25 p. 8762 - 8764 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

67 % Chromat.

With acetyl nitrate on montmorillonite K10

2 h; Ambient temperature;

De Oliveira Filho; Moreira; Moran, Paulo J. S.; Rodrigues, J. Augusto R.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1996 , vol. 37, # 29 p. 5029 - 5032 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; Mn2O3(N,N',N''-trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane)2 in acetone

2.5 h; Ambient temperature; Yield given;

Zondervan, Charon; Hage, Ronald; Feringa, Ben L.

Chemical Communications, 1997 , # 5 p. 419 - 420 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

89 % Chromat.

With bis(2-methoxycarbonylphenyl) diselenide; N-chloro-p-chlorobenzenesulfonamide sodium salt in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=80°C; 15 h;

Onami, Tetsuo; Ikeda, Masanori; Woodard, Scott S.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1996 , vol. 69, # 12 p. 3601 - 3605 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With polymer supported perruthenate in dichloromethane

Hinzen, Berthold; Ley, Steven V.

Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkin Transactions 1, 1998 , # 1 p. 1 - 2 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90 % Chromat.

With palladium diacetate; oxygen in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=80°C; 48 h;

Peterson, Karl P.; Larock, Richard C.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 63, # 10 p. 3185 - 3189 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With silica gel; ferric nitrate in hexane

4 h; Heating;

Khadilkar, Bhushan; Borkar, Shobha

Synthetic Communications, 1998 , vol. 28, # 2 p. 207 - 212 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; polymer supported perruthenate in toluene

T=75°C; 0.5 h; Yield given;

Hinzen, Berthold; Lenz, Roman; Ley, Steven V.

Synthesis, 1998 , # 7 p. 977 - 979 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridine; oxygen; palladium diacetate in toluene

T=80°C; 2 h; Yield given;

Nishimura, Takahiro; Onoue, Tomoaki; Ohe, Kouichi; Uemura, Sakae

Tetrahedron Letters, 1998 , vol. 39, # 33 p. 6011 - 6014 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; tetrabutylammomium bromide; copper dichloride in dichloromethane; water

T=25°C; Yield given;

Rothenberg, Gadi; Feldberg, Liron; Wiener, Harold; Sasson, Yoel

Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2, 1998 , # 11 p. 2429 - 2434 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

bei der elektrolytischen Oxydation;


Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University, vol. <A> 11, p. 383 Chem. Zentralbl., 1928 , vol. 99, # II p. 2331 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

beim Leiten ueber eine gluehende Platinspirale;


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1903 , vol. <3> 29, p. 43 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 % Chromat.

With lt;RuV(N4O)Ogt;(ClO4)2 in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 0.5 h; var. substrates; Product distribution;

Che, Chi-Ming; Yam, Vivian Wing-Wah; Mak, Thomas C. W.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1990 , vol. 112, # 6 p. 2284 - 2291 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With diperiodatonickelate(IV) ion; sodium perchlorate in sodium hydroxide

T=26.9°C; Mechanism;

Khan, Jaffar Ali; Chandraiah, U.; Kumar, B. Kishore; Kandlikar, Sushama

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Bio-inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 29, # 3 p. 241 - 244 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With diperiodatonickelate(IV) ion; sodium perchlorate in sodium hydroxide

T=21.9 - 41.9°C; ΔH(excit.), ΔG(excit.), ΔS(excit.), ΔH, ΔG, ΔS; Rate constantEquilibrium constantThermodynamic data;

Khan, Jaffar Ali; Chandraiah, U.; Kumar, B. Kishore; Kandlikar, Sushama

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Bio-inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 29, # 3 p. 241 - 244 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With {Ru(2,2':6',2''-terpyridine)(N,N,N',N'tetramethylethylenediamine)O}(ClO4)2


Ho, Clare; Che, Chi-Ming; Lau, Tai-Chu

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1990 , # 3 p. 967 - 970 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With flavin 1; flavin 2

effect of metal concentration discussed; Rate constant;

Shinkai, Seiji; Nakao, Hideki; Ueda, Kaori; Manabe, Osamu

Tetrahedron Letters, 1984 , vol. 25, # 46 p. 5295 - 5298 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

39 % Chromat.

With potassium carbonate; 10-methyl-2H,3H,4H,10H-pyrimido[4,5-b]quinoline-2,4-di-one

T=90°C; 1 h; other time, aerobic condition, other 10-alkyl-5-deazaflavin; Product distribution;

Kuroda, Kazunori; Nagamatus, Tomohisa; Sakuma, Yoshiharu; Yoneda, Fumio

Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 19, p. 929 - 931 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With poly(vinylpyridiniumdichromate) in cyclohexane

T=70°C; 18 h; other solvent, times; var. primary and secondary alcohols; Product distribution;

Frechet, Jean M.J.; Darling, Pauline; Farrall, M. Jean

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1981 , vol. 46, # 8 p. 1728 - 1730 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Clay-Supported Iron(III) Nitrate in pentane

4 h; Heatingother oxidizing agent, conversion to benzaldehyde;

Cornelis, Andre; Laszlo, Pierre

Synthesis, 1980 , # 10 p. 849 - 850 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With N-Bromosuccinimide; perchloric acid in acetic acid

T=40°C; other equiv of oxidant, other equiv of substrate, with or without Hg(OAc)2, HgCl2, succinimide; MechanismRate constant;

Gopalakrishnan, G.; Pai, B. R.; Venkatasubramanian, N.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1980 , vol. 19, # 4 p. 293 - 296 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite; 1,4-diaza-bicyclo[2.2.2]octane; N-benzyl-N,N,N-triethylammonium chloride in dichloromethane; water

T=38 - 40°C; 3 h; Mechanism;

Mathur, S. N.; Rao, S. Nagabushan; Bhalerao, U. T.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 27, # 1-12 p. 666 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With Me2Se*NCS; 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene in toluene

4 h; Ambient temperatureother reagents, other solvents, other bases; various prim. and sec. alcohols; Product distribution;

Takaki, Ken; Yasumura, Masateru; Negoro, Kenji

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 48, # 1 p. 54 - 57 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With lt;RuVL(O)gt;2+-complex lt;HL = lt;2-hydroxy-2-(2-pyridyl)ethylgt;bislt;2-(2pyridyl)ethylgt;aminegt; in perchloric acid

T=24.9°C; ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.); MechanismRate constant;

Che, Chi-Ming; Ho, Clare; Lau, Tai-Chu

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1991 , # 5 p. 1259 - 1263 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With lt;Ru(VI)(dmbipy)2O2gt;lt;ClO4gt;2 in acetonitrile

T=298°C; 4 h; activation enthalpy, activation entropy; other temperature, kinetic isotope effect; KineticsThermodynamic data;

Che, Chi-Ming; Leung, Wai-Ho; Li, Chi-Keung; Poon, Chung-Kwong

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1991 , # 3 p. 379 - 384 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; TMP-BDPox in dichloromethane; water

8 h; Ambient temperatureIrradiationother alcohols; var. catalyst; effect of pH and irradiation; Product distributionKinetics;

Suzuki, Toshiaki; Iizuka, Kenzo; Nabeshima, Tatsuya; Yano, Yumihiko

Chemistry Letters, 1990 , # 9 p. 1497 - 1500 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

97 % Turnov.

With air; Na5PV2Mo10O40 on activated carbon in toluene

T=100°C; P=760 Torr; 22 h;

Neumann, Ronny; Levin, Michal

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 56, # 19 p. 5707 - 5710 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With quinolinium dichromate(VI) in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=29.9 - 49.9°C; dependence on concentration of reactants, also addition of aq. HCl; ΔH(excit.), ΔG(excit.), ΔS(excit.); KineticsThermodynamic data;

Dey, Doyamoy; Mahanti, Mahendra K.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 55, # 23 p. 5848 - 5850 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With polybromochloride in dichloromethane

T=30°C; 18 h; polybromochloride was anodically generated from Bu4ClO4 and Bu4NBr (ex-cell precisely-controlled electrooxidation); Product distribution;

Konno, Akinori; Fukui, Kouta; Fuchigami, Toshio; Nonaka, Tsutomu

Tetrahedron, 1991 , vol. 47, # 4/5 p. 887 - 894 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,6-dimethylpyridine; sodium perchlorate in acetonitrile

electrocatalytic oxidation on graphite felt electrode coated with 4-amino-2,2,6,6tetramethylpiperidinyl-1-oxyl (4-amino-TEMPO), current efficiency, turnover number; MechanismProduct distribution;

Kashiwagi, Yoshitomo; Ohsawa, Akio; Osa, Tetsuo; Ma, Zhenkun; Bobbitt, James M.

Chemistry Letters, 1991 , # 4 p. 581 - 584 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With potassium bromate in hydrogenchloride; acetic acid

ΔH(excit), ΔS(excit), effect of hydrochloric acid and acetic acid concentration, influence of temperature; KineticsMechanismThermodynamic data;

Gupta, Kalyan Kali Sen; Kumar, Saroj Chandra; Sen, Pratik Kumar; Banerjee, Amalendu

Tetrahedron, 1988 , vol. 44, # 8 p. 2225 - 2232 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

40.8 % Chromat.

With peracetic acid; cobalt(II) acetate in acetic acid

T=80°C; 2 h; other reagent, temperature and time; Product distribution;

Morimoto, Takashi; Hirano, Masao; Wachi, Michinori; Murakami, Tadashi

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1984 , p. 1949 - 1952 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With 2,4-dimethylpyrido[5,6-h](10-methyl)-isoalloxazine; oxygen; Zr(4+)-flavin in acetonitrile

T=30°C; Rate constant;

Shinkai, Seiji; Ishikawa, Yu-ichi; Manabe, Osamu

Chemistry Letters, 1982 , p. 809 - 812 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With perchloric acid; potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) in water; acetic acid

T=55°C; Rate constantMechanism;

Bhattacharjee, A. K.; Mahanti, M. K.

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1983 , vol. 1, # 11-12 p. 270 - 272

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With chloramine-B

effect of temp., in H2O/D2O (kinetic isotope effect); Rate constant;

Mukherjee, Jogeshwar; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1980 , p. 676 - 678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With chloramine-B in water; acetic acid

ΔH(excit.), ΔG(excit.), ΔS(excit.); Rate constantThermodynamic data;

Mukherjee, Jogeshwar; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1980 , p. 676 - 678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

84 % Chromat.

With potassium tert-butylate; 3-hydroxy-N-methylacridinium iodide

T=80°C; 8 h; var.: oxidant: none, Ac(1+), in the dark; Product distributionMechanism;

Shinkai, Seiji; Hamada, Hisatake; Kuroda, Hideo; Manabe, Osamu

Chemistry Letters, 1980 , p. 1235 - 1238 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

141 %

With air; 3-methyl-5-deaza-10-oxaflavin

T=90°C; 10 h; oxidation by various 5-deaza-10-oxaflavins; Product distribution;

Yoneda, Fumio; Hirayama, Ryoichi; Yamashita, Machiko

Chemistry Letters, 1980 , p. 1157 - 1160 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With potassium dichromate; perchloric acid; sodium perchlorate; manganese(II) in water

T=35°C; ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.); KineticsMechanismThermodynamic data;

Sengupta, Kalyan Kali; Samanta, Tapashi; Basu, Samarendra Nath

Tetrahedron, 1986 , vol. 42, # 2 p. 681 - 686 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tris(2,2'-bipyridine)nickel(III)(3+) in perchloric acid; water

ΔH (excite); ΔS (excite); KineticsMechanismThermodynamic data;

Fox, David; Wells, Cecil F.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 1982 , vol. 78, p. 1525 - 1532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 % Chromat.

With potassium carbonate; 8-fluoro-3,10-dimethyl-5-deazaflavin

T=90°C; 10 h; time dependence, various 5-deazaflavins; dehydrogenation of alcohols by 5deazaflavins as autorecycling oxidizing agents; Product distribution;

Yoneda, Fumio; Mori, Kenya; Matsuo, Sawako; Kadokawa, Yoko; Sakuma, Yoshiharu

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1981 , p. 1836 - 1839 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 % Chromat.

With sodium nitrite in water; trifluoroacetic acid

T=20°C; prototype reaction, oth. alcohols, oth. reagent; Mechanism;

Rodkin, M. A.; Shtern, M. M.; Cheprakov, A. V.; Makhon'kov, D. I.; Merdaleishvili, R. E.; Beletskaya, I. P.

Journal of Organic Chemistry USSR (English Translation), 1988 , vol. 24, # 3 p. 434 - 440 Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1988 , vol. 24, # 3 p. 488 - 495 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With tripropylammonium fluorochromate (VI) in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=24.9°C; ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.); mechanism; effect of substrate concentrations; other solvents; var. benzyl alcohols; kinetic isotope effect; Rate constantThermodynamic dataKinetics;

Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 53, # 10 p. 2154 - 2159 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium dichromate; sulfuric acid in water

T=18.6 - 42.2°C; KineticsMechanism;

Thyrion, F. C.

Bulletin des Societes Chimiques Belges, 1984 , vol. 93, # 4 p. 281 - 290 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With sodium dichromate; sulfuric acid in water; 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=18.6 - 42.2°C; KineticsMechanism;

Thyrion, F. C.

Bulletin des Societes Chimiques Belges, 1984 , vol. 93, # 4 p. 281 - 290 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With ditellurato cuprate(III); ruthenium trichloride

T=31.9°C; in alkaline medium; KineticsRate constant;

Bal Reddy, K.; Sethuram, B.; Navaneeth Rao, T.

Bulletin des Societes Chimiques Belges, 1981 , vol. 90, # 10 p. 1017 - 1022 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

100 % Spectr.

in benzene

T=70°C; 2 h; Comparison of reaction efficiencies of silica gel supported KMnO4; Product distribution;

Al Jazzaa, Abdulaziz; Clark, H. James; Robertson, Malcolm

Chemistry Letters, 1982 , p. 405 - 408 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With hydroxocobalt(III) Schiff base in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=50°C; 24 h; Rate constant;

Nishinaga, Akira; Kondo, Toshiyuki; Matsuura, Teruo

Chemistry Letters, 1985 , p. 1319 - 1322 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With perchloric acid; bromamine B in acetic acid

Kothari, Seema; Banerji, Kalyan Kumar

T=24.9 - 44.9°C; ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.), ΔG(excit.); effect of the concentration of perchloric acid (0.1-1.0 M), sodium N-bromobenzenesulfonamide (0.002-0.0125 M), benzenesulfonamide (0-0.01 M), acetic acid (0-70percent) on rate constant; kinetic isotope effect; Rate constantThermodynamic data;

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 63, p. 2726 - 2729 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

13 mmol

With lt;lt;(bpy)2Co(OH)gt;(ClO4)gt;; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=25°C; P=760 Torr; 1 h; var. time, temp., cobalt complex conc., and bases in <(bpy)2CoII(base)>2+ complexes; n-hexanol; Product distribution;

Sobkowiak, Andrzej; Sawyer, Donald T.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1991 , vol. 113, # 25 p. 9520 - 9523 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With perchloric acid; oxochromium(IV); lithium perchlorate in water

T=25°C; Rate constant;

Scott, Susannah L.; Bakac, Andreja; Espenson, James H.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1992 , vol. 114, # 11 p. 4205 - 4213 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With trans-lt;Ru(VI)L2O2gt;2+ in acetonitrile

T=24.9°C; other solvent, other catalysts; ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.), kinetic isotope effect; MechanismRate constantThermodynamic data;

Che, Chi-Ming; Tang, Wai-Tong; Lee, Wai-On; Wong, Kwok-Yin; Lau, Tai-Chu

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1992 , # 9 p. 1551 - 1556 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With lt;RuIV(terpy)(dcbipy)Ogt;lt;ClO4gt;2 in perchloric acid

T=24.9°C; ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.); Rate constantThermodynamic data;

Che, Chi-Ming; Ho, Clare; Lau, Tai-Chu

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1991 , # 8 p. 1901 - 1908 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With cis-lt;RuVL1(Cl)Ogt;2+gt; in trifluoroacetic acid

various ruthenium oxo complexes; Rate constant;

Li, Chi-Keung; Tang, Wai-Tong; Che, Chi-Ming; Wong, Kwok-Yin; Wang, Ru-Ji; Mak, Thomas C. W.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1991 , # 8 p. 1909 - 1914 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; 2,4,6,8-tetraoxodipyrimidines

T=90°C; 25 h; various catalysts; Product distributionMechanism;

Nagamatsu, Tomohisa; Yamato, Hirotake; Ono, Masami; Takarada, Shigeki; Yoneda, Fumio

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1992 , # 16 p. 2101 - 2110 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With cis-nitrous acid in sulfuric acid

T=25°C; acidity dependence; Rate constant;

Moodie, Roy B.; Richards, Stuart N.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1986 , p. 1833 - 1838 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With {Ru(IV)O(2,2`-bipyridine)(PPh3)}(ClO4)2 in water

T=25°C; oxidation; other catalysts and solvents; Rate constant;

Marmion, Mary E.; Takeuchi, Kenneth J.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1988 , p. 2385 - 2392 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With pyridine; lead(IV) acetate

T=29.9 - 44.9°C; mechanism in the absence of pyridine; Mechanism;

Banerjee, S. K.; Shanker, R.

Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig), 1987 , vol. 268, # 2 p. 409 - 412 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With potassium hydroxide; potassium metaperiodate; KNiIO6

T=27.4°C; ΔE(activ.); Rate constantThermodynamic dataKinetics;

Murthy, C. P.; Sethuram, B.; Rao, T. Navaneeth

Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig), 1986 , vol. 267, # 6 p. 1212 - 1218 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


With 1-benzyl-3-morpholinocarbonylpyridinium bromide; phenylmagnesium bromide

multistep, 1.) THF, 3h, room temperature, 2.) +DMF, 22 h, 25 deg C; Product distribution;

Shinkai, Seiji; Era, Hiroyuki; Tsuno, Takaharu; Manabe, Osamu

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1984 , vol. 57, # 5 p. 1435 - 1436 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With tripropylammonium fluorochromate (VI) in nitrobenzene; acetonitrile

T=29.9°C; var. temp., var. solvent composition, var. ratio of reaction partners; KineticsMechanismThermodynamic data;

Bhattacharjee; Chaudhuri; Dasgupta

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1984 , vol. 57, # 1 p. 258 - 260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; dihydrogen hexachloroplatinate; copper dichloride in acetone

24 h; Ambient temperatureIrradiationvarious alcohols, various times; MechanismQuantum yield;

Cameron, Randy E.; Bocarsly, Andrew B.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1985 , vol. 107, # 21 p. 6116 - 6117 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With {Ru(IV)(2,2'-bipyridine)2(pyridine)O}(2+) in water; acetone

T=25°C; var. solv.: 0.1M HClO4 or 10percent aq. MeOH, CH3CN; ΔH and -ΔS; Rate constantProduct distribution;

Roecker, Lee; Meyer, Thomas J.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1987 , vol. 109, # 3 p. 746 - 754 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With trans-lt;RuIII(NO2)(PMe3)2(trpy)gt;(2+) in water T=5°C; pH=6.8; ΔHexcit, ΔSexcit; further solvent: o-dichlorobenzene; further temperature: 22 deg C; Rate constantThermodynamic data;

Leising, Randolph A.; Takeuchi, Kenneth J.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1988 , vol. 110, # 12 p. 4079 - 4080 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; tetrakis(acetonitrile)iron(II) perchlorate in acetonitrile

T=5°C; 0.166667 h; various peroxides;

Sugimoto, Hiroshi; Sawyer, Donald T.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1985 , vol. 107, # 20 p. 5712 - 5716 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ammonium cerium(IV) nitrate; trifluoroacetic acid in water

effect of oxidizing agent; Product distribution;

Rodkin, M. A.; Beletskaya, I. P.; Makhon'kov, D. I.

Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Science (English Translation), 1985 , vol. 34, # 1 p. 206 - 207 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, 1985 , # 1 p. 218 - 220 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With perchloric acid; sodium N-chloromethylcarbamate in water

T=29.9°C; further temperatures, further objects of study: ΔH(activ.), ΔS(activ.), ΔG(activ.); KineticsThermodynamic dataMechanism;

Negi, S. C.; Mathur, Abha; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1987 , vol. 26, # 5 p. 399 - 401 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With ditelluratocuprate(III); hydroxide

T=14.9°C; other alkanols and aryl alcohols and oxidants, var. temp.; ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.); Rate constantMechanismThermodynamic data;

Gupta, Kalyan Kali Sen; Nandy, Bijay Kumar; Gupta, Shipra Sen

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1993 , # 4 p. 767 - 772 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ditelluratoargentate(III); hydroxide

T=44.9°C; ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.); Thermodynamic dataRate constant;

Gupta, Kalyan Kali Sen; Nandy, Bijay Kumar; Gupta, Shipra Sen

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1993 , # 4 p. 767 - 772 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,4,7-trimethylquinolt;8,7-ggt;pteridine-9,11(7H,10H)-dione; copper dichloride in acetonitrile

T=30°C; var. metal salts; Rate constant;

Shinkai; Ishikawa; Manabe

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1983 , vol. 56, # 6 p. 1694 - 1699 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium permanganate; perchloric acid in water; acetic acid

T=24.9 - 44.9°C; 12 h; ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.), ΔG(excit.) at 298K; Thermodynamic dataKineticsRate constant;

Mathur, Sandhya; Gupta, Anita; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1988 , vol. 27, # 7 p. 581 - 583 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With diperiodatoargentate(III)

T=34.9°C; E(activ.), ΔS(excit.), other temperatures; KineticsMechanismThermodynamic data;

Rao, P. Jaya Prakash; Sethuram, B.; Navaneeth Rao, T.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1981 , vol. 20, # 7 p. 733 - 734 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With perchloric acid; mercury(II) diacetate; N-bromoacetamide in water; acetic acid

T=29.9°C; other temperatures; without Hg(OAc)2; kinetic and solvent isotope effects; ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.), ΔG(excit.); KineticsMechanismThermodynamic data;

Negi, Suresh C.; Bhatia, Indu; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1981 , # 11 p. 3966 - 3980 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With 3.67E-2M Ag(II) in phosphoric acid

T=288°C; E(activ.), ΔS(excit.); KineticsThermodynamic data;

Jaya Prakash Rao, P.; Sethuram, B.; Navaneeth Rao, T.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 6 p. 612 - 614 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With potassium hexacyanoferrate(III); ruthenium trichloride

Rate constant;

Nath, Narendra; Singh, L. P.; Singh, R. P.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 1981 , vol. 58, p. 1204 - 1205 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With potassium bromate; sulfuric acid; mercury(II) diacetate in water; acetic acid

T=30 - 45°C; var. concn. of H2SO4; ΔE(excit.), ΔH(excit.); KineticsThermodynamic data;

Vijayalakshmi; Sundaram, E. V.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 1980 , vol. 57, # 8 p. 800 - 803 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With perchloric acid; N-Chlorourethan in acetic acid

T=24.9°C; 12 h; ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.), ΔG(excit.), further temperature, in the dark; KineticsRate constantMechanism;

Jain, Suman; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1988 , vol. 61, p. 1767 - 1772 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With potassium hydroxide; bis(dihydrogentellurato)-cuprate(III) in tert-butyl alcohol

T=24.9°C; also with argentate(III) oxidant; other temperatures; activation enthalpy and entropy; Rate constantKineticsThermodynamic data;

Gupta, Kalyan Kali Sen; Nandy, Bijay Kumar; Gupta, Shipra Sen

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1994 , vol. 59, # 4 p. 858 - 863 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With perchloric acid; oxygen; pteridine-2,4-(1H,3H)-dione in acetonitrile

T=24.9°C; Irradiationother catalysts; Quantum yield;

Fukuzumi, Shunichi; Tanii, Kumiko; Tanaka, Toshio

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1989 , # 13 p. 816 - 818 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium hydroxide; osmium(VIII) oxide in water

T=31.9°C; ΔG(excit.); Thermodynamic dataRate constantMechanism;

Somaiah, P. Veera; Reddy, K. Bal; Sethuram, B.; Rao, T. Navaneeth

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1988 , vol. 27, # 10 p. 876 - 879 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With copper(I) complex of 1,4,7-triisopropyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane; nitrogen(II) oxide

Ambient temperatureother Cu(I) complexes;

Mahapatra, Samiran; Halfen, Jason A.; Tolman, William B.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1994 , # 14 p. 1625 - 1626 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dicopper(II) pyrazole in acetonitrile

T=30°C; Rate constantEquilibrium constant;

Martens; Klein Gebbink; Feiters; Nolte

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1994 , vol. 116, # 13 p. 5667 - 5670 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium permanganate; perchloric acid; acetic acid

T=30°C; 2 h; var. of conc., time, temp., pH, without HOAc, ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.); Rate constantThermodynamic dataMechanism;

Sen, Pratik K.; Sanyal, Ankan; Gupta, Kalyan K. Sen

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 1995 , vol. 27, # 4 p. 379 - 390 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With sodium bis(2-ethyl-2-hydroxybutanoato(2-))oxochromate(V); 2-ethyl-2-hydroxybutyric acid in perchloric acid; acetic acid

T=29.9°C; other temp., ΔH(excit.), ΔG(excit.), ΔS(excit.); KineticsThermodynamic dataMechanism;

Sreelatha, G.; Rao, M. Prasada; Sethuram, B.; Rao, T. Navaneeth

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1988 , vol. 27, # 12 p. 1031 - 1034 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With copper(III) periodate; rhodium (III) hydroxide in water

T=34.9°C; without catalyst, other temp.; Rate constantKineticsMechanism;

Reddy, K. Bal; Sethuram, B.; Rao, T. Navaneeth

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1988 , vol. 27, # 8 p. 730 - 731 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With cethyltrimethylammonium permanganate in chloroform

T=30°C; var. temp., Ea, ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.), ΔG(excit.); Rate constantThermodynamic data;

Dash, Sukalyan; Mishra, Bijay K.

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 1995 , vol. 27, # 7 p. 627 - 636 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

100 % Turnov.

With oxygen; 10-methylacridinium cation in [D3]acetonitrile

T=24.9°C; Irradiation; KineticsQuantum yieldMechanism;

Fukuzumi, Shunichi; Kuroda, Sadaki; Tanaka, Toshio

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1987 , # 2 p. 120 - 122 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With lead(IV) acetate; acetic acid in benzene

T=29.9°C; ΔH of activation, ΔS of activation, ΔG of activation; presence of pyridine; kinetic isotope effect; other temperatures; Rate constantMechanismThermodynamic data;

Bhatia, Indu; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1982 , # 4 p. 1076 - 1092 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With oxygen; Cu-Na-ZSM-5

T=399.9°C; P=760 Torr; var. temp., other cat. system; Product distribution;

Hayashibara, Hirofumi; Nishiyama, Satoru; Tsuruya, Shigeru; Masai, Mitsuo

Journal of Catalysis, 1995 , vol. 153, # 2 p. 254 - 264 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridinium hydrobromide perbromide in water; acetic acid

T=24.9°C; 12 h; other monosubstituted benzyl alcohols, var. temp., polarity of solvents, and conc. of PHPB; Rate constantMechanismThermodynamic data;

Suri, Deepa; Banerji, Kalyan K.; Kothari, Seema

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1995 , # 7 p. 1734 - 1758 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

94 % Spectr.

With manganese(IV) oxide in dichloromethane

12 h; Ambient temperatureadd of CH3OH; Product distribution;

Endo, Katsuya; Takahashi, Hiroyasu; Aihara, Minako

Heterocycles, 1996 , vol. 42, # 2 p. 589 - 615 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N-Bromosuccinimide; tetra-(n-butyl)ammonium iodide in acetonitrile

Irradiationvarious benzyl alcohols, 1,2-diols, and α-hydroxy carboxylic acids, selective oxidation; Product distribution;

Beebe, Thomas R.; Boyd, Leslie; Fonkeng, Steve B.; Horn, Jamie; Mooney, Teresa M.; et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 60, # 20 p. 6602 - 6603 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With lt;trislt;(2-pyridyl)methylgt;aminegt;2Fe2O(μ-OAc)(3+) in water

other alcohols, var. solvents, var. iron complexes (biomimetics of methane monooxygenase active sites); Mechanism;

Rabion, Alain; Chen, Shan; Wang, Jianping; Buchanan, Robert M.; Seris, Jean-Louis; Fish, Richard H.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1995 , vol. 117, # 49 p. 12356 - 12357 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridinium bromochromate in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=24.9°C; 15 h; energy data: ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.), ΔG(excit.); other substituted benzyl alkohols; var. temp., var. solvents; Rate constantKineticsMechanism;

Pareek, Arun; Kothari, Seema; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 34, # 11 p. 968 - 974 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With cis-lt;Ru(VI)(N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-3,6-diazaoctane-1,8-diamine)O2gt;(2+) in acetonitrile

T=24.9°C; other temperatures; also in the presence of H2O; ΔH(excit.); ΔS(excit.); KineticsThermodynamic data;

Cheng, Wing-Chi; Yu, Wing-Yiu; Li, Chi-Kueng; Che, Chi-Ming

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 60, # 21 p. 6840 - 6846 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With perchloric acid; ammonium cerium(IV) nitrate in water; acetonitrile

T=20 - 28°C; Ea, var. concentration of reagents; Rate constantKineticsThermodynamic data;

Lin, Hong-Ping; Leu, Jeng Rong; Jwo, Jing-Jer

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society (Taipei, Taiwan), 1994 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 519 - 526 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With uranium(VI) perchlorate; oxygen in water

T=24°C; Irradiation; Rate constantQuantum yield;

Mao, Yun; Bakac, Andreja

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 100, # 10 p. 4219 - 4223 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With perchloric acid; riboflavin 2',3',4',5'-tetra-acetate in acetonitrile

Irradiationelectrochemical oxidation; also in the presence of duroquinone; Product distribution;

Ishikawa, Masashi; Okimoto, Hiroyuki; Morita, Masayuki; Matsuda, Yoshiharu

Chemistry Letters, 1996 , # 11 p. 953 - 954 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With bis(2,2'-bipyridyl) copper(II) permanganate in acetic acid

T=9.9 - 29.9°C; KineticsMechanism;

Vyas; Kothari; Banerji

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 1997 , vol. 29, # 1 p. 9 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium dichromate; sodium carbonate; tetrabutylammomium bromide in toluene

T=100°C; 4 h; also without catalyst; Rate constant;

Yadav; Haldavanekar

Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 1997 , vol. 101, # 1 p. 36 - 48 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With NbCl5; phosphoric acid monophenyl ester; tetra(n-butyl)ammonium hydroxide; dihydrogen peroxide in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=40°C; 5 h; var. reagents ratios; var. reagents; Product distribution;

Batista, Celia Maria de Souza; Melo, Simone Coriolano de Souza; Gelbard, Georges; Lachter, Elizabeth Roditi

Journal of Chemical Research, Synopses, 1997 , # 3 p. 92 - 93 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With lt;Ru(IV)(tpp)(NTs)gt; in dichloromethane

T=24.9°C; also kinetic isotope effect; Rate constant;

Au, Sze-Man; Fung, Wai-Hong; Cheng, Ming-Chuan; Che, Chi-Ming; Peng, Shie-Ming

Chemical Communications, 1997 , # 17 p. 1655 - 1656 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With toluene-4-sulfonic acid; quinolinium chlorochromate(VI) in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=24.9°C; 24 h; ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.), ΔG(excit.); var. temp.; also in the mixture solvents; kinetic isotope effect; Rate constantKineticsThermodynamic data;

Oezguen, Beytiye; Degirmenbas, Nebahat

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1997 , # 1 p. 220 - 227 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With potassium permanganate; Tris(3,6-dioxaheptyl)amine in dichloromethane

Rate constant;

Rankin, Kathryn N.; Liu, Qing; Hendry, Jennifer; Yee, Henry; Noureldin, Nazih A.; Lee, Donald G.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1998 , vol. 39, # 10 p. 1095 - 1098 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92 % Chromat.

With bis(1H-benzimidazolinium) dichromate in tetrachloromethane

0.0166667 h; Heatingother benzylic and allylic alcohols, other solvent: acetone;

Meng, Qing-Hua; Feng, Jun-Cai; Bian, Ning-Sheng; Liu, Bin; Li, Chang-Chuan

Synthetic Communications, 1998 , vol. 28, # 6 p. 1097 - 1102 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With perchloric acid; tetraaquapalladium(II)

T=55°C; kinetic of oxidation of aliphatic C1-C4 alcohols and benzyl alcohol with palladium(II) tetraaqua complex in perchloric acid; proposed oxidation routes; Rate constant;

Ukraintsev; Potekhin

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 1997 , vol. 67, # 10 p. 1509 - 1512 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With K(2) added Cu(57)-NaY zeolite

T=299.9 - 329.9°C; effect of alkali metals added to Cu-NaY zeolite on the yield of reaction; other

Xu, Jian; Ekblad, Mikael; Nishiyama, Satoru; Tsuruya, Shigeru; Masai, Mitsuo

Journal of the Chemical Society - Faraday Transactions, 1998 , vol. 94, # 3 p. 473 - 479

additives; Product distribution;

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 % Chromat.

With oxygen; Mg6Al2Ru0.5(OH)16CO3 in toluene

T=60°C; 8 h; other allylic and benzylic alcohols; Mechanism;

Kaneda, Kiyotomi; Yamashita, Toyokazu; Matsushita, Tsuyoshi; Ebitani, Kohki

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 63, # 6 p. 1750 - 1751 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90.30 % Chromat.

With CrO3*tetramisole in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=80°C; 6 h; other temperatures, solvent, different substrate:reagent ratios; Product distribution;

Nijasure; Joshi; Sawant

Synthetic Communications, 1998 , vol. 28, # 21 p. 4025 - 4033 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With perchloric acid; tetraaquapalladium(II) perchlorate

T=38°C; Oxidation; Kinetics; Further Variations:Temperaturesgas medium;

Ukraintsev; Potekhin; Avetikyan

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 66, # 5 p. 697 - 700 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

80 % Turnov.

With potassium carbonate; hydroquinone; tris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(II) chloride in various solvent(s) T=60°C; 20 h;

Hanyu, Atsushi; Takezawa, Eiichiro; Sakaguchi, Satoshi; Ishii, Yasutaka

Tetrahedron Letters, 1998 , vol. 39, # 31 p. 5557 - 5560 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With BIBC in dichloromethane

6 h; Heating; Yield given;

Oezguen, B.; Degirmenbasi, N.

Synthetic Communications, 1999 , vol. 29, # 5 p. 763 - 766 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With polymer-supported phenyliodine(III) diacetate in dichloromethane

Ambient temperature; Yield given;

Ley, Steven V.; Thomas, Andrew W.; Finch, Harry

Journal of the Chemical Society - Perkin Transactions 1, 1999 , # 6 p. 669 - 671 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96 % Chromat.

With oxygen; Ru-Co-Al-CO3 HT in toluene

T=60°C; 1 h;

Matsushita, Tsuyoshi; Ebitani, Kohki; Kaneda, Kiyotomi

Chemical Communications, 1999 , # 3 p. 265 - 266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; methyltrioxorhenium(VII); sodium bromide in water

T=25°C; KineticsRate constant;

Espenson; Zhu; Zauche

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 64, # 4 p. 1191 - 1196 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N,N,N-trimethylbenzenemethanaminium dichloroiodate; acetic acid; zinc(II) chloride

T=24.85°C; 15 h; Energy data: ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.); effect of reagents concentration, effect of benzyltrimethylammonium chloride and acrylonitrile; Rate constantKineticsMechanism;

Rao, P. Surya Chandra; Suri, Deepa; Kothari, Soona; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1998 , # 9 p. 2251 - 2272 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With K10-montmorillonite clay-supported tetrabutylammonium periodate in 2,2,4trimethylpentane

1.5 h; Heating; Yield given;

Venkatachalapathy; Rajarajan; Shayira Banu; Pitchumani

Tetrahedron, 1999 , vol. 55, # 13 p. 4071 - 4076 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

87 % Chromat.

With aluminum oxide; quinolinium monofluorochromate(VI) in dichloromethane

3 h; Ambient temperatureother solvents, reaction times, other reagent; Product distribution;

Rajkumar, G. Abraham; Arabindoo, Banumathi; Murugesan

Synthetic Communications, 1999 , vol. 29, # 12 p. 2105 - 2114 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; cobalt(II) acetate

T=70°C; 2 h; also oxidation of toluene; var. time;

Puzari; Nath; Baruah, Jubaraj B.

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 37, # 8 p. 723 - 725 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,6-dimethylpyridine; sodium perchlorate; (+/-)-4-benzyloxy-2,2,8atrimethyldecahydroquinolinyl-N-oxyl in acetonitrile

T=20°C; Oxidation; 10 h; Electrochemical reaction0.8 V vs. Ag/Ag(1+);

Kurashima, Futoshi; Kashiwagi, Yoshitomo; Kikuchi, Chikara; Anzai, Jun-Ichi; Osa, Tetsuo

Heterocycles, 1999 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 79 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,6-dimethylpyridine; (+/-)-cis,cis-4-benzoyloxy-2,2,8a-trimethyldecahydroquino..

T=20°C; Oxidation; 10 h; Electrolysis;

Kashiwagi, Yoshitomo; Kurashima, Futoshi; Anzai, Jun-Ichi; Osa, Tesuo

Heterocycles, 1999 , vol. 51, # 8 p. 1945 - 1948 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %

With chromium(VI) oxide

Heravi, Majid M.; Ajami, Dariush; Tabar-Hydar, Kourosh; Ghassemzadeh, Mitra


Oxidation; 0.00833333 h; microwave irradiation;

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 1999 , # 5 p. 334 - 335 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

81 % Spectr.

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; hydrogen bromide; methyltrioxorhenium(VII) in acetic acid

Oxidation; 2 h; Product distribution;

Herrmann, Wolfgang A.; Zoller, Jochen P.; Fischer, Richard W.

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 579, # 1-2 p. 404 - 407 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 % Chromat.

With chromium(VI) oxide

Oxidation; 0.00833333 h; microwave irradiation; Product distribution; Further Variations:other alcohols;

Heravi, Majid M.; Ajami, Dariush; Tabar-Hydar, Kourosh; Ghassemzadeh, Mitra

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 1999 , # 5 p. 334 - 335 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With poly(2-vinylpyridine) supported chromium peroxide in toluene

Oxidation; Heating; Product distribution; Further Variations:Catalysts;

Lakouraj, M. Mansour; Keyvan

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 1999 , # 3 p. 206 - 207 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With TEMPOL in acetonitrile

T=24.85°C; Oxidation; Kinetics;

Zauche, Timothy H.; Espenson, James H.

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 1999 , vol. 31, # 5 p. 381 - 385 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridine; oxygen; palladium diacetate in toluene

T=80°C; Oxidation; 2 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:ReagentsSolvents;

Nishimura, Takahiro; Onoue, Tomoaki; Ohe, Kouichi; Uemura, Sakae

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 64, # 18 p. 6750 - 6755 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With benzyltrimethylammonium tribromide; acetic acid in water

Oxidation; KineticsActivation energy; Further Variations:Reaction partnersTemperaturesSolventseffect of benzyltrimethylammonium chloride and bromide ion;

Anjana; Kothari, Seema; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1999 , # 8 p. 2118 - 2135 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With [Cu(II)2(ArO(.))2](PF6)2 in acetonitrile

T=25°C; Oxidation; Kinetics; Further Variations:Catalysts;

Itoh, Shinobu; Taki, Masayasu; Takayama, Shigehisa; Nagatomo, Shigenori; Kitagawa, Teizo; Sakurada, Norio; Arakawa, Ryuichi; Fukuzumi, Shunichi

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 1999 , vol. 38, # 18 p. 2774 - 2776 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; nitric acid; sodium nitrite in perchloric acid

T=61.85°C; Oxidation; P=750.06 Torr; 0.416667 h; Electrochemical reaction; Activation energyEquilibrium constant; Further Variations:Temperatures;

Dorfman; Aleshkova

Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 35, # 7 p. 987 - 994 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hexachloroiridate in acetate buffer; tert-butyl alcohol

T=44.85°C; Oxidation; pH=4.45; KineticsThermodynamic data;

Sen Gupta, Kalyan K.; Bhattacharjee, Nandini

Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 13, # 3 p. 157 - 161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 % Chromat.

With 4 A molecular sieve; oxygen; p-Toluic acid; bis(acetylacetonato)dioxidomolybdenum(VI); copper(II) nitrate in toluene

T=100°C; Oxidation;

Lorber, Christian Y.; Smidt, Sebastian P.; Osborn, John A.

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2000 , # 4 p. 655 - 658 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 % Chromat.

With N-tert-butyl benzenesulfinimidoyl chloride; 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene in dichloromethane

T=-78°C; 0.5 h;

Mukaiyama, Teruaki; Matsuo, Jun-Ichi; Yanagisawa, Manabu

Chemistry Letters, 2000 , # 9 p. 1072 - 1073 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; tetrahexylammonium chloride; [La(III)W10O36](9-) in water

Oxidation; 3 h; Heating; Product distribution; Further Variations:CatalystsReagents;

Griffith, William P.; Morley-Smith, Neil; Nogueira, Helena I.S.; Shoair, Abdel G.F.; Suriaatmaja, Maria; White, Andrew J.P.; Williams, David J.

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 607, # 1-2 p. 146 - 155 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With acetobacter sp. ALEG in 2,2,4-trimethylpentane; water

24 h;

Gandolfi, Raffaella; Ferrara, Nicola; Molinari, Francesco

Tetrahedron Letters, 2001 , vol. 42, # 3 p. 513 - 514 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

94 % Chromat.

With aluminum oxide; potassium ferrate(VI); tetrabutylammomium bromide in pentane

2 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:ReagentsSolventstime;

Caddick; Murtagh; Weaving

Tetrahedron, 2000 , vol. 56, # 47 p. 9365 - 9373 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hydroxide; sodium perchlorate; potassium hexacyanoferrate(III); (2,2':6',2''-

Kelson, Eric P.; Phengsy, Proma P.

terpyridine)trichlororuthenium(III) in water

T=25°C; Kinetics;

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2000 , vol. 32, # 12 p. 760 - 770 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 3,3-dimethyldioxirane in acetone

T=24.5°C; Oxidation; Kinetics; Further Variations:Temperatures;

Grabovskii; Suvorkina; Kabal'nova; Khursan; Shereshovets

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2000 , vol. 49, # 8 p. 1332 - 1337 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iodine(I) azide in acetonitrile


Viuf, Christel; Bols, Mikael

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2001 , vol. 40, # 3 p. 623 - 625 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dipyridinium dichromate; perchloric acid; acetic acid

T=35°C; Oxidation; Kinetics; Further Variations:Reagentsconcentration dependence;

Karunakaran, Chockalingam; Suresh, Sadasivam

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 2000 , # 3 p. 114 - 115 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Hexadecane; oxygen; copper(l) chloride; polymer immobilised TEMPO in N,N-dimethylformamide

T=25°C; 1.5 h;

Dijksman; Arends; Sheldon

Synlett, 2001 , # 1 p. 102 - 104 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [PSb(V)(O)Mo11O39] tetra(n-butylammonium) in benzonitrile

T=135°C; 20 h;

Khenkin, Alexander M.; Shimon, Linda J. W.; Neumann, Ronny

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2001 , # 3 p. 789 - 794 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With chloroauric acid in acetate buffer

T=24.85°C; pH=4.05; Kinetics; Further Variations:pHvaluesSolventsReagentsTemperatureschloride concentration;

Pal, Biswajit; Sen, Pratik K.; Sen Gupta, Kalyan K.

Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 14, # 5 p. 284 - 294 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With trimethyltrimethoxysilane; oxygen; tetramethylorthosilicate in toluene

T=75°C; 0.75 h; Product distribution;

Pagliaro, Mario; Ciriminna, Rosaria

Tetrahedron Letters, 2001 , vol. 42, # 27 p. 4511 - 4514 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 9-phenyl-cyclohepta[b]pyrimido[5,4-d]furan-8,10(9H)-dione

T=90°C; 120 h;

Takayasu, Tohru; Mizuta, Yutaka; Nitta, Makoto

Heterocycles, 2001 , vol. 54, # 2 p. 601 - 606 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 3,3-dimethyldioxirane in acetone

T=0°C; Kinetics;

Angelis, Yiannis S.; Hatzakis, Nikos S.; Smonou, Ioulia; Orfanopoulos, Michael

Tetrahedron Letters, 2001 , vol. 42, # 22 p. 3753 - 3756 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 % Chromat.

With pyridine; oxygen; Pd(II)-hydrotalcite in toluene

T=80°C; 2 h;

Uemura; Kakiuchi; Nishimura; Inoue

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2001 , vol. 74, # 1 p. 165 - 172 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; Pd561(phen)60(OAc)180 in isopropyl alcohol

T=60°C; Kinetics;

Gladyi; Starchevsky; Pazdersky; Vargaftik; Moiseev

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2001 , vol. 50, # 5 p. 921 - 922 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridinium chlorochromate

T=20°C; 0.25 h;

Salehi; Firouzabadi; Farrokhi; Gholizadeh

Synthesis, 2001 , # 15 p. 2273 - 2276 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92 % Chromat.

With 1,4-diaza-bicyclo[2.2.2]octane; oxygen; K2lt;OsO2(OH)4gt; in water; tert-butyl alcohol

T=50°C; P=750.06 Torr; pH=10.4; 16 h;

Doebler, Christian; Mehltretter, Gerald M; Sundermeier, Uta; Eckert, Markus; Militzer, Hans-Christian; Beller, Matthias

Tetrahedron Letters, 2001 , vol. 42, # 48 p. 8447 - 8449 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 % Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; oxygen; manganese(II) nitrate; cobalt(II) nitrate in acetic acid

T=20°C; 10 h;

Cecchetto, Andrea; Fontana, Francesca; Minisci, Francesco; Recupero, Francesco

Tetrahedron Letters, 2001 , vol. 42, # 38 p. 6651 - 6653 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With cetyltrimethylammonium cerium(IV) nitrate in benzene

Mishra; Kuanar; Sharma; Nayak

3 h; Heating;

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 40, # 8 p. 724 - 726 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Mn(N,N'-ethylenebis(salicylaldiminato))O in acetonitrile

T=24.85°C; 12 h; Kinetics;

Kumbhat, Vinita; Sharma, Pradeep K.; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 2001 , p. 562 - 585 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With ammonium peroxydisulfate; Montmorillonite; silver nitrate in hexane

T=60°C; 2.5 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:Reagents;

Hirano; Kojima; Yakabe; Morimoto

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 2001 , # 7 p. 274 - 276 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With benzyltrimethylammonium chlorobromate; acetic acid

T=34.85°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:TemperaturesReagents;

Sita Rama Raju; Sharma; Banerji

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 39, # 12 p. 1258 - 1263 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With perchloric acid; oxygen; palladium in water

T=-218.15°C; KineticsActivation energy; Further Variations:Temperatures;

Matsura; Potekhin; Ukraintsev

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 72, # 1 p. 105 - 109 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 % Chromat.

With N-(tert-butyl)benzenesulfinimidoyl chloride; 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene in dichloromethane

T=-78°C; 0.5 h;

Matsuo, Jun-Ichi; Iida, Daisuke; Tatani, Kazuya; Mukaiyama, Teruaki

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2002 , vol. 75, # 2 p. 223 - 234 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With quinolinium monofluorochromate(VI) in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=34.85°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:TemperaturesSolvents;

Dave, Itishri; Sharma, Vinita; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 41, # 3 p. 493 - 499 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite; N-butyl-N,N-dimethyl-(α-phenyl)ethylammonium bromide in dichloromethane

1.16667 h; Heating;

Reddy, Ch. Venkateshwar; Mahesh; Raju; Reddy, V.V. Narayana

Synthetic Communications, 2002 , vol. 32, # 18 p. 2797 - 2802 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(II) chloride; tetramethyl ammoniumhydroxide; oxygen

T=80°C; P=760 Torr; 5 h;

Wolfson, Adi; Wuyts, Stijn; De Vos, Dirk E.; Vankelecom, Ivo F.J.; Jacobs, Pierre A.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2002 , vol. 43, # 45 p. 8107 - 8110 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tetra-N-butylammonium tribromide; potassium bromide in water; acetic acid

T=14.85°C; 12 h; KineticsActivation energy; Further Variations:TemperaturesReaction partnersSolvents;

Kumar, Ashok; Sharma, Pradeep K.; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 15, # 10 p. 721 - 727 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hydroxide; sodium ruthenate(VI); potassium hexacyanoferrate(III) in tert-butyl alcohol

T=30°C; Kinetics;

Mucientes; Santiago; Almena; Poblete; Rodriguez-Cervantes

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2002 , vol. 34, # 7 p. 421 - 429 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 % Turnov.

With polymer-supported iodoxybenzoic acid in dichloromethane

T=25°C; 5 h;

Lei; Denecker; Jegasothy; Sherrington; Slater; Sutherland

Tetrahedron Letters, 2003 , vol. 44, # 8 p. 1635 - 1637 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

70 % Chromat.

With sodium hypochlorite; sodium hydrogencarbonate; potassium bromide; polymer-immobilized TEMPO radical in dichloromethane; water

T=0°C; Anelli oxidation; pH=9.1; 1 h;

Tanyeli, Cihangir; Guemues, Ayseguel

Tetrahedron Letters, 2003 , vol. 44, # 8 p. 1639 - 1642 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ferric nitrate; phosphotungstic acid in hexane

T=20°C; 0.25 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:CatalystsSolvents;

Firouzabadi, Habib; Iranpoor, Nasser; Amani, Kamal

Synthesis, 2003 , # 3 p. 408 - 412 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; triethylamine; palladium diacetate in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=25°C; 12 h;

Schultz, Mitchell J.; Park, Candice C.; Sigman, Matthew S.

Chemical Communications, 2002 , # 24 p. 3034 - 3035 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tetra-O-acetyl riboflavin; oxygen; sodium dodecyl-sulfate in water

Yasuda, Masahide; Nakai, Takuya; Kawahito, Yasumasa; Shiragami, Tsutomu

UV-irradiation; Quantum yield;

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2003 , vol. 76, # 3 p. 601 - 605 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; (-)-sparteine in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=50°C; Kinetics;

Mueller, Jaime A.; Sigman, Matthew S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003 , vol. 125, # 23 p. 7005 - 7013 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; sodium hypochlorite; potassium bromide in acetonitrile

T=5 - 20°C; pH=8.0 - 10.0; 1 h;

Zanka, Atsuhiko

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2003 , vol. 51, # 7 p. 888 - 889 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With polystyrene supported 2-iodyl benzamide in dichloromethane

T=25°C; 1 h;

Chung, Woo-Jae; Kim, Duk-Ki; Lee, Yoon-Sik

Tetrahedron Letters, 2003 , vol. 44, # 52 p. 9251 - 9254 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 % Chromat.

With potassium sulfate; potassium hydrogensulfate; potassium peroxomonosulfate; tetrabutylammomium bromide; mer-tris[(2oxazolinyl)phenolato]manganese(III) in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; 0.0333333 h;

Bagherzadeh, Mojtaba

Tetrahedron Letters, 2003 , vol. 44, # 50 p. 8943 - 8945 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With quinaldinium chlorochromate on neutral Al2O3 in hexane

T=20°C; 2 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:SolventsReagents;

Degirmenbasi, Nebahat; Oezguen, Beytiye

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2003 , vol. 134, # 12 p. 1565 - 1569 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; uracil-annulated heteroazulene cation tetrafluoroborate salt; potassium carbonate in acetonitrile

16 h; Irradiation;

Naya, Shin-Ichi; Nitta, Makoto

Tetrahedron, 2003 , vol. 59, # 37 p. 7291 - 7299 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

84 % Chromat.

With N-(phenylthio)-N-(tert-butyl)amine; chloroamine-T in toluene

T=0 - 20°C; 6 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:SolventsReagents;

Kitagawa, Hideo; Mukaiyama, Teruaki

Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin, 2002 , vol. 50, # 9 p. 1276 - 1279 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With quinaldinium fluorochromate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 3 h;

Degirmenbasi, Nebahat; Oezguen, Beytiye

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2004 , vol. 135, # 4 p. 407 - 410 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2-iodoxybenzoic acid methyl ester; boron trifluoride diethyl etherate; potassium bromide in chloroform


Zhdankin, Viktor V.; Litvinov, Dmitry N.; Koposov, Alexey Y.; Luu, Thanh; Ferguson, Michael J.; McDonald, Robert; Tykwinski, Rik R.

Chemical Communications, 2004 , # 1 p. 106 - 107 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N -hydroxyphthalimide; cobalt(II) acetate; 3-chloro-benzenecarboperoxoic acid in acetonitrile

T=25°C; Kinetics;

Minisci, Francesco; Recupero, Francesco; Cecchetto, Andrea; Gambarotti, Cristian; Punta, Carlo; Faletti, Roberta; Paganelli, Roberto; Pedulli, Gian Franco

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2004 , # 1 p. 109 - 119 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With toluene-4-sulfonic acid; quinoxalinium dichromate in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=24.85°C; 24 h; KineticsThermodynamic data; Further Variations:TemperaturesSolventsacidity;

Oezguen, Beytiye; Degirmenbasi, Nebahat

Monatshefte fuer Chemie, 2004 , vol. 135, # 5 p. 483 - 492 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

74 % Chromat.

With air; sodium acetate; 3-[1-(2,3,4,5-tetraphenylphenyl)]pyridine; palladium diacetate in toluene

T=80°C; 48 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:Reagents;

Iwasawa, Tetsuo; Tokunaga, Makoto; Obora, Yasushi; Tsuji, Yasushi

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004 , vol. 126, # 21 p. 6554 - 6555 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 % Spectr.

With pyridine; palladium diacetate; oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; P=250 Torr; 4 h; Kinetics; Further Variations:Pressures;

Steinhoff, Bradley A.; Guzei, Ilia A.; Stahl, Shannon S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004 , vol. 126, # 36 p. 11268 - 11278 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium dichromate; sulfuric acid; tetrabutylammomium bromide

T=34.85°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:ReagentsTemperatures;

Bijudas; Nair, T. D. Radhakrishnan

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 43, # 6 p. 1216 - 1218 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With thermophilic alcohol dehydrogenase in phosphate buffer

T=4.85°C; pH=7.0; Enzyme kinetics; Further Variations:ReagentsTemperatures;

Liang, Zhao-Xun; Tsigos, Iason; Bouriotis, Vassilis; Klinman, Judith P.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004 , vol. 126, # 31 p. 9500 - 9501 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Pd[1,3-bis(2,6-di-iPrC6H3)imidazol-2-ylidene](OAc)2(H2O); oxygen; acetic acid; 3 A molecular sieve in benzene

T=42.55°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:TemperaturesSolvents;

Mueller, Jaime A.; Goller, Christopher P.; Sigman, Matthew S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004 , vol. 126, # 31 p. 9724 - 9734 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With quinolinium bromochromate in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=34.85°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:SolventsTemperatures;

Prakash, Om; Sharma, Pradeep K.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2004 , vol. 81, # 6 p. 467 - 473 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With perchloric acid; bis-[(trifluoroacetoxy)iodo]benzene in water; acetic acid

T=34.85°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:Temperatures;

Kansara, Alpna; Sharma, Pradeep K.; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Chemical Research, 2004 , # 9 p. 581 - 584 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

79 % Spectr.

With tetracoordinate 1,2-iodoxetane 1-oxide in [D3]acetonitrile

T=60°C; 2 h;

Kano, Naokazu; Ohashi, Masaki; Hoshiba, Kazuhisa; Kawashima, Takayuki

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 44 p. 8173 - 8175 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C30H26N3OP; potassium carbonate; copper(l) chloride; 1-methyl-pyrrolidin-2-one

T=110°C; 60 h;

Tsai, Weiwen; Liu, Yi-Hung; Peng, Shie-Ming; Liu, Shiuh-Tzung

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 690, # 2 p. 415 - 421 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 % Chromat.

With sodium hypochlorite; poly(ethylene glycol)-supported 4-hydroxy-TEMPO-derivative; sodium bromide in dichloromethane; sodium hydrogencarbonate

T=0°C; pH=9; 0.0833333 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:Reagents;

Ferreira, Pedro; Phillips, Emyr; Rippon, David; Shik, Chi Tsang; Hayes, Wayne

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 69, # 20 p. 6851 - 6859 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With β cyclodextrin in water

T=50°C; 1 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:ReagentsTemperatures;

Ji, Hong-Bing; Shi, Dong-Po; Shao, Ming; Li, Zhong; Wang, Le-Fu

Tetrahedron Letters, 2005 , vol. 46, # 14 p. 2517 - 2520 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 % Turnov.

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=65°C; 15 h;

Wu, Xue-E.; Ma, Li; Ding, Meng-Xian; Gao, Lian-Xun

Chemistry Letters, 2005 , vol. 34, # 3 p. 312 - 313 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With supercritical CO2; water; 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate

T=45.05°C; P=66005.3 Torr; Electrochemical reaction; Product distribution; Further Variations:ReagentsPressures;

Zhao, Guoying; Jiang, Tao; Wu, Weize; Han, Buxing; Liu, Zhimin; Gao, Haixiang

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2004 , vol. 108, # 34 p. 13052 - 13057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92 % Spectr.

With trimethylamine-N-oxide; CHDFe-(CO)3 in benzene

T=20°C; 10 h;

Pearson, Anthony J.; Kwak, Yoonhyun

Tetrahedron Letters, 2005 , vol. 46, # 32 p. 5417 - 5419 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [2,2]bipyridinyl; oxygen; 4-methoxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-oxyl radical; copper in water; acetonitrile

T=25°C; pH=12.5 - 13.5; Kinetics; Further Variations:conc. of TEMPO; immobilization;

Geisslmeir, David; Jary, Walther G.; Falk, Heinz

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2005 , vol. 136, # 9 p. 1591 - 1599 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; palladium/alumina

T=100°C; 4 h; Product distributionKinetics; Further Variations:CatalystsTemperatures;

Wu, Hongli; Zhang, Qinghong; Wang, Ye

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2005 , vol. 347, # 10 p. 1356 - 1360 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; benzocycloheptatriene cation derivative in acetonitrile

16 h; UV-irradiation; Product distribution; Further Variations:Reagents;

Naya, Shin-Ichi; Tokunaka, Takeshi; Nitta, Makoto

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 68, # 24 p. 9317 - 9321 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

93 % Chromat.

With 4 A molecular sieve; oxirane-based polymer-micelle incarcerated ruthenium; 4methylmorpholine N-oxide in hexane; acetone

T=20°C; 2.5 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:Reagents;

Miyamura, Hiroyuki; Akiyama, Ryo; Ishida, Tasuku; Matsubara, Ryosuke; Takeuchi, Masahiro; Kobayashi, Shu

Tetrahedron, 2005 , vol. 61, # 51 p. 12177 - 12185 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With polymer-bound chromium(VI) oxide

T=55°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:Temperatures;

Jawanjal; Hilage

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 44, # 9 p. 1827 - 1830 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iron(III) porphyrin derivative; 3-chloro-benzenecarboperoxoic acid in various solvent(s) T=-100°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:ReagentsTemperatures;

Na, Young Oh; Suh, Yumi; Mi, Joo Park; Mi, Sook Seo; Kim, Jinheung; Nam, Wonwoo

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2005 , vol. 44, # 27 p. 4235 - 4239 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Methylobacterium extorquens IMI 369321 alcohol dehydrogenase; sodium .beta.nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate in various solvent(s) pH=6.0; Enzyme kinetics; Further Variations:Reagents;

Koutsompogeras, Panagiotis; Kyriacou, Adamantini; Zabetakis, Ioannis

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 54, # 1 p. 235 - 242 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene; ruthenium trichloride in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 1 h;

Yusubov, Mekhman S.; Chi, Ki-Whan; Park, Joo Yeon; Karimov, Rashad; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2006 , vol. 47, # 35 p. 6305 - 6308 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [RuCl2(PPh3)2(NA)]

T=20°C; 3 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:Reagents;

Mahalingam; Karvembu; Chinnusamy; Natarajan

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2006 , vol. 64, # 4 p. 886 - 890 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N-benzyl-N-(2-iodylphenyl)pivalamide in acetonitrile

0.333333 h; Heating; Product distribution; Further Variations:Reagents;

Ladziata, Uladzimir; Koposov, Alexey Y.; Lo, Ka Y.; Willging, Jeff; Nemykin, Victor N.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2005 , vol. 44, # 43 p. 7127 - 7131 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tetramethylammonium monofluorochromate(VI); toluene-4-sulfonic acid in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 10 h; Kinetics; Further Variations:Temperatures;

Gharib; Zare; Ghammami; Ebrahimi

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2005 , vol. 54, # 2 p. 462 - 465 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With phosphate buffer; β-CD-A,D-diuronic acid dihydroxyacetone cyclic ester; dihydrogen peroxide T=25°C; pH=7; Enzyme kinetics; Further Variations:ReagentsTemperatures;

Marinescu, Lavinia G.; Bols, Mikael

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2006 , vol. 45, # 28 p. 4590 - 4593 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; sodium hydroxide; dinuclear copper(II) in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; Kinetics;

Striegler, Susanne

Tetrahedron, 2006 , vol. 62, # 39 p. 9109 - 9114 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

53 % Turnov.

With 3 Angstroem MS; oxygen; [PPh4][Ru(N)Me2(μ2-O)2Pd((-)-sparteine)] in chlorobenzene

T=95 - 100°C; 20 h;

Kuiper, Jesse L.; Shapley, Patricia A.

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 692, # 8 p. 1653 - 1660 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; palladium/alumina in various solvent(s) T=80°C; P=105008 Torr; 15.2333 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:Pressures;

Caravati, Matteo; Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk; Baiker, Alfons

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2005 , vol. 7, # 2 p. 278 - 285 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 3-ethoxyprop-1-ene; oxygen; quinuclidinetetraoxo-osmium(VIII); oxotrimesityliridium(V) in tetrahydrofuran

72 h; atmospheric pressure;

Fortner, Kevin C.; Laitar, David S.; Muldoon, John; Pu, Lihung; Braun-Sand, Sonja B.; Wiest, Olaf; Brown, Seth N.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2007 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 588 - 600 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1,3,5-trichloro-2,4,6-triazine; dimethyl sulfoxide; triethylamine in tetrahydrofuran

T=-30 - 20°C; 1.5 h;

De Luca; Giacomelli; Porcheddu

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 66, # 23 p. 7907 - 7909 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

86 % Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; [(Me3tacn)Ru(CF3CO2)2(H2O)]CF3CO2-SiO2 in hexane

T=45°C; 14 h;

Cheung, Wai-Hung; Yu, Wing-Yiu; Yip, Wing-Ping; Zhu, Nian-Yong; Che, Chi-Ming

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 67, # 22 p. 7716 - 7723 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 % Chromat.

With pyridine; oxygen; Pd(II)-supported hydrotalcite in toluene

T=80°C; Oxidation; 2 h;

Nishimura, Takahiro; Kakiuchi, Nobuyuki; Inoue, Masashi; Uemura, Sakae

Chemical Communications, 2000 , # 14 p. 1245 - 1246 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

84 % Chromat.

With oxygen; chloranil; decalin; Na5PV2Mo10O40

T=90°C; Oxidation; Oxidative dehydrogenation; 18 h;

Neumann, Ronny; Khenkin, Alexander M.; Vigdergauz, Inga

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2000 , vol. 6, # 5 p. 875 - 882 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 % Chromat.

With pyridine; air; Pd(II)-hydrotalcite in toluene

T=65°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:CatalystsTemperatures;

Kakiuchi; Maeda; Nishimura; Uemura

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 66, # 20 p. 6620 - 6625 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium carbonate; methyl vinyl ketone; bis(1,5-cyclooctadiene)diiridium(I) dichloride in toluene

T=100°C; 12 h;

Farnworth, Marc V.; Cross, Michael J.; Louie, Janis

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 40 p. 7441 - 7443 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite; polyamine immobilised piperidinyl oxyl; potassium hydrogencarbonate in water

T=0°C; Oxidation; pH=9.1; 0.5 h;

Dijksman, Arne; Arends, Isabel W.C.E.; Sheldon, Roger A.

Chemical Communications, 2000 , # 4 p. 271 - 272 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dipyridinium dichromate; trichloroacetic acid in acetonitrile

T=19.99°C; KineticsThermodynamic data; Further Variations:Temperatures;

Kabilan; Girija; Reis, Joao Carlos R.; Segurado, Manuel A.P.; De Oliveira, Jaime D. Gomes

Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2, 2002 , # 6 p. 1151 - 1157 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 % Chromat.

With [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene; fluorous-tagged TEMPO radical in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 2 h;

Pozzi, Gianluca; Cavazzini, Marco; Holczknecht, Orsolya; Quici, Silvio; Shepperson, Ian

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 22 p. 4249 - 4251 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; sol-gel entrapped nPr4-ammonium perruthenate ormosil (B-Me3) in carbon dioxide

T=75°C; P=165017 Torr; 4 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:Catalysts;

Ciriminna, Rosaria; Campestrini, Sandro; Pagliaro, Mario

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2003 , vol. 345, # 11 p. 1261 - 1267 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite; tetra(n-butyl)ammonium hydrogensulfate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; pH=9; 2 h;

Grigoropoulou; Clark; Hall; Scott

Chemical Communications, 2001 , # 6 p. 547 - 548 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; H5PV2Mo10O40; oxygen in acetone

T=100°C; P=1520.1 Torr; 6 h;

Ben-Daniel; Alsters; Neumann

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 66, # 25 p. 8650 - 8653 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; H5PV2Mo10O40; oxygen in acetone

T=25°C; P=1520.1 Torr; KineticsActivation energyThermodynamic data; Further Variations:ReagentsPressures;

Ben-Daniel; Alsters; Neumann

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 66, # 25 p. 8650 - 8653 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; sodium acetate; (neocuproine)Pd(OAc)2 in water; dimethyl sulfoxide

T=70°C; P=22502.3 Torr; 1 h;

Ten Brink, Gerd-Jan; Arends, Isabel W. C. E.; Hoogenraad, Marcel; Verspui, Goeran; Sheldon, Roger A.

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2003 , vol. 345, # 4 p. 497 - 505 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [2,2]bipyridinyl; air; copper(ll) bromide; 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; potassium tert-butylate in water; acetonitrile

T=25°C; 2.5 h;

Gamez, Patrick; Arends, Isabel W. C. E.; Reedijk, Jan; Sheldon, Roger A.

Chemical Communications, 2003 , # 19 p. 2414 - 2415 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; RuO2-FAU zeolite in toluene

T=80°C; 1.5 h;

Zhan, Bi-Zeng; White, Mary Anne; Sham, Tsun-Kong; Pincock, James A.; Doucet, Rene J.; Rao, K.V. Ramana; Robertson, Katherine N.; Cameron, T. Stanley

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003 , vol. 125, # 8 p. 2195 - 2199 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; [silica sol-gel (10percent 3,3,3-F3-propylated)]-[NPr4][RuO4] in carbon dioxide

T=75°C; P=165017 Torr; Kinetics; Further Variations:Catalysts;

Ciriminna, Rosaria; Campestrini, Sandro; Pagliaro, Mario

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2004 , vol. 346, # 2-3 p. 231 - 236 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; cis-{NBu(n)4}{Os(N)(CH2SiMe3)2(CrO4)}; methoxybenzene in toluene

T=40°C; Catalytic oxidation; Kinetics; Further Variations:SolventsCatalystsTemperaturesReaction partners;

Shapley, Patricia A.; Zhang, Najie; Allen, Jana L.; Pool, Douglas H.; Liang, Hong-Chang

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2000 , vol. 122, # 6 p. 1079 - 1091 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; 1percent Au/SiO2


Biella, Serena; Rossi, Michele

Chemical Communications, 2003 , # 3 p. 378 - 379 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2-iodoxybenzenesulfamide of (R)-1-phenylethylamine in chloroform

T=50°C; 17 h;

Koposov, Alexey Y.; Litvinov, Dmitry N.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 13 p. 2719 - 2721 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; Pd on ordered mesoporous carbon in various solvent(s) T=100°C; 13 h;

Lu, An-Hui; Li, Wen-Cui; Hou, Zhenshan; Schueth, Ferdi

Chemical Communications, 2007 , # 10 p. 1038 - 1040 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

94 % Chromat.

With pyridine-3-carbaldehyde-bis(CF3(CF2)7CH2CH2O-) acetal; 3 A molecular sieve; octadecafluorodecahydronaphthalene (cis+trans); palladium diacetate; oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; 5 h;

Nishimura, Takahiro; Maeda, Yasunari; Kakiuchi, Nobuyuki; Uemura, Sakae

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, 2000 , # 24 p. 4301 - 4305 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 % Chromat.

With oxygen; H5PV2Mo10O40 in various solvent(s) T=100°C; P=1520.1 Torr; 16 h;

Haimov, Adina; Neumann, Ronny

Chemical Communications, 2002 , # 8 p. 876 - 877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridine; oxygen; palladium diacetate in toluene

T=80°C; P=200 Torr; Kinetics; Further Variations:Pressures;

Steinhoff, Bradley A.; Stahl, Shannon S.

Organic Letters, 2002 , vol. 4, # 23 p. 4179 - 4181 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 % Chromat.

With pyridine; oxygen; palladium diacetate in toluene

T=80°C; 2 h;

Choi, Kwang-Min; Akita, Tomoki; Mizugaki, Tomoo; Ebitani, Kohki; Kaneda, Kiyotomi

New Journal of Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 27, # 2 p. 324 - 328 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hydroxide; 1,10-Phenanthroline; oxygen; iron(III)-acetylacetonate in toluene

T=80°C; 6 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:Reagents;

Xiong, Yonglian; Xiao, Dehai; Li, Jing; Xie, Xiaofan; Yang, Xiangguang; Wu, Yue

Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie, 2005 , vol. 219, # 8 p. 1121 - 1131 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tetramethylammonium monofluorochromate(VI) in acetic acid


Sadeghy; Ghammami

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 75, # 12 p. 1886 - 1888 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; palladium/alumina in carbon dioxide

T=80°C; P=108761 Torr; Product distribution; Further Variations:Pressures;

Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk; Baiker, Alfons

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2005 , vol. 7, # 20 p. 3526 - 3539 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 % Spectr.

With N,N,N',N'-tetramethylguanidine in chloroform-d1

T=20°C; 1.5 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:Reagents;

Matano, Yoshihiro; Suzuki, Takeshi; Shinokura, Tomonori; Imahori, Hiroshi

Tetrahedron Letters, 2007 , vol. 48, # 16 p. 2885 - 2888 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With cetyl-trimethylammonium dichromate; acetic acid in dichloromethane

T=26.84°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:SolventsReagentsTemperatures;

Patel, Sabita; Mishra

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2006 , vol. 38, # 11 p. 651 - 656 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N-methyl-2-indolinone; Ru(II) complex with tridentate O,N,S-donor ligand in chloroform

T=20°C; 3 h;

Balasubramanian; Karvembu; Prabhakaran; Chinnusamy; Natarajan

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 1 p. 50 - 54 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96 % Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide; [MoO(O2)2(TEDA)2] in water

T=80°C; 6 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:CatalystsSolvents;

Luan, Yi; Wang, Ge; Luck, Rudy L.; Yang, Mu; Han, Xiao

Chemistry Letters, 2007 , vol. 36, # 10 p. 1236 - 1237 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: pyridine / diethyl ether / 5 h / 25 - 30 °C 2: 76 percent / Pd(OAc)2 / acetonitrile / 1 h / 80 °C / Heating View Scheme

Minami, Ichiro; Tsuji, Jiro

Tetrahedron, 1987 , vol. 43, # 17 p. 3903 - 3916 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92.6 %Chromat.

1.3 %Chromat.

93.4 %Chromat.

93.5 %Chromat.

With oxygen in 2,3,4-trifluorotoluene

T=20 - 83°C; 24 h; Conversion of starting material; Show Experimental Procedure

Mizuno, Noritaka; Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Ishida, Hajime

Patent: US2004/204597 A1, 2004 ; Location in patent: Page 5; 6 ;

With oxygen in 2,3,4-trifluorotoluene

T=20 - 83°C; 1 - 24 h; Conversion of starting material; Show Experimental Procedure

Mizuno, Noritaka; Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Ishida, Hajime

Patent: US2004/204597 A1, 2004 ; Location in patent: Page 4 ;

With oxygen in 2,3,4-trifluorotoluene

T=20 - 83°C; 1 h; Conversion of starting material; Show Experimental Procedure

Mizuno, Noritaka; Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Ishida, Hajime

Patent: US2004/204597 A1, 2004 ; Location in patent: Page 5 ;

With 1,2-propylene cyclic carbonate; sodium bromate; ammonia in water

T=90°C; 15 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: EP1555257 A1, 2005 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 29 ;

With sodium chlorate; ammonia; acetic acid in water

T=90°C; 15 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: EP1555257 A1, 2005 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 29 ;

With oxygen; [2,2]bipyridinyl; N-Bromosuccinimide; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; ferric nitrate in acetic acid

T=45°C; 1.16667 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: WO2005/82825 A1, 2005 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 16 ;

With oxygen

T=46°C; P=750.075 Torr; Show Experimental Procedure

Degussa AG

Patent: US7030279 B1, 2006 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 10 ;

With sodium bromate; acetic acid; N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=90°C; 1.5 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: EP1661877 A1, 2006 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 13 ;

With sodium bromate; N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=50°C; 4 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: EP1661877 A1, 2006 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 16 ;

With 1,2-propylene cyclic carbonate; sodium bromate; acetic acid

T=90°C; 1.5 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: EP1661877 A1, 2006 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 13 ;

With sodium bromite; acetic acid

T=50°C; 4 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: EP1661877 A1, 2006 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 12 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With sodium bromate; acetic acid in toluene

T=50°C; 4 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: EP1661877 A1, 2006 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 16 ;

With sodium bromate; acetic acid in water

T=20 - 30°C; 24 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: EP1661877 A1, 2006 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 10 ;

With sodium bromate; propionic acid

T=80°C; 2.5 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: EP1661877 A1, 2006 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 12 ;

With sodium bromate in water

T=50°C; 4 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: EP1661877 A1, 2006 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 16 ;

With potassium bromate; acetic acid

T=90°C; 1.5 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: EP1661877 A1, 2006 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 14-15 ;

With oxygen; magnesium(II) nitrate; N-Bromosuccinimide; 4-acetylamino-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1piperidinoxy; acetic acid

T=46°C; P=750.075 Torr; 1 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: EP1674440 A1, 2006 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 8 ;

With magnesium carbonate calcinated at 390 C T=390 - 475°C; 16 h; Gas phase; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure

Ingelbrecht, Hugo; Kumar, Arun; Menon, Ashok Ramakrishnan; Nadkarni, Pradeep; Pawar, Rupesh

Patent: US2007/49767 A1, 2007 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 3 ;

50 % Chromat.

With (ScScRaSa)-[Ru(terpy)(phbox-iPr)(OH2)](BF4)2 in phosphate buffer

pH=7; Electrochemical reaction; Product distribution; Further Variations:pH-values;

Sala, Xavier; Santana, Naiara; Serrano, Isabel; Plantalech, Elena; Romero, Isabel; Rodriguez, Montserrat; Llobet, Antoni; Jansat, Susanna; Gomez, Montserrat; Fontrodona, Xavier

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2007 , # 33 p. 5207 - 5214 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; palladium/alumina in cyclohexane

T=50°C; Product distribution; Further Variations:Catalysts;

Mondelli, Cecilia; Ferri, Davide; Grunwaldt, Jan-Dierk; Krumeich, Frank; Mangold, Stefan; Psaro, Rinaldo; Baiker, Alfons

Journal of Catalysis, 2007 , vol. 252, # 1 p. 77 - 87 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tetra(n-butyl)ammonium hydroxide; oxygen; tetra-n-propylammonium perruthenatemethyltrimethoxysilane in carbon dioxide

T=75°C; P=165017 Torr; Kinetics; Further Variations:CatalystsReagents;

Campestrini, Sandro; Carraro, Massimo; Franco, Lorenzo; Ciriminna, Rosaria; Pagliaro, Mario

Tetrahedron Letters, 2008 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 419 - 423 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=79.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h;

Wang, Feng; Ueda, Wataru

Chemistry Letters, 2008 , vol. 37, # 2 p. 184 - 185 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; Pd/meso-Al2O3 in toluene

T=60°C; 24 h;

Hackett, Simon F. J.; Brydson, Rik M.; Gass, Mhairi H.; Harvey, Ian; Newman, Andrew D.; Wilson, Karen; Lee, Adam F.

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2007 , vol. 46, # 45 p. 8593 - 8596 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 3,3-dimethyldioxirane


Jones, Janet W.; Vasquez, Pedro C.; Baumstark

Heterocyclic Communications, 2008 , vol. 14, # 1-2 p. 11 - 14

2.2 %Chromat.

87.6 %Chromat.

90 %Chromat.

1.4 %Chromat.

90 %Chromat.

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

93 %Chromat.

90 %Chromat.

76 %Chromat.

94 %Spectr.

With sodium hydroxide; chloroamine-T

T=29.84°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:ReagentsTemperatures;


Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2007 , vol. 84, # 11 p. 1135 - 1139 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 3-chloro-benzenecarboperoxoic acid; iron(IV)-oxo meso-tetramesitylporphyrin π-cation radical in dichloromethane; acetonitrile

T=-40°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:Temperatures;

Han, Ah-Rim; Jin Jeong, Yu; Kang, Yaeun; Yoon Lee, Jung; Sook Seo, Mi; Nam, Wonwoo

Chemical Communications, 2008 , # 9 p. 1076 - 1078 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With α,α,α-trifluorotoluene; oxygen in water

T=20°C; 5 h;

Miyamura, Hiroyuki; Matsubara, Ryosuke; Kobayashi, Shu

Chemical Communications, 2008 , # 17 p. 2031 - 2033 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With (TMP)+.FeIV(O)(ClO4) in acetonitrile T=23°C; Kinetics; TemperatureReagent/catalyst;

Pan, Zhengzheng; Horner, John H.; Newcomb, Martin

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 25 p. 7776 - 7777 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With morpholinium chlorochromate in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=24.84°C; Kinetics; SolventTemperature;

Soni, Neelam; Tiwari, Vandana; Sharma, Vinita

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 47, # 5 p. 669 - 676 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium tungstate (VI) dihydrate; sodium phosphate dibasic dodecahydrate; dihydrogen peroxide in DMA

T=90°C; 1 h;

Hida, Takemasa; Nogusa, Hideo

Tetrahedron, 2009 , vol. 65, # 1 p. 270 - 274 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Sulfolobus acidocaldarius cytochrome P450 119; dihydrogen peroxide

T=22°C; pH=7.4; aq. phosphate bufferEnzymatic reaction; Kinetics;

Sheng, Xin; Horner, John H.; Newcomb, Martin

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 40 p. 13310 - 13320 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With bis[dichloro(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)iridium(III)]; oxygen; triethylamine in toluene

T=80°C; P=1520.28 Torr; 12 h; KineticsMechanism;

Jiang, Bi; Feng, Yuee; Ison, Elon A.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 44 p. 14462 - 14464 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in N,N-dimethyl acetamide; water

T=80°C; 0.5 h;

Weng, Zhihuan; Wang, Jinyan; Zhang, Shouhai; Jian, Xigao

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2008 , vol. 81, # 4 p. 525 - 529 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=139.84°C; P=15001.5 Torr; 1.2 h;

Mertens; Vandezande; Ye; Poelman; De Vos; Vankelecom

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2008 , vol. 350, # 9 p. 1241 - 1247 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With solid phase supported CuO/Cu composite T=140 - 150°C; 5 h; Neat (no solvent);

Pande, Surojit; Saha, Arindam; Jana, Subhra; Sarkar, Sougata; Basu, Mrinmoyee; Pradhan, Mukul; Sinha, Arun Kumar; Saha, Sandip; Pal, Anjali; Pal, Tarasankar

Organic Letters, 2008 , vol. 10, # 22 p. 5179 - 5181 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in carbon dioxide

T=60°C; P=135014 Torr; 12 h; Supercritical conditions;

Hou, Zhenshan; Theyssen, Nils; Brinkmann, Axel; Klementiev, Konstantin V.; Gruenert, Wolfgang; Buehl, Michael; Schmidt, Wolfgang; Spliethoff, Bernd; Tesche, Bernd; Weidenthaler, Claudia; Leitner, Walter

Journal of Catalysis, 2008 , vol. 258, # 2 p. 315 - 323 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; alizarin red S; titanium(IV) oxide in benzotrifluoride

P=750.075 Torr; 18 h; visible-light irradiation;

Zhang, Miao; Chen, Chuncheng; Ma, Wanhong; Zhao, Jincai

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2008 , vol. 47, # 50 p. 9730 - 9733 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With toluene-4-sulfonic acid; 2,2'-bipyridinium chlorochromate in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=24.84°C; KineticsMechanism; SolventTemperatureReagent/catalyst;

Yajurvedi, Deeksha; Baghmar, Manju; Sharma, Pradeep K.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 85, # 5 p. 496 - 501 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2'-bipyridinium chlorochromate in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=24.84°C; 15 h; Darkness;

Yajurvedi, Deeksha; Baghmar, Manju; Sharma, Pradeep K.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 85, # 5 p. 496 - 501 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With hydrotalcite supported Cu nanoparticles in para-xylene

T=130°C; 9 h; Inert atmosphere;

Mitsudome, Takato; Mikami, Yusuke; Ebata, Kaori; Mizugaki, Tomoo; Jitsukawa, Koichiro; Kaneda, Kiyotomi

Chemical Communications, 2008 , # 39 p. 4804 - 4806 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; diphenyl diselenide; sodium sulfate in PFTE; toluene


Van Der Toorn, John C.; Kemperman, Gerjan; Sheldon, Roger A.; Arends, Isabel W.C.E.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 74, # 8 p. 3085 - 3089 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 %Chromat.

With 2,2'-azobis(isobutyronitrile); oxygen in acetonitrile

T=100°C; P=2584.17 Torr; 12 h; Autoclave;

Bordoloi, Ankur; Sahoo, Suman; Lefebvre; Halligudi

Journal of Catalysis, 2008 , vol. 259, # 2 p. 232 - 239 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Spectr.

With 1-Phenylethanol; Ru(PPh3)(OH)-salen; oxygen in chloroform

T=20°C; chemoselective reaction;

Mizoguchi, Hirotaka; Uchida, Tatsuya; Ishida, Kohichi; Katsuki, Tsutomu

Tetrahedron Letters, 2009 , vol. 50, # 26 p. 3432 - 3435 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tetra-O-acetyl riboflavin; air in dimethylsulfoxide-d6; water-d2

T=20°C; 0.416667 h; Irradiation; Reactivity; Reagent/catalystTimeSolvent;

Schmaderer, Harald; Hilgers, Petra; Lechner, Robert; Koenig, Burkhard

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2009 , vol. 351, # 1-2 p. 163 - 174 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Pt/MOF-177

T=20°C; 24 h; in air;

Proch, Sebastian; Herrmannsdoerfer, Justus; Kempe, Rhett; Kern, Christoph; Jess, Andreas; Seyfarth, Lena; Senker, Juergen

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2008 , vol. 14, # 27 p. 8204 - 8212 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Ru(III)/titanate nanotubes

Bavykin, Dmitry V.; Walsh, Frank C.

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2009 , # 8 p. 977 - 997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2-iodyl-N-methyl-N-butylaniline oxide; trifluoroacetic acid in acetone

T=20°C; 3 h;

Zhdankin, Viktor V.; Nemykin, Victor N.; Karimov, Rashad R.; Kazhkenov, Zeinul-Gabiden

Chemical Communications, 2008 , # 46 p. 6131 - 6133 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

26 %Chromat.

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in methanol

T=80°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 23 h;

Ishida, Tamao; Nagaoka, Megumi; Akita, Tomoki; Haruta, Masatake

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2008 , vol. 14, # 28 p. 8456 - 8460 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; cetyltrimethylammonim bromide in water; 1,2-dichloro-ethane

Molecular sieve; chemoselective reaction;

Yadav, Ganapati D.; Manyar, Haresh G.

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2008 , vol. 350, # 14-15 p. 2286 - 2294 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Spectr.

With bis(2,4,6-triisopropylphenyl) tellurone in hexane

1 h; Reflux;

Oba, Makoto; Okada, Yasunori; Nishiyama, Kozaburo; Shimada, Shigeru; Ando, Wataru

Chemical Communications, 2008 , # 42 p. 5378 - 5380 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=75°C; 12 h; chemoselective reaction;

Zhang, Yugen; Riduan, Siti Nurhanna; Ying, Jackie Y.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2009 , vol. 15, # 5 p. 1077 - 1081 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With oxygen in toluene

T=89.84°C; 0.5 h; chemoselective reaction;

Venkatesan; Senthil Kumar; Lee, Jyh-Fu; Chan, Ting-Shan; Zen, Jyh-Myng

Chemical Communications, 2009 , # 14 p. 1912 - 1914 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iron(III) orthophosphate tetrahydrate; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=75°C; 12 h;

Shi, Feng; Tse, Man Kin; Li, Zuopeng; Beller, Matthias

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2008 , vol. 14, # 29 p. 8793 - 8797 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

94 %Chromat.

With N-Bromosuccinimide in polyethylene glycol 400

T=60°C; 1 h;

Fan, Ji-Cai; Shang, Zhi-Cai; Liang, Jun; Liu, Xiu-Hong; Liu, Yang

Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 21, # 11 p. 945 - 953 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92 %Chromat.

With oxygen in water; 1,2-dichloro-ethane


Wang, Naiwei; Matsumoto, Tsutomu; Ueno, Masaharu; Miyamura, Hiroyuki; Kobayashi, Shu

Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 2009 , vol. 48, p. 4744 - 4746 Angewandte Chemie, 2009 , vol. 121, p. 4838 - 4840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

50 %Spectr.

With Cp*Ir(Cl)2(nBu2Im); caesium carbonate in toluene

T=110°C; 24 h;

Prades, Amparo; Corberan, Rosa; Poyatos, Macarena; Peris, Eduardo

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2008 , vol. 14, # 36 p. 11474 - 11479 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With RuO2*5.2H2O/CNT in toluene

T=80°C; P=750.075 Torr; 0.5 h; Air;

Yu, Hao; Fu, Xiaobo; Zhou, Chunmei; Peng, Feng; Wang, Hongjuan; Yang, Jian

Chemical Communications, 2009 , # 17 p. 2408 - 2410 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxidized cytochrome P450 119 in glycerol

T=-50°C; aq. phosphate bufferUV-irradiation; Kinetics;

Wang, Qin; Sheng, Xin; Horner, John H.; Newcomb, Martin

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2009 , vol. 131, # 30 p. 10629 - 10636 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96 %Chromat.

With pyridine; 1-chloro-1λ3 -benzo[d][1,2]iodaoxol-3(1H)-one; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1piperidinyloxy free radical in ethyl acetate

T=20°C; 0.5 h;

Li, Xiao-Qiang; Zhang, Chi

Synthesis, 2009 , # 7 art. no. F20408SS, p. 1163 - 1169 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; titanium(IV) oxide in benzotrifluoride

P=750.075 Torr; 8 h; Irradiation;

Zhang, Miao; Wang, Qi; Chen, Chuncheng; Ma, Wanhong; Zhao, Jincai; Zang, Ling

Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 2009 , vol. 48, # 33 p. 6081 - 6084 Angewandte Chemie, 2009 , vol. 121, # 33 p. 6197 - 6200 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 6A,6D-di-O-(prop-2-one-1,3-dienyl)-α-cyclodextrin; dihydrogen peroxide

T=25°C; pH=7; 5 h; aq. phosphate buffer;

Fenger, Thomas Hauch; Marinescu, Lavinia G.; Bols, Mikael

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 7, # 5 p. 933 - 943 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

82 %Chromat.

With γ-alumina-supported silver cluster in toluene

T=99.84°C; 24 h; Kinetics; Concentration;

Shimizu, Ken-Ichi; Sugino, Kenji; Sawabe, Kyoichi; Satsuma, Atsushi

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2009 , vol. 15, # 10 p. 2341 - 2351 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N-(2-iodylphenyl)-N,4-dimethylbenzenesulfonamide in acetonitrile

5 h; RefluxInert atmosphere;

Mailyan, Artur K.; Geraskin, Ivan M.; Nemykin, Victor N.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 74, # 21 p. 8444 - 8447 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; hydrotalcite like catalyst T=105 - 204°C; P=760.051 Torr; 5 - 15 h; Heating / reflux; Conversion of starting material; Show Experimental Procedure

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

Patent: US2004/192972 A1, 2004 ; Location in patent: Page 10-11 ;

With 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Reflux;

Singh, Pradhumn; Singh, Monika; Singh, Ajai K.

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 694, # 24 p. 3872 - 3880 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; oxygen; potassium carbonate; copper(II) sulfate in water

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 2 h; chemoselective reaction;

Figiel, Pawel J.; Sibaouih, Ahlam; Ahmad, Jahir Uddin; Nieger, Martin; Raeisaenen, Minna T.; Leskelae, Markku; Repo, Timo

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2009 , vol. 351, # 16 p. 2625 - 2632 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

97 %Chromat.

With sodium tetrachloroaurate dihydrate; oxygen; caesium carbonate in toluene

T=30°C; P=760.051 Torr; 2 h;

Karimi, Babak; Kabiri Esfahani, Farhad

Chemical Communications, 2009 , # 37 p. 5555 - 5557 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N,N'-diacetyl-6(A),6(D)-diamino-6(A),6(D)-dideoxy-N,N'-(2-oxopropa-1,3-dienyl)-β-

Marinescu, Lavinia G.; Doyagueez, Elisa G.; Petrillo, Marta; Fernandez-Mayoralas, Alfonso; Bols, Mikael

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

cyclodextrin; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=20°C; pH=7; 5 h; aq. phosphate buffer; Kinetics; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction;

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2010 , # 1 p. 157 - 167 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

41 %Chromat.

With C77H60Cl2N4O4PRu2; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

8 h; Reflux;

Venkatachalam; Raja; Pandiarajan; Ramesh

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2008 , vol. 71, # 3 p. 884 - 891 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

97 %Chromat.

With 1-methyl-3-(2-oxo-2-(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-ylooxy-4-piperidoxyl)ethyl)imidazolium chloride; carbon dioxide; water; oxygen; sodium nitrite

T=99.84°C; P=82508.3 Torr; 8 h; Autoclave;

Miao, Cheng-Xia; He, Liang-Nian; Wang, Jing-Lun; Wu, Fang

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 75, # 1 p. 257 - 260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Chromat.

With sodium hypochlorite; potassium bromide in dichloromethane; Cyclooctan; water

pH=9.1; 0.08 h; Flow microreactorCooling with ice;

Bogdan, Andrew; McQuade, D. Tyler

Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 5, art. no. A17 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

98 %Chromat.

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in α,α,α-trifluorotoluene

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1.5 h;

Karimi, Babak; Zamani, Asghar; Abedi, Sedigheh; Clark, James H.

Green Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 11, # 1 p. 109 - 119 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

54 %Chromat.

With oxygen in toluene

T=99.84°C; 1 h;

Yang, Jie; Guan, Yejun; Verhoeven, Tiny; Van Santen, Rutger; Li, Can; Hensen, Emiel J. M.

Green Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 11, # 3 p. 322 - 325 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; titanium(IV) oxide in water

T=26.84°C; UV-irradiation; Kinetics; chemoselective reaction;

Yurdakal, Sedat; Palmisano, Giovanni; Loddo, Vittorio; Alagoez, Ouzhan; Augugliaro, Vincenzo; Palmisano, Leonardo

Green Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 11, # 4 p. 510 - 516 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; pH=6.5 - 7; 336 h;

Tonucci, Lucia; Nicastro, Marco; D'Alessandro, Nicola; Bressan, Mario; D'Ambrosio, Primiano; Morvillo, Antonino

Green Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 11, # 6 p. 816 - 820 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

8 %Chromat.

With oxygen in carbon dioxide

T=100°C; 12 h; Autoclave;

Wang, Jin-Quan; He, Liang-Nian; Miao, Cheng-Xia

Green Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 11, # 7 p. 1013 - 1017 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Oxone; tetrabutylammomium bromide in water

T=20°C; 1 h; Irradiation;

Wu, Shang; Ma, Hengchang; Yan, Penghua; Wang, Jianqiang; Ding, Juanjuan; Lei, Ziqiang

Letters in Organic Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 6, # 5 p. 424 - 427 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in α,α,α-trifluorotoluene

T=110°C; P=1500.15 Torr;

Barats, Delina; Neumann, Ronny

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2010 , vol. 352, # 2-3 p. 293 - 298 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With styrene; Cu/La2O3 in 1,3,5-trimethyl-benzene

T=149.84°C; 3 h; Inert atmosphereAutoclave;

Shi, Ruijuan; Wang, Fei; Tana; Li, Yong; Huang, Xiumin; Shen, Wenjie

Green Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 12, # 1 p. 108 - 113 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=100°C; P=4560.31 Torr; 6 h;

Oliveira, Rafael L.; Kiyohara, Pedro K.; Rossi, Liane M.

Green Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 12, # 1 p. 144 - 149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Au/Al2O3; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=79.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1.5 h;

Quintanilla; Butselaar-Orthlieb; Kwakernaak; Sloof; Kreutzer; Kapteijn

Journal of Catalysis, 2010 , vol. 271, # 1 p. 104 - 114 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With manganese(IV) oxide in chloroform

2 h; Reflux;

Phillips, David J.; Graham, Andrew E.

Synlett, 2010 , # 5 art. no. D30409ST, p. 769 - 773 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [RuCl(P(C6H5)3)C6H4(CHNC6H4CO2)2]; oxygen in dichloromethane

Arunachalam; Padma Priya; Jayabalakrishnan; Chinnusamy

T=20°C; 3 h;

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2009 , vol. 74, # 2 p. 591 - 596 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1,4-diaza-bicyclo[2.2.2]octane; chloroamine-T; silica gel in 1,4-dioxane; water


Yadav, Lal Dhar Singh; Srivastava, Vishnu Prabhakar; Patel, Rajesh

Synlett, 2010 , # 7 p. 1047 - 1050 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C41H34ClN3O2PRu; oxygen in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 4 h;

Priya, N. Padma; Arunachalam; Manimaran; Muthupriya; Jayabalakrishnan

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2009 , vol. 72, # 3 p. 670 - 676 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [Cu2(5-bpyT)2Br4](CH3CN)2; potassium tert-butylate; oxygen in water; acetonitrile

T=50°C; 10 h;

Lu, Zhengliang; Ladrak, Tim; Roubeau, Olivier; Van Der Toorn, John; Teat, Simon J.; Massera, Chiara; Gamez, Patrick; Reedijk, Jan

Dalton Transactions, 2009 , # 18 p. 3559 - 3570 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [(Cp*Ir)2(μ-NTs)2]; potassium tert-butylate in (2)H8-toluene

T=100°C; Inert atmosphere;

Zhu, Mingwen; Fujita, Ken-Ichi; Yamaguchi, Ryohei

Organic Letters, 2010 , vol. 12, # 6 p. 1336 - 1339 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in methanol; toluene

T=35°C; P=760.051 Torr; Kinetics; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Dhavamani; Parameswaran

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2009 , vol. 86, # 4 p. 383 - 387 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 %Chromat.

With Ag/HT in water

T=110°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphere; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure

Kaneda, Kiyotomi; Yamasaki, Noritsugu

Patent: US2010/130758 A1, 2010 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 5 ;

With [ruthenium(II)chloride(.eta.6-p-cymene)(1-(4-methoxyphenyltelluromethyl)-1Hbenzotriazole)](hexaflourophosphate); 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Reflux;

Das, Dipanwita; Singh, Pradhumn; Singh, Ajai K.

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 695, # 7 p. 955 - 962 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90 %Chromat.

With NiZn-Pd(0.02) nanocomposite catalyst in α,α,α-trifluorotoluene

T=79.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 2 h; Kinetics; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperatureTime;

Hara, Takayoshi; Ishikawa, Masakazu; Sawada, Junya; Ichikuni, Nobuyuki; Shimazu, Shogo

Green Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 11, # 12 p. 2034 - 2040 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With sodium hypochlorite; sodium hydrogencarbonate; potassium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; pH=9.1; 3 h;

Roeben, Caren; Studer, Armido; Hemme, Wilhelm L.; Eckert, Hellmut

Synlett, 2010 , # 7 p. 1110 - 1114 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

P=37503.8 Torr; 5 h;

Izarova, Natalya V.; Biboum, Rosa Ngo; Keita, Bineta; Mifsud, Maria; Arends, Isabel W. C. E.; Jameson, Geoffrey B.; Kortz, Ulrich

Dalton Transactions, 2009 , # 43 p. 9385 - 9387 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With C56H42As2Cl2O3Ru; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; RefluxMolecular sieve;

Muthukumar; Viswanathamurthi

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2009 , vol. 74, # 2 p. 454 - 462 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With trimethyloctadecylammonium chloride in water; acetonitrile

T=24.84°C; 6 h; DarknessIrradiation; chemoselective reaction;

Naya, Shin-Ichi; Tada, Hiroaki; Inoue, Aimi

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010 , vol. 132, # 18 p. 6292 - 6293 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dimethylsulfoxide-d6; iodopentafluorobenzene bis(trifluoroacetate)

T=20°C; Inert atmosphere;

Schaefer, Sascha; Wirth, Thomas

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2010 , vol. 49, # 15 p. 2786 - 2789 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxovanadium(IV) sulfate; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=80°C; P=3000.3 Torr; 2 h; Autoclave;

Du, Zhongtian; Ma, Jiping; Ma, Hong; Wang, Min; Huang, Yizheng; Xu, Jie

Catalysis Communications, 2010 , vol. 11, # 8 p. 732 - 735 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With γ-Fe2O3-mesoporous silica; oxygen in PEG200

T=130°C; 24 h;

Lang, Leiming; Li, Baojun; Liu, Wei; Li, Xun; Xu, Zheng

Chemistry Letters, 2009 , vol. 38, # 8 p. 806 - 807 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

62 %Chromat.

With (VO)4(3-hydrocypicolinate(2-))4; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=120°C; P=7500.75 Torr; 3 h; Autoclave;

Kodama, Shintaro; Ueta, Yukihiro; Yoshida, Jun; Nomoto, Akihiro; Yano, Shigenobu; Ueshima, Michio; Ogawa, Akiya

Dalton Transactions, 2009 , # 44 p. 9708 - 9711 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With Au/hydrotalcite in para-xylene

T=120°C; 9 h; Inert atmosphere;

Fang, Wenhao; Zhang, Qinghong; Chen, Jing; Deng, Weiping; Wang, Ye

Chemical Communications, 2010 , vol. 46, # 9 p. 1547 - 1549 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=89.84°C; 6 h;

Zhao, Wei; Zhang, Yingshuai; Ma, Baochun; Ding, Yong; Qiu, Wenyuan

Catalysis Communications, 2010 , vol. 11, # 6 p. 527 - 531 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=250°C; P=760.051 Torr;

Rao; Venkateswara Rao; Sai Prasad; Lingaiah

Catalysis Communications, 2010 , vol. 11, # 6 p. 547 - 550 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With NBu4[O2V(O2CC2H2Ph)2]; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 1 h; Inert atmosphereMolecular sieve;

Ohde, Christian; Limberg, Christian

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2010 , vol. 16, # 23 p. 6892 - 6899 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C31H29ClNO4PRu; oxygen in dichloromethane

T=32°C; 6 h;

Sathya; Raja; Padma Priya; Jayabalakrishnan

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 24, # 5 p. 366 - 373 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water; toluene

T=85°C; P=750.075 Torr; 3 h;

Yang, Xiaomin; Wang, Xiuna; Qiu, Jieshan

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2010 , vol. 382, # 1 p. 131 - 137 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=75°C; 20 h;

Bansal, Vipin Kumar; Thankachan, Pompozhi Protasis; Prasad, Rajendra

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2010 , vol. 381, # 1-2 p. 8 - 17 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=90°C; P=760.051 Torr; 10 h;

Yang, Hengquan; Ma, Zhancheng; Qing, Yong; Xie, Guangyong; Gao, Jie; zhang, Li; Gao, Jinhua; du, Lin

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2010 , vol. 382, # 2 p. 312 - 321 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

84 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=69.84°C; 7 h;

Ma, Baochun; Zhang, Yingshuai; Ding, Yong; Zhao, Wei

Catalysis Communications, 2010 , vol. 11, # 9 p. 853 - 857 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; H4VPO7; oxygen in water

T=80°C; P=3000.3 Torr; 4 h; Autoclave;

Du, Zhongtian; Ma, Jiping; Ma, Hong; Gao, Jin; Xu, Jie

Green Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 12, # 4 p. 590 - 592 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h; chemoselective reaction;

Yang, Hengquan; Han, Xiaojing; Ma, Zhancheng; Wang, Runqin; Liu, Jing; Ji, Xiangfei

Green Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 12, # 3 p. 441 - 451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Chromat.

With acetaldehyde

T=30°C; Oppenauer oxidation; pH=7.5; 24 h; aq. phosphate bufferMicrobiological reactionCombinatorial reaction / High throughput screening (HTS); chemoselective reaction;

Orbegozo, Thomas; De Vries, Johannes G.; Kroutil, Wolfgang

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2010 , # 18 p. 3445 - 3448 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [Cu(AcO)2(py)]2-silica; oxygen in carbon dioxide

T=80°C; P=113636 Torr; 12 h; Supercritical conditions;

Herbert, Matthew; Montilla, Francisco; Galindo, Agustin

Dalton Transactions, 2010 , vol. 39, # 3 p. 900 - 907 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With (+/-)-2-ethyl-2-(2-iodoxyphenyl)acetic acid methyl ester; trifluoroacetic acid in dichloromethane

8 h; Reflux;

Altermann, Sabine M.; Schaefer, Sascha; Wirth, Thomas

Tetrahedron, 2010 , vol. 66, # 31 p. 5902 - 5907 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 10 palladium on carbon; oxygen in 2,3,4-trifluorotoluene

T=90°C; P=3750.38 Torr; Autoclave;

Ruiz, Violeta R.; Corma, Avelino; Sabater, Maria J.

Tetrahedron, 2010 , vol. 66, # 3 p. 730 - 735 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

46 %Chromat.

With (TBA)2[SeO4{WO(O2)2}2]; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=49.84°C; 26.6667 h; chemoselective reaction;

Kamata, Keigo; Lshimoto, Ryo; Hirano, Tomohisa; Kuzuya, Shinjiro; Uehara, Kazuhiro; Mizuno, Noritaka

Inorganic Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 49, # 5 p. 2471 - 2478 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ruthenium trichloride; iodobenzene; potassium peroxymonosulfate in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 1.5 h; Inert atmosphere;

Yusubov, Mekhman S.; Nemykin, Victor N.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Tetrahedron, 2010 , vol. 66, # 31 p. 5745 - 5752 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [Cu2(H2O)2(.mu.-O-2-O2N-4C6H3NN=C(COMe)COMe)2]; potassium carbonate in water

T=49.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 22 h;

Mahmudov, Kamran T.; Kopylovich, Maximilian N.; Silva, M. Fatima C. Guedes da; Figiel, Pawel J.; Karabach, Yauhen Yu.; Pombeiro, Armando J.L.

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2010 , vol. 318, # 1-2 p. 44 - 50 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With oxygen in o-xylene

T=90°C; 0.75 h; Flow conditions;

Yasu-eda, Takashi; Kitamura, Susumu; Ikenaga, Na-oki; Miyake, Takanori; Suzuki, Toshimitsu

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2010 , vol. 323, # 1-2 p. 7 - 15 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With (TSPP)Rh(III)(H2O)2; oxygen; sodium hydroxide in water

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; pH=13.2; 7 h;

Liu, Lianghui; Yu, Mengmeng; Wayland, Bradford B.; Fu, Xuefeng

Chemical Communications, 2010 , vol. 46, # 34 p. 6353 - 6355 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With trimethylamine-N-oxide; C18H26O4RuSi2 in water; acetone

Oppenauer-like oxidation; 18 h; RefluxInert atmosphere;

Moyer, Sara A.; Funk, Timothy W.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2010 , vol. 51, # 41 p. 5430 - 5433 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With TEMPOL; N,N′-{1,3-bis[(pyridine-2-ylmethyl)amino]propan-2-al}atodicopper(II)(μacetato)diperchlorate; oxygen; sodium hydroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; Kinetics; TemperatureReagent/catalystConcentration;

Striegler, Susanne; Dunaway, Natasha A.; Gichinga, Moses G.; Milton, Lisa K.

Tetrahedron, 2010 , vol. 66, # 40 p. 7927 - 7932 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92.6 %Chromat.

With C12H10N3NiO(1+)*C18H15P*Cl(1-); periodic acid in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 0.5 h;

Ramakrishna, Dileep; Bhat, Badekai Ramachandra

Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 40, # 8 p. 516 - 520 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 %Chromat.

With poly(4-methylvinylpyridinium permanganate)(63.47percent)/SBA-15 (P4MVPMnO4(63.47percent)/SBA-15) T=80°C; 0.0833333 h; Neat (no solvent); chemoselective reaction;

Kalbasi, Roozbeh Javad; Kolahdoozan, Majid; Shahabian, Keinaz; Zamani, Farzad

Catalysis Communications, 2010 , vol. 11, # 14 p. 1109 - 1115 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in cyclohexane

T=80°C; P=1520.1 Torr;

Villa, Alberto; Wang, Di; Dimitratos, Nikolaos; Su, Dangsheng; Trevisan, Valentina; Prati, Laura

Catalysis Today, 2010 , vol. 150, # 1-2 p. 8 - 15 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C50H39ClN2O2P2Ru; oxygen in dichloromethane

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h;

Arunachalam; Priya, N. Padma; Boopathi; Jayabalakrishnan; Chinnusamy

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 24, # 7 p. 491 - 498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; titanium(IV) oxide in acetonitrile

P=760.051 Torr; UV-irradiation; KineticsQuantum yield; Wavelength;

Higashimoto, Shinya; Suetsugu, Nobuaki; Azuma, Masashi; Ohue, Hiroyoshi; Sakata, Yoshihisa

Journal of Catalysis, 2010 , vol. 274, # 1 p. 76 - 83 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With palladium on carbon; gold on carbon; oxygen in water

T=60°C; P=1140.08 Torr; Autoclave;

Wang, Di; Villa, Alberto; Spontoni, Paolo; Su, Dang Sheng; Prati, Laura

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2010 , vol. 16, # 33 p. 10007 - 10013 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite; CoCl(P(C6H5)3)(C13H11N2O); 1-ethyl-3-methyl-1H-imidazol-3-ium chloride

T=20°C; 0.25 h;

Ramakrishna, Dileep; Ramachandra Bhat, Badekai

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2010 , vol. 13, # 1 p. 195 - 198 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90 %Chromat.

With Au/Pd; oxygen in poly(ethylene glycol)-600

T=80°C; P=52505.3 Torr; 9 h; CO2;

He, Jinling; Wu, Tianbin; Hu, Baoji; Cheng, Yan; Wu, Suxiang; Jiang, Tao; Han, Buxing

Science China Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 53, # 7 p. 1592 - 1597 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With graphene oxide T=100°C; 144 h; Neat (no solvent);

Dreyer, Daniel R.; Jia, Hong-Peng; Bielawski, Christopher W.

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2010 , vol. 49, # 38 p. 6813 - 6816 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90.6 %Chromat.

With sodium hypochlorite solution; 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium

T=20°C; 0.25 h;

Ramakrishna, Dileep; Bhat, Badekai Ramachandra; Karvembu, Ramasamy

Catalysis Communications, 2010 , vol. 11, # 5 p. 498 - 501 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With C55H48As2N3O3RuS; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

0.166667 h; Molecular sieveReflux;

Muthukumar, Manisekar; Viswanathamurthi, Periasamy

Central European Journal of Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 8, # 1 p. 229 - 240 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

89 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetone

T=56°C; 2 h;

Kikukawa, Yuji; Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Mizuno, Noritaka

Inorganic Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 49, # 18 p. 8194 - 8196 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h;

Feng, Bo; Hou, Zhenshan; Yang, Hanmin; Wang, Xiangrui; Hu, Yu; Li, Huan; Qiao, Yunxiang; Zhao, Xiuge; Huang, Qingfa

Langmuir, 2010 , vol. 26, # 4 p. 2505 - 2513 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C40H34BrN3PRuS2; oxygen in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 6 h;

Arunachalam; Priya, N. Padma; Saravanakumar; Jayabalakrishnan; Chinnusamy

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 63, # 10 p. 1795 - 1806 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C22H23NRuSSe(2+)*2F6P(1-); 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

2 h; Reflux;

Singh, Pradhumn; Das, Dipanwita; Singh, Monika; Singh, Ajai K.

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2010 , vol. 13, # 2 p. 223 - 226 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-methylimidazole hydrogen sulfate; sodium nitrate


Garima; Srivastava, Vishnu P.; Yadav, Lal Dhar S.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2010 , vol. 51, # 49 p. 6436 - 6438 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

91 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=70°C; 7 h;

Parghi, Kalpesh D.; Jayaram, Radha V.

Catalysis Communications, 2010 , vol. 11, # 15 p. 1205 - 1210 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

80.1 %Chromat.

With C49H41ClFeNOP2S; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 1.5 h;

Rani, Sandya; Bhat, Badekai Ramachandra

Tetrahedron Letters, 2010 , vol. 51, # 49 p. 6403 - 6405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=25°C; 8 h;

Ma, Zhancheng; Yang, Hengquan; Qin, Yong; Hao, Yajuan; Li, Guang

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2010 , vol. 331, # 1-2 p. 78 - 85 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C52H43N3O4P2RuS; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

8 h; Reflux;

Ulaganatha Raja; Gowri; Ramesh

Polyhedron, 2010 , vol. 29, # 3 p. 1175 - 1181 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; RefluxMolecular sieve;

Muthukumar; Viswanathamurthi; Karvembu

Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements, 2010 , vol. 185, # 11 p. 2201 - 2211 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With hydrogenchloride; oxygen; 4-methoxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-oxyl radical in water; 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=40°C; 16 h;

Tao, Jianwei; Lu, Qiongqiong; Chu, Changhu; Liu, Renhua; Liang, Xinmiao

Synthesis, 2010 , # 23 art. no. F14110SS, p. 3974 - 3976 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With oxygen in toluene

T=100°C; 12 h;

Nagashima, Kohji; Mitsudome, Takato; Mizugaki, Tomoo; Jitsukawa, Koichiro; Kaneda, Kiyotomi

Green Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 12, # 12 p. 2142 - 2144 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Ru/Al2O3; oxygen in toluene

T=90°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 0.75 h; chemoselective reaction;

Zotova, Natalia; Hellgardt, Klaus; Kelsall, Geoffrey H.; Jessiman, Alan S.; Hii, King Kuok Mimi

Green Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 12, # 12 p. 2157 - 2163 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium nitrososulfonate; sodium chloride; sodium hydroxide in water

T=25°C; Inert atmosphere; KineticsMechanism; Concentration;

De, Piyali; Kumar, Dhurjati Prasad; Mondal, Amit Kumar; Mandal, Pulak Chandra; Mukhopadhyay, Subrata; Banerjee, Rupendranath

Polyhedron, 2010 , vol. 29, # 4 p. 1358 - 1362 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in dichloromethane

12 h; Irradiation;

Mizoshita, Norihiro; Yamanaka, Ken-Ichi; Shimada, Toyoshi; Tani, Takao; Inagaki, Shinji

Chemical Communications, 2010 , vol. 46, # 48 p. 9235 - 9237 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With oxygen in α,α,α-trifluorotoluene; water

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 9 h;

Kaizuka, Kosuke; Miyamura, Hiroyuki; Kobayashi, Shu

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010 , vol. 132, # 43 p. 15096 - 15098 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

80 %Chromat.

With 2CF3O3S(1-)*C12H32Cu2N4O2(2+) in acetone


Kang, Peng; Bobyr, Elena; Dustman, John; Hodgson, Keith O.; Hedman, Britt; Solomon, Edward I.; Stack, T. Daniel P.

Inorganic Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 49, # 23 p. 11030 - 11038 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in acetonitrile

T=100°C; P=6000.6 Torr; 3 h; UV-irradiationAutoclave;

Su, Fangzheng; Mathew, Smitha C.; Lipner, Grzegorz; Fu, Xianzhi; Antonietti, Markus; Blechert, Siegfried; Wang, Xinchen

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2010 , vol. 132, # 46 p. 16299 - 16301 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With titanium-containing mesoporous silica; hydrogen fluoride; oxygen in benzotrifluoride

T=20°C; UV-irradiation;

Wang, Qi; Zhang, Miao; Chen, Chuncheng; Ma, Wanhong; Zhao, Jincai

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2010 , vol. 49, # 43 p. 7976 - 7979 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Oxone; C26H20N2O3V; tetrabutylammomium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; 0.0833333 h;

Bagherzadeh, Mojtaba; Amini, Mojtaba

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 63, # 21 p. 3849 - 3858 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With C48H35AsBrCl2O4Ru; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Molecular sieveReflux;

Muthukumar; Viswanathamurthi; Prabhakaran; Natarajan

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 63, # 21 p. 3833 - 3848 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in water; acetonitrile

T=60°C; 5 h;

Chattopadhyay, Tanmay; Kogiso, Masaki; Asakawa, Masumi; Shimizu, Toshimi; Aoyagi, Masaru

Catalysis Communications, 2010 , vol. 12, # 1 p. 9 - 13 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

86 %Chromat.

With C48H45As2Cl2N2ORuS; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

T=27°C; 12 h;

Gunasekaran; Karvembu

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2010 , vol. 13, # 8 p. 952 - 955 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in acetonitrile

P=760.051 Torr; Visible light irradiation; KineticsQuantum yield; chemoselective reaction;

Samiolo; Valigi; Gazzoli; Amadelli

Electrochimica Acta, 2010 , vol. 55, # 26 p. 7788 - 7795 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

86.1 %Chromat.

With chloro(N-(2-mercaptophenyl)salicylideneimine)bis(triphenylphosphine)iron(III); periodic acid in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 1.5 h;

Rani, Sandya; Ramachandra Bhat, Badekai

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2010 , vol. 13, # 11 p. 1289 - 1292 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

49 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; [Co(4-nbz)2(py)2] in water; acetonitrile

T=27°C; 18 h;

Chakravorty, Stutee; Das, Birinchi K.

Polyhedron, 2010 , vol. 29, # 8 p. 2006 - 2013 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

78 %Chromat.

With hydrotalcite-supported gold nanoparticles (Au/HT); air in toluene

T=40°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h;

Mitsudome, Takato; Noujima, Akifumi; Mizugaki, Tomoo; Jitsukawa, Koichiro; Kaneda, Kiyotomi

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2009 , vol. 351, # 11-12 p. 1890 - 1896 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N-(2-iodylphenyl)glutarylamide supported on amonomethylpolystyrene resin in 1,2-dichloroethane

T=85°C; 1 h;

Yusubov, Mekhman S.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Mendeleev Communications, 2010 , vol. 20, # 4 p. 185 - 191 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in cyclohexane

T=80°C; P=1520.1 Torr;

Chan-Thaw, Carine E.; Villa, Alberto; Prati, Laura; Thomas, Arne

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011 , vol. 17, # 3 p. 1052 - 1057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=220°C; Gas phase;

Zhao, Guofeng; Hu, Huanyun; Deng, Miaomiao; Ling, Min; Lu, Yong

Green Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 13, # 1 p. 55 - 58 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [2,2]bipyridinyl; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; sodium methylate; copper(ll) bromide in water; acetonitrile

T=30°C; 2 h;

Mase, Nobuyuki; Mizumori, Tomoya; Tatemoto, Yuji

Chemical Communications, 2011 , vol. 47, # 7 p. 2086 - 2088 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Oxone; catena{[nitrato-μ3-2,4,6-tris(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazinesilver(I)][dinitrato-μ2-2,4,6tris(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazinesilver(I)]}; tetrabutylammomium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; 2 h; Air atmosphere;

Najafpour, Mohammad Mahdi; Holynska, Malgorzata; Amini, Mojtaba; Kazemi, Sayed Habib; Lis, Tadeusz; Bagherzadeh, Mojtaba

Polyhedron, 2010 , vol. 29, # 14 p. 2837 - 2843 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Zn4(2-methylimidazole(-1H))MoO4*2(N,N-dimethylformamide); dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile


Wang, Fei; Liu, Zi-Sheng; Yang, Hui; Tan, Yan-Xi; Zhang, Jian

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2011 , vol. 50, # 2 p. 450 - 453 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=80°C; 6 h; Inert atmosphere; chemoselective reaction;

Stolle, Achim; Ondruschka, Bernd; Morgenthal, Ingrid; Andersen, Olaf; Bonrath, Werner

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2011 , vol. 335, # 1-2 p. 228 - 235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92.1 %Chromat.

With sodium hypochlorite solution; C48H40N3OP2Ru(1+)*Cl(1-)

T=20°C; 0.5 h; Ionic liquid;

Ramakrishna, Dileep; Bhat, Badekai Ramachandra

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2011 , vol. 14, # 1 p. 155 - 158 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tetraethylammonium bromochromate in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=24.84°C; KineticsMechanism; TemperatureSolvent;

Mansoor, S. Sheik; Shafi, S. Syed

Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie, 2011 , vol. 225, # 2 p. 249 - 263 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With hydrotalcite-supported gold nanoparticles in para-xylene

T=119.84°C; Inert atmosphere; Kinetics;

Fang, Wenhao; Chen, Jiashu; Zhang, Qinghong; Deng, Weiping; Wang, Ye

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011 , vol. 17, # 4 p. 1247 - 1256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=90°C; 8 h; Kinetics; Temperature;

Mahdavi, Vahid; Hasheminasab, Hamid Reza; Abdollahi, Sohrab

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2010 , vol. 57, # 2 p. 189 - 198 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridine; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical in water; acetonitrile

T=50°C; 3 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Chen, Jiang-Min; Zeng, Xiao-Mei; Middleton, Kyle; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2011 , vol. 52, # 16 p. 1952 - 1955 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With water; oxygen; sodium nitrite

T=30°C; P=1500.15 Torr; 1.5 h; Ionic liquidAutoclave;

Miao, Cheng-Xia; Wang, Jin-Quan; Yu, Bing; Cheng, Wei-Guo; Sun, Jian; Chanfreau, Sebastien; He, Liang-Nian; Zhang, Suo-Jiang

Chemical Communications, 2011 , vol. 47, # 9 p. 2697 - 2699 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With oxygen; titanium(IV) oxide in acetonitrile

T=24.84°C; 4 h; Visible light irradiation; Kinetics;

Higashimoto, Shinya; Kitao, Naoya; Yoshida, Norio; Sakura, Teruki; Azuma, Masashi; Ohue, Hiroyoshi; Sakata, Yoshihisa

Journal of Catalysis, 2009 , vol. 266, # 2 p. 279 - 285 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Spectr.

With [RuCl2(p-cymene)(1,4-dibutyl-3-methyl-1,2,3-triazolylidene)] in toluene

T=70°C; 16 h;

Prades, Amparo; Peris, Eduardo; Albrecht, Martin

Organometallics, 2011 , vol. 30, # 5 p. 1162 - 1167 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iron(III) chloride; chloroamine-T in dichloromethane

T=20°C; Inert atmosphere;

Srivastava, Vishnu P.; Patel, Rajesh; Yadav, Lal Dhar S.

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 353, # 5 p. 695 - 700 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 5,10,15,20-tetramesitylporphyrin in dichloromethane; acetonitrile

P=760.051 Torr; 72 h; Irradiation;

Hajimohammadi, Mahdi; Safari, Nasser; Mofakham, Hamid; Deyhimi, Farzad

Green Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 13, # 4 p. 991 - 997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92.2 %Chromat.

With [CuCl(P(C6H5)3)(C6H4(O)CHNNHC5H4N)]; periodic acid in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 0.5 h;

Ramakrishna, Dileep; Bhat, Badekai Ramachandra

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2011 , vol. 14, # 5 p. 690 - 693 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [ruthenium(II)chloride(.eta.6-benzene)(N-[2-(phenylseleno)ethyl]morpholine)] (hexafluorophosphate); 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Reflux;

Singh, Pradhumn; Singh, Ajai K.

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2010 , # 26 p. 4187 - 4195 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [Cu(H2O)(O-2-O2N-4C6H3NN=CCOCH2C(Me)2CH2CO)]; potassium carbonate in water

T=50°C; P=760.051 Torr; 22 h;

Kopylovich, Maximilian N.; Mahmudov, Kamran T.; Da Silva, M. Fatima C. Guedes; Figiel, Pawel J.; Karabach, Yauhen Yu.; Kuznetsov, Maxim L.; Luzyanin, Konstantin V.; Pombeiro, Armando J.L.

Inorganic Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 50, # 3 p. 918 - 931 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; P=750.075 Torr; 0.25 h;

Zhang, Yanjie; Wang, Junhu; Zhang, Tao

Chemical Communications, 2011 , vol. 47, # 18 p. 5307 - 5309 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With silica gel; palladium

T=90°C; 24 h; chemoselective reaction;

Lee, Adam F.; Ellis, Christine V.; Naughton, James N.; Newton, Mark A.; Parlett, Christopher M. A.; Wilson, Karen

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 133, # 15 p. 5724 - 5727 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90 %Chromat.

With C16H13ClIrNO(1-); sodium methylate in toluene

20 h; RefluxInert atmosphere;

Fujita, Ken-Ichi; Yoshida, Tetsuya; Imori, Yoichiro; Yamaguchi, Ryohei

Organic Letters, 2011 , vol. 13, # 9 p. 2278 - 2281 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [Co(NH3)5Cl]Cl2; [(2,2':6',2''-terpyridine)Ru(2,3,5,6-tetrakis(2-pyridyl)pyrazine)Ru(2,2'bipyridine)(H2O)](+4)*4CF3SO3(-1)

T=20°C; pH=6.8; 24 h; Irradiationaq. phosphate buffer;

Chen, Weizhong; Rein, Francisca N.; Scott, Brian L.; Rocha, Reginaldo C.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011 , vol. 17, # 20 p. 5595 - 5604 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 6 h; chemoselective reaction;

Islam; Roy, Anupam Singha; Mondal, Paramita; Mubarak, Manir; Mondal, Sanchita; Hossain, Dildar; Banerjee, Satabdi; Santra

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2011 , vol. 336, # 1-2 p. 106 - 114 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

84 %Chromat.

With oxygen; palladium diacetate; potassium carbonate; catacxium A in toluene

T=80°C; P=750.075 Torr; chemoselective reaction;

Gowrisankar, Saravanan; Neumann, Helfried; Beller, Matthias

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2011 , vol. 50, # 22 p. 5139 - 5143 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylnitrite; oxygen in acetic acid

T=40°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3.3 h; chemoselective reaction;

Karimi, Babak; Badreh, Ebrahim

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 9, # 11 p. 4194 - 4198 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1 h;

Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Kim, Jung Won; He, Jinling; Mizuno, Noritaka

Journal of Catalysis, 2009 , vol. 268, # 2 p. 343 - 349 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With porous silica beads supported 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperdine 1-oxyl and adsorbed NOx (PSBTEMPO/NOx); air in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 4 h;

Di, Lei; Hua, Zhang

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 353, # 8 p. 1253 - 1259 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=25°C; 5 h;

Chattopadhyay, Tanmay; Kogiso, Masaki; Aoyagi, Masaru; Yui, Hiroharu; Asakawa, Masumi; Shimizu, Toshimi

Green Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 13, # 5 p. 1138 - 1140 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylnitrite; oxygen in water

T=50°C; P=760.051 Torr; 4 h;

Karimi, Babak; Farhangi, Elham

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011 , vol. 17, # 22 p. 6056 - 6060 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With palladium on carbon; [emim][NTf2]; oxygen

T=160°C; 1 h; Ionic liquid;

Chen, Yuanting; Bai, Linlu; Zhou, Chunmei; Lee, Jong-Min; Yang, Yanhui

Chemical Communications, 2011 , vol. 47, # 22 p. 6452 - 6454 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2-iodyl-3-propoxypyridine in acetonitrile

2 h; RefluxInert atmosphere; chemoselective reaction;

Yoshimura, Akira; Banek, Christopher T.; Yusubov, Mekhman S.; Nemykin, Victor N.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 76, # 10 p. 3812 - 3819 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: With potassium hydride in acetonitrile

Zhu, Xiao-Qing; Chen, Xi; Mei, Lian-Rui

Organic Letters, 2011 , vol. 13, # 9 p. 2456 - 2459 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #2: With 4-acetylamino-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-1-oxoam-monium perchlorate in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 3 h;

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; butane-2,3-dione dioxime; cobalt(II) nitrate in dichloromethane

T=70°C; P=3000.3 Torr; 2 h; Autoclave;

Jing, Yuanyuan; Jiang, Jun; Yan, Bo; Lu, Shuai; Jiao, Jiemin; Xue, Huazhen; Yang, Guanyu; Zheng, Gengxiu

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 353, # 7 p. 1146 - 1152 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C28H32Co3N19O5(1+)*NO3(1-); 3-chloro-benzenecarboperoxoic acid in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 0.166667 h;

Shin, Jong Won; Rowthu, Sankara Rao; Hyun, Min Young; Song, Young Joo; Kim, Cheal; Kim, Bong Gon; Min, Kil Sik

Dalton Transactions, 2011 , vol. 40, # 21 p. 5762 - 5773 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=99.84°C; chemoselective reaction;

Tang, Qinghu; Gong, Xiaonan; Zhao, Peizheng; Chen, Yuanting; Yang, Yanhui

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2010 , vol. 389, # 1-2 p. 101 - 107 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With boron trifluoride diethyl etherate in dichloromethane

12 h;

Chen, Jiang-Min; Zeng, Xiao-Mei; Middleton, Kyle; Yusubov, Mekhman S.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Synlett, 2011 , # 11 p. 1613 - 1617 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

0.26 g

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=20°C; 7 h;

Patil, Rajendra D.; Adimurthy, Subbarayappa

Synthetic Communications, 2011 , vol. 41, # 18 p. 2712 - 2718 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-hydroxy-3H-benz[d][1,2]iodoxole-1,3-dione in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=20°C; Show Experimental Procedure

Moorthy, Jarugu Narasimha; Neogi, Ishita

Tetrahedron Letters, 2011 , vol. 52, # 30 p. 3868 - 3871 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-octly-3-methylimidazolium persulfate

T=80°C; 1 h; neat (no solvent);

Shi, Shenyi; Kong, Aiguo; Zhao, Xinhua; Zhang, Qiying; Shan, Yongkui

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2010 , # 15 p. 2283 - 2289 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; bis(p-chlorophenyl) diselenide

T=80°C; 6 h;

Van Der Toorn, John C.; Kemperman, Gerjan; Sheldon, Roger A.; Arends, Isabel W. C. E.

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , # 23 p. 4345 - 4352 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92 %Chromat.

With potassium tert-butylate; oxygen; copper dichloride; 4-methyl-2-((pyridin-2ylmethylene)amino)phenol in water; acetonitrile

Uma Maheswari, Palanisamy; Hartl, Frantisek; Quesada, Manuel; Buda, Francesco; Lutz, Martin; Spek, Anthony L.; Gamez, Patrick; Reedijk, Jan

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2011 , vol. 374, # 1 p. 406 - 414

T=20°C; 8 h;

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

23.1 %Chromat.

With ruthenium trichloride; potassium carbonate

48 h;

Liu, Chuanzhi; Liao, Shiheng; Li, Qiang; Feng, Sunlin; Sun, Qing; Yu, Xiaochun; Xu, Qing

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 76, # 14 p. 5759 - 5773 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; P=7600.51 Torr; 5 h; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Costa, Vinicius V.; Jacinto, Marcos J.; Rossi, Liane M.; Landers, Richard; Gusevskaya, Elena V.

Journal of Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 282, # 1 p. 209 - 214 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=100°C; P=1520.1 Torr; 18 h;

Maayan, Galia; Christou, George

Inorganic Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 50, # 15 p. 7015 - 7021 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-methyl-2-azatricyclo[,7]dec-2-yloxidanyl; oxygen; nitric acid; sodium nitrite in water

T=40°C; 4 h;

Kuang, Yongbo; Nabae, Yuta; Hayakawa, Teruaki; Kakimoto, Masa-Aki

Green Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 13, # 7 p. 1659 - 1663 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

91 %Chromat.

With 1H-imidazole; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 4 h; chemoselective reaction;

Masoudian, Shahla; Yahyaei, Hooriye

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 50, # 7 p. 1002 - 1005 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium dichloride; pentaaminechlorocobalt(III) dichloride; [Ru(tpy)(bpy) (H2O)](ClO4)2

T=20°C; pH=6.8; 5 h; Inert atmosphereaq. phosphate bufferIrradiation;

Li, Fei; Yu, Miao; Jiang, Yi; Huang, Fang; Li, Yanqing; Zhang, Biaobiao; Sun, Licheng

Chemical Communications, 2011 , vol. 47, # 31 p. 8949 - 8951 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

41.3 %Spectr.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in hexane; acetonitrile

T=70°C; 24 h;

Hong, Haiyan; Hu, Lei; Li, Min; Zheng, Junwei; Sun, Xuhui; Lu, Xinhua; Cao, Xueqin; Lu, Jianmei; Gu, Hongwei

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011 , vol. 17, # 31 p. 8726 - 8730 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen


Zhao, Guofeng; Hu, Huanyun; Deng, Miaomiao; Lu, Yong

Chemical Communications, 2011 , vol. 47, # 34 p. 9642 - 9644 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 1 h;

Xie, Ting; Lu, Min; Zhang, Wenwen; Li, Jun

Journal of Chemical Research, 2011 , vol. 35, # 7 p. 397 - 399 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

81.5 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

5.5 h; Reflux;

Tan, Huaqiao; Chen, Weilin; Liu, Ding; Feng, Xiaojia; Li, Yangguang; Yan, Aixue; Wang, Enbo

Dalton Transactions, 2011 , vol. 40, # 33 p. 8414 - 8418 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With (4-pyridyl)pentamethyldisiloxane; oxygen; palladium diacetate in toluene

T=79.84°C; 18 h;

Missaghi, Michael N.; Galloway, John. M.; Kung, Harold H.

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2011 , vol. 391, # 1-2 p. 297 - 304 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tripropylammonium fluorochromate in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=24.84°C; 24 h; Darkness; Kinetics; TemperatureSolvent;

Mansoor, S. Sheik; Shafi, S. Syed

Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2010 , vol. 155, # 2-3 p. 85 - 90 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium phosphate; recombinant rat brain aldo-keto reductase R1B10; nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate in methanol

Enzymatic reaction; Kinetics;

Endo, Satoshi; Matsunaga, Toshiyuki; Kuragano, Tsukasa; Ohno, Satoshi; Kitade, Yukio; Tajima, Kazuo; El-Kabbani, Ossama; Hara, Akira

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2010 , vol. 503, # 2 p. 230 - 237 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With water; oxygen

T=24.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h; SonicationIrradiation;

Tsukamoto, Daijiro; Ikeda, Makoto; Shiraishi, Yasuhiro; Hara, Takayoshi; Ichikuni, Nobuyuki; Tanaka, Shunsuke; Hirai, Takayuki

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011 , vol. 17, # 35 p. 9816 - 9824 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzthiazolinesulfonate); copper(ll) sulfate

Fuchs, Michael; Schober, Markus; Pfeffer, Jan; Kroutil, Wolfgang; Birner-Gruenberger, Ruth; Faber, Kurt

pentahydrate; oxygen; horseradish peroxidase

T=20°C; P=3000.3 Torr; pH=7; 20 h; Microbiological reactionaq. phosphate bufferEnzymatic reaction;

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 353, # 13 p. 2354 - 2358 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

86 %Chromat.

With 4-oxo-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-oxyl; potassium tert-butylate; palladium diacetate; triethylamine

72 h; Airneat (no solvent);

Jiang, Lan; Jin, Luolu; Tian, Haiwen; Yuan, Xueqin; Yu, Xiaochun; Xu, Qing

Chemical Communications, 2011 , vol. 47, # 38 p. 10833 - 10835 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

93 %Chromat.

With periodic acid in water

T=27°C; 7 h; chemoselective reaction;

Babu, S. Ganesh; Priyadarsini, P. Aruna; Karvembu

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2011 , vol. 392, # 1-2 p. 218 - 224 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 2 h; chemoselective reaction;

Wang, Shuai; Li, Wen-Cui; Hao, Guang-Ping; Hao, Yan; Sun, Qiang; Zhang, Xiang-Qian; Lu, An-Hui

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 133, # 39 p. 15304 - 15307 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With Oxone; [Mn(2,4,6-tri-(2-pyridyl)-1,3,5-triazine)Cl2(H2O)]*H2O; tetrabutylammomium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; 0.0833333 h;

Najafpour, Mohammad Mahdi; Amini, Mojtaba; Bagherzadeh, Mojtaba; Boghaei, Davar M.; McKee, Vickie

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 35, # 3 p. 297 - 303 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

76 %Chromat.

With oxygen in toluene

T=99.84°C; 0.5 h;

Liu, Peng; Guan, Yejun; Santen, Rutger A. Van; Li, Can; Hensen, Emiel J. M.

Chemical Communications, 2011 , vol. 47, # 41 p. 11540 - 11542 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Pd/1Mn3Ce-C; oxygen

T=160°C; 1 h; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Chen, Yuanting; Zheng, Huijian; Guo, Zhen; Zhou, Chunmei; Wang, Chuan; Borgna, Armando; Yang, Yanhui

Journal of Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 283, # 1 p. 34 - 44 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hydroxide; copper(ll) bromide in para-xylene

T=135°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphere;

Miura, Takashi; Kose, Osamu; Li, Feng; Kai, Sun; Saito, Susumu

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011 , vol. 17, # 40 p. 11146 - 11151 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2C24H20P(1+)*C56H80O8S2V2(2-); oxygen in acetonitrile T=80°C; 1 h; Molecular sieve;

Werncke, C. Gunnar; Limberg, Christian; Knispel, Christina; Mebs, Stefan

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011 , vol. 17, # 43 p. 12129 - 12135 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With cerium dioxide; oxygen; gold in water


Tanaka, Atsuhiro; Hashimoto, Keiji; Kominami, Hiroshi

Chemical Communications, 2011 , vol. 47, # 37 p. 10446 - 10448 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

65 %Spectr.

With C29H39Cl2IrN2; caesium carbonate in toluene

15 h; Reflux;

Segarra, Candela; Mas-Marza, Elena; Mata, Jose A.; Peris, Eduardo

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 353, # 11-12 p. 2078 - 2084 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

97 %Chromat.

With sodium periodate; C30H22N2O8*2H2O*2Mn in acetonitrile


Xie, Ming-Hua; Yang, Xiu-Li; Wu, Chuan-De

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011 , vol. 17, # 41 p. 11424 - 11427 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

89.5 %Chromat.

With (tetraphenylporphyrin)copper(II); oxygen; isobutyraldehyde in o-xylene

T=60°C; 37 h;

Rahimi, Rahmatolah; Gholamrezapor, Ensieh; Naimi-Jamal, Mohammad Reza

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2011 , vol. 14, # 10 p. 1561 - 1568 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in α,α,α-trifluorotoluene

T=95°C; 3 h;

Karimi, Babak; Elhamifar, Dawood; Clark, James H.; Hunt, Andrew J.

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 9, # 21 p. 7420 - 7426 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 2 h;

Wang, Liang; Yi, Wen-Bin; Cai, Chun

ChemSusChem, 2010 , vol. 3, # 11 p. 1280 - 1284

2 %Spectr.

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

94 %Chromat.

With C51H51ClN2O2P2RuS; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in acetonitrile

T=27°C; 12 h;

Gunasekaran; Remya; Radhakrishnan; Karvembu

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 64, # 3 p. 491 - 501 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Au/Al2O3; oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; 2 h; chemoselective reaction;

Zhao, Guofeng; Ling, Min; Hu, Huanyun; Deng, Miaomiao; Xue, Qingsong; Lu, Yong

Green Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 13, # 11 p. 3088 - 3092 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; C13H19ClCuN4O7S; potassium carbonate in water

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h;

Kopylovich, Maximilian N.; Mahmudov, Kamran T.; Haukka, Matti; Figiel, Pawel J.; Mizar, Archana; Da Silva, Jose A. L.; Pombeiro, Armando J. L.

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2011 , # 27 p. 4175 - 4181 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in water; acetonitrile

T=60°C; 8 h;

Islam; Mondal, Paramita; Tuhina, Kazi; Roy, Anupam Singha; Hossain, Dilder; Mondal, Sanchita

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 35, # 7 p. 891 - 901 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 4 h;

Jaeger, Benjamin; Stolle, Achim; Scholz, Peter; Mueller, Matthias; Ondruschka, Bernd

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2011 , vol. 403, # 1-2 p. 152 - 160 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C13H11N3O2S; oxygen in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 6 h;

Raja; Sathya; Jayabalakrishnan

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 64, # 5 p. 817 - 831 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=59.84°C; Neat (no solvent)UV-irradiation;

Feng, Wei; Wu, Guangjun; Li, Landong; Guan, Naijia

Green Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 13, # 11 p. 3265 - 3272 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=100°C; 1 h;

Tang, Qinghu; Wu, Chengming; Qiao, Ran; Chen, Yuanting; Yang, Yanhui

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2011 , vol. 403, # 1-2 p. 136 - 141 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

76 %Chromat.

With 6-(N-phenylbenzimidazoyl)-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid; dihydrogen peroxide; sodium carbonate; iron(II) chloride in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 0.5 h; chemoselective reaction;

Join, Benoit; Moeller, Konstanze; Ziebart, Carolin; Schroeder, Kristin; Goerdes, Dirk; Thurow, Kerstin; Spannenberg, Anke; Junge, Kathrin; Beller, Matthias

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 353, # 16 p. 3023 - 3030 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N,N'-dibromo-N,N'-1,2-ethanediylbis-(benzenesulfonamide)

T=20°C; 0.0333333 h; neat (no solvent);

Mahboubifar; Khazaei; Rostami

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 23, # 2 p. 829 - 831 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylnitrite; oxygen; 2,3-dicyano-5,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=80°C; P=1500.15 Torr; 5 h; Autoclave;

Shen, Zhenlu; Dai, Jialiang; Xiong, Jie; He, Xijun; Mo, Weimin; Hu, Baoxiang; Sun, Nan; Hu, Xinquan

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 353, # 16 p. 3031 - 3038 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; titanium(IV) oxide in water

T=60°C; UV-irradiation;

Camera-Roda; Santarelli; Augugliaro; Loddo; Palmisano; Yurdakal

Catalysis Today, 2011 , vol. 161, # 1 p. 209 - 213 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

5.4 %Spectr.

With benzenesulfonamide; manganese(IV) oxide; potassium carbonate

T=120°C; 24 h;

Yu, Xiaochun; Liu, Chuanzhi; Jiang, Lan; Xu, Qing

Organic Letters, 2011 , vol. 13, # 23 p. 6184 - 6187 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

82 %Spectr.

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; silver nitrate in water

2 h; UV-irradiation;

Jeena, Vineet; Robinson, Ross S.

Chemical Communications, 2012 , vol. 48, # 2 p. 299 - 301 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With cucurbit[8]uril; 1-hydroxy-3H-benz[d][1,2]iodoxole-1,3-dione in water

T=95°C; 0.333333 h;

Wang, Yong-Huan; Cong, Hang; Zhao, Fang-Fang; Xue, Sai-Feng; Tao, Zhu; Zhu, Qian-Jiang; Wei, Gang

Catalysis Communications, 2011 , vol. 12, # 12 p. 1127 - 1130

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; 2Br(1-)*C24H36CuN4O2(2+); oxygen in water; acetonitrile

T=80°C; P=1500.15 Torr; 2 h;

Wang, Qiufen; Zhang, Ying; Zheng, Gengxiu; Tian, Zhongzhen; Yang, Guanyu

Catalysis Communications, 2011 , vol. 14, # 1 p. 92 - 95 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1,2-dihydroxy-9,10-anthracenedione; titanium(IV) oxide; nitrobenzene in tetrachloromethane

T=30°C; 18 h; Inert atmosphereIrradiation;

Chen, Shifu; Zhang, Huaye; Yu, Xiaoling; Liu, Wei

Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 29, # 3 p. 399 - 404 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; graphite oxide T=75°C; 24 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: WO2011/150329 A2, 2011 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 46-50 ;

With oxygen; nitric acid; sodium nitrite in 1,4-dioxane

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr;

Aellig, Christof; Girard, Christophe; Hermans, Ive

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2011 , vol. 50, # 51 p. 12355 - 12360 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With coniferyl alcohol dehydrogenase isosyme I from cell free extract of Stretomyces sp. NL15-2K; nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide

pH=9.5; Glycine-NaOH bufferEnzymatic reaction; Kinetics; ConcentrationpHvalueReagent/catalyst;

Nishimura, Motohiro; Kohno, Kunie; Nishimura, Yoshio; Inagaki, Masanori; Davies, Julian

Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2011 , vol. 75, # 9 p. 1770 - 1777 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=20°C; 8 h; chemoselective reaction;

Singha, Sudarshan; Sahoo, Mitarani; Parida

Dalton Transactions, 2011 , vol. 40, # 44 p. 11838 - 11844 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With copper(ll) sulfate pentahydrate; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=100°C; Kinetics; Concentration;

Ahmad, Jahir Uddin; Raeisaenen, Minna T.; Leskelae, Markku; Repo, Timo

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 411-412, p. 180 - 187 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

21 %Chromat.

With potassium permanganate; ammonia; water; oxygen in 1,4-dioxane

T=130°C; P=2280.15 Torr; 1 h; Autoclave;

Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Kobayashi, Hiroaki; Oishi, Takamichi; Mizuno, Noritaka

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2012 , vol. 51, # 2 p. 544 - 547 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

60 %Chromat.

With 2CH4O*C26H36N4O12V2; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr;

Asghari Lalami, Nasim; Hosseini Monfared, Hassan; Noei, Hashem; Mayer, Peter

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 36, # 6 p. 669 - 677 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

51 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; [Co(III)(N-(dibenzylcarbamothioyl)benzamide(-H))3] in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 24 h;

Gunasekaran; Jerome; Ng, Seik Weng; Tiekink, Edward R.T.; Karvembu

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2012 , vol. 353-354, p. 156 - 162 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium chlorite; cis-[Ru(2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline)2(OH2)2]2+

T=22.84°C; pH=6.8; aq. phosphate buffer;

Hu, Zongmin; Du, Hongxia; Man, Wai-Lun; Leung, Chi-Fai; Liang, Haojun; Lau, Tai-Chu

Chemical Communications, 2012 , vol. 48, # 8 p. 1102 - 1104 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Chromat.

With C28H37ClOOsP2; oxygen in toluene

T=120°C; P=760.051 Torr; 48 h; Mechanism; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperatureTime;

Esteruelas, Miguel A.; Garcia-Obregon, Tania; Herrero, Juana; Olivan, Montserrat

Organometallics, 2011 , vol. 30, # 23 p. 6402 - 6407 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene; sulfuric acid in water; tert-butyl alcohol

T=29.84°C; 24 h; Darkness; Kinetics; ConcentrationTemperature;

Girija; Aruna

E-Journal of Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 8, # 1 p. 264 - 268 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 4 (acetylamino) 2,2,6,6 tetramethyl 1 oxopiperidinium tetrafluoroborate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; Kinetics;

Qiu, Joseph C.; Pradhan, Priya P.; Blanck, Nyle B.; Bobbitt, James M.; Bailey, William F.

Organic Letters, 2012 , vol. 14, # 1 p. 350 - 353 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With ethene; oxygen; sodium carbonate

T=60°C; pH=9 - 10; 1 h;

Qian, Kun; Zhai, Peng; Xian, Junyang; Hua, Qing; Chen, Kai; Huang, Weixin

Catalysis Communications, 2011 , vol. 15, # 1 p. 56 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Ru[(.eta.6-p-cumene)(AsPh3)(C5H4NC(S)NC6H2(CH3)3)]BPh4; 4-methylmorpholine Noxide in dichloromethane

T=40°C; 10 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Raja, M. Ulaganatha; Ramesh

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 699, p. 5 - 11 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; sodium bromide in ethanol

T=70°C; 8 h;

Qi, Lin; Qi, Xingyi; Wang, Jing; Zheng, Liwei

Catalysis Communications, 2011 , vol. 16, # 1 p. 225 - 228 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N-Bromosuccinimide; 1,3-bis(3,5-bis(trifluoro-ethyl)phenyl)thiourea in dichloromethane

T=10°C; 90 h; Inert atmosphere;

Tripathi, Chandra Bhushan; Mukherjee, Santanu

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 77, # 3 p. 1592 - 1598 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

97 %Chromat.

With [Ru(S(C6H4)NCH(C6H4)O(Br))(CO)(PPh3)2]; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

T=27°C; 12 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Muthu Tamizh; Mereiter; Kirchner; Karvembu

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 700, p. 194 - 201 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in decane

T=93.84°C; 4 h; Inert atmosphere;

Perez, Yolanda; Ballesteros, Ruth; Fajardo, Mariano; Sierra, Isabel; Del Hierro, Isabel

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2012 , vol. 352, p. 45 - 56 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [Cu{NH=C(OMe)NC(OMe)=NH}2]; oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=50°C; P=760.051 Torr;

Kopylovich, Maximilian N.; Karabach, Yauhen Yu.; Guedes Da Silva, M. Fatima C.; Figiel, Pawel J.; Lasri, Jamal; Pombeiro, Armando J. L.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 3 p. 899 - 914 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C8H20N(1+)*C30H15Br8O6PRe(1-)

T=25°C; P=760.051 Torr; 15 h;

Lippert, Cameron A.; Riener, Korbinian; Soper, Jake D.

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2012 , # 3 p. 554 - 561 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; C42H40ClN3OP2RuS2 in benzene

T=20°C; 2 h;

El-Hendawy, Ahmed M.; Fayed, Ahmed M.; Mostafa, Mohamed R.

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 36, # 4 p. 351 - 361 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: copper(II) nitrate trihydrate / 0.33 h / 20 °C / Neat (no solvent) 2: copper(II) nitrate trihydrate; water; silica gel; potassium bromide / 0.2 h / 90 °C / Neat (no solvent) View Scheme

Shirini; Mashhadi-Nejad

Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements, 2012 , vol. 187, # 3 p. 376 - 381 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92 %Chromat.

With [Cp*Ir(6,6'-dihydroxy-2,2'-bipyridine)(H2O)](OTf)2 in water

20 h; Inert atmosphereReflux;

Kawahara, Ryoko; Fujita, Ken-Ichi; Yamaguchi, Ryohei

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012 , vol. 134, # 8 p. 3643 - 3646 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

81 %Chromat.

With oxone; tetrabutylammomium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; 0.5 h;

Bagherzadeh, Mojtaba; Amini, Mojtaba; Boghaei, Davar M.; Najafpour, Mohammad Mahdi; McKee, Vickie

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 25, # 7 p. 559 - 563 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

35 %Chromat.

With Au/ZrO2 in toluene

T=110°C; 22 h;

Ishida, Tamao; Takamura, Rena; Takei, Takashi; Akita, Tomoki; Haruta, Masatake

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 413-414, p. 261 - 266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; nitrobenzene; potassium hydoxide in chlorobenzene

T=140°C; 24 h;

Xiao, Fuhong; Liu, Yong; Tang, Chenglin; Deng, Guo-Jun

Organic Letters, 2012 , vol. 14, # 4 p. 984 - 987 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

63 %Spectr.

With gold; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in d3-acetonitrile

T=85°C; 48 h; Sealed tubeInert atmosphere;

Klobukowski, Erik R.; Angelici, Robert J.; Woo, L. Keith

Catalysis Letters, 2012 , vol. 142, # 2 p. 161 - 167 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=60°C; 6 h; chemoselective reaction;

Islam, Manirul; Hossain, Dildar; Mondal, Paramita; Tuhina, Kazi; Roy, Anupam Singha; Mondal, Sanchita; Mobarak, Manir

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 36, # 2 p. 223 - 230 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C33H32N7O7P2Ru; sodium acetate

T=23°C; pH=5; Electrochemical reaction; Kinetics;

Vannucci, Aaron K.; Hull, Jonathan F.; Chen, Zuofeng; Binstead, Robert A.; Concepcion, Javier J.; Meyer, Thomas J.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012 , vol. 134, # 9 p. 3972 - 3975 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dicarbonyl-(2,4-bis(trimethylsilyl)bicyclo[3.3.0]nona-1,4-dien-3-one) [acetonitrile]iron; acetone

T=90°C; Opppenauer oxidation; 18 h; Inert atmosphere;

Plank, Taylor N.; Drake, Jessica L.; Kim, Daniel K.; Funk, Timothy W.

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2012 , vol. 354, # 4 p. 597 - 601 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1H-imidazole; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 4 h; chemoselective reaction;

Masoudian, Shahla; Hosseini Monfared, Hassan; Aghaei, Alireza

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 36, # 5 p. 521 - 530 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; silver nitrate; zinc(II) oxide in water

2 h; Irradiation;

Jeena, Vineet; Robinson, Ross S.

Dalton Transactions, 2012 , vol. 41, # 11 p. 3134 - 3137 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

87 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical in tert-butyl alcohol

T=25°C; pH=11.5; aq. sodium carbonate/bicarbonate bufferElectrolysis;

Hill-Cousins, Joseph T.; Kuleshova, Jekaterina; Green, Robert A.; Birkin, Peter R.; Pletcher, Derek; Underwood, Toby J.; Leach, Stuart G.; Brown, Richard C. D.

ChemSusChem, 2012 , vol. 5, # 2 p. 326 - 331 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=50°C; 6 h;

Islam, Sk. Manirul; Roy, Anupam Singha; Mondal, Paramita; Salam, Noor

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2012 , vol. 358, p. 38 - 48 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=160°C; Activation energyKinetics; chemoselective reaction;

Chen, Yuanting; Wang, Houpeng; Liu, Chang-Jun; Zeng, Zhiyuan; Zhang, Hua; Zhou, Chunmei; Jia, Xinli; Yang, Yanhui

Journal of Catalysis, 2012 , vol. 289, p. 105 - 117 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

85 %Spectr.

With oxygen in 1,4-dioxane

T=80°C; 24 h;

Asao, Naoki; Hatakeyama, Naoya; Menggenbateer; Minato, Taketoshi; Ito, Eisuke; Hara, Masahiko; Kim, Yousoo; Yamamoto, Yoshinori; Chen, Mingwei; Zhang, Wei; Inoue, Akihisa

Chemical Communications, 2012 , vol. 48, # 38 p. 4540 - 4542 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=120°C; 5 h; Neat (no solvent);

Choudhary, Vasant R.; Dumbre, Deepa K.

Catalysis Communications, 2011 , vol. 13, # 1 p. 82 - 86 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; cryptomelane-type KMn8O16*nH2O OMS in toluene

T=110°C; 2 h;

Dharmarathna, Saminda; King'ondu, Cecil K.; Pedrick, Wyatt; Pahalagedara, Lakshitha; Suib, Steven L.

Chemistry of Materials, 2012 , vol. 24, # 4 p. 705 - 712 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

84 %Chromat.

With oxygen in water

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 4 h;

Hossain, M. Jakir; Tsunoyama, Hironori; Yamauchi, Miho; Ichikuni, Nobuyuki; Tsukuda, Tatsuya

Catalysis Today, 2012 , vol. 183, # 1 p. 101 - 107 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

82 %Spectr.

With ruthenium (III) chloride trihydrate; oxygen; N-cyclohexyl-cyclohexanamine in tetrahydrofuran

T=20°C; 48 h;

Yu, Kaihui; Ye, Dongnai; Shu, Lei; Zhang, Shiyong; Hu, Qiaosheng; Liu, Liangxian

Synthetic Communications, 2012 , vol. 42, # 15 p. 2318 - 2326 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With C54H45As2ClO5Ru; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

1 h; RefluxMolecular sieve;

Viswanathamurthi; Muthukumar

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2011 , vol. 123, # 5 p. 567 - 576 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=50°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h; chemoselective reaction;

Liu, Jian; Yang, Heng Quan; Kleitz, Freddy; Chen, Zhi Gang; Yang, Tianyu; Strounina, Ekaterina; Lu, Gao Qing; Qiao, Shi Zhang

Advanced Functional Materials, 2012 , vol. 22, # 3 p. 591 - 599 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=89.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h; chemoselective reaction;

Premalatha; Raghavan; Viswanathan

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 419-420, p. 203 - 209 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With oxygen; caesium carbonate in toluene

T=20°C; 1 h;

Karimi, Babak; Esfahani, Farhad Kabiri

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2012 , vol. 354, # 7 p. 1319 - 1326 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 0.0833333 h; Microwave irradiation;

Garcia-Suarez, Eduardo J.; Balu, Alina Mariana; Tristany, Mar; Garcia, Ana Beatriz; Philippot, Karine; Luque, Rafael

Green Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 14, # 5 p. 1434 - 1439 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96 %Chromat.

With Iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate; sodium chloride in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 2 h;

Tamura, Naoya; Aoyama, Tadashi; Takido, Toshio; Kodomari, Mitsuo

Synlett, 2012 , vol. 23, # 9 p. 1397 - 1401 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Spectr.

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 16 h;

Zheng, Jie; Lin, Shengyue; Zhu, Xianhao; Jiang, Biwang; Yang, Zhen; Pan, Zhengying

Chemical Communications, 2012 , vol. 48, # 50 p. 6235 - 6237 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=26°C; P=760.051 Torr; 20 h;

Wang, Liang; Zhang, Jian; Meng, Xiangju; Zheng, Dafang; Xiao, Feng-Shou

Catalysis Today, 2011 , vol. 175, # 1 p. 404 - 410 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With thermophilic alcohol dehydrogenase from Bacillus stearothermophilus; nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide

T=30°C; pH=7; aq. phosphate bufferEnzymatic reaction; KineticsActivation energy;

Nagel, Zachary D.; Dong, Ming; Bahnson, Brian J.; Klinman, Judith P.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2011 , vol. 108, # 26 p. 10520 - 10525 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With microsomal alcohol oxidase from Aspergillus terreus

T=25°C; pH=7.5; 24 h; aq. buffer;

Kakoti, Ankana; Kumar, Adepu Kiran; Goswami, Pranab

Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic, 2012 , vol. 78, p. 98 - 104 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With 13,17-bis(2-methoxycarbonylethyl)-2,7,12,18tetramethylporphinatocobalt(II); oxygen; isovaleraldehyde in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 0.666667 h;

Sun, Chengguo; Hu, Bingcheng; Liu, Zuliang

Heteroatom Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 23, # 3 p. 295 - 303 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Chromat.

With hydrogenchloride; sodium nitrate in chloroform; water

Electrochemical reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Christopher; Lawrence; Anbu Kulandainathan; Kulangiappar; Easu Raja; Xavier; Raja

Tetrahedron Letters, 2012 , vol. 53, # 23 p. 2802 - 2804 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridinum sulfonate fluorochromate

0.00416667 h; Neat (no solvent)Microwave irradiation;

Bekhradnia, Ahmad R.; Arshadi, Sattar

Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 42, # 5 p. 705 - 710 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95.2 %Chromat.

With periodic acid in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 1.5 h;

Rajarao, Ravindra; Kim; Bhat, Badekai Ramachandra

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 65, # 15 p. 2671 - 2682 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hydroxide in toluene

T=25°C; 20 h; sealed tubeUV-irradiation;

Zhang, Xingguang; Ke, Xuebin; Zhu, Huaiyong

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 26 p. 8048 - 8056 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With poly(L-lactide) based Pd(II) macrocomplex in toluene

Autoclaveaerobic condition;

Giachi, Guido; Frediani, Marco; Oberhauser, Werner; Passaglia, Elisa

Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 50, # 13 p. 2725 - 2731 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=40°C; 5 h;

Karimi, Babak; Behzadnia, Hesam; Bostina, Mihnea; Vali, Hojatollah

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 28 p. 8634 - 8640 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

81 %Chromat.

With sodium hypochlorite; tetrabutylammomium bromide in ethyl acetate

T=20°C; 1.95 h;

Leduc, Andrew B.; Jamison, Timothy F.

Organic Process Research and Development, 2012 , vol. 16, # 5 p. 1082 - 1089 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=95°C; 6 h;

Zhang, Zhi-Ming; Yao, Shuang; Li, Yang-Guang; Han, Xin-Bao; Su, Zhong-Min; Wang, Zhi-Shu; Wang, En-Bo

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 30 p. 9184 - 9188 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 3,5-dimethylpyrazolium chlorochromate

T=20°C; 0.05 h; Neat (no solvent);

Canbulat, Melek; Oezguen, Beytiye

Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 42, # 5 p. 634 - 637 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90 %Spectr.

With [RuCl(ppy)(tpy)][PF6]; oxygen; potassium carbonate in dichloromethane

8 h; Reflux;

Taketoshi, Ayako; Beh, Xin Ning; Kuwabara, Junpei; Koizumi, Take-Aki; Kanbara, Takaki

Tetrahedron Letters, 2012 , vol. 53, # 28 p. 3573 - 3576 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

80 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide

T=25°C; 24 h; Ionic liquid;

Karthikeyan, Parasuraman; Aswar, Sachin Arunrao; Muskawar, Prashant Narayan; Bhagat, Pundlik Rambhau; Kumar, S. Senthil

Catalysis Communications, 2012 , vol. 26, p. 189 - 193 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96 %Chromat.

With 3-(3-(1,2-dicarboxyethylamino)-3-oxopropyl)-1-methyl-1H-imidazol-3-ium bromide; dihydrogen peroxide

T=25°C; 0.5 h; Neat (no solvent);

Karthikeyan, Parasuraman; Arunrao, Aswar Sachin; Narayan, Muskawar Prashant; Kumar, Sythana Suresh; Kumar, S. Senthil; Bhagat, Pundlik Rambhau

Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2012 , vol. 173, p. 180 - 183 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tetraethoxy orthosilicate; palladium diacetate; sodium carbonate in methanol

T=40°C; 24 h;

Bai, Xing-Feng; Ye, Fei; Zheng, Long-Sheng; Lai, Guo-Qiao; Xia, Chun-Gu; Xu, Li-Wen

Chemical Communications, 2012 , vol. 48, # 68 p. 8592 - 8594 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; 2 h; chemoselective reaction;

Li, Wanjun; Wang, Aiqin; Liu, Xiaoyan; Zhang, Tao

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 433-434, p. 146 - 151 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 9-phenylxanthylium tetrafluoroborate in acetonitrile

T=60°C; Kinetics; Temperature;

Liu, Qi; Zhao, Yu; Hammann, Blake; Eilers, James; Lu, Yun; Kohen, Amnon

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 77, # 16 p. 6825 - 6833 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide

T=70°C; pH=7.8; aq. Tris-HCl buffer; Kinetics; Temperature;

Wu, Yun; Yang, Ben-Hong; Li, Meng; Tian, Chang-An; Qiu, Ling-Guang

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 24, # 9 p. 4044 - 4046 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=120°C; P=7600.51 Torr; 4 h; Stainless steel reactor; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Costa, Vinicius V.; Estrada, Miguel; Demidova, Yulia; Prosvirin, Igor; Kriventsov, Vladimir; Cotta, Rafaela F.; Fuentes, Sergio; Simakov, Andrey; Gusevskaya, Elena V.

Journal of Catalysis, 2012 , vol. 292, p. 148 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With bis[dichloro(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)iridium(III)]

Hikawa, Hidemasa; Ino, Yukari; Suzuki, Hideharu; Yokoyama, Yuusaku

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 77, # 16 p. 7046 - 7051 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: With 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium nitrate

T=20°C; 2 h; Stage #2: With dihydrogen peroxide in water


Zhou, Guojun; Zhang, Zhaorui; Feng, Xin; Dang, Bobo; Li, Xiaoyong; Sun, Yang

Catalysis Communications, 2012 , vol. 25, p. 69 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ca. 25 %Chromat.

With N-(1-dodecyl)ferrocenylmethylimine-stabilized magnetite nanoparticles; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=75°C; 12 h;

Kamonsatikul, Choavarit; Khamnaen, Tossapol; Phiriyawirut, Phairat; Charoenchaidet, Sumate; Somsook, Ekasith

Catalysis Communications, 2012 , vol. 26, p. 1 - 5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 3 h;

Hosseini-Monfared, Hassan; Naether, Christian; Winkler, Heiner; Janiak, Christoph

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2012 , vol. 391, p. 75 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in cyclohexane

T=80°C; P=1500.15 Torr; Show Experimental Procedure

Villa, Alberto; Wang, Di; Veith, Gabriel M.; Prati, Laura

Journal of Catalysis, 2012 , vol. 292, p. 73 - 80 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iodosylbenzene in chloroform-d1

T=19.84°C; Kinetics;

Yokoyama, Atsutoshi; Ohkubo, Kei; Ishizuka, Tomoya; Kojima, Takahiko; Fukuzumi, Shunichi

Dalton Transactions, 2012 , vol. 41, # 33 p. 10006 - 10013 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

72 %Chromat.

With oxygen in toluene

T=59.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1 h;

Liu, Peng; Li, Can; Hensen, Emiel J. M.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 38 p. 12122 - 12129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

Schiff Reaction; P=760.051 Torr; 0.833333 h; Reflux;

Shojaei, Abdollah Fallah; Rafie, Mahboubeh Delavar; Loghmani, Mohammad Hassan

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2012 , vol. 33, # 8 p. 2748 - 2752 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=50°C; 6 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Islam; Roy, Anupam Singha; Mondal, Paramita; Paul, Sumantra; Salam, Noor

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2012 , vol. 24, p. 170 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 2.08333 h;

Leng, Yan; Wang, Jun; Jiang, Pingping

Catalysis Communications, 2012 , vol. 27, p. 101 - 104 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With Graphite oxide in acetonitrile

4 h; Sonication; Show Experimental Procedure

Mirza-Aghayan, Maryam; Kashef-Azar, Elnaz; Boukherroub, Rabah

Tetrahedron Letters, 2012 , vol. 53, # 37 p. 4962 - 4965 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With oxygen

T=70°C; P=760.051 Torr; 4.5 h;

Karimi, Babak; Elhamifar, Dawood; Yari, Omolbanin; Khorasani, Mojtaba; Vali, Hojatollah; Clark, James H.; Hunt, Andrew J.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 42 p. 13520 - 13530 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: CuO*Fe3O4; sodium hydroxide / toluene / 72 h / 130 °C 2: hydrogenchloride; water / toluene; diethyl ether / 2 h / 20 °C / Inert atmosphere View Scheme

Perez, Juana M.; Cano, Rafael; Yus, Miguel; Ramon, Diego J.

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012 , # 24 p. 4548 - 4554 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: CuO*Fe3O4; sodium hydroxide / toluene / 96 h / 100 °C / Inert atmosphere 2: hydrogenchloride; water / toluene; diethyl ether / 2 h / 20 °C / Inert atmosphere View Scheme

Perez, Juana M.; Cano, Rafael; Yus, Miguel; Ramon, Diego J.

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012 , # 24 p. 4548 - 4554 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

86 %Chromat.

With C17H14Cl2N4O2Ru; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

1 h; Molecular sieveReflux; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Sarkar, Shyamal Kumar; Jana, Mahendra Sekhar; Mondal, Tapan Kumar; Sinha, Chittaranjan

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 716, p. 129 - 137 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

94.4 %Chromat.

With [1,1′-(butane-1,4-diyl)-bis(3-methylimidazolium)]1.5 phosphotungstate; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=90°C; 12 h; Catalytic behavior; TimeTemperatureSolventReagent/catalyst;

Leng, Yan; Zhao, Pingping; Zhang, Mingjue; Chen, Guojian; Wang, Jun

Science China Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 9 p. 1796 - 1801 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1.5 h;

Full Text Show Details

44 %Chromat.

With palladium diacetate; potassium carbonate in neat (no solvent) T=120°C; 2 h; Sealed tube; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTime;

Full Text Show Details

97 %Chromat.

With [Fe(1,10-phenanthroline)2Cl2]NO3; dihydrogen peroxide in aq. buffer T=55°C; pH=1; 0.5 h; chemoselective reaction;

Full Text Show Details

With oxygen

12 h; UV-irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Solvent;

Full Text Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With Au/CeO2; oxygen in water

0.166667 h; Irradiation; KineticsCatalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction;

Tanaka, Atsuhiro; Hashimoto, Keiji; Kominami, Hiroshi

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012 , vol. 134, # 35 p. 14526 - 14533 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C35H25ClN3O3PRu; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

2 h; Reflux; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Anitha; Manikandan; Endo; Hashimoto; Viswanathamurthi

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2012 , vol. 99, p. 174 - 180 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dinitrogen pentoxide

HeatingInert atmosphereGas phase; Kinetics;

Harrison, Joel C.; Wells

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2012 , vol. 44, # 12 p. 778 - 788 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=90°C; 4 h; Reagent/catalystTime;

Reis, Michele C.; Barros, Suellen D.T.; Lachter, Elizabeth R.; San Gil, Rosane A.S.; Flores, Jhonny H.; Pais Da Silva, Maria I.; Onfroy, Thomas

Catalysis Today, 2012 , vol. 192, # 1 p. 117 - 122 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

94 %Chromat.

With lithium hydroxide monohydrate; Pd/DNA in water

T=60°C; 12 h; Inert atmosphere;

Tang, Lin; Sun, Huayin; Li, Yunfeng; Zha, Zhenggen; Wang, Zhiyong

Green Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 14, # 12 p. 3423 - 3428 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-hydroxy-3H-benz[d][1,2]iodoxole-1,3-dione in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 0.416667 h; Inert atmosphere;

Gualtierotti, Jean-Baptiste; Schumacher, Xavier; Fontaine, Patrice; Masson, Géraldine; Wang, Qian; Zhu, Jieping

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 46 p. 14812 - 14819 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

Kinetics; TemperatureConcentration; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhan, Guowu; Hong, Yingling; Lu, Fenfen; Ibrahim, Abdul-Rauf; Du, Mingming; Sun, Daohua; Huang, Jiale; Li, Qingbiao; Li, Jun

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2013 , vol. 366, p. 215 - 221 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With O32W10(4-)*4C9H14N(1+); dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=60°C; 15 h;

Liu, Dan; Gui, Jianzhou; Lu, Feng; Sun, Zhaolin; Park, Yong-Ki

Catalysis Letters, 2012 , vol. 142, # 11 p. 1330 - 1335 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=79.84°C; 1.5 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Shi, Yu; Yang, Hanmin; Zhao, Xiuge; Cao, Ting; Chen, Jizhong; Zhu, Wenwen; Yu, Yinyin; Hou, Zhenshan

Catalysis Communications, 2012 , vol. 18, p. 142 - 146 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92 %Chromat.

With Cp*Ir(6,6'-dionato-2,2'-bipyridine)(H2O) in tert-butyl alcohol

T=130°C; 20 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Kawahara, Ryoko; Fujita, Ken-Ichi; Yamaguchi, Ryohei

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2012 , vol. 51, # 51 p. 12790 - 12794 Angew. Chem., 2012 , p. 12962 - 12966 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C21H22N2O2Pd; oxygen in toluene

T=100°C; P=3000.3 Torr; 12 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Melero, Cristobal; Shishilov, Oleg N.; Alvarez, Eleuterio; Palma, Pilar; Campora, Juan

Dalton Transactions, 2012 , vol. 41, # 46 p. 14087 - 14100 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; caesium carbonate in toluene

T=20°C; 8 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Balaghi, S. Esmael; Safaei, Elham; Rafiee, Mohammad; Kowsari, Mohammad Hossein

Polyhedron, 2012 , vol. 47, # 1 p. 94 - 103 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; cis-(2,2'-bipyridine-κ2N,N)bis(perchlorate)manganese(II); tetrabutylammomium bromide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 4 h; ConcentrationReagent/catalystTemperatureSolvent;

Kani, Ibrahim; Kurtca, Mehmet

Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 36, # 6 p. 827 - 840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Sharma, Rajesh V.; Soni, Kapil K.; Dalai, Ajay K.

Catalysis Communications, 2012 , vol. 29, p. 87 - 91 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

78 %Spectr.

With FeCl3(η1-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl) in benzene-d6

0.5 h; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst;

Scepaniak, Jeremiah J.; Wright, Ashley M.; Lewis, Richard A.; Wu, Guang; Hayton, Trevor W.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012 , vol. 134, # 47 p. 19350 - 19353 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With copper (I) trifluoromethane sulfonate toluene complex; H2(Me2salhexF4); oxygen; sodium hydroxide in acetonitrile

T=24.84°C; Show Experimental Procedure

Butsch, Katharina; Guenther, Thomas; Klein, Axel; Stirnat, Kathrin; Berkessel, Albrecht; Neudoerfl, Joerg

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013 , vol. 394, p. 237 - 246 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With C24H20N6O8PdS2; periodic acid in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 2 h; Schlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime;

Dayan, Serkan; Kalaycioglu, Nilgun Ozpozan

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 27, # 1 p. 52 - 58 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1.5 h;

Chen, Gongzhou; Wu, Shijian; Liu, Hongli; Jiang, Huanfeng; Li, Yingwei

Green Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 15, # 1 p. 230 - 235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

60 %Chromat.

With Pd0003K0.03Ti1.47Sr1.02O4; oxygen in toluene

T=120°C; P=750.075 Torr; 24 h; chemoselective reaction;

Adilina, Indri Badria; Hara, Takayoshi; Ichikuni, Nobuyuki; Kumada, Nobuhiro; Shimazu, Shogo

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2013 , vol. 86, # 1 p. 146 - 152 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With tetrakis(actonitrile)copper(I) hexafluorophosphate; C18H28N5O2; oxygen; 1,8diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene in chlorobenzene

T=70°C; 2 h;

Liu, Xiaolong; Pan, Shanfei; Wu, Junshi; Wang, Yapei; Chen, Wanzhi

Organometallics, 2013 , vol. 32, # 1 p. 209 - 217 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96 %Chromat.

With chloroamine-T; zinc dibromide in acetonitrile

1.5 h; Reflux; Show Experimental Procedure

Wang, Peng; Cai, Jin; Yang, Jiabin; Sun, Chunlong; Li, Lushen; Hu, Huayou; Ji, Min

Tetrahedron Letters, 2013 , vol. 54, # 6 p. 533 - 535 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1 wt platinum/titanium(IV) oxide in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 1 h; Inert atmosphereSealed tubeUV-irradiationGreen chemistry; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalystTimeConcentration; Show Experimental Procedure

Imamura, Kazuya; Tsukahara, Hikaru; Hamamichi, Kenta; Seto, Naoko; Hashimoto, Keiji; Kominami, Hiroshi

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2013 , vol. 450, p. 28 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium dichloride; chloropentamminecobalt(III)(2+); diaqua(tris(2pyridylmethyl)amine)ruthenium(II)(2+) in water-d2

T=24.84°C; Irradiation;

Ohzu, Shingo; Ishizuka, Tomoya; Hirai, Yuichirou; Fukuzumi, Shunichi; Kojima, Takahiko

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2013 , vol. 19, # 5 p. 1563 - 1567 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

78 %Chromat.

With Ru-MACHO-BH in acetone

T=60°C; 3 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: WO2012/144650 A1, 2012 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 43-44 ;

With [Cu(bapbpy)(H2O)]Cl2·H2O in methanol; acetonitrile

Catalytic behaviorKinetics; Reagent/catalyst;

Gamba, Ilaria; Mutikainen, Ilpo; Bouwman, Elisabeth; Reedijk, Jan; Bonnet, Sylvestre

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2013 , # 1 p. 115 - 123 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: in acetonitrile

T=50°C; 0.5 h; Inert atmosphere; Stage #2: With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=90°C; 8 h; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalystConcentrationSolvent;

Mahdavi, Vahid; Mardani, Mahdieh

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2012 , vol. 124, # 5 p. 1107 - 1115 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: in dichloromethane

T=10°C; 0.05 h; Sonication; Stage #2: With sodium hypochlorite; sodium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=10°C; pH=9.1; 0.0833333 h;

Zheng, Zhi; Wang, Jianli; Zhang, Miao; Xu, Lixin; Ji, Jianbing

ChemCatChem, 2013 , vol. 5, # 1 p. 307 - 312 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With oxygen in N,N-dimethyl acetamide

T=120°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1.5 h;

Gao, Qingsheng; Giordano, Cristina; Antonietti, Markus

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2012 , vol. 51, # 47 p. 11740 - 11744 Angew. Chem., 2012 , vol. 124, # 47 p. 11910 - 11914,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

6 %Spectr.

With [RuCl(η5-(3-phenyl)indenyl)(PPh3)2]; potassium hexamethylsilazane in acetone; toluene

T=110°C; 16 h; Schlenk technique; Catalytic behavior;

Manzini, Simone; Urbina-Blanco, Cesar A.; Nolan, Steven P.

Organometallics, 2013 , vol. 32, # 2 p. 660 - 664 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite solution in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; P=750.075 Torr; pH=9; 0.0533333 h; Flow reactor; Show Experimental Procedure

Pandarus, Valerica; Ciriminna, Rosaria; Beland, Francois; Gingras, Genevieve; Drobot, Maxime; Jina, Omar; Pagliaro, Mario

Tetrahedron Letters, 2013 , vol. 54, # 9 p. 1129 - 1132 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=120°C; 3 h;

Santra, Chiranjit; Rahman, Sumbul; Bojja, Sreedhar; James, Olusola O.; Sen, Debasis; Maity, Sudip; Mohanty, Ashok Kumar; Mazumder; Chowdhury, Biswajit

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2013 , vol. 3, # 2 p. 360 - 370 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Pd on CdS–TiO2 in water

T=24.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 4 h; Inert atmosphereIrradiation; Quantum yieldCatalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime;

Higashimoto, Shinya; Tanaka, Yoshimi; Ishikawa, Ryo; Hasegawa, Shoko; Azuma, Masashi; Ohue, Hiroyoshi; Sakata, Yoshihisa

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2013 , vol. 3, # 2 p. 400 - 403 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=100°C; P=750.075 Torr; 6 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Chen, Tao; Zhang, Fazhi; Zhu, Yue

Catalysis Letters, 2013 , vol. 143, # 2 p. 206 - 218 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=80°C; 2 h; KineticsCatalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime;

Chen, Hong; Tang, Qinghu; Chen, Yuanting; Yan, Yibo; Zhou, Chunmei; Guo, Zhen; Jia, Xinli; Yang, Yanhui

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2013 , vol. 3, # 2 p. 328 - 338 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; [2,2]bipyridinyl; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; copper(I) triflate in acetonitrile

T=27°C; P=600 Torr; Inert atmosphere;

Hoover, Jessica M.; Ryland, Bradford L.; Stahl, Shannon S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013 , vol. 135, # 6 p. 2357 - 2367 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

8 %Chromat.

With 10 wt Co on TiO2 in o-xylene

T=80°C; 24 h;

Shimizu, Ken-Ichi; Kon, Kenichi; Seto, Mayumi; Shimura, Katsuya; Yamazaki, Hiroshi; Kondo, Junko N.

Green Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 15, # 2 p. 418 - 424 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=240°C; Gas phase; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime;

Zhang, Yuxu; Xu, Liqiang; Tang, Bin; Li, Zhiwen

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2013 , vol. 3, # 1 p. 222 - 229 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

88 %Chromat.

With oxygen in toluene

T=85°C; 5.5 h;

Hossain, Shahin; Jin, Myung-Jong; Park, Ji-Hoon; Yingjie, Qian; Yang, Da-Ae

Catalysis Letters, 2013 , vol. 143, # 1 p. 122 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=60°C; 8 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Islam, Sk. Manirul; Paul, Sumantra; Mobarok, Manir; Roy, Anupam Singha; Mondal, Paramita

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 38, # 1 p. 7 - 14 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With copper(II) oxide-supported gold; oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 20 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Wang, Hui; Fan, Weibin; He, Yue; Wang, Jianguo; Kondo, Junko N.; Tatsumi, Takashi

Journal of Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 299, p. 10 - 19 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With oxygen in toluene

T=110°C; 4 h; Reagent/catalystTimeTemperatureConcentration;

Kamimura, Akio; Nozaki, Yuichiro; Nishiyama, Mai; Nakayama, Masaharu

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 2 p. 468 - 472 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [Cu2((E)-(N)-4-(hydroxybenzoic acid)-(5-bromo-2hydroxybenzylidene)benzohydrazide)2(CH3OH)2](NO3)2; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

Hosseini-Monfared, Hassan; Pousaneh, Elaheh; Sadighian, Somayeh; Ng, Seik Weng; Tiekink, Edward R. T.

Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2013 , vol. 639, # 2 p. 435 - 442

T=80°C; 5 h;

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C11H7I2N3O2RuS; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

T=400°C; 2 h; Molecular sieve; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Kundu, Subhankar; Sarkar, Deblina; Jana, Mahendra Sekhar; Pramanik, Ajoy Kumar; Jana, Subrata; Mondal, Tapan Kumar

Journal of Molecular Structure, 2013 , vol. 1035, p. 277 - 284 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C40H64N16O14V6(4-); oxygen in acetonitrile

T=130°C; P=1500.15 Torr; 12 h; Autoclave; Mechanism; Reagent/catalyst;

Chen, Baokuan; Huang, Xianqiang; Wang, Boe; Lin, Zhengguo; Hu, Jufang; Chi, Yingnan; Hu, Changwen

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2013 , vol. 19, # 14 p. 4408 - 4413 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=160°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1 h; chemoselective reaction;

Qi, Ben; Wang, Yanbing; Lou, Lan-Lan; Huang, Linyue; Yang, Ying; Liu, Shuangxi

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2013 , vol. 370, p. 95 - 103 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in tetrachloromethane

0.666667 h; Reflux; Show Experimental Procedure

Araghi, Mehdi; Ghorbani, Azam; Yeganeh, Faten Eshrati

Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2013 , vol. 16, # 2 p. 109 - 113 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

53 %Chromat.

With manganese(IV) oxide; oxygen in 1,4-dioxane

T=70°C; P=2280.15 Torr; 2 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Kobayashi, Hiroaki; Wang, Ye; Oishi, Takamichi; Ogasawara, Yoshiyuki; Mizuno, Noritaka

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2013 , vol. 3, # 2 p. 318 - 327 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 4O(2-)*2Mo(6+)*C44H56N2O4(4-)*2C2H6OS; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 6 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Riisioe, Antti; Lehtonen, Ari; Haenninen, Mikko M.; Sillanpaeae, Reijo

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2013 , # 9 p. 1499 - 1508 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

86 %Chromat.

With trans-(Cl)-[Ru(CO)2Cl2(1-ethyl-2-(phenylazo)imidazole)]; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

2 h; RefluxMolecular sieve; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Sarkar, Shyamal Kumar; Jana, Mahendra Sekhar; Mondal, Tapan Kumar; Sinha, Chittaranjan

Polyhedron, 2013 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 246 - 254 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in neat (no solvent) T=100°C; 24 h; Temperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Habibi; Faraji; Arshadi; Fierro

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2013 , vol. 372, p. 90 - 99 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=380°C; P=760.051 Torr; Temperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhao, Guofeng; Deng, Miaomiao; Jiang, Yifeng; Hu, Huanyun; Huang, Jun; Lu, Yong

Journal of Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 301, p. 46 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,6-dimethylpyridine in acetonitrile

Electrochemical reaction;

Swiech, Olga; Bilewicz, Renata; Megiel, Elzbieta

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 17 p. 5979 - 5986 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Au0.9Ag0.1; oxygen in water

T=39.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; pH=7; Activation energyCatalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureConcentration; Show Experimental Procedure

Huang, Xuemin; Wang, Xueguang; Wang, Xiaoshu; Wang, Xinxing; Tan, Mingwu; Ding, Weizhong; Lu, Xionggang

Journal of Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 301, p. 217 - 226 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=120°C; P=6205.94 - 10343.2 Torr; 0.25 h; Microwave irradiationSealed tubeGreen chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Balu, Alina Mariana; Lin, Carol Sze Ki; Liu, Hongli; Li, Yingwei; Vargas, Carolina; Luque, Rafael

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2013 , vol. 455, p. 261 - 266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=90°C; 24 h; Catalytic behavior;

Parlett, Christopher M. A.; Bruce, Duncan W.; Hondow, Nicole S.; Newton, Mark A.; Lee, Adam F.; Wilson, Karen

ChemCatChem, 2013 , vol. 5, # 4 p. 939 - 950 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C22H22N6O7V2(2-)*2H(1+); dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=80°C; 5 h;

Hosseini-Monfared, Hassan; Farrokhi, Afsaneh; Alavi, Sohaila; Mayer, Peter

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 38, # 3 p. 267 - 273 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=14.84 - 24.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h; UV-irradiation;

Sugano, Yoshitsune; Shiraishi, Yasuhiro; Tsukamoto, Daijiro; Ichikawa, Satoshi; Tanaka, Shunsuke; Hirai, Takayuki

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2013 , vol. 52, # 20 p. 5295 - 5299 Angew. Chem., 2013 , vol. 125, # 20 p. 5403 - 5407,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With trihexyl(tetradecyl)phosphonium chloride

T=60°C; 12 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Maclennan, Aimee; Banerjee, Abhinandan; Scott, Robert W.J.

Catalysis Today, 2013 , vol. 207, p. 170 - 179 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With TiO1.966N0.034; water; oxygen in acetonitrile

2 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Zhang, Zizhong; Luo, Zhishan; Yang, Zhiping; Zhang, Shuying; Zhang, Yu; Zhou, Yangen; Wang, Xuxu; Fu, Xianzhi

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 20 p. 7215 - 7218 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

72 %Chromat.

With sodium bromate; cis-[Ru(2,9-Me2phen)2(OH2)2](PF6)2 in water

T=23°C; 10 h;

Hu, Zongmin; Ma, Li; Xie, Jianhui; Du, Hongxia; Lam, William W. Y.; Lau, Tai-Chu

New Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 37, # 6 p. 1707 - 1710 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

HeatingGreen chemistry;

Rajabi, Fatemeh; Pineda, Antonio; Naserian, Sareh; Balu, Alina Mariana; Luque, Rafael; Romero, Antonio A.

Green Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 15, # 5 p. 1232 - 1237 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; Au0768Pd0232 in ethanol; water

T=50°C; 6 h; Irradiation;

Huang, Xiaoqing; Li, Yongjia; Chen, Yu; Zhou, Hailong; Duan, Xiangfeng; Huang, Yu

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2013 , vol. 52, # 23 p. 6063 - 6067 Angew. Chem., 2013 , vol. 125, # 23 p. 6179 - 6183 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

55 %Chromat.

With oxygen

T=350°C; Inert atmosphereGas phase; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Meng, Yongtao; Genuino, Homer C.; Kuo, Chung-Hao; Huang, Hui; Chen, Sheng-Yu; Zhang, Lichun; Rossi, Angelo; Suib, Steven L.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013 , vol. 135, # 23 p. 8594 - 8605 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With dmap; palladium(II) pivalate; Trimethylacetic acid in toluene

T=100°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h; Time;

John, Lukas C.; Gunay, Ahmet; Wood, Andrew J.; Emmert, Marion H.

Tetrahedron, 2013 , vol. 69, # 27-28 p. 5758 - 5764 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C19H31Cl2N3Ru in toluene

T=100°C; Reagent/catalyst;

Canseco-Gonzalez, Daniel; Albrecht, Martin

Dalton Transactions, 2013 , vol. 42, # 20 p. 7424 - 7432 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

91 %Chromat.

With copper(l) iodide; di-tert-butyl peroxide; (E)-N-((Z)-4-((2,6-dimethylphenyl)amino)pent-3-en2-ylidene)-2,6-dimethylaniline in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=90°C; 6 h; Sealed tubeInert atmosphere; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Zhu, Yefeng; Wei, Yunyang

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013 , # 21 p. 4503 - 4508 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99.4 %Chromat.

With iron(III) chloride hexahydrate; oxygen; sodium nitrite in toluene

T=25°C; P=760.051 Torr; 2 h; Autoclave; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Wang, Lianyue; Li, Jun; Zhao, Xiaoping; Lv, Ying; Zhang, Hengyun; Gao, Shuang

Tetrahedron, 2013 , vol. 69, # 30 p. 6041 - 6045 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With NiFe2O4; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=20 - 70°C; 10 h; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Yan, Kai; Wu, Xu; An, Xia; Xie, Xianmei

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013 , vol. 552, p. 405 - 408 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ozone in acetonitrile

Iowa State University Research Foundation, Inc.; Bakac, Andreja; Pestovsky, Oleg

Patent: US8507730 B1, 2013 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 4 ;

Show Experimental Procedure

85.1 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; Cu(9-(2'-hydroxy-3'-phenylthio-5'-tert-butylphenyl)-6methylthio-3-acetyl-5,7,8-triazanona-3,6,8-trien-2-one(2-)); potassium carbonate in water; acetonitrile

T=50°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Arion, Vladimir B.; Platzer, Sonja; Rapta, Peter; Machata, Peter; Breza, Martin; Vegh, Daniel; Dunsch, Lothar; Telser, Joshua; Shova, Sergiu; Mac Leod, Tatiana C. O.; Pombeiro, Armando J. L.

Inorganic Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 52, # 13 p. 7524 - 7540 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

92 %Spectr.

> 95 %Spectr.

With Iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 2 h; Inert atmosphereGreen chemistry; TimeReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Ghosh, Subhash Chandra; Ngiam, Joyce S.Y.; Seayad, Abdul M.; Tuan, Dang Thanh; Johannes, Charles W.; Chen, Anqi

Tetrahedron Letters, 2013 , vol. 54, # 36 p. 4922 - 4925 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=79.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Yoshida, Akihiro; Mori, Yoshinori; Ikeda, Tsuyoshi; Azemoto, Kazuki; Naito, Shuichi

Catalysis Today, 2013 , vol. 203, p. 153 - 157 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=129.84°C; 5 h;

Wang, Feifei; Lu, Zhansheng; Yang, Lin; Zhang, Yanxing; Tang, Qinghu; Guo, Yuming; Ma, Xiaoming; Yang, Zongxian

Chemical Communications, 2013 , vol. 49, # 59 p. 6626 - 6628 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=80°C; P=3800.26 Torr; 8 h;

Yang, Huayan; Wang, Yu; Lei, Jing; Shi, Lei; Wu, Xiaohu; Maekinen, Ville; Lin, Shuichao; Tang, Zichao; He, Jian; Haekkinen, Hannu; Zheng, Lansun; Zheng, Nanfeng

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013 , vol. 135, # 26 p. 9568 - 9571 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=60°C; P=750.075 Torr; 3 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTime;

Chen, Yan; Zhang, Jinshui; Zhang, Mingwen; Wang, Xinchen

Chemical Science, 2013 , vol. 4, # 8 p. 3244 - 3248 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=100°C; P=750.075 Torr; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperaturePressure; Show Experimental Procedure

Cao, Enhong; Sankar, Meenakshisundaram; Nowicka, Ewa; He, Qian; Morad, Moataz; Miedziak, Peter J.; Taylor, Stuart H.; Knight, David W.; Bethell, Donald; Kiely, Christopher J.; Gavriilidis, Asterios; Hutchings, Graham J.

Catalysis Today, 2013 , vol. 203, p. 146 - 152 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iodine; dimethyl sulfoxide

T=100°C; 10 h; Sealed tube; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature;

Ge, Wenlei; Zhu, Xun; Wei, Yunyang

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 27 p. 10817 - 10822 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [ruthenium(II)(η6-benzene)(chloride)(S(CH2C5H4N)2)](hexafluorophosphate); 4methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Reflux; Reagent/catalystTime;

Prakash, Om; Sharma, Kamal Nayan; Joshi, Hemant; Gupta, Pancham Lal; Singh, Ajai K.

Dalton Transactions, 2013 , vol. 42, # 24 p. 8736 - 8747 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite; sodium hydrogencarbonate; potassium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=0°C; pH=9; 3 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Zeng, Zhaoyang; Matuschek, David; Studer, Armido; Schwickert, Christian; Poettgen, Rainer; Eckert, Hellmut

Dalton Transactions, 2013 , vol. 42, # 24 p. 8585 - 8596 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=280°C; 1 h; Gas phase; Reagent/catalystTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhao, Guofeng; Hu, Huanyun; Jiang, Zheng; Zhang, Shuo; Lu, Yong

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2013 , vol. 467, p. 171 - 177 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With (phthalocyaninato)iron(II); sodium t-butanolate in toluene

T=80°C; 12 h;

Bala, Manju; Verma, Praveen Kumar; Kumar, Neeraj; Sharma, Upendra; Singh, Bikram

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 91, # 8 p. 732 - 737 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=210°C; P=760.051 Torr; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Wu, Yuen; Wang, Dingsheng; Chen, Xiaobin; Zhou, Gang; Yu, Rong; Li, Yadong

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013 , vol. 135, # 33 p. 12220 - 12223 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With phosphoric acid in water; toluene

T=25°C; P=760.051 Torr; pH=3.4; 18 h; IrradiationInert atmosphereSealed tube;

Liu, Zijun; Caner, Joaquim; Kudo, Akihiko; Naka, Hiroshi; Saito, Susumu

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2013 , vol. 19, # 29 p. 9452 - 9456 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C35H44ClCuN2O2; oxygen; caesium carbonate in toluene

T=24.84°C; 4 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTimeTemperature;

Balaghi, S. Esmael; Safaei, Elham; Chiang, Linus; Wong, Edwin W. Y.; Savard, Didier; Clarke, Ryan M.; Storr, Tim

Dalton Transactions, 2013 , vol. 42, # 19 p. 6829 - 6839 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With nanoITO-RuII-OH22+ in aq. acetate buffer pH=5; Electrochemical reaction; Catalytic behavior;

Mendez, Manuel A.; Alibabaei, Leila; Concepcion, Javier J.; Meyer, Thomas J.

ACS Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 3, # 8 p. 1850 - 1854 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With calcined PtCl42− supported Rb9Cu6(P2O7)4Cl2 framework in tert-butyl alcohol

T=130°C; P=15001.5 Torr; 4 h; Catalytic behaviorKinetics; TemperatureReagent/catalystTime;

Hinde, Christopher S.; Van Aswegen, Sivan; Collins, Gillian; Holmes, Justin D.; Hor, T. S. Andy; Raja, Robert

Dalton Transactions, 2013 , vol. 42, # 35 p. 12600 - 12605 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [Ru3(μ3-O)(CH3COO)6(H2O)3](CH3COO); oxygen in toluene

T=79.84°C; P=759.826 Torr; 6 h; KineticsCatalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime;

Muratsugu, Satoshi; Lim, Min Hwee; Itoh, Takahiro; Thumrongpatanaraks, Wipavee; Kondo, Mio; Masaoka, Shigeyuki; Andy Hor; Tada, Mizuki

Dalton Transactions, 2013 , vol. 42, # 35 p. 12611 - 12619 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96 %Chromat.

With C23H35N3O3(1+)*Br(1-); copper in chlorobenzene T=80°C; 15 h;

Liu, Xiaolong; Xia, Qinqin; Zhang, Yuejiao; Chen, Congyan; Chen, Wanzhi

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 78, # 17 p. 8531 - 8536 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With oxygen in toluene

T=90°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3 h; Reagent/catalystTimeConcentration; Show Experimental Procedure

Kim, Sohee; Jung, Jong-Hwa; Kim, Dong-Hee; Woo, Dong Kyun; Park, Joon B; Choi, Myong Yong; Kwon, Ki-Young

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2013 , vol. 34, # 1 p. 221 - 224 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

42 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in 1,4-dioxane; n-heptane; oxylene

T=140°C; P=18751.9 Torr; TemperaturePressureSolventReagent/catalystConcentration;

Obermayer, David; Balu, Alina M.; Romero, Antonio A.; Goessler, Walter; Luque, Rafael; Kappe, C. Oliver

Green Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 15, # 6 p. 1530 - 1537 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With (phthalocyaninato)iron(II); sodium t-butanolate

T=100°C; 12 h;

Bala, Manju; Verma, Praveen Kumar; Sharma, Upendra; Kumar, Neeraj; Singh, Bikram

Green Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 15, # 6 p. 1687 - 1693 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; nitric acid in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=55°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 0.00833333 h; Flow reactor; SolventTemperatureTime;

Aellig, Christof; Scholz, David; Conrad, Sabrina; Hermans, Ive

Green Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 15, # 7 p. 1975 - 1980 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 10 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Islam, Sk. Manirul; Paul, Sumantra; Roy, Anupam Singha; Banerjee, Satabdi; Ghosh, Kajari; Dey, Ram Chandra; Santra

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 38, # 6 p. 675 - 682 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in water; acetonitrile


Shilpa; Gayathri

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 38, # 6 p. 705 - 713 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=120°C; 7 h;

Nie, Renfeng; Shi, Juanjuan; Du, Weichen; Ning, Wensheng; Hou, Zhaoyin; Xiao, Feng-Shou

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2013 , vol. 1, # 32 p. 9037 - 9045 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: sodium hydroxide; oxygen / water / 24 h / 40 °C / Green chemistry 2: sodium hydroxide; oxygen / water / 12 h / 40 °C View Scheme

Zhang, Leilei; Wang, Wentao; Wang, Aiqin; Cui, Yitao; Yang, Xiaofeng; Huang, Yanqiang; Liu, Xiaoyan; Liu, Wengang; Son, Jin-Young; Oji, Hiroshi; Zhang, Tao

Green Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 15, # 10 p. 2680 - 2684 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Multi-step reaction with 3 steps 1: sodium hydroxide; oxygen / water / 2 h / 25 °C 2: sodium hydroxide; oxygen / water / 12 h / 40 °C 3: sodium hydroxide; oxygen / water / 12 h / 40 °C View Scheme

Zhang, Leilei; Wang, Wentao; Wang, Aiqin; Cui, Yitao; Yang, Xiaofeng; Huang, Yanqiang; Liu, Xiaoyan; Liu, Wengang; Son, Jin-Young; Oji, Hiroshi; Zhang, Tao

Green Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 15, # 10 p. 2680 - 2684 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Multi-step reaction with 3 steps 1: sodium hydroxide; oxygen / water / 2 h / 25 °C 2: sodium hydroxide; oxygen / water / 12 h / 40 °C 3: sodium hydroxide; oxygen / water / 12 h / 40 °C View Scheme

Zhang, Leilei; Wang, Wentao; Wang, Aiqin; Cui, Yitao; Yang, Xiaofeng; Huang, Yanqiang; Liu, Xiaoyan; Liu, Wengang; Son, Jin-Young; Oji, Hiroshi; Zhang, Tao

Green Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 15, # 10 p. 2680 - 2684 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium phosphotungstate; dihydrogen peroxide; β cyclodextrin in n-heptane; water

T=40°C; 24 h; Schlenk techniqueInert atmosphereGreen chemistry;

Leclercq, Loïc; Company, Roberto; Mühlbauer, Andrea; Mouret, Adrien; Aubry, Jean-Marie; Nardello-Rataj, Véronique

ChemSusChem, 2013 , vol. 6, # 8 p. 1533 - 1540

92 %Chromat.

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=110°C; P=9000.9 Torr; 2 h; Flow reactor; Catalytic behavior; TimeTemperaturePressure; Show Experimental Procedure

Al Badran; Awdry; Kolaczkowski

Catalysis Today, 2013 , vol. 216, p. 229 - 239 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

62 %Chromat.

With [Cu(1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione)2(H2O)](ClO4)2; oxygen; tetrabutyl ammonium methoxide in methanol; acetonitrile

T=25°C; 7 h; MechanismCatalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTimeConcentration;

Das, Oindrila; Paine, Tapan Kanti

Dalton Transactions, 2012 , vol. 41, # 37 p. 11476 - 11481 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; UV-irradiation; Catalytic behavior;

Shen, Lijuan; Liang, Shijing; Wu, Weiming; Liang, Ruowen; Wu, Ling

Dalton Transactions, 2013 , vol. 42, # 37 p. 13649 - 13657 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96 %Chromat.

With C50H40ClN2O4P2Ru*0.5C6H14; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 12 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Yin, Xiao-Feng; Lin, Hui; Jia, Ai-Quan; Chen, Qun; Zhang, Qian-Feng

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 66, # 18 p. 3229 - 3240 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

94 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=50°C; 6 h; Green chemistry;

Salam, Noor; Sinha, Arjyabaran; Mondal, Paramita; Roy, Anupam Singha; Jana, Nikhil R.; Islam, Sk. Manirul

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 39 p. 18087 - 18098 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 1.5 h; Green chemistry; TemperatureSolventTimeConcentrationReagent/catalyst;

Pourjavadi, Ali; Hosseini, Seyed Hassan; Matloubi Moghaddam, Firouz; Koushki Foroushani, Behzad; Bennett, Craig

Green Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 15, # 10 p. 2913 - 2919 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With trifluoroacetic acid in water; N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=50°C; 12 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Kim, Yo-Han; Jang, Hyung-Seok; Kim, Young-O; Ahn, So-Dam; Yeo, Sewon; Lee, Sang-Myung; Lee, Yoon-Sik

Synlett, 2013 , vol. 24, # 17 art. no. ST-2013-U0564-L, p. 2282 - 2286 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Chromat.

With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 4 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Mori, Kohsuke; Yamaguchi, Takuya; Ikurumi, Shohei; Yamashita, Hiromi

Chemical Communications, 2013 , vol. 49, # 89 p. 10468 - 10470 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With hexaammonium heptamolybdate tetrahydrate; dihydrogen peroxide

Flow reactor;

Buonomenna; Drioli

Organic Process Research and Development, 2008 , vol. 12, # 5 p. 982 - 988 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; [2,2]bipyridinyl; 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-Noxyl; tetrakis(acetonitrile)copper(I) trifluoromethanesulfonate; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=100°C; P=26252.6 Torr; 0.0833333 h; Inert atmosphereFlow reactor;

Greene, Jodie F.; Hoover, Jessica M.; Mannel, David S.; Root, Thatcher W.; Stahl, Shannon S.

Organic Process Research and Development, 2013 , vol. 17, # 10 p. 1247 - 1251 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dimethyl sulfoxide; N-ethyl-N,N-diisopropylamine; trifluoroacetic anhydride in dichloromethane

T=-20°C; Flow reactor; Temperature;

Van Der Linden, Jacobus J. M.; Hilberink, Peter W.; Kronenburg, Claudia M. P.; Kemperman, Gerardus J.

Organic Process Research and Development, 2008 , vol. 12, # 5 p. 911 - 920 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

94 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C49H74N4O34; copper(II) acetate monohydrate; sodium carbonate in water

10 h; RefluxGreen chemistry;

Zhang, Guofu; Han, Xingwang; Luan, Yuxin; Wang, Yong; Wen, Xin; Xu, Li; Ding, Chengrong; Gao, Jianrong

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 42 p. 19255 - 19258 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

< 8 %Chromat.

With [2,2]bipyridinyl; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; copper(l) chloride

T=20°C; Green chemistry;

Yu, Jiatao; Xu, Jian; Lu, Ming

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 27, # 10 p. 606 - 610 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sulfur trioxide pyridine complex; dimethyl sulfoxide; triethylamine in methanol; dichloromethane


Clavette, Christian; Vincent Rocan, Jean-Francois; Beauchemin, Andre M.

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2013 , vol. 52, # 48 p. 12705 - 12708 Angew. Chem., 2013 , vol. 125, # 48 p. 12937 - 12940,4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; tetrakis(acetonitrile)copper(I) trifluoromethanesulfonate; 4,4'Dimethoxy-2,2'-bipyridin; 9-azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonane N-oxyl; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=27°C; P=600 Torr; Kinetics; Reagent/catalyst;

Steves, Janelle E.; Stahl, Shannon S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013 , vol. 135, # 42 p. 15742 - 15745 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With 9-azabicyclolt;3.3.1gt;nonane-N-oxyl; oxygen; acetic acid; sodium nitrite

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Lauber, Markus B.; Stahl, Shannon S.

ACS Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 3, # 11 p. 2612 - 2616 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; methyl red-MIL-125(Ti) in acetonitrile

Irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Nasalevich, Maxim A.; Goesten, Maarten G.; Savenije, Tom J.; Kapteijn, Freek; Gascon, Jorge

Chemical Communications, 2013 , vol. 49, # 90 p. 10575 - 10577 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With C14H14I2N2O4RuS; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

T=40°C; Molecular sieve; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Jana, Subrata; Jana, Mahendra Sekhar; Sarkar, Deblina; Paira, Mrinal Kanti; Mondal, Tapan Kumar

Journal of Molecular Structure, 2013 , vol. 1054-1055, p. 83 - 88 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [CoII(3,5-ditert-butylsemiquinonate)(hydrotris(3,5-dimethylpyrazolyl)borate)]; oxygen in dichloromethane; acetonitrile

T=31.84°C; Kinetics;

Ikeda, Atsushi; Hoshino, Kazuya; Komatsuzaki, Hidehito; Satoh, Minoru; Nakazawa, Jun; Hikichi, Shiro

New Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 37, # 8 p. 2377 - 2383 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=100°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Yang, Ming; Ling, Qiang; Rao, Richuan; Yang, Hongxiao; Zhang, Qingyun; Liu, Huade; Zhang, Aimin

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2013 , vol. 380, p. 61 - 69 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene in dichloromethane


Khan, Imran A.; Saxena, Anil K.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 78, # 23 p. 11656 - 11669 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=100°C; 2 h; ConcentrationTemperatureReagent/catalyst;

Alabbad, Saad; Adil; Alwarthan, Abdulrahman; Siddiqui, M. Rafiq H.

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 25, # 16 p. 8927 - 8932 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

70 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-1-oxoammonium tetrafluoroborate in tert-butyl alcohol

pH=11.5; pH-value;

Green, Robert A.; Hill-Cousins, Joseph T.; Brown, Richard C.D.; Pletcher, Derek; Leach, Stuart G.

Electrochimica Acta, 2013 , vol. 113, p. 550 - 556 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical in tert-butyl alcohol

pH=11.5; Electrochemical reaction; Activation energy;

Green, Robert A.; Hill-Cousins, Joseph T.; Brown, Richard C.D.; Pletcher, Derek; Leach, Stuart G.

Electrochimica Acta, 2013 , vol. 113, p. 550 - 556 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

85 %Chromat.

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=50°C; 1.5 h; SolventReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Zamani, Farzad; Hosseini, Seyed Mohsen

Catalysis Communications, 2014 , vol. 43, p. 164 - 168 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With FeII(1,3-bis(2'-pyridylimino)isoindoline)(CH3CN)3(H2O)0.5(ClO4)2; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=25°C; Inert atmosphere; Kinetics;

Pap, Jozsef S.; Cranswick, Matthew A.; Balogh-Hergovich; Barath, Gabor; Giorgi, Michel; Rohde, Gregory T.; Kaizer, Jozsef; Speier, Gabor; Que Jr., Lawrence

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2013 , # 22-23 p. 3858 - 3866 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

2 h; Irradiation;

Tang, Zi-Rong; Yin, Xia; Zhang, Yanhui; Xu, Yi-Jun

Inorganic Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 52, # 20 p. 11758 - 11766 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Ruthenium/carbon nanotubes-TiO2 catalyst in water; toluene

T=85°C; 3 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Yu, Chang; Fan, Liman; Yang, Juan; Shan, Yuanyuan; Qiu, Jieshan

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2013 , vol. 19, # 48 p. 16192 - 16195 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=90°C; P=750.075 Torr; 3 h; Catalytic behavior;

Hammond, Ceri; Schuemperli, Martin T.; Conrad, Sabrina; Hermans, Ive

ChemCatChem, 2013 , vol. 5, # 10 p. 2983 - 2990 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; [2,2]bipyridinyl; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; copper(I) triflate in acetonitrile

T=27°C; P=600 Torr; Kinetics; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Hoover, Jessica M.; Ryland, Bradford L.; Stahl, Shannon S.

ACS Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 3, # 11 p. 2599 - 2605 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene; 1,3,5-trimethyl-benzene

T=90°C; P=750.075 Torr; 1 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Parlett, Christopher M.A.; Durndell, Lee J.; Wilson, Karen; Bruce, Duncan W.; Hondow, Nicole S.; Lee, Adam F.

Catalysis Communications, 2014 , vol. 44, p. 40 - 45 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=100°C; P=3000.3 Torr; 2.5 h; Autoclave; PressureTemperature;

Silva, Tiago A. G.; Landers, Richard; Rossi, Liane M.

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2013 , vol. 3, # 11 p. 2993 - 2999 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With di-tert-butyl peroxide in acetonitrile

T=65°C; 9 h; Catalytic behavior;

Zou, Xiaoxin; Goswami, Anandarup; Asefa, Tewodros

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013 , vol. 135, # 46 p. 17242 - 17245 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 %Chromat.

With ammonium cerium (IV) nitrate; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; tetramethylammonium bromide; sodium nitrite in water

T=80°C; P=2250.23 Torr; 1.5 h; AutoclaveSealed tube; ConcentrationReagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Yan, Yongtao; Tong, Xinli; Wang, Kaixuan; Bai, Xueqin

Catalysis Communications, 2014 , vol. 43, p. 112 - 115 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

94 %Chromat.

With periodic acid in water

T=27°C; 2 h;

Ganesamoorthy; Muthu Tamizh; Shanmugasundaram; Karvembu

Tetrahedron Letters, 2013 , vol. 54, # 51 p. 7035 - 7039 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Au/CeO2; oxygen; caesium carbonate in chlorobenzene

T=90°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h; Catalytic behaviorActivation energyKinetics; Reagent/catalyst;

Wang, Min; Wang, Feng; Ma, Jiping; Li, Mingrun; Zhang, Zhe; Wang, Yehong; Zhang, Xiaochen; Xu, Jie

Chemical Communications, 2014 , vol. 50, # 3 p. 292 - 294 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=240°C; P=456.031 Torr; Flow reactor; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime;

Guan, Yu; Zhao, Na; Tang, Bin; Jia, Qinqin; Xu, Xiaohong; Liu, Hong; Boughton, Robert I.

Chemical Communications, 2013 , vol. 49, # 98 p. 11524 - 11526 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; cetyltrimethylammonim bromide in water; 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=60°C; 1 h; Inert atmosphere; Mechanism; Reagent/catalystConcentration;

Yadav, Ganapati D.; Sharma, Rajesh V.

Journal of Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 311, p. 121 - 128 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-tosyloxy-1-oxo-1H-1λ5-benzo[d][1,2]iodoxol-3-one in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 0.05 h;

Yusubov, Mekhman S.; Svitich, Dmitrii Yu.; Yoshimura, Akira; Nemykin, Victor N.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Chemical Communications, 2013 , vol. 49, # 96 p. 11269 - 11271 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

6 h; Reflux;

Wang, Anqi; Jing, Huanwang

Dalton Transactions, 2014 , vol. 43, # 3 p. 1011 - 1018 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With amphiphilic nonionic triblock copolymer P123-stabilized Pd nanoclusters; air in water

T=34.84°C; pH=3.5; 9 h; pH-valueTime;

Dun, Ruirui; Wang, Xueguang; Tan, Mingwu; Huang, Zhen; Huang, Xuemin; Ding, Weizhong; Lu, Xionggang

ACS Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 3, # 12 p. 3063 - 3066 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With bismuth(III) tungsten(VI) oxide; oxygen in water

T=20°C; P=750.075 Torr; 10 h; UV-irradiationGreen chemistry; Kinetics; chemoselective reaction;

Zhang, Yanhui; Xu, Yi-Jun

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 6 p. 2904 - 2910 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=90°C; 8 h; Inert atmosphere; Kinetics; Reagent/catalystConcentrationSolventTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Mahdavi, Vahid; Soleimani, Shima

Materials Research Bulletin, 2014 , vol. 51, p. 153 - 160 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; cobalt ferrite in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=90°C; 6.5 h;

Burange, Anand S.; Kale, Sandip R.; Zboril, Radek; Gawande, Manoj B.; Jayaram, Radha V.

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 13 p. 6597 - 6601 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in neat (no solvent) T=60°C; 12 h; Temperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Habibi, Davood; Faraji, Ali Reza

Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2013 , vol. 16, # 10 p. 888 - 896 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

79 %Chromat.

With C49H42ClIrN2P2; potassium carbonate in acetone

Oppenauer Oxidation; 6 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Paul, Piyali; Richmond, Michael G.; Bhattacharya, Samaresh

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 751, p. 760 - 768 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=79.84°C; P=750.075 Torr; 1.5 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Chen, Chen; Yang, Hanmin; Chen, Jizhong; Zhang, Ran; Guo, Li; Gan, Huimei; Song, Baoning; Zhu, Wenwen; Hua, Li; Hou, Zhenshan

Catalysis Communications, 2014 , vol. 47, p. 49 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

60 %Chromat.

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=45°C; 4 h; SolventTemperature;

Zamani, Farzad; Hosseini, Seyed Mohsen; Kianpour, Sahar

Dalton Transactions, 2014 , vol. 43, # 9 p. 3618 - 3625 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=120°C; P=1500.15 Torr; 4 h; TimeReagent/catalyst;

Alhumaimess, Mosaed; Lin, Zhongjie; He, Qian; Lu, Li; Dimitratos, Nickolaos; Dummer, Nicholas F.; Conte, Marco; Taylor, Stuart H.; Bartley, Jonathan K.; Kiely, Christopher J.; Hutchings, Graham J.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2014 , vol. 20, # 6 p. 1701 - 1710 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With VO(H2O)(1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-touloyl-5-pyrazolone(1-))2; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=90°C; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Parihar, Sanjay; Jadeja; Gupta, Vivek K.

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 20 p. 10295 - 10302 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

91 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; Ir(4,4'-di-tert-butyl-2,2'-bipyridyl)(2phenylpyridine)2(PF6); tetrabutyl-ammonium chloride; oxygen; sodium hydrogencarbonate in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; 48 h; IrradiationGreen chemistry; Reagent/catalystSolvent; chemoselective reaction;

Liu, Dongwang; Zhou, Hongxia; Gu, Xiangyong; Shen, Xiaoqin; Li, Pixu

Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 32, # 2 p. 117 - 122 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With HNb3O8; oxygen

T=24.84°C; P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; UV-irradiation; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction;

Liang, Shijing; Wen, Linrui; Lin, Sen; Bi, Jinhong; Feng, Pingyun; Fu, Xianzhi; Wu, Ling

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2014 , vol. 53, # 11 p. 2951 - 2955 Angew. Chem., 2014 , vol. 126, # 11 p. 2995 - 2999,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 95 %Spectr.

With C54H44N8Rh(1+)*Cl(1-); potassium tert-butylate in 1,2-dichloro-benzene

T=150°C; 24 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalystTime;

Olguin, Juan; Mueller-Bunz, Helge; Albrecht, Martin

Chemical Communications, 2014 , vol. 50, # 26 p. 3488 - 3490 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; potassium carbonate in water

T=70°C; 22 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystConcentrationTemperature;

Ma, Zhen; Wei, Lijuan; Alegria, Elisabete C.B.A.; Martins, Luisa M.D.R.S.; Guedes Da Silva, M. Fatima C.; Pombeiro, Armando J.L.

Dalton Transactions, 2014 , vol. 43, # 10 p. 4048 - 4058 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=80°C; 4 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Wang, Liang; Sun, Jing; Meng, Xiangju; Zhang, Weiping; Zhang, Jian; Pan, Shuxiang; Shen, Zhe; Xiao, Feng-Shou

Chemical Communications, 2014 , vol. 50, # 16 p. 2012 - 2014 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90 %Spectr.

With C29H45Cl2N3ORuSi; tetrabutyl ammonium fluoride in 1,2-dichloro-benzene

T=110°C; 16 h; Catalytic behaviorKinetics; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Delgado-Rebollo, Manuela; Canseco-Gonzalez, Daniel; Hollering, Manuela; Mueller-Bunz, Helge; Albrecht, Martin

Dalton Transactions, 2014 , vol. 43, # 11 p. 4462 - 4473 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With copper(II) nitrate trihydrate; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=80°C; 6 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventTemperatureTime;

Guan, Jingqi; Liu, Jing

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 39, # 2 p. 233 - 238 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With nickel aluminate; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 8 h; Time; Show Experimental Procedure

Ragupathi; Vijaya, J. Judith; Surendhar; Kennedy, L. John

Polyhedron, 2014 , vol. 72, p. 1 - 7 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in neat (no solvent)

Li, Kun; Zhou, Dan; Deng, Jiejie; Lu, Xinhuan; Xia, Qinghua

T=89.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 7 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2014 , vol. 387, p. 31 - 37 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=79.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h; chemoselective reaction;

Geng, Longlong; Zhang, Xiuyan; Zhang, Wenxiang; Jia, Mingjun; Liu, Gang

Chemical Communications, 2014 , vol. 50, # 22 p. 2965 - 2967 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Spectr.

With C39H37N6OPRu(2+)*2F6P(1-)*CH2Cl2; potassium tert-butylate in toluene

T=100°C; 0.5 h; Reagent/catalystTime;

Naziruddin, Abbas Raja; Zhuang, Chun-Shiuan; Lin, Wan-Jung; Hwang, Wen-Shu

Dalton Transactions, 2014 , vol. 43, # 14 p. 5335 - 5342 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=100°C; P=760.051 Torr; Catalytic behavior;

Kang, Xinchen; Zhang, Jianling; Shang, Wenting; Wu, Tianbin; Zhang, Peng; Han, Buxing; Wu, Zhonghua; Mo, Guang; Xing, Xueqing

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014 , vol. 136, # 10 p. 3768 - 3771 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C24H29ClRhSe2(1+)*F6P(1-); potassium carbonate; acetone in water

T=80°C; Oppenauer Oxidation; 5 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Prakash, Om; Sharma, Kamal Nayan; Joshi, Hemant; Gupta, Pancham L.; Singh, Ajai K.

Organometallics, 2014 , vol. 33, # 4 p. 983 - 993 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [Ru(CO)(1-methyl-2-{(o-thiomethyl)phenylazo}imidazole)I2]; 4-methylmorpholine Noxide in dichloromethane

T=40°C; Molecular sieveReflux; Reagent/catalyst;

Jana, Subrata; Jana, Mahendra Sekhar; Biswas, Sujan; Sinha, Chittaranjan; Mondal, Tapan Kumar

Journal of Molecular Structure, 2014 , vol. 1065-1066, # 1 p. 52 - 60 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Chromat.

With Isopropenyl acetate; C16H21ClIrNO in toluene

T=80°C; 10 h; Inert atmosphere; Show Experimental Procedure

Fujita, Ken-Ichi; Uejima, Takehisa; Yamaguchi, Ryohei

Chemistry Letters, 2013 , vol. 42, # 12 p. 1496 - 1498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With sulfuric acid; oxygen; sodium nitrite in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhu, Jie; Zhao, Xue-Jing; Wang, Peng-Cheng; Lu, Ming

Chemistry Letters, 2013 , vol. 42, # 12 p. 1505 - 1507 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2PMo12O40(3-)*2C10H9N3*Pd(2+)*2OV(2+)*14C2H6OS; oxygen in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=130°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Huang, Xianqiang; Zhang, Xiaomei; Zhang, Dan; Yang, Song; Feng, Xiao; Li, Jikun; Lin, Zhengguo; Cao, Jie; Pan, Ran; Chi, Yingnan; Wang, Bo; Hu, Changwen

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2014 , vol. 20, # 9 p. 2557 - 2564 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=75°C; 1 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhou, Chunmei; Chen, Hong; Yan, Yibo; Jia, Xinli; Liu, Chang-Jun; Yang, Yanhui

Catalysis Today, 2013 , vol. 211, p. 104 - 108 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=160°C; 1 h; Reflux; Kinetics; Temperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Guo, Qiuting; With, Patrick; Liu, Yuan; Glaeser, Roger; Liu, Chang-Jun

Catalysis Today, 2013 , vol. 211, p. 156 - 161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With molybdenum carbide in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=120°C; 8 h; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst;

Li, Zhongcheng; Chen, Chunhui; Zhan, Ensheng; Ta, Na; Li, Yong; Shen, Wenjie

Chemical Communications, 2014 , vol. 50, # 34 p. 4469 - 4471 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in neat (no solvent) T=24.84°C; 24 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Pal, Nabanita; Cho, Eun-Bum; Kim, Dukjoon

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 18 p. 9213 - 9222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With silica supported 4-OH-TEMPO/NOx; air in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 7 h; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang, Hua; Fu, Luoling

Synthetic Communications, 2014 , vol. 44, # 5 p. 610 - 619 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=60°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 5 h; AutoclaveGreen chemistry; Catalytic behavior; TemperaturePressureSolventConcentration; Show Experimental Procedure

Islam, Sk. Manirul; Molla, Rostam Ali; Roy, Anupam Singha; Ghosh, Kajari; Salam, Noor; Iqubal, Md. Asif; Tuhina

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 761, p. 169 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With quinaldinium fluorochromate(VI); periodic acid in neat (no solvent) T=20°C; 0.0333333 h; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Oezdemir, Melek Canbulat; Oezgun, Hatice Beytiye

Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 38, # 1 p. 63 - 69 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=70°C; 16 h;

Deiana, Luca; Jiang, Yan; Palo-Nieto, Carlos; Afewerki, Samson; Incerti-Pradillos, Celia A.; Verho, Oscar; Tai, Cheuk-Wai; Johnston, Eric V.; Cordova, Armando

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2014 , vol. 53, # 13 p. 3447 - 3451 Angew. Chem., 2014 , vol. 126, # 13 p. 3515 - 3519,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

37.3 μmol

With oxygen

1 h; Irradiation; TimeReagent/catalyst;

Higashimoto, Shinya; Shirai, Ryo; Osano, Yuta; Azuma, Masashi; Ohue, Hiroyoshi; Sakata, Yoshihisa; Kobayashi, Hisayoshi

Journal of Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 311, p. 137 - 143 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

93 %Chromat.

With 1,3-dibromo-5,5-dimethylimidazolidine-2,4-dione in dichloromethane

T=25°C; 0.5 h; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Li, Zhongzhou; Zhu, Wei; Bao, Jinlong; Zou, Xinzhuo

Synthetic Communications, 2014 , vol. 44, # 8 p. 1155 - 1164 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 %Chromat.

With potassium carbonate in water

T=100°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h; Kinetics; TemperatureReagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Dell'Anna, Maria Michela; Mali, Matilda; Mastrorilli, Piero; Cotugno, Pietro; Monopoli, Antonio

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2014 , vol. 386, p. 114 - 119 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Mo2N in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=150°C; 28 h; Inert atmosphere; TimeTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Li, Zhongcheng; Chen, Chunhui; Zhan, Ensheng; Ta, Na; Shen, Wenjie

Catalysis Communications, 2014 , vol. 51, p. 58 - 62 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 4.5 wtpercent of Pd nanoparticles supported on the chromium terephthalate metal organic framework MIL-101; air in o-xylene

T=85°C; P=760.051 Torr; 14 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Bhattacharjee, Samiran; Kim, Jun; Ahn, Wha-Seung

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2014 , vol. 14, # 3 p. 2546 - 2552 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Ti0.9V0.1O2; dihydrogen peroxide in methanol

T=20°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Amini, Mojtaba; Naslhajian, Hadi; Farnia, S. Morteza F.

New Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 38, # 4 p. 1581 - 1586 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,6-dimethylpyridine; sodium perchlorate in acetonitrile

Electrochemical reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Lu, Jin-Jin; Ma, Jia-Qi; Yi, Jing-Miao; Shen, Zhen-Lu; Zhong, Yi-Jun; Ma, Chun-An; Li, Mei-Chao

Electrochimica Acta, 2014 , vol. 130, p. 412 - 417 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

58 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; palladium diacetate in chlorobenzene

T=80°C; 12 h; Sealed tubeInert atmosphere;

Tang, Hui; Qian, Cheng; Lin, Dongen; Jiang, Huanfeng; Zeng, Wei

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 356, # 2-3 p. 519 - 527 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ZnO0.8N0.1F0.1/Pt/CdS nanostructures in water

Irradiation; Catalytic behavior;

Lingampalli; Rao

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014 , vol. 2, # 21 p. 7702 - 7705 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in neat (no solvent) T=90°C; 4 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Meng, Ling-Yan; Zhai, Shang-Ru; Li, Shi; Zhai, Bin; An, Qing-Da; Song, Xiao-Wei

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2014 , # 14 p. 2337 - 2344 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Raney nickel in 5,5-dimethyl-1,3-cyclohexadiene


Mehta, Astha; Thaker; Londhe; Nandan, Santosh R.

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014 , vol. 478, p. 241 - 251 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 200 U laccase from Trametes versicolor; oxygen; benzotriazol-1-ol in aq. buffer T=45°C; pH=4.5; Green chemistryEnzymatic reaction;

Heidary, Marjan; Khoobi, Mehdi; Ghasemi, Sabrieh; Habibi, Zohreh; Faramarzi, Mohammad Ali

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 356, # 8 p. 1789 - 1794 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With reduced graphene oxide-MnCoO nanocomposite in acetonitrile

T=140°C; P=15751.6 Torr; 2 h;

Jha, Ajay; Mhamane, Dattakumar; Suryawanshi, Anil; Joshi, Sameer M.; Shaikh, Parvez; Biradar, Narayan; Ogale, Satishchandra; Rode, Chandrashekhar V.

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2014 , vol. 4, # 6 p. 1771 - 1778

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

94 %Spectr.

With tert.-butylnitrite; [Cu(4,7-bis(4-pyridyl)-1,1,3,3-tetramethylisoindolin-2yloxyl)2(SiF6)]; oxygen

T=80°C; 24 h; Sealed tube; Reagent/catalyst;

Li, Liangchun; Matsuda, Ryotaro; Tanaka, Iku; Sato, Hiroshi; Kanoo, Prakash; Jeon, Hyung Joon; Foo, Maw Lin; Wakamiya, Atsushi; Murata, Yasujiro; Kitagawa, Susumu

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014 , vol. 136, # 21 p. 7543 - 7546 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N-Bromosuccinimide; oxygen; 2,3-dicyano-5,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone; sodium nitrite in dichloromethane

T=90°C; P=2250.23 Torr; 2 h; Autoclave; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Tong, Xinli; Sun, Yongfa; Yan, Yongtao; Luo, Xuan; Liu, Jinbiao; Wu, Zhidong

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2014 , vol. 391, # 1 p. 1 - 6 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With hydrogenchloride; sodium bromate; N-(1-oxo-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-4-yl)benzoylamide in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; 1 h;

Shen, Jiaxuan; Sun, Jiangkai; Qin, Shuangshuang; Chu, Changhu; Liu, Renhua

Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 32, # 5 p. 405 - 409 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With reduced graphene oxide–TiO2 (5percentRGO–TiO2) in water

4 h; Irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Yuan, Lan; Yu, Qianqian; Zhang, Yanhui; Xu, Yi-Jun

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 29 p. 15264 - 15270 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

4 h; Reflux; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Farsani, Mostafa Riahi; Yadollahi, Bahram

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2014 , vol. 392, p. 8 - 15 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 24 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Joglekar, Madhura; Pylypenko, Svitlana; Otting, Megan M.; Valenstein, Justin S.; Trewyn, Brian G.

Chemistry of Materials, 2014 , vol. 26, # 9 p. 2873 - 2882 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=70°C; 3 h; Sealed tube;

Anderson, Mattias; Afewerki, Samson; Berglund, Per; Cordova, Armando

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 356, # 9 p. 2113 - 2118 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 %Chromat.

With copper(II) tetrasulfophthalocyanine supported on three-dimensional nitrogendopedgraphenebased frameworks; air in water

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Mahyari, Mojtaba; Laeini, Mohammad Sadegh; Shaabani, Ahmad

Chemical Communications, 2014 , vol. 50, # 58 p. 7855 - 7857 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With H3PW4O12; dihydrogen peroxide; cetyltrimethylammonim bromide in water

T=80°C; 3 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Zhu, Jie; Shen, Meng-Nan; Zhao, Xue-Jing; Wang, Peng-Cheng; Lu, Ming

ChemPlusChem, 2014 , vol. 79, # 6 p. 872 - 878 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1,4-diaza-bicyclo[2.2.2]octane; C6Cl4O6Ru2 in toluene

12 h; Inert atmosphereReflux;

Khalafi-Nezhad, Ali; Panahi, Farhad

ACS Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 4, # 6 p. 1686 - 1692 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; 4 h;

Wang, Jiang; Lang, Xianjun; Zhaorigetu, Bao; Jia, Meilin; Wang, Jun; Guo, Xiaofang; Zhao, Jincai

ChemCatChem, 2014 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 1737 - 1747 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: in dichloromethane

0.00833333 h; SonicationMicellar solution; Stage #2: With sodium hypochlorite; sodium bromide in dichloromethane

T=10°C; pH=Ca. 9.1; 0.05 h; Micellar solution; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Zheng, Zhi; Wang, Jianli; Chen, Hualiang; Feng, Linbin; Jing, Ren; Lu, Meizhen; Hu, Bao; Ji, Jianbing

ChemCatChem, 2014 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 1626 - 1634 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; sodium hypochlorite pentahydrate; tetra(nbutyl)ammonium hydrogensulfate in dichloromethane

T=5°C; 1 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Okada, Tomohide; Asawa, Tomotake; Sugiyama, Yukihiro; Kirihara, Masayuki; Iwai, Toshiaki; Kimura, Yoshikazu

Synlett, 2014 , vol. 25, # 4 art. no. ST-2013-U1017-L, p. 596 - 598 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96 %Chromat.

With sodium carbonate; silver nitrate in toluene

6 h; Reflux; Reagent/catalystTime; chemoselective reaction;

Wang, Jiayi; Li, Yuan; Peng, Yanqing; Song, Gonghua

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2014 , vol. 61, # 5 p. 517 - 520 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dmap; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; copper(II) sulfate in water; N,Ndimethyl-formamide

T=20°C; Reagent/catalyst;

Mugemana, Clement; Chen, Ba-Tian; Bukhryakov, Konstantin V.; Rodionov, Valentin

Chemical Communications, 2014 , vol. 50, # 58 p. 7862 - 7865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; cis-[MoO2(dhsm)(ethanol)] in water

T=70°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Fayed, Ahmed M.; Elsayed, Shadia A.; El-Hendawy, Ahmed M.; Mostafa, Mohamed R.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2014 , vol. 129, p. 293 - 302 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With 2O34PW9(9-)*4Zn(2+)*10C16H36N(1+); dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 0.75 h; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Farsani, Mostafa Riahi; Jalilian, Fariba; Yadollahi, Bahram; Rudbari, Hadi Amiri

Polyhedron, 2014 , vol. 76, p. 102 - 107 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=100°C; 6 h; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Liu, Kun; Chen, Tingting; Hou, Zhiqiang; Wang, Yuanyuan; Dai, Liyi

Catalysis Letters, 2014 , vol. 144, # 2 p. 314 - 319 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iron(III) chloride; acetic acid in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 3 h; Catalytic behaviorKinetics; Show Experimental Procedure

Li, Renhong; Kobayashi, Hisayoshi; Yan, Xiaoqing; Fan, Jie

Catalysis Today, 2014 , vol. 233, p. 140 - 146 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=230°C; Gas phaseGreen chemistry;

Mao, Junjie; Zhao, Guofeng; Wang, Dingsheng; Li, Yadong

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 48 p. 25384 - 25388 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dye sensitized photoelectrosynthesis cell in aq. acetate buffer T=20°C; pH=4.5; Irradiation;

Song, Wenjing; Vannucci, Aaron K.; Farnum, Byron H.; Lapides, Alexander M.; Brennaman, M. Kyle; Kalanyan, Berç; Alibabaei, Leila; Concepcion, Javier J.; Losego, Mark D.; Parsons, Gregory N.; Meyer, Thomas J.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014 , vol. 136, # 27 p. 9773 - 9779 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; p-benzoquinone in acetonitrile

T=25 - 35°C; P=760.051 Torr; Irradiation;

Abedi, Sedigheh; Morsali, Ali

ACS Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 4, # 5 p. 1398 - 1403 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With chromium (VI) oxide; periodic acid in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 0.25 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Few, Chip S.; Williams, Kathryn R.; Wagener, Kenneth B.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 32 p. 4452 - 4454 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With caesium carbonate in toluene

T=100°C; 12 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Reagent/catalyst;

Sabater, Sara; Mata, Jose A.; Peris, Eduardo

ACS Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 4, # 6 p. 2038 - 2047 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With α-K6As2W18O62; oxygen in neat (no solvent, solid phase) T=300°C; 5 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Choi, Jung Ho; Kang, Tae Hun; Bang, Yongju; Song, Ji Hwan; Song, In Kyu

Catalysis Communications, 2014 , vol. 55, p. 29 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C42H36CuN4O2(2+)*2Cl(1-); dihydrogen peroxide

T=69.84°C; 3 h; Heating; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Bushra Begum; Rekha; Vasantha Kumar; Lakshmi Ranganatha; Khanum, Shaukath Ara

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2014 , vol. 24, # 15 p. 3559 - 3564 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Au/CeO2–TiO2 NT 8 h; UV-irradiation; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction;

Zhang, Yajun; Zhao, Guohua; Zhang, Yanan; Huang, Xiaofeng

Green Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 16, # 8 p. 3860 - 3869 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With PtNPs/Ca-ZSM-5 in water

T=25°C; 20 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Hong, Yejiang; Yan, Xiaoqing; Liao, Xiaofeng; Li, Renhong; Xu, Shaodan; Xiao, Liping; Fan, Jie

Chemical Communications, 2014 , vol. 50, # 68 p. 9679 - 9682 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylnitrite; (5R)-2,2,3,5-tetramethyl-5-(p-tolyl)imidazolidin-4-one-1-oxyl; hydrogen bromide; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalystPressureTemperature;

Carbo Lopez, Marta; Royal, Guy; Philouze, Christian; Chavant, Pierre Y.; Blandin, Veronique

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 2014, # 22 p. 4884 - 4896 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C22H28ClN4ORu(1+)*C24H20B(1-); caesium carbonate; methoxybenzene in dimethyl sulfoxide T=110°C; Sealed tube; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Leigh, Vivienne; Carleton, Daniel J.; Olguin, Juan; Mueller-Bunz, Helge; Wright, L. James; Albrecht, Martin

Inorganic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 53, # 15 p. 8054 - 8060 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: in acetonitrile

T=50°C; 0.5 h; Inert atmosphereGreen chemistry; Stage #2: With tert.-butylhydroperoxide

T=90°C; 8 h; Inert atmosphereGreen chemistry; TemperatureSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Mahdavi, Vahid; Hasheminasab, Hamid Reza

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014 , vol. 482, p. 189 - 197 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

91 %Chromat.

With air; multiwall carbon nanotube supported on r-ruthenium dioxide nanoparticle in toluene

T=110°C; 12 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Gopiraman; Babu, S. Ganesh; Karvembu; Kim

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014 , vol. 484, p. 84 - 96 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

Stage #1: With dimethyl sulfoxide; p-toluenesulfonyl chloride in toluene

T=0 - 20°C; 1.5 h; Stage #2: With triethylamine in toluene

T=20°C; 0.333333 h; Solvent; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Saadati, Fariba; Yousefi, Kobra

Synthetic Communications, 2014 , vol. 44, # 19 p. 2818 - 2825 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in ethanol

T=40°C; 7 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Cui, Wenjing; Xiao, Qi; Sarina, Sarina; Ao, Wulan; Xie, Mengxia; Zhu, Huaiyong; Bao, Zhaorigetu

Catalysis Today, 2014 , vol. 235, p. 152 - 159 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; toluene

T=80°C; 8 h; Solvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Dong, Xinbo; Wang, Danjun; Li, Kebin; Zhen, Yanzhong; Hu, Huaiming; Xue, Ganglin

Materials Research Bulletin, 2014 , vol. 57, p. 210 - 220 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=101 - 103°C; P=760.051 Torr; 0.583333 h;

Ali, Roushown; Assal; Al-Warthan, Abdulrahman; Rafiq; Siddiqui

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 25, # 9 p. 4815 - 4819 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; C92H116Cu4N4O8*0.5CH2Cl2; potassium carbonate in water

T=70°C; P=760.051 Torr; 22 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureSolvent;

Zhang, Guoqi; Proni, Gloria; Zhao, Sherry; Constable, Edwin C.; Housecroft, Catherine E.; Neuburger, Markus; Zampese, Jennifer A.

Dalton Transactions, 2014 , vol. 43, # 32 p. 12313 - 12320 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite; potassium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=5°C; pH=9; 0.166667 h; Kinetics;

Saito, Kei; Hirose, Koji; Okayasu, Teruyuki; Nishide, Hiroyuki; Hearn, Milton T. W.

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 25 p. 9752 - 9756 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide

T=20 - 75°C;

Baig, R.B. Nasir; Nadagouda, Mallikarjuna N.; Varma, Rajender S.

Green Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 16, # 9 p. 4333 - 4338 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in dichloromethane

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 2 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang, Hua; Fu, Luoling; Zhong, Hongmin

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 34, # 10 p. 1848 - 1854 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With oxygen

T=160°C; 6 h; Catalytic behavior; Temperature;

Li; Ji; Cadigan; Richards

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2014 , vol. 4, # 8 p. 2520 - 2525 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C40H32Cl2Fe2N10O; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 2 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Reagent/catalyst;

Szavuly, Miklos; Szilvasi, Szilvio D.; Csonka, Robert; Klesitz, Daniel; Speier, Gabor; Giorgi, Michel; Kaizer, Jozsef

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2014 , vol. 393, p. 317 - 324 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With zinc aluminate; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 10 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Ragupathi; Judith Vijaya; Narayanan; John Kennedy; Ramakrishna, Seeram

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 34, # 10 p. 1951 - 1958 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With oxygen

T=120°C; P=900.09 Torr; 4 h; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperatureTimePressure;

Moreno, Ines; Dummer, Nicholas F.; Edwards, Jennifer K.; Alhumaimess, Mosaed; Sankar, Meenakshisundaram; Sanz, Raul; Pizarro, Patricia; Serrano, David P.; Hutchings, Graham J.

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2013 , vol. 3, # 9 p. 2425 - 2434 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90 %Chromat.

With Methyltrichlorosilane; dimethyl sulfoxide; triethylamine in dichloromethane

T=-78 - -20°C; Swern Oxidation; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Wang, Yuanxun; Wang, Chao; Sun, Jian

Synthetic Communications, 2014 , vol. 44, # 20 p. 2961 - 2965 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; potassium carbonate in water

T=80°C; 6 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Zhang, Mingmei; Sun, Qian; Yan, Zaoxue; Jing, Junjie; Wei, Wei; Jiang, Deli; Xie, Jimin; Chen, Min

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 66, # 5 p. 564 - 571 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [(C6H2Me3)CH2N2(NMe)C2Ph]RuCl2 in (2)H8-toluene

T=110°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk techniqueGlovebox; Reagent/catalyst;

Bagh, Bidraha; McKinty, Adam M.; Lough, Alan J.; Stephan, Douglas W.

Dalton Transactions, 2014 , vol. 43, # 34 p. 12842 - 12850 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=80°C; Solvent;

Bhat, Pooja B.; Inam, Fawad; Bhat, Badekai Ramachandra

ACS Combinatorial Science, 2014 , vol. 16, # 8 p. 397 - 402 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With C21H33N3O6*3H(1+)*(PW11ZnO39)(5-); dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

4.5 h; Reflux; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystConcentrationSolventTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Nadealian, Zahra; Mirkhani, Valiollah; Yadollahi, Bahram; Moghadam, Majid; Tangestaninejad, Shahram; Mohammadpoor-Baltork, Iraj

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 66, # 7 p. 1264 - 1275 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With palladium in UiO-67; air in toluene

T=100°C; 20 h; Green chemistry;

Chen, Liyu; Chen, Huirong; Luque, Rafael; Li, Yingwei

Chemical Science, 2014 , vol. 5, # 10 p. 3708 - 3714 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

50 %Chromat.

With 6-methyl-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid; dihydrogen peroxide; iron(II) acetate in water; acetonitrile

T=25°C; 0.25 h; chemoselective reaction;

Tanaka, Shinji; Kon, Yoshihiro; Nakashima, Takuya; Sato, Kazuhiko

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 71 p. 37674 - 37678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tanaka, Shinji; Kon, Yoshihiro; Nakashima, Takuya; Sato, Kazuhiko

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 40, # 71 p. 37674 - 37678 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=80°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Liu, Kun; Chen, Zhaoxiang; Hou, Zhiqiang; Wang, Yuanyuan; Dai, Liyi

Catalysis Letters, 2014 , vol. 144, # 5 p. 935 - 942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With 5-chloro-1-indanone; potassium carbonate in nitrobenzene

T=160°C; 15 h; Inert atmosphereGreen chemistry; Solvent;

Wang, Hu; Zhang, Jin; Cui, Yu-Ming; Yang, Ke-Fang; Zheng, Zhan-Jiang; Xu, Li-Wen

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 65 p. 34681 - 34686 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1,10-Phenanthroline; diethyl hydrazodicarboxylate; oxygen; potassium carbonate; copper(l) chloride in toluene

T=90°C; 1 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Sha, Qiang; Wei, Yunyang

Synthesis (Germany), 2014 , vol. 46, # 17 art. no. SS-2014-H0185-OP, p. 2353 - 2361 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridine; oxygen in water

T=65°C; 6 h; TimeReagent/catalyst;

Sahoo, Mitarani; Parida

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2013 , vol. 460-461, p. 36 - 45 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2H2O*Ca0.16*MnO2; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 2 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalystpH-value; Show Experimental Procedure

Amini, Mojtaba; Najafpour, Mohammad Mahdi; Zare, Maryam; Amini, Emad

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2014 , vol. 394, p. 303 - 308 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=100°C; P=7500.75 Torr; 0.25 h; Autoclave; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Rautiainen, Sari; Simakova, Olga; Guo, Hongfan; Leino, Anne-Riikka; Kordas, Krisztian; Murzin, Dmitry; Leskelae, Markku; Repo, Timo

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014 , vol. 485, p. 202 - 206 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=39.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; Irradiation; SolventReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Yu, Jing; Li, Jingyi; Wei, Huili; Zheng, Jianwei; Su, Haiquan; Wang, Xiaojing

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2014 , vol. 395, p. 128 - 136 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in acetonitrile

T=24.84°C; 12 h; Irradiation;

Higashimoto, Shinya; Nakai, Yuta; Azuma, Masashi; Takahashi, Masanari; Sakata, Yoshihisa

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 71 p. 37662 - 37668 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; tungsten(VI) oxide; 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium Tetrafluoroborate in water; toluene

T=49.99 - 89.99°C; 8 h; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Chen, Long; Chen, Lifang; Ye, Yinmei; Qi, Zhiwen; Freund, Hannsjoerg; Sundmacher, Kai

Catalysis Communications, 2012 , vol. 28, p. 143 - 146 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; cerium chromite in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=90°C; 6 h; Sonication; Show Experimental Procedure

Burange, Anand S.; Jayaram, Radha V.; Shukla, Rakesh; Tyagi, Avesh K.

Catalysis Communications, 2013 , vol. 40, p. 27 - 31 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite; β cyclodextrin in water

T=50°C; 24 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Kang, Yan; Zhou, Lilin; Li, Xia; Yuan, Jinying

Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 21, # 11 p. 3704 - 3710 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With O40PW12(3-)*3C40H48Cl4N4P2Ru(1+); water; oxygen

T=100°C; P=7500.75 Torr; 1.5 h; Ionic liquid; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTime;

Wang, Sa-Sa; Zhang, Jing; Zhou, Cheng-Liang; Vo-Thanh, Giang; Liu, Ye

Catalysis Communications, 2012 , vol. 28, p. 152 - 154 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=150°C; P=7500.75 Torr; 4 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Ishida, Tamao; Onuma, Yuta; Kinjo, Kota; Hamasaki, Akiyuki; Ohashi, Hironori; Honma, Tetsuo; Akita, Tomoki; Yokoyama, Takushi; Tokunaga, Makoto; Haruta, Masatake

Tetrahedron, 2014 , # 36 p. 6150 - 6155 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

75 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=90°C; 12 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Solvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Karimi, Babak; Rostami, Fatemeh Bakhshandeh; Khorasani, Mojtaba; Elhamifar, Dawood; Vali, Hojatollah

Tetrahedron, 2014 , # 36 p. 6114 - 6119 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With silver nitrate

Irradiation; chemoselective reaction;

Qamar; Elsayed; Alhooshani; Ahmed; Bahnemann

Catalysis Communications, 2014 , vol. 58, p. 34 - 39 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With bis-[N-(pyridine-2-ylmethyl)-4-methoxybenzenesulfonamido]palladium; periodic acid in acetonitrile

2 h; Reflux; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Dayan, Serkan; etin, Ahmet; Arslan, N. Burcu; Özpozan, Nilgün Kalayciolu; Özdemir, Namik; Dayan, Osman

Polyhedron, 2015 , vol. 85, p. 748 - 753 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; Trametes versicolor laccase; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=20°C; pH=5; 24 h; Enzymatic reaction; Reagent/catalystpH-valueTemperatureSolvent;

Bechi, Beatrice; Herter, Susanne; McKenna, Shane; Riley, Christopher; Leimkühler, Silke; Turner, Nicholas J.; Carnell, Andrew J.

Green Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 16, # 10 p. 4524 - 4529 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 8 h; Kinetics; SolventReagent/catalystTimeTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Kumar, R. Thinesh; Vijaya, J. Judith; Kennedy, L. John

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2013 , vol. 13, # 4 p. 2953 - 2960 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=119.84°C; P=750.075 Torr; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Hutchings, Graham J.

Catalysis Today, 2014 , vol. 238, p. 69 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iodine; oxygen in ethyl acetate

T=20°C; 10 h;

Nagasawa, Yoshitomo; Matsusaki, Yoko; Hotta, Toshiyuki; Nobuta, Tomoya; Tada, Norihiro; Miura, Tsuyoshi; Itoh, Akichika

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 48 p. 6543 - 6546 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=120°C; 3 h; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Liu, Kun; Yan, Xiaojun; Zou, Peipei; Wang, Yuanyuan; Dai, Liyi

Catalysis Communications, 2014 , vol. 58, p. 132 - 136 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90 %Chromat.

With [Fe(N,N'-dimethyl-N,N'-bis(2-pyridylmethyl)-1,2-diaminoethane)(μ-O)FeCl3]; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=20°C; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction;

Kejriwal, Ambica; Biswas, Achintesh Narayan; Choudhury, Amitava; Bandyopadhyay, Pinaki

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 39, # 8 p. 909 - 915 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=25°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1.1 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Mahyari, Mojtaba; Shaabani, Ahmad; Behbahani, Mohammad; Bagheri, Akbar

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 28, # 8 p. 576 - 583 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C27H29CuN3O2; oxygen; potassium hydoxide in acetonitrile

T=20°C; P=750.075 Torr; 5 h; Catalytic behaviorKinetics; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Alaji, Zahra; Safaei, Elham; Chiang, Linus; Clarke, Ryan M.; Mu, Changhua; Storr, Tim

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 2014, # 35 p. 6066 - 6074 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With formic acid; oxygen

T=79.84°C; P=3750.38 Torr; Reagent/catalyst;

Mehri, Afef; Kochkar, Hafedh

Chemistry Letters, 2014 , vol. 43, # 7 p. 1046 - 1048 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 9 h; Sonication;

Meng, Yuying; Voiry, Damien; Goswami, Anandarup; Zou, Xiaoxin; Huang, Xiaoxi; Chhowalla, Manish; Liu, Zhongwu; Asefa, Tewodros

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014 , vol. 136, # 39 p. 13554 - 13557 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; μ-O-[Fe(meso-tetra(4-carboxyphenyl)porphyrin)]2 16(N,Ndimethylformamide) in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 0.5 h; Catalytic behaviorKinetics; Reagent/catalyst;

Fidalgo-Marijuan, Arkaitz; Barandika, Gotzone; Bazn, Begoa; Urtiaga, Miren Karmele; Larrea, Edurne S.; Iglesias, Marta; Lezama, Luis; Arriortua, Mara Isabel

Dalton Transactions, 2015 , vol. 44, # 1 p. 213 - 222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in neat (no solvent) T=70°C; 12 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Saikia, Mrinal; Bhuyan, Diganta; Saikia, Lakshi

New Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 39, # 1 p. 64 - 67 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate; 2C27H56N2O2(1+)*2Br(1-)*CH4N2O; oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=60°C; 1.5 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Zhang, Yuecheng; Lü, Fenglian; Cao, Xiaohui; Zhao, Jiquan

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 76 p. 40161 - 40169 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=40°C; 1.5 h; Catalytic behavior;

Feng, Yan; Moschetta, Eric G.; Jones, Christopher W.

Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2014 , vol. 9, # 11 p. 3142 - 3152 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C44H52CuN4O2; oxygen; sodium hydroxide in neat (no solvent) T=20°C; 20 h; Schlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Shi, Huatian; Yin, Yegao

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2014 , vol. 421, p. 446 - 450 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

47.8 %Chromat.

With oxygen; nitric acid

T=90°C; 2 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Shi, Ying; Nabae, Yuta; Hayakawa, Teruaki; Kakimoto, Masa-Aki

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 1923 - 1928 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With gold-copper bimetallic nanoparticles supported on a titanium dioxide-nanobelt T=220°C; Flow reactor; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureReagent/catalyst;

Jia, Qinqin; Zhao, Dongfang; Tang, Bin; Zhao, Na; Li, Haidong; Sang, Yuanhua; Bao, Nan; Zhang, Xiaomei; Xu, Xiaohong; Liu, Hong

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2014 , vol. 2, # 38 p. 16292 - 16298 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=100°C; P=7500.75 Torr; 8 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Zhang, Hua; Zheng, Zhijie; Ma, Changjian; Zheng, Jinbao; Zhang, Nuowei; Li, Yunhua; Chen, Bing H.

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 2 p. 245 - 249 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium hydoxide in water

T=60°C; 24 h; Schlenk technique;

Deraedt, Christophe; Wang, Dong; Salmon, Lionel; Etienne, Laetitia; LabrugA re, Christine; Ruiz, Jaime; Astruc, Didier

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 2 p. 303 - 308 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With palladium on silica; oxygen

Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Li, Lei; Zhao, Jianbo; Yang, Jinyue; Fu, Teng; Xue, Nianhua; Peng, Luming; Guo, Xuefeng; Ding, Weiping

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 7 p. 4766 - 4769 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

8 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Xu, Jie; Luo, Liufeng; Xiao, Guangrui; Zhang, Zizhong; Lin, Huaxiang; Wang, Xuxu; Long, Jinlin

ACS Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 4, # 9 p. 3302 - 3306 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=120 - 125°C; P=12376.2 Torr; 0.0833333 h; Microwave irradiation;

Yepez, Alfonso; Lam, Frank L. Y.; Romero, Antonio A.; Kappe, C. Oliver; Luque, Rafael

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 2 p. 276 - 282 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=105°C; P=760.051 Torr; 0.5 h;

Kim, Daehyun; Kim, Youngyeong; Jung, Kyungmun; Choi, Myong Yong; Park, Minjun; Lee, Byung Yang; Kim, Tae Hyun; Kwon, Ki-Young

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2015 , vol. 36, # 1 p. 1 - 2 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

34 %Chromat.

With bis[dichloro(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)iridium(III)]; sodium acetate in water; acetic acid; toluene

T=100°C; 24 h;

Gunay, Ahmet; Mantell, Mark A.; Field, Kathleen D.; Wu, Wenbo; Chin, Michael; Emmert, Marion H.

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2015 , vol. 5, # 2 p. 1198 - 1205 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

80 %Chromat.

With ((n-C4H9)4N)4[SiW11O39(Si(CH2)3-NCHC14H9)2O]; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 4 h; Irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventConcentration;

Karimian, Davud; Yadollahi, Bahram; Mirkhani, Valiollah

Dalton Transactions, 2015 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 1709 - 1715 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=60°C; 5.5 h;

Senthilnathan, Jaganathan; Rao, Kodepelly Sanjeeva; Lin, Wan-Hsien; Ting, Jyh-Ming; Yoshimura, Masahiro

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015 , vol. 3, # 6 p. 3035 - 3043 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=100°C; P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; IrradiationGreen chemistry; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang, Ligang; Liu, Di; Guan, Jing; Chen, Xiufang; Guo, Xingcui; Zhao, Fuhua; Hou, Tonggang; Mu, Xindong

Materials Research Bulletin, 2014 , vol. 59, p. 84 - 92 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With IrCl(CO)(rac-2,2'-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,1'-binaphthalene); sodium hydride in toluene

T=110°C; 3 h; Schlenk techniqueInert atmosphere;

Olsen, Esben P. K.; Singh, Thishana; Harris, Pernille; Andersson, Pher G.; Madsen, Robert

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015 , vol. 137, # 2 p. 834 - 842 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With gold supported on zirconium oxide; oxygen; caesium carbonate in 1,4-dioxane

T=25°C; P=760.051 Torr; 12 h; Catalytic behavior; Solvent;

Wei, Huili; Li, Jingyi; Yu, Jing; Zheng, Jianwei; Su, Haiquan; Wang, Xiaojing

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2015 , vol. 427, p. 33 - 40 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=100°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 9.5 h; Catalytic behavior;

Leus; Concepcion; Vandichel; Meledina; Grirrane; Esquivel; Turner; Poelman; Waroquier; Van Speybroeck; Van Tendeloo; García; Van Der Voort

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 29 p. 22334 - 22342 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With silver(0) nanoparticles supported on silica-coated ferrite in toluene

24 h; Inert atmosphereReflux;

Bayat, Ahmad; Shakourian-Fard, Mehdi; Ehyaei, Nona; Mahmoodi Hashemi, Mohammad

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 29 p. 22503 - 22509 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; [2,2]bipyridinyl; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [(2,2’-bipyridine)Cu(II)(OH)]2(trifluoromethanesulfonate)2; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=20°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 0.0833333 h; Flow reactor; KineticsCatalytic behavior; ConcentrationReagent/catalyst;

Vanoye, Laurent; Pablos, Mertxe; De Bellefon, Claude; Favre-Réguillon, Alain

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 357, # 4 p. 739 - 746 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iodosylbenzene in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 5 h; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTimeSolvent; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Yang, Zhi-Wang; Zhao, Xia; Li, Tian-Jing; Chen, Wen-Long; Kang, Qiao-Xiang; Xu, Xue-Qing; Liang, Xi-Xi; Feng, Ying; Duan, Huan-Huan; Lei, Zi-Qiang

Catalysis Communications, 2015 , vol. 65, p. 34 - 40 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tris(2,2'-bipyridine)ruthenium(II) perchlorate; pentaaminechlorocobalt(III) dichloride; [MnIV(O)(H2O)(N,N'-dimethyl-N,N'-bis(8-quinolyl)cyclohexane-1,2-diamine)]2+ in acetonitrile

T=24.84°C; pH=4; 2 h; IrradiationInert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Mechanism; SolventpHvalue;

Wu, Xiujuan; Yang, Xiaonan; Lee, Yong-Min; Nam, Wonwoo; Sun, Licheng

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 19 p. 4013 - 4016 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

75 %Spectr.

Stage #1: With C24H20B(1-)*C5H12NO2(1+)*C5H11NO2 in acetonitrile T=20°C; Ley-Griffith Ru Oxidation; 0.166667 h; Stage #2: With tetrapropylammonium perruthennate in acetonitrile

T=20°C; Ley-Griffith Ru Oxidation;

Moore, Peter W.; Mirzayans, Paul M.; Williams, Craig M.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015 , vol. 21, # 9 p. 3567 - 3571 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With phosphomolybdic acid; oxygen; tetrabutylammonium acetate; palladium diacetate in ethyl acetate

T=100°C; P=22502.3 Torr; 1 h; Pressure;

Dornan, Laura M.; Muldoon, Mark J.

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2015 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 1428 - 1432 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

61 %Spectr.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; palladium(II) trifluoroacetate in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=100°C; 20 h; Sealed tube;

Hou, Lekai; Chen, Xiangxiang; Li, Shuang; Cai, Suxian; Zhao, Yanxia; Sun, Meng; Yang, Xiao-Juan

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 13, # 14 p. 4160 - 4164 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

73 %Chromat.

With oxygen in toluene

T=150°C; 4 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Ishida, Tamao; Onuma, Yuta; Kinjo, Kota; Hamasaki, Akiyuki; Ohashi, Hironori; Honma, Tetsuo; Akita, Tomoki; Yokoyama, Takushi; Tokunaga, Makoto; Haruta, Masatake

Tetrahedron, 2014 , vol. 70, # 36 p. 6150 - 6155 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

75 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=90°C; 12 h; Green chemistry; Solvent; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Karimi, Babak; Rostami, Fatemeh Bakhshandeh; Khorasani, Mojtaba; Elhamifar, Dawood; Vali, Hojatollah

Tetrahedron, 2014 , vol. 70, # 36 p. 6114 - 6119 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=45°C; 0.5 h; Green chemistry;

Nikbakht, Elham; Yadollahi, Bahram; Farsani, Mostafa Riahi

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2015 , vol. 55, p. 135 - 138 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With formaldehyd; oct-1-ene; palladium diacetate; toluene-4-sulfonic acid; 1,2-bis[di(tbutyl)phosphinomethyl]benzene

T=100°C; 20 h; Inert atmosphereSealed tube; Catalytic behavior;

Liu, Qiang; Yuan, Kedong; Arockiam, Percia-Beatrice; Franke, Robert; Doucet, Henri; Jackstell, Ralf; Beller, Matthias

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2015 , vol. 54, # 15 p. 4493 - 4497 Angew. Chem., 2015 , # 15 p. 4575 - 4580,6 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With platinum(IV) oxide; phosphoric acid bis(2,2,2-trifluoroethyl)diisopropylamide; oxygen

T=100°C; 42 h; Schlenk technique; Show Experimental Procedure

Tosoh F-Tech, Inc.; MIMURA, Hideyuki; FUJITA, Hiroaki; EGUCHI, Hisao

Patent: EP2832737 A1, 2015 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0080; 0081; 0082 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

90 %Chromat.

> 99 %Chromat.

With oxygen

T=25°C; P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; Irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Shen, Lijuan; Luo, Mingbu; Huang, Linjuan; Feng, Pingyun; Wu, Ling

Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 54, # 4 p. 1191 - 1193 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,6-dimethylpyridine; sodium perchlorate in acetonitrile

T=20°C; Electrochemical reaction; Reagent/catalyst;

Song, Dandan; Chen, Qiguo; Tang, Danyang; Shen, Zhenlu; Li, Meichao; Ma, Chunan

Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 2015 , vol. 162, # 4 p. H251 - H255 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [κ2-N,O-(t-BuNCOPh)]3Al; pivalaldehyde in toluene T=20°C; Oppenauer Oxidation; 3 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Yeagle, Kevin P.; Hester, Darryl; Piro, Nicholas A.; Dougherty, William G.; Kassel, W. Scott; Graves, Christopher R.

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 357 - 365 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 4 wtpercent of Pd on TiO2 in water

T=24.84°C; 4 h; UV-irradiationInert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst;

Selvam, Kaliyamoorthy; Sakamoto, Hirokatsu; Shiraishi, Yasuhiro; Hirai, Takayuki

New Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 39, # 4 p. 2856 - 2860 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Au nanoparticles on nanocomposite consisting of 1,3,5-tris[(3methylimidazolio)methyl]-2,4,6-trimethylbenzene tribromide and polyoxometalate anion [PV2Mo10O40]5-; air in water T=75°C; 3 h; Schlenk techniqueGreen chemistry; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureReagent/catalyst;

Huang, Zhijun; Li, Fengbo; Chen, Bingfeng; Yuan, Guoqing

Green Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 17, # 4 p. 2325 - 2329 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

97 %Spectr.

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-N-oxyl; [Cu(4-(2-methyl-2-phenylhydrazono)pentan-2-oneH)2] in toluene

T=60°C; 18 h; Sealed tube;

Gaona, Miguel Ángel; Montilla, Francisco; Álvarez, Eleuterio; Galindo, Agustín

Dalton Transactions, 2015 , vol. 44, # 14 p. 6516 - 6525 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in neat liquid T=90°C; 4 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Meng, Ling-Yan; Zhai, Shang-Ru; Li, Shi; Zhai, Bin; An, Qing-Da; Song, Xiao-Wei

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 2014, # 14 p. 2337 - 2344 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With dmap; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; CuICuII(2,2':6',2"-terpyridine)Cl3 in water

T=25°C; P=760.051 Torr; 5 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureSolvent;

Zhang, Guoqi; Liu; Yang, Chengxiong; Li, Li; Golen, James A.; Rheingold, Arnold L.

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 2015, # 6 p. 939 - 947 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=150°C; P=12411.9 Torr; 0.025 h; Microwave irradiation; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Ojeda, Manuel; Grau-Atienza, Aida; Campos, Rafael; Romero, Antonio A.; Serrano, Elena; Maria Marinas, Jose; García Martínez, Javier; Luque, Rafael

ChemSusChem, 2015 , vol. 8, # 8 p. 1328 - 1333 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=280°C; P=760.051 Torr; Gas phase; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Liu, Kun; Chen, Zhaoxiang; Zou, Peipei; Wang, Yuanyuan; Dai, Liyi

Catalysis Communications, 2015 , vol. 67, art. no. 4285, p. 54 - 58 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dmap; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; {[Cu(4-phenyl-2,6-bis(2'pyrazinyl)pyridine)(NO3)2]*[Cu(4-phenyl-2,6-bis(2'-pyrazinyl)pyridine)(NO3)(H2O)NO3]}*H2O in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 10 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Yin, Zhiwei; Zhang, Guoqi; Phoenix, Tonya; Zheng, Shengping; Fettinger, James C.

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 45 p. 36156 - 36166 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

77 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 0.5 h; TemperatureReagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Shojaei, A. Fallah; Tabatabaeian; Zanjanchi; Moafi, H. Fallah; Modirpanah

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2015 , vol. 127, # 3 p. 481 - 491 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 4-acetylamino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl; iodine; sodium hydrogencarbonate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 1 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Kashparova; Kashparov; Zhukova; Astakhov; Kagan

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 85, # 3 art. no. 1666, p. 567 - 570 Zh. Obshch. Khim., 2015 , vol. 85, # 3 p. 403 - 406,4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Ni(PtBu2NtBu2)(CH3CN)2(BF4)2; triethylamine in acetonitrile

T=21°C; Electrochemical reactionInert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Weiss, Charles J.; Wiedner, Eric S.; Roberts, John A. S.; Appel, Aaron M.

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 28 p. 6172 - 6174 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; oxygen in water

T=90°C; 24 h; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureReagent/catalyst;

Singh, Sukriti; Narkhede, Nilesh; Patel, Anjali

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 46 p. 36270 - 36278 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium dichromate; sulfuric acid; acetic acid in water

T=34.84°C; KineticsThermodynamic data; Reagent/catalystTemperatureConcentration; Show Experimental Procedure


Oriental Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 30, # 3 p. 1391 - 1396 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

60 %Spectr.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=80°C; 2 h; Sealed tube; Catalytic behavior; Time;

Lee, Li-Chen; Xiao, Chaoxian; Huang, Wenyu; Zhao, Yan

New Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 39, # 4 p. 2459 - 2466 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; sodium bromide in dichloromethane

T=10°C; pH=Ca. 9.1; 0.0166667 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Feng, Linbin; Wang, Jianli; Chen, Liang; Lu, Meizhen; Zheng, Zhi; Jing, Ren; Chen, Hualiang; Shen, Xianbo

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 4 p. 616 - 624 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With α-[Cu(1-methylimidazole)4]V2O6; dihydrogen peroxide in chlorobenzene

T=120°C; 8 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Li, Jikun; Huang, Xianqiang; Yang, Song; Xu, Yanqing; Hu, Changwen

Crystal Growth and Design, 2015 , vol. 15, # 4 p. 1907 - 1914 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Chromat.

With tetra-O-acetyl riboflavin; hydrogenchloride; scandium tris(trifluoromethanesulfonate) in water; acetonitrile

Mühldorf, Bernd; Wolf, Robert

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 40 p. 8425 - 8428

2.5 h; UV-irradiation;

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With potassium carbonate in o-xylene

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 7 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Shaabani, Ahmad; Hezarkhani, Zeinab; Shaabani, Shabnam

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 110 p. 64419 - 64428 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

257 μmol

With oxygen

P=760.051 Torr; 15 h; Irradiation; Catalytic behavior;

Nishino, Yuri; Tanaka, Atsuhiro; Hashimoto, Keiji; Kominami, Hiroshi

Chemistry Letters, 2015 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 518 - 520 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

16 h; DarknessSealed tubeIrradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Li, Ang; Zhang, Peng; Chang, Xiaoxia; Cai, Weiting; Wang, Tuo; Gong, Jinlong

Small, 2015 , vol. 11, # 16 p. 1892 - 1899 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [Os(p-cymene)Cl(1-[2-(methylthio)phenyl]-4-phenyl-1H-1,2,3triazole)]*hexafluorophosphate; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Reflux;

Hohloch, Stephan; Hettmanczyk, Lara; Sarkar, Biprajit

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 2014, # 20 p. 3164 - 3171 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 10 h; Darkness;

Ede, Sivasankara Rao; Ramadoss, Ananthakumar; Nithiyanantham; Anantharaj; Kundu, Subrata

Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 54, # 8 p. 3851 - 3863 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene; tetrabutylammomium bromide in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 24 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Salvo, Anna Maria Pia; Campisciano, Vincenzo; Beejapur, Hazi Ahmad; Giacalone, Francesco; Gruttadauria, Michelangelo

Synlett, 2015 , vol. 26, # 9 p. 1179 - 1184 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; copper(I) bromide in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 3 h; Inert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Sand, Henning; Weberskirch, Ralf

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 48 p. 38235 - 38242 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 %Chromat.

With Pd-supported graphene oxide nanocomposite; air; pluronic P123 surfactant in water

T=80°C; 3.5 h; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Rostamnia, Sadegh; Doustkhah, Esmail; Karimi, Ziba; Amini, Soraya; Luque, Rafael

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 11 p. 1678 - 1683 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [Rh(OH)(cod)]2; (1R,5R)-1,5-dimethyl-2-methylene-6-oxabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-8one; (R)-2,2'-bis(diphenylphosphanyl)-1,1'-binaphthyl in benzene-d6

T=80 - 85°C; Inert atmosphere;

Masarwa, Ahmad; Weber, Manuel; Sarpong, Richmond

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015 , vol. 137, # 19 p. 6327 - 6334 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,3-dicyano-5,6-dichloro-p-benzoquinone in dichloromethane

T=20°C; Show Experimental Procedure

Aghapour, Ghasem; Mohamadian, Samaneh

Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements, 2015 , vol. 190, # 4 p. 520 - 527 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2C24H12N4O4*8C5H9NO*3Zn(2+)*4F(1-)*6H(1+)*2O40PW12(3-) in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 11 h; IrradiationGreen chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Liao, Jian-Zhen; Zhang, Hai-Long; Wang, Sa-Sa; Yong, Jian-Ping; Wu, Xiao-Yuan; Yu, Rongmin; Lu, Can-Zhong

Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 54, # 9 p. 4345 - 4350 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With methoxybenzene in toluene

T=100°C; 24 h; Mechanism; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTime;

Poreddy, Raju; Engelbrekt, Christian; Riisager, Anders

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2015 , vol. 5, # 4 p. 2467 - 2477 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; 2-[4-(2pyridyl)-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl]pyridine; copper(II) bis(trifluoromethanesulfonate); copper in acetonitrile

Thongkam, Pech; Jindabot, Sudarat; Prabpai, Samran; Kongsaeree, Palangpon; Wititsuwannakul, Taveechai; Surawatanawong, Panida; Sangtrirutnugul, Preeyanuch

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 69 p. 55847 - 55855 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

T=20°C; 3 h; Reagent/catalyst;

98 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide

T=20°C; 0.166667 h; Catalytic behavior; Solvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Heidarnezhad, Arash; Zamani, Farzad

Catalysis Communications, 2015 , vol. 60, p. 105 - 109 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 10Na(1+)*4Co(2+)*2O34PW9(9-); dihydrogen peroxide in water

Farsani, Mostafa Riahi; Assady, Elham; Jalilian, Fariba; Yadollahi, Bahram; Rudbari, Hadi Amiri


3 h; RefluxGreen chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2015 , vol. 12, # 7 art. no. 583, p. 1207 - 1212 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in diethyl ether; water

T=30°C; P=760.051 Torr; 15 h; SolventConcentration; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhu, Yaoqin; Xu, Jia; Lu, Ming

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2015 , vol. 12, # 7 art. no. 584, p. 1213 - 1219 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl ethanaminium peroxydisulfate in neat (no solvent) T=70°C; 0.5 h; Green chemistry;

Gadilohar, Balu L.; Kumbhar, Haribhau S.; Shankarling, Ganapati S.

New Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 39, # 6 p. 4647 - 4657 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

75 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; C16H16N4(2-)*2Cu(1+) in water

T=120°C; 0.5 h; Microwave irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime;

Timokhin, Ivan; Pettinari, Claudio; Marchetti, Fabio; Pettinari, Riccardo; Condello, Francesca; Galli, Simona; Alegria, Elisabete C. B. A.; Martins, Luísa M.D.R.S.; Pombeiro, Armando J. L.

Crystal Growth and Design, 2015 , vol. 15, # 5 p. 2303 - 2317 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 %Chromat.

With chitosan/polyacrylamide entrapped silver nanoparticles in para-xylene

T=130°C; 12 h; Inert atmosphere;

Kurhe, Deepak K.; Fernandes, Thomson A.; Deore, Tushar S.; Jayaram, Radha V.

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 58 p. 46443 - 46447 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=120°C; P=760.051 Torr; 10 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Nepak, Devadutta; Srinivas, Darbha

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 59 p. 47740 - 47748 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=90°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Seok, Seunghwan; Hussain, Muhammad Asif; Park, Kyun Joo; Kim, Jung Won; Kim, Do Hyun

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2016 , vol. 28, art. no. 2954, p. 178 - 184 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With oxygen in toluene

T=24.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 12 h; Irradiation;

Sakamoto, Hirokatsu; Ohara, Tomoyuki; Yasumoto, Naoki; Shiraishi, Yasuhiro; Ichikawa, Satoshi; Tanaka, Shunsuke; Hirai, Takayuki

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015 , vol. 137, # 29 p. 9324 - 9332 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; sodium hydrogencarbonate; potassium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=0°C; 0.208333 h; Solvent;

Ghislieri, Diego; Gilmore, Kerry; Seeberger, Peter H.

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2015 , vol. 54, # 2 p. 678 - 682 Angew. Chem., 2015 , vol. 127, # 2 p. 688 - 692 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium hydrogencarbonate; potassium bromide in dichloromethane

T=0°C; 0.05 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Huangfu, Ying; Sun, Qi; Pan, Shuxiang; Meng, Xiangju; Xiao, Feng-Shou

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 1556 - 1559 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in neat (no solvent) T=20°C; 2.33333 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Bhat, Pooja B.; Bhat, Badekai Ramachandra

New Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 39, # 6 p. 4933 - 4938 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridine; oxygen in water

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3 h;

Rana, Surjyakanta; Maddila, Suresh; Jonnalagadda, Sreekantha B.

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2015 , vol. 5, # 6 p. 3235 - 3241 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; tetrakis(acetonitrile)copper(I) trifluoromethanesulfonate; C34H40N7O4; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Prathap, Kaniraj Jeya; Maayan, Galia

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 55 p. 11096 - 11099 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

0.75 h; Reflux; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Assady, Elham; Yadollahi, Bahram; Riahi Farsani, Mostafa; Moghadam, Majid

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 29, # 8 p. 561 - 565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Na(x)TaO(y)*(n)H2O; oxygen in toluene

T=24.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h; UV-irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Su, Yiguo; Lang, Junyu; Du, Chunfang; Bian, Fenggang; Wang, Xiaojing

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 16 p. 2437 - 2441 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=280°C; P=760.051 Torr; Flow reactor; Activation energy; TemperatureReagent/catalystConcentration;

Zhao, Guofeng; Wu, Xin-Ping; Chai, Ruijuan; Zhang, Qiaofei; Gong, Xue-Qing; Huang, Jun; Lu, Yong

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 27 p. 5975 - 5978 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C30H24F3FeN5O(2+) in water

T=25°C; pH=5.5; Kinetics; Reagent/catalyst;

Chantarojsiri, Teera; Sun, Yugie; Long, Jeff R.; Chang, Christopher J.

Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 54, # 12 p. 5879 - 5887 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in [(2)H6]acetone

T=90°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Narayanan; Vijaya, J. Judith; Sivasanker; Alam, Mahboob; Tamizhdurai; Kennedy, L. John

Polyhedron, 2015 , vol. 89, p. 289 - 296 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

84 %Chromat.

With C82H70As4Cl4N6Ru2S2; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

T=40°C; Show Experimental Procedure

Mohamed Subarkhan; Ramesh

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2015 , vol. 138, p. 264 - 270 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; copper dichloride in acetone

T=25°C; 1 h; Irradiation; Catalytic behavior; SolventTimeTemperatureWavelengthReagent/catalyst;

Meng, Chao; Yang, Kai; Fu, Xianzhi; Yuan, Rusheng

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 6 p. 3760 - 3766 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iron(III) chloride hexahydrate; tris(p-chlorophenyl)methanol

T=60°C; 1 h; Microwave irradiation; Temperature;

Wang, Xiaoyu; Du, Chuan; Shi, Hui; Pang, Yadong; Jin, Shengfei; Hou, Yuqian; Wang, Yanshi; Peng, Xiaoshi; Xiao, Jianyong; Liu, Yang; Liu, Yongxiang; Cheng, Maosheng

Tetrahedron, 2015 , vol. 71, # 38 p. 6744 - 6748 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; C96H56Fe2N8O17*16C3H7NO

Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Fidalgo-Marijuan, Arkaitz; Amayuelas, Eder; Barandika, Gotzone; Bazán, Begoña; Urtiaga, Miren Karmele; Arriortua, María Isabel

Molecules, 2015 , vol. 20, # 4 p. 6683 - 6699 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in acetonitrile


Yuan, Shuai; Liu, Tian-Fu; Feng, Dawei; Tian, Jian; Wang, Kecheng; Qin, Junsheng; Zhang, Qiang; Chen, Ying-Pin; Bosch, Mathieu; Zou, Lanfang; Teat, Simon J.; Dalgarno, Scott J.; Zhou, Hong-Cai

Chemical Science, 2015 , vol. 6, # 7 p. 3926 - 3930 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 6C16H36N(1+)*2Zn(2+)*4Na(1+)*[Bi2Zn2(ZnW9O34)2](14-); urea hydrogen peroxide adduct in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 4.5 h;

Amanchi, Srinivasa Rao; Khenkin, Alexander M.; Diskin-Posner, Yael; Neumann, Ronny

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 6 p. 3336 - 3341 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in para-xylene

T=120°C; P=759.826 Torr; 1.5 h; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Tian, Tao; Liu, Ying; Zhang, Xungao

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 36, # 8 p. 1358 - 1364 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With N -hydroxyphthalimide; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=25°C; P=760.051 Torr; 28 h; IrradiationGreen chemistry; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang, Pengfei; Deng, Jiang; Mao, Jianyong; Li, Haoran; Wang, Yong

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 36, # 9 p. 1580 - 1586 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With C19H18CrN4O3(2+)*2BF4(1-) in acetonitrile

T=-40.16°C; Kinetics;

Kotani, Hiroaki; Kaida, Suzue; Ishizuka, Tomoya; Sakaguchi, Miyuki; Ogura, Takashi; Shiota, Yoshihito; Yoshizawa, Kazunari; Kojima, Takahiko

Chemical Science, 2015 , vol. 6, # 2 p. 945 - 955 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=120°C; P=750.075 Torr; 0.5 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Wang, Jiacheng; Kondrat, Simon A.; Wang, Yingyu; Brett, Gemma L.; Giles, Cicely; Bartley, Jonathan K.; Lu, Li; Liu, Qian; Kiely, Christopher J.; Hutchings, Graham J.

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 6 p. 3575 - 3587 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,4-dihydroxyquinoline; oxygen

T=220°C; 36 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Zhang, Jian; Wang, Liang; Zhu, Longfeng; Wu, Qinming; Chen, Chunyu; Wang, Xiong; Ji, Yanyan; Meng, Xiangju; Xiao, Feng-Shou

ChemSusChem, 2015 , vol. 8, # 17 p. 2867 - 2871 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; sodium hydrogencarbonate in acetonitrile

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Hou, Junying; Luan, Yi; Tang, Jia; Wensley, Allison M.; Yang, Mu; Lu, Yunfeng

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2015 , vol. 407, p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

43 %Spectr.

With R,R-Jacobsen's catalyst; potassium hydoxide in water; toluene

Kurahashi, Takuya

Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 54, # 17 p. 8356 - 8366 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C20H16Cl4Cu2N4 in methanol

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 10 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Liu, E; Zhang, Yuan Zhuo; Li, Li; Yang, Chengxiong; Fettinger, James C.; Zhang, Guoqi

Polyhedron, 2015 , vol. 99, art. no. 11466, p. 223 - 229 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium t-butanolate in toluene

T=100°C; 24 h; Schlenk techniqueSealed tubeGreen chemistry;

Shi, Xinkang; Guo, Junmei; Liu, Jianping; Ye, Mingde; Xu, Qing

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015 , vol. 21, # 28 p. 9988 - 9993 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in decane; hexane

T=70°C; 6 h; Catalytic behavior;

Baskaran; Kumaravel; Christopher; Radhakrishnan; Sakthivel

Catalysis Letters, 2015 , vol. 145, # 3 art. no. 1492, p. 851 - 859 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 4 h; DarknessIrradiation; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Liu, Ya; Zhang, Ping; Tian, Baozhu; Zhang, Jinlong

Catalysis Communications, 2015 , vol. 70, p. 30 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium nitrite; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=75°C; P=760.051 Torr; 14 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature;

Jin, Zhaokui; Luan, Yi; Yang, Mu; Tang, Jia; Wang, Jingjing; Gao, Hongyi; Lu, Yunfeng; Wang, Ge

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 96 p. 78962 - 78970 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in ethanol

T=120°C; P=750.075 Torr; 5 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Watanabe, Hiroyuki; Asano, Sayaka; Fujita, Shin-Ichiro; Yoshida, Hiroshi; Arai, Masahiko

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 5 p. 2886 - 2894 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Au-Pd/TiO2; carbon dioxide; hydrogen; oxygen in methanol

T=50°C; P=29995.4 Torr; 0.5 h; SolventTemperatureReagent/catalystTime;

Santonastaso, Marco; Freakley, Simon J.; Miedziak, Peter J.; Brett, Gemma L.; Edwards, Jennifer K.; Hutchings, Graham J.

Organic Process Research and Development, 2014 , vol. 18, # 11 p. 1455 - 1460 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; [2,2]bipyridinyl; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; tetrakis(acetonitrile)copper(I) trifluoromethanesulfonate; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 0.666667 h; Microwave irradiation;

Rabeah, Jabor; Bentrup, Ursula; Stösser, Reinhard; Brückner, Angelika

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2015 , vol. 54, # 40 p. 11791 - 11794 Angew. Chem., 2015 , vol. 127, # 40 p. 11957 - 11960,4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 %Chromat.

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in o-xylene

T=20°C; 8 h;

Shaabani, Ahmad; Hezarkhani, Zeinab; Badali, Elham

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 76 p. 61759 - 61767 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=100°C; 4 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Du, Yiyun; Wang, Qian; Liang, Xiao; He, Yufei; Feng, Junting; Li, Dianqing

Journal of Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 331, p. 154 - 161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=140°C; P=750.075 Torr; KineticsCatalytic behavior; Temperature;

Du, Yiyun; Wang, Qian; Liang, Xiao; He, Yufei; Feng, Junting; Li, Dianqing

Journal of Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 331, p. 154 - 161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; [2,2]bipyridinyl; 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidine-Noxyl; tetrakis(acetonitrile)copper(I) trifluoromethanesulfonate; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=100°C; P=6992.47 Torr; Kinetics; Reagent/catalystPressureTemperature;

Greene, Jodie F.; Preger, Yuliya; Stahl, Shannon S.; Root, Thatcher W.

Organic Process Research and Development, 2015 , vol. 19, # 7 p. 858 - 864 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ammonium nitrate; hydrogenchloride; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 6 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature; chemoselective reaction;

Prebil, Rok; Stavber, Gaj; Stavber, Stojan

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 2014, # 2 p. 395 - 402 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With oxygen

He, Yufei; Yang, Pengfei; Fan, Jiaxuan; Liu, Yanan; Du, Yiyun; Feng, Junting; Fan, Faying; Li, Dianqing

T=99.84°C; P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; Catalytic behavior;

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 91 p. 74907 - 74915 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With caesium carbonate in toluene

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Lavenn, Christophe; Demessence, Aude; Tuel, Alain

Journal of Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 322, p. 130 - 138 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With Al(3+)*6HO(1-)*(x)H2O*0.6NO3(1-)*2Zn(2+)*Fe0.1O3.9P0.1W1.1(0.4-); dihydrogen peroxide in water

2.5 h; RefluxGreen chemistry; Reagent/catalystSolventConcentration; Show Experimental Procedure

Hasannia, Saeed; Yadollahi, Bahram

Polyhedron, 2015 , vol. 99, p. 260 - 265 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Oxone; C18H15Cl2MnN6O in acetonitrile

Mechanism; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Najafpour, Mohammad Mahdi; Ebrahimi, Foad; Amini, Mojtaba; Rahimi, Mohammad; El-Sawy, Abdelhamid; Suib, Steven L.

Dalton Transactions, 2015 , vol. 44, # 34 p. 15121 - 15125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium periodate in 1,4-dioxane

T=150°C; 12 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature;

Kim, Aram; Bae, Hee Seon; Park, Ji Chan; Song, Hyunjoon; Park, Kang Hyun

New Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 39, # 10 p. 8153 - 8157 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C40H56CuN4O2; potassium tert-butylate in dichloromethane

T=19.84°C; Reagent/catalyst;

De Bellefeuille, David; Orio, Maylis; Barra, Anne-Laure; Aukauloo, Ally; Journaux, Yves; Philouze, Christian; Ottenwaelder, Xavier; Thomas, Fabrice

Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 54, # 18 p. 9013 - 9026 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=90°C; 6 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Wang, Hengwei; Wang, Chunlei; Yan, Huan; Yi, Hong; Lu, Junling

Journal of Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 324, p. 59 - 68 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With P(at)dPBFS 500 in water

T=80°C; P=750.075 Torr; 0.5 h; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Hao, Yan; Wang, Shuai; Sun, Qiang; Shi, Lei; Lu, An-Hui

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 36, # 4 p. 612 - 619 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With styrene; 1,3,5-trimethyl-benzene

T=150°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphere;

Lu, Tianliang; Du, Zhongtian; Liu, Junxia; Chen, Chen; Xu, Jie

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 35, # 12 p. 1911 - 1916 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; sodium carbonate in acetonitrile

T=75°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Yu, Jie; Luan, Yi; Qi, Yue; Hou, Junying; Dong, Wenjun; Yang, Mu; Wang, Ge

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 98 p. 55028 - 55035 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; {[Ni(N,N′-bis-[(imidazol-4-yl)methylene]cyclohexane-1,2diamine)]2(CuCN)9}n in acetonitrile

T=49.84°C; 8 h; Catalytic behaviorMechanism; Reagent/catalystTimeTemperature;

Hou, Yun-Long; Li, Sheng-Xia; Sun, Raymond Wai-Yin; Liu, Xin-Yuan; Weng Ng, Seik; Li, Dan

Dalton Transactions, 2015 , vol. 44, # 39 p. 17360 - 17365 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite solution in water

T=50°C; Show Experimental Procedure

Cao, Xuan Thang; Showkat, Ali Md.; Kim, Dong Woo; Jeong, Yeon Tae; Kim, Jong Su; Lim, Kwon Taek

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015 , vol. 15, # 11 p. 8617 - 8621 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; graphene oxide like quantum dots in chloroform-d1

T=100°C; 144 h;

Chen, Guanxiong; Zhuo, Zhiwen; Ni, Kun; Kim, Na Yeon; Zhao, Yuan; Chen, Zongwei; Xiang, Bin; Yang, Lihua; Zhang, Qun; Lee, Zonghoon; Wu, Xiaojun; Ruoff, Rodney S.; Zhu, Yanwu

Small, 2015 , vol. 11, # 39 p. 5296 - 5304 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=80°C; 5 h; Green chemistry;

Zou, Houbing; Wang, Runwei; Dai, Jinyu; Wang, Yu; Wang, Xue; Zhang, Zongtao; Qiu, Shilun

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 78 p. 14601 - 14604 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=160°C; 1 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Yan, Yibo; Jia, Xinli; Yang, Yanhui

Catalysis Today, 2016 , vol. 259, # Part 2 p. 292 - 302 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92 %Spectr.

With N-Bromosuccinimide in neat (no solvent) 0.5 h; MillingGreen chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Sahoo, Prasit Kumar; Bose, Anima; Mal, Prasenjit

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 2015, # 32 p. 6994 - 6998 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90 %Chromat.

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=90°C; P=760.051 Torr; 15 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Karimi, Babak; Khorasani, Mojtaba; Vali, Hojatollah; Vargas, Carolina; Luque, Rafael

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 7 p. 4189 - 4200 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

98 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 1 h;

Naghdi, Zahra; Farzaeli, Razieh; Aliyan, Hamid

Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 88, # 8 p. 1343 - 1350 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C60H48As2Cl2N6O6Ru(1+)*Cl(1-); dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 3 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Shoair; El-Shobaky; Azab

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2015 , vol. 151, p. 322 - 334 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 1.5 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Heidari-Golafzani, Mahdi; Rabbani, Mahboubeh; Rahimi, Rahmatollah; Azad, Alireza

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 121 p. 99640 - 99645 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: With oxygen

T=20°C; 1 h; DarknessSealed tube; Stage #2: T=20°C; 8 h; IrradiationSealed tube; Reagent/catalyst;

Xu, Jie; He, Sha; Zhang, Hualei; Huang, Jiancai; Lin, Huaxiang; Wang, Xuxu; Long, Jinlin

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015 , vol. 3, # 48 p. 24261 - 24271 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With galactose oxidase; copper(II) sulfate; catalase; horseradish peroxidase in aq. buffer T=25°C; pH=7.4; Enzymatic reaction; Reagent/catalyst;

Toftgaard Pedersen, Asbjorn; Birmingham, William R.; Rehn, Gustav; Charnock, Simon J.; Turner, Nicholas J.; Woodley, John M.

Organic Process Research and Development, 2015 , vol. 19, # 11 p. 1580 - 1589 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

88 %Spectr.

With 4-acetylamino-2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-piperidinoxy; sodium hydrogencarbonate; sodium carbonate in aq. buffer pH=10; 2 h; Electrochemical reaction; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Rafiee, Mohammad; Miles, Kelsey C.; Stahl, Shannon S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015 , vol. 137, # 46 p. 14751 - 14757 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in decane

T=25°C; Catalytic behavior;

Takahashi, Masaki; Imaoka, Takane; Yamamoto, Kimihisa

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 122 p. 100693 - 100696 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=110°C; 2 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Yang, Xiaoyuan; Wu, Shujie; Peng, Ling; Hu, Jing; Wang, Xiufang; Fu, Xiaoran; Huo, Qisheng; Guan, Jingqi

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 124 p. 102508 - 102515 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C31H27Cl2N2PRhS(1+)*F6P(1-); potassium carbonate; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Molecular sieveReflux; Show Experimental Procedure

Biswas, Sujan; Sarkar, Deblina; Kundu, Subhankar; Roy, Puspendu; Mondal, Tapan Kumar

Journal of Molecular Structure, 2015 , vol. 1099, p. 297 - 303 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iodine; potassium carbonate in water

3 h; RefluxGreen chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Azimi, Seyedeh Bahareh; Azizian, Javad

Tetrahedron Letters, 2016 , vol. 57, # 2 p. 181 - 184 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

80 %Chromat.

With potassium carbonate in para-xylene

T=85°C; 1.5 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Shaabani, Ahmad; Boroujeni, Mahmoud Borjian; Sangachin, Mona Hamidzad

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2015 , vol. 127, # 11 p. 1927 - 1935 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=120°C; 5 h; Catalytic behavior; Time;

Lu, Yong-Ming; Zhu, Hai-Zhou; Liu, Jian-Wei; Yu, Shu-Hong

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 24 p. 4131 - 4136 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [H(EtOH)] [FeCl2(3-amino-2-pyrazinecarboxylate)2] in water

T=150°C; 1.5 h; Microwave irradiationSealed tube; Reagent/catalyst;

Karmakar, Anirban; Martins; Guedes Da Silva, M. Fátima C.; Hazra, Susanta; Pombeiro, Armando J. L.

Catalysis Letters, 2015 , vol. 145, # 12 p. 2066 - 2076 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Show Experimental Procedure

With oxygen

P=750.075 Torr; 2 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Li, Xiuzhen; Zhang, Nan; Xu, Yi-Jun

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 14 p. 2047 - 2054 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

94 %Chromat.

With water; copper dichloride

T=250°C; P=30003 Torr; 0.5 h; Sealed tubeGreen chemistry; Concentration;

Yang, Ziming; Hartnett, Hilairy E.; Shock, Everett L.; Gould, Ian R.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 80, # 24 p. 12159 - 12165 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; isobutyraldehyde in acetonitrile

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 2 h; RefluxAutoclave; Reagent/catalystTemperatureSolventTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhou, Wei-You; Tian, Peng; Sun, Fu'An; He, Ming-Yang; Chen, Qun

Journal of Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 335, p. 105 - 116 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With trichloroisocyanuric acid in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 3 h; Inert atmosphere;

Gaspa, Silvia; Porcheddu, Andrea; De Luca, Lidia

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 358, # 1 p. 154 - 158 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With graphene oxide T=110°C; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Khalili, Dariush; Banazadeh, Ali Reza

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2015 , vol. 88, # 12 p. 1693 - 1706 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureSolvent;

Mistri, Rajib; Das, Dipak; Llorca, Jordi; Dominguez, Montserrat; Mandal, Tapas Kumar; Mohanty, Paritosh; Ray, Bidhan Chandra; Gayen, Arup

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 4469 - 4477 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

50 %Chromat.

With graphene oxide in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=100°C; 8 h; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Morimoto, Naoki; Takeuchi, Yasuo; Nishina, Yuta

Chemistry Letters, 2016 , vol. 45, # 1 p. 21 - 23 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dmap; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [Cu2(4′-(4hexyloxyphenyl)-3,2′:6′,3″-terpyridine)(OAc)4]n in water

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 10 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Li, Li; Zhang, Yuan Zhuo; Yang, Chengxiong; Liu; Golen, James A.; Zhang, Guoqi

Polyhedron, 2016 , vol. 105, p. 115 - 122 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

89 %Spectr.

With dmap; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=70°C; P=760.051 Torr; 12 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Kim, Bo Ram; Oh, Jung Suk; Kim, Jinho; Lee, Chang Yeon

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2015 , vol. 36, # 12 p. 2799 - 2800 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With gold nano particles on the surface of MCM-41 T=320°C; P=760.051 Torr; Inert atmosphereFlow reactor; TemperatureReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Kumar, Ashish; Kumar, Vanama Pavan; Vishwanathan, Venkataraman; Chary, Komandur V. R.

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015 , vol. 15, # 12 p. 9944 - 9953 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With titanium microfiber supported binary oxide nanocomposite T=300°C; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst;

Zhao, Guofeng; Fan, Songyu; Tao, Longgang; Chai, Ruijuan; Zhang, Qiaofei; Liu, Ye; Lu, Yong

ChemCatChem, 2016 , vol. 8, # 2 p. 313 - 317 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetone

T=80°C; 5 h; Catalytic behavior; Solvent;

Chi, Hui; Cao, Liqin; Wang, Jide

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 4434 - 4441 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

81 %Chromat.

With 7,8-dimethyl-10-(tetra-O-acetyl-D-xylitol-1-yl)-10H-benzo[g]pteridine-2,4-dione; (tris(2pyridylmethyl)amine)bis(acetonitrile)iron(II) perchlorate in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 2.5 h; UV-irradiation;

Mühldorf, Bernd; Wolf, Robert

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2016 , vol. 55, # 1 p. 427 - 430 Angew. Chem., 2015 , vol. 128, # 1 p. 437 - 441,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=120°C; 3 h; Reagent/catalystTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Chen, Zhaoxiang; Zou, Peipei; Zhang, Ruizhe; Dai, Liyi; Wang, Yuanyuan

Catalysis Letters, 2015 , vol. 145, # 12 p. 2029 - 2036 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C29H33FeN5O3(2+)*2CF3O3S(1-) in acetonitrile


Rana, Sujoy; Dey, Aniruddha; Maiti, Debabrata

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 77 p. 14469 - 14472 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With bismuth oxychloride

T=20°C; Irradiation; chemoselective reaction;

Ding, Liyong; Chen, Huan; Wang, Qingqian; Zhou, Tengfei; Jiang, Qingqing; Yuan, Yuhong; Li, Jinlin; Hu, Juncheng

Chemical Communications, 2016 , vol. 52, # 5 p. 994 - 997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92 %Chromat.

With water

T=110°C; 65 h; Schlenk technique;

Bai, Cuihua; Li, Aiqin; Yao, Xianfang; Liu, Hongli; Li, Yingwei

Green Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 18, # 4 p. 1061 - 1069 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With niobium(V) oxide; oxygen

P=760.051 Torr; 16 h; Irradiation;

Furukawa, Shinya; Shishido, Tetsuya; Teramura, Kentaro; Tanaka, Tsunehiro

ChemPhysChem, 2014 , vol. 15, # 13 p. 2665 - 2667 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C18H18Cl4CuN2O2; caesium carbonate

T=23°C; 12 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Safaei, Elham; Hajikhanmirzaei, Leila; Karimi, Babak; Wojtczak, Andrzej; Cotič, Patricia; Lee, Yong-Ill

Polyhedron, 2016 , vol. 106, p. 153 - 162 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C18H18Cl4CuN2O2; caesium carbonate

T=23°C; 12 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Safaei, Elham; Hajikhanmirzaei, Leila; Karimi, Babak; Wojtczak, Andrzej; Cotič, Patricia; Lee, Yong-Ill

Polyhedron, 2016 , vol. 106, p. 153 - 162 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=90°C; 8 h; Inert atmosphereReflux; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTimeSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Mahdavi, Vahid; Mardani, Mahdieh

Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2015 , vol. 41, # 11 p. 8907 - 8927 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With carbon supported Fe3O4; air in toluene

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Geng, Longlong; Zheng, Bin; Wang, Xiang; Zhang, Wenxiang; Wu, Shujie; Jia, Mingjun; Yan, Wenfu; Liu, Gang

ChemCatChem, 2016 , vol. 8, # 4 p. 805 - 811 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

11 %Chromat.

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=60°C; P=759.826 Torr; 24 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Karimi, Babak; Naderi, Zahra; Khorasani, Mojtaba; Mirzaei, Hamid M.; Vali, Hojatollah

ChemCatChem, 2016 , vol. 8, # 5 p. 906 - 910 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With potassium carbonate in water

T=100°C; P=760.051 Torr; 18 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperatureTime;

Pourjavadi, Ali; Safaie, Niloofar; Hosseini, Seyed Hassan; Bennett, Craig

New Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 40, # 2 p. 1729 - 1736 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C35H58CuN2O3 in acetonitrile

Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Debnath, Rajib Kumar; Kalita, Apurba; Sinha, Sourab; Bhattacharyya, Pradip Kr.; Mondal, Biplab; Ganguli, Jatindra Nath

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 27, # 12 p. 4490 - 4500 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

50 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=27°C; 4 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Emayavaramban; Ganesh Babu; Karvembu; Kadirvelu; Dharmaraj

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2016 , vol. 16, # 3 p. 2517 - 2526 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; hydrogen reduced 10 wtpercent alumina supported silver in para-xylene

T=120°C; 4 h; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Liu, Huihui; Tan, Hui-Ru; Tok, Eng Soon; Jaenicke, Stephan; Chuah, Gaik-Khuan

ChemCatChem, 2016 , vol. 8, # 5 p. 968 - 975 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; sodium hydroxide in cyclohexane

T=100°C; P=4500.45 Torr; 1 h;

Ferraz, Camila P.; Garcia, Marco Aurélio S.; Teixeira-Neto, Érico; Rossi, Liane M.

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 30 p. 25279 - 25285 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=24.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 20 h; IrradiationSealed tube; Kinetics; Reagent/catalystWavelength;

Tanaka, Atsuhiro; Hashimoto, Keiji; Kominami, Hiroshi

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2016 , vol. 22, # 13 p. 4592 - 4599 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; isobutyraldehyde in acetonitrile

T=40°C; 2 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Li, Yongjin; Sun, Baoshuai; Yang, Weijun

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016 , vol. 515, p. 164 - 169 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=110°C; 72 h; Schlenk techniqueGreen chemistry; Reagent/catalystTemperatureSolvent;

Yao, Xianfang; Bai, Cuihua; Chen, Junying; Li, Yingwei

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 32 p. 26921 - 26928 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; iron(III) tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrin supported on sulfur and nitrogen co-doped graphene quantum dot in water

T=20°C; 0.166667 h; Solvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Mahyari, Mojtaba; Bide, Yasamin; Gavgani, Jaber Nasrollah

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016 , vol. 517, p. 100 - 109 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in acetonitrile

0.0666667 h; Microwave irradiationGreen chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Shojaei, Abdollah Fallah; Tabatabaeian, Khalil; Hamidiyan, Massome; Hejazi, Seyyedeh Zoha

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 13, # 5 p. 803 - 808 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90 %Chromat.

With porous chitosan–manganese dioxide nanohybrid; air in para-xylene

T=80°C; 0.5 h; Green chemistry;

Shaabani, Ahmad; Borjian Boroujeni, Mahmoud; Laeini, Mohmmad Sadegh

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 30, # 3 p. 154 - 159 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tungsten oxide loaded with a palladium oxide cocatalyst in water

3 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Tomita, Osamu; Otsubo, Takahide; Higashi, Masanobu; Ohtani, Bunsho; Abe, Ryu

ACS Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 6, # 2 p. 1134 - 1144 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C33H40Cl2Ir2N5(1+)*CF3O3S(1-) in 1,2-dichloro-benzene

T=150°C; 96 h; Sealed tube; Catalytic behavior; TimeReagent/catalyst;

Valencia, Marta; Müller-Bunz, Helge; Gossage, Robert A.; Albrecht, Martin

Chemical Communications, 2016 , vol. 52, # 16 p. 3344 - 3347 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

9.8 %Chromat.

With oxygen in ethanol

T=120°C; P=750.075 Torr; 5 h; Green chemistry;

Ma, Zhishuang; Zhang, Hongye; Yang, Zhenzhen; Ji, Guipeng; Yu, Bo; Liu, Xinwei; Liu, Zhimin

Green Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 18, # 7 p. 1976 - 1982 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

94 %Spectr.

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; basolite C300; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 9 h; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Kim, Bo Ram; Oh, Jung Suk; Kim, Jinho; Lee, Chang Yeon

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 4 p. 734 - 743 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 5percent palladium nanoparticles loaded on Cu(II) 4,4,4-trifluoro-1-(4-(pyridin-4yl)phenyl)butane-1,3-dione-metal organic frameworks; air in 5,5-dimethyl-1,3-cyclohexadiene

T=130°C; 25 h; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureSolvent; chemoselective reaction;

Chen, Gong-Jun; Wang, Jing-Si; Jin, Fa-Zheng; Liu, Ming-Yang; Zhao, Chao-Wei; Li, Yan-An; Dong, Yu-Bin

Inorganic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 55, # 6 p. 3058 - 3064 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=110°C; 4 h;

Zhou, Qiangfei; Wan, Zijuan; Yuan, Xiaofeng; Luo, Jun

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 30, # 4 p. 215 - 220 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

T=350°C; 1 h; Catalytic behavior; Temperature;

Kumar, Ashish; Kumar, Vanama Pavan; Srikanth, Amirineni; Vishwanathan, Venkataraman; Chary, Komandur V. R.

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 1 p. 35 - 46 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: With oxygen in water

0.833333 h; DarknessSealed tube; Stage #2: in water

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Yang, Juan; Shen, Xiaoxiao; Li, Yingjie; Bian, Linyan; Dai, Jun; Yuan, Dongsheng

ChemCatChem, 2016 , vol. 8, # 7 p. 1399 - 1409 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With Iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate; 9-azabicyclolt;3.3.1gt;nonane-N-oxyl in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 1.5 h;

Wang, Lianyue; Shang, SenSen; Li, Guosong; Ren, Lanhui; Lv, Ying; Gao, Shuang

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 81, # 5 p. 2189 - 2193 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite in water

Zhang, Xiao; Fu, Xiaobo; Zhang, Yuanming; Zhu, Yi; Yang, Jun

T=70°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 5 p. 945 - 950 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With hydrogen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=499.84°C; 0.5 h;

Okumura, Kazu

Synlett, 2016 , vol. 27, # 8 art. no. ST-2015-U0854-C, p. 1223 - 1226 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Chromat.

With sodium hypochlorite; sodium hydrogencarbonate; potassium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=0°C; pH=8.9;

Hepperle, Johannes A.M.; Mitschang, Fabian; Bier, Anna K.; Dettlaff, Barbara K.; Greiner, Andreas; Studer, Armido

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 48 p. 25976 - 25981 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 25 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang, Hai; Liu, Ying; Zhang, Xungao

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 32, # 11-12 p. 1693 - 1701 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With potassium bromate; titanium dioxide

1 h; UV-irradiation; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhao, Lei; Zhang, Baoyue; Xiao, Xin; Gu, Feng Long; Zhang, Rui-Qin

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2016 , vol. 420, p. 82 - 87 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=79.84°C; P=750.075 Torr; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang, Min; Zhu, Wanchun; Liu, Gang; Zhang, Xiuyan; Zu, Yanhong; Zhang, Wenxiang; Yan, Wenfu; Jia, Mingjun

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2012 , vol. 33, # 2-3 p. 465 - 472 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

0.313 mmol

With oxygen; 5,15,10,20-tetraphenylporphyrin in neat (no solvent) P=760.051 Torr; 80 h; IrradiationGreen chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Mehrabi-Kalajahi, Seyed Saeed; Hajimohammadi, Mahdi; Safari, Nasser

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 13, # 6 p. 1069 - 1076 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=25°C; P=750.075 Torr; 16 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Martínez-Prieto; Ferry; Rakers; Richter; Lecante; Philippot; Chaudret; Glorius

Chemical Communications, 2016 , vol. 52, # 26 p. 4768 - 4771 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=80°C; 6 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Wang, Hefang; Fang, Luping; Yang, Yongfang; Hu, Rongbin; Wang, Yanji

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016 , vol. 520, p. 35 - 43 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 5 h; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Trakarnpruk, Wimonrat

Mendeleev Communications, 2016 , vol. 26, # 3 p. 256 - 258 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 4C8H15N2(1+)*PMo11VO40(4-); dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=80°C; 6 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Tong, Jinhui; Su, Lingdi; Li, Wenyan; Wang, Wenhui; Ma, Hengchang; Wang, Qizhao

Polyhedron, 2016 , vol. 115, p. 282 - 287 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

20 h; IrradiationSealed tube;

Kitano, Sho; Tanaka, Atsuhiro; Hashimoto, Keiji; Kominami, Hiroshi

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016 , vol. 521, p. 202 - 207 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; [Fe(2,2'-bipyridine)3](OTf)2

T=25°C; 24 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Chàvez, Jennifer E.; Crotti, Corrado; Zangrando, Ennio; Farnetti, Erica

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2016 , vol. 421, p. 189 - 195 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; P=750.075 Torr; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Zhang, Na; Du, Yiyun; Yin, Min; Guan, Chaoyang; Feng, Junting; Li, Dianqing

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 55 p. 49588 - 49596 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; copper(ll) bromide in acetonitrile

T=50°C; 9 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang; Sun; Guo; Su; Zhao

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 86, # 4 p. 944 - 952 Zh. Obshch. Khim., 2016 , vol. 86, # 4 p. 944 - 952,9 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical

5 h;

Fernandes, Antony E.; Riant, Olivier; Jonas, Alain M.; Jensen, Klavs F.

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 43 p. 36602 - 36605 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; sodium hypochlorite pentahydrate; tetra(nbutyl)ammonium hydrogensulfate in dichloromethane

T=5°C; 1 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Okada, Tomohide; Asawa, Tomotake; Sugiyama, Yukihiro; Iwai, Toshiaki; Kirihara, Masayuki; Kimura, Yoshikazu

Tetrahedron, 2016 , vol. 72, # 22 p. 2818 - 2827 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=25°C; 2 h;

Rostamnia, Sadegh; Doustkhah, Esmail; Golchin-Hosseini, Habib; Zeynizadeh, Behzad; Xin, Hongchuan; Luque, Rafael

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 6, # 12 p. 4124 - 4133 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

91 %Spectr.

With sodium hypochlorite; sodium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=10°C; 0.025 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Chen, Liang; Tang, Jun; Zhang, Qi; Wang, Jianli

Reactive and Functional Polymers, 2016 , vol. 105, p. 134 - 139 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ZnO-CeO2 mixed oxide T=299.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1 h; Inert atmosphere; Show Experimental Procedure

Enjamuri, Nagasuresh; Hassan, Shahid; Auroux, Aline; Pandey, Jai Krishna; Chowdhury, Biswajit

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016 , vol. 523, p. 21 - 30 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=85°C; 5 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Babahydari, Ali Kazemi; Fareghi-Alamdari, Reza; Hafshejani, Shahrbanou Moradpour; Rudbari, Hadi Amiri; Farsani, Mostafa Riahi

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 13, # 8 p. 1463 - 1470 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; UiO-68-AP embedded Pd(0) nanoparticles in 5,5-dimethyl-1,3-cyclohexadiene

T=120°C; 12 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventTemperatureReagent/catalyst;

Li, Yan-An; Yang, Song; Liu, Qi-Kui; Chen, Gong-Jun; Ma, Jian-Ping; Dong, Yu-Bin

Chemical Communications, 2016 , vol. 52, # 39 p. 6517 - 6520 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=110°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3 h; Catalytic behaviorKinetics; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Santra, Chiranjit; Auroux, Aline; Chowdhury, Biswajit

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 51 p. 45330 - 45342 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Chromat.

With potassium hydoxide in para-xylene

T=80°C; 4 h; Green chemistry;

Shaabani, Ahmad; Shaabani, Shabnam; Afaridoun, Hadi

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 54 p. 48396 - 48404 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

81.1 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; [{Cu(5-{(pyridin-4-ylmethyl)-amino}isophthalic acid)(DMF)} ·DMF·H2O]n in water

T=100°C; 0.5 h; Sealed tubeMicrowave irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Karmakar, Anirban; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S.; Hazra, Susanta; Guedes Da Silva, M. Fátima C.; Pombeiro, Armando J. L.

Crystal Growth and Design, 2016 , vol. 16, # 4 p. 1837 - 1849 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in methanol; water

4 h; RefluxGreen chemistry; Catalytic behavior; SolventTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Dabiri, Minoo; Koohshari, Majid; Shafipour, Fazeleh; Kasmaei, Melika; Salari, Parinaz; MaGee, David

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 13, # 7 p. 1265 - 1272 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

97 %Spectr.

With boron trifluoride diethyl etherate; C79H149IO4 in n-heptane

T=25°C; 0.5 h; SolventReagent/catalystTimeTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Samunual, Peerada; Bergbreiter, David E.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2016 , vol. 57, # 30 p. 3272 - 3276 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 1.5 h; Irradiation; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Rahimi, Rahmatollah; Moshari, Mahsa; Rabbani, Mahboubeh; Azad, Alireza

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 47 p. 41156 - 41164 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide

T=100°C; 6 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTime;

Alqurashi, Ghada K.; Al-Shehri, Abdulmohsen; Narasimharao, Katabathini

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 75 p. 71076 - 71091 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tungsten blue oxide modified with platinum nanoparticles in water


Qamar; Fawakhiry; Azad; Ahmed; Khan; Saleh

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 75 p. 71108 - 71116 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With La0.9Ce0.1CoO3; oxygen in toluene

T=88°C; P=760.051 Torr; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Zhu, Junjiang; Zhao, Yanxi; Tang, Duihai; Zhao, Zhen; Carabineiro, Sónia A.C.

Journal of Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 340, p. 41 - 48 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; oxygen

T=90°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Singh, Sukriti; Patel, Anjali

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 6 p. 1059 - 1072 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=99.84°C; 7 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Kong, Liping; Wang, Chengcheng; Gong, Feilong; Zhu, Weidong; Zhong, Yijun; Ye, Xiangrong; Li, Feng

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 7 p. 1321 - 1330 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; 16 h;

Palo-Nieto, Carlos; Afewerki, Samson; Anderson, Mattias; Tai, Cheuk-Wai; Berglund, Per; Córdova, Armando

ACS Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 3932 - 3940 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; sodium carbonate in N,Ndimethyl-formamide

T=75°C; 3 h;

Ji, Guipeng; Yang, Zhenzhen; Zhang, Hongye; Zhao, Yanfei; Yu, Bo; Ma, Zhishuang; Liu, Zhimin

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2016 , vol. 55, # 33 p. 9685 - 9689 Angew. Chem., 2016 , vol. 128, # 33 p. 9837 - 9841,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [RuCl(2-[1H-benzimidazol-2-yl]quinoline)(p-cymene)]PF6; periodic acid in acetonitrile

T=82°C; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Dayan, Osman; Tercan, Melek; Özdemir, Namik

Journal of Molecular Structure, 2016 , vol. 1123, p. 35 - 43 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Ni0.6Mg0.4Fe2O4; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 5 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Hema; Manikandan; Karthika; Durka; Arul Antony; Venkatraman

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2016 , vol. 16, # 7 p. 7325 - 7336 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; 2 wtpercent Ni-Co oxide nanoparticle loaded nitrogen doped FDU-15 in N,N-dimethylformamide

T=110°C; 7 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventTemperatureReagent/catalystTime;

Fu, Xiaoran; Wu, Shujie; Li, Zhifang; Yang, Xiaoyuan; Wang, Xiufang; Peng, Ling; Hu, Jing; Huo, Qisheng; Guan, Jingqi; Kan, Qiubin

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 62 p. 57507 - 57513 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C38H33BFeN6O3; oxygen; sodium benzoylformate in acetonitrile

8 h; Catalytic behavior;

Sheet, Debobrata; Paine, Tapan Kanti

Chemical Science, 2016 , vol. 7, # 8 p. 5322 - 5331 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

9 %Chromat.

With potassium carbonate in para-xylene

T=80°C; 2 h; Green chemistry;

Shaabani, Ahmad; Afaridoun, Hadi; Shaabani, Shabnam

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 30, # 9 p. 772 - 776 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

75 %Spectr.

With (90)Au006(09)Ag094; oxygen in 1,4-dioxane T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Takale, Balaram S.; Feng, Xiujuan; Lu, Ye; Bao, Ming; Jin, Tienan; Minato, Taketoshi; Yamamoto, Yoshinori

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 138, # 32 p. 10356 - 10364 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [MoO3(1,2,4-triazole)0.5]; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=70°C; Reagent/catalyst;

Amarante, Tatiana R.; Neves, Patrícia; Valente, Anabela A.; Paz, Filipe A. Almeida; Pillinger, Martyn; Gonçalves, Isabel S.

Journal of Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 340, p. 354 - 367 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

89 %Chromat.

With [(1,2,3,4,5-pentamethylcyclopentadiene)*IrCl(N-(pyridin-2-ylmethylene)aniline)]PF6; caesium carbonate in toluene

48 h; RefluxInert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Thangavel, Saravanan; Boopathi, Subramaniam; Mahadevaiah; Kolandaivel, Ponmalai; Pansuriya, Pramod B.; Friedrich, Holger B.

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2016 , vol. 423, p. 160 - 171 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96.51 %Chromat.

With Mn0.6Zn0.4Fe2O4; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 5 h; Inert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Hema; Manikandan; Gayathri; Durka; Arul Antony; Venkatraman

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2016 , vol. 16, # 6 p. 5929 - 5943 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Spectr.

72 %Chromat.

With tetra-n-butylammonium hydrogen monopersulfate in water

T=60°C; 3 h;

Rezaeifard, Abdolreza; Jafarpour, Maasoumeh; Farrokhi, Alireza; Parvin, Sousan; Feizpour, Fahimeh

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 69 p. 64640 - 64650 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tris(bipyridine)ruthenium(II) dichloride hexahydrate; pentaaminechlorocobalt(III) dichloride; (PPh4)2[Mn(N)(CN)4] in aq. phosphate buffer

T=23°C; pH=6.8; 0.5 h; Inert atmosphereIrradiation; Catalytic behavior;

Chen, Gui; Chen, Lingjing; Ma, Li; Kwong, Hoi-Ki; Lau, Tai-Chu

Chemical Communications, 2016 , vol. 52, # 59 p. 9271 - 9274 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in hexane

T=19.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; Green chemistry; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Lee, Deok Rok; Kim, Jeong Won

Patent: KR2016/9439 A, 2016 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0017; 0018 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in isopropyl alcohol

T=110°C; P=2250.23 Torr; 4 h; Autoclave; Solvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Sun, Jinyan; Tong, Xinli; Liu, Zonghui; Liao, Shengyun; Zhuang, Xuli; Xue, Song

Catalysis Communications, 2016 , vol. 85, p. 70 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

)*2Na(1+); oxygen; potassium

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C28H22CuN2O10S2(2carbonate in water

T=20°C; 10 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Wu, Jianglong; Liu, Yan; Ma, Xiaowei; Liu, Ping; Gu, Chengzhi; Dai, Bin

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 30, # 7 p. 577 - 580 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C29H35Cl2IrN2O2; sodium acetate in 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol

20 h; Reflux;

Gülcemal, Süleyman; Gülcemal, Derya; Whitehead, George F. S.; Xiao, Jianliang

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2016 , vol. 22, # 30 p. 10513 - 10522 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; laccase from Trametes versicolor; N,Ndidodecyl-N,N-dimethylammonium bromide in aq. phosphate buffer

T=20°C; 24 h; Enzymatic reaction;

Paprocki, Daniel; Koszelewski, Dominik; Zadło, Anna; Walde, Peter; Ostaszewski, Ryszard

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 72 p. 68231 - 68237 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

86 %Chromat.

With C39H29N5ORu(2+)*2ClO4(1-); dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=70°C; 12 h; Reflux; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Singha Hazari, Arijit; Ray, Ritwika; Hoque, Md Asmaul; Lahiri, Goutam Kumar

Inorganic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 55, # 16 p. 8160 - 8173 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=80°C; 5 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Gong, Xia; Liu, Baocang; Zhang, Geng; Xu, Guangran; Zhao, Tuo; Shi, Dichao; Wang, Qin; Zhang, Jun

CrystEngComm, 2016 , vol. 18, # 27 p. 5110 - 5120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With palladium nanoparticle immobilized mesoporous silica ZrSBA-15 T=60°C; 4 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior;

Ji, Ran; Zhai, Shangru; Zheng, Wei; Xiao, Zuoyi; An, Qingda; Zhang, Feng

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 74 p. 70424 - 70432 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [Co(1,4-benzenedicarboxylate)(1,4-diazabicyclo[2.2.2]octane)0.5]; oxygen in N,N-dimethylformamide

T=90°C; 10 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Peng, Ling; Wu, Shujie; Yang, Xiaoyuan; Hu, Jing; Fu, Xiaoran; Huo, Qisheng; Guan, Jingqi

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 76 p. 72433 - 72438 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96 %Chromat.

With [NiIICl22,6-bis(phenylazo)pyridine(H2O)]; potassium tert-butylate; oxygen; zinc in tetrahydrofuran

T=26.84 - 49.84°C; 4 h;

Sengupta, Debabrata; Bhattacharjee, Rameswar; Pramanick, Rajib; Rath, Santi Prasad; Saha Chowdhury, Nabanita; Datta, Ayan; Goswami, Sreebrata

Inorganic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 55, # 19 p. 9602 - 9610 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=60°C; Inert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior;

Saeed, Adnan M.; Wisner, Clarissa A.; Donthula, Suraj; Majedi Far, Hojat; Sotiriou-Leventis, Chariklia; Leventis, Nicholas

Chemistry of Materials, 2016 , vol. 28, # 13 p. 4867 - 4877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

76 %Spectr.

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; (x)C2H3N*C12H6N2O4(2-)*4C16H12O4(2-)*C22H16O4(2-)*Cu(1+)*4HO(1-)*I(1-)*4O(2)*6Zr(4+) in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 6 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Yuan, Shuai; Chen, Ying-Pin; Qin, Jun-Sheng; Lu, Weigang; Zou, Lanfang; Zhang, Qiang; Wang, Xuan; Sun, Xing; Zhou, Hong-Cai

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 138, # 28 p. 8912 - 8919 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; [Mn(C6H5COO)(H2O)(1,10-phenanthroline)2](ClO4)(CH3OH) in water; acetonitrile

T=70°C; 6 h; Inert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior; Solvent;

Kani, Ibrahim; Bolat, Serkan

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 30, # 8 p. 713 - 721 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; 0.5 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Tan, Yu; Sun, Dalei; Chen, Libao; Li, Cheng Chao

New Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 40, # 10 p. 8364 - 8370 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C36H38Cu2N4O13*H2O; potassium tert-butylate; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 2 h; Catalytic behavior; Time;

Benferrah, Nassima; Hammadi, Mohamed; Philouze, Christian; Berthiol, Florian; Thomas, Fabrice

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2016 , vol. 72, p. 17 - 22 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Chromat.

With potassium hydoxide in para-xylene

T=80°C; 4 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior;

Shaabani, Ahmad; Afaridoun, Hadi; Shaabani, Shabnam; Keramati Nejad, Mina

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 99 p. 97367 - 97375 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

56 %Chromat.

With Pd-Ce nanoparticles supported on functional Fe-MIL-101-NH2 in water; acetonitrile

T=60°C; P=1034.32 Torr; Show Experimental Procedure

Li, Xinhang; Tjiptoputro, Adrian Kaizen; Ding, Jun; Xue, Jun Min; Zhu, Yinghuai

Catalysis Today, 2017 , vol. 279, p. 77 - 83 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C22H25Cl2NO3RhS; periodic acid in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=110°C; 0.0833333 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Kağıt, Reyhan; Dayan, Osman; Özdemir, Namık

Polyhedron, 2016 , vol. 117, p. 504 - 512 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With water; iodine; oxygen in isopropyl alcohol

22 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Omura, Ryuji; Fujiya, Akitoshi; Yamaguchi, Eiji; Tada, Norihiro; Miura, Tsuyoshi; Itoh, Akichika

Synthesis (Germany), 2016 , vol. 48, # 22 art. no. SS-2016-F0297-OP, p. 3971 - 3975 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

81 %Chromat.

With strontium manganate; oxygen in toluene

T=79.84°C; 6 h;

Kawasaki, Shuma; Kamata, Keigo; Hara, Michikazu

ChemCatChem, 2016 , vol. 8, # 20 p. 3247 - 3253 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in ethanol

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 16 h; Autoclave; Reagent/catalyst;

Slot, Thierry K.; Eisenberg, David; van Noordenne, Dylan; Jungbacker, Peter; Rothenberg, Gadi

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2016 , vol. 22, # 35 p. 12307 - 12311 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C20H30N8Si2*2Cl(1)*Cu(2+); copper in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalystTime;

Kongkaew, Manisa; Sitthisuwannakul, Kannika; Nakarajouyphon, Vasut; Pornsuwan, Soraya; Kongsaeree, Palangpon; Sangtrirutnugul, Preeyanuch

Dalton Transactions, 2016 , vol. 45, # 42 p. 16810 - 16819 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in acetonitrile

T=24.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h; Irradiation; Time;

Yang, Juan; Shen, Xiaoxiao; Wei, Jianping; Zhang, Lina; Zhao, Dan; Yao, Banghua

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 6, # 20 p. 7604 - 7614 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With hydrogenchloride; C18H38N2O(1+)*F6P(1-); 3-butyl-1-methyl-1H-imidazol-3-ium hexafluorophosphate; sodium nitrite in water

T=20°C; 1 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Hirashita, Tsunehisa; Nakanishi, Makoto; Uchida, Tomoya; Yamamoto, Masakazu; Araki, Shuki; Arends, Isabel W. C. E.; Sheldon, Roger A.

ChemCatChem, 2016 , vol. 8, # 16 p. 2704 - 2709 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Spectr.

With C21H26ClN4O2Ru(1+)*CF3O3S(1-); potassium hydoxide in 1,2-dichloro-benzene

T=150°C; 16 h; RefluxInert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Sabater, Sara; Müller-Bunz, Helge; Albrecht, Martin

Organometallics, 2016 , vol. 35, # 13 p. 2256 - 2266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium carbonate in water

T=40°C; 5 h; Irradiation;

Wang, Xiaohui; Baiyila, Dahu; Li, Xiaotian

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 109 p. 107233 - 107238 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90 %Chromat.

With Fe3O4-platinum nanoparticles supported on pyridinium based poly methyl methacrylate ionic liquid functionalized magnetic silica; air in water

Vessally, Esmail; Ghasemisarabbadeih, Mostafa; Ekhteyari, Zeynab; Hosseinzadeh-Khanmiri, Rahim; Ghorbani-Kalhor, Ebrahim; Ejlali, Ladan

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 108 p. 106769 - 106777

T=80°C; Catalytic behaviorActivation energy; Solvent;

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

84 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C22H24CuN2O2 in toluene

T=25°C; P=760.051 Torr; 18 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; TemperatureSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Conejo, María del Mar; Ávila, Paloma; Álvarez, Eleuterio; Galindo, Agustín

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2017 , vol. 455, p. 638 - 644 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With cobalt(II) tetrasulfophthalocyanine supported on wool; air in water

T=20°C; 9 h; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature;

Shaabani, Ahmad; Hezarkhani, Zeinab

Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines, 2016 , vol. 20, # 6 p. 677 - 688 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; toluene

T=80°C; 1 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Dong, Xinbo; Yu, Chengxing; Wang, Danjun; Zhang, Yanjie; Wu, Panfeng; Hu, Huaiming; Xue, Ganglin

Materials Research Bulletin, 2017 , vol. 85, p. 152 - 160 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Dess-Martin periodane in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 2 h; Inert atmosphere; Show Experimental Procedure

Degnan, Andrew P.; Maxwell, Darrell; Balakrishnan, Anand; Brown, Jeffrey M.; Easton, Amy; Gulianello, Michael; Hanumegowda, Umesh; Hill-Drzewi, Melissa; Miller, Regina; Santone, Kenneth S.; Senapati, Arun; Shields, Eric E.; Sivarao, Digavalli V.; Westphal, Ryan; Whiterock, Valerie J.; Zhuo, Xiaoliang; Bronson, Joanne J.; Macor, John E.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016 , vol. 26, # 24 p. 5871 - 5876 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

75 %Spectr.

With (phthalocyaninato)iron(II); oxygen; 4-nitro-benzoic acid in tetrahydrofuran

T=70°C; 48 h; Molecular sieveSealed tube;

Hirose, Daisuke; Gazvoda, Martin; Košmrlj, Janez; Taniguchi, Tsuyoshi

Organic Letters, 2016 , vol. 18, # 16 p. 4036 - 4039 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in toluene

T=80°C; 8 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Dong, Xinbo; Zhang, Xi; Wu, Panfeng; Zhang, Yanjie; Liu, Bin; Hu, Huaiming; Xue, Ganglin

ChemCatChem, 2016 , vol. 8, # 23 p. 3680 - 3687 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 18 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Fan, Juan; Pu, Fan; Sun, Man; Liu, Zhong-Wen; Han, Xiao-Yan; Wei, Jun-Fa; Shi, Xian-Ying

New Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 40, # 12 p. 10498 - 10503 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C11H21N2(1+)*Br(1-)*SnCl2; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=65°C; 0.25 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureSolventTime;

Wang, Bingtong; Hu, Yulin; Fang, Dong; Wu, Lin; Xing, Rong

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 63, # 12 p. 991 - 999 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventTemperature;

Zohreh, Nasrin; Tavakolizadeh, Maryam; Hosseini, Seyed Hassan; Jahani, Mahboobeh; Pourjavadi, Ali; Bennett, Craig

New Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 40, # 12 p. 10325 - 10332 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in decane; [D3]acetonitrile

T=80°C; 2 h; Sealed tube; Reagent/catalyst;

Thompson, Anthony B.; Pahls, Dale R.; Bernales, Varinia; Gallington, Leighanne C.; Malonzo, Camille D.; Webber, Thomas; Tereniak, Stephen J.; Wang, Timothy C.; Desai, Sai Puneet; Li, Zhanyong; Kim, In Soo; Gagliardi, Laura; Penn, R. Lee; Chapman, Karena W.; Stein, Andreas; Farha, Omar K.; Hupp, Joseph T.; Martinson, Alex B. F.; Lu, Connie C.

Chemistry of Materials, 2016 , vol. 28, # 18 p. 6753 - 6762 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Fernandes, Antony E.; Riant, Olivier; Jensen, Klavs F.; Jonas, Alain M.

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2016 , vol. 55, # 37 p. 11044 - 11048 Angew. Chem., 2016 , vol. 128, p. 11210 - 11214,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

60.1 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 2 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature;

Zhou; Pan; Wu; Qian; He; Chen

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 87 p. 84106 - 84112 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98 %Spectr.

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 0.75 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Ramezanalizadeh; Manteghi

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 101 p. 99096 - 99104 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 4 h; Irradiation;

Zhang, Ping; Liu, Ya; Tian, Baozhu; Luo, Yusheng; Zhang, Jinlong

Catalysis Today, 2017 , vol. 281, p. 181 - 188 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

50 %Spectr.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; laccase from Trametes versicolor; oxygen in water

T=20°C; 72 h; Enzymatic reaction;

Galletti, Paola; Pori, Matteo; Funiciello, Federica; Soldati, Roberto; Ballardini, Alberto; Giacomini, Daria

ChemSusChem, 2014 , vol. 7, # 9 p. 2684 - 2689 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99.9 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; C26H26Cu2N6O12 in water

T=120°C; 1 h; Microwave irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Martins, Nuno M. R.; Mahmudov, Kamran T.; Guedes Da Silva, M. Fátima C.; Martins, Luísa M. D. R. S.; Pombeiro, Armando J. L.

New Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 40, # 12 p. 10071 - 10083 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylnitrite; oxygen; acetic acid in toluene

T=50°C; P=750.075 Torr; 1.5 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Karimi, Babak; Farhangi, Elham; Vali, Hojatollah; Vahdati, Saleh

ChemSusChem, 2014 , vol. 7, # 9 p. 2735 - 2741 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C18H10CuN4O6; potassium carbonate in water

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 18 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Zhang, Guoqi; Li, Li; Yang, Chengxiong; Liu; Golen, James A.; Rheingold, Arnold L.

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, p. 13 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

54 %Chromat.

With C32H22CuN4O2; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=70°C; 2 h; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Abdel-Rahman, Laila H.; Abu-Dief, Ahmed M.; Adam, Mohamed Shaker S.; Hamdan, Samar Kamel

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 8 p. 1373 - 1396 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90 %Chromat.

With C23H17BrCuN4O7; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=60°C; 1 h; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Abdel-Rahman, Laila H.; Abu-Dief, Ahmed M.; Adam, Mohamed Shaker S.; Hamdan, Samar Kamel

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 8 p. 1373 - 1396 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

79 %Chromat.

With C27H20CuN4O7; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=60°C; 1 h; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Abdel-Rahman, Laila H.; Abu-Dief, Ahmed M.; Adam, Mohamed Shaker S.; Hamdan, Samar Kamel

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 8 p. 1373 - 1396 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; [2,2]bipyridinyl; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; copper(I) triflate in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 0.183333 h; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst;

Adomeit, Sven; Rabeah, Jabor; Surkus, Annette E.; Bentrup, Ursula; Brückner, Angelika

Inorganic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 56, # 1 p. 684 - 691 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

Irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Li, Ang; Chang, Xiaoxia; Huang, Zhiqi; Li, Chengcheng; Wei, Yijia; Zhang, Lei; Wang, Tuo; Gong, Jinlong

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2016 , vol. 55, # 44 p. 13734 - 13738 Angew. Chem., 2016 , vol. 128, p. 13938 - 13942,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [Fe2(μ-1,2-O2)(2-(2'-pyridyl)benzimidazole)4(acetonitrile)2]4+ in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 1.38889 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Time;

Szávuly, Miklós István; Surducan, Mihai; Nagy, Emoke; Surányi, Mátyás; Speier, Gábor; Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Radu; Kaizer, József

Dalton Transactions, 2016 , vol. 45, # 37 p. 14709 - 14718 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: With oxygen

0.5 h; Stage #2: T=20°C; P=750.075 Torr; 1 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang, Bao; Li, Jun; Gao, Yuying; Chong, Ruifeng; Wang, Zhiliang; Guo, Lin; Zhang, Xianwen; Li, Can

Journal of Catalysis, 2017 , vol. 345, p. 96 - 103 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=50°C; 6 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventTemperatureTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Eftekhari-Sis, Bagher; Akbari, Masoud; Amini, Mojtaba; Ashouri, Fatemeh; Bagherzadeh, Mojtaba

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 70, # 2 p. 328 - 339 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 95 %Spectr.

With 10-ethyl-9-iodo-3,7,8-trimethylbenzo[g]pteridine-2,4-(3H,10H)-dione; thiourea in dimethylsulfoxide-d6; [D3]acetonitrile

5 h; Irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventConcentration;

Korvinson, Kirill A.; Hargenrader, George N.; Stevanovic, Jelena; Xie, Yun; Joseph, Jojo; Maslak, Veselin; Hadad, Christopher M.; Glusac, Ksenija D.

Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2016 , vol. 120, # 37 p. 7294 - 7300 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=50°C; 3 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Kamiloğlu, Ayşe Aktaş; Acar, İrfan; Biyiklioglu, Zekeriya; Saka, Ece Tuğba

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 828, p. 59 - 67 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in octanol

Siddique, Mohsin; Ilyas, Mohammad; Saeed, Muhammad

T=79.84°C; 5 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureSolvent;

Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan, 2016 , vol. 38, # 3 p. 454 - 462 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in toluene

T=80°C; 8 h; Reagent/catalystTimeTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang, Yanjie; Wu, Lizhou; Dong, Xinbo; Wu, Panfeng; Hu, Huaiming; Xue, Ganglin

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 12 p. 2468 - 2477 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C44H31ClO2P2Pd; caesium carbonate in para-xylene

12 h; RefluxInert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

De-Botton, Sophie; Romm, Ronit; Bensoussan, Guillaume; Hitrik, Maria; Musa, Sanaa; Gelman, Dmitri

Dalton Transactions, 2016 , vol. 45, # 40 p. 16040 - 16046 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=79.84°C; P=7500.75 Torr; 8 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Xie, Jiahan; Yin, Kehua; Serov, Alexey; Artyushkova, Kateryna; Pham, Hien N.; Sang, Xiahan; Unocic, Raymond R.; Atanassov, Plamen; Datye, Abhaya K.; Davis, Robert J.

ChemSusChem, 2017 , vol. 10, # 2 p. 359 - 362 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=80°C; 5 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Gholamyan, Sahar; Khoshnavazi, Roushan; Rostami, Amin; Bahrami, Leila

Catalysis Letters, 2017 , vol. 147, # 1 p. 71 - 81 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With MnCo2O4 in toluene


Yao, Lili; Zhang, Linlin; Liu, Yongxin; Tian, Long; Xu, Jin; Liu, Ting; Liu, Dan; Wang, Cheng

CrystEngComm, 2016 , vol. 18, # 46 p. 8887 - 8897 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=100°C; 0.0833333 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behaviorKinetics; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Assal, Mohamed E.; Kuniyil, Mufsir; Khan, Mujeeb; Al-Warthan, Abdulrahman; Siddiqui, Mohammed Rafiq H.; Tremel, Wolfgang; Nawaz Tahir, Muhammad; Adil, Syed Farooq

ChemistryOpen, 2017 , vol. 6, # 1 p. 112 - 120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; sodium hydrogencarbonate in acetonitrile

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 12 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Hou, Junying; Luan, Yi; Yu, Jie; Qi, Yue; Wang, Ge; Lu, Yunfeng

New Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 40, # 12 p. 10127 - 10135 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide; sodium hydrogencarbonate in water

T=60°C; 8 h; KineticsCatalytic behavior; TemperatureReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Yang, Zujin; Zhang, Xia; Yao, Xingdong; Fang, Yanxiong; Chen, Hongyan; Ji, Hongbing

Tetrahedron, 2016 , vol. 72, # 14 p. 1773 - 1781 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in methanol

T=80°C; P=7500.75 Torr;

Liguori, Francesca; Moreno-Marrodan, Carmen; Barbaro, Pierluigi; Sawa, Haruo

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017 , vol. 530, p. 217 - 225 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C35H44CuN3O5; oxygen; caesium carbonate in tetrahydrofuran

T=24.84°C; 12 h; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Safaei, Elham; Bahrami, Hadiseh; Wojtczak, Andrzej; Alavi, Saman; Jagličić, Zvonko

Polyhedron, 2017 , vol. 122, p. 219 - 227 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h; AutoclaveHeatingInert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureReagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhou, Weiyou; Tao, Qianyun; Pan, Jiugao; Liu, Jie; Qian, Junfeng; He, Mingyang; Chen, Qun

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2016 , vol. 425, p. 255 - 265 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iodobenzene; oxygen; caesium carbonate in toluene

T=150°C; 24 h; Schlenk technique; Reagent/catalyst;

Abednatanzi, Sara; Derakhshandeh, Parviz Gohari; Abbasi, Alireza; Van Der Voort, Pascal; Leus, Karen

ChemCatChem, 2016 , vol. 8, # 23 p. 3672 - 3679 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With oxygen

T=60°C; 4 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Liu, Gui; Liu, Junhua; Li, Wenxiu; Liu, Cheng; Wang, Fang; He, Junkai; Guild, Curtis; Jin, Jing; Kriz, David; Suib, Steven L.

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017 , vol. 535, p. 77 - 84 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=90°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Aktaş, Ayşe; Acar, İrfan; Saka, Ece Tuğba; Biyiklioglu, Zekeriya; Kantekin, Halit

Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 86, # 3-4 p. 183 - 190 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in 1,4-dioxane

T=55°C; 4 h; Catalytic behavior;

Domínguez, María Isabel; Cojocaru, Bogdan; Tudorache, Madalina; Odriozola, José Antonio; Centeno, Miguel Angel; Parvulescu, Vasile I.

Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2016 , vol. 19, # 10 p. 1156 - 1165 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With α,α,α-trifluorotoluene; indium sesquisulfide

T=50°C; P=750.075 Torr; Microwave irradiation;

Li, Tongtong; Zhang, Sujuan; Meng, Sugang; Ye, Xiangju; Fu, Xianliang; Chen, Shifu

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 11 p. 6457 - 6466 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C60H84Cl4Cu2N12O8*4C2H3N; 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene in o-xylene

T=60°C; 12 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Lu, Xiaoshuang; Wu, Nini; Zhang, Bingguang; Deng, Kejian

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 70, # 3 p. 475 - 486 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

62 %Chromat.

With [{CyPN(H)P}Co(CH2SiMe3)]-BArF4; acetophenone in toluene

T=120°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk techniqueSealed tubeGreen chemistry;

Zhang, Guoqi; Wu, Jing; Zeng, Haisu; Zhang, Shu; Yin, Zhiwei; Zheng, Shengping

Organic Letters, 2017 , vol. 19, # 5 p. 1080 - 1083 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With CeMn40O; oxygen in toluene

T=90°C; 6 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Xu, Jie; Shang, Jie-Kun; Wang, Yue; Chen, Ye; Li, Yong-Xin

Catalysis Letters, 2017 , vol. 147, # 2 p. 328 - 334 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

88 %Chromat.

With C44H66O8P4Pd2; methyl vinyl ketone in water; toluene

T=105°C; 12 h; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction;

Vasseur, Alexandre; Membrat, Romain; Gatineau, David; Tenaglia, Alphonse; Nuel, Didier; Giordano, Laurent

ChemCatChem, 2017 , vol. 9, # 5 p. 728 - 732 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in tetrahydrofuran; water

4 h; RefluxGreen chemistry; Solvent;

Ma, Wenx; Tong, Qiaoling; Wang, Jian; Yang, Huali; Zhang, Meng; Jiang, Hailun; Wang, Qinghe; Liu, Yongxiang; Cheng, Maosheng

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 11 p. 6720 - 6723 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With water; oxygen in tetrahydrofuran

T=25°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h;

Cheng, Hong-Gang; Miguélez, Javier; Miyamura, Hiroyuki; Yoo, Woo-Jin; Kobayashi, Shū

Chemical Science, 2017 , vol. 8, # 2 p. 1356 - 1359 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92 %Chromat.

With Cp*Ir(6,6'-dionato-2,2'-bipyridine)(H2O) in tert-butyl alcohol

20 h; RefluxInert atmosphere; SolventTemperatureConcentration; Show Experimental Procedure

Kanto Kagaku Kabushiki Kaisha; Yamaguchi, Ryohei; Fujita, Ken-ichi

Patent: US2016/297844 A1, 2016 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0146 ;

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 4 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Zohreh, Nasrin; Tavakolizadeh, Maryam; Hosseini, Seyed Hassan; Pourjavadi, Ali; Bennett, Craig

Polymer (United Kingdom), 2017 , vol. 112, p. 342 - 350 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

94 %Chromat.

With oxygen in toluene

T=100°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Wang, Hanfei; Liu, Na; Xu, Chunli; Dong, Wensheng; Liu, Chunling

Catalysis Letters, 2017 , vol. 147, # 2 p. 547 - 565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N -hydroxyphthalimide; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 7 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhou, Weiyou; Chen, Dongwei; Cui, Aijun; Qian, Junfeng; He, Mingyang; Chen, Qun

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2017 , vol. 129, # 3 p. 295 - 299 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With molybdenum carbide in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=120°C; 8 h; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Shen, WenJie; Li, ZhongCheng; Chen, chunhui; Zhan, EnSheng; Da, Na; Li, Yong

Patent: CN104860806 B, 2016 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0031-0036 ;

66 %Chromat.

With oxygen; isobutyraldehyde in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 9 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Hadian-Dehkordi, Leila; Hosseini-Monfared, Hassan; Aleshkevych, Pavlo

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2017 , vol. 462, p. 142 - 151 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in acetonitrile

Si, Jingyan; Liu, Ya; Chang, Shunzhou; Wu, Di; Tian, Baozhu; Zhang, Jinlong

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

T=20°C; P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2017 , vol. 43, # 4 p. 2067 - 2080 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite in water; ethyl acetate

T=50°C; 24 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhou, Mi; Cai, Songtao; Li, Jie; Qian, Xin; Zheng, Haha

Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 87, # 1-2 p. 45 - 51 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

52 %Spectr.

With 1-hydroxytetraphenylcyclopentadienyl(tetraphenyl-2,4-cyclopentadien-1-one)-μhydrotetracarbonyldiruthenium(II); 2,6-dimethoxy-p-quinone; tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate; acetic acid in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=80°C; 5 h; Inert atmosphereElectrochemical reaction;

Lybaert, Jeroen; Trashin, Stanislav; Maes, Bert U. W.; De Wael, Karolien; Abbaspour Tehrani, Kourosch

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2017 , vol. 359, # 6 p. 919 - 925 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

46 %Chromat.

With potassium hexafluorophosphate; tetralin; C37H36ClN4PRu in toluene

T=100°C; 48 h;

Stubbs; Firth; Bridge; Berger; Hazlehurst; Boyle; Blacquiere

Dalton Transactions, 2017 , vol. 46, # 3 p. 647 - 650 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Spectr.

With NiO on anatase/rutile-TiO2 nanparticles; air T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; UV-irradiationGreen chemistry; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Ziarati, Abolfazl; Badiei, Alireza; Mohammadi Ziarani, Ghodsi; Eskandarloo, Hamed

Catalysis Communications, 2017 , vol. 95, p. 77 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With oxygen in water

T=36°C; 0.833333 h; UV-irradiation; Catalytic behaviorMechanism; Reagent/catalystTimeTemperature;

Chen, Yu-Zhen; Wang, Zhiyong U.; Wang, Hengwei; Lu, Junling; Yu, Shu-Hong; Jiang, Hai-Long

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017 , vol. 139, # 5 p. 2035 - 2044 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tungsten oxide; oxygen

T=24.84°C; 8 h; UV-irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Ma, Bo; Huang, Erwei; Wu, Guangjun; Dai, Weili; Guan, Naijia; Li, Landong

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 5 p. 2606 - 2614 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium nitrite; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in acetonitrile

P=760.051 Torr; 12 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Miao, Zongcheng; Shu, Xin; Ramella, Daniele

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 5 p. 2773 - 2779 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

46 %Spectr.

With oxygen; benzo[c]cinnolin-5-ium-5-ylamide in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=20°C; 36 h; Irradiation;

Chatterjee, Tanmay; Roh, Geum-Bee; Shoaib, Mahbubul Alam; Suhl, Chang-Heon; Kim, Jun Soo; Cho, Cheon-Gyu; Cho, Eun Jin

Organic Letters, 2017 , vol. 19, # 7 p. 1906 - 1909 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Spectr.

With sodium hypochlorite; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; potassium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; 24 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Shakir, Ahmed J.; Madalan, Augustin M.; Ionita, Gabriela; Lupu, Stelian; Lete, Cecilia; Ionita, Petre

Chemical Physics, 2017 , vol. 490, p. 7 - 11 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: With C15H15CuN3O3*H2O in water; N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=20°C; 0.5 h; Stage #2: With dihydrogen peroxide in water; N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=20°C; 0.5 h; Sonication; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

El-Sonbati; Diab; El-Bindary, Ashraf El Bindary; Shoair; Hussein; El-Boz

Journal of Molecular Structure, 2017 , vol. 1141, p. 186 - 203 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 8 h; Irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystWavelength;

Li, Hao; Qin, Feng; Yang, Zhiping; Cui, Ximin; Wang, Jianfang; Zhang, Lizhi

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017 , vol. 139, # 9 p. 3513 - 3521 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate

T=100°C; P=1500.15 Torr; 5 h; Autoclave;

Ciriminna, Rosaria; Scandura, Gabriele; Pandarus, Valerica; Delisi, Riccardo; Scurria, Antonino; Béland, François; Palmisano, Giovanni; Pagliaro, Mario

ChemCatChem, 2017 , vol. 9, # 7 p. 1322 - 1328 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; metal organicframeworks Co-1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylic acid (Co-BTC) in N,N-dimethylformamide

T=95°C; P=760.051 Torr; 10 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureSolventTime;

Peng, Ling; Wu, Shujie; Yang, Xiaoyuan; Hu, Jing; Fu, Xiaoran; Li, Min; Bai, Lu; Huo, Qisheng; Guan, Jingqi

New Journal of Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 41, # 8 p. 2891 - 2894 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C29H23Cl2FeN7O2(1+)*Cl(1-); dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=40°C; 48 h; Catalytic behavior; Time;

Tyagi, Nidhi; Singh, Ovender; Ghosh, Kaushik

Catalysis Communications, 2017 , vol. 95, p. 83 - 87

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92 %Chromat.

With sodium periodate in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 2 h; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Asadniaye Fardjahromi, Mahsa; Moghadam, Majid; Tangestaninejad, Shahram; Mirkhani, Valiollah; Mohammadpoor-Baltork, Iraj

Journal of the Iranian Chemical Society, 2017 , vol. 14, # 6 p. 1317 - 1323 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With α,α,α-trifluorotoluene; oxygen in dodecane

T=30°C; P=760.051 Torr; 2.5 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Yang, Xue; Zhao, Hui; Feng, Jifei; Chen, Yanning; Gao, Shuiying; Cao, Rong

Journal of Catalysis, 2017 , vol. 351, p. 59 - 66 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=120°C; P=760.051 Torr; 33 h; Catalytic behavior; Time;

Wang, Tao; Zhang, Pengfei; Sun, Yan; Liu, Bing; Liu, Yunling; Qiao, Zhen-An; Huo, Qisheng; Dai, Sheng

Chemistry of Materials, 2017 , vol. 29, # 9 p. 4044 - 4051 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=120°C; P=1500.15 Torr; 2 h; Autoclave; Catalytic behaviorKinetics; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Li, Siqi; Li, Wei; Li, Yizhen; Fan, Guoli; Li, Feng

ChemPlusChem, 2017 , vol. 82, # 2 p. 270 - 279 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With nano-V-Mn-O; air in toluene

T=100°C; Temperature; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: CN106146270 A, 2016 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0016; 0017 ;

96 %Chromat.

With oxygen

T=110°C; 3 h; Reagent/catalystTime;

Liu, Na; Chen, Gui; Dong, Wensheng; Liu, Chunling; Xu, Chunli

Gold Bulletin, 2017 , vol. 50, # 2 p. 163 - 175 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=60°C; P=7500.75 Torr; 3 h; UV-irradiation;

Yang, Can; Wang, Bo; Zhang, Linzhu; Yin, Ling; Wang, Xinchen

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2017 , vol. 56, # 23 p. 6627 - 6631 Angew. Chem., 2017 , vol. 129, p. 6727 - 6731,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C19H16Cl2FeN3O2; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=40°C; 8 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Choudhary, Atul; Singh, Ovender; Singh, Udai P.; Ghosh, Kaushik

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2017 , vol. 464, p. 195 - 203 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: With oxygen in water

1 h; Green chemistry; Stage #2: With oxygen in water

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 2 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior;

Du, Xin; Zhao, Caixia; Li, Xiaoyu; Huang, Hongwei; He, Junhui; Wen, Yongqiang; Zhang, Xueji

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 2017, # 19 p. 2517 - 2524 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

4 h; Reflux; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Hajian, Robabeh; Alghour, Zahra

Chinese Chemical Letters, 2017 , vol. 28, # 5 p. 971 - 975 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

94 %Chromat.

With [(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)Ir(4-methyl-5-trifluoromethyl-2-pyridonate)Cl] in toluene

T=135°C; 20 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Show Experimental Procedure

Yamaguchi, Ryohei; Kobayashi, Daiki; Shimizu, Mineyuki; Fujita, Ken-ichi

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 843, p. 14 - 19 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in para-xylene

T=120°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; Temperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Liu, Chun-Hsia; Lin, Chih-Yu; Chen, Jeng-Lung; Lu, Kueih-Tzu; Lee, Jyh-Fu; Chen, Jin-Ming

Journal of Catalysis, 2017 , vol. 350, p. 21 - 29 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridine; trichloroisocyanuric acid in ethyl acetate

T=20°C; 1 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Dip, Irene; Gethers, Christina; Rice, Tonya; Straub, Thomas S.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2017 , vol. 58, # 28 p. 2720 - 2722 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

80 %Chromat.

With C28H27Br3N4O6V2; dihydrogen peroxide in dichloromethane; water

T=60°C; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; SolventTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Bikas, Rahman; Shahmoradi, Elaheh; Noshiranzadeh, Nader; Emami, Marzieh; Reinoso, Santiago

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2017 , vol. 466, p. 100 - 109 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=30°C; 24 h; Irradiation; Kinetics; SolventTime;

Zhang, Wuyuan; Bariotaki, Anna; Smonou, Ioulia; Hollmann, Frank

Green Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 19, # 9 p. 2096 - 2100 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C30H25CuN2O3(1+)*CH4O*ClO4(1-); dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=70°C; 6 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Ünver, Hakan; Kani, Ibrahim

Polyhedron, 2017 , vol. 134, p. 257 - 262 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

96 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [Cu([bis(3-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzyl)](2pyridylmethyl)amine)(acetate)(acetic acid)] in water

T=25°C; 24 h; Catalytic behaviorMechanism; Reagent/catalystSolventConcentration;

Zhan, Guangli; Zhong, Wei; Wei, Zhenhong; Liu, Zhenzhen; Liu, Xiaoming

Dalton Transactions, 2017 , vol. 46, # 25 p. 8286 - 8297 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; Pt/Bi2O3-x in water

T=26°C; Reagent/catalyst;

Liu, Juanjuan; Zou, Shihui; Wang, Hui; Xiao, Liping; Zhao, Hongting; Fan, Jie

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 7, # 5 p. 1203 - 1210 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

84 %Spectr.

With [VO(ReO4)(4,4'-di-tert-butyl-2,2'-bipyridine)2][0.25SO4*0.5ReO4]; oxygen in tetrahydrofuran; acetonitrile

T=60°C; P=750.075 Torr; 48 h; Schlenk technique; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Kobayashi, Daiki; Kodama, Shintaro; Ishii, Youichi

Tetrahedron Letters, 2017 , vol. 58, # 33 p. 3306 - 3310 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With catalase from M. lysodeikticus; (5-hydroxymethyl)furfural oxidase; oxygen in aq. phosphate buffer; Hexafluorobenzene

T=30°C; pH=7; 24 h; Solvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Pickl, Mathias; Jost, Etta; Glueck, Silvia M.; Faber, Kurt

Tetrahedron, 2017 , vol. 73, # 36 p. 5408 - 5410 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [Fe2(LPh4)(O2)(Ph3CCO2)]2+ in dichloromethane

T=25°C; KineticsMechanism; Concentration;

Sekino, Mio; Furutachi, Hideki; Tojo, Rina; Hishi, Ayumi; Kajikawa, Hanako; Suzuki, Takatoshi; Suzuki, Kaito; Fujinami, Shuhei; Akine, Shigehisa; Sakata, Yoko; Ohta, Takehiro; Hayami, Shinya; Suzuki, Masatatsu

Chemical Communications, 2017 , vol. 53, # 63 p. 8838 - 8841 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium carbonate in water

T=80°C; 4 h;

Dai, Jinyu; Zou, Houbing; Wang, Runwei; Wang, Yu; Shi, Zhiqiang; Qiu, Shilun

Green Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 19, # 5 p. 1336 - 1344 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Au-TiO2; oxygen in water

T=24.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 10 h; Irradiation; Catalytic behavior;

Tanaka, Atsuhiro; Hashimoto, Keiji; Kominami, Hiroshi

Chemical Communications, 2017 , vol. 53, # 35 p. 4759 - 4762 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iron(II) phthalocyanine; caesium carbonate

T=140°C; 16 h; Sealed tube;

Di Gregorio, Giovanni; Mari, Michele; Bartoccini, Francesca; Piersanti, Giovanni

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 82, # 16 p. 8769 - 8775 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With rhodium contaminated with carbon

T=150°C; P=60006 Torr; 4 h; Supercritical conditions;

Chatterjee, Maya; Ishizaka, Takayuki; Chatterjee, Abhijit; Kawanami, Hajime

Green Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 19, # 5 p. 1315 - 1326 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 3 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Wang, Hefang; Wang, Cunyue; Yang, Yongfang; Zhao, Meng; Wang, Yanji

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 7, # 2 p. 405 - 417 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium nitrate; 3-(N,N-dimethyldodecylammonium)propanesulfonic acid hydrogen sulphate

T=80°C; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Liu, Xiaobing; Liu, Bin

Journal of Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 2017, art. no. 5646908 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ZIF-derived porous carbon supported Pd nanoparticles within mesoporous silica shells; air in toluene

T=100°C; 12 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Zhang, Shaolong; Han, Aijuan; Zhai, Yanliang; Zhang, Jian; Cheong, Weng-Chon; Wang, Dingsheng; Li, Yadong

Chemical Communications, 2017 , vol. 53, # 68 p. 9490 - 9493 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C36H32Cl2N2O2P2Ru in toluene

T=150°C; 16 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique;

Sahoo; Jiang; Bruneau; Sharma; Suresh; Roisnel; Dorcet; Achard

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 7, # 16 p. 3492 - 3498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Guadix-Montero, Susana; Alshammari, Hamed; Dalebout, Remco; Nowicka, Ewa; Morgan, David J.; Shaw, Greg; He, Qian; Sankar, Meenakshisundaram

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017 , vol. 546, p. 58 - 66 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; sodium nitrite in acetonitrile

T=75°C; P=760.051 Torr; 5 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Rapeyko, Anastasia; Arias, Karen S.; Climent, Maria J.; Corma, Avelino; Iborra, Sara

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 7, # 14 p. 3008 - 3016 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 %Chromat.

With N-doped carbon encapsulated molybdenum carbide in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=120°C; 4 h; Inert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature;

Leng, Yan; Li, Jingjing; Zhang, Chenjun; Jiang, Pingping; Li, Yue; Jiang, Yuchen; Du, Shengyu

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017 , vol. 5, # 33 p. 17580 - 17588 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

80 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

P=760.051 Torr; 0.0583333 h; Microwave irradiation; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Shojaei, Abdollah Fallah; Shirini, Farhad; Hedayati, Elaheh

Inorganic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 47, # 9 p. 1312 - 1317 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With α,α,α-trifluorotoluene in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 10 h; IrradiationGreen chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Fu, Yanghe; Yang, Huan; Du, Rongfei; Tu, Gaomei; Xu, Chunhui; Zhang, Fumin; Fan, Maohong; Zhu, Weidong

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 68 p. 42819 - 42825 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide

T=70°C; 4 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Lin, Yangming; Wu, Kuang-Hsu Tim; Yu, Linhui; Heumann, Saskia; Su, Dang Sheng

ChemSusChem, 2017 , vol. 10, # 17 p. 3497 - 3505 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [CuNi(-OAc)(μ-OH)(μ-OH2)(bpy)2] (ClO4)2; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=70°C; 5 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Lal, Ram A.; Kumar, Arvind; Syiemlieh, Ibanphylla; Kurbah, Sunshine D.

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 70, # 15 p. 2722 - 2735 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With C44H39N2O5PRu; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; RefluxMolecular sieve;

Viswanathamurthi; Iniya, R. Radha; Manikandan; Prakash

Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 42, # 6 p. 771 - 778 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

92 %Chromat.

With potassium carbonate in toluene

T=110°C; 12 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Huang, Ronghui; Fu, Yong; Zeng, Wei; Zhang, Liang; Wang, Dawei

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 851, p. 46 - 51 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C82H68F2Fe2N4O7; dihydrogen peroxide; urea in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 0.5 h;

Wang, Fang; Becker, Sabine; Minier, Mikael A.; Loas, Andrei; Jackson, Megan N.; Lippard, Stephen J.

Inorganic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 56, # 18 p. 11050 - 11058 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in toluene

T=80°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Kimi, Melody; Jaidie, Mohd Muazmil Hadi; Pang, Suh Cem

Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2018 , vol. 112, p. 50 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C36H54CuN4(1+)*F6Sb(1-); potassium tert-butylate; oxygen in dichloromethane

T=20°C; P=750.075 Torr; 24 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Kochem, Amélie; Molloy, Jennifer K.; Gellon, Gisèle; Leconte, Nicolas; Philouze, Christian; Berthiol, Florian; Jarjayes, Olivier; Thomas, Fabrice

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2017 , vol. 23, # 56 p. 13929 - 13940 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; (ethylenediamine)[Cu3(5-(4-pyridyl)-1H-tetrazole)4(H2O)4] [Co2Mo10H4O38]*24H2O in acetonitrile

T=75°C; 8 h;

An, Haiyan; Hou, Yujiao; Wang, Lin; Zhang, Yumeng; Yang, Wei; Chang, Shenzhen

Inorganic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 56, # 19 p. 11619 - 11632 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

73 %Chromat.

With bismuth vanadate; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=40°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3 h; Schlenk techniqueIrradiation; Show Experimental Procedure

Unsworth, Christopher A.; Coulson, Ben; Chechik, Victor; Douthwaite, Richard E.

Journal of Catalysis, 2017 , vol. 354, p. 152 - 159 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

41 %Chromat.

With tetrakis(acetonitrile)copper(I) trifluoromethanesulfonate; oxygen; bis(2piperidinyl)methane in tetrahydrofuran

T=-80°C; 0.166667 h; Glovebox;

Stumpf, Tim-Daniel J.; Steinbach, Manfred; Würtele, Christian; Becker, Jonathan; Becker, Sabine; Fröhlich, Roland; Göttlich, Richard; Schindler, Siegfried

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 2017, # 37 p. 4246 - 4258 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

0.166667 h; Microwave irradiation; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Rodríguez-Padrón, Daily; Balu, Alina M; Romero, Antonio A; Luque, Rafael

Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 13, p. 1982 - 1993 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Cyclooctan; oxygen in toluene

T=100°C; 4 h; Kinetics; Reagent/catalyst;

Fu, Yu; Guo, Yanglong; Guo, Yun; Wang, Yunsong; Wang, Li; Zhan, Wangcheng; Lu, Guanzhong

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 7, # 18 p. 4136 - 4144 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium anthraquinone-2-sulfonate; oxygen in water

T=30°C; 24 h; Irradiation; Catalytic behavior; TimeSolvent;

Zhang, Wuyuan; Gacs, Jenő; Arends, Isabel W. C. E.; Hollmann, Frank

ChemCatChem, 2017 , vol. 9, # 20 p. 3821 - 3826 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With copper aluminate; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureReagent/catalystSolvent;

Ragupathi; Judith Vijaya; Thinesh Kumar; John Kennedy

Journal of Molecular Structure, 2014 , vol. 1079, p. 182 - 188 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=30°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Yoskamtorn, Tatchamapan; Yamazoe, Seiji; Takahata, Ryo; Nishigaki, Jun-Ichi; Thivasasith, Anawat; Limtrakul, Jumras; Tsukuda, Tatsuya

ACS Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 4, # 10 p. 3696 - 3700 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

80 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=50°C; 4 h; Autoclave;

Skliri, Euaggelia; Lykakis, Ioannis N.; Armatas, Gerasimos S.

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 86 p. 46170 - 46178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

30 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=90 - 132°C; P=3750.38 - 12751.3 Torr; 0.08 h; Microwave irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystPressure; Show Experimental Procedure

Mangin, Floriane; Prinsen, Pepijn; Yepez, Alfonso; Gilani, Muhammad Rehan Hasan Shah; Xu, Guobao; Len, Christophe; Luque, Rafael

Catalysis Communications, 2018 , vol. 104, p. 67 - 70 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-(2,2,2-trifluoroacetamido)-1-oxopiperidinium tetrafluoroborate; 4 (acetylamino) 2,2,6,6 tetramethyl 1 oxopiperidinium tetrafluoroborate in acetonitrile


Lambert, Kyle M.; Stempel, Zachary D.; Kiendzior, Sadie M.; Bartelson, Ashley L.; Bailey, William F.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 82, # 21 p. 11440 - 11446 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen in acetonitrile

P=750.075 Torr; 1.5 h; Irradiation; KineticsCatalytic behavior; ConcentrationReagent/catalystSolventWavelength;

Zhang, Yichi; Wang, Zhan; Lang, Xianjun

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 7, # 21 p. 4955 - 4963 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium tetrahydroborate

T=165°C; 12 h; Schlenk techniqueInert atmosphere;

Luo, Qi; Dai, Zengjin; Cong, Hengjiang; Li, Renjie; Peng, Tianyou; Zhang, Jing

Dalton Transactions, 2017 , vol. 46, # 43 p. 15012 - 15022 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

83 %Chromat.

With N -hydroxyphthalimide; 4Gd(3+)*50H2O*[WZn{Cu(H2O)}2(ZnW9O34)2](12); oxygen; tetramethylammonium bromide in acetonitrile

T=50°C; 21 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Zhao, Min; Zhang, Xian-Wei; Wu, Chuan-De

ACS Catalysis, 2017 , vol. 7, # 10 p. 6573 - 6580 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 10-molybdo-2-vanadophosphoric acid; oxygen in water; tert-butyl alcohol

T=25°C; 16 h; Irradiation; Solvent;

Krickl, Sebastian; Buchecker, Thomas; Meyer, Andreas Uwe; Grillo, Isabelle; Touraud, Didier; Bauduin, Pierre; König, Burkhard; Pfitzner, Arno; Kunz, Werner

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017 , vol. 19, # 35 p. 23773 - 23780 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidin-1-ol; manganese (II) nitrate tetrahydrate; acetic acid

T=25°C; GloveboxInert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst;

Lagerblom, Kalle; Lagerspets, Emi; Keskiväli, Juha; Cook, Chris; Ekholm, Filip; Parviainen, Arno; Repo, Timo

ChemCatChem, 2017 , vol. 9, # 20 p. 3880 - 3887 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

> 99

With Iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate; 9-azabicyclolt;3.3.1gt;nonane-N-oxyl in acetonitrile

Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics; Gao Shuang; Wang Lianyue; Li Guosong; Lv Ying

T=20°C; 3 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Patent: CN106800492 A, 2017 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0055; 0056; 0057 ;

With Ni(PtBu2NBn2)(CH3CN)2(BF4)2; Cp*2FeBF4; triethylamine in [D3]acetonitrile

T=25°C; Sealed tubeInert atmosphere;

Weiss, Charles J.; Das, Parthapratim; Miller, Deanna L.; Helm, Monte L.; Appel, Aaron M.

ACS Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 4, # 9 p. 2951 - 2958 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

45 %Chromat.

With bismuth(lll) trifluoromethanesulfonate; dichloro bis(acetonitrile) palladium(II); oxygen; triethylamine in methanol

T=60°C; 5 h; Schlenk technique; Show Experimental Procedure

Hu, Yongke; Li, Bindong

Tetrahedron, 2017 , vol. 73, # 52 p. 7301 - 7307 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

99 %Chromat.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; C12H8Cl3FeN2O4Zr4; oxygen; sodium nitrite in acetonitrile

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 12 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Shu, Xin; Yu, Ying; Jiang, Yi; Luan, Yi; Ramella, Daniele

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 31, # 12 art. no. E3862 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in decane; chloroform

T=100°C; 6 h; Schlenk techniqueSealed tube; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Abednatanzi, Sara; Leus, Karen; Derakhshandeh, Parviz Gohari; Nahra, Fady; De Keukeleere, Katrien; Van Hecke, Kristof; Van Driessche, Isabel; Abbasi, Alireza; Nolan, Steven P.; Der Voort, Pascal Van

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 7, # 7 p. 1478 - 1487 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

97 %Chromat.

With oxygen; sodium carbonate in ethanol

T=60°C; 24 h; Catalytic behavior; SolventReagent/catalystTemperature;

Kumar, Sandeep; Chaudhary, Abha; Bandna; Bhattacherjee, Dhananjay; Thakur, Vandna; Das, Pralay

New Journal of Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 41, # 9 p. 3242 - 3245 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [fac-N-(2-(diphenylphosphino)ethyl)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydroquinolin-8amine]RuCl2(triphenylphosphine); potassium tert-butylate in para-xylene

T=50°C; 48 h; Inert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior;

Wang, Zheng; Pan, Bing; Liu, Qingbin; Yue, Erlin; Solan, Gregory A.; Ma, Yanping; Sun, Wen-Hua

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 7, # 8 p. 1654 - 1661 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 1 h; Green chemistry;

Amini, Mojtaba; Najafpour, Mohammad Mahdi; Salimi, Saeideh; Ramezani, Sakine; Ashouri, Fatemeh; Mahmoudi, Ghodrat

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 31, # 12 art. no. E3892 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in toluene

T=70°C; 6 h; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperatureTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Eftekhari-Sis, Bagher; Akbari, Masoud; Akbari, Ali; Amini, Mojtaba

Catalysis Letters, 2017 , vol. 147, # 8 p. 2106 - 2115 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C25H34Cl2IrN3O5 in 1,2-dichloro-benzene

T=150°C; 24 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Pretorius, René; Olguín, Juan; Albrecht, Martin

Inorganic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 56, # 20 p. 12410 - 12420 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium hydoxide in water

T=120°C; P=3000.3 Torr; Catalytic behavior; TemperaturePressureReagent/catalyst;

Gu, Yulong; Li, Chunping; Bai, Jie; Liang, Haiou

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2018 , vol. 351, p. 87 - 94 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=80°C; 4 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Xu, Jie; Shang, Jie-Kun; Chen, Ye; Wang, Yue; Li, Yong-Xin

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017 , vol. 542, p. 380 - 388 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; sodium sulfate

Irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Wu, Zhongyi; Wang, Jie; Zhou, Zhaoyu; Zhao, Guohua

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017 , vol. 5, # 24 p. 12407 - 12415 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=100°C; 0.0666667 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Assal, Mohamed E.; Kuniyil, Mufsir; Shaik, Mohammed Rafi; Khan, Mujeeb; Al-Warthan, Abdulrahman; Siddiqui, Mohammed Rafiq H.; Adil, Syed Farooq

Journal of Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 2017, art. no. 2937108 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With palladium nanoparticle supported on 3D porous carbon framework in neat (no solvent) Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Niu, Shuo; Guo, Wenyao; Lin, Tsung-Wu; Yu, Weizhen; Wu, Yifei; Ji, Xiaobo; Shao, Lidong

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 42 p. 25885 - 25890 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With oxygen; isobutyraldehyde in acetic acid

T=50°C; 0.75 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature;

Malakooti; Feghhi

New Journal of Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 41, # 9 p. 3405 - 3413 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium carbonate in para-xylene

T=80°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Shaabani, Ahmad; Tabatabaei, Azadeh Tavousi; Hajishaabanha, Fatemeh; Shaabani, Shabnam

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2017 , vol. 148, # 12 p. 2079 - 2090 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

8 h; UV-irradiationSealed tube;

Liang, Jun; Li, Li

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017 , vol. 5, # 22 p. 10998 - 11008 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iron(III) 1,3,5-benzenetricarboxylate


Dhakshinamoorthy, Amarajothi; Santiago-Portillo, Andrea; Concepción, Patricia; Herance, José R.; Navalón, Sergio; Alvaro, Mercedes; Garcia, Hermenegildo

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 7, # 12 p. 2445 - 2449 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite in water

T=50°C; P=760.051 Torr; 7 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Ren, Pu; Fu, Xiaobo; Zhang, Yuanming

Catalysis Letters, 2017 , vol. 147, # 7 p. 1679 - 1685 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium carbonate in toluene

T=60°C; 6 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature;

Karami, Kazem; Hashemi, Sara; Dinari, Mohammad

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 31, # 8 art. no. E3672 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: 15 h / 85 °C / Inert atmosphere 2: lithium perchlorate / methanol / 0 °C / Inert atmosphere; Sealed tube; Electrochemical reaction; Cooling with ice View Scheme

Barone, Mateus R.; Jones, Alan M.

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 15, # 47 p. 10010 - 10015 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

46 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; C6H12N2O6P2(4-)*2Co(2+)*7.4H2O in ethyl acetate

T=60°C; 2.5 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Time; Show Experimental Procedure

Farrokhi, Alireza; Jafarpour, Maasoumeh; Najafzade, Reihaneh

Catalysis Letters, 2017 , vol. 147, # 7 p. 1714 - 1721 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With extract of Abelmoschus esculentus, leaves, India, Tamil Nadu, Thanjavur, local agricultural fields; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 5 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Bhavani; Manikandan; Paulraj; Dinesh; Durka; Antony, S. Arul

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2018 , vol. 18, # 6 p. 4072 - 4081 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [2-((pyridin-2ylmethylene)amino)ethanol]copper(II) chloride; copper; sodium carbonate in water

T=20°C; 16 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Jehdaramarn, Attawit; Pornsuwan, Soraya; Chumsaeng, Phongnarin; Phomphrai, Khamphee; Sangtrirutnugul, Preeyanuch

New Journal of Chemistry, 2018 , vol. 42, # 1 p. 654 - 661 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; oxygen

Enzymatic reaction;

Pickl, Mathias; Winkler, Christoph K.; Glueck, Silvia M.; Fraaije, Marco W.; Faber, Kurt

Molecules, 2017 , vol. 22, # 12 art. no. 2205 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

> 95 %Spectr.

With manganese(IV) oxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 4 h; Temperature;

Alegre-Requena, Juan V.; Marqués-López, Eugenia; Herrera, Raquel P.

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2018 , vol. 360, # 1 p. 124 - 129 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With oxygen

T=280°C; P=760.051 Torr; Gas phase; Reagent/catalyst;

Liu, Kun; Long, Houkun; Wang, Guangyi; Sun, Yongbin; Hou, Chao; Dong, Jian; Cao, Xiaoqun

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 86 p. 54861 - 54865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Mn0.75Co0.25Al2O4; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 10 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Bhavani; Manikandan; Jaganathan, Saravana Kumar; Shankar; Antony, S. Arul

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2018 , vol. 18, # 2 p. 1388 - 1395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

72 %Chromat.

With C3H4N2*C44H20Cl8N4(2-)*MnO(3+)*C2H3O2(1-) in dichloromethane T=-0.16°C; KineticsCatalytic behavior; Temperature;

Nasrollahi, Rahele; Zakavi, Saeed

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 2017, # 13 p. 2002 - 2010 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium tert-butylate; oxygen in dimethyl sulfoxide; toluene

T=160°C; 12 h; Schlenk techniqueSealed tube; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Li, Jinlei; Liu, Guoliang; Shi, Lijun; Xing, Qi; Li, Fuwei

Green Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 19, # 24 p. 5782 - 5788 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium ferrate(VI); sodium hydroxide in aq. phosphate buffer

T=25°C; pH=9.5; Kinetics; pH-valueTemperatureSolvent;

Xie, Jianhui; Lo, Po-Kam; Lam, Chow-Shing; Lau, Kai-Chung; Lau, Tai-Chu

Dalton Transactions, 2018 , vol. 47, # 1 p. 240 - 245 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=100°C; P=760.051 Torr; 48 h; Sealed tube; Catalytic behavior;

Ye, Jianglin; Ni, Kun; Liu, Jie; Chen, Guanxiong; Ikram, Mujtaba; Zhu, Yanwu

ChemCatChem, 2018 , vol. 10, # 1 p. 259 - 265 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 5 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Suguna; Shankar; Jaganathan, Saravana Kumar; Manikandan, Ayyar

Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2018 , vol. 18, # 2 p. 1019 - 1026 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C48H72CoN8OS8 in o-xylene

T=20°C; Inert atmosphere; Show Experimental Procedure

South Central University for Nationalities; Deng Kejian; Zhang Bingguang; Liu Yang; Yang Changjun; Zhang Zehui; Zhou Xuanmu; Ren Xiaomei

Patent: CN105175424 B, 2018 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0073; 0074 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 7 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Zhang, Wei-Hong; Shen, Jia-Jia; Wu, Jing; Liang, Xue-Yuan; Xu, Jie; Liu, Ping; Xue, Bing; Li, Yong-Xin

Molecular Catalysis, 2017 , vol. 443, p. 262 - 269 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With nitrosylsulfuric acid; oxygen in tetrachloromethane

T=-5 - 10°C; P=7500.75 Torr; 4 h; PressureSolventTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Liaoning University of Petroleum and Chemical Technology; Sheng Xuebin; Zhang Lu; Li Shenghui; Zheng Changyong

Patent: CN106565440 A, 2017 ; Location in patent: Paragraph 0015; 0016; 0017; 0018; 0021; 0022; 0023-0028 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With silver nanoparticles immobilized onto poly(4 vinylpyridine) functionalized Fe3O4 nanoparticles in toluene

10 h; Inert atmosphereReflux;

Bayat, Ahmad; Shakourian-Fard, Mehdi; Talebloo, Nazanin; Hashemi, Mohammed Mahmoodi

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2018 , vol. 32, # 2 art. no. E4061 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2-(dichloroiodo)pyridine in acetonitrile

24 h; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Yoshimura, Akira; Nguyen, Khiem C.; Nemykin, Victor N.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Arkivoc, 2017 , vol. 2018, # 2 p. 40 - 49 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With Au/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites T=74.84°C; 4 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Zhang, Yanhui; Guo, Hongxu; Weng, Wen; Fu, Ming-Lai

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017 , vol. 19, # 46 p. 31389 - 31398 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With α,α,α-trifluorotoluene; titanium(IV) oxide; oxygen

P=750.075 Torr; Irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Hu, Zengzeng; Quan, Huanhuan; Chen, Zhen; Shao, Yu; Li, Danzhen

Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 2018 , vol. 17, # 1 p. 51 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With Co(at)N-doped carbon yolk-shell nanocomposite; air in water

T=110°C; P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; Schlenk technique;

Chen, Huirong; Shen, Kui; Mao, Qing; Chen, Junying; Li, Yingwei

ACS Catalysis, 2018 , vol. 8, # 2 p. 1417 - 1426 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With high valent MnV(O) species T=-0.16°C;

Nasrollahi, Rahele; Zakavi, Saeed

New Journal of Chemistry, 2018 , vol. 42, # 3 p. 1806 - 1815 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With (2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline)-palladium(II) acetate; 2,6-dimethoxy-pquinone; tetrabutylammonium tetrafluoroborate; acetic acid in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=20°C; 8 h; ElectrolysisInert atmosphere; Show Experimental Procedure

Lybaert; Tehrani, K. Abbaspour; De Wael

Electrochimica Acta, 2017 , vol. 247, p. 685 - 691 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tetrakis[3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]boric acid bis(diethyl ether) complex; 2,6-di-tert-butyl4-(diphenylmethylene)-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-one in 1,2-dichloro-ethane

T=90°C; 48 h; Glovebox;

Fraser, Craig; Young, Rowan D.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2018 , vol. 83, # 1 p. 505 - 509 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite; Cd2[4-((E)-((2-((E)-((3-methylphenyl)imino)methyl)phenyl)imino)methyl)-N-pentyl-N-(4-((E)-((2-((E)(phenylimino)methyl)phenyl)imino)methyl)phenyl)aniline]Cl4; 1-ethyl-3-methyl imidazolium

T=20°C; 0.25 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Parsaee, Zohreh

Journal of Molecular Structure, 2017 , vol. 1146, p. 644 - 659 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in [D3]acetonitrile; water

T=25°C; 48 h; Solvent;

Dare, Nicola A.; Brammer, Lee; Bourne, Susan A.; Egan, Timothy J.

Inorganic Chemistry, 2018 , vol. 57, # 3 p. 1171 - 1183 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With C21H25ClIrN4O(1+)*CF3O3S(1-) in 1,2-dichloro-benzene T=150°C; 72 h; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst;

Mazloomi, Zahra; Pretorius, René; Pàmies, Oscar; Albrecht, Martin; Diéguez, Montserrat

Inorganic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 56, # 18 p. 11282 - 11298 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; copper(I) bromide in acetonitrile

T=23°C; 1 h;

Du, Xin; Luan, Yi; Yang, Fengxia; Ramella, Daniele; Shu, Xin

New Journal of Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 41, # 11 p. 4400 - 4405 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

90 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=100°C; 4 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Farhadi, Saeed; Hakimi, Mohammad; Maleki, Mansoureh

RSC Advances, 2018 , vol. 8, # 13 p. 6768 - 6780 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

60 %Spectr.


90.9 %Chromat.



Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 817415

Find similar reactions

A: 95% B: 5%

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

8 h; Reflux;

Zendehdel; Khanmohamadi; Mokhtari

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2010 , vol. 57, # 2 p. 205 - 212 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 93%

With sodium acetate; 4,7-di-(NaSO3Ph)-[1.10]phenanthroline-Pd(OAc)2 in water

T=100°C; P=22502.3 Torr; pH=6.5 - 11.5; 10 h;

Ten Brink, Gerd-Jan; Arends, Isabel W. C. E.; Sheldon, Roger A.

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2002 , vol. 344, # 3-4 p. 355 - 369 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 93% B: 7%

With C25H28ClIrN3S(1+)*F6P(1-); 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane 3 h; Reflux;

Hohloch, Stephan; Hettmanczyk, Lara; Sarkar, Biprajit

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2014 , # 20 p. 3164 - 3171 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 10.23% B: 89.77%

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

8 h; Reflux;

Zendehdel; Khanmohamadi; Mokhtari

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2010 , vol. 57, # 2 p. 205 - 212 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 88.2% B: 11.8%

With Cs5PMnW11O39; dihydrogen peroxide

T=80°C; 5 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Temperature; chemoselective reaction;

Rana, Surjyakanta; Maddila, Suresh; Pagadala, Ramakanth; Parida; Jonnalagadda, Sreekantha B.

Catalysis Communications, 2014 , vol. 59, p. 73 - 77 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 87% B: 3%

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetone

T=56°C; 2.5 h; chemoselective reaction;

Kikukawa, Yuji; Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Mizuno, Noritaka

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2010 , vol. 49, # 35 p. 6096 - 6100 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 86%

With sodium tungstate; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 4 h; Yields of byproduct given;

Sato, Kazuhiko; Aoki, Masao; Takagi, Junko; Noyori, Ryoji

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1997 , vol. 119, # 50 p. 12386 - 12387 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

A: 85% B: 0.7%

Stage #1: With platinum

T=90°C; 0.166667 h; Stage #2: With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 15 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure

National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology

Patent: EP1544188 A1, 2005 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 6 ;

A: 85% B: 5%

With ammonium nitrate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 0.416667 h;

Zarei, Amin

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2012 , vol. 33, # 7 p. 2149 - 2155 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 82.5% B: 17.5%

With sodium hypochlorite; C16H30N2O4Pol; sodium hydrogencarbonate; potassium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=0 - 2°C; pH=8.6; 1 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Shiomi, Yasuhiro; Uno, Osamu; Ohta, Akio; Sunakami, Takeshi

Patent: US2005/124807 A1, 2005 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 11 ;

A: 82% B: 18%

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in water; acetonitrile


Dhanalaxmi, Karnekanti; Singuru, Ramana; Kundu, Sudipta K.; Reddy, Benjaram Mahipal; Bhaumik, Asim; Mondal, John

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 43 p. 36728 - 36735 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 81% B: 13%

With oxygen in water

T=40°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Long, Yu; Yuan, Bing; Niu, Jianrui; Tong, Xin; Ma, Jiantai

New Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 39, # 2 p. 1179 - 1185 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 10% B: 80%

With ammonium metavanadate; perchloric acid in water

8 h; Heatingother arylmethanols; various reagents; Product distribution;

Banerjee; Dutt; Hazra; Datta

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 29, # 3 p. 257 - 262 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 80% B: 20%

With oxygen; cerium(IV) oxide; ruthenium

T=140°C; Oxidation; 9 h;

Vocanson; Guo; Namy; Kagan

Synthetic Communications, 1998 , vol. 28, # 14 p. 2577 - 2582 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 79% B: 0.4 μmol

Stage #1: in toluene

0.0833333 h; Ultrasonication; Stage #2: With oxygen in toluene

T=26.84 - 29.84°C; Irradiation;

Tsukamoto, Daijiro; Shiraishi, Yasuhiro; Sugano, Yoshitsune; Ichikawa, Satoshi; Tanaka, Shunsuke; Hirai, Takayuki

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012 , vol. 134, # 14 p. 6309 - 6315 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 21% B: 79%

With [Os(p-cymene)Cl(1-[2-(methylthio)phenyl]-4-phenyl-1H-1,2,3triazole)]*hexafluorophosphate; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Reflux;

Hohloch, Stephan; Hettmanczyk, Lara; Sarkar, Biprajit

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2014 , # 20 p. 3164 - 3171 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 77% B: 14%

With dihydrogen peroxide; methyltrioctylammonium tetrakis(oxodiperoxotungsto)phosphate

T=90°C; 0.75 h;

Venturello, Carlo; Gambaro, Mario

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 56, # 20 p. 5924 - 5931 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

A: 75% B: 8%

in water

6 h; Reflux;

Mamros, Audrey N.; Sharrow, Phillip R.; Weller, William E.; Luderer, Mark R.; Fair, Justin D.; Pazehoski, Kristina O.; Luderer, Matthew R.

Arkivoc, 2011 , vol. 2011, # 5 p. 23 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 75% B: 20%

With nickel(II) nitrate hexahydrate; iodine in water

T=25°C; 0.166667 h; Sonication; Show Experimental Procedure

Pasha, Mohamed Afzal; Nagashree, Shrivatsa

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2013 , vol. 20, # 3 p. 810 - 814 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 70% B: 12%

With ruthenium trichloride; iodobenzene; potassium hydrogen persulfate in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 1.5 h;

Yusubov, Mekhman S.; Zagulyaeva, Aleksandra A.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2009 , vol. 15, # 42 p. 11091 - 11094 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 30% B: 70%

With nickel(II) nitrate hexahydrate; iodine in water

T=25°C; 0.133333 h; Sonication; Show Experimental Procedure

Pasha, Mohamed Afzal; Nagashree, Shrivatsa

Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2013 , vol. 20, # 3 p. 810 - 814 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 70% B: 28%

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; chromium tetra(tert-butoxide) in benzene

T=20°C; 24 h;

Stepovik; Zaburdaeva; Fukin; Karaghiosoff

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 85, # 11 p. 2547 - 2559 Zh. Obshch. Khim., 2015 , vol. 85, # 11 p. 1805 - 1817,13 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

B: 69%

With 4 (acetylamino) 2,2,6,6 tetramethyl 1 oxopiperidinium tetrafluoroborate in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 480 h;

Qiu, Joseph C.; Pradhan, Priya P.; Blanck, Nyle B.; Bobbitt, James M.; Bailey, William F.

Organic Letters, 2012 , vol. 14, # 1 p. 350 - 353 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 23% B: 68%

With C32H25Cl2N6O2Rh2(1+)*Cl(1-); sodium carbonate in water

T=100°C; 12 h; Sealed tubeInert atmosphereGreen chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Wang, Xuewei; Wang, Chao; Liu, Yuxuan; Xiao, Jianliang

Green Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 18, # 17 p. 4605 - 4610 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 66% B: 4%

With potassium carbonate in Petroleum ether

Ambient temperatureelectrolysis (Beaker type circulation cell): nickel anode, steel cathode, 0.2 A, current consumption 3.4 F/mol;

Schneider, Roy; Schaefer, Hans-J.

Synthesis, 1989 , # 10 p. 742 - 743 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

A: 65% B: 33%

With trans-Na6lt;RuO2(H2TeO6)2gt; in water

24 h; various type and concentration of catalysts; time; Product distribution;

El-Hendawy, Ahmed M.; Griffith, William P.; Piggott, Brian; Williams, David J.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1988 , p. 1983 - 1988 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 65% B: 34%

With C30H24AgBr4N8(1+)*AgBr2(1-); potassium hydoxide in 1,2-dimethoxyethane

T=20°C; 12 h; Molecular sieveSchlenk technique; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTimeSolvent;

Han, Lei; Xing, Ping; Jiang, Biao

Organic Letters, 2014 , vol. 16, # 13 p. 3428 - 3431 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 65.4% B: 34.3%

Stage #1: With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in diethylene glycol dimethyl ether

T=65°C; 6 h; Stage #2: T=600°C; 2 h; Calcination; Activation energy;

Hinde, Christopher S.; Gill, Arran M.; Wells, Peter P.; Hor, T. S. Andy; Raja, Robert

ChemPlusChem, 2015 , vol. 80, # 8 p. 1226 - 1230 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 10% B: 60%

With superoxide; oxygen in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

15 h; electrolysis, divided electrolytic cell, mercury pool cathode, platinum foil anode, Bu4N+Br-,

Singh; Dwivedi; Misra

Synthesis, 1991 , # 4 p. 291 - 293 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 10% B: 60%

With oxygen

12 h; electrolysis: Hg cathode, plazinum foil anode, n-Bu4N(1+)*ClO4(1-) / DMF, -1.0 V vs SCE;

Singh, Manorama; Misra, Ram A.

Synthesis, 1989 , # 5 p. 403 - 404 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

A: 28% B: 59%

With peracetic acid; C24H29INO5 in acetic acid

T=30°C; 24 h;

Yakura, Takayuki; Ozono, Ayaka

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 353, # 6 p. 855 - 859 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 30% B: 59%

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in hexane; water

T=50°C; 10.5 h;

Zhang, Yuecheng; Huo, Wenge; Zhang, Hong-Yu; Zhao, Jiquan

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 75 p. 47261 - 47270

cyclohexene, constant potential -1.0 V vs. SCE, current 85 (initial) to 25 (final) mA;

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 58% B: 23%

With potassium permanganate; cetyltrimethylammonim bromide in dichloromethane

5 h;

Kumar, Anil; Jain, Nidhi; Chauhan

Synthetic Communications, 2004 , vol. 34, # 15 p. 2835 - 2842 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 57% B: 23%

With 2-Ethylhexanoic acid; (R,R)-Mn-dpn; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=0°C; Inert atmosphere; chemoselective reaction;

Ottenbacher, Roman V.; Talsi, Evgenii P.; Bryliakov, Konstantin P.

Chemical Record, 2018 , vol. 18, # 1 p. 78 - 90 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 56.5% B: 19.2%

With peroxygenase; dihydrogen peroxide in aq. phosphate buffer; acetonitrile

T=20°C; pH=7; 0.416667 h; Enzymatic reaction; pH-value; Show Experimental Procedure

Novozymes A/S; Landvik, Sara; Oestergaard, Lars H.; Kalum, Lisbeth

Patent: US9382559 B2, 2016 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 34 ;

A: 35% B: 55%

With sodium hydroxide; bromine in water

Different amounts of NaOH and Br2; MechanismProduct distribution;

Shapiro, Yu. M.; Pustovarova, O.P.; Baum, E.; Kul'nevich, V.G.

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, NY, United States), 1982 , vol. 18, # 11 p. 1132 - 1136 Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii, 1982 , vol. 18, # 11 p. 1463 - 1467 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 53% B: 18%

With C32H25Cl2N6O2Rh2(1+)*Cl(1-); sodium acetate in water

T=100°C; 12 h; Sealed tubeInert atmosphereGreen chemistry;

Wang, Xuewei; Wang, Chao; Liu, Yuxuan; Xiao, Jianliang

Green Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 18, # 17 p. 4605 - 4610 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 52% B: 40%

With 2O34W9Zn(12-)*W(6+)*3Zn(2+)*2H2O; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=135°C; P=2250.23 Torr; 0.25 h; Microwave irradiation;

Kasprzyk, Wiktor; Galica, Mateusz; Bednarz, Szczepan; Bogdal, Dariusz

Synlett, 2014 , vol. 25, # 19 p. 2757 - 2760 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 50%

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1 h;

Harada, Takashi; Ikeda, Shigeru; Hashimoto, Fumihiro; Sakata, Takao; Ikeue, Keita; Torimoto, Tsukasa; Matsumura, Michio

Langmuir, 2010 , vol. 26, # 22 p. 17720 - 17725 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 48% B: 49%

With 1,3-bis(2,4,6-trimethylphenyl)imidazole-2-ylidene silver chloride; potassium hydoxide in toluene

T=20°C; 12 h; Molecular sieveSchlenk technique; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTimeSolvent;

Han, Lei; Xing, Ping; Jiang, Biao

Organic Letters, 2014 , vol. 16, # 13 p. 3428 - 3431 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 47%

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=80°C; 6 h; Inert atmosphere;

Stolle, Achim; Ondruschka, Bernd; Morgenthal, Ingrid; Andersen, Olaf; Bonrath, Werner

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2011 , vol. 335, # 1-2 p. 228 - 235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 35% B: 46%

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; Rh2(Msip)4; sodium hydrogencarbonate in dichloromethane; water

Wusiman, Abudureheman; Lu, Chong-Dao

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 29, # 4 p. 254 - 258 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 42% B: 30%

With diphenylether; Fe(TAML)Li; [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene; water in acetone

T=25°C; 1 h; Green chemistry; Kinetics;

Napoly, Francois; Jean-Gerard, Ludivine; Goux-Henry, Catherine; Draye, Micheline; Andrioletti, Bruno

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 2014, # 4 p. 781 - 787 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 6.4% B: 35.5%

With 3-chloro-benzenecarboperoxoic acid; (5,10,15,20tetrakis(pentafluorophenyl)porphyrinato)iron(III) chloride in dichloromethane; acetonitrile

T=20°C; 0.166667 h;

Han, Jung Hee; Yoo, Sang-Kun; Seo, Jin Soo; Hong, Sung Jin; Kim, Seok Kyu; Kim, Cheal

Dalton Transactions, 2005 , # 2 p. 402 - 406 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 35.2%

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 0.5 h; ConcentrationReagent/catalystSolventTemperatureTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhou, Weiyou; Liu, Jie; Pan, Jiugao; Sun, Fu'An; He, Mingyang; Chen, Qun

Catalysis Communications, 2015 , vol. 69, p. 1 - 4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 28% B: 10%

With copper(ll) sulfate pentahydrate; sulfuric acid; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=80°C; 1.5 h;

Ahmad, Jahir Uddin; Raeisaenen, Minna T.; Leskelae, Markku; Repo, Timo

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 411-412, p. 180 - 187 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

T=40°C; 24 h; Sealed tube; chemoselective reaction;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

B: 10%

With iron(II) perchlorate monohydrate; oxygen; ozone

Overall yield = 85 percent;

Bataineh, Hajem; Pestovsky, Oleg; Bakac, Andreja

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 1629 - 1637 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 90 %Chromat. B: 9%

With [bis(acetoxy)iodo]benzene; [Al(OH)(bpydc)·0.07RuCl3(DMSO)·0.5H2O] in dichloromethane

T=22°C; 1.5 h; Sealed tube; Catalytic behavior;

Carson, Fabian; Agrawal, Santosh; Gustafsson, Mikaela; Bartoszewicz, Agnieszka; Moraga, Francisca; Zou, Xiaodong; Martin-Matute, Belen

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 48 p. 15337 - 15344 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

B: 3%

With ammonium cerium (IV) nitrate; sodium trimethylsilylpropionated4; C18H22N4O2Ru(2+)*2F6P(1-); water

T=20°C; 0.5 h;

Hirai, Yuichirou; Kojima, Takahiko; Mizutani, Yasuhisa; Shiota, Yoshihito; Yoshizawa, Kazunari; Fukuzumi, Shunichi

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2008 , vol. 47, # 31 p. 5772 - 5776 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 33.5 mg B: 39.8 mg

With phosphate buffer; [Ru(2,2':6':2''-terpyridine)(2,2'-bipyridine)O](2+) in water; tert-butyl alcohol

Ambient temperatureelectrooxidation, pH 6.8;

Navarro, Marcelo; Giovani, Wagner F.De; Romero, J.R.

Synthetic Communications, 1990 , vol. 20, # 3 p. 399 - 406 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

A: 23 % Chromat. B: 6 % Chromat.

With oxygen in benzene

15 h; Ambient temperatureIrradiation;

Suzuki; Yamazaki; Takabe; Morioka; Mizuno; Matsushima

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1984 , vol. 57, # 7 p. 1870 - 1875 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 41 % Chromat. B: 23 % Chromat.

With oxygen; N -hydroxyphthalimide in benzonitrile

T=100°C; P=760 Torr; 5 h;

Ishii, Yasutaka; Nakayama, Kouichi; Takeno, Mitsuhiro; Sakaguchi, Satoshi; Iwahama, Takahiro; Nishiyama, Yutaka

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 60, # 13 p. 3934 - 3935 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With nickel(II) sulphate; water; sodium phenylsulfonate

T=70°C; und Natronlauge an Nickel-Anoden;

McKee; Heard

Trans. eletroch. Soc., 1934 , vol. 65, p. 301,316 Full Text Show Details

With cobalt(II) sulfate; water; sodium phenylsulfonate

T=70°C; und Natronlauge an Nickel-Anoden;

McKee; Heard

Trans. eletroch. Soc., 1934 , vol. 65, p. 301,316 Full Text Show Details

With air; silica gel


I.G. Farbenind.

Patent: DE520828 ; Fortschr. Teerfarbenfabr. Verw. Industriezweige, vol. 16, p. 3011 Full Text Show Details

I.G. Farbenindustrie

Chem. Zentralbl., 1931 , vol. 102, # I p. 3287 Full Text Show Details

With air; vanadium pentoxide-pumice stone

T=400 - 480°C;

Schorigin; Kisber; Smoljankowa

Zhurnal Prikladnoi Khimii (Sankt-Peterburg, Russian Federation), vol. 2, p. 150 Chem. Zentralbl., 1929 , vol. 100, # II p. 730 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hydroxide; 3-methyl-10-ethyl-5-deazaisoalloxazine

T=90°C; 20 h; Yield given;

Yoneda, Fumio; Mori, Kenya; Matsuo, Sawako; Kadokawa, Yoko; Sakuma, Yoshiharu

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1981 , p. 1836 - 1839 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

bei der elektrolytischen Oxydation;


Memoirs of the College of Science, Kyoto Imperial University, vol. <A> 11, p. 383 Chem. Zentralbl., 1928 , vol. 99, # II p. 2331 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 60 % Chromat. B: 40 % Chromat.

With ammonium nitrate in sulfuric acid; water

T=20°C; var. ratio of reactants; Product distributionMechanism;

Rodkin, M. A.; Shtern, M. M.; Cheprakov, A. V.; Makhon'kov, D. I.; Merdaleishvili, R. E.; Beletskaya, I. P.

Journal of Organic Chemistry USSR (English Translation), 1988 , vol. 24, # 3 p. 434 - 440 Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1988 , vol. 24, # 3 p. 488 - 495 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With ruthenium trichloride; dihydrogen peroxide; N,N-didecyl-N,N-dimethylammonium bromide in

Barak, Gabriela; Dakka, Jihad; Sasson, Yoel


T=80°C; 0.75 h; other alipahtic primary and secondary alcohols and aliphatic allylic alcohol, other reaction time; selectivity of oxidation, effects of var. phase-transfer catalysts and some other metal salts; Product distribution;

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 53, # 15 p. 3553 - 3555 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With bromate; sulfuric acid; mercury(II) diacetate in water; acetic acid

T=40°C; 1.5 h; ΔG(excit.), ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.), Ea at 40 deg C; added salts: NaClO4, NaHSO4; Rate constantMechanismThermodynamic data;

Reddy, Ch. Sanjeeva; Sundaram, E. V.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical, 1984 , vol. 23, # 11 p. 911 - 916 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

A: 23 % Chromat. B: 6 % Chromat.

With oxygen in benzene

15 h; Ambient temperatureIrradiationother time, other solvent,; Product distribution;

Suzuki; Yamazaki; Takabe; Morioka; Mizuno; Matsushima

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1984 , vol. 57, # 7 p. 1870 - 1875 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hydroxide; benzyltrimethylammonium tribromide in tetrachloromethane; water

6 h; Ambient temperaturevariation of molar ratio on conditions; selective oxidation of further substituted benzyl alcohols; Product distribution;

Okamotom; Uesugi; Kakinami; Utsunomiya; Kajigaeshi

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1989 , vol. 62, # 11 p. 3748 - 3749 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ruthenium trichloride; sodium chloride in tetrachloromethane; water

T=25°C; electrochemical oxidation of alcohols and aldehydes by a biphasic ruthenium catalyzed phase transfer system; effect of pH; Product distribution;

Rajendran; Trivedi

Synthesis, 1995 , # 2 p. 153 - 154 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 73.5 % Chromat. B: 25.6 % Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide; molecular sieve in water

T=79.9°C; 18 h; var. of solvent; Product distribution;

Bhaumik, Asim; Kumar, Rajiv

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1995 , # 3 p. 349 - 350 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; CrAPO-5 in chlorobenzene

T=85°C; 16 h; other catalyst; oxidation of primary and secondary alcohols with TBHP and O2 catalyzed with chromium-substituted aluminophosphates; conversion; selectivity; possible mechanism; effect of radical scavengers; Product distribution;

Chen, Ji Dong; Lempers, Hans E. B.; Sheldon, Roger A.

Journal of the Chemical Society - Faraday Transactions, 1996 , vol. 92, # 10 p. 1807 - 1813 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 73 % Chromat. B: 5 % Chromat.

With cis-lt;RuVI(6,6'-Cl2bpy)2O2gt;lt;ClO4gt; in acetonitrile

T=20°C; Oxidation; 0.5 h;

Che; Cheng; Chan; Lau; Mak

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 65, # 23 p. 7996 - 8000 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 45 % Chromat. B: 23 % Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; cis-[RuII(6,6'-Cl2bpy)2(OH)2](CF3SO3)2 in acetone

T=20°C; Oxidation; 24 h;

Che; Cheng; Chan; Lau; Mak

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 65, # 23 p. 7996 - 8000 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium permanganate; copper(II) sulfate in dichloromethane

Oxidation; ultrasonic irradiation; Product distributionKinetics; Further Variations:TemperaturesReagentsultrasound effect;

Meciarova, Maria; Toma, Stefan; Heribanova, Andrea

Tetrahedron, 2000 , vol. 56, # 43 p. 8561 - 8566 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: With manganese(II) acetate; 1-bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-en-2-yl-CH2-4,7diMe[1,4,7]triazonane in methanol; acetone

T=0°C; 0.25 h; Stage #2: With oxalic buffer; dihydrogen peroxide in methanol; acetone

T=0 - 2°C; 4.5 h; Title compound not separated from byproducts;

Grenz; Ceccarelli; Bolm

Chemical Communications, 2001 , # 18 p. 1726 - 1727 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-oxo-piperidinium; GENERIC INORGANIC ANION in acetonitrile

T=10°C; Product distributionKinetics;

Ganiev; Suvorkina; Igoshina; Kabal'nova; Imashev; Tolstikov

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2002 , vol. 51, # 6 p. 982 - 985 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Ni-oxide in water

T=19.85 - 39.85°C; Activation energyKinetics;

Christoskova; Stoyanova

Water Research, 2002 , vol. 36, # 9 p. 2297 - 2303 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1-hydroxy-3H-benz[d][1,2]iodoxole-1,3-dione

T=60 - 90°C; 3 h;

Moorthy, Jarugu Narasimha; Singhal, Nidhi; Venkatakrishnan

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 28 p. 5419 - 5424

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 26.6 % Chromat. B: 73.2 % Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide; tetrapropylammonium perruthennate in diethyl ether

T=25°C; Product distribution; Further Variations:Catalystsrate of addition of H2O2;

Campestrini, Sandro; Carraro, Massimo; Ciriminna, Rosaria; Pagliaro, Mario; Tonellato, Umberto

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 39 p. 7283 - 7286 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With aqua(2,2'-bipyridine)(2,2':6',2''-terpyridine)ruthenium(II)(2+) in phosphate buffer

pH=7.2; 1 h; Electrolysis; Product distributionKinetics; Further Variations:times;

Geneste, Florence; Moinet, Claude

New Journal of Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 28, # 6 p. 722 - 726 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; streptavidin; biotinylated aminosulfonamide ruthenium piano stool in water; N,N-dimethyl-formamide; acetone

T=20°C; 90 h;

Thomas, Christophe M.; Letondor, Christophe; Humbert, Nicolas; Ward, Thomas R.

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 690, # 20 SPEC. ISS. p. 4488 - 4491 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 12.2 %Chromat. B: 36.2 %Chromat.

With sodium bromate; ammonium chloride in water; acetonitrile

T=80°C; 1 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: EP1661877 A1, 2006 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 17 ;

With CrMCM-41; oxygen in carbon dioxide

T=59.84 - 99.84°C; P=120012 Torr; 14 h; Product distribution;

Dapurkar, Sudhir E.; Kawanami, Hajime; Suzuki, Toshishige M.; Yokoyama, Toshirou; Ikushima, Yutaka

Chemistry Letters, 2008 , vol. 37, # 2 p. 150 - 151 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; [Cu2(triethanolamine)2(C6H5COO)2]*2H2O in acetonitrile

T=69.84°C; 2 h; Product distribution; Further Variations:TemperaturesCatalystsReagentsSolvents;

Zhu, Mingxia; Li, Bodong; He, Ping; Wei, Xin; Yuan, Youzhu

Tetrahedron, 2008 , vol. 64, # 39 p. 9239 - 9243 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 5-chloro-7-iodo-8-quinolinolatomanganese(III); dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetone

T=25°C; 3 h;

Ye, Zhengpei; Fu, Zaihui; Zhong, Sheng; Xie, Fang; Zhou, Xiaoping; Liu, Fenglan; Yin, Dulin

Journal of Catalysis, 2009 , vol. 261, # 1 p. 110 - 115 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 86 %Chromat. B: 5 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; diphenyl diselenide in decane; toluene

T=80°C; 8 h; ReactivityMechanismThermodynamic data; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Van Der Toorn, John C.; Kemperman, Gerjan; Sheldon, Roger A.; Arends, Isabel W.C.E.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 74, # 8 p. 3085 - 3089 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With cerium(IV)diammonium nitrate; N-benzyl-N,N',N'-tris(2-pyridylmethyl)ethane-1,2diamine; water in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 0.5 h;

Lee, Yong-Min; Dhuri, Sunder N.; Sawant, Sarvesh C.; Cho, Jaeheung; Kubo, Minoru; Ogura, Takashi; Fukuzumi, Shunichi; Nam, Wonwoo

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2009 , vol. 48, # 10 p. 1803 - 1806 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With CpMo(CO)3(CCPh); dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=80°C; 8 h; Reactivity; SolventTemperature; chemoselective reaction;

Biradar, Ankush V.; Dongare, Mohan K.; Umbarkar, Shubhangi B.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2009 , vol. 50, # 24 p. 2885 - 2888 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate; potassium dihydrogenphosphate; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=75°C; 12 h;

Shi, Feng; Tse, Man Kin; Li, Zuopeng; Beller, Matthias

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2008 , vol. 14, # 29 p. 8793 - 8797 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Iron(III) nitrate nonahydrate; oxygen

T=100°C; 1 h; Neat (no solvent); Mechanism; ConcentrationTemperatureTime;

Dressen, Mark H. C. L.; Stumpel, Jelle E.; Van De Kruijs, Bastiaan H. P.; Meuldijk, Jan; Vekemans, Jef A. J. M.; Hulshof, Lumbertus A.

Green Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 11, # 1 p. 60 - 64 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h;

Maity, Prasenjit; Gopinath, Chinnakonda S.; Bhaduri, Sumit; Lahiri, Goutam Kumar

Green Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 11, # 4 p. 554 - 561 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: With gold on titanium oxide in water

T=90°C; 0.166667 h; Inert atmosphere; Stage #2: With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 1.08333 h; Inert atmosphere; chemoselective reaction;

Ni, Ji; Yu, Wen-Jian; He, Lin; Sun, Hao; Cao, Yong; He, He-Yong; Fan, Kang-Nian

Green Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 11, # 6 p. 756 - 759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

A: 22 %Chromat. B: 50 %Chromat.

With oxygen in carbon dioxide

T=100°C; 12 h; Autoclave;

Wang, Jin-Quan; He, Liang-Nian; Miao, Cheng-Xia

Green Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 11, # 7 p. 1013 - 1017 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 49 %Chromat. B: 22 %Chromat.

With (VO)4(3-hydrocypicolinate(2-))4; oxygen in ethanol

T=120°C; P=7500.75 Torr; 3 h; Autoclave;

Kodama, Shintaro; Ueta, Yukihiro; Yoshida, Jun; Nomoto, Akihiro; Yano, Shigenobu; Ueshima, Michio; Ogawa, Akiya

Dalton Transactions, 2009 , # 44 p. 9708 - 9711 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=89.84°C; 6 h;

Zhao, Wei; Zhang, Yingshuai; Ma, Baochun; Ding, Yong; Qiu, Wenyuan

Catalysis Communications, 2010 , vol. 11, # 6 p. 527 - 531 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With water; oxygen

T=85°C; P=750.075 Torr; 3 h;

Yang, Xiaomin; Wang, Xiuna; Qiu, Jieshan

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2010 , vol. 382, # 1 p. 131 - 137 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With cerium (IV) sulfate tetrahydrate; lithium bromide in water


Nikishin; Sokova; Kapustina

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2009 , vol. 58, # 2 p. 303 - 308 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With hydrogen bromide; bromine; oxygen; sodium nitrite in water; acetonitrile

T=70°C; 24 h;

Uyanik, Muhammet; Fukatsu, Ryota; Ishihara, Kazuaki

Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2010 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 456 - 460 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 10 %Chromat. B: 87 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide; potassium carbonate

T=60°C; 1 h; Microwave irradiation; Kinetics;

Liu, Yongmei; Tsunoyama, Hironori; Akita, Tomoki; Tsukuda, Tatsuya

Chemistry Letters, 2010 , vol. 39, # 3 p. 159 - 161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 14 %Chromat. B: 42 mg

With dihydrogen peroxide; potassium carbonate

T=60°C; 1 h; Microwave irradiation; Kinetics;

Liu, Yongmei; Tsunoyama, Hironori; Akita, Tomoki; Tsukuda, Tatsuya

Chemistry Letters, 2010 , vol. 39, # 3 p. 159 - 161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With graphene oxide T=150°C; 144 h; Neat (no solvent);

Dreyer, Daniel R.; Jia, Hong-Peng; Bielawski, Christopher W.

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2010 , vol. 49, # 38 p. 6813 - 6816 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=160°C; 1 h; neat (no solvent);

Chen, Yuanting; Guo, Zhen; Chen, Tao; Yang, Yanhui

Journal of Catalysis, 2010 , vol. 275, # 1 p. 11 - 24 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Oxone; C26H20N2O3V; tetrabutylammomium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; 0.5 h;

Bagherzadeh, Mojtaba; Amini, Mojtaba

Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 63, # 21 p. 3849 - 3858 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 7 %Chromat. B: 77 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; [Co(4-nbz)2(py)2] in water; acetonitrile

T=82°C; 5 h;

Chakravorty, Stutee; Das, Birinchi K.

Polyhedron, 2010 , vol. 29, # 8 p. 2006 - 2013 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; acetic acid; sodium bromide in water

T=60°C; 4 h;

Qi, Xingyi; Wang, Jing; Zheng, Liwei; Qi, Lin

Synlett, 2011 , # 4 art. no. W17410ST, p. 555 - 558 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in 1,4-dioxane; water

T=85°C; 7 h;

Ding, Yong; Zhao, Wei

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2011 , vol. 337, # 1-2 p. 45 - 51 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2-Picolinic acid; manganese(II) perchlorate hexahydrate; dihydrogen peroxide; sodium acetate in [(2)H6]acetone; water

T=0 - 20°C; 16 h;

Pijper, Dirk; Saisaha, Pattama; De Boer, Johannes W.; Hoen, Rob; Smit, Christian; Meetsma, Auke; Hage, Ronald; Van Summeren, Ruben P.; Alsters, Paul L.; Feringa, Ben L.; Browne, Wesley R.

Dalton Transactions, 2010 , vol. 39, # 43 p. 10375 - 10381 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C8H10Cl2CuN4S; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 6 h; chemoselective reaction;

Islam; Roy, Anupam Singha; Mondal, Paramita; Mubarak, Manir; Mondal, Sanchita; Hossain, Dildar; Banerjee, Satabdi; Santra

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2011 , vol. 336, # 1-2 p. 106 - 114 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 24 %Spectr. B: 61 %Spectr.

With oxovanadium(IV) sulfate; 4-nitrophenyl(phenyl)methanol; oxygen; magnesium sulfate; 4,4'di-tert-butyl-2,2'- bipyridine in water

T=90°C; P=750.075 Torr; 22 h;

Kodama, Shintaro; Hashidate, Suguru; Nomoto, Akihiro; Yano, Shigenobu; Ueshima, Michio; Ogawa, Akiya

Chemistry Letters, 2011 , vol. 40, # 5 p. 495 - 497 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=75°C; 3 h;

Zhou, Chunmei; Chen, Yuanting; Guo, Zhen; Wang, Xin; Yang, Yanhui

Chemical Communications, 2011 , vol. 47, # 26 p. 7473 - 7475 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Agrocybe aegerita aromatic peroxygenase; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

pH=7; aq. phosphate bufferEnzymatic reaction;

Kinne, Matthias; Zeisig, Christian; Ullrich, Rene; Kayser, Gernot; Hammel, Kenneth E.; Hofrichter, Martin

Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2010 , vol. 397, # 1 p. 18 - 21 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=84.84°C; 8 h;

Zhao, Wei; Ding, Yong; Ma, Baochun; Qiu, Wenyuan

Synthetic Communications, 2012 , vol. 42, # 4 p. 554 - 562 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; urea in water

T=84.84°C; 8 h;

Zhao, Wei; Ding, Yong; Ma, Baochun; Qiu, Wenyuan

Synthetic Communications, 2012 , vol. 42, # 4 p. 554 - 562 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2C2H6O*C38H26CoN6S2(2+)*H2O*2NO3(1-); dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=20°C; 8 h; chemoselective reaction;

Nemati Kharat, Ali; Bakhoda, Abolghasem; Tamaddoni Jahromi, Bahareh

Polyhedron, 2011 , vol. 30, # 17 p. 2768 - 2775 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=140°C; P=7500.75 Torr;

Miedziak, Peter J.; He, Qian; Edwards, Jennifer K.; Taylor, Stuart H.; Knight, David W.; Tarbit, Brian; Kiely, Christopher J.; Hutchings, Graham J.

Catalysis Today, 2011 , vol. 163, # 1 p. 47 - 54 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; sodium hydroxide in water

T=80°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 3 h;

Guo, Hongfan; Kemell, Marianna; Al-Hunaiti, Afnan; Rautiainen, Sari; Leskelae, Markku; Repo, Timo

Catalysis Communications, 2011 , vol. 12, # 13 p. 1260 - 1264 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; graphite oxide T=100°C; 24 h; Product distribution / selectivity; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: WO2011/150329 A2, 2011 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 46-50 ;

With 4,4'-dimethyl-2,2'-bipyridines; copper(ll) sulfate pentahydrate; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1piperidinyloxy free radical; dihydrogen peroxide; potassium carbonate in water

T=80°C; 1.5 h;

Ahmad, Jahir Uddin; Raeisaenen, Minna T.; Leskelae, Markku; Repo, Timo

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 411-412, p. 180 - 187 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 89 %Chromat. B: 7 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylnitrite in 1,2-dimethoxyethane

T=100°C; 17 h; Inert atmosphere; Show Experimental Procedure

Hamasaki, Akiyuki; Kuwada, Hideyuki; Tokunaga, Makoto

Tetrahedron Letters, 2012 , vol. 53, # 7 p. 811 - 814 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=93.84°C; 0.5 h; Inert atmosphere;

Perez, Yolanda; Ballesteros, Ruth; Fajardo, Mariano; Sierra, Isabel; Del Hierro, Isabel

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2012 , vol. 352, p. 45 - 56 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With oxone; tetrabutylammomium bromide in dichloromethane; water

T=20°C; 0.5 h;

Bagherzadeh, Mojtaba; Amini, Mojtaba; Boghaei, Davar M.; Najafpour, Mohammad Mahdi; McKee, Vickie

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 25, # 7 p. 559 - 563 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; dioxo molybdenum cyclopentadienyl phenyl acetylide complex

T=80°C; 8 h; Show Experimental Procedure

COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC and INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH; UMBARKAR, Shubhangi, Bhalchandra; DONGARE, Mohan Keraba; BIRADAR, Ankush; ACHAM, Vaibhav, Ravindrakumar

Patent: WO2012/35555 A1, 2012 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 10 ;

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=50°C; 6 h;

Islam, Sk. Manirul; Roy, Anupam Singha; Mondal, Paramita; Salam, Noor

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2012 , vol. 358, p. 38 - 48 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [Rh(III)(OEP)(Cl)]/C; sodium hydroxide in water

T=25°C; Electrochemical reactionInert atmosphere;

Yamazaki, Shin-Ichi; Yao, Masaru; Fujiwara, Naoko; Siroma, Zyun; Yasuda, Kazuaki; Ioroi, Tsutomu

Chemical Communications, 2012 , vol. 48, # 36 p. 4353 - 4355 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 0.5 h; neat (no solvent);

Leng, Yan; Zhao, Pingping; Zhang, Mingjue; Wang, Jun

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2012 , vol. 358, p. 67 - 72 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=90°C; 24 h;

Yang, Jianhu; Qiu, Lihua; Liu, Baoqiang; Peng, Yingjing; Yan, Feng; Shang, Songmin

Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 49, # 21 p. 4531 - 4538 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 3-butyl-1,2-dimethyl-1H-imidazol-3-ium hydroxide in water

24 h; RefluxInert atmosphere;

Feng, Bo; Chen, Chen; Yang, Hanmin; Zhao, Xiuge; Hua, Li; Yu, Yinyin; Cao, Ting; Shi, Yu; Hou, Zhenshan

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2012 , vol. 354, # 8 p. 1559 - 1565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 46 %Chromat. B: 54 %Chromat.

With 13,17-bis(2-methoxycarbonylethyl)-2,7,12,18tetramethylporphinatocobalt(II); oxygen; isovaleraldehyde in acetone

T=60°C; 1 h;

Sun, Chengguo; Hu, Bingcheng; Liu, Zuliang

Heteroatom Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 23, # 3 p. 295 - 303 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=60°C; 8 h;

Islam, Sk Manirul; Mobarok, Manir; Mondal, Paramita; Roy, Anupam Singha; Salam, Noor; Hossain, Dildar; Mondal, Sanchita

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 37, # 1 p. 97 - 107 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With di-tert-butyl peroxide in water

T=60°C; 6 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Islam; Roy, Anupam Singha; Mondal, Paramita; Paul, Sumantra; Salam, Noor

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2012 , vol. 24, p. 170 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 2 h;

Leng, Yan; Wang, Jun; Jiang, Pingping

Catalysis Communications, 2012 , vol. 27, p. 101 - 104 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 60.8 %Chromat.

With [1,1′-(butane-1,4-diyl)-bis(3-methylimidazolium)]1.5 phosphotungstate; dihydrogen peroxide

T=90°C; 12 h; TimeTemperatureSolventReagent/catalyst;

Leng, Yan; Zhao, Pingping; Zhang, Mingjue; Chen, Guojian; Wang, Jun

Science China Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 55, # 9 p. 1796 - 1801 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Na*Zn2Sb2; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=85°C; 7 h;

Full Text Show Details

With {[(VIVO)(2,2'-bipyridine)(H2O)]2(μ-P2O7)}∙3H2O; triethylamine in neat (no solvent) T=100°C; Catalytic behavior; ConcentrationReagent/catalyst;

Full Text Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; [Fe(1,10-phenanthroline)2Cl2]NO3 in aq. buffer T=55°C; pH=1;

Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With [Fe(1,10-phenanthroline)2Cl2]NO3; dihydrogen peroxide in aq. buffer T=55°C; pH=2; ConcentrationSolventReagent/catalystpH-value;

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=90°C; 24 h;

Reis, Michele C.; Barros, Suellen D.T.; Lachter, Elizabeth R.; San Gil, Rosane A.S.; Flores, Jhonny H.; Pais Da Silva, Maria I.; Onfroy, Thomas

Catalysis Today, 2012 , vol. 192, # 1 p. 117 - 122 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; cis-(2,2'-bipyridine-κ2N,N)bis(perchlorate)manganese(II); potassium bromide in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 4 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Kani, Ibrahim; Kurtca, Mehmet

Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 36, # 6 p. 827 - 840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=29.84°C; 5 h; TemperatureConcentration;

Adam, Farook; Ooi, Wan-Ting

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 445-446, p. 252 - 260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 43 %Chromat. B: 38 %Chromat.

With potassium peroxymonosulfate; C72H58IN12O6Ru2 in dichloromethane; water

T=40°C; pH=1; 5 h;

Verho, Oscar; Dilenstam, Marlene D. V.; Kaerkaes, Markus D.; Johnston, Eric V.; Akermark, Torbjoern; Baeckvall, Jan-E.; Akermark, Bjoern

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 52 p. 16947 - 16954 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 22 %Chromat. B: 78 %Chromat.

With potassium peroxymonosulfate; C72H58IN12O6Ru2 in dichloromethane; water

T=40°C; pH=1; 5 h;

Verho, Oscar; Dilenstam, Marlene D. V.; Kaerkaes, Markus D.; Johnston, Eric V.; Akermark, Torbjoern; Baeckvall, Jan-E.; Akermark, Bjoern

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 52 p. 16947 - 16954 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 60 %Chromat. B: 31 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide; manganese(II) acetate in water; acetonitrile

T=50°C; 0.666667 h; Ionic liquid; TemperatureTime;

Wong, Wing-Leung; Ho, Kam-Piu; Lee, Lawrence Yoon Suk; So, Ming-Him; Chan, Tak Hang; Wong, Kwok-Yin

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2013 , vol. 453, p. 244 - 249 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 14 %Chromat. B: 74 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide; manganese(II) acetate in water

T=25°C; 0.333333 h; Ionic liquid;

Wong, Wing-Leung; Ho, Kam-Piu; Lee, Lawrence Yoon Suk; So, Ming-Him; Chan, Tak Hang; Wong, Kwok-Yin

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2013 , vol. 453, p. 244 - 249 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 7 h; Reflux;

Zhang, Zhenxin; Zhu, Qianqian; Ding, Yong

Synthetic Communications, 2013 , vol. 43, # 9 p. 1211 - 1218 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 60 %Chromat. B: 40 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in tetrachloromethane

1 h; Reflux; Show Experimental Procedure

Araghi, Mehdi; Ghorbani, Azam; Yeganeh, Faten Eshrati

Comptes Rendus Chimie, 2013 , vol. 16, # 2 p. 109 - 113 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water-d2

T=20°C; 0.583333 h; Reagent/catalystTime;

Eshtiagh-Hosseini, Hossein; Tabari, Taymaz; Eshghi, Hossein

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 25, # 6 p. 3307 - 3312 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium bromate; Ce(8-hydroxyquinolinate)4

T=80°C; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Li, Li; Yuan, Fugen; Li, Tingting; Zhou, Yuan; Zhang, Manman

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2013 , vol. 397, p. 69 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=120°C; P=6205.94 - 10343.2 Torr; 0.25 h; Microwave irradiationSealed tubeGreen chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Balu, Alina Mariana; Lin, Carol Sze Ki; Liu, Hongli; Li, Yingwei; Vargas, Carolina; Luque, Rafael

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2013 , vol. 455, p. 261 - 266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 86 %Chromat. B: 7 %Chromat.

With potassium phosphate tribasic trihydrate; oxygen in water

T=60°C; 12 h;

Tang, Lin; Guo, Xuefeng; Li, Yunfeng; Zhang, Shuai; Zha, Zhenggen; Wang, Zhiyong

Chemical Communications, 2013 , vol. 49, # 45 p. 5213 - 5215 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Full Text Show Details

With CoFe2O4; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=20 - 70°C; 10 h; Inert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Yan, Kai; Wu, Xu; An, Xia; Xie, Xianmei

Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2013 , vol. 552, p. 405 - 408 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tetrakis(tetrabutylammonium)decatungstate(VI); dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=135 - 140°C; P=25502.6 - 27002.7 Torr; 0.25 h; Microwave irradiation; Catalytic behavior; TemperaturePressureSolventTime;

Galica, Mateusz; Kasprzyk, Wiktor; Bednarz, Szczepan; Bogdal, Dariusz

Chemical Papers, 2013 , vol. 67, # 9 p. 1240 - 1244 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; Cu(9-(2'-hydroxy-3'-phenylthio-5'-tert-butylphenyl)-6-methylthio-3acetyl-5,7,8-triazanona-3,6,8-trien-2-one(2-)); potassium carbonate in water; acetonitrile

T=50°C; 24 h; Reagent/catalyst; Overall yield = 82.4 percentChromat.;

Arion, Vladimir B.; Platzer, Sonja; Rapta, Peter; Machata, Peter; Breza, Martin; Vegh, Daniel; Dunsch, Lothar; Telser, Joshua; Shova, Sergiu; Mac Leod, Tatiana C. O.; Pombeiro, Armando J. L.

Inorganic Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 52, # 13 p. 7524 - 7540 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=50°C; 6 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Salam, Noor; Sinha, Arjyabaran; Mondal, Paramita; Roy, Anupam Singha; Jana, Nikhil R.; Islam, Sk. Manirul

RSC Advances, 2013 , vol. 3, # 39 p. 18087 - 18098 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=100°C; P=4500.45 Torr; 2.5 h; Autoclave; PressureTemperature;

Silva, Tiago A. G.; Landers, Richard; Rossi, Liane M.

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2013 , vol. 3, # 11 p. 2993 - 2999 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=90°C; 24 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTime;

Narkhede, Nilesh; Patel, Anjali; Singh, Sukriti

Dalton Transactions, 2014 , vol. 43, # 6 p. 2512 - 2520 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 0.84 mol B: 0.15 mol

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; chromium tetra(tert-butoxide) in benzene


Stepovik; Potkina; Poddelskii

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 83, # 11 p. 2005 - 2017 Zh. Obshch. Khim., 2013 , vol. 83, # 11 p. 1805 - 1818,14 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; [Fe(N-(2-pyridylmethyl)iminodiethanolate) (NO3)]2(NO3)2*2CH3OH in methanol; dodecane

T=50°C; 24 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Shin, Jong Won; Bae, Jeong Mi; Kim, Cheal; Min, Kil Sik

Dalton Transactions, 2014 , vol. 43, # 10 p. 3999 - 4008 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; Cs5[PCo(H2O)Mo11O39]*6H2O; oxygen

T=90°C; 24 h; Reagent/catalystTemperatureTime; chemoselective reaction;

Pathan, Soyeb; Patel, Anjali

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2014 , vol. 4, # 3 p. 648 - 656 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl; tungusten oxide/alumina; oxygen in acetone

T=80°C; 4 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhu, Yaoqin; Xu, Jian; Lu, Ming

Catalysis Communications, 2014 , vol. 48, p. 78 - 84 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With (pyridinium)H3PMo11VO40; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=70°C; 1 h;

Palermo, Valeria; Villabrille, Paula I.; Vazquez, Patricia G.; Caceres, Carmen V; Tundo, Pietro; Romanelli, Gustavo P.

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2013 , vol. 125, # 6 p. 1375 - 1383 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in neat (no solvent) T=69.84°C; 24 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Pal, Nabanita; Cho, Eun-Bum; Kim, Dukjoon

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 18 p. 9213 - 9222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=60°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 5 h; Autoclave; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Islam, Sk. Manirul; Molla, Rostam Ali; Roy, Anupam Singha; Ghosh, Kajari; Salam, Noor; Iqubal, Md. Asif; Tuhina

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 761, p. 169 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Ti0.85V0.15O2; dihydrogen peroxide in methanol

T=20°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Amini, Mojtaba; Naslhajian, Hadi; Farnia, S. Morteza F.

New Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 38, # 4 p. 1581 - 1586 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in neat (no solvent) T=90°C; 4 h; Solvent;

Meng, Ling-Yan; Zhai, Shang-Ru; Li, Shi; Zhai, Bin; An, Qing-Da; Song, Xiao-Wei

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2014 , # 14 p. 2337 - 2344 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in neat (no solvent) T=90°C; 4 h;

Meng, Ling-Yan; Zhai, Shang-Ru; Li, Shi; Zhai, Bin; An, Qing-Da; Song, Xiao-Wei

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2014 , # 14 p. 2337 - 2344 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=75°C; 6 h; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Mobinikhaledi, Akbar; Zendehdel, Mojgan; Safari, Parvin

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 39, # 4 p. 431 - 442 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile

T=75°C; 6 h;

Mobinikhaledi, Akbar; Zendehdel, Mojgan; Safari, Parvin

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 39, # 4 p. 431 - 442 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With chromium (VI) oxide; periodic acid in toluene

T=20°C; 16 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Few, Chip S.; Williams, Kathryn R.; Wagener, Kenneth B.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 32 p. 4452 - 4454 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: in acetonitrile

T=50°C; 0.5 h; Inert atmosphereGreen chemistry; Stage #2: With tert.-butylhydroperoxide

T=90°C; 8 h; Inert atmosphereGreen chemistry; Temperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Mahdavi, Vahid; Hasheminasab, Hamid Reza

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014 , vol. 482, p. 189 - 197 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; N,N'-(ethylene)bis(4-[2(ethylthio)ethoxy]salicylideneimine); manganese(II) acetate; trifluoroacetic acid in acetonitrile

T=80°C; P=15001.5 Torr; 8 h; Mechanism; chemoselective reaction;

Raeisaenen, Minna T.; Al-Hunaiti, Afnan; Atosuo, Elisa; Kemell, Marianna; Leskelae, Markku; Repo, Timo

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2014 , vol. 4, # 8 p. 2564 - 2573 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; potassium carbonate in water

T=80°C; 1 h; Green chemistry; TimeTemperature;

Zhang, Mingmei; Sun, Qian; Yan, Zaoxue; Jing, Junjie; Wei, Wei; Jiang, Deli; Xie, Jimin; Chen, Min

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 66, # 5 p. 564 - 571 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2O39PW11(7-)*11K(1+)*Pr(3+)*22H2O; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 3 h; Green chemistry;

Saini, Mukesh Kumar; Gupta, Rakesh; Parbhakar, Swati; Singh, Surendra; Hussain, Firasat

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 72 p. 38446 - 38449 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=100°C; P=7500.75 Torr; 2 h; Autoclave; Show Experimental Procedure

Rautiainen, Sari; Simakova, Olga; Guo, Hongfan; Leino, Anne-Riikka; Kordas, Krisztian; Murzin, Dmitry; Leskelae, Markku; Repo, Timo

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014 , vol. 485, p. 202 - 206 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With water; dihydrogen peroxide; tungsten(VI) oxide; 1-methyl-3-octylimidazol-3-ium chloride in toluene

T=49.99 - 89.99°C; 8 h; Reagent/catalystSolventTime; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Chen, Long; Chen, Lifang; Ye, Yinmei; Qi, Zhiwen; Freund, Hannsjoerg; Sundmacher, Kai

Catalysis Communications, 2012 , vol. 28, p. 143 - 146 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 22 %Chromat. B: 50 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in neat liquid T=90°C; 12 h; Green chemistry;

Karimi, Babak; Rostami, Fatemeh Bakhshandeh; Khorasani, Mojtaba; Elhamifar, Dawood; Vali, Hojatollah

Tetrahedron, 2014 , # 36 p. 6114 - 6119 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

A: 65 %Chromat. B: 32 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 12 h; Green chemistry; Solvent;

Karimi, Babak; Rostami, Fatemeh Bakhshandeh; Khorasani, Mojtaba; Elhamifar, Dawood; Vali, Hojatollah

Tetrahedron, 2014 , # 36 p. 6114 - 6119 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide

T=70°C; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperatureSolvent;

Rathore, Puran Singh; Patidar, Rajesh; Thakore, Sonal

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 77 p. 41111 - 41121 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium hydoxide in water

T=60°C; 24 h; Schlenk technique;

Deraedt, Christophe; Wang, Dong; Salmon, Lionel; Etienne, Laetitia; LabrugA re, Christine; Ruiz, Jaime; Astruc, Didier

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 2 p. 303 - 308 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With (poly ionic liquid)PIL(at)SiO2-Pd in water

T=65°C; 5 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Yang, Yan; Ambrogi, Martina; Kirmse, Holm; Men, Yongjun; Antonietti, Markus; Yuan, Jiayin

Chemistry of Materials, 2015 , vol. 27, # 1 p. 127 - 132 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=120 - 125°C; P=12376.2 Torr; 0.0833333 h; Microwave irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Yepez, Alfonso; Lam, Frank L. Y.; Romero, Antonio A.; Kappe, C. Oliver; Luque, Rafael

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 2 p. 276 - 282 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=100°C; P=1520.1 Torr; 2.5 h; Reagent/catalyst;

De Moura, Edmilson M.; Garcia, Marco A. S.; Gonalves, Renato V.; Kiyohara, Pedro K.; Jardim, Renato F.; Rossi, Liane M.

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 20 p. 15035 - 15041 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in neat (no solvent) T=100°C; P=1520.1 Torr; 2.5 h;

De Moura, Edmilson M.; Garcia, Marco A. S.; Gonalves, Renato V.; Kiyohara, Pedro K.; Jardim, Renato F.; Rossi, Liane M.

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 20 p. 15035 - 15041 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 65 %Chromat. B: 13 %Chromat.

With α,α,α-trifluorotoluene; oxygen

T=20°C; 2 h; UV-irradiation; Kinetics;

Koutsouroubi, Eirini D.; Xylouri, Alexandra K.; Armatas, Gerasimos S.

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 21 p. 4481 - 4484 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 22 %Chromat. B: 50 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in neat (no solvent) T=90°C; 12 h; Green chemistry; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Karimi, Babak; Rostami, Fatemeh Bakhshandeh; Khorasani, Mojtaba; Elhamifar, Dawood; Vali, Hojatollah

Tetrahedron, 2014 , vol. 70, # 36 p. 6114 - 6119 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 65 %Chromat. B: 32 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 12 h; Green chemistry; Solvent; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Karimi, Babak; Rostami, Fatemeh Bakhshandeh; Khorasani, Mojtaba; Elhamifar, Dawood; Vali, Hojatollah

Tetrahedron, 2014 , vol. 70, # 36 p. 6114 - 6119 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 13 %Spectr. B: 47 %Spectr.

With cesiumhydroxide monohydrate; oxygen in 1,3,5-trimethyl-benzene

T=140°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h;

Wang, Chao; Chen, Changpeng; Han, Jian; Zhang, Jingyu; Yao, Yingming; Zhao, Yingsheng

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 2015, # 13 p. 2972 - 2977 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in neat liquid T=90°C; 4 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Meng, Ling-Yan; Zhai, Shang-Ru; Li, Shi; Zhai, Bin; An, Qing-Da; Song, Xiao-Wei

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 2014, # 14 p. 2337 - 2344 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With phosphoric acid; dihydrogen peroxide; sodium hydroxide in water

T=50°C; pH=8.5; 2 h;

Wu, Xiaochen; Guo, Shouwu; Zhang, Jingyan

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 29 p. 6318 - 6321 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With manganese(IV) oxide; oxygen in octanol

T=89.84°C; P=757.576 Torr; 0.333333 h; Kinetics; TemperatureReagent/catalystPressure;

Saeed, Muhammad; Ilyas, Mohammad; Siddique, Mohsin

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2015 , vol. 47, # 7 p. 447 - 460 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=80°C; 18 h; Sealed tube; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Overall yield = 96 percentSpectr.;

Lee, Li-Chen; Xiao, Chaoxian; Huang, Wenyu; Zhao, Yan

New Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 39, # 4 p. 2459 - 2466 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in water

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h; IrradiationGreen chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Yang, Juan; Wang, Xiaohan; Chen, Yumei; Dai, Jun; Sun, Shihao

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 13 p. 9771 - 9782 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 58 %Chromat. B: 15 %Chromat.

With sodium periodate; C42H38Cl2N8O2Ru in tetrachloromethane; water; acetonitrile

T=70°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

El-Shobaky, Amira R.

Synthesis and Reactivity in Inorganic, Metal-Organic and Nano-Metal Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 45, # 10 p. 1481 - 1488 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [Ru(p-cymene)Cl(1-[2-(methylthio)phenyl]-4-phenyl-1H-1,2,3triazole)]*hexafluorophosphate; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

3 h; Reflux; Reagent/catalyst;

Hohloch, Stephan; Hettmanczyk, Lara; Sarkar, Biprajit

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 2014, # 20 p. 3164 - 3171 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [Os(p-cymene)Cl(1-[2-(methylthio)phenyl]-4-phenyl-1H-1,2,3triazole)]*hexafluorophosphate; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

1 h; Reflux;

Hohloch, Stephan; Hettmanczyk, Lara; Sarkar, Biprajit

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 2014, # 20 p. 3164 - 3171 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridine; oxygen in water

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3 h;

Rana, Surjyakanta; Maddila, Suresh; Jonnalagadda, Sreekantha B.

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2015 , vol. 5, # 6 p. 3235 - 3241 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 60 %Chromat. B: 10 %Chromat.

With sodium periodate; C14H30Cl2FeN4(1+)*F6P(1-) in 2,2,2-trifluoroethanol; water

T=23°C; 22 h;

Tan, Peng; Kwong, Hoi-Ki; Lau, Tai-Chu

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 61 p. 12189 - 12192 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Au NCs/TiO2; oxygen in cyclohexane

T=60°C; P=1500.15 Torr;

Villa, Alberto; Ferri, Davide; Campisi, Sebastiano; Chan-Thaw, Carine E.; Lu, Ye; Kröcher, Oliver; Prati, Laura

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 16 p. 2534 - 2541 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=120°C; 4 h; Inert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Zhu, Yaoqin; Shen, Mengnan; Xia, Yonggen; Lu, Ming

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 29, # 3 p. 152 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N -hydroxyphthalimide; oxygen in acetonitrile

T=25°C; P=760.051 Torr; 28 h; IrradiationGreen chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhang, Pengfei; Deng, Jiang; Mao, Jianyong; Li, Haoran; Wang, Yong

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 36, # 9 p. 1580 - 1586 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

A: 26 %Chromat. B: 30 %Chromat.

With C60H62Fe2Li2N10O7(2+)*2ClO4(1-); dihydrogen peroxide; acetic acid in water; acetonitrile

T=30°C; 3 h;

Das, Biswanath; Al-Hunaiti, Afnan; Haukka, Matti; Demeshko, Serhiy; Meyer, Steffen; Shteinman, Albert A.; Meyer, Franc; Repo, Timo; Nordlander, Ebbe

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 2015, # 21 p. 3590 - 3601 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=80°C; 6 h; Inert atmosphere; SolventReagent/catalystTemperatureTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Hu, Jing; Zou, Yongcun; Liu, Jing; Sun, Jian; Yang, Xiaoyuan; Kan, Qiubin; Guan, Jingqi

Research on Chemical Intermediates, 2015 , vol. 41, # 8 p. 5703 - 5712 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 83 %Spectr. B: 10 %Spectr.

With dmap; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; sodium dodecyl-sulfate in water

T=25°C; 1 h; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction;

Chen, Ba-Tian; Bukhryakov, Konstantin V.; Sougrat, Rachid; Rodionov, Valentin O.

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 2 p. 1313 - 1317 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 21 %Chromat. B: 78 %Chromat.

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=90°C; P=760.051 Torr; 15 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Karimi, Babak; Khorasani, Mojtaba; Vali, Hojatollah; Vargas, Carolina; Luque, Rafael

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 7 p. 4189 - 4200 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; C27H22N4*3Co(2+)*2.5C8H4O4(2-)*C2H3O2(1-) in acetonitrile

T=60°C; 24 h;

Wang, Jian-Cheng; Ding, Feng-Wen; Ma, Jian-Ping; Liu, Qi-Kui; Cheng, Jun-Yan; Dong, Yu-Bin

Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 54, # 22 p. 10865 - 10872 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium carbonate in toluene

T=90°C; 6 h;

Karami, Kazem; Naeini, Nasrin Haghighat; Eigner, Vaclav; Dusek, Michal; Lipkowski, Janusz; Hervés, Pablo; Tavakol, Hossein

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 124 p. 102424 - 102435 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=120°C; 6 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Yang, Xiaoyuan; Wu, Shujie; Peng, Ling; Hu, Jing; Wang, Xiufang; Fu, Xiaoran; Huo, Qisheng; Guan, Jingqi

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 124 p. 102508 - 102515 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in acetone

Chi, Hui; Cao, Liqin; Wang, Jide

T=80°C; 5 h; Catalytic behavior; Solvent;

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 4434 - 4441 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=80°C; P=759.826 Torr; 16 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Karimi, Babak; Naderi, Zahra; Khorasani, Mojtaba; Mirzaei, Hamid M.; Vali, Hojatollah

ChemCatChem, 2016 , vol. 8, # 5 p. 906 - 910 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate

T=100°C; P=4500.45 Torr; 1 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Ferraz, Camila P.; Garcia, Marco Aurélio S.; Teixeira-Neto, Érico; Rossi, Liane M.

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 30 p. 25279 - 25285 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Cumene hydroperoxide; C12H16BrMo6NO18(2-)*2C16H36N(1+) in toluene T=80°C; 48 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Jangir, Ritambhara; Antony, Rajendran; Murugavel, Ramaswamy

New Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 40, # 2 p. 1004 - 1013 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C33H33N5O8Ru; dihydrogen peroxide in dichloromethane; water

T=25°C; 4 h; Schlenk techniqueInert atmosphere;

Isozaki, Katsuhiro; Yokoi, Tomoya; Yoshida, Ryota; Ogata, Kazuki; Hashizume, Daisuke; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Sadakane, Koichiro; Takaya, Hikaru; Nakamura, Masaharu

Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2016 , vol. 11, # 7 p. 1076 - 1091 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide

Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Aktaş, Ayşe; Acar, Irfan; Saka, Ece Tuǧba; Biyiklioglu, Zekeriya

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 815-816, p. 1 - 7 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With trimagnesium phosphate; oxygen in neat liquid T=100°C; P=3000.3 Torr; 8 h; AutoclaveGreen chemistry; Catalytic behavior; TemperaturePressureReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Debnath, Suman; Saxena, Sandeep K.; Nagabhatla, Viswanadham

Catalysis Communications, 2016 , vol. 84, p. 129 - 133 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 44.8 %Chromat. B: 22.4 %Chromat.

With 1H-imidazole; tert.-butylhydroperoxide; N -hydroxyphthalimide; [Fe(bpc)Cl2][Et4N] in acetonitrile

T=50°C; 7 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Bae, Jeong Mi; Lee, Myoung Mi; Lee, Seul Ah; Lee, Sun Young; Bok, Kwon Hee; Kim, Jinheung; Kim, Cheal

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2016 , vol. 451, p. 8 - 15 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 24 %Chromat. B: 20 %Chromat.

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; Cs5V14As8O42Cl in water; acetone

T=20°C; 24 h;

Campbell, McKenzie L.; Sulejmanovic, Dino; Schiller, Jacqueline B.; Turner, Emily M.; Hwu, Shiou-Jyh; Whitehead, Daniel C.

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 6, # 9 p. 3208 - 3213 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide

T=90°C; Reagent/catalyst;

Alqurashi, Ghada K.; Al-Shehri, Abdulmohsen; Narasimharao, Katabathini

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 75 p. 71076 - 71091 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium hydoxide in water

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 2 h;

Gao, Wenjun; Li, Siwen; Pal, Manas; Liu, Yong; Wan, Xiaoyue; Li, Wei; Wang, Shuai; Wang, Changyao; Zheng, Gengfeng; Zhao, Dongyuan

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 66 p. 61064 - 61072 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [MoO3(1,2,4-triazole)0.5]; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=70°C; 48 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Amarante, Tatiana R.; Neves, Patrícia; Valente, Anabela A.; Paz, Filipe A. Almeida; Pillinger, Martyn; Gonçalves, Isabel S.

Journal of Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 340, p. 354 - 367 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; [Mn(C6H5COO)(H2O)(1,10-phenanthroline)2](ClO4)(CH3OH) in water; acetonitrile

T=70°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Kani, Ibrahim; Bolat, Serkan

Applied Organometallic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 30, # 8 p. 713 - 721 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With (copper(II))(di-methyl-Salen); dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=79.84°C; 18 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Godhani, Dinesh R.; Nakum, Haresh D.; Parmar, Digvijaysinh K.; Mehta, Jignasu P.; Desai, Nisheeth C.

Inorganic Chemistry Communications, 2016 , vol. 72, p. 105 - 116 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 47 %Chromat. B: 53 %Chromat.

A: 36 %Spectr. B: 59 %Spectr.

A: 86 %Chromat. B: 13 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 12 h; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Zohreh, Nasrin; Tavakolizadeh, Maryam; Hosseini, Seyed Hassan; Jahani, Mahboobeh; Pourjavadi, Ali; Bennett, Craig

New Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 40, # 12 p. 10325 - 10332 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 50 %Spectr. B: 50 %Spectr.

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; laccase from Trametes versicolor; oxygen in water

T=20°C; 192 h; Enzymatic reaction; Temperature;

Galletti, Paola; Pori, Matteo; Funiciello, Federica; Soldati, Roberto; Ballardini, Alberto; Giacomini, Daria

ChemSusChem, 2014 , vol. 7, # 9 p. 2684 - 2689 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 38 %Chromat. B: 30 %Chromat.

With C32H22CuN4O2; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=60°C; 4 h; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Abdel-Rahman, Laila H.; Abu-Dief, Ahmed M.; Adam, Mohamed Shaker S.; Hamdan, Samar Kamel

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 8 p. 1373 - 1396 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 29 %Chromat. B: 33 %Chromat.

With C32H22CuN4O2; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=90°C; 4 h; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Abdel-Rahman, Laila H.; Abu-Dief, Ahmed M.; Adam, Mohamed Shaker S.; Hamdan, Samar Kamel

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 8 p. 1373 - 1396 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 57 %Chromat. B: 43 %Chromat.

With C23H17BrCuN4O7; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=60°C; 2 h; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Abdel-Rahman, Laila H.; Abu-Dief, Ahmed M.; Adam, Mohamed Shaker S.; Hamdan, Samar Kamel

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 8 p. 1373 - 1396 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 18 %Chromat. B: 55 %Chromat.

With C23H17BrCuN4O7; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=70°C; 6 h; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Abdel-Rahman, Laila H.; Abu-Dief, Ahmed M.; Adam, Mohamed Shaker S.; Hamdan, Samar Kamel

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 8 p. 1373 - 1396 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 47 %Chromat. B: 25 %Chromat.

With C27H20CuN4O7; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=60°C; 2 h; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Abdel-Rahman, Laila H.; Abu-Dief, Ahmed M.; Adam, Mohamed Shaker S.; Hamdan, Samar Kamel

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 8 p. 1373 - 1396 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 41 %Chromat. B: 43 %Chromat.

With C27H20CuN4O7; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=80°C; 4 h; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Abdel-Rahman, Laila H.; Abu-Dief, Ahmed M.; Adam, Mohamed Shaker S.; Hamdan, Samar Kamel

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 8 p. 1373 - 1396 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium carbonate in water

T=26.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Ishida, Ryo; Arii, Setsuka; Kurashige, Wataru; Yamazoe, Seiji; Koyasu, Kiichirou; Negishi, Yuichi; Tsukuda, Tatsuya

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 37, # 10 p. 1656 - 1661 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=50°C; 3 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureReagent/catalyst;

Kamiloğlu, Ayşe Aktaş; Acar, İrfan; Biyiklioglu, Zekeriya; Saka, Ece Tuğba

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 828, p. 59 - 67 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=99.84°C; 1 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Temperature;

Siddique, Mohsin; Ilyas, Mohammad; Saeed, Muhammad

Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan, 2016 , vol. 38, # 3 p. 454 - 462 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=90°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior;

Aktaş, Ayşe; Acar, İrfan; Saka, Ece Tuğba; Biyiklioglu, Zekeriya; Kantekin, Halit

Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 86, # 3-4 p. 183 - 190 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 83 %Spectr. B: 17 %Spectr.

With 1,1,1,3',3',3'-hexafluoro-propanol; nitric acid

T=20°C; 4 h;

Možina, Štefan; Stavber, Stojan; Iskra, Jernej

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 2017, # 3 p. 448 - 452 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

Buxaderas, Eduardo; Graziano-Mayer, Marilyn; Volpe, María Alicia; Radivoy, Gabriel

T=110°C; P=760.051 Torr; Reagent/catalyst;

Synthesis (Germany), 2017 , vol. 49, # 6 art. no. SS-2016-M0473-OP, p. 1387 - 1393 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 6 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=90°C; 12 h; Green chemistry;

Zohreh, Nasrin; Tavakolizadeh, Maryam; Hosseini, Seyed Hassan; Pourjavadi, Ali; Bennett, Craig

Polymer (United Kingdom), 2017 , vol. 112, p. 342 - 350 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hypochlorite in water

T=50°C; 24 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhou, Mi; Cai, Songtao; Li, Jie; Qian, Xin; Zheng, Haha

Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 87, # 1-2 p. 45 - 51 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1 h; Inert atmosphere; Show Experimental Procedure

Sedrpoushan, Alireza; Heidari, Masoud; Akhavan, Omid

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2017 , vol. 38, # 4 p. 745 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 9 h; Inert atmosphere; Show Experimental Procedure

Sedrpoushan, Alireza; Heidari, Masoud; Akhavan, Omid

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2017 , vol. 38, # 4 p. 745 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With water; sodium sulfate

T=20°C; 1 h; IrradiationElectrochemical reactionGreen chemistry;

Zhang, Ruikang; Shao, Mingfei; Li, Zhenhua; Ning, Fanyu; Wei, Min; Evans, David G.; Duan, Xue

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2017 , vol. 23, # 34 p. 8142 - 8147 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C28H27Br3N4O6V2; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=70°C; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; SolventTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Bikas, Rahman; Shahmoradi, Elaheh; Noshiranzadeh, Nader; Emami, Marzieh; Reinoso, Santiago

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2017 , vol. 466, p. 100 - 109 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 67 %Chromat. B: 16 %Chromat.

With Nitrogen dioxide in acetonitrile

T=140°C; P=760.051 Torr; 5 h; Sealed tube;

Ren, Fangping; Tian, Xinzhe; Ren, Yun-Lai; Zhao, Shuang; Wang, Jianji; Zhao, Bo

Catalysis Communications, 2017 , vol. 101, p. 98 - 101 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hydroxide in water; toluene

T=100°C; P=760.051 Torr; 4 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Weston, Jack O.; Miyamura, Hiroyuki; Yasukawa, Tomohiro; Sutarma, Dedi; Baker, Chloe A.; Singh, Preabjot K.; Bravo-Sanchez, Mariela; Sano, Naoko; Cumpson, Peter J.; Ryabenkova, Yulia; Kobayashi, Shu; Conte, Marco

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 7, # 18 p. 3985 - 3998 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=30°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Yoskamtorn, Tatchamapan; Yamazoe, Seiji; Takahata, Ryo; Nishigaki, Jun-Ichi; Thivasasith, Anawat; Limtrakul, Jumras; Tsukuda, Tatsuya

ACS Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 4, # 10 p. 3696 - 3700 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Ru(2,4,6-tris(2-pyridyl)-s-triazine)Cl3

Electrolysis; Reagent/catalyst;

Yamaguchi, Shingi; Kamiya, Kazuhide; Hashimoto, Kazuhito; Nakanishi, Shuji

Chemical Communications, 2017 , vol. 53, # 75 p. 10437 - 10440 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Na*Zn2Sb2; dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=85°C; 7 h;

Ni, Lubin; Patscheider, Joerg; Baldridge, Kim K.; Patzke, Greta R.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 42 p. 13293 - 13298 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2O33W10Zn(2-)*46H2O*4Zn(2+)*2Sb(3+)*10Na(1+); dihydrogen peroxide in water

T=85°C; 7 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Ni, Lubin; Patscheider, Joerg; Baldridge, Kim K.; Patzke, Greta R.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 42 p. 13293 - 13298 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium hydoxide in water

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 8 h; UV-irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Gu, Yulong; Li, Chunping; Bai, Jie; Liang, Haiou

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2018 , vol. 351, p. 87 - 94 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=70°C; 7 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Cánepa, Analía L.; Elías, Verónica R.; Vaschetti, Virginia M.; Sabre, Ema V.; Eimer, Griselda A.; Casuscelli, Sandra G.

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017 , vol. 545, p. 72 - 78 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=60°C; P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; UV-irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Zhou, Min; Yang, Pengju; Yuan, Rusheng; Asiri, Abdullah M.; Wakeel, Muhammad; Wang, Xinchen

ChemSusChem, 2017 , vol. 10, # 22 p. 4451 - 4456 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in neat (no solvent) T=100°C; P=1500.15 Torr; 2.5 h; Green chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

De Abreu, Wiury C.; Garcia, Marco A. S.; Nicolodi, Sabrina; De Moura, Carla V. R.; De Moura, Edmilson M.

RSC Advances, 2018 , vol. 8, # 7 p. 3903 - 3909 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With [Mo2O6(m-trtzH)(H2O)2]; dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=70°C; 24 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Neves, Patrícia; Lysenko, Andrey B.; Gomes, Ana C.; Pillinger, Martyn; Gonçalves, Isabel S.; Valente, Anabela A.

Catalysis Letters, 2017 , vol. 147, # 5 p. 1133 - 1143 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide

T=60°C; 0.5 h; Green chemistry; Temperature;

Karimi, Hirbod

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2015 , vol. 62, # 7 p. 604 - 613 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar 50%

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 8565355

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With manganese(IV) oxide in dichloromethane

T=20°C; Oxidation; 24 h;

Veith; Oldham; Dettner; Pasteels; Boland

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1997 , vol. 23, # 2 p. 429 - 443 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; aluminum oxide; ruthenium in various solvent(s) T=59.85°C; P=760 Torr; Activation energy;

Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Mizuno, Noritaka

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2002 , vol. 41, # 23 p. 4538 - 4542 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C33H32N7O7P2Ru; sodium acetate

T=23°C; pH=5; Electrochemical reaction; Kinetics;

Vannucci, Aaron K.; Hull, Jonathan F.; Chen, Zuofeng; Binstead, Robert A.; Concepcion, Javier J.; Meyer, Thomas J.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2012 , vol. 134, # 9 p. 3972 - 3975 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With FeII(1,3-bis(2'-pyridylimino)isoindoline)(CH3CN)3(H2O)0.5(ClO4)2; dihydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile

T=25°C; Inert atmosphere; Kinetics;

Pap, Jozsef S.; Cranswick, Matthew A.; Balogh-Hergovich; Barath, Gabor; Giorgi, Michel; Rohde, Gregory T.; Kaizer, Jozsef; Speier, Gabor; Que Jr., Lawrence

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2013 , # 22-23 p. 3858 - 3866 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1H-imidazole; tert.-butylhydroperoxide; N -hydroxyphthalimide; [Fe(bpc)Cl2][Et4N] in acetonitrile

T=50°C; 1 h; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Bae, Jeong Mi; Lee, Myoung Mi; Lee, Seul Ah; Lee, Sun Young; Bok, Kwon Hee; Kim, Jinheung; Kim, Cheal

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2016 , vol. 451, p. 8 - 15 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium ferrate(VI); sodium hydroxide in aq. phosphate buffer; tert-butyl alcohol

T=25°C; pH=9.5; Kinetics;

Xie, Jianhui; Lo, Po-Kam; Lam, Chow-Shing; Lau, Kai-Chung; Lau, Tai-Chu

Dalton Transactions, 2018 , vol. 47, # 1 p. 240 - 245 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 9272168

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Synthesize Find similar

B: 90%

With polystyrene-supported(catecholato) oxoRe cat. act. by iPrOH; dimethyl sulfoxide in toluene

2 h; HeatingDean-Stark apparatus;

Arterburn, Jeffrey B.; Liu, Minghua; Perry, Marc C.

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 2002 , vol. 85, # 10 p. 3225 - 3236 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 10 %Spectr. B: 80 %Spectr.

With Cp*Ir(Cl)2(nBu2Im); silver trifluoromethanesulfonate

T=130°C; 12 h;

Prades, Amparo; Corberan, Rosa; Poyatos, Macarena; Peris, Eduardo

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2008 , vol. 14, # 36 p. 11474 - 11479 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ruthenium trichloride; 1,3-bis-(diphenylphosphino)propane; nitrobenzene

T=150°C; 16 h; Inert atmosphere;

Feng, Chao; Liu, Yong; Peng, Shengming; Shuai, Qi; Deng, Guojun; Li, Chao-Jun

Organic Letters, 2010 , vol. 12, # 21 p. 4888 - 4891 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 54 %Chromat. B: 46 %Chromat.

With Graphite oxide in hexane

0.5 h; Sonication; Show Experimental Procedure

Mirza-Aghayan, Maryam; Kashef-Azar, Elnaz; Boukherroub, Rabah

Tetrahedron Letters, 2012 , vol. 53, # 37 p. 4962 - 4965 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 44 %Chromat. B: 55 %Chromat.

With Graphite oxide in chloroform

0.75 h; Sonication; Show Experimental Procedure

Mirza-Aghayan, Maryam; Kashef-Azar, Elnaz; Boukherroub, Rabah

Tetrahedron Letters, 2012 , vol. 53, # 37 p. 4962 - 4965 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C23H27ClIrN5(2+)*2CF3O3S(1-) in 1,2-dichloro-benzene T=150°C; 24 h; Sealed tube; Reagent/catalyst;

Valencia, Marta; Müller-Bunz, Helge; Gossage, Robert A.; Albrecht, Martin

Chemical Communications, 2016 , vol. 52, # 16 p. 3344 - 3347 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C20H27ClIrN4(1+)*CF3O3S(1-) in 1,2-dichloro-benzene T=150°C; 24 h; Sealed tube; Reagent/catalyst;

Valencia, Marta; Müller-Bunz, Helge; Gossage, Robert A.; Albrecht, Martin

Chemical Communications, 2016 , vol. 52, # 16 p. 3344 - 3347 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 6-hydroxy-2-methylpyridine; bis[dichloro(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)iridium(III)] in tetrahydrofuran

T=150°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Reagent/catalyst;

Sahoo; Jiang; Bruneau; Sharma; Suresh; Achard

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 102 p. 100554 - 100558 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1,1,1,3',3',3'-hexafluoro-propanol; nitric acid

T=20°C; 24 h;

Možina, Štefan; Stavber, Stojan; Iskra, Jernej

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 2017, # 3 p. 448 - 452 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C19H28IrN5(2+)*2CF3O3S(1-) in 1,2-dichloro-benzene T=150°C; 24 h; Sealed tube; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime;

Vivancos, Ángela; Petronilho, Ana; Cardoso, Joao; Müller-Bunz, Helge; Albrecht, Martin

Dalton Transactions, 2018 , vol. 47, # 1 p. 74 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 50 %Spectr. B: 50 %Spectr.



Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 28752406

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A: 84.7% B: 6.3%

Stage #1: With oxalyl dichloride; dimethyl sulfoxide

T=15°C; Swern Oxidation; Flow reactor; Stage #2: With triethylamine

T=15°C; Swern Oxidation; Flow reactor; Temperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhu, Lin; Xu, Xiaohui; Zheng, Fuping

Turkish Journal of Chemistry, 2018 , vol. 42, # 1 p. 75 - 85 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

A: 65% B: 35%

Stage #1: With bis(trichloromethyl) carbonate; 4-(2-(2-(methylsulfinyl)ethyl)-4nitrophenyl)morpholine in dichloromethane

T=-30°C; Swern Oxidation; 1 h; Inert atmosphere; Stage #2: With triethylamine in dichloromethane

T=-30°C; Swern Oxidation; Inert atmosphere; Temperature;

Ye, Xiaojing; Fu, Hongliang; Ma, Jiahao; Zhong, Weihui

Synthetic Communications, 2016 , vol. 46, # 10 p. 885 - 892 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 36% B: 63%

Stage #1: With bis(trichloromethyl) carbonate; 4-(2-(2-(methylsulfinyl)ethyl)-4nitrophenyl)morpholine in dichloromethane

T=-5°C; Swern Oxidation; 1 h; Inert atmosphere; Stage #2: With triethylamine in dichloromethane

T=-5°C; Swern Oxidation; Inert atmosphere;

Ye, Xiaojing; Fu, Hongliang; Ma, Jiahao; Zhong, Weihui

Synthetic Communications, 2016 , vol. 46, # 10 p. 885 - 892 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 54 %Chromat. B: 24 %Chromat.

With vanadium(V) oxychloride in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 3 h; Inert atmosphere;

Du, Zhongtian; Miao, Hong; Hong, Ma.; Sun, Zhiqiang; Jiping, Ma.; Xu, Jie

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2009 , vol. 351, # 4 p. 558 - 562 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 45241101

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With triethylamine; pyridinium chlorochromate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; Sealed tube;

Bera, Sourav Sekhar; Debbarma, Suvankar; Ghosh, Avick Kumar; Chand, Santanu; Maji, Modhu Sudan

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 82, # 1 p. 420 - 430 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridinium chlorochromate in dichloromethane


Sk, Md Raja; Bera, Sourav Sekhar; Maji, Modhu Sudan

Organic Letters, 2018 , vol. 20, # 1 p. 134 - 137 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 817413

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A: 61% B: 38%

With reusable unsupported rhenium nanocrystalline particle in neat (no solvent) T=180°C; 3 h; Inert atmosphereGreen chemistry;

Yi, Jing; Miller, Jeffrey T.; Zemlyanov, Dmitry Y.; Zhang, Ruihong; Dietrich, Paul J.; Ribeiro, Fabio H.; Suslov, Sergey; Abu-Omar, Mahdi M.

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2014 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 833 - 836 Angew. Chem., 2013 , vol. 126, # 03 p. 852 - 855,4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 56% B: 26%

With water; palladium diacetate; sodium 3-(diphenylphosphanyl)benzenesulfonate

T=100°C; 16 h; Sealed tube;

Hikawa, Hidemasa; Matsuda, Naoya; Suzuki, Hideharu; Yokoyama, Yuusaku; Azumaya, Isao

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 355, # 11-12 p. 2308 - 2320 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 53.4% B: 33.8%

With 1 Pd/C Selcat Q6; oxygen

T=120°C; P=7757.43 Torr; 2 h; chemoselective reaction;

Lopez-Sanchez, Jose Antonio; Dimitratos, Nikolaos; Glanville, Neil; Kesavan, Lokesh; Hammond, Ceri; Edwards, Jennifer K.; Carley, Albert F.; Kiely, Christopher J.; Hutchings, Graham J.

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2011 , vol. 391, # 1-2 p. 400 - 406 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 31% B: 18%

With Cu–Al hydrotalcite in 1,4-dioxane

T=220°C; P=12001.2 Torr; 0.045 h;

Aellig, Christof; Jenny, Florian; Scholz, David; Wolf, Patrick; Giovinazzo, Isabella; Kollhoff, Fabian; Hermans, Ive

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2014 , vol. 4, # 8 p. 2326 - 2331 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

T=176°C; 6 h; Heating;

Berthon, Bruno; Forestiere, Alain; Leleu, Gerard; Sillion, Bernard

Tetrahedron Letters, 1981 , vol. 22, # 41 p. 4073 - 4076 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

T=150 - 300°C; Leiten ueber einen Kupfer-Zink-Aluminium-Katalysator;

Sultanow et al.

Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii, 1958 , vol. 28, p. 787,788; engl. Ausg. S. 765 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With palladium(II) acetylacetonate; triphenylphosphine

Product distribution;

Moreno-Manas, M.; Trius, A.

Tetrahedron, 1981 , vol. 37, # 17 p. 3009 - 3016 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With palladium on activated charcoal; hydrogen in ethanol

0.3 h; solvent and catalysts dependence, hydrogenolysis; Product distributionRate constant;

Rusina, S. V.; Litvin, E. F.; Sharf, V. Z.

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 1993 , vol. 42, # 7 p. 1200 - 1203 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, 1993 , # 7 p. 1257 - 1261 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With copper chromite

T=250°C; 1 h; var. temp. and time; Product distribution;


Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 1997 , vol. 74, # 2 p. 169 - 170 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; phosphomolybdic acid hydrate

Disproportionation; dehydrogenation; P=760 Torr; Kinetics; Further Variations:Reagents;

Athilakshmi; Olaofe; Viswanathan

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 1997 , vol. 36, # 4 p. 332 - 334 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tetraaquapalladium(II)

T=38°C; P=750.06 Torr;

Potekhin; Matsura; Ukraintsev

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 70, # 6 p. 828 - 831 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With lanthanum copper oxide

T=219.85°C; Product distribution; Further Variations:TemperaturesCatalysts;

Srinivasan; Viswanathan

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 41, # 7 p. 1349 - 1354 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Pd147(o-phenanthroline)32O60(OC(O)tBu)30

T=60°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:Catalysts;

Stolyarov; Gaugash; Kryukova; Kochubei; Vargaftik; Moiseev

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2004 , vol. 53, # 6 p. 1194 - 1199 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With palladium/alumina; oxygen

T=100°C; Base conditionneat (no solvent);

Wang, Hu; Deng, Shao-Xin; Shen, Zhu-Rui; Wang, Jin-Gui; Ding, Da-Tong; Chen, Tie-Hong

Green Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 11, # 10 p. 1499 - 1502 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in cyclohexane

T=80°C; P=1520.1 Torr;

Villa, Alberto; Wang, Di; Dimitratos, Nikolaos; Su, Dangsheng; Trevisan, Valentina; Prati, Laura

Catalysis Today, 2010 , vol. 150, # 1-2 p. 8 - 15 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 10 palladium on activated charcoal; oxygen in cyclohexane

T=80°C; P=1520.1 Torr;

Chan-Thaw, Carine E.; Villa, Alberto; Prati, Laura; Thomas, Arne

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011 , vol. 17, # 3 p. 1052 - 1057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With carbon nanotube-supported TiO2 nanoparticles in para-xylene

T=119.84°C; 6 h; Inert atmosphere;

Fang, Wenhao; Chen, Jiashu; Zhang, Qinghong; Deng, Weiping; Wang, Ye

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011 , vol. 17, # 4 p. 1247 - 1256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=120°C; P=7757.43 Torr; 2 h;

Dimitratos, Nikolaos; Lopez-Sanchez, Jose Antonio; Morgan, David; Carley, Albert F.; Tiruvalam, Ramchandra; Kiely, Christopher J.; Bethell, Donald; Hutchings, Graham J.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2009 , vol. 11, # 25 p. 5142 - 5153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Pd/CeO2; oxygen

T=160°C; 1 h; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Chen, Yuanting; Zheng, Huijian; Guo, Zhen; Zhou, Chunmei; Wang, Chuan; Borgna, Armando; Yang, Yanhui

Journal of Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 283, # 1 p. 34 - 44 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=100°C; P=7500.75 Torr; 4 h; Autoclave;

Miedziak, Peter; Sankar, Meenakshisundaram; Dimitratos, Nikolaos; Lopez-Sanchez, Jose A.; Carley, Albert F.; Knight, David W.; Taylor, Stuart H.; Kiely, Christopher J.; Hutchings, Graham J.

Catalysis Today, 2011 , vol. 164, # 1 p. 315 - 319 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

T=80°C; P=1520.1 Torr;

Chan-Thaw, Carine E.; Villa, Alberto; Veith, Gabriel M.; Kailasam, Kamalakannan; Adamczyk, Leslie A.; Unocic, Raymond R.; Prati, Laura; Thomas, Arne

Chemistry - An Asian Journal, 2012 , vol. 7, # 2 p. 387 - 393 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in cyclohexane

T=100°C; P=1520.1 Torr;

Villa; Plebani; Schiavoni; Milone; Piperopoulos; Galvagno; Prati

Catalysis Today, 2012 , vol. 186, # 1 p. 76 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Pd0.3wt/TiO2

T=24.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h; IrradiationInert atmosphere;

Shiraishi, Yasuhiro; Fujiwara, Keisuke; Sugano, Yoshitsune; Ichikawa, Satoshi; Hirai, Takayuki

ACS Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 3, # 3 p. 312 - 320 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in neat (no solvent) T=120°C; P=15001.5 Torr; Inert atmosphere;

Nowicka, Ewa; Hofmann, Jan P.; Parker, Stewart F.; Sankar, Meenakshisundaram; Lari, Giacomo M.; Kondrat, Simon A.; Knight, David W.; Bethell, Donald; Weckhuysen, Bert M.; Hutchings, Graham J.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2013 , vol. 15, # 29 p. 12147 - 12155 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=100°C; P=4500.45 Torr; 2.5 h; Autoclave; Reagent/catalyst;

Silva, Tiago A. G.; Landers, Richard; Rossi, Liane M.

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2013 , vol. 3, # 11 p. 2993 - 2999 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=120°C; P=760.051 Torr; 20 h; Catalytic behavior;

Qiao, Zhen-An; Zhang, Pengfei; Chai, Song-Hai; Chi, Miaofang; Veith, Gabriel M.; Gallego, Nidia C.; Kidder, Michelle; Dai, Sheng

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014 , vol. 136, # 32 p. 11260 - 11263 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=120°C; P=750.075 Torr; 2 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Morad, Moataz; Sankar, Meenakshisundaram; Cao, Enhong; Nowicka, Ewa; Davies, Thomas E.; Miedziak, Peter J.; Morgan, David J.; Knight, David W.; Bethell, Donald; Gavriilidis, Asterios; Hutchings, Graham J.

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2014 , vol. 4, # 9 p. 3120 - 3128 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=119.84°C; P=750.075 Torr; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Hutchings, Graham J.

Catalysis Today, 2014 , vol. 238, p. 69 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in cyclohexane

T=80°C; P=1520.1 Torr; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Chan-Thaw, Carine E.; Villa, Alberto; Veith, Gabriel M.; Prati, Laura

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 8 p. 1338 - 1346 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Pd nanoparticles and TiO2; oxygen in cyclohexane

T=60°C; P=1500.15 Torr;

Villa, Alberto; Ferri, Davide; Campisi, Sebastiano; Chan-Thaw, Carine E.; Lu, Ye; Kröcher, Oliver; Prati, Laura

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 16 p. 2534 - 2541 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=160°C; 1 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Yan, Yibo; Jia, Xinli; Yang, Yanhui

Catalysis Today, 2016 , vol. 259, # Part 2 p. 292 - 302 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Au-Pd/TiO2; oxygen in o-xylene

T=120°C; P=2400.24 Torr; Flow reactor; SolventTemperature;

Constantinou, Achilleas; Wu, Gaowei; Corredera, Albert; Ellis, Peter; Bethell, Donald; Hutchings, Graham J.; Kuhn, Simon; Gavriilidis, Asterios

Organic Process Research and Development, 2015 , vol. 19, # 12 p. 1973 - 1979 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 34 %Spectr. B: 34 %Spectr.

With palladium diacetate; sodium 3-(diphenylphosphanyl)benzenesulfonate in water

T=80°C; 16 h; Sealed tubeInert atmosphere;

Hikawa, Hidemasa; Koike, Toshitaka; Izumi, Kyoko; Kikkawa, Shoko; Azumaya, Isao

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 358, # 5 p. 784 - 791 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ZnO-CeO2 mixed oxide T=499.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1 h; Inert atmosphere; Temperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Enjamuri, Nagasuresh; Hassan, Shahid; Auroux, Aline; Pandey, Jai Krishna; Chowdhury, Biswajit

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016 , vol. 523, p. 21 - 30 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With hydrogen


Li, Maoshuai; Wang, Xiaodong; Cárdenas-Lizana, Fernando; Keane, Mark A.

Catalysis Today, 2017 , vol. 279 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With bis(tetrabutylammonium) hexamolybdate; isopropyl alcohol

T=200°C; 6 h; Microwave irradiation;

Larsen, Daniel B.; Petersen, Allan R.; Dethlefsen, Johannes R.; Teshome, Ayele; Fristrup, Peter

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2016 , vol. 22, # 46 p. 16621 - 16631 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=120°C; P=750.075 Torr;

Abis, Laura; Freakley, Simon J.; Dodekatos, Georgios; Morgan, David J.; Sankar, Meenakshisundaram; Dimitratos, Nikolaos; He, Qian; Kiely, Christopher J.; Hutchings, Graham J.

ChemCatChem, 2017 , vol. 9, # 15 p. 2914 - 2918 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=120°C; P=3000.3 Torr; 1 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperaturePressure;

Khawaji, Motaz; Chadwick, David

ChemCatChem, 2017 , vol. 9, # 23 p. 4353 - 4363 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2034614

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With Dess-Martin periodane

Xiang, Jason S.; Fuchs

Tetrahedron Letters, 1996 , vol. 37, # 30 p. 5269 - 5272 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 1-hydroxy-3H-benz[d][1,2]iodoxole-1,3-dione in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=20°C; 0.333333 h;

An, Wan-Kai; Han, Man-Yi; Wang, Chang-An; Yu, Si-Min; Zhang, Yuan; Bai, Shi; Wang, Wei

Chemistry--A European Journal, 2014 , vol. 20, # 35 p. 11019 - 11028,10 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With pyridinium chlorochromate in dichloromethane


Blake, Michael E.; Bartlett, Kevin L.; Jones Jr., Maitland

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003 , vol. 125, # 21 p. 6485 - 6490 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With Dess-Martin periodane in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 4 h;

Davies, Paul W.; Martin, Nicolas; Spencer, Neil

Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 7, p. 839 - 846 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With pyridinium chlorochromate in dichloromethane

T=0 - 25°C; Inert atmosphere;

West, Thomas H.; Walden, Daniel M.; Taylor, James E.; Brueckner, Alexander C.; Johnston, Ryne C.; Cheong, Paul Ha-Yeon; Lloyd-Jones, Guy C.; Smith, Andrew D.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017 , vol. 139, # 12 p. 4366 - 4375 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With pyridinium chlorochromate in dichloromethane

T=0 - 20°C; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique;

Wang, Pan; Feng, Liang-Wen; Wang, Lijia; Li, Jun-Fang; Liao, Saihu; Tang, Yong

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2015 , vol. 137, # 14 p. 4626 - 4629 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

60 % Turnov.

With manganese(IV) oxide; benzyl alcohol in hexane


Cavaleiro, Jose A. S.; Neves, Maria G. P. S.; Hewlins, Michael J. E.; Jackson, Anthony H.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1990 , # 7 p. 1937 - 1943 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridinium chlorochromate

Huan, Zhenwei; Landgrebe, John A.; Peterson, Kimberly

Tetrahedron Letters, 1983 , vol. 24, # 28 p. 2829 - 2832 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dipyridinium dichromate in dichloromethane

16 h;

Bjorklund, Jeffrey A.; Leete, Edward

Phytochemistry (Elsevier), 1992 , vol. 31, # 11 p. 3883 - 3888 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Swern's oxidizing agent

Geletneky, Christian; Foersterling, Frank-Holger; Bock, Willi; Berger, Stefan

Chemische Berichte, 1993 , vol. 126, # 11 p. 2397 - 2402 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With dipyridinium dichromate


Yamataka, Hiroshi; Sasaki, Daizo; Kuwatani, Yoshiyuki; Mishima, Masaaki; Tsuno, Yuho

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1997 , vol. 119, # 42 p. 9975 - 9979 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

400 mg

With dipyridinium dichromate

Yamataka, Hiroshi; Shimizu, Makoto; Mishima, Masaaki

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2002 , vol. 75, # 1 p. 127 - 129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Dess-Martin periodane in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 4 h;

Huang, Bo; Shen, Yangyong; Mao, Zhenjun; Liu, Yu; Cui, Sunliang

Organic Letters, 2016 , vol. 18, # 19 p. 4888 - 4891 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2063917

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With 1-hydroxy-3H-benz[d][1,2]iodoxole-1,3-dione in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=20°C; 3 h; Inert atmosphere;

Ramachandran, P. Veeraraghavan; Nicponski, Daniel R.

Chemical Communications, 2014 , vol. 50, # 96 p. 15216 - 15219 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With 3 A molecular sieve; pyridinium chlorochromate in dichloromethane

T=25°C; 4 h;

O'Hagan, David; Goss, Rebecca J. M.; Meddour, Abdelkrim; Courtieu, Jacques

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003 , vol. 125, # 2 p. 379 - 387 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With dipyridinium dichromate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphere;

Watanabe, Yohsuke; Yamazaki, Takashi

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 76, # 6 p. 1957 - 1960 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With bis-triphenylphosphine-palladium(II) chloride; potassium carbonate in tetrahydrofuran

T=65 - 70°C; 20 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique;

Liu, Chao; Tang, Shan; Lei, Aiwen

Chemical Communications, 2013 , vol. 49, # 13 p. 1324 - 1326 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With pyridinium chlorochromate in dichloromethane

T=0 - 20°C; 3 h;

Bejot, Romain; Tisserand, Steve; Li, De Run; Falck; Mioskowski, Charles

Tetrahedron Letters, 2007 , vol. 48, # 22 p. 3855 - 3858 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With aluminum oxide; pyridinium chlorochromate in dichloromethane

2.5 h; Ambient temperature;

Kawai, Yasushi; Saitou, Kentarou; Hida, Kouichi; Dao, Duc Hai; Ohno, Atsuyoshi

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1996 , vol. 69, # 9 p. 2633 - 2638 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ammonium cerium(IV) nitrate in water

McMahon, Robert J.; Abelt, Christopher J.; Chapman, Orville L.; Johnson, Jeffery W.; Kreil, Curits L.; et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1987 , vol. 109, # 8 p. 2456 - 2469 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridine; chromium(VI) oxide

Rhodes, Christopher J.; Agirbas, Hikmet

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1992 , # 3 p. 397 - 402 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With lt;RuVL(O)gt;2+-complex lt;HL = lt;2-hydroxy-2-(2-pyridyl)ethylgt;bislt;2-(2pyridyl)ethylgt;aminegt; in perchloric acid

T=24.9°C; MechanismRate constant;

Che, Chi-Ming; Ho, Clare; Lau, Tai-Chu

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1991 , # 5 p. 1259 - 1263 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With quinolinium dichromate(VI) in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=39.9°C; Rate constant;

Dey, Doyamoy; Mahanti, Mahendra K.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 55, # 23 p. 5848 - 5850 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With chloramine-B in water; acetic acid

Rate constant;

Mukherjee, Jogeshwar; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1980 , p. 676 - 678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tripropylammonium fluorochromate (VI) in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=24.9°C; ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.); primari kinetic isotope effect; Rate constantKineticsThermodynamic data;

Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 53, # 10 p. 2154 - 2159 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With cis-nitrous acid in sulfuric acid

T=25°C; acidity dependence; Rate constant;

Moodie, Roy B.; Richards, Stuart N.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1986 , p. 1833 - 1838 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With perchloric acid; {Ru(IV)(2,2'-bipyridine)2(pyridine)O}(2+) in water

T=25°C; ΔH and -ΔS; var. solv.: D2O, aq. acetone; Rate constantProduct distribution;

Roecker, Lee; Meyer, Thomas J.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1987 , vol. 109, # 3 p. 746 - 754 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With perchloric acid; N-bromoacetamide in water; acetic acid

T=29.9°C; kinetic isotope effects; Rate constantMechanism;

Negi, Suresh C.; Bhatia, Indu; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1981 , # 11 p. 3966 - 3980 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With lead(IV) acetate; acetic acid in benzene

T=29.9°C; presence of pyridine; Rate constantMechanism;

Bhatia, Indu; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1982 , # 4 p. 1076 - 1092 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With cis-lt;Ru(VI)(N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-3,6-diazaoctane-1,8-diamine)O2gt;(2+) in acetonitrile

T=24.9°C; Rate constant;

Cheng, Wing-Chi; Yu, Wing-Yiu; Li, Chi-Kueng; Che, Chi-Ming

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 60, # 21 p. 6840 - 6846 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With bis(2,2'-bipyridyl) copper(II) permanganate in acetic acid

T=9.9 - 29.9°C; KineticsMechanism;

Vyas; Kothari; Banerji

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 1997 , vol. 29, # 1 p. 9 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With toluene-4-sulfonic acid; quinolinium chlorochromate(VI) in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=24.9°C; 24 h; ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.), ΔG(excit.); var. temp.; Rate constantKineticsThermodynamic data;

Oezguen, Beytiye; Degirmenbas, Nebahat

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1997 , # 1 p. 220 - 227 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With potassium permanganate; Tris(3,6-dioxaheptyl)amine in dichloromethane

primary kinetic isotope effect investigated; Rate constantMechanism;

Rankin, Kathryn N.; Liu, Qing; Hendry, Jennifer; Yee, Henry; Noureldin, Nazih A.; Lee, Donald G.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1998 , vol. 39, # 10 p. 1095 - 1098 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With N,N,N-trimethylbenzenemethanaminium dichloroiodate; acetic acid; zinc(II) chloride

T=24.85°C; 15 h; ΔH(excit.), ΔS(excit.); isotope effect; Rate constantKineticsThermodynamic data;

Rao, P. Surya Chandra; Suri, Deepa; Kothari, Soona; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1998 , # 9 p. 2251 - 2272 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With benzyltrimethylammonium tribromide; acetic acid in water

Oxidation; KineticsActivation energy; Further Variations:Temperatures;

Anjana; Kothari, Seema; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1999 , # 8 p. 2118 - 2135 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With sodium hydroxide; sodium perchlorate; potassium hexacyanoferrate(III); (2,2':6',2''terpyridine)trichlororuthenium(III) in water

T=25°C; Kinetics;

Kelson, Eric P.; Phengsy, Proma P.

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2000 , vol. 32, # 12 p. 760 - 770 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 3,3-dimethyldioxirane in acetone

T=0°C; Kinetics;

Angelis, Yiannis S.; Hatzakis, Nikos S.; Smonou, Ioulia; Orfanopoulos, Michael

Tetrahedron Letters, 2001 , vol. 42, # 22 p. 3753 - 3756 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Mn(N,N'-ethylenebis(salicylaldiminato))O in acetonitrile

T=24.85°C; 12 h; Kinetics;

Kumbhat, Vinita; Sharma, Pradeep K.; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 2001 , p. 562 - 585 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With benzyltrimethylammonium chlorobromate; acetic acid

T=34.85°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:Temperatures;

Sita Rama Raju; Sharma; Banerji

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 39, # 12 p. 1258 - 1263 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With quinolinium monofluorochromate(VI) in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=14.85°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:Temperatures;

Dave, Itishri; Sharma, Vinita; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 41, # 3 p. 493 - 499 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With TBATB in water; acetic acid

T=14.85°C; KineticsActivation energy; Further Variations:Temperatures;

Kumar, Ashok; Sharma, Pradeep K.; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 15, # 10 p. 721 - 727 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With toluene-4-sulfonic acid; quinoxalinium dichromate in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=24.85°C; 24 h; KineticsThermodynamic data; Further Variations:Temperatures;

Oezguen, Beytiye; Degirmenbasi, Nebahat

Monatshefte fuer Chemie, 2004 , vol. 135, # 5 p. 483 - 492 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With bis-[(trifluoroacetoxy)iodo]benzene in water; acetic acid

T=14.85°C; Kinetics; Further Variations:Temperatures;

Kansara, Alpna; Sharma, Pradeep K.; Banerji, Kalyan K.

Journal of Chemical Research, 2004 , # 9 p. 581 - 584 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; cis-{NBu(n)4}{Os(N)(CH2SiMe3)2(CrO4)} in benzene

T=70°C; Catalytic oxidation; 10 h;

Shapley, Patricia A.; Zhang, Najie; Allen, Jana L.; Pool, Douglas H.; Liang, Hong-Chang

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2000 , vol. 122, # 6 p. 1079 - 1091 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: 73 percent / thionyl chloride / benzene 2: 29 percent / 2-nitropropane, 10 percent NaOH / 2 h / Heating View Scheme

Terol, A.; Subra, G.; Fernandez, J. P.; Robbe, Y.; Chapat, J. P.; Granger, R.

Organic Magnetic Resonance, 1981 , vol. 17, # 1 p. 68 - 70 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With pyridine; sulfur trioxide; dimethyl sulfoxide

Fristrup, Peter; Kreis, Michael; Palmelund, Anders; Norrby, Per-Ola; Madsen, Robert

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 15 p. 5206 - 5215 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With morpholinium chlorochromate in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=24.84°C; Kinetics; Temperature;

Soni, Neelam; Tiwari, Vandana; Sharma, Vinita

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 47, # 5 p. 669 - 676 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2'-bipyridinium chlorochromate in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=24.84°C; Kinetics; Temperature;

Yajurvedi, Deeksha; Baghmar, Manju; Sharma, Pradeep K.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 85, # 5 p. 496 - 501 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; N,N′-{1,3-bis[(pyridine-2ylmethyl)amino]propan-2-al}atodicopper(II)(μ-acetato)diperchlorate; oxygen; sodium hydroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=20°C; Kinetics; Concentration;

Striegler, Susanne; Dunaway, Natasha A.; Gichinga, Moses G.; Milton, Lisa K.

Tetrahedron, 2010 , vol. 66, # 40 p. 7927 - 7932 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; caesium carbonate; copper dichloride in toluene

T=25°C; 12 h;

Liang, Lei; Rao, Guodong; Sun, Hao-Ling; Zhang, Jun-Long

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2010 , vol. 352, # 14-15 p. 2371 - 2377 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 2CF3O3S(1-)*C12H32Cu2N4O2(2+) in acetone


Kang, Peng; Bobyr, Elena; Dustman, John; Hodgson, Keith O.; Hedman, Britt; Solomon, Edward I.; Stack, T. Daniel P.

Inorganic Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 49, # 23 p. 11030 - 11038 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tetraethylammonium bromochromate in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=24.84°C; Mechanism; Temperature;

Mansoor, S. Sheik; Shafi, S. Syed

Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie, 2011 , vol. 225, # 2 p. 249 - 263 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; titanium(IV) oxide in acetonitrile

T=24.84°C; Visible light irradiation; Kinetics;

Higashimoto, Shinya; Kitao, Naoya; Yoshida, Norio; Sakura, Teruki; Azuma, Masashi; Ohue, Hiroyoshi; Sakata, Yoshihisa

Journal of Catalysis, 2009 , vol. 266, # 2 p. 279 - 285 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 2 h;

Harada, Takashi; Ikeda, Shigeru; Hashimoto, Fumihiro; Sakata, Takao; Ikeue, Keita; Torimoto, Tsukasa; Matsumura, Michio

Langmuir, 2010 , vol. 26, # 22 p. 17720 - 17725 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridinium chlorochromate in dichloromethane


Meng, Ling-Guo; Wang, Lei

Chemical Communications, 2012 , vol. 48, # 26 p. 3242 - 3244 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tetrapropylammonium perruthennate; 4-methylmorpholine N-oxide in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 16 h; Inert atmosphereMolecular sieve; Show Experimental Procedure

Kitamura, Maria; Hirokawa, Yoshimi; Yoshioka, Yuki; Maezaki, Naoyoshi

Tetrahedron, 2012 , vol. 68, # 22 p. 4280 - 4285 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; copper dichloride in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 1 h; IrradiationMolecular sieve; Reagent/catalystWavelength;

Meng, Chao; Yang, Kai; Fu, Xianzhi; Yuan, Rusheng

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 6 p. 3760 - 3766 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [FeV(O)(biuret-TAML)]− in acetonitrile

T=26.84°C; Kinetics; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Ghosh, Munmun; Nikhil; Dhar, Basab B.; Sen Gupta, Sayam

Inorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 54, # 24 p. 11792 - 11798 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C29H33FeN5O3(2+)*2CF3O3S(1-)


Rana, Sujoy; Dey, Aniruddha; Maiti, Debabrata

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 77 p. 14469 - 14472 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1,3-dibromo-5,5-dimethylimidazolidine-2,4-dione; water-d2; alpha cyclodextrin

T=60°C; 1 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Chaudhuri, Sauradip; Zaki, Hossam; Levine, Mindy

Synthetic Communications, 2016 , vol. 46, # 7 p. 636 - 644 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=79.84°C; P=7500.75 Torr; Catalytic behavior;

Xie, Jiahan; Yin, Kehua; Serov, Alexey; Artyushkova, Kateryna; Pham, Hien N.; Sang, Xiahan; Unocic, Raymond R.; Atanassov, Plamen; Datye, Abhaya K.; Davis, Robert J.

ChemSusChem, 2017 , vol. 10, # 2 p. 359 - 362 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 3838183

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A: 90% B: 10%

With Oxone; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; tetrabutylammomium bromide

T=60°C; 48 h; Sealed tube;

Ray, Ritwika; Jana, Rahul Dev; Bhadra, Mayukh; Maiti, Debabrata; Lahiri, Goutam Kumar

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2014 , vol. 20, # 47 p. 15618 - 15624 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 71 %Chromat. B: 42%

With oxygen; potassium carbonate

T=45°C; 12 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Salam, Noor; Banerjee, Biplab; Roy, Anupam Singha; Mondal, Paramita; Roy, Susmita; Bhaumik, Asim; Islam, Sk. Manirul

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014 , vol. 477, p. 184 - 194 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 24 %Chromat. B: 37%

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=45°C; 12 h; Green chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Salam, Noor; Banerjee, Biplab; Roy, Anupam Singha; Mondal, Paramita; Roy, Susmita; Bhaumik, Asim; Islam, Sk. Manirul

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014 , vol. 477, p. 184 - 194 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 30 % Spectr. B: 62 % Spectr.

With pyridine; tert-butylhypochlorite in dichloromethane

1 h;

Milovanovic, Jovan N.; Vasojevic, Miorad; Gojkovic, Svetislav

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1991 , # 8 p. 1231 - 1233 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 4 % Turnov. B: 63 % Turnov.

With sodium carbonate in dichloromethane; acetonitrile

T=15°C; electrolysis;

Brinkhaus, Karl-Heinz Grosse; Steckham, Eberhard; Schmidt, Werner

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1983 , vol. 37, # 6 p. 499 - 508 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

A: 3 %Chromat. B: 48 %Chromat.

With oxygen; potassium carbonate

T=80°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 3 h;

Ishida, Tamao; Nagaoka, Megumi; Akita, Tomoki; Haruta, Masatake

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2008 , vol. 14, # 28 p. 8456 - 8460 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 77 %Chromat. B: 2 %Chromat.

With oxygen; potassium carbonate

T=80°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 23 h;

Ishida, Tamao; Nagaoka, Megumi; Akita, Tomoki; Haruta, Masatake

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2008 , vol. 14, # 28 p. 8456 - 8460 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 65 %Chromat. B: 14 %Chromat.

With silver(I) hexafluorophosphate; oxygen; palladium diacetate; potassium carbonate

T=50 - 60°C; P=750.075 Torr;

Gowrisankar, Saravanan; Neumann, Helfried; Beller, Matthias

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2011 , vol. 50, # 22 p. 5139 - 5143 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 15 %Chromat. B: 36 %Chromat.

With pyridine; silver(I) hexafluorophosphate; oxygen; palladium diacetate; potassium carbonate

T=50 - 60°C; P=750.075 Torr;

Gowrisankar, Saravanan; Neumann, Helfried; Beller, Matthias

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2011 , vol. 50, # 22 p. 5139 - 5143 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 44 %Chromat. B: 51 %Chromat.

With bis-triphenylphosphine-palladium(II) chloride; oxygen; sodium carbonate


Liu, Chao; Wang, Jing; Meng, Lingkui; Deng, Yi; Li, Yao; Lei, Aiwen

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2011 , vol. 50, # 22 p. 5144 - 5148 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate

T=130°C; P=7600.51 Torr; 4 h;

Parreira, Luciana A.; Bogdanchikova, Nina; Pestryakov, Alexey; Zepeda; Tuzovskaya, Inga; Farias; Gusevskaya, Elena V.

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2011 , vol. 397, # 1-2 p. 145 - 152 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid; dihydrogen peroxide; trifluoroacetic acid; zinc dibromide in water

T=20°C; 16 h;

Wu, Xiao-Feng

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 29 p. 8912 - 8915 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With diethoxymethylane; palladium diacetate; sodium carbonate in methanol

T=40°C; 24 h; chemoselective reaction;

Bai, Xing-Feng; Ye, Fei; Zheng, Long-Sheng; Lai, Guo-Qiao; Xia, Chun-Gu; Xu, Li-Wen

Chemical Communications, 2012 , vol. 48, # 68 p. 8592 - 8594 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=110°C; P=7600.51 Torr; 1 h; Stainless steel reactor; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Costa, Vinicius V.; Estrada, Miguel; Demidova, Yulia; Prosvirin, Igor; Kriventsov, Vladimir; Cotta, Rafaela F.; Fuentes, Sergio; Simakov, Andrey; Gusevskaya, Elena V.

Journal of Catalysis, 2012 , vol. 292, p. 148 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=100°C; P=7600.51 Torr; 3 h; Stainless steel reactor; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Costa, Vinicius V.; Estrada, Miguel; Demidova, Yulia; Prosvirin, Igor; Kriventsov, Vladimir; Cotta, Rafaela F.; Fuentes, Sergio; Simakov, Andrey; Gusevskaya, Elena V.

Journal of Catalysis, 2012 , vol. 292, p. 148 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 23 %Chromat. B: 61 %Chromat.

A: 92 %Chromat. B: 8 %Chromat.

With Au/γ-Al2O3; oxygen

T=59.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3 h;

Liu, Peng; Li, Can; Hensen, Emiel J. M.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 38 p. 12122 - 12129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=59.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 3 h;

Liu, Peng; Li, Can; Hensen, Emiel J. M.

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 38 p. 12122 - 12129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With palladium diacetate; sodium carbonate in d(4)-methanol

T=40°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphereGreen chemistry; chemoselective reaction;

Wang, Hu; Li, Li; Bai, Xing-Feng; Shang, Jun-Yan; Yang, Ke-Fang; Xu, Li-Wen

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 355, # 2-3 p. 341 - 347 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=110°C; P=7600.51 Torr; 1 h; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Estrada, Miguel; Costa, Vinicius V.; Beloshapkin, Sergey; Fuentes, Sergio; Stoyanov, Evgenii; Gusevskaya, Elena V.; Simakov, Andrey

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014 , vol. 473, p. 96 - 103 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 10 %Chromat. B: 75 %Chromat.

With 1,3-dibromo-5,5-dimethylimidazolidine-2,4-dione

T=25°C; 12 h; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Li, Zhongzhou; Zhu, Wei; Bao, Jinlong; Zou, Xinzhuo

Synthetic Communications, 2014 , vol. 44, # 8 p. 1155 - 1164 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium tert-butylate; oxygen

T=60°C; 6 h; Sealed tube; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Verma, Sanny; Verma, Deepak; Sinha, Anil K.; Jain, Suman L.

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2015 , vol. 489, # 1 p. 17 - 23 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With oxygen

T=80°C; 12 h; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction;

Zhou, Yu-Xiao; Chen, Yu-Zhen; Cao, Lina; Lu, Junling; Jiang, Hai-Long

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 39 p. 8292 - 8295 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate

T=80°C; 12 h; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction;

Zhou, Yu-Xiao; Chen, Yu-Zhen; Cao, Lina; Lu, Junling; Jiang, Hai-Long

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 39 p. 8292 - 8295 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate

T=60°C; Autoclave; Kinetics; Reagent/catalyst;

Cheng, Tianyuan; Yu, Hao; Peng, Feng; Wang, Hongjuan; Zhang, Bingsen; Su, Dangsheng

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 6, # 4 p. 1007 - 1015 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate

T=110°C; P=2250.23 Torr; 4 h; Autoclave; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Sun, Jinyan; Tong, Xinli; Liu, Zonghui; Liao, Shengyun; Zhuang, Xuli; Xue, Song

Catalysis Communications, 2016 , vol. 85, p. 70 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 85 %Chromat. B: 11 %Chromat.

With dichloro bis(acetonitrile) palladium(II); bismuth(III) nitrate; oxygen; potassium carbonate

T=60°C; 5 h; Schlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Hu, Yongke; Li, Bindong

Tetrahedron, 2017 , vol. 73, # 52 p. 7301 - 7307 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 43 %Chromat. B: 46 %Chromat.

With oxygen; palladium diacetate; potassium carbonate

T=60°C; 5 h; Schlenk technique; Show Experimental Procedure

Hu, Yongke; Li, Bindong

Tetrahedron, 2017 , vol. 73, # 52 p. 7301 - 7307 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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A: 4.3% B: 95.7%

With pyridine; 4-acetylamino-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-N-oxyl; iodine; sodium hydrogencarbonate in dichloromethane; water

T=20 - 25°C; 1 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Kashparova; Kashparov; Zhukova, I. Yu.; Astakhov; Ilchibaeva; Kagan, E. Sh.

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 86, # 11 p. 2423 - 2426 Zh. Obshch. Khim., 2016 , vol. 86, # 11 p. 1779 - 1783,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 14% B: 86%

With oxygen; caesium carbonate in toluene

T=25°C; 9 h;

Kim, Sungjin; Bae, Sang Won; Lee, Jae Sung; Park, Jaiwook

Tetrahedron, 2009 , vol. 65, # 7 p. 1461 - 1466 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 86% B: 14%

With Oxone; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; tetrabutylammomium bromide in toluene

T=110°C; 48 h; Sealed tube; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Ray, Ritwika; Jana, Rahul Dev; Bhadra, Mayukh; Maiti, Debabrata; Lahiri, Goutam Kumar

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2014 , vol. 20, # 47 p. 15618 - 15624 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 86% B: 14%

With Oxone; Pyridine-2,6-dicarboxylic acid; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; tetrabutylammomium bromide; iron(II) acetate in toluene

T=110°C; 48 h; Sealed tube; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Ray, Ritwika; Jana, Rahul Dev; Bhadra, Mayukh; Maiti, Debabrata; Lahiri, Goutam Kumar

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2014 , vol. 20, # 47 p. 15618 - 15624 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

B: 85%

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in water

T=94°C; P=760.051 Torr; 0.5 h;

Choudhary, Vasant R.; Dumbre, Deepa K.

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2010 , vol. 375, # 2 p. 252 - 257 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 17% B: 83%

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=110°C; 15 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Vindigni, Floriana; Dughera, Stefano; Armigliato, Francesco; Chiorino, Anna

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2016 , vol. 147, # 2 p. 391 - 403 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 10% B: 73%

With bis-triphenylphosphine-palladium(II) chloride; 1,4-bromoiodobenzene; potassium carbonate in tetrahydrofuran

T=65 - 70°C; 20 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Reagent/catalyst;

Liu, Chao; Tang, Shan; Lei, Aiwen

Chemical Communications, 2013 , vol. 49, # 13 p. 1324 - 1326 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 68% B: 20%

With (1,3-bis-(di-tert-butylphosphinito)cyclohexane)Ir=Cl

T=190°C; 16 h; Schlenk technique; Reagent/catalyst;

Polukeev, Alexey V.; Wendt, Ola F.

Organometallics, 2017 , vol. 36, # 3 p. 639 - 649 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 26% B: 66%

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=160°C; 4 h; Sealed tube; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Sharma, Ponchami; Darabdhara, Gitashree; Reddy, Tallapareddy Muralikrishna; Borah, Ashwini; Bezboruah, Pranjal; Gogoi, Pranjal; Hussain, Najrul; Sengupta, Pinaki; Das, Manash R.

Catalysis Communications, 2013 , vol. 40, p. 139 - 144 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

B: 12%

With caesium carbonate in para-xylene

24 h; Reflux; Reagent/catalyst;

Shapiro, Leora; Avnir, David

ChemCatChem, 2017 , vol. 9, # 5 p. 816 - 823 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 6 % Chromat.

With 2,4,6-trimethylphenyl bromide; potassium carbonate; triphenylphosphine; palladium diacetate in 1,2-dimethoxyethane

Tamaru, Yoshinao; Yamada, Yoshimi; Inoue, Kenji; Yamamoto, Youichi; Yoshida, Zen-ichi

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 48, # 8 p. 1286 - 1292

B: 94 % Chromat.

T=85°C; 12 h; Product distribution;

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 92.1 % Chromat. B: 1 % Chromat.

With potassium hydroxide; [RuH(PNN)(CO)] in toluene

T=115°C; 4 h;

Zhang, Jing; Leitus, Gregory; Ben-David, Yehoshoa; Milstein, David

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2005 , vol. 127, # 31 p. 10840 - 10841 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 76.6 % Turnov.

With oxygen; potassium carbonate; titanium oxide-supported gold nanoparticle catalyst T=100°C; P=1520.1 Torr; 5 h;

Zheng, Nanfeng; Stucky, Galen D.

Chemical Communications, 2007 , # 37 p. 3862 - 3864 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Ag/hydrotalcite in para-xylene

T=130°C; 10 h;

Mitsudome, Takato; Mikami, Yusuke; Funai, Hisashi; Mizugaki, Tomoo; Jitsukawa, Koichiro; Kaneda, Kiyotomi

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2008 , vol. 47, # 1 p. 138 - 141 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With hydrotalcite supported Cu nanoparticles in para-xylene

T=130°C; 13 h; Inert atmosphere;

Mitsudome, Takato; Mikami, Yusuke; Ebata, Kaori; Mizugaki, Tomoo; Jitsukawa, Koichiro; Kaneda, Kiyotomi

Chemical Communications, 2008 , # 39 p. 4804 - 4806 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=100°C; P=2280.15 Torr; 6 h;

Oliveira, Rafael L.; Kiyohara, Pedro K.; Rossi, Liane M.

Green Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 12, # 1 p. 144 - 149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With cesium bicarbonate; oxygen; copper dichloride in toluene

T=40°C; 12 h;

Liang, Lei; Rao, Guodong; Sun, Hao-Ling; Zhang, Jun-Long

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2010 , vol. 352, # 14-15 p. 2371 - 2377 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ruthenium trichloride; nitrobenzene

T=150°C; 16 h; Inert atmosphere;

Feng, Chao; Liu, Yong; Peng, Shengming; Shuai, Qi; Deng, Guojun; Li, Chao-Jun

Organic Letters, 2010 , vol. 12, # 21 p. 4888 - 4891 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 69 %Chromat. B: 10 %Chromat.

With silver tetrafluoroborate; oxygen; palladium diacetate; potassium carbonate; 1,2-bis[di(tbutyl)phosphinomethyl]benzene in toluene

T=90 - 100°C; P=750.075 Torr;

Gowrisankar, Saravanan; Neumann, Helfried; Beller, Matthias

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2011 , vol. 50, # 22 p. 5139 - 5143 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in acetonitrile


Behera, Gobinda Chandra; Parida

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 413-414, p. 245 - 253 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h;

Evangelisti, Claudio; Schiavi, Eleonora; Aronica, Laura Antonella; Caporusso, Anna Maria; Vitulli, Giovanni; Bertinetti, Luca; Martra, Gianmario; Balerna, Antonella; Mobilio, Settimio

Journal of Catalysis, 2012 , vol. 286, p. 224 - 236 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 31 %Chromat. B: 32 %Chromat.

With Au/CeO2 in toluene

T=110°C; 22 h;

Ishida, Tamao; Takamura, Rena; Takei, Takashi; Akita, Tomoki; Haruta, Masatake

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 413-414, p. 261 - 266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 6 %Spectr. B: 18 %Spectr.

With ozone

Neat (no solvent);

Rodriguez-Reyes, Juan Carlos F.; Friend, Cynthia M.; Madix, Robert J.

Surface Science, 2012 , vol. 606, # 15-16 p. 1129 - 1134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: thionyl chloride; pyridine / dichloromethane 2: dimethylsulfoxide-d6 / 35 °C / Irradiation View Scheme

Grenga, Paolo N.; Stoutenburg, Eric G.; Priefer, Ronny

Tetrahedron Letters, 2012 , vol. 53, # 37 p. 4933 - 4937 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 50 %Chromat.

With HRu(1,3-bis(6'-methyl-2'-pyridylimino)isoindolate)(PPh3)2 in toluene

Tseng, Kuei-Nin T.; Kampf, Jeff W.; Szymczak, Nathaniel K.

Organometallics, 2013 , vol. 32, # 7 p. 2046 - 2049

24 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk techniqueReflux; chemoselective reaction;

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 85 %Chromat. B: 9 %Chromat.

With copper(l) iodide; di-tert-butyl peroxide; (E)-N-((Z)-4-((2,6-dimethylphenyl)amino)pent-3-en2-ylidene)-2,6-dimethylaniline in benzene

T=90°C; 6 h; Sealed tubeInert atmosphere; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Zhu, Yefeng; Wei, Yunyang

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013 , # 21 p. 4503 - 4508 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 8 %Chromat. B: 65 %Chromat.

With di-tert-butyl peroxide; copper diacetate; (E)-N-((Z)-4-((2,6-dimethylphenyl)amino)pent-3-en2-ylidene)-2,6-dimethylaniline

T=90°C; 6 h; Sealed tubeInert atmosphere; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Zhu, Yefeng; Wei, Yunyang

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013 , # 21 p. 4503 - 4508 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With bis[dichloro-(1,5-cyclooctadiene)ruthenium(2+)]; 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride; potassium hydoxide

T=240°C; P=760.051 Torr; 20 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Schaub, Thomas; Rüdenauer, Stefan; Schneider, Daniel; Paciello, Rocco

Patent: US2014/24854 A1, 2014 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 0104 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With gold supported on zirconium oxide; oxygen; caesium carbonate in Petroleum ether

T=25°C; P=760.051 Torr; 12 h; Catalytic behavior; Solvent;

Wei, Huili; Li, Jingyi; Yu, Jing; Zheng, Jianwei; Su, Haiquan; Wang, Xiaojing

Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2015 , vol. 427, p. 33 - 40 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium carbonate in toluene

T=85 - 90°C; P=760.051 Torr; 5.5 h; Schlenk techniqueInert atmosphereSonicationGreen chemistry; Reagent/catalyst;

Wang, Dong; Deraedt, Christophe; Salmon, Lionel; Labrugère, Christine; Etienne, Laetitia; Ruiz, Jaime; Astruc, Didier

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015 , vol. 21, # 17 p. 6501 - 6510 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Pd/TiO2(at)MIL-101 T=90°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphere;

Tilgner, Dominic; Friedrich, Martin; Hermannsdörfer, Justus; Kempe, Rhett

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 23 p. 3916 - 3922 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [Rh(PPh3)(trop2NH)][trifluoromethanesulfonate]; potassium tert-butylate; dinitrogen monoxide in tetrahydrofuran

T=-78 - 50°C; P=750.075 Torr; Molecular sieveSchlenk technique;

Gianetti, Thomas L.; Annen, Samuel P.; Santiso-Quinones, Gustavo; Reiher, Markus; Driess, Matthias; Grützmacher, Hansjörg

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2016 , vol. 55, # 5 p. 1854 - 1858 Angew. Chem., 2015 , vol. 128, # 5 p. 1886 - 1890,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With [Rh(1,3,4,5-tetramethylimidazole-2-ylidene)(trop2NH)] [trifluoromethanesulfonate]; potassium tert-butylate; dinitrogen monoxide in tetrahydrofuran; toluene

T=-78 - 50°C; P=750.075 Torr; Molecular sieveSchlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Gianetti, Thomas L.; Annen, Samuel P.; Santiso-Quinones, Gustavo; Reiher, Markus; Driess, Matthias; Grützmacher, Hansjörg

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2016 , vol. 55, # 5 p. 1854 - 1858 Angew. Chem., 2015 , vol. 128, # 5 p. 1886 - 1890,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; sodium hydroxide in cyclohexane

T=100°C; P=4500.45 Torr; 1 h; Solvent;

Ferraz, Camila P.; Garcia, Marco Aurélio S.; Teixeira-Neto, Érico; Rossi, Liane M.

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 30 p. 25279 - 25285 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 15 %Spectr. B: 53 %Spectr.

With [{Cu2(5-phenyl-2,8-bis(6′-bipyridinyl)-1,9,10-anthyridine)-(μ-ClO4)2}(PF6)2]; dihydrogen peroxide in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=70°C; 12 h; SolventReagent/catalyst;

Huang, Da-Wei; Liu, Yi-Hung; Peng, Shie-Ming; Liu, Shiuh-Tzung

Organometallics, 2016 , vol. 35, # 2 p. 151 - 158 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ceria in para-xylene

T=150°C; P=760.051 Torr; 12 h; chemoselective reaction;

Zhang, Zhixin; Wang, Yehong; Wang, Min; Lu, Jianmin; Zhang, Chaofeng; Li, Lihua; Jiang, Jingyang; Wang, Feng

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 1693 - 1700 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

T=350°C; 12 h;

Kumar, Ashish; Kumar, Vanama Pavan; Srikanth, Amirineni; Vishwanathan, Venkataraman; Chary, Komandur V. R.

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 1 p. 35 - 46 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=90°C; P=760.051 Torr; 16 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Wang, Huan; Shi, Yuanyuan; Haruta, Masatake; Huang, Jiahui

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017 , vol. 536, p. 27 - 34 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 77 %Chromat.

With potassium hydoxide

T=178°C; 60 h; Inert atmosphere; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Goni, Md Abdul; Rosenberg, Edward; Gobetto, Roberto; Chierotti, Michele

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 845, p. 213 - 228 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C36H32Cl2N2O2P2Ru; potassium tert-butylate in toluene

T=150°C; 16 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique;

Sahoo; Jiang; Bruneau; Sharma; Suresh; Roisnel; Dorcet; Achard

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 7, # 16 p. 3492 - 3498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 3840158

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B: 22%

A: 38 %Spectr. B: 15 %Spectr. C: 43 %Spectr.

With oxygen; potassium hydoxide in water

P=7500.75 Torr; 0.166667 h; Green chemistry;

Wang, Shuai; Zhao, Qingfei; Wei, Huimin; Wang, Jian-Qiang; Cho, Minhyung; Cho, Hae Sung; Terasaki, Osamu; Wan, Ying

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2013 , vol. 135, # 32 p. 11849 - 11860 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; aluminum tri-tert-butoxide

T=20°C; 120 h; various alcohols investigated under different reaction circumstances; Product distribution;

Dodonov, V. A.; Stepovik, L. P.; Sofronova, S. M.; Mukhina, T. V.

J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1988 , vol. 58, # 7 p. 1578 - 1583,1406 - 1409 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate; PVP-stabilized 1:3 Au:Pd nanoparticles in water

T=84.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; Product distributionKinetics; Further Variations:CatalystsReagentsTemperatures;

Hou, Wenbo; Dehm, Nicole A.; Scott, Robert W.J.

Journal of Catalysis, 2008 , vol. 253, # 1 p. 22 - 27 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in toluene


Wang, Hu; Deng, Shao-Xin; Shen, Zhu-Rui; Wang, Jin-Gui; Ding, Da-Tong; Chen, Tie-Hong

Green Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 11, # 10 p. 1499 - 1502 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; sodium acetate in water

T=130°C; 12 h; Autoclave;

Wang, Liang; Meng, Xiangju; Wang, Bin; Chi, Wenyang; Xiao, Feng-Shou

Chemical Communications, 2010 , vol. 46, # 27 p. 5003 - 5005 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=80°C; pH=9; 4 h; aq. buffer;

Saio, Daisuke; Amaya, Toru; Hirao, Toshikazu

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2010 , vol. 352, # 13 p. 2177 - 2182 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=100°C; 5 h; neat (no solvent);

Wang, Hu; Wang, Jin-Gui; Shen, Zhu-Rui; Liu, Yu-Ping; Ding, Da-Tong; Chen, Tie-Hong

Journal of Catalysis, 2010 , vol. 275, # 1 p. 140 - 148 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=120°C; P=7757.43 Torr; 6 h;

Lopez-Sanchez, Jose Antonio; Dimitratos, Nikolaos; Glanville, Neil; Kesavan, Lokesh; Hammond, Ceri; Edwards, Jennifer K.; Carley, Albert F.; Kiely, Christopher J.; Hutchings, Graham J.

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2011 , vol. 391, # 1-2 p. 400 - 406 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide

T=50°C; 4 h; Autoclaveneat (no solvent);

Wang, Xiaoli; Wu, Gongde; Wei, Wei; Sun, Yuhan

Transition Metal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 35, # 2 p. 213 - 220 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=59.84°C; Neat (no solvent)UV-irradiation; Kinetics; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Feng, Wei; Wu, Guangjun; Li, Landong; Guan, Naijia

Green Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 13, # 11 p. 3265 - 3272 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=80°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 3 h;

Guo, Hongfan; Kemell, Marianna; Al-Hunaiti, Afnan; Rautiainen, Sari; Leskelae, Markku; Repo, Timo

Catalysis Communications, 2011 , vol. 12, # 13 p. 1260 - 1264 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=80°C; P=760.051 Torr; 20 h;

Wang, Liang; Zhang, Jian; Meng, Xiangju; Zheng, Dafang; Xiao, Feng-Shou

Catalysis Today, 2011 , vol. 175, # 1 p. 404 - 410 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide

T=69.84°C; 5 h; Solvent;

Adam, Farook; Ooi, Wan-Ting

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 445-446, p. 252 - 260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Au0.9Ag0.1; oxygen; sodium carbonate in water

T=39.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Huang, Xuemin; Wang, Xueguang; Wang, Xiaoshu; Wang, Xinxing; Tan, Mingwu; Ding, Weizhong; Lu, Xionggang

Journal of Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 301, p. 217 - 226 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 81 %Chromat. B: 6 %Chromat. C: 9 %Chromat.

With Au/DNA; oxygen; caesium carbonate in water

T=50°C; 12 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Tang, Lin; Guo, Xuefeng; Li, Yunfeng; Zhang, Shuai; Zha, Zhenggen; Wang, Zhiyong

Chemical Communications, 2013 , vol. 49, # 45 p. 5213 - 5215 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Au0.95Ag0.05; oxygen; sodium carbonate

T=39.84°C; 1 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Huang, Xuemin; Wang, Xueguang; Tan, Mingwu; Zou, Xiujing; Ding, Weizhong; Lu, Xionggang

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2013 , vol. 467, p. 407 - 413 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; sodium hydroxide in water

T=25°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Zhang, Leilei; Wang, Wentao; Wang, Aiqin; Cui, Yitao; Yang, Xiaofeng; Huang, Yanqiang; Liu, Xiaoyan; Liu, Wengang; Son, Jin-Young; Oji, Hiroshi; Zhang, Tao

Green Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 15, # 10 p. 2680 - 2684 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; sodium hydroxide in water

T=25°C; 2 h;

Zhang, Leilei; Wang, Wentao; Wang, Aiqin; Cui, Yitao; Yang, Xiaofeng; Huang, Yanqiang; Liu, Xiaoyan; Liu, Wengang; Son, Jin-Young; Oji, Hiroshi; Zhang, Tao

Green Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 15, # 10 p. 2680 - 2684 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With polymer supported palladium; air in water

T=100°C; P=760.051 Torr; 16 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Dell'Anna, Maria Michela; Mali, Matilda; Mastrorilli, Piero; Cotugno, Pietro; Monopoli, Antonio

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2014 , vol. 386, p. 114 - 119 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dihydrogen peroxide; potassium carbonate in water

6 h; Green chemistry;

Zhang, Mingmei; Sun, Qian; Yan, Zaoxue; Jing, Junjie; Wei, Wei; Jiang, Deli; Xie, Jimin; Chen, Min

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 66, # 5 p. 564 - 571 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in water

T=100°C; P=7500.75 Torr; 2 h; Autoclave; Reagent/catalystSolvent; Show Experimental Procedure

Rautiainen, Sari; Simakova, Olga; Guo, Hongfan; Leino, Anne-Riikka; Kordas, Krisztian; Murzin, Dmitry; Leskelae, Markku; Repo, Timo

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014 , vol. 485, p. 202 - 206 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=120 - 140°C; P=7500.75 Torr; Autoclave; Reagent/catalyst;

Hutchings, Graham J.

Catalysis Today, 2014 , vol. 238, p. 69 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium carbonate in toluene

Wang, Dong; Deraedt, Christophe; Salmon, Lionel; Labrugère, Christine; Etienne, Laetitia; Ruiz, Jaime; Astruc, Didier

T=85 - 90°C; P=760.051 Torr; 4.5 h; Schlenk techniqueInert atmosphereSonicationGreen chemistry;

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015 , vol. 21, # 17 p. 6501 - 6510 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

0.5 h; Irradiation; WavelengthReagent/catalystTime;

Cui, Jiabin; Li, Yongjia; Liu, Lei; Chen, Lin; Xu, Jun; Ma, Jingwen; Fang, Gang; Zhu, Enbo; Wu, Hao; Zhao, Lixia; Wang, Leyu; Huang, Yu

Nano Letters, 2015 , vol. 15, # 10 p. 6295 - 6301 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C22H17MoN3O7; dihydrogen peroxide; triethylamine in acetonitrile

T=80°C; 5 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Maurya, Mannar R.; Saini, Neeraj; Avecilla, Fernando

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 122 p. 101076 - 101088 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 15 %Spectr. B: 26 %Spectr. C: 41 %Spectr.

With Oxone; [{Cu2(5-phenyl-2,8-bis(6′-bipyridinyl)-1,9,10-anthyridine)-(μ-ClO4)2}(PF6)2] in methanol

T=70°C; 12 h; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Huang, Da-Wei; Liu, Yi-Hung; Peng, Shie-Ming; Liu, Shiuh-Tzung

Organometallics, 2016 , vol. 35, # 2 p. 151 - 158 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=99.84°C; 4 h;

Nozaki, Ai; Tanihara, Yasutomo; Kuwahara, Yasutaka; Ohmichi, Tetsutaro; Mori, Kohsuke; Nagase, Takeshi; Yasuda, Hiroyuki Y.; Calers, Christophe; Louis, Catherine; Yamashita, Hiromi

Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016 , vol. 4, # 21 p. 8458 - 8465 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium carbonate in water

T=26.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Ishida, Ryo; Arii, Setsuka; Kurashige, Wataru; Yamazoe, Seiji; Koyasu, Kiichirou; Negishi, Yuichi; Tsukuda, Tatsuya

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 37, # 10 p. 1656 - 1661 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With potassium carbonate in water

T=26.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 1 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Ishida, Ryo; Arii, Setsuka; Kurashige, Wataru; Yamazoe, Seiji; Koyasu, Kiichirou; Negishi, Yuichi; Tsukuda, Tatsuya

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 37, # 10 p. 1656 - 1661 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=90°C; P=760.051 Torr; 16 h; Show Experimental Procedure

Wang, Huan; Shi, Yuanyuan; Haruta, Masatake; Huang, Jiahui

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017 , vol. 536, p. 27 - 34 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; tungsten(VI) oxide

T=24.84°C; 8 h; UV-irradiation;

Ma, Bo; Huang, Erwei; Wu, Guangjun; Dai, Weili; Guan, Naijia; Li, Landong

RSC Advances, 2017 , vol. 7, # 5 p. 2606 - 2614 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=30°C; P=760.051 Torr; 6 h;

Yoskamtorn, Tatchamapan; Yamazoe, Seiji; Takahata, Ryo; Nishigaki, Jun-Ichi; Thivasasith, Anawat; Limtrakul, Jumras; Tsukuda, Tatsuya

ACS Catalysis, 2014 , vol. 4, # 10 p. 3696 - 3700 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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With (18O)-dimethylsulfoxide; (tetra-n-butylammonium)3[PMo12O40] in various solvent(s) T=135°C;

Rx-ID: 9213423

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Khenkin, Alexander M.; Neumann, Ronny

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 67, # 20 p. 7075 - 7079 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With copper dichloride; oxygen-18 in acetonitrile

T=25°C; P=750.075 Torr; 1 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Meng, Chao; Yang, Kai; Fu, Xianzhi; Yuan, Rusheng

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 6 p. 3760 - 3766 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C29H33FeN5O2(18)O(2+)*2CF3O3S(1-) in acetonitrile 24 h;

Rana, Sujoy; Dey, Aniruddha; Maiti, Debabrata

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 77 p. 14469 - 14472 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen-18 in acetonitrile

T=25°C; Irradiation; Mechanism;

Li, Hao; Qin, Feng; Yang, Zhiping; Cui, Ximin; Wang, Jianfang; Zhang, Lizhi

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017 , vol. 139, # 9 p. 3513 - 3521 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 28588897

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With water

T=440°C; 3 h; Inert atmosphere; Reactivity; Temperature;

Wang, Pengyu; Kojima, Hiroyuki; Kobiro, Kazuya; Nakahara, Koichi; Arita, Toshihiko; Kajimoto, Okitsugu

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2007 , vol. 80, # 9 p. 1828 - 1832 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=120°C; P=7757.43 Torr;

Dimitratos, Nikolaos; Lopez-Sanchez, Jose Antonio; Morgan, David; Carley, Albert F.; Tiruvalam, Ramchandra; Kiely, Christopher J.; Bethell, Donald; Hutchings, Graham J.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2009 , vol. 11, # 25 p. 5142 - 5153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With hydrogen


Li, Maoshuai; Wang, Xiaodong; Cárdenas-Lizana, Fernando; Keane, Mark A.

Catalysis Today, 2017 , vol. 279 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=120°C; P=3000.3 Torr; 1 h; Catalytic behavior;

Khawaji, Motaz; Chadwick, David

ChemCatChem, 2017 , vol. 9, # 23 p. 4353 - 4363 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Rx-ID: 28664056

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A: 8 %Chromat. B: 4 %Chromat.

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

With oxygen

T=80°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 3 h;

Ishida, Tamao; Nagaoka, Megumi; Akita, Tomoki; Haruta, Masatake

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2008 , vol. 14, # 28 p. 8456 - 8460 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With triethylsilane; palladium diacetate in methanol

T=40°C; 24 h; chemoselective reaction;

Bai, Xing-Feng; Ye, Fei; Zheng, Long-Sheng; Lai, Guo-Qiao; Xia, Chun-Gu; Xu, Li-Wen

Chemical Communications, 2012 , vol. 48, # 68 p. 8592 - 8594 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=110°C; P=2250.23 Torr; 4 h; Autoclave; Show Experimental Procedure

Sun, Jinyan; Tong, Xinli; Liu, Zonghui; Liao, Shengyun; Zhuang, Xuli; Xue, Song

Catalysis Communications, 2016 , vol. 85, p. 70 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With air; palladium nanoparticles hybrid with zirconia/polyvinyl alcoholmembrane T=70°C; P=7500.75 Torr; 20.5 h;

Liguori, Francesca; Moreno-Marrodan, Carmen; Barbaro, Pierluigi; Sawa, Haruo

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2017 , vol. 530, p. 217 - 225 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 29846321

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A: 6 %Spectr. B: 94 %Spectr.

With oxygen; oxalic acid; sodium nitrite in dichloromethane

T=20°C; P=3750.38 Torr; 2 h; Autoclave;

Sheng, Xuebin; Ma, Hong; Chen, Chen; Gao, Jin; Yin, Guochuan; Xu, Jie

Catalysis Communications, 2010 , vol. 11, # 15 p. 1189 - 1192 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With silica supported 4-OH-TEMPO/NOx; air in dichloromethane

T=20°C; Time;

Zhang, Hua; Fu, Luoling

Synthetic Communications, 2014 , vol. 44, # 5 p. 610 - 619 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1,1,1,3',3',3'-hexafluoro-propanol; nitric acid

T=20°C; 24 h;

Možina, Štefan; Stavber, Stojan; Iskra, Jernej

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 2017, # 3 p. 448 - 452 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Rx-ID: 30451812

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With hydrotalcite-supported gold nanoparticles in para-xylene

T=119.84°C; 6 h; Inert atmosphere;

Fang, Wenhao; Chen, Jiashu; Zhang, Qinghong; Deng, Weiping; Wang, Ye

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2011 , vol. 17, # 4 p. 1247 - 1256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=120°C; P=3000.3 Torr; 1 h;

Khawaji, Motaz; Chadwick, David

ChemCatChem, 2017 , vol. 9, # 23 p. 4353 - 4363 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 33900455

Find similar reactions

A: 77% B: 81%

With triphenylphosphine gold (I) chloride; potassium tert-butylate; silver trifluoromethanesulfonate in 1,4-dioxane


Yang, Hongwei; Mao, Rongfang; Luo, Cuicui; Lu, Chunxu; Cheng, Guangbin

Tetrahedron, 2014 , vol. 70, # 46 p. 8829 - 8835 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 81% B: 64%

With C47H38CuIN4P2; potassium tert-butylate in toluene

Reflux; Mechanism;

Xu, Zhaojun; Wang, Duo-Sheng; Yu, Xiaoli; Yang, Yongchun; Wang, Dawei

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2017 , vol. 359, # 19 p. 3332 - 3340 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 61% B: 15%

With caesium carbonate

T=120°C; P=750.075 Torr; 19 h; Inert atmosphereAutoclave;

Liu, Huihui; Chuah, Gaik-Khuan; Jaenicke, Stephan

Journal of Catalysis, 2012 , vol. 292, p. 130 - 137 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 50%

With [Pd(1,5-cyclooctadiene)Cl(SnCl3)] in o-xylene

T=140°C; 12 h; Mechanism;

Mohanty, Anuradha; Roy, Sujit

Tetrahedron Letters, 2016 , vol. 57, # 25 p. 2749 - 2753 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 43% B: 32%

With cesiumhydroxide monohydrate in 1,3,5-trimethyl-benzene

T=140°C; 24 h;

Wang, Chao; Chen, Changpeng; Han, Jian; Zhang, Jingyu; Yao, Yingming; Zhao, Yingsheng

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 2015, # 13 p. 2972 - 2977

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Raney nickel in 5,5-dimethyl-1,3-cyclohexadiene


Mehta, Astha; Thaker; Londhe; Nandan, Santosh R.

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014 , vol. 478, p. 241 - 251 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1,10-Phenanthroline; potassium tert-butylate; nickel dibromide in toluene

T=130°C; 60 h; chemoselective reaction;

Vellakkaran, Mari; Singh, Khushboo; Banerjee, Debasis

ACS Catalysis, 2017 , vol. 7, # 12 p. 8152 - 8158 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 42735394

Find similar reactions

With dihydrogen peroxide

Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Aktaş, Ayşe; Acar, Irfan; Saka, Ece Tuǧba; Biyiklioglu, Zekeriya

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 815-816, p. 1 - 7 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=50°C; 3 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Kamiloğlu, Ayşe Aktaş; Acar, İrfan; Biyiklioglu, Zekeriya; Saka, Ece Tuğba

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 828, p. 59 - 67 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=90°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior;

Aktaş, Ayşe; Acar, İrfan; Saka, Ece Tuğba; Biyiklioglu, Zekeriya; Kantekin, Halit

Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 86, # 3-4 p. 183 - 190 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 42735395

Find similar reactions

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide

T=90°C; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; ConcentrationTemperatureReagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Aktaş, Ayşe; Acar, Irfan; Saka, Ece Tuǧba; Biyiklioglu, Zekeriya

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 815-816, p. 1 - 7 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=50°C; 3 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureReagent/catalyst;

Kamiloğlu, Ayşe Aktaş; Acar, İrfan; Biyiklioglu, Zekeriya; Saka, Ece Tuğba

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 828, p. 59 - 67 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide in N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=25°C; 3 h; Catalytic behavior; Temperature;

Aktaş, Ayşe; Acar, İrfan; Saka, Ece Tuğba; Biyiklioglu, Zekeriya; Kantekin, Halit

Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 86, # 3-4 p. 183 - 190 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 43883070

Find similar reactions

Stage #1: With α,α,α-trifluorotoluene; cadmium sulfide

P=750.075 Torr; 0.5 h; Inert atmosphereDarkness; Stage #2: T=50°C; P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; Inert atmosphereIrradiation; Catalytic behavior;

Ning, Xiaofeng; Meng, Sugang; Fu, Xianliang; Ye, Xiangju; Chen, Shifu

Green Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 18, # 12 p. 3628 - 3639 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With CdS on graphitic carbon nitride 4 h; AutoclaveInert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst;

Ye, Xiangju; Dai, Xia; Meng, Sugang; Fu, Xianliang; Chen, Shifu

Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 35, # 2 p. 217 - 225 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 44448557

Find similar reactions

A: 60 %Chromat.

With bis[dichloro(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)iridium(III)]; C18H17N2O2P in tetrahydrofuran

T=150°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Reagent/catalyst;

Sahoo; Jiang; Bruneau; Sharma; Suresh; Achard

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 102 p. 100554 - 100558 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With C36H32Cl2N2O2P2Ru in tetrahydrofuran

T=170°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique;

Sahoo; Jiang; Bruneau; Sharma; Suresh; Roisnel; Dorcet; Achard

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2017 , vol. 7, # 16 p. 3492 - 3498 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 44797700

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Synthesize Find similar

Dauth, Alexander; Gellrich, Urs; Diskin-Posner, Yael; Ben-David, Yehoshoa; Milstein, David

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2017 , vol. 139, # 7 p. 2799 - 2807 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in benzene-d6

T=20°C; 18 h;




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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 44974937

Find similar reactions

A: 12 %Chromat. B: 26 %Chromat. C: 24 %Chromat.

With potassium hexafluorophosphate; tetralin; C40H37Cl2NP2Ru

T=100°C; 48 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Stubbs; Firth; Bridge; Berger; Hazlehurst; Boyle; Blacquiere

Dalton Transactions, 2017 , vol. 46, # 3 p. 647 - 650 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 31 %Chromat. B: 20 %Chromat. C: 10 %Chromat.

With tetralin; C37H36ClN4PRu

T=100°C; 48 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Stubbs; Firth; Bridge; Berger; Hazlehurst; Boyle; Blacquiere

Dalton Transactions, 2017 , vol. 46, # 3 p. 647 - 650 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 44975725

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With bis(1-methylethyl) 1,2-hydrazinedicarboxylate; 3-benzyl-2',3',4',5'tetraacetylriboflavin; oxygen; triphenylphosphine in acetonitrile

T=25°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h; Molecular sieveIrradiation;

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Synthesize Find similar

März; Chudoba; Kohout; Cibulka

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 15, # 9 p. 1970 - 1975 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 46128141

Find similar reactions

With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; [NiII(2-(2-hydroxylethyl)pyridine)(H2O)4]SO4 in water

T=80°C; 20 h;

Mohammad, Akbar; Chandra, Prakash; Ghosh, Topi; Carraro, Mauro; Mobin, Shaikh M.

Inorganic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 56, # 17 p. 10596 - 10608 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 46341188

Find similar reactions

With C47H38CuIN4P2; potassium tert-butylate in toluene

24 h; Reflux; Mechanism;

Xu, Zhaojun; Wang, Duo-Sheng; Yu, Xiaoli; Yang, Yongchun; Wang, Dawei

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2017 , vol. 359, # 19 p. 3332 - 3340 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details





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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 46717910

Find similar reactions

With C28H26ClN6Ru(1+)*F6P(1-); sodium isopropylate in toluene

T=125°C; 2.5 h; Schlenk techniqueInert atmosphereSealed tubeGlovebox; Kinetics;

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Shee, Sujan; Paul, Bhaskar; Panja, Dibyajyoti; Roy, Bivas Chandra; Chakrabarti, Kaushik; Ganguli, Kasturi; Das, Ayan; Das, Gourab Kanti; Kundu, Sabuj

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2017 , vol. 359, # 22 p. 3888 - 3893 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details





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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 46733111

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Synthesize Find similar

A: 3 %Chromat. B: 32 %Chromat. C: 28 %Chromat. D: 23 %Chromat.

With potassium carbonate in 1,4-dioxane; ethanol


Kumar, Sandeep; Chaudhary, Abha; Bandna; Bhattacherjee, Dhananjay; Thakur, Vandna; Das, Pralay

New Journal of Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 41, # 9 p. 3242 - 3245 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 5 %Chromat. B: 41 %Chromat. C: 6 %Chromat. D: 14 %Chromat.

With potassium carbonate in 1,4-dioxane; ethanol


Kumar, Sandeep; Chaudhary, Abha; Bandna; Bhattacherjee, Dhananjay; Thakur, Vandna; Das, Pralay

New Journal of Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 41, # 9 p. 3242 - 3245 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 46733112

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A: 90 %Chromat. B: 8 %Chromat.

With potassium fluoride; oxygen

T=60°C; 24 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Kumar, Sandeep; Chaudhary, Abha; Bandna; Bhattacherjee, Dhananjay; Thakur, Vandna; Das, Pralay

New Journal of Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 41, # 9 p. 3242 - 3245 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 46733113

Find similar reactions

A: 25 %Chromat. B: 16 %Chromat. C: 50%

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in 1,4-dioxane

T=60°C; 24 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Kumar, Sandeep; Chaudhary, Abha; Bandna; Bhattacherjee, Dhananjay; Thakur, Vandna; Das, Pralay

New Journal of Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 41, # 9 p. 3242 - 3245 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 46733115

Find similar reactions

A: 30% B: 40%

With oxygen; potassium carbonate in 1,4-dioxane

T=80°C; 48 h;

Synthesize Find similar

Kumar, Sandeep; Chaudhary, Abha; Bandna; Bhattacherjee, Dhananjay; Thakur, Vandna; Das, Pralay

New Journal of Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 41, # 9 p. 3242 - 3245

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 46954609

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With tert.-butylhydroperoxide; C80H68Cu6N4O22Si10*2.5C2H6OS; calcium carbonate in acetonitrile T=80°C; 24 h; Sealed tube;

Kulakova, Alena N.; Bilyachenko, Alexey N.; Levitsky, Mikhail M.; Khrustalev, Victor N.; Korlyukov, Alexander A.; Zubavichus, Yan V.; Dorovatovskii, Pavel V.; Lamaty, Frédéric; Bantreil, Xavier; Villemejeanne, Benoît; Martinez, Jean; Shul'Pina, Lidia S.; Shubina, Elena S.; Gutsul, Evgeniy I.; Mikhailov, Igor A.; Ikonnikov, Nikolay S.; Tsareva, Ul'Yana S.; Shul'Pin, Georgiy B.

Inorganic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 56, # 24 p. 15026 - 15040 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details






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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 47073309

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C: 10 %Chromat. D: 5 %Chromat. E: 7 %Chromat.

With potassium tert-butylate in toluene

T=170°C; 12 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk techniqueSealed tubeGreen chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Temperature;

Li, Jinlei; Liu, Guoliang; Shi, Lijun; Xing, Qi; Li, Fuwei

Green Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 19, # 24 p. 5782 - 5788 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Rx-ID: 47073314

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C: 6 %Chromat.

With potassium tert-butylate in toluene

T=150°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk techniqueSealed tubeGreen chemistry;

Li, Jinlei; Liu, Guoliang; Shi, Lijun; Xing, Qi; Li, Fuwei

Green Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 19, # 24 p. 5782 - 5788 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 3840148

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With tetrachloromethane; potassium carbonate; palladium dichloride

T=80°C; 7 h; Yield given;

Nagashima, Hideo; Tsuji, Jiro

Chemistry Letters, 1981 , p. 1171 - 1172 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With tetrachloromethane; potassium carbonate; palladium dichloride

T=80°C; 7 h; Yield given. Yields of byproduct given;

nagashima, Hideo; Sato, Koji; Tsuii, Jiro

Tetrahedron, 1985 , vol. 41, # 23 p. 5645 - 5651 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=100°C; P=3800.26 Torr; 2 h; Neat (no solvent);

Evangelisti, Claudio; Schiavi, Eleonora; Aronica, Laura Antonella; Caporusso, Anna Maria; Vitulli, Giovanni; Bertinetti, Luca; Martra, Gianmario; Balerna, Antonella; Mobilio, Settimio

Journal of Catalysis, 2012 , vol. 286, p. 224 - 236 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With iron orthoborate in neat (no solvent) T=110°C; 10 h; TemperatureTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Meydan, Engin; Öztürk, Ömer Faruk

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 28, # 6 p. 1325 - 1329 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With hydrogen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=49.84°C; 0.5 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Okumura, Kazu

Synlett, 2016 , vol. 27, # 8 art. no. ST-2015-U0854-C, p. 1223 - 1226 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details





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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 5310949

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With BaPb0.6Bi0.1Cu0.3; oxygen

T=399.85°C; Oxidation; Product distribution; Further Variations:CatalystsTemperaturescontact time;

Sumathi; Johnson; Viswanathan; Varadarajan

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 1997 , vol. 36, # 10 p. 874 - 878 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; BaBiO3

T=399.85°C; Product distribution; Further Variations:TemperaturesCatalysts;

Sumathi; Johnson; Viswanathan; Varadarajan

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 38, # 1 p. 40 - 48 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=120°C; P=1520.1 Torr; 8 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Amakawa, Kazuhiko; Kolen'Ko, Yury V.; Villa, Alberto; Schuster, Manfred E.; Csepei, Lenard-Istvan; Weinberg, Gisela; Wrabetz, Sabine; Naumann D'Alnoncourt, Raoul; Girgsdies, Frank; Prati, Laura; Schloegl, Robert; Trunschke, Annette

ACS Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 3, # 6 p. 1103 - 1113 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1 Pd/Sibunit; oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=120 - 140°C; P=7500.75 Torr; Autoclave;

Hutchings, Graham J.

Catalysis Today, 2014 , vol. 238, p. 69 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=99.84°C; 7 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Kong, Liping; Wang, Chengcheng; Gong, Feilong; Zhu, Weidong; Zhong, Yijun; Ye, Xiangrong; Li, Feng

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 7 p. 1321 - 1330 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 29530602

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With oxygen

T=85°C; P=750.075 Torr; 3 h;

Yang, Xiaomin; Wang, Xiuna; Qiu, Jieshan

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2010 , vol. 382, # 1 p. 131 - 137 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate

T=110°C; P=2250.23 Torr; 4 h; Autoclave; Show Experimental Procedure

Sun, Jinyan; Tong, Xinli; Liu, Zonghui; Liao, Shengyun; Zhuang, Xuli; Xue, Song

Catalysis Communications, 2016 , vol. 85, p. 70 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details






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Rx-ID: 29776539

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A: 87 %Chromat.

A: 98 %Chromat.

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With C20H31Cl4IrN4Pd; caesium carbonate

T=110°C; 3 h; Aerobic conditions;

Zanardi, Alessandro; Mata, Jose A.; Peris, Eduardo

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2010 , vol. 16, # 34 p. 10502 - 10506 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With di-tert-butyl peroxide; potassium hydoxide in diethylene glycol dimethyl ether

T=140°C; 24 h;

Xiao, Fuhong; Liu, Yong; Tang, Chenglin; Deng, Guo-Jun

Organic Letters, 2012 , vol. 14, # 4 p. 984 - 987 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With tris(triphenylphosphine)ruthenium(II) chloride

T=130°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphereSealed tube; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Tan, Da-Wei; Li, Hong-Xi; Young, David James; Lang, Jian-Ping

Tetrahedron, 2016 , vol. 72, # 29 p. 4169 - 4176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 30025419

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With oxygen

T=160°C; 1 h; neat (no solvent);

Chen, Yuanting; Guo, Zhen; Chen, Tao; Yang, Yanhui

Journal of Catalysis, 2010 , vol. 275, # 1 p. 11 - 24 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=120°C; P=7757.43 Torr; 6 h;

Lopez-Sanchez, Jose Antonio; Dimitratos, Nikolaos; Glanville, Neil; Kesavan, Lokesh; Hammond, Ceri; Edwards, Jennifer K.; Carley, Albert F.; Kiely, Christopher J.; Hutchings, Graham J.

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2011 , vol. 391, # 1-2 p. 400 - 406 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=100°C; P=4500.45 Torr; 2.5 h; Autoclave; Reagent/catalyst;

Silva, Tiago A. G.; Landers, Richard; Rossi, Liane M.

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2013 , vol. 3, # 11 p. 2993 - 2999 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=140°C; P=7500.75 Torr; Autoclave; Reagent/catalyst;

Miedziak, Peter J.; Kondrat, Simon A.; Sajjad, Noreen; King, Gavin M.; Douthwaite, Mark; Shaw, Greg; Brett, Gemma L.; Edwards, Jennifer K.; Morgan, David J.; Hussain, Ghulam; Hutchings, Graham J.

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2013 , vol. 3, # 11 p. 2910 - 2917 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=90°C; 2 h; Reagent/catalyst; Overall yield = 80 percent; Show Experimental Procedure

Mahdavi, Hossein; Sahraei, Razieh

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 5 p. 977 - 990 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Rx-ID: 30034453

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With 2CF3O3S(1-)*C12H32Cu2N4O2(2+) in acetone T=-30.16°C; Kinetics;

Kang, Peng; Bobyr, Elena; Dustman, John; Hodgson, Keith O.; Hedman, Britt; Solomon, Edward I.; Stack, T. Daniel P.

Inorganic Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 49, # 23 p. 11030 - 11038 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With 1,10-Phenanthroline; 1,2-bis(t-butyloxycarbonyl)hydrazine; oxygen; potassium carbonate; copper(l) chloride in fluorobenzene

T=27°C; Reagent/catalyst;

McCann, Scott D.; Stahl, Shannon S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 138, # 1 p. 199 - 206 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 32349303

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A: 9.3% B: 31.2%

With ammonia; oxygen in toluene

T=149.84°C; P=22502.3 Torr; 1 h;

Nie, Renfeng; Shi, Juanjuan; Xia, Shuixin; Shen, Lian; Chen, Ping; Hou, Zhaoyin; Xiao, Feng-Shou

Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 22, # 35 p. 18115 - 18118 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 13 %Chromat. B: 46 %Chromat.

With manganese(IV) oxide; ammonia; water; oxygen in 1,4-dioxane

T=130°C; P=1520.1 Torr; 1 h; Autoclave;

Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Kobayashi, Hiroaki; Oishi, Takamichi; Mizuno, Noritaka

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2012 , vol. 51, # 2 p. 544 - 547 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 22 %Chromat. B: 18 %Chromat.

With ammonia; water; oxygen in 1,4-dioxane

T=130°C; P=2280.15 Torr; 1 h; Autoclave;

Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Kobayashi, Hiroaki; Oishi, Takamichi; Mizuno, Noritaka

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2012 , vol. 51, # 2 p. 544 - 547 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 6 %Chromat. B: 57 %Chromat.

With ammonium hydroxide; cobalt(II,III) oxide; oxygen in 1,4-dioxane

T=130°C; P=2280.15 Torr; 1 h; Autoclave;

Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Kobayashi, Hiroaki; Wang, Ye; Oishi, Takamichi; Ogasawara, Yoshiyuki; Mizuno, Noritaka

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2013 , vol. 3, # 2 p. 318 - 327 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 22 %Chromat.

With ammonium hydroxide; oxygen in 1,4-dioxane

T=130°C; P=2280.15 Torr; 1 h; Autoclave;

Yamaguchi, Kazuya; Kobayashi, Hiroaki; Wang, Ye; Oishi, Takamichi; Ogasawara, Yoshiyuki; Mizuno, Noritaka

Catalysis Science and Technology, 2013 , vol. 3, # 2 p. 318 - 327

B: 18 %Chromat.

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 16 %Chromat. B: 67 %Chromat.

With 2,3'-bipyridine; ammonium hydroxide; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; oxygen; copper(ll) bromide in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=20°C; 24 h; Reagent/catalystSolventTemperature;

Yin, Weiyu; Wang, Chengming; Huang, Yong

Organic Letters, 2013 , vol. 15, # 8 p. 1850 - 1853 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With copper(II) choride dihydrate; ammonium formate; potassium carbonate in neat (no solvent) T=125°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h; Sealed tubeSchlenk techniqueGreen chemistry; Catalytic behavior; TemperatureReagent/catalyst;

Yadav, Dilip Kumar T.; Bhanage, Bhalchandra M.

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013 , # 23 p. 5106 - 5110 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 37 %Spectr. B: 44 %Spectr.

With ammonium hydroxide; 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-1-piperidinyloxy free radical; [{(MeOH)Cu(OAc)} (μ-k2:k1-2-(3-(pyridin-2-yl)-1H-pyrazol-1-yl)acetic acid(-H))]2*0.5H2O; tetraethylammonium iodide; oxygen; potassium carbonate in water

T=60°C; P=760.051 Torr; 24 h; Reagent/catalystTemperature;

Xie, Jing-Bo; Bao, Jia-Jing; Li, Hong-Xi; Tan, Da-Wei; Li, Hai-Yan; Lang, Jian-Ping

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 96 p. 54007 - 54017 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 7.4 %Chromat. B: 89.3 %Chromat.

With [2,2]bipyridinyl; ammonium hydroxide; copper(l) iodide; N,N-dimethyl-(4-(2,2,6,6tetramethyl-1-oxyl-4-piperidoxyl)butyl)dodecylammonium bromide; oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=55°C; P=750.075 Torr; 7 h; Green chemistry;

Zhang, Yuecheng; Huang, Rong; Gao, Baosheng; Zhao, Jiquan

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 1 p. 220 - 228 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 83.1 %Chromat. B: 16.7 %Chromat.

With [2,2]bipyridinyl; ammonium hydroxide; N,N-dimethyl-(4-(2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-1-oxyl-4piperidoxyl)butyl)dodecylammonium bromide; oxygen; copper(ll) bromide in neat (no solvent) T=55°C; P=750.075 Torr; 7 h; Green chemistry;

Zhang, Yuecheng; Huang, Rong; Gao, Baosheng; Zhao, Jiquan

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 1 p. 220 - 228 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With ammonia

T=290°C; 2 h; Flow reactor; Temperature;

Zhang, Yuecheng; Zhao, Xiaofu; Zhang, Hongyu; Yan, Xiang; Zhao, Jiquan

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016 , vol. 522, p. 45 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 33113668

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A: 38% B: 40% C: 16%

With cadmium(II) sulphide in acetonitrile

T=20°C; P=37.5038 Torr; 24 h; Inert atmosphereIrradiation;

Mitkina, Tatiana; Stanglmair, Christoph; Setzer, Wolfgang; Gruber, Michael; Kisch, Horst; Koenig, Burkhard

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 10, # 17 p. 3556 - 3561 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stage #1: With cadmium sulphide in acetonitrile

0.00277778 h; Schlenk techniqueSonicationInert atmosphere; Stage #2: in acetonitrile

T=20°C; 20 h; IrradiationInert atmosphereSchlenk technique;

Chai, Zhigang; Zeng, Ting-Ting; Li, Qi; Lu, Liang-Qiu; Xiao, Wen-Jing; Xu, Dongsheng

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 138, # 32 p. 10128 - 10131 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Rx-ID: 39966654

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With oxygen; potassium carbonate in n-heptane

T=100°C; 24 h; chemoselective reaction;

Zhou, Yu-Xiao; Chen, Yu-Zhen; Cao, Lina; Lu, Junling; Jiang, Hai-Long

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 39 p. 8292 - 8295 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; potassium carbonate

T=110°C; P=2250.23 Torr; 4 h; Autoclave; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Sun, Jinyan; Tong, Xinli; Liu, Zonghui; Liao, Shengyun; Zhuang, Xuli; Xue, Song

Catalysis Communications, 2016 , vol. 85, p. 70 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details







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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 40194104

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With palladium on activated charcoal; oxygen in m-xylene

T=70°C; P=750.075 Torr; ConcentrationPressureTemperature;

Savara, Aditya; Chan-Thaw, Carine E.; Rossetti, Ilenia; Villa, Alberto; Prati, Laura

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 6, # 12 p. 3464 - 3473 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in para-xylene

T=80°C; P=750.075 Torr; KineticsCatalytic behaviorMechanism; ConcentrationTemperature;

Savara, Aditya; Rossetti, Ilenia; Chan-Thaw, Carine E.; Prati, Laura; Villa, Alberto

ChemCatChem, 2016 , vol. 8, # 15 p. 2482 - 2491 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Rx-ID: 42034013

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A: 7% B: 92%

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=80°C; 16 h; Catalytic behavior;

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Liu, Kai; Xu, Yanqi; Yao, Zhixiao; Miras, Haralampos N.; Song, Yu-Fei

ChemCatChem, 2016 , vol. 8, # 5 p. 929 - 937 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 42034014

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A: 25% B: 64%

With dihydrogen peroxide in water; acetonitrile

T=80°C; 24 h; Catalytic behavior;

Liu, Kai; Xu, Yanqi; Yao, Zhixiao; Miras, Haralampos N.; Song, Yu-Fei

ChemCatChem, 2016 , vol. 8, # 5 p. 929 - 937 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 42199569

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A: 7.8 %Chromat. B: 73 %Chromat. C: 19.1 %Chromat.

With [2,2]bipyridinyl; ammonium hydroxide; copper(l) iodide; N,N-dimethyl-(4-(2,2,6,6tetramethyl-1-oxyl-4-piperidoxyl)butyl)dodecylammonium bromide; oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=55°C; P=750.075 Torr; 5 h; Green chemistry;

Zhang, Yuecheng; Huang, Rong; Gao, Baosheng; Zhao, Jiquan

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 1 p. 220 - 228 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 7.2 %Chromat. B: 86.2 %Chromat. C: 6.5 %Chromat.

With [2,2]bipyridinyl; ammonium hydroxide; copper(l) iodide; N,N-dimethyl-(4-(2,2,6,6tetramethyl-1-oxyl-4-piperidoxyl)butyl)dodecylammonium bromide; oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=55°C; P=750.075 Torr; 9.5 h; Green chemistry;

Zhang, Yuecheng; Huang, Rong; Gao, Baosheng; Zhao, Jiquan

Catalysis Letters, 2016 , vol. 146, # 1 p. 220 - 228 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details









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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 42421641

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Beletskiy, Evgeny V.; Hou, Xianliang; Shen, Zhongliang; Gallagher, James R.; Miller, Jeffrey T.; Wu, Yuyang; Li, Tiehu; Kung, Mayfair C.; Kung, Harold H.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 138, # 13 p. 4294 - 4297 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in toluene

T=100°C; 16 h; Kinetics; Reagent/catalystTime;



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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 42642077

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With 1,3-dibromo-5,5-dimethylimidazolidine-2,4-dione; water-d2; alpha cyclodextrin

T=60°C; 1 h; Green chemistry; Catalytic behavior; Show Experimental Procedure

Chaudhuri, Sauradip; Zaki, Hossam; Levine, Mindy

Synthetic Communications, 2016 , vol. 46, # 7 p. 636 - 644 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Rx-ID: 42669866

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A: 32 %Spectr. B: 9 %Spectr. C: 47

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; 4,4'-Dimethoxy-2,2'-bipyridin; 9-azabicyclolt;3.3.1gt;nonane-Noxyl; oxygen; copper(l) chloride in tetrahydrofuran

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 0.5 h; Molecular sieve;

Zultanski, Susan L.; Zhao, Jingyi; Stahl, Shannon S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 138, # 20 p. 6416 - 6419 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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%Spectr. A


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Rx-ID: 42669867

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A: 53 %Spectr. B: 34 %Spectr.

With 1-methyl-1H-imidazole; 4,4'-Dimethoxy-2,2'-bipyridin; 9-azabicyclolt;3.3.1gt;nonane-Noxyl; oxygen; copper(l) chloride in tetrahydrofuran

T=20°C; P=760.051 Torr; 0.5 h; Molecular sieve;

Zultanski, Susan L.; Zhao, Jingyi; Stahl, Shannon S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 138, # 20 p. 6416 - 6419 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details






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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 42975185

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With iododioxobis(triphenylphosphine)rhenium(V); triphenylphosphine in benzene

T=150°C; 92 h; Sealed tube;

Kasner, Gabrielle R.; Boucher-Jacobs, Camille; Michael McClain; Nicholas, Kenneth M.

Chemical Communications, 2016 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 7257 - 7260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details





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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 42978112

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With ammonia

T=320°C; 2 h; Flow reactor;

Zhang, Yuecheng; Zhao, Xiaofu; Zhang, Hongyu; Yan, Xiang; Zhao, Jiquan

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016 , vol. 522, p. 45 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details






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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 42978113

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With ammonia

T=320°C; 2 h; Flow reactor;

Zhang, Yuecheng; Zhao, Xiaofu; Zhang, Hongyu; Yan, Xiang; Zhao, Jiquan

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016 , vol. 522, p. 45 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 42978118

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With ammonia

T=320°C; 2 h; Flow reactor;

Zhang, Yuecheng; Zhao, Xiaofu; Zhang, Hongyu; Yan, Xiang; Zhao, Jiquan

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2016 , vol. 522, p. 45 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details





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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 42978827

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With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

T=100°C; 3.5 h; Reagent/catalyst;

Cui, Tian-Lu; Ke, Wen-Yu; Zhang, Wen-Bei; Wang, Hong-Hui; Li, Xin-Hao; Chen, Jie-Sheng

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2016 , vol. 55, # 32 p. 9178 - 9182 Angew. Chem., 2016 , vol. 128, p. 9324 - 9328,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Rx-ID: 43015407

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A: Ca. 20 %Spectr. B: Ca. 20 %Spectr.

With potassium phosphate

T=155°C; P=750.075 Torr; 48 h; Inert atmosphereSealed tubeGreen chemistry; Show Experimental Procedure

Wu, Kaikai; He, Wei; Sun, Chenglin; Yu, Zhengkun

Tetrahedron Letters, 2016 , vol. 57, # 36 p. 4017 - 4020 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 43415385

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With oxygen; potassium carbonate

T=110°C; P=2250.23 Torr; 4 h; Autoclave; Show Experimental Procedure

Synthesize Find similar

Sun, Jinyan; Tong, Xinli; Liu, Zonghui; Liao, Shengyun; Zhuang, Xuli; Xue, Song

Catalysis Communications, 2016 , vol. 85, p. 70 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details





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Rx-ID: 43415386

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With oxygen

T=110°C; P=2250.23 Torr; 4 h; Autoclave; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

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Sun, Jinyan; Tong, Xinli; Liu, Zonghui; Liao, Shengyun; Zhuang, Xuli; Xue, Song

Catalysis Communications, 2016 , vol. 85, p. 70 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Rx-ID: 43883072

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Stage #1: With α,α,α-trifluorotoluene; cadmium sulfide

P=750.075 Torr; 0.5 h; Inert atmosphereDarkness; Stage #2: T=50°C; P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; Inert atmosphereIrradiation; Catalytic behavior;

Ning, Xiaofeng; Meng, Sugang; Fu, Xianliang; Ye, Xiangju; Chen, Shifu

Green Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 18, # 12 p. 3628 - 3639 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 44018426

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A: 92.7%

With potassium hydoxide in water

T=60°C; P=750.075 Torr; 6 h; Sealed tubeGreen chemistry; Reagent/catalyst; Show Experimental Procedure

Zhou, Maoxiang; Zhang, Leilei; Miller, Jeffrey T.; Yang, Xiaofeng; Liu, Xiaoyan; Wang, Aiqin; Zhang, Tao

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 37, # 10 p. 1764 - 1770 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

A: 76 %Spectr.

With trans-RuCl(2-(2-pyridyl-6-ol)-1,10-phenanthroline)(PPh3)2PF6; sodium hydroxide in toluene

1.5 h; RefluxInert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Mechanism;

Chakrabarti, Kaushik; Paul, Bhaskar; Maji, Milan; Roy, Bivas Chandra; Shee, Sujan; Kundu, Sabuj

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 14, # 46 p. 10988 - 10997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 44129843

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A: 19 %Spectr. B: 14 %Spectr. C: 46 %Spectr.

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With ammonium hydroxide; C36H34N2O2P2Ru; ammonium acetate in ethanol; water

T=90°C; 24.5 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique;

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Synthesize Find similar

Malan, Frederick P.; Noh, Ji-Hyang; Naganagowda, Gadada; Singleton, Eric; Meijboom, Reinout

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 825-826, p. 139 - 145 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 44252018

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A: 52%

With [(tris[2-{N-tetramethylguanidyl}ethyl]amine)CoII–[N-(p-toluenesulfonyl)imino](2-tertbutylsulfonyl)phenyliodinane](OTf)2 in acetone

T=-40°C; Inert atmosphere; Kinetics; Reagent/catalystTime;

Kundu, Subrata; Chernev, Petko; Engelmann, Xenia; Chung, Chan Siu; Dau, Holger; Bill, Eckhard; England, Jason; Nam, Wonwoo; Ray, Kallol

Dalton Transactions, 2016 , vol. 45, # 37 p. 14538 - 14543 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 44448556

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B: 85

With bis[dichloro(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)iridium(III)]; C18H17N2O2P in tetrahydrofuran

Sahoo; Jiang; Bruneau; Sharma; Suresh; Achard


T=150°C; 24 h; Inert atmosphereSchlenk technique; Reagent/catalyst;

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 102 p. 100554 - 100558 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Rx-ID: 44453817

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With tetrabutylammonium benzoate in dimethylsulfoxide-d6

Fabre, Indira; Perego, Luca Alessandro; Bergès, Julien; Ciofini, Ilaria; Grimaud, Laurence; Taillefer, Marc

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 2016, # 35 p. 5887 - 5896 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 44516945

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With bis(tetrabutylammonium) hexamolybdate; isopropyl alcohol

T=220°C; 3 h; Microwave irradiation;

Larsen, Daniel B.; Petersen, Allan R.; Dethlefsen, Johannes R.; Teshome, Ayele; Fristrup, Peter

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2016 , vol. 22, # 46 p. 16621 - 16631 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 44516946

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With bis(tetrabutylammonium) hexamolybdate; isopropyl alcohol

T=220°C; 3 h; Microwave irradiation;

Larsen, Daniel B.; Petersen, Allan R.; Dethlefsen, Johannes R.; Teshome, Ayele; Fristrup, Peter

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2016 , vol. 22, # 46 p. 16621 - 16631 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 44516947

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With bis(tetrabutylammonium) hexamolybdate; isopropyl alcohol

T=240°C; 2 h; Microwave irradiation; Temperature;

Larsen, Daniel B.; Petersen, Allan R.; Dethlefsen, Johannes R.; Teshome, Ayele; Fristrup, Peter

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2016 , vol. 22, # 46 p. 16621 - 16631 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 44633209

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Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: oxygen; potassium hydoxide / water / 6 h / 60 °C / 750.08 Torr / Sealed tube; Green chemistry 2: potassium hydoxide / water / 6 h / 60 °C / 750.08 Torr / Sealed tube; Green chemistry View Scheme

Zhou, Maoxiang; Zhang, Leilei; Miller, Jeffrey T.; Yang, Xiaofeng; Liu, Xiaoyan; Wang, Aiqin; Zhang, Tao

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 37, # 10 p. 1764 - 1770 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2117815

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With pyridinium chlorochromate in dichloromethane

2 h; Ambient temperature;

Fleming, Paul E.; Mocek, Ursula; Floss, Heinz G.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1993 , vol. 115, # 2 p. 805 - 807 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With pyridinium chlorochromate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 1 h;

Bialecki, Jason B.; Ruzicka, Josef; Attygalle, Athula B.

Journal of Labelled Compounds and Radiopharmaceuticals, 2007 , vol. 50, # 8 p. 711 - 715 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With manganese(IV) oxide in benzene

15 h; RefluxInert atmosphere;

Takahashi, Masayuki; Micalizio, Glenn C.

Chemical Communications, 2010 , vol. 46, # 19 p. 3336 - 3338 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dipyridinium dichromate


Yamataka, Hiroshi; Sasaki, Daizo; Kuwatani, Yoshiyuki; Mishima, Masaaki; Tsuno, Yuho

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1997 , vol. 119, # 42 p. 9975 - 9979 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With dipyridinium dichromate

Yamataka, Hiroshi; Shimizu, Makoto; Mishima, Masaaki

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2002 , vol. 75, # 1 p. 127 - 129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With pyridinium chlorochromate in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 1 h;

Li, Long; Zhou, Bo; Wang, Yong-Heng; Shu, Chao; Pan, Yi-Fei; Lu, Xin; Ye, Long-Wu

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2015 , vol. 54, # 28 p. 8245 - 8249 Angew. Chem., 2015 , vol. 54, p. 8245 - 8249,4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 28714100

Find similar reactions

A: 95%

With Au/HAP; oxygen

T=100°C; 5 h; chemoselective reaction;

Sun, Hao; Su, Fang-Zheng; Ni, Ji; Cao, Yong; He, He-Yong; Fan, Kang-Nian

Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 2009 , vol. 48, # 24 p. 4390 - 4393 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 97 %Chromat. B: 136 μmol

With TiO2 loading Pt(0.3) nanoparticles T=24.84°C; P=760.051 Torr; 12 h; UV-irradiationInert atmosphere;

Shiraishi, Yasuhiro; Ikeda, Makoto; Tsukamoto, Daijiro; Tanaka, Shunsuke; Hirai, Takayuki

Chemical Communications, 2011 , vol. 47, # 16 p. 4811 - 4813 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 39 %Chromat. B: 19 %Chromat.

With Au/MgO in toluene

T=110°C; P=760.051 Torr; 22 h; Inert atmosphere;

Ishida, Tamao; Takamura, Rena; Takei, Takashi; Akita, Tomoki; Haruta, Masatake

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 413-414, p. 261 - 266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With cerium(IV) oxide; oxygen in para-xylene

T=60°C; 12 h; Catalytic behavior; Solvent;

Zhang, Zhixin; Wang, Yehong; Wang, Min; Lü, Jianmin; Li, Lihua; Zhang, Zhe; Li, Mingrun; Jiang, Jingyang; Wang, Feng

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 36, # 9 p. 1623 - 1630

Show Experimental Procedure

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


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Rx-ID: 28828043

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With platinum doped titanium oxide; oxygen in benzotrifluoride

T=20°C; P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; IrradiationInert atmosphere;

Zhang, Miao; Wang, Qi; Chen, Chuncheng; Ma, Wanhong; Zhao, Jincai; Zang, Ling

Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 2009 , vol. 48, # 33 p. 6081 - 6084 Angewandte Chemie, 2009 , vol. 121, # 33 p. 6197 - 6200 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; titanium(IV) oxide in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 1 h; IrradiationMolecular sieve; Reagent/catalystSolvent;

Meng, Chao; Yang, Kai; Fu, Xianzhi; Yuan, Rusheng

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 6 p. 3760 - 3766 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 28828044

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With oxygen; titanium(IV) oxide in benzotrifluoride

T=20°C; P=750.075 Torr; 4 h; Irradiation;

Zhang, Miao; Wang, Qi; Chen, Chuncheng; Ma, Wanhong; Zhao, Jincai; Zang, Ling

Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 2009 , vol. 48, # 33 p. 6081 - 6084 Angewandte Chemie, 2009 , vol. 121, # 33 p. 6197 - 6200 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With Oxone in water

T=50°C; 21 h; Inert atmosphere; chemoselective reaction;

Wu, Shang; Ma, Hengchang; Lei, Ziqiang

Synlett, 2010 , # 18 p. 2818 - 2822 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen; copper dichloride in acetonitrile

T=25°C; 1 h; Irradiation; Reagent/catalyst;

Meng, Chao; Yang, Kai; Fu, Xianzhi; Yuan, Rusheng

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 6 p. 3760 - 3766 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Rx-ID: 29116973

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A: 95% B: 25%

With potassium hydoxide

T=130°C; 10 h; Inert atmosphere;

Li, Qiang-Qiang; Xiao, Zu-Feng; Yao, Chuan-Zhi; Zheng, Hong-Xing; Kang, Yan-Biao

Organic Letters, 2015 , vol. 17, # 21 p. 5328 - 5331 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With copper diacetate; potassium carbonate

T=150°C; 12 h;

Cui, Xinjiang; Shi, Feng; Tse, Man Kin; Goerdes, Dirk; Thurow, Kerstin; Beller, Matthias; Deng, Youquan

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2009 , vol. 351, # 17 p. 2949 - 2958 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Rx-ID: 29379039

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A: 98 %Spectr. B: 98 %Chromat.

With [(Cp*Ir)2(μ-NTs)2]; potassium tert-butylate in toluene

17 h; Inert atmosphereReflux;

Zhu, Mingwen; Fujita, Ken-Ichi; Yamaguchi, Ryohei

Organic Letters, 2010 , vol. 12, # 6 p. 1336 - 1339 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium carbonate

T=100°C; 6 h; Inert atmosphereSealed tube;

Xu, Qing; Li, Qiang; Zhu, Xiaogang; Chen, Jianhui

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2013 , vol. 355, # 1 p. 73 - 80 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With potassium hydoxide

T=130°C; 25 h; Inert atmosphere; Mechanism;

Li, Qiang-Qiang; Xiao, Zu-Feng; Yao, Chuan-Zhi; Zheng, Hong-Xing; Kang, Yan-Biao

Organic Letters, 2015 , vol. 17, # 21 p. 5328 - 5331 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details





Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 30785765

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With oxygen

T=120°C; P=7757.43 Torr;

Dimitratos, Nikolaos; Lopez-Sanchez, Jose Antonio; Morgan, David; Carley, Albert F.; Tiruvalam, Ramchandra; Kiely, Christopher J.; Bethell, Donald; Hutchings, Graham J.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2009 , vol. 11, # 25 p. 5142 - 5153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=120 - 140°C; P=7500.75 Torr; Autoclave; Reagent/catalyst;

Hutchings, Graham J.

Catalysis Today, 2014 , vol. 238, p. 69 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in cyclohexane

T=80°C; P=1520.1 Torr; Catalytic behavior;

Chan-Thaw, Carine E.; Villa, Alberto; Veith, Gabriel M.; Prati, Laura

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 8 p. 1338 - 1346 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=90°C; 6 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction; Show Experimental Procedure

Wang, Hengwei; Wang, Chunlei; Yan, Huan; Yi, Hong; Lu, Junling

Journal of Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 324, p. 59 - 68 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 30785766

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With oxygen

T=120°C; P=7757.43 Torr;

Dimitratos, Nikolaos; Lopez-Sanchez, Jose Antonio; Morgan, David; Carley, Albert F.; Tiruvalam, Ramchandra; Kiely, Christopher J.; Bethell, Donald; Hutchings, Graham J.

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2009 , vol. 11, # 25 p. 5142 - 5153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen in neat (no solvent) T=120°C; P=760.051 Torr; 5 h; Catalytic behavior;

Nepak, Devadutta; Srinivas, Darbha

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 59 p. 47740 - 47748 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 33276208

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With Dess-Martin periodane in dichloromethane

T=20°C; 2 h;

Albaladejo, Maria Jose; Alonso, Francisco; Moglie, Yanina; Yus, Miguel

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012 , # 16 p. 3093 - 3104 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium acetate; pyridinium chlorochromate in dichloromethane

3 h; Molecular sieve;

Zheng, Hong-Xing; Xiao, Zu-Feng; Yao, Chuan-Zhi; Li, Qiang-Qiang; Ning, Xiao-Shan; Kang, Yan-Biao; Tang, Yong

Organic Letters, 2015 , vol. 17, # 24 p. 6102 - 6105 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Rx-ID: 33846439

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A: 30 %Chromat. B: 32 %Chromat.

With dihydrogen peroxide; trifluoroacetic acid; zinc dibromide

T=20°C; 16 h;

Wu, Xiao-Feng

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012 , vol. 18, # 29 p. 8912 - 8915 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=110°C; P=7600.51 Torr; 10 h; Catalytic behavior; Time;

Smolentseva, Elena; Costa, Vinícius V.; Cotta, Rafaela F.; Simakova, Olga; Beloshapkin, Sergey; Gusevskaya, Elena V.; Simakov, Andrey

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 6 p. 1011 - 1017 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 16 %Chromat. B: 21 %Chromat. C: 12 %Chromat.

With oxygen

T=184.84°C; P=750.075 Torr; 2 h; Autoclave;

Deng, Weiping; Zhang, Hongxi; Wu, Xuejiao; Li, Rongsheng; Zhang, Qinghong; Wang, Ye

Green Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 17, # 11 p. 5009 - 5018 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details





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Rx-ID: 37474767

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Synthesize Find similar

With oxygen

T=110°C; P=7600.51 Torr; 4 h; Reagent/catalystTime; Show Experimental Procedure

Estrada, Miguel; Costa, Vinicius V.; Beloshapkin, Sergey; Fuentes, Sergio; Stoyanov, Evgenii; Gusevskaya, Elena V.; Simakov, Andrey

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2014 , vol. 473, p. 96 - 103 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With oxygen

T=110°C; P=7600.51 Torr; 10 h; Catalytic behavior; Time;

Smolentseva, Elena; Costa, Vinícius V.; Cotta, Rafaela F.; Simakova, Olga; Beloshapkin, Sergey; Gusevskaya, Elena V.; Simakov, Andrey

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 6 p. 1011 - 1017 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 38790859

Find similar reactions

A: 28%

With titanium(IV) oxide in water

T=24.84°C; 4 h; Sealed tubeUV-irradiationInert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst;

Selvam, Kaliyamoorthy; Sakamoto, Hirokatsu; Shiraishi, Yasuhiro; Hirai, Takayuki

New Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 39, # 4 p. 2467 - 2473 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

A: 22.1 μmol B: 121.2 μmol C: 19.2 μmol

in acetonitrile

T=24.84°C; 12 h; Irradiation; Catalytic behaviorQuantum yield; Reagent/catalystWavelength;

Higashimoto, Shinya; Nakai, Yuta; Azuma, Masashi; Takahashi, Masanari; Sakata, Yoshihisa

RSC Advances, 2014 , vol. 4, # 71 p. 37662 - 37668 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details






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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 39565254

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With oxygen

T=110°C; P=7600.51 Torr; 10 h; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTime;

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Smolentseva, Elena; Costa, Vinícius V.; Cotta, Rafaela F.; Simakova, Olga; Beloshapkin, Sergey; Gusevskaya, Elena V.; Simakov, Andrey

ChemCatChem, 2015 , vol. 7, # 6 p. 1011 - 1017 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 39814906

Find similar reactions

A: 56% B: 30%

in water

T=24.84°C; 4 h; Sealed tubeUV-irradiationInert atmosphere; Reagent/catalyst;

Selvam, Kaliyamoorthy; Sakamoto, Hirokatsu; Shiraishi, Yasuhiro; Hirai, Takayuki

New Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 39, # 4 p. 2467 - 2473 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details





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Synthesize Find similar

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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 39814907

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A: 8% B: 8%

With silver-deposited TiO2 in water

T=24.84°C; 4 h; Sealed tubeUV-irradiationInert atmosphere;

Selvam, Kaliyamoorthy; Sakamoto, Hirokatsu; Shiraishi, Yasuhiro; Hirai, Takayuki

New Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 39, # 4 p. 2467 - 2473 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 39814908

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A: 96%

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Selvam, Kaliyamoorthy; Sakamoto, Hirokatsu; Shiraishi, Yasuhiro; Hirai, Takayuki

New Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 39, # 4 p. 2467 - 2473 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in water

T=24.84°C; 4 h; Sealed tubeUV-irradiationInert atmosphere;





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Synthesize Find similar

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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 39895442

Find similar reactions

With oxygen

T=140°C; P=1500.15 Torr; 10 h; Autoclave; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalyst;

Miao; Feng; Jin; He; Liu; Du; Zhang; Li

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 45 p. 36066 - 36074 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 40385927

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With Co-CoO(at)N-doped porous carbon T=80°C; 12 h; Reagent/catalyst; chemoselective reaction;

Synthesize Find similar

Zhou, Yu-Xiao; Chen, Yu-Zhen; Cao, Lina; Lu, Junling; Jiang, Hai-Long

Chemical Communications, 2015 , vol. 51, # 39 p. 8292 - 8295 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 40663645

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B: 87%

With iron(III) chloride hexahydrate

T=55°C; Microwave irradiation; Catalytic behavior; Reagent/catalystTemperature; Show Experimental Procedure

Wang, Xiaoyu; Du, Chuan; Shi, Hui; Pang, Yadong; Jin, Shengfei; Hou, Yuqian; Wang, Yanshi; Peng, Xiaoshi; Xiao, Jianyong; Liu, Yang; Liu, Yongxiang; Cheng, Maosheng

Tetrahedron, 2015 , vol. 71, # 38 p. 6744 - 6748 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 40744588

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With iron(II) perchlorate monohydrate; ozone; acetonitrile


Bataineh, Hajem; Pestovsky, Oleg; Bakac, Andreja

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 1629 - 1637 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 40744589

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With iron(II) perchlorate monohydrate; ozone; acetonitrile


Bataineh, Hajem; Pestovsky, Oleg; Bakac, Andreja

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 1629 - 1637 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 40744590

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With iron(II) perchlorate monohydrate; ozone; acetonitrile


Bataineh, Hajem; Pestovsky, Oleg; Bakac, Andreja

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 1629 - 1637 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 40744591

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With iron(II) perchlorate monohydrate; ozone; acetonitrile


Bataineh, Hajem; Pestovsky, Oleg; Bakac, Andreja

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 1629 - 1637 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 40744593

Find similar reactions

With iron(II) perchlorate monohydrate; ozone; acetonitrile


Bataineh, Hajem; Pestovsky, Oleg; Bakac, Andreja

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 1629 - 1637 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 40744596

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With iron(II) perchlorate monohydrate; ozone; acetonitrile


Bataineh, Hajem; Pestovsky, Oleg; Bakac, Andreja

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 1629 - 1637 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 40744597

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With iron(II) perchlorate monohydrate; ozone; acetonitrile


Bataineh, Hajem; Pestovsky, Oleg; Bakac, Andreja

ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 1629 - 1637 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Rx-ID: 40759007

Find similar reactions

A: 19%

Stage #1: benzyl alcohol With oxygen; potassium carbonate in toluene

Horiuchi, Yu; Do Van, Dang; Yonezawa, Yusuke; Saito, Masakazu; Dohshi, Satoru; Kim, Tae-Ho; Matsuoka, Masaya

B: 58%

T=89.84°C; 24.5 h; Schlenk technique; Stage #2: ethyl 2-cyanoacetate in toluene

Knoevenagel Condensation; Schlenk technique;

RSC Advances, 2015 , vol. 5, # 89 p. 72653 - 72658 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 40863015

Find similar reactions

A: 25% B: 6 %Chromat.

With sodium t-butanolate in toluene

T=100°C; 24 h; Schlenk techniqueSealed tubeGreen chemistry; Concentration;

Shi, Xinkang; Guo, Junmei; Liu, Jianping; Ye, Mingde; Xu, Qing

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2015 , vol. 21, # 28 p. 9988 - 9993 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




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Synthesize Find similar Rx-ID: 40865979

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Staniuk, Malwina; Zindel, Daniel; Van Beek, Wouter; Hirsch, Ofer; Kränzlin, Niklaus; Niederberger, Markus; Koziej, Dorota

CrystEngComm, 2015 , vol. 17, # 36 p. 6962 - 6971 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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