1.1 CYC-CH2-CH[(CH3)x(1–3)]-NO2 to CYC-CH2-C(=O)[(CH3)x(1–3)]

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Synthesize Find similar 81%

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Rx-ID: 9809059

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With hydrogenchloride; iron in methanol; water

0.5 h; Heating;

Pradhan, Prasun K.; Dey, Sumit; Jaisankar, Parasuraman; Giri, Venkatachalam S.

Synthetic Communications, 2005 , vol. 35, # 7 p. 913 - 922 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2040170

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Stage #1: With trimethylphosphane in tetrahydrofuran

T=20°C; 0.25 h; Stage #2: With water in tetrahydrofuran

T=20°C; 0.0833333 h; Further stages.;

Bures, Jordi; Vilarrasa, Jaume

Tetrahedron Letters, 2008 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 441 - 444 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With hydrogenchloride; iron in methanol; water

0.5 h; Heating;

Pradhan, Prasun K.; Dey, Sumit; Jaisankar, Parasuraman; Giri, Venkatachalam S.

Synthetic Communications, 2005 , vol. 35, # 7 p. 913 - 922 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


With glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; glucose-6-phosphate; nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate

T=30°C; pH=7.5; 24 h; aq. buffer;

Durchschein, Katharina; Ferreira-Da Silva, Bianca; Wallner, Silvia; MacHeroux, Peter; Kroutil, Wolfgang; Glueck, Silvia Maria; Faber, Kurt

Green Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 12, # 4 p. 616 - 619 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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81 % Chromat.

With chloro-trimethyl-silane; 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene; 3-chloro-benzenecarboperoxoic acid

1.) dichloromethane, 30 min, 0 degC; 2.) dichloromethane, 30 min, room temperature; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Aizpurus, J. M.; Oiarbide, M.; Palomo, C.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1987 , vol. 28, # 44 p. 5361 - 5364 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium hydroxide; sulfuric acid

1.) ethanol, room temperature, 5 min, 2.) n-pentane, 0 deg C, 1 h; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Chikashita, H.; Morita, Y.; Itoh, K.

Synthetic Communications, 1987 , vol. 17, # 6 p. 677 - 684 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Stage #1: With sodium methylate in methanol

0.5 h; Stage #2: in methanol

T=10 - 15°C; Electrolysis;

Ogibin; Ilovaiskii; Merkulova; Terent'ev; Nikishin

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2002 , vol. 51, # 8 p. 1460 - 1465 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: potassium tert-butoxide, 18-crown-6 / ethanol 2: protonated concave pyridine 8*H+ / ethanol / 15 h / 0.11 M concave pyridine 8/0.03 M TosOH buffer; other proton sources, other sec. nitronate anions View Scheme

Luening, Ulrich; Schillinger, Fritz

Chemische Berichte, 1990 , vol. 123, # 10 p. 2073 - 2075 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2450825

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With 2,6-di-tert-butyl-pyridine in ethanol

15 h; 0.11 M 2,6-di-tert-butylpyridine/0.03 M TosOH buffer; Yield given;

Luening, Ulrich; Schillinger, Fritz

Chemische Berichte, 1990 , vol. 123, # 10 p. 2073 - 2075 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

With protonated concave pyridine 8*H+ in ethanol

15 h; 0.11 M concave pyridine 8/0.03 M TosOH buffer; other proton sources, other sec. nitronate anions; Product distribution;

Luening, Ulrich; Schillinger, Fritz

Chemische Berichte, 1990 , vol. 123, # 10 p. 2073 - 2075 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2040162

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With sodium hydroxide; sulfuric acid

1.) ethanol, room temperature, 5 min, 2.) n-pentane, 0 deg C, 1 h; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Chikashita, H.; Morita, Y.; Itoh, K.

Synthetic Communications, 1987 , vol. 17, # 6 p. 677 - 684 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2118404

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With hydrogenchloride

Nef reaction;

Striegel; Mayer; Wiegrebe; Schlunegger; Siegrist; Aebi

Archiv der Pharmazie, 1992 , vol. 325, # 12 p. 751 - 760 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar 65%

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2126634

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With sodium hydroxide; sodium chlorite; tetra(n-butyl)ammonium hydrogensulfate in dichloromethane

24 h; Ambient temperature;

Ballini, Roberto; Petrini, Marino

Tetrahedron Letters, 1989 , vol. 30, # 39 p. 5329 - 5332 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With chloro-trimethyl-silane; 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene; 3-chloro-benzenecarboperoxoic acid

1.) dichloromethane, 30 min, 0 degC; 2.) dichloromethane, 30 min, room temperature; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Aizpurus, J. M.; Oiarbide, M.; Palomo, C.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1987 , vol. 28, # 44 p. 5361 - 5364 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar 80%

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 9783372

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With hydrogenchloride; iron in methanol; water

0.5 h; Heating;

Pradhan, Prasun K.; Dey, Sumit; Jaisankar, Parasuraman; Giri, Venkatachalam S.

Synthetic Communications, 2005 , vol. 35, # 7 p. 913 - 922 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar 84%

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 9782920

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With hydrogenchloride; iron in methanol; water

0.5 h; Heating;

Pradhan, Prasun K.; Dey, Sumit; Jaisankar, Parasuraman; Giri, Venkatachalam S.

Synthetic Communications, 2005 , vol. 35, # 7 p. 913 - 922 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar With sodium hydroxide in methanol; water

Nef reaction; 0.0833333 h;

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 30636159

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Backstroma, Nicholas; Burtona, Neil A.; Watta, C. Ian F.

Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 23, # 8 p. 711 - 722 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 30636198

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Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: boron tribromide / chloroform / -78 - 20 °C / Inert atmosphere 2: sodium hydroxide / methanol; water / 0.08 h View Scheme

Backstroma, Nicholas; Burtona, Neil A.; Watta, C. Ian F.

Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 23, # 8 p. 711 - 722 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 952266

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With sodium hydroxide in ethanol

Risaliti,A. et al.

Tetrahedron, 1968 , vol. 24, p. 1889 - 1898 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar 68%

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 5224516

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Stage #1: With sodium hydroxide

Nef protocol; Stage #2: With hydrogenchloride

Desmaele, Didier; Cave, Christian; Dumas, Francoise; d'Angelo, Jean

Enantiomer, 2001 , vol. 6, # 5 p. 289 - 298 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With hydrogenchloride; sodium hydroxide

1.) EtOH, 0 deg C, 30 min, 2.) EtOH, 20 deg C, 12 h; Yield givenMultistep reaction;

Thominiaux, Cyrille; Rousse, Sebastien; Desmaele, Didier; D'Angelo, Jean; Riche, Claude

Tetrahedron Asymmetry, 1999 , vol. 10, # 10 p. 2015 - 2021 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2550398

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With chloro-trimethyl-silane; 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene; 3-chloro-benzenecarboperoxoic acid

1.) dichloromethane, 30 min, 0 degC; 2.) dichloromethane, 30 min, room temperature; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Aizpurus, J. M.; Oiarbide, M.; Palomo, C.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1987 , vol. 28, # 44 p. 5361 - 5364 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2204257

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With sodium hydroxide; sulfuric acid

1.) ethanol, room temperature, 5 min, 2.) n-pentane, 0 deg C, 1 h; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Chikashita, H.; Morita, Y.; Itoh, K.

Synthetic Communications, 1987 , vol. 17, # 6 p. 677 - 684 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar 82%

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2045512

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With hydrogenchloride; iron in methanol; water

0.5 h; Heating;

Pradhan, Prasun K.; Dey, Sumit; Jaisankar, Parasuraman; Giri, Venkatachalam S.

Synthetic Communications, 2005 , vol. 35, # 7 p. 913 - 922 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With chloro-trimethyl-silane; 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene; 3-chloro-benzenecarboperoxoic acid

1.) dichloromethane, 30 min, 0 degC; 2.) dichloromethane, 30 min, room temperature; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Aizpurus, J. M.; Oiarbide, M.; Palomo, C.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1987 , vol. 28, # 44 p. 5361 - 5364 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 29839870

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With hydrogenchloride in water

T=60°C; Nef reaction; 12 h; Inert atmosphere;

Schmidt, Arndt W.; Olpp, Thomas; Baum, Elke; Stiffel, Tina; Knoelker, Hans-Joachim

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 8, # 20 p. 4562 - 4568 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2119095

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With chloro-trimethyl-silane; 1,8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene; 3-chloro-benzenecarboperoxoic acid

1.) dichloromethane, 30 min, 0 degC; 2.) dichloromethane, 30 min, room temperature; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Aizpurus, J. M.; Oiarbide, M.; Palomo, C.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1987 , vol. 28, # 44 p. 5361 - 5364 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar 85%

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2049180

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With hydrogenchloride; iron in methanol; water

0.5 h; Heating;

Pradhan, Prasun K.; Dey, Sumit; Jaisankar, Parasuraman; Giri, Venkatachalam S.

Synthetic Communications, 2005 , vol. 35, # 7 p. 913 - 922 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With titanium(III) chloride; ammonium acetate; sodium methylate

1) CH3OH, 30 min, room temperature; 2) room temperature, 12 h; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Nichols; Lloyd; Johnson; Hoffman

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 31, # 7 p. 1406 - 1412 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar 72%

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2838992

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With hydrogenchloride; titanium(III) chloride; ammonium acetate; sodium methylate in methanol; water

1.5 h; Ambient temperature;

Hauser, Frank M.; Baghdanov, Vaceli M.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 53, # 20 p. 4676 - 4681 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar 89%

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 9793175

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With hydrogenchloride; iron in methanol; water

0.5 h; Heating;

Pradhan, Prasun K.; Dey, Sumit; Jaisankar, Parasuraman; Giri, Venkatachalam S.

Synthetic Communications, 2005 , vol. 35, # 7 p. 913 - 922 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar 95%

With hydrogenchloride; iron in methanol; water

0.5 h; Heating;

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 9792501

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Pradhan, Prasun K.; Dey, Sumit; Jaisankar, Parasuraman; Giri, Venkatachalam S.

Synthetic Communications, 2005 , vol. 35, # 7 p. 913 - 922 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 10726328

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With iron; acetic acid

T=40 - 100°C; 2 h; Hide Experimental Procedure


Patent: WO2008/421 A2, 2008 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 7-8 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Step 2: l-(4-Pyrazol-l-yl-phenyl)-propan-2-one:; A stirred suspension comprising iron (10.7 g, 191.9 mmol) in glacial acetic acid (150 ml) under an inert atmosphere of argon is heated to 4O0C and then treated with a solution of l-[4- <n="9"/>(2-nitro-propyl)-phenyl]-lHpyrazole (8.8 g, 38.39 mmol) in glacial acetic acid (100 ml). The reaction mixture is heated to 1000C for 2 hours and then allowed to cool to room temperature. The mixture is poured onto ice-water (200 ml), stirred for 5 minutes and then filtered through celite washing through with DCM (50 ml). The organic portion of the filtrate is separated and the aqueous is extracted with DCM (150 ml). The organic portions are combined, washed with water (3 x 50 ml), brine (1 x 25 ml), dried (MgSO4) and concentrated in vacuo to afford the title compound as a red oil. [MH+ 201.25].


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 1788475

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With titanium(III) chloride; ammonium acetate; sodium methylate

1) CH3OH, 30 min, room temperature; 2) room temperature, 12 h; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Nichols; Lloyd; Johnson; Hoffman

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 31, # 7 p. 1406 - 1412 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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With titanium(III) chloride; ammonium acetate; sodium methylate

1) CH3OH, 30 min, room temperature; 2) room temperature, 12 h; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Rx-ID: 1789033

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Nichols; Lloyd; Johnson; Hoffman

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 31, # 7 p. 1406 - 1412 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 3612982

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With titanium(III) chloride; ammonium acetate; sodium methylate

1) CH3OH, 30 min, room temperature; 2) room temperature, 12 h; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Nichols; Lloyd; Johnson; Hoffman

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 31, # 7 p. 1406 - 1412 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar 95%

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 9826450

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With hydrogenchloride; iron in methanol; water

0.5 h; Heating;

Pradhan, Prasun K.; Dey, Sumit; Jaisankar, Parasuraman; Giri, Venkatachalam S.

Synthetic Communications, 2005 , vol. 35, # 7 p. 913 - 922 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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With sodium hydroxide; tetrabutylammomium bromide in water

Rx-ID: 3612857

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Nakashita, Yoshihiko; Watanabe, Toshio; Benkert, Erwin; Lorenzi-Riatsch, Annalaura; Hesse, Manfred

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1984 , vol. 67, p. 1204 - 1207 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 18874975

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Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: TsOH 2: 50percent NaOH / Bu4NBr / H2O View Scheme

Nakashita, Yoshihiko; Watanabe, Toshio; Benkert, Erwin; Lorenzi-Riatsch, Annalaura; Hesse, Manfred

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1984 , vol. 67, p. 1204 - 1207 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Synthesize Find similar 85%

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 9823931

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With hydrogenchloride; iron in methanol; water

0.5 h; Heating;

Pradhan, Prasun K.; Dey, Sumit; Jaisankar, Parasuraman; Giri, Venkatachalam S.

Synthetic Communications, 2005 , vol. 35, # 7 p. 913 - 922 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2576242

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With tributylphosphine; water; diphenyldisulfane

1.) THF, room temp.; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Barton, Derek H. R.; Motherwell, William B.; Zard, Samir Z.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1984 , vol. 25, # 34 p. 3707 - 3710 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: diphenyl disulphide, tributylphosphine / tetrahydrofuran / 3 h / Ambient temperature 2: water / tetrahydrofuran / Ambient temperature View Scheme

Barton, Derek H. R.; Motherwell, William B.; Simon, Ethan S.; Zard, Samir Z.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1986 , p. 2243 - 2252 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 1776273

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With titanium(III) chloride; ammonium acetate; sodium methylate

1) CH3OH, 30 min, room temperature; 2) room temperature, 12 h; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Nichols; Lloyd; Johnson; Hoffman

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 31, # 7 p. 1406 - 1412 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2200371

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With titanium(III) chloride; ammonium acetate; sodium methylate

1) CH3OH, 30 min, room temperature; 2) room temperature, 12 h; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Nichols; Lloyd; Johnson; Hoffman

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 31, # 7 p. 1406 - 1412 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 32763312

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Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1.1: trifluoroacetic acid; sulfuric acid / water / 5 h / 70 - 72 °C 1.2: 10 °C 2.1: potassium carbonate; urea hydrogen peroxide addition compound / dimethyl sulfoxide / 16 h / 25 - 32 °C View Scheme


Patent: WO2012/14186 A1, 2012 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 32763315

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With urea hydrogen peroxide addition compound; potassium carbonate in dimethyl sulfoxide

T=25 - 32°C; 16 h; Hide Experimental Procedure


Patent: WO2012/14186 A1, 2012 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 55 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Methyl 3-[7-carbamoyl-5-(2-nitropropyl)-2,3-dihydro-lH-indol-l-yl]propanoate (15 g), urea-hydrogen peroxide (8.41g) and potassium carbonate (14.5 g) indimethylsulfoxide (150 ml) were stirred for 16 hours at 25°C to 32°C. Water (200 ml) and ethyl acetate (300 ml) were added to the reaction mixture and stirred for 15 minutes. The two layers separated and the aqueous phase was extracted again twice (300 ml x 2) with ethyl acetate. The combined ethyl acetate layers were washed with brine and the ethyl acetate layer was dried over sodium sulfate. The ethyl acetate layer was distilled off under vacuum at 60°C to obtain the titled compound.Yield: 10.9 gThe compound obtained above was stirred in isopropanol for 15 minutes and filtered to obtain purified methyl 3-[7-carbamoyl-5-(2-oxopropyl)-2,3-dihydro-lHindol- l-yl]propanoate.Yield: 5 gH1NMR(400MHz,CDCl3): 2.16(s,3H), 2.58-2.62(t,2H), 2.98-3.02(t,2H), 3.42-3.54(m,4H), 3.61(s,2H), 3.66(s,3H), 5.74(brs,lH), 6.9(brs,lH), 7.04 (s,lH), 7.31(s,lH) A



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Synthesize Find similar

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Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2239329

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Bowman, W. Russell; Brown, David S.; Burns, Catherine A.; Crosby, David

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1993 , # 17 p. 2099 2106 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

With sodium methylate; potassium hexacyanoferrate(III)

1.) methanol, 30 min, 2.) CH2Cl2, water, 10 min; Yield given. Multistep reaction. Yields of byproduct given;




Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar


Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 2505997

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With sodium methylate; p-chlorobenzenethiol sodium salt; potassium hexacyanoferrate(III)

1.) methanol, 30 min, 2.) CH2Cl2, water, 10 min; Yield given. Multistep reaction. Yields of byproduct given;

Bowman, W. Russell; Brown, David S.; Burns, Catherine A.; Crosby, David

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1993 , # 17 p. 2099 2106 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 17530411

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Multi-step reaction with 5 steps 1: 75 percent / TiCl3, ammonium acetate, NaOMe, MeOH / 12 h / 25 °C 2: 86 percent / Dess-Martin reagent / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / 25 °C 3: 97 percent / Pd(OH)2 / propan-2-ol; cyclohexene / 6 h / Heating 4: 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl pyridine / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / -40 °C 5: DBU / Heating View Scheme

Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Synthesize Find similar

Multi-step reaction with 5 steps 1: 75 percent / TiCl3, ammonium acetate, NaOMe, MeOH / 12 h / 25 °C 2: 86 percent / Dess-Martin reagent / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / 25 °C 3: 97 percent / Pd(OH)2 / propan-2-ol; cyclohexene / 6 h / Heating 4: 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl pyridine / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / -40 °C 5: 65 percent / 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylpyridine / 2-methyl-propan-2-ol / 48 h / Heating View Scheme


Rx-ID: 17530412

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Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 17530413

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Multi-step reaction with 5 steps 1: 75 percent / TiCl3, ammonium acetate, NaOMe, MeOH / 12 h / 25 °C 2: 86 percent / Dess-Martin reagent / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / 25 °C 3: 97 percent / Pd(OH)2 / propan-2-ol; cyclohexene / 6 h / Heating 4: 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl pyridine / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / -40 °C 5: DBU / Heating View Scheme

Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 17533501

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Multi-step reaction with 6 steps 1: 76 percent / CSA / CH2Cl2; methanol / 2 h / 25 °C 2: 75 percent / TiCl3, ammonium acetate, NaOMe, MeOH / 12 h / 25 °C 3: 86 percent / Dess-Martin reagent / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / 25 °C 4: 97 percent / Pd(OH)2 / propan-2-ol; cyclohexene / 6 h / Heating 5: 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl pyridine / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / -40 °C 6: DBU / Heating View Scheme

Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Multi-step reaction with 6 steps 1: 76 percent / CSA / CH2Cl2; methanol / 2 h / 25 °C 2: 75 percent / TiCl , ammonium acetate, NaOMe, MeOH / 12 h / 25 °C

Rx-ID: 17533502

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Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


3: 86 percent / Dess-Martin reagent / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / 25 °C 4: 97 percent / Pd(OH)2 / propan-2-ol; cyclohexene / 6 h / Heating 5: 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl pyridine / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / -40 °C 6: 65 percent / 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methylpyridine / 2-methyl-propan-2-ol / 48 h / Heating View Scheme


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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 17533503

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Multi-step reaction with 6 steps 1: 76 percent / CSA / CH2Cl2; methanol / 2 h / 25 °C 2: 75 percent / TiCl3, ammonium acetate, NaOMe, MeOH / 12 h / 25 °C 3: 86 percent / Dess-Martin reagent / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / 25 °C 4: 97 percent / Pd(OH)2 / propan-2-ol; cyclohexene / 6 h / Heating 5: 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl pyridine / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / -40 °C 6: DBU / Heating View Scheme

Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Multi-step reaction with 3 steps 1: 75 percent / TiCl3, ammonium acetate, NaOMe, MeOH / 12 h / 25 °C 2: 86 percent / Dess-Martin reagent / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / 25 °C 3: 97 percent / Pd(OH)2 / propan-2-ol; cyclohexene / 6 h / Heating View Scheme


Rx-ID: 17530415

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Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 17533505

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Multi-step reaction with 4 steps 1: 76 percent / CSA / CH2Cl2; methanol / 2 h / 25 °C 2: 75 percent / TiCl3, ammonium acetate, NaOMe, MeOH / 12 h / 25 °C 3: 86 percent / Dess-Martin reagent / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / 25 °C 4: 97 percent / Pd(OH)2 / propan-2-ol; cyclohexene / 6 h / Heating View Scheme

Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Rx-ID: 32763304

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Multi-step reaction with 3 steps 1.1: trichlorophosphate / 1 h / 0 - 55 °C / Inert atmosphere 1.2: 17.5 h / 0 - 32 °C 1.3: 1 h / 25 - 32 °C 2.1: hydroxylamine hydrochloride; pyridine / tetrahydrofuran / 1 h / 25 - 60 °C / Inert atmosphere 2.2: 6 h / 50 - 60 °C 3.1: potassium carbonate; N,N-dimethyl-formamide / 25 - 32 °C / Inert atmosphere 3.2: 4 h / 50 - 60 °C / Inert atmosphere View Scheme


Patent: WO2012/14186 A1, 2012 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


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Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1.1: hydroxylamine hydrochloride; pyridine / tetrahydrofuran / 1 h / 25 - 60 °C / Inert atmosphere 1.2: 6 h / 50 - 60 °C 2.1: potassium carbonate; N,N-dimethyl-formamide / 25 - 32 °C / Inert atmosphere 2.2: 4 h / 50 - 60 °C / Inert atmosphere View Scheme


Rx-ID: 32763306

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Patent: WO2012/14186 A1, 2012 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Rx-ID: 32763307

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Stage #1: With potassium carbonate; N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=25 - 32°C; Inert atmosphere; Stage #2: With dihydrogen peroxide in water; N,N-dimethyl-formamide

T=50 - 60°C; 4 h; Inert atmosphere; Show Experimental Procedure


Patent: WO2012/14186 A1, 2012 ; Location in patent: Page/Page column 53; 54 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


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Rx-ID: 17530416

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Multi-step reaction with 5 steps 1: 75 percent / TiCl3, ammonium acetate, NaOMe, MeOH / 12 h / 25 °C 2: 86 percent / Dess-Martin reagent / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / 25 °C 3: 97 percent / Pd(OH)2 / propan-2-ol; cyclohexene / 6 h / Heating 4: 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl pyridine / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / -40 °C 5: 20 h / Heating View Scheme

Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Multi-step reaction with 6 steps 1: 76 percent / CSA / CH2Cl2; methanol / 2 h / 25 °C 2: 75 percent / TiCl3, ammonium acetate, NaOMe, MeOH / 12 h / 25 °C 3: 86 percent / Dess-Martin reagent / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / 25 °C 4: 97 percent / Pd(OH)2 / propan-2-ol; cyclohexene / 6 h / Heating

Rx-ID: 17533506

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Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

5: 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl pyridine / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / -40 °C 6: 20 h / Heating View Scheme


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Rx-ID: 4103792

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With potassium hydroxide; sulfuric acid

1.) MeOH, r.t., 3 h, 2.) MeOH, 0 deg C, 2 h; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Gorlitzer; Moormann; Pollow; Schaffrath

Archiv der Pharmazie, 1995 , vol. 328, # 2 p. 149 - 155 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Rx-ID: 17530417

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Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: 75 percent / TiCl3, ammonium acetate, NaOMe, MeOH / 12 h / 25 °C 2: 86 percent / Dess-Martin reagent / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / 25 °C View Scheme

Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Multi-step reaction with 3 steps 1: 76 percent / CSA / CH2Cl2; methanol / 2 h / 25 °C 2: 75 percent / TiCl3, ammonium acetate, NaOMe, MeOH / 12 h / 25 °C 3: 86 percent / Dess-Martin reagent / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / 25 °C View Scheme

Rx-ID: 17533508

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Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Synthesize Find similar 75%

Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 4593529

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With ammonium acetate; methanol; titanium(III) chloride; sodium methylate

T=25°C; 12 h;

Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Rx-ID: 17533507

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Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: 76 percent / CSA / CH2Cl2; methanol / 2 h / 25 °C 2: 75 percent / TiCl3, ammonium acetate, NaOMe, MeOH / 12 h / 25 °C View Scheme

Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Multi-step reaction with 4 steps 1: 75 percent / TiCl3, ammonium acetate, NaOMe, MeOH / 12 h / 25 °C 2: 86 percent / Dess-Martin reagent / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / 25 °C 3: 97 percent / Pd(OH)2 / propan-2-ol; cyclohexene / 6 h / Heating 4: 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl pyridine / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / -40 °C View Scheme

Rx-ID: 17530418

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Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Synthesize Find similar

Rx-ID: 17533509

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Multi-step reaction with 5 steps 1: 76 percent / CSA / CH2Cl2; methanol / 2 h / 25 °C 2: 75 percent / TiCl3, ammonium acetate, NaOMe, MeOH / 12 h / 25 °C 3: 86 percent / Dess-Martin reagent / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / 25 °C 4: 97 percent / Pd(OH)2 / propan-2-ol; cyclohexene / 6 h / Heating 5: 2,6-di-tert-butyl-4-methyl pyridine / CH2Cl2 / 3 h / -40 °C View Scheme

Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Rx-ID: 4595012

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With methanol; sulfuric acid; sodium methylate

1.) 25 deg C, 15 min, 2.) -10 deg C, 20 min; Yield given. Multistep reaction;

Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Multi-step reaction with 2 steps 1: 80 percent / HF*pyridine / acetonitrile / 1.5 h / 25 °C 2: 1.) NaOMe, MeOH, 2.) 12 M aq. H2SO4 / 1.) 25 deg C, 15 min, 2.) -10 deg C, 20 min View Scheme

Rx-ID: 17533170

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Magnus, Philip; Diorazio, Louis; Donohoe, Timothy J.; Giles, Melvyn; Pye, Philip; Tarrant, James; Thom, Stephen

Tetrahedron, 1996 , vol. 52, # 45 p. 14147 - 14176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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