1-Phenylpropan-2-amine (Amphetamine)

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Reactions (599)

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Citations (1763)


Structure/Compound Data Chemical Name: 2-amino-1-phenylpropane Reaxys Registry Number: 507867

CAS Registry Number: 60-15-1, 156-34-3, 51-64-9, 300-62-9 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C9H13N Linear Structure Formula: C6H5CH2CH(CH3)NH2

Molecular Weight: 135.209 InChI Key: KWTSXDURSIMDCE-UHFFFAOYSA-N


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-amino-1-phenylpropane, AMPHETAMINE Identification Substance Label (32) Label



Pavlović, Dražen; Kimmins, Scott; Mutak, Stjepan

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 125, p. 210 - 224 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


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Segal, David S.; Kuczenski, Ronald

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1999 , vol. 291, # 1 p. 19 - 30 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

N° of preparations All Preps | All Reactions 84 prep out of 599 reactions.

Available Data

N° of ref.

Identification Physical Data (113) Spectra (81) Bioactivity (317) Other Data (299)


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Kantor; Zhang; Guptaroy; Park; Gnegy, Margaret E.

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Cashman, John R.; Xiong, Yeng N.; Lifen, Xu; Janowsky, Aaron

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tab. 1, entry 2, prod.

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Prieto-Gomez; Vazquez-Alvarez; Martinez-Pena; Reyes-Vazquez; Yang; Dafny

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R-NH2, f

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Guisado, Cristina; Waterhouse, Jodie E.; Price, Wayne S.; Jorgensen, Michael R.; Miller, Andrew D.

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Nakahara; Takahashi; Kikura

Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1995 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 1223 - 1227 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sekine, Hitoshi; Nagao, Shigeyuki; Nakahara, Yuji

Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1996 , vol. 19, # 6 p. 845 - 851 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Analytical Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 76, # 7 p. 2124 - 2132 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Guranda; Shapovalova; Svedas

Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 30, # 5 p. 403 - 408 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Li, Yanjun; Izumi, Taeko

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 2003 , # 3 p. 128 - 129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Nagy, Peter I.; Alagona, Giuliano; Ghio, Caterina; Takacs-Novak, Krisztina

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003 , vol. 125, # 9 p. 2770 - 2785 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Gonzalez-Sabin, Javier; Gotor, Vicente; Rebolledo, Francisca

Tetrahedron Asymmetry, 2002 , vol. 13, # 12 p. 1315 - 1320

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Pallavicini, Marco; Bolchi, Cristiano; Fumagalli, Laura; Valoti, Ermanno; Villa, Luigi

Tetrahedron Asymmetry, 2002 , vol. 13, # 20 p. 2277 - 2282 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Li, Yanjun; Izumi, Taeko

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society (Taipei, Taiwan), 2002 , vol. 49, # 4 p. 505 - 508 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Kantor, Lana; Park, Yang Hae; Wang, Kevin K.W; Gnegy, Margaret E

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 451, # 1 p. 27 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Bansal, Ekta; Srivastava; Kumar, Ashok

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 36, # 1 p. 81 - 92 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

8, T2, entry I


Tetrahedron Letters, 2000 , vol. 41, # 34 p. 6537 - 6540 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Dowd; Herrick-Davis; Egan; DuPre; Smith; Teitler; Glennon

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 43, # 16 p. 3074 - 3084 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Organic Letters, 2000 , vol. 2, # 13 p. 1935 - 1937 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Kinbara, Kazushi; Harada, Yoshiko; Saigo, Kazuhiko

Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2, 2000 , # 7 p. 1339 - 1347 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Gyenes, Ferenc; Bergmann, Kathryn E.; Welch, John T.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 63, # 9 p. 2824 - 2828 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Markaryan; Airapetyan; Mikaelyan; Asatryan; Noravyan

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1997 , vol. 31, # 2 p. 71 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Patent-Specific Data (3)

Prophetic Compound

Related Markush Structure (RN)



Johnson Matthey Public Limited Company

Patent: US2010/125146 A1, 2010 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Yamakawa Chemical Industry Co., Ltd.

Patent: US6342636 B1, 2002 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

prophetic product

Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited

Patent: US4698421 A1, 1987 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Related Structure (2) Related Structure


Yamada et al.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1976 , p. 1001 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Karrer; Ehrhardt

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1951 , vol. 34, p. 2202,2208 Full Text Show Details


Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1957 , vol. 22, p. 33 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cervinka et al.

Zeitschrift fuer Chemie (Stuttgart, Germany), 1968 , vol. 8, p. 24 Full Text Show Details

Derivative (41) Derivative

Comment (Derivative)


amphetamine hydrochloride

Kabalka, George W.; Laila Guindi; Varma, Rajender S.

Tetrahedron, 1990 , vol. 46, # 21 p. 7443 - 7457 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

amphetamine hydrochloride

Jilek, Jiri; Urban, Jiri; Taufmann, Petr; Holubek, Jiri; Dlabac, Antonin; et al.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1989 , vol. 54, # 7 p. 1995 - 2008 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Rucker; Neugebauer; Heiden

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1988 , vol. 38, # 4 p. 497 - 501 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sulfat (I): Spektrofluorometrische Bestimmung mit Fluorescamin; Luminescenzeigenschaften; Fluorescenzkurve (pH-Abhaengigkeit)

De Silva; Strojny

Analytical Chemistry, 1975 , vol. 47, p. 714,716, 718 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pikrolonat: F: 175-178grad

Kuhnert-Brandstaetter et al.

Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae, 1975 , vol. 50, p. 360,364 Full Text Show Details

Pikrolonat: F: 185-188grad

Kuhnert-Brandstaetter et al.

Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae, 1975 , vol. 50, p. 360,364 Full Text Show Details

Sulfat: F: 260-275grad; UV; λ(max); ε; Zers.: 300-320grad in Silicagel; eutektische Temperatur mit Saccharin: 180grad: eutektische Temperatur mit Phenolphthalein: 219grad

Kuhnert-Brandstaetter et al.

Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae, 1975 , vol. 50, p. 360,364 Full Text Show Details

Sulfat: F: 285-310grad; UV; λ(max); ε; eutektische Temperatur mit Phenolphthalein: 232grad: eutektische Temperatur mit 4-Sulfamoylbenzoesaeure: 233grad; eutektische Temperatur mit Dicyandiamid: 165grad

Kuhnert-Brandstaetter et al.

Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae, 1975 , vol. 50, p. 360,364 Full Text Show Details

Acetylderivat : F:90-92grad

Landor et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1974 , p. 1294,1299 Full Text Show Details

Komplex: Amphet(?)aminsulfat*FMN; Abs.-Sp., K

Sung; Parker

Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, C: Journal of Biosciences, 1974 , vol. 29, p. 122,124 Full Text Show Details

Hexafluoroacetonaddukt : 19F-NMR


Analytical Chemistry, 1973 , vol. 45, p. 1700,1706 Full Text Show Details

Bisulfat-Salz: λ(ex), λ(em) fuer Fluoreszenz und Phosphoreszenz, rel. Quantenwirksamkeit in 0,1 n wss. H2SO4 in Ggw. von Luft

Miles; Schenk

Analytical Chemistry, 1973 , vol. 45, p. 130,132 Full Text Show Details

Sulfat: IR

Blang; Huang

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1973 , vol. 62, p. 652 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Blang; Huang

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1972 , vol. 61, p. 1770,1772, 1774 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hydrochlorid: aus der unmarkierten Verbindung mit tritiierter Phosphorsaeure*BF3 nach der Methode von Yavorsky, Gorin, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 84<1962>1071

Telc et al.

Journal of Labelled Compounds, 1972 , vol. 8, p. 13,14, 19 Full Text Show Details

als N,N-Bis-trifluoracetyl-Derivat

Ehrsson; Broetel

Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica, 1971 , vol. 8, p. 591,596 Full Text Show Details

als N,N-Bis-heptafluorbutyl-Derivat

Ehrsson; Broetel

Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica, 1971 , vol. 8, p. 591,596 Full Text Show Details

H2SO4-Salz: Kristallstruktur

Bergin; Carlstroem

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1971 , vol. 27, p. 2146,2151 Full Text Show Details

*H2SO4: 1H-NMR; IR-Spektrum; UV; pK

Warren et al.

Journal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 1971 , vol. 54, p. 1179,1181,1186,1188 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hydrochlorid C9H14ClN: NMR-Daten (Tab.I); Rotameren-Verteilg. (Fig.2)

Neville et al.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1971 , vol. 14, p. 717,718 Full Text Show Details

Sulfat: Rk. mit 2,5-Dimethoxytetrahydrofuran, p-(Dimethylamino)-benzaldehyd (Photometr. Messung, Ext. Max.)

Fontani; Morandini

The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology, 1970 , vol. 22, # 6 p. 411 - 413 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Show next 20

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Comment (Derivative)


Hydrochlorid, pK(a): 9.07

Garrett, Chembarkar

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1968 , vol. 57, p. 1401,1402 Full Text Show Details

Hydrochlorid: B: aus 1-Chlor-1-phenyl-2-amino-propan-Hydrochlorid, H2 <Pd-C>

Kotera,K. et al.

Tetrahedron, 1968 , vol. 24, p. 5677 - 5690 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Salz m. Na2SO3: B.; λ(max); ν(max)

Griffin; Banker

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1967 , vol. 56, p. 1098,1099 Full Text Show Details

Salz m. Mannose-sulfonat: B.; λ(max); ν(max)

Griffin; Banker

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1967 , vol. 56, p. 1098,1099 Full Text Show Details

Salz m. Glucose-sulfonat; B., P. (v. Mannose-Verb.)

Griffin; Banker

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1967 , vol. 56, p. 1098,1099 Full Text Show Details

Hydrochlorid: Rkt. mit 1. Benzaldehyd od. Anisaldehyd; 2. KCN --> N-(β-Phenyl-isopropyl)-α-amino-phenylessigsaeurenitril bzw. N-(β-Phenyl-isopropyl)-α-amino-p-methoxy-phenylessigsaeurenitril-Hydrochlorid

Kholodov,L.E. et al.

Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1967 , vol. 3, # 8 p. 1513 - 1518,1470 - 1474 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sulfat C9H13N*H2SO4. UV-max. < MeOH >.

Kracmar; Kracmarova

Cesko-Slovenska Farmacie, 1966 , vol. 15, p. 16,18 Full Text Show Details

H2SO4*: IR-Spectrum

Hayden et al.

Journal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 1966 , vol. 49, p. 1109,1119 Full Text Show Details

Sulfat: λ(max), Tab. II

Sinsheimer; Keuhnelian

Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 1966 , vol. 55, # 11 p. 1240 - 1244 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cyclohexylsulfamidsaeure-Salz. C9H13N*C6H13NO3S. B. aus DL-1-Phenyl-2-amino-propan u. Cyclohexylsulfamidsaeure in Acn. od.Me. F:130grad(aus A. + Ae.)


Bollettino Chimico Farmaceutico, 1966 , vol. 105, p. 223,224 Full Text Show Details

Sulfat: ν(max), Tab. I

Thompson,W.E. et al.

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1965 , vol. 54, p. 1819 - 1821 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Succinat. C9H13N*C4H6O4. Krist. aus Acetonitril. F:162-163grad(korr.).


Journal of medicinal chemistry, 1964 , vol. 7, p. 493 - 500 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Succinat. B. aus 1-<2-Diaethylamino-aethyl>-2-<1-phenyl-2-propyl>-hydrazin u. Bernsteinsaeure in Acn.


Journal of medicinal chemistry, 1964 , vol. 7, p. 493 - 500 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hydrochlorid: IR-Spektrum

Brannon; Hayden

Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1964 , vol. 47, p. 918,927 Full Text Show Details

Oxalat 2<C9H13N>*C2H2O4. mp: 237-238grad < nach Hershberg; korr.; EtOH >; IR-Bande < Nujol >: 6.28-6.67μ

Nace; King

Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 1962 , vol. 5, p. 1316,1321 Full Text Show Details

Benzoyl-Derivat. mp: 132-133grad.

Bose; Raychaudhuri

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 1961 , vol. 38, p. 217,219 Full Text Show Details

Sulfat: F:260-275grad, eutekt.Temp.

Brandstaetter-Kuhnert et al.

Scientia Pharmaceutica, 1960 , vol. 28, # 1 p. 7,8-15 Chem.Abstr., 1960 , # 17802 Full Text Show Details

Reineckat; Zers.: 132grad; Loeslichk.; ε


Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1960 , vol. 12, p. 666 Full Text Show Details

Addukt m.N-Acetylmethionin, aus den Komponenten, F:148grad

Soc. Chim. Org. Biol.

Patent: FRM79 , 1960 ; Chem.Abstr., 1963 , vol. 58, # 10302g Full Text Show Details

Reineckat. mp:132grad < Zers.>; Loeslichkeit in H2O bei 5grad u. 27grad( Tab. I )


Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1960 , vol. 12, p. 666 Full Text Show Details

Sulfat. F:260-275grad. Schmelz-Verh. Eutekt. Temp. mit Salophen;190grad, mit Dicyandiamid: 163grad(156grad inst.)

Brandstaetter-Kuhnert et al.

Scientia Pharmaceutica, 1960 , vol. 28, # 1 p. 7,8-15 Chem.Abstr., 1960 , # 17802 Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (1) Reference

Gal et al.

Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica, 1977 , vol. 14, p. 335,340 Full Text Show Details

Boiling Point (18) Boiling Point

Pressure (Boiling Point)


45 °C

0.5 Torr

Gonzalez-Sabin, Javier; Gotor, Vicente; Rebolledo, Francisca

Tetrahedron Asymmetry, 2002 , vol. 13, # 12 p. 1315 - 1320 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

102 °C

16 Torr

Li, Yanjun; Izumi, Taeko

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society (Taipei, Taiwan), 2002 , vol. 49, # 4 p. 505 - 508 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

81 - 86 °C

10 - 12 Torr

Smith, Roger A.; White, Robert L.; Krantz, Allen

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 31, # 8 p. 1558 - 1566 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

102 - 104 °C

22 Torr

Woodruff; Conger

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1938 , vol. 60, p. 465 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Abignente; Biniecka Picazio

Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research, 1977 , vol. 34, # 3 p. 241 - 244 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

44 °C

0.3 Torr

Neville et al.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1971 , vol. 14, p. 717,718 Full Text Show Details

120 - 130 °C

20 Torr

Kotera,K. et al.

Tetrahedron, 1968 , vol. 24, p. 5677 - 5690 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

83 °C

10 Torr

Cervinka,O. et al.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1968 , vol. 33, p. 3551 - 3557 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

77 - 78 °C

9 Torr

Kindler,K.; Luehrs,K.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1967 , vol. 707, p. 26 - 34 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

91 - 93 °C

17 Torr


Zeszyty Naukowe Politechniki Slaskiej, Chemia, 1963 , vol. 20, p. 1,72 Full Text Show Details

99 °C

20 Torr

Christol et al.

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1961 , p. 2317 Full Text Show Details

74 °C

8 Torr

Biel et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1959 , vol. 81, p. 2805,2810, 2813 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

197 - 198 °C

750 Torr

Kornblum; Iffland

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1949 , vol. 71, p. 2137,2138,2140 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

91 °C

15 Torr

Kornblum; Iffland

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1949 , vol. 71, p. 2137,2138,2140 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

80 °C

10 Torr


Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1948 , vol. 70, p. 2811 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

205 °C


Journal of the Chemical Society, 1930 , p. 18,20 Full Text Show Details

Jaeger; van Dijk

Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Series B: Physical Sciences, 1941 , vol. 44, p. 26,36,37 Full Text Show Details

63 - 64 °C

7 Torr

Jaeger; van Dijk

Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Series B: Physical Sciences, 1941 , vol. 71, p. 26,27

Full Text Show Details

90 °C

20 Torr


Annales de Chimie (Cachan, France), 1938 , vol. <11> 10, p. 559,597 Full Text Show Details

203 °C


Chemische Berichte, 1887 , vol. 20, p. 618 Full Text Show Details

Refractive Index (3) Refractive Index

Wavelength (Refractive Index)

Temperature (Refractive Index)



589 nm

20 °C

Hoek et al.

Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1966 , vol. 85, p. 1039,1043 Full Text Show Details


589 nm

20 °C

Biel et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1959 , vol. 81, p. 2805,2810, 2813 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


589 nm

20 °C

Kornblum; Iffland

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1949 , vol. 71, p. 2137,2138,2140 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Density (1) Density

Measurement Temperature


0.937 g·cm-3

18 °C

Jaeger; van Dijk

Proceedings of the Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Series B: Physical Sciences, 1941 , vol. 71, p. 26,27 Full Text Show Details

Adsorption (MCS) (1) Description (Adsorption (MCS))



Zapior; Czapkiewicz

Roczniki Chemii, 1962 , vol. 36, p. 1863,1866,1867 Chem.Abstr., vol. 58, # 11986 Full Text Show Details

Association (MCS) (10) Description (Association (MCS))

Partner (Association (MCS))

Solvent (Association (MCS))

Temperature (Association (MCS))

NMR spectrum of the complex



26 °C

Thunhorst, Martin; Holzgrabe, Ulrike

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 36, # 3 p. 211 216 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

NMR spectrum of the complex

t-butylphenylphosphinothioic acid


Omelanczuk, Jan; Mikolajczyk, Marian

Tetrahedron Asymmetry, 1996 , vol. 7, # 9 p. 2687 - 2694 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stability constant of the complex with ...


dimethylsulfoxide aq. phosphate buffer

36 °C

Nakahara; Takahashi; Kikura

Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1995 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 1223 - 1227 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stability constant of the complex with ...


dibutyl ether

21 °C

Tsai, Ruey-Shiuan; Fan, Weizheng; El Tayar, Nabil; Carrupt, Pierre-Alain; Testa, Bernard; Kier, Lemont B.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1993 , vol. 115, # 21 p. 9632 - 9639 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

NMR spectrum of the complex


Meincke; Kottke; Beyrich

Pharmazie, 1992 , vol. 47, # 9 p. 697 - 699 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Association with



Meincke; Kottke; Beyrich



Pharmazie, 1992 , vol. 47, # 10 p. 780 - 783 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Association with compound



Meincke; Kottke; Beyrich

Pharmazie, 1992 , vol. 47, # 10 p. 780 - 783 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Association with compound



Meincke; Kottke; Beyrich

Pharmazie, 1992 , vol. 47, # 10 p. 780 - 783 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

NMR spectrum of the complex


Toda, Fumio; Mori, Koji; Okada, Jyoji; Node, Manabu; Itoh, Akichika; et al.

Chemistry Letters, 1988 , p. 131 - 134 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

NMR spectrum of the complex


Toda, Fumio; Mori, Koji; Okada, Jyoji; Node, Manabu; Itoh, Akichika; et al.

Chemistry Letters, 1988 , p. 131 - 134 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Boundary Surface Phenomena (MCS) (1) Description (Boundary Surface Phenomena (MCS))


Surface tension

Zapior; Czapkiewicz

Roczniki Chemii, 1962 , vol. 36, p. 1863,1866,1867 Chem.Abstr., vol. 58, # 11986 Full Text Show Details

Chromatographic Data (5) Chromatographic data



GC (Gas chromatography)

Malekzadeh, Hanieh; Fatemi, Mohammad H.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2015 , vol. 88, # 5 p. 706 - 712 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Robayo, Diego A. Sánchez; Mendez, William F. Garzón; Ocampo, Gonzalo Taborda; Moreano, Milton Rosero

Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 27, # 6 p. 992 - 997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ademiluyi, Adedayo O.; Ogunsuyi, Opeyemi B.; Oboh, Ganiyu

NeuroToxicology, 2016 , vol. 56, p. 107 - 117 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

TLC (Thin layer chromatography)

Noreen; Farman

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 28, # 5 p. 1007 - 1010 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

LC (Liquid chromatography)

Fedorova, Ganna; Randak, Tomas; Lindberg, Richard H.; Grabic, Roman

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2013 , vol. 27, # 15 p. 1751 - 1762 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spinner; Klima; Kempf; Huppertz; Auwärter; Altenburger; Neukamm

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2014 , vol. 49, # 12 p. 1306 - 1313 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jeong, Eun Sook; Kim, So-Hee; Cha, Eun-Ju; Lee, Kang Mi; Kim, Ho Jun; Lee, Sang-Won; Kwon, OhSeung; Lee, Jaeick

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2015 , vol. 29, # 4 p. 367 - 384 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jeong, Eun Sook; Kim, So-Hee; Cha, Eun-Ju; Lee, Kang Mi; Kim, Ho Jun; Lee, Sang-Won; Kwon, OhSeung; Lee, Jaeick

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2015 , vol. 29, # 4 p. 367 - 384 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

GC (Gas chromatography)

supporting information

Martínez-Montero, Lía; Díaz-Rodríguez, Alba; Gotor, Vicente; Gotor-Fernández, Vicente; Lavandera, Iván

Green Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 17, # 5 p. 2794 - 2798 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

UPLC (Ultra performance liquid chromatography)

Lin, Huei-Ru; Liao, Chao-Chuan; Lin, Tzu-Chieh

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2014 , vol. 28, # 19 p. 2043 - 2053 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Circular Dichroism (1) Reference

Ruckpaul et al.

Croatica Chemica Acta, 1977 , vol. 49, p. 339,343 Full Text Show Details

Conformation (1) Object of Investigation



Pullman et al.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1972 , vol. 15, p. 17,20 Full Text Show Details

Neville et al.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1971 , vol. 14, p. 717,718 Full Text Show Details


Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 19, p. 1232,1234 Full Text Show Details

El-Torki, Farid M.; Jacobus John

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 50, # 8 p. 1314 - 1316 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Crystal Property Description (6) Colour & Other Properties




supporting information

Hong, Kai; Liu, Xun; Morken, James P.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2014 , vol. 136, # 30 p. 10581 - 10584 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Martínez-Montero, Lía; Díaz-Rodríguez, Alba; Gotor, Vicente; Gotor-Fernández, Vicente; Lavandera, Iván

Green Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 17, # 5 p. 2794 - 2798 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Schulze, Matthias

Synthetic Communications, 2010 , vol. 40, # 10 p. 1461 - 1476 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Collins, Michael; Salouros, Helen; Cawley, Adam T.; Robertson, James; Heagney, Aaron C.; Arenas-Queralt, Andrea

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2010 , vol. 24, # 11 p. 1653 - 1658 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Vahermo, Mikko; Suominen, Tina; Leinonen, Antti; Yli-Kauhaluoma, Jari

Archiv der Pharmazie, 2009 , vol. 342, # 4 p. 201 - 209 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Guisado, Cristina; Waterhouse, Jodie E.; Price, Wayne S.; Jorgensen, Michael R.; Miller, Andrew D.

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 3, # 6 p. 1049 - 1057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Li, Yanjun; Izumi, Taeko

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society (Taipei, Taiwan), 2002 , vol. 49, # 4 p. 505 - 508 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dissociation Exponent (10) Dissociation Exponent (pK)

Dissociation Group

Temperature (Dissociation Exponent)

Solvent (Dissociation Exponent)

Method (Dissociation Exponent)

Type (Dissociation Exponent)

Comment (Dissociation Exponent)



Huerta-Fontela, Maria; Galceran, Maria Teresa; Ventura, Francesc

Environmental Science and Technology, 2008 , vol. 42, # 18 p. 6809 - 6816 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



25 °C

H2O various solvent(s)



Athanasiou-Malaki; Koupparis; Hadjiioannou

(pk')pK(a)c: 9.90+-0.01 (H2O)


Analytical Chemistry, 1989 , vol. 61, # 13 p. 1358 - 1363 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tencheva et al.

Arzneimittel Forschung, 1979 , vol. 29, p. 1331,1333

Full Text Show Details


Doyle; Proctor

Journal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 1972 , vol. 55, p. 328,329 Full Text Show Details


Modin; Johansson

Acta Pharmaceutica Suecica, 1971 , vol. 8, p. 561,565 Full Text Show Details


Chatten; Harris

Analytical Chemistry, 1962 , vol. 34, p. 1495,1499 Full Text Show Details

(pk')pK(b): 4.25

Zapior; Czapkiewicz

Roczniki Chemii, 1962 , vol. 36, p. 1863,1866,1867 Chem.Abstr., vol. 58, # 11986 Full Text Show Details


20 °C





British Journal of Pharmacology and Chemotherapy, 1954 , vol. 9, p. 488,490 Full Text Show Details


25 °C




Leffler et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1951 , vol. 73, p. 2611 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


20 °C




Kieffer; Rumpf

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1950 , vol. 230, p. 2302 Full Text Show Details

Electrical Moment (1) Description (Electrical Moment)


Dipole moment


Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 19, p. 1232,1234 Full Text Show Details

Electrochemical Behaviour (4) Description (Electrochemical Behaviour)



Nagy, Peter I.; Alagona, Giuliano; Ghio, Caterina; Takacs-Novak, Krisztina

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003 , vol. 125, # 9 p. 2770 - 2785 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Nagy, Peter I.; Alagona, Giuliano; Ghio, Caterina; Takacs-Novak, Krisztina

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003 , vol. 125, # 9 p. 2770 - 2785 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Electrochemical properties

Luca et al.

Revista de Chimie (Bucharest, Romania), 1979 , vol. 30, p. 72 Full Text Show Details

Chatten; Harris

Analytical Chemistry, 1962 , vol. 34, p. 1495,1499 Full Text Show Details

Stability constant


Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1965 , vol. 54, p. 1519,1523 Full Text Show Details

Electrochemical Characteristics (2) Description (Electrochemical Characteristics)

Product XRN (Electrochemical Characteristics)


Comment (Electrochemical Characteristics)


polarographic halfwave potential

polarographic halfwave potential


Type: Irreversible half-wave potential. Product: /BRN= 5744022/. Method: cyclovoltammetry. Description: Pt-electrode, CH3CN/NaClO4; CH2Cl2/C4H9/NClO4

Hess; Ziebig

Pharmazie, 1981 , vol. 36, # 4 p. 253 - 256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hess et al.

Pharmazie, 1976 , vol. 31, p. 452,453 Full Text Show Details


Further Information (36) Description (Further Information)


Further information

Coutts; Jones; Liu

Biomedical Mass Spectrometry, 1978 , vol. 5, # 6 p. 418 - 422 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Rein et al.

Croatica Chemica Acta, 1977 , vol. 49, p. 251,253, 254, 256, 257 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Predmore; Christian

Analytical chemistry, 1976 , vol. 48, # 2 p. 361 - 363 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Cartoni et al.

Bollettino Chimico Farmaceutico, 1976 , vol. 115, p. 347,350 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Hess et al.

Pharmazie, 1976 , vol. 31, p. 452,453 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Kuhnert-Brandstaetter et al.

Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae, 1975 , vol. 50, p. 360,364 Full Text Show Details

Further information

De Silva; Strojny

Analytical Chemistry, 1975 , vol. 47, p. 714,716, 718 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information


Chemiker-Zeitung, 1974 , vol. 98, p. 28,32 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Sung; Parker

Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, C: Journal of Biosciences, 1974 , vol. 29, p. 122,124 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Miles; Schenk

Analytical Chemistry, 1973 , vol. 45, p. 130,132 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Blang; Huang

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1973 , vol. 62, p. 652 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Telc et al.

Journal of Labelled Compounds, 1972 , vol. 8, p. 13,14, 19 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Archives of Mass Spectral Data, 1971 , vol. 2, p. 760 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Bergin; Carlstroem

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1971 , vol. 27, p. 2146,2151 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Warren et al.

Journal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 1971 , vol. 54, p. 1179,1181,1186,1188 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Fontani; Morandini

The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology, 1970 , vol. 22, # 6 p. 411 - 413

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Reisch; Alfes; Moellmann

Die Pharmazie, 1968 , vol. 23, # 5 p. 245 - 246 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information


Journal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 1968 , vol. 51, p. 1111,1115 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Garrett, Chembarkar

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1968 , vol. 57, p. 1401,1402 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Cholodov et al.

Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1967 , vol. 3, p. 1513,1470 Full Text Show Details

Hide facts Description (Further Information)


Further information

Griffin; Banker

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1967 , vol. 56, p. 1098,1099 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Beckett et al.

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1967 , vol. 19, p. 273,291 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Kracmar; Kracmarova

Cesko-Slovenska Farmacie, 1966 , vol. 15, p. 16,18 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Hayden et al.

Journal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 1966 , vol. 49, p. 1109,1119 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Bollettino Chimico Farmaceutico, 1966 , vol. 105, p. 223,224 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Sinsheimer; Keuhnellan

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1966 , vol. 55, p. 1240,1241 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Thompson,W.E. et al.

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1965 , vol. 54, p. 1819 - 1821 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Duvall; Koshy; Pyles

Journal of pharmaceutical sciences, 1965 , vol. 54, # 4 p. 607 - 611 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Brannon; Hayden

Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1964 , vol. 47, p. 918,927 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Seiler; Wiechmann

Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fuer Physiologische Chemie, 1964 , vol. 337, p. 229,231, 238 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Journal of medicinal chemistry, 1964 , vol. 7, p. 493 - 500 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Nace; King

Journal of Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 1962 , vol. 5, p. 1316,1321 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1960 , vol. 12, p. 666 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Brandstaetter-Kuhnert et al.

Scientia Pharmaceutica, 1960 , vol. 28, # 1 p. 7,8-15

Chem.Abstr., 1960 , # 17802 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Soc. Chim. Org. Biol.

Patent: FRM79 , 1960 ; Chem.Abstr., 1963 , vol. 58, # 10302g Full Text Show Details

Further information

Thomis; Kotionis

Analytica Chimica Acta, 1956 , vol. 14, p. 457 Chem.Abstr., 1957 , # 5624 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ionization Potential (1) Ionization Potential

Method (Ionization Potential)


10.17 eV


Meincke; Kottke; Beyrich

Pharmazie, 1992 , vol. 47, # 10 p. 780 - 783 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Liquid/Liquid Systems (MCS) (1) Description (Liquid/Liquid Systems (MCS))


Distribution between solvent 1 + 2

Beckett; Moffat

The Journal of pharmacy and pharmacology, 1969 , vol. 21, p. Suppl:144S+ Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mihailova; Testa

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1978 , vol. 13, # 1 p. 49 - 52 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Thies; Ermer

Naturwissenschaften, 1962 , vol. 49, p. 37 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Donike; Iffland; Jaenicke

Arzneimittel-Forschung, 1974 , vol. 24, # 4 p. 556 - 560 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mechanical & Physical Properties (MCS) (1) Description (Mechanical & Physical Properties (MCS))

Partner (Mechanical & Physical Properties (MCS))

Temperature (Mechanical & Physical Properties (MCS))

Partial molal volume


25 °C

Reference Shahidi, Fereidoon

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1987 , vol. 65, p. 1924 - 1926 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mechanical Properties (1) Description (Mechanical Properties)



Bloor; Morrinson

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1972 , vol. 24, p. 927,928,931,932 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Optical Rotatory Dispersion (1) Reference Potapow; Terent'ew

J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1961 , vol. 31, p. 1003,927 Chem.Abstr., 1961 , # 23389 Full Text Show Details

Optical Rotatory Power (1) Type (Optical Rotatory Power)

Concentration (Optical Rotatory Power)

Solvent (Optical Rotatory Power)

Optical Rotatory Power

Wavelength (Optical Rotatory Power)

Temperature (Optical Rotatory Power)




34.5 deg

589 nm

15 °C

Reference Yamada et al.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1976 , p. 1001

Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Partition octan-1-ol/water (MCS) (3) log POW





supporting information


Gunaydin, Hakan

ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016 , vol. 7, # 1 p. 89 - 93 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


supporting information

Gmez-Ros, Germn Augusto; Pawliszyn, Janusz

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2014 , vol. 53, # 52 p. 14503 14507 Angew. Chem., 2014 , vol. 126, # 52 p. 14731 - 14735,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Huerta-Fontela, Maria; Galceran, Maria Teresa; Ventura, Francesc

Environmental Science and Technology, 2008 , vol. 42, # 18 p. 6809 - 6816 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Partition octan-1-ol/water (MCS))


Self-diffusion (1) Reference Bloor; Morrinson

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1972 , vol. 24, p. 927,928,931,932 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Solubility (MCS) (1) Solubility


Temperature (Solubility (MCS))

Solvent (Solubility (MCS))

0.0676045 g·l-1

in solution

25 °C

phosphate buffer


Alelyunas, Yun W.; Empfield, James R.; McCarthy, Dennis; Spreen, Russell C.; Bui, Khanh; Pelosi-Kilby, Luciana; Shen, Cindy

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2010 , vol. 20, # 24 p. 7312 - 7316 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vapour Pressure (1) Vapour Pressure

Temperature (Vapour Pressure)


0.26 Torr

26 °C

Steldt; Chen

Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association (1912-1977), 1954 , vol. 43, p. 477,478 Full Text Show Details

Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (36) Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Coupling Nuclei

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Frequency (NMR Spectroscopy)

Original Text (NMR Spectroscopy)

Chemical shifts Spectrum



300 MHz

Chemical shifts Spectrum



Chemical shifts





supporting information

Martínez-Montero, Lía; Díaz-Rodríguez, Alba; Gotor, Vicente; Gotor-Fernández, Vicente; Lavandera, Iván

Green Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 17, # 5 p. 2794 2798 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

75 MHz

supporting information

Martínez-Montero, Lía; Díaz-Rodríguez, Alba; Gotor, Vicente; Gotor-Fernández, Vicente; Lavandera, Iván

Green Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 17, # 5 p. 2794 2798 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

500 MHz

*H NMR (500 MHz, CDC13) δ

Page/Page column 66

ESS, Daniel, Halsell; FALCK, John, Russell; JAT, Jawahar, Lal; URTI, Laszlo

Chemical shifts



126 MHz

8.46 (br s, 2H), 7.34-7.20 (m, 5H), 3.65-3.53 (m, 1H), 3.27 (dd, J= 13.4, 5.1 Hz, 1H), 2.87 (dd, J= 13.3, 9.1 Hz, 1H), 1.39 (d, J= 6.4 Hz, 3H);


NMR (126 MHz, CDC13) δ 135.83, 129.35, 128.87, 127.26, 49.80, 41.07, 18.13.

Page/Page column 66

Patent: WO2015/103505 A2, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

ESS, Daniel, Halsell; FALCK, John, Russell; JAT, Jawahar, Lal; URTI, Laszlo

Patent: WO2015/103505 A2, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts Spectrum



400 MHz

supporting information

Poulhes, Florent; Vanthuyne, Nicolas; Bertrand, Michele P.; Gastaldi, Stephane; Gil, Gerard

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 76, # 17 p. 7281 - 7286 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts Spectrum



75 MHz

supporting information

Poulhes, Florent; Vanthuyne, Nicolas; Bertrand, Michele P.; Gastaldi, Stephane; Gil, Gerard

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 76, # 17 p. 7281 - 7286 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

DEPT (Distorsionless Enhancement by Polarisation Transfer) Chemical shifts Spectrum



75 MHz

supporting information

Poulhes, Florent; Vanthuyne, Nicolas; Bertrand, Michele P.; Gastaldi, Stephane; Gil, Gerard

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 76, # 17 p. 7281 - 7286 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



400 MHz

supporting information

Imm, Sebastian; Neubert, Lorenz; Neumann, Helfried; Beller, Matthias

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2010 , vol. 49, # 44 p. 8126 - 8129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Munoz, Lourdes; Rodriguez, Anna M.; Rosell, Gloria; Bosch, M. Pilar; Guerrero, Angel

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 9, # 23 p. 8171 - 8177 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



100 MHz

supporting information

Imm, Sebastian; Neubert, Lorenz; Neumann, Helfried; Beller, Matthias

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2010 , vol. 49, # 44 p. 8126 - 8129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Munoz, Lourdes; Rodriguez, Anna M.; Rosell, Gloria; Bosch, M. Pilar; Guerrero, Angel

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 9, # 23 p. 8171 - 8177 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



300 MHz

Schulze, Matthias

Synthetic Communications, 2010 , vol. 40, # 10 p. 1461 - 1476 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



75 MHz

Schulze, Matthias

Synthetic Communications, 2010 , vol. 40, # 10 p. 1461 - 1476 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



300 MHz

Vahermo, Mikko; Suominen, Tina; Leinonen,

Chemical shifts


Chemical shifts

Antti; Yli-Kauhaluoma, Jari

Archiv der Pharmazie, 2009 , vol. 342, # 4 p. 201 - 209 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



75 MHz

Vahermo, Mikko; Suominen, Tina; Leinonen, Antti; Yli-Kauhaluoma, Jari

Archiv der Pharmazie, 2009 , vol. 342, # 4 p. 201 - 209 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


300 MHz

Routaboul, Lucie; Vanthuyne, Nicolas; Gastaldi, Stephane; Gil, Gerard; Bertrand, Michele

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 73, # 2 p. 364 - 368 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




75 MHz

Nechab, Malek; Azzi, Nadia; Vanthuyne, Nicolas; Bertrand, Michele; Gastaldi, Stephane; Gil, Gerard

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 72, # 18 p. 6918 - 6923 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Routaboul, Lucie; Vanthuyne, Nicolas; Gastaldi, Stephane; Gil, Gerard; Bertrand, Michele

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 73, # 2 p. 364 - 368 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



75 MHz

Gyenes, Ferenc; Bergmann, Kathryn E.; Welch, John T.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 63, # 9 p. 2824 - 2828 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Routaboul, Lucie; Vanthuyne, Nicolas; Gastaldi, Stephane; Gil, Gerard; Bertrand, Michele

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 73, # 2 p. 364 - 368 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




300 MHz

Nechab, Malek; Azzi, Nadia; Vanthuyne, Nicolas; Bertrand, Michele; Gastaldi, Stephane; Gil, Gerard

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 72, # 18 p. 6918 - 6923 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



400 MHz

Haak, Edgar; Siebeneicher, Holger; Doye, Sven

Organic Letters, 2000 , vol. 2, # 13 p. 1935 1937 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Viswanathan, Rajesh; Prabhakaran, Erode N.; Plotkin, Michael A.; Johnston, Jeffrey N.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003 , vol. 125, # 1 p. 163 - 168 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Guisado, Cristina; Waterhouse, Jodie E.; Price, Wayne S.; Jorgensen, Michael R.; Miller, Andrew D.

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 3, # 6 p. 1049 - 1057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




400 MHz

Haak, Edgar; Siebeneicher, Holger; Doye, Sven

Organic Letters, 2000 , vol. 2, # 13 p. 1935 1937

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Viswanathan, Rajesh; Prabhakaran, Erode N.; Plotkin, Michael A.; Johnston, Jeffrey N.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003 , vol. 125, # 1 p. 163 - 168 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Guisado, Cristina; Waterhouse, Jodie E.; Price, Wayne S.; Jorgensen, Michael R.; Miller, Andrew D.

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 3, # 6 p. 1049 - 1057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Coupling Nuclei

Chemical shifts



100 MHz

Haak, Edgar; Siebeneicher, Holger; Doye, Sven

Organic Letters, 2000 , vol. 2, # 13 p. 1935 1937 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Viswanathan, Rajesh; Prabhakaran, Erode N.; Plotkin, Michael A.; Johnston, Jeffrey N.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003 , vol. 125, # 1 p. 163 - 168 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Guisado, Cristina; Waterhouse, Jodie E.; Price, Wayne S.; Jorgensen, Michael R.; Miller, Andrew D.

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 3, # 6 p. 1049 - 1057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hide facts Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Temperature (NMR Spectroscopy)

Frequency (NMR Spectroscopy)

Comment (NMR Spectroscopy)


500 MHz

Li, Yanjun; Izumi, Taeko

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society (Taipei, Taiwan), 2002 , vol. 49, # 4 p. 505 - 508 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Yanjun; Izumi, Taeko

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 2003 , # 3 p. 128 - 129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




500 MHz

Li, Yanjun; Izumi, Taeko

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society (Taipei, Taiwan), 2002 , vol. 49, # 4 p. 505 - 508 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Yanjun; Izumi, Taeko

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 2003 , # 3 p. 128 - 129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



26 °C

Thunhorst, Martin; Holzgrabe, Ulrike

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 36, # 3 p. 211 - 216 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



300 MHz

Gyenes, Ferenc; Bergmann, Kathryn E.; Welch, John T.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 63, # 9 p. 2824 - 2828 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




300 MHz

Gyenes, Ferenc; Bergmann, Kathryn E.; Welch, John T.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 63, # 9 p. 2824 - 2828 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Chemical shifts



25 °C

Border, Corinne L.; Craik, David J.; Shehan, B. Philip

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1993 , vol. 31, # 3 p. 222 - 230 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Spin-lattice relaxation time (T1)

Border, Corinne L.; Craik, David J.; Shehan, B. Philip

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1993 , vol. 31, # 3 p. 222 - 230 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts


Meincke; Kottke; Beyrich

Pharmazie, 1992 , vol. 47, # 9 p. 697 - 699 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bell, Harold M.; Bowles, Deborah B.; Senese, Fred

Organic Magnetic Resonance, 1981 , vol. 16, # 4 p. 285 - 289 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts



Gee, Antony; Langstroem, Bengt

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 1991 , vol. 45, # 4 p. 431 - 435 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts



Toda, Fumio; Mori, Koji; Okada, Jyoji; Node, Manabu; Itoh, Akichika; et al.

Chemistry Letters, 1988 , p. 131 - 134 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts



El-Torki, Farid M.; Jacobus John

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 50, # 8 p. 1314 - 1316 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spin-spin coupling constants



El-Torki, Farid M.; Jacobus John

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 50, # 8 p. 1314 - 1316 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




24 °C

Ali, Abdel Rahman el Nasser Ossman

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 22, # 8 p. 762 - 765 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

NMR with shift reagents

Ali, Abdel Rahman el Nasser Ossman

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 22, # 8 p. 762 - 765 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Landor et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1974 , p. 1294,1299 Full Text Show Details


Arzneimittel-Forschung, 1974 , vol. 24, # 2 p. 133 - 134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Smith et al.

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1976 , vol. 65, p. 412,413, 414 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lambert et al.

Organic Magnetic Resonance, 1975 , vol. 7, p. 266,272 Full Text Show Details

Neville et al.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1971 , vol. 14, p. 717,718 Full Text Show Details

Lambert et al.

Spectroscopy Letters, 1975 , vol. 8, p. 509,511 Full Text Show Details


Fig. 1

Neville et al.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1971 , vol. 14, p. 717,718 Full Text Show Details

IR Spectroscopy (5) Description (IR Spectroscopy)

Solvent (IR Spectroscopy)


supporting information


Munoz, Lourdes; Rodriguez, Anna M.; Rosell, Gloria; Bosch, M. Pilar; Guerrero, Angel

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 9, # 23 p. 8171 - 8177 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


potassium bromide

Vahermo, Mikko; Suominen, Tina; Leinonen, Antti; Yli-Kauhaluoma, Jari

Archiv der Pharmazie, 2009 , vol. 342, # 4 p. 201 - 209 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Viswanathan, Rajesh; Prabhakaran, Erode N.; Plotkin, Michael A.; Johnston, Jeffrey N.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003 , vol. 125, # 1 p. 163 168 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


neat (no solvent)

Gyenes, Ferenc; Bergmann, Kathryn E.; Welch, John T.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 63, # 9 p. 2824 - 2828 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Haak, Edgar; Siebeneicher, Holger; Doye, Sven

Organic Letters, 2000 , vol. 2, # 13 p. 1935 - 1937 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Blang; Huang

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1972 , vol. 61, p. 1770,1772, 1774 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Comment (IR Spectroscopy)


Mass Spectrometry (28) Description (Mass Spectrometry)



tandem mass spectrometry CID (collision-induced dissociation) spectrum

Damon, Deidre E.; Davis, Kathryn M.; Moreira, Camila R.; Capone, Patricia; Cruttenden, Riley; BaduTawiah, Abraham K.

Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 88, # 3 p. 1878 - 1884 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) spectrum

Duvivier, Wilco F.; Van Putten, Marc R.; Van Beek, Teris A.; Nielen, Michel W. F.

Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 88, # 4 p. 2489 - 2496 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

APCI (atmospheric pressure chemical ionization) tandem mass spectrometry spectrum

Crevelin, Eduardo J.; Salami, Fernanda H.; Alves, Marcela N. R.; De Martinis, Bruno S.; Crotti, Antônio E. M.; Moraes, Luiz A. B.

Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2016 , vol. 27, # 5 p. 944 - 947 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

electrospray ionisation (ESI) spectrum

Badu-Tawiah, Abraham; Cooks, R. Graham

Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2010 , vol. 21, # 8 p. 1423 - 1431 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jeong, Eun Sook; Kim, So-Hee; Cha, Eun-Ju; Lee, Kang Mi; Kim, Ho Jun; Lee, Sang-Won; Kwon, OhSeung; Lee, Jaeick

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2015 , vol. 29, # 4 p. 367 - 384 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) electrospray ionisation (ESI) spectrum

Jeong, Eun Sook; Kim, So-Hee; Cha, Eun-Ju; Lee, Kang Mi; Kim, Ho Jun; Lee, Sang-Won; Kwon, OhSeung; Lee, Jaeick

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2015 , vol. 29, # 4 p. 367 - 384 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

APCI (atmospheric pressure chemical ionization) spectrum

supporting information

Martínez-Montero, Lía; Díaz-Rodríguez, Alba; Gotor, Vicente; Gotor-Fernández, Vicente; Lavandera, Iván

Green Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 17, # 5 p. 2794 - 2798 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Haak, Edgar; Siebeneicher, Holger; Doye, Sven

Organic Letters, 2000 , vol. 2, # 13 p. 1935 - 1937 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Espy, Ryan D.; Teunissen, Sebastiaan Frans; Manicke, Nicholas E.; Ren, Yue; Ouyang, Zheng; Van Asten, Arian; Cooks, R. Graham

Analytical Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 86, # 15 p. 7712 - 7718 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) CID (collision-induced dissociation) spectrum

Lin, Huei-Ru; Liao, Chao-Chuan; Lin, Tzu-Chieh

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2014 , vol. 28, # 19 p. 2043 - 2053 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) time-of-flight mass spectra (TOFMS) tandem mass spectrometry spectrum

Roemmelt, Andreas T.; Steuer, Andrea E.; Poetzsch, Michael; Kraemer, Thomas

Analytical Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 86, # 23 p. 11742 - 11749 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) electrospray ionisation (ESI) tandem mass spectrometry spectrum

Spinner; Klima; Kempf; Huppertz; Auwärter; Altenburger; Neukamm

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2014 , vol. 49, # 12 p. 1306 - 1313 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

tandem mass spectrometry spectrum

supporting information

Gmez-Ros, Germn Augusto; Pawliszyn, Janusz

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2014 , vol. 53, # 52 p. 14503 - 14507 Angew. Chem., 2014 , vol. 126, # 52 p. 14731 - 14735,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

tandem mass spectrometry electrospray ionisation (ESI) high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) spectrum

Fedorova, Ganna; Randak, Tomas; Lindberg, Richard H.; Grabic, Roman

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2013 , vol. 27, # 15 p. 1751 - 1762 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

electrospray ionisation (ESI) high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) spectrum

Fedorova, Ganna; Randak, Tomas; Lindberg, Richard H.; Grabic, Roman

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2013 , vol. 27, # 15 p. 1751 - 1762 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tandem mass spectrometry TOFMS (Time of flight mass spectrum) ESI (Electrospray ionisation) Spectrum

Bijlsma, Lubertus; Sancho, Juan V.; Hernandez, Felix; Niessen, Wilfried M.A.

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2011 , vol. 46, # 9 p. 865 - 875 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

EI (Electron impact) Spectrum

supporting information

Munoz, Lourdes; Rodriguez, Anna M.; Rosell, Gloria; Bosch, M. Pilar; Guerrero, Angel

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 9, # 23 p. 8171 - 8177 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

ESI (Electrospray ionisation) Tandem mass spectrometry Spectrum

Liu, Ying; Uboh, Cornelius E.; Soma, Lawrence R.; Li, Xiaoqing; Guan, Fuyu; You, Youwen; Chen, JinWen

Analytical Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 83, # 17 p. 6834 - 6841 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

EI (Electron impact) GCMS (Gas chromatography mass spectrometry) Spectrum

supporting information

Imm, Sebastian; Neubert, Lorenz; Neumann, Helfried; Beller, Matthias

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2010 , vol. 49, # 44 p. 8126 - 8129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

HRMS (High resolution mass spectrometry) ESI (Electrospray ionisation) LCMS (Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry) TOFMS (Time of flight mass spectrum) Spectrum

supporting information

Imm, Sebastian; Neubert, Lorenz; Neumann, Helfried; Beller, Matthias

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2010 , vol. 49, # 44 p. 8126 - 8129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

HRMS (High resolution mass spectrometry) TOFMS (Time of flight mass spectrum) ESI (Electrospray ionisation) LCMS (Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry)

Vonaparti; Lyris; Angelis; Panderi; Koupparis; Tsantili-Kakoulidou; Peters; Nielen; Georgakopoulos

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2010 , vol. 24, # 11 p. 1595 - 1609 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spectrum LCMS (Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry) IT (ion trap) Tandem mass spectrometry Spectrum

Lee, Sang Kyu; Kim, So-Hee; Kim, Ho Jun; Yoo, Hye Hyun; Kwon, Oh Seung; In, Moon Kyo; Jin, Changbae; Kim, Dong Hyun; Lee, Jaeick

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2010 , vol. 24, # 21 p. 3139 - 3145 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hide facts Description (Mass Spectrometry)

Comment (Mass Spectrometry)

APCI (atmospheric pressure chemical ionization) Spectrum

Inoue, Hiroyuki; Hashimoto, Hiroaki; Watanabe, Susumu; Iwata, Yuko T.; Kanamori, Tatsuyuki; Miyaguchi, Hajime; Tsujikawa, Kenji; Kuwayama, Kenji; Tachi, Noriyuki; Uetake, Naohito

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2009 , vol. 44, # 9 p. 1300 - 1307 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

APCI (atmospheric pressure chemical ionization) Tandem mass spectrometry Spectrum

Inoue, Hiroyuki; Hashimoto, Hiroaki; Watanabe, Susumu; Iwata, Yuko T.; Kanamori, Tatsuyuki; Miyaguchi, Hajime; Tsujikawa, Kenji; Kuwayama, Kenji; Tachi, Noriyuki; Uetake, Naohito

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2009 , vol. 44, # 9 p. 1300 - 1307 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

LCMS (Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry) ESI (Electrospray ionisation) Tandem mass spectrometry Spectrum

mol peak

Thoerngren, John-Olof; Oestervall, Fredrik; Garle, Mats

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2008 , vol. 43, # 7 p. 980 - 992 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

spectrum tandem mass spectrometry

Pihlainen, Katja; Grigoras, Kestutis; Franssila, Sami; Ketola, Raimo; Kotiaho, Tapio; Kostiainen, Risto

Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2005 , vol. 40, # 4 p. 539 - 545 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

positive secondary ions

Zappey, Herman; Fokkens, Roel H.; Ingemann, Steen; Nibbering, Nico M. M.; Florencio, Helena

Organic Mass Spectrometry, 1991 , vol. 26, # 6 p. 587 - 594 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

fragmentation pattern spectrum electron impact (EI)

Zappey, Herman; Fokkens, Roel H.; Ingemann, Steen; Nibbering, Nico M. M.; Florencio, Helena

Organic Mass Spectrometry, 1991 , vol. 26, # 6 p. 587 - 594 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

chemical ionization (CI) spectrum

collisional activation

Todd; Stafford Jr.; Kelley; Syka; Cooks; Louris

Analytical Chemistry, 1987 , vol. 59, # 13 p. 1677 - 1685 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Coutts; Jones; Liu

Biomedical Mass Spectrometry, 1978 , vol. 5, # 6 p. 418 - 422 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Milne et al.

Analytical Chemistry, 1971 , vol. 43, p. 1815,1817 Full Text Show Details

Reisch et al.

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1968 , vol. 20, p. 81,85 Full Text Show Details


Chemiker-Zeitung, 1974 , vol. 98, p. 28,32 Full Text Show Details


Pharmaceutica Acta Helvetiae, 1970 , vol. 45, p. 394,406 Full Text Show Details

Arsenault et al.

Analytical Chemistry, 1971 , vol. 43, p. 1720 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Archives of Mass Spectral Data, 1971 , vol. 2, p. 760 Full Text Show Details

Cartoni et al.

Bollettino Chimico Farmaceutico, 1976 , vol. 115, p. 347,350 Full Text Show Details

Kamei et al.

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1973 , vol. 21, p. 1996,2000 Full Text Show Details

Beckett et al.

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1967 , vol. 19, p. 273,291 Full Text Show Details

UV/VIS Spectroscopy (8)


Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Comment (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)


Predmore; Christian

Analytical chemistry, 1976 , vol. 48, # 2 p. 361 - 363 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Journal - Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 1968 , vol. 51, p. 1111,1115 Full Text Show Details

Ruckpaul et al.

Croatica Chemica Acta, 1977 , vol. 49, p. 339,343 Full Text Show Details

Blasco-Gomez; Bosch-Reig; Campins-Falco; Molins-Legua; Herraez-Hernandez

Analytical Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 72, # 11 p. 2559 - 2565 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Blang; Huang

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1972 , vol. 61, p. 1770,1772, 1774 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bloor; Morrinson

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1972 , vol. 24, p. 927,928,931,932 Full Text View citing articles Show Details



240 - 280 nm


Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1957 , vol. 40, p. 824,827 Full Text Show Details


aq. H2SO4

230 - 280 nm


Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, 1957 , vol. 40, p. 824,827 Full Text Show Details



240 - 300 nm


Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. American Pharmaceutical Association, 1953 , vol. 42, # 10 p. 621 - 622 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



245 - 270 nm


Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. American Pharmaceutical Association, 1952 , vol. 41, # 7 p. 372 - 374 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


diethyl ether

245 - 270 nm


Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. American Pharmaceutical Association, 1952 , vol. 41, # 7 p. 372 - 374 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



245 - 270 nm


Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. American Pharmaceutical Association, 1952 , vol. 41, # 7 p. 372 - 374 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Raman Spectroscopy (1) Description (Raman Spectroscopy)



West, Matthew J.; Went, Michael J.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2009 , vol. 71, # 5 p. 1984 - 1988 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fluorescence Spectroscopy (2) Description (Fluorescence Spectroscopy)

Comment (Fluorescence Spectroscopy)



267.02 - 265.25 nm

Sun; Bernstein

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1996 , vol. 118, # 21 p. 5086 - 5095 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Lindenbaum et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1977 , p. 268 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Smythies et al.

Experientia, 1971 , vol. 27, p. 62,63 Full Text Show Details

Phosphorescence Spectroscopy (1)

Description (Phosphorescence Spectroscopy)



Harbaugh et al.

Analytical Chemistry, 1974 , vol. 46, p. 1206 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (317) 1 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Cervinka,O. et al.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1968 , vol. 33, p. 3551 - 3557 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Iwai; Tomita; Ide

Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin, 1965 , vol. 13, # 2 p. 118 - 129 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Syva Company

Patent: US3966744 A1, 1976 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Laboratoires Laroche Navarron

Patent: US3979456 A1, 1976 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sciortino; Du Ban

Bollettino chimico farmaceutico, 1968 , vol. 107, # 8 p. 506 - 511 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Bollettino chimico farmaceutico, 1969 , vol. 108, # 6 p. 355 - 367 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dalla Vedova; D'Alo

Bollettino Chimico Farmaceutico, 1973 , vol. 112, # 4 p. 273 - 282 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

E. R. Squibb and Sons, Inc.

Patent: US4131744 A1, 1978 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pesin,V.G.; D'yachenko,S.A.

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, NY, United States), 1969 , vol. 5, p. 453 - 456 Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii, 1969 , vol. 5, # 4 p. 613 - 618 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

O'Connor,M.J. et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 , vol. 90, p. 1744 - 1752 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gerlach,D.H.; Holm,R.H.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1969 , vol. 91, p. 3457 - 3467 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sumitomo Chemical Company, Limited

Patent: US4698421 A1, 1987 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Herlinger,H. et al.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1967 , vol. 706, p. 37 - 46 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kindler,K.; Luehrs,K.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1967 , vol. 707, p. 26 - 34 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Journal of medicinal chemistry, 1963 , vol. 6, p. 221 - 227 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Journal of medicinal chemistry, 1964 , vol. 7, p. 493 - 500 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Burger; Zimmerman; Ariens

Journal of medicinal chemistry, 1966 , vol. 9, # 4 p. 469 - 470 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rubinstein; Elming; Fakstorp; Hermansen; Pedersen; Jacobsen

Journal of medicinal chemistry, 1966 , vol. 9, # 6 p. 804 - 809 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1968 , vol. 11, p. 611 - 612 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Howe; Crowther; Stephenson; Rao; Smith

Journal of medicinal chemistry, 1968 , vol. 11, # 5 p. 1000 - 1008 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

2 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Trepanier; Shriver; Eble

Journal of medicinal chemistry, 1969 , vol. 12, # 2 p. 257 - 260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Howe; McLoughlin; Rao; Smith; Chodnekar

Journal of medicinal chemistry, 1969 , vol. 12, # 3 p. 452 - 458 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kaiser; Leonard; Heil; Lester; Tedeschi; Zirkle

Journal of medicinal chemistry, 1970 , vol. 13, # 5 p. 820 - 826 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Verbiscar,A.J.; Abood,L.G.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1970 , vol. 13, p. 1176 - 1179 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shadbolt; Sharpe; Brown; Ashford; Ross

Journal of medicinal chemistry, 1971 , vol. 14, # 9 p. 836 - 842 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rastogi; Anand; Prasad

Journal of medicinal chemistry, 1972 , vol. 15, # 3 p. 286 - 291 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Horgan,S.W. et al.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1975 , vol. 18, p. 315 - 318 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Najjar; Blake; Benoit; Lu

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1978 , vol. 21, # 6 p. 555 - 558 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Pharmazie, 1967 , vol. 22, p. 19 - 22 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Die Pharmazie, 1968 , vol. 23, # 5 p. 240 - 242 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Reisch; Alfes; Kommert; Jantos; Moellmann; Clasing

Die Pharmazie, 1970 , vol. 25, # 5 p. 331 - 334 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schulz; Jassmann; Bekker

Die Pharmazie, 1971 , vol. 26, # 8 p. 477 - 481 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kotera,K. et al.

Tetrahedron, 1968 , vol. 24, p. 5677 - 5690 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Beckett,A.H. et al.

Tetrahedron, 1975 , vol. 31, p. 1531 - 1535 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Beckett,A.H. et al.

Tetrahedron, 1976 , vol. 32, p. 1267 - 1276 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schönenberger; Brinkmann

Archiv der Pharmazie und Berichte der Deutschen Pharmazeutischen Gesellschaft, 1966 , vol. 299, # 11 p. 952 - 965 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Murakami,M. et al.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1962 , vol. 35, p. 11 - 15 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

The General Hospital Corporation

Patent: US4902690 A1, 1990 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Laboratoire L. Lafon

Patent: US4980377 A1, 1990 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Julia,M.; Tilly,G.

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1965 , p. 2175 - 2182 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

3 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.

Patent: US5026827 A1, 1991 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Weidmann,R.; Horeau,A.

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1967 , p. 117 - 124 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Brunet,M.A. et al.

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1967 , p. 2000 - 2003 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gelbard,G.; Rumpf,P.

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1969 , p. 1161 - 1170 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Thuong,N.T.; Chabrier,P.

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1975 , p. 2083 - 2088 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Halpern,B. et al.

Chemical Communications (London), 1966 , p. 679 - 680 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zamarlik,H. et al.

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Barton,D.H.R. et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1974 , p. 732 - 738 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shapiro,S.L. et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1961 , vol. 26, p. 2343 - 2347 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Diekman,J. et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1967 , vol. 32, p. 3904 - 3919 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yamanouchi Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.

Patent: US4045482 A1, 1977 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Boehringer Ingelheim Chemicals, Inc.

Patent: US6399828 B1, 2002 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

SIBIA Neurosciences, Inc.

Patent: US5594011 A1, 1997 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

van der Stelt,C. et al.

Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1965 , vol. 84, p. 1466 - 1477 Full Text Show Details

Van Dijk; Moed

Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays Bas, 1973 , vol. 92, # 12 p. 1281 - 1297 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cotecchia, Susanna

Patent: US2003/217372 A1, 2003 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Coutts; Jones; Liu

Biomedical Mass Spectrometry, 1978 , vol. 5, # 6 p. 418 - 422 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

4 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Yashunskii,V.G.; Vasil'eva,V.G.

J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1960 , vol. 30, p. 2754 - 2756,2736 - 2738 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioactivities present



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Bioactivities present



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Bioactivities present


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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Bioactivities present



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Bioactivities present


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Bioactivities present


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Hide facts Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Bioactivities present


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Bioactivities present


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Biochemical Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 54, # 12 p. 1361 - 1369 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 30, # 5 p. 403 - 408 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 45, # 1 p. 68 - 78 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 48, # 7 p. 2407 - 2419 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 2005 , vol. 40, # 4 p. 539 - 545 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Pichini, Simona; Pacifici, Roberta; Pellegrini, Manuela; Marchei, Emilia; Lozano, Jaime; Murillo, Janeth; Vall, Oriol; GarciaAlgar, Oscar

Analytical Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 76, # 7 p. 2124 - 2132 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 13, # 10 p. 3487 - 3495 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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British Journal of Pharmacology, 2006 , vol. 147, # 2 p. 218 - 224 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yuan, Jie; Hatzidimitriou, George; Suthar, Pranav; Mueller, Melanie; McCann, Una; Ricaurte, George

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European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 451, # 1 p. 27 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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British Journal of Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 124, # 6 p. 1123 - 1130 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1999 , vol. 290, # 3 p. 1482 - 1492 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Neurobiology of aging, 2015 , vol. 36, # 3 p. 1543 - 1558 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bévalot; Cartiser; Bottinelli; Guitton; Fanton

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 259, p. 133 - 154 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 260, p. 14 - 21 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

MacKenzie, Lynn E.; Abidi, Sabina; Fisher, Helen L.; Propper, Lukas; Bagnell, Alexa; Morash-Conway, Jessica; Glover, Jacqueline M.; Cumby, Jill; Hajek, Tomas; Schultze-Lutter, Frauke; Pajer, Kathleen; Alda, Martin; Uher, Rudolf

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Labay, Laura M.; Caruso, James L.; Gilson, Thomas P.; Phipps, Rebecca Jufer; Knight, Laura D.; Lemos, Nikolas P.; McIntyre, Iain M.; Stoppacher, Robert; Tormos, Lee Marie; Weins, Andrea L.; Williams, Erica; Logan, Barry K.

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Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2016 , vol. 1012-1013, p. 162 - 168 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Franco de Oliveira, Sarah Carobini Werner de Souza Eller; Yonamine, Mauricio

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 265, p. 81 - 88 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kaewpunya, Nunthika; Tungtananuwat, Wichirawich; Viriyavejakul, Akravudh; Yongpanich, Patramon; Thong-Ra-Ar, Nantana; Hosanguan, Chanchai; Lawanprasert, Somsong

Thai Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2015 , vol. 39, # 4 p. 161 - 170 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

De Oliveira Penido, Ciro Augusto Fernandes; Pacheco, Marcos Tadeu Tavares; Lednev, Igor K.; Silveira, Landulfo

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Lemasson, Elise; Bertin, Sophie; West, Caroline

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Behavioural Brain Research, 2015 , vol. 295, p. 3 - 8 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lehto, Jussi; Johansson, Jarkko; Vuorilehto, Lauri; Luoto, Pauliina; Arponen, Eveliina; Scheinin, Harry; Rouru, Juha; Scheinin, Mika

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Heath, Christopher J.; Bussey, Timothy J.; Saksida, Lisa M.

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Mohler, Eric G.; Ding, Zhiyong; Rueter, Lynne E.; Chapin, Douglas; Young, Damon; Kozak, Rouba

Psychopharmacology, 2015 , vol. 232, # 21-22 p. 4033 - 4041 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Howe, William M.; Tierney, Patrick L.; Young, Damon A.; Oomen, Charlotte; Kozak, Rouba

Psychopharmacology, 2015 , vol. 232, # 21-22 p. 4113 - 4127 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Psychopharmacology, 2015 , vol. 232, # 21-22 p. 3911 - 3920 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Janhunen, Sanna K.; Svärd, Heta; Talpos, John; Kumar, Gaurav; Steckler, Thomas; Plath, Niels; Lerdrup, Linda; Ruby, Trine; Haman, Marie; Wyler, Roger; Ballard, Theresa M.

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Journal of Diabetes Research, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 4153278

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Lo Iacono, Luisa; Valzania, Alessandro; Visco-Comandini, Federica; Viscomi, Maria Teresa; Felsani, Armando; PuglisiAllegra, Stefano; Carola, Valeria

Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 103, p. 183 - 194 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mialon, Hugo M.; Nesson, Erik T.; Samuel, Michael C.

Health Economics (United Kingdom), 2016 , vol. 25, # 3 p. 292 - 313 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rositano, Joanna; Harpas, Peter; Kostakis, Chris; Scott, Timothy

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 265, p. 125 - 130 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 143, p. 26 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 88, # 3 p. 1878 - 1884 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Costa, Giulia; Morelli, Micaela; Simola, Nicola

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015 , vol. 18, # 11 p. 1 - 12 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kerstetter; Wunsch; Nakata; Donckels; Neumaier; Ferguson, Susan M

Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 41, # 4 p. 1128 - 1137 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Boileau, Isabelle; McCluskey, Tina; Tong, Junchao; Furukawa, Yoshiaki; Houle, Sylvain; Kish, Stephen J.

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European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 2 p. 288 - 297 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Koh, Ming Teng; Shao, Yi; Sherwood, Andrew; Smith, Dani R.

Schizophrenia Research, 2016 , vol. 171, # 1-3 p. 187 - 194 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Freyberg, Zachary; Sonders, Mark S.; Aguilar, Jenny I.; Hiranita, Takato; Karam, Caline S.; Flores, Jorge; Pizzo, Andrea B.; Zhang, Yuchao; Farino, Zachary J.; Chen, Audrey; Martin, Ciara A.; Kopajtic, Theresa A.; Fei, Hao; Hu, Gang; Lin, Yi-Ying; Mosharov, Eugene V.; McCabe, Brian D.; Freyberg, Robin; Wimalasena, Kandatege; Hsin, Ling-Wei; Sames, Dalibor; Krantz, David E.; Katz, Jonathan L.; Sulzer, David; Javitch, Jonathan A.

Nature Communications, 2016 , vol. 7, art. no. 10652 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Haghighi, Nahid Bolbol; Molzemi, Sahar; Mohamadi, Maryam Karimi; Molzemi, Shahram

Govaresh, 2016 , vol. 20, # 4 p. 237 - 242 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Contreras, Marco; Riveros, Maria E.; Quispe, Maricel; Sanchez, Cristian; Perdomo, Guayec; Torrealba, Fernando; Valdes, Jose L.

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 2 art. no. E0148484 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ren, Wenwei; Tao, Jingyan; Wei, Youdan; Su, Hang; Zhang, Jie; Xie, Ying; Guo, Jun; Zhang, Xiangyang; Zhang, Hailing; He, Jincai

Medicine (United States), 2016 , vol. 95, # 5 art. no. E2604 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Marek, Gerard J.; Day, Mark; Hudzik, Thomas J.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2016 , vol. 356, # 3 p. 534 - 548 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 28, # 5 p. 1007 - 1010 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 305, p. 8 - 17 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2016 , vol. 1015-1016, p. 142 - 149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Analytica Chimica Acta, 2016 , vol. 914, p. 81 - 90 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Ondra, Peter; Válka, Ivo; Knob, Radim; Ginterová, Pavlína; Maier, Vítězslav

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 1 art. no. BKV113, p. 78 - 85 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Inceptum Research and Therapeutics, Inc.; Mastronardi, Fabrizio G.

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Hill, Simon L.; Thomas, Simon H.L.

Medicine (United Kingdom), 2016 , vol. 44, # 3 p. 160 - 169 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kitanaka, Junichi; Kitanaka, Nobue; Scott Hall; Uhl, George R.; Takemura, Motohiko

Drug Target Insights, 2016 , vol. 10, p. 1 - 7 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ebrahimi, Zahra Fallah

International Journal of Computational Biology and Drug Design, 2016 , vol. 9, # 1-2 p. 149 - 161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Degenhardt, Louisa; Larney, Sarah; Chan, Gary; Dobbins, Timothy; Weier, Megan; Roxburgh, Amanda; Hall, Wayne D.; McKetin, Rebecca

Medical Journal of Australia, 2016 , vol. 204, # 4 p. 1 - 6,1 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cairns, Rose; Daniels, Benjamin; Wood, Danielle A.; Brett, Jonathan

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Current Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 14, # 2 p. 118 - 142 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Anderson, George; Jacob, Aude; Bellivier, Frank; Geoffroy, Pierre Alexis

Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2016 , vol. 22, # 8 p. 987 - 1012 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wongprayoon, Pawaris; Govitrapong, Piyarat

Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2016 , vol. 22, # 8 p. 1022 - 1032 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shakeri, Jalal; Farnia, Vahid; Karimi, Ali Reza; Tatari, Faeze; Juibari, Touraj Ahmadi; Alikhani, Mostafa; Bajoghli, Hafez; Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith; Brand, Serge

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016 , vol. 160, p. 157 - 162 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 27, # 3 p. 624 - 630 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

McGeehan, Jonathan; Dennany, Lynn

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 264, p. 1 - 6 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fletcher, Carl M.; Sleeman, Richard

Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 2016 , vol. 30, # 7 p. 908 - 916 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Robitaille, Caroline; Collin, Johanne

Substance Use and Misuse, 2016 , vol. 51, # 3 p. 357 - 369 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Mingming; Zou, Yu; Lu, Qiqi; Tang, Ning; Heng, Alexis; Islam, Intekhab; Tong, Huei Jinn; Dawe, Gavin S.; Cao, Tong

Journal of Biomedical Science, 2016 , vol. 23, # 1 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Toll, Lawrence; Bruchas, Michael R.; Calo’, Girolamo; Cox, Brian M.; Zaveri, Nurulain T.

Pharmacological Reviews, 2016 , vol. 68, # 2 p. 419 - 457 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pang, Raina D.; Kirkpatrick, Matthew G.; Goldenson, Nicholas I.; Guillot, Casey R.; Leventhal, Adam M.

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 144, p. 73 - 77 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Frost, Joachim; Løkken, Trine Nordgård; Helland, Arne; Nordrum, Ivar Skjåk; Slørdal, Lars

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 262, p. 128 - 137 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Eger, Guilherme A.; Ferreira, Vinícius V.; Batista, Camila R.; Bonde, Henrique; De Lima, Daniela D.; Wyse, Angela T. S.; Da Cruz, Júlia N.; Rodrigues, André F.; Dal Magro, Débora D.; Da Cruz, José G. P.

Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciencias, 2016 , vol. 88, # 1 p. 335 - 348 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kõiv, Kadri; Metelitsa, Mait; Vares, Marten; Tiitsaar, Kai; Raudkivi, Karita; Jaako, Külli; Vulla, Kaspar; Shimmo, Ruth; Harro, Jaanus

European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 4 p. 631 - 643 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 1357 - 1365 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Meador, James P.; Yeh, Andrew; Young, Graham; Gallagher, Evan P.

Environmental Pollution, 2016 , vol. 213, p. 254 - 267 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Xu, Chang-Hua; Chen, Guo-Sheng; Xiong, Zhen-Hai; Fan, Yu-Xia; Wang, Xi-Chang; Liu, Yuan

TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 80, p. 12 - 29 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gjerde, Hallvard; Nordfjærn, Trond; Bretteville-Jensen, Anne Line; Edland-Gryt, Marit; Furuhaugen, Håvard; Karinen, Ritva; Øiestad, Elisabeth L.

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 265, p. 1 - 5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Drummer, Olaf H.; Yap, Suwan

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 265, p. 17 - 21 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Konieczny; Lenda; Czarnecka

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 324, p. 92 - 106 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Margalho, Cláudia; Castanheira, Alice; Real, Francisco Corte; Gallardo, Eugenia; López-Rivadulla, Manuel

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2016 , vol. 1020, p. 14 - 23 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Glat, Micaela Johanna; Ben-Zur, Tali; Barhum, Yael; Offen, Daniel

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 2 art. no. E0148170 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sinha, Archana; Lewis, O'Dene; Kumar, Rajan; Yeruva, Sri Lakshmi Hyndavi; Curry, Bryan H.

Case Reports in Cardiology, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 7967851 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nogoceke, Francianne P.; Barcaro, Inara M.R.; de Sousa, Damião P.; Andreatini, Roberto

Neuroscience Letters, 2016 , vol. 619, p. 43 - 48 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Palfai, Tibor P.; Tahaney, Kelli D.; Winter, Michael R.

Journal of Drug Issues, 2016 , vol. 46, # 1 p. 41 - 50 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Naughton, Carol; Moriarty, Niamh; Feehan, Jennifer; O'Toole, Daniel; Dowd, Eilís

Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 296, p. 451 - 458 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mckeganey, Neil; Russell, Christopher

Addiction, 2016 , vol. 111, # 4 p. 747 - 748 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Van Hout, Marie Claire; Wells, John

Addiction, 2016 , vol. 111, # 4 p. 748 - 749 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Férec, Séverine; Leborgne, Isabelle; Bruneau, Chloé; Bourgine, Joanna; Valette, Xavier; Abbara, Chadi; Lelièvre, Bénédicte; Boels, David; Bretaudeau-Deguigne, Marie; Turcant, Alain

Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, 2016 , vol. 28, # 1 p. 71 - 78 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Smith, Christopher T.; Weafer, Jessica; Cowan, Ronald L.; Kessler, Robert M.; Palmer, Abraham A.; De Wit, Harriet; Zald, David H.

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 30, # 4 p. 330 - 343 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

U.S. Pharmacist, 2016 , vol. 41, # 3 p. 16 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jayarajan, Pradeep; Nirogi, Ramakrishna; Shinde, Anil; Benade, Vijay; Muddana, Nageswara Rao

Behavioural Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 27, # 2-3 p. 225 - 235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Brubacher, Jeffrey R.; Chan, Herbert; Martz, Walter; Schreiber, William; Asbridge, Mark; Eppler, Jeffrey; Lund, Adam; Macdonald, Scott; Drummer, Olaf; Purssell, Roy; Andolfatto, Gary; Mann, Robert; Brant, Rollin

BMJ Open, 2016 , vol. 6, # 3 art. no. E009278 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Trovero, Fabrice; David, Sabrina; Bernard, Philippe; Puech, Alain; Bizot, Jean-Charles; Tassin, Jean-Pol

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 3 art. no. E0151242 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Favretto; Vogliardi; Tucci; Simoncello; El Mazloum; Snenghi

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 265, p. 193 - 199 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sulzer, David; Cragg, Stephanie J.; Rice, Margaret E.

Basal Ganglia, 2016 , vol. 6, # 3 p. 123 - 148 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Castiglioni, Sara; Borsotti, Andrea; Riva, Francesco; Zuccato, Ettore

Drug and Alcohol Review, 2016 , vol. 35, # 2 p. 128 - 132 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Moraes, Livia S.; Rohor, Bruna Z.; Areal, Lorena B.; Pereira, Evaldo V.; Santos, Alexandre M.C.; Facundo, Valdir A.; Santos, Adair R.S.; Pires, Rita G.W.; Martins-Silva, Cristina

Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 185, p. 68 - 76 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schweighauser, Luca; Bodoky, Ina; Kessler, Simon N.; Häussinger, Daniel; Donsbach, Carsten; Wegner, Hermann A.

Organic Letters, 2016 , vol. 18, # 6 p. 1330 - 1333 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Davis, Alan K.; Lauritsen, Kirstin J.

Substance Abuse, 2016 , vol. 37, # 1 p. 204 - 208 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Abrahamsson, Tove; Widinghoff, Carolina; Lilliebladh, Anna; Gedeon, Charlotte; Nilvall, Kent; Hakansson, Anders

Substance Abuse, 2016 , vol. 37, # 1 p. 104 - 109 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Xu; Li; Pittenger

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 324, p. 321 - 329 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Heravi, Majid M.; Zadsirjan, Vahideh; Dehghani, Mahzad

Current Organic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 20, # 10 p. 1069 - 1134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hamidi, Samin; Khoubnasabjafari, Maryam; Ansarin, Khalil; Jouyban-Gharamaleki, Vahid; Jouyban, Abolghasem

Current Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2016 , vol. 12, # 2 p. 137 - 145 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hehemann, Marah C.; Kashanian, James A.

Translational Andrology and Urology, 2016 , vol. 5, # 2 p. 187 - 194 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Valvassori, Samira S.; Dal-Pont, Gustavo C.; Steckert, Amanda V.; Varela, Roger B.; Lopes-Borges, Jéssica; Mariot, Edemilson; Resende, Wilson R.; Arent, Camila O.; Carvalho, André F.; Quevedo, João

Psychiatry Research, 2016 , vol. 235, p. 154 - 159 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bonito-Oliva, Alessandra; Södersten, Erik; Spigolon, Giada; Hu, Xiaochen; Hellysaz, Arash; Falconi, Anastasia; Gomes, AnaLuisa; Broberger, Christian; Hansen, Klaus; Fisone, Gilberto

Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 107, p. 89 - 99 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pitchers; Di Sebastiano; Coolen

Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 107, p. 122 - 130 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mulaf, Marco

Pharmacological Research, 2016 , vol. 107, p. 147 - 153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ramos, Ashley M.; Becker, Brittney; Biemer, Julie A.; Clark, Lindsay; Fields, Sherecce; Smallman, Rachel

Substance Use and Misuse, 2016 , vol. 51, # 4 p. 508 - 516 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Golubeva, Anna V.; Moloney, Rachel D.; O’Connor, Richard M.; Dinan, Timothy G.; Cryan, John F.

Current Drug Targets, 2016 , vol. 17, # 5 p. 538 - 616

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Toledano, Daniel; Gisquet-Verrier, Pascale

European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 3 p. 456 - 466 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Linden, Jérôme; Van de Beeck, Lise; Plumier, Jean-Christophe; Ferrara, André

Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 307, p. 35 - 45 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Patent: WO2016/44323 A1, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jankowski, Wojciech; Hoffmann, Marcin

Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2016 , vol. 18, # 2 art. no. E38 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Franke, Andreas G.

Padiatrische Praxis, 2014 , vol. 83, # 1 p. 141 - 145 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Décarie-Spain, Léa; Hryhorczuk, Cécile; Fulton, Stephanie

Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2016 , vol. 9, p. 136 - 143 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Grabrucker, Andreas M; Ruozi, Barbara; Belletti, Daniela; Pederzoli, Francesca; Forni, Flavio; Vandelli, Maria Angela; Tosi, Giovanni

Tissue Barriers, 2016 , vol. 4, # 1 p. 18 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schumacher, Anett; Sivanandan, Brindan; Tolledo, Edgor Cole; Woldegabriel, Jacob; Ito, Rutsuko

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 69, p. 1 - 10 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kannan, Geetha; Crawford, Joshua A.; Yang, ChunXia; Gressitt, Kristin L.; Ihenatu, Chinezimuzo; Krasnova, Irina N.; Cadet, Jean Lud; Yolken, Robert H.; Severance, Emily G.; Pletnikov, Mikhail V.

Neurobiology of Disease, 2016 , vol. 91, p. 307 - 314 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Steger, Julia; Arnhard, Kathrin; Haslacher, Sandra; Geiger, Klemens; Singer, Klaus; Schlapp, Michael; Pitterl, Florian; Oberacher, Herbert

Electrophoresis, 2016 , vol. 37, # 7-8 p. 1085 - 1094 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Branch, Sarah Y.; Chen, Cang; Sharma, Ramaswamy; Lechleiter, James D.; Li, Senlin; Beckstead, Michael J.

Journal of Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 36, # 14 p. 4026 - 4037 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Morita, Takeshi; Hamada, Shuichi; Masumura, Kenichi; Wakata, Akihiro; Maniwa, Jiro; Takasawa, Hironao; Yasunaga, Katsuaki; Hashizume, Tsuneo; Honma, Masamitsu

Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2016 , vol. 802, p. 1 - 29 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sampat, Andjoe; Lopatka, Martin; Sjerps, Marjan; Vivo-Truyols, Gabriel; Schoenmakers, Peter; van Asten, Arian

TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 80, p. 345 - 363 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Doughty, David; Painter, Ben; Pigou, Paul E.; Johnston, Martin R.

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 263, p. 55 - 66 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Clingan, Sarah E.; Fisher, Dennis G.; Pedersen, William C.; Reynolds, Grace L.; Xandre, Pamela

Addictive Behaviors, 2016 , vol. 60, p. 24 - 31 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rumalla, Kavelin; Reddy, Adithi Y.; Mittal, Manoj K.

Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 2016 , vol. 364, p. 191 - 196 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lad, Amitkumar N.; Pandya, Alok; Agrawal

TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 80, p. 458 - 470 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Drazdowski, Tess K.

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016 , vol. 162, p. 3 - 25 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hartung, Benno; Schwender, Holger; Roth, Eckhard H.; Hellen, Florence; Mindiashvili, Nona; Rickert, Annette; Ritz-Timme, Stefanie; Grieser, Almut; Monticelli, Fabio; Daldrup, Thomas

International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2016 , vol. 130, # 3 p. 711 - 721 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cappelletti, Simone; Piacentino, Daria; Sani, Gabriele; Bottoni, Edoardo; Fiore, Paola Antonella; Aromatario, Mariarosaria; Ciallella, Costantino

International Journal of Legal Medicine, 2016 , vol. 130, # 3 p. 693 - 709 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Abdel-Hay, Karim M.; De Ruiter, Jack; Smith, Forrest; Alsegiani, Amsha S.; Thaxton-Weissenfluh, Amber; Clark, C. Randall

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2016 , vol. 125, p. 360 - 368 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Homberg, Judith R.; Kyzar, Evan J.; Nguyen, Michael; Norton, William H.; Pittman, Julian; Poudel, Manoj K.; Gaikwad, Siddharth; Nakamura, Shun; Koshiba, Mamiko; Yamanouchi, Hideo; Scattoni, Maria Luisa; Ullman, Jeremy F.P.; Diamond, David M.; Kaluyeva, Aleksandra A.; Parker, Matthew O.; Klimenko, Victor M.; Apryatin, Sergey A.; Brown, Richard E.; Song, Cai; Gainetdinov, Raul R.; Gottesman, Irving I.; Kalueff, Allan V.

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2016 , vol. 65, p. 292 - 312 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Santos-Toscano, Raquel; Borcel, Érika; Ucha, Marcos; Orihuel, Javier; Capellán, Roberto; Roura-Martínez, David; Ambrosio, Emilio; Higuera-Matas, Alejandro

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 69, p. 38 - 48 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lee, Hei-Hwa; Lee, Jong-Feng; Lin, Shin-Yu; Chen, Bai-Hsiun

Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, 2016 , vol. 32, # 3 p. 118 - 127 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Macúchová; Ševčíková; Hrebíčková; Nohejlová; Šlamberová

International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 51, p. 1 - 11 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Twining, Robert C.; Freet, Christopher S.; Wheeler, Robert A.; Reich, Christian G.; Tompers, Dennie A.; Wolpert, Sarah E.; Grigson, Patricia S.

Physiology and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 161, p. 104 - 115 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhang, Kai; Zhao, Yan; Wang, Qingzhong; Jiang, Haifeng; Du, Jiang; Yu, Shunying; Zhao, Min

Neuroscience Letters, 2016 , vol. 622, p. 37 - 44 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Jia; Macdonald, Joanne

Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2016 , vol. 83, p. 177 - 192 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

P and T, 2016 , vol. 41, # 4 p. 208-210, 212-214, 218-219 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mozafari, Naser; Talaie, Haleh; Shoaei, Simin Dokht; Hashemian, Morteza; Mahdavinejad, Arezou

Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal, 2016 , vol. 18, # 4 art. no. E35483, p. 8 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Frampton, James E.

CNS Drugs, 2016 , vol. 30, # 4 p. 343 - 354 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Scott Sutton; Magagnoli, Joseph; Hardin, James W.

Pharmacotherapy, 2016 , vol. 36, # 4 p. 385 - 401 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Marszalek-Grabska; Gibula-Bruzda; Jenda; Gawel; Kotlinska

Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1642, p. 389 - 396 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Crevelin, Eduardo J.; Salami, Fernanda H.; Alves, Marcela N. R.; De Martinis, Bruno S.; Crotti, Antônio E. M.; Moraes, Luiz A. B.

Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 2016 , vol. 27, # 5 p. 944 - 947 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ferré, Sergi

Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 233, # 10 p. 1963 - 1979 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Skoglund, Charlotte; Brandt, Lena; Almqvist, Catarina; D'Onofrio, Brian M.; Konstenius, Maija; Franck, Johan; Larsson, Henrik

Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 36, # 3 p. 222 - 228 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Argente-García; Moliner-Martínez; Campíns-Falcó; Verdú-Andrés; Herráez-Hernández

Journal of Chromatography A, 2016 , vol. 1447, p. 47 - 56 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Peltenburg, Hester; Timmer, Niels; Bosman, Ingrid J.; Hermens, Joop L.M.; Droge, Steven T.J.

Journal of Chromatography A, 2016 , vol. 1447, p. 1 - 8 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sirohi, Sunil; Schurdak, Jennifer D.; Seeley, Randy J.; Benoit, Stephen C.; Davis, Jon F.

Physiology and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 161, p. 140 - 144 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wang, Qiang; Bubula, Nancy; Brown, Jason; Wang, Yunliang; Kondev, Veronika; Vezina, Paul

Neuroscience Letters, 2016 , vol. 622, p. 78 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lazenka, Matthew F.; Blough, Bruce E.; Negus, S. Stevens

Journal of Sexual Medicine, 2016 , vol. 13, # 3 p. 338 - 349 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Di Rago, Matthew; Chu, Mark; Rodda, Luke N; Jenkins, Elizabeth; Kotsos, Alex; Gerostamoulos, Dimitri

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 408, # 14 p. 3737 - 3749 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rodayan, Angela; Afana, Shadi; Segura, Pedro A.; Sultana, Tamanna; Metcalfe, Chris D.; Yargeau, Viviane

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 35, # 4 p. 843 - 849 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Odiba, Arome; Ukegbu, Chimere; Anunobi, Oluchukwu; Chukwunonyelum, Ike; Esemonu, Juliet

Nanotechnology Reviews, 2016 , vol. 5, # 2 p. 183 - 194 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ryczko, Dimitri; Cone, Jackson J.; Alpert, Michael H.; Goetz, Laurent; Auclair, François; Dubé, Catherine; Parent, Martin; Roitman, Mitchell F.; Alford, Simon; Dubuc, Réjean

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016 , vol. 113, # 17 p. E2440 - E2449 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Di Rago, Matthew; Chu, Mark; Rodda, Luke N; Jenkins, Elizabeth; Kotsos, Alex; Gerostamoulos, Dimitri

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 408, # 14 p. 3737 - 3749 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Isingrini, Elsa; Perret, Lea; Rainer, Quentin; Sagueby, Sara; Moquin, Luc; Gratton, Alain; Giros, Bruno

Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 41, # 3 p. 169 - 181 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ward, Lauren F.; Enders, Jeffrey R.; Bell, David S.; Cramer, Hugh M.; Wallace, Frank N.; McIntire, Gregory L.

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 4 art. no. BKW005, p. 255 - 263 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Adamowicz, Piotr; Gieroń, Joanna; Gil, Dominika; Lechowicz, Wojciech; Skulska, Agnieszka; Tokarczyk, Bogdan

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 4 art. no. BKW018, p. 272 - 276 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Melrose, A. James; Bailer, Ursula; Wierenga, Christina E.; Bischoff-Grethe, Amanda; Paulus, Martin P.; Kaye, Walter H.

Psychiatry Research - Neuroimaging, 2016 , vol. 252, p. 19 - 25 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Farnia, Vahid; Shakeri, Jalal; Tatari, Faezeh; Juibari, Toraj Ahmadi; Bajoghli, Hafez; Golshani, Senoobar; Hookari, Sara; Holsboer-Trachsler, Edith; Brand, Serge

Psychiatry Research, 2016 , vol. 240, p. 431 - 434 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lambot, Laurie; Rodriguez, Elena Chaves; Houtteman, Delphine; Li, Yuquing; Schiffmann, Serge N.; Gall, David; de Kerchove d’Exaerde, Alban

Journal of Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 36, # 18 p. 4976 - 4992 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Camarini, Rosana; Pautassi, Ricardo Marcos

Brain Research Bulletin, 2016 , vol. 125, p. 53 - 78 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

McCarroll, Matthew N.; Gendelev, Leo; Keiser, Michael J.; Kokel, David

ACS Chemical Biology, 2016 , vol. 11, # 4 p. 842 - 849 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Manning, Elizabeth E.; Halberstadt, Adam L.; Van Den Buuse, Maarten

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 19, # 4 art. no. PYV116 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Salamone, John D.; Yohn, Samantha E.; López-Cruz, Laura; San Miguel, Noemí; Correa, Mercè

Brain, 2016 , vol. 139, # 5 p. 1325 - 1347 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cao, Dan-Ni; Shi, Jing-Jing; Hao, Wei; Wu, Ning; Li, Jin

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 780, p. 129 - 135 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kaczor, Agnieszka A.; Targowska-Duda, Katarzyna M.; Budzyńska, Barbara; Biała, Grażyna; Silva, Andrea G.; Castro, Marián

Neurochemistry International, 2016 , vol. 96, p. 84 - 99 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Waybright, Veronica B.; Ma, Stephanie H.; Schug, Kevin A.

Journal of Separation Science, 2016 , vol. 39, # 9 p. 1666 - 1674 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Paul, Kush; Kang, Shuo; Cox, Charles L.; Gulley, Joshua M.

Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 309, p. 9 - 13 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Madularu, Dan; Kulkarni, Praveen; Yee, Jason R.; Kenkel, William M.; Shams, Waqqas M.; Ferris, Craig F.; Brake, Wayne G.

Hormones and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 82, p. 56 - 63 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vu, Nancy M.; Hill, Terence E.; Summers, Matthew R.; Vranian, Michael N.; Faulx, Michael D.

HeartRhythm Case Reports, 2016 , vol. 2, # 3 p. 228 - 231 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Evans, Sian E.; Bagnall, John; Kasprzyk-Hordern, Barbara

Environmental Pollution, 2016 , vol. 215, p. 154 - 163 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Beamer, Edward; Gölöncsér, Flóra; Horváth, Gergely; Beko, Katinka; Otrokocsi, Lilla; Koványi, Bence; Sperlágh, Beáta

Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 104, p. 94 - 104 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chan, Eugenia; Fogler, Jason M.; Hammerness, Paul G.

JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 2016 , vol. 315, # 18 p. 1997 - 2008 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Been, Frederic; Bijlsma, Lubertus; Benaglia, Lisa; Berset, Jean-Daniel; Botero-Coy, Ana M.; Castiglioni, Sara; Kraus, Ludwig; Zobel, Frank; Schaub, Michael P.; Bücheli, Alexander; Hernández, Félix; Delémont, Olivier; Esseiva, Pierre; Ort, Christoph

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016 , vol. 163, p. 272 - 272 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sallam, Mowaffaq Awad; Sheikh, Kamaludin Ahmed; Baxendale, Ronald; Azam, Mohammad Nurul; El-Setouhy, Maged

Substance Abuse: Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2016 , vol. 11, # 1 art. no. 18 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mantyh, William G.; Auger, R. Robert; Morgenthaler, Timothy I.; Silber, Michael H.; Moore, Wendy R.

Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 2016 , vol. 12, # 5 p. 659 - 662 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nikiforuk, Agnieszka

Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2016 , vol. 22, # 14 p. 2093 - 2116 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vallöf, Daniel; Vestlund, Jesper; Engel, Jörgen A.; Jerlhag, Elisabet

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 5 art. no. E0154477 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bhargava, Rhea; Abohashem Aly, Abdelrahman Abdallah; Mertz, Jim I.; Mustafa, Reem

CEN Case Reports, 2016 , vol. 5, # 1 p. 48 - 50 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Krizman, Ivona; Senta, Ivan; Ahel, Marijan; Terzic, Senka

Science of the Total Environment, 2016 , vol. 566-567, p. 454 - 462 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mastroianni, Nicola; Bleda, Maria Jose; López de Alda, Miren; Barceló, Damià

Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016 , vol. 316, p. 134 - 142 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lengvenyte, Aiste; Strumila, Robertas; Grikiniene, Jurgita

NAD Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 2016 , vol. 33, # 2 p. 173 - 187 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Smith, Christopher T.; Dang, Linh C.; Cowan, Ronald L.; Kessler, Robert M.; Zald, David H.

Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 108, p. 394 - 402 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Taylor; Watterson; Kufahl; Nemirovsky; Tomek; Conrad; Olive

Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 108, p. 353 - 363 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

De Deurwaerdère

Drugs of Today, 2016 , vol. 52, # 2 p. 97 - 110 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stoops, William W.; Strickland, Justin C.; Hays, Lon R.; Rayapati, Abner O.; Lile, Joshua A.; Rush, Craig R.

Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 233, # 11 p. 2055 - 2063 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kaya, Egemen; Gozen, Oguz; Ugur, Muzeyyen; Koylu, Ersin O.; Kanit, Lutfiye; Balkan, Burcu

Synapse, 2016 , vol. 70, # 7 p. 283 - 292 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Grecco, Gregory G.; Sprague, Jon E.

Chemical Research in Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 29, # 5 p. 871 - 878 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chu, Shu-Chen; Yu, Ching-Han; Chen, Pei-Ni; Hsieh, Yih-Shou; Kuo, Dong-Yih

Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2016 , vol. 71, p. 1 - 11 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhang, Kelly; Liu, Xiaodong

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2016 , vol. 128, p. 73 - 88 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yang, Yunyun; Deng, Jiewei

TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 82, p. 68 - 88 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hope, Vivian D.; Cullen; Smith; Jessop; Parry; Ncube

Eurosurveillance, 2016 , vol. 21, # 19 p. 9 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tossas-Milligan, Katherine Y.; Hunter-Mellado, Robert F.; Mayor, Angel M.; Fernández-Santos, Diana M.; Dworkin, Mark S.

Puerto Rico Health Sciences Journal, 2016 , vol. 35, # 2 p. 113 - 121 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Chung, Jaeah; Tchaconas, Alexis; Meryash, David; Adesman, Andrew

Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 4 p. 335 - 343 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Warrer, Pernille; Thomsen, Per Hove; Dalsgaard, Søren; Hansen, Ebba Holme; Aagaard, Lise; Wallach Kildemoes, Helle; Rasmussen, Henrik Berg

Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 4 p. 354 - 361 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mejias-Aponte, Carlos A.

Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1641, p. 258 - 273 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kondo, Mari A.; Fukudome, Daisuke; Smith, Dani R.; Gallagher, Michela; Kamiya, Atsushi; Sawa, Akira

Neuroscience Research, 2016 , vol. 107, p. 70 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shapira, Barak; Goldstein, Lee; Reshef, Amikam; Poperno, Alina

Clinical Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 39, # 3 p. 154 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Julius, Anthony; Longfellow, Katelan

Medical Clinics of North America, 2016 , vol. 100, # 4 p. 733 - 761 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Butler, Tracy R.; Karkhanis, Anushree N.; Jones, Sara R.; Weiner, Jeffrey L.

Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 2016 , vol. 40, # 6 p. 1202 - 1214 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Subedi, Bikram; Balakrishna, Keshava; Sinha, Ravindra K.; Yamashita, Nobuyoshi; Balasubramanian, Vellingiri G.; Kannan, Kurunthachalam

Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2015 , vol. 3, # Part 4A p. 2882 - 2891 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Peña, Ike dela; Shi, Wei-Xing

Medical Hypotheses, 2016 , vol. 93, p. 113 - 116 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Parolini, Marco; Magni, Stefano; Castiglioni, Sara; Binelli, Andrea

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2016 , vol. 132, p. 26 - 30 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Katz; Deruiter; Bhattacharya; Ahuja; Clark; Suppiramaniam; Dhanasekaran

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016 , vol. 164, p. 1 - 7 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tendilla-Beltrán, Hiram; Arroyo-García, Luis Enrique; Diaz, Alfonso; Camacho-Abrego, Israel; de la Cruz, Fidel; RodríguezMoreno, Antonio; Flores, Gonzalo

Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, 2016 , vol. 77, p. 68 - 77 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Qi; Chan, Siu Yuen; Wong, Kwun K.; Wei, Ran; Leung, Yu On; Ding, Abby Y.; Hui, Tomy C. K.; Cheung, Charlton; Chua, Siew E.; Sham, Pak C.; Wu, Ed X.; McAlonan, Grainne M.

Behavior Genetics, 2016 , vol. 46, # 4 p. 529 - 537 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vuorenpää, Anne; Jørgensen, Trine N.; Newman, Amy H.; Madsen, Kenneth L.; Scheinin, Mika; Gether, Ulrik

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 291, # 11 p. 5634 - 5651

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lieberwirth, Claudia; Wang, Zuoxin

Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 40, p. 8 - 13 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Staeheli, Sandra N.; Baumgartner, Markus R.; Gauthier, Saskia; Gascho, Dominic; Jarmer, Juliane; Kraemer, Thomas; Steuer, Andrea E.

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 266, p. 170 - 177 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tournier, Benjamin B.; Tsartsalis, Stergios; Dimiziani, Andrea; Millet, Philippe; Ginovart, Nathalie

Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 311, p. 322 - 329 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Al Shehri, Mohammed A.; Youssef, Ali A.

Journal of the Saudi Heart Association, 2016 , vol. 28, # 3 p. 180 - 184 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Alghamdi, Mohammad; Alqahtani, Bader; Alhowti, Sultan

Journal of the Saudi Heart Association, 2016 , vol. 28, # 3 p. 129 - 135 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Robayo, Diego A. Sánchez; Mendez, William F. Garzón; Ocampo, Gonzalo Taborda; Moreano, Milton Rosero

Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 27, # 6 p. 992 - 997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Shams, Waqqas M.; Sanio, Christian; Quinlan, Matthew G.; Brake, Wayne G.

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 330, p. 162 - 170 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vieira, Simone M.; Michels, Luana R.; Roversi, Katiane; Metz, Vinícia G.; Moraes, Barbra K.S.; Piegas, Eduarda M.; Freddo, Rodrigo J.; Gundel, André; Costa, Teresa Dalla; Burger, Marilise E.; Colomé, Letícia M.; Haas, Sandra E.

Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2016 , vol. 145, p. 748 - 756 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Drogies; Willenberg; Ramshorn-Zimmer; Weidhase; Petros; Hädrich; Thiery; Gries; Bernhard

Human and Experimental Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 35, # 7 p. 785 - 792 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Whiteford, Harvey; Ferrari, Alize; Degenhardt, Louisa

Health Affairs, 2016 , vol. 35, # 6 p. 1114 - 1120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

H. LUNDBECK A/S; LARSEN, Lone Frydelund; AREBERG, Johan; BREYSSE, Nathalie; CHANDRASENA, Gamini

Patent: WO2016/87429 A1, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zeeb, Fiona D.; Soko, Ashlie D.; Ji, Xiaodong; Fletcher, Paul J.

Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 41, # 8 p. 2091 - 2100 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Farnia, Vahid; Shakeri, Jalal; Juibari, Toraj Ahmadi; Tatari, Faezeh; Khoshbakht, Maryam; Aghaei, Abbas

Journal of Substance Use, 2016 , vol. 21, # 3 p. 327 - 330 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lazenka, Matthew F.; Legakis, Luke P.; Stevens Negus

Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 24, # 3 p. 193 - 205 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hayley, Amie C.; Downey, Luke A.; Shiferaw, Brook; Stough, Con

European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 6 p. 901 - 922 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Valle, Marta; Maqueda, Ana Elda; Rabella, Mireia; Rodríguez-Pujadas, Aina; Antonijoan, Rosa Maria; Romero, Sergio; Alonso, Joan Francesc; Mañanas, Miquel Àngel; Barker, Steven; Friedlander, Pablo; Feilding, Amanda; Riba, Jordi

European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 7 p. 1161 - 1175 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bisagno, Veronica; González, Betina; Urbano, Francisco J.

Pharmacological Research, 2016 , vol. 109, p. 108 - 118 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kambeitz, Joseph; la Fougère, Christian; Werner, Natalie; Pogarell, Oliver; Riedel, Michael; Falkai, Peter; Ettinger, Ulrich

European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 6 p. 938 - 947 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shariatgorji, Mohammadreza; Strittmatter, Nicole; Nilsson, Anna; Källback, Patrik; Alvarsson, Alexandra; Zhang, Xiaoqun; Vallianatou, Theodosia; Svenningsson, Per; Goodwin, Richard J.A.; Andren, Per E.

NeuroImage, 2016 , vol. 136, p. 129 - 138 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Butini; Nikolic; Kassel; Brückmann; Filipic; Agbaba; Gemma; Brogi; Brindisi; Campiani; Stark

Progress in Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 142, p. 68 - 103 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rapanelli, Maximiliano; Pittenger, Christopher

Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 106, p. 85 - 90 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Grechnikov; Borodkov; Alimpiev; Nikiforov; Simanovskii, Ya. O.; Karavanskii

Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 65, # 14 p. 1504 - 1510 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zestos, Alexander G.; Mikelman, Sarah R.; Kennedy, Robert T.; Gnegy, Margaret E.

ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 7, # 6 p. 757 - 766 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Eze, Nwando; Smith, Lynne M.; Lagasse, Linda L.; Derauf, Chris; Newman, Elana; Arria, Amelia; Huestis, Marilyn A.; Della Grotta, Sheri A.; Dansereau, Lynne M.; Neal, Charles; Lester, Barry M.

Journal of Pediatrics, 2016 , vol. 170, p. 34,38e1 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Singer, Bryan F.; Bubula, Nancy; Li, Dongdong; Przybycien-Szymanska, Magdalena M.; Bindokas, Vytautas P.; Vezina, Paul

Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 41, # 8 p. 2178 - 2187

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

El-Sayed El-Sisi, Alaa; Sokkar, Samia Salem; El-Sayed El-Sayad, Magda; Sayed Ramadan, Ehab; Osman, Enass Yossef

Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy, 2016 , vol. 82, p. 425 - 431 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Matsui; Matsunaga; Matsuda; Kishi; Iwata

Pharmacopsychiatry, 2016 , vol. 49, # 3 p. 97 - 106 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sharifi, Vahid; Abbasi, Ali; Nosrati, Anahita

Journal of Food and Drug Analysis, 2016 , vol. 24, # 2 p. 264 - 276 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Draughon Moret, Jessica E.; Carrico, Adam W.; Evans, Jennifer L.; Stein, Ellen S.; Couture, Marie-Claude; Maher, Lisa; Page, Kimberly

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016 , vol. 161, p. 171 - 177 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hail-Jares, Katie; Choi, Sugy; Duo, Lin; Luo, Zhi; Huang, Z. Jennifer

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016 , vol. 161, p. 42 - 49 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gilder, David A.; Stouffer, Gina M.; Lau, Philip; Ehlers, Cindy L.

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016 , vol. 161, p. 222 - 229 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Been, Frederic; Bijlsma, Lubertus; Benaglia, Lisa; Berset, Jean-Daniel; Botero-Coy, Ana M.; Castiglioni, Sara; Kraus, Ludwig; Zobel, Frank; Schaub, Michael P.; Bücheli, Alexander; Hernández, Félix; Delémont, Olivier; Esseiva, Pierre; Ort, Christoph

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016 , vol. 161, p. 189 - 199 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ahn, Woo-Young; Vassileva, Jasmin

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016 , vol. 161, p. 247 - 257 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Soares-Cunha, Carina; Coimbra, Barbara; Sousa, Nuno; Rodrigues, Ana J.

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2016 , vol. 68, p. 370 - 386 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chen, Mei-Fang; Lai, Su-Yu; Kung, Po-Cheng; Lin, Yo-Cheng; Yang, Hui-I.; Chen, Po-Yi; Liu, Ingrid Y.; Lua, Ahai Chang; Lee, Tony Jer-Fu

Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 305, p. 75 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schenk, Susan; Foote, Jason; Aronsen, Dane; Bukholt, Natasha; Highgate, Quenten; Van De Wetering, Ross; Webster, Jeremy

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 148, p. 38 - 45 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

International Journal of Toxicology, 2008 , vol. 27, p. 107 - 138 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Malipeddi, Himaja

International Journal of PharmTech Research, 2016 , vol. 9, # 5 p. 366 - 372 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Medical Letter on Drugs and Therapeutics, 2016 , vol. 58, # 1497 p. 80 - 81 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yoon, Hyung Shin; Cai, Wen Ting; Lee, Young Hun; Park, Kyung Tae; Lee, Yong Sup; Kim, Jeong-Hoon

Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 311, p. 403 - 407 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Damon, Deidre E.; Maher, Yosef S.; Yin, Mengzhen; Jjunju, Fred P. M.; Young, Iain S.; Taylor, Stephen; Maher, Simon; BaduTawiah, Abraham K.

Analyst, 2016 , vol. 141, # 12 p. 3866 - 3873 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Minařík, Jakub; Gabrhelík, Roman; Malcolm, Robert; Pavlovská, Amalie; Miller, Peter

Journal of Substance Use, 2016 , vol. 21, # 4 p. 435 - 438 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shekari, Ahmad; Akhgari, Maryam; Jokar, Farzaneh; Mousavi, Zahra

Journal of Substance Use, 2016 , vol. 21, # 5 p. 501 - 505 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Quesada, Loreto; Gomila, Isabel; Yates, Christopher; Barcelo, Catalina; Puiguriguer, Jordi; Barcelo, Bernardino

Clinical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 54, # 6 p. 531 - 532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schrantee, Anouk; Ferguson, Bart; Stoffers, Diederick; Booij, Jan; Rombouts, Serge; Reneman, Liesbeth

Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 10, # 2 p. 548 - 558 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bruckers, Liesbeth; Molenberghs, Geert; Drinkenburg, Pim; Geys, Helena

Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics, 2016 , vol. 26, # 4 p. 725 - 741 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

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Petersson, Frida J. M.; Tikkanen, Ronny; Schmidt, Axel J.

Substance Use and Misuse, 2016 , vol. 51, # 9 p. 1093 - 1103 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hoffman, Alexander F.; Spivak, Charles E.; Lupica, Carl R.

ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 7, # 6 p. 700 - 709 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schippers; Schetters; De Vries; Pattij

Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 233, # 14 p. 2775 - 2785

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shu, Irene; Alexander, Amy; Jones, Mary; Jones, Joseph; Negrusz, Adam

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2016 , vol. 1028, p. 145 - 152 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fordahl, Steve C.; Locke, Jason L.; Jones, Sara R.

Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 109, p. 170 - 182 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Childs, Emma; Bershad, Anya K.; De Wit, Harriet

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 30, # 7 p. 608 - 615 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gregg, Ryan A.; Hicks, Callum; Nayak, Sunil U.; Tallarida, Christopher S.; Nucero, Paul; Smith, Garry R.; Reitz, Allen B.; Rawls, Scott M.

Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 108, p. 111 - 119 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rennekamp, Andrew J.; Huang, Xi-Ping; Wang, You; Patel, Samir; Lorello, Paul J.; Cade, Lindsay; Gonzales, Andrew P. W.; Yeh, Jing-Ruey Joanna; Caldarone, Barbara J.; Roth, Bryan L.; Kokel, David; Peterson, Randall T.

Nature Chemical Biology, 2016 , vol. 12, # 7 p. 552 - 558 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Solas, Maite; Milagro, Fermin I.; Martínez-Urbistondo, Diego; Ramirez, Maria J.; Martínez, J. Alfredo

Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 2016 , vol. 37, # 7 p. 575 - 593 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hansen, Henrik H.; Fabricius, Katrine; Barkholt, Pernille; Mikkelsen, Jens D.; Jelsing, Jacob; Pyke, Charles; Knudsen, Lotte Bjerre; Vrang, Niels

Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1646, p. 354 - 365 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

King, Christopher P.; Palmer, Abraham A.; Woods, Leah C. Solberg; Hawk, Larry W.; Richards, Jerry B.; Meyer, Paul J.

Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 233, # 13 p. 2593 - 2605 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hamed, Adam; Daszczuk, Patrycja; Kursa, Miron Bartosz; Turzyńska, Danuta; Sobolewska, Alicja; Lehner, Małgorzata; Boguszewski, Paweł M.; Szyndler, Janusz

Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 312, p. 174 - 185 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Muelbl, Matthew J.; Nawarawong, Natalie N.; Clancy, Patrick T.; Nettesheim, Catherine E.; Lim, Yi Wei; Olsen, Christopher M.

Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 233, # 14 p. 2799 - 2811 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Taracha, Ewa; Kaniuga, Ewelina; Wyszogrodzka, Edyta; Płaźnik, Adam; Stefański, Roman; Chrapusta, Stanisław J.

Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 233, # 14 p. 2827 - 2840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vardigan, Joshua D.; Lange, Henry S.; Tye, Spencer J.; Fox, Steven V.; Smith, Sean M.; Uslaner, Jason M.

Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 233, # 13 p. 2441 - 2450 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Engels, Melanie J.; Ciarkowski, Scott L.; Rood, Janis; Wang, Bryan; Wagenknecht, Larry D.; Dickinson, Chris J.; Stevenson, James G.

American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, 2016 , vol. 73, # 13 p. 981 - 990 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ray, Keisha Shantel

American Journal of Bioethics, 2016 , vol. 16, # 6 p. 29 - 38 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Grechnikov; Borodkov; Alimpiev; Nikiforov; Simanovskii, Ya. O.; Karavanskii

Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 65, # 14 p. 1504 - 1510 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Childress, Ann C.

Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy, 2016 , vol. 17, # 8 p. 1171 - 1178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Efimova, Evgeniya V.; Gainetdinov, Raul R.; Budygin, Evgeny A.; Sotnikova, Tatyana D.

Journal of Neurogenetics, 2016 , vol. 30, # 1 p. 5 - 15 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Cunill, Ruth; Castells, Xavier

Adicciones, 2016 , vol. 28, # 3 p. 131 - 135 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Umezu, Toyoshi; Shibata, Yasuyuki

Toxicology Reports, 2016 , vol. 3, p. 552 - 562 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Holmberg, Monica

Pharmacy Times, 2016 , vol. 82, # 6 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mercurio, Isabella; Troiano, Gianmarco; Melai, Paola; Simone, Rosaria; Nante, Nicola; Bacci, Mauro

Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health, 2016 , vol. 13, # 2 art. no. E11732, p. 7 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Park, Taryn M.; Haning, William F.

Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 2016 , vol. 25, # 3 p. 461 - 471 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mahajnah, Muhammad; Sharkia, Rajech; Shorbaji, Nadeem; Zelnik, Nathanel

Israel Medical Association Journal, 2016 , vol. 18, # 6 p. 322 - 325 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Woźniak, Monika; Acher, Francine; Marciniak, Marcin; Łasoń-Tyburkiewicz, Magdalena; Gruca, Piotr; Papp, Mariusz; Pilc, Andrzej; Wierońska, Joanna M.

Current Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 14, # 5 p. 413 - 426 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wilkinson, John L.; Swinden, Julian; Hooda, Peter S.; Barker, James; Barton, Stephen

Chemosphere, 2016 , vol. 159, p. 638 - 646 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wallin-Miller, Kathryn; Li, Grace; Kelishani, Diana; Wood, Ruth I.

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 330, p. 72 - 78 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schifano, Fabrizio; Papanti, G. Duccio; Orsolini, Laura; Corkery, John M.

Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 9, # 7 p. 943 - 954 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kiss, András; Hopfgartner, Gérard

Methods, 2016 , vol. 104, p. 142 - 153 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wilkinson, John L.; Swinden, Julian; Hooda, Peter S.; Barker, James; Barton, Stephen

Chemosphere, 2016 , vol. 159, p. 638 - 646 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jacobson, Lisa A.; Rane, Shruti; McReynolds, Lisa J.; Steppan, Diana A.; Chen, Allen R.; Paz-Priel, Ido

Pediatrics, 2016 , vol. 138, # 1 art. no. E20151080 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stilling, Roman M.; van de Wouw, Marcel; Clarke, Gerard; Stanton, Catherine; Dinan, Timothy G.; Cryan, John F.

Neurochemistry International, 2016 , vol. 99, p. 110 - 132 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lee, HeeSeung; Wang, Grace Y.; Curley, Louise E.; Kydd, Rob R.; Kirk, Ian J.; Russell, Bruce R.

Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 233, # 15-16 p. 2869 - 2877 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Katner, Simon N.; Neal-Beliveau, Bethany S.; Engleman, Eric A.

Developmental Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 38, # 2 p. 139 - 149 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Millan, Mark J.; Andrieux, Annie; Bartzokis, George; Cadenhead, Kristin; Dazzan, Paola; Fusar-Poli, Paolo; Gallinat, Jürgen; Giedd, Jay; Grayson, Dennis R.; Heinrichs, Markus; Kahn, René; Krebs, Marie-Odile; Leboyer, Marion; Lewis, David; Marin, Oscar; Marin, Philippe; Meyer-Lindenberg, Andreas; McGorry, Patrick; McGuire, Philip; Owen, Michael J.; Patterson, Paul; Sawa, Akira; Spedding, Michael; Uhlhaas, Peter; Vaccarino, Flora; Wahlestedt, Claes; Weinberger, Daniel

Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 2016 , vol. 15, # 7 p. 485 - 515 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ponzoni, Luisa; Daniela, Braida; Sala, Mariaelvina

Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 233, # 15-16 p. 3031 - 3039 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Randall, Patrick A.; Cannady, Reginald; Besheer, Joyce

Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 233, # 15-16 p. 3061 - 3074 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Xue, Bing; Fitzgerald, Cole A.; Jin, Dao-Zhong; Mao, Li-Min; Wang, John Q.

Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1646, p. 459 - 466 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Hara, Kenji; Waters, Brian; Ikematsu, Natsuki; Tokuyasu, Tomoko; Fujii, Hiroshi; Takayama, Mio; Matsusue, Aya; Kashiwagi, Masayuki; Kubo, Shin-Ichi

Legal Medicine, 2016 , vol. 21, p. 85 - 92 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ellefsen, Kayla N.; Concheiro, Marta; Huestis, Marilyn A.

Drug Metabolism Reviews, 2016 , vol. 48, # 2 p. 237 - 265 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gatidou, Georgia; Kinyua, Juliet; van Nuijs, Alexander L.N.; Gracia-Lor, Emma; Castiglioni, Sara; Covaci, Adrian; Stasinakis, Athanasios S.

Science of the Total Environment, 2016 , vol. 563-564, p. 633 - 640 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Verplaetse, Ruth; Henion, Jack

Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 88, # 13 p. 6789 - 6796 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Park, Ju-Hwan; Shin, Hyeon-Jong; Kim, Min Hwan; Kim, Ji-Su; Kang, Naewon; Lee, Jae-Young; Kim, Ki-Taek; Lee, Jangik Ike; Kim, Dae-Duk

Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation, 2016 , vol. 46, # 4 p. 363 - 375 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rojek, Sebastian; Bolechała, Filip; Kula, Karol; Maciów-Głąb, Martyna; Kłys, Małgorzata

Legal Medicine, 2016 , vol. 21, p. 64 - 72 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

De Jesús-Cortés, Héctor; Miller, Adam D.; Britt, Jeremiah K.; DeMarco, Anthony J.; De Jesús-Cortés, Mayralis; Stuebing, Emily; Naidoo, Jacinth; Vázquez-Rosa, Edwin; Morlock, Lorraine; Williams, Noelle S.; Ready, Joseph M.; Narayanan, Nandakumar S.; Pieper, Andrew A.

Parkinson's Disease, 2015 , vol. 1, art. no. 15010 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Escuder-Vieco, Diana; Garcia-Algar, Óscar; Joya, Xavier; Marchei, Emilia; Pichini, Simona; Pacifici, Roberta; Pallás-Alonso, Carmen Rosa

Journal of Human Lactation, 2016 , vol. 32, # 3 p. 542 - 545 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hostetler, Caroline M.; Phillips, Tamara J.; Ryabinin, Andrey E.

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 7 art. no. E0158178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Larson, Mary Jo; Mohr, Beth A.; Jeffery, Diana D.; Adams, Rachel Sayko; Williams, Thomas V.

Military Medicine, 2016 , vol. 181, # 4 p. 334 - 342 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

DeYoung, Dustin Z.; Heinzerling, Keith G.; Swanson, Aimee-Noelle; Tsuang, John; Furst, Benjamin A.; Yi, Yi; Wu, Ying Nian; Moody, David E.; Andrenyak, David M.; Shoptaw, Steven J.

Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 36, # 4 p. 347 - 354 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Ming

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 30, # 8 p. 749 - 770 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Moe, Aung Aung Kywe; Scott, James G.; Burne, Thomas H.J.; Eyles, Darryl W.

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 30, # 8 p. 771 - 794 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Krebs, Christopher A.; Reilly, William J.; Anderson, Karen G.

Behavioural Processes, 2016 , vol. 130, p. 39 - 45 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Osier, Nicole D.; Dixon, C. Edward

Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1640, p. 15 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Büttner, Andreas

Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2017 , vol. 13, p. 8 - 12 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jeong, Lena N.; Sajulga, Ray; Forte, Steven G.; Stoll, Dwight R.; Rutan, Sarah C.

Journal of Chromatography A, 2016 , vol. 1457, p. 41 - 49 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chalmers, Jenny; Lancaster, Kari; Hughes, Caitlin

International Journal of Drug Policy, 2016 , vol. 36, p. 15 - 24 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shchelochkov, Oleg A.; Dickinson, Klara; Scharschmidt, Bruce F.; Lee, Brendan; Marino, Miguel; Le Mons, Cynthia

Molecular Genetics and Metabolism Reports, 2016 , vol. 8, p. 43 - 47 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Barak, Larry S.; Bai, Yushi; Peterson, Sean; Evron, Tama; Urs, Nikhil M.; Peddibhotla, Satyamaheshwar; Hedrick, Michael P.; Hershberger, Paul; Maloney, Patrick R.; Chung, Thomas D.Y.; Rodriguiz, Ramona M.; Wetsel, William C.; Thomas, James B.; Hanson, Glen R.; Pinkerton, Anthony B.; Caron, Marc G.

ACS Chemical Biology, 2016 , vol. 11, # 7 p. 1880 - 1890 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Kolodziejczyk, Wojciech; Kar, Supratik; Hill, Glake A.; Leszczynski, Jerzy

Structural Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 27, # 4 p. 1291 - 1302 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Johnson, Eric F.; Szechtman, Henry

Behavioural Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 27, # 5 p. 439 - 450 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Umebachi, Rimako; Aoki, Hiromichi; Sugita, Mariko; Taira, Takayuki; Wakai, Shinjirou; Saito, Takeshi; Inokuchi, Sadaki

Clinical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 54, # 7 p. 563 - 567 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Desrosiers, Alethea; Chooi, Weng-Tink; Zaharim, Norzarina Mohd; Ahmad, Imran; Mohd Yasin, Mohd Azhar; Syed Jaapar, Sharifah Z.; Schottenfeld, Richard S.; Vicknasingam, Balasingam; Chawarski, Marek C.

Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 2016 , vol. 48, # 3 p. 218 - 226 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Horyniak, Danielle; Melo, Jason S.; Farrell, Risa M.; Ojeda, Victoria D.; Strathdee, Steffanie A.

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 7 art. no. E0159134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Grace, Anthony A.

Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 17, # 8 p. 524 - 532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kostrzewa, Richard M.; Nowak, Przemysław; Brus, Ryszard; Brown, Russell W.

Neurochemical Research, 2016 , vol. 41, # 1-2 p. 183 - 192 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sershen, Henry; Hashim, Audrey; Dunlop, David S.; Suckow, Raymond F.; Cooper, Tom B.; Javitt, Daniel C.

Neurochemical Research, 2016 , vol. 41, # 1-2 p. 398 - 408 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pasareanu, Adrian R.; Vederhus, John-Kåre; Opsal, Anne; Kristensen, Øistein; Clausen, Thomas

BMC Health Services Research, 2016 , vol. 16, # 1 art. no. 291 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Camacho-Muñoz, Dolores; Petrie, Bruce; Castrignanò, Erika; Kasprzyk-Hordern, Barbara

Current Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 12, # 4 p. 303 - 314 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Charmchi, Elham; Zendehdel, Morteza; Haghparast, Abbas

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 70, p. 92 - 99 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Soyka, Michael; Mutschler, Jochen

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 70, p. 148 - 161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ademiluyi, Adedayo O.; Ogunsuyi, Opeyemi B.; Oboh, Ganiyu

NeuroToxicology, 2016 , vol. 56, p. 107 - 117 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shim, Se-Hoon; Yoon, Hee-jung; Bak, Jeongjae; Hahn, Sang-Woo; Kim, Yong-Ku

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 70, p. 237 - 244 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bray, Brenna; Scholl, Jamie L.; Tu, Wenyu; Watt, Michael J.; Renner, Kenneth J.; Forster, Gina L.

Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1644, p. 278 - 287 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bernheim, Aurelien; See, Ronald E.; Reichel, Carmela M.

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2016 , vol. 69, p. 36 - 48 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tscharke, Benjamin J.; Chen, Chang; Gerber, Jacobus P.; White, Jason M.

Science of the Total Environment, 2016 , vol. 565, p. 384 - 391 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bijlsma, Lubertus; Botero-Coy, Ana M.; Rincón, Rolando J.; Peñuela, Gustavo A.; Hernández, Félix

Science of the Total Environment, 2016 , vol. 565, p. 984 - 993 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Been, Frederic; Lai, Foon Yin; Kinyua, Juliet; Covaci, Adrian; van Nuijs, Alexander L.N.

Science of the Total Environment, 2016 , vol. 565, p. 1011 - 1019 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bjørn-Yoshimoto, Walden E.; Underhill, Suzanne M.

Neurochemistry International, 2016 , vol. 98, p. 4 - 18 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Mucke, Hermann A.M.

Assay and Drug Development Technologies, 2016 , vol. 14, # 5 p. 276 - 281 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ermer, James; Corcoran, Mary; Lasseter, Kenneth; Marbury, Thomas; Yan, Brian; Martin, Patrick T.

Therapeutic Drug Monitoring, 2016 , vol. 38, # 4 p. 546 - 555 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Moal, Michel Le

Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1645, p. 65 - 67 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schumacher, Sarah; Seitz, Harald

New Biotechnology, 2016 , vol. 33, # 5 p. 544 - 550 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Iversen, Susan D.

Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1645, p. 36 - 37 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Noguera-Oviedo, Katia; Aga, Diana S.

Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2016 , vol. 316, p. 242 - 251 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Giannoukos, Stamatios; Brkić, Boris; Taylor, Stephen; Marshall, Alan; Verbeck, Guido F.

Chemical Reviews, 2016 , vol. 116, # 14 p. 8146 - 8172 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Singh, Sonu; Mishra, Akanksha; Shukla, Shubha

Molecular Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 53, # 7 p. 4286 - 4301 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wu, Li-Tzy; McNeely, Jennifer; Subramaniam, Geetha A.; Sharma, Gaurav; VanVeldhuisen, Paul; Schwartz, Robert P.

Contemporary Clinical Trials, 2016 , vol. 50, p. 90 - 97 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

White, Wesley; White, Ilsun M.

Physiology and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 165, p. 187 - 194 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Montagud-Romero; Reguilon; Roger-Sanchez; Pascual; Aguilar; Guerri; Miñarro; Rodríguez-Arias

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 71, p. 144 - 154 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vaiano, Fabio; Busardò, Francesco P.; Palumbo, Diego; Kyriakou, Chrystalla; Fioravanti, Alessia; Catalani, Valeria; Mari, Francesco; Bertol, Elisabetta

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2016 , vol. 129, p. 441 - 449 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wang, Bao; Wang, Xing-Qin; Yang, Shao-Song; Liu, Xi; Feng, Da-Yun; Lu, Fang-Fang; Zhu, Ya-Qin; Lu, Dan; Tao, Lei; Ge, Shun-Nan; Gao, Li; Qu, Yan; Gao, Guo-Dong

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 75 p. 71328 - 71337 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Garcia-Romeu, Albert; Kersgaard, Brennan; Addy, Peter H.

Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 24, # 4 p. 229 - 268 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Marraccini, Marisa E.; Weyandt, Lisa L.; Rossi, Joseph S.; Gudmundsdottir, Bergljot Gyda

Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 24, # 4 p. 269 - 284 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hay, Debbie L.; Chen, Steve; Lutz, Thomas A.; Parkes, David G.; Roth, Jonathan D.

Pharmacological Reviews, 2015 , vol. 67, # 3 p. 564 - 600 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Juth, Vanessa; Alison Holman; Chan, Michelle K.; Cramer, Steven C.

Journal of Investigative Medicine, 2016 , vol. 64, # 5 p. 983 - 988 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schumacher, Sarah; Seitz, Harald

Journal of Immunological Methods, 2016 , vol. 436, p. 34 - 40 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nuntawong, Noppadon; Eiamchai, Pitak; Somrang, Witchaphol; Denchitcharoen, Somyod; Limwichean, Saksorn; Horprathum, Mati; Patthanasettakul, Viyapol; Chaiya, Sanit; Leelapojanaporn, Ampika; Saiseng, Somjet; Pongsethasant, Predee; Chindaudom, Pongpan

Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 2017 , vol. 239, p. 139 - 146 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rykowska; Wasiak

Open Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 13, # 1 p. 1353 - 1370 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

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Kamal, Rama M.; Dijkstra, Boukje A.G.; Loonen, Anton J.; De Jong, Cornelis A.J.

Journal of Addiction Medicine, 2016 , vol. 10, # 4 p. 229 - 235

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chen, Jiang-Fan; Schwarzschild, Michael A.

Sleep and Biological Rhythms, 2004 , vol. 2, # 1 p. S19 - S20 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lee, Ji Hyun; Gamarel, Kristi E.; Bryant, Kendall J.; Zaller, Nickolas D.; Operario, Don

LGBT Health, 2016 , vol. 3, # 4 p. 258 - 265 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nuntawong, Noppadon; Eiamchai, Pitak; Somrang, Witchaphol; Denchitcharoen, Somyod; Limwichean, Saksorn; Horprathum, Mati; Patthanasettakul, Viyapol; Chaiya, Sanit; Leelapojanaporn, Ampika; Saiseng, Somjet; Pongsethasant, Predee; Chindaudom, Pongpan

Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 2017 , vol. 239, p. 139 - 146 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Liakoni, Evangelia; Dolder, Patrick C.; Rentsch, Katharina; Liechti, Matthias E.

Swiss Medical Weekly, 2015 , vol. 145, art. no. W14166 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sagawa, Yohei; Sato, Masatoshi; Sakai, Noriaki; Chikahisa, Sachiko; Chiba, Shintaro; Maruyama, Takashi; Yamamoto, Junki; Nishino, Seiji

Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 110, p. 268 - 276 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schmitt, Gabriela Cristina; Arbo, Marcelo Dutra; Lorensi, Andréia Louise; Jacques, Ana Laura Bemvenuti; Nascimento, Sabrina Nunes Do; Mariotti, Kristiane de Cássia; Garcia, Solange Cristina; Dallegrave, Eliane; Leal, Mirna Bainy; Limberger, Renata Pereira

Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016 , vol. 52, # 1 p. 59 - 68 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Grapp, Marcel; Maurer, Hans H.; Desel, Herbert

Drug Testing and Analysis, 2016 , vol. 8, # 8 p. 816 - 825 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rychert, Marta; Wilkins, Chris

Drug Testing and Analysis, 2016 , vol. 8, # 8 p. 768 - 778 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wang, De-Gao; Zheng, Qiu-Da; Wang, Xiao-Ping; Du, Juan; Tian, Chong-Guo; Wang, Zhuang; Ge, Lin-Ke

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016 , vol. 23, # 16 p. 16495 - 16503 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Elliott, Simon P.; Brandt, Simon D.; Smith, Christopher

Drug Testing and Analysis, 2016 , vol. 8, # 8 p. 875 - 879 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

de la Peña, June Bryan; Cheong, Jae Hoon

Drug Testing and Analysis, 2016 , vol. 8, # 8 p. 760 - 767 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Campbell, Grace

Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, 2016 , vol. 18, # 4 p. 13 - 22 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Palamar, Joseph J.; Shearston, Jenni A.; Cleland, Charles M.

American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2016 , vol. 42, # 5 p. 530 - 538 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kaniuga, Ewelina; Taracha, Ewa; Stępień, Tomasz; Wierzba-Bobrowicz, Teresa; Płaźnik, Adam; Chrapusta, Stanisław J.

Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1648, p. 356 - 364 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

McLaughlin, Thomas; Blum, Kenneth; Oscar-Berman, Marlene; Febo, Marcelo; Agan, Gozde; Fratantonio, James L.; Simpatico, Thomas; Gold, Mark S.

Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 2015 , vol. 4, # 2 p. 106 - 115 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Droge; Hermens; Rabone; Gutsell; Hodges

Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 2016 , vol. 18, # 8 p. 1011 - 1023 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Orun, Oya; Mega Tiber, Pınar

Marmara Medical Journal, 2015 , vol. 28, # 3 p. 123 - 128 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Batsis; Dagalakis; Stratakis; Prodanov; Papadakis; Adams; Lodish; Pacak

Hormone and Metabolic Research, 2016 , vol. 48, # 8 p. 509 - 513 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Donnadieu-Rigole, Hélène; Olive, Laetitia; Nalpas, Bertrand; Duny, Yohan; Nocca, David; Perney, Pascal

Substance Use and Misuse, 2016 , vol. 51, # 12 p. 1649 - 1654 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Wingo, Taylor; Nesil, Tanseli; Choi, Jung-Seok; Li, Ming D.

Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 11, # 3 p. 456 - 470 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schnabel; Neiss; Kauert

Rechtsmedizin, 2000 , vol. 10, # 3 p. 86 - 89 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ermer, James; Corcoran, Mary; Martin, Patrick

Drugs in R and D, 2015 , vol. 15, # 2 p. 175 - 185 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Adamowicz, Piotr; Gieroń, Joanna; Gil, Dominika; Lechowicz, Wojciech; Skulska, Agnieszka; Tokarczyk, Bogdan; Zuba, Dariusz

Forensic Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 34, # 2 p. 227 - 234 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Arnoldi, Sebastiano; Roda, Gabriella; Coceanig, Alessandro; Casagni, Eleonora; Dell’Acqua, Lucia; Farè, Fiorenza; Rusconi, Chiara; Tamborini, Lucia; Visconti, Giacomo Luca; Gambaro, Veniero

Forensic Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 34, # 2 p. 411 - 418 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rojek, Sebastian; Kula, Karol; Maciów-Głąb, Martyna; Kłys, Małgorzata

Forensic Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 34, # 2 p. 403 - 410 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ademiluyi, Adedayo O.; Ogunsuyi, Opeyemi B.; Oboh, Ganiyu; Agbebi, Oluwaseun J.

Comparative Clinical Pathology, 2016 , vol. 25, # 4 p. 733 - 741 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhao, Yan; Zhang, Kai; Jiang, Haifeng; Du, Jiang; Na, Zong; Hao, Wei; Yu, Shunying; Zhao, Min

Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 11, # 3 p. 542 - 548 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Andernach, Lars; Pusch, Stefan; Weber, Carina; Schollmeyer, Dieter; Münster-Müller, Sascha; Pütz, Michael; Opatz, Till

Forensic Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 34, # 2 p. 344 - 352 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Turner, Karly M; Burne, Thomas H J

Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 233, # 18 p. 3383 - 3394 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Senta, Ivan; Krizman, Ivona; Ahel, Marijan; Terzic, Senka

Journal of Chromatography A, 2015 , vol. 1425, p. 204 - 212 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Veterinary Pathology, 2016 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 1067 - 1077 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Aljuffali, Ibrahim A.; Lin, Chwan-Fwu; Chen, Chun-Han; Fang, Jia-You

Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery, 2016 , vol. 13, # 9 p. 1311 - 1325 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Al-Serori, Halh; Ferk, Franziska; Angerer, Verena; Mišík, Miroslav; Nersesyan, Armen; Setayesh, Tahereh; Auwärter, Volker; Haslinger, Elisabeth; Huber, Wolfgang; Knasmüller, Siegfried

Toxicology Research, 2016 , vol. 5, # 5 p. 1410 - 1420 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Beharry, Shruti; Gibbons, Simon

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 267, p. 25 - 34 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mackuľak, Tomáš; Bodík, Igor; Hasan, Jamal; Grabic, Roman; Golovko, Oksana; Vojs-Staňová, Andrea; Gál, Miroslav; Naumowicz, Monika; Tichý, Jozef; Brandeburová, Paula; Híveš, Ján

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 267, p. 42 - 51 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Steuer, Andrea E.; Eisenbeiss, Lisa; Kraemer, Thomas

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 267, p. 52 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chung, Amanda S. J.; Cheng, Janice N. C.; Tse, Vincent

Current Bladder Dysfunction Reports, 2016 , vol. 11, # 3 p. 258 - 265 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Huang, Jia; Yang, Xin-Hua; Lan, Yong; Zhu, Cui-Ying; Liu, Xiao-Qun; Wang, Ye-Fei; Cheung, Eric F.C.; Xie, Guang-Rong; Chan, Raymond C.K.

Neuropsychology, 2016 , vol. 30, # 6 p. 685 - 696 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bjarnadottir, Gudrun D.; Magnusson, Andres; Rafnar, Bjarni O.; Sigurdsson, Engilbert; Steingrimsson, Steinn; Johannsson, Magnus; Bragadottir, Helena; Haraldsson, H. Magnus

European Addiction Research, 2016 , vol. 22, # 5 p. 259 - 267 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Finnema, Sjoerd J.; Hughes, Zoë A.; Haaparanta-Solin, Merja; Stepanov, Vladimir; Nakao, Ryuji; Varnäs, Katarina; Varrone, Andrea; Arponen, Eveliina; Marjamäki, Päivi; Pohjanoksa, Katariina; Vuorilehto, Lauri; Babalola, Phebian A.; Solin, Olof; Grimwood, Sarah; Sallinen, Jukka; Farde, Lars; Scheinin, Mika; Halldin, Christer

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015 , vol. 18, # 3 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Roschlau, Corinna; Votteler, Angeline; Hauber, Wolfgang

Learning and Memory, 2016 , vol. 23, # 8 p. 422 - 426 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Amariles, Pedro; Cifuentes, Laura

Current Clinical Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 11, # 2 p. 95 - 109 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yang, Zhen; Kelly, Clare; Castellanos, Francisco X.; Leon, Terry; Milham, Michael P.; Adler, Lenard A.

Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 6 p. 527 - 536 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Klein, Tracy A.; Panther, Shannon; Woo, Teri; Odom-Maryon, Tamara; Daratha, Kenn

Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 6 p. 548 - 554 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Haleem, Darakhshan Jabeen

Current Drug Targets, 2016 , vol. 17, # 11 p. 1282 - 1291 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sucic, Sonja; Bönisch, Heinz

Neuromethods, 2016 , vol. 118, p. 1 - 21 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dyb, Evelyn

International Journal of Drug Policy, 2016 , vol. 36, p. 76 - 84 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gauvin, David V.; Yoder, Joshua D.; Holdsworth, David L.; Harter, Marci L.; May, Jonelle R.; Cotey, Noelle; Dalton, Jill A.; Baird, Theodore J.

Journal of Pharmacological and Toxicological Methods, 2016 , vol. 82, p. 90 - 108 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jones, Alan Wayne; Holmgren, Anita; Ahlner, Johan

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 267, p. 96 - 103

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Marwaha, Steven; Thompson, Andrew; Bebbington, Paul; Singh, Swaran P.; Freeman, Daniel; Winsper, Catherine; Broome, Matthew R.

Psychiatry research, 2015 , vol. 229, # 1-2 p. 49 - 56 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jongkees, Bryant J.; Colzato, Lorenza S.

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2016 , vol. 71, p. 58 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tremblay, Melanie; Winstanley, Catharine A.

Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 314, p. 143 - 151 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ponzoni, Luisa; Sala, Mariaelvina; Braida, Daniela

Behavioural Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 314, p. 181 - 189 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Schmitt, Andrea; Rujescu, Dan; Gawlik, Micha; Hasan, Alkomiet; Hashimoto, Kenji; Iceta, Sylvain; Jarema, Marek; Kambeitz, Joseph; Kasper, Siegfried; Keeser, Daniel; Kornhuber, Johannes; Koutsouleris, Nikolaos; Lanzenberger, Rupert; Malchow, Berend; Saoud, Mohamed; Spies, Marie; Stöber, Gerald; Thibaut, Florence; Riederer, Peter; Falkai, Peter

World Journal of Biological Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 17, # 6 p. 406 - 428 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Boronat-García, Alejandra; Palomero-Rivero, Marcela; Guerra-Crespo, Magdalena; Millán-Aldaco, Diana; Drucker-Colín, René

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 8 art. no. E0160854 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mai, Bettina; Sommer, Susanne; Hauber, Wolfgang

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015 , vol. 18, # 10 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sinha; Lewis; Kumar; Yeruva; Curry

Case Reports in Cardiology, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 2343691 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gentili, Stefano; Solimini, Renata; Tittarelli, Roberta; Mannocchi, Giulio; Busardò, Francesco Paolo

Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 1234581 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kedzierska, Ewa; Wach, Izabela

Current Issues in Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, 2016 , vol. 29, # 2 p. 61 - 65 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Hattingh, Hendrika Laetitia; Varsani, Janki; Kachouei, Leila Ataei; Parsons, Richard

Substance Abuse: Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2016 , vol. 11, # 1 art. no. 30 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Alremeithi, Rashed H.; Meetani, Mohammed A.; Khalil, Saif. A.

RSC Advances, 2016 , vol. 6, # 84 p. 80576 - 80584 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gentile, Antonietta; Fresegna, Diego; Musella, Alessandra; Sepman, Helena; Bullitta, Silvia; De Vito, Francesca; Fantozzi, Roberta; Usiello, Alessandro; Maccarrone, Mauro; Mercuri, Nicola B.; Lutz, Beat; Mandolesi, Georgia; Centonze, Diego

Journal of Neuroinflammation, 2016 , vol. 13, # 1 art. no. 231 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tucker, Murray G.; Kekulawala, Sebastian; Kent, Michelle; Mostafa, Sam; Harvey, Richard

Journal of Medical Case Reports, 2016 , vol. 10, # 1 art. no. 242 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Varriale, Antonio; Marzullo, Vincenzo Manuel; Di Giovanni, Stefano; Scala, Andrea; Capo, Alessandro; Majoli, Adelia; Pennacchio, Angela; Staiano, Maria; D’Auria, Sabato

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 408, # 23 p. 6329 - 6336 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Varriale, Antonio; Marzullo, Vincenzo Manuel; Di Giovanni, Stefano; Scala, Andrea; Capo, Alessandro; Majoli, Adelia; Pennacchio, Angela; Staiano, Maria; D’Auria, Sabato

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 408, # 23 p. 6329 - 6336 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wearne, Travis A.; Parker, Lindsay M.; Franklin, Jane L.; Goodchild, Ann K.; Cornish, Jennifer L.

Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 111, p. 107 - 118 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Parr, Maria Kristina; Wuest, Bernhard; Naegele, Edgar; Joseph, Jan F.; Wenzel, Maxi; Schmidt, Alexander H.; Stanic, Mijo; de la Torre, Xavier; Botrè, Francesco

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 408, # 24 p. 6789 - 6797 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Parr, Maria Kristina; Wuest, Bernhard; Naegele, Edgar; Joseph, Jan F.; Wenzel, Maxi; Schmidt, Alexander H.; Stanic, Mijo; de la Torre, Xavier; Botrè, Francesco

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 408, # 24 p. 6789 - 6797 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sárvári, Miklós; Deli, Levente; Kocsis, Pál; Márk, László; Maász, Gábor; Hrabovszky, Erik; Kalló, Imre; Gajári, Dávid; Vastagh, Csaba; Sümegi, Balázs; Tihanyi, Károly; Liposits, Zsolt

Brain Research, 2014 , vol. 1583, p. 1 - 11 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Golovko; Bonitenko, E. Yu.; Ivanov; Barinov; Zatsepin

Neurochemical Journal, 2016 , vol. 10, # 3 p. 173 - 183 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cope, Zackary A.; Halberstadt, Adam L.; van Enkhuizen, Jordy; Flynn, Aaron D.; Breier, Michelle; Swerdlow, Neal R.; Geyer, Mark A.; Young, Jared W.

Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 233, # 19-20 p. 3513 - 3525 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hambuchen, Michael D.; Rüedi-Bettschen, Daniela; Gunnell, Melinda G.; Hendrickson, Howard; Owens, S. Michael

Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, 2016 , vol. 12, # 9 p. 2240 - 2248 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cansell; Castel; Denis; Rouch; Delbes; Martinez; Mestivier; Finan; Maldonado-Aviles; Rijnsburger; Tschöp; DiLeone; Eckel; La Fleur; Magnan; Hnasko; Luquet

Molecular Psychiatry, 2014 , vol. 19, # 10 p. 1095 - 1105 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Papaseit, Esther; Pérez-Mañá, Clara; Mateus, Julián-Andrés; Pujadas, Mitona; Fonseca, Francina; Torrens, Marta; Olesti, Eulàlia; De La Torre, Rafael; Farre, Magi

Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 41, # 11 p. 2704 - 2713 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cooke, Tommi; So, Tsz-Yin

Current Pediatric Reviews, 2016 , vol. 12, # 3 p. 230 - 238 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dupuis, Marc; Baggio, Stéphanie; Accard, Marion Emilie; Mohler-Kuo, Meichun; Gmel, Gerhard

Drugs and Alcohol Today, 2016 , vol. 16, # 3 p. 212 - 221 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Liu, Puchun; Dinh, Steven; Liao, Jun; Endo, Tsuyoshi

Patent: US2016/256406 A1, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bershad, Anya K.; Weafer, Jessica J.; Kirkpatrick, Matthew G.; Wardle, Margaret C.; Miller, Melissa A.; de Wit, Harriet

Social Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 11, # 6 p. 592 - 599 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mowry, James B.; Spyker, Daniel A.; Cantilena, Louis R.; McMillan, Naya; Ford, Marsha

Clinical Toxicology, 2014 , vol. 52, # 10 p. 1032 - 1283 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Kumar, Nihit; Stowe, Zachary N.; Han, Xiaotong; Mancino, Michael J.

American Journal on Addictions, 2016 , vol. 25, # 7 p. 542 - 548 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lai, Wen-Sung; Chang, Chia-Yuan; Wong, Wan-Rong; Pei, Ju-Chun; Chen, Ya-Shan; Hung, Wei-Li

Current Pharmaceutical Design, 2014 , vol. 20, # 32 p. 5139 - 5149 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Heravi, Majid M.; Zadsirjan, Vahideh; Dehghani, Mahzad

Current Organic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 20, # 10 p. 1069 - 1134 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Thomaidis, Nikolaos S.; Gago-Ferrero, Pablo; Ort, Christoph; Maragou, Niki C.; Alygizakis, Nikiforos A.; Borova, Viola L.; Dasenaki, Marilena E.

Environmental Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 50, # 18 p. 10065 - 10072 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

González-Mariño, Iria; Gracia-Lor, Emma; Rousis, Nikolaos I.; Castrignanò, Erika; Thomas, Kevin V.; Quintana, José Benito; Kasprzyk-Hordern, Barbara; Zuccato, Ettore; Castiglioni, Sara

Environmental Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 50, # 18 p. 10089 - 10096 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Aotani, Daisuke; Son, Cheol; Shimizu, Yoshiyuki; Nomura, Hidenari; Hikida, Takatoshi; Kusakabe, Toru; Tanaka, Tomohiro; Miyazawa, Takashi; Hosoda, Kiminori; Nakao, Kazuwa

Neuroscience Letters, 2016 , vol. 633, p. 141 - 145 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Petrie, Bruce; Gravell, Anthony; Mills, Graham A.; Youdan, Jane; Barden, Ruth; Kasprzyk-Hordern, Barbara

Environmental Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 50, # 17 p. 9469 - 9478 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hamilton, Peter J.; Shekar, Aparna; Belovich, Andrea N.; Christianson, Nicole Bibus; Campbell, Nicholas G.; Sutcliffe, James S.; Galli, Aurelio; Matthies, Heinrich J.G.; Erreger, Kevin

Molecular Autism, 2015 , vol. 6, # 1 art. no. 8 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Pharmacogenomics Journal, 2016 , vol. 16, # 5 p. 430 - 438 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dougherty, Casey A.; Cai, Weibo; Hong, Hao

Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 15, # 12 p. 1138 - 1152 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Moreira, Rodrigo V.; da Costa, José L.; Menezes, Mauro R.; de Faria, Dalva L.A.

Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2016 , vol. 87, p. 104 - 110 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Høiseth, Gudrun; Tuv, Silja Skogstad; Karinen, Ritva

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 268, p. 35 - 38 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Larney, Sarah; Mathers, Bradley M.; Poteat, Tonia; Kamarulzaman, Adeeba; Degenhardt, Louisa

Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 2015 , vol. 69, p. S100 - S109 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lee, Sylvia S.; Paspalof, Alexis M.; Snow, Daniel D.; Richmond, Erinn K.; Rosi-Marshall, Emma J.; Kelly, John J.

Environmental Science and Technology, 2016 , vol. 50, # 17 p. 9727 - 9735 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Getasetegn, Million

Phytochemistry Reviews, 2016 , vol. 15, # 5 p. 907 - 920 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mazitov, Timur; Bregin, Aleksandr; Philips, Mari-Anne; Innos, Jürgen; Vasar, Eero

Behavioural Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 317, p. 311 - 318 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fosnocht, Anne Q.; Briand, Lisa A.

Physiology and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 166, p. 32 - 42 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Beloate, Lauren N.; Omrani, Azar; Adan, Roger A.; Webb, Ian C.; Coolen, Lique M.

Journal of Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 36, # 38 p. 9949 - 9961

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Barnum, Richard

Adolescent Health, Medicine and Therapeutics, 2014 , vol. 5, p. 67 - 71 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Righi, Federica; Polidori, Edoardo; Valletta, Enrico

Quaderni ACP, 2016 , vol. 23, # 5 p. 207 - 210 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Görgens, Christian; Guddat, Sven; Thomas, Andreas; Wachsmuth, Philipp; Orlovius, Anne-Katrin; Sigmund, Gerd; Thevis, Mario; Schänzer, Wilhelm

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2016 , vol. 131, p. 482 - 496 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rezaei, Farzin; Emami, Maryam; Zahed, Shakiba; Morabbi, Mohammad-Javad; Farahzadi, Mohammadhadi; Akhondzadeh, Shahin

DARU, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2015 , vol. 23, # 1 art. no. 2 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wright, Jackie; Edwards, John; Walker, Stewart

Reviews on Environmental Health, 2016 , vol. 31, # 3 p. 329 - 352 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Philippu, Athineos

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 23, # 24 p. 2643 - 2652 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pitsikas, Nikolaos

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 23, # 24 p. 2692 - 2705 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Woźniak, Monika; Acher, Francine; Marciniak, Marcin; Łasoń-Tyburkiewicz, Magdalena; Gruca, Piotr; Papp, Mariusz; Pilc, Andrzej; Wierońska, Joanna M.

Current Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 14, # 5 p. 413 - 426 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hamidi, Samin; Khoubnasabjafari, Maryam; Ansarin, Khalil; Jouyban-Gharamaleki, Vahid; Jouyban, Abolghasem

Current Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2016 , vol. 12, # 2 p. 137 - 145 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 46, # 6 p. 482 - 489 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Camacho-Muñoz, Dolores; Petrie, Bruce; Castrignanò, Erika; Kasprzyk-Hordern, Barbara

Current Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 12, # 4 p. 303 - 314 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Baalbaki, Zeina; Sultana, Tamanna; Maere, Thomas; Vanrolleghem, Peter A.; Metcalfe, Chris D.; Yargeau, Viviane

Science of the Total Environment, 2016 , vol. 573, p. 1147 - 1158 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Estrada-Arriaga, Edson Baltazar; Cortés-Muñoz, Juana Enriqueta; González-Herrera, Arturo; Calderón-Mólgora, César Guillermo; de Lourdes Rivera-Huerta, Ma.; Ramírez-Camperos, Esperanza; Montellano-Palacios, Leticia; Gelover-Santiago, Silvia Lucila; Pérez-Castrejón, Sara; Cardoso-Vigueros, Lina; Martín-Domínguez, Alejandra; García-Sánchez, Liliana

Science of the Total Environment, 2016 , vol. 571, p. 1172 - 1182 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Weyandt, Lisa L.; Oster, Danielle R.; Marraccini, Marisa E.; Gudmundsdottir, Bergljot Gyda; Munro, Bailey A.; Rathkey, Emma S.; McCallum, Alison

Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 24, # 5 p. 400 - 414 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Meyer, Markus R.

Archives of Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 90, # 10 p. 2421 - 2444 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Soussan, Christophe; Kjellgren, Anette

International Journal of Drug Policy, 2016 , vol. 32, p. 77 - 84 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Oswald, Lynn M.; Wand, Gary S.

NeuroImage, 2016 , vol. 125, p. 1096 - 1098 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Caudevilla, Fernando; Ventura, Mireia; Fornís, Iván; Barratt, Monica J.; Vidal, Claudio; lladanosa, Cristina Gil; Quintana, Pol; Muñoz, Ana; Calzada, Nuria

International Journal of Drug Policy, 2016 , vol. 35, p. 38 - 41 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Banks, Matthew L.

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016 , vol. 165, p. 260 - 264 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kankaanpää, Aino; Ariniemi, Kari; Heinonen, Mari; Kuoppasalmi, Kimmo; Gunnar, Teemu

Science of the Total Environment, 2016 , vol. 568, p. 864 - 874 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

van Wel; Kinyua; van Nuijs; Salvatore; Bramness; Covaci; Van Hal

International Journal of Drug Policy, 2016 , vol. 34, p. 20 - 26 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lile, Joshua A.; Stoops, William W.; Rush, Craig R.; Negus, S. Stevens; Glaser, Paul E.A.; Hatton, Kevin W.; Hays, Lon R.

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016 , vol. 165, p. 111 - 119 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Karkhanis, Anushree N.; Beveridge, Thomas J.R.; Blough, Bruce E.; Jones, Sara R.; Ferris, Mark J.

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016 , vol. 166, p. 51 - 60 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Managò, Francesca; Mereu, Maddalena; Mastwal, Surjeet; Mastrogiacomo, Rosa; Scheggia, Diego; Emanuele, Marco; De Luca, Maria A.; Weinberger, Daniel R.; Wang, Kuan Hong; Papaleo, Francesco

Cell Reports, 2016 , vol. 16, # 8 p. 2116 - 2128 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tierney, Aaron A.; Hart, Carl L.

NeuroImage, 2016 , vol. 125, p. 1095 - 1095 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lander, Sharon S.; Linder-Shacham, Donna; Gaisler-Salomon, Inna

Behavioural Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 316, p. 245 - 254 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Telving, Rasmus; Hasselstrøm, Jørgen Bo; Andreasen, Mette Findal

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 266, p. 453 - 461 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kyriakou, Chrystalla; Marchei, Emilia; Scaravelli, Giulia; García-Algar, Oscar; Supervía, August; Graziano, Silvia

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2016 , vol. 128, p. 53 - 60 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gicquel, Thomas; Hugbart, Chloé; Le Devehat, Françoise; Lepage, Sylvie; Baert, Alain; Bouvet, Renaud; Morel, Isabelle

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 266, p. e38 - e42 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

El-Mallakh, Rif S.; Roberts, R. Jeannie; El-Mallakh, Peggy L.; Findlay, Lillian Jan; Reynolds, Kristen K.

Clinics in Laboratory Medicine, 2016 , vol. 36, # 3 p. 507 - 523 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Daneschvar, Homayoun L.; Aronson, Mark D.; Smetana, Gerald W.

American Journal of Medicine, 2016 , vol. 129, # 8 p. 1 - 6,879 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Peleg-Raibstein; Sarker; Litwan; Krämer; Ametamey; Schibli; Wolfrum

Translational Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 6, # 10 art. no. E911 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hussain, Shahzad; Khattak, Zainab; Mahmood, Sidra; Malik, Farnaz; Riaz, Humayun; Raza, Syed Atif; Khan, Samiullah

Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2016 , vol. 29, # 5 p. 1639 - 1648 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gentili, Stefano; Mortali, Claudia; Mastrobattista, Luisa; Berretta, Paolo; Zaami, Simona

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2016 , vol. 129, p. 282 - 287 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Spiegel, David R.; McCroskey, Aidan; Puaa, Kapaakea; Meeker, Grant; Hartman, Lauren; Hudson, Joshua; Hung, Yu C.

Clinical Neuropharmacology, 2016 , vol. 39, # 5 p. 272 - 275 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pike, Erika; Stoops, William W.; Rush, Craig R.

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 150-151, p. 87 - 93 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nikfarjam, Ali; Shokoohi, Mostafa; Shahesmaeili, Armita; Haghdoost, Ali Akbar; Baneshi, Mohammad Reza; Haji-Maghsoudi, Saiedeh; Rastegari, Azam; Nasehi, Abbas Ali; Memaryan, Nadereh; Tarjoman, Termeh

International Journal of Drug Policy, 2016 , vol. 31, p. 147 - 152 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lee, Hun Joo; Han, Eunyoung; Lee, Jaesin; Chung, Heesun; Min, Sung-Gi

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 268, p. 116 - 122 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Donegani, Enrico; Paal, Peter; Küpper, Thomas; Hefti, Urs; Basnyat, Buddha; Carceller, Anna; Bouzat, Pierre; Van Der Spek, Rianne; Hillebrandt, David

High Altitude Medicine and Biology, 2016 , vol. 17, # 3 p. 157 - 184 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hussain; Cossette; Brake

Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 2016 , vol. 28, # 5 p. 10 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Alessandri, Ivano; Vassalini, Irene; Bertuzzi, Michela; Bontempi, Nicolò; Memo, Maurizio; Gianoncelli, Alessandra

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 34521 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Volkow; Wang; Logan; Alexoff; Fowler; Thanos; Wong; Casado; Ferre; Tomasi

Translational Psychiatry, 2015 , vol. 5, # 4 art. no. A046 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Andrés-Costa, María Jesús; Andreu, Vicente; Picó, Yolanda

Journal of Chromatography A, 2016 , vol. 1461, p. 98 - 106 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Punja, Salima; Schmid, Christopher H.; Hartling, Lisa; Urichuk, Liana; Nikles, Catherine Jane; Vohra, Sunita

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2016 , vol. 76, p. 76 - 81 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Freeman; Rice; Soto; Pate; Weed; Ator; DeLeon; Wong; Zhou; Mankowski; Zink; Adams; Hutchinson

Translational Psychiatry, 2015 , vol. 5, # 5 art. no. E567 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Smucny; Stevens; Olincy; Tregellas

Translational Psychiatry, 2015 , vol. 5, # 6 art. no. E587 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Li; Leung; Zhou; Ho; Kong; Basil; Wei; Lam; Zhang; Law; Chua; Sham; Wu; McAlonan

Translational Psychiatry, 2015 , vol. 5, # 9 art. no. E641 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Punja, Salima; Xu, Dongying; Schmid, Christopher H.; Hartling, Lisa; Urichuk, Liana; Nikles, Catherine Jane; Vohra, Sunita

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 2016 , vol. 76, p. 65 - 75 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jin, Yunju; Dougherty, Sarah E.; Wood, Kevin; Sun, Landy; Cudmore, Robert H.; Abdalla, Aya; Kannan, Geetha; Pletnikov,

Mikhail; Hashemi, Parastoo; Linden, David J.

Neuron, 2016 , vol. 91, # 4 p. 748 - 762 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Saz; Marina

Journal of Chromatography A, 2016 , vol. 1467, p. 79 - 94 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gan, Jinping; Ma, Shuguang; Zhang, Donglu

Drug Metabolism Reviews, 2016 , vol. 48, # 4 p. 473 - 501 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Posadzki, Pawel; Khalil, Mohamed M. K.; AlBedah, Abdullah M. N.; Zhabenko, Olena; Car, Josip

Focus on Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 2016 , vol. 21, # 2 p. 69 - 81 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hyun, Myung Ho

Journal of Chromatography A, 2016 , vol. 1467, p. 19 - 32 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bäckberg, Matilda; Westerbergh, Jenny; Beck, Olof; Helander, Anders

Clinical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 54, # 9 p. 819 - 825 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cumming, Craig; Troeung, Lakkhina; Young, Jesse T.; Kelty, Erin; Preen, David B.

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016 , vol. 168, p. 263 - 273 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ford, Loretta T; Berg, Jonathan D

Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, 2016 , vol. 53, # 6 p. 640 - 646 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Priebe, Stefan; Bremner, Stephen A.; Lauber, Christoph; Henderson, Catherine; Burns, Tom

Health Technology Assessment, 2016 , vol. 20, # 70 p. v Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Foster, Daniel J.; Wilson, Jermaine M.; Remke, Daniel H.; Mahmood, M. Suhaib; Uddin, M. Jashim; Wess, Jürgen; Patel, Sachin; Marnett, Lawrence J.; Niswender, Colleen M.; Jones, Carrie K.; Xiang, Zixiu; Lindsley, Craig W.; Rook, Jerri M.; Conn, P. Jeffrey

Neuron, 2016 , vol. 91, # 6 p. 1244 - 1252 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cunningham, Scott; Finlay, Keith

Health Economics (United Kingdom), 2016 , vol. 25, # 10 p. 1268 - 1290 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jain; Arya; Inamdar; Auti; Unawane; Puranik; Sanap; Inamke; Mahale; Prajapati; Shishoo

Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 16, # 28 p. 3133 - 3174 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kristofic, John J.; Chmiel, Jeffrey D.; Jackson, George F.; Vorce, Shawn P.; Holler, Justin M.; Robinson, Stephen L.; Bosy, Thomas Z.

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 6 art. no. BKW035, p. 466 - 472 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Vijayakumar, Arumugam Ramamoorthy; Biswas, Nihar Ranjan; Menon, Vimla; Saxena, Rohit; Ahmed, Warisha; Halder, Nabanita; Velpandian, Thirumurthy

Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 60, # 2 p. 182 - 192 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Arredondo, Cristian; González, Marcela; Andrés, María Estela; Gysling, Katia

Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1652, p. 14 - 20 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Amin, Bahareh; Andalib, Sasan; Vaseghi, Golnaz; Mesripour, Azadeh

Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 2016 , vol. 10, # 2 art. no. E1822 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Peng, Yan; Hall, Sarah; Gautam, Lata

TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 85, p. 232 - 240 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Haglock-Adler, Carrie J.; McMillin, Gwendolyn A.; Strathmann, Frederick G.

Clinical Biochemistry, 2016 , vol. 49, # 13-14 p. 1092 - 1095 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kueh, Shaw-Hua (Anthony); Gabriel, Ruvin S.; Lund, Mayanna; Sutton, Tim; Bradley, Joshua; Kerr, Andrew J.; Looi, Jen-Li

Heart Lung and Circulation, 2016 , vol. 25, # 11 p. 1087 - 1093 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kang, Shuo; Wu, Mariah M.; Galvez, Roberto; Gulley, Joshua M.

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 339, p. 72 - 84 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Amador, Ariadna; Huitron-Resendiz, Salvador; Roberts, Amanda J.; Kamenecka, Theodore M.; Solt, Laura A.; Burris, Thomas P. Burris

PLoS ONE, 2016 , vol. 11, # 9 art. no. E0162452 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Castello, Stefania; D'Aloisio, Genesis; Arias, Carlos; Molina, Juan Carlos

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 150-151, p. 68 - 75 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Asser, Andres; Kõks, Sulev; Snellman, Anniina; Haaparanta-Solin, Merja; Arponen, Eveliina; Grönroos, Tove; Nairismägi, Jaak; Bergquist, Jonas; Soomets, Ursel; Piip, Piret; Eltermaa, Mall; Sauk, Martin; Lindmäe, Hanna; Rinne, Juha O.; Taba, Pille

Brain Research, 2016 , vol. 1652, p. 97 - 102 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Salomone; Tsanaclis; Agius; Kintz; Baumgartner

Drug Testing and Analysis, 2016 , vol. 8, # 10 p. 996 - 1004 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chiu, Zelia K.; Bennett, Iwan E.; Chan, Patrick; Rosenfeld, Jeffrey V.

Journal of Clinical Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 32, p. 137 - 139

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Vanderschuren, Louk J.M.J.; Achterberg, E.J. Marijke; Trezza, Viviana

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2016 , vol. 70, p. 86 - 105 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Spear, Linda Patia

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2016 , vol. 70, p. 228 - 243 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bumbrah, Gurvinder Singh; Sharma, Rakesh Mohan

Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2016 , vol. 6, # 3 p. 209 - 215 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mychasiuk, Richelle; Metz, Gerlinde A.S.

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2016 , vol. 70, p. 189 - 197 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Beerepoot, Pieter; Lam, Vincent M.; Salahpour, Ali

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 291, # 42 p. 22053 - 22062 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kutlu, Munir Gunes; Gould, Thomas J.

Learning and Memory, 2016 , vol. 23, # 10 p. 515 - 533 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lang, Juliane; Dettmeyer, Reinhard; Henn, Veroniqué; Birngruber, Christoph G.; Veit, Florian

Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine, 2016 , vol. 24, # 3 p. 212 - 215 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wiergowski, Marek; Anand, Jacek Sein; Karnecki, Karol; Sołtyszewski, Ireneusz; Jankowski, Zbigniew

Romanian Journal of Legal Medicine, 2016 , vol. 24, # 3 p. 219 - 225 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Drinkenburg, Wilhelmus H.I.M.; Ruigt, Gé S.F.; Ahnaou, Abdallah

Neuropsychobiology, 2016 , vol. 72, # 3-4 p. 151 - 164 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Bioactivities present


Feng, Ling-Yi; Yu, Wen-Jing; Chang, Wei-Ting; Han, Eunyoung; Chung, Heesun; Li, Jih-Heng

Substance Abuse: Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2016 , vol. 11, # 1 art. no. 34 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Thorley, Emma; Kang, Isaac; D'Costa, Stephanie; Vlazaki, Myrto; Ayeko, Olaoluwa; Arbe-Barnes, Edward H.; Swerner, Casey B.

Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine, 2016 , vol. 11, # 1 art. no. 6 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Milienne-Petiot, Morgane; Kesby, James P.; Graves, Mary; van Enkhuizen, Jordy; Semenova, Svetlana; Minassian, Arpi; Markou, Athina; Geyer, Mark A.; Young, Jared W.

Neuropharmacology, 2017 , vol. 113, p. 260 - 270 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Trossbach; Bader; Hecher; Pum; Masoud; Prikulis; Schäble; De Souza Silva; Su; Boulat; Chwiesko; Poschmann; Stühler; Lohr; Stout; Oskamp; Godsave; Müller-Schiffmann; Bilzer; Steiner; Peters; Bauer; Sauvage; Ramsey; Miller; Liu; Seeman; Brandon; Huston; Korth

Molecular Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 21, # 11 p. 1561 - 1572 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Andersen, Jacob; Ladefoged, Lucy Kate; Kristensen, Trine N. Bjerre; Munro, Lachlan; Grouleff, Julie; Stuhr-Hansen, Nicolai; Kristensen, Anders S.; Schiøtt, Birgit; Strømgaard, Kristian

ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 7, # 10 p. 1406 - 1417 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nieddu, Maria; Burrai, Lucia; Baralla, Elena; Pasciu, Valeria; Varoni, Maria Vittoria; Briguglio, Irene; Demontis, Maria Piera; Boatto, Gianpiero

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 7 p. 492 - 497 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mallet, Claude; Botch-Jones, Sabra

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 8 art. no. BKW082, p. 617 - 627 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rosano, Thomas G.; Ohouo, Patrice Y.; LeQue, John J.; Freeto, Scott M.; Wood, Michelle

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 8 art. no. BKW050, p. 628 - 638 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gogliotti, Rocco G.; Senter, Rebecca K.; Rook, Jerri M.; Ghoshal, Ayan; Zamorano, Rocio; Malosh, Chrysa; Stauffer, Shaun R.; Bridges, Thomas M.; Bartolome, Jose M.; Daniels, J. Scott; Jones, Carrie K.; Lindsley, Craig W.; Conn, P. Jeffrey; Niswender, Colleen M.

Human Molecular Genetics, 2016 , vol. 25, # 10 art. no. DDW074, p. 1990 - 2004 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fassette, Timothy; Martinez, Afton

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 8 art. no. BKW054, p. 700 - 702 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Morozova, Ekaterina; Yoo, Yeonjoo; Behrouzvaziri, Abolhassan; Zaretskaia, Maria; Rusyniak, Daniel; Zaretsky, Dmitry; Molkov, Yaroslav

Physiological Reports, 2016 , vol. 4, # 17 art. no. E12955 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mellsop, Graham; Choi; Every-Palmer, Susanna; Green, Bob; Heffernan, Ed; Kachaeva, Margarita; Shiina, Akihiro; Wang, Xiaoping

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 47, p. 68 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ceretta, Ana Paula Chiapinotto; Schaffer, Larissa Finger; de Freitas, Catiuscia Molz; Reinheimer, Jeane Binotto; Dotto, Mariana Maikéli; Fachinetto, Roselei

Schizophrenia Research, 2016 , vol. 175, # 1-3 p. 230 - 231 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Engelke, Douglas Senna; Filev, Renato; Mello, Luiz E.; Santos-Junior, Jair Guilherme

Behavioural Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 317, p. 522 - 527 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Thevis, Mario; Geyer, Hans; Tretzel, Laura; Schänzer, Wilhelm

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2016 , vol. 130, p. 220 - 230 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kailasa, Suresh Kumar; Wu, Hui-Fen

Current Neuropharmacology, 2013 , vol. 11, # 4 p. 436 - 464 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Khalilian, Faezeh; Rezaee, Mohammad

Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, 2016 , vol. 27, # 11 p. 2105 - 2113 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mercolini, Laura; Protti, Michele

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 2016 , vol. 130, p. 202 - 219 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sealover, Natalie R.; Felts, Bruce; Kuntz, Charles P.; Jarrard, Rachel E.; Hockerman, Gregory H.; Barker, Eric L.; Henry, L. Keith

Biochemical Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 120, p. 46 - 55 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Simonsen, Ulf; Comerma-Steffensen, Simon; Andersson, Karl-Erik

Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 119, p. 63 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Shin, Eun-Joo; Nam, Yunsung; Lee, Ji Won; Nguyen, Phuong-Khue Thi; Yoo, Ji Eun; Tran, The-Vinh; Jeong, Ji Hoon; Jang, Choon-Gon; Oh, Young J.; Youdim, Moussa B. H.; Lee, Phil Ho; Nabeshima, Toshitaka; Kim, Hyoung-Chun

Molecular Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 53, # 9 p. 6251 - 6269 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Krauss, Shannon T.; Remcho, Thomas P.; Lipes, Shelby M.; Aranda, Roman; Maynard, Henry P.; Shukla, Nishant; Li, Jingyi; Tontarski, Richard E.; Landers, James P.

Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 88, # 17 p. 8689 - 8697 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rentsch, Katharina M.

TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 84, p. 88 - 93 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bhattacharjee, Nivedita; Borah, Anupom

Neurochemistry International, 2016 , vol. 101, p. 48 - 55 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Singer, Bryan F.; Bubula, Nancy; Przybycien-Szymanska, Magdalena M.; Li, Dongdong; Vezina, Paul

European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 11 p. 1836 - 1842 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Guatteo, Ezia; Rizzo, Francesca Romana; Federici, Mauro; Cordella, Alberto; Ledonne, Ada; Latini, Laura; Nobili, Annalisa; Viscomi, Maria Teresa; Biamonte, Filippo; Landrock, Kerstin K.; Martini, Alessandro; Aversa, Daniela; Schepisi, Chiara; D'Amelio, Marcello; Berretta, Nicola; Mercuri, Nicola B.

Experimental Neurology, 2017 , vol. 287, p. 21 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Vicente-Rodríguez, Marta; Rojo Gonzalez, Loreto; Gramage, Esther; Fernández-Calle, Rosalía; Chen, Ying; Pérez-García, Carmen; Ferrer-Alcón, Marcel; Uribarri, María; Bailey, Alexis; Herradón, Gonzalo

European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 26, # 11 p. 1794 - 1805 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

dos Santos, Vagner Bezerra; Daniel, Daniela; Singh, Melina; do Lago, Claudimir Lucio

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2016 , vol. 1038, p. 19 - 25 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gupta, Kunal; Muhammed, Hazif; Fazil; Kamath, Jagadish V.

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 2016 , vol. 40, # 2 art. no. 26, p. 122 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chen, Pai-Shan; Chen, Shu-Hua; Chen, Jung-Hsuan; Haung, Wan-Yun; Liu, Hsin-Tung; Kong, Po-Hsin; Yang, Olivia HsuYuan

Analytica Chimica Acta, 2016 , vol. 946, p. 1 - 8 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hernaus; Mehta

NeuroImage, 2016 , vol. 142, p. 663 - 667 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sun, Ying-pei; Ha, Wei; Chen, Juan; Qi, Huan-yang; Shi, Yan-ping

TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 84, p. 12 - 21 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Putnam-Hornstein, Emily; Prindle, John J.; Leventhal, John M.

Pediatrics, 2016 , vol. 138, # 3 art. no. E20161273 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bezhentsev, Vladislav M.; Tarasova, Olga A.; Dmitriev, Aleksandr V.; Rudik, Anastasiya V.; Lagunin, Aleksey A.; Filimonov, Dmitriy A.; Poroikov, Vladimir V.

Russian Chemical Reviews, 2016 , vol. 85, # 8 p. 854 - 879 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Xu, Xiaomeng; Ma, Shifan; Feng, Zhiwei; Hu, Guanxing; Wang, Lirong; Xie, Xiang-Qun

Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling, 2016 , vol. 70, p. 284 - 295 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Michelis, Joan Philipp; Zimmermann, Julian; Bedarf, Janis Rebecca; Bundschuh, Ralph; Gaertner, Florian C.; Paus

Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 2016 , vol. 31, p. 153 - 155 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gauvin, David V.; Zimmermann, Zachary J.; Kallman, Mary Jeanne

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016 , vol. 168, p. 307 - 319 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hutsell, Blake A.; Negus, S. Stevens; Banks, Matthew L.

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2016 , vol. 168, p. 36 - 44 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gartziandia; Herrán; Ruiz-Ortega; Miguelez; Igartua; Lafuente; Pedraz; Ugedo; Hernández

Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 2016 , vol. 12, # 12 p. 2220 - 2230 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Becker, Jill B.; McClellan, Michele L.; Reed, Beth Glover

Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2017 , vol. 95, # 1-2 p. 136 - 147 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Orsini, Caitlin A.; Setlow, Barry

Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2017 , vol. 95, # 1-2 p. 260 - 269 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bundgaard, Christoffer; Montezinho, Liliana P.; Anderson, Neil; Thomsen, Christian; Mørk, Arne

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 150-151, p. 147 - 152 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wang, Sheng-Min; Han, Changsu; Lee, Soo-Jung; Jun, Tae-Youn; Patkar, Ashwin A.; Masand, Prakash S.; Pae, Chi-Un

Journal of Psychiatric Research, 2017 , vol. 84, p. 292 - 300 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Luhrs, Lauren; Manlapaz, Cynthia; Kedzie, Karen; Rao, Sandhya; Cabrera-Ghayouri, Sara; Donello, John; Gil, Daniel

Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 339, p. 608 - 621 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Childs, Emma; de Wit, Harriet

Addiction, 2016 , vol. 111, # 12 p. 2157 - 2165 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Moehlecke, Milene; Canani, Luis Henrique; e Silva, Lucas Oliveira Junqueira; Trindade, Manoel Roberto Maciel; Friedman, Rogerio; Leitão, Cristiane Bauermann

Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2016 , vol. 60, # 2 p. 152 - 162 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Juurmaa, Julius; Menke, Ricarda A. L.; Vila, Pierre; Müürsepp, Andreas; Tomberg, Tiiu; Ilves, Pilvi; Nigul, Mait; JohansenBerg, Heidi; Donaghy, Michael; Stagg, Charlotte J.; Stepens, Ainārs; Taba, Pille

Brain and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 6, # 11 art. no. E00539 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cheng, Vincent; Inaba, Kenji; Johnson, Megan; Byerly, Saskya; Jiang, Yue; Matsushima, Kazuhide; Haltmeier, Tobias; Benjamin, Elizabeth; Lam, Lydia; Demetriades, Demetrios

Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 2016 , vol. 81, # 5 p. 913 - 920 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Saka, Cafer

Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 47, # 1 p. 1 - 23 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

White, Tara L.

Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2017 , vol. 13, p. 63 - 70 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mack, Josiel Mileno; Schamne, Marissa Giovanna; Sampaio, Tuane Bazanella; Pértile, Renata Aparecida Nedel; Fernandes, Pedro Augusto Carlos Magno; Markus, Regina P.; Prediger, Rui Daniel

Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 3472032 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Shen, Erica Y.; Jiang, Yan; Javidfar, Behnam; Kassim, Bibi; Loh, Yong-Hwee E.; Ma, Qi; Mitchell, Amanda C.; Pothula, Venu; Stewart, A Francis; Ernst, Patricia; Yao, Wei-Dong; Martin, Gilles; Shen, Li; Jakovcevski, Mira; Akbarian, Schahram

Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 41, # 13 p. 3103 - 3113 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Barkus, Chris; Korn, Clio; Stumpenhorst, Katharina; Laatikainen, Linda M.; Ballard, Dominic; Lee, Sheena; Sharp, Trevor; Harrison, Paul J.; Bannerman, David M.; Weinberger, Daniel R.; Chen, Jingshan; Tunbridge, Elizabeth M.

Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 41, # 13 p. 3060 - 3069 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Boileau, Isabelle; Payer, Doris; Rusjan, Pablo M.; Houle, Sylvain; Tong, Junchao; McCluskey, Tina; Wilson, Alan A.; Kish, Stephen J.

Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 41, # 13 p. 2994 - 3002 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bora, Feyza; Yılmaz, Fatih; Bora, Taner

Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 2016 , vol. 19, # 11 p. 1151 - 1158 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Clasen, Matthew M.; Wetzell, Bradley B.; Riley, Anthony L.

Learning and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 356 - 365 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Abourashed, Ehab A.; El-Alfy, Abir T.

Phytochemistry Reviews, 2016 , vol. 15, # 6 p. 1035 - 1056 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Abad; Camarasa; Pubill; Camins; Escubedo

Molecular Neurobiology, 2016 , vol. 53, # 10 p. 7271 - 7283 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zack, Martin; Cho, Sang Soo; Parlee, Jennifer; Jacobs, Mark; Li, Crystal; Boileau, Isabelle; Strafella, Antonio

Brain Stimulation, 2016 , vol. 9, # 6 p. 867 - 875 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

MacLaren, Duncan A. A.; Browne, Richard W.; Shaw, Jessica K.; Radhakrishnan, Sandhya Krishnan; Khare, Prachi; España, Rodrigo A.; Clark, Stewart D.

eNeuro, 2016 , vol. 3, # 5 art. no. E0219-16.2016 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 30, # 11 p. 1082 - 1089

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Pintsuk, Julia; Borroto-Escuela, Dasiel O.; Lai, Terence K.Y.; Liu, Fang; Fuxe, Kjell

Life Sciences, 2016 , vol. 167, p. 92 - 97 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Beaulieu, Jean-Martin

Journal of Neurochemistry, 2016 , vol. 139, # 4 p. 520 - 522 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Can, Adem; Frost, Douglas O.; Cachope, Roger; Cheer, Joseph F.; Gould, Todd D.

Journal of Neurochemistry, 2016 , vol. 139, # 4 p. 576 - 585 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Betzler; Heinz; Köhler

Fortschritte der Neurologie Psychiatrie, 2016 , vol. 84, # 11 p. 690 - 698 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Berning, Moritz; Hardon, Anita

Contemporary Drug Problems, 2016 , vol. 43, # 3 p. 277 - 292 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hupli, Aleksi; Didžiokaitė, Gabija; Ydema, Marte

Contemporary Drug Problems, 2016 , vol. 43, # 3 p. 242 - 257 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mandler, Tait

Contemporary Drug Problems, 2016 , vol. 43, # 3 p. 258 - 276 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Le Garff, Erwan; Tournel, Gilles; Becquart, Coralie; Cottencin, Olivier; Dupin, Nicolas; Delaporte, Emmanuel; Hedouin, Valéry

Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2016 , vol. 61, # 6 p. 1681 - 1685 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gururajan, Anand; Malone, Daniel Thomas

Schizophrenia Research, 2016 , vol. 176, # 2-3 p. 281 - 290 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Egerton, Alice; Valmaggia, Lucia R.; Howes, Oliver D.; Day, Fern; Chaddock, Christopher A.; Allen, Paul; Winton-Brown, Toby T.; Bloomfield, Michael A.P.; Bhattacharyya, Sagnik; Chilcott, Jack; Lappin, Julia M.; Murray, Robin M.; McGuire, Philip

Schizophrenia Research, 2016 , vol. 176, # 2-3 p. 171 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bluth, Martin H.; Pincus, Matthew R.

Clinics in Laboratory Medicine, 2016 , vol. 36, # 4 p. 603 - 634 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Alcamán, Katherinne; Duffau, Boris Ettienne; Morales, Daniela

Journal of Planar Chromatography - Modern TLC, 2016 , vol. 29, # 6 p. 474 - 476 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jansone, Baiba; Kuum, Malle; Maciulaitis, Romaldas

Pharmacological Research, 2016 , vol. 113, p. 721 - 722 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang, Yan Victoria; Wei, Bin; Zhu, Yu; Zhang, Yanhua; Bluth, Martin H.

Clinics in Laboratory Medicine, 2016 , vol. 36, # 4 p. 635 - 661 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Motaghinejad, Majid; Motevalian, Manijeh; Falak, Reza; Heidari, Mansour; Sharzad, Mahshid; Kalantari, Elham

Journal of Neural Transmission, 2016 , vol. 123, # 12 p. 1463 - 1477 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Krishnan, Archana; Brown, Shan-Estelle; Ghani, Mansur A.; Khan, Farrah; Kamarulzaman, Adeeba; Altice, Frederick L.

Substance Abuse, 2016 , vol. 37, # 4 p. 542 - 549 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Karlstad, Øystein; Zoëga, Helga; Furu, Kari; Bahmanyar, Shahram; Martikainen, Jaana E; Kieler, Helle; Pottegård, Anton

European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 72, # 12 p. 1507 - 1514 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Li, Peng; Snyder, Gretchen L.; Vanover, Kimberly E.

Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 16, # 29 p. 3385 - 3403 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sharma, Kanchan; Davis, Thomas; Coulthard, Elizabeth

Translational Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 7, # 1 p. 98 - 109 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Storholm, Erik David; Silverberg, Michael J.; Satre, Derek D.

Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 2016 , vol. 48, # 5 p. 377 - 383 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Shimomura, Eric T.; Briones, Alice J.; Warren, Wendy S.; Addison, Joseph W.; Knittel, Jessica L.; Shoemaker, Sarah A.; King, Taj D.; Bosy, Thomas Z.

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 7 art. no. BKW045, p. 543 - 545 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Busardò, Francesco P.; Pichini, Simona; Pacifici, Roberta; Karch, Steven B.

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 7 art. no. BKW051, p. 561 - 562 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Casolin, Armand

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 7 art. no. BKW055, p. 479 - 485 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bakota, Erica; Arndt, Crystal; Romoser, Amelia A.; Wilson, Stephen K.

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 7 art. no. BKW056, p. 504 - 510 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jamey, Carole; Kintz, Pascal; Martrille, Laurent; Raul, Jean-Sébastien

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 7 art. no. BKW058, p. 546 - 552 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Skov, Louise; Holm, Karen Marie Dollerup; Johansen, Sys Stybe; Linnet, Kristian

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 7 art. no. BKW059, p. 529 - 536

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Nieddu, Maria; Burrai, Lucia; Baralla, Elena; Pasciu, Valeria; Varoni, Maria Vittoria; Briguglio, Irene; Demontis, Maria Piera; Boatto, Gianpiero

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 7 art. no. BKW060, p. 492 - 497 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Smith; Cole; Hamilton; West; Morley; Maskell

Journal of Analytical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 40, # 7 art. no. BKW061, p. 553 - 560 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bhatt, Meha; Zielinski, Laura; Baker-Beal, Lola; Bhatnagar, Neera; Mouravska, Natalia; Laplante, Phillip; Worster, Andrew; Thabane, Lehana; Samaan, Zainab

Systematic Reviews, 2016 , vol. 5, # 1 art. no. 189 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Reece, Albert Stuart; Norman, Amanda; Hulse, Gary Kenneth

BMJ Open, 2016 , vol. 6, # 11 art. no. E011891 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kim, Eunmi; Park, Yonghoon; Ha, Hongil; Chung, Heesun

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 269, p. 50 - 55 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Thurtle, Natalie; Dargan, Paul I; Hunter, Laura J; Lovett, Caitlyn; White, John A; Wood, David M

International Journal of STD and AIDS, 2016 , vol. 27, # 14 p. 1309 - 1316 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Khare, Manasi; Suprabha, Baranya Shrikrishna; Rao, Arathi

International Journal of Clinical Dentistry, 2016 , vol. 9, # 3 p. 205 - 212 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Shahani, Neelam; Swarnkar, Supriya; Giovinazzo, Vincenzo; Morgenweck, Jenny; Bohn, Laura M.; Scharager-Tapia, Catherina; Pascal, Bruce; Martinez-Acedo, Pablo; Khare, Kshitij; Subramaniam, Srinivasa

Science Signaling, 2016 , vol. 9, # 454 art. no. RA111 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Konieczny, Jolanta; Czarnecka, Anna; Lenda, Tomasz; Kamińska, Kinga; Antkiewicz-Michaluk, Lucyna

Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 340, p. 308 - 318 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bloomfield, Michael A. P.; Ashok, Abhishekh H.; Volkow, Nora D.; Howes, Oliver D.

Nature, 2016 , vol. 539, # 7629 p. 369 - 377 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Colby, Donn; Nguyen, Ngoc Anh; Le, Bao; Toan, Trang; Thien, Dinh Duc; Huyen, Hoang Thi; Mai, Thi Doan Anh; Friedman, Mackey R.; Stall, Ron

AIDS and Behavior, 2016 , vol. 20, p. 379 - 385 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


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Paul, Michael J.; Chisolm, Margaret S.; Johnson, Matthew W.; Vandrey, Ryan G.; Dredze, Mark

Journal of Addiction Medicine, 2016 , vol. 10, # 5 p. 324 - 330 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Rodeberg, Nathan T.; Johnson, Justin A.; Bucher, Elizabeth S.; Wightman, R. Mark

ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 7, # 11 p. 1508 - 1518 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Vonder Haar, Cole; Lam, Frederick C.W.; Adams, Wendy K.; Riparip, Lara-Kirstie; Kaur, Sukhbir; Muthukrishna, Michael; Rosi, Susanna; Winstanley, Catharine A.

ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 7, # 11 p. 1531 - 1542 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pucci, Mark

Adverse Drug Reaction Bulletin, 2016 , vol. 299, # 1 p. 1155 - 1158 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fisher, Dennis G.; Reynolds, Grace L.; D'Anna, Laura H.; Hosmer, David W.; Hardan-Khalil, Kholoud

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2017 , vol. 73, p. 55 - 62 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Berihu, Birhane Alem; Asfeha, Gebrekidan Gebregzabher; Welderufael, Abadi L.; Debeb, Yared Godefa; Zelelow, Yibrah Berhe; Beyene, Hafte Assefa

Journal of Neurosciences in Rural Practice, 2017 , vol. 8, # 1 p. 30 - 37 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Todd, Gabrielle; Pearson-Dennett, Verity; Wilcox, Robert A.; Chau, Minh T.; Thoirs, Kerry; Thewlis, Dominic; Vogel, Adam P.; White, Jason M.

Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 2016 , vol. 25, p. 27 - 32 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Muceniece, Ruta; Namniece, Jana; Nakurte, Ilva; Jekabsons, Kaspars; Riekstina, Una; Jansone, Baiba

Pharmacological Research, 2016 , vol. 113, p. 760 - 770 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

O'Leary, Aet; Kõiv, Kadri; Raudkivi, Karita; Harro, Jaanus

Pharmacological Research, 2016 , vol. 113, p. 739 - 746 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kumsar; Dilbaz

Andrologia, 2016 , vol. 48, # 10 p. 1229 - 1235 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Baracz, Sarah J.; Cornish, Jennifer L.

Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 2016 , vol. 43, p. 1 - 18 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pavlović, Dražen; Kimmins, Scott; Mutak, Stjepan

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 125, p. 210 - 224

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Maia, Tiago V.; Frank, Michael J.

Biological Psychiatry, 2017 , vol. 81, # 1 p. 52 - 66 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chuhma, Nao; Mingote, Susana; Kalmbach, Abigail; Yetnikoff, Leora; Rayport, Stephen

Biological Psychiatry, 2017 , vol. 81, # 1 p. 43 - 51 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Howes, Oliver D.; McCutcheon, Robert; Owen, Michael J.; Murray, Robin M.

Biological Psychiatry, 2017 , vol. 81, # 1 p. 9 - 20 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Urs, Nikhil M.; Peterson, Sean M.; Caron, Marc G.

Biological Psychiatry, 2017 , vol. 81, # 1 p. 78 - 85 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Schmidt, Thomas P.; Pennington, David L.; Cardoos, Stephanie L.; Durazzo, Timothy C.; Meyerhoff, Dieter J.

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 2017 , vol. 39, # 1 p. 22 - 34 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Vahabzadeh, Maryam; Toussi, Alireza Ghassemi

Asia Pacific Journal of Medical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 5, # 1 p. 32 - 34 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pineo, Caleb Evans; Pineo, Thomas Zeitler

BMJ Case Reports, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 216138 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Marchese; Paz; Caeiro; Dadam; Baiardi; Perez; Bregonzio

Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 340, p. 521 - 529 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

CUREMARK, LLC; Fallon, Joan M.; Heil, Matthew; Szigethy, James; Fallon, James

Patent: US9492515 B2, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Sanna, Maria Domenica; Ghelardini, Carla; Thurmond, Robin L.; Masini, Emanuela; Galeotti, Nicoletta

Neuropharmacology, 2017 , vol. 114, p. 48 - 57 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Beheshti, Siamak; Zeinali, Reyhaneh; Esmaeili, Abolghasem

Behavioural Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 320, p. 85 - 90 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gracia-Lor, Emma; Zuccato, Ettore; Castiglioni, Sara

Science of the Total Environment, 2016 , vol. 573, p. 1648 - 1659 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Whitt, Holly; Kharas, Natasha; Dafny, Nachum; Reyes-Vasquez, Cruz

Brain Research Bulletin, 2017 , vol. 128, p. 48 - 57 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cicero, Theodore J.; Ellis, Matthew S.; Kasper, Zachary A.

Addictive Behaviors, 2017 , vol. 65, p. 242 - 244 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Balakrishna, Keshava; Rath, Amlan; Praveenkumarreddy, Yerabham; Guruge, Keerthi Siri; Subedi, Bikram

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017 , vol. 137, p. 113 - 120 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kinyua, Juliet; Negreira, Noelia; Miserez, Bram; Causanilles, Ana; Emke, Erik; Gremeaux, Lies; de Voogt, Pim; Ramsey, John; Covaci, Adrian; van Nuijs, Alexander L.N.

Science of the Total Environment, 2016 , vol. 573, p. 1527 - 1535 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wood, Kelly E.; Krasowski, Matthew D.

Journal of Medical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 12, # 4 p. 402 - 405 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Felger, Jennifer C.; Treadway, Michael T.

Neuropsychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 42, # 1 p. 216 - 241 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bashiri; Vessally; Bekhradnia; Hosseinian; Edjlali

Vacuum, 2017 , vol. 136, p. 156 - 162 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bodnar Willard, Melissa A.; McGuffin, Victoria L.; Smith, Ruth Waddell

Forensic Science International, 2017 , vol. 270, p. 111 - 120 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Leyton, Marco

Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2017 , vol. 13, p. 130 - 138 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dos Santos, Rafael G.; Balthazar, Fermanda M.; Bouso, José C.; Hallak, Jaime E.C.

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 30, # 12 p. 1230 - 1247 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bershad, Anya K.; Miller, Melissa A.; Baggott, Matthew J.; De Wit, Harriet

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 30, # 12 p. 1248 - 1258 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Schänzer, Wilhelm; Thevis, Mario

Mass Spectrometry Reviews, 2017 , vol. 36, # 1 p. 16 - 46 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Koskela, Maryna; Bäck, Susanne; Võikar, Vootele; Richie, Christopher T.; Domanskyi, Andrii; Harvey, Brandon K.; Airavaara, Mikko

Neurobiology of Disease, 2017 , vol. 97, p. 189 - 200 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Palamar, Joseph J.; Acosta, Patricia; Ompad, Danielle C.; Cleland, Charles M.

Substance Use and Misuse, 2017 , vol. 52, # 1 p. 82 - 91

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Boles, Tammy H.; Wells, Martha J. M.

Electrophoresis, 2016 , vol. 37, # 23-24 p. 3101 - 3108 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tai, Sherlock; Morrison, Calum

TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 86, p. 251 - 262 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Goulding, David R.; White, Sally S.; McBride, Sandra J.; Fenton, Suzanne E.; Harry, G. Jean

NeuroToxicology, 2017 , vol. 58, p. 110 - 119 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Laursen, Helle Ruff; Henningsson, Susanne; MacOveanu, Julian; Jernigan, Terry L.; Siebner, Hartwig R.; Holst, Klaus K.; Skimminge, Arnold; Knudsen, Gitte M.; Ramsoy, Thomas Z.; Erritzoe, David

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 30, # 12 p. 1296 - 1304 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Won, So-Yoon; Park, Mee-Hee; You, Soon-Tae; Choi, Seung-Won; Kim, Hyong-Kyu; McLean, Catriona; Bae, Suk-Chul; Kim, Sang Ryong; Jin, Byung Kwan; Lee, Kun Ho; Shin, Eun-Young; Kim, Eung-Gook

Science Translational Medicine, 2016 , vol. 8, # 367 art. no. 367RA170 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Krumbiegel, Franziska; Hastedt, Martin; Westendorf, Lena; Niebel, André; Methling, Maximilian; Parr, Maria Kristina; Tsokos, Michael

Forensic Science, Medicine, and Pathology, 2016 , vol. 12, # 4 p. 416 - 434 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Reed, Stephanie Collins; Izenwasser, Sari

Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 1654, p. 165 - 170 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sade; Toker; Kara; Einat; Rapoport; Moechars; Berry; Bersudsky; Agam

Translational Psychiatry, 2016 , vol. 6, # 12 art. no. E968 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gatica, Rafael Ignacio; Pérez-Valenzuela, Enzo; Sierra-Mercado, Demetrio; Fuentealba, José Antonio

Neuroscience Letters, 2017 , vol. 638, p. 21 - 26 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Magni, Stefano; Parolini, Marco; Della Torre, Camilla; de Oliveira, Luciana Fernandes; Catani, Martina; Guzzinati, Roberta; Cavazzini, Alberto; Binelli, Andrea

Science of the Total Environment, 2017 , vol. 578, p. 452 - 459 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Stoykova, Silviya; Kanev, Kamen; Pantcheva, Ivayla; Atanasov, Vasil

Analytical Letters, 2016 , vol. 49, # 17 p. 2822 - 2832 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gao, Tingting; Du, Peng; Xu, Zeqiong; Li, Xiqing

Science of the Total Environment, 2017 , vol. 575, p. 963 - 969 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pitts, Raymond C.; Cummings, Craig W.; Cummings, Carol; Woodcock, Rebecca L.; Hughes, Christine E.

Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 24, # 6 p. 464 - 476 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Letourneau, Elizabeth J.; McCart, Michael R.; Sheidow, Ashli J.; Mauro, Pia M.

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2017 , vol. 72, p. 56 - 65 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mascolo; Sessa; Scavone; De Angelis; Vitale; Berrino; Rossi; Rosano; Capuano

International Journal of Cardiology, 2017 , vol. 227, p. 734 - 742 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tarján, Anna; Dudás, Mária; Wiessing, Lucas; Horváth, Gergely; Rusvai, Erzsébet; Tresó, Bálint; Csohán, Ágnes

International Journal of Drug Policy, 2017 , vol. 41, p. 1 - 7 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Alharbi, Fares F.; El-Guebaly, Nady

Addictive Disorders and their Treatment, 2016 , vol. 15, # 4 p. 190 - 200 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Garcia, Erik J.; Jorgensen, Emily T.; Sprick, Lukas S.; Cain, Mary E.

Behavioural Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 320, p. 186 - 194 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Urs, Nikhil M.; Gee, Steven M.; Pack, Thomas F.; McCorvy, John D.; Evron, Tama; Snyder, Joshua C.; Yang, Xiaobao; Rodriguiz, Ramona M.; Borrelli, Emiliana; Wetsel, William C.; Jin, Jian; Roth, Bryan L.; O'Donnell, Patricio; Caron, Marc G.; Snyder, Solomon H.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016 , vol. 113, # 50 p. E8178 - E8186 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fox, Megan E.; Wightman, R. Mark

Pharmacological Reviews, 2017 , vol. 69, # 1 p. 12 - 32 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Slifstein, Mark; Abi-Dargham, Anissa

Seminars in Nuclear Medicine, 2017 , vol. 47, # 1 p. 54 - 63 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


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Anniss, Angela M.; Young, Alan; O'Driscoll, Denise M.

Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine, 2016 , vol. 12, # 12 p. 1633 - 1640 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Brown, Hilary; Oktem, Berk; Windom, Ashley; Doroshenko, Vladimir; Evans-Nguyen, Kenyon

Forensic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 1, p. 66 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Van De Giessen; Weinstein; Cassidy; Haney; Dong; Ghazzaoui; Ojeil; Kegeles; Xu; Vadhan; Volkow; Slifstein; Abi-Dargham

Molecular Psychiatry, 2017 , vol. 22, # 1 p. 68 - 75 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Current Clinical Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 11, # 4 p. 274 - 281 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Birkholm, Klavs

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Bade, Richard; Plósz, Benedek G.; Baz-Lomba, Jose A.; Castiglioni, Sara; Castrignanò, Erika; Causanilles, Ana; de Voogt, Pim; Kinyua, Juliet; McCall, Ann-Kathrin; Bijlsma, Lubertus; Ramin, Pedram; Ryu, Yeonsuk; Gracia-Lor, Emma; KasprzykHordern, Barbara; van Nuijs, Alexander L.N.; Ort, Christoph; Sancho, Juan V.; Thomas, Kevin V.; Rousis, Nikolaos I.; Zuccato, Ettore; Hernández, Félix

Chemosphere, 2017 , vol. 168, p. 1032 - 1041 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kimani; Patel; Kioy

Metabolic Brain Disease, 2016 , vol. 31, # 1 p. 45 - 52 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Majdak, Petra; Ossyra, John R.; Ossyra, Jessica M.; Cobert, Adam J.; Hofmann, Gabrielle C.; Tse, Stephen; Panozzo, Brent; Grogan, Elizabeth L.; Sorokina, Anastassia; Rhodes, Justin S.

Scientific Reports, 2016 , vol. 6, art. no. 39472 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Carson, Mariah; Kerrigan, Sarah

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2017 , vol. 1040, p. 289 - 294 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sarker, Abeed; O’Connor, Karen; Ginn, Rachel; Scotch, Matthew; Smith, Karen; Malone, Dan; Gonzalez, Graciela

Drug Safety, 2016 , vol. 39, # 3 p. 231 - 240 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tsartsalis, Stergios; Tournier, Benjamin B.; Aoun, Karl; Habiby, Selim; Pandolfo, Diego; Dimiziani, Andrea; Ginovart, Nathalie; Millet, Philippe

NeuroImage, 2017 , vol. 147, p. 461 - 472 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sahai, Michelle A.; Davidson, Colin; Khelashvili, George; Barrese, Vincenzo; Dutta, Neelakshi; Weinstein, Harel; OpackaJuffry, Jolanta

Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 2017 , vol. 75, p. 1 - 9 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Coopman, Vera; Cordonnier, Jan; De Leeuw, Marc; Cirimele, Vincent

Forensic Science International, 2016 , vol. 266, p. 469 - 473 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hirvioja, Jouni; Joutsa, Juho; Wahlsten, Pia; Korpela, Jaana

Oxford Medical Case Reports, 2016 , vol. 2016, # 3 p. 41 - 43 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cunha; Lopes; Fernandes

Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 2017 , vol. 56, p. 147 - 155 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hearne, Evelyn; Grund, Jean-Paul Cornelius; Van Hout, Marie Claire; McVeigh, Jim

Harm Reduction Journal, 2016 , vol. 13, # 1 art. no. 14 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Childress, Ann; Belchenko, Dmitry; Lempa, Brian

Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics, 2017 , vol. 17, # 2 p. 113 - 121 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Traisman, Edward S.

Pediatric Annals, 2016 , vol. 45, # 12 p. e408 - e411 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kish, Stephen J.; Boileau, Isabelle; Callaghan, Russell C.; Tong, Junchao

European Journal of Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 45, # 1 p. 58 - 66 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mereu, Maddalena; Chun, Lauren E.; Prisinzano, Thomas E.; Newman, Amy H.; Katz, Jonathan L.; Tanda, Gianluigi

European Journal of Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 45, # 1 p. 167 - 174 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Sokoloff, Pierre; Le Foll, Bernard

European Journal of Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 45, # 1 p. 2 - 19 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Smith, Douglas A.; Blough, Bruce E.; Banks, Matthew L.

Psychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 234, # 1 p. 117 - 127 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cocker, Paul J.; Tremblay; Kaur; Winstanley, Catharine A.

Psychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 234, # 1 p. 137 - 153 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Best, Laura M.; Zhao, Leah L.; Scardochio, Tina; Clarke, Paul B.S.

Psychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 234, # 1 p. 155 - 165 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Benn, Abigail; Robinson, Emma S. J.

Psychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 234, # 2 p. 255 - 266 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sauerzopf, Ulrich; Sacco, Roberto; Novarino, Gaia; Niello, Marco; Weidenauer, Ana; Praschak-Rieder, Nicole; Sitte, Harald; Willeit, Matthäus

European Journal of Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 45, # 1 p. 45 - 57 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Leventhal, Adam M.; Kirkpatrick, Matthew G.; Pester, Mollie S.; McGeary, John E.; Swift, Robert M.; Sussman, Steve; Kahler, Christopher W.

Psychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 234, # 2 p. 307 - 315 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lohr, Kelly M.; Masoud, Shababa T.; Salahpour, Ali; Miller, Gary W.

European Journal of Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 45, # 1 p. 20 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rise, Jostein; Halkjelsvik, Torleif; Kovač, Velibor Bobo

Contemporary Drug Problems, 2015 , vol. 42, # 4 p. 289 - 298 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kolar, Kat

Contemporary Drug Problems, 2015 , vol. 42, # 4 p. 314 - 330 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Batt, Angela L.; Furlong, Edward T.; Mash, Heath E.; Glassmeyer, Susan T.; Kolpin, Dana W.

Science of the Total Environment, 2017 , vol. 579, p. 1618 - 1628 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pastor, Verónica; Antonelli, Marta Cristina; Pallarés, María Eugenia

Neurotoxicity Research, 2017 , vol. 31, # 1 p. 169 - 186 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bodnar, Richard J.

Peptides, 2017 , vol. 88, p. 126 - 188 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rognli, Eline Borger; Bramness, Jørgen G.; Skurtveit, Svetlana; Bukten, Anne

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2017 , vol. 74, p. 42 - 47 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Budzynska, Barbara; Michalak, Agnieszka; Frankowska, Małgorzata; Kaszubska, Katarzyna; Biała, Grażyna

Pharmacological Reports, 2017 , vol. 69, # 2 p. 199 - 205 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Prendergast, Michael L.; McCollister, Kathryn; Warda, Umme

Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 2017 , vol. 74, p. 54 - 64 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bahmanabadi; Akhgari; Jokar; Sadeghi

Human and Experimental Toxicology, 2017 , vol. 36, # 2 p. 195 - 202 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Vicente-Rodríguez, Marta; Fernández-Calle, Rosalía; Gramage, Esther; Pérez-García, Carmen; Ramos, María P.; Herradón, Gonzalo

Mediators of Inflammation, 2016 , vol. 2016, art. no. 9894504 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mattingly, Gregory W.; Anderson, Richard H.

CNS Spectrums, 2016 , vol. 21, # S1 p. 48 - 58 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kim, Minjeong; Kim, Da Hye; Lee, Yong Sup; Jang, Choon-Gon; Yang, Chae Ha; Lee, Sooyeun

Forensic Toxicology, 2017 , vol. 35, # 1 p. 66 - 76 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Kubáň, Pavel; Hauser, Peter C.

Electrophoresis, 2017 , vol. 38, # 1 p. 95 - 114 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kuś, Piotr; Kusz, Joachim; Książek, Maria; Pieprzyca, Ewelina; Rojkiewicz, Marcin

Forensic Toxicology, 2017 , vol. 35, # 1 p. 114 - 124 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Orsini, Caitlin A.; Mitchell, Marci R.; Heshmati, Sara C.; Shimp, Kristy G.; Spurrell, Megan S.; Bizon, Jennifer L.; Setlow, Barry Behavioural Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 321, p. 130 - 136 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Liu, Philip K.; Liu, Christina H.

Journal of Biomedical Science, 2016 , vol. 23, # 1 art. no. 90 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Taschwer, Magdalena; Grascher, Jörg; Schmid, Martin G.

Forensic Science International, 2017 , vol. 270, p. 232 - 240 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tung, Che-Se; Chang, Shang-Tang; Huang, Chuen-Lin; Huang, Nai-Kuei

Neuroscience Letters, 2017 , vol. 639, p. 185 - 191 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Doran, Gregory S.; Deans, Ralph M.; De Filippis, Carlo; Kostakis, Chris; Howitt, Julia A.

Analytical Methods, 2017 , vol. 9, # 2 p. 198 - 210 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jafari Giv, Mahsa

Cardiovascular Toxicology, 2017 , vol. 17, # 1 p. 13 - 24 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nesbit, Maya O.; Dias, Carine; Phillips, Anthony G.

Behavioural Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 321, p. 223 - 231 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Weiß, Jennifer A.; Kadkhodaei, Kian; Schmid, Martin G.

Science and Justice, 2017 , vol. 57, # 1 p. 6 - 12 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mardal, Marie; Kinyua, Juliet; Ramin, Pedram; Miserez, Bram; Van Nuijs, Alexander L. N.; Covaci, Adrian; Meyer, Markus R.

Drug Testing and Analysis, 2017 , vol. 9, # 1 p. 106 - 114 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bordin, Dayanne Mozaner; Bettim, Bárbara Beltrame; Perdona, Gleici Castro; de Campos, Eduardo Geraldo; De Martinis, Bruno Spinosa

Toxicology, 2017 , vol. 376, p. 75 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lendoiro, Elena; Jiménez-Morigosa, Cristian; Cruz, Angelines; Páramo, Mario; López-Rivadulla, Manuel; de Castro, Ana

Drug Testing and Analysis, 2017 , vol. 9, # 1 p. 96 - 105 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jakova, Elisabet; Lee, Jeremy S.

Electrophoresis, 2017 , vol. 38, # 2 p. 350 - 360 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang, Qian; Yang, Feng-Qing; Ge, Liya; Hu, Yuan-Jia; Xia, Zhi-Ning

Journal of Separation Science, 2017 , vol. 40, # 1 p. 49 - 80 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sánchez-Catalán, María-José; Faivre, Fanny; Yalcin, Ipek; Muller, Marc-Antoine; Massotte, Dominique; Majchrzak, Monique; Barrot, Michel

Neuropsychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 42, # 3 p. 638 - 648 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Elliott, Simon P.; Burke, Timothy; Smith, Christopher

Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2017 , vol. 62, # 1 p. 169 - 173 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chengdu Chester Technology Co., Ltd.; Peng, Fei

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Canal, Clinton E.; Murnane, Kevin S.

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 31, # 1 p. 127 - 143 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Patel, Neel; Ford, Loretta; Jones, Rachel; Bradberry, Sally M; Vale, J Allister

Clinical Toxicology, 2017 , vol. 55, # 2 p. 159 - 160 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Zack, Martin H.; Lobo, Daniela S.; Biback, Candice; Fang, Tim; Smart, Kelly; Tatone, Daniel; Kalia, Aditi; Digiacomo, Daniel; Kennedy, James L.

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 31, # 1 p. 31 - 42 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mahmud, Ashraf; Gallant, Stephanie; Sedki, Firas; D'Cunha, Tracey; Shalev, Uri

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 31, # 1 p. 96 - 104 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lehner, Małgorzata H.; Taracha, Ewa; Kaniuga, Ewelina; Wisłowska-Stanek, Aleksandra; Gryz, Marek; Sobolewska, Alicja; Turzyńska, Danuta; Skórzewska, Anna; PłaŁnik, Adam

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 31, # 1 p. 115 - 126 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yates, Justin R.; Rogers, Katherine K.; Gunkel, Benjamin T.; Prior, Nicholas A.; Hughes, Mallory N.; Sharpe, Sara M.; Campbell, Hunter L.; Johnson, Anthony B.; Keller, Margaret G.; Breitenstein, Kerry A.; Shults, Hansen N.

Behavioural Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 322, p. 29 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gremel; Lovinger

Genes, Brain and Behavior, 2017 , vol. 16, # 1 p. 71 - 85 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gillies, Glenda E.; Virdee, Kanwar; Pienaar, Ilse; Al-Zaid, Felwah; Dalley, Jeffrey W.

Brain Sciences, 2017 , vol. 7, # 1 art. no. 5 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ardani, Amir Rezaei; Saghebi, Seyyed Ali; Nahidi, Mahsa; Zeynalian, Farzaneh

Sleep Science, 2016 , vol. 9, # 3 p. 255 - 260 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fischbach, Peter

Cardiology in the Young, 2017 , vol. 27, # S1 p. S75 - S79 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Østergaard, Jeanette; Østergaard, Stine V.; Fletcher, Adam

Contemporary Drug Problems, 2016 , vol. 43, # 4 p. 350 - 368 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tormoehlen, Laura M.; Blatsioris, Ashley D.; Moser, Elizabeth A.S.; Carter, Ravan J.L.; Stevenson, Alec; Ofner, Susan; Hulin, Abigail L.; O'Neill, Darren P.; Cohen-Gadol, Aaron A.; Leipzig, Thomas J.; Williams, Linda S.; Mackey, Jason

Neurology, 2017 , vol. 88, # 3 p. 252 - 258 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jørgensen, Louise M.; Weikop, Pia; Villadsen, Jonas; Visnapuu, Tanel; Ettrup, Anders; Hansen, Hanne D; Baandrup, Anders O; Andersen, Flemming L; Bjarkam, Carsten R; Thomsen, Carsten; Jespersen, Bo; Knudsen, Gitte M.

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 2016 , vol. 37, # 2 p. 425 - 434 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Momosaki, Sotaro; Ito, Miwa; Yamato, Hiroko; Iimori, Hitoshi; Sumiyoshi, Hirokazu; Morimoto, Kenji; Imamoto, Natsumi; Watabe, Tadashi; Shimosegawa, Eku; Hatazawa, Jun; Abe, Kohji

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism, 2016 , vol. 37, # 2 p. 605 - 613 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Motaghinejad, Majid; Motevalian, Manijeh; Shabab, Behnaz; Fatima, Sulail

Journal of Neural Transmission, 2017 , vol. 124, # 1 p. 121 - 131 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Riederer, Peter; Müller, Thomas

Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology, 2017 , vol. 13, # 2 p. 233 - 240 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Almey, Anne; Arena, Lauren; Oliel, Joshua; Hafez, Nada; Mancinelli, Cynthia; Henning, Lukas; Tsanev, Aleks; Brake, Wayne G.

Hormones and Behavior, 2017 , vol. 89, p. 113 - 120 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Garasic, Mirko D.; Lavazza, Andrea

BMC Medical Ethics, 2016 , vol. 17, # 1 art. no. 01601028 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Philippu, Athineos

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 23, # 28 p. 2643 - 2652 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Phillips, Ian R.; Shephard, Elizabeth A.

Expert Opinion on Drug Metabolism and Toxicology, 2017 , vol. 13, # 2 p. 167 - 181 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Price, James W.

Journal of Addiction Medicine, 2016 , vol. 10, # 6 p. 414 - 417 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bajaj, Atul; John, Cijo; Kaur, Sukhminder; Middha, Deepak

Egyptian Journal of Forensic Sciences, 2016 , vol. 6, # 4 p. 538 - 541 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Garcia, Erik J.; Haddon, Tara N.; Saucier, Donald A.; Cain, Mary E.

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2017 , vol. 154, p. 20 - 30 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nakagawa, Yoshio; Suzuki, Toshinari; Tada, Yukie; Inomata, Akiko

Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2017 , vol. 37, # 3 p. 243 - 252 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Köhler, Katharina M.; Hammer, Raija; Riedy, Kathrin; Auwärter, Volker; Neukamm, Merja A.

Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, 2017 , vol. 31, # 1 art. no. E22021 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Morana, Landhing M.; Phillipsa, Karran A.; Kowalczyka, William J.; Ghitzab, Udi E.; Agagea, Daniel A.; Epsteina, David H.; Prestona, Kenzie L.

Behavioural Pharmacology, 2017 , vol. 28, # 1 p. 63 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hädener, Marianne; Bruni, Pia S.; Weinmann, Wolfgang; Frübis, Matthias; König, Stefan

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 409, # 5 p. 1291 - 1300 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Narayanaswami, Vidya; Dwoskin, Linda P.

Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2017 , vol. 170, p. 116 - 147 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Alshagga, Mustafa Ahmed; Alshawsh, Mohammed Abdullah; Seyedan, Atefehalsadat; Alsalahi, Abdulsamad; Pan, Yan; Mohankumar, Suresh Kumar; Alkebsi, Abdolgodose; Kassim, Saba; Mohamed, Zahurin

Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 2017 , vol. 69, # 3-4 p. 200 - 211 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Andra, Syam S.; Austin, Christine; Patel, Dhavalkumar; Dolios, Georgia; Awawda, Mahmoud; Arora, Manish

Environment International, 2017 , vol. 100, p. 32 - 61 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Roberts, Liam; Ford, Loretta; Patel, Neel; Vale, J. Allister; Bradberry, Sally M.

Clinical Toxicology, 2017 , vol. 55, # 3 p. 181 - 186 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Todd, Stephanie M.; Zhou, Cilla; Clarke, David J.; Chohan, Tariq W.; Bahceci, Dilara; Arnold, Jonathon C.

European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 27, # 2 p. 132 - 145 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gracia-Lor, Emma; Castiglioni, Sara; Bade, Richard; Been, Frederic; Castrignanò, Erika; Covaci, Adrian; González-Mariño, Iria; Hapeshi, Evroula; Kasprzyk-Hordern, Barbara; Kinyua, Juliet; Lai, Foon Yin; Letzel, Thomas; Lopardo, Luigi; Meyer, Markus R.; O'Brien, Jake; Ramin, Pedram; Rousis, Nikolaos I.; Rydevik, Axel; Ryu, Yeonsuk; Santos, Miguel M.; Senta, Ivan; Thomaidis, Nikolaos S.; Veloutsou, Sofia; Yang, Zhugen; Zuccato, Ettore; Bijlsma, Lubertus

Environment International, 2017 , vol. 99, p. 131 - 150 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mowry, James B.; Spyker, Daniel A.; Brooks, Daniel E.; Zimmerman, Ashlea; Schauben, Jay L.

Clinical Toxicology, 2016 , vol. 54, # 10 p. 924 - 1109 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Spiros, Athan; Roberts, Patrick; Geerts, Hugo

European Neuropsychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 27, # 2 p. 107 - 119 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Waddell; Fernandez; Inverarity; Prabhu

Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 2017 , vol. 13, p. 28 - 39 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gogos, Andrea; Kusljic, Snezana; Thwaites, Shane J.; van den Buuse, Maarten

Behavioural Brain Research, 2017 , vol. 322, p. 157 - 166 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Müller, Thomas

Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs, 2017 , vol. 26, # 2 p. 175 - 185 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Verwey, Michael; Dhir, Sabine; Amir, Shimon

F1000Research, 2016 , vol. 5, art. no. 2062 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


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Brunt, Tibor M.; Nagy, Constanze; Bücheli, Alexander; Martins, Daniel; Ugarte, Miren; Beduwe, Cécile; Ventura Vilamala, Mireia

Drug Testing and Analysis, 2017 , vol. 9, # 2 p. 188 - 198 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Brandish, Emma K.; Owen, Christopher T.; Sinclair, Julia M.A.

Medicine (United Kingdom), 2017 , vol. 45, # 2 p. 68 - 73 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Petrie, Bruce; Smith, Benjamin D.; Youdan, Jane; Barden, Ruth; Kasprzyk-Hordern, Barbara

Analytica Chimica Acta, 2017 , vol. 959, p. 91 - 101 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Patel, Mayur M.; Patel, Bhoomika M.

CNS Drugs, 2017 , vol. 31, # 2 p. 109 - 133 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Amirav, Aviv

Chromatographia, 2017 , vol. 80, # 2 p. 295 - 300 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lambert, Mads Ødum; Ipsen, Theis Højland; Kohlmeier, Kristi Anne

Pharmacology Research and Perspectives, 2017 , vol. 5, # 1 art. no. E00282 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Stokes, Robert J.; Bailey, Mike; Bonthron, Stuart; Stone, Thomas; Maskall, Guy; Presly, Oliver; Roy, Eric; Tombling, Craig; Loeffen, Paul W.

Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 2016 , vol. 9995, art. no. 999506 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mahmood, Danish

International Journal of Health Science, 2016 , vol. 10, # 4 p. 565 - 575 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yao, Hui; Rayburn, Elizabeth R.; Shi, Qiang; Gao, Liang; Hu, Wenjie; Li, Haibo

Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences, 2017 , vol. 54, # 1 p. 1 - 17 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Krentz; Fujioka; Hompesch

Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 2016 , vol. 18, # 6 p. 558 - 570 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Meyers, Juliana; Gajria, Kavita; Candrilli, Sean D.; Fridman, Moshe; Sikirica, Vanja

Journal of Comparative Effectiveness Research, 2017 , vol. 6, # 2 p. 109 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comiran, Eloisa; Barreto, Fabiano; Meneghini, Leonardo Z.; Carlos, Graciela; Fröehlich, Pedro E.; Limberger, Renata Pereira

Biomedical Chromatography, 2017 , vol. 31, # 3 art. no. E3812 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ghadiri, Ameneh; Etemad, Leila; Moshiri, Mohammad; Moallem, Seyed Adel; Jafarian, Amir Hossein; Hadizadeh, Farzin; Seifi, Mahmoud

Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences, 2017 , vol. 20, # 2 p. 138 - 144 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dinis-Oliveira, Ricardo Jorge

European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, 2017 , vol. 42, # 1 p. 11 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lin, Zebin; Li, Jiaolun; Zhang, Xinyu; Qiu, Meihong; Huang, Zhibin; Rao, Yulan

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2017 , vol. 1046, p. 177 - 184 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Caballero-Puntiverio, Maitane; Fitzpatrick, Ciarán Martin; Woldbye, David P.D.; Andreasen, Jesper Tobias

Journal of Psychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 31, # 2 p. 272 - 283 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cross, Sarah J.; Lotfipour, Shahrdad; Leslie, Frances M.

American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2017 , vol. 43, # 2 p. 171 - 185 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kohut, Stephen J.

American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 2017 , vol. 43, # 2 p. 155 - 170 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ford, Loretta T; Berg, Jonathan D

Annals of Clinical Biochemistry, 2017 , vol. 54, # 2 p. 219 - 229 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ruzza, Chiara; Calò, Girolamo; Di Maro, Salvatore; Pacifico, Salvatore; Trapella, Claudio; Salvadori, Severo; Preti, Delia; Guerrini, Remo

Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents, 2017 , vol. 27, # 3 p. 347 - 362 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wong, Scott A.; Thapa, Raj; Badenhorst, Cecilia A.; Briggs, Alicia R.; Sawada, Justan A.; Gruber, Aaron J.

Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 345, p. 218 - 228 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bailey, Matthew R.; Simpson, Eleanor H.; Balsam, Peter D.

Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 2016 , vol. 133, p. 233 - 256 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Dunn, Matthew

International Journal of Drug Policy, 2017 , vol. 40, p. 26 - 34 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Riley, Elise D.; Hsue, Priscilla Y.; Vittinghoff, Eric; Wu, Alan H.B.; Coffin, Phillip O.; Moore, Peter K.; Lynch, Kara L.

Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 2017 , vol. 172, p. 88 - 93 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Barkhuizen; van den Hove; Vles; Steinbusch; Kramer; Gavilanes

Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 2017 , vol. 75, p. 166 - 182 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kopra, Jaakko J.; Panhelainen, Anne; af Bjerkén, Sara; Porokuokka, Lauriina L.; Varendi, Kärt; Olfat, Soophie; Montonen, Heidi; Piepponen, T. Petteri; Saarma, Mart; Andressoo, Jaan-Olle

Journal of Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 37, # 6 p. 1581 - 1590 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Abiedalla, Younis; DeRuiter, Jack; Clark, C. Randall

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2017 , vol. 1048, p. 38 - 48 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Feio-Azevedo; Costa; Ferreira; Branco; Pereira; Bastos; Carvalho; Capela

Toxicology Letters, 2017 , vol. 269, p. 65 - 76 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Weidenauer, Ana; Bauer, Martin; Sauerzopf, Ulrich; Bartova, Lucie; Praschak-Rieder, Nicole; Sitte, Harald H.; Kasper, Siegfried; Willeit, Matthäus

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 20, # 1 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Atabay, Ender; Rodopman Arman, Ayşe

Marmara Medical Journal, 2016 , vol. 29, # 3 p. 177 - 180 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fields, Scott A.; Johnson, William Michael; Hassig, Madison B.

Journal of Family Practice, 2017 , vol. 66, # 2 p. 68 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wijers, Charlotte H W; van Litsenburg, Ronald T H; Hondebrink, Laura; Niesink, Raymond J M; Croes, Esther A

The Lancet, 2017 , vol. 389, # 10069 p. 600 - 600 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Smith, Tess E.; Martel, Michelle M.; DeSantis, Alan D.

Substance Use and Misuse, 2017 , vol. 52, # 4 p. 548 - 552 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Akhgari, Maryam; Mobaraki, Homeira; Etemadi-Aleagha, Afshar

DARU, Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2017 , vol. 25, # 1 art. no. 5 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fletcher, Paul J.; Zeeb, Fiona D.; Browne, Caleb J.; Higgins, Guy A.; Soko, Ashlie D.

Psychopharmacology, 2017 , vol. 234, # 5 p. 889 - 902 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rendon, Alexis; Livingston, Melvin; Suzuki, Sumihiro; Hill, Whitney; Walters, Scott

Addictive Behaviors, 2017 , vol. 70, p. 90 - 96 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mansukhani, Meghna P.; Kolla, Bhanu Prakash; Park, John G.

Sleep Medicine, 2017 , vol. 32, p. 171 - 175 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Becker, Jill B.

Dialogues in Clinical Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 18, # 4 p. 395 - 402 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nishi, Akinori; Shuto, Takahide

Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, 2017 , vol. 21, # 3 p. 259 - 272 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Müller, Thomas; Foley, Paul

Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 2017 , vol. 56, # 3 p. 251 - 261 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Moein, Mohammad Mahdi; El Beqqali, Aziza; Abdel-Rehim, Mohamed

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2017 , vol. 1043, p. 3 - 11 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

León, Kenneth S.; Martínez, Daniel E.

Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, 2017 , vol. 49, # 1 p. 22 - 30 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

88 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Helfer, Andreas G.; Michely, Julian A.; Weber, Armin A.; Meyer, Markus R.; Maurer, Hans H.

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2017 , vol. 1043, p. 138 - 149 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Filippou, Olga; Bitas, Dimitrios; Samanidou, Victoria

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2017 , vol. 1043, p. 44 - 62 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lopez; Arnulf; Drouot; Lecendreux; Dauvilliers

Revue Neurologique, 2017 , vol. 173, # 1-2 p. 8 - 18 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nazario, Carlos Eduardo Domingues; Fumes, Bruno Henrique; da Silva, Meire Ribeiro; Lanças, Fernando Mauro

Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences, 2017 , vol. 1043, p. 81 - 95 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jalewa, Jaishree; Sharma, Mohit Kumar; Gengler, Simon; Hölscher, Christian

Neuropharmacology, 2017 , vol. 117, p. 238 - 248 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Vasconcelos, Ingrid; Fernandes, Christian

TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 89, p. 41 - 52 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dalley, Jeffrey W.; Robbins, Trevor W.

Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 2017 , vol. 18, # 3 p. 158 - 171 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ortega, Leonardo A.; Solano, José L.; Torres, Carmen; Papini, Mauricio R.

Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior, 2017 , vol. 154, p. 39 - 52

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gonzáles, Marco A.; Miranda, Ana Pamela; Orrego, Horacio; Silva, Rodolfo; Forray, María Inés

Neuropharmacology, 2017 , vol. 117, p. 249 - 259 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Toce, Michael S.; Farias, Michael; Bruccoleri, Rebecca; Brown, David W.; Burns, Michele M.

Journal of Pediatrics, 2017 , vol. 182, p. 385 - 3,388 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Turcant, Alain; Deguigne, Marie; Ferec, Séverine; Bruneau, Chloé; Leborgne, Isabelle; Lelievre, Bénédicte; Gegu, Clément; Jegou, Florence; Abbara, Chadi; Le Roux, Gaël; Boels, David

Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, 2017 , vol. 29, # 1 p. 18 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dumestre-Toulet, Véronique; Brault, Sandrine; Labadie, Magali; Penouil-Pucheu, Françoise

Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, 2017 , vol. 29, # 1 p. 111 - 116 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Deslandes, Guillaume; Monteil-Ganière, Catherine; Grégoire, Matthieu; Allard, Sophie; Marion, Maria; Bouquié, Régis

Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, 2017 , vol. 29, # 1 p. 134 - 138 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Abbara, Chadi; Ferec, Séverine; Leroux, Gaël; Bretaudeau-Deguigne, Marie; Lelievre, Bénédicte; Boels, David; Turcant, Alain Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, 2017 , vol. 29, # 1 p. 82 - 89 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Batisse, Anne; Marillier, Maude; Chevallier, Cécile; Bourgogne, Emmanuel; Grégoire, Muriel; Laprévote, Olivier; Djezzar, Samira

Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, 2017 , vol. 29, # 1 p. 96 - 100 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nachon-Phanithavong, Mélodie; Wille, Sarah; Richeval, Camille; Di Fazio, Vincent; Samyn, Nele; Humbert, Luc; Gaulier, Jean-Michel; Allorge, Delphine

Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, 2017 , vol. 29, # 1 p. 41 - 46 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wille, Sarah M.R.; Eliaerts, Joy; Di Fazio, Vincent; Samyn, Nele

Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, 2017 , vol. 29, # 1 p. 11 - 17 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bottinelli, Charline; Cartiser, Nathalie; Gaillard, Yvan; Boyer, Baptiste; Bévalot, Fabien

Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, 2017 , vol. 29, # 1 p. 123 - 129 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Allibe, Nathalie; Richeval, Camille; Willeman, Théo; Humbert, Luc; Allorge, Delphine; Maignan, Maxime; Eysseric-Guerin, Hélène; Stanke-Labesque, Françoise; Gaulier, Jean-Michel

Toxicologie Analytique et Clinique, 2017 , vol. 29, # 1 p. 101 - 110 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Abiedalla, Younis; DeRuiter, Jack; Clark, C. Randall

Forensic Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 3, p. 58 - 68 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

89 of 317

90 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Kelly, Peter J.; Robinson, Laura D.; Baker, Amanda L.; Deane, Frank P.; McKetin, Rebecca; Hudson, Suzie; Keane, Carol

Addictive Behaviors, 2017 , vol. 71, p. 25 - 30 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yu, Ching-Han; Chu, Shu-Chen; Chen, Pei-Ni; Hsieh, Yih-Shou; Kuo, Dong-Yih

Appetite, 2017 , vol. 113, p. 30 - 40 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wood, Michael R.; Noetzel, Meredith J.; Melancon, Bruce J.; Poslusney, Michael S.; Nance, Kellie D.; Hurtado, Miguel A.; Luscombe, Vincent B.; Weiner, Rebecca L.; Rodriguez, Alice L.; Lamsal, Atin; Chang, Sichen; Bubser, Michael; Blobaum, Anna L.; Engers, Darren W.; Niswender, Colleen M.; Jones, Carrie K.; Brandon, Nicholas J.; Wood, Michael W.; Duggan, Mark E.; Conn, P. Jeffrey; Bridges, Thomas M.; Lindsley, Craig W.

ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2017 , vol. 8, # 2 p. 233 - 238 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed



Patent: WO2017/8136 A2, 2017 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

91 of 317

92 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Wood, Michael R.; Noetzel, Meredith J.; Melancon, Bruce J.; Poslusney, Michael S.; Nance, Kellie D.; Hurtado, Miguel A.; Luscombe, Vincent B.; Weiner, Rebecca L.; Rodriguez, Alice L.; Lamsal, Atin; Chang, Sichen; Bubser, Michael; Blobaum, Anna L.; Engers, Darren W.; Niswender, Colleen M.; Jones, Carrie K.; Brandon, Nicholas J.; Wood, Michael W.; Duggan, Mark E.; Conn, P. Jeffrey; Bridges, Thomas M.; Lindsley, Craig W.

ACS Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2017 , vol. 8, # 2 p. 233 - 238 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


physiological behaviour discussed

(Pharmacological Data) Reference

Inceptum Research and Therapeutics, Inc.; Mastronardi, Fabrizio G.

Patent: US9259409 B2, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

93 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed



Patent: WO2016/44323 A1, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

94 of 317

95 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Macúchová; Ševčíková; Hrebíčková; Nohejlová; Šlamberová

International Journal of Developmental Neuroscience, 2016 , vol. 51, p. 1 - 11 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


H. LUNDBECK A/S; LARSEN, Lone Frydelund; AREBERG, Johan; BREYSSE, Nathalie; CHANDRASENA, Gamini

Patent: WO2016/87429 A1, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

96 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc.; Liu, Puchun; Dinh, Steven; Liao, Jun; Endo, Tsuyoshi

Patent: US2016/256406 A1, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

97 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed



Patent: WO2016/183093 A1, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

98 of 317

99 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Shen, Erica Y.; Jiang, Yan; Javidfar, Behnam; Kassim, Bibi; Loh, Yong-Hwee E.; Ma, Qi; Mitchell, Amanda C.; Pothula, Venu; Stewart, A Francis; Ernst, Patricia; Yao, Wei-Dong; Martin, Gilles; Shen, Li; Jakovcevski, Mira; Akbarian, Schahram

Neuropsychopharmacology, 2016 , vol. 41, # 13 p. 3103 - 3113 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed



Patent: WO2016/196513 A1, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

100 of 317

101 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Urs, Nikhil M.; Gee, Steven M.; Pack, Thomas F.; McCorvy, John D.; Evron, Tama; Snyder, Joshua C.; Yang, Xiaobao; Rodriguiz, Ramona M.; Borrelli, Emiliana; Wetsel, William C.; Jin, Jian; Roth, Bryan L.; O'Donnell, Patricio; Caron, Marc G.; Snyder, Solomon H.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016 , vol. 113, # 50 p. E8178 - E8186 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


physiological behaviour discussed

(Pharmacological Data)

102 of 317


Sucic, Sonja; Bönisch, Heinz

Neuromethods, 2016 , vol. 118, p. 1 - 21 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


CUREMARK, LLC; Fallon, Joan M.; Heil, Matthew; Szigethy, James; Fallon, James

Patent: US9492515 B2, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

103 of 317

104 of 317

105 of 317

106 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Szacoń, Elbieta; Rzdkowska, Marzena; Kaczor, Agnieszka A.; Kędzierska, Ewa; Fidecka, Sylwia; Matosiuk, Dariusz

Molecules, 2015 , vol. 20, # 3 p. 3821 - 3840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Nirogi, Ramakrishna; Palacharla, Raghava Choudary; Mohammed, Abdul Rasheed; Manoharan, Arunkumar; Ponnamaneni, Ranjith Kumar; Bhyrapuneni, Gopinadh

Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2015 , vol. 230, p. 9 - 20 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Tominaga, Mariko; Michiue, Tomomi; Ishikawa, Takaki; Inamori-Kawamoto, Osamu; Oritani, Shigeki; Maeda, Hitoshi

Forensic Science International, 2015 , vol. 254, p. 118 - 125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Randox Laboratories Ltd.; Benchik, Elouard; Fitzgerald, Peter; Lowry, Philip; McConnell, Ivan

Patent: EP2950104 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

107 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed



Patent: WO2015/179366 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

108 of 317

109 of 317

110 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Finnema, Sjoerd J.; Hughes, Zoë A.; Haaparanta-Solin, Merja; Stepanov, Vladimir; Nakao, Ryuji; Varnäs, Katarina; Varrone, Andrea; Arponen, Eveliina; Marjamäki, Päivi; Pohjanoksa, Katariina; Vuorilehto, Lauri; Babalola, Phebian A.; Solin, Olof; Grimwood, Sarah; Sallinen, Jukka; Farde, Lars; Scheinin, Mika; Halldin, Christer

International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, 2015 , vol. 18, # 3 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Tanno, Takayuki; Maguire, David R.; Henson, Cedric; France, Charles P.

Psychopharmacology, 2014 , vol. 231, # 1 p. 85 - 95 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Calipari, Erin S.; Ferris, Mark J.; Siciliano, Cody A.; Zimmer, Benjamin A.; Jones, Sara R.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2014 , vol. 349, # 2 p. 192 - 198 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

111 of 317

112 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Chu, Shu-Chen; Chen, Pei-Ni; Hsieh, Yih-Shou; Yu, Ching-Han; Lin, Meng-Hsuan; Lin, Yan-Han; Kuo, Dong-Yih

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2014 , vol. 171, # 13 p. 3223 - 3233 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Akhapkina, Valentina Ivanovna; Akhapkin, Roman Vitalyevich

Patent: EP2762138 A1, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

113 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Alvaro, Giuseppe; Marasco, Agostino

Patent: US2014/323508 A1, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

114 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed



Patent: WO2014/172453 A2, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

115 of 317

116 of 317

117 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Bubser, Michael; Bridges, Thomas M.; Dencker, Ditte; Gould, Robert W.; Grannan, Michael; Noetzel, Meredith J.; Lamsal, Atin; Niswender, Colleen M.; Daniels, J. Scott; Poslusney, Michael S.; Melancon, Bruce J.; Tarr, James C.; Byers, Frank W.; Wess, Jürgen; Duggan, Mark E.; Dunlop, John; Wood, Michael W.; Brandon, Nicholas J.; Wood, Michael R.; Lindsley, Craig W.; Conn, P. Jeffrey; Jones, Carrie K.

ACS Chemical Neuroscience, 2014 , vol. 5, # 10 p. 920 - 942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Slawinska, Anna; Wieronska, Joanna M.; Stachowicz, Katarzyna; Marciniak, Marcin; Lason-Tyburkiewicz, Magdalena; Gruca, Piotr; Papp, Mariusz; Kusek, Magdalena; Tokarski, Krzysztof; Doller, Dario; Pilc, Andrzej

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2013 , vol. 169, # 8 p. 1824 - 1839 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol discriminative stimulus; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Macaca mulatta, rhesus monkey


male and female

Route of Application

bolus (i.v.)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.32 mg/kg

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

test system discriminated Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol from vehicle


no effect

118 of 317

119 of 317

120 of 317


Schulze, David R.; Carroll, F. Ivy; McMahon, Lance R.

Psychopharmacology, 2012 , vol. 222, # 3 p. 425 - 438 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol discriminative stimulus; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Macaca mulatta, rhesus monkey


male and female

Route of Application

bolus (i.v.)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mg/kg

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

test system discriminated Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol from vehicle; ED50 value of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol alone: 0.042 mg/kg

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.32 mg/kg


Schulze, David R.; Carroll, F. Ivy; McMahon, Lance R.

Psychopharmacology, 2012 , vol. 222, # 3 p. 425 - 438 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

conditioned place preference; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Microtus ochrogaster, prairie vole



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound was prepared in saline; injected during 3 days (day 2-4) of conditioning

Type (Pharmacological Data)

effective dose

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 5 mg/kg


Liu, Yan; Aragona, Brandon J.; Young, Kimberly A.; Dietz, David M.; Kabbaj, Mohamed; Mazei-Robison, Michelle; Nestler, Eric J.; Wang, Zuoxin

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 , vol. 107, # 3 p. 1217 - 1222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

mating-induced partner preferences; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Microtus ochrogaster, prairie vole



Route of Application


121 of 317

122 of 317

123 of 317

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound was prepared in saline; injected during 3 days (day 2-4) of conditioning

Type (Pharmacological Data)

effective dose

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 5 mg/kg


Liu, Yan; Aragona, Brandon J.; Young, Kimberly A.; Dietz, David M.; Kabbaj, Mohamed; Mazei-Robison, Michelle; Nestler, Eric J.; Wang, Zuoxin

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 , vol. 107, # 3 p. 1217 - 1222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

mating frequency; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Microtus ochrogaster, prairie vole



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound was prepared in saline; injected during 3 days (day 2-4) of conditioning


no effect


Liu, Yan; Aragona, Brandon J.; Young, Kimberly A.; Dietz, David M.; Kabbaj, Mohamed; Mazei-Robison, Michelle; Nestler, Eric J.; Wang, Zuoxin

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 , vol. 107, # 3 p. 1217 - 1222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

locomotor activity; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Microtus ochrogaster, prairie vole



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound was prepared in saline; injected during 3 days (day 2-4) of conditioning


no effect


Liu, Yan; Aragona, Brandon J.; Young, Kimberly A.; Dietz, David M.; Kabbaj, Mohamed; Mazei-Robison, Michelle; Nestler, Eric J.; Wang, Zuoxin

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 , vol. 107, # 3 p. 1217 - 1222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

conditioned place preference; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Microtus ochrogaster, prairie vole

124 of 317

125 of 317



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound was prepared in saline; injected during 3 days (day 2-4) of conditioning after haloperidol or SCH23390

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

haloperidol: nonselective dopamine receptor antagonist; SCH23390: D1-like dopamine receptor antagonist


no effect


Liu, Yan; Aragona, Brandon J.; Young, Kimberly A.; Dietz, David M.; Kabbaj, Mohamed; Mazei-Robison, Michelle; Nestler, Eric J.; Wang, Zuoxin

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 , vol. 107, # 3 p. 1217 - 1222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

conditioned place preference; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Microtus ochrogaster, prairie vole



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound was prepared in saline; injected during 3 days (day 2-4) of conditioning after eticlopride

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

eticlopride: D2-like dopamine receptor antagonist

Type (Pharmacological Data)

effective dose

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1 mg/kg


Liu, Yan; Aragona, Brandon J.; Young, Kimberly A.; Dietz, David M.; Kabbaj, Mohamed; Mazei-Robison, Michelle; Nestler, Eric J.; Wang, Zuoxin

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 , vol. 107, # 3 p. 1217 - 1222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

density of D1R mRNA in NAcc; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Microtus ochrogaster, prairie vole



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound was prepared in saline; injected during 3 days (day 2-4) of conditioning

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

D1R: D1 dopamine receptor; NAcc: nucleus accumbens; effective dose related to: nucleus accumbens

126 of 317

127 of 317

128 of 317

Type (Pharmacological Data)

effective dose

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1 mg/kg


Liu, Yan; Aragona, Brandon J.; Young, Kimberly A.; Dietz, David M.; Kabbaj, Mohamed; Mazei-Robison, Michelle; Nestler, Eric J.; Wang, Zuoxin

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 , vol. 107, # 3 p. 1217 - 1222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

density of D2R mRNA in NAcc; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Microtus ochrogaster, prairie vole



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound was prepared in saline; injected during 3 days (day 2-4) of conditioning

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

D2R: D2 dopamine receptor; NAcc: nucleus accumbens


no effect


Liu, Yan; Aragona, Brandon J.; Young, Kimberly A.; Dietz, David M.; Kabbaj, Mohamed; Mazei-Robison, Michelle; Nestler, Eric J.; Wang, Zuoxin

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 , vol. 107, # 3 p. 1217 - 1222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

expression of D2R mRNA in ventral tegmental area; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Microtus ochrogaster, prairie vole



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound was prepared in saline; injected during 3 days (day 2-4) of conditioning

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

D2R: D2 dopamine receptor


no effect


Liu, Yan; Aragona, Brandon J.; Young, Kimberly A.; Dietz, David M.; Kabbaj, Mohamed; Mazei-Robison, Michelle; Nestler, Eric J.; Wang, Zuoxin

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 , vol. 107, # 3 p. 1217 - 1222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

expression of tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA in ventral tegmental area; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Microtus ochrogaster, prairie vole

129 of 317

130 of 317



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound was prepared in saline; injected during 3 days (day 2-4) of conditioning


no effect


Liu, Yan; Aragona, Brandon J.; Young, Kimberly A.; Dietz, David M.; Kabbaj, Mohamed; Mazei-Robison, Michelle; Nestler, Eric J.; Wang, Zuoxin

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 , vol. 107, # 3 p. 1217 - 1222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

expression of DA transporter mRNA in ventral tegmental area; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Microtus ochrogaster, prairie vole



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound was prepared in saline; injected during 3 days (day 2-4) of conditioning

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DA: dopamine


no effect


Liu, Yan; Aragona, Brandon J.; Young, Kimberly A.; Dietz, David M.; Kabbaj, Mohamed; Mazei-Robison, Michelle; Nestler, Eric J.; Wang, Zuoxin

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 , vol. 107, # 3 p. 1217 - 1222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

mating-induced partner preferences; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Microtus ochrogaster, prairie vole



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound was prepared in saline; injected during 3 days (day 2-4) of conditioning after SCH23390 (0.4 ng/kg) intra-NAcc injection

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

NAcc: nucleus accumbens; SCH23390: D1-like receptor antagonist; effective dose related to: nucleus accumbens

Type (Pharmacological Data)

effective dose

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1 mg/kg


Liu, Yan; Aragona, Brandon J.; Young, Kimberly A.; Dietz, David M.; Kabbaj, Mohamed; Mazei-Robison, Michelle; Nestler,

Eric J.; Wang, Zuoxin

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 , vol. 107, # 3 p. 1217 - 1222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

131 of 317

132 of 317

133 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

mating-induced partner preferences; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Microtus ochrogaster, prairie vole



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound was prepared in saline; injected during 3 days (day 2-4) of conditioning after SCH23390 (100 ng/kg) intra-NAcc injection

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

NAcc: nucleus accumbens; SCH23390: D1-like receptor antagonist


no effect (related to nucleus accumbens)


Liu, Yan; Aragona, Brandon J.; Young, Kimberly A.; Dietz, David M.; Kabbaj, Mohamed; Mazei-Robison, Michelle; Nestler, Eric J.; Wang, Zuoxin

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2010 , vol. 107, # 3 p. 1217 - 1222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

prepulse intensity; suppression of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)



male and female

Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 10 mg/kg

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

not clear from the article neurotensin-1 receptor null or wild type mice; 4-16 db acoustic stimulation

Type (Pharmacological Data)

prepulse inhibition

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

8.77 - 70.64 percent


Feifel; Pang; Shilling; Melendez; Schreiber; Button

Neuropharmacology, 2010 , vol. 58, # 1 p. 173 - 178 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

duration of immobility; decrease of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Swiss albino mouse


male and female

Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological

5 mg/kg


134 of 317

135 of 317

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

comparative comp. administered as sulphate

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

duration of immobility in control: 370 s; mass of species: 18 - 25 g

Type (Pharmacological Data)

duration of immobility

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

33.2 s


Umukoro, Solomon; Aladeokin, Aderemi Caleb

Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 2010 , vol. 127, # 3 p. 768 - 770 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Caco-2 cells seeded artificial membrane

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in DMSO

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

permeability coefficient A-B (Papp, A-B)

Type (Pharmacological Data)

Papp, A-B

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

40.35*1E-6 cm/s


Skolnik, Suzanne; Lin, Xuena; Wang, Jianling; Chen, Xiao-Hui; He, Timothy; Zhang, Bailin

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2010 , vol. 99, # 7 p. 3246 - 3265 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Caco-2 cells seeded artificial membrane

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in DMSO

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

permeability coefficient B-A (Papp, B-A)

Type (Pharmacological Data)

Papp, B-A

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

21.14*1E-6 cm/s


Skolnik, Suzanne; Lin, Xuena; Wang, Jianling; Chen, Xiao-Hui; He, Timothy; Zhang, Bailin

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2010 , vol. 99, # 7 p. 3246 - 3265 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

136 of 317

137 of 317

138 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

basal dopamine outflow; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. admnistered as sulfate

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mass of species: 330 - 380 g; dopamine outflow rate related to: striatum

Type (Pharmacological Data)

dopamine outflow rate

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 324 percent


Auclair, Agnes L.; Cathala, Adeline; Sarrazin, Frederic; Depoortere, Ronan; Piazza, Pier Vincenzo; Newman-Tancredi, Adrian; Spampinato, Umberto

Journal of Neurochemistry, 2010 , vol. 114, # 5 p. 1323 - 1332 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

basal dopamine outflow; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. admnistered as sulfate

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mass of species: 330 - 380 g; dopamine outflow rate related to: nucleus accumbens

Type (Pharmacological Data)

dopamine outflow rate

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 349 perent


Auclair, Agnes L.; Cathala, Adeline; Sarrazin, Frederic; Depoortere, Ronan; Piazza, Pier Vincenzo; Newman-Tancredi, Adrian; Spampinato, Umberto

Journal of Neurochemistry, 2010 , vol. 114, # 5 p. 1323 - 1332 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme activity; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

brain mitochondria of rat

Further Details

inhibition constant (Ki); Ki related to: monoamine oxidase A

(Pharmacological Data)

139 of 317

140 of 317

141 of 317

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

12.2 μmol/l


Vilches-Herrera, Marcelo; Miranda-Sepulveda, Juan; Rebolledo-Fuentes, Marco; Fierro, Angelica; Luehr, Susan; IturriagaVasquez, Patricio; Cassels, Bruce K.; Reyes-Parada, Miguel

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 17, # 6 p. 2452 - 2460 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme activity; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

brain mitochondria of rat


molecular target: monoamine oxidase A


Vilches-Herrera, Marcelo; Miranda-Sepulveda, Juan; Rebolledo-Fuentes, Marco; Fierro, Angelica; Luehr, Susan; IturriagaVasquez, Patricio; Cassels, Bruce K.; Reyes-Parada, Miguel

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 17, # 6 p. 2452 - 2460 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme activity; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

brain mitochondria of rat

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l


no effect (related to monoamine oxidase B)


Vilches-Herrera, Marcelo; Miranda-Sepulveda, Juan; Rebolledo-Fuentes, Marco; Fierro, Angelica; Luehr, Susan; IturriagaVasquez, Patricio; Cassels, Bruce K.; Reyes-Parada, Miguel

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 17, # 6 p. 2452 - 2460 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

α1G-/- transgenic mouse

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Example 2 Investigation of Behavioral Changes of Transgenic Mice Deficient in α1G T-Type Calcium Channel Investigation of Reactivity to a New Environment In order to investigate reactivity to a new environment and a strange subject of α1G calcium channel transgenic mice, the present inventors transferred them to a breeding cage and an openfield to observe their behavioral changes. First, for the analysis of behavioral aspect of a transgenic mouse in a new breeding cage, each mouse was raised dependently in a cage for 24 hours. Then, the mouse was transferred to a new cage and its behavior was recorded for 1 hour by DDC camera. A person who was not informed about its genotype observed the behavior by the recorded tape. For reactivity test in an openfield, a test animal was transferred to a test room one hour before the test began and each animal was put in an independent breeding cage for adaptation. The floor of the openfield (white acryl, 50.x.50.x.50 cm) was covered with 0.5 cm litter, on which a test animal was put and locomotor of the animal was observed for 1 hour. As a result, mobility of both a wild type α1G +/+ mouse and a transgenic α1G -/- mouse was significantly increased in an early stage while they were searching a new environment. In particular, reactivity to a new subject of a transgenic mouse was much increased, comparing to a wild type (FIGS. 1 and 2). Particularly, when a mouse was freed in an openfield, searching motility was increased for the initial 30 minutes, and when an animal was put in a new breeding cage, searching motility was increased for the early 20 minutes. However, the searching motility was no more increased after habituation in both a wild type α1G +/+ mouse and a transgenic α1G -/mouse, and no difference between the two groups was observed at last. Investigation of Reactivity to a New Subject In order to verify the result obtained in the above Example , the present inventors provided a new material in each cage to investigate reactivity. A mouse was transferred from a familiar old cage to a temporary cage to provide a new material in the old cage. Precisely, two identical subjects (size: 3.x.3.x.3 cm, weight: 2.5 g, styrofoam rolled up with paper tape) were put at 10 cm distance from the end of one side. Then, a mouse was back to the familiar cage with its head facing opposite side from the subjects. Its' behavior was observed for 15 minutes. The subjects were not fixed on the floor, suggesting they were movable. All the behavior of the test animal during the test was recorded by a video camera for further analysis. Behavioral analysis was performed by measuring the moving distance for 1 hour; a latency period until the first contact to a new subject; contact time for 15 minutes; contact frequency and pattern; and moving distance of the subject. "Contact" means when a nose of a mouse was heading toward a new subject within a 2 cm-radius or directly touching the subject. Contact patterns are classified into approaching which means a nose of the test animal is heading toward or directly touching a provided subject, digging which means the animal is digging litters around the subject with its nose heading toward the subject, pushing which means the animal moves the subject with its nose, towing which means the animal moves the subject with its forefeet and biting which means the animal

moves the subject with its mouth. After observing reactivity to a new subject, a unique behavior that has not been observed in any other so far was seen in an α1G -/- mouse. Approaching time to a new material was shorter but contact time was longer, comparing to a wild type mouse (FIG. 3C). Behavioral pattern was also unique, that is, digging around the material, biting, pulling and dragging the material, which were all hardly seen in wild type mice (FIG. 3D). In early stage, a test animal was simply hunting the new circumst Location

Page/Page column 3; 6; Sheet 8

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Korea Institute of Science and Technology

Patent: US2008/15163 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

142 of 317

143 of 317

144 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protein association; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK293 cells expressing MSR and FLAG-tagged human DAT

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with syntaxin 1A (SYN1A); treated with title comp. for 5 min at 37 deg C; lysed; DAT proteins immunoprecipitated using anti-FLAG antibody; immunoblot analysis performed for SYN1A using anti-HPC-1 antibody; DAT/SYN1A association detd.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: vehicle; MSR: macrophage scavenger receptor; DAT: dopamine transporter; HEK: human embryonic kidney


title comp. increased DAT/SYN1A association but had no effect on total levels of SYN1A; amount of DAT recovered in immunoprecipitated fraction after title comp. treatment was 104percent of control; fig.


Binda, Francesca; Dipace, Concetta; Bowton, Erica; Robertson, Sabrina D.; Lute, Brandon J.; Fog, Jacob U.; Zhang, Minjia; Sen, Namita; Colbran, Roger J.; Gnegy, Margaret E.; Gether, Ulrik; Javitch, Jonathan A.; Erreger, Kevin; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2008 , vol. 74, # 4 p. 1101 - 1108 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protein association; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK293 cells expressing MSR and FLAG-tagged human DAT

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with syntaxin 1A (SYN1A); treated with title comp. (5 min, 37 deg C); labeled with biotin; lysed; immunoprecipitated using anti-FLAG antibody; immunoblot analysis done for SYN1A using anti-HPC-1 antibody; DAT/SYN1A association detd.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: vehicle; MSR: macrophage scavenger receptor; DAT: dopamine transporter; HEK: human embryonic kidney; further study: effect of KN93 or Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II inhibitor peptide (CaMKIINtide) on title comp. activity


title comp. increased interaction between DAT and SYN1A; amount of DAT recovered in immunoprecipitated fraction after title comp. treatment was 101percent of control; KN93 and CaMKIINtide blocked title comp. activity; fig.


Binda, Francesca; Dipace, Concetta; Bowton, Erica; Robertson, Sabrina D.; Lute, Brandon J.; Fog, Jacob U.; Zhang, Minjia; Sen, Namita; Colbran, Roger J.; Gnegy, Margaret E.; Gether, Ulrik; Javitch, Jonathan A.; Erreger, Kevin; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2008 , vol. 74, # 4 p. 1101 - 1108 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protein association; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

synaptosomes from striatum of mouse

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l


synaptosomes treated with title comp. for 5 min at 37 deg C; lysed; lysed; DAT proteins immunoprecipitated using anti-FLAG antibody;

145 of 317

146 of 317

147 of 317

(Pharmacological Data)

immunoblot analysis performed for SYN1A using anti-HPC-1 antibody; DAT/SYN1A association detd.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: vehicle; DAT: dopamine transporter; SYN1A: syntaxin 1A


title comp. increased DAT/SYN1A association; amount of DAT recovered in immunoprecipitated fraction after title comp. treatment was 105percent of control; fig.


Binda, Francesca; Dipace, Concetta; Bowton, Erica; Robertson, Sabrina D.; Lute, Brandon J.; Fog, Jacob U.; Zhang, Minjia; Sen, Namita; Colbran, Roger J.; Gnegy, Margaret E.; Gether, Ulrik; Javitch, Jonathan A.; Erreger, Kevin; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2008 , vol. 74, # 4 p. 1101 - 1108 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protein association; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

synaptosomes from striatum of mouse

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

synaptosomes treated with title comp. for 5 min at 37 deg C; labeled with biotin; lysed; DAT proteins immunoprecipitated using anti-FLAG antibody; immunoblot analysis performed for SYN1A using anti-HPC-1 antibody; DAT/SYN1A association detd.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: vehicle; DAT: dopamine transporter; SYN1A: syntaxin 1A


title comp. increased interaction between DAT and SYN1A; amount of DAT recovered in immunoprecipitated fraction after title comp. treatment was 102percent of control; fig.


Binda, Francesca; Dipace, Concetta; Bowton, Erica; Robertson, Sabrina D.; Lute, Brandon J.; Fog, Jacob U.; Zhang, Minjia; Sen, Namita; Colbran, Roger J.; Gnegy, Margaret E.; Gether, Ulrik; Javitch, Jonathan A.; Erreger, Kevin; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2008 , vol. 74, # 4 p. 1101 - 1108 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transmitter releasing

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK293 cells expressing MSR and FLAG-tagged human DAT

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with syntaxin 1A (SYN1A); incub. with DA for 30 min at 37 deg C; placed in superfusion apparatus; perfused with title comp. for 2 min at 3-10 min; DA release quantified by HPLC

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: cells transiently transfected with empty vector; DAT: dopamine (DA) transporter; HEK: human embryonic kidney


title comp. stimulated DAT-mediated DA efflux; transfection of SYN1A signif. increased ability of title comp. to stimulate DA efflux with respect to vector-transfected control; fig.


Binda, Francesca; Dipace, Concetta; Bowton, Erica; Robertson, Sabrina D.; Lute, Brandon J.; Fog, Jacob U.; Zhang, Minjia; Sen, Namita; Colbran, Roger J.; Gnegy, Margaret E.; Gether, Ulrik; Javitch, Jonathan A.; Erreger, Kevin; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2008 , vol. 74, # 4 p. 1101 - 1108 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transmitter releasing

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK293 cells expressing MSR and FLAG-tagged human DAT

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological

cells transfected with syntaxin 1A (SYN1A); clamped in whole-cell patch-clamp configuration at -60 mV; perfused with DA + GST (gluthathione transferase) or GST-SYN1A; title comp. and cocaine added into bath; DA efflux detd. by ampherometric electrode e


148 of 317

149 of 317

150 of 317

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: without title comp.; MSR: macrophage scavenger receptor; DAT: dopamine (DA) transporter; HEK: human embryonic kidney; GST-SYN1A: GST fusion protein with soluble SYN1AδTM; further, effect of KN93 on title comp. activity studied


title comp. induced DA efflux in cells perfused with GST-SYN1A but not with control GST; KN93 blocked SYN1A stimulation of title comp.induced efflux; fig.


Binda, Francesca; Dipace, Concetta; Bowton, Erica; Robertson, Sabrina D.; Lute, Brandon J.; Fog, Jacob U.; Zhang, Minjia; Sen, Namita; Colbran, Roger J.; Gnegy, Margaret E.; Gether, Ulrik; Javitch, Jonathan A.; Erreger, Kevin; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2008 , vol. 74, # 4 p. 1101 - 1108 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transmitter releasing

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

midbrain dopaminergic neurons of mouse

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

neurons from mouse pups; clamped in whole-cell patch-clamp configuration at -60 mV; perfused with DA + GST (gluthathione transferase) or GST-SYN1A; title comp. and cocaine added into bath; DA efflux detd. by ampherometric electrode

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: without title comp.; GST-SYN1A: GST fusion protein with soluble SYN1AδTM; DA: dopamine


title comp. induced DA efflux in cells perfused with GST-SYN1A but not with control GST; fig.


Binda, Francesca; Dipace, Concetta; Bowton, Erica; Robertson, Sabrina D.; Lute, Brandon J.; Fog, Jacob U.; Zhang, Minjia; Sen, Namita; Colbran, Roger J.; Gnegy, Margaret E.; Gether, Ulrik; Javitch, Jonathan A.; Erreger, Kevin; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2008 , vol. 74, # 4 p. 1101 - 1108 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protein expression; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

catecholaminergic cells (CAD)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells stably transfected with full-length hNET or hNETΔ28-47 were treated with title comp. for 1-60 min; proteins recovered from biotinylated extracts were analyzed by Western blotting for the levels of hNET proteins

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hNET: human norepinephrine transporter


title comp. decreased the levels of hNET proteins by ca. 50percent at 60 min both in cells transfected with full-length hNET and with hNETΔ28-47; the decrease was achieved faster in cells transfected with hNETΔ28-47


Dipace, Concetta; Sung, Uhna; Binda, Francesca; Blakely, Randy D.; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2007 , vol. 71, # 1 p. 230 - 239 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protein expression; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

catecholaminergic cells (CAD)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells stably transfected with hNETΔ28-47 were treated with title comp. for 1 min; proteins recovered from biotinylated extracts were analyzed by Western blotting for the levels of hNET proteins

Further Details

hNET: human norepinephrine transporter; further investigation with a calcium channel blocker, BAPTA-AM, NET antagonist and CAMKII

151 of 317

152 of 317

153 of 317

(Pharmacological Data)



title comp. rapidly reduced hNETΔ28-47 surface expression; the effect was Ca(2+)-dependent, NET and CAMKII were possibly involved


Dipace, Concetta; Sung, Uhna; Binda, Francesca; Blakely, Randy D.; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2007 , vol. 71, # 1 p. 230 - 239 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

intracellular calcium level; increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

catecholaminergic cells (CAD)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells stably transfected with full-length hNET or hNETΔ28-47 were incubated with 5 μM Oregon Green BAPTA-AM for 20 min at room tempetature; the effect of title comp. on intracellular calcium fluorescence was analyzed

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: vehicle; hNET: human norepinephrine transporter; BAPTA-AM: 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acidacetoxymethyl ester; further investigation with a calcium channel blocker and NET inhibitor


title comp. increased fluorescence within 10 s both in cells transfected with full-length hNET and with hNETΔ28-47; a stronger increase was observed in cells transfected with hNETΔ28-47; calcium channels and NET were possibly involved


Dipace, Concetta; Sung, Uhna; Binda, Francesca; Blakely, Randy D.; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2007 , vol. 71, # 1 p. 230 - 239 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

catecholaminergic cells (CAD)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells stably transfected with hNETΔ28-47 were incubated with title comp. for 1-10 min; the effect on CAMKII phosphorylation at Thr286 was analyzed by Western blotting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: vehicle; hNET: human norepinephrine transporter; further investigation with NET inhibitor


title comp. rapidly increased the level of CAMKII phosphorylation; NET was possibly involved


Dipace, Concetta; Sung, Uhna; Binda, Francesca; Blakely, Randy D.; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2007 , vol. 71, # 1 p. 230 - 239 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protein interaction; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

catecholaminergic cells (CAD)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells cotransfected with His-hNET or His-hNETΔ28-47 and SYN1A were incubated with title comp. for 1 min; after biotinylation bound hNET proteins were immunoprecipitated with anti-His antibody, resolved on SDS-PAGE and immunoblotted for SYN1A

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: vehicle; hNET: human norepinephrine transporter; SYN1A: syntaxin 1A; further investigation with CAMKII inhibitor


title comp. increased hNET/SYN1A and hNETΔ28-47 interactions at plasma membrane by 130 and 191percent, resp.; no effect on intracellular interactions was observed; CAMKII possibly involved

154 of 317


Dipace, Concetta; Sung, Uhna; Binda, Francesca; Blakely, Randy D.; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2007 , vol. 71, # 1 p. 230 - 239 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

body weight; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)


Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

In vivo testing for antiobesic activity The in-vivo testing for antiobesic activity of the inventive pyrazoline compounds is carried out as described in the publication of G. Colombo et al., "Appetite Suppression and Weight Loss after the Cannabinoid Antagonist SR 141716"; Life Sciences, 63 (8), 113-117, (1998). The respective part of the description is hereby incorporated by reference and forms part of the present disclosure. III. In-vivo testing for antiobesic activity The in-vivo testing for antiobesic activity was carried out as described above, whereby four different groups of 10 rats each were treated as follows:Group I: Group was treated with vehicle, namely arabic gum (5 wt.percent) in water.Group II: The second group of rats was treated with the inventive compound N-piperidinyl-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4dichlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydropyrazole-3-carboxamide according to Example 1. Said compound was administered intraperitoneally to the rats over a period of 14 days in a daily dosis of (10 mg/kg body weight).Group III: The third group of rats was treated with Amphetamine, an active ingredient known to reduce appetite. Said compound was administered intraperitoneally to the rats over a period of 14 days in a daily dosis of (5 mg/kg body weight). As can be seen from Figure 1 the body weight is lowered due to the administration of the inventive compound according to example 11 and this effect is also observed after the treatment is ended. Figure 2 shows the reduction of food intake due to the administration of the inventive compound according to example 11.


The body weight is lowered due to the administration of the test compound; figure given


Page/Page column title page; 37; 44; 51


Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve S.A.

Patent: EP1745783 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

155 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

food intake; reduction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)


Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

In vivo testing for antiobesic activity The in-vivo testing for antiobesic activity of the inventive pyrazoline compounds is carried out as described in the publication of G. Colombo et al., "Appetite Suppression and Weight Loss after the Cannabinoid Antagonist SR 141716"; Life Sciences, 63 (8), 113-117, (1998). The respective part of the description is hereby incorporated by reference and forms part of the present disclosure. III. In-vivo testing for antiobesic activity The in-vivo testing for antiobesic activity was carried out as described above, whereby four different groups of 10 rats each were treated as follows:Group I: Group was treated with vehicle, namely arabic gum (5 wt.percent) in water.Group II: The second group of rats was treated with the inventive compound N-piperidinyl-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4dichlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydropyrazole-3-carboxamide according to Example 1. Said compound was administered intraperitoneally to the rats over a period of 14 days in a daily dosis of (10 mg/kg body weight).Group III: The third group of rats was treated with Amphetamine, an active ingredient known to reduce appetite. Said compound was administered intraperitoneally to the rats over a period of 14 days in a daily dosis of (5 mg/kg body weight). As can be seen from Figure 1 the body weight is lowered due to the administration of the inventive compound according to example 11 and this effect is also observed after the treatment is ended. Figure 2 shows the reduction of food intake due to the administration of the inventive compound according to example 11.


The reduction of food intake due to the test compound; figure given


Page/Page column 37; 44; 52


Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve S.A.

Patent: EP1745783 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

156 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

antiobesic activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)


Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

III. In vivo testing for antiobesic activityThe in-vivo testing for antiobesic activity of the inventive pyrazoline compounds is carried out as described in the publication of G. Colombo et al., .Appetite Suppression and Weight Loss after the Cannabinoid Antagonist SR 141716"; Life Sciences, 63 (8), 113-117, (1998). The respective part of the description is hereby incorporated by reference and forms part of the present

disclosure.; III. In vivo testing for antiobesic activityThe in-vivo testing for antiobesic activity of the inventive pyrazoline compounds is carried out as described in the publication of G. Colombo et al., .Appetite Suppression and Weight Loss after the Cannabinoid Antagonist SR 141716"; Life Sciences, 63 (8), 113-117, (1998). The respective part of the description is hereby incorporated by reference and forms part of the present disclosure. Results

Results are given in figure 1 and 2.


Page/Page column 80; 135; sheet 1, sheet 2



Patent: WO2007/9708 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

157 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

anti-obesic activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)


Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

In vivo testing for antiobesic activity The in-vivo testing for antiobesic activity of the inventive pyrazoline compounds is carried out as described in the publication of G. Colombo et al., "Appetite Suppression and Weight Loss after the Cannabinoid Antagonist SR 141716"; Life Sciences, 63 (8), 113-117, (1998). The respective part of the description is hereby incorporated by reference and forms part of the present disclosure.III. In-vivo testing for antiobesic activity The in-vivo testing for antiobesic activity was carried out as described above, whereby four different groups of 10 rats each were treated as follows:Group I: Group was treated with vehicle, namely arabic gum (5 wt.percent) in water.Group II: The second group of rats was treated with the inventive compound N-piperidinyl-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4dichlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydropyrazole-3-carboxamide according to Example 1. Said compound was administered intraperitoneally to the rats over a period of 14 days in a daily dosis of (10 mg/kg body weight).Group III: The third group of rats was treated with Amphetamine, an active ingredient known to reduce appetite. Said compound was administered intraperitoneally to the rats over a period of 14 days in a daily dosis of (5 mg/kg body weight). As can be seen from Figure 1 the body weight is lowered due to the administration of the inventive compound according to example 1 and this effect is also observed after the treatment is ended. Figure 2 shows the reduction of food intake due to the administration of the inventive compound according to example 1.


title compound was administered at the dose of 5 mg/kg body weight; body weight is lowered due to the administration of the title compound; see Fig. 1


Page/Page column 12; 17



Patent: EP1757588 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

158 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

food intake; reduction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)


Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

In vivo testing for antiobesic activity The in-vivo testing for antiobesic activity of the inventive pyrazoline compounds is carried out as described in the publication of G. Colombo et al., "Appetite Suppression and Weight Loss after the Cannabinoid Antagonist SR 141716"; Life Sciences, 63 (8), 113-117, (1998). The respective part of the description is hereby incorporated by reference and forms part of the present disclosure.III. In-vivo testing for antiobesic activity The in-vivo testing for antiobesic activity was carried out as described above, whereby four different groups of 10 rats each were treated as follows:Group I: Group was treated with vehicle, namely arabic gum (5 wt.percent) in water.Group II: The second group of rats was treated with the inventive compound N-piperidinyl-5-(4-chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4dichlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydropyrazole-3-carboxamide according to Example 1. Said compound was administered intraperitoneally to the rats over a period of 14 days in a daily dosis of (10 mg/kg body weight).Group III: The third group of rats was treated with Amphetamine, an active ingredient known to reduce appetite. Said compound was administered intraperitoneally to the rats over a period of 14 days in a daily dosis of (5 mg/kg body weight). As can be seen from Figure 1 the body weight is lowered due to the administration of the inventive compound according to example 1 and this effect is also observed after the treatment is ended. Figure 2 shows the reduction of food intake due to the administration of the inventive compound according to example 1.


title compound was administered at the dose of 5 mg/kg body weight; administration of title compound resulted in the reduction of food intake; see Fig. 2


Page/Page column 12; 17



Patent: EP1757588 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

159 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

locomotor activity; stimulation of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)




Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

8. EXAMPLE 3 Mice (male, 8 weeks of age; 129S6/SvEv from Taconic) were housed in groups of five for one week. Animals were injected (i.p.) with either vehicle (diluent:saline at a ratio of 3:50 v/v), or one of two doses of GR341 (1 mg/kg and 3 mg/kg). After 15 minutes, animals were injected (i.p.) either with saline or Amphetamine at 3 mg/kg. Mice were held individually without food or water for an additional 15 minutes and then placed in Plexiglas activity chambers (model ENV-520; Med Associates, St. Albans, Vt.) (43.2 cm long.x.43.2 cm wide.x.30.5 cm high) to assess locomotor activity. Mice were placed into the center of the open field, and activity was recorded for 30 minutes with subtotals for 5-minute increments. Testing was performed in darkness to minimize anxiety. As shown in FIG. 17, each dose of GR341 inhibited amphetamine-induced locomotor activity. There was no significant effect of either dose of GR341 alone on locomotor activity.; FIG. 17. Effect of GR341 on locomotor activity in the context of various doses of amphetamine.


title compound induced locomotor activity; for more details see fig. 17


Page/Page column 3; 6


GOUAUX, ERIC; SONG, Langzhou; XIE, Yuli; LANDRY, Donald W.

Patent: US2007/293573 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

160 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

electrophysiologic current; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocyte with microinjected GluR2 receptor-encoding mRNA of rat

Method (Pharmacological Data)

FIG. 16A-E. Electrophysiologic studies comparing GR341 with LY451646. A. Microamperes of current over various periods of time in a GluR2 expressing oocyte (Xenopus lacevis oocyte with microinjected rat GluR2 receptor-encoding mRNA), exposed to various concentrations (0.001 μM, 0.01 μM, 0.1 μM and 1 μM) of GR341 (formula 5). B. Microamperes of current over various periods of time in a GluR2 expressing oocyte exposed to various concentrations (0.001 μM, 0.01 μM, 0.1 μM, 1 μM and 10 μM) of LY451646. C. In an oocyte expressing GluR2, ratio of current/maximal current (I/Imax) versus concentration of GR341. D. In an oocyte expressing GluR2, ratio of current/maximal current (I/Imax) versus concentration of LY451646. E. GR341.; 7. EXAMPLE 2 Electrophysiologic studies were performed comparing GR341 (formula 5) with LY451646 in cells expressing the GluR2 receptor, with results shown in FIG. 16A-D. GR341 was observed to have an EC50 of 12.7+/-0.6 nM, and therefore was more potent than LY451646, which was observed to have an EC50 of 129.5+/-16.0 nM.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

12.7 nmol/l


electrophysiologic current was reduced; I/Imax EC50 was measured; more details see fig. 16A, 16C


Page/Page column 3; 6


GOUAUX, ERIC; SONG, Langzhou; XIE, Yuli; LANDRY, Donald W.

Patent: US2007/293573 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

161 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

monoamine transporter; interaction with

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat caudate putamen crude vesicular fraction

Method (Pharmacological Data)

vesicular fraction incubated with title comp. and 2 nmol/l <3H>DHTBZ for 4 h at 25 deg C; rapid filtration; liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DHTBZ: dihydrotetrabenazine; VMAT2: vesicular monoamine transporter type 2; IC50 for title comp. inhibition of <3H>DHTBZ binding

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological

> 100 μmol/l


162 of 317

163 of 317

164 of 317


Partilla, John S.; Dempsey, Allison G.; Nagpal, Ameet S.; Blough, Bruce E.; Baumann, Michael H.; Rothman, Richard B.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2006 , vol. 319, # 1 p. 237 - 246 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

monoamine transporter; interaction with

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat caudate putamen crude vesicular fraction

Method (Pharmacological Data)

vesicular fraction incubated with title comp. and 60 nmol/l <3H>dopamine for 5 min at 25 deg C; rapid filtration; liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DHTBZ: dihydrotetrabenazine; VMAT2: vesicular monoamine transporter type 2; IC50 for title comp. inhibition of <3H>dopamine uptake

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.29 μmol/l


Partilla, John S.; Dempsey, Allison G.; Nagpal, Ameet S.; Blough, Bruce E.; Baumann, Michael H.; Rothman, Richard B.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2006 , vol. 319, # 1 p. 237 - 246 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transmitter releasing

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat caudate putamen crude vesicular fraction

Method (Pharmacological Data)

vesicular fraction preloaded with 60 nmol/l <3H>tyramine for 20 min at 25 deg C, incubated with title comp. for 2 min at 25 deg C; rapid filtration; liquid scintillation counting; <3H>tyramine release evaluated

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EC50 and EMAX for title comp. inhibition of <3H>tyramine release

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

10.5 μmol/l


EMAX = 95.8 percent


Partilla, John S.; Dempsey, Allison G.; Nagpal, Ameet S.; Blough, Bruce E.; Baumann, Michael H.; Rothman, Richard B.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2006 , vol. 319, # 1 p. 237 - 246 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transmitter releasing

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat caudate putamen crude vesicular fraction

Method (Pharmacological Data)

vesicular fraction preloaded with 60 nmol/l <3H>dopamine for 20 min at 25 deg C, incubated with title comp. for 10 min at 25 deg C; rapid filtration; liquid scintillation counting; <3H>dopamine release evaluated

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EC50 and EMAX for title comp. inhibition of <3H>dopamine release

Type (Pharmacological Data)


165 of 317

166 of 317

167 of 317

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.3 μmol/l


EMAX = 65.7 percent


Partilla, John S.; Dempsey, Allison G.; Nagpal, Ameet S.; Blough, Bruce E.; Baumann, Michael H.; Rothman, Richard B.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2006 , vol. 319, # 1 p. 237 - 246 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

accumulation; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney 293 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells were stably transfected with WT-hDAT; treated with title comp. intracellularly (20-60 min) using whole-cell patch clamp pipette; cellular distribution of WT-hDAT measured; membrane potentials recorded; intracellular fluorescence measured

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

WT-hDAT: wild type-human dopamine transporter; control: vehicle; further study with Zn(2+) on the effect of title comp.; intracellular fluorescence measured to quantify dopamine transporter cell surface redistribution


title comp. caused WT-hDAT to traffic away from membrane and accumulate intracellularly; title comp. produced significant increase in intracellular fluorescence at times between 20 and 60 min; Zn(2+) prevented the title comp. effect; diagrams, photos


Kahlig, Kristopher M.; Lute, Brandon J.; Wei, Yuqiang; Loland, Claus J.; Gether, Ulrik; Javitch, Jonathan A.; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2006 , vol. 70, # 2 p. 542 - 548 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

accumulation; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney 293 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells stably transfected with Y335A-hDAT; treated with title comp. intracellularly (20-60 min) using whole-cell patch clamp pipette; cellular distribution of Y335A-hDAT measured; membrane potentials recorded; intracellular fluorescence measured

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hDAT: human dopamine transporter; Y335A-hDAT is a transporter mutant; control: vehicle; further study with Zn(2+) on the effect of title comp.; intracellular fluorescence measured to quantify dopamine transporter cell surface redistribution


title comp. failed to cause cellular redistribution of Y335A-hDAT; intracellular fluorescence unchanged by title comp.; coapplication of title comp. and Zn(2+) led to increase in Y335A-hDAT intracellular pool; diagrams, photos


Kahlig, Kristopher M.; Lute, Brandon J.; Wei, Yuqiang; Loland, Claus J.; Gether, Ulrik; Javitch, Jonathan A.; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2006 , vol. 70, # 2 p. 542 - 548 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transporter expression; reduction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney 293 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells with/without Zn(2+) were treated with title comp. intracellularly (37 deg C, 1 h); cell surface biotinylation performed; biotinylated proteins, total cell lysates separated by SDS-PAGE; immunoblotted; biotinylated band densities quantified

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

WT-hDAT: wild type-human dopamine transporter; control: vehicle


title comp. treatment induced 46percent reduction in cell surface expression of wild type-human dopamine transporter compared with

control; coincubation of title comp. with Zn(2+) prevented title comp. effect; diagrams, photos

168 of 317

169 of 317

170 of 317


Kahlig, Kristopher M.; Lute, Brandon J.; Wei, Yuqiang; Loland, Claus J.; Gether, Ulrik; Javitch, Jonathan A.; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2006 , vol. 70, # 2 p. 542 - 548 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transporter expression; reduction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney 293 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells with/without Zn(2+) were treated with title comp. intracellularly (37 deg C, 1 h); cell surface biotinylation performed; biotinylated proteins, total cell lysates separated by SDS-PAGE; immunoblotted; biotinylated band densities quantified

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hDAT: human dopamine transporter; Y335A-hDAT is a transporter mutant; control: vehicle


title comp. treatment did not reduce cell surface expression of Y335A-hDAT; coincubation with title comp. and Zn(2+) resulted in 27percent loss of cell surface Y335A-hDAT; diagram, photo


Kahlig, Kristopher M.; Lute, Brandon J.; Wei, Yuqiang; Loland, Claus J.; Gether, Ulrik; Javitch, Jonathan A.; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2006 , vol. 70, # 2 p. 542 - 548 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

accumulation; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney 293 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells stably transfected with Y335A-hDAT were treated with title comp. intracellularly using whole-cell current-clamp pipette; after 20 min of perfusion, Y335A-hDAT intracellular fluorescence quantified using confocal imaging

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hDAT: human dopamine transporter; Y335A-hDAT is a transporter mutant; control: vehicle; reference: dopamine


title comp. produced an increase in Y335A-hDAT intracellular fluorescence; photo, diagram


Kahlig, Kristopher M.; Lute, Brandon J.; Wei, Yuqiang; Loland, Claus J.; Gether, Ulrik; Javitch, Jonathan A.; Galli, Aurelio

Molecular Pharmacology, 2006 , vol. 70, # 2 p. 542 - 548 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

PC12 cells

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

chronic treatment with dose of 30 μM; acute dose was 1 mM

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells cultured with non-toxic conc. of title comp. for 7-12 months and further incubated with acute dose of title comp. for 96 h; cell viability measured using MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide) reduction assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

further investigations on dopaminergic system involvement by measurement of extra/intracellular dopamine (DA) levels and dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC; DA metabolite) formation by HPCL; control: non-exposed to chronic title comp. cells


title comp. induced the same decrease in cell viability (ca. 40percent) as control; no detectable levels of extra/intracellular DA or DOPAC were detected, indicating that DA was not involved in title comp. induced toxicity; fig.


Cunha-Oliveira, Teresa; Rego, A. Cristina; Morgadinho, Maria Teresa; Macedo, Tice; Oliveira, Catarina Resende

Toxicology, 2006 , vol. 217, # 1 p. 54 - 62 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

171 of 317

172 of 317

173 of 317

174 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

oxidative stress injury; reduction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

PC12 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

30 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells cultured with non-toxic conc. of title comp. for 7-12 months and further incubated with H2O2 (75 μM) for 24 h; cell viability measured using MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide) reduction assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: non-exposed to title comp. cells


chronic title comp. treatment slightly protected cells from acute exposure to H2O2: decrease in cell viability was ca. 70percent compared with 80percent for control; fig.


Cunha-Oliveira, Teresa; Rego, A. Cristina; Morgadinho, Maria Teresa; Macedo, Tice; Oliveira, Catarina Resende

Toxicology, 2006 , vol. 217, # 1 p. 54 - 62 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

PC12 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells cultured with non-toxic conc. of H2O2 for 7-12 months and further incubated with title comp. for 96 h; cell viability measured using MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl-2H-tetrazolium bromide) reduction assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: non-exposed to chronic H2O2 cells


title comp. toxicity was similar to toxicity of control cells, suggesting that title comp. toxic effect was independent of adaptive changes induced by oxidative stress; fig.


Cunha-Oliveira, Teresa; Rego, A. Cristina; Morgadinho, Maria Teresa; Macedo, Tice; Oliveira, Catarina Resende

Toxicology, 2006 , vol. 217, # 1 p. 54 - 62 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

dopamine release; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

PC12 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

3 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells cultured with title comp. for 24 h; extra/intracellular dopamine (DA) levels and dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC; DA metabolite) formation assessed by HPLC

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: untreated cells


compared to control title comp. increased extracellular DA accumulation by 5.6-fold and led to decreases in intracellular DA (by 8.3-fold); fig.


Cunha-Oliveira, Teresa; Rego, A. Cristina; Morgadinho, Maria Teresa; Macedo, Tice; Oliveira, Catarina Resende

Toxicology, 2006 , vol. 217, # 1 p. 54 - 62 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

metabolism; inhibition of

175 of 317

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

PC12 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

3 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells cultured with title comp. for 24 h; dopamine metabolite (dihydroxyphenylacetic acid) formation assessed by HPLC

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: untreated cells


compared to control title comp. decreased dihydroxyphenylacetic acid level by 4.7-fold; fig.


Cunha-Oliveira, Teresa; Rego, A. Cristina; Morgadinho, Maria Teresa; Macedo, Tice; Oliveira, Catarina Resende

Toxicology, 2006 , vol. 217, # 1 p. 54 - 62 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

latency of different sleep states; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague Dawley rat



Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

EXAMPLE STUDY PURPOSE:This study was undertaken to determine the effect of the (D) or (R) enantiomer of a phenylalkylamino carbamate of Formula I, specifically O- carbamoyl-(D)-phenylalaninol which can also be named (R)-(beta-amino- benzenepropyl) carbamate shown above as Formula Ib, referred to herein as "TEST COMPOUND" on the sleep-wake organization in rats after acute administration of test compound, in direct comparison to amphetamine and cocaine. EPO In order to characterize the profile of activity of TEST COMPOUND in sleep-wake organization in rats, animals were chronically implanted with electrodes for recording the cortical electroencephalogram, electrical neck muscle activity, and ocular movements, while whole body movement levels were simultaneously registered. Secondly, effects were compared with those obtained with two reference psychostimulant drugs, cocaine and amphetamine. Changes in sleep-wake organization can be reliably detected on the basis of such polysomnographic recordings. Subsequent analysis of the pattern of changes has been validated to predict the class of psychotropic agents to which the compound under investigation resembles best. (See, Ruigt, GS et al. (1993) Neuropsychobiology, 28(3):138-153)MATERIALS AND METHODS AnimalsThe experiments were carried out on male adult Sprague Dawley rats, supplied by Harlan (Borchen, Germany) weighing 240-26Og at time of surgery. Animals were housed in full-view Plexiglas cages (25x33x18 cm) that fit to IVC- racks (individually ventilated cages) located in a sound attenuated chamber. Rats were provided with a micro-chip for identification purposes and maintained under controlled environmental conditions throughout the study: 22 +/- 2°C ambient temperature, relative humidity at 60percent, 12:12 light-dark cycle (lights on from 12:00 hrs to 00:00 hrs; light intensity ~100 lux) with standard laboratory food chow and tap water available ad libitum. The institutional animal care and use committee approved all animal procedures.Surgery Under isoflurane inhalation anesthesia, the rats were mounted in a stereotaxic apparatus. The oval area of the scalp was removed, and the uncovered skull was cleared of the periosteum. Three small cavities were drilled into the cranial bone without perforating the dura to receive 3 fixing stainless steel screws (diameter 1 mm) for polygraphic recording of frontal and parietal electroencephalogram (EEG). Two electrodes were placed EPO stereotaxically on each side of the sagittal suture (AP + 2 mm, L - 2 mm;and AP - 6 mm, L 3 mm from Bregma, while the third (reference) electrode was screwed over the cerebellum. The incisor bar was -5 mm under the centre of the ear bar, according to the stereotactic atlas of Paxinos G. Watson C. The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, U.S.A. (1998).For the recording of the electro-oculogram (EOG) and electromyogram (EMG), stainless steel wires were placed in peri-orbital, and inserted into nuckal muscle, respectively. Electrodes (stainless steel wire, 7N51465T5TLT, 51/46 Teflon Bilaney, Germany) were connected to a pin (Future Electronics: 0672-2-15-15-30-27-10-0) with a small insert (track pins ; Dataflex: TRP-1558-0000) were fitted into a 8 holes connector. Finally, the electrodes were fixed with dental cement to the cranium. The animals were housed individually and were allowed to recover for at least one week.Sleep Recording Procedure and Pharmacological TestTen days after surgery, the animals were habituated for two weeks to the recording procedure in their home cages. The rats were connected at regular intervals with a cable to a rotating swivel allowing free movements while EEG, EOG and EMG activities were monitored.Only rats that complied with the required criteria were used at time of testing i.e. weight of animals 300-700 g, good polygraphical signal quality, a wash out period of at least 14 days in case of subject reuse, and no failure in t


Results are given in table 1.


Page/Page column 33-47



Patent: WO2006/133393 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

176 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

duration of different sleep states; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague Dawley rat



Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

EXAMPLE STUDY PURPOSE:This study was undertaken to determine the effect of the (D) or (R) enantiomer of a phenylalkylamino carbamate of Formula I, specifically O- carbamoyl-(D)-phenylalaninol which can also be named (R)-(beta-amino- benzenepropyl) carbamate shown above as Formula Ib, referred to herein as "TEST COMPOUND" on the sleep-wake organization in rats after acute administration of test compound, in direct comparison to amphetamine and cocaine. EPO In order to characterize the profile of activity of TEST COMPOUND in sleep-wake organization in rats, animals were chronically implanted with electrodes for recording the cortical electroencephalogram, electrical neck muscle activity, and ocular movements, while whole body movement levels were simultaneously registered. Secondly, effects were compared with those obtained with two reference psychostimulant drugs, cocaine and amphetamine. Changes in sleep-wake organization can be reliably detected on the basis of such polysomnographic recordings. Subsequent analysis of the pattern of changes has been validated to predict the class of psychotropic agents to which the compound under investigation resembles best. (See, Ruigt, GS et al. (1993) Neuropsychobiology, 28(3):138-153)MATERIALS AND METHODS AnimalsThe experiments were carried out on male adult Sprague Dawley rats, supplied by Harlan (Borchen, Germany) weighing 240-26Og at time of surgery. Animals were housed in full-view Plexiglas cages (25x33x18 cm) that fit to IVC- racks (individually ventilated cages) located in a sound attenuated chamber. Rats were provided with a micro-chip for identification purposes and maintained under controlled environmental conditions throughout the study: 22 +/- 2°C ambient temperature, relative humidity at 60percent, 12:12 light-dark cycle (lights on from 12:00 hrs to 00:00 hrs; light intensity ~100 lux) with standard laboratory food chow and tap water available ad libitum. The institutional animal care and use committee approved all animal procedures.Surgery Under isoflurane inhalation anesthesia, the rats were mounted in a stereotaxic apparatus. The oval area of the scalp was removed, and the uncovered skull was cleared of the periosteum. Three small cavities were drilled into the cranial bone without perforating the dura to receive 3 fixing stainless steel screws (diameter 1 mm) for polygraphic recording of frontal and parietal electroencephalogram (EEG). Two electrodes were placed EPO stereotaxically on each side of the sagittal suture (AP + 2 mm, L - 2 mm;and AP - 6 mm, L 3 mm from Bregma, while the third (reference) electrode was screwed over the cerebellum. The incisor bar was -5 mm under the centre of the ear bar, according to the stereotactic atlas of Paxinos G. Watson C. The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, U.S.A. (1998).For the recording of the electro-oculogram (EOG) and electromyogram (EMG), stainless steel wires were placed in peri-orbital, and inserted into nuckal muscle, respectively. Electrodes (stainless steel wire, 7N51465T5TLT, 51/46 Teflon Bilaney, Germany) were connected to a pin (Future Electronics: 0672-2-15-15-30-27-10-0) with a small insert (track pins ; Dataflex: TRP-1558-0000) were fitted into a 8 holes connector. Finally, the electrodes were fixed with dental cement to the cranium. The animals were housed individually and were allowed to recover for at least one week.Sleep Recording Procedure and Pharmacological TestTen days after surgery, the animals were habituated for two weeks to the recording procedure in their home cages. The rats were connected at regular intervals with a cable to a rotating swivel allowing free movements while EEG, EOG and EMG activities were monitored.Only rats that complied with the required criteria were used at time of testing i.e. weight of animals 300-700 g, good polygraphical signal quality, a wash out period of at least 14 days in case of subject reuse, and no failure in t


Results are given in table 2.


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Patent: WO2006/133393 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

177 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

sleep parameter; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague Dawley rat



Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

EXAMPLE STUDY PURPOSE:This study was undertaken to determine the effect of the (D) or (R) enantiomer of a phenylalkylamino carbamate of Formula I, specifically O- carbamoyl-(D)-phenylalaninol which can also be named (R)-(beta-amino- benzenepropyl) carbamate shown above as Formula Ib, referred to herein as "TEST COMPOUND" on the sleep-wake organization in rats after acute administration of test compound, in direct comparison to amphetamine and cocaine. EPO In order to characterize the profile of activity of TEST COMPOUND in sleep-wake organization in rats, animals were chronically implanted with electrodes for recording the cortical electroencephalogram, electrical neck muscle activity, and ocular movements, while whole body movement levels were simultaneously registered. Secondly, effects were compared with those obtained with two reference psychostimulant drugs, cocaine and amphetamine. Changes in sleep-wake organization can be reliably detected on the basis of such polysomnographic recordings. Subsequent analysis of the pattern of changes has been validated to predict the class of psychotropic agents to which the compound under investigation resembles best. (See, Ruigt, GS et al. (1993) Neuropsychobiology, 28(3):138-153)MATERIALS AND METHODS AnimalsThe experiments were carried out on male adult Sprague Dawley rats, supplied by Harlan (Borchen, Germany) weighing 240-26Og at time of surgery. Animals were housed in full-view Plexiglas cages (25x33x18 cm) that fit to IVC- racks (individually ventilated cages) located in a sound attenuated chamber. Rats were provided with a micro-chip for identification purposes and maintained under controlled environmental conditions throughout the study: 22 +/- 2°C ambient temperature, relative humidity at 60percent, 12:12 light-dark cycle (lights on from 12:00 hrs to 00:00 hrs; light intensity ~100 lux) with standard laboratory food chow and tap water available ad libitum. The institutional animal care and use committee approved all animal procedures.Surgery Under isoflurane inhalation anesthesia, the rats were mounted in a stereotaxic apparatus. The oval area of the scalp was removed, and the uncovered skull was cleared of the periosteum. Three small cavities were drilled into the cranial bone without perforating the dura to receive 3 fixing stainless steel screws (diameter 1 mm) for polygraphic recording of frontal and parietal electroencephalogram (EEG). Two electrodes were placed EPO stereotaxically on each side of the sagittal suture (AP + 2 mm, L - 2 mm;and AP - 6 mm, L 3 mm from Bregma, while the third (reference) electrode was screwed over the cerebellum. The incisor bar was -5 mm under the centre of the ear bar, according to the stereotactic atlas of Paxinos G. Watson C. The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, U.S.A. (1998).For the recording of the electro-oculogram (EOG) and electromyogram (EMG), stainless steel wires were placed in peri-orbital, and inserted into nuckal muscle, respectively. Electrodes (stainless steel wire, 7N51465T5TLT, 51/46 Teflon Bilaney, Germany) were connected to a pin (Future Electronics: 0672-2-15-15-30-27-10-0) with a small insert (track pins ; Dataflex: TRP-1558-0000) were fitted into a 8 holes connector. Finally, the electrodes were fixed with dental cement to the cranium. The animals were housed individually and were allowed to recover for at least one week.Sleep Recording Procedure and Pharmacological TestTen days after surgery, the animals were habituated for two weeks to the recording procedure in their

home cages. The rats were connected at regular intervals with a cable to a rotating swivel allowing free movements while EEG, EOG and EMG activities were monitored.Only rats that complied with the required criteria were used at time of testing i.e. weight of animals 300-700 g, good polygraphical signal quality, a wash out period of at least 14 days in case of subject reuse, and no failure in t Results

Results are given in table 3.


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Patent: WO2006/133393 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

178 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

number of shifts from different sleep state; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague Dawley rat



Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

EXAMPLE STUDY PURPOSE:This study was undertaken to determine the effect of the (D) or (R) enantiomer of a phenylalkylamino carbamate of Formula I, specifically O- carbamoyl-(D)-phenylalaninol which can also be named (R)-(beta-amino- benzenepropyl) carbamate shown above as Formula Ib, referred to herein as "TEST COMPOUND" on the sleep-wake organization in rats after acute administration of test compound, in direct comparison to amphetamine and cocaine. EPO In order to characterize the profile of activity of TEST COMPOUND in sleep-wake organization in rats, animals were chronically implanted with electrodes for recording the cortical electroencephalogram, electrical neck muscle activity, and ocular movements, while whole body movement levels were simultaneously registered. Secondly, effects were compared with those obtained with two reference psychostimulant drugs, cocaine and amphetamine. Changes in sleep-wake organization can be reliably detected on the basis of such polysomnographic recordings. Subsequent analysis of the pattern of changes has been validated to predict the class of psychotropic agents to which the compound under investigation resembles best. (See, Ruigt, GS et al. (1993) Neuropsychobiology, 28(3):138-153)MATERIALS AND METHODS AnimalsThe experiments were carried out on male adult Sprague Dawley rats, supplied by Harlan (Borchen, Germany) weighing 240-26Og at time of surgery. Animals were housed in full-view Plexiglas cages (25x33x18 cm) that fit to IVC- racks (individually ventilated cages) located in a sound attenuated chamber. Rats were provided with a micro-chip for identification purposes and maintained under controlled environmental conditions throughout the study: 22 +/- 2°C ambient temperature, relative humidity at 60percent, 12:12 light-dark cycle (lights on from 12:00 hrs to 00:00 hrs; light intensity ~100 lux) with standard laboratory food chow and tap water available ad libitum. The institutional animal care and use committee approved all animal procedures.Surgery Under isoflurane inhalation anesthesia, the rats were mounted in a stereotaxic apparatus. The oval area of the scalp was removed, and the uncovered skull was cleared of the periosteum. Three small cavities were drilled into the cranial bone without perforating the dura to receive 3 fixing stainless steel screws (diameter 1 mm) for polygraphic recording of frontal and parietal electroencephalogram (EEG). Two electrodes were placed EPO stereotaxically on each side of the sagittal suture (AP + 2 mm, L - 2 mm;and AP - 6 mm, L 3 mm from Bregma, while the third (reference) electrode was screwed over the cerebellum. The incisor bar was -5 mm under the centre of the ear bar, according to the stereotactic atlas of Paxinos G. Watson C. The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates, Academic Press, San Diego, CA, U.S.A. (1998).For the recording of the electro-oculogram (EOG) and electromyogram (EMG), stainless steel wires were placed in peri-orbital, and inserted into nuckal muscle, respectively. Electrodes (stainless steel wire, 7N51465T5TLT, 51/46 Teflon Bilaney, Germany) were connected to a pin (Future Electronics: 0672-2-15-15-30-27-10-0) with a small insert (track pins ; Dataflex: TRP-1558-0000) were fitted into a 8 holes connector. Finally, the electrodes were fixed with dental cement to the cranium. The animals were housed individually and were allowed to recover for at least one week.Sleep Recording Procedure and Pharmacological TestTen days after surgery, the animals were habituated for two weeks to the recording procedure in their home cages. The rats were connected at regular intervals with a cable to a rotating swivel allowing free movements while EEG, EOG and EMG activities were monitored.Only rats that complied with the required criteria were used at time of testing i.e. weight of animals 300-700 g, good polygraphical signal quality, a wash out period of at least 14 days in case of subject reuse, and no failure in t


Results are given in table 4.


Page/Page column 33-47



Patent: WO2006/133393 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

179 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; inhib. of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

DBA/2N/Kuo mouse liver microsomes CYP2A5


male and female

Method (Pharmacological Data)

enzymatic assay; coumarin used as a substrate; in the presence of NADPH; Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.4; 37 deg C; 10 min incubation; coumarin 7-hydroxylation monitored by fluorescence measurements

Type (Pharmacological Data)


180 of 317

181 of 317

182 of 317

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.85 dimensionless


Rahnasto, Minna; Raunio, Hannu; Poso, Antti; Wittekindt, Carsten; Juvonen, Risto O.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 48, # 2 p. 440 - 449 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; inhib. of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human liver microsomes CYP2A6

Method (Pharmacological Data)

enzymatic assay; coumarin used as a substrate; in the presence of NADPH; Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.4; 37 deg C; 10 min incubation; coumarin 7-hydroxylation monitored by fluorescence measurements

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.50 dimensionless


Rahnasto, Minna; Raunio, Hannu; Poso, Antti; Wittekindt, Carsten; Juvonen, Risto O.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 48, # 2 p. 440 - 449 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; inhib. of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

recombinant cytochrome P450 2C8

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

30 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. added to rhCYP2C8+substrate (ADQ)+NADPH mixture in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) with MgCl2 and incubated at 37 deg C for 10 min; ADQ N-deethylase activity of rhCYP2C8 determined by measurement of N-desethylamodiaquine with HPLC/MS/MS

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

rhCYP2C8: heterologously expressed recombinant CYP2C8; ADQ: amodiaquine


title comp. inhibited enzyme by 11.2 percent


Walsky, Robert L.; Gaman, Emily A.; Obach, R. Scott

Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 45, # 1 p. 68 - 78 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

behavioural symptoms

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar-Kyoto rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.6 - 10 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

after single title comp. injection, rat locomotor activity recorded in open-field cages continuously (sample time: 10 min) throughout 24 h cycle for 2 d

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: saline


title comp. at 0.6-2.5 mg/kg significantly dose-dependently increased locomotor activity, at 10 mg/kg had no effect on horizontal activity

but rather produced significant increase in stereotypic behavior

183 of 317

184 of 317

185 of 317


Prieto-Gomez; Vazquez-Alvarez; Martinez-Pena; Reyes-Vazquez; Yang; Dafny

Life Sciences, 2005 , vol. 77, # 6 p. 635 - 649 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

synaptic currents; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wister rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2.5 - 20 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

24 h after title comp. injection, rats sacrificed under anesthesia; brain removed and cut; spontaneous miniature exitatory post-synaptic currents recorded from horizontal midbrain slices using Axopatch 1D patch-clamp amplifier

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: saline


title comp. dose-dependently increased frequency and amplitude of miniature excitatory post-synaptic currents (figure)


Prieto-Gomez; Vazquez-Alvarez; Martinez-Pena; Reyes-Vazquez; Yang; Dafny

Life Sciences, 2005 , vol. 77, # 6 p. 635 - 649 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

synaptic currents; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wister rat horisontal midbrain slice



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2.5 - 20 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

brain slices placed in bath perfused with title comp.; spontaneous miniature exitatory post-synaptic currents recorded from brain slices comp. using Axopatch 1D patch-clamp amplifier

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: saline


title comp. dose-dependently increased frequency and amplitude of miniature excitatory post-synaptic currents (figure)


Prieto-Gomez; Vazquez-Alvarez; Martinez-Pena; Reyes-Vazquez; Yang; Dafny

Life Sciences, 2005 , vol. 77, # 6 p. 635 - 649 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

synaptic currents; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wister rat brain slice



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2.5 - 20 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

brain slices perfused with title comp. in bath; NMDA mediated exitatory post-synaptic currents recorded by whole-cell patch clamping from VTA-DA neurons following PFC afferent stimulation

Further Details (Pharmacological

NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartate; VTA-DA: ventral tegmental areas dopaminergic; PFC: prefrontal cortex; control: saline


186 of 317

187 of 317

188 of 317


title comp. significantly increased NMDA mediated excitatory post-synaptic currents at high doses of 10.0 and 20.0 μmol/l (figure)


Prieto-Gomez; Vazquez-Alvarez; Martinez-Pena; Reyes-Vazquez; Yang; Dafny

Life Sciences, 2005 , vol. 77, # 6 p. 635 - 649 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

synaptic currents; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wister rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2.5 - 20 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

24 h after title comp. injection, rats sacrificed under anesthesia; brain removed and cut; NMDA mediated exitatory post-synaptic currents recorded by whole-cell patch clamping from VTA-DA neurons following PFC afferent stimulation

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartate; VTA-DA: ventral tegmental areas dopaminergic; PFC: prefrontal cortex; control: saline

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Prieto-Gomez; Vazquez-Alvarez; Martinez-Pena; Reyes-Vazquez; Yang; Dafny

Life Sciences, 2005 , vol. 77, # 6 p. 635 - 649 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

synaptic currents; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wister rat brain slices



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2.5 - 20 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

brain slices perfused with title comp. in bath; AMPA mediated exitatory post-synaptic currents recorded by whole-cell patch clamping from VTA-DA neurons following PFC afferent stimulation

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

AMPA: α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid; VTA-DA: ventral tegmental areas dopaminergic; PFC: prefrontal cortex; control: saline


title comp. significantly increased AMPA mediated excitatory post-synaptic currents at doses of 5.0 - 20.0 μmol/l by 14.10 - 23.71 percent, resp. (figure)


Prieto-Gomez; Vazquez-Alvarez; Martinez-Pena; Reyes-Vazquez; Yang; Dafny

Life Sciences, 2005 , vol. 77, # 6 p. 635 - 649 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

synaptic currents; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wister rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological

2.5 - 20 mg/kg


189 of 317

190 of 317

Method (Pharmacological Data)

24 h after title comp. injection, rats sacrificed under anesthesia; brain removed and cut; AMPA mediated exitatory post-synaptic currents recorded by whole-cell patch clamping from VTA-DA neurons following PFC afferent stimulation

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

AMPA: α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid; VTA-DA: ventral tegmental areas dopaminergic; PFC: prefrontal cortex; control: saline


title comp. significantly increased AMPA mediated excitatory post-synaptic currents at doses of 10 and 20.0 mg/kg (figure)


Prieto-Gomez; Vazquez-Alvarez; Martinez-Pena; Reyes-Vazquez; Yang; Dafny

Life Sciences, 2005 , vol. 77, # 6 p. 635 - 649 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

gene expression; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Chinese hamster ovary cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells incubated with title comp. for 18 h; 1 μmol/l isoprenaline or 10 μmol/l forskolin added; reaction substrate PNPP added, incubated 1 h at 37 deg C; activity of secreted placental alkaline phosphatase (SPAP) measured spectrophotometrically

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with human β2 adrenoceptor and SPAP reporter gene with multiple cAMP response elements in promoter region; PNPP: p-nitrophenol phosphate


title comp. significantly potentiated isoprenaline- and forskolin-stimulated SPAP production (to 171.23 percent for isoprenaline stimulation)


Richards; Abdel-Razaq; Bates; Kendall

Biochemical Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 70, # 5 p. 762 - 769 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

induction of hyper-locomotion

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)


Method (Pharmacological Data)

In vivo test: Behaviour Behavioural activity was measured using eight Digiscan activity monitors (RXYZM (16) TAO, Omnitech Electronics, Columbus, OH, USA), connected to an Omnitech Digiscan analyzer and a Apple Macintosh computer equipped with a digital interface board (NB DIO- 24, National Instruments, USA). Each activity monitor consisted of a quadratic metal frame (WxL 40x40 cm) equipped with photobeam sensors. During measurements of behavioural activity, a rat was put in a transparent acrylic cage (WxLxH, 40x40x30 cm) which in turn was placed in the activity monitor. Each activity monitor was equipped with three rows of infrared photobeam sensors, each row consisting of 16 sensors. Two rows were placed along the front and the side of the floor of the cage, at a 90° angle, and the third row was placed 10 cm above the floor to measure vertical activity. Photobeam sensors were spaced 2.5 cm apart. Each activity monitor was fitted in an identical sound and light attenuating box containing a weak house light and a fan. The computer software was written using object oriented programming (LabVIEWNo., National instruments, Austin, TX, USA). Behavioural data from each activity monitor, representing the position (horizontal centre of gravity and vertical activity) of the animal at each time, were recorded at a sampling frequency of 25 Hz and collected using a custom written LABViewNo. application. The data from each recording session were stored and analyzed with respect to distance traveled. Each behavioural recording session lasted 60 min, starting approximately 4 min after the injection of test compound. Similar behavioural recording procedures were applied for drug-naive and drug pre-treated rats. Rats pretreated with d-amphetamine were given a dose of 1.5 mg/kg i.p.. 10 min before the recording session in the activity monitor. Rats pretreated with MK-801 were given a dose of 0.7 mg/kg i.p.. 90 min before the recording session in the activity monitor. The results are presented as counts/60 minutes, or counts/30 minutes, in arbitrary length units. Statistical comparisons were carried out using student's t-test vs the control group. In MK-801 or amphetamine pre-treated animals, statistical comparisons were made vs the MK801 or d-amphetamine controls, respectively. EDso values for reduction of amphetamine-induced hyper-locomotion are calculated by curve fitting. For most compounds, the evaluation is based on 16 amphetamine pre- treated animals over the dose range 0,11, 33 and 100 μmol/kg s. c. in one single experiment, with complementary doses in separate experiments. Calculations are based on distance during the last 45 minutes of one hour of measurement. The distances are normalised to amphetamine-control and fitted by least square minimization to the function "End-(End-Control)/(1+ (dose/ED50)Slope)". The four parameters are fitted with the restrictions: ED50>0,0.50percent of control. To estimate confidence levels for the parameters, the fit is repeated 100 times with a random evenly distributed squared weight (0 to 1) for every measurement value. Presented EDso-ranges cover 95percent of these values; Table 4. Effects of compounds in the present invention on reduction of amphetamine- induced hyper-locomotion. Comparative examples from prior art is also included. For methods and statistical calculations see the enclosed tests.


The title compound was used for the induction of hyper.locomotion for testing examined compounds.


Page/Page column 17; 32-33



Patent: WO2005/121092 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

191 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

symptoms related to a viral infection; decrease of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)


Route of Application


Method (Pharmacological Data)

EXAMPLE It has been unexpectedly determined that a person who was regularly taking ADDERALL prescribed by a doctor for ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) exhibited symptoms related to a viral infection that included headache, runny nose, coughing. This person was associated with a variety of other individuals who also exhibited similar symptoms. The person missed some dosages of the prescribed ADDERALL. Upon ingesting the recommended dosage of the ADDERALL, the person, within one hour, experienced complete relief of the runny nose, cough, and sinus and chest congestion. However, the symptoms would reappear upon skipping the prescribed dosage of ADDERALL.


Upon ingesting the recommended dosage of the title compound, the person, within one hour, experienced complete relief of the runny nose, cough, and sinus and chest congestion.


Page/Page column 2


Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

192 of 317

193 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transmitter releasing

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

pretreatment with title comp. for 5 min a day during 5 d; 10 d later test dose given

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells grown in DMEM during title comp. pretreatment; 10 d later incubation with title comp. in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer with or without 1.2 mmol/l CaCl2 for 2.5 min; dopamine (DA) in samples analysed by HPLC with electrochemical detection

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DMEM: Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; HPLC: high-pressure liquid chromatography; control: vehicle; further investigations with Ca(2+) channel blockers, tetanus toxin, reserpine, calmodulin kinase II inhibitor (KN-93), and protein kinase C inhibitor


title comp. induced DA efflux from cells; this effect was Ca(2+)-dependently enhanced after title comp. pretreatment; DA efflux induction was inhibited by protein kinase C inhibitor, while Ca(2+) channel blockers and KN-93 inhibited only enhancement


Kantor; Zhang; Guptaroy; Park; Gnegy, Margaret E.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2004 , vol. 311, # 3 p. 1044 - 1051 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

intracellular Ca(2+); increase of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

pretreatment with title comp. for 5 min a day during 5 d; 10 d later test dose of title comp. given

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells grown in DMEM during title comp. pretreatment; 10 d later cells resuspended in KRB buffer with or without 1.2 mmol/l CaCl2 and loaded with fura-2/AM; intracellular Ca(2+) measured in presence of title comp. at 37 deg C; spectrofluorometry

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DMEM: Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; AM: acetoxymethyl ester; KRB: Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate; control: vehicle; reference comp.: bradykinin (BK); further investigations with L- and N-type Ca(2+) channel blockers and desipramine (DP)


title comp. Ca(2+)-independently increased cellular Ca(2+) similarly to BK; effect of title comp., but not of BK, was enhanced by title

comp. pretreatment; absence of Ca(2+) and Ca(2+) channel blockers prevented enhancement, while DP blocked all effects

194 of 317

195 of 317

196 of 317


Kantor; Zhang; Guptaroy; Park; Gnegy, Margaret E.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2004 , vol. 311, # 3 p. 1044 - 1051 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; inhib. of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

pretreatment with title comp. for 5 min a day during 5 d; 10 d later test dose of title comp. given; dissolved in saline

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells grown in DMEM during title comp. pretreatment; 10 d later cells resuspended in KRB buffer and incubated with title comp. for 2.5 min; CaM kinase II activity measured in cell homogenate using autocamtide as a substrate and <γ-32P>ATP

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DMEM: Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; KRB: Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate; CaM: calmodulin; control: vehicle; further investigations using sulpiride


title comp. inhibited CaM kinase II activity in vehicle-pretreated, but not in title comp.-pretreated cells; it was not affected by sulpiride; title comp. pretreatment caused no difference in CaM kinase activity without title comp. challenge


Kantor; Zhang; Guptaroy; Park; Gnegy, Margaret E.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2004 , vol. 311, # 3 p. 1044 - 1051 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

treatment with title comp. for 5 min a day during 5 d

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells grown in DMEM during title comp. treatment; 10 d later cells harvested, placed in tubes, and eqilibrated at 37 deg C; uptake of 50 nmol/l or 1 μmol/l <3H>dopamine measured in Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer with or without 1.2 mmol/l CaCl2

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DMEM: Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; control: vehicle

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Kantor; Zhang; Guptaroy; Park; Gnegy, Margaret E.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2004 , vol. 311, # 3 p. 1044 - 1051 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

treatment with title comp. for 5 min a day during 5 d

197 of 317

198 of 317

199 of 317

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells grown in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium during title comp. treatment; 10 d later cellular dopamine content determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: vehicle; further investigation using tetanus toxin and reserpine

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Kantor; Zhang; Guptaroy; Park; Gnegy, Margaret E.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2004 , vol. 311, # 3 p. 1044 - 1051 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protease resistance; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat striatal membranes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

membrane (DAT) incubated with title comp., followed by digestion with trypsin for 10 min at 22 deg C, then subjected to electrophoresis and immunoblotting with mAb 16

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mAb: monoclonal antibody; DAT: dopamine transporter; EL: extracellular loop

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Gaffaney, Jon D.; Vaughan, Roxanne A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2004 , vol. 65, # 3 p. 692 - 701 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

ligand binding; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2 - 8 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in saline

Method (Pharmacological Data)

20 min after title comp. administration <3H>raclopride was injected i.v.; 30 min later striata and cerebella were removed separately, solubilized, and counted; specific binding to D2 was estimated as the ratio of radioactivity striatum/cerebellum

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

D2 = dopamine receptors; control: vehicle; the cerebellum was investigated to estimate the nonspecific binding


title comp. decreased the specific binding of <3H>raclopride dose-dependently; the decrease was significant at 8 mg/kg title comp. (diagram)


Sun; Ginovart; Ko; Seeman; Kapur

Molecular Pharmacology, 2003 , vol. 63, # 2 p. 456 - 462 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

ligand binding; inhibition of

200 of 317

201 of 317

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

8 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in saline

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats were sacrificed 1 - 6 h after title comp. administration; 30 min before sacrifice <3H>raclopride was injected i.v.; striata and cerebella were removed separately, solubilized, and counted

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

specific binding to D2 was estimated as the ratio of radioactivity striatum/cerebellum; the cerebellum was investigated to estimate the nonspecific binding; D2 = dopamine receptors; control: vehicle


title comp. decreased the specific binding of <3H>raclopride time-dependently; the decrease was significant at all time points (diagram)


Sun; Ginovart; Ko; Seeman; Kapur

Molecular Pharmacology, 2003 , vol. 63, # 2 p. 456 - 462 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

ligand binding; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

8 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in saline

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats were sacrificed 50 min after title comp. administration; membrane homogenate from one striatum side (left or right) was used for <3H>raclopride, and the other for <3H>spiperone binding assays; filter-bound radioactivity was counted

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

dopamine D2 receptors were invest.; nonspecific binding was defined with 10 μmol/l (S)-sulpiride; control: vehicle; further invest. performed after preincubation of membranes with 200 μmol/l 5'-guanylylimidodiphosphate (GPP(NH)p) for 60 min


title comp. decreased the <3H>raclopride but not <3H>spiperone binding; the effect of title comp. was caused by a decrease in D2receptor density, whereas Kd was unchanged; pretreatment with GPP(NH)p did not alter the effect of title comp. (tables)


Sun; Ginovart; Ko; Seeman; Kapur

Molecular Pharmacology, 2003 , vol. 63, # 2 p. 456 - 462 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

ligand binding; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

8 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing

dissolved in saline

(Pharmacological Data)

202 of 317

203 of 317

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats were sacrificed 50 min after title comp. administration; striata were homogenized and fractioned by centrifugation; fractions were assayed for <3H>raclopride or <3H>spiperone specific binding; filter-bound radioactivity was counted

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

dopamine D2 receptors were invest.; nonspecific binding was defined with 10 μmol/l (S)-sulpiride; control: vehicle


treatment with title comp. significantly reduced the binding of <3H>raclopride in the total homogenate, the nuclear, and the mitochondrial fractions, whereas <3H>spiperone binding was only reduced in the mitochondrial fraction (diagram)


Sun; Ginovart; Ko; Seeman; Kapur

Molecular Pharmacology, 2003 , vol. 63, # 2 p. 456 - 462 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

ligand binding; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

8 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in saline

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats were sacrificed 50 min after title comp. administration; striatum membrane homogenates were used for competition binding study of 2 nmol/l <3H>raclopride in the presence 1E-12 - 1E-3 mol/l dopamine; room temp.; filter-bound radioactivity counted

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

dopamine D2 receptors were investigated; control: vehicle


treatment with title comp. caused a loss of high-affinity state D2 receptors (conc.-binding curve)


Sun; Ginovart; Ko; Seeman; Kapur

Molecular Pharmacology, 2003 , vol. 63, # 2 p. 456 - 462 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat hepatoma-derived Fa32 cells

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

applied as sulphate via complete culture medium

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cultured in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium; cells treated 24 h after seeding in microtitre plate (adhered cells) or immediately after seeding (adhering cells); cytotoxicity det. through inhibition of neutral red uptake

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control - culture medium; NI50 - 50 percent neutral red uptake inhibition

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.23 - 1.66 mmol/l


NI50 for adhered cells was 1.66 mmol/l; for adhering cells was 1.23 mmol/l


Dierickx, Paul J.; Scheers, Ellen M.

Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2002 , vol. 22, # 1 p. 61 - 65 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

204 of 317

205 of 317

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Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transmitter releasing

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

PC12 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

daily, for 5 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 5 days, followed by 10 drug-free days; cells washed; challenged with amphetamine (AMP, 0.2-100 μmol/l, 2.5-min bolus); dopamine eluted; dopamine levels measured by high pressure liguid chromatography

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

further investigation in presence of nerve growth factor and challenge with 1 μmol/l AMP; vehicle control; Ka: kinetic constant


repeated, intermittent treatment with title comp. elicited increase in Vmax (ca. 2-fold vs. control) for AMP-mediated dopamine release without change in Ka; effect was not changed in presence of nerve growth factor (figures)


Kantor, Lana; Park, Yang Hae; Wang, Kevin K.W; Gnegy, Margaret E

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 451, # 1 p. 27 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transmitter releasing

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

daily, for 5 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 5 days, followed by 10 drug-free days; cells washed; challenged with amphetamine (AMP, 1 μmol/l, 2.5min bolus); dopamine eluted; dopamine levels measured by high pressure liguid chromatography

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

vehicle control


repeated, intermittent treatment with title comp. elicited increase in AMP-mediated dopamine release by 32-fold vs. 17-fold increase in control (figure)


Kantor, Lana; Park, Yang Hae; Wang, Kevin K.W; Gnegy, Margaret E

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 451, # 1 p. 27 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transmitter releasing

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

PC12 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

daily, for 5 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 5 days, followed by 0-10 drug-free days; cells washed; challenged with amphetamine (AMP, 1 μmol/l, 2.5-min bolus); dopamine eluted; dopamine levels measured by high pressure liguid chromatography

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

vehicle control

207 of 317

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209 of 317


repeated, intermittent treatment with title comp. elicited increase in AMP-mediated dopamine release after 6 days of withdrawal and significantly increased after 10 days of withdrawal (figure)


Kantor, Lana; Park, Yang Hae; Wang, Kevin K.W; Gnegy, Margaret E

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 451, # 1 p. 27 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transmitter releasing

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

PC12 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

continuously present in media

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 5 days, followed by 10 drug-free days; washed; challenged with amphetamine (1 μmol/l, 2.5-min bolus); dopamine eluted; dopamine levels measured by high pressure liguid chromatography

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

vehicle control

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Kantor, Lana; Park, Yang Hae; Wang, Kevin K.W; Gnegy, Margaret E

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 451, # 1 p. 27 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

PC12 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

daily, for 5 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 5 days, followed by 10 drug-free days; specific dopamine uptake measured with 70 nmol/l and 1 μmol/l <3H>dopamine at 1 min using nisoxetin (100 nmol/l); filter-bound radioactivity measured by scintillation counter

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

vehicle control

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Kantor, Lana; Park, Yang Hae; Wang, Kevin K.W; Gnegy, Margaret E

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 451, # 1 p. 27 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

uptake; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing

daily, for 5 min

(Pharmacological Data)

210 of 317

211 of 317

212 of 317

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 5 days, followed by 10 drug-free days; specific dopamine uptake measured with 70 nmol/l and 1 μmol/l <3H>dopamine at 1 min using nisoxetin (100 nmol/l); filter-bound radioactivity measured by scintillation counter

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

vehicle control

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Kantor, Lana; Park, Yang Hae; Wang, Kevin K.W; Gnegy, Margaret E

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 451, # 1 p. 27 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

gene expression; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

PC12 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

daily, for 5 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 5 days, followed by 10 drug-free days; cells lysates analyzed for norepinephrine transporter density by immunoblotting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

vehicle control

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Kantor, Lana; Park, Yang Hae; Wang, Kevin K.W; Gnegy, Margaret E

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 451, # 1 p. 27 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

gene expression; effect on

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

PC12 cells

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

daily, for 5 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 5 days, followed by 10 drug-free days; cells lysates analyzed for dopamine transporter density by immunoblotting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

vehicle control

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Kantor, Lana; Park, Yang Hae; Wang, Kevin K.W; Gnegy, Margaret E

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 451, # 1 p. 27 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

gene expression; effect on

Species or TestSystem

PC12 cells

(Pharmacological Data)

213 of 317

214 of 317

215 of 317

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells pretreated with title comp., incubated with 10 μmol/l cocaine for 10 min; <3H>nisoxetine at 30 nmol/l added to whole cells for 30 min; expression of norepinephrine transporter as filter-bound radioactivity counted using scintillation counter

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

vehicle control

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Kantor, Lana; Park, Yang Hae; Wang, Kevin K.W; Gnegy, Margaret E

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 451, # 1 p. 27 - 35 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

free radical generation; induction of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

polymorphonuclear leukocytes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

50 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

leukocytes incubated with 0.01 mol/l lucigenin in polystyrene vial; chemiluminescence was read for one min; title comp. or PMA (50 nmol/l) added; measurement of chemiluminescence was repeated in 25 min at 37 deg C with a luminometer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: vehicle; PMA: phorbol myristate acetate; PMA was used to test the functional viability of the isolated polymorphonuclear leukocytes


title comp. signif. enhanced the chemiluminescence generation by 152 percent as compared with its baseline value; combination of title comp. with PMA increased chemiluminescence by 360 percent; fig.


Huang, Kun-Lun; Shaw, Kai-Ping; Wang, David; Hsu, Kang; Huang, Tze-Shung; Chen, Hsing-I

Life Sciences, 2002 , vol. 71, # 11 p. 1237 - 1244 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

SD rats lung



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 - 50 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

isolated lung equillibrated in physiological salt soln., 10 min; title comp. added to perfusate; pulmonary arterial pressure and lung weight (LW) monitored continuously for 60 min; filteration coefficient (Kf) measured gravimetrically

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: without title comp.; further effects of dimethylthiourea (DMTU) on title comp. studied


title comp. induced pulmonary hypertension dose-dependently; causes signif. gain in LW; increased Kf by 90, 210 percent at 10, 50 μmol/l, resp.; title comp. induced hypertension and LW gain were attenuated and completely abolished, resp. by DMTU; diagrams


Huang, Kun-Lun; Shaw, Kai-Ping; Wang, David; Hsu, Kang; Huang, Tze-Shung; Chen, Hsing-I

Life Sciences, 2002 , vol. 71, # 11 p. 1237 - 1244 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

DA extracellular concentration

216 of 317

217 of 317

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Long-Evans rat


male and female

Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

applied as sulfate; in artificial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF); single injection

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Pb- or Na-exposed rats were placed in a stereotaxic frame; transversal dialysis probe was inserted into NAC of anesthetised rats; samples were collected every 20 min for 120 min after title comp. injection; HPLC

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

nucleus accumbens (NAC); rats were continuously exposed to Pb (350 ppm) or Na (350 ppm) acetates in drinking water from early gestational day (2-6; "in utero") or from 28 days ("adult") of age; rats were used in the study at the 13th week of age


title comp. induced dopamine release in NAC of rats; rats treated with Pb "in utero" responded with a lower dopamine release than rats treated "in utero" with Na; no sign. differences in the groups of rats treated "adult" were obs.; graphic represent.


Devoto, Paola; Flore, Giovanna; Ibba, Antonio; Fratta, Walter; Pani, Luca

Toxicology Letters, 2001 , vol. 121, # 3 p. 199 - 206 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

302 animals (253-352 g); 12/12 h light/dark cycle; food and water ad libitum; blood pressure

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Chang; Pan; Lin

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 132, # 7 p. 1524 - 1530 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 0.3 mg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

302 animals (253-352 g); 12/12 h light/dark cycle; food and water ad libitum; blood pressure


concentration dependent increase in mean arterial pressure; at 0.3 mg increase of 39 mmHg


Chang; Pan; Lin

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 132, # 7 p. 1524 - 1530 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

218 of 317

219 of 317

220 of 317

Show next 20

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 mg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

302 animals (253-352 g); 12/12 h light/dark cycle, food and water ad libitum; the animals started receive sodium nitro-prusside (0.01-0.1 mg, i.c.) 1 h after treatment with title comp.; blood pressure


title comp. attenuated the sodium nitro-prusside-induced decrease in mean arterial pressure


Chang; Pan; Lin

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 132, # 7 p. 1524 - 1530 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 mg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

302 animals (253-352 g); 12/12 h light/dark cycle, food and water ad libitum; the animals started receive 8-Br-cyclic GMP (0.05 mg, i.c.) 1 h after treatment with title comp.; blood pressure


title comp. attenuated the 8-Br-cGMP-induced decrease in mean arterial pressure


Chang; Pan; Lin

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 132, # 7 p. 1524 - 1530 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 mg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

302 animals (253-352 g); 12/12 h light/dark cycle, food and water ad libitum; the animals started receive hydroxylamine (0.01-0.1 mg, i.c.) 1 h after treatment with title comp.; blood pressure


title comp. attenuated the hydroxylamine-induced decrease in mean arterial pressure


Chang; Pan; Lin

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 132, # 7 p. 1524 - 1530 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hide facts

221 of 317

222 of 317

223 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

behavioural symptoms

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Swiss albino mouse



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2 μg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

given into cerebral ventricle, in volume of 5 μl; dissolved in isotonic saline (0.9percent NaCl)

Method (Pharmacological Data)

motor coordination evaluated by rota-rod test (16 r.p.m.) starting 15 min after title comp. treatment; number of falls from rod in 30 s recorded for up to 60 min post-treatment

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: saline


number of falls increased from 2.4 (before treatment) to 3.1, 3.3 and 2.7 at 15, 30 and 45 min after treatment, resp.


Pirisino; Ghelardini; Banchelli; Galeotti; Raimondi

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 134, # 4 p. 880 - 886 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Swiss albino mouse



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 2 μg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

given into cerebral ventricle, in volume of 5 μl; dissolved in isotonic saline (0.9percent NaCl); used as sulphate

Method (Pharmacological Data)

mice starved for 12 h, food consumption measured up to 60 min after title comp. treatment

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: saline


title comp. reduced food consumption from 677 to 247 mg/mouse


Pirisino; Ghelardini; Banchelli; Galeotti; Raimondi

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 134, # 4 p. 880 - 886 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

NIH-3T3 cell membranes expressing rat 5-HT2A receptors

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

as sulfate

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; radioligand competition binding assay; 0.5 nmol/l <3H>ketanserin used as radioligand; binding buffer, pH 7.4; 37 deg C; incubated for 30 min; liquid scintillation counting; nonspecific binding determined using 10 μmol/l ketanserin

224 of 317

225 of 317

226 of 317

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

> 10000 nmol/l


Dowd; Herrick-Davis; Egan; DuPre; Smith; Teitler; Glennon

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 43, # 16 p. 3074 - 3084 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

A-9 cell membranes expressing rat 5-HT2C receptors

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

as sulfate

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; radioligand competition binding assay; 2.0 nmol/l <3H>mesulegrine used as radioligand; binding buffer, pH 7.4; 37 deg C; incubated for 30 min; liquid scintillation counting; nonspecific binding determined using 1 μmol/l mesulegrine

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

> 10000 nmol/l


Dowd; Herrick-Davis; Egan; DuPre; Smith; Teitler; Glennon

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 43, # 16 p. 3074 - 3084 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 1000 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in ACF

Method (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. perfused via microdialysis probe (reversed microdialysis) into different subregions of prefrontal cortex for 60 min; norepinephrine, serotonin, choline, acetylcholine conc. in dialysate determined by chromatography before and after perfusion

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

anaesthetized rats; medial prefrontal subregions: dorsal prelimbic/anterior cingulate cortex and ventral prelimbic/infralimbic cortex; ACF: artificial cerebrospinal fluid


title comp. produced dose-dependent increase in choline, norepinephrine, serotonin levels in both anterior cingulate and infralimbic cortices; acetylcholine level was increased in dose-dependent manner in infralimbic but not in anterior cingulate cortex


Hedou, Gael; Homberg, Judith; Martin, Sonsoles; Wirth, Katja; Feldon, Joram; Heidbreder, Christian A.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2000 , vol. 390, # 1-2 p. 127 - 136 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

behavioural symptoms

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Swiss A mice

227 of 317

228 of 317



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 mg/kg

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

30 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vivo; 10 mice, 18-22 g; head-dip test; 30 min after treatment with title comp. mice were placed singly on a wooden board with 16 evenly spaced holes; No. of times the head was dipped into the holes during 3 min was counted

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: physiological saline

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Pal, Siddhartha; Sen; Chaudhuri, A.K. Nag

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 51, # 3 p. 313 - 318 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

metabolite formation, Vmax

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

human CYP2D6 microsomal product

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

30.18 nmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D6: 0.5 mg/incubation

Method (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D6 isozyme isolated from a transfected human AHH-1 TK+/- cell line; incubation with title comp. at 37 deg C, pH 7.4 for 2 h with NADPH-generating system; metabolites were quantified after acetylation by GC


single 4-hydroxylated metabolite; rate of metabolite formation: 0.16 nmol/h/mg protein

Metabolite (Pharmacological Data)

HO-NBA [Reaxys RN: 3264229]


Bach, Mimi V.; Coutts; Baker

Xenobiotica, 1999 , vol. 29, # 7 p. 719 - 732 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

effect on neurochemical response

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2.5 - 4 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

microdialysis rats (325-350 g) received title comp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

extracellular serotonin (5-HT) response in caudate-putamen (CP) and nucleus accumbens (NA)


title comp. promoted pronounced changes in extracellular levels of 5-HT in CP or NA; graphical representation

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231 of 317


Segal, David S.; Kuczenski, Ronald

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1999 , vol. 291, # 1 p. 19 - 30 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transport; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cells expressing human dopamine transporter

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells were pre-incubated with title comp. for 10 min before addition of <3H>DA; then incubated for 10 min; filtered; radioactivity remaining on the filter was measured by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DA: dopamine; <3H>DA was used as radiolabel; non-specific uptake was defined in presence of mazindol; Krebs-HEPES buffer; 25 deg C, water bath

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

29.3 nmol/l


Cashman, John R.; Xiong, Yeng N.; Lifen, Xu; Janowsky, Aaron

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1999 , vol. 288, # 3 p. 1251 - 1260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transport; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cells expressing human norepinephrine transporter

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells were pre-incubated with title comp. for 10 min before addition of <3H>NE; then incubated for 10 min; filtered; radioactivity remaining on the filter was measured by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

NE: norepinephrine; <3H>NE was used as radiolabel; non-specific uptake was defined in presence of mazindol; Krebs-HEPES buffer; 25 deg C, water bath

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

26.3 nmol/l


Cashman, John R.; Xiong, Yeng N.; Lifen, Xu; Janowsky, Aaron

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1999 , vol. 288, # 3 p. 1251 - 1260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transport; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cells expressing human serotonin transporter

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells were pre-incubated with title comp. for 10 min before addition of <3H>5-HT; then incubated for 10 min; filtered; radioactivity remaining on the filter was measured by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

<3H>5-HT: <3H>5-hydroxytryptamine was used as radiolabel; non-specific uptake was defined in presence of imipramine; Krebs-HEPES buffer; 25 deg C, water bath

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1867 nmol/l

232 of 317

233 of 317

234 of 317


Cashman, John R.; Xiong, Yeng N.; Lifen, Xu; Janowsky, Aaron

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1999 , vol. 288, # 3 p. 1251 - 1260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transport; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

C6 glioma cells expressing human dopamine transporter

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells were pre-incubated with <3H>MPP(1+) for 20 min; room temp.; washed; pre-incubated with release buffer for 10 min before title comp. was added; 37 deg C; radioactivity remaining in the cells was measured by liquid scintillation spectrometry

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

<3H>MPP(1+): <3H>1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium was used as radiolabel; non-specific uptake was defined in presence of mazindol; Krebs-HEPES buffer, pH 7.4; release was stimulated with trichloroacetic acid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

153 nmol/l


Cashman, John R.; Xiong, Yeng N.; Lifen, Xu; Janowsky, Aaron

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1999 , vol. 288, # 3 p. 1251 - 1260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transport; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

C6 glioma cells expressing human serotonin transporter

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells were pre-incubated with <3H>MPP(1+) for 20 min; room temp.; washed; pre-incubated with release buffer for 10 min before title comp. was added; 37 deg C; radioactivity remaining in the cells was measured by liquid scintillation spectrometry

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

<3H>MPP(1+): <3H>1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium was used as radiolabel; non-specific uptake was defined in presence of mazindol; Krebs-HEPES buffer, pH 7.4; release was stimulated with trichloroacetic acid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

224.2 nmol/l


Cashman, John R.; Xiong, Yeng N.; Lifen, Xu; Janowsky, Aaron

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1999 , vol. 288, # 3 p. 1251 - 1260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor blocking agent

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cell membranes expressing human dopamine transporter

Method (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand binding assay; membranes were isolated; preincubated with title comp. for 10 min before addition of <125I>RTI-55; incubated for 90 min; filtered; radioactivity remaining on the filter was measured by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

non-specific binding was defined in presence of mazindol; Krebs-HEPES buffer, room temp., darkness

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

572000 nmol/l

235 of 317

236 of 317

237 of 317

238 of 317


Cashman, John R.; Xiong, Yeng N.; Lifen, Xu; Janowsky, Aaron

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1999 , vol. 288, # 3 p. 1251 - 1260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor blocking agent

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cell membranes expressing human serotonin transporter

Method (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand binding assay; membranes were isolated; preincubated with title comp. for 10 min before addition of <125I>RTI-55; incubated for 90 min; filtered; radioactivity remaining on the filter was measured by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

non-specific binding was defined in presence of imipramine; Krebs-HEPES buffer, room temp., darkness

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

37700 nmol/l


Cashman, John R.; Xiong, Yeng N.; Lifen, Xu; Janowsky, Aaron

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1999 , vol. 288, # 3 p. 1251 - 1260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor blocking agent

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cell membranes expressing human NET

Method (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand binding assay; membranes were isolated; preincubated with title comp. for 10 min before addition of <125I>RTI-55; incubated for 90 min; filtered; radioactivity remaining on the filter was measured by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

non-specific binding was defined in presence of mazindol; Krebs-HEPES buffer, room temp., darkness; NET: norepinephrine transporter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

926 nmol/l


Cashman, John R.; Xiong, Yeng N.; Lifen, Xu; Janowsky, Aaron

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1999 , vol. 288, # 3 p. 1251 - 1260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Homo sapiens

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1.25 - 10 mg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

pharmacokinetics of two dosage bioavailability of drug determining; a 1.25 mg Zydis dosage form and a 10 mg Movergan tablets


mean AUC: 56.4 nM/h for Zydis dosage form; 698.7 nM/h for Movergan tablets



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 50, # 4 p. 375 - 382 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


toxicity, acute

(Pharmacological Data)

239 of 317

240 of 317

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)


Route of Application


Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

300 mg/kg


Morozov; Klimova; Lavrova; Avdyunina; Pyatin; Troitskaya; Bykov

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1998 , vol. 32, # 1 p. 1 - 4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

white mongrel rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

in form of aqueous solutions or finely dispersed suspensions with Tween-80 (0.04 percent)

Method (Pharmacological Data)

5 animals; 180-200 g body weight; triftazin-induced catalepsy; triftazin (at a dose of 2 mg/kg) was introduced 30 min before observation; control

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

reference compound; at the dose producing maximum specific effect; administered 1 h before observation


Morozov; Klimova; Lavrova; Avdyunina; Pyatin; Troitskaya; Bykov

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1998 , vol. 32, # 1 p. 1 - 4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

spontaneous motor activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

white mongrel mice



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

in form of aqueous solutions or finely dispersed suspensions with Tween-80 (0.04 percent)

Method (Pharmacological Data)

15-20 animals; 18-22 g body weight; placed into individual compartments; number of horizontal movements during a 15 min time interval; control

Further Details

reference compound; at the dose producing maximum specific effect; administered 1 h before experiment

(Pharmacological Data)

241 of 317

242 of 317

243 of 317


significant effect


Morozov; Klimova; Lavrova; Avdyunina; Pyatin; Troitskaya; Bykov

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1998 , vol. 32, # 1 p. 1 - 4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

working capacity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

white mongrel mice



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

in form of aqueous solutions or finely dispersed suspensions with Tween-80 (0.04 percent)

Method (Pharmacological Data)

20-30 animals; 18-22 g body weight; loaded with 10 percent of the body weight; duration of swimming to complete fatigue in water at 27 deg C; control

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

reference compound; at the dose producing maximum specific effect; administered 1 h before experiment


pronounced stimulating effect


Morozov; Klimova; Lavrova; Avdyunina; Pyatin; Troitskaya; Bykov

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1998 , vol. 32, # 1 p. 1 - 4 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

psychomotor activation

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague Dawley rats



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.125 - 8.0 mg/kg/day

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

5 d

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats (200-225 g) cannulated (dural surface); 5 days habituation, title compd. administering; two groups: home and novel; rotational behavior data collection (5 min intervals, 2 h periods)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

home group: animals transported to testing room; novel group: animals housed in main animal colony (excludind 2 h experimental periods)


lower doses are necessary to induce sensitization in novel group; dose- and time-dependent rotational behavior evaluated (diagrams)


Browman; Badiani; Robinson

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 287, # 3 p. 1007 - 1014 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

peristaltic stimulant

244 of 317

245 of 317

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

once daily for 10 days

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats received gastric intubation of Na2<51>CrO4 and 10 percent charcoal; 15 min later rats killed; radioactivity of stomach and each small intestine segment measured by liquid scintillation counting


title comp. inhibited gastric emptying (49.3 versus 66.1 percent in control)


Doong, Ming-Luen; Lu, Chien-Chen; Kau, Mei-Mei; Tsai, Shiow-Chwen; Chiao, Yu-Chung; Chen, Jiann-Jong; Yeh, Jiun-Yih; Lin, Ho; Huang, Seng-Wong; Chen, Tseng-Shing; Chang, Full-Young; Wang, Paulus S.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 124, # 6 p. 1123 - 1130 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

releasing hormones

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.75 - 3 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

45 min after title comp. treatment blood samples collected; CCK concentration measured by RIA

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

CCK: cholecystokinin


3.0 mg/kg title comp. significantly increased plasma CCK level from 46.8 to 57.6 pg/ml


Doong, Ming-Luen; Lu, Chien-Chen; Kau, Mei-Mei; Tsai, Shiow-Chwen; Chiao, Yu-Chung; Chen, Jiann-Jong; Yeh, Jiun-Yih; Lin, Ho; Huang, Seng-Wong; Chen, Tseng-Shing; Chang, Full-Young; Wang, Paulus S.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 124, # 6 p. 1123 - 1130 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

peristaltic stimulant

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.75 - 3 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. given 30 min before gastric intubation of Na2<51>CrO4 and 10 percent charcoal; 15 min later rats killed; radioactivity of stomach and each small intestine segment measured by liquid scintillation counting


title comp. dose-dependently inhibited gastric emptying (31.3, 26.4 and 20.2 percent at 0.75, 1.5 and 3.0 mg/kg, respectively (control: 67.2 percent)) and intestinal transit (3.0 mg/kg significantly reduced geometric center)


Doong, Ming-Luen; Lu, Chien-Chen; Kau, Mei-Mei; Tsai, Shiow-Chwen; Chiao, Yu-Chung; Chen, Jiann-Jong; Yeh, Jiun-Yih;

Lin, Ho; Huang, Seng-Wong; Chen, Tseng-Shing; Chang, Full-Young; Wang, Paulus S.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 124, # 6 p. 1123 - 1130 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

246 of 317

247 of 317

248 of 317

249 of 317

250 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

miscellaneous activity (test, effect, animals, dose, in vivo): kaluresis, 140percent variation of Na(1+) or K(1+) excretion expressed as meq/100 g body weight, rats, 20 mg/kg, p.o.


Sparatore; Novelli

Farmaco, 1997 , vol. 52, # 8-9 p. 509 - 521 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

effect on EEG in rats (Mahalanobis' distances)


Mazurov, Anatoly A.; Andronati, Sergei A.; Korotenko, Tamara I.; Sokolenko, Nikolai I.; Dyadenko, Alexei I.; Shapiro, Yury E.; Gorbatyuk, Vitalii Ya.; Voronina, Tatyana A.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 1997 , vol. 5, # 11 p. 2029 - 2040 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug dependence

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)



male and female

Method (Pharmacological Data)

simple experimental epidemiologic survey of prescription forgeries in community pharmacies (1253 pharmacies) in the Midi-Pyrenees area (southwest France)


12.7 percent of the all forged prescription was made to obtain title compound with phenobarbitone


Lapeyre-Mestre; Damase-Michel; Adams; Michaud; Montastruc

European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 52, # 1 p. 37 - 39 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; inhib. of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

IIBCE rat brain mitochondrial monoamine oxidase B



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.01 - 100 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

in distilled water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

MAO-B activity determined by HPLC with electrochemical detection after incubation with selective substrate of DMAPEA in presence of title comp. at 37 deg C for 5 min, pH 7.4; DMAPEA and its MAO-B metabolite DMAPAA used to calculate MAO-B activity

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

MAO-B = monoamine oxidase B; DMAPEA = 4-dimethylaminophenethylamine, 5 μmol/l; DMAPAA = 4-dimethylaminophenylacetic acid

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Scorza, Ma. Cecilia; Carrau, Cecilia; Silveira, Rodolfo; Zapata-Torres, Gerald; Cassels, Bruce K.; Reyes-Parada, Miguel

Biochemical Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 54, # 12 p. 1361 - 1369 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; inhib. of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

IIBCE rat brain mitochondrial monoamine oxidase A

251 of 317

252 of 317



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.01 - 100 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

in distilled water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

MAO-A activity determined by HPLC with electrochemical detection after incubation with selective substrate of 5-HT in presence of title comp. at 37 deg C for 10 min, pH 7.4; 5-HT and its MAO-A metabolite 5-HIAA used to calculate MAO-A activity

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

MAO-A = monoamine oxidase A; 5-HT = serotonin, 2.5 μmol/l; 5-HIAA = 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

11 μmol/l


Scorza, Ma. Cecilia; Carrau, Cecilia; Silveira, Rodolfo; Zapata-Torres, Gerald; Cassels, Bruce K.; Reyes-Parada, Miguel

Biochemical Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 54, # 12 p. 1361 - 1369 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

behavioural symptoms

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2.5 - 4 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

15 SDI in 3 cycles (5 d title comp., 2 d saline), d 20: single dose challenge, d 21: saline, from d 22: 3 run cycles (dose every 2 h, 4 inj. per d for 5 d, then 2 d saline); 2 d after 3 cycle single dose challenge; behaviour monitored by computer, tapin


Segal, David S.; Kuczenski, Ronald

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1997 , vol. 282, # 2 p. 561 - 573 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transmitter release; inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

4 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. used as sulfate, dissolved in saline, administered at 2 ml/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

6 SDI, 48 h after the last injection followed by a run cycle (dose every 2 h, 4 inj. per d for 5 d, then 2 d saline); dialysis probes inserted into caudate-putamen and nucleus accumbens; dialysate samples collected every 30 min, analyzed by HPLC

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

SDI: single dose injection; saline control; dialysate samples assayed for DA (dopamine), 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, homovanillic acid, 3-methoxytyramine, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid, 5-HT


title comp. produced a decline in caudate but not nucleus accumbens microdialysate dopamine response; serotonin response decline was insignificant (diagrams)

253 of 317

254 of 317

255 of 317


Segal, David S.; Kuczenski, Ronald

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1997 , vol. 282, # 2 p. 561 - 573 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)


Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

8 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in saline, injected in a volume of 1ml/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

dialysis probes inserted in caudate-putamen; title comp. given on the next day; dialysate samples collected every 10 or 20 min, assayed for title comp. level by HPLC

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

kel, kapp: rate constant of elimination and appearance, respectively

Half-life Time (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 45 min


Tmax = 30.5 min; kel = 0.015 min-1; kapp = 0.042 min-1


Kuczenski, Ronald; Melega, William P.; Cho, Arthur K.; Segal, David S.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1997 , vol. 282, # 2 p. 591 - 596 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transmitter releasing

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)


Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

8 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in saline, injected in a volume of 1ml/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

dialysis probes inserted in caudate-putamen; title comp. given on the next day; dialysate samples collected every 10 or 20 min, assayed for DA, DOPAC, homovanillic acid, 3MT, 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid by HPLC

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DA: dopamine, DOPAC: 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, 3MT: 3-methoxytyramine


after title comp. administration, dialysate DA level achieved max. at about 30 min, then gradually declined (diagram, table)


Kuczenski, Ronald; Melega, William P.; Cho, Arthur K.; Segal, David S.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1997 , vol. 282, # 2 p. 591 - 596 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)


Route of Application


256 of 317

257 of 317

258 of 317

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

8 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in saline, injected in a volume of 1ml/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. given, and caudate-putamen samples collected 5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120, 240 min later; caudate-putamen homogenate extract assayed for title comp. level by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

kel, kapp: rate constant of elimination and appearance, respectively


Tmax = 22.4 min; kel = 0.015 min-1; kapp = 0.101 min-1


Kuczenski, Ronald; Melega, William P.; Cho, Arthur K.; Segal, David S.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1997 , vol. 282, # 2 p. 591 - 596 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

behavioural symptoms

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)


Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

8 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in saline, injected in a volume of 1ml/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

dialysis probes inserted in caudate-putamen; title comp. given on the next day; behaviour monitored by videotaping up to 3 h


title comp. evoked multiphasic locomotor response that included prolonged period of intense focused stereotypies: licking, biting; max. effect at 60 min, duration up to 3 h (diagram)


Kuczenski, Ronald; Melega, William P.; Cho, Arthur K.; Segal, David S.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1997 , vol. 282, # 2 p. 591 - 596 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

incorporation into hair

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Dark-Agouti rats



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5 mg/kg

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

10 d

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats of 95-105 g, 5 wks old; back hair of rats shaved; hair collected; blood collected 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 360 min after dosing; plasma prepared; areas under conc. vs. time curve (AUCs) calculated; incorporated rates (ICRs) determination


AUC, 181.6 μg*min/ml; 18.05 ng/mg conc. in hair; ICR, 0.10


Nakahara, Yuji; Kikura, Ruri

Archives of Toxicology, 1996 , vol. 70, # 12 p. 841 - 849 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological

drug interaction


259 of 317

260 of 317

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

testes of Sprague-Dawley rats

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-11 - 1E-06 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; pieces of rat testes preincubated in Locke solution (90 min); administration of title comp. for 1 h; radioimmunoassay of testosterone after incubation with 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine for 1 h

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

in combination with humanchorionic gonadotropin (0.5 iu/ml)

Type (Pharmacological Data)

testosterone content

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

97.32 - 136.48 pg mg-1 h-1


decrease of AMP content relatively to human chorionic gonadotropin alone


Tsai, Shiow-Chwen; Chiao, Yu-Chung; Lu, Chien-Chen; Doong, Ming-Luen; Chen, Yen-Hao; Shih, Hsi-Chang; Liaw, Charlie; Wang, Shyi-Wu; Wang, Paulus S.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 4 p. 984 - 988 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

testes of Sprague-Dawley rats

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-08 - 1E-06 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; pieces of rat testes preincubated in Locke solution (90 min); administration of title comp. for 1 h; radioimmunoassay of cyclic AMP after incubation with 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine for 1 h

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

in combination with human chorionic gonadotropin (5 iu/ml)

Type (Pharmacological Data)

cyclic AMP content

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

46.64 - 50.42 fmol/mg protein/h


increase of AMP content relatively to value for human chorionic gonadotropin alone


Tsai, Shiow-Chwen; Chiao, Yu-Chung; Lu, Chien-Chen; Doong, Ming-Luen; Chen, Yen-Hao; Shih, Hsi-Chang; Liaw, Charlie; Wang, Shyi-Wu; Wang, Paulus S.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 4 p. 984 - 988 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

releasing hormones

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

testes of Sprague-Dawley rats

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-09 - 1E-06 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; pieces of rat testes preincubated in Locke solution (90 min); administration of title comp. for 1 h; radioimmunoassay of testosterone after incubation with 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine for 1 h


testosterone content

(Pharmacological Data)

261 of 317

262 of 317

263 of 317

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

14710 - 22690 ng/kg


increase of AMP content relatively to basal value of 38.31 pg/(mg*h)


Tsai, Shiow-Chwen; Chiao, Yu-Chung; Lu, Chien-Chen; Doong, Ming-Luen; Chen, Yen-Hao; Shih, Hsi-Chang; Liaw, Charlie; Wang, Shyi-Wu; Wang, Paulus S.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 4 p. 984 - 988 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

accumulation of cyclic AMP

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

testes of Sprague-Dawley rats

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-09 - 1E-06 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; pieces of rat testes preincubated in Locke solution (90 min); administration of title comp. for 1 h; radioimmunoassay of cyclic AMP after incubation with 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine for 1 h

Type (Pharmacological Data)

cyclic AMP content

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

13.38 - 16.47 fmol/(mg*h*protein)


increase of AMP content relatively to basal value


Tsai, Shiow-Chwen; Chiao, Yu-Chung; Lu, Chien-Chen; Doong, Ming-Luen; Chen, Yen-Hao; Shih, Hsi-Chang; Liaw, Charlie; Wang, Shyi-Wu; Wang, Paulus S.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 4 p. 984 - 988 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

releasing hormones

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rats



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.4 μg ml-1 kg-1

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat weight 300-350 g, catheterized via right jugular vein; administration of title comp. after 20 h; sampling blood at 0, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, 360, 480 and 1440 min; radioimmunoassay of testosterone and luteinizing hormone

Type (Pharmacological Data)

testosterone in blood plasma

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.05 - 0.22 μg/l


time-dependent decrease of testosterone level (minimal after 180 min, then increase to basal value); no significant effect on basal level of luteinizing hormone


Tsai, Shiow-Chwen; Chiao, Yu-Chung; Lu, Chien-Chen; Doong, Ming-Luen; Chen, Yen-Hao; Shih, Hsi-Chang; Liaw, Charlie; Wang, Shyi-Wu; Wang, Paulus S.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 4 p. 984 - 988 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

264 of 317

265 of 317

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rats



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.4 μg ml-1 kg-1

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat weight 300-350 g, catheterized via right jugular vein; administration of title comp. after 20 h; sampling blood at 0, 15, 30, 60, 120, 180, 360, 480 and 1440 min; radioimmunoassay of testosterone and luteinizing hormone

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

in combination with human chorionic gonadotropin (5 iu/(ml*kg))

Type (Pharmacological Data)

testosterone in blood plasma

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.26 μg/l


time-dependent decrease of testosterone level compared to human chorionic gonadotropin alone


Tsai, Shiow-Chwen; Chiao, Yu-Chung; Lu, Chien-Chen; Doong, Ming-Luen; Chen, Yen-Hao; Shih, Hsi-Chang; Liaw, Charlie; Wang, Shyi-Wu; Wang, Paulus S.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 4 p. 984 - 988 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

behavioural symptoms

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

3 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

single dose

Method (Pharmacological Data)

8 rats 250-300 g; cage with white, central grey, and black chamber; day 1: chamber preference monitoring, 15 min; day 2: after title comp. administration the animal was placed in black or white chamber for 20 min; day 3: chamber preference monitoring

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

day 1: animals introduced to grey chamber; day 3: animals introduced to grey chamber; preference is expressed as time spent in this chamber; controls were administered saline


rats showed twofold higher preference for title comp.-paired chamber in comparison with controls


Zurita, Alejandra; Muru, Sergio; Molina, Victor

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 299, # 1-3 p. 1 - 7 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

behavioural symptoms

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application



1.56 mg/kg

(Pharmacological Data)

266 of 317

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268 of 317

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

single dose just before testing

Method (Pharmacological Data)

animal weight 400-590 g; 6-hydroxydopamine (16 μg/4 μl) injected into left nigra; one week recovery; animal with electro-mechanical transducer placed in Perspex bowl (diam. 40 cm); count registered when animal turned through 36 degrees both directions

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

stereotaxic coordinates for 6-hydroxydopamine injection: AP 1.9, L 1.8, AP -2.1; counts accumulated 120 min


title comp. induced more than 60 ipsiversive rotations of animals in 60 min


Eblen, Frank; Loeschmann, Peter-Andreas; Wuellner, Ullrich; Turski, Lechoslaw; Klockgether, Thomas

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 299, # 1-3 p. 9 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1.75 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat weight 250-275 g; 7 low and 7 high sugar feeders; 7 d adaptation period then 1 ml/kg i.p. saline injection; cannulation 2 mm dorsal to posterior-medial nucleus accumbens; aCSF perfusion; title comp. treatment; samples collected every 20 min; HPLC-EC

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

dopamine (DA) concentration analysis; DA concentration - time curve in low and high sugar feeders; aCSF = artificial cerebrospinal fluid


title comp. immediately increased DA concentration (peaked at 40 min and slowly diminished over 3 h test session) both low and high sugar feeders (diagrams given); sugar consumption correlated with title comp.-stimulated accumbens-DA overflow


Sills, Terrence L.; Crawley, Jacqueline N.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 303, # 3 p. 177 - 181 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

behavioural symptoms

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vivo; rats (181-262 g) trained for immobility; title comp. or saline injected; behaviour investigated


relative to saline title comp. decreased immobility (figure)


Maes, J. H. Roald; Van Rijn, Clementina M.; Vossen, Jo M. H.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 309, # 2 p. 131 - 140 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem

Sprague-Dawley rat

(Pharmacological Data)

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272 of 317



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dose in 0.9 percent saline

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat weight 350-400 g; 4 animals/group; bipolar electrode implantation into lateral hypothalamus; after 8-10 d title comp. injection; 10 training self-stimulation sessions for 13 h (50 to 100 μA)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

lever-pressing behaviour analysis; time - response curve


title comp. produced marked facilitation of self-stimulation with peak effect seen 2 h after injection (diagram given)


Olds, Marianne E.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 306, # 1-3 p. 23 - 32 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dose in 0.9 percent saline

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat weight 350-400 g; 4 animals/group; bipolar electrode implantation into lateral hypothalamus; after 8-10 d title comp. plus 0.1 mg/kg i.p. MK-801 injection; 10 training self-stimulation sessions for 13 h (50 to 100 μA)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

lever-pressing behaviour analysis; time - response curve


title comp. plus MK-801 resulted greater and longer-lasting facilitation than increase in responding produced by either drug alone (diagram given)


Olds, Marianne E.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 306, # 1-3 p. 23 - 32 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

effect on spontaneous motor activity in albino Swiss mice of either sexes at the dose of 5 mg/kg p.o., 60 and 120 min after administration, variations of spontaneous motility are 19.09percent and 76.88percent, resp.


Vega; Soledad Gil; Darias; Sanchez Mateo; Exposito

Pharmazie, 1995 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 27 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

anxiolytic action, albino Swiss mice of either sexes, 5 mg/kg p.o., plus-maze and holeboard test; anticonvulsant activity in the pentetrazole (120 mg/kg i.p.) and strychnine sulphate (2.5 mg/kg i.p.) seizures, albino Swiss mice of either sexes


Vega; Soledad Gil; Darias; Sanchez Mateo; Exposito

Pharmazie, 1995 , vol. 50, # 1 p. 27 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


273 of 317

274 of 317

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cells

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

1 h

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with cDNA of human plasmalemmal dopamine transporter (DAT) cells and vesicular amine transporter (DAT/VAT) cells exposed for to 0.3 μM <3H>dopamine and title compound

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

liquid scintillation counted


inhibited initial rate of <3H>dopamine uptake (5 min accumulation) with Ki of 0.29 μM (DAT) and 0.7 μM (DAT/VAT)


Pifl, Christian; Drobny, Helmut; Reither, Harald; Hornykiewicz, Oleh; Singer, Ernst A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 2 p. 368 - 373 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.01 - 100 μmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

4 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with cDNA of human plasmalemmal dopamine transporter (DAT) cells; labelling with 0.3 μM <3H>dopamine at 37 deg C, 60 min; title compound added to superfusion medium

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

liquid scintillation counted

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.1 μmol/l


rapid but transient <3H>dopamine release, maximum at 10 μM of title compound; cocain (1 or 10 μM) decreased this effect (caused a shift to the right of the concentration-response curve)


Pifl, Christian; Drobny, Helmut; Reither, Harald; Hornykiewicz, Oleh; Singer, Ernst A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 2 p. 368 - 373 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cells

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

4 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with cDNA of human plasmalemmal dopamine and vesicular amine transporter (DAT/VAT) cells, title compound added to superfusion medium containing 0.3 μM <3H>dopamine

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

liquid scintillation counting


rapid and reversible concentration dependent increase in <3H>dopamine efflux, saturation not observed at concentration up to 100 μM


Pifl, Christian; Drobny, Helmut; Reither, Harald; Hornykiewicz, Oleh; Singer, Ernst A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 2 p. 368 - 373

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

275 of 317

276 of 317

277 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

36 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells were transfected with cDNA of human synaptic vesicle amine transporter (VAT) cells; exposed with 1 μM <3H>dopamine for 1 h; title compound added to buffer from 12 min until the end of experiment

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

liquid scintillation counted


small stepwise increase in <3H>dopamine release


Pifl, Christian; Drobny, Helmut; Reither, Harald; Hornykiewicz, Oleh; Singer, Ernst A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 2 p. 368 - 373 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

36 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells were transfected with cDNA of human plasmalemmal dopamine- and vesicular amine- transporter (DAT/VAT cells); exposed with 0.3 μM <3H>dopamine for 1 h; title compound was added to buffer from 12 min until the end of experiment

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

liquid scintillation counted


increase of efflux of <3H>dopamine that remained elevated above base-line values after it had reached its peak


Pifl, Christian; Drobny, Helmut; Reither, Harald; Hornykiewicz, Oleh; Singer, Ernst A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 2 p. 368 - 373 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

36 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells were transfected with cDNA of human plasmalemmal dopamine transporter (DAT cells); exposed with 0.3 μM <3H>dopamine for 1 h; title compound was added to buffer from 12 min until the end of experiment

Further Details (Pharmacological

liquid scintillation counted


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<3H>dopamine efflux reached a maximum within 8 min, and subsequently returned to base-line in spite of the containing presence of title compound


Pifl, Christian; Drobny, Helmut; Reither, Harald; Hornykiewicz, Oleh; Singer, Ernst A.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 2 p. 368 - 373 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

stimulation of efflux

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

LLC-PK1 cells

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

30 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with cDNA encoding rat serotonin transporter (SERT), human norepinephrine transporter (NET) or rat dopamine transporter (DAT); incubated with radiolabelled 5-HT (SERT) or 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium(1+) (MPP) at 37 deg C

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

washing, 30 min incubation with title comp.; activity measured; at concentration that inhibited transport by 80 percent


title comp. increased MPP by 58 percent (NET), 48 percent (DAT), 5-HT efflux by 7 percent (SERT); 50μM mazindol decreased this effect; diagram given


Wall, Stephen C.; Gu, Howard; Rudnick, Gary

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 3 p. 544 - 550 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transporter, inhibition of

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

LLC-PK1 cells

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

4 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells transfected with cDNA encoding SERT, NET or DAT; incubation with radiolabeled 5-HT (SERT) or MPP(1+) (NET and DAT) and title comp. at room temp.; uptake of activity measured


potent inhibitor for all three transporters; diagram given


Wall, Stephen C.; Gu, Howard; Rudnick, Gary

Molecular Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 3 p. 544 - 550 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)




Method (Pharmacological Data)

chronic drug abuse; sampling head hair and fingernail; hot alkaline hydrolysis; deuterated internal standard; three-step extraction procedure; derivatization by propionylation; GC/MS analysis

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

22-year old male


concentration: 10.2 ng/mg in hair and 12.0 ng/mg in fingernail


Cirimele; Kintz; Mangin

Archives of Toxicology, 1995 , vol. 70, # 1 p. 68 - 69 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological



282 of 317

283 of 317

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

dark-agouti rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2.5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

drug administered once a day for 10 successive days

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

10 d

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats 5 weeks old; back hair shaved before experiment; blood samples collected 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, 360 min after drug administration; newly grown hair samples collected 4 weeks after first drug administration

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

drug level in plasma and hair determination; GC/MS; HPLC

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

85.3 μg*min/ml


concentration in hair <H> = 13.2 ng/mg; drug incorporation rate ICR (<H>/AUC) = 0.15


Nakahara; Takahashi; Kikura

Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1995 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 1223 - 1227 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

hyperlocomotion inducer

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rats



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.16 - 2.5 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats placed into cages, movement recorded for 60 min by infrared beams

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effect of dopamine D2 and 5-HT2A receptor antagonists on hyperlocomotion caused by title compound


title compound dose dependently elicited hyperlocomotion; this effect blocked by dopamine D2 receptor antagonists (r = 0.94) more effectively than by 5-HT2A antagonists (r = 0.37)


Maurel-Remy; Bervoets; Millan

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 280, # 2 p. R9-R11 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

sensitization of mesolimbic dopamine function

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Long-Evans rat

284 of 317

285 of 317

286 of 317



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats (300-400 g) with partial depletion of prefrontal cortex dopamine (microinfusion of 6-hydroxydopamine); title comp.-induced sensitization (4.0 mg/kg i.p., 5 once-daily inj.) six weeks later; high-speed chronoamperometry; controlled study

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

post-mortem levels of dopamine, dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, norepinephrine and serotonin in prefrontal cortex and nucleus accumbens of 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned and sham-lesioned animals


increase in dopamine-dependent electrochemical signal


Banks; Gratton

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 282, # 1-3 p. 157 - 167 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

behavioural symptoms

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Long-Evans rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats (300-400 g) with partial depletion of prefrontal cortex dopamine (microinfusion of 6-hydroxydopamine); title comp.-induced sensitization (1.0 mg/kg i.p., 5 once-daily inj.); challenge inj. of title comp. 5 and 13 days later; total activity counts


prefrontal cortex-lesioned animals were less responsive to the first inj. of title comp. than sham-lesioned animals; after repeated daily admin., the acute locomotor response of lesioned animals was signif. greater than that of sham-lesioned animals


Banks; Gratton

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 282, # 1-3 p. 157 - 167 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

title compound injected 0.5 h after 0.01 - 16 mg/kg MDL 100,907 i.p.; locomotor activity measured during 90 min test means

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

T.I.: estimated ED50 for depressing locomotion in vehicle treated mice/ ED50 for reducing title compound stimulated locomotion; MDL 100,907 :R-(+)-α-(2,3-dimethoxyphenyl)-1-<2-(4-fluorophenylethyl)>-4-piperidinemethanol


estimated ED50 for title compound induced locomotion reduction 0.08 mg/kg, for baseline locomotion reduction 7.2 mg/kg; calculated T.I.= 90


Schmidt; Sorensen; Kehne; Carr; Palfreyman

Life Sciences, 1995 , vol. 56, # 25 p. 2209 - 2222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat

287 of 317

288 of 317

289 of 317



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 - 1.25 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat (250-300 g) used

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mean arterial pressure (MAP, measured with Gold universal preamplifier), heart rate (HR), striatal dopamine (DA) release (voltammetric measurements)


title comp. produced hypertension, tachycardia and increased striatal DA release


Chueh; Hsieh; Chen; Lin

Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 51, # 4 p. 237 - 244 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat (250-300 g) treated with title comp. with 10 mg/kg DL-tetrahydropalmatine (THP)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mean arterial pressure (MAP, measured with Gold universal preamplifier), heart rate (HR), striatal dopamine (DA) release (voltammetric measurements)


title comp. completely reversed THP-induced hypotension and bradycardia; DA release increased during combined treatment


Chueh; Hsieh; Chen; Lin

Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 51, # 4 p. 237 - 244 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor blocking agent

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

rat C6 glicoma cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cells were transfected with pcDNA1-hDAT; pretreatment with title comp. for 10 min before add. of <3H>dopamine (20 nM, 35.1 Ci/mmol); radioligand binding assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. was tested by use at least six concentration for determination of Ki value

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

208 nmol/l


Eshleman; Neve; Janowsky

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 274, # 1 p. 276 - 283 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

290 of 317

291 of 317

292 of 317

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cells were transfected with pcDNA1-hDAT; pretreatment with title comp. for 10 min before add. of <3H>-2β-carbomethoxy-3β(4-fluorophenyl)tropane (<3H>CFT, 85.9 Ci/mmol) diluted with unlabeled comp.(1 pM to 10 μM); radioligand binding assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. was tested by use at least nine concentration for determination of Ki value

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2000 nmol/l


Eshleman; Neve; Janowsky

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 274, # 1 p. 276 - 283 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cells were transfected with pcDNA1-hDAT; pretreatment with title comp. for 10 min before add. of <3H>GBR-12935; radioligand binding assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. was tested by use at least nine concentration for determination of Ki value

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4342 nmol/l


Eshleman; Neve; Janowsky

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 274, # 1 p. 276 - 283 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

regulation of striatal cAMP

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat brain



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; brain slices from rats (180-200 g); effects of title comp. on cAMP formation and accumulation in the presence of 3 μM sulpiride, 300 μM 1-aminocyclopentane-1s,3R-dicarboxylic acid (ACPD); radioimmunoassay


title comp. and sulpiride enhanced dopamine D1 receptor induced cAMP formation in the control and in the presence of APCD, by 67 percent and 74 percent, resp.


Wang; Johnson

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 275, # 2 p. 877 - 884 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

effects on chronotropic responses in female rat isolated atria


Fitzgerald; Reid

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1994 , vol. 46, # 10 p. 826 - 832 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

293 of 317

294 of 317

295 of 317

296 of 317

297 of 317

298 of 317

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)

swiss albino mice



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1.25 mg/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

28 g mice

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

grooming score ibolishing in the presence of L-DOPA; dopamine agonist


climbing and sniffing scores were 31.6 and 57.3, respectively in mice treated with L-DOPA (75 mg/kg)


Protais; Chagraoui; Arbaoui; Mocaer

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1994 , vol. 271, # 1 p. 167 - 177 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

dystonic syndrome

Species or TestSystem (Pharmacological Data)




Method (Pharmacological Data)

a 28 year old man; drunk a whole bottle of vodka and that this had been 'spiked' with 'Whizz', a test chemical


following an overdose of 'Whizz' and alcohol a protracted dystonic syndrome can developed, clinically indistinguishable from tetanus


Humphreys; Tanner

Human and Experimental Toxicology, 1994 , vol. 13, # 5 p. 311 - 312 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

acute toxicity LD50 = 13 mg/kg (mice)


Shivanyuk; Losev; Vargashkin; Bobkov; Lozinskii

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1992 , vol. 26, # 5 p. 430 - 432 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

binding affinity at 5-HT1C and 5-HT2 serotonin receptors; lack of selectivity


Glennon, Richard A.; Raghupathi, Reva; Bartyzel, Piotr; Teitler, Milt; Leonhardt, Sigrun

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1992 , vol. 35, # 4 p. 734 - 740 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

spasmolytical, central nervous system depressant, and antiinflammatory activity (mice)


Shivanyuk; Losev; Vargashkin; Bobkov; Lozinskii

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1992 , vol. 26, # 5 p. 430 - 432 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

no affinity at σ binding sites (rat cerebellar homogenate), does not bind at PCP sites


Glennon, Richard A.; Smith, J. Doyle; Ismaiel, Abd M.; El-Ashmawy, Mahmoud; Battaglia, George; Fisher, James B.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 34, # 3 p. 1094 - 1098 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

299 of 317

300 of 317

301 of 317

302 of 317

303 of 317

304 of 317

305 of 317

306 of 317

307 of 317

308 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

binding affinity to 5-HT1 and 5-HT2 sites


Glennon, Richard A.; McKenney, J. D.; Lyon, Robert A.; Titeler, Milt

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1986 , vol. 29, # 2 p. 194 - 199 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

LD 50: 80 mg/kg (mice, intraperitoneally)


Sarkisyan, A. B.; Solomina, L. P.; Pirdzhanov, L. Sh.; Markaryan, E. A.; Arzanunt, E. M.; et al.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1985 , vol. 19, # 4 p. 256 - 258 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1985 , vol. 19, # 4 p. 423 - 425 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

at dose 3 mg/kg effects on apomorphine-induced (0.6 mg/kg s.c.) stereotyped behaviour (Sprague-Dawley rats)


Depin; Betbeder-Matibet; Bonhomme; Muller; Berthelon

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1985 , vol. 35, # 11 p. 1655 - 1662 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of dopamine uptake by rat striatum synaptosomes (IC 50: 6.9E-7 mol/l), at doses 1E-5 mol/l increases biogenic amines norepinephrine (2E-8 mol/l) release (222616 dpm/ml/mg tissue/10 min, rat brain cortex slices)


Depin; Betbeder-Matibet; Bonhomme; Muller; Berthelon

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1985 , vol. 35, # 11 p. 1655 - 1662 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

ability to inhibit the potassium-evoked release of <3H>acetylcholine from stratial slices after depletion of dopamine stores with reserpine and α-methyl-p-tyrosine


Hamada, Akihiko; Chang, Yu An; Uretsky, Norman; Miller, Duane D.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1984 , vol. 27, # 5 p. 675 - 680 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

LD 50: 137 mg/kg - intraperitoneally (mice); effect on the physical endurance - intraperitoneally (rat)


Gevorkyan, K. A.; Papayan, G. L.; Shirinyan, E. A.; Atayan, T. K.; Vorskanyan, A. S.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1983 , vol. 17, # 7 p. 484 - 487 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1983 , vol. 17, # 7 p. 806 - 808 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

antinociceptive activity: inhibition of acetylcholine writhing (mouse) ED50 = 1.6 mg/kg po, inflamed paw pressure treshold (rat) ED50 = 2.1 mg/kg po; behavioral stimulant activity


Harris; Middlemiss; Mills; Gower; Tyers

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 26, # 1 p. 55 - 60 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

influence on spontaneous locomotor activity (20 mg/kg, s.c., mouse)



Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1983 , vol. 33, # 1 A p. 13 - 25 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

decreases the body temperature (25 mg/kg, i.p., rats), increases the exploratory activity, ED 50: 21 mg/kg (p.o., mice); inhibition of muricidal behaviour, ED50: 1.5 mg/kg p.o.; increases the locomotor activity in mice (5 mg/kg i.v.)


Jahn; Adrian; Ismail; Michos

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1983 , vol. 33, # 5 p. 726 - 730 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of norepinephrine N-methyltransferase (NMT)


Grunewald, Gary L.; Monn, James A.; Rafferty, Michael F,; Borchardt, Ronald T.; Krass, Polina

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 25, # 10 p. 1248 - 1250 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

309 of 317

310 of 317

311 of 317

312 of 317

313 of 317

314 of 317

315 of 317

316 of 317

317 of 317

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

decreased the body mass; increased plasma free fatty acids; stimulated adrenocortical function; no effect on plasma glucose, liver glycogen and phosphorylase activity <chronic treatment of albino rats with amphetamine (4 mg/kg body mass)>


Hamdy; Fahim

Pharmazie, 1982 , vol. 37, # 3 p. 206 - 208 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

behavioral properties (discriminative stimulus) in animals


Glennon; Young; Benington; Morin

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 25, # 10 p. 1163 - 1168 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of rat pancreatic lipase


Comai; Sullivan

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1982 , vol. 71, # 4 p. 418 - 421 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

norepinephrine N-methyltransferase (NMT) inhibition constant


Rafferty, Michael F.; Wilson, David S.; Monn, James A.; Krass, Polina; Borchardt, Ronald T.; Grunewald, Gary L.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 25, # 10 p. 1198 - 1204 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rafferty; Borchardt; Grunewald

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 25, # 10 p. 1204 - 1208 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

serum, brain, liver concentrations (rat)


Javaid; Davis

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1981 , vol. 70, # 7 p. 813 - 815 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

decreases the responses of the electrically stimulated guinea-pig ileum


Little; Rees

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1980 , vol. 32, # 11 p. 751 - 756 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

pharmacokinetics in humans: PEU, EXC


Testa; Salvesen

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1980 , vol. 69, # 5 p. 497 - 501 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

affinity for the serotonin receptor (rat stomach fundus preparation)


Glennon; Liebowitz; Anderson III

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1980 , vol. 23, # 3 p. 294 - 299 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibitor of the neuronal and extraneural binding of noradrenaline; Sprague-Dawley rat, i.v.


Jacquot; Rapin

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1980 , vol. 30, # 5 p. 776 - 779 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Other Data Exposure Assessment (2) 1 of 2


presence in surface water; Llobregat River, its main tributaries (Cardener River and Anoia River) and Rubi creek in NE Spain; sampling in

January, March and May 2007

2 of 2


human source contaminants


Huerta-Fontela, Maria; Galceran, Maria Teresa; Ventura, Francesc

Environmental Science and Technology, 2008 , vol. 42, # 18 p. 6809 - 6816 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


presence in hair and fingernails; 22-year-old male


chronic drug abuse


Cirimele; Kintz; Mangin

Archives of Toxicology, 1995 , vol. 70, # 1 p. 68 - 69 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Concentration in the Environment (13) 1 of 13

2 of 13

3 of 13

4 of 13

Media (Concentration in the Environment)

sewage water


Gandia, Spain

Contamination Concentration

6.5 ng/l

Method, Remarks (Concentration in the Environment)

samples collected from STP of tourist cites of Gandia; influent 24-h composite samples collected on 26th of July 2007; solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatography-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry


Postigo, Cristina; Lopez De Alda, Maria J.; Barcelo, Damia

Analytical Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 80, # 9 p. 3123 - 3134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Media (Concentration in the Environment)

sewage water


Gandia, Spain

Contamination Concentration

3.3 ng/l

Method, Remarks (Concentration in the Environment)

samples collected from STP of tourist cites of Gandia; effluent 24-h composite samples collected on 26th of July 2007; solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatography-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry


Postigo, Cristina; Lopez De Alda, Maria J.; Barcelo, Damia

Analytical Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 80, # 9 p. 3123 - 3134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Media (Concentration in the Environment)

sewage water


Benicassim, Spain

Contamination Concentration

35.5 ng/l

Method, Remarks (Concentration in the Environment)

samples collected from STP of tourist cites of Benicassim; influent 24-h composite samples collected on 26th of July 2007; solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatography-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry


Postigo, Cristina; Lopez De Alda, Maria J.; Barcelo, Damia

Analytical Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 80, # 9 p. 3123 - 3134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Media (Concentration in the Environment)

sewage water


Benicassim, Spain

Contamination Concentration

1.0 ng/l

Method, Remarks (Concentration in the Environment)

samples collected from STP of tourist cites of Benicassim; effluent 24-h composite samples collected on 26th of July 2007; solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatography-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry


Postigo, Cristina; Lopez De Alda, Maria J.; Barcelo, Damia

Analytical Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 80, # 9 p. 3123 - 3134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

5 of 13

6 of 13

7 of 13

8 of 13

9 of 13

10 of 13

Media (Concentration in the Environment)

sewage water


Valencia, Spain

Contamination Concentration

20.4 ng/l

Method, Remarks (Concentration in the Environment)

samples collected from STP of tourist cites of Valencia; influent 24-h composite samples collected on 26th of July 2007; solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatography-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry


Postigo, Cristina; Lopez De Alda, Maria J.; Barcelo, Damia

Analytical Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 80, # 9 p. 3123 - 3134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Media (Concentration in the Environment)

sewage water


Valencia, Spain

Contamination Concentration

2.2 ng/l

Method, Remarks (Concentration in the Environment)

samples collected from STP of tourist cites of Valencia; effluent 24-h composite samples collected on 26th of July 2007; solid-phase extraction-liquid chromatography-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry


Postigo, Cristina; Lopez De Alda, Maria J.; Barcelo, Damia

Analytical Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 80, # 9 p. 3123 - 3134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Media (Concentration in the Environment)

sewage water


Barcelona, Spain

Contamination Concentration

41.1 ng/l

Method, Remarks (Concentration in the Environment)

samples collected from major STP of Barcelona; influent 24-h composite samples collected every day during first week of July 2007; solidphase extraction-liquid chromatography-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry


Postigo, Cristina; Lopez De Alda, Maria J.; Barcelo, Damia

Analytical Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 80, # 9 p. 3123 - 3134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Media (Concentration in the Environment)

sewage water


Barcelona, Spain

Contamination Concentration

0.5 ng/l

Method, Remarks (Concentration in the Environment)

samples collected from major STP of Barcelona; effluent 24-h composite samples collected every day during first week of July 2007; solidphase extraction-liquid chromatography-electrospray-tandem mass spectrometry


Postigo, Cristina; Lopez De Alda, Maria J.; Barcelo, Damia

Analytical Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 80, # 9 p. 3123 - 3134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Media (Concentration in the Environment)

surface water


Llobregat River, NE Spain

Contamination Concentration

5 - 90 ng/l

Method, Remarks (Concentration in the Environment)

samples collected during January to June 2007; analyzed by ultraperformance LC-ESI/MS/MS in selected reaction monitoring mode


Huerta-Fontela, Maria; Galceran, Maria Teresa; Ventura, Francesc

Environmental Science and Technology, 2008 , vol. 42, # 18 p. 6809 - 6816 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


surface water

(Concentration in the Environment)

11 of 13

12 of 13

13 of 13


Llobregat River, NE Spain

Contamination Concentration

0.4 - 50 ng/l

Method, Remarks (Concentration in the Environment)

mean conc.; samples collected once a week every Monday and at the same time (10:00 am) during March 2006 to May 2007 at the intake of a drinking water treatment plant; analyzed by ultraperformance LC-ECI/MS/MS in selected reaction monitoring mode


Huerta-Fontela, Maria; Galceran, Maria Teresa; Ventura, Francesc

Environmental Science and Technology, 2008 , vol. 42, # 18 p. 6809 - 6816 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Media (Concentration in the Environment)

surface water


Llobregat River basin, NE Spain

Contamination Concentration

0 - 50 ng/l

Method, Remarks (Concentration in the Environment)

mean conc.; samples collected over 7 consecutive days at the same time (10:00 am) during December 2006 at the intake of a drinking water treatment plant; analyzed by ultraperformance LC-ESI/MS/MS in selected reaction monitoring mode


Huerta-Fontela, Maria; Galceran, Maria Teresa; Ventura, Francesc

Environmental Science and Technology, 2008 , vol. 42, # 18 p. 6809 - 6816 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Media (Concentration in the Environment)



Nosedo (Milan), Italy

Contamination Concentration

0 - 14.7 ng/l

Method, Remarks (Concentration in the Environment)

8 water sample collected during 1 week in February 2006 from wastewater treatment plant influents and effluents; HPLC-MS-MS analyzed


Castiglioni, Sara; Zuccato, Ettore; Crisci, Elisabetta; Chiabrando, Chiara; Fanelli, Roberte; Bagnati, Renzo

Analytical Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 78, # 24 p. 8421 - 8429 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Species (Concentration in the Environment)



United States

Contamination Concentration

0.038 - 1.019 mg/kg

Method, Remarks (Concentration in the Environment)

in meconium; 7 samples belonged to mothers who declared heavy methamphetamine abuse during pregnancy; internal standard; methanol-HCl treatment; Bond Elut Certify solid-phase extraction column; HPLC-MS; in positive ESI mode; SIM acquisition


Pichini, Simona; Pacifici, Roberta; Pellegrini, Manuela; Marchei, Emilia; Lozano, Jaime; Murillo, Janeth; Vall, Oriol; GarciaAlgar, Oscar

Analytical Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 76, # 7 p. 2124 - 2132 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Use (284) Use Pattern




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Patent: WO2014/152917 A2, 2014 ;

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Patent: WO2014/152917 A2, 2014 ;

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Patent: WO2014/152917 A2, 2014 ;

activating GPR139

for detecting GPR139 activation

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

modulating Phenylketonuria (PKU)

modulating a neurological function

dopaminergic agent for combination therapy

Page/Page column 22-30


Patent: WO2014/152917 A2, 2014 ;

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Patent: WO2014/152917 A2, 2014 ;

Acadia Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Patent: US2009/82342 A1, 2009 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Poestges, Reiner; Schneider, Bernd; Ammer, Richard

Patent: US2008/75769 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2009/76961 A1, 2009 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)


Patent: WO2005/51389 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/93624 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Poestges, Reiner; Schneider, Bernd; Ammer, Richard

Patent: US2008/75769 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Kirk, Randal J.

Patent: US2006/100136 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Poestges, Reiner; Schneider, Bernd; Ammer, Richard

Patent: US2008/75769 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Kirk, Randal J.

Patent: US2006/100136 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/112436 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Anorectic agent

Nettekoven, Matthias; Plancher, Jean-Marc; Richter, Hans; Roche, Olivier; Rodriguez Sarmiento, Rosa Maria; Taylor, Sven

Patent: US2007/123526 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nettekoven, Matthias Heinrich; Roche, Olivier

Patent: US2007/270423 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nettekoven, Matthias; Roche, Olivier

Patent: US2008/32976 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hebeisen, Paul; Roever, Stephan

Patent: US2008/70931 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)


Patent: WO2007/93624 A2, 2007 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Poestges, Reiner; Schneider, Bernd; Ammer, Richard

Patent: US2008/75769 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

potentiating a therapeutic effect of an endogenous alpha-2 adrenergic receptor agonist

fatigue symptom associated with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)

Neuronal cell damage

Jhamandas, Khem; Milne, Brian

Patent: US2008/20076 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2008/19388 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Death caused by transient cerebral hypoxia


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Death caused by transient cerebral ischemia


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral hypoxia


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Transient ischemic condition


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Neuronal cell damage caused by transient cerebral hypoxia


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Neuronal cell damage caused by transient cerebral ischemia


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

cerebral hypoxic condition


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cerebral ischemic condition


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral hypoxic condition caused by loss of blood


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral hypoxic condition caused by a heart attack


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral hypoxic condition caused by strangulation


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral hypoxic condition caused by surgery


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral hypoxic condition caused by cardiac surgery


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral hypoxic condition caused by stroke


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral hypoxic condition caused by air-way blockage


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral hypoxic condition caused by ischemic optic neuropathy

transient cerebral hypoxic condition caused by spinal cord injuries


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral hypoxic condition caused by traumatic brain injury


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral hypoxic condition caused by low blood pressure


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral ischemic condition caused by loss of blood


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral ischemic condition caused by a heart attack


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral ischemic condition caused by strangulation


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral ischemic condition caused by surgery


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral ischemic condition caused by cardiac surgery


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral ischemic condition caused by a stroke


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral ischemic condition caused by air-way blockage


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral ischemic condition caused by ischemic optic neuropathy

transient cerebral ischemic condition caused by spinal cord injuries


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral ischemic condition caused by traumatic brain injury


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

transient cerebral ischemic condition caused by low blood pressure


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Neuronal cell damage due to lack of oxygen reaching the neuronal cells


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Neuronal cell damage due to lack of glucose reaching the neuronal cells


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ischemic condition


Patent: WO2008/24660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

anti-obesity agent

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

disorder associated with excessive food intake

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

obesity related disorders

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

elevated plasma insulin concentrations

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

insulin resistance

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

endometrial cancer

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

breast cancer

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

prostate cancer

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

colon cancer

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

obstructive sleep apnea

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

abnormal heart rhythms

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

heart arrythmias

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

myocardial infarction

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

congestive heart failure

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.;

Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

coronary heart disease

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

sudden death

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

polycystic ovarian disease

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

the Prader-Willi Syndrome

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Frohlich's syndrome

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

GH-deficient subjects

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

normal variant short stature

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Turner's syndrome

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

metabolic syndrome

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

maintaining weight loss

Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) comorbidities

Poestges, Reiner; Schneider, Bernd; Ammer, Richard

Patent: US2008/75769 A1, 2008 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Poestges, Reiner; Schneider, Bernd; Ammer, Richard

Patent: US2008/75769 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

cognitive decline associated with systemic diseases

Poestges, Reiner; Schneider, Bernd; Ammer, Richard

Patent: US2008/75769 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

Poestges, Reiner; Schneider, Bernd; Ammer, Richard

Patent: US2008/75769 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

oncological diseases

Poestges, Reiner; Schneider, Bernd; Ammer, Richard

Patent: US2008/75769 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

active ingredient of multimodal abuse resistant pharmaceutical composition

active ingredient of multimodal extended release pharmaceutical composition

active ingredient of multimodal extended release abuse resistant pharmaceutical composition

modulate dopamine receptors; β-PEA analogue


Patent: WO2008/33351 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2008/33351 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2008/33351 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2008/39863 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Neurogenic agent


Patent: WO2008/39863 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

method of increasing neurogenesis


Patent: WO2008/39863 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

nervous system disorder


Patent: WO2008/39863 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

nerve cell trauma


Patent: WO2008/39863 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

psychiatric condition


Patent: WO2008/39863 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

neurological condition


Patent: WO2008/39863 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

central stimulant drug


Patent: WO2008/63721 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

central nervous system (CNS) stimulant


Patent: WO2008/70149 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2008/70264 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Tam, Peter Y.; Wilson, Leland F.

Patent: US2008/103179 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tam, Peter Y.; Wilson, Leland F.

Patent: US2008/103179 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Amatruda, John M.; Daruwala, Paul; Erondu, Ngozi E.; MacNeil, Douglas J.; Moller, David E.; Qian, Su

Patent: US2008/64632 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tam, Peter Y.; Wilson, Leland F.

Patent: US2008/103179 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

pulmonary hypertension

Tam, Peter Y.; Wilson, Leland F.

Patent: US2008/103179 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Tam, Peter Y.; Wilson, Leland F.

Patent: US2008/103179 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

sleep apnea

Cypress Bioscience, Inc.

Patent: US2006/39866 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tam, Peter Y.; Wilson, Leland F.

Patent: US2008/103179 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Kirk, Randal J.

Patent: US2006/100136 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tam, Peter Y.; Wilson, Leland F.

Patent: US2008/103179 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

impulse control disorders


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tam, Peter Y.; Wilson, Leland F.

Patent: US2008/103179 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

alcohol addiction

Tam, Peter Y.; Wilson, Leland F.

Patent: US2008/103179 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

sympathomimetic agent

Tam, Peter Y.; Wilson, Leland F.

Patent: US2008/103179 A1, 2008 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

second agent of the composition with antiepileptic agent

Tam, Peter Y.; Wilson, Leland F.

Patent: US2008/103179 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

second agent of the composition with anticonvulsant sulfamate or sulfonylurea compound

combination with milnacipran for long-term treatment of fatigue

Tam, Peter Y.; Wilson, Leland F.

Patent: US2008/103179 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cypress Bioscience, Inc.

Patent: US2008/293820 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Norepinephrine transporter

Dopamine Transporter

monoamine transporter

Antiobesity agent

Page/Page column 12


Patent: WO2008/13997 A2, 2008 ;

Page/Page column 12


Patent: WO2008/13997 A2, 2008 ;

Page/Page column 12


Patent: WO2008/13997 A2, 2008 ;

Novo Nordisk, A/S

Patent: US6972294 B1, 2005 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/144394 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

active ingredient to reduce appetite


Patent: EP1743643 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Laboratorios del Dr. Esteve S.A.

Patent: EP1745783 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Reducing appetite


Patent: EP1757588 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Local irritation of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract


Patent: WO2007/21970 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Reduced food effect


Patent: WO2007/21970 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Protection of the gastrointestinal tract


Patent: WO2007/21970 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Reduced irritating effect


Patent: WO2007/21970 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Taste masking


Patent: WO2007/21970 A2, 2007 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Odor masking


Patent: WO2007/21970 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Flavor augmentation


Patent: WO2007/21970 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Acidic conditions of the gastrointestinal tract


Patent: WO2007/21970 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Long-term therapy for fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS)

Cypress Bioscience, Inc.

Patent: US2007/72946 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Cypress Bioscience, Inc.

Patent: US2007/72946 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Acute pain

Cypress Bioscience, Inc.

Patent: US2007/72946 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Long-term therapy of a pain symptom associated with fibromyalgia syndrome

Appetite regulating agent

Cypress Bioscience, Inc.

Patent: US2007/72946 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/89557 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/89667 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

attention deficit disorders (ADD, also known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD)

cognitive improvement agent


Patent: US2007/225334 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: US2007/225278 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: US2007/225334 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

attention deficit disorders/attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) agent

adrenoceptor agonist


Patent: US2007/225278 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/93624 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) predominantly impulsivity type


Patent: WO2007/93624 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) predominantly



Patent: WO2007/93624 A2, 2007 ;

inattentive type

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type


Patent: WO2007/93624 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) predominantly not otherwise specified


Patent: WO2007/93624 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

appetite suppresant; antiobesity agent


Patent: WO2007/112436 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

enhancing gastric retention


Patent: WO2007/112436 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

controlled drug delivery


Patent: WO2007/112436 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

inducing weight loss


Patent: WO2007/112436 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

gastrointestinal disorders


Patent: WO2007/112436 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Nettekoven, Matthias Heinrich; Roche, Olivier

Patent: US2007/270423 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Antiobesity agent in combination


Patent: WO2007/135111 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Anti-obesity agent


Patent: WO2005/113506 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/41366 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/89557 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/89667 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2005/113519 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Anorectic agent

Page/Page column 16

Nettekoven, Matthias; Plancher, Jean-Marc; Richter, Hans; Roche, Oliver; Runtz-Schmitt, Valerie; Taylor, Sven

Patent: US2007/123515 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Anorectic agent

Page/Page column 14

Nettekoven, Matthias; Plancher, Jean-Marc; Richter, Hans; Roche, Olivier; Taylor, Sven

Patent: US2007/123525 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

identifying a modulator of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor function

agent that reduces phosphorylation of an NMDA receptor complex

deCODE Genetics, Inc.

Patent: US2006/29546 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

deCODE Genetics, Inc.

Patent: US2006/29546 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Renshaw, Perry F.; Cohen, Bruce M.

Patent: US2006/39890 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kirk, Randal J.

Patent: US2006/100136 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

sleep related breathing disorder

Cypress Bioscience, Inc.

Patent: US2006/39866 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Cypress Bioscience, Inc.

Patent: US2006/39866 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

pharmaceutical composition

Cypress Bioscience, Inc.

Patent: US2006/39866 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

combination therapy

Cypress Bioscience, Inc.

Patent: US2006/39866 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

daytime drowsiness

Cypress Bioscience, Inc.

Patent: US2006/39866 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

cause release of norepinephrine

Davis, Michael; Ressler, Kerry J.; Chhatwal, Jasmeer P.; McDevitt, Jason P.

Patent: US2006/84659 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

pharmacologic agent increases the level of norepinephrine in the brain

Davis, Michael; Ressler, Kerry J.; Chhatwal, Jasmeer P.; McDevitt, Jason P.

Patent: US2006/84659 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Anoretic agent

Nettekoven, Matthias Heinrich; Plancher, Jean-Marc; Roche, Olivier; Rodriguez-Sarmiento, Rosa Maria

Patent: US2006/160855 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/78698 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dopamine agonist


Patent: WO2006/84368 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dopamine mimetic


Patent: WO2006/84368 A1, 2006 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Increasing availability of serotonin


Patent: WO2006/91725 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Increasing efficiency of serotonin


Patent: WO2006/91725 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

stimulant effect on the central nervous system

The Research Foundation of the City University of New York; New York University

Patent: US7112319 B2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


The Research Foundation of the City University of New York; New York University

Patent: US7112319 B2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Psychomotor stimulant


Patent: WO2006/40177 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

antiobesity agent


Patent: WO2006/40329 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

central-nervous-system stimulant

Kulli, John C.

Patent: US2006/257323 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Asperger's syndrome


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

attention deficit disorder


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kirk, Randal J.

Patent: US2006/100136 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kirk, Randal J.

Patent: US2006/100136 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

obsessive-compulsive disorder


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tourette's syndrome


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

body dismorphic disorder


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

eating disorders


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

paraphilias sexual addictions


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

nonparaphilic sexual addictions


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sydeham's chorea


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

intermittent explosive disorder


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

pathological gambling


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

compulsive shopping


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

compulsive buying


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

repetitive self-mutilation


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

psychogenic excoriation


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

anorexia nervosa


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

binge eating


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

sexual compulsion


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

alcohol and substance use disorders


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

neurological disorders with disinhibition or frontal lobe deficits


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

bipolar disorder


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

childhood onset bipolar disorder


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

serotonin reuptake inhibitor


Patent: WO2006/34187 A2, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Page/Page column 87-88


Patent: WO2006/40180 A1, 2006 ;

Page/Page column 32


Patent: WO2006/120178 A1, 2006 ;

Pharmaceutically active agent in oral osmotic pharmaceutical delivery dosage form

Kidane, Argaw; Ray, Shimul K.; Bhatt, Padmanabh P.; Bryan, Jones W.

Patent: US2005/53653 A1, 2005 ;

active ingredient of pharmaceutical formulation

Psychomotor stimulant

antiobesity agent

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2005/44238 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

modulating central norepinephrine and dopamine receptors through the promotion of catecholamine release


Patent: WO2005/61506 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2005/61507 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Adrenergic agent


Patent: WO2005/61506 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2005/61507 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Type 2 diabetes mellitus


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Insulin resistance


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Syndrome X


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hypertension including hypertension in the elderly


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Familial dyslipidemic hypertension


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Isolated systolic hypertension(ISH)


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Increased collagen formation


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Remodeling following hypertension


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Erectile dysfunction


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Impaired vascular compliance


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Congestive heart failure


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Left ventricular hypertrophy


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Survival post myocardial infarction(MI)


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Coronary artery diseases


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Angina pectoris


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Renal failure


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chronic renal failure


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Endothelial dysfunction with or without hypertension


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Macular degeneration


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Skin and connective tissue disorders


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Restenosis after percutaneous transluminal angioplasty


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Restenosis after coronary artery bypass surgery


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Peripheral vascular disease


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Reproductive disorders


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pulmonary disease


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cutaneous disease


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cushing's syndrome


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Premenstrual syndrome


Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

dopamine releaser


Patent: WO2005/107467 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dopaminergic agent for composition for treating pain


Patent: WO2005/107467 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dopaminergic agent for composition for treating nociception


Patent: WO2005/107467 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

inflammation and discomfort within the nasal passages or throat

Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

nasal secretions

Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

watery eyes

Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

tracheobroncheal involvement

Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

viral allergies

Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

flu-like or viral infection

Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

adverse effects of an air-born allergen

Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

runny nose

Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

viral-induced malaise

Wasson, Allan Anthony

Patent: US2005/277697 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2005/49088 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

SEED, John, C.

Patent: WO2005/51297 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Achieving desirable weight loss

SEED, John, C.

Patent: WO2005/51297 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


SEED, John, C.

Patent: WO2005/51297 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Preventing undesirable weight gain

SEED, John, C.

Patent: WO2005/51297 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Reducing body weight

SEED, John, C.

Patent: WO2005/51297 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Maintaining stable weight

SEED, John, C.

Patent: WO2005/51297 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


SEED, John, C.

Patent: WO2005/51297 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Alzheimer's disease

SEED, John, C.

Patent: WO2005/51297 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


SEED, John, C.

Patent: WO2005/51297 A2, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

active drug for pharmaceutical drug resin conjugate

Thassu, Deepak; Hafey, Paul

Patent: US2005/142097 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

biologically active agent for preparation of hydroxyalkyl derivatives with improved bioavailability, bioefficacy and reduced side effects


Patent: WO2005/105153 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Appetite-regulating agent


Patent: WO2005/113506 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2005/113519 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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