2-(5-Methoxy-1H-indol-3-yl)ethan-1-amine (5-Methoxytryptamine)

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Structure/Compound Data Chemical Name: 5-methoxytryptamine Reaxys Registry Number: 145587

CAS Registry Number: 608-07-1 Type of Substance: heterocyclic Molecular Formula: C11H14N2O Linear Structure Formula: NH2CH2CH2(NC8H5)OCH3

Molecular Weight: 190.245



N° of preparations All Preps | All Reactions 45 prep out of 1031 reactions.

Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 5-methoxytryptamine, 2-(5-methoxyindol-3-yl)ethylamine Identification Substance Label (61) Label



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Available Data

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Identification Physical Data (52) Spectra (91) Bioactivity (241) Other Data (6)



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Salz m. Oxalsaeure: C11H14N2O*C2H2O4; F:170-171grad


Analytical Chemistry, 1964 , vol. 36, p. 1663 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

3-Nitro-salicylat C11H14N2O*C7H5NO5; F:202-203grad


Analytical Chemistry, 1964 , vol. 36, p. 1663 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hide facts Comment (Derivative)


4-Methoxy-phenylacetat C11H14N2O*C9H10O3; F:169-170grad


Analytical Chemistry, 1964 , vol. 36, p. 1663 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

5-Methoxy-indol-3-ylacetat C11H14N2O*C11H11NO3; F:181.5-183grad


Analytical Chemistry, 1964 , vol. 36, p. 1663 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pikrat: C11H14N2O*C6H3N3O7: F: 202-203grad; in A. ll., in W. wl.

Petrowa; Kawerina

J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1963 , vol. 33, p. 1333,1303 Full Text Show Details

Hydrochlorid C11H14N2O*HCl: Prep.: 1. 5-Hydroxy-tryptamin-hydrochlorid, A., Diazomethan, Ae. 2. HCl, A.; F: 239-240grad

Petrowa; Kawerina

J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1963 , vol. 33, p. 1333,1303 Full Text Show Details

Pikrat: C11H14N2O*C6H3N3O7: Prep.: 4-Methoxy-phenylhydrazin-hydrochlorid, 4-Amino-1,1-diethoxy-butan, wss. Essigsaeure (80grad, 2h); F: 219grad,aus A., Zers.

Keglevic et al.

Croatica Chemica Acta, 1961 , vol. 33, p. 83,86 Full Text Show Details

Hydrochlorid: C11H14N2O*HCl: F.: 249-250grad (Kofler), aus A.

Adlerova,E. et al.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1960 , vol. 25, p. 784 - 796 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sulfat: F.: 230-232grad (geschl. evac. Kapillare), aus aq. A.

May and Baker Ltd.

Patent: GB841524 , 1956 ; Chem.Abstr., 1962 , vol. 56, # 1431 Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (21) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)



101 - 102 °C

Page/Page column 3


Patent: US2010/204276 A1, 2010 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

119 - 121 °C


He, Ling; Li, Ju-Lian; Zhang, Jian-Jun; Su, Pu; Zheng, Shi-Long

Synthetic Communications, 2003 , vol. 33, # 5 p. 741 - 747 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

124 - 126 °C

Somei, Masanori; Oshikiri, Naoki; Hasegawa, Masakazu; Yamada, Fumio

Heterocycles, 1999 , vol. 51, # 6 p. 1237 - 1242 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

121 - 123 °C

Wang, Alan P. L.; Li, Liang

Analytical Chemistry, 1992 , vol. 64, # 7 p. 769 - 775

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

118 - 120 °C

Suvorov et al.

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, NY, United States), 1974 , vol. 10, p. 1316,1320 Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii, 1974 , vol. 10, p. 1496 Full Text Show Details

Saito; Kikugawa

Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 1979 , vol. 16, p. 1325,1327,1328 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

119 - 122 °C

Flaugh; Crowell; Clemens; Sawyer

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1979 , vol. 22, # 1 p. 63 - 69 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

122 °C

Buzas et al.

Synthesis, 1977 , p. 129 Full Text Show Details

120 - 121 °C

Richter Gedeon Vegyeszeti Gyar R.T.

Patent: FR2261271DE2344919 , 1973 ; Chem.Abstr., vol. 80, # 146016 Full Text Show Details

Szantay et al.

Synthesis, 1974 , p. 354 Full Text Show Details

118 - 119 °C

Grandberg; Bobrova

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, NY, United States), 1973 , vol. 9, p. 196,199 Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii, 1973 , vol. 9, p. 213 Full Text Show Details

120 - 125.5 °C

Suvorov,N.N. et al.

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, NY, United States), 1973 , vol. 9, p. 1361 - 1366 Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii, 1973 , vol. 9, p. 1505 - 1511 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

115 - 116 °C

Grandberg et al.

Doklady Chemistry, 1967 , vol. 176, p. 828 Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1967 , vol. 176, p. 583 Full Text Show Details

119.5 - 120.5 °C

Bertaccini; Vitali

Farmaco, Edizione Scientifica, 1967 , vol. 22, p. 229,231 Full Text Show Details

121.5 - 122.5 °C

Yajima et al.

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1966 , vol. 14, p. 884,887 Full Text Show Details

119 °C

Julia; Manoury

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1965 , p. 1411,1413 Full Text Show Details

Julia et al.

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1960 , vol. 251, p. 394 Full Text Show Details

124 - 125 °C

petroleum ether

Takatori; Takashima

Yakugaku Zasshi, 1963 , vol. 83, p. 795,798 Full Text Show Details

119 - 120 °C

Adlerova,E. et al.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1960 , vol. 25, p. 784 - 796 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Petrowa; Kawerina

J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1963 , vol. 33, p. 1333,1303 Full Text Show Details

215 - 217 °C

Mndzhoyan; Papayan

Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Armyanskoi SSR, Khimicheskie Nauki, 1961 , vol. 14, p. 603 Chem.Abstr., 1963 , vol. 58, # 4497c Full Text Show Details

117 - 119 °C


Kralt,T. et al.

Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1961 , vol. 80, p. 313 - 324 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

121.5 - 122.5 °C


Szmuszkovicz et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1960 , vol. 25, p. 857,858 Full Text Show Details

122 - 123 °C

Hoshino; Kobayashi

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1935 , vol. 516, p. 81,88 Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1935 , vol. 520, p. 11,19 Full Text Show Details

Hide facts Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)


121 - 122 °C

diethyl ether

Wieland et al.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1934 , vol. 513, p. 1,18 Full Text Show Details

Boiling Point (2) Boiling Point

Pressure (Boiling Point)


165 - 170 °C

0.08 Torr

Grandberg; Bobrova

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, NY, United States), 1973 , vol. 9, p. 196,199 Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii, 1973 , vol. 9, p. 213 Full Text Show Details

165 - 170 °C

0.1 Torr

Grandberg et al.

Doklady Chemistry, 1967 , vol. 176, p. 828 Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1967 , vol. 176, p. 583 Full Text Show Details

Density (1) Density

Type (Density)


1.242 g·cm-3


Quarles et al.

Acta Crystallographica, 1974 , vol. <B> 30, p. 95 Full Text Show Details

Association (MCS) (3) Description (Association (MCS))

Partner (Association (MCS))

Solvent (Association (MCS))

Comment (Association (MCS))

Formation constant of a complex

cetyltrimethylammonim bromide

H2O methanol

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2008 , vol. 69, # 3 p. 748 - 756 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Formation constant of a complex

sodium dodecyl-sulfate

H2O methanol

pH dependence

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2008 , vol. 69, # 3 p. 748 - 756 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dipole moment of the complex



Abu-Eittah; Abdou

Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique, 1996 , vol. 93, # 11-12 p. 1958 - 1973 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Chromatographic Data (1) Chromatographic data


HPLC (High performance liquid chromatography)

Prabhakar; Kumar, N. Vasanth; Reddy, M. Ravikanth; Sarma; Reddy, G. Om

Organic Process Research and Development, 1999 , vol. 3, # 3 p. 155 - 160 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Crystal Phase (3) Description (Crystal Phase)

Comment (Crystal Phase)


Crystal structure determination

β=98.7 grad, a=6.11 Angstroem, b=9.53 Angstroem, c=8.83 Angstroem, n=2.

Quarles et al.

Acta Crystallographica, 1974 , vol. <B> 30, p. 95 Full Text Show Details

Crystal structure determination

Quarles et al.

Acta Crystallographica, 1974 , vol. <B> 30, p. 95 Full Text Show Details

Solid state structure properties

Quarles et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1974 , vol. 30, p. 99,100, 101 Full Text Show Details

Crystal Property Description (2) Colour & Other Properties



Bartolucci, Silvia; Mari, Michele; Bedini, Annalida; Piersanti, Giovanni; Spadoni, Gilberto

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 80, # 6 p. 3217 - 3222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


He, Ling; Li, Ju-Lian; Zhang, Jian-Jun; Su, Pu; Zheng, Shi-Long

Synthetic Communications, 2003 , vol. 33, # 5 p. 741 - 747 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Crystal System (1) Crystal System



Quarles et al.

Acta Crystallographica, 1974 , vol. <B> 30, p. 95 Full Text Show Details

Dissociation Exponent (3) Dissociation Exponent (pK)

Dissociation Group

Method (Dissociation Exponent)

Type (Dissociation Exponent)

Comment (Dissociation Exponent)





Hela; Anipindi; Priyadarsini; O'Neill

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 1999 , vol. 103, # 40 p. 8606 - 8611 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Julia; Lallemand

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1973 , p. 2058,2059, 2061 Full Text Show Details

(pk')pK(a) (50percentig. wss. A.): 8.81

Grandberg et al.

Doklady Chemistry, 1967 , vol. 176, p. 828 Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1967 , vol. 176, p. 583 Full Text Show Details

Further Information (9) Description (Further Information)


Further information

Dimicoli; Helene

Biochemistry, 1974 , vol. 13, # 4 p. 714 - 723 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Agurell; Holmstedt; Lindgren; Schultes

Acta chemica Scandinavica, 1969 , vol. 23, # 3 p. 903 - 916 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Smaller et al.

Journal of Chemical Physics, 1967 , vol. 46, p. 3976,3979 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Taborsky; Delvigs

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1966 , vol. 9, p. 251,253 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Taborski et al.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1965 , vol. 8, p. 460,465 Full Text Show Details


Further information


Analytical Chemistry, 1964 , vol. 36, p. 1663 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Heinzelman; Szmuszkovicz

Progress in Drug Research, 1963 , vol. 6, p. 75,76-150 Chem.Abstr., 1964 , vol. 60, # 13215b Full Text Show Details

Further information

Petrowa; Kawerina

J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1963 , vol. 33, p. 1333,1303 Full Text Show Details

Further information

May and Baker Ltd.

Patent: GB841524 , 1956 ; Chem.Abstr., 1962 , vol. 56, # 1431 Full Text Show Details

Interatomic Distances and Angles (2) Description

Comment (Interatomic Distances and Angles)


Interatomic distances and angles


Quarles et al.

Acta Crystallographica, 1974 , vol. <B> 30, p. 95 Full Text Show Details

Interatomic distances and angles

Quarles et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1974 , vol. 30, p. 99,100, 101 Full Text Show Details

Liquid/Liquid Systems (MCS) (1) Description (Liquid/Liquid Systems (MCS))


Distribution between solvent 1 + 2

Kang; Green

Nature (London, United Kingdom), 1969 , vol. 222, p. 794 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Partition octan-1-ol/water (MCS) (1) log POW



Faulkner, Katherine C.; Hurley, Katherine A.; Weibel, Douglas B.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016 , vol. 26, # 22 p. 5539 - 5544 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Space Group (1) Space Group


7 0

Quarles et al.

Acta Crystallographica, 1974 , vol. <B> 30, p. 95 Full Text Show Details

Transport Phenomena (MCS) (1)

Description (Transport Phenomena (MCS))

Partner (Transport Phenomena (MCS))

Temperature (Transport Phenomena (MCS))


aq. sodium phosphate buffer

25 °C

Reference Robinson, David; Anderson, James E.; Lin, Jeong-long

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 94, # 2 p. 1003 1005 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (18) Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Coupling Nuclei

Chemical shifts Spectrum


Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Temperature (NMR Spectroscopy)

Frequency (NMR Spectroscopy)

Original Text (NMR Spectroscopy)


200 MHz

Location supporting information

Comment (NMR Spectroscopy)

Reference Bartolucci, Silvia; Mari, Michele; Bedini, Annalida; Piersanti, Giovanni; Spadoni,


Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 80, # 6 p. 3217 - 3222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



NMR (CDC13): δ 10.58 (bs, 1H), 7.20 (t, J= 8.78 Hz; 1H), 7.07 (s, 1H), 6.98 (s, 1H), 6.71-6.68 (m, III), 3.75 (s, 3U), 2.81-2.69 (m, 4H), 1.39 (bs, 2H).

Page/Page column 40

Signals given


Patent: WO2011/47156 A1, 2011 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts



200 MHz

He, Ling; Li, Ju-Lian; Zhang, Jian-Jun; Su, Pu; Zheng, Shi-Long

Synthetic Communications, 2003 , vol. 33, # 5 p. 741 - 747 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




200 MHz

He, Ling; Li, Ju-Lian; Zhang, Jian-Jun; Su, Pu; Zheng, Shi-Long

Synthetic Communications, 2003 , vol. 33, # 5 p. 741 - 747 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



100.61 MHz

Thomson, Douglas W.; Commeureuc, Aurelien G. J.; Berlin, Stefan; Murphy, John A.

Synthetic Communications, 2003 , vol. 33, # 20 p. 3631 - 3641 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



400 MHz

Thomson, Douglas W.; Commeureuc, Aurelien G. J.; Berlin, Stefan; Murphy, John A.

Synthetic Communications, 2003 , vol. 33, # 20 p. 3631 - 3641 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




400 MHz

Thomson, Douglas W.; Commeureuc, Aurelien G. J.; Berlin, Stefan; Murphy, John A.

Synthetic Communications, 2003 , vol. 33, # 20 p. 3631 - 3641 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



23.84 °C

300.133 MHz

Revial, Gilbert; Jabin, Ivan; Lim, Sethy; Pfau, Michel

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 67, # 7 p. 2252 - 2256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



23.84 °C

75 MHz

Revial, Gilbert; Jabin, Ivan; Lim, Sethy; Pfau, Michel

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 67, # 7 p. 2252 - 2256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



75 MHz

Revial, Gilbert; Jabin, Ivan; Lim, Sethy; Pfau, Michel

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 67, # 7 p. 2252 - 2256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



300 MHz

Revial, Gilbert; Jabin, Ivan; Lim, Sethy; Pfau, Michel

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 67, #

7 p. 2252 - 2256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




300 MHz

Revial, Gilbert; Jabin, Ivan; Lim, Sethy; Pfau, Michel

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 67, # 7 p. 2252 - 2256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




Somei, Masanori; Fukui, Yoshikazu; Hasegawa, Masakazu; Oshikiri, Naoki; Hayashi, Toshikatsu

Heterocycles, 2000 , vol. 53, # 8 p. 1725 - 1736 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



Somei, Masanori; Fukui, Yoshikazu; Hasegawa, Masakazu; Oshikiri, Naoki; Hayashi, Toshikatsu

Heterocycles, 2000 , vol. 53, # 8 p. 1725 - 1736 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



200 MHz

Prabhakar; Kumar, N. Vasanth; Reddy, M. Ravikanth; Sarma; Reddy, G. Om

Organic Process Research and Development, 1999 , vol. 3, # 3 p. 155 - 160 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


Grin, L. M.; Khlaponina, L. N.; Pivnenko, N. S.; Selichenko, A. G.; Brutov, V. D.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1986 , vol. 20, # 7 p. 476 - 479 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1986 , vol. 20, # 7 p. 819 - 822 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



40 °C

Alapishvili, M. G.; Popova, G. V.; Vorontsov, E. D.; Kireev, V. V.; Suvorov, N. N.

J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1983 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 1040 - 1044,919 - 923 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Grandberg; Bobrova

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, NY, United States), 1973 , vol. 9, p. 196,199 Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii, 1973 , vol. 9, p. 213 Full Text Show Details

Saito; Kikugawa

Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 1979 , vol. 16, p. 1325,1327,1328 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

IR Spectroscopy (5) Description (IR Spectroscopy)

Solvent (IR Spectroscopy)




Somei, Masanori; Fukui, Yoshikazu; Hasegawa, Masakazu; Oshikiri, Naoki; Hayashi, Toshikatsu

Heterocycles, 2000 , vol. 53, # 8 p. 1725 - 1736 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bayari; Ide

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2003 , vol. 59, # 6 p. 1255 - 1263 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Thomson, Douglas W.; Commeureuc, Aurelien G. J.; Berlin, Stefan; Murphy, John A.

Synthetic Communications, 2003 , vol. 33, # 20 p. 3631 - 3641 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Bayari; Ide

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2003 , vol. 59, # 6 p. 1255 - 1263 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Revial, Gilbert; Jabin, Ivan; Lim, Sethy; Pfau, Michel

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 67, # 7 p. 2252 - 2256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Szmuszkovicz et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1960 , vol. 25, p. 857,858 Full Text Show Details

Prabhakar; Kumar, N. Vasanth; Reddy, M. Ravikanth; Sarma; Reddy, G. Om

Organic Process Research and Development, 1999 , vol. 3, # 3 p. 155 - 160 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Grandberg; Bobrova

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, NY, United States), 1973 , vol. 9, p. 196,199 Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii, 1973 , vol. 9, p. 213 Full Text Show Details

Mass Spectrometry (6) Description (Mass Spectrometry)


electrospray ionisation (ESI) spectrum

Bartolucci, Silvia; Mari, Michele; Bedini, Annalida; Piersanti, Giovanni; Spadoni, Gilberto

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 80, # 6 p. 3217 - 3222 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

spectrum electron impact (EI)

Gynther, Jukka; Peura, Pekka; Salmi, Seija

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1985 , vol. 39, # 10 p. 849 - 860 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Revial, Gilbert; Jabin, Ivan; Lim, Sethy; Pfau, Michel

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 67, # 7 p. 2252 - 2256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Wang, Alan P. L.; Li, Liang

Analytical Chemistry, 1992 , vol. 64, # 7 p. 769 - 775 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

spectrum chemical ionization (CI)

Duarte, M. F. N.; Hutchinson, D. W.; Jennings, K. R.

Organic Mass Spectrometry, 1985 , vol. 20, # 7 p. 476 - 478 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gynther, Jukka; Peura, Pekka; Salmi, Seija

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1985 , vol. 39, # 10 p. 849 - 860 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

negative ion spectroscopy

Duarte, M. F. N.; Hutchinson, D. W.; Jennings, K. R.

Organic Mass Spectrometry, 1985 , vol. 20, # 7 p. 476 - 478 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sergeev; Manusadzhyan

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, NY, United States), 1973 , vol. 9, p. 1228 Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii, 1973 , vol. 9, p. 1357 Full Text Show Details

Wood et al.

Analytical Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 48, p. 981 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shaw; Wright; Milne

Biomedical mass spectrometry, 1977 , vol. 4, # 6 p. 348 - 353 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Agurell; Holmstedt; Lindgren; Schultes

Acta chemica Scandinavica, 1969 , vol. 23, # 3 p. 903 - 916 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

UV/VIS Spectroscopy (41)

Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Absorption Maxima (UV/VIS)

Comment (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)


276.007 nm

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


275.005 nm

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


275.005 nm

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



277.001 nm

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


277.001 nm

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


276.007 nm

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


277.001 nm

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


279.002 nm

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


277.001 nm

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

ethyl acetate

277.001 nm

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


272.005 nm

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


276.007 nm

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


276.007 nm

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

aq. H2SO4

271 nm

Remark: Ho -3.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

aq. H2SO4

274 nm 310 nm

Remark: Ho -2.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

aq. H2SO4

274 nm 309 nm

Remark: Ho -1.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

aq. H2SO4

273 nm 309 nm

Remark: pH 1.0 - 2.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

aq. H2SO4

275 nm 309 nm

Remark: pH 4.0 - 5.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

aq. NaOH

275 nm 309 nm

Remark: pH 8.0 - 9.5

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 -

aq. NaOH

Show next 20

276 nm 309 nm

941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Remark: pH 10.4

Hide facts

Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Absorption Maxima (UV/VIS)

Comment (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

aq. NaOH

277 nm 309 nm

Remark: pH 11.3 - 12.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

aq. NaOH

276 nm 327 nm

Remark: pH 13.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

aq. NaOH

275 nm 327 nm

Remark: H- 14.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

aq. NaOH

274 nm 326 nm

Remark: H- 14.7

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

aq. NaOH

278 nm

Remark: H- 16.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

aq. NaOH

280 nm

Remark: H- 17.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

aq. NaOH

297 nm

Remark: H- 18.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

various solvent(s)

273 nm 275 nm 310 nm

Remark: Ho 0.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

various solvent(s)

272 nm 274 nm 310 nm

Remark: pH 1.1

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

various solvent(s)

273 nm 310 nm

Remark: pH 2.1

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

various solvent(s)

274 nm 310 nm

Remark: pH 3.3 - 4.2

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

various solvent(s)

272 nm 310 nm

Remark: pH 4.9

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

various solvent(s)

273 nm 310 nm

Remark: pH 7.0 - 9.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


various solvent(s)

275 nm 310 nm

Remark: pH 10.0 -11.1

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

various solvent(s)

274 nm

Remark: pH 2.2 - 11.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

various solvent(s)

275 nm

Remark: pH 12.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

various solvent(s)

275 nm 277 nm

Remark: pH 13.0

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

various solvent(s)

278 nm

Remark: H- 13.9

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


gaseous matrix

302.5 - 306.8 nm

Li, Liang; Lubman, David M.

Analytical Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 60, # 23 p. 2591 - 2598 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Grandberg; Bobrova

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, NY, United States), 1973 , vol. 9, p. 196,199 Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii, 1973 , vol. 9, p. 213 Full Text Show Details

Millie et al.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1968 , vol. 11, # 2 p. 207,209,210 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Absorption maxima

Szmuszkovicz et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1960 , vol. 25, p. 857,858 Full Text Show Details

Taborsky; McIsaac

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1964 , vol. 7, p. 135,140 Full Text Show Details

Fluorescence Spectroscopy (20) Description (Fluorescence Spectroscopy)

Solvent (Fluorescence Spectroscopy)

Fluorescence quenching

Comment (Fluorescence Spectroscopy)


Quenching with Br(1-)

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2008 , vol. 69, # 3 p. 748 - 756 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


micellar solution

concentration dependence. Object(s) of Study: pH dependence

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2008 , vol. 69, # 3 p. 748 - 756 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


micellar solution

concentration dependence

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2008 , vol. 69, # 3 p. 748 - 756 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 - 176

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


ethyl acetate

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 66, # 1 p. 171 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



pH dependence

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


various solvent(s)

pH dependence

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fluorescence intensity

Sharma, Neera; Jain, Sapan K.; Rastogi, Ramesh C.

Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2007 , vol. 68, # 3 p. 927 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Other Spectroscopic Methods (1) Description (Other Spectroscopic Methods)


Photoelectron spectrum

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Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (239)

1 of 239

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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2 of 239

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Bioactivities present



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Bioactivities present


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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1998 , vol. 41, # 25 p. 5070 - 5083 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Heterocycles, 1999 , vol. 51, # 6 p. 1237 - 1242 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Heterocycles, 2000 , vol. 53, # 8 p. 1725 - 1736 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 77, # 17 p. 7737 - 7743 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 277, # 39 p. 36577 - 36584 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Teitler, Milt; Herrick-Davis, Katharine; Purohit, Anil

Current topics in medicinal chemistry, 2002 , vol. 2, # 6 p. 529 - 538 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Glennon, Richard A; Metwally, Kamel; Dukat, Malgorzata; Ismaiel, Abd M; De los Angeles, Joseph; Herndon, Jeffery; Teitler, Milt; Khorana, Nantaka

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British Journal of Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 127, # 6 p. 1431 - 1437 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Neurochemistry, 1996 , vol. 67, # 5 p. 2096 - 2103

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Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 354, # 2 p. 145 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Biochemical Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 50, # 10 p. 1651 - 1658 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Waeber; Sebben; Grossman; Javoy-Agid; Bockaert; Dumuis

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Sugden; Chong; Lewis

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 114, # 3 p. 618 - 623 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pan; Galligan

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 278, # 1 p. 67 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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British Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 115, # 1 p. 107 - 116 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Johnson, Michael P.; Loncharich, Richard J.; Baez, Melvyn; Nelson, David L.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1994 , vol. 45, # 2 p. 277 - 286 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gale; Grossman; Whitehead; Oxford; Bunce; Humphrey

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1994 , vol. 111, # 1 p. 332 - 338 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schmuck; Ullmer; Engels; Lubbert

FEBS Letters, 1994 , vol. 342, # 1 p. 85 - 90 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 1994 , vol. 266, # 3 35-3 p. H1000-H1006 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schoeffter; Waeber

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1994 , vol. 350, # 4 p. 356 - 360 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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British Journal of Pharmacology, 1993 , vol. 110, # 4 p. 1593 - 1599 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shen; Monsma Jr.; Metcalf; Jose; Hamblin; Sibley

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1993 , vol. 268, # 24 p. 18200 - 18204 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bard; Zgombick; Adham; Vaysse; Branchek; Weinshank

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1993 , vol. 268, # 31 p. 23422 - 23426 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ruat; Traiffort; Leurs; Tardivel-Lacombe; Diaz; Arrang -; Schwartz

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1993 , vol. 90, # 18 p. 8547 - 8551 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Becker; Gettys; Middleton; Olsen; Albers; Lee -; Fanburg; Raymond

Molecular Pharmacology, 1992 , vol. 42, # 5 p. 817 - 825 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zgombick; Schechter; Macchi; Hartig; Branchek; Weinshank

Molecular Pharmacology, 1992 , vol. 42, # 2 p. 180 - 185 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1993 , vol. 90, # 2 p. 408 - 412 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

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Eglen; Alvarez; Johnson; Leung; Wong

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1993 , vol. 108, # 2 p. 376 - 382 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Monsma Jr.; Shen; Ward; Hamblin; Sibley

Molecular Pharmacology, 1993 , vol. 43, # 3 p. 320 - 327 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wainscott; Cohen; Schenck; Audia; Nissen; Baez; Kursar; Lucaites; Nelson

Molecular Pharmacology, 1993 , vol. 43, # 3 p. 419 - 426 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sweetnam; Caldwell; Lancaster; Bauer Jnr.; McMillan; Kinnier; Price

Journal of Natural Products (Lloydia), 1993 , vol. 56, # 4 p. 441 - 455 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Foguet; Hoyer; Pardo; Parekh; Kluxen; Kalkman; Stuhmer; Lubbert

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Life sciences, 1992 , vol. 51, # 10 p. PL95-99 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rhodes; Colemann; Lattimer

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1992 , vol. 346, # 5 p. 496 - 503 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mourey; Dawson; Barrow; Enna; Snyder

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Hamblin; Metcalf; McGuffin; Karpells

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Zgombick; Weinshank; Macchi; Schechter; Branchek; Hartig

Molecular Pharmacology, 1991 , vol. 40, # 6 p. 1036 - 1042 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Schiavone; Giraldo; Giudici; Turconi; Sagrada

Life Sciences, 1992 , vol. 51, # 8 p. 583 - 592 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Weinshank; Zgombick; Macchi; Branchek; Hartig

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1992 , vol. 89, # 8 p. 3630 - 3634 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Molecular Pharmacology, 1991 , vol. 40, # 2 p. 143 - 148 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Boulenguez; Chauveau; Segu; Morel; Lanoir; Delaage

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1991 , vol. 194, # 1 p. 91 - 98 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Stankov; Cozzi; Lucini; Fumagalli; Scaglione; Fraschini

Neuroendocrinology, 1991 , vol. 53, # 3 p. 214 - 221 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Glennon; Ismaiel; Chaurasia; Titeler

Drug Development Research, 1991 , vol. 22, # 1 p. 25 - 36 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Elswood; Bunce; Humphrey

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1991 , vol. 196, # 2 p. 149 - 155 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Villalon; Den Boer; Heiligers; Saxena

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1991 , vol. 102, # 1 p. 107 - 112 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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British journal of pharmacology, 1990 , vol. 101, # 3 p. 513 - 520 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology, 1991 , vol. 343, # 5 p. 439 - 446 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Molecular Pharmacology, 1988 , vol. 34, # 6 p. 880 - 887 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1989 , vol. 32, # 8 p. 1921 - 1926 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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European journal of pharmacology, 1989 , vol. 162, # 2 p. 289 - 299

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Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 1988 , vol. 9, # 3 p. 89 - 94 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology, 1987 , vol. 335, # 3 p. 226 - 230 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 1987 , vol. 84, # 11 p. 3916 - 3920 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Chemical Communications, 2016 , vol. 52, # 87 p. 12869 - 12872 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Faulkner, Katherine C.; Hurley, Katherine A.; Weibel, Douglas B.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016 , vol. 26, # 22 p. 5539 - 5544 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Benchekroun, Mohamed; Romero, Alejandro; Egea, Javier; León, Rafael; Michalska, Patrycja; Buendía, Izaskun; Jimeno, María Luisa; Jun, Daniel; Janockova, Jana; Sepsova, Vendula; Soukup, Ondrej; Bautista-Aguilera, Oscar M.; Refouvelet, Bernard; Ouari, Olivier; Marco-Contelles, José; Ismaili, Lhassane

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 59, # 21 p. 9967 - 9973 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

SIGNUM BIOSCIENCES, INC.; Vafai, Scott; Voronkov, Michael; Stock, Maxwell; Stock, Jeffry B.; Lee, Seung-Yub; Li, Zhu; Gu, Haoming

Patent: US9486441 B2, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hanbat National University Academic Cooperation; Park, Jung Ho; Jang, Mi; Kim, Jae Kwan

Patent: KR2016/46450 A, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Horton, William; Sood, Abha; Peerannawar, Swarada; Kugyela, Nandor; Kulkarni, Aditya; Tulsan, Rekha; Tran, Chris D.; Soule, Jessica; LeVine, Harry; Török, Béla; Török, Marianna

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2017 , vol. 27, # 2 p. 232 - 236 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Setyaningsih, Widiastuti; Saputro, Irfan E.; Carrera, Ceferino A.; Palma, Miguel; Barroso, Carmelo G.

Food Chemistry, 2017 , vol. 225, p. 1 - 9 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ramos, Eva; Patiño, Paloma; Reiter, Russel J.; Gil-Martín, Emilio; Marco-Contelles, José; Parada, Esther; los Rios, Cristobal de; Romero, Alejandro; Egea, Javier

Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 2017 , vol. 104, p. 32 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Brandt, Simon D.; Kavanagh, Pierce V.; Dowling, Geraldine; Talbot, Brian; Westphal, Folker; Meyer, Markus R.; Maurer, Hans H.; Halberstadt, Adam L. Drug Testing and Analysis, 2017 , vol. 9, # 1 p. 115 - 126 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pietri, Jose E.; Pakpour, Nazzy; Napoli, Eleonora; Song, Gyu; Pietri, Eduardo; Potts, Rashaun; Cheung, Kong W.; Walker, Gregory; Riehle, Michael A.; Starcevich, Hannah; Giulivi, Cecilia; Lewis, Edwin E.; Luckhart, Shirley

Biochemical Journal, 2016 , vol. 473, # 20 p. 3487 - 3503 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Aguer, Céline; Piccolo, Brian D.; Fiehn, Oliver; Adams, Sean H.; Harper, Mary-Ellen

FASEB Journal, 2017 , vol. 31, # 2 p. 814 - 827 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sanz Sharley, Daniel D.; Williams, Jonathan M. J.

Chemical Communications, 2017 , vol. 53, # 12 p. 2020 - 2023 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sun Yat-Sen University; Pi, Rongbiao; Yang, Xiaohong; Liu, Xingguo; Chen, Ziwei; Wang, Shengnan

Patent: CN105906608 A, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fujinoki, Masakatsu; Takei, Gen L.

Journal of Reproduction and Development, 2017 , vol. 63, # 1 p. 67 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Geffard, Michel; Mangas, Arturo; Coveñas, Rafael

Biomedical Reports, 2017 , vol. 6, # 3 p. 307 - 313 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lee, Hyoung Yool; Back, Kyoungwhan

Journal of Pineal Research, 2017 , vol. 62, # 2 art. no. E12379 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Barbanti, Piero; Aurilia; Egeo; Fofi; Palmirotta

Expert Opinion on Investigational Drugs, 2017 , vol. 26, # 3 p. 269 - 277 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

33 of 239

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed

34 of 239

35 of 239

36 of 239

37 of 239

38 of 239

39 of 239

40 of 239

41 of 239


Letra-Vilela, Ricardo; Sánchez-Sánchez, Ana María; Rocha, Ana Maia; Martin, Vanesa; Branco-Santos, Joana; Puente-Moncada, Noelia; Santa-Marta, Mariana; Outeiro, Tiago Fleming; Antolín, Isaac; Rodriguez, Carmen; Herrera, Federico

Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology, 2016 , vol. 434, p. 238 - 249 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Martínez-Guerrero, Lucy J.; Morales, Mark; Ekins, Sean; Wright, Stephen H.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2016 , vol. 90, # 3 p. 254 - 264 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Faulkner, Katherine C.; Hurley, Katherine A.; Weibel, Douglas B.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016 , vol. 26, # 22 p. 5539 - 5544 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Oda, Shingo; Fujiwara, Ryoichi; Kutsuno, Yuki; Fukami, Tatsuki; Itoh, Tomoo; Yokoi, Tsuyoshi; Nakajima, Miki

Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 2015 , vol. 43, # 6 p. 812 - 818 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Herington, Jennifer L.; Swale, Daniel R.; Brown, Naoko; Shelton, Elaine L.; Choi, Hyehun; Williams, Charles H.; Hong, Charles C.; Paria, Bibhash C.; Denton, Jerod S.; Reese, Jeff

PLoS ONE, 2015 , vol. 10, # 11 art. no. E0143243 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Odagaki, Yuji; Kinoshita, Masakazu; Toyoshima, Ryoichi

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2014 , vol. 726, # 1 p. 109 - 115 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Blough, Bruce E.; Landavazo, Antonio; Partilla, John S.; Decker, Ann M.; Page, Kevin M.; Baumann, Michael H.; Rothman, Richard B.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2014 , vol. 24, # 19 p. 4754 - 4758 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D18-LR of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Michaelis constant (Km)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

192 μmol/l


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D18-LR of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

intrinsic clearance (CL)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

42 of 239

43 of 239

44 of 239

45 of 239

46 of 239

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D18-LR of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

maximal velocity (Vmax)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.09 pmol*min/pmol


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D18-LR of rat

Metabolite (Pharmacological Data)

3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol [Reaxys RN: 143524]


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D2-HR of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Michaelis constant (Km)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

45 μmol/l


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D2-HR of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

intrinsic clearance (CL)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D2-HR of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

maximal velocity (Vmax)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type

0.28 pmol*min/pmol

(Pharmacological Data)

47 of 239

48 of 239

49 of 239

50 of 239

51 of 239


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D2-HR of rat

Metabolite (Pharmacological Data)

3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol [Reaxys RN: 143524]


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D4-LR of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Michaelis constant (Km)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

82 μmol/l


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D4-LR of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

intrinsic clearance (CL)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D4-LR of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

maximal velocity (Vmax)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.09 pmol*min/pmol


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D4-LR of rat

Metabolite (Pharmacological Data)

3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol [Reaxys RN: 143524]


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

52 of 239

53 of 239

54 of 239

55 of 239

56 of 239

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D6-HR of human

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Michaelis constant (Km)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

20 μmol/l


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D6-HR of human

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Michaelis constant (Km)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

35 μmol/l


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D6-HR of human

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

intrinsic clearance (CL)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D6-HR of human

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

intrinsic clearance (CL)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D6-HR of human

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

maximal velocity (Vmax)

57 of 239

58 of 239

59 of 239

60 of 239

61 of 239

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

117.3 pmol*min/pmol


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D6-HR of human

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

maximal velocity (Vmax)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

145.8 pmol*min/pmol


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D6-HR of human

Metabolite (Pharmacological Data)

3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol [Reaxys RN: 143524]


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D6-LR of human

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Michaelis constant (Km)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

57 μmol/l


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D6-LR of human

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

intrinsic clearance (CL)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D6-LR of human

62 of 239

63 of 239

64 of 239

65 of 239

66 of 239

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

maximal velocity (Vmax)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

25.59 pmol*min/pmol


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CYP2D6-LR of human

Metabolite (Pharmacological Data)

3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol [Reaxys RN: 143524]


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

brain microsomes of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Michaelis constant (Km)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

250 μmol/l


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

brain microsomes of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

intrinsic clearance (CL)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

brain microsomes of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

maximal velocity (Vmax)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.39 pmol*min/mg


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


67 of 239

68 of 239

69 of 239

70 of 239

71 of 239

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

brain microsomes of rat

Metabolite (Pharmacological Data)

3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol [Reaxys RN: 143524]


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

liver microsomes allelic variant 2D6*4*4 of human

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Michaelis constant (Km)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

412 μmol/l


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

liver microsomes allelic variant 2D6*4*4 of human

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

intrinsic clearance (CL)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

liver microsomes allelic variant 2D6*4*4 of human

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

maximal velocity (Vmax)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

48.79 pmol*min/mg


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

liver microsomes allelic variant 2D6*4*4 of human

Metabolite (Pharmacological Data)

3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol [Reaxys RN: 143524]


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

liver microsomes of human

72 of 239

73 of 239

74 of 239

75 of 239

76 of 239

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Michaelis constant (Km)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

61 μmol/l


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

liver microsomes of human

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

intrinsic clearance (CL)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

liver microsomes of human

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

maximal velocity (Vmax)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

292.5 pmol*min/mg


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

liver microsomes of human

Metabolite (Pharmacological Data)

3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol [Reaxys RN: 143524]


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

liver microsomes of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Michaelis constant (Km)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

31 μmol/l


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


77 of 239

78 of 239

79 of 239

80 of 239

81 of 239

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

liver microsomes of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

intrinsic clearance (CL)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

liver microsomes of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

maximal velocity (Vmax)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

40.35 pmol*min/mg


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

liver microsomes of rat

Metabolite (Pharmacological Data)

3-(2-aminoethyl)-1H-indol-5-ol [Reaxys RN: 143524]


Haduch, Anna; Bromek, Ewa; Sadakierska-Chudy, Anna; Wójcikowski, Jacek; Daniel, Władysława A.

Pharmacological Research, 2013 , vol. 67, # 1 p. 53 - 59 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


De Bruyn, Tom; Van Westen, Gerard J.P.; IJzerman, Adriaan P.; Stieger, Bruno; De Witte, Peter; Augustijns, Patrick F.; Annaert, Pieter P.

Molecular Pharmacology, 2013 , vol. 83, # 6 p. 1257 - 1267 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme activity; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

acetylcholinesterase of electric eel

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.001 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound dissolved in buffer containing not more than 10percent MeOH

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition rate of comparative compound at 3.4E-4 M: 100percent


molecular target: acetylcholinesterase


Khorana, Nantaka; Changwichit, Kanokwan; Ingkaninan, Kornkanok; Utsintong, Maleeruk

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2012 , vol. 22, # 8 p. 2885 - 2888 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme activity; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

acetylcholinesterase of electric eel

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.001 mol/l

Kind of Dosing

title compound dissolved in buffer containing not more than 10percent MeOH

(Pharmacological Data)

82 of 239

83 of 239

84 of 239

85 of 239

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition rate of comparative compound at 3.4E-4 M: 100percent

Type (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition rate

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.19 percent


Khorana, Nantaka; Changwichit, Kanokwan; Ingkaninan, Kornkanok; Utsintong, Maleeruk

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2012 , vol. 22, # 8 p. 2885 - 2888 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme activity; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

recombinant acetylcholinesterase of human

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.001 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound dissolved in buffer containing not more than 10percent MeOH


molecular target: human acetylcholinesterase


Khorana, Nantaka; Changwichit, Kanokwan; Ingkaninan, Kornkanok; Utsintong, Maleeruk

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2012 , vol. 22, # 8 p. 2885 - 2888 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme activity; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

recombinant acetylcholinesterase of human

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.001 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound dissolved in buffer containing not more than 10percent MeOH

Type (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition rate

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

14.68 percent


Khorana, Nantaka; Changwichit, Kanokwan; Ingkaninan, Kornkanok; Utsintong, Maleeruk

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2012 , vol. 22, # 8 p. 2885 - 2888 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

brain membranes of Wistar rat



Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

in presence of 30 μmol/l spermine; radioligand binding assay ; radioligand: [3H]MK-801


molecular target: NMDA receptor


Berger; Palangsuntikul; Rebernik; Wolschann; Berner

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 19, # 18 p. 3044 - 3057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

brain membranes of Wistar rat



Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

in presence of 30 μmol/l spermine; radioligand binding assay ; radioligand: [3H]MK-801; IC50 related to: NMDA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

179 μmol/l

86 of 239

87 of 239

88 of 239

89 of 239

90 of 239


Berger; Palangsuntikul; Rebernik; Wolschann; Berner

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 19, # 18 p. 3044 - 3057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

brain membranes of Wistar rat



Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand binding assay; radioligand: [3H]MK-801


molecular target: NMDA receptor


Berger; Palangsuntikul; Rebernik; Wolschann; Berner

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 19, # 18 p. 3044 - 3057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

brain membranes of Wistar rat



Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand binding assay; radioligand: [3H]MK-801; IC50 related to: NMDA receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

19.2 μmol/l


Berger; Palangsuntikul; Rebernik; Wolschann; Berner

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 19, # 18 p. 3044 - 3057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

hippocampal CA1 + dentate gyrus membranes of Wistar rat



Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand binding assay; radioligand: [3H]-OH-DPAT


molecular target: 5-HT1A receptor


Berger; Palangsuntikul; Rebernik; Wolschann; Berner

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 19, # 18 p. 3044 - 3057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

hippocampal CA1 + dentate gyrus membranes of Wistar rat



Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand binding assay; radioligand: [3H]-OH-DPAT; IC50 related to: 5-HT1A receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.0049 - 0.0068 μmol/l


Berger; Palangsuntikul; Rebernik; Wolschann; Berner

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 19, # 18 p. 3044 - 3057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

prefrontal cortex membranes of Wistar rat

91 of 239

92 of 239

93 of 239

94 of 239



Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand binding assay; radioligand: [3H]ketanserin


molecular target: 5-HT2A receptor


Berger; Palangsuntikul; Rebernik; Wolschann; Berner

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 19, # 18 p. 3044 - 3057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

prefrontal cortex membranes of Wistar rat



Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand binding assay; radioligand: [3H]ketanserin; IC50 related to: 5-HT2A receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

10.8 μmol/l


Berger; Palangsuntikul; Rebernik; Wolschann; Berner

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 19, # 18 p. 3044 - 3057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

menthol-stimulated 45Ca2+ influx; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

T-REx-293 cells; genetically modified/infected with: pcDNA5TO-hTRPM8

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hTRPM8: human transient receptor potential melastatin 8

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

12.4 μmol/l


supporting information


Defalco, Jeff; Steiger, Daniel; Dourado, Michelle; Emerling, Daniel; Duncton, Matthew A.J.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2010 , vol. 20, # 23 p. 7076 - 7079 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

menthol-stimulated 45Ca2+ influx; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

T-REx-293 cells; genetically modified/infected with: pcDNA5TO-hTRPM8

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hTRPM8: human transient receptor potential melastatin 8


molecular target: TRPM8


supporting information


Defalco, Jeff; Steiger, Daniel; Dourado, Michelle; Emerling, Daniel; Duncton, Matthew A.J.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2010 , vol. 20, # 23 p. 7076 - 7079 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

icilin-stimulated 45Ca2+ influx; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

T-REx-293 cells; genetically modified/infected with: pcDNA5TO-hTRPM8

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hTRPM8: human transient receptor potential melastatin 8

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

11.6 μmol/l


supporting information


Defalco, Jeff; Steiger, Daniel; Dourado, Michelle; Emerling, Daniel; Duncton, Matthew A.J.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2010 , vol. 20, # 23 p. 7076 - 7079 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

95 of 239

96 of 239

97 of 239

98 of 239

99 of 239

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

icilin-stimulated 45Ca2+ influx; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

T-REx-293 cells; genetically modified/infected with: pcDNA5TO-hTRPM8

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hTRPM8: human transient receptor potential melastatin 8


molecular target: TRPM8


supporting information


Defalco, Jeff; Steiger, Daniel; Dourado, Michelle; Emerling, Daniel; Duncton, Matthew A.J.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2010 , vol. 20, # 23 p. 7076 - 7079 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cell membranes; genetically modified/infected with: h5-HT4b receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

comparative comp. dissolved in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and DMSO (max. conc. 1percent v/v)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]-GR113808 at 0.25 nM


molecular target: human 5-HT4b receptor


Hanna-Elias, Amir; Manallack, David T.; Levit, Alla; Nguyen, William; Ayad, Fadi; Perera, Glen; Shapiro, Marina; Irving, Helen R.; Coupar, Ian M.; Iskander, Magdy N.

Medicinal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 344 - 354 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cell membranes; genetically modified/infected with: h5-HT4b receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

comparative comp. dissolved in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and DMSO (max. conc. 1percent v/v)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]-GR113808 at 0.25 nM; displacement rate (title comp.): 99percent at 1 μM


molecular target: human 5-HT4b receptor


Hanna-Elias, Amir; Manallack, David T.; Levit, Alla; Nguyen, William; Ayad, Fadi; Perera, Glen; Shapiro, Marina; Irving, Helen R.; Coupar, Ian M.; Iskander, Magdy N.

Medicinal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 344 - 354 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cell membranes; genetically modified/infected with: h5-HT4b receptor

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

comparative comp. dissolved in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and DMSO (max. conc. 1percent v/v)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]-GR113808 at 0.25 nM; displacement rate (title comp.): 99percent at 1 μM; pKi related to: human 5-HT4b receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Hanna-Elias, Amir; Manallack, David T.; Levit, Alla; Nguyen, William; Ayad, Fadi; Perera, Glen; Shapiro, Marina; Irving, Helen R.; Coupar, Ian M.; Iskander, Magdy N.

Medicinal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 344 - 354 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cell membranes; genetically modified/infected with: h5-HT4b receptor

100 of 239

101 of 239

102 of 239

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

comparative comp. dissolved in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and DMSO (max. conc. 1percent v/v)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]-GR113808 at 0.25 nM; pKi related to: human 5-HT4b receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Hanna-Elias, Amir; Manallack, David T.; Levit, Alla; Nguyen, William; Ayad, Fadi; Perera, Glen; Shapiro, Marina; Irving, Helen R.; Coupar, Ian M.; Iskander, Magdy N.

Medicinal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 344 - 354 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cell membranes; genetically modified/infected with: h5-HT4d receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

comparative comp. dissolved in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and DMSO (max. conc. 1percent v/v)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]-GR113808 at 0.25 nM


molecular target: human 5-HT4d receptor


Hanna-Elias, Amir; Manallack, David T.; Levit, Alla; Nguyen, William; Ayad, Fadi; Perera, Glen; Shapiro, Marina; Irving, Helen R.; Coupar, Ian M.; Iskander, Magdy N.

Medicinal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 344 - 354 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cell membranes; genetically modified/infected with: h5-HT4d receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

comparative comp. dissolved in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and DMSO (max. conc. 1percent v/v)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]-GR113808 at 0.25 nM; rate of displacement related to: human 5-HT4d receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)

rate of displacement

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

100 percent


Hanna-Elias, Amir; Manallack, David T.; Levit, Alla; Nguyen, William; Ayad, Fadi; Perera, Glen; Shapiro, Marina; Irving, Helen R.; Coupar, Ian M.; Iskander, Magdy N.

Medicinal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 344 - 354 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cell membranes; genetically modified/infected with: human 5-HT4b receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

comparative comp. dissolved in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and DMSO (max. conc. 1percent v/v)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]-GR113808 at 0.25 nM


molecular target: human 5-HT4b receptor


Hanna-Elias, Amir; Manallack, David T.; Levit, Alla; Nguyen, William; Ayad, Fadi; Perera, Glen; Shapiro, Marina; Irving, Helen R.; Coupar, Ian M.; Iskander, Magdy N.

Medicinal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 344 - 354 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

103 of 239

104 of 239

105 of 239

106 of 239

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cell membranes; genetically modified/infected with: human 5-HT4b receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

comparative comp. dissolved in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and DMSO (max. conc. 1percent v/v)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]-GR113808 at 0.25 nM; rate of displacement related to: human 5-HT4b receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)

rate of displacement

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

100 percent


Hanna-Elias, Amir; Manallack, David T.; Levit, Alla; Nguyen, William; Ayad, Fadi; Perera, Glen; Shapiro, Marina; Irving, Helen R.; Coupar, Ian M.; Iskander, Magdy N.

Medicinal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 344 - 354 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cell membranes; genetically modified/infected with: human 5-HT4g receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

comparative comp. dissolved in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and DMSO (max. conc. 1percent v/v)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]-GR113808 at 0.25 nM


molecular target: human 5-HT4g receptor


Hanna-Elias, Amir; Manallack, David T.; Levit, Alla; Nguyen, William; Ayad, Fadi; Perera, Glen; Shapiro, Marina; Irving, Helen R.; Coupar, Ian M.; Iskander, Magdy N.

Medicinal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 344 - 354 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cell membranes; genetically modified/infected with: human 5-HT4g receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

comparative comp. dissolved in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and DMSO (max. conc. 1percent v/v)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand: [3H]-GR113808 at 0.25 nM; rate of displacement related to: human 5-HT4g receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)

rate of displacement

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

100 percent


Hanna-Elias, Amir; Manallack, David T.; Levit, Alla; Nguyen, William; Ayad, Fadi; Perera, Glen; Shapiro, Marina; Irving, Helen R.; Coupar, Ian M.; Iskander, Magdy N.

Medicinal Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 6, # 6 p. 344 - 354 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cell membranes; genetically modified/infected with: 5-HT4b receptor splice variant

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1e-6 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and DMSO

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

[3H]-GR113808 displacement related to: 5-HT4b receptor

107 of 239

108 of 239

109 of 239

110 of 239

Type (Pharmacological Data)

[3H]-GR113808 displacement

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

100 percent


Hanna-Elias, Amir; Manallack, David T.; Berque-Bestel, Isabelle; Irving, Helen R.; Coupar, Ian M.; Iskander, Magdy N.

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 62, # 2 p. 150 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cell membranes; genetically modified/infected with: 5-HT4b receptor splice variant

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1e-6 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in phosphate buffered saline (PBS) and DMSO


molecular target: 5-HT4b receptor


Hanna-Elias, Amir; Manallack, David T.; Berque-Bestel, Isabelle; Irving, Helen R.; Coupar, Ian M.; Iskander, Magdy N.

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 62, # 2 p. 150 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cell membranes; genetically modified/infected with: human 5-HT4b receptor splice variant

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 100 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound dissolved in phosphate buffered saline

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

[3H]-GR113808 [(1-(2-(methylsulphonyl)amino)ethyl-4-piperidinyl)methyl-1-methyl-1H-indole-3-carboxylate] as radioligand; inhibition constant (Ki); Ki related to: human 5-HT4b receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)

log Ki

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Hanna-Elias, Amir; Manallack, David T.; Berque-Bestel, Isabelle; Irving, Helen R.; Coupar, Ian M.; Iskander, Magdy N.

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 44, # 7 p. 2952 - 2959 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cell membranes; genetically modified/infected with: human 5-HT4b receptor splice variant

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 100 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title compound dissolved in phosphate buffered saline

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

[3H]-GR113808 [(1-(2-(methylsulphonyl)amino)ethyl-4-piperidinyl)methyl-1-methyl-1H-indole-3-carboxylate] as radioligand


molecular target: human 5-HT4b receptor splice variant


Hanna-Elias, Amir; Manallack, David T.; Berque-Bestel, Isabelle; Irving, Helen R.; Coupar, Ian M.; Iskander, Magdy N.

European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 44, # 7 p. 2952 - 2959 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney 293 cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

competitive binding assay; cell membranes incubated in HEPES buffer containing <3H>granisetron and title comp. at 4 deg C, 1 h; reaction terminated by vaccum filtration; radioactivity detd. by using SC; binding affinity to 5-HT3A receptor detd.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

SC: scintillation counter; ref. comp.: 5-hydroxytrptamine, m-chlorophenylbiguanide and tryptamine

Type (Pharmacological



111 of 239

112 of 239

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

34.9 μmol/l


Bower, Kiowa S.; Price, Kerry L.; Sturdee, Laura E.C.; Dayrell, Mariza; Dougherty, Dennis A.; Lummis, Sarah C.R.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2008 , vol. 580, # 3 p. 291 - 297 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human embryonic kidney 293 cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

competitive binding assay; cell membranes incubated in HEPES buffer containing <3H>granisetron and title comp. at 4 deg C, 1 h; reaction terminated by vaccum filtration; radioactivity detd. by using SC; binding affinity to 5-HT3AB receptor detd.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

SC: scintillation counter; ref. comp.: 5-hydroxytrptamine, m-chlorophenylbiguanide and tryptamine

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

21.7 μmol/l


Bower, Kiowa S.; Price, Kerry L.; Sturdee, Laura E.C.; Dayrell, Mariza; Dougherty, Dennis A.; Lummis, Sarah C.R.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2008 , vol. 580, # 3 p. 291 - 297 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

Nrf2 activity; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

lung adenocarcinoma cells transfected with ARE-luciferase reporter vector

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Example 2 A Novel Assay for Nrf2 Inhibitors A high throughput approach to screen compounds was developed. A cell based reporter assay was used to identify agents that can inhibit Nrf2 mediated transcription. Lung adenocarcinoma cells that are stably transfected with ARE-luciferase reporter vector were plated on to 96 well plates. After overnight incubation, cells were pretreated with 12-16 hours with candidate Nrf2 modulators. Luciferase activity was measured after 6 hours of treatment using a luciferase assay system. The decrease in luciferase activity correlates with degree of Nrf2 inhibition.The compounds identified using this assay are identified in Figure 16:Table 5. The known use of each compound is identified in the middle column and the percent luciferase activity is identified in the right hand column.


title compound treatment showed inhibited luciferase activity of 63percent


Page/Page column 9; 57; 16/28-22/28



Patent: WO2008/124660 A2, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

113 of 239

114 of 239

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT uptake; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 MSR cells transfected with hSERT

Method (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>-5-HT uptake assayed; cells preincubated with title comp. for 30 min in PBSCM pH 7.4; uptake initiated by addition of <3H>-5-HT (50-100 nM) and continued for 10 min; cells lysed, radiolabeled 5-HT quantified by scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hSERT: human serotonin transporter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

56 μmol/l


Celik, Leyla; Sinning, Steffen; Severinsen, Kasper; Hansen, Carsten G.; Moller, Maria S.; Bols, Mikael; Wiborg, Ove; Schiott, Birgit

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 12 p. 3853 - 3865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT uptake; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 MSR cells transfected with hSERT, Ala173Thr mutant

Method (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>-5-HT uptake assayed; cells preincubated with title comp. for 30 min in PBSCM pH 7.4; uptake initiated by addition of <3H>-5-HT (50-100 nM) and continued for 10 min; cells lysed, radiolabeled 5-HT quantified by scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hSERT: human serotonin transporter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


115 of 239

116 of 239

117 of 239

118 of 239

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

21 μmol/l


Celik, Leyla; Sinning, Steffen; Severinsen, Kasper; Hansen, Carsten G.; Moller, Maria S.; Bols, Mikael; Wiborg, Ove; Schiott, Birgit

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 12 p. 3853 - 3865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT uptake; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 MSR cells transfected with hSERT, Ala173Asp mutant

Method (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>-5-HT uptake assayed; cells preincubated with title comp. for 30 min in PBSCM pH 7.4; uptake initiated by addition of <3H>-5-HT (50-100 nM) and continued for 10 min; cells lysed, radiolabeled 5-HT quantified by scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hSERT: human serotonin transporter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

13.1 μmol/l


Celik, Leyla; Sinning, Steffen; Severinsen, Kasper; Hansen, Carsten G.; Moller, Maria S.; Bols, Mikael; Wiborg, Ove; Schiott, Birgit

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 12 p. 3853 - 3865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT uptake; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 MSR cells transfected with hSERT, Ala173Ser mutant

Method (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>-5-HT uptake assayed; cells preincubated with title comp. for 30 min in PBSCM pH 7.4; uptake initiated by addition of <3H>-5-HT (50-100 nM) and continued for 10 min; cells lysed, radiolabeled 5-HT quantified by scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hSERT: human serotonin transporter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

21 μmol/l


Celik, Leyla; Sinning, Steffen; Severinsen, Kasper; Hansen, Carsten G.; Moller, Maria S.; Bols, Mikael; Wiborg, Ove; Schiott, Birgit

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 12 p. 3853 - 3865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT uptake; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 MSR cells transfected with hSERT, Ala173Cys mutant

Method (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>-5-HT uptake assayed; cells preincubated with title comp. for 30 min in PBSCM pH 7.4; uptake initiated by addition of <3H>-5-HT (50-100 nM) and continued for 10 min; cells lysed, radiolabeled 5-HT quantified by scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hSERT: human serotonin transporter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

22 μmol/l


Celik, Leyla; Sinning, Steffen; Severinsen, Kasper; Hansen, Carsten G.; Moller, Maria S.; Bols, Mikael; Wiborg, Ove; Schiott, Birgit

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 12 p. 3853 - 3865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT uptake; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 MSR cells transfected with hSERT, Ala173Met mutant

Method (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>-5-HT uptake assayed; cells preincubated with title comp. for 30 min in PBSCM pH 7.4; uptake initiated by addition of <3H>-5-HT (50-100 nM) and continued for 10 min; cells lysed, radiolabeled 5-HT quantified by scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hSERT: human serotonin transporter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


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Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.5 μmol/l


Celik, Leyla; Sinning, Steffen; Severinsen, Kasper; Hansen, Carsten G.; Moller, Maria S.; Bols, Mikael; Wiborg, Ove; Schiott, Birgit

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 12 p. 3853 - 3865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT uptake; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 MSR cells transfected with hSERT, Tyr175Phe mutant

Method (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>-5-HT uptake assayed; cells preincubated with title comp. for 30 min in PBSCM pH 7.4; uptake initiated by addition of <3H>-5-HT (50-100 nM) and continued for 10 min; cells lysed, radiolabeled 5-HT quantified by scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hSERT: human serotonin transporter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

26 μmol/l


Celik, Leyla; Sinning, Steffen; Severinsen, Kasper; Hansen, Carsten G.; Moller, Maria S.; Bols, Mikael; Wiborg, Ove; Schiott, Birgit

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 12 p. 3853 - 3865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT uptake; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 MSR cells transfected with hSERT, Ala169Ile mutant

Method (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>-5-HT uptake assayed; cells preincubated with title comp. for 30 min in PBSCM pH 7.4; uptake initiated by addition of <3H>-5-HT (50-100 nM) and continued for 10 min; cells lysed, radiolabeled 5-HT quantified by scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hSERT: human serotonin transporter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

6.6 μmol/l


Celik, Leyla; Sinning, Steffen; Severinsen, Kasper; Hansen, Carsten G.; Moller, Maria S.; Bols, Mikael; Wiborg, Ove; Schiott, Birgit

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 12 p. 3853 - 3865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT uptake; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 MSR cells transfected with hSERT, Thr439Val mutant

Method (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>-5-HT uptake assayed; cells preincubated with title comp. for 30 min in PBSCM pH 7.4; uptake initiated by addition of <3H>-5-HT (50-100 nM) and continued for 10 min; cells lysed, radiolabeled 5-HT quantified by scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hSERT: human serotonin transporter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

28 μmol/l


Celik, Leyla; Sinning, Steffen; Severinsen, Kasper; Hansen, Carsten G.; Moller, Maria S.; Bols, Mikael; Wiborg, Ove; Schiott, Birgit

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 12 p. 3853 - 3865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT uptake; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 MSR cells transfected with hSERT, Thr439Ser mutant

Method (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>-5-HT uptake assayed; cells preincubated with title comp. for 30 min in PBSCM pH 7.4; uptake initiated by addition of <3H>-5-HT (50-100 nM) and continued for 10 min; cells lysed, radiolabeled 5-HT quantified by scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hSERT: human serotonin transporter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


123 of 239

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125 of 239

126 of 239

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

25 μmol/l


Celik, Leyla; Sinning, Steffen; Severinsen, Kasper; Hansen, Carsten G.; Moller, Maria S.; Bols, Mikael; Wiborg, Ove; Schiott, Birgit

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 12 p. 3853 - 3865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT uptake; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 MSR cells transfected with hSERT, Thr439Ala mutant

Method (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>-5-HT uptake assayed; cells preincubated with title comp. for 30 min in PBSCM pH 7.4; uptake initiated by addition of <3H>-5-HT (50-100 nM) and continued for 10 min; cells lysed, radiolabeled 5-HT quantified by scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hSERT: human serotonin transporter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.55 μmol/l


Celik, Leyla; Sinning, Steffen; Severinsen, Kasper; Hansen, Carsten G.; Moller, Maria S.; Bols, Mikael; Wiborg, Ove; Schiott, Birgit

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 12 p. 3853 - 3865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT uptake; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 MSR cells transfected with hSERT, Tyr176Phe mutant

Method (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>-5-HT uptake assayed; cells preincubated with title comp. for 30 min in PBSCM pH 7.4; uptake initiated by addition of <3H>-5-HT (50-100 nM) and continued for 10 min; cells lysed, radiolabeled 5-HT quantified by scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hSERT: human serotonin transporter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

47 μmol/l


Celik, Leyla; Sinning, Steffen; Severinsen, Kasper; Hansen, Carsten G.; Moller, Maria S.; Bols, Mikael; Wiborg, Ove; Schiott, Birgit

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 12 p. 3853 - 3865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT uptake; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK-293 MSR cells transfected with hSERT, Ala173Leu mutant

Method (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of <3H>-5-HT uptake assayed; cells preincubated with title comp. for 30 min in PBSCM pH 7.4; uptake initiated by addition of <3H>-5-HT (50-100 nM) and continued for 10 min; cells lysed, radiolabeled 5-HT quantified by scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

hSERT: human serotonin transporter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.6 μmol/l


Celik, Leyla; Sinning, Steffen; Severinsen, Kasper; Hansen, Carsten G.; Moller, Maria S.; Bols, Mikael; Wiborg, Ove; Schiott, Birgit

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2008 , vol. 130, # 12 p. 3853 - 3865 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

transport; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1 - 500 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing rSERT incubated with <3H>5-HT in presence of title comp. for 10 min at 37 deg C; radioactivity extracted with NaOH; measured by liquid scintillation spectrometry

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

rSERT: rat serotonin transporter; 5-HT: serotonin; cocaine used as positive control (IC50 = 0.64 μmol/l)

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Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

35.9 μmol/l


Sogawa; Tagawa; Fujino; Ohyama; Asanuma; Funada; Kitayama

Toxicology Letters, 2007 , vol. 170, # 1 p. 75 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

membrane currents; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocyte

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 0.001 - 10 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

oocytes expressing rat NMDA receptor subunits NR1a+2B; Ca(2+)- and Mg(2+)-free solution at 18 deg C; two-electrode voltage clamp at -70 mV; bath application of title comp.; inhibition of currents induced by 100 μmol/l glutamate and 10 μmol/l glycine

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartate; further studies using 0.1 or 0.3 mmol/l Mg(2+)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

18 μmol/l


title comp. concentration-dependently inhibited glutamate-induced currents; co-application of Mg(2+) attenuated effect of title comp. (table, figure)


Kloda, Anna; Adams, David J.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 144, # 3 p. 323 - 330 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

membrane currents; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Xenopus laevis oocyte

Method (Pharmacological Data)

oocytes expressing rat NMDA receptor subunits NR1a+2B; Ca(2+)- and Mg(2+)-free solution at 18 deg C; two-electrode voltage clamp at -120 mV; bath application of title comp.; inhibition of currents induced by 100 μmol/l glutamate and 10 μmol/l glycine

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

NMDA: N-methyl-D-aspartate

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.6 μmol/l


title comp. concentration-dependently inhibited glutamate-induced currents


Kloda, Anna; Adams, David J.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2005 , vol. 144, # 3 p. 323 - 330 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CHO cells expressing human 5-HT2C receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; fluorimetric imaging plate reader assay

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3 nmol/l


relative efficacy at 1 μmol/l dose: 87 percent


Adams, David; Benardeau, Agnes; Bickerdike, Mike J.; Bentley, Jon M.; Bissantz, Caterina; Bourson, Anne; Cliffe, Ian A.; Hebeisen, Paul; Kennett, Guy A.; Knight, Antony R.; Malcolm, Craig S.; Mizrahi, Jacques; Plancher, Jean-Marc; Richter, Hans; Roever, Stephan; Taylor, Sven; Vickers, Steven P.

Chimia, 2004 , vol. 58, # 9 p. 613 - 620 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


131 of 239

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133 of 239

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CHO cells expressing human 5-HT2A receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; fluorimetric imaging plate reader assay

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

6 nmol/l


Adams, David; Benardeau, Agnes; Bickerdike, Mike J.; Bentley, Jon M.; Bissantz, Caterina; Bourson, Anne; Cliffe, Ian A.; Hebeisen, Paul; Kennett, Guy A.; Knight, Antony R.; Malcolm, Craig S.; Mizrahi, Jacques; Plancher, Jean-Marc; Richter, Hans; Roever, Stephan; Taylor, Sven; Vickers, Steven P.

Chimia, 2004 , vol. 58, # 9 p. 613 - 620 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CHO cells expressing human 5-HT2B receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; fluorimetric imaging plate reader assay

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2 nmol/l


Adams, David; Benardeau, Agnes; Bickerdike, Mike J.; Bentley, Jon M.; Bissantz, Caterina; Bourson, Anne; Cliffe, Ian A.; Hebeisen, Paul; Kennett, Guy A.; Knight, Antony R.; Malcolm, Craig S.; Mizrahi, Jacques; Plancher, Jean-Marc; Richter, Hans; Roever, Stephan; Taylor, Sven; Vickers, Steven P.

Chimia, 2004 , vol. 58, # 9 p. 613 - 620 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

rat brain membranes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.01 - 10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

competition experiment: membranes incub. with title comp.+0.1 nmol/l <125I>DAIZAC at room temp.; bound and free radioligand separated by vacuum filtration, analysis by gamma spectrometry

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DAIZAC: (S)-5-chloro-3-iodo-2-methoxy-N-(1-azabicyclo<2.2.2>oct-3-yl)benzamide; title comp. effect on binding of <125I>DAIZAC to 5-HT3 receptors studied; pKi estimated using IC50 by the Cheng-Prusoff equation, Ki in mol/l

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.39 dimensionless


Zhang, Zhang-Jin; Trivedi, Bakula L.; De Paulis, Tomas; Schmidt, Dennis E.; Hewlett, William A.

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 365, # 2 p. 123 - 132 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

mouse neuroblastoma*chinese hamster hybrid NCB20 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.01 - 10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

competition experiment: cells incub. with title comp.+0.1 nmol/l <125I>DAIZAC at room temp.; bound and free radioligand separated by vacuum filtration, analysis by gamma spectrometry

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DAIZAC: (S)-5-chloro-3-iodo-2-methoxy-N-(1-azabicyclo<2.2.2>oct-3-yl)benzamide; title comp. effect on binding of <125I>DAIZAC to 5-HT3 receptors studied; pKi estimated using IC50 by the Cheng-Prusoff equation, Ki in mol/l

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

6.05 dimensionless


Zhang, Zhang-Jin; Trivedi, Bakula L.; De Paulis, Tomas; Schmidt, Dennis E.; Hewlett, William A.

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 365, # 2 p. 123 - 132 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

mongrel dog


male and female

Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 100 μg/min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

dogs (15-30 kg) anaesthetized (sodium pentobarbitone); bilateral cervical vagosympathectomy; 1 min intracarotid infusion of title comp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

internal carotid blood flow; antagonists: GR127935 (30 μg/kg), ritanserin (100 μg/kg); 5-HT1B/1D and 5-HT2A receptors


dose-response curve of internal carotid blood flow (diagram); effect of antagonists (diagrams)


Centurion, David; Ortiz, Mario I; Sanchez-Lopez, Araceli; De Vries, Peter; Saxena, Pramod R; Villalon, Carlos M

British Journal of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 132, # 5 p. 983 - 990 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

guinea pig distal colon longitudinal muscle strips

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; effect on 5-HT4 receptor-mediated contraction evaluated; strips vertically suspended in organ bath filled with Krebs' solution; 95 percent O2/5 percent CO2; 37 deg C; increasing conc. of title comp. added at 15 min intervals

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

contractile responses recorded isometrically; responses expressed as percent of max. 5-HT (EC50: 6.3 nmol/l)-evoked contraction

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

20.8 nmol/l


intrinsic activity of title comp. was 1.03


Suzuki; Ohuchi; Asanuma; Kaneko; Yokomori; Ito; Isobe; Muramatsu

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2001 , vol. 49, # 1 p. 29 - 39 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Hartley guinea pig ileal longitudinal muscle strips



Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; ability to restore twitch response to that obtained at supramaximal voltage (serotonin 5-HT4 receptor agonist activity) evaluated; tissue vertically suspended in organ bath filled with Krebs' solution under resting tension of 0.8 g

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

95 percent O2/5 percent CO2; 32 deg C; twitch responses evoked by transmural electrical stimulation of enteric cholinergic nerves; then voltage reduced to obtain stable submaximal response and title comp. added

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

19.5 nmol/l


Suzuki; Ohuchi; Asanuma; Kaneko; Yokomori; Ito; Isobe; Muramatsu

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2001 , vol. 49, # 1 p. 29 - 39 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

DNA; examination of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

DNA plasmid pBR322

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.05 - 2.5 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; inhibition of peroxynitrite-induced plasmid DNA strand scission detected by electrophoresis; PBS; three forms of plasmid: supercoiled, open-circular, and linear detected with UV luminometer


electrophoresis pattern; partly inhibited DNA strand breakage

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140 of 239


Nakagawa, Hidehiko; Sumiki, Erika; Takusagawa, Mitsuko; Ikota, Nobuo; Matsushima, Yoshikazu; Ozawa, Toshihiko

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2000 , vol. 48, # 2 p. 261 - 265 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

< 0.01 - 0.06 μmol/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in 0.1 ml of alcoholic saline (1 percent EtOH in 0.9 percent NaCl); cumulative doses of title comp. injected via external jugular vein at stable mean arterial blood pressure

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat weight 260-280 g; 10 rats/group; housed at 21 deg C and 12/12 hr light/dark cycle; maintained on standard rodent chow and water ad lib.; blood pressure measured in left carotid artery; cumulative effect of title comp. accounted


very potent effect at low doses; gentle decrease of blood pressure at higher doses; dose-response curve of the hypotensive effect of title comp. (figure)


Wang, Hexiang; Ng, Tzi Bun

Pharmacology and Toxicology, 2000 , vol. 86, # 3 p. 125 - 128 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT6 receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

receptors stably transfected to human embryonic kidney 293 cells; binding activity of title comp. determined in competition with 2 nmol/l <3H>lysergic acid diethylamide in Tris buffer (pH 7.4) at 37 deg C for 60 min; liquid scintillation

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

90 nmol/l


Lee; Rangisetty; Dukat; Slassi; Maclean; Glennon

Medicinal Chemistry Research, 2000 , vol. 10, # 4 p. 230 - 242 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

displacing of 125I-DAIZAC

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

whole brain membrane of Sprague-Dawley rat



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

3 - 30 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cell membranes suspn. incubated with title compd. in presence of 3 nM of 125I-DAIZAC; anal. (gamma spectrometry)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

125I-DAIZAC - desamino-3-(125)iodo-(S)-zacopride


2 percent displacement of specifically bound 125I-DAIZAC


Hewlett, William A.; Trivedi, Bakula L.; Zhang, Zhang-Jin; De Paulis, Tomas; Schmidt, Dennis E.; Lovinger, David M.; Ansari, M. Sib; Ebert, Michael H. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1999 , vol. 288, # 1 p. 221 - 231 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

141 of 239

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

prolonged decrease in diastolic blood pressure

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

fawn-hooded rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-09 - 1E-06 mol/kg

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144 of 239

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

bolus injection

Method (Pharmacological Data)

250-350 g rats; title comp. was injected via femoral vein; arterial blood flow was monitored at the left carotid artery with continuous display of the heart rate using a rate-meter

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 51, # 12 p. 1415 - 1421 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

prolonged decrease in diastolic blood pressure

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-09 - 1E-06 mol/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

bolus injection

Method (Pharmacological Data)

250-300 g rats; title comp. was injected via femoral vein; arterial blood flow was monitored at the left carotid artery with continuous display of the heart rate using a rate-meter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

56 nmol/kg


title comp.-induced maximum decrease in diastolic blood pressure was 66 mmHg



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 51, # 12 p. 1415 - 1421 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

increase in systolic blood pressure

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-09 - 1E-06 mol/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

bolus injection

Method (Pharmacological Data)

250-300 g rats; title comp. was injected via femoral vein; arterial blood flow was monitored at the left carotid artery with continuous display of the heart rate using a rate-meter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

227 nmol/kg


title comp.-induced maximum increase in systolic blood pressure was 75 mmHg



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 51, # 12 p. 1415 - 1421 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

increase in systolic blood pressure

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

fawn-hooded rat

145 of 239

146 of 239



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-09 - 1E-06 mol/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

bolus injection

Method (Pharmacological Data)

250-350 g rats; title comp. was injected via femoral vein; arterial blood flow was monitored at the left carotid artery with continuous display of the heart rate using a rate-meter

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

62 nmol/kg


title comp.-induced maximum increase in systolic blood pressure was 57 mmHg



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 51, # 12 p. 1415 - 1421 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

decrease in heart rate

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-09 - 1E-06 mol/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

bolus injection

Method (Pharmacological Data)

250-300 g rats; title comp. was injected via femoral vein; arterial blood flow was monitored at the left carotid artery with continuous display of the heart rate using a rate-meter

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

estimation of the effect of title comp. on heart rate

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 51, # 12 p. 1415 - 1421 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

decrease in heart rate

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

fawn-hooded rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-09 - 1E-06 mol/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

bolus injection

Method (Pharmacological Data)

250-350 g rats; title comp. was injected via femoral vein; arterial blood flow was monitored at the left carotid artery with continuous display of the heart rate using a rate-meter

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

estimation of the effect of title comp. on heart rate

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 51, # 12 p. 1415 - 1421 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

147 of 239

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149 of 239

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

secretion stimulant

Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

change in potential difference in proximal colon

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-09 - 1E-06 mol/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

bolus injection

Method (Pharmacological Data)

250-300 g rats; 3-cm segment of PC of anesth. rats was tied at the distal end and filled with 154 nM NaCl; title comp. was injected via femoral vein; potential difference across each loop was measured between 2 salt-bridge electrodes

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

proximal colon (PC); estimation of title comp. effect on transepithelial electrical activity

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

192 nmol/kg


maximum response induced by title comp. was equal to 4.1 +/- 0.5; graphic representation



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 51, # 12 p. 1415 - 1421 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

secretion stimulant

Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

change in potential difference in proximal colon

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

fawn-hooded rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-09 - 1E-06 mol/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

bolus injection

Method (Pharmacological Data)

250-350 g rats; 3-cm segment of PC of anesth. rats was tied at the distal end and filled with 154 nM NaCl; title comp. was injected via femoral vein; potential difference across each loop was measured between 2 salt-bridge electrodes

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

proximal colon (PC); estimation of title comp. effect on transepithelial electrical activity

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

204 nmol/kg


maximum response induced by title comp. was equal to 7.0 +/- 0.8; graphic representation



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 51, # 12 p. 1415 - 1421 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

secretion stimulant

Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

change in potential difference in mid-small intestine

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

fawn-hooded rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-09 - 1E-09 mol/kg

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151 of 239

152 of 239

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

bolus injection

Method (Pharmacological Data)

250-350 g rats; 3-cm segment of MSI of anesth. rats was tied at the distal end and filled with 154 nM NaCl; title comp. was injected via femoral vein; potential difference across each loop was measured between 2 salt-bridge electrodes

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mid-small intestine (MSI); estimation of title comp. effect on transepithelial electrical activity

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

70 nmol/kg


maximum response induced by title comp. was equal to 4.1 +/- 0.3; graphic representation



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 51, # 12 p. 1415 - 1421 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

secretion stimulant

Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

change in potential difference in mid-small intestine

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-09 - 1E-06 mol/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

bolus injection

Method (Pharmacological Data)

250-300 g rats; 3-cm segment of MSI of anesth. rats was tied at the distal end and filled with 154 nM NaCl; title comp. was injected via femoral vein; potential difference across each loop was measured between 2 salt-bridge electrodes

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mid-small intestine (MSI); estimation of title comp. effect on transepithelial electrical activity

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

59 nmol/kg


maximum response induced by title comp. was equal to 3.3 +/- 0.3; graphic representation



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 51, # 12 p. 1415 - 1421 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle contractive

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

jejunum of Wistar rat


not specified

Method (Pharmacological Data)

isolated rat jejunum, 3 - 4 cm length; gassed Krebs-Henseleit solution, 37 deg C, title comp. in increasing concn. at 10 min intervals; isotonic transducer, contractions measured; control acetylcholine (1 μmol/l)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

experiment was carried out in the presence of ondansetrom (1 μmol/l) - blockade of 5HT3 receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

5.33 dimensionless


Hemedah; Coupar; Mitchelson

British journal of pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 126, # 1 p. 179 - 188 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

homogenate of guinea-pig ileum


not specified

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155 of 239

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. used in the concn. range of -10 to -6 log mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

phosphate buffer (50 mmol/l) with <3H>-mesulergine (10 nmol/l) and title comp. (at least 5 different concn., quadruplicate) incubated for 10 min at 37 deg C; homogenate added; incubation 60 min at 37 deg C; filtration; LSC of filter

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT7 receptor assay; other receptors blocked by masking drugs added prior to first incubation: cinanserin (30 nmol/l), RS 102221 (3 μmol/l), raclopride (1 μmol/l), prazosin (0.1 μmol/l), and yohimbine (0.1 μmol/l)


inhibition of <3H>-mesulergine binding (diagram); pKi = 7.7 to 9.6 (table)


Hemedah; Coupar; Mitchelson

British journal of pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 126, # 1 p. 179 - 188 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

membranes of Wistar rats whole brain minus cerebellum


not specified

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. used in the concn. range ca. -10 to -4.5 log mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

homogenized brain, membrane isolated; phosphate buffer (50 mmol/l) with <3H>-mesulergine (10 nmol/l) and title comp. (13 concn., duplicates) incub. for 10 min at 37 deg C; membrane homogenate added; incub. 60 min at 37 deg C; filtration; LSC of filter

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT7 receptor assay; other receptors blocked by masking drugs added prior to first incubation; cinanserin (30 nmol/l), RS 102221 (3 μmol/l), raclopride (1 μmol/l), prazosin (0.1 μmol/l), and yohimbine (0.1 μmol/l)


inhibition of <3H>-mesulergine binding (diagram); pKi = 6.2 to 9.2 (table)


Hemedah; Coupar; Mitchelson

British journal of pharmacology, 1999 , vol. 126, # 1 p. 179 - 188 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

rat jejunum



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

10 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

desensitization; Wistar rats, 230-250 g body wt., anaesthetized with 60 mg/kg i.p. sodium pentobarbitone; potential difference (PD), short-circuit current (SCC) and tissue resistance measured across paired sheets of intact and stripped proximal jejunum

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

37 deg C, 5-HT - 5-hydroxytryptamine


second application of title compound failed to elicit an increase in SCC either in intact or stripped sheets; desensitization to title compound abolished 5-HT response in stripped sheets



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 50, # 5 p. 539 - 547 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

rat jejunum



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

100 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

jejunum treated with combination of title compound and 1-phenylbiguanide, 100 μM

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

10 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

desensitization; Wistar rats, 230-250 g body wt., anaesthetized with 60 mg/kg i.p. sodium pentobarbitone; potential difference (PD), short-circuit current (SCC) and tissue resistance measured across paired sheets of intact and stripped proximal jejunum

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

37 deg C, 5-HT - 5-hydroxytryptamine

156 of 239

157 of 239

158 of 239

159 of 239


reduced 5-HT-induced increase in SCC in intact sheets and eliminated it in stripped sheets



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 50, # 5 p. 539 - 547 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

rat jejunum



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-08 - 0.0001 mol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

10 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; Wistar rats, 230-250 g body wt., anaesthetized with 60 mg/kg i.p. sodium pentobarbitone; potential difference (PD), short-circuit current (SCC) and tissue resistance measured across paired sheets of intact and stripped proximal jejunum

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

37 deg C

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

6.3 - 11 μmol/l


induced conc.-dependent increases in SCC, 18.3 μA/cm2 in stripped sheets, 25.1 μA/cm2 in intact sheets



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 50, # 5 p. 539 - 547 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

intracellular cAMP stimulation

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

murine fibroblasts (LMtk-) cell line

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-09 - 1E-05 mol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

10 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cell line membrane preincubated (HEPES-buffered saline, pH 7.4, 37 deg C, 30 min), then incubated in presence of title compd.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

129 nmol/l


affinity const. Ki = 2.2 nM; concn.-dependent stimulation given (diagram)


Adham, Nika; Zgombick, John M.; Bard, Jonathan

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1998 , vol. 287, # 2 p. 508 - 514 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 10 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

deoxyribose (dRib) incub. without/with title comp.+FeCl3+H2O2 in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4; 37 deg C; 1 h); thiobarbituric acid reactive products (oxidative degradation of dRib) detected by spectrophotometry

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. effect on dRib degradation studied


conc.-dependent inhibition of dRib degradation (graph)


Sacco, Silvano; Aquilini, Luciano; Ghezzi, Pietro; Pinza, Mario; Guglielmotti, Angelo

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 343, # 2-3 p. 249 - 255 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


160 of 239

161 of 239

162 of 239

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Balb/C mice



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

4.9 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

single dose

Method (Pharmacological Data)

18-20 g mice inj. with 160 μg i.p. E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) simultaneously with title comp.; survival rate (SR) assessed daily for 4 d

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. effect on SR studied


SR significantly improved (graph)


Sacco, Silvano; Aquilini, Luciano; Ghezzi, Pietro; Pinza, Mario; Guglielmotti, Angelo

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 343, # 2-3 p. 249 - 255 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CD-1 mice



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.02 nmol/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

single dose

Method (Pharmacological Data)

18-20 g mice; 30 min after title comp. inj. with 160 μg i.p. E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS); serum tumor necrosis factor (TNF measured by ELISA

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

title comp.effect on LPS-induced TNF studied


LPS-induced TNF inhibited (diagram)


Sacco, Silvano; Aquilini, Luciano; Ghezzi, Pietro; Pinza, Mario; Guglielmotti, Angelo

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 343, # 2-3 p. 249 - 255 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human peripheral blood mononuclear cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-09 - 1E-05 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

single dose

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells incub. with title comp.+10 ng/ml E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in RPMI 1640 (4 h); tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in supernatant measured by ELISA

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. effect on LPS-induced TNF studied


LPS-induced TNF conc.-dependently inhibited (diagram)


Sacco, Silvano; Aquilini, Luciano; Ghezzi, Pietro; Pinza, Mario; Guglielmotti, Angelo

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 343, # 2-3 p. 249 - 255 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Chinese hamster ovary FA4 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

3 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

ability of title comp. to activate PLC-mediated IP accumulation studied; cells labeled with 1 μCi/ml myo-<3H>inositol (24 h, 37 deg C) incubated with title comp. for 10 min; mono-, di-, triphosphates of inositol separated by ion exchange chromatography

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167 of 239

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

radioactivity counted by liquid scintillation; cells expressing human 5-HT2A receptors; 5-HT: 5-hydroxytryptamine; PLC: phospholipase C; IP: inositol phosphates; 5-HT used as reference comp.; Emax: maximal response


Emax title comp./Emax 5-HT ca. 0.85 (figure)


Berg, Kelly A.; Maayani, Saul; Goldfarb, Joseph; Scaramellini, Clare; Leff, Paul; Clarke, William P.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 54, # 1 p. 94 - 104 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Chinese hamster ovary FA4 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

3 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

ability of title comp. to activate PLA2-mediated arachidonic acid release studied; cells labeled with 0.1 μCi/ml <14C>arachidonic acid (4 h, 37 deg C) incubated with title comp. for 10 min; radioactivity measured by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human 5-HT2A receptors; 5-HT: 5-hydroxytryptamine; PLA2: phospholipase A2; 5-HT used as reference comp.; Emax: maximal response


Emax title comp./Emax 5-HT ca. 1.30 (figure)


Berg, Kelly A.; Maayani, Saul; Goldfarb, Joseph; Scaramellini, Clare; Leff, Paul; Clarke, William P.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 54, # 1 p. 94 - 104 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Chinese hamster ovary FA4 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

3 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

ability of title comp. to increase Ca(2+) conc. studied; cells loaded with Fura-2; intracellular Ca(2+) conc. determined by measuring fluorescence (340/380 nm)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cells expressing human 5-HT2A receptors; 5-HT: 5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT used as reference comp.; Emax: maximal response


Emax title comp./Emax 5-HT ca. 0.80 (figure)


Berg, Kelly A.; Maayani, Saul; Goldfarb, Joseph; Scaramellini, Clare; Leff, Paul; Clarke, William P.

Molecular Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 54, # 1 p. 94 - 104 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of 2-<125I>-iodomelatonin binding in membrane preparations of rat testes, IC50>100000 nmol/L


Vera; Tijmes; Valladares

Steroids, 1997 , vol. 62, # 2 p. 226 - 229 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

acetylcholine release

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

guinea-pig ileum


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-07 - 0.0001 mol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

15 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

longitudinal muscle-myenteric plexus preparation; incubation with <3H>choline (7 μCi/ml); superfusion; depolarization with 50 mM KCl at 12 and 45 min after beginning sample collection; drug addition at 30 min; measuring tritium content in superfusate

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Tyrode's solution containing 1 μM hemicholinum-3 and 1 μM methysergide; at 37 deg C; 95 percent O2/5 percent CO2


enhancement of <3H>acetyl choline release in concentration-dependent manner


Ramirez; Garcia-Garayoa; Romero; Monge; Roca; Del Rio; Lasheras

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 1 p. 58 - 65 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


168 of 239

169 of 239

170 of 239

Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of increase in neurogenic twitch response

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

guinea-pig ileum


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

5e-07 mol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

30 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

longitudinal muscle-myenteric plexus preparation; electrical field stimulation (0.2 Hz, 60 percent maximal voltage); incubation with test compound; treatment with VB20B7 (50 μM); contractions recorded isometrically

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

in physiological solution (pH 7.4) containing 1 μM methysergide; at 37 deg C; 95 percent O2/5 percent CO2; under 0.5-g tension


inhibited contraction elicited by VB20B7 by 75 percent


Ramirez; Garcia-Garayoa; Romero; Monge; Roca; Del Rio; Lasheras

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 1 p. 58 - 65 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle relaxant

Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

relaxation of carbachol-induced tone

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat oesophageal tunica muscularis mucosae



Method (Pharmacological Data)

contracting rat oesophagus with carbachol (3 μM, 20 min); cumulative addition of test agonist; isometrical recording of response; cumulative concentration-effect curve

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

in Tyrode's solution (pH 7.4) containing 0.1 mM pargyline, 30 μM cocaine, 30 μM corticosterone and 1 μM methysergide; at 37 deg C; 95 percent O2/5 percent CO2


pEC50 8.08; intrinsic activity (relative to maximal response to 5-HT) 1.20; equipotent concentration ratio (=IC40 test agonist/IC40 5-HT) 0.26


Ramirez; Garcia-Garayoa; Romero; Monge; Roca; Del Rio; Lasheras

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 1 p. 58 - 65 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat ileum



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-08 - 0.0001 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

at desensitization assay: two consecutive application at concn. of 100 μM with 10 min interval

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats of 230-250 g; paired sheets of intact and stripped ileum; effect of title comp. on potential difference (PD), short-circuit current (SCC) and tissue resistance generated in intact and stripped sheets; repeated application to assess desensitization

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

incubation in Krebs bicarbonate saline at 37 deg C under 95 percent O2-5 percent CO2; title comp. adding to serosal fluid; serosal fluid contained 10 mM glucose, mucosal fluid contained 10 mM mannitol

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.3 - 20 μmol/l


dose-dependent increase in SCC with maximum of 43.9 and 28.6 μA cm-2 in intact and stripped sheets, resp.; higher affect in stripped sheets; loss of response at 2nd application in stripped sheets, but SCC increase in intact sheets to 45 percent 1st response



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 11 p. 1114 - 1120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle contractive

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Beagle dog colon longitudinal muscle

171 of 239

172 of 239

173 of 239


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-07 - 0.0001 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

dogs (7-14kg) decerebrated, a piece of midcolon ca. 5 cm dissected, luminal contents removed; mucosa, submucosa and mesenterium dissected, strips of longitudinal muscle prepared; in the presence of (10nM) SB 204070

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

pEC50 = -log (effective concentration 50)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

5.7 mol/l


Prins, Nicolaas H.; Briejer, Michel R.; Schuurkes, Jan A.J.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 120, # 4 p. 714 - 720 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle contractive

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Beagle dog colon longitudinal muscle


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-07 - 0.0001 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

dogs (7-14kg) decerebrated, a piece of midcolon ca. 5 cm dissected, luminal contents removed; mucosa, submucosa and mesenterium dissected, strips of longitudinal muscle prepared

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

concentration-response curve in the presence of 10 nM SB 204070


concentration-dependent contraction: title compound concentration (logM), ca. contraction percent: -7, 10; -6, 30; -5, 70; -4, 75; slope of concentration-response curve = 0.7+/-0.2


Prins, Nicolaas H.; Briejer, Michel R.; Schuurkes, Jan A.J.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 120, # 4 p. 714 - 720 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Albino rabbit retina membranes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

ML1 melatonine presynaptic heteroreceptors binding study; membranes suspension (80-100 μg protein/tube) incubated with 2-<125I>-iodomelatonin (80 pmol/l) and title comp. at 25 deg C for 1.5 h

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

filters counted in a γ-counter; Ki value calculated from IC50 obtained from concentration effects curves; Ki: dissociation constant;

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

27390 nmol/l


Dubocovich, Margarita L.; Masana, Monica I.; Iacob, Stanca; Sauri, Daniel M.

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 355, # 3 p. 365 - 375 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cells expressing human Mel1b receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cells transiently transfected with the human Mel1b cDNAs, then cells were lysed; final suspension concentration: 20-35 μg protein/tube; lysate incubated with 2<125I>-iodomelatonin (80 pmol/l) and title comp. (25 deg C, 1.5 h)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

filters counted in a γ-counter; Ki value calculated from IC50 obtained from concentration effects curves; Ki: dissociation constant

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

254000 nmol/l


Dubocovich, Margarita L.; Masana, Monica I.; Iacob, Stanca; Sauri, Daniel M.

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 355, # 3 p. 365 - 375 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

174 of 239

175 of 239

176 of 239

177 of 239

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cells expressing human Mel1a receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cells transiently transfected with the human Mel1a cDNAs, then cells were lysed; final suspension concentration: 20-35 μg protein/tube; lysate incubated with 2<125I>-iodomelatonin (80 pmol/l) and title comp. (25 deg C, 1.5 h)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

filters counted in a γ-counter; Ki value calculated from IC50 obtained from concentration effects curves; Ki: dissociation constant

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

244000 nmol/l


Dubocovich, Margarita L.; Masana, Monica I.; Iacob, Stanca; Sauri, Daniel M.

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 355, # 3 p. 365 - 375 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1.7 - 5260 nmol/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in saline, administered after raised BP had become stable; each dose of title comp. admin. as single bolus in 1 ml/kg

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vivo; normotensive rats (350-450 g) anesthet., pithed, artificially respired, bilaterally vagotomized; catheters placed in the left femoral vein (ME infusion), the right femoral vein (title comp. admin.) and the left carotid artery (pressure record.)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

diastolic blood pressure (BP), heart rate measured; i.v. 0.18 μmol/kg ketanserin admin. and 10 min later contin. infusion of 60-80 nmol/kg/min methoxamine (ME), BP raised to 110 mm Hg; dose response curve to title comp.; ED50 in mol/kg

Type (Pharmacological Data)

-log ED50

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.38 dimensionless


title comp. produced clear hypotensive responses, dose-dependent decreases in diastolic BP observed; biphasic hypotensive pattern; initial pressor responses to title comp. were inhibited by increasing conc. of ketanserin to 3.2 μmol/kg (diagram)



British journal of pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 121, # 3 p. 563 - 571 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Hartley guinea pig ileum



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

pigs (250-300 g) sacrificed by asphyxiation with CO2, ilea dissected, longitudinal muscle removed; incubation with title comp. at 37 degC for 10 min; cAMP accumulation determined by measuring incorporation of (3H)adenine into (3H)ATP

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cAMP = cyclic AMP; inhibition by oxotremorine-M further studied


title comp. caused a 1.25-fold increase in cAMP levels compared with control


Ostrom, Rennolds S.; Ehlert, Frederick J.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1997 , vol. 280, # 1 p. 189 - 199 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat distal colonic mucosa



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181 of 239

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

3E-07 - 0.0003 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; short-circuit current (Isc) responses evaluated; preparations mounted in Ussing chamber, bathed on both sides with Krebs-bicarbonate solution equilibrated with 95 percent O2/5 percent CO2 at 37 deg C, short-circuited, and Isc recorded continuously

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT used as reference comp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.2E-5 mol/l


title comp. conc.-dependently increased Isc and max. response was 80.8 percent of that to 5-HT


Kiso, Tetsuo; Ito, Hiroyuki; Miyata, Keiji

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 320, # 2-3 p. 187 - 192 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

peristaltic stimulant

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

3 - 10 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. suspended in a 5 percent arabic gum solution

Method (Pharmacological Data)

feces discharged by three rats 180-210 g collected and weighed 1 hr after administration of title comp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. affects 5-HT4, 5-HT1-like and 5-HT2 receptors but not 5-HT3 receptors


title comp. dose-dependently increased the fecal pellet output, at 3 mg/kg fecal pellet output (g/3 rats/hr) ca. 1, at 10 mg/kg ca. 1.5, control ca. 0.5


Ito, Chika; Isobe, Yoshihiko; Kawamura, Reiko; Kiuchi, Yoichi; Tsuchida, Katsuharu; Higuchi, Shohei

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1997 , vol. 280, # 1 p. 67 - 72 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 30 μg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

used as hydrochloride; dissolved in physiological saline; dose refers to free base

Method (Pharmacological Data)

vagosympathectomized, anaesthetized rats treated with title comp.; BP measured from right carotid artery using pressure transducer; HR measured with tachograph triggered from electrocardiogram signals; BP and HR recorded on polygraph

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

BP: blood pressure; HR: heart rate


title comp. dose-dependently decreased mean arterial BP, effect lasted for 5-10 min


De Vries; Villalon; Heiligers; Saxena

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's archives of pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 356, # 1 p. 90 - 99 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

binding at human 5-HT1A, 5-HT1Dβ and 5-HT1Dα receptors


Glennon, Richard A.; Hong, Seoung-Soo; Bondarev, Mikhail; Law, Ho; Dukat, Malgorzata; Rakhit, Suman; Power, Patricia; Fan, Ermei; Kinneau, Diana; Kamboj, Rajender; Teitler, Milt; Herrick-Davis, Katharine; Smith, Carol

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 39, # 1 p. 314 - 322 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

intrinsic activity and agonist potency in the isolated rat oesophageal tunica muscularis mucosae 1.2 and pEC 50 = 8.1, resp.

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Lasheras, Berta; Berjon, Angel; Montanes, Rafael; Roca, Joan; Romero, Gonzalo; Ramirez, Maria J.; Del Rio, Joaquin

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1996 , vol. 46, # 4 p. 401 - 406 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

vasodilator, peripheral

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

jugular vein of Cynomolgus monkey


not specified

Method (Pharmacological Data)

weight 4-7 kg; endothelium denuded rings; pre-contraction with 10 nM U46619; after 60 min incubation in presence of ketanserin (0.1 μM), pindolol (3 μM), ondansetron (1 μM), GR 113808 (1 μM), phentolamine (1 mM)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

pEC50=agonist potency; n=4

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

5.7 dimensionless


max. relaxation 54.5 percent of U46619-induced tone; conc.-dependent relaxation


Leung; Walsh; Pulido-Rios; Eglen

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 117, # 5 p. 926 - 930 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

jugular vein of Cynomolgus monkey


not specified

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 32000 nmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

weight 4-7 kg; endothelium denuded rings; in absence of spasmogen; in presence of ketanserin (0.1 μM), pindolol (3 μM), ondansetron (1 μM), GR 113808 (1 μM), phentolamine (1 mM)

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Leung; Walsh; Pulido-Rios; Eglen

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 117, # 5 p. 926 - 930 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

effect on 5-HT levels

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

rat hippocampus



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vivo study; Wistar rats (150-250 g) anaesthetized, cannulae stereotaxically inserted in cerebral cortex overlaying the hippocampus; after 14 d microdialysis probe inplanted

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

baseline dialysate 5-HT levels analyzed, title comp. adm. via the microdialysis probe; dialyzate 5-HT levels quantified immediately by HPLC-electrochemical detection; in the continued presence of, and 80 min following methysergide (10 μM) pindolol


enhanced extracellular levels of 5-HT (figure given) approx. 450 percent


Ge, Jian; Barnes, Nicholas M.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 117, # 7 p. 1475 - 1480 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Hartley guinea-pig brain slices



Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; slices in Krebs buffer contng. <3H>-5-HT (100 nmol/l for mesencephalic raphe, 20 nmol/l for hippocampus and frontal cortex); 37 deg C, 95 percent O2, 5 percent CO2; electrical stimulation; tritium release by liquid scintillation spectrometry

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effect of title comp. (5-HT1D/1B receptor agonist) on the modulation of 5-HT release in mesencephalic raphe, hippocampus and frontal cortex

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title comp. inhibited the electrically evoked release of tritium in a concentration-dependent manner


El Mansari; Blier

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 3 p. 681 - 689 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK 293 cells transfected with 5-HT3R-As cDNA

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

as hydrochloride

Method (Pharmacological Data)

assay tubes containing 100 μl 3H-granisetron, 100 μl of title comp. and 50 μl of membrane homogenate, total reaction volume 1 ml (37 deg C, 60 min); bound and free radioligand separated by addn. of 3 ml ice cold buffer and immediate vacuum filtration


specific binding remaining in the presence of title comp. = 74+/-2 percent


Hope, Anthony G.; Peters, John A.; Brown, Angus M.; Lambert, Jeremy J.; Blackburn, Thomas P.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 5 p. 1237 - 1245 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human detrusor muscle

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 - 30000 nmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; muscular strips in organ bath; isometric transducer; electrical field stimulation (5 Hz for 5 s every min, 0.1 ms pulse duration, 60 V); presence of methylsergide (1 μmol/l) and ondasetron (3 μmol/l); cumulative admin. of title comp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

potentiation of the contractile responses to el. stimulation by title comp. (5-HT4 receptor agonist)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

6.02 dimensionless


concn.-response curve for title comp. (Fig. 2)


Candura; Messori, Eliana; Franceschetti; D'Agostino; Vicini; Tagliani, Monica; Tonini

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 8 p. 1965 - 1970 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rats



Method (Pharmacological Data)

whole brain dissected from animals (150-200 g), disrupted, centrifuged, freezed; binding assay at 0, 10, 20, 25, 30, 35 deg C according to Nelson and Thomas method with displacement of <3H>BRL 43694

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Ki = inhibitory constant obtained by displacement of 0.6 nM <3H>BRL 43694 from the same receptor

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

6360 - 31810 nmol/l


Ki values (at K):31810 (273), 22730 (283), 12720 (293), 9120 (298), 8180 (303), 6360 (308); thermodynamic data for the binding equilibrium given (Γ0, ΔH0, ΔS0)


Borea, Pier Andrea; Dalpiaz, Alessandro; Gessi, Stefania; Gilli, Gastone

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 298, # 3 p. 329 - 334 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

stripped rat distal colon (Wistar)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 100 μmol/l


rats killed by CO2-induced narcosis; distal colon excised and prepared by stripping the muscularis propria and neural ganglia; mounted in Ussing chambers in Krebs

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(Pharmacological Data)

soln. pH 7.4, 37 deg C, connected to voltage clamps, subjected to short circuit condition

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

pretreated with 0.2 μM tetrodotoxin and with tropisetron (0.3,0, and 3 μM) 20 min prior to addition of various concns. of title comp.; title comp.-induced Cl- secretion registered as changes in short circuit current (ΔIsc)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

6.4 dimensionless


tropisetron produced dextral shifts in title comp.-induced response curves; at all concns. of tropisetron significant shifts in EC50; Schild plot slope 0.8


Budhoo, Misra R.; Harris, R. Paul; Kellum, John M.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 298, # 2 p. 137 - 140 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

stripped rat distal colon (Wistar)

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.01 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats killed by CO2-induced narcosis; distal colon excised and prepared by stripping the muscularis propria and neural ganglia; mounted in Ussing chambers in Krebs soln. pH 7.4, 37 deg C, connected to voltage clamps, subjected to short circuit condition

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

pretreated with 0.2 μM tetrodotoxin 20 min prior to addition of title comp. or 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT control); title comp.-induced Cl- secretion registered as changes in short circuit current (ΔIsc)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

12.0 μmol/l


title comp.-induced a concn.-dependent changes in Isc; maximum response was 99 percent of the 5-HT-induced change in Isc


Budhoo, Misra R.; Harris, R. Paul; Kellum, John M.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 298, # 2 p. 137 - 140 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

cells from colliculi neurons of Swiss mouse embryos

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-9 - 1E-4 log M

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells were generated from colliculi of 14-15-day-old Swiss mouse embryos; membrane suspension prepared (pH 7.4, 5 mg protein/ml soln.), incubated with various concns. of title comp. in presence of 0.2 nM (3H)GR 113808 for 30 min at 37 deg C

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

competition binding expressed as percent of the specific binding in the absence of title comp.; IC50 value required to displace 50 percent of (3H)GR 113808 binding converted to Kd

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

6.28 dimensionless


Ansanay; Sebben; Bockaert; Dumuis

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 298, # 2 p. 165 - 174 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

cells from colliculi neurons of Swiss mouse embryos

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-9 - 1E-4 log M

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells were generated from colliculi of 14-15-day-old Swiss mouse embryos; incubated with increasing concns. of title comp. conversion of (3H)ATP to (3H)cAMP detn. after 5 min at 37 deg C; results expressed as the percent stimulation over basal conversion

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EC50 corresponded to the concn. of title comp. required to obtain a half-maximal stimulation of adenylyl cyclase

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type

7 dimensionless

(Pharmacological Data)

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Ansanay; Sebben; Bockaert; Dumuis

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 298, # 2 p. 165 - 174 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

vasodilator, coronary

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

coronary artery smooth muscle of dog

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-07 - 0.001 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

cumulative doses into organ bath

Method (Pharmacological Data)

precontraction with 2 μM prostaglandin F2α, application of title comp.; measurement of force

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mongrel dogs of either sex (weight 15-25 kg); killed; coronary arteries washed, freed of endothelium; segments of arteries 4 mm lengths in Krebs bicarbonate solution stretched to tension of 10 g over 10 min, tested by contraction with 40 μM KCl

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.42 dimensionless


small vasoconstriction at low doses, relaxation at higher doses; pD2 4.58; effects unaltered by pretreatment with 5-HT1D receptor antagonist GR127935


Terron, Jose A.

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 6 p. 1421 - 1428 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Siberian hamster tissue, melatonin ML2 receptors

Method (Pharmacological Data)

membrane pellets from whole brain or testes incubated in Tris-HCl buffer with 7 conc.s of title comp. at 4 deg C, pH 7.4, for 1 h, competing for binding with 2<125I>MCA-NAT (50 pM)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Ki values from IC50 obtained from competition curves, method Cheng and Prusoff


Ki (nM): 2-<125I>MCA-NAT: brain 641, testes 1926


Molinari; North; Dubocovich

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 301, # 1-3 p. 159 - 168 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

h5-HT1Dβ L929sA cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand assay; incubation at 37 deg C, for 30 min; radioactivity measured by scintillation; in presence of <3H>5-alniditan (2 nM)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Ki = apparent equilibrium inhibition constant

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

47 nmol/l


Leysen; Gommeren; Heylen; Luyten; Van De Weyer; Vanhoenacker; Haegeman; Schotte; Van Gompel; Wouters; Lesage

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 6 p. 1567 - 1580 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

h5-HT1Dβ L929sA cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand assay; incubation at 37 deg C, for 30 min; radioactivity measured by scintillation; in presence of <3H>5-HT (4 nM)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Ki = apparent equilibrium inhibition constant

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Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

9.4 nmol/l


Leysen; Gommeren; Heylen; Luyten; Van De Weyer; Vanhoenacker; Haegeman; Schotte; Van Gompel; Wouters; Lesage

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 6 p. 1567 - 1580 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

h5-HT1Dα C6 glioma cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand assay; incubation at 37 deg C, for 30 min; radioactivity measured by scintillation; in presence of <3H>5-HT (4 nM)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Ki = apparent equilibrium inhibition constant

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.2 nmol/l


Leysen; Gommeren; Heylen; Luyten; Van De Weyer; Vanhoenacker; Haegeman; Schotte; Van Gompel; Wouters; Lesage

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 6 p. 1567 - 1580 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

h5-HT1Dα C6 glioma cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand assay; incubation at 37 deg C, for 30 min; radioactivity measured by scintillation; in presence of <3H>alniditan (2 nM)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Ki = apparent equilibrium inhibition constant

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

36 nmol/l


Leysen; Gommeren; Heylen; Luyten; Van De Weyer; Vanhoenacker; Haegeman; Schotte; Van Gompel; Wouters; Lesage

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 6 p. 1567 - 1580 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT1D calf substantia nigra

Method (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand assay; incubation at 37 deg C, for 30 min; radioactivity measured by scintillation; in presence of <3H>alniditan (2 nM)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Ki = apparent equilibrium inhibition constant

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

9.6 nmol/l


Leysen; Gommeren; Heylen; Luyten; Van De Weyer; Vanhoenacker; Haegeman; Schotte; Van Gompel; Wouters; Lesage

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 6 p. 1567 - 1580 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

5-HT1D calf substantia nigra

Method (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand assay; incubation at 37 deg C, for 30 min; radioactivity measured by scintillation; in presence of <3H>5-HT (4 nM)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

Ki = apparent equilibrium inhibition constant

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Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.2 nmol/l


Leysen; Gommeren; Heylen; Luyten; Van De Weyer; Vanhoenacker; Haegeman; Schotte; Van Gompel; Wouters; Lesage

Molecular Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 50, # 6 p. 1567 - 1580 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Y-1 adrenocortical tumor cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

recombinant human 5-HT1Dβ receptor subtype stably expressed in cells; potency to inhibit forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation; radioimmunoassay

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

8.1 nmol/l


Zgombick, John M.; Schechter, Lee E.; Adham, Nika; Kucharewicz, Stefan A.; Weinshank, Richard L.; Branchek, Theresa A.

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 354, # 3 p. 226 - 236 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

NIH-3T3 fibroblast

Method (Pharmacological Data)

recombinant human 5-HT1Dα receptor subtype stably expressed in fibroblasts; potency to inhibit forskolin-stimulated cAMP accumulation; radioimmunoassay

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.0 nmol/l


Zgombick, John M.; Schechter, Lee E.; Adham, Nika; Kucharewicz, Stefan A.; Weinshank, Richard L.; Branchek, Theresa A.

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 354, # 3 p. 226 - 236 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

monkey kidney cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

membranes harvested from cells (Cos-7) transiently expressing gene encoding rabbit 5-HT1Dα (A) or 5-HT1Dβ (B) receptor subtypes; radioligand binding assay; competition experiments with <3H>5-hydroxytryptamine at 37 deg C for 30 min

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.58 - 7.81 dimensionless


pKi for A 7.81, for B 7.58


Bard, Jonathan A.; Kucharewicz, Stefan A.; Zgombick, John M.; Weinshank, Richard L.; Branchek, Theresa A.; Cohen, Marlene L.

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 354, # 3 p. 237 - 244 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

rat cortex membranes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

membranes incub. with title comp.+<3H>8-hydroxy-N,N-dipropyl-2-aminotetralin in Tris-HCl-containing buffer (pH 7.7; 0-35 deg C; 20-60 min); inhibition of radioligand binding determined by liquid scintillation

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

parameter of competitive binding (inhibitory binding const., Ki) calculated from IC50 (title comp. conc. displacing 50 percent of radioligand) values; thermodynamic parameters of binding (ΔG0, ΔH0, ΔS0 for 298.15 K) also determined

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.62 - 29 nmol/l

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single-site binding; ΔG0=-44.6 KJ/mol; ΔH0=-65 KJ/mol; ΔS0=-67 J/T(K)*mol


Dalpiaz, Alessandro; Borea, Pier Andrea; Gessi, Stefania; Gilli, Gastone

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 312, # 1 p. 107 - 114 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

jejunum from Hooded Wister rat

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.003 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

tissue from 200-250 g male rats incub. with title comp.+tetrodotoxin in Krebs-Henseleit sol. (O2:CO2=95:5; 37 deg C; 10 min); isotonic contractions measured with transducer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

conc.-response curve (CRC) obtained cumulatively; Emax: max. response expressed as percent of max. response to 1 μM acetylcholine; pEC50=-logEC50: potency


conc.-dependent contractions with monophasic CRC; Emax=83.2 percent; pEC50=6.95 (graph)


McLean, Peter G.; Coupar, Ian M.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 312, # 2 p. 215 - 225 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of binding to receptor

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human 5-HT1B receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

C6-glial cells (CCL 107, rat), ATCC, stably transfected with pcDNA3/5-HT1B plasmid; cellular membranes prepared; radioligand binding with 0.5 nM <3H>-5carboxamidotryptamine in presence of title comp., 25 deg C, 30 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)


Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.18 nmol/l


Pauwels; Palmier; Wurch; Colpaert

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 353, # 2 p. 144 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of nucleotide formation

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human 5-HT1B receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

C6-glial cells (CCL 107, rat), ATCC, stably transfected with pcDNA3/5-HT1B plasmid; incub. with 100 μM forskolin plus title comp., 37 deg C, 5 min; cellular cAMP content by radioimunoassay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EC50: conc. of title comp. yielding 50 percent of the inhibition by 1 μM serotonin (5-HT)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

21.00 nmol/l


Pauwels; Palmier; Wurch; Colpaert

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 353, # 2 p. 144 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of nucleotide formation

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human 5-HT1D receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

C6-glial cells (CCL 107, rat), ATCC, stably transfected with pRcRSV/5-HT1D plasmid; incub. with 100 μM forskolin plus title comp., 37 deg C, 5 min; cellular cAMP content by radioimunoassay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EC50: conc. of title comp. yielding 50 percent of the inhibition by 1 μM serotonin (5-HT)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type

0.97 nmol/l

(Pharmacological Data)

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Pauwels; Palmier; Wurch; Colpaert

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 353, # 2 p. 144 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of nucleotide formation

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human 5-HT1D receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

C6-glial cells (CCL 107, rat), ATCC, stably transfected with pcDNA3/5-HT1D plasmid; incub. with 100 μM forskolin plus title comp., 37 deg C, 5 min; cellular cAMP content by radioimunoassay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

EC50: conc. of title comp. yielding 50 percent of the inhibition by 1 μM serotonin (5-HT)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.90 nmol/l


Pauwels; Palmier; Wurch; Colpaert

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 353, # 2 p. 144 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of binding to receptor

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human 5-HT1D receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

C6-glial cells (CCL 107, rat), ATCC, stably transfected with pcDNA3/5-HT1D plasmid; cellular membranes prepared; radioligand binding with 3 nM <3H>-sumatriptan in presence of title comp., 25 deg C, 30 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)


Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.65 nmol/l


Pauwels; Palmier; Wurch; Colpaert

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 353, # 2 p. 144 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of binding to receptor

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human 5-HT1D receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

C6-glial cells (CCL 107, rat), ATCC, stably transfected with pcDNA3/5-HT1D plasmid; cellular membranes prepared; radioligand binding with 0.5 nM <3H>-5carboxamidotryptamine (5-CT) in presence of title comp., 25 deg C, 30 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)


Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.33 nmol/l


Pauwels; Palmier; Wurch; Colpaert

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 353, # 2 p. 144 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of binding to receptor

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human 5-HT1D receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

C6-glial cells (CCL 107, rat), ATCC, stably transfected with pRcRSV/5-HT1D plasmid; cellular membranes prepared; radioligand binding with <3H>-5carboxamidotryptamine in presence of title comp., 25 deg C, 30 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)


Type (Pharmacological Data)


1.38 nmol/l

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

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Pauwels; Palmier; Wurch; Colpaert

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 353, # 2 p. 144 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

rat Cos-7 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-09 - 0.0001 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

the affinity of title comp. that compete for <3H>GR113808 binding at the cloned 5-HT4L receptor was measured; membranes were incubated with 0.4 nmol/l <3H>GR113808 for 30 min at 37 deg C

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

affinity values are given as Kis, were determined from IC50 values

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

401 nmol/l


Adham, Nika; Gerald, Christophe; Schechter, Lee; Vaysse, Pierre; Weinshank, Richard; Branchek, Theresa

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 304, # 1-3 p. 231 - 235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

rat Cos-7 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-08 - 1E-05 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

the affinity of title comp. that compete for <3H>5-HT binding at the cloned 5-HT4L receptor was measured; membranes were incubated with 10 nmol/l <3H>5-HT for 30 min at 37 deg C

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

affinity values are given as Kis, were determined from IC50 values

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

112 nmol/l


Adham, Nika; Gerald, Christophe; Schechter, Lee; Vaysse, Pierre; Weinshank, Richard; Branchek, Theresa

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 304, # 1-3 p. 231 - 235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle contractive

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat stomach



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-09 - 1E-05 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. was dissolved in Tyrode solution

Method (Pharmacological Data)

stomach fundus strips incubated with <M-3H>CC for 60 min and then superfused (1 ml/min) with Tyrode containing H-3; title comp. added 5 min after start; superfusates collected; radioactivity determined by LSS; contractility recorded isometrically

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

contractile activity and <3H> outflow determined simultaneously; H-3: hemicholinium-3; <M-3H>CC: <methyl-3H>choline chloride; LSS: liquid scintillation spectrometer; further investigations with tetrodotoxin, atropine or SDZ 205-557


title comp. increased contractions in conc.-dependent manner and evoked <3H>acetylcholine release in a 'bell-shaped' manner with maximum stimulation at 1E-7 mol/l; effects were decreased by tetrodotoxin and SDZ 205-557; atropine inhibited contraction


Amemiya, Norihito; Hatta, Shinichi; Takemura, Haruo; Ohshika, Hideyo

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 318, # 2-3 p. 403 - 409 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle contractive

Species or Test-System

Wistar rat stomach

(Pharmacological Data)

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Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-09 - 1E-05 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. was dissolved in Tyrode solution

Method (Pharmacological Data)

stomach fundus strips placed in organ bath with Tyrode; tension 2 g applied to strips; 60 min later pretreatment with 1 μmol/l atropine for 5 min; incubation with title comp. for 10 min in presence of atropine; contractility recorded isometrically


contractile response to title comp. (1E-8 - 1E-6) was reduced in presence of atropine


Amemiya, Norihito; Hatta, Shinichi; Takemura, Haruo; Ohshika, Hideyo

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 318, # 2-3 p. 403 - 409 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle contractive

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat stomach



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. was dissolved in Tyrode solution

Method (Pharmacological Data)

stomach fundus strips placed in organ bath with Tyrode; tension 2 g applied; 60 min later 1 μmol/l atropine (ATR) added for 5 min; incubation with title comp. for 10 min in presence of atropine; contractility recorded isometrically

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

further invest. with (1 μmol/l each) ATR/tetrodotoxin (TTX), ATR/SDZ 205-557 (SDZ, 5-HT4 receptor antagonist), ATR/TTX/SDZ, ATR/yohimbine (YOH, 5-HT2B receptor antagonist), ATR/TTX/YOH or ATR/SDZ/YOH


contractile response to title comp. was reduced in presence of ATR, ATR/TTX, ATR/SDZ or ATR/YOH but in presence of TTX contraction was further inhibited by YOH but not SDZ; title comp. as believe involves ATR-sensitive and ATR-resistant components


Amemiya, Norihito; Hatta, Shinichi; Takemura, Haruo; Ohshika, Hideyo

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 318, # 2-3 p. 403 - 409 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle contractive

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat stomach



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. was dissolved in Tyrode solution

Method (Pharmacological Data)

stomach fundus strips placed in organ bath with Tyrode; tension 2 g applied; electrical stimulation (ES) for 4 min; SDZ added for 10 min; incubation with title comp. for 10 min in presence of SDZ; ES repeated; contractility recorded isometrically

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

ES: 45 V, 5 Hz, 5-ms pulse duration, for 5 s, intervals 30 s; SDZ: SDZ 205-557, 1 μmol/l (SDZ, 5-HT4 receptor antagonist); further invest. with 1 μmol/l yohimbine (YOH, 5-HT2B receptor antagonist)


title comp. alone enhanced electrically evoked contractions by 40 percent of control but this stimulatory effect was antagonized by SDZ and YOH


Amemiya, Norihito; Hatta, Shinichi; Takemura, Haruo; Ohshika, Hideyo

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 318, # 2-3 p. 403 - 409 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

effect on the transintestinal electrical activity of rat small intestine and colon in-vivo



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 9 p. 744 - 749 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle relaxant

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Dunkin-Hartley guinea-pig ileum




250-350 g pigs killed, ileal segments suspended in Krebs solution + (μM) cocaine 10, corticosterone 10, pargyline 5, indomethacin 1, atropine 1 at 37 deg C, pH 7.4;

(Pharmacological Data)

H: without/with desensitization by 60 min equilibr. with 3 μM 5-carboxamidotryptamine

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

contractions induced by 1 μM histamine (H) or 30 nM substance P (SP) for 30 s, 5 min dose-cycle; when stable contractions, title comp. added 3 min before spasmogen; change in isometric tension recorded


concentration-dependent relaxation; contraction by H: pEC50: < 4.5; desens.: no effect; SP: pEC50: 5.7, relaxation: 43 percent


Carter; Champney; Hwang; Eglen

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 280, # 3 p. 243 - 250 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

neurons of guinea pig ileum



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 3 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

small piece longitudinal muscle-myenteric plexus pinned out flat and superfused with oxygenated Krebs-bicarbonate solution with 1 μM nifedipine and 1 μM scopolamine; Grass S44 stimulator; intracellular recordings obtained using amplifier Axoclamp 2A

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

glass electrode filled with Krebs solution was used to evoke slow excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP); stimulating electrode positioned on an interganglionic nerve strand; cumulative addition of title compound

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.4 μmol/l


caused concentration-dependent membrane depolarization in 6 of 9 neurons; conc.-dependent inhibition of spike afterhyperpolarization


Pan, Hui; Galligan, James J.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 278, # 1 p. 67 - 74 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

calf striatum homogenate

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

30 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand binding assay; 37 deg C; liquid scintillation counter analysis in ecoscint cocktail

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

affinity to bovine 5-HT1D receptors

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.1 nmol/l


Hong, Seoung-Soo; Dukat, Malgorzata; Teitler, Milt; Herrick-Davis, Kathy; McCallum, Kirk; et al.

Medicinal Chemistry Research, 1995 , vol. 5, # 9 p. 690 - 699 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human 5-HT1Dβ receptors, cloned

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

30 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand binding assay; membrane homogenates from cells transfected with human 5-HT1Dβ genes; receptors labeled with 2 nM (3H)serotonin; 37 deg C

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

liquid scintillation counter analysis in ecoscint cocktail

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.5 nmol/l


Hong, Seoung-Soo; Dukat, Malgorzata; Teitler, Milt; Herrick-Davis, Kathy; McCallum, Kirk; et al.

Hide facts 221 of 239

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Medicinal Chemistry Research, 1995 , vol. 5, # 9 p. 690 - 699 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

224 of 239

225 of 239

226 of 239

227 of 239

228 of 239

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human 5-HT1A receptors, cloned

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

30 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand binding assay; membrane homogenates from cells transfected with human 5-HT1A genes; receptors labeled with 0.2 nM (3H)-8-OH DPAT; 37 deg C

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

liquid scintillation counter analysis in ecoscint cocktail

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.2 nmol/l


Hong, Seoung-Soo; Dukat, Malgorzata; Teitler, Milt; Herrick-Davis, Kathy; McCallum, Kirk; et al.

Medicinal Chemistry Research, 1995 , vol. 5, # 9 p. 690 - 699 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

guinea-pig ileum



Method (Pharmacological Data)

Hartley guinea-pig, distal ileum isolated, mucosal segments prepared, tissues bathed in Ussing system for measurement of short-circuit current, title comp., methysergide and 5-HT added, concentration-response curve measured


title comp. alone stimulatd short-circuit current; title comp. mimicked only the high potency 5-HT response in the presence of methysergide


Leung; Blissard; Jett; Eglen

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 351, # 6 p. 596 - 602 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

rat C6-glial cells expressing human 5-HT1Dβ receptor

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-10 - 1E-05 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; inhibition of forskolin-stimulated cAMP formation evaluated; 100 μmol/l forskolin; 1 mmol/l isobutylmethylxanthine; controlled salt solution, pH 7.4; humidified 95 percent air/5 percent CO2; 37 deg C; incubated for 5 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

cellular cAMP content assayed using RIA; EC50: conc. yielding 50 percent of inhibition of forskolin-induced cAMP formation produced by 1 μmol/l 5-HT; Emax: max. percent inhibition of forskolin-induced cAMP formation vs. that obtained with 1 μmol/l 5-HT

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

21.0 nmol/l


Emax: 99 percent (conc.-response curve)


Pauwels, Petrus J.; Colpaert, Francis C.

Biochemical Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 50, # 10 p. 1651 - 1658 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

affinity and selectivity in 5-HT2A and 5-HT2C serotonin receptor binding


Glennon; Dukat; El-Bermawy; Law; De los Angeles; Teitler; King; Herrick-Davis

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1994 , vol. 37, # 13 p. 1929 - 1935 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

antifouling activity


Kon-Ya, Kazumi; Shimidzu, Nobuyoshi; Miki, Wataru; Endo, Mamoru

Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 1994 , vol. 58, # 12 p. 2178 - 2181 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

receptor binding affinities (pKl) for 6 subtypes of serotonin/tryptamin receptors: 5-HT1A: 8.42; 5-HT1B: 7.98; 5-HT1C: 8.15; 5-HT1D: 8.30; 5-HT2: 5.77; 5-HT3: 5.40; tryptamine: 6.48.


Dijkstra, Gerard D. H.; Tulp, Martin Th. M.; Hermkens, Pedro H. H.; Maarseveen, Jan H. van; Scheeren, Hans W.; Kruse, Chris G.

Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1993 , vol. 112, # 2 p. 131 - 136 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

binding activity at 5-HT2 type receptors, IC50: 11 (5-HT1A), 49 (5-HT1D), 250 (5-HT1C), 130 (5-HT2(DOI)), 1800 (5-HT2(ket)) nM


Macor; Fox; Johnson; Koe; Lebel; Zorn

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1992 , vol. 35, # 20 p. 3625 - 3632 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

binding affinities at <3H>ketanserin- or <3H>-DOB-labeled 5-HT2 serotonin receptors in brains of male Sprauge-Dawley rats: Ki


Glennon, Richard A.; Chaurasia, Chandra; Titeler, Milt

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 33, # 10 p. 2777 - 2784 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Serotonergic agonist of central serotonin (5-HT) binding sites.


Glennon; Titeler; Lyon; Slusher

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 31, # 4 p. 867 - 870 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

ability to display <3H>ketanserin and <3H>serotonin from rat brain frontal cortex homogenate as an indication of affinity for 5-HT2 and 5HT1B receptors, (pKi = 5.99; 8.19), respectively


Nichols; Lloyd; Johnson; Hoffman

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 31, # 7 p. 1406 - 1412 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

hypoglycemic activity: dose 300 mg/kg (rat, orally)


Grin, L. M.; Khlaponina, L. N.; Pivnenko, N. S.; Selichenko, A. G.; Brutov, V. D.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1986 , vol. 20, # 7 p. 476 - 479 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1986 , vol. 20, # 7 p. 819 - 822 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Ld 50: 102.5 mg/kg, intravenously (mouse); spasmogenic activity (isolated uterus horn of rat); hypertensic activity; causes contraction of the third eyelid, constricts the ear vessels (rabbit)


Partsvaniya, D. A.; Akhvlediani, R. N.; Gordeev, E. N.; Vigdorchik, M. M.; Kuleshova, L. N.; et al.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1986 , vol. 20, # 12 p. 833 - 838 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1986 , vol. 20, # 12 p. 1454 - 1459 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

causes flabbiness, hyperthermia, tremor, and diarrhea, intensify the activity of hexenal, and weaken the hyperthermic activity of phenamine, subcutaneously (mouse); prolongation of the duration of the soporific activity of hexenal


Partsvaniya, D. A.; Akhvlediani, R. N.; Gordeev, E. N.; Vigdorchik, M. M.; Kuleshova, L. N.; et al.

Pharmaceutical Chemistry Journal, 1986 , vol. 20, # 12 p. 833 - 838 Khimiko-Farmatsevticheskii Zhurnal, 1986 , vol. 20, # 12 p. 1454 - 1459 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

LD50=2.3 mM, Rhopalosiphum maidis


Corcuera, Luis J.

Phytochemistry (Elsevier), 1984 , vol. 23, # 3 p. 539 - 542 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhib. of pituitary and hypothalamic progesterone 5α-reductase activity of female Holtzman rat


Krause; Halls; Karavolas

Steroids, 1980 , vol. 36, # 3 p. 305 - 320 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Zum Metabolismus in vitro durch Rattenleber-homogenate


Iskric; Kveder

Croatica Chemica Acta, 1965 , vol. 37, p. 233 Full Text Show Details

Ecotoxicology (2)

1 of 2

2 of 2

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

enzyme; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Ecotoxicology)

purified AChE of Electrophorus electricus, electric eel

Method (Ecotoxicology)

substrate (o-NAA) was incub. at 37 deg C, 1 h in potassium phosphate buffer (0.1 mol/l), pH 8.0, containing 0.15-0.25 U of AChE in presence of title comp.; reaction stopped; AChE associated AAA activity was measured by spectrophotometer at 410 nm

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

AAA: aryl acylamidase; AChE: acetylcholineesterase; o-NAA: 2'-nitroacetanilide

Type (Ecotoxicology)


Value of Type (Ecotoxicology)

> 1000 μmol/l


Costagli, Chiara; Galli, Alessandro

Biochemical Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 55, # 10 p. 1733 - 1737 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Ecotoxicology)

quail (Coturnix coturnix)


male and female

Exposure Period (Ecotoxicology)

50 min

Method (Ecotoxicology)

quails, 8-10 week old, decapitated; hearts dissected; fresh heart tissues homogenized in Tris-HCl; 2.0-2.5 mg/ml heart membrane incubated with 22-30 pM <125I>iodomelatonin and title comp. at 37 deg C

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

radioligand binding assay; radioactivity was determined by gamma counter; Ki: inhibition constant

Type (Ecotoxicology)


Value of Type (Ecotoxicology)

> 10000 nmol/l


Pang; Tang; Song; Brown

Life Sciences, 1996 , vol. 58, # 13 p. 1047 - 1057 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Other Data Use (6) Laboratory Use and Handling

Use Pattern


active ingredient of a liposomal topical formulation

GUILFORD, F., Timothy

Patent: WO2008/36979 A2, 2008 ;


GUILFORD, F., Timothy

Patent: WO2008/36979 A2, 2008 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

histamine and non-histamine related inflammatory skin changes

GUILFORD, F., Timothy

Patent: WO2008/36979 A2, 2008 ;

Comparative compound for investigation of inhibition of lipid peroxidation

Board of Trustees of Michigan State University

Patent: US2005/59727 A1, 2005 ;

used as inhibitor in reaction of peroxidation of 1-stearoyl 2-linoleoyl sn-glycerol 3phosphocholine induced by FeCl2*4H2O

Jayaprakasam, Bolleddula; Strasburg, Gale A.; Nair, Muraleedharan G.

Tetrahedron, 2004 , vol. 60, # 13 p. 3109 - 3121 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

inhibitory activity on nitration (IC50 0.44 mM) of L-tyrosine to 3-nitrotyrosine (37 deg C, 10 min, pH 7.4); enhancement of oxidation of L-tyrosine to 2,2'-dityrosine

Nakagawa, Hidehiko; Sumiki, Erika; Takusagawa, Mitsuko; Ikota, Nobuo; Matsushima, Yoshikazu; Ozawa, Toshihiko

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2000 , vol. 48, # 2 p. 261 - 265 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Reaxys Registry Number: 25679244

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

no reactions.

Bioactivity (1)


CAS Registry Number: 137375-67-8 Molecular Formula: C11H14N2O*H Linear Structure Formula: C11H14N2O*H(1+)

Molecular Weight: 191.253



Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar

Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (1) 1 of 1

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Vermeulen, Erik S.; Schmidt, Anne W.; Sprouse, Jeffrey S.; Wikstroem, Hakan V.; Grol, Cor J.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 46, # 25 p. 5365 - 5374 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pratuangdejkul; Schneider; Jaudon; Rosilio; Baudoin; Loric; Conti; Launay; Manivet

Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 12, # 20 p. 2393 - 2410 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical Name: 5-methoxytryptamine-α,α,β,β-d4


Reaxys Registry Number: 482899

CAS Registry Number: 96236-05-4 Type of Substance: heterocyclic Molecular Formula: C11H14N2O Linear Structure Formula: C11H10D4N2O Molecular Weight: 194.213


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 5-methoxytryptamine-α,α,β,β-d4, 5-Methoxy-(α,α,β,β-2H(4))-tryptamin, 5-Methoxy-(α,α,β,β-D4)-tryptamin Identification Substance Label (3) Label



Gynther, Jukka; Peura, Pekka; Salmi, Seija

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1985 , vol. 39, # 10 p. 849 - 860 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Beck; Bosin

Biomedical Mass Spectrometry, 1979 , vol. 6, p. 19,20 Full Text Show Details


Shaw; Wright; Milne

Biomedical mass spectrometry, 1977 , vol. 4, # 6 p. 348 - 353 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Derivative (2)

5 prep out of 5 reactions.

Identification Physical Data (2) Spectra (3)


Comment (Derivative)


Pentafluorpropionylderivat: MS

Beck; Bosin

Biomedical Mass Spectrometry, 1979 , vol. 6, p. 19,20 Full Text Show Details

Hydrochlorid: F:235-240grad

Shaw; Wright; Milne

Biomedical mass spectrometry, 1977 , vol. 4, # 6 p. 348 - 353 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (2) Melting Point


118 - 121 °C

Gynther, Jukka; Peura, Pekka; Salmi, Seija

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1985 , vol. 39, # 10 p. 849 - 860 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

246 - 248 °C

Beck; Bosin

Biomedical Mass Spectrometry, 1979 , vol. 6, p. 19,20 Full Text Show Details

Spectra Mass Spectrometry (3) Description (Mass Spectrometry)


spectrum electron impact (EI)

Gynther, Jukka; Peura, Pekka; Salmi, Seija

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1985 , vol. 39, # 10 p. 849 - 860 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

spectrum chemical ionization (CI)

Gynther, Jukka; Peura, Pekka; Salmi, Seija

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1985 , vol. 39, # 10 p. 849 - 860 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Shaw; Wright; Milne

Biomedical mass spectrometry, 1977 , vol. 4, # 6 p. 348 - 353 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical Name: 5-methoxytryptamine hydrochloride


Reaxys Registry Number: 3717598

CAS Registry Number: 66-83-1 Type of Substance: heterocyclic Molecular Formula: C11H14N2O*ClH Linear Structure Formula: C11H14N2O*ClH Molecular Weight: 226.706


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 5-methoxytryptamine hydrochloride, 2-(5-methoxy-1H-indol-3-yl)ethylamine hydrochloride, 5-Methoxytryptamine hydrochloride, 5Methoxytryptamine HCl, 5-methoxytryptamine hydrochloric acid, 3-methoxytryptamine hydrochloride, o-methylserotonin hydrochloride Identification Substance Label (14) Label



Megyesi, Rita; Forró, Enikő; Fülöp, Ferenc

ChemistryOpen, 2016 , vol. 5, # 3 p. 254 - 260 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

2 prep out of 137 reactions.

Identification Physical Data (4) Spectra (4) Bioactivity (45)



Chen, Jing; Tao, Ling-Xue; Xiao, Wei; Ji, Sha-Sha; Wang, Jian-Rong; Li, Xu-Wen; Zhang, Hai-Yan; Guo, Yue-Wei

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2016 , vol. 26, # 15 p. 3765 - 3769 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Odagaki; Fuxe

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 274, # 1 p. 337 - 344 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Davison, Emma K.; Sperry, Jonathan

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 13, # 29 p. 7911 - 7914 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Vendrell-Navarro, Glòria; Rúa, Federico; Bujons, Jordi; Brockmeyer, Andreas; Janning, Petra; Ziegler, Slava; Messeguer, Angel; Waldmann, Herbert

ChemBioChem, 2015 , vol. 16, # 11 p. 1580 - 1587 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Liew, Lydia P.P.; Fleming, Jessica M.; Longeon, Arlette; Mouray, Elisabeth; Florent, Isabelle; Bourguet-Kondracki, Marie-Lise; Copp, Brent R.

Tetrahedron, 2014 , vol. 70, # 33 p. 4910 - 4920 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Patent: WO2013/63492 A1, 2013 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Schott, Yvonne; Decker, Michael; Rommelspacher, Hans; Lehmann, Jochen

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2006 , vol. 16, # 22 p. 5840 - 5843 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Berner Hansen

Pharmacology and Toxicology, 1995 , vol. 76, # 2 p. 136 - 140 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Steward; Ge Jian; Stowe; Brown; Bruton; Stokes; Barnes

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 117, # 1 p. 55 - 62 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chesnoy-Marchais; Barthe

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 117, # 1 p. 133 - 141 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Briejer, Michel R.; Akkermans, Louis M. A.; Lefebvre, Romain A.; Schuurkes, Jan A. J.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 279, # 2-3 p. 123 - 134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Messori; Rizzi; Candura; Lucchelli; Balestra; Tonini

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 115, # 4 p. 677 - 683 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Molderings; Froelich; Likungu; Goethert

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 353, # 3 p. 272 - 280 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kitazawa, Takio; Kubo, Osamu; Satoh, Masami; Taneike, Tetsuro

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 123, # 2 p. 173 - 182 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bach; Bach, Trond; Syversveen; Syversveen, Trygve; Kvingedal; Kvingedal, Ane Marit; Krobert; Krobert, Kurt Allen; Brattelid; Brattelid, Trond; Kaumann; Kaumann, Alberto Julio; Levy; Levy, Finn Olav

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 363, # 2 p. 146 - 160 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Krobert, Kurt A.; Bach, Trond; Syversveen, Trygve; Kvingedal, Ane Marit; Levy, Finn Olav

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 363, # 6 p. 620 - 632 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yamada, Jun; Sugimoto, Yumi; Yoshikawa, Tomoko; Horisaka, Kazuyoshi

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 323, # 2-3 p. 235 - 240 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

May, Jesse A.; McLaughlin, Marsha A.; Sharif, Najam A.; Hellberg, Mark R.; Dean, Thomas R.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2003 , vol. 306, # 1 p. 301 - 309 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Fokas, Demosthenes; Patterson, Jean E.; Slobodkin, Gregory; Baldino, Carmen M.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2003 , vol. 44, # 27 p. 5137 - 5140 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

1, R=CH3O, R1=R2=H

Novak; Hanania; Kovacs; Kolonits; Szantay

Synthesis, 2001 , # 1 p. 108 - 118 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Sapi, Janos; Patigny, Dominique; Laronze, Jean-Yves

Heterocycles, 1999 , vol. 51, # 2 p. 361 - 364 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Glennon, Richard A.; Bondarev, Mikhail; Roth, Bryan

Medicinal Chemistry Research, 1999 , vol. 9, # 2 p. 108 - 117 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Shen, Shuren; Bremont, Beatrice; Serraz, Isabelle; Andrieux, Jean; Poncet, Annie; Mathe-Allainmat, Monique; Chanut, Evelyne; Trouvin, Jean-Hugues; Langlois, Michel

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 307, # 2 p. 133 - 140 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Table 1, 5-MeOT

Buhlen; Fink; Boing; Gothert

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 353, # 3 p. 281 - 289 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Patent-Specific Data (2) Related Markush Structure (RN)

Location in Patent



Wurtman, Richard J.; Lee, Robert K. K.

Patent: US2002/173511 A1, 2002 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Les Laboratoires Servier

Patent: US6350757 B1, 2002 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (4) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)

Comment (Melting Point)


120 °C

diethyl ether

Guengoer, Timur; Malabre, Patrice; Teulon, Jean-Marie; Camborde, Francoise; Meignen, Joelle; et al.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1994 , vol. 37, # 25 p. 4307 - 4316 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

121 °C


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J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1983 , vol. 53, # 5 p. 1040 - 1044,919 - 923 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

234 - 235 °C

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245 °C



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Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1935 , vol. 516, p. 81,88 Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1935 , vol. 520, p. 11,19 Full Text Show Details

Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (2) Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Chemical shifts



Frequency (NMR Spectroscopy) 400 MHz

Original Text (NMR Spectroscopy)




Paragraph 0550


Patent: WO2013/63492 A1, 2013 ;

NMR (400 MHz, DMSO-i?) ? 10.60 (s, 1H), 8.01 (br, 2H), 7.27 - 7.1 1 (m, 1H), 7.05 (d, J= 2.0 Hz, 1H), 6.98 (d, J= 2.0 Hz, 1H), 6.75 - 6.62 (dd, J= 6.3 Hz, 2.0 Hz, 1H), 3.73 (s, 3H), 2.86 - 2.61 (m, 4H).

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts



101 MHz


NMR (101 MHz, DMSO-i?) ? 153.29, 131.82, 128.06, 123.69, 1 12.81, 112.36, 11 1.37, 100.57, 55.76, 43.13, 30.08.

Paragraph 0550


Patent: WO2013/63492 A1, 2013 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mass Spectrometry (2) Description (Mass Spectrometry)



electrospray ionisation (ESI) liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) spectrum

Paragraph 0550


Patent: WO2013/63492 A1, 2013 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) spectrum

Paragraph 0550


Patent: WO2013/63492 A1, 2013 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (45) 1 of 45

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Shimizu, Mai; Fukami, Tatsuki; Nakajima, Miki; Yokoi, Tsuyoshi

Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 2014 , vol. 42, # 7 p. 1103 - 1109 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CHO cells expressing human 5-HT2A receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cloned 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor subtype; competition binding assay; <125I>(+/-)-DOI (0.2 nmol/l) used as radioligand; incubated for 15 min at 37 deg C; radioactivity determined by liquid scintillation counting

9 of 45

10 of 45

11 of 45

12 of 45

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DOI: 1-(4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-aminopropane

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.7 nmol/l


May, Jesse A.; McLaughlin, Marsha A.; Sharif, Najam A.; Hellberg, Mark R.; Dean, Thomas R.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2003 , vol. 306, # 1 p. 301 - 309 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CHO cells expressing human 5-HT2B receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cloned 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor subtype; competition binding assay; <125I>(+/-)-DOI (0.2 nmol/l) used as radioligand; incubated for 15 min at 37 deg C; radioactivity determined by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DOI: 1-(4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-aminopropane

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

11 nmol/l


May, Jesse A.; McLaughlin, Marsha A.; Sharif, Najam A.; Hellberg, Mark R.; Dean, Thomas R.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2003 , vol. 306, # 1 p. 301 - 309 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CHO cells expressing human 5-HT2C receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cloned 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor subtype; competition binding assay; <125I>(+/-)-DOI (0.2 nmol/l) used as radioligand; incubated for 15 min at 37 deg C; radioactivity determined by liquid scintillation counting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DOI: 1-(4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-aminopropane

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.5 nmol/l


May, Jesse A.; McLaughlin, Marsha A.; Sharif, Najam A.; Hellberg, Mark R.; Dean, Thomas R.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2003 , vol. 306, # 1 p. 301 - 309 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CHO cells expressing human 5-HT1A receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

recombinant 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor subtype; competition binding assay; <3H>8-OH-DPAT (0.25 nmol/l) used as radioligand; Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.4; incubated for 1 h at 27 deg C; radioactivity counted on β-counter

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

positive control: (R)-8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin ((R)-8-OH-DPAT; IC50 = 0.52 nmol/l)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.47 nmol/l


May, Jesse A.; McLaughlin, Marsha A.; Sharif, Najam A.; Hellberg, Mark R.; Dean, Thomas R.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2003 , vol. 306, # 1 p. 301 - 309 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

CHO cells expressing human 5-HT1A receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cloned 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor subtype; competition binding assay; <3H>8-OH-DPAT (0.25 nmol/l) used as radioligand; Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7.4; incubated for 1 h at 27 deg C; radioactivity counted on β-counter

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Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

positive control: (R)-8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin ((R)-8-OH-DPAT; EC50 = 2.59 nmol/l)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

9.85 nmol/l


May, Jesse A.; McLaughlin, Marsha A.; Sharif, Najam A.; Hellberg, Mark R.; Dean, Thomas R.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2003 , vol. 306, # 1 p. 301 - 309 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

rat 5-HT2A receptor (cerebral cortex)

Method (Pharmacological Data)

5-hydroxytryptamine receptor subtype; competition binding assay; <125I>(+/-)-DOI (80 pmol/l) used as radioligand; incubated for 1 h, 23 deg C; nonspecific binding determined using 10 μmol/l methiothepin; radioactivity determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DOI: 1-(4-iodo-2,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-aminopropane; radioactivity determined by liquid scintillation counting

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

5.74 nmol/l


May, Jesse A.; McLaughlin, Marsha A.; Sharif, Najam A.; Hellberg, Mark R.; Dean, Thomas R.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2003 , vol. 306, # 1 p. 301 - 309 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

intracellular calcium mobilization; effect on

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

rat vascular smooth muscle cells (A7r5)

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. stored in 50 percent DMSO/50 percent ethanol and diluted 1:50 in 20 percent DMSO/20 percent ethanol

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells cultured in 96-well plate; title comp. added; loaded in with calcium-sensitive dye; incubated for 1 h at 23 deg C; mobilization of intracellular calcium studied using fluorescence imaging plate reader

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

43.3 nmol/l


May, Jesse A.; McLaughlin, Marsha A.; Sharif, Najam A.; Hellberg, Mark R.; Dean, Thomas R.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2003 , vol. 306, # 1 p. 301 - 309 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

ocular pressure; reduction of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Macaca fascicularis, cynomolgus monkey


male and female

Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

500 μg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. in phosphate-buffered saline vehicle containing 0.01 percent benzalkonium chloride, 0.01 percent disodium EDTA, 0.1 percent polysorbate 80, 0.8 percent hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (pH 7.4) admin.

Method (Pharmacological Data)

conscious monkey with ocular hypertension; title comp. instilled to eye with higher intraocular pressure (other eye as control); intraocular pressure measured with pneumatonometer prior to treatment and at 1, 3, and 6 h

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

IOP: intraocular pressure; control group: phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.4; compound is considered efficacious in hypertensive eyes if there is a decrease from baseline IOP of at least 20 percent topical administration


title comp. resulted in a marginal transient decrease of IOP (less than 20 percent); diagram


May, Jesse A.; McLaughlin, Marsha A.; Sharif, Najam A.; Hellberg, Mark R.; Dean, Thomas R.

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 2003 , vol. 306, # 1 p. 301 - 309 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle relaxant

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Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Hooded Lister rat terminal ileum



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-07 - 0.001 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dissolved in distilled water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Bradford strain rats weighing 200-300 g; relaxation in absence and presence of fluoxetine (FL, 10 μM) from vehicle or p-chlorophenylalanine (p-CPA, 300 mg/kg for 6 d) treated rats in presence of methysergide and atropine; tissue tension isometerically

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

ANOVA; Bonferroni Dunnett's t-test

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.93 - 5.12 dimensionless


diagram; table; FL abolished relaxation to title comp. in tissues from vehicle-control animals but not in tissues from p-CPA-treated


Tuladhar; Costall; Naylor

British journal of pharmacology, 2002 , vol. 136, # 1 p. 150 - 156 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK293 cells (ATCC) expressing human 5-HT4(a) receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; binding assays performed in 96-well, round-bottom microtitre plates with total reaction vol. of 50-200 μl, containing <3H>GR113808 with or without (control) competing title comp. and binding buffer Tris HCl (pH 7.5)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

incubation for 60 min at 37 deg C; harvesting, filtration, liquid scintillation counting; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

6.5 mol/l


title comp. competed with <3H>GR113808 receptor binding (diagram)


Bach; Bach, Trond; Syversveen; Syversveen, Trygve; Kvingedal; Kvingedal, Ane Marit; Krobert; Krobert, Kurt Allen; Brattelid; Brattelid, Trond; Kaumann; Kaumann, Alberto Julio; Levy; Levy, Finn Olav

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 363, # 2 p. 146 - 160 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK293 cells (ATCC) expressing human 5-HT4(b) receptor

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; binding assays performed in 96-well, round-bottom microtitre plates with total reaction vol. of 50-200 μl, containing <3H>GR113808 with or without (control) competing title comp. and binding buffer Tris HCl (pH 7.5)

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

incubation for 60 min at 37 deg C; harvesting, filtration, liquid scintillation counting; HEK: human embryonic kidney

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

6.6 mol/l


title comp. competed with <3H>GR113808 receptor binding (diagram)


Bach; Bach, Trond; Syversveen; Syversveen, Trygve; Kvingedal; Kvingedal, Ane Marit; Krobert; Krobert, Kurt Allen; Brattelid; Brattelid, Trond; Kaumann; Kaumann, Alberto Julio; Levy; Levy, Finn Olav

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 363, # 2 p. 146 - 160 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; induction of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK293 cells (ATCC) expressing human 5-HT4 receptors

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 0.1 - 100000 nmol/l

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Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; cell homogenates from cells expressing 5-HT4(a) or 5-HT4(b) receptors were incubated with increasing conc. of title comp.; incub. for 20 min at 32 deg C; adenylyl cyclase activity measured by determ. conversion of <α-32P>ATP to <32P>cAMP

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

effect of title comp. on adenylyl cyclase activity; cAMP formed was quantified by double-column chromatography system; HEK: human embryonic kidney


title comp. activated adenylyl cyclase activ. in conc.-depend. manner in similar manner in both cells expressing 5-HT4(a) and 5-HT4(b) receptor splice variants (diagrams)


Bach; Bach, Trond; Syversveen; Syversveen, Trygve; Kvingedal; Kvingedal, Ane Marit; Krobert; Krobert, Kurt Allen; Brattelid; Brattelid, Trond; Kaumann; Kaumann, Alberto Julio; Levy; Levy, Finn Olav

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 363, # 2 p. 146 - 160 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; induction of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK293 cell membranes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 0.0001 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cloned human 5-HT7 receptor splice variant (5-HT7d); expressed stably in HEK cells; adenylyl cyclase activity measured by determining conversion of <α-32P>ATP to <32P>cAMP; incubation at 32 deg C for 20 min

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.68 dimensionless


Krobert, Kurt A.; Bach, Trond; Syversveen, Trygve; Kvingedal, Ane Marit; Levy, Finn Olav

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 363, # 6 p. 620 - 632 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Hide facts

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; induction of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK293 cell membranes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 0.0001 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cloned human 5-HT7 receptor splice variant (5-HT7b); expressed stably in HEK cells; adenylyl cyclase activity measured by determining conversion of <α-32P>ATP to <32P>cAMP; incubation at 32 deg C for 20 min

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.47 dimensionless


Krobert, Kurt A.; Bach, Trond; Syversveen, Trygve; Kvingedal, Ane Marit; Levy, Finn Olav

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 363, # 6 p. 620 - 632 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; induction of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK293 cell membranes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 0.0001 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cloned human 5-HT7 receptor splice variant (5-HT7a); expressed stably in HEK cells; adenylyl cyclase activity measured by determining conversion of <α-32P>ATP to <32P>cAMP; incubation at 32 deg C for 20 min

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.47 dimensionless


Krobert, Kurt A.; Bach, Trond; Syversveen, Trygve; Kvingedal, Ane Marit; Levy, Finn Olav

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 363, # 6 p. 620 - 632 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK293 cell membranes


Ca. 1E-05 - 100 μmol/l

(Pharmacological Data)

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Method (Pharmacological Data)

cloned human 5-HT7 receptor splice variant (5-HT7a); expressed stably in HEK cells; incubation at 23 deg C for 60 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

binding of <3H>5-hydroxytryptamine in the presence of title comp. (competing ligand); IC50 converted to Ki

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

9.15 dimensionless


Krobert, Kurt A.; Bach, Trond; Syversveen, Trygve; Kvingedal, Ane Marit; Levy, Finn Olav

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 363, # 6 p. 620 - 632 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK293 cell membranes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-05 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cloned human 5-HT7 receptor splice variant (5-HT7b); expressed stably in HEK cells; incubation at 23 deg C for 60 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

binding of <3H>5-hydroxytryptamine in the presence of title comp. (competing ligand); IC50 converted to Ki

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

8.96 dimensionless


Krobert, Kurt A.; Bach, Trond; Syversveen, Trygve; Kvingedal, Ane Marit; Levy, Finn Olav

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 363, # 6 p. 620 - 632 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK293 cell membranes

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-05 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cloned human 5-HT7 receptor splice variant (5-HT7d); expressed stably in HEK cells; incubation at 23 deg C for 60 min

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

binding of <3H>5-hydroxytryptamine in the presence of title comp. (competing ligand); IC50 converted to Ki

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

9.09 dimensionless


Krobert, Kurt A.; Bach, Trond; Syversveen, Trygve; Kvingedal, Ane Marit; Levy, Finn Olav

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 2001 , vol. 363, # 6 p. 620 - 632 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

COS-7 cells

Method (Pharmacological Data)

h5-HT6 radioligand binding assay; 5-HT6-cDNA transfected by DEAE-dextran technique, harvested (centrifugated/washed) cells suspended in Tris-Cl/MgCl2/EDTA buffer (pH 7.40), room temp., 90 min, 1 nmol/l <3H>LSD, 10 μmol/l clozapine, title comp.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

88 nmol/l


Glennon, Richard A.; Bondarev, Mikhail; Roth, Bryan

Medicinal Chemistry Research, 1999 , vol. 9, # 2 p. 108 - 117 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

muscle relaxant

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

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Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

contraction amplitude

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

pig uterus circular muscle



Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

aq. solution; applied cumulatively to the organ bath at 3-min intervals

Method (Pharmacological Data)

circular muscle strip from the adtubal region equilibrated at 37 deg C and 2E-1 g tension; contractile activity registered; conc.-response curve constructed for title comp. in the absence or presence (30 min treatment) of 5-HT receptor antagonists

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

sexually mature, 6-months old virgin pigs at proestrus phase; antagonists used: 30 - 300 nmol/l methiothepin, 1E-1 - 1 μmol/l metergoline, or 3E-1 - 3 μmol/l mianserin


title comp. inhibited spontaneous contractions conc.-dependently; this effect was decreased by all antagonists tested in a conc.-dependent manner


Kitazawa, Takio; Kubo, Osamu; Satoh, Masami; Taneike, Tetsuro

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 123, # 2 p. 173 - 182 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle relaxant

Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)

contraction amplitude

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

pig uterus circular muscle



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 0.001 - 100 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

aq. solution; applied cumulatively to the organ bath at 3-min intervals

Method (Pharmacological Data)

circular muscle strip from the adtubal region suspended vertically, loaded at 2E-1 g and equilibrated at 37 deg C; contractile activity registered before and after title comp. administration

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

sexually mature, 6-months old virgin pigs at proestrus phase; reference comp.: 5-carboxamidotryptamine (5-CT), 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), (+/-)-8-hydroxy-2-(di-npropylamino)tetralin (8-OH-DPAT)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

5.2 μmol/l


title comp. decreased spontaneous contractions dose-dependently; the rank order of potency: 5-CT > 5-HT > title comp. > 8-OH-DPAT


Kitazawa, Takio; Kubo, Osamu; Satoh, Masami; Taneike, Tetsuro

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1998 , vol. 123, # 2 p. 173 - 182 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

effect on gastric emptying in rats


Yamano, Mayumi; Kamato, Takeshi; Miyata, Keiji

Arzneimittel-Forschung/Drug Research, 1997 , vol. 47, # 11 p. 1242 - 1246 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

releasing hormones

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 - 5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in saline

Method (Pharmacological Data)

serum insulin and plasma glucagon measured by radioimmunoassay 15 min after title comp. injection

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

saline control

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Yamada, Jun; Sugimoto, Yumi; Yoshikawa, Tomoko; Horisaka, Kazuyoshi

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 323, # 2-3 p. 235 - 240 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.5 - 5 mg/kg

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in saline

Method (Pharmacological Data)

plasma glucose levels determined 15-60 min after title comp. injection

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

saline control; sham-operated or adrenodemedullated rats; further investigations with selective 5-HT receptor antagonists: tropisetron, SDZ 205-557, methysergide, ketanserin, xylamidine and with dexamethasone


title comp. induced hyperglycemia at doses above 1 mg/kg involving peripheral 5-HT2A receptors (diagram); this effect was elicited by adrenaline release from adrenal gland


Yamada, Jun; Sugimoto, Yumi; Yoshikawa, Tomoko; Horisaka, Kazuyoshi

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 323, # 2-3 p. 235 - 240 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

dopamine release modulator

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat striatum



Route of Application


Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

300 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vivo; striatum continually perfused with artificial cerebrospinal fluid, pH 7.4, cont. 10 μM pindolol and 10 μM methysergide, using microdialysis probe implanted into striatum; dialysate dopamine analyzed by HPLC with electrochemical detection

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

rats 150-250 g


increased extracellular striatal dopamine level to maximum 220 percent; completely prevented by co-infusion of 1 μM GR113808


Steward; Ge Jian; Stowe; Brown; Bruton; Stokes; Barnes

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 117, # 1 p. 55 - 62 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

dopamine release modulator

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat striatum



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; striata continually perfused with Krebs buffer (cont. 50 μM tyrosine, 1.0 μM GBR12909, 1.0 μM (-)sulpiride); added title comp. in presence of 1 μM pindolol, 1 μM methysergide; dopamine in perfusate analyzed by HPLC, electrochem. detection

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

rats 150-220 g


stimulated dopamine release to maximum 214 percent of base level within first 2 min of title comp. application with subsequent decline


Steward; Ge Jian; Stowe; Brown; Bruton; Stokes; Barnes

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 117, # 1 p. 55 - 62 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Effect (Pharmacological Data)

drug interaction

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

E16 rat embryos ventral spinal cord neurones

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

neurones were isolated enzymatically and mechanically, cultured in supplemented DMEM-F12 medium; whole-cell patch-clamp technique


title compound blocked NMDA (100 μM) response at -100 mV dose dependently; external Mg ions (1 mM) reduced blocking effect; lowering NMDA conc. (to 20 μM) decreased blocking effect


Chesnoy-Marchais; Barthe

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 117, # 1 p. 133 - 141 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

rat spinal neurones



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 - 20 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; two-barrel perfusion system; whole-cell patch-clamp recording technique; 20 μmol/l glycine

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

modulation of chloride responses to glycine by title comp. (5-HT receptor agonist)

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect



British Journal of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 118, # 8 p. 2115 - 2125 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

muscle contractive

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

proximal colon from Dunkin-Hartley guinea-pig

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.03 - 30 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

400-600 g guinea-pigs of either sex sacrificed; 3 cm segments of the proximal colon mounted in organ bath (Dr Jalon sol.+1 μM methysergide; 37 deg C; O2:CO2=95:5); longitudinal contractions (LC) measured with 20 min title comp., 10 min washout cycle

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

100 percent: LC to 3 μM methacoline; title comp. effect on LC studied


monophasic conc.-LC curve; max. LC: 42.1 percent at 30 μM (graph)


Briejer; Schuurkes

European journal of pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 308, # 2 p. 173 - 180 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human right atrial appendages


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-08 - 1E-05 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

strips of the atrial appendages incubated at 37 deg C for 60 min with (-)-(ring-2,5,6-,3H>-noradrenaline (NE), then mounted vertically in an organ bath between two platinium electrodes and superfused with NE-free soln. at 37 deg C

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

superfusate collected in 4 min fractions; transmural electrical stimulation (2 Hz) applied to each strip after 94 (S1), 126 (S2), 158 (S3), 190 (S4) and 222 (S5) min of superfusion; strips solubilized radioactivity in the superfusate and samples detn.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

6.40 dimensionless


title comp. 5-HT receptor agonist (present 12 min before until 20 min after the onset of S3, S4 and S5 respectively) inhibited the evoked tritium overflow in a concn.dependent manner; maximum effect ca. 30 percent inhibition (pIC50 corresponds to pIC15 percent)

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Molderings; Froelich; Likungu; Goethert

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 353, # 3 p. 272 - 280 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

guinea-pig cerebral cortex synaptosomes



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-11 - 1E-06 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

synaptosomes incubated with 6 - 8 nmol/l <3H>5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) for 30 min at 37 deg C in a buffer soln. contng. various concns. of title comp. and 100 nmol/l 8-OH-DPAT and 100 nmol/l mesulergine to mask 5-HT1A and 5-HT2c receptors resp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of specific <3H>5-HT binding by title comp. calculated; non specific binding of 5-HT (50 - 60 percent) was detn. in presence of 10 μmol/l unlabelled 5-HT

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.81 dimensionless


title comp. 5-HT receptor agonist inhibited specific binding of <3H>5-HT in synaptosomes


Buhlen; Fink; Boing; Gothert

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 353, # 3 p. 281 - 289 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

guinea-pig occipitoparietal cortex slices



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-11 - 1E-06 mol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

membrane preprn. from cortex slices incubated with 6 - 8 nmol/l <3H>5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) for 30 min at 37 deg C in a buffer soln. contng. various concns. of title comp.

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

incubation soln. contained 100 nmol/l 8-OH-DPAT and 100 nmol/l mesulergine to mask 5-HT1A and 5-HT2c receptors resp.; non specific binding of 5-HT (50 - 60 percent) was detn. in presence of 10 μmol/l unlabelled 5-HT

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.02 dimensionless


title comp. 5-HT receptor agonist inhibited specific <3H>5-HT binding


Buhlen; Fink; Boing; Gothert

Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 1996 , vol. 353, # 3 p. 281 - 289 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

non-cumulative dose-response curves at 5-HT4 receptors in the jejunum, ileum and colon (male Wistar rats)


Franks; Hardcastle; Sanger

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 47, # 3 p. 213 - 218 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

secretion stimulant

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Danish Landrace/Yorkshire cross-bred pig



Exposure Period (Pharmacological Data)

45 min

Method (Pharmacological Data)

8-week-old fully weaned pigs, empty intestine; in vivo; tied-off loops in jejunum prepared; intraluminal addition with/without tropisetron (3-31 mmol/ml); i.p. incubation; loops removed; weighted with/without luminal fluid content

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

final hypersecretion calculated


3 mmol/ml tropisteron reduced title compound-induced hypersecretion by 30 percent; higher doses enhanced it dose-dependently

42 of 45

43 of 45

44 of 45

45 of 45


Berner Hansen

Pharmacology and Toxicology, 1995 , vol. 76, # 2 p. 136 - 140 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Dunkin-Hartley guineapig proximal colon


male and female

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1E-08 - 0.001 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp., metergoline and pargyline HCl dissolved in distilled H2O; metergoline acidified with tartaric acid in stock soln. (pH >= 3)

Method (Pharmacological Data)

pig (400-600 g) killed; proximal colon removed; relaxation induced by title comp. in absence/presence of antagonists; ketanserin and tropisetron used (to block contractions mediated by 5-HT2A,3,4 receptors) and strips precontracted with methacholine

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

antagonists: 3-30 nM metergoline and 1-10 μM pargyline; concentration-relaxation curve; relaxation expressed as percentage of relaxation induced by 10 μM 5hydroxytryptamine


title comp. alone induced relaxation yielding biphasic concentration-response curve with pEC50 = 6.16; metergoline inhibited relaxation with pA2 = 9.3; pargyline depressed curve slightly, but no shift to left


Briejer, Michel R.; Akkermans, Louis M. A.; Lefebvre, Romain A.; Schuurkes, Jan A. J.

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 279, # 2-3 p. 123 - 134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)




Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.1 - 30 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; isolated detrusor strips from guinea-pigs (weighing 400-600 g) urinary bladder; cumulative admin. of title comp.; contractile responses to electrical field stimulation

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

conc.-response curve


cocn.-dependent increase in the amplitude of twitch contractions; monophasic conc.-response profile; maximum effect 30 percent of that elicited by 30 μM 5-HT


Messori; Rizzi; Candura; Lucchelli; Balestra; Tonini

British Journal of Pharmacology, 1995 , vol. 115, # 4 p. 677 - 683 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Sprague-Dawley rat hippocampal membrane



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

1 - 10000 nmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

dose in 25 μl assay buffer

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rat weight 200 - 250 g; decapitation; hippocampal membrane isolation; title comp. 15 min incubation at 30 deg C with 0.3 μmol/l <γ-32P>GTP and 2 mmol/l MgCl2; <32P>phosphate determined by liquid scintillation

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

GTP hydrolysis by high-affinity GTPase in 5-HT1A receptor-coupled G protein

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

25 nmol/l


title comp. dose-dependently and saturably increased the enzyme activity (concentration-response curve given); correlation with inhibition of forskolin-stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in guinea pig hippocampal membranes (diagram)


Odagaki; Fuxe

Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 1995 , vol. 274, # 1 p. 337 - 344 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


agonistic activity at the relaxant 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor in guinea-pig proximal colon in vitro

(Pharmacological Data) Elswood; Bunce

Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1992 , vol. 44, # 3 p. 264 - 266 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Chemical Name: 5-methoxytryptamine-α,α,β,β-d4 hydrochloride

3 prep out of 6 reactions.

Identification Physical Data (1)


1 prep out of 1 reactions.


no reactions.

Bioactivity (1)


Reaxys Registry Number: 6455581

Type of Substance: heterocyclic Molecular Formula: C11H14N2O*ClH Linear Structure Formula: C11H10(2)H4N2O*ClH


Molecular Weight: 230.674


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 5-methoxytryptamine-α,α,β,β-d4 hydrochloride Identification Substance Label (1) Label



Gynther, Jukka; Peura, Pekka; Salmi, Seija

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1985 , vol. 39, # 10 p. 849 - 860 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (1) Melting Point


230 - 236 °C

Gynther, Jukka; Peura, Pekka; Salmi, Seija

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1985 , vol. 39, # 10 p. 849 - 860 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: 5-methoxytryptamine fumarate


Reaxys Registry Number: 27624294

Molecular Formula: 0C4H4O4*C11H14N2O Linear Structure Formula: C11H14N2O*0.5C4H4O4

Molecular Weight: 248.282


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 5-methoxytryptamine fumarate Reaxys Registry Number: 25299318

Molecular Formula: C3H6O*C11H14N2O Linear Structure Formula: C3H6O*C11H14N2O Molecular Weight: 248.325



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Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (1) 1 of 1

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Bedini, Annalida; Lucarini, Simone; Spadoni, Gilberto; Tarzia, Giorgio; Scaglione, Francesco; Dugnani, Silvana; Pannacci, Marilou; Lucini, Valeria; Carmi, Caterina; Pala, Daniele; Rivara, Silvia; Mor, Marco

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 54, # 24 p. 8362 - 8372 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical Name: 5-Methoxytryptamine oxalate


Reaxys Registry Number: 9815206

Type of Substance: heterocyclic Molecular Formula: C2H2O4*C11H14N2O Linear Structure Formula: C11H14N2O*C2H2O4

Molecular Weight: 280.28


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 5-Methoxytryptamine oxalate Identification Substance Label (1) Label



Dukat, Malgorzata; Smith, Carol; Herrick-Davis, Katharine; Teitler, Milt; Glennon, Richard A.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 12, # 10 p. 2545 - 2552 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (2)

1 of 2

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Dukat, Malgorzata; Smith, Carol; Herrick-Davis, Katharine; Teitler, Milt; Glennon, Richard A.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 12, # 10 p. 2545 - 2552 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lyon; Titeler; Seggel; Glennon

European Journal of Pharmacology, 1988 , vol. 145, # 3 p. 291 - 297 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

no reactions.

Identification Bioactivity (2)


2 of 2

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cell membranes

Method (Pharmacological Data)

radioligand binding assay; in triplicate; assay tubes containing membranes, 2.5 nmol/l <3H>5-HT and varying concentrations of title comp. incubated for 20 min at 37 deg C; suspensions filtered and counted in liquid scintillation counter

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

HEK cells stably expressing human 5-HT1E receptor; methiothepin (10 μmol/l) used to define nonspecific binding; 5-HT, serotonin

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

945 nmol/l


Dukat, Malgorzata; Smith, Carol; Herrick-Davis, Katharine; Teitler, Milt; Glennon, Richard A.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 12, # 10 p. 2545 - 2552 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-(5-methoxy-indol-3-yl)-ethylamine; benzoate


no reactions.

Physical Data (1)


no reactions.

Physical Data (1)


Reaxys Registry Number: 3802208

CAS Registry Number: 99001-06-6 Type of Substance: heterocyclic Molecular Formula: C7H6O2*C11H14N2O Linear Structure Formula: C11H14N2O*C7H6O2

Molecular Weight: 312.368


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-(5-methoxy-indol-3-yl)-ethylamine; benzoate, 2-(5-Methoxy-indol-3-yl)-aethylamin; Benzoat Physical Data Melting Point (1) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)


161 - 162 °C


Hoshino; Kobayashi

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1935 , vol. 516, p. 81,88 Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1935 , vol. 520, p. 11,19 Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-(5-methoxy-indol-3-yl)-ethylamine; phenyl acetate Reaxys Registry Number: 3814177

CAS Registry Number: 110049-62-2 Type of Substance: heterocyclic Molecular Formula: C8H8O2*C11H14N2O Linear Structure Formula: C11H14N2O*C8H8O2

Molecular Weight: 326.395



Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-(5-methoxy-indol-3-yl)-ethylamine; phenyl acetate, 2-(5-Methoxy-indol-3-yl)-aethylamin; Phenylacetat

Physical Data Melting Point (1) Melting Point


160 °C

Protiva et al.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1959 , vol. 24, p. 83,86 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Reaxys Registry Number: 4081154

Type of Substance: heterocyclic Molecular Formula: C4H6O6*C11H14N2O Linear Structure Formula: C11H14N2O*C4H6O6

Molecular Weight: 340.333


1 prep out of 1 reactions.

Physical Data (1)


no reactions.

Identification Physical Data (2)



Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar

Physical Data Melting Point (1) Melting Point


166 - 167 °C

Grandberg; Bobrova

Chemistry of Heterocyclic Compounds (New York, NY, United States), 1973 , vol. 9, p. 196,199 Khimiya Geterotsiklicheskikh Soedinenii, 1973 , vol. 9, p. 213 Full Text Show Details

Reaxys Registry Number: 4086947

CAS Registry Number: 61580-19-6 Type of Substance: heterocyclic Molecular Formula: C10H9NO2*C11H14N2O Linear Structure Formula: C11H14N2O*C10H9NO2

Molecular Weight: 365.432



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Identification Substance Label (1) Label



Sakaki et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 32, p. 3235,3238 Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Crystal Phase (2)

Description (Crystal Phase)


Crystal structure determination

Sakaki et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 32, p. 3235,3238 Full Text Show Details

Solid state structure properties

Sakaki et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 32, p. 3235,3238 Full Text Show Details

Reaxys Registry Number: 4094269

CAS Registry Number: 61580-18-5 Type of Substance: heterocyclic Molecular Formula: C11H11NO3*C11H14N2O Linear Structure Formula: C11H14N2O*C11H11NO3

Molecular Weight: 395.458


no reactions.

Identification Physical Data (2)




Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar

Identification Substance Label (1) Label



Sakaki et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 32, p. 3235,3238 Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Crystal Phase (2) Description (Crystal Phase)


Crystal structure determination

Sakaki et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 32, p. 3235,3238 Full Text Show Details

Solid state structure properties

Sakaki et al.

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Crystallography and Crystal Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 32, p. 3235,3238 Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: 5-methoxytryptamine-α-lipoic acid Reaxys Registry Number: 30176300

Molecular Formula: C8H14O2S2*C11H14N2O Linear Structure Formula: C8H14O2S2*C11H14N2O Molecular Weight: 396.575



Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms

no reactions.

5-methoxytryptamine-α-lipoic acid Chemical Name: 5-methoxytryptamine picrate

no reactions.

Reaxys Registry Number: 3867724

CAS Registry Number: 18658-01-0 Type of Substance: heterocyclic Molecular Formula: C6H3N3O7*C11H14N2O Linear Structure Formula: C11H14N2O*C6H3N3O7

Molecular Weight: 419.351



Identification Physical Data (10)


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 5-methoxytryptamine picrate, 2-(5-methoxy-indol-3-yl)-ethylamine; picrate, 2-(5-Methoxy-indol-3-yl)-aethylamin; Picrat Identification Substance Label (1) Label



Nagata, Hiroomi; In, Yasuko; Doi, Mitsunobu; Ishida, Toshimasa; Wakahara, Akio

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1995 , vol. 51, # 6 p. 1051 - 1058 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (4)

Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)

Comment (Melting Point)


219 °C



Abramovitch; Shapiro

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1956 , p. 4589,4591 Full Text Show Details

220 - 221 °C

Hoshino; Kobayashi

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1935 , vol. 516, p. 81,88 Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1935 , vol. 520, p. 11,19 Full Text Show Details

220 °C


Wieland et al.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1934 , vol. 513, p. 1,18 Full Text Show Details

214 - 215 °C


Spaeth; Lederer

Chemische Berichte, 1930 , vol. 63, p. 2102,2106 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Density (1) Density

Type (Density)


1.469 g·cm-3


Nagata, Hiroomi; In, Yasuko; Doi, Mitsunobu; Ishida, Toshimasa; Wakahara, Akio

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1995 , vol. 51, # 6 p. 1051 - 1058 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Crystal Phase (1) Description (Crystal Phase) Crystal structure determination

Comment (Crystal Phase)


α=90 grad, β=91.9 grad, χ=90 grad, a=25.09 Angstroem, b=6.72 Angstroem, c=22.51 Angstroem, n=8. Temperature: 293 K. Method of determination: X-ray Diffraction

Nagata, Hiroomi; In, Yasuko; Doi, Mitsunobu; Ishida, Toshimasa; Wakahara, Akio

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1995 , vol. 51, # 6 p. 1051 - 1058

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Crystal Property Description (1) Colour & Other Properties



Hoshino; Kobayashi

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1935 , vol. 516, p. 81,88 Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1935 , vol. 520, p. 11,19 Full Text Show Details

Crystal System (1) Crystal System



Nagata, Hiroomi; In, Yasuko; Doi, Mitsunobu; Ishida, Toshimasa; Wakahara, Akio

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1995 , vol. 51, # 6 p. 1051 - 1058 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Interatomic Distances and Angles (1) Description


Interatomic distances and angles

Nagata, Hiroomi; In, Yasuko; Doi, Mitsunobu; Ishida, Toshimasa; Wakahara, Akio

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1995 , vol. 51, # 6 p. 1051 - 1058 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Space Group (1) Space Group



Nagata, Hiroomi; In, Yasuko; Doi, Mitsunobu; Ishida, Toshimasa; Wakahara, Akio

Acta Crystallographica, Section B: Structural Science, 1995 , vol. 51, # 6 p. 1051 - 1058 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: 1:1 complex 5-methoxytryptamine*iodine

no reactions.

Reaxys Registry Number: 7781291

Type of Substance: heterocyclic Molecular Formula: C11H14N2O*I2

Linear Structure Formula: C11H14N2O*I2

Molecular Weight: 444.054



Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 1:1 complex 5-methoxytryptamine*iodine Physical Data Electrochemical Behaviour (1) Description (Electrochemical Behaviour)


Stability constant

Abu-Eittah; Abdou

Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique, 1996 , vol. 93, # 11-12 p. 1958 - 1973 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Other Thermochemical Data (1) Description (Other Thermochemical Data)



Abu-Eittah; Abdou

Physical Data (2)



Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique, 1996 , vol. 93, # 11-12 p. 1958 - 1973 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical Name: 5-methoxytryptamine; tetrodotoxin; mixture of

mixture (composition partially given) :

3-(2-aminoethyl)-5-methoxyindole Spheroidine

no reactions.

Bioactivity (2)


Reaxys Registry Number: 8192297 Type of Substance: mixture (composition partially given)

Hide Details Chemical Names and Synonyms 5-methoxytryptamine; tetrodotoxin; mixture of Composition





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Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (2) 1 of 2

2 of 2


Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 11 p. 1114 - 1120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat ileum



Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

tetrodoxin: 10 μM; 5-methoxytryptamine: 100 μM

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats of 230-250 g; paired sheets of intact and stripped ileum; effect of tetrodoxin on potential difference (PD), short-circuit current (SCC) and tissue resistance generated in intact and stripped sheets in presence of 5-methoxytryptamine assessing

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

incubation in Krebs bicarbonate saline at 37 deg C under 95 percent O2-5 percent CO2; title comps. adding to serosal fluid; serosal fluid contained 10 mM glucose, mucosal fluid contained 10 mM mannitol


tetrodoxin inhibited the response in SCC to 5-methoxytryptamine by 54 percent in intact sheets



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 11 p. 1114 - 1120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

mixture (composition partially given) :

3-(2-aminoethyl)-5-methoxyindole 5-hydroxytryptamine creatinine sulfate Hide Details

Chemical Name: 5-hydroxytriptamine; 5-methoxytryptamine; mixture of Reaxys Registry Number: 8192298 Type of Substance: mixture (composition partially given)

no reactions.

Bioactivity (2)


Chemical Names and Synonyms 5-hydroxytriptamine; 5-methoxytryptamine; mixture of Composition 5-hydroxytryptamine creatinine sulfate




Find similar

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Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (2) 1 of 2

2 of 2


Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 11 p. 1114 - 1120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat ileum



Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

two consecutive application to 100 μM of 5-methoxytryptamine; 100 μM 5-hydroxytryptamine

Method (Pharmacological Data)

paired sheets of intact and stripped ileum; effect of 5-methoxytryptamine on 5-hydroxytryptamine induced increase in short-circuit current (SCC) generated in intact and stripped sheets

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

rats of 230-250 g; incubation in Krebs bicarbonate saline at 37 deg C under 95 percent O2-5 percent CO2; pre-exposure to two consecutive application of 5methoxytriptamine with 10 min intervals; then response to 5-hydroxytryrtamine registering


previous exposure to 5-methoxytryptamine led to significant reduction of 5-hydroxytryptamine-induced increase in SCC in intact sheets and to complete abolishing in stripped sheets



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 11 p. 1114 - 1120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

mixture (composition partially given) :

3-(2-aminoethyl)-5-methoxyindole 1-phenylbiguanide Hide Details

Chemical Name: 5-methoxytryptamine; 1-phenylbiguanide; mixture of Reaxys Registry Number: 8192300 Type of Substance: mixture (composition partially given)

Chemical Names and Synonyms 5-methoxytryptamine; 1-phenylbiguanide; mixture of Composition 3-(2-aminoethyl)-5-methoxyindole


no reactions.

Bioactivity (2)




Find similar

Find similar

Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (2) 1 of 2

2 of 2


Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 11 p. 1114 - 1120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat ileum



Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

two consecutive application of comps. both at concn. of 100 μM with 10 min interval

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats of 230-250 g; paired sheets of intact and stripped ileum; effect of title comp. on short-circuit current (SCC) generated in intact and stripped sheets; repeated application to assess desensitization

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

incubation in Krebs bicarbonate saline at 37 deg C under 95 percent O2-5 percent CO2; title comp. adding to serosal fluid; serosal fluid contained 10 mM glucose, mucosal fluid contained 10 mM mannitol


increase in SCC both in intact and stripped sheets after first application: 43 and 54.5 μA cm-2, resp.; loss of response after second application in both intact and stripped sheets



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 11 p. 1114 - 1120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

mixture (composition partially given) :

3-(2-aminoethyl)-5-methoxyindole 1-phenylbiguanide 5-hydroxytryptamine creatinine sulfate Hide Details

Chemical Name: 5-hydroxytriptamine; 5-methoxytryptamine; 1-phenylbiguanide; mixture of

no reactions.

Bioactivity (2)

Reaxys Registry Number: 8192301 Type of Substance: mixture (composition partially given)

Chemical Names and Synonyms 5-hydroxytriptamine; 5-methoxytryptamine; 1-phenylbiguanide; mixture of Composition 3-(2-aminoethyl)-5-methoxyindole


5-hydroxytryptamine creatinine sulfate





Find similar

Find similar

Find similar

Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (2) 1 of 2

2 of 2


Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 11 p. 1114 - 1120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat ileum



Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

two consecutive application to 100 μM of 1-phenylbiguanide and 5-methoxytryptamine; 100 μM 5-hydroxytryptamine

Method (Pharmacological Data)

paired sheets of intact and stripped ileum; effect of combined application of phenylbiguanide and 5-methoxytryptamine on 5-hydroxytryptamine induced increase in short-circuit current (SCC) generated in intact and stripped sheets

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

rats of 230-250 g; incubation in Krebs bicarbonate saline at 37 deg C under 95 percent O2-5 percent CO2; pre-exposure to 1-phenylbiguanide + 5-methoxytriptamine with 10 min intervals; then response to 5-hydroxytryrtamine registering


previous exposure to a combination of 1-phenylbiguanide and 5-methoxytryptamine led to almost complete abolishing of 5-hydroxytryptamine-induced increase in SCC in both intact and stripped sheets



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 11 p. 1114 - 1120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

mixture (composition partially given) :

3-(2-aminoethyl)-5-methoxyindole 3-[2-[4-(4-fluorobenzoyl)-1-piperidinyl]ethyl]-2,4(1H,3H)-quinazolinedione Hide Details

Chemical Name: 5-methoxytryptamine; ketanserin; mixture of

no reactions.

Reaxys Registry Number: 8192309 Type of Substance: mixture (composition partially given)

Chemical Names and Synonyms 5-methoxytryptamine; ketanserin; mixture of Composition 3-(2-aminoethyl)-5-methoxyindole


Bioactivity (2)




Find similar

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Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (2) 1 of 2

2 of 2


Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 11 p. 1114 - 1120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat ileum



Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

ketanserin: 2.5 μM; 5-methoxytryptamine: cumulative addition at concns. of 1E-8-1E-4 M

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats of 230-250 g; paired sheets of intact and stripped ileum; effect of ketanserin on potential difference (PD), short-circuit current (SCC) and tissue resistance generated in intact and stripped sheets in presence of 5-methoxytryptamine assessing

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

incubation in Krebs bicarbonate saline at 37 deg C under 95 percent O2-5 percent CO2; title comps. adding to serosal fluid; serosal fluid contained 10 mM glucose, mucosal fluid contained 10 mM mannitol

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.5 - 22.3 μmol/l


ketanserin induced a small but significant increase in EC50 for 5-metoxytryptamine to 22.3 μM compared to 18.8 μM of 5-methoxytryptamine alone in intact sheets, but was without effect in stripped sheets



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 11 p. 1114 - 1120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

mixture (composition partially given) :

3-(2-aminoethyl)-5-methoxyindole tropisetron Hide Details

Chemical Name: 5-methoxytryptamine; tropisetron; mixture of Reaxys Registry Number: 8192310 Type of Substance: mixture (composition partially given)

Chemical Names and Synonyms 5-methoxytryptamine; tropisetron; mixture of Composition 3-(2-aminoethyl)-5-methoxyindole


no reactions.

Bioactivity (2)




Find similar

Find similar

Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (2) 1 of 2

2 of 2


Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 11 p. 1114 - 1120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

receptor; binding activity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat ileum



Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

tropisetron: 5 μM; 5-methoxytryptamine: cumulative addition at concns. of 1E-8-1E-4 M

Method (Pharmacological Data)

rats of 230-250 g; paired sheets of intact and stripped ileum; effect of tropisetron on potential difference (PD), short-circuit current (SCC) and tissue resistance generated in intact and stripped sheets in presence of 5-methoxytryptamine assessing

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

incubation in Krebs bicarbonate saline at 37 deg C under 95 percent O2-5 percent CO2; title comps. adding to serosal fluid; serosal fluid contained 10 mM glucose, mucosal fluid contained 10 mM mannitol

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

12.7 - 37.6 μmol/l


tropisetron inhibited the response in both intact and stripped sheets, increasing the EC50 for 5-metoxytryptamine in both preparations and reducing the maximum response in intact sheets



Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 1997 , vol. 49, # 11 p. 1114 - 1120 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

mixture (composition partially given) :

5-hydroxy-1H-indole-3-acetic acid 3-(2-aminoethyl)-5-methoxyindole 5-OMe-DMT 3-(dimethylamino)methyl indole N-cyano-N'-(1H-indol-5-yl)guanidine

Reaxys Registry Number: 27883774 Type of Substance: mixture (composition partially given)

no reactions.

Hide Details

Composition 3-(dimethylamino)methyl indole



Bioactivity (1)





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5-hydroxy-1H-indole-3-acetic acid




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Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (1) 1 of 1

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



Patent: US2014/221499 A1, 2014 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


mixture (composition partially given) :

5-methoxytryptamine B-190

Reaxys Registry Number: 29055069 Type of Substance: mixture (composition partially given)

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Composition 5-methoxytryptamine


no reactions.

Bioactivity (1)




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Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (1) 1 of 1

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Vasin; Ushakov; Antipov

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2015 , vol. 159, # 5 p. 597 - 600 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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