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Reactions (1133)

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Citations (946)


Structure/Compound Data Chemical Name: 2-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone Reaxys Registry Number: 471387

CAS Registry Number: 553-97-9 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C7H6O2

Linear Structure Formula: C6H3CH3O2

Molecular Weight: 122.123



N° of preparations All Preps | All Reactions 127 prep out of 823 reactions.

Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-Methyl-1,4-benzoquinone, Methylbenzoquinone Identification Substance Label (59) Label



Villemin, Didier; Hammadi, Mohamed; Hachemi, Messaoud

Synthetic Communications, 2002 , vol. 32, # 10 p. 1501 - 1515 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Niedbalski, Melinda; Bohnert, Gary; Bryant, Daniel

Synthetic Communications, 2006 , vol. 36, # 12 p. 1751 - 1759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yamaguchi, Koki; Eto, Masashi; Harano, Kazunobu

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2013 , vol. 61, # 10 p. 1065 - 1070 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Uliana, Marciana P.; Servilha, Bruno M.; Alexopoulos, Olga; De Oliveira, Kleber T.; Tormena, Cludio F.; Ferreira, Marco A.B.; Brocksom, Timothy J.

Available Data

N° of ref.

Identification Physical Data (155) Spectra (115) Bioactivity (80) Other Data (73)


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1, R1=R2=H, R3=Me

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Tab. 2, prod., entry 2

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4 (run b)

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Tab.2, quinone, entry 1

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Patent-Specific Data (5) Prophetic Compound

Related Markush Structure (RN)

Location in Patent



NOVOZYMES, INC.; Quinlan, Jason; Xu, Feng; Sweeney, Matthew

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Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University; Agricultural and Mechanical College

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Garnett, Inc.

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prophetic product


Canadian Patents and Development Limited

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prophetic product

Bayer Aktiengesellschaft

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Bayer Aktiengesellschaft

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Derivative (32) Comment (Derivative)


Semichinon-radikal: NMR-Kopplungskonstanten

Sharma,S.C.; Torssell,K.

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1978 , vol. 32, p. 347 - 353 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bis-2.4-dinitrophenylhydrazon : F: 235-236grad , gelb

Birch et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (19721999), 1976 , p. 898,903 Full Text Show Details

π-Komplexe m. aromat. C6-C8-Kohlenwasserstoffen: K (aus GLC)

Bratchikov et al.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 50, p. 333 p. 563 Full Text Show Details

H-Brueckenkomplex mit Cyclohexanol: E, ΔH (aus IR /ν(O-H)/ in CCl4 u.Iogansen-Formel)

Zaitsev; Trankvillitskaya

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1974 , vol. 48, p. 963 p. 1621 Full Text Show Details

H-Brueckenkomplex mit p-t-Butylphenol: E, ΔH (aus IR /ν(O-H)/ in CCl4 u.Iogansen-Formel)

Zaitsev; Trankvillitskaya

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1974 , vol. 48, p. 963 p. 1621 Full Text Show Details

Komplexe m. Phosphinen

Arshad et al.

Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 1970 , vol. 15, p. 1653,1656,1658,1660 Full Text Show Details

Komplex m. Trimethylphosphin; UV, VIS

Arshad et al.

Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 1970 , vol. 15, p. 1653,1656,1658,1660 Full Text Show Details

Komplex m. Triphenylphosphin; UV, VIS

Arshad et al.

Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 1970 , vol. 15, p. 1653,1656,1658,1660 Full Text Show Details

Komplex m. Tri-p-tolylphosphin; UV, VIS

Arshad et al.

Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 1970 , vol. 15, p. 1653,1656,1658,1660 Full Text Show Details

Komplex m. Phenyldimethylphosphin; UV, VIS

Arshad et al.

Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 1970 , vol. 15, p. 1653,1656,1658,1660 Full Text Show Details

Verb. mit 3,4-Benzpyren: F: 66-68grad


Analytical Chemistry, 1966 , vol. 38, p. 1188,1193 Chem.Abstr., 1961 , # 607 Full Text Show Details

Verb. mit 1,2,5,6-Dibenzanthracen: F: 102-105grad


Analytical Chemistry, 1966 , vol. 38, p. 1188,1193 Chem.Abstr., 1961 , # 607 Full Text Show Details

Addukt mit Triphenylphosphin: B.: aus den Komponenten, Ae.; F: 159-161grad (Me.-Ae.) (Zers.); IR-Abs. (Nujol, KBr): l.c.S. 2209

Beg; Siddiqui

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Addukt mit Trimethyl-phosphin: B.: aus den Komponenten, Ae.; F: 175-178grad (Me.-Ae.) (Zers.); IR-Abs. (Nujol, KBr): l.c.S. 2208

Beg; Siddiqui

Tetrahedron, 1966 , vol. 22, p. 2203,2211 Full Text Show Details

Addukt mit Tris-p-tolylphosphin: B.: aus den Komponenten, Ae.; F: 255-260grad (Zers.) (Me.-Ae.); IR-Abs. (Nujol, KBr): l.c.S. 2209

Beg; Siddiqui

Tetrahedron, 1966 , vol. 22, p. 2203,2211 Full Text Show Details

Addukt mit Phenyldimethylphosphin: B.: aus den Komponenten, Ae.; F: 234-236grad (Me.-Ae.) (Zers.); IR-Abs. (Nujol, KBr): l.c.S. 2208

Beg; Siddiqui

Tetrahedron, 1966 , vol. 22, p. 2203,2211 Full Text Show Details

Pyren-Komplex C16H10*C7H6O2: F: 111grad

Turcsanyi; Tudos

Acta Chimica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 1965 , vol. 43, p. 63,65 Full Text Show Details

Komplex mit Pyren, C7H6O2*C16H10: Charge-Transfer-Bande

Davis et al.

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1965 , vol. 61, p. 1516,1517 Full Text Show Details

Komplex mit Naphthalin, C7H6O2*C10H8: Charge-Transfer-Bande

Davis et al.

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1965 , vol. 61, p. 1516,1517 Full Text Show Details

Komplex mit Anthracen, C7H6O2*C14H10: Charge-Transfer-Bande

Davis et al.

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1965 , vol. 61, p. 1516,1517 Full Text Show Details

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Komplex mit Triphenylen, C7H6O2*C18H12: Charge-Transfer-Bande

Davis et al.

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1965 , vol. 61, p. 1516,1517 Full Text Show Details

Komplex mit Hexamethylbenzol, C7H6O2*C12H18: Charge-Transfer-Bande

Davis et al.

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1965 , vol. 61, p. 1516,1517 Full Text Show Details

Komplex mit Hexamethylbenzol, C7H6O2*C12H18: Charge-Transfer-Maximum


Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1964 , vol. 60, p. 479 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Komplex mit 1,2-Dimethyl-indol, C7H6O2*C10H11N: Charge-Transfer-Maximum (CH2Cl2)

Foster; Hanson

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1964 , vol. 60, p. 2189,2193 Full Text Show Details

Komplex mit Hexamethylbenzol, C7H6O2*C12H18: Charge-Transfer-Maximum (Cyclohexan)

Foster; Hanson

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1964 ,

vol. 60, p. 2189,2193 Full Text Show Details

Komplex mit 2-Methyl-indol, C7H6O2*C9H9N: Charge-Transfer-Maximum (CH2Cl2)

Foster; Hanson

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1964 , vol. 60, p. 2189,2193 Full Text Show Details

Komplex mit 3-Methyl-indol, C7H6O2*C9H9N: Charge-Transfer-Maximum (CH2Cl2)

Foster; Hanson

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1964 , vol. 60, p. 2189,2193 Full Text Show Details

Charge-Transfer-Komplex mit Hexamethyl-benzol in CCl4: Assoziationskonst.; Bildungsenthalpie; Abs.-Max. (CCl4)


Journal of the Chemical Society, 1964 , p. 471,473, 475 Full Text Show Details

Charge-Transfer-Komplex mit Hexamethylbenzol, xC7H6O2*yC12H18: λ(max) (in Cyclohexan): 399nm

Foster; Thomson

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1963 , vol. 59, p. 296,298 Full Text Show Details

Charge-Transfer-Komplex mit N,N,N',N'-Tetramethyl-p-phenylendiamin, xC7H6O2*yC10H16N2: Absorption im sichtbaren Bereich 400 - 700 nm des festen Komplexes, λ(max): 619 nm; Charge-Transfer-Uebergang in Cyclohexan, λ(max) (S. 299)

Foster; Thomson

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1963 , vol. 59, p. 296,298 Full Text Show Details

CT-Komplex mit Pyren: Abs.-Max. i. Lsg. (Dichlormethan)


Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1962 , vol. 58, p. 1656,1657 Full Text Show Details

2,4-Dinitro-phenylhydrazon: UV-Max: 204 u. 408 mμ

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Purification (1) Reference McKillop; Young

Synthetic Communications, 1977 , vol. 7, p. 467,470 Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (28) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)

70 - 75 °C

supporting information

Yoshida, Ryota; Isozaki, Katsuhiro; Yokoi, Tomoya; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Sadakane, Koichiro; Iwamoto, Takahiro; Takaya, Hikaru; Nakamura, Masaharu

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 14, # 31 p. 7468 - 7479 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

68 - 69 °C

supporting information

Sasane, Kulbhushan A.; Telvekar, Vikas N.

Synthetic Communications, 2014 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 468 - 473 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

65 - 68 °C

Uliana, Marciana P.; Servilha, Bruno M.; Alexopoulos, Olga; De Oliveira, Kleber T.; Tormena, Cludio F.; Ferreira, Marco A.B.; Brocksom, Timothy J.

Tetrahedron, 2014 , vol. 70, # 39 p. 6963 - 6973 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

72 - 73 °C

Hadjila, Dokari; Mohamed, Hammadi

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 25, # 11 p. 6112 - 6116 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

70 °C

toluene hexane

Derikvand, Fatemeh; Bigi, Franca; Maggi, Raimondo; Piscopo, Calogero Giancarlo; Sartori, Giovanni

Journal of Catalysis, 2010 , vol. 271, # 1 p. 99 - 103 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

68 - 69 °C

supporting information

Zagulyaeva, Aleksandra A.; Banek, Christopher T.; Yusubov, Mekhman S.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Organic Letters, 2010 , vol. 12, # 20 p. 4644 - 4647


Comment (Melting Point)


Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

69 °C

Khansole, Sandeep V.; Patwari, Shivaji B.; Vibhute, Yeshwant B.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2009 , vol. 86, # 12 p. 1343 - 1346 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

69 °C


Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig), 1881 , vol. <2> 23, p. 423,425 Full Text Show Details


Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1968 , vol. 11, p. 9,10 Full Text Show Details

Nallaiah, C.; Strickson, J. A.

Tetrahedron, 1986 , vol. 42, # 14 p. 4083 - 4088 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dewkar, Gajanan K.; Shaikh, Tanveer M.; Pardhy; Kulkarni, Swati S.; Sudalai, Arumugam

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 44, # 7 p. 1530 - 1532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

72 - 73 °C

Villemin, Didier; Hammadi, Mohamed; Hachemi, Messaoud

Synthetic Communications, 2002 , vol. 32, # 10 p. 1501 - 1515 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

68 - 69 °C

ethyl acetate

Saladino, Raffaele; Neri, Veronica; Mincione, Enrico; Marini, Stefano; Coletta, Massimiliano; Fiorucci, Chiara; Filippone, Paolino

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, 2000 , # 4 p. 581 - 586 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

67 - 69 °C

Hashemi, Mohammed M.; Beni, Yousef A.

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 1999 , # 11 p. 672 - 673 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

67 °C


Chemische Berichte, 1877 , vol. 10, p. 835 Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1882 , vol. 215, p. 160 Full Text Show Details

Suresh; Skaria, Sunny; Ponrathnam

Synthetic Communications, 1996 , vol. 26, # 11 p. 2113 - 2117 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

68 - 69 °C


American Chemical Journal, 1892 , vol. 14, p. 571 Full Text Show Details

Underwood; Walsh

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1936 , vol. 58, p. 646 Organic Syntheses, 1943 , vol. Coll. Vol. II, p. 553 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Smith; Irwin

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1941 , vol. 63, p. 1036,1040 Full Text Show Details

Nilsson et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1973 , p. 2337,2338 Full Text Show Details

McKillop; Ray

Synthesis, 1977 , p. 847 Full Text Show Details

Barnish, Ian T.; Gibson, Martin S.

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1992 , # 7 p. 1740 - 1757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

76 °C

Method: subl. sample

Turchaninov, V. K.; Gorshkov, A. G.; Petrushenko, K. B.; Vokin, A. I.; Skvortsova, G. G.

Journal of Organic Chemistry USSR (English Translation), 1984 , vol. 20, # 5 p. 986 - 990 Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1984 , vol. 20, # 5 p. 1084 - 1089 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

71 °C

diethyl ether

Varma, R. G.; Yadav, R. L.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 1983 , vol. 60, p. 554 - 556 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

67 °C

Method: subl. sample

Kurov, G. N.; Svyatkina, L. I.; Skvortsova, G. G.; Naumova, I. P.

Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Science (English Translation), 1982 , vol. 31, # 10 p. 1969 1972 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, 1982 , # 10 p. 2235 - 2238 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

68 °C

Malesani, Giorgio; Galiano, Fabio; Ferlin, Maria Grazia; Masiero, Sergio

Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 1980 , vol. 17, p. 563 - 569 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

66.5 67 °C


Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1979 , p. 569 Full Text Show Details

66 - 67 °C

McKillop,A. et al.

Tetrahedron, 1970 , vol. 26, p. 4031 - 4039 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Horak,V.; Manning,W.B.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1979 , vol. 44, # 1 p. 120 - 123 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dezina et al.

Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskikh Nauk, 1979 , vol. 2, p. 84,88 Chem.Abstr., 1979 , vol. 91, # 56554 Full Text Show Details

71 °C

Yamada,Y.; Hosaka,K.

Synthesis, 1977 , p. 53 - 54 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hide facts Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)


65 - 66.5 °C

Jacob 3rd.; Callery; Shulgin; Castagnoli Jr.

The Journal of organic chemistry, 1976 , vol. 41, # 22 p. 3627 - 3629 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

64 - 65 °C

Rao et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1975 , vol. 40, p. 2548 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

66 °C

Maruyama et al.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1973 , vol. 46, p. 2470,2474 Full Text Show Details

Maruyama; Otsuki

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1971 , vol. 44, p. 2873 Full Text Show Details

67 - 68 °C

Noelting; Baumann

Chemische Berichte, 1885 , vol. 18, p. 1152 Full Text Show Details

Kwong Chip; Grossert

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1972 , p. 1629 Full Text Show Details

65.5 - 66.5 °C

Balogh,V. et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1971 , vol. 36, # 10 p. 1339 - 1341 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

67.3 - 67.8 °C

Kumanotani et al.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1968 , vol. 41, p. 2118,2120 Full Text Show Details

67 - 68 °C

petroleum ether

Hecker,E.; Meyer,E.

Chemische Berichte, 1964 , vol. 97, p. 1926 - 1939 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Roczniki Chemii, 1968 , vol. 42, p. 355 Full Text Show Details

68 - 69 °C



Journal of the Chemical Society, 1964 , p. 471,473, 475 Full Text Show Details

Refractive Index (2) Refractive Index

Wavelength (Refractive Index)

Temperature (Refractive Index)



656.3 nm

77.9 °C


Chemische Berichte, 1927 , vol. 60, p. 2138 Full Text Show Details


587.6 nm

77.9 °C


Chemische Berichte, 1927 , vol. 60, p. 2138 Full Text Show Details

Density (3)


Reference Temperature

Measurement Temperature


1.2 g·cm-3

4 °C

25 °C

Borovikov; Sivachek; Makovetskii; Novikov

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 1997 , vol. 67, # 6 p. 936 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

1.083 g·cm-3

4 °C

77.9 °C


Chemische Berichte, 1927 , vol. 60, p. 2138 Full Text Show Details

1.034 - 1.081 g·cm-3

4 °C

75.5 - 127.5 °C

Garner; Sugden

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1927 , p. 2881 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Association (MCS) (14) Partner (Association (MCS))

Solvent (Association (MCS))

UV/VIS spectrum of the complex


UV/VIS spectrum of the complex

Description (Association (MCS))

Temperature (Association (MCS))

Comment (Association (MCS))

neat (no solvent)

Watanabe, Hiroto; Hiraoka, Ryota; Senna, Mamoru

Tetrahedron Letters, 2006 , vol. 47, # 26 p. 4481 - 4484 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

phenol; dimethyl sulfoxide


Kalnin'sh; Bursian

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 1996 , vol. 70, # 12 p. 2048 - 2053 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stability constant of the complex with ...



-30.1 - 24.9 °C

Aoyama, Yasuhiro; Asakawa, Masumi; Matsui, Yuichi; Ogoshi, Hisanobu

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1991 , vol. 113, # 16 p. 6233 - 6240 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Enthalpy of association



Aoyama, Yasuhiro; Asakawa, Masumi; Matsui, Yuichi; Ogoshi, Hisanobu

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1991 , vol. 113, # 16 p. 6233 - 6240 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further physical properties of the complex



Aoyama, Yasuhiro; Asakawa, Masumi; Matsui, Yuichi; Ogoshi, Hisanobu

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1991 , vol. 113, # 16 p. 6233 - 6240 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

UV/VIS spectrum of the complex



Colter, Allan K.; Lai, Charles C.; Parsons, A. Gregg; Ramsay, N. Bruce; Saito, Gunzi

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 63, p. 445 - 451 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

UV/VIS spectrum of the complex



Colter, Allan K.; Lai, Charles C.; Parsons, A. Gregg; Ramsay, N. Bruce; Saito, Gunzi

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 63, p. 445 - 451 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

UV/VIS spectrum of the complex



Colter, Allan K.; Lai, Charles C.; Parsons, A. Gregg; Ramsay, N. Bruce; Saito, Gunzi

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 63, p. 445 - 451 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Further physical properties of the complex



Turchaninov, V. K.; Gorshkov, A. G.; Petrushenko, K. B.; Vokin, A. I.; Skvortsova, G. G.

Journal of Organic Chemistry USSR (English Translation), 1984 , vol. 20, # 5 p. 986 - 990 Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1984 , vol. 20, # 5 p. 1084 - 1089 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Further physical properties of the complex



-10 °C

Turchaninov, V. K.; Gorshkov, A. G.; Petrushenko, K. B.; Vokin, A. I.; Skvortsova, G. G.

Journal of Organic Chemistry USSR (English Translation), 1984 , vol. 20, # 5 p. 986 - 990 Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1984 , vol. 20, # 5 p. 1084 - 1089 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

UV/VIS spectrum of the


Mataga, Noboru; Karen, Akiya; Okada, Tadashi



Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1984 , vol. 106, # 8 p. 2442 - 2443 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further physical properties of the complex


dimethylformamide glycerol

-73.1 °C

Ratio of solvents: 1:1

Gonzalez, Monica C.; McIntosh, Alan R.; Bolton, James R.; Weedon, Alan C.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1984 , # 17 p. 1138 - 1140 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Association with compound


Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Muenchen, Germany), 1964 , vol. 43, p. 154 Full Text Show Details

Zaitsev; Trankvillitskaya

Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 1973 , vol. 18, p. 332 p. 449 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spectrum of the complex

Foster; Hanson

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1966 , vol. 112, p. 482,484 Full Text Show Details

Chromatographic Data (1) Chromatographic data


LC (Liquid chromatography)

Wang, Shaomang; Li, Dinglong; Sun, Cheng; Yang, Shaogui; Guan, Yuan; He, Huan

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2014 , vol. 383-384, p. 128 - 136 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Crystal Phase (2) Description (Crystal Phase)


Crystal structure determination

Trommsdorf et al.

Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C: Sciences Chimiques, 1970 , vol. 271, p. 45 Full Text Show Details

Interplanar spacing

Neumann; Gould

Analytical Chemistry, 1953 , vol. 25, p. 751,755 Full Text Show Details

Crystal Property Description (9) Colour & Other Properties




supporting information

Yoshida, Ryota; Isozaki, Katsuhiro; Yokoi, Tomoya; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Sadakane, Koichiro; Iwamoto, Takahiro; Takaya, Hikaru; Nakamura, Masaharu

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 14, # 31 p. 7468 - 7479 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Welker, Andrea; York, Crystal

Synthesis (Germany), 2015 , vol. 47, # 20 art. no. SS-2015-M0265-OP, p. 3207 - 3211 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


supporting information

Wang, Dawei; Ge, Bingyang; Du, Liyong; Miao, Hongyan; Ding, Yuqiang

Synlett, 2014 , vol. 25, # 20 art. no. ST-2014-W0606-L, p. 2895 - 2898 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Hadjila, Dokari; Mohamed, Hammadi

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 25, # 11 p. 6112 - 6116 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Villemin, Didier; Hammadi, Mohamed; Hachemi, Messaoud

Synthetic Communications, 2002 , vol. 32, # 10 p. 1501 - 1515 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Murahashi, Shun-Ichi; Miyaguchi, Noriko; Noda, Shinji; Naota, Takeshi; Fujii, Akiko; Inubushi, Yasutaka; Komiya, Naruyoshi

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , # 27 p. 5355 - 5365 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


supporting information

Zagulyaeva, Aleksandra A.; Banek, Christopher T.; Yusubov, Mekhman S.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Organic Letters, 2010 , vol. 12, # 20 p. 4644 - 4647 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hu, Peng; Huang, Shijun; Xu, Jing; Shi, Zhang-Jie; Su, Weiping

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2011 , vol. 50, # 42 p. 9926 - 9930

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Singh, Prabhpreet; Lamanna, Giuseppe; Menard-Moyon, Cecilia; Toma, Francesca Maria; Magnano, Elena; Bondino, Federica; Prato, Maurizio; Verma, Sandeep; Bianco, Alberto

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2011 , vol. 50, # 42 p. 9893 - 9897 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Ling, Taotao; Poupon, Erwan; Rueden, Erik J.; Kim, Sun H.; Theodorakis, Emmanuel A.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2002 , vol. 124, # 41 p. 12261 - 12267 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dewkar, Gajanan K.; Shaikh, Tanveer M.; Pardhy; Kulkarni, Swati S.; Sudalai, Arumugam

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 44, # 7 p. 1530 - 1532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Maloney, David J.; Hecht, Sidney M.

Organic Letters, 2005 , vol. 7, # 19 p. 4297 - 4300 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yakura, Takayuki; Omoto, Masanori; Yamauchi; Tian, Yuan; Ozono, Ayaka

Tetrahedron, 2010 , vol. 66, # 31 p. 5833 - 5840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Amemiya, Takashi; Wang, Jichang

Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2010 , vol. 114, # 51 p. 13347 - 13352 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

yellow - orange

Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Niedbalski, Melinda; Bohnert, Gary; Bryant, Daniel

Synthetic Communications, 2006 , vol. 36, # 12 p. 1751 - 1759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

yellow - purple

Hashemi, Mohammed M.; Beni, Yousef A.

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 1999 , # 11 p. 672 - 673 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hashemi, Mohammed M.; Karimi-Jaberi, Zahed; Eftekhari-Sis, Bagher

Journal of Chemical Research, 2005 , # 3 p. 160 - 161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dissociation Exponent (1) Comment (Dissociation Exponent)


(pk')Radikal: pK(a)

Rao; Hayon

Analytical Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 48, p. 564,565 Full Text Show Details

Electrical Data (1) Description (Electrical Data)




Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1956 , vol. 20, p. 219,222; engl. Ausg. S. 201 Chem.Abstr., 1956 , p. 11742 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Electrical Moment (3) Description (Electrical Moment)

Moment (Electrical Moment)

Temperature (Electrical Moment)

Method (Electrical Moment)

Solvent (Electrical Moment)

Dipole moment

0.98 D

25 °C

Borovikov; Sivachek; Makovetskii; Novikov

Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 1997 , vol. 67, # 6 p. 936 - 941 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dipole moment

1.03 D

25 °C

Dielectric constant (ε)


Gur'yanova, E. N.; Muravlyanskii, D. V.; Romm, I. P.; Sviridov, B. D.; Shifrina, R. R.

J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1984 , vol. 54, # 4 p. 817 824,725 - 731 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dipole moment

1.17 D

25 °C

Dielectric constant (ε)


Gur'yanova, E. N.; Muravlyanskii, D. V.; Romm, I. P.; Sviridov, B. D.; Shifrina, R. R.

J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1984 , vol. 54, # 4 p. 817 824,725 - 731 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Electrochemical Behaviour (2) Description (Electrochemical Behaviour)



Lindsey,A.S. et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1962 , p. 4558 - 4569


Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Takamura; Hayakawa

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, 1971 , vol. 31, p. 225 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Takamura; Takamura

Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, 1968 , vol. 18, p. 159 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Arai; Onozuka

Nippon Kagaku Kaishi, 1978 , p. 997,998 Full Text Show Details

Davis et al.

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1965 , vol. 61, p. 1516,1517 Full Text Show Details

Takamura; Takamura

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1965 , vol. 61, p. 1270 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Journal of the Chemical Society, 1962 , p. 4540,4543 Full Text Show Details


Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1962 , vol. 27, p. 2035,2048 Full Text Show Details


Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1963 , vol. 36, p. 1053 Full Text Show Details

Berg; Gollmick

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1965 , vol. 30, p. 4192,4196 Full Text Show Details

Ryba et al.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1968 , vol. 33, p. 26 Full Text Show Details


Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1947-1973), 1964 , vol. 18, p. 1428,1429 Full Text Show Details

Electrochemical properties

Electrochemical Characteristics (44) Description (Electrochemical Characteristics)

Solvent (Electrochemical Characteristics)

pH-Value (Electrochemical Characteristics)

Temperature (Electrochemical Characteristics)

Product XRN (Electrochemical Characteristics)





24.84 °C

Other electrode; potential diagram; 0.10 M tetra-nbutylammonium hexafluorophosphate

El-Khouly, Mohamed E.; El-Kemary, Maged A.; Fukuzumi, Shunichi

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 302, p. 11 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



25 °C

supporting information

Saturated silver chloride electrode; potential diagram; 0.20 mol dm-3 Na2SO4

Jozsa, Eva; Purgel, Mihaly; Bihari, Marianna; Feher, Peter Pal; Sustyak, Gabor; Varnagy, Balazs; Kiss, Virag; Lado, Eszter; Osz, Katalin

Saturated silver chloride electrode; potential diagram; 0.20 mol dm-3 Na2SO4

Jozsa, Eva; Purgel, Mihaly; Bihari, Marianna; Feher, Peter Pal; Sustyak, Gabor; Varnagy, Balazs; Kiss, Virag; Lado, Eszter; Osz, Katalin

Saturated silver chloride electrode; potential diagram; 0.20 mol dm-3 Na2SO4

Jozsa, Eva; Purgel, Mihaly; Bihari, Marianna; Feher, Peter Pal; Sustyak, Gabor; Varnagy, Balazs; Kiss, Virag; Lado, Eszter; Osz, Katalin

Saturated silver chloride electrode; potential diagram; 0.20 mol dm-3 Na2SO4

Jozsa, Eva; Purgel, Mihaly; Bihari, Marianna; Feher, Peter Pal; Sustyak, Gabor; Varnagy, Balazs; Kiss, Virag; Lado, Eszter; Osz, Katalin







25 °C

25 °C

25 °C

supporting information

supporting information

supporting information

Comment (Electrochemical Characteristics)


New Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 38, # 2 p. 588 - 597 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

New Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 38, # 2 p. 588 - 597 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

New Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 38, # 2 p. 588 - 597 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

New Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 38, # 2 p. 588 - 597

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




2-methyl-1,4benzoquinone radical anion

transmitted electrons -1; Standard potential; -1.041 V; Ferrocene/ferrocenium; 0.10 M tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate

Hall, Gabriel B.; Chen, Jinzhu; Mebi, Charles A.; Okumura, Noriko; Swenson, Matthew T.; Ossowski, Stephanie E.; Zakai, Uzma I.; Nichol, Gary S.; Lichtenberger, Dennis L.; Evans, Dennis H.; Glass, Richard S.

Organometallics, 2013 , vol. 32, # 21 p. 6605 6612 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Electrochemical characteristics given

Nikitina, Viktoriya A.; Nazmutdinov, Renat R.; Tsirlina, Galina A.

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2011 , vol. 115, # 4 p. 668 - 677 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

reduction potential



23 °C

Cape, Jonathan L.; Bowman, Michael K.; Kramer, David M.

Phytochemistry, 2006 , vol. 67, # 16 p. 1781 1788 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

reduction potential

various solvent(s)


24.85 °C

Fukuzumi, Shunichi; Nishimine, Mari; Ohkubo, Kei; Tkachenko, Nikolai V.; Lemmetyinen, Helge

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2003 , vol. 107, # 45 p. 12511 - 12518 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

reduction potential


D'Souza; Deviprasad

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 66, # 13 p. 4601 - 4609 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

polarographic halfwave potential

Flaig,W. et al.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1968 , vol. 719, p. 96 - 111 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ryba et al.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1968 , vol. 33, p. 26 Full Text Show Details

Kurov, G. N.; Svyatkina, L. I.; Skvortsova, G. G.; Naumova, I. P.

Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Science (English Translation), 1982 , vol. 31, # 10 p. 1969 1972 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, 1982 , # 10 p. 2235 - 2238 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sviridov, B. D.; Nikolaeva, T. D.; Venderina, V. F.; Zhdanov, S. I.

J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1985 , vol. 55, # 4 p. 821 - 824,732 - 734 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kazak; Chudaeva; Rodionova; Trofimov

Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 69, # 1 p. 52 - 56 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

redox potential

benzonitrile various solvent(s)


methyl-pbenzoquinone radical anion

-0.56 V Product: /BRN= 5927556/. Method: cyclovoltammetry. Description: platinum button or glassy carbon electrode as the working electrode, platinum wire as the counter electrode, saturated calomel electrode as the

D'Souza, Francis

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1996 , vol. 118, # 4 p. 923 - 924 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

reference electrode oxidation potential

aq. phosphate buffer


Shumakovich; Yaropolov; Dubova; Antonova; Bachurin

Doklady Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 348, # 4-6 p. 149 - 152 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

reduction potential

aq. phosphate buffer


Shumakovich; Yaropolov; Dubova; Antonova; Bachurin

Doklady Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 348, # 4-6 p. 149 - 152 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

redox potential

Flaig,W. et al.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1968 , vol. 719, p. 96 - 111 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1964 , vol. 60, p. 479 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Markow et al.

Izvestiya Sibirskogo Otdeleniya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskikh Nauk, 1968 , vol. 3, p. 36,37 Chem.Abstr., 1969 , vol. 70, # 6864 Full Text Show Details

Moriconi et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1962 , vol. 27, p. 2772,2774, 2775 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fasman et al..

Doklady Physical Chemistry, 1964 , vol. 154156, p. 298 Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR, 1964 , vol. 155, p. 434 Full Text Show Details

Tanner, Dennis D.; Deonarian, Natasha; Kharrat, Abdelmajid

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1989 , vol. 67, p. 171 - 175 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Wilford, J. H.; Archer, M. D.; Bolton, J. R.; Ho, T.-F.; Schmidt, J. A.; Weedon, A. C.

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 89, # 25 p. 5395 - 5398 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Okubo, Masao; Tsutsumi, Toshiki; Matsuo, Koji

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1987 , vol. 60, p. 2085 - 2090 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Matsuo, Koji; Shiraki, Ryuji; Okubo, Masao

Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 1994 , vol. 7, # 10 p. 567 - 577 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Reynolds, Christopher A.; King, Paul M.; Richards, W. Graham

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1988 , # 21 p. 1434 - 1436 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

redox potential





0.47 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. No. of transm. electrons: 2 Method: potentiometry. Description: vs. NHE

Raju, K. Vijaya; Raju, G. Bangar; Yadav, M. Rajasekhar

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Bio-inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical Chemistry, 1993 , vol. 32, # 11 p. 1012 - 1014 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential



2-methyl-1,4benzoquinone radical anion

-0.39 V Product: /BRN= 4134590/. No. of transm. electrons: 1. Method: cyclovoltammetry. Description: Working electrode: Pt, reference electrode:

Aumueller, Alexander; Huenig, Siegfried

Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1986 , # 1 p. 165 176 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ag/AgCl/CH3CN, supporting electrolyte: Bu4NBF4 polarographic halfwave potential

aq. NaOH



-0.23 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. No. of transm. electrons: 2. Method: cyclovoltammetry. Description: hangingmercurydrop electrode (working,) calomel electrode (reference); 0.1M NaOH-solution

Suga, Kosaku; Aoyagui, Shigeru

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1986 , vol. 59, # 6 p. 1937 - 1940 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential


24.9 °C



0.32 V Product: /BRN= 6015810/. No. of transm. electrons: 2. Method: cyclovoltammetry. Description: potentiostatgalvanostat, microelectrode, NaCl/calomel reference electrode, in presence of Mg2+

Fukuzumi, Shunichi; Nishizawa, Nobuaki; Tanaka, Toshio

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (19721999), 1985 , p. 371 - 378 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

redox potential


24.9 °C



0.1 V Product: /BRN= 6015810/. No. of transm. electrons: 2. Method: cyclovoltammetry. Description: potentiostatgalvanostat, platinum microelectrode, NaCl/calomel reference electrode, in presence of Mg(2+) ion

Fukuzumi, Shunichi; Nishizawa, Nobuaki; Tanaka, Toshio

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (19721999), 1985 , p. 371 - 378 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Comment (Electrochemical Characteristics)


Show next 20

Hide facts

Description (Electrochemical Characteristics)

Solvent (Electrochemical Characteristics)

Temperature (Electrochemical Characteristics)

Product XRN (Electrochemical Characteristics)

redox potential


28 °C



0.59 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 0.5M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential


28 °C



0.61 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 1.0M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential


28 °C



0.64 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 3.0M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential


28 °C



0.66 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 5.0M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential


28 °C



0.68 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 7.0M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential


28 °C



0.69 V

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina



Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 9.0M

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential


28 °C



0.59 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 0.5M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential


28 °C



0.6 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 1.0M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential


28 °C



0.64 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 3.0M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential


28 °C



0.65 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 5.0M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential


28 °C



0.67 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 7.0M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential

H2O acetic acid

28 °C



0.52 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 0.5M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential

H2O acetic acid

28 °C



0.53 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 1.0M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential

H2O acetic acid

28 °C



0.54 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 3.0M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential

H2O acetic acid

28 °C



0.57 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 5.0M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential

H2O acetic acid

28 °C



0.59 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 7.0M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential

H2O acetic acid

28 °C



0.61 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 9.0M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential

H2O acetic acid

28 °C



0.63 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry. Description: versus NHE; acidity 11.0M

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

redox potential

H2O acetic acid

28 °C



0.64 V Product: /BRN= 2041489/. Method: potentiometry.

Murty, N. Krishna; Murty, Peri M. Dakshina

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic,


Description: versus NHE; acidity 12.5M

Physical, Theoretical & Analytical, 1982 , vol. 21, # 7 p. 756 - 757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

polarographic halfwave potential


20 °C


2-methyl-1,4benzoquinone radical anion

-0.51 V Product: /BRN= 1873156/. No. of transm. electrons: 1. Method: pulse polarography. Description: saturated calomel electrode, tetraethylammonium perchlorate supporting electrolyte, differential technique

Bruce, Malcolm; Heatley, Frank; Ryles, Roderick G.; Scrivens, James H.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (19721999), 1980 , p. 860 - 866 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

redox potential

in wss.-aethanol. HCl.


Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii, 1952 , vol. 26, p. 822,832 Chem.Abstr., 1952 , p. 10961 Full Text Show Details

polarographic current/voltage curve

Smith et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1941 , vol. 63, p. 1018,1019 Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1942 , vol. 64, p. 447,448 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Page; Robinson

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1943 , p. 133 Full Text Show Details

Stromberg; Reinus

Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii, 1946 , vol. 16, p. 1431,1437 Chem.Abstr., 1947 , p. 5479 Full Text Show Details

redox potential

des Systems Methyl-benzochinon-(1.4)/2-Methylhydrochinon.

Hunter; Kvalnes

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1932 , vol. 54, p. 2869,2874 Full Text Show Details


Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1934 , vol. 56, p. 670 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

redox potential

des Systems Toluchinon/p-Xylohydrochinon in 0,1 nSchwefelsaeure bei 25,4grad.

Biilmann; Jensen; Pedersen

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1925 , vol. 127, p. 207 Full Text Show Details

Electron Binding (1) Description (Electron Binding)


Electron affinity

Chen; Wentworth

Journal of Chemical Physics, 1975 , vol. 63, p. 3183,3189 Full Text Show Details

Davis et al.

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1965 , vol. 61, p. 1516,1517 Full Text Show Details

Tanner, Dennis D.; Deonarian, Natasha; Kharrat, Abdelmajid

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1989 , vol. 67, p. 171 - 175 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kurov, G. N.; Svyatkina, L. I.; Skvortsova, G. G.; Naumova, I. P.

Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Science (English Translation), 1982 , vol. 31, # 10 p. 1969 - 1972 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, 1982 , # 10 p. 2235 - 2238 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Grimsrud, Eric P.; Caldwell, Gary; Chowdhury, Swapan; Kebarle, Paul

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1985 , vol. 107, # 16 p. 4627 - 4634 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Heinis, Thomas; Chowdhury, Swapan; Scott, Susannah L.; Kebarle, Paul

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1988 , vol. 110, # 2 p. 400 - 407 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Energy Data (MCS) (1) Description (Energy Data (MCS))

Partner (Energy Data (MCS))

Solvent (Energy Data (MCS))

Temperature (Energy Data (MCS))

Enthalpy of mixing



25 °C

Reference Gur'yanova, E. N.; Muravlyanskii, D. V.; Romm, I. P.; Sviridov, B. D.; Shifrina, R. R.

J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1984 , vol. 54, # 4 p. 817 - 824,725 - 731 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Enthalpy of Combustion (1) Enthalpy of Combustion


-3.37162E+06 Jmol-1


Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1897 , vol. 125, p. 872 Annales de Chimie (Cachan, France), 1900 , vol. <7> 21, p. 478 Full Text Show Details

Further Information (31) Description (Further Information)


Further information

Beitz; Miller

Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique, 1979 , vol. 71, p. 4579 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Sharma; Torssell

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1978 , vol. 32, p. 347,350 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Maquestian et al.

Organic Mass Spectrometry, 1977 , vol. 12, p. 631,633 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 1977 , vol. 33, p. 453 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Bratchikov et al.

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 50, p. 333 p. 563 Full Text Show Details

Further information

van't Hof; Schmidt

Chemical Physics Letters, 1975 , vol. 36, p. 457 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Zaitsev; Trankvillitskaya

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1974 , vol. 48, p. 963 p. 1621 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Potapov; Sorokin

High Energy Chemistry, 1971 , vol. 5, p. 435 p. 487 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Koyanagi et al.

Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 1970 , vol. 34, p. 450,453 Full Text Show Details

Further information

McKillop et al.

Angewandte Chemie, 1970 , vol. 82, p. 84 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Dalton; Teitei

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1969 , vol. 22, p. 1525,1529 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Gonikberg et al.

Doklady Chemistry, 1969 , vol. 185, p. 276 Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Khim., 1969 , vol. 185, p. 828 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical, 1967 , p. 1420 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Shannon et al.

Chemical Communications (London), 1966 , p. 478 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Aplin; Pike

Chemistry and Industry (London, United Kingdom), 1966 , p. 2009 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Meinwald et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1966 , vol. 88, p. 1590 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information


Analytical Chemistry, 1966 , vol. 38, p. 1188,1193 Chem.Abstr., 1961 , # 607 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1966 , vol. 31, p. 2669,2671 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Beg; Siddiqui

Tetrahedron, 1966 , vol. 22, p. 2203,2211 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Bowie et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] B: Physical Organic, 1966 , p. 335,336 Full Text Show Details

Hide facts Description (Further Information)


Further information

Jones; Murrell

Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical, 1966 , p. 1421 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Davis et al.

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1965 , vol. 61, p. 1516,1517 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Turcsanyi; Tudos

Acta Chimica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 1965 , vol. 43, p. 63,65 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1964 , vol. 60, p. 479 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Foster; Hanson

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1964 , vol. 60, p. 2189,2193 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Bryce-Smith; Gilbert

Proceedings of the Chemical Society, London, 1964 , p. 87 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Berg; Kramarczyk

Berichte der Bunsen-Gesellschaft, 1964 , vol. 68, p. 296 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Foster; Thomson

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1963 , vol. 59, p. 296,298 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1962 , vol. 58, p. 1656,1657 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1962 , vol. 35, p. 295 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Journal of Chromatography, 1959 , vol. 2, p. 649 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ionization Potential (2) Ionization Potential

Method (Ionization Potential)

Comment (Ionization Potential)


9.8 eV


Higher potentials: 10.17eV, 10.37eV, 10.85ev

Gleiter, Rolf; Schaefer, Wolfgang; Staab, Heinz A.

Chemische Berichte, 1988 , vol. 121, p. 1257 - 1264 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dougherty,D. et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1978 , vol. 100, p. 5597 - 5603 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Potapov; Sorokin

High Energy Chemistry, 1971 , vol. 5, p. 435 p. 487 Full Text Show Details

Liquid/Liquid Systems (MCS) (1) Description (Liquid/Liquid Systems (MCS))

Partner (Liquid/Liquid Systems (MCS))


Distribution between solvent 1 + 2


Moret, Ed E.; Boer, Mark de; Hilbers, Hans W.; Tollenaere, Jan P.; Janssen, Lambert H. M.; et al.

J. Med. Chem., 1996 , vol. 39, # 3 p. 720 - 728 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Liquid/Solid Systems (MCS) (1) Description (Liquid/Solid Systems (MCS))




Analytical Chemistry, 1960 , vol. 32, p. 1171,1173 Full Text Show Details

Molecular Deformation (1) Description (Molecular Deformation)


Fundamental vibrations


Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 1976 , vol. 32, p. 1235,1237,1238 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Other Thermochemical Data (2) Description (Other Thermochemical Data)

Comment (Other Thermochemical Data)


Heat of combustion at constant volume

803,3 kcal/Mol.


Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1897 , vol. 125, p. 872 Annales de Chimie (Cachan, France), 1900 , vol. <7> 21, p. 478 Full Text Show Details

Swietoslawski; Starczewska

Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique, 1926 , vol. 23, p. 822 Full Text Show Details

Heat of combustion at constant volume

805.0 kcal/Mol.


Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1897 , vol. 125, p. 872 Annales de Chimie (Cachan, France), 1900 , vol. <7> 21, p. 478 Full Text Show Details

Partition octan-1-ol/water (MCS) (2) Partition Constant POW

log POW



Kumagai, Yoshito; Nakajima, Hiromi; Midorikawa, Kazumi; Homma-Takeda, Shino; Shimojo, Nobuhiro

Chemical Research in Toxicology, 1998 , vol. 11, # 6 p. 608 - 613 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Schultz; Sinks; Cronin

Aquatic Toxicology, 1997 , vol. 39, # 3-4 p. 267 - 278 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Solubility (MCS) (1) Comment (Solubility (MCS))


water soluble

Jozsa, Eva; Purgel, Mihaly; Bihari, Marianna; Feher, Peter Pal; Sustyak, Gabor; Varnagy, Balazs; Kiss, Virag; Lado, Eszter; Osz, Katalin

New Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 38, # 2 p. 588 - 597 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Surface Tension (1) Surface Tension

Temperature (Surface Tension)


27.63 - 33.86 g·s-2

76.5 - 131 °C

Garner; Sugden

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1927 , p. 2881 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (46) Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Temperature (NMR Spectroscopy)

Frequency (NMR Spectroscopy)

Chemical shifts Spectrum



Chemical shifts Spectrum



Chemical shifts Spectrum


Chemical shifts Spectrum



392 MHz

supporting information

Yoshida, Ryota; Isozaki, Katsuhiro; Yokoi, Tomoya; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Sadakane, Koichiro; Iwamoto, Takahiro; Takaya, Hikaru; Nakamura, Masaharu

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 14, # 31 p. 7468 - 7479 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

98.5 MHz

supporting information

Yoshida, Ryota; Isozaki, Katsuhiro; Yokoi, Tomoya; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Sadakane, Koichiro; Iwamoto, Takahiro; Takaya, Hikaru; Nakamura, Masaharu

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 14, # 31 p. 7468 - 7479 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


400 MHz

supporting information

Wang, Dawei; Ge, Bingyang; Ju, Anqi; Zhou, Yucheng; Xu, Chongying; Ding, Yuqiang

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 780, p. 30 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wang, Dawei; Ge, Bingyang; Du, Liyong; Miao, Hongyan; Ding, Yuqiang

Synlett, 2014 , vol. 25, # 20 art. no. ST-2014-W0606-L, p. 2895 - 2898 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



26.84 °C

300 MHz

supporting information

Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Welker, Andrea; York, Crystal

Synthesis (Germany), 2015 , vol. 47, # 20 art. no. SS-2015-M0265-OP, p. 3207 - 3211 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts Spectrum



26.84 °C

75 MHz

supporting information

Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Welker, Andrea; York, Crystal

Synthesis (Germany), 2015 , vol. 47, # 20 art. no. SS-2015-M0265-OP, p. 3207 - 3211 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



Khansole, Sandeep V.; Patwari, Shivaji B.; Vibhute, Yeshwant B.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2009 , vol. 86, # 12 p. 1343 - 1346 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bell, Jeffrey G.; Green, James R.; Wang, Jichang

Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2014 , vol. 118, # 42 p. 9795 - 9800 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




25 °C

400 MHz

supporting information

Jozsa, Eva; Purgel, Mihaly; Bihari, Marianna; Feher, Peter Pal; Sustyak, Gabor; Varnagy, Balazs; Kiss, Virag; Lado, Eszter; Osz, Katalin

New Journal of Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 38, # 2 p. 588 - 597 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



supporting information

Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



60 MHz

supporting information

Sasane, Kulbhushan A.; Telvekar, Vikas N.

Synthetic Communications, 2014 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 468 - 473 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



250 MHz

Hadjila, Dokari; Mohamed, Hammadi

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 25, # 11 p. 6112 - 6116 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

COSY (Correlation Spectroscopy)

1H 1H


400.1 MHz

supporting information

Rocha, Daniele F.O.; Wouters, Felipe C.; Zampieri, Davila S.; Brocksom, Timothy J.; Machado, Glauco; Marsaioli, Anita J.

Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

HSQC (Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence)

1H 13C

supporting information

Rocha, Daniele F.O.; Wouters, Felipe C.; Zampieri, Davila S.; Brocksom, Timothy J.; Machado, Glauco; Marsaioli, Anita J.

Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts Spectrum



400.1 MHz

Rocha, Daniele F.O.; Wouters, Felipe C.; Zampieri, Davila S.; Brocksom, Timothy J.; Machado, Glauco; Marsaioli, Anita J.

Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts Spectrum



100.6 MHz

Rocha, Daniele F.O.; Wouters, Felipe C.; Zampieri, Davila S.; Brocksom, Timothy J.; Machado, Glauco; Marsaioli, Anita J.

Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



270 MHz

Murahashi, Shun-Ichi; Miyaguchi, Noriko; Noda, Shinji; Naota, Takeshi; Fujii, Akiko; Inubushi, Yasutaka; Komiya, Naruyoshi

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , # 27 p. 5355 - 5365 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



68 MHz

Murahashi, Shun-Ichi; Miyaguchi, Noriko; Noda, Shinji; Naota, Takeshi; Fujii, Akiko; Inubushi, Yasutaka; Komiya, Naruyoshi

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , # 27 p. 5355 - 5365 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



300 MHz

supporting information

Singh, Prabhpreet; Lamanna, Giuseppe; Menard-Moyon, Cecilia; Toma, Francesca Maria; Magnano, Elena; Bondino, Federica; Prato, Maurizio; Verma, Sandeep; Bianco, Alberto

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2011 , vol. 50, # 42 p. 9893 - 9897 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts Spectrum



300 MHz

supporting information

Zagulyaeva, Aleksandra A.; Banek, Christopher T.; Yusubov, Mekhman S.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.

Organic Letters, 2010 , vol. 12, # 20 p. 4644 - 4647 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



500 MHz

supporting information

Miyamura, Hiroyuki; Shiramizu, Mika; Matsubara, Ryosuke; Kobayashi, Shu

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2008 , vol. 47, # 42 p. 8093 - 8095 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



125 MHz

supporting information

Miyamura, Hiroyuki; Shiramizu, Mika; Matsubara, Ryosuke; Kobayashi, Shu

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2008 , vol. 47, # 42 p. 8093 - 8095 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Show next 20

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Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Temperature (NMR Spectroscopy)

Frequency (NMR Spectroscopy)

Comment (NMR Spectroscopy)

Chemical shifts



200 MHz

Dewkar, Gajanan K.; Shaikh, Tanveer M.; Pardhy; Kulkarni, Swati S.; Sudalai, Arumugam

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 44, # 7 p. 1530 - 1532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mal, Dipakranjan; Ray, Sutapa; Sharma, Indrajeet

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 72, # 13 p. 4981 - 4984 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



300 MHz

Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Niedbalski, Melinda; Bohnert, Gary; Bryant, Daniel

Synthetic Communications, 2006 , vol. 36, # 12 p. 1751 - 1759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



75 MHz

Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Niedbalski, Melinda; Bohnert, Gary; Bryant, Daniel

Synthetic Communications, 2006 , vol. 36, # 12 p. 1751 - 1759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



Hiranuma Hidetoshi; Miller, Sidney I.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 47, # 26 p. 5083 - 5088 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pratt, Daniel V.; Ruan, Fuqiang; Hopkins, Paul B.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1987 , vol. 52, # 22 p. 5053 - 5055 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Aversa, M. C.; Giannetto, P.; Saija, A.

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 23, # 5 p. 322 - 326 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hashemi, Mohammed M.; Karimi-Jaberi, Zahed; Eftekhari-Sis, Bagher

Journal of Chemical Research, 2005 , # 3 p. 160 - 161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



50 MHz

Dewkar, Gajanan K.; Shaikh, Tanveer M.; Pardhy; Kulkarni, Swati S.; Sudalai, Arumugam

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 44, # 7 p. 1530 - 1532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Chemical shifts



250 MHz

Villemin, Didier; Hammadi, Mohamed; Hachemi, Messaoud

Synthetic Communications, 2002 , vol. 32, # 10 p. 1501 - 1515 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



400 MHz

Ling, Taotao; Poupon, Erwan; Rueden, Erik J.; Kim, Sun H.; Theodorakis, Emmanuel A.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2002 , vol. 124, # 41 p. 12261 - 12267 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



Chudek, John A.; Foster, Roy; Reid, Francis J.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1984 , # 2 p. 287 - 292 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ling, Taotao; Poupon, Erwan; Rueden, Erik J.; Kim, Sun H.; Theodorakis, Emmanuel A.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2002 , vol. 124, # 41 p. 12261 - 12267 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



250 MHz

Ficht, Simon; Muelbaier, Marcel; Giannis, Athanassios

Tetrahedron, 2001 , vol. 57, # 23 p. 4863 - 4866 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



80 MHz

Hashemi, Mohammed M.; Beni, Yousef A.

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 1999 , # 11 p. 672 - 673 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


Gready, Jill E.; Hata, Kazumi; Sternhell, Sever; Tansey, Charles W.

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 43, # 3 p. 593 - 600 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Suresh; Skaria, Sunny; Ponrathnam

Synthetic Communications, 1996 , vol. 26, # 11 p. 2113 - 2117 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Hutchinson et al.

Molecular Physics, 1975 , vol. 29, p. 1767 Full Text Show Details

Meng, Q.; Yamakage, Y.; Maeda, K.; Azumi, T.

Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Muenchen, Germany), 1993 , vol. 180, # 1/2 p. 95 - 110 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts


CDCl3 CCl4

Meng, Q.; Yamakage, Y.; Maeda, K.; Azumi, T.

Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Muenchen, Germany), 1993 , vol. 180, # 1/2 p. 95 - 110 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts



Binstead, Robert A.; McGuire, Mark E.; Dovletoglou, Angelos; Seok, Won K.; Roecker, Lee E.; Meyer, Thomas J.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1992 , vol. 114, # 1 p. 173 186 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


trifluoroacetic acid

Barnish, Ian T.; Gibson, Martin S.

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1992 , # 7 p. 1740 - 1757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Spin-spin coupling constants

trifluoroacetic acid


Barnish, Ian T.; Gibson, Martin S.

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1992 , # 7 p. 1740 - 1757 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts



75 °C

Boykin, D. W.; Baumstark, A. L.; Mehdizadeh, A.; Venkatramanan, M. K.

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 28, p. 305 - 310 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Spin-spin coupling constants


Gready, Jill E.; Hata, Kazumi; Sternhell, Sever; Tansey, Charles W.

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 43, # 3 p. 593 - 600 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Spin-spin coupling constants



Hiranuma Hidetoshi; Miller, Sidney I.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 47, # 26 p. 5083 - 5088 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pratt, Daniel V.; Ruan, Fuqiang; Hopkins, Paul B.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1987 , vol. 52, # 22 p. 5053 - 5055 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



Malesani, Giorgio; Galiano, Fabio; Ferlin, Maria Grazia; Masiero, Sergio

Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 1980 , vol. 17, p. 563 - 569 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fischer, Alfred; Henderson, George N.

Synthesis, 1985 , # 6/7 p. 641 - 643 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Spin-spin coupling constants



Fischer, Alfred; Henderson, George N.

Synthesis, 1985 , # 6/7 p. 641 - 643 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

NMR with shift reagents

Aversa, M. C.; Giannetto, P.; Saija, A.

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1985 , vol. 23, # 5 p. 322 - 326 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Yamada,Y.; Hosaka,K.

Synthesis, 1977 , p. 53 - 54 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Berger,S.; Rieker,A.

Tetrahedron, 1972 , vol. 28, p. 3123 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nilsson et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and BioOrganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1973 , p. 2337,2338 Full Text Show Details

Norris; Sternhell

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1966 , vol. 19, p. 617,625 Full Text Show Details

Kato; Mizushima; Kurata; Fujimaki

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1973 , vol. 37, # 11 p. 2677 - 2678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Minematsu et al.

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 1975 , vol. 91, p. 389,390 Full Text Show Details

Maruyama; Otsuki

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1971 , vol. 44, p. 2873 Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts


Bowie et al.

Tetrahedron, 1966 , vol. 22, p. 1771,1772 Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts


Bowie et al.

Tetrahedron, 1966 , vol. 22, p. 1771,1772 Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts


Wagner et al.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1965 , p. 4233,4236 Full Text Show Details

IR Spectroscopy (21) Description (IR Spectroscopy)

Solvent (IR Spectroscopy)



neat (no solvent, solid phase)

supporting information

Yoshida, Ryota; Isozaki, Katsuhiro; Yokoi, Tomoya; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Sadakane, Koichiro; Iwamoto, Takahiro; Takaya, Hikaru; Nakamura, Masaharu

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 14, # 31 p. 7468 - 7479 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Welker, Andrea; York, Crystal

Synthesis (Germany), 2015 , vol. 47, # 20 art. no. SS-2015-M0265-OP, p. 3207 - 3211 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


potassium bromide

supporting information

Sasane, Kulbhushan A.; Telvekar, Vikas N.

Synthetic Communications, 2014 , vol. 44, # 4 p. 468 - 473 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


potassium bromide

Khansole, Sandeep V.; Patwari, Shivaji B.; Vibhute, Yeshwant B.

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2009 , vol. 86, # 12 p. 1343 - 1346 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hadjila, Dokari; Mohamed, Hammadi

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 25, # 11 p. 6112 - 6116 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


neat liquid

Murahashi, Shun-Ichi; Miyaguchi, Noriko; Noda, Shinji; Naota, Takeshi; Fujii, Akiko; Inubushi, Yasutaka;

Comment (IR Spectroscopy)


Komiya, Naruyoshi

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , # 27 p. 5355 - 5365 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Ling, Taotao; Poupon, Erwan; Rueden, Erik J.; Kim, Sun H.; Theodorakis, Emmanuel A.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2002 , vol. 124, # 41 p. 12261 - 12267 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Niedbalski, Melinda; Bohnert, Gary; Bryant, Daniel

Synthetic Communications, 2006 , vol. 36, # 12 p. 1751 - 1759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Hashemi, Mohammed M.; Karimi-Jaberi, Zahed; Eftekhari-Sis, Bagher

Journal of Chemical Research, 2005 , # 3 p. 160 - 161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Dewkar, Gajanan K.; Shaikh, Tanveer M.; Pardhy; Kulkarni, Swati S.; Sudalai, Arumugam

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 44, # 7 p. 1530 - 1532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Hashemi, Mohammed M.; Beni, Yousef A.

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 1999 , # 11 p. 672 - 673 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Villemin, Didier; Hammadi, Mohamed; Hachemi, Messaoud

Synthetic Communications, 2002 , vol. 32, # 10 p. 1501 - 1515 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


2860 - 1590 cm**(-1)

Suresh; Skaria, Sunny; Ponrathnam

Synthetic Communications, 1996 , vol. 26, # 11 p. 2113 - 2117 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



1662 cm**(-1)

Binstead, Robert A.; McGuire, Mark E.; Dovletoglou, Angelos; Seok, Won K.; Roecker, Lee E.; Meyer, Thomas J.



1658 cm**(-1)

Pratt, Daniel V.; Ruan, Fuqiang; Hopkins, Paul B.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1987 , vol. 52, # 22 p. 5053 - 5055 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



170 - 40 cm**(-1)

Trommsdorff, H. P.; Wiersma, D. A.; Zelsmann, H. R.

Journal of Chemical Physics, 1985 , vol. 82, # 1 p. 48 - 52 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



170 - 40 cm**(-1)

Trommsdorff, H. P.; Wiersma, D. A.; Zelsmann, H. R.

Journal of Chemical Physics, 1985 , vol. 82, # 1 p. 48 - 52 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



1663 - 1661 cm**(-1)

Meyerson, Matthew L.

Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 1985 , vol. 41, # 11 p. 1263 - 1268 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fine structure of IR bands

Meyerson, Matthew L.

Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 1985 , vol. 41, # 11 p. 1263 - 1268 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



1660 cm**(-1)

Hiranuma Hidetoshi; Miller, Sidney I.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 47, # 26 p. 5083 - 5088 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Yamada,Y.; Hosaka,K.

Synthesis, 1977 , p. 53 - 54 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hunt et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] B: Physical Organic, 1967 , p. 791,795 Full Text Show Details

Zaitsev; Trankvillitskaya

Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 1973 , vol. 18, p. 332 p. 449 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Gonikberg et al.

Doklady Chemistry, 1969 , vol. 185, p. 276 Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Khim., 1969 , vol. 185, p. 828 Full Text Show Details


Hecker,E.; Meyer,E.

Chemische Berichte, 1964 , vol. 97, p. 1926 - 1939

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1992 , vol. 114, # 1 p. 173 - 186 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hide facts Description (IR Spectroscopy)

Comment (IR Spectroscopy)



1667 - 667 cm**(-1)

Yates et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1956 , vol. 78, p. 650 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Flaig; Salfeld

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1959 , vol. 626, p. 215,217 Full Text Show Details

Mass Spectrometry (8) Description (Mass Spectrometry)




Seuwen, P.; Warneck, P.

International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 1996 , vol. 28, # 5 p. 315 - 332 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dewkar, Gajanan K.; Shaikh, Tanveer M.; Pardhy; Kulkarni, Swati S.; Sudalai, Arumugam

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 44, # 7 p. 1530 - 1532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hailu, Solomon Legese; Nair, Balachandran Unni; Redi-Abshiro, Mesfin; Diaz, Isabel; Aravindhan, Rathinam; Tessema, Merid

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 37, # 1 p. 135 - 145 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) electron impact (EI) spectrum

supporting information

Yoshida, Ryota; Isozaki, Katsuhiro; Yokoi, Tomoya; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Sadakane, Koichiro; Iwamoto, Takahiro; Takaya, Hikaru; Nakamura, Masaharu

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 14, # 31 p. 7468 - 7479 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LCMS) electrospray ionisation (ESI) spectrum

Wang, Shaomang; Li, Dinglong; Sun, Cheng; Yang, Shaogui; Guan, Yuan; He, Huan

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2014 , vol. 383-384, p. 128 - 136 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) time-of-flight mass spectra (TOFMS) gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) electron impact (EI) spectrum

Rocha, Daniele F.O.; Wouters, Felipe C.; Zampieri, Davila S.; Brocksom, Timothy J.; Machado, Glauco; Marsaioli, Anita J.

Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

EI (Electron impact) GCMS (Gas chromatography mass spectrometry) Spectrum

supporting information

Kamata, Keigo; Yamaura, Taiyo; Mizuno, Noritaka

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2012 , vol. 51, # 29 p. 7275 - 7278 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

HRMS (High resolution mass spectrometry) EI (Electron impact) Spectrum

Murahashi, Shun-Ichi; Miyaguchi, Noriko; Noda, Shinji; Naota, Takeshi; Fujii, Akiko; Inubushi, Yasutaka; Komiya, Naruyoshi

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , # 27 p. 5355 - 5365 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shannon et al.

Chemical Communications (London), 1966 , p. 478 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Aplin; Pike

Chemistry and Industry (London, United Kingdom), 1966 , p. 2009 Full Text Show Details

Wheeler et al.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1972 , p. 4635 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bowie; Blumenthal

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 29, p. 115 Full Text Show Details

Maquestian et al.

Organic Mass Spectrometry, 1977 , vol. 12, p. 631,633 Full Text Show Details

Kato; Mizushima; Kurata; Fujimaki

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1973 , vol. 37, # 11 p. 2677 - 2678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Suhr et al.

Organic Mass Spectrometry, 1979 , vol. 14, p. 399,400 Full Text Show Details

Chen; Kwan

Tetrahedron Letters, 1973 , p. 2651 Full Text Show Details

Bowie et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] B: Physical Organic, 1966 , p. 335,336 Full Text Show Details

ion-cyclotron resonance

Suhr et al.

Organic Mass Spectrometry, 1979 , vol. 14, p. 399,400 Full Text Show Details

UV/VIS Spectroscopy (27) Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Absorption Maxima (UV/VIS)

Ext./Abs. Coefficient

Log epsilon

Comment (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)


259 nm 325 nm

Bell, Jeffrey G.; Green, James R.; Wang, Jichang

Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2014 , vol. 118, # 42 p. 9795 - 9800 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

1,4-dioxane water

278.2 nm 312.3 nm 422.6 nm

4.15 2.75 1.31

Hadjila, Dokari; Mohamed, Hammadi

Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 25, # 11 p. 6112 - 6116 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Kostikov, Alexey P.; Popik, Vladimir V.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 72, # 24 p. 9190 - 9194 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


246 nm

Kostikov, Alexey P.; Popik, Vladimir V.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2007 , vol. 72, # 24 p. 9190 - 9194 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Triplet-triplet band

Goerner, Helmut

Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2003 , vol. 78, # 5 p. 440 - 448 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

dioxane H2O

278.2 nm 312.3 nm 422.6 nm

14125 l·mol-1cm-1

Ratio of solvents: dioxane/H2O = 70:30

Villemin, Didier; Hammadi, Mohamed; Hachemi, Messaoud

Synthetic Communications, 2002 , vol. 32, # 10 p. 1501 - 1515 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

aq. H2SO4 various solvent(s)

324 nm

570 l·mol-1cm-1

Remark: air-saturated solution; pH 3.7 ambient temperature

Anastasio; Faust; Rao

Environmental Science and Technology, 1997 , vol. 31, # 1 p. 218 - 232 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Absorption maxima


425.53 nm 313.48 nm 250 nm

Kalnin'sh; Bursian

Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 1996 , vol. 70, # 12 p. 2048 2053 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Absorption maxima


299 nm

3100 l·mol-1cm-1

Keum; Gregory; Bruice

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1990 , vol. 112, # 7 p. 2711 2715 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Baly; Stewart

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1906 , vol. 89, p. 508,620 Full Text Show Details

Herre; Weis

Chemical Physics Letters, 1970 , vol. 7, p. 276 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Trommsdorf et al.

Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie C: Sciences Chimiques, 1970 , vol. 271, p. 45 Full Text Show Details

Arai; Onozuka

Nippon Kagaku Kaishi, 1978 , p. 997,998 Full Text Show Details


Chemical Physics Letters, 1971 , vol. 10, p. 176 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 1977 , vol. 33, p. 453 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Journal of Chemical Physics, 1972 , vol. 56, p. 5358,5364 Full Text Show Details


Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1962 , vol. 35, p. 295 Full Text Show Details


Abd El-Halim et al.

Egyptian Journal of Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 19, p. 203 Full Text Show Details

562 l·mol-1cm-1

20 l·mol-1cm-1


Arshad et al.

Revue Roumaine de Chimie, 1970 , vol. 15, p. 1653,1656,1658,1660 Full Text Show Details

Maruyama; Otsuki

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1971 , vol. 44, p. 2873 Full Text Show Details

Band anisotropy


Molecular Physics, 1972 , vol. 24, p. 519 Full Text Show Details

Singlet-triplet band


Molecular Physics, 1972 , vol. 24, p. 519 Full Text Show Details

Absorption maxima

Hecker,E.; Meyer,E.

Chemische Berichte, 1964 , vol. 97, p. 1926 - 1939 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hunt et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] B: Physical Organic, 1967 , p. 791,795 Full Text Show Details



220 - 500 nm

Flaig; Salfeld

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1958 , vol. 618, p. 117,137 Full Text Show Details


Journal of the Chemical Society, 1945 , p. 490,492 Full Text Show Details

Absorption maxima


Flaig; Salfeld

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1958 , vol. 618, p. 117,137 Full Text Show Details

Absorption maxima


Flaig; Salfeld

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1958 , vol. 618, p. 117,137 Full Text Show Details

Absorption maxima


Flaig; Salfeld

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1958 , vol. 618, p. 117,137 Full Text Show Details

Absorption maxima


Flaig; Salfeld

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1958 , vol. 618, p. 117,137 Full Text Show Details



220 - 500 nm

Flaig et al.

Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, 1955 , vol. 10b, p. 668,669 Full Text Show Details

Hide facts Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Comment (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)



200 - 500 nm


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1949 , p. 258 Full Text Show Details



200 - 500 nm


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1949 , p. 258 Full Text Show Details



220 - 500 nm


Journal of the Chemical Society, 1945 , p. 490,492 Full Text Show Details


340 - 500 nm der Schmelze.

Hunter; Northey

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1933 , vol. 37, p. 875,877, 878 Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Lifschitz et al.

Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1924 , vol. 43, p. 274,413 Full Text Show Details


Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Stoechiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre, 1926 , vol. 122, p. 418 Full Text Show Details





Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Stoechiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre, 1926 , vol. 122, p. 418 Full Text Show Details


von dampffoermigem Toluchinon.


Journal of the Chemical Society, 1923 , vol. 123, p. 1847 Full Text Show Details

ESR Spectroscopy (4) Description (ESR Spectroscopy)


ENDOR (electron-nuclear double resonance)

Lichtenbelt; Wiersma

Chemical Physics, 1978 , vol. 34, p. 47 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

ESR-hyperfine coupling constants

Yoshida et al.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1972 , vol. 45, p. 3515,3516, 3518, 3519 Full Text Show Details

Warashina et al.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1975 , vol. 48, p. 636,637 Full Text Show Details


Yoshida et al.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1972 , vol. 45, p. 3515,3516, 3518, 3519 Full Text Show Details

Warashina et al.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1975 , vol. 48, p. 636,637 Full Text Show Details


Yoshida et al.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1972 , vol. 45, p. 3515,3516, 3518, 3519 Full Text Show Details

Raman Spectroscopy (2) Description (Raman Spectroscopy)

Comment (Raman Spectroscopy)



neat (no solvent, solid phase)

Clough, S.; Heidemann, A.; Lichtenbelt, J. H.; Paley, M. N. J.; Silbey, R.; et al.

Journal of Chemical Physics, 1984 , vol. 81, # 7 p. 2879 - 2883 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Rossetti, R.; Beck, S. M.; Brus, L. E.

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 87, # 16 p. 3058 - 3061 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Luminescence Spectroscopy (3) Description (Luminescence Spectroscopy)


Luminescence quenching

Al-Saigh, Hisham Y.; Kemp, Terence J.

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1984 , # 7 p. 2001 - 2046 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Luminescence lifetime

Ronfard-Haret, Jean-Claude; Bensasson, Rene V.; Amouyal, Edmond

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 1980 , vol. 76, p. 2432 - 2436 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Herre; Weis

Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 1973 , vol. 29, p. 203 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jayswal; Singh

Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 1965 , vol. 17, p. 6 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Phosphorescence Spectroscopy (3) Description (Phosphorescence Spectroscopy)

Comment (Phosphorescence Spectroscopy)


Triplet state quenching

Goerner, Helmut

Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2003 , vol. 107, # 51 p. 11587 - 11595 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Triplet state lifetime

solvent dependence. Object(s) of Study: dependence on excitation wavelength

Goerner, Helmut

Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2003 , vol. 107, # 51 p. 11587 - 11595 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Herre; Weis

Chemical Physics Letters, 1970 , vol. 7, p. 276 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Veenvliet; Wiersma

Chemical Physics, 1975 , vol. 8, p. 432 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Other Spectroscopic Methods (1) Description (Other Spectroscopic Methods)


Photoelectron spectrum

Dougherty,D. et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1978 , vol. 100, p. 5597 - 5603 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (73) 1 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Garnett, Inc.

Patent: US6340468 B1, 2002 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1972 , vol. 55, p. 32 - 37 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Weichert,J. et al.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1964 , vol. 29, p. 197 - 205 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Seiko Kagaku Kabushiki Kaisha

Patent: EP812816 A1, 1997 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Inouye,H.; Arai,T.

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1964 , vol. 12, p. 533 - 539 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yoshihira,K. et al.

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1968 , vol. 16, p. 2383 - 2389 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spinner,I.H. et al.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1963 , vol. 41, p. 483 - 494 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wilgus,H.S.; Gates,J.W.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1967 , vol. 45, p. 1975 - 1980 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Canadian Patents and Development Limited

Patent: US4158822 A1, 1979 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hecker,E.; Meyer,E.

Chemische Berichte, 1964 , vol. 97, p. 1926 - 1939 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sun Tech, Inc.

Patent: US4482756 A1, 1984 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Allen Jr.; Pidacks; Weiss

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1966 , vol. 88, # 11 p. 2536 - 2544 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bayer Aktiengesellschaft

Patent: US4621138 A1, 1986 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Evans,D.A. et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1973 , vol. 95/17, p. 5822 - 5823 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dougherty,D. et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1978 , vol. 100, p. 5597 - 5603 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Flaig,W. et al.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1968 , vol. 719, p. 96 - 111 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1971 , vol. 746, p. 200 - 206 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Baiocchi,F. et al.

J. Med. Chem., 1963 , vol. 6, p. 431 - 435 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mathur,R.K.; Rao,A.S.

Tetrahedron, 1967 , vol. 23, p. 1259 - 1265 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

McKillop,A. et al.

Tetrahedron, 1970 , vol. 26, p. 4031 - 4039 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

2 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Cranwell,P.A.; Haworth,R.D.

Tetrahedron, 1971 , vol. 27, p. 1831 - 1837 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Holmberg,K. et al.

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1974 , vol. 28, p. 913 - 921 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sharma,S.C.; Torssell,K.

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1978 , vol. 32, p. 347 - 353 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hoegberg,H.-E.; Komlos,P.

Acta Chemica Scandinavica, Series B: Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1979 , vol. 33, p. 271 - 276 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gripenberg,J.; Hase,T.

Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1947-1973), 1963 , vol. 17, p. 2250 - 2252 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schildknecht,H. et al.

Angewandte Chemie, 1963 , vol. 75, p. 762 - 771 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ichihara,A. et al.

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1978 , vol. 51, p. 826 - 829 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Merck and Co., Inc.

Patent: US4978679 A1, 1990 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: US5053053 A1, 1991 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Takeshita,H. et al.

Chemistry Letters, 1976 , p. 445 - 448 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Buchan,R.; Musgrave,O.C.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1975 , p. 2185 - 2189 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ansell,M.F.; Knights,B.A.

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1961 , p. 2903 - 2907 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cookson,R.C. et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1961 , p. 4499 - 4506 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Alberola,A. et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1962 , p. 3941 - 3945 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lindsey,A.S. et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1962 , p. 4558 - 4569 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Birch,A.J. et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1964 , p. 2932 - 2941 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Eastman Kodak Company

Patent: US5107003 A1, 1992 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bayer Aktiengesellschaft

Patent: US5138054 A1, 1992 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mandelbaum,A.; Cais,M.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1961 , vol. 26, p. 2633 - 2640 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Georgian,V.; Lepe M.,J.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1964 , vol. 29, p. 45 - 50 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

3 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Lau,P.T.S.; Gompf,T.E.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1970 , vol. 35, p. 4103 - 4108 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Balogh,V. et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1971 , vol. 36, # 10 p. 1339 - 1341 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Brown,E.R. et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1971 , vol. 36, # 19 p. 2849 - 2853 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Patent: US5180400 A1, 1993 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Horak,V.; Manning,W.B.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1979 , vol. 44, # 1 p. 120 - 123 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Betkerur,S.N.; Siddappa,S.

Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] C: Organic, 1967 , p. 296 - 298 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

da Silva Correa,C.M.M.; Waters,W.A.

Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] C: Organic, 1968 , p. 1874 - 1879 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yamada,Y.; Hosaka,K.

Synthesis, 1977 , p. 53 - 54 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Board of Supervisors of Louisiana State University; Agricultural and Mechanical College

Patent: US6653311 B1, 2003 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

General Electric Company

Patent: US6693221 B1, 2004 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

Patent: US6872857 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mahalingam, Rathinam Jothi; Ashtekar, Sunil; Thampi, Jegadeesh; Kumbhar, Pramod Shankar

Patent: US2005/137380 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2005/63664 A1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Thampi, Jegadeesh; Ashtekar, Sunil; Kumbhar, Pramod; Mahalingam, Rathinam Jothi

Patent: US2006/25634 A1, 2006 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2008/35078 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Graebe; Levy

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1894 , vol. 283, p. 265 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fieser; Hartwell

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1935 , vol. 57, p. 1479,1481 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lora-Tamayo et al.

Anales de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Fisica y Quimica, Serie B: Quimica, 1957 , vol. 53, p. 63,66 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fieser; Ardao

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1956 , vol. 78, p. 774,779 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

4 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



Chemische Berichte, 1877 , vol. 10, p. 1125 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Staudinger; Bereza

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1911 , vol. 380, p. 260 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Garner; Sugden

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1927 , p. 2881 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Smith et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1941 , vol. 63, p. 1018,1019 Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1942 , vol. 64, p. 447,448 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Stern et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1947 , vol. 69, p. 869,874 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Karrer; Dutta

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1948 , vol. 31, p. 2080,2086 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Svensk Kemisk Tidskrift, 1932 , vol. 44, p. 135,143, 147 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 1934 , vol. 143, p. 191,213 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Posternak et al.

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1956 , vol. 39, p. 1556,1562 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Henry; Smith

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1952 , vol. 74, p. 278 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Fizicheskaya, 1956 , vol. 20, p. 219,222; engl. Ausg. S. 201 Chem.Abstr., 1956 , p. 11742 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schmid; Czerny

Monatshefte fuer Chemie, 1952 , vol. 83, p. 31,34 Full Text Show Details


Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1955 , vol. 74, p. 737,743 Full Text Show Details

Flaig; Salfeld

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1958 , vol. 618, p. 117,137 Full Text Show Details


Gazzetta Chimica Italiana, 1936 , vol. 66, p. 215,220 Full Text Show Details

Guendel; Pummerer

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1937 , vol. 529, p. 11,27 Full Text Show Details

Fischer,O.; Hepp

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1890 , vol. 256, p. 252 Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1891 , vol. 262, p. 246 Full Text Show Details


Chemische Berichte, 1890 , vol. 23, p. 2796 Full Text Show Details

Cooper; Haines

Biochemical Journal, 1928 , vol. 22, p. 320 Full Text Show Details

Cooper; Nicholas

Journal of the Society of Chemical Industry, London, 1927 , vol. 46, p. 60 T Chem. Zentralbl., 1927 , vol. 98, # I p. 2203 Full Text Show Details


Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1958 , vol. 36, p. 1744 Full Text Show Details

5 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Goldschmidt; Schmid

Chemische Berichte, 1884 , vol. 17, p. 2067 Full Text Show Details


Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1908 , vol. 361, p. 391 Full Text Show Details

Anslow; Raistrick

Biochemical Journal, 1940 , vol. 34, p. 1124,1130 Full Text Show Details

Grinew et al.

Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1956 , vol. 11, # 2 p. 91,93 Chem.Abstr., 1956 , p. 16737 Full Text Show Details

Grinew et al.

Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1956 , vol. 11, # 2 p. S 91, 93 Chem.Abstr., 1956 , p. 16737 Full Text Show Details

Page; Robinson

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1943 , p. 133 Full Text Show Details

Moehlau; Redlich

Chemische Berichte, 1911 , vol. 44, p. 3615 Full Text Show Details

Wallenfels; Gellrich

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1959 , vol. 621, p. 149,158 Full Text Show Details

Beer et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1951 , p. 2029,2031 Full Text Show Details

Bayer and Co.

Patent: DE101607 ; Full Text Show Details


Chemische Berichte, 1927 , vol. 60, p. 2138 Full Text Show Details

Borsche; Mueller; Bodenstein

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1929 , vol. 475, p. 122 Full Text Show Details


Nature (London, United Kingdom), 1948 , vol. 162, p. 856 Chem.Abstr., 1949 , p. 6515 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fischer,E.; Schrader

Chemische Berichte, 1910 , vol. 43, p. 527 Full Text Show Details

Johnson; Jobling; Bodamer

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1941 , vol. 63, p. 134 Full Text Show Details


Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1955 , vol. 77, p. 4468 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Sarett et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1952 , vol. 74, p. 1393,1395 Full Text Show Details

Murakami; Senoh

Kagaku Kenkyusho Hokoku, 1953 , vol. 29, p. 533,538 Chem.Abstr., 1955 , p. 10249 Full Text Show Details

Graebe; Levy

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1894 , vol. 283, p. 246 Full Text Show Details

Noelting; Kohn

Chemische Berichte, 1884 , vol. 17, p. 363 Full Text Show Details

6 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Bridge; Morgan

American Chemical Journal, 1898 , vol. 20, p. 766 Full Text Show Details

Claus; Jackson

Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig), 1888 , vol. <2> 38, p. 328 Full Text Show Details

Claus; Krauss

Chemische Berichte, 1887 , vol. 20, p. 3089 Full Text Show Details

Kumagai; Wolffenstein

Chemische Berichte, 1908 , vol. 41, p. 298 Full Text Show Details


Chemische Berichte, 1877 , vol. 10, p. 1934,2005 Chemische Berichte, 1878 , vol. 11, p. 1103 Full Text Show Details


American Chemical Journal, 1892 , vol. 14, p. 571 Full Text Show Details


Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1897 , vol. 125, p. 872 Annales de Chimie (Cachan, France), 1900 , vol. <7> 21, p. 478 Full Text Show Details

Sabatier; Mailhe

Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, 1908 , vol. 146, p. 458 Annales de Chimie (Cachan, France), 1909 , vol. <8> 16, p. 88 Full Text Show Details

Canzoneri; Spica

Gazzetta Chimica Italiana, 1882 , vol. 12, p. 471 Full Text Show Details

Noelting; Baumann

Chemische Berichte, 1885 , vol. 18, p. 1152 Full Text Show Details


Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1882 , vol. 215, p. 155 Chemische Berichte, 1892 , vol. 25, p. 282,284 Full Text Show Details

Posner; Lipsky

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1904 , vol. 336, p. 163 Full Text Show Details

Fichter; Stocker

Chemische Berichte, 1914 , vol. 47, p. 2016 Full Text Show Details


Chem. Zentralbl., 1916 , vol. 87, # II p. 743 Full Text Show Details

Schmidlin; Wohl; Thommen

Chemische Berichte, 1910 , vol. 43, p. 1300 Full Text Show Details

Fichter; Ris

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1924 , vol. 7, p. 810

Full Text Show Details

Fichter; Rinderspacher

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1927 , vol. 10, p. 40 Full Text Show Details

Fichter; Meyer

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1925 , vol. 8, p. 79 Full Text Show Details

Swietoslawski; Starczewska

Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique, 1926 , vol. 23, p. 822 Full Text Show Details

Biilmann; Jensen; Pedersen

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1925 , vol. 127, p. 207 Full Text Show Details

7 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Goldschmidt; Strohmenger

Chemische Berichte, 1922 , vol. 55, p. 2465 Full Text Show Details


Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 1934 , vol. 143, p. 196,197 Chem. Zentralbl., 1934 , vol. 105, # I p. 3054 Full Text Show Details

Ramart-Lucas; Martynoff

Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1949 , p. 53,64 Full Text Show Details

Cason; Allen; Goodwin

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1948 , vol. 13, p. 403,406 Full Text Show Details

Sumerford; Dalton

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1944 , vol. 66, p. 1330 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hunter; Kvalnes

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1932 , vol. 54, p. 2869,2874 Full Text Show Details

Posternak et al.

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1948 , vol. 31, p. 525,535 Full Text Show Details

Luettringhaus; Gralheer

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1942 , vol. 550, p. 67,83 Full Text Show Details


Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1947 , vol. 69, p. 1057,1063 Full Text Show Details

Neunhoeffer; Pelz

Chemische Berichte, 1939 , vol. 72, p. 433,439 Full Text Show Details


Journal of the Chemical Society, 1930 , p. 2498,2500 Full Text Show Details

Fieser; Tishler; Wendler

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1940 , vol. 62, p. 2861,2865 Full Text Show Details


Gazzetta Chimica Italiana, 1952 , vol. 82, p. 155,162 Full Text Show Details


Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1954 , vol. 76, p. 6150,6155 Full Text Show Details

Chuang; Han

Chemische Berichte, 1935 , vol. 68, p. 876,881 Full Text Show Details

Tishler; Fieser; Wendler

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1940 , vol. 62, p. 2866,2868 Full Text Show Details

I. G. Farbenind.

Patent: DE521621 , 1927 ; Fortschr. Teerfarbenfabr. Verw. Industriezweige, vol. 17, p. 692 Full Text Show Details

Gen. Aniline Works

Patent: US1891168 , 1929 ; Full Text Show Details

I. G. Farbenind.

Patent: GB324661 , 1928 ; Full Text Show Details

Fieser; Chang

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1942 , vol. 64, p. 2043,2047 Full Text Show Details

8 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii, 1946 , vol. 16, p. 1053,1055 Chem.Abstr., 1947 , p. 2720 Full Text Show Details

Okahara; Murata

Nippon Kagaku Kaishi, 1942 , vol. 63, p. 1354,1360 Chem.Abstr., 1947 , p. 3088 Full Text Show Details

Bergmann; Bergmann

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1938 , vol. 3, p. 125,131 Full Text Show Details

Velsicol Corp.

Patent: US2584139 , 1947 ; Full Text Show Details

Hill; Adams

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1931 , vol. 53, p. 3453,3456 Full Text Show Details

Grinew; Terentjew

Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii, 1958 , vol. 28, p. 75,77 J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1958 , vol. 28, p. 77,78 Full Text Show Details

Ried; Schmidt

Chemische Berichte, 1957 , vol. 90, p. 2553,2556 Full Text Show Details


Gazzetta Chimica Italiana, 1947 , vol. 77, p. 252,254 Full Text Show Details


Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1947 , vol. 30, p. 578,584 Full Text Show Details


Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1934 , vol. 56, p. 670 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Burton; Praill

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1952 , p. 755,759 Full Text Show Details

Mackenzie; Winter

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1948 , vol. 44, p. 171,179 Full Text Show Details

Underwood; Walsh

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1936 , vol. 58, p. 646 Organic Syntheses, 1943 , vol. Coll. Vol. II, p. 553 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Teuber; Rau

Chemische Berichte, 1953 , vol. 86, p. 1036,1044 Full Text Show Details

Baxendale; Hardy

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1954 , vol. 50, p. 808,811 Full Text Show Details

Anliker et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1957 , vol. 79, p. 220,226 Full Text Show Details

Grinew; Terent'ew

Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, 1957 , vol. 12, # 6 p. 147,155 Chem.Abstr., 1959 , p. 3187 Full Text Show Details

Burton; Praill

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1952 , p. 2546 Full Text Show Details

Wessely; Sinwel

Monatshefte fuer Chemie, 1950 , vol. 81, p. 1055,1069 Full Text Show Details

Andrews et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1956 , p. 1844,1850 Full Text Show Details

9 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Lopez Aparicio; Waters

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1952 , p. 4666,4672 Full Text Show Details

Grdinic; Jugovic

Arhiv za Kemiju, 1951 , vol. 23, p. 73,75 Full Text Show Details

Robins; Walker

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1952 , p. 642,647 Full Text Show Details


Tetrahedron, 1958 , vol. 4, p. 17,22, 24 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lora-Tamayo et al.

Anales de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Fisica y Quimica, 1957 , vol. <B> 53, p. 63,68 Full Text Show Details

Hoffmann-La Roche

Patent: US2626960 , 1950 ; Full Text Show Details

Lora-Tamayo; Corral

Anales de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Fisica y Quimica, 1957 , vol. <B> 53, p. 45,50 Full Text Show Details


Monatshefte fuer Chemie, 1957 , vol. 88, p. 804,808 Full Text Show Details

Siegel; Antony

Monatshefte fuer Chemie, 1955 , vol. 86, p. 292,298 Full Text Show Details

Teuber; Jellinek

Chemische Berichte, 1952 , vol. 85, p. 95,100 Full Text Show Details

Koenig; Letsch

Chemische Berichte, 1959 , vol. 92, p. 1789,1797 Full Text Show Details

Metlesics et al.

Monatshefte fuer Chemie, 1957 , vol. 88, p. 1069,1075 Full Text Show Details


Chemische Berichte, 1895 , vol. 28, p. 248 Chemische Berichte, 1894 , vol. 27, p. 1348 Full Text Show Details

Henderson; Boyd

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1910 , vol. 97, p. 1661 Full Text Show Details

Chattaway; Parkes

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1925 , vol. 127, p. 1309 Full Text Show Details


Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii, 1943 , vol. 13, p. 797 Chem. Zentralbl., 1945 918 Full Text Show Details

Fichter; Mueller

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1935 , vol. 18, p. 831,833, 838 Full Text Show Details

Hunter; Northey

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1933 , vol. 37, p. 875,877, 878 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Thiele; Winter

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1900 , vol. 311, p. 355 Chem. Zentralbl., 1901 , vol. 72, # II p. 70 Full Text Show Details


Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1904 , vol. 334, p. 186 Full Text Show Details

10 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



Chemische Berichte, 1877 , vol. 10, p. 835 Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1882 , vol. 215, p. 160 Full Text Show Details

Posner; Lipsky

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1904 , vol. 336, p. 159 Full Text Show Details


Chem. Zentralbl., 1898 , vol. 69, # I p. 887 Full Text Show Details

Zincke; v. Hagen

Chemische Berichte, 1883 , vol. 16, p. 1559 Full Text Show Details

Baly; Stewart

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1906 , vol. 89, p. 508,620 Full Text Show Details


Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig), 1881 , vol. <2> 23, p. 423,425 Full Text Show Details


Chemische Berichte, 1887 , vol. 20, p. 2283 Full Text Show Details


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1894 , vol. <3> 11, p. 1130,1133 Annales de Chimie (Cachan, France), 1897 , vol. <7> 10, p. 55,56, 68 Full Text Show Details


Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1907 , vol. 357, p. 187 Full Text Show Details


Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1919 , vol. 418, p. 263 Full Text Show Details


Zeitschrift fuer Elektrochemie und Angewandte Physikalische Chemie, 1913 , vol. 19, p. 782

Full Text Show Details

Heilbron; Henderson

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1913 , vol. 103, p. 1407 Full Text Show Details

Suida,H.; Suida,W.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1918 , vol. 416, p. 160 Full Text Show Details

Lifschitz et al.

Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1924 , vol. 43, p. 274,413 Full Text Show Details


Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie, Stoechiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre, 1926 , vol. 122, p. 418 Full Text Show Details


Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig), 1921 , vol. <2> 101, p. 271 Full Text Show Details

Brass; Papp

Chemische Berichte, 1920 , vol. 53, p. 452 Full Text Show Details


Journal of the Chemical Society, 1923 , vol. 123, p. 1847 Full Text Show Details


Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, 1934 , vol. # 70, p. 326,328 Full Text Show Details

Leighton; Dresia

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1930 , vol. 52, p. 3556,3560 Full Text Show Details

11 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1940 , vol. 62, p. 1092 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1949 , p. 258 Full Text Show Details


Journal of the Chemical Society, 1945 , p. 490,492 Full Text Show Details


Anales de la Real Sociedad Espanola de Fisica y Quimica, 1934 , vol. 32, p. 345,365, 369 Full Text Show Details


Journal of the Chemical Society, 1937 , p. 1471 Full Text Show Details


Atti della Accademia delle Scienze di Torino, Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali, 1935 , vol. # 70, p. 326,328 Full Text Show Details


Gazzetta Chimica Italiana, 1934 , vol. 64, p. 346,347 Full Text Show Details

Yokoyama; Ishikawa

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1931 , vol. 6, p. 275,281 Full Text Show Details


Organic Syntheses, 1963 , vol. Coll. Vol. IV, p. 148,152 Note 13 Full Text Show Details

Smith; Irwin

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1941 , vol. 63, p. 1036,1040 Full Text Show Details

Neumann; Gould

Analytical Chemistry, 1953 , vol. 25, p. 751,755 Full Text Show Details

Bridges; Porter

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 1958 , vol. 244, p. 259,271 Full Text Show Details

Yates et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1956 , vol. 78, p. 650 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Zhurnal Fizicheskoi Khimii, 1952 , vol. 26, p. 822,832 Chem.Abstr., 1952 , p. 10961 Full Text Show Details

Flaig et al.

Zeitschrift fuer Naturforschung, 1955 , vol. 10b, p. 668,669 Full Text Show Details

Barlin; Riggs

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1954 , p. 3125,3127 Full Text Show Details

Flaig; Salfeld

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1959 , vol. 626, p. 215,217 Full Text Show Details

Brassard; L'Ecuyer

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1959 , vol. 37, p. 1505

Full Text Show Details


Journal of the Chemical Society, 1946 , p. 685 Full Text Show Details

Terent'ew; Grinew

Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii, 1954 , vol. 24, p. 1049,1054;engl.Ausg.S.1049,1052 Full Text Show Details

12 of 73

13 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Bielecki; Koleniew

Chem. Zentralbl., 1908 , vol. 79, # II p. 877 Full Text Show Details


Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1918 , vol. 416, p. 210 Full Text Show Details


Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1918 , vol. 416, p. 201 Full Text Show Details

Bamberger; Blangey

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1911 , vol. 384, p. 318 Anm. 2 Full Text Show Details

Fichter; Mueller

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1925 , vol. 8, p. 297 Full Text Show Details

Mc Pherson

American Chemical Journal, 1899 , vol. 22, p. 366 Full Text Show Details


Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1904 , vol. 336, p. 160 Full Text Show Details

Bamberger; Blangey

Chemische Berichte, 1903 , vol. 36, p. 1626 Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1911 , vol. 384, p. 317 Full Text Show Details

Bamberger; Blangey

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1911 , vol. 384, p. 291 Chemische Berichte, 1903 , vol. 36, p. 1627 Full Text Show Details

Stromberg; Reinus

Zhurnal Obshchei Khimii, 1946 , vol. 16, p. 1431,1437 Chem.Abstr., 1947 , p. 5479 Full Text Show Details

Blackhall; Thomson

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1953 , p. 1138,1141 Full Text Show Details

Agnello; Laubach

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1960 , vol. 82, p. 4293,4297 Full Text Show Details

McPherson; Gore

American Chemical Journal, 1901 , vol. 25, p. 492 Full Text Show Details

Borsche; Ockinga

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1905 , vol. 340, p. 105 Full Text Show Details

McPherson; Stratton

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1915 , vol. 37, p. 911 Full Text Show Details

Woroshzow; Mamaew

Sb. Statei Obshch. Khim., 1953 , p. 533,536 Chem.Abstr., 1959 , p. 925 Full Text Show Details

Petersen et al.

Angewandte Chemie, 1955 , vol. 67, p. 217,219 Full Text Show Details


Hoppe-Seyler's Zeitschrift fuer Physiologische Chemie, 1921 , vol. 117, p. 69,73 Full Text Show Details


Chemische Berichte, 1880 , vol. 13, p. 126 Full Text Show Details

Ettel; Semonsky

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1948 , vol. 13, p. 601,607 Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



Chemische Berichte, 1921 , vol. 54, p. 1288 Full Text Show Details

v. Hagen; Zincke

Chemische Berichte, 1883 , vol. 16, p. 1558,1559 Full Text Show Details

v. Hagen; Zincke

Chemische Berichte, 1883 , vol. 16, p. 1560 Full Text Show Details


Journal fuer Praktische Chemie (Leipzig), 1914 , vol. <2> 90, p. 479 Full Text Show Details

Becke; Suida; Suida

Patent: DE300706 ; Fortschr. Teerfarbenfabr. Verw. Industriezweige, vol. 13, p. 353 Full Text Show Details

Barton; Linnell; Senior

Quar. J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 1944 , vol. 17, p. 325,329 Full Text Show Details

Bentley; Dominguez

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1956 , vol. 21, p. 1348,1349, 1351 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Berger,S.; Rieker,A.

Tetrahedron, 1972 , vol. 28, p. 3123 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chen; Wentworth

Journal of Chemical Physics, 1975 , vol. 63, p. 3183,3189 Full Text Show Details

Dalton; Teitei

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Allen et al.

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Betkerur; Siddappa

Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] C: Organic, 1968 , p. 1795 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wilgus et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1964 , vol. 29, p. 594,597 Full Text Show Details

Beitz; Miller

Journal de Chimie Physique et de Physico-Chimie Biologique, 1979 , vol. 71, p. 4579 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1947-1973), 1966 , vol. 20, p. 657 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Birch et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1976 , p. 898,903 Full Text Show Details

O'Neill; Jenkins

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 1979 , vol. 75, p. 1912,1914 Full Text Show Details

Shannon et al.

Chemical Communications (London), 1966 , p. 478 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Foster; Hanson

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1966 , vol. 112, p. 482,484 Full Text Show Details

Aplin; Pike

Chemistry and Industry (London, United Kingdom), 1966 , p. 2009 Full Text Show Details

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Bioactivities present


Srivastava; Shukla

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical, 1977 , vol. 15, p. 603 Full Text Show Details

Wheeler et al.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1972 , p. 4635 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bowie; Blumenthal

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 29, p. 115 Full Text Show Details

Johnson et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1962 , vol. 84, p. 2181,2191 Full Text Show Details

Hansson; Stjernstroem

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Bowie et al.

Tetrahedron, 1966 , vol. 22, p. 1771,1772 Full Text Show Details


Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1964 , vol. 60, p. 479 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Alder et al.

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Foster; Hanson

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Organic Mass Spectrometry, 1977 , vol. 12, p. 631,633 Full Text Show Details

Bryce-Smith; Gilbert

Proceedings of the Chemical Society, London, 1964 , p. 87 Full Text Show Details

Rao; Hayon

Analytical Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 48, p. 564,565 Full Text Show Details

Klemm; Geiger

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1969 , vol. 726, p. 103 Full Text Show Details

Nilsson et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1973 , p. 2337,2338 Full Text Show Details

Schildknecht et al.

Z. Naturforsch., B: Anorg. Chem., Org. Chem., Biochem., Biophys.,, 1968 , vol. 23, p. 637 Full Text Show Details

Foster; Thomson

Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1963 , vol. 59, p. 296,298 Full Text Show Details

Herre; Weis

Chemical Physics Letters, 1970 , vol. 7, p. 276 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Norris; Sternhell

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1966 , vol. 19, p. 617,625 Full Text Show Details

Amonkar; Ghosh

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Bioactivities present


Kato; Mizushima; Kurata; Fujimaki

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1973 , vol. 37, # 11 p. 2677 - 2678 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hegedus et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1972 , vol. 94, p. 7155 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Analytical Chemistry, 1960 , vol. 32, p. 1171,1173 Full Text Show Details


Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1979 , p. 569 Full Text Show Details

Hunt et al.

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Wagner et al.

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Herre; Weis

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Trommsdorf et al.

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Veenvliet; Wiersma

Chemical Physics, 1975 , vol. 8, p. 432 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Elliot; Wan

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1978 , vol. 82, p. 444,447 Full Text Show Details

Kwong Chip; Grossert

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Hutchinson et al.

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Jacob 3rd.; Callery; Shulgin; Castagnoli Jr.

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16 of 73

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Bioactivities present


Stadnik et al.

J. Anal. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1977 , vol. 32, p. 1801,1426,1427, 1428 Full Text Show Details

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Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry and Interfacial Electrochemistry, 1968 , vol. 18, p. 159 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 1970 , vol. 34, p. 450,453 Full Text Show Details

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McKillop et al.

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Chemical Physics, 1978 , vol. 34, p. 47 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gonikberg et al.

Doklady Chemistry, 1969 , vol. 185, p. 276 Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR Ser. Khim., 1969 , vol. 185, p. 828 Full Text Show Details

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Jacobs et al.

Biochemistry, 1974 , vol. 13, p. 60,61,62,63 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 1976 , vol. 32, p. 1235,1237,1238 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present

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Patel; Willson

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 1973 , vol. 69, p. 814 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Chemical Physics Letters, 1971 , vol. 10, p. 176 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Potapov; Sorokin

High Energy Chemistry, 1971 , vol. 5, p. 435 p. 487 Full Text Show Details

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Chemical Physics Letters, 1975 , vol. 36, p. 457 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Spectrochimica Acta, Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 1977 , vol. 33, p. 453 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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McKillop; Ray

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Jayswal; Singh

Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy, 1965 , vol. 17, p. 6 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1975 , vol. 48, p. 636,637 Full Text Show Details

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Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1976 , vol. 50, p. 333 p. 563 Full Text Show Details

Vyas et al.

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Transactions of the Faraday Society, 1962 , vol. 58, p. 1656,1657 Full Text Show Details


Zeitschrift fuer Physikalische Chemie (Muenchen, Germany), 1964 , vol. 43, p. 154 Full Text Show Details

Schildknecht; Holoubek

Angewandte Chemie, 1961 , vol. 73, p. 1,5 Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present



Journal of the Chemical Society, 1962 , p. 4540,4543 Full Text Show Details


Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1962 , vol. 27, p. 2035,2048 Full Text Show Details


Analytical Chemistry, 1966 , vol. 38, p. 1188,1193 Chem.Abstr., 1961 , # 607 Full Text Show Details

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Journal of Applied Spectroscopy, 1973 , vol. 18, p. 332 p. 449 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


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Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1962 , vol. 35, p. 295 Full Text Show Details


Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1963 , vol. 36, p. 1053 Full Text Show Details


Journal of the Chemical Society, 1964 , p. 471,473, 475 Full Text Show Details

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Beg; Siddiqui

Tetrahedron, 1966 , vol. 22, p. 2203,2211 Full Text Show Details

Bowie et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] B: Physical Organic, 1966 , p. 335,336 Full Text Show Details

Turcsanyi; Tudos

Acta Chimica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae, 1965 , vol. 43, p. 63,65 Full Text Show Details

Schildknecht; Weis

Z. Naturforsch., B: Anorg. Chem., Org. Chem., Biochem., Biophys.,, 1960 , vol. 15, p. 757 Full Text Show Details

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Z. Naturforsch., B: Anorg. Chem., Org. Chem., Biochem., Biophys.,, 1961 , vol. 16, p. 810 Full Text Show Details

19 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Schildknecht; Weis

Z. Naturforsch., B: Anorg. Chem., Org. Chem., Biochem., Biophys.,, 1960 , vol. 15, p. 200 Full Text Show Details


Journal of Chromatography, 1959 , vol. 2, p. 649 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jones; Murrell

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Maruyama; Otsuki

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Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1964 , vol. 29, p. 51,56 Full Text Show Details

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Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1968 , vol. 41, p. 2118,2120 Full Text Show Details


Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1968 , vol. 33, # 10 p. 3878 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lau; Kestner

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1968 , vol. 33, # 12 p. 4426 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1947-1973), 1967 , vol. 21, p. 2807,2814 Full Text Show Details

Bothner-By; Moser

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 , vol. 90, p. 2347,2350 Full Text Show Details

Bruce et al.

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Roczniki Chemii, 1968 , vol. 42, p. 355 Full Text Show Details

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Journal of Organic Chemistry USSR (English Translation), 1989 , vol. 25, # 6.2 p. 1109 - 1121 Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1989 , vol. 25, # 6 p. 1231 - 1246 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Heterocycles, 1990 , vol. 30, # 1 p. 375 - 379 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Keum; Gregory; Bruice

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1990 , vol. 112, # 7 p. 2711 - 2715 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gready, Jill E.; Hata, Kazumi; Sternhell, Sever; Tansey, Charles W.

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 43, # 3 p. 593 - 600 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Okunowski, J. K.; Dam, H. E. van; Bekkum, H. van

Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1990 , vol. 109, # 2 p. 103 - 106 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Grieco, Paul A.; Nunes, Joseph J.; Gaul, Micheal D.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1990 , vol. 112, # 11 p. 4595 - 4596 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Tetrahedron, 1990 , vol. 46, # 9 p. 3199 - 3210 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioactivities present


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Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 28, p. 305 - 310 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Barton, Derek H. R.; Sas, Woijciech

Tetrahedron, 1990 , vol. 46, # 10 p. 3419 - 3430 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Khanna, R.N.; Singh, Prem Kumar

Synthetic Communications, 1990 , vol. 20, # 12 p. 1743 - 1749 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

O'Shea, Kevin E.; Fox, Marye Anne

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1991 , vol. 113, # 2 p. 611 - 615 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fukuhara, Tsuyoshi; Yoneda, Norihiko; Takamura, Kouki; Suzuki, Akira

Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 51, # 2 p. 299 - 304 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kajigaeshi, Shoji; Morikawa, Yukihiro; Fujisaki, Shizuo; Kakinami, Takaaki; Nishihira, Keigo

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1991 , vol. 64, # 1 p. 336 - 338 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Giannotti, C.; Mousset, G.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1980 , vol. 21, p. 2155 - 2158 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fischer, Alfred; Mathivanan, N.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1988 , vol. 29, # 16 p. 1869 - 1872 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Thompson, Malcolm J.; Zeegers, Petrus J.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1988 , vol. 29, # 20 p. 2471 - 2474 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Errazuriz, B.; Tapia, R.; Valderrama, J. A.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1985 , vol. 26, # 7 p. 819 - 822 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fischer, A.; Henderson, N.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1980 , vol. 21, p. 701 - 704 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Malesani, Giorgio; Galiano, Fabio; Ferlin, Maria Grazia; Masiero, Sergio

Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 1980 , vol. 17, p. 563 - 569 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Myers, John A.; Moore, Lloyd D.; Whitter, Willie L.; Council, Samuel L.; Waldo, Rosalyn M.; et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1980 , vol. 45, # 7 p. 1202 - 1206 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 1986 , vol. 23, p. 1267 - 1271 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Conway, Gregory A.; Loeffler, Larry J.

Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 20, p. 1315 - 1320 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hiranuma Hidetoshi; Miller, Sidney I.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 47, # 26 p. 5083 - 5088 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Minisci, Francesco; Citterio, Attilio; Vismara, Elena; Fontana, Francesca; Bernardinis, Silvia De; Correale, Mariano

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1989 , vol. 54, # 3 p. 728 - 731 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fischer, Alfred; Henderson, George N.

Synthesis, 1985 , # 6/7 p. 641 - 643 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ishii, Fumio; Kishi, Ken-ichi

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Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1981 , vol. 46, # 16 p. 3369 - 3370

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Bioactivities present


Fukuzumi, Shunichi; Nishizawa, Nobuaki; Tanaka, Toshio

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1984 , vol. 49, # 19 p. 3571 - 3578 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hiranuma, Hidetoshi; Miller, Sidney I.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 48, # 18 p. 3096 - 3102 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Takata, Toshikazu; Tajima, Rieko; Ando, Wataru

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 48, # 24 p. 4764 - 4766 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Aoyama, Yasuhiro; Asakawa, Masumi; Matsui, Yuichi; Ogoshi, Hisanobu

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1991 , vol. 113, # 16 p. 6233 - 6240 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hung, Shang-Cheng; Liao, Chun-Chen

Tetrahedron Letters, 1991 , vol. 32, # 32 p. 4011 - 4014 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schubert-Zsilavecz, Manfred; Likussar, Werner; Gusterhuber, Dagmar; Michelitsch, Astrid

Monatshefte fuer Chemie, 1991 , vol. 122, # 5 p. 383 - 387 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Uno, Hidemitsu; Shiraishi, Yasukazu; Matsushima, Yuji; Yayama, Ayumi; Suzuki, Hitomi

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1991 , vol. 64, # 3 p. 842 - 850 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Yogo; Ito; Furukawa

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 1991 , vol. 39, # 2 p. 328 - 334 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hanaya, Minoru; Iwaizumi, Masamoto

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 417, # 3 p. 407 - 420 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 30, # 5 p. 522 - 524 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Binstead, Robert A.; McGuire, Mark E.; Dovletoglou, Angelos; Seok, Won K.; Roecker, Lee E.; Meyer, Thomas J.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1992 , vol. 114, # 1 p. 173 - 186 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Komaguchi, Kenji; Hatsusegawa, Yasuhiro; Kitani, Akira; Sasaki, Kazuo

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1991 , vol. 64, # 9 p. 2686 - 2690 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kasa, S.; Maekelae, R.; Salo, E.; Hannonen, K.; Joela, H.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions, 1991 , vol. 87, # 19 p. 3163 - 3170 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nishina, Atsuyoshi; Uchibori, Tsuyoshi

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 55, # 9 p. 2395 - 2398 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

McKillop, Alexander; Tarbin, Jonathan A.

Tetrahedron, 1987 , vol. 43, # 8 p. 1753 - 1758 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nickel, Ulrich; Jaenicke, Walther

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2, 1980 , # 11 p. 1601 - 1605 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mehta; Murthy; Reddy

Tetrahedron Letters, 1987 , vol. 28, # 13 p. 1467 - 1468 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Barton, Derek H. R.; Bridon, Dominique; Zard, Samir Z.

Tetrahedron, 1987 , vol. 43, # 22 p. 5307 - 5314 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ashnagar, Alamdar; Bruce, J. Malcolm; Lloyd-Williams, Paul

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1988 , p. 559 - 562 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fukuzumi, Shunichi; Ishikawa, Masashi; Tanaka, Toshio

Tetrahedron, 1986 , vol. 42, # 4 p. 1021 - 1034 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Nallaiah, C.; Strickson, J. A.

Tetrahedron, 1986 , vol. 42, # 14 p. 4083 - 4088 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Baldwin, Jack E.; Norris, Robert K.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1981 , vol. 46, # 4 p. 697 - 703 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cossio, Fernando P.; Lopez, Concepcion M.; Palomo, Claudio

Tetrahedron, 1987 , vol. 43, # 17 p. 3963 - 3974 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bruce, Malcolm; Heatley, Frank; Ryles, Roderick G.; Scrivens, James H.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1980 , p. 860 - 866 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chudek, John A.; Foster, Roy; Reid, Francis J.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1984 , # 2 p. 287 - 292 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Thompson, Malcolm J.; Zeegers, Petrus J.

Tetrahedron, 1989 , vol. 45, # 1 p. 191 - 202 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chetcuti, Michael J.; Howard, Judith A. K.; Pfeffer, Michael; Spencer, John L.; Stone, F. Gordon A.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1981 , p. 276 - 283 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chetcuti, Michael J.; Herbert, Judith A.; Howard, Judith A. K.; Pfeffer, Michel; Spencer, John L.; et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Dalton Transactions: Inorganic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1981 , p. 284 - 291 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Lecea, B.; Aizpurua, J. M.; Palomo, C.

Tetrahedron, 1985 , vol. 41, # 20 p. 4657 - 4666 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ronfard-Haret, Jean-Claude; Bensasson, Rene V.; Amouyal, Edmond

Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physical Chemistry in Condensed Phases, 1980 , vol. 76, p. 2432 - 2436 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Veltwisch, Dieter; Asmus, Klaus-Dieter

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1982 , p. 1147 - 1152 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Shimizu, Masao; Orita, Hideo; Hayakawa, Takashi; Takehira, Katsuomi

Tetrahedron Letters, 1989 , vol. 30, # 4 p. 471 - 474 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kucklaender, Uwe; Toeberich, Hildegard

Chemische Berichte, 1981 , vol. 114, # 6 p. 2238 - 2244 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Aumueller, Alexander; Huenig, Siegfried

Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1986 , # 1 p. 165 - 176 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Aumueller, Alexander; Huenig, Siegfried

Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1986 , # 1 p. 142 - 164 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1985 , p. 371 - 378 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1981 , vol. 46, # 22 p. 4545 - 4551 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chowdhury, Swapan; Heinis, Thomas; Grimsrud, Eric P.; Kebarle, Paul

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1986 , vol. 90, # 12 p. 2747 - 2752 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Mataga, Noboru; Karen, Akiya; Okada, Tadashi

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1984 , # 17 p. 1138 - 1140 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of the Chemical Society - Faraday Transactions, 1998 , vol. 94, # 13 p. 1835 - 1840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Chemical Research in Toxicology, 1998 , vol. 11, # 6 p. 608 - 613 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Doklady Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 348, # 4-6 p. 149 - 152 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Roginsky, Vitaly A.; Pisarenko, Leonid M.; Bors, Wolf; Michel, Christa

Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2, 1999 , # 4 p. 871 - 876 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mahalingam, Rathinam J.; Selvam, Parsuraman

Chemistry Letters, 1999 , # 6 p. 455 - 456 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Schmid, Ralf; Goebel, Friederike; Warnecke, Andre; Labahn, Andreas

Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2, 1999 , # 6 p. 1199 - 1202 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 1999 , vol. 12, # 9 p. 688 - 694 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hong, Bor-Cherng; Sun, Hsu-I; Chen, Zhong-Yi

Chemical Communications, 1999 , # 20 p. 2125 - 2126 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2000 , vol. 467, # 1 p. 41 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, 2000 , # 4 p. 581 - 586 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Synthetic Communications, 2000 , vol. 30, # 15 p. 2713 - 2720 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Synthesis, 2000 , # 6 p. 831 - 837 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Tetrahedron Letters, 2000 , vol. 41, # 33 p. 6253 - 6257 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Roginsky, Vitaly; Barsukova, Tatyana

Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2, 2000 , # 7 p. 1575 - 1582 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, 2000 , vol. 32, # 11 p. 696 - 702 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioactivities present


Nair; Vinod

Synthesis, 2000 , # 12 p. 1713 - 1718 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nunes, Ruth Leandro; Bieber, Lothar Wilhelm

Tetrahedron Letters, 2001 , vol. 42, # 2 p. 219 - 221 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Krohn, Karsten; Vitz, Juergen

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2000 , vol. 342, # 8 p. 825 - 827 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Barun; Chakrabarti; Ila; Junjappa

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 66, # 12 p. 4457 - 4461 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ficht, Simon; Muelbaier, Marcel; Giannis, Athanassios

Tetrahedron, 2001 , vol. 57, # 23 p. 4863 - 4866 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Everett, Steven A.; Naylor, Matthew A.; Barraja, Paola; Swann, Elizabeth; Patel, Kantilal B.; Stratford, Michael R. L.; Hudnott, Anna R.; Vojnovic, Borivoj; Locke, Rosalind J.; Wardman, Peter; Moody, Christopher J.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2, 2001 , # 5 p. 843 - 860 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tohma, Hirofumi; Morioka, Hironori; Harayama, Yu; Hashizume, Miki; Kita, Yasuyuki

Tetrahedron Letters, 2001 , vol. 42, # 39 p. 6899 - 6902 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

D'Souza; Deviprasad

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 66, # 13 p. 4601 - 4609 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Eguchi, Tadashi; Kanai, Shinobu; Kakinuma, Katsumi; Okazaki, Tadayasu; Mizoue, Kazutoshi

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2000 , vol. 48, # 10 p. 1470 - 1473 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Del Corral; Gordaliza; Castro; Mahiques; Chamorro; Molinari; Garcia-Gravalo; Broughton; San Feliciano

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 44, # 8 p. 1257 - 1267 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Swann; Barraja; Oberlander; Gardipee; Hudnott; Beall; Moody

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2001 , vol. 44, # 20 p. 3311 - 3319 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Villemin, Didier; Hammadi, Mohamed; Hachemi, Messaoud

Synthetic Communications, 2002 , vol. 32, # 10 p. 1501 - 1515 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ling, Taotao; Poupon, Erwan; Rueden, Erik J.; Kim, Sun H.; Theodorakis, Emmanuel A.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2002 , vol. 124, # 41 p. 12261 - 12267 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Eipert, Martin; Maichle-Moessmer, Caecilia; Maier, Martin E.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 67, # 24 p. 8692 - 8695 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Singh, Vasundhara; Sapehiyia, Varinder; Kad, Goverdhan L.

Synthesis, 2003 , # 2 p. 198 - 200 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hashemi, Mohammed M.; Ahmadibeni, Yusef

Monatshefte fur Chemie, 2003 , vol. 134, # 3 p. 411 - 418 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Obushak; Martyak; Matiychuk

Polish Journal of Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 76, # 10 p. 1419 - 1424 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Saladino, Raffaele; Neri, Veronica; Mincione, Enrico; Filippone, Paolino

Tetrahedron, 2002 , vol. 58, # 42 p. 8493 - 8500 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yadav; Reddy; Kondaji

Synthesis, 2003 , # 7 p. 1100 - 1104 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Knoelker, Hans-Joachim; Reddy, Kethiri R.

Heterocycles, 2003 , vol. 60, # 5 p. 1049 - 1052 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Jenner, Gerard; Gacem, Badra

Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 16, # 5 p. 265 - 270 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yadav; Reddy; Swamy

Tetrahedron Letters, 2003 , vol. 44, # 26 p. 4861 - 4864 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Evans, David A.; Wu, Jimmy

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2003 , vol. 125, # 34 p. 10162 - 10163 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Allgeier, Daniel E.; Herbert, Sue Ann; Nee, Rory; Schlecht, Kenneth D.; Finley, K. Thomas

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 68, # 12 p. 4988 - 4990 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fukuzumi, Shunichi; Nishimine, Mari; Ohkubo, Kei; Tkachenko, Nikolai V.; Lemmetyinen, Helge

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2003 , vol. 107, # 45 p. 12511 - 12518 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yadav, J. S.; Reddy, B. V. S.; Swamy, T.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2003 , vol. 44, # 51 p. 9121 - 9124 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Gacem, Badra; Jenner, Gerard

Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry, 2004 , vol. 17, # 3 p. 221 - 225 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yadav; Reddy; Swamy

Synthesis, 2004 , # 1 p. 106 - 110 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Goerner, Helmut

Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2003 , vol. 107, # 51 p. 11587 - 11595 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kudryasheva; Vetrova; Kuznetsov; Kratasyuk; Stom

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2002 , vol. 53, # 2 p. 221 - 225 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nair, Vijay; Vinod, A. Unni; Abhilash; Menon, Rajeev S.; Santhi; Varma, R. Luxmi; Viji; Mathew, Saumini; Srinivas

Tetrahedron, 2003 , vol. 59, # 51 p. 10279 - 10286 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Goerner, Helmut

Photochemistry and Photobiology, 2003 , vol. 78, # 5 p. 440 - 448 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yadav; Reddy, B. V. Subba; Swamy; Rao, K. Raghavender

Tetrahedron Letters, 2004 , vol. 45, # 31 p. 6037 - 6039 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yadav; Reddy; Swamy; Ramireddy

Synthesis, 2004 , # 11 p. 1849 - 1853 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Niedermeyer, Timo H. J.; Mikolasch, Annett; Lalk, Michael

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 70, # 6 p. 2002 - 2008 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jenner, Gerard; Salem, Ridha Ben

New Journal of Chemistry, 2000 , vol. 24, # 4 p. 203 - 207 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hashemi, Mohammed M.; Karimi-Jaberi, Zahed; Eftekhari-Sis, Bagher

Journal of Chemical Research, 2005 , # 3 p. 160 - 161 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Silvero, Guadalupe; Arevalo, Maria Jose; Bravo, Jose Luis; Avalos, Martin; Jimenez, Jose Luis; Lopez, Ignacio

Tetrahedron, 2005 , vol. 61, # 30 p. 7105 - 7111 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dewkar, Gajanan K.; Shaikh, Tanveer M.; Pardhy; Kulkarni, Swati S.; Sudalai, Arumugam

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 44, # 7 p. 1530 - 1532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kim, MeeKyoung; Wiemer, David F.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2005 , vol. 46, # 44 p. 7583 - 7587 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Ganiev; Ganieva; Kabal'nova

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2004 , vol. 53, # 10 p. 2281 - 2284 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hashemi; Akhbari

Russian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 41, # 6 p. 935 - 936 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hong, Bor-Cherng; Chen, Zhong-Yi; Chen, Wei-Hung; Sun, Hsu-I.; Lee, Gene-Hsiang

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2005 , vol. 52, # 1 p. 181 - 200 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Khazaei, Ardeshir; Zolfigol, Mohammad Ali; Manesh, Abbas Amini

Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society, 2005 , vol. 52, # 3 p. 515 - 518 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhang, Hai-Bo; Liu, Li; Chen, Yong-Jun; Wang, Dong; Li, Chao-Jun

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2006 , vol. 348, # 1-2 p. 229 - 235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Niedbalski, Melinda; Bohnert, Gary; Bryant, Daniel

Synthetic Communications, 2006 , vol. 36, # 12 p. 1751 - 1759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chen, Chao; Xi, Chanjuan; Ai, Zhezhe; Hong, Xiaoyin

Organic Letters, 2006 , vol. 8, # 18 p. 4055 - 4058 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Algi, Fatih; Balci, Metin

Synthetic Communications, 2006 , vol. 36, # 16 p. 2293 - 2297 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Watanabe, Hiroto; Hiraoka, Ryota; Senna, Mamoru

Tetrahedron Letters, 2006 , vol. 47, # 26 p. 4481 - 4484 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Scheepers, Brent A.; Klein, Rosalyn; Davies-Coleman, Michael T.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2006 , vol. 47, # 47 p. 8243 - 8246 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhou, Guanglian; Zheng, Deping; Da, Shijun; Xie, Zhixiang; Li, Ying

Tetrahedron Letters, 2006 , vol. 47, # 20 p. 3349 - 3352 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bernardo, Paul H.; Chai, Christina L.L.; Guen, Maurice Le; Smith, Geoffrey D.; Waring, Paul

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2007 , vol. 17, # 1 p. 82 - 85 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Russian Journal of Applied Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 78, # 5 p. 758 - 764 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Environmental Science and Technology, 2007 , vol. 41, # 13 p. 4548 - 4554 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioactivities present


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Tetrahedron, 2010 , vol. 66, # 31 p. 5833 - 5840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Synlett, 2010 , # 15 p. 2352 - 2356 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 22, # 4 p. 2549 - 2553 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioactivities present


Miyamura, Hiroyuki; Maehata, Kanako; Kobayashi, Shu

Chemical Communications, 2010 , vol. 46, # 42 p. 8052 - 8054 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chen, Jinzhu; Vannucci, Aaron K.; Mebi, Charles A.; Okumura, Noriko; Borowski, Susan C.; Swenson, Matthew; Lockett, L. Tori; Evans, Dennis H.; Glass, Richard S.; Lichtenberger, Dennis L.

Organometallics, 2010 , vol. 29, # 21 p. 5330 - 5340 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Arumugam, Selvanathan; Popik, Vladimir V.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2010 , vol. 75, # 21 p. 7338 - 7346 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Neu, Heather M.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.; Nemykin, Victor N.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2010 , vol. 51, # 50 p. 6545 - 6548 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Amemiya, Takashi; Wang, Jichang

Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2010 , vol. 114, # 51 p. 13347 - 13352 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ray, Sutapa; Mal, Dipakranjan

Journal of the Indian Chemical Society, 2010 , vol. 87, # 7 p. 833 - 836 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2011 , vol. 115, # 4 p. 668 - 677 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Journal of Catalysis, 2011 , vol. 281, # 1 p. 76 - 87 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hu, Peng; Huang, Shijun; Xu, Jing; Shi, Zhang-Jie; Su, Weiping

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2011 , vol. 50, # 42 p. 9926 - 9930 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Murahashi, Shun-Ichi; Miyaguchi, Noriko; Noda, Shinji; Naota, Takeshi; Fujii, Akiko; Inubushi, Yasutaka; Komiya, Naruyoshi

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , # 27 p. 5355 - 5365 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Singh, Prabhpreet; Lamanna, Giuseppe; Menard-Moyon, Cecilia; Toma, Francesca Maria; Magnano, Elena; Bondino, Federica; Prato, Maurizio; Verma, Sandeep; Bianco, Alberto

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2011 , vol. 50, # 42 p. 9893 - 9897 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pourali, Ali Reza; Goli, Arezou

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2011 , vol. 123, # 1 p. 63 - 67 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Maggi, Raimondo; Piscopo, Calogero G.; Sartori, Giovanni; Storaro, Loretta; Moretti, Elisa

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 411-412, p. 146 - 152 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tchaikovskaya, Olga N.; Karetnikova, Elena A.; Sokolova, Irina V.; Mayer, Georgy V.; Shvornev, Dmitry A.

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2012 , vol. 228, # 1 p. 8 - 14 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Misevicien, Lina; Anusevicius, Zilvinas; Sarlauskas, Jonas; Sevrioukova, Irina F.; Cnas, Narimantas

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37 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioactivities present


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Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 22, # 15 p. 3971 - 3981 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bell, Jeffrey G.; Green, James R.; Wang, Jichang

Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2014 , vol. 118, # 42 p. 9795 - 9800 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Wang, Dawei; Ge, Bingyang; Ju, Anqi; Zhou, Yucheng; Xu, Chongying; Ding, Yuqiang

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 780, p. 30 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

El-Khouly, Mohamed E.; El-Kemary, Maged A.; Fukuzumi, Shunichi

Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 302, p. 11 - 16 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wang, Dawei; Ge, Bingyang; Du, Liyong; Miao, Hongyan; Ding, Yuqiang

Synlett, 2014 , vol. 25, # 20 art. no. ST-2014-W0606-L, p. 2895 - 2898 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioorganic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 59, p. 106 - 116 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Moon, Youngtaek; Jeong, Yujeong; Kook, Daehyuk; Hong, Sungwoo

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 13, # 13 p. 3918 - 3923 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Deng, Hong-Ping; Wang, Dong; Szab, Klmn J.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 80, # 6 p. 3343 - 3348 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 68, # 1 p. 165 - 169 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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39 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Molecules, 2015 , vol. 20, # 7 p. 12686 - 12697 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 36, # 1 p. 48 - 56 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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ACS Catalysis, 2015 , vol. 5, # 10 p. 5921 - 5926 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Welker, Andrea; York, Crystal

Synthesis (Germany), 2015 , vol. 47, # 20 art. no. SS-2015-M0265-OP, p. 3207 - 3211 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fukuda, Yudai; Sone, Takeki; Sakuraba, Haruhiko; Araki, Tomohiro; Ohshima, Toshihisa; Shibata, Takeshi; Yoneda, Kazunari

FEBS Journal, 2015 , vol. 282, # 20 p. 3918 - 3928 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Tetrahedron Letters, 2015 , vol. 56, # 44 p. 6038 - 6042 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Organic Letters, 2015 , vol. 17, # 20 p. 5120 - 5123 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Tetrahedron, 2014 , vol. 70, # 39 p. 6963 - 6973 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Modugu, Nagi Reddy; Vannada, Jagadeshwar; Mehta, Goverdhan

Tetrahedron Letters, 2015 , vol. 56, # 49 p. 6919 - 6922 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hailu, Solomon Legese; Nair, Balachandran Unni; Redi-Abshiro, Mesfin; Diaz, Isabel; Aravindhan, Rathinam; Tessema, Merid

Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2016 , vol. 37, # 1 p. 135 - 145 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Sagadevan, Arunachalam; Ragupathi, Ayyakkannu; Hwang, Kuo Chu

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2015 , vol. 54, # 47 p. 13896 - 13901 Angew. Chem., 2015 , vol. 127, # 47 p. 14102 - 14107,7 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yang, Wei; Wang, Jingyi; Wei, Zhonglin; Zhang, Qian; Xu, Xianxiu

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 81, # 4 p. 1675 - 1680 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zheng, Bin; Schmidt, Michael A.; Eastgate, Martin D.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 81, # 8 p. 3112 - 3118 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

NOVOZYMES, INC.; Quinlan, Jason; Xu, Feng; Sweeney, Matthew

Patent: US9273335 B2, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Tzouma, Eirini; Mavridis, Ioannis; Vidali, Veroniki P.; Pitsinos, Emmanuel N.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2016 , vol. 57, # 32 p. 3643 - 3647 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gelis, Coralie; Bekkaye, Mathieu; Lebée, Clément; Blanchard, Florent; Masson, Géraldine

Organic Letters, 2016 , vol. 18, # 14 p. 3422 - 3425 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cannatelli, Mark D.; Ragauskas, Arthur J.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2016 , vol. 57, # 33 p. 3749 - 3753 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Saad, Mohamed El Khames; Rabaaoui, Nejmeddine; Elaloui, Elimame; Moussaoui, Younes

Separation and Purification Technology, 2016 , vol. 171, p. 157 - 163 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dossin, Eric; Martin, Elyette; Diana, Pierrick; Castellon, Antonio; Monge, Aurelien; Pospisil, Pavel; Bentley, Mark; Guy, Philippe A.

Analytical Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 88, # 15 p. 7539 - 7547 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yoshida, Ryota; Isozaki, Katsuhiro; Yokoi, Tomoya; Yasuda, Nobuhiro; Sadakane, Koichiro; Iwamoto, Takahiro; Takaya, Hikaru; Nakamura, Masaharu

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 14, # 31 p. 7468 - 7479 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

40 of 73

41 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Lee, Sang Jae; Lee, In-Gyun; Lee, Ki-Young; Kim, Dong-Gyun; Eun, Hyun-Jong; Yoon, Hye-Jin; Chae, Susanna; Song, Sung-Hyun; Kang, Sa-Ouk; Seo, MinDuk; Kim, Hyoun Sook; Park, Sung Jean; Lee, Bong-Jin

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2016 , vol. 113, # 35 p. E5202 - E5211 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Moreira, Francisca C.; Boaventura, Rui A.R.; Brillas, Enric; Vilar, Vítor J.P.

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017 , vol. 202, p. 217 - 261 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Moreira, Francisca C.; Boaventura, Rui A.R.; Brillas, Enric; Vilar, Vítor J.P.

Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2017 , vol. 202, p. 217 - 261 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jardim, Guilherme A. M.; Bower, John F.; Da Silva Júnior, Eufrânio N.

Organic Letters, 2016 , vol. 18, # 18 p. 4454 - 4457 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Zhang, Yuhan; Guo, Yonghong; Li, Zhongle; Xie, Zhixiang

Organic Letters, 2016 , vol. 18, # 18 p. 4578 - 4581 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Joop, Gerrit; Vilcinskas, Andreas

Zoology, 2016 , vol. 119, # 4 p. 350 - 358 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Morillo-Garcia, Yenifer; Olivero-Verbel, Jesus; Caballero-Gallardo, Karina

Journal of Stored Products Research, 2016 , vol. 69, p. 272 - 275 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

McNeill, Kristopher; Canonica, Silvio

Environmental Science: Processes and Impacts, 2016 , vol. 18, # 11 p. 1381 - 1399 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Pushkarskaya, Eugenia; Wong, Brian; Han, Chong; Capomolla, Simona; Gu, Chunang; Stoltz, Brian M.; Zhang, Haiming

Tetrahedron Letters, 2016 , vol. 57, # 50 p. 5653 - 5657 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Nazareth, Taís M.; Sudatti, Daniela B.; Machado, Glauco

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2016 , vol. 42, # 10 p. 1047 - 1051 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Kelebekli, Latif; Kaplan, Dilek

Tetrahedron, 2017 , vol. 73, # 1 p. 8 - 13 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


NOVOZYMES, INC.; Quinlan, Jason; Xu, Feng; Sweeney, Matthew

Patent: US9273335 B2, 2016 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

42 of 73

43 of 73

44 of 73

45 of 73

46 of 73

47 of 73

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Fukuda, Yudai; Sone, Takeki; Sakuraba, Haruhiko; Araki, Tomohiro; Ohshima, Toshihisa; Shibata, Takeshi; Yoneda, Kazunari

FEBS Journal, 2015 , vol. 282, # 20 p. 3918 - 3928 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Bremer, Paul T.; Hixon, Mark S.; Janda, Kim D.

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2014 , vol. 22, # 15 p. 3971 - 3981 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Rocha, Daniele F.O.; Wouters, Felipe C.; Zampieri, Davila S.; Brocksom, Timothy J.; Machado, Glauco; Marsaioli, Anita J.

Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme activity; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

thioredoxin reductase of Entamoeba histolytica

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

DTNB; 0.3 mmol/l NADPH

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: spectrophotometric assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DTNB: 5-5'-dithio-nitrobenzoic acid; Kic related to: disulfide reductase activity

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

2.5 μmol/l


Arias, Diego G.; Regner, Erika L.; Iglesias, Alberto A.; Guerrero, Sergio A.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects, 2012 , vol. 1820, # 12 p. 1859 - 1866 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme activity; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

thioredoxin reductase of Entamoeba histolytica

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

DTNB; 0.3 mmol/l NADPH

Method (Pharmacological Data)

name of assay/method: spectrophotometric assay

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

DTNB: 5-5'-dithio-nitrobenzoic acid; Kiu related to: disulfide reductase activity

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

3.7 μmol/l


Arias, Diego G.; Regner, Erika L.; Iglesias, Alberto A.; Guerrero, Sergio A.

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - General Subjects, 2012 , vol. 1820, # 12 p. 1859 - 1866 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

recombinant apoptosis-inducing factor of mouse

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

catalytic constant (Kcat)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.041 1/s

48 of 73


Misevicien, Lina; Anusevicius, Zilvinas; Sarlauskas, Jonas; Sevrioukova, Irina F.; Cnas, Narimantas

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2011 , vol. 512, # 2 p. 183 - 189 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Propionibacterium acnes NCTC 737

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Example 3 - activity asainst P. acnes (other quinones)A series of quinones was tested with zinc pyrithione (ZP) in a similar manner to that described in Example 1. The MIC and MBC results are shown in Table 4 below and the (S)DDA results in Tables 5 (unsupplemented assays) and 6 (assays supplemented with salt and lipid). All results are collated from a number of experiments.For the (S)DDA experiments, 200 μg of each test compound was loaded onto each disc with the exception of 2-t-butyl-p-benzoquinone which was used at 50 μg per disc in unsupplemented and 100 μg per disc in supplemented assays. The test compounds were dissolved in DMSO, with the exception of /?-benzoquinone and thymoquinone which were dissolved in ethanol.Table 4 Table 5 (unsupplemented (S)DDAs)Table 6 (supplemented (S)DDAs) (SL-(S)DDA = (S)DDA carried out in the presence of salt and lipid)Again these data demonstrate a synergistic antimicrobial interaction when a quinone is combined with zinc pyrithione, there being a significant increase in zone diameter over that exhibited by either compound alone. This synergistic interaction is maintained in nearly all cases in the presence of salt and lipid; furthermore the activity of the quinones alone appears in all cases to be enhanced by the presence of the supplements. Indeed, in some cases, for example the combination of 2-methyl-/?hydroquinone or 2- ethyl-p-hydroquinone with zinc pyrithione, antimicrobial synergy appears to be far more marked under the supplemented conditions than the unsupplemented ones, indicating the potential value of such a combination in topical skin treatment formulations, in particular to treat acne.Example 5 - activity against Propionibacterium spp (copper pyrithione)Copper (II) pyrithione (CuP) was tested against P. acnes NCTC 737 with a number of quinones, using the same procedure as in Example 3. The MIC and MBC results are shown in Table 9 below and the (S)DDA results in Table 10. All results are collated from a number of experiments.For the (S)DDA experiments, 200 μg of each test compound was loaded onto each disc, with the exception of 2-t-butyl-p-benzoquinone which was used at 100 μg per disc. The TBHQ was dissolved in ethanol and the copper pyrithione, 2-methyl-p- benzoquinone and 2-chloro-p-benzoquinone in DMSO.Table 9 Table 10* Denotes data obtained in a separate series of experiments to those involving TBHQ and CuP.These data demonstrate a synergistic antimicrobial interaction when a quinone is combined with copper pyrithione, there being in nearly all cases a significant increase in zone diameter over that exhibited by either compound alone.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

15.6 μg/ml


MBC is 31.25 μg/ml, MIC/MBC is 0.5


Page/Page column 22-24; 28; 33-34



Patent: WO2008/35078 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

49 of 73

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Propionibacterium acnes NCTC 737

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Example 3 - activity asainst P. acnes (other quinones)A series of quinones was tested with zinc pyrithione (ZP) in a similar manner to that described in Example 1. The MIC and MBC results are shown in Table 4 below and the (S)DDA results in Tables 5 (unsupplemented assays) and 6 (assays supplemented with salt and lipid). All results are collated from a number of experiments.For the (S)DDA experiments, 200 μg of each test compound was loaded onto each disc with the exception of 2-t-butyl-p-benzoquinone which was used at 50 μg per disc in unsupplemented and 100 μg per disc in supplemented assays. The test compounds were dissolved in DMSO, with the exception of /?-benzoquinone and thymoquinone which were dissolved in ethanol.Table 4 Table 5 (unsupplemented (S)DDAs)Table 6 (supplemented (S)DDAs) (SL-(S)DDA = (S)DDA carried out in the presence of salt and lipid)Again these data demonstrate a synergistic antimicrobial interaction when a quinone is combined with zinc pyrithione, there being a significant increase in zone diameter over that exhibited by either compound alone. This synergistic interaction is maintained in nearly all cases in the presence of salt and lipid; furthermore the activity of the quinones alone appears in all cases to be enhanced by the presence of the supplements. Indeed, in some cases, for example the combination of 2-methyl-/?hydroquinone or 2- ethyl-p-hydroquinone with zinc pyrithione, antimicrobial synergy appears to be far more marked under the supplemented conditions than the unsupplemented ones, indicating the potential value of such a combination in topical skin treatment formulations, in particular to treat acne.Example 5 - activity against Propionibacterium spp (copper pyrithione)Copper (II) pyrithione (CuP) was tested against P. acnes NCTC 737 with a number of quinones, using the same procedure as in Example 3. The MIC and MBC results are shown in Table 9 below and the (S)DDA results in Table 10. All results are collated from a number of experiments.For the (S)DDA experiments, 200 μg of each test compound was loaded onto each disc, with the exception of 2-t-butyl-p-benzoquinone which was used at 100 μg per disc. The TBHQ was dissolved in ethanol and the copper pyrithione, 2-methyl-p- benzoquinone and 2-chloro-p-benzoquinone in DMSO.Table 9 Table 10* Denotes data obtained in a separate series of experiments to those involving TBHQ and CuP.These data demonstrate a synergistic antimicrobial interaction when a quinone is combined with copper pyrithione, there being in nearly all cases a significant increase in zone diameter over that exhibited by either compound alone.


unsupplemented disc diffusion assay value is 34.50 mm, 39.90 mm, supplemented (Triolein at 1percent v/v, sodium chloride, 100 mM) disc diffusion assay value is 44.99 mm


Page/Page column 22-25; 28-30; 33-34



Patent: WO2008/35078 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

hepatocytes of Sprague-Dawley rat



Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells incubated with title comp. for up to 3 h at 37 deg C under atmosphere of 95percent O2 and 5percent CO2; cell viability detd. trypan blue exclusion test

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: untreated cells; LC50: conc. of title comp. required to cause 50percent decrease in cell viability in 2 h

51 of 73

52 of 73

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

46 μmol/l


Chan, Katie; Jensen, Neil; O'Brien, Peter J.

Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2008 , vol. 28, # 5 p. 608 - 620 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

hepatocytes of human



Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells incubated with title comp. for up to 3 h at 37 deg C; MTT added; incubated for another 3 h; absorbance of MTT formazan was measured at 572 nm and 690 nm; cytotoxicity determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: untreated cells; LC50: conc. of title comp. required to cause 50percent decrease in cell viability in 2 h

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

117 μmol/l


Chan, Katie; Jensen, Neil; O'Brien, Peter J.

Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2008 , vol. 28, # 5 p. 608 - 620 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Propionibacterium acnes NCTC 737

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Test micro-organismsThe principal test micro-organism used was Propionibacterium acnes NCTC 737. Other propionibacterial strains, including some P. granulosum strains and including some having antibiotic resistance, were also used as test organisms in Example 4.Propionibacteria are known to be involved in acne, which is a complex, multi-factorial skin disease in which P. acnes and other Propionibacterium spp. play key roles. Activity observed against the chosen test organisms is therefore expected to be a reasonable qualitative predictor of activity against micro-organisms responsible for skin and skin structure infections, in particular acne.All the propionibacteria were cultured and maintained on Wilkins-Chalgren Anaerobe Medium (agar and broth) at pH 6.0; all cultures were incubated anaerobically at 37 °C for 72 hours. Also tested was Porphyromonas gingivalis NCTC 11834 - this is a black pigmented gram-negative anaerobic bacterium belonging to the genus Porphyromonas. Porphyromonas are a human commensal bacterium, predominantly associated with the oral cavity. Clinically, Por. gingivalis is associated with periodontal lesions, infections and adult periodontal disease. Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums that causes bleeding and exposes the base of the teeth) can be a precursor to periodontal disease by allowing Por. gingivalis to infect the areas near the roots of the teeth and thus cause tooth decay and infection.Activity observed against this micro-organism is expected to be a reasonable qualitative predictor of antimicrobial activity, in particular against micro-organisms responsible for periodontal lesions, infections, and periodontal disease.Por. gingivalis was cultured and maintained on Wilkins-Chalgren Anaerobe Medium (agar and broth) at pH 7.0; all cultures were incubated anaerobically at 37 0C for 5-7 days.The following tests were carried out to assess antimicrobial activity against the test organisms. (d) Disc diffusion assay (DDA)This is an internationally recognised standard method for qualitatively assessing the antimicrobial activity of a compound.A sterile paper disc was impregnated with a sample of the test compound in a suitable solvent and 30 minutes allowed for the solvents to evaporate (where possible). The disc was then placed on an agar plate onto which the test micro-organism had been inoculated. The plate was then incubated under the conditions described above, following which it was examined visually for signs of microbial growth. If the test compound had antimicrobial activity, a circular zone of no growth would be obtained around the disc. The diameter of this zone of "inhibition" was measured using a ProtoCOL.(TM). automated zone sizer (Synbiosis, Cambridge, UK). In general, a greater diameter and/or area of the zone of inhibition indicates a greater antimicrobial activity in the relevant test compound, although other factors such as test compound mobility through the agar gel may also influence the result.


The diameter of zone of inhibition = 39.90 mm


Page/Page column 27-28; 30; 34-35



Patent: WO2008/35085 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

53 of 73

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, Formosan subterranean termite

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered via filter paper disk treated with solution of title comp. in acetone (1percent wt/wt) after evaporation of solvent

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

filter paper disk assay; results obtained at days 3-21 of treatment

Type (Pharmacological Data)

percent mortality

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.7 - 20 percent


Mozaina, Kobaisy; Cantrell, Charles L.; Mims, Amelia B.; Lax, Alan R.; Tellez, Maria R.; Osbrink, Weste L. A.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 56, # 11 p. 4021 - 4026

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

54 of 73

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Propionibacterium acnes NCTC 737

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Example 8 - activity against P. acnes (other quinones)A number of different quinones was tested with both copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate (CSPH) and copper (II) silicate (CSL) against P. acnes NCTC 737 using (S)DDA tests as described in Example 1.For the (S)DDA experiments, 200 μg of each test compound was loaded onto each disc, with the exception of copper (II) silicate (62 μg/disc) and 2-t-butyl-l,4- benzoquinone (100 μg/disc). The quinones were dissolved in DMSO and the copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate in deionised water, whilst the copper (II) silicate was used as a 0.62 percent (w/w) solution in water.All the quinones were sourced from Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK with the exception of 2-t-butyl-l,4-benzoquinone (Sigma- Aldrich) and 2-ethyl-p-hydroquinone (Apin Chemicals Ltd, UK).The DDA results are shown in Table 13 below and the SDDA results in Tables 14 and 15 (unsupplemented assays) and 16 and 17 (supplemented assays).Table 13 f-lpercent(v/v) trioleinTable 14Table 15Table 16 (SL SDDA = SDDA with salt and lipid (1percent (v/v) triolein) supplements)Table 17(SL SDDA = SDDA with salt and lipid (1percent (v/v) triolein) supplements)These data demonstrate synergistic antimicrobial activity against P. acnes NCTC 737 for a range of different benzo- and hydroquinones with copper salts. On the whole these synergies are retained under the supplemented conditions.


title compound demonstrated an antimicrobial activity with zone of diameter of 33.74 mm (DDA) and 35.18 mm (DDA + salt and lipid)


Page/Page column 47-49



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

55 of 73

56 of 73

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

metabolism; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

pig heart cytosol

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. was dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide

Method (Pharmacological Data)

test system incubated with 0.5 mmol/l all-trans retinal, NADPH-generating system, sodium potassium phosphate buffer and title comp. at 37 deg C for 10 min; centrifuged; concentration of all-trans retinol determined by HPLC


title comp. inhibited reduction of all-trans retinal to all-trans retinol; fig.


Shimada, Hideaki; Hirashima, Takaomi; Imamura, Yorishige

European Journal of Pharmacology, 2006 , vol. 540, # 1-3 p. 46 - 52 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

toxic to aquatic plants

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

T. isochrysis galbana

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Culture was allowed to grow under continuous fluorescent light following the exposure treatments; chlorophyll fluorescence determination. In-vivo fluorimetry with the Hitachi F4500 recording the emission spectra from 600-720 nm. End-points for compound toxicity include cell motility, inhibition of cell division, inhibition of chlorophyll synthesis and chloroplate bleaching

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

500 ppb




Page column 10-12

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

potential area of application: agro


Garnett, Inc.

Patent: US6340468 B1, 2002 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

57 of 73

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

mutagenic (microorganism)

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Escherichia coli IC206

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

40 μg/plate

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in DMSO; diluted with water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; plate incorporation assay; Difco agar; minimal ET4 plates; 37 deg C; 2 d; number of revertants per plates counted

58 of 73

59 of 73

60 of 73

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mutY WP2 uvrA/pKM101 bacterial strain

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Martinez, Alicia; Urios, Amparo; Blanco, Manuel

Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2000 , vol. 467, # 1 p. 41 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

mutagenic (microorganism)

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Escherichia coli IC208

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

40 μg/plate

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in DMSO; diluted with water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; plate incorporation assay; Difco agar; minimal ET4 plates; 37 deg C; 2 d; number of revertants per plates counted

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mutY oxyR WP2 uvrA/pKM101 bacterial strain

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Martinez, Alicia; Urios, Amparo; Blanco, Manuel

Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2000 , vol. 467, # 1 p. 41 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

mutagenic (microorganism)

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Escherichia coli IC204

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

40 μg/plate

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in DMSO; diluted with water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; plate incorporation assay; Difco agar; minimal ET4 plates; 37 deg C; 2 d; number of revertants per plates counted

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

mut+ WP2 uvrA/pKM101 bacterial strain

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Martinez, Alicia; Urios, Amparo; Blanco, Manuel

Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2000 , vol. 467, # 1 p. 41 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Escherichia coli IC203

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

50 μg/disc

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

paper discs (6 mm in diameter) impregnated with title comp. dissolved in DMSO and diluted with water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; LA plates; paper discs impregnated with title comp. placed on solidified top agar; in the pres. and abs. of S9 mix; inhibition zone determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

WP2 uvrA/pKM101 bacterial strain deficient in OxyR


diameter of inhibition zone 12-16 mm; cytotoxicity of title comp. weakly inhibited by S9


Martinez, Alicia; Urios, Amparo; Blanco, Manuel

Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2000 , vol. 467, # 1 p. 41 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

61 of 73

62 of 73

63 of 73

64 of 73

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Endpoint of Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Escherichia coli IC188

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

50 μg/disc

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

paper discs (6 mm in diameter) impregnated with title comp. dissolved in DMSO and diluted with water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; LA plates; paper discs impregnated with title comp. placed on solidified top agar; incubated overnight; diameter of inhibition zone determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

parent WP2 uvrA/pKM101 bacterial strain


diameter of inhibition zone 8 mm


Martinez, Alicia; Urios, Amparo; Blanco, Manuel

Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2000 , vol. 467, # 1 p. 41 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

mutagenic (microorganism)

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Escherichia coli IC203

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

20 - 40 μg/plate

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in DMSO; diluted with water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; plate incorporation assay; Difco agar; minimal ET4 plates; 37 deg C; 2 d; with and without metabolic activation with rat S9 mix; number of revertants per plates counted

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

WP2 uvrA/pKM101 bacterial strain deficient in OxyR


oxidative mutagenesis both in the pres. and abs. of S9 mix


Martinez, Alicia; Urios, Amparo; Blanco, Manuel

Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2000 , vol. 467, # 1 p. 41 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

mutagenic (microorganism)

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Escherichia coli IC188

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

20 - 40 μg/plate

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in DMSO; diluted with water

Method (Pharmacological Data)

in vitro; plate incorporation assay; Difco agar; minimal ET4 plates; 37 deg C; 2 d; number of revertants per plates counted

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

parent WP2 uvrA/pKM101 bacterial strain

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

No effect


Martinez, Alicia; Urios, Amparo; Blanco, Manuel

Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2000 , vol. 467, # 1 p. 41 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; examination of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 - 100 μmol/l


Incubation mixture contained: purified reductase (from liver microsomes of phenobarbital-treated rats), the title comp., complete medium, and Hepes (pH 7.4); quinone

65 of 73

66 of 73

67 of 73

68 of 73

69 of 73

(Pharmacological Data)

reductase activity estimated as quinone-dependent NADPH oxidation (340 nm); 25 deg C

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

complete medium: L-<2,3-3H>arginine, L-arginine, NADPH, (6R)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-L-biopterin, CaCl2, calmodulin; Hepes=4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethane-sulfonic acid; specific activity of P450 reductase was 34.53 U/mg

Type (Pharmacological Data)

reductase activity

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

4.35 μmol/mg/min


Kumagai, Yoshito; Nakajima, Hiromi; Midorikawa, Kazumi; Homma-Takeda, Shino; Shimojo, Nobuhiro

Chemical Research in Toxicology, 1998 , vol. 11, # 6 p. 608 - 613 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; examination of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

neuronal nitric oxide synthase nNOS from Wistar rat



Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

10 - 100 μmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Incubation mixture contained: purified nNOS (from cerebellum), the title comp., complete medium, and Hepes (pH 7.4); quinone reductase activity was estimated as quinonedependent NADPH oxidation (measurements at 340 nm); 25 deg C

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

complete medium: L-<2,3-3H>arginine, L-arginine, NADPH, (6R)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-L-biopterin, CaCl2, calmodulin; Hepes=4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethane-sulfonic acid; specific activity of nNOS was 364 nmol of L-citrulline formed/mg/min

Type (Pharmacological Data)

reductase activity

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0 μmol/mg/min


Kumagai, Yoshito; Nakajima, Hiromi; Midorikawa, Kazumi; Homma-Takeda, Shino; Shimojo, Nobuhiro

Chemical Research in Toxicology, 1998 , vol. 11, # 6 p. 608 - 613 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

enzyme; inhib. of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Wistar rat



Method (Pharmacological Data)

Rat (5 weeks) cerebellum homogenized and centrifuged at 20000g for 1 h; supernatants containing nNOS incubated with the title comp. in DMSO and complete medium at 37 deg C for 10 min in Hepes; pH 7.4; formation of <3H>citrulline was determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

nNOS=neuronal nitric oxide synthase; complete medium: L-<2,3-3H>arginine, L-arginine, NADPH, (6R)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-L-biopterin, CaCl2, calmodulin; Hepes=4-(2hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethane-sulfonic acid; citrulline: the coproduct of NO biosynthesis

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

63.8 μmol/l


Kumagai, Yoshito; Nakajima, Hiromi; Midorikawa, Kazumi; Homma-Takeda, Shino; Shimojo, Nobuhiro

Chemical Research in Toxicology, 1998 , vol. 11, # 6 p. 608 - 613 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

inhibition of yeast acetolactate synthase, IC50: 12.8 μM


Haraguchi, Hiroyuki; Yamano, Kaori; Kusunoki, Naoko; Fukuda, Ayumi

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 1997 , vol. 45, # 7 p. 2784 - 2787 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

cytotoxicity against human chronic leukemia K562 cells, IC50=2.75 μM (in vitro); DNA interstrand cross-linking in plasmid DNA.


Mayalarp, Stephen P.; Hargreaves, Rob H. J.; Butler, John; Caroline O'Hare; Hartley, John A.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 39, # 2 p. 531 - 537 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

slight inhibitory activity against porcine lens aldose reductase and no activity against porcine kidney aldehyde reductase; effect on bovine liver mitochondrial NADH oxidase


Haraguchi, Hiroyuki; Ohmi, Isao; Kubo, Isao

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 4, # 1 p. 49 - 53 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

70 of 73

71 of 73

72 of 73

73 of 73

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

toxicity, acute

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

mitochondria from liver of Sprague-Dawley rats



Method (Pharmacological Data)

liver mitochondria fractions were isolated from 225- to 250-g rats from Dominion Laboratories; the average protein concentration of the isolated mitochondria fractions was 25 mg/ml

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

all assays using an individual mitochondrial fraction were completed on the day of isolation; rates of states 3 and 4 respiration were determined

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

23 μM


simultaneous decline of state 3 and 4 respiration upon exposure to increasing concentration of quinone indicates electron-transport inhibition as the mechanism of mitochondria toxicity


Bramble; Boardman; Bevan; Dietrich

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 1994 , vol. 13, # 2 p. 307 - 316 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

microsomal oxygen consumption rates

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

microsomal fractions from liver of Sprague-Dawley rats



Method (Pharmacological Data)

liver microsomal fractions were isolated from 225- to 250-g rats from Dominion Laboratories; the average protein concentration of the isolated microsomal fractions was 27 mg/ml

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

immediately before use, frozen microsomez were thawed in iced water and quickly placed on ice; one batch was used within 2 h of thawing


the ability to stimulate microsomal oxygen uptake reflects their capability to redox cycle and form reactive oxygen species


Bramble; Boardman; Bevan; Dietrich

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 1994 , vol. 13, # 2 p. 307 - 316 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

antibacterial activity against S. aureus (MIC=200 ppm), B. subtilis (MIC=200 ppm), S. lutea (MIC=200 ppm), E. coli (MIC=200 ppm), S. typhi (MIC=400 ppm), P. aeruginosa (MIC=800 ppm)


Nishina, Atsuyoshi; Uchibori, Tsuyoshi

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 55, # 9 p. 2395 - 2398 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

antifungal activity against Candida albicans (MIC=400 ppm), Saccharomyces cerevisiae (MIC=50 ppm), Trichophyton interdigitale (MIC=25 ppm), Microsporium gypseum (MIC=10 ppm), Penicillum chrysogenum (MIC=800 ppm), Aspergillus niger (MIC > 800 ppm)


Nishina, Atsuyoshi; Uchibori, Tsuyoshi

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1991 , vol. 55, # 9 p. 2395 - 2398 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ecotoxicology (7) 1 of 7

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

pheromone activity

Species or Test-System (Ecotoxicology)

Tribolium confusum (du Val), flour beetle


male and female

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

1 - 1E4 ng

Kind of Dosing (Ecotoxicology)

title comp. dissolved in methanol

Method (Ecotoxicology)

species transferred in vials and placed in the center of olfactometer; then allowed to respond to title comp. released from glass capillary for 5 min; 22.5 deg C, 60percent relative humidity; species collec. upwind from release point counted as responding

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

control: methanol; active control: 1 μg of title comp.


title comp. attracted both sexes compared to methanol; no difference in behavior between male and female in response to title comp.; fig.


Verheggen; Ryne; Olsson; Arnaud; Lognay; Hoegberg; Persson; Haubruge; Loefstedt

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2007 , vol. 33, # 3 p. 525 - 539 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

2 of 7

3 of 7

4 of 7

5 of 7

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

electrophysiology; effect on

Species or Test-System (Ecotoxicology)

antenna of Tribolium confusum (du Val), flour beetle


male and female

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

1 - 1E6 ng

Kind of Dosing (Ecotoxicology)

title comp. impregnated in a piece of 0.5-cm2 filter paper

Method (Ecotoxicology)

insect antenna mounted between 2 glass electrodes; exposed to title comp. puff by means of a stimulus controller; EAG responses recorded

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

control: n-hexane; active control: 10 μg of title comp.; EAG: electroantennography


title comp. elicited higher EAG response than the control; males were more sensitive than females; fig.


Verheggen; Ryne; Olsson; Arnaud; Lognay; Hoegberg; Persson; Haubruge; Loefstedt

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2007 , vol. 33, # 3 p. 525 - 539 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

bioluminescence; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Ecotoxicology)

Photobacterium phosphoreum

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

<= 0.0001 mol/l

Method (Ecotoxicology)

assays were performed in 3 percent NaCl; measurements were performed using bioluminometer; inhibition constants calc.

Type (Ecotoxicology)

inhibition constant

Value of Type (Ecotoxicology)

280E4 l/mol


Kudryasheva; Vetrova; Kuznetsov; Kratasyuk; Stom

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2002 , vol. 53, # 2 p. 221 - 225 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

bioluminescence; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Ecotoxicology)

Photobacterium leiognathi NADH:FMN-oxidoreductase/luciferase

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

<= 0.0001 mol/l

Method (Ecotoxicology)

assays were performed in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 6.8); measurements were performed using bioluminometer; room temp.

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

enzyme system immobilized in starch gel; 0.1 mg/ml enzymes, 5E-4 mol/l FMN, 5E-4 mol/l NADH, 0.002 percent tetradecanal; inhib. const. K from I/I(max)=e-KC (I=luminesc. intensity, I(max): uninhibited; C: conc. title comp.)

Type (Ecotoxicology)

inhibition constant

Value of Type (Ecotoxicology)

150E4 l/mol


Kudryasheva; Vetrova; Kuznetsov; Kratasyuk; Stom

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2002 , vol. 53, # 2 p. 221 - 225 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

bioluminescence; inhibition of

Species or Test-System (Ecotoxicology)

Photobacterium leiognathi NADH:FMN-oxidoreductase/luciferase

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

<= 0.0001 mol/l

Method (Ecotoxicology)

assays were performed in 0.1 M phosphate buffer (pH 6.8); measurements were performed using bioluminometer; room temp.

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

water-soluble coupled enzyme system; 0.1 mg/ml enzymes, 5E-4 mol/l FMN, 5E-4 mol/l NADH, 0.002 percent tetradecanal; inhib. const. K from I/I(max)=e-KC (I=luminesc. intensity, I(max): uninhibited; C: conc. title comp.)

Type (Ecotoxicology)

inhibition constant

Value of Type (Ecotoxicology)

340E4 l/mol


Kudryasheva; Vetrova; Kuznetsov; Kratasyuk; Stom

Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2002 , vol. 53, # 2 p. 221 - 225 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

6 of 7

7 of 7

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

toxicity to aquatic invertebrates

Endpoint of Effect (Ecotoxicology)

population density

Species or Test-System (Ecotoxicology)

Tetrahymena pyriformis

Exposure Period (Ecotoxicology)

40 h

Method (Ecotoxicology)

static population growth assay; six to eight different concentrations; two controls: no test material but had been inoculated with T. pyriformis strain GL-C; blank (neither test material nor Tetrahymena); measured spectrophotometrically at 540 nm


50 percent growth inhibitory concentration, IGC50; log (1/IGC50) = 2.41


Schultz; Sinks; Cronin

Aquatic Toxicology, 1997 , vol. 39, # 3-4 p. 267 - 278 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

reproductive effects

Endpoint of Effect (Ecotoxicology)


Species or Test-System (Ecotoxicology)

Nicotiana attenuata Torr. ex. Watson, Solanaceae

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

0.0005 - 0.5 mg/ml

Exposure Period (Ecotoxicology)

7 d

Method (Ecotoxicology)


Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

14 light : 10 dark photoperiod with 200 μM/m2/sec PAR; 30 deg C day - 22 deg C night temp. cycle; 9.8 mM aq. KNO3


no stimulation of germination in compared with extract of wood smoke


Baldwin; Staszak-Kozinski; Davidson

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1994 , vol. 20, # 9 p. 2345 - 2371 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Other Data Concentration in the Environment (2) 1 of 2

2 of 2

Media (Concentration in the Environment)



California, USA

Contamination Concentration

35 - 480 μg/l

Method, Remarks (Concentration in the Environment)

gas-phase emissions sampled from light-duty gasoline and heavy-duty diesel vehicles operating on chassis dynamometers using annular denuders, quartz filters and PUF substrates; Aug.-Sept. 2002, June 2003; GC-ITMS and HPLC-APCI-ITMS analyzed


Jakober, Chris A.; Riddle, Sarah G.; Robert, Michael A.; Destaillats, Hugo; Charles, M. Judith; Green, Peter G.; Kleeman, Michael J.

Environmental Science and Technology, 2007 , vol. 41, # 13 p. 4548 - 4554 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Media (Concentration in the Environment)



California, USA

Contamination Concentration

79 μg/l

Method, Remarks (Concentration in the Environment)

particle-phase emissions sampled from light-duty gasoline vehicles operating on chassis dynamometers using annular denuders, quartz filters and PUF substrates; Aug.-Sept. 2002; GC-ITMS and HPLC-APCI-ITMS analyzed


Jakober, Chris A.; Riddle, Sarah G.; Robert, Michael A.; Destaillats, Hugo; Charles, M. Judith; Green, Peter G.; Kleeman, Michael J.

Environmental Science and Technology, 2007 , vol. 41, # 13 p. 4548 - 4554 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Use (62) Use Pattern


depletes glutathione (GSH) by forming an adduct or conjugate with GSH

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

malignant cells

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cancerous cells

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Malignant tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Solid tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

bladder tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

bone tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

brain tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

breast tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

cervical tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

colon tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

esophageal tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ;

kidney tumors

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ;

laryngeal tumors

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ;

liver tumors

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ;

lung tumors

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Show next 20

Hide facts

Use Pattern



Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

ovary tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

pancreas tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

prostate tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

rectal tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

skin tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

testicular tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

uterine tumors

Redoxia Israel Ltd.

Patent: US2008/287541 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Skin structure conditions


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Superficial infected traumatic lesions


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Acne lesions


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bacteria associated with acne


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Skin conditions


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Staphylococcal infection


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Atopic dermatitis


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Primary skin infections


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Secondary skin infections


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Primary skin structure infections


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Secondary skin structure infections


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Acne-related scarring


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA)-associated infections


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Skin care


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hair care


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cosmeceutical preparation


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Toiletry product


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Laundry product


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Fabric treatment product


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bath additive


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Shower additive


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cleansing preparation


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Agricultural product


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Horticultural product


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

veterinary preparation


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Monomers for preparation of polymers

General Electric Company

Patent: US6693221 B1, 2004 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Isolation from Natural Product (8) Isolation from Natural Product


Chavesincola inexpectabilis; Magnispina neptunus

Rocha, Daniele F.O.; Wouters, Felipe C.; Zampieri, Davila S.; Brocksom, Timothy J.; Machado, Glauco; Marsaioli, Anita J.

Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bledius mandibularis, B. spectabilis

Wheeler et al.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1972 , p. 4635 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Extrahiert aus Pyridial glands of Blendins mandibukris and B. spectabilis

Wheeler et al.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1972 , p. 4635 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pygidialeoehrblasen von Laufkaefern

Schildknecht et al.

Z. Naturforsch., B: Anorg. Chem., Org. Chem., Biochem., Biophys.,, 1968 , vol. 23, p. 637 Full Text Show Details

im 'Pulverdampf' von Bombardierkaefern u. anderen Kaefern

Schildknecht,H. et al.

Angewandte Chemie, 1963 , vol. 75, p. 762 - 771 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

V.: in den Abwehrblasen von Diplopoden, neben 2-Methyl-3-methoxy-p-benzochinon

Schildknecht; Weis

Z. Naturforsch., B: Anorg. Chem., Org. Chem., Biochem., Biophys.,, 1961 , vol. 16, p. 810 Full Text Show Details

V. im Sekret des Totenkaefers, neben Ethylchinon

Schildknecht; Weis

Z. Naturforsch., B: Anorg. Chem., Org. Chem., Biochem., Biophys.,, 1960 , vol. 15, p. 200 Full Text Show Details

V. in Blaps mortisaga, Blaps mucronata, Blaps requienii, Blaps lethifera, Gnaptor spinimanus Pall., Pimelia confusa u. Morisia plan. tingitan.

Schildknecht; Weis

Z. Naturforsch., B: Anorg. Chem., Org. Chem., Biochem., Biophys.,, 1960 , vol. 15, p. 757 Full Text Show Details

Quantum Chemical Calculations (1) Calculated Properties

Method (Quantum Chemical Calculations)


Molecular orbitals

Ab initio calcns. (LCAO, GO SCF, DIM, SAMO, X-à, Hartree-Fock)

Nafikova; Asfandiarov; Kalimullina; El'Kin, Yu. N.

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2014 , vol. 63, # 3 p. 572 - 576 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. Seriya Khimicheskaya, 2014 , # 3 p. 572 - 576,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-ethyl-1,4-benzoquinone


Reaxys Registry Number: 1931753

CAS Registry Number: 4754-26-1 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C8H8O2

Linear Structure Formula: C6H4O2CH2CH2

Molecular Weight: 136.15


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-ethyl-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-ethylcyclohexa-2,5-diene-1,4-dione, 2-ethyl-p-benzoquinone, ethyl-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-ethylbenzoquinone, ethyl[1,4]benzoquinone, Aethyl-[1,4]benzochinon Identification

20 prep out of 41 reactions.

Identification Physical Data (15) Spectra (17) Bioactivity (5) Other Data (5)


Substance Label (5) Label



Eipert, Martin; Maichle-Moessmer, Caecilia; Maier, Martin E.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 67, # 24 p. 8692 - 8695 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Rocha, Daniele F.O.; Wouters, Felipe C.; Zampieri, Davila S.; Brocksom, Timothy J.; Machado, Glauco; Marsaioli, Anita J.

Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Verheggen; Ryne; Olsson; Arnaud; Lognay; Hoegberg; Persson; Haubruge; Loefstedt

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2007 , vol. 33, # 3 p. 525 - 539 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Roginsky, Vitaly; Barsukova, Tatyana

Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2, 2000 , # 7 p. 1575 - 1582 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Roginsky, Vitaly A.; Pisarenko, Leonid M.; Bors, Wolf; Michel, Christa

Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2, 1999 , # 4 p. 871 - 876 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Patent-Specific Data (1)

Prophetic Compound


prophetic product

Bayer Aktiengesellschaft

Patent: US4621138 A1, 1986 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bayer Aktiengesellschaft

Patent: US5138054 A1, 1992 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Derivative (3) Comment (Derivative)


Ethylchinhydron: Abs.-Sp. in wss. THF

Moser; Cassidy

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1965 , vol. 30, p. 3336,3337 Full Text Show Details

compound with phenylmethanethiol (mp: 76-78 degree , Blue Black) Further Data see Handbook

Loconti; Roth

Ann. entomol. Soc. Am., 1953 , vol. 46, p. 281,283 Full Text Show Details

compound with 2-ethyl-hydroquinone (mp: 81-82 degree , Blue Black) Further Data see Handbook

Loconti; Roth

Ann. entomol. Soc. Am., 1953 , vol. 46, p. 281,283 Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (6) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)


34 °C

Verheggen; Ryne; Olsson; Arnaud; Lognay; Hoegberg; Persson; Haubruge; Loefstedt

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2007 , vol. 33, # 3 p. 525 - 539 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

37 - 38 °C

Kwong Chip; Grossert

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1972 , p. 1629 Full Text Show Details

34 - 37 °C

Orlando jun. et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1968 , vol. 33, p. 2512 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

37 - 39 °C

diethyl ether

Allen Jr.; Pidacks; Weiss

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1966 , vol. 88, # 11 p. 2536 - 2544

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

37 °C


Chemische Berichte, 1914 , vol. 47, p. 62 Full Text Show Details

38.2 °C

diethyl ether


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1894 , vol. <3> 11, p. 1130,1133 Annales de Chimie (Cachan, France), 1897 , vol. <7> 10, p. 55,56, 68 Full Text Show Details

Crystal Property Description (3) Colour & Other Properties



Verheggen; Ryne; Olsson; Arnaud; Lognay; Hoegberg; Persson; Haubruge; Loefstedt

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2007 , vol. 33, # 3 p. 525 - 539 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Singh; Turner

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1974 , p. 2556,2558 Full Text Show Details

gelbe Nadeln


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1894 , vol. <3> 11, p. 1130,1133 Annales de Chimie (Cachan, France), 1897 , vol. <7> 10, p. 55,56, 68 Full Text Show Details

Electrochemical Behaviour (1) Description (Electrochemical Behaviour)




Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1962 , vol. 27, p. 2035,2048 Full Text Show Details

Electrochemical Characteristics (2) Description (Electrochemical Characteristics)

Solvent (Electrochemical Characteristics)

pH-Value (Electrochemical Characteristics)

Product XRN (Electrochemical Characteristics)


redox potential





redox potential

Comment (Electrochemical Characteristics) 0.44 V Product: /BRN= 1936246/. No. of transm. electrons: 2 Method: potentiometry. Description: vs. NHE

Raju, K. Vijaya; Raju, G. Bangar; Yadav, M. Rajasekhar

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Bioinorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical Chemistry, 1993 , vol. 32, # 11 p. 1012 - 1014 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

des Systems Aethyl-benzochinon(1.4)/2-Aethyl-hydrochinon.


Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1934 , vol. 56, p. 670 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further Information (3) Description (Further Information)


Further information

Meinwald et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1966 , vol. 88, p. 1590 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further information

Moser; Cassidy

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1965 , vol. 30, p. 3336,3337 Full Text Show Details

Further information


Journal of Chromatography, 1959 , vol. 2, p. 649 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (6)


Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Frequency (NMR Spectroscopy)

Chemical shifts



COSY (Correlation Spectroscopy)

1H 1H

HSQC (Heteronuclear Single Quantum Coherence)



supporting information

Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


400.1 MHz

supporting information

Rocha, Daniele F.O.; Wouters, Felipe C.; Zampieri, Davila S.; Brocksom, Timothy J.; Machado, Glauco; Marsaioli, Anita J.

Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

1H 13C

supporting information

Rocha, Daniele F.O.; Wouters, Felipe C.; Zampieri, Davila S.; Brocksom, Timothy J.; Machado, Glauco; Marsaioli, Anita J.

Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts Spectrum



400.1 MHz

Rocha, Daniele F.O.; Wouters, Felipe C.; Zampieri, Davila S.; Brocksom, Timothy J.; Machado, Glauco; Marsaioli, Anita J.

Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts Spectrum



100.6 MHz

Rocha, Daniele F.O.; Wouters, Felipe C.; Zampieri, Davila S.; Brocksom, Timothy J.; Machado, Glauco; Marsaioli, Anita J.

Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Singh; Turner

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1974 , p. 2556,2558 Full Text Show Details

Kwong Chip; Grossert

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1972 , p. 1629 Full Text Show Details

IR Spectroscopy (2) Description (IR Spectroscopy)

Comment (IR Spectroscopy)



Singh; Turner

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1974 , p. 2556,2558 Full Text Show Details


1667 - 833 cm**(-1)

Yates et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1956 , vol. 78, p. 650 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mass Spectrometry (3) Description (Mass Spectrometry)



high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) time-of-flight mass spectra (TOFMS) gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GCMS) electron impact (EI) spectrum

Rocha, Daniele F.O.; Wouters, Felipe C.; Zampieri, Davila S.; Brocksom, Timothy J.; Machado, Glauco; Marsaioli, Anita J.

Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

EI (Electron impact) GCMS (Gas chromatography mass spectrometry) Spectrum

supporting information

Kamata, Keigo; Yamaura, Taiyo; Mizuno, Noritaka

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2012 , vol. 51, # 29 p. 7275 - 7278 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kwong Chip; Grossert

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1972 , p. 1629 Full Text Show Details

UV/VIS Spectroscopy (6) Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Comment (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)


Reference Singh; Turner

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1974 , p. 2556,2558 Full Text Show Details

Orlando jun. et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1968 , vol. 33, p. 2512

Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Moser; Cassidy

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1965 , vol. 30, p. 3336,3337 Full Text Show Details

Moser; Cassidy

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1965 , vol. 30, p. 2602,2603 Full Text Show Details



220 - 320 nm

Loconti; Roth

Ann. entomol. Soc. Am., 1953 , vol. 46, p. 281,285 Full Text Show Details




Journal of the Chemical Society, 1945 , p. 490,492 Full Text Show Details



Alexander; Barton

Biochemical Journal, 1943 , vol. 37, p. 463 Full Text Show Details


Journal of the Chemical Society, 1945 , p. 490,492 Full Text Show Details



Alexander; Barton

Biochemical Journal, 1943 , vol. 37, p. 463 Full Text Show Details

Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (3) 1 of 3

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Allen Jr.; Pidacks; Weiss

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1966 , vol. 88, # 11 p. 2536 - 2544 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bayer Aktiengesellschaft

Patent: US4621138 A1, 1986 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Schildknecht,H. et al.

Angewandte Chemie, 1963 , vol. 75, p. 762 - 771 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Bayer Aktiengesellschaft

Patent: US5138054 A1, 1992 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Erdtman; Stjernstroem

Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1947-1973), 1959 , vol. 13, p. 653,656 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Chemische Berichte, 1914 , vol. 47, p. 62 Full Text Show Details

Hackman; Pryor; Todd

Biochemical Journal, 1948 , vol. 43, p. 474,477 Full Text Show Details

Alexander; Barton

Biochemical Journal, 1943 , vol. 37, p. 463 Full Text Show Details

Loconti; Roth

Ann. Entomol. Soc. Am., 1953 , vol. 46, p. 281,283 Full Text Show Details


Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1934 , vol. 56, p. 670 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Trave et al.

Chimica e l'Industria (Milan, Italy), 1959 , vol. 41, p. 19,25 Full Text Show Details


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1894 , vol. <3> 11, p. 1130,1133 Annales de Chimie (Cachan, France), 1897 , vol. <7> 10, p. 55,56, 68 Full Text Show Details


Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1927 , vol. 10, p. 46,47, 51 Full Text Show Details


Journal of the Chemical Society, 1945 , p. 490,492 Full Text Show Details

Loconti; Roth

Ann. entomol. Soc. Am., 1953 , vol. 46, p. 281,283 Full Text Show Details

Yates et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1956 , vol. 78, p. 650 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Harman; Cason

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1952 , vol. 17, p. 1058,1060 Full Text Show Details

Loconti; Roth

Ann. entomol. Soc. Am., 1953 , vol. 46, p. 281,285 Full Text Show Details


Patent: US2840571 , 1956 ; Full Text Show Details

Singh; Turner

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1974 , p. 2556,2558 Full Text Show Details

2 of 3

3 of 3

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Meinwald et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1966 , vol. 88, p. 1590 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Moser; Cassidy

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1965 , vol. 30, p. 3336,3337 Full Text Show Details

Kwong Chip; Grossert

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1972 , p. 1629 Full Text Show Details

Moser; Cassidy

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1965 , vol. 30, p. 2602,2603 Full Text Show Details


Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1962 , vol. 27, p. 2035,2048 Full Text Show Details

Schildknecht; Weis

Z. Naturforsch., B: Anorg. Chem., Org. Chem., Biochem., Biophys.,, 1960 , vol. 15, p. 757 Full Text Show Details

Schildknecht; Weis

Z. Naturforsch., B: Anorg. Chem., Org. Chem., Biochem., Biophys.,, 1960 , vol. 15, p. 200 Full Text Show Details


Journal of Chromatography, 1959 , vol. 2, p. 649 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Orlando jun. et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1968 , vol. 33, p. 2512 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Thompson, Malcolm J.; Zeegers, Petrus J.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1988 , vol. 29, # 20 p. 2471 - 2474 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Errazuriz, B.; Tapia, R.; Valderrama, J. A.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1985 , vol. 26, # 7 p. 819 - 822 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Raju, K. Vijaya; Raju, G. Bangar; Yadav, M. Rajasekhar

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section A: Inorganic, Bio-inorganic, Physical, Theoretical & Analytical Chemistry, 1993 , vol. 32, # 11 p. 1012 - 1014 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lau, Tai-Chu; Mak, Chi-Keung

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1995 , # 9 p. 943 - 944 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Farina, F.; Fernandez, E.; Gimeno, V.; Valderrama, J. A.

Anales de Quimica, 1995 , vol. 91, # 3-4 p. 220 - 229 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mayalarp, Stephen P.; Hargreaves, Rob H. J.; Butler, John; Caroline O'Hare; Hartley, John A.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 39, # 2 p. 531 - 537 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Roginsky, Vitaly A.; Pisarenko, Leonid M.; Bors, Wolf; Michel, Christa; Saran, Manfred

Journal of the Chemical Society - Faraday Transactions, 1998 , vol. 94, # 13 p. 1835 - 1840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Roginsky, Vitaly A.; Pisarenko, Leonid M.; Bors, Wolf; Michel, Christa

Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2, 1999 , # 4 p. 871 - 876 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Roginsky, Vitaly; Barsukova, Tatyana

Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2, 2000 , # 7 p. 1575 - 1582 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Eipert, Martin; Maichle-Moessmer, Caecilia; Maier, Martin E.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2002 , vol. 67, # 24 p. 8692 - 8695 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Verheggen; Ryne; Olsson; Arnaud; Lognay; Hoegberg; Persson; Haubruge; Loefstedt

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2007 , vol. 33, # 3 p. 525 - 539 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Murahashi, Shun-Ichi; Fujii, Akiko; Inubushi, Yasutaka; Komiya, Naruyoshi

Tetrahedron Letters, 2010 , vol. 51, # 17 p. 2339 - 2341 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Liu, Qiuyuan; Zhu, Liangfang; Li, Li; Guo, Bin; Hu, Xiaoke; Hu, Changwei

Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2010 , vol. 331, # 1-2 p. 71 - 77 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Neu, Heather M.; Zhdankin, Viktor V.; Nemykin, Victor N.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2010 , vol. 51, # 50 p. 6545 - 6548 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kamata, Keigo; Yamaura, Taiyo; Mizuno, Noritaka

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2012 , vol. 51, # 29 p. 7275 - 7278 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rocha, Daniele F.O.; Wouters, Felipe C.; Zampieri, Davila S.; Brocksom, Timothy J.; Machado, Glauco; Marsaioli, Anita J.

Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nazareth, Taís M.; Sudatti, Daniela B.; Machado, Glauco

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2016 , vol. 42, # 10 p. 1047 - 1051 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ecotoxicology (2) 1 of 2

2 of 2

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

pheromone activity

Species or Test-System (Ecotoxicology)

Tribolium confusum (du Val), flour beetle


male and female

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

1E-1 - 1E4 ng

Kind of Dosing (Ecotoxicology)

title comp. dissolved in methanol

Method (Ecotoxicology)

species transferred in vials and placed in the center of olfactometer; then allowed to respond to title comp. released from glass capillary for 5 min; 22.5 deg C, 60percent relative humidity; species collec. upwind from release point counted as responding

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

control: methanol; active control: 1 μg of title comp.


there was an interaction between dose and sex with title comp.; female and male attraction were found to be dose-depend.; fig.


Verheggen; Ryne; Olsson; Arnaud; Lognay; Hoegberg; Persson; Haubruge; Loefstedt

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2007 , vol. 33, # 3 p. 525 - 539 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)

electrophysiology; effect on

Species or Test-System (Ecotoxicology)

antenna of Tribolium confusum (du Val), flour beetle


male and female

Concentration (Ecotoxicology)

1 - 1E5 ng

Kind of Dosing (Ecotoxicology)

title comp. impregnated in a piece of 0.5-cm2 filter paper

Method (Ecotoxicology)

insect antenna mounted between 2 glass electrodes; exposed to title comp. puff by means of a stimulus controller; EAG responses recorded

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

control: n-hexane; active control: 10 μg of title comp.; EAG: electroantennography


title comp. elicited higher EAG response than the control; males were more sensitive than females; fig.


Verheggen; Ryne; Olsson; Arnaud; Lognay; Hoegberg; Persson; Haubruge; Loefstedt

Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2007 , vol. 33, # 3 p. 525 - 539 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Other Data Isolation from Natural Product (5) Isolation from Natural Product


Chavesincola inexpectabilis; Magnispina neptunus

Rocha, Daniele F.O.; Wouters, Felipe C.; Zampieri, Davila S.; Brocksom, Timothy J.; Machado, Glauco; Marsaioli, Anita J.

Molecules, 2013 , vol. 18, # 9 p. 11429 - 11451 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Schildknecht,H. et al.

Angewandte Chemie, 1963 , vol. 75, p. 762 - 771

Full Text View citing articles Show Details

V. im Sekret des Totenkaefers, neben Toluchinon

Schildknecht; Weis

Z. Naturforsch., B: Anorg. Chem., Org. Chem., Biochem., Biophys.,, 1960 , vol. 15, p. 200 Full Text Show Details

V. in Blaps mortisaga, Blaps mucronata, Blaps requienii, Blaps lethifera u. Gnaptor spinimanus Pall.

Schildknecht; Weis

Z. Naturforsch., B: Anorg. Chem., Org. Chem., Biochem., Biophys.,, 1960 , vol. 15, p. 757 Full Text Show Details

Vorkommen in Tribolium castaneum und Tribolium confusum

Hackman; Pryor; Todd

Biochemical Journal, 1948 , vol. 43, p. 474,477 Full Text Show Details

Alexander; Barton

Biochemical Journal, 1943 , vol. 37, p. 463 Full Text Show Details

Loconti; Roth

Ann. entomol. Soc. Am., 1953 , vol. 46, p. 281,283 Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-isopropyl-1,4-benzoquinone


Reaxys Registry Number: 1934578

CAS Registry Number: 15232-10-7 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C9H10O2

Linear Structure Formula: C9H10O2

Molecular Weight: 150.177


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-isopropyl-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-Isopropyl-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-i-propyl-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone, 2-isopropyl-1,4-quinone, isopropyl-[1,4]benzoquinone, Isopropyl-[1,4]benzochinon Identification Substance Label (10) Label



Miller, Natalie A.; Willis, Anthony C.; Sherburn, Michael S.

Chemical Communications, 2008 , # 10 p. 1226 - 1228 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Maurya, Mannar R.; Kumar, Umesh; Manikandan

European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 2007 , # 16 p. 2303 - 2314 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Jankowski; Savoie; Lesage; Boivin; Leclair; Diaz T; Reyes-Chilpa; Jimenez-Estrada; Barrios

Polish Journal of Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 79, # 2 p. 429 - 440 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Yamago, Shigeru; Hashidume, Masahiro; Yoshida, Jun-Ichi

Tetrahedron, 2002 , vol. 58, # 34 p. 6805 - 6813 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Parsons; Gold; Semple; Montagnon

Synlett, 2000 , # 8 p. 1184 - 1186 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Yamago, Shigeru; Hashidume, Masahiro; Yoshida, Jun-Ichi

Chemistry Letters, 2000 , # 11 p. 1234 - 1235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1979 , p. 569 Full Text Show Details

27 prep out of 33 reactions.

Identification Physical Data (7) Spectra (15)


Mayelvaganan; Hadimani, Shreeshailkumar B.; Bhat, Sujata V.

Tetrahedron, 1997 , vol. 53, # 6 p. 2185 - 2188 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Murahashi, Shun-Ichi; Naota, Takeshi; Miyaguchi, Noriko; Noda, Shinji

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1996 , vol. 118, # 10 p. 2509 - 2510 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Citterio, Attilio; Vismara, Elena; Bernardi, Rosanna

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1983 , # 4 p. 876 - 890 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Jacobsen,N.; Torrsell,K.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1972 , vol. 763, p. 135 - 147 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Patent-Specific Data (1)

Prophetic Compound


prophetic product

Bayer Aktiengesellschaft

Patent: US4621138 A1, 1986 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bayer Aktiengesellschaft

Patent: US5138054 A1, 1992 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (6) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)


35 - 36 °C

Citterio, Attilio; Vismara, Elena; Bernardi, Rosanna

Journal of Chemical Research, Miniprint, 1983 , # 4 p. 876 - 890 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

35.5 - 36.5 °C


Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 2: Physical Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1979 , p. 569 Full Text Show Details

33 - 36 °C

methanol H2O

Jacobsen,N.; Torrsell,K.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1972 , vol. 763, p. 135 - 147 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

34 - 36 °C



J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.), 1962 , vol. 32, p. 869,862 Chem.Abstr., 1963 , vol. 58, # 2391 Full Text Show Details

34 - 36 °C

Zenker; Jorgensen

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1959 , vol. 24, p. 1351 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

28.4 °C


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1895 , vol. <3> 13, p. 979 Annales de Chimie (Cachan, France), 1897 , vol. <7> 10, p. 66,73 Full Text Show Details

Crystal Property Description (1) Colour & Other Properties


gelbe Prismen


Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1895 , vol. <3> 13, p. 979 Annales de Chimie (Cachan, France), 1897 , vol. <7> 10, p. 66,73 Full Text Show Details

Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (10)

Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Coupling Nuclei

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Frequency (NMR Spectroscopy)

Chemical shifts



270 MHz

Murahashi, Shun-Ichi; Miyaguchi, Noriko; Noda, Shinji; Naota, Takeshi; Fujii, Akiko; Inubushi, Yasutaka; Komiya, Naruyoshi

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , # 27 p. 5355 - 5365 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



68 MHz

Murahashi, Shun-Ichi; Miyaguchi, Noriko; Noda, Shinji; Naota, Takeshi; Fujii, Akiko; Inubushi, Yasutaka; Komiya, Naruyoshi

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , # 27 p. 5355 - 5365 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



200 MHz

Jankowski; Savoie; Lesage; Boivin; Leclair; Diaz T; Reyes-Chilpa; Jimenez-Estrada; Barrios

Polish Journal of Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 79, # 2 p. 429 - 440 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




200 MHz

Jankowski; Savoie; Lesage; Boivin; Leclair; Diaz T; Reyes-Chilpa; Jimenez-Estrada; Barrios

Polish Journal of Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 79, # 2 p. 429 - 440 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



50 MHz

Jankowski; Savoie; Lesage; Boivin; Leclair; Diaz T; Reyes-Chilpa; Jimenez-Estrada; Barrios

Polish Journal of Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 79, # 2 p. 429 - 440 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



300 MHz

Yamago, Shigeru; Hashidume, Masahiro; Yoshida, Jun-Ichi

Tetrahedron, 2002 , vol. 58, # 34 p. 6805 - 6813 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




300 MHz

Yamago, Shigeru; Hashidume, Masahiro; Yoshida, Jun-Ichi

Tetrahedron, 2002 , vol. 58, # 34 p. 6805 - 6813 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


Jacobsen,N.; Torrsell,K.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1972 , vol. 763, p. 135 - 147 Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Johnson; Tully

Journal of Chemical Physics, 1964 , vol. 40, p. 1744 Full Text Show Details


Johnson; Tully

Journal of Chemical Physics, 1964 , vol. 40, p. 1744 Full Text Show Details


IR Spectroscopy (2) Description (IR Spectroscopy)

Comment (IR Spectroscopy)



neat (no solvent)

Murahashi, Shun-Ichi; Miyaguchi, Noriko; Noda, Shinji; Naota, Takeshi; Fujii, Akiko; Inubushi, Yasutaka; Komiya, Naruyoshi

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , # 27 p. 5355 - 5365 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Jacobsen,N.; Torrsell,K.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1972 , vol. 763, p. 135 - 147 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mass Spectrometry (2) Description (Mass Spectrometry)



EI (Electron impact) GCMS (Gas chromatography mass spectrometry) Spectrum

supporting information

Kamata, Keigo; Yamaura, Taiyo; Mizuno, Noritaka

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2012 , vol. 51, # 29 p. 7275 - 7278 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

HRMS (High resolution mass spectrometry) EI (Electron impact) Spectrum

Murahashi, Shun-Ichi; Miyaguchi, Noriko; Noda, Shinji; Naota, Takeshi; Fujii, Akiko; Inubushi, Yasutaka; Komiya, Naruyoshi

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , # 27 p. 5355 - 5365 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

ESR Spectroscopy (1) Description (ESR Spectroscopy)



Molecular Physics, 1974 , vol. 28, p. 1031,1033 Full Text Show Details


Chemical Name: 2-n-propyl-1,4-benzoquinone


8 prep out of 17 reactions.

Reaxys Registry Number: 3237805

CAS Registry Number: 55811-48-8 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C9H10O2

Linear Structure Formula: C9H10O2

Molecular Weight: 150.177


Identification Physical Data (1) Spectra (2)

Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-n-propyl-1,4-benzoquinone, propyl-p-benzoquinone, 2-propylcyclohexa-2,5-diene-1,4-dione, 2-propyl-p-benzoquinone, propyl-1,4-benzoquinone, propyl-[1,4]benzoquinone, Propyl-[1,4]benzochinon Identification Substance Label (2) Label



Wang, Dawei; Ge, Bingyang; Ju, Anqi; Zhou, Yucheng; Xu, Chongying; Ding, Yuqiang

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 780, p. 30 - 33 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Patent-Specific Data (1)

Prophetic Compound


prophetic product

Bayer Aktiengesellschaft

Patent: US4621138 A1, 1986 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bayer Aktiengesellschaft

Patent: US5138054 A1, 1992 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Boiling Point (1) Boiling Point

Pressure (Boiling Point)

Comment (Boiling Point)


98 °C

19 Torr

gelbes Oel.


Yakugaku Zasshi, 1940 , vol. 60, p. 569,574 Full Text Show Details

Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (2) Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Frequency (NMR Spectroscopy)

Chemical shifts Spectrum



400 MHz



supporting information

Wang, Dawei; Ge, Bingyang; Ju, Anqi; Zhou, Yucheng; Xu, Chongying; Ding, Yuqiang

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 780, p. 30 - 33


Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



supporting information

Chemical Name: 2-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone


Reaxys Registry Number: 1860944

CAS Registry Number: 3602-55-9 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C10H12O2

Linear Structure Formula: (CH3)3CC6H3O2

Molecular Weight: 164.204


Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

26 prep out of 119 reactions.

Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-tert-Butyl-1,4-benzoquinone, tert-butyl-1,4-benzoquinone Identification Substance Label (27) Label



Yang, Wei; Wang, Jingyi; Wei, Zhonglin; Zhang, Qian; Xu, Xianxiu

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 81, # 4 p. 1675 - 1680 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gelis, Coralie; Bekkaye, Mathieu; Lebée, Clément; Blanchard, Florent; Masson, Géraldine

Organic Letters, 2016 , vol. 18, # 14 p. 3422 - 3425 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Jardim, Guilherme A. M.; Bower, John F.; Da Silva Júnior, Eufrânio N.

Organic Letters, 2016 , vol. 18, # 18 p. 4454 - 4457 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Welker, Andrea; York, Crystal

Synthesis (Germany), 2015 , vol. 47, # 20 art. no. SS-2015-M0265-OP, p. 3207 - 3211 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Vilipi, Jovana; Novakovi, Irena; Stanojkovi, Tatjana; Mati, Ivana; egan, Dejan; Kljaji, Zoran; Sladi, Duan

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 23, # 21 p. 6930 - 6942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Li, Jun; Bi, Yanlan; Liu, Wei; Sun, Shangde

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 63, # 38 p. 8584 - 8591 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Michman, Michael; Oron, Miriam; Schaefer, Hans J.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 2000 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 924 - 940 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jawale, Dhanaji V.; Gravel, Edmond; Geertsen, Valrie; Li, Haiyan; Shah, Nimesh; Kumar, Rahul; John, Jubi; Namboothiri, Irishi N.N.; Doris, Eric

Tetrahedron, 2014 , vol. 70, # 36 p. 6140 - 6145 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Zhang, Hai-Bo; Liu, Li; Chen, Yong-Jun; Wang, Dong; Li, Chao-Jun

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2006 , vol. 348, # 1-2 p. 229 - 235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Niedbalski, Melinda; Bohnert, Gary; Bryant, Daniel

Synthetic Communications, 2006 , vol. 36, # 12 p. 1751 - 1759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Jawale, Dhanaji V.; Gravel, Edmond; Geertsen, Valerie; Li, Haiyan; Shah, Nimesh; Namboothiri, Irishi N. N.; Doris, Eric

ChemCatChem, 2014 , vol. 6, # 3 p. 719 - 723

Identification Physical Data (30) Spectra (48) Bioactivity (40) Other Data (34)


Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Tomita, Ren; Mantani, Kohei; Hamasaki, Akiyuki; Ishida, Tamao; Tokunaga, Makoto

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2014 , vol. 20, # 32 p. 9914 - 9917 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Nunes, Ruth Leandro; Bieber, Lothar Wilhelm

Tetrahedron Letters, 2001 , vol. 42, # 2 p. 219 - 221 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Zhang, Shuai; Song, Feijie; Zhao, Dongbing; You, Jingsong

Chemical Communications, 2013 , vol. 49, # 40 p. 4558 - 4560 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Meazza, Giovanni; Dayan, Franck E.; Wedge, David E.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 51, # 13 p. 3824 - 3828 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Reddy, B.V.Subba; Reddy, P. Sivaramakrishna; Reddy, Y. Jayasudhan; Bhaskar; Reddy, B. Chandra Obula

Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2013 , vol. 34, # 10 p. 2968 - 2972 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Peters, Melanie M. C. G.; Lau, Serrine S.; Dulik, Deanne; Murphy, Darlene; Van Ommen, Ben; Van Bladeren, Peter J.; Monks, Terrence J.

Chemical Research in Toxicology, 1996 , vol. 9, # 1 p. 133 - 139 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Okubo; Yokoyama; Kano

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2003 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 679 - 688 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Li, Yunbo; Seacat, Andrew; Kuppusamy, Periannan; Zweier, Jay L; Yager, James D; Trush, Michael A

Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2002 , vol. 518, # 2 p. 123 - 133 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Endo, Satoshi; Arai, Yuki; Hara, Akira; Kitade, Yukio; Bunai, Yasuo; El-Kabbani, Ossama; Matsunaga, Toshiyuki

Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2013 , vol. 36, # 9 p. 1514 - 1518 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Hall, Gabriel B.; Chen, Jinzhu; Mebi, Charles A.; Okumura, Noriko; Swenson, Matthew T.; Ossowski, Stephanie E.; Zakai, Uzma I.; Nichol, Gary S.; Lichtenberger, Dennis L.; Evans, Dennis H.; Glass, Richard S.

Organometallics, 2013 , vol. 32, # 21 p. 6605 - 6612 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Patent: WO2008/35078 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Watanabe, Hiroto; Hiraoka, Ryota; Senna, Mamoru

Tetrahedron Letters, 2006 , vol. 47, # 26 p. 4481 - 4484 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Miyamura, Hiroyuki; Shiramizu, Mika; Matsubara, Ryosuke; Kobayashi, Shu

Chemistry Letters, 2008 , vol. 37, # 3 p. 360 - 361 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Table 1, entry 3, prod.

Bar-Nahum, Itsik; York, John T.; Young Jr., Victor G.; Tolman, William B.

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2008 , vol. 47, # 3 p. 533 - 536 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Yakura, Takayuki; Konishi, Tatsuya

Synlett, 2007 , # 5 p. 765 - 768 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

prod., Tab. 1, entry 10

Shang, Yongjia; But, Tracy Yuen Sze; Togo, Hideo; Toy, Patrick H.

Synlett, 2007 , # 1 p. 67 - 70 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Maeda, Chihiro; Shinokubo, Hiroshi; Osuka, Atsuhiro

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2006 , vol. 4, # 2 p. 200 - 202 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tab. 2, entry 19, prod.

Tajbakhsh, Mahmood; Lakouraj, Moslem Mansour; Ramzanian-Lehmali, Farhad

Synlett, 2006 , # 11 p. 1724 - 1728 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hide facts Label



Iwasa, Seiji; Fakhruddin, Ahmad; Widagdo, Herman Setyo; Nishiyama, Hisao

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2005 , vol. 347, # 4 p. 517 - 520 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Yamago, Shigeru; Hashidume, Masahiro; Yoshida, Jun-Ichi

Tetrahedron, 2002 , vol. 58, # 34 p. 6805 - 6813 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Dayan, Franck E.

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 2002 , # 10 p. 518 - 519 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Yamago, Shigeru; Hashidume, Masahiro; Yoshida, Jun-Ichi

Chemistry Letters, 2000 , # 11 p. 1234 - 1235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Eguchi, Tadashi; Kanai, Shinobu; Kakinuma, Katsumi; Okazaki, Tadayasu; Mizoue, Kazutoshi

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2000 , vol. 48, # 10 p. 1470 - 1473 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Roginsky, Vitaly; Barsukova, Tatyana

Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2, 2000 , # 7 p. 1575 - 1582 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Roginsky, Vitaly A.; Pisarenko, Leonid M.; Bors, Wolf; Michel, Christa

Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2, 1999 , # 4 p. 871 - 876 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Patent-Specific Data (3)

Prophetic Compound

Location in Patent


prophetic product

Pasquier, Cecile; Duc-Reichlin, Nadia; Braun, Hans-Jurgen

Patent: US2007/73 A1, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rockhurst University

Patent: US5780515 A1, 1998 ;


Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

BetzDearborn Inc.

Patent: US5648573 A1, 1997 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

prophetic product

Canadian Patents and Development Limited

Patent: US4158822 A1, 1979 ;


Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Purification (1) Reference McKillop; Young

Synthetic Communications, 1977 , vol. 7, p. 467,470 Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (15) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)

Comment (Melting Point)

56 - 58 °C

Dohi, Toshifumi; Nakae, Tomofumi; Takenaga, Naoko; Uchiyama, Teruyoshi; Fukushima, Kei-Ichiro; Fujioka, Hiromichi; Kita, Yasuyuki

Synthesis, 2012 , vol. 44, # 8 p. 1183 - 1189 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

59 °C

Bruce; Chaudhry

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1972 , p. 372,379 Full Text Show Details

Singh; Turner

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1974 , p. 2556,2558 Full Text Show Details

Blatchly et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1972 , p. 2286,2290 Full Text Show Details


Dewkar, Gajanan K.; Shaikh, Tanveer M.; Pardhy; Kulkarni, Swati S.; Sudalai, Arumugam

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 44, # 7 p. 1530 - 1532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

48 - 51 °C

Costantini; D'Ischia; Prota

Synthesis, 1994 , # 12 p. 1399 - 1400 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

56 - 57 °C

McKillop; Ray

Synthesis, 1977 , p. 847 Full Text Show Details

56 - 58 °C

Cuntze,U.; Musso,H.

Chemische Berichte, 1970 , vol. 103, p. 62 - 70 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kwong Chip; Grossert

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1972 , p. 1629 Full Text Show Details

57 - 58 °C

methanol H2O

Jacobsen,N.; Torrsell,K.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1972 , vol. 763, p. 135 - 147 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

53 °C

Maruyama; Otsuki

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1971 , vol. 44, p. 2873 Full Text Show Details

57 - 58 °C

McKillop,A. et al.

Tetrahedron, 1970 , vol. 26, p. 4031 - 4039 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

59 °C

with Sublimation

Buben,I.; Pospisil,J.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1969 , vol. 34, p. 1991 - 2001 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

55 - 57 °C

Orlando et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1967 , vol. 89, p. 6527,6531 Full Text Show Details

49 - 50 °C

Petranek et al.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1967 , vol. 32, p. 2140 Full Text Show Details

59 - 60 °C


Karpov; Chidekel'

Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1967 , vol. 3, p. 1669,1625 Full Text Show Details

49 - 50 °C

petroleum ether

Norris; Sternhell

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1966 , vol. 19, p. 617,625 Full Text Show Details

58.5 - 59 °C


Horswill,E.C.; Ingold,K.U.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1966 , vol. 44, p. 269 - 277 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

58 - 59 °C

Hewgill et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1965 , p. 2904,2910 Full Text Show Details

Association (MCS) (1) Description (Association (MCS))

Partner (Association (MCS))

Solvent (Association (MCS))


UV/VIS spectrum of the complex


neat (no solvent)

Watanabe, Hiroto; Hiraoka, Ryota; Senna, Mamoru

Tetrahedron Letters, 2006 , vol. 47, # 26 p. 4481 - 4484 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chromatographic Data (1) Chromatographic data

Original string


TLC (Thin layer chromatography)

Rf=0.47 (n-hexane/EtOAc=10:1)

Abu-Elfotoh, Abdel-Moneim; Tsuzuki, Kazuyuki; Nguyen, Tram Bao; Chanthamath, Soda; Shibatomi, Kazutaka; Iwasa, Seiji

Tetrahedron, 2013 , vol. 69, # 40 p. 8612 - 8617 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Crystal Property Description (7) Colour & Other Properties




Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Welker, Andrea; York, Crystal

Synthesis (Germany), 2015 , vol. 47, # 20 art. no. SS-2015-M0265-OP, p. 3207 - 3211 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Abu-Elfotoh, Abdel-Moneim; Tsuzuki, Kazuyuki; Nguyen, Tram Bao; Chanthamath, Soda; Shibatomi, Kazutaka; Iwasa, Seiji

Tetrahedron, 2013 , vol. 69, # 40 p. 8612 - 8617 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Albrecht, Marcel; Schneider, Oliver; Schmidt, Andreas

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2009 , vol. 7, # 7 p. 1445 - 1453 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dohi, Toshifumi; Nakae, Tomofumi; Takenaga, Naoko; Uchiyama, Teruyoshi; Fukushima, Kei-Ichiro; Fujioka, Hiromichi; Kita, Yasuyuki

Synthesis, 2012 , vol. 44, # 8 p. 1183 - 1189 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Uyanik, Muhammet; Mutsuga, Tatsuya; Ishihara, Kazuaki

Molecules, 2012 , vol. 17, # 7 p. 8604 - 8616 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Yakura, Takayuki; Tian, Yuan; Yamauchi, Yu; Omoto, Masanori; Konishi, Tatsuya

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2009 , vol. 57, # 3 p. 252 - 256 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yakura, Takayuki; Omoto, Masanori; Yamauchi; Tian, Yuan; Ozono, Ayaka

Tetrahedron, 2010 , vol. 66, # 31 p. 5833 - 5840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yakura, Takayuki; Ozono, Ayaka; Morimoto, Kohei

Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2011 , vol. 59, # 1 p. 132 - 134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


supporting information

Hu, Peng; Huang, Shijun; Xu, Jing; Shi, Zhang-Jie; Su, Weiping

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2011 , vol. 50, # 42 p. 9926 - 9930 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Universal Oil Prod. Co.

Patent: US2573136 , 1949 ; Full Text Show Details

Electrochemical Behaviour (1) Description (Electrochemical Behaviour)



Ryba et al.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1968 , vol. 33, p. 26 Full Text Show Details

Electrochemical Characteristics (3) Description (Electrochemical Characteristics)

Solvent (Electrochemical Characteristics)

Temperature (Electrochemical Characteristics)

Product XRN (Electrochemical Characteristics)



dimethyl sulfoxide

25 °C

transmitted electrons -1; Standard potential; -0.933 V; Other electrode; potential diagram; 0.1 M tetraethylammonium perchlorate

Vilipi, Jovana; Novakovi, Irena; Stanojkovi, Tatjana; Mati, Ivana; egan, Dejan; Kljaji, Zoran; Sladi, Duan

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 23, # 21 p. 6930 6942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




2-tertbutylsemiquinone radical anion

transmitted electrons -1; Standard potential; -1.083 V; Ferrocene/ferrocenium; 0.10 M tetrabutylammonium hexafluorophosphate

Hall, Gabriel B.; Chen, Jinzhu; Mebi, Charles A.; Okumura, Noriko; Swenson, Matthew T.; Ossowski, Stephanie E.; Zakai, Uzma I.; Nichol, Gary S.; Lichtenberger, Dennis L.; Evans, Dennis H.; Glass, Richard S.

Organometallics, 2013 , vol. 32, # 21 p. 6605 - 6612 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

polarographic halfwave potential

Ryba et al.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1968 , vol. 33, p. 26 Full Text Show Details

Further Information (1)

Comment (Electrochemical Characteristics)


Description (Further Information)


Further information

McKillop et al.

Angewandte Chemie, 1970 , vol. 82, p. 84 Full Text Show Details

Partition octan-1-ol/water (MCS) (1) log POW

Temperature (Partition octan-1-ol/water (MCS))



25 °C

Dayan, Franck E.

Journal of Chemical Research - Part S, 2002 , # 10 p. 518 - 519 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (27) Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Temperature (NMR Spectroscopy)

Frequency (NMR Spectroscopy)

Chemical shifts Spectrum



Chemical shifts Spectrum



Chemical shifts


Chemical shifts

Original Text (NMR Spectroscopy)


Kind of signal

400 MHz

100 MHz


300 MHz



Chemical shifts



Chemical shifts


Chemical shifts



supporting information

Yasukawa, Tomohiro; Miyamura, Hiroyuki; Kobayashi, Shu

Chemistry Letters, 2015 , vol. 44, # 1 p. 50 - 52 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

supporting information

Yasukawa, Tomohiro; Miyamura, Hiroyuki; Kobayashi, Shu

Chemistry Letters, 2015 , vol. 44, # 1 p. 50 - 52 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Welker, Andrea; York, Crystal

Synthesis (Germany), 2015 , vol. 47, # 20 art. no. SS-2015-M0265-OP, p. 3207 - 3211 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

75 MHz

Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Welker, Andrea; York, Crystal

Synthesis (Germany), 2015 , vol. 47, # 20 art. no. SS-2015-M0265-OP, p. 3207 - 3211 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jawale, Dhanaji V.; Gravel, Edmond; Geertsen, Valerie; Li, Haiyan; Shah, Nimesh; Namboothiri, Irishi N. N.; Doris, Eric

ChemCatChem, 2014 , vol. 6, # 3 p. 719 - 723 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Jawale, Dhanaji V.; Gravel, Edmond; Geertsen, Valerie; Li, Haiyan; Shah, Nimesh; Namboothiri, Irishi N. N.; Doris, Eric

ChemCatChem, 2014 , vol. 6, # 3 p. 719 - 723 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



supporting information

Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts




NMR (400 MHz, CDCl3): δ

1.28 ppm 6.59 ppm 6.67 ppm

s, 9H s, 1H m, 2H

Jawale, Dhanaji V.; Gravel, Edmond; Geertsen, Valrie; Li, Haiyan; Shah, Nimesh; Kumar, Rahul; John, Jubi; Namboothiri, Irishi N.N.; Doris, Eric

Tetrahedron, 2014 , vol. 70, # 36 p. 6140 - 6145 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



NMR (300 MHz, CDCl3) δ

1.29 ppm

s, 9H


Abu-Elfotoh, Abdel-Moneim; Tsuzuki,

1.28 (s, 9H), 6.59 (s, 1H), 6.67 (m, 2H) ppm

300 MHz


6.59 ppm 6.68 ppm

s, 1H d, J=1.0 Hz, 2H


Kazuyuki; Nguyen, Tram Bao; Chanthamath, Soda; Shibatomi, Kazutaka; Iwasa, Seiji

Tetrahedron, 2013 , vol. 69, # 40 p. 8612 - 8617 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

29.3 ppm 35.5 ppm 131.7 ppm 135.1 ppm 138.9 ppm 156.3 ppm 187.7 ppm 188.6 ppm

supporting information

Abu-Elfotoh, Abdel-Moneim; Tsuzuki, Kazuyuki; Nguyen, Tram Bao; Chanthamath, Soda; Shibatomi, Kazutaka; Iwasa, Seiji

Tetrahedron, 2013 , vol. 69, # 40 p. 8612 - 8617 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dohi, Toshifumi; Nakae, Tomofumi; Takenaga, Naoko; Uchiyama, Teruyoshi; Fukushima, Kei-Ichiro; Fujioka, Hiromichi; Kita, Yasuyuki

Synthesis, 2012 , vol. 44, # 8 p. 1183 - 1189 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

100 MHz

Dohi, Toshifumi; Nakae, Tomofumi; Takenaga, Naoko; Uchiyama, Teruyoshi; Fukushima, Kei-Ichiro; Fujioka, Hiromichi; Kita, Yasuyuki

Synthesis, 2012 , vol. 44, # 8 p. 1183 - 1189 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

400 MHz

Uyanik, Muhammet; Mutsuga, Tatsuya; Ishihara, Kazuaki

Molecules, 2012 , vol. 17, # 7 p. 8604 - 8616 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


100 MHz

Uyanik, Muhammet; Mutsuga, Tatsuya; Ishihara, Kazuaki

Molecules, 2012 , vol. 17, # 7 p. 8604 - 8616 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



600 MHz

supporting information

Miyamura, Hiroyuki; Shiramizu, Mika; Matsubara, Ryosuke; Kobayashi, Shu

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2008 , vol. 47, # 42 p. 8093 - 8095 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



150 MHz

supporting information

Miyamura, Hiroyuki; Shiramizu, Mika; Matsubara, Ryosuke; Kobayashi, Shu

Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2008 , vol. 47, # 42 p. 8093 - 8095 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



75 MHz

Iwasa, Seiji; Fakhruddin, Ahmad; Widagdo, Herman Setyo; Nishiyama, Hisao

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2005 , vol. 347, # 4 p. 517 - 520 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Niedbalski, Melinda; Bohnert, Gary; Bryant, Daniel

Synthetic Communications, 2006 , vol. 36, # 12 p. 1751 - 1759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



300 MHz

Iwasa, Seiji; Fakhruddin, Ahmad; Widagdo, Herman Setyo; Nishiyama, Hisao

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2005 , vol. 347, # 4 p. 517 - 520 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Niedbalski, Melinda; Bohnert, Gary; Bryant, Daniel

Synthetic Communications, 2006 , vol. 36, # 12 p. 1751 - 1759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles


Chemical shifts Spectrum



Chemical shifts



25 °C

400 MHz

Chemical shifts



25 °C

Chemical shifts



Chemical shifts


Chemical shifts

100 MHz

1.29 (s, 9H), 6.59 (s, 1H), 6.68 (d, J=1.0 Hz, 2H)


NMR (100 MHz, CDCl3) δ

29.3, 35.5, 131.7, 135.1, 138.9, 156.3, 187.7, 188.6

Show Details

Chemical shifts



200 MHz

Dewkar, Gajanan K.; Shaikh, Tanveer M.; Pardhy; Kulkarni, Swati S.; Sudalai, Arumugam

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 44, # 7 p. 1530 - 1532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



50 MHz

Dewkar, Gajanan K.; Shaikh, Tanveer M.; Pardhy; Kulkarni, Swati S.; Sudalai, Arumugam

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 44, # 7 p. 1530 - 1532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hide facts Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Temperature (NMR Spectroscopy)

Comment (NMR Spectroscopy)

Chemical shifts


Jacobsen,N.; Torrsell,K.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1972 , vol. 763, p. 135 - 147 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Michman, Michael; Oron, Miriam; Schaefer, Hans J.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 2000 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 924 940 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details




75 °C

Boykin, D. W.; Baumstark, A. L.; Mehdizadeh, A.; Venkatramanan, M. K.

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 28, p. 305 - 310 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts



Barton, Derek H. R.; Sas, Woijciech

Tetrahedron, 1990 , vol. 46, # 10 p. 3419 - 3430 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Natake, Masato; Kawamura, Kazuhiko; Danno, Gen-ichi; Kanazawa, Kazuki

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 46, # 4 p. 1083 - 1084 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts



75 °C

Boykin, D. W.; Baumstark, A. L.; Mehdizadeh, A.; Venkatramanan, M. K.

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 28, p. 305 - 310 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical shifts



Fischer, Alfred; Henderson, George N.

Synthesis, 1985 , # 6/7 p. 641 - 643 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Spin-spin coupling constants



Fischer, Alfred; Henderson, George N.

Synthesis, 1985 , # 6/7 p. 641 - 643 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Norris; Sternhell

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1966 , vol. 19, p. 617,625 Full Text Show Details

Blatchly et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1972 , p. 2286,2290 Full Text Show Details

Maruyama; Otsuki

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1971 , vol. 44, p. 2873 Full Text Show Details

Description (IR Spectroscopy)

Solvent (IR Spectroscopy)

Original Text (IR Spectroscopy)

Comment (IR Spectroscopy)



Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Welker, Andrea; York, Crystal

Synthesis (Germany), 2015 , vol. 47, # 20 art. no. SS-2015-M0265-OP, p. 3207 - 3211 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


neat (no solvent, solid phase)

IR (neat) ν 1654.6 cm-1

Abu-Elfotoh, Abdel-Moneim; Tsuzuki, Kazuyuki; Nguyen, Tram Bao; Chanthamath, Soda; Shibatomi, Kazutaka; Iwasa, Seiji

Tetrahedron, 2013 , vol. 69, # 40 p. 8612 - 8617


IR Spectroscopy (9) Reference

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Intensity of IR bands Bands

potassium bromide

Dohi, Toshifumi; Nakae, Tomofumi; Takenaga, Naoko; Uchiyama, Teruyoshi; Fukushima, Kei-Ichiro; Fujioka, Hiromichi; Kita, Yasuyuki

Synthesis, 2012 , vol. 44, # 8 p. 1183 - 1189 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Niedbalski, Melinda; Bohnert, Gary; Bryant, Daniel

Synthetic Communications, 2006 , vol. 36, # 12 p. 1751 - 1759 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Iwasa, Seiji; Fakhruddin, Ahmad; Widagdo, Herman Setyo; Nishiyama, Hisao

Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis, 2005 , vol. 347, # 4 p. 517 - 520 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



Dewkar, Gajanan K.; Shaikh, Tanveer M.; Pardhy; Kulkarni, Swati S.; Sudalai, Arumugam

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 44, # 7 p. 1530 - 1532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



2963 - 1588 cm**(-1)

Barton, Derek H. R.; Sas, Woijciech

Tetrahedron, 1990 , vol. 46, # 10 p. 3419 - 3430 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details



1650 - 840 cm**(-1)

Natake, Masato; Kawamura, Kazuhiko; Danno, Gen-ichi; Kanazawa, Kazuki

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 46, # 4 p. 1083 - 1084 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Jacobsen,N.; Torrsell,K.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1972 , vol. 763, p. 135 - 147 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mass Spectrometry (2) Description (Mass Spectrometry)



Michman, Michael; Oron, Miriam; Schaefer, Hans J.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 2000 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 924 - 940 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dewkar, Gajanan K.; Shaikh, Tanveer M.; Pardhy; Kulkarni, Swati S.; Sudalai, Arumugam

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section B Organic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2005 , vol. 44, # 7 p. 1530 - 1532 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kwong Chip; Grossert

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1972 , p. 1629 Full Text Show Details

UV/VIS Spectroscopy (9)

Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Absorption Maxima (UV/VIS)


248 nm 310 nm


ethyl acetate

in the presence of additive(s) Spectrum

various solvent(s)

252 nm



Ext./Abs. Coefficient


Comment (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)


supporting information

Li, Jun; Bi, Yanlan; Liu, Wei; Sun, Shangde

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 63, # 38 p. 8584 - 8591 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

252 nm

Bekdeser, Burcu; Oezyuerek, Mustafa; Gueclue, Kubilay; Apak, Resat

Analytical Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 83, # 14 p. 5652 - 5660 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

252 nm

20000 l·mol-1cm-1

Wang, Xiu Jun; Hayes, John D.; Higgins, Larry G.; Wolf, C. Roland; Dinkova-Kostova, Albena T.

Chemistry and Biology, 2010 , vol. 17, # 1 p. 75 - 85 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

in the presence of inorganic compounds. Object(s) of Study: in the presence of organic compounds

Li, Yunbo; Seacat, Andrew; Kuppusamy, Periannan; Zweier, Jay L; Yager, James D; Trush, Michael A

Mutation Research - Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis, 2002 , vol. 518, # 2 p. 123 - 133 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

200 - 800 nm

Mure, Minae; Klinman, Judith P.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1995 , vol. 117, # 34 p. 8698 - 8706

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Absorption maxima

Absorption maxima



250 nm 312 nm

17300 l·mol-1cm-1

Mure, Minae; Klinman, Judith P.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1995 , vol. 117, # 34 p. 8698 - 8706 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Natake, Masato; Kawamura, Kazuhiko; Danno, Gen-ichi; Kanazawa, Kazuki

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 46, # 4 p. 1083 - 1084 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

700 l·mol-1cm-1

248 nm 269 nm 420 nm

15600 l·mol-1cm-1 1360 l·mol-1cm-1

46 l·mol-1cm-1


Bruce; Chaudhry

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1972 , p. 372,379 Full Text Show Details

Maruyama; Otsuki

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1971 , vol. 44, p. 2873 Full Text Show Details

Absorption maxima

Orlando et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1967 , vol. 89, p. 6527,6531 Full Text Show Details

ESR Spectroscopy (1) Description (ESR Spectroscopy)




Molecular Physics, 1974 , vol. 28, p. 1031,1033 Full Text Show Details

Barbarin et al.

Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie B: Sciences Physiques, 1973 , vol. 276, p. 339 Full Text Show Details

Bioactivity Pharmacological Data (37) 1 of 37

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Buben,I.; Pospisil,J.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1969 , vol. 34, p. 1991 - 2001 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Seiko Kagaku Kabushiki Kaisha

Patent: EP812816 A1, 1997 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Horswill,E.C.; Ingold,K.U.

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1966 , vol. 44, p. 269 - 277 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Canadian Patents and Development Limited

Patent: US4158822 A1, 1979 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Cuntze,U.; Musso,H.

Chemische Berichte, 1970 , vol. 103, p. 62 - 70 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Musso,H.; Maassen,D.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1965 , vol. 689, p. 93 - 108 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jacobsen,N.; Torrsell,K.

Justus Liebigs Annalen der Chemie, 1972 , vol. 763, p. 135 - 147 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

McKillop,A. et al.

Tetrahedron, 1970 , vol. 26, p. 4031 - 4039 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ley,K.; Nast,R.

Angewandte Chemie, 1967 , vol. 79, p. 150 - 151 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Rockhurst University

Patent: US5780515 A1, 1998 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] D: Chemical Communications, 1971 , p. 73 - 74

Full Text View citing articles Show Details

BetzDearborn Inc.

Patent: US5648573 A1, 1997 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

Patent: US6872857 B1, 2005 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


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Patent: WO2008/35078 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Universal Oil Prod. Co.

Patent: US2573136 , 1949 ; Full Text Show Details

Orlando et al.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1967 , vol. 89, p. 6527,6531 Full Text Show Details

Bruce; Chaudhry

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1972 , p. 372,379 Full Text Show Details

2 of 37

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Hewgill et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1965 , p. 2904,2910 Full Text Show Details

Karpov; Chidekel'

Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1967 , vol. 3, p. 1669,1625 Full Text Show Details

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Bulletin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Division of Chemical Science (English Translation), 1970 , p. 2561,2563 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR, Seriya Khimicheskaya, 1970 , p. 2722 Full Text Show Details

Norris; Sternhell

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1966 , vol. 19, p. 617,625 Full Text Show Details

McKillop; Young

Synthetic Communications, 1977 , vol. 7, p. 467,470 Full Text Show Details

Singh; Turner

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1974 , p. 2556,2558 Full Text Show Details

Blatchly et al.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1972 , p. 2286,2290 Full Text Show Details

Kwong Chip; Grossert

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1972 , p. 1629 Full Text Show Details


Molecular Physics, 1974 , vol. 28, p. 1031,1033 Full Text Show Details

Barbarin et al.

Comptes Rendus des Seances de l'Academie des Sciences, Serie B: Sciences Physiques, 1973 , vol. 276, p. 339 Full Text Show Details

McKillop et al.

Angewandte Chemie, 1970 , vol. 82, p. 84 Full Text Show Details

Pilar et al.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1970 , vol. 35, p. 489,490 Full Text Show Details

Hussain et al.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1977 , p. 3199 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

McKillop; Ray

Synthesis, 1977 , p. 847 Full Text Show Details

Maruyama; Otsuki

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1971 , vol. 44, p. 2873 Full Text Show Details

Ho et al.

Chemistry and Industry (London, United Kingdom), 1972 , p. 729 Full Text Show Details

Hewgill; Hewitt

Journal of the Chemical Society [Section] C: Organic, 1967 , p. 726 Full Text Show Details

Petranek et al.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1967 , vol. 32, p. 2140 Full Text Show Details

Buben; Pospisil

Tetrahedron Letters, 1967 , p. 5123 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Orlando jun. et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1968 , vol. 33, p. 2512 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

3 of 37

4 of 37

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Ryba et al.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1968 , vol. 33, p. 26 Full Text Show Details

Boykin, D. W.; Baumstark, A. L.; Mehdizadeh, A.; Venkatramanan, M. K.

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1990 , vol. 28, p. 305 - 310 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Barton, Derek H. R.; Sas, Woijciech

Tetrahedron, 1990 , vol. 46, # 10 p. 3419 - 3430 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Thompson, Malcolm J.; Zeegers, Petrus J.

Tetrahedron Letters, 1988 , vol. 29, # 20 p. 2471 - 2474 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Fischer, Alfred; Henderson, George N.

Synthesis, 1985 , # 6/7 p. 641 - 643 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ishii, Fumio; Kishi, Ken-ichi

Synthesis, 1980 , # 9 p. 706 - 708 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Takata, Toshikazu; Tajima, Rieko; Ando, Wataru

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1983 , vol. 48, # 24 p. 4764 - 4766 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Uno, Hidemitsu; Shiraishi, Yasukazu; Matsushima, Yuji; Yayama, Ayumi; Suzuki, Hitomi

Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1991 , vol. 64, # 3 p. 842 - 850 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

McKillop, Alexander; Tarbin, Jonathan A.

Tetrahedron, 1987 , vol. 43, # 8 p. 1753 - 1758 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pratt, Daniel V.; Ruan, Fuqiang; Hopkins, Paul B.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1987 , vol. 52, # 22 p. 5053 - 5055 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ipaktschi, Junes; Heydari, Akbar

Chemische Berichte, 1992 , vol. 125, # 6 p. 1513 - 1516 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Harrod, John F.; Pathak, Asha

Canadian Journal of Chemistry, 1980 , vol. 58, # 7 p. 686 - 693 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Davis, Brian R.; Gash, Diana M.; Woodgate, Paul D.; Woodgate, Sheila D.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1982 , p. 1499 - 1508 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Coppa, Fausta; Fontana, Francesca; Lazzarini, Edoardo; Minisci, Francesco

Chemistry Letters, 1992 , # 7 p. 1299 - 1302 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Rockcliffe, David A.; Martell, Artur E.

Journal of the Chemical Society, Chemical Communications, 1992 , # 24 p. 1758 - 1760 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Cassis, R.; Valderrama, J. A.

Synthetic Communications, 1983 , vol. 13, # 5 p. 347 - 356 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

McKay, Peter G.; Mitchell, Anthony S.

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1989 , vol. 42, # 12 p. 2295 - 2297 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bruce, J. Malcolm; Lloyd-Williams, Paul

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1992 , # 21 p. 2877 - 2884 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

McKillop, Alexander; Brown, Stephen P.

Synthetic Communications, 1987 , vol. 17, # 6 p. 657 - 668 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Duthaler, Rudolf O.; Lyle, Paulette A.; Heuberger, Christoph

Helvetica Chimica Acta, 1984 , vol. 67, p. 1406 - 1426 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Coxon, James M.; O'Connell, Michael J.; Steel, Peter J.

Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1986 , vol. 39, # 10 p. 1537 - 1557 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mizuno, Masashi; Toda, Masaya; Danno, Gen-ichi; Kanazawa, Kazuki; Natake, Masato

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 52, # 11 p. 2843 - 2850 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Deacon, Glen B.; O'Donoghue, Michael F.; McKillop, Alexander; Young, Derek W.

Synthetic Communications, 1980 , vol. 10, # 8 p. 615 - 622 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Lam; Garg; Swanson; Pezzuto

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1988 , vol. 77, # 5 p. 393 - 395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Costantini; D'Ischia; Prota

Synthesis, 1994 , # 12 p. 1399 - 1400 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kallmayer; Burgardt

Scientia Pharmaceutica, 1994 , vol. 62, # 3 p. 207 - 214 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Natake, Masato; Kawamura, Kazuhiko; Danno, Gen-ichi; Kanazawa, Kazuki

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 46, # 4 p. 1083 - 1084 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Dohrmann, Juergen K.; Bergmann, Barbara

Journal of Physical Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 99, # 4 p. 1218 - 1227 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Raptova, Lubica; Rapta, Miroslav; Horak, Vaclav

Acta Crystallographica, Section C: Crystal Structure Communications, 1995 , vol. 51, # 4 p. 734 - 736 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Mure, Minae; Klinman, Judith P.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1995 , vol. 117, # 34 p. 8698 - 8706 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hewgill, Frank R.; Hoefler, Ulrike; Power, Richard C.; Stegmann, Hartmut B.

Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, 1996 , vol. 34, # 1 p. 47 - 51 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tamami, Bahman; Yeganeh, Hamid

Tetrahedron, 1997 , vol. 53, # 23 p. 7889 - 7896 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kallmayer; Brandenburg

Scientia Pharmaceutica, 1997 , vol. 65, # 4 p. 213 - 223 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Roginsky, Vitaly A.; Pisarenko, Leonid M.; Bors, Wolf; Michel, Christa; Saran, Manfred

Journal of the Chemical Society - Faraday Transactions, 1998 , vol. 94, # 13 p. 1835 - 1840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hwang, Der-Ren; Chu, Chang-Ying; Wang, Sheng-Kai; Uang, Biing-Jiun

Synlett, 1999 , # 1 p. 77 - 78 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Roginsky, Vitaly A.; Pisarenko, Leonid M.; Bors, Wolf; Michel, Christa

Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2, 1999 , # 4 p. 871 - 876 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Peters, Melanie M. C. G.; Lau, Serrine S.; Dulik, Deanne; Murphy, Darlene; Van Ommen, Ben; Van Bladeren, Peter J.; Monks, Terrence J.

Chemical Research in Toxicology, 1996 , vol. 9, # 1 p. 133 - 139 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Roginsky, Vitaly; Barsukova, Tatyana

Journal of the Chemical Society. Perkin Transactions 2, 2000 , # 7 p. 1575 - 1582 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Michman, Michael; Oron, Miriam; Schaefer, Hans J.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 2000 , vol. 65, # 6 p. 924 - 940 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nunes, Ruth Leandro; Bieber, Lothar Wilhelm

Tetrahedron Letters, 2001 , vol. 42, # 2 p. 219 - 221 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

5 of 37

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Yamago, Shigeru; Hashidume, Masahiro; Yoshida, Jun-Ichi

Chemistry Letters, 2000 , # 11 p. 1234 - 1235 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Phosphorus, Sulfur and Silicon and the Related Elements, 2005 , vol. 180, # 11 p. 2431 - 2437 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Bioactivities present


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Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2008 , vol. 56, # 11 p. 1632 - 1634 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


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Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 56, # 11 p. 4021 - 4026 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Tetrahedron, 2010 , vol. 66, # 31 p. 5833 - 5840 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Organometallics, 2010 , vol. 29, # 21 p. 5330 - 5340 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2011 , vol. 59, # 1 p. 132 - 134 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Chemistry and Biology, 2010 , vol. 17, # 12 p. 1282 - 1294 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, 2011 , vol. 50, # 42 p. 9926 - 9930 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Brock-Nannestad, Theis; Nielsen, Christian B.; Schau-Magnussen, Magnus; Hammershoj, Peter; Reenberg, Theis K.; Petersen, Asger B.; Trpcevski, Denis; Pittelkow, Michael

European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2011 , # 31 p. 6320 - 6325 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Pourali, Ali Reza; Goli, Arezou

Journal of Chemical Sciences, 2011 , vol. 123, # 1 p. 63 - 67 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Maggi, Raimondo; Piscopo, Calogero G.; Sartori, Giovanni; Storaro, Loretta; Moretti, Elisa

Applied Catalysis A: General, 2012 , vol. 411-412, p. 146 - 152 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Analytical Chemistry, 2011 , vol. 83, # 14 p. 5652 - 5660 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Misevicien, Lina; Anusevicius, Zilvinas; Sarlauskas, Jonas; Sevrioukova, Irina F.; Cnas, Narimantas

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2011 , vol. 512, # 2 p. 183 - 189 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Dohi, Toshifumi; Nakae, Tomofumi; Takenaga, Naoko; Uchiyama, Teruyoshi; Fukushima, Kei-Ichiro; Fujioka, Hiromichi; Kita, Yasuyuki

Synthesis, 2012 , vol. 44, # 8 p. 1183 - 1189 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Chemical Communications, 2012 , vol. 48, # 57 p. 7191 - 7193 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Uyanik, Muhammet; Mutsuga, Tatsuya; Ishihara, Kazuaki

Molecules, 2012 , vol. 17, # 7 p. 8604 - 8616 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hernandez-Juarez, Martin; Garcia-Baez, Efren V.; Padilla-Martinez, Itzia I.; Salazar, Veronica; Hoepfl, Herbert; Rosales-Hoz, Maria De Jesus

Organometallics, 2012 , vol. 31, # 15 p. 5438 - 5451,14 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Endo, Satoshi; Matsunaga, Toshiyuki; Kumada, Sho; Fujimoto, Airi; Hara, Akira; Ohno, Satoshi; El-Kabbani, Ossama; Hu, Dawei; Toyooka, Naoki; Mano, Jun'Ichi; Tajima, Kazuo

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2012 , vol. 527, # 1 p. 23 - 30,8 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Endo, Satoshi; Matsunaga, Toshiyuki; Kumada, Sho; Fujimoto, Airi; Ohno, Satoshi; El-Kabbani, Ossama; Hu, Dawei; Toyooka, Naoki; Mano, Jun'Ichi; Tajima, Kazuo; Hara, Akira

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2012 , vol. 527, # 1 p. 23 - 30 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nielsen, Christian B.; Brock-Nannestad, Theis; Hammershoj, Peter; Reenberg, Theis K.; Schau-Magnussen, Magnus; Trpcevski, Denis; Hensel, Thomas; Salcedo, Roberto; Baryshnikov, Gleb V.; Minaev, Boris F.; Pittelkow, Michael

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2013 , vol. 19, # 12 p. 3898 - 3904 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Zhang, Shuai; Song, Feijie; Zhao, Dongbing; You, Jingsong

Chemical Communications, 2013 , vol. 49, # 40 p. 4558 - 4560 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Grafton, Mark W.; Farrugia, Louis J.; Sutherland, Andrew

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 78, # 14 p. 7199 - 7207 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Toxicological Sciences, 2004 , vol. 81, # 1 p. 148 - 159 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Abu-Elfotoh, Abdel-Moneim; Tsuzuki, Kazuyuki; Nguyen, Tram Bao; Chanthamath, Soda; Shibatomi, Kazutaka; Iwasa, Seiji

Tetrahedron, 2013 , vol. 69, # 40 p. 8612 - 8617 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ikeda, Atsushi; Hoshino, Kazuya; Komatsuzaki, Hidehito; Satoh, Minoru; Nakazawa, Jun; Hikichi, Shiro

New Journal of Chemistry, 2013 , vol. 37, # 8 p. 2377 - 2383 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Endo, Satoshi; Arai, Yuki; Hara, Akira; Kitade, Yukio; Bunai, Yasuo; El-Kabbani, Ossama; Matsunaga, Toshiyuki

Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 2013 , vol. 36, # 9 p. 1514 - 1518 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Hall, Gabriel B.; Chen, Jinzhu; Mebi, Charles A.; Okumura, Noriko; Swenson, Matthew T.; Ossowski, Stephanie E.; Zakai, Uzma I.; Nichol, Gary S.; Lichtenberger, Dennis L.; Evans, Dennis H.; Glass, Richard S.

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Patent: WO2008/35085 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 2013 , vol. 34, # 10 p. 2968 - 2972 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

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Organic Letters, 2013 , vol. 15, # 24 p. 6242 - 6245 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jawale, Dhanaji V.; Gravel, Edmond; Geertsen, Valerie; Li, Haiyan; Shah, Nimesh; Namboothiri, Irishi N. N.; Doris, Eric

ChemCatChem, 2014 , vol. 6, # 3 p. 719 - 723 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Tomita, Ren; Mantani, Kohei; Hamasaki, Akiyuki; Ishida, Tamao; Tokunaga, Makoto

Chemistry - A European Journal, 2014 , vol. 20, # 32 p. 9914 - 9917 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Nafikova; Asfandiarov; Kalimullina; El'Kin, Yu. N.

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2014 , vol. 63, # 3 p. 572 - 576 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. Seriya Khimicheskaya, 2014 , # 3 p. 572 - 576,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Moon, Youngtaek; Jeong, Yujeong; Kook, Daehyuk; Hong, Sungwoo

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 13, # 13 p. 3918 - 3923 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Jawale, Dhanaji V.; Gravel, Edmond; Geertsen, Valrie; Li, Haiyan; Shah, Nimesh; Kumar, Rahul; John, Jubi; Namboothiri, Irishi N.N.; Doris, Eric

Tetrahedron, 2014 , vol. 70, # 36 p. 6140 - 6145 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Plesner, Malene; Hensel, Thomas; Nielsen, Bjarne E.; Kamounah, Fadhil S.; Brock-Nannestad, Theis; Nielsen, Christian B.; Tortzen, Christian G.; Hammerich, Ole; Pittelkow, Michael

Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 13, # 21 p. 5937 - 5943 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yasukawa, Tomohiro; Miyamura, Hiroyuki; Kobayashi, Shu

Chemistry Letters, 2015 , vol. 44, # 1 p. 50 - 52 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

9 of 37

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

Bioactivities present


Li, Jun; Bi, Yanlan; Liu, Wei; Sun, Shangde

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 63, # 38 p. 8584 - 8591 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Ali, Mohammed Hashmat; Welker, Andrea; York, Crystal

Synthesis (Germany), 2015 , vol. 47, # 20 art. no. SS-2015-M0265-OP, p. 3207 - 3211 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Vilipi, Jovana; Novakovi, Irena; Stanojkovi, Tatjana; Mati, Ivana; egan, Dejan; Kljaji, Zoran; Sladi, Duan

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 23, # 21 p. 6930 - 6942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Asian Journal of Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 28, # 2 p. 450 - 454

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Yang, Wei; Wang, Jingyi; Wei, Zhonglin; Zhang, Qian; Xu, Xianxiu

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2016 , vol. 81, # 4 p. 1675 - 1680 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Kiranmayee; Sirisha; Vijaya Rachel; Jha, Anjali

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research, 2016 , vol. 38, # 2 art. no. 15, p. 75 - 82 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Gelis, Coralie; Bekkaye, Mathieu; Lebée, Clément; Blanchard, Florent; Masson, Géraldine

Organic Letters, 2016 , vol. 18, # 14 p. 3422 - 3425 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Wieczorek, Dorota; Marchut-Mikolajczyk, Olga; Strzelecki, Bartosz; Gajewska, Malgorzata; Polewczyk, Arkadiusz; Antczak, Tadeusz

International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation, 2016 , vol. 115, p. 205 - 211 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Jardim, Guilherme A. M.; Bower, John F.; Da Silva Júnior, Eufrânio N.

Organic Letters, 2016 , vol. 18, # 18 p. 4454 - 4457 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Widhalm, Joshua R.; Rhodes, David

Horticulture Research, 2016 , vol. 3, art. no. 16046 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Liu, Cuifang; Li, Jun; Bi, Yanlan; Wang, Xuede; Sun, Shangde; Yang, Guolong

Journal of Oleo Science, 2016 , vol. 65, # 9 p. 739 - 748 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Abiko, Yumi; Lin, Fang-Yu; Lee, Hsinyu; Puga, Alvaro; Kumagai, Yoshito

Journal of Toxicological Sciences, 2016 , vol. 41, # 6 p. 775 - 781 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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13 of 37

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

physiological behaviour discussed


Vilipi, Jovana; Novakovi, Irena; Stanojkovi, Tatjana; Mati, Ivana; egan, Dejan; Kljaji, Zoran; Sladi, Duan

Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry, 2015 , vol. 23, # 21 p. 6930 - 6942 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

recombinant apoptosis-inducing factor of mouse

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

catalytic constant (Kcat)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

0.04 1/s


Misevicien, Lina; Anusevicius, Zilvinas; Sarlauskas, Jonas; Sevrioukova, Irina F.; Cnas, Narimantas

Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 2011 , vol. 512, # 2 p. 183 - 189 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

ARE-luciferase reporter activity; induction of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

mammary AREc32 reporter cells of human; genetically modified/infected with: ARE-luciferase

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2.5 μmol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in acetonitrile

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

ARE: antioxidant response element; test carried out in absence of CuCl2; control luciferase activity was set to 1.0; fold to control related to: luciferase

Type (Pharmacological Data)

fold to control

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Wang, Xiu Jun; Hayes, John D.; Higgins, Larry G.; Wolf, C. Roland; Dinkova-Kostova, Albena T.

Chemistry and Biology, 2010 , vol. 17, # 1 p. 75 - 85 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

ARE-luciferase reporter activity; induction of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

mammary AREc32 reporter cells of human; genetically modified/infected with: ARE-luciferase

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

2.5 μmol/l

14 of 37

15 of 37

16 of 37

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in acetonitrile

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

ARE: antioxidant response element; test carried out in presence of CuCl2; control luciferase activity was set to 1.0; fold to control related to: luciferase

Type (Pharmacological Data)

fold to control

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)



Wang, Xiu Jun; Hayes, John D.; Higgins, Larry G.; Wolf, C. Roland; Dinkova-Kostova, Albena T.

Chemistry and Biology, 2010 , vol. 17, # 1 p. 75 - 85 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protein binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

N-terminally 6His-tagged macrophage migration inhibitory factor of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

scintillation proximity assay (SPA); test system protein immobilized on SPA beads; radioligand: [3H]-2-(pyridin-2-yl)-4H-benzo[e][1,3]thiazin-4-one; inhibitory concentration (IC)

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

1.1 μmol/l


Kimura, Haruhide; Sato, Yoshimi; Tajima, Yasukazu; Suzuki, Hirobumi; Yukitake, Hiroshi; Imaeda, Toshihiro; Kajino, Masahiro; Oki, Hideyuki; Takizawa, Masayuki; Tanida, Seiichi

Chemistry and Biology, 2010 , vol. 17, # 12 p. 1282 - 1294 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

protein binding affinity

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

N-terminally 6His-tagged macrophage migration inhibitory factor of rat

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

scintillation proximity assay (SPA); test system protein immobilized on SPA beads; radioligand: [3H]-2-(pyridin-2-yl)-4H-benzo[e][1,3]thiazin-4-one


molecular target: rat macrophage migration inhibitory factor


Kimura, Haruhide; Sato, Yoshimi; Tajima, Yasukazu; Suzuki, Hirobumi; Yukitake, Hiroshi; Imaeda, Toshihiro; Kajino, Masahiro; Oki, Hideyuki; Takizawa, Masayuki; Tanida, Seiichi

Chemistry and Biology, 2010 , vol. 17, # 12 p. 1282 - 1294 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Propionibacterium acnes NCTC 737

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Example 3 - activity asainst P. acnes (other quinones)A series of quinones was tested with zinc pyrithione (ZP) in a similar manner to that described in Example 1. The MIC and MBC results are shown in Table 4 below and the (S)DDA results in Tables 5 (unsupplemented assays) and 6 (assays supplemented with salt and lipid). All results are collated from a number of experiments.For the (S)DDA experiments, 200 μg of each test compound was loaded onto each disc with the exception of 2-t-butyl-p-benzoquinone which was used at 50 μg per disc in unsupplemented and 100 μg per disc in supplemented assays. The test compounds were dissolved in DMSO, with the exception of /?-benzoquinone and thymoquinone which were dissolved in ethanol.Table 4 Table 5 (unsupplemented (S)DDAs)Table 6 (supplemented (S)DDAs) (SL-(S)DDA = (S)DDA carried out in the presence of salt and lipid)Again these data demonstrate a synergistic antimicrobial interaction when a quinone is combined with zinc pyrithione, there being a significant increase in zone diameter over that exhibited by either compound alone. This synergistic interaction is maintained in nearly all cases in the presence of salt and lipid; furthermore the activity of the quinones alone appears in all cases to be enhanced by the presence of the supplements. Indeed, in some cases, for example the combination of 2-methyl-/?hydroquinone or 2- ethyl-p-hydroquinone with zinc pyrithione, antimicrobial synergy appears to be far more marked under the supplemented conditions than the unsupplemented ones, indicating the potential value of such a combination in topical skin treatment formulations, in particular to treat acne. Example 5 - activity against Propionibacterium spp (copper pyrithione)Copper (II) pyrithione (CuP) was tested against P. acnes NCTC 737 with a number of quinones, using the same procedure as in Example 3. The MIC and MBC results are shown in Table 9 below and the (S)DDA results in Table 10. All results are collated from a number of experiments.For the (S)DDA experiments, 200 μg of each test compound was loaded onto each disc, with the exception of 2-t-butyl-p-benzoquinone which was used at 100 μg per disc. The TBHQ was dissolved in ethanol and the copper pyrithione, 2-methyl-p- benzoquinone and 2-chloro-p-benzoquinone in DMSO.Table 9 Table 10* Denotes data obtained in a separate series of experiments to those involving TBHQ and CuP.These data demonstrate a synergistic antimicrobial interaction when a quinone is combined with copper pyrithione, there being in nearly all cases a significant increase in zone diameter over that exhibited by either compound alone.

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

7.8 μg/ml


MBC is 15.6 μg/ml, MIC/MBC is 0.5


Page/Page column 22-24; 28; 33-34



Patent: WO2008/35078 A1, 2008 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

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Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Propionibacterium acnes NCTC 737

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Example 3 - activity asainst P. acnes (other quinones)A series of quinones was tested with zinc pyrithione (ZP) in a similar manner to that described in Example 1. The MIC and MBC results are shown in Table 4 below and the (S)DDA results in Tables 5 (unsupplemented assays) and 6 (assays supplemented with salt and lipid). All results are collated from a number of experiments.For the (S)DDA experiments, 200 μg of each test compound was loaded onto each disc with the exception of 2-t-butyl-p-benzoquinone which was used at 50 μg per disc in unsupplemented and 100 μg per disc in supplemented assays. The test compounds were dissolved in DMSO, with the exception of /?-benzoquinone and thymoquinone which were dissolved in ethanol.Table 4 Table 5 (unsupplemented (S)DDAs)Table 6 (supplemented (S)DDAs) (SL-(S)DDA = (S)DDA carried out in the presence of salt and lipid)Again these data demonstrate a synergistic antimicrobial interaction when a quinone is combined with zinc pyrithione, there being a significant increase in zone diameter over that exhibited by either compound alone. This synergistic interaction is maintained in nearly all cases in the presence of salt and lipid; furthermore the activity of the quinones alone appears in all cases to be enhanced by the presence of the supplements. Indeed, in some cases, for example the combination of 2-methyl-/?hydroquinone or 2- ethyl-p-hydroquinone with zinc pyrithione, antimicrobial synergy appears to be far more marked under the supplemented conditions than the unsupplemented ones, indicating the potential value of such a combination in topical skin treatment formulations, in particular to treat acne.Example 5 - activity against Propionibacterium spp (copper pyrithione)Copper (II) pyrithione (CuP) was tested against P. acnes NCTC 737 with a number of quinones, using the same procedure as in Example 3. The MIC and MBC results are shown in Table 9 below and the (S)DDA results in Table 10. All results are collated from a number of experiments.For the (S)DDA experiments, 200 μg of each test compound was loaded onto each disc, with the exception of 2-t-butyl-p-benzoquinone which was used at 100 μg per disc. The TBHQ was dissolved in ethanol and the copper pyrithione, 2-methyl-p- benzoquinone and 2-chloro-p-benzoquinone in DMSO.Table 9 Table 10* Denotes data obtained in a separate series of experiments to those involving TBHQ and CuP.These data demonstrate a synergistic antimicrobial interaction when a quinone is combined with copper pyrithione, there being in nearly all cases a significant increase in zone diameter over that exhibited by either compound alone.


unsupplemented disc diffusion assay value is 27.60 mm, 52.61 mm, supplemented (Triolein at 1percent v/v, sodium chloride, 100 mM) disc diffusion assay value is 61.68 mm


Page/Page column 22-25; 28-30; 33-34



Patent: WO2008/35078 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

18 of 37

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20 of 37

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

hepatocytes of Sprague-Dawley rat



Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells incubated with title comp. for up to 3 h at 37 deg C under atmosphere of 95percent O2 and 5percent CO2; cell viability detd. trypan blue exclusion test

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: untreated cells; LC50: conc. of title comp. required to cause 50percent decrease in cell viability in 2 h

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

32 μmol/l


Chan, Katie; Jensen, Neil; O'Brien, Peter J.

Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2008 , vol. 28, # 5 p. 608 - 620 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

hepatocytes of human



Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells incubated with title comp. for up to 3 h at 37 deg C; MTT added; incubated for another 3 h; absorbance of MTT formazan was measured at 572 nm and 690 nm; cytotoxicity determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: untreated cells; LC50: conc. of title comp. required to cause 50percent decrease in cell viability in 2 h

Type (Pharmacological Data)


Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

160 μmol/l


Chan, Katie; Jensen, Neil; O'Brien, Peter J.

Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2008 , vol. 28, # 5 p. 608 - 620 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Propionibacterium acnes NCTC 737

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Test micro-organismsThe principal test micro-organism used was Propionibacterium acnes NCTC 737. Other propionibacterial strains, including some P. granulosum strains and including some having antibiotic resistance, were also used as test organisms in Example 4.Propionibacteria are known to be involved in acne, which is a complex, multi-factorial skin disease in which P. acnes and other Propionibacterium spp. play key roles. Activity observed against the chosen test organisms is therefore expected to be a reasonable qualitative predictor of activity against micro-organisms responsible for skin and skin structure infections, in particular acne.All the propionibacteria were cultured and maintained on Wilkins-Chalgren Anaerobe Medium (agar and broth) at pH 6.0; all cultures were incubated anaerobically at 37 °C for 72 hours. Also tested was Porphyromonas gingivalis NCTC 11834 - this is a black pigmented gram-negative anaerobic bacterium belonging to the genus Porphyromonas. Porphyromonas are a human commensal bacterium, predominantly associated with the oral cavity. Clinically, Por. gingivalis is associated with periodontal lesions, infections and adult periodontal disease. Gingivitis (inflammation of the gums that causes bleeding and exposes the base of the teeth) can be a precursor to periodontal disease by allowing Por. gingivalis to infect the areas near the roots of the teeth and thus cause tooth decay and infection.Activity observed against this micro-organism is expected to be a reasonable qualitative predictor of antimicrobial activity, in particular against micro-organisms responsible for periodontal lesions, infections, and periodontal disease.Por. gingivalis was cultured and maintained on Wilkins-Chalgren Anaerobe Medium (agar and broth) at pH 7.0; all cultures were incubated anaerobically at 37 0C for 5-7 days.The following tests were carried out to assess antimicrobial activity against the test organisms. (d) Disc diffusion assay (DDA)This is an internationally recognised standard method for qualitatively assessing the antimicrobial activity of a compound.A sterile paper disc was impregnated with a sample of the test compound in a suitable solvent and 30 minutes allowed for the solvents to evaporate (where possible). The disc was then placed on an agar plate onto which the test micro-organism had been inoculated. The plate was then incubated under the conditions described above, following which it was examined visually for signs of microbial growth. If the test compound had antimicrobial activity, a circular zone of no growth would be obtained around the disc. The diameter of this zone of "inhibition" was measured using a ProtoCOL.(TM). automated zone sizer (Synbiosis, Cambridge, UK). In general, a greater diameter and/or area of the zone of inhibition indicates a greater antimicrobial activity in the relevant test compound, although other factors such as test compound mobility through the agar gel may also influence the result.


The diameter of zone of inhibition = 52.61 mm


Page/Page column 27-28; 30; 34-35



Patent: WO2008/35085 A1, 2008 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hide facts 21 of 37

22 of 37

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki, Formosan subterranean termite

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

administered via filter paper disk treated with solution of title comp. in acetone (1percent wt/wt) after evaporation of solvent

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

filter paper disk assay; results obtained at days 3-21 of treatment

Type (Pharmacological Data)

percent mortality

Value of Type (Pharmacological Data)

13.3 - 28.3 percent


Mozaina, Kobaisy; Cantrell, Charles L.; Mims, Amelia B.; Lax, Alan R.; Tellez, Maria R.; Osbrink, Weste L. A.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2008 , vol. 56, # 11 p. 4021 - 4026 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

Propionibacterium acnes NCTC 737

Method (Pharmacological Data)

Example 8 - activity against P. acnes (other quinones)A number of different quinones was tested with both copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate (CSPH) and copper (II) silicate (CSL) against P. acnes NCTC 737 using (S)DDA tests as described in Example 1.For the (S)DDA experiments, 200 μg of each test compound was loaded onto each disc, with the exception of copper (II) silicate (62 μg/disc) and 2-t-butyl-l,4- benzoquinone (100 μg/disc). The quinones were dissolved in DMSO and the copper (II) sulphate pentahydrate in deionised water, whilst the copper (II) silicate was used as a 0.62 percent (w/w) solution in water.All the quinones were sourced from Thermo Fisher Scientific, UK with the exception of 2-t-butyl-l,4-benzoquinone (Sigma- Aldrich) and 2-ethyl-p-hydroquinone (Apin Chemicals Ltd, UK).The DDA results are shown in Table 13 below and the SDDA results in Tables 14 and 15 (unsupplemented assays) and 16 and 17 (supplemented assays).Table 13 f-lpercent(v/v) trioleinTable 14Table 15Table 16 (SL SDDA = SDDA with salt and lipid (1percent (v/v) triolein) supplements)Table 17(SL SDDA = SDDA with salt and lipid (1percent (v/v) triolein) supplements)These data demonstrate synergistic antimicrobial activity against P. acnes NCTC 737 for a range of different benzo- and hydroquinones with copper salts. On the whole these synergies are retained under the supplemented conditions.


title compound demonstrated an antimicrobial activity with zone of diameter of 35.18 mm (DDA) and 45.13 mm (DDA + salt and lipid)


Page/Page column 47-49



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

23 of 37

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

intracellular ATP levels; effect on

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human monocytic leukemia U937 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 0.01 - 0.1 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 1 h in presence or absence of glucose (GLU); lysed; centrifuged; supernatant collected; intracellular ATP concentration was determined using luminometer

24 of 37

25 of 37

26 of 37

27 of 37

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: DMSO


in the absence of GLU, title comp. caused drastic conc.-dependent decrease in ATP at 15 min; at 0.04 mmol/l, ATP decrease was about 10 and 66percent of control in absence/presence of GLU, resp.; in presence of GLU, ATP decrease was moderate; fig.


Okubo; Yokoyama; Kano

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2003 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 679 - 688 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

apoptosis induction

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human monocytic leukemia U937 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.04 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 3 h; cytosolic extracts prepared; cytosolic protein was separated on 15percent SDS-polyacrylamide gel; release of cytochrome c detected by Western blotting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: cells treated with DMSO; caspase cascade plays an essential role in internucleosomal DNA laddering that typifies apoptotic cell death


title comp. showed denser bands of cytochrome c than control; title comp. treatment caused release of cytochrome c from mitochondria to cytosol; fig.


Okubo; Yokoyama; Kano

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2003 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 679 - 688 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

glutathione levels; decrease of

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human monocytic leukemia U937 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.01 - 0.05 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 3 h; washed; glutathione was extracted with perchloric acid; after addition of o-phthalaldehyde, fluorescence with excitation at 350 nm and emission at 420 nm; reduced glutathione level determined

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: DMSO


title comp. decreased glutathione levels dose-dependently and showed maximal effect at 0.04 mmol/l title comp. concentration; fig.


Okubo; Yokoyama; Kano

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2003 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 679 - 688 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

apoptosis induction

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human monocytic leukemia U937 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.04 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 3 to 6 h; lysed; cell lysates separated on 14percent SDS-polyacrylamide gel and active caspase-3 and -7 detected by Western blotting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

caspase cascade plays an essential role in internucleosomal DNA laddering that typifies apoptotic cell death


title comp. apparently processed procaspase-3 and -7 to active forms in cells; fig.


Okubo; Yokoyama; Kano

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2003 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 679 - 688 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

apoptosis induction

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human monocytic leukemia U937 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.04 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. in presence of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) for 1.5 to 6 h; lysed; cell lysates separated on 7.5percent SDS-polyacrylamide gels and PARP cleavage determined by Western blotting

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

PARP contains DEVD peptide sequence is target of DEVDase (caspase-3, -7); caspase cascade plays an essential role in internucleosomal DNA laddering that typifies apoptotic cell death

28 of 37

29 of 37

30 of 37

31 of 37


title comp.-treated cells showed PARP cleavage at 1.5 h and almost all 116-kDa peptide was cleaved at 4.5 h; cells treated with title comp., an 89-kDa peptide was detected in addition to original 116-kDa PARP peptide; fig.


Okubo; Yokoyama; Kano

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2003 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 679 - 688 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

apoptosis induction

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human monocytic leukemia U937 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.04 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 3 h; lysed; centrifuged; supernatant collected; caspase-6, -9, -8, and -1/-4 activity determined using VEID, LHED, IETD and YVAD, respectively as substrate

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: cells treated with DMSO; caspase cascade plays an essential role in internucleosomal DNA laddering that typifies apoptotic cell death


title comp. induced caspase-9 and -6, though increase of activity was not great; induction of caspase-1 and -4 activity was barely detected; table


Okubo; Yokoyama; Kano

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2003 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 679 - 688 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

apoptosis induction

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human monocytic leukemia U937 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.01 - 0.05 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 3 h or 2-4 h; lysed; centrifuged; supernatant collected; DEVDase (caspase-3 or -9) activity determined using Ac-DEVD-7-amino-4methylcoumarin as substrate

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: DMSO


title comp. increased DEVDase activity in conc., time-dependently; at 0.04 mmol/l highest enzyme activities were obsd. at 3 h, drastically decreased at 4 h; GSH and Nacetylcysteine caused inhibition of title comp. induced DEVDase activity; fig.


Okubo; Yokoyama; Kano

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2003 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 679 - 688 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

mitochondrial transmembrane potential; effect on

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human monocytic leukemia U937 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.04 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 1 h; stained with 5,5',6,6'-tetrachloro-1,1',3,3'-tetraethylbenzimidazolcarbocyanine at room temperature for 20 min; mitochondrial membrane potential was analyzed by FACScalibur flow cytometer

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: untreated cells


title comp. treatment caused disruption in mitochondrial transmembrane potential; fig.


Okubo; Yokoyama; Kano

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2003 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 679 - 688 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

cell morphology; effect on

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human monocytic leukemia U937 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.04 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 3 h and replaced with PBS (pH 7.4); stained with 2percent (w/v) aqueous uranyl acetate for 2 h and examined under electron microscopy

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: untreated cells; VLS: vacuole like structure


title comp. caused disruption in mitochondrial structure as compared with control; degradation of cristae and intramitochondrial structure, defects in mitochondrial bilayer, VLS were frequently observed; ultrastructure of cells was also similar; fig.

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35 of 37

36 of 37

37 of 37


Okubo; Yokoyama; Kano

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2003 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 679 - 688 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)

cell morphology; effect on

Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human monocytic leukemia U937 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

0.04 mmol/l

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 3 or 6 h; stained with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole dihydrochloride and examined under fluorescence microscopy

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: DMSO


title comp.-treated cells showed time-dependent increase in nuclear condensation and fragmentation and these changes with title comp. was marked at 6 h but not before at 3 h; fig.


Okubo; Yokoyama; Kano

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2003 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 679 - 688 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Pharmacological Data)


Species or Test-System (Pharmacological Data)

human monocytic leukemia U937 cells

Concentration (Pharmacological Data)

Ca. 1E-07 - 0.005 mol/l

Kind of Dosing (Pharmacological Data)

title comp. dissolved in ethanol:dodecane (98:2, v/v)

Method (Pharmacological Data)

cells treated with title comp. for 24 h; medium replaced with RPMI 1640 medium containing neutral red for 3 h; cytotoxicity determined by uptake of neutral red; absorbance read at 540 nm

Further Details (Pharmacological Data)

control: vehicle


title comp. showed concentration dependent inhibition of neutral red uptake; inhibition of neutral red uptake was detected with 1E-6 mol/l title comp. conc. and almost complete inhibition was observed at 2E-5 mol/l title comp. concentration; fig.


Okubo; Yokoyama; Kano

Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2003 , vol. 41, # 5 p. 679 - 688 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

mutagenicity effect in Ames test using Salmonella typhimurium TA 100


Mizuno, Masashi; Toda, Masaya; Danno, Gen-ichi; Kanazawa, Kazuki; Natake, Masato

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1988 , vol. 52, # 11 p. 2843 - 2850 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

ED50 in KB Cells 1.40 μg/mL


Lam; Garg; Swanson; Pezzuto

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1988 , vol. 77, # 5 p. 393 - 395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

ED50 in P-388 Cells 0.56 μg/mL


Lam; Garg; Swanson; Pezzuto

Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 1988 , vol. 77, # 5 p. 393 - 395 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Comment (Pharmacological Data)

DNA-damaging activity and no mutagenic avtivity toward Salmonella typhimurium strains TA 1535, TA 1536, TA 1537, TA 1538, and TA 98


Natake, Masato; Kawamura, Kazuhiko; Danno, Gen-ichi; Kanazawa, Kazuki

Agricultural and Biological Chemistry, 1982 , vol. 46, # 4 p. 1083 - 1084 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Ecotoxicology (3) 1 of 3

Effect (Ecotoxicology)


Species or Test-System (Ecotoxicology)

Colletotrichum gloeosporioides CG162

2 of 3

3 of 3

Kind of Dosing (Ecotoxicology)

placed on TLC plate as solution in 95 percent methanol

Method (Ecotoxicology)

TLC bioautographic assay; moisture growth chamber; 24 deg C; 12 h photoperiod under 60 μmol/m2/s light; incubated for 4 d; size of inhibitory zone measured

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

benomyl, captan, and chlorothalonil used as ref. comp.

Comment (Ecotoxicology)

No effect


Meazza, Giovanni; Dayan, Franck E.; Wedge, David E.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 51, # 13 p. 3824 - 3828 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)


Species or Test-System (Ecotoxicology)

Colletotrichum acutatum CAGoff

Kind of Dosing (Ecotoxicology)

placed on TLC plate as solution in 95 percent methanol

Method (Ecotoxicology)

TLC bioautographic assay; moisture growth chamber; 24 deg C; 12 h photoperiod under 60 μmol/m2/s light; incubated for 4 d; size of inhibitory zone measured

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

benomyl, captan, and chlorothalonil used as ref. comp.

Comment (Ecotoxicology)

No effect


Meazza, Giovanni; Dayan, Franck E.; Wedge, David E.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 51, # 13 p. 3824 - 3828 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Effect (Ecotoxicology)


Species or Test-System (Ecotoxicology)

Colletotrichum fragariae CF63

Kind of Dosing (Ecotoxicology)

placed on TLC plate as solution in 95 percent methanol

Method (Ecotoxicology)

TLC bioautographic assay; moisture growth chamber; 24 deg C; 12 h photoperiod under 60 μmol/m2/s light; incubated for 4 d; size of inhibitory zone measured

Further Details (Ecotoxicology)

benomyl, captan, and chlorothalonil used as ref. comp.

Comment (Ecotoxicology)

No effect


Meazza, Giovanni; Dayan, Franck E.; Wedge, David E.

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2003 , vol. 51, # 13 p. 3824 - 3828 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Other Data Use (33) Use Pattern




Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Skin structure conditions


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Superficial infected traumatic lesions


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ;

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details



Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Acne lesions


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Bacteria associated with acne


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Skin conditions


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Staphylococcal infection


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Atopic dermatitis


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Primary skin infections


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Secondary skin infections


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Primary skin structure infections


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Secondary skin structure infections


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Acne-related scarring


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Hide facts Use Pattern


methicillin resistant S. aureus (MRSA)-associated infections


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ;

Skin care

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ;

Hair care

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ;

Cosmeceutical preparation

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ;

Toiletry product

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ;

Laundry product

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ;

Fabric treatment product

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ;

Bath additive

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ;

Shower additive

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ;

Cleansing preparation

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ;

Agricultural product

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ;

Horticultural product

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Patent: WO2007/96601 A2, 2007 ;

veterinary preparation

Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Quantum Chemical Calculations (1) Calculated Properties

Method (Quantum Chemical Calculations)


Molecular orbitals

Ab initio calcns. (LCAO, GO SCF, DIM, SAMO, X-à, Hartree-Fock)

Nafikova; Asfandiarov; Kalimullina; El'Kin, Yu. N.

Russian Chemical Bulletin, 2014 , vol. 63, # 3 p. 572 - 576 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk. Seriya Khimicheskaya, 2014 , # 3 p. 572 - 576,5 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-(sec-butyl)-1,4-benzoquinone


2 prep out of 3 reactions.

Reaxys Registry Number: 1941566

CAS Registry Number: 4197-82-4 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C10H12O2

Linear Structure Formula: C10H12O2

Molecular Weight: 164.204


Physical Data (6) Spectra (7)

Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-(sec-butyl)-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-<Butyl-(2)>-benzochinon-(1,4), 2-sec-Butyl-1,4-benzochinon, 2-sek-Butyl-p-benzochinon, Butyl-2-chinon Physical Data Melting Point (1) Melting Point


65 - 66 °C

Singh; Turner

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1974 , p. 2556,2558 Full Text Show Details

Boiling Point (2) Boiling Point

Pressure (Boiling Point)


94 - 95 °C

4 Torr


Journal of Organic Chemistry USSR (English Translation), 1966 , vol. 2, p. 1420 Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1966 , vol. 2, p. 1433 Full Text Show Details

66 °C

1 Torr

Hawthorne; Reintjes

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1964 , vol. 86, p. 951 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Refractive Index (1) Refractive Index

Wavelength (Refractive Index)

Temperature (Refractive Index)



589 nm

20 °C


Journal of Organic Chemistry USSR (English Translation), 1966 , vol. 2, p. 1420 Zhurnal Organicheskoi Khimii, 1966 , vol. 2, p. 1433 Full Text Show Details

Crystal Property Description (1) Colour & Other Properties




supporting information

Fujiwara, Yuta; Domingo, Victoriano; Seiple, Ian B.; Gianatassio, Ryan; Del Bel, Matthew; Baran, Phil S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 133, # 10 p. 3292 - 3295 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further Information (1) Description (Further Information)


Further information

Hawthorne; Reintjes

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1965 , vol. 87, p. 4585,4586 Full Text Show Details



NMR Spectroscopy (3) Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Frequency (NMR Spectroscopy)

Chemical shifts Spectrum



Chemical shifts Spectrum





500 MHz

supporting information

Fujiwara, Yuta; Domingo, Victoriano; Seiple, Ian B.; Gianatassio, Ryan; Del Bel, Matthew; Baran, Phil S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 133, # 10 p. 3292 - 3295 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


125 MHz

supporting information

Fujiwara, Yuta; Domingo, Victoriano; Seiple, Ian B.; Gianatassio, Ryan; Del Bel, Matthew; Baran, Phil S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 133, # 10 p. 3292 - 3295 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Singh; Turner

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1974 , p. 2556,2558 Full Text Show Details

IR Spectroscopy (2) Description (IR Spectroscopy)


Comment (IR Spectroscopy)



supporting information

neat liquid

Fujiwara, Yuta; Domingo, Victoriano; Seiple, Ian B.; Gianatassio, Ryan; Del Bel, Matthew; Baran, Phil S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 133, # 10 p. 3292 - 3295 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Singh; Turner

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1974 , p. 2556,2558 Full Text Show Details

Mass Spectrometry (1) Description (Mass Spectrometry)



HRMS (High resolution mass spectrometry) LCMS (Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry) ESI (Electrospray ionisation) TOFMS (Time of flight mass spectrum) Spectrum

supporting information

Fujiwara, Yuta; Domingo, Victoriano; Seiple, Ian B.; Gianatassio, Ryan; Del Bel, Matthew; Baran, Phil S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 133, # 10 p. 3292 - 3295 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

UV/VIS Spectroscopy (1) Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)



Singh; Turner

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1974 , p. 2556,2558 Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-isobutyl-p-benzoquinone


Reaxys Registry Number: 2613564

CAS Registry Number: 4197-79-9 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C10H12O2

Linear Structure Formula: C10H12O2

Molecular Weight: 164.204


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-isobutyl-p-benzoquinone, 2-(2-Methyl-propyl)-benzochinon-(1,4), 2-Methyl-propyl-chinon, Isobutyl-p-benzochinon

2 prep out of 3 reactions.

Identification Physical Data (2) Spectra (2)


Identification Substance Label (1) Label



Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (1) Melting Point


35 - 36 °C

Hawthorne; Reintjes

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1964 , vol. 86, p. 951 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Orlando jun. et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1968 , vol. 33, p. 2512 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further Information (1) Description (Further Information)


Further information

Hawthorne; Reintjes

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1965 , vol. 87, p. 4585,4586 Full Text Show Details

Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (1) Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)



Chemical shifts



supporting information

Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

UV/VIS Spectroscopy (1) Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)



Orlando jun. et al.

Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1968 , vol. 33, p. 2512 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-(n-butyl)-1,4-benzoquinone


Reaxys Registry Number: 2613565

CAS Registry Number: 4197-70-0 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C10H12O2

Linear Structure Formula: C10H12O2

Molecular Weight: 164.204


4 prep out of 4 reactions.

Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-(n-butyl)-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-butyl[1,4]benzoquinone, 2-butyl-p-benzoquinone, butyl-[1,4]benzoquinone, Butyl-[1,4]benzochinon, butyl quinone, 2-Butyl-benzochinon-(1,4) Identification

Identification Physical Data (7) Spectra (6)


Substance Label (2) Label



Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Wang, Dawei; Ge, Bingyang; Du, Liyong; Miao, Hongyan; Ding, Yuqiang

Synlett, 2014 , vol. 25, # 20 art. no. ST-2014-W0606-L, p. 2895 - 2898 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Patent-Specific Data (1)

Location in Patent



Industrial Technology Research Institute

Patent: US5650531 A1, 1997 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (3) Melting Point

Comment (Melting Point)


34 - 35 °C

Hawthorne; Reintjes

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1964 , vol. 86, p. 951 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

31.5 °C

Eastman Kodak Co.

Patent: US2533203 , 1948 ; Full Text Show Details

32 °C


Biochemical Journal, 1932 , vol. 26, p. 32,43 Full Text Show Details


Crystal Property Description (3) Colour & Other Properties




supporting information

Wang, Dawei; Ge, Bingyang; Du, Liyong; Miao, Hongyan; Ding, Yuqiang

Synlett, 2014 , vol. 25, # 20 art. no. ST-2014-W0606-L, p. 2895 - 2898 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


supporting information

Fujiwara, Yuta; Domingo, Victoriano; Seiple, Ian B.; Gianatassio, Ryan; Del Bel, Matthew; Baran, Phil S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 133, # 10 p. 3292 - 3295 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

orangegelbe Nadeln


Biochemical Journal, 1932 , vol. 26, p. 32,43 Full Text Show Details

Further Information (1) Description (Further Information)


Further information

Hawthorne; Reintjes

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1965 , vol. 87, p. 4585,4586 Full Text Show Details

Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (4) Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Frequency (NMR Spectroscopy)

Chemical shifts





supporting information

Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts Spectrum



400 MHz

supporting information

Wang, Dawei; Ge, Bingyang; Du, Liyong; Miao, Hongyan; Ding, Yuqiang

Synlett, 2014 , vol. 25, # 20 art. no. ST-2014-W0606-L, p. 2895 - 2898 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts Spectrum



500 MHz

supporting information

Fujiwara, Yuta; Domingo, Victoriano; Seiple, Ian B.; Gianatassio, Ryan; Del Bel, Matthew; Baran, Phil S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 133, # 10 p. 3292 - 3295 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts Spectrum



150 MHz

supporting information

Fujiwara, Yuta; Domingo, Victoriano; Seiple, Ian B.; Gianatassio, Ryan; Del Bel, Matthew; Baran, Phil S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 133, # 10 p. 3292 - 3295 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

IR Spectroscopy (1) Description (IR Spectroscopy)


Comment (IR Spectroscopy)



supporting information

neat liquid

Fujiwara, Yuta; Domingo, Victoriano; Seiple, Ian B.; Gianatassio, Ryan; Del Bel, Matthew; Baran, Phil S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 133, # 10 p. 3292 - 3295 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mass Spectrometry (1) Description (Mass Spectrometry)



HRMS (High resolution mass spectrometry) LCMS (Liquid chromatography mass spectrometry) ESI (Electrospray ionisation) TOFMS (Time of flight mass spectrum) Spectrum

supporting information

Fujiwara, Yuta; Domingo, Victoriano; Seiple, Ian B.; Gianatassio, Ryan; Del Bel, Matthew; Baran, Phil S.

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2011 , vol. 133, # 10 p. 3292 - 3295 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical Name: (3-Methyl-butyl-2)-chinon


no reactions.

Physical Data (1)


Identification Physical Data (1)


Reaxys Registry Number: 2575683

Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C11H14O2

Linear Structure Formula: C11H14O2

Molecular Weight: 178.231


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms (3-Methyl-butyl-2)-chinon Physical Data Further Information (1) Description (Further Information)


Further information

Hawthorne; Reintjes

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1965 , vol. 87, p. 4585,4586 Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-tert-amyl-1,4-benzoquinone Reaxys Registry Number: 2614034

CAS Registry Number: 23491-01-2 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C11H14O2

Linear Structure Formula: C11H14O2

1 prep out of 1 reactions.

Molecular Weight: 178.231



Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-tert-amyl-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-tert-Pentyl-1,4-benzochinon Identification Patent-Specific Data (1) Location in Patent



Rockhurst University

Patent: US5780515 A1, 1998 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (1) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)


37 °C

aq. ethanol

Perrotti; Castelfranchi

Chimica e l'Industria (Milan, Italy), 1960 , vol. 42, p. 1333,1338 Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-(2,2-Dimethyl-propyl)-benzochinon-(1,4) Reaxys Registry Number: 3088654

CAS Registry Number: 143427-12-7 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C11H14O2

Linear Structure Formula: C11H14O2

Molecular Weight: 178.231



Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-(2,2-Dimethyl-propyl)-benzochinon-(1,4) Identification Substance Label (1) Label



Buben,I.; Pospisil,J.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1969 , vol. 34, p. 1991 - 2001 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

2 prep out of 5 reactions.

Identification Physical Data (1)


Physical Data Melting Point (1) Melting Point


33 - 36 °C

Buben,I.; Pospisil,J.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1969 , vol. 34, p. 1991 - 2001 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-n-pentyl-1,4-benzoquinone Reaxys Registry Number: 3245074

CAS Registry Number: 161691-33-4 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C11H14O2

Linear Structure Formula: C11H14O2

Molecular Weight: 178.231



9 prep out of 23 reactions.

Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-n-pentyl-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-pentyl-p-benzoquinone, n-pentylbenzoquinone, pentyl-[1,4]benzoquinone, Pentyl-[1,4]benzochinon Identification Substance Label (3) Label



The University of Chicago; MRKSICH, Milan; HODNELAND, Christian

Patent: US2015/369816 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Tandon, V. K.; Vaish, Meenu; Jain, P. K.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 34, # 2 p. 93 - 96 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (1)

Melting Point


22 °C

Asahina; Yasue

Chemische Berichte, 1936 , vol. 69, p. 643,647 Yakugaku Zasshi, 1936 , vol. 56, p. 549,554 Full Text Show Details

Boiling Point (1) Boiling Point

Pressure (Boiling Point)


101 °C

5 Torr


Yakugaku Zasshi, 1940 , vol. 60, p. 569,574 Full Text Show Details

Crystal Property Description (1)

Identification Physical Data (3) Spectra (4)


Colour & Other Properties




Paragraph 0202

The University of Chicago; MRKSICH, Milan; HODNELAND, Christian

Patent: US2015/369816 A1, 2015 ; Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (3) Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Chemical shifts



supporting information

Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



Tandon, V. K.; Vaish, Meenu; Jain, P. K.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 34, # 2 p. 93 - 96 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Spin-spin coupling constants



Tandon, V. K.; Vaish, Meenu; Jain, P. K.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 34, # 2 p. 93 - 96 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


Comment (NMR Spectroscopy)


IR Spectroscopy (1) Description (IR Spectroscopy)

Solvent (IR Spectroscopy)

Comment (IR Spectroscopy)


neat (no solvent)

1658 cm**(-1)

Reference Tandon, V. K.; Vaish, Meenu; Jain, P. K.

Indian Journal of Chemistry, Section B: Organic Chemistry Including Medicinal Chemistry, 1995 , vol. 34, # 2 p. 93 96 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-Hexyl-benzochinon-(1,4) Reaxys Registry Number: 2614307

CAS Registry Number: 4197-73-3 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C12H16O2

Linear Structure Formula: C12H16O2

Molecular Weight: 192.258



Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-Hexyl-benzochinon-(1,4), Hexyl-chinon Physical Data Melting Point (1) Melting Point


48 - 49 °C

Hawthorne; Reintjes

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1964 , vol. 86, p. 951 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Further Information (1) Description (Further Information)


1 prep out of 1 reactions.

Physical Data (2)


Hawthorne; Reintjes

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1965 , vol. 87, p. 4585,4586 Full Text Show Details

Further information

Chemical Name: 2-heptyl-p-benzoquinone

1 prep out of 1 reactions.

Reaxys Registry Number: 19196147

CAS Registry Number: 30100-25-5 Molecular Formula: C13H18O2

Linear Structure Formula: C13H18O2

Molecular Weight: 206.285



Identification Spectra (1)


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-heptyl-p-benzoquinone Identification Substance Label (1) Label



Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (1) Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)



Chemical shifts



supporting information

Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-(1,1,3,3-Tetramethyl-butyl)-benzochinon-(1,4) Reaxys Registry Number: 3091427

CAS Registry Number: 23491-02-3 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C14H20O2

Linear Structure Formula: C14H20O2

Molecular Weight: 220.312



Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-(1,1,3,3-Tetramethyl-butyl)-benzochinon-(1,4) Identification Substance Label (1)

1 prep out of 4 reactions.

Identification Physical Data (1)





Buben,I.; Pospisil,J.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1969 , vol. 34, p. 1991 - 2001 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (1) Melting Point

Comment (Melting Point)


78.5 - 81.5 °C

with Sublimation

Buben,I.; Pospisil,J.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1969 , vol. 34, p. 1991 - 2001 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-Octyl-benzochinon-(1,4) Reaxys Registry Number: 3118499

CAS Registry Number: 21182-43-4 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C14H20O2

Linear Structure Formula: C14H20O2

Molecular Weight: 220.312



5 prep out of 8 reactions.

Identification Physical Data (1) Spectra (1)




Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-Octyl-benzochinon-(1,4) Identification Substance Label (1) Label



Ozawa; Momose; Machida; Natori; Yoshihira

Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin, 1968 , vol. 16, # 5 p. 853 - 862 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (1) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)


59 - 60 °C


Ozawa; Momose; Machida; Natori; Yoshihira

Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin, 1968 , vol. 16, # 5 p. 853 - 862 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spectra IR Spectroscopy (1) Description (IR Spectroscopy)



Ozawa; Momose; Machida; Natori; Yoshihira

Chemical and pharmaceutical bulletin, 1968 , vol. 16, # 5 p. 853 - 862 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Reaxys Registry Number: 4416636

Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C14H20O2

Linear Structure Formula: C14H20O2

Molecular Weight: 220.312

1 prep out of 1 reactions.



Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar

Identification Substance Label (1) Label



Ishii, Fumio; Kishi, Ken-ichi

Synthesis, 1980 , # 9 p. 706 - 708 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-nonyl-p-benzoquinone

1 prep out of 1 reactions.

Reaxys Registry Number: 26683512

CAS Registry Number: 1585912-89-5 Molecular Formula: C15H22O2

Linear Structure Formula: C15H22O2

Molecular Weight: 234.338



Identification Spectra (1)


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-nonyl-p-benzoquinone Identification Substance Label (1) Label



Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (1) Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)



Chemical shifts



supporting information

Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-undecyl-1,4-benzoquinone

5 prep out of

Identification Physical Data (3)


5 reactions.

Reaxys Registry Number: 2455422

CAS Registry Number: 52431-54-6 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C17H26O2

Linear Structure Formula: C17H26O2

Molecular Weight: 262.392



Spectra (9)

Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-undecyl-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-undecyl-p-benzoquinone, undecyl-[1,4]benzoquinone, Undecyl-[1,4]benzochinon, 2-Undecyl-1,4-benzochinon Identification Substance Label (3) Label



Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Asakawa, Yoshinori; Masuya, Toru; Tori, Motoo; Campbell, Ella O.

Phytochemistry (Elsevier), 1987 , vol. 26, # 3 p. 735 - 738 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Jacobsen,N.; Torssell,K.

Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1947-1973), 1973 , vol. 27, # 9 p. 3211 - 3216 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (2) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)


59 - 60 °C


Jacobsen,N.; Torssell,K.

Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1947-1973), 1973 , vol. 27, # 9 p. 3211 - 3216 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

57 - 59 °C


Asano; Hase

Yakugaku Zasshi, 1940 , vol. 60, p. 650,658 Yakugaku Zasshi, 1941 , vol. 61, p. engl. Ref. S. 1, 5 Chem.Abstr., 1942 , p. 83 Full Text Show Details

Crystal Property Description (1) Colour & Other Properties


gelbe Nadeln

Asano; Hase

Yakugaku Zasshi, 1940 , vol. 60, p. 650,658 Yakugaku Zasshi, 1941 , vol. 61, p. engl. Ref. S. 1, 5 Chem.Abstr., 1942 , p. 83 Full Text Show Details

Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (4) Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)


Chemical shifts



supporting information

Comment (NMR Spectroscopy)

Reference Love, Brian E.; Duffy, Brian C.; Simmons, Alexander L.

Tetrahedron Letters, 2014 , vol. 55, # 12 p. 1994 - 1997

Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



Asakawa, Yoshinori; Masuya, Toru; Tori, Motoo; Campbell, Ella O.

Phytochemistry (Elsevier), 1987 , vol. 26, # 3 p. 735 - 738 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spin-spin coupling constants



Asakawa, Yoshinori; Masuya, Toru; Tori, Motoo; Campbell, Ella O.

Phytochemistry (Elsevier), 1987 , vol. 26, # 3 p. 735 - 738 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts


Jacobsen,N.; Torssell,K.

Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1947-1973), 1973 , vol. 27, # 9 p. 3211 - 3216 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

IR Spectroscopy (2) Description (IR Spectroscopy)

Solvent (IR Spectroscopy)

Comment (IR Spectroscopy)




1665 - 902 cm**(-1)

Asakawa, Yoshinori; Masuya, Toru; Tori, Motoo; Campbell, Ella O.

Phytochemistry (Elsevier), 1987 , vol. 26, # 3 p. 735 - 738 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Jacobsen,N.; Torssell,K.

Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1947-1973), 1973 , vol. 27, # 9 p. 3211 - 3216 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Mass Spectrometry (1) Description (Mass Spectrometry)



Asakawa, Yoshinori; Masuya, Toru; Tori, Motoo; Campbell, Ella O.

Phytochemistry (Elsevier), 1987 , vol. 26, # 3 p. 735 - 738 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

UV/VIS Spectroscopy (2) Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Absorption Maxima (UV/VIS)

Ext./Abs. Coefficient


Absorption maxima


204 nm 246 nm

3236 l·mol-1cm-1

8511 l·mol-1cm-1

Asakawa, Yoshinori; Masuya, Toru; Tori, Motoo; Campbell, Ella O.

Phytochemistry (Elsevier), 1987 , vol. 26, # 3 p. 735 - 738 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Absorption maxima

Jacobsen,N.; Torssell,K.

Acta Chemica Scandinavica (1947-1973), 1973 , vol. 27, # 9 p. 3211 3216 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical Name: (1-methyl-decyl)-[1,4]benzoquinone Reaxys Registry Number: 3302729

Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C17H26O2

Linear Structure Formula: C17H26O2

Molecular Weight: 262.392



Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms (1-methyl-decyl)-[1,4]benzoquinone, (1-Methyl-decyl)-[1,4]benzochinon

1 prep out of 1 reactions.

Physical Data (1)


Physical Data Boiling Point (1) Boiling Point

Pressure (Boiling Point)


122 - 125 °C

0.5 Torr

Eastman Kodak Co.

Patent: US2701197 , 1951 ; Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-(1,1,3,3,5,5-Hexamethyl-hexyl)-benzochinon-(1,4) Reaxys Registry Number: 3095822

CAS Registry Number: 23491-03-4 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C18H28O2

Linear Structure Formula: C18H28O2

Molecular Weight: 276.419



2 prep out of 2 reactions.

Identification Physical Data (1)


Physical Data (7) Spectra (2)


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-(1,1,3,3,5,5-Hexamethyl-hexyl)-benzochinon-(1,4) Identification Substance Label (1) Label



Buben,I.; Pospisil,J.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1969 , vol. 34, p. 1991 - 2001 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (1) Melting Point

Comment (Melting Point)


48 - 49 °C

with Sublimation

Buben,I.; Pospisil,J.

Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications, 1969 , vol. 34, p. 1991 - 2001 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical Name: dodecyl-[1,4]benzoquinone Reaxys Registry Number: 3295553

CAS Registry Number: 30100-26-6 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C18H28O2

Linear Structure Formula: C18H28O2

Molecular Weight: 276.419



Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms

6 prep out of 6 reactions.

dodecyl-[1,4]benzoquinone, Dodecyl-[1,4]benzochinon Physical Data Melting Point (6) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)


70 °C


Journal of the Chemical Society, 1945 , p. 490,492 Full Text Show Details

72 °C

Cook; Heilbron; Lewis

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1942 , p. 659 Full Text Show Details

74 °C

Asano; Hase

Yakugaku Zasshi, 1940 , vol. 60, p. 650,658 Yakugaku Zasshi, 1941 , vol. 61, p. engl. Ref. S. 1, 5 Chem.Abstr., 1942 , p. 83 Full Text Show Details

81 °C


Hasan; Stedman

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1931 , p. 2112,2120 Full Text Show Details

81 °C

ethanol diethyl ether

Hasan; Stedman

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1931 , p. 2112,2120 Full Text Show Details

81 °C

petroleum ether

Hasan; Stedman

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1931 , p. 2112,2120 Full Text Show Details

Crystal Property Description (1) Colour & Other Properties



Hasan; Stedman

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1931 , p. 2112,2120 Full Text Show Details

Spectra UV/VIS Spectroscopy (2) Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)


Absorption maxima



Journal of the Chemical Society, 1945 , p. 490,492 Full Text Show Details

Absorption maxima



Journal of the Chemical Society, 1945 , p. 490,492 Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: tetradecyl-[1,4]benzoquinone Reaxys Registry Number: 3317809

CAS Registry Number: 102310-43-0 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C20H32O2

Linear Structure Formula: C20H32O2

Molecular Weight: 304.473



Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar

4 prep out of 4 reactions.

Physical Data (3) Spectra (2)


Chemical Names and Synonyms tetradecyl-[1,4]benzoquinone, Tetradecyl-[1,4]benzochinon Physical Data Melting Point (2) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)


77.5 °C

Cook; Heilbron; Lewis

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1942 , p. 659 Full Text Show Details

78 - 79 °C


Asano; Hase

Yakugaku Zasshi, 1940 , vol. 60, p. 650,658 Yakugaku Zasshi, 1941 , vol. 61, p. engl. Ref. S. 1, 5 Chem.Abstr., 1942 , p. 83 Full Text Show Details

Crystal Property Description (1) Colour & Other Properties


gelbe Nadeln

Asano; Hase

Yakugaku Zasshi, 1940 , vol. 60, p. 650,658 Yakugaku Zasshi, 1941 , vol. 61, p. engl. Ref. S. 1, 5 Chem.Abstr., 1942 , p. 83 Full Text Show Details

Spectra UV/VIS Spectroscopy (2) Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)


Absorption maxima



Journal of the Chemical Society, 1945 , p. 490,492 Full Text Show Details

Absorption maxima



Journal of the Chemical Society, 1945 , p. 490,492 Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: 2-n-Pentadecyl-1,4-benzoquinone Reaxys Registry Number: 2588447

CAS Registry Number: 41427-22-9 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C21H34O2

Linear Structure Formula: C21H34O2

Molecular Weight: 318.5



6 prep out of 8 reactions.

Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms 2-n-Pentadecyl-1,4-benzoquinone, 2-pentadecyl-p-benzoquinone, pentadecyl-[1,4]benzoquinone, Pentadecyl-[1,4]benzochinon, 2-Pentadecylbenzochinon-(1,4) Identification Substance Label (4) Label



Saladino, Raffaele; Neri, Veronica; Mincione, Enrico; Marini, Stefano; Coletta, Massimiliano; Fiorucci, Chiara; Filippone, Paolino

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, 2000 , # 4 p. 581 - 586

Identification Physical Data (4) Spectra (4)


Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

7a (R=CH3(CH2)14-)

Barton, Derek H. R.; Bridon, Dominique; Zard, Samir Z.

Tetrahedron, 1987 , vol. 43, # 22 p. 5307 - 5314 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details


Barton, Derek H.R.; Crich, David; Kretzschmar, Gerhard

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1986 , p. 39 - 54 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

36, R1=C15H31

Barton, Derek H. R.; Crich, David; Kretzschmar, Gerhard

Tetrahedron Letters, 1984 , vol. 25, # 10 p. 1055 - 1058 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Physical Data Melting Point (3) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)


70 - 72 °C


Barton, Derek H. R.; Bridon, Dominique; Zard, Samir Z.

Tetrahedron, 1987 , vol. 43, # 22 p. 5307 - 5314 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

71 - 72 °C


Barton, Derek H.R.; Crich, David; Kretzschmar, Gerhard

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1986 , p. 39 - 54 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

72 - 74 °C


Loev; Dawson

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1956 , vol. 78, p. 4083,4086 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Crystal Property Description (1) Colour & Other Properties



Loev; Dawson

Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1956 , vol. 78, p. 4083,4086 Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spectra NMR Spectroscopy (3) Description (NMR Spectroscopy)

Nucleus (NMR Spectroscopy)

Coupling Nuclei

Solvents (NMR Spectroscopy)

Comment (NMR Spectroscopy)




Saladino, Raffaele; Neri, Veronica; Mincione, Enrico; Marini, Stefano; Coletta, Massimiliano; Fiorucci, Chiara; Filippone, Paolino

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, 2000 , # 4 p. 581 - 586 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Chemical shifts



Barton, Derek H.R.; Crich, David; Kretzschmar, Gerhard

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (19721999), 1986 , p. 39 - 54 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Saladino, Raffaele; Neri, Veronica; Mincione, Enrico; Marini, Stefano; Coletta, Massimiliano; Fiorucci, Chiara; Filippone, Paolino

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1, 2000 , # 4 p. 581 - 586 Title/Abstract Full Text View citing articles Show Details

Spin-spin coupling constants



Barton, Derek H.R.; Crich, David; Kretzschmar, Gerhard

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (19721999), 1986 , p. 39 - 54 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details


IR Spectroscopy (1) Description (IR Spectroscopy)

Solvent (IR Spectroscopy)

Comment (IR Spectroscopy)



1650 cm**(-1)

Reference Barton, Derek H.R.; Crich, David; Kretzschmar, Gerhard

Journal of the Chemical Society, Perkin Transactions 1: Organic and Bio-Organic Chemistry (1972-1999), 1986 , p. 39 54 Title/Abstract Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: hexadecyl-[1,4]benzoquinone

4 prep out of 4 reactions.

Reaxys Registry Number: 1982959

CAS Registry Number: 122142-80-7 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C22H36O2

Linear Structure Formula: C22H36O2

Molecular Weight: 332.527



Physical Data (5) Spectra (2)

Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms hexadecyl-[1,4]benzoquinone, Hexadecyl-[1,4]benzochinon Physical Data Melting Point (4) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)


82 - 83 °C

Asano; Hase

Yakugaku Zasshi, 1940 , vol. 60, p. 650,658 Yakugaku Zasshi, 1941 , vol. 61, p. engl. Ref. S. 1, 5 Chem.Abstr., 1942 , p. 83 Full Text Show Details

Neiland; Trybatscha

Patent: SU371196 , 1973 ; Ref. Zh., Khim., 1974 , vol. 8, # N121P Full Text Show Details

ethanol diethyl ether

Cook; Heilbron; Lewis

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1942 , p. 659 Full Text Show Details

83 °C

Cook; Heilbron; Lewis

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1942 , p. 659 Full Text Show Details


Asano; Hase

Yakugaku Zasshi, 1940 , vol. 60, p. 650,658 Yakugaku Zasshi, 1941 , vol. 61, p. engl. Ref. S. 1, 5 Chem.Abstr., 1942 , p. 83 Full Text Show Details

Crystal Property Description (1) Colour & Other Properties


gelbe Nadeln

Asano; Hase

Yakugaku Zasshi, 1940 , vol. 60, p. 650,658 Yakugaku Zasshi, 1941 , vol. 61, p. engl. Ref. S. 1, 5 Chem.Abstr., 1942 , p. 83 Full Text Show Details

Spectra UV/VIS Spectroscopy (2) Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)


Absorption maxima



Journal of the Chemical Society, 1945 , p. 490,492 Full Text Show Details

Absorption maxima




Journal of the Chemical Society, 1945 , p. 490,492 Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: heptadecyl-[1,4]benzoquinone Reaxys Registry Number: 3359072

CAS Registry Number: 102898-50-0 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C23H38O2

Linear Structure Formula: C23H38O2

Molecular Weight: 346.554



4 prep out of 4 reactions.

Physical Data (1)


Physical Data (4) Spectra (2)


Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms heptadecyl-[1,4]benzoquinone, Heptadecyl-[1,4]benzochinon Physical Data Melting Point (1) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)


72 - 73 °C



Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1959 , vol. 12, p. 224,230 Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: octadecyl-[1,4]benzoquinone Reaxys Registry Number: 1991596

CAS Registry Number: 35175-59-8 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C24H40O2

Linear Structure Formula: C24H40O2

Molecular Weight: 360.58



5 prep out of 7 reactions.

Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms octadecyl-[1,4]benzoquinone, Octadecyl-[1,4]benzochinon, 2-Octadecyl-p-benzochinon Physical Data Melting Point (3) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)


84 - 85 °C

Neiland; Trybatscha

Patent: SU371196 , 1973 ; Ref. Zh., Khim., 1974 , vol. 8, # N121P Full Text Show Details

76 °C

ethanol diethyl ether

Cook; Heilbron; Lewis

Journal of the Chemical Society, 1942 , p. 659 Full Text Show Details

84 - 85 °C


Asano; Hase

Yakugaku Zasshi, 1940 , vol. 60, p. 650,658 Yakugaku Zasshi, 1941 , vol. 61, p. engl. Ref. S. 1, 5 Chem.Abstr., 1942 , p. 83 Full Text Show Details

Crystal Property Description (1) Colour & Other Properties


gelbe Nadeln

Asano; Hase

Yakugaku Zasshi, 1940 , vol. 60, p. 650,658 Yakugaku Zasshi, 1941 , vol. 61, p. engl. Ref. S. 1, 5 Chem.Abstr., 1942 , p. 83 Full Text Show Details

Spectra UV/VIS Spectroscopy (2) Description (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)

Solvent (UV/VIS Spectroscopy)


Absorption maxima



Journal of the Chemical Society, 1945 , p. 490,492 Full Text Show Details

Absorption maxima



Journal of the Chemical Society, 1945 , p. 490,492 Full Text Show Details

Chemical Name: nonadecyl-[1,4]benzoquinone Reaxys Registry Number: 3376718

CAS Registry Number: 103044-71-9 Type of Substance: isocyclic Molecular Formula: C25H42O2

Linear Structure Formula: C25H42O2

Molecular Weight: 374.607



4 prep out of 4 reactions.

Synthesize | Hide Details Find similar Chemical Names and Synonyms nonadecyl-[1,4]benzoquinone, Nonadecyl-[1,4]benzochinon Physical Data Melting Point (1) Melting Point

Solvent (Melting Point)


80 - 81 °C



Australian Journal of Chemistry, 1959 , vol. 12, p. 224,230 Full Text Show Details

Physical Data (1)


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